#oin x female reader
shirefantasies · 2 months
If mashups are still available, I'd love love love if you could write one for me (never done this before)! The Hobbit is my favourite so preferably a (male) character from there if that would be ok!
I'm from Scandinavia and I love anything to do with Norse Mythology and going on hikes in the woods to act out adventures of my own creation. I am naturally very curious and love to go in-depth to study different topics, such as the natural sciences and different mythologies. I am quite short at 164 cm with blue eyes and blonde hair. Slightly on the curvier side. Thank you so so much I'd really appreciate it! <3 <3 <3
That is ok indeed as I match you with…
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(Warning: minor injury/blood mentions, hints at misogyny from unseen characters, minor alcohol/drinking references)
Maybe he isn’t the most conventional of the dwarves, but hear a silly old narrator out…
Your search for new species of plant has led you deep into the woods, deeper than they have yet undertaken. Success, though, has colored your journey, your prior experiment with the fertilizers of your crafting proving quite telling. Ducking past a very low-hanging branch that almost cuts a scar across your cheek, you press on, spurred by victory. The pursuit of science, after all, is the noble calling that moves you to painless battle with the forces set forth so many years before by the Valar, or in the eyes of your people quite possibly a different pantheon altogether. Even if none of it was true, they had been your favorite stories for years.
A world crafted from a corpse, now home to such life. Earth as flesh, seas blood, clouds brains of all things- dark, perhaps, but infinitely captivating. Or perhaps a song as the people in this land say, discordant notes sowing the very nature of sin and chaos as if as invisible waves in the air.
Such are your thoughts when your foot is roughly yanked, momentum pitching your body forward as a nasty loop of tree branch holds your lower appendage in place. More roots await when you fall, cutting and scraping various exposed areas of your skin. Pain arcs up your leg when you rise and try to return weight to the foot that got caught. Your ankle is sprained. You barely know where you are. Blood trickles from several smaller wounds, this blood no great sea, only drops upon dirt shed in solitude.
A long walk lies ahead of you. Sighing and biting back pained tears, you limp as best you can in the direction you’d come. You aren't certain how long you even have been walking for when you hear the voice, a bit gruff in nature but soft in tone and volume, pleasantly accented and reassuring despite its strangeness. "You're hurt," it says simply, and as you turn around- no, swivel at the hips, more like, your weight fighting a shift without a thought- it reveals a dwarf. His beard is pleasantly symmetrical, satisfying your eyes with its gravity-defying braids. Not a hint of malice shines in his dark brown eyes, only concern. "I come out this way to collect herbs, but I'll confess it isn't often I see another soul. Please, let a healer do his job." Exhaustion deep in your bones already, you simply nod.
Oin, as you find the dwarf's name is, is more than just a healer, at least in your eyes; his knowledge of nature and its properties are fascinating even if he is just rambling a bit about each thing he applies to your ankle, touch gentle as a feather despite the strength and girth of his hands. He knows exactly what everything he applies to you does and why. “‘N what were you doin’ out here anyway? I can see it- you’ve a good head on your shoulders. A lass like you has got a reason.”
He sees you. At least moreso than plenty of others you have run across, the ones who dub you too fair for your pursuits or reduce the way you track the stars to a pretty fancy of lights. Dwarves, you forget, prize women with a depth and respect that has yet to shine upon some of these lands. Your savior sees you as an equal even in your infirm, and thus you have no qualms explaining your experiment with the soil and the other which required the accursed herbs you twisted up your ankle over. You have tracked the world's revolutions and he has learned how to save mothers and babies from dangerous deliveries. Written many a medical record that piques your love of delving into knowledge enough that you don't just allow Oin to walk you back to society, you come home with him and spend the night in a lovely drown of parchment...and maybe a stiff drink, too! "It'll help with your pain, after all," he adds with a wink.
Perhaps you prefer the company of dwarves, or perhaps drink and offers of knowledge are far too seductive to pass up, but as you make for Oin's doorstep you feel an aching in your heart that your meeting was fate, and certainly not your last. Oin, you suspect, feels the same, shyly fiddling with his fingers as his gaze darts between the threshold and you. "'m glad I found you." "As am I," you reply, "for how else would I have learned someone so special was tucked away so close to my own home? Are you certain you want to listen to me drone on about old myths for hours?" "If it'll get you to come back here," Oin says, "Aye. Again and again." The warmth of your imbibing, and quite definitely something else, rushes through your veins as you lean to close the gap between you two, inhibitions burned down. Perhaps a part of you was tired of being so methodical, relying on long processes and choreographed steps. And judging by the wide, spellbound smile on Oin's face, your rescuer is taken by the same instant connection you thought only happened in old stories.
By the time his hearth is yours, your shelves of healing and botany and the mischief of old gods alike a complete blend of you both, the same way strands of your golden hair are united in the braid Oin gave you. Your healer husband dotes on you more than you ever imagined, dubbing you more beautiful than Freyja and worshiping your curves every chance he gets. Beyond your body, the way the sky shines in the blue of your eyes, he loves your understanding, having another soul move in perfect tandem with his and sit with him in the haze of fascination. A companion at his side for even the smallest tasks of watering the garden or washing one's hair and yet someone who poses the most difficult questions and waits with such patience if her words are not heard the first time. Perhaps he healed you long ago setting your ankle back right, but you, dear, healed him just as much.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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celeste-clearwater-06 · 2 months
heartbeat (thorin oakenshield x female!modern! reader)
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gif by me!!
desc. - reader puts her CPR lessons to good use when thorin's on the brink of death. (inspired by an imagine by @imaginexhobbit but make it sad🫶 also i listened to "farewell to dobby" while reading this, it adds so muchhh)
warnings - angst 💔
word count - 2.7k
For most of the time you’d been traveling with Thorin and his merry band of warriors, you could only account a few times you provided yourself useful to the group. Bofur was a whittler and toy maker, Oin a healer, Ori a scribe. Thorin and his sister-sons, the rightful heir to a kingdom. Even Bilbo had squeezed his way into a position of burglary, though he was hardly fit, and was still fighting to prove himself.
A few stories around the campfire. Some questions answered about where you’d appeared from out of nowhere in particular. Mouth watering modern food recipes you babbled on about, over rabbit stew Bombur happily served on the cold nights on the road. And sure, you were getting good with a sword, but not nearly as skillful as the fearless fighter Dwalin.
You could see the malevolence and distaste in Thorin’s eyes when Gandalf decided for himself that you would make a fine addition to the group. After all, some otherworldly stranger happening upon them just as their fateful quest began was no coincidence. To him it meant something. But to the leader of the group? Danger? Deadweight? You couldn’t tell. Whatever it was, it settled behind his cold, steel-blue eyes and swelled whenever he watched you fail miserably at every task given.
You simply weren’t built for a world like this.
Thorin didn’t hate you. He wasn’t necessarily fond of you either. And how you longed to fit in, impress him maybe. Break past whatever tough exterior that he used to keep a distance between the two of you. Pushing too much would surely annoy him, so you opted to keep to yourself, sitting back and placing yourself near Gandalf and the witty Bilbo Baggins, who seemed to have walked a few miles in your own shoes. If he could wear them, that is. Hoping maybe one day the King under the mountain would come around. Maybe.
But now, soaring over the horizon of a morning sun and above the towering mountains, on the feathered back of a massive bird, Bilbo had proven himself in his bravery, and you were alone and useless in your skills.
You were seated atop the same eagle as the halfling, right behind another that carried Thorin’s limp body in its talons, wind and the worried cries of his nephews rushing through your hair and past your ears. Azog’s fight was not an easy one. Not that you could do much anyways, dangling uselessly from a blazing pine tree and fingers slipping from its scorching branches. But Thorin, ever the brave, was taken down quickly.
Thank the lord for Gandalf’s endless alliances.
Now, the eagles circled a plateau, oddly sticking out from above high treetops like a sore thumb, and began to descend to its slanted surface where each member of the company jumped off. Some destination this was, hundreds of feet off the ground. You’d think they might find a safer spot to land this band of underground dwelling travelers but beggars can’t be choosers. At least you were out of harm's way for the time being. The eagle you and Bilbo rode flew low enough for you to hop off and land safely on the cliff’s surface, then turn and see Thorin, unconscious and unmoving, set down gently in front of the rest of the group.
They all crowded around him, shouting and shaking his body vigorously, but to no avail. Your stomach dropped when you heard one of them mutter a word that sounded like “dead”.
You rushed over, just getting a few glimpses of his face from behind the heads of thick hair and heavy fur coats circling him like vultures, Bilbo at your heels and following in curiosity.
“He’s not breathing!”
“Thorin! Thorin, wake up!” A hand tapped on the side of his face.
You immediately began shouting to clear some room. The sea of worried dwarves parted for you, just enough room to sling your haversack off your shoulders and lean down on your knees, bringing an ear to his mouth. They were right. Not a breath to be heard. Nor a pulse, you discovered, after placing your fingers to the side of his cold neck.
“No…no no, no.”
The company shared confused mutters and looks, worry lines still etched like canyons in their faces as they watched you clamor to unclasp his thick cloak and pull away as much clothing as you could from his chest.
Now, you were no doctor. Not even a medical student for that matter. Just barely scraping by with an art degree and two, low paying part-time jobs back home. Wherever that was. But, thankfully, those required CPR lessons back in junior high suddenly came rushing back to you, and you were gonna put to the best use you could.
You locked your elbows, flattened your palms, and then hastily pressed against the brute of his firm chest. Mahal, it was stubborn, and the armored shirt between your hands and his heart was no help, but acting quickly spared no time for shedding any more of his clothes. Again and again you pressed, one, two, just how the instructor taught you with her quick tongue and loud voice.
“An even pace! You’re going to lose him!”
The recall made your head spin, especially considering it might have been a bit comedic at the time, trying to revive an armless mannequin on the tile floor of your classroom. But under the steady pressure of your palms was a real person, teetering on the edge of life and death.
Gandalf landed somewhere behind you, being the last to touch ground, but he was forgotten in the sea of deep voices asking what you could possibly be doing.
By the 16th compression, you were beginning to break a sweat. Twenty, twenty one…
“Lass… what are ya’ doing?” Bofur's voice, usually friendly and jovial, was a low and cowering one. His question left the rest of the group quiet. You heard, but you didn’t answer. That would be for later when this was over. Preferably with a happy ending.
You moved to pinch Thorin's nose shut, tilting his head just slightly off the ground with the other hand tangled in his hair and breathed into his open mouth.
Any and all bewildered muttering was lost on the focus you had, to watch for any movement in his relaxed face.
You breathed again, and then bent over to listen. Nothing.
Now things began to get more grave than you’d taken them before.
You moved back to begin compressions again, this time pressing harder and deeper against his heart. You lifted a forearm to wipe the sweat gathering on your brow.
In your class, you were supposed to take turns, and rotate when one got tired so they could properly compress. But this wasn’t class.
Thorin was beneath the weight of your hands and his face was losing color.
“Come on… come on Thorin.”
You lost count after the 19th shove downwards, adrenaline kicking in and tears blurring the corners of your eyes as Thorin convulsed.
A warm hand settled on your shoulder above.
“Lass… he-” you smacked it away, anger bubbling in the pit of your stomach like fire that you spat out.
“No! No he’s not, n-not yet.”
Again, you breathed into his airway, heavy and even, like you were supposed to. You were doing everything right. So why wasn’t it working? Why wasn’t he breathing?
This was the quietest you had ever heard the company. Only birds and the sound of your exhausted, heaving breaths and choking sobs floating in the cool morning air.
You moved back to compressions, starting again, one, two, three. You were begging him, hysterically pleading his unresponsive body to kick start back up.
“Please Thorin. Come on.”
Now tears rolled down the apple of your cheeks, warm and bothersome and blinding, falling over your hands and his clothes. Your arms ached at the now desperate shoving against his heart. You looked pathetic, like a widow begging for scraps of Thorin’s lifeline, something to get him through. The ground dug harshly into your knees, bruising and irritating them through the pants as they dully scraped with each movement.
Twenty two.
You were slowing down, growing weary and tired from the work. But it wasn’t good enough. At this point, with the silent stares, you knew that even the ever stubborn dwarves had lost hope for their leader some time ago. And you had too, but now you were already getting past the twenty-fifth press down. Curse the lot of them, just staring down at you with pity as you sniffed and wiped the snot and tears from your face. And curse the beauty of the morning sun peaking over the mountains, so regal and beautiful, and staring down at the morose show of a sad little human weeping to herself.
“Please… please, God you idiot. Running down there like that.”
A cry frogged its way out of the back of your throat, raspy and gurgling. You lift his head for the third time, sniffed in and then pushed your shaking breath as hard as you could manage, pulled away, then back down to press your quivering lips upon his cold ones and-
A breath. Soft and faint, just barely there, and it slightly cooled the tears on your face.
You froze, staring down at Thorin to see his eyes twitch just slightly underneath their lids. Another exhale fled him, his time much more apparent, and his brows furrowed as he stirred awake. The gasps and shouts from the company, scrambling over and circling him like they did before to help him up as he came to.
“He’s alive!”
“A miracle! Bless the Valor!”
You lifted yourself from the ground, onto your feet, but the shock of your attempts actually working, and exhaustion, just left you to stumble backwards onto your butt, crying harder than before, in relief and joy, nonetheless sobbing like your life depended on it. You gave into the fatigue of your muscles, the tiredness from the adrenaline, and exhaustion from your sobs, and fell onto your back, covering your eyes with a forearm with the other limply laying on the ground next to you. Bilbo kneeled next to you and laid his small hand over yours, watching as the king was pulled to his feet and grimacing at the noises of his jovial party celebrating with shouting and laughing.
“You did it,” The burglar said quietly, just enough for you to hear. It wasn’t just amazement in his voice, but reassurance. Something to ground you, like the warm squeeze of his hand.
You trembled, breaths coming in and out with a shiver.
Thorin’s dazed when you slowly sit up off the ground to look at him, swaying about and being jostled as each excited dwarf embraced and jumped around him, and an arm shouldered over Kìli’s to keep his balance.
“You were dead.” Dwalin’s normally stony, hard-set face, was graced with the most horrified look you’d ever seen in your life, eyes widened and brows twisted upwards in awe. That seemed to settle everyone down enough, and shake Thorin from the rest of his stupor. Once again, the world around you was blessed with silence that you hadn’t gotten a taste of since you arrived. It was short lived.
“Dead?” Thorin asked, incredulous and confused.
“Ye’ weren’t breathing lad!” Gloin chimed in, “we thought you were gone!”
The king’s eyes narrow, and shift between the members of his party, blinking away a head rush.
“How is that possible?” The second set of words he’d spoken since he screamed Azog’s name. Thorin’s voice was low and rasping. He slowly turned, following the astounded, wide-eyed stares from the surrounding dwarves, boring into you like you were some God.
You sniffled, wiping at your reddened, runny nose with the sleeve of your shirt.
He lifted a jeweled hand to graze over his heart, where you were reviving him, just staring at the sad sight of your tearful eyes.
“She saved ya’, Thorin,” Balin’s voice is serious and somber, breaking the silence, “Brough’ ya’ back from near death. Mahal knows how.”
Thorin’s eyes grew sharp, brows furrowing and piercing into you, where you pulled yourself to sit on your knees. His fingers tightened around the cloth where his hand laid, clutching at his chest.
“You,” he gruffed, “You did this?”
“I-I… I didn’t know if it was gonna work.” Your throat tightened and squeezed. Great, even more tears flowed down your face. Thorin’s eyes held the same glint that made your stomach twist with embarrassment and shame. The least he could do is offer a nod of gratitude towards you. Instead, he tore free from the group, ripping his arm away off his nephew’s shoulder and stumbling towards you like a drunken fool, with thudding footsteps.
Dwalin calls after him uselessly, just hanging back and letting the scene play out.
When he stops in front of you, eyes firey and broad chest heaving breaths in and out, standing a few inches over where you’re knelt, all you can do is try not to look away. You’re glad you hadn’t.
A boa-tight grip took hold of your heart and tightened when you saw his features soften, worry lines and crow's feet disappearing in the appearance of a small, incredulous smile. His softened eyes lined themselves with the hint of tears catching like jewels in the morning sun. Thorin dropped down to his knees to meet your height in a hug that you could never have prepared yourself for. You freeze for a moment, completely dumbfounded. Thorin, fearless, merciless, King Under the Mountain was hugging, no, embracing you, with the force of a thousand winds and strength of ten thousand men, because he was alive, thanks to you. And you hugged him back, pulling closer than you already were, and grasping at the back of his shirt and cried into his shoulder. The dwarves cheered in excitement behind Thorin. Through the yelling and praise, you can hear Thorin’s low voice next to your ear.
“I cannot repay this deed. Thank you.”
You pull away to see the kindest, warmest smile your eyes had ever been blessed to lay upon. It knocked the breath from your lungs. The corners of his eyes and the arch of his nose wrinkled upwards. It suited his face much more than the cold and stoic stares he was prone to.
“I wasn’t sure you were gonna make it.” Was all you could huff out.
“Yet I did. I misunderstood you greatly.” Thorin wiped a tear from the side of your face, “You make a member of this group. My life is indebted to you. And you,”
He peered over your shoulder at a wide-eyed Bilbo Baggins, standing just past your shoulder. You helped him stand from the ground, arm linked in his to meet the hobbit.
“You nearly got yourself killed,” he slipped free from your arm, and started toward Bilbo, just as he did you. “Did I not say you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild?”
Your face fell, akin to Bilbo’s solemn look. He stood there, taking the string of insults like a punching bag.
“That you had no place amongst us?”
And then he pulled the hobbit in just as he did you.
“I have never been so wrong, in all my life.”
Your heart reeled, and this time you smiled along with the rest of the company’s rejoices, watching the surprised grin spread across Bilbo’s face. Thorin pulled away.
“I am sorry I doubted you.”
“No, no. I would have doubted me, too.”
A hand planted itself on your shoulder, and you turned to look at Gandalf and his sagely smile.
“You’ve made yourself quite the home in these dwarves' hearts, young lady,” he said. It was comedic, the way his silvery hair and beard dramatically blew in the wind, “Perhaps once this has settled, you stay with them. I think you’d find yourself more than welcome in Erebor’s Halls.”
You hummed in thought. The band of travelers were gathered on the edge of the plateau, looking out in the distance towards the peak of the Lonely Mountain, calling their name through the mist.
Thorin turned back to look at you over his shoulder with a gentle smile, and nodded his head to you in a silent thanks. The ghost of a blush spread across his face.
“I just might.”
(aaaaaah! what did you guys think??? :3 it feels wonderful to get a full fic out after so long, ive had this idea in my head for dayyys ugh 💔 please send me some requests loves, i'm in desperate need of some comfort fics! don't forget to reblog and like!! love yas! 🩷🌺🌸🌷💝💞)
tag list : @kumqu4t @tolkien-fantasy @blueberryrock @to-be-frank-i-dont-care @luna-xial @legolaslovely @fizzyxcustard @pistachiozombie @imaginexhobbit @beenovel
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months
Flower Crowns - Dwalin X Female (Baggins) Reader
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Title: Flower Crowns
Dwalin X Female Reader
Additional Characters: The Company, Ori, Kili, Fili, Thorin, Bofur, Balin, Oin (Mentioned), Bomber (Mentioned), Gandalf (Mentioned), Bilbo, Bard (Mentioned), Bard's kids (Mentioned), Alfrid (Mentioned), and the Mirkwood Elves (including Legolas and Tauriel (Mentioned))
Requested By: Anon!
WC: 5,252
Warnings: The Hobbit canon violence/weapons/death/etc, Reader is Bilbo's sister, misunderstandings, broody Dwalin, blood, injuries, nicknames, crying (brief), orcs, death, Ones, giant spiders, movie reference to a different movie (bonus points for those who get it), yelling, angst, and fluff
Trudging up the path with a woven basket of homemade muffins, you made your way up to Bilbo's home. You were a bit late. You were supposed to be at Bilbo's over an hour ago, but you had misjudged when you'd finish your muffins. And you knew how much Bilbo loved your muffins, so you were sure he wouldn't be too annoyed by your tardiness after eating a muffin or two.
Stopping at the door, you let out a small huff before knocking on the round door... Only to receive no answer. You frowned, furrowing your eyebrows before just entering. Pushing the door closed behind you, you heard voices from somewhere else in the Hobbit hole, confusing you even more. Had Bilbo invited others to dinner?
"Bilbo?" You called out, beginning to wander over towards the voices that quickly stopped after you spoke.
But before you could say anything more, Bilbo popped out into the hallway, rushing over to you. "Y/N, I believe we'll have to reschedule dinner." He spoke, rushed as he tried turning you around.
Your frown deepened as you twisted around in his hold, your eyes staring at the circular entrance of the dining room, "What do you mean? Who have you invited over?" Your curiosity was peaked now, and you wanted answers. 
"Nothing! No one! Lovely seeing you!" Bilbo exclaimed, pushing you backward towards the door, ready to get you out. But before he could, you ducked out of his arms and sped towards the dining room. 
You skidded to a halt at the entrance, eyes widening as your jaw dropped slightly. Bilbo sighed, rubbing his face with both of his hands before walking over and standing beside you. Eyes glued to the surprise visitors, you leaned over to Bilbo slightly; eyes unmoving from the surprise guests, "Bilbo... Why do you have thirteen Dwarves and a wizard in your dining room?"
And that was how you got roped into traveling alongside Bilbo, Gandalf, and the rest of the Company. Gandalf somehow convinced Thorin that having a second Hobbit would benefit the Company. And, unlike your brother, you wanted to go with them. You had read so many books about adventure and heard so many stories... You wanted to get out into the world and go on adventures that you had read in those books. 
During the first few days of the journey to The Lonely Mountain, you became friends with most, if not all, of the Company. Kili and FIli, for example - the two youngest members of the Company - took you under their wing. When Thorin allowed the Company to rest, they would teach you how to defend yourself. Most lessons usually turned into fooling around most of the time, despite Thorin's grumblings. Fili and Kili were fun people to be around. They never failed to make you laugh, which was welcomed when having to face orcs and goblins almost daily. 
Balin was like a father figure to you, always giving worldly and wise advice. Bomber often let you help in the making of breakfast and dinner. Ori, the sweetest of the bunch, would tell you stories, which you eagerly accepted to listen to every time. It gave you something to look forward to. And Oin, when free to do so, would teach you the basics of healing; showing you what herbs and plants worked best for certain ailments, which ones should be avoided, and so on.
You enjoyed each member of the Company's presence, but Thorin and Dwalin were the only two who hardly spoke a word to you. You weren't sure whether it was because they believed you didn't belong in the company, or because they were just not talkers. You hoped it was the latter.
But between the two, you really liked Dwalin. You liked his gruff demeanor - the brooding look on his face - and in addition, you really found him attractive. His muscular build, strong arm muscles, and dark hair; not to mention the tattoos on his arms - you wondered what their stories were. It surprised you, in the beginning, when you finally let the realization sink in. Even Bilbo, the only one that you had told about this attraction - you didn't fully trust Kili and Fili with the information - Bilbo was shocked, to say the least. 
Walking with Kili and Fili, you snatched up bundles of flowers as you went, weaving and braiding them together into a crown. You had already made one for yourself, and Fili and Kili were quite invested in your creative, colorful craft.
"Where did you learn to create such things?" Fili asked as he watched you bend down, snatching up another flower from the grassy ground.
You shrugged, tying off another flower, "In Hobbiton, of course, Fili, dear," You began, fixing some of the flowers before continuing, "In originality, my mother taught me." You finished, weaving another flower into the crown.
"How does one make such intricate designs?" Kili then asked, twisting the stem of a flower between his fingers in thought. 
You smiled back at him, "Well, it is quite simple, Kili, dear," You began, "You just have to braid the stems of the flowers together. Simple really." You answered, spying on Dwalin near the front of the line - just behind Thorin, you glanced over at the two Princes' beside you, "I'll be just a moment." You spoke before jogging over.
Your smile widened as you matched Dwalin's pace once by his side. Looking over and up at him, he didn't acknowledge your presence. It never bothered you, him ignoring you... You understood that Dwalin was not the type of person to just chit-chat, especially when there were bigger things to do and worry about. Lonely Mountain speaking. 
Finishing the flower crown in your hands, you offered it up to the Dwarf, a bright smile on your face. "I made this for you." You explained softly, the flower crown - made of yellow, white, and red wildflowers - sitting in your hands. 
Dwaling stopped, and so did the rest of the Company. You suddenly felt a wave of anxiety wash over you - all eyes on the two of you - watching as Dwalin slowly turned his head to look down at you, to the crown, and back. And for a moment, you thought that you saw something flash in his eyes, something that wasn’t brooding, determined, or angry. You swallowed, finding yourself unable to take your eyes off his, your ears and cheeks burning as he grumbled and huffed through his nose. You were confused, your hope and happiness dwindling - your hands lowering slowly - as Dwalin turned and continued walking. 
Fully dropping your hands to your sides, you watched him go; feeling completely rejected. You knew that it was stupid. It was just a flower crown... And yet, you still held onto it with all of your heart, clutching it tightly in your hand; unintentionally crushing the flowers beneath your fingers. What did you do wrong? You just wanted him to like you... Tears stung in your eyes, but you refused to cry in front of everyone. 
The rest of the Company soon passed you, some giving you sympathetic smiles, some patting you on your shoulder or back. Fili and Kili stopped beside you, Kili frowning softly, as Fili gave you a pat on the top of your head; careful not to disturb the flower crown on your head. 
"Don't worry, Miss Y/N," Fili spoke, "He'll come around."
Kili nodded, "I assure you, he will." He let out a small chuckle, but you knew he wasn’t laughing at you. That was just him.
You nodded, doubting, but saying nothing more as they turned and followed the group; Bilbo finally coming over. "I'm alright." You muttered, looking up at him. You knew that he was going to ask you if you were alright.
"I'm sorry, Y/N..."
You shook your head, "No, it's okay." You whispered softly, trying to give him the best smile you could give him to ease his worries, "I don't know why I am so caught up in this... I must understand that I'm not really everyone's cup of tea. Not everyone wants to be my friend. If he doesn't want to be friends with me... Then, that's alright." You explained softly. Bilbo stared at you for a long moment before you began walking, dropping the flower crown to the ground. 
The night was cold, the stars shining brightly down from the sky as you huddled close to Bilbo; next to the fire. It was hard to sleep, still not fully used to sleeping on the woodland ground, but you were getting there. And, soon, you found yourself drifting off to sleep.
Dwalin, on the other hand, having the first night watch, stared into the fire before him. It was quiet, aside from the fire crackling and the crickets chirping. Dwalin seemed to be lost inside his own mind, his eyebrows furrowed, and dark eyes narrowed in thought. Hearing a small grunt and feeling the log under him move slightly, Dwalin glanced over to see Balin sitting beside him. Balin hummed lowly, staring at the fire, rubbing the palms of his hands together.
"She didn't know, Dwalin." He spoke softly, not wanting to wake the others from their sleep, and only getting a deep mumble from his younger brother; at the mention of you, Dwalin's eyes flickered from the fire to your sleeping figure; curled up beside Bilbo. "She does not know of our courtship rituals. I should’ve told her more about our culture." Again, getting nothing from Dwalin, Balin continued, "She only wishes you to speak to her. You have hardly spoken a word to her since leaving Bilbo's home." He stared at his brother's side profile, "You can confide in me, brother."
Dwalin continued his silence, his eyes falling upon you once more. He was conflicted. Ever since he saw you enter the dining room of Bilbo's Hobbit hole, Dwalin had been unable to stop thinking about you. The way you moved and talked... Your features were sharp, yet delicate, your lips pouting, and your hair flowing. You were kind, bright, and soft; everything Dwalin wasn't. Dwalin was rough and tough. He had scars, he had seen death, and he had seen suffering. But, you... He had never seen someone as beautiful as you. You were different. Dwalin sighed deeply, looking away from you. He didn't know how to approach you; he couldn't bring himself to act on his feelings. 
But he knew that you were his One.
He knew the moment he saw you. 
Dwalin hated being vulnerable, and he hated admitting anything to anyone. So he sat, his jaw clenched tight, trying his hardest to fight his growing feelings for you. 
"She's my One." Dwalin found himself muttering, far too quiet for most to hear, but Balin heard.
A knowing smile graced his oldened features. "I presumed so." Balin spoke with a hum, "I can only... Advise that you should speak to her. She cares for you. I am sure that she would understand." Balin stated, before letting out a small sigh, standing, "Think about it, will you?" And with that, Balin found his sleep sack, rolling into it and falling asleep.
Dwalin stayed awake much longer into the night, contemplating his decision as he waited for Gloin to take over the night watch. His older brother's words echoed throughout his head, and with a deep gruff, he let his eyes stray from the fire; the light making his eyes burn slightly. His eyes flickered from around the woods that surrounded him, to the Company before finding the stars and the moon in the sky, and finally... Back to you.
You, in your sleep, muttered something softly, unnoticeable. He watched as you rolled to your side, shivering, your hand pulling the fur blanket closer to you. Dwalin's eyes lingered on you, his mouth slightly agape before he snapped his gaze away. Feeling a wave of frustration towards himself, Dwalin's gaze landed on his sleep role. 
The next morning, you woke up to a bright blue sky, filled with white, fluffy clouds. You let out a sigh, eyelids fluttering as you shifted slightly and let out a breath. You groaned lightly before freezing. Your fingers brushed against the fur blanket over you, feeling the coarseness of the material. It was warm. Very warm.
Your eyebrows furrowed; confused. You opened one eye, squinting at the bright sun that was peaking above the tree canopies. Slowly turning over onto your back, you sat up, looking down at the blanket... Or should you say... Blankets?
You stared down at the fur blanket, that was not your own, before flipping the fur up, spying your fur blanket underneath. This second fur blanket - which wasn't yours - was a deep brown color, with little bits of white. Who gave you this last night? Were you really that cold last night that one of the Dwarves had given you their blanket out of kindness or pity? You felt a sense of gratitude fill your chest. Looking down at the furry blanket, you couldn't help but let out a smile. 
Looking up, you let your eyes survey the small camp, hopping from Dwarf to Dwarf until they settled on one. Dwalin. A wave of warmth passed over you, watching as he packed his sleep role away and into his pack. As Dwalin stood to leave, he glanced over at you, meeting your gaze for a brief moment; before quickly darting his eyes away, going over to Thorin. 
You felt the corners of your lips twitch slightly, a frown threatening to form on your face as you looked at Dwalin's retreating back. Did he hate you? Did he find you annoying? All these questions ran through your head, but you only huffed, getting up from your sleep role. You were not going to let Dwalin's behavior towards you sour your mood. Today was a beautiful day, and you wanted to savor it. 
You couldn't see, and all you could feel was the feeling of falling. You felt as if you were wrapped in something. It was tight around you, almost suffocating. Anxiety washed over you, gripping your heart painfully as your lungs begged for air. But you could hardly breathe. You needed to breathe, but you were trapped. You clawed at the sticky white substance that surrounded you, trying to rip it and free yourself, but you were not strong enough. You felt like giving up, though you knew you couldn't, but as you clawed at the sticky film, you could finally hear what was going on outside of the cocoon. You could hear the Dwarves yelling, yelling about spiders. 
Before you could do anything else, someone from the outside ripped open your cocoon. You blinked rapidly at the slight change of light, finding yourself back in the creepy woods. A large hand reached out to you and you quickly grabbed it, the person behind the strong hand pulling you up with force. Stumbling slightly, you felt slightly dazed, the hand still in yours as you found yourself in a giant spider fight. 
As you stood amidst the chaotic scene of giant spiders attacking the Company, your heart raced with fear and adrenaline. Eyes unable to leave the giant spiders - tunnel-vision - you gripped the hand in yours; giving you slight reassurance. The air was filled with the sounds of battle - the clang of weapons, the hiss of the spiders, and the shouts of the Dwarves. You could feel the sticky strands of webbing brush against your skin as you dodged and weaved through the throng of arachnids. You felt gross and dirty; and for the first time since the start of this long journey to The Lonely Mountain, you missed your Hobbit home.
With each passing moment, the fight intensified, the odds seemingly stacked against you and the Company. Your wide eyes danced around you, trying to spot Bilbo, but you couldn't find him. You wanted to yell out, to shout, but as your mouth opened, no words came out. There was an odd buzzing noise in your ears, your heart was beating loudly in your chest; harsh against your ribcage. Only then, did you look at the person who held you so close to them. You thought it couldn't have been Kili or Fili, but you spotted the two Princes when you lifted your gaze. Looking down at the hand that held yours, you felt your racing heart freeze for just a moment; an auditable hitch escaped your throat, but you didn't dare utter a sound. 
Standing in front of you and holding your hand tightly in his own was none other than Dwalin. You knew it was him. You knew those tattoos. Trailing up his muscular arm, you were finally met with the side of his face. His expression was hardened as he held his weapon tightly in his other hand. Aside from the anxiety and nervousness that had overcome you, you were incredibly impressed. Dwalin, with one hand, fought off giant spiders, whilst also keeping you perfectly safe. 
At the sound of something coming from up in the trees, you looked up, watching as no more than two dozen elves jumped to the ground, taking out the last of the large, monstrous spiders from around you. One of the Elves spoke to another, you noted her red hair as they spoke in Elvish. You wished that you could understand them. Your awe of them quickly diminished when they drew their weapons, arrows drawn and at the ready; circling around you and the Company. Soon, they demanded your weapons, and before you knew it, all the Dwarves were weaponless. 
"What about her?" One Elven guard asked in a demanding tone. Your eyes lifted up, finding the guard staring down at you. "Hand whatever you have over instantly." He demanded, holding out his hand, only for Dwalin's hand in yours to tighten slightly, gently pushing you behind him.
"She bears no weapons, Elf." He spoke in his deep, gruff, disgruntled voice. The Elf stared down at Dwalin for a moment before staring right back down at you, with a sniff and a small 'humph' he turned away. 
The blonde Elf, the one that you believed to be in charge of the whole group, yelled out something in Elvish, and before you knew it, you and your Dwarven friends were being pushed along, being led to hopefully, not your doom. Passing Thorin, you looked at him with pleading eyes, "Thorin, where's Bilbo?" Only for your answer to be unanswered. 
Your hand never left Dwalin's, your free, unoccupied hand found his arm; the skin upon skin contact grounded you, allowing you to calm yourself ever so slightly. You finally took a chance to look around, finding the forest opening, revealing a stone bridge. Pillars, beautifully carved, gave way to the entrance of Mirkwood, the Elven Kingdom. You wished you had the time to admire the architecture of the kingdom, but, sadly, you did not. Before you knew it you were being tossed into a cell.  
A hand fell upon your shoulder, pulling you to the side, your hands falling from Dwalin's. "Dwalin!" You called out, trying to reach for him, but you were soon shoved into a cell. Stumbling over your feet, you braced yourself on the rock interior of the cell. Hearing the heavy cell door close behind you, you snapped your head up; feeling exhausted, mentally and physically, but you pushed yourself forward. Your hands curled around the bars, trying to look at the cells beside yours. The sound of the now-captured Dwarves - yelling and complaining. 
"Miss Y/N!" Fili yelled out, only a few cells away from yours, "Are you alright!?"
"I'm fine!" You called back, "Is everyone else alright?"
Most, if not all, of the Dwarves, replied with various 'ayes’. You sighed in relief, closing your eyes; the chill of the cell door refreshing on your forehead. 
Sitting on the floor - you felt the hours pass you by slowly - you pressed the back of your head against the wall; tired. "I wager the sun is on the rise. Must be nearly dawn." Bofur called out, his voice echoing throughout. Your eyes fluttered open, a yawn leaving your parched mouth. 
"We're never going to reach the mountain, are we?" Ori asked, sounding resigned, making you sigh.
"Don't fret, Ori, dearest." You spoke up, sounding a bit resigned yourself, but you were determined to keep everyone's spirits high. "We'll make it." You continued, looking out of your cell door, "We will." With that said, you stood up from the ground, wincing as pain shot through your legs. Looking down, you noticed a rip in your trousers that you replaced your usual dress with. Pushing the ripped fabric to the side, you then noticed a red substance that trailed down your leg; coming from a small scratch on your calf. "Well," You spoke up, clearing your throat. "I may have been slightly injured."
Simultaneously, the Dwarves began to talk. Their voices became louder, some with more worry and concern. "Miss Y/N, you are injured!?" You heard Fili call from his cell.
"Yes, tis but a scratch." You explained, hoping the Dwarves would stop fussing over you. You weren't a damsel in distress. You were strong, even with a bloody scratch. "But worry not, dearest Dwarves, it's nothing I can't handle."
"You won't have to handle it for long." You heard, eyes widening - mimicking your bright smile - as Bilbo appeared at your cell door, holding the keys. 
When you joined the Company on their journey, you did not expect that you'd trick goblins, climb bit trees, fly on eagles, fight giant spiders, and barrel ride down a raging river. This was certainly an adventure that you'd go through again, minus the goblins and giant spiders; you'd love to fly with the eagles again.
Somehow, you survived, floating down the raging river, your clothes all sopping wet, and river water dripping from your hair. As all of your barrels fell down a waterfall, you couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Behind you, you could hear the laughter of some of the dwarves. For a moment, you forgot about your injuries; and the exhaustion that was seeping into every fiber of your body. Your hands tightened your grip on the railing of the barrel, praying for it to not capsize or tip over, your fingers growing numb with cold. You tried desperately to ignore what was going on around you. Smelling the fresh air, and hearing the birds chirping above you, almost made you forget everything else.
But at the sound of a horn, you were quickly snapped out of your head, watching as the suited Elves began to shut the gate; the only way to escape. All joy, and a sense of freedom, flew right out of the window. You all collided with each other at the closed gate, you huffed, glaring up at the Elven guards before your eyes caught sight of an arrow flying through the air, and into one of the guards. 
"Orcs!" You yelled out, gesturing up at the guards, as the one that was shot fell into the water below; almost hitting you. "Why does it always have to be orcs?"
You dodged the best you could when dead elves and dead orcs fell into the water, along with dodging arrows, and over-confidant orcs that tried to swing at your head. 
You were about to call for Bilbo, but when you turned your head, you watched as your brother stabbed a sword into an orc, defending one of the dwarves. 
"Miss Y/N!" Ori cried out, making you look over to him, only for him to point above you. 
You looked up, your eyes widening at an orc - dead - began falling towards you. Unable to move, almost frozen in fear, you squeezed your eyes shut and shielded yourself with your arms, only for your barrel to be pushed back and out of the way. You opened your eyes, blinking them rapidly as the river water splashed in your face. Looking over, you just saw a glimpse of Dwalin turning back around. Despite the obvious danger that you were all in, you wondered what you could do for Dwalin since he had saved your life twice now. 
Turning your eyes to the side, you watched as Kili ran up the side of the stone top of the gate, you covered your mouth as an arrow flew through the air and hit him in the leg. Fili cried out of this younger brother, as Kili then opened the gate, and fell into an empty barrel. 
Falling down, yet another waterfall, smaller than the last, you pushed your wet hair from your face, only to grip the barrel with as much force as you could; the raging, white-foaming waters continued. Looking to your side slightly, you watched as Bilbo held onto a barrel, holding onto the sideway barrel, his own death-like grip. You felt a small bit of relief, seeing him safe. You, and the Company, continued down the river, and the longer you tried not to tip over and drown, the more you wished that you weren't in the freezing waters. 
Finally, the raging stopped, and the river was calm. Leaning over slightly in the barrel, you brushed your hands in the freezing water, moving your barrel forward slowly, but carefully. 
"Make for the shore!" Thorin yelled out, receiving some 'ayes' in return.
Pushing your barrel forward, you pressed your cheek against the rim of the barrel, your eyes drooping slightly as you continued to push yourself toward the shore. Your barrel soon hit the rocks, and you used the rest of your strength to get out of it, climbing up onto the rocks; completely soaked. You trudged up the rocks, wrapping your arms around yourself as you mentally counted those around you, counting fourteen. Mentally, you could rest.
Feeling a hand on your upper arm, you looked to the side, seeing your brother Bilbo. Just his presence made you give him a small smile, seeing the worry in his eyes. "I'm alright." You spoke to him, wanting to reassure him, "I'm just cold."
At the surprise of meeting Bard, the human, you sort of let your brain shut off. You felt your feet move as you followed the Dwarves to Bard's boat. You felt yourself sitting down in the corner next to Bilbo, and hiding from Alfrid, but you were far from the present. You were so tired, mentally and physically, that you let your mind quiet, letting yourself only fade back into the world you knew once you felt the warm fire at your feet.
"Wee lass hasn't spoken since the Elves." You heard a hushed voice, it was Bofur. 
You pressed your legs closer to yourself, staring into the flames. The clothing you were given, having been one of Bard's daughters, was warm; the fabric soft - your fingers toyed with the soft material. 
"Is she alright?" Ori asked worriedly, only for Bilbo to nod, crossing his arms. 
"She's alright. She had told me so." Thorin only gave you a short glance before turning back to Bard. 
Dwalin, with his arms crossed, turned to look at you, staring at your side profile. Glancing over at the table that Bilbo sat at, Dwalin said nothing, walking over to the table and grabbing a plate. Bilbo, in turn, watched as Dwalin filled the plate with a few potatoes, two small tomatoes, and a small slice of bread. 
Your eyes picked up the sound of heavy footfalls coming towards you, and at the sight of a plate coming into your field of vision, you moved your head to look up. As you looked at Dwalin, his face stoic as usual, you couldn't help but smile. Taking the plate, your fingers briefly brushed against his.
"Thank you, Dwalin." You spoke softly, but before he could slink away, you grabbed his hand, stopping him. For a moment, you thought back to when he held your hand so tightly - protectively - in the Mirkwood forests. "Thank you for saving me. Twice." You smiled at him softly, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. "And I apologize if I had anything to upset you, or make you uncomfortable." He glanced over at you, then down at your hand which was wrapped around his. He didn't remove his hand from yours, giving you the same squeeze that you had received from him earlier today. 
Dwalin stared at your hand in his, his jaw clenching before he looked back to you, his eyes softening. "You did not, dorzada." He spoke gruffly, “Eat.” He finished before leaving your side, your hand dropping from his. 
You looked down at your plate of food, your stomach grumbling and spinning, as your mind wandered. Picking up the slice of bread, you bit down on it, thinking about the word that Dwalin called you. You wondered what it meant. 
"Oin, stay with Kili." Thorin commanded as the rest of the Dwarves began to gather their things. Without being told, Fili stayed by his brother's side. 
"I want to come too." You spoke, grabbing a random weapon from the wooden table.
Dwalin quickly turned, staring down at you, "It will be too dangerous for you, lass."
You huffed, lightly glaring up at the Dwarf, "I have fought trolls, orcs, what have you." You pointed out, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "I want to fight."
"This is against us Dwarves and the dragon." He grumbled, his hand taking a hold of the weapon in yours. "You'll die before the beast does."
"I'm already dying anyway," You shrugged, looking back down at your weapon, "From the moment we're born, we're dying. So, what is the point? I want to help."
Dwalin breathed out of his nose as he took hold of your other hand, "No, no, lass, you are staying here, with Kili, while the rest of us fight."
"Are you telling me, or are you commanding me, Dwalin?" You asked, voice becoming soft as his eyes bored into your own. "Do as you wish then," You sighed when receiving no answer, letting go of his hands, "But please, do not die." 
Dwalin humphed, the corners of his lips just twisting up into a small grin, and for a moment, you were stunned. Dwalin was smiling. "Don't worry," He spoke. "I won't." His gaze softened, as he stepped back from you, "Be safe, lass." With that, he started to walk away, only for you to grab his arm and stop him. You didn't say anything else, merely pulling him close to you.
You felt him tense in your abrupt embrace before his one hand, not holding his weapon, circled you. But, it all ended too soon, as he pulled back from you, nodding to you before turning his attention to the group, as they set off to The Lonely Mountain. 
Your shoulders sagged when the door closed, a small pout upon your lips, "Do not fret, Miss Y/N," Fili spoke from beside his brother as you turned to look over at the four Dwarves - Kili, Fili, Bofur, and Oin. "They will return."
You let out a sigh, looking out at the window. A fuzzy feeling rose within your chest, and you couldn't help but smile to yourself. After watching them disappear into the distance, the sun went to sleep, "I know."
Main Masterlist | The Hobbit/LOTR Masterlist
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Always my beloved; Thorin Oakenshield x reader
*Author’s note*
For my first ever Thorin Oakenshield story I hope I did you Thorin fans justice with this sweet little oneshot. So @firestrike004​ thank you soo much for your patience and I hope you all enjoy this fic.  
Not really any warnings just injuries, some fluff, some angst (fairly minor but still some people need warnings).
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We knew the risk of going on this quest, but never did I think we’d come across the bane of Thorin’s family, Azog the Defiler.  We had believed he had died back at the battle of Azanulbizar from his wounds but low and behold there he was astride upon his infamous white warg.  We barely made our escape thanks to our burglar as well as the Great Eagles I had read so much about as a young dwarrow-dam.
Now we decided to take some rest to rest and for Thorin to recover.  The wounds from Azog’s warg were probably the worst I had ever seen and I’ve doctored warg bites before.  But thankfully with both mine and Oin’s help, my beloved should be back to his old strength within a few days.
Aye I did say beloved. Thorin and I are currently in the courting stage of our relationship, and have been for these past 5 summers. He had made a vow to me that once he would reclaim Erebor, we would finally be wed and I would rule at his side as Queen Under the Mountain.
Of course at first when Gandalf had persuaded Thorin to go on this quest, he wanted me to have absolutely no part in it.  In fact he had tried to send me off to live with his cousin Dain in the Iron-hills for safe keeping until the Mountain was reclaimed.  And being the stubborn female dwarf I am, I can be just as stubborn of not more than Thorin Oakenshield himself.
After some heated words, and even a fight to decide my fate, Thorin had kept his word that after defeating him in combat I had a right to go alongside the Quest.  In fact I was one of the first after Dwalin and Balin had agreed to follow Thorin.
I had just changed out Thorin’s bandages as well as flushed out any signs of infections before they could spread and cause his healing to delay or worse make him sick. As I returned to put my stuff back into the pack, I caught sight of Bilbo sitting down to some of Bombur’s stew. I walked over to him and asked.
“Mind if I join you?” he turned to me.
“Not at all (Y/n).” Hobbits truly were polite people.  Even back at his home when I was the only one out of the 13 dwarves to not to help myself to his food cabinet, he graciously tried to offer me something before one of the boys took it for themselves.  I took my seat next to him and he asked, “Do you mind if I—”
“Oh not at all Bilbo, please eat. Mahal knows we’ve been practically starving you since this quest began.” When we were in Rivendell and I caught Bilbo eating both dinner and supper within just a few short hours apart he had told me that Hobbits have seven meals every day.  I took it upon myself to first apologize for starving the poor lad and then when breakfast came that day, I had helped the Elves with serving something not only for the Dwarves but for Bilbo as well.
As he went to his stew, he took a few sips before looking around and whispered to me.
“How’s Thorin?” the lad truly has grown fond of my beloved.  Especially after what had happened along the Misty Mountains.
“He’ll live fortunately. Unfortunately for him, he’ll have to be put on bed rest for the next 24-48hours before he can even move. Warg bites are nothing to sniffle or chuckle at. And believe me getting Thorin to stay on bedrest is a challenge in on itself.”
“No doubt I imagine. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of it being Thorin’s wife.”
“If it hadn’t been for you, I would’ve been called Thorin’s widow.” He stopped his eating and looked at me.  I placed my hand on his shoulder and continued, “What you did last night Bilbo, it’s something that I can never truly repay you for.”
“There-there really is no need to repay me. I just did what anyone of you would’ve done. Though I don’t know why I did without no skill of a blade it was all just—”
“Instinct. I get the feeling. But I am grateful nonetheless my friend.” I patted his shoulder.  “And if you’re up for it later today, Bofur and I can show you a thing or two about fighting. Same with Fili and Kili.” He nodded.
“I do appreciate it (Y/n).” I smiled at him before standing up and went off to join the others for my own meal.
Truthfully I don’t know what I would’ve done had I lost Thorin last night.  He and I have known each other since we were young Dwarves in Erebor, my father being one of the King’s proudest and strongest fighters but was sadly killed when the Dragon took our home.  My mother tried her best but she too succumbed to grief leaving me with no family, till Thorin stepped up.
He helped support me when we worked in the villages of Men and when we were finally able to make a temporary home in the Blue Mountains, that’s when my feelings for him began to deepen.  And eventually he came to accept he felt the same for me and never did I think Thorin would ever choose a wife, he never really showed much interest in wanting to court anyone, not since we lost our home.
I reached up to the left side of my hair, brought some of the hair that rested on my back to the front but something was missing.  No it-it cannot be! I looked down at my hair and brushed through it with my fingers and couldn’t see the courting beads Thorin had braided into my hair.  Not only that but some of the strand felt uneven (particularly where the braid once rested).
My heart raced as I tried to remember where and when the last time I felt the braid was. Obviously it was still intact at Rivendell, the Goblin tunnels I still had it, when Azog attacked us and—oh makk an E ha’ak!  When I fought alongside Dwalin, Fili, Kili and Bilbo to hold off the orcs from Thorin before the eagles came, one of them must’ve cut my braid off without my knowing!
A million thoughts were racing through my head.  First it was to curse the orc that did this and that I vowed to kill them if they ever show themselves again.  But most of my thoughts trailed back to Thorin.  What would he say? How will he react? Will he still want to be my One? Will he be furious that I lost his courting bead?
In our customs, a courting bead is so precious and is never given away lightly (especially if your One is someone like Thorin is).  By gaining the bead you’ve not only come to accept your One’s feelings for you, but also accept a courtship and eventual marriage to bond the two of you into one. Losing it or returning it is like having your heart getting grind up, slammed with a forging hammer until it’s nothing but tiny little pieces and then returning the heart to the one who gave you the courting bead.
And never have I once undid the braid nor removed the bead from my hair ever since Thorin gave it to me.  Everyone knew where it lied and if they saw it gone……what would the other’s think? I was so focused on my thoughts that I barely registered that I had walked into someone. When I looked up I had seen that I had walked into Gandalf.
“Oh Gandalf, forgive me.”
“No worries my dear (Y/n).” he looked me over and continued, “You seem to be worried about something.” I looked around to see if any of the others were nearby.  When I saw that no one was within hearing range, I asked Gandalf to come closer to my height with my two fingers.  He knelt down and I whispered to him.
“I’ve lost Thorin’s courtship braid.” He separated from me for a bit as I further explained, “It must’ve been that orc I faced off against when Azog caught us along the Misty Mountains. Gandalf, what if Thorin takes notice of it? Or someone already has and will tell him?”
“Now, now my dear, let’s not jump to conclusions.”
“But Gandalf you know what courting braids mean in our culture. You know what losing one’s courting bead means? I—I can’t lose Thorin. Not again, especially not after last night. He’s all I have left in this world.” He placed both of his hands on my shoulder.
“Thorin may be stubborn but I know he would never do that to you. You both have been through far too much to let something like this be the final straw to divide you both. Remember it’s not just him that’s helped you, you have helped him as well.”
He wasn’t lying. After his grandfather’s death and his father going missing, Thorin was practically lost in how to help our people. Whilst I too, grieved over my father I also had to support Thorin for he was hurting just as much as I was.  We depend on each other and support one another, the other’s beacon of light in the dark mines.
“But how do I tell him Gandalf?” I asked uncertainly.
“You’ll know just what to say my dear girl.” I took a deep breath then exhaled.
“Okay Gandalf, I trust you.”
“And you’ve learned to never doubt it.” He gave me a soft wink before going on his way.  I took a deep breath before heading back to rejoin the others.
The day was spent helping Bilbo train with his sword, scouting out for Azog or his orc pack, and helping Oin with Thorin’s wounds.  Which was what was happening right now, I held onto Thorin’s hand as Oin was once again flushing out the slightly infected bites and stitching them back up. Thorin was tense throughout the whole process.
He never did like to show pain whenever he had to get patched up.  Said he was afraid that others would view him as weak.
“Alright Thorin, just continue to not move about so much and those wounds will heal up quickly.”
“Thank you Oin. I know I’m skilled as a healer but I am nowhere near your degree of knowledge.” I told him.
“Do not doubt your own skills milady.” He told me.  “We’ll be lucky to have you as our Queen once we reclaim the throne. The first Dwarf Queen to be skilled in the knowledge of healing that could be rivaled by the Elves.” Him saying that suddenly gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.  As much as I do trust Gandalf in his words from earlier, there’s still a lingering shadow of fear that’s clung itself onto my like a thorn that won’t come out.  He soon left Thorin and I alone and I heard my One say.
“He’s right you know.” I turned to him.  “Never before as a Dwarf woman been so knowledgeable about herbs, healing methods and skills as you have my beloved. Erebor will be lucky to have you as it’s Queen.” He cupped the side of my face, “My only regret is that it will take us longer to get there.”
“Your health is what we should be focused on right now. I would rather Erebor have a King in good health rather than poor or worse dead.” I brushed the long strands of hair from his face before I began braiding it.
“Every hour lost hasten Durin’s day.” I rolled my eyes.
“Thorin. Durin’s day is not going anywhere. It lies on the same day as it always does. Not a week before not a week after. As I said, I would rather have you in good health to rule at my side, than you pushing yourself only to make your health worsen. Even if I have to bind you to this tree I will.”
“Reminds me of the time when you did just that to get me to have me teach you how to fight. Is that how you intend on delivering punishments? Bound the prisoners to trees with your tight knots?”
“Only to those truly stubborn enough not to follow either mine or Doctor Oin’s orders.” We both laughed softly before I gave him a soft kiss.  I felt as his hand went from cupping the side of my face to going around the back of my head, right to where I knew he’d always like to stroke his courting braid.
I separated our kiss and quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from my head.  Immediately I could see the thoughts spinning in his head like a spider’s web.
“What is it (Y/n)?” he asked me.
“Nothing.” I quickly said.
“It’s not nothing. Never before have you stopped me from touching your hair.”
“I—I haven’t had the chance to brush my hair yet.” Even to me that was a pathetic excuse.  Thorin’s brow rose skeptically then he asked me.
“What’s really going on?” I sighed deeply and turned my head away from him.
“I cannot say.”
“Why not?”
“I just can’t.”
“(Y/n), amrâlimê.” He lifted my chin up to look into his deep blue eyes.  “What was it you once said to me when we first began courting?”
“That there should be no secrets between us.” I answered.
“So why are you starting now?” I sighed heavily, already feeling the wetness of tears forming under my eyes.
“I’m afraid.”
“Afraid of what?”
“That I’ll lose you.”
“(Y/n). These wounds of mine aren’t—”
“It’s not the wounds or in battle that I fear amrâlimê, it’s—” I took another deep breath before I took the section of my hair where he had given his courting bead and showed him how it was now gone.  As I expected his eyes widened in shock as he reached out for the cut strands of my uneven hair and brushed through them.  Almost hoping the bead would reappear along with the braid but it was gone.
“How long has it been missing?” he asked.  His voice stern as I knew he was trying to suppress his anger.
“I only noticed it this morning. My best guess is that it was the orc I was fighting with along the mountainside when Azog ambushed us. I’m sorry Thorin, this is my fault for allowing that foul creature to even graze my hair. I should’ve been more careful I should’ve been more aware of what I was carrying upon my head. I was careless, foolish and—” I was stopped by the feeling of his arms wrapped around me tightly.
“But you are not hurt, yes?”
“Then that is enough for me.” I separated our embrace and looked at him in shock, his eyes that were once filled with shock and anger now appeared soft and gentle.
“I don’t understand. Thorin, my courtship braid to you has been severed. Your courting bead lost forever.”
“Mere objects. A new braid can be made, a new bead can be strung into your locks. But there is only one you,” he cupped my face into his hands, his thumbs gingerly stroking the apple of my cheeks just above the strands of my own beard.  “And I could not bear the thought of losing you.”
“You—you still wish to court me?”
“You are my One, (Y/n). Who else would I want as my Queen?”
“I just…..I know how special our courting traditions and symbols are. I was worried if you took notice of your bead and braid missing that you—you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore.”
“Amrâlimê,” our noses softly grazed one another’s as we stared deeply into each other’s eyes, “I would rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. You are my One, and nothing will ever change that. As I said, I can give you a new braid, I’ll find you a new bead. A more finer bead once we reach the mountain and reclaim our home. But there is only one of you. And I would be a fool to let someone like you go.”
He then pressed his forehead to mine and I shut my eyes as I felt his love and strength enter me as our forehead remained together.
“I am sorry I doubted your love Thorin.” I said after awhile of silence between us.
“There is no need for apologizes. You are always be my beloved, no matter what the world gives us…..”
“We’ll always be One.” I finished our vows that we made for one another when we first began our courtship together.  He soon moved his lips over mine and once again we kissed.  
His hand going back towards the area where my braid once stood, and I felt his fingers softly brush through those strands of hair and I felt myself finally relax under his touch.
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bluebellhairpin · 2 months
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Thorin Oakenshield X Fem!Reader
Summary; With the dragon Smaug gone, you discover what remains - or, more accurately, what has been taken away.
Warnings; Thorin has the dragon-sickness and is generally an asshole. Implied non-canon character death. Reader is female-body-coded, uses she/her pronouns, and is Human.
Listening to; 'Burn' from Hamilton - "Your sentences border on senseless... They don't get to know what I said... You forfeit all rights to my heart."
Part 12 || Part 14
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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Everything was burning. Homes, buildings and lives. People.
It hurt that all you could do was watch, with the stone cold underneath you, and the wind making your tears feel like ice carving a river down your face. It was an ironic contrast, especially since your chest burned hot and ached with every breath.
You wondered why it still hurt. You felt calm, despite the distress before you, and you had rested enough from the fight with Smaug for your heart to have settled. But your chest hurt. Your lungs burnt with each breath and your throat was dry. You’d noticed before, how it seemed the closer to Erebor you got the worse it became. But you dared not bring it up, and now you couldn’t - Oin was will Kili, no one else would have answers like he would.
You were feeling so close to being sick - like properly throwing-up sick - because of what was happening both to the burning Laketown and Thorin. Oh, your dearest Thorin.
What was becoming of the Dwarf you once loved? You could only hope that he would get better now that the dragon had fled. Somehow you knew that hope was founded on shaky grounds.
You stared ahead, watching the distant walls of flames flicker like candles along a mantle place. You saw smoke rise into the dark night sky, glowing orange with embers. The dragon’s silhouette constantly swooped up and down, high then low.
With each pass Smaug made on the town you thought of your friends, Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bofur, and even Bard and his family. You hoped this would not be the pass to kill your friends, and at the end of each you waited - as if you would have felt it, but it never came. Only for the apprehension and hope to return once more with another path Smaug made.
You would’ve prayed they would make it out safely, if only you knew who to pray to.
The minutes felt like hours, and the hours seemed to drag on forever. As the stars passed overhead, and the very first signs of day drew near, a new kind of movement went across the town.
With a startled gasp, a pain in your chest sparked and you stumbled to your feet.
Beside you, Bilbo, who had yet to turn away unlike most of your other companions, likewise saw the shift - even if he didn’t feel it, or notice it in you.
“You saw that?” he asked, turning between you and the town. “The dragon, it fell.”
“The dragon died.” you said, fingers tight over the leather and furs over your heart.
“The black arrow. The Lords of Dale have finished what was started many years ago.” Then the burning, the aches, it all stopped. A peace which you thought would never return did - and it was like you were blessed with a whole new body.
“The dragon is gone!” Golin said, stepping forward on quite nimble feet to take a proper look at the scene before him.
“But the damage is done.” Dwalin lingered just behind you, scowling at the flames that still burnt.
“And now it’s dead word will spread. Those with good intent and bad will be swarming to the mountain.” you added. “I do not think a dragon is the worst thing we will see before we can finally call Erebor home again.”
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Enjoyed this chapter so far? Read the rest now over on Archive of Our Own! (Chapter Twelve Continues Here!)
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The Hobbit x baby elf reader (both male and female versions.)
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Age: newborn after the eagles saved them from Azog the Company meets one of the greatest treasures in Middle Earth who happens to be the prince/princess of a rare species of elves.
These are fanfics from my old wattpad account I had trouble with the verification process it won’t let me comment, post or reply so I had to delete it but I managed to start a new with tumblr I saved my fanfics from my old wattpad on the notes app.
Male version:
No one's POV:
The company of Thorin Oakenshield had continued their Journey to Erebor after Thorin had recovered from his injuries. As they are in an open field they are shocked to find what appeared to be a battle field, dead orcs, wargs and elves with normal and unusual hair colors. From the looks of it there were no survivors that is to the eyes of men.
They began picking up the bodies to bury the elves so they can be put to rest but doing so the sound of crying is heard, Bilbo walks over to the dead couple a she elf with silver hair and a fair complexion, holding her protectively was a male elf he assumes is her husband with midnight blue hair and a tan complexion. the crying seems to be coming from them, when he got closer he saw something moving through the she elf's arms "Ohh my." He said gently moving her arms to reveal a bundle of white blanket.
Bilbo managed to remove the bundle from the corpse but when he did so the crying got louder. He moved the blanket reveling to his, the dwarves and Gandalf's surprise a baby elf! A male elf to be precise he looked just like the male they assume was his father but his hair faded to pastel blue at the tips. When Bilbo held him the little boy opened his eyes to reveal that he had two different eye colors, one eye was the color of starlight while the other was the color of amethyst. Thorin was enhanced by those eyes that held so much innocence and curiosity within them. He was a sucker for children and he had heard that elves couldn't reproduce very often like dwarves and that they are very protective of their young like dwarves "By my beard! Your a pretty thing aren't you little one?." Gandalf asked picking up the child who was looking around in curiosity "We should take him with us." Thorin said "Even thought he's an elf he's just a child who just lost he's family." Dwalin said placing a hand on the elflings head earning a squeal from him "What's that on his wee neck?" Ori asked. Gandalf saw a gorgeous silver crescent moon necklace with a sapphire around the boys neck and gasped "A pendant of power. You are the prince of the moonlight elves my boy." Gandalf said holding the boy protectively making the dwarves gasp "I thought they disappeared centuries ago after the war in the first age." Balin said eyeing the necklace around the child's neck "The boy is more special then I thought." Dori said "I think the boy has a name though. Look at his blanket." Oin said pointing to the blanket. Thorin took the corner of the blanket to see a name Y/N engraved in F/C threading "Y/N I like it." Bilbo said smiling fondly at the elfling.
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Not wanting to waist anymore time the company continue their journey to Erebor with their newest addition in Gandalf's arms. The boy was a true angel, he slept the whole night, he was only fussy if he was hungry, needed a change or a nap but he seems to have a severe trauma with orcs after they killed his parents and the guards with them when they saw Orcs on the cliff side.
After they arrived at Beorn's home Y/N seemed to be fond of the skin changer dual to his size "Hello little fawn." Beorn said gently holding Y/N who was squealing from the butterfly on his little nose "Your very energetic Y/N." Beorn said letting out a deep chuckle. The company arrived to Mirkwood in order to get to Erebor but they had to stay on the path. Fili, Kili and Ori were watching Y/N with Fili holding him while the two brothers and youngest dwarf made you laugh.
All was peaceful until the spiders attacked.
Thorin held you protectively after Bilbo cut them all free but Bilbo was no where in sight anymore like he just disappeared and all Morgoth fell lose when the woodland elves came and killed the rest of the spiders and take them in for questioning "My prince they have a child!" one of the elves said taking you from Thorin "What are you doing with a child filth?" The blond asked taking you into his arms! When he did he removed the blanket to see to his surprise that your an elfling "DID YOU KIDNAPPED THIS CHILD?" He shouted to the dwarves upsetting you "Legolas please." A she elf with red hair said "I'm sorry little one." Legolas said gently cradling you thus calming you down "We shall move out." Legolas said carrying you "You have beautiful eyes little one." Legolas said "Look at his hair." A black haired elf said pointing to your midnight blue fading to pastel blue hair making Legolas look at it as well "So unusual." He said running his fingers through your hair while you just poked his cheek in curiosity like the innocent little bean you are "HE'S SO CUTE." A she elf gushed at you making you giggle at the attention you where receiving earning chuckles from the adult elves.
When you reached Mirkwood palace
you received more attention although you didn't like to many eyes on you so you whimpered "What's wrong little one?" Legolas asked hearing and seeing your discomfort "Oh it's ok little brother." He said with a smile 'I hope Ada will be gentle with him.' Legolas thinks to himself walking to the throne room after his father finished interrogating Thorin Oakenshield. Legolas stops in front of massive double doors with two guards blocking them, upon seeing him the guards bowed and opened the door for him. Once he was inside the Throne room Legolas sees his father. King Thranduil sitting on his throne with his signature bored expression until he saw you in his sons arms "That child." Thranduil said in awe getting up from his throne and slowly walking towards you and Legolas. He gently placed his hand on your head making you giggle from how big his hand is compared to your little head earning a small smile from the king as he gently took you from the prince "Where did you come from little one." He asked looking into your starlight silver and amethyst purple eyes until his eyes landed on your necklace "You are of the moonlight elves." He said holding it in his palm as you cooed at him until a growl came from your stomach making you whimper once again "Ohh don't cry little brother." Legolas said while a maid came in with a glass bottle of elks Milk in hand.
Thranduil takes the bottle and begins feeding you then burps you.
With your stomach full you fell asleep in the kings warm arms making him smile warmly at how tiny you are in his arms "Good night little star." He said gently kissing your head as he watches you close your eyes with a little squeak.
The next morning Bilbo managed to free the dwarves and grab you without the elves seeing him with help from his lucky (cursed) ring of course.
Long story short in Laketown Bard and his children love you, When Smaug attacked Sigrid held you the whole time, during the battle of the Five Armies you stayed with the Bardlings, after the battle everyone survives and makes peace, Thranduil adopts you as his new son after Legolas heads out to find Strider, Thorin and Thranduil mended the alliance between Elves and dwarves and as for you. You became the new prince of Mirkwood after Thranduil adopted you and everyone is wrapped around you chubby little finger.
Female Version.
No one's POV:
The company of Thorin Oakenshield had continued their Journey to Erebor after Thorin had recovered from his injuries. As they are in an open field they are shocked to find what appeared to be a battle field, dead orcs, wargs and elves with normal and unusual hair colors. From the looks of it there were no survivors that is to the eyes of men.
They began picking up the bodies to bury the elves so they can be put to rest but doing so the sound of crying is heard, Bilbo walks over to the dead couple a she elf with silver hair and a fair complexion, holding her protectively was a male elf he assumes is her husband with midnight blue hair and a tan complexion. the crying seems to be coming from them, when he got closer he saw something moving through the she elf's arms "Ohh my." He said gently moving her arms to reveal a bundle of white blanket.
Bilbo managed to remove the bundle from the corpse but when he did so the crying got louder. He moved the blanket reveling to his, the dwarves and Gandalf's surprise a baby elf! A female elf to be precise she looked just like the female who they assumed was her mother but with her father’s hair and skin and her hair faded to pastel blue at the tips. When Bilbo held her the little girl opened her eyes to reveal that she had two different eye colors, one eye was the color of starlight while the other was the color of amethyst. Thorin was enhanced by those eyes that held so much innocence and curiosity within them. He was a sucker for children and he had heard that elves couldn't reproduce very often like dwarves and that they are very protective of their young like dwarves "By my beard! Your a pretty thing aren't you little one?." Gandalf asked picking up the child who was looking around in curiosity "We should take her with us." Thorin said "Even thought she's an elf she's just a child who just lost her family." Dwalin said placing a hand on the elflings head earning a squeal from her "What's that on her wee neck?" Ori asked. Gandalf saw a gorgeous silver crescent moon necklace with a sapphire around the girls neck and gasped "A pendant of power. You are the princess of the moonlight elves my girl." Gandalf said holding the girl protectively making the dwarves gasp "I thought they disappeared centuries ago after the war in the first age." Balin said eyeing the necklace around the child's neck "The girl is more special then I thought." Dori said "I think the girl has a name though. Look at her blanket." Oin said pointing to the blanket. Thorin took the corner of the blanket to see a name Y/N engraved in F/C threading "Y/N I like it." Bilbo said smiling fondly at the elfling.
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Not wanting to waist anymore time the company continue their journey to Erebor with their newest addition in Gandalf's arms. The girl was a true angel, she slept the whole night, she was only fussy if she was hungry, needed a change or a nap but she seems to have a severe trauma with orcs after they killed her parents and the guards with them when they saw Orcs on the cliff side.
After they arrived at Beorn's home Y/N seemed to be fond of the skin changer dual to his size "Hello little fawn." Beorn said gently holding Y/N who was squealing from the butterfly on her little nose "Your very energetic Y/N." Beorn said letting out a deep chuckle. The company arrived to Mirkwood in order to get to Erebor but they had to stay on the path. Fili, Kili and Ori were watching Y/N with Fili holding her while the two brothers and youngest dwarf made you laugh.
All was peaceful until the spiders attacked.
Thorin held you protectively after Bilbo cut them all free but Bilbo was no where in sight anymore like he just disappeared and all Morgoth fell lose when the woodland elves came and killed the rest of the spiders and take them in for questioning "My prince they have a child!" one of the elves said taking you from Thorin "What are you doing with a child filth?" The blond asked taking you into his arms! When he did he removed the blanket to see to his surprise that your an elfling "DID YOU KIDNAPPED THIS CHILD?" He shouted to the dwarves upsetting you "Legolas please." A she elf with red hair said "I'm sorry little one." Legolas said gently cradling you thus calming you down "We shall move out." Legolas said carrying you "You have beautiful eyes little one." Legolas said "Look at her hair." A black haired elf said pointing to your midnight blue fading to pastel blue hair making Legolas look at it as well "So unusual." He said running his fingers through your hair while you just poked his cheek in curiosity like the innocent little bean you are "SHE'S SO CUTE." A she elf gushed at you making you giggle at the attention you where receiving earning chuckles from the adult elves.
When you reached Mirkwood palace
you received more attention although you didn't like to many eyes on you so you whimpered "What's wrong little one?" Legolas asked hearing and seeing your discomfort "Oh it's ok little sister." He said with a smile 'I hope Ada will be gentle with her.' Legolas thinks to himself walking to the throne room after his father finished interrogating Thorin Oakenshield. Legolas stops in front of massive double doors with two guards blocking them, upon seeing him the guards bowed and opened the door for him. Once he was inside the Throne room Legolas sees his father. King Thranduil sitting on his throne with his signature bored expression until he saw you in his sons arms "That child." Thranduil said in awe getting up from his throne and slowly walking towards you and Legolas. He gently placed his hand on your head making you giggle from how big his hand is compared to your little head earning a small smile from the king as he gently took you from the prince "Where did you come from little one." He asked looking into your starlight silver and amethyst purple eyes until his eyes landed on your necklace "You are of the moonlight elves." He said holding it in his palm as you cooed at him until a growl came from your stomach making you whimper once again "Ohh don't cry little sister." Legolas said while a maid came in with a glass bottle of elks Milk in hand.
Thranduil takes the bottle and begins feeding you then burps you.
With your stomach full you fell asleep in the kings warm arms making him smile warmly at how tiny you are in his arms "Good night little star." He said gently kissing your head as he watches you close your eyes with a little squeak.
The next morning Bilbo managed to free the dwarves and grab you without the elves seeing him with help from his lucky (cursed) ring of course.
Long story short in Laketown Bard and his children love you, When Smaug attacked Sigrid held you the whole time, during the battle of the Five Armies you stayed with the Bardlings, after the battle everyone survives and makes peace, Thranduil adopts you as his new daughter after Legolas heads out to find Strider, Thorin and Thranduil mended the alliance between Elves and dwarves and as for you. You became the new princess of Mirkwood after Thranduil adopted you and everyone is wrapped around you chubby little finger.
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lilxberry · 3 years
I Was Scared - Thorin’s Company
Requested by: @imaginesfire​
(I'll try and remember how this originally went lol)
A Company X Reader (female reader I think would make the most sense)
So the reader is from our world and she gets teleported into Middle-Earth, she lands in the woods near were the Company are camped for the night and they hear her land and go see what it is. They find her and think she's a boy, cuz she's from our world she has short hair and like dresses like a guy, she's too flustered to like correct them. She ends up traveling with the company and after a few days finds it too awkward to tell them she's actually a girl. So then like ages into their journey they find out she's girl. (I have a few tiny ideas of how they could find out, but I don't think they're that great so if you have the inspiration, I love your writing and think you could finish it beautifully!)
Honestly, I never read or write anything like this as I find some AUs awkward but that doesn’t mean I won’t try my hardest
This is really bad in my opinion since I just feel like I can’t write stuff like this quite well and I didn’t know how to go about the situation but I damn well tried lmao
I’m so sorry if it’s like so bad it’s unbearable to read ahaha
(If you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty terrible with titles lmao)
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Warnings: Language. Misgendering? Bad writing. Honestly, I can’t even think rn so I’m sorry if I miss anything warning-worthy.
Words: 2,974
Pairings: Thorin’s Company x Reader (female reader)
Feet pounding against the wet concrete as your ran down the pavement in the rain away from your attackers. Blood rushed to your head from the constant pushing of your bodies’ limits, your heartbeat thumping loudly in your ears.
Your lungs begged for oxygen of which you deprive them as you’re too preoccupied and desperately attempting to outrun, and hopefully, lose your assailants.
Rounding the corner gave you hope that they were finally slowing to a stop, no longer wanting to continue their pursuit, though you wouldn’t allow yourself to slow.
Too distracted with the idea of escaping, your foot caught on a raised section of the sidewalk causing you to trip. You were sent flying forward, your arms flailing before you, hoping to catch yourself or at least, soften the blow but you were unfortunate.
You came crashing down on to the hard, rain-soaked tarmac, your body smacking against it with such violent movements and the side of your head collided with the solid surface, bouncing off from the force it had met the pavement with.
Everything went black.
Your attackers rounded the corner, two larger, older men. You were nowhere in sight. Just an empty street with fluttering streetlights and rain pouring from the dark sky above. You just vanished and they could no comprehend where on Earth you disappeared to.
Growing frustrated, the men quickly gave up, infuriated that you’d slipped away without a trace.
“You lads here that?” Bofur whispered as he looked towards the woods, past the tree line, squinting in attempt to see what made the noise.
The others who sat surrounding the warm fire frowned and looked at the hat-wearing dwarf with confusion. The company had settled down for the night, setting their camp up within a small clearing between densely wooded areas.
“There wasn’t any sound, Bofur.” Balin, the calm, level-headed elder dwarf addressed.
Completely disregarding the older dwarfs’ words, Bofur stood, grabbing a hold of his weapon ready and slowly, cautiously began to tiptoe his way into the woods.
Many of the company began to call out in hushed, direct tones to the dwarf, though he ignored that of his name too. Near all members of the company grunted before standing to follow behind him closely and quietly, their own weapons in hand.
Pushing past the treeline, the creep their way towards Bofur who’s a couple paces before them. It appeared to the others that the fellow member of the company had spotted something that they couldn’t quite see yet as he picked up his pace considerable, disappearing behind a cluster of shrubs and bushes.
“BOFUR!” They called out once more, caution be damned.
They all raced towards the dwarf when they received no reply, weapons raised and loud yells. They burst through the grouping of greenery all slowing to halt when they see Bofur kneeled beside a body, one that was unmoving and dripping wet.
“Is he breathin’?” Gloin questioned, eyeing the still form that Bofur scanned with his eyes.
Bofur shrugged and moved to roll the body over to lay on its back. Once settled, they noticed the shallow rise and fall of their chest before exhaling in relief. Though, they were certainly still concerned about the massive gash on their head and the swelling around the now darkening skin by their left eye.
“Should we take them back with us?” Kíli asked.
Your head pounded as the bickering surrounding you slowly rose in volume.
“We can’t just leave the lad.”
“We have already delayed our departure long enough for this stranger.”
At first, you had been concerned that those who had attacked you had found you and taken but as you continued to feign unconsciousness, you had listened in on their conversation, noting how they seemed to talk rather peculiarly to what was considered normal.
“That doesn’t mean we leave the lad to die, it isn’t right Thorin.”
That had caused for you to furrow your brow subtly, wondering who they were talking of.
“You’re willing to possibly throw away the only chance that we have of reclaiming our home, our rightful home.”
Soon, there was an uproar of voices, now informing you that there was a hefty number of strangers in your vicinity. It made you feel ever so slightly uneasy. As voices loudly spoke over others, the volume of their disagreements becoming unbearable, you had begun to “wake up”, groaning and slowly sitting up.
The group fell into silence, and all turned to watch you. With wide eyes, they observed you as you slowly cracked your eyes open, narrowed at the harsh light of the morning sun.
Turning your gaze to scan across the group, you found an odd sight. Men, the size of children, all peering at you with different expressions worn on their faces. Your head tilted towards the side involuntarily and your face expressed easily how confused you were.
“Are you alright, son?” An old, kinder gent questioned.
You opened and closed your mouth repeatedly, desperately trying to find the words to ask what the actual fuck was going on what your voice failed you and all escaped you was a strangled, pathetic groan like sound.
A balding, younger looking man grunted in frustration. He was possibly the tallest of the bunch from what you’ve been able to gather from the short amount of time you’ve observed them.
“Can ya’ understand us?”
Nodding your head to his question in response seemed to put some of them at ease while it seemed to have ticked some others off further. One of the men stepped closer towards you, an irritated look on his face. He oozed qualities that of a leader would possess. His posture alone radiated authority in high amounts.
“Can you fight?”
You frowned before shaking your head causing his scowl to deepen.
“Then we have no use of you.” He turned towards the other and in a commanding tone, he spoke his orders. “Everyone prepare to leave.”
Just as he rounded the group, the elder man who had asked if you were alright spoke up. “We are not leaving the lad to die. I won’t allow it.”
Some of others stood behind the elder man, showing their support of his idea to not abandon you and leave you to die. The long-haired brunette turned to face the small group once more, his face scrunched up in an effort to contain his anger than was certainly growing by the second.
“We are leaving now, without him. Do not try to defy me, old friend.”
Your defender crossed his arms over his chest, and he continued to be defiant against his apparent leader. “Then you will have to continue without.”
The others who stood behind him in support seemed hesitant but eventually nodded their head to display that they will stand with him.
The leader sneered before turning his burning gaze towards you. “You get in the way, even once, and I’ll happily leave you to try fend for yourself.”
Without any input from yourself, it was ultimately decided that you would join them on their journey. Honestly, you were quite pissed that they had made the decision as if you were not present and without asking what you wanted, but you supposed it was better that being left all alone in a place so unknown and foreign to you.
The older dwarf that had strongly defended you had smiled and introduced himself to you as Balin before instructing you to stand and prepare for a long walk ahead.
You inwardly huffed but did as he said, it was the least you could do.
In the days that followed, you slowly learnt and memorised each of their names. They had asked for yours but being the dumbass you were, you had opted for telling them you hadn’t remembered.
You had also chosen to remain quiet when it came to correcting them, notifying them you were in fact, not a man. Although, you couldn’t entirely blame them. From the way they dressed and spoke, it seemed a female with short hair was something unheard of around here.
It felt awkward with trying to explain you were a woman, especially after they had so adamantly thought you were a man. So, you continued to allow them to believe you were as male as they were.
Early on within your travels, you had also learnt of where exactly you were. Middle-Earth. In all truthfulness, it almost sounded as if it were some kind of fictional world. They informed you of what they were doing, where they were going, and exactly what they were. They explained each and every race one could possibly come across here.
Days turned into a week. In that time, you had slowly been taught to at least handle a weapon. Of course, you were simply familiar with a swords’ weight and how to swing the thing, nowhere near as skilled as any of the others.
Even Bilbo had more knowledge and skill with a weapon than yourself.
The old wizard called Gandalf had soon joined back up with the company halfway through and, when asked who you were and when you were from, you answered just as you had when any other had questioned you. You couldn’t remember. Although, Gandalf smiled at you knowingly, as if he knew all there was to know about you, that he could see straight through your fibs. It unsettled you ever so slightly.
You had been considerably lucky with concealing who you truly were, barely allowing a paragraphs’ worth of information. But your luck was soon to run out.
Night had fallen quickly, the company already settled around the fire they were quick to bring to life, now burning brightly and emitting a comforting warmth you wish you could sit beside for an eternity.
The food was quickly to be whipped up and served, everyone scarfing down the food as quickly as their bodies would allow. The only ones exempt from this would be Bilbo and Gandalf, being quite well mannered in such ways.
Even you couldn’t help eating in such a hasty way.
With everyone’s stomachs full of the meal as hearty as something a traveller could put together, the company had a new thing to accomplish on their agenda. Bathing.
The moment the topic even arose had caused a small, internal panic within yourself. You couldn’t bathe with them. One, you were a woman amongst a group of men. Well, dwarves, a Hobbit, and a wizard. And two, if you were to join them, which you wouldn’t, your secret would surely slip loose to the company anyways.
Of course, finally allowing yourself to be truthful with them would be an over cumbering weight lifted from off your shoulders, but you believed you’ve gained the respect from some and you certainly don’t want to lose it, not from your lack of honesty or from the fact that you’re a woman.
As the majority stood to race down to the flowing stream nearby, you stayed seated, curling further into yourself, desperate to hide away from them.
“You joining us, lad?” Balin called. He had been a saint to you ever since the moment you had awoken that long week ago but right now, you could curse the old dwarf.
“Nah, ‘m alright. Don’t really need to clean up right now.” Your voice was deepened on purpose to keep the illusion up of being like them, male.
Fíli popped up from behind you and made a show of sniffing you loudly and pulling a face. “Are you sure? You smell like you could do with a wash.”
The others chuckled as your jaw clenched in an effort to try ignoring his comment and in an effort to not allow his words to offend you. It did.
“C’mon lad, its not like we ain’t gonna see what we haven’t seen before,” Dwalin quipped.
Scoffing inwardly, you huff quietly to yourself in a sarcastic tone. “You’d be surprised.”
“What was that?” Kíli was now the one to jump on in winding you up, in the mood to tease you. It was evident in the way his face held a mischievous smirk.
“Well, if ya won’t willing come, I guess we’ll have ta’ drag ya down!” Bofur exclaimed before he and a couple of the others gasped a hold of your limbs which were quick to flail about in protest.
You wriggled in their grasp as your panic increased by tenfold. The deepened voice you had been feigning began to falter as you scream and shout in protest. “N-No! Stop! PUT ME DOWN!”
The all chuckled at your fruitless attempts to escape their grasp. The sight of the lake froze you for a short moment before you began to excessively begin to escape their hold one more, your legs kicking and arms swinging about violently as much as their restraining hands allowed.
“Don’t ya worry, lad. You’ll feel better after ya bathe. I’m telling ya, right as rain you’ll feel,” Bofur spoke in what you assumed was an attempt to reassure you. It did nothing of the sorts.
You all reached the edge of the riverbank, the water still relatively deep against the muddy ground below. “Please. Please don’t! C’mon, don’t do this-“ You were cut off by your own girlish squeal of surprise as the tossed you, you body making a loud splash when it hit the water.
Moments passed by where the company roared in laughter, which only increased in volume when you came up out of the water, coughing and spluttering.
You glared at the company as you stood at your full height in the water which was most likely not as deep for you as it would be to the dwarves and the Hobbit. You allowed them a few seconds longer to laugh before your gaze darkened and you began your verbal abuse towards the company.
“When someone tells you not to do something, YOU LISTEN TO THEM!” The deepened tone you had been using the past week had disappeared and now, stood there, drenched from their childish antics, a deathly look cast along your face, you appeared more as a mother scolding their young or a wife pissed off with her husband.
“Uh, what happened to your voice there, laddie?” Gloin spoke, his face holding just as much confusion as that of the other members.
The certainly knew you had a foul mouth on you but even the most brash, drunkest dwarf would be appalled by your language. They gaped at you, each and every one of them except from Gandalf, who watched in amusement.
Oin stepped forward, spluttering slightly, not happy with how you were speaking towards them. “Now, hang on lad-“
“DO I SOUND LIKE A ‘LAD’ TO YOU?” Even though your question was rhetorical, majority had shaken their heads sheepishly in response. As you had yelled at the group, you had subconsciously stepped out of the water and now stood on dry land along with the others.
A pregnant silence befell the group, your heavy breathing was heard as clear as the water you had just recently emerged from. You allowed yourself to calm down during the lengthy pause between speaking.
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
Thorin broke the deathly quiet atmosphere, sounding on the verge of an outburst of anger. The others all sort of hummed and nodded as if the leader had a fair point. Honestly, he did. Your breath hitched in your throat and any and all confidence you had felt due to the adrenaline vanished, leaving you an anxiety ridden mess.
You swallowed thickly as your eyes flitted across the many faces of the company. “I-“ Your voice was shaky and it broke as you spoke. “I was scared…”
Sounding so vulnerable and broken allowed the many faces of the company to soften and look towards you slightly concerned.
“Why?” Fíli asked softly.
You shrugged. You honestly couldn’t think of a plausible excuse where you didn’t sound completely ridiculous. As your head was lowered, you missed Bombur moved towards you and place a comforting hand upon your trembling shoulder.
Sniffing, you looked up and sent him a small smile, but it soon fell, and you couldn’t help the tears escape your eyes. “I don’t know how I even got here; I was afraid you would just leave me if you found out the truth.”
“We wouldn’t have left you,” Thorin said.
Swiping at the tears falling down your cheeks with the back of your hand, you looked up at him and mumbled. “But you said-“
“I know what I said. But I still wouldn’t have allowed us to leave you behind. I’m not entirely heartless.” His tone was light-hearted and ever so slightly teasing at the end, causing a watery chuckle to escape you.
“Get cleaned up, lass. We’ll keep watch and we’ll wash after you’re done,” Balin offered, the others smiling at you and beginning to turn and leave to offer you some privacy.
Just before the moved too far away from yourself, you called out to them. “Thank you. And it’s Y/N.”
“Well, get’a move on, Y/N. We do still want to bathe ourselves before we sleep,” Dwalin called, making everyone laugh loudly.
You smiled as you watched their backs as the retreated a safe distance away from you. Maybe Middle-Earth wasn’t so bad.
Oh boy this is bad lmao
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Anywho, I hope you enjoy
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theblogofdurin · 3 years
|Script Style One-shot|
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Pairing: Kili x Fem!Human!Reader
(Lots of female pronouns and titles. I promise to try to write more neutral stories.)
Disclaimer:-> A/n: This is a script style story, inspired by a scene in this amazing Turkish show on Netflix, that I've been hooked on for the past week called 'Resurrection: Ertugrul'.
The scene I'm referring to is a proposal scene with Dogan Alp and Banu Cicek, it's so cute and sweet. I immediately fell in love with these two story. From the scene, I took a couple of my favorite lines, so credit to the shifting writers for that.
I highly recommend the show to anyone wanting a show that is high paced with both action and drama. 
word count: 1,090
warnings: mentions of love and the Dwarf God, Mahal
Set in the following days after the BOTFA->
{Fili walks up behind Kili as he sit at the fire, that Bombur and the others had set up near the front entrance. }
Fili: "What's wrong?"
Kili: "It's nothing Fi. "
Fili:...*raises eyebrows*
Kili: *sighs*"Even if there was something, you couldn't help."
Fili:" Let me guess…"
Fili: "Does this have something to do with this human friend of ours and that little old bead that's been in your pocket for ages". 
Kili:....*looks down*...
Fili: "Just tell her how you feel brother."
Kili: "I can't! That's the problem. Every time I get near her, my tongue gets all twisted and my brain turns to mush. "
Kili: "It doesn't matter either way, it's not like she would accept a proposal from a dwarf anyway. "
Fili: "How do you know?"
Kili: "Know what?"
Fili:" That she'll deny a proposal from a dwarf. Do you really think that low of her? "
Kili:"....That's not what I meant. I just don't know how she'll react."
Fili: "Exactly my point brother, How can you know if you never ask? "
Kili: "….what if she says no?"
Fili: "Then she says no and you move on, because that's how life works, Ki. It isn't always full of yes's. Sometimes you have to hear a no before something or someone can say yes. "
Kili: *huffs* "When did you get so philosophical?"
Fili: *bumping his shoulder* "When did you  get old enough to love?"
Kili: *smiles sadly*
Fili:"...Wait, did you ask Uncle about this yet?"
Kili:...*small quick nod*
Fili: "Before even mentioning it to me!" *punches Kili shoulder*
Kili:*gulps*" If it makes you feel any better. He tried to have the 'talk' with me again and embarrassed the both of us."
Kili: *smirks back and pushes his shoulder* "whatever."
Kili: *sighs big* "What would I even say? I can't just- "*waves hands in the air sporadically*
Fili: *pushes Kili hands down* "Ok, ok I know what you mean." *visually thinks for a minute*
Fili: "I got it! *turns to sit facing Kili* " You can say something like-" * places his hands on over his heart*
Fili: "Your honey stroked glances have pierced my heart like an arrow. Your blushed cheeks make rubies pale in comparison. ."
Kili: “ That's...actually not bad.”
Fili: “See! I have some knowledge when it comes to love, brother.”
Kili:*mumbles* " honey...pierced arrow…rubies pale.." *looks over at Fili, who nods encouragely *
Fili: ….*rubs at his eyes suddenly*
Kili: "What?”
Fili: "My little brother is all grown up .*sniffs*:(
Kili: “Don’t make me throttle you.”
{In the small healing tent outside Erebor that Oin set up to help treat the wounded after the battle. It is mostly empty now, for it was late and the rest of the critical wounded were being treated in Dale. There were only two left inside as the day ended.}
Oin: "Now remember to wash your whole shoulder before applying the salve. It won’t do any good with dirt in the way. "
Y/n: "I will, thank you again Oin, I truly appreciate it ."
{Tent flaps quickly opens and Kili stumbles in}
Oin: *glances at the two of you* I have other patients I need to attend to. Now remember to do everything I told you. 
{Oin grabs his small med bag and scurried out of the tent }
Kili:*clears throat* "How’s your wound?"
Y/n: Oh, it’s fine! With the stuff Oin gave me, it should get better soon. Thank you for checking in. "
Kili: "That's good!...That's good..."
{A few beats of silence}
Kili: "Y/n I have something to tell y- I mean, ask you."
Y/n: *nods softly as she raises an eyebrow*
Kili: *deep breath* "Your arrow glances have pierced my heart like honey. Your rubies cheeks make blushes pale in comparison."
Y/n: "Kili what are you saying?"
Kili: "I don't even know." * shakes his head, angrily* "Fili."
Y/n:*laughs softly*
Kili: *mumbles* "help me mahal"
Kili: "I may not know what to say but I do know that." *Swifts his posture to stand taller as he looks up*
Kili:" I want you to be my wife...….eventually...I mean I want to court you Y/n.  Then I want to marry you.....and I want you to accept me...as yours."
Y/n:*looks down at the small bottle in her hand and smiles softly as she looks at him*
Y/n: "if what you say is so....then"*takes a small step forward grabbing his hand to hold in hers* "I shall be your life, and the cure to your troubles. For now your arms shall be my palace and your life shall be my heaven."
Kili:"......." *frozen with a dumbfounded expression*
Y/n: "Kili?"
Kili: "........" *still frozen*
Y/n:" Kili?" *gently slaps him across the face*
Kili:*He shakes his head and swallows deeply*
Y/n: "Thank God" *smiles shyly as she looks down at the bottle in her hands again*
Kili: "I..I could not understand."
Y/n: “umph?”
Kili: "I asked you if you wanted to be my wife and you said yes, right?"
Y/n: *nods* "Yes."
Kili: *starts to smile big* " I asked you if you wanted to be my wife and you said yes. So you are going to let me marry you?"
Y/n:*laughs softly*  "Yes, Kili."
Kili: "MAHAL!!!" *grabs and spins Y/n, both laughing*
Kili:*abruptly puts Y/n down* “I have to go tell the others!”
{Kili runs out of the tent, Y/n just stands there as a giggle leaves her lips.}
{Kili runs quickly back into the tent before Y/n could move}
Kili: “You said yes, right?”
Y/n: “I said Yes” *nods*
{Kili smiles broadly, as he rushes up to Y/n. Gently resting his hand on the back of her neck, bringing her head down to press her forehead against his. }
Kili: “You have no idea how happy you just made me.”
{Moving slowly, replacing his forehead with his lips. Kili and Y/n both closes their eyes in contentment}
Kili: *Whispers* "Maralmizu ( I love you )"
Y/n: "I don't know what that means" *giggles quietly*
Kili: *still smiling* "I believe you do."
{Smiling goofy at each other, Kili softly pulls away to run back through the tent door. }
Kili: *echoing against the entire valley* "BLESS YOU!! MAHAL!!!"
Tag list for Kili related posts are now open!:
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
I would be honored if you could do an imagine for Fili crushing on someone who went on the journey with the Company. He thought she liked his brother, but after seeing him with Tauriel, Fili feels like he has a chance and offers everything to make her as happy as he thought she would be with Kili. Lovely fluff and some misunderstandings with everyone living because IF I CAN'T SEE CANON THEN IT DOESN'T EXIST
Mixed signals, Fili Durin (platonic Kili x reader)
what do you mean they don’t usually live???? Idk I always skip the last half hour of botfa. If I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist.
Ahahah I got taken away a bit so it’s a long request. Sorry….
Headcanons, female s/o
Tw: misunderstood feelings, mention of injury and blood, tiny sprinkle of angst, fluff, Kili being a lil shit, Fili being jealous, few mentions of Y/N I’m so sorry.
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- This man is whipped for you. I posted a request similar to this one yesterday, and I feel like it says enough.
- The moment he sees you, he knows you’re his One. Yet, he can’t allow himself to show you. His brother wouldn’t shut up about it and besides that, after Erebor was to be reclaimed, he had to marry royalty in order to form an alliance.
- But Thorin wasn’t blind. He has seen the look in Dis’ eyes many times before. He had seen his sister find her One, so it came as nothing out of the ordinary when he witnessed his nephew do the same.
- And this is pre-dragonsickness. Back when Thorin was all “I hate everyone but I guess I have to keep up with these two idiots so I’ll tolerate them.”
- And he wanted to grant Fili the opportunity to be with his One. He had even told him to simply go for it.
- But Fili was a bit insecure. When you met him, you didn’t seem taken away in any way. It was almost as if it had only been him who was in love.
- And with that, you had grown remarkably close to his brother, Kili. You two joked around all the time. You sat together during the evenings, Kili would help you up on your horse/pony, he would take offer your watches and he even let you hold his bow and arrow. That is basically dwarven language for “I love you and I wish to court you” or “I love you and I’m so glad to have you in my family.”
- What Fili didn’t know is that Thorin told Kili about you being his One. But instead of teasing Fili about it, Kili had made it his duty to agitate his brother so much that he would have no choice but to confess to you before Kili would sneak you away.
- For your information: Kili had no intention of sneaking you away. He just wanted to make it look like it for Fili, and, lucky for him, you had just been going along with it subconsciously.
- But it did not agitate Fili. It made the poor lad confused and tired. You were showing so much affection and endearment to his brother that he felt like he could never compete. Even though Kili had never been attractive in dwarven standards, he knew his way around women. And seeing someone finally pay attention to him, made Fili happy for his brother.
- And Kili just kept up with the act. He was oblivious to what his brother was feeling. Thorin had quite specifically told Kili not to tell his brother, and for once, he didn’t. But when days turned into weeks, Kili made more advances. Not in any way uncomfortable for you, but they had been a step further.
- He would let you rest against him during night shifts, he would let his hand linger on your waist when he helped you get onto your horse/pony. This sneaky bastard even managed to toy with your hair.
- Fili grew absolutely devastated at these moments. He had distanced himself more and truly felt as if his One had been taken away and he would die alone.
- But then Mirkwood happened. It was obvious to Fili that his brother had taken a liking on Tauriel, the female elf that saved him earlier. You had been passed out of exhaustion in your cell, not paying attention to your surroundings anymore.
- And that was when Fili finally decided to speak.
- “What are you doing? I thought you liked Y/N and now you’re flirting with that elf? You can’t treat her like that!”
- And now Kili was confused.
- “I thought you liked Y/N?” He had questioned, not even knowing whether his uncle had been lying to him or not.
- “That doesn’t matter. What matters is, you can’t just run around-“ but Kili had already cut him off. “It does matter. Because Y/N isn’t my One. I’m not attracted to her!”
- And now Fili was dead silent. He had been contemplating on whether to act furious or taken aback. In reality, he had been a bit of both.
- “You don’t like Y/N?” Fili asked, nearly insulted.
- “I was only trying to agitate you. Uncle said she was your One but that you wouldn’t confess.” Kili admitted finally, knowing that keeping the act up any longer wouldn’t work.
- “So you tried to beat it out of me?” The only response the blonde got was a quiet hum.
- “You thought I would take away your chance of happiness?” Fili wondered aloud, his anger now showing more clearly. “Well, not if you put it like that-“ “How else am I supposed to put it?”
- With those words, the space grew quiet. One more question lingered on Fili’s mind, and he had to ask it.
- “Does she know you don’t like her?” A short pause was heard from Kili before he responded. “She does. When we grew closer she told me she wasn’t attracted to me and I told her she wasn’t my One.”
- A sigh of relief came Fili’s way, but his brother kept on talking. “She grew all confused by the concept of ‘Ones’. Had to give her a whole history lesson. She thinks it’s adorable. I’m sure she won’t reject you.” With those words, Fili’s ears pricked up.
- “How so?” “Because every time we are together, she won’t stop asking me about you.” Fili never thought someone could ever bring him more butterflies than when you smiled at him, but as Kili’s sentences reached him, his stomach felt all light again.
- “At first I thought it was because you were ignoring her, but I quickly figured out that wasn’t the case.” Kili shot a quick look his brother’s way, even though he had been in a cell on the other side of the hall. “She likes you, she really does. She’s not as good at hiding it as you are. If you ask her to court you, she won’t say no.”
- Fili had spent the entire night pondering over his brother’s words. Even as they escaped the dungeons and took the boat to Laketown, his anxiety bubbled up.
- But as soon as the orcs entered the city, reality sunk back in. They had been on the run while simultaneously claiming their homeland. There might be a chance neither of you would make it. And it terrified him.
- As you were busy holding off the orcs in Bard’s home, Fili had been right beside you covering your back. He knew asking you to court him would require more steps. Up until this moment you had only held a handful of conversations, but Fili was running out of patience.
- “When all this is over, I need you by my side.” He told you quickly, his voice heavy as he fenced off the attackers. You grew confused at your words, yet your actions did not falter one bit. And it only made Fili more attracted to you. How you maintained yourself on a battlefield, yet somehow managed to hold that perfect look. It could quite easily take his breath away.
- “But I am by your side.” You answered, not catching his meaning, thinking it had been too good to be true.
- “I mean by my side at Erebor. When we reclaim the mountain. Will you stay with me?” Upon your silence, Fili tried explaining his speech. “I know asking you to court me requires more steps but we might not have time for them anymore. I need you to stay with me. We can do all these steps afterwards, I promise.”
- You cast him a quick look before giving him a sincere nod. “I’ll stay with you.”
- And that is exactly what you did. Upon finally arriving at the mountain with the four dwarves, Fili finally got the time to braid your hair, even if Thorin told him to look for the Arkenstone. You had even managed to braid his hair too, even though you had no beads yet.
- Even as Thorin slowly grew insane, Fili had done what he promised; he remained by your side, defending you against his uncle and keeping you as safe as he could.
- During the battle of the five armies, you stayed with him and Kili. You traveled with the three of you, not once separating. Not even when Fili decided you should split up. Because of that, you managed to do quite a number on Azog before Thorin called out to him.
- Azog had gotten a good slash on your leg, nothing life threatening but enough to make you collapse on the spot. Fili had been so worried. He had promised to look out for you, but now you were bleeding out on the snow covered floor. Kili had already ran off for help, even though the possibility he would come back with one would be highly unlikely, as battle was still raging on.
- On top of Ravenhill everything had grown silent. Bodies of dead orcs were littered over the floor but all that mattered to Fili right now was you being safe. Eventually, Kili had ran back with Bilbo, Thorin and Gandalf by his side. They had successfully beaten Azog, finally putting an end to the bloodshed.
- As the mountain was being rebuilt, Oin had put you on bed rest to let your leg heal and Fili had been with you the entire time. Thorin hadn’t even tried to get him for royal duties. He knew he had been awful to you during his dragonsickness, and this was his way of apologizing to you. And you had been fine with it.
- When you had finally recovered, Kili took you to the forges to make beads for Fili. You wanted it to be a surprise for him, but you needed supervision. At first, Dis, Fili and Kili’s mother, had offered to help, but it had become her duty to distract the crown prince.
- A few burns and scratched had started to form on both your and Kili’s hands but it had been worth it. The beads were incredible.
- Fili was so happy when you gave them to him. He was so surprised by the amazing details and the thought and time your poured into them.
- He wears them the entire time. Now exceptions. Not even for bed or bath. None. They must always be in his hair.
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spookyjuicefiction · 2 years
A King's Bounty, Pt. 4
Universe: The Hobbit/LOTR (films)
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x female!Reader
Description: Y/N is a bounty hunter sent to kill the exiled King Under the Mountain, but makes a deal that will benefit them both. What she doesn’t know is that this deal might change both of their fates.
A/N: Finally know where I'm going with this one woo! Lots of fluff!!!
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of nudity but nothing crazy.
For the next few hours, Y/N could not shake this morning's conversation with Thorin from her mind. It had been more casual than any they had shared before, perhaps even verging on flirtatious. She was sure she had seen him glancing down at her lips as if he might want to kiss her. Her head was reeling with the idea, stomach flipping at the thought of his lips pressed against hers--or worse, every dwarf in the camp seeing it happen. She shuddered imagining the relentless teasing she would certainly endure from Fili and Kili alone.
The terrain had become increasingly uneven as they reached the mountains, so the company was unusually quiet so as to keep their breaths. At length, they crested a large hill and paused at the top, wiping away the sticky, uncomfortable sweat one gets when the air is cold but your coat is too warm. Y/N's eyes snagged on Thorin as he swept his long hair over his shoulder and threw back his cloak, allowing his strong arms some fresh air. Blushing, she looked away before letting her mind wander any further about his good looks.
"Well, would ye look at that," said Oin with a whistle. Everyone looked at him curiously. "D'ye see that steam rising up through the trees there? I'd bet my best axe that there's a hot spring."
Excited chatter broke out amongst the company at this, and two scouts went down to see if Oin was right. They peeked back through the trees grinning broadly and waving the party toward them; it seemed everyone would be having a hot bath today.
Cutting through the trees, the party reached the edge of the spring which sloped gently down like a riverbed. The dwarves gleefully began dropping their packs and tossing off their boots and clothes to wade in, remarking cheerfully about the water's warm temperature. Y/N picked her way up the stream a bit towards a cluster of bushes and chose to undress in their relative privacy. She pulled her hair brush and a chunk of soap out of her pack and carried them into the stream with her, relaxing as the warm water lapped around her sore ankles and knees.
Sighing, she began lathering herself with the soap as she sunk her aching body into the steaming spring. It was such a lovely, relaxing moment in all the chaos of the trip, sunlight trickling through the swaying tree branches and the dwarves splashing merrily a few meters away. She dragged the brush through her hair as she watched the party all try to pull Bilbo into a game of some sort.
Her eyes found Thorin; he was sitting apart from the others, as usual, and looking on with an unreadable expression. Above the water line, she could see a finely muscled chest covered in a neat patch of dark curls. His arm muscles rippled as he stretched them out in the water and lifted his hands to comb through his own course hair. He frowned as his fingers snagged. With a breath, Y/N started towards him, careful to keep her breasts below the water as she moved through the water.
He turned toward her as she approached and dropped himself lower into the water as if he, too, was embarrassed by his nakedness. Wordlessly, she outstretched her hand, offering him the hair brush. He took it gently with a nod and again set to work on his long, brown locks. Y/N wondered if she should drift away from him and give him privacy, but she found it difficult to do so. There was something about his presence that drew one close, made people want to watch and listen to him. Though he was so often sullen and silent, the times where he did speak were moving and fascinating. So she lingered near him, watching as he worked the brush through his hair. The other dwarves' game had taken them further down the stream, and a soft quiet settled around Thorin and Y/N as the stream bubbled.
A frown crossed Thorin's face as he hit a particularly matted section on the back of his head that he could not reach well. Y/N did not stop to think the better of it before she took another step toward him and asked,
"May I?"
He regarded her carefully as though trying to determine whether she might complete her bounty after all, but eventually he handed her back the hair brush and turned around. Another step forward and she was right behind him. Cautiously, she caught his locks in her fingers and began working the brush through the knots and tangles that he could not reach in the back.
"Shit, sorry," she cursed as a particularly large knot yanked his head backwards and he grunted in surprise. Without thinking, she ran her fingers over the spot on his head where it had yanked to soothe it. She saw Thorin's shoulders relax at her touch and heard a small sigh, almost imperceptible over the babbling of the water around them.
"Gentle as a bounty hunter," he grumbled, but there was joking and warmth in his tone.
With the knots combed through, she drew the brush to the back of Thorin's head and stroked down gently so that the bristles lightly scratched his scalp, following them with her fingers. She smiled as he leaned into her touch with another sigh.
They sat like that for a few minutes, quietly soaking in the hot water while she brushed the king's hair. It occurred to her that this was one of the more intimate moments of her life and her cheeks flushed a little, remembering that they were both naked. Oddly, though, it did not feel uncomfortable. Perhaps they had both needed a small moment of quiet relief.
At last, Thorin let out a low chuckle and turned around.
"I nearly dozed off just now," he admitted. "I... thank you. That was lovely."
"Any time," Y/N tried to reply breezily, but her mouth had gone dry. The relaxed atmosphere was gone, replaced by an unnamed tension that crackled as their eyes met.
"You continue to surprise me," he murmured, more to himself than to her. Sighing once more, he took a step back and turned away. "I, err, shall look away while you get out. We ought to keep moving." With that, he started off towards the others. Y/N climbed out of the spring and shook herself dry, pulling her clothes back on in the cluster of bushes. Carefully, she packed the hair brush back in her pack, suspecting there may come a time when she might wish to use it again sometime soon.
As it turned out, the afternoon in the hot springs was to be the last moment of relaxation for the company for some time. Thorin led his kin through more rough terrain until they were in the mountains in earnest, trekking dangerous paths laid thickly with ice and snow. He frowned to himself as he considered their situation: the dwarves were biologically conditioned for such weather with their natural warmth and insulation, but Y/N and the blasted Hobbit would surely catch frostbite after too much time in the snow. He needed to focus if they were going to make it out of this alive.
Thorin's temper grew irritable as they pressed on. He barely spoke to anyone and kept a relentless pace up the mountain. He could hear the others murmuring behind him about his demeanor but he paid it no mind. The truth was that for the first time on this journey, he felt truly afraid. Afraid that they might all keel over from starvation or exhaustion and die of frost bite in the snow. Afraid that someone would lose their footing and fall off of the cliffside. Afraid that the damn burglar would slow them all down too much. Very, very afraid that he might not feel Y/N's fingers through his hair again if she did not make it over the mountain.
And then it got worse. The party found themselves in the middle of a fight between a group of frost giants who were chucking balls of rock and ice at each other, shattering pieces of the mountains and creating avalanches. Thorin tried to tamp down his panic as he looked back at the bedraggled group shuffling behind him. The dwarves looked miserable, but Thorin's stomach sank at the sight of Y/N. Her blue lips were pursed with determination, but he could see that her entire body was wracked with shivers in spite of Kili and Fili pressing themselves against her from either side.
"We have to find shelter!" Someone yelled. "The human and the hobbit are not going to make it!"
"I'm f-f-f-f-f-fine!" Y/N spat back, taking a labored step forward. Thorin's heart twisted with an unfamiliar pain: admiration mixed with adoration mixed with abject terror.
"We cannot stop!" Thorin called back. "It is no safer!" The company lurched forward as another shower of frozen rock fell overhead, nearly burying them. They continued dodging for what seemed like forever as they pressed forward, pulling each other back from the cliff's edge. Thorin wondered if Y/N had any toes left. It made him sick to think about it.
"Here, in here!" Someone behind him called. He whipped around and saw a cave opening. Several of the dwarves were already shoving Bilbo and Y/N through it. Thorin took in a breath to yell at them for disrespecting his orders, but the curse died in his throat at the sight of Y/N's cheeks turning purple. Reluctantly, he followed in behind them.
The sudden silence was shocking. Thorin's ears still seemed to be stinging with the sound of the whipping wind, now only heard in the distance. The cave made him feel uneasy as he looked around, and he felt immensely frustrated that they could not press on. He shot a murderous look towards Bilbo as he went and sat in a corner. It was easy to be angry at the hobbit; easier, he realized, than being angry at himself for how much he cared for Y/N's well-being. As king, he should have thrown her to the snow so that their quest not be stunted by her weakness. But it seems it was his own weakness now that interfered.
The group had started a small fire and sat Y/N close to it, piling their coats on top of her. Thorin frowned. She was still shivering, her eyes glazed over as if she saw nothing at all. The king felt torn, wanting to go to her and tend to her himself, but fearful of his kin seeing his weakness for the girl. Instead, he allowed Fili and Kili to warm her and feed her and stroke her hair, trying to get her to blink and come back to reality. It hurt him to watch, so he turned away, his stomach a bundle of nerves.
At length, Y/N thawed out. Thorin's head snapped toward her when he heard her voice after an hour or so of sulking. It was quiet and strained as she thanked Bofur for a ration he handed her. She seemed to crack a joke toward his nephews because they chuckled and nudged her playfully. Thorin watched as she demanded that all of the dwarves take their cloaks back, insisting that she was fine and that they all needed to keep warm as well. Finally, everyone began settling down to sleep, but Y/N stayed seated by the fire. When all the other heads lay on the ground, she at last made eye contact with Thorin.
He watched her clear her throat as she rose and padded carefully over to him.
"May I join you?" she looked sheepish, her voice like a mouse's. Thorin realized he must still be wearing the murderous expression he had adopted all day.
"Of course," he replied gruffly, making room for her. As she was now no longer by the fire, he removed his cloak and wrapped it gingerly around her. She protested.
"Thorin, really, I'm alright-"
"Just wear it. Please." He sounded harsh and exhausted, even to his own ears. His body was stiff as a board as he settled back into his position.
With a steadying breath, she kept her head bowed as she said, "Thorin, I am very sorry to be slowing you down. You cannot imagine the guilt I feel knowing that without me and Bilbo, you all could have pressed forth tonight. I hope that I might make it up to you one day."
Thorin sighed, gritting his teeth. "There is no use fretting over it now. What's done is done."
Out of the corner of her eye, he saw her nod. She looked miserable. He even thought he saw her lip twitch as though she might cry. Oh, please do not cry. Thorin was enough of a nervous wreck without making the object of his affections weep in a freezing cave.
Cautiously, he leaned into her slightly, pressing the warmth of his arm into hers. He relaxed his posture as she returned the pressure. He slipped his hand under his cloak and found hers balled into a first. He caressed it gently, asking for permission to hold it. She uncurled her fingers and he wrapped the freezing digits into his large, warm palm. He could feel callouses on her fingers, but the skin on the back of her hand was more soft than he could have imagined. He traced it with his thumb as she laid her head on his shoulder.
As when she had brushed his hair, Thorin's heart fluttered. It felt almost silly to an old warrior like him. Never had he had the desire to pursue such pure and genuine affection, and yet he could not deny the warmth that bloomed in his chest around Y/N. It seemed that he'd been chasing her around the corners of his dreams since she had first withdrawn her hood at the Prancing Pony, he at once enamored by and fearful of the power she instantly held over his heart. It was a distraction to his mission at hand. And yet, he was not sure he could go on without her now that she was there.
"I am grateful you still have your fingers, mizimelûh. I thought perhaps you might have lost one," he murmured into her hair.
"You have not yet seen my toes. What does that mean?"
His voice was husky and low as he replied. "It means, 'jewel of all jewels'." He planted a soft kiss on the top of her head. "I would be happy to hold those as well should you fear them to fall off."
She chuckled, leaning further into him, wrapping her other hand around his elbow and hugging his arm to her. Thorin thought his heart might burst with the sweetness of it.
"I am no jewel, more like a rusted hunk of copper," she sighed. "Certainly not sitting next to you, the king of kings." She yawned as they settled back against the rock. He felt her grasp on him slacking as she began to doze off.
He leaned his lips to hear ear and whispered, "Well, you are very precious to me."
He looked down and saw her lips drawn up in a small smile. As sleep began to take hold, she breathed, "And you to me."
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luna-redamancy · 4 years
Kili x Female Reader (Safe and Sound)
Summary: After a believing he almost lost you, Kili decides he needs to be as close as possible to you. 
Note: Combining my angsty thoughts and the imagine: “Imagine being Kili’s first time” by @thefandomimagine​ so this fic is 18+. Please do not read if you are a minor.  Also! Thank you @legolaslovely​ for helping me find the link to the imagine 
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“Kili!” You shout out as you search the silent battlefield. You prayed each time you turned a dead dwarf over that it wasn’t Kili’s dead eyes that were going to look back at you. Remembering Dain explaining the plan to take Ravenhill and kill Azog, you felt sick. “No…” You mumbled, beginning to race up the snowy rocks to Ravenhill, just hoping to avoid the worse case scenario. 
“Kili!” You called out again, your eyes beginning to blur with tears as your senses were overwhelmed with the sight of the blood, the sound of snow crunching beneath your feet. 
“Where are you, my love?” You whimpered as you carefully maneuvered around dead goblin bodies.
“(Y/n)!” Kili yelled out, searching for you through Dale, desperately wanting to hear the sound of your voice calling back to him. 
“Kili?” Bofur called out, relief in his voice. “You’re alive!” 
“Where’s (Y/n)?” Kili demanded, the feeling of losing his One overwhelming him as Bofur’s face turned grim. “We haven’t been able to find her.” 
“Where have you not looked?” 
“We have been searching everywhere, Dale was the last place we haven’t searched.” Bofur explained, a frown settling deep on his face as Kili felt tears rush to his eyes.
“No… She must be somewhere.” His tone was convincing, mostly trying to convince himself to banish the thought of you laying in a pool of your own blood, crying out for him in your last moments. 
“She must be... “ 
As the sun began to sink behind the clouds, you shivered, clutching your jacket closer to you as the icy winds began to whip your skin. 
Deciding to give up for the night, you began to return to Erebor, your knees protesting your movement as you felt the soreness of the battle finally taking you in its clutches; Your adrenaline wearing off. 
“I will find you.” You vowed, looking across the plain of dead bodies one more time, the only reassurance you gave yourself was knowing that he wouldn’t want you destroying your health by trying to find him. 
As you slunk into Erebor, you sighed at the sight of the warm fire in the entrance. Not even making it all the way inside, where you heard the Company members talking, you sat next to it, basking in the warmth that began to thaw your cold fingertips. You weren’t ready to face the Company just yet, the looks of pity when you would tell them that you couldn’t find Kili, or the angered look of Thorin that you weren’t still out there looking. 
Sighing again, you took off your boots, popping your toes before stretching them out. 
“Kili, you must rest. (Y/n) wouldn’t want you to kill yourself trying to find her body!” Fili tried to persuade Kili to stay inside, to get a good meal and rest before going out to search for you again. 
“She’s my One, I must.” Kili’s voice had a tone of finality to it, removing his brother’s hand from his shoulder. “I know you are concerned, brother, but I must.” Kili’s eyes almost began to tear up again as he thought of you sitting out there, just waiting for him to find you and bring you home. Injured, unable to move. 
“Okay… Just take a thicker coat and a torch at least,” Fili compromised, smiling sadly when Kili nodded. 
“I will.” Kili lied as he left the dining room, his pace quick as he raced to the entrance. 
“Alright (Y/n)... You can’t hide up here forever,” You told yourself as you began to put your boots back on, knowing you would have to tell at least Bilbo that you were okay. 
Hearing footsteps, you looked toward the sound, “Bilbo is that you?” You called out, not getting up from the floor just yet. 
Kili stopped in his tracks, your voice melodic in his ears as tears began to spring in his eyes. You were alive. 
“(Y/n)?” Kili called back, racing up the steps to find you. 
“Kili!” You cried out once you saw his face, dirty with blood smears and developing bruises, but alive. 
Scrambling to your feet you raced toward him as he did the same, bringing you into his arms as he buried his face in your hair. “Oh bless Mahal…” Kili cried, holding you tight as you buried your face in his neck. 
“I thought I lost you,” You sobbed as you clutched onto him, fearing that you'd blink and he’d be gone.  
“I thought the worst when Bofur said they couldn’t find you,” Kili whimpered as he inhaled the scent of your hair, trying to force himself to recognize that you were truly in his arms. 
“I’m here,” You cooed to him, pulling away slightly to cup his cheek, “I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.” You promised, your eyes fluttering shut as he pressed his lips against your own. The sweet moment was interrupted by the sound of your stomach growling. Having been searching for Kili all day, you never had time to eat.
“We need to find you something to eat,” Kili’s tone was laced in concern as he led you down the stairs to the dining room where the rest of the Company was. 
“You’re alive!” Bofur yelled out, glee on his face as the Company began to cheer at your safe return.
“Alive but starving,” You joked as Kili pulled out a chair for you to sit on. Sending him a smile you sat down, only to frown as he scurried away, stinging your heart in the process. 
“Where were you all this time?” Bilbo questioned, wanting to know all about where you were like a concerned mother. “I was looking for Kili,” You explained, “I couldn’t find him anywhere.” 
“And we couldn’t find you,” Fili pitched in. “Seems like we were going in circles around each other,” You tried to give a light laugh, only for it to sound sad and heartbroken. 
Looking around for Kili, you felt your frown deepen as the urge to go find him struck you again. You felt as though you were going to question your own sanity, if you were perceiving reality correctly and Kili was truly alive. 
Your thoughts were silenced as Kili came back into the room, carrying a plate of food and cup of water for you. Relief filled you, banishing your anxiety as Kili sat next to you, his thighs touching yours as he placed the food in front of you. “Here you are,” He pressed a kiss to your temple causing a small smile to form on your face. 
“Thank you,” You turned your head to kiss his cheek before beginning to eat, feeling his hand travel to hold the one you weren’t using to eat. Rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, Kili’s brow furrowed, indicating he was deep in thought.  
Squeezing his hand back to provide reassurance, you blew on the steaming piece of potato before putting it in your mouth, chewing with a smile when Kili squeezed your hand back. 
After having your full, you pushed the plate away as Kili took that moment to press kisses to your cheeks. Reaching to cup his cheek, you laughed as dirt flaked away from his cheek. “I think we both could use a bath.” You suggested, to which he agreed with you, noting the grime on your arms and face from battling and then searching for him for hours on end. 
Bidding a goodnight to everyone, you two left the dining room. Once you were out into the hallway, Kili lifted you up bridal style in his arms, causing you to squeak in surprise before beaming at him as he carried you down to a room that Thorin appointed to the two of you. 
Kili laid you on the freshly made bed, having to completely wash all the bedding when they got to Erebor before they could use it. Once Kili pulled away from you, you developed that feeling in your gut again, the feeling of losing him. Reaching out to grasp his hand, he turned to you confused, but once seeing your expression his expression softened. 
“I’m right here,” He cooed, reaching to put a piece of hair behind your ear. “I just need to go fill the basin,” He explained, pressing a kiss to your lips before you release your hold on him, letting him leave to the bathroom to fill the tub.
Nodding, you focused on the sound of the water filling the tub, the beginning fragrance of lavender filling your nostrils. Before you knew it, he was back, leading you to the bathroom and carefully disrobing you. 
“Did you get injured anywhere?” Kili questioned, keeping his eyes trained on your face as you became bare before him. “I think I have a few cuts and bruises, but nothing too serious,” You explained, seeing the concern on his face. “It was a war, Ki… We were both going to get hurt no matter how hard we try to avoid it,” You reassured him, moving closer to lightly thud your forehead against his. 
“I know... “ He sighed, “I just never want to see you in pain,” Kili mumbled, rubbing his nose against yours. Smiling, you gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. “I know,” You repeated his words, “I am the same way,” You murmured before pulling away to let him undress, moving to step into the tub. 
Sinking into the hot water with a hiss at the stinging of your cuts, you let your eyes wander across the cuts on Kili’s skin. “Anything we need to get Oin for?” You questioned as he too sunk into the water. “I just need you,” He responded, tugging you into his lap. 
Grabbing the wash cloth, you dipped it in the water before rubbing the soap against it until it became a foamy lather. Instead of responding, you began to wash down his neck and chest before rinsing it and pressing a kiss to his collar to show him you were here, and that you weren’t going anywhere. 
Kili slowly pushed you away, indicating for you to turn around and lean your head back. Grabbing the small cup, Kili began to scoop water onto your hair until it became soaked enough for him to wash it. 
Letting out a sigh, you sunk into his hands as he lightly massaged your scalp before rinsing your hair once more. 
“I love you,” You broke the comfortable silence, barely realizing now that the last thing you told Kili before he separated from you wasn’t your love for him. He could have died and never got to hear those words again. Feeling tears come up to your eyes again, you wiped them, grateful that your back was to him. 
“Menu tessu, men Iananubukhs (You mean everything to me, I love you).” Kili responded, the same realization hitting him as he pulled you closer to him, his vision becoming blurry as he pressed kisses into your skin. 
As the two of you finished bathing, the air felt tense, like you both were waiting for something to happen as you dried off and laid in bed. 
Looking to Kili, you found him already staring back at you. Becoming overwhelmed with the urge to kiss him, you leaned forward and captured his lips in yours with a sense of urgency, his hand reaching up to hold the nape of your neck, the other to grasp your waist and pull you closer to him. 
As the two of you kissed, Kili rolled on top of you, wanting to be as close as possible to you. 
“I love you,” He murmured as he began to pepper kisses down your jaw and neck. 
“And I love you,” You responded as he began to mouth at the swell of your breasts. 
“Wait,” You stopped him, lightly pushing on his shoulders causing him to freeze and snap his head up to look at you with a panic you’ve never seen on his face before.
“What’s wrong?” He questioned, pulling off of you like your skin was stinging him. 
“I know this would be your first time Kili, are you sure you want to do this? With me?” You questioned, wanting to be one hundred percent sure that he was aware of what he was about to do. 
Kili frowned slightly, leaning forward to bump his head against yours. “I love you, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life, amrâlimê.” He began before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
“I want to memorize every part of you, engrain you into my memory…” His words made your heart catch in your throat, realizing he meant that if he ever lost you, he would want to remember you. 
“Kili…” You murmured, not quite having your voice after a statement like that, causing him to give you a soft smile. “I want to make love to you, (Y/n), will you allow me to do so?” 
Not trusting your voice anymore, you nodded, giving him a toothy grin as he returned it with one of his own, capturing your lips in his once more. 
He broke off the kiss to drag kisses down your chest once more, his eyes catching yours for permission as he reached your breasts again, waiting for you to give him the okay to continue. Nodding, you threaded your fingers in his hair, lovingly scratching on his scalp as he gave you a nervous smile, kissing your chest once more before taking one of your nipples into his mouth. 
Kili decided to use your sounds as a way to gauge whether he was doing this correctly or not, his eyes flickering to your face constantly to see if you were okay as he played with your breasts, your moans being a symphony he wanted to hear every night if he could. Switching to the next stiff bud, he licked at it teasingly before enveloping it with his mouth, your pleasured sigh making his heart race.  
“Kurdel (Heart of all hearts)” You heard him murmur, making your heart flutter as he kissed down your ribcage, to your stomach, and to the top of your mound. 
“Sanâzyung (perfect pure/true love)” He mumbled into your skin, taking note of every (freckle, bump, beauty mark, stretch mark) and battle scar that littered across your skin. “So beautiful,” He commented in common tongue, before looking up at you, “Is this okay?”
Nodding you let out a nervous laugh. This wasn’t your first time, but the way Kili was treating you definitely made you feel like it was.
“Definitely,” You realized he was waiting for a verbal cue before he nodded, flicking his tongue out to lick his bottom lip as he spread your outer lips. “Wow….” He didn’t mean to say it out loud, but his response to his first time seeing a woman’s parts made you laugh, covering your face as your chest shook with your laughter. 
“Wow?” You questioned him, as he blushed and hid his face in your thigh, laughing with you. “You know I’ve never done this before,” Kili teasingly glared at you, his joking personality coming back for a brief moment. 
“Teach me how to please you, Uzfakuh (my greatest joy).” 
A blush rose on your face this time, letting out a nervous laugh, realizing his hands were still holding you open. Reaching down with your own hand, you swirled your finger tip around your arousal before bringing it up to your clit and rubbing it slowly, a pleased moan leaving your lips. 
“This is the special pearl,” He commented, making you laugh once more while nodding, “The clitoris, yes,” You nodded again, before pulling your hand away. 
Kili furrowed his brows for a moment before looking at you mischievously, taking a bold move and licking a thick stripe up your slit. “Oh my goodness,” You gasped out as he began lapping at your sex. 
“I thought you said you’ve never done this before!?”
“Oin made me read lots of interesting books when he found out we were courting,” Kili winked at you before getting back to his ravishing of you. 
His tongue became stiff against your clit, lapping at it up and down with a quick succession, making you grip at his hair once again. 
“Kili!” You called out in a warning tone, but that was lost out in the sound of your moaning, your orgasm quickly approaching as he gathered some of your wetness with his thumb, rubbing circles over your clit as he removed his mouth. 
“Can I try putting a finger inside?” He questioned, curiously, causing you to flush, remembering that he is indeed a virgin. 
“Yes,” You murmured, not being able to focus clearly while he was bringing you to the brink of your orgasm. 
Returning his mouth to your clit, he began sucking as he slowly slid a finger inside of you, pumping it experimentally before sliding another in. Feeling you tighten around his fingers, Kili took that as a good sign as your moans grew higher in pitch. 
Trying to pull his fingers out of you, Kili furrowed his brow when it felt like your pussy was keeping them in, wiggling them to try and get them out, he froze when you released a loud moan, his fingers coincidentally brushing over your g-spot as you came on his face.
 “Kili!” You yelled out as he kept sucking on your now oversensitive clit, “S-stop,” You gasped out, lightly pushing at his face to shut your legs from his eager lips. 
“Did I do a good job?” He teased, wiping some of your juices off his face. 
Laughing you laid back on the pillows, “I find it very hard to believe you learned that from books…” You murmured as he slid in between your legs to rest his head on your chest. “I followed your lead,” He mumbled back, pressing a kiss over your heart before resting his ear over it, the sound of your heartbeat soothing him. 
Stroking his hair, you sighed happily before he shifted, causing you to notice the hardness between your legs. “Now we need to take care of you,” You flushed as you spoke, feeling the girth of him against your thigh. 
“We can wait--” Kili’s words died in his throat as you began stroking him. 
“I want to feel you, Kili,” You captured his lips in yours once more with a passionate kiss, the words ‘I almost lost you’ flaring in your head over and over as you lined him up to your entrance. 
“Do you want this?” You stopped yourself from being selfish, needing to know he still wanted to go through with this. 
“Mahal… Yes,” Kili confirmed as he propped himself up above you, his braids dangling in your face as he slipped inside you, watching your face for any hint of discomfort as he bottomed out, your mouth opening in a silent moan as he stretched you. 
Leaning down to give you a kiss, you sighed as his weight against you provided a much needed comfort after the day you both had, relishing in the feel of his skin against yours. 
As Kili began to thrust, he kept his forehead against yours, zoning in on you and you alone as you maintained eye contact with him despite every fiber in your being wanting to shut your eyes and just feel him.
You needed to know he was there. 
“My atamanel (breath of all breaths)...” Kili panted out as his pace sped up, chasing his release as you began to tip into the realm of having another one. 
“Ki--” You moan died off as you came once more, your hands clutching at his back.
“I love you,” Kili buried his face in your neck as he pulled out to release on your stomach, remembering Oin’s voice in his head saying ‘once is enough to create a babe’. 
As you both lay there panting, you looked to his exhausted face, finding him struggling to keep his eyes open. “I love you too,” You whispered as he pulled the blanket up over the two of you.
Pulling you flush to his chest, he pressed a kiss to your temple. “I’m never letting you go,” He murmured as your heart warmed at his words. 
Forever Tag-
@lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18@raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @underthemoon-n​​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​​ @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt ​​ @legolaslovely​​ @bthtallmadge2​​ @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf​​ @aspookybunny​
Kili tag-
@greennightspider @ashleygrrrl @skylarkvip​  @narnvaeron​   @queenofmankind​
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months
Dwalin please!!! Maybe the reader is Bilbo's sister and she gets taken along on the adventure to get erebor back? She maybe even give dwalin a flower crown but handcrafted gifts are like dwarven courting stuff? Basically, since there is no time where the dwarves get to just chill, could you write something cute between reader and dwalin at bards place? Idk what just something cute! Just have fun! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I hope you like it! So sorry for the wait! <3333
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ladylouoflothlorien · 4 years
Sleeping Desires - Part 1
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Bofur x Female Reader Word count: 2018 WARNING: This fic will contain mature themes, absolutely do not read this if you are underage, thank you. (18+ only) Summary: This was affectionately titled “Bofur LEMONS for LUNA???” in my google drive, and I think that’s all you need to understand this. It was born from the idea of Bofur having a crush on (read: utterly all-consuming devotion for) the reader, but thinking that it was unreciprocated until he overhears her having a rather explicit dream. This fic will be a multi-part, potentially 2 but most likely 3, so stay tuned.  Additionally, I have turned this into a game of ‘how many euphemisms can I come up with for dwarves?’ This part contains 5, and I’m pretty proud of that.
Bofur settled down with his pipe, back against a tree, as he prepared himself for the long and lonely dark of the middle shift of the night watch. For the earlier shifts, it would not be wholly unusual for other members of the company to still be awake, but by the middle shift the only person not asleep would be the one on watch. That was not to say that Bofur didn’t welcome the solitude. It was true that he was generally a far more outgoing and jovial dwarf than the rest of the motley crew of companions he found himself travelling with, and it was also true that he generally preferred not to be by himself, but there was another truth that he had come to find in recent months; some things are far easier to indulge in when there are no prying eyes to catch you at it.
Now, the particular indulgence that had led to this realisation was not at all a shameful one - leastways not in his estimation of the word - but he had his own reasoning for wanting it to be private all the same.
Bofur took a long drag of his pipe and slowly exhaled the smoke, watching the grey tendrils climb higher and higher before disappearing altogether, and then he finally turned his gaze to the human woman curled up in her bedroll beside him. It was sweet, he thought, how she seemed to have this habit of making herself smaller as she slept, tucking her legs up until the lump created by her sleeping form appeared not all that dissimilar in size to a dwarrowdam. Most dwarrow he knew tended to stretch themselves out when they slept, making themselves look as big as possible. The dwarf thought back as he had done many times to the moment Gandalf had introduced the woman to their company, claiming she’d been sent by the grace of the Valar from another world to assist them in their quest. Gandalf had not specified which of the Valar had been involved in that decision, though if Bofur had to hazard a guess, he’d say it was most likely Mahal scheming to get one of his own married off, for Durin himself knew Bofur would wife her if he had the chance.
But Bofur did not think he would. He knew his own merits as a Dwarf to be sure, and he knew he was a long way off unattractive - both in his looks and his merry personality - but he also knew that he was judging himself on the standards of his own kind. He had no idea what would or would not be appealing to a human woman.
His infatuation for the woman was the source of his new indulgence, which was essentially to gaze upon her most comely form as much as was dwarvenly possible. His desire to keep this indulgence a secret came from his belief that she very likely did not feel the same. As long as none of the other dwarves picked up on what he was doing, he could avoid both the embarrassment she would feel at having to - no doubt - politely but firmly decline his interest and the humiliation that would follow for himself at being rejected in a place where he would be stuck without a place to hide and lick his metaphorical wounds.  
Tonight he had placed his bedroll beside hers - though at a respectable distance apart - and he had set up for watch against the tree that brought him still closer to her. He did not do this as often as he would like, for he was incredibly conscious that if he did so it would be noticed by at least one other member of the company. What would then follow would be relentless teasing, and then no doubt his secret would be outed to all. No, Bofur was very content to merely snatch the few precious moments he could to gaze upon the woman in complete secrecy and thereby forego the risk of discovery.
Bofur was torn from his current line of thought by a quiet groan, and after a moment he realised it had come from the very woman occupying the entirety of the free space in his brain. The dwarf frowned. Was she in pain? Was she having a nightmare? Normally she was very quiet when she slept, turning or shifting her position maybe once or twice throughout the night. It was a stark contrast from the dwarves who kicked and flailed and snored loud enough to rattle the tiles off a roof - that is, if there was a roof over their heads, which more often than not on the journey there hadn’t been. The woman rolled over onto her back, and only then did Bofur notice the flush on her cheeks and the furrow between her brows. He felt a cold pit in his stomach, naturally assuming that she had caught a fever, but then her fingers loosely fisted the thin fabric of her blanket and her plump lips parted to let out a quiet but distinct moan. Bofur froze. Or at least, most of him did. Beneath the fabric of his breeches, his treacherous Dwarven steel twitched slightly. The dwarf swallowed and tried not to think on it, forcing his body to relax somewhat and pretend he hadn’t heard anything. The lass was sleeping, and the sound had not been meant for him, he would not dishonour her by pretending that it was. Still, he could not take his eyes off her, and guiltily drank in the sight of her squirming under her covers. Bofur did not think he would ever be granted a more wondrous sight, and so he could hardly be blamed for not averting his eyes. Besides… Whatever line of thought he’d been about to pursue, it was completely halted when the woman’s lips parted once more. “O-Oh, Bofur…” The sheer speed at which a certain part of his body stood to attention was frankly impressive.  Up until that point, though the substance of her dream had been fairly clear, he’d had no indication of who exactly she’d been dreaming of. Now it seemed as though he had confirmation that she was dreaming of him. Bofur couldn’t quite believe it, but then she moaned his name again, and Bofur was really, really trying not to watch the swell of her generous breasts as her quickened breath made them rise and fall more dramatically than usual. Bofur was used to dwarrowdams, who had little more than was strictly necessary to nurse a child…
The Dwarf looked away suddenly, blushing, and feeling rather like a voyeur even though he hadn’t - and could not have - expected that this would happen when he settled down beside her. But then he could hear the sound of her shifting against her sheets, continuing to whine softly under her breath, and he had to look back. Bofur was startled to see that all her shifting about had brought her blanket down around her waist and oh sweet Durin’s Beard this was too much. The strings holding her blouse closed had loosened, allowing the shirt open, and the dwarf was only barely saved from - or maybe robbed of - a glimpse at her pert nipples. His miner’s mattock was rock hard, straining against his breeches and practically begging for some attention, and Bofur had to fist his hands against the dirt to stop himself from doing just that. Bofur refused to get himself off to the dreaming woman. If there was one thing he wasn’t, it was a pervert. Oh, he might’ve gotten himself off quietly thinking of her once or twice - or maybe more than that - but he was certain that there was a line, however thin, between thinking of her whilst he did so and actually doing it with her sleeping form right beside him, letting out little sounds that were not truly meant for him to hear… even if they were meant for a version of him in her dreams.
Oh Mahal she was dreaming of him. The reality of that hit him again, and he had to thud his head back firmly against the tree at his back to clear his mind of any mental imagery the thought conjured. The woman herself wasn’t exactly being helpful. Bofur didn’t quite have the strength to look away, and he could see her hips writhing so aggressively he was truly impressed she hadn't jolted herself awake by now. The miner had to quickly swallow a groan when he looked at her expression again, with her face contorted in pleasure and her bottom lip swollen slightly from being bitten. Suddenly, she threw her head back and her lips parted in a silent scream as her thighs shook violently, and then she slumped back down against her bedroll, panting like she’d just been running. It took Bofur’s mind a second to catch up with what had actually happened before he realised that she had just had a real orgasm from a dream about him, but when it finally clicked the amount of blood that rushed downwards made him so lightheaded he had to plant his palms firmly against the ground to stop himself from falling to the side. The woman groaned softly in obvious contentment, and rolled onto her side, now facing his direction.
“Mmmm, warn a girl before fucking her senseless why don’t you…”  
Now, Bofur really hadn’t needed that. It was honestly a wonder that her words hadn’t made him cum right then and there. After a moment he noticed that his own breathing was almost as fast as hers had been, and he took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. It didn’t really work.
About 20 minutes later, when Bofur was sure the woman was actually sleeping properly and wouldn’t be putting on the same display for anyone else, he woke up the dwarf who would be relieving him from his shift on watch; Oin. In all that time, his spear had remained upright, trying to poke through his clothing. A rather unfortunate truth began to dawn on him when he settled down in his own bedroll and attempted to sleep - he wouldn’t be getting any rest until he took care of his little problem and polished his sword. He was ridiculously grateful that it was Oin on watch, as the old dwarf was certain to get tired of holding up his ear trumpet at some point, and when he did he wouldn’t be able to hear the kinds of quiet sounds Bofur would be making and attempting to muffle. Sure enough a few minutes later, the trumpet was lowered, and as surreptitiously as possible Bofur snatched his hat off his head to use as a cover over his mouth in case he wasn’t quite able to catch all his groans in his throat. One hand shakily slipped down into his breeches, fingers curling firmly around the handle of his axe. It was difficult, but he managed to force his hips to remain still as he brought himself to completion quickly, knowing that Oin would likely notice if he moved around too much. He stubbornly tried not to think of the woman, but the tighter his pleasure coiled in his belly the more his mind strayed to her face, thrown back during the height of her passionate dream. In the end, he guiltily visualised her, trying to imagine just what exactly she had dreamt about. It didn’t take him long to spill over his hand, and he cleaned himself up as best as he could with a spare undershirt that already badly needed cleaning. Bofur fixed his hat back on his head, and though he supposed he should really be embarrassed with what he’d just done, he wasn’t. He was certain Oin hadn’t noticed after all, Mahal bless him. Bofur shuffled around on his bedroll until he found a comfortable position and it didn’t take long before his eyes closed and a peaceful sleep claimed him for the rest of the night.  Forever Tags: @sweeticedtea​ @cd1242​ @strongandfreedc​ @pixierox101​ @jotink78​ @luna-xial​ @underthemoon-n​
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bluebellhairpin · 9 months
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Thorin Oakenshield X Fem!Reader
Summary; After a night of celebration, you leave Laketown for Erebor. Only there is something hiding between you and being able to call the mountain home.
Warnings; Depictions of nightmares/sickness. Reader is female-body-coded, uses she/her pronouns, and is Human.
Listening to; 'The Valley' by Nadiiife - "Run to the mountains, run to the hills, choose another path than this."
Part 10 || Part 12
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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For you, the morning after the celebrations in Laketown started quietly. 
Over half those able had drunk themselves under the table, a few of your companions included, while others who chose not to had started mulling about business again. You’d already dressed in the travel clothes provided and started packing provisions when Balin hobbled over beside you to silently start to do the same. 
“You are sleeping less,” he noted quietly. “The closer we get to the mountain, the worse it’s becoming. I’m not sure if Thorin’s noticed.” He knocked your elbow with his, and you looked over at him. He was smiling - all cheeks and no teeth - and it pulled at your heart, the way it reminded you of a friend who’d known you for a much longer time. “You share your trouble’s with him often, but if you care to share this with another I am more then willing to listen." he offered softly. 
You felt yourself soften, as if an unknown weight had settled on you and Balin had only now pointed it out. Your lips pursed together, and your arm wrapped around his shoulder. 
“The event’s ahead, what I see brings me worry and I’m not sure how to change it.” you started, voice low so as to not draw attention or wake anyone who was still resting. “All of you have become very dear to me and I do not wish to lose you.” 
Your eyes cast over to the corner of the room you had been sleeping in with Thorin, Fili, and Kili. Even in sleep Thorin was looking troubled, and even in sleep Kili was looking deathly ill. You caught Fili’s eye as he stirred awake, and your heart hurt a little at how unaware he was of what was to come. 
“Hey,” Balin said, turning your attention to him once more, “I know you can’t help worrying, but you’re not alone. We are all here to reclaim Erebor. We are all here to make sure we get there safely.” The warmth of his hand on your shoulder and his words made you sigh. 
“I know Balin,” you said, breaking away to return to packing. “I know.” 
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After Thorin woke, he stayed close by your side until you were on the boat to leave Laketown. You stood waiting for him by the bow.
Erebor shone bright in the morning sunshine, but as you turned to look across the Dwarves on the boat (and subsequently the Hobbit, whom you were sure was hidden among them all) your eyes caught Thorin stopping Kili from boarding. Frowning, you strained your ears to try and hear what was going on. 
“You will only slow us down.” Thorin said, and you felt your mouth dry at what his words implied. “Come when you are well again. We will welcome you home.” 
You were about to get up and protest - Kili had to stay with the Company - when Fili stood instead, addressing his Uncle with such stubbornness it was no wonder how they were related. But he wasn’t the only thing that stopped you. 
A voice, soft and familiar, was speaking to you. ‘Kingsfoil’ it whispered. 
“Fili!” you called. He turned, a frown set on his face as if expecting you to protect him staying the same way his Uncle did. 
“Kingsfoil.” you echoed. 
“What?” he said. Your eyes glanced over at Thorin - he was getting impatient, although he wouldn’t tell you to hurry, you knew he wanted to. 
“To reduce fevers.” Oin mumbled in passing. He took Kili under a shoulder and heaved him aside with the strength of a younger Dwarf. 
“When you can you must go get some.” you urged, taking Fili’s hand in yours. 
“My place is with my brother.” 
“You will have no brother if he doesn’t receive what he needs to get better.” Your words came out harsh, with more bite than you intended. Emotions were high, and you weren’t helping. You knew it. 
“I know you are worried,” you said, voice softening and your hold on his hand tightening, “But at least send someone. The quicker he gets it the quicker he will get well.” You hand cupped his cheek, and your forehead pressed against his for a moment. “We will see you both soon.” 
When you pulled away he looked far more docile. The simple act had softened him, and you kept that knowledge locked away for another day. “Of course Irak’amad. Soon.”
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Despite the boat journey being tedious, the walk to Dale even worse with weapons and bags strapped over each shoulder, now you were all now so much closer to Erebor. From the summit above the old trade city, the mountain seemed so close you could reach out and touch it. 
But despite that, your attention couldn't help but be drawn to the ruins below. Reality hit hard - with the visible destruction that dragon-fire caused set before you. The smoke stains on buildings that never faded. Parts of walls that crumbled under the fractured weight. You could even make out some blackened bodies burnt to coals. 
What you were doing was dangerous, it always had been, but unlike before this wasn’t done by a horde of Orcs or a nest of Goblins.
This was done by one being. A single dragon. It had seemed life had returned to Erebor, but if that overgrown snake truly still lay in the mountain, you all would be in a lot of trouble. 
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It took almost an entire day to find the right spot - the map Thorin had apparently was only so useful, and a fair amount of guesswork had to be put into place. Luckily there were plenty of you, and Dwarven voices carried far across the mountainside. 
Really, once it was in front of you, it was quite obvious. You can’t hide a giant statue carved into a mountain very well.
By the time you climbed up the stairs to where the door was, the sun was well into the lower regions of the sky. It would set soon, and as soon as Dwalin and Nori were beside you on the ledge they went straight to work trying to find the keyhole. The light was fading as they tried to get it to open. 
They found nothing. 
“No -” Thorin said, stepping aside from the patch of wall he’d been searching to fish the map from inside his shirt. “‘The last light of Durin’s day will shine upon the keyhole’. That’s what it says.” he said with a shaking voice. You watched as he looked up at the Company, and his eyes settled on you. “What did we miss?” 
You had to turn away towards the faded sun, fearing if he or anyone else looked at you like that more you might burst into tears. You felt your head shake as you swallowed thickly. This couldn’t be it. Despite all signs pointing towards a missed chance, you felt that this wasn’t the end. 
“Come away,” Balin said, “There’s nothing more we can do now.” Even though he was taking charge, there was a tremor in his voice he wasn’t shaking. You ran a hand over your face and felt your knees buckle until you were stuck lowered in a squat with a hand on the ground. 
“Wait, where -” Bilbo started behind you, “where are they going? You can’t give up now!” You felt a surge of sorrow wash through you, and your jaw clenched so hard you almost feared breaking your teeth. He was so hopeful, you were too but for what purpose? There wasn’t one. They'd all come so far just to give up hope now, why bother holding onto it yourself. 
“It’s over Bilbo.” you muttered. Behind you you heard the clink of metal dropping onto stone, and something settled near your fingertips. 
“No,” Bilbo said your name, “You can’t. Thorin please you can’t give up now.
“We’re leaving.” Thorin said, and you heard the smack of paper hit, presumably, Bilbo's chest. “We missed it." Thorn said, walking back to you, and crouching down at your side.
“Go Thorin.” you said, kicking your feet out in front of you with your eyes cast down to your lap where your hands now held a useless key. “Your Hobbit is stubborn. I’ll come down when he does.”  
"There's no more reason to stay." He pulled your head to face him, away from the forgotten sun.
“I know.” you said, tears welling in your eyes. You took his hand away from your cheek and held it in yours. “I just feel like I need to stay a little longer. Just a few minutes.” Thorin nodded while Bilbo mumbled in the background. He stood, then left down the stairs as you watched him go. 
Turning back to the sky, you couldn’t help but think the moon was bright that night. Then you thought about how you’ll have to start a journey back home tomorrow - wherever home was. 
You frowned. ‘Tomorrow’. It was still today, Durin’s day. 
“The Keyhole!” Bilbo yelled and you whipped around to face him. “The last light - it's the light of the moon. The last moon of autumn!” Scrambling to your feet, you ran to the Hobbit’s side, and pressed your fingers into the key-shaped divot in the wall. 
“You did it Master Baggins." you smiled at him, catching a wide smile back. “You found it.” 
“Thorin! Come back! The key - where is the key?” 
"It's here Bilbo." you said, holding the key up to his eyes with amusement, and looked at it in your hands. This key, while it could be used to open the door now, was not your birthright to use. 
You turned on your heel to find Thorin’s head pop back up over the steps. He had been close. You smiled as he approached, and the Company followed soon after. Your hand reached out to grasp his, and you stepped beside him with your hand on his arm. 
"This is yours." You pressed the key into his hand and stepped back, letting him go to pass towards the door. Thorin unlocked it, and pushed it open.
"Erebor." They were home, and now Bilbo had to prove his worth one more time - stealing back the Arkenstone.
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Inside the hidden corridors of Erebor, the Dwarves camped as Bilbo made his way towards the treasure hoard. Beside Thorin, you slept with your chin tucked down and your arms crossed. 
He watched as your face contorted into a frown, he wanted to smooth out the creases on your forehead with his thumb, but refused in case it woke you. 
“She is not well.” Balin said, having watched him watch you. Thorin hummed, and looked at you once more. It was true, something about you when you slept gave him the feeling you were sick. Your skin shone with sweat as if hot with a fever, and whatever the skin of your chest he could see over your clothes looked red. A glowing red - the kind he’d find in a hearth. 
“Is she sick?” Ori asked, just managing to peak over you to quietly speak to Thorin. 
Before Thorin could answer, you shot awake with a gasp - and Ori jumped back. 
"Lass, you a'right?" Dwalin asked, looking down at you, before looking over at Balin when you didn't reply. You just started ahead, breathing heavily. Balin peered at you, then shoved Thorin's shoulder to stop him staring.
Thorin said your name in a questioning manner, but you only shook him off. 
“It’s fine.” you said, pushing your hair over your shoulders. Thorin noted how long it had gotten over the time you’d travelled together. “It was nothing.” 
“If it were nothing, you wouldn’t be shaking so.” he said. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Ori said, and you turned to look at the young Dwarf. Thorin was almost jealous at the soft spot you had for the younger ones of the Company. 
“Dreams can be like that,” you said quietly, clearly aware of the pairs of eyes on you. “The possibility of a dragon is making me anxious. That is all.” You pulled your legs to your chest, wiping the dust off the backs, before resting your arms on your knees. “What are you drawing?” Thorin heard you ask Ori. 
He didn’t pay much more attention to your mumbled conversation after that - not until you nudged his side with Ori’s notebook in your hand. 
“Look.” you answered simply. He took the book and looked down at the open page. It was an older page, telling tales of Goblins, but across from the words was a drawing - one that had been refined over time. 
It was of you and him. Thorin didn’t realize Ori’s penmanship skills went further than retelling stories. 
“That’s nice.” he said. His attempt at praise had you letting out a laugh. 
“Really? That’s all you can say?” you asked, taking back the notebook to return it to Ori. “It’s quite stunning. You should do something with this talent Ori.” 
“It’s nothing,” Ori said, shying away quite easily, “It’s just, well - if you’re going to leave us when this all ends I want to remember you and you and Thorin are happiest together - I want to remember you like that. You’re good friends. And leaders.” 
“Oh, Ori.” You said. Thorin felt his chest swell as you turned to thank Ori. He knew Ori was right, he was his best when he was with you - he knew he felt it, but didn’t realize that it showed. 
It was nice to know that his One was someone his people easily came to love - maybe even faster than he himself had. 
Just then, the mountain rumbled. Everyone who wasn’t standing scrambled to their feet, Thorin included, and he heard you suck in a breath beside him. 
“Was that an earthquake?” Dori asked timidly. 
“Dragon.” Balin replied. Thorin felt a shiver of fear and anger wash through him. Smaug was awake. 
“Bilbo.” Thorin heard you whisper. 
“What do we do about him?” Ori asked, looking towards the older Dwarves for answers. 
“We give him more time.” Thorin replied, and he felt you sigh and shuffle away. 
“Time to be killed?” Balin asked, stepping closer and turning them both away from the Company. “Thorin this isn’t like you -”
“You’re afraid.” Thorin said, feeling the heat of anger rise on the back of his neck. 
“Afraid for you.” Balin said. Thorin could feel eyes watching the back of his head, ears keen to hear what else was left to say. “The sickness that drove your grandfather mad is still on that treasure.” 
“I am not my grandfather.” 
“Yes, but you’re not being yourself.” 
“Shouldn’t we help Bilbo?” Dwalin asked, stepping forward. At the face of his two oldest friends questioning him, something very quiet snapped inside Thorin. 
“I will not risk this whole quest for the life of a single burglar.” 
“And your One - would you risk it for her and reduce her to a nameless title too?” Dwalin didn’t hold back - Thorin knew he was as stubborn (if not more) than himself. However he wondered why exactly you were being brought into the conversation about the Hobbit. 
“Don’t bring her into this.” he said. 
“Why not? Do you know where she’s gone?” Dwalin said, clapping a hand on Thorin’s shoulder to turn him to face the hall Bilbo had left in. “She’s just left to face that dragon - without you.”
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You had enough of waiting. 
The sleep you caught on was necessary - but a good way to pass time as Bilbo crept through the Erebor halls - however it was not what you wanted to be doing. The moment you ducked into the mountain you felt an underwhelming feeling that the dragon Smaug was still alive. 
It was like you could taste it, the ash, heat, and oil. 
When it became official with the rumble of stone around where you once slept, you knew you couldn’t sit and wait anymore. Bilbo, although courageous at heart, could still be quite a timid hobbit. More so than you were, but with half the might. If he were facing that dragon with nothing but a sword he would easily be overpowered. 
You needed to help him. 
As Thorin and Balin spoke, and as the Company watched them with baited breath, waiting for a sign as to what to do next, you dropped all your bags, and set your swords to your back. You didn't need Thorin to tell you what to do, not when your friend's life was at stake.
To your knowledge you slipped away unnoticed, and no one stopped you doing so. 
As you ventured further into the mountain, the comforting sounds of the Company were drowned out by Smaug. His voice was loud, echoing to where you crept even from across the vast rooms. It almost made it impossible to tell where the right direction was. The only reason you knew you were heading in the right way was that slowly you begun to hear Bilbo's voice too. 
Turning a corner, you stopped dead in your tracks. Before you was a huge room - seemingly endless - and chocked full of glowing gold coins and gemstones. This was King Thror’s treasure hoard, the gold he became sick for, and the reason Dwarves no longer had their home. 
Finding a set of stairs, you climbed down and made your way onto the treasure - the coins fell beneath your boots like stones crunching on a slope. It made for unstable and noisy footing, but you had to make do. You had to hope you’d be quiet enough, and fast enough, that you’d reach Bilbo in time to help. 
Over the crest of a pile of treasure, you saw it - the dragon. It was all dark red scales and massive wings. If it weren’t such a vessel of destruction you’d be very much stuck in impressed awe - however Smaug, if he saw you, would kill you without hesitating. Of that you were somehow sure. 
“The quest will fail,” Smaug said, and as he turned you caught a glimpse of what could only be Bilbo - so you started skirting around the dragon, all the while being able to hear what it was saying. “Even with that human he says he loves so, he will not win. A darkness is coming for him, and by all means it will take her too."
You slid behind a pillar to catch your breath, and peered over at the dragon. He was too busy with the Hobbit to notice you. But he was speaking about you - for some reason he knew you were more than just another body for fighting. 
"The darkness will come and take her, and it will destroy her just like it did with her mother!" 
You froze. There it was again - someone knowing of your mother. Thranduil, after explaining, had a reasonable excuse, and so did Galadriel. But how could Smaug have known her? What happened to her while she was here? 
"Burglar in the shadows, understand now that you are a means to an end, just like she is. Your life is worth nothing to Oakenshield, he weighed it and found it lesser than his quest." Smaug hissed. 
“No, you’re -  you’re lying.” Bilbo said. You turned back behind the pillar, and took a chance to move closer. Slowly though you realized you were in way over your head - who brings two measly swords to fend off a whole dragon? Was Thorin right, did you need to have given Bilbo more time? 
“Did he promise you something?” Smaug asked, “Bribed your loyalty with a share of treasure he had no right to give? As if he thought I would part with a single coin?” 
The dragon as becoming angry - caught up in spinning his own tale of what could’ve led to this moment to notice you’d slid almost right beside Bilbo - behind another pillar parallel to his place out in the open. Smaug moved, and as he did you saw Bilbo dive towards a gemstone - it glittered and shone, and a pang struck you that this was The Arkenstone. Then the dragon turned and his tail soared across the room, striking the hoard below Bilbo and sending both him and the stone flying further away. 
“My teeth are swords -” You steeled yourself, then slid under the dragon among coins that ran like a river of gold to get close again. 
“My claws are spears -” You met Bilbo before the dragon, fumbling to stand atop the unsteady treasure to look up at the massive beast as you drew your swords. He was so, so much bigger this close. 
“My wings are a hurricane -” Smaug reared up, showing his massive height, and his one weak spot - the chink in his armor brought about by Bard’s grandfather with the black arrow. You had believed it in your heart although an entire town believed it not to be so, and yet there it was. Proof your heart knew more than you did. 
Bilbo hit your hip, making you look back at him momentarily. “It hit him, the black arrow.”  
“You doubted it?” you whispered back, smiling slightly. 
“What did you say?” Smaug said, looking down at you with a sneer.  Then he noticed you, and he leant back further before settling down a healthy distance away. There was a glint in his eye - haughty and yet somewhat cautious. “Who are you?” he asked, and stepped closer. 
You raised Cadmus to the level of his nose. You watched his nostrils flare at the blade, tasting the air, and it was like he was slapped in the face with how he jerked away. 
“You are that creature Oakenshield keeps.” 
"I am no creature." You said, holding your sword steady in front of you. "I am a part of Thorin Oakenshield's Company." Behind, you could tell Bilbo was eyeing the Arkenstone - with it being so close you were too. Then something of a rumble of a laugh came from Smaug.
“No," he said "You have no idea who you are.”
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rattyoakenbitch · 4 years
Hi! can I request a Thorin x reader oneshot where the (female) reader accidentally does things that turns Thorin on but is oblivious to it? if youre not comfortable or don't want to that's okay 💖
pairings: thorin oakenshield x reader
warnings: slight nsfw?
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“Amrâlimê”.. Are you feeling well?” 
You stood over Thorin, arms crossed over your chest. You furrowed your eyebrows together in confusion as you tried to snap Thorin out of his dazed state. “Would you like me to call Oin over? You look sickly.” Thorin seemed to tune back into reality and shook his head.
“No need.” He smiled at you sheepishly, his cheeks becoming red. “I’m all right.”
You raised your eyebrows, giving Thorin an unsure look. “Well I sure hope you’ve snapped out of your daydream! We should get a move on,” you suggested, pointing to the sky and the storm clouds above you. “It looks like it’s gonna rain.” Thorin nodded in agreement. You leaned over and offered him a hand. He gladly took it and you pulled him up to his full height, Thorin now towering over you. Though you were no Dwarf, you were still much shorter than him. You got on your tip toes and gave Thorin a quick peck on the nose, and then his lips. Before he could properly react, you ran off to join The Company. Thorin shook his head in amusement and trailed behind you. 
Just as The Company started their journey, rain poured from the sky. You huffed in discomfort at the feeling of the cold rain pattering on your body. You reached behind you, expecting to feel your pack, only to remember that Thorin kept your bags strapped to his saddle. With that, you rode up to Thorin and tapped on his shoulder. He turned to face you, and just like that, he was caught in a trance. You rolled your eyes. What was up with him today?
“Thorin, I need my coat.” He didn’t bat an eye. “Can you even hear me? Thorin, I’m going to freeze to death.” Unbeknownst to you, your white top, which was now transparent and soaked by the rain, exposed your slip. You didn’t even notice Thorin’s eyes travel south to your lap where your wet skirt clung to your thighs, the shape of your body becoming more visible to him. “Hmph, fine.” After not getting a response from the distracted king, you reached over to fetch your bag off his pony. As you leaned towards him, Thorin could now very clearly see your cleavage. He suddenly felt his trousers become uncomfortably tight. His eyes went wide in realization, and he quickly diverted his gaze, his face flushed. How stupid of him! He could easily get caught staring. But when he glanced over at you, you didn’t seem to be aware of anything that had just happened. 
Come night fall, everybody had just finished dinner. Thorin’s eyes followed you as you walked over to the Dwarves, bending down to pick up their bowls. Thorin’s breath caught in his throat at the sight as you seemed to push out your backside. He titled his head, wondering if you were doing this deliberately. But you really didn’t know just how much power you had over Thorin and how you’ve greatly affected him.
Thorin cleared his throat.
You stopped in your tracks and faced Thorin, batting your eyelashes slowly. You couldn’t tell, but Thorin’s face went red once again.
“Yes, yasun?” [husband] 
Just the sound of your low, sultry voice sent shivers down Thorin’s spine and made his heart flutter, knowing you were his. You gave Thorin a clueless and innocent look, wondering why he had stopped you. 
“Where are you off to?” He seemed as if he was just struggling to speak.
You raised the stack of bowls in your hand and gestured to the river, shifting your weight on to one hip. “I’m going to clean up. I’ll be careful!” Thorin only nodded in response and watched on as you sauntered away. Thorin shook his head, a proud smile on his face. He truly was lucky to be yours. 
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lilxberry · 3 years
Hardly Burglar Material - Bilbo Baggins
Requested by: @donniethescienceguy​
Helloooooooo! Can I have a Bilbo x hobbit wife reader where after Thorin insults him (in the beginning when he arrives) she defends him and Thorins like: are you sure it’s the male Baggins we want?
I mean, I still did as what was requested but man, did I not know where tf this was going lmao
I followed quite a bit of the manuscript of the film, the only alteration is when reader confronts Thorin
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Warnings: Nothing really. Asshole Thorin. Terrible writing lmao. 
Words: 1,796
Pairings: Bilbo Baggins x Reader (female reader) (wife!reader)
You hadn’t expected your quiet evening meal with your husband to be interrupted but when a dwarf, a big, burly, tattooed, balding, towering one at that knocks your door, there certainly isn’t much you can do.
After the dwarf, who introduced himself as Dwalin, had entered your home and devoured your husbands fish dinner, to which you offered Bilbo your own meal, more and more knocks sounded at the door, each one miffing your husband further and further until he had finally had enough.
“There’s nobody home!” he shouted as another sound came from the front door, arms holding up the abundance of weapons the two brothers’, Fíli and Kíli, loaded on to him.
You felt terrible, watching as your husband becomes frustrated, not knowing what to do other than spectate in concern.
He tossed the items down out of his arms as he stormed towards the door, shouting at whoever was on the other side. “Go away and bother somebody else! There are far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is.”
Bilbo closes in on the door. “I-I-If this is some plotheads idea of a joke,” he laughed in disbelief before grasping the door handle in his hand. “I can only say, it is in very poor taste.”
With that, he pulled the door open and in comes tumbling through the doorway a cluster of dwarves, all grumbling and whining at the other to get off of them. Bilbo and yourself, who stood a few steps behind, looked down at the mess of moving bodies on the floor before his feet, dumbfounded expressions on both of your faces.
Movement behind the pile up caught both yours and Bilbos’ attention, and once the tall figure bent down ever so slightly to reveal himself, your face twisted into that of utter confusion as your husband sighs in exasperation.
Although you were concerned for your husband, you couldn’t help but find the whole situation quite amusing. You found some of the dwarven folk that had invaded your shared home to be quite a fun, entertaining bunch.
Of course, you were concerned about the possessions within your home, hoping that the dwarves leave your home relatively untouched and that your husband wouldn’t have some sort of mental breakdown.
Your uninvited guests had pillaged the pantry of its food. The race of dwarves certainly did have quite an appetite. Even Gandalf had nibbled on quite a bit of food.
The rowdiness of the dwarves had calmed slightly, if only for moment when they downed whatever drink they had. Even the ridiculous and frankly disgusting belching afterwards was calmer than their initial arrival.
Yet that was quickly replaced with plates, platers, knives, forks, and spoons were tossed from one dwarf to another as they sang a merry tune. Bilbo was quick with demanding caution and for things to be put down. Even you were slightly worried for your kitchen utensils.
The dwarves released hearty laughter when you and Bilbo peered into the kitchen and had seen that everything was clean and stacked, Gandalf chuckling along with them as both you and Bilbo simultaneously release sighs of relief.
Then, the atmosphere became tense as three, loud knocks sound at your front door for a final time that night.
The laughter died out instantly and Gandalf spoke quite ominously. “He’s here.”
You couldn’t really pinpoint what exactly was unsettled you so much when it came to the dark-haired dwarf who sat at the head of the table. Maybe his stature. Possibly his stoic expression.
Most likely the look behind his eyes.
Well, you certainly didn’t like him all that much whenever he addressed your husband.
Most of the conversation between the dwarves and Gandalf became muffled when reaching your ears, certainly seeing no point in listening in on their talk. The second your husbands voice rang out through the room though had piqued your interest and your attention was brought to the conversation.
They spoke of The Lonely Mountain, the dragon Smaug, how they were on a quest to reclaim their home. Gandalf had produced not only a map of some forts but a key, a key the dwarves seemed to become quite excited about.
You also happened to admire the young dwarfs’ courage. Ori.
Then, the topic of a burglar arrived.
“That’s why we need a burglar,” Ori spoke.
“Hmm, and a good one too. An expert I’d imagine.” Bilbo moves back from peering down at the map, holding on to his suspenders.
“And are you?”
Bilbo glances around to behind him before looking towards the dwarves once more. “Am I what?”
“He said he’s an expert!” Oin spoke cheerily. Of course, the dwarf with the horn to aid his hearing would say as such.
“Me? No, no, no, no, no,” your husband started, eyes darting to each dwarf, hoping his point would get across. “I’m not a burglar. I’ve never stolen a thing in my life.”
You nodded your head in agreement. As much as you love your husband, he is quite the stickler for following rules.
“I’m afraid I have to agree with Mister Baggins,” Balin was next to speak. “He’s hardly burglar material.”
You supressed a chuckle as Bilbo, although relieved that someone agreed, looked the tiniest bit offended.
The group of dwarves began to chatter and raise in volume, no words could actually be comprehended by yourself, it all a jumble of noises. Then Gandalf raised out of the seat slightly, his voice booming over the racket the dwarves created.
“ENOUGH! IF I SAY BILBO BAGGINS IS A BURGLAR,” he lowered his voice with each following word. “Then a burglar he is.” Bilbo looked as if he wanted to protest but no words left his mouth.
“Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet,” he continued. “In fact, they can pass by unseen by most if they chose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of a Hobbit is all but unknown to them which gives us an distinct advantage.”
The whole discussion about your husband was unnerving for you. You disliked how your husband was talked of like a ploy in some silly game.
“This quest is no place for gentlefolk.” Thorins’ tone was as if the words left a vile taste in his mouth, clearly showing his disgust for your husband. “He probably wouldn’t last 5 miles away from his precious little home. Look at him, Gandalf! He isn’t made for such things, it’s as clear as day. His big feet and rounded belly would slow us down. Your little Hobbit would cry out for home within a day.”
Your blood boiled with each word he spoke, an anger rising in you which you desperately tried to keep down. Your nails dug into the palms of your hands and your jaw was clenched tightly shut, but enough was enough.
Your outburst caught the attention of every soul in the dining room around the table. Their eyes settled on your figure that stepped closer and closer to them up to the point where you stood glaring down at Thorin right beside his seat. Even Bilbos’ eyes were wide and looked almost ready to pop right out of their sockets.
“My husband may not be a fighter like you…you BRASS DWARVES! But he deserves no less respect. I will not stand for someone speaking down on my Bilbo in such a manner, even if they are some king,” you all but spat out.
Some of the dwarves looked offended that you spoke to their leader in such a way, others looked thoroughly shocked, surprised that a small thing as yourself had such a fire in you. Gandalf smirked as Bilbo looked like he genuinely feared for your safety. He had witnessed outbursts from you that scared him before, which were quite rare, you barely losing your temper, but for once, he was terrified of the consequences seeing as it wasn’t at him nor a fellow Hobbit.
But it was Thorins’ reaction that had you confused. He seemed…impressed?
Thorin turned towards Gandalf, a smirk of his own forming on his face. “Are you sure it was Mister Baggins you had wanted to join our quest?”
Gandalf chuckled and looked towards you and your husband, you now joined your side, who was silently scolding you with his eyes but nonetheless remaining the concerned, dotting husband. “I was certain on Mister Baggins being the 14th member of your company, but I would highly recommend you take a 15th as I believe Misses Baggins certainly has something of her own to bring to the quest.”
“They both have a great deal more to offer than any of you know, including themselves. You must trust me on this,” Gandalf finished.
Thorin looked at Gandalf and Gandalf at he for a moment, Thorin evidently mulling it over within his head before finally, he spoke. “Very well. We’ll do it your way. Give them the contract.”
Both yourself and Bilbo began to protest as Balin produced the document. He handed it over to Bilbo who unravelled the parchment and began to scan over the words, your eyes peering over his shoulder to read it for yourself.
As Bilbo and you busied yourselves with reading over the document, Thorin had leant over towards Gandalf to whisper within his ear. “I cannot guarantee their safety.”
“Understood,” Gandalf hummed in acknowledgement.
“You’ll be left responsible for their fate.”
Bilbo began to read aloud the text, brow furrowed out of concentration, your own face screwed up slightly, straining to peer at the words.
“Terms; cash on delivery up to but not exceeding 1 14th for total profit, if any. Seems fair, uhh-“
“Shouldn’t it be changed to 1 15th if I were to join?” you questioned aimlessly.
Bilbo nodded his head in agreement before continuing. “Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by or sustained as a government, thereof including but not limited to; lacerations. Evisceration?” He unfolds a piece further, reading before looking towards the group with a look of disbelief. “Incineration?!”
“Oh, aye. It’d melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye,” Bofur quipped with ease.
Many more ‘encouraging and reassuring’ words were spoken by Bofur, unnerving both yourself and Bilbo, though you hid it extremely well. The moment your husband passed out, was when Bofur seemed to finally relent.
“Oh dear.” You looked towards your husband laying on the floor unconscious with concern before turning towards the others with a worried expression.
Valar forbid you allow him to go with those dwarves and that conniving wizard alone.
I mean, I don’t really have anything to say sooooo
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Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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