#okay so my personal life is a bit difficult but school generally helps me be a bit better
anaalnathrakhs · 5 months
heeehee hooohoho nothing has weight, sense, or value anymore. everything is everybody's fault. no one can be blamed for anything. sorry for being an asshole i'm just going to fucking kill myself.
i asked my mom if she remembered if we set up an account for me to check an info, she said she didn't know, i said okay thanks, don't do anything about it though.
this afternoon, while i'm sleeping, i get a text that goes like "okay so you do this and this and this on the website!" and i haul my ass out of bed to do it before the cutoff time this evening, and it leads me to the exact same problem of needing an account. so. my mom could take the time to search for a way to resolve a problem she THOUGHT i had. despite me telling her explicitely, bc i'm starting to get used to it, not to do anything about it and it was just a question. but then she didn't click through the thing to check. bc she just googled it and sent me what she read. after telling me "noooo, no need to check" when i had asked her. she said it "went over her head" that i had said EXPLICITELY "please don't do anything about it".
i have no fucking idea what to think. i'm making a mountain out of a molehill, yes, and my own fault for even mentioning the topic, yes. but on the other hand, why the fuck is such a simple thing impossible? we've had so many discussions about what i'm uncomfortable with, and there's many things that didn't change, which i understand, because i'm not a toddler, i have complex needs but also the ability to mitigate and handle discomfort, they have priorities, they have no obligation to uproot their habits for me. but then such a small fucking thing is also too much?????? i ask her one yes/no question, and she invents a problem i didn't have from the situation, halfasses solving it, and brings me the result like yay! mom to the rescue! despite me telling her NOT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THE TOPIC OF THE VERY SIMPLE YES/NO QUESTION. that she had told me to not even bother checking when she answered. we've had discussions about it. i've learned to tell her NOT TO CHECK because for some reason when i say "hey have you seen this thing around?" she hears "go fetch me this thing", and despite that she was still showing up two days later like yay! i found it in the back of the guest room closet where we never go! mom to the rescue! and like, i know you're a workaholic, but could you please not invent yourself fucking quests when i told you to drop it?
and on the other other hand, i'm a fucking hypocrite, because it's true she does tell me often not to do something, and i slide the problem a little to the left and carry on. but i don't fucking know. she said that like, well, you know what i'm talking about. purging in the toilets. I HAVENT ASKED YOU TO CLEAN THEM AND I HAVE DONE MY BEST TO CLEAN THEM AND I WOULD'VE DONE THE PROPER DEEP-CLEAN IF YOU HAD ASKED ME AND ALSO I HAVE A FUCKING RAGING EATING DISORDER THAT AFFECTS ME LIKE PRETTY MUCH 24/7.
and holy fuck. i'm a constant problem for everybody around me. it's cool. how am i supposed to "get better progressively" when everything i do is fucking poison damage to everybody around. how am i supposed to accept being around people often, when this is not a harsh pass or a difficult time, it's just what life's been for my entire existence.
like trust me mom, i'm counting the days til i can move out too! but am i. im possibly planning to get a year of higher education in my hometown, after all. but also i might have to drop out of school so 🥴 possibly a step towards leaving, possibly a step towards living in my parents basement until they die out and i inherit the house. fucking fantastic. i should just cut it short and either have the balls to kill myself, or drop out and get the best job i can with what i have.
it's cool! i thought i was doing good, doing better, improving, but turns out haha me doing better is just at the expense of other people! how silly of me to believe i could perhaps not be a source of suffering to everybody around me if i worked hard on it! everybody in my life fucking hates me and they're right tbh what the fuck have i done for them. i mean i tried, but have i succeeded?
ANYWAY i have until monday to figure out what i'm going to do. does anyone have a movie rec for someone killing some stand-in for the unfeeling standardize reglementation, cuz i need some catharsis rn.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Loving words from your person"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to find a message meant to reach you at this time. The message may come from your future spouse/destined person/long time partner or even closest friend for some of you (you may still have to meet them).
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
Things are getting rocky at the moment, right? Yeah I know it. Try to not let this excessive amount of emotions sweep you away. Try to ground, try to stay present and in you. It's hard work indeed, ofc, I'm not saying it's easy but... please, even if it feels so difficult ans scary, do not give up. Do not let all this take the best of you. Stay in touch, stay in control... touch the ground and the grass, stay present, keep yourself rooted physically. A good news is coming in soon, maybe a new endeavour you know, just do not let this stress you even more than you are. Right now you need to find your inner focus, your center, and to meditate. Until we meet, until I will be able to help you, take good care of you. Or let someone else help you.
[romantic partner for many of you but not everyone; very big on physical affection/hugs in particular -gives very good safe hugs-; good big heart; you may be feeling lonely/feeling down/needing a bit more of love or affection these days or you will need: they'll offer you loads of that with a bright smile; sweet young kinda feminine/nurturing energy; the "excessive amount of emotion" mentioned in the reading may relate to something you're healing atm: I just heard "keep healing patiently"]
song: stay ready (what a life) | jhené aiko, kendrick lamar
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pile 2
HEllo hello my sweetheart! Things are changing as times and leaves, and so your emotions need to adapt to all this. We totally need to stop letting them block us and be more real, shouldn't we? It is indeed time to make a new start, to level up. So take it slow but leave this pain behind. Okay, okay, the choice is yours but you know... it's better to make mistakes and really live even for just one day than to just hide behind a wall and observe others having the time of their life and then feeling so unworthy of everything, right? Go out of the shell and try to feel as worthy as them. Try to be your real self (I know who you are inside, don't play with me, you cannot hide :)). Go slowly, go at your pace, but try. Little by little. One "hello" at time. I am waiting for you to try and say hi first. I am here waiting just for you, not going anywhere.
[romantic partner or friend, or both; funny positive accepting wise person: "it's okay to make mistakes, they're cute" when I wrote the first hello with the E and didn't want me to correct it "it's so me"; prolly clumsy but in a cute way; very pensive/thoughtful; may know many words/has a way with words or is a book lover/nerd; may wear glasses and touch them often; may sit weird; loves to write/journaling; thinks before speaking but writes on a whim and makes typos maybe also in messages to you -some are fun; you may laugh a lot together-; only for some: they may already "be in your life" as you may "see" them around often -eg. school, jobplace, subway, fav pub/place, park...- or they may be your crush/someone you find interesting, as in the song's mv]
song: you don't know my name | alicia keys
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pile 3
It's time to take a pause and wait. Things not always go as we plan them or as we'd like them to, but it's not always that bad. It's often a matter of realigning, of realizing that maybe something wasn't supposed for us, and it's better this way. It's maybe a matter of taking a break, grieving our desire in the way we planned it to be, and then go back on track and working for a new different way to get it. It's often a matter of having to wait a little longer, of having to be a little more experienced and prepared. Maybe it's the same for us, don't you think? Maybe we thought we had met but it wasn't us. Maybe we're just meant to work on ourself first a little more, on our feelings and how we see them and perceive them, on our strenghts and self confidence, before we can really shine and meet. Before we can really be able to be seen by the right people: me by you and you by me. And trust me, it's gonna happen. We'll make it happen.
[older or wiser romantic partner or friend; feels like has had many life's experiences; very grounded; masculine energy for the most; very concrete and has an intriguing mind; may have lot of air in their chart or be Mercury dominant, still has a lot of control on their thoughts and is very determined; may inspire you and guide you through a lot and help you grow or heal; will probably need you to help them let go a bit of control cause maybe sometimes -at least for some- they may tend to be a bit more serious and go deep within and get lost in their mind; may show a bright smile on the outside but may feel hurt inside, give them time or talk with them, help them feel safe in communicating their real thoughts if you can: they just don't want to cause pain to others but forget that generally people feels good when being of help to a lover/friend and not burdened; you may share some traits or have mirror energy]
song: island in the sun | weezer
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grendel-menz · 2 months
yo im not sure if this is a weird ask so feel free to ignore but like !! sorry i just had a moment bc ive been struggling w being half white for a long time now, like something was off my entire life with how other white people would treat me as an Other, the way they would like reduce me to an animal/the wild friend/make some weird dehumanizing comments, and despite all this not even knowing the truth of my ancestry til i was out of high school. but at the same time i felt like i could never really claim it? like i had no connection to my native side since my father wasn't allowed that so i was basically raised White and every time i looked in the mirror something told me it was wrong for me to even seek that connection. it did not help that i'd meet other half natives here who would tell me that (there is a weird culture here about rooting out "fakers" and accusing people you dont like of faking their history to get yourself more legitimacy). sorry this is all a rambly preface to say id always related to your art about ancestry and culture and finding yourself and how people treat you but felt wrong for it but then you post a picture and you're a stones throw away from me. like, we look like we could be cousins. idk i just went wow, i look like that too, its okay, i shouldnt have gatekept my connecting behind fear of... i dont even know what anymore. idk this ask has no point so from another genderweird half who hallucinates i hope u have a great week month year and i hope good things happen to you. you bring a lot of joy to people
I'm sorry you've struggled with all this, it can be really tough. My situation is a bit different since my mom never let me forget I'm Filipino. I never felt distant from being mixed, just the culture we lost due to some extraordinarily difficult circumstances in the past few generations of my moms side. I'm also lucky in that Filipinos and SEAsians as a whole tend to be very avid about welcoming mixed kids into the community (though there's a lot of racism and colorism involved in the level of acceptance someone gets, unfortunately. I'm pale and treated well, and I doubt someone darker skinned would be treated as well in certain circles.).
I can't speak for Native American communities, but I will solidly say in general that blood quantum and its enforcement is colonial. Your ancestors do not love you in halves or quarters, that would be very strange. When I have a baby I plan to love the whole thing and not just whatever dna percentage is mine. It's just important to research, support, reach out to, and represent your community to the best of your ability. (If I've misspoken here lmk.)
I have Indigenous family members, ancestry, and community, but I don't personally call myself Indigenous because I am still researching and reconnecting, and it's such a big word. There's no rush to things, go at the pace you're comfortable with when it comes to seeing yourself.
Sorry for being long winded! Hopefully that helps or yeah! :D
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Background details/me blabbing about my askblog yaaay!! Mostly because it's difficult for me to get motivated as it is! Plus maybe after being inactive for 2 years (rip 💀) this will help pique interest? Idk I just wanna talk about my sillies tbh. And the Axolotl needs a break you know? My guy's watching over an entire multiverse.
First off. The post about my LGBTQIA+ headcanons here: https://www.tumblr.com/craycray-wolf/737090570384703488/while-in-wait-for-the-book-of-bill-already-hard?source=share
It's still accurate to how I feel about the characters...mostly. In the time since I made this post, I have since been converted to "Grunkle Stan is bi" and I'm now preaching the Good Word 🤟
Anyway with that now amended, here's some stuff!
I originally made the majority of the posts about where everyone is now back in 2022, when I intended to have the blog launched as part of the 10th anniversary of Gravity Falls airing.
Well clearly that didn't pan (🩷💛💙🍳) out but maybe it was so it could instead coincide with all the revelations from TBoB! Life is kinda a beautiful thing sometimes.
Anyway point being, I'll have to tweak the timeline a bit. Which is fine because I wanted Dippin Dots and Mabes to hold some jobs before college anyway so really my lack of updating is just an excuse for this. That's the major point I could think of but if I didn't properly consider others please sound off 📣 (yes I'm a cringe emoji user AND I'M PROUD)
Soos and Melody are still attempting to conceive because they want at least one bio child if they can but they're working on adoption.
Many assume Gus Burnside to be missing or worse dead. But maybe... he's still out there somewhere...with his physical body fulfilling a deal. But y'know! No one can say for certain!
To be completely honest I'm still figuring out my interpretation of Bill's backstory. Sorry about that.
Though the reason the Axolotl has contacted our dimension to begin with has to do with his concern...about a certain someone. And who better to give a helping hand than the fandom and the Zodiac?
Since Stan taught Wendy how to hot wire vehicles and whatnot, they one day found a fairly intact Harley motorcycle in the dump. They fix it up together and Stan declares it hers. This is where her Harley previously mentioned in other posts comes from.
When did this happen? I've always assumed the Stans come back to land from time to time, including some summers. So likely during summer but a holiday could work too!
Mabel loves being a passenger. Dipper not so much unless he clings tight. Wendy installs a seat back at some point and this helps ease his anxiety. A little. He likes seeing the scenery though so he'll bare through it if asked to ride. Not to mention he cares for Wendy and thus doesn't want to deny her sharing her joy.
Robbie probably figured out he wanted to be an anime artist while doodling in college classes he wasn't paying attention to. Either he was in generals or some other degree at this point. He only drew in private during high school.
Pacifica during her high school/diner years thought she like liked Dipper. And well, she was Dipper's rebound crush so at around 15 or so they dated for a while. Pacifica however eventually realizes she's actually a lesbian and was misinterpreting her care for Dippin Dots, as well as thinking she only had so many options initially. Dipper realizes it was to cope with Wendy.
Therefore they cut off romantic ties on good terms and continue to be good friends.
(I have nothing against Dipcifica, it's cute. I'm just personally a Mabcifica person and enjoy my lesbian Pacifica hc)
In their early college years Mabel and Pacifica become girlfriends, LET'S GOOOOOO
Candy and Dipper have began to catch each other's eyes... they've healed from the events of Roadside Attraction in the years since and now they can have a healthier relationship in several ways. I WILL DIE FOR THIS SHIP OKAY
Fiddleford and Ford are sweet old man boyfriends. Though romance baffles Ford it makes enough sense with Fiddleford.
Stan is Stan. Though maybe all of his family coming out awakes something in him... something new to explore about himself...
Past Billford will likely be discussed at some point, though they haven't been a thing for decades and it was toxic to begin with.
Grenda and Marius are of course married ❤️ Candy, Mabel, and Pacifica were her bridesmaids. Mabel and Candy were piling over each other trying to get the bouquet, though Wendy catches it. Uninterested in marriage she throws it back out and reflexively Dipper catches it. After confused for a solid moment he tosses it and finally Pacifica then catches it.
The Pines Twins revisit Gravity Falls every summer until their high school graduation. Well *maybe* they go one more after graduation but then they have job schedules to contend with.
One of those summers (probably when the Mystery Twins are 15) their parents surprise them with a visit! But then they start to question everything because y'know. Weird town.
Eventually the truth comes out about everything, and they better understand their kids.
It wasn't the easiest summer but an important one.
They let their children return because they know how dearly they love their time there, albeit with ground rules established.
As for their jobs, Mabel was a barista and Dipper restocked shelves at a grocery store.
Dipper now has come to care for his birth name and birthmark. He still likes going by Dipper but he insists that only those close with him use the name. The only reason he still wears bangs is that his hairstyle is just comfortable and familiar. This also keeps his birthmark special as only some get to see it (in full).
Mabel still loves knitting and sweaters, but she's experimented a lot with fashion throughout the years. She now has more variety in her wardrobe than sweaters and skirts.
The twins live in dorms with a couple roommates and return back to their childhood home during holidays and summer. They intend to live in Gravity Falls once they get all their education/credentials.
Waddles is an old man but still kickin'. The parents were initially upset with his presence but were convinced by Stan to begrudgingly keep him. They grew to care for the piggy as well.
The family cat (Sniffles) has since passed :(
They have a dog (Honey) now though! She was a puppy from a dog Dipper once dogsat. The owners didn't realize said dog was preggo. It was a whole thing. Anyway Mabel loves putting her in cute outfits that match Waddles, something she used to do with Sniffles.
Mabel is a k-pop multistan (originating from Candy and Grenda introducing it to her) and absolutely loves drinking boba/jelly milk tea. Dipper likes the sound of k-pop music but isn't a fan the same way his sister is. He likes milk tea but the boba pearls themselves freak him the heck out.
There's a lot more but I'm blanking 🤪
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mymoodwriting · 10 months
Because You're Mine
Female!Reader x Werewolf!SKZ
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: Fluff, Angst, Paranoia, PTSD, Nightmares, Nesting
Words: 4.5K
Chapter Three
(Prev//Next) (@starillusion13 @salfetkablog @youngunknownwitch @loveforred)
Prompt: With omegas completely removed from society, they needed their own communities and institutions to grow. All your life you had lived and gone to school alongside your fellow omegas, and orphaned alphas. You had managed to keep yourself together, but now at the university level, keeping your secret had grown impossible. You had to face your fears and make friends with an alpha eventually, and now was the time.
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“Is that my hoodie?”
You shyly hid your face by pulling up the hood, and scurrying off. You could hear Chan laughing down the hall before you closed the door to your room. You went to your desk and started working on your assignments. A while later there was a knock at your door, and you knew who it was. Still, you told them to come in. Chan came up behind you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and leaning in close to breath in your scent.
“Yeah, that’s my hoodie.”
“It’s nice…”
“I know. When did you go through my closet?”
“You left it on the couch.”
“Ah, and you decided to take it for yourself?”
“I like it.”
“It does look cute on you.”
“How are your classes?”
“Good. You know it’s nothing too difficult.”
“But you do such a good job. I’m gonna make some ramen, do you want some?”
“Okay, come by the kitchen in ten minutes.” 
“Thank you.”
You continued with your assignments and once you made good progress you went to the kitchen to get yourself some ramen. As soon as Chan saw you he prepared you a bowl and slid it towards you. A moment later Jisung joined you, getting his bowl as well. The three of you ate together, and Chan decided to use this moment to make an announcement.
“So, since you’re both here. There’s something I need to tell you.”
“What’s up?” Jisung questioned, mouth full of noodles. “You leaving us?”
“No, no, none of that. In fact, since y/n seems to be doing so well with me, we’re gonna move onto the next phase.”
“What’s that?” You wondered. “Are we gonna share a bed or something?”
Chan choked on his noodles and had to take a moment to compose himself. You felt a bit bad for saying something so shocking, but maybe you were dropping hints. Since he didn’t take it well, you figured not to mention it again. Although it would soon be your turn to choke.
“That’s not it.” Chan lightly chuckled. “In fact, we’re gonna have another alpha in the dorm.”
You gagged on your food and immediately got up. You needed a moment to compose yourself and regain your breathing, looking back up at the two.
“You mean… there’ll be two alphas in the dorm…”
“… why… you’re enough… and-”
“I know you’re okay with me being around, but the whole goal here is to make sure you’re comfortable around alphas in general.”
“But… but…”
“This alpha is a friend of mine, and I can vouch for them. They’re a good person.” Chan assured. “You can meet them tomorrow before they move in.”
“I don’t want another alpha in the dorm…”
“We’ll take things slow, okay y/n.”
You returned to your room without another word, thinking over what Chan had said. You knew this wasn’t his idea, and that he couldn’t change things either. The thought of another alpha in the dorm made you uneasy. You buried your face in the hoodie, trying to calm yourself down. If this one was good like Chan said there should be no problem, but you weren’t gonna know that for sure until you met them.
After your classes the next day you went with Jisung to meet up with Chan and this other alpha friend of his. Jisung could tell you were visibly nervous, so he let you borrow one of his shirts to calm you down. It helped a bit, but meeting a new alpha still made you anxious. You waited out in the courtyard, and when you saw Chan with a stranger you hid behind Jisung.
“Hey you two, this is Minho, he’ll be moving in with us.”
“A pleasure to meet you.” Minho held his hand out. “Your name?”
“Jisung. Although-”
“Wow, look at you shaking hands. You’re doing better than-”
“Oh I’m not the one who’s shy.”
Jisung slightly moved to the side, revealing you for a moment before you hid behind him again. Minho made a knowing look, gently stepping over to get a good look at you.
“Hello there.”
“My name is Minho, I’m gonna be your new roommate. What’s your name?”
“Chan has told me about you. There’s no need to be scared. I’ll wait for you to be ready.”
Minho stepped away, and gave Jisung a smile. He wouldn’t be moving in until tomorrow, but still had to pack things up so he excused himself. Once he was gone you tugged on Jisung’s arm to get his attention.
“Can we go back to the dorm now?”
“You can’t just hide in your room.” Chan said. “Please.”
“Then why can’t we just do study sessions like before?”
“That was for you to get used to me as an alpha, and now that you’re comfortable in the dorm with me we need to keep going with the momentum. Multiple scents is a good thing.”
“Multiple… do you mean…eventually we’re gonna have others in the dorm with us?”
“If you haven’t noticed, our dorm has many empty rooms.”
You shook your head and decided to run off on your own, getting back to the dorm. You liked the way things were right now, but if there was going to be another alpha, then that meant Chan wasn’t really the one assigned to you. It was way too early for that kinda stuff anyway. Of course there was nothing you could do except stay in your room as you heard the other two welcoming Minho and helping him move in the next day. Chan tried to get you to come out to eat, but you didn’t want to, so he just left food by your door.
Minho was certainly well aware of your situation. In the mornings he’d always knock at your door and let you know he was leaving, so you didn’t have to worry about running into him. On campus you might catch glimpses of him, but he did nothing but smile and wave if he ever caught you staring at him. You couldn’t really bring yourself to be nice back, worried that those around him would start thinking they could be friendly with you, and they were all alphas too. You’d always text Jisung or Chan to ask if Minho was in the dorm, but even without an answer from them, Minho knew to keep a distance.
You didn’t like the idea of another alpha being around, but from what you could hear he was getting along nicely with Jisung. You were glad at least those two were working out. Although you knew you couldn’t avoid Minho forever. The two alphas were pretty much reporting on you to the headmaster, so if you didn’t start getting along with Minho properly, well, you didn’t know what would happen to you. Still, you weren’t ready for someone else, even if you caught their scent lingering all over the dorm. You couldn’t avoid him forever though. 
So one night after staying up to study you snuck out of your room to get snacks. You were half asleep already, but craving something at the moment. The halls were dark and you were stumbling a bit. You wound up bumping into someone, and the two of you lost balance, collapsing to the floor. You fell on top of this person, and you soon had the scent of an alpha filling your nose. Chan was up late too, and you were kinda glad to run into him like this. Without much thinking you snuggled against him, sighing contently.
“So you do like me.”
The voice was not Chan’s, and you immediately yelled and got up. Your screams caught the attention of the other two, and before you knew it the lights in the hall were turned on. You saw Jisung peeking out of his room, Chan as well. Then you slowly looked down to see Minho getting up. Your eyes went wide as you realized a moment ago you had been snuggling against him, and he had a content smile on his face.
“I guess to a degree you are more comfortable with alphas. Or maybe it has to do with my scent being around the dorm, either way, I’m glad to know you aren’t afraid of me.”
“What happened?” Chan questioned. “Are you okay, y/n?”
“I… I… I thought…”
“She just stumbled into me and we both fell.” Minho explained. “She was just startled since it was both dark and we didn’t see each other.”
“Yeah.” You agreed. “I’m not hurt or anything, you can go back to bed.”
“Okay, just be careful.”
Chan and Jisung returned to their rooms, but before you could run off Minho grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to him.
“You’re seriously not hurt, right?”
“No…” You couldn’t meet his gaze. “I’m fine.”
“What were you doing up this late?”
“Come on, I know that’s not true.”
“I… I just wanted some snacks…”
“Then let’s get you some before bed.”
Minho dragged you along to the kitchen and sat you down as he went through the cabinets. You could probably run off now that he had his back turned, but you did want a snack. The two of you stayed together, sitting in awkward silence for a moment.
“You thought I was Chan, didn’t you?”
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay, I understand. You’re so used to having one alpha around, and in your state, you just assumed.”
“I don’t… hate you or anything… I just…”
“I know what happened to you, and I’m so sorry. Alphas like that aren’t the ones who will be around you. We may have advanced in our studies and training, but we don’t truly begin until after graduation.”
“So you don’t know why omegas need protection either…”
“I do.”
“You do!”
“Of course.”
“Can you tell me? It doesn’t make sense why omegas would get such serious protection and-”
“You are worthy of protection. The last couple of days, even if we haven’t talked much, I know I’d want to protect you from all the bad things in this world.”
“Aish… you’re just saying that.”
“I’m not. It hurts to know something so bad was done to you when you have such a precious smile and heart. I wouldn’t want anything like that to happen to you ever again.”
“Isn’t that… just what every alpha thinks…”
“Perhaps. We all grow up with the idea that omegas need to be protected. Although getting to know you shows me that it’s not something ridiculous.”
“That’s nice…”
“I hope we can get to know each other better, and you won’t avoid me too much.”
“I’ll try not to.”
“Good. Now let’s get you to bed.”
Minho took your hand and led you back to your room, telling you to get some sleep. You wished him a good night before closing the door. You managed to sleep peacefully and this time when Minho came to knock on your door you opened it and told him to have a good day, and that you’d see him later.
“Look at you.” Jisung teased. “Getting along with both the alphas.”
“What? You do as well.”
“Yeah, but it’s nice to see. You’re not so shy and scared anymore, I’m proud of you.”
“Shut up.”
Since you were more open to socializing with Minho, he began to join you for group study sessions in the dorm. At first you made sure to sit as far as possible, but gradually you let him be closer. He was warm and comforting, just like Chan, so you had no reason to be afraid of him either. You would say hello if you saw him on campus, and would be happy to see him at the dorms. The others were all proud of your progress, and you were too. You knew that someday you’d have to get along with alphas, and this was a much better experience than you could ever have imagined. Although it couldn’t be perfect.
One evening you stayed late in the library to study, returning to the dorm around dinner time. Minho had already cooked, and left some food out for you. He and the other two had already eaten and were on the couch playing video games. You happily watched them play and they got very immersed in the game. They started shoving and spit out threats to each other. Jisung wound up backing out of things, telling them to calm down as well since it was just a game, but things only got more heated.
“Guys… cut it out…” Jisung struggled to speak. “… stop it… before-”
At first you thought it was all fun and games, but you began to feel the tension in the air. Just like Jisung, you were getting anxious. You couldn’t speak, but you wanted to. Although when you opened your mouth you suddenly found it hard to breathe, panicking. You fell off your chair and collapsed to the ground, hyperventilating. Your vision was a blur and you felt this weight on your chest. You were scared but you weren’t entirely sure of what. Jisung had heard your commotion and managed to get some clarity and rush over to your side. You tried to push him away, unsure of who he was, but he persisted until he had you in his arms. As much as he wanted to help he was also in a state of panic, but he managed some strength.
Minho and Chan stopped their arguing and looked over at the two, the scent of fear hitting them both. Immediately they realized what they had done. They tried approaching but both you and Jisung flinched and moved away.
“I… fuck, I’m sorry.” Chan said. “I didn’t… we didn’t…”
“We… we know…” Jisung mumbled. “Just… not…”
“What do we do?” Minho questioned. “If we tell the headmaster about this, we’re both gonna be screwed…”
“We’ll… we’ll be fine…” Jisung said. “Call… Felix…”
“Felix?” Chan questioned. “What about him?”
“Who’s that?” Minho wondered. “Another alpha?”
“No, he’s an omega.”
“How does that help?”
“I don’t know, it’s Jisung’s idea.”
“Just… do it…”
“And you sure he won’t say anything?” Minho asked.
“I don’t think so.” Chan remarked. “But let’s just call him first.”
Chan and Minho stepped away from the two of you. Jisung had told them he had Felix’s number on his phone, and to text him. They waited anxiously and a while later Felix came to the dorm. He seemed so happy and eager to be invited over, that is until he saw the state Jisung and you were in. His eyes grew wide with concern.
“What did you two do!”
“It was an accident.” Chan explained. “We weren’t thinking and… we didn’t mean to scare them.”
“Aren’t alphas supposed to have control of their emotions?”
“Agents are.” Minho corrected. “But we’re not exactly there yet. This is why alphas and omegas aren’t usually left alone with each other.”
“So why are you all in a dorm together?”
“That’s not important right now.”
“Obviously.” Felix turned to you both. “What’s going on? What happened?”
“I… I’ll explain… later…” Jisung mumbled. “We… we need to… get away from them… can you… take y/n… to her room… please… and give her… your jacket…”
“Yeah, yeah sure. No problem.”
Felix took off his jacket and helped you to your feet, wrapping you up in it. Chan and Minho stepped away, letting Felix know where your room was. He sat you down on the bed staying with you for a moment.
“It’s okay, you’re okay now.”
You still found it hard to breathe, but at least the scent surrounding you now didn’t have any trace of an alpha in it. You didn’t want Felix to go, but you knew Jisung also needed help. He promised to return in a bit and left you alone. You were already so sensitive when it came to the pheromones of an alpha, but for Jisung to get messed up too, it was bad. Now that you were completely alone the tears started falling. When you closed your eyes the darkness took you back to that day. You fell to the floor and curled up, you could barely speak but you were crying out for help again. You kept at it until you passed out.
Felix helped Jisung to his feet and into his room as well, although the boy wanted to get into the shower and clean himself up. After a few minutes under cold water he felt better.
“So, you gonna explain yourself now?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Yeah. You told me you and y/n were switching dorms, but you never said you were sharing it with alphas! Are you insane? Look at yourself, what if they had done something worse than just get mad? What happens when they get mad at you?”
“This was all an accident.”
“Still, you gonna explain?”
“Will you let it go if I don’t?”
“Not a chance.”
Jisung sighed. “You need to keep this a secret, you promise?”
“I promise, swear on my life.”
“Fine. Let’s just say something happened with y/n when she was young, and she doesn’t like alphas. The headmaster found out recently and-”
“Is that why a bunch of alphas were kicked out of school?”
“Oh my gosh that’s insane! Everyone has been wondering what the reason was and-”
“You can’t tell anyone. I mean it Felix.”
“If the headmaster is involved in all this then I will keep my mouth shut. I don’t know what they’ll do to an omega that steps out of line…”
“So then why are you dorming with alphas if she has a problem with them?”
“Seriously? Look at our future, we end up with an alpha. If she can’t be around them, it’s a problem. So the idea here is to get her used to alphas.”
“Okay, okay, makes sense. But aren’t they gonna get in trouble for what just happened?”
“We’re not gonna tell the headmaster, that’s why we called you.”
“Needed an omega from the outside to help, and I trust you.”
“Thanks… although doesn’t this mean we shouldn’t leave y/n by herself.”
Jisung stumbled out of the bathtub, running out of his room and dragging water everywhere. Felix closely followed behind and the two burst into your room, seeing you curled up on the floor and trembling. Jisung scooped you up in his arms, trying to get you to wake up. After a moment you opened your eyes, relief flooding Jisung’s face. Although you started crying again, and he tried to sooth you.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, nothing bad is gonna happen, you’re safe, I promise.”
When the two omegas had run out of the room both Chan and Minho got concerned. They peeked into your room, seeing that you were in Jisung’s arms and crying. They both so desperately wanted to help, guilt chewing them both out, but when Felix noticed them he shut the door. As much as they wanted to help, now was not the time. Jisung asked Felix to run a warm bath for you, needing to get you to relax. He did as he was asked, the two then helping you into the bath. You didn’t want to let go of Jisung, so he got in with you, keeping his arms wrapped around you. Eventually you stopped shaking, feeling much more at ease and like your usual self.
“You think we can get out of the water now?” Jisung asked.
“Yeah, it’s getting cold.”
Felix wrapped you up in a towel when you stepped out of the tub. Jisung followed soon after and went to his room, saying he’d come mop when he was in dry clothes. You assured Felix you were alright and asked him to get you some clothes so you could change. At this point you might get a cold but you didn’t care. You got dressed and grabbed a towel to dry your hair, cautiously stepping out of the bathroom. Felix was waiting for you on your bed, relieved to see you up on your feet.
“Y/n, how are you feeling?”
“Stable… how’s Jisung?”
“He’s changing and drying off now, he’s okay.”
“And the others…”
“Uh, I’m not sure, but they’re worried, and very sorry.” 
“I know… where are they?”
“They’ve been in the living room.”
“I’ll go talk to them.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Felix grabbed your hand. “You just got better.”
“And they’re worried sick and probably cursing themselves out. I know they didn’t mean to do anything.” You yanked Felix closer. “You’re coming with me of course.”
Even if you were putting on a brave face, you were nervous, but you knew they needed some reassurance too. You carefully peeked into the living room, seeing the two on the couch, both anxiously waiting around.
“Chan… Minho…”
Chan got up, wanting to approach you but Minho held him back. By then Jisung had come over to join you, taking your other hand. He could tell you were still nervous, but he was quite happy to see you stepping up.
“Are you guys okay?” Minho asked. “We’re so sorry, we didn’t mean-”
“We know.” Jisung interrupted. “Still, in the moment it felt like you might do something to us.”
“We would never.”
“This won’t happen again.” Chan stated. “We’ll be more cautious. If you need anything else from us, just-”
“Will you…” You struggled to get the words out. “Will you… sleep with me tonight?”
“Y/n, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Felix said. “After what just happened.”
“I know I’m gonna have nightmares… but I’d rather have you two with me so I can remember there are good alphas…”
“Wait, both of us?” Minho questioned. “You want us both to sleep with you?”
“I’d feel better that way…”
“Uh, yeah, sure. Although I don’t think your bed is big enough for three.”
“We can gather some blankets and pillows.” Chan suggested. “And make a fort here in the living room, how does that sound? Then we can all stay together.”
“Me too?” Felix questioned.
“It wouldn’t be a bad idea for the omegas to outnumber the alphas tonight.”
Everyone agreed with Chan’s plan, so you got to work. Some of the furniture was moved around, and a bunch of blankets were brought over. Minho has turned on the TV for some background noise while you set everything up. It was very soft and cozy as you wrapped yourself up in a blanket and found a spot in the fort. Chan and Minho both cautiously took a seat at your side.
“I’m not scared.” You admitted. “I know you won’t hurt me.”
You focused on the TV, not wanting to let your thoughts drift to other things. The rest of the guys found a place to get comfy, everyone gathered together and watched TV in silence. You had a lingering sense of worry from the two alphas but you just took it as reassurance that they genuinely cared about you. At some point you began to doze off, your head lolling a bit before Minho carefully reached over and let you rest on his shoulder. It wasn’t long before you fell asleep. Chan lowered the volume on the TV, gently petting your head.
“She’s asleep.”
“I was worried she wouldn’t be able to get some rest tonight.” Minho commented. “I didn’t expect this though.”
“Y/n’s really trying to get over her fears.” Jisung said. “Although you two did not help at all tonight.”
“We know. You don’t have to keep reminding me.”
“Well, I should probably head out.” Felix mentioned. “Since she’s asleep now.”
“You can stay the night.” Chan offered. “It really would be better that way.”
“Alright. I guess I should come by more often to make sure you two don’t do anything crazy.”
“That might not be a bad idea.” Jisung said. “Why not just have him move in?”
“Wait, really?” Felix wondered. “Can I?”
“We have a lot of rooms.”
“That would be awesome. This place is way cooler and-”
“We can’t make that decision.” Chan interrupted. “The headmaster was the one that decided to have a co-ed dorm. I recommended Minho upon his request, but it’s out of our hands who can actually move in.”
“Why not just ask.” Jisung suggested. “I bet y/n would feel better with another omega around.”
“It wouldn’t hurt.” Minho added. “Y/n has been making progress, I mean, look at her now.”
“Yeah… Felix, if you agree to this, you’ll need to keep it a secret.” Chan stated. “Or else I don’t know what will happen.”
“I know, I know. I’m down to be your new roommate.”
“Just don’t get your hopes up.”
You snuggled against Minho, the boy pulling up a blanket to make sure you were warm. Everyone eventually fell asleep, although it was only normal you were all a bit sore come morning. Still, you had slept well with no nightmares, and that was worth the aches. Felix hung around with you more, it was only natural given he finally understood something so important about you. He’d even come by the dorm more often too. You were glad to have another friend, and happy that Chan and Minho didn’t object or say something. After the whole thing they had their guard up around you, but slowly they relaxed. You knew they’d do better, and you showed them nothing but trust. You had no idea something else was going on until it was brought to your attention.
“Guys.” Chan called as he entered the dorm. “I have some good news and bad news.”
“About what?” You questioned.
“It’s nothing serious.” Minho assured.
“But what is it?”
“So… Felix.” Chan looked over at the boy. “I spoke to the headmaster.”
“What did he say?” Felix asked. “Can I move in?”
“Wait, Felix is moving in?” You interrupted. “Since when.”
“Well… we all figured it would be best to have another omega around.” Minho explained. “So Chan asked about that, and I guess the headmaster liked the idea too.”
“Awesome!” Felix cheered. “I’m gonna start-”
“But.” Chan interrupted. “The headmaster doesn’t like the idea of the ratio being off right now.”
“What does that mean?” Jisung wondered.
“It means Felix can move in as long as another alpha does as well.”
“Cool. One for each of us.” Felix joked. “Do I get to pick?”
“You think we’re already paired off or something?” Jisung asked. “Cause we’re not.”
“Oh, I thought-”
“Felix doesn’t get to pick.” Chan cut in. “We all need to come to an agreement.”
“Y/n doesn’t know any other alphas besides us.” Minho reminded. “So how is that fair to her?”
“Well, I guess we just have to pitch our friends to her. Whoever we think can be trusted. Is that okay with you, y/n?”
“Uh… I… I guess… what’s another alpha in the dorm, right?”
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princetofbone · 11 months
I have. Opinions. On goals and resolutions and all those fun things. One of the greatest things in life for me is completing a goal. That said, following through with the things you promise yourself is incredibly difficult- especially if you go for big goals (which is a-okay you just gotta prep right)
Note on resolutions: Please PLEASE start doing the thing a month or two before the new year. I know it sounds dumb because it's a NEW YEAR resolution, not a November resolution, but getting into the habit of (for example) going to the gym 3x per week in November, and having slip ups in November, means that when January rolls around, it isn't new and scary, and it's way less likely that you will stop doing the goal in a week.
Note for all goals: don't aim too high- like in the previous example, I said gym 3x per week. I know so many people who decided they wanted to go to the gym every day, and then missed one day, and gave up because their streak wasn't perfect. Depending on the importance to you, I might even pick a goal way lower than what you think you can do- just so you can give yourself grace if you have an off day, or if you get sick.
Onto my method!
I'm a visual person, and I also happen to enjoy decorating paper, so I make goal sheets. I typically have three at any point in time.
My quarterly goals. I'm still in high school, so I make a goal sheet for each quarter of the school year. These are going to be your most broad goals- get >85% in all my classes - or journal 2x per week. Goals that are longer term, or goals that are not incredibly difficult, but would do a lot of good for you. Try and make these goals easy/medium. For example- I hope to journal every day for this quarter because it does me quite a bit of good, however I know that there may be days where I get tired or don't have time, so I left plenty of room for error.
Monthly goals. These can be very similar to quarterly goals, so if it wouldn't help you to have both- don't. I do this, because I like to hyperofocus some months onto specific things. I'm doing NaNoWriMo this November, and so one of my monthly goals will to be writing every day. Separating this out to months is less stressful for me, because I can push through one months, but pushing through three is an awful lot.
The most important for me- Weekly goal sheets. I don't include weekends into these, and they are typically very focused on issues I'm having in that moment. I was finding myself skipping a lot of class, so a weekly goal was to go to every class I had. The weekly goal sheets allow you to focus in on issues you're having, and help push you towards achieving your quarterly/monthly goals.
The thing that allows all these sheets and rules and nonsense to work is a rewards system. As I'm making my sheets, I write in things I can do if I complete my goals. For the weekly goals, I will allow a trip to my fav tea shop, or organizing an event with friends. I try pretty hard not to make the reward buying something because that feels icky to me.
Monthly goals, I generally attatch a reward that could be read as a chore. For example, one of my goals this month is to read before bed three times a week. If I do that, I can clean out my bookshelves and get rud of books. This may not seem like a reward, but once I clean out my shelves, I'm allowed to buy more books, so it opens an opportunity. (without rewarding myself via consumerism)
Quarterly rewards are the most exciting (for me). I have a long list of things I can afford, I want, but feel like I need a special occasion to buy. this could be a tailored vest, a pen, a new notebook. Is it consumerism based reward? Yes. Does it massively decrease my purchasing bc I only by myself "for fun" things when I complete a quarterly task? Yes. It also forces me to use self control because I
1) have to wait a while to get the thing
2) If I don't do the goal, I cannot buy.
I hope something from this helped/sparked ideas, so go, be free, make some goals!
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hydn-jpg · 1 year
hello!! i am alive !!!!
how have y'all been? i've definitely been better lol
so... i can explain. or maybe not. i've never been good at talking about things but i'll do my best
under the cut bc a bunch of things happened and this'll probably be very long:
honestly where do i even start?
it has been a very rough almost month and a half for me, it was as if whatever god or entity out there went "lol wouldn't it be funny if we made this person go through several bad things all within the span of a few weeks" and then did just that
in early august i got a call from my mom that my grandmother had passed away. i had just gotten home from class at the time, but i immediately went out again and took the soonest available flight back to korea for her funeral. losing her hit me pretty hard honestly, she was the one i turned to when things were hard, and was also the only one who was generally supportive of my identity and sexuality. she didn't really get it, but she never made homophobic or transphobic comments, and was always kind and unconditionally loving. chuseok this year will be difficult without her around but at least she is in a better place i hope.
i took two weeks off from school to stay with my family after that. when i got back i was mostly catching up on all the classes i missed so i had very little time to do anything else. the stress coupled with all the physical exertion and everything else lead me to have the worst asthma attack i've experienced as of yet, it could've gotten a lot worse if it weren't for my kind neighbours who rushed to help me when they saw me struggling in the hallway
then in late august i got into a car accident. i was driving home from campus (which is an hour away), it was raining very heavily and i guess i lost control of my car. i am not sure what exactly happened honestly, one moment i was driving peacefully (and at appropriate speed for driving in the rain) and the next moment my car was spinning around and hitting the guardrails before crashing. it sounds cliché but everything was in slow motion and i literally saw my life flash before my eyes. i'm really thankful that the highway was basically empty, so no one else was affected. i somehow came out of the accident with only a concussion, a badly sprained arm and neck and some cuts and bruises. those will surely heal with time but the trauma of it will probably stay for quite a while.
so that's what happened. my mental health has not been great but i've been feeling a bit better lately! so that's good. i've been too physically, mentally and emotionally drained to do anything haha.
i probably won't be able to draw for a while thanks to my injury so you won't be seeing any art from me for at least another month or so,, to people i still owe commissions to, i will have to give you an IOU because again, i can't draw rn but also because i lost basically all the art that i haven't backed up during the crash, which unfortunately includes the commission sketches :( i'm so sorry, i'll redraw them as soon as i'm able to. i really wish procreate had an automatic cloud backup system so at least the sketches i did were saved but we can't always get what we want i guess,,
thank you to everyone who reached out and asked about my wellbeing and i'm really sorry for ignoring your messages and tags. i'll get to them as soon as i can!
tldr; my grandma passed, i had a bad asthma attack and i got into a car accident but i am okay. not really but i'll be okay maybe. lmao.
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brinkle-brackle · 1 year
Mcflyjuly day 16: Blue Hour
(Okay so this is 2 days late but I finally finished it!!! my first mcflyjuly post yall!!! I got the idea for this one from a show called the moomins, it's a very sweet and heartfelt show and I highly recommend checking it out :) no idea how big the overlap is between moomin enjoyers and bttf enjoyers so this is probably gonna cater mostly to me,, but this came to me as a shower thought the other day and my brain wouldn't let go of it soooooo you guys get to have it now too :D )
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He waited until the rest of his family was in bed.
He wasn't sure why he waited. It's not like they would have noticed him slipping away, anyway.
It wasn't as if he didn't feel cared for. It... well...
...okay. Maybe he didn't exactly feel cared for. He loved his family, and deep down he knew that they loved him, too, but sometimes he felt as if they looked at him and only saw the things they percieved as wayward.
The boy who was dating Jennifer Parker, even though they deemed him too young to be "romping around with girls." (Kind of hypocritical, although he didn't know that yet.)
His pursuits in music-- a very difficult and competitive scene, with hardly any guaranteed income. Getting popular was lucky, staying popular even luckier.
And, of course, the consistent tardies he racked up in school.
He'd learned to live with their constant critiques. They were normal in his family, at least to everyone aside from him. But that was just the issue... Marty was an inherently positive person, and he would have been lying if he'd said that all of the constant negativity-- in general, too, but especially towards the life he wanted for himself-- wasn't starting to wear him down.
Sometimes he felt as if they were so engrossed in their own little worlds that they couldn't really see him... or, at least, the him that he wanted them to see.
How his relationship with Jennifer was more than just a "romp"-- he was genuinely in love with her. How wonderful and sweet a girl she was, how she was genuinely one of the best parts of his day.
The raw passion that he put into his music, and how much sheer joy it brought him to play his guitar and sing. People would hear his music, and they would pick up on that, and they would love it. He was certain.
That couldn't exactly be said about his immediate family.
And, the usual reason that he was late for school-- that he actually had a friend, who cared deeply for him, and he'd lose track of time talking with that friend. Granted, that friend was a disgraced nuclear physicist whose meddling had reportedly resulted in the burning of his own family mansion... but he was also friendly and kind and enthusiastic, and he was always there for Marty, no matter for what or for why or for when.
But they couldn't see that. They always made sure to make that perfectly clear to him, at the dinner table that night and so many nights before.
But they couldn't see him. And they couldn't help him if they couldn't see him.
Marty was coming into himself. He was starting to flourish, he could feel it in his bones. He couldn't do it alone, though. He needed help... he needed their help.
He knew his mother would worry. She always did. But he'd left a note for her, in the hopes that it would be able to assuage her fears, at least a little bit.
He'd left it on the kitchen counter, just below the alcohol cabinet-- that way he knew she wouldn't miss it.
Einstein wouldn't stop barking. He'd been at it for the past five minutes, almost nonstop-- staring intently at the garage door, sitting oddly close to it, and barking as if his life depended on it.
Emmett loved the dog to death, but he knew that although Einie was much smarter than he probably should be, he was still a dog. He had barked at an empty paint can that had fallen over once. He'd even seen it topple off the shelf, and he'd still barked at it as if it were some extraterrestrial being from Mars.
Einstein had his moments. And, apparently, those moments now included barking at the garage door at 11pm on a chilly September night for five minutes straight. Emmett was willing to pass it off as nothing at first.
And then there came that soft knock.
Emmett's eyes immediately darted towards the door, and he frowned. Now, that was definitely not nothing.
He got up and slowly crept up to the door, hushing Einstein with the help of a few gentle pets and soothing words. Who on earth would be knocking on the door to his garage at this hour...?
With a cautious demeanor and eyes filled with apprehension, Emmett slowly opened the garage door to look outside and found...
His brows furrowed in suspicion. He immediately started to comb through all of the possibilities, wracking his brain for any answers.
Had he been ding-dong-ditched...?
Eh... it was probably all just part of the fun, he supposed.
It wasn't uncommon for the neighborhood kids to try and spook each other with stories of the mad scientist who had burnt his own mansion to the ground. He'd had his fair share of teenagers knocking on his door and then making for the hills, for nothing more than a cheap thrill. A chance to catch a glimpse of the crazy old man who lived in the husk of what was once a home. But at this hour...?
He leaned a little bit out of the garage door, peering down at the grand driveway and gate that led from his garage to the lamp-lit street below. But there were no swift silhouettes of children running down the street. There was no raucous laughter of teenagers who had just pulled off the most juvenile heist of the century. In fact, there was no sign of noise or movement at all. Just the empty street below, the sidewalks dimly illuminated by the soft light of the streetlamps, and the slightest whisper of a breeze playing through the trees.
He turned to regard Einstein again with a quirked brow. But the shaggy goob just sat there softly panting and staring, a big doggy smile on his face. His tail swished back and forth rapidly, as if there were a friend outside the door.
A frown etched itself onto the scientist's face. No, no, no... that couldn't be right... but...
After a few moments Emmett decided that it didn't matter, because evidently there was no one there. Grumbling to himself, the scientist looked back down the street, then turned away and started to go back inside. "Damn kids," he muttered under his breath, reaching for the door handle again.
That was when he heard the rustling noise.
Emmett instantly froze in his tracks, ran a hand through his frizzy white hair, and then whipped around, hoping to catch the source of the noise off-guard.
His vision was met with a simple, folded note... perfectly smooth on one end, but creased and crinkled at an angle on the other end, as if someone were holding it out to him.
Except... well... there was no one standing there.
The note appeared to be floating in midair in front of him.
He gasped a little and stepped back, nervous eyes trained on the phantom piece of paper. A flashing neon sign suddenly appeared in his mind and refused to leave. GHOST. GHOST. GHOST.
The notion wasn't unheard of, he realized. His mansion-- er, garage-- being haunted. The place was certainly old enough to have harbored a ghost or two over the years. He'd just... never thought about it before.
But, at the same time, that didn't really make sense either... if his property was really haunted, why hadn't there been any strange happenings until now? Why tonight, of all nights?
The note moved forward slightly, toward him, a silent plea from the ghost... or... whatever it was.
Emmett regarded it warily for a few moments, but then eventually reached out to take it. Something didn't add up, he told himself, and he needed to figure out what it was. He had a feeling, a very strange feeling, that this was something exceedingly important.
The scientist took the note in his hands, carefully unfolding it with his fingers before drawing it up to his eyes. Upon registering the formatting of the note, however, his eyes went even wider than they had been before.
The handwriting... he recognized it. He knew it all too well.
"Great Scott..."
He wanted to look away from the body of the note, for the moment, and study that blank space in front of him. Comb his vision around the nothing, desperately try to make out some form of physicality, any form of physicality. Ask it... beg it to talk. He had to know what was happening. What was happening?
Instead, he slowly read over the note. It was only a short string of words, but his inquisitive brown eyes scanned over it and took in everything with the utmost care.
He froze as he came to the end of the writing, clutching the slip of paper tightly with both hands, and slowly looked up at the nothingness in front of him... which, as he was now certain, couldn't be nothing. This note...
He read it over and over again, then looked to the nothingness again in disbelief.
He'd heard stories of things like this happening to people who were sad enough... but he'd never even given pause to the fact that they might have been true.
No... oh, no...
The scientist hesitated, but then slowly extended one of his hands, as if to make absolutely sure of the situation. Almost instantly, he felt the nothingness take it and squeeze hard.
And those things happened to other people... not...
Emmett squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled through his nose.
He knew that grip.
"Great... Scott..."
He'd felt it first a few years back, when he'd come home to find that someone had broken into his garage. The thief (no, he wasn't a thief... break-er and enter-er??) had shaken his hand, and in that moment, somehow Emmett had known that he would never forget what that hand had felt like. He'd felt it after he'd successfully tested one of his smaller inventions-- that hand meeting his in an enthusiastic high-five, accompanied by an excited exclamation of "Doc!!"
And he'd felt it right before the kid had taken his driver's test-- trying to reassure him as they walked up to the DMV building together. The poor teenager's hand had been shaking like a leaf, but it was still the same grip.
Emmett's heart dropped.
He'd heard stories of things like this happening on rare occasions. Strange... sad stories, that he'd been convinced were nothing more than myth or urban legend. But one look at the note in his hand and one shaky squeeze to his other hand said it all.
And then the scientist saw a single droplet, slowly sliding down what had first appeared to be thin air... sliding down, slowly tracing the uneven lines of a face that wasn't there.
Something stabbed into Emmett's gut and twisted a little.
"Oh, no..." the scientist murmured, squeezing back just as tightly. He sighed in sadness and deep worry as he used his other hand-- the one with the wrinkled note in it-- to push the garage door open wider. Einstein jumped up to his feet and yipped, his tail wagging in excitement as if he could sense that Marty was there. (He probably had all along.)
Yes, Emmett had heard stories of things like this happening... but he also knew that there were solutions. He could help.
That was why Marty had come to him first, he realized. He'd known that he could help, and that he would.
He gave the invisible boy a sad smile.
"Come on in," he said softly, nodding his head in the direction of the extra bed. "Make yourself at home. I'll grab some Burger King."
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
badger primary + badger secondary (unhealthy double bird model)
May I submit from the SortMe list please? The most difficult time in my life so far has to be in Nursing school. In hindsight I know that I pursued that career path for all the wrong reasons. It sounded good to me. Interesting, helping people and decent pay. It’s a job you SHOULD be pursuing. Even tho I distinctly remember a little while before thinking how I’d never want to be a nurse because that means I’ll be away from my future family.
Ah, okay. In that case, I think you're a Loyalist for sure. The first thing is to be close to your family. You made that decision in a kind of Bird primary way - it looks good on paper, the money is good etc. And for another person that might have been enough, but it sounds like for you particularly... not so much.
In hindsight I also found it ironic that my least favorite part was doing clinical. I always felt so exposed. Like I HAD to do everything perfectly or I look incompetent or stupid. I was warned beforehand how hard nursing would be. That just because I was a good student didn’t mean I’d do well.
This sounds a little like a perfectionist streak? Or maybe take that one step further, and it's about being *perceived* as a perfectionist? Perfectionism is unfortunately just a human flaw, but this focus on the *community* and what *they* think might be evidence of Badger primary.
However my family kept saying how hard of a worker I was and how I should take their advice with a grain of salt. I was a hardworker so I’d be fine. It also helped that it seemed like people were coming out of the woodwork to help me as soon as I made the decision.
This sounds like a Badger secondary. Like, it's possible that you modeled a Badger secondary to please your family... but you do seem to own it, and the 'people coming out of the woodwork to help' is a very Badger-secondary-to-the-core thing. You don't even need to ask them, most of the time. They just kind of show up.
Then I entered and I was immediately overwhelmed! The hardest part was the emotional toll. Everything was such high stakes it felt like I could never take a BREAK. Nursing became my world and nothing else mattered. Which I was warned about beforehand, but experiencing it is different.
Okay, so. YEAH, nursing school is very hard and very brutal. But I'm interested in what you found so hard. And what I'm hearing is permeable boundaries. Everything is getting though, you can always work harder, and the stakes are so high that it means you SHOULD. It sounds like we've got some Badger (and I suspect you're a Double Badger) lack of boundaries going on. You're throwing so much of yourself into your community, that you forget that you're part of your community too.
I generally a bit of a loner but I felt even more isolated.
Brutal for a Badger primary. You need your community.
I spent every night in the library studying my ass off eating and breathing Nursing and trying my HARDEST. I built a routine that wasn’t foolproof but it gave me decent grades most of the time. Got extra help everything that’s SUPPOSED to lead to success but it wasn’t enough.
You're doing the Badger thing - buckle down and work MORE, but it does seem that you're doing it in a Bird way, which you clearly didn't *love.* Like it worked *okay.*
The one thing I didn’t do was actually try to study with my classmates more. Which probably would have helped me the most.
I agree. That would be be something that would make your Badger primary happy (and fit in with your Badger secondary problem-solving as well.)
I ended up failing our. The thing about it though is that as soon as I knew for SURE that I’d failed out and there was no way to keep my spot I felt relieved. The pressure lifted for the first time since starting college. Sure I had to switch majors but anything I picked felt like it would be infinitely less stressful than Nursing. It felt nice to know that no matter what happened my fate was sealed when before everything felt up in the air.
I suspect that Birds make especially good health professionals *because* it's easier for them to keep everything at a bit of arm's length if they need to (and systemize things like self-care - they're *very* good at that.) And there was a period where you wanted to be, or were trying to be a Double Bird, and the whole process didn't suit you very much. I suspect that you'll be much happier (and more effective!) at whatever career you try next.
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pinkpastels113 · 2 years
Could you maybe do "I'm worried about you."?
(and yes, I've just read one of your one-shots and now i'll probably check out what i missed on AO3)
not me going through my inbox one day and being like shit yea i have stuff to write lmao.
(also sorry this is so late sdbdsjkn, the fact that i haven't had a break since school started until now says a lot about my mental capacity, but thank you so much for checking out my stuff!! it's been a while since i've worked on something again :))
Aubrey’s having the best time of her life.
Well, not exactly the best, but compared to the absolute shitshow of the week that she’d just had, yeah, this is pretty great.
She sips her tea. It is the yearly Bella reunion “that does not exclude previous or new Bellas” and Aubrey is amused with the way things are going. In particular, things with the way the two Bella co-captains are skirting around each other.
She had known that Beca and Chloe would eventually end up together. It is only a matter of time, as they say, for things that are so obvious that it is actually kind of painful to think about. Because how can something so obvious be so difficult for two people to understand? 
Apparently very, Aubrey answers for herself, as she smiles fondly at the little snort of laughter that her longtime best friend, Chloe, lets out at the joke that tiny but actually proven to be pretty okay Beca made. They appear to be engaged in some sort of game, a game where one of them is trying to see how long it would take for the other to look at them directly in the eyes.
The record is pointing Beca to be the loser. She’d already glanced Chloe’s way more than twice, both of which she was lucky in that Chloe was paying attention to something else. Aubrey finds it hilarious that all it takes is one wrong (or right?) turn for them to both be essentially eye-fucking. 
Someone sidles up next to her chair. “So, what’s been going on these days?”
Aubrey tilts her head to the side enough to let Emily know that she is listening without taking her eyes off the show. “Oh, nothing much. Just busy. You?”
Emily says something similar, and then there is silence for a few beats before she continues. “I’m worried about you.”
“What?” Aubrey puts down her tea, rotates fully to the side. “Why?”
Emily appears to be nervous, as though she had not expected Aubrey to be so serious in taking in that comment nor herself to voice it in the first place. “Because you’re distant. You don’t talk in the group chat anymore, and when you do, it’s only for generic purposes. And I know that you’re busy, what with your new job and your dad and stuff, but I just can’t help the feeling that something is off, y’know?”
Dang. Aubrey is a little bit taken aback. Out of all the people that she has in her life, Emily is the person who is calling her out on her closed-offedness? Even her own best friend, whom she calls routinely every two days, has not said a word about how she is struggling to make ends meet between her personal life and social one. 
Or maybe that is the issue, Aubrey realizes, as Chloe whines about how Beca is being an idiot in trying to get her to spill how the disaster at the gym went to all the Bellas, she is relying too much on other people to get her to open up about how she is feeling. Other people have their lives too, and realistically, the hard but unfortunate truth is that their lives do not revolve around Aubrey’s.
It’s about time that she needs to figure out what she wants by herself, without expecting an outside force to push her.
“Yes, actually,” Aubrey replies, rising from her seat to guide Emily into the living room. “There are a few obstacles in my life lately that are making me feel off. Do you mind if I discuss them with you?”
And Emily may be the last person with whom she thought she would share her worries and insecurities to, but she is the first one that Aubrey can utilize as an example to live up to her own potential. 
Even if they are not the stars of the show.
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browzerhistory · 1 year
Whomst is this yanny and also 🍀
OKAY so i had to wait until i got home from school to respond to this because hoo boy. hot dog.
so in order to properly explain who yanny is i need to go back a couple months when I started hyperfixating on a semi-popular video game... except i hated it. hated the concept, the creators, the fandom, everything (i won't say what game it is bc that would be swinging a bat at a hornet's nest). but my brain kept going back to it because one can't control the hyperfix. i ended up making a couple of characters in the universe of the game, one of whom was yanny (though the others got abandoned rip).
at first they just sort of existed and i didn't really do much with them besides doodle them on homework on occasion. they were sort of like a punching bag because the video game wasn't very well written and a lot of the effects of some in-universe events were either downplayed or ignored completely and i was like "well i could totally do better here's what would actually happen to a person going through this". and as it goes, i ended up liking their design more than i meant to (since they were sort of just made on a whim). however, by the time i realized the potential they had, the hyperfix was finally fading and i was more than ready to abandon all memory of that game existing. i was kind of sad to let yanny go but i really didn't want to continue interacting with the game or its fandom because it had an actual affect on my mental health.
then i realized "hey! i don't have to forget about them, i can just shove them into my oc universe!" and oh boy that's where it got out of hand.
removed from the context of the game, yanny lost a lot of their character and at first i was worried it wasn't worth keeping them if they were just going to be an entirely different person. but i tried reverse-engineering my way through a backstory and ended up making them more well-developed and interesting than they had been before. in turn, i also ended up fleshing out a huge chunk of my ocverse! there's a lot of world building there that would just not have existed if i wasn't so determined to put this poor guy through the Horrors.
that's the backstory out of the way. I'll tell you about who they actually are now (christ on a bike this post is long)
so yanny was originally a placeholder name, but it ended up sticking, and eventually evolved into their current full name, which is yanahel owens. they're a demon/fallen angel getting used to life outside of heaven (which is more like a hive mind in my ocverse and is currently referred to just as THE HIVE or THE SINGULARITY). they were roped into joining THE HIVE when they were very young and ended up spending seven or eight years as a drone (18 to roughly 25 or 26). once they break free, they're basically lost since they remember very little of their life before or during their time in THE HIVE. through sheer dumb luck, they meet up with someone they knew before, stella, and she offers to help them get back on their feet. she lets them move in with her and gets them a job at a café near her apartment. there, they make two more friends: tea and hanna, coworkers who are generally worried about their well-being but enjoy their company. they also meet up with more old friends there, vivienne and adam, who are currently in college.
their story overall is going to be about them making a place for themself in the world and recovering from the debilitating paranoia that comes with escaping a situation like that. THE HIVE is like a high-control group on steroids, so healing is going to be difficult and painful, but yanny perseveres because they want to find joy in life again and they want, above all, to live. it's more than a little bit of vent writing for me, but in a good way, because in the end, they're able to carve a place in the world for themself while making peace with what they went through and eventually finding joy in life again.
good lord this got long. can you tell they're my favorite oc right about now? have a drawing of them as a treat for reading this lengthy ass post. thanks so much for the ask!
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social media use ft. Bo the puppy
Generally in regards to social media I am what could be considered pretty inactive. I minimally scroll facebook and instagram. I’m often scrolling through reddit but rarely posting anything. Looking at my screen time breakdown, it’s really not an excessive amount of time spent on social media. Or maybe it is, and I'm just delusional, you let me know. But really, social media may be a bigger presence in my life if I wasn’t so busy already. School, work, a puppy, and balancing relationships are more than enough “social interactions” in my day.  
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The other day (Tuesday if anyone cares enough to know) though I was struck with the wave of desire that comes with having a cute pet in the 2020’s to create an instagram for all 60 of your closest followers to scroll past. Reaching to the example set by the elder internet generation known as millennials(just kidding, don’t come for me. I’m like on the oldest possible side of Gen Z so imagine my pain being lumped with 2012 babies ) I selected a cute photo, used a filter and posted it. Now for the followers. I had none, or rather my cute dog had none. So I set about following many many other dog instagrams, businesses, and people we know. We got more followers than I was expecting, and I’ve made a second post at this point as well. 
I mostly created this instagram for two different reasons. One, I can post pictures of my dog as much as I want on his instagram versus mine so I don’t oversaturate my personal account with only dog pictures. Two, I want to try my hand at creating the perfect “aesthetic” and cohesive page. There’s a lot that goes into creating that visually flowing yet dynamic page you see from anyone of your more well known personalities. A small bonus is that I’ve already been offered small amounts of free pet products from businesses as long as we post a picture on our page tagging them.  I’m not super pressed about maintaining the puppy’s account, but I am going to attempt to keep it going. It really has been kind of fun already.  
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While making this account I honestly was feeling a little stressed. Overall it has been a positive time but I feel like there are so many little things to be aware of if your goal is aesthetic cohesiveness that it can be difficult. Color pallets, personality and visual identity, grid layout are all factors. It does give a kind of validation boost when a post is liked or a follower is gained. It’s also a bit exciting to try something new. I think you also have to be okay with flops too. It’s a good exercise in acknowledging that you may make poor design choices, and have to entirely redo the whole page the more you learn. Ignorance isn’t always bliss, but sometimes it helps! 
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karumashadowchicken · 2 years
Greetings! This is thy anon who requested the Lotor head canons. My dearest apologies for not being specific. I would like to request Yandere! Lotor HCs competing with Yandere! Allura over the reader?
Thank you for your time. Please remember to rest and eat! School is not easy! I hope your day is going well! Go grab yourself a snack to eat bc you deserve it! Have a good day/night/afternoon/morning! :D
Thank you so much!
Yandere Lotor would normally be rather calm when trying to wine someone over. Using manipulative tactics to make himself seem like the good guy, he's just protecting you and doing whats right.
Unfortunately, his attitude will change, just slightly when placed in competition for his future lover, for Y/n. They don't know it yet, but they will.
I'm going to say your on team Voltron, position, or role doesn't matter. He's going to attempt to win your trust, along with Allura, and the others.
-He'll become trust worthy, first by talking positively about your skills, and the rest of your team. Talking negatively might make him seem like a rude person.
-"Y/n, I've noticed you're rather skilled when it comes to [Redacted]." He's gonna listen to you talk, and ask questions mid way through, just so you know he's paying attention.
-He's gonna work on befriending you, a few of the others who are more easily persuaded, and work to find some secrets on Allura.
-Once he finds something, maybe some Allura was hiding from you, he might casually mention it. ??? "Wait, Allura didn't tell you?" Then apologize and say it was nothing. He's gotta plant that seed of doubt.
-Lotor is gonna try to spend most of his time with you. Which at first was difficult with Allura wanting to spend time with Y/n, and the general distrust around him. But after a while the others may agree that Lotor needs more help with whatever he's doing, more than Allura on the ship.
Once he's placed himself in your casual life as a close friend, he'll start guiding you everywhere the two of you walk, with an arm lightly pressed to your back. He's gonna do those cute things people do where they feed each other snacks, and treats. He'll share his jacket, or something similar to that. He wants people to recognize him when they see y/n. Know that they, are with him.
-I think he'll start liking the things you like, just to have common stuff to talk about.
-Lotor is gonna ask about stuff from Earth (or where ever your Mc is from), and try to get some familiar foods, and objects, books, things to make you feel at home when your with him.
-I feel like He'd do that thing where he never really asks you out, he kinda just starts taking you on dates, and just casual starts calling you cute nicknames.
-Y/n, is probably just like, huh. Well okay, guess were dating then. Maybe a bit more confusion, and why me tho-
-It's all nice and smooth until they find all the picture of them Lotor has. Not to mention the notes, and shrines.
I hope that works! Thanks for suggesting. I haven't written for Voltron in a little while, and Prince Lotor is an all time favorite. It's always the prince's- :)
And I did take a snack break, thank you! I appreciate it, especially since I lose track of time, and it's gonna be midnight in an hour or so. I need some sleep, but I gotta save my personal hobbies for after the important work. :)
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
"that was painfully sexist" | t.h.
marvel cast x actress!reader
warnings: sexism and swearing
summary: at a panel for the new avenger's film, the questions differ drastically between the female and male actors on stage.
wc: 1.4k
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"Okay, a microphone is coming your way, sir."
"Hi! I'm Leonard with Pop Times Blog. My question is for Y/N." your eyes found the bearded man who stood amongst the crowd of reporters.
You nodded, signalling for him to continue, "Playing Silk or Cindy Moon must've came with a lot of challenges. One of them being the costume you are in for most of the film. Can you speak about that and how it fit?" he paused at your skeptical expression, "Like, we all know the suit is skin tight, so did you eat anything special or workout a lot and are you able to wear anything underneath it? Or do you wear a thong and no bra?"
You let out an unenthusiastic chuckle at his question. Beside you, you could hear your cast mates scoffing under their breath. It was common for the women of the MCU to get asked such questions and it saddened you that people normalized such a thing.
Leaning forward, you clasped your hands together and smiled before Robert reached behind Tom Holland and tapped your shoulder, "Would you like me to say something?"
You shook your head, but gave him a grateful grin before returning to the 'man' that asked you such a question, while maintaining eye contact you spoke, "Well, I think the most difficult part about wearing the Silk costume is taking it off after a long day because of how sweaty I get after shooting," you began to fan yourself dramatically, "It all just clings to my body like a second skin and since I am completely nude underneath, it just adds to the problem." sarcasm dripped from your lips as your cast mates snickered at your words.
You quietly laughed to yourself, "I'm only kidding. That question seemed like such a joke that I presumed you expected a joking answer." you cleared your throat, "In all seriousness, it's an honour wearing the suit and I did visit the gym and do some physical fitness regularly to prepare for the role, as did all my cast mates. As for what I wore underneath," you grinned cheekily, having too much fun messing with the reporter, "A Spider-Man onesie was my go-to."
The whole room let out laughs at your words as Tom grabbed your hand and gave you a small squeeze, feeling sorry that you had to answer such absurd questions.
"I hope everyone doesn't sexualize Cindy Moon. She's only a teenager in the film, so keep it in your pants people. That shit is illegal." Anthony pointed an accusing finger at the crowd.
"Thank you for your thoughtful question, Leonard!" Scarlett spoke up, "I hope you got the answer you were looking for."
"Okay, next person."
You sat back in your seat and fiddled with Tom's fingers as the questions were asked towards your cast mates.
"You handled that impressively well, love." Tom whispered in your ear.
You gave him a smile and a shrug before your name got called again, "My question is for Y/N and Tom Holland." a lady with curly blonde hair stood up, "Since Silk and Spider-Man's abilities are very similar, did you two bond over that during shooting or did it cause some rivalry between your characters due to the similarities?"
You felt a wave of relief at the question, thankful that it wasn't another sexist one. Tom looked at you before answering.
"Yeah, yeah. We bonded a lot over that fact and I don't think it caused any rivalry between us. I hope not." he chuckled before you leaned towards the mic.
"No, no. No rivalry. Just a lot of banter about whose character is stronger and who swings around better. It's a lot of fun having someone on set whose stunts are basically the same as yours. And Tom and I have both agreed that Silk is faster and better than Spider-Man." you said that last part quickly drawing laughs and a gasp from Tom.
He looked at you incredulously, "Not true! Spider-Man's suit is so much cooler than Silk's." he huffed like a child.
You smirked, "Who makes their webbing in a high school chemistry class and who has organic silk coming out of her fingertips that she also used to create her own suit?"
Your friends laughed at the banter beside you before Sebastian started to speak, "I have to agree with Y/N on this one. Silk also has that cool ass eidetic memory."
Chris Evans agreed, "And her Silk Sense is a thousand times stronger than Spider-Man's Spidey Sense."
"Isn't she able to know who an attacker is before she even sees them?" Hemsworth asked to which everyone nodded.
"Sorry, Spidey. Silk's just a top tier hero." Robert patted his shoulder as Tom sulked.
The questions began again as the laughter died down. You leaned over to Tom's ear, "Still love the actor who plays Spider-Man even if his character is inferior to mine." he shook his head with a smile at your words.
Questions ranged from the generic ones of the funniest moments on set to who's most likely to become a villain. Your nerves died down as no incompetent person asked another sexist question. Until one did.
"I have a question for Y/N." she was short with jet black hair, "Being around all these attractive men must be a challenge for you as a young female adult. It couldn't have been easy to control yourself around them. Have you had any sexual relationships with any of them or thought about engaging in any?"
Your jaw hung open at her words and before you could muster up a retort, Tom let his anger get the best of him. Was it his anger, his jealousy or his protectiveness? A mix of all three.
"That was painfully sexist." he spoke into the microphone. "I don't see how any of that is relevant to the film. Y/N is an outstanding actress and it's outrageous that you decide to focus on who she fucks rather than her talent."
"What in the actual fuck did she just ask?" Sebastian added, making you laugh.
Chris Evans spoke up next, "Indeed. I thought this was a promotion for the movie not a real life dating app."
Benedict chuckled, "I fail to see how Y/N's private life holds any relevancy to this panel or the film itself."
"It's twenty-nineteen, people! Leave your sexist ass shit at home!" Anthony exclaimed drawing claps from the cast.
Elizabeth shook her head, "I've had my fair share of inappropriate questions, but nothing as horrid as that."
"First y'all ask about her underwear, now you ask about her sex life? Jesus Christ." Scarlett pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Seriously, she's like a daughter to me. That was incredibly disrespectful." Robert added with a disappointed head shake.
Similar comments were added by the rest of the cast as you felt an overwhelming amount of love wash over you. You were so unimaginably grateful for the people next to you.
"You don't have to answer that." Paul Bettany reminded you.
You shook your head and cleared your throat, "Thank you, guys." you looked to your cast mates, "But I'll answer. No, I have not. This cast is my second family and I've grown greatly as a person with them. I'm immensely thankful for the opportunity to call them my friends. And I agree, these men sitting up here with me are undoubtedly attractive, but they are also a great pain in the ass at times," everyone laughed at your choice of words, "And have I thought about having sex with any of them? Nope. Just Scar, Zoe and Liz." you finished with a wink as the room clapped for you.
You couldn't help but to feel a slight bit of sympathy for the woman. Her question was, without a doubt, uncalled for and unbelievably sexist, but the comments from the cast must've made this her most embarassing moment.
"I'm sure you meant no harm with your question. But a little heads up for next time; most actors prefer to talk about their career and their films rather than who they are laying in bed with. But thank you for coming out. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." you gave her a genuine smile as she cowered back into her seat.
Robert once again reached over and gave your shoulder a squeeze, proud of how you handled the situation.
Tom interlaced your fingers with his and rubbed small circles on your knuckles.
You really were at home with these people and you couldn't have asked for a better family.
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catboyantichrist · 3 years
Hi there! Can you please do relationship headcanons of a gender neutral MC with autism and ADHD dating the seven brothers? I’d love to see more positive writing of a neurodivergent MC and how each of the brothers would love and respect them regardless of their disabilities. Feel free to do this if you want to. If not, that’s ok! Have a great day! 😁👍🌷🌹🌺🌸🌼🌻🌷🌹🌻🌼🌸🌺
This ask literally made me squeal- my neurodivergent ass is gonna have way too much fun with this- LMAO Just a warning, I'm basing this mainly off of my personal experiences (I have ADHD and am possibly getting tested for atypical autism in the future.). Ill try to be as broad as possible but I'd just like to give a heads up.
Just know that if you don't relate to this post or something in it, that doesn't mean you aren't valid! Everyone experiences neurodivergencey differently ^^
☆The Brothers Dating A GN!MC With Autism & ADHD☆
Day-to-day life has always been a struggle. As it feels like no human truly understands why you function the way you do. From bosses, to teachers, to neurotypical friends. Life can feel draining and like a chore when you're living in a world that doesn't function the way you do.
Then your world literally changes. You're in the devildom now. Most people would be terrified that they're living in a house full of demons. But you weren't. You felt like you finally belonged, and eventually you finally found love. Something that people assumed you'd never be able to find. Well jokes on them because your lover treats you with so much respect and kindness, and of course you do the same. This is some of what your lover does that just makes your heart spin:
-Much to your dismay, before Lucifer started to get to know you he was similar to the humans you've encountered in the past. This doesn't last long though as one of the brothers (most likely Leviathan or Mammon) try to explain. He begins to go a bit easier on you, and also falls for you.
-When you guys start dating, he makes it his goal to help make your day-to-day life easier. Dare I say, he takes pride in it. (Hahahah aren't I funny?)
-He notices how you need a schedule to function, but how much you hate schedules. So with your permission, he makes a loose schedule and follows it WITH you. It simultaneously helps you function more than usual, and it helps Lucifer take breaks when he needs to.
-You two begin to do everything together, as doing stuff together and holding each other accountable is a lot easier than doing it alone
-If someone ever dares to make a rude comment about you Lucifer will um... "take care of them".
-If you ever get overstimulated from the environment you're in, Lucifer keeps his office wide open as a quiet place for you. He keeps a weighted blanket, some headphones and any stim toys you usually use in a corner of his office. If you're not comfortable with them out in the open he'll keep them in a special box somewhere in his office that others can't get into.
-Executive Dysfunction gang! The both of you are relieved that you understand each other and some dumbass wont just go "jUsT gEt Up aNd dO iT!"
-If you guys are struggling with it at different times, you'll try to help each other do small tasks that require very limited effort so that one of you don't get overwhelmed and stressed out. If its a particularly difficult day, you'll just stay there to support the other if they want that.
-If both of you are struggling that day, you do nothing ✨together✨ and just vibe with each others company.
-This man brings you shiny things. They don't even have to be worth anything, they're just shiny. You proceed to do the same. You two now have a designated spot for shiny things you bring each other. If you have an interest in art, you and him will probably end up using the shiny objects as art projects.
-A LOT of impulse shopping. You guys enable each other. Although you quickly realize that you impulse shop for each other. Every second day you end up bringing each other gifts and laughing about it after.
-Y'know that arm thing two neurodivergent people do when they find out that the other person is neurodivergent? Yeah you two did that. And still continue to do that. It's your greeting now.
-You two spend tons of time either cuddling and talking about your special interests together, or both of you are pacing around Levi's room talking about your special interests together.
-And if you end up having the same special interest?? Oh man the serotonin you two both get just being AROUND each other.
-If you have a hard time around tons of people (in general or just at certain times) he's more than willing to share his room with you and for you two to do online school together. I mean hey, doing school by yourself online is difficult. (Even if it's more comfortable for you both)
-Will he get you a matching pair of noise cancelling headphones if you have auditory sensory issues, or if you just like the pressure on your head. (I don't know if that's a neurodivergent thing but I will wear my headphones just so that I feel some sort of pressure on my head)
-You both communicate what you need, and whether you need alone time or not. Making sure not to trigger any form of rejection sensitivity dysphoria for eachother.
-If you were one of those neurodivergent kids that spent all of their time in the library, going through books like wildfire in middle school, get ready for that to be reignited.
-You two will read together all the time, and if you're having a day where you're more fidgety and don't wanna stay still, Satan is more than happy reading to you while you pace around.
-Satan has a natural curiosity, and loves to learn about anything that he doesn't already know about. So if you have a special interest about your own neurodivergency, he is more than happy to listen to you ramble about your life experiences and symptoms.
-Honestly, it doesn't even have to be about neurodivergency, Satan is happy to listen and learn about anything you're interested currently.
-If you aren't big on physical affection from humans or, well... humanoid people, that's perfectly fine! That's what animals are for! He'll take you to a cat cafe and will enjoy spending time with the animals with you.
-Similar to Lucifer, if anyone makes a comment about the way you act, they wont live to see another day. Unlike Lucifer, the demons who say these comments don't even finish their sentence. They're dead before MC blinks.
-When Asmodeus finds out that you have sensory issues that affect what you wear, he decides to hand-make clothes with fabrics of your choice. He has no issue with you prioritizing comfort over appearance, but if you want to put effort into your appearance and texture is stopping you, he's more than happy to design some stuff for you.
-Asmodeus has always been a touchy person, but if you aren't comfortable with that he'd never force you to cuddle. If you are interested in physical affection one of his favourite things to do is put makeup on your face, or just touch your face.
-Speaking of which, if you ever impulsively cut your hair whether it be from breakdown, normal impulsivity, or sensory issues with your hair being longer. He'll always help you cut your hair. He wants to make sure that once you cut it, you wont regret it the next day.
-Depending on whether you like going outside or not (or if its depending on the day) he's more than happy to take you to the fall! He'll make sure you're always comfortable and if you need the attention diverted from you if you need a break!
-If you don't like going outside, Asmo will dedicate certain nights for just you two to hang out. He can always energy match you. Hyperactive? Oh he's right there with you bouncing of the walls. Calmer? He doesn't mind just vibing with you. Comfort? Oh you've come to the right guy.
-Asmodeus is very emotionally intelligent, it may have originally been for the wrong purposes (charming others) but now he can use it to help you work through issues with socializing with others, past traumas from other people, he'll always do his best to support you as long as you'd do the same for him!
-Beel is always well meaning, but whether you're neurodivergent or neurotypical, communication is key with him. So, if you're unintentionally blunt to neurotypical people, that's exactly what Beel needs and wants. He knows you don't mean it out of harm, you're just trying to state your boundaries.
-Do you need a weighted blanket? This man will become the weighted blanket. He wants to make sure you're comfortable at all times!
-If you have trouble eating, Beel is here to help. If you take meds for ADHD and they make you lose your appetite, or just general forgetfulness, he'll remind you to have at least some sort of small snack throughout the day. Nothing too filling, just enough so that you aren't running on zero food throughout the day.
-All the go-to and comfort foods that you had in the human world? Beel would make it his MISSION to get them, and TONS of it too. It's the only food in the house he wont eat because he knows how important it is to you. He will tear up a bit if you offer to share though.
-If you're in a hyperactive mood, or anxious, Beel will convince you to do some light exercise with him to help calm you down
-If you have trouble sleeping, Belphie will definitely try and help. Ranging from cuddling, aroma therapy, getting Beel to do exercise with you. To more magical means (if you're comfortable with it) like sleeping powder.
-If you just have a different internal clock than the average person, that's fine too! It may be permanent but that's okay- Belphie will sleep at any time with you.
-Isn't generally a social person so if you're not that big of a fan of social interaction you don't have to worry. Belphie would even do online school with you!
-He would let you use his pillows and blankets to stim if that's something you're interested in. He'd also listen to you ramble about your interests while doing so! As long as you don't mind him talking about the stars afterwards.
-Definitely the most blunt out of his brothers, so communication wouldn't be an issue between you two. If his bluntness is a bit too harsh for you he'll try to tone it down a bit, but it would probably just end up as him trying to explain the reasoning behind the bluntness and how it's not out of harm.
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blakelywintersfield · 3 years
Okay so, I originally wrote this in response to this post (my friend's reblog is linked instead of the original because OP either deleted it from their blog I guess?), but I feel like this constitutes as its own post.
I know this may sound like an overbearing parent "don't trust strangers on the internet" talk, but like. I don't think a lot of you understand just how quickly a situation can escalate; it's scary. I mean that not in a condescending "you think you're untouchable you stupid little child, you don't really know what the world is like" way either, but as in, I don't think internet safety is being taught realistically, so those things you're told to watch out for are far-fetched or already seem suspect.
Predators don't work the way TV shows joke that they do -- most predators aren't going to try and message you at random posing as a teenage girl and attempt to strike up a friendship. A lot interact in community spaces like tumblr, where some level of anonymity is allowed, and it's not odd for there to be people of both minor and adult ages. They interact with a variety of people -- not just targets. They will have full-fledged social circles. Their blogs and social interactions will look like literally any other person's on here.
Then, of the different blogs they follow, they end up interacting a lot with a certain user. Maybe the kind of humor clicks, or similar opinions, or interests. Nothing out of the ordinary; that's how people make friends. Maybe then they start by sending an ask, or a message, or whatever, and that continues for a bit until you two are kind of acclimated to one another, and then, as far as everyone is concerned, it's just a new friend! Neat! That's how you make friends on the internet. They most likely did this with their other friends on tumblr. Nothing weird. In this hypothetical, the minor party has their full name and city public.
But then this person you make friends with -- the way you would any other person on this website -- turns out to be 10+ years your senior. Which like. Honestly, you don't have to cut them out of your life and block them immediately, but you inform them you're 10 years younger than them. A responsible adult would respond to that knowledge with anything from the range of "oh holy shit you're baby uhh I feel a little weird interacting with you so personally" to "oh goodness you are a youngling I will now enter caregiver/parent-like mode". And there will be an established tone from there of "we may still interact but there is going to always be a set emotional distance". It'll have a different dynamic/feeling to the friendships you have with people your age. And it should. Both parties can still care about each other! But this isn't someone you would like. Hang out one on one with. You wouldn't hang out with your mom's friend one on one, or at your teacher's home alone. That'd be weird, right? That should be the same kind of vibe you get with any adult "friendship" you make online (I put friendship in quotes because I feel like... there's a better term for it, or should be one that establishes that adult/minor relationship, but if there is I can't for the life of me remember it).
But maybe that person doesn't go down that path. Maybe it comes off that way at first, but there's a subtle level of emotional manipulation that is subtle enough that you're not certain you can accuse them of being manipulative. "Oh wow, you're so much younger than me... do you still want to talk to me / be friends / etc.? I can leave you alone now if you want." Warning sign #1: they are pressuring you to make the decision; they are placing responsibility on you. And it might feel a little mean to just drop communication all of a sudden because of age -- you got along fine before. Why should that change anything? That's a rational thought process, but it's also the one that benefits them too.
So hypothetically, you say "no it's okay, we can still talk. we were talking just fine before we found out each other's ages so why should that change?" And then maybe the conversation continues normally from there. But then they continue interacting with you as your peers would. You guys talk about stuff that's been stressing you or your problems, just like you would with your peers. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Warning sign #2: That form of emotional connection isn't normal with an adult/minor relationship. I have minors that follow me. They have talked to me about their problems, and I've offered advice and wisdom; I don't condemn that because, well. As adults, we should help guide the younger if asked. But when it comes to my troubles, I limit how much I discuss with them. I don't bring them up myself (it's often brought up by the other party because I'll post about it on here, like a vent post or whatever). And while I don't brush them off with a short "don't worry about it", I make it clear -- I appreciate that you care enough to make sure I'm okay (because their sympathy / care is just as valuable as an adult's), but even if I'm not okay, the burdens and problems surrounding my troubles will be dealt with by me. I don't ask them for advice. I don't goad them for sympathetic words. And it's not that I believe they couldn't give good advice, or their sympathy means less, but an adult should not be relying on a minor for those levels of emotional labor. That established emotional connection where both parties exchange advice and comfort is how predators manipulate their victims because it's subtle and seemingly harmless, and difficult to paint them as a bad person when you have that level of emotional trust.
And once that emotional connection is established, that's when things can escalate, and get scary, quickly.
One day while talking they will probably bring it up -- the way one of your peers would. Something along the lines of "hey can I tell you something?" or "there's something I want to tell you but I'm afraid you won't want to talk to me anymore if I do" etc. etc.; with that peer/peer dynamic, that'll make you anxious, sure. You'd probably get anxious if they were your own age and said that too. So then, it comes out in some form that "I like you, but like... as more than a friend" or "I think you're really cute; I have for a bit now actually" or something similar. Obviously then it's uncomfortable.
But then you realize -- this is an adult. This is someone who has access to transportation. This is someone that doesn't have to report to someone (i.e. a minor can't just say "I'm going out of town for a week bye!" like your parents would, or SHOULD, be like "uh okay where are you going, who are you going to be with, why, etc. etc. etc."). And they know your full name and a general idea of where you live. You could just block them then and there and remove that information from your blog. But what if they already saved it? What if they already used one of those websites where you can look up a person's address by name for $5? What if they already know where you live, and they had planned on asking to meet up? They might know where you live. And you can't confirm or deny that they know. You can't say for sure if you removed that information before they saved it and used it for that purpose. Suddenly, there's the very real possibility that a pedophile that admitted to being attracted to you knows where you live.
Then what do you do? You should tell your parents or a trusted authority figure. But you're also a teenager and there's the likelihood that your parents might brush it off, or get angry with you, and you might get your internet taken away, etc., which is stressful because that takes away a major social area. To build upon the anxiety with that, there's the risk of unknowing if this person does know where you live, and if they do, if they are just unstable enough to do something drastic, like, y'know. Kidnap you. Because they know where you live. And they may know your school schedule too. And if your parents or trusted authority figure doesn't know about this situation, you may end up a missing child never found at worst, or found with far more trauma (5 years of life being kidnapped as opposed to a few months) that could've been avoided had someone known the situation.
But to 100% ensure your safety, it would have to be reported to the police. Because your parents can't do anything about the fact that a pedophile on the internet might know where you live. They can't confirm or deny that they know, and if they did, there's not much they can do other than keep an eye out for someone that looks out of the ordinary. But if they're most likely not home at the same time you are all the time. So, having the police involved ensures your safety -- if you open a case. You can report it to the police, and they'll ask: do you want to press charges (because it could be considered a form of child endangerment). If you say no, then that guarantees if you are kidnapped, that person would be the first they'd look to as a suspect. But to avoid that kidnapping risk at all, you'd have to say yes. And you're a kid that's now having to get involved in court just to avoid any risk to your safety because a pedophile may or may not have your address and may or may not be someone that would abduct their target, and so even if they didn't have your address and wouldn't kidnap you, you are now in a legal situation, which is. extremely. stressful. As someone's who's dealt with the court system a lot it's stressful no matter what.
And sure, you could omit the last step. But then you'll have that looming anxiety for as long as you're a minor that there is a possibility this person may show up at your house at some point. And that anxiety is fucking torture. I know it firsthand, I know all of this up to the legal portion firsthand, because this is exactly how I got tangled up with a pedophile in high school. That anxiety can make you paranoid. It impacts your sleep, which impacts your emotional tolerance and your concentration. It looms and there's nothing you can do to get rid of it other than convince yourself "they probably don't have my address; they probably won't find me". And that logic becomes sounder as time passes. But it requires time to pass, and in the meantime, you sit in constant suffering suspense.
It's just not fucking worth it, okay? You might think "this would never happen to me" but like. I was the fat emo weirdo in high school, literally considered attractive by no one and told so by peers and I still had it happen to me. So don't think "I'm not appealing enough" or whatever. Put self-esteem issues aside here, because to them, you're underage and at a power dynamic disadvantage not just physically, but most likely emotionally too. They care that you're a certain (under)age and can be manipulated into sexual acts. They will target you no matter how ugly you think you are or how unattractive your peers have convinced you.
So please. As an adult, that went through this situation (and could've had it turn out a lot worse tbh) -- do not disclose your real name (especially last names), location more specific than country, phone number, or school publicly online or to anyone you cannot 100% trust. I practice half of these in adulthood just to err on the side of caution since a full name and phone number alone could be used to find my address, and there are some preeeeetty unstable people out there. As a minor, absolutely no one needs any information unless you plan on meeting them in person, which should only be done after you've gotten to know them extremely well and both parties' parents know and are involved. It doesn't need to be on your public profile, and it shouldn't be on your public profile. I want your social media experience to be as enjoyable as possible, I don't want you feeling like you have to constantly keep an eye out for predators. But to keep yourself as safe as possible, don't purposefully make that information public. It's simple, but it’ll help you avoid so much potential stress.
Please stay safe.
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