#okay enough being sappy i need sleep
ghurnax · 6 months
I think about close mutuals that deleted or that I don't talk with often anymore and I miss them. We're getting older. Life gets in the way. Sometimes neither of us know how to start a conversation because the dynamic of our friendship has changed and it's been like two years since we last had a conversation with any sort of depth.
I still love you. I hope life has been kind to you. I still consider us friends. I still think you deserve nothing but kindness and joy in your life. I hope you're happy. I hope that if you aren't happy that something wonderful happens to you.
I hope that you see this and know you made an impact on my life and that my life was made better for knowing you.
I hope we talk again one day. 💛
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courtingchaos · 3 months
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Undesired signal leakage from one sound channel or track to another.
Playlist (if you wanna play along at home.)
Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
Prompt: Eddie - I really like the idea of making him a naughty tape full of audio recordings of you playing with yourself for when he's out of town and you can't be together for a few days. But it's a surprise so you pass it off as a regular old mixtape and he doesn't suspect a thing until the first two songs end and then the real stuff starts.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Masturbation, reader tattoo mention
A/N: I have a list in my notes of prompts and I don’t remember what ask this one came from originally so apologies for that.
18+ NSFW No Minors
Eddie digs through the bag he hastily packed that morning while the phone sits tucked between his cheek and his shoulder. “What kind of surprise is it? When did you even get it in here? Is it dirty?” He gasps into the receiver. He can feel you swatting his arm even from four hours away.
“It’s nothing wild, it’s just-“
His fingers close around something almost buried to the bottom and he fishes it out, slick plastic cassette case gleaming in the low motel light. “Did you make me a mixtape?”
“I told you it wasn’t anything wild.”
He knows you’re twirling your finger through the phone cord, your chin probably tucked into your collar in mild embarrassment.
“I love it.”
“Don’t uh, don’t go playing it for the guys though.”
“Oh so it is dirty.”
“No, I just don’t want them making fun of me for putting Linda Ronstadt on there three times.”
“Three? What are you, breaking up with me via music?” Eddie teases you while he reads the insert you lovingly wrote on, little hearts in the corners beside the 10 track listing.
“No! She’s just got a way with the language of love!” You whine into the phone and Eddie laughs.
“Okay, okay. I’ll keep it all to myself. Gives me something to listen to while I fall asleep.” Behind him the shower cuts off and he knows Gareth will be out to finish his tangent on getting bullied out of his terrible pizza toppings. “You gonna be okay if I let you go?”
“I won’t cry myself to sleep if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Oh shut up, I know you walk that widows peak night and day awaiting my return from…Detroit.”
“I don’t waste my time like that. I know you’re up to your armpits in groupies.”
Eddie looks around the old motel room and scoffs. “If you think four nerds are pulling groupies in the kind of room we have, I have a river to sell you.”
After saying goodnight five times and you finally hanging up on him being sappy he flings himself into the bathroom after Gareth and before Jeff and Frank get back with food. Four straight hours in a car with three other men makes him want to crawl out of skin so he watches the steam roll out from the behind the shower curtain with anticipation. Almost scalding water leaves red marks over his shoulders and down his chest, enough to make him feel clean again while he rinses his hair. He can hear muffled voices from the other side of the thin bathroom door and knows he’s been relegated to the small couch in their room.
“You know, it’d be nice to get the bed once in a while.” He says when he exits the bathroom and snatches two slices from the open box on the single king bed.
“If you didn’t try to spoon all of us we would.”
“Oh what, you bothered by a little cuddling?”
Gareth glares at Eddie hard and Jeff cracks up at the deep breath he takes in. “If it was just cuddling I wouldn’t think anything of it, but you turn into the world’s only land octopus! I’ve never been so sweaty in my life! I don’t know how your girl puts up with it, you’re a fucking radiator!”
“This is why I always take the cot.” Frank singsongs from said cot while watching the local news.
The bickering continues as Eddie makes his temporary bed on the too hard, too small couch and finally ends when Jeff just shuts off the lights. “I need everyone to shut the fuck up for the next five hours okay?”
Eddie only hums and fishes around for his headphones, cassette player tucked up under the blanket with him. With the tv flashing across the walls Eddie starts to drift off to the slow beat of “Blue Bayou”, a soft chuckle for your choice of intro, and by the end of it he’s almost out when he hears your voice.
“Okay, so uhm, this is actually your final warning to stop playing this for everyone because you never listen to me so I’m trying to save us both some face you ratfink.”
His eyes snap open in the dark and he pulls the player out from under the covers like it’ll tell him what’s going on.
“I’m pretty sure you’ll listen to me this time though if I put a warning on your mixtape.”
He slaps around beside him on the floor for the case and squints at it in the flashing tv lights to see if you wrote something he missed.
“Anyways though, I do miss you and I hope your show goes well. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there but there’s never much room in those motels, huh?”
He can tell you moved around while recording, the bumping of the tape deck clacking in his ears. He’s glad it’s dark so none of the guys give him shit for the blush he knows is dusting his cheeks.
“Hell, one day soon you’ll get your own room and then I can come out and I don’t have to do sappy shit like this.”
The recording cuts and jumps to Carly Simon’s “You Belong to Me” and Eddie can’t help but laugh and feel hollow at the same time. As small as this couch is it would be nice to feel your weight on top of him, your head smushed in next to his sharing headphones that might snap from overextension. The song cuts off a few notes early to shuffling sounds and then your strained voice.
“This is really hard to do one handed, I won’t lie, but I wasn’t just gonna whisper sweet nothings to you.”
One handed? He can barely make out your breathing but he can hear the gasp alongside your light laughter.
“I don’t know if you know this, and if you don’t I’m sure I’m just inflating your ego but-“
The long sigh that follows finally jogs his tired brain and keys him into what’s happening. He whips his head to the side to see the sleeping forms of the other three before he sits up and pays closer attention.
“You have amazing hands Eddie, and it isn’t just-ohhh-it isn’t just the guitar playing you know? You know just where that spot is. I think your fingers are longer, I don’t know.”
Suddenly Bonnie Raitt is in his ear and he’s fumbling for the buttons on the side of the player to fast forward because while he appreciates your mixtape skills, now is not the fucking time. You would make him wait through three more songs before he accidentally runs into the middle of your recording, a thin moan of his name that makes him stand and head for the bathroom.
“-and I just miss you a lot and you’ve only been gone f-for what, a day by the time you get this?”
His lighter clicks in the dark while juggles the tape player and his pack of cigarettes.
“You actually just left my place. We had dinner and I told you I wouldn’t fuck you because it’s like good luck or some shit. I heard boxers do it like that.”
You have a remarkable way of running your mouth while otherwise occupied, thoughts that zip between moans and even he has a hard time keeping up. In the bathroom he cracks the small window so he doesn’t set the smoke detector off and then locks the door behind him before turning the shower on full blast. When he finally sits on the edge of the tub he expects a little more from you before Bill Withers starts singing about missing sunshine and he has to fast forward again.
“You’d think I’d be a little embarrassed to do this but actually it’s-fuck-it’s kind of easier to rec-“
Eddie sucks on his cigarette until the cherry burns bright red and his lungs start screaming, the cut off voice in his ears lending to quiet sounds of your hand working fast to make your breath jump in your chest. He thinks about you probably laying on the floor of your tiny studio, right at the foot of your bed with that big boombox next to your head set to record. That pillow that’s too big for your tiny couch, the one that got relegated to a ‘floor pillow’, stuffed behind your head while your toes catch on the edge of your green rug as you try to brace yourself.
Eddie sits on the edge of the tub and breathes in his own exhaled smoke and chews on his lip till it goes almost numb. Sits there and listens to your gasps and whimpers, the far off wet slick of your fingers moving faster.
“You’d think…I was making you…a tape to send you off to war.” Your laugh is light, forced air before it chokes off on his name and he slides down to the cold tile floor. Cigarette tossed into the tub behind his head, he’ll fish the butt out of the drain when he’s done listening to your voice.
“Barely a long weekend and-and-ah shit!”
You’ve tranced him, hardly notices the dig of the tile against his bare skin, doesn’t give a shit that this floor is dirtier than he can imagine probably. He lets his vision fuzz with the steam filling the small bathroom so he can focus on your voice and try to picture you laid out in front of him. It’s just another lazy afternoon, weed haze ringing your apartment while he watches you from across the room.
“I miss you when you’re gone. It’s only four days but I miss you Eddie.”
Sitting on that tiny couch and mesmerized by the dance of your fingers over your own skin. Nails press lightly into lines of ink to trail up your thigh and over your hip, to press into the softness of your belly. You’d hold his gaze the whole time like a dare while your other hand kneaded at your chest. When those adventuring fingers finally dip between your thighs and you sigh so light, Eddie follows suit.
Through the headphones he can hear you closer now like your lips were pressed to his ear. Heavy pants and no more words, just breathing that stutters and climbs in pitch. He wastes no romance on himself, not here in this cramped bathroom, not when he can almost feel your breath hot and damp against his neck. With every hitch of your voice he speeds his hand up, didn’t even bother pulling his shorts down all the way. In his imagination you give him a chastising smile for it before your reddened eyes roll back into your skull on a moan and he uses both hands now, just like you would.
The next song started and ended maybe but his hair clings to him in the steam and his sweat. There’s a chord change he thinks that proceeds his stomach clenching and his thighs aching before it all cuts off with your loud moan. You must have slapped at the player too late, not catching all of your agonies for him. Not everything, sure, but the important part is there. Your voice chanting low as your pleasure ebbs, his name over and over until you giggle and gasp.
Soft hands, phantom and damp with arousal and sweat cup his face when he cums, the heel of his palm shoved into his mouth to stifle the high noises trying to escape his throat. The track clicks again back to music and it isn’t until Eddie hears Peter Frampton that he starts to crash back into reality.
“If I know you like I think I do, I’m sure you’re rolling your eyes at me.” You giggle again at the end of the cassette, satiated and melancholy. “I just wanted you to have a little something, though I am sorry I buried it all in some of the best love songs ever written.”
You leave him with an I love you and another I miss you and a little bit of a mess to clean up. In twenty minutes though, when he’s back on the couch having evaded being caught and sucking down another smoke, he falls asleep and dreams about that hazy afternoon he intends to give you when he gets home.
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mellifiedprincess · 7 months
REALLY SHORT BUT SAPPY SHIT! and boob talk for like 2 seconds.
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Opening the door to the house you share with the boys, you immediately take notice of the lack of noise that usually takes place.
You can’t say you’re not a little bit grateful, especially after working a 12 hour shift as a peds nurse. It was not a good day to say the least. All you wanted in that very moment was a hot shower and to be wrapped up in the arms of your ridiculously handsome boyfriend.
Closing the door to the garage, you walk over to Chris’s door and softly knock waiting to hear a response. “Yeah?” You peek your head in and see the boy at his desk, headset on and eyes focused on the monitor in front of him. “Oh, hey Y/N/N- Yeah, she just walked in.” Chris replies to you and then who you assume to be Matt through the headset. “Hey Chrissy, just checking in before I head upstairs. You okay?” This was part of your nightly routine. You couldn’t really remember when it started, but you always had to check on Chris and Nick before going to bed. Otherwise you couldn’t sleep.
“Yeah, I’m good. Matt’s yelling in my ear right now asking for you to hurry up. Kids acting like you just got back from war.” You let out a soft laugh at his remark. “I need to check on Nick, then I’ll be in there.” “Oh Nicks gone. He went to hang out with Larray and Arrington.”
“Alright. Well, try to get some sleep. You guys have that really important meeting tomorrow morning.”
“Oh shit! I totally forgot about that. Thanks.” You nod your head and you both say goodnight, before you turn and finally make your way to your bedroom.
When you open the door, your eyes find Matt’s already staring at you. He looks so…soft. Soft and warm and inviting. “Finally!” He huffs out. You can’t help but laugh at him as you walk over to where he sits at his desk. “I missed you so much today.” His voice is muffled by his face being smushed into your stomach, his arms tightly wrapped around you as if you were gonna leave him.
“I missed you too angel.” Your fingers push his hair away from his forehead, and you lean down to place a gentle kiss to his hairline. “I do need to shower though, and then I’m all yours.” A very audible whine leaves his mouth and he pulls you down into his lap, and immediately shoves his face into your neck.
“Can’t you shower in the morning? I wanna keep holding you.”
You’re convinced your heart just melted in your chest from how sweet your boyfriend is. “How about you come sit in the bathroom while I shower? You can tell me about your day.”
“Okay!” He jumps up at that and your eyes widen at the sudden movement. “Jeez Matty, warn me next time.”
“I’m just really excited to see your boobs.” That comment earns him a slap against his chest and an eye roll.
“You act like you don’t see them whenever you want, kid.” “I could have 24/7 visual of those things and it still wouldn’t be enough. Same thing with that pretty face of yours.”
You would never understand how he could be so sweet, yet disgusting at the same time.
You make it to the bathroom, and Matt places you back down on the floor before walking over to the shower to start the water for you. “I’ll be right back, baby.” He places a quick kiss to your lips and exits the bathroom.
When he returns, he’s holding a pair of fresh love sweatpants, clean underwear, and an old t-shirt of his that you stole and claimed as yours a long time ago. “Ughh I love you!” You can’t help but exclaim before pulling him closer to plant another quick kiss to his lips. “I love you way more though. No argument there.”
And Matt really believed that.
The love he felt for you was soul consuming. It was overwhelming in the best way possible.
“That’s not fair. I love you just as much as you love me! You’re the sun in my freaking sky Matthew.” You pout. Pout. And Matt can’t help but gush at how fucking cute you are.
He looks down at you, your arms wrapped around his waist, and he swears to himself that he would be the sun in your sky for the rest of your lives. And he knew what you meant by that, but being the sun in someone’s sky is nothing compared to being someone’s moon.
And you were his moon. Full of love and hope. The most nurturing person he knew, always taking care of others before yourself, especially him and his brothers. And you were always so calm, which helped a lot when he was on the verge of a panic attack.
“Okay, sweet girl. Let’s get you in the shower so we can go to bed. I know you’re probably exhausted.” He softly pats your hip, and moves so you can get undressed and finally shower.
Later that night when you finally retreat to bed, your head lies on Matt’s chest, sleep calling your name so softly you can barely keep your eyes open. Matt just watches you. He watches as your chest slowly rises and falls, and your breathing slows. He watches as you curl into his side even more. But he knew you weren’t quite asleep yet, because this man knew every minor detail about you.
So, when you reach for his hand and bring it to your lips before squeezing it against your chest, where it would stay for the rest of the night, he knew you were finally asleep.
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ksywoo · 4 months
(not so) secret | m.jh
pairing: idol!myung jaehyun x fem!reader pronouns: none used except one use of "noona" towards reader (sorry I had to) word count: 1.3k genre: secret relationship, reader is friends with bnd and secretly dating jaehyun, sappy fluffy lovely sleepy myungjae, bnd is not as oblivious as they think (except woonbaby) warnings: kissing, reader is called noona once, reader spent the night in jaehyuns dorm but nothing explicit is implied or written note: I finally caved. I adore bnd with my whole being and the desire to write for them finally won.
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You wake up startled by the sound of Taesan calling for Jaehyun outside his door. He knocks on the door and tries opening it, but Jaehyun had the forethought to lock it last night, not wanting the possibility of the boys seeing you in his room. 
Jaehyun groans and buries his face in your neck, despite you trying to sit up.
“Come on, we’ll be late!” Taesan calls, emphasizing his urgency with more knocking.
“I’m up, I’m up!” Jaehyun called back sleepily, but his eyes were closed as he pulled you into his chest. You could hear Taesan walk away, which eased your worry about being caught. 
You laugh sleepily and look up at your boyfriend. “You need to go, baby.” 
He peeks at you through one eye and pouts. “Why?”
“Because you’re the leader,” you coo.
“I’ll hand over the position to Woonhak, then.” 
“You trust the future of the group in Woonhak’s hands?” 
He looks past you as he thinks before frowning. “Maybe Sungho, just to be safe?” 
You shrug with him but kiss his cheek. “Get up.” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be begging me to stay here?” he asks, pouting his lip before kissing your nose. “You don’t like me enough?” 
“I like you enough to tell you to go to your meeting. I know if I ask you to stay you will never leave,” you tease as he tries getting comfy again. “Come on, Myung. Part of the agreement of me sleeping over was you promised to be on time to your meeting.”  
He hums with a smile as he finally stands up and starts getting ready. You start getting up too but he looks at you, offended. “Where are you going?” 
“Home? I’ll leave after you guys so they don’t see me.” 
“Oh…” he trails off and turns back to getting ready. 
“What did you have in mind?” you sing, grabbing his waist and hugging him from your seat on his bed. 
“I figured… I mean, I’ll only be gone for a few hours,” he starts softly, not looking at you. “You can… stay here if you want? That way you’re here when I get back and, like, we can go back to sleep or just hang out.” 
You don’t answer for a moment, not wanting to shut him down but worried about several things. “What if one of your managers comes over while you’re gone?” 
He shakes his head. “They won’t. Technically today is supposed to be a day off so they promised to leave us all alone once this meeting is over. That means they also are trying to keep the meeting as short as possible.” 
“Hyung!” Taesan calls again, more impatiently.
“One second!” Jaehyun whines back before looking back at you.
You wait to hear Taesan leave again before whispering. “What if there’s no way for me to escape without being seen later?” 
“Taesan and Woonhak are going shopping this afternoon and they would never miss that. It’ll just be us here.”  
“You sure you won’t be in trouble?” 
He nods quickly. “I promise. Even if a manager did come over, they won't go into our rooms so you’ll be fine staying in here.” 
You smile and he mirrors you. “Okay. I’ll stay.” 
He tackles you down on the bed and cheers softly, keeping in mind that his members are still outside. He peppers your face with kisses as you laugh, pushing him off. 
“Come on, you need to leave before Taesan comes back and breaks down your door.”
“I’ll be back before you know it! Sleep well, baby,” he says, kissing you softly before slipping out of his room. 
You curl back up in his blankets, still warm, and easily fall back asleep as you hear them leave the dorm. 
When you wake up a few hours later, you’re thirsty. You look for any texts from Jaehyun warning about returning but only find a cheesy good morning text from him. You press your ear to his door, listening for movement but hear nothing, so you creep out and quickly pour a cup of water. As you’re gulping down the water, you hear the front door chime as someone enters the door code. You panic, scrambling to set the cup down in the sink and book it back to Jaehyun’s room, but you aren’t fast enough. Just as you touch the handle, you hear Woonhak scream. 
“Ah!!!” he yells, followed by several people asking why he’s being so loud. “Noona?!? Wha– Why–?” 
Sungho’s voice joins in and you are hit with the knowledge that not only do Jaehyun’s roommates know you’re here, but the lower dorm does too.
You admit your defeat, turning around slowly to face the six boys who are looking at you with mixed amounts of confusion and realization. 
“Hey…” you wave awkwardly. 
You look at Jaehyun and he’s clearly embarrassed, but also smiling like an idiot at you while covering his face behind Riwoo.
There’s a moment of silence before Leehan bursts out laughing, unable to control himself as he falls to the floor. Sungho tries to scold him with a light kick, but it’s ineffective since he’s also smiling. 
“We decided to all have lunch together today, Yn,” Riwoo announces as he and Jaehyun lift the bags in their hands. “Care to join us?” 
You’re taken aback by their casualness before realizing they must have figured you and Jaehyun out long ago. “Uh…” 
“Wait, why are you here?” Woonhak asks again as the others brush past him. “What’s going on?” 
Okay, maybe all of them but Woonhak. 
“Come on, Woonie, come help me set the table,” Sungho says as he pulls the youngest by the shoulder. 
“What! Why is no one else confused??” 
Everyone disperses, going to help get out dishes or prepare the meal while Jaehyun and Taesan walk towards you. Jaehyun looks apologetic, while Taesan looks like he’s having the best time. 
“Stop making him late,” Taesan orders playfully. “You two are not subtle at all, I knew you were in there making him not want to leave.” 
“I’m the only reason he actually got up today,” you poke back proudly. “You should thank me.”
He shakes his head but is smiling as he walks back to the kitchen. 
Jaehyun stands in front of you with his hands clasped together. “I’m so sorry. I meant to text you when we left but Leehan kept trying to look at my messages and then I got distracted when we started talking about lunch, and I promise I was trying to convince everyone to eat downstairs but they insisted because Sungho didn’t believe it was clean–”
“Because of me,” you added.’
“Well, yeah, because you helped me clean. But now I’m thinking he knew and wanted to catch you over here.”
“Myung, it’s okay,” you promise. “You’re the one who wanted to keep it from them.”
“Only because they have big mouths and will tease me about it.” 
“That would require you to have shame.” 
He pauses for a moment before his face lights up. “Wait, that’s true! What’s there to tease? That I’m hopelessly in love with you?” 
You freeze and he stops when he realizes what he said. “You love me?” you ask, a small smile tugging at your mouth.
He doesn’t hesitate to nod. “Yeah, I do. I love you. You don’t have to–”
“I love you too.” 
“You think I would help you clean this nasty apartment if I didn’t?” 
He giggles and kisses your cheek. “Yeah, you really gave it away when you started washing the huge pile of dishes. Do you want to stay and have lunch with us? I promise you won’t have to do dishes.” 
“You might not have shame, but I do. We’re going to get teased so bad.” 
“But I ordered your favorite.” 
“Okay, fine,” you agree, kissing him quickly. 
As you pull away, you heard a loud gasp from the kitchen. “WAIT, ARE YOU TWO DATING?”
Leehan giggles and pats the youngest's head. “Woonhak, literally everyone already knew that.” 
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erwinsvow · 6 months
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rafe thinks you’re spoiling him.
it doesn’t seem that way to others, maybe, with the obviously pampered way about you—expensive jewelry that floats on your skin and never having to wait more than a few days for something new that’s caught your eye. at first you were awfully shy about it, flushing if he showed up with a new gift before a date and hiding your head in his arm if he offered to buy you the shoes you kept staring at in the store. you’ve grown into it now—which pleases him, a lot—mostly because no one else knows how much you’re spoiling him. 
making sure you have whatever your little heart wants is the least he can do to repay it, he thinks, looking down and into your concerned eyes, your hand resting softly against his chest.
“rafe? did you hear me?” you ask, and he tries to snap out of it, really he does, it’s just getting harder around you. 
“hm?” he murmurs, still a little dazed.
“i think we should stay in tonight,” you repeat, moving your hand so the back of it is flat against his forehead, and then his neck. “you seem warm, i think you’re getting sick.” 
he feels weird, not because of the cold—he already expected that since wheezie and sarah were coughing and sniffling up a storm earlier that week—but from the way you look distraught, just from the idea that he might not be feeling well.
“aren’t your stupid friends comin’ tonight-”
“who cares?” you interrupt, hand coming down to his to guide him upstairs, since you know he won’t budge unless he’s dragged. you get him into bed a little later, running your fingers through his hair until he falls asleep with one hand and canceling your plans with the other. when he wakes up, you’re not there, and he jerks upright, hand reaching for his phone to call you. the door opens and his body relaxes instantly, falling back into the pillows you had arranged carefully for him, bottles of water and gatorade and cough medicine in your hands.
you make him drink it, and you don’t even look grossed out while he’s coughing up green stuff or drooling onto the pillow. he hears your soft laugh and the feel of a damp towel on his skin—and he thinks in his delirium that this must be what getting spoiled feels like.
the next week he’s back in business, at some house party with kelce and topper trying to sell double to make up for being out of commission last week. you float around with your friends, nursing one of those canned seltzers that taste like juice to him but are enough to get you tipsy. when you find him after maybe thirty minutes of being alone you curl up on the couch, your feet settling on his lap and head leaning on the armrest. you are a little drunk—he can tell—but he stares down at you intensely, because he’s a little drunk too. 
he’s thinking some sappy shit, about how pretty you look like this—dolled up and giggly from the alcohol, your short dress showing him lots of soft skin that he wants to kiss. you sit up when his hands move to your knee, focusing on him with that sweet, concerned look. he wishes you wouldn’t—it makes him want to fuck you right here, infront of all these people, because he can’t stand how it makes him feel.
“are you okay?” you ask softly, your own hand resting on his shoulder.
“why wouldn’t i be?” he asks, taking another sip of his drink. you look relieved when he says it.
“nothing. just checking,” and then you lean back again, smiling again. 
you do that again, he notices, a few weeks later—the morning after another party, a longer one. he dropped you at home because he had shit he needed to finish up, but you call him first thing when you wake up. he listens to your calming voice on his phone.
“did you sleep okay?”
“yeah, kid.”
“did you have water yet? and a tylenol?”
“yes, kid.”
“oh-okay. good. i have to check, i worry about you-”
“get your ass ready. takin' you to the store.”
you agree, if not a little tentatively. you worry since you don’t want rafe to think you’re only with him since he spoils you like this, and you tell him as much. 
“y’know, we can just go to the movies. or the beach, i don’t even need more shoes at this point-”
“thought you girls always need more shoes?”
“maybe before i met you, rafe. this is just silly, let’s go get ice cream instead-” he stops your sentence with his hand on your face, fingers squeezing your cheeks together.
“pick out a dress, and let me rip it off later, yeah?” my way of saying thank you. 
“yeah,” you squeak. you pick out the first dress on the rack and wait in anticipation.
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wholoveseggs · 8 months
Hey, just an idea that would work really well, I think. Can you do a smut with a horribly jealous Elijah? They have a casual affair going because she has severe intimacy issues, but Elijah is deeply in love and needs her to realize that?
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You've denied what your heart wants for so long and Elijah is tired of waiting.
♡♡ Thanks for the request, I may have gotten a little carried away with this one ♡♡
6.2k words - Warnings: smut, lots of drinking / drunkenness, men being gross, white knight Elijah, dom!elijah (as dom as I can write it, I'm just a sappy romantic), rough(ish) sex, rim job (f!receiving), blood drinking, biting & hangovers.
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It was annoying, really, how good Elijah was in bed. You never thought you would be the kind of girl who would lose your mind over a simple touch, but you couldn't get enough. You had never felt this way, even after months of sex, and it was maddening.
You had started sleeping together on a whim, one night of drinking leading to a night of fun. It was just meant to be a one-time thing, but it became more frequent, and then more, until you found yourself spending more time with him than alone.
‘No strings attached’ you had said when you first started sleeping together, but as time went on, Elijah was getting more and more attached and so were you.
When you were underneath him, clinging to his strong shoulders, panting and moaning as he completely unraveled you, it was easy to forget that it was supposed to be casual. But then his gaze would lock onto yours, those dark intense eyes with so much love pouring out of them and you couldn't stand it.
You would close your eyes and look away, your heart beating so hard you thought it would explode. He would always pause for a second, then keep going.
This wasn't supposed to happen, this wasn't the deal, and you wanted him to stop, but at the same time you didn't. The look he gave you frightened you, it was like he was seeing inside your soul, seeing all the parts of you that you tried so hard to keep secret.
Elijah had never hidden the fact that he wanted more from you, but he had respected your boundaries. He hid how much it hurt him when you told him that you didn't want more, and you knew that, yet he kept going, because he couldn't stay away from you.
He would give you anything you asked for, and he would take anything you gave him, and he would never tell you that he was unhappy.
He was always so good to you.
Until you started seeing other people.
And then he wasn't so good.
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Elijah heard the click of your boots before you even entered the compound. He'd been listening for them all morning, his ears trained to the sound, his heart lifting every time a woman with the right footfall walked in. Only when he'd heard you arrive would he relax his shoulders, his mind no longer consumed with the idea of you and another man together.
It was a new torture. Before, he had just wanted you. Now, he had you, and he knew that someone else was touching you, and that someone wasn't him.
"Beks! Beks! Oh my God, what a night!" You came bounding through the courtyard, you had a coffee in one hand and a fresh bouquet of flowers in the other. Still in the same clothes you left in last night, the only change was your makeup smudged, your hair a little messy.
Elijah watched you from the balcony above. You hadn't seen him yet. You were too busy gushing to Rebekah, who had been waiting eagerly for your return.
"What happened? I lost you after we did those shots with Klaus." Rebekah asked, taking the flowers and looking you over.
"Okay, you know that hot guy who was flirting with me at the bar? Well I went to some house party with him and a few of his friends," You said, sitting down next to Rebekah and taking a long sip of coffee. "So we were all drinking, and then we did some shots, and then a couple of lines, and then one thing led to another..."
You trailed off, grinning at her. She gave you a look, gesturing for you to go on.
Elijah tried his best not to listen, but he could help himself. He had never been able to resist the sound of your voice.
"So what happened?" She asked.
"Well, we ended up in the kitchen and he was fucking me against the counter," You said with a giggle.
"Was he any good?"
"Not really," You replied, taking a big gulp of coffee and rolling your eyes. "But the kitchen was real fancy, and there was a maid who saw us."
Rebekah laughed, shaking her head.
"That is classic, darling," She said, handing you back the flowers.
"Yeah, and then when I was on my way out in the morning I stole these right out of a vase," You said proudly, putting them down on the table next to you.
The sound of your giggles floated up to him. It was utterly infuriating, and at the same time, it was like a balm to his soul.
Elijah had never felt this way before.
Pure, untamed, jealousy.
He knew he shouldn't care, he knew he should be happy for you, but he couldn't stop thinking about you with other men. He couldn't stop wondering what it was like, what they were like. What did they say to you, did they make you laugh, did they touch you the way he did?
Did you want them, the way you wanted him?
And most importantly, why wasn't he enough?
"So are you going to see him again? Did he get your number?" Rebekah asked, breaking Elijah out of his dark thoughts.
"No, and yes. He wanted to go out again tonight," You replied.
"Are you going to say yes?"
"Maybe," You said, shrugging. "I'd prefer to go out with you guys, though. Maybe we could get Kol to come along."
"That would be lovely, maybe we could even convince Elijah to join," Rebekah said, smiling mischievously.
Elijah perked up at this and decided to make his presence known. He descended the stairs, trying to appear nonchalant, his usual charming self.
"Good morning, ladies," He said, his eyes fixed on you. You turned and smiled, and it made his heart skip a beat.
"Hey," You replied, grinning.
"We were just talking about going out tonight," Rebekah said, glancing between you.
"Oh? Where are you going?" Elijah asked.
"Not sure yet, wherever Beks wants," You replied. "But we were thinking that we could all go, you included."
Elijah tried not to react. He didn't want to go anywhere, not if you were going to bring one of your...paramours.
"Maybe," He said, keeping his tone light.
"Aw, come on, please?" You begged, flashing him those big, pretty eyes and batting your eyelashes.
"Yes, come with us," Rebekah joined in.
Elijah knew he would cave, like always. He couldn't say no to you, not when you looked at him like that.
"Fine," He agreed, and Rebekah and you cheered.
"It'll be fun, I promise," You said, and Elijah hoped so. He didn't think he could take much more of this.
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Elijah found himself in the back of a car with his siblings. He had tried to stay home, to come up with an excuse, but Rebekah had dragged him out the door and into the car, saying that she didn't want him to sit at home and brood all night.
You were sitting in the passenger seat, talking animatedly to Rebekah. Klaus was driving, and Kol was on the phone with Davina, telling her all about the plans for the night.
"I can't believe we managed to get you out of the house without you wearing a suit," you teased, admiring his outfit. He had opted for a white shirt and black pants, his sleeves rolled up and his collar unbuttoned. He looked ridiculously good.
"I can dress casually, when I want to," He said, a slight smile playing on his lips.
"Maybe when you are going to bed," You replied, winking. He raised his eyebrows and smirked, the sight of it sending a rush of heat to your core.
"I'd be happy to show you, if you would like," He said, his voice deep and sexy.
The rest of the Mikaelsons didn't know about the affair you and Elijah were having. It was meant to be casual, you didn't want anything serious, and so the two of you were keeping it a secret. But they definitely suspected something was up, considering the flirting, the longing looks, and the time Klaus saw Elijah sneaking out of your room.
"Maybe later, if you're lucky," You shot back, giving him a wink.
He chuckled and shook his head, trying not to grin like an idiot. He was failing.
"Don't mind me, I'll just sit here and pretend I can't hear any of this," Kol interjected, looking up from his phone.
"Hush, brother," Elijah said, and Kol made a face, returning his attention to Davina.
You continued talking to Rebekah and Kol, trying to ignore the heat of Elijah's gaze on you.
When you arrived at the club, Kol immediately disappeared to go find Davina and Klaus was swarmed by women within seconds of entering the place.
You and Rebekah got drinks, and Elijah stayed close, trying not to stare at the way you moved your hips, the way your skin glowed in the dark, the way the tight dress you wore clung to your curves.
"Dance with me," You said, turning and holding out a hand. Elijah hesitated, his eyes roaming your body.
"I don't dance," He said.
"Liar," You accused, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the crowd. He followed, letting you lead him.
Once you reached the dance floor, you started moving to the beat. Your hands rested on his chest, his arms wrapping around you, the two of you moving together. The way you felt around him was indescribable, and you never wanted to leave his embrace.
The music was loud, and the people were packed together. He could feel the warmth of your body, the softness of your skin, the way your breath hitched when he pulled you closer.
You leaned in close, your lips brushing against his ear, and he inhaled sharply.
"Come on, Elijah, have some fun," You purred.
"I'm having plenty of fun," He replied, his voice low and rough.
"Are you sure? You seem a little tense," You teased, your hand slipping under the bottom of his shirt, feeling his skin.
"I'm sure," He said, his hand resting on your waist.
You smiled, your eyes glittering with mischief.
"Let's go somewhere quieter, then," You suggested, pulling him away from the dance floor and towards a secluded corner.
"Is that a good idea?" He asked, his tone serious, but his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Probably not," You replied, and he grinned.
You stopped, the two of you hidden by shadows, and Elijah pressed his lips to yours. You could taste the hint of whiskey, the faint scent of his cologne lingering on his skin. 
He was so gentle, his hands cupping your cheeks as he kissed you slowly, his lips warm and soft against yours. You wanted something more aggressive from him, you tugged at his hair, trying to deepen the kiss, but he kept his pace slow, steady, torturous.
You pulled away, the alcohol coursing through your veins, your head spinning. You could hear your heartbeat thumping in your ears, feel his breath hot on your cheek.
He was gazing at you, his eyes dark and intense, and you felt a surge of fear and vulnerability that made you snap.
"Stop. Doing. That." You said, pulling away.
"Looking at me like that," You replied.
"How am I looking at you?"
"Like...like..." You trailed off, unsure how to explain it. Like he was looking at you like he loved you, like he wanted you. It was unsettling.
"Like I love you? Because I do."
"Shut up," You muttered, avoiding his gaze.
He took your chin and forced you to look at him. His expression was serious, his gaze boring into yours.
"What do I have to do to convince you?" He said pressing you further into the wall, his body trapping yours.
"Do I have to fuck you so hard you never think about another man again?" He growled. "Is that what you want?"
You stared at him, unable to speak.
"Do you want me to tear off your clothes right here and now, and fuck you against the wall, where anyone could see us? Is that what it will take to convince you?" He said, his voice low and husky.
Your mouth opened, but no words came out.
He chuckled, and his lips were on yours, kissing you deeply, passionately, making your knees weak and your heart race. His hands were everywhere, pulling at your clothes, touching every inch of your skin.
"What do I have to do to make you mine and only mine?" He asked, his voice thick and raspy, his fingers gripping your hips and digging in.
You whimpered, trying to catch your breath. He was usually so reserved, so gentle and controlled. This was something else, this was him letting go, and it was overwhelming.
"Lijah-," You moaned, trying to form a coherent thought. "I need some air," You said, pushing him away.
He reluctantly let you go, watching you walk away with pain in his eyes.
You slipped through the crowd and towards the bar, ordering a drink and trying to compose yourself. You could still feel his body heat, his touch on your skin.
"Hey dollface," A voice came from behind you. It was a guy you'd met the night before. Flashes of the fancy kitchen returned to your mind, but you really didn't want to repeat what you'd done last night.
"Hey," You said, smiling politely. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"Yeah, me neither," He laughed. "Can I buy you a drink?"
"Thanks," You replied, finishing the one in your hand. "I'll have a whiskey,"
"Be right back," He winked, disappearing towards the bartender.
You waited for a few minutes before he came back with two glasses of whiskey.
"What are you doing tonight?” He said, giving you a flirty smile.
You gave him a coy smile, sipping your drink.
"Oh, I don't know. Whatever you're into," You said, watching his expression change.
You loved this, the chase, the anticipation of knowing what would happen next. It wasn't even necessarily about the sex, it was about being wanted. You loved to be touched, to be desired, to be looked at with awe and lust. It was easy for you, just a game that you liked to play, a way to make you feel special.
But Elijah was still on your mind, eating away at any enjoyment you should be getting out of this encounter. So you drank, more than you usually did, hoping the alcohol would help numb the feelings you had for him.
Unfortunately, it only made everything worse.
You didn't care about this guy, nor did you want to sleep with him again, you were just enjoying the attention. You needed to forget Elijah and focus on something else, anything.
The rest of the night became a blur, a messy, meaningless haze of alcohol and sounds and hands on your skin. You lost track of time, you stopped caring and you found yourself outside the club, being pulled towards his car, giggling and hiccupping the whole time.
"Come on, sugar, it'll be fun," He slurred, wrapping an arm around you. "Let's have another round at my place," He was trying to pull you into the backseat, and you were too drunk and dizzy to put up a fight.
"I don't know," you mumbled, trying to focus on his face but having a hard time keeping him in your line of vision. He flashed you a dopey smile, leaning in and giving you a sloppy kiss.
"My friieennds will be worried," you protested, trying to get him off you. He wasn't really listening, his attention focusing on groping your ass. You tried to get him to let go of you, pushing on his chest, but he didn't budge.
"I'm sory-" you slurred, "tis was bad idea,"
"Why?" He asked, confusion etched across his face.
"I'm farrrrr to drunk," you said, the words coming out slowly, "I shouldna had that fifth drink,"
"You're very cute when you're drunk," he chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Shtop," you slurred, struggling to get out of his grasp.
You saw Elijah leaving the club with Klaus and tried to push the man off.
"My frriiieends areleaving,"
"Come on, they'll understand," he replied, tightening his grip on you.
You started to panic, the world was spinning, and you couldn't think straight. Elijah saw you and came over, the look on his face making it clear that he knew what was going on.
"Lijah-" you said, reaching for him.
The man backed off immediately when he saw Elijah, running his hand through his hair nervously.
"Are you okay?" Elijah asked, pulling you into his arms. You collapsed against his chest, breathing in his familiar scent.
"Too drunk," you slurred, your head lolling against his chest.
He picked you up bridal style, glaring at the man, who was shrinking into himself. He brought you to the car and sat you down in the back seat, he leaned over to fasten your seatbelt and you looked up at him, trying to focus on his face.
"I'm sorry, he jus-just wouldn't stop." You said, your words coming out slowly.
Elijah's demeanor completely changed when he saw how drunk you were. He could smell the alcohol on your breath, see the fog in your eyes.
"Klaus, watch her. I'll be right back," he said, before disappearing.
You tilted your head back, the whole car felt like it was spinning. Klaus was saying something you couldn't quite make out, the words muffled.
You sat in silence for a few minutes, until Elijah came back and got in the car. He had a grim look on his face and there was blood on his shirt.
"Lij-lijah," You whispered, reaching out for him as he sat next to you. "Please tell me you didn't killed him,"
Elijah didn't say a word, just wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close. You leaned into his embrace, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Thank you," You mumbled, your words slurring together.
He smiled slightly, holding you tightly.
You began to drift off to sleep, feeling safe in his arms. He stroked your hair, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Elijah was hurt that you ran away after his confession. He was the patient one, the one who always waited for you, always put you first. But he was tired of waiting. He couldn't pretend to not have feelings for you anymore, so he'd said something. Then you fled, too scared of commitment, too frightened of intimacy to stick around.
He'd hoped you would give him a chance, that you could learn to trust him and open your heart. But you had rejected him, again and again, and he was done waiting for you to change your mind.
When the car pulled up in front of the compound, you stumbled out, the alcohol making you unsteady on your feet. Your heels making it impossible to walk properly.
You took a tumble but Klaus caught you, wrapping an arm around your waist and helping you stay upright.
"I got her," Elijah said, his voice soft.
"I'm fiiiiinnnnneeee," You protested, trying to push them away, but you fell again and Elijah picked you up and carried you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent.
"Always such a gentleman," You giggled, your face buried in his neck.
"Sometimes," He said, amusement clear in his voice.
"You look very nice tonight," you added, tugging at his hair.
He brought you to your room and set you on the bed, pulling off your heels and helping you under the blankets.
"Lijah I'm cold, will you come keep me warm?" You pouted, batting your eyelashes at him.
Elijah let out a long sigh, and climbed into bed with you, his arms wrapped around your waist.
You cuddled up to him, enjoying the feeling of his strong arms around you. You couldn't deny the feelings you had for him, but you were determined to push them away. You didn't deserve him, he was far too good for you.
"I'm sorry, Lijah," You whispered, you placed your thigh around his hips, wrapping yourself around him. You wanted him closer, you wanted to feel his skin against yours, feel his heartbeat against your chest. "I want you," you breathed, pressing your lips to his.
He didn't respond, just pulled his head back and stared at you. His gaze was intense, and you found yourself unable to look away, you felt like your heart was being cracked open, exposed.
"No, you don't, you're just drunk," He whispered, his breath hot on your cheek. You were confused, conflicted by the emotions you were feeling, the sensations his closeness provoked.
"Let me show you," You whispered, grabbing the lapels of his jacket, trying to kiss him again, but he pulled back, breaking your hold.
You whimpered, frustrated, as he carefully unwound your arms, freeing himself.
"I can't keep doing this," He said, his voice pained, "it's not fair to either of us. I'm done being the second choice. I'm done being the one you run to when you have nowhere else to go."
"That's not true-" You said, tears welling up in your eyes. You felt like your heart was breaking, shattering into a million pieces, but you couldn't let him know, you couldn't show how much you were hurting.
"Isn't it?" He asked, his tone calm, but there was a fury in his eyes, "I love you, but this isn't working. I'm done wasting my time waiting for you to pick me. I'm just...I'm done,"
You felt like he'd punched you in the gut, your heart was pounding, your stomach twisting in knots. You tried to think of a reply, but you couldn't find any words. You laid there in silence, unable to speak.
He looked at you for a moment, then nodded to himself, as if he'd made up his mind. He got out of bed and left without a word.
Your mind raced as you processed what had just happened.
You were overwhelmed, your emotions a hurricane in your mind. Everything was a mess. You could feel your heart rate rising, your body starting to shake, your breathing coming in shallow bursts. You closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself down, trying to relax, but the panic wouldn't go away.
Then it started, you were shaking uncontrollably, tears pouring down your face, and you couldn't stop crying. You rolled onto your side and curled into a ball, gripping your legs as tightly as possible, the tears flowing freely as you let out a strangled sob.
You cried yourself to sleep, Elijah's name on your lips.
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The next morning, you woke up with a pounding headache and a mouthful of sand. Your whole body ached, and the sunlight streaming through the windows made your head throb.
You dragged yourself from the shower, then to the kitchen, in search of coffee like it was a life line.
"Morning, sunshine," Rebekah chirped, way too cheerful for how shitty you felt.
You just grunted in response, pouring yourself a cup of coffee and adding a splash of whiskey. "Can you turn me so I don't have to feel like shit," You asked, leaning against the counter.
Rebekah snorted, sipping her coffee.
"That's a terrible reason to become a vampire," She replied, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, it would save me from hangovers," You shot back, and she shook her head, amused.
"So, how was your night?" You asked, and she smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief.
"It was fantastic," She replied, and you chuckled, taking a long drink of your coffee.
"I'm glad someone had a good time," You said, and she gave you a sympathetic look.
"I thought you and Elijah were hitting it off?" She asked, and you sighed, shaking your head.
"It's complicated," You replied, not wanting to go into detail.
"It's not," she replied, her tone matter-of-fact. "You are just making it so,"
You glared at her, irritated.
"Look, I'm not trying to pry, but I've seen the way you two look at each other. You are both just being stubborn," She continued, and you huffed, rolling your eyes.
"Whatever, I don't want to talk about it," You replied, trying to change the subject.
"Love can be messy," She said, and you laughed, shaking your head.
"Yeah, that's why I don't do it," You replied, and she gave you a look, her brow furrowed.
"You love Elijah, it's not a dirty word," She said, and you scoffed.
"I do not," You protested, and she sighed, exasperated.
"Love isn't something you can opt out of," She replied, her voice soft. "Trust me I've tried,"
You were silent, unable to think of a retort.
"You are just scared, that's all," She continued, and you looked away, not wanting to meet her gaze.
"There's nothing wrong with that, but it's also no reason to run away," She added, her voice gentle.
"I'm not running, I'm living my best life," You replied, a hint of bitterness in your voice.
She just stared at you, her expression one of pity.
"Yeah, well, maybe your best life needs some changes," She said, finishing her coffee and standing up. "I'll see you later,"
You slunk into a chair, nursing your coffee and trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in your stomach.
You didn't even try to deny her accusations, the words dying in your throat. Because she was right, you were scared.
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You found Elijah in his room, sitting on the window seat, reading. He looked up when you entered, a small smile on his face.
"How are you feeling? He asked.
"Like shit," You mumbled, shuffling your feet.
"Understandable," He replied, looking back down at his book.
You fidgeted with the hem of your dress, unable to meet his gaze.
"So, last night..." You started, trailing off.
He glanced at you, a curious look on his face.
"I'm sorry," You continued, looking down at your feet.
He put his book down and stood up, walking over to you. He kept his distance, but there was a familiar look in his eyes.
"Did you really mean it? When you said you didn't want this?" You asked, gesturing between the two of you.
"What would you have me do?" He asked, his expression unreadable.
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. You didn't know what to say, you didn't have the words to describe what you were feeling. So you did what you always did when things got tough, you shut down, closed yourself off and tried to run.
You turned away, ready to walk out, but Elijah grabbed your arm, stopping you. He pulled you close, his face inches from yours.
"Why do you keep pushing me away?" He asked, his voice soft.
You swallowed hard, your throat dry. You tried to think of something to say, something that would make him understand, but your mind was blank.
"Because... Because I'm scared," You said, your voice barely a whisper.
He lifted your chin up, his gaze searching yours.
"What are you afraid of?" He asked, and you let out a shaky breath.
"I'm afraid of losing you," You said, your voice breaking slightly. "I'm afraid that you'll break my heart,"
His eyes grew dark and he pushed you back against the wall. Your heart hammered in your chest, fear and desire surging through your body. His hands gripped your hips, his gaze hungry and dangerous. You saw his desire, his love, and for once, you didn't want to run from it.
You pushed against his chest, your breathing becoming shallow, but he didn't budge. He was firm, unyielding, just like his love for you.
 His hands traveled up your body, pushing up your dress. He pulled it over your head and tossed it aside, leaving you exposed and vulnerable before him. He looked down at you, drinking in the sight, and you felt a rush of heat in your core. His gaze was almost too much to bear, but you held it, refusing to back down. He pressed his lips to yours, the kiss hungry and rough, and you moaned against his lips.
"I can't share you anymore," he whispered, his voice strained with effort, his nose buried in your neck.
"You don't have to," you mumbled, gasping when he sank his fangs into your neck. You gripped his shoulders, holding on for dear life.
"Good," he growled, withdrawing his fangs. His tongue lapped at your neck, sending a wave of pleasure through you.
"Mine," he said, a possessive edge to his voice.
You trembled under his touch, his kiss growing even more heated. He pinned your wrists above your head with one hand, the other gripping your waist, his fingers digging into your skin. He lifted your thigh, wrapping it around his hips and pressing your back against the wall.
"I'm going keep you in my bed until you understand," he growled, and you moaned, unable to think straight.
He ripped your panties off, tossing them aside before sinking two fingers into you. You arched your back, grinding against his hand, desperate for relief. He pressed his thumb against your clit, rubbing it in slow circles as his fingers pumped into you.
He watched you, a small smirk on his face, enjoying the way you came undone beneath him. Something in him had snapped, and he could not longer hold back his need for you to be his. He tried many times to show you how much he loves you, but you always ran away at the first sign of intimacy. Not this time though, he was going to break down every wall you'd built and claim you.
You were getting closer to the edge, your breathing labored as your pleasure built. Just as you were on the verge, he removed his fingers from you, denying you relief. You cried out, trying to grind against him, but he held you still. He loved seeing you like this, desperate and begging for him.
"Now you know how I feel," he whispered, and you gasped, his words sending a shockwave through you.
He chuckled softly, his breath warm against your neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist and flipped you around, slamming you against the wall, making the painting beside you rattling in its place.
He pressed himself into your back, his hand circling your throat, the other wandering freely. He ran his finger along the clasp of your bra, freeing your breasts from the lacy material.
His fingers traced your nipples, teasing them into stiff peaks, his lips on your neck. You whimpered as he rolled his hips against you, the bulge in his pants rubbing against your ass.
"I'm going to mark every inch of your perfect skin," He purred, his voice thick with desire. "So everyone knows you are mine,"
He nipped at your neck, his fangs threatening to break the surface again. You moaned, grinding against him, desperate for more. He chuckled, sucking at the spot on your neck, leaving a dark hickey behind.
He pulled you away from the wall and pushed you onto the bed, forcing you onto all fours. His hands gripped your hips, and he leaned forward, licking a strip down the length of your spine. You shivered, your whole body alive and sensitive to his touch. He slid his tongue between your cheeks, stopping to suck and lick at your tight little hole, sending wave after wave of pleasure through you.
You tried to sit up but he pushed you back down, his tongue spearing into your rear entrance. You moaned, squirming under him, your face flushed with desire. He inserted a finger into your pussy, and began to slowly fuck you.
It didn't take long for your thighs to start shaking, your muscles tensing as your orgasm approached. You bit your lip, trying to hold back, but it was futile. You let go with a low moan and suddenly yelped as he sunk his fangs into your ass cheek.
"Lijah!" You exclaimed, surprised.
This rough, wild side of him, so completely different from the gentle, refined man you knew, it scared and excited you. The way took control was the most erotic thing you've experienced in a long time.
He flipped you over and pressed you down onto the bed, straddling you. His pupils were blown wide, his lips stained red with blood, his breathing heavy. You tried to reach up and touch him, but he pinned your wrists down. You lay there, unable to move, completely at his mercy. You had never felt so safe and loved in your entire life.
He freed your wrists kissed them gently, a soothing gesture that contrasted with the roughness from earlier. His lips trailed down your arms, kissing, sucking, and nipping at your skin. You shuddered as his breath ghosted against your neck.
You tugged at his shirt, and he let you strip him of it, his bare skin warm and firm against your own. You ran your hands over his chest, relishing the feel of him.
He pulled off his pants, laying down beside you, your naked bodies intertwining. You stared up at him, a soft smile on your lips. He returned it, his gaze unguarded and gentle. He captured your lips in a sweet kiss, his hands stroking your face and hair.
"I'm sorry for being a fool," you said softly, your eyes glassy with tears.
"Shhh," he murmured, nuzzling your neck. "You have nothing to be sorry for,"
"I do," you insisted. "I love you, I've always loved you. I was just...I was just scared to admit it, to myself or anyone else."
You looked up at him, your expression vulnerable, your eyes pleading. He smiled softly and brushed his lips against yours, a gentle kiss, almost a question.
"Be mine, only mine," he whispered, his forehead resting against yours.
"Yes," you breathed, your heart hammering in your chest. "Always."
He parted your legs and slowly eased inside of you, a growl rumbling deep in his chest. He began moving his hips in a rhythmic motion, his fingers gripping the sheets.
You looked into his eyes, feeling whole. He was giving you such pleasure, and his love radiated from him, engulfing you. Everything behind his eyes, the trust and tenderness, the pain and loneliness, you saw all of it.
It made you feel like you were part of his inner world. He was baring his soul to you, letting you in and you were doing the same, letting him see beyond all of the walls and boundaries, right into the depths of your heart and spirit.
And the intensity of it all wasn't scary, it felt liberating, it felt right. His body was just a shell for his fire, for the overwhelming love he felt for you. You both weren't physical beings anymore, but something beyond. Like you are one entity, one flame, burning bright.
You couldn't really describe how you felt, but there was this sense of completion, like you've found something that had been missing all this time. You could see it in his eyes too, a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he looked lighter somehow.
You two were making love, and you were both acutely aware of it. There was no mistaking this for anything less, even if you tried. Time seemed to stand still and the outside world fell away, leaving only the two of you. No past or future, just the present.
You didn't need to talk, there was no need for words. You could feel his thoughts, and you could feel him understand yours, the two of you harmonizing and flowing with each other in an endless, gentle rhythm.
This was what he wanted all this time, to show you what sex can really mean when it is shared between two souls, two hearts. Not just animalistic fucking, but pure love-making, a deeper level of intimacy. And you understood now, you were becoming one.
You didn't know how long you had been making love, it could have been hours, or maybe it was days. All you knew was that it was the best experience of your life.
He was being serious when he said he was going to keep you in his bed until you understood. And now you do, now you understand what it means to be loved by him. What it is like to be part of him, to share that connection, that bond.
Your bodies were covered with sweat, entangled as one, both of you out of breath. Every muscle was sore but you didn't care. You were drunk off his love.
"Can we stay like this forever?" You asked, your eyes half closed, exhaustion setting in.
"Yes," He whispered, caressing your cheek. "Because you are mine, all mine,"
"Yours," you said sleepily, snuggling into him.
This was just one night together, a small taste of what being with him was going to be like, and you knew you would never be the same again. He had destroyed your walls and torn down every boundary you had built around yourself.
He held your bleeding heart in his hands, and instead of crushing it, he gave you his own.
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡
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waldau · 4 months
hii! I've noticed that you haven't written anything for minghao yet (according to your master list) so I wanted to request something cozy and homey with him. like maybe cooking together or waking up together or something along those lines.. :)
hello anon! i was feeling extra sappy with minghao and this also happens to be my first work for him. thank you so much for requesting it, i hope you see this!
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
muse — xu minghao | 1,382 words | fluff
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minghao blinks his eyes open to the sound of silence. there’s not much he can hear right out, except for the distant sound of cars going past. he lazes around for a few more moments before giving in and checking the time on his phone.
it’s just shy of six in the morning. he needs to be up and at the studio by nine, but he doesn’t feel like moving just yet. he puts his phone away and turns around to you, to watch you sleep.
the first time he’d ever done it was unfortunately a time you weren’t actually asleep, and he’d ended up staring at you for ten minutes before you woke up and apologized to him, saying that you couldn’t pretend to stay asleep without wanting to burst into laughter.
he still remembers how embarrassed he’d been by that, and how you made it up to him with kisses and multiples reassurances that it had been okay, that he could do it again, that it wasn’t a problem at all, you’d just been caught off-guard the very first time.
the thing is — minghao adores you. he’s in awe of you. to him, no one else on this planet even compares to how exquisite you are. he loves how like-minded the two of you are, how affectionate you’re with him, and how much you support him without even saying any words. of course, he loves going out on dates with you, seeing new places with you, seeing you match the outfits he wears, but this might just be his favourite sight in the world.
this being seeing you asleep on your side, facing him, a hand tucked under your head and the other holding his own. as an artist, he’s used to noticing the finer details about everything he sees, so when it comes to you, he could lose himself for hours noticing every single thing about you that makes him love you more.
minghao gently untangles his hand from your grasp, drawing his own blanket over you properly so that you don’t feel cold. he immediately feels the cold winter air hit his bare arms, and he winces as he gets used to it. he’s going to need to workout before he leaves, because there’s no time for it in the evening. not if he wants to finish work fast enough to come back to have dinner with you.
his fingers itch for a brush. it’s been a while since he’s painted something. the last thing he’d put on his canvas had been a rendition of a sunrise he’d been able to see with you a few weeks ago. it had been magical; the beautiful hues of orange and yellow blending with the shimmering brightness of the sea, contrasting the pale hue of the sky.
but nothing looked more beautiful than you sitting next to him, watching the sun rise and letting the water wash over your legs. he’d been tempted to paint you instead, right there, but you’d dragged him out on a monday morning for inspiration, despite the fact that both of you had work soon, and he wasn’t going to let it go to waste.
but he doesn’t really need inspiration. not when you’re his muse.
he runs his fingers across your face as gently as he can, glad that you’re still asleep. you’ve been having trouble sleeping recently, and he’s glad he’s part of why you’ve been sleeping better. he smiles when he notices two faint pillow creases stamped into your cheek, angry red lines that he hopes don’t hurt you at all. you somehow manage to look even more perfect with them.
he doesn’t know how long he’s been staring at you before your eyes blink open slowly, and somehow his eyes are the first thing that yours find. he holds his breath, waiting for you to speak.
“hao?” you ask, voice croaky. “what time is it?”
minghao checks his phone again. “six thirty-seven. you still have twenty three more minutes to sleep, if you want.”
“mm,” you say, before you roll in closer and pull his arm to yourself. “wake me up at seven, then.” before he can say anything, you look up at him. “aren’t you supposed to leave early today?”
he nods. “do you want me to leave?”
you huff and tug at his arm to pull him closer to yourself, and he goes down willingly. “you know that’s not what i meant.”
“what did you mean, then?” he asks, pinching your nose softly.
you’re used to his teasing by now, so you just roll your eyes throw an arm around his waist. “did you sleep well, hao?”
“really well. you?”
“me too. but…how long were you staring at me this time?”
he feigns shock. “you could tell?”
“i can just…feel it, somehow,” you giggle. “won’t you tell me?”
“do you really want me to?”
“of course,” you say, eyes shining despite the layer of sleep clinging to them. minghao wishes he could spend more time with you like this. it’s almost like you’re forcing yourself to stay awake despite having some more time to sleep, just to talk to him. the thought warms his chest.
“maybe forty minutes? maybe more.”
there’s a grin on your face. “correct me if i’m wrong, but…i think you love me?”
he could just refute it, tease you a little, joke that you’re in too deep, but he can’t. there’s something about the early hours of the morning combined with the fact that he has the honour to wake up with you that makes his heart heavy. he’s lucky to even have this, especially with you.
“you’re right,” he says, voice rough, feeling his waterline sting suddenly. “i love you.”
the grin on your face disappears slowly. “hao? is everything okay?”
“of course it is, darling,” he says, bending down to kiss your forehead, brushing off some rogue strands of hair to kiss it properly, tucking it behind your ear so he can see your beautiful face better. “i love you. is that wrong?”
“no, silly,” you say, leaning up to cup his cheek in your palm. your hand is cold. maybe he should’ve warmed you up better. “you sound…sad. like there’s something eating at you.”
he closes his eyes and indulges himself in your touch, trying to work out his words, marvelling at how easily you can read him. “i…love you. you know that, right?”
“yeah. i love you, too. but…?”
“but,” he sighs, “i just…don’t have the right words to tell you how much i love you. i could say i love you a thousand times, but it wouldn’t be enough. i could kiss you a thousand times and it wouldn’t be enough. i could…i could ask you to marry me but nothing would be enough to tell you how thankful i am that you’re here with me. that you’re mine.”
silence, just the two of you in your bedroom, the sounds of life filtering in from outside the window.
your breath is shaky when you speak. “hao.” you drop your hand down to his arm. “i love you, too. you don’t…i don’t need any grand gestures from you. just…be with me. every single day. be mine forever. that’s it.”
“there’s nowhere else i want to be.”
“then that’s all i need.”
minghao presses a kiss to your head. he hopes it conveys everything he’s feeling right now. he’s about to say something more when your alarm goes off, and he really should get going if he doesn’t want to reach work late.
“see you in the evening?” you ask, hand catching his as he attempts to get to his feet. “maybe we can talk about…getting married? for real?”
minghao hasn’t even opened the curtains yet, and he feels like he’s standing in front of the sun again. he’s going to go to work, do well, come back home to you and hold you and hear about your day and eat with you. he’s going to surprise you with a painting of yourself, and he’s going to marry you. that’s the life he’s built for himself with you, and he loves it.
it’s all he needs to keep going, every single day.
“i can’t wait. i’ll be back before you know it, darling.”
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu @bewoyewo
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signedkoko · 8 months
hi !! 👋🏽 noticed requests were open , hope it’s okay i pop this in .
vox w a reader who likes having soft / quiet moments with him ? after long day of work and dealing with the other vee’s , sometimes just having downtime with ur lover is nice !!
:3 that is all !! ty for ur time , and take care ! 🌀
Vox X Reader [Comfort]
In which the two of you unwind from your own nightmarish days apart. Reader is genderneutral.
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He always saw himself as living an overstimulating and non-stop lifestyle
Thus, he figured his partner would be the same, and he never really questioned what that kind of life would do to him
But you were not the person he expected at all; you were everything beyond his expectations
Even though he offered you everything, you always had the mindset of doing things on your own and only accepting his help when you needed it
You complimented him, listened intently to his ramblings about his new ideas, and showed up to every new release he had to cheer him on
How you'd ended up down here, he was unsure, because you were nothing short of an angel
Your sweetness didn't protect you from his jokes and teasing, though, which he'd constantly use to see you flustered
He jokes a lot to ignore bringing up what bothers him at work; he much prefers to see you smile and laugh than worry about how cruel his partners can be
If it's ever been a really rough day, especially one in which Valentino throws a fit and he has to fix his childish mess, he just wants to rest
Vox comes home, and the moment he locks the door behind him, the mask he puts on dissolves
He lifts you into his arms despite any protests, and he drags you to bed
It's hard for him to ask for personal things without making a whole song and dance to get around being sappy, so he likes that you just accept him laying down with him as permission to comfort him
You clean up his monitor for him, hold his hand, and trace all the separations in the metal until he's barely conscious
He'll start mumbling about his day, barely comprehendable but giving you enough pieces to make up the full story
Anytime you put your hand on his, he instinctively holds onto it, usually gliding his thumb over your palm in soothing motions
But he won't sleep until you have, and then he'll get you both comfortable, turn out all the lights, and make sure you have a glass of water next to bed for when you wake up
Rests holding you so your hea dis burie dinto his chest
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Author's Note - Welcome to the blog, galaxy anon! Thank you for requesting, I always love writing Vox 🖤 Please enjoy!
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tobifuyu · 1 year
I just want a baby with the right one
RAN HAITANI x f!reader
cw: domestic and tooth-rotting fluff, ran being a sappy dad, talks of pregnancy and marriage.
wc: 1,5k
a/n: this is the first part of a longer oneshot with more angst and (ofc) smut that I’m gonna post soon enough. enjoy the short fluff for the time being. I –technically– don’t like kids but I get such baby fever when I see happy families so this is me wishing I could have a partner as perfect as ran!
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Stepping foot into a silent home usually meant Ran was asleep somewhere.
After removing your shoes and dropping your bag on the kitchen island, your hunch was confirmed to be right when you found his big body sprawled on your shared bed.
The image is nothing out of the ordinary for you, your sleepy husband can’t go much without his needed rest, especially without you around to keep him company.
Whether now, or five years prior, everything would still look the same: messy purple hair sparse against the white bedding, rosy lips parted as he takes deep breaths, and tattooed chest going up and down as he does.
There is only one stark difference, something that makes your lips curl in a soft smile as you take in the scene.
His arms are bent, creating a makeshift safety harness for the little body that is resting in the middle of his naked chest.
As you carefully and silently approach the bed, you start glimpsing the little face of the angel that your husband is embracing.
Her rosy cheeks resemble that of her father, and you fight the urge to grace them with a kiss in fear of waking her up.
For a moment, you think back to the phone in your purse and curse yourself for not taking it out sooner, wanting to take a picture of the sweet moment, but in the end deciding against going all the way to the kitchen just to come back to either of them having moved.
Ran blinks at you as the mattress dips under your weight. You gather he was just resting his eyes, clever and responsible enough not to fall asleep while holding his newborn daughter.
He raises one finger to his lips to gesture at you to remain silent, but you can’t contain your giggle as you’re filled with a bubbling sense of joy. Part of it is to be blamed on the few drinks you had catching up with your friends, but mostly it has grown inside of you while watching Ran gently rub your daughter’s back.
He rolls his eyes but can’t hide a grin at your behavior, and you bend down to kiss it away with a quick but sweet peck, “Thank you for looking after her.”
“You don’t have to thank me for being with my daughter. I’m her dad y’know?”
“‘course I know, baby. I was there when we made her,” another giggle, Ran has to fight the urge to shut you up with loads of kisses, but you both know he can’t move too much in this position.
So you lay by his side, head resting on his shoulder as you cast your glance towards the sleeping baby.
You can feel your heart clenching, every moment you’re not by her side is like torture. You enjoyed going out alone for once, but you missed the two of them like crazy and spent the whole night pestering your friends about it.
“Can’t believe she’s turning one month old tomorrow,” you whisper, hand raised to gently stroke at her scrunched-up forehead.
“Time goes by so fast,” the breath Ran takes fills his lungs so much you see your little one raising up and down.
“It’s okay, baby, one month is not the end of the world.” You’re trying to rationalize it for the sake of both of you, but you know how emotional your husband gets with these types of things.
The passing of time has never been something he particularly enjoys, not only dreading his getting older but also his brother’s. You recall watching him mop around the day before every single one of Rindou’s birthdays (he raised the boy, after all). So you already knew things would only get worse when it came to his own kid.
“Next thing you know she’s gonna turn twenty and walk out of the house with a partner who probably has one of those dumb jobs like influencers.”
“Hate the game, not the player. You’re a club owner, you literally make money off of ‘em.” You bop his nose with the tip of your finger and his neck muscles strain as he raises his head from the pillow while trying to bite at it.
“That’s why I’m saying it’s stupid,” he pouts. You swear, he’s become such a dad.
But you remember how scared he was when you first found out you were pregnant. You both were.
You didn’t plan for kids. Yeah, Ran had always dreamed of building a family of his own, but he had agreed with you that if you never felt ready, it would be okay.
The two of you were a family already, with Rindou popping by from time to time, and plans of getting a dog if you ever felt like shaking things up.
You were doing okay. Then it happened.
Both of you had always been so careful, so you reasoned that it was just meant to be.
Ran was scared of becoming a dad. He spent his early life taking care of Rindou, and he was fulfilled enough to just enjoy his adult years being with his wife. Traveling, clubbing, lazing in bed. The two of you only cared for one another and it was more than he thought he would ever get in life.
Ran’s pure excitement took over his fear pretty quickly, but he held it in for some time because he could tell how much more shaken up you were by the news.
You were not ready to become a mother, you didn’t think you had it in you. You could barely take care of yourself, how would you help in raising a baby? And it’s not like you could leave the job to Ran, he already had to deal with it alone once, you wouldn’t do such a thing to him again.
It took you some days to make your decision and come to peace with it, days where you closed up to Ran and laid alone in bed, thinking about how your body would change, how much pain you would have to endure, all the sacrifices and scary aspects of pregnancy and ultimately raising a human life.
Ran had come back from work one day and found you in the kitchen baking a cake, or rather trying to. Your cheeks were dusted with flour, and you were dipping a finger in the bowl filled with custard.
“Taste test?” He had asked with a raised brow while removing his coat and shoes at the door.
“Mh, I think our baby likes this one.”
“Do they now? Are you already blaming them for your cravings?” With lips curved in a smile, he had approached you slowly, holding out his arms as you sank into them, head resting on his jacket-covered shoulder.
“I was trying to bake a cake to celebrate our pregnancy. ‘m sorry it took me so long, Ran. I want this baby with you.”
Ran had held you a little tighter at that, softly stroking down the length of your hair while whispering reassuring promises in your ears, tears now wetting both of your faces.
“It’s gonna be okay, my love. As long as we’re together, everything is gonna be alright.”
“As long as we’re with her, everything is gonna be alright.” You repeat his words from then, staring up at his lilac eyes from under your lashes.
He’s already gazing down at you with a look that you know well by now, one that is filled with love and longing. No matter how close you are, Ran always seems to want you even closer.
“I love you, my sweet girl. I love both of you so much. I’m never leaving you, I promise.” He slithers one of his hands under your body, holding the back of your shoulder to keep you pressed against his side, all while softly caressing the skin, copying the movement he was drawing on the smaller back of your sleepy daughter, “Swear on my life.”
A short kiss is left on his collarbone by your lips before you bend down to sweetly press them on top of your daughter’s small head of light hair.
“Now tell me you love us too!” Ran whines and presses the side of his face against yours, squishing your cheeks together as little giggles shake both of your bodies. All the attempts at silencing him are worthless, and you’re forced to give in to his pleading as he starts tickling your side.
“Ran, I love you, baby! And I love our babygirl. I promise, you guys are my whole life.”
All that commotion must’ve finally woken up the tiny girl because the silent room is now filled with laughter and the cries of a baby that would’ve once annoyed you, but now sound like music to your ears.
In that moment you realize that your words aren’t just mindless and sweet-coated, a life without either one of them truly wouldn’t be worth living. And you decide to not give up your family for anything in the world.
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kkcauseway · 25 days
Joel miller x younger f!reader
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Summary I You babysitting Sarah is the norm. When you do so tonight it's so Joel can finally let his hair down and go drinking with Tommy- he's waited eleven months for it after all. You're already expecting a very drunk Joel to return home, and you're exactly right, but what you don't expect is the drunken confession that comes with it... Chapter warnings/content I slight age gap. Drunk Joel Miller, Joel being good at feelings for once because alcohol helps. Drunken confessions of love. Joel complimenting reader. So much flufffffffff gahhh! No outbreak, no use of y/n. A/N I Another of many cute drabbles that my brain decided to conjure up. I really hope you enjoy Joel being a sappy, in touch with his feelings guy when drunk.
Main materlist
You’ve baby sat for Joel since precious Sarah came into this world. As much as you know Joel would love to be a stay-at-home dad he can’t afford to be and so after taking two weeks off he looked for help and there you were. You’ve lived opposite Joel for years, he’s ten years your senior and has always helped your mom with the odd jobs that have needed doing round the house. This is your way to give back. More than happy to help him.
When he asked you last week if you minded watching her so he could have a couple beers with Tommy of course you said yes, who would you be to deny the man of that. You’ve been telling him for months that he deserves a night off. He’s the most selfless person on the planet he deserves to let his hair down and have a few hours off from parenting. His job is demanding and as much as Sarah is the best-behaved baby she’s still hard work.
He's waited a whole eleven months to go out, finally feeling ready enough to leave her on an evening and go let himself get jolly with his brother. You told him to get as drunk as he wanted, that you’d stay in the spare room, so Sarah had someone close at hand that was able if needed in the night. He was so appreciative of that.
With Joel and Sarah everything is so easy, you love helping out, getting to watch Sarah grow into the little girl she is becoming. Watching Joel be the best dad to her.
It’s around twelve that Joel makes it back, you had just stared to turn everything off and lock everything ready to go to bed when you hear the taxi outside.
“I’m backkk” he sings as he enters the house dropping his keys when he goes to lock the door from the inside.
You meet him at the door as he struggles to pick them up. “Here I’ll get them, go sit down” you laugh stroking a hand along his arm as he smiles up at you.
“Okay, thanks for always being so wonderful to me n’my f’mly.”
You can’t help but laugh at the way he slurs his words.
With the door locked and porch light now off you walk back to the lounge and find him slumped on the loveseat.
“Good night?” you question to his drunk sleepy frame.
“Such a good night, darlin’ thank you. I honestly can’t thank you enough for allowin’ me t’go. How’s my angel doin’ she get to sleep okay?”
“Out like a light, she had a bath then I read her a book and she’s had some warm milk. She fell asleep on my chest and didn’t even wake when I picked her up to put her to bed. Plus she hasn’t woke up since, I’ve been in to check on her twice she’s absolutely dead to the world, talking in her sleep and all, wonder where she gets that from” you jest.
He rolls his eyes with a scoff “one time, that was one fuckin’ time you heard me say some shit in my sleep when I was nappin’ and I ain’t never lived it down.”
“No, and you won’t ever, I mean your daughter can’t even talk properly yet and she’s fucking trying to string sentences together when she’s fast asleep, I say there’s no hope… she’s gonna be just like her daddy. Just like she is in every other damn way.”
“Well fuckin’ good luck t’her, why would anyone wana take after me.”
“Excuse me Joel Miller but we will have none of this negative talk thank you very much, I happen to think you’re amazing! And I can’t help but admire the way you are with Sarah. Honestly, I hope she does grow up to be just like you that will be so much fun!”
“You’re so beautiful, got such a way with words and know exactly how to make people feel better. You’re one in a million. Me and Sarah are more than just lucky to have you around. Thank you” he then bends to take off his boots.
You feel more than lucky to have them around too. You’re your happiest when you’re in their company. Spending time with them. Going on outings with them. If Tommy and Joel wana take Sarah out somewhere they always ask you to tag along especially now Tommy brings Maria. Maybe people think that Joel and you are in a relationship, that Sarah is yours. She definitely looks like she could be with her blonde hair and blue eyes that match your own. “Well I’m lucky to have you two too.” You reply with a big smile.
He chuckles as he struggles with his laces, and you watch the way his calloused fingers can’t get a grip on the knots, so you move to take them off for him as he looks up at you “you two too, that’s a tongue twister, you two too, you two too”
“You’re so stupid sometimes Joel Miller” you chuckle as you untie the laces.
“M’not” he pouts.
“You are, but I wouldn’t change you” you giggle having now taken off his boots and are moving them to their rightful place.
He laughs again as you make your way back to come and sit next to him. “ahhh, I like you darlin’” he sings letting his head fall back.
“Well I like you too, guess you ain’t too bad are yah” you giggle.
“No I-” he sighs sitting back up to look at you “I mean I really really like you; I want you to be mine.”
Did he really just say that?
“Wh- sorry what?”
“I want you t’be mine, forever”
“Joel you’re drunk” you chuckle.
“Yes, but I want you, I always want you every damn minute of every day. I can’t fuckin’ fault you baby you’re absolutely amazin’ at everythin’ you do, treat my daughter like she’s your own. Man I wana fuckin’ worship the ground you walk on for the rest of my life; I just can’t get over how amazin’ you are. And I’ve fallen in love with you.”
Fuck. Is this really happening?
“Joel” you stutter, “I don’t, I really don’t know what to say. I just, this is a lot” you move away from him slightly so you’re able to look him in the eye.
“I know you don’t believe me but s’true.” He mumbles as he leans toward you.
“Joel what are you doin?”
“Can I kiss you?”
You’re surprised more so than anything that he’s actually asking permission. He’s pissed but still being a gentleman. That’s more than you’ve ever experienced before, but that’s how Joel has always been. Going above and beyond for the girls who mean so much to him in life. He respects women the way they should be respected.
“I wana kiss you so bad.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea Joel.”
“Please lemme kiss you, v’wanted to for so long. Just been too much of a pussy t’ever ask you.”
He leans forward more losing his balance, so you place your hands to his chest to push him back up “Woah, okay big guy listen, I’ll stay over tonight as planned just in case you or Sarah need me, but nothing’s happening, I’ll let it happen if you still feel the same way in the morning, okay? Now go to bed you need to start sleeping this off.”
As much as you want to believe what he’s saying you don’t know how much is the whiskey talking and the last thing you want is to embarrass yourself OR him.
He pouts but nods before standing from his seat and walking to the stairs staggering as he treks up. “I’ve already put you a glass of water on your bed side table, drink it please” you add.
He turns back to smile at you as you move to place his shoes by the front door. “Such a good girl” he utters as he staggers his way up.
It sends tingles through your whole body. ‘Such a good girl’ replays in your mind over and over as you find yourself eventually in bed falling asleep too.
When he wakes up, he wakes to the smell of coffee and that hasn’t happened in a long ass time. Plus he’s got a banging headache, but his heart is also going one hundred miles an hour.
That’s when it dawns on him- shit he told you the truth. He had a lot to drink, enough to make a fool of himself but not enough to forget and yeah, he did mean exactly what he said to you, and he will tell you that. He sits up in bed familiarising himself with his surroundings, the room still spinning slightly, he looks to his bedside table and finds the glass of water he downed last night refilled and some painkillers there waiting for him.
He smiles knowing that means you’ve snook your way into his room during the night to ensure he’s looked after. He quickly takes the tablets and downs the whole glass completely parched from last night’s shenanigans. His body shakes slightly but not from the effects of the alcohol, he’s nervous to face you.
After eventually dressing himself, he walks down the stairs watching you sat at the table feeding Sarah her porridge. Neither of them have noticed him and so he stands and watches for a minute before interrupting the bonding moment.
“Is that yummy?”
She shrieks in reply "yah!"
“Mmm yeah it looks sooo yummy, you’re such a pretty girl huh you want some more?”
“Yeah, some more good girl you’re so smart!” You praise as you place another spoonful into her mouth. She’s always been quick at everything she’s already walking and she’s saying some words. She’s the smartest little girl and you’re so proud of her.
“She gets that from me.” He adds startling you. You jump in your seat.
“Jesus, you made me jump” you chuckle.
Sarah giggles at the sight of you jumping.
“Dada!” She calls.
“Hey babygirl, is that nice?”
She nods smacking her porridge covered chops together.
“How you feeling?” You quiz observing the way he squints at the light.
After pouring himself a coffee he comes to seat himself in the chair next to you. “Like absolute utter s. h. i. t”
“I bet, you were pretty out of it, said some crazy stuff last night.”
“I did?”
“You don’t remember?”
Of course he does but he likes this game “enlighten me.”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to embarrass you, you said some things, there was this one point where I actually kinda started to believe you, but I knew it was all the drink talking. I won’t embarrass you by bringing it back up.”
“Darlin.” It comes out almost like a stern warning, shutting up your rambling instantly.
“Yeah?” You reply softly
“I know exactly what I said last night.”
“Oh, you do?” You drop Sarah’s spoon into the bowl as you stare at him.
“Yes, I do, and I meant everythin’ that I said. Absolutely every word.”
“M’deadly serious, I wouldn’t joke about somethin’ as important as this.”
You smile, “well that’s really good to know” and then you turn back to his daughter giving her another mouthful when she squeaks in annoyance of having to wait.
He sits on the seat next to you and admires your connection with his daughter. The way she reacts to you and just how natural you are with her. Your motherly instincts kick in instantly with Sarah and she’s not even blood. He’s been mesmerised by the way you handle Sarah since she’s been born, even back when Sarah’s mom was still around.
“Oh messy girl!” You coo when she puts her hand into her bowl and splashes it around.
“I got a plan” he grumbles as he places a hand to the small of your back sending goosebumps up and down your body.
“What’s that?” You quiz not taking your eyes off Sarah as you give her another mouthful.
“You and me Friday night, m’gonna take you out. I’ll get Tommy t’watch Sarah.”
You gasp at the feeling of him rubbing your back with so much care and in the fact that he’s going out of his way to take you out.
“We’ll go to that Italian you love. What do y’think?”
You turn to look at him with a smile. “I’d love that so much. Thank you, Joel.”
“My pleasure girl, just wana treat you the way you deserve and prove to you I want this and will always be in it one hundred percent as long as that’s what you want too.”
“It’s what I want.” You reply without hesitation, and he chuckles.
“Good.” He leans in placing a kiss at your temple and you close your eyes to savour the feeling of his lips on your skin for a few seconds before he pulls back away. When he does you both stare at Sarah who is looking back at you both with the biggest grin on her face. Showing off her few teeth.
You could get used to this being your life day in day out. You’ve already wished it were for months. And it seems it might actually happen now Joel has been truthful, you’ve hoped this would happen for a long time, have loved Joel for much longer than you care to admit, but it seems he’s felt the same and like you had just been too afraid to say something.
Bring on Friday night.
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shitouttabuck · 1 year
playing with the hair and "you sure this is ok" sounds so soft aaaah I hope you'll find inspiration, I love your writing
got a little sappy with this <3
bed-sharing prompts: person A idly playing with person B’s hair while they’re asleep + “you sure this is okay?”
the sound of love astounds me
Eddie’s man-behind today. Bobby tries to be fair with it, not constantly relegating the probies to the job no one really wants, and today it’s Eddie’s turn again.
He’s grateful for it—he slept badly last night, and that’s probably why Bobby made him stay behind in the first place, taking pity on his dragging feet and muffled yawns not one hour into their shift.
They’re past the 18-hour mark now, late night blanketing the firehouse in a thick, heavy quiet. The rest of them have been out on a call for a while, a three-alarm factory fire at the edge of their jurisdiction. Eddie’s itchy about it, always is when it’s a more serious call and he’s not there alongside his team. Not there alongside his partner.
Buck’s a big boy, and Eddie knows, he knows him not being there isn’t going to unbalance the dynamic of their team so dramatically something goes wrong, but. He’s supposed to have Buck’s back, and as much as he trusts the rest of the 118—with his life—no one else is Buck’s partner. Not the way Eddie is.
The sound of the engine backing into the station catches his attention and he gets up from the couch, leaning over the loft railing as everyone stumbles out the rig, sooty and sleepy. Hen looks up and gives him a tired smile, Chim bumping into her shoulder as he blows Eddie a kiss before heading to the showers.
Buck’s last out the engine, exhaustion written into the slump of his body. He doesn’t look up at Eddie, seemingly lost in his own thoughts as he shuffles slowly after everyone else.
Eddie reheats dinner, serving it all up just as the rest of his team flops into chairs around the dining table. Still no Buck.
“Did you cook this?” Ravi asks, poking suspiciously at the casserole with a fork.
“I’ve made my peace with food poisoning, I’m so fucking hungry,” Chim says, mouth already full.
“Hey,” Eddie protests mildly. “I followed Bobby’s recipe exactly.”
“Really?” Bobby asks, examining his own plate in surprise. “Oh, uh, no, of course. Looks good, Eddie, thank you.” He takes a very deliberate bite, making a big show of chewing amidst noises of approval.
Eddie sighs and turns to Hen. “Where’s Buck?”
“Still showering,” she tells him. “Rough one today.”
Eddie’s heart sinks. “Did you lose someone?”
Hen shakes her head, setting down her fork. “No, no—sorry, didn’t mean it like that. He got stuck carrying two guys out on his own, though. And one of them was in pretty bad shape. Think his whole body is feeling kinda tender.”
“Oh,” Eddie blows out a relieved breath. “Okay.” He smacks Chim’s hand away from the last corner of the casserole. “That’s for Buck. You can have some more garlic bread.”
Chimney pouts at him, and Eddie ignores it in favour of covering the casserole dish and sticking it back in the oven to keep warm.
One by one, everyone wanders to the bunks, drained from the day. Eddie hangs behind, clearing up the kitchen and waiting for Buck to show up. There’s no sign of him by the time the counters are sparkling, so he flops back down on the couch with his book. If it’d been a bad call… Eddie’d like to think he knows what Buck needs, usually. And sometimes that’s just a minute to decompress by himself, washing off a weight of weariness rather than an intangible hurt.
Sure enough, he hears the quiet padding of Buck’s footsteps come up the stairs not much later. Eddie cranes his head over the back of the couch, smiling upside-down and wonky when Buck comes over.
“Hey,” he says. “You okay?”
“Mm,” Buck hums. His eyes are droopy with exhaustion, cheeks ruddy from being under the hot spray of the shower for so long.
“Dinner’s in the oven,” Eddie tells him.
Buck exhales heavily, giving him a small smile. “Not so hungry.”
“Sleep, then,” Eddie says, nodding in the direction of the bunks.
Buck grimaces. “Everything aches.”
“All the more reason to sleep,” Eddie presses.
Buck looks at him, blinking tiredly. “Okay,” he says, suddenly amenable, rounding the couch and climbing onto it. He drapes himself across it, settling on his back and shoving his head into Eddie’s lap with a contented sigh. Eddie sits frozen, book in one hand and the other hovering over Buck’s chest.
Buck cracks open one eye to look up at him consideringly. Eddie smiles down at him automatically, can’t really help himself, and gently lowers his forearm to rest across Buck’s broad chest.
“This okay?” Buck asks, slightest note of hesitancy in his voice.
“Better if you were asleep,” Eddie says, flipping the page of his book. He lets the hand curled around Buck’s torso squeeze gently, reassuringly, even as he goes back to reading.
Buck huffs an amused breath, wriggling a little as he settles more firmly in Eddie’s lap, turning his head to get comfortable. This angles his face so that it’s basically pressed into Eddie’s crotch, tip of his nose brushing the fly seam of Eddie’s pants.
Eddie swallows, positioning his book a little higher to cover any change in expression his face might betray, because—it’s Buck, and this isn’t sexual, but God, Eddie hasn’t had this kind of intimacy in his life in a while. He’s less worried about popping a boner from his best friend’s face so close to his dick and more concerned Buck’ll take one look at him and know just how badly Eddie wants him this close, all of the time.
Whatever. If everyone had a friend like Buck, everyone would be a little insane about loving him this much, too. It’s not an Eddie thing, it’s a Buck thing.
Buck’s breathing evens out, deep and steady, and Eddie reads until the words start swimming on the page. He yawns, putting the book down and wondering if he can catch some sleep like this, because he’d rather be trapped on a desert island with his parents than wake Buck up right now.
Buck’s snoring lightly, warm puffs of breath Eddie can feel even through the fabric of his pants. His hair is curling messily from his shower and—there are bits of… something in it? Eddie sighs, knowing Buck probably just zoned out under the spray for half an hour without actually scrubbing his hair at all.
He runs his fingers through Buck’s hair, dislodging flecks of indiscernible airborne debris from the fire. He cards through more purposefully, combing it out as best he can and scratching his nails gently against Buck’s scalp.
Buck murmurs, nuzzling into Eddie. The hand closest to the back of the couch scuffles along the cushion till it finds Eddie’s, wrapping around it and tugging it to his chest with such strength Eddie blinks in surprise, astonished that he’s still asleep.
Eddie goes back to sorting through Buck’s hair one-handed, discarding tiny pieces of detritus lodged in his curls. He gets a little lost in it, something calm and hypnotic about the repetitive motions: stroking, cleaning, brushing through, over and over and over.
He’s startled from it when someone clears their throat softly. He just about manages not to jerk in his surprise, and Buck remains slumbering peacefully. Hen’s standing a few feet from the couch, eyebrow cocked and mouth quirked with amusement.
“There a reason you’re grooming Buck like a monkey picking nits off her baby?” she whispers.
Eddie flushes, removing his hand from Buck’s curls. “He has a bunch of shit in his hair from the fire,” he says defensively.
Hen bites down on her smile. “Okay, okay,” she says soothingly, like she’s talking to a spooked horse. “He forget to actually wash it during the longest shower known to man?”
Eddie sighs, fingers resuming running through Buck’s hair almost unconsciously. “You know how he gets when he’s this tired.”
Hen hums, and Eddie looks up at her again. “Why’re you up? Can’t sleep?”
She shakes her head, inclining it towards the bathrooms. “Just needed the toilet.” She makes as if to head back down, then pauses, looking at him assessingly.
“What?” Eddie asks.
“Nothing,” she shakes her head again, smiling softly. “Just—I don’t think there’s anyone other than Karen and Denny whose hair I’d pick through voluntarily. And any other kids of mine, I guess. Family.” With that, she turns and disappears down the stairs.
Eddie swallows. He looks down: Buck, face pressed into Eddie’s stomach; Buck, hand clutching Eddie’s arm to his chest; Buck, curls wild and springy from where Eddie’s been running his fingers through them, cleaning him, grooming him, taking care of him. Hen’s not dropped a bomb of any sort on Eddie; Buck’s his family, he knows that, Buck knows that, he’s fairly sure anyone who’s ever met them knows that.
But he thinks yeah, there isn’t anyone other than Chris and Buck whose hair he’d pick through like this. And maybe that’s a different, more specific kind of family than he or anyone else realised. Maybe that’s a different, more specific kind of love.
Buck snuffles discontentedly in his lap and Eddie scratches his scalp soothingly, heart settling as Buck settles.
So maybe the reason Eddie wants him close all the time is slightly different to what he thought. This remains true: if everyone had a friend like Buck, everyone would be a little insane about loving him this much. That’s a Buck thing. But maybe, if he’s open to it, Eddie can make loving him this much, every day and in every way, an Eddie thing and exclusively an Eddie thing.
Buck shifts on the couch, tugging Eddie’s arm a little higher up on his chest, and Eddie splays his palm over Buck’s heart, feeling the steady thump.
When Bobby wakes them both for breakfast hours later, Eddie leans against the table to stretch the crick in his neck from sleeping sitting up. Behind him, Buck reaches a large hand out to massage the junction of his shoulder gently, and Eddie melts into his touch.
“Would you pick nits out of my hair?” he asks before his brain comes fully online.
“Sure,” Buck says, not missing a beat. “D’you have lice?” He leans forward to inspect Eddie’s hair and Eddie swats him away.
“No,” he says, slightly offended. “I do not have lice. Just—hypothetically.”
Buck yawns. “’Course, Eds,” he says. “Your lice are my lice, and all that.” He serves himself a heaping of scrambled eggs and ambles off to the kitchen to grab orange juice from the fridge.
And maybe Buck is just the kind of person who, unlike Eddie and Hen, would comb through anyone’s nasty hair. But your lice are my lice is more romantic than anything Eddie’s ever heard, even in his own wedding vows, and when Buck knocks his knee against Eddie’s under the table before stealing a bite of hash brown, Eddie thinks maybe this love between them is equally cared for, a two-way street in every sense of it, a Buck-and-Eddie thing.
(more bed-sharing prompts)
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tobecatherine · 6 months
You are home
Part two to Nightmare Comfort.
Part One
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Okay ya'll here it finally is, the long awaited part two to my Gale fanfic and as promised it is spicy! So only 18+ please! It ended up way longer than I planned but I hope you'll find it worth the read.
This is def romantic/sappy with very light kink.
TavxGale- First Person
Word Count: 3057
I hope ya'll enjoy!
Ever since you confided in Gale about your nightmares, he has been extra attentive and caring towards you. Every night, he would tell you sweet stories from his imagination or his favorite books, hoping to fill your mind with positive thoughts and banish your worries. He even offered to use magic to help, but you declined. With time and his loving care, you were confident that the nightmares would eventually fade away.
Your new nightly routine was a welcomed change. After dinner and a walk together, you two would snuggle into bed and listen to Gale's soft voice until you drifted off to sleep in his arms. Even though the nightmares still came, they were easier to push away with Gale by your side. Your heart was filled with love and gratitude for the man next to you.
These peaceful nights became the usual routine over time. When Gale returned home from teaching at the academy, he would enthusiastically share stories about his students while helping you prepare dinner. Then, you would eat together, clean up, and set out for your evening stroll as a couple.
The stars shone just as brilliantly tonight as they did on the evening Gale professed his love for you. You couldn't help but wonder if he had cast another enchantment, as the stars weren't always visible above the buildings in town. But when you looked at Gale, you realized that the night sky was its own magic that night.
"I love you," you whisper tenderly, intertwining your fingers with Gale's as your heart flutters. Even after all this time, his touch still had the power to make your heart skip a beat.
"I love you too, my dear," he replies with a smile. "I wouldn't be here without you. I am forever grateful for the days I get to spend by your side. You...changed me."
"I didn't change you. I simply showed you that you are someone worth loving," you say, turning to face him and gazing into his eyes.
As your eyes meet, a soft smile spreads across your face before you lean in to kiss his velvety lips. You can feel him grinning against your own before he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
As his lips softly brushed against yours, he whispered, “You were right, I never felt like I was enough. But you helped change that.” 
You leaned your foreheads together, standing there in each other's embrace for a moment. His arms securely around your shoulders and yours wrapped tightly around his neck. Taking a deep breath, you let yourself share this intimate space with him, feeling your hearts beating as one as you kissed him again. The kiss deepened as Gale's tongue gently grazed your bottom lip, and you eagerly parted them for him. You wished you could stay locked in this moment forever, kissing him until the end of time.
But reality came crashing in as you became aware of Gale's arousal pressing against your stomach. As tempting as it was to take him between two buildings and have your way with him, that idea was quickly dismissed when a drunk man stumbled out of a nearby building.
"Maybe we should head back earlier tonight," you murmur with a playful lilt in your voice. 
Your lips were still tingling from his kisses, and his flavor lingered on your tongue. Without any words exchanged, you suddenly find yourself being whisked through space and time, ending up in the front room of your home alongside him.
"Do you have a magical teleportation device hidden here?" You quirk an eyebrow at him. 
"You never know when you might need a quick getaway," Gale responds with a mischievous grin.
Gale pulled you close, his lips crashing into yours with an intensity that made your heart race. As your tongues danced and hands roamed, Gale's lips began to trail down your neck. His strong hands moved from your lower back to your hips, then to the back of your thighs as he effortlessly lifted you in his arms. You couldn't help but let out breathy moans as he kissed and nipped at your skin, one hand tangled in his hair and the other holding onto him tightly. Being a bit of a tease, you started grinding against him, causing him to almost lose his balance and lean against a nearby wall. You couldn't help but grin mischievously as you did it again, enjoying the way Gale growled against your skin in response.
The sounds Gale made sent shivers down your spine, igniting a heat that spread to your already quivering core. No one in your life had ever set you on fire the way Gale did. You had past lovers, sure, but Gale was different - Gale was your forever. With a gentle tug of his hair, he pulled back as requested, his dark eyes locked onto yours. In them, you could see the burning desire he had for you, causing a whimper to escape your lips. As your eyes remained locked with his, you bite your bottom lip and let him see all the love, passion, and care you had for him in that moment.
"Please, make love to me," you whisper, nearly begging as both of you pant in anticipation.
"My pleasure," Gale responds with a devilish look before crashing his lips against yours once more.
Gale stepped away from the wall and closed the short distance to your room. He pressed you against the nearest wall, his hips moving slowly against yours. You tried to respond in kind, but he held you firmly, trapping you against the wall. He pulled back slightly to look at you.
"I'm going to show you how much you mean to me, and worship you like you deserve," he said, grinding his hips in circular motions. The heat in his voice sent shivers down your spine.
It was clear that Gale was taking charge tonight, and you eagerly followed his lead as he set you down on your feet, your knees wobbling. He caught you in his arms with a chuckle.
"Already weak in the knees?" he teased before kissing you again.
Together, you and Gale stripped each other of clothing in a frenzy of kisses and caresses. Soon, you were both naked, with Gale hovering over you, his body pressed against yours. You could feel his arousal against your thigh as your hand trailed down to stroke him.
The two of you were lost in a haze of kisses and gentle touches, reveling in the sensations of each other's bodies. As your hand moved up and down Gale's length, his moans echoed in your ears, sending shivers down your spine. With eager fingers, you guided him towards your wet center, but Gale stopped you suddenly. Confused, you looked up at him for an explanation.
“Let’s take our time tonight,” he murmurs against your lips, his hand gripping yours as you move together slowly. “Do you trust me?”
“I trust you with everything,” you reply, breathless as you continue to pleasure him.
Gale suddenly sits up, taking your hands and tenderly kissing each palm before conjuring a rope to tie your wrists to the bedposts. You're surprised by this unexpected turn of events, but Gale simply kisses the tip of your nose and reassures you that tonight is all about you.
With a nod, you relax and let him take control. It's difficult not being able to touch him, run your fingers through his hair or scratch down his back, but tonight is different. Gale has always been an attentive lover, but tonight he takes it to another level. The sensation of goosebumps rising on your skin makes you tingle all over, and you can't wait to see what else he has in store for you.
Gale made sure you were comfortable before sitting up to face you. Watching him gaze at your naked form, you couldn't help but feel a rush of embarrassment and arousal. Though you had seen each other naked many times before, the way his eyes roamed over your body now made you feel like he was trying to etch every inch of you into his memory.
"You are more beautiful than any rare gem or star in the sky. I am beyond lucky to see you as I do," he said, causing you to whimper and turn away slightly, feeling exposed and vulnerable. But Gale's hands began to explore your body, drawing your attention back to him as he hovered above you. "Please don't turn away, my love. To have the vision of your bare form imprinted on my mind is a priceless treasure."
You leaned up to kiss him passionately, feeling the heat from earlier intensify in your core. You never thought words could make you climax, but it felt like they just might have. The thought of being completely under his control sent shivers down your spine, and the heat in your body seemed to pool in your stomach. You bite down on his lip as you finally break away, your neck aching slightly from the angle.
With a mischievous grin, Gale slowly explored your body with his hands and lips. His movements were deliberate, as if he was studying your reactions. You could tell that he paid close attention to your moans, giving you exactly what you wanted and avoiding anything that didn't bring pleasure. Was this what he meant when he said he would worship you? If it was, you were more than happy to accept it.
Every touch from Gale felt electrifying, heating up your entire body by the time he settled between your thighs. His soft lips traced kisses along your inner thigh, occasionally nipping at the supple skin.
"You're already so wet for me," he chuckled before licking a slow line up your folds.
You couldn't help but squirm under Gale's skilled tongue, wanting to feel him closer. When you pressed your hips forward in silent request, he obliged, running his nails lightly along your thighs as his mouth worshiped every inch of your folds. He teased and kissed everywhere except where you desperately wanted him, making you whimper in frustration.
"Gale, please," you pleaded with hazy moans as his touches pushed you closer to the edge.
Gale's hands moved down to spread your lower lips apart with his thumbs, exposing your swollen clit to the cool air of the room. You shuddered as you panted for breath, feeling his tongue work magic on the sensitive bundle of nerves. The way his lips wrapped around the hood of your clit was indescribable, sending waves of pleasure through your body as you braced yourself against the restraints.
"More...please...I'm so close," you begged him without hesitation.
Without a word, Gale leaned in even closer and intensified his efforts. His tongue circled and flicked with increasing speed, driving you wild until you reached another peak of ecstasy. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, Gale's fingers teased the opening of your core, skillfully brushing against every nerve ending and driving you to the brink of insanity. And when he finally pressed two fingers inside of you, hitting that perfect spot that made you see stars, you couldn't hold back any longer.
As your body tensed and trembled with pleasure, Gale continued to ravish you relentlessly, pushing you into another wave of ecstasy. But just as you were about to reach the ultimate climax, his mouth pulled away and spread your thighs open again. As he slid inside of you, completing the final piece of your union, you felt yourself falling into another blissful release.
You gasped as you felt his erection slowly breach your tight entrance, stretching and filling you with a pleasure that left you breathless. Filling you to the hilt Gale pressed his hips to yours, letting the end of your last climax clench around his cock. The sensation of him filling you as you came was a different kind of bliss in itself. Your hands once again straining against their binds, wanting so badly to touch him. 
As he began to thrust, you could feel yourself clenching around him, drawn deeper into the abyss of pleasure. Your moans turned into cries as he hit the spots that made you go wild. The sensation of him inside you was overwhelming, and you could tell he was enjoying every second of it.
Gale's hand slid up your body, his fingers gently caressing your breast, and then tweaking your nipple just right, sending a shock of pleasure through you. The combination of the sensations was too much, and you knew that you were about to reach the peak of your orgasm once again.
Your body arched violently, your nails digging into the palms of your hands as you reached the peak of pleasure. With a satisfied grin on his face, Gale watched intently, knowing that he had fulfilled all your desires. As your legs trembled and your breaths grew shallow, you were acutely aware of the wetness between your thighs as Gale's arousal continued to throb inside of you.
“Gale… please, finish inside me,” You plead, not wanting to break the intimate connection between you.
Gale thrusts himself deeper inside of you, causing your eyes to roll back in ecstasy. Your legs instinctively wrap around his hips, holding him close as he emptied himself into you. Your tightness squeezes his cock as your lips meld together in a sloppy kiss. A contented sigh escapes your lips as you start to drift off once again. In this moment, lost in pure bliss, you feel nothing but love and adoration for the man who has brought you such immense pleasure.
As you lay there, basking in the afterglow of your passionate encounter, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the connection you shared with Gale. His touch, his voice, his presence—all of it enveloped you in a warmth that was both comforting and exhilarating.
You reached up and gently caressed his face, tracing the lines of his features with your fingertips. He leaned in and kissed your palm, his eyes never leaving your own. There was a depth to his gaze that you couldn't quite put your finger on, but it filled you with a sense of security and trust.
His voice was soft as he asked, "Are you alright? Did I hurt you?"
You smiled and shook your head, lifting your hand to cup his cheek. "No, Gale, you didn't hurt me. You always take care of me."
And I love you, too," he said, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. In that intimate moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you cocooned in each other's embrace.
As you lay there wrapped in each other's arms, a sense of peace washed over you. It wasn't just about the physical connection you shared but the deep emotional bond that had formed between you and Gale. You knew that whatever challenges life threw your way, as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm.
Feeling a surge of gratitude, you pressed a gentle kiss against Gale's chest, feeling his heartbeat steady beneath your lips. In this quiet space of love and acceptance, you knew that your connection with Gale was something rare and precious.
Gently, Gale released your restraints, allowing your limbs to fall weakly to the side. You felt a wave of exhaustion wash over you but you knew that there would be time for rest later.
As you lay there, basking in the afterglow of your passionate encounter, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the connection you shared with Gale. His touch, his voice, his presence—all of it enveloped you in a warmth that was both comforting and exhilarating.
You reached up and gently caressed his face, tracing the lines of his features with your fingertips. He leaned in and kissed your palm, his eyes never leaving your own. There was a depth to his gaze that you couldn't quite put your finger on, but it filled you with a sense of security and trust.
His voice was soft as he asked, "Are you alright? Did I hurt you?"
You smiled and shook your head, lifting your hand to cup his cheek. "No, Gale, you didn't hurt me. You always take care of me."
As your breathing steadied, Gale pulled out slowly, leaving a warm trail of himself inside you. He reached over and grabbed a soft, fluffy towel, gently dabbing at the evidence of their passion. You watched him, still breathless and glowing with afterglow, feeling a profound connection with him that went beyond mere sex.
He helped you sit up, wrapping his arms around you as you snuggled into his chest. His heartbeat steadied yours, and you knew in that moment that you had found something truly special with Gale. He was more than just a lover—he was a confidant, a protector, a friend.
You turned to him, your eyes brimming with emotion, and whispered, "I love you." The words hung in the air between you, heavy with significance and meaning.
Gale leaned down, kissing you softly on the lips, and then whispered back, "And I love you, too," he said, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. In that intimate moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you cocooned in each other's embrace.
As you lay there wrapped in each other's arms, a sense of peace washed over you. It wasn't just about the physical connection you shared but the deep emotional bond that had formed between you and Gale. You knew that whatever challenges life threw your way, as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm.
Feeling a surge of gratitude, you pressed a gentle kiss against Gale's chest, feeling his heartbeat steady beneath your lips. In this quiet space of love and acceptance, you knew that your connection with Gale was something rare and precious.
As the soft light of dawn filtered through the window, you closed your eyes, savoring the moment and committing it to memory. In Gale's arms, you found home place where love was infinite and time stood still.
After this night, you never had the nightmares again.
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lupeloto · 7 months
“just for you” ficlet
hi okay so i had an anon send in a hc about this situation and i loved it so much so i wrote a little ficlet about it! enjoy them being nasty (if u saw this yesterday no u didn’t, i changed some things hehe)
— — — —
“that’s bullshit and you know it,” ian grunts, yanking the front door open with a fury.
“the fuck it is!” mickey shouts back, stomping through the living room with exasperated mumbles, “need a beer.”
“great, just do me a favor and drink your three six-packs away from me,” ian spits, a flippancy in his voice that only mickey brings out in him.
mickey purses his lips, squints his eyes, and flips ian the middle finger before angrily taking a swig of his old style, “gladly.”
he heads over to the couch, outwardly faking indifference about the situation while quietly cursing himself for letting ian and himself get so worked up over practically nothing. he’s not even sure he can recall what started it in the first place.
he angrily tears his shoes off, popping them on the ground before laying back in the couch and flipping through the channels. he mindlessly stares for about an hour, drifting to sleep before hearing a knock on the door. he ignores it, spitefully waiting for ian to come clamoring down the stairs with mumbles of how lazy he is. he’s still pissed about earlier; ian having picked a fight out of seemingly nowhere just because he woke up crabby. the knock turns to a bang. mickey sighs, mumbling varities of fuck this, fuck that as he begrudgingly makes his way to the door with significantly pronounced stomps just loud enough in hopes that ian will hear.
he vigorously yanks the door open, prepared to spit a quick “can i fuckin’ help you?” before he catches sight of those dewy green eyes and goofy smile.
“the fuck?” mickey whispers before ian pulls his hand out from behind his back. he reveals a bouquet of wilted white roses that look as if they could talk, they would be begging to be put out of their misery.
“climbed out the window,” he flashes a bashful grin, “this is all they had at the store,” he gives a sad smile towards the roses and then back up to his husband.
“i’m sorry,” he says sincerely, a tinge of shame plaguing his voice as those green eyes go soft. “go to dinner with me?”
mickey takes in the sight, his heart doing backflips in his chest, “jesus christ,” he stares down with a wide grin.
“those flowers look like shit.” he says plainly. ian gives him a shrug, clearly fighting a smile.
“‘m sorry too,” mickey steps aside as ian meets him in the doorway.
“you’re a sappy asshole, ya know that?”
“just for you,” ian smirks, abandoning the flowers and grabbing mickey by the waist to meet their lips. he pulls back, bringing his freckled hands up to cup mickey’s jaw. he runs his thumb along mickey’s cheek, tracing his nose and under his eyes. mickey blinks slowly, leaning into the touch as his eyes flutter shut.
“wow,” ian whispers as he scans his husband’s face, getting lost in soft blue eyes and dusting of light freckles across porcelain skin.
mickey leans in, devouring ian with a hunger before ian pulls away and slows the movement. “dinner after?” he huffs through slow kisses down mickey’s neck.
mickey’s head leans back, “dinner after,” he says through hiccuped breaths. they take their time up the stairs, giggling between kisses as they stumble all over the place; door wide open and wilted white rose petals scattered across the floor.
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ayyyez · 3 months
"Extra fandom options" she says, as if she means anything other than haikyuu 😂 Heheh of course you may do whatever you want always but you know what I'm here for, gotta be on brand.
SO if you have any thoughts of Tanaka and Ennoshita in a romantic relationship headcannons, either solo or in a poly relationship, I'd love to read them! Fluff and/or spicy, you know I'll happily read and gush over what you write. Thanks and you look good today!
Also first.
a/n: not these sitting in my inbox forever. But hey look I’ve finally gotten around to them bc I wanna think about hq while my sinuses hate me 😂 but im doing these first for you 🫡
Tags: relationship headcanons, fluff, kissing, spooning, confessing, poly (at the end)
Characters: Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara (with x reader and poly [seperated])
God this guy is the most in love sap you would ever encounter but he’s so endearing.
After the whole ‘marry me’ Kiyoko situation he decides to hold back a little when he has a crush. But this is by Tanakas standards. His holding back is he very obviously has a crush on you but isn’t asking you out (or to marry you) right away.
Being near you and gestures are his go to. It’s canon. And how he reacts depends on how you are.
If you’re the type to go out of your way to talk to him then he’s like doki doki BEST DAY EVER! but also isn’t 10/10 intense every time you talk to him. He chills a little. BUT STILL DEDICATED TO YOU.
If you’re more naive or the shy type then just a small smile from you is enough to get him through the day. Very much oh boy they looked at me I’m the best wing spiker in the world.
To get into a relationship with him one of two things need to happen.
One: you gotta give him a sign that you are into him. Flirt-Tease him about his antics (particularly the taking shirt of woo) or just give him a compliment saying you’re into him. Give him smiles more than anyone else. Then he’s just ‘go out with me PLEASE.’
Two: ask him out. He will combust and Tanaka.exe will stop working for a moment. But then he’s like OKAY. (Doesn’t wanna fuck it up and over do it. It’s steered him wrong before)
Dating this guy means waking up the luckiest person ever. You are SPOILED with attention, gestures and affection.
Man is a personal heater. Big spoon, little spoon, doesn’t matter longs you be spooning.
A bit of a restless sleeper and sleep talker. It’s kinda funny the silly things he says. One time yelled ‘LEFFFFT’ in his sleep.
The only way to stop the wriggling is spooning him harder than you’ve spooned before. Still has a stray leg flicking every now and again but it’s better.
His first kiss has him sweating the details. Wants to make it perfect like in those manga he reads but overthinks it. He takes ages to do it if you want him to initiate.
Just kiss him honestly. The reaction is worth it. The reddest blush. Once again stops working.
Once he’s done it though his smooches are so good. Passionate boy starts soft then HES HUNGRY FOR MORE. Very intense. Kinda awkward with his tongue at first but he gets it.
He’s big on physical touch but it doesn’t have to be big. A hand held is gold to him. Cuddling is just something he lives for.
Cannot handle alcohol so you’re carrying (or organising others to) carry his ass home. Super sappy and happy drunk. ‘I love… youuuuuu’. A crier too. He just feels extra hard.
Get a couple into him though and he dances like no one’s watching. Actually not half bad until he starts stripping. Only you can stop him. He’s too obsessed with you to care about anything else he was doing.
Makeouts on the couch are BIG with him. Won’t take it further until you ask. Gotta be a gentleman. Yes even when his hands are squeezing your ass.
Ennoshita Chikara
The type to silently indulge in his crush every now and again while FIGHTING and PUSHING those feelings down.
At least, that’s how it is at first. He will be your friend first so he doesn’t want to compromise that. Just let’s pretend we don’t feel that for now shall we?
As if he could hold that back. It takes a while but it’s not long before something pushes him (he’s afraid of losing you) and he’s spilling his feelings.
He may be spilling but he’s seems like he’s confident with the monologue that comes out of his mouth. When he finishes his eyes are just wide and staring at your shoes. Evidently he was not so confident.
Grab one of this clenched fists. Pull his chin up to face you. Tell him you feel (maybe not in as many words as he did) the same way.
‘Are you sure!?’ ENNOSHITA PLEASE.
Honestly takes a while to accept it but once he does he is noticeably on top of the world.
Doesn’t announce it to the world but once people asks he’s smuggly like YEP WE ARE INDEED DATING peasants. Like damn Ennoshita.
A very caring and protective guy. Lets you do your thing while watching your back from the sidelines. Will punch people for you but won’t let that slip.
Very much a words of affirmation, tease and quality time dude.
Will go with the flow but will absolutely take charge.
His first kisses are those cute gesture ones. A kiss on the cheek, a peck on the lips or a smooch planted on the forehead.
You gotta grab this man by the cheeks and just plant one passionate kiss on him. That leaves him frozen for a second and then oop self control gone. MAKE OUT TIME.
More of an alone time physical touch guy but will break that when he’s particularly ehem into you. Or if some jerk thinks they can pick you up.
Plants one on you while maintaining eye contact with said jerk. Or places a very in your face arm around your shoulders.
Very much a big spoon guy. It just makes him feel protective. Also kind of like he’s leeching your hair warmth.
Pretty chill sleeper. Once he’s out he doesn’t move much. Sometimes you wake up facing him and he’s blowing air in your face (sleep breathing).
Kiss his nose and he’ll scrunch it in his sleep and let out a soft ‘mmm?’ But doesn’t wake up.
Tanaka and Ennoshita poly
You’re all in a relationship. Tanaka and Ennoshita included. Their crush on each other goes back a while they just never wanted to admit it.
You coming into their lives kind of makes it easier. Well eventually.
Once they realise they both have a crush on you both of them want to be the better man and let them have you. (Even if a small part inside them is screaming for the opposite).
It’s up to you to set them down and be like ‘nah uh I’ll have both’ and then also set them onto the path of realising they also like each other. It’s a very eventful week.
Ennoshita is still the big spoon. You’re the middle. Tanaka is either little or wrapped around you like a Koala. Depends on the day.
Ennoshita is the wrangler and kind of takes charge when he needs to. Tanaka is the passionate but also softy. It’s up to you whether you want to continuously go with the flow or take charge every now and again.
Just imagine sitting on the couch between them and taking turns making out. Start with Tanaka then come up for air and turn to Ennoshita. He’s a bit more intense when he’s second, handsy too. Then sit back and watch them kiss each other.
Every now and again you get home late and find them either cuddling or asleep in each others arms on the couch with some movie playing in the background.
Ennoshita brings his (grand) movie collection to the relationship. Tanaka brings his home gym. You tie it all together by hyping up both.
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its-in-the-woods · 3 months
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 16
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here, ten here, eleven here , twelve here , thirthen here, fourteen here, Fifteen Here
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out Almost entirely fluff, vague suggestions of sex, lots of comfort, it's sweet and sappy
Synopsis: Updated synopsis, Monday means things are busy, but not busy enough to not go look at nice dresses.
Note: Happy Sunday y'all thanks for reading and enjoy my work it means so much to me! This is just a little bit of fluff cause we all need some.
You are lying in the bed after changing the sheets, body sore in the best of way. Windows open and the cool evening breeze comes over your skin. It’s late but the two of you were too warm to sleep. Pizza had been ordered, more drinks had been made, and more sex. You can’t help the flush that crosses your face, as you remember the evening. The man was insatiable, and you don't mind. He took care of you every time, no asking or fussing, just turning into a puddle on whatever surface he had you on. Your brain wanders over to tomorrow, of course, it did. 
Tomorrow was packed, Walton had sent you an itinerary of what was going on tomorrow. It was busy. Nothing you couldn’t handle really, if set life had taught you anything it was how to handle stress. Tomorrow morning Charlotte would be coming over with some paper for you to sign, as well as a list of documents she’d need from you. It still made you nervous, but you had decided to trust Walton. No matter what, it would work, one way or another. The other thing that was happening was the red carpet event at the end of the day, you hadn’t really talked to him about it.
You slid off the bed and wandered over to the bathroom, Walton was currently shaving for tomorrow. “I kinda was hoping you’d keep the stubble” You muse, watching him work away as you lean against the door frame. His shirt covers most of you, it smells like him, smoke, vanilla something else you can't put a name to. 
Walton’s hand works quickly and easily moving over the skin covered in shaving cream. It was practice movements that he had done many times, you couldn’t help but remember the scratch of the stubble on your face. He flicks the razor into the sink as he finishes up. 
“Got to have a smooth face, that’s what they are asking for anyway,” Walton says quietly running his fingers over each area, before taking a town to wipe himself down with. 
“So about tomorrow, what does the red carpet event involve?” You ask, you can hear the trepidation in your voice.
Walton turns to you kissing your forehead, hands running over your shoulders, “Do you want to come with me? Be my date?” 
Your heart speeds up in your chest, at the thought of having several dozen photographers flashing at you. This didn't even cover the endless headlines that would surely be published the moment the photos hit twitter. 
“I would love to be your date, but umm.” You let out a breath, as you followed him over to the bed, “Would it be okay if I didn’t walk the red carpet with you?”
Walton sat on the bed, those damn hazel eyes watching you, “You worried about being seen with me?” His brows furrow as the words leave his mouth.
“No, more the other way around.” You come and sit beside him, shoulder slouching a bit, “Not sure I am up for answering the questions or dealing with all the headlines.”
Walton lays down motioning for you to come lay with him. You wiggle over and rest your head against his chest, the comforting warmth and steady beat of his heart soothing you. 
“If you want to come you’re welcome to. I don't think it will be as stressful as you might expect. That said, If you aren’t ready for that, then I will make sure you are escorted around the mayhem to meet me on the other side.” Walton tells you, hand rubbing up and down your arm.
You ponder this for a second moving closer to him, enjoying the feeling of his heat near you. “Maybe next time?” You feel a little awkward, you don’t want to disappoint him, but you're not sure if you’re ready for the hubbub that would be coming after the event. 
Leaning down he kisses you softly, hand wandering down over your cheek. “We will have many chances when you’re ready.”
"Am I being ridiculous about this?" You push, mind reeling as you feel self-conscious about the whole situation.
Walton's face breaks into a grin, and he kisses you again, "You are never ridiculous." You can hear the tease in his voice, you pout and scrunch yourself away from him.
His fingers push under your arms and tickle at your side, you squawk and try to move away as bubbles of laughter break out of your chest. Mind blanking at as you do your best to push away him tickling at you.
"Stooopp," You giggle wriggling away from him, trying to get your own fingers to find spots but he has you pinned in a moment. "Not fairrr."
He stops kissing you again, rubbing his nose against yours. "You are ridiculous, but I only want to see you content. Even if that means I do the event on my own. "
You roll your eyes and snuggle against him, "Fine. You've convinced me. I will go with you."
Walton kisses all over your face, "You are too good for me."
Charlotte had stopped by first thing, the stack of papers you needed to sign was explained in detail. Some of it goes over your head, but if you had a question, she or Walton would answer them. The list of documents you need was also relatively straightforward, many of them you had already from working in film. Charlotte and you exchanged numbers, once your show was done and you were back in LA she’d help you set up anything else you might need. The whole experience left you feeling pleasantly comfortable. It wasn't nearly as mountainous as you thought it would be.
Then Terrance comes over just as Charlotte is finishing up, the two of them exchange hugs before she takes off. The man is a whirlwind of energy, clothing is laid out on the bed, along with various accessories. The man talks a mile a minute and is all hands. You have decided to sit by the window ledge letting the two men work. Currently, Walton is topless holding up two different tops as the man looks him over. Terrance grabs a couple of bracelets, they eventually land on a simple white button-up and black jacket for interviews. Then switch to a light gray suit jacket and matching pants for the red carpet event. 
“And what about you?” Terrance turned to you, he is around your height with salt and pepper hair. Decked out in a well-tailored pair of black pants and flowing navy shirt, hands decorated with large rings. He looks elegant and at the same he commands the room. The man looks you over, taking in the simple blue jeans and a loose-fitting black top you are wearing. “Should we take you to get something for the event?”
You shake your head with a smile, "Oh, I am sure I can find something that will work for tonight."
Terrance narrows his blue eyes at you, turning back to Walton. "Do you have dresses hiding in your closet I don't know about it?'
Walton chuckles as he does up most of the buttons on the shirt. “Nothing that would fit her, I am afraid.”
The man sighed, putting his hands on his hips, turning back to you, "It will be my treat. Plus I doubt your man here has taken you out much."
You break eye contact and look away. Walton grins as he gets his jacket on. Walton looks over at you, “You are welcome to take him up on his offer.”
You ponder this for a moment, you couldn’t remember the last time you had gone shopping for something outside work clothes. Most of your wardrobe was black or neutral colored clothes, comfortable to wear, and easy to clean. “Umm, sure, I wouldn't mind finding something a little more appropriate.”
Terrance claps his hands together, “Excellent! Now I am excited!”
The first two interviews go off without a hiccup, everyone is professional and make sure you are comfortable. You find yourself easing into things, it’s not much different from working on set. Smaller crews, more intimate locations, and a breakneck pace. Once Walton is set you sit back and enjoy the filming process, listening to Walt tell stories never got old. As you arrive at the third interview Terrance stops by to grab you. Walton gives you a quick kiss as you are out the door with the man, down into the sunshine-spilled streets. The stylist is on the move, and you are doing your best to keep up as you slide into the front seat of his mini cooper. 
“So how are you enjoying LA,” Terrance asks, easily moving along the busy roadways. 
You shift in your seat slightly, this was the most you’ve seen of the city this weekend.“Ahh, like you said, haven't been out much,” 
Terrance chuckles as he lights a cigarette rolling down the window, “Ah, a weekend that’s been more pleasure than exploration.”
You are now officially pink, swallowing, you take a sip of water before replying, “ Something like that, we don’t get many multiple days off together.”
Terrance has a small grin on his face, “That’s Walton, man loves to be busy, I have no idea how he didn’t lose his mind during the pandemic.”
“He probably did, trying to make up for lost time now. I know I was losing my mind but I also live in a shoebox.” You reply, your mind picturing Walton just running from one end of his house to the other like some madman. 
“But you are moving down here though?” Terrance pries, as he turns down another busy street. You briefly wonder how the man had any clue where he was going.
You nod, “I wasn’t certain, but I think it makes sense. Looking forward to not having to live in an apartment anymore. Nice to have some space and be in a bigger city.”
Terrance pulls up to the small storefront, and you follow him inside. Despite the appearance, the entire place is beautifully laid out with amazing dresses. 
Terrance is going through the racks like he is looking for the cure for cancer, all careful precision and hurried movements. 
“So you’re going to be Watlon’s personal make-up artist going forward?” Terrance asks as he pulls out another dress and hands it to you. 
“Yes, that's the plan, still working out details. Don’t think I’ve seen so much paperwork” You reply, eyes wide at some of the price tags. You adjust how you carry things so nothing is touching the floor. 
“I am sure Walton will take excellent care of you. Charlotte is also a dear friend of mine, the lady knows her stuff in and out.” The man states, walking you over to the changing rooms. He hangs up several of the dresses humming over them. “I was going to try you in this red number, but I think I like these blue ones better.”
You slip into the room slipping off your clothes to pull the dress on. It has a corset back which proves tricky to do up by yourself. It has a scoop neckline, which you realize reveals Walton’s handy work of marks. 
“Walton mentioned that he was going to be traveling again,” Terrance said, pushing the curtain open to help you tie up the piece. 
“Yes, I think he mentioned that there was work lined up,” You smile, face a little flush, the dress is squishing in all the wrong ways. “I think I may need something that, umm, covers these.” You point at the marks, a small grin tugs at Terrance’s lips.
“Oh, well that changes things,” Terrance groans, immediately untying the back. He hands you a piece in navy blue with gold embroidered flowers. “I am going to have to tell him to keep the marks somewhere lower. Damn vacuum cleaner.”
A small snort leaves your mouth, as you tuck yourself back into the changing room, the thought of Walton getting scolded kept the smile there.
The zippers barely go up on this one, Terrance adjusts a tie on the side, and it slips on. The neckline covers up the marks but you feel like you are in a cardboard box. You grimace, trying to adjust the material so it looks half decent, but Terrance is already unzipping you and handing you a deep red piece. 
“Haven’t seen Walton this excited about anyone in years,” Terrance quips as you come out in the red number, it's the best out of the bunch but you aren’t sure about the color. 
“Oh? I haven’t really,” You cringe as Terrance fluffs the material out in a few areas, " asked about past relationships.”
“Nothing of interest really, man has needs and all that. But he’s really taken a liking to you,” Terrance says, before handing you a black dress. “He never shuts up about you, pretty sure he is smitten.”
“Yeah? I like him too,” You flush again as you peel off the latest pieces. Take a few breaths before slipping into the next piece. 
You walk out feeling confident about this one. It’s tight under your bust, coming up and wrapping around your neck to cover the bruises, then flows out in whisps of tulle and satin. Terrance is smiling as he grabs something sparkling, it’s layers of rhinestones that fall over you making the dress look like it’s covered in dew.
“Oh I think this is the winner,” Terrance smiles, having you spin around. The dress is sparkling in the light, it rests just at your ankles and is loose enough for you to move freely. “Yep, I am good at what I do. Look at you, just stunning”
You look in the mirror, taken aback by how you look, “Wow. This is beautiful.”
Terrance is beaming as he takes you in, “I don’t even think we need adjustments, you are looking red carpet worthy.”
A thread of doubt curling in your mind, pushing that away, and focus on enjoying the feeling. You can’t remember the last time you put on a dress much less one this stunning. Terrance fluffing and preening you, showing how to make the piece sit just right. 
“Okay, let’s get everything sorted. Few bits of paperwork, and then we will go get you some shoes,” Terrance says with a smile, you smile back before tucking yourself into the changing room. You do a silent squee, turning around in the space a few times. Stopping, you calm yourself down and change back into your street clothes. 
You carefully put the dress on the hanger and step out. Terrance hands it over to one of the staff who takes it up front.
“So with the dress,” Terrance explains walking you up to the counter, “Just hang it up in Walton’s closet before you leave, I will have someone pick it up and return it here.”
“Oh, yes of course,” You reply, slightly saddened that it was a rental. Then again with the price, it only makes sense. “I will make sure it gets back to you. Thank you so much for this.” 
Terrance fills out all the paperwork and whatever else is needed. Then you are whisked out to find some matching heels, and back on your way to meet up with Walton.
Terrance takes a puff of a cigarette as the two of you drive down the busy streets. “When you move down here I will have to take you out, and fill out the other half of that closet.”
“Really? I would enjoy that,” You reply, still a little taken aback by all of this. The thought of having clothes picked out by Terrance sounds wonderful. "Thank you again,"
“Of course, got to make sure you are looking your best,” Terrance says, butting the smoke out in an ashtray.  “Plus, I miss working with women, so many options.” 
You chuckle, pondering what the next few months might look like. Your whole world changing in the blink of an eye. 
The rest of the day went off without a hitch, you both are at home to get ready for the last event of the night. You pull out the gown and lay it on the bed. It doesn’t feel real. You stand there, head spinning a little, how was this even happening? Were you really going to go down the red carpet, the dress was beautiful, and you had done up your make-up, so why not? You swallow, your mind is still swirling around. 
“Hey,” Walton whispers, you turn to see him standing there. Your breath caught in your throat, he looked so good. He always looks good, but something about the cut of the suit, the fact the last few buttons aren’t done up makes him look even better. You can see his long neck peeking out between the buttons, licking your lips as you watch him move. 
“Hi,” You squeak, as you look him up and down, trying to burn the image into your mind. “I will get into this right now.”
Walton moves over, hands resting on your hips,  “If you want to stay here tonight, it’s okay. It was a busy day for both of us.”
“No, I do want to come with you, ” You say, even as you worry at your lips. “Try it out anyway.”
Walton moves away, opening up a drawer on the side table, you watch him. Slightly concerned he might have something more devious in mind, instead he comes to you with a small box. You blink a few times, as he hands it to you, feeling a little nervous as you go to open it.
“I promise that it’s nothing too fancy,” He says with a small smile, his face flushing as he watches you.
You take a moment before opening up the box, inside are two silver bracelets, one slightly smaller than the other. Taking out the smaller one you slip it on over your hand, the cool metal sends a smaller shiver over your skin. Walton takes the other and slips it onto his wrist. You run your fingertips over it Walton grinning as his bracelet pulses. 
“Oh? Wait-” You do the motion again, grabbing his wrist you can feel where you have touched. A small pulse vibrating against his skin as you move your fingers.
Walton grins as he watches you realize how it works. “If I am thinking about you,” He runs his fingers over the bracelet, and you immediately feel where his fingers touch. “You can feel me”
You let out a little giggle as you trace your fingers over your bracelet, watching him react to it. “Oh, this is so neat.”
He leans in and kisses you, you kiss him back wanting to stay there. He pulls you against him, holding you tight against his chest. You close your eyes and just take in the moment. The two of you locked in time wrapped around the other.
“I should get dressed,” You say, hesitant to move. The last thing you want to do is go out but know it’s important. 
Walton lets you go, giving you another kiss on the forehead. You slip out of your clothes and carefully step into the dress, Walton coming over to help you do up the zippers. Then you grab the rhinestone top piece sliding it down over top. You move it back and forth until it sits right, like how Terrance had showed you, the lighting in the room making it sparkle. Walton steps back, his eyes traveling over you, you do a little spin and he grins. 
“You look stunning,” He whispers, eyes going over the dress as you move in it, “It fits perfectly,”
You grin back, “Terrance knows what he is doing.”
“That he does, might have to cut the night short just so I can take you out of it,” He comes over and brings you close, fingers running over the different details of the dress. 
You lean up and kiss him, “Promises, promises.”
As always, likes, reblogs, comments are always welcome <3 You feed the parasites in my brain.
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blank-slate-jay · 1 year
Joel/m reader, where Ellie is jokingly “disgusted” by how gay they act, kissing, holding hands in front of her, just being sappy etc etc ❤️
'Enough You Two'
Joel Miller X Male!Reader
Tags: Fluff, lots of fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Thanks for the submission! I won't even lie, I was smiling the whole time writing this. Hope you enjoy!
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You, Joel and Ellie decided to call it for the day. After driving for most of the day, switching between you and Joel as the driver, tiredness was starting to set in. In addition, dusk was just upon them, there was no need to go any further.
Joel pulled the car off the road, driving them through a plain field until they were in the thick of the woods.
"Should be a good spot," Joel exclaims, stopping them with a heavy sigh under his breath. Stepping out the vehicle, he stretches, the cracks in his joints ringing out from being cooped up for hours. He groans in retaliation.
Ellie exits as well, followed by you out the passenger side. She excitedly huffs, as she steps away from the vehicle. "God, about time we stopped." She looks around at the trees, spread far apart from each other only to see more emptiness ahead. To her, it looked like Joel picked a good spot.
You wipe at your eyes, yawning as you place your bag onto the grass. You knelt down and started unpacking your stuff, pulling out the essentials needed for your camp spot. Flicking the sleeping bag until it was flat on the ground you look over to Ellie who looked to be trailing off. “Hey…” you call out.
She turns around.
“No wandering off. Get your sleeping bag out, okay?”
She obliged. If Joel had ordered her to do so, she’d probably retort, but you were at least nice to her so she does so. The girl places her resting spot a couple of feet away from yours, she felt the spacing was enough; giving her some room to feel the comforting aura you provided
Joel, was placing all their other needs just off to the side of the truck. Their lantern and of course his coffee maker. He couldn’t live without it. Afterward, he comes over to you with his sleeping bag, stretching it out next to yours. You were still rummaging through your bag, that is until Joel’s hand graced the back of your neck.
“I’ll keep watch," he says, "Sleep.”
You turn to him, “You sure? I can watch for a bit.” The man had to be just as exhausted as you were, if not more.
He shook his head, “m’sure. Rest, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart, Ellie repeats in her head. Interesting. It came out of left field for her and was so unexpected that she furrowed her brows unconsciously.
Joel continues, now glancing over at Ellie, "And you too," his demeanor switching from softly to a demanding tone. She doesn't argue still caught off guard by the sight of intimacy, so she just nods, watching as the older man walks away from you.
Ellie brings herself back to you, staring, in an almost judgmental manner. She waited until you took notice of her eyes piercing through you.
Locking gazes with her, you quickly look over your shoulders and then back to her. You thought she might be looking at something off to your side, but nope, she was staring right at you; into your soul.
"Didn't know he was your type," she starts, patting her blanket to flatten it out.
You tilted your head, confused, "Excuse me?"
She doesn't respond, only leaving you with the same look on her face, the one that voiced all she wanted to say passively.
She tucked herself into her bag, snuggling up inside the fabric. Still with nothing left to say, she closes her eyes, feeling your glare still burning into hers. She got comfortable, leaving you with her comment was something she wanted to have you chew on.
Sometime later, Ellie awoke from her slumber, feeling light as she didn't sleep for very long. The woods around her were dark, enough to frighten her if she'd forgotten that she had two guardians nearby.
Her eyes came into focus, seeing the lantern Joel had set up far out of reach, enough space to where the light couldn't touch her. Including you, who looked to be preoccupied with Joel's coffee maker. It looked as so, the small trail of steam was the dead give away.
She watches as you stabilize the maker, the high chimes finally low enough to where it was barely audible. You stood up then and walked off until you were out of sight for her. Ellie was too lazy to turn and follow where you'd went. It was likely your turn to keep watch anyway, hence the need for coffee.
She expected to hear one pair of footsteps, Joel to be exact, coming over to rest finally for the night. He needed it, more than anyone in the trio. Driving most the day and then getting on watch out duty, the man needed a break.
Instead it was two pairs of footsteps, both you and Joel walking over to the lightly lit area. You were pulling the man over, untangling your hands with his until you both were sat comfortably near the light.
Ellie watched as you poured the man some coffee into his canteen before handing it to him. With both of your backs to Ellie and your voices close to a whisper, it was difficult for her to listen in on the conversation.
No matter, it was probably something awfully uninteresting, she thought. Closing her eyes, she wanted nothing to do with you two much that night. If you two were going to be an intimate with each other she didn't wanna see. After all with you being shoulder to shoulder with Joel, she was sure things were headed that way.
She shuts her eyes, trying to get in as much sleep as she could. This didn't happen, not for long, as she heard a unrecognizable chuckle.
Her eyes fluttered open, gaze back on the pair. Sure enough Joel's back was heaving up and down, with his thick voice breaking through his laugh. The guy could actually crack up. That was surprising to Ellie. She almost smiled hearing him, but had no time to, cause next thing she knew both you and Joel were kissing.
To say that was expected, was about on par. Ellie expected this, but she wouldn't want them getting away with it scot free.
She gagged, high enough to catch the pair's notice. They turn back toward her, both with different expressions.
Joel made his feelings apparent by his annoyed sigh, "Shouldn't you be sleeping"?
"I was," she retorts, "But you two ruined it, being all up on each other."
You could feel Joel's irritation rise as he continued looking at the girl, menacingly. Interrupting the moment only served to make him more frustrated. Not so much for you since you adapted well to her bratty persona. She was just fucking with you two.
You grip onto Joel's shoulder to pull his focus back on you. "Don't worry about her. I'm gonna go keep watch."
Joel hesitated, but ultimately felt he needed the rest. He hands the rifle over to you. Before you could stand the man grabs your arm, preventing you from getting up. "Wake me up if you need anything."
You nodded, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss.
Ellie intervened, "Eww, gross."
Joel scoffs while you get to your feet, "Shut up," he orders.
Ellie could've continued her tiresome quips, she in turn, giggles and pulls her covers over half her face. You turn on your heels and walk off, smiling, finding the girl's attitude to be quite funny. She could be quite the pain in the ass, but couldn't deny her sense of humor was contagious.
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