#ok to rb but dont be a dick
dyketubbo · 2 years
girl help my silly post that got some attention not only has a typo but has also found its way on a blog of someone whose ideologies i fundamentally disagree with
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nuka-rockit · 5 months
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swampgallows · 9 months
not a fully developed thought but i was thinkin about the double edged sword of services like telehealth and grocery delivery etc. obviously anything that provides accessibility is a good thing because now people who had a 0% chance of getting things actually have a chance to have them, but im thinking about the people who previously did go out and do shit and how the cultural climate has now become SO hostile to vulnerable/disabled people that they are disappearing from the typical landscape. i mean people could argue this same point with the elderly and retirement homes n stuff, like instead of the elderly getting to be part of your community they have to be cordoned off into their own separate community where their needs can be met since default society does not provide those things. i dunno i think im just HAUNTED by a comment i saw on here re: covid where some young person said "well if yall are just gonna stay inside then i might as well do what i want". and how this person was okay with that. they were okay with segregating an entire chunk of the population to remain in their homes and live like mole people forced to avoid interacting with humanity. they were happy to actively participate in making the world hostile for other people. i dunno i guess it's just the whole cycle of ableism again where things aren't accessible so you dont see the people who cant access them, and it becomes a feedback loop of perpetuating inaccessible things because you dont know/dont care who you're shutting out
just thinkin about how people in my life have resorted to not being seen by the general public and getting everything delivered or curbside to protect themselves, so many people including myself having to drop off the face of the earth just to stay alive in a society that clearly doesnt want us
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mouseratz · 11 months
trandsandrophobia/transmisandry discourse ahead. sorry. warned you.
sigh. yes transphobia against trans men is real. but it's called transphobia. it's not because we are men it's because we aren't seen as men. therefore, not misandry, even if misandry was a real widespread issue (it is not). also, transmisogyny isn't just transphobia against trans women. it is the result of both the ways society hates trans people and hates women.
Comparatively, there is no "intersection" at the issues trans men face, because it's just about being trans, not actually about being a man (because, and say it with me: society at large, structurally, does not hate men.) we do face some specific issues when we are targeted by transphobia! but that's.....what it is. misandry isn't at play. they just hate us for not being cis & straight.
terfs & radfems may genuinely hate men and are bioessentialist dickheads, but they are not society at large & the beliefs that are gaining traction are the ones that they ally with regular flavor misogynists over, the transphobic goals they prioritize over any specifically feminist beliefs; and while they say they hate men, they don't really go out of their way to harass cis men, do they? Rarely, if so, and not to the extent they harass trans people (they look to trans men for "recruitment", even, because they so truly don't believe we are men. If they did, they'd probably leave us alone, because they don't really have any problem with cis men who stay in their lane, so to speak.) If they truly hated all men as much as they said they did, you wouldn't see them licking so many fascist cis men's boots. hence, you can't even find real individual, not structural, "misandry" there, they just say they feel that way cause it's convenient (and really, when you're a fascist's friend, you'll say whatever belief is most convenient to you- whatever belief gets rid of the people you don't like in society. They have already given up their moral integrity & consistency in favor of this, once they've gone far enough down the far-right hole.)
anyway. so that's why I think talking about trans men's issues isn't wrong, because they are there.....but so many of the discussions around them are woefully off track. even really when you take misandry out of the name, to be honest, because even when you take that word out, the concept is changed none at all, bc the underlying concept wasn't unpacked. so........that's just how I view it.
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inky-goddess · 9 months
Ya know I hate when "religious" channels on youtube prey on people's anxiety with "Angels are warning you click this video or you will face a huge loss in the next 10 minuets" bullshit (that is almost the exact title too). My anxiety is really bad as people who know me would know and those types of posts/videos are triggering for me, and because my anxiety wouldnt let me rest i did click it. And all the comments were the same "This saved me 🙏🙏🙏" comment type. Nothing calling out the inherent awfulness of the video's clickbaity title threatening a "huge loss" and "angels warning you". and I dont think any of them had pfps so i think i have reason to believe theyre all bots. It's so scummy to prey on people's anxiety as a so called religious youtube channel. It just is, no matter what religion it is.
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cryptic-cryptid · 1 year
if theres one good way to know I actually pass its a guy automatically referring to me masculine, not recognizing that a time sheet might belong to me bc it has a girl name on it, and scratching his fucking dick around me lmao
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stonerzelda · 2 years
I preach a lot but at the same time. Sometimes i have opinions. That are wrong. And thats okay
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littencloud9 · 3 months
#oh my god. twitter users need to get a grip#look. im not a fan of bsd.tiktok as much as the next person#but why are they spreading rumours about a regular fucking content creator just having fun#d.azaisplotarmor is famous and whatever so ofc everyone is trying to be different now that they have an excuse#‘omg i never liked j.ulia shes so unfunny!!!!’ buddy youre on TWITTER#get a fucking life#and to spread rumours about someone being ableist is insane#the person who created the og post has already deleted it and admitted they were making shit up about j.ulia being ableist so WHY is the#hate spreading at an even quicker pace?#‘im glad theres an excuse for me to hate her now’ youre a fucking dick. why are you glad that someones ‘ableist’ i fucking hate you#if you dont like a famous creator NOBODY CARES!! youre not quirky or woke or different#just block and move on#this goes for legit anybody famous. whether it’s in music or movies or youtube or WHATEVER#like seriously yall need to take some internet etiquette courses. dont like dont interact. yell about it to your friends or im priv idc but#do not blast hate on the PUBLIC internet. thats just shameful#i dont even fucking know j.ulia but i hope shes doing ok bc the hate is wild#it’s always fucking bsdtwt i swear to god. theyre all convinced theyre correct and smart about characterisation and wtv#like buddy. having 8k followers doesnt mean youre a genius humble yourself please#sorry. this is pissing me off#i need to turn rbs off LMAO#vent
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kozzax · 9 months
if someone wears a mask all the time in public except to eat or drink. maybe dont stare at them when they have it off. maybe dont tell them they shouldnt be ashamed of their face and its pretty and beautiful. maybe especially don't do that if they've told you before that they know they have a nice face but they dont like it on them.
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definethedivine · 1 year
when you feel a fixation slipping and suddenly don't have a sense of self again
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unripe-lemon · 1 month
Since i know no one will see this:
1 note and i will email my therapist
ok so for this one,, like since then i have emailed my therapist?? that counts right????? tbh i dont even know what to talk abt anymore, but i do have a session with her so dw
2 notes and ill put my laundry away
ugh….. stupid. internet.. making me do things that will make my life easier…. gugh yeah i put my laundry away!!!!! everyone clap now
5 notes and ill try to brush my teeth more often
ok so like for this one i found this video https://youtu.be/pvutTiPY7q8?si=PASnBmUXZ0xiHzWM imma sing this song to myself every tike i dont feel like brushing my teeth
6 notes and ill try to put on cream for my dermatitis (anxiety hives!!! yayyy!!!!) more often
just did it hehe :) tho it is getting a little worse and my kitten scratched me on top of it 😭
10 notes and ill attempt to learn my timestables
11 notes and ill study for my exams
my exams are over!!!! so idk what to do for this one? maybe ill go do my homework instead
20 notes and ill try to go one day without using my pc/phone
30 notes and ill vaccum (more bc we just adopted kittens) my room entirely
40 notes and ill try to explain my depression to my mom again
50 notes and ill clean my locker out at school
imma do this tmr!!!
i forgot 😭 someone remind me
80 notes and ill fix the posters that are falling off of my wall and are probably going to rip soon
doing this rn! taking dinner break
100 notes and ill REALLY unpack everything with my therapist
maybe tmr?
we talked about medication and kittens, also exams so like success??
200 notes and ill ask my mom if we can go to my go and get! me! medicated!
ill discuss w therapist tmr
discussed with therapist, we are now getting the conversation started with my mom and are going to see what my gp says after that!! :) ty to everyone in the notes rooting for meds
300 notes and ill re organise my bookshelf
400 notes and ill clean all of the mold off of my wall
damn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ion wannaaaaaaaa
this is a weekend activity tbh, and idk if its even going to BE this weekend :P
500 notes and ill clean the mold off of my roof
600 notes and ill try sewing some new clothes
i crocheted a scarf!!! does that count?
700 notes and ill buy some new shoes
800 notes and ill check out dnd club at school (im scared)
900 notes and ill come up with more goals
edit: bro……. 😭
so im gonna take my time w these bc there is a lot to go thru!! i will try my best to remember to update!!! ty for notes :)
- random internet stranger
ok so like i have to come up with more goals now???
1500 and ill start taking study notes with a study method (rb with study method that is your fav eg cornell method)
1700 and ill attempt to hype myself up enough to eat at school (long story, germs)
2000 notes and ill start whatever book wins this poll:
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biroshrooms · 1 year
I think people in customer service should be allowed one kill per day, as recompense for all the bullshit we put up with
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dishsaop · 2 years
its getting to the point where im about to start blocking people if they only like and dont reblog art. its just a dick move. "hey i saw this but i dont think it was worth letting anyone else see haha" likes dont do anything for spreading content on this site and if all you do is like something youre telling an artist their stuff isnt good enough to be shared. honestly at that point its better to just not engage with it at all.
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fancyfade · 10 days
I had to back out of the notes of that post I was getting too worked up over a bad take lol. Dick is a *whole ass man* he *should* be taking care of the emotional needs of a ten year old and he just didn't. Like I'm sorry your salty over your eldest child syndrome but having a shite parent isn't the kid's fault. What did they want Damian to do for Dick? Die protecting him? HE DID.
(Also Tim making himself responsible for *a grown ass man* at 13 years old was a *bad thing*.)
i didn't read the notes for that so yikes.
OMIGOD and also I forgot. yes damian literally did die saving dick's life. What else is he supposed to do???????????
I dont feel comfortable talking about other people's personal traumas if I don't know them/what they're OK with (hence why i didn't mention them in my RB) but like (keeping this comic related). I do think its pretty clear that Dick was not a real person who was responsible for his younger siblings as a child and then had to raise them. He was at least 25 when he met Damian. he had helped train tim, run the teen titans, run the outsiders, saved the world multiple times, briefly helped train rose, volunteered to teach kids gymnastics... he was not an inexperienced 18 year old who had not had any similar challenge before. his peers had children they were raising as well at this time (Roy, Wally).
I also think Tim stans way overstate how responsible Tim was for Bruce. like. his existence helped bruce get his head on straight at a very difficult time. Tim clearly cared a lot about thim. Then his entire Robin run was pretty much not about that. He was doing regular teenager stuff and having adventures on his own! Bro was not Bruce's therapy dog! Lonely place of dying was the intro Tim comic but it was not the only Tim comic.
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andromedako · 4 months
the crooked, the cradle (the crane wives) & ishmael
aka can you all hear me. hello. hello. hello. hello. (EXTREMELY LONG POST INCOMING)
obligatory song link bc i need to put this somewhere
so this song strikes me as So ishmael to me. this is just screenshots with the lyrics w/ some talking and hoping you also get the idea! (technically a remake of a post i made already but i wanted it in one post instead of in a rb addition)
>theres blood in water / theres blood in the water / the quiet are restless / the silent are still >can anyone hear me? / can anyone hear me?
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[i swear to god theres another moment i feel can fit with the first lines but i'm DRAWING A BLANK. these are the ones that come to mind though.]
>im nobodys daughter / im nobodys daughter >if mercys abound / ill be safe, ill be sound
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(moby dick, epilogue)
[i'd like to believe that lcb ishmael's fate ends up the same way, with her being rescued by whatever the equivalent of the rachel may be. and i feel as though this is a little self-explanitory: nobodys daughter / another orphan, the mercy abound]
>and the devil wont know of the love / i just couldnt let go
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[i know her obsession centered around ahab and her want to get revenge by her own hands, but the "love she couldnt let go" also sticks in my brain. the fact that after all this time... she still doesnt want to let go. i dont want to let you go, not you.]
>but i pray, when its done, when its through / ill have something left for you
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[honest to god i think you could put the entire 'sketching our futures part' here. when this voyage is done, i'll have something- a future- left for you (and i).]
>this cradle still burns / like a hole in my chest
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(crawling inquisitor beast abnormality log, written by ishmael)
[in general i think her ties with fire fit here. ardor blossom star & capote too. she has some ties to fire imo and it feels like a good antithesis to her usual motif of the waters. this log just feels like a pretty ok representation of that, yeah?]
>the crooked are smiling / they know me the best
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["they know me the best" as ahab, the one who saw ishmaels obsession spawn right in front of her. she knows this the best out of everyone else- after all, she's the reason, is she not?]
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changbeens · 1 year
also coming out of my cave to say, as someone w anxiety: giving compliments worked a lot w helping me cope w it! it can be scary but i started complimenting people when i was a teen (telling the cashier i liked her nails or her jewelry for example) and seeing them happy made me feel more comfy since its a reminder tht ppl arent as terrifying as my brain makes them out to be. ur pretty much anonymous on tumblr (unless u post all ur personal info which is just dangerous), its ok to rb things you like and compliment them!! no ones gonna be a dick if ur genuinely showing things off :0 i get the anxiety abt rbing (i was like tht when i first joined tumblr in my early teens) but no ones gonna hate u for rbing something unless ur straight up being a dick in ur tags… and thts a different issue entirely
i said in the tags of a post @babychicklix made that literally everyone on this website has anxiety, this is the quintessential social media platform for people like us, we all understand and we're in it together
and the thing with reblogging is that you dont even have to say anything, you can simply reblog without adding tags or commentary. you can make sideblogs if you want to keep kpop separate from everything else. this website was designed for people like us, you can enjoy things without having to interact. curating your own experience is one of the few things tumblr gets right. but circulation of posts is what keeps the site alive. even if you have no followers, it wont stay that way forever, someone is gonna look at your blog and see a post and they'll reblog it and suddenly work is being circulated and reaching people it might not have reached otherwise
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