#okay. friday afternoon nap time night night
monstermoviedean · 5 months
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myname-isnia · 6 months
I had my last singing lesson today and I honestly feel a bit sad that it’s over. Like, sure, I absolutely don’t want to continue and have never been happy over having a lesson scheduled, not even once, but I’ve been at it twice a week for four months, I got used to it, it’ll feel strange to not have to go again. The relief will probably come flooding in on Thursday when, due to a free period, I can go home an hour early and then not have lessons after, and that will hopefully overpower the melancholy
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cameronspecial · 3 months
One for the Angel series
Maybe she has an eating disorder or don't like eating because she doesn't want to gain weight. Rafe finds out and low key gets mad at her for not eating for like hours and he's like "What's wrong with you, you need to eat something......" then becomes soft when she explains to him
Thanks love 🦋🤍
Let Me Feed You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Not eating for a whole day (not bc of an eating disorder but because she was busy)
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
A/N: I altered it a little bit because Angel doesn’t have an ED. I feel she is much more likely not to eat because of school. I hope that is okay!
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Ever since they started dating, it has been rare for Rafe to not see Y/N all day. He normally meets up with her at lunch so they can eat together; however, her group meeting during her lunch period impedes their routine. His plans to see her after his afternoon class are foiled by Wheezie calling in a panic because she had gotten into a fight with their dad. It took a good hour to talk to calm her down and then he texted Y/N about going over to her dorm. She finally responds to his text around nine o’clock and Rafe can’t contain his excitement, even if it is pretty late. He had dinner earlier in the evening because Kelce ordered something for the whole house and Rafe assumes Y/N has too, so the only thing on his agenda is cuddling her. He knocks on the door, fidgeting with his fingers while he waits for someone to answer the door. A short brunette with light brown highlights, which doesn’t match his girlfriend, stands behind the door. “Hey, she’s at her desk. I’m going out with some friends. See ya later,” Daisy announces, leaving the doorway so he can enter. He steps inside the dorm and locks the door behind him. Like Daisy said, he finds Y/N hunched over textbooks at her desk. It isn’t an unusual setting, but the dark circles under her eyes and her fluttering eyelids are new for Rafe.
Her nap typically helps her hold off her tiredness until eleven. A grumble coming from her stomach causes his eyebrows to form a caterpillar. He has been here for about a minute and she still hasn’t acknowledged her. This worries him. “Have you eaten anything for dinner yet? Why are you so tired?” he stresses, placing a hand on her shoulder for comfort. She jerks awake with her hand on her forehead, “Umm…. what time is it? I still need to get a late lunch?” His brain processes the information. If she hasn’t had lunch, then that means she hasn’t eaten all day. She doesn’t eat breakfast daily and snacks are not in her vocabulary because she prefers to just eat at meals. “Angel, it’s nine-thirty at night. Does this mean you haven’t had anything to eat all day?” he verifies. Her eyes widen as her head turns toward the clock on the wall, “I guess not. You can wait on my bed. I just need to study for another half an hour and then we can cuddle.” 
He shakes his head away and begins closing her books for her. “What’s wrong with you, you need to eat something. You are running on fumes. You can’t keep studying,” he argues, turning her chair toward him. “Rafe, I have a test on Friday and I can’t study that much tomorrow, so I have to finish this up,” she complains. Her attempt to reach for the books is halted. He holds her back, “Nope, we need to get some food in you.” “I already told you, I can’t. Please,” she begs. “I’ll be fine. I promise. I do this all the time.” This causes Rafe to loosen his grip on the hardcover book and his gaze to soften. He immediately takes his phone out to order food for her. She tilts her head at his actions. “What are you doing?” She stands to try to see what he is doing. He looks at her over his shoulder, “Ordering you food.” “I told you don’t worry about it. I’ll finish studying, then we can cuddle and I’ll go to sleep once you leave. It’s fine, I have enough energy to make it until then,” she informs him, sitting back on his chair. Not taking no for an answer, he wraps his arms around her waist and picks her up. She struggles against him and is thrown onto her bed. He lets out a sour chuckle, “It’s funny that you think I would let you not eat. It’s not healthy for you. So let me feed you, Angel.” He flops onto the bed beside her, burying his head into her neck. Knowing she can’t get out of this, she relents to his insistence. “Okay, I’ll eat, but I don’t like eating alone,” she whispers, lying her head on his. He looks up at her with relief, “Of course, whatever it takes to make you feel better.” 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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wileys-russo · 7 months
Okay so I was thinking of a blurb with Mapi and Ingrid where reader takes a nap everyday after training or a game but she’s forced to go to team bonding at Alexias place by Mapi and Ingrid and is grumpy since she can’t take her nap and everyone is like what’s up with her when they see the grumpy look on her face and Mapi’s just like ‘oh she didn’t take her nap’ so the whole time reader is falling asleep on the couch either on someone’s shoulder or lap but she can’t because of the noise and when everyone’s finally gone and it’s just them and Alexia she finally falls asleep on Ingrid’s lap
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as someone who absolutely thrives off naps, this was felt team bonding II m.león & i.engen
you could have said it was partially your fault, and maybe you would have had the situation been any different. however today you were much less willing to accept any sort of blame, rather pointing the finger at anyone and everyone else.
it had started as you'd all come back into the change rooms after a particularly brutal training session, the sun glaring down on you the entire time had meant your normally tanned and sun kissed skin was mildly burnt and coated with a thin sheen of sweat.
the first session of the day hitting the gym wasn't as bad, the team partially sheltered from the sweltering heat of the barcelona sun. thursdays were always a double session given it was the middle of the week and friday was a rest day, so the second session was of course out on the pitch and it would have been understated to say you struggled.
you'd lived in spain now for nearly three years however born and raised in dreary drizzly england had meant it had been nothing short of a huge adjustment to get used to the change in lifestyle, weather and climate.
especially when it came to running around, training and playing matches on days that sometimes peaked well above thirty degrees, you were often grateful for the drop in temperature when blessed with late afternoon and early evening games.
growing up you'd never been someone who could sit still, always itching to be running around, keeping your hands busy or kicking some sort of sports ball. you'd played almost every sport you could growing up, both of your siblings the same.
you'd felt sorry for your mother, a single mum trying to wrangle three incredibly active kids and dash them from school to practice and home with three different schedules. you would always be grateful to her, and to your grandparents who basically drove you every afternoon to some sort of extra curricular.
football had been what had stuck through the ages, your sister sticking with tennis and your brother abandoning everything to pursue law, though he played a friendly five a side with his colleagues of a monday night.
however despite your insanely high energy levels, work ethic and stamina, all of that exerted force had meant you'd crashed hard and very rarely had a healthy or consistent sleep schedule throughout your youth.
this had meant some days the best rest you got was naps. wether it be a quick twenty minute power nap on the way from school to football or a three hour doze on the sofa of a sunday afternoon after you'd played, you became incredibly dependent on the brief moments of rest and bliss that came with them.
so skipping ahead to present days, that hadn't changed. despite your professional career meaning you should have a consistent, healthy and reliable sleeping pattern, the majority of your rest and recharge came from your naps.
despite consistent scalding from the training staff about the importance of a solid eight hour minimum rest, most nights you were lucky if you slept five to six hours, which of course everyone reminded was due to the frequent naps you took throughout the day.
however old habits die hard and it wasn't anything that you felt affected your playing ability, so who was it really harming? or at least that was the case, most days.
today was no exception, if anything after such a tiresome day of running about in the heat you were extra exhausted and looked forward to nothing more than returning home. the safe little haven you'd created with your girlfriends would greet you with its sun soaked little loveseat you'd often curl up in to get a quick thirty minute power nap in.
or the end of your ever so cozy L shaped couch where you'd stretch out for a longer doze, often with your head in ingrids lap as she read a book and mapi would play video games beside you, headphones on as to not disturb you, both your girlfriends well equipped to your routine.
early on in the relationship they'd of course tried their hand to coax you into a much more stable sleeping routine. but rapidly learning all it would lead to was a night of you tossing and turning and fidgeting in between them, the constant movement and small huffs of frustration in turn keeping them awake as well, they quickly gave up on that battle.
but back to the locker room you'd busied yourself quickly showering and changing, too busied with your head in the clouds to overhear the team making plans for a bonding night at alexia's house. tomorrow being a rest day meant it was perfect to do something tonight, and had you tuned in and overheard you might have had some more time to plan.
however buried deep in your own thoughts and quickly sinking further and further into your bodies screaming demands for a nap you'd zoned out entirely. you'd snapped back to it at a jingle of keys by your ear, glancing up to find mapi staring down at you with an amused smile.
you were quick to your feet, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder, waving your goodbyes as the three of you headed out of the building down to the carpark.
again you zoned out, head a fuzzy mess and skin still crawling from the thick humidity which plagued the air around you. had you been paying attention you might have overheard ingrid and frido or patri and pina behind you, all discussing who was needing to take what to alexia's.
mapi sliding into the drivers seat you kissed ingrids cheek in appreciation as she offered you the front, dumping your bags in the boot and settling into the warm leather you grimaced slightly but sighed, glad to at least finally be off your feet.
you smiled for a few photos as fans hung by the front gate, all keening to get pictures with their favourite players, though all three of you exhausted from the heat you kept it brief. finally on the road and heading home you joined into the initial conversation, though quickly found your eyes growing heavy.
"hey bebita no, we're almost home." mapi chuckled, hand moving to gently squeeze your thigh to stop you dozing off. both her and ingrid were more than capable of carrying your sleeping form inside as had been done plenty of times before, though exhausted from training if it was something that could be avoided then they would do their best to do so.
you busied yourself discussing training with the two of them, as well as the upcoming game against athletico on the weekend. your mother was coming to visit for a few days and you spent time going over what she wanted to do and see while she was here, the three of you grabbing your bags finally home.
in the elevator up to your shared apartment your struggle increased, eyes heavy once again as your head fell to mapi's shoulder, leaning a little more into her body making her smile and kiss the side of your head affectionately.
you heard her ask you something in spanish but half asleep you only hummed, agreeing to whatever she'd said as the doors opened on your floor. ingrid unlocking your front door you stumbled inside, scowling at the blonde haired spaniard beside you who'd stuck her foot out to trip you.
ingrid scolding her in norweigein you threw your bag at her and she chuckled, moving to put them away. you squatted down to fondly rub bagheera's head, picking him up and making a beeline for the sofa, your usual spot calling your name as you sighed grateful for the air con blasting around the apartment.
"siesta time handsome." you mumbled, collapsing tiredly onto the sofa and moving a cushion behind your head, bagheera curling up on your stomach. you sighed contendly, one hand stroking his warm fur as your eyes slammed shut and you started to drift off.
though your brief slumber was halted by something poking at your cheek. "go away!" you huffed, cracking one eye open to see mapi stretched out on the other end of the sofa, poking you with her toe as you shoved her legs away.
"what are you doing elskling?" once again you began to drift until a new voice spoke up, now opening both eyes you looked up to see a pair of green orbs looking down at you curiously.
"what does it look like i'm doing?" you mumbled back tiredly, flinching as the older girl pinched your leg for the comment. "takin a nap." you sighed, eyes closing again as you felt bagheera's weight move off of you, jumping to instead settle in between mapi's tattooed legs which still stretched along the sofa.
"why? we need to get ready to go to alexia's." at that your eyes shot wide open and a frown knitted deep into your eyebrows, pushing yourself up to rest on your elbows.
"why are we going to ale's?" you questioned, confused at the odd break in your usual post training routine. "see amor i told you she was not listening." mapi tutted, shaking her head at you as you shot her a tired glare.
"did you not hear anything we spoke about after training? or in the car? or in the elevator?" ingrid questioned, an annoyed frown settling into her features as she folded her arms and stared pointedly down at you. "no i did not. i'm tired and i need a nap." you grumbled, annoyance growing the longer you were forced to stay awake.
with that you rolled over onto your side, back showing to the tall norweigein who scoffed. "hey! wakey wakey." mapi's feet dug into your back as she cooed at you, shaking your body as you inhaled deeply.
a string of spanish curses dropping from your lips you turned and smacked her legs, a little harder than intended before getting to your feet, thumping off to the bedroom ignoring their calls after you.
"nope!" you groaned loudly as arms wrapped around your torso before you could throw back the covers and slip into bed. "i'm tired." you whined, head leaning back onto mapi's shoulder, pouting up at your girlfriend who smiled in amusement.
"too bad, we have team bonding cariño and we promised we'd go, all of us." mapi tilted your head back a little further, hand gently gripping your chin as she placed a somewhat apologetic kiss to your lips, thumb running over your bottom lip as she pulled away.
"i'm not going. suddenly im sick!" you fake coughed pushing away from her, feeling another pair of eyes burn into you as you flopped backwards onto the bed, covering your face with your hands.
"you are going. get up and changed!" you peeked through your fingers to see ingrid staring firmly down at you, mapi whisting knowingly and ducking out of the room not wanting to get involved.
"no." you replied just as firmly, face still buried in your hands. "you are twenty four stop acting like a child. get up, now." her tone shifted into one you knew all too well, and looking up the fire which simmered just behind her eyes you knew you had about two minutes to do as she asked or you'd pay for it later.
"can i nap for a half hour baby, please?" you switched approach, hands moving to fall at your sides as you looked up pleadingly, her features softening a little but her arms remained crossed.
"no kjære , we need to be there in an hour and it's a twenty minute drive."
at her words you groaned even louder than before, hauling your body up and storming off to the bathroom, making a point to slam the door after you. "pain in the ass every day." ingrid mumbled under her breath with a roll of her eyes.
"no amor you asked for that, you know how she gets when she's tired." mapi held her hands up in defense at the withering look shot at her, backing out of the room again mumbling under her breath in spanish, all too used to mediating between the two of you knowing just how stubborn you could both be when in disagreement over something.
"come on niña bonita, smile. stop being grumpy!" you shifted at mapi's words, the slightly taller girl hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek a few times.
"we'll stay for a few hours and then you can go home and sleep, okay?" ingrid spoke softly, running a hand through your hair as you sighed tiredly but nodded none the less as mapi pressed the buzzer. within seconds the door was opening and you winced at the sudden change of volume, most of the girls seemingly already having arrived.
"ay chica why do you look so down hm?" alexia smiled, bringing you into a hug as she closed the door, the older girl like a sister to you as you sighed and grumbled about being tired.
"you sleep more than a newborn amiga, how are you always so tired?" her body vibrated with laughed as she kissed your cheek teasingly and let you go. "she does not sleep, like a vampire!" patri teased pulling a face at you as pina joined in and you rolled your eyes pushing past them, ignoring their offended calls after you that you'd blanked their hug.
you made a beeline to collapse next to lucy, head immediately falling to your national teammates shoulder. "oh did the little baby not get its nap?" she cooed harshly pinching your cheeks, having known you for years she immediately recognized the signs of exhaustion present in your features.
"no!" you huffed, pushing her hands off as she grinned. "tough luck kid, hard life being an adult." she sighed, patting your cheek and moving so her arm stretched over the back of you and you could settle a little more into her side as mapi took the vacant seat next to you.
normally if you were curled into anyone elses sides both her and ingrid would be green with envy, but lucy having had a heavy hand in the three of you even getting together in the first place they knew she was just as fiercely protective of you as they were.
you felt your girlfriends tattooed hand rest on your leg, fingers tracing shapes absentmindedly on your thigh as she engaged in conversation with the team.
you remained quiet as an hour dragged by and alexia tried her best to organise a food delivery, struggling heavily to decipher orders as no one seemed to be able to answer her without speaking over the top of someone else.
you jolted up awake as alexia snapped, captain mode slipping in effortlessly as she shouted a loud and stern string of catalan, everyone pausing before quietly relaying their preferences one by one.
food ordered everyones focus switched to games, an assortment of different board and card games from all different nations littering the floor. you opted out of playing, shooting poor esmee a murderous look as she attempted to drag you to your feet to be her partner.
"england why are you so moody today?" you looked up to meet oshoala's amused grin as mapi stood from beside her to help alexia get the food delivery from downstairs, the warmth of her hand on your leg instantly missed.
"baby didn't get its nap!" you grunted as two bodies landed on top of you, patri wrangling you into a headlock as claudia sat on your chest, both girls poking and jabbing at you.
something not uncommon for the three of you, known to rough house around quite often given your close ages but today you were not in the mood. you swore and cursed at them in spanish, a few of the older girls in the room shooting you disapproving looks for your language as the games continued.
"i would leave her be unless you want to lose a finger patri, she is a biter." mapi warned with a suggestive grin, returning as most of the girls hurried to their feet at the promise of food. claudia gagged at the insinuation and punched you halfheartedly in the stomach, scurrying away as patri was quick to follow before you could retaliate.
"i want to go home." you huffed, sitting up and running a hand through your tousled hair, fixing your clothes with a glare over the spaniards shoulder at the culprits who were too busy stuffing their faces to care.
"well we aren't." mapi chuckled, hands on your knees as she leant down and moved in closer. "if you're a good girl bebita i promise to reward you when we do get home, in any way you want." the older girl murmured in your ear, teeth gently tugging on your earlobe leaving your cheeks flushed red.
"any way?" you clarified as the defender nodded with a smile. "but only if you behave and lighten up a little, we are here to bond with the team." your girlfriend warned as you nodded.
"otherwise i will just let ingrid have her way with you for the snappy comments earlier, and we both know she does not forget hermosa." mapi smiled knowingly as you sighed, your girlfriend leaning in and pecking your lips a few times until they curled into a smile.
speaking of, ingrid took lucys seat beside you, placing a plate of food in your lap as mapi disappeared to get her own, the rest of the girls settling themselves around the living room as chatter and laughter filled the air.
the taller girl smiled in surprise as you thanked her in norweigen, leaning up to kiss her softly before starting to eat. "don't need to be hand fed do we grumpy?" keira teased, gesturing for your girlfriend to feed you as you flipped her off, ingrid knocking your hand down as your english team mate grinned and took a seat on the floor beside aitana.
mapi settling in on your other side with her own food you tried to make more of an effort, not contributing much to conversation but actively listening. you grinned as you stole some of your girlfriends food, mapi flicking your ear affectionately before kissing your cheek, happy to see you were a little more engaged.
food finished and games back in commencement you found yourself still wedged between your girlfriends, your legs draped over mapi's lap as ingrid held you from behind, chin resting atop your head.
slowly as the night grew later the girls began to drop off, and as the chatter and laughter died down your exhaustion was quick to resurface, blinking drowsily as you tried to stay awake.
but eventually you could fight no more and sleep won, your body suddenly becoming a lot more heavy which didn't go unnoticed by your girlfriends. the last of your team mates leaving alexia returned to the living room to see ingrid hoist your dead asleep form into her lap properly, scoffing with an amused shake of her head.
alexia's girlfriend olga due home from work soon and you seemingly passed out cold your girlfriends agreed to stay and watch a movie, grateful both for your lack of complaining and that you were finally getting some much needed rest.
"you know we are going to get home and she will be wide awake again now, yes?" mapi sighed with a smile, moving your hair out of your face and leaning down to press a tender kiss to your forehead. "i'm counting on that." ingrid smiled though a little less sweetly as mapi caught on, knowing smirk curling into her lips as alexia shot to her feet hearing a knock at the door.
"well, i did promise her a reward." "you're too soft with her." "i am not, you are just too bossy." "neither of you seem to mind that." "you do not give us a choice amor." "is that so? well maybe i need to remind both of you-"
"too loud." you mumbled up tiredly, hands coming to rest over their mouths still half asleep, mapi pressing a kiss to your palm before they dropped limply back to your sides.
"well eskling, guess we'll see who is right when we get home then."
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luvbugs-blog · 8 months
(( if requests are open rn/okay)
Getting caught with the boys, Hitoshi Shinsou version? xx
getting caught with the mha boys - part 3
featuring: hitoshi shinsou
a/n: aged up characters!
warnings: just a lil spicy dicey. spoilers for a grey's anatomy episode.
midterms were exhausting. it was a friday afternoon, and you were trudging back to your dorm to rot in your bed for a little bit. you barely had any time for yourself this week, choosing to lock yourself in your room or the library to prepare for all the tests. the late nights took a toll on you, so when you finally fall into bed, you almost want to take a nap. but you choose to scroll on tik tok instead, occasionally giggling at a funny one before sending it to your boyfriend.
oh. shinsou! you haven't seen him at all this week, as his test schedule happened to be when your free time was, and vice versa.
you would go visit him after taking some time to recharge. eventually, you do end up falling asleep, not waking up until the morning, weirdly warm. you blink, extremely tired despite sleeping for 10+ hours and shift in bed before hitting something hard. you whip around, heart pounding, to see your boyfriend leaning up against the headboard, smiling at whatever video he was watching. he glances over at you, before sending you a cheeky smile.
"finally up, kitten?"
"you freak! what are you doing in here?"
"i have an extra key."
"oh yeah." he sets his phone to the side and smirks at you.
"i missed you."
"i know, i'm sorry babe." he scoots closer to you, putting his leg over your hip and drawing you into his chest.
"well, we have time now." you smile, holding him close, nudging your nose to his.
"yes we do."
you didn't. just as your lips touched, his phone buzzed. the two of you jumped and he glanced at his phone before groaning loudly.
"what is it?"
"extra training with aizawa." he looked at you and you grinned.
"go on you big, lazy baby. i'll be here when you're done." he tucked some hair behind your ear before rolling over the bed, heading to training so he could get back to you.
but now that he left, you were twitchy, moving around the bed, feeling a bit anxious for him to come back. he had gotten you in the mood and then left. prick. you straighten up your room, clean your bathroom, and then decide to start an episode of grey's anatomy. at this point, you were relaxed again, and the door cracked open just as meredith placed her hand on the live bazooka in the guy's chest. locked in, you barely noticed as shinsou throws his shoes off and goes to take a shower in your bathroom.
he comes out in a towel and starts to crawl over to you, positioning himself over you. you push him aside, much to his displeasure, to watch meredith shakily put the live bazooka in the bomb squad guy's hand.
when the kisses start up your neck, you whine.
"baby, wait. this is interesting."
"i'm interesting."
but when meredith exists the O.R. to see the bomb squad blown up, shinou sits up.
you smirk. "told you it's totally interesting."
the ending credits play and you finally turn your attention to him. when you start kissing him now, he pays no attention as the next episode started playing.
"no you're right. this is interesting."
"ugh." he smiles, still looking at the tv, and puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. but you are not going to wait another 40 minutes. your hand trails down his abs (and damn, they are defined) to the hair that peeks out from the top of his towel.
no reaction.
your hand doesn't stop, lightly touching the bulge under the towel. he hisses and grabs your shoulder tighter.
"what are you doing?"
"asking for attention."
"you needy baby."
you throw your leg over his lap, now straddling him, hands reaching to move his hair out of his eyes. his eyes travel back to the tv, but you grab his chin and forced him to look at you.
"pay attention to me," you whine.
he smirks.
"make me."
you do. you smash your lips onto his, swallowing his groans. your hands move up his chest and one links in his hair while the other claws at his back. he kisses back with fervor, and to throw him off his game, you grind down on him. his head falls back onto the headboard, and you take the chance to start sucking on his neck.
his hand goes to your hair, pulling him back. his lips part, ready to say something, when a loud pounding on your door has the two of you quickly breaking apart.
the both of you groan, and shinsou shouts,
"way to kill the mood!"
you hear, "DON'T CARE," as he stomps back to his room and slams the door. you totally forgot his was your neighbor.
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
Burnin' Up
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Pairing: Jake x Fiancée!Reader
Warnings: Some Language, mostly fluff!
You tapped your fingers to the beats of your 2000s Pop playlist. It was finally Friday, and you were itching to get home and get ready for your anniversary date with Jake.
Your engagement ring gleamed in the late afternoon sun as you tapped along to the Jonas Brothers. You hoped Jake would appreciate the high heels and red dress you had picked out for tonight as much as Nick, Joe, or Kevin would've. Though you hoped he'd appreciate the matching red lace set you'd planned to wear under it even more.
You glanced at the clock on your dash. It was 3:45. You'd left school the moment all of your students had gone, knowing you would need every available minute between dismissal and the time he arrived home from base to get ready. Jake had told you that your reservation was at 6 pm sharp and that he had planes to get ready on base right after training.
You were thankful that he had decided to do that because that meant you had full reign over the bathroom for at least an hour and a half.
You turned onto your street just as the song was finishing. You made a mental list in your head of what you needed to do when you got home.
However, all of those plans went out the window when you rolled into the driveway, and Jake's Silverado was parked in his spot.
Worry set it. Being a teacher meant that on most days, you left before Jake. However, he almost never made it home before you did. You checked your phone to make sure that you hadn't missed a text from him saying training ended early. Nothing. Now you really were getting worried. If Jake was home, that meant something was wrong.
You quickly gathered your things and made your way into the house.
"Jake?" You called out. You slipped your shoes off next to his boots. You hung up your keys and set your bag down next to the bench in the mudroom.
"Jake, honey, I'm home!" You called out again, waiting for him to answer.
You padded your way through the kitchen and into the living room. You were just about to head upstairs to see if he was in the shower when you heard a faint groan come from the couch.
You tiptoed over to the sofa and peaked over the edge. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw Jake asleep, one arm thrown over his head, the other dangling off the edge. You were half tempted to take a photo, but then he let out another groan in his sleep.
Your brows crinkled when you noticed that his body was flush, and he was paler than usual.
You gently shook his shoulder trying to wake him, without startling him.
"Jake," you cooed to him before stroking his face.
You quickly pulled your hand back because his forehead was searing hot to the touch.
"Jake, baby, wake up." You said, jostling him.
His eyes flew open, and he quickly sat up. "What time is it?" He asked in a haze. "It's a little after four. Honey, are you feeling okay?" You respond to him.
"What—yes I'm fine. I had a headache, and Maverick let me come home a little early. I just dozed off when I got home. I was hoping a nap would make me feel better before tonight," Jake told you.
"Sweetheart, if you aren't feeling well, we can celebrate our anniversary another night. Why don't I call the restaurant and cancel our table, and we can stay in and relax?" You say stroking his head. You could feel the heat radiating off of him, he definitely had a fever.
"Absolutely not! I've had this planned for over a month. This is our last first date anniversary before we get married, and I wanted to make it special for you!" He proclaims.
"Jakey, I understand that, but if you're sick, I don't want you pushing through it and being miserable all night." You tell him, trying to reason with him.
"Listen here, woman, I do not get sick!" He states matter of factly. To further try and prove his point, Jake quickly stands up, ready to change for the evening. But when he rises to his feet, the room starts to spin.
"Easy there, cowboy." You say, jumping up to steady him.
You press the back of your hand to his forehead and sigh.
"Jake, you're burning up." You tell him
"Yeah, for you, baby." He quips back.
"Jacob Thomas Seresin Jr., would you just admit that you don't feel well so I can take care of you?" You huff out, placing your hands on your hips.
"You used my full name. Does that mean I'm in trouble?" He chuckles.
"You will be if you don't get your ass upstairs and let me take care of you." You threaten him.
"But honey, I don't want you to have to do that. I'll be fine." He tries to convince you, but it's too late. You're already dragging him by the arm towards the stairs.
"In sickness and in health, Jacob. In sickness and in health." You call over your shoulder.
"We aren't even married yet!" He half argues back.
"And if you don't get changed into some comfy clothes and get your ass in that bed, we won't be." You tell him sternly.
"I don't know why you're worrying about me. I'm telling you, I don't get sick!" Jake huffs, tossing his clothes into the hamper and grabbing a pair of sweatpants.
His back is turned to you, but he can feel the daggers you are staring. He decides it's best not to argue with you. He would also never admit it, but he is feeling kind of crummy. His head hurts, he feels exhausted, and his skin was kind of clammy.
He trudges over to his side of the bed and climbs in. You come over and make sure he is comfortable, tucking the covers around him and kissing his forehead.
"Here." You say holding out a glass of water and a bottle of cold medicine. He accepts them without a fight, downing the medicine taking a sip of the water.
"Thank you, honey," He says before setting the glass on the night stand.
"You're welcome. Now, I'm going to call the restaurant and let them know we can't make it, and then I'm going to make you some soup. Get some rest baby." You say before heading back downstairs.
By the time you return upstairs with some soup and a Gatorade, Jake is fast asleep.
You smile softly at him. Jake always tried to put up a macho man front. It warmed your heart for him to let his guard down around you.
It hadn't always been this way. When you had first met Jake, you thought he was a certified asshat. He had strolled up to you at the Hard Deck, toothpick in his mouth and beer in his hand.
He tried everything to win you over, but you wouldn't budge. It continued like that for weeks. The truth is Jake was dying to get to know you. He couldn't figure you out, but he desperately wanted to.
One night, you finally snapped at him. "Bagman, you are such an annoying human being. You go around like you know who I am, but you don't!" You had yelled at him, pushing his chest.
"Sweets, I don't have you figured out at all. You've got me on my toes. Every time I come in here, all I want to do is get to know you. Why won't you let me?" Jake said back smoothly.
His honesty had sealed the deal for you. After that, you were his girl. Soon, you would be his wife.
Jake shifted in his sleep, arms reaching out for you. He let out a groan, and his brows furrowed together.
You quickly set the soup to the side and changed into some sleep shorts, and one of his old Navy shirts. You slipped under the covers and snuggled up next to you.
He sighed contently, tucking you under his chin.
You sank back again him, enjoying this tender moment.
You don't remember falling asleep, but the next morning, you wake up, and your body is cold and achy. The sheets that are supposed to be occupied by Jake are empty.
You sit up and see that the soup from last night has been taken from the room, and his sleep clothes are neatly folded on his side of the bed.
"Jake?" You call for him as you walk downstairs.
"Baby! What are you doing up?" He asks, turning the stove off.
"I could ask you the same thing." You say putting your hands on your hips.
"I feel so much better this morning, so I wanted to surprise my best girl with breakfast in bed." He tells you.
"Aw, Jakey, you're too good to me." You smile, coming into the kitchen to hug him.
"Just trying to be half as good to you are you are to me." He says, embracing you back.
You pull back as he leans down to kiss you, but just has he does, you start to cough.
"Uh oh." He says. Looking down at you.
"Don't give me that look, Jake." You tell him.
"What look?" He feigns innocence.
Suddenly, everything hurts, and you're freezing cold. Jake gives you a knowing smile.
He opens his mouth, but before he can say anything, you cut him off.
"Don't say it, I know, I know. And I'm going back upstairs to bed. I'll take some medicine and hopefully feel better in the morning." You half laugh turning away from him.
"It's my turn to nurse you back to health now, baby!" He yells up the stairs.
"Don't you dare, you're the reason I'm sick, Jake!" You yell back from the top.
You can hear him laughing through the house.
This may not have been the anniversary weekend the two of you had originally planned, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
And that's it, folks! My final entry for @roosterforme 's love is in the challenge! I hope you enjoyed it. This fic was inspired by "Burnin' Up" by the Jonas Brothers. My teenage self is screaming!
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme @youlightmeupfinn @withahappyrefrain @arson-tm @sebsxphia
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penny-anna · 8 months
i bought a flat this week.
was off work sick last thursday/friday with what turned out to be the beginnings of a bad cold but at the time i was just like 'oh no why am i so tired is this the return of the Mystery Fatigue'
let's backtrack for a second!! back when i had the offer accepted on my flat my solicitor suggested october 6th as a move in date and i was like sure that works (this was around the beginning of september). then i didn't hear anything from them for many days and then i started getting major dry eye problems that became all consuming so i didn't get around to chasing them.
anyway!! tuesday last week i get an email from my solicitor like 'hi are you still able to complete friday' and i did not have the headspace to deal with it so i didn't reply
Wednesday my solicitor calls like 'hi. we need to know if you want to complete friday'. i'm like 'actually i'm really not feeling well this week, could we postpone'. she calls back a few minutes later like 'they cannot postone'. at this point i'm still thinking that if i get a decent night's sleep i'll feel better so i tell her i'll deal with it in the morning.
Thursday i feel spectacularly worse. have to get up to go to an appointment with my optometrist. almost start crying in their office bcos i'm just so exhausted. (he seemed weirdly unfazed by this?? looking back i wonder if he thought my eyes were hurting or something and didn't realise that i was holding back tears gfhglj) call out sick from work.
plan is to take a nap and then look at the documents my solicitor sent over but she calls me again like 'hi. sorry to bother you i know you're sick but can we complete today' so i'm like ah shit ig we're doing this now. please walk me through exactly what you need me to do here. 'we just need you to send us the money'. yeah i can do that. i've never made a payment this big before tho.
(i'm buying w money inherited from my mother so even for a flat purchase it's an unusually large amount of money)
'oh yeah you won't be able to that online. *pause* are you well enough to go to the bank?' i am tired enough that going to the bank will suck but not so sick i cannot go to the bank.
i had gone fully back to bed. spurred on by sudden wave of adrenaline, get out of bed and dressed and get the bus into town to the bank.
my bank closes at 3pm weekdays and by the time i get that it's about 1:45. explain the situation. turns out that to make a payment this big you need a sit-down meeting with a member of staff and they are booked solid till 3. 'can you come back tomorrow at 9:30 when we open' *dying inside* yes. i can come back tomorrow at 9:30.
go home. remember that i'd told my manager that i'd call her at 9 to let her know if i'm going to be working (i will defo not be working & she knows this) which will be tricky if i have to leave at 9 to go to the bank. have a pretty interminable IM conversation via microsoft teams about this wherein i suggest i message her first thing and call a bit later and she isn't going for it. eventually agree to call at 9 just so i can end the conversation and go to sleep.
Friday morning end up calling my manager from the bus. get to bank. whole thing takes a full 30 minutes so yeah i can see why they couldn't fit me in thursday afternoon ghfdljkfhdj. i'm so so tired. they have to go over a whole fraud prevention statement with you. 'you should be aware that scammers can pretend to be your solicitor'. me, exhausted: okay what if just this one time. a scammer is pretending to be my solicitor.
make the payment. go home to sleep finally.
later in the afternoon get another call from the solicitor. 'hi we have the keys you can come get them whenever'. oh yeah i'd been so caught up in trying to get them the money i'd kinda forgotten about. actually getting the flat.
(side note at no point was i planning to move in on 'moving day', an advantage of being a first time buyer is that i don't have to & i want to redecorate the place which is easier while it's empty)
initially say i'll come in next week but then realise that ideally next week i'll be back at work (i am not but anyway) so i might as well go now. it's pushing 4pm so will need to head out ASAP.
eyes are very dry and itchy from sleeping all day but fortunately i just (on a recommendation from my optometrist) bought a thing called a facial sauna which is a very weird contraption but does work extremely quickly.
pack my eye drops and also a peanut butter sandwich to eat in my new flat (why not) and go get the keys.
arrive at the flat. on inspection realise that the envelope i've been given seems to contain the most random assortment of loose keys. eventually identify an actual set of keys.
put my key in the lock of the flat door. abruptly hear a cat meowing, somewhere very close by.
previous owner had cats (plural) (i know this bcos i saw them when i was viewing the place). have a sudden moment of panic that i've somehow wildly misunderstood the whole situation and that she and her cats are still in residence.
look down. there is a very large, very fluffy white cat standing next to me, looking up at me as if expecting to be let in.
'you can't come in. this is my house.'
make my first mistake: think that if i open the door i will be able to prevent the cat from entering.
cat goes straight on into my flat.
i'm now pursuing the cat from room to room saying 'hey! hey you can't be in here! this is my house!'. the cat doesn't give a shit for obvious reasons (it is a cat)
i might have considered just shooing the cat outside and shutting the door but have arrived at an IMO not unreasonable concern. cat seemed very determined to enter this flat in particular and is now roaming around as if looking for something. previous owner had multiple cats and moved out AFAIK today. i have heard stories about people accidentally leaving cats behind when they move.
at this point it's 4:55 on a Friday. call my solicitor and explain the situation. ask if she could pass on a message to the seller's solicitor. unfortunately they have already closed for the week so it will have to wait till Monday but she will do her best.
decide the next course of action is to see if the cat has any ID. the cat is wearing a harness & collar so might have a tag with an address. make my second mistake: pick the cat up.
the cat does not have any ID on the harness. the cat does NOT like being picked up. cat gets very squirmy and then begins scratching me. cat manages to break my skin through a hoodie.
i put the cat down. the cat hisses at me. this is very rude considering that it is in my house.
head across the landing to see if the people opposite are missing a cat or, failing that, know their neighbours well enough to recognise the cat. there's no answer.
however!! i hear a voice down in the stairwell that sounds like it could be someone calling out a cat's name. 'hi!! is someone down there looking for a cat?' no answer.
look down the stairwell. on the ground floor there is a very large fluffy brown cat wearing a harness. !!!!! that is my cat's friend!
retrieve the cat from my flat (fortunately it just follows me out) and head downstairs. am met partway up by the cat's owner.
'oh thank god is this your cat'. it is her cat. apparently she had opened her front door to let them out into the garden and it had wandered off. 'i just moved in today it came into my flat'.
she is very apologetic. cat is unrepetent.
go back inside. call my solicitor's office. 'hi was it you i spoke to just now about the cat' (I told 2 people about the cat) 'no i just answered the phone because it was ringing. what cat.' 'can you tell *solicitor's name* that i have found the cat's owner. she will know what you mean'.
problem solved!! time to eat my peanut butter sandwich. :)
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verysium · 4 months
😭😭😭 and it's not even like an obvious display of cockiness. he's so indifferent about it. everyone has their own pre-game ritual in the locker rooms: performing warmups, listening to music, hyping themselves up with whatever desperate motivational monologue they can find. overall, just trying to soothe their nerves before an important upcoming championship. meanwhile sae's off in his own little world, taking his sweet time in the shower stalls and patting lotion and skin moisturizer onto his face, absolutely unfazed. doesn't even break a sweat during the entire game while the rest of his team is out panting like rabid dogs in a hundred degree heat.
if humble arrogance was a man, he would be itoshi sae. says he's dumb and knows nothing except football but then proceeds to finish your entire differential calculus assignment in the fifteen minutes you spent waiting for your order during a friday night dinner date. says he doesn't always overwork himself, but then you took one look at his schedule, and it had three photoshoots booked from 12 AM to 1 AM. my man does not sleep. he functions solely off of salted kombucha, cold ambition, and the lingering feelings of emotional pettiness. when you finally force him to close his eyes, he has to physically subdue himself to stay in bed. light sleeper who does not give a shit by the time he's in that REM phase. he slept off his guilt toward rin one week after permanently traumatizing his brother for life. definitely nocturnal for the most part, and occasionally he does hit that one hour snooze in the afternoon (only because nap time is mandatory). he's an athlete, so having a healthy body is quite literally a job requirement. he treats it like one too. refuses to eat junk food. does not cheat on his diet. like ever. (okay maybe there was that one time with the french fries but whatever...)
time management is his second name. not one second of his 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds is going to waste. monstrously productive to the point it makes you question your own life. and he subtly jabs at you about it. when you're finally taking a break, he's like....so what about that work assignment you said you were gonna do? you decide the procrastinate, and he's like...if you did this earlier instead of complaining about it, you wouldn't be suffering right now. scolds you like a parent. (he just can't help it guys cus he practically raised himself.) sometimes you have to remind him to tone it down, but in the end sae always means well.
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Little By Little
Synopsis: One where Harry finds out his girl is struggling with ED (Requested)
CW: mentions of ED, please put your mental health first and read with caution. And remember, you're not alone in this, you are brave, you are strong. And I love you so much! *Kissie noises*
More of my work
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Harry and YN had been basically living together at this point.
They've been together for about three years and Harry had somehow now managed to convince her to stay over for the weekend and she never left. He certainly isn't complaining because he asked her to stay with him.
But lately he's been seeing her food being left over. Both of them worked, Harry is filming a movie in London and also recording his fourth studio album, YN's working on her little boutique she's so proud of as she should be. So they'd made a little rule of at least eating one meal together, he'd volunteered to make them breakfast every morning (because honestly that's the only meal he can cook without burning down his kitchen) as YN hates early mornings. So he leaves her a plate of her own. Though he waits for her to wake up and get ready for the day before he leaves for work himself. YN has switched to working from home since the Covid hit and has chose to do the same, especially when her firm didn't mind that either, it also gave her time to work on some freelancing as a Photo and Video editor aside from having a desk job a software developer.
Today, Harry was so excited to go home today. He was going to ask her to completely just move in with him. She paid the rent this month for no apparent reason, he just didn't wanted her to waste her earning like that if she's not living at her flat anymore. Or if she changes her time and needs more time, by all means he is ready to support her through.
But he would be lying if he hadn't got used to living with her, going to bed with her and waking upto her gorgeous self everyday now. He felt so whole with her now. He even wants to pop question to her, especially since she's always been so vocal about how important it was to her. He's even gone as far to take his mum with him to find a perfect ring for her.
Tonight he didn't wanted either of them cook so he got food from YN's favourite restaurant on his way back home. When he got back, he found her fast asleep on the sofa, it was Friday night he noticed then. She has Fridays and Saturdays off from work.
He didn't wake her up instead he proceeded to transfer all off the fold out of the plastic trying to make as less noise as he could knowing how much of a light sleeper his girl is. After be put lids on all of the food thermoses — great investment YN made him do — he went to check in on her before he proceeded to clean up. She had a bad habit of covering up her face with the blanket and it scares it that she's going to suffocate herself even though she's assured him many times that she can breath in just fine.
He also found it a tiny bit odd seeing her asleep in late afternoon as she's not the one to take naps but, she had much more commissioned work to do she must've been tired. Shrugging it off Harry padded his wak to the living room.
And he was just right!
She had that damn blanker over her face. He crouched next to her.
"Hey, baby, do you wanna wake up?" He called tugging the blanket off her face, "lemme see you gorgeous, I missed you today!" He cooed when she wouldn't let go.
"Five minutes!" She whined.
"Okay, but lemme see you." He requested, "there you are!" He celebrated quietly seeing her face after long hours of the day. "Hello, my love." He leans down to kiss her forehead.
"Hi," she looked at him surprised, "you came early today?"
"Mhmm," he nodded, "thought we could spend some time together for the weekend."
"Oh, I'm sorry I fell asleep watching TV." She flops on her back to look at the TV was turned off, it must have turned off on it's own as it was left unattended. She did planned to watch favourite bakery YouTuber but she just fell asleep.
"It's alright," he assured her, "do you want to wake up now?"
"Mhmm." She nodded sitting up straight midway of her yawning out her tiredness away.
"You had a good sleep?" He proceeded to take a seat in front of her, she nods again as she wraps her arms around his middle for a quick cuddle. Taking the smell of his cologne, sweet, cold and earthy tones laced with hints of sandal wood, he always smelled like he'd just gotten out of a steamy souna. "I brought your favourite so you won't have to cook tonight." He shared, snaking his own arms around her.
It was her turn to cook tonight. Mainly every dinner was on her because she really fears Harry's either going to loose a finger or two in attempt of chopping veggies and stuff or burn down his beautiful home. So she just takes it upon herself to make food.
"You did?" Her voice came as a muffle against his chest.
"Yeah," he caressed her hair gently, "do you want to go out on a walk before we eat?"
"No, we can just stay in and watch a movie or something." She suggested, pulling away from his embrace politely.
"Yeah, we can do that." He agrees, anything to spend more time with her. Though they both haven't been out since past three weeks, at he goes out for work but she haven't left her house. Even to run her errands. She instead opts to get everything home delivered.
"Okay." She said pushing the blanket off her body noticing Harry was leaning in to steal a little kiss but she moves back, watching him cant his head and look at her confusedly. "I just woke up from a long nap."
"I don't mind." He chuckled, "haven't we had morning sex many, many times?"
She sighs watching him a little hurt and press her mouth onto his in a tender kiss. He kisses her back regardless with same love.
"I need to pee so bad!" She exclaims, trying to find energy to get up. Harry giggles at her adorable laziness and watches her make a run for the bathroom.
He walks back to the kitchen and cleans up all the mess he made, wiping down the counter where he managed to spill drops of gravy and bits of rice with paper towel. He threw away all the trash and noticed she hasn't taken it out today, so he took that out himself. He made himself and his love some tea. Opening the fridge to get milk for YN's tea he saw plate of waffles he left for her today.
She didn't even take a bite frim it. He also found little storage containers with more breakfast foods he made from four days ago. Haven't she been eating? Has she been eating out? He wondered.
Harry took out all the spoilt food from the fridge to throw it away but he kept it on the counter to wait for her come back out. He is well aware that he isn't the best at cooking but she could have told him not to make her anything. Yes, it would have hurt him but not this much.
"You didn't eat you breakfast." He spoke when he saw her walking back down the stairs. Caught, she almost tripped down.
"Be careful!" He rushed towards her rather quickly, holding onto her. YN shook her head jerkingly as if she was not trying to be dizzy. "Hey what's wrong, sweetheart? You alright?" She clung onto him like a koala.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." She nodded and stood back on het feet. Harry still walked to the sofa and her sit down as he fetched her some water. He sat next to her. "Baby what's wrong? Did you start your period?" He enquired, nit to be offensive but she does tend to feel dizzy or even pass out when she's on her period.
"No, I didn't." She gulped down half of that glass of water he gave her in one go.
It clicked to him, "did you not eat at all today? Not even the snacks I got you yesterday from the grocery trip?"
"No, I just fell asleep watching TV." She said, which entirely wasn't the truth but it was.
"I, uh, baby you need to tell me what is going on, okay? Of course you haven't been falling asleep from past four days, have you?" He was being too harsh with his interrogation so he stopped there waiting for her to answer. She just opted to drink from her water instead, so he pulled her closer to his side.
YN just leaned into his touch there. She hasn't been feeling quite good in her skin recently. So many reasons to unpack but she never felt like talking to him about it. He has helped her through many of her low, he's calmer and seems to think thoroughly in moments of crisis and she's so grateful to have found him.
Oh she couldn't list many things why she was feeling this way. Which she did not felt is right to talk about but the feeling of her stomach empty felt eerily right to her, lile it always did. She bas gotten over this in past and she's sure she can do it this time too. She loves food and she can't stay away from it really.
She did ate dinner with Harry every night. Though she served herself, quarter of what she eats, but ends up throwing up in the middle of the night in the downstairs bathroom. She just doesn't want to burden Harry with this. He's already pretty stressed with his next year's spring summer collection to be bothered by her.
"Hey, it's okay my darling angel," she heard Harry coo to her realising she has been sobbing now. "You know you can talk to me right, YN?"
"Mhmm." She nodded. "I don't know, I don't know what's, what's wrong I just want to go to bed." Her voice low like a sad whining little puppy between her cries. She's sure which are ugly too.
"Already?" He enquired which made her cry even more so it scared him. For the first time Harry didn't know how to help her or even know what was actually going on. "It's okay we'll talk about it when you're ready, okay? You want to watch TV instead?" And she just nodded.
Harry took the empty glass of water from her and kept it on the coffee table, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to play one of her favourite movie. He didn't even bother to change as he got her comfy next to him under the blanket she was wearing earlier. She looked up at him when she could feel his gaze on her, he just placed an assuring hand on her cheek.
"It's okay, I'm here." He whispered to her with a kiss on her forehead. YN just rested her head on his chest as she stared at the TV trying not to fall asleep on her problems the best she could.
"I, I think I wanna go on a walk." She suggested.
"Yeah?" He smiled at her, "lemme grab a jumper for you real quick then." He carefully peeled herself from her urging her to go put her shoes on, a little no-shoes-inside custom he's grown to follows since her stay. He ran upstairs to get her one of his hoodies which he helped her slip of as well put his own jacket on as it was getting a bit chilly outside.
"My baby," he tugged her closer to him, "our neighbours are getting Christmas spirit, aren't they?" He pointed out, little gruesome Halloween decorations already have been swapped with happy Christmas decorations. It made her feel that much more calmer.
"Yeah. We should put up some decorations too." She suggested looking around.
"We can do that tomorrow," he agreed. "Feel any better?"
"Mhmm." She sounded, "don't feel like talking about it."
"That's okay, whenever you're ready baby." He pressed a kiss on top of her head. It wasn't that late so they took the bus to the mall to look around for a Christmas tree. "We should get a real one."
"No, it's gonna die by the end of the week." YN chuckled at his suggestion. "We can reuse these ones."
"That's boring. A real would be eco-friendly options."
"Not when you'll have to buy another one to be put on actual Christmas day." She pulled him to the little gift section to look for inspiration to buy presents for his mum and sister. Whilst her parents didn't approved of Harry, his family welcomed her very warmly into theirs.
When they went back home, Harry tried to serve them dinner he bought with him. YN didn't say much but pushed around her food after taking three bites waiting Harry to finish up.
"Sunshine you didn't eat anything." He cooed to her, "a little more?"
"No, I, I ate." She shook her head, "I'm just not that hungry."
"Why not baby?" He pulled his chair closer to hers seeing tears brim in her eyes behind her glasses, "hey lovie, it's okay you can tell me."
"It just feels good to not to," she admitted, "I just don't want to eat."
"Well you gotta fuel your body, don't you? Why do you feel that way, hmm, do you wanna tell me?" He asked, carefully reaching for her hands in her lap.
"I don't know. It feels better to feel hungry and not eat. I deserve it." She choked, "I don't want to do that. But I don't want to feel this way either. I don't know what is going. I, I don't know what do!"
"Hey, c'mere." He got up picking her up with her legs wrapped around his hips as he walked upto their bedroom, somewhere she's more comfortable to talk. He tucked her under their blanket as he slipped next to her. She cried in his chest. "No one deserves to be hungry, okay? Especially my girl. It is going to be difficult but we can make things better."
"I don't mean to cry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She cried even more.
"It's okay to cry, lovie, don't ever apologise for that." He held onto her tightly, "please don't take this a wrong way, okay? Do you think you want to get professional help? If not then it's fine, we'll figure out a way to make you better."
"I don't know," was her answer.
"That's alright!" He assured her, "you can take it all little by little okay? What do you say we start from tomorrow morning?"
"Mhm!" She nodded, "I want to sleep now."
"Of course my baby, go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up."
It's been long six months now.
Harry had been trying to help his girl the best he could. It made him happy when she recently agreed on, he'd drove her to her therapist's office just this morning on his way to work.
Meanwhile they've been going on morning and evening walks, it helped her though it was not enough. But at least it was getting her somewhere to begin with. She'd still try and stall her way out of it, but Harry's there by her side.
He went home early today, to make them a nice dinner. Nice Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, it was her favourites as she ordered it on their first lunch date. He had Shania Twain playing in the background in low volume, as he sang along to her putting together a dinner.
"Where did you come from?" He heard his surprised girlfriend, she was stopped in the middle of the living room with her bag hung over her shoulder and a little paper bag from the tech shop. She must have bought another SD card he figured.
"Work...?" He laughed knowing exactly what she meant. He's been working late so it was a surprise to her, "how is your day going so far?"
"Good, had to mail the SD I had to my client so I went to buy a new one." She held up the tiny paper bag in her hand, "I am never taking his projects again for sure."
"Why are they demanding?" He asked.
"He's been constantly emailing me to mail the SD to him so that his wedding pictures don't get posted anywhere else it's infuriating I made him pay for it!" She ranted in one go as she stomped in kitchen and got herself a glass of water.
"Karen, isn't he?" He chuckled making her giggle too.
"You know how expensive SD cards are. God!" She sighed. "What are you doing?"
"Making us dinner." He he was chopping up Tomatoes for the soup.
"Do you want me to help you?" She offered, "please?"
"Why not baby!" he agreed.
"I'll go change real quick, don't start without me." She said already making her way out of the kitchen.
"Oi, come back here now!" He faux-scolding made her stop dead in her tracks, she walked back to him, "gimme a kiss." He leaned down to match her height with a cheesy smile on his face.
Of course she leaned in, her small hand cupping his jaw in between her thumb and fingers gently. Looking him dead in the dead with the softest smile he's seen on anything, waiting for her to give him the kiss. She pulled back to his dismay.
"Ask nicely next time." She tried to run away but he is rather swift with his moment he caught her by her hips and turning her around started tickling her. "Ah, Harry!" She squirmed, giggling.
"Is this nice enough?" He teased her, tickling her sides where she's more ticklish.
"Stop," she grabbed onto his elbows to stop him, catching onto her breath. He got his kiss. She smeared her lips on his the smile never fading. "We should get rid of your shirts and tank tops."
God he looked so deliciously handsome in his white tank!
"Why so? You don't like 'em?" He asked, his nose skimming against her cheek, making butterflies go haywire in his tummy.
"I do, but I prefer you without them." Taking advantage of their closeness to place another kiss on his mouth.
He chuckled softly, "well then let's go upstairs and fix it, would you like that?"
"I'd love that." She agreed, "but not now, I've got work." With that she slipped through his arms.
"You cheeky monkey!" He smacked her bum before she ran upstairs laughing. He'll have his way with her later!
"Put some more!" YN whined at Harry being skimpy at adding spices.
"No, it's gonna be too spicy!"
"You are literally so white, move!" She pushed him to a side.
"Hey!" He whined but he let her do her thing. At least she's trying to be involved.
Finally being done with cooking, they both sat down at the coffee table on the floor with their favourite show on the TV.
Harry doesn't like to make it too obvious to her, but he's always been keeping an close eye at her eating habits now. Not to be creepy. Not to be disrespectful. But he's doing it just to keep up with her progress. She was doing great last week, eating at least one full meal.
He saw her taking just two bites off her grilled cheese and a few full spoons of soup before she stopped.
"Hmm?" She looked at him.
"How was your first session today?" He enquired.
"We talked." She started, "he said that it'll take a few sessions to see we get along and stuff. But so far I, I think he can help me."
"Yeah? I'm so happy for you, baby!" He smiled, pulling her in a brief embrace. "I love you."
"I love you too." She smiled, seemingly contained. "I can't eat anymore." She said putting back the spoon her bowl.
"You want me to make you something else?" He suggested, "it's okay, you can eat more later."
"No," she shook her head in disagreement, "I don't feel like it. I'm sorry, I know you came home early to cook and all. It just tastes bitter to me I don't know why. Sorry."
"Hey, stop apologising, babylove." He cooed, "it's okay. I promise."
"This is so bad." Her voice cracked, "I don't feel like eating sometimes and when I do, everything tastes, so, so bad. I don't know." A few tears make their way down her cheeks, "I feel like I'm being ungrateful for everything you're doing for me. I promise I'm not, I'm trying."
"I'm so proud of you for trying to get better, my love." He hugged her again, "it's alright. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now but I can tell you, I've never once felt you're being ungrateful, okay? It's okay, do you feel like eating right now?"
"Mhmm." She nodded.
"You want me to make you something else?"
"This is going to go to waste." She cried even more, feeling there are many people out there who are hungry and deserve to be fed and she's waste it all by simply not eating. It was a big internal turmoil she had been going through.
"It won't, I'll eat this for lunch tomorrow." He assured her, "you want me to make you Ramen?"
"What if I don't feel like eating that too?"
"Then that's fine, baby you don't have to cry. Please?" He requested, not knowing how to make her feel better. "Okay, let's go on a walk and see how you feel, what do you say?"
"Yeah, I'd like that." She agreed.
Another six months later. YN was doing better. She had to switch her therapist but she has been recovering well and good.
N O T E :
This was so difficult to write 🥺 but I tried. I am not sure how this one's gonna do.
I also apologise for the lame ending. I don't know how I should have ended it.
Tag list:
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @theroosterswife24 @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @japanchrry Lemme know if you want to added to the tag list
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ellies-star · 11 months
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feels good. part 1
pairing. dealer college student! ellie williams x f! reader. 
an. lol attempting to write a lil dealer!ellie fic. aLsO there is no smut in this part sorryyy
synopsis. dina convinces ellie to go to Jesse's frat party, and somehow finds herself smoking with a girl in the back of her truck. (this is purely reader and ellie getting high and then fucking). warnings. 18+. mentions of drugs (nicotine and weed) and alcohol, ellie and reader smoke together, making out, sexual tension and suggestions?
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Ellie had been planning out her Friday night all day. She had spent the entire week studying her ass off for exams, working at the coffee shop after classes and managing her side hustle; she was ready for a break. She fumbled with her keys for a moment before bursting through the front door of her shared apartment with a loud sigh of relief.
Her back slumped due to the excessive amount of biology textbooks weighing down her backpack. After finally shrugging it off her shoulders to her wooden floors, she crashed onto the couch with a groan. Her feet ached from standing on them all afternoon, making coffee for buzzing students– who definitely did not need that extra shot of espresso. She kicked off her black converse, sending them flying in different directions, finally settling her feet onto the coffee table in front of her. She sank into the plush cream couch pillows, closing her eyes and letting out another sigh. “Honey I’m home!” She announced to her roommate blow drying her damp hair, and blasting Elephant by Tame Impala in the bathroom.
Dina swung open the door and revealed her dark locks blowing wildly from the dryer. Ellie could barely hear her over the loud sound of blasting air, but she managed to get a “welcome home dearest!” She thought she heard Dina say something else after retreating back to the bathroom, but the words were drowned out by the noise. Ellie shrugged it off, finally getting the chance to close her eyes. However, the moment of peace did not last long.
“Ellie! What are you doing? You can’t sleep!” Dina jumps onto the end of the couch, shaking Ellie’s legs awake. Ellie’s eyebrows furrow and she groans in response. For fucks sake, she thinks to herself.
“Why, so loud! The hell are you talking about, it’s nap time.” Ellie mumbles curling into a ball. Rolling her eyes, Dina lays her chin and arms on Ellie’s hips.
“Ellie we have to leave for Jesse’s party in like an hour, did you forget?” Ellie stays silent for a moment, humming while searching for the lost memory of when she agreed to this shindig. Then she grumbles, cursing her past self for getting into this predicament.
“Shit, yeah I did forget…” Ellie runs a hand down her face. “I don’t know D, I’m fucking exhausted.” Turning around and lifting her chin up to Dina who has moved to retrieve a hairbrush. “I had class from 9 to 3:45, and worked at Java till–” she looks at her watch– “20 minutes ago.” She throws her head back down to the seat cushions.
“I– yeah that’s a lot… I know this week has been brutal for you.” Dina pauses, “You don’t have to go, I just know Jesse was looking forward to seeing us both.” Dina looks down at her brush picking out the hair while leaning against the door frame.
Ellie scoffs at this. “You know I love Jesse, but he just wants me to go and be his plug for the night.” She begins to sit up, leaning her forearms onto her knees.
Dina shrugs her shoulders and purses her lips, “Mmm, yes he did want you to sell at this party, but he also wanted to hangout! Y’know we’re his only friends outside of the frat.” Turning back around to the bathroom to start applying makeup. “Okay, how about this!” She bops her head back out, “It’s 8:30, you can take a nap and I’ll wake you up in 30 minutes. See how you’re feeling, then decide– Deal?”
Ellie ponders the offer, she does believe in the power of, well, a power nap. And a redbull.
Ellie pulls up the road to the infamous house of Sigma Omicron Pi (ΣΟΠ). Different colored lights flooded from every window, a sea of drunk UCSC students painted the massive front lawn. The bass of Knock Knock by Mac Miller pouring out of the house’s speakers. She pulls her 1997 Land Cruiser into park a few feet away from the mess. The homes in the neighborhood were separated by at least 50 ft— making the perfect spot for a frat house.
She takes a swig of her half finished red bull, before turning off the engine. Looking to the passenger seat, she watches Dina apply more blush, concealer and whatever that last sparkly thing in a tube was. “D, you look fine. I don’t know why you bother.”
Dina rolls her eyes in response jokingly. “Not everyone can be a chapstick lesbian with perfect skin and lashes like you, Els.”
Ellie scoffs, “Shut up, you look good without makeup. That’s why I don’t think you need it.” She gets out of the car to grab a few dime bags and pre-rolls to shove into her black herschel shoulder bag.
Dina finishes applying some lip gloss and closing the visor mirror. “Yeah I know, but sexy eyeliner and glitter makes me feel good.” She flashes Ellie a grin and wink before opening the car door. “Now let’s go! We’re late, and I’m too sober for this shit!”
Ellie barks a laugh while locking up her car, before following her towards the massive house.
The two were greeted by red solo cups littering the grass, creating a trail to the porch. They walked past a group of frat boys in the middle of an intense game of pong. Opening the green wooden door, the sheer volume of the music blasted Ellie in the face. The loud sounds shook her chest, the deep bass sending a vibration through her ears down to her ribcage. She could barely hear Dina say to keep an out for Jesse, even though they were only inches apart. The hallway leading to the living room was filled with more people, the two girls having to squeeze past them in zigzags.
Eventually they made it to the massive living room, a dance party occurring in the middle of the floor. There had to be around 50 people in this room alone. It was either sweaty bodies grinding against one another, the excessive amount of liquor in the jungle juice causing them to move loosely, or it was a group of people laughing and shoving one another into the dance circle.
Whatever it was, Ellie didn’t want any part of it. She continued to follow Dina into the kitchen— where they finally spotted Jesse.
She watched as Dina ran up to him, ending whatever conversation he was in the middle of. She kissed him in a rush, then pulled away leaving him beaming.
“Baby, you made it! I was wondering where you were.” Jesse smiles, while holding her close.
“Sorry, I know I know. Ellie needed an extra 15 minutes for her power nap.” Dina giggles, nodding her head in my direction.
He looks up to find Ellie leaning against the counter. “It’s good to see you Els, glad you could make it.” He steps away from Dina to pull Ellie into a hug.
“Yeah man, wouldn’t miss it.” She chuckles, letting go of his hand to adjust the strap of her bag. He eyes her movements, then remembers why he invited her.
“Did you uh, did you bring anything to sell by chance?” He dips his chin low and brings his face closer for Ellie to hear better over the loud music and conversations.
She nods, throwing her thumb over her shoulder. “Got a few dime bags and pre-rolls in here, got extra in the car too if ya need ‘em.” She shrugs her shoulders.
“Sweet, there’s a group outside in the back and then in a room upstairs that were looking to buy. Sure you won’t run out any time soon.” He gives her another nod while slinging an arm around Dina. “Anyway, I was about to grab another drink— shall we?” He motions towards the open back door.
“Let’s go! I need a seltzer, asap.” Dina squeals while walking through the crowd of people.
The fresh air felt good against Ellie’s face. Even though they hadn’t been inside the house long, it set her body into a heat wave underneath her hoodie and black jeans. Jesse had grabbed Dina and him a new drink, then led Ellie to a group of people smoking cigarettes and sitting along the white fence.
“Yo Jesse, what’s good!” One of the boys leans off the ledge to greet him.
“Hey Josh, this is Ellie. She’s selling right now, if you’re still looking to buy.”
Josh looks over at Ellie with a goofy grin. He takes a drag before handing it to a girl on his left. “Yeah man! What’chu got?” His breath was hot, filled with the scent of tobacco and Mezcal.
“Wedding Cake and Blue dream in dime bags, and a few hybrid pre-rolls.” Ellie removes her hands from her pockets to open her crossbody bag. She lets the group look at a few samples.
“Shit, that sounds great. How much for the Wedding Cake and a joint?” The boy asks, while analyzing the work of her pre-rolls.
“Bags $15 and joints $5.”
And just like that, Ellie went throughout the first two hours dealing left and right. Somehow, she found herself a cigarette and two beers in, with only a joint left in her bag. She had lost Dina and Jesse to the backyard after a game of rage cage at some point. Party games weren’t really her thing, she typically likes to be a fly on the wall— find a space to chill and smoke for a little bit, before Dina was ready to go home.
Which is exactly what Ellie planned to do.
The inside of the house was too loud, and the backyard was packed— as a frat party should be. Ellie didn’t know anyone else besides Dina and Jesse here, and she wasn’t really in the mood to mingle. As her Red Bull began to wear off, she remembered the front porch. She recalled it had a swing, and by this point most people had fled to the inside where there was dancing and more alcohol.
She opened the front door, the cool night air greeting her. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath in, the smell of mixed smoke and cedar filled her nose. And when she exhaled, the door closed, and the obnoxious noise of house music faded— just a little.
However, her moment of peace was startled by the squeak of the porch swing. She jumped and stumbled slightly as she looked to her left; there sat a girl she hadn’t seen before— and Ellie would’ve remembered if she saw her, because she was stunning.
You bore a cider in hand, leaning back into the wooden swing with a puzzled look on your face.
Shit… she’s pretty, Ellie thought to herself.
Your hair poured over your bare shoulders, keeping you warm from the brisk air. You sat crossed legged, in worn-out denim jeans and a loose olive green tank top.
Ellie’s hazy eyes trailed the goosebumps that arose on your tanned arms, all the way to your chest. You were braless, hard nipples poking through the thin cotton of your tank top.
“Anyone ever tell you that staring is rude?” You spoke. Self consciously you drew your knees up to your chest and took another swig from your cider.
Ellie lifted her gaze immediately and locked eyes with you, her cheeks burned crimson from embarrassment. She shook her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts, “Sorry, didn’t realize someone was already out here, uh I’ll just–” Ellie mumbled the last bit of her words, ready to turn on her heels and kick herself once she was back inside for the obvious ogling. You just chuckled in response.
“I’m messing with you– sort of. What’s your name?” A playful smile began to appear on your lips, they were the color of rose. Ellie made a mental note of how soft they looked pressed against the lip of your bottle. All Ellie could think was how she wishes they were pressed against–
“It’s uh… Ellie! It’s Ellie…” Jesus fucking christ did I seriously almost forget my own name?
You couldn’t help but giggle at her nervousness. “Well, uh Ellie, I’m Y/N. Wanna join me?” You patted the spot next to you on the wooden swing, and Ellie’s heart fluttered.
“Sure.” She shrugged her shoulders, trying to act nonchalant, despite the the intense pounding in her chest and twisted feeling in her stomach.
You shifted slightly in attempt to make more room for the blushing girl. She plopped softly onto the bench next to you, trying to make herself small. She still managed to brush your arm with her own. The short contact made you shiver.
“So, what brings you here? To the party I mean— pretty obvious you came outside to escape the mess in there.” You took another swig.
You watched as she turned her head away from you, and then it was your turn to stare. Ellie looked forward, showing off her delicate side profile, but strong jawline. Her lashes were long, and freckles painted her cheeks and nose like a map. You could see the gears turning in her head, she was debating something before looking back at you. You were mesmerized, her green eyes were the color of sunlight filtering through trees.
“I know Jesse, he’s a guy from the frat—” Ellie paused to swing her bag into her lap to pull out a plastic one, “—he asked me to deal for the party.” She unzipped the baggy and fished for the preroll. “You smoke?” A small smile appeared on her lips when you nodded your head ‘yes’.
“ah gotcha, plug for the evening. were you just selling joints?”
“Nope, dime bags too. Everything went pretty quick thankfully.” She patted her pockets looking for something. “Shit I forgot my lighter in the car.” She began to stand up when she noticed you shiver again as a breeze came through. “we could uh, smoke this in my car if you want? I have blankets in there too.” She rubbed the back of her neck, afraid that was too forward after you spoke for literally less than 2 minutes.
but it wasn’t too forward, in fact, you’d rather get as far away from this house as possible and be with this random girl you just met with short brown hair and a goofy grin.
“That sounds good to me, it’s cold as hell out here.” You couldn’t help but smile at one another.
“Sweet, I’m just down the road.” Ellie readjusts her bag and pops the joint behind her ear, watching you down the last bit of your cider.
You finally leave the trash covered lawn and spot a large car in the distance. “What kind of car you drive?” You ask crossing your arms to bite the cold.
Ellie chuckles. “It’s a land cruiser, I don’t know if you know it— they’re not the coolest car.”
“What? Of course I know it! That used to be my dream car next to a 4Runner!” You beam, getting more excited the closer you approach the green SUV.
“Seriously? Can’t believe I met the only girl at this party who knows about these things.” At this point, Ellie’s stomach is doing flips and you were the ring master.
You whistle when you pull up, impressed by the state of the car, despite it being an old model. “You must take good care of it, she looks good. what is it— 95’?”
Ellie blinks at you in aw while unlocking the car— “97’.” Did she just win the lottery?
“Hot.” You smirk while getting into the passenger seat. Even though it was joke, it made Ellie’s legs buckle.
You slide onto the soft leather of the seat. Looking around, you know this girl is a lesbian. The console had been replaced by something more modern, and when Ellie turned the car on, it hummed to life making it softly fade into interchanging rainbow colors. In addition to the gay radio, a tash sultana cd laid in the cup holders, next to a mug with boobs on it.
“God it’s gay in here.” You laughed, bringing a knee up onto the seat.
Ellie rolled her eyes, “well it’s probably because I’m gay.”
Ellie’s phone reconnected to the Bluetooth, and she quickly found a playlist. Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood began to play by she turned the volume.
“Wow really, I couldn’t tell.” You smirked earning a raised eyebrow from the brunette who was already lighting the joint.
She took a few puffs, breathing in, and slowly breathing out before handing it off to you. “takes one to know one…” She spoke, more as a question than a statement.
You took the joint between your fingers, brushing hers in the process. It sent tingles all the way up your arm. You brought it up to your lips to repeat her actions. A few drags in, letting the smoke slowly slip past your lips. “this is true.” You chuckled looking over at her.
Ellie’s eyes followed your every move, the way your fingers delicately held onto the joint, and the way your lips looked wrapped around the filter. There it was again, that thought about how your lips would look really good on-
“Earth to Ellie?” You waved your free hand to signal her back to reality. She locked eyes with you again. Even though it was dark, you could see a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks in the dim red lighting from her radio.
“Oh sorry, thanks.” Another long drag. “So how did you end up at the party?” She ques, taking one more hit before handing it off to you.
The joint was shorter, and you brushed fingers again. You liked how rough the pads of her fingers were. Now it was your time to blush, nearly dropping the joint in the process. You took a moment after your hit to think about your answer.
“Well, a girl invited me, and then I found her making out with someone else.” You blew out the smoke almost releasing your frustrations from earlier. “a guy from the frat, actually.”
Ellie winced at your response. “Damn, that’s rough I’m sorry.” A wave of emotions went through her, anger— because how could someone stand you up? But also relief— knowing that you weren’t going home with anyone gave her hope. “Bummer you didn’t get to make out with anyone, a real shame.” She joked, the weed making the two of you laugh.
“Truly! I mean the whole point of coming out here was to get laid.”
You both chuckled. You felt all ooey gooey from your chest down to your stomach. The effects of the joint, and the bass from the car, made your body melt into the seat cushions. You closed your eyes and hummed into satisfaction.
But Ellie, Ellie was more tense than ever. She watched as one of your legs came up onto the seat to make yourself more comfortable, your knee reaching outward onto the middle console closer to Ellie’s own leg. The other one casually spread out against the door. You looked so damn hot like that, and her thoughts began to drift.
She wondered what it would be like to softly rub the inside of your thigh. To lean over and leave a trail of kisses along your neck and jaw. What kind of noises you’d make if she could have her way with you in that passenger seat.
And when you opened your eyes, they locked with Ellie’s— a dark shade of moss and pine. Your eyes felt heavy, but you couldn’t seem to look away. But Ellie’s eyes began to travel, all over your body. Your face began to heat up, you wanted to know what she was thinking about, but you had a good idea. You could feel the way her eyes undressed you, and it made the feeling in your stomach even hotter, now pooling into your underwear.
You noticed the joint was coming to an end, and you had a thought. You reached over for her hand, which caused her to shake from her perverted thoughts.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize I was holding onto—“
You didn’t let her finish before you brought the short joint, still stuck between her worn fingers, to your soft lips. They were pressed gently against her pointer and middle finger. Her breath hitched, and she looked at you with pure admiration. She licked her lips before bringing her bottom one between her teeth, and letting her thumb rest against your jaw, softly stroking your cheek.
You pulled away a few seconds before gently pulling on her arm again, this time you leaned in as well. Your eyes were still heavy, but you were able to make contact with hers one more time before glancing down to her rosey lips. Your faces only inches apart.
“What are you—“ she began to question before you cupped her left cheek and brought your lips to hers. It was the slowest and softest touch, your lips felt light.
Despite Ellie’s high and sex driven brain, she could register what was happening, you were trying to shotgun. She lifted her other hand to hold the place between your neck and jaw, and gently sucked the smoke when you blew it into her mouth.
You pulled away to try and catch your breath. Your nose brushed hers as you pulled back slightly to watch Ellie exhale, but her hand never left your neck. It all felt like a dream, the way the smoke slipped past her lips as she tilted her head back slightly so it went up and not in your face. The sight of her left another warm wave between your legs. You could still feel her lips on your own, the tingling feeling dancing on your bottom lip. You wanted more. And she did too.
She didn’t hesitate to put the rest of the joint out and discard it in her ashtray before bringing her face back to yours. She brushed her nose against your own letting you know how close she was.
“Still thinking about how I never got the chance to make out with anyone.” You mumbled into her, causing her to chuckle.
“Y’know I think we can change that.” She smiles before drifting her lips to the side of your cheek, pressing a soft kiss, and dragging them to your jaw and neck. You tilt your head to the side to offer more access, softly humming in response.
“And if your whole plan was to come out here and get laid, we could make that happen too.”
You have to bite your lip to keep yourself from moaning. She knew what she was doing, saying that in her sexiest voice. Letting her hand slowly slide up even further into your inner thigh, softly squeezing it. So close to where you need her the most.
“Fuck Ellie get in the back, now.”
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munsonsprettygirl · 2 years
Y/N is exhausted and Eddie just wants to help
pairing: eddie munson x little!reader
summary: y/n’s sleep is plagued by nightmares and eddie discovers a way to help her. nsfw mentions but no smut. caregiver!eddie softness
Y/N can’t sleep. The nightly rest that she once adored is now plagued by nightmares and monsters that no amount of Benadryl can shake. They leave her feeling fuzzy and scared and helpless and more above anything Y/N hates to feel helpless. Preferring to stay up rather than battle another nightmare; she’s awake long into the night. Tip-toes downstairs while her parents are asleep to watch treasured vas tapes of Care Bears with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. There’s a certain fuzziness that comes after, coupled with the feeling of being underwater. It’s nice and warm there, where Care Bears and soft blankets matter more than the trivial aspects of high school. 
For a while, it works. She can keep up with her schoolwork and friends on the mere three hour naps she takes after school. Then sleep deprivation catches up and swallows her whole. She starts nodding off in classes she previously found interesting and misses out on important notes and due dates. Eddie nudges her when she does it. Blames it on boring content material because, shit, he’s practically falling asleep himself. But then she does it at lunch even with the surrounding clatter of noise echoing in the cafeteria. Slumps right there on his chest where anyone can see and he shakes her out of it before they do. 
“Hey, hey.” He pats her shoulder until she whines, rubs her eyes and then nuzzles back into him. “Sweetheart, you can’t sleep in here.” He holds her by her cheeks and waits for her to open her eyes. When she does they’re red-rimmed and hazy with sleep. The lavender circles underneath look painful and Eddie strokes them with his thumb. “Why are you so tired, hmm?”
“Can’t sleep.” She mumbles, hardly loud enough for him to hear. 
Eddie sighs and reaches down to his bag, messes around in the pockets before he pulls out a pair of sunglasses and slots them over her ears. “Here.” He drops a kiss on her forehead and guides her head back to his shoulder. “I’ll wake you up before lunch ends. But we’re going to talk about this later, okay?” There’s a hint of worry in his voice and she feels her chest ache because Eddie always worries so much. Worries if she’s eating and taking care of herself. How she’s doing in her classes and making sure she doesn’t push herself too far. Always calling her when she needs him and holding her close.
Y/N closes her burning eyes and lets the wash of sleep rinse over her while Eddie strokes her back, chest vibrating with the conversations he shares with his friends. 
                                                       .              .              .
When school lets out on a Friday afternoon, the hallways crows with relieved teens pushing each other over to escape the suffocating building and forget about it for two days. Dustin’s slipping through the chaos beside Eddie, rattling off about the campaign he’s writing and what he wants to do with his character for Eddie’s campaign. Eddie hums and nods but his eyes are searching over the sea of heads for Y/N. He sees her once they get out to the sunny parking lot, leaning in the window of Steve’s car and talking to Robin. His sunglasses are perched on the top of her head, pushing her hair away from her face. Dustin opens the back door and slides inside, the sound of Steve griping about his dirty shoes floats through the open windows. Y/N looks over her shoulder to where Eddie stands and bids Robin goodbye, backs away from the car as they drive off, shouting at her from the windows. 
“What were you two talking about?” Eddie asks once he’s hanging onto her side, his arm wrapped around the waist of her soft baby-pink sweater.
“Oh, just English class. Robin’s going to let me borrow her notes.” And it’s a little bit concerning because Y/N’s never had to borrow notes. Usually, she’s the person you would borrow notes from. Eddie’s done it plenty of times. Marveled over her pretty handwriting and the way she dots her i’s. “Shakespeare, you know?”
“Yeah,” Eddie mumbles, opens up his passenger door and helps her in. He rounds to the other side after throwing their bags in his backseat trying to push down the worry that’s rising in his stomach. He pops into the drivers seat and looks over at his girlfriend, rubbing her sleepy eyes and yawning. Thinks about how warm her body will feel pressed to his while they cuddle. The way her breaths feel like velvet against the skin of his neck. “Hey, why don’t we go back to my place?”
“Oh, I really shouldn’t-“
“Please, baby? It’s the weekend and I miss you.” He pouts, taking one of her hands and kissing around her knuckles and down her wrist. 
“I don’t have any clothes.”
“You left some at my house and, besides, you usually sleep in my shirts anyway. C’mon, you can pick a movie out for us and I’ll run out and get us snacks and dinner or whatever you want.” He gives his best puppy eyes just to make her giggle and when she does she lets her head roll back to his seat and for a second he can see the liveliness that once surrounded her.
“Fine, fine. But I have to call my parents and let them know.” Eddie smiles triumphantly and leans across the center console and drops a wet kiss on her cheek. 
“You won’t regret it, babe. Get ready to have the best night of your life.”
                                                                             .              .              .
Eddie makes box brownies while the opening credits of Labyrinth roll across the TV. Wayne waves hello to her and steals Eddie’s Twizzlers on his way out the door. Says he’s working a double and makes Eddie promise not to burn the house down. Y/N giggles from where she’s curled up on the couch wearing one of Eddie’s shirts and a pair of cotton shorts she’s left there and whines for Eddie to hurry up in the kitchen. 
“Ok! Ok! Jeez…” Eddie sets a timer on the brownies and runs over tot he couch and pulls her onto his lap. “Whiny little thing you are.” He teases and pinches her thigh, smile spreading when she wiggle sup his thigh away from his pinching fingers. 
“Just wanted you to watch Labyrinth with me.” She pouts while Eddie pokes at her sides and leaves kitten licks behind her ear. 
“Ughhh, haven’t we watched this movie enough? I think I know every word to it.” Though he did partially learn every word just so he could dramatically reenact Y/N’s favorite movie when he needed to. Or force her to sit in his lap and let him wave her arms around while his knees bounce beneath her and he horribly sang the lyrics of Magic Dance. The laughs that spilled from her sounded so light and pretty he wanted to hear them forever. Moreover, being the reason for her laugh s was an honor he took very seriously. They filled his tiny trailer and made everything seem warmer and coated his heart with an added layer of love and adoration for his girlfriend. 
“Eddie, stop!” She laughs, half-heartedly fighting against him. 
“Dance magic, dance! Dance magic, dance!” He ignored her, large hands holding onto her forearms and thrashing them around, watching her eyes squeeze up in laughter. Eddie let her go once the song was over and she clambered off his lap to sit beside him. 
“That’s the last time I’m sitting in your lap.” She mumbles but there isn’t any seriousness in her tone. So Eddie smirks and drapes his arm over her shoulders and pulls her in, pressing kisses to the side of her face. He fusses over her while she tried to watch the movie, trying to turn her eyes away and distract her by leaving nibbles on her neck nd shoulders. Y/N batted him away and tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he persisted, loving all over her until the timer for the brownies went off. 
“You know what would make the brownies taste even better?” Y/N asked from the couch while Eddie took out the pan and set it on the stovetop to cool. 
“What’s that?”
“A joint.” Eddie throws her a toothy smile and points the oven mit at her. 
“That’s a great idea, baby.” She pauses the movie only to follow Eddie into his bedroom where she sits on his lap, holding his handmade D&D figurines while Eddie stuffs bud into a grinder. He tells her about their next campaign and watches with fond eyes as she turns the figurines over in her hands, handling them delicately. 
“Is this your character?” She asks, pointing to another figurine. Adorned in black robes they hold a sword that stands out amongst the blackness. Purple vines up the sides of the sword and look like magic. The figurines hair is black and flowing behind them. 
“Yup, that is Fenven Silvernight. He’s a level seventeen half-elf vampire warlock that I’ve been playing since I was twelve.” Eddie says proudly as he opens up the joint paper and starts spreading out the ground-up weed. “You can play with him, if you want.”
Y/N picks him up slowly, feeling as though she was holding one of Eddie’s greatest treasures. “Dustin’s writing this campaign right now that he wants me to be in. It’ll be his first time DM’ing but I think he’ll be great at it. Besides, I’ll be able to get some XP and level up Sir Silvernight.”
“Level up?”
“Ah, it’s a long explanation but the more you play the better your character becomes. You get to do more things like work with a patron diety. But I’m trying to level up to an Eldritch Master. That way you can entreat your patron for more spell slots.”
“Do you make up your own patron diety?”
Eddie nods and his tongue pokes out while he rolls the paper over the filter, trying to keep the crumbs inside. “Haven’t yet for this campaign though. Maybe it could be you.”
Y/N laughs. “Me?”
“Yeah! We could do it together, you can name them whatever you want and decide their abilities and weaknesses-“
“Can Warlocks and patrons date each other?”
Eddie blushes and brings the joint up to his mouth and seals the paper shut with a lick. “Well, duh, that’s a given. Fenven Silvernight would be on his knees for you, sweet girl.” Eddie twists the top of the joint closed then pulls open a drawer, rummaging through fine-tipped paintbrushes and pens until he pulls out a lighter. “Alright, m’lady, light her up.” 
They smoke down the whole joint until they’re both giddy and feeding each other the corner pieces of the brownies. Labyrinth is still playing on the TV but it is forgotten about once Y/N is lying down against the couch, hips bucking up into Eddie’s while needy whines escape her. They spend the rest of the night fooling around, stroking each other and laughing airily until sleep comes. And Y/N, so caught up in her adoration, forgets she doesn’t sleep at night anymore. Snuggles into Eddie’s bare chest while he combs through her hair. He talks some more about Fenven and deity’s until his voice is faraway and sleep overcomes her. 
                                                                             .              .              .
Eddie’s eyes peel painfully open. There’s a cool breeze coming in through his open window, leaving goosebumps across his skin. He turns over to throw his arm over Y/N’s tummy but finds her curled up legs instead. Her face is turned away from him and when he cracks open his eyes he can see her moonlit shillouette through his eyelashes. 
“What are you doin’ awake?” Eddie slurs, rubbing his sleep-crusted eyes with the back of his hand. There’s a soft sniffle coming from beside him and he sits up on his elbows. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Shit, sorry Ed’s. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Her voice is small and sounds distraught. “Go back to sleep, baby.”
“Uh-uh. You’re awake and you’re never awake in the middle of the night.” He reaches out a hand and lays it on her shoulder, feeling how her body trembles beneath his hand. “Baby you’re shaking-“
“I’m fine, Ed’s.”
“No, no, no. You’re not fine. You’re shaking and you’re clammy. What. Is. Wrong? Did you have a bad dream?” Another sniffle and the nod of her head confirms his suspicions. “Oh, honey. It’s okay, c’mere.”
He pulls her down to his chest, heart aching when she curls her fingers into his shirt and takes in a shaky breath. “Shh, shhh. You’re alright, I’m here.” They stay that way until her breathing slows down and the grip on his shirt lessens. Eddie pets back the sweaty strands of hair around her head. “You wanna tell me about your dream?”
Y/N rolls back against Eddie and stares up at the ceiling. “It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid if you’re scared.”
She sighs. “It’s always the same. I’m in the woods and it’s dark and there’s something coming after me. A monster I think.” She pauses. “I try and run but my legs aren’t working and I can’t get away or wake myself up.” Her voice trembles again and she covers her face with her hands. “It’s so silly.”
“No, no, no stop it. It’s not silly at all.” Eddie reassures her, rolling so he’s propped up over her. “H-how do you wake up? If you can’t on your own?”
“When the monster gets me.” Her voice is ice-cold sending chills down his spine. He touches his fingers to her cheeks and strokes over where her tears have dried. 
“You said they’re all the same.” Eddie begins and her eyes flick to his, waiting for him to continue. “How long have you been having these nightmares?”
She swallows nervously. “Almost two weeks.”
“What? Two weeks? You- you didn’t tell me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you! I’m sorry.” Then her voice is trembling again like she’s going to cry and Eddie feels awful. 
“Baby, baby, baby. Don’t want you to apologize.” He presses a long kiss to her head and cradles the back of her neck. “I worry. Okay? I’m always going to worry.  You’re my life. My everything. My baby.” He kisses her again. “Is this why you’ve been so tired? Because the nightmares wake you up?”
She nods and sniffles. “Sometimes they wake me up but lately I’ve just been… not sleeping.”
“Wait, what do you mean not sleeping? Like not at all?”
She hums in answer and Eddie lets out a long breath and drops his head into her neck. 
“I’m sorry.” She apologizes again and Eddie cuts her off by shaking his head. 
“No more sorry’s. I’m serious.” He bites down on his bottom lip and looks over her face, strokes it gently like she could break at any moment. “I wanna help you… if you’re okay with that. I know a few things about curing bad dreams.” 
“I- I think I would like that.”
“Yeah,” She answers and Eddie smiles and leans forward with another kiss. He flips the covers of of him and rolls out of bed with a grunted, “Alright baby,”
He comes around to her side of the bed and stands in front of her, draping a fuzzy blanket around her shoulders. “C’mon.”
“What?” She questions, cocking her head. “Where are we going?”
He lifts her with a quiet groan, one arm underneath her bum and the other around her back. “We’re going to make you sleepy.” He answers, stumbling through his dark bedroom until he reaches the door. “I know just the trick.”
That’s how they end up in the kitchen with Y/N sitting on the counter, slightly swinging her legs while holding the blanket around her shoulders. Eddie doesn’t realize it until that moment how small she looks. Her eyes are a little hazy, almost like they would be if she were high, but the redness in them is one from exhaustion, not smoke. They talk softly while Eddie moves around the kitchen, pouring milk into a mug and heating it up. Feeds her some of the leftover brownie and wipes the crumbs from her lips. Notices how wherever he touches her she leans into it a little more than she usually does and that’s how he knows somethings up. His girl is a brat, an independent and sometimes crude little thing when she wants to be. Quips back at everything he says with an amused giggle. Tonight she’s quiet and waits for direction, needs to be told what to do and how they’re going to do it.
When the microwave beeps he pulls himself from where he was standing between her thighs and she whines. “Hold on, baby.” Eddie soothes, slides his fingers around the microwave handle and gives it a tug. He takes out the steaming mug and looks into the frothing bubbles. He adds a couple drops of vanilla and honey, feels Y/N’s eyes on him while he does it. 
“What do you do when this happens at home?” Eddie asks, stirring the milk while the spoon softly clinks against the mug. 
She nuzzles further into the blanket and locks her ankles together. “You’re gonna laugh.”
“Why would I laugh?”
“Because it’s dumb.”
“Y/N-“ Eddie adds a couple more drops of vanilla and stirs again. “Nothing you do is dumb especially if it’s helping you when you’re having nightmares.” He sets down the spoon and reaches into a cabinet for the cinnamon. “So?”
“I take my blanket, go downstairs, and watch The Care Bears Movie.” She says it so quietly Eddie barely hears but he nearly doubles over clutching his chest in adoration. 
“God, that’s so fucking cute.” He kisses her warm cheeks. “Not dumb at all, baby. I love Care Bears.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, they’re like the most metal bears around.” Eddie answers and she snickers, watches him take a sip from the mug and hums. “Here, you try.” He hands her the mug, not thinking about how the hazy look in her eyes and the way she’s slower than usual would impede her ability to hold a mug. But it does and Eddie barely catches it before Y/N spills milk all over hers (his) pajamas. “Shit babe!” Eddie yelps, holding the mug away from her. “Okay, I’m going to give this to you now.” He chuckles to relieve the tension from her shoulders, noticing the embarrassment that tickles her cheeks. He holds the mug up to her lips and tilts just enough so that she can sip from it. Her eyes flutter shut and she takes a long, slow sip. 
“Mmm, tha’s good.”
“Isn’t it? Wayne used to do this for me when I was a kid.” Eddie recalls fondly. “Alright, now, I don’t have Care Bears but it is-“ He cranes his neck to where the green oven clock blinks back at them. “Three in the morning so I am sure that there’s some adequate cartoons on somewhere.”
Y/N smiles and cradles the side of Eddie’s head, skims her finger across his temple. “Thank you, Ed’s.”
He returns her smile and gives her a gentle peck. “No problem, baby. Arms around me,” He tells her and she does, hides her face in his throat while he maneuvers them to the couch with the mug in his hand. Settles into the corner of the couch and flips Y/N around, gets her to hold the mug with two hands while he flips through channels, deciding on The Smurfs. He takes the mug back and brings it up to her lips again, lets her sip on it a couple times before he takes it away. They do this until the mug is empty and Y/N’s body is slumped against Eddie’s, her eyes are heavy with sleep but she refuses, rubs them with her knuckles until Eddie bats them away. 
“You can sleep, sweetheart. I’ll keep the bad dreams away.”
                                                                             .              .              .
After that, Eddie tries to find more ways to make Y/N fall asleep. He pulls out his worn copy of The Fellowship of The Ring, situates her on his chest, and reads her the books under the soft light of a bedside lamp. When they’re three chapters in and she’s still wide awake, he runs her a bath. Adds bubbles from his body wash and sets out a warm fluffy towel. He sits on the floor beside the tub and makes a bubble beard on her face then yelps when she blows them back at him and they land in his hair. When that doesn’t work he drives them around town, hoping the rocking of the van would soothe her to sleep. Except, when they get back to the trailer she jumps down on the grass with the liveliness of someone who’s gotten a full nights rest. He brings her to bed and gives her three mind-blowing orgasms that tire him out but after cuddling for a mere five minutes she’s blowing on his face and poking at his sides.
Nothing is working and Eddie’s running out of ideas. Y/N’s convinced herself she’s a creature of the night but she says it half-heartedly because she would love nothing more than to curl up beside her boyfriend and sleep. Monday morning arrives and she gets ready for school in Eddie’s bathroom after a sleepless night. Runs cold water over her face until her eyes are no longer a painful red color. 
The week passes in a daze of short-lived naps and stacks of assignments that build-and-build. Y/N’s having to ask for extensions in classes she’s never had problems in and now her teachers are becoming concerned. Mrs. O’Donnell catches her nodding off and embarrasses her in front of the whole class. The entire ordeal makes her cry and, after, when Robin’s helping her wipe up her smeared mascara she snaps because the lights are too bright and everything to loud and she hates the way the wet paper napkin feels on her face. Then she’s crying more, apologizing, curling in on herself and feeling too small and out of control for anything. When she gets home and cleans herself up, she calls Eddie, trembling as she clutches the cord of the landline and waits for him to pick up. 
“Hello?” A deeper Munson voice crackles through the other end and Y/N sniffles and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. 
“Hi, Wayne. It’s Y/N. Is Eddie there?”
“Yeah, he’s in his room. I’ll get him. You okay?”
“Mmm-hmm.” She mutters, holding back another wave of tears while Wayne gets Eddie. He picks up the phone a moment later, breathing frantic as he fumbles the phone to his ear. 
“Baby? Baby what’s wrong? Wayne said you were crying-“
“Eddie…” Her voice shakes and everything comes crashing down around her. “I’m so tired and I fell asleep in English and I got yelled at and Robin just wanted to help me but then I snapped at her and I feel so bad because she’s always so sweet to me-“ 
“Shit. Honey, slow down and take a deep breath.”
Y/N throws her head into her hands and sucks in a breath but its cut off by another sob. “Need you. Just need you.”
“Ok, ok. I’m on my way. Gonna take care of you alright?” Eddie promises and Y/N whimpers out agreement, hears the sound of his keys jingling. “I’ll be there in a bit, baby.”
                                                                             .              .              .
When Eddie’s van pulls up outside her house she’s sitting on her front steps, hiccuping with her arms wrapped around herself. Eddie spills out of the front seat and runs towards her, gathers her body in his arms before she can stand. The smell and warmth of Eddie have her crying again, pitiful little sobs leaving her as Eddie rubs her back while her shoulders shake. 
“M’here, sweet thing. Right here.” He presses kisses into the side of her head that isn’t buried in his hoodie and sways her. Breathes in her conditioner and clothes. Notices how her fingers curl into the fabric of his hoodie and she melts into his touch. He pulls away from her and cups her face, the rings cool against the hot trails of tears marking her cheeks. Y/N takes in his worried expression, even more apparent since his hair is pulled up in a ponytail letting her see the entirety of his face. He frowns and kisses her forehead. “Need you to take a couple breaths for me. We can do them together?”
She nods but chokes on the first slow inhale they take together, breath shaky on it’s way out. 
“Good girl. Let’s do it again.”
The second breath is easier than the first, and by the third the blood rushing to her head has slowed. On the come down from it she can feel herself slipping into that fuzzy place. Her eyes are droopy and her arms feel like they’re hanging off her body. Eddie’s eyes are glassy when they look at her. The brown softer than she remembers and it almost makes her cry again. 
“Shh, no more tears, sweetheart. Let’s get you home.” He throws his arm over her shoulder and helps walk to the van
                                                                   .              .              .
Eddie runs into the drug store while Y/N stays in the car, dozing off against the window on the passengers side. He hated to leave her alone but between her weekend visits, Eddie and Wayne live on the bare minimum of groceries. He grabs a half-gallon milk jug from the fridge and a box of Cocoa Puffs. He finds the chocolate in the gift aisle and picks out an expensive one he thinks she would like. Before he can head to the register a blue plush bear catches his eye. It isn’t until he sees the little red heart on it’s side before he realizes what he’s looking at. When he turns the bear over, it’s tag reads “Bedtime Bear” and he wants to burst out laughing. The top is soft against his hands and it’s large, patchy eyes stare right through him. He stands there smiling while he imagines what Y/N would think of a Care Bear stuffy. He’s seen the other stuffed toys hiding behind her bed pillows, the ones she holds when she’s sick or sad. It’s always appeared more as a personal comfort but Eddie wonders if she would share this one with him. Then his eyes are falling to the shelf next to the Care Bears and he makes out a blush pink baby bottle decorated with smiling crescent moons. 
It’s the tenderness of the thought of using it that makes everything click into place. The reason why she wants to watch children’s shows and snuggle with blankets. The sleepy, adoring film that comes across her eyes. Her willingness to let Eddie hold her however he chooses. Always slinking in behind him and watching everything he does. Those clumsy hands trying to hold onto a warm mug and failing. 
He puts the bottle in the cart, checks out of the store as quickly as possible, and puts the bags in the back of the van so Y/N won’t see what’s inside. When they get back to his trailer he sends her into his bedroom while he puts away the groceries and hides the bottle in the cabinet behind old Tupperwares while he seeks out a better hiding spot. 
“Eddie?” He jolts after hearing Y/N behind him. “Is Wayne here?”
“No, sweetheart. He was leaving for work when you called.”
“Oh.” She frowns and steps towards him, eyes shy and cast at the grimy tile beneath them. “I miss him.”
Eddie’s heart clenches up and he brings her close for a hug. Wraps both his arms around her back and rocks her. “I know, baby. Me too. But he’ll be back in the morning. First thing.”
“Before we wake up?”
Eddie chuckles and kisses her warm forehead. “Yeah, before we wake up.”
He puts a smile back on her face by reading her his new Hellfire notes. Does all the voices and the impressions just to make her laugh. Fixes her a bowl of ramen and feeds it to her when her she keeps dropping the fork against the bowl. They bring Eddie’s comforter onto the couch to watch He-Man, Y/N laying on top of Eddie’s chest while his hands stroke up and down her back. He can feel her body getting heavier against his as she relaxes, pushing him into the cushions of the couch. He gasps suddenly, remembering the bear. 
“Nothing, nothing. Let me up for one sec.” She whines in response but rolls off of him and bunches the comforter around herself. Eddie disappears in his bedroom and pulls the bear out from his closet along with the bar of chocolate. He holds it behind his back as he nears her, a smile growing on his lips. “Okay, you have to close your eyes.”
“What are you doing?” She giggles and Eddie hushes her and repeats himself until her eyes pinch shut. He brings the bear around from his back and places it in her lap. 
“Okay, open.” Her eyes peel open and hands come around the side of the bear to pick it up. 
“Is this-“ Her eyes flick up to Eddies and the dimples in her cheeks deepen as she smiles. “You got me Bedtime Bear!” She hugs the plush toy close to her chest and buries her face in the top of him. “I love him! I love him! I love him!”
“I’m glad you love him, sweetheart.” Eddie smiles and sits beside her, watching her pet over the soft bear. “I also got youuuuuu-“ He shows her the chocolate. “Dark chocolate. I read somewhere that a couple pieces can help you fall asleep. Anddd it’s the yummy kind.”
Y/N’s cheeks heat up and Eddie watches the smile on her face turn into something softer, more vulnerable. Something she reserves for him. “Thank you, Ed’s. I-I don’t know what to say.”
Eddie cups her cheeks with his hands and lays kisses all over her face. “You don’t have to say anything, sweetheart. You’re my girl. Gonna take care of you until you tell me to fuck off.”
She breathes out a chuckle and the gaze that she holds with Eddie turns hazy. Eddie’s chest swells up and fights the urge to swaddle her up and bring her close. 
“Do you- do you think-“ She stumbles around her words, fiddles with Bedtime Bear and looks away. “Do you think you could make me the vanilla milk? If you want to.”
Eddie leaves a wet kiss on her lips before hugging her close, breaths in her sweet smell and rocks her. “I want to, baby. I’ll be right back, okay?”
He leaves her to her new toy and the chocolate while he bustles around in the kitchen making her milk the way she likes it. When he peers over at her from the kitchen she’s looking smaller than ever, mumbling to Bedtime Bear and playing with his arms. He thinks of the bottle hiding in the cabinet and in a moment of shamelessness fishes for it in the cabinet and approaches her with it.
She looks up from her bear, lips twitching at seeing Eddie, then her eyes fall to what he’s holding and her head cocks just a little bit. “Is that a baby bottle?”
“I saw this at the drug store, next to where I found Bedtime Bear. I don’t know why I got it but I-“ He struggles to find his words. “I noticed sometime it’s hard for you to hold the mug and I’m worried you’re going to maybe drop it on yourself one of these days and I don’t want you to get burnt. But ah,” He fishes for more words to say, to explain why he thought buying her something that’s meant for babies was a good idea. 
Her eyes stay fixed on the bottle, heart fluttering at the way his ringed fingers wrapped around the pink bottle. The fuzzy feeling seeped in and consumed her. She was slipping fast without any chance of stopping. 
“I was wondering if maybe I could… maybe… feed it to you in the bottle if—“ Eddie takes a deep breath but he dosen’t let it out. “If you’re okay with that.” He reaches the hand that’s not holding the bottle to mess with his ponytail back and she can see how nervous he is from the way his eyebrows are screwed up together. “I just thought it might be better because then we don’t have to worry about you spilling  and you can lay down when you drink it or snuggle with Bedtime Bear or-“ 
He’s cut off with the thud of her flying onto his chest, squeezing around him so tight he can’t breathe. He hesitates hugging her back but then she’s crying again, locking her arms around his shoulders while she shakes. 
“Shit, I’m sorry, honey. I’m sorry.” He starts apologizing but she interjects, shaking her head while she sniffles. 
“No, no. I-“ She lets out a breath. “Nobody’s ever… ever wanted to…” She’s blubbering and crying again, clutching onto him and her bear. “I love you.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Eddie wraps himself around her, nearly crying himself from the relief. “I love you too, so much.”
                                                       .              .              .
Eddie pours the milk from the mug into the bottle and screws the top on tight. Flips it over to make sure its closed and checks the temperature of the liquid on his wrist. Y/N watches him approach her slowly, narrating everything he’s doing and asking her if everything was okay. It was all okay with her. Even though her heart was racing in her ears there was still a sense of safety that Eddie gave her. She maneuveres herself across Eddie’s lap and follows his hushed instructions. 
“Lay back on my arm, baby, there you go.” He holds her head on the inside of his elbow, his hand coming round to her shoulder. She can feel his rings over the shirt, a cool feeling that grounds her. Then they’re shuffling around again while Eddie pulls the comforter around them, fishes for Bedtime Bear and tucks the blanket around him too. “Okay, you comfy?”
“Yeah, m’comfy. Love you.”
“And I love you, sweetheart.” They share another kiss before Eddie holds up the bottle and tips it towards her. He doesn’t move it again, or talk. Just waits patiently for her to make the choice to open her mouth for it. And when she does she’s met with sweet praise and reassurances. 
The milk tastes even sweeter than before and makes her body feel all warm. She blinks at Eddie through lidded eyes and reaches a hand up to swipe his teary ones. She can feel the love pouring out of him all at once and it makes her cry too. Then they’re just sniffling on his couch, watching each other, while Eddie feeds Y/N a bottle. 
She’s realizing how much she’s needed this. The patience to just be small and soft and float away on that cloud that spreads throughout her until everything tingles pleasantly. She stops crying to smile at the feeling of it and Eddie mimics her. 
“What’s got you all smiley?” He turns his head into her palm and kisses it.
“You.” Her voice is muffled by the bottle but Eddie still hears her and the corners of his eyes crack in a grin. “I lub you.”
He leans forward until his nose is pressed into the crown of her head. He breathes her in slowly and closes his eyes. Turns his cheek onto her head and starts swaying the both of them. “You have no idea how much I’ve needed this. Needed to love you and do this for you.” He pulls his head back to look at her glassy eyes and apple cheeks. “Is it okay?” 
Eddie’s referring to the milk but also to the entire situation. He’s always scared he’s going to overstep with her. That his doting and babying will make her want to run away. His heart squeezes up while he waits for her response. And it comes, delivered around the bottle with a droplet of milk sticking to her bottom lip. 
“’S perfect, Ed’s.” Fuck. He wants to cry all over again. Squeeze her up tight and keep her on his lap where he can always watch her and take care of her every need. 
“Good, I’m glad.”
She falls asleep halfway through and Eddie spends a while just watching her. Makes sure her face doesn’t twitch up from any nightmares and keeps her bear from slipping from her arms. Doesn’t make any moves to wrongly rock or disturb her and after an hour of him rocking her, he’s wondering if she’s asleep enough to take to bed. He tries to stand up with her as smoothly as possible but his legs almost give out from underneath him and he almost drops her all together. But once he’s standing he makes his way to his bedroom, dragging the comforter behind them, and situating her on the bed with his pillows around her and her bear tucked to her chest. He closes the window and put the comforter back on the bed. Slides in behind her and pulls her into his front. 
“G’night, sweetheart.”
                                                                   .              .              .
She wakes up still feeling soft. Eddie’s arms are wrapped around her and her head is nuzzles into Bedtime Bears tummy. She feels good. She forgot what it was like to wake up and feel rested. Her mouth falls open in a yawn and she stretches out her legs and arms to stretch. Wiggles her fingers and her toes. Picks up Bedtime Bear and rolls over to Eddie. He’s still sleeping, hair fallen out from his ponytail and falling over his face. She moves it behind his ear and his nose crinkles. 
“Mmm, baby?” He croaks out, peering open one eye. “Wha’ time is it?”
“Dunno. No school today.”
He rubs his eye with the heal of his hand. “You wanna skip?”
She hums and leans into Eddie’s warm body, pulls her knees up to her hips so she can make herself smaller to fit into his side. “Just wanna stay with you.”
Eddie turns his head to her and delivers sleepy kisses onto her hairline. “Okay, we can skip. You feeling okay? Did you have bad dreams?”
She shakes her head. “No, I had good dreams. Just want to be small for a bit longer.”
Eddie pulls her closer and snuggles back into her. “You’re so sweet. My sweet girl. Love you so much.” He mumbles it into her skin while his eyes pull him back to sleep.
“Do you think we could-“ She traces her fingers over the lettering on his shirt. “Do that again? Like today?”
Eddie’s lips break into a smile and he leans forward to kiss her. “Of course we can, sweetheart. Whenever you want.”
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stevenbasic · 11 months
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GITJ Post 337: Saturday at Melissa's, p12 (10 PM: Melissa)
<bong. bong.>>
That clock, that silly clock of my mom’s in the great room, was chiming for ten o’clock. 
<<Bong. Bong.>>
I was walking downstairs, in the cute new outfit and heels I’d picked up at the mall this afternoon, after changing in my bedroom while he napped again downstairs. This evening was going so well we were doing so good with him by Monday I’ll have his brain trained just right haha I’m kidding. 
<<Bong. Bong!>>
Even me myself, after my nice talk with Shanette and seeing how good the girls were treating him, I had been able to take some time for a new manifestation in my bedroom mirror, still wearing this poor bikini. A manifestation to make everything I wanted real. Something that was going to help me, I thought, take Jay and me to the next level:
<<Bong! Bong!>>
That’s so weird, the foyer’s chandelier shaking like that with the chimes, the picture frames that just rattled on the wall. It’s like the clock was making the whole house sh-….oh wait. That’s not the clock haha. That’s my footsteps omigod. Anyway, my manifestation a few minutes ago was:
Manifestation: I am his protector, big and beautiful and strong. He looks to me and my girls for everything, everything he needs. He is happy to depend on me, for safety and for love and warmth. And for everything. With my girls and with what is happening to me I can provide for him and keep him safe and haha okay that’s enuffff..!
I was getting so excited, as I came to the bottom of the stairs. My footsteps were fucking making the house shake. And, it’d been a perfect day so far and he was here. This new knit sweater, and this big ol' bra, could barely contain my beating heart which was oh gosh so loud. That and the sounds of my heels on the hardwood - these crazy big heels that Shanette made me buy - almost now completely drowned out the clock’s chime as I rounded the corner to find him on the couch with the girls, waking right up as soon as I appeared and his eyes going super wide-
Ten chimes, and here I was, back again in the big big room of my mothers big big house looking at my little little guy among all my big big friends. The lights were still kinda down, but flickered a little when I arrived. He had just jumped out of Josie’s embrace. After he came last - his eighth of the day they tell me haha - he’d passed out right there on my lap. I’d left him to go change, and gave the girls the new jammie’s I’d bought for him at Hera’s. As he slept they’d gotten him into them - he looks so cute…but is that a new hickie? - and Josie cuddled him up into her on the couch, with all the pillows. She and some of the other girls had brought their pajamas too and were now out of their swimsuits. Josie wanted to make sure the first thing he saw when he woke up was her cleavage; I know that feeling, that’s such a great feeling. But, even though he woke up with his face in her chest his eyes - those big, shell-shocked eyes - were now on me. 
Jay would definitely remember this weekend, what happened this Saturday…eventually. He’d remember it for a looonnngg time, but not right away of course, no. He would, for a while, feel like it was just a long, sexy dream. After tonight was over it’d slowly come back to him, his afternoon, the time in the pool, in the hot tub, with the sushi and on the couch during the movie. He’d start to recall how the girls grew, right in front of his eyes. Someday he’d realize that it wasn’t a dream and that he was a little smaller than he was when he came in through my door on Friday night. He’d begin to remember it all, eventually, and I’d be there for him if he got scared. I got warm just thinking about it. He’d remember, and he’d need me - but tonight I was going to show him how he needs me for other things…
We’d tuned down our perfumes a bit. I had to ask the girls to, so he could come back to us not so mushy. I needed him to remember at least a little of tonight, and be able to speak in semi-full sentences haha. So now, as he was sat up straight, woken by the sound of my heels, I could tell he was confused. He was turned on the couch looking at me as I ducked under the door frame into the great room. Everyone was so big and tall to him. Especially me. 
“Hi sweetie,” I purred, feeling my voice go deeper than normal as I immediately soaked  in the goggle-eyed stare he was giving me. The poor thing, I can’t blame him. In this new thick, wide-striped sweater of blue and green my boobs looked huge, my abs and tiny waist showing just a bit underneath it. In this short, white pleated skirt I picked off the racks my tanned legs were huge and bare and I was sure he could see the muscles bulging, thighs and calves. But it was probably those heels, those crazy white platform heels that Shanette insisted I buy, that brought on the dumbfounded, open-mouthed reaction I was getting from him when I appeared in the doorway. My head would have hit the frame, if I hadn’t ducked. “Stand up, sweetie,” I told him, as he sat next to Josie and Lakshmi and Katie, “You heard the clock. It’s ten. It’s past your bedtime. Come on, let me take you upstairs.”
The girls giggled, and the ones around him stood. Others watched, either from up on the balcony, out in the kitchen, or on the couch painting one another’s toenails and watching an episode of the Bachelor on TV. The new season was all female bodybuilders. 
“He has a bedtime now, does he?” Amelia drawled, from over on an overstuffed chair. She was looking into her phone, filming herself, sometimes pointing her camera at Jay. Was she streaming?
“All little boys should,” Shanette answered, meeting my eyes with another shared smile. She was wearing those cute red-heart pajamas of hers, and had been such a good friend to me today, getting me ready for tonight. Omigod I was so excited for this!
Lakshmi and Katie had taken him by the arms in support as his weak legs tried to find their balance. He seemed overcome by some funny look on his face, all open-mouthed; I think they’d call it awe. In these heels I was 7’5”. I knew! I checked! I’m a size 15, now, and these are platform stilettos. Can you believe they even carried them? Haha I don’t think they ever expected anyone to buy them. The shoes gave me ten inches, and I couldn’t believe how tall I was. And him? Him?! They told me they measured him at under five feet earlier today and omigod as he stood up I knew I just freakin’ knew he’d gotten smaller still. Omigod omigod omigod, look at him. He looked…tiny. With the girls’ help he took his first step, slowly, shyly towards me just like I nnnngh… just like I’d asked him to, he looked like a little boy in his cute new blue polka-dot pj’s, matching bottoms and top, all buttoned-up. Flannel and perfect and mmmhahannnyessss. Holy crappp I was getting so excited, so so so too excited I haha I had to calm down. Breathe, Missy, breathe!
But omigod, as the girls let him go, to walk on his own, I started to realize how really short he was compared to me. His nose was, like, at my belly-button! Goddddd all the feelings. I shhould have maybe taken my meds that night haha. 
“How does she look?” Josie asked him, as he took another step, but then froze.
His eyes, his eyes went up me, from my big feet, up my long massive legs, over my breasts and finally to my eyes. I smiled at him, waiting for what he was going to say, but he didn’t really seem able to talk. I knew we’d toned down the perfumes, so this must just be a man’s natural reaction to seeing an Amazon with hips above his shoulders and a 57-inch bustline haha. 
“You look like a cheerleader on steroids,” Amelia commented. Haha the outfit probably did do that. 
“Do you like your giant cheerleader?” Randi prodded. 
“Poor thing’s speechless, I guess,” giggled Katie. She was probably 5’10” at this point, and was still in the old blue bikini of mine she’d borrowed. “Are you speechless, hm?” she asked. 
I saw him struggling, embarrassed, and part of me wanted to just scoop him up and take him right away. But I knew this was important, and haha it was fun. So, I just cocked my head and waited for him to answer Josie’s question. Yes, honey. How do I look?
“It’s important that you say it, Daddy,” Josie told him, from where she stood behind him. Even she and Lakshmi looked so tall compared to him.
“How does she look, Dr. J?” urged Lakshmi. She was so cute in her casual PJs, but she’d say her butt looked too big in her soft white shorts, her boobs bulging too much out of her blue tank.
Finally, he found his words. “B-big,” he answered. 
The room giggled, loving that answer. I did too. But Josie pressed on. “Big, yes. Very big. And how does that make you feel?” she continued. 
“L-like she’s…” His voice trailed off. 
“Like she’s what?” Aubrey asked, from where she sat in the couch’s corner, curled up like a cat. Speaking of, where was..?
“Like she’s very strong,” Jay answered, his eyes locked onto mine. 
I nearly sighed, and definitely shivered, hearing him say that. Yes, I am strong. I am really, really fucking strong. 
“Strong? So she can do what?” Josie asked. Good girl, good Josie, doing this for me.
His eyes saw mine gleaming, sparkling I’m sure. He knew what I wanted him to say. “P-protect me?” he managed. 
“Very good,” Josie said. Yes, good boy. 
“And, it turn you on?” came Katarina, sitting next to Aubrey in my mom’s soft terry cloth robe, “seeing twoja żona, you wife so much bigger than you?”
Holy shit. 
“M-my wife?” he asked, gaze breaking from mine to look back at the girls on the couch. They were all watching him - the whole room was, really - with intrigued interest. Somebody took a picture, and Amelia was definitely live-streaming. My own heart had fluttered with the word - ‘wife’. Oh jeez, I just felt myself gushing, so wet. Just a slip up in Katarina’s English but haha. 
“‘Wife’’, Kat?” Randi echoed, in her smoky voice, “Maybe you meant ‘mommy’?” 
Omigod that was even better!
The girls giggled all around us. On the TV, the bachelor was being shown up by his hulking blonde date at the gym.
My eyes found Shanette again. Having Jay say it, admit it in front of all the girls would be amazing, awesome, especially since he hadn't really talked about his own shrinking too much. But awww omigod the poor thing I knew how humiliating and even dangerous to our relationship it might be if this all happened too fast. And, haha, it was so unlike me but I really wanted to put his - a guy’s - feelings first. I was already working to keep my energy under control, trying and struggling to keep my emotions haha normal. I’ve been taught tricks, techniques, how to relax and I needed them now. Breathe like they told me. Breathe and focus. Breathe and…what was it? Oh yeah…focus. Ahhh. Good. I knew that if I let loose things could go off the rails and no one wants that. Shanette, in fact, saw something in my eyes and stood up from where she’d sat, and started coming towards me. 
I can do this, I can keep it together. I looked down, and saw the framed pic of me from sophomore year, on the coffee table. The girls had told me what they caught him doing with it earlier this afternoon, that they had to clean him up. “I hear you’ve seen some of the pictures my mom has around the house of me,” I said, as I stepped over to pick it up, now standing right in front of him. Omigod I’m a fucking giant. “You liked this one?” I began, studying the young girl in the picture, in her schoolgirl outfit and already growing into her boobs. I cleaned off a smudge of something crusty from the glass with my finger, and remembered the moment when the picture was taken. I looked so bored! And I had been. I was never very good at those things my mom used to teach me, not nearly as good as my sister. “I was 15. I’ve grown up a little since then…as you can tell.”
At that, I stood up as straight as I could. In my heels, and with my new height I was almost two feet taller than the girl in that picture. And compared to him? Here, now? I towered over him, ridiculously. I could barely see him under the shelf of my big boobs. He was a small, small man that even 15 year-old Missy Monroe holding her mom’s books would have dwarfed. 
“Jesus…look at you two, Missy,” Josie marveled. Yes, look at us. All of you…look at us.
“Yeah, in those heels?” Lakshmi followed. 
“It’s amazing you can even stand in them,” Aubrey added. 
“Oh, I'm very comfortable in heels,” I said, as much for him as in answering Aubrey’s comment. I peered down at him still over my tits, feeling so good like I was growing even as I stood here.  “The higher the better,” I continued. 
“High heels give girls power,” said Katie, petting the back of his neck, “They move differently, feel differently, even speak differently. Don’t you think, sweetie?” Yeah. When did my voice get so deep? I liked it. 
“I think he’s afraid of high heels,” Randi offered, “But the styles keep getting taller and taller. Little men like this one here will just have to deal with it.”
I noticed he hadn’t answered my question, of course - I’ll have to work on that with him, soon. But now that Shanette was standing alongside me - no slouch in the height department, but in bare feet she seemed short to me too - I caught him looking up at her. She smiled, with those crazy cute dimples of hers, down at him. Josie and Lakshmi were closing in on him from behind to join Katie.
“Well, he looks tired, Missy,”  Shanette said, reminding me without flat-out reminding me what my goal was here, “But there’s something he needs to do before he goes to bed.” I didn’t know exactly what she meant but everything became clearer as she tapped her cheek with her index finger and then bent closer to him. “Give Auntie Shanette a kiss goodnight,” she said, and waited for him. 
He glanced up at me, and I nodded. Immediately he got up on his tiptoes and planted a quick kiss - <<smack!>> - right on Shanette’s right cheek. Omigod he wanted my approval. Good. 
“Auntie Josie wants one too!” Josie sang, suddenly spinning him by the shoulders and leaning in, too, to offer him her cheek. 
<<smack!>> He kissed her too.
“And Auntie Lakshmi!!” Kiki laughed, crouching down. 
“And me!” called Katie, white smile beaming. Soon the whole room was descending on him, lining up and surrounding him, awaiting their goodnight kiss as if from a treasured little prince. Some girls were still in their bikinis, and boobs were everywhere! He was in little man heaven, for sure.
But, coming in for her turn, Randi’s brows knotted a bit and she paused. She saw how confused and nervous he looked as he was giving out his kisses. “What’s the problem, shorty? Why so shy?” she asked him, “Don’t you remember making out with all of us, just an hour ago before your little nap?” 
Oooo the poor thing. I saw the confusion just double all over his face, and weirdly I could read him like I was reading a book. He thought it had all been a dream haha. His mind was clearer, I could tell, than earlier this evening, probably because the girls were being good about keeping themselves and their perfumes in check. I needed to make sure I did the same! We needed to have a talk, I needed him listening to me, and I needed him able to remember. But being good was hard! I just had such a strong urge to overwhelm him, right as we stood here. Breathe, Missy, breathe!! I reminded myself, trying to, uh…focus. 
Anyway, his confusion passed after a little bit, and he doled out all his required goodnight kisses. Aside from Emily and Bianca still standing on the balcony above, watching in the funny way that they do (Sammi, now with pink hair and freckled nose, had joined the crowd, gotten her kiss) the whole crowd of my bunnies was around us, giggling. He looked up at me, expectantly. Oooooo god! I looked calm, but my heart was pounding and my head was racing. I needed to breathe, focus…but being near him made it so hard!
“We’ve had such a good time together,” someone said. 
“Yeah we’re going to miss you,” said another. 
I smiled, feeling the affection they had for him redouble my excitement. “Ready for bed, mister?” I finally asked, and the sea of girls began to part, opening up a path out, in the direction of the stairs. He looked that way, and then back up at me. He could have stepped, himself, towards the upstairs, but he didn’t move. He just looked at me cute and helpless. 
You want me to pick you up, don’t you?
“C’mere, honey,” I said, crouching down so I could scootch one hand to his side, the other behind his little butt, “I’ve got you.” 
And then I stood, easily picking him up and holding him against my left shoulder. His head rose above the crowd, and though they all cooed and clucked and buzzed his name he looked only at me. He was focused only on me. Good boy, don’t look away.
“Goodnight, ladies,” I said, now taking my first step towards the stairs with my little lover boy in my arms…
thanks again to my editor-in-residence ResistanceIsFutile for elevating this one to a higher level on lots of fronts.
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losingherface · 9 months
The Flowers |PT. 2|
ellie x fem reader
Info: a continuation of The Flowers Part 1 :)
Warnings: none
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Ellie’s POV
Sunday morning, typically slow and quiet here at Jackson. Everyone was either resting for upcoming patrol or was prepping for the long week ahead.
I spent Sunday’s like this; Drawing and dinner at Joel’s. Ever since I started receiving these random letters, I find myself almost waiting around for this person, hopefully catching her in the act, but I failed.
Today, I cleaned up, it helped ease the stress. I walked out onto my porch that clearly needed sweeping. A letter was on the ground this time held down by a rock and a nearly dead rose with it.
I sighed deeply and looked around again. She was good. So I took the letter and went inside, placing the broom against the wall.
The letter this time wasn’t a letter, more so a message.
Hey. Let’s meet. If you want to, I’ll be at the stables this afternoon working alone. Could use the company. Come hangout. - Y/N.
So she works at the stable. I’ve probably spoken to her at least once.
The thought of going out to the stables right now alone with this person was a little nerve wracking. I thought about who I could’ve upset to prank me like this. Still, I got dressed and walked on over.
There were two guards guarding the stables today which I waved to.
“Ellie?” I hear my name and turn around quickly to see Joel.
“What are you doing here? You don’t work here on weekends.” I didn’t know what to tell him. I didn’t want to sound like this desperate woman that would do anything for another woman’s touch or that was just how I looked at it.
“Yeah. Just here to check on Shimmer.”
“Maria’s got him. He’s fine.”
I stood there nodding my head. “I’m actually here to get something I left behind.”
Joel nodded and finally stopped interrogating me. I kept my slightly head down trying to avoid any future conversation.
I didn’t even notice myself walking past the stables which i realized when I heard my name once again.
“Ellie..” A soft voice says calmly. I lift my head up and turn around.
She was someone I had never spoken to. She wore a grey shirt with dirt on it, blue jeans and huge gardening gloves. She looked like she had been working for a while at this point. I blush. Embarrassing.
“Y/N?” She nods and we walk over to a vacant bench. One leg over the other, she rests her hands under her thighs.
It was kind of awkward.
“….The letters. Why? Why not just say something?”
“I was going to, the other day but I saw-”
“Dina?” I cut her off. Why was Dina such a threat to her?
“We’ve never even dated. She’s really into Jesse and I love them both. That’s all.” I could see on her face, she was insecure and scared. I was too but I just a bit better at going about my day to day life without letting my insecurities interfere.
I grab her wrist and hold her onto hand tight as I slid down the bench and got a little closer.
“Okay. I guess I don’t have to send you anymore letters, huh?” She let’s out a soft laugh.
“I guess not….Why don’t we walk into the pub Friday night together. It’s Karaoke night and I want you to have the night you thought Dina and I were having.”
“Yeah….I’d love that. Was it not as romantic as I thought ?”
“Dina and I danced but the whole night was chasing after her while she chased after Jesse. But..I have to get going. I have a long nap ahead of me. I’ll see you Friday Night?.”
“Yea. I’ll see you then. I can’t wait.”
She had the biggest smile on her face. We both did. Now I’m excited for Karaoke night ?
Friday Night
Karaoke night was a way Jackson sent us off to relax for the weekend and a message of ‘YOU MADE IT THROUGH ANOTHER WEEK OF PATROL’. We always went to kind of celebrate that opportunity and it was a nice time where families who have been separated for the longest because of work, whether it was on patrol or in town work, to get together and catch up.
Joel and I used this time that way. We talked about anything.
Tonight, Joel and I sat at a table and waited for our food. They tried to give us the restaurant experience, supposedly this is how it was before the outbreak. Tommy and Maria also sat with us, the chair beside me stayed empty as I waited for Y/N.
Just a few minutes after eating sautéed pickles, the loud noise of terrible singing went throughout the whole building, but I see Y/N walking through the front door. My heart drops and I immediately feel like hiding and throwing up.
Joel notices, “What’s Up?” He asked. I couldn’t answer him in time because Y/N ends up tapping my shoulder.
“Ellie, Hi.” I look up to her and smile. We both lean in for a hug. I quickly look over to Joel who is right across from us and see his eyes widening.
“Come on.” I stand up and grab her hand. I wasn’t going to endure the embarrassment that Joel puts me through when I like someone.
An old folk song plays, this time a woman who can actually sing has the floor.
I don’t know how to do this. To my surprise, Y/N grabs my waist and pulls me in. The look in her eyes makes me melt. I hold her too.
“You don’t how long i’ve been wanting to do this….” She says.
“Tell me. How long has it been?”
“Um…..since you got here. Well since i’ve gotten here. So like 5 years.”
I was shocked. I never knew someone would like me let alone for five years.
“So why did you start sending me letters only now?”
“I guess I got jealous and that was my way of getting your attention….but look it worked.”
It did. I press my nose onto hers and give her a quick kiss. I pulled away and saw her rubbing lips. She looked as though she was about to die.
She doesn’t say anything but kisses me back, this time a little longer. Coming up for air, she asks, “can we go to your place and watch a movie?”
“Yeah.. Yes we can.”
Ever since then, Y/N and I have been together almost everyday and night. We patrol together and help each other with our own personal jobs. She’s incredible. And I already know she thinks the same of me.
A/n: so this took kinda long to post apologies! Anyways hope u liked it thx for reading <33333
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faofinn · 9 months
10. “The only place we’re going is to the pharmacy”
Harrison hadn't moved from Tai's sofa all weekend. They'd been out together on the Friday, a date night quickly turning into a weekend. They'd gotten more than a little tipsy, falling into bed together when they got home. 
Of course they both felt rather worse for wear the morning after, but they curled into each other and pulled the duvet over their heads to block out the world. By the afternoon, the worst of the hangover had faded, but Harrison was left with a scratchy throat and sniffles he couldn't stop. His body ached too, but he'd brushed that off being active the night before. Tai made a late lunch for them, just snacky food from the fridge, things to pick at.
Tai had been looking forwards to the food, settled on the sofa next to Hars, but the other man had been quiet, and he had to admit he was worried. He’d hardly touched the food, unlike him, and he frowned. 
“You still hungover?” He asked softly. 
"Mm?" Harrison raised his head, trying to focus on Tai. Everything was fuzzy and thick, and just not right. "Oh, probably, yeah."
“I feel you. Not as young as I used to be. Can’t remember how I used to drink as much as I did at Uni.” 
"Yeah, I didn't think I'd had that much, though."
“More time on the sofa required, then. We can order in tonight.”
"Oh, sure, yeah." Harrison blushed. "I'd like that."
“Me too.”
"Thought I was gonna be home alone tonight again."
“Mm, no. I’m selfish, I want to keep you here.”
"I'm not gonna argue at that." Harrison grinned, though quickly turned away to sneeze. "Ugh. Sorry."
“You alright?”
"Came out of nowhere."
“I should probably dust or something.”
"It's not your place. Just a random one."
“Mm, okay.”
"What are you fancying for tea?" He asked, stretching for a snack. 
“Not sure. Chinese?”
"Mm, yeah."
“We’ll get that, then.”
"Maybe not any beer, not tonight."
Tai groaned. “God no.”
"You're not meant to get hungover if you stay drunk."
“I’m pretty certain that doesn’t work, but you’re the doctor.”
"It does, for a while." Tai didn't need to know the real reason he knew that. 
“Just delaying the inevitable.”
He hummed. "Maybe, yeah."
“No beer tonight, I think I’ll die.”
"I definitely will."
“No dying.”
"So no beer."
“No beer, just greasy food.”
Harrison made a noise in agreement. "Lemon chicken, some chicken and sweetcorn soup, ooh, some proper fried rice? Ah, prawn crackers!"
“Oh, that’s settled then.”
"Mhmm, definitely." He snuggled into Tai's side, suddenly exhausted. 
“You going to nap?”
He shook his head. "No, just comfortable. I like lying in your lap."
“You’re like a cat.” He teased. 
"Where do you think I got it from?" He grinned, rolling onto his back.
“Cute like that. Do you want belly rubs?” 
"I'm not an actual cat." He protested, but didn't complain. 
Tai settled for running his hand through his hair. “You sure about that?”
He couldn't help the sigh in contentment. "Mhmm, sure."
“You’re practically purring.”
Hars cracked an eye open, deliberately purring at Tai. "How's that?"
Tai couldn’t help but laugh. “Weirdo.”
Harrison broke off to cough, though quickly grinned. "Hey, you started it."
His cough didn’t sound great, but Tai didn’t push it. He was probably just run down on top of the hangover. “That’s true.”
"It is nice, though." Harrison admitted, not meeting his gaze.
“I won’t stop, then.”
"Thank you."
“You’re nice and warm in my lap.”
"Really? I'm kinda cold." He admitted. 
“There’s a blanket on the back of the sofa.” Tai said, reaching to pull it down. “Here.”
"Won't you get too warm?"
“I’ll be okay.” 
Harrison made a quiet noise, but stretched to grab the blanket. 
Tai helped, spreading it out over him gently. “There. Better?”
He didn't think it was possible, but he fell further in love with him. He settled down, a smile on his face. "Thank you."
“Should we put a film on?”
"Mm, yeah."
Tai scrolled through idly, eventually finding something to put on. It wasn’t exactly thrilling, but it was some background noise for the pair of them to relax to. 
Harrison dozed on Tai's lap, occasionally making a comment at the film. There was something intimate about just existing with each other, and Harrison didn't want to break the spell. 
They spent most of the day there, watching shit films and dozing off the hangover. It felt tantalisingly perfect, like it was always supposed to be like that. They ordered their food that evening, and ate it laughing, the worst of Tai’s hangover gone. 
Still, they headed to be early, Tai unwilling to let Hars leave. He knew he should, but the other man wasn’t exactly complaining, and like this he could pretend things would always be like this. 
Harrison happily joined Tai in bed, curling around the other man. He still felt a bit rough, but Tai seemed to fix everything. With his head on his shoulder and his arm draped across his chest, he could almost imagine it was forever.
Tai fell asleep quite quickly, comfortable with Harrison and still tired despite the sleep he’d had during the day. He hoped Harrison would feel better soon, worried about him. 
Harrison woke in the early hours, rolling over to go to the toilet. He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment, waiting for his head to clear. His nose was blocked, and his throat was beyond dry. It took him a moment to realise he was ill, not just hungover, and his heart sank. He shoved his leg on, padding to the bathroom.
Sat on the toilet, he made up his mind. It wasn't fair on Tai for Harrison to get him sick, so that meant no sleeping in his bed. He hauled himself to his feet, washed his hands and then made his way to the living room, curling up on the sofa there. 
Tai had woken when Harrison had, though once he’d gone to the toilet he’d dozed off again. When he didn’t come back, though, he didn’t understand, the bed empty. 
He found him curled on the living room sofa, and still didn’t quite understand what was going on. “Hars?”
He startled awake, half sitting up in confusion. "Oh. Tai."
“Hey. Why are you on the sofa?”
He lay back down, coughing into his arm. "Think I've got a cold."
“And? Come back to bed, this isn’t comfortable.”
"I'm not getting you sick." He shook his head.
“Don’t be daft, c’mon. Come back to bed.”
"No, I'm serious." He sniffed. "I'm fine here."
“So am I. You can’t be comfortable here, you’ll sleep better in bed.”
"I'm comfy enough. And not getting you sick here."
“I think if you were going to get me sick it’s probably already happened, don’t think sharing the bed is going to make much of a difference.”
His face fell. "I know."
“Don’t worry about it, come on.”
He sighed, but didn’t sit up or make any attempt to move. "No, I'm okay here."
“I miss you in bed.” 
"I miss it, too." 
“So come back to bed.”
"I can't."
“You can, come on.”
"Tai." He whined. 
Tai reached out to squeeze his shoulder. “Come on, you’ll feel better for it.”
He sniffed again. "But I'm sick. I need to go home so you don't get sick."
“I don’t mind. You can stay, then I can look after you.”
Harrison couldn't help the pang of want, to just snuggle up with Tai and be looked after. His shoulders slumped in defeat. "You won't get mad if I get you sick?"
“I won’t get mad. Promise.”
He sat up slowly, reaching for his leg. "Promise Promise?"
“Promise promise.”
With his leg back on, Harrison took Tai's hand, pulling himself up. "I'm sorry."
“It’s okay.” Tai reassured. “Do you want some paracetamol or something?”
"If you've got some." He admitted quietly. 
“Yeah, of course. Go to bed, I’ll get some.”
Harrison murmured his thanks, meekly heading back to bed. There, he happily curled under the covers, wrapping himself up in Tai's scent. 
Tai left him to it, digging around in the bedroom cupboards to find the paracetamol. He only had two tablets left, shit. He’d have to go and buy some more in the morning, but they’d do for now. He brought them to Harrison with a glass of water, melting at how sweet he looked under the duvet. 
“Got your paracetamol.”
Harrison rubbed his face, taking a second to catch up. He must have dozed while he waited for Tai, but he didn’t remember. He sat up, gratefully reaching for the water. 
"Thank you."
“You’re welcome.”
"I'm sorry." He said quietly, swallowing the paracetamol. "I can go home when it's light out."
“You don’t have to.”
"Yeah, then you don't have to put up with me."
“I like having you around.”
"Not when I'm sick." He mumbled. "You'll hate me."
“I couldn’t hate you.”
He managed a smile. "You say that now."
“It’s true.”
"Are you sure I'm alright to stay in the bed?" He asked, making no move to leave. 
“Of course you are.”
Harrison let Tai lie back down, gingerly curling into his side. "'m sorry."
“What for?” Tai asked, running his fingers through Harrison’s hair. 
His response was lost to a contented sigh, Harrison stretching out as Tai played with his hair. 
They fell asleep again soon enough, Tai relieved to have Harrison back with him. 
When Harrison woke properly, he felt absolutely rotten. He shivered, though knew he had a temperature, and his nose just wouldn't stop running. He must have been coughing all night; his throat was dry and scratchy, his voice nonexistent as he tried to say good morning to Tai. The paracetamol must have been wearing off, but Tai didn’t have any more. Which meant, as much as he didn't really want to move, he needed to go home. He managed to get Tai up and in the car, surprised that his boyfriend had been so agreeable to drive him home.
The only reason Tai had agreed to drive was to get Harrison into the car and stop him being so daft as to try and go home. He needed to get more meds, so he might as well take Harrison with him. They’d stop off at the supermarket and get some snacks and bits for him, too.
It wasn't until they were almost there that Harrison seemed to realise it wasn't the route home, and he turned to Tai with a frown. "You said home."
“The only place we’re going is the pharmacy.”
"You're kidnapping me."
“I wouldn’t say kidnapping.”
"I would." He stretched his hand out for Tai's.
“I’m just gonna buy some more paracetamol, and then we can go back to mine.”
Harrison considered it for a moment, weighing up the argument. "Mm, okay.”
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any advice for now I can not fail all my college finals?
Honestly, you're probably doomed, but here goes:
If you can, schedule appointments with professors or office hours for your finals.
If you have a few hours remaining, go do something like that. You have to be in good shape mentally if you have a chance at surviving to the end of the week, you know?
If this doesn't work, take a nap. Go to sleep or lie down for a while.
On Wednesday night, before you go to sleep, write down a list of what to do each night after Thursday afternoon. These things will probably become clearer in your head, and you might actually get things done in that fashion, if you feel like it (which you probably won't because you'll be too tired). But you should write them down anyway because "I will forget about these things by Friday" is a bad plan.
Sleep well on Thursday night and then again, just before your last exam, to avoid the "last night of partying" effect.
On Friday morning, before the exam, write down exactly how you expect to spend your time. Then try to do that. If you don't remember, don't panic.
Sleep well, again, tonight. You are very close to a nervous breakdown. It is time to get some sleep.
Eat! This is kind of a must. Eat some food and maybe even take a snack or two so you don't have to try to concentrate on eating at any given moment. Take a break from whatever you're doing if you're still having trouble.
Be prepared to have some panic. You're going to be so tired that your emotions will feel much more extreme than usual, and that's going to make everything feel like a bigger deal than it actually is. Be ready to start hyperventilating and feeling like you're going to throw up. It's going to be that bad.
If you fail and still have any time after Thursday, don't freak out. This is really the worst possible outcome. The way you learn is by doing the same thing over and over again. Try to think "okay, now I do the thing again." and then try again. I feel like a lot of you don't even understand how close you are to this point. You can do it.
It will be okay. You'll get it eventually, or fail more gracefully if you can't make it.
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Pairing: Eddie Munson/ Female OC
Requested By: NA (inspired by this note by @eddieandbird)
Word Count: 4,264
Summary: It's been a few months since the prom. Faith and Eddie are still in the honeymoon early days of their relationship when the first speedbump pops up. Assumptions and almost miscommunications lead to anxiety and an important conversation.
Stranger Things Masterlist Eddie Munson Masterlist
Part Three of Leap of Faith Series Masterlist
It had been decided on Sunday night. When 7 o'clock rolled around and Faith began to gather her things. Eddie was on the edge of his bed, watching as she packed her things into her bag.
"I wish you could just stay forever," he whined as he fell back on the bed. 
"We both have to work tomorrow," she answered. 
"Okay, yeah, but work sucks. We could just stay in bed all day instead." 
"And where would that get us?" She asked with a laugh. "We gotta work and save up so we can get out on our own. Wayne is sick of me showing up every other day while he's trying to sleep." 
Eddie groaned loudly and crossed his arms over his eyes. "Is it really too much to ask that I get to be happy?" He asked out loud. "I just want to spend the rest of my life in bed with my super hot, super awesome girlfriend." 
She set her bag next to the bedroom door and walked back to the bed. She laid beside him, one arm stretching across his stomach. He moved his arms from his face, a wide smile growing as he wrapped her up in his arms. He pulled her tightly to his chest, as if her being across the small room for more than a second had been torture. 
"Well, your super awesome girlfriend needs to go home," she whispered into his shoulder. "She's tired and doesn't want to fall asleep at work tomorrow." 
"Just spend the night," he answered casually, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
She went rigid beneath his arm. If Eddie noticed, he didn't say as much. They'd been dating for a few months, becoming official the day after prom when Eddie called to tell her that he'd had a great time. Afternoon naps on the lumpy couch were nothing new, but they'd never spent the night together. The only times they were ever in his bedroom together were times that Wayne was home. But Wayne worked nights at the plant and was already gone for the evening. 
"I have to get up early," was the excuse she eventually landed on. "I don't wanna wake you up while I'm getting ready or something. Plus, I don't have any work clothes with me for tomorrow." 
He pulled her somehow closer to himself with a small, satisfied groan. "What about Friday?" He asked. 
"What about Friday?" 
"Well, neither of us work on Saturday, right? You could stay over on Friday and not have to worry about getting up early." 
She was quiet. Trying to filter through her thoughts to find a good reason to say no. It's not that she didn't want to stay with him. She did. Kind of. She liked these moments with him. She liked being close to him, feeling him all around her. She liked smelling his cologne on her shirt after they'd spent a few hours cuddled up together. But she knew what spending the night with a boyfriend meant. She'd heard all of her friends talk about it for the past few years. Girls were expected to do a little more than kiss if they spent the night. And that, she knew, she wasn't ready for. 
Eddie noticed her silence and interrupted her thoughts gently. "If you're worried about Wayne being home or whatever, he's technically supposed to have Fridays off but he usually picks up a shift since he gets paid double for working overtime." 
"I'm not worried about Wayne," she smiled into his chest. "Worried about you." 
"Me?" He asked, feigning offense. 
"Yes, you," she answered. "Who knows what you're gonna do once you've got me all alone in your bed all night." 
He giggled, a high pitched and sweet sound. He rolled onto his side to face her, his free hand landing on her hip. "Oh," he smiled. "Well, I'm obviously planning to ravage you for hours, of course." He smiled as he leaned towards her, still smiling as his lips met hers. She moved her hand from his stomach to his cheek, her fingers landing softly on his stubbled skin. 
"I gotta go," she whispered as she pulled away from the kiss just slightly. Eddie jutted out his bottom lip, a pitiful whimper sounding from his throat as he dark eyes pouted. 
She stood from the bed, his hand catching hers and holding it weakly. She smiled down to him as she freed the appendage. His pout fell in favor of a smile as he sat up straight. He reached forward, the space between his hands silently begging to be filled. She stepped towards him, his arms wrapping around her waist as hers circled his shoulders. 
"Walk me out?" 
"Always," he smiled. 
He stood from the bed and took her hand in his. As they passed through his bedroom door he bent slightly to retrieve her bag from the floor. He slung in over his shoulder and followed her through the door and down the narrow hallway. Once they were at her car, he allowed her to pull her hand from his to unlock the door, quickly opening the back door and dropping her backpack to the seat. 
“Call me when you get home?” He asked, his arms finding her waist once again. 
“I will,” she answered, placing her hands on his biceps.
He ducked just enough to catch her lips in another soft kiss before she took a step back. She sat down behind the wheel of her car, putting the key into the ignition and bringing the engine to life. Eddie leaned into her open window, crossing his forearms as his head breached the window. “Drive safe,” he instructed. She nodded and smiled as he leaned into the window further, one more kiss for the road before retreating and stepping away from the car. He raised one hand in a silent wave as she backed away from the house and started to make her way home. 
She’d called him as soon as she was home and finalized their plans for the following weekend. When she couldn’t come up with a good reason to say no, she thought that maybe there wasn't a good reason. Maybe she just had to say yes, spend the night, and deal with whatever that meant when the time came. But as the days wore on and their sleepover loomed closer and closer, she began to let herself worry. 
On wednesday Eddie called after work. He called most days, just to tell her about his day. About work and to playfully judge the music choices of the customers that came into the record store where he worked. But he was extra giddy when she answered today. 
“So, Wayne definitely picked up Friday,” he announced. His smile was evident as he spoke. “So we’re safe for the night. Don’t gotta worry about the old man ruining all the fun.”
Her palm began to sweat against the clear plastic of her bedside phone. She swallowed around nothing and tried to put on a fake smile, hoping that in his excitement he wouldn’t be able to hear her nerves through the phone. 
“That’s great,” she answered. “Guess there’s nothing to worry about, then?”
“Nope, we’re home free, babe.”
The rest of the phone call went as they usually did. Eddie talked about work and his coworkers, who he still wasn’t entirely sure liked him even after working with them all summer. She allowed herself to relax into her sheets as she told him about her own day at work. Waitressing was easy enough most days, but some days were hard. Some days brought in grumpy patrons who would use her as a verbal punching bag to relieve whatever stress they had going on. 
“Sounds like an asshole,” Eddie commented as she finished telling him about one guy in particular who must have been having an extra shitty day. “Sometimes I wish we lived together. You could come home to me and tell me all about those shitty people and I could make it all better.”
“And how would you make it all better?”
“Bubble baths and massages, obviously.”
She giggled, rolling over on top of her sheets as she got comfortable. “Massages, huh?”
“Full body, if the lady likes.”
“Okay, calm down over there, Munson,” she chastised. 
“Hey, don’t be mad at me when I can’t keep my hands off ya,” he giggled. “Not my fault you agreed to go out with me for some fuckin’ reason.”
And then, much too quickly, it was Friday. Today was the day. As she was finishing up her shift at work, she found herself almost wanting her last table to stay. She offered them desert and coffee, putting on her best customer service smile in hopes that it would be enough to convince them. But they refused. They all smiled and thanked her as she set their check on the table and walked away. Once they were gone and she was cleaning up the table, she noticed they’d left a really good tip. More than what she was used to or had expected. She pocketed her money, adding it to the wad of mostly singles in the pocket of her jeans and clocked out. 
Normally, if she had plans to go to Eddie’s after work, she could leave the diner and go straight there. She’d show up smelling like onion rings with the intention of showering once she was home. But tonight, she wasn’t going home. Tonight she was staying. Tonight she was nervous. 
She went home and headed straight for the shower. She spent probably way too long beneath the stream of hot water. She felt her nerves growing in her stomach as she rinsed shampoo from her hair. They grew tenfold as she dragged the pink disposable razor up her legs. 
She grabbed her backpack from its hook on the back of her bedroom door and threw it haphazardly on the bed. She worked quickly, taking deep breaths as she dried her body and dressed for the evening. Well, the first part of the evening. Her fingers fidgeted and flexed against her palms as she began to pack for the second part of the evening.
What was she supposed to wear to bed? Normally, in her own bed, it was simple. An old t shirt and whatever pants were most comfortable. If it was cold, thick cotton pajamas. If it was warmer, shorts or just panties. But tonight was different. She felt a strange sense of urgency as she rifled through her drawer of pajamas. Should she go for cute over comfort? The only things in the drawer that could be considered cute was a matching set her mother had given her for her last birthday. They looked nice on her, but they were stiff and kind of itchy. She eventually decided against cute. She was already feeling slightly uneasy about staying the night with Eddie, there was no reason to make herself even more uncomfortable by forcing herself into the itchy pajamas. An old shirt from her family vacation to Tennessee the year before and a pair of cotton shorts would have to do. 
She packed a change of clothes for the morning and her pajamas into her backpack. She looked down at the clothes and felt her nerves flare up again. She closed her eyes and took two deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself. It was fine. She would be fine. She liked Eddie, loved him even though neither of them had said it yet. She liked being with him. One more deep breath, in through her nose and out through her mouth, and she felt a little better. She left the backpack open on her bed and made her way to the bathroom down the hall. She grabbed her hairbrush, her toothbrush, and a few other essentials. 
Once her bag was packed she said goodbye to her parents, reminding them that she wouldn’t be home tonight. Her mother wore a look of concern but said her own goodbye anyway, reminding her to be safe. She nodded, closing the door behind her. 
She gripped her steering wheel tightly when she parked behind Eddie’s van. Her gaze was fixed on his crooked license plate as she tried to talk herself out of leaving. A part of her wanted to pull away and go back home. She could call Eddie and tell him that she’d suddenly fallen ill and had to stay home. But she couldn’t do that, not really. They’d probably heard her pull in, her tires disrupting the gravel of the driveway and announcing her arrival. She took a deep breath and grabbed her bag from the passenger seat. She gave herself a quick pep talk as she swung her door open. Just go inside, Faith. Quit being a baby. 
Eddie answered the door with a bright smile. His long hair was pulled back into a low, loose ponytail. He stepped away from the door, his arm raised as she walked past him into the living room. Wayne was standing at the stove in the small kitchen, stirring something in a pot that smelled great. 
“You, my dear, have excellent timing,” Eddie smiled as he took her bag from her. “We’re just finishing up dinner.”
He kissed her temple quickly before disappearing with her bag down the hallway. She greeted Wayne with a smile, standing somewhat awkwardly in the living room.
"Hope you're hungry, kiddo," Wayne smiled before turning his attention back to the stove. 
Eddie came back to the kitchen, pulling on an oven mitt and shooing Wayne away from the stove. He opened the oven door and the scent of garlic filled the small space. 
Neither man would accept her offers to help set up for family dinner. She sat in a chair that Eddie had pulled up the table specifically for her and watched as they worked. Eddie grabbed glasses from a cabinet while Wayne scooped healthy portions of spaghetti onto three plates. While Eddie was filling the glasses with soda from the fridge, Wayne was adding steaming garlic bread to each of the plates on the counter. 
“This smells so good,” she commented when Wayne sat her plate in front of her. 
“Old family recipe,” he answered with a small smile. 
It tasted as wonderful as it smelled. Even better, maybe. She always loved family dinners with Eddie and Wayne. No matter what was on the menu or how little time they actually had to eat before Wayne had to hurry off to work. These dinners with them were always special to her. And she knew they were special to Eddie, too. 
Before she knew it, they were cleaning up. Wayne packed up some of the leftovers into a plastic bowl, putting them into his old lunchbox to take to work. He pulled on his work boots and grabbed the lunchbox from the counter. 
“Have a good night,” she called softly over her shoulder from where she stood at the counter. 
“Goodnight, Faith. You kids behave,” Wayne smiled as he stepped through the door. He always said the same thing before leaving for the night. Usually, she’d giggle and not really think about it. But tonight her giggle was forced and she felt herself begin to get nervous again as she washed her plate and handed it over to Eddie to be dried. She hoped he wasn’t picking up on her uncertainty. 
When all the dishes were finished and put away, the two got comfortable beneath a blanket on the couch. Eddie put on a movie and while it played she was able to forget that this wasn’t just any other night with her boyfriend. 
She felt herself begin to doze off against his shoulder as the movie crested its climax. The characters on screen had eluded certain death, or so it seemed. Eddie noticed her eyelids growing heavy as she struggled to keep them open. 
"Wanna go to bed?" He asked quietly, running a gentle hand up her arm. She nodded sleepily and pulled herself away from him, stretching her arms over her head. 
As they entered Eddie's bedroom she was suddenly wide awake. He grabbed a pair of plaid pajamas from a drawer of his dresser and announced that he was gonna shower. "Get comfy, babe," he whispered, kissing her cheek before leaving. 
When she heard the bathroom door click shut she relaxed, her shoulders falling from where they had been tensed nearly up to her ears. She listened for the sound of the shower. Once the knobs squeaked on and the water began to run she started to dress for bed. She sat her backpack on the unmade bed in front of her and pulled her pajamas from the open bag. 
There was a moment, just a brief second, that she second guessed her choice in outfit for the evening. Maybe she should have chosen the cute, itchy pajamas instead. But she shut that down quickly. Eddie liked her. He wouldn't care that her pajamas didn't match. 
Eddie was true to his word that his shower would be a quick one. She was getting comfortable beneath his comforter when he stepped into the room. He was rubbing at his wet hair with a towel, a smile on his face. 
"Now, there's a sight I could definitely get used to," he told her, dropping the damp towel to the floor. 
"And what sight is that?" She asked with a smile. "Me looking like a bum in my pajamas?" 
"My favorite girl all comfy in my bed," he answered. His gaze fell to the floor in front of him, the softest pink blush crawling over his cheeks. "I like that you're not in a rush to get home. We got all night together." 
"Yup," she agreed, forcing a smile. "All night." 
He crawled into bed beside her, settling beneath the comforter. "Why ya all the way over there?" He asked, eying her as she sat at the far edge of the bed. "C'mere. I need to be cuddled or I'll die." 
"I don't think you'll die." 
"Are you really willing to risk it?" 
"I guess not," she answered, trying to hide her smile as she shuffled closer to him. 
"She guesses not," he scoffed, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and holding her tight to his chest. "She guesses she'll save my life. Thanks, babe. It's nice to know you care so much." 
"If I kiss you, will you stop being dramatic?" 
"Only one way to find out," he shrugged. 
Kissing him did stop the dramatics. Turns out it was hard for even Eddie Munson to be obnoxious while his lips were otherwise occupied. And man, was he a good kisser. She liked that about him. He was always the perfect mix of gentle and firm. He didn't slobber all over her like previous guys had. And he made these soft, sweet little noises in his throat when he got excited. Kissing him was fun.  
As their kisses began to deepen and the atmosphere became intense, she noticed him shifting. Before she knew it, he was more or less on top of her. His bare chest pressed to her, one of knees between her thighs as he held himself up with one hand planted into her pillow beside her head. 
His free hand roamed down her side, settling on her hip. She felt his calloused fingertips dip beneath the hem of her shirt. His hands were warm against her skin but she felt goosebumps sprout across her body. His lips traveled across her cheek and down her neck. She tangled her hands into his hair, earning a low groan from him when she tugged at his hair. That low groan served to suddenly bring her back down to earth. She suddenly realized as if for the first time that he was on her. 
She removed her hand from his hair and placed it on his shoulder. "Baby," she whined as his tongue slipped through his lips, leaving a wet strip on her neck. "Baby, slow down." 
"I'm puttin' in some of my best work here, babe," he giggled. When he looked up to her, he saw the worried look on her face. The way her brows furrowed. The unsure look in her eyes. He moved his hand from her hip, placing it softly against her cheek. "Hey, I'm just messin' with ya. We can stop."
"I'm sorry," she sighed, looking away from him. 
"For what?" 
She sighed again, still looking at the Anthrax poster on the wall over his shoulder. She felt tears pricking painfully behind her eyes. Shame started to fill her chest heavily. Eddie moved, laying beside her and pulling his hands away from her. 
"Talk to me?" He asked quietly. 
"It's just," she started, bringing a hand to her forehead. "I know what's supposed to happen tonight. What you're probably expecting, but I just don't know if I'm ready." 
"And what is it that you think I'm expecting." 
She looked almost sad when she finally looked over at him. She took a moment to collect herself before she finally spoke again. 
"I know that spending the night means I'm supposed to put out. But that's a big deal for me, okay? I've never done that before and I just don't-" 
He cut her off when he recognized the beginnings of a ramble. "Hey, woah woah woah. Faith, baby, calm down," he told her softly. "I don't expect that just because you're staying over. I'm not some bad dude like everyone says I am." 
Her heart plummeted to her knees. She knew how people in town talked about Eddie. How they all saw him. She also knew that they were all full of shit. None of the people that liked to talk about Eddie really even knew him. She never wanted to make him feel like that. 
"No, baby, I know you're not." 
"Then why are you acting like I'm-" he stopped himself. His eyes fell closed. "Okay, wait, is all this because I told you I was gonna ravage you last weekend?"
She couldn't answer, not trusting her voice in the moment. When she didn't speak he opened his eyes to find her barely nodding her head. He placed his hand on her cheek once again. Her eyes closed as she reached up to wrap her own fingers around the back of his hand, pressing his palm into her cheek. 
"Listen, I definitely do want to do that with you. But like, someday. Not right now. Okay?" 
She opened her eyes again and saw the soft, sweet smile she'd fallen in love with. The one that she was pretty sure nobody but her ever got to see. The one that reminded her of prom night when he'd shown up in his old van to pick her up. The night his hands shook as they slow danced together in the banquet room of a hotel. 
"Are you okay?" He asked quietly. 
"I'm okay."
"You sure? 'Cause if you're not, you can go home and I'll call you and tell you about my day just like normal. Promise I won't be mad." 
"I don't want to go home," she whispered as she moved closer to him. "I want to stay and I want to wake up next to you. And I want to go get pancakes in the morning." 
"Yeah?" He asked with a smile. 
"Yeah," she nodded, resting her head against his chest.
"I think we can do that." He whispered, his lips in her hair as he thanked the universe for Faith before planting a soft kiss to the top of her head.
When Wayne got home the next morning he was surprised to see Faith's car parked behind Eddie's van. He checked the clock on the dash. Barely 5 in the morning. He never knew his Eddie to be awake before 10 for any reason other than work, and he obviously wasn't at work.
He was even more confused when he opened the front door to find an empty living room. He toed off his work boots next to her sneakers by the front door and walked down the narrow hallway to the back. He cracked open Eddie's bedroom door just enough to peek his head in. 
The first thing he saw was Faith. She was sleeping soundly, her mouth open just slightly against the pillow as she faced him. Behind her, he saw Eddie. Or rather, Eddie's hair. A mess of dark brown curls behind her head. He noticed Eddie's forearm and hand sticking out from beneath her pillow, the other wrapped around her waist over the blanket. 
He couldn't help but smile to himself as he tried to close the door as quietly as he could. He walked into the living room and began to make up his own bed. He shook his head, a smile still on his face as he laid out the blanket and stole a throw pillow from the couch. He wasn't sure if he liked the idea of them being together all night unsupervised. But he did like Faith. He liked that Eddie had finally found a nice girl. Someone to make him happy. As he made himself as comfortable as possible on his fold out bed, he couldn't help but to wonder if anyone had actually given Eddie the talk. He sighed to himself, hoping that it would be less awkward than he thought it would be. 
Feedback is always appreciated! Requests are open! Have a great weekend! 🥰
If you'd like to be tagged in my Stranger Things fics, please let me know. I also have individual tag lists for Steve, Eddie, Robin, Nancy, and Steddie. Requests are open for Eddie and Faith!
Tag List: @redwineanddnicotine @renaissan-vvitch
Eddie Tag List: @littlemiss-yeehaw @protecteddiemunson4vr @tayhar811
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