#okay now im really just being dramatic arent i
orcelito · 2 years
angst digging turned into genuine enjoyment of seeing the kind of kid i was back then. hyperactive, dramatic, funny... and also so achingly sad. there’s a special kind of melancholy that comes from seeing a kid being very goofy then in the next breath genuinely fantasizing about being struck by lightning. it makes my heart ache for the lost joy of the time. 
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serejae · 2 months
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pairing : bnd x reader
genre : fluff
WHAT ! - bnd when your sulky based of this lovely anon ^_^
wc : 1584 | @onedoornet
- i feel like he would be so confused if he didnt know why you were sulky
- i also feel like he would ask some light questions but wouldnt push you to answer. but if he didnt get a answer he would be so confused
- he would spend the rest of the day reflecting on what he did only to get no answer
- it isnt until night time when you both are laying by each other and arent cuddling that he speaks up because he cant sleep without your cuddles :-|
sungho got home and saw you in the kitchen doing the dishes, normally youd wait for him to come home for dinner to eat together but maybe you werent feeling it. he tried starting a conversation only to get short responses, he then asked if you were okay only to get a hum he noticed the slight pout on your face as you gave these responses. after he got freshened up he went to eat dinner alone with only his thoughts. he replayed his whole day, actually no week, maybe month. but he couldnt seem to put his finger on what you were mad at him for. as he made it to your guys room, he noticed how dark the room was letting him know that you were asleep. he sighed and laid down, and for about 30 minutes he keeps his composure before speaking up “baby..baby!” he shook you gently, you hummed tiredly wondering why your boyfriend was waking you up. “what did i do? just tell me and i’ll apologize but i really cant think of a reason hun” he said propping himself up to look at you. “you left the toilet seat up” you said as you yawned seeming to not care anymore, he groaned and pulled the covers over to his side “now im mad at you”
“made me worry for no reason” he mumbled
- riwoo is a worried man
- he’ll do everything in his power to try and calm you down so by the time you two cuddle he can get you to spill out why you were sulking
- he hates seeing anything on your face but a smile and would do anything. ANYTHING to get it off if it isnt a smile
- but hes a master manipulator like he’ll plan all this out for the perfect timing
as riwoo left the room after noticing you were not joining him in a few minutes like you said, he saw you sitting at your desk typing away on your keyboard. aside from your beautiful face he noticed the big fat pout on your lip making him furrow his eyebrows. riwoo sat on the couch behind you as you did your assignment watching the pout on your lips sit there making him form a pout on his lips as well. he didnt like seeing you bothered or upset by something, so he decided since he knew you wanted to finish this assignment that instead of stopping you he’d take some of the burden off your shoulders. he massaged your shoulders, gave your favorite snacks, and gave you a peck here and there. he could see the way your shoulders relaxed and how slowly but surely the pout on your lips disappeared. and when it finally disappeared fully he left a fat kiss on them as a celebration on his end, afterwards when you finally finish he takes you to your guys room and massages your head letting the stress rest as he listened to you complain about your day. his lips curved up when you mention how you appreciated him helping you. in response he kissed your forehead
- wee woo wee woo someone call the dramatic police !!
- HE WILL NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP!! literally blows your head off with questions before he can leave you alone
- he cannot stand you being mad at him for more than 1.36 seconds and make it 1.17 seconds if your sulky
- so as soon as he notices something off hes begging for forgiveness even if he doesnt know what he did
jaehyun couldnt LIVE with the fact tjat he made the love of his life mad like no, kill him. and he dont even get him started if he didnt know why. he has a pre generated apology in his mind ready to be said with tears and everything. he continued to follow you around the house naming all the reasons you could be mad at him even the most ridiculous. “is it cause i ate the last ice cream bar?” “or did i snore too loud” “ohhh its cause i sent too many of those emoji reactions huh?” he continued talking before you turned around “no, no and no!” “than what is ittt” he groaned stretching the ‘t’. you sighed and laid down on the couch to relax, only to feel a man ontop of you (GET OFF ME!!!!) “JAEHYUN” you shouted “tell me” he repeated and he laid ontop of you. “remember when i said i didnt like liz?” you said giving up this whole cold persona. feeling him nod you continue “you said ‘she isnt that bad!’ but your suppose to agree with anything i say and dislike anything i dislike!” it goes silent for a bit then you hear him go “OHHHHH, noted”
now hes a certified hater with you ❤️
- like sungho doesnt pester you too much about it
- but unlike sungho he doesnt ask questions but observes your moves, and once he sees the pout he knows hes OUT (laugh.)
- anyways literally spend the whole day spacing out wondering what the fuck did he do, he starts reading old conversations you both had. he makes his brain a computer system tracing back each step (while keeping a straight face)
- he folds when you two are having dinner and its silent. he canr take it anymore and ask you if he did anything wrong in the most nonchalant way he can (hes about to start tweaking)
he spent his whole shower standing there backtracking all his steps, from when he woke up to when he got home. after he got out he proceeded to stay in the bathroom and sit there for 25 minutes and 19 seconds scrolling through your messages to see if he had said something wrong trying to find a mood change for him to have to come home to a pouty partner. after finding nothing he sighed coming out of the bathroom and joins you for dinner. the dinner is silent, your peacefully eating but he pokes at his food not being able to get your sulky face out of his mind. he puts his fork down before looking at you “please tell me what i did” he said plainly trying to mask the fact that hes going to explode. you look at him and tilt your head confused, he picks up on your body language and speaks up again “i dont like seeing you pout, especially if it was something i did, did someone do something did i do something?”. he sees your face change when you realize what he was talking about “you never would believe what my mom did to me today…” you continued
he sighed out of relief realizing he didnt do anything and listened with a smile on his face enjoying his dinner.
- he would find it entertaining…(sawry)
- but definitely would take you seriously after having a little analysis in his fish brain he ask you why you were mad
- if it’s something silly hes stares at you for a bit processing it again (fish brain) and lets out a laugh making you more mad
- he composes himself and puts on serious mode. proceeds to indulge in whatever you were mad about, as long as ur happy 🔥
leehan didnt expect for the first thing that he would come home to was a sulky s/o. he had walked home to a quiet house wondering where you were, since you didnt greet him at the door like you normally did. walking into the shared bedroom he saw you wrapped in the blanket without your face visible, walking over to your side he saw you scrolling on your phone with a slight pout on your face. he chuckled a bit catching your attention. when you see him laughing it only makes you more angrier, so you flip to the direction facing away from leehan. your reaction suprised him, he stood there for a moment wondering what he did. he sighed a bit before sitting down on the bed behind you as he rubbed your back, “whats my baby sulky for?” he asked softly. “it wasnt very nice of you to call the fish i sent you ugly.” you said huffing. he then remembered that you two wanted to adopt a fish together and were actively looking for one, and it wasnt until this morning that you sent him a link and he cringed at the photo of the fish. it wasnt the most pleasant to look that in his opinion…after finding out the reason your upset with him, he cant help but let out a laugh. after seeing your face to him not taking you seriously he’d panic a little before drowning you in kisses “we can get the fish, even if its a little strange…”
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inf3ct3dd · 1 year
002. HELLO?
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warnings: none!!!!
authors note: oooo it’s getting cray cray guys…insane even….also r just means reader 😓
previous chapter. next chapter. masterlist.
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you hear your gym teacher yell from across the track, a disappointed look on his face.
you finally disconnected your lips from abbys, looking back at her absolutely mortified.
abby looked…unnervingly casual. her eyebrows were slightly raised, eyes open wide and mouth slightly agape.
“that was-um”
not letting her finish her sentence, you immediately started running away from her, back into the gymnasium.
her words are cut off by the door slamming behind you, quick footsteps moving you towards the bathroom.
mina followed behind you, mouthing a small apology to abby before going after you.
abby just stood there, in the middle of the track, lips slightly shiny from your lipgloss.
she wiped her chin off, and tried to process what the fuck just happened.
and before she could, ellie was storming towards her.
“anderson, what the fuck is your problem? we’re broken up for not even two weeks and you make a move on my girl?” ellie angrily huffed, crossing her arms in front of her.
“hey, she kissed me first.”
abby replied, slightly confused by ellies words.
“oh fuck off abby, you’re just doing this to be a bitch. you don’t need to drag her into our stupid shit.”
“doing what?”
ellie scoffed before rolling her eyes and walking away, leaving abby in even more confusion.
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mina had finally caught up to you, stopping to catch her breath and putting her hands on her knees and crouching over.
you had made it to the bathroom, standing inside a stall freaking-the-fuck out.
you stay silent, body stiffening at the sound of her voice.
“i know its you, i can see your shoes.”
you sigh in defeat and walk out of the stall, walking over to mina and leaning on the sink.
“mina im literally gonna die. right now. in this nasty-ass bathroom. i’m never showing my face in public again.”
you run your hands down your face before resting them on top of your head
“okay, i don’t think thats gonna happe-”
“how do you know? i feel like im having an actual heart attack right now. WHY DID I DO THAT???”
“you can’t ask me, im not the one who did it!!”
she’s sitting on the bathroom counter, slightly swinging her feet and resting her weight on her hands, planted on her sides.
you turn and look at her with a pathetic frown on your face,arms crossed in front of you.
“now i have to move countries and change my name and hide from abby forever and mina im DYING.”
“okay……i was gonna say you’re being dramatic but maybe you arent.”
“not helping.” :(
she thinks for a second before talking again.
“well, she didn’t seem mad.”
she honestly didn’t. and it was WEIRD!!!!
“but ellie did.”
which wasn’t as weird.
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you spent the rest of the day hiding in your hoodie, shrinking your presence even more than before. abby wasn’t lying when she said you had similar schedules. she didn’t confront you or anything, and she didn’t really say anything to you, she just looked at you a few times in class. and every time she did, you hid your face in your arms on your desk.
god, she probably thinks im insane.
i really hope she didn’t say anything to any-
“can we go home? i don’t wanna live in this car.”
you’re snapped out of your daze by your sister, kitty, still wearing a helmet,making you tighten your grip on the steering wheel.
“sorry.” you dryly reply, moving the gear stick to reverse.
“are you good? you’re being way quiet today….it’s weird. you’re usually like constantly annoying me-“
“im fine, don’t worry about it.”
she simply shrugs and goes back on her phone.
you start reversing the car, and nearly have a heart attack when you almost run someone over.
you hear a voice thats all too familiar , turning around to see abby behind your car.
she wastes no time walking to your window, and you unwillingly roll down your window.
“im really sorry i didn’t mean to-“
“you messing with me or something today baker?”
she chuckles, resting her arms on your open window. too close for comfort.
you nervously laugh in response, an awkward smile plastered on your face.
“whos this?” abby motions to your sister in the passenger seat.
“oh uhm..my sister-“
“kitty. who are you?”
she interrupts you, giving abby a questioning look.
“abby. nice helmet, i should’ve had one.”
kitty and abby both laugh, and you want to sink into your seat right then and there.
“im really sorry abby, i didn’t mean to.”
“well, maybe check your rear mirrors more. i gotta go. maybe don’t hit me this time?”
abby moves herself off the window, hand resting on her bag strap. you offer another laugh.
“bye abby.”
abby gives the both of you a small wave before walking away. you wait until she’s completely gone to finally back out of your parking spot and start driving, nerves still a wreck.
“oooooo you have a girlfriend!!!”
kitty giggles, staring at you.
“shes not my- we’re friends.”
yeah, your friend who you just kissed in the middle of the track field.
“isn’t that what ellie said to y-“
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♩♪♩♬. hello?
you felt the wind on your face, pedaling your bike down the street. despite it still being august, it was cold and foggy outside, painting the streets in various shades of grey and dark green. thats seattle for you.
you finally reach your destination, popping out the kickstand and setting down your bike on the pavement.
the door of the diner chimes when you push it open, the bells hung on the corner ringing. you sit down at the long table by the window, setting down your backpack on the table. you come there a lot. to get away from your house, to calm down, to do homework, and you used to come here with ellie.
“long time no see.”
your favorite waitress, joyce, walks up behind you.
you turn around and smile at her, feeling at ease with her presence.
“yeah, i’ve been kinda busy.” you lie.
“where’s your friend?”
‘friend’. she was talking about ellie. the slight mention of her makes your stomach churn.
“oh uh…we’re not really friends anymore.”
you say, smile falling.
“oh, thats a shame. you just want your shirley? or something different?”
she replies, smiling back at you.
“the shirleys fine, thanks.”
she nodded and walked away. you felt like you were going back into your dramatic-phase, feeling your chest tighten at the mention of ellie.
the two of you went here almost every day after school. it started because you didn’t want kitty bothering you while the both of you studied, but you two just liked the atmosphere. it was a pretty old diner, having been there since wayyy before you both were born. all of the decor was red white and blue, and it looked straight out of a 50’s movie. you usually just got drinks (your shirley temple, and ellies cherry coke), but you’d occasionally get some fries or a burger if you were hungry. they have the best burgers. you both just sat and talked to each other for hours. time had always seemed to slow when you were with her, she’s just so easy to talk to. about school, family stuff, shows you both liked, and of course ellie loved talking about random space facts and stuff about dinosaurs, casually slipping them into conversations. you always listened tho, cuz it was her.
you feel that same weight in your stomach you always did when you thought about you and ellie, face slightly falling into a pout. your daydreaming is interrupted by joyce bringing you over your drink, setting it down with a smile. you thank her and finally stop thinking about ellie, instead pulling out your folder and starting on your calculus homework. mr renee had a reputation for assigning homework on the first day. asshole.
you put on your headphones and started working, stopping to take a sip of your drink every once in a while. you’re almost finished when you feel someone standing behind you.
your headphones hide her voice, but you turn around to face her, pulling them onto your shoulders.
and low and behold, its abby.
why? she’s never been here before. did she find me or something?
“hey.” she spoke, a small grin on her face.
“how did you know i was here?” you question , a confused look on your face.
“i have my sources.” she replies, sitting down on the stool next to you.
you slightly raise your brow at her, but try to brush it off.
maybe she just…saw me in the window.
theres an awkward silence between the two of you for a moment, abby tapping her fingers on the table, and you pretending to look at your homework.
“i think you already know what im gonna ask about.”
your face suddenly goes hot, and you start fidgeting with your hands. shit.
“i’m really sorry abby, i just…..”
you hesitated, not wanting to continue your sentence.
“just what? wanted a kiss? yknow, you could’ve asked me.”
you slightly chuckle at her reply, becoming a liiiittle more at ease. she’s joking!!
“…i was trying to make someone jealous. its kinda stupid, i know. my brain just….didn’t work as fast as my body.”
“who were you trying to make jealous?”
“….ellie.” you replied, finally looking at her.
she laughed, almost too loud, and a proud smile appeared on her face.
“that’s where i remember you from, you’re ellies girl.”
“was.” you utter.
she doesn’t remember me from being in the same school for 6 years? ouch.
“well, good. shes a piece of shit anyways, i don’t know why you even got with her in the first place.”
she replies, smug as ever.
“yeah, guess it was a stupid decision.”
you chuckle, staring down at your hands.
“i’ve made a lot of stupid decisions too.”
abby says, noticing how your face slightly fell with your response.
“like what?” you ask, looking back up at her.
“yknow nora?”
you nod, waiting for her elaboration.
“we dated for a while, then i caught her with owen at a party. owen. like, are you serious???”
“dude, that’s brutal. same thing happened to me with ellie. but like….it thankfully was not owen.” you reply, slightly laughing. you feel a sense of relief washing over you now that the awkward atmosphere is gone.
abby stops for a second, looking like she’s thinking about something.
“okay, i have an idea, but its like….kinda crazy.”
“what is it?”
“what if we like…pretended we were dating?”
“why not? you can make ellie jealous, and i can make nora jealous. kill two birds with one stone.”
you hesitate for a second. ellies already mad, why not make her even more upset?
“yknow what? yeah, we should.”
abby smiles at you, and you return it with a grin.
“you hungry?”
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“a contract? really?”
abby laughed, grabbing a fry and dipping before taking a bite.
“hey, we’re being professional!”
you joke, pulling out your notebook and a pen. the two of you had been talking for almost an hour, and eating the burgers abby ordered for you. the conversation went by so easily, the two of you plotting your amazing plan and joking the whole time. the table was filled with laughs and smiles, and you felt the same warmth you always did in this diner.
“alright then ms. businesswoman, what’re you gonna put on it?”
abby questioned you, taking the last sip of her shirley temple. what a copycat!!!
“hm…..okay, number one, no kissing.”
abby put on a fake pout and looked back at you.
“aw man, i wanted another one!”
you both giggled, and you wrote down the words on the paper.
“only if absolutely necessary.”
“when is kissing someone necessary?”
“sometimes you just gotta.”
abby lets out a small chuckle, and eats another fry.
“you can put your hand in my back pocket. ‘s more romantic.”
“why that?”
“like in sixteen candles!”
“…what is that?”
“oh my gosh, you’ve never seen sixteen candles?”
“nuh uh.” her words are muffled as she eats another fry.
“im putting that in the contract.”
abby rolls her eyes jokingly.
“okay…number two, no snitching.”
“rule one of fight club, don’t talk about fight club.”
you slightly raise your brow at her, not understanding the reference.
“seriously? you’ve never seen fight club?”
you shake your head no.
“put that on there too.”
you write down ‘sixteen candles/fight club double feature’ on the paper, with a smiley face next to it.
“i could write you notes? i said i’d do that for nora, but i forgot.”
“you gonna forget again?” you question, raising an eyebrow.
“i won’t. i promise.”
you write down the rule, taking a sip of your drink.
“andddd you have to go my games.” abby added.
of course ms. star lacrosse player needed you at her games. did you understand lacrosse at all? absolutely not. but she didn’t need to know that!
you scribbled it down on the paper, nodding to abby.
“and parties.”
“am i your trophy wife or something?”
“hey, we aren’t fake-married yet.”
you both erupt into laughter, the sound echoing through the almost empty diner.
“fine, you have to drive me and kitty to school.”
“oh? you’re an amazing driver, why don’t you wanna drive yourself?”
you roll your eyes at her sarcasm, writing down the rule underneath the one before.
“anddd one last thing. ski trip.”
every year , your school brought the seniors on a ski trip. its an overnight trip in the mountains, and it was notorious for students sneaking out and partying. (and hooking up.) it was later in the year, during winter.
“you think we’re still gonna be doing this by then?”
“hey, you never know.”
abby shrugs, and you write down ‘SKI TRIP’ in big letters on the paper. you write both of your names on the paper, and a line next to them to sign it.
“here.” you pass the paper and pen over to abby.
she signs her name before passing the paper back to you, letting you sign yours.
“you promise you wont break the contact?” you say, holding out a pinky towards abby.
abby lets out a light chuckle.
“promise.” she replies, before interlocking your pinkies.
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if ur name is crossed i can’t tag u :((
@planetflorxa @riasbblog @leomcshizzle @nickiminai689 @ibatman @heartrobynn @4yn1y4h @lottienatfinalgirls @honeycinnamonenthusiast @chrrylovr @pepperispicy @vsselz @how-to-disappearrr @sawaagyapong @madi690 @teawithnosugar @hiimmbv @mostlyhornyandsad @elleatethat @seattleellie020202 @abbyismywife @natsprideandjoy @iylaa @joannaaaasblog @gaptoothedlesbo @seventeenelliesgf @arizvla @sugarbag @nil-eena
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Alright, I took a quick nap and Ive decided that I wanna get the UTM reenactment over with as quickly as possible so Im reading chapter 42 and then I'll reward myself with some pain au chocolats and not thinking about this book for the rest of the day and watching the 2002 takarazuka flower troupe production of elisabeth instead. lets go
Chapter 42
here we fucking go with the illyrian wingspan-dicksize correlation, how would Amren even know that isnt she above sex or something. Honestly, I think Cassian would know wayyyyy more about that. on account of all the gay sex hes having i mean. I thought of that joke and then I realized that you could interpret it to mean that he knows about that because hes illyrian and has a dick, but I want to make it very clear that this is a gay sex joke
how come wings are so sensitive that just barely stroking them makes you moan and shudder but you can still fly with them in harsh winds with no issue. My headcanon is that wings arent actually that sensitive, Rhysand and Cassian are just weirdos with a specific kink
This conversation Feyre and Rhys are having about his wings is so weird, its like dirty and yet uncomfortably clinical
oh Rhysand is quicker than death just fucking kill me, im getting so angry again
Syphons are called 'Trichtersteine' ['funnel stones' or 'funnel gems'] in german which is more accurate to how we're actually told they work imo but it sounds pretty lame
Is it just me or is Rhysand being kinda weirdly paranoid rn. I mean granted, they did just get attacked with ash arrows so maybe hes actually doing a good job for once and Im just biased against him
Okay so we finally get some night court fae wearing white, but of course its not for moon symbolism its so they can blend in with the rock of the mountain because this series does nothing but disappoint me
The Hewn City actually sounds really cool, why couldnt this have been the secret city where we spend most of our time, you couldve made it a whole thing about Feyre healing from her trauma UTM through like, exposure therapy or something idk. That wouldve been neat and dramatic, her healing from her UTM trauma in the place that inspired it with the person that inflicted it. I mean, maybe that would be less healthy and even more controversial than Feysand already is but then you could atleast lean into the dark romance of it
I mightve said this already but you knowwww sjm is NOT a painter and consulted ZERO painters because Ive never heard of anyone think about creating art the way feyre does
and Mor is wearing red AGAIN why would you make this a trigger for Feyre just go back and edit it out its not like it matters
God, the description of her outfit is so deeply discomfortingl like it literally is exactly what she wore while she was being drugged assaulted but atleast they left the bodypaint out this time
"[Keir] looked at my face, then my body. I had thought that he would stare and drool greedily but... there was nothing. No emotion. Just ice cold. Shaking internally, - from anger and revulsion - I followed Mor." Im sorry, is she mad that Keir doesnt find her hot????
Theres something uncomfortable about Feyre referring to Rhysand as 'Mor's Lord' especially when we just had a whole paragraph describing her as a proud and empowered queen
"Usually, one Syphon was enough for an Illyrian to to able to steer his urge to kill down the right path." what???
Now shes describing Azriel as dark and beautiful as death and oughhhhhh i knoww im the only who cares about this and its for a pretty stupid reason but I care a lot and it makes me very angry
Feyre referring to a 19 year old Mor as 'barely more than a child' is weirdddddd
of COURSE hes wearing a black tunic for this, I cant believe this is the guy that the fandom has designated the fashion lover when he has two (2) outfits
Feyre describing Rhysand as sooooo powerful and beautiful with a face of nightmares and dreams makes me want to vomit, but more importantly, it makes me yearn to rewatch the 1996 takarazuka star troupe production of Elisabeth with Asaji Saki as Death who unirionically fits all of Feyres descriptors 1000 times better
Not Rhysand using Feyres Cursebreaker title while hes thoroughly humiliating her
Now Feyre is calling him a god, bro youre not gonna be able to have sex if you jack him off this hard hes gonna be all sore
Imagine being a hewn city noble and you all get together because your high lord wants something from you and youre kinda scared because hes the worst, and then you just have to watch him finger some random lady. and you cant leave because then he'll just kill you
I dont like that this is framed as empowering to Feyre, i think its one thing to write a female character who sexualises herself in order to empower herself but the fact that Feyre is doing this at the behest of Rhys automatically renders it non-empowering to me. Like yeah, she obviously consented to this but it wasnt her idea but this was not her idea and this is not something she usually does, the only times shes been sexualized like this is because it was part of some plan that Rhysand came up with
"[Keir] apparently clung to the power. But Rhys was the power." i hate that that sentence made me think of Keir/Rhysand as a ship why am I so goddamn yaoi-brained. And yeah, i know theyre related but according to Rhys himself, he and Mor are only cousins in the most distant sense, so. Man, that would make the IC dynamics so much more fucked up but also so much funnier
Theyre trying so hard to make this hot n sexy but its just so unappealing and dragged out. Granted, sorry if this is TMI, but I did just jerk off so Im all out of horniness for the next little while so maybe I just dont like this because Im not in the mood but idk. theres something so annoying about this, i think its how over-the-top and artificial Rhysands hotness feels, not to mention the fact that he is absolutely not my type
Imagine being Keir rn, just trying to do your job and tell your high lord everything that he needs to know, meanwhile his high lord is sitting in front of him fondling his new sex slave and you just have to keep a straight face. i mean, he sucks ass so i guess he deserves it but man
Presented to you with no further comment: "My breasts became heavy and full, longing, desiring, just like my crotch."
goddamnit, Rhysand just said that he put Feyre on his leash and then Keir made a kinda slutshame-y remark about her clothes and then I thought Rhys was like "maybe I'll put you on a leash too" but it was Feyre who said that. another loss for big gay incest
"He liked this as little as I did" uhhhhh no offense girlie but you actually seem to be having a pretty great time rn
I dont even know what to say about this part where Feyre is like, detaching herself from her thoughts that are calling her a traitor a liar and a whore ?? I think thats whats happening here?? Like, its trying so hard to be sexy but its invoking the imagery of Feyre's (and even Rhysand's) trauma and its just very strange
It took Rhys a fucking eternity to actually touch her pussy
What if Keir developed a voyerism kink because of this. would that be fucked up or what
Its so weird how Feyre thinks about how maybe Rhysand doesnt like sex or being desirable anymore because of amarantha and that certainly sounds like a trauma response he should have but instead it just never matters
"I had been tortured and tormented but my pain was nothing compared to his." YOU DIED
Oh man I cant believe I completely forgot about the absolutely iconic part where Rhysand gets so mad Keir for calling the woman he introduced as a whore a whore that he telepathically breaks his hand about it
what was the point of doing that, Feyre didnt even seem to like it that much
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djpachipikachu · 2 months
do graves!leosagi ever get tired of their friends/family labelling them?? like maybe leo’s bros make fun of him for having a “boyfriend” and he gets like rightfully irritated by that ?
its Kinda amusing bc eventually leo’s family at least straight up thinks theyre just really good pals and its like wow ! friendship ! in a more oblivious sense like they just kinda shrug and go oh yeah usagi’s here again whatever
originally mikey was insanely insanely suspicious of usagi and what his relationship was with leo (“hes literally just a friend” “YOU MEAN A BOY-FRIEND. AND U NEVER TOLD US.” “what am i supposed 2 say do i update u guys every time i make a friend” “If I See This Fuckinf Rabbit Sleeping In Your Bed Again I’m Telling Dad” “WE WERE HAVING A SLEEPOVER”) (mikey was mainly shocked bc leo invited a friend to sleepover who they didnt know And leo didnt tell anyone there was an extra mouth to feed for brekkie) but once everything was smoothed over usagi just became another regular, similar to how april is
leo himself tells raph that its a little more than that but only raph rly knows it and hes always had a hunch about them so it didnt change much in how the brotjers saw the two
usagi’s family on the other hand is definitely more “Boyfriend? boyfriend? boyfriend? crush? romance?” kitsune teases usagi about how dramatically romantic it must be to fall for a guy he hated in the beginning and usagi is like . so filled with Eugh. This Is Not Romantic. ick feeling that it causes him to be more in denial at how close he’s gotten with leo (in the beginning at least , later on kitsune still teases him but he’s more at ease with how him and leo are, so he always jusy goes “ew no im not kissing him dates r gross” but over time she toned it down to more “ooh is someone missing a certain kappa?” kinda teasing rather than “whens the wedding/has your first kiss happened yet lmao/etc” kinda teasing)
hana calls leo his boyfriend like all the time and like . usagi doesnt rly correct her bc she’s 8 and he doesnt know how to explain that they “arent Really boyfriends sure they do things that couples would do sometimes but its platonic and well you dont rly know what platonic means uh”
so she gets a pass on all her “IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND” comments since usagi is just like “yeagh its leo u wanna say hi”
auntie notices how leo visits a lot and she kinda just is like “okay ur like my kid now. lol.” she thinks they are just best friends bc usagi said they are and who is she to think otherwise, she kinda just absorbs leo (and later on the hamatos) as her own family and doesnt question their relatiomship much
chizu and gen tend to stay out of usagi’s personal business like that But gen did think that leo was a girl for a good while before he was ever introduced to him . and he was like “usagi if you wanna pick up the ladies u need like. do better. than this” “what. What” “like take a shower man” trying to give him flirting/relationship advice without actually knowing leo at all and also assuming usagi is straight
all in all its never really serious if people call them boyfriends or just best friends bc they dont really care to correct anyone it only matters if its like “so did you hit the [insert romantic relationship milestone] phase yet haha” bc that gets tiring to hear constantly
mainly all their family is just like “oh okay” at their relationship since i dont Really want to make the hardships of being aroace or being queer a big point since we already struggle enough with that irl ! a few details here and there about how their unlabelled status confuses some people but generally just a “we’ve seen weirder shit who cares” kinda energy to it
i love rambling . Thank you for the wuestion ily /p
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i was gonna wait until i finished the bitd and deadlands line-ups before posting these, but i'm not gonna get those done before the final season starts, so might as well bite the bullet now XD woohoo, oxventure d&d designs! i'll go into further detail below the cut for all of my thoughts on these designs and reasoning for smaller details, but for now, just know that i will never draw a cape. i simply cannot do it. hoods and weird draped fabric or nothing XD
okay i put like. waaay too many thoughts into a lot of these small details so im gonna allow myself to geek out here X3 firstly - though they're way too small to read properly, i did the little symbol eye shines i used in my first art for them! dob gets music notes, prudence gets fire, corazón gets hearts, and merilwen gets flowers. i usually draw egbert's pupils pretty thin to resemble a reptile, so he just gets normal eye shines, but i probably could have given him some here... he would get suns if i thought of that
dob - muscular in a wiry and dehydrated way, lol, hence having a more defined stomach/hips despite not being as strong as prudence or egbert. he has sad/down-turned puppy dog eyes at all times because i think the big-eyed endearing look is fitting for him, though i do make them darker blue than his canonical baby blues because i just... like how dark blue eyes look, lol. i'm pretty sure he canonically has the stomach scar, and obviously his facial scar has always been there, but i gave him a couple other ones just to show that hes pretty reckless. and he gets freckles because even though they arent mentioned in the dragon dogma's video, i noticed luke added some and. i like freckles a lot
prudence - i've said this before, but i love the thought of pru getting muscular after the werebear bite <3 i just think she should be a little bit hench. as a treat. once again, the heavy stomach scarring comes from the dragon dogma's video, because i found their design choices in that really fun. i change prudence's outfit the most out of any of the characters, just because her canonical outfit confuses me. i'm really bad at understanding/drawing fantasy wear as is, but her fit... i'm lost entirely XD so i free-balled a bit. her inner sleeves that hook around her fingers are based on jane's various prudence looks, and then the looser outer sleeve is just because i love prudence with a dramatic sleeve. originally the colors were closer to her canon outfit, but it just looked messy without all the details of the original, and then i tried red like jane's prudence looks but it didn't contrast enough with her skin. so i restricted them to just deep purples and black with pops of gold and dark magenta!
corazón - what can i say besides. transgender. LMAO honestly though, besides adding the top surgery scars, i just really like his canon look. i simplified the details, obviously, but i really love his big coat and his tall boots and the earrings and the black-on-black-on-black of it all. i didn't particularly feel like drawing hats when i was doing this, lol, so i stuck with a red bandana instead. the beads that are strung from it are black, red, purple, green, and yellow to match their guild's canonical color associations/the colored name plates they get in later seasons :] because corazón is the sentimental sort, even when he won't say it. also he gets a little cateye for his eyeliner, i dunno if i've ever said why i do that before haha
egbert - egbert my dearly beloved. literally just his canon look except he has la vache mauve on his tunic instead of fire! and the nose spikes i give him, i guess, but i forget those aren't canon. i actually usually draw him in mike's egbert get up, with the black robes and the golden dragon sigil, but i kinda wanted to move away from that to lean more into the end of legacy of dragons, where egbert fully commits to never going back to the dragon d'or. also i just love drawing little cow heads <3 also! i like the idea that rather than typical scar tissue, dragonborns grow thicker scales over places where they've been injured. so the thicker patches of small scales on egbert's body are meant to be scars! including his kidney scar, lol. the larger scales and the ones on his face were always there though, that's just dragonborn biology baby
merilwen - if i said i based merilwen's body on cartoon bears, would you forgive me... i just think it's cute LOL tummy <3 for the final dragon dogma's video reference, that's where her freckles and tattoos come from. ellen was right, merilwen with floral tattoos fucking rules. who am i to deny it. as a hairy woman myself, i also like making merilwen a hairy woman. she's a hippie, she would NOT shave. i also really love the red earrings she wears in her canon art, so i tried to carry that through to some other small parts of my drawing for her, and landed on the bands she has on her pants as well as the odd feather for her arrows. fun archery fact, for those who may not know - in modern archery at least, you usually will have a differently colored feather (or for my arrows, rubber fins lol) that indicate how youre meant to string the arrow! so i took advantage of that to give merilwen some more red, hehe
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spookberry · 3 months
An infodump is being requested and hoped for, what random topic have you been rotating in your mind lately*?
*can be from seconds/minutes/hours/days ago
Okay well im gonna rant about high school musical some more then, specifically Sharpay
One thing of note about Sharpay Evans that I have in the past seen people get wrong, whether cuz of the setup we're used to with high-fem mean girl antagonists, or just faulty memory equating the 2nd movie's structure to the other two as well- is that Sharpay "runs the school" in some way.
Sharpay Evans has an intense personality and is insanely rich. So people know her. But shes not even really in charge of the drama department(darbus doesnt actually play favorites within the club itself, she just likes the drama kids more than the non-drama kids) Sharpay's the queen of people assuming you know what you're talking about just because you're confident when you say it.
At school shes not really friends with anyone, outside of her brother. Like she sits with other drama kids at lunch but she doesnt talk to them lol. Sharpay is considered a laughing stock by most her peers and THATS the reason she doesnt want Troy/Gabriella involved in the musical. She assumed the "meatheads" as she calls them were going to make a joke out of something she cares a lot about.(thats not to day she isnt the bad guy of the film or something, she definitely is. Just that she isnt in a place of real power over anyone) After callbacks it becomes clear Troy and Gabriella are serious and their peers arent just making fun of the drama club so shes quick to offer support and congratulate Gabriella. Like Sharpays just dramatic and likes to be the star of attention, you cant fault her for that.
Like, shes queen bee of the drama department and a schemer to boot, but when shes at East High she doesnt really have any power the way she does at Lava Springs.
Also side note can you IMAGINE how fucking awkward thatd actually be to have like half your class working at a resort your family owns. Luckily Sharpay has no shame and would boss them around even outside of this scenerio but I briefly put myself in her shoes and I felt like shriveling up and dying. Like her mother makes this comment "these are your school chums not the fuddy duddy lava springs staff" and im like "this makes everything a million times worse, ma'am your daughter already has a bad reputation amongst her classmates and now youre allowing this??" The wildcats even mention feeling weird about having to wait on sharpay to which their boss assures them they wont have to(which is a lie!!)
Fun fact tho, me and my sisters used to rewatch the first and second high school musical films so fucking much that one time we were bored and started just like, quoting the 2nd movie from start to end word for word, songs included. And then afterwards we were like that was weird... do we know the first one too? we did.
The plotline in hsm3 with rocketman and the british girl was so lame tho tbh. Sharpay would never breakdown during a performance like that. Did you see her in 2 with Troy as her partner? It was like performing with a cardboard cut out and she still nailed it.
Side tracking again to actually talk about Gabriella this time. But the way the third movie treats her makes me so annoyed. Like the whole world is against her! Her Main Thing since Day One of this franchise has been that she wants a break from being "the smart girl" and just finally embrace her chance at a normal school life. She's never lived anywhere long enough to finish out a full school year, let alone have friends, and she finally gets that at East High and what does the universe do?? Make her feel bad and like shes throwing away her future for wanting to go to prom, perform in her last musical, and graduate high school with her friends. Which is like conpletely normal and reasonable to want?? I dont blame her for not wanting to go back to East High after all of her friends basically pushed her out and lectured her for wanting to enjoy her time there. Its not like stanford was going anywhere. She still couldve left for college in the fall like all her friends were going to.
I like to imagine Gabriella turns out to be someone who wants a very stable life for her kids. She settles down and makes sure they experience all the small joys of growing up that she just never really had.
Sharpay's ending was kinda sad too tbh. Even if she didn't have any plans for higher education at the end it feels off. (Why was she and Ryan even worried about the Julliard scholarship anyways? Theyre insanely rich)
Also dont even get me started on Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure. Theres some parts to it that i think are absurdly stupid in like the way a movie about sharpay trying to get famous should be absurdly stupid. And then there are other parts that are like :/ who even is this.
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cupoftaae · 2 years
also could you write one where tae and y/n had a small fight before a party, but they still decide to go, then y/n drinks way too much bc of the fight, and then taehyung takes care of her and they make up the next morning or smth like thatt 😊 I love your writing!🫶🏻
OOO I love me some angst, *rubs hands together*
Thank for the suggestion, and thank you for reading my writing, it means a lot to me anon <3
word count- 2.1k
warnings- alcohol consumption, body image issues, a fight and some yelling/swearing. wicked hangover and mention of vomit.
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"I dont understand why you are freaking out, y/n. You look fine"
Taehyung sat on the end of your bed while you stood in the bathroom, rambling about yourself. "because, we are already late and im not really in the mood to go to this party. I hate the way I look in this dress, nothing is working out" you exhale, a tear falling down your cheek as you attempt to curl your hair.
Both of you were getting ready to go to Yoongi and his girlfriend's engagement party, something that has been in the works for months and is finally happening.
You knew you were already a half an hour late, which looks bad not only for tae, but you too, considering you and Yoongi's girlfriend, Jihyo, were friends.
"then just stay home" he shrugged, standing to go lean against the doorframe to the bathroom.
"oh yeah just that easy, let me miss my friends party" you sarcastically spoke. "bet you would like that, to go alone because you are so ashamed of me" you went on, spraying hairspray.
Taehyung ran his hands over his face. He loves you, he really does, but its impossible to convince you to see the bright side of things when you got in your head like this.
you slammed down the can of hairspray and stormed out of the bathroom, bumping into taehyung on the way out. "you are being way too dramatic right now, its not a big deal." he sternly spoke, turning his entire body to watch you rummage through your shared closet.
you stood and looked back, "oh okay" you laughed sarcastically. "you are a man, you dont have to think about yourself the way I do" you huff and walk towards the mirror.
"im tired of looking like this, I want to just be able to put something on and feel beautiful for once" you whisper while running your hands over the front of your dress.
"I think you look sexy" taehyung mindlessly shrugged, making you scoff. "God, thats all you think about, huh?" you shot back.
"What? no-"
"lately you've been incredibly invalidating of how I feel and i'm sick of it"
"How the fuck am I invalidating? Im trying to help, Y/N!!"
"no, you arent. you think you are, but you dismiss what I say, every time I fucking open my mouth Taehyung." you yell, grabbing your purse and walking to the door as your boyfriend followed.
"fine then I will just not talk" he mumbled, making you roll your eyes at his childish behavior. "Yeah, you do that. In fact, dont talk to me all night." you mutter and turn to head for the car, leaving taehyung to follow.
He didnt mean to upset you, he really didnt. He just doesnt understand what you couldnt like about yourself. Perhaps there were better ways to approach you regarding this topic, but right now, the priority was at least showing up to the party before yoongi or Jihyo gets upset.
The car ride remained silent the entire time Taehyung drove. You looked out the window and had slapped his hand away the moment he tried to reach out and squeeze your leg lovingly.
He just doesnt get it, he doesnt understand how you feel, and its not like you can talk it out with him because he always shoots back some fucking stupid line thats is supposedly trying to make you "feel better". Its getting old, and the only thing you wanted to do right now was be away from your boyfriend.
Once you both had arrived at the party, Taehyung parked the car along the curb with the other guests vehicles. You hopped out the moment the car came to a stop, practically skipping inside and leaving him in the dust. He scoffed and locked the car, getting out and walking in at his own pace.
"Y/N!" Jihyo smiled and ran over once she saw you inside her home.
You pushed through some of the guests and made your way over to your friend, hugging her affectionately. "Hi, congratulations! im sorry Im late" you pout and pull away to see her. "No worries love, is taehyung coming too?" she asks, pulling you into the kitchen.
"mhm...unfortunately" you laugh and grab a cracker off the snack plate. "unfortunately?" Jihyo smiles and nudges you. "yeah. We had a fight before we got here" you whisper to her, eyes darting to see Taehyung walk into the living room with a wide boxy smile as he greeted everyone.
"Ohhh.." she nods, understanding. "Im sorry, hun" she rubs your arm. "its ok, I just need alcohol." you joke, making her laugh as she dragged you into Yoongi's wine room, something he was immensely proud (and pretentious) of.
"I think he wont mind If we use this one" Jihyo spoke, reaching for the top bottle and bringing it back into the kitchen for the both of you.
"Taehyung!!" Yoongi cheered, walking back downstairs to see his friend standing in the living room. He hands him a bottle of beer and hugs him.
"Hyung! Congrats again, you and Jihyo have a very lovely home. Its changed so much since last July when I visited." He smiled, thanking him for the beer as they engaged in conversation. "Thank you, we renovated the kitchen and expanded it, wanna see?" he asked with excitement, tae nodded, following him.
"yeah so then I came home and he just kind of blurted it out, it was really sweet and intimate, I actually preferred it over a public proposal." you watched as your friend refilled your glass, telling you the story of how Yoongi proposed.
"ah, Jihyo thats so sweet" you put your hand over your chest, taking another sip as you lean against the counter. "I hope I get to experience that"
"taehyung is a sweet guy, i have no doubts he will pull out all the stops for you" she smiled
"hm?" taehyung mummers, walking in and hearing his name.
your eyes dart open, mad he had found you. "yoongi!" you walk over and hug him, congratulating him.
"Y/n! its nice to see you again, been way too long" he laughed and patted your back. "do you like the kitchen? he cuts, Taehyung watching as you sip on your wine.
"its lovely!!"
"indeed" taehyung adds on, stepping in front of yoongi to stand behind you.
"hes always talking about his kitchen" Jihyo giggled and walked up to her fiance, hugging him. "well yeah it was a lot of work" he shrugged and laughed
you smile as you watch them both be cute little shits, reluctantly turning when you feel your boyfriends hand tickling your lower back. "what??" you bit, making his hands raise in defense.
"youre still mad?....baby..cmon" he whined, trying to pull you into his embrace but you step back and leave the kitchen, going to have fun with the other guests in the living room.
yoongi pulls away from his soon to be wife and raises his eyebrows, full of questions. "they had a fight" jihyo giggled and patted his chest, walking out of the room as well.
"ah jihyo, wait" Taehyung runs up, whispering
"hm?" she turns
"make sure she doesnt drink too much, please?" he asked with serious eyes, making her nod. "shes a big girl, I think she will be okay but yes, ill keep an eye on her" she smiled
"thank you, shes not usually a drinker but tends to overdo it sometimes when shes angry..."he spoke, laughing a bit at the end.
Jihyo giggled, "gotcha"
he looked over at you hugging your friend and dancing slightly. you looked so beautiful and all he wanted to do was wrap you up in his arms and kiss you, but he couldn't. He needed to apologize for hurting your feelings, but there was no way you would even let him go near you to do so.
He sighed and sat down, accepting another beer as he silently ate chips.
"IM A GROWN WOMAN, I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!!!" you slurr-sing as you and your friend Chae sing along to karaoke after having a few drinks.
most of the guests had left, and it was nearing midnight, so the remaining party-goers were you, Taehyung, Chae, namjoon and Jungkook.
Taehyung was ready to tap out. He was exhausted, and didnt think he was going to be here this long. The only reason he still is, is well, you. He sat on the couch between yoongi and jungkook, fighting sleep as he watched you let loose with your friends.
You still hadnt talked to him for the majority of the party, but somewhere deep down he was actually glad to see you happy for the first time today.
Jihyo giggled and ran back downstairs as she watched them sing, sitting next to yoongi. He sternly looked at her, "what did she drink?" he asked, taehyung leaning over to look at jihyo as well.
She smiled and mumbled, "some wine..."
yoongi sat up "what wine?"
"your....wine..."she tried not to giggle as taehyung glared. "I told you to not let her drin-" taehyung was cut off as you ran over and sat on him.
He blushed and lightly placed his hands around you, "you ok?" he asked, "im tired" you yell, meaning to whisper but failing to do so.
"okay baby...you wanna go home? good job singing by the way"
you sat up immediately and crossed your arms. "im supposed to be mad at you" you slurred, turning to walk away but stumbling and almost falling, "be careful!" tae spoke, jumping up.
"Ill be whatever I want!" you bite back.
"i think we are gonna go, im sorry guys" tae spoke, holding you up by your arm.
"nono dont apologize please, its late and you guys stayed long enough" yoongi laughed, "yes go take care of y/n, shes gonna feel that tomorrow im sure"
Tae smiled and picked you up gently, managing to get you into the car outside without a fight.
"we are going home now ok?" he whispers as he drives safely down the street. you dont talk, rather mumble in response to everything. Once you are outside your apartment, he holds you up the stairs as he puts his key into the door.
"uehhhh" you whine and pull away, leaning off the railing and suddenly throwing up. "oh!" tae drops his key and runs over, rubbing your back and pushing your hair out of the way until you were done.
"im never drinking again" you slur and fall against him. "i know baby" he consoles, picking his key up and getting you inside to help clean you up and get into bed.
Once he managed to get you into the bathroom, he carefully put you on top of the counter as he changed you into you pajamas. you remained staring with a mean glare, making him laugh.
"what?" he smiled and put one of his old tshirts over your head and onto your body.
"Im mad at you"
"ok...we can talk about it tomorrow ok?" he sighed and washed your face with a cloth before ushering you into bed. he placed Tylenol and water on the bedside table and got close to you, beginning to talk but realizing you were already asleep.
he smiled and cuddled into you, falling asleep eventually.
The next morning, Taehyung was awoken by the sounds of you throwing up in the bathroom. He rushed out of bed to be by your side, knowing how much you hated getting sick.
"you ok, baby?" he whispers, watching you lean back against him on the bathroom floor, groaning.
"I shouldnt have drank so much"
he hums and runs his hand through your hair, kissing your head.
its silent for a moment.
"Im sorry for being such a dick yesterday, it was wrong and I should have been more understanding"
you grab his hand with yours, shaking your head. "its ok, I was also being irrational and mean. you are a good boyfriend, tae" you closed your eyes and breathed deeply, feeling lingering nausea.
"I love you" he spoke
"I love you too" you managed to smile.
"no more fighting?"
"no more fighting" you nodded.
he kissed your hand. "if we ever get into another fight just know I have you singing beyonce at the party on video, blackmail for days"
you whipped around, "no...."
"I will cut your dick off if you do that, watch it, kim" you glare, making him laugh. "now get out, before I puke on you"
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lunatic-fandom-space · 3 months
Oughhhhhh its like 2 am but im getting so fucking madddddd, I just saw someone be like "dont get me wrong, I love atla and I think Zuka is a great charater but I really think people with low media literacy really took away the wrong thing away from him" and I got kinda excited because I definitely think that about Zuko and him being held up as this great pinnacle of redemption arc writing but I feel like people rarely ever talk about it, but then the post went on and they were like "and by people with low media literacy I mean people creating cartoons nowadays, and by took the wrong thing away from him I mean theyre just giving everyone a redemption arc even though they didnt eeeeeeeaaaaarnnnnnn iiiiiittttt" and then the first thing in their tags was them complaining about steven universe and it made me so mad I didnt even finish reading the tags, I just blocked them. it was very lily orchard-esque if Im being honest
And like, okay, first of all, I think when people talk about Atla making redemption arcs more popular or "trendy", as Im sure this person would reductively say, I think theyre fundamentally misdiagnosing the issue. Atla didnt make redemption arcs popular in kids shows because it was a popular kids show and had a redemption arc in it, atla contributed to serialized kids media becoming more popular where redemption arcs are more common because idk, its just an obvious thing to write when you can write a continously flowing story where there are consequences and where characters can change, rather than having to reset everything at the end of an episode like with episodic shows. I feel like asking "why are there so many redemption arcs in serialized kids shows?" is like asking "why are so many prestige dramas about amoral assholes doing fucked up shit?" because its compelling, next question
Seriously though, while I as an adult like redemptions arcs in general as a tool for teaching kids about different perspectives and that people arent born evil and that life isnt just black and white, I can tell you now, kids dont watch kids shows to learn stuff, they watch them to have fun and drama is fun to most kids and redemption arcs are dramatic, so theyre showing up in kids shows a lot
So thats on redemption arcs in general, now lets talk about my issues with Zuko specifically, or rather, my issues with his arc being held up as the pinnacle of redemption arc writing. This is actually something that the original poster Im talking about mentioned as a positive, but Zuko isnt really a villain; hes an antagonist, but every season contrasts him against a Bigger Bad (Zhao, Azula, Ozai), Im pretty sure hes portrayed as atleast somewhat sympathetic as early as episode 3 of season 1 (although its been a while since ive seen the show so dont quote me on that), and he doesnt really have a lot to atone for because while he did believe in all the fire nation propaganda because thats what he was raised with, he clearly never liked doing what he was doing and didnt really want to do it. Like, all of his villainous actions have this air of being coerced somehow, which is fine, Zuko's arc isnt bad by any means, its a good character arc, but it is really annoying how it made people think that the only characters that its acceptable to redeem are good people who were manipulated, when I find redemption arcs about actual villains who actually did bad stuff of their own volition a lot more compelling.
It think it stems from a fundamental (and very christian) misunderstand of what redemption even is but this post is already very long and its almost 4 am now and my brain is turning into mush, so I'll save that for another time.
Tldr: Zuko's arc is an example of a good character arc, but I wouldnt say its an example of a good redemption arc because I dont feel that he was really that bad or was ever really portrayed as that bad, and I wish people would stop holding it up as the pinnacle of villain redemption arcs when its really more of a well-meaning guy who doesnt really know any better and is in a pretty tough spot rn that makes him do bad stuff redemption arc
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hermywolf · 4 months
Do you think tato the afa official photographer staged every photos of the Argentine squad to give that "cold" vibes or do the players strike a pose to look like that? I checked several insta account of other countries' football teams to see how their squad photos look like and their photos look natural unlike La Scaloneta so I'm getting a little sus now lol
okay so just my opinion here but i dont think they like, tell them 'okay act cold now' and then snap the picture or anything, and for several of those pics there's a video for so you can see they're natural. most of the ones right before the game, or when they're in the tunnel and such, im pretty sure are natural, bc we have video for those and can see thats how they act and also because they're probably thinking about the game more than posing
HOWEVER!!! some of la scaloneta are SUCH posers, there's really a very funny tendency when they're at their clubs of the argentinian one always being the one to strike a pose for the camera while everyone else is just. acting normal or even running from the cameras.
for example this one of dybala
or this one of de paul, where hes basically like 'i strike a pose for so long and you dont even notice and take a picture!!'
so it doesnt surprise me that our group photos look more 'cold' than the other nts, we've got a bunch of dramatic posers amidst our ranks.
my answer would be that group pictures, or the ones in the tunnel/before a game, are mostly natural, as well as the ones of players who arent really the type to strike a pose (like messi or julián, pretty much all of theirs are natural unless its like an ad). so, real "coldness" there i guess ksjks. but the ones in training, and especially of players who are a bit more theatrical and/or posers (see above lol) are more voluntary, not so much from the photographers but more from the players themselves. i 100% believe ANY picture i see of de paul and paredes is them striking a pose and trying to rizz up the camera
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
Can you maybe (only if you want to) rank Taylor’s albums and maybe also explain why you’d rank them like that?
oh okay ill try
evermore - my beloved, i love how every single song has such a strong identity if that makes sense. like there's this common debate that evermore is the better album but folklore has better songs? i think folklore has a strong identity as an album but the songs dont as much as evermore. every song is so unique and lives in it's own world and i LOVE taylors voice with real instruments and her storytelling is peaked here.
folklore - everything that i said about evermore basically but slightly less. i love the vibes she was able to capture and the whole album paints such a picture- i've always felt like taylor is at her strongest when she's doing something new and this being such a new place for her (genre and writing wise) shows how refreshed she must have felt.
speak now - the most dramatic, messy and honest album in my opinion. its so late teens/early 20s to me in terms of subject matter and i love when she uses some rock influence in her songs and theres so much guitar in this album i love it. also the fact that it's entirely self written insane.
1989 - a modern classic. this also strengthens my theory that taylor is at her strongest when she's doing something new and challenging. i cant believe the first time she tried pop she came out with style, ootw, blank space, etc.... like wtf. the lyrics arent as poetic as one would hope but there still good and very impressive.
fearless - my baby. there's just something so bittersweet about this album and it's so solid. there's not a lot i would cut (from the standard version... vault tracks are different) and its so wholesome and full of whimsy. i love the production on it too, i think it works with her voice so so well and it's aged beautifully.
midnights - okay heres the thing, every criticism ive seen about this album makes sense and i agree but for some reason after seeing it live... idk i like it a lot. there definitely are skips and i get why people were just unimpressed truly... but some of the songs are so insanely catchy and i like the way her voice sounds... cant explain it.
red - i think this album is really good when you're in a certain place in your life or a certain mood, it's not an everyday album for me. i think it has some of her best ballads/slow songs but the upbeat ones lack for me. the best ones are holy ground and state of grace tbh. plus with how long red tv is... it's a bit overwhelming.
debut - she's cute but she could be improved upon and it's her first album so we can cut her some slack, i love iomwiwy, tim mcgraw, picture to burn, should've said no, our song, etc. she has standouts she's nice.
reputation - this is where we go into the negatives outway the positives. this production is way too much for me, like i said her voice sounds it's best with real instruments underneath is to me- so this really fake manufactured production just doesnt work. it also aged sooo badly to me. this album live is a different story tbh but recorded it's just not my fav. when she's performing it live she adds real instruments and im praying that she does that with the rerecording because it helps so much. the only songs i would literally die for her not to change is lwymmd, dress, so it does, and ready for it. i think dont blame me is so overrated and dont understand why people love it.... im sorry. it's so basic to me... we've seen the whole 'your live is my drug' this so often and the production is basic too... i feel like anyone could be singing it.
lover - my god what this album could have been. this has some of her best and some of her worst. my list of complaints is long. i dont like the production- same reasons as reputation, way too fake and clunky. some of the lyrics are.... wild. the setlist is strange, i would cut like 4 songs tbh. i love cruel summer, inthaf, sygb, lover, london boy and false god.
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soulofamy · 2 months
putting this under a cut bc i dont want certain fans to jump me for my opinions but after letting it sit for a few days, heres what i think of the ac.olyte
id probably give it an overall 7/10. like i had fun with it and def would want to see more from it. but there are some glaring problems with it too that im trying to wrap my head around. maybe if i give it a second watch through it will make more sense to me but for now after one playthrough of the first season, here is where my mind is:
first i will tall about the things i absolutely loved:
yo.rd and j.ecki remain my favorite characters in the show, they are just so fun and they really stand out among the innumerable je.di we have in canon right now. i tend not to like jed.i very much (with the exception of obiwan) but i am pleasantly surprised with how much i enjoy them.
THE FIGHT CHOREOGRAPHY it was some of the best starw.ars weve seen in YEARS tbh. i normally find fight scenes to be boring and i just want them to be overwith so that we can get back to the actual story. but the lightsaber fights here??? i was on the edge of my seat they were SOO good.
the acting was pretty good!! some better than others but i think every character had their moments
the setting, i really really love that we are exploring a completely new (to tv/movies anyway) era with new faces. it makes the few cameos we have feel like they have the proper amount of acknowledgement, the show does not rely on them the same way that like...ahso.ka or k.enobi did. also i just feel like the high repu.blic was a more elegant time than the prequels era. the cloths, the weapons, the aesthetic was 10/10
i applaud them for doing something different with their protag. it confuses me a bit, but this outcome wasnt the one i predicted, it was my "wouldnt it be interesting if...?" outcome. also i am going to say it: qi.mir is everything sequel fans THINK kyl.o r.en is. qi.mir blows him out of the water. i couldnt understand why re.ylo happened or what their fascination was with each other (idc im not interested in it being explained to me either tbh) but while i still see storytelling flaws in osh.amir, i can still tell you why they happened the way they did and why they work. incredible, we havent gotten a compelling st.arwars couple since obi.tine, i am so excited ("but what about-" shhhhhhhhhh i said what i said)
now the parts that make me kind eh about it:
the pacing was very off. unlike other sw shows, each episode was like on average a half hour?? very short amount of time. AND there were only 8 episodes. and i feel like they didnt really use their time effectively. they spent so much time retreading old water with the flashbacks when they could have been using that time to more directly show us more about ma.e and o.shas relationship. like okay i GET that they arent sisters, theyre the same person split into two bodies....and??? why does that matter? why do we care about that? what makes them different from regular fo.rce sen.sitive twins like tipl.ee and ti.plar or l.uke and le.ia? like the last episode tries to make so.l revealing this out to be some big dramatic reveal but tbh i didnt even know we were building up to it??? and whats funny is os.ha didnt even seem phased by it? she was more concerned with her mothers death lol
can someone explain to me why the solution at the end of the series is "erase ma.es memories?" instead of qimi.r being like "you know what o.sha? since shes your sister and you care about her so much, lets bring her back to our little cortosis island too" LIKE WHY CUT THE TWO APART? AFTER ALL THIS TIME?? maybe im forgetting a crucial detail idk i just dont understand the need to do that?
yo.rd and je.cki being so unceremoniously killed and then no one ever acknowledging them again makes me angry. they shouldnt have died to begin with imo but like they did, did vernes.tra not take all their bodies back for a funeral? do their deaths mean nothing to o.sha? with the exception of the story isolating o.sha so that she feels like she has no where better to go than with qi.mir, i really truly dont understand the point of their deaths
bazi.l was really freaking annoying i hope he dies
i guess its a little too soon to speak on this part but like i really cant see any way for them to execute o.shamir in a way thats healthy. dont get me wrong, i am all for them giving us a toxic or layered ship but like with how osh.a literally has no one now and how much it honestly feels to me like qi.mir is projecting himself onto her, i really do feel like this ship deserves way more nuance than "and then they were cute and domestic on their little island until the gremlin man in the cave started making problems for them". idk. i am intrigued, i def think it works better than r.eylo but like i fear the execution will be horrible
those are my thoughts i think. i feel like i had more but i cant think of it off the top of my head now
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vent: im greiving & i thought that my friends would be there for me to comfort me through this because this is very hard for me. 1 out of dozens of my friends asked me if i was okay & let me talk to her about it. no one else said anything to me about it & it hurts because i know they know im hurt & they know that this is affecting me. im struggling and theyre going about their lives. im not even struggling in private. they know. now not only do i have to deal with the hurt from this loss but i also have to deal with the hurt of having no one who truly cares about me. and maybe im being dramatic but it hurts so bad. ive struggled with self harm throughout all of my teenage years and clearly im into it sexually, but i havent hurt myself because i have upset/sad/angry in a really really long time and im on the verge of relapse & i feel so alone. the worst part is i know i have so many friends but at this point its making me want nothing to do with any of them. i want to cut them all off and move forward with my life with the 1 friend who reached out. & im scared to express these feelings to my friends because i dont want them to think im seeking attention. this isnt about lack of attention, its about feeling like they genuinely dont care. i just feel so shitty & im afraid that if i keep these friends i will resent them for the rest of my life and they will never understand. i thought at least half of them would check on me and i thought a quarter of them were my genuine friends. but im not so sure thats the case anymore. ive always felt things so much harder than most people & its a blessing and a curse. i know that if i saw them post that they were going through something sad i would reach out and be there for them. i understand that i cant hold everyone to a certain standard and expect them to act the way that i would. theyre not me. i wish i could have myself as a friend and i guess in a way i do. i do have myself and i always will and i think thats special. i need to be there for myself in the way that no one else will and thats why i wont hurt myself again. i think i might give myself some distance from everyone. & when they get a clue and ask me whats wrong ill tell them. im not sure im ready for their responses and that already should tell me everything i need to know. if they were my real friends i wouldnt worry about communicating my feelings about something that genuinely hurt me. but i am worried. im worried that ill be dismissed. told that its not a big deal. i cant let people do that to me anymore. i cant let people tell me how i should feel because i am feeling these things and those feelings are real. and if they were real they would respect me. i dont feel respected. i feel ignored. theyre going on about their lives and theyre not worried about me, so why should i be worried. am i willing to throw out friendships that ive had since middle school? i might be. ive recently come to the conclusion that in life the only thing i really care about it my mental health. i just want to be happy & i want to surround myself with people who make me feel happy. evidently these people arent making me feel very happy. maybe i had too many friends anyway. i suppose i really could cut my circle down to prioritize myself. i wont be here in this town forever. i wont be surrounded by these people forever anyways. i will be surrounded by myself forever. at the end of the day i need to put myself first before anyone or anything else. im so hurt right now and moving forward i need to remember these feelings and not let anyone dismiss them. right now im making a promise to myself to hold onto these feelings when talking to these people again. i wont forget how they made me feel, and i wont let them make me doubt myself. this sounds dramatic i know, but its really how i feel.
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my-hyucking-spoons · 4 years
✨ ✨ Things i had to drop because of my corpse's fuckery ✨ ✨
Ice skating
Fuck man, i really love ice skating and enjoyed it so much, zooming all over the ring attempting to do tricks. I wanted to learn all those sick flips but with time my joints just couldn't bear it. Everything hurt cuz of the cold, ankles twisting, hip popping out plus the cool breeze was bad for my asthma and eventually i couldn't go on without pulling out my more-serious-double-trouble inhaler. 2/10 can still watch ice skating but i always get frustrated because i cant :c
Roller skating (is that what its called in english??)
Basically ice skating outside of the summer season- no cool breeze to fuck up my asthma but still had to take breaks to wheeze on a bench. Constant dislocations as time progressed because im less stable in wheels. Damn, going out with friends to roller skate was so much fun :c 1/10 because im upset
Kick Boxing
I was enjoying it until i got more advanced level and got injured more frequently. Couldn't even cover the first blows because my hard-of-hearing ass couldn't her the instructors instructions and had to watch what my sparing partner was doing. Got offered to participate in paid matches but had to refuse :/ 3/10 kinda glad i had to quit because the injuries and bruises hurt and our gym's first aid kit was a roll of duct tape (believe me when i say that seeing a guy or two with their ankles or fists duct taped all over was a norm)
Fuck, skating was so fucking great. Zooming around the city from point A to point B in the rain was really something. Never really got into any tricks but as a form of transportation? Absolutely magnificent. I never sold any of my skate boards after it was clear that i can no longer avoid getting myself hurt, im still silently hoping that with some miracle i could use them again
Listenning to music
I can still listen to music of caurse but its just not the same with it always being too quiet no matter what sound busters i use. Its just not the same like it used to feel when I'd walk around schools trying to put a barier of headphones between my depressed self and school that i hated 4/10 simply because i can still listen to music, just not with the same quality
i dont mean like drawing while sitting by the desk (though that gets painfull too after a bit) I mean like standing on front of a big convras, sketching details and swishing paint brush all over. In like middle school i guess? I used to spend hours like that, standing in place, bending to reach a spot or extending my arm to get to the edge of huge convras. Damn, if i did that now, my legs wouldn't allow me to stand that long in place, my joints would light on fire and my back would hurt like fuck. Good thing i didnt get to the art school i guess or i couldve getten worse quicker (is that a word?) 4/10 since i didnt get to art school i didnt miss that much, tho now im a graphic designer and working too long still fucking hurts lilk hellfire
TLDR: drama queen nostalgia talking funky joint ranting because he cant do stuff
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funkylittledemon · 3 years
My phones charge is on 9%. I have yet to put it on charge.
The PlayStation is on. I should use it or turn it off. I will do neither.
Clothes and plates are on the floor. I don't know how long there been there or will continue to be there.
The cat was sick an hour or so ago. I haven't cleared it up yet.
I've needed a shower all week. Still haven't got round to it.
My PE kit sits in my bag unwashed. I have to use it tommorow. I doubt it'll be washed after that either.
My throat is sore after yelling at the cat and i haven't stopped crying and shaking.
We're giving the dog away. I didn't even feel sad when I was told. I'm sure I love him but i dont feel sad.
I do not want cat sick or plates on my floor. I am unable to do anything about it.
I need to go downstairs to make my lunch for tommorow. Tears still run down my face and stain my cheeks. I cannot show people this. If it does not clear up in an hour I will make lunch in the morning or simply go without
Yet somehow in others perspective i am functioning, working well. The image others have of me feels so detached from what im really like. Which is the real me I wonder?
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threepointseven · 3 years
hi !! can i pls be 🌹anon?
id like to request a sick reader x scaramouche, childe, xiao (separate) hc
im so sick rn and just wanted some comfort to motivate me to do my homework 🥀🥀
When your sick
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Type- HC’s 🌷
Flowers included!🌼= xiao x gn! Reader, childe x gn! Reader, scaramouche x gn! Reader
Genshin masterlist
💐Your bouquet has been delivered <3💐
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surprise surprise hes a pain in the ass!!!
He does not know how to deal with sick people, the last time hes has to sort of deal with someone sick is when Childe got a fever and instead of taking care of him he poured Signora’s burning hot soup that she made for him all over childe’s face and then left him to rot
But now hes got you?!!??! A partner?!?! And he cant just pour the homemade soup on your face cause he loves you and cares about you?!?! 🤯🤯🤯
Hes not a great care taker but he’ll immediately order a fatui healer to help you out, give you medicine and such, and make you things to ease your pain
He refuses cuddles from you smh🙄🙄 your literally a hollow corpse of a puppet dont act like your gonna get a fever after a kiss 🤨🤨
“Gross you sneezed on me ugh what if i get a cold!”
“No you wont..!!! You know scara i dont think the amount of soup the healers are giving me is working.. but you know what just might!”
“Dont say cuddles.”
“… physical affection for a long period of time.”
despite his cold attitude and the sound of “i dont care about this fever or you” in his voice he truly does care, hes worried the entire time infact and even ditches on some of his work just to make sure your doing okay.
If you say the medicine is too bitter and refuse to drink it try to run away one more time and hell shove the spoon down your goddamn throat. And yes, he is feeding you. HE SAYS ITS CAUSE YOUR SICK AND UR PROBABLY SUPER WEAK BUT HES JUST REALLY JUST USING IT AS AN EXCUSE TO FEED YOU CAUSE HE FINDS IT SO CUTE AND ROMANTIC DVDJDBB
If you pester him enough he will cuddle with you, hesitantly but he will. He’ll stay there softly caressing your back and just listen to your whines and groans til you fall asleep
His first thought is to shove the last bit of bitter medicine you didnt want to drink down your throat but he instead just cuddles with you, softly blowing away the interrupting strand of hair so he can kiss you on the forehead lovingly.
“Better not get sick again, your a pain..”
he means well he just does not know how to translate “i hate seeing you sick it makes me wanna cry whenever i see you in pain” into something thats less direct-
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his big brother instincts are immediately on. He knew you were sick before you knew you were sick😭
Hes so serious about it and makes sure your in bed rest for the rest of the day and if you attempt to get away to do work or something he will personally contact your boss and say that you arent going to work today🙄🙄
So so strict about the medicine and the rest💔 he has this saying in his head that if you dont treat a flu correctly quick enough itll turn into something fatal like the plague or smth🤨
He WILL cuddle you, Even if it means getting the plague with you🥱🥱🥱
“Ajax im sick! Im gonna give you a cold!”
“I feel so betrayed.. im being rejected by my own partner.. i feel my blood draining through the crevices of my body-“
“…i’ll sneeze on you.”
“I mean thats kinda…”
“We are breaking up immediately.”
With the laughs come your boyfriend shoving bitter snezhnayan medicine down your throat though-
He needs you to get better, its not like hes annoyed its just he hates seeing you sick so much. Hed much rather see you running around the town shouting as loud as you want instead of clutching your stomach and groaning in pain.
He definitely feeds you every single inch of food you get, he will be so dramatic when he sees you eating with your own hands and your own utensils like bro hes supposed to be feeding you🤨🤨
During the night he’ll help ease up every single part of your body you say is in pain, he’ll put an ice pack on your forehead and kiss every part thats in pain. Youll fall asleep in his arms with him continuously kissing your face sloppily till its red and youll wake up in his arms. He couldnt care less if he gets a fever as long as he got to hold you through all that pain you were experiencing hes happy.
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has no idea how to deal with sick people
Hes never gotten sick?? So like??? He asks verr for help and that look of “archons i feel bad for your partner” when he asks what sick people need🙁
Genuinely so clueless but once he finds out what to do hes already teleporting his way to bubu pharmacy, picking up the best herbs and giving them to you, he wont take “its too bitter!” For an answer you are drinking them.
Hell feed you your medicine but let you eat your food by yourself
Puts an ice pack on your forehead snd just watches you the entire time like a hawk🤕🤕
Its so creepy 😟😟 hes just there for the entire night and day in the corner of the bed watching you like 😐
If you pester him enough he’ll give you a few kisses on the forehead but most of the time he’ll just pat your head and watch you as you sleep
He thinks almond tofu is good for sick ppl??😓😓 so he just makes a hoard of almond tofu and force feeds it to you and when you throw up because of the sugar overload he feels so guilty 🙁
Literally if that happens he just stays so far away from you, letting verr handle sick little you before he feels better about himself-
Hes always so stiff when cuddling but just since your sick he’ll ease up and if your lucky enough he’ll kiss your nose for a second before blushing a wave of crimson and regretting his life decisions
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