#oh this is just crazy i'll have to make this my icon
k-seunghun · 1 year
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seunghun · 1st look behind
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misshugs · 6 months
The Cameragirl || snc
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You've been Sam and Colby's cameragirl for some time now. Usually, nothing too crazy happened to you in most investigations, but this time...
warnings: paranormal activity, reader getting attacked, near death experience, strangling(?), cursing, angst?
a/n: took a bit of inspo after watching the boys' video of the asylum, but nothing exactly like it. just the fact that the place is an asylum
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
word count: 3.6k
[u n e d i t e d]
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As they were making their iconic intro and explaining what this new place was about, you made sure to have a sturdy pulse whilst filming them.
"Today, it's just me, Sam and our lovely cameragirl, Y/n." Colby said, letting you shift the camera towards your face and smile at it.
"Hello there." You said, making sure your face was extremely close to the camera, merely because it has become your way of introducing yourself.
"And since it's only us today like the good old days, we decided to make something fun. ALL of us." Sam explained to the camera and smirked, looking directly at you.
You batted your eyes, looking at them while they kept on smiling menancingly at you. "This wasn't a part of the contract." You said, gaining a laugh from both of them.
You zoomed onto his face and began talking with this soft, almost narrative voice. A voice you very well knew they enjoyed. "What is this oh so fun idea you seem to be hyping about, mr. Golbach?"
"Why thank you for asking." Sam nodded slightly, moving his attention towards the camera. "The three of us are gonna do a little challenge tonight." He clapped his hands together as you began unzooming the camera, putting Colby back on frame.
"That's right, we're going to walk alone, lights out throughout some of the most haunted corridors from this place." Colby continued. "The owners of this place told us it gets freaky when people are alone, so we thought this might get us some good activity."
"We have some cameras with nightvision but we're not gonna see shit." Sam added, "After a while, we all should find our way back to the main lobby."
"So stay until the end to see how that's gonna turn out." Colby says, getting close to the camera before covering it with his hand, making you stop the recording for the cut.
"That was pretty good." You said, looking at the video slightly.
"You're still good with the challenge, right?" Sam asked, looking at you. You scoffed.
"Please. I wouldn't have come if I wasn't sure about it. Remember you told me about it before the video?"
"I know, I know. Just making sure, you know how I am." He laughs. "Wouldn't want you to do something you're not comfortable with."
"You're saying that like we haven't known eachother for how long?"
He chuckles. "You're right. I'm sorry."
"Alright, so since we're all settled, should we start right away?" Colby chimed in, looking at both of you.
"Not yet. This place has some good cinematic potential, lemme cook first." You said, looking around with your flashlight.
"Aight, we'll let you do your thing, I'll go ahead and look for the equipment." Colby said.
"Oh, shoot. I forgot to ask the owners about something." Sam said, taking out his phone.
"Go out with Colby, I'll be here waiting." You said, fixing back your camera to start recording.
"Alone?" They both asked, looking at eachother and then at you.
"I do my best work alone, gentlemen. You know that." You begin walking towards the shadiest corridor you've seen in your life, without even looking back.
"Oh wow. Fearless. She's trying to do the challenge before us." Colby laughed.
"Alright, I'll be super quick. If anything happens, just yell. As loud as you can." Sam said, smiling.
"Copy that." You laughed.
In the blink of an eye, you were left alone. You were used to these type of things, so it didn't bother you much. You've somehow become numb to all of this paranormal adventuring.
And that was one of the main reasons why you liked to take control of the camera, since you were able to keep your cool in stressful situations, making it easier for the viewers later on.
Plus, you didn't know how to act on camera and they were the professionals... allegedly.
Whenever something odd happened, you made sure to try and record as much as you could, in the best angles possible. You liked to joke around and call yourself a professional in your craft, although sometimes it wasn't even a joke.
You were passionate about it. The videos and the ghosts, it was only natural to try and do more, risk yourself to do something more interesting and outgoing.
That's a piece of yourself they loved about you. You were simply a perfect match in their combo.
As you began to do your cinematic, you began to have shivers. A sudden draft of air passing through you, as if a window suddenly opened.
Looking around, there was no possible way of that happening. You were in the middle of the corridor, absolutely no chance of an air draft simply passing through so randomly.
You thought it might've been a bit odd, but nothing you haven't felt before anyways. While you kept on making some videos, an eerie feeling of someone watching crossed over your spine.
The sensation of a presence slowly getting closer to you behind your back.
Almost feeling the heat of another person behind you, towering over you.
Hurriedly looking back, you were met with Sam's hand almost touching your shoulder. He stopped midway, knowing he got caught trying to scare you. "You bitch." You spit out, making him laugh.
"Damn it!" He said mid laugher. "I was so quiet this time, how do you always seem to know?"
"I can feel you lurking closer, you stalker." You looked away from his gaze, trying to ignore the thoughts of his pretty face. You began walking back to where he came from, meeting Colby in the process.
"I'm not a stalker, if anything, I'm protecting."
"Quietly from the shadows, sounds like a stalker to me, but you do you." You smiled softly, looking at the confused Colby.
"I left for a second, what did I miss?"
"Stalker behavior, nothing else." You said, putting your camera up again and ready to record.
Colby shook his head from side to side, already being on your side of the story without even asking further questions. "I can't believe you brother."
"Wha- it wasn't-..." Sam sighed, defeated. He knew you were joking, so he wasn't going to win anyways.
You laughed and pointed the camera at them. "Ready when you are." They nodded and you began to record.
"So as you can see, in our hands we have some devices that we'll scatter throughout this first room. If you've been here before, you'll probably be familiar, but if you haven't, these are basically some motion censor devices that will let us know if something walks infront of it." Colby explained, turning one of the devices on and showing to the camera how it worked.
As they organized everything, the REM-POD immediately began beeping. "Oh, shit. That's the rem pod." Sam said, stopping on its tracks. "That was the temperature dropping."
You made sure the camera caught that as you got closer to it. "Oh fuck. I was feeling a bit cold since we got here." Colby added. "Alright. I think we're ready."
"Okay. If there's any spirit around that would like to communicate with us, we would like for you to use any of these devices we've put up for you." Sam started, as you made sure to get far enough from everything for the shot.
"You can touch these lights on the floor, or maybe this device I have on my hand." Colby continued, pointing towards the EMF reader. "We mean no harm, we'd just like to talk to someone."
A couple of seconds passed, looking around, waiting for something to happen.
"Maybe they don't want..." Sam began, before getting interrupted by the REM-POD beeping, making you hurriedly move your camera angle. "Oop. Nevermind. Thank you very much. Can you do that again if you're here with us? To let us know it wasn't something else?"
Silence filled the room for a while, before the device started to beep once again.
Excited, they began asking questions to this entity, expecting for it to be somewhat intelligent enough to give answers back.
Luckily, it was. It seemed to be someone that died inside the asylum, a woman. Curious about the story of this woman, they kept on asking questions. Some of them being answered, others being completely ignored.
Asides from the constant beep from their device, you heard a knock coming from one of the corridors. Quickly looking around, they stopped talking. "What?" Colby asked.
"Heard something." You whispered. The room went silent, followed by what sounded like footsteps getting closer. You turn the camera back at them and their faces were shocked.
"Holy fuck." Sam whispered.
"That was like... thumps. We're the only ones here, right?" Colby asked him.
"Yeah, we're supposed to be." Sam says, walking towards the place they heard the sound, quietly. You followed close behind. "Hello?"
Nothing. They kept on looking around, searching and at the same time waiting for something else to happen. "There's no one here." Colby says. "But that was clear as day."
"Super clear, the camera must've have heard that, for sure." Sam said, looking at you as you nodded. "That was crazy."
"Yeah, let's try something else but closer to this area, maybe it's more active." Colby said, and all of you nodded.
A couple of minutes later, and you were all set up. This time around, they turned on a spirit box to try and communicate better.
The idea was to first use it as normal, then for Colby to do the Estes Method.
And so, the spirits began to talk.
"What's this." It spat out. Colby and Sam looked at eachother, smiling.
"Hello, this is a spirit box, you can use it to communicate with us. Would you mind telling us who you are?" Sam said, looking around.
"Hi, hello." Colby responded. "Who are we talking to."
"I'm scared."
"Scared? Scared of what?" Colby asked, furrowing his eyebrows whilst looking at the camera.
"Behind you."
They quickly looked behind them. "Oh, fuck. I hate that." Colby said, as you smiled at their gestures.
It quickly faded away when you felt the familiar presence of someone behind you.
Heart racing, you looked around for a second, but there was nothing there. It didn't mean the feeling went away, though.
"Monster. Care..." It seemed the audio cut before finishing the whole word.
"Monster... care?" Sam asked, confused.
"Or maybe it meant careful? Like, careful of the monster?" Colby questioned.
"It would make sense. What monster are you talking about? Is it harming you? Are you scared of this monster... or... person?"
It took a while before responding. Last thing it said, before a screech filled the radio was... "Run."
Quickly, they turned it off. They looked at eachother. "That was terrifying." Colby said. Sam nodded and sighed.
"Let's try and look around for some other place. This doesn't feel safe." Sam said and everyone agreed.
For the past hour of recording, moving around and joking here and there, you felt a bit uncomfortable. Usually, you weren't the type to get scared over the paranormal, but this place felt more eerie than usual.
You heartbeat has been increasing slowly, as well as a slight pain in your chest that quickly faded. You felt watched.
There was a point where you even felt slightly touched, quickly warning the boys about it.
Due to this, they almost discarted the idea completely, thinking you might be getting targeted, scared that it might do something to you. It took you a couple of minutes of convincing them to keep on recording before the conversation was dismissed.
You tried to brush it all off, as 'something you've felt before', but deep down you were really anxious about it. Perhaps it made you feel better to think about it being just the nerves.
But you weren't the type of person to feel these nerves for no reason.
"Hey, you good?" Colby touched your shoulder and whispered to you, noticing you seemed a bit weird. "You seem out of it today."
"Yeah, I'm good. I was just zoning out."
"Yeah, I noticed." He chuckled, looking into your eyes. "You sure you're okay though?" He raised an eyebrow, seemingly concerned. "You don't look well."
"What? Do I look like a ghost to you?" You asked, smiling, which quickly made him show that gorgeous smile you loved.
"More like you've seen one." You shook your head.
"I'm fine. I've just seen some shadows running in the corners of my eye, but nothing too big to point out."
He batted his eyes. "You've what?"
"Calm down, you know I see those things all the time. It's nothing new." Half of it was true. The other half, well... there was a chance you might've seen a whole figure standing close to a doorframe, but you felt your imagination was tricking you too much tonight, so you didn't say anything.
You weren't a psychic or a medium or something close to it anyways. If anything, you'd probably consider it more like a hallucination due to the constant lack of sleep you've been having lately.
"I know, I know, but still. You could tell us about it, you know? Maybe we all see the same thing you do and since you don't point it out, we don't notice."
You rolled your eyes playfully. You were about to say something, but a breeze passed through your ear, a soft whisper saying "Come play."
You jumped, covering your ear and walking closer to Colby. "Shit." You whispered.
Confused, he held your shoulders. "What? What? You heard something?" His worry was enough for Sam to stop setting the cameras up and walk closer.
"What happened?" He asked. You looked around where you were standing.
"Did you guys not hear that?" You asked, the shook their heads. "I heard something like... right next to me." When you said that, Sam began recording once again.
"Alright, so... apparently Y/n just heard something right next to her." He began explaining to the camera, pointing it at you.
"It was like a whisper, it.. uh... it just said 'come play', like, the creepiest shit you can say. I even felt the air on my ear, that shit made me jump." You tried laughing about it to not let the mood down, but it wasn't working much.
"Although I really want to, maybe we shouldn't do the challenge." Colby said, looking at Sam straight in the eyes, genuinely worried.
"Guys. Come on. Don't back down when we're this close." You said. "We're basically done for tonight, this is the last thing we're doing and we're out, right?"
"...yeah." Sam whispered. "Let's..." He sighed. "Let's do it. Just like she said, we walk through the corridor and come back straight away."
Althought skeptical, Colby nodded. "Fine. Let's hurry up then. The quicker we begin, the quicker we're leaving this place."
And so, everyone held their cameras and said their goodbyes. The three of you went through your respective corridors and began walking, alone, with no light.
"Alright guys. I'm not good at, like, talking to the camera but I'll try." You sighed, pointing the camera at your face while slowly walking the dark corridor.
"Honestly? I'm usually not as creeped out when we come to places like this, but this one is like... up there. It's giving me the chills, making me paranoid, I feel like I'm... seeing thing. Or maybe I'm just sleep deprived. That's... that's also an option now that I think about it."
Looking around with the camera, although it's absolutely useless, you started feeling out of breath. Almost as if the air didn't reach your lungs anymore. "It feels... hard to breathe." You took a deep inhale and shakily exhaled.
You gulped, your throat suddenly feeling dry as the lack of oxygen was evident.
"I'm just gonna walk... faster. I wanna get this over with..." And so, you did. But the further away you got, the worse it all felt. You felt your vision starting to get blurry although you could barely see anything.
You paused as your vision began to get used to the darkness.
At the end of the corridor, what you could shape out like a human figure was standing there. Seemingly the same one you barely saw before.
This time, it didn't seem to go away.
You were also alone.
Unable to breathe.
You don't know when it started, but you were unable to breathe properly. You choked, trying to regain yourself from the feeling.
Your neck feeling tight, your stomach hurting at the sudden feeling.
Putting your hands on your neck, you coulnd't feel anything that would make you feel this way. You started to get worried.
You felt as if you were being choked. You tried to scream, but all that you could spat out from your lips was a soft, quiet, 'help'.
Trying to turn around and walk back, you saw the figure again and got scared, falling towards the floor. You coughed for air, sucking back as much as you could but being unable to.
Leaving the camera behind, you tried to crawl back to where you came from, but the lack of circulation on your body failed you as you coulnd't handle it anymore.
Your body falling on the floor, the camera seemingly recording your movements come to a halt.
Your eyes closing, leaving you unconscious.
It didn't take long before Sam and Colby got back to the lobby. Waiting for you, something seemed off.
They knew the corridor wasn't as long as theirs. You should've been the first one out by that logic. They've been waiting long enough and they were starting to get worried.
Even though the concept of the challenge was to be alone in the darkness, the idea of you being in trouble was too much to bare.
Heck, even if you were pranking them, the anxiety of you not coming back on time was driving them insane, they were ready for a scare if it had to come to that.
But the scare they were expecting wasn't the one they got.
Minutes of walking and calling out your name came to a stop when they saw you on the floor.
Hurriedly, they ran towards you and fell to the floor, yelling out your name. "This isn't funny, Y/n!" Sam yelled, moving your body, only to notice how cold you felt. His heart sank.
"Y/n, come on!" Colby said, putting himself on the other side, looking at Sam. The color from his face was gone when he felt her body. Colby, worried, touched your body and understood why he looked that way. "Oh, fuck. Fuck!"
Throwing the camera to the side, Colby quickly checked your pulse. "Sam. Call 911. This is serious." You still had a pulse, but you weren't breathing. First thing that came to his mind was CPR.
While Sam began to call, Colby was trying as hard as he could to help out. He began doing mouth to mouth, trying to bring some oxygen back to your lungs.
Tears streaming down both of their faces. Colby started making compressions to your chest, while Sam was talking to the 911 dispatcher and using the flashlight to illuminate Colby.
Luckily, they weren't too late. You began to cough and moved to the side to spit out some saliva. You breathed heavily and both of the guys sighed in relief.
As you tried to catch your breath, they softly held you up in place while your color came back to you. You blinked a couple of times, adjusting your view to your surroundings.
When you looked at them, they hugged you tight. "Fuck..." Sam whispered. "Let's get the fuck out of here right now." He held you softly and helped you out, as Colby grabbed all of the cameras.
It was hard for you to walk. It felt as if a ton of weight was keeping you from even standing up. It felt as if your limbs went numb, the lack of oxygen probably acting up.
Sam noticed, and didn't hesitate on holding you up and putting you on his back so that you could rest. They began walking as fast as they could, reassuring you that you will be fine.
You were focused on getting your breath back while listening to them scream at the spirits.
"You are not allowed to follow us home." Listening to Colby talk like this, while taking all of the equipment made you feel light. You started moving your arms and made sure to hold onto Sam, closing your eyes.
"You'll be okay. We're leaving." Sam reassured you, waiting for Colby to grab everything and get out of there in a rush.
After the police arrived and handed you an oxygen mask, you started feeling much better. You had some marks on your neck, like some hands were just squishing the air out of you.
Your body... at first, you could even see your veins pop out of your legs because of your lack of color. The poor circulation that ran through your body for a couple of minutes really drove your body to its limit somehow.
It took you a while to be able to stand on your two feet again, but before the police left you could walk on your own just fine. Sam and Colby however still managed to help you out.
"Let's head back home." Sam whispered to you. You nodded slightly and tried to walk on your own, only to be held up by Colby.
"Don't force yourself right now. You need some rest." He said, taking you back to the car. Your face having a rush of blood because of the gesture.
"I... I can walk."
"Let us do this. Please. It's too much already that you fainted right when we weren't with you." Sam said, looking at you, your heart racing at the look of his blue eyes upon you. You gulped.
"...f..fine." You said, resting your head on Colby's chest, making him smile.
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part two is up!! the link is in the beginning! <3
thanks for reading all the way! likes, comments and requests are much appreciated.
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gguk-n · 22 days
Transition (Charles Leclerc x Driver!Reader)
Part 2 of Replaced
Summary- After being kicked out of Ferrari rather rudely, Y/N must try to find a seat in the ever changing driver's market in the craziest year at Formula One till date.
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{Reader's POV}
After leaving our home in Monaco, I spent the next couple of months regrouping with my team. I visited my family to clear my head; my mother always knew what to do in a difficult situation. She was the brains of the family. After a long and deep talk with her I realised what I wanted with the future. Number 1, I wanted to race in Formula One until I was 60. Number 2, I wanted a team that loved, valued and respected me as their driver. Number 3, last but not the least, I wanted to be paid more than what Ferrari was paying me.
Every team on the grid was open for picking except McLaren. Mercedes was losing their star driver, RedBull had to negotiate with Checo; the two teams I was eyeing right now. If I knew Horner and if I played my cards right, having a female driver on his team would change the dynamic and bring more spot light on the team. If Toto signed me, he would be replacing one iconic person with another; enough to make headlines.
The first race of the season hurt, I couldn't believe the next 24 races would be my last time in red, I couldn't fake the smiles. It hurt every time I saw Charles. We met for the first time since I left a day before Bahrain's media day. He looked as handsome as ever but his eyes held this deep seated sadness, you could see it. "Been a while" Charles almost whispered when our eyes met in the hotel. "It has, I've missed you" I replied. "I've missed you too" he almost cried out wrapping me in his arms. "The last few months were torture. You'll come home now, right?" he asked still holding me in his embrace. "Charles" I began, he pulled away, tears visible in his eyes, "I'll come back soon, mon tout. I need time" I mumbled. "How long will that be, mon cherie?" he asked. I wiped the tear that slipped out of his eyes, "The day I sign a team, I'll move back. I'll know my future and I'll finally be able to look at you without jealousy" I said. "OK" he nodded, kissing me for the first time since we met. "Je vous aime" he stated. "Je t'aime aussi" I replied back.
I finished P2 in the first race of the season. All the media and commentary were going crazy. It felt nice to finish P2. Max was fun to talk to post race during the cool down. He was always the more level headed one in our friendship. Max asked me about how things were between the two off us away from the prying eyes of the media who had already started to announce an imminent break up between the two of us. "He's been shit, since you left" Max spoke. "I'm sorry" I apologised. "oh no, don't apologise to me. I was just stating the obvious." he shook his head. "I heard you're talking to Horner" he commented. "Yeah, we're discussing but like I'm discussing with a lot of teams, honestly." I replied. "As you should, I think it would be fun....if we were team mates." he replied thoughtfully. "I wouldn't mind terrorising Charles in a RedBull" I laughed.
The next few races were quite memorable with me on the podium for every race. It was a proud feeling, a bitter sweet one though. Charles only saw me at race weekends but that was the nature of the sport, didn't mean that I didn't love him any less.
The talks with RedBull fell through since I wasn't able to bring in the kind of sponsors they wanted and the dream of driving in one too. Mercedes was very iffy, where Toto wanted to bring a new driver on the grid; while I was still effectively seatless. But Susie was a smart woman, she knew having me on the team after the void Lewis would leave, would do wonders since I was the first and only female driver on the grid in a really long time and having me would bring the similar kind of publicity, if not the same.
After months of back and forth, and negotiating; Toto agreed bringing a junior driver in too early wouldn't benefit anyone. I would race for Mercedes for the next 2 years and if the options opened up I didn't mind letting Toto have his little fantasy. My announcement would happen in Monza, the home of the tifosi. The perfect time and place. I had moved back in with Charles after the contract was signed. I did not tell him that I planned to announce it in Monza. Charles was just happy to have me back.
Mercedes made the announcement just before free practise, effectively ruining any plans the media had, it played in my favour and I had a ball. "You love drama don't you" Charles laughed. "What can I say? I have a knack for the theatrics" I laughed along. "Quoting Chandler are we?" Charles muttered kissing me as he said it. The days leading up to the race were crazy. As both me and Charles got ready to get into the car he said, "Can't wait to see you in black. You look hotter in black anyways" "Hope to be your teammate again in the future" I nodded as we put our helmets on. Charles won the team's home race. I missed the podium by a smidge, but knowing my future was secure didn't make the loss saddening.
As Charles got down from the podium to meet me, Arthur handed him something. "I thought, whether I finish podium or not I'd ask you this but as a 2 time Monza winner sounds so much cooler." he rambled. "What are you talking about Charles?" I questioned. He got down on one knee, the crowd went silent. "Will you Y/N Y/L/N do the honour of making me your husband?" he asked. I had tears in my eyes, "Yes" I nodded. Charles slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me. I could taste the champagne on his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss while pulling his hair. We pulled away to a lot of hooting and screaming. "Wow" Charles exclaimed. "That's the hottest thing you've done till date, I think I'm hard" he said. "I'm staking my claim." I stated. "I'm always yours, now and forever" he replied. "Can't believe we'll have two Leclerc's on the grid next year." I commented. "Can't wait to race you Mrs Leclerc" he said kissing me again.
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huellitaa · 2 months
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style & school ₊˚⊹♡
for the girls who want to look cute in school even with uniform because school is, in fact, a fashion show ✨🎀
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ first things first, before we get into anything, take into account your school dress code. things to think about:
♡ skirt lengths
♡ jewelry
♡ shoe types
♡ colours and accessories
♡ makeup restrictions
once we've established these things, then we can figure out a way to decorate ur uniform and make ur school life cuter! ♡
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ sizing and best fit
so this sounds like it should be pretty obvious but nowadays, since school uniform is often bought online, the sizes might not always be the most accurate and may not compliment your body type as well as you'd like.
what i'd say for this is when buying new uniform always always always try and get the exact measurements and try your best to get one that compliments your body type as best you can for maximum comfort and maximum confidence ♡
i personally have my jumper / sweater a little bigger than needed just because it's comfy and it looks cute but go with whatever makes you the most comfortable and suits your style the most ♡
i know a few people who've got their uniform tailored to their size specifically and it helps a lot or they've just made little changes here and there, so i would definitely recommend this as one of the most basic things you'd need to start with.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ hair and accessories
ur hair is SO important because it can make a world of difference when it comes to accessorising even the most bland, boring outfits, in and out of school. i have a pinterest board of hair ideas and ways to do ur hair for in and out of school, but i'll list some ideas:
♡ hair clips! pearls, ribbons, colours, whatever you'd like! <3 ♡ half up half down is iconic, obviously! bonus points if you do half up half down pigtails, i do these all the time w ribbons in <3 ♡ claw clips! claw clips always they're so iconic and so cute ♡ space buns and braids of any kind are absolutely adorable. twin hairstyles are the cutest ever idc
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ socks and shoes
okay believe me this makes SO much of a difference. i've been wearing black knee high ribbon socks and mary janes since i started high school and i look so bare without them. the impact that the little details can have on bland british school uniform is INSANE. lace, frills, small ribbons, mary janes, boots, any cute shoes that are allowed and fit the dress code will do ♡
i'd also recommend leg warmers if they're allowed! we aren't allowed them here but i've seen uniforms that are and they look absolutely adorable ♡
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ jewelry, jewelry, jewelry!
so at my school we aren't allowed jewelry (but everyone wears it anyway) but i have found a way to improvise. everybody knows jewelry is a gorgeous way to uplift any outfit and make it look fancier and prettier and much more glamorous and it makes no different for school uniform!
if you aren't allowed jewelry then i'd also say if you're good at being sneaky to hide it under long sleeves or collars when around teachers and then just wear it the rest of the time. i do this personally because i've been doing it for years but this is not encouragement to get you into trouble! do not do this if you have a super super strict school and / or can't hide it well!
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ bags n decor
oh my gosh i have this absolutely adorable bag for school ,, my bsf @gy0th-yawnzzn knows 🙏 having a cute bag makes things so much more fun. the amount of times i've had both teachers and students compliment my bag is crazy. ur whole life lives in there throughout the day so naturally ur gonna want it to be cute. keychains, ribbons, pearls, beads, bracelets, photos, charms, anything you can find and anything you like! my personal inspo:
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ handmade things
along with being unique and individual and personal to you, having cute little trinkets and bracelets and handmade things can also make things so much cuter and give you your own kind of flair, as it were. i personally add ribbons to everything and cutify EVERYTHING i own cuz it just makes things way more enjoyable (like our school has special planners given to us and i decorate mine w gems and stickers) and wear bracelets i've made to school too! this is handy for individuality and just the little extra if ur super commited ig ♡
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ season matching
matching your uniform alterations to the seasons is so cute and effective and makes you feel so much cuter and more in tune to the world around you, and gives you a sort of signature style too.
for example, in the summertime:
♡ short socks with frills or ribbons
♡ girly sunglasses (i have this pair of heart sunglasses and i absolutely adore them, i wear them everywhere)
♡ cute colour coordinated hats to match uniform
♡ shorter skirts, school dresses or shorts
♡ pretty golden or summery jewelry
in the winter time:
♡ hats, scarves, gloves, cute coats are a MUST
♡ long sleeves, vests under shirts to keep u warm, etc
♡ trousers, longer skirts
♡ leg warmers, long socks, tights or leggings
♡ jumpers, sweaters, cardigans, and so on
of course do all of these things depending on restrictions, make sure you aren't getting yourself into trouble ! but looking cute is also just as important to me and so i've tried my best to compile a list tailored to all of the strict school girlies with uniforms and restrictions that will help as many of you as possible. girls support girls to look as cute as we can whenever we can ♡
all my love! 💗🎀💖✨💘
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Gojo satoru x F!+m! reader
Female reader special! <-- Working out with gojo ;)
Gojo x F! sorcerer reader <;--
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FEMALE READER. (Use of mommy)
Gojo will eat you out like ITS SURVIVALL. Pushing you over the nearest table or counter and holding your hands while he eats you out.
Gojo loves when you sit on his face after a stressful day of being annoyed by the 'higher ups' he loves looking forward to you smashing his face in between your thighs.
"D-Dont fuhkin stop baby. Cum on my face mommy. Wanna swallow that cum down my throat~ please give it to me~"
Gojo who would rub his thumb against your clit while shoving his tongue inside of you. Reaching spots you never knew existed
"Toru~ oh fuck toru. I-..Im gonna cum. Ah~ you make me feel so good daddy."
"yeah? You like that. Oooh shit~ you like how I rub on your clit?"
Gojo who BEGS you too keep riding his face even if he taps or grabs on your ass hard because it's so FUCKING hot to him.
"baby. Baby please come back. It's fine I'll be okay just plzz sit on my face again~" tsk tsk him making puppy eyes wouldn't work on you this time.
Gojo who asks you to absolutely ruin his hair. He tryna have his hair FUCKED UP. A pretty boy like him getting devoured in your pussy.
Grab his hair and jerk on it roughly when you feel like his tongue isn't deep enough inside of you. Ride his face like your holding on for dear life. Gojo wants you to completely cover his face with your cum.
Gojo wants you to have the hottest orgasm in your life. To the point where he cums so FUCKING hard through his pants.
While you make out gojo would shift his hands down your pants. "Mmm this pussy wet f' me already?" Then shove his fingers inside of you. He'd finger you against the wall while mimicking your moans against your ear.
Gojo loves to shove his fingers inside of you, rushing back and forth as if it's his cock then sticking his tongue out waiting for your delicious cum. The way he'd breathe heavy like you as he waited for you to reach a orgasm that would send you shivers.
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M! READER. .(zaddy😩😩)
Gojo was tired of being asked for arranged marriages and relationships with girls. 'sorry, I'm gay yK that right. 100% gay' boop. Hangs up phone. Why bullshit around with people he doesn't even like? He wanted you.
Gojo who has you wake up to him sucking your cock. "T-toru..hah...mmh..what r you doing.."
Mmm I figured this would be the perfect way to wake you up baby. I still want you from last night, why'd you tease me like that :((
You and gojo we're at a party and he sure did make a entrance coming their in his ICONIC BLACK SHIRT (OH LAWD😭😭😩)
His muscles were FLEXED like crazy and you were NOT having all those girls stare at that sexy built man of yours.
You pushed him into a bathroom stall and pulled down his pants and fingered him
"F-FUCK Mmm~ daddy doesn't like seeing his little slut all worked up for him?" He was so fucking horny. He didn't care if you fucked him and everyone was lined up outside the bathroom. God he loved your cock inside of him
During missions he'd make quick haste with the special grade curses and pounce on you while undressing himself
When gojo gives you head he sometimes forgets his eyes are covered "Toru~ wanna see your eyes baby.. can I take it off?"
"mmph..mhm..you can do whatever ya' want to me daddy~"
While fucking him youd take the cloth covering his eyes and shove it inside his mouth. Have him crying and screaming through it while you fuck him doggy style
Gojo who sucks your dick in a hot spring. The hot water constantly splashing against his face as he bobbed his head up and down while jerking off with the other hand.
Gojo who secretly wants you to fuck him in his domain. The bliss of knowing everything and being at the center of the universe in utter peace. Being able to yell out for you so FUCKING loud till he loses his voice because no one could hear.
Pov: you said his domain gave you a headache and never went back in again :(( he begs shoko to find a way to let him change his 'nauseous domain'
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everythingne · 16 days
sister's influnce -- po5
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longtime racing fan and twisters star yn ln ends up with a new favorite after being invited to the mid-ohio race. pato is just doing what he does best--stealing the hearts of the general public.
pato oward x actress!reader / fc: daisy edgar-jones
warnings/notes: mild twisters spoilers? kinda? as usual the twitter dates are wrong i just... im lazy.
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liked by patriciooward, arrowmclaren, glenpowell, and others...
officialynln: bts from the last leg of the press tour (sobbing), and can we start a petition to cast me in some sort of racing movie sometime soon??
tagged: glenpowell, anthonyramos, arrowmclaren, twistersmovie
glenpowell: awe you put cutie in here
⤷ officialynln: i am going to throw you into a tornado
user: wheres pato in the comments i see him in the likes godamnit
user: put yn in the f1 movie instead of brad pitt
user1: what do you MEAN the press tour is over?
arrowmclaren: it was lovely to have a meteorology icon in our presence!
⤷ officialynln: how much do i have to pay to drive the car next time...
⤷ indycar: unfortunately, that is not allowed.
⤷ arrowmclaren: we can let you sit in it though! and we'll make sure its pato's car ;)
patriciooward: sad we missed eachother this weekend... if u wanna come to another raaacceeeee......???
⤷ officialynln: very sad indeed :( maybe i'll see you next time ...
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liked by patriciooward, glennpowell, officialynln, and more...
thanks for coming on the show @ officialynln it was a pleasure 🛡️⚔️❤️
tagged: officialynln
user: YESSSS
user1: this is what we've been WAITING FOR
user2: brittany ur roster is crazy??
user1: need a glen powell episode.
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liked by indycar, arrowmclaren, patriciooward, and others...
officialynln: pato who :)? congrats my love, glad we got to 'run into' eachother again.
patriciooward: so did u notice how when ur at races i win?? i think that means i get to keep you in my pocket
⤷ officialynln: with the straw wrapper you said you'd throw out two days ago?
⤷ patriciooward: why are you calling me out like this corazón :(?
glenpowell: there is no way you did this yn
nolansiegel: my mom!!
⤷ officialynln: MY SON!!!!
alexanderrossi: thank god he'll stop complaining now
⤷ officialynln: 'i was simply yapping' is his defense
⤷ arrowmclaren: this was beyond yapping
⤷ patriciooward: my TEAM is calling me out >:(??
coltonherta: so when is the indycar movie coming?
⤷ kylekirkwood: @ officialynln can i crash into colton in the movie
⤷ officialynln: idk when the movie will be out, but ill write that down
⤷ coltonherta: what the fuck?? RUDE??
⤷ scottmclaughlin: ill be in the movie if i get to have some jersey shore reference
⤷ officialynln: calling snooki rn dw scott
stingrayrobb: oH HE WASNT JOKING?
santinoferruci: patito win !
⤷ officialynln: get OFF my instagram.
⤷ nolansiegel: LMAO YN PLEASE??
user1: the ENTIRE indy grid coming to yns comments is amazing
user2: the way pato was just so cute he pulled an actress?? thats my driver damnit.
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general tag list (thank u!)
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page-matcha · 8 months
Music to my Ears
Asmrtist!Soobin x fem!reader
Summary: Seems like Soobin is using you for content... What shall you do?
Warnings: Heavily making out, VERY suggestive, no smut!
a/n - it's finally out omg 😭 I'm sorry for making everyone wait so long!! Special thanks to @razsberrie for helping me brainstorm for this!! I'll be making a drabble series out of this as well, so please look forward to it!
[Asmrtist!Soobin master list]
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Soobin's mouth is like heaven against yours, quiet moans and whispers escaping both his and your lips. Everything was perfect, except for the way Soobin looked so distracted. He kept glancing to the shelf at the corner of your room in between kisses, almost like something was there.
Why wasn't he paying any attention to you!
You guys were literally in the middle of making out and he couldn't even close his eyes and just be in the moment with you.
You wrap your arms around his neck, trying to force his gaze to meet yours again. "Baby... Why do you seem so distracted?"
Soobin's eyes widen, caught off guard by your question. "Uhm, it's nothing." He quickly stands up and walks towards said shelf from earlier, grabbing something off of it before heading to his personal office.
What was that all about....
Suspicious of his behavior, you quietly follow behind him. Why was he acting like this? You thought you guys were having a moment earlier, absolutely lost in each other's touch. Maybe... he was feeling uncomfortable with you but was too kind to say it to your face.
When you peak through the crack of his open office door though, you find it's actually the exact opposite. He's obsessed with you.
Through the small gap in the door you can see Soobin's uploading an audio to his computer, and if you're hearing things right... It's an audio of you. Did he record you guys kissing? You see him click on an icon on his computer screen. A profile picture. Just below the small circular imagine there's a username. 'page.soob'. Wait but thats.... the nsfw asmrtist you follow on youtube!
As if on cue, your phone buzzes with a notification. He's posted a new video.
This is weird. Really weird. What's even more absurd though, is that you can feel yourself growing... wet? Are you turned on right now?
You hurry back to your room and lock the door shut behind you, clicking on the video. It seems like he edited the audio somehow, your voice non-existent and only the wet sounds of your lips could be heard. Why did he do that...? Even though he removed your voice from the recording, you were still 100% sure it was you in it. He's insane for this... Posting an audio of you two, and actually getting famous out of it. The number of views, likes and comments are already piling up a crazy amount.
Would it be weird.... if you looked through the comments?
You shake your head at the thought. He was the one secretly recording you. Looking through the comments left on his video isn't strange at all.
'This gave me butterflies!'
'More! More!'
'How do your audios always end up so well?
'I'm addicted'
'I just got the chills'
'Pov: you're making out with your boyfriend? How about something new Soob. Just a make out sesh isn't going to get you anywhere with your viewers. We want MORE!!!!'
You continue to scroll through comment section.
'the making out audios were great at first.... but now I'm starting to get a bit bored...'
'oh my gosh, just fuck us already!!!!!'
'Gosh, what a tease~'
'Come one, give us what we really want!'
They want more, huh.
Shall you give the viewers what they want?
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reyreadersblog · 4 months
Gender inequality. Even in the books.
Okay, so this might sound stuqid, but you'll get where i'm coming from..(if you don't then i'm an idiot and don't mind me)
As an exa
i'll use TIG book series as an example. I love all Hawthorne brothers, truly i do (and i wish they were real) and if i'm being honest they might be one of the best book bfs out there, my main problem is how overshadowed FMC, Avery Grambs, is by them. So you meant to tell me you find many flaws in her character but don't find any in the brotherss??? Hey i love them all, but they made mistakes, many mistakes too, starting from Xander (i'm not sure about him) and ending with Nash.
"Oh..Avery was boring.." "She shouldn't have donated that much money" "she doesn't listen to anyone" "Avery was dumb" "Avery was meanie" STFU. First of all she is one of the most intersting characters, it's her money and she can use it however she wants, she was naturally smart girl and EVEN THOUGH she made mistakes she is still the best character in the books. I HATE the way fandom ignores every mistakes the boys made, Like..let's take Jameson as an example..i love him, but he also made bad desicions, like..using Avery..hiding the truth..and more.
Avery Kylie Grambs is an icon and she's better than any Hawthorne brother. Here i said it.
Now let's move on to Alisa (you can not make me hate or dislike her) she made mistakes for sure, she was mean to Libby (on my previous posts i explained why i think she was rude to her..but anyway..) but that's the thing again.. GRAYSON? He is litearlly my favourite character but i can admit he definetley messed up in certian situations, if you're saying Alisa was mean to Libby...then Grayson's behaviour staight up deserves jail, bcs he litearlly threatened a heiress...
How i wish that to be his only mistake but he made tons, TONS of them and majority of the fandom chose to ignore, (bcs he's hot), but when it comes to Alisa..when she made a mistake, by being slight rude towards Libby, out of jealousy...fandom goes crazy, saying she's very bad character, a meanie, insicure. And why? Bcs she's not a hot male character, in fact she's a independent female characater..and of course she's going to get hate on her every move..
And the sad thing is this happens in almost evey fandom, female characters who are independent, headstrong..have their own mind and opinions, ALWAYS get hate, Avery Grambs, Alisa Ortega,Donatella Dragna, Pip fitz-Amobi, Annabeth Chase, Wren Greenwrock, Nina Zenik, America Singer..
this no hate post, i respect your opinion, and i do love Hawthorne brother, this is just something that needed to be said.
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howlingday · 2 months
RWBY Gone Woke
Jaune: (Tied up) Damn you, Adam! When I get out of here, I'll-
Adam: You'll do what, human? "Save the day"? I don't think even YOU could stop me now!
Jaune: We'll see about (Breaks free) THAT!
Adam: Dammit, she's free!
Jaune: That's just a taste of what I've got! And now to finish this! (Pulls out gun)
Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Time out, time out!
Jaune: What?
Adam: You've been carrying a gun this whole time?!
Jaune: Of course I have a gun. I'm a huntsman.
Adam: And with- With this gun, you planned to shoot me?
Jaune: ...Yes.
Adam: Wow! Wow, that- That- That's crazy, man!
Jaune: How is it crazy?
Adam: No punching? No shield tossing? Just- You were gonna just shoot me?!
Jaune: Yeah, that's why I'm here. We- We're fighting, you know. You're a wanted criminal. What, did you think we were fighting this whole time just for me to wag my finger at you?
Adam: It just comes off a little extreme, don't you think?
Jaune: ...You're a terrorist.
Adam: Ah! There it is! Everyone I disagree with is a terrorist!
Jaune: YES! You're the leader of a terrorist organization!
Adam: Aw~! Baby's first buzzwords!
Jaune: You're literally a racial supremacist.
Adam: Oh, it must be so scary, being so far out of your human echo chamber~!
Jaune: Oh, fuck off! Alright, open wide.
Adam: Wait, wait, wait!
Jaune: What?!
Adam: ...So you won't even debate me?
Jaune: ...What?
Adam: You don't even want to have an honest debate with me?
Jaune: An honest debate?
Adam: What, are you too afraid?
Jaune: What is there to debate?! You're a terrorist!
Adam: Then why not debate me?!
Jaune: Why would I- Fine! Fine! I'll debate you! What are we debating?
Adam: ...
Adam: You're trying to trap me.
Jaune: HOW?
Adam: Oh, you'll twist my [SAMPLE TEXT] and make me look like the bad guy, aren't you?
Adam: You know what you have? You have this "woke mind virus" that's been floating around!
Jaune: The fuck are you talking about?!
Adam: I'm sorry to say this, but you're brainwashed. You won't even hear the other side!
Jaune: ALRIGHT, ENOUGH! I see where this is going, and I get it, okay? Woke. Terrorist. I get it. This is all very political, but I don't really care. But you know what? There's one point you made that I kind of agree with; violence doesn't have to be the immediate answer.
Later, at the combination taco/chicken place...
Adam: Oh my god, you are so right... This is amazing...
Jaune: A taco in one hand, a bucket of mashed potatoes in the other. THAT'S what I think everyone should be free to enjoy!
Adam: I- And I'm not joking when I say this, but when I took just one bite of this with a sip of this iconic soft drink and now my entire ideology has completely changed! I am no longer filled with violence and spite! I believe in... in good shit now! I believe in the popular opinion!
Jaune: Man, that- That is fucking fantastic to hear...
Adam: Isn't it?
Jaune: I was worried that I was going to have to paint the walls with red- with your blood, y'know?
Adam: Yes, my blood is red.
Jaune: And now we're just chillin'! I mean, this is like a reference for me!
Adam: It's good!
Jaune: It's very good!
Adam: Would you like a sip of my iconic soft drink?
Jaune: Nah, sorry, I don't actually like that stuff-
Adam: (Whips out weapon) YOU SON OF A WHORE!
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Hello hello! Anon here. First of all, congratulations on getting accepted for your courses! Don't worry about trying to balance work and the blog, we will always be here waiting for you. Second of all, your whole Yutu AU has been really fascinating to look through. (Though that may be because of my bias toward Fire Emblem Awakening, as it was what got me into the series) Sorry for the incoming wall of text, but it's been giving me THOUGHTS.
So imagine this: whoever Yutu's dad is (I'll pick Azul for this example because I headcannon his English voice somewhere between Matt Mercer's Chrom and Olivert from The Legend of Heroes games) finds out who Yutu really is. You remember that cutscene after Chapter 13 in Awakening, with the Lucina reveal and Chrom has this: "You deserved better than a sword and a world full of troubles. I'm sorry."? Imagine Yutu hearing something like that: the acknowledgement of everything he's gone through, the pain of knowing his dad couldn't do anything and can't do anything more than offer words, and the reality that it might now be really possible to change the future? I imagine Azul breaking down after hearing all that because the last thing he wants to do is hurt Yuu or his son after everything he's been through. Oh goodness, the two of them both need hugs.
Second: did Crowley tip off the Magic Marshalls (because I think he would) and force Yuu to take the blame for his negligence (because he absolutely would)? Now imagine Yutu finding this out and telling his dad. Now his dad knows Crowley is a cheapskate who fobs his work onto everyone else without a second thought. And now he's responsible for having Yuu taken away and starting all this? Knowing the boys and how far they would go for Yuu I'd imagine they don't take that well. In other words, to slightly alter a quote from Regina in Once Upon A Time: "I guess killing a crow suddenly made the top of my to-do list."
Sorry for the wall of text but that's been rattling around in my head for a few days (so make of it all what you will). Hope you're doing well and looking forward to what's next!
-The anon who loves Riddle & Azul
AHHHHH (i feel like I always take forever to answer your asks I am sosososososososososo sorry, this one just drove me crazy in a good good way)
Listen fire emblem awakening was my entire personality for like all of middle school.  The only thing i wanted to talk about was chrobin.  I celebrated Morgan and Lucina's birthdays by drawing them. I think I still have a Cherche x Libra fan art thing I drew on some sheet of paper somewhere in my things because I was SO MAD that no one shipped them and I couldn't find fan art of them anywhere and I just oooooooooooh.  THE WAY CHROM GETS A NEW CRIT LINE ABOUT HOW ANYTHING CAN CHANGE AFTER THE REVEAL???? BECAUSE OF HOW DETERMINED HE IS TO KEEP THAT PROMISE AND GIVE LUCINA A BETTER WORLD???? i just cant be normal about them i am so sorry.  R+A annon I love you, I love you so much for this you made my entire month and possibly my year.  Awakening is also what got me into the series and made me so many friends I just love her so much.  She's an icon and I hope she gets remastered with Sumia either deleted or with a fucking personality.
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I should probably sit down and actually write a timeline for myself of events, but since I am free to lean in to the fire emblem pacing, I want to say that monsters from Yutu's timeline start showing up (similar to how the Risen do in Awakening) in the past and stirring up trouble, which leads to an event where Yutu panics and forgets himself in his desperation to protect his dad.  The main way the future kids always proved themselves was by showing their mother's wedding ring, but Yutu doesn't have that so really it's just up to his dad to see someone who looks like him and Yuu blended together, supposedly from Yuu's world using magic and above all else crying out and driving up his own blot levels to protect him calling him dad. For Azul! Yutu it's especially painful, he feels like he already knows what his dad is going to say. That he's disappointed in him. That he has no idea how they could possibly be related. That he hopes in this future he turns out to be different. But that's not what happens.
Before Azul overblotted he was quiet. There's a similar quiet over him now, a similar look of tense surprise, but Yutu- no- his child doesn't know that. His child is looking at him in fear, in worry for his reaction or his safety he doesn't know but he knows the way those tears start to form. Azul knows the quiver of the lip and the shriek, of all the things he could have passed on to such a treasure.
"You deserved better from me." Because it's true. He might think of himself as a work in progress but he still thinks he has quality; he would have done research, read every book he could get his hands on, taken classes, anything he would need to do to be a good father, a worthy partner. Anything. "You deserved to have the world within your grasp, not whatever shadow of a future and a father I left you with. I am so sorry." He does not expect Yutu to grab him and hold him like he's still somehow worthy of his love, but Azul can't fight the urge to grab back, to stroke his son's hair and let the tears fall on his suit without any care at all. I'm here. It's ok, daddy's here, daddy's got you, he won't let anything happen to you.
As for your second question, I did not really write Crowley like that no. It was more like he was the first person mysteriously arrested after the Magical Marshall's decided to finally do their job. I was writing it like they wanted to ship Yuu away to cover up for their own incompetence in preventing seven overblots instead of properly investigating what might have caused that. He's not completely innocent though, so yes. The boys do not take it well at all. And please do not apologize for sending in your thoughts, I am so so slow but I love hearing from you.
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wonryllis · 4 months
idols you see your moots as?
、ㅤ🧳 ⋆ ࣪ 午 MOOTS AS KPOP IDOLS ᵎᵎ
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already did it HERE before so i'll only include the new ones whom i have talked to at least a few times! sorry if i missed you it's probably because we haven't talked much! ( MUTUALS )
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@koishua wendy, red velvet. i have this image of her from all the clips i have seen of her greeting fans and reporters(?) outside sm where she rushes cutely and waves and gives autographs all so sweet .. that's exactly vie
@lheebra chungha, soloist. queen behaviour, mature, iconic, really talented, always comes out with bops. an adult actually adulting vibes. will do what i want to do and will do it successfully vibe.
@isoobie giselle, aespa. just now reason, riri is giselle without any explanation to the last of her core. really pretty and gorgeous and rap omg riri is so rap coded it's confirmed.
@fakeuwus miyeon, g-idle. uwu nic got that fairy princess vibes. delicate, elegant, classy and beautiful. smiles like a rich nepo babygirl but genuinely is so nice and sweet.
@lilyuwon yena, soloist. playful, cute, everyone's lildol friend, smile smile and smile. hyper active and always there to support and always spreading positivity and madness!
@theyluvvaubery eunbi, soloist. got that mature and leader vibes, like she got a presence in the room that's known and that she knows it very well. also has a sort of leader sweetness??
@sainns hanni, new jeans. cute, crazy, cool, deranged. round but got a hot english accent and a funky behavior. always says the most unhinged shit with a smile on her face vibes.
@stwrjvke yoon, stayc. everyone's bright friend who is always there on all trips to make it fun. and she's there during hard moments to remind everyone to smile? that's what i feel like
@jaylaxies irene, red velvet. veteran vibes, leader vibes, queen vibes. just she knows what she's doing and she knows she's relevant. and she knows guys are shit and she's everything. omg i hope that wasn't rude ㅠㅠ
@alvojake chaewon, le sserafim. leader material, smarter baby smarter material. her hips don't lie and i feel like she's a real good dancer and would rock a bob like chae.
@sserasin yujin, ive. bold and cool and hot in a girl's girl way. gives me real "she wears the pants" vibes. command the room vibes fr and that she's some sort of a succubus omg.
@pockettwinzz ryujin, itzy. tomboy types but majorly like a girl's girlfriend and everyone's crush and "treat you better than your boyfriend" vibes. basically ur gf.
@hooniehon sana, twice. hmm quiet? and cute? very reserved but as a friend really outgoing and fun vibes. that video of sana holding a rabbit and going crazy over it, that feels like claire.
@pprodsuga rosé, blackpink. iconic? also aussie vibes and also blonde vibes. josie feels like she came right out of the on the ground mv and that it's embodied in her for some reason.
@intromortal karina, aespa. how do i say this, just intimidating, resting bitch face and mean girl leader image from afar. but once you get to know her she's the sweetest little bean on earth.
@kareyuns mina, twice. sweet and shy and really friendly once you get to know her. has that vibe where you see her in public somewhere and think oh she's so pretty?
@glitterjay taeyeon, girls generation. just got that veteran vibes. like she got experience but also has that really funny side i don't know how to explain >< just like humble downtoearth?
@rk1stars yooa, oh my girl. from what i have seen, you just gimme that youthful vibes from bon voyage solo. like a fairy of the wilderness straight out of a storybook.
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moose-muffin · 8 months
Lee Vox enthusiast? Aight bet.
The brain rot I have for this man is not even funny, he's so lee-coded I swear to god-
Probably the kind of lee that provokes their lers into wrecking them (both intentionally and unintentionally.) I.E refusing to let Velvette watch TV on him despite knowing full well she's feeling playful, or getting so worked up about Alastor people will do anything to make him shut up about it.
Height does not matter because he's way to easy to fluster, you could be twice as big or twice as small but the fact remains that he will crumble when his hips are targeted.
Definitely glitches out when he's being got good, might even get to see him flash through random channels if you can really get him going. Just be careful that he isn't too close to any electronics because he might fry them by mistake.
Accidentally caused a black out throughout half the Vee's building one time, it took a week to be fully repaired and Velvette still hasn't stopped making fun of him for it.
Spends 90% percent of his energy covering his face/stifling his laugh (and failing horribly)
I'd throw in some Radiostatic for flavor but I'm not sure how you feel about that pairing so I'll leave it at this for now lol-
Thanks for the excuse to ramble about the TV guy - 📽
YOU ARE RIGHT THAT HE’S LEE-CODED!!!!! He is so Lee it’s actually crazy! We saw him at the end of Stayed Gone. That man was stomping his feet.. you KNOW he does that when he gets tickled too LIKEEEE IMAGINE OH MY GOD
oh my god please PLEASE IF YOU HAVE RADIOSTATIC HEADCANONS I WOULD LOVEEEEE TO HEAR THEM!!!! IM SLOWLY BECOMING A FAN OF THEM (not that I wasn’t before, I was just kinda like “haha that’s a funny concept” and now the vision is clearer and im feeling feelings)
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wannab-urs · 11 months
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The Spreadsheet Digest - Vol 25
Hi Friends!!
It has been... a week. I didn't get a whole lot of reading done. But I did absolutely adore every single thing I read this week. I think, if I can count, I read 12 new fics this week. Also tried out yet another new format: Author summaries (or my quick one if there wasn't one) included with the rec.
As always you can find all of my previous fic recs here. Feel free to tag me in your fics and I'll add them to my TBR (please understand that my TBR is long as hell and it might take a while for me to get to it)
Fic recs below the (baby) Pedro!
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Me and My Husband a Din series by @beskarandblasters
Summary: Din Djarin is doing what any typical Mandalorian would be doing after reclaiming Mandalore, finding a riduur and settling down. He’s still a member of the Guild on Nevarro, taking bounties here and there to support his new family. But when he meets you while you’re working the front desk at an inn on Naboo, he finds himself hooked, feeling like he’s found something new and exciting in his now mundane life. How long can he keep up appearances with his riduur? And how long can he keep his little secret with you?
This is the first married!Din series I’ve ever seen (not saying it doesn’t exist, but I haven’t seen it), so this is for my infidelity loving Din Girlies. I love how awkward and just plain bad at flirting Din is in this. And you’ll hear this a lot from me in my reblogs but POOR MAY!! I’m so excited for the rest of this series. 
Oh, Honey a Joel series by @lincolndjarin 
Summary: you’ve been given a gift. a fresh start in a brand new place, the sleepy little town of Honey, WV. a distant aunt has passed away and left you a little plot of land and her camper, the stars must be aligning for you because the local mortician is looking for an assistant and you’re desperate for the work experience. your new employer even offers to set you up with her brother-in-law! things are looking up, you’ve got a brand new home, a new town, a hot date, (and thanks to a series of bear attacks that started immediately after your arrival) you have more than enough work to keep you busy!
Oh look Gin is reading another monsterfucking fic…. Shocker. But anywayyyy, I love the buildup in this. It’s got such a good suspenseful plot. And I love that reader goes a lil off the rails and everyone is fuckin gaslighting her aghhhhhh. Oh also baby Ellie is in this and that is adorable. The lore and the worldbuilding in this are to die for, I feel like I’m reading a mystery novel. 
A Heart For Eating a Joel series by @motherofagony
Summary: a vicious raider attack robs you of human connection and lights a fire of destruction in your life in jackson. joel's fixated on you, and your lives tangle. revenge becomes a needful thing.
I love Joel’s characterization in this so much. He’s a grumpy bastard, but he’s got that wonderful protective caregiver thing going on. If you’re a fan of some mild love as consumption, injured men (and taking care of them (joel)), christ side wounds, and gorgeous storytelling this is the one. 
Go Ahead, I dare ya a Javi P two shot by @chronically-ghosted
Summary: 1. No sex. 2. No touching yourself. 3. No orgasms. 4. No murdering your annoying DEA partner. A Javier Peña-shaped riff on that iconic Star Wars fic.
The TENSION!!!! The BUILDUP!!!! This fic drove me crazy dude. It’s so will they won’t they the whole fucking time right up until they do. Javi is perfectly written and reader is a perfect match for his bullshit. 
Wet Work a Frankie one shot by @loversandantiheroes
Summary: Frankie accidentally discovers how to make you squirt
I???? It’s a fic where Frankie makes you squirt three times like what else do I even have to say? It’s on your kitchen table! And you call him a good boy! This fic is devastatingly hot. 
Frankie Breathplay Drabble a Frankie drabble by @ozarkthedog 
Summary: Frankie chokes you while you ride him
Got tagged in this lovely little drabble and ummmm oh my god? Breathplay is a little bit of an understatement for what this is. It borders on dark!frankie (in my personal opinion), which I adore. He’s choking you out while you ride him. Like that’s what’s happening. Asphyxiation but make it sexy. 
Real Gods Require Blood a Joel one shot by @proxima-writes
Summary: You think you’re as good as dead when a band of raiders find you. In what you think are your final moments, an angel appears. His name is Joel Miller, and he is here to deliver you from evil.
CULT JOEL! CULT JOEL!!! I love how fucking scary Joel is in this. It’s like if the stuff that happened to canon joel got all mixed up with some religious trauma and made him go a little crazy. I loved this so much. It was quietly terrifying, beautifully written. I love the ending so much too… not gonna spoil it but AHHHH
The Locksmith a The Thief series by @oonajaeadira 
Summary: A Thief you’ve known for years and have conflicting feelings for brings you a gift. The gift is a not only a puzzle in itself, but part of a larger mystery, one only you can crack.
I’m like 3 or 4 chapters into this series and I love it so much. The Thief with a locksmith reader is just such a good idea and I love how he ropes her into situations. He’s such a smooth talker ugh. The opera chapter? Pls. I gotta go finish this series now actually AH. 
The Haunting of Dieter Bravo a Dieter one shot by @idolatrybarbie
Summary: "ghosts aren't real, except when they are."
As a paranormal horror slut, it really felt like this fic was written for me… (f’me, if you will, Bea). Dieter being Dieter and reader being done with his shit and then they get HAUNTED. I love it. The suspense is so good. I was actually a lil freaked out. 
Everyone at this party's a vampire a Dieter one shot by @idolatrybarbie
Summary: "you look so pretty like this."
This is funny because Dieter is an idiot, but reader is so hot??? Anyway sexy vampire lady lures Dieter’s dumbass into getting murked and it’s wonderful.
Intimidation Tactics a Dave/Marcus P series by @whataperfectwasteoftime
Summary: You and your partner, Marcus Pike, are investigating a case that brings you far too close to something much more dangerous than your average art thief. 
I haven’t quite finished this yet (actually just got to the big action scene), but I am so in love with this fic. I already adore the way Penny writes Marcus, but then we get her Dave too. And Dave has all these elements of movie Dave – badass, sexy, a little scary – but we also get to see him be sweet and protective and playful and I love it so much. And then also I think everyone knows I’m a big ol slut for a MMF fic and the dynamic between Marcus and Dave is so fucking good. Little baby enemies to lovers plotline and GOD their chemistry is off the charts. 
Just Friends a Javi P two shot by @joelsgreys
Summary: You’re planning to have sex for the first time and you’re nervous—Javi offers to show you a thing or two, but just as friends of course.
I really love the way Vee writes Javi, man. He’s arrogant, annoying, rude, snarky… but also protective, sweet, and very ummmm giving. The banter is fuckin unmatched. And the mutual pining? PLEASE. I’m obsessed. 
Apologies to anyone whose series I normally keep up with... I've been a lil scatterbrained.
Happy Reading!
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anipgarden · 1 year
*cracks knuckles* Alright everyone strap in.
Hi, I'm Ani, the appointed Milkweed Queen of several Discord group chats, and I'm gonna talk about some of my favorite types of milkweed because its Earth Day, I'm bored, and I had nothing else ready to post. Everyone ready?
I'm not going to give these a formal ranking, I'm just going to ramble about them.
We all know the important reasons to like milkweed--supporting Monarchs, feeding the pollinators, restoring native species to your local habitat and creating an environment for many creatures to live in, that's all fantastic obviously. With that established, this ranking system will have little to do with that. We're talking aesthetics, babey! And any fun facts I happen to toss in are, well, fun facts. If you learn about a new kind of milkweed from this, or want to chime in with your own favorites, by all means let me know!
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Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)! If you've been following my blog for awhile, you likely know I've been on a Grand Quest to find, purchase, and/or grow swamp milkweed for a few years now. Honestly, though, who can blame me! Look at those vibrant pink flowers, contrasting with those bright green leaves! Love at first sight, I'm telling you. I've also heard that it smells like vanilla. Vanilla! It's also, reportedly, one of the few types of milkweed that excels in wet environments, and even though my environment isn't very wet, we stan a queen for that quality.
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Whether you prefer to call it Sandhill Milkweed or Pinewoods Milkweed, Asclepias humistrata is a champion of sandy soils and also my heart. I hadn't looked too far into this species until late last year, when I was helping another friend look at different milkweeds, but how could I not look into this beautiful plant! With pink stems and veins as early as the seedling stage, pinkish-white flowers and a low-growing spread habit, I would be honored to grow such a specimen in my garden. Their inch-thick, foot-long tap roots help them to quickly spring back to life after a wildfire, providing important food and habitat for creatures returning to the area. How lovely!
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Redring milkweed (Asclepias variegata) is another species I hadn't looked too far into until this year, and honestly at great detriment to myself. I'll be honest! I may have ignored this queen at first because I'm not big on white flowers, but those red rings...! Ooh, I want this so bad. The leaves are also fairly big and a lovely dark green, which just makes the white and red pop out more!
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Heartleaf milkweed (Asclepias cordifolia) is honestly so iconic, I wish it was native to my region! If you live on the West coast... grow some for me please. How can you not love this specimen! Dusty green heart-shaped leaves directly attached to pink stems, these stunning deep reddish-purple flower clusters...! I continued following one of the most annoying people I'd ever witnessed on Instagram for two months just because I first saw this species in a tiktok of his.
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Purple milkweed (Asclepias purparescens) is honestly just. A queen. What else is there to say? Look how purple she is! So purple I almost can't believe it's even real, and yet they are! Not native to my region, far as I know, which is a bummer. I've heard they're hard to grow, but if you can manage it? Share your secrets with the world, honestly, we need more of this plant in our lives.
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Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is honestly just a classic. I love the light pink of the flowers, and those leaves are huge! I've heard they spread like wildfire, but with clusters of blooms like this? How can you even be too mad about that?
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Showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa). Honestly I'm not going to pretend I was always crazy about this species, but the more I see it pop up on iNaturalist, the more I find myself growing fond of it. These flowers look like crazy fireworks, and honestly, kinda have to stan.
"Oh, Ani, you have so many lovely favorites! Do you have any least favorite--" Tropical milkweed, hands down. I appreciate it's value as more of a 'babys first milkweed' plant but I'm tired of seeing it everywhere, especially knowing it's a bit invasive in my area?
Anyways, these are some of my favorite milkweed species! What are some of yours?
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pyjamaart · 7 months
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A looming presence... (A piece of fan art for Episode 11 of the Christmas Comeback Crisis)
Read more for an essay on all the memes and references ;)
So here it is. Finally. Only one month too late: This piece of CCC fan art I've worked on since the episode came out.
Sorry for the delay, but I just started at my new job this week and it's been a little stressful, so I didn't have much time to work on this. But now it's finally here!!! I gotta say, the hardest part by far was the background, lol. I didn't mean for it to escalate that much. At the end I was honestly running out of memes to draw.
I bet we can all agree that episode 11 of the Christmas Comeback Crisis was so worth the wait, right???? My god. Peak entertainment. I still can't believe I'm getting all this awesome lore and music for free, feels kinda criminal.
I'm so invested in this story, it's unreal. I can't wait to see how it will end. I can already tell it's gonna be pretty emotional. (And not to alarm anyone, but I have a slight feeling that the Voice is not gonna make it out of this story arc alive. I mean, after everything he's done, it's safe to say that he kinda deserves it. Of course I really don't want him to die, cause that would mean…….. Woodman would also have to die??? Otherwise the Voice will just keep coming back again and again because Woodman is keeping his memory alive…….. Oh man wait a moment….. I don't even want to think about that. Forget I said anything about this.)
Anyway, let's talk about this piece of art for a moment.
In the foreground, we have our brave protagonists. I really really like how Nozomi turned out, so I decided to make her my new icon from now on. Don't get me wrong, I love my old icon, but it's kinda zoomed out and you can't really make out any details when it's really small. So Nozomi it is. Meta Knights sword was shockingly difficult to draw, especially because I had to figure out how to draw it when he's holding it at an angle like that. Otherwise, drawing him was actually one of the easiest things about this whole thing. His design is really just two circles with some arms and armor. Figuring out how the circle tool in Gimp works has never felt this good. (Kinda crazy I can just draw him like this now, considering how obsessed with him I was when I was about 12-13 years old. Back then you had to download official renders of your favorite characters onto your computer, then print them out and hang them on your walls all around your room. Yeah I've always been like this.) Drawing Santa was really fun too, just his right hand was a little difficult. But that's just because I still can't draw hands in general. Maybe I should practice drawing hands more. (Naaaaaah I'm just kidding, I'll never do that.) Now that I'm looking at him again, he's also longingly staring at President Haltmann in the background. Doomed yaoi fr.
Speaking of the background, let's talk about that next. There's obviously the title-giving "looming presence" the Voice. I had his hands completely in the background at first, but I thought it looked cooler when they were hanging threateningly around Santa's shoulders. (You may ask yourself, 'man these hands look kinda alright for my usual hand drawing standards', and that is because I traced over pictures of my own hands. I love "cheating" at art.) I also gave him his stupid little bow tie and the colored buttons on his suit sleeves. Not only is that kinda my trademark for drawing him at this point, it's also supposed to show, that under all the threats and the evil villain persona, he's just kind of a loser. A real (male equivalent of a) girlfailure. That's why I made sure that half of the things shown in the background are there to make fun of him a little. I love the Voice dearly, but that's just what felt right.
And now let's get to the actual main course of this essay. I probably spent half the time working on this on the freaking background. I'm just gonna start in the top left corner and then go down each column and explain what each of these mean or what they reference. (Since there are some quite obscure ones in there.)
Let's start with the two ponies in the very top left. They're actually ponysonas of Nozomi Tojo (left) and Takane Shijou (right). Nozomi is an earth pony and has a tarot card as her cutie mark, specifically the ace of cups. Takane on the other hand is a unicorn and has some musical notes as her cutie mark, which you can't really see. I don't know enough about the Idolmaster to think of something more meaningful for her, sorry. ;)
Under that are Susie Haltmann and her father, President Haltmann. They were (after Woodman) the first characters I wanted to draw into the background. Susie has this black bar covering her face, since she was never really there to begin with. The whole story line with her father wanting to bring her back was actually so freaking sad. And when the Voice killed him in episode 11 and that image of Susie flashed on screen as the last thing he saw before he died….. Oof……… That's also why I drew that cursor looming next to her "window" about to click on the closing button. Haltmann himself is also the only character in the background to actually leave his little window, wanting to reach his daughter. He's also glaring at the Voice for causing him all of this grief and anger in the first place with his false promises.
Then there's…. ahem, "Hot robots in your area". With drawings of a random unnamed robot and Mettaton from Undertale. Which the Voice has apparently bookmarked. This is just a head canon, but I like to think he has a thing for robots, lol. ;)
Oh and on the left next to that on the very first column is Simpleflips' logo. Shoutouts to Simpleflips indeed.
Onto the next column. At the very top is Haruka Amami (also from the Idolmaster), who played a pretty huge role in the CCC, especially in the latest episode. That moment at the very end where she saved Grand Dad from certain death was just fantastic. Absolutely goated scene. She's kinda pressing her face against the window she's trapped in. I hope you can even see that from far away, haha.
Under that is one of the more obscure references. It's from a King for Another Day video, specifically one titled "The Hobart Hootenanny - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day". It's a slideshow made of beautiful Hobart pictures. One that struck me personally the most was a little family picture of Hobart and the rapper Eminem, who was also a contestant in the KfAD tournament, looking lovingly over their son sitting in a cradle. Eminem is seen saying "Our son is beutiful". A truly touching photograph indeed. In that same slideshow is also another scene of Hobart together with the Voice, but we'll talk about that one later.
The next one is a reference to the CCC side story "I wanna thank me" and shows a pie chart with the election results that were discussed in that episode. Under the pie chart itself is a little box containing all the different parties and showing their respective percentages. On the left is a poster for the "Poké Poké Literature Party", showing Monika's head with the words "Just vote Monika" at the top of the poster. The words (and Misha.) are scribbled on the bottom, lest we forget that she's not running this party alone. This side story was first featured in the Christmas Comeback Crisis Watchalong in 2020, which was actually the first time I watched the CCC in its entirety. It all went downhill from there. ;)
Then there's the Voice's… thing? Object? Weird apparatus where no one really knows what it does or what its purpose is? Every time we see the Voice sitting in his office, this thing is sitting on his desk right next to him. There's been loads of jokes about its purpose. They've all been made before. I'm not going to repeat them. Only the Voice himself truly knows what this thing does. Probably. Could just be a decorative piece of art.
Then we have something veeeery self indulgent on the next column. It's Aquaman from Megaman 8 (With a not so subtle skull right next to him). You should all know by now that I'm the founding father of the Aquawood ship. And I also have the head canon that Woodman and the Voice are very divorced. Interpret into this whatever you want.
Next to Aquaman is the internets' favorite panel from the web comic Tails Gets Trolled. I fucking love that comic. If you haven't read it in its entirety, I highly recommend doing it. (Though be warned that it contains some pretty heavy topics, many many slurs and a plethora of gore.) Okay, maybe I don't recommend reading it. (Just read it with all of that in mind.)
Under that is a personal favorite joke of mine. It's supposed to be Spotify, with a playlist open that I created some time ago. I called it "Die Pizza Playlist" (Remember that die in German is just "the") which I always listen to when I'm baking my own pizza. Highlights include "Pizza" by Antilopen Gang, "Pizza Heroes" by Lemon Demon (You can actually see the album art for Spirit Phone on the left of the playlist.), "Pizza Pizza Pizza" from the Ratatouille musical and so on and so on. The first song in the playlist is obviously "We like pizza" by the Pizza kids, which is even playing in the image. On the side are two more music artists, at the bottom is the image for the Veggie Tales soundtrack, which also featured a song called "Pizza Angel". And over that is Mitski. I just feel like the Voice would listen to her music. Do not question me on this.
The audience laughs at the funny 7.
On the Voice's left shoulder sits a single green bean. It's flashing you a cheeky grin and a peace sign. While I didn't intend for this to happen, I accidentally referenced my own Woodman birthday gallery art from two years ago, where the bean also sits atop the Voice's shoulder. I know that next to "Yankin'", the bean is one of the most hated memes on SiIva, but I think he's just a silly little guy! :D
Let's head on over to the next column. Seems like the Voice has an incoming call from one of his guards, but he's ignoring it as he has more important things to do, like hovering intimidatingly over Santa Claus.
Next to that window on the right are the Voice's messages. I almost wrote "messanges". That would have been embarrassing, thank god I caught that in time. This is also (yet again) a little self indulgent, since the Voice apparently has the last message he sent Woodman pinned to the very top of his messenger app. His big triangular head is blocking most of it, but since I'm the artist, I can tell you exactly what it says: "Please call me back", which was sent on February 1st 2023, the day "The Disappearance of Woodman" was released. Yeah, I'm still very upset, how could you tell? :( Under that is a message to his trusty pizza guy asking for a pizza with extra cheese.
Next we have two of my favorite memes on the SiIvagunner channel (My absolute favorite being "Funny budots", since I never wrote that down anywhere.), one being Frisk Undertale becoming uncanny and the other one being the goat. I don't really know how to describe the goat, but apparently it was crafted by the same artist who made the stoned fox that's also very popular online?? I may just be stupid, but I didn't know about that until I looked up a reference for the goat. Since it often appears alongside Undertale and Deltarune, many have made the assumption that this is what Asriel would look like in real life. That's why Flowey is there next to it with an equal sign. Whoever drew up that calculation wasn't really sure of their work, which is why they drew a question mark right next to it. Between Frisk and the goat is a little Soul, also from Undertale/Deltarune.
Onto the next column, where I'm dropping very subtle hints that a specific character in this image might like pizza. Or might even be a little obsessed with it. On the left is a list with the contact details of three well known pizza chains, on the very top is Sonic the Hedgehog who just recently became a brand ambassador for Totino's and on the bottom right of this section is a flyer for some kind of pizza sale.
The next window contains my favorite joke of any rip on the entire SiIvaGunner Youtube Channel. "Peepoona 5. Let us shart the pants." Just typing this out is making me die of laughter yet again. (The rip in question is "Our Beginning - Persona 5".) But as you all know, I am very into toilet humor. That's why Aquaman is one of my favorite robot masters. And why I'm such a big fan of Youtube Poop. And why I watch Minion fart gun religiously. But enough of that, you get what I'm trying to say. I love funny poop jokes. That's why this is here.
Oh man. This next one is why I wanted to write this very detailed essay in the first place. A reference so obscure, even I can't find its origin anymore. And believe me, I tried. Thankfully, I took a screenshot of the original comment thread this was based on. A user called "The New Guy" commented on a SiIvaGunner rip, something along the lines about how much they enjoyed this specific rip. At the time, the comment had 920 likes, so I'm guessing it must have been a pretty popular video. (The comment should also be about 4 years old now?) Anyway, under that comment, someone asks them what their profile picture was from. They simply answered "wagon", since that was exactly what their profile picture showed. Someone on the SiIvaGunner team must have found this exchange so funny that they commented "wagon" as well. And that's the origin of this joke. If anyone knows which rip this is from pleeeeaaaase tell me. I need to know.
I don't think I need to explain who the next guy is. Just the love of my life. I specifically drew Woodman in his getup from the Nuclear Winter Festival, since that was the last time he appeared on the channel. He's looking kinda concerned in the general direction of the viewer, for obvious reasons. And right under him is his trademarked >:] emoji.
And last but certainly not least, the final column! Now I finally get to talk about this other scene from the Hobart Hootenanny. It shows Hobart and the Voice having a romantic stroll at a beautiful beach, while the sun is slowly setting in the background, making the water shimmer with its breathtaking colors. Okay, the last thing didn't really happen, since it's a shitty MS Paint drawing, but I like to imagine it did. Maybe I should draw a remake of this image one day. Now I'd like to quote the video in question: "A man and Hobart were walking together on the beach. He looked back and saw that in his times of sadness and need, there was only one set of footprints. He asked Hobart why he would leave him in his time of most need. Hobart simply turned to the man and said, VVVVVRRRRR SRRRRR RRRRGGGHHHH--" (Thank you SiIva Wiki for the transcription.) Now I don't think I need to explain why I drew Hobart in a bikini top and fishnets. The question answers itself.
The next image is actually quite easy to explain. It's mm5charge and smol Maki. In another universe, Chargeman and Maki might have been integral to the SiIvaGunner lore. This specific image is just stolen from my piece of fan art called "Megaman 5 Brainrot (featuring Acidman)", which I posted in 2022. I still head canon that Megaman and Love Live take place in the same universe. Just because I think it's funny. And because I want to see funny robot masters interact with the girlies from Love Live. How do I explain this? It's like…. balancing out the world? The robot masters are almost all male (with a few exceptions) and the characters shown in Love Live are all female. How would Thanos say? "Perfectly balanced, as all things should be." Don't question my cool head canons, okay?
After that we have a poster featuring the Jazz Cats! I really really love the little animations that showed their backstory when KfAD2 first came out. I don't know if it's okay for me to say this, but I also really really enjoy the song "But Not You" written (in universe) by Doge and Naxx. The text is veeeeeeery questionable, but man, does it sound good regardless… And shoutouts to wolfman1405 for the heavenly vocals.
On the right of that is a missing poster for Wade L.D.. Nothing much to explain here I guess.
Left of that is the Voices shopping list, which lists flour, oil, yeast… Wait a minute…. All of these are ingredients for pizza dough! Guys, I'm beginning to think that this guy might like pizza.
On the very bottom of this column is Mario 7 Grand Dad himself, who has his hostile gaze directed at the Voice. I would be pissed off too if someone kept me locked in a glass tube for 7 years.
The last little window just shows the Vineshroom with the words "fecal funny" written under it.
And with that, it is done. The entire background thoroughly explained. (I may have gone a little overboard this time.)
It's been a while since I posted new art, huh? In the meantime, a lot has happened. As I said before, I started a new job, got a tattoo of Woodman on my leg (best idea I've ever had btw) and I also started watching MLP, which explains the Love Live / Idolmaster ponysonas, lol.
And that's all I wanted to say. I hope that the next piece of art isn't that far off. Jenny out. (I think this might have been the longest essay I've ever written here. I'm so sorry. By which I mean, I'm not sorry at all. I'm not forcing anyone to read this.)
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sylvyspritii · 2 months
Oh I didn't realise it had to be a question question, sorry!
I do have a question then: you're a music creator right? And you did some work for SiIvaGunner? There's some ideas I have often for doing some instrumentation swapping in music I hear, making one song have the instruments/sound font from another. However, I'm really not experienced at all in music production and it can feel a bit daunting trying to understand it, I'm not sure where to start.
What are some resources you'd recommend to someone trying to start music work like that? Both the editing software itself (is GarageBand still a thing? Does it cost money?) and also how to go through songs and figure out stuff like what instruments they're using to repurpose them?
No worries! I just prefer actual questions over random meme pictures, i have no idea what i can add to those or how i could respond besides "ok" Yes, i'm part of SiIva, but i was more active in the earlier years I'm mostly busy with original compositions for games nowadays If you want to make melody/soundfont/MIDIswaps, the first thing you will need is a DAW, Garageband will work fine (i think?), but i can't say for sure, i use FL Studio myself, so i'll answer with my knowledge based on using FL Studio primarily For the sake of this tutorial, we will focus on games that used sequenced music, which usually means MIDI files and soundbanks/soundfonts (for more advanced non-sequenced/MIDI recreations, you will usually have to recreate songs from scratch, or invest in expensive hardware in the case of Touhou music for example) There is an FL Studio demo available, it's pretty good, but personally i just reccomend obtaining it legally since it's pretty cheap (and if that is not an option, then, well, yarr harr, you know (note to cover my ass from a legal perspective: i am a professional and i do not use pirated software)) Download VGMTrans (and the ROM of the game you wanna fuck around with, legally of course (wink wink)), it's software that can extract MIDI (the notes) and .dls (the instruments) files (you can also extract .sf2 files, which are the more traditional "soundfont" format, but .dls is easier for editing existing songs from games since the MIDI data and the .dls can get imported together to be more accurate, more on that later (basically, export .dls for accuracy, export .sf2 for fucking around if you just want 1 instrument from a game)) Okay, so now you have a DAW (we use FL Studio in this example), the MIDI file, and the .dls file So, now, open FL Studio, drag the MIDI file in a new project, and then it will ask you what you want to import it as (do not use FLEX, use MIDI OUT with LSD) (fuck FLEX all my buddies hate FLEX) Then you will see this thing
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Okay so click the little folder icon on the top left, and then select the correct .dls file you exported for that MIDI file with VGMTrans Then, if you did everything correctly, you will hear the MIDI file WITH the correct instruments from the game, and it will sound (mostly) like how the original game sounds From there, you can start, then, you can edit the little bits, change the instruments easily, change the notes, and add funny fleentstones if you want So, tl;dr quick version: 1. Download FL Studio 2. Download VGMTrans 3. Throw ROM file in VGMtrans 4. Export the MIDI and .dls data from a song from the ROM 5. Throw MIDI in FL Studio, choose "MIDI OUT with DLS" 6. Choose .dls soundbank file with the little folder icon 7. The song will now sound like how it is in the game (or at least, close enough), so now you can go crazy and replace instruments and/or melodies and have fun
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