#omoi headcanons
I don't know if it's been said, but I have a headcanon that Omoi is hypoglycemic. My reason? He's never seen without a lollipop in his mouth, and he'll spit one out just to put another lollipop back in. It's possible that between Shippuden and Boruto that he either outgrew it or got better at controlling it.
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meke57o9 · 2 years
The sand silbings are definitely the type of silbings who seem distant between each other, but are actually helpful and loving between each other.
Kankuro wakes up late at night to make coffee for Gaara and go back to bed. Temari stitching her brother's torn clothes after a mission. Gaara growing poisonous plants, so Kankuro can have a endless supply of poison for his needles.
And those three are each other wing-man. Gaara schedule his sister's arrival home to correlate with Team 10 visiting Suna. Kankuro hangout with Choji and Gaara will discuss botany with Ino. Allowing Temari to spend time alone with Shikamaru.
A week before Team Gai visit Suna, Kankuro help Gaara with paperwork. Temari dragging Gaara to bed. She debate with him to at least relax his body, so he can have energy to hangout with Lee.
Gaara assign Kankuro as his bodyguard when he have to attend a Kage meeting located at Kumogakure. Temari trimming Kankuro's hair a day before he leave, scolding him he should look presentable (not for the meeting, but for his date with Omoi).
I love the sand siblings and their dynamic!
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nardo-headcanons · 4 months
Yeah I loved those!! So good 😍 I wanted to ask for some moooore 🙈 If you have any and want to of course 🥰
alllrighty, this took me way too long. big thanks to @burning-bubble for requesting.
Kumogakure Worldbuilding II
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Dating and marriage in Kumogakure
Kumogakure is filled with a lot of different people, so finding a partner is rather easy. Unlike Kirigakure, which is rather traditional, casual relationships and hookups are not a rarity here. There is not a huge emphasis on marriage, and there are even people who do it for tax reasons alone. Tax reasons being the tax incentive given by the Kumogakure government to encourage the people to have children. Since Kumo lacks established shinobi clans and kekkei genkai wielders, they always try to lure foreigners to move to their village and start a family here.
Family dynamics
To ensure that children grow up happy and healthy, Kumogakure has established daycare facilities for the children of its workers, including shinobi, as it is simply the most economical to do so. Same goes for adoption, as Kumo has made it possible for couples (no matter if hetero, homo, mono or poly) to adopt children if they are able to afford it. Adoption is not looked down upon and a part of Kumo family culture.
Side-headcanon: Kumogakure shinobi like Karui probably have English (Kumo's language) names, but adapt Japanese (Konoha's language) 'nicknames' (Karui literally means lightweight/light) over time.
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The Kumogakure shinobi academy
Unlike in Konoha, Kiri, Iwa and Suna, going to the shinobi academy in Kumo will actually cost you a bit of money. It is not outrageously high and based on your income, but it will cost you. Richer families have the opportunity to hire private tutors for their kids, and the percentage of privately payed 101 shinobi tutors is the highest across the continent.
Another thing that makes Kumo special is that there are many older genins, who have practiced other careers before becoming ninja, and it is not frowned upon but seen as a normal part of life.
Different shinobi departments
Like every other village, Kumogakure has a genin-, chunin-, jonin- and anbu department. However, the hierarchies are drastically flatter than in, let's say, Kirigakure. There is a high degree of respect between the different ranks and ninja of lower ranks still look up to their team leaders, but there is a higher sense of equality among Kumogakure teams.
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coyest · 11 months
In this panel, prior to the outbreak of the war, Hinata is overcome with fear and feels panicky. Karui calmly reassures her that she does not need to worry, as she has done so many times in the past with Omoi. In my opinion, Karui has a certain ability to soothe people. I could be wrong since she argues with omoi a lot lol.
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wranrihallon · 6 months
Naruto Sexuality + Gender Headcanons
Kumo Ninja Part 2/2
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Mabui is a lesbian ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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Moroi is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Motoi is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Nurui is a gay cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Omoi is a gay cisman who goes by he/they pronouns
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Samui is a bisexual ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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Sekiei is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Tenga is a gay cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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orangelemonart · 2 months
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Cloud Crew headcanons
I think about them a lot!!! How did Karui and Omoi end up a jinchuuriki's students?? What was Yugito's relationship with B? Why is she the only Cloud ninja with a name that isn't a letter or an adjective?? Why is the eight-tail's host the Raikage's adopted sibling, but the two-tail's host isn't? Did anyone mourn Yugito?
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kankuroplease · 2 months
He's such an underrated character and SO fun to do alt designs of!! What are your fave ships for Kankuro? I've always been partial to KankuSaku, had this headcanon for forever that he developed a crush on her after she saved him from Sasori's poison. Like, he was in and out of consciousness when she was extracting the poison from his blood and organs and he kept seeing her face above him....... like some sort of determined pink angel lolllll
I’m a hardcore KankuKiba shipper because the chaos of those two together is just so appealing to me. However, Kanks is also one of those characters I ship around a lot as he just works with so many characters, I’m open to most ships with him. However some of my faves are;
KankuSaku - it’s cute and easy to build off of~
KankuNaru - dating your brother’s first friend risky business and the pranks would be epic
KankuIno - he’s a bit of a prankster and honestly him draping himself over a counter with a rose in his mouth would be something that would happen
KankuOmoi - Omoi’s worries would make a whole lot of sense with Kanks as a boyfriend
KankuTen - someone said this and I was like “why the heck didn’t I think of that”. Not only are they vibing on similar (but not too similar) wavelengths, but between his puppets and her weapons; they could make some sick mods to the preexisting ones or a whole new army
KankuHina - it’s cute, also gets Hinata to stretch her wings and chose a different path while bonding over strict dad’s/not living up to their younger siblings. Also feels like it could go super angsty
KankuShika - hear me out, there’s a lot of tropes here and Shikamaru would be able to pull one of my favorite lines “only I can call him an idiot” 👩‍🍳💋
KankuHanabi - if they made it canon, I’d believe it wholeheartedly. Like I can see them drinking together when him and gaara are visiting Konoha and it just hitting him like a sack of bricks that this wild Hyuga might be the one
KankuSui - honestly, they would try to kill each other with any slight disagreement, but really what’s water bf gonna do to him in Suna? March along the hot desert with Kankuro tracking him with a spair water bottle. That’s what
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aceopmari · 2 years
Mei Terumi w/a Hot & Popular Daughter Headcanon
A/N: I’m amazed at what crazy shit I can come up with in my sleep.🥴
Taglist: @ppg-artss @lovelygeniegirl1012 @mercymccann @kakeisumire @aoi-ajisai @mechmoucha @barbellina @nightingaleflow @bonchin @awhore4uchiha
TW: Suggestive themes, semi one sided age gap relationship with teen reader, seductive reader, drug use, character death, arranged marriage, pregnancy mention.
Characters featured: Mei, Kisame, Zabuza, Suigetsu, and Mangetsu, Gaara, Neji, Omoi, Jiraiya.
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💄Lady Mizukage became so happy that she had found a man. She was confident that he would propose.
💄When he found out that Mei was pregnant with you, the man left her and she found herself alone once more.
💄Nonetheless, Mei didn’t hold it against you. She raised you and showered you with tender love and care.
💄Mei didn’t like how you mostly took after your father. But you were still beautiful inside and out as you inherited her charisma and curves. And not to mention those luscious lips.
💄The people of the Hidden Mist had lost their minds when they found out that Lady Mizukage had a beautiful daughter. Everyone in the village knew you and watched you grow up.
💄You were very popular in school and had many friends. Mei was even cool enough to let you throw parties at the mansion while she was away.
💄Someone had introduced you to edibles. All your friends watched you happily rampage through the mansion in just your bikini as you broke things.
💄Most people would freak out, but your friends and followers were in complete awe at your boldness.
💄”Y/N’s so COOL!”
💄”Let’s do drugs TOO!”
💄Ao (who was tasked to chaperone the events) didn’t like how wild your parties got. He didn’t seem to like you at all as he thought you were an entitled brat who always got off easy.
💄He was somewhat right though. Whenever something broke at your parties, Mei would instantly turn a blind eye on you and pin the blame on him instead.
💄You were sought after by many men who wanted your affection (as well as your life).
💄Girls around the world hated you out of sheer jealousy. Fellow young beauty, Ino Yamanaka hated you when you were crowned queen of the “Miss Teen Ninja” and the “Miss Ninja Universe” beauty pageants several years in a row.
💄You were more than a pretty face though. Thanks to your dear Mama Mizukage, you were very strong as you inherited two kekkei genkai.
💄Due to this, you earned the title of Beauty of the Bloody Mist.
💄 Mei saw how men were interested in you. Even men from other countries. Although Mei was a little jealous, she was determined to get you a husband.
💄 Mei had you dolled up by professional stylists who did your hair and makeup each morning. You also wore dark blue, revealing curve hugging outfits with fishnets. Whatever it took to attract a man!
💄”My beautiful daughter is looking for a husband!” Mama Mizukage announced one day.
💄Things got chaotic as word spread that you were looking for a man. You were constantly asked out at school. You felt somewhat guilty and responsible for the many male students who were failing as they spent their time in class either staring at your tits or passing you love notes instead of taking their tests.
💄Some guys in the village even fought for you to see who was worthy of your hand until they were covered in blood.
💄You were crushed with letters, chocolates, and flowers that were sent by men all over the world.
💄The craziness didn’t stop there. You even caught the attention of criminals. A sexy terrorist bomber from the Hidden Stone had you feeling smitten when he sent you a love letter about your artistic beauty…
💄…Too bad the tiny clay bird that came with it nearly killed you…
💄There were lots of attempted kidnappings by obsessed lovers who were desperate to marry you. Good thing you were strong enough to fend them off and escape. Didn’t do wonders for the trauma you felt afterwards…
💄”Have you chosen a husband yet, Sweetie?” Mei asked. You sighed as you grew frustrated with her persistence. “No mom, I haven’t…”
💄Mei smiled. “That’s okay dear! I found the perfect suitors from other villages! Have a look!” She said as she gave you three pictures.
💄You recognized each of them. One was Gaara. He was the Kazekage of the the Hidden Sand. He had a cute face and luscious red locks.
💄The next was Neji from the prestigious Hyuga Clan. He had the most beautiful eyes.
💄The last was Omoi, a close aid of the Fourth Raikage. His melanated skin was absolutely gorgeous!
💄”I’ve already arranged for you to travel to all three countries so that you can meet with them for your date!” Mei said happily. You widened your eyes. “You did what?!”
💄Mei already had your bags packed and had put you on a large boat to send you to each country.
💄You met Gaara first on your trip to the Hidden Sand. He was respectful and kind but so awkward and inexperienced.
💄You then went to the Hidden Leaf soon after for your date with Neji. He was so intelligent but very condescending. He indirectly called you a harlot as he wasn’t too keen on your skimpy choice of attire…
💄Finally you met Omoi in the Hidden Clouds. He was very funny but his overthinking nature was a huge turn off.
💄You returned home to the Mist just in time for supper. Mei was disappointed when you told her that you wouldn’t be marrying any of her top three choices. She became depressed, spouting out fears on how her own daughter will become an old maid.
💄Ao who was present at supper, decided to chime in. “Well maybe if you dressed like a proper young lady, you’d have a better chance of finding the right man to marry.” You were stunned by his words. You glanced down at your outfit.
💄Your dark blue curve hugging outfit resembled your mother’s only it revealed your cleavage, midriff, and legs. You frowned at Ao. “What’s wrong with my clothes?” Ao scoffed. “Well for starters, it’s too skimpy! It attracts the wrong attention from men.”
💄He shook his head disapprovingly. “Seriously, is this how young ladies your age like to dress? Back in my day…”
💄Ao rambled on. You flinched seeing a darkened, furious, expression on Mei who has been silent the whole time. She was absolutely fuming at Ao’s words. You shrunk in your seat as she gets up before walking over to Ao.
💄”Shut up. Or die.”
💄Ao screamed in terror at that. You didn’t blame him. Your mom was scary when she was angry. You shrieked a bit when she turned to you giving you a sweet smile.
💄”Don’t listen to him, Sweetheart. You’re beautiful just the way you are. Now hurry up and find a husband soon okay?” She said. You nodded nervously. “Okay, mommy.”
💄Not wanting to upset her further, you decided to survey your options here at home in the Hidden Mist.
💄 The Seven Swordsmen of the Mist were like family. They were your personal bodyguards who followed you whenever you left the mansion. One or two guarded you at a time. You didn’t like it as you just wanted to have freedom. But at least he was attractive.
💄You were walking through the village with Kisame when you heard some men talking.
💄”Hey it’s Y/N Terumi!”
💄”She’s so pretty!”
💄”I’d smash!”
💄You blush at the comments. Kisame sees this and smirks at you. “You’ve grown to be quite attractive haven’t you? Why, if you were a little older, I’d make you my woman…” he joked.
💄A few weeks later, you chased Kisame down in the misty forest when you saw him leave. “Why are you leaving Kisame?! Don’t go!” You cried.
💄Kisame stopped and turned around seeing your tears. “I hate to see a pretty face in tears.” He walked up to you and wiped your tears away with his large blue thumb before putting a finger under your chin to tilt it to meet his eyes.
💄”Come with me to discover a world without lies,” he said with a grin. You shook your head. He sounded crazy and too far gone. “No! I’m not leaving the village or my mommy!”
💄”Thats a real shame, Y/N…” Kisame said as he raised his sword at you. Before you could react, you had blacked out from the strike.
💄You woke up in your room on a comfy large bed. The first thing you saw was the relieved expression of Mei. “Oh, my poor baby!” She cried. She gave you a kiss on the forehead.
💄You groan as you sat up a bit. “What…happened?” Mei saddened. “Kisame attacked you before leaving the village. Chojuro found you alone in the forest.”
💄You frowned. So he did leave. Now you were left saddened. Both Zabuza and Kisame were among your favorites among the swordsmen. Mei saw that you were sad and pulled you into a hug. “I’m just glad your safe, Sweetheart.” Although you were sad, you were grateful to your mom for comforting you.
💄You decided you wanted away from all the drama. You went to hang out with your childhood friends, the Hozuki brothers.
💄Mangetsu and Suigetsu went on deadly missions to prove themselves as capable swordsmen, all while competing for your love.
💄Mangetsu was a friendly gentleman who made you feel safe. He gave you hand kisses and always told you how beautiful you were.
💄Suigetsu was funny and always showed you a good time. He was openly flirty with you, catching you off guard with his sexy smirks and winks.
💄When they came back from a deadly mission, you rewarded them both with cheek kisses. The brothers would then get on either sides of you and kiss your cheeks too. It was practically a routine with the three of you.
💄Suigetsu decided to be his cheeky self. “When are you gonna give me a real kiss, Cupcake? I think I deserve it after that last mission,” he winked. You blushed at that. Mangetsu glared at his sibling. “Be respectful!”
💄Suigetsu smirked at him. “Fine, I will.” He took his water bottle off his belt and handed it to you. “Want a sip?” You smiled and took it. “Sure! Thanks!”
💄You sipped the water, enjoying the cool taste. Suigetsu gives you a toothy grin. “Heh heh heh…that was our first kiss…”
💄You widened your eyes in realization as your cheeks flushed a deep red. You took your lips off the straw, stopping the indirect kiss. Mangetsu just glared at his brother. He wasn’t going down without a fight.
💄Mangetsu asked you out on a date. He took you to a quiet misty forest for a picnic. It was way more romantic than the ones you had with Gaara, Neji, and Omoi.
💄Your dear Mama Mizukage was over the moon when you told her about the date. “Has my baby found a husband from the Hozuki Family? I’m so happy for you, Sweetheart!”
💄”Mommy, we’re not getting married!” You say. Mei glared at you. “Nonsense! No daughter of mine will grow up to be an old maid! I’ll make arrangements immediately!”
💄Mei did just that. Mangetsu was officially your fiancé. He was ecstatic to have your hand in marriage. Men around the world went crazy as they were disappointed that none of them would have a chance to be with you. At the very least, you were happy. Mangetsu was always charming.
💄On top of everything, Mangetsu was just appointed as the newest member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, so he was closely by your side. He insisted to be the only one worthy of guarding you from now on.
💄Everything was happening so fast. Mei even started planning the wedding that you would have in a few years. Mangetsu was kind to take things slow with you.
💄He was there for you when you least expected it, like the one time he killed some thugs who were attempting your life while you were taking a bath. You were surprised when Mangetsu asked to join you.
💄”Don’t be shy. We’re going to be married anyway,” Mangetsu said as he started removing his clothes. He then joined you in the tub and even offered to wash your back. You let him.
💄You sighed blissfully as you felt the suds massage you. You moaned when Mangetsu reached his hands in front of you to wash your breasts. “M-Mangetsu…” you moaned.
💄He brought his lips to your ear. “When we’re married, I’ll wash you like this every night if you’d like…” he whispers huskily. You hummed in delight. “Yeah, that’d be nice.” Mangetsu smiled. “I can’t wait to marry you!” You blushed when he brought his soft lips to your neck, lightly grazing it with his sharp teeth.
💄You and Mangetsu said your goodbyes afterwards. You walked in your room in just a towel and to your surprise you saw Suigetsu. He had broken into your room.
💄Suigetsu backs you into a wall and puts a hand under your chin. “I wanna marry you. Don’t pick my brother. Choose me,” he smiles.
💄Despite everything, you couldn’t help but feel smittened. The fact that he broke into your room to propose alone was really hot.
💄Suigetsu leaned in close and stole your first kiss right then and there. He sunk his sharp teeth into your lip before soothing it with a slow and hot kiss to lick the blood away.
💄Your knees started to give out after the kiss. Suigetsu caught you before you fell to the bed. Your towel started to slip off but he grabbed it just in time.
💄”Stay away from my wife!” You heard. You both turned seeing Mangetsu at the door. He glared daggers at his brother. Suigetsu glared back. “She deserves better! Y/N’s mine!”
💄A fight broke out between the two brothers which resulted in your room to become wet. Mei heard all the commotion and entered the room, before telling both brothers to leave.
💄Mei races over to you, using a rag to wipe the splashed water off your face. “Are you okay, baby? Did it hurt? Are you pregnant?”
💄You stared at your mother in bewilderment as you blushed. “Mom! We didn’t have…we didn’t do anything! Sheesh are you trying to be a grandma?”
💄Mei’s eyes darkened as she deadpanned. “You mean…an old maid?” You sighed before you took time to comfort your mother.
💄Mangetsu had died one day on a mission. Suigetsu was there for you. The next thing you knew, you were engaged to him as your mother had made arrangements.
💄Suigetsu was overjoyed that he would be the one to marry you.
💄Dating him was a rollercoaster. Suigetsu paraded you around the village, with his hand on your ass. He wanted everyone to know who was gonna be your new man.
💄Suigetsu snuck into your room one night and jumped in the bed with you, before taking your innocence away. He was such an aggressive lover and you liked it.
💄”That was fun, right?” He asked afterwards. You giggled and blushed under the covers. Suigetsu held you close and gave you little nibbles and kisses. The two of you continued to cuddle in bed as Suigetsu talked about his dreams of taking all the swords and his future marriage with you.
💄He slept with you a lot after that. Despite the fact that you were both still young, Suigetsu was hoping to paint you with his seed and get you pregnant. Whatever it took to further solidify your engagement.
💄Mei always had pregnancy tests waiting for you after your sessions. It was really embarrassing as Suigetsu was always loud in bed.
💄The hurricane of a romance eventually came to an end when Suigetsu was captured by Orochimaru. You searched far and wide but you couldn’t find him. You were left heartbroken and lonely once more.
💄Mei was just as depressed as you. “Is there anyone who will marry my baby?” You hated seeing your mom all depressed.
💄”Why are you so concerned about rushing me into marriage, mommy?” You asked. “I don’t want you to be a lonely old maid….like me…” Mei saddened as tears welled up in her eyes.
💄You sighed before taking her hands in yours. “Mommy, you’re not an old maid. And marriage isn’t the key to happiness. You gotta find happiness on your own. And well if anything, at least we have each other right?”
💄Tears spilled from Mei’s eyes as she pulled you close for a hug. “Oh Sweetheart, you’re right…I’ve pushed you too far. I’m so sorry!” You rubbed her back. “It’s okay.”
💄You pulled away from her and smiled. “You’ve been working so tirelessly. Why don’t you take time off of work? Let’s spend time together, just you and me, okay?” Mei smiled and nodded. “Alright, dear. If that will make you happy.”
💄You spent several days with Mei for a much needed mother daughter session. You did each other’s hair and nails and went shopping for makeup.
💄”You’re beautiful, baby,” Mei told you after you finished applying lipgloss. You smiled. “Thanks mommy.”
💄You were giddy with joy when Mei bought you a designer Vertachi bag. The smile on your face brought warmth to Mei’s heart. She gave you a signature forehead kisses, making you blush.
💄Later that night, you and Mei dressed up in your sleepwear. You brushed Mei’s hair. It was so long and pretty. After she did the same to you, you both went to her bed and chatted for a bit.
💄Mei gave you a sly smirk. “So tell me…how’s Suigetsu at night?” Your face flushes. “MOM!” Mei chuckled as you hurled a pillow at her.
💄After awhile you both turn out the lights. You slept close to Mei so that she wouldn’t feel lonely. “Good night, mom! I love you.” Mei smiled, a tear left her eye which soaked her pillow. She may not have been married, but at least she still had her daughters love. “I love you too, Y/N,” she said. She pulled you in close and you both fell asleep.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
Anxious boy? Immediate win in my heart. Nothing else matter’s I already love him
The fact that he knew he was heading into a war and brought sucker’s. Just, beautiful. Please never change.
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How he stopped Karui from striking Sai after he’d watched her beat the crap out of Naruto without lifting a muscle to stop her. He knew when enough was enough and he kept to his thing of ‘i hate those who hurt my comrades’ by calling Karui back when Sai stepped in to protect his comrade. Just as Omoi would.
Look, i love Sakura but i also love that Omoi wasted no time kicking her out of the way when she tried to stop Karui. Team player to the max.
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The entire war arc where he was like ‘if i dispatch of the enemy quickly Lord A might make me Raikage’. His dream was never in your face but it was there and I support him.
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How when we first see him his anxiety shines through so bright because he’s freaking that Karui might have destroyed konoha by *looks back at the anime* throwing a rock. And then how he freaked tf out when they got to Konoha and found it destroyed, and he convinced Karui it was somehow her fault for a short second XD
Cute headcanon
Omoi was disappointed when Darui was made the next Raikage, but instead of acting out on that jealousy he wanted to congratulate Darui for achieving what was his dream. However, not knowing just what to get Darui, he ended up going over board and filling the Raikage’s office with flower’s and food as a congratulations gift. It took Darui a week to organize his office into working order (he wasn’t getting rid of a damn thing. He loved it all)
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watashime-ciel · 6 months
my personal Rhythm Heaven headcanons
•at the moment i started typing this i had no electricity (12/4/2023 15:29) but ok lol
-DJ Yellow is very good at practically all subjects at school, except for math. he sleeps most of the year, so he has to intensify his grades in 2 weeks before the school year ends, and math is a pain. so while he studies, he asks Blue for help with "Whatever an ecuation is..." (still learning stuff from high school because he never intensified his math grades that much)
-J.J and Cecil live together in an apartment in Tokyo, while DJ Yellow and Blue live together in another apartment somewhere 40 minutes away from Tokyo. this makes both DJs wake up earlier to catch the train to get to school, which is a hard task for Yellow. this man either goes to sleep at 6am or doesn't sleeps at all. how do you want him to be at the train station at 6:10am to catch the train, travel for 40 minutes, get to Tokyo at 6:50am and walk to school to get there at 7:15am? think again mister, that's not a possible action on this dude. better wait until the update comes. /lh
-DJ Yellow dresses up with whatever he wants. this includes skirts, dresses, all kinds of feminine clothes. because why not? it's his gender expression, let him be, brother. don't be surprised if he shows up at a convention dressed up as Rui Kamishiro and in day 2 he is cosplaying Hatsune Miku NT. while he's happy then it's okay, isn't it?
-important headcanon: the school everyone in Rhythm Heaven +my RH ocs go to is an all-in-one school. from primary school to college, university, everything. so yeah, they're technically adults, young adults, that even if they have a job they go to school to learn basics such as math, history, etc, BUT with rhythm. there's an interesting story about this school that is located in, SURPRISE, Tokyo (not really. all fictional), but today is not the day or time to talk about it (my 4g data is limited and so is my battery- plz electricity come back quick)
-DJ Yellow's favourite music artists, groups and bands are: More!More!Jump!, Wonderlands x Showtime, Steampianist, Hello, Happy World!; RAISE A SUILEN, Raychell, Skrillex, Mitchie M, Pastel*Palettes, Nightcord at 25:00, MARETU, DECO*27, Eve, Vivid BAD Squad, Alan Walker, all of the D4DJ groups but specially Happy Around!, all of the Heathers Musical songs, Kawaii Sprite, GHOST And Pals, Banshee, RudyWade, Goreshit and, most importantly, an 80% of remixes of the Monster song (you look up Monster remix and you tell me when you know what i'm talking about)
-Blue's favourites: Cuarteto de Nos, GHOST And Pals, Daisuke-P, Omoi, Kikuo, Jakeneutron, KairikiBear, Roselia, Steampianist, Nayutailen, TOPHAMHAT-KYO, Lemon Demon, FAKE TYPE., girl in red and The Living Tombstone
-J.J and Cecil have similar taste in music, such as last note., wowaka, Wind Rose, Lemon Demon, Afterglow, Roselia, Leo/Need, The GazettE, GOLDEN BOMBER, HACHI... but Cecil is a bit different on his playlists, since he has Bluey music added such as Keepy Uppy and Lollipop Yum Yum Yum, and maybe some Imagination Movers music
-everyone speaks japanese and english, buuuuuut: Yellow speaks spanish (Spanish, Mexican, Colombian, neutral, Chilenian and Argentine accent), he's learning French and is interested in Hawaiian. Blue speaks Indonesian more fluently than Japanese or English, since he was born and raised his first 7 years of life in Indonesia. J.J speaks Italian, which is his 'original' language (?). and Cecil knows a bit of French and Hawaiian. super convenient for Yellow, but he's not talking with "one of those guys". yeaaaah the Rockers vs DJs conflict has been going on for a while now
thats all i can share as for now. i really wish my electricity comes back soon, i cannot live with 4g and less than 80% of battery for a week. remember all of these are headcanons and theres NO NEED to attack or negatively criticize them if you don't like em. tenkius :P
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valhallakonbi · 8 months
i meant new ask: character headcanons?
oh okay i wasn't sure my bad!
i'll start off with some small ones and gradually get to the bigger ones:
i can't tell if you were the one to come up with it or if it was established in the novels but i really like thinking of ougi as a neat freak... since koyomi is one, it ties in nicely
vegetarian koyomi & sodachi are also very good (i think veggie koyomi is yours and sodachi is annabelle's)
kanbaru and hitagi actually kissed in middle school. several times maybe.
yotsugi has a crush on nadeko but she doesn't understand that it is one. nadeko has noticed something's up but isn't sure yotsugi knows either
uni senjougahara can drive a motorcycle (please picture koyomi in the backseat as well)
hanekawa knows way too much about cars and all the men she meets at diners and gas stations overseas are really impressed with her, whether they like it or not (she drives manual btw.)
kanbaru wanted to become a sports doctor after meeting with numachi again, so i think she would mostly work with teenagers. i'd like to think that she frequently visits naoetsu and that ougi and kanbaru are still friends and reading buddies even when kanbaru grows into an adult.
my biggest headcanons are not fun ones and they are senjougahara related. reader discretion avised (mentions of eating disorders, cancer)
it's pretty on the nose, and it's edgy, and it's not revolutionary or anything, but hitagi crab as an analogy for eating disorders works extremely well in my eyes.
as someone who has dealt with eating disorders it makes for a very true-to-life tale of a girl whose response to multiple trauma has been control of other's perception of her by violent means (mindful of what people are saying about her, can't let anyone know about her secret, threatens and bullies anyone who tries to get closer to her). this is coherent with anorexia as a way to regain some form of pride and "autonomy" when you feel like everything's been taken away from you. the "weight" aspect is a major factor in how people come up with this interpretation, it's a pun on "omoi" (heavy ; feelings / ties / memories) and how cutting these off completely is easier than dealing with them... and eating disorders oftentimes serve as a way to shift the focus on something other than the actual traumatic event. i remember it functioning the same as addiction on a neurological level.
anyway, what i like about this reading is how the analogy makes it non voyeuristic. the lack of voyeurism (ironic, huh) when it comes to traumatic events is something i really appreciate in monogatari. even as she's talking about the ways she was emotionally and sexually abused, we're not directly shown, we listen to senjougahara talk. a lot of stories about eating disorders are very graphic with the subject matter. seems people can't talk about this stuff without putting extra stress on the "disgusting" aspects of it (critically underweight bodies, laxatives, vomit and other forms of purging). this kind of stuff does nothing except add shock value and try to warn readers or watchers about self-image issues and how starving and purging is bad and gross!! like they don't already know. with hitagi crab as an analogy for anorexia, the self-image/societal perception aspect is neatly implied and the root of the problem (relationship with her mother) is addressed directly.
the other on-the-nose, edgy thing, is senjougahara had a critical operation which saved her life when she was little. it's never been said outright what her disease was, but cancer is prevalent enough among kids and it fits her motif.
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kirfuffel · 8 months
you draw adult omoi with a tattoo on his shoulder, what does it mean?
This is actually the first time I’ve drawn it in its entirety, I usually have to look it up each time and hope it’s the same one.
It’s the kanji for ‘fubatsu’ ( 不抜 ) (allegedly) that (allegedly) is an uncommon character for ‘steadfast, firm, [or] invincible’. It’s a nice way of showing how Omoi matured when he became a jonin, and how his name that means heavy (or thoughtful) can also mean that he’s solid and reliable. Hence why he was named the Raikage’s bodyguard.
I’ve got a headcanon (that has pretty much been disproved with Boruto and Karui) that Hidden Cloud shinobi get tattoos on their shoulders when they become jonin with something that means something to them (like Darui’s stylized ‘lightning’ tattoo or B’s Iron Seal tattoo.) And personally, my headcanon is that Karui picked out Omoi’s and vice versa. :,3
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full-frontal-lotus · 10 months
Omoi obviously
Sexuality Headcanon: Demi my man had a crisis the first time he experienced sexual attraction as a grown adult
Gender Headcanon: Trans Man, actually. It's really grown on me.
A ship I have with said character: OmoiLee. It came on suddenly and it has consumed my life.
A BROTP I have with said character: Darui and Omoi! I like the idea of the Kage and their aides being friends, and I think Darui and Omoi are nice compliments to each other.
I also super like to think Kakui and Marui are his best friends because they died in the first episode they appeared in so there's no way anyone can confirm or deny it
A NOTP I have with said character: Karui / Omoi - not because it's bad, just because of the headcanon below.
A random headcanon: Karui and Omoi are siblings. They've got big big sister - little brother energy; it's a nice tie in to A and B being siblings, as well. It obviously isn't canon, but it also... is not contradicted by canon, either. That's the nice part about loving minor characters.
General Opinion over said character: I love him. His anxiety is endearing, and I love to see him consistently overcome it. Him being one of a few characters shown to be uneasy about being in a war was really refreshing if that's the word.
I think he was used the right amount in the manga and-- while I'm thrilled he is included in Boruto-- I wish he was not included in the Boruto anime. I will be bitter about the Omoi v Deepa fight until I am dead in the ground and even then, god will have me on mute because I will still be whining about it.
Character Ask Meme
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
First Impression Meme: Omoi?
First impression: Who is this guy and why does he have such good eyeliner?
Impression now: Sweet boy who deserves happiness <3
Favorite moment: Omoi vs Ameyuri Ringo. That was a fun battle. <3
Idea for a story: Besides the WYAAN story, it would be fun to explore how Kankuro and Omoi got close after the war.
Unpopular opinion: Super salty they nerfed his eyeliner in Boruto. Let the man have the wings he deserves.
Favorite relationship: Omoi/Kankuro. <3
Favorite headcanon: Kumo is far more accepting of LGBT folk, but even so, Omoi is anxious about coming out. (That said, his whole team knows. It's the worst kept secret in the village.)
Thanks for the ask, anon. <3
Send me a character
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for the meme how about...Juugo, Temari, and Omoi? forgive me.
so many! :D under cut, because its soo much i think
First impression
I thought he was weird. But i didnt like any of team Taka when I was younger, so they all have a hard standing in my eyes.
Impression now
No thoughts really. He is a gentle giant
Favorite moment
The arc with him in Boruto was very nice! He was so sweet
Idea for a story
hmmmmmmmm. Nothing really? It's just not a character on my mind
Unpopular opinion
dunno what is popular about him?
Favorite relationship
Team Taka family feels
Favorite headcanon
I have none! sorry asdflks
First impression
different from the other sand sibs I actually really liked Temari right away. I think because her fight with Shikamaru is actually very interesting? Like yes Gaara has a great fight but he is so angry angry at that point so I dont think I cared for him much
Impression now
I still think she is super cool. I dont know what to say more about her. She is smart and good and I just like her xD
Favorite moment
She bitch slaps Madara with her fan, which is great but the save for Shikamaru migth be the one
Idea for a story
Mentioned this for kanks already but this lose idea of the sand sibs and their kids having fun family time together
Unpopular opinion
same with jiraiya: its not hard to understand that the "violence" you see her do in naruto is just for comedic effect. just... dont be so damn fucking literal about it
Favorite relationship
Shikatema forevaa (and of course her siblings)
Favorite headcanon
she is incredibly buff, like su per buff, very buff, shikamaru is like WOA BUFF LADY KISS ME and he is right
First impression
i fleww through the war chapters and these characters were all blobs to me at that point. so none really
Impression now
He is pretty goodlooking! He also is one of those who grew up nicely in boruto;)
Favorite moment
hmmmmm, none really ahsdhfaskl sorry mind blank
Idea for a story
nothing really
Unpopular opinion
same with juugo really i dont know whats popular
Favorite relationship
that group and killer b ofc
Favorite headcanon
asdjak sorry soto nothing there either
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yamanaka-shin · 4 months
Darui for the Character Ask Game!
I love this man very much, he's so handsome and I love me a good fellow fag 🧡
Favorite thing about him: I'm a sucker for a good electric powers haver but also he's just so good looking? maybe the fact that now he's in charge of the Cloud and I trust him very much. god I love 4A so much and how that middle aged man would literally jump out a window to get somewhere but it's nice to have a successor who has a more relaxed pace. which is funny because anyone with Lightning powers you'd generally peg as the get up and go type.
Least favorite thing about him: not a big fan of the facial hair. it looks better in the manga where it's a beard/mustache combo but just the mustache? is just not it. sorry man. also another petty thing: we have his Shippuden self in Voltage but I want the version of him that's Lord Fifth. please id like him, Chojuuro, and Kurotsuchi to go with Hokage Naruto + mature adult Kazekage Gaara. even just aesthetically it's a brain pleasing group.
BROTP: I love how much 4A trusts him. So much so that that ended up being the order of succession. and I think it was a good call.
OTP: him and C are literally married sorry I dunno what to tell people. though I think he's hooked up a few times with Chojuuro (they both have, honestly) just for fun.
NOTP: with any women because I simply think he's gay.
First headcanon: I think his successor will be Tarui rather than either of her teammates. and because I'm also sure the next Mizukage will Be Buntan AND we know Sarada wants to be Hokage, imagine the playful hostility (that isn't real hostility) in the Kage Summits at first between Lady Hokage and the two fellow leaders she once beat down. Tsuchikage Sekki + Kazekage Shinki will simply have to wait for it to relax before any work gets done. anyway yeah I think she will end up being his choice for Lady Sixth and I foresee future training between them going really well. he's a patient person and isn't going to lose his mind if something takes a while or messes up a few times, whether it's jutsu or politics.
Another headcanon: I think it was C who first made the mutual feelings actually known out in the open. clearly they both liked each other a long time but I think Darui is a bit unsure how to approach a situation like that. I also think he has a hard time figuring out how to turn people down (but always does so gently) when they ask if he's single.
One more headcanon: I'd like to think he and his beloved have adopted, and specifically teenagers who usually get passed over by families. probably fostering first then making it an official adoption. he just seems like he would make a cool dad but isn't interested in having biological children. meanwhile C just straight up had a vasectomy because he's Definitely not looking for blood related kids. even though there's no chance he would because both of them are cis gay men. Darui supported him fully because hey man you know what you want and you should be able to get it without a fight.
Unpopular opinion: what's actually unpopular with him, though? he's the unpopular part of the equation I think cuz I don't see enough of him out there. I dunno, maybe the idea that I prefer to think he's gay instead of bi, or that I think he's someone who came from a normal two parent household instead of losing one or both parents like a lot of characters have? I think he's had a pretty easy life in general, but will do anything to help those who have not that ask for help.
Fight I'd like to see: it would be cool to see how well Omoi + Karui could hold up against him. hell, throw in Samui on their side too since we know this man was close with 4A for a reason. a little friendly combat never hurt anyone anyway so have at it. tbh I'd also probably have a good time watching him try to contend with the fireball that is Atsui.
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