#omegaverse pack
omegaversehellscape · 2 years
Pack member 1: the good thing about everyone in the pack sleeping together and none of us being able to keep a secret to save our lives is that we will know immediately if any of us gets chlamydia or something
Pack member 2: okay?
Pack member 1: the bad part is that I don’t know who’s laundry this is? Do I own a sweater this colour? Is this yours? Did I steal it from someone else? Did it get left in my room? I don’t know and it smells like everyone anyway so I can’t tell.
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seraph-of-the-gay · 2 years
I made a pack w/ my alpha!!
I'm starting a minor only (exception if you turn after joining) pack with my alpha!! You'll be a guest when you first join, after we trust you a bit you'll be given the members role! I'd prefer if you were neurodivergent and/or lgbtq to join for comfort. We have rules that are subject to change so that nothing will happen to make anyone uncomfotable.
PM me for the link!!
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The one where the fire department is called. And Nirvana might not just be a word on a hoodie. or The twenty-sixth installment of the Skz!Pack Prequel series.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, SKZ!Pack, Pack!prequel, ot8, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, lee felix, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, skz smut, skz fluff, skz angst, skz imagines, skz reactions, skz scenarios, abo, a/b/o, skz abo, alpha beta omega, femreader, poly!skz
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Light Smut
Title: Emergency Stop
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12 Hours Earlier
Chan sighs heavily and leans back in his chair, spinning a few aimless circles as he lets his gaze wander across the tiled ceiling of the student studio. 
He listens to the sound of fingers clicking across keyboards, the quiet hum of equipment, and then announces finally, to no one in particular, just to get it off his chest, “I think she’s avoiding me.” Hongjoong pulls his headphones off his ears, letting them drop down around his neck, as he turns from his current project to stare at Chan in exasperation, one dark brow arched. 
“I think that’s a little dramatic, mate.” 
“Wellllllll-” Changbin hems from the other side of the room, a grimace going across his features, as he swivels in his chair to face them, not quite meeting Chan’s gaze. 
Chan bolts upright, his voice loud with triumph. “Ah ha! I knew it!” 
“Oh my goood.” Hongjoong groans, scrubbing at his face with his hands, before he must decide that they’re not worth the trouble, turning back to his computer and pulling his headphones back up- on both ears this time. 
Changbin’s lips twist to the side in an obvious guilt ridden expression, his dark eyes finally meeting Chan’s. 
Chan feels his stomach drop as he regards his best friend and packmate’s worry. 
“What?” He asks, suddenly breathless, leaning forward in the office chair, his alpha suddenly on high alert. “What did I do? How did I fuck it up? You gotta tell me how to fix it, Bin, it’s fucking with my head.” 
Changbin reaches up to rub at the back of his neck, Chan recognizes the nervous gesture, and clears his throat, his eyes darting around the room, as if trying to focus on anything except the man in front of him. 
“You didn’t do anything, hyung. I swear to god, but I can’t tell you anything else, because (Y/N) will fucking eat me alive.” 
“She is pretty fucking scary.” Hongjoong chimes in once more, glancing over his shoulder at Chan, his fingers paused on the mouse. “Almost in Seonghwa’s league. Almost.” 
Chan glances back to Changbin, who is nodding avidly along in agreement with what the other alpha is saying. 
Chan’s alpha is growling at his mate’s resistance, at the way he’s holding back, even if he knows how to fix this whole mess, but he takes in a deep, steadying breath, and clamps his hands in his lap, willing the angry wolf back down. 
“Bin.” He tries again, glancing back to the other man, his voice steady, calm, imploring. “You gotta tell me something. If I don’t know what’s wrong, I can’t fix it, and I’m going crazy over here.” Changbin’s chest heaves with a sigh, and then he swallows, Chan watches the way his Adam's apple bobs, as he looks up to the ceiling, as if for some form of silent approval. 
Finally, he sighs again, audibly this time, and rakes a hand agitatedly through his dark hair. 
Chan feels his entire body tense, waiting on what comes next. 
He can sense a headache starting to pound to life behind his left eye. 
He doesn’t know if it’s because of the current situation, or because he hasn’t really seen you much over the last week, and his alpha is taking direct note of the loss of contact. 
Changbin shakes his head slightly to himself, as if he can’t believe what he’s going to say, going to reveal, and then he grits out, “She’s worried about something she said.” 
Chan’s mind races, going over every tiny interaction the two of you have had in the last week and a half. 
Nothing significant comes to mind. 
“What?” He asks, puzzled, as if Changbin can reveal the clues to him. 
Instead, the other alpha gives a half hearted shrug. 
“I dunno, hyung. She wouldn’t tell me anything besides that. I’m sorry, man.” 
Chan shakes his head, still analyzing every time you’ve spoken, or interacted, since he saw you during Jeongin’s heat. 
Honestly, it wasn’t much, considering you’d been avoiding him at all costs. 
He manages a weak grin, and stands, walking over to pat Changbin on the back. 
“Nah, it’s fine, mate. Thanks for telling me that much. I’ll figure it out.” 
Changbin glances up at him, expression unreadable, and gives a curt nod, already reaching for his headphones again. 
“She feels things really fucking deeply. Deeper than the rest of us. Sometimes she just needs a little space to figure it out. But she cares about you, hyung. A lot. She wouldn’t be this fucking worried if she didn’t.” 
Chan grips his shoulder a little tighter, a silent sign of acknowledgement, and goes back to his own work station. 
He knows Changbin’s right. Knows he speaks from experience. 
So why is his stomach still in knots? 
Your eyes dart around the small kitchen, helplessly looking for an escape route, before they settle on the two men sitting at the table, staring you down. 
You clear your throat, and try to work up an easy smile. 
“You were talking about me? I’m flattered Min.” 
Minho’s smirk widens, growing sharp and dangerous, as if he knows exactly what you’re trying to do. 
You’re sure he does. 
He pats the chair beside him, in the middle of he and Chan. 
“Have a seat.” 
You can’t think of literally anything worse in this moment, your skin already hot underneath Chan’s stare, your fingers itching at your side, your alpha begging you to please get the fuck out of here already.
You take a step backward, back toward the safety of the hallway. 
“That’s okay, I actually was just leaving to go on a run.” 
Minho’s brow arches a little higher. 
“At eleven PM?” 
There is amusement in his tone, as if he knows he’s caught you in an outright lie. 
You give a little shrug, and take another step toward the door. 
“I do my best running at night. Must be the wolf in me.” 
You don’t dare look at Chan, not when he’s right here, staring at you, expression unreadable. He hasn’t said one word since you entered the room, and you can practically feel your body withering from the shame of his heavy gaze. 
It’s like he can see right through you, and you need to get out of here, right now. 
“Anyway-” You’re halfway into the hallway now, the front door, your shining savior, within sight. You give the men a little wave and another unconvincing, weak smile. “-gotta go. Have fun.” 
You dart for the front door, nearly bowling an emerging Jisung over, sending his popcorn flying. 
“Hey!” He protests with a glare in your direction, but you don’t stop, tugging on your sneakers with record speed, before you barrel out the door of the apartment. 
“Sorry, Jisungie!” You call over your shoulder, because you are, but honestly, in times of crisis-
You can breathe easier out here, in the quiet darkness of the dorm hallway, even though you’re still practically jogging, headed directly for the elevator. 
You’re making a beeline for your dorm a few floors down, and you’re staying locked up in there until Chan decides to leave. 
Well, not leave, because he lives here too, but at least until he decides to go back to his own kitchen and stop talking to Minho about whatever the hell they were discussing. 
You slide through the gap of the doors in the elevator before they’re fully open, and pound the second floor button a few more times than necessary, catching your breath as you wait for the doors to close. 
They’re almost down to a sliver, and you think you’ve gotten away with your hasty escape, when an arm shoots through, bouncing them back open, and Chan steps into view. 
Immediately, the breath you’ve just regained leaves your body, as he joins you in the elevator, the doors hissing shut quietly behind him. 
There’s silence, the space suddenly feeling smaller than normal, as you stare him down warily from your corner. 
“What-” You start to say, in an attempt at least to fill the uncomfortable quiet, but Chan beats you to it.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He demands, dark eyes flashing, as the elevator jolts into motion. 
You brace yourself against the wall, your mouth dropping open at his serious, commanding tone. 
“I’m not avoiding you-” You start to protest weakly, the lie sounding unconvincing to even your own ears. 
“Bullshit” Chan cuts you off once more with a growl, taking a menacing step toward you, and suddenly, you know, you’re not dealing with Christopher Bang any longer, you’re dealing with his alpha.
His irrational, incredibly pissed off and slighted alpha. 
The elevator feels tiny now, saturated with the scent of thunder, and you swallow hard, your own alpha flattening its ears in response. 
The sound of a ding signals the arrival of the next floor, and before you can make a move to do something, anything, Chan reaches behind him without a glance, and slams his palm down over the emergency stop button. 
The elevator grinds to a sudden halt with an eerie shriek of gears, and then there is silence, all movement ceased. 
Your mouth falls open once more, but you feel your own anger flare to life in the pit of your stomach, rising to meet his. 
“Chan, what the fuck do you think you’re doing-” 
He stalks toward you, and you shrink back into the corner, the cool metal of the hand bar digging into your back. 
“Exactly what I should’ve done when this whole nonsense started.” He growls, caging you in as he puts his hands on either side of your head, fingers digging into the slick, cool brushed metal of the elevator’s walls as he glares down at you. 
You’re choking on the storm now, your heart pounding against the wall of your ribs. 
But you hold your ground regardless, lifting your head as defiance flashes across your gaze, and frost starts to crackle outward from you, freezing the storm. 
“Oh? And what’s that? Emergency stop an elevator in a little temper tantrum?” 
His dark eyes flash, and a muscle ticks in his jaw, but his voice is steady when he responds. 
“If I have to trap you in a room with me to get you to talk over things like an adult, like my mate, then yes.” 
You scoff, looking away from his burning gaze. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” 
“That’s not what Changbin said.” 
Your head jerks up, your angry gaze meeting his. 
“Fuck Changbin.” 
“I do, and I enjoy it.” Chan fires right back without missing a beat, crowding you into the corner further, his scowl deepening. “But that’s not what we’re here to talk about, is it?” 
“I’m not. Avoiding you.” You grind out through gritted teeth, your jaw clicking with the immense pressure of keeping your rage back. 
It’s a blatant lie, and you both know it. 
Chan’s eyes darken, dripping golden around the pupils now, and when he parts his lips, his teeth flash in what’s almost a snarl, dangerous and threatening. 
You can practically feel his alpha’s teeth poised warningly over your exposed throat. 
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this angry before. 
“You think-” He begins, and his voice has dropped dangerously, a menacing growl in the back of his throat, a rumble in his chest. “-that even if I was stupid enough not to notice, he wouldn’t?” 
Your lips part, ready to spit something back, but something about his words ring true in the hollow pit of your stomach. 
He’s right. You could avoid him all you wanted, but your alpha, and his, would know. They were the ones who were suffering because of the distance, keening for their mates. 
Fuck, if it was hell for the two of you, it was fucking torture for them. 
Chan’s gaze hasn’t wavered from your own, not once, and when he speaks again, his words are just above a murmur, and you don’t miss the way his breath trembles on his next inhale. 
“I can’t fucking sleep, (Y/N.) I can’t eat, I can’t study, I can’t produce, I can’t do anything, because every single waking moment is spent trying to figure out what I did wrong and how to fix it.” 
You feel guilt drop like a hot pound of lead into the pit of your stomach. 
You lean your head back on the wall behind you, and meet his gaze head on, your voice quiet, but steady, when you reply back, “It wasn’t anything you did.” 
Confusion starts to pool into his expression, easing some of the anger, and you feel your own fury start to melt away like sand with the tide, leaving your body tired and heavy. 
“Then why?” He questions back, gaze boring into your own. 
You sigh, and glance behind him to the still blinking emergency stop button, wondering how much time you have before someone notices the elevator hasn’t moved and calls the fire department to rescue the two of you. 
That’s all you need right now. Better hurry this up. 
“I said something.” You announce without preamble, shifting your gaze to meet his own once more, sudden fear rising like bile in your throat. You force through the feeling, and swallow hard. “The day you asked me for help during Jeongin’s presentation.” Chan watches you closely, silently, and you give a little shrug and half a laugh-it’s awkward, and fleeting, and leaves the space in between you feeling heavier than before. 
“And I wasn’t sure if what I’d said-what I’d admitted-made you feel weird. I was scared I’d messed shit up, and I wanted to give you space to deal, if that was the case.” 
Chan cocks his head-the motion is endearing, like a puppy-and you resist the urge to reach up and push some of the curls back off his forehead with your fingers. 
Confusion is clear on every inch of his features now. 
“What did you-” He starts to ask, and then something clicks behind his expression, his eyes going wide and his jaw going slack. “Oh, you mean the love thing.” “Oh my god.” You groan, covering your face with your hands, already feeling your cheeks heat up. “Do we have to call it that?” 
When you peek back through your fingers, Chan is smiling, his lips pulled crookedly to one side, the gold fading slowly from his gaze. 
“That’s why you were avoiding me? You were worried about that?” 
“Yes!” You shriek,a little bit louder than necessary, and Chan’s grin widens even more. “I mean, that’s a fuck of a thing to announce to someone out of the blue, when they’re already dealing with a ton of shit and I didn’t know how you’d take it.” 
Chan tilts his head, regarding you. “But you’ve already told me you love me. Once before. Remember?” 
You stare at him like he’s just grown another head, and then it clicks. 
“That didn’t count!” You cough out, choking on your own spit, waving your hands wildly as you try to regain your breath. “That was like a post fuck thing, I was feeling sappy,  I just threw it out there to everyone in general, you guys had just saved me and given me the best orgasm of my life and it wasn’t-” “True?” Chan finishes for you, though there’s no hurt on his face, only slight amusement. 
“No!” You protest, growing angry again as you grow more flustered by the second. “It was true, it just wasn’t so-”
“Direct?” Chan tries once again, watching you closely. 
“Yeah.” You finish helplessly, your shoulders slumping. 
Chan gives a little laugh, and slides one of his large hands down the elevator wall to grip your chin in his fingers, raising your embarrassed gaze to his once more. 
His expression softens, the corners of his mouth settling into an affectionate smile, as you struggle a little and try to resist his gaze. 
“Baby. Look at me.” 
You finally do as he says, reluctantly meeting his eyes, and he arches a brow at you. 
The air between you is heavy with ice and storm, but it doesn’t feel so oppressive now. 
In fact, the headache you’ve been battling all week seems to be miraculously gone. 
Chan’s lips twitch, and you huff at him a little, folding your arms across your chest at his obvious amusement in your sheepishness. 
“Listen. If it hasn’t been incredibly fucking clear since the first time I met you that I’m head over heels for you, then I must not be doing enough to prove it to you.” 
Your own lips twitch into the hint of a smile then, and you begrudgingly uncross your arms from your chest. 
“No, you’re doing enough. Trust me. Following me around like a little lost puppy when I openly hated your guts for the first couple of weeks definitely sold it.”
Chan laughs, and the sound sends warmth cascading down your body. 
Your tired muscles feel a little more manageable now. 
 Chan leans in, and rests his forehead against yours. 
You take a moment to breathe him in, and then he murmurs, breath warm on your face, “Now, say it again, but don’t run away this time.” 
You smirk, keeping your eyes closed as you whisper back, “There’s not really anywhere for me to go. You saw to that.” 
He chuckles, breath fanning across your skin, but doesn’t move to pull away. 
You take in a deep breath, and let your hands skim up the warm length of his arms, letting your fingers take him in for a moment, before you breathe out, “I love you, Christopher Bang. Even though I hated your guts, and fucked up a couple of huge things, and you trapped me in an elevator with you-twice, I might add, against my will-I love you, and I don’t think that’s ever not been true.” 
Chan opens his eyes, and you stare into the golden flecks of his irises, before he pulls back, and his lips curve into the start of a smirk. 
“Now, was that so hard?” 
You swing an arm out and hit him lightly in the chest, giving him a fake glare. 
“Say it back.” 
He grins, and leans in, caging you with his forearms once more against the cool metal behind your head, his nose brushing your own. 
“I fucking love you, (Y/N), I always have. Even when you hated my guts. In fact, in retrospect, I think that made me love you even more.” 
You giggle, and Chan covers your mouth with his without warning, swallowing the sound. 
You let your hands trace up his back and into his hair, fingers tangling in his curls, as he flicks his tongue between the seam of your lips and into your waiting mouth. 
The sharp points of his canines graze and tug at your bottom lip, and you moan, breaking the kiss as you let your head fall back to the wall behind you, breathing heavily, as Chan presses kisses down your jaw, the column of your throat, tickling and teasing your skin as he nibbles your collarbone, traces your scent gland with his tongue. 
“They’re gonna send the fire department after us, you know.” You gasp out, gaze flicking beyond him once more to the flashing button on the wall, as he drops to his knees in front of you, fingers finding your hip bones. 
Chan looks up at you, lips red and kiss bitten, a grin stretching the pink skin over white teeth. 
He arches a brow. 
“Lucky for you, baby, they’re not incredibly known for their fast response time, and I’m a fairly quick worker.” 
You reach out a hand to stop him as he reaches for the closure of your pants, and when he looks up at you in confusion, your lips lift into a smirk. 
“What if I told you I wanted to take my time?” 
His lips slowly lift into a wicked grin of his own. 
“I think we can make that happen.” 
Your apartment is closer than Chan’s (by one floor, but hey, a floor is a floor), so after apologizing to some severely annoyed alphas who were waiting on the stalled elevator, you push through your front door and Chan doesn’t wait a second before he pounces. 
He backs you against the wall of the hallway, his hands dropping to your waist once more, his mouth already on yours. 
His tongue swipes around the inside of your mouth, and you groan into him. “About that taking our time thing-” 
Chan chuckles huskily, the sound going right to your core, and if you weren’t already incredibly wet before, you sure as hell are now. 
There’s a quiet sound behind the two of you and you freeze, leaning up to glance over Chan’s shoulder, suddenly on full alert. 
Chan follows your gaze, your mouth open in shock, to the omega standing beside the front door, waving sheepishly to the two of you, his cheeks almost as red as his hair. 
“Hey, noona.” 
You slip out beneath Chan’s arm and approach him, surprise clearly etched across your face. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I was waiting for you.” Jeongin gives a little shrug, but he won’t meet your eyes, embarrassment clear on his pretty features. “You said later earlier and I thought-” 
Oh. Fuck. 
You let out a sigh, suddenly feeling more than a little remorseful. “Sorry, Innie. I was hanging out at Minho’s and then Chan was there-” 
Jeongin glances down, scuffing his shoe into the worn carpet. “No, it’s fine, noona. I was just gonna sneak out when I heard the two of you, but I should’ve known I had no chance when up against a wolf’s hearing.” 
His hand reaches for the doorknob, and without thinking, you reach out and stop him. 
“Wait-” You swallow, his large, dark eyes flicking to you in surprise. “I mean. You can join us? If you want?” 
Jeongin stares at you, his pupils huge. 
“What?” Chan approaches, his hand going on your shoulder as he addresses Jeongin. “Yeah, Innie. It’s up to you, but we don’t mind-” 
You notice the way Chan reaches up to rub his neck as he speaks, as if he’s just as nervous over this as Jeongin is. 
“Don’t feel any pressure.” You hurry to reassure the omega standing in front of you. “I know you don’t have much experience, and one alpha on a good day is a lot, so if this is too overwhelming-”
Jeongin bites his lip and glances between the two of you. Finally, he says hesitantly, voice barely above a whisper, “I think I’d like that. But-” He takes in a nervous breath. “Can I just watch for a little bit first? Would that be okay?” 
You smirk. “Oh, so you’re one of those?” 
Jeongin instantly flushes, and you rush to reassure him you were only teasing, looping an arm around his shoulders as you lead him back toward your room, Chan following on your heels. 
“I’m just kidding, baby. There’s nothing wrong with a little voyeurism. Minho loves to watch.” 
“He also loves to boss.” Chan says with a slight smirk, as he steps ahead of you and pushes open the closed door, allowing you both to pass first into the room. 
“That he does.” You laugh a little, and then turn to Jeongin. “Okay, pup. Pick your poison.”
Jeongin glances around, clearly still a little shy given the circumstances, and then he settles into the desk chair in the corner of your room, opposite the bed. He pulls his knees up to his chest and nods. “Okay. Just pretend I’m not here.”
Chan has come to stand against your back, tickling his fingers up and down your spine, brushing his nose across the juncture of your throat, and at Jeongin’s words, he groans, and you feel him press into you from behind. He’s still clearly worked up from before, the momentary pause hasn’t even phased him. 
“That’s gonna be pretty hard to do when you smell so fucking good, pup.” 
Jeongin looks wide eyed at Chan’s throaty admission, and leans over to not so subtly sniff his own shirt. “I don’t smell anything crazy.” 
Chan growls in his throat, and you smirk, reaching back to palm him through his jeans. He bucks his hips up into your hand, his fingers digging into your shoulders. 
“That’s because you’re used to how you smell, but you’re kinda blooming, Innie. It means your omega has sensed the presence of alphas-pack alphas-and is desperately trying to get our attention.” 
“Oh.” Jeongin murmurs, looking suddenly small. “I’m sorry, I can leave-” He makes a move to get up. 
“Sit down.” You command, and his pupils dilate at the sound of your timber, but he does as he’s told. You soften your tone a little. “You’re fine, Innie. You’re not going to distract from anything. If anything, your scent is going to make this all the more enjoyable.” 
Chan’s teeth graze over your scent gland, and you glance back at him, arching your brow. “Eager, are we?” 
Chan growls again, the sound a low rumble against your back, and snakes his hand around your waist, letting his fingers find the inside of your thighs. He applies pressure with the palm of his hand, and you arch your back in response, letting out a quick hitch of breath. 
“Very.” He replies, licking a stripe up the side of your neck with his tongue, tasting you. 
You turn to face him, your eyes flashing gold to match his own, but before you fully lose yourself in him, you glance once more at the omega over your shoulder, saying in a soft, serious tone, “Innie, if you want us to stop at any point, say something, and we will. Without hesitation.” 
He nods. “Yes, noona.” His eyes are wide, and his tongue darts out to wet his lips as he watches Chan pull you toward the bed. 
“Sit down.” Chan orders you, much like you had commanded Jeongin earlier, and you do so, but not without a slight smirk in his direction. 
“I’m not going to make this easy.” You warn, settling onto the edge of the bed, your expression wicked. 
Chan knocks apart your knees and stands between your legs, a look of annoyance on his features. One hand tangles into your hair and he yanks your head back, forcing you to look at him, as the other hand comes to loosely wrap around the front of your throat. 
You feel your pulse quicken under his hold.
“Don’t play that game, pet. Not right now. You already made me wait far too fucking long already.” Chan lifts his lips into the hint of a snarl, and the flash of his sharp canines has your inner thighs slick with want. 
He slides his hand slowly up the column of your throat, finally letting his fingers find purchase beneath your chin, tilting your head back even further. 
“But you know that already, don’t you?” He murmurs, staring down at you with something akin to a hungry predator in his dark gaze. 
You swallow beneath the hold he has on your throat, and arch a brow pettily in response. “Care to remind me?” 
Chan’s lips curl, and another animalistic growl slips through the barrier of his teeth. 
You hear Jeongin let out a sharp exhale from the corner, but you don’t look over.
Your entire body is electrified, waiting for Chan’s next move. 
“I could remind you who you belong to-” Chan muses, eyes flashing golden as he stares at you. “-but I don’t think that’s necessary, do you?” 
He leans down, and without warning, slips a hand down underneath the band of your pants. 
His fingers immediately touch your heat, and just by the look of satisfaction that flickers across his features, you can tell he feels just how wet you are already. 
He pulls back, and holds up his slick, glistening fingers for you to see with a cock of his head. 
“I think you already know.” He repeats in a low tone, advancing toward you now, backing you onto the bed, until he’s straddling you, leaning over your prone form. “Don’t you?” 
“Yes.” You breathe out, tired of playing already, tired of staying away from him. 
“Yes what?” He prods, lips curling up into the hint of a dangerous smirk, as he moves to strip you of your clothes. 
“Yes, daddy.” 
Chan freezes, his pupils blowing at the nickname, and a muscle in his jaw ticks, as if he’s silently fighting himself for control, his hands curling into fists beside you on the bed. 
You openly smirk up at him. “Oh, I knew you’d like that one. You know, given your certain proclivities.” 
His irises are completely drowning in gold now, his lips parted slightly as he stares down at you, his breath coming in harsh pants, his chest heaving. 
Still smirking, you roll your head to the side and find Jeongin in your line of sight, arching a brow in the omega’s direction. 
“Did you catch that, Innie? When he was fucking you through your presentation?” Your voice is smooth like butter, dripping with taunting. You’re playing with the alpha on top of you now, and you all know it. 
Jeongin stares at you, his stare moving slowly to Chan and then back again. “Catch what, noona?” His voice is hoarse, like he’s been holding his breath. 
You shift so you’re staring back up at Chan, looming over you, and your lips tick upward into a dangerous expression meant to goad. 
“Our Channie here has a little obsession-a fantasy, if you will-with breeding. He probably went easy on you the first time he knotted you, because you’re inexperienced, but he just loves to fill you up when he fucks you, loves the idea of stretching you with his seed and then his pups, hm, Channie?” 
A low growl rolls from Chan’s chest, and you hear Jeongin’s breath catch. 
The smell of cinnamon is overpowering. 
Chan pins your hands above your head in one smooth, quick motion, and leans over to bite down-hard-on your scent gland in the curvature of your shoulder. 
Not hard enough to mark or draw blood, but damn near close. 
Your body goes limp beneath him, your mind going blank, your jaw slack, and suddenly, any of the teasing from before is long gone, and the only thought is-alpha, alpha, alpha. 
He pulls back, licking his lips with a wicked smirk, and fuck it, he knows he’s won already. 
“I should punish you for teasing me, pet, but lucky for you, I’m far to eager to feel you squeezing every last drop out of me to make myself wait any longer.”
And without warning, he leans over and sinks his teeth into your muscle once again, sheathing himself fully inside of you in the same frantic motion. 
You cry out, the sensations hitting you all at once, and arch your body up into his hold. 
He hadn’t prepped you, but honestly, you were wet enough that he slid in without much resistance, and the friction was honestly close to pushing you over the edge already. 
Chan growls, the sound sending goosebumps over your skin, muffled by his hold on your shoulder, and thrusts wildly a few times, like an animal gone mad with desire. 
You let him, your fingers scrabbling at his skin, and letting your head roll to the side to give him more access to your neck, you catch sight of Jeongin, watching the two of you with something clearly hot, but tentative, on his features. 
Reaching a hand out, you splay it across Chan’s bare chest, stopping his movements, and he releases his teeth’s hold on you, as you say quietly to get his attention, “Chan.” 
He’s panting, but he stills, and the feeling of him filling you without moving is enough to drive you crazy, but you keep your focus on Jeongin as you hold out your free hand. 
“Done watching, Innie? Wanna join in?” 
The omega swallows, you see the way his throat bobs, and then he stands, looking suddenly nervous, but you can tell he’s intrigued and more than a little hot and bothered at this point if the tent in his pants is any indication. 
He approaches the bed, and swallows again. 
“You don’t have to.” You say softly, taking his hand in yours and rubbing his fingers. “I know this can be overwhelming, but if you want to-” 
He nods, glancing down at you, his eyes trailing down the length of Chan’s body atop yours, before he meets your gaze once more with a look of determination. 
“No, I want to.” 
“Good boy.” You praise, before you tug him forward and onto the bed beside you and Chan. You jerk your head at his clothes. “Take those off.” 
He does so quickly, and then sits back down beside the two of you once more, looking unsure. “Now what?” 
You give him an encouraging smile. “Now, you’re gonna kneel above me and slide yourself into my mouth.” You open your lips and lean your head back to show him, careful not to jostle Chan. 
Jeongin’s eyes go wide. “What? But what if I hurt you-?” 
A raspy chuckle leaves Chan’s lips, and he gives the omega a soft look. “You’re not gonna hurt her, pup. I promise.”
“You’re not.” You reiterate, as Jeongin finally takes a breath and moves to kneel above your head. You glance up at him, as you wrap your hands around the back of his thighs. “And besides, now is as good a time as any to talk about safe words and safety gestures. I won’t be able to talk, obviously, but if I need you to stop at any time, I’ll tap you twice, like this, okay?”
 I tap the back of his thigh with two fingers hard, twice. 
Jeongin nods, staring down at my head between his knees. “Okay.” 
“Okay.” You repeat back, parting your lips once more. “Whenever you’re ready.” Jeongin hesitates briefly, glancing to Chan, who gives him a little nod, and then he leans forward and places the tip of himself into your mouth. 
You adjust slightly to allow easier access as he slowly slides between your lips. 
You see the way his body tenses as he feels your tongue on him, but he still gives you a worried sort of glance. “Okay?” 
You nod slightly, and hum a sound of affirmation, before you let yourself suck, creating suction with your tongue. 
Jeongin instantly groans, his head falling back and his hands scrabbling to tangle in your hair. 
Chan takes that as his cue to move again as well, and he resumes his thrusting from before, his hips moving more rhythmically now. 
You feel Jeongin hit the back of your throat, and oh god, he tastes just like he smells, and fuck, with Chan moving like that-
You can feel the muscles in your body tensing, readying for release, as you keep working Jeongin with your mouth and Chan shunts your body over and over with his. 
“Fuck, noona, I-” Jeongin starts to say, and then he’s shuddering, and you feel him release, tasting the sweetness on your tongue. 
“Fuck.” Chan swears, watching Jeongin come for you, and then he leans forward, his sweaty skin sticking to yours as he rests his forehead on your chest, fingers digging into your wrists, and roars through his own release. 
Everything whites out for a moment as your own body uncoils, and you have to remind yourself to breathe, as Jeongin slowly pulls himself from your mouth and Chan lies on top of you, catching his breath. 
“Fuck.” Jeongin repeats, staring down at you, his eyes full of awe. “Fuck.” 
You give a weak little laugh and reach out to brush Chan’s sweaty hair back from his forehead. He glances up at you, his chin on your chest, and releases his hold on your wrists, one of his hands moving to your jaw and pinching your mouth open so he can look inside. 
A small smirk quirks the corner of his mouth as he says hoarsely, “A shame to waste all that perfectly good come on your mouth, baby.” You grin down at him, wincing slightly as he pulls himself out of you with a long, low groan. 
He flops down beside you on the bed, covering his face with his arm as his chest still heaves. 
On your other side, Jeongin collapses down as well, his hand finding yours, even though his eyes are closed. 
After a few moments of silence, Chan pushes himself up with effort, and scoots to the edge of the bed. He waves a finger between you and Jeongin’s prone forms. 
“Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” 
You give a sound of assent, but don’t open your eyes. 
Soon though, you hear the sound of his footsteps padding back, and he nudges you with his hand. 
“Drink this, baby.” You crack open your eyes, and take the bottle of water he offers you, passing the other one to Jeongin, who guzzles it down immediately. 
Chan slides back onto the bed between your legs, and begins to wipe down the sticky skin of the inside of your thighs with the warm rag, cleaning up all the residual juices that were left behind. 
You relax into his gentle motions, and when he’s finished, he turns to Jeongin, arching a brow at the younger boy. 
“Can I?” He asks, and Jeongin hesitates, before he nods slightly, spreading his legs for Chan to clean him up as well. 
You watch them-how gentle Chan is, how trusting Jeongin is-and you feel warm from head to toe. 
Warm and content. 
When he’s finished with Jeongin, you finally sit up and reach for the rag, motioning for Chan to lay back on the bed. 
“Okay, now you.” 
He opens his mouth, as if to protest, but Jeongin pushes him down gently with a hand to his chest and a small smile. 
“C’mon, hyung. It’s only fair.” 
Chan rolls his eyes, but lets you wash him over with the warm rag anyway, and you can tell, by the slight hint of pink on his cheeks, that he enjoys the tender touches just as much as you do. 
When everyone is cleaned up, you motion for Jeongin to snuggle down between the two of you, your arm looped comfortably across him, your fingers making nonsensical patterns on the warm, bare skin of Chan’s chest. 
Leaning over to press a kiss to the tip of Jeongin’s nose, you say softly, “I love you.” Jeongin glances up at you with large eyes, and his lips curve into a smile. 
“I love you too, noona. And you, hyung.” 
You grin and press another kiss to the top of his soft, red hair, before he glance across to Chan, who is watching you affectionately, a small smile on his lips. 
He arches a brow at you and whispers over the top of Jeongin’s head, “I’m proud of you. You’re getting better.” 
You grin back at him, and reach up with your free hand to cup his jaw, before you squish Jeongin between you as you lean forward to press a kiss to his lips. 
“I love you, Bang Chan.” 
He tugs you forward for another kiss, and Jeongin whines slightly at being squished. 
“I love you too.” ********************************
“So, I’m guessing the two of you made up?” Changbin remarks offhandedly, leaning against the desk as he eyes you with an arch of his brow and a smirk on his lips. 
You give a little shrug, sifting through Chan’s papers to find the one you’re looking for. “I guess. How can you tell?” You stop, glancing back at him with a narrowing of your eyes. 
Changbin grins, his eyes dropping pointedly to the large black hoodie you wear. “That’s his favorite hoodie.” 
You hold out the heavy fabric so you can see the Nirvana logo printed across the front of it, staring at it skeptically. “Really? This old thing? I just stole this the last time we went over to his dorm after hide and seek.” 
Changbin laughs and shakes his head, leaning around you now to pluck up a piece of paper and present it to you. 
It’s the one you’ve been looking for. 
You snatch it from him with a teasing glare. 
“Really.” He nods, tugging at the hood of the hoodie teasingly. “This fucking thing is his favorite fucking thing on the whole planet, so the fact that he let you take it and wear it-” He shakes his head in slight disbelief, and smirks down at you. “-well maybe that just means that he has a new favorite fucking thing on the whole planet.” 
You grin at that. 
“I kind of like the sound of that.” Changbin grins back and tackles you onto the futon in the corner of the studio, tickling you as you shriek and struggle to get away from him.
“I knew you would.” 
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yandere-fetish · 2 months
So I've been thinking of the Omegaverse lately and I can't quit thinking about adopting the entire fantasy trope around it.
Like, for example, just imagine...
An Alpha Siren who happens to discover its Omega Reader while there's a cruise ship above, which leads Alpha Siren to follow the ship to port while attempting to gather Omega Reader's attention, stalking you from a distance, leaving little love trinkets everywhere you go, before finally kidnapping you and dragging you need into the dark abyss.
Or reverse it— An Alpha Reader hunting down their Omega Siren, searching the ends of the Earth, diving in vast oceans, countlessly losing your Omega Siren after a single glance, only for your Omega Siren to come to you, half laying on the deck, wagging their tail desperately, wantonly begging for their Alpha Reader to impregnate them.
An Alpha Dragon that captures treasures in their vast abode while waiting on their perfect omega, then happens to discover Omega Reader gathering herbs. We can even turn you into an Omega Witch. Captured by the dragon, fighting for your life, even when your heat kicks in...
Or maybe an Omega Dragon that sneaks up on Alpha Witch Reader in the forest one day and refuses to leave your side. Whines like a puppy, guards like a dog, purrs like a cat, but is as horny as a rabbit when it comes to its heat.
How about an Alpha Naga hunting in the forest, searching for prey for their tribe, then comes across Omega Reader collecting samples, safeguarding the forest, or whatever else you may be doing for planet earth, and takes the chance to observe a new species before falling quickly. Alpha Naga ends up causing your premature heat, kidnapping you from your tent, and hiding you deep in a cave. Your heat gets the better of you but that doesn't mean you won't put up a fight.
Or an Omega Naga that you find as an adventurer that fights you tooth and claw. After winning, maybe it just slithers away or, because of Alpha Reader's pheromones, they go into heat. Maybe you help Omega Naga through its heat intimately, or maybe they are the ones who claw at your shirt, coiling their tail around your legs, their forked tongue kissing your neck and face, even the slippery cocks that end up slipping between its orifice.
Take an Omega Selkie that adores the shore and while swimming to the surface, catches wind of your Alpha pheromones, which leads to the Omega Selkie searching everywhere for you, discovering your swimming form scuba diving or just swimming leisurely, they end up playing with you in their seal form before revealing their true self when you have to leave. It's pretty hard to turn down a tempting and innocent creature that's leaking for you to sate their desires.
Or an Alpha Selkie who dominated the waves, blending in with humans while protecting the seas, they also dare to sift through the human omegas before coming across you, which leads to your rejection and his perseverance until you end up being emotionally and physically attached. Now you’ve got no where to run and no where to hide with Alpha Selkie breathing down your neck and following you at every turn.
Maybe try an Alpha Harpy bleeding from a wound in a fight and comes across you, an Omega Bird Hybrid, before passing out, to which you take them in and clean them up, feeding them, nursing them back to health. Alpha Harpy refuses to leave at the end, declaring themselves your mate, grabbing many courting gifts to give you, nonstop attempts to mate you, aiding you in building your nest and even collecting your meals.
Or maybe an Omega Harpy that is in constant need of affection but refuses themselves from having any contact with it due to their abused childhood, thus leading Alpha Reader, who has Omega Harpy as a pet, to care for their needs, to learn more about habits and behaviors, before attempting to try anything, which leads to multiple disputes that ends bloody for Alpha Reader before you honestly takes care of Omega Harpy through their heat, platonically, thus ending up with them falling for you.. but more slowly and with caution.
We could try an Alpha Cereberus Pack that has lived for thousands of years, most of them mateless and horny, until one night where they meet their perfect little Omega, you, a Cat Hybrid. They're sent to guard the demon that's killing your neighbors, all the while watching you, individually, invisibly, before the demon comes after your Omega Cat Hybrid Reader— which sends Alpha Cereberus Pack feral and ends up taking the demon's life and disappearing with you...
Or an Omega Cereberus Pack that have been abandoned by their last owners or their parents (bc that's the way of life what cruel abusive demons do) and are starved, on the brink of death, when innocent Alpha Cat Hybrid Reader finds them in the wet rain before taking them safely home. You take good care of the Omega Cereberus Pack, even as they snap and growl at your every move, but eventually, they grow fond of you, growing like wild weeds, and, out of nowhere, they've become adults, begging in heat one day.
Maybe enjoy an Omega Arachne that is super shy and scared of others that are not of their kind due to the screams of terror when coming in contact with someone else. Omega Arachne who's lived alone for a few hundred years, succumbing to loneliness.. then they caught a whiff of Alpha Reader's pheromones and suddenly went into a force heat, which causes your rut to come into play, but not until you've stumbled upon their web (in a cave, in a forest, or maybe on a mountain).
Or an Alpha Arachne that has set his eyes on you, an Omega Arachne (or maybe an Omega Lamia) since you were born, watching, waiting, for the perfect time to strike and capture you in their web. Alpha Arachne designs a web for the upcoming mating season and delivers many prey of all kinds for the honeymoon, and even if they don't end up catching your attention, they take matters into their own legs and kidnap you for their own. After a clutch or two, they know you'll be fine.
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Autumn Embers Masterlist
Omegaverse where people who are compatible have complementary scents. Pheromones aren’t everything, of course, but you’ll get more cohesive group dynamics if everyone has scents that go together. Scent blockers and diffusers are everywhere in common spaces, so it’s not like people who’s scents don’t mesh can’t be around each other. Lots of people with subtler or hard to pin down scents only go au naturel on special occasions with family and their special someone.
Part 1 - Introductions
Part 2 - Work Introductions
Part 3 - Oakmoss
Part 3A - The Cake (SMUT, 18+, MDNI, NSFW)
Forming the Pack (Part 1) - John and Simon (SFW)
Forming the Pack (Part 1) [Alternate Ending] - John and Simon (18+, MDNI, NSFW)
Forming the Pack (Part 2) - John, Kyle, and Simon (SFW)
Forming the Pack (Part 3) - John, Kyle, Simon, and Soap (SFW)
Writing about the real world in fanfiction - discussing reproductive freedom, imperialism, and the 4B movement in fanfiction
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untaemedqueen · 1 year
Finding My Pack
Alpha!OT7 x Omega!Reader
Genre: Fated Mates, Omegaverse, Smut, Angst, Fluff
Series Warnings: Omega Abuse (Not By OT7), Fated Mates/Soulmates, Scent Sympathy, Sunshine!FMC, Knotting, Smut, MMMMMMMF, MMMF, MMF, MF, Breeding Kink, Cursing, Dom!OT7, Sub!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Omega Abuse
A/N: This will be the only chapter posted to Tumblr. All future chapters can be found on Patreon~! See you there!
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Chapter 1.
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"You do not lock the goddamn doors in this fucking house."
The sentence was thick with a growl, one that if I was born correctly wouldn't have mattered in the slightest. Just hearing the sharp hit of his words, my insides clenched and coiled, dying to listen and make sure that he wouldn't be mad at me again.
"Sorry," I whispered softly, looking down at my bare toes that curled awkwardly under my gaze.
"You need to put on your scent blocker and try a little bit harder to fit in here. You're making all your brothers crazy with that fucking smell."
Swallowing thickly, I grabbed the bottle from him with a nod.
If my scent made my brothers crazy, they made me out of my fucking mind with sickness. Every one of them smells like acidic garbage with a hint of overpowering sweetness, y'know, like the way too fake soaps or body lotions you find in those hoity toity stores.
"You're a fucking Pangborn. Please act like it," my father grumbled, wrinkling his nose at the smell of my nervousness. "Jesus Christ. I can't believe your mother made you."
His words were a low blow but nothing I wasn't used to hearing now. Nothing any of the pack said got to me as bad as it used it.
Okay, a lot of it hurt but I tried not to think of it all the time. It was my fault, really. I wasn't born right.
To be a Pangborn in Cypress City, you have to be an alpha. The Pangborns breed for one purpose and one purpose only, to give the city more alphas then they know what to do with.
Every Pangborn is expected to be a boy, to be an alpha and to take on the numerous betas that are practically beating down the door for them to be let in. So when I was born, disappointment was ripe in the air. It still is.
A small female omega with no qualities and no purpose.
I'm nothing.
Oh that's fun, what a great thought to have. Even if it hurts, it's true.
Since I was born I've been kept hidden like a secret. There's no fairytale here, there's no pack of alpha princes waiting at the bottom of my incredibly sterile, sad tower. There's no one that cares. Well, maybe Brady and MacKenzie but they pretend I don't exist half the time.
Looking down at the bottle of scent blocker, a sob threatened to well up in my throat.
"Weak omega bullshit." That's what my father would say.
It's so fucking annoying to be different. It's so painful. But the hope that one day I'd be accepted never ceased to creep into my thoughts.
So I sprayed the spray on even though it makes me feel sick.
I could smell him before my door opened. His alpha pheromones were bleeding throughout the long hallway that lead to my room.
He smelled of garbage, lemon juice and the slightest hint of boysenberry. Although the boysenberry is not his own smell. It's a betas.
"Oy!" MacKenzie booms, shoving open the door.
His bright red hair and forest green eyes searched the mostly barren room until he found me in the corner.
"He cornered you again?" he asked softly, stepping into the room like he's witnessing a hurt animal.
"It's okay!" I tried to beam a smile for him but it fell flat into some kind of grimace.
MacKenzie wasn't really my brother, he hailed from the Alban Pangborns so he's more like my very distant cousin but he's pack and that makes him my authority regardless. If he barked at me, I'd end up doing his bidding. Just like all my other brothers do. I'm grateful he doesn't do it but he still could nonetheless.
"You sprayed on the right amount," Kenz praised, giving me a small smile.
The praise made me want to preen, made me want to jump and shout for joy that I did something right but I kept it locked tight within me.
"You'll be pleased to know that your father and some of the others are going on a business trip soon. It'll just be some of us left in the house. You won't have to smell all this alpha shite around, you ken?"
His thick accent made me smile then. When he first came over from Alba I had not a fucking clue what he was talking about but now it almost feels like a secret language we speak.
"I ken," I nodded, setting the spray down on my dresser.
"Just wait a while to come down to get your dinner. The boys and I have been having a beta fucking feast," he wiggled his eyebrows and left the doorway without so much as a goodbye.
I wish I was a beta.
No, actually, I wished I was an alpha. I wished I was born an alpha so that I didn't have to be a disappointment and left out of everything.
Sitting down on my bed, I fluffed the uncomfortable comforter around me to no avail and since I know I'm alone I let out the most pitiful of whines. Whining wasn't allowed. My father told me that alphas hate whining more than anything.
Once I whined during dinner with the Landons and their alpha son looked like he wanted to tackle me from across the table. It was the one and only time I was able to go to dinner with my family. They never let me go again.
I apparently ruined their business merger dinner.
My family made a fuck ton of money. Too much money to count on your fingers, not that I'd ever see a cent. I wasn't worth a dollar to them. They own a vast majority of land across the globe, mostly farms or patches of free wilderness that people are begging to buy from them.
If only those vast patches of land would be able to buy me a soft comfortable comforter. This one is rough and itchy and I don't like it. I don't know much about being an omega but I do know that I don't like the blankets I own.
You see, omegas are rare. Like one in one hundred is an omega rare. Somewhere in history omegas just became a rarity and as such they're terribly hated.
Whenever I tried to ask the pack any questions they all shut me down with a growl and told me to go back to my room.
My father's bark was sharp and I tightened my terribly uncomfortable blanket over my shoulders at the noise.
If they are having a beta party downstairs I most certainly wouldn't be welcome to interrupt it. All the beta females that came into the house hated me. I tried to be friendly and smile, tried to make friends with other girls but they didn't want anything to do with me.
Probably feeding into the whole hate omega-kind thing, huh?
When my father shouted my name again, I had no choice but to get up. It was an alpha command now, filled with bite and fury.
If I saw one bare tit I was going to lose my goddamn mind. I'd been having these awful urges these past couple of months. It felt like something was boiling in my gut and itching beneath my skin, just begging to get out of me. What it was, I wasn't sure but it feels fucking awful and devastating just the same.
When I was starting to run a fever, my father would give me a few pills and lock me up in my room until the fever had passed and I was able to carry on with my chores.
My feet took me without thinking. The large home I lived in with the twelve others in the pack passed by in a blur. I tried not to look up from the wooden floorboards, I really didn't want to see anyone mating out in the open like I know my brothers loved to do.
I could hear the audible moans of the betas, probably in various states of undress all around me as I made my way to my father's office.
This had always been my home but I'd always felt like a stranger here. It's not just because my family wasn't welcoming, it just felt wrong. Nothing in this place is where it should be. The pictures on the cabin-like wooden walls weren't at all in the right order, the couches in the sitting room weren't staged properly, even the wood that goes into the fireplace smells horrendous.
Everything about this place made me feel sick.
That includes my father's office.
Once I stepped inside I was immediately smacked with pheromones, ones that made my stomach roll with nausea. I wonder if that's how everyone felt. I wonder if betas got nauseous with their families too.
My eyes scanned the room which was terribly out of order and then they caught on the one picture that sat on my father's desk.
It was her.
My mother. Whom of which I've never met. She was a beta that my father never bonded with but got pregnant anyway. He loved her…I think. But when she had me and I was an omega she was disappointed and left me here. She left me here alone. With these people.
She left me here with my family.
I hadn't realized I whined until my father cracked his hand down on his desk with a fierceness. "What did I say about that shit?!"
"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."
"Not that she ever does, eh?" my brother Riley laughed, elbowing me in the ribs as he passed.
Riley was an interesting case of smells. There's the cedar which makes sense because he spends a lot of time outdoors, there's the sharpness of spearmint like a powerful gum that makes your nostrils burn and…boysenberry?
He and MacKenzie have been sharing again. Definitely not uncommon for those two.
"Close the doors. She's gonna scare all the betas away. I'm not waiting another round for Hunter to have an alpha son of his own."
"Keep the lineage alive." That's the pack motto. What a terrible fucking bumper sticker that would be.
I stood there, looking down at my toes as my father and Riley talked and laughed with one another. Probably forgetting I was even in the room. Which happens sometimes.
"Alright, little O?" Kenz cheered, entering the office.
"Don't call her that," my father snapped, finally remembering I was around.
MacKenzie held his hands up in a gesture to soothe any frayed nerves and he sat down with a groan on the couch closest to father's desk.
"Y/N," my father began, not even offering the kindness to look at me. "Your brothers and I are going on a business trip outside of the city. Some of your brothers, like MacKenzie, are staying back because they have a dinner meeting at the house while I'm away."
My head lifts in surprise. Will I be allowed to go?! Can I eat dinner with my brothers?!
"There's many alphas in the pack, we can kill two birds with one stone. This business meeting is incredibly important for us."
My smile was megawatt and I nodded instantly. "Sure, of course! I can–"
"You can," my father interrupted with a sneer. "Make sure you stay in your room, take your pills and keep your scent blocker applied when the Euphoria Pack comes to the meeting. This contract will be our biggest one so far and I will not have your omega bullshit fuck it up for the rest of us. Do you understand?"
The disappointment and sorrow that swirled through me almost knocked me off my feet. "Oh, I see… I understand."
"See that you do. I won't stand for losing this deal because you couldn't handle yourself."
God, I wanted to curl up and die. I'm so pitiful. What a fucking waste. I wish I was never born an omega.
Trying to bury whines and suffering hurt sometimes and in this instance it felt like a red hot poker was shoved down my throat.
"She stinks like sadness," Riley chuckled, shaking out his long brown hair and looking me over with disdain dripping from every pore.
"Lighten up, brother. She's only human," Kenz laughed, stepping in front of me and waving his hand behind his back.
Get out.
That's what he was telling me.
"Dinner will be brought up to you. If you're feeling hot then take your pills. We're leaving in the morning and we won't be back for a few weeks."
Oh, thank God, I could do without seeing my father and half of my brothers for weeks on end. Maybe finally I would be able to walk around without getting yelled at.
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Three days of the freedom I thought I would be acquiring went by too fast. I'd been left with my brothers that were the easiest to deal with. Brady, Ronan, MacKenzie, Dash and Hunter were, of course, the easiest to deal with because they never nagged me and they were always too busy fucking betas to really give a shit what I was doing.
The house stunk of sex and carefree fun but more importantly it smelled of my freedom. I was able to go out in the garden to read, to sunbathe, to smell something that wasn't garbage. It was heavenly.
I'd seen flowers I've never seen before, ones that weren't there the last time I was in the gardens. Apparently Leticia, one of the pack chasers, suggested sprucing things up. When I suggested it to my father I got sent up to my room with no dinner and pills because I was acting 'out of order.' I'm a person not a goddamn machine. How could I possibly be out of order?
But now with the three days of freedom gone, I'm once again left up in my room without a single thing to do. Defiance curled in my bones and I narrowed my eyes at the white little pills on my bedside table.
My father wasn't here, he wouldn't know if I took them or not. I'd rather get a fever then take them and feel even sicker than before. Those pills made me nauseous and I felt like reality was so far out of touch that I'd never get back to it. I did end up spraying the scent blocker, though. Just one little spritz, just enough to save the visiting alphas downstairs from my monstrous odor.
They shouldn't be subjected to a disgusting omega. An embarrassment to the family.
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The sprawling cabin estate was large before our eyes but it pales in comparison to the mansion we just created on the outskirts of the state.
"I don't like the smell," Jin murmured to us.
The smell was honestly horrific. These alphas seemed to stew in the scents of sex and their own pheromones. You could smell the female betas like they were throwing out a wide casting net to repulse everyone around them.
"Why the fuck did we agree to this?" Taehyung grumbled, folding his arms.
"Because although they're disgusting, they're rich as fuck and they have the land we need to start up the center," Namjoon replied evenly, fixing his tie.
I couldn't seem to take my eyes off the enlarged wooden cabin in front of us. That's exactly what it was: a large, gigantic wooden house. It would be almost comical if it wasn't very real.
"I don't even wanna touch the door," Hoseok hissed, taking to kicking the front door insead.
Even in this day and age everyone lives with the one soul purpose of finding their person, their omega but this pack didn't seem to care about finding one. Not with the way their lodgings smelled.
Now, of course, finding an omega that's right for your pack is like finding a unicorn or finding gold at the end of a rainbow but packs do it. Not all the time but enough to keep packs hopeful, at least.
Once the door swung open, a red headed alpha before us smiled widely. "Gents, welcome! The Pangborn Pack is happy to have you!"
Namjoon gave him his typical killer smile and the alpha seemed to relax at it. Our pack leader was all killer charm and easy going… until you fuck with his pack.
The seven of us have only had each other for quite a few years now and our family depends on one another more than most.
"Thank you for having us," Jimin smiled, stepping into the home first.
His eyes bounced around the interior before nodding. Once I stepped into the entryway behind him, the need to look at the inside faded. In the air, apart from the alpha scents were the scents of dinner and something so deliciously sweet that it made my mouth water.
Fuck! What is that smell?!
"Made us dessert?" Namjoon inquired with a laugh.
So he can smell that too.
The scent was warm and sugary like a fresh out of the oven sugar cookie with vanilla ice cream slowly melting on top.
Why the fuck was I about to nut over dessert?
Casting my eyes to Taehyung, I could see him tugging at the collar of his expensive dress shirt.
It was getting increasingly hot in here, that I could guarantee.
The scent was so thick and practically viscous I could feel it wrapping around my cock and tugging sensuously. My knot was two seconds from expanding and the desire to rut until I was sated was pressing indecently on my brain.
"No dessert here, lads. The betas can barely cook a steak without it burning! We ordered out for dinner tonight! Dinnae ken billionaires like you would be opposed to that, eh?"
"Dinnae ken means didn't think," another alpha offered, slipping in beside the redhead. His hair was long and brown, shaggy even with a boyish smile that could probably charm anyone he laid his eyes on.
"That sounds great," Jin replied, unbuttoning his suit jacket and cracking his neck.
Whatever that fucking scent is, it has us all by the balls.
Namjoon gripped his hand into a fist, eyes glazing over all of us. "To the dining room, then?"
"Getting right down to business! I love that! We have betas to look after anyway," Red chortled, wiggling his eyebrows at us.
When the group of us moved with the two other alphas, my heart started to hammer as the smell became stronger.
I tried to temper my growl that wormed its way up my throat but Joon caught it. "I don't know what it is but fuck, I want it so bad," he agreed.
"Alright there, lads?"
"Just have to use the restroom. Would you mind sending me in the right direction?" I inquired, needing to find the words through a thick haze of want.
"Bathroom on the first floor is occupied for the betas. Second floor up that staircase there," Red pointed to the staircase from where the scent is strongest. "Fifth door on the right."
With a nod, I set off trying not to falter and stumble from the exquisite smell.
"We'll be waiting in the dining room. The pack is excited to make this merger," the brown haired man smiled.
Once they were out of sight I took the stairs two at a time, eyes searching for any indication of where the scent came from.
I let my senses guide me. Following the smell took me past the bathroom and past any rooms that smelt of the alphas. Stopping at the end of the hallway, the door before me was completely different from the others. It was metal, almost sterile in a sense. But the scent was there, it was so heady and present that my cock stood to attention.
"Oh fuck," I grunted, shoving open the door and barreling up the stairs.
The hallway I rushed down was bare of anything home-y and it looks like some sort of clinical hospital ward.
The door at the other end suddenly opened in a flourish and the sweetest little thing I'd ever seen stepped out with curious, glazed eyes.
"Omega," I groaned long and low, stepping toward her.
She was the maddening scent. She was what my pack was going crazy over.
"Oh! I'm so… I've never–" the sweet thing whispered, looking me over with hunger.
The perfect woman. Right before my fucking eyes. Those lips, those sweet eyes, that adorable, if not a little scared smile, that fucking body. Built just for me and my other pack brothers.
Mine, mine, mine! Every cell in my body screamed it with frantic need.
"Why do you smell so good?" she whimpered, lifting a hand as if she wanted to touch me.
Please fucking touch me. Holy shit, I was going out of my fucking mind from this perfect little thing.
"What do I smell like, sweetness?" I inquired, stepping closer.
"Like warm hot chocolate and marshmallows. Not like garbage at all!" she gasped, looking up with wide, innocent eyes.
A laugh tumbled past my lips. What an innocent creature.
"Does everyone smell like garbage to you, sweetness?"
"I just want to…" she groaned, a whimper slipping past her lips.
A purr started in my chest, rattling my bones with how thick and heavy it was. Oh fuck, I'd never purred for anyone before.
"What do you want?" I asked softly, holding my hands up to show her I mean no harm.
She gripped my wrist with a dainty hand probably thinking it had a fierceness she didn't embody. She lifted my hand to her soft cheek and my purr started up once more.
"I'm so sorry," she apologized, not taking her eyes off mine. "I know omegas are disgusting. I shouldn't bother you."
The sweet purr she pulled from me turned to a growl in an instant. "You could never be disgusting. Omegas are precious. Didn't your alphas teach you that?"
She stared up at me, eyes starting to brim with tears.
Oh my God, she was everything I could have ever wanted. My pants were so fucking tight, my heart feels like it was gonna combust and I'm pretty damn sure I just met my fucking mate.
"They're not really my alphas," she whispered softly, keeping my wrist close to her nose.
I wanted to take this gorgeous woman and lock her away where no one but the pack can find her. Holy shit, my brain was turning to fucking mush.
"What are they then if not your alphas?" I asked, stepping closer.
When my chest brushed against hers, she perfumed the air for me and another purr ripped from my chest like it was an instrument being played purely for her.
"Brothers, father," she mumbled, lost in a haze of our own making.
"So you don't have a pack of your own, sweetness?" I whispered, coursing my thumb over her cheek.
"No one would want me. I'm useless," the omega replied so softly I might not have heard her if not for her keeping my attention ensnared.
"I highly doubt that, pretty girl. What's your name?"
"I'm Jeongguk. It's nice to meet you, sweetness."
"I can't take it. I can't take it. I can't take it!" Jimin chanted, rushing into the hallway.
The omegas gasp was loud and frightened for only a moment until she laid eyes on the other alpha. I purred for her, watching her instantly relax at the noise.
"This is Jimin. He's a part of my pack. The Euphoria Pack."
"Oh no, I've…I've ruined dinner. My father will be so upset with me," she groaned, sounding not as upset as she probably would be if I wasn't purring up a fucking storm.
"Scent sympathetic. I thought it was like a fucking myth for people like us," Jimin laughed, stepping up beside me.
He didn't seem jealous or upset at all that my hands were on her. We've never tried for an omega, not really. Unfortunately, most omegas wanted us for our money and not for the connection. Not to mention most of the omegas we met smelled so cloyingly sweet that it gave us headaches for weeks. Most omegas wanted just some of us but not all of us and that doesn't bode well for a pack.
"You smell like calming tea and blueberries," Y/N breathed, blinking up at him.
"And you smell like a yummy dessert, sweetheart. How's such a pretty omega like you hidden up here away from everything?"
"Why are you being so nice to me? I'm just an omega," she whimpered, looking between us.
"'Just an omega'? Don't you know your worth, pretty girl?" I scoffed, tilting my head.
She opened her mouth to reply, only to shut it and furrow her eyebrows.
"I want to introduce her to the pack. I think this is it. I think we found our girl," Jimin beamed at me, allowing her to pull him closer.
She seemed to be a needy little thing. One we certainly wouldn't mind doting on. She also seemed completely out of touch with reality and it wasn't just because she was obsessed with our scents.
"Do you have a nest, sweetness? Would you care to show us?"
A nest is very sacred to omegas, it's one of the only places they can find comfort during heats and in times of stress. It was incredibly forward for me to ask but I wanted to know what she liked. I knew my hopes might be high but I wanted to set up the nest in the new mansion how she would like it. Because she was mine. She was ours. She belonged with us.
"I– What's a nest?" Y/N asked, eyebrows pinching innocently.
"Do not fucking tell me you're kept in the dark up here," Jimin growled deeply, his scent turning acidic.
Instead of turning tail and running, she started to… climb him?
She climbed him like a fucking tree. And the good looking bastard was all for it.
One arm snaked around her waist to keep her up and the other ran up and down her back in soothing motions.
She nuzzled his cheek and neck, whimpering and begging for his scent to be all over her.
"Good girl," Jimin cooed, purring for her. "Take what you want, sweetheart. We'll gladly give it."
There were rules to getting an omega, courting before mating and making sure your omega was happy and well looked after. In some cities omegas even went to Help Centers to find their perfect pack but Cypress City had no such thing. That was what we were trying to change. That was why we needed this deal with this pack.
"I don't know what's happening! I'm so sorry! I just feel so…"
"Overwhelmed?" Jimin offered, pulling back to look at her.
She nodded, whimpering and tucking her face into the crook of his neck.
"We need to talk to the pack," I told him, pressing my chest to her back and purring. I drifted the back of my hand over her bare arm and she seemed to thrive on not only praise but physical affection.
"I can't leave her," Jimin hissed over her shoulder, hugging her tighter at the thought of having to part.
"I don't want you to go! Please! I'm so tired of being alone! Please don't go!" she sobbed into his neck.
A growl ripped from my chest at her sadness and I was storming off before I even knew what was happening.
She's mine. She's mine. She's mine.
"Guk!" Jimin called but I was already barreling down the stairs with a fierceness building in my chest.
They kept that precious omega in a sterile fucking ward like she was some sort of disease. She didn't even know what a nest was! It was a disgrace! She'd been abused without even understanding anything!
She's mine!
If one more sob of hers entered my ears, I thought I might burn their oversized camp cabin down and dance on the embers.
Shoving open the dining room doors, I glowered at the pack that sat high and mighty at the end of the long dining room table. Once they saw me and smelled me, they all stood.
"Been wandering around our home, have you?" Red asked with the tilt of his head.
"Stupid girl can't do anything but get herself in trouble!" one of them sneered.
The insult made a growl rip from my throat and they all stared long and hard at me. I wouldn't stand for this. I couldn't stand for this.
"She doesn't even know what a fucking nest is. How dare you all treat an omega like this! This is abuse!" I boomed, widening my eyes at them.
My packs jaws fell open in shock and suddenly they were standing to surround me, to have my back.
"She's scent sympathetic with us," Jimin assured, entering the room with her still cradled to him.
I was happy she liked him. He's far more easy going and carefree then most of us and she'd enjoy his company.
My pack stepped toward her and she cried sweetly at all of their scents. They purred for her and my heart expanded. No one was left out and she locked eyes with all of them. She jumped ship from Jimin to Namjoon and he nuzzled her hair. He wrapped her legs around him like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Would you like to leave this place, pet?" he inquired.
“She'll do no such thing!" Red boomed.
When she whimpered at the alpha bite, we growled in defiance.
"You think your bark is bad? Mine was given to me by the devil. If I have to force you to obey, I fucking will. It's the omegas choice. You can't keep her here like a fucking prisoner!" Joon boomed.
"She's not a part of the deal," one of the Pangborn's hissed through his teeth.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she gasped repeatedly, trying to set herself down.
"Do you want to get down, pet?" Namjoon asked, tilting her jaw to look up at him.
She reluctantly shook her head, burying her face back into his neck.
Oh fuck, she's so perfect and sweet.
"Then you stay exactly where you are," the pack leader whispered, giving her his wrist to be able to tilt his head and glower at the Pangborn pack.
"You expect me to pay? For a person?! Are you out of your small alpha minds?" Namjoon bit out, sneering at her brothers.
"MacKenzie… Dad is gonna flip," one of them breathed.
"I'm tired of always having to sneak Juliet around. Just be rid of her. Omegas are nothing but trouble."
Hoseok growled so loudly, something he never does, that it almost made my chest rattle.
"I know you don't know us very well," Seokjin breathed slowly as the other pack continued to argue. "But if you feel safe with us we'd like to take you somewhere you can be yourself and be happy. How does that sound, princess? You deserve much better than this shithole."
"I won't feel sick?" she inquired, looking up at him with hopeful eyes.
Oh, she's killing me here.
"Do you feel sick in this house?" Yoongi growled, narrowing his eyes at the other pack.
Her nod was slow and sad.
"I'm getting her out of here. Now!" Namjoon boomed, pressing her face into the scent gland of his neck.
She seemed to love being held. We could do that for her. We could give her anything and everything she wants. We could be good for her.
"Give us a million!" Red or MacKenzie called back but Namjoon was already heading for the door.
"Get fucked!" our pack leader growled.
"Wh-Where are we going?" Y/N asked, taking a deep breath of fresh air.
"Home, sweetness," I promised. "We're going home."
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences behind the cut for windcalling; YJ packs up and gets pupped. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Kon really–he really didn’t think there was any chance he was gonna be an omega. Didn’t think he’d get to be an–
He’s just–not the type. Not . . . delicate, or pretty, or nurturing or sweet or . . . any of those things. He’s a big guy for his age and he’s all muscle and sharp edges and not all that good with pups or anything and definitely too abrasive and defiant and– 
But he is one. He’s–he’s an omega. Not anything else. And somehow, even the idea of not being a very good omega feels a lot less miserable than the idea of being an alpha did, good at it or not. 
He cries a little longer, mostly because the relief’s so overwhelming and so much, and then scrubs the tears off his face again and just . . . just reorients, kind of. He’s not an alpha, so he’s not gonna rut. He’s an omega, so he’s gonna go into heat. And heat’s not like rut. Heat’s . . . it makes people weird and emotional and sensitive, everybody says, and . . . and omegas in heat wanna hide away and nest, and don’t wanna be left alone. So–so that’s . . .
So he’s not . . . he’s not reacting wrong, then. Right? This is–this is normal. This is, like . . . how a normal omega would be reacting, if they were stray and heating up alone. Not–not him being bad at being an alpha. Just being–being normal at being an omega. 
That’s . . . that’s not what he thought was happening here. 
He sniffles into his sleeve one last time and can’t decide if he wants to cry some more or not. Like–it’s probably gonna be harder presenting as a stray omega than it would’ve been as a stray alpha, but it’s still . . . it’s still better, even if it’s worse. 
He doesn’t really know how to explain why he feels like that, but it’s definitely the way he feels. 
So–okay. Kon’s an omega. Which means Superman’s an omega, he guesses, which is sort of a weird thought to have and not something he really should be thinking about anyway, because it’s something Superman doesn’t actually want him to know, because he’s not–
Kon squeezes his eyes shut. Makes himself stop thinking about that. It’s not–he isn’t gonna think about that right now. 
Or ever, ideally. 
He’s an omega. He’s presenting. So he’s gonna have a presentation heat, and it’ll probably take a couple days to burn through, especially since he’s gonna be alone for it. Omegas do the worst as strays, he always hears. Like–they usually need the most attention from a pack, he means. So that’s . . . ironic, probably, but . . . 
Well. It’s still way better than being an alpha, so he’s not gonna complain about it. He’ll just, like–handle it. That’s all. 
He always handles it, anyway. 
What do omegas want during heat, usually? Like . . . water and heat snacks and some safe place to hide away and like . . . nest, he guesses. 
Is that . . . something he should do? Is that something he could do? Just . . . he could, right? He could . . . nest. There’s blankets and stuff in the base that he could use. Not, like, specific stuff meant for nesting ‘cuz as far as he knows everybody else on the team is either an alpha or a beta–though with Robin, who even knows if he’s even presented at all, because it’s Robin and he never tells them anything that counts as “identifying information” either way–but Cissie and Cassie are both alphas, and Suzie and Bart are both betas. And even if Robin was an omega too, he’d never keep nesting stuff in the base anyway. 
Kon kind of wonders what that’d be like, though. If, like . . . if Robin had nesting stuff in the base, and he could maybe just . . . borrow some of it, maybe. 
Maybe it’d smell like Robin, if he did. 
It wouldn’t actually, obviously, because Robin wears scent blockers literally 24/7 around the team and runs the scent-scrubbers obsessively, but–but if it did, and Kon could nest with something that smelled like . . . like a teammate, at least, or a sort-of friend, or . . . 
Really, just any friend. 
Young Justice isn’t a pack. Like–obviously. They’re basically the best friends Kon’s ever had even after a measly, like, five minutes of all knowing each other, but they’re not a pack. That’s–not a thing that they are. Just . . . they’ve got packs of their own, and they all still barely know each other anyway, really. Or at least, not well enough to . . . not well enough to . . . 
It doesn’t–matter, really. 
But like, it wouldn’t be too weird, would it? If he maybe just . . . nested with things that smelled like them? Just–let himself have some familiar scents, at least? 
They wouldn’t mind, he tries to tell himself. Like–if he asked, or whatever. 
The idea of actually asking is too fucking mortifying to even consider, but–they wouldn’t mind, he thinks. Probably. 
He doesn’t think they would, anyway.
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green-eyedfirework · 4 months
Dick stared at the baby in the cradle, frozen to the spot, unable to breathe.  He was so…small.  Tiny.  His little hand was formed into a fist and he was making soft little breaths and some part of Dick was drowning in happiness.  It felt like the world had narrowed down to the little curl of the baby’s mouth and his heart rose and fell with the infant’s breaths.
Nothing else mattered.  Not the aches and pains throughout his body, not the dread and anxiety twisting his gut, not the ticking clock hanging above his head.  His baby was here and that was enough.
“Damian,” Dick sounded out.  Not a name he’d picked—it was ill luck to pick a name before the babe was born, and Dick had no time to think of one before it’d been pronounced.  “Dami,” Dick shortened, and that felt better.  “Baby bat,” he whispered, the forbidden name hanging heavy in the air.
Damian was a part of the Bat pack, no matter what Ra’s al Ghul thought.  Dick was a part of the Bat pack.  And it was long past time that they went back home.
Dick adjusted the supply pack so it wasn’t cutting into his shoulders and reached into the cradle.  “Shh,” he hummed as he carefully scooped Damian up.  “Shh, it’s okay, Dami, Mama’s here.”  The babe woke up with a fussing sound and Dick hastily brought him closer.  “It’s okay,” he crooned, an eye on the door as his heart beat faster.  “Shh, it’s okay.”
Damian’s eyes fluttered open, one hand flailing at the movement, but then subsided, yawning wide and curling closer against Dick’s neck, breathing in his scent and relaxing.  The babe made a slight smacking sound and fell silent again, falling straight asleep.
Dick let out a shaky breath and fought the urge to cry.  He’d been terrified that Damian wouldn’t recognize him—it had been just a handful of days, Dick knew that, but between Ra’s al Ghul’s gloating and the others’ refusal to tell him how much time had passed, Dick had half-feared that the pup would have no idea who he was.  It was part of the reason that had spurred Dick into getting them out now.
“We’re going to be okay,” Dick whispered, drawing the cloak around them both.
The keep was silent, the corridors yawning and empty, and every near-silent footfall rose his apprehension.  It was the witching hour, late enough that everyone was asleep, and Dick stuck to the shadows as he avoided the patrols.  If he got caught now—well, Dick didn’t put it past Ra’s to throw him in a cell now that he’d served his purpose.
Dick kept glancing over his shoulder, worried that this whole thing was a trap, but no one spotted him.  No one shouted or raised the alarm.  No one stopped him from crossing the courtyard and slipping out of an unlocked wooden gate, Ra’s al Ghul’s precious heir slumbering in his arms.
“We’re going home, Dami,” Dick breathed out when the keep’s walls finally disappeared from sight.  The pack he hadn’t seen in nearly a year, his family, his siblings, Bruce, home.  Tears pricked at his eyes as he took a wavering breath.  “We’re finally going home.”
Dick was exhausted. He gave birth just days ago, and while fleeing the League pack had been aided by adrenaline, the effects had long worn off. The brief jolt of fear when he'd been captured by the Defiance pack hadn't lasted long after the alpha agreed to let Dick travel with them.
But the alpha had made it clear they wouldn't take any freeloaders. They were aiming to get through the mountains before the winter storms hit, and Dick swore that he wouldn't be a hindrance. Maybe slightly exaggerated how long it'd been since Damian's birth.
But he would do anything to get away from Ra's. Through the mountain meant back to the valley, back to the Bat pack, it had been nearly a year and Dick desperately wished to go home.
His feet ached. The first few days hadn't been that bad, with frequent stops and an easy path, but there were growing clouds on the horizon and it was clear that time was running out. If they didn't make it through the pass before the storm hit, they'd be stuck here till spring.
And Dick had tried to keep up with the increased pace, he really had, but Damian was a heavy weight tight against his chest, and the pack grew heavier by the hour, and Dick's trembling muscles grew weaker and weaker. He'd expected to fall behind, to slip past the other members of the pack, struggling up the path as the others disappeared from view, but he'd kept his position in a small knot at the back of the pack, with a few of the pack's warriors bringing up the rear.
Some of the others had offered to carry Damian for him, with sincere, open expressions, but Dick wasn't ready to let go of his son. Not now. Not when he still remembered the way Ra's ripped him away just moments after his birth.
But now they were stopped for the night, and Dick could take a moment to breathe. Breathe, and ignore the throbbing pain in his feet and the fire in his muscles and the shakiness and the increasing dread of what tomorrow would bring.
Damian made a sharp cry and Dick exhaled.
His baby was moderately well behaved when Dick was holding him, but gods forbid Dick settle him down, even to clean him up. Damian protested shrilly every time. It was a trial to get him to sleep at night and was definitely the reason that Dick arranged his furs away from the others. This pack was already giving him shelter and food and safety, he couldn't repay them with a wailing babe.
Dick finished cleaning Damian and untied enough of his cloak and tunic to bare a breast. Damian immediately began suckling, and Dick's own stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't picked up his dinner ration.
Dick squinted past the fire, towards the mouth of the cave, where laughter and conversation flowed. The very thought of standing back up and limping over there made him dizzy. He needed rest more than food. And better he not take too much, especially after slowing them down today.
Dick gently brushed the wisps of dark hair on Damian's head. His baby. His son. For Damian, everything was worth it.
He was so focused on the babe that he didn't register the footsteps until they stopped right behind him.
Dick half twisted in an immediate jolt of fear, keeping Damian out of view as he looked up. And up.
The alpha was looking down at him, expression a faint scowl, single eye burning.
"You didn't eat dinner," the alpha said. There was a bowl of something hot and smelling mouthwatering in his hand.
"Ah," Dick said, unsure how to continue. Was the alpha looking for acknowledgment? Apology? What—
Dick's train of thought stuttered to a halt when the alpha crouched, placing the bowl next to Dick.
"You need to eat," the alpha said, tone faintly disapproving, "To keep your strength up."
Dick flushed at this reminder of how he'd slowed them down and ducked his head. "Thank you," he said softly. Gruff and terse as it was, it was still kindness, of which Dick had seen none in the League pack.
Only an obsession with power and victory.  Ra's hadn't cared for Dick beyond the powerful heir that Dick could birth him.  He certainly wouldn't sit with Dick as Damian finally detached and Dick laid him down in the furs while he covered himself back up.
He certainly wouldn't have stayed as Damian realized his mother was no longer holding him and started crying, high and thin.
Dick attempted to shovel the food down his throat as fast as possible, heat creeping up his shoulders the longer the alpha stayed, watching him scream.
"Sorry," Dick said in a breath between spoons, "He doesn't like being put down."
The alpha made no visible sign of his annoyance.  "May I hold him?" he asked instead.
Dick almost choked on the stew. No, was the instinctive response, no, no one would ever take Damian away from him again, no, especially not another alpha—
But Dick was keenly aware that he was here on the alpha's sufferance, and Dick ducked his head in a nod.
He couldn't breathe as the alpha reached out and picked up the crying babe.
He was gentle.  Practiced, in a way that spoke of long time with babies.  A little rocking and Damian quieted, looking with wide eyes up at this new person.
The alpha chuckled. Dick stared.
"What's his name?"
This time, Dick didn't choke, fear worn down to alertness but not panic as the alpha lightly tickled the babe's belly, showing no ill intent.
"Strong name," the alpha hummed, tapping one of Damian's little fists.  The babe immediately caught the finger.  "For a strong babe," the alpha smiled.
That was too close to what Ra's had said.  Dick scraped up his last few spoons of stew to avoid a response.
"How old did you say he was?"
Dick swallowed.  The alpha was looking down at the babe, not at him, and Dick frantically tried to remember what he'd said.  He'd implied that it had been more than a month for sure.
"Five weeks," Dick said.
"How strange," the alpha looked up, blue eye pinning him in place, gaze level and hard. "Because the last time you told me six weeks."
Dick went cold. He couldn't breathe. Damian was still in the alpha's arms—an angry alpha's arms, a few feet away yet so far from Dick's reach.
"How old is he really?" the alpha demanded, voice even but steely.
Dick's gaze didn't move from his son. "Two weeks. I think."
"You think?"
"I don't—" Dick swallowed, paralyzed, "I don't know.  How many days.  No—no one told me."
Something flashed in the alpha's eye, angry and dark.
"Please," Dick tried, mouth dry. He couldn't look away from Damian. "Please, I swear I can keep up. I can. Don't make me leave. Please."  Ra's was undoubtedly out there, looking for him. Looking for his heir. And if he caught Dick—
Ra's had already gotten what he wanted from Dick. And Dick couldn't leave Damian all alone.
"I do not appreciate being lied to," the alpha said coldly, and Dick made a choked sound. He needed Damian back, please, his baby, Dick wanted him back—"Unexpected information causes delays. And our window for getting through the mountains is short."
"I'm sorry, alpha." Dick couldn't think. His head was ringing and his mouth was dry and his babe was in someone else's arms.
The alpha made a grumbling sound and reached out to hand Damian back. Dick snatched his baby with alacrity.
"Our pace tomorrow will be slower," the alpha said, straightening up, "Get some rest."
Dick stared at his departing back, thoroughly confused.
Their pace was indeed not as punishing, but Dick got very little rest with a demanding babe. The alpha must've said something to the others, because Dick's rations suddenly increased—he was being fed more than nearly anyone else—and one of the pack's healers approached him to give him a check up, but the alpha made no mention of the punishment for the lie.
They were a few days from the pass, shielded from a flurry of snow by the half tunnels they were walking through, and Dick had used the abundance of fires to take the time to air out his furs and wash his clothes. His little nest was in a corner as always, and he was facing away from the pack as he nursed Damian.
Footsteps, echoing through the stone. Dick glanced back, and froze when he caught sight of Slade.
The alpha's gaze was narrowed on Dick's back. For lack of anything else to wear, Dick was in the loose silks he'd worn in the League pack, too flimsy to do anything but entice. Dick's mouth went dry as the alpha stepped closer and knelt on the edge of the furs.
Dick abruptly turned away, heart rate skyrocketing.
No, was the overriding thought, but Dick was unattached and clearly fertile, and taking up pack resources to boot. It was only reasonable that he had to do something to pay for his place, and Dick knew that he was attractive. This shouldn't be a surprise.
Dick squeezed his eyes shut and suppressed the shaky breath. The alpha's anger at the lie made somewhat more sense—he wanted to know whether Dick was still torn up from the birth. But there were other things they could do, so the alpha didn't have to wait.
Fingers skimmed Dick's shoulder, sliding the sleeve of the silks off. The other sleeve was already off so Damian could feed, and the silks dropped to pool around his waist, leaving his top bare.
Dick choked down the sob. This wasn't Ra's. Slade had never hurt him. This pack was kind. This wouldn't be the League all over again. No one would hurt him here.
Fingers stroked down his back, catching and sliding on the scars that littered his skin, tracing patterns and making Dick shiver. Just scars, Dick reminded himself, shaking off the memory flash of pain, the agony, the way Dick hadn't been able to move for days afterwards—
"Who did this?" growled a very angry alpha.
Dick responded to the tone before the words, half curling around Damian with a shudder, pulling free of Slade's touch in the process. The alpha didn't follow, and when Dick twisted to meet his gaze, the alpha's rage was clearly visible.
Dick could feel the whip strikes against his skin, every last one.
"Those are recent," Slade nearly snarled, "Only months old. Who did this?"
How was Dick supposed to answer that?  Slade had made no probes when Dick had asked to cross the mountains with them, and Dick knew that the alpha had assumed that Dick's pack was dead. If he knew that Dick was running...
"I—it was another pack," Dick said slowly.
"Which pack."
Determined to not let him evade this time, then. Dick held Damian tighter. "The League," he said quietly.
They were at the pass, sheltered in a cave smaller than their usual. A storm had blown in—a weak one, but strong enough to halt their approach before midday. Dick had seen the alpha and his inner circle conferring, all of them visibly agitated, before they'd been given the order to stop.
It was a good decision not to attempt the pass in the middle of a snowstorm. The problem was if another storm followed before this one stopped, they were stuck. Trepidation and frustration ran through the entire pack.
Dick stayed in a corner, back against the wall, tracking the unrest. His arms were aching but he kept rocking Damian—he didn't want to risk frustration turning on a screaming infant.
The pack settled after a few hours, grumbles pacified, order restored to keep moods cheery. Most people dropped off to sleep in preparation for the hard day's trek in front of them.
Dick wasn't one of them.
His instincts had been bad enough after fleeing Ra's' pack, a new mother running on hyperawareness, but Slade's pack had provided a stabilizing effect. Dick had never forgotten that this wasn't his pack though, that he couldn't fully let down his guard, not with a baby to take care of, and the hypervigilance was keeping him awake.
He was exhausted, but something inside him wouldn't let him sleep.
The alpha and his warriors crept through the cramped cave in regular intervals, and Dick dully watched them go. The fires had dimmed down by the time the alpha stopped in front of Dick.
"You aren't sleeping," the alpha said.
"Can't," Dick whispered, because he was so exhausted but he just couldn't. He couldn't even keep looking up at Slade, his head drooped down, too heavy to lift.
"Come with me," the alpha turned on a heel and walked away.
It took a moment for Dick to register the command, and several more to lever up on aching feet. He stumbled after the alpha, drained and aching, and nearly walked into his back in a daze.
"Get in," Slade ordered, and Dick looked past him and at the pile of furs. Slade's pile of furs.
Dick's heart beat stuttered.
It took him a stretching moment to figure out how his limbs worked, but he jerkily crawled into the nest of furs. Damian and his little basket went to the side. He told Slade that he couldn't sleep, it made sense that the alpha wanted to burn off some restlessness, he—
A hand dragged roughly through his hair as he was covered by furs. "Sleep," the alpha said, "No one can touch you here."
No one could. He was in the alpha's nest, no one but the alpha could come after him, and Ra's wasn't the alpha, and Slade was walking away.
Something loosened in Dick's chest. Pack, safety, warmth.
Dick didn't remember closing his eyes.
Something woke him up a little later, or maybe it was a dream, hazy and dark. The scent of alpha became stronger, the warmth winding around him and pulling him towards the source of heat, and Dick fit comfortably in the hollows. He was out before he could try opening his eyes.
Dick woke up slowly. He was warm and safe and protected, utterly secure and content. The air smelled like alpha-mine-care and Dick was cradled in warmth.
Something had awoken him though, and Dick resurfaced to hear a thin, hesitant, hiccuping cry. Someone was making shushing sounds as Dick struggled all the way awake, Damian on his lips.
There was a figure crouched over the basket. Dick had a single moment to panic before he recognized the figure, and Emma pushed the basket closer to him with a soft smile.
"He's hungry," she said quietly, and Dick wriggled free of the furs to sit up. There was something wrapped around him, though, and it tightened around his waist as he tried to get up.
Damian made an actual cry, and Dick abandoned getting free to reach for the basket. Emma passed it over, her lips quirking, and Dick had his clothes shifted to allow Damian to latch on and start drinking before he stirred all the way awake.
"Alpha doesn't want to get up," Emma said teasingly, and Dick blinked at her.
These—these weren't his furs. He was sitting in the middle of camp, not a corner. And the pressure snaked around his waist was an arm clutching him tight.
Dick stared down at the sleeping alpha's face with numb surprise. Slade had curved around him, Dick tucked snugly in his grasp, and he didn't let go, even as he cracked open his eye.
"Alpha had a long night," Slade said gruffly, his arm tightening around Dick's waist.
"Of course," Emma agreed too easily, still grinning, and Slade made a low rumble as he pushed upright.
He stayed pressed against Dick, hand moving up to cup Damian's head as the pup sucked busily.
The rumble changed to something distinctly pleased as Slade plastered himself against Dick's back, tucking Dick into his arms and resting his chin on Dick's head for a moment.
"Good morning," he said quietly, and for a moment, Dick was in a different life.  A life where he could've woken like this every day, where he didn't have scars, where he wasn't running, where he wasn't terrified that his babe would be ripped from his arms.
"Good morning," Dick returned softly, relishing the moment for as long as it lasted.
"He's never going to learn to walk if you keep that up," Grant calls out, throwing a handful of grass at Slade.  Slade ignores him, hands firmly around Damian as the baby coos at a flower.
Dick snorts from his position in the grass.  He can look away from Damian now, can leave him with Slade without the clenching worry, but Slade's taken up the overprotective role in response.  "You learned to walk just fine," Wintergreen says dryly, walking over, "Alpha, our scouts have a report."
"Grant can take care of it," Slade says without looking up.  Damian is making grasping motions at the flower.
Grant groans but gets up.  "Can't believe I've been supplanted as the favorite child," he grumbles as he walks away.  Wintergreen goes with him, leaving only Slade, Dick, and Damian in the little meadow.
"Mama!" Damian waves at him.  Dick grins and waves back, laughing as Damian attempts to fight Slade's grip to get back to Dick.
Slade leads him back slowly, and his mouth is quirked in a small smile as Damian collapses on Dick's stomach.
"Mama, fo," Damian shows him the tiny fistful of petals and Dick kisses his little forehead.  Damian giggles, and Dick could never think he was Ra's' child like this.
Slade stiffens, straightening suddenly.
"Slade?" Dick calls out slowly, tightening his grip on Damian.
"Someone's here," Slade says evenly, staring at the trees and Dick hurriedly sits up, Damian curled in his lap.  He can't see anyone, but there's the faintest prickle on the back of his neck, like someone is watching them—
A dark blur drops out of the trees.
Dick scrambles up with Damian immediately, stepping back as Slade steps forward—and freezes when he recognizes the hard green eyes and the flash of white in dark hair.  "Jason?"
"You know him?" Slade asks tersely, which on anyone else would be a shout.  Jason's watching like he's ready for a fight.
Dick doesn't care about either of them.  That's his brother.  He's here.
"Jason!" Dick says again, happy and hopeful and desperately worried that this is just a dream, "Jaybird!"
Jason moves forward as Dick moves forward, but Slade steps in between.  Jason immediately growls, low and deep, and Dick snaps into alertness.
"Slade, no, he's my brother," Dick explains, a mollifying hand on the alpha's arm.  Damian is peering curiously from where he's perched on Dick's hip.
"Brother," Slade repeats, and it doesn't exactly sound happy, but he steps to the side and Dick runs at the first member of his pack he's seen in over a year.
Jason barely manages to catch them instead of letting them tumble over, and Dick goes from smiling to sobbing, clutching at his brother, tightening his grip on Damian, something in him unclenching at the familiar scent of pack, home, safe.
"Dickiebird," Jason says, voice hoarse and cracking, and Dick cries harder.
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Rip Jason grace you would have HATED alpha male stuff
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going feral
i’ve mentioned feral alphas and omegas in a few posts before, but what does that mean? this post will discuss ferality,* its causes, common feral behaviors, and treatment.
*note: i will be using ‘ferality’ as opposed to the technically proper ‘ferity’ because the latter is based on the latin root and sounds pretentious, and the former is based on the english word and is more accessible
what is ferality?
ferality is a medical emergency caused most commonly by social isolation. it causes those afflicted to behave erratically, and is the most common cause of forced bites. it is one of the top ten causes of death for those over 80 years old. it is also called ‘loneliness disease’ or ‘bite fever,’ and is often euphemistically described as ‘losing oneself.’ in the past, more than a week of ferality was incurable. today, synthetic hormones and careful medically supervised management leads to over 90% of those afflicted to make a full recovery if treated before one week, and over 80% to regain most normal function if treated before two weeks. outcomes become less positive the longer someone experiences ferality, but there have only been 1,762 documented deaths directly from ferality in the US since 1980.
why does it happen?
humans in the omegaverse are pack animals not only because their ancestors saw practical advantages to living, hunting, and raising pups in groups, but because they were biologically dependent on one another. in simplest terms, interacting with pack aids the body in maintaining its optimal balance between the twelve dynamic (i.e., alpha, beta, and omega) hormones. prolonged lack of social support means that these hormones become unbalanced, leading the body to a state of multi-system disregulation.
ferality greatly reduces people’s access to the areas of the brain responsible for decision making, planning, empathy, and abstraction. it is the body’s desperate bid to regulate itself by any means necessary. those afflicted become impulsive, aggressive, and violent in some cases, so it is essential both for the afflicted person and those nearby that if you spot a feral person, you call emergency services immediately.
how do you spot it?
feral humans are fairly easy to spot based on their unusual, erratic, impulsive behavior. they may sniff the air (or other people) unsubtly, grab or touch things (or people) and fail to respond to spoken language. ferality is most commonly associated with inappropriate scent marking and biting for good reason: a feral person’s primary drive is to share scent with someone to help bring themselves back into balance. there are also some behaviors that can generally be attributed to the different dynamic sexes:
feral alphas tend to make aggressive eye contact as a posturing behavior
growling, snarling, and clicking at no one in particular
clenching and unclenching the fists and shifting from foot to foot
violence, especially toward other alphas
an acrid scent, like burning rubber or sulfur
feral betas’ eyes tend to shift rapidly, settling on nothing for very long
humming, clicking, huffing at no one in particular
similar to alphas, they clench and unclench the fists and shift from foot to foot
general restlessness, moving quickly
climbing and perching inappropriately (e.g. on tables, vehicles, or buildings)
a rotting scent, like old meat or milk
feral omegas tend to make glancing eye contact—they meet someone’s eyes, hold, and look away several times
whining, purring, and clicking at no one in particular
baring the neck indiscriminately in a bid to entice a bite
hiding/burrowing (e.g. under tables or in closets. there have been several cases of feral omegas in clothing stores nesting in the clothing racks)
a chemical scent, like bleach or ammonia
how is it treated?
if you spot someone afflicted by ferality, it is essential to call for an ambulance immediately.
treatment begins in the ambulance. typically, EMS technicians anesthetize the individual for everyone’s safety. once it is safe to do so, the technicians draw blood and begin measuring vital signs and hormone levels to ensure that the individual truly is feral. in the past 30 years, rapid tests have made measuring hormone levels faster than ever. these levels are recorded and passed off to hospital triage, along with a record of any emergency hormones administered.
the hospital then brings the individual to the feral ward, where they have an individual room and nesting material marked with synthetic pheromones of all three dynamics. if the individual has been feral for less than ~three days, typically this is enough to trigger their body to begin regulating itself. in some cases, the individual may need direct scent marking in order to jumpstart regulation. if it’s necessary, a nurse or technician will swab the individual’s face and neck with a cotton swab soaked in a synthetic pheromone solution.
in more moderate to severe cases, the individual may need further assistance regulating themselves. in these cases, the individual will receive intravenous hormones and extremely frequent monitoring.
typically, after a few days of hormone therapy, the individual’s body will have reached a state of equilibrium and will be able to maintain the balance itself again. however, in some severe cases, the individual’s body may be unable to maintain the balance. these people will need hormone therapy every other week indefinitely. in some cases (especially those where there is also malnutrition or other severe condition), the issue will resolve itself with time. in others, the hormone treatment is for life.
how is it prevented?
the best prevention is maintaining healthy pack bonds. if, for some reason, this is inaccessible, clinics, health departments, and hospitals typically have nesting materials marked with synthetic pheromones. in the past five years, some nesting material companies have begun offering materials marked with synthetic pheromones. in addition, matching agencies sometimes offer scent-marked clothing or nesting materials for sale, though this practice is judged fairly harshly.
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Hunter. Hunted. Predator. Prey. It's all the same when you know how it ends right? Let the game begin.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, Skz!Pack, skz!abo, Poly!skz, omegaverse abo, a/b/o, ot8, skz x you, skz x reader, ot8 x you, ot8 x reader, femreader, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, lee felix, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, ateez, ateez!pack, atiny, skz fluff, skz smut, primal play, primal skz
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Primal Play, CNC, Choking, Unprotected Sex, Delayed After Care
Title: Catch Me if You Can
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“They’re going to fucking murder us once they find out about this, you know.” 
Yeosang effortlessly avoids a stubborn root breaking through the running trail, and matches your pace once more, his feet pounding on the pavement a distinct echo of your own. 
“You worry too much.” You puff out, glancing down at your watch, taking note of the time and distance. 
Yeosang shoots you a glare, shifting slightly to allow you to follow the curve of the path. “I worry just the right amount, thank you very much.” He retorts back, checking his own watch with a brief downward flick of his eyes. “You, on the contrary, don’t worry enough.” 
You roll your eyes at your best friend, giving him a slightly exasperated, amused twist of your lips in response. 
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” 
“It wasn’t.” He immediately deadpans back, picking up the pace a bit as the final stretch of your run comes into view. 
You match him easily, your wolf reveling in stretching its legs. 
Speeding up just enough to get in front of him, you turn and jog backward a few steps, offering him what you hope is a pleading look, batting your eyes for extra good measure. 
“Please, Sangie? For me, baby? Mommy really wants this one.” Your voice is a whine, and you don’t miss the way he grimaces at your words. 
“Ew. You’re disgusting. Don’t ever call yourself mommy ever again.” 
He shoves past you and makes a sprint for the parking lot. 
You grin, and follow after him, calling out loud enough to be heard over your pounding footsteps, “So is that a yes then?” 
“Fuck you!” Yeosang calls back over his shoulder, giving you the middle finger without looking in your direction. 
Your grin grows wider. 
You’re going to take that as a yes.
You push through the door into the apartment and are immediately met with the smell of something cooking. 
Your stomach growls at the thought of food-Minho’s food- and you kick off your sneakers with a thud against the entryway hall, wincing slightly as they leave a scuff on the plaster. 
Jeongin appears on his way to the living room, hoisting a backpack over his shoulder, and when he catches sight of you, he pauses, taking in your running outfit, the sheen of sweat on your skin. 
“How many?” He asks without preamble, grinning at you. 
“Twelve.” You answer back with an arch of your brow and a smug smirk, and he steps toward you to give you a fist bump, knuckles meeting your own. 
“Nice.” He grins wider, nodding his head. 
“Jesus Christ.” Jisung, who has just appeared in the doorway behind Jeongin, mutters beneath his breath at your words, as if the very thought of running twelve miles is utterly revolting to him. 
“Whoa.” Changbin practically runs into the halted Jeongin and Jisung as he enters, and the small front hallway is beginning to feel more and more packed by the second. “I was unaware we were having a pack meeting by the front door.” 
“We’re not.” Jisung chirps, herding Jeongin toward the living room. “Just saying hi to noona.” 
Changbin pats the youngest on the head affectionately as he slips by him, and then proceeds to lean over to grab his shoes, already dressed for the gym, his duffle bag hanging loosely off one shoulder. 
You move to allow him access to the closet, and suddenly, he freezes, eyes flicking up to your own. 
You stare at him, unsure of what’s happening, and then he promptly drops his gym bag and straightens up, sneakers forgotten. 
His hand goes against the wall beside your head, and he leans into you, fingers gripping your chin, pupils suddenly wide and dark. 
“You smell fucking incredible.” He murmurs, voice on the edge of a growl. 
Suddenly, it clicks. 
You give him the hint of a smug smirk. “I just got back from a run.” 
Changbin groans, as if he’s heavily considering the pros and cons of controlling himself, and then grits out, “God, I love when you go running.” 
His fingers tighten on your chin, and he angles your head to expose your throat, before he leans over and licks one long stripe up the side of your neck with an expert, rough swipe of his tongue. 
Everything inside of you turns to jelly. 
“Fuck, you taste fucking incredible too.” He growls, lips brushing against the underside of your jaw with every word. 
“Oh, fuck me.” Hyunjin groans in obvious disgust, appearing in the empty doorway, a pair of headphones in one hand, his painting supplies in the other. 
He’s clearly referencing the swirl of alpha pheromones currently drenching the entryway, not to mention, Changbin’s mouth still on your skin, and his very clear erection pressed between the two of you. 
“I would love nothing more.” Chan replies cheekily, appearing behind the disgruntled Hyunjin, giving him an affectionate pat on the head as he pushes past the clearly annoyed omega. “But later, Jinnie. Bin and I are late for the studio.” Changbin sighs and rolls his eyes heavenward at Chan’s words, pulling back from you reluctantly as the head alpha leans between the two of you to grab his shoes, either completely oblivious to the tension or blatantly choosing to ignore it. 
“God fucking dammit.” The other alpha curses beneath his breath, and you swear you see Chan hide a smile. 
“C’mon, Bin. We have shit to work on. We gotta get it done.” 
Changbin groans and leans over to grab his bag with jerky irritated movements. “You’re a fucking cockblocker to the fullest, hyung.” 
“It’s his proudest title.” Hyunjin interjects with a sweet smile and bat of his lashes in Chan’s direction, as he moves past the three of you to reach for his jacket. 
You giggle, and Chan shoots you an exasperated look, Changbin looking up at the sound. 
Chan turns to Hyunjin to say something in response, and Changbin takes the momentary distraction to step toward you once more, his eyes darkening and his posture growing threatening. 
His fingers pinch your chin, tighter than before, and you resist the urge to whine, as he leans in close to your lips, the scent of smoke filling your nose. 
“Tonight. At the game. You’re mine.” His growled words send heat directly between your legs, wet and warm, but you try to remain stoic, giving him an innocent look as you inquire back sweetly, “What if we’re on the same team?” 
Gold flickers across his irises, and his lips pull back in the start of a growl to reveal sharp canines. 
“We won’t be. I’ll make sure of it.” 
You swallow hard, and give a little nod, your alpha fully baring its throat to him now that he’s dropped his tone into alpha timber. 
Changbin releases you, satisfied, and gives you one last long dangerous look, adjusting himself in his sweats while holding your gaze, before he reluctantly follows Chan out the front door. 
“God, we’re so fucking dead.” Yeosang mutters beside you, jiggling his leg nervously, so hard that the log you’re currently sitting on vibrates. 
You reach out a hand and tamp down his knee, giving him a pointed stare. 
“Will you stop that?” You hiss out the side of your mouth, eyes darting around to the surrounding pack members, all lost in their own conversations as they wait for the game to start. “This is the last fucking time I ask you to be my accomplice.” 
“Good.” Yeosang whips right back beneath his breath, glaring sidelong at you. “I rather prefer myself breathing, thank you very much, and after this, Seonghwa-hyung is gonna skin me alive.” 
You roll your eyes at his dramatics and dig your nails into his knee, so hard he winces and shoots you another outraged glower. 
“Relax, Sangie. How bad could it possibly go?” 
“I fucking hate you, you know that?” 
You give him a wicked grin and blow him a cheeky kiss, to which he responds with a middle finger, just as Seungmin steps into the light of the bonfire you’re all gathered around. 
As the unofficial officiator of the games, his long fingers are already full of black and white scrunchies. 
The beta pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose with the back of his hand, and glances around at all of you with a serious expression. 
Everyone is quiet now, the banter from earlier dying down and giving way to anticipatory tension. 
“Rules are as they always are.” Seungmin starts, his voice carrying over all of you, drifting into the dark, silence of the wood beyond. 
The fire crackles loudly, and a log pops before disintegrating into glowing red coals. 
The wave of ensuing smoke reminds you of Changbin, and you glance across to him to find him already watching you, eyes dark and endless. 
A shiver goes down your spine. 
“However-” Seungmin clears his throat, and beside you, Yeosang tenses up.
The smell of rotting driftwood assaults your senses. 
God, he’s going to fucking give it away before the game even begins. 
Seungmin’s gaze drifts to you, but it doesn’t linger, skirting to Yeosang and then beyond. 
He’s a master at poker face, it’s why he’d been chosen as the referee for the games in the first place, never giving anything away. 
“-an anonymous party has requested a caveat of sorts, and I have agreed.” 
There is some murmuring among the omegas to your left, but your gaze is locked on Seungmin, every muscle in your body suddenly bunched. 
Your wolf paces impatiently, ready to run. 
A slight smirk twitches on Seungmin’s lips. 
“After all, anything to make the game a little more unpredictable, am I right?” Beside you, Yeosang groans. 
“But first-” Seungmin backtracks, and you hear a few other pack members groan at the anticlimactic drag out. “-come and get your scrunchies.” 
Everyone stands in a bustle of motion, converging on Seungmin, hands eagerly grabbing markers confidently. 
You step forward, reaching for one of the black predator scrunchies in the beta’s left hand, when someone knocks your hand away, fingers going tightly around your wrist. 
You know who it is without looking, yet you glance over anyway, seeing Changbin scowling at you, his expression fiery. 
“Not you.” He growls, before he takes the scrunchie you were reaching for and slides the black fabric around his own wrist. 
You stare at him, but he doesn’t let you go, reaching across your joined arms for a prey marker instead, nodding to Seungmin, before he snaps the white scrunchie around your free arm, tugging you toward him with the same motion.
You stumble, and your free hand braces against his chest so you don’t fall into him completely, though you know he could hold you up easily.
His eyes are so dark, that you swear you can see the lack of reflection in them. 
“Like I said,” He rumbles dangerously, and the sound vibrates in his chest, through your fingers, and instantly makes you swallow. “You’re mine.” 
The brat inside of you rears its head, and you smirk up at him confidently. 
“If you can catch me.” 
Something feral flashes across Changbin’s eyes at your taunting, and he bares his teeth, a growl starting low in his chest. 
“I don’t think you’re understanding me, little one.” He purrs warningly, fingers tightening their hold on your wrist, making your pulse race beneath his fingertips.
He leans down, and his nose brushes your own, his voice dropping impossibly low and deep. 
More animal, less man. 
“You’re. Mine.” 
He releases you, and you stumble back, head swimming, wolf suddenly very much ready, and he gives you one last, long dark look, before he retreats to the predator side of the fire, sitting down beside Chan. 
You catch your breath, and return to sit beside Yeosang, who is nervously playing with his own white scrunchie. 
“That looked intense.” He remarks, and it takes you a minute to realize he’s talking about Changbin. 
“Yeah.” You manage to get out, still slightly breathless, more than a little turned on. Your inner thighs are already wet. “Just a little.” 
Across the fire, you can feel Changbin’s gaze boring into you. 
Your attention is drawn back to Seungmin as he drops his now empty hands, crossing his arms over his chest as he regards you all once more. 
“Now. As for the caveat-” His gaze sweeps to the predator side of the fire, and Yeosang gulps audibly from beside you. 
“Tonight, predators are not allowed scent blockers.” 
Chaos ensues. 
Beside you, the rest of the prey glances between each other with wide eyes, whispering and murmuring. 
Across the fire, the predators are in shambles. 
“What? That’s bullshit!” San shoots to his feet. 
Wooyoung cackles gleefully from somewhere beside Felix. 
Seungmin holds out his hands to either side, looking annoyed with the commotion. 
“Everyone shut up, I’ve spent the time going over this additional rule, and I think it’s well allowed in this instance-” 
Your eyes drift across the crest of the fire without permission to Changbin, who hasn’t moved since the announcement, seated silently beside Chan, a frozen statue amidst the chaos. 
He arches a brow when he catches your gaze, and something in his slightly amused, impressed expression clearly inquires silently, your doing? 
You can’t bite back the grin that threatens your lips, as you give a slight, silent shrug in response. 
Try to catch me now, predator. 
“Oh fuck, he knows.” Yeosang squeaks from beside you, and you glance over to your friend, before following his terrified gaze across the bonfire to Seonghwa, who is staring down the other alpha with nothing less than murder in his dark eyes.
You pat him unhelpfully on the shoulder. 
Yeosang glares at you. “You better fucking speak at my funeral.” 
You grin. “No promises.” 
He curses, and mutters another string of insults beneath his breath, but your gaze is drawn back to that of a certain alpha sitting across the fire, completely nonplussed and completely focused on you. 
Fuck, tonight was going to be fun. 
“Prey.” Seungmin calls out, and you snap your gaze back to him, now holding a large open jar of what looks to be vaseline, but is really scent blocking gel, in his outstretched hand. “Come cover up.” 
You grin, and pat Yeosang on the back once more for good measure before rising to your feet, ignoring his pointed look of death in your general direction. 
Yeah. Tonight was going to be really fun. 
It had started to drizzle shortly after you entered the forest. 
Prey got their precursory fifteen second head start, and you had used it wisely, breaking immediately for the eastern edge of the boundaries, where you knew a small stream was banked by steep walls and thick foliage. 
You may have the advantage of wearing scent blockers, but any and all advantages stopped there. 
Changbin was bound to hunt you like a bloodhound on a scent, and you needed to get to that water fast, washing away your scent trail and footsteps, your sneakers already beginning to sink into the gathering mud, leaving behind a clear path.
You reach the stream in record time, and survey your surroundings, debating the easiest way to make your way down the steep embankment. 
The rain is pouring now, drenching your clothes and making them heavy, your line of sight severely compromised as the fog starts to roll in. 
A crack of lightning over head startles you, making you flinch, and consequently, lose your precarious footing. 
With a yelp, you slip in the mud and go down, tumbling violently down the embankment and into the stream, which is engorged and rapid with the oncoming downfall. 
“Fuck.” You curse, the cold water of the stream instantly making you shiver, your clothes even heavier and wetter than before, as you struggle to right yourself and crawl to the bank of the stream, the rocks slipping beneath your hands. 
The clay that lines the stream is soupy now, thick and breaking off between your fingers, and you swear again as you scrabble to get a grip good enough to pull yourself up. 
That’s when you hear it-the sound of a branch cracking, loud enough to be heard over the sound of the rain. 
You instantly freeze, ignoring the mud covering your hands, the freezing water slipping over your legs. 
Another snap of foliage, closer now, and you suck in a breath, trying not to panic, as you glance around for somewhere in the stream bed to hide. 
And then you see a pair of large, dark eyes staring at you wildly from the midst of a thicket only a few feet away, the panic clear in the familiar caramel irises. 
Without thinking, you roll your body across the little bit of embankment separating you, and drop down into the middle of the thicket beside him. 
You’re breathing heavily, your clothes drooping from your limbs with the weight of the water, and the branches scratched you mercilessly on the way in, but beside that, you’re hidden. 
And that’s all that matters. 
A footstep sounds above you, on the edge of the upper embankment, out of your view, and Jeongin stiffens beside you. 
If you could scent him right now, you would bet the small safety of the bush you’re currently hiding in would smell strongly of burning bread and too much cinnamon. 
Instead, a wave of roses tickles your nose, and then, the faint whiff of amber. 
Fuck, you should’ve known they’d be hunting together. 
Another footstep, and then you hear Seonghwa say in a soft voice, “Clever prey. Using the water and the storm to their advantage.”
“Mm.” That’s Minho’s voice, humming low in agreement. “But we knew they were clever already, didn’t we?” 
Seonghwa chuckles, more of a purr, and it has your hackles rising. “I guess we did.” 
“Still-” Minho muses, and you see a sneaker come into view, dropping over the steep cut off of the embankment you fell down only minutes before. 
Beside you, Jeongin cowers back, his eyes large and dark, pupils blown. 
A whimper escapes his lips as Minho draws closer, and you slide your hand over his mouth quickly, silencing him, as you give him a pointed, wordless stare, your own body tensed and ready to run. 
Minho’s muddy sneaker is dangling right in front of your hiding place now, and Jeongin is shaking.
“-I wonder how far they’re really willing to go.” 
There is the sound of a branch breaking, and then the sneaker disappears from sight, before you hear the two alphas resume walking away from you. 
Once you can’t smell even a hint of roses or amber any longer, you allow yourself to collapse back into the mud, removing your tightly clamped hand from Jeongin’s mouth. 
He has red marks from your fingers dug into his full cheeks, and his eyes are still wide and terrified, his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. 
“Fuck.” He breathes out, shuddering on the exhale. “That was close.” 
“Yeah.” You give a quick, curt nod, and glance up at the dark sky through the branches of your hiding spot, judging how much time has passed. 
Changbin would be hot on your trail by now. You don’t have much time. 
“We should go.” You give Jeongin a serious look, and he nods, swallowing, his throat bobbing, before you both push free from the branches of the thicket. 
Your sneakers fill with water once more as you emerge into the open, stepping into the stream. 
“Head off and I’ll go the opposite direction from you. We’re too vulnerable if we stick together.” 
Jeongin nods again, clenching his fists, his small frame still shivering, and doggedly begins jogging away from you, staying in the creek for several meters, before you see him grab for an outreaching root and pull himself up the embankment and out of sight on the other side. 
Letting out a steadying breath, you take off in the opposite direction.
When you’re far enough down stream that you can no longer see the spot where Jeongin disappeared, you leap up the embankment, the mud crumbling beneath your feet, as you slip your way upward, grabbing for a low hanging branch as your foot slides out from under you once more. 
You ignore the burn of the rough bark tearing into your palms, heaving yourself upward quickly and quietly, feet finally landing on the somewhat steady lip that juts out before the drop into the stream below. 
It’s still pouring, and you swipe a hand across your forehead to clear the dripping water from your vision, even as your newly torn skin stings in protest. 
Swiping your palms on your wet pants, ignoring the burn as you do so, you take off at a light sprint, following the line of the stream further and further away from Jeongin, and where you’d last heard Seonghwa and Minho. 
It’s tough going, the mud sucking at your feet with every step, the rain soaking your clothes until they’re so heavy they feel like lead attached to your limbs, and you’re panting by the time you reach some sort of clearing, carefully checking your surroundings before stepping out into the open from the safety of the tree line. 
The ground is soup here, sinking when you take a careful step forward, the mud quickly rising up around your calf as your shoe disappears from sight. 
You swear, and are debating whether to try to double back and skirt around the sink hole type clearing, losing precious time, or just doggedly continue forward, when you smell it. 
It burns your nostrils, your throat with every heaving breath inward, sharp and acidic, and fuck, he’s close. 
You hear the sound of a branch snap directly behind you, and without thinking, you throw yourself forward into the clearing. 
The mud is trying to slow you down, but you leap forward, ignoring the pull on your sneakers, the burn in your calf muscles. 
You lunge forward with wild abandon, anything to put some distance between the two of you, and then you feel it, cold fingers snaking around your muddy ankle. 
You go down with a shriek, narrowly avoiding landing on your face by catching yourself on your aching palms, flailing in the pool of muck, and as you scrabble to grab something, anything, in front of you to try and drag yourself from his hold, the mud does nothing but break into thick, wet chunks beneath your fingers. 
Changbin flips you so you’re on your back, staring up at him, chest heaving, and pins you to the ground, his knees going down heavily on your legs, one of his hands looping around both your wrists and tugging them up into the mud above your head. 
You’re both breathing hard, and it gives you a moment of satisfaction to know you put up a good fight. 
“Got you.” Changbin growls, leaning over close to your ear, his eyes so dark they could swallow you whole. 
There’s only wolf behind those eyes, predator, and the thought makes your legs instantly turn to something akin to jelly. 
You stare up at him, silent, and watch him take in the way the mud must be streaking your face, the bloody skin of your palms in his hold. 
“Honestly, you made this too easy for me, it’s like you wanted to be caught.” He purrs, lips lifting into a slight smirk, dark and menacing. 
“What if I did?” You fire back instantly, defiance rearing its head at his taunting. 
Changbin arches a brow, eyes flashing. His fingers pinch your wrists, and you resist the urge to wince. 
“Then I’d say, little one, that you don’t know what you’re in for.” 
The human part of you desperately wants to give in, desperately wants to be caught, but the louder, more dominant wolf side of you is telling you to run, to resist, to give him what he so obviously wants. 
What you both want. 
A fight. 
His free hand slides down your side, finding the soaked waistband of your leggings, and his fingers curl around the elastic as his swirling golden eyes meet your own. 
Every muscle in your body tenses. 
His cold fingers touch your equally chilled skin, and he shifts slightly, hovering some of his weight so that he can begin to tug down your leggings. 
It’s the moment you need. 
Kicking out, you throw him off balance, and he releases you in surprise, giving you just enough time to slither out from beneath his body and make one more last attempt to escape him, scrabbling on hands and knees through the mud to try and regain your footing. 
You barely make it three feet before you feel his fingers close around your ankle once more, dragging you back through the mud toward him easily, instantly halting your forward progress. 
Swearing and spitting like a cornered cat, you fight him the entire way, fingers clawing trails into the mud, until he’s got you back beneath him, pinned down, staring down at you triumphantly. 
You’re both panting again, covered head to toe in mud, and the adrenaline is pumping intoxicatingly through your veins, making everything white hot to the touch.
“Fuck you.” You spit up at him, baring your teeth and glaring him down, writhing in his iron grasped hold. 
Changbin grins, sharp teeth flashing white against the streaks of mud on his face, and arches a brow, sitting atop you nonchalantly, as if he hasn’t just battled you for every last inch. 
“Normally, I’m into that, and I’d let you.” He acquiesces, his smile dropping into something closer to a dangerous, threatening smirk, as he leans down to put his lips against your ear. “But right now, prey, I’m going to be the only one doing the fucking.” 
His fingers find your waistband once more, and this time, he doesn’t hesitate, ripping the fabric down your legs in one swift motion, baring your skin to the elements, and his gaze. 
He sits back, admiring you openly, as your skin begins to pebble beneath the cold rain, the mud oozing between your now naked thighs. 
“I can smell it on you, you know.” He muses, eyes never leaving your body, expression growing hungry. “You may not give yourself away like an omega, but your arousal is still palpable.” 
As if to show you, he swipes a sudden hand up between your legs, and you jolt at the contact, his fingers cold on the place where you’re most hot. 
“See?” He holds up his hand, and arches a brow, and his fingers glisten, even in the darkness. 
“That could just be rain.” You argue back halfheartedly, because honestly, seeing Changbin with your arousal all over his fingers is doing something weird to your brain. 
“Oh?” He murmurs, brow arching even further into the line of his dark, wet curls, as if he’s challenging you to continue. 
“Yeah.” You nod weakly, your body starting to lose its fight against him. 
It’s fucking hard to resist him when he’s between your legs, showing you your traitorous body’s reaction to him, his own arousal pressing into you from beneath the wet, dark material of his gray sweats. 
Without dropping your gaze, he brings his fingers up to his mouth and cleans them off with one long swipe of his tongue. 
Your brain short circuits. 
He seems to know he has you, lips quirking upward into the hint of a twisted, triumphant smirk. 
“I can assure you, it’s not rain, little one.” 
He leans over, his chest brushing yours with each heaving breath. 
His eyes are entirely black pupil, laced with swirling, hot gold. 
“Now.” He hums, knocking apart your knees with his own, baring you completely for him. His free hand, the one he licked clean, moving to the waistband of his own sweats. 
“Be a good little prey, and let the predator have his reward, hm? After all-” He frees himself from the wet fabric of his sweatpants, and you resist the urge to let your eyes trail downward, swallowing hard. “-I did catch you.” 
“I made it easy on purpose.” You gasp out, the words hitching, as he trails himself slowly up and down your inner thighs. 
The corner of his mouth lifts with amusement, but he doesn’t look up, watching the way your body openly reacts to what he’s doing. 
“Did you?” He muses, almost to himself, beneath his breath. 
Your whole body trembles beneath him. 
“I don’t believe that.” He continues, voice a low murmur, almost a rumble, in his chest. He reaches up and turns over one of your trapped palms, baring the bleeding, torn skin. His gaze meets your own, and his eyes are dark, dangerous. 
Something low swoops in your belly. 
“If you’re going to lie to me, little one, at least make it worth it.” 
You open your mouth to retort something smart in return, when, without warning, Changbin slams his hips forward and sheaths himself inside of you.
You cry out, stars exploding behind your eyes, back arching and muscles spasming, and Changbin’s hand comes around your throat, pinning you to the muddy ground, his fingers pressing into your skin hard enough to have the nails breaking the surface. 
“Don’t move.” He commands, voice strained, the arm that’s holding himself up, hovering over you, beginning to shake slightly. “You don’t have all of it yet.” 
You’re whimpering, you’re aware of it, but you can’t stop, as he leans forward, releasing his breath slowly, and, stretching you to the max, finishes fitting himself inside you. 
He lets out a shuddering breath. “Fuck.” 
You feel your muscles relax slowly, one by one, adjusting, and Changbin slowly releases his hold on your throat, finger by finger, until you can breathe again. 
“Breathe, baby.” Changbin admonishes in an almost soft tone, as if he can tell what you’re thinking, and you take in a few ragged breaths, whining and writhing when the movement has him rubbing against all the right places. “Good girl.” 
He starts to move then, bucking his hips into your own, and you swear to god, you black out, whimpering and clawing at his chest through his hoodie like an animal in heat. 
“God, look at you, taking me so well.” 
The praise has you reaching out, clawing at the muddy ground, trying to gain more friction. 
“Bin, I need-” You gasp, breath hitching, as he hits a good spot, and you both simultaneously groan. 
He pauses, reaching up to wrap his fingers beneath your jaw, forcing you to focus on him, meet his gaze. 
His eyes are darker than the storm clouds brewing angrily overhead, and you vaguely have the thought that the gold swirling in his irises matches the flash of the lightning sparking above the trees. 
“I know what you need, little one. I don’t need you to tell me.” 
You roll your bottom lip between your teeth, and finally nod, your muddy hands coming up to fist in the front of his dirty, wet hoodie, your nails itching to feel his bare skin. 
Changbin must take it as a wordless acknowledgement, because he moves again, his hips hitting yours, and you get the black spots in your vision once more as you cry out. 
“Now.” His hand closes a little more tightly around your throat, making your air reedy, your heart pound. Adrenaline is making you feel like you’re lightheaded, and you’re so close, even with just this-
Changbin smirks down at you, a predator. “Hold still, and let me devour you.” He leans over, and his teeth make contact with your mating mark, sinking into the sensitive flesh there, and you mewl, scrabbling for a hold on his sweatshirt, as he picks up his pace with renewed vigor, pounding into you relentlessly. 
It doesn’t take long. 
The adrenaline has you both on a knife’s edge, ready to topple with the slightest breath, and it seems like merely moments before your vision is exploding once more, and you’re gasping his name as you come, clenching around him. 
Changbin follows you over the edge with a roar, and you’re both left panting, sweat mixing with the rain, mud mingling on your sticky skin. 
Thunder rumbles overhead, as Changbin catches his breath, looming over you, dark curls tumbling over his forehead, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he stares down at you. 
Your whole body feels numb and satiated, and your eyes feel heavy. 
He rolls off of you, plopping down into the mud beside you, and you both just breathe for a moment, staring up at the turbulent sky. 
Finally you feel his fingers curl around your wrist, and rolling your head so you can look at him, you see him lift his own muddy hand to his lips, pulling the dirty black scrunchie off with his teeth, before he slides it over your own hand, onto your wrist beside the once white marker. 
He lets your hands flop back down between you unceremoniously, but keeps his fingers curled tightly around your own. 
“There. I think you earned that.” 
You watch the way his chest rises and falls with his ragged breathing, feeling eerily and utterly content in this moment, the storm pouring down on you from above, Changbin’s seed dripping slowly down the inside of your thighs. 
Feeling your gaze, he glances over at you, lips pulling into the hint of a smile, before he pushes himself up beside you and his gaze travels to your bare, dirty legs. 
He cocks his head, and glances to where he discarded your leggings earlier, a strange look on his face. 
You sit up with effort, and reach for the article of clothing, balling it into your hand to begin to rub away the juices still clinging to your skin, when Changbin stops you with a hand on your wrist. 
You glance up at him curiously, and his eyes flash gold in the dark. 
“Don’t clean up. I want you to walk out of here knowing you’re mine, and feeling that reminder run down your legs all the way back to the house.” 
You stare at him, and the corner of your mouth ticks upward. 
“What about the rest of the pack?” 
Changbin shrugs, standing, before he leans over to offer you a hand up.
His own lips curve into the hint of a self satisfied smirk, and if you hadn’t just come so hard you were still feeling slightly dizzy, you would’ve begged him to go another round.  
“Fuck them. I want them to know too. I want everyone to know.”
You find-as he helps steady you so you can step back into your wet, filthy pants-that you don’t mind that idea one single bit.  
You’re shivering so badly that it makes turning on the shower a more difficult task than it should be. 
The adrenaline had finally worn off in the car home, and once you’d stepped inside and felt the warmth of the waiting house, your body had suddenly decided enough was enough. 
You needed to get out of these clothes and into a warm shower as quickly as humanly possible. 
Stripping had been nearly impossible, the drenched fabric sticking to your skin, your trembling fingers struggling with every single closure, but you had managed it, and now, finally turning on the hot water, you can see the end at the light of the tunnel. 
It includes a hot shower, a warm bed, and as much of Minho’s leftovers as you can stand. 
The door to the bathroom creaks open, letting in a cool stream of air that makes you shiver, and you glance over your shoulder, watching as Changbin enters, shutting the door quietly behind him. 
He, unlike you, is still wearing his drenched outfit from the game earlier, dripping muddy rain water onto the floor as he regards you through the foggy, steamed air of the bathroom. 
“Hi?” You question, adjusting the stream and temperature of the water, shooting him a curious look over your shoulder. 
He doesn’t answer, stepping toward you as you straighten up from adjusting the water, his fingers going to your chin and locking you in place beneath his gaze. 
You stare up at him, lips slightly parted, and resist the urge to wipe a streak of mud from his cheekbone. 
“I needed to make sure you were okay.” He states softly, dark eyes flicking over your face, down the bare expanse of your body. 
You’re caught off guard, still staring at him as he raises a finger to wipe some mud from beneath your jaw. 
“I was rough with you earlier. My alpha got a little out of control.” He admits, reaching up to thumb the corner of your mouth. 
You trap his hand against your face, relishing the warmth of his skin against your own. 
“I like it rough.” The corner of his mouth flickers upward, and a muscle in his jaw ticks. 
“I know.”
You breathe out, intertwining your fingers with his, and reach up to finally wipe away the streak of muck on his cheek. 
“I’m fine.” You assure softly, holding his gaze. 
He takes in a shuddering breath, gaze flicking down your body once more, and then to the running, waiting shower, before he glances back to you, expression softening slightly. 
He runs his thumb over your lips, tracing the soft skin. 
“I need to make sure. Please?” 
You stare at him for another beat, and then nod, slowly pulling him toward the shower with you, as he reaches down with his free hand to strip off his hoodie and then his sweats. 
Stepping into the warm water, your body shudders with relief, your tired, sore muscles instantly relaxing, as you lean into the pressure of the stream. 
Changbin shuts the door behind the two of you, and immediately moves to assess you, his large, warm hands running over every inch of your body. 
You let him do it, sensing it’s something he needs at this moment. 
He tilts your head back with a commanding finger under your chin, his eyes roving over your face, gaze flickering down to the broken skin where his nails dug into your throat, the bruising mark of his teeth on your shoulder. 
He runs gentle hands over each, pressing light kisses to the injuries, before moving on. 
You feel your body slowly leaving fight or flight mode, and sinking into the warmth, the safety, his embrace. 
He kneels in front of you, hands on your hip bones, and lets his fingers lightly trace over some of the bruising along your ribs and sides-courtesy of your little struggle-before he kisses them as well, lips featherlight and warm. 
He turns over your palms, one by one, and dots kisses along the lines of scratches that mark the skin.
You bury your fingers in his dark curls, and tug slightly, and when he looks up at you, you give him the hint of a smile. 
“See? Told you I’m fine.” 
“Mmm.” He hums beneath his breath in acknowledgement, as you gently scratch his scalp, your fingers disappearing into the curls. 
He leans forward, pressing his forehead to your stomach, and wraps his arms around your waist. 
You stay like that-playing with his hair, frozen in his embrace-as the warm water continues to pour down from above. 
Finally, Changbin pushes himself to his feet, releasing you, and leans forward, capturing your lips with his own. 
You moan slightly as his teeth graze your bottom lip, and he pulls back with a teasing smile, but his eyes are soft. 
“I love you.” He says, voice low and affectionate beneath the sound of the water. 
You grin and loop your arms around his neck. “I know.” 
He rolls his eyes at your teasing, but pushes you back against the cool marble of the shower wall with his body anyway. 
You let your fingers card through his hair once more, down the strong lines of his chest, across the mating mark that scars his shoulder. 
His fingers press, featherlight, into the bruise just above your hip bone. 
“Yours?” You ask quietly, glancing up at him. 
“Mine.” He replies back adamantly, before leaning in to kiss you again.
@starlostjimin /
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foulwitchknight · 4 months
Eddie didn’t know what a big deal it was to be dating the Pack Mom until he started courting Steve. All of a sudden alone time with Steve was few and far between. Whenever they tried to have some privacy someone from the pack would be there to ruin it. He loved that Steve had so many pups (it’s one of the many reasons he fell for him) but it quickly became frustrating. It sometimes seems like Steve had time for everyone but him. Eventually they had a big fight about it and Steve went to stay with Robin for the night. Of course Robin called immediately to give him an ear full for it. He came by early the next day to make up and they found a solution to their problem together. They would use a code word hydrangeas whenever they wanted to be alone. It took the pack some time to get used to not having as much access to Steve but they were really good about letting them have their alone time finally. In fact they got so much newfound privacy that Steve ended up pregnant with pups of their own.
Inspired by a Walton episode
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Autumn Embers Verse
Omegaverse AU where people who are compatible have complementary scents.
Your friends assure you that the bar they’re dragging you to is nicer than it looks online. You highly doubt that, but you’re willing to go along until the three of them get bored and decide to get a car to the club district. And they will get bored, because you recognize the name and address that they’re trying to go to. You’ve never been, but some of your new coworkers on the base have invited you out for drinks and pool.
When Christie flounces out in a bright pink mini-dress, you can’t help but grin. “You look great. Super cute. But I don’t think that’s the vibe of the bar.”
Admittedly, you’re dressed a bit less conservatively than the bar might call for. But you feel cute in your black skater skirt and white top. Styled with floral lace stockings, boots, and silver jewelry, it’s more dressing up than you’ve been able to do in the last 6 months.
“I’m not dressing for the military bar,” Christie says, checking her makeup in the hall mirror before dropping on the couch next to you. She tosses her brown hair over one shoulder and pulls out her phone to order a car. “I’m dressing for when Mel and Jack decide they’re done shopping for alphas and want to go to the club.”
“Military packs are already cohesive,” Jack sniffs, emerging from the hall in cute jeans, a mesh top, and a sensible jacket. Behind him, Mel is dressed very similarly, though they’ve opted for cargo pants. “It’s not impossible that we might find a couple of someones who might be interesting.”
“If nothing else, they’ll buy you drinks,” you concede. “Pretty sure they have pool tables. If there’s one open, maybe we play a couple of rounds. Give Jack a chance to bend over and show off.”
The car, when it arrives, is a little small, but the four of you pile in gamely. You sit in the front, since your hips need the room. The driver gives a smile and a nod through his cloth mask and starts driving as soon as your seatbelt is secure. You reflexively drop the window a bit, though it’s already open. It makes sense - driving groups around all night definitely lends itself to a lot of conflicting scents.
In the back, Chrissy’s floral omega scent plays well with Jack and Mel’s sweet beta and omega mix. The very subtle floral notes of your own scent don’t clash too badly, but the base note of charcoal does sometimes leave people’s noses a bit confused. You catch the moment the driver catches a hint of your scent and darts a look at you, but he doesn’t say anything. You occupy yourself on your phone for the fifteen minute drive, tuning out Chrissie and Jack’s complaints about work.
When you arrive, the bar is just about what you expected. Run-down in a lived-in kind of way but clean. Dim and quiet. The exact opposite of Jack and Chrissie, but that doesn’t stop them from swanning in through the doors and making their way immediately to the bar. You and Mel follow behind. You make eye contact with a couple of people you kind of recognize, give a quirk of a smile as a greeting.
By the time you’ve decided what to drink, Chrissie and Jack have already charmed a trio of alphas into conversation and a promised game of pool. Mel leans into Jack’s back and introduces themself in their quiet way. You give your name with a wave before ordering a whiskey sour.
“Put their drinks on our tab,” one of the alphas says. He holds his hand out to you to shake. “Daniels. I’ve seen you on base before, yeah?”
“I’ve been working admin for a couple of months,” you confirm as you shake his hand. He’s polite enough not to try to rub wrists on a first meeting, at least. His scent reminds you of the bakery near your house. “It’s not a bad job.”
Once everyone has their drinks and the group makes their way over to one of the open pool tables, you think you could have a pretty good night. Daniels and his friends, Bennet and Bakshi, are actually pretty fun. They’re obviously flirting with Chrissie and Jack (and Mel, by extension), but they’re not ignoring you. Daniels and Bakshi, at least, include you in the conversation and ask questions about your job, how you all know each other, where you’re from.
When Bakshi manages to pull Mel into a conversation about video games and cyber security, you and Chrissie excuse yourselves to the restroom.
“I should have worn jeans,” she sighs. “This is really fun, but kind of a waste of an outfit.”
You’re about to laugh when you pass by a table and make eye contact with a man you’ve only seen in passing before. You recognize Sergent MacTavish by his mohawk, and give him a little half smile. Then you notice Captain Price and Sergent Garrick. The blond in a skull themed cloth mask can only be Lieutenant Riley. You give all four of them a startled little nod of acknowledgment, and then Chrissie is tugging you into the bathroom.
You’ve never met anyone from Task Force 141 before. Any time you’ve heard of them, at least two have been sent off somewhere across the world. You don’t have the clearance to deal with any of their reports, but you know enough to understand that they’re practically rock stars.
“Five quid, Jack and Mel have all three of their numbers by the end of the night,” Chrissie interrupts your musing as she checks her makeup in the mirror. As usual, she’s perfect, and you hear her take a selfie.
“Ten quid, Bennet asks for yours,” you counter from the stall.
“No bet, he’s already asked.” Chrissie answers. “But he’s a tool.”
“You like tools.”
“That’s true. It’s the muscles.” she agrees. “If he asks me on a proper date, I won’t say no.”
“Not a waste of a dress, then,” you point out before flushing and making your way to wash your hands. “Is he wearing scent blockers? I can’t get a bead on him.”
“He’s a subtle bit of tobacco leaf. Bakshi is nutmeg and Daniels-”
“Daniels smells like fresh bread,” you finish.
“Oh, ho, ho,” Chrissie chuckles, leaning her hip on the counter as you wash your hands. “Took notice did you?”
“We shook hands.” You roll your eyes. “Kind of hard not to notice.” When you step out of the bathroom, you’re startled to see Sergent MacTavish leaning against the wall on his phone. His eyes snap up to yours and he stands up to his full height. He’s bigger than you expected, and you find yourself helpless to hold his stare. When he smiles, you feel yourself flush.
“Evenin’, bonnie lass,” he says, after a moment. “C’n I get a moment of your time?”
Chrissie practically skips the couple of steps away to stand at the entrance of the hall leading to the bathrooms. She doesn’t quite abandon you with a strange alpha, but she does turn her back and pull out her phone.
Before you can comment on her absence, or introduce yourself, or even think about what to say, MacTavish has stepped close. His scent, something warm and earthy and somehow also floral, floods your senses. At the same time, he leans down to hover his nose just short of touching your temple. You can’t help but blush harder at how bold he’s being. The way he takes your scent into his lungs is just this side of vulgar.
“So it has been you we’ve been scenting around base,” he chuckles, taking a deliberate step back and leaning back against the wall again. He crosses big arms across his chest and smiles. “Gaz’s been tying himself in knots trying to catch more than faded hints near the caf’.”
What are you supposed to say to that? “…Sorry? I’m new to the base.”
He grins. “Well, I’m glad you’re around. Sergent MacTavish.” He doesn’t offer his hand, but considering the how rude he was before, it’s not like he needs to.
You stammer an introduction and decide to make your retreat. “It was, um, nice to meet you, Sergent. I have to get back to my friends.” “Be seeing you around, hen,” he says, and doesn’t move as you make your retreat.
As soon as you’re clear of the hall, you make the mistake of looking that the 141’s table. All of their eyes snap to your face as soon as you’re visible. You almost freeze under their attention, but Chrissie rescues you. She takes your arm and practically marches you across the bar to rejoin Jack and Mel, who immediately pull you close to drag you into some debate about music.
You can’t contribute much to the conversation. Thank goodness for Chrissie, who gleefully carries the discussion. You’re too distracted to do much more than give vague agreements for a long time.
At the end of the night, when you and your friends leave the bar, you chance a glance toward the 141’s table. Four pairs of eyes stare back.
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frownyalfred · 27 days
Would you mind explaining what (in the coral series) a shock heat and a drop actually are? And where the difference is? The effects are very clear, I just don’t fully get the whole picture
sending love and thanks for your writing
Absolutely! As always, I'll add the caveat that I use some omegaverse terms in different ways than others, but I definitely didn't come up with these ideas myself. Most of them, at least.
In a room full of coral, a drop is something generally experienced by omegas (but sometimes alphas) where they're overwhelmed by instinct and their brains kind of blip out for a moment. It can happen generally because of shock or trauma, or a sudden wave of instinct they're unable to handle. It's a very vulnerable situation to be in, and generally requires careful handling to resolve. I've seen it in other fics but only for omegas -- I'd like to change that. I think alphas and even betas can absolutely drop, just in different ways.
A shock heat, on the other hand, is essentially what can happen if a drop is unaddressed. A shock heat doesn't require a drop to happen first, but it's very common for the two to go hand in hand. The omega's instincts feel so threatened or rattled, either because of a sudden large trauma or threat, or a long-term threat, that it forces the body to go into heat to attract a mate, i.e., an alpha who can help protect and care for them. It's posited as an old instinct, designed to protect omegas and make them appealing to nearby alphas (therefore diminishing the threat of those alphas, who are attracted to the heat and more likely to be docile).
In a room full of coral, Bruce drops twice -- once at Jason's funeral, and once after he's attacked in the nest by Jason in ASOH. Both resulted in a shock heat, the former because Bruce's body was trying to process the grief/loss of his pup and probably trying to get pregnant again. The latter, because Bruce was already pregnant and his body was trying to attract his mate (Clark) to help protect him and stay closer, which he would obviously be if they were knotting a lot during a heat.
There's a point in ASOH I think where they're worried Jason might drop, after encountering Superman!Clark for the first time and reverting a little too far into his instincts. But luckily, Bruce and Lex are able to pull Jason back before it can become serious. There's also some nesting on Bruce's end that gets very close to drop territory, when they bring Jason home. You could also make the argument that Jason's initial presentation heat is a shock heat in a way, but I think that's hard to say definitively considering he was detoxing from a lot of suppressants/etc at that same time.
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untaemedqueen · 1 year
Finding My Pack Masterlist
Alpha!OT7 & Omega!Reader
Genre: Fated Mates, Omegaverse, Smut, Angst, Fluff
Series Warnings: Omega Abuse (Not By OT7), Fated Mates/Soulmates, Scent Sympathy, Sunshine!FMC, Knotting, Smut, MMMMMMMF, MMMF, MMF, MF, Breeding Kink, Cursing, Dom!OT7, Sub!Reader
This book can be found on Patreon. A chapter is released every Sunday!
Tumblr media
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Pack Appreciation Day (Thanksgiving Special)
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Merry Maker Day (Christmas Special)
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 / Epilogue 1
Chapter 58 / Epilogue 2 / Happy Father’s Day Special
Chapter 59 / Epilogue 3.
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suzukiblu · 2 months
WIP excerpt for yesdangerpls; YJ packs up and gets pupped. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Kon didn’t know alphas could smell like this. People always say alphas smell really good, just . . . he didn’t know, he guesses. Like–didn’t get it, really. He’s liked the scent of alphas he already liked, but not . . . definitely not like this. Tana’s always smelled good to him, and Knockout smelled good when she wasn’t, like, trying to murder people, and, like–Guardian smells a little safe, sometimes, but . . . 
He thinks–Roxy smells a little safe sometimes too. Or–did, anyway. He hasn’t seen her or Tana in forever, at this point. But–she did, sometimes. Not the same way Guardian does, though. She’s not an alpha, for one thing. She’s a beta. But sometimes when they were hanging out, he just felt–better, when it was her he was hanging out with. Calmer, and closer to . . . content, maybe. Just, like–whenever he could smell her pheromones happy or pleased or satisfied up close and personal, or whenever she’d scruffed a bit of her scent onto him, or . . . 
. . . Suzie and Bart are betas, Kon thinks, and bites his lip. If he could find something that smelled like either of them for his–for his nest, maybe the restless energy would settle out a little, and he could just feel the warmth and the excitement and . . . 
He thinks he might–like that, if it worked. Thinks it might feel good too. 
Suzie doesn’t use the locker rooms, really–visits them in them, but doesn’t need ‘em herself, with her physiology and all–Kon’s pretty sure she can’t sweat or anything like that, for one, or take off her clothes without, like, just shapeshifting them away, so . . . 
He has a brief, weirdly intent flash of wondering how she’d look if she did take off her clothes, and has to stop for a second and kind of–reorient, a little. It’s not like–he jokes about stuff like that, and talks about stuff like that, because everybody does and it’s–he’s–
It feels different, though, suddenly. Makes that restless energy kick up even more, and the heat in his gut burn even more. Like . . . kind of like the jokes aren’t really jokes, maybe, or at least like he understands why people like the jokes in a way he didn’t really understand before. 
But also–right. Suzie doesn’t really wear normal clothes, he remembers; she just makes her clothes. So he’s not really sure if he’s gonna be able to find something that smells like her, actually. 
He makes an involuntary noise in the back of his throat–a small, stifled one he doesn’t mean to make, and never has before. One he’s barely heard anyone make, actually, except doing disaster relief or during emergency situations or just faked for, like, TV or movies or whatever. 
It’s–he thinks it’s an omega-call. Like, the kind that an omega makes when they’re . . . upset, or worried, or want . . . 
Kon bites his lip again and twists Cassie’s T-shirt and Cissie’s towel around his hands. Breathes out, slow and careful. It’s–it’s the kind of call an omega makes when they’re . . . looking for somebody. When they . . . want somebody. 
So like–he wants to find something that smells like Suzie for his nest. He wants–Suzie in his nest, same as Cassie and Cissie and . . .
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