#old guard leverage fusion
stars-inthe-sky · 8 months
For the fic meme! 3,5,18,29! 🙏
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
It's like choosing a favorite child! tell me where your strength lies is the thing I'm probably proudest of having written, just because of its sheer length and complexity and timeline. I think Every Part a Flame may be the most "me" story, in terms of bringing together, like, all my favorite things in a fic and showing readers what I'd learned in years of writing. And Days of Awe is easily the most personal, and also a deep point of pride for entirely different reasons.
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Oh, the answer to that is always Star Wars Watergate, which I explained in detail almost a full decade ago here. Anyone who actually wants to do the research is welcome to the idea, just let me know so I can actually read it. In the meantime, I will think fondly on it anytime I see pictures of the original trio hanging out in the 70s.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
From Hello, Flying Fatality (aka Rosa Diaz the Vampire Slayer): "Okay, we’ll call you Lady Van Helsing, mysterious and leather-clad defender of the night, and I will be Sir Jacob the Tenacious, killer of the vampyres and slayer of the ladies, if you know what I’m saying. Codename: the Fancy Garlic. No, wait—”
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
I've had this Old Guard/Leverage fusion in my head for a good few years now but have never figured out what the actual caper would be. Details under the cut, because I do feel strongly about them, and would be down to collaborate if anyone can tell me what the actual caper would be.
The premise is that Nate's backstory is exactly the same, right up until he actually does drink himself to death after losing Sam, and—lo and behold—he wakes up again. Being Nate, he figures out the basics of what's happening (if not why) and, based on the dreams, tracks down the others to meet up.
Hardison is the next-"youngest," having died for the first time somewhere in the American South in the early nineteenth century. He's spent his immortality leveraging whatever technology is available to fuck with wealthy people and empower those without—so, confounding bloodhounds with the Underground Railroad, robbing robber barons, eventually defrauding the Bank of Iceland, etc. (Part of the actual writing of this would be crafting that backstory in a way that's not, like, exploitative and flat-out racist, just for the record.)
Eliot died fighting in the American Revolution, on the side of the U.S. He's since been every kind of soldier for the cause, in and out of the light, but if Vietnam didn't break him than the Bush Administration(s) definitely did. He switched to mercenary work at some point but has always kinda felt he could be doing something "better" with this immortality thing.
Sophie was a traveling player in the Middle Ages somewhere, and while she probably did not die of the Black Plague, she and her troupe may have been accused of spreading it. Or perhaps she just got caught admiring some manor lord's décor by someone with a short temper. Or not. Who's to say? Since then, she's mostly been flitting around impersonating her own aristocratic descendants in several European countries, buying and/or stealing art, and doing a spot of wealth redistribution when it suits her.
Parker...no one knows how old Parker is, or how she originally died, or where she's from. It's unclear if she does. But she is the best of the best at what she does, which is stealing and hoarding and flying solo, and also occasionally teaching kids how to crime. (She did, for a short time, have a mentor whose name sounded something like Archie to modern ears, but that's how she knows they can die. So she doesn't get close now.)
Key here is that the others have never met before. They've all had the dreams, they've just had their own things going on and no real interest in the others. (Hardison: "And what, like I'm gonna be friends with the guy who spent the whole Civil War in gray?" Eliot: "Damn it, Hardison, I was a spy for Grant!" Parker: "Which Civil War?" Eliot: [sputters])
But something about Nate's journey to date has them all under threat. This is where the caper needs to come in. Presumably someone (Sterling? Dubenich?) found out about Nate, and by extension the others, so they have to work together to eliminate the evidence of their existence and con whoever into believing they are not immortal. But I don't know what that is in practice, and I don't expect the Leverage crew to leave quite the trail of bodies that the Old Guard does in the movie. Think more extreme hacking plus over-the-top performance kinda con—very Leverage, minimal actual non-Eliot violence.
Somewhere in the course of that caper, we meet Harry, who's pieced together the holes in history where these people fit in and realized they did some good, if not always on purpose. But he's given the information to the bad guys, and now he feels quite bad about it. I think Breanna is an enterprising intern (?) of some sort who has been quietly following all of this and is thrilled to pitch in in some fashion.
Once things are resolved, the team goes through the same "no repeats" routine that they do in "The Nigerian Job," and then they almost immediately realize that they all belong together and could do something special and meaningful with their collective talents. (Plus, the dreams have stopped now that they met, so they just might have to keep in touch the regular way. You know. If they want to. Possibly Hardison is already drawing up plans for their own Avengers Tower.)
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carcrash429 · 5 months
Fic Rec Friday
template adapted from @sugaraddictarchangels
The Fountain of Youth Job by @BazinMousequeton
Chapters 5/5, Words 13,745
Rating: Gen
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Leverage Team, Old Guard Team
The Leverage: Redemption team are hired to investigate Merrick Pharmaceuticals following a suspicious death in South Sudan. They embark on a con, infiltrate Merrick’s HQ… and find some unexpected prisoners in his research lab.
this is a GREAT crossover/fusion fic, great concept, great execution, really nicely done flipping between perspectives, the teams blend well together... I had a lot of fun reading this and I can tell the author had a lot of fun writing it :)
Fave Quote:
"Okay," said Breanna. "The super-soldier question is apparently hard to answer. They're telling me a story -- Nicky's starting with the Crusades so it could take a while."
"The Crusades?" said Hardison.
"Focus," said Eliot. "How do I get to Breanna?"
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coffee-at-annies · 4 months
For the Au game- a heist au, sidgenotanger?
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.
Oh man I’m really struggling to come up with things that should happen in the story rather than things that are true about the story. My brain wants to a share big ideas like who does what rather than concrete details. I’m also functionally unable to think about leverage fusions without just wanting to go reread this so have at it, fic rec: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2669645
Because I love that fic so much, I think the focus of this is one last job/training up the next generation instead of Sid’s crew planning a heist. Jake calls Sid in from retirement for one last job. Sid left the crew in Jake’s hands to go idk disappear on the side of a mountain or whatever we think Sid’s gonna do in retirement. Tanger has one foot out the door but is making sure PO can take his place in the crew before he leaves. Idk where Geno is he’s also retired but he shows up because of course he does.
Things that are true and happen in the fic:
This is the third time Sid has come out of retirement for “one last job.” He’s not quite to Jagr’s levels of in and out of retirement but Flower has a betting pool going anyway. Geno meanwhile hasn’t been seen since he retired. Tanger keeps saying he’s going to retire and hasn’t yet.
PO needs to create a distraction and he absolutely either trips all over someone or opens a door in their face or pours soup in their lap and then gives the person a sheepish smile and he’s forgiven immediately.
Kissing to hide from pursuers is all well and good but it’s way less hot when its a former friend with benefits (the benefits being previously sex and currently emotional constipation and a brewing feelings realization) and your other former friend with benefits is in your earpiece critiquing both your kissing and your distraction skills. Somehow he ends up getting worked up anyway.
There’s a moment when they’re all huddled around a map or screen or something when Jake looks to Sid for advice but he just nods his head at the table because he trust’s Jake plan and is willing to follow his play. This is a fic about the ot3 but a subplot is Jake’s confidence and leadership skills without the old guard to lean on
Idk what the heist is but please imagine that one sequence in ocean’s 11 where the have the acrobat do some crazy flexible shit and bend himself into like a drinks cart to hide and junk and also maneuver around lasers. Now imagine Jars doing that. That.
So many easter eggs for current and former pens. My brain doesn’t want to stick with the leverage five man band schema so there’s just so many people in this ocean’s eight/ocean’s eleven situation. Even if everyone isn’t needed they at least get name dropped during the planning phase because I love to be sad about boys. Yes some grudges get brought up too
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providing-leverage · 1 month
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know! Thanks @jamietarttsnorthernattitude for the tag.
1. How many fandoms have you written in?
40? At least according to ao3, but some of those are weird because they exist within the same universe but are different fandoms tags for different media (like with comics and Star Wars), plus some unfinished/unpublished stuff that's still on my computer and will probably never been seen by another person
2. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
My first published fic was 2016 or 2017 I think. So around seven.
3. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Read for sure, it's a problem.
4. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Hopefully everything. But I've been actively trying to work on stuff like research and outlining, as well as emotions.
5. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Jewelry, specifically earrings, worn in Romania in the 1400s for a Castlevania/MLB crossover fic. I was neck deep in pdfs of archeology reports.
6. What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any comment is an amazing comment. But my favorite is when people point out specific details or tell me how they felt about the chapter on a personal level. Also re-read comments because what do you mean you love my fic enough to read it more than once??
7. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I am forever a crossover girlie. See Q5, which might be my wackiest crossover yet, but is my no means my only. Stuff like Criminal Minds + Supernatural are fairly standard, and I'm not the only one to write Ted Lasso + Leverage but the Old Guard + the Mechanisms? Weird.
8. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Long fics and especially multi chapters are very hard because of my attention span, but it helps to keep a couple going at a time I've found.
Also, romance. I've written a lot of it and yet I don't think I'm good at it.
9. What is the easiest type?
Stuff I know. I'm always going through life asking myself would this moment in my life make a good fic? And the answer most of the time is yes.
10. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Crosslegged on my bed, in my beanbag chair, the floor, the couch, where ever feels comfortable really. Google Docs, although I am also looking to find another platform to write on that words well. I write when I should be doing other stuff, mostly.
11. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Every fandom I'm in, I dream up three aus: a Leverage fusion, a sense8 fusion, and a Pacific Rim fusion. I'm a fusion girlie too. I've written a single Leverage au back when I was doing Torchwood, but no others have gotten past the drabbles and scribbled notes stage.
12. What made you choose your username?
Tagging @orbitalpirate @writer-and-thrasher @magdaclaire @stonesandswords @unholybinchicken
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xasha777 · 1 month
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In a distant future where Earth has fragmented into city-states ruled by ancient families, the fashion-forward but politically tumultuous city of Sartoria thrives under the guidance of the ruling class, known as the "Tapestry Lords." Each family is responsible for maintaining a part of society's fabric, both literally and figuratively. Our protagonist, Lady Isolde, is a member of the esteemed Verraux family, renowned for their extravagant, timeless designs and their role in the judiciary as the Keepers of the Great Seal.
Isolde, a young and ambitious designer with striking features and an iconic style, was chosen to become the next Lord Keeper of the Great Seal after her father’s mysterious disappearance. The Great Seal, a symbol of ultimate legal and executive authority, controls the Codex, an ancient AI that enforces law and order in Sartoria. Unknown to the public, the Codex had started to malfunction, leading to erratic behavior in the automated systems that kept the city functioning.
On the day of her inauguration, clad in a traditional red and black ensemble symbolizing the power and burden of her new role, with a ceremonial rose hat indicating her family's allegiance to the ancient customs, Isolde sensed something was amiss. The Codex, now under her command, whispered secrets of a brewing rebellion, led by a faction tired of the old ways and eager to revolutionize how Sartoria was governed.
As Isolde delved deeper into her role, she discovered hidden files indicating her father might still be alive, held captive by the rebel faction as leverage against the Codex. With her unique access to the city's surveillance and law enforcement through the Great Seal, she decided to use the city's annual fashion gala, a spectacle of Sartorian wealth and power, as a cover to rescue her father and confront the rebels.
Using designs embedded with smart fibers capable of communication and tracking, Isolde and her trusted circle of fashion-engineers crafted garments for the gala that would allow them to locate her father and disable the rebel's unauthorized tech. On the night of the gala, the city's elite gathered, adorned in Isolde’s latest creations, unaware of the dual purpose behind their glamorous attire.
As the night progressed, Isolde used her ensemble's augmented capabilities to navigate through the gala, sending silent commands to the Codex. She located her father held in the catacombs beneath the city, guarded by rebels planning to storm the event. With a dramatic reveal, she activated the security protocols of her gown, incapacitating the rebels with a stunning display of light and sound, designed to disorient and disable without harm.
Rescuing her father and quelling the rebellion, Isolde stood before the assembly, her gown now a symbol of unity and strength, shimmering in the dim light of the restored peace. She declared her commitment to blend the old with the new, proposing reforms that would integrate the innovative spirit of the rebels with the structured governance her family had long upheld.
Lady Isolde, once merely a designer in the shadows of her forebearers, had now sealed her fate as the revolutionary Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, a guardian not just of tradition, but of progress. In the new age of Sartoria, the fusion of fashion and politics had never been more vibrant, nor more vital.
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variousfandoms · 10 months
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Some sketches of the padawan oc. Just some flat colors. A little bit of shading for face.
Her name is Savri Nam. Her natural force abilities focus on empathy and connection, to the point she created a psychic bond with the temple after a Temple Guard told her it was possible. This is also the reason she is with the Jedi Order.
At seven years old her parents abandon her at the temple, and while they were trying to enroll her in one of the specific schools/foster homes for force sensitive children, she was staying at the temple. The Temple Guard who found her mentioned that temple guards sometimes have a hard time with 'individual identity' due to their very literal connection with the temple that leads to a pseudo-hive mind (uh, force sensitives are kind of eldritch creatures, it's fine). In all the intelligence that a seven-year-old has (which is surprisingly a lot, it just never focuses in an intelligent place) she tries to bond with the temple, and then dose. The Council of Reassignment decided to just keep her after that. She'll probably grow out of it eventually.
She eventually ends up as Master Brosam Gumhutc's padawan (who's life was equally chaotic) , who is a Shadow and part of a crew of theives. This is where this all becomes a Leverage Fusion AU. She never learns the Jedi Mind Trick™ (it was Obi-wan who trademarked it on behalf of the Order) because she learned to be a grifter and a forger and sometimes people question if her Master is even force sensitive, he is, we swear, it's just been a while since he's done anything visibly force manipulate-y.
Her main form is Makashi, because she learned the basics at from Count Dooku during a con when he was trying to be a good little politican and fund public sports for younglings, except they aren't called younglings outside of the order, but there are other people who give their children metal swords instead of super hot light/plasma/somthing swords and call it a sport. So yeah, Count Dooku taught fencing for a bit, and it's a lot like Makashi. He also introduced Savri and historical fencing manuals, and Savri's lightsaber instructors after that will never forgive Dooku.
Durring the Clone Wars she is devestated to find out Dooku is part of CIS, as she belived he was genuinely trying to change the corrupt system when she had last seen him, and to find out he is siding with anti-union conglomerates in this power grab is horrible. And his own apprentice isn't getting a living wage, healthcare, or paid time off. (it takes her a stupid long time to realize Dooku is a sith lord)
She works with the Courant Guard in data analytics/gathering and code breaking. She's only been ropped into a few diplomatic missions, since she once got arrested for assaulting a senator, a police officer (the starwars equivelent), and a private citizen (he was CEO of something). She is also constantly and loudly critical of the senate, all politicans really, but she has to deal with the senate the most.
Her favorite show as a youngling was the Muppets, and once put the theme song on repeat for 40 hours to get Anakin to leave her alone.
I'd love feedback, tell me if you want to know more.
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ao3feed-sambucky · 2 years
The Embers Not Yet Burned Out
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42079665
by freshbakedlady
A collection of short fic for the 2022 whumptober challenge.
Words: 18368, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Whumptober
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Leverage, Mad Max Series (Movies), The Losers (2010), The Old Guard (Movie 2020)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Lucky (Hawkeye), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark, Alec Hardison, Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Max Rockatansky, Furiosa (Mad Max), The Dag (Mad Max), Cheedo the Fragile (Mad Max), Jake Jensen, Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez, Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Relationships: Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez/Jake Jensen, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Magic, Hurt/Comfort, Werewolves, Timeline What Timeline, Fae & Fairies, Alternate Universe - Monster Hunters, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Ghosts, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Immortality, Temporary Character Death
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42079665
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sixth-light · 3 years
Can I posit that Quynh was the mastermind, then ~things happened~ & Andy has to take over the role, & when Quynh comes back Andy stays in the role?
Also (Quynh as OG mastermind anon back) I think Booker is the Sterling, though I do like Booker better than Sterling, idek, I just don't want Booker to be the Parker, I love Parker too much. Here, I think this is how it should go:
Andy hitter -> mastermind
Quynh mastermind -> thief (back up grifter)
Nicky thief -> hitter (back up thief)
Joe grifter -> grifter (back up hitter)
Lykon hacker -> retires & sends them postcards
Booker hacker post Lykon -> actually interpol, but got fired & is on the outs from both interpol & the team, but gets called on for favors
Nile hacker post Booker
Copley -> Booker's interpol boss who tries to retire, but both interpol & the team keep calling on him for favors so sometimes he's on their side & sometimes not
Feel free to delete, I know I am foisting my hot takes on you
This is also a very interesting take! I love the idea of Andy/Quỳnh/Joe/Nicky/Lykon as version 1 of the team, and then cycling through Booker before they get to Nile. And it sounds like you got more to Copley as Stirling? Which also makes a lot of sense. 
Honestly given the TOG team are all very competent the roles are as much about who you want to focus on as anything, and my version is the version *I* would want to focus on. But posting this because I think it will take some other people’s fancy! 
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wipbigbang · 3 years
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2021 Round - Artist Claims
Claims for artists are open! The first round will go this week and then I'll post a new round on Thursday, opening it up for seconds. Everybody spread the word! We have 96 story summaries for you to choose from!
This year, art claims are working a little differently than in years past. We are using a google form to streamline things, which should make things easier both for you as participants and us mods. To claim a story, the form requires email, check in ID, and the identifying number of your first choice of story. Putting your top three choices is best in case your first or second has already been chosen. Please be sure you've read the FAQ before claiming.
Click here for the story summaries!
Stories are listed by fandom in alphabetical order and then by the story name, with a number identifying that story (for our records). Stories are first come, first serve. I'll update the post as stories are claimed. On Thursday, I'll temporarily close the form and post the stories that are left.
Official posting dates begin on August 8th. Once all stories are claimed and all artists/authors have been notified, I will put up a sign-up sheet so authors and artists can choose their posting dates.
Authors, if something is wrong with the info for your stories, please let me know ASAP here or via email at [email protected].
This year's fandoms include...
陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) 9-1-1 Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Angel the Series Arrowverse (DCTV) BBC Merlin BBC Merlin/Sentinel (Fusion) BBC Sherlock BBC Sherlock/Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D./Marvel Cinematic Universe BBC Sherlock/Midsomer Murders Boku no Hero Academia/DOGS: Bullets and Carnage Cherry Magic DC Comics Doctor Who/Hannibal Downton Abbey Dragon Age Dragon Quest Builders 2 Glee Good Omens Haikyuu Harry Potter Leverage Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot | They Call Me Jeeg (2015)/Wolf (2013) Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Cinematic Universe/NCIS Naruto Phantom Of The Opera Prodigal Son RWBY SCP Foundation SEAL Team/The Old Guard Shadowhunters (TV) Shadowhunters (TV)/The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Claire Sherlock Holmes (ACD Canon) Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/BBC Sherlock Star Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Stranger Things Supernatural Supernatural/Harry Potter Supernatural/Once Upon A Time Supernatural RPF Teen Wolf The Hunger Games The Scum Villain's Self Saving System Torchwood/Harry Potter/Marvel Cinematic Universe Transformers Generation One Transformers: Prime Voltron Legendary Defenders Yu-Gi-Oh/Death Note Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Click here to claim a story!
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agirlwithachakram · 2 years
With how many of them there are, I feel like the Eternals lends itself pretty well to alternate universe fics. I'm not sure if that's your thing, but what cliche AU would you like to see them in? I feel like roommates is fun and obvious but maybe doesn't have a lot of plot, but I also just rewatched The Old Guard and instantly thought about how they would fit into that world(Sprite/Ikarus as Booker and Thena/Gil or DruigMakkari gives me Joe/Nikki)t's the same immortality thread but grounded.
I may not be the best person for this because I am not super into AUs these days, and I actually have a post about how I don't know what to do with Druig in a no-powers AU, what with his powers shaping his personality more than anyone else's. But I'll give it a go, but I'm going with fusions because I don't have any cliche AUs in mind. Hope that's cool.
Leverage, but with twice the number of people. Unfortunately I genuinely don't know who would be the mastermind because they have very blunt force battle tactics. No one has an ounce of finesse except maybe Sersi. Ajak, obviously, but like, I think she's not on the team, she and Ikaris are the Sterling characters. So yeah I guess Sersi is the mastermind, because she's learned that compassion can be hard by the end of the movie.
Makkari is the thief, duh. Phastos = hacker. Sprite is a grifter! Thena and Gilgamesh are hitters. Druig is also a grifter; he's just not as good at it. Kingo is the guy they call in for big jobs when they need another actor because "child" and "mean guy with unsettling smirks" won't always cut it.
Dane can be the sad guy who's like "My boss is stealing from us and we can't do anything about it :(" and Sersi is all "Oh we have to help him!!"
Mass Effect and this can be in the canon timeline, ish. (I guess this is a crossover, not a fusion.) 2148 and suddenly humans know stuff. All the Eternals can be like "yeah we're biotics"
"I just saw you transmute that boulder into BIRDS"
"uh...my mom drank eezo milkshakes when I was in utero"
"that doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about element zero to dispute it"
The Illusive man's dossier on "Phil Stoss" -expert engineer -human biotic with incredible ability to manipulate his technological creations -friendly, lonely, older than he looks
Stoss is skittish and mysterious, and known to mistrust Cerberus. His skills will be invaluable for finding the Collector homeworld. He is usually found at his workshop on Earth. Caution advised: Known associates include human biotics who take privacy very seriously.
Paragon Shep can recruit "Phil" quickly but he turns Renegade Shep away initially, until Druig, who has poked around in Shep's head (because WHAT is going on in there) is like "Uhhh yeah no we're going to sign on with this person, we have to." and then four more people are suddenly on the Normandy SR-2. (because...she got old and died, so it's only six left, sorry).
Long story short, Druig ends up in a long distance telepath fight with Harbinger and later almost gets killed by the Leviathans who are like THAT THING IS A THREAT.
The Old Guard, you know, Druig is Andy! the obvious choice is Andy is Sersi or Ajak but no, it's Druig. He really does go through a similar arc, like, I can't do anything that matters, and at the end, Andy learns that EVERYTHING she does matters, she gets a new sense of purpose while Druig gets a) revenge on Arishem, b) freedom from Ajak and Ikaris, c) knowledge that he really made a difference in billions of lives, namely that they weren't cut short, and d) PURPOSE, new purpose to start a full scale revolt against the gods.
I probably wouldn't call Makkari Quynh, although...she was the one who was alone (ish) for five hundred years, so...maybe...
Joe/Nicky is Thena/Gil, yeah. just that level of easy devotion, never questioning their bond.
I very much agree that Sprite is Booker, for obvious reasons. Ikaris is a true believer. Sprite just wants her pain to stop. So Ikaris might be, uh, Dr. Kozak? That seems harsh.
Nile though...Nile might be Sersi? Or Phastos, I don't know. They're both pretty hip with modern humanity. I'm leaning toward Phastos, because family, but then again, Sersi is the one who finds herself suddenly the main character, her entire worldview turned upside down, facing an entirely different world than the one she thought she lived in.
I don't know if this was really what you were looking for, but it is what I have. Thanks for writing!
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stars-inthe-sky · 1 year
For the fanfic writers ask meme! ❤️ 🎁 🐇 🎨
Thank yeeeeewwww <3
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Already answered!
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Tragically, I haven't written fic in years and have no WIPs or even persistent plot bunnies. But I'll explain the premise of the Leverage-crew-as-the-Old-Guard fusion I will never actually write to anyone who's curious.
🐇 Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
Mostly for myself, in that I can't really write anything I'm not excited about, but I have enjoyed participating in exchanges (including Yuletime) and big bangs and prompt-a-thons in the past.
I also wrote @redrackham87 quite a few birthday fics back in the day—some of my best work, I might add—and while I tried to gear those toward things I thought she'd like (large and small), they were ultimately things I wanted to write that I thought she'd enjoy.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
More Buckynat art in the world is always a good thing, and I like to think I have a lot of fodder for that...but on reflection I think I'd actually really love to see Laura with the cat in Retractable Claws.
Or the karaoke scene in If A Door Be Closed, which I think of every time I hear that song now. Or any of le feu dans mon âme, but then mostly because it's still funny to me to see the Musketeers actors in contemporary dress (and haircuts).
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faejilly · 3 years
2020 Fic Masterpost
I started and ended the year with my beloved #7kpp, which I know doesn’t mean a lot to most of you, but the thought makes me smile. ❤ I also posted a lot of Shadowhunters, (so many fairy tale riffs), a couple bits for BioWare (including the ten-years-in-the-making finale of my Adelaide Hawke/Sebastian Vael ficlet collection), and even one entirely new-to-me fandom in a The Old Guard gift!fic. Whee!
Most of them are very short, ficlets and flash fiction, which wasn’t the goal going into this year, but... this year broke a lot of people’s plans, didn’t it? And there are some lovely words in there, (hopefully short & sweet!), so... All in all, not that terrible for a year of apocalypses.
The Old Guard
Until The Time... (Nile & Family & Music) [tumblr / ao3]
Woodly/Court Lady [tumblr / ao3]
Yvette & Emmett [tumblr / ao3]
Falon & Hana [tumblr / ao3]
Hana of Jiyel
Ink-stained fingers [tumblr / ao3]
Shade [tumblr / ao3]
Theodora of Arland
Rise [tumblr / ao3]
Renown [tumblr / ao3]
Surrender [tumblr / ao3]
Hidden [tumblr / ao3]
Nathalie of Revaire
Harsh Whispers [tumblr / ao3]
Gold [tumblr / ao3]
Dragon Age
Adelaide/Sebastian: for comfort (cuddling prompt) [tumblr / ao3]
Adelaide/Sebastian: Adored Finale [tumblr / ao3]
Merribela: Tentacletober (how many of those are there?) [tumblr / ao3]
Mass Effect
OT: Kaidan & The Beacon [tumblr / ao3]
Andromeda: F!Ryder/Jaal (Not Just Loyalty) [tumblr / ao3]
prequel (Jace & Izzy) [tumblr / ao3]
01x02 (Dorothea) [tumblr / ao3]
01x03 (Alec) [tumblr / ao3]
01x04 (Magnus) [tumblr / ao3]
*Trust Your Heart (01x04 Jace aftermath) [tumblr / ao3]
01x05 (Izzy) [tumblr / ao3]
03x10 (Magnus) [tumblr / ao3]
03x22 (Alec & Clary) [tumblr]
*Ashes of Angels (during the epilogue time-skip pt 1) [AO3]
*Ashes of Roses (during the epilogue time-skip pt 2) [AO3]
Psithurism (Inquisitor Lightwood-Bane) [tumblr / ao3]
tug-of-war [tumblr / ao3]
before the beginning [tumblr / ao3]
Pandemonium (again) [tumblr / ao3]
back-to-back [tumblr / ao3]
Criminal Minds Fusion
School Teachers [tumblr / ao3]
Star-Gazing [tumblr / ao3]
There’s Only One Bed [tumblr / ao3]
Lydia & Alec [tumblr / ao3]
Maia & “Hunt” [ao3]
Clary & “Family” (free space from bingo!) [ao3]
Misc AUs
*ask the always impossible of me (Cinderella) [ao3]
*Our Souls Inhabit (Snow White... ish) [tumblr / ao3]
a lean wind flays (Jack & the Beanstalk... even more -ish) [tumblr / ao3]
transient (Sleeping Beauty) [tumblr / ao3]
mer!Alec AU (of an AU) [tumblr / ao3]
Reticence (Persuasion AU) [tumblr / ao3]
Priest!Magnus/Demon!Alec [tumblr / ao3]
omegaverse PWP [tumblr / ao3]
Into the Labyrinth (Inception Crossover) [tumblr / ao3]
Let’s Go Steal Some... Magic? (Leverage Crossover) [tumblr / ao3]
I am for you ch 17 [tumblr / ao3]
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mprosperossprite · 3 years
I Made Stuff in 2020
Shoutout to @nevermindirah for the tag
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2020. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
In 2020 I re-watched Leverage, which led me to tumblr, which led me to seeing these posts about this movie The Old Guard, which led me to watch one of the best films I’ve ever seen, which led me to AO3, which led me to discord. Before falling down The Old Guard rabbit hole, I hadn’t written fanfiction since 2012. Unsurprisingly, a lot has changed since 2012 for me and for the internet. For the first time since my participation in internet fandom, I feel like I’ve found a community online and that is probably the big theme of this post: making for each other has been an absolute joy in an otherwise pretty shit year.
This is not really a year in review, so much as a last two months review (my first fic of the year was published on November 2nd) but it’s been a utterly delightful and impactful couple of months, so here we are. On to the fics!
1. The Sport of Bright Steel - This was the fic that started it all.  Someone on the Old Guard kinkmeme prompted a Joe/Nicky fic from the POV of their swords and I sat down on my couch one Saturday morning and an hour later had a lil piece of fanfiction all written out. And then I panicked that it was terrible and weird and so posted it anonymously to the kinkmeme. And then someone in the discord rec-ed it in the fanfic channel and then I dusted off my old AO3 account and posted for the first time in 8 freaking years.
2. Our Toil Shall Strive to Mend - This was my second foray back into fanfic (once again, inspired by a kinkmeme prompt), and the first multi-chaptered fic I ever wrote. Big manly man with tiny human? I am weak. I love all of the Old Guard characters, but I think Booker will forever be my favorite to explore in fic. Unlike the others, Booker is a reluctant soldier and much of his pain comes from losing his identity as a husband and father. This fic asks what if Booker’s path to healing comes in the form of fatherhood? Writing the last chapter made me cry happy-sad tears for him.
3. The Perfect Shot - From the idea that both snipers and photographers are in search of “the perfect shot” came this delightfully silly little fic. Nicolo di Genova, sniper and international man of mystery, knows one damn pun/pick-up line and just so happens to find the one man (Joe, photojournalist) whom it works on hook-line-sinker. Everything about this is fun and makes me happy. Never in a million year would I have written this, if not for a very silly post on this website that someone on discord suggested as a Joe/Nicky prompt. Inspiration strikes in the most unexpected of ways. And I fucking love puns, y’all.
4. This Rough Magic - Nicky is a selkie who accidentally get himself married to unsuspecting, marine scientist Joe and it might be my favorite thing I’ve written all year. It’s a story about identity and the unexpected and being willing to take a leap of faith. This fic would not have happened without the discord, and made me so so grateful and happy to be creating with other people and as part of a community. The joy of fanfic is that it is freely created and given, and I never would have dared to write this story without the inspiration, support, and enthusiasm from internet friends. 
5. Bring the World Back into Tune - aka my Book of Nile opus, still a work in progress. Technically it’s a Hades/Persephone fusion, but really it’s about finding family, finding healing, and finding love, about making meaningful choices despite whatever fate or the supernatural has in mind. I fell into Book of Nile because who they are beyond being immortal has so much in common: growing up basically ghettoized in a country that doesn’t give a damn about you, fighting for an imperial army because there were no other viable choices, knowing the pain of missing 1st families. In Bring the World Back into Tune I love that I get to explore what it means to be fated for something (they’ve become Hades and Persephone without realizing it, in addition to the whole immortal thing), and also what it means to still get to choose how you arrive at and cope with that fate. Very few people are reading this on AO3, but it’s something I love working on and through because the characters and ideas are so compelling.
Honorable Mention: Leaving AO3 Comments - One of my greatest joys this year has been in giving to others the kind of love and support I’ve received as a person who makes stuff on the internet. I love leaving AO3 comments, and applying my English major brain to what I’m reading. The things we love most are deserving of our critical attention, including and especially fanfiction. I’ve met fandom soul-mates in the AO3 comments and befriended authors. In response to a shitty anon comment on another fic, I crafted what might be my fanfic manifesto: why fanfic is the heir of western storytelling moreso than our popular media and why the “expectedness” of fanfic is in fact its greatest feature, not it’s biggest flaw. It is A+ work, if I do say so myself.
None of this would have been possible without the internet (the kinkmeme, tumblr, discord, and of course AO3) and, perhaps more importantly, without the great, supportive Old Guard fan communities. Thank you for the beautiful fic and stunning art. For the thoughtful meta and funny headcanons. For the cheering and screaming and encouragement. For the kudos and comments. We make for ourselves and each other and that’s a truly remarkable thing.
Thanks to @hyper-fixate @sweetlyenchains and many others for being so lovely and kind and making my 2020 better with The Old Guard fic and art and thinking and community. If y’all are inspired to do this year end recap too (whether tagged or not), please tag me! I’d love to read about your triumphs too!
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@randi2204 I blame you for this.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020), Leverage Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Nile Freeman, Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Booker | Sebastien le Livre, Lykon (The Old Guard) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fusion, Alternate Universe - No Powers Summary:
Still, she wishes, sometimes, that she'd been smart enough to establish an actual headquarters when she'd embarked on this half-baked plan for redemption rather than just gathering four master criminals in her apartment and hoping they'd understand things like boundaries and personal space.
Or: in which Andy is a hitter looking for redemption with all the right people. (It'd probably go faster if Joe and Nicky would just get past the mortal enemies phase and fuck already)
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liliaeth · 4 years
To each their own, but I by far prefer crossovers where characters of one show/fandom get to meet the characters from the other show/fandom; over fusions where basically the characters of one fandom are put in the setting of the other fandom;
For example, take ‘The Old Guard’ crossovers. I want to see the family meet Scott from Teen Wolf, or get involved with the JSA in Stargirl. I want to see Andy and Methos interact, or have Dean Winchester try and flirt with Andy.
I want Gibbs to try and figure out how a marine got kidnapped right out of basecamp, and try and track down what happened to Nile. I want the BAU to try and profile the Old Guard and be both right on some things, but utterly wrong on others, because they’re missing some vital details.
I want the Leverage team to impress Nicky and Joe, because despite being so young and mortal, they’re some of the most competent people they’ve met in their fields. I want Booker and Neal Caffrey to meet and talk forgeries. Or Mozzie to be into conspiracy theories about these immortal mercenaries.
I want Andy to end up in the Good Place, and be stunned there even really is an afterlife.
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5 & 20!
FanFan! You’re a terribly beautiful awful person I love you dearly. 
5. What’s a crackship you love? Hmmmm, so this is an interesting question. I'm not sure if we define crackship as within fandom, or like, cross fandom? Like, absolutely banana-boat type ship? WHAT IS THE CRITERIA? TO FANLORE: "A crack ship is a ship that is highly ridiculous, bizarre, disturbing, and/or unlikely to ever become canon. The characters don't have any chemistry, never interact, are in different canons or timelines, are different species, one is an inanimate object, etc." OK. Using this criterion (subtract disturbing, though, because... no?):
(MCU) MARVEL: WinterIron (Bucky x Tony) & WinterHawk (Bucky x Clint) probably both count in the MCU for Crackship selections. WinterHawk makes a bit more sense in some of the comic stories (Hawkeye & The WinterSoldier) with a bonus option of a Triad featuring Natasha, if you're into that. (I'm not mad about it, to be honest).
TMFU/The Man From Uncle (Movie): Napollya/Spies In Love, etc. So I love Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin. I'm not sorry for it. I'll probably write about it. CanonWise, probably not. Bromance wise? Off the charts. Blame Henry & Armie, if you must.
Criminal Minds: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid. Not gonna become canon but honestly, there was way too much "Pretty Boy" for me not to go "they should totally make out". This is a pairing I'm casually affectionate for, I haven't read much or written any.
Inception: Do we consider DreamHusbands aka Arthur x Eames a crackship? Unlikely to become canon and minimal interaction. Whatever, I ship it like burning.
DC (Comics, Cartoon, DCCU, Whatever): I'm always a fan of SuperBat or SuperWonderBat.. So. Superman x Batman, Superman x Batman x WonderWoman, all good. Supremely powerful alien & warrior vs the man that keeps them human? Continueeee. 
Crossover Crackships: (I wasn’t sure above was cracky enough?)  *Eliot Spencer (Leverage) x Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez (Losers) x Jake Jensen (Losers) is a great triad ship. I read like, 2 fics but oh man, hot like burning. Toni Likey, very very much. *Lo Zingaro aka Fabio Cannizzaro (They Call Me Jeeg aka Lo Chiamavano Jeeg Robot) x Majid (Wolf): Bad Boys in Love CrossoverFic. Blame the TOG server. Luca Marinelli & Marwan Kenzari's chemistry in The Old Guard has me shipping a bunch of their alternate characters, but none as hard as these guys yet. It's pretty cracktastic, I'm still not sorry.
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
Oh man this is TOUGH. Ok, ok, so... Sorry this is gonna be TOG heavy, I think.
droit du seigneur by silvyri
 - TOG. Nicky has to marry a truly terrible man but the new lord takes a shine to him and claims the right of first night. (Nicky x Joe)
as our love shapes our universe by nicolorenaldigenovia
-TOG. This is L’s Princess Diaries AU (I love L, I recommend everything I’ve read of her’s, truth be told. If she’s reading this, HI DARLING!) The Old Guard Princess Diaries Fusion/AU where Prince Nicolo is Princess Mia's cousin, who introduces his friend Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani to be Mia's future king.
let's right, these wrongs, together by nicolorenaldigenovia
-Another TOG L fic-. (Remember what I said?) or the one where Nicky is housemates with Nile after Yusuf breaks up with him. And when he finally opens up about it, Nicky realizes that his current predicament was brought on by misunderstandings and good intentions with ill results. But it’s too late. It’s been nearly a year; it doesn’t matter now.
Hemingway by silvermadi (Orientation)
-Remember Fabio x Majid? It’s my Madi-babe’s fault. This is her work, I love it, I love her, I’m rec’ing. 
Finally Alive by domini_moonbeam
-”Joe is the new immortal not Nile, and Nicky is the one sent to go find him.” Ok so I don’t know domini but I’d probably fall at their feet if I did. This is for sure one of my favorite TOG stories. 
as your sun sets (i know you in bleary-eyed 3AM) by theprophetlemonade
-This is a Sense8/Shadowhunters crossover AU. I have read it entirely too many times. It’s MARVELOUS. 
Laying Claim by laceymcbain
-Inception/Dream Husbands. “Arthur, you've rung me at 2:30 in the bloody morning from Soho where you appear to be on a street corner and shirtless, possibly drugged. I've no doubt you're capable of handling yourself under normal circumstances, but drunken blokes aren't always the most understanding sort, especially when you're not actually selling what you look like you're selling.”
The One Where They're Stars on HGTV by earlgreytea68
-Inception/Dream Husbands. Super long HGTV AU Series that is FABULOUS. 
And I’m stopping before this gets out of control because I have HUNDREDS more but. I want to sneak in a Standalone Author Rec, in case someone is wanting some Marvel and because I can’t pick a story from her but I would rec all her WinterIron without hesitation, is Ray.
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