#oh brother i kind of sat on this one for a while OOPSIE
hijackalx · 8 months
Another headcanon round! How would Astarion, Gale, and Gortash respond to their lover getting sick?
he definitely thinks you’re overreacting at first 😹😹 he’ll say stuff like “stop being a baby 🙄 it’s just a small cold” OR he treats you like you’re radioactive because he’s scared of catching it himself 😹 but once he realizes it’s serious i feel like he’s lowkey so sweet…. he doesn’t know which herbs will soothe your stomach ache or the best ways to bring your fever down but he tries so hard 😭❤️ bless his heart for real. he worries about you SO MUCH MORE than he lets on. he’ll consistently check on how you’re feeling or ask you what you need. once you’re back in good health he absolutely teases you with shit like “you would have died without me” LMFAO (the correct response is to tease him back about what an anxiety-ridden mess he was)
SOUP. SO MUCH SOUP 😹😹😹 he is 100% convinced that a good bowl of soup ALONE will cure anything— as long as he makes it. he takes your illness with a lot of grace actually, i feel like that’s because he knows exactly what to do. he kind of turns into a doting mother 😹. will make sure you stay comfortable, well-fed, and always get your medicine on time. at first it’s really nice— it’ll have you wishing you got sick more often lmao. although i do think he can get a bit overbearing with it. like he doesn’t really believe you when you say you’re feeling better. you have to prove to him you’re fine, and even then he’ll give you some skeptical glances 😹 don’t even think about casually coughing or sneezing around him either, you better hold it back for dear life
he personally won’t take care of you (he’s pretty busy) but will make sure his servants aren’t lacking for even a SECOND. you’re getting around the clock care i’m talking massages, meals in bed, hell even entertainment 😹😹 you want a puppet show? boom. three seconds later people are scrambling to put together a puppet show like their lives depend on it (it does). it honestly doesn’t matter how sick you actually are, he always wants you at the best that you can be, so you WILL be getting top-notch treatment no matter what 😹 he comes to check on you multiple times a day and will make sure you don’t have any complaints lol. unless you’re extremely ill he’s not super concerned, only because he’s confident in his ability to keep his staff in shape 😹😹
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omegafan101 · 3 years
The Death of Tommy Innit Chapter 10
Summary:  Feeling hated by everyone, and fed up with Dream's treatment, Tommy fakes his death and sets out to live a brand new life without having to worry about the interference of Dream. Leaving everyone to react to his death.
Warnings: Suicide mention
Word count: 2163
This was written during Tommy’s exile arc and before the “beach episode” and will continue to be written in that context.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Tommy
Several days ago
Technoblade was looking out his window watching the snowfall and drinking a hot cup of tea. It had been a while now since Tommy told him he was leaving, since he told everyone he was dead. Keeping the secret from Phil was the hardest part, but Techno was good enough at staying quiet. Although it felt… Weird being the only person knowing such a huge secret.
“Hi, Technoblade!”
Technoblade looked away from his window and down to his floor, where Ghostbur had his head poking through with a big smile on his face, “Hello, Ghostbur,
Ghostbur floated all the way through the floor and rested next to Techno, hovering in the air, “You look rather cozy.”
Techno just responded with a quiet, “Mmhm,” before taking another sip of his tea.
The two of them sat quietly for a moment, the winter air filling the silence, before Ghostbur spoke up again, “Tommy would love this coziness.”
The piglin’s ears twitched as Ghostbur brought up their… “late,” little brother, “Yeah… I’m sure he would have.”
“I hope he’s cozy wherever he is.”
“Well, hopefully he and Alivebur are having a good time together.”
“Huh? Oh no! That’s not what I mean! I mean on the little vacation he’s taking!”
Technoblade sighed, “Tommy’s not on vacation, Ghostbur…”
“Sure he is! He told me himself! But apparently he told everyone else he died…”
Technoblade sat in silence for a short moment as he processed Ghostbur’s comment, “Heh!?”
“Oh… Right, I guess he told you that too… Oopsie…”
“Wait. So Tommy told you he was alive, too?”
Ghostbur let out an elated gasp, “He told you!? Oh, yay! I’m not the only one that knows!”
Technoblade pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, “That kid’s gonna be the death of me.”
“So you saw him after he left? Where did he go?”
Technoblade sighed, “I don’t really know. I just gave him some supplies and your old coat. Then he kept going north. No idea how far he went.”
“Aw… That’s too bad… I was hoping to visit him…”
“Who knows. Maybe he’ll come back sometime.”
“I hope so…”
The two of them sat in silence for a little while longer, simply staring out the window as the wind began to die down.
Ghostbur suddenly gasped, “Technoblade look! A blue sheep!” he wasted no time in flying out of Techno’s window and up to the sheep, petting it and waving at Technoblade, “I’m gonna head off and take him home! See you later Techno!” he said as he put a lead around the sheep’s neck and floated home.
Present day
Technoblade was out tending to his animals on another cold day in his Antarctic abode. Keeping Tommy’s secret was certainly easy when he was isolated from the rest of the world. Although he didn’t know if he could say the same for Ghostbur.
“Hi Technoblade!” Ghostbur said, appearing behind him, “Um… So something bad may have happened…”
“What happened, Ghostbur?”
“Well, oh! First of all. You remember my sheep!” Ghostbur gestured to the blue sheep from a few days before right beside him, “I’ve named him ‘Friend.’”
“That’s fantastic, Ghostbur. Now what happened.”
“Um… So let’s say, hypothetically, there was a large can of beans that held all of the secrets I’m supposed to keep inside of it. And let’s say, hypothetically, that I… Spilled the beans-”
“Who did you tell Tommy was alive?”
“Um… So here’s the thing… That’s not all I told them…”
Technoblade looked confused before his ears perked at the sound of snow crunching over someone’s feet. He quickly turned to face the intruder as he saw Tubbo walking slowly towards him, wearing a thick brown coat with fur lining the hood, ankles, and waist.
Fearing the worst, Techno began to reach for his sword, before Tubbo raised his hands, “I’m not here to fight…” he called out, “I just want to talk…”
Technoblade stared at him for a moment, before relaxing and gesturing for Tubbo to approach. He invited him inside where the two of them sat down with some tea to talk.
“I’m guessing you’re here about Tommy?” Technoblade asked.
“… I need a more reliable source than Ghostbur…” Tubbo said, staring down into his cup.
Technoblade sighed, rubbing his eyes, “Well… It’s true… Tommy is alive.”
Tubbo’s head shot up at the news, his eyes wide as tears began to form.
“He visited me on his way out. Said he wanted to get far away. And I guess he didn’t want anyone following him so… He faked his death.”
Tubbo sat in shocked silence for a bit before placing his hand on his head in disbelief, “So it’s true… But why didn’t he tell me?”
“Probably because you exiled him, and he thought you hated him.”
Tubbo winced at Techno’s brutally honest words. But he was right. Why would Tommy trust him with that kind of secret? But then again… Why did Tommy feel the need to fake his death at all? “Which way did he go?”
“Last I saw he was just going straight north.”
Tubbo looked down at his compass, useless now, but still special to him, “I have to find him.”
“Tommy. I have to find him.”
“What, you’re just gonna walk north till you stumble on Tommy?”
“No… Not alone at least… Thanks Techno,” Tubbo ran out the door and back to the nearest Nether Portal, a new found determination in his eyes.
Quackity was taking a stroll down the Prime Path when he heard the voice of his president calling for him, “Big Q! BIG Q!!!”
“Tubbo!?” Quackity exclaimed as Tubbo ran towards him, “Hey man! I haven’t seen you in days! How are you doing?”
“Tommy’s alive!” Tubbo exclaimed as he grabbed Quackity’s arms.
Quackity just stared at him for a little bit looking really confused, “Wait what?”
“I’ll… I’ll explain everything! But we need to get everyone together. Everyone we trust. Fundy, Niki, Ranboo… Anyone else trustworthy you can think of. Gather everyone in the camarvan! I’ll meet you there!” Tubbo ran off without another word, looking exasperated but excited.
Quackity looked really confused as Tommy ran off, quietly saying to himself, “Tommy’s… Alive?”
A few hours later, the camarvan was packed with L’Manberg’s citizens, all together there was Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, Niki, Ranboo, and Sapnap.
“What’s this all about Tubbo?” Fundy asked.
“I’d like to know too,” Quackity said, “What the hell is going on?”
“Okay everyone…” Tubbo began, “What I’m about to say doesn’t leave this room… Tommy Innit… Is alive…”
Gasps filled the room as everyone stared at Tubbo in pure disbelief.
“Are… Are you serious?” Ranboo asked.
“I know it doesn’t sound true… But it is. He faked his death and fled to who knows where.”
“Why would he do that!?” Niki exclaimed, frustrated.
“I… I don’t know… But I have a bad feeling it has to do with Dream. So… I’m going to go find him. The only clue I have is that he went north… But that’s enough. I’ve called you all because… Well I don’t think I can do it on my own. So who’s with me?”
Quackity wasted no time to place his hand on Tubbo’s shoulder, “Tubbo. Of course I’ll help you.”
“Me too!” Fundy exclaimed.
“I’m with you, Tubbo.” Ranboo said.
“M-Me too!” Niki raised her hand, “I’ll help look for him!”
“Wait then… Who’s gonna run L’Manberg?” Fundy asked.
“Karl,” Tubbo said.
Everyone in the room looked at him confused, “He’s the Creative Head Director… Did everyone forget he’s a member of the cabinet!?”
“We’ll come along too,” Everyone’s attention was turned to the entrance, where Technoblade and Philza stood.
At the same time, Ghostbur poked through the ceiling, “Hello everyone!”
“Techno!?” Quackity exclaimed looking for a weapon.
“Hold on, Big Q,” Tubbo held him back, “Why do you want to help us, Technoblade?”
“Listen. You guys wouldn’t know survivalism if it stabbed you in the gut.”
“I got stabbed in the gut,” Ghostbur mentioned.
“I know, Ghostbur.”
“Phil did it.”
Phil sighed, “We know, Ghostbur.”
“Besides…” Techno continued, “I don’t hate the guy. I wanna make sure he didn’t die on the way.”
“And you, Phil?” Tubbo asked, turning to the man in question.
“Of course I wanna find him! I gotta smack the little shit for making me think he was dead!”
“Alright… It’s settled.” Tubbo said, “Tomorrow, late in the night, the seven of us-”
“Can I come too?” Ghostbur asked.
“… The eight of us will leave and try to track Tommy. And hopefully… Bring him home… Above all else… Dream cannot hear about any of this… Meeting adjourned. Go home and pack up.”
Everyone started filing out of the camarvan before Sapnap stopped Quackity, “Quackity wait. There’s something I need to tell you.”
Sapnap told him all about the final page they found about Dream, and how Dream tore it up and kept it from everyone else. He told him about all the disgusting things Tommy said Dream did to him… And Dream made it seem like they were all pretty true.
Quackity stood in shock, “That… Green BASTARD! Who does he think he is! Now we REALLY need to find Tommy…”
“Do you want me to come?” Sapnap asked.
“No. I need you to stay behind and watch over El Rapids. Plus, you need to make sure Dream doesn’t catch on.”
“Yeah. I can do that.”
The following night, the search party of eight had all gathered outside of L’Manberg, stacked up in gear and all with horses to ride out on, aside from Ghostbur.
“So what do I tell Dream if he asks where you all are?” Karl asked.
“Colonizing!” Tubbo responded, “Tell him we’ve gone out to find good land to expand L’Manberg!”
“Okay… But what if you’re not back in time for your reelection?”
“Well, as acting president, you’ll run for me.”
“Woah… So I could be president of L’Manberg!?”
“Only if we take several months,” Tubbo giggled, before seeing Eret approaching them with his knights behind him.
“Mr. President,” Eret greeted, bowing his head slightly.
“Your majesty,” Tubbo greeted, doing the same.
“I hear you’re looking for Tommy.”
“Wha- How did you-”
“Puffy told me.”
“How did Puffy know!?”
“Niki told me,” Puffy shrugged.
“What happened to ‘this doesn’t leave this room,’ Niki!?”
“She’s my girlfriend!” Niki exclaimed, “I can’t just leave for who knows how long without a word!”
“Tubbo, don’t worry,” Eret said in a reassuring tone, “I won’t say anything to Dream. I promise. I just wanted to see you off.”
Tubbo calmed down and smiled, reaching out his hand to the king, “Thanks Eret, really.”
Eret took his hand and shook it, “It’s the least I can do for Tommy. Dream won’t know a thing. Good luck out there.”
Niki and Puffy hugged goodbye, “You’re sure you don’t want to come along?” Niki asked.
“The majority of the cabinet leaving is already suspicious enough,” Puffy said, “If one of the king’s knights leaves too, Dream will start to catch on.”
“Okay…” Niki sighed.
Puffy lovingly brushed her hair out of her eyes, “Hey don’t worry, we’ll write to each other. It won’t be too long.”
Niki smiled and leaned in, kissing her girlfriend goodbye before pressing her forehead to hers, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“You sure you’re gonna be okay without us?” Sapnap teased Quackity.
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Quackity asked.
“I bet he’s gonna be a blubbering mess without us,” Karl said, joining the teasing.
“Aw shut up I’ll be fine,” The three of them all chuckled, “I will miss you guys though…”
“Well then here’s some motivation to find him quickly,” Karl said as he and Sapnap shared a glance, leaning in and kissing Quackity on each cheek.
“Hurry back to get more of that,” Sapnap said.
“You got it! Gonna find that kid and run back as fast as possible!” the three of them all laughed again before embracing each other.
Tubbo hopped on his horse, “Is everyone ready?”
“Raring to go!” Quackity said.
“Let’s do this!” Fundy exclaimed.
“I’m ready, Tubbo,” Niki nodded.
“Friend and I are ready to go!” Ghostbur said excitedly.
Tubbo turned to Ranboo, prompting a nod from the half enderman, “Let’s go find Tommy.”
“I think everyone’s ready to go,” Phil mentioned.
“Techno?” Tubbo asked.
“If everyone’s ready we can start heading out.”
“Okay then… Let’s go find Tommy everyone! Technoblade… Lead the way.”
Technoblade kicked Carl lightly and started leading the whole group back back to his house, where they would pick up the trail and head north. Everyone left behind waved at the departing party as they galloped into the night.
Tubbo took one last look at his compass, gripping it tight before looking ahead. This was it, they were going to find him. The time for mourning was over. Now was the time for--
The Search For Tommy Innit.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Done Wondering
Jock!Tom Holland x Female!Reader
Highschool AU
@danicarosaline requested: Hi pretty!! i saw your requests are open so may i please request a jock Tom x reader! Tom is a big softy and the captain of his football team and reader is a tough ‘not taking shits from anybody’ type of person? Like Tom gets in an argument with a team mate and he’s being all nice and calm about it but reader thinks his team mate deserves a good punch in the face so she punches him and it shocks the entire team and Tom himself even though he expected it!!
Warnings: F L U F F, not sure that the football talk is 100% accurate, all I know about American football is that Tom Brady's a quarterback, their jerseys are cool and apparently I'm supposed to cheer for the Pats? (yeah, that's my dad's fault), B99 references (i fucking love that show), cursing, a bit of violence ig
Word Count: 2.3k words (why can i not write short things?)
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes
A/N: so sorry it took so long to get this out! also, i got waaaaaay to invested in this... oopsie
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You ran across the field as people all around you celebrated with only one goal in mind: kiss your boyfriend.
You and Tom had been dating for almost seven months now, to many people's surprise. The entire school thought you'd be together for a week tops, but you surpassed all their expectations by becoming the longest standing couple in junior year (not that it was hard, high schoolers change partners like discardable gloves). 
Tom was one of Sunset High's best and brightest, loved by the teachers, captain of the football team, and the object of many's affection.
You, however, were nothing like that. You hated sports (everyone knows art's better anyway), social interactions were your personal little slice of hell, and everyone was too scared to approach you since you threatened to gut Charles after he accidentally forgot to give you back your pencil.
All in all, there was no way you two could stay together.
There was no way you could even make a friendship work, let alone a romantic relationship.
But then there was that fateful summer night...
Your mind ran at a thousand miles an hour as you rocked in the park's nest swing. The stars looming over you were the only thing keeping you from spiraling, and after an hour of watching them, the peace in your mind was crumbling.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."
You sat up on the swing and looked to your right where stood a sheepish-looking Tom.
"It's okay, I should probably leave anyway..."
"No! I mean, it's okay, you were here first I didn't mean to disturb you."
You cast your eyes down until he spoke again.
"You go to my school, right? (Y/n)? We were in the same English class in freshman year."
"Yeah, I think so... I'm surprised you remember me, we didn't have any classes together last year..."
He huffed out a laugh and leaned against the support beam, hands in his pockets.
"It's kinda hard to forget someone like you. You stood up to the teacher on the first day after he yelled at a kid and spent the next year having actual coherent debates about the books that most of the class never even read, let alone understood. You're kind of amazing."
You ducked your head once more to try to cover the blush on your cheeks, biting your lip.
He nodded and took a deep breath, then sat in front of you and pushed so the swing was rocking softly, always catching it before it hit his face.
You giggled a bit and sat criss-cross applesauce, back straight, your mother's words permanently etched into your brain.
"So, what are you doing alone in the town's most secluded park at midnight?"
"Oh, you know, questioning my life choices, freaking out because in three weeks we're going back to school while simultaneously feeling stir crazy after having nothing cool to do all summer, regretting ever being born, the usual. What about you?"
"Getting crushed by everyone's expectations, feeling constricted cause I have to set a good example for my little brothers, freaking out cause I have no idea what I want to do with my life, the usual."
A comfortable silence settled between you.
"Do our lives really suck or is it just the teenagers in us that dramatize everything?"
He huffed out a laugh.
"I don't know, tell me your story and I'll let you know."
You scooched to the side and patted the now empty spot on the too-small swing so he could lay down next to you. Looking at the stars seemed like a better idea than looking at him.
"I never really liked school, people are jerks, cafeteria food is disgusting at best, I have no friends -not that I care about that, I'm better off alone. Still, it's better than being home. When my father isn't working in his study, he's berating me about getting better grades, even though I'm a straight-A student, not that he cares enough to actually know that. My mother's usually either gossiping with her other rich friends or telling me to correct my posture, dress better, act like a lady, it's infuriating...
"My older brother, the only person in that family that I genuinely like, left for MIT today, so I guess I'm just now realizing that I'm really... alone. I'll have to suffer through my father's lectures about getting high grades and act like someone I'm not so my mother doesn't take away everything I love until I "learn to act like a respectable woman". Jake used to get them to lay off me, but now he's not here. Sometimes I wonder why they even adopted me if I'm such a bad daughter. It just sucks."
You felt his hand twitch next to yours and his eyes on your face.
"Your turn."
He took a shuddering breath before speaking.
"My parents are amazing, they really are, they only want what's best for me, but sometimes it's a little much. They constantly remind me of going to training, doing my homework, studying for tests, and even though they always say it's okay, I see the disappointment in their eyes when my grades lower even by a single point.
"My little brothers look up to me a lot, and they're always telling me how much they want to be just like me when they grow up. I know they mean it in the best possible way, but it's just that much more pressure. I just... feel the need to always be the best at everything. The best football player, the best captain, the best student, the kindest person in that school, most helpful... it's all a bit much."
This time, it was you who were looking at his profile while he gazed at the stars.
"It's okay to feel overwhelmed, Tom. It doesn't matter that they have the best intentions, they're still putting too much pressure on you and you deserve the chance to relax."
He turned towards you and for the first time that night, you realized just how close you were.
"You're not a bad daughter just because you have different interests. I, for one, think you are a strong and independent woman who doesn't need to change because of some mere peasants. You're a queen... You deserve someone that'll treat you as one."
Your breath caught in your throat as you locked eyes with him.
"Wanna make a deal?"
You nodded tentatively, though at this point you'd probably agree to murder someone as long as he kept looking at you that way.
"I'll be your friend, give you something to do whenever you need it, save you from your asshole parents and remind you of just how awesome you are every day..."
"And in return?"
"And in return, you'll say stuff like what you said before when I get too stuck in my head, save me from my so-called friends when they're being jerks, and come to every practice with me so you have something to do and I have someone to make silly faces at."
"I'm pretty sure there are a thousand girls in that school that would kill to have you make silly faces at them."
"Maybe so, but they aren't you. A lock of your hair is worth more than all of them combined."
You bit your lip and smiled.
He pecked you softly on the lips before he lost his nerve, quick and fleeting, feather-light but strong enough to leave fires in its wake. You pulled him back and gave him a slightly longer kiss before setting your head on his shoulder and going back to stargazing, now with someone to keep you company.
Three weeks later, you walked into school hand in hand and haven't let go since.
You jumped into his arms, ignoring the smell of sweat and how it would probably cling to your clothes.
"You did so good baby!"
He kissed you straight on the lips, not minding his teammate's wolf-whistles, having grown used to them already.
"I had a pretty good motivation."
"Mm-hm, my girl told me she'd bake me cookies if I won this match, and I really like her cookies."
"Sounds like you have a great girlfriend."
"The best."
You kissed him again and he smiled when he felt the fabric of his spare jersey adorning your figure.
"Yo, Holland!"
You forced apart by Teddy's call, one of the newer players. Since you went to every single practice, you knew that Teddy was being an ass lately, always wanting the glory, never passing the ball to his teammates. If it weren't for Tom's skill as captain of the team, he would've cost them most matches, including this one.
"Why didn't you pass me the ball?"
"That last play, I was free and you passed the ball to Harrison even though he almost lost it. You should have passed it to me, we almost lost because you want to make your useless bestie feel included!"
"Johnson was closing in on you, if I'd passed it to you, we would have lost for sure. Passing it to Harrison bought me the time I needed to get out of danger. It was purely strategical, you would know that if you paid attention to your teammates instead of playing all on your own. Haz is an amazing player and I don't treat him differently just because he's my best friend. I'd like you to apologize to him, please, it's not kind to insult your teammates."
You admired the fact that he managed to remain calm and collected throughout the whole conversation, looking like the embodiment of 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed'. You, however, were not having such an easy time keeping your cool, hands firmly clenched at your side.
"The hell it was! You just feel threatened by me because you'll never be as good as me, so you never pass me the ball, it's ridiculous!"
"Okay, buddy, you need to back the hell off and close your mouth before I punch it shut."
His eyes flickered to you and he rose a brow mockingly.
"Oh, your little slut's standing up for you know? I always knew you were a chicken, guess my theory's been pro-"
You cut him off with a punch to the nose, smiling when you heard the satisfying crack of his bones and his howls of pain.
A collective 'ooh' came from the crowd, and they took a few steps back (excluding Tom of course, who was only looking at you with wide eyes).
"What the fuck?"
"I warned you, didn't I?"
You smirked evilly as Teddy was pulled away by the coach to check his injury.
"You're a bitch!"
"Baddest of them all, sweetheart. Have a fun time at the hospital!"
The whole crowd had gone silent by the time you turned back around, seemingly satisfied with your vengeance.
You tilted your head in confusion at the awestruck looks on the team's faces.
"You broke his nose!"
"With just your hand."
"Since when are you so violent?"
You were actually kind of offended at that.
"I know that I bring you guys snacks after practice, but do none of you hear when I threaten other people? It's a daily occurrence."
The rubbed their necks sheepishly.
"Well, you see..."
Haz started, seemingly measuring his words.
"You're kind of like Rosa from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. No one actually knows what you're capable of, no one thinks you'd actually kill someone, but we're also kind of too scared to test you, so we just... wonder."
"Well, when you're done wondering, go take a shower so we can go celebrate, I'm hungry."
They all scrambled away in a chorus of 'yes ma'am' before you turned back to Tom with a smile on your face.
"You didn't have to punch him, you know?"
"Yeah, but I've been wanting to for weeks now."
He huffed out a laugh and kissed your forehead.
"How're your knuckles?"
"A bit sore, but I'm pretty sure that if we put some ice it'll be good, the rings took most of the impact."
You wiggled your hand, showing off the array of rings covering your fingers in what you deemed to be an aesthetically pleasing way.
"I love you, babygirl."
You kissed him, smiling into his lips.
"I love you too. Now go, shower!"
You patted his butt and laughed at the look he threw you, standing next to the field while you waited for them to get out.
Their coach came to stand next to you and you smiled at him, having taken a liking for him. He was a good teacher and treated the team well.
"Coach Jeffords."
"What's the verdict?"
"Nurse says it's broken but we'll only know the full extent of his injuries after he gets examined at the ER. He's on his way there as we speak."
You nodded.
"You'll be pleased to know that he's been taken off the team and suspended for a week for unruly behavior. His parents aren't going to press charges since they feel it's deserved."
You smirked evilly.
"I'd advise you to watch out for Pembroke. He's starting to become a nuisance. If he keeps it up, he might be next."
He nodded, fighting back his smile even though you knew damn well he agreed.
"I'll do my best."
"And I'll do mine."
"(Y/n)! Ready to go?"
You nodded in goodbye at the coach and walked over to a freshly showered Tom, interlacing your fingers.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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Looks Like Someone Picked a Whole Bushel of Oopsie Daisies
Chapter Nine: The Choices We Make
Thanks to @edward-or-ford and @pacific-ship for their invaluable feedback and support!
I don’t wanna spend another moment without you again. Just tell me, tell me how to keep this so it never ends. - Nothing More, If I Were
She didn’t notice when the door opened. It wasn’t her fault, honestly. Dipper was giving her this… this look, and then he was kissing her, which was at kinda a weird angle with her laying on his chest the way she was, but she was into it anyway.
Then, there was a scream. Not a “stop tickling me, dammit!” scream, or an “eeeek I just saw a spider kill it kill it kiiiiillll iiiiiiiiit” scream.
No, it was the type of scream you scream when somebody you love gets murdered right in front of you. The kind of eardrum-damaging, gut-wrenching, stomach-dropping, heart-attack-giving, oh-god-what-did-I-just-see type of scream where you just witnessed something so simultaneously devastating and horrifying that you can’t do anything but scream.
So, obviously, Mabel and Dipper were what could only be described as ‘hella startled’, and turned their heads towards the door, their lips still very much in kiss-mode.
Their mother was still screaming. Her purse had fallen to the floor, and she had one hand fisted in her hair, clutching it so tightly that Mabel wondered for a second if perhaps she’d pull out a part of her scalp.
Their father rushed forward, as if somebody had pressed play on him, or maybe even fast forward. Dipper squeezed Mabel’s hand tightly, as if to reassure her (Mabel wasn’t sure anything could’ve reassured her just then, though) and got off the bed. Mabel didn’t want to let go of his hand; she feared that if she did, she’d never get to touch him again.
There had to have been a reason their parents kept them apart. Mabel had always been under the impression she had an open, honest, loving relationship with her parents.
Evidently not.
They’d lied to her about a vital part of herself for longer than she could remember.
And she’d fallen for it. How had she fallen for it? For so long, she’d believed them, whatever they told her.
Had any of it been true? Anything at all? What else had they lied about?
Mabel had forgotten about their parents’ deception for awhile, too preoccupied with being in Dipper’s arms.
And also possibly with Dipper’s dick.
Okay, so she was definitely too preoccupied with Dipper’s dick to think about anything else.
Well. They’d seen that the truth was out. Maybe they’d accept it. What else could they do?
Except no, because their dad was trying to pull Dipper away from her, and their mom was sobbing hysterically and picking up Mabel’s clothes.
“Here, honey, just put these on, okay-“ Mrs. Pines said shakily, holding Mabel’s clothes out to her on the left side of the bed.
Mabel scooted closer to where Dipper stood to the right of the bed. “No, go away! You’re interrupting, could you, like, leave?” Mrs. Pines flinched as if Mabel had slapped her. “How did you even find us, honestly, like-“
“Your brother left a bunch of pillows in his bed to make it look like he was still asleep, and you weren’t at Candy’s, and when your father looked in his wallet he found Dipper had taken his hotel keycard, but he certainly didn’t take mine, so where else would you have been?” She was murmuring frantically, like her mind was racing a mile a minute.
Mabel scoffed. “You lied to me and Dipper for years, for our entire goddamn lives-“
“Language!” Mr. Pines snapped. It was the first thing he’d said, and it made something in Dipper snap, apparently.
“L- language?” he sputtered furiously. “You’ve been keeping me from my soulmate since we were babies and now that you see we’re together anyway, you’re worried about us using profanity?” Mr. Pines’ eyes narrowed at Dipper, and maybe that would’ve worked to shut him up if he weren’t so royally pissed off. “No. Fuck that,” Dipper said fiercely.
Mrs. Pines was opening and closing her mouth, and very much resembled a fish. “Come on, Mabel, let’s get you home-“ she was saying frantically. Mabel reared on her mother, and was about to tell her exactly where she could shove it, when Dipper spoke again.
“She’s not going anywhere,” he snapped over his shoulder. “She’s staying with me. We’re going to be together. I’m not going to let you take her away from me again because of your- your- your dumbass ideas of what you think we should be or what you wanted us to be, or whatever.”
Mrs. Pines was attempting to push Mabel’s clothes into her arms again, and Mr. Pines was meeting Dipper’s furious glare with one of his own.
“We’re taking her with us back to California,” Mr. Pines said, in a dangerously calm voice. “If you fight back, I’ll have you arrested for assault.” It was hard to tell if it was a bluff or not. Was it a bluff? It didn’t seem like one, but evidently they were infinitely better at lying than originally thought, so it was hard to say.
Suddenly, a horrifying fear gripped Mabel. She knew it was probably irrational, but in that moment, she felt sure she’d never see Dipper again if she walked out of that hotel room. A life without Dipper? But… how- no, that couldn’t happen. She couldn’t just never touch him again, never kiss him again. But even so, she felt sure that if she left, that’s exactly what would happen, and she’d be forced to live a Dipper-less existence for all time.
“No!” she gasped out, feeling the tears starting to fall, and scrambled up onto her knees on the mattress and throwing her arms around Dipper’s neck from behind. He reached up with one hand and stroked her arm affectionately.
“No,” she said again, her voice quieter. “Don’t let them take me away from you, Dipper,” her face was pressed between his bare shoulder blades, and god, but he smelled so good, even then. “Please, I- I love you so much, I never want to be without you again. Please,” she was sobbing now, her hands dropping to hold shakily onto his shoulders.
“Can’t we… can’t we live together? You don’t have to even see us together, or at all, if you don’t want, just…” he trailed off for a moment, putting his hand over where Mabel’s lay, still shaking on his shoulder.
“You can’t get an apartment unless we sign off on it,” their father pointed out, the sound of his voice mixing with the sounds of Mabel’s sobs. “And we won’t.”
“Why not?” Mabel asked tearfully. Both parents pursed their lips and didn’t respond. “Don’t you love us? Don’t you want us to be happy?”
“Of course we love you, sweetie, of co-“ their mother was cut off abruptly by Dipper.
“If you love us, then none of this makes any sense,” he said. “If you loved us, you wouldn’t have kept us apart our whole lives.”
Mrs. Pine twitched for a second before she spoke. “You’re just sick, Dipper, that’s all, we can get you help for that, really, it’ll be okay-“
“We’re not sick, mom,” Dipper told her angrily. “We’re in love, and there’s nothing wrong with us being in love. She,” he pointed to Mabel, “is my soulmate, and I want to be with her.”
“Regardless,” Mr. Pines cut in, ”you will not be receiving any help from us on that front.”
“Well,” Dipper said in that voice he does when he’s racing through a million options a second. “We could live with Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford, then, they’ll take us in, they practically raised me while you were forcing Mabel and I apart needlessly-“
“And why, exactly,” Mr. Pines cut in, “do you think they took you in to begin with, son?” He leaned closer, just barely. “To keep you away from your sister. They won’t help you.”
While agonized over that apparent betrayal, Dipper moved past it quickly, his voice hardly shaking. “Well… mom has family on the East Coast, doesn’t she? I’m sure some of them will-“
“They won’t,” Mrs. Pines cut in flatly. “Sibling soulmates are about the worst thing two people can be to my family.” When the twins turned to face her, astonished (she never talked about her family), she spoke again. “My mother hates soulmates. Especially soulmates she sees as morally wrong. When my uncle found his soulmate and introduced my mother to his new boyfriend, she…” shaking her head as if to force out some awful memory, Mrs. Pines went on. “They won’t help you. Don’t contact them. You’ll only put yourselves in danger.”
“D- danger, what-“ Mabel was astonished, too much so to form coherent thoughts. Was that why she’d never met her grandmother?
“So… your brother, then!” Dipper’s voice was hopeful, desperate. There had to be a way. There just had to be. “He’s used to so-called unusual soulmates, right? He’ll take us in-“
“No,” their mother said fiercely. “You are not to contact any members of my family. None of them. Do you understand me?”
Her tone was unlike anything either twin had ever heard from her before. They were so startled by this that they didn’t even consider arguing.
There was no one. They had no one in their family who would accept them and love them for who they were.
They were alone.
Mabel looked up at Dipper then, and said shakily, “can’t we like… run away together or something? I’d rather live under a bridge with you than in a house without you.”
Dipper sat down next to Mabel on the bed, and she could see in his eyes that he was sorry, which meant she wouldn’t like his answer. He never would’ve considered that, though, would he? He couldn't go that far, couldn’t expose her to that kind of risk. He was done fighting their parents. Crushed, she leaned into him without really thinking about it, sniffling against his neck.
“It’s only for a few months,” he whispered into her hair with a light kiss. She was clutching at him, and she couldn’t seem to stop crying. Her chest was hurting from it, but she still couldn’t stop.
“I- I don’t want that,” she whimpered.
“Me neither,” he agreed. “But we need to go along with what they say so we can be together later, okay? As soon as we turn eighteen, we’ll be together. We’ll be together before senior year, even.”
“But I wanna be with you nooooooow,” she whined, and he chuckled miserably.
“I know, Mabes, I know,” he pulled away from her slightly, wiping away her tears with a soft smile. “But we will be soon, okay? We’ll be together in just a few months, and then we have the rest of our lives to make up for it.”
“You promise?”
“Promise.” And for a moment, it was like their parents weren’t in the room at all, because when he kissed her, everything else fell away, and it was just the two of them. And they very much did forget, too, because when she tilted her head and leaned into his body, he moaned softly against her lips. When she opened her mouth slightly to deepen their kiss, their tongues brushing, he slid his hands along her thighs where the hem of his flannel shirt was brushing her skin. Trailing his hand up underneath the fabric to caress her ribcage briefly before reaching around her back and pulling her down onto the bed with her on top of him.
Their mother was sputtering something, horrified beyond belief, but they didn’t hear her. Their father was too shell shocked to move at all.
They didn’t notice that, either, though, because Mabel had slotted her hips against Dipper’s, and he was kissing her neck, eliciting an appreciative moan from her lips. Pulling his hand back, he smacked her sharply on the ass and squeezed it roughly, and she moaned again, moving her pelvis against his. She reached down to his hips to slide his boxers off him, and he could move her panties to the side, or, better yet, rip them off with his teeth, oooo yes that sounded nice, she’d let him rip up as many pairs of her panties as he wanted-
“Th- tha- that’s enough!” their father shouted angrily, his face red enough that Mabel would’ve laughed under different circumstances.
Under those specific circumstances, however, she blushed to her hairline, pulling herself away from Dipper, because, like, she had almost just sat on Dipper’s dick right there in front of her parents holy shiiiiiiiit oh god why she was never gonna live that down, good god.
“Time- time to go,” Mrs. Pines said shakily, ushering Mabel into the bathroom to change clothes. She put her bra and jeans back on, but not her shirt. She put Dipper’s on instead. It smelled like him. She wanted to smell like him. She wanted to get a big thing of Dipper-smell, put it in an oxygen machine, and breathe nothing but that for the rest of her life.
Particularly for the next eight months.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, Dipper was wearing his own jeans again, which, of course, was an international tragedy, but at least he didn’t have a shirt, so there was that. He smiled when he saw her, and it widened when he saw she was still wearing his shirt.
“Can I keep it?” she asked, walking up to him. He smiled again and cupped her cheek. Her eyes were red from crying, she knew, and even though she was dreading what would come next, his skin on hers felt like the best thing in the world, and she never wanted the moment to end.
“Anything you want,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her softly, gently, reverently. Mabel didn’t know if it would be their last kiss or not, but it felt like it would. Despite that, though, his words brought her back to the things he’d moaned against her skin what felt like ages ago, but it really hadn’t been long at all, had it?
“Let’s go,” Mr. Pines said from the car, his voice gruff. Their mother pulled her away from Dipper by her arm, handed Mabel her coat, and she shrugged it on.
Dipper was putting on his, too, over bare skin.
“See you soon, Mabes,” he said quietly, doing his very best to give her an encouraging smile as she stepped through the hotel room door.
“Yeah,” she responded over her shoulder, trying not to cry, their mother dragging her towards the car. When the door shut, and Mabel buckled herself in, it finally started to feel real.
She was leaving him. Leaving Dipper. Still, though, her eyes were strangely dry when Mr. Pines started the car. They were dry, too, when they pulled out of the parking lot.
It wasn’t until Mabel looked back at Dipper through the rear window of the car that the tears began to fall. He waved at her, smiling again, much more shakily this time.
The car door was locked (her stupid parents had turned on the child locks; they knew her too well, it seemed), but she could still roll down the window, so she did. She stuck her head out, her seatbelt locking and digging into her neck.
“I love you!” she shouted into the chill morning air.
“Mabel!” her mother exclaimed, but Mabel ignored her.
“I love you, too!” Dipper yelled out after her.
She pulled her head back in and turned around in her seat to look at him. She wanted to look at him as long as possible.
Well. At least there was that, then, right? She was crying harder, but hey. At least she got to hear him say it one more time.
Her father had rolled the window back up from the driver’s seat, but that was okay. Mabel had told Dipper what she’d needed to tell him, after all.
“Don’t do that again,” Mr. Pines told her firmly. Mabel didn’t say anything to him, either. She just watched Dipper turn from a person to a figure, then a dot, and then, he was gone.
She watched the road for a moment, wondering what he was thinking just then, the tears flowing freely still.
Turning back around, she locked eyes with her mother in the rearview mirror.
She couldn’t see her own eyes, but if she could, she might’ve been a bit startled; teary, red, splotchy, and, in her opinion, tremendously unattractive, but furious. Furious in a way Mabel couldn’t remember ever being before.
It didn’t matter what her parents’ reasons were. They were separating her from her soulmate. From Dipper. They’d have to learn to live without their daughter, then. Mabel wanted nothing to do with her parents. She’d never forgive them. She closed her eyes, and a few more tears fell.
She’d be with him again soon.
She had to be.
She had to be.
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lisinfleur · 5 years
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Author’s Notes | Oopsie! I forgot the notes hahaha @allvikingsfanfic thanks for this request babe!!! Hope you enjoy! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Hvitserk x Reader Info | Viking Age Au, requested by anon for 5CW5   Words | 2484 ⁑ Warnings: None
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Things were quite simple for you: to be a prisoner sucks, but less than being the princess of that stupidly small kingdom. It's not like you had waited for any chance of being anything more than a wife, but your father had the worst finger in the Earth to choose you a husband!
Daughter of a lands lord, you thought your father would marry you to someone from the capital, but here he came with the local prince, son of the local king. A narcissist son of a bitch who slept with you once in a lifetime and had the audacity to spat at the breakfast table in the morning after your marriage that you weren't properly educated to please a man.
What he was expecting from a virgin damsel like you? The experience of one of the servants you were tired to see him cheating on you with?
The truth is that it wasn't so unpleasant to see your husband beheaded by that Norseman commander when their army invaded your place. But to be a prisoner wasn't good at all.
You were confined to a cage in a kind of a chariot, under the sun, in the middle of your front-yard, listening to their voices speaking on that foreign language you couldn't understand.
Once, that commander stood in front of your cage, speaking with another man, surely about you. He was handsome, different from the man you had ever known. His hair was cleaner, braided. His clothes were strangely beautiful and his voice sounded different from any other you had ever heard.
But he didn't try to speak to you and they were there around two days now. You saw some of them passing with chests of gold and silver. And one of them even passed carrying your chest with your dresses!
You yelled, but he ignored you completely, taking your dresses away. You sat, unhappy, in a mound of straw near the edge of the cell, but then, that commander came near, throwing some papers on the ground, picking up a torch to start a fire.
You recognized those parchments by the color of the wax seal and the silky ribbon attached to them. It was the property papers and some of them would be able to stick the claim over those lands! What was that idiot doing by burning those papers???
You started yelling hysterically, trying to get his attention. Perhaps, if you could tell him about the papers and teach him how to use them to keep the lands, he would release you or even give you some fair fate.
You couldn't let him literally burn your chances that way!
The thinnest of your yells finally attracted his attention and he came closer to your cage; his face frowned, bothered by your screams.
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"What is this that you don't stop screaming, woman? For the love of Freyja, shut your mouth!" he spat, harshly.
But instead of paying any attention to his rough words, what caught your attention was the language he was using.
Your language...
"Can you understand me? Oh, dear Jesus! You speak my language! You can't burn these parchments! They're important!" you tried explaining, but he frowned even more.
"What are these parchments?" he asked looking at you.
"Documents... Documents that set the land as yours?" you asked back, not really getting he didn't understand what you were talking about.
"I need no documents," he answered, "My land." he pointed down to the ground. "Whoever says it's not my land..."
His hand touched the sword and you understand he would surely kill whoever dared to say it wasn't his land.
Functional. But not practical.
"Why fighting if you can just stick your claim and not be questioned about it? Those papers are given by the king of England and warrant these lands to the man who possesses them. I can show you!" you said, looking at him. "I can teach you how to read them, so you'll see I'm not lying. If you keep those papers, then nobody will be able to take this land from you."
He twisted his face, looking at you.
"Why would you teach me? I'm your enemy."
Logical. Not exactly real.
"Let's say you kinda saved me from a bastard. So... I owe you my freedom. I teach you, you set me free. It seems a good deal, don't you think?"
He wasn't very leaned to take your deal, but he knew his brothers would be pleased to understand the things written on those papers and the Englishmen had tried to negotiate with those papers before... Maybe knowing how to read them wouldn't be something useless after all.
"Fine... You teach me. I set you free. Until then, you're my slave. What is your name, slave?"
It was worse than before, but at least there was a good perspective at the end of that way. You chose to keep yourself meek. To lose his trust wouldn't be a good thing.
"I'm Y/N," you answered, seeing when he came near the door of your cell, opening it before wrapping a rope around your wrists. "That's not necessary... I won't flee," you promised.
But yet, he tied the knot.
One step at a time, you thought.
"I'm Hvitserk. And I tell you what's necessary. Now walk, slave."
You couldn't exactly understand why he asked your name if he would keep calling you "slave". But you just followed him, silently, gathering the parchments when he allowed you to come closer, carrying them with your arms tied.
He took you back into the castle and you saw lots of things messed up, but somehow, his men were organizing themselves a good clean space where they could sleep all under the roof.
Hvitserk didn't give you too much time to observe. He took some more parchments from another of his men, preventing him to burn them and walked you into the library, sitting you down on a chair at the bigger table.
"Now, teach me."
So eager!
"Things are not like that, Hvit-ts-serk," You struggled with his name, trying to organize the papers over the table with your hands tied as he was locking the door behind the two of you.
The library was a real mess. Your husband would have a heart attack if he could see his precious parchments and books spread out that careless way.
"Could you please release my hands?"
Hvitserk looked at you with a frowned face and you sighed.
"Look... I'm your slave, right? It means you have the right upon my life. If I try anything stupid like trying to flee or harm against a man that's twice my size, is trained, and carries a sword that's, at least, a thousand times sharper than any of my dangerous needles - with which I had hurt my own fingers thousands of times, by the way - you can please spare me from my life for I'll have proven you that I don't deserve to live over my own stupidity! Come on! What can I do? Kick your leg and try to run ten meters into this heavy dress?"
The frown on his face became lighter and his eyes observed your dress, kinda running your whole body, causing you to blush. In his mind, your math was right: he could cross you with his sword without even have to walk towards you. So, he unsheathed his sword and used it to cut the rope on your wrists you slowly rubbed trying to get rid of the bothering sensation of the sisal.
"Thank you... Now look," you said, placing one of the parchments in front of him "Each one of these drawings is a letter. You must understand each one of them first, then how the combinations of them work in two, then three, then how you can form words with them, and how to put these words together in a sentence. You see, this is a whole sentence," you showed him a group of words from a dot to another. "The document is formed of dozens of sentences gathered together in paragraphs. I won't be able to teach you how to read these documents in a day. It will be a process. That's why I'm telling you this is worth my freedom: I'll be your slave for a while... And after this, you'll be able to read not only these documents but anything wrote by an Englishman."
It was a long and complex process that was bothering Hvitserk only by hearing your explanation of the whole shitty path he would have to follow. Maybe Ivar would like to learn this more than him. And Ubbe would surely have the patience to follow the whole bunch of steps you said. But neither of them was there and both of them would like to have someone with that knowledge. He couldn't let it pass...
You saw the commander sighing, bored.
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"Fine... Where do we start?"
"From the beginning," you sighed as well, sitting by his side.
It would be a long way.
Hvitserk wasn't a patient man and his mistakes could quickly build up his anger, causing him to leave you for days waiting to continue his lessons.
You were restrained to the library, but he ordered you were fed even when he wasn't coming. Two good meals a day, as much of water you needed and his strange custom of a bath every week. Somehow, it made you feel more comfortable with yourself. It was different, but something you would turn into a habit.
He also ordered a bed to be brought for you and installed at the end of the library hall. Some blankets of yours were brought and you started having some comfort to sleep.
In return, he came back after three days out and found the whole library clean and organized.
You got rid of your petticoats and he taught you how to braid your hair like one of them, making your life pretty easier without the strands of hair on your face or the complicated hairstyles you were used to having your servants making on your long hair for the dinners and events your husband wasn't there to settle anymore.
Instead, your lessons with Hvitserk started becoming more pleasurable as he was progressing and starting to find pleasure in what you were teaching him.
He learned more of your language with words he didn't know. And ended up teaching you some words of his language, making it easier to teach him how to use the words.
It took you around a year, but finally, the Viking commander was able to read the complete extension of the parchment he was about to burn when it all started.
"In the name... of the King... And Our Lord Jesus Ch... Christ. And what is this bunch of risks?" he asked, pointing the king's signature near the seal of wax.
"This is the signature of the King. Signatures are personal ways to write your name. Like the wax seals I explained before," you said, smiling at him.
"And why do you Saxons put your god on everything?" he complained. "This Jesus... It’s your god, isn't it?"
"Kinda," you said, smiling. "To put things under the name of Jesus Christ and seal it having God as witness kinda puts over the men's shoulders the weight of an oath that God himself will punish them if not respected. It is like an oath over your arm ring," You explained, remembering his explanations about that jewel.
"That sounds weird to me. We fulfill our oaths on our own honor. It's reprovable by the gods to break an oath, but well... It is up to you to become a dishonored bastard..." he said, making a roll with the parchment he just read and looking at you. "Speaking on oaths... You did your part. I can read now and understand what the Englishman say and write, as you promised. It means... You're free to go. You're no longer my slave."
Those words were everything you wanted to hear, and somehow, they sounded heavy and sad.
Where would you go now?
What would you do with your life?
You could travel to your aunt's house near your father's former farm, but you were sure she would stick you up into a convent to live the rest of your life isolated, serving God or whatever those women locked in monasteries on top of the hills were used to doing.
You would never see Hvitserk again.
Somehow, it was what was sinking your heart deeper into your chest. You got used to his laughs, his words, the time by his side. Even the way he was bothered sometimes with his impatient way to not accept failure on something simple like syllables... Everything was good about his presence...
And you didn't want to lose it.
"I... I changed my mind," you mumbled, catching his attention. "I don't mind being your slave... I mean, I could teach you more things and..."
You sighed.
"I have nowhere to go. And I don't wanna leave now that I got used to your presence..." you said, seeing his lips curving into a small smile.
"You're a free woman, Y/N. You can choose to follow me if you want to."
He liked your presence as well.
Hvitserk got used to having you around and it was pleasing him to notice the blush on your cheeks and to know you didn't want to leave anymore.
"What does ‘amen’ mean?" he asked, out of nowhere, surprising you with the strange question.
"I asked... what does ‘amen’ mean? And also... there are some strange things in this castle. Other than the crosses, other objects are repeating itself in the rooms... Are they sacred or something?"
His questions bugged your mind and you frowned, but he came near, touching your chin and causing your cheeks to burst in red when he smiled so close to your face.
"See... There are many questions I have about your people, your ways... And I'm sure you have many questions about mine. I could show you the way of my people. My homelands... And you can teach me more. There are plenty of reasons for you to stay, dear Y/N."
It almost melted you in his fingers and he smiled, noticing it messed with your heart.
"Yes... I... I'll stay," you said.
"Yes. You'll stay," he repeated, smiling bigger.
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There weren't too many things he really wanted to learn about the Saxons' customs for real. But any reason was a good excuse to keep you close enough for him to melt your heart.
And he was going very well with that pair of green eyes and those sexy smiles!
Soon, he would be the reason for you to stay.
Maybe, he already was.
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Little Princess Chapter 2
So, I made an oopsie!! I accidentally posted chapters 4 and 5 before 2 and 3! Woops!
The drive was long, and Hannah fell asleep after only a few hours, still tired from her run. She was woken by the sound of the car door closing. She blinked and looked around in confusion. Where were they? Susan had mentioned living pretty far, but was it so far they had to take a plane? The smell of gasoline answered Hannah's earlier question, and she looked to see Susan standing by the side of the car. Her hand was holding something in front of her face and she was talking to someone. Hannah, ever curious, rolled down her window slowly, the breeze lilting across her face, bringing with it the words from the one sided conversation. "No, I made it." Susan spoke in pauses. "I know, and I'm sorry I never called you honey." After a moment she tensed, then her shoulders sagged. "No. Oh Trevor...there was an accident. No, it happened three years ago. The woman told me it had been raining and there was a tree..." she took a deep breath. "Honey, they had a child." She was silent again, smiling sadly. "No, she looks just like him, she's adorable. Sixteen. Of course I have her. I wasn't going to leave her in that home. No, she was treated well. Yes, I intend on bringing her, so that means you'll have to turn on your charm at work. Why? Because she's your niece, and she deserves to meet him, that's why. Okay, I love you too. See you in a few days." A few days? Hannah sat back in her seat. How far were they going? Susan got back into the car and seemed surprised to see Hannah staring at her instead of asleep. "You're awake, good. Your uncle called and he's setting things up at home for you." She seemed a little worried as she said the words. "What didn't my mother tell me?" Hannah asked, her voice in the car sounding loud. She was mad at herself for falling asleep instead of asking questions. The woman sighed as she started the car. "That's going to be a little hard to explain, honey. but, I can tell you that me, your father and my husband are all a little different." She shook her head, looking both ways before turning. "I really can't explain it in a way that you'll understand without you thinking I'm crazy, and it's been a very long day. I'll find us a hotel and we'll stay there until everything is settled. Hopefully in a few days time, I can bring you home." At that word Hannah felt her heart flutter a little, but her mind was hard as ever. The way her aunt skirted around the situation made her a little more skeptical of the situation. The rest of the ride was quiet, all except the radio playing the background of both their thoughts. Susan took an exit off the highway and pulled into a hotel parking lot a few minutes later. It was late, but thankfully there was someone at the desk. Susan asked for an adjoined room so they would be able to have their privacy. Hannah's jitters died down a little at that. Why would the woman give her her own room if she were the bad guy? But, it could have still been a ploy to earn her trust. Hannah had made a deal with herself, though. She would find out all she could from Susan before making her decision to stay or leave. When they were settled in their rooms, Hannah felt more alone than she'd ever felt, even when she'd lost her mother. She was used to some kind of noise, the other girls breathing, springs squeaking. Although it felt good not to have to share her space with them, it also felt odd to be without them. She changed into her pajamas and laid down. As soon as Hannah's head hit the pillow, though, she was asleep.
It was the sun that woke her the next morning, along with Susan's raised voice coming from the other side of the door connecting their rooms. Hannah got up and made her way to the door, pressing her ear against it. "What do you mean they refused to see you? Those backward simpletons! Did you tell them it was urgent? Well, tell them it's his daughter!" There was a softer voice, male, so low Hannah couldn't make out the words, before Susan spoke again, this time her voice softer. "Good. They'll listen to that, but try and keep him out of it. You know my darling brother. Shock isn't a good thing. Okay, call me with any news. Love you too." Hannah stepped away from the door, not wanting to be discovered eavesdropping, gathering clothes for a shower. She wondered what kind of family she had. That Trevor guy sounded whipped, but Susan was what was considered a strong woman. It was then she wondered if she had gotten anything more than her father's looks. She stood under the spray of the hot water, looking into the mirror that hung from the shower head. It was true she had her mother's hair, but there were also streaks of a darker blonde running through it. Her skin was pale underneath it, mostly from the lack of sun under the week of rain. Her eyes were an aqua sea-green, that when she was angry changed to a hard steel, or so others told her. Her nose was straight, but pointed at the end daintily, and her lips were full, her bottom lip in a forever pout that she always hated. She thought back to the picture of her father. He had almost the exact same looks, only more angular and male. Susan looked like him, but also a mixture of someone else. She jumped when a knock came from the door. "Hannah, when you're done I figured we could go out and get some breakfast," Susan called through the door. At the mention of food the girl's stomach grumbled, reminding her that they'd skipped dinner.  "Okay!" she called back and hurried to finish. Once she was dressed, she knocked on the door between her and Susan's room, poking her head in. "A-aunt Susan?" she called softly. The words felt odd on her lips, but she felt the need to try them out, just in case things went well for her. And it was well worth it to see Susan turn to her with a smile so genuine it made Hannah blush. "I'm ready." The woman nodded and they were off. The diner they found was small, and a lot of the customers couldn't help but stare at the pair of them. Well, mostly at the almost seven foot tall Susan who guided Hannah to their table with a hand on her shoulder. Hannah could only guess what they looked like, her blushing and Susan glaring at anyone who dared open their mouths about her. And it was obvious she was a woman, with her soft curves and feminine features, as well as her full breasts. Susan's hair fell past her waist, even in a ponytail, the color a dark chestnut that contrasted nicely with her tanned skin, setting off her green eyes, a little darker than Hannah's, but still pretty. They were seated and ordered, and were in the middle of eating when Susan's phone went off. She pulled it from her pocket and Hannah couldn't help but stare at it, curious. It wasn't like any model she'd seen before. Maybe it was the newest mobile out on the market. The woman frowned at the screen, but then lit up when she read the name. "Trevor!" she all but yelled when she answered, her face going red when people turned toward them. "Honey," she said quieter. "What did they say? Uh-huh? Yes, I get that. Wait, they did?" Her eyes went to Hannah's and she gave her a bright smile. "For when? That early? That's fantastic! Oh, you're the greatest! I will show you how happy I am when I get home. Can't wait either. Bye." Hannah felt her face heat up at the innuendo, knowing at least what that meant. "That was your uncle Trevor. Everything is all settled and I can bring you home as soon as we're ready. Which, I'm hoping is tomorrow." Hannah's whole body went numb and she nearly dropped her fork. That early? But, she hadn't had the chance to ask Susan everything she wanted, and the questions she couldn't ask in public.  Like, was she really family, or just some highly serial killer that was going to murder her sooner than later? The girl was scared, but also hopeful that this would turn out okay for her. She wanted her happily ever after, but was also ready to fight if she had to. Susan's hand on hers scared the girl back to reality and she looked up into the smiling face of her aunt. "I know this is happening a little faster than you thought, but you'll be happy. I promise." Hannah smiled in return, but something in her gut was telling her that something was coming. Something that might be too big for her to handle, and she didn't want this dream to come to an end. She pushed her plate away half full, unable to eat anymore, her stomach in knots. "How about we go out on the town today? Sound good?" The girl nodded and Susan paid for their meal before they left. It seemed as though she had money for everything, and plenty of it from what Hannah had seen in her wallet. "What do you do for a living?" she asked suddenly. Susan glanced down at her with a secretive smile. "I was wondering when you'd begin asking more questions. Everyone should be curious about their own family, especially when they first meet. As for me, I'm sort of an ambassador to my people. I go around and talk with other consulates. Mostly it's boring work, but once in a while something interesting comes up. I'll tell you about some of them later. For now I want ice cream, how about you?" Hannah nodded with a smile, following her when another question came to mind. "What about my father? What does he do?" At that Susan slowed her pace enough for Hannah to catch up, her face looking sad for a moment. "Your father is a wonderful man. He's kind, but firm, and very generous. His job entails that of him. Your grandmother is very proud of him." This was the first she'd heard of a grandmother. She'd never met one, her mother's parents having passed away many years before Hannah was born. "Will they like me?" The woman clicked her tongue, stopping at the end of the line to the order window. "Of course they will. What's not to like? I already love you, and so will they." That one statement made Hannah want to weep and dash away her tremulous thoughts of suspicion. This was all she'd ever wanted since she lost her mother. She wanted her family back, and now she was getting it back tenfold.
"Wow, it's getting later than I thought," Susan said suddenly as they were looking at one of the shops set up for tourists in the small town. "And since we missed lunch, I'm sure you're hungry. After dinner we'll go back to the hotel and get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Suddenly she stopped, her gaze fixed on a luggage shop. "But one more stop." Her voice sounded sad as she led Hannah into the store to look things over. She pulled a long suitcase from a display, looking at it, then at Hannah, almost as if measuring it. Hannah was confused and instantly went on the offensive in her mind. Surely they hadn't bought that much, and she didn't have that much clothing. Something bothered her about this. "All set," Susan walked back toward her, toting the new suitcase behind her with a forced smile. They left the store and headed for dinner at the same diner as that morning. Afterwards, with full stomachs, they went back to the hotel. Susan bid Hannah goodnight and left her alone in her room. They girl lay wide awake in her bed long after that, though, her mind a jumble of questions. How did two weeks go to two days so fast? It seemed like forever she was waiting before Susan came, and now she was already taking her home? In her line of work, the woman was sure to have some power, but did she have pull all over the world? It was just so confusing, and Hannah didn't it. All night she tried to sleep, contemplating running, and had finally gotten the courage to, when she noticed the sun was already high in the sky. Where had the night gone? A knock on her door made the girl sit up in bed with a start. "Sweetie, are you awake?" Susan poked her head into the room, a frown crossing her face when she saw Hannah's face. "Couldn't sleep at all, huh?" Hannah shook her head. Who could when the person claiming to be your aunt could also be a serial killer whom she was alone with? "That's okay. You'll have plenty of time to sleep on the way home. Get ready and we'll leave." Again the girl nodded, too tired to speak. After a shower she got dressed and didn't have to wait long for Susan to come into the room after a knock, all smiles. "Today's the day I finally take you home!" That had Hannah's stomach in knots. "Don't be nervous, honey. You're going to love it there. Promise." Susan still hadn't said exactly where home was, or how they were getting there. Hannah guessed plane, but at this point she had no real clue. "I figured we'd get breakfast on the road. We're passing through a town I've spent a few trips in, and it's close to where we're headed." She grabbed Hannah's suitcase and sent her a reassuring smile. "We'll be home before you know. Let's go."
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diploproblem-blog · 6 years
Here’s the next Fallout chapter. Sorry it took so long.
Mahara put her hand up to shield her eyes from the blinding sunlight. Her jaw dropped as she took in the desolate wasteland before her. She sat and gaped at the scenery for a while. Mahara tore herself away from the sight as instinct took over. The search through crates turned up surprisingly little, only a couple bottles of Rad-X and a few more skeletons.
After her thorough search of the area was complete she began to walk in the direction of Sanctuary. Her speed was slow and cautious. She stared at the skeletons that were crowded by the gate as she passed, trying not to think of how they were what seemed like only hours ago, full of life and terror. She picked her way down the path and along ruined streets toward her home. It was silly she knew, going home. There wasn't a use for it at all. No-one would be there. Still, she couldn’t think of anywhere else to go. Didn’t want to go anywhere else.
Mahara entered her house through an empty doorway. She wandered around in a daze. Nothing had changed at all, everything was as it was when she’d left. Mostly at least. The milk bottle, cups of coffee and glass of “Lassi” had all been knocked over and lay empty. A thick layer of dust covered everything. Parts of the roof had fallen in and some of the doors were missing but the building was far more intact than some of the others in the neighborhood.
Mahara managed to shake off her stupor and walked to her room. She took a hatbox down from her closet shelf. She was startled to find however that it was empty, no longer holding the knife and pistol it used to. Her frantic search of the rest of the house turned up none of the armaments that were normally hidden around her home.
Mahara had just put down the mattress on her parents' bed when there was a noise from the yard. She tensed and crept quietly down the hallway. All her concern melted away though when she heard the clipped accent and worried muttering. She all but ran outside. “Codsworth!?” The robot’s personality brightened as he looked up from the plants he was tending.
“Miss Mahara! As I leave and breathe... it's... it's REALLY you!” Codsworth’s virtual throat choked with tears.
Mahara stood in shock. “Codsworth! You're... still here. So.. other people could still be alive, too…”
“ Well, of course, I'm still here. Surely you don't think a little radiation would deter the pride of General Atomics International? But you seem the worse for wear. Best not let your parents see you in that state. Where are the mister and missus, by the way?”
At the mention of her parents, Mahara fell back into a daze. “They can't be dead... they can't be... I'm in a dream... I'm in a bad dream…”
Codsworth’s tone became worried. “Miss... these things you're saying... terrible things... I... I believe you need a distraction. Yes! A distraction to calm this dire mood. It's been ages since we've had a proper family activity. Checkers. Or perhaps charades. Shaun does so love that game. Is the lad... with you...?”
“ Codsworth. Listen to me carefully... have you seen him? Have you seen Shaun?”
“Why the missus had him last, remember? Perhaps she's gone to the Parker Residence to arrange a playdate? I'm sure she'll be back with him momentarily.”
“No, Shaun's been kidnapped. But I'm going to find him. I'm going to get my brother back.”
“It's worse than I thought. Hmm hmm. You're suffering from... hunger-induced paranoia. Not eating properly for 200 years will do that, I'm afraid.”
“ بہن چود! Tell me what's going on! 200 years... that's insane!"
“A bit over 210 actually, miss. Give or take a little for the Earth's rotation and some minor dings to the ole' chronometer. That means you're two centuries late for dinner! Ha ha ha. Perhaps I can whip you a snack? You must be famished.”
Mahara began to grow suspicious. Codsworth was acting…..strangely. He seemed to be putting on an act. Like he was trying to manipulate the conversation or… “Codsworth, you're acting... a little bit weird. What's wrong?”
The question broke the robot’s glass facade.  “Oh miss, it's been just horrible! Two centuries with no one to talk to, no one to serve. I spent the first ten years trying to keep the floors waxed, but nothing gets out nuclear fallout from vinyl wood. Nothing! And don't get me started about the futility of dusting a collapsed house. And the car! The car! How do you polish rust?”
She awkwardly gave him a sympathetic pat on the ‘shoulder’. “What do you know, Codsworth?”
“ I'm afraid I don't know anything, miss. The bombs came, and all of you left in such a hurry. I thought for certain you and your family were... dead. I did find this holotape. I believe the mister and missus were going to present it to you. As a surprise. But then, well... everything "happened".”
“A holotape? What's on it?”
“ I believe it's a private message for you. My etiquette protocols would not permit me to play it for myself. Any standard holotape reading device should be able to play it back. Oh, like that Pip-Boy on your arm. That should work brilliantly. Now. Enough feeling sorry for myself. Shall we search the neighborhood together? The missus and young Shaun may turn up yet.”
“Have you seen anything dangerous?”
“Oh, just the usual, miss. Pesky neighborhood dogs and mosquitoes. Shall I investigate?”
“All right, lead the way.”
“Proud to serve, Miss!” He turned away and began his search, humming as he went.
Mahara hung back for a moment, putting the holotape into the Pip-Boy and pressing play.
Feedback and static noises blared through the speakers. There was the noise of someone adjusting a knob and then Anthony’s voice broke through.
“Oopsie. Ha ha ha. No, no, no. Little fingers away. There we go. Just say it. Right there. Right there. Go ahead. *baby giggles* Ha ha! Yay! Hi honey! Listen…I don't think Shaun, Mom and I need to tell you how great of a sister you are... but we're going to anyway. You are kind and loving, (Shaun laughs)... and funny! Haha. That's right. And patient. So patient.”
Nora cut in. “Look, with Shaun, and us all being at home together... It's been an amazing year. But even so, I know our best days are yet to come. There will be changes, sure. Things we'll need to adjust to. Anthony will rejoin the civilian workforce, I'll shake the dust off my law degree...But everything we do, no matter how hard... we do it for our family. Now say goodbye, Shaun... Bye Bye? Say bye-bye?” *baby giggles*
“Bye honey! We love you!” The pair spoke in a chorus as the recording ended.
Mahara smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes, as she started in the direction Codsworth had gone.
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binbunmusic · 5 years
My vinyl records (56-60)
I am SO excited to share these LPs with you! I swear these are among my top favourite LPs in my collection :D So let’s just get to it.
FKA twigs’ album ‘MAGDALENE’ 
I was so excited when FKA twigs announced that she was releasing her second album! The first single she released was so promising that I instantly felt obligated to pre-order the album. Little did I know, that single was the outlier of the album. Admittedly, I’m not sure I would’ve been quite so quick to order it, if I had had a chance to listen through it beforehand. But then again.. There are a few tracks on it that I really do enjoy, and all of the album art is absolutely STUNNING! Plus, twigs is one of my biggest inspirations, so I kinda need this album in my collection regardless c: I was kinda upset about not getting the signed version while it was still in stock.. But oh well, I guess you can’t always get what you want ^^ That last sentence actually sums up most of my feelings surrounding this album. No regrets, though! :D
Favourite tracks: cellophane and home with you
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(inside - fun fact: I actually bought this vinyl in a bundle with a giant poster of this artwork, ‘cause I didn’t realize it would be in the vinyl as well. Oopsie.)
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Little Comets’ album ‘In Search of Elusive Little Comets’ (10th anniversary re-recording Live at the Motor Museum, Signed LP)
Ever since I started collecting vinyl I’ve known that I wanted at least one of Little Comets’ first two albums in my collection. Unfortunately none of them have been available on their store for a very long time. Until now ^^ This album includes one of the first songs I heard by this band, and if you know me, you know that the first song I hear with any band I end up liking, will always have a special place in my heart. I was skeptical at first, ‘cause for some reason I’ve never really been into live recordings. But hearing Little Comets “live”, I was really blown away, to say the least. Not only by the accuracy of their performance, but more importantly, the energy they brought into it. And hearing the faint sound of the audience in the background only enhances the experience (for me at least) I would almost go as far as to say, I prefer this version of the album, but it’s so hard to compare the two. Oh, and did I mention it’s SIGNED? :D
Favourite tracks: Tricolour and Intelligent Animals
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Childish Gambino’s masterpiece “Awaken, My Love!”
Ever since my friend showed me this album, I knew I wanted it on vinyl. It quickly became one of my favourite albums of the 2010s, since there isn’t a single song on this album that I dislike, and that’s very rare for me.  This vinyl included an awesome poster that is now hanging on my wall next to some artwork from my Flying Lotus vinyl and from the next vinyl on this list. It looks stunning! But more importantly the album sounds amazing, and I encourage anyone reading this to listen to it.  This is one of the best Christmas presents I’ve ever received :D 
Favourite tracks: California and Zombies
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FKA twigs’ Single? ‘M3LL155X’
Just to clarify - no way is this a single. But that’s what they decided to call it, so eh ? Anyway; this is probably my favourite release ever from twigs. And that’s saying a lot. I got this along with “Awaken, My Love!” and there’s a cute story attached to both of these, that I’d like to share real quick. My mom always helps my brother buy Christmas presents for me because, long story short; he has autism and doesn’t quite understand how money works. But she let him pick this year between two things she had bought, and he picked these because he thought I would be more excited about them c:  I almost teared up when my mom told me this, and it made me feel really grateful for my family <3  He also seemed genuinely interested in knowing more about the albums, which kind of surprised me :) I know, it’s silly... but it’s things like this that makes me feel more attached to my vinyl records.
Favourite tracks: In Time and Figure 8
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Daft Punk’s album��‘Alive 2007′ (2LP)
I remember finding a shitty phone recording back in 2015-ish of this live show. And even the quality was absolutely horrible it was such a fun experience :D I’ve never experienced anything it that before. Mind you, back then I had never really sat down and willingly listened to Daft Punk, so this was a big turning point for me.  I was so happy when I got this for my birthday c: But I can’t help but think what I would’ve given to actually be there at the show. I think I would sacrifice my entire vinyl collection to have that experience. And that’s saying a lot.
Honestly the whole thing is amazing, but the opening and the part near the ending where they start playing Superheroes, and the audience starts singing ‘dolphins in the air’ are definitely the two most iconic moments.  
Favourite tracks: Robot Rock/Oh Yeah and Superheroes/Human After All/Rock’n’ Roll
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That’s it for now. I’ll leave you with a little fun fact; I bought exactly half as many records in 2020 as I did in 2019 :O Tbh the only thing that’s been holding me back is the lack of money, ‘cause I have soooo many vinyl records on my wishlist. Maybe I can start saving up some money soon, so I can beat my own “record” (get it?) in most LPs acquired in one year :D Thanks for sticking around <3
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fanficsandfluff · 7 years
Supernatural: Oopsie Daisy
A lovely anon sent me the most beautiful prompt and I just had to write something about flowers and Sammy <3
I also love his relationship with Charlie. In the series, it was almost always the Dean and Charlie show, but there were always little moments that were adorable between her and Sam, too. The hugs, the exchanged glances. All of it was perfect. 
I hope this is what you wanted, anon! Enjoy!
Words: 2,392
The bunker’s backyard had sprung up with daisies and dandelions when spring rolled around, and above anyone else, Charlie was most excited. She’d wake up early to sit outside and stare at the flowers and occasionally pick them, stroking and plucking their petals one by one. It was relaxation, time away from the pressures of hunting with Sam and Dean Winchester. 
Charlie came into the bunker one day with a bundle of flowers tucked into a pouch she made with her shirt and began sifting through the kitchen for a small vase to put them all in. A little color would brighten anyone’s day, even the somber Winchester brothers. Right? 
Sam walked in shortly after Charlie did and he put on a smile as he normally did since he knew Charlie was always happy, “Good morning.”
“Morning, Sammy,” the redhead smiled, standing on her tiptoes to try and reach the top shelf to grab a vase that caught her eye.
Sam grinned softly, “Need some help?”
Charlie huffed and she nodded, “Hohow’d you know? The round clear vase, if you please.”
Sam reached with no effort at all and he handed the chubby looking vase to her, “Here you go. Did you go out to buy those flowers?”
“No, I picked them from the backyard. You know, the outdoors. From the backyard you two actually have and can go out in at any time,” Charlie nudged Sam softly and she filled it partway with water from the sink.
Sam chortled and he went to make a fresh pot of coffee for everyone, “Well, they look very nice.”
Charlie smiled. Sam was always sweet to her. She neatly positioned the daisies, dandelions, and baby’s breath she’d found a cluster of, ultimately creating a picturesque little bouquet. 
Sam yawned as he strained the coffee and waited for the machine to rev up. Charlie looked over at him and she bit her lip, smiling behind it. She plucked a daisy from the vase and walked over to Sam, reaching up and tucking the flower behind his ear.
Sam looked down at Charlie and reached up, feeling the flower.
“Heh, you look pretty now, Sam,” Charlie giggled softly. Sam’s cheeks held a blush in them and he smiled gently, dimples barely a shadow on each of his cheeks. 
“Gooood morning! How we all doing? Oh.. looking good, Sam,” Dean waltzed in and he grinned when he saw his little brother with the flower in his hair. Sam’s blush turned to one of flattery to embarrassment in a flash and he knocked the flower out of his hair, it falling to the ground.
Charlie huffed and pouted. Sam didn’t have to outright reject her offer just because Dean made a quip. She picked it up, straightened it out and slipped it back into the vase. 
Dean, however, found the sight amusing if anything. And like all big brothers, he loved annoying his younger brother. 
So after breakfast, Dean asked Charlie (once Sam was safely out of the room, of course), “So what got you into flower picking?”
Charlie grinned, “I’m soho glad you pay so much attention to me. I’ve been going out into the yard for days because all these flowers are out there. And I decided to finally bring some in here to liven up the place,” she pinched Dean’s cheek and giggled. 
Dean smiled and he only jerked his head slightly, “Wehell... I’ll go out there and pick them with you sometime,” he said with only mischievous thoughts in his mind.
Charlie, however, noted the tone right away. She huffed, “Are you gonna harass Sam with these flowers?”
Dean rose a brow, “How’d you know?”
Charlie smirked, leaning forward, “I’d love to help you.”
Dean slowly grinned broadly and he chuckled, giving Charlie a high-five. Man, they’d be a good team. 
The duo of the dirty blonde and redhead slowly coordinated their attacks. They’d have flowers on their person at all times, so they could strike whenever necessary. 
Dean stuffed two flowers in Sam’s hair as he passed the taller man reading in the hallway, walking with his head down. But the head shot up when he felt Dean basically pat his head.
“Look alive, Sammy!” Dean grinned and slid into his own room down the hall. 
Sam quirked a brow and rubbed through the top of his head, feeling something. Upon removal, he saw that it was a slowly dying dandelion. He huffed, somewhat amused. 
What was at first amusing slowly turned to annoyance as time passed. He’d walk into his room to see a small pile of grass, baby’s breath, and even a tulip laying on his sheets, which he’d have to remove. He was bombarded by either Charlie or Dean (and sometimes both) at every turn, both trying to stick flowers in his hair to the point where he looked as if his hair had become floral. And of course, this would make the dynamic duo laugh their asses off, cooing at and joking with Sam. 
One afternoon, Sam had been sitting in the library reading a fantasy novel, earbuds plugged into his ears to block out any sounds that were coming from the TV in the next room where Dean and Charlie were watching Love Actually together. 
His back had started to ache from sitting in the same wooden chair all morning into well past noon, so he decided to relocate into his bedroom. Even though it was spring outdoors, Dean liked keeping the bunker at a cool temperature, forcing Sam to always have to wear some sort of long sleeved shirt inside. Today, he had chosen his favorite lazy-day hoodie. For some reason, his room felt ice cold compared to the rest of the house. What the hell? He walked out to the thermostat and he saw the one for this portion of the house was set to 61. Freezing. 
“Very funny,” he called out, doubting Dean or Charlie would even hear him. And after hiking up the temperature, he went back into his room. With a shiver, he sat on the bed, pulling his hoodie tight into himself. Sam went to slip the hood over his head for extra warmth, but was startled when a shower of flowers of all shapes and colors cascaded down like a waterfall over his head. 
Sam audibly growled, pausing to take a calming breath before shaking out his hair and ruffling his fingers through it to knock off any remaining flowers. What idiots! This was getting outrageous now. He cursed himself for being stupid enough to have headphones on while reading, now knowing how Dean and Charlie continued sneaking up behind him to the point that his hood was filled to the brim with plantlife. This was the final straw. 
With a huff, Sam removed the hoodie and stormed out of his room. He stood in the library, seeing Dean and Charlie pleasantly curled up on the couch together, hearing an occasional chuckle or giggle (or an ‘aww’ in Charlie’s case). He felt bad if he disturbed them since the scene looked so homey...... fuck it, he was sick of flowers. 
Sam went right behind them and he tapped Dean’s shoulder, “I bet you think you two are sooo funny.”
Dean looked up and snorted, “Yeheheah, actually,” he reached up and plucked a leftover flower with half its petals still intact that was still perched on the top of Sam’s head.
That made Sam blush even harder to hear Dean and Charlie giggling over it.
“You like to laugh at me, huh? Fine,” Sam smirked and he grabbed Charlie, sliding her off the couch and positioning her over his shoulder. 
Charlie yelped, “Ah! Saham, put me dohown!” she had a few flowers in her pockets, which slowly slipped from them and onto the floor. Sam looked down and he shook his head.
“So you two have seriously been stashing flowers on yourselves to bombard me with them?” Sam couldn’t believe they’d go to such coordinated lengths. At the same time he was speaking, the hand holding Charlie’s waist securely over his shoulder shifted and the fingers started to wiggle over her side.
The readhead squeaked and kicked her legs, “Eep! S-Sahaham! Hehehehe nohoho!”
Dean watched with a smirk, not minding the way he was getting revenge, at least upon Charlie. 
Sam eyed his brother looking too content for his liking and he said menacingly, “You’re next, De.”
Dean heard that and he got nervous, quickly standing off the couch and skirting around Sam to quickly say, “Good luck, kiddo!” before running off.
“Dehehean wahait! Ah!” she yelped again when Sam tossed her onto the couch Dean had vacated. Sam quickly sat on her waist and grabbed her wrists, hoisting them above her head.
“Saham, I’m sorry! It wahas just some innocent joking..” Charlie pleaded, biting her lip.
Sam nodded, “I actually have a good sense of humor believe it or not--” he narrowed his eyes when Charlie snorted, “Anyway... I know when a joke’s gone too far. And this one has. But since you still like laughing over it so much...” he kept her skinny wrists pinned with one hand, leaving his other free to seek revenge. His hand hovered over Charlie’s tummy before landing and digging in.
Charlie squeaked and she arched her back, immediately bursting into giggles, “BAHAhahahahaha! Nohohoooo Sahahammy!” 
By slipping his hand under her shirt, he was able to scratch his fingers along her milky pale skin. His forefinger and thumb pinched up her ribs, grinning as each new pinch got a different kind of laugh and jump from her. 
“Someone too ticklish?” Sam teased. 
Charlie, ever the honest one, squealed and nodded her head vigorously, “Y-YEHEHEhehehes! Stahahahahap! SAHAM!” 
Sam grinned and chortled, his fingers massaging into the muscle that married her sides and tummy. While the redhead was cackling at that technique, Sam leaned down and was able to worm his head into her neck, stubble scratching against her cheek and neck. 
“ACK! Sahahahammyyyyy! Nohohoho dohohoHOHON’T! AHAHA!” Charlie shrieked when the younger Winchester blew a raspberry right into her neck, igniting the nerves clustered there. 
“No more flowers?” Sam breathed into her ear, knowing even his breath was tickly at this point.
Sam hummed in thought, having raised his head from her neck, but was now pondering by stroking his fingers up and down her unprotected underarms. 
“Good,” Sam smirked finally, getting off of her, “Now excuse me while I destroy Dean,” he chortled to himself, cracking his knuckles. And off he went, peeking into room by room, figuring Dean was in his own bedroom anyway. Which he was!
Sam burst in and Dean scrambled to get up before his gangly little brother zeroed in on his worst spot. Sam’s thumbs kneaded melodically into Dean’s hip bones, getting at the sweet spot right near his pelvis. And Dean absolutely lost it. This wasn’t fair! No warm up tickles, nothing! Just straight for the kill. 
Dean’s laughter went silent before he took a breath enough to allow him to screech out his howling laughter, which was always higher than his speaking voice. No deep, manly chuckles for Dean. 
Sam giggled, “Youhu’re a jerk for the flowers, you know. You deserve this.”
With what sounded like the attempt of a battle cry and felt like someone leaping onto his back, sure enough Charlie had entered into the fight, clinging onto Sam’s back.
Sam chortled, “Gehehet off!” he lifted one hand to try and pry her off while his other was squeezing Dean’s thigh. 
Dean was still laughing and squirming, though he was happy for the distraction. With a valiant push upwards, he was able to wiggle and claw his fingers into Sam’s abdomen. 
Charlie had secured the hand Sam reached up with and was now using her smaller frame to worm fingers into Sam’s armpit, wiggling and digging into the flesh.
Sam’s eyes widened, realizing it was almost sad how quickly he was overcome, before he collapsed onto the bed in a fit of laughter. 
“Gehehet him!” Charlie cheered with a giggle, unable to hold back Sam’s arm anymore so it slammed down to his side, ultimately trapping her hand under his arm.
Dean was panting and he grinned, “Nihice work, kiddo,” he ruffled Charlie’s hair affectionately before sitting on Sam’s thrashing legs, scraping his fingertips along the socked feet. 
Sam tossed his head back, hair splayed across the bed as laughter poured from his smiling mouth. Charlie had never seen Sam’s dimples so noticeable and it was downright adorable.
After a little while, Charlie gently kicked Dean, “I thihink we’ve tortured him enough.”
Dean agreed and he got off Sam, sitting on the bed with a smirk on his face. Sam panted and let residual giggles spill from his lips in spurts before sitting up. 
“Youhu’re both mehehean...”
Dean grinned, “Wehe aren’t mean. We were just playing around. But hey, I do kinda admit we went a little overboard. Stuffing your clothes and bed with them wasn’t the nicest thing to do.”
Sam huffed, rolling his eyes, “Gee, thanks for seeing the error of your ways.”
Charlie smiled at the brothers, seeing one last flower laying on the bed between the three of them. It looked like a pink petunia, and it must’ve slipped from either her or Dean’s pockets. She picked it up and, turning Sam’s head towards her, she smoothed her fingers through Sam’s semi disheveled hair before tucking the petunia behind his ear. The freckled redhead smiled sweetly at Sam and kissed his cheek. 
“I juhust thought you looked cute with flowers in your hair, Sammy.”
Sam almost froze and his cheeks blushed dark red. He slowly started to smile and he threw his arms around Charlie in a hug, squeezing her tight. Even Dean got in on the love by nestling himself into the hug. Sam knew that all there was between the three of them was love, even if the flower thing got a bit annoying. He could’ve stayed in this moment forever, if only Dean didn’t have to come out and ruin it.
“Hey, what’s a comedian’s favorite flower? Laffodils.”
A groan from Sam and Charlie followed by a bark of laughter from Dean cemented the mood for the rest of the day. 
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