#omg you baby
annabelle--cane · 1 year
I think a lot of people spent their childhoods being very deliberately forced out of their comfort zones by parents / teachers / whomever in a way that was just deeply unpleasant and degrading and so, when they reach young adulthood and are finally allowed real control over their lives, become set on only doing things they know they're comfortable with forever. that's a really important thing to be able to do, especially if you're so used to having your boundaries routinely ignored that you aren't even certain what you like vs what you can bear, so I absolutely see why a person would have a negative reaction to being told that discomfort is good: it can very easily sound like being told that all that work they've been doing to prioritze their needs for the first time ever is Bad and Selfish, actually. and to that I will say two things:
one: as long as you aren't hurting or, like, being a dick to anyone, just staying in your comfort zone isn't an immoral action. if you just want to read one type of book (or just fanfiction), or just eat one type of food, or just watch one type of movie, or not go to new types of social events, you aren't being a bad person for that, and if people say that, they are soundly wrong and just trying to get a self-righteousness kick.
two: trying new things because you want to expand yourself feels a hell of a lot different than trying new things because you're being forced to. you'll feel better about trying new foods if you know you have a back up familiar one in case you can't stomach the new one, it's easier to read new books if you can experiment with audio versions or reading it in little five-page chunks by yourself, you can breathe a lot easier going somewhere new if you aren't chained there for three hours because your parent is your ride home, etc.
tl;dr: new things are good. I get why you might not want to try new things, and that's fine, but it's also more comfortable to try new things as an adult with your own agency so, yeah, what have you got to lose by trying a weird old art film?
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thefiresofpompeii · 24 days
> new series release (space babies) coincided with the uk seeing the northern lights for the first time in years
> the devil’s chord coincided with paul mccartney’s long-missing hofner bass guitar being found, by a doctor who fan no less
> boom coincided with an actual meteor crash
> 73 yards is coinciding with a rise in bizarre supposedly-occult animal sacrifice rituals in britain (the folk horror part) and rishi sunak finally calling a general election (the political drama part)
> hypothesis: russell t davies has somehow managed to tune in to the universe’s divine frequency ??
> conclusion: messing with the forces of fate, cause&effect and coincidence, even if it’s for the pop culture franchise you’re showrunning, actually turns it into an egregore, but only if it’s been going for long enough (sixty fucking years to the dot) and watched by enough people (tens of millions). which it has
> ergo, postscriptum: television magick is real and is being unintentionally performed by the creators + audience of the world’s silliest science fiction show
> /jk. unless?
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uc1wa · 20 days
my sweet atsumu who has the image of a player, of a total himbo whore to most of japan; especially when he moves straight from high school to playing professional volleyball
atsumu who gets constant migraines because of how much this bothers him; every morning, opening his phone to his pr manager, sending him a new article with a headline about a potential love interest for him. he wishes he didn't have to hire the man, but that's what top athletes worldwide do. several answers of no and he gets ready for the day.
atsumu miya who has never been in a relationship with a girl. he never gave himself the chance to think about crushes or the dating scene. since his youth, he's been committed to studying and training; landing him the career he shines in now.
so when hinata convinces him to make a dating profile, and one day when he matches with you and continues a conversation with you (it's a bit hard if he's being honest), he decides to pull the trigger: "would you want to grab a bite to eat sometime this week?"
a day or two later, he wants to cancel. he's shaking the hour he woke up, getting hardly any sleep the night before even though he had an entire day of training before the dinner date the two of you had planned. pacing around the room, miscalculating sets to his spikers, he's a nervous mess because what grown man hasn't gone on a single date in his life yet? atsumu miya is who.
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http-paprika · 8 months
noise / simon “ghost” riley
dad!ghost / pairing simon “ghost” riley x wife!reader / wc 504 / warnings none, pure fluff
summery raising a baby is completely different than anything else simon has done. but a new skill she learns leaves him completely surprised.
note this is what I wrote for the result of the poll, it’s not very long, I know. I just had to write this little story, it was too cute to pass up. maybe I’ll add more dad!ghost one-shots in the future.
The baby smacks against his chest, babbling loudly as he carries her through the house, trying to pass the time as his wife enjoys a moment of solitude in the shower after Simon got home from work.
Having a baby was still such a strange new chapter in Simon’s life, and the seven months since her birth, it had been a wild ride. Between the joys of watching her grow and learn, to the endless nights of her crying and the struggle of Simon learning how to actually be a good father for her. But the moments he got to spend with her alone, when she wasn’t screaming her lungs off, had become a favorite part of his day. Watching her smile, listening to her little laughs, was one of the things that he always looked forward to when he returned home from a long day.
“Oh really? And why’s that?” He chuckles, pretending to understand his infant daughter as she tries to converse with him. Moving through the house, he walks her out into the cool autumn air where their dog ran up to greet them.
“Be careful.” Simon tells her as she turns, leaning against his arms to try and reach the happy, retired military dog, Bandit, who barks up at her. Slowly, he crouches down on level with the canine who continues to enthusiastically bark and paw at them.
“Gentle.” He says to her as she reaches out, taking a fistful of the dog’s fur. “Gentle, lovie. Gentle. Just like that”
Simon takes her tiny little hand in his own, showing her how to pet the dog. Eventually, he drops his hand allowing the baby to reach out on her own autonomy and pat at Bandit’s muzzle.
She makes a noise that startles him, his eyes widening as Simon realizes the baby is attempting to mimic the dog as it yips back at her. It comes out a babbled mess, but there’s no mistaking the imitation and the excited nature of the baby everytime the dog responds back to her.
“There you two are, I was wondering where you’d disappeared to.” His wife steps out onto the patio, a startled look on her face as Simon looks up at her, exasperated. “What’s wrong?”
“She’s barking.”
“What?” She furrows her brow, confused by his statement and folding her arms looking down at him and the baby. “What are you talking about, Simon?”
“Just— listen. Bandit, speak.” He commands the dog, who obliges and barks, quickly followed by the daughter who attempts to bark back, giggling and kicking her feet afterward. “She’s imitating the dog.”
Almost as if to prove his point to her mother, the baby does it again, this time smiling up at her mother while doing it. The two adults just stare down at the baby who’s proud of the new noise she’s managed to make.
“She’s never gonna stop, is she?” Simon finally asks his wife, the realization creeping over him, his face contorting in horror.
“No, she’s not.”
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jellinuy · 22 days
౨ৎ incl. husband! higuruma + lots of fluff!!
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he thinks for a second that he may be dreaming.
it’s possible. he could still be at work, hunched over asleep at his desk, the ache in his back and his neck keeping him on the border betweeen actual rest and a quick but uncomfortable nap. but he pinches himself and warrants a faint sting, so he’s definitely awake.
now confirmed that this is real, nerves set in quick, spreading like wildfire throughout his body and rendering him near-immobile and — for the first time since he can remember — scared. he's genuinely scared. hiromi approaches his wife’s hospital bed like he's a bull and you’re made of porcelain, completely disregarding his mussed tie and the gentle beading of sweat on his forehead.
he looks down at you with the most loving eyes, stubborn traces of fear and uncertainty lingering in them, swirled into his dark pupils like creamer in black coffee. he’s so in love, but so afraid.
against his wife’s chest is their crying daughter. his baby girl.
“look who it is!” you mutter happily, tired lines seeping into the smile hiromi so adores as you swirl the small tufts of hair on top of your baby’s head between gentle fingers. “look, d/n, it’s daddy.” you gesture him closer to the bed, a faint giggle on your lips. “she’s not gonna bite you.”
“are you sure i can hold her?” he doesn't know what to do with something so tiny. something so loud. he rushed here with the sole intention of seeing his wife. he watched you give birth, and he told himself he was ready, but now that it’s happened, he’s terrified. when you nod with that familiar warmth in your face, he leans down to kiss your forehead, then your cheek. then he worries, “what if i drop her on accident?”
you smile at his unease, trying to hand him the baby. “just make sure her head is supported; you won’t drop her.”
after a second, he reaches his arms out for the newborn, and the minute they make contact, he swears all the stress leaves his body. he feels connected to her forever from this point on, an invisible tether rooted deep in their hearts and wrapping around one another. he holds the tiny head of his daughter in his palm — “she’s so small,” you hear him mumble and watch his eyebrows elevate when he discovers that her entire head fits in his hand — and cradles the rest of her in the crook of his elbow, tucking his other arm under her for good measure. you smile despite the fatigue, your heart melting into goo at the sight of your little family, complete. there’s a sticky sweetness about it, a content air to watching them: like nurturing a flower garden and watching it bloom.
“heyyy… hey, d/n,” he mumbles, trying to rock the fussing baby in his arms, the sound of her crying and the sight of her scrunched-up face already breaking his heart. “it’s daddy.” god, did that taste so sweet on his tongue. “daddy’s here… shh. don’t cry, princess, ‘m here.”
higuruma’s pulse thrums in his ears, watching the baby’s gum-mouthed cries turn to whimpers, then soft little coos as big black eyes meet the matching set of his own, and immediately he makes it his duty to thumb her tears away.
he loves her.
“hi, my baby,” your husband whispers, nuzzling into her soft, supple cheeks with his large nose to kiss her, his heart swelling so big he was afraid it would pop out of him when her hands patted at his face, exploring the soft skin of his jaw and the apples of his own cheeks while her legs kicked (giving him a slight heart attack, thinking she’d wriggle out of his arms and onto the floor somehow) curiously. you notice (and smile) when his eyes so obviously gloss over with tears at the surrealism of the moment — that this was his daughter. this was the living, breathing, essence of him and his wife’s love.
the spring in which he’d married you was the same spring that he began to see the little things for what they were. higuruma had always had a sort of fast pace about him.
but now he hopes time will slow down, stretch like the thick pour of molasses. he wants to milk this life for all it's worth.
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jamiethebeeart · 3 months
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I laughed when I saw the lineart by @things-i-cannot-do-in-amitypark (redghost1010) @green-with-envy-phandom-event
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Part 2. This time its the Tokyo Five (As I named them) Headcanons in the reblog tags appreciated
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rainymoodlet · 5 months
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there’s something minty going on in strangerville… ⚗️
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corneliaavenue · 4 months
do yall remember where you were when you found out about joever?
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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<– • –>
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Princess Reader x Royal Guard Katsuki Bakugo
Bakugou Katsuki’s job is literally to stand by you day and night. You promoted him to being your personal guard and now he follows you around the castle like a dog. Katsuki thought he would hate it. Thought he would have to do something to get himself fired. Something that would make you dislike him because everytime he was around you his skin definitely felt red hot and he had a slight nauseating sensation in his stomach. It’s only when steam started pouring out his ears with him clenching his teeth and palms that he was able to pinpoint that feeling. Oh yes that previous feeling was jealously and Katsuki Bakugou apparently didn’t hate you. Because he really felt jealous about this stupid suitor that was attempting to woo you. He liked you. He had a crush on the princess he was in charge of protecting with his life. Not that, that would change. But now he had a reason to get to know you more. To make the same impression that the other elite guards made with small talk that put you at ease during any shift changes.
WOO THE PRINCESS: ??? So Katsuki really freaking struggled with small talk. Plus, I mean the guy knows practically everything about you. How is he supposed to make small talk if he can’t just ask the questions? Trick question he still can. In reality he doesn’t really have to. He’s supposed to be a rather stoic and sentient figurine that guards you. His first few attempts were meet with startled eyes and strange looks for the next few weeks. You’re known to be fairly cordial and friendly with the guards, but his reputation proceeded him. Big Scary Guard Dog Bakugou. That’s who you were told was your new guard. And that’s what you expected for the most part. A quiet guy who may or may not be a piece of eye candy following you around like a shadow. Oh boy, were you wrong. He was definitely a piece of eye candy. Actually he was the piece of eye candy that was apart of your elite protection group. A very silent man Bakugou. And after the first couple of weeks of him assigned as you personal guard your opinion on that changed. Bakugou grunts out a G’mornin’ and a G’night to you every day. Almost looks strained, but it’s pleasant nonetheless. And he’s incredibly observant too. You catch him in the hall to your corridors arguing with a servant about the bouquet of flowers she’s attempting to bring in to replace the last bouquet on your writing desk. “Shitty - ahem - her majesty prefers another variety of flower. Go back and procure some of the blue snowball looking ones.” After that you noticed that the vase continually held varieties of flowers that you’d complimented on in the royal gardens. And from then on your awkward guard/royalty relationship bloomed like a hillside. A cascading flurry of one beautiful thing after another. ——— When you’re cozied up in the quiet royal library to enjoy a good book you pause and peek over the top of the novel in your lap. Almost out of curiosity or disbelief that Bakugou is the one asking a question. He blinks out of genuine curiosity and you open your mouth and start to turn the book around so that he can see the words of the story you’re gesturing at. He gets you to go on and on that way. Nothing but a few affirmational vocals from him that he’s still listening. And he loves watching your expressions almost more than when you insist that he do something. Read his own book, after all it is a library. He dismisses it all. And yes your highness he can read and write just fine. This is just his job. Well not the secretly pinning over you while you read, but the watching part. And He learns that you actually know a lot more about kingdom politics than he previously gave you credit for. You’re smoothing over diplomatic matters with a carefully inked letter and secretly keeping promises about exports and materials your kingdom has pledged.
All while you sit and hum at your writing desk. The way you gently tease off your shoes with your toes at the heels when you’ve decided you’re going to be in for a long while. And Katsuki knows then that you’ll idly wave for him to sit instead of standing at his post the whole while. Except he starts to develop the nasty happen of staring and when you catch him looking he’ll chose between grumbling and turning away as his ears turn pink or blink unyielding and say “just doing my job, princess”
Katsuki likes the suave of the second one, but it really ends up being 50/50 with it. ————
But 100% of the time your strolls through the royal garden have him itching to take some armor off as the sunny warmth makes him sweat buckets underneath the layers of his uniform. Not to mention you walking this close already has his skin hot enough. The way you walk shoulder to shoulder just has him practically drooling at the thought of holding your hand. - Exhibits extreme self-control every stroll. Oh and when the fruit and vegetables are ready to be harvested you like to take teasing strolls into the royal orchards and gardens to taste the first ripe fruit of the season. Always curtesying as you point and ask him to grab a mandarin, or plum, or peach, or nectarine, or lemon, or apple, or whatever it is. And you’ve usually tried just before hand. On you tip-toes waggling your decorated fingers into the air. The sunlight bouncing off your jewels that adorn your skin and cascade daggers of rainbowed light upon your face. And it’s always just out of reach. A fresh shiny pout on your face when you turn and ask him to pluck one. And Katsuki usually just has to stand and put his arm up to grab one as you patiently wait and watch. But you’re admiring him just as much as he admired you. Staring up at his chiseled jawline. The wheaty stubble that decorates his face. You long to feel it prickle underneath your fingertips. Wonder how it would feel tickling the edges of your kiss when you finally set your mouth against his plush lips. You admire his impeccable physique. His staggering size as he barely stretches his shoulder to reach the fruit. And the way his golden tan glistens underneath the dappled light of the sun; glistens from the profuse sweat elicited from his layers and layers of chainmail and armor. All brushing over his adams apple before he gulps and turned to hand it to you. And Katsuki loves to hold it in his palm in the way that you have to pick it up. Feel your fingers gently prod and caress the skin of his palm as you turn the fruit over. Mulling over its quality before wordlessly holding it back out. He huffs and grabs the fruit as you take him to the stone wall. You sit and pull out a handkerchief from between your breasts if he’s not swift enough in supplying you with his. And Katsuki will grab his dagger and slice up the fruit, setting the pieces down onto the handkerchief before you plop one into your mouth. His hands will still and his eyes flick to your face watching as you chew and make a satisfied moan. The rest of your stroll will include these snack breaks. Taking “samples” as you call them of the seasons fruit. And the royal gardners have since decided to ignore the two figurines of their princess and the royal guardsmen sitting on the stone walls chattering and pressing handkerchiefs into sticky thieving fingers. ————
In the royal kitchens he accompanies you as you excitedly follow behind a kitchen maid who’s sent for you to do a testing of the new desserts the chef has been working on. Despite your official look of composure he knows that you’re excited by the little bounce in your hair from your steps. Katsuki always clunks down to the table when you beckon him to sit. Frantically patting the chair next to you after he’s been a right gentleman and pushed your chair in. You always think he looks rather scared with the way his carmine eyes dart around the empty dinning hall before the procession of maids and chef come out into the hall and display a plethora of desserts in front of you. They always wave you on with glee before retreating to the kitchen to finish the next batch. Your mouth practically waters as you pick up your fork and spear the perfect first bite. Only to turn to Katsuki with your other hand under the utensil holding it up to his plush pink lips which immediately turn into a defensive scowl. You’re always muttering something about your safety to “taste test for me? Make sure there’s nothing poisoned?” Except Katsuki’s never been sure that’s your real agenda here because you always gently spoon the first bite of your special taste testing into his mouth and if its something chocolate it always taste like Heaven despite it being a brand new recipe. (You’ve got the best chocolatier in the kingdom) and he always a little groan slip out. His face melting as he chews and swallows. (he’s going to be doing a lot more of that)
Before he nods muttering it’s safe. Not that your food would be poisoned because the staff and kingdom are all pretty loyal here and him and the elite guards are way to fricken scary to have on your tail. But he humors you anyway because technically that’s protecting and you’re right it’s in his job description. And then you, without changing forks, without doing anything else immediately set the fork he just used between your own lips and lick off the icing residue between your pink lips and hum before taking a real first bite yourself. And you do it all while maintaining perfect eye contact with him. And he can feel blood rushing to weird places all over his body. And it goes on like this for every single plate they offer. HAVE THE PRINCESS FLIRT WITH YOU: yes? maybe ?? At this rate he’s not sure why the kitchen staff haven’t mandated you with a royal poison taste tester with your insistence of him having a bite of every one of your plates. Seriously what are these people thinking! They’re thinking that there’s some real true love blooming in the castle and who are they to get in the way! Plus, it’s a good practice for any wedding cake samples they do in the future. Of course they won’t ever tell y’all whose wedding they’re preparing to cater. ———— While you delight in that. Katsuki delights in nothing more than your dance lessons. He likes to watch you glide, or try to, across the floor with every step. Definitely feels a weird blooming of secondhand pride when you practice a new step a few times and smooth it out with practice. Overall he finds it very peaceful and relaxing watching you laugh and groan and be belittled by this ancient teacher they have for you. Stands at the door tapping his toe in his boot to the beat. When this ancient woman that he just loves comes over and insists that he mustn’t “just stand there and look handsome. Make yourself useful she needs a partner” which always causes your head to swivel like a chicken as he detaches a few layers of pure metal off his body to make the dancing “easier and more realistic for her highness”
So now he gets to stand bare of any occluding armor and he can feel your e/c gaze washing over his body and the ripping muscles that he’s always had hidden under that armor. Adores the chance to hold you in his arms and practice doing the steps that you’re working on. And he’s attended enough of these things and the balls to be able to pick up on his part pretty quickly. Katsuki, not to toot his own horn because he would never, has to say he’s pretty darn good at dancing. Stupidly good for a royal guard which he’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be clunky and clumsy, but as soon as the armor is off he’s as graceful as any one of the princes or dukes you’ve danced with ball after ball and gala after gala. He’s humongous. Practically a head taller than you and his shoulders are stupidly wide and it’s like you’re in a cocoon of just him. His stupid minty breath whenever he’s mumbling something snarky or whispering the counts just loud enough for your teacher to know he’s actually helping. The flopping bangs that fall into his face whenever he needs to look down and see what your feet are doing. Usually because you’ve accidentally skipped a step or done something that messes with his leading because how can you not! Except this only fuels Bakugou’s ego more because he’s never seen you mess up with any partner at any of these balls you attend. The logical part of his brain says it’s because this is your dance room and you’re practicing. But the other hopeful part of his heart says it’s because maybe you’re flustered. Maybe you feel something too. And you definitely do. The oddly warm, but searing heat of his hand on the small of your back makes you stand up. His shoulder and bicep and forearm all a fluttering mass of muscle that languidly stretches and twitches underneath your arm. His meaty and calloused hand that holds yours, which is incredibly clamy except you’re not sure if it’s you or him! And your annoying dance teacher who constantly whacks your limbs and buttocks whenever you do something wrong, which only makes your guards impeccable poker face quirk into a smirk before she starts the music again. And unfortunately the old crone has caught on. Because your lessons after having danced with Katsuki are immensely improved. And your performance at balls is flawless at best, so she’s going to keep asking the young rugged handsome guard of yours to keep stepping in as your partner for dancing because he seems to be the only one where you actually have to work for that composure. ————
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dinololita · 6 months
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uc1wa · 10 months
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18+ minors dni
tags: fem reader, cockwarming, mentions of penetrative sex
big tough, bad, strong jason is sensitive.
the man kills and fights all night, he has to be strong while he's on patrol. so when he comes home to you? his little wife who knows how to take care of him?
he thinks you’re the sweetest girl in the world.
he climbs through the window, always landing on his back, sometimes staying there for a beat longer if it's a real bad day.
and you... you're the perfect wife he could ask for.
you're guiding him to the edge of the bed, robe hanging loosely around your frame as you take his red mask off, dropping it to the side. you're so graciously, slowly unzipping him of his cargo pants, you know he can't do it without you, right? his pretty green eyes watching you with hunger and want. if eyes could beg... the 6'4 man in front of you would be crying on his hands and knees.
your small hands pull out his larger than life length, and he whimpers just at the small feeling. he's been the one taking initiative all day, he needs somebody to take care of him, remember?
and he's sorry that he came home like this... came home hard and frustrated. he never means it! it’s just difficult when he knows he’s coming home to you. what else is he supposed to do?
and when you place your legs on either side of him, your hole wet and slick and ready for him, he’s reminded you’re made for him. he bites his lip when you slide down. staying there, because he just needs the comfort of you being wrapped around him right now. he needs your tightness around his cock if he even wants to think about being the red hood again tomorrow.
his cheeks turn pink, like they always do and his head rests in the crook of your neck, licking and kissing sloppily and slowly as his cock is being warmed by you. he doesn't move. he doesn't grab your hips and move you against him... he could pump you full right now, his tip hitting your cervix feverishly. instead, he whines against you, whimpers as he lets you lead.
he whispers that you're the only one made for him. you prepped yourself before he came just so he didn’t have to wait an extra minute. you know you’re his angel right?
and he stays there, he’s good for you! he’s grateful and wouldn’t want you to think otherwise.
his big, rough, scarred hands sit on your hips, rubbing soft circles as his lips let out little and quiet moans. reminders that you’re his. that nobody could compare to you. that your pretty body is made for him.
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sirazaroff · 3 months
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They ✨💅
(Edit: I forgot the soulmate scarf 😭)
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drunkenlionwrites · 8 months
Random nsfw Syzoth headcanons
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Warnings: teratophilia, monsterfucking (all mild), oral sex, reader with vagina, g/n reader
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The boy thrives on praise. Tell him how good he’s fucking you and he’ll go harder. Tell him how amazing he is and he’ll keen as he goes in and out of you steadily and rhythmically. He’ll get off both from dirty talk and soft proclamations of love and affection. Latter meaning much more to him due to being ostracised by his own people.
He’ll be so shy and awkward at first, trying not to scare you off with the real parts of his body, concealed by his human form. Though for the occasional flash of his mighty tail during his climaxes sometimes.
Once you show him you love him the way he is, he’ll get much more comfortable and relaxed both during daytime and during the night activities. He’s eating you out and somehow his tongue is reaching your sweet spot in a way no human mouth can? Whoops his bad (or not). His second cock erecting from somewhere you were not expecting it to be? Relax and enjoy the additional friction.
As his species have matriarchal society and the boy also lost all of his family, it’s likely he has mommy issues and will be a cute submissive pet for you when you both are up to. He’ll enjoy being topped and bossed around, cockily smiling underneath you as you ride him till he’s senseless and his pretty lips part to elicit the cutest moans for you.
Hissing in your ear? Be prepared and don’t get scared. I’d say he’ll make a lot of weird noises for your human ears until you’ve acquainted well with you lover and everything is no longer unexpected for you. He’ll be blushing if you coo to him how pretty he sounds whatever he sounds like.
He’s much more touchy and possessive during the mating season. He’s irritated by the looks you get from just a random person during the day. By a smile you get from a local vendor. Everyone is pissing him off, but instead on confronting anyone and making a fuss about it, he prefers to just steal you away and hide in your nice safe home to make sure you’re throughly fucked and loved for the duration of his heat where no one other than him can even take a glance at you.
Accept him as he is and you’ll become the most cherished and treasured person in Syzoth’s life and he won’t make you regret it for a mere second.
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AITA for admiring someone without his knowledge?
There's a really cute guy who lives near me; we've met briefly a couple times, but i wouldn't say we're friends yet, though I'm hoping to get much closer to him.
I recently discovered that if I look in his windows from a certain angle, I can see him without him noticing me, so I've been watching him in my freetime.
I just enjoy watching him go about his business, yknow? Eating dinner, settling in for the night in his bed, playing games, and working out on the treadmill, are all so charming when he does them.
However, recently I was peering in his window watching him bathe, and my friend later pointed out that my behavior *technically* falls under the purview of a "peeping tom" whatever that is. I still don't think I'm the AH, I'm not hurting anybody, and he doesn't even know I'm watching him, so no harm no foul right?
Attached are pictures of the little man in question, so you can understand how cute he is.
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