#on the bright side my dizziness has not been bothering me very much today or yesterday which is a huge relief. i just have to see what
pepprs · 2 years
update im normaler now. not totally normal but im normaler
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Okay so the end of your newest fic has me in PUDDLES and I’m absolutely in love with the addition of the Law Offices of McGraw & Gates and how Lucius and Eddy bond over their shared hatred of Flint. Is there anything in the world that would make Izzy and Stede join forces? How would that play out? I kind of love their dynamic lol
(I mean there's one thing that would get them to unite every time)
“If you mix bleach and ammonia, you’ll create a dangerous gas and knock yourself the fuck out at best,” Izzy said with what he thought was miraculous patience considering Read was accidentally trying to kill herself again. 
“I’m pretty sure my mom used to do it,” Read started then stopped. “Ah, fuck.” 
“Just put the fucking bleach down,” he instructed. His phone pinged. “Hold that thought.” 
He was waiting for a message from a client, but this wasn’t it.  The contact that Izzy had marked as ‘Motherfucking Asshole’ came across his screen. Considering he had the man’s number at all, it was a pretty useless expression of his general feelings, but he had to get his jollies somehow these days. 
Stede: I need your help. 
“Am I having a stroke?” he muttered. 
“From the bleach?” Read asked, anxiously. 
“No, just put some water and baking soda on it. That’ll lift the worst of it.” 
Izzy: with what? 
Stede: Lucius had a very dizzy spell, nearly fell over. He’s refusing to even stay sitting down let alone go to the doctor. He made me promise not to tell Pete, but he forgot I had your number. 
Izzy’s blood ran cold. 
Izzy: I’ll be there in ten minutes. Give him something to eat. 
It was hot as hell out today and Lucius’ inability to remember to drink water when it was not placed directly in his line of sight had probably gotten him. It was likely fine. 
Izzy did not settle for ‘likely fine’ under any circumstances for Lucius. 
“Okay, bye then!” Read called after him. 
“I’ll explain later!” He called back, already hitting the button for the elevator. 
Stede: I’ve tried that already, but he said earlier his stomach was bothering him.
Izzy: is he glassy eyed? Flushed? 
Stede: Not sure about the eyes, it’s not bright enough in here to tell, but yes he might be flushed. 
Izzy: is he being a dick? 
Stede: I wasn’t going to say anything. Seems rude when he’s not well, but yes. Very dickish. 
Izzy: He’s got a fever. 
Which was bad, but also at least an explanation. Pete had mentioned, off-handed, that Lucius got dizzy with fevers. If he’d been attempting to power through one, on top of the heat that would easily fell him. 
Stede:  He shouldn’t be here then. He knows better. 
Izzy: in the car. Get water into him. 
It wasn’t possible to shave much time off the drive to the Revenge this time of day. Lights and traffic prevented any real speed. That didn’t stop him from gunning it at every possible point. When he arrived, he parked in the first open spot and not particularly well. 
The side door was propped open for him. Opening wasn’t far off, though the show was hours away. Lucius’ long Friday shift would only just be beginning.  Izzy walked in, warily. 
Lucius was behind the bar, but he wasn’t moving around or giving out directions to the Swede. He was just standing there, holding on to the bar like it might slide away from him. His eyes were closed. The glass of water just a foot or so from his hand was being ignored. 
Stede came out of the bathroom and as soon as the door creaked, Lucius’ eyes snapped open and his attention went back to his hands, the flash of a knife as he returned to slicing limes.  Stede saw Izzy and let out a relieved breath as he crossed. 
“All right, that’s enough now.” Stede said in his callous director’s way. A tone that Lucius reacted to with a snarl instead of a scoff. Woah, okay then. Definitely a fever. “I’ve called the Swede to come in early.” 
“It’s his day off,” Lucius slapped the knife down a little too carelessly for Izzy’s taste. 
“And you covered his last three sick days, Pup.” Izzy walked into Lucius’ line of sight. 
“Oh you fucking Judas,” Lucius hissed at Stede. 
“I know, I’m very terrible,” and maybe, in fairness, it wasn’t the ruthless director at the moment, but a very concerned friend. “But I think you might be unwell.” 
“I’m not sick. I just needed to close my eyes for a second.” 
Izzy reached over, tugged Lucius down by the neck of his shirt and kissed him. The fact that Lucius sort of toppled into it was sign one, but the heat of his skin as Izzy cupped the back of his neck sign two through a hundred. 
“What hurts?” Izzy demanded. Lucius knew from colds and fevers. He whined through them mostly, making big productions of mild malaise. He wouldn’t have come in if he had the sniffles, so it was something bigger. 
“Nothing. I took some painkillers before I came to work and it was fine.” 
“Pup.” He stared at him at close range. Lucius blinked first. Sign one hundred and one. Shit. 
“My ear felt weird. Stuffed up. I figured it was allergies, you know I get gross this time of year. Hurt a little more this morning, but the Swede was looking forward to going out and then I got here and everything was a mess from last night-” 
“We’ve got it,” Stede said firmly. “Please, for the love of all thing, go home, Lucius. Or better yet, go to urgent care or something.” 
For a second Lucius looked like he might protest on principal a last time, but instead he sagged over the bar with a pathetic whimper. 
“Yeah, okay.” 
Several hours later, Izzy reluctantly picked his phone back up. 
Izzy: very bad ear infection, caught it just in time. Horse pill antibiotics for the next ten days. 
Stede: not like him to bully through that kind of thing.  Is he resting now? 
Izzy: passed out on the couch.  Pete knows.  Says he’s been weird the last day or two. 
Stede: Glad he knows, did he say why? 
Izzy: his cousin’s wedding is this weekend. 
Stede: The one he wasn’t invited to? That makes more sense. 
The very same. Without his mother brokering the connection, all of Lucius’ relatives seemed to have forgotten he existed. Lucius was clear that it was unlikely she was spreading the word around, just his lack of presence and his mother’s silence would be enough. 
Izzy: I hate that woman. If he didn’t love her so much, the things that I would do. 
Stede: I would drive you there and provide the alibi.  
Eventually, Izzy got Lucius into bed. Got him to drink some water too and eat a little. Lucius grumbled, but curled around him afterwards. 
“Sorry,” he muttered into Izzy’s stomach. 
“Nothing to be sorry for, Pup.” 
“I should say sorry to Stede.” 
“He understood.” 
Lucius paused, then barked a laugh. “You two. You teamed up on me. Peace between nations! Release the doves.” 
“Shut up, you’re hallucinating. It never happened,” Izzy groaned. 
“You totally did. I can’t believe it.  And now I know it’s possible. Oh the things I can do.” 
“I don’t know why you’re surprised,” he sighed. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure you’re alright.” 
“...I hate when you ruin a perfectly good evil planning session by being really really sweet. Fuck,” Lucius wrapped an arm around Izzy’s  hips.  “Stop that. I love you.”
“Love you too,” Izzy assured him and let him drift off like that. It’d be deeply uncomfortable soon, but for right now, he could tolerate just about any annoyance. 
Stede: Can I doordash him some soup?
Izzy: got homemade stuff here. 
Stede: what a lovely little homemaker you are 
Almost any. 
Izzy: Doordash yourself some fucking vegetables before you die of malnutrition and fuck off. 
Stede: Your concern, as always, is appreciated and duly ignored.
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harrylovex · 4 years
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summary: you get drunk at a work party and chris looks after you...
warnings: alcohol consumption, vomit warning!! fluff and chris being a gentleman, kissing, lots and lots of forehead kisses <3
a/n: i got this idea from a little blurb that i read last night, i was gonna do this for harry to change it up a bit, but then i realised that chris has been stuck in my mind alot recently so why not write it about him?? he’s been looking so delicious recently i can’t deal i can’t take it anymore ;)
you were finishing getting ready, applying the last few coats of mascara when the doorbell rang, signalling that your friend had arrived.
she was giving you a lift to a work party.
work parties were your favourite parties.
you got on with your work colleagues really well, it was a bonus that your boss was the same age as the rest of you.
because of the fact that she was also in her early to mid twenties, she was pretty chill, hanging out with everyone in their offices, and not putting too much pressure on anyone.
your boss was the one hosting the work party, so you knew that there would be great food, fun games and lots and lots of alcohol.
it always felt like more of a college party than a work party.
you had started at this new office job a few months prior, you had been so incredibly nervous, shaking a little as you went in for your first day.
your boss had ordered one of the other colleagues to show you around and introduce everyone.
he told you that his name was chris, and he gave you a tour of the place, reassuring you when he saw you shake as you took a cup of coffee from his hand.
ever since then, the two of you had been pretty close, you laughed and joked together and he made work not so boring at all.
he would flirt with you also, making you blush at least three times a day. you weren’t complaining though, he was gorgeous.
everyone teased you two all the time, saying that you both looked cute together and joking about the sexual tension between you two. you would always go bright red, smiling to yourself when you saw Chris wink at you.
truth is, you really liked chris, he was smart, sexy and just all around a great guy. from the way he acted around you, sometimes you thought that he might like you too, but you couldn’t bring yourself to believe it.
you grabbed your keys and bag as you hurried out the door.
“woah y/n! you look amazing!” your friend called out to you.
“thank you.” you blushed, climbing into the passenger side and fastening your seatbelt.
“chris is gonna go crazy when he sees you like this.”you laughed, brushing it off.
“no, seriously, i’ll have to tell him to stop drooling and to keep his dick in his pants!” she started hysterically laughing as she sped up.
you smiled to yourself, secretly hoping that chris would noticed how dressed up you were. you felt pretty.
you arrived at your boss’ house after driving for about ten minutes. walking up the driveway, you found the door unlocked.
you walked in, peering around the living room. no one was there but there was faint noise coming from the garden. you guessed that’s where everyone was.
walking through the french doors, you saw a few colleagues sitting around a huge campfire. it looked stunning. to say that your boss was rich would be an understatement.
your boss came running over, embracing you in a hug.
“y/n! oh my goodness you’re here! the rest of them should be arriving in a bit and then we can get this party started!” laughter rang out throughout the guests.
she pointed you towards the drinks cart, telling you to help yourself.
you greeted the others with smiles, your eyes catching Chris’ as you scanned the benches.
you noticed chris rake his eyes down your body and it made you blush. he smiled at you, motioning with his index and middle finger for you to go over to him.
you did, and were greeted with a hug. he was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with some teal coloured velvet pants.
as you pulled back from the hug, you got a whiff of his cologne, and oh my god he smelt amazing. he looked amazing too. really handsome and warm at the same time.
“hi.” you smiled up at him.
“hey” he replied. “you look gorgeous.”
your smile grew even wider. “thank you, so do you.”
he chuckled, placing the palm of his hand on your lower back as he motioned for you to sit next to him.
you perched yourself next to him on the bench, striking up conversation with chris and the people around you.
“would you like a drink?” chris asked you, taking a swig of his cup.
“sure. what are you drinking?”
“vodka cranberry.”
“um...i’ll have the same.”
chris laughed, getting up from his seat to grab you a drink.
as he did so, one of your girl friends came over.
“hey y/n! you look so pretty!”
“aw, thanks.” you replied, blushing. “so do you.”
she brushed it off, scooching closer to you.
“so...are you finally gonna get it on with sexy mr. chris evans tonight?”
you laughed, motioning for her to keep her voice down.
“come on y/n, you must know that he fancies you, everyones waiting for one of you to make a move.”
“i don’t know...” you replied. “i guess i want to tell him, but i’m shy.”
“listen, just get some alcohol in you and you’ll be fine! honestly, have you seen how he looks at you? he’s totally in love!”
chris appeared then, holding out your drink.
“what are you guys talking about?” he asked.
“oh! um...nothing. just about next weeks plans.” you replied quickly, as your friend walked off, winking at you.
you shook you head, making room for chris so that he could sit back down.
“thanks for the drink.” you took a sip, immediately liking the taste.
“no problem.” chris sat down, even closer to you than earlier, your thighs touching.
as the night went on, it got colder, and everyone got drunker.
you felt dizzy as you slouched against chris, pulling the blanket that your friend had given you over your legs. you looked at the stars as they spun, making you laugh.
you and chris were both very drunk, which meant that you couldn’t keep your hands off of eachother.
he had his arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him every few minutes, if that was even possible.
your legs were draped over chris’ thighs, his hand rubbing circles on your thigh under the blanket, squeezing every now and then at the skin to make sure you were still there. everything felt fuzzy and numb.
you slouched into him further, your head basically in his armpit, relishing in the feeling of his hand on your thigh.
he was chatting to someone on his left, turning his head every few minutes to kiss your forehead.
after a while everyone decided to go inside and get warm.
chris pulled you off of him much to your dismay as he stood up. he pulled you up with him, his hand entwined with yours.
he bent his head a little, making eye contact.
“you okay?” he asked you, sliding your hair behind your ear.
“yeah i’m good, just cold.” you couldn’t help but laugh a little, his face blurry in front of you but you could still make out his piercing blue eyes. “and also very drunk.”
chris laughed, kissing your forehead quickly, his hand holding the side of your head.
you hummed quietly at the feeling of his lips pressing softly on your skin for the tenth time today, your eyes closing.
“what?” he smiled at you.
“nothing.” you mumbled. “that just feels nice, do it again.” you ordered.
“yes ma’am.” chris laughed, pressing his lips to your forehead once more, his lips lingering on your skin for a few seconds.
you and chris managed to find a seat on the sofa, squeezing in beside everyone else. most of your colleagues were dancing in the middle of the room, music blasting through the house. you peered around the room, noticing how everyone was far from sober.
you didn’t feel like dancing, you much prefered being hunched up to chris, and by the sudden movement of his hand resting on your knee, he felt the same way. his hand was warm, and you slowly started to gain some feeling back into your legs.
his fingers rubbed small circles on your kneecap, as you slurred your way through a conversation with a friend.
eventually one of your friends came over, pulling you up to dance. you turned to chris quickly.
“i’ll come find you later.” you said.
“alright love, i’ll be here.”
after dancing for about half an hour, you started to feel sick. maybe the ten vodka cranberries you drank had been a bad idea. you turned to your friend.
“hey, my stomach hurts, i’m gonna sit down for a while.”
she didn’t hear you, too busy dancing.
your stomach churned, signalling that if you didn’t get to the bathroom in the next five minutes, you were going to puke all over the lounge floor.
you spotted chris over in the kitchen, leaning against the sink.
“chris!” you stumbled over to him.
“y/n! hey, what’s wrong? are you all right?”
“no i think i’m gonna be sick. can you take me to the bathroom?”
“of course follow me.”
he grabbed your hand in his, dragging you up the stairs.
he pulled you into the bathroom just in time. you took one step towards the toilet and puked into it. all your drinks from the last few hours getting out of your system.
“oh, y/n...it’s okay just breathe through your nose.” he kneeled beside you.
chris held your hair back as you continuously spewed into the toilet, rubbing circles into your back to calm you down.
you shut your eyes, trying not to focus on what was happening.
after a few minutes, you sat back against chris, panting heavily.
he continued to rub your back slowly, wiping a cold flannel over your face.
you were horrified.
“chris i’m so sorry.” you mumbled, feeling embarrassed.
he just laughed, not seeming bothered at all.
you stood up with his help, laughing a little at the whole situation that had just taken place.
you washed your face with cold water from the tap, brushing your teeth and tongue thoroughly with an unopened toothbrush you had found in a cupboard.
chris stayed with you the whole time, his hand in yours, making sure you didn’t have the urge to throw up again.
you were still drunk, just less so. you kept giggling everytime you looked at chris through the mirror.
“what’s so funny?” he asked, joining in with the laughter.
“i don’t know...”
you made your way downstairs, feeling better.
you were about to make your way into the kitchen to make a drink when chris grabbed your wrist.
“y/n i don’t think it’s a good idea for you to keep drinking, you just threw up all your insides back there.” he laughed but you could tell from his tone that he was being serious.
you pouted and he pulled you closer to him, kissing you on the forehead.
“fine. maybe i should go home then. it is getting kinda late.”
“i’ll take you.” he said without hesitation, pulling you again towards the door. you thought that by throwing up next to him he would be a little distant, but if anything he was even more attentive and caring.
you both waved to everyone quickly. they hardly noticed, their minds clouded with alcohol.
chris had pretty much sobered up completely by now so he offered to drive you home.
you weren’t really listening. all the alcohol and vomiting had made you really sleepy. you leaned into chris as he guided you down the driveway. the cool air making you shiver.
chris rubbed at your shoulders as he slipped off his jacket to give to you.
“thanks chris” you mumbled with your eyes half-closed. “i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
he chuckled, helping you into the passenger seat of his car.
he leaned over you to plug your seatbelt in, and you took this opportunity to lean forward, smelling the top of his head.
“y/n, what are you doing?”
“i’m smelling your hair. it smells nice.”
chris laughed. “what does it smell like then.”
“it smells like chris.” you smiled up at him, poking at his cheek. your own face felt incredibly numb.
“and what does chris smell like?” he asked.
“like fresh bed sheets and warmth.”
chris laughed and kissed you on the forehead again. he seemed to be doing that alot tonight. but you definetly weren’t complaining.
you both drove home in silence. the windows down a little to let fresh air in.
chris hummed as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel, the other holding your hand, squeezing it every now and then to make sure you were alright.
you loved when he was attentive like this.
and in that moment, driving along the road feeling dizzy, you decided that you really did see chris as more than a friend.
he was everything you’d ever hoped for in a guy, and more.
once you had parked outside your flat, chris helped you out of the car and up the steps, his arm around your waist the whole time.
you fumbled with your keys, finally getting the door open.
“let’s get you to bed ey? i’ll make sure there’s water and an aspirin for when you wake up. you’re definetly going to need it.”
“oi! i’m not that drunk!”
“whatever you say.” he rolled his eyes, helping you to your bedroom. he disappeared to grab the water and aspirin whilst you got undressed.
you held onto the bed as you got undressed, nearly loosing your balance as you pulled your dress down your legs.
“y/n what was that guys name that I was-“ chris stopped in his tracks, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head.
you were standing beside the bed in a small bralette and high-waisted panties.
“what are you doing?” he asked quietly, his face red.
“these are my pyjamas!” you sat down on the bed.
“sure they are...” chris moved towards you.
“creep.” you smirked at him as he laughed.
he came and sat next to you on the edge of the bed, handing you the water.
“thanks.” you mumbled, gulping it down in seconds.
chris took the glass from you when you were done, placing it on your bedside cabinet. he turned to face you, his hand resting on your cheek.
“thanks for looking after me tonight chris, honestly i shouldn’t have drank that many vodka cranberries. i’m sorry.”
he laughed, “stop apologising.” he said. “i’d do anything for my favourite girl.”
you looked up at him, his eyes boring into yours.
the room went silent and you weren’t sure what made you do it, but you leaned over and kissed him.
his lips captured yours, chris groaning a little from the contact.
his lips were incredibly warm, pushing back onto yours as he deepened the kiss.
your hands went up to his hair, whilst his went to your waist. you opened your mouth a little, wanting to feel chris’ tongue against yours.
he noticed, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
after a few minutes, you pulled back, catching your breath.
you waited for chris to say something. his lips swollen and his pupils dilated.
“you have no idea how long i’ve wanted that to happen.”
you giggled, moving to kiss him again.
you kissed for a while longer, your hands moving to take off his shirt. he stopped you.
you pouted as he pulled back.
“what?” you asked him.
“listen y/n, as much as i want to, i can’t have sex with you tonight...you’re drunk.”
you were shocked.
“come on chris...please? i want to i promise.”
he laughed, removing your hands from his lap.
“i know you do love, and so do i...more than anything. but i can’t take advantage of you like this when you’re drunk. if you still want to do it tomorrow..that’s fine.”
you frowned at him as he smiled.
he kissed you once more, making you laugh. you could never stay mad at him.
“fine.” you hugged his torso. “i hate the fact that you’re so nice.”
he laughed loudly, kissing you lovingly on the forehead.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
KINKTOBER DAY 6 Foodplay/Rimming
Colonel Rick X Reader
AN: will edit tomorrow, too tired
It's your daughter's first day of first grade and to celebrate, Rick is in the kitchen making waffles and pancakes. And to his great annoyance, you had found a can of whipped cream in the fridge door. 
"Stop doing that," he scolded you over his shoulder and flips the last pancake, "that shit is nothing but pure sugar and she's gonna be too full to eat real food." 
Your laugh sounds muffled and whoops the image of you swiping white cream from your lips… but god willing, it will not tempt him right now. Today's about getting your daughter to school after that disaster of a kindergarten year. 
Rick swipes the can of cream from your hands and places two plates stacked high with fluffy, chocolate or blueberry baked breakfast delights. Your daughter squealed her delight and grabbed one of everything then she sat back and stared at it. 
Rick glanced at you in confusion but you were distracted (he was leaning on the counter and his biceps were bulging) so he asked, "'s a matter, darlin'?" 
Big and pretty eyes focused on him from behind the mountain she piled on her plate. "I'm not hungry anymore." 
Rick saw you stiffen as if you were struck with rigamortis and he tried his best not to glare at you in front of her. 
"You're fine baby, here–" 
You danced around Rick and filled a glass of water to bring back to her. She drank it at your behest as you fixed a plate for yourself. And like clockwork, the water washed the immediate taste of sugar from her mouth and she dug into the cholocate chip waffle at the top of her pile. 
Two parents sighed in unison and walked their daughter down to the bus stop. She held onto both of your hands, swinging back and forth to distract herself. She almost didn't go– Rick had to promise to come pick her up if she didn't want to stay but she had to stay until lunch. 
When she finally boarded the bus (with a face like you were sending her to boarding school), the two of you returned to the mess in the kitchen. You groaned, kicking your slippers to the side and huffing all the way home. 
"Oh stop it, it was your idea," Rick laughed. "Do you think she'll be ok?" 
You nod. "If she didn't want to go, we'd have had to drag her kicking and screaming. She'll be alright babe." 
Rick starts to load the soaked dishes from the sink to the dishwasher and you pause looking over the leftovers. "Did you have any of these?" 
"Hm? No, I didn't," your husband replied. He felt a tap on his shoulder and found you offering him a bit of blueberry pancake on a fork. "My hands are wet." 
"I'll do it for you, dummy." 
Rick opened his mouth to receive. The fool. Instead of a mouthful of pancake he got whip creamed instead. His sigh sounded, in your ears, like a deeply irritated 'goddamn.' You laughed yourself hoarse and offered the fork again. 
Rick watched you this time but true to your original word, you let him take a bite of what he wanted. Aaaand almost as a reflex, you licked the stray, sticky syrup from his chin. He definitely shivered– you felt it, but he doesn't scold you or bend you over the table like you hoped. 
You let him have his moment of restraint. The two of you fucked like rabbits, he knew what was on your mind. The dishwasher was loaded and plates emptied, all that was left was to soak the remaining dishes and wipe down the counters and table. 
But you watched him set up– hand towel over the shoulder ready to handwash what was left like he was unaffected by you. 
On Rick's part, he wasn't trying to frustrate you, he just didn't like to half ass a job (can't relate honestly). He heard you stomping in the direction of your bedroom. He was intent to ignore it to finish his task, but then he heard you stomp back into the kitchen and stop. 
The sudden silence bothered him. That and the feeling of your eyes burning holes into the back of his head. He half glanced– looked at the fridge to find you in his peripherals– but you weren't moving. 
Finally he half turned and found you doing exactly what it sounded like you were doing– standing, leaning, waiting (rather impatiently actually). 
And you had the whip cream still. You tapped your finger and the intensity of your glare gives him no choice but to stop. 
You don't answer but you do crook your finger at him. Rick dries his hands and obeys. Every step he takes towards you has your tightass stance unwinding and by the time he reaches you, you've relaxed into a lazy lean and mischievous grin. 
He asks again, "what?" 
You grab him by his belt buckle and drag him closer to you. "Take your pants off and bend over for me." 
You feel Rick stiffen. "...why?" 
"Because I wanna do something to you," you answer cryptically. 
"Am I going to enjoy what you're about to do to me?" 
You scoff. "I think you will, yes. If it's not, you're welcome to tap out." 
Rick's fingers twitched. "Let me put this away first." 
He reaches for the can of cream but you stop him. "This is a part of it." 
He says your name in warning. You can see he's uncomfortable about it and maybe he's right to be– you have been unpredictable and childish today– but you push forward. Give him your best, most sincere puppy dog eyes. 
"Please? I'll take it slow, if you don't want it, tell me and I'll stop," you say. "It's sort of a… continuation of Sunday's exploration…" 
You stuck your finger in his ass while he was pounding into you (he liked it a lot actually, he just doesn't do it often). You can see his thousand yard stare as he recalls Sunday’s events that left him shaking with pleasure for an hour after. 
Rick reaches for his belt and undones it slowly. You know in your head it's because he's still on the fence about it but your adrenaline rises and you take pleasure in watching him strip. Once his pants are at his ankles, you feel like you need to help ease him into the mood. 
You start by cupping his cheeks and kissing him. Long, deep kisses that convey your commitment to pacing yourself. He kisses you back in kind and struggles to remove his underwear past his knees because he doesn't want to pause kissing you even for a second. He gives up after a second and puts both hands on your waist to pull you closer, deeper into the kisses. 
"I love you," you whisper in between dipping your tongue into his mouth. "I'm going to take care of you." 
Rick moans in answer and you feel 'something' poking your stomach. You break away from his lips and pepper kisses down the column of his throat, over his shirt clad heart and chest and you sink to your knees pulling his underwear with it. 
You look up at him knowing it's his second favorite position to have you in. His bright eyes are dark and he swallows roughly but instead of giving his awaiting cock a kiss, you stand. 
"Now bend over." Rick hesitates but obeys. "Good boy." 
He glares at you over his shoulder but he does as you ask, setting his hands palms down on the counter and spreading his legs as much as his pants will allow. He jerks when he feels your hand massage the inside of his thigh, but when you don't move on right away, he is able to relax into it. 
I trust you, he thinks. He feels your hair tickle the base of his spine and you plant a kiss on his back, then you straighten up and massaging more of his hips, his butt, his thighs without touching his most sensitive parts. 
When he feels you massage his cheeks a little harder, pulling them apart, letting go, and doing it on repeat, his cock hardens. You haven't touched it once and his intuition tells him you don't want him to either. His breathing picks up and it feels like you're torturing him now. 
Did you change your mind? Are you having second thoughts? 
As if on cue, you ask him: "have you ever… tried rimming before?" 
Oh… that was the last thing Rick was expecting you to say. 
You got nervous when you saw his head jerk up from the counter. You were preparing to step back and give him space, but he reached a hand back and caught a belt loop in your pants which he used to drag you closer to him (hips pressed to hips). He seemed to be considering his answer. 
"...yeah… I have." He looks back at you. "Is that what you want to do?" 
You nod cautiously. If he's not into it, you're not going to make him feel like he has to for your sake. Your sex life is fine without anal play– if he's not into it, you'll survive. 
Oh but to your great fortune, Rick is very much into it. He puts his head back down on the table and, as a show of good faith, he tries to spread his legs just a centimeter further. 
"Go for it." 
He's a shivering mess. Your fingers felt good inside him but your tongue? Expert. He was going to lose his hearing from how loud he was moaning and whimpering. If he knew you were touching yourself right now, he’d have come without even trying. 
“Please, please, please–” Rick choked when you finally touched him where he needed you most. You wrapped your hand around his cock and tugged. Stroking him roughly and pulling towards you which jostled his balls as well. At this point he was barely breathing. 
He started to say your name but– “Uhhnnn–”
Rick comes in your hand and all over your shirt. You refrain from slipping a second finger into him only because you might kill him if you did. He comes so hard he’s dizzy and he barely has enough sense to reach across the counter and hold himself onto it. 
He had been leaning back into your touch, hips inching further and further away and to keep him from falling on you, you stand and push him back up, draping yourself over his back to hug him. 
It’s ten minutes before Rick comes down from his high. His breathing is deep and evened, legs freezing cold but back warm, at least everywhere you were. 
He shakes you with a laugh. "Yeah baby? You sure know how to work my shit, don't you?" 
He cleared his throat and said adoringly, "you are going to be the death of me." 
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ijenoyou · 4 years
Bright eyes.
Chapter two.
werewolf!jeno x human!resder.
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summary; jeno is ready (not at all) to tell you the truth.
warnings; one bad word ig(? lmao
notes; this part sucks ass lol anyways part 3 might be better haha also remember english isn’t my first language soooo if there’s any mistake just ignore it :p enjoy~
Jeno has been trying to get closer to you but everytime he tried to talk to you, a annoying girl would plant herself in front of him to have a conversation. That girl is Kwon Eunbi, one of the most well known people in the whole school but Jeno couldn’t care less about her. He only wanted to see you.
“Will you sit with me today?” Eunbi asks while pouting.
“Oh.” Jeno wanted to be nice and politely say no but he was under pressure since all of Eunbi’s friends were behind her looking at the both of them. “Sure.” He tried to give her a small smile and she jumped in excitement.
When he lifted his gaze from the tiny girl, he saw you already looking at him. He waved and you awkwardly returned it.
“Is that you?” Jeno asked and you nodded.
“Apparently.” You answered and stuffed the photo back into your bag. “I don’t remember having a pet at that age though.” You furrowed your eyebrows trying to understand why you just couldn’t remember anything that involved the animal.
“You don’t remember your childhood pet?” Jeno’s expression suddenly dropped making him look like a kicked puppy.
“Why does everybody ask that?!” You groaned.
“I mean, you don’t look very young in that picture so maybe people would think that you can remember something like that.” He tried to answer without being too pushy.
You sighed while letting your head fall to the desk you were sitting at. Jeno smiled and patted your back. “I think Moonie would be sad if he knew you can’t remember him.” He softly spoke and you turned your head to the side to look at him.
That made you laugh, just a bit. Enough for Jeno to feel warm inside him.
“It’s just a dog, and he’s probably dead by now.”
“You mean wolf.” He tried not to let your words hurt him, he was stupid for thinking that after all these yours you would remember him because as far as Jeno knows, you saw his human form multiple times when you were a kid.
“Why are so keen on about that stupid animal?” You suddenly asked making him bite his bottom lip trying not to speak again.
It’s a mess. He knows you want to talk to him but Jeno isn’t sure if he wants to hear the harsh words that are directed towards his wolf form. He just had to find a perfect time to tell you who he actually is and why he came back. But it was becoming harder to do so since he always sees you next to Mark, a guy who is very loud and likes to hit people when he does it.
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It was driving you crazy. The way Jeno would search for you in a place full of people just to give you a smile which you usually returned but the very next moment you try to make a conversation with him, he would ignore you. It’s been almost three weeks since he told you Moonie was a wolf and yet, you wanted to know more because oddly enough, he seemed to know a lot about the white fluffy wolf. But Jeno has been avoiding that type of talk with you for a while now. 
“Looks like someone took a piss on your cereal.” Mark said while putting his food tray in front of you.
“Ha, very funny Lee.” You answered with a sour expression on your features.
He raised his left eyebrow questioning why you were acting like that. Before taking a bite of his frozen pizza he decided to speak again.
“Is it about that Jeno guy?” He asked and turned his head to the side to watch him talk to the ‘popular kids’ as any other student would call them.
You sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been trying to talk to him but he always runs away.” You answered and started to poke your food with the plastic fork the school gave you for your meals. “He also started to hang out with Eunbi so.”
Jeno couldn’t help but to listen to the conversation you were having with Mark, it’s a good thing he has perfect hearing even when he’s at the other side of the room. He knew he had to become closer with you one way or another but he also knew he messed up. Jeno was forbidden to say anything about what happened years ago, a rule he himself made.
There was no one to stop him, he left the pack a long time ago. But he wasn’t ready to tell you everything.
“I mean, I could talk to him for you if you want to.” Mark said after finishing his pizza. “He joined the basketball team the other day, he’s really good— he’s very fast and wow, it’s impressive.”
“Are you sure you’re not in love with him?” You ask while laughing.
Jeno admired your smile. It’s been a very long time since he saw you and he still wanted to protect you from everything.
“So Jeno.” A voice next to him made stop looking at you. “Why did you move here?” Eunbi asked.
“I-I uh, I used to live here.” He tried to give her a casual answer.
“Ow, so you came back because you missed home?” She pouted trying to be appealing to him.
“Yeah, home.” He said and looked at you.
Eunbi followed his gaze. She wanted to scoff when she saw that Jeno was looking at the table you and Mark were sitting at. Eunbi wanted to think that maybe he was just looking at a random direction but when she saw Jeno smile while still watching all of your moves she started to feel heaviness on her chest.
She used to be a friend of yours, way before Mark, but jealousy took over her actions. No one knew about that friendship —not even Mark. But that’s a story for another day.
When lunch time was coming to an end, Jeno decided to make a plan, one that would help him control his feelings and talk to you, but he’s scared. Scared that when you found out about the whole deal he has with you, you might run away and never want to see him again.
Classes were almost over when Jeno decided to approach you. He was very nervous because he so badly wanted to hold you again and re-build the bond you and him had. A bond that was never meant to be broken.
“You’re not wearing your sunglasses.” Was all you said when he found you in front of your locker.
“Yeah.” He sighed. “My eyes tend to get sensible.” He told you and you nodded.
There was a weird silence. You really wanted to say something but you just couldn’t, it was a weird sensation, like something kept pulling your heart.
“I was wondering—“ Jeno began talking. “If you wanted to maybe, hang out one day.”
It was hard to come up with an answer right away, just a few days ago he was ignoring you with all his power and now he wants to talk. You didn’t even know why you were upset and Jeno could sense it. After all, he’s your soulmate and you are his.
“Uh sure.” You said without looking at him. “But— Why are you suddenly asking me out?” You asked him and he was now the one trying to avoid your gaze.
Well fuck. Jeno thinks to himself, he had to come up with a good lie since he just couldn’t say ‘hey! i’m your pet from childhood who actually is a werewolf and oh yeah! you’re my mate’
“You have all my attention.” Was all he said and smiled making his eyes form into crescent moons. “I want to know you better.”
You hummed trying to ignore what he said while hugging yourself. You forgot to bring another jacket since you woke up pretty late. “Are you cold?” Jeno asked in which you nodded. He took a step closer to you making your whole body freeze, when he was close enough you could sense the warmth of his body onto yours. Jeno placed his hands on sides of yours arms and pulled you closer, hugging you.
“Is this... is this okay?” He once again asked. You hugged him back, placing your arms on his waist and gripping his hoodie with your fists.
Why are you so suddenly at peace? Most important, why are you hugging someone who you just met a few weeks ago? There’s no explanation to the feeling you have in your whole body. The way your heart beats faster when you see him makes you feel dizzy, you sighed against his chest and pulled apart missing the warmth he provided you.
You also missed the way Eunbi was looking at both of your figures with anger in her eyes.
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It’s finally the day in which the so called date would actually happen.
“Dude, I’m so excited!” You hear Mark say while he throws himself to the your bed. “You’re going on a date!”
You laugh and start looking for an outfit change. “Sounds like you’re the one going on it.”
Mark takes one of your pillows and throws it towards you, hitting the back of your head then falling to the ground. You roll your eyes and take the pillow he threw to start hitting your friend with it, he loudly laughs and takes both of yours wrists to stop you from attacking him.
“Anyways.” He says after you began to search for clothes again. “Where are you guys going?” Mark asks.
You were taking a shirt out of your closet. “It’s snowing outside, we’re staying here to have dinner.” You murmured while taking another shirt.
Mark whistles and crosses his arms on his chest. “Does your parents know that you’re bringing a boy?” He suddenly asks.
“No, and don’t say anything to them or i’ll beat your ass.”
You finish picking your outfit and decided to change in your bathroom since Mark wasn’t planing on leaving your room. When you finished changing Mark smiled and gave you a thumbs up.
“You have to leave.” You said and started to do a bit of makeup, not too much since you were too lazy to bother taking it off later.
“What?!” Mark shouted. “You’re gonna make me walk when it’s snowing?”
You groaned and turned around. “Fine, you can stay but please stay at the living room, Jeno and I will be here at my room.” You told him and he just smiled.
Mark was so happy you were starting to open up to other people. He’s been so worried about you being alone since he was leaving soon but you didn’t need to know that. Yet.
“Are you nervous?” He asked while sending a text to one of his team mates.
“Uh, yeah but I—“ You got interrupted when an upcoming call appeared on your phone screen, you held one of your fingers up telling Mark to wait for a few seconds. “Hello?”
“Hey! I’m outside your house.” Jeno’s voice came through the speaker of your phone. Mark’s eyes widened and got up from your bed, ran towards your door and left the room as fast as he could with you trailing behind him. Mark opened the door revealing a smiley Jeno — with a huge plastic bag of takeout— whose expression changed when he saw your best friend instead of you. “Oh! Hi Mark.” Jeno said while waiting for you to appear.
You pushed him to the side and gave Jeno a shy smile. “Come in!”
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“Why is Mark here?” Jeno asked as soon as the both of you went into your room.
“He was bored so he just came to spend time with me, I told him to leave before you came but he was being whiny about me making him leave when it’s snowing outside.” You answered while scratching your palms since you were nervous to have Jeno in your room, alone.
He laughed. “It’s fine. I mean, it could be worse like your parents being here instead of him.” You cracked a smile and nodded.
Jeno left the takeout food on your desk and sat on your bed, you did the same. There was a weird silence, it wasn’t awkward at all. Jeno’s mind couldn’t think straight, he was too nervous to even say anything. He debated on tell you everything right of the bat or wait for another few days to gain your trust and make sure you won’t freak out.
He opted for the first option.
“So...” He trailed. “I have something to tell you.” After saying that he stood up from your bed and placed himself in front of you. You look up making your eyes look bigger, like a doe which almost made Jeno let a whimper out.
His wolf so badly wanted to come out.
“What is it?” You asked with worry since you could tell from his sour expression that it had to do with something very important.
“I—“ He stopped talking after he caught two different essences aside from yours and Mark’s.
He turned his head to the window you have in your room with view towards the backyard.
With the good vision he has, he easily found Taeyong’s yellow eyes, looking at him. Next to him Jeno saw the one person who hurted him the most in all his life, whose red eyes held sadness and anger mixed together. Doyoung —his older brother.
“Jeno, are you okay?” You stood up when you saw his eyes started to water out of nowhere. You took his face between your hands and made him look at your eyes. “You’re feeling very warm, are you feeling okay? Do you need some medicine or—“ You got cut off after he placed his lips on yours.
Kissing you is the only way to calm his wolf since seeing his brother and his ex pack leader made him angry.
You reacted very slowly, so when he was about to pull away you decided to chase his lips. The only sound that could be heard on your room was the sound of lips smacking together, Jeno decided to place both of his hands on your waist bringing you closer to his body. You played with the hair at the back of his neck trying to ease your nerves.
“Hey Y/N can I borrow your charger?” Mark opened the door without knocking first. “Oh shit!”
You pulled away and pushed Jeno making him fall backwards on your bed.
“Please don’t tell my parents.” You said while putting your hands together.
“Well, too late for that young lady.” Your father said.
Mark turned around with wide eyes.
“Living room. Now.” Your father spoke with seriousness in his voice.
Oh no. I’m in trouble. You thought.
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The Tickler (Pt. 1)
Author: GA!babe
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
*Insert MLB Intro here*
The College Francoise Dupont, the french secondary school that is plain in overall looks and grades. However, the students of this secondary school are anything but ordinary. 
Unbeknownst to the staff and faculty, France’s most prized superheroes regularly walk the halls, stress about homework, and rest in the library. Ladybug and Chat Noir, mere classmates when akumas aren’t around and superheroes when people need saving. 
It’s actually kind of sad that no one had ever noticed how both Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are never around when Chat Noir and Ladybug appear to save the day. 
Sure, there have been close calls regarding their secret identities, but they both remain comfortably under the radar (somehow) of regular Parisian citizens and the owner of the Ladyblog, Alya. 
“Girl, you are absolutely ridiculous. Why are you so worried about this party? Adrien even said he wouldn’t be able to attend.” Alya said, patting her best friend on the back comfortingly. Marinette yelped, the wrapped present in her hands almost falling onto the ground. She juggled with it for a moment before it settled back into her grasp. 
“Phew…” Marinette sighed while Alya giggled at her. She looked at the present and then up to the school. “Well, since he isn’t going to be there, I have to give this to Chloe now while we’re in school. There’s no point in going to the party with everyone anyways. I don’t want to get into an argument with her in front of everyone.”
“I still don’t understand why that happened. Maybe she got akumatized and accidentally sent out everyone an invite,” Alya scoffed, looking down at the e-vite still in her email. 
Today was Chloe Bourgeois’s birthday. Her 15th birthday to be precise. It was hard to remember that she was one of the oldest in the class when she 1) acted like such a stuck-up brat and 2) rarely told anyone she was celebrating her actual birthday until days after she came back from some far off celebration.
This year, Chloe had basically invited the entire school body over to the hotel her father owned. There were going to be celebrities, DJs, clowns, dances…basically everything a rich girl could buy with her parent’s money. 
“Maybe she’s getting better, Alya. She has helped Ladybug and Chat Noir save Paris multiple times,” Marinette said, forcing a smile on her face.
“Yeah, only after creating the problem in the first place. She even tried to destroy all of Paris after they wouldn’t give her the bee miraculous back!” Alya huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I’m sure she knows that what she was doing was wrong. She’s getting better, you know? At least she’s not like–” Marinette started before someone ran right into her, sending her sprawling onto the pavement. 
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry Marinette!” a familiar voice said, practically dripping in insincerity. Just the sound of her voice sent Marinette’s teeth on edge. 
“I was captured by the akuma yesterday and my sense of balance is all out of whack.” Lila said, placing a hand on her head to sell the idea that she was dizzy. Alya helped Marinette to her feet before looking back at the redhead.
“Are you okay, Lila? Do you need some help walking up the stairs?” Alya asked, offering a hand out to her as well.
“I don’t remember seeing you being captured, Lila. When did that happen?” Marinette asked, brushing herself off and placing her present under her arm safely. 
“Oh, I was grabbed and pulled away pretty soon. I was taken all the way over to the Eiffel Tower and when it came down when Chat Noir cataclysmed it, I almost died!” Lila said dramatically, wobbling on her feet, unsure. Alya moved closer to her to have Lila lean up against her shoulder.
“I didn’t see that in any of the footage of the fights,” Marinette grumbled with a roll of her eyes. Of course, she knew that Lila was lying as she had made sure no one was in the Eiffel Tower when fighting off the akuma yesterday, but she couldn’t prove Lila wrong without letting her secret be known. 
“Well, maybe if Alya had been there to capture some better footage for the Ladyblog, you would have seen it. Where were you yesterday?” Lila asked innocently. 
Marinette tensed, looking between Alya, the fox miraculous holder, and Lila.
“Oh, I was at home. My cousins were too scared to be left alone. Maybe I could interview you for the blog!” Alya said with a happy smile on her face as she led Lila up the stairs.
“I would love that. Ladybug and I are such good friends after all.” Lila said.
Marinette had to chew on the corner of her present to stop herself from saying something then and there. The small red kwami floated up from her bag.
“It’s alright, Marinette. You know the truth, and you know that Lila will eventually be found out. Don’t worry about it too much.” Tikki said reassuringly. Marinette sighed.
“I know. It’s just so…so frustrating to see her lie like that. Alya didn’t even see her yesterday and she’s still utterly convinced. How does she do that?” Marinette asked. Tikki went to respond, then hid inside Marinette’s purse again before getting caught.
“How does she do what?” Another familiar voice asked, causing Marinette to jump again, though this time her fall was stopped by a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist. 
In front of her were Adrien’s deep green eyes and his soft smile. Marinette flushed bright pink and was suddenly very aware of how close she was with the love of her life. She quickly jumped out of his arms.
“Oh! Uh, hi Adrien! I was just laking about Tyla! I mean walking about the aisle-uh.” Marinette stammered nervously before taking a deep breath and trying again. “Just talking about Lila to myself,”
“Lila? Is everything okay? Did she say anything to you?” Adrien asked, his smile vanishing and his brows furrowing. He had always tried to give Lila the benefit of the doubt as she seemed to be living a very sheltered life, much like his own, but there were times when that just couldn’t happen. She always seemed to be out to hurt Marinette and Ladybug and he couldn’t let that happen. 
“Oh, not really to me. She just gets on my nerves sometimes,” Marinette said, rubbing the back of her head nervously. 
“I know what you mean. Let me know if she bothers you again and I’ll talk to her,” Adrien said and pat Marinette on the shoulder. That’s when he noticed the present under her arm. “Is that for Chloe?”
“Uh this? No way! I mean, yeah! Of course it is!” Marinette said and held up the present for him to see. It was wrapped in golden wrapped paper with a shimmering gift bow placed neatly on the top.
“Aren’t you going to the party later? Why’d you bring the present to school?” Adrien asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Oh, well, I have to go to the bakery after school and you know all the schoolwork that I’ve been missing because I’ve been sleeping in so much. I have to catch up on that and, yeah.” Marinette rambled.
“That’s a shame. My father is allowing me to go tonight. I would have loved it if you were there, Marinette. I know you two don’t get along very well, but I think you’re a good influence on her.” Adrien said. Marinette’s blush grew brighter.
“Uhhhh, yeah, really? To the party you? Going? Well, maybe I could talk to my dad about letting me leave the bakery. I wouldn’t want to let you down. Or let her down.” Marinette continued. 
“Look out!” Alix’s voice called out as she zoomed towards Adrien and Marinette on her roller-skates. 
Quick as a flash, Adrien grabbed Marinette by under her arms and moved her out of harms way. Alix slowed herself to a stop and spuna around to see if she had hurt anyone.
“Sorry about that guys.” She said and gave a little salute, “Could you tell Miss Bustier that I won’t be in class today? My grandpa wanted me to run some errands for him,”
“Okay, Alix!” Adrien said with a smile, not realizing that he was still holding Marinette by her underarms. That was, until Marinette started giggling uncontrollable. He set her down quickly, a fond smile on his face.
“Sorry about that, Marinette. A little ticklish?” He asked with an eyebrow raised. 
“Pssh, what? I mean, a little maybe? Perhaps. That wasn’t even my worst spot. Not that I have a worst spot. What are we talking about? Oh, the party! Right, yeah. I’ll see what I can do about being there for the party. Thanks, Adrien!” Marinette rambled, making sure she had both Chloe’s present and her handbag before bolting up the stairs. 
Adrien just shook his head as he watched her stumble and almost fall again. Marinette was so weird, but in a good way. It did make him kind of sad that she could never act normally around him like this, but at least she was still a good friend. 
The only times he had ever really seen Marinette as herself, without stammering or falling over every five seconds, was when he was as his superhero persona, Chat Noir. 
“You know, Adrien,” Plagg said, floating up from his shirt pocket. “Marinette’s laugh is kinda cute, don’t ya think?”
“Marinette? Of course she is.” Adrien said before walking back up the stairs to class. 
Marinette stumbled into class, falling into her seat next to her friend rather ungracefully.
“What took you so long, girl?” Alya asked, resting her hand on Marinette’s shoulder.
“Adrien just tickled me,” Marinette said in a soft whine so that no one would hear what she had just said. 
“He– what? Why?” Alya asked, amused yet thoroughly confused.
“He was just moving me out of the way and picked me up by my arms. He picked me up like I was nothing and I completely embarrassed myself by being so ticklish. He’s gonna think that’s so childish,” Marinette said, resting her head on top of the desk as she pouted.
“Well, you’re lucky he didn’t find your death spot, Marinette.” Alya said, wiggling her fingers menacingly at her friend.
“Ahahalya!” Marinette giggled, scooting away even though Alya wasn’t even tickling her yet.
“Maybe I’ll tell him where they are. Wouldn’t that be fun? Oooh maybe having him tickle you would make you act more normal around him.” Alya teased. Marinette playfully pushed her friend on the shoulder and Alya poked her in one of her death spots – a spot between her uppermost ribs.
Marinette squealed and toppled off of her seat. The majority of the class laughed it off, and Marinette blushed.
“What a klutz.” Lila huffed with a roll of her eyes. Kim turned around.
“Aren’t you ticklish, Lila?” He asked innocently.
“It’s probable that she is, Kim. Roughly 73% of people in the world are ticklish to some degree,” Max said with a small nod.
“Oh, well I must be a part of the 27% of people who aren’t.” Lila lied. “I actually have a really rare condition where I can’t laugh at all anymore. It’s really sad,”
“Oh, the Pseudobulbar affect? That’s so sad, Lila. I’m so sorry to hear that.” Max said and looked over Lila with a sense of pity.
“It is, but I get by. Maybe it’ll be cured by a true love’s kiss, but I don’t know of anyone who would want to do that for me.” Lila sighed dramatically.
“I could for you!” Kim offered and puckered his lips.
“Thank you, Kim, but I think it has to be someone who has a crush on me. Like, for real. I actually think Adrien might have a crush on me, but I could be reading it wrong. Oh well. Guess I’ll never be able to laugh,” Lila sighed.
“Don’t worry, Lila! I’ll talk to Adrien at the party tonight! We’ll get you laughing in no time!” Kim offered triumphantly.
~ ~ ~ ~
“This had better be the funniest clown ever. This is my birthday party after all and I can’t have it be anything less than perfect.” Chloe said while her servants ran around the hotel wildly, setting up decorations and putting together different games for the children to play.
Chloe looked at her phone invites in disgust.
“It was really nice of you to invite everyone from school, Chloe. Everyone is going to have so much fun!” Sabrina said excitedly.
“Of course, Sabrina. A party without lots of people would be ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. Besides, Adrikins needs to be able to see that I’ve grown since my last birthday.” Chloe said.
Just as she finished her sentence, the clown for the party stepped in. He was a slender guy with a brightly colored suit on and a big round nose. Le Pitre, his clown name was and he was the best in all of Paris. 
“Knock knock, is that the birthday girl?” Le Pitre asked as he wandered in.
“Is this supposed to be the best clown in Paris? He at least dressed the part, maybe you could give my classmate Marinette some fashion tips, ahahaha,” Chloe laughed and then walked away to focus on some other aspect of her party. Le Pitre watched her walk away and then shrugged.
“Not exactly the laugh I was going for, but it’ll do! I bring laughter and joy to every part of the city i’m in!” Le Pitre said.
Little did he know that there was one person in all of Paris that would stop him from achieving his hilarious dream…
<3 GA!babe. 
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
Growl: Chapter 9
Warning: This chapter includes sensitive themes such as language, violence, drugging, and sexual assault (nothing too extreme though). Read with caution.
Tag List: @theravencawsatmidnight @etroman @kaariqueen
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Your P.O.V
I made my way through the halls to get to my next class, all day I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. I spent the entire day with Kyotani, it really was like we were on a date, even though we're both just friends. I hated to think of it like that, but it was the truth. And it would stay the truth until I finally confess, which is very unlikely. I already made things awkward enough last night at the restaurant. I can't believe I told some random stranger that we were "dating". God, why did I do that? I'll have to apologize to Kyotani later. Just as I turned the corner to walk down the last hall before my class, I heard someone calling my name.
"Hey, L/n!" I stopped dead in my tracks and grimaced. And just when I was in a pretty good mood too. Not bothering to turn around, I respond. "Not in the mood today Chiharu. So save me the effort of wasting my time and fuck right off." I say before I continue walking. "Oh really? That's pretty bitchy of you L/n, walking away before I could introduce my friends to you."
"What friends? You mean more of Oikawa's annoying ass group of fan..." I trail off as I turned around. Instead of girls at Chiharu's side, there were tall buff guys. They looked liked third years. "Wow Chiharu, totally didn't figure you as the type to date more than one guy at a time." I smirked. Chiharu returned the smug grin. "Can't say the same for you though, huh? I saw you hanging out with that freak that came to your rescue yesterday. I bet Oikawa wouldn't be too happy to hear you were with another man." Before I could remind her for the hundredth time that me and Oikawa were not in a relationship, she continued.
"I mean, whoring yourself out to every guy you meet is bad enough. But going so low as to date someone like that freak? Ha! Now that's just pathetic! Didn't know you needed attention that badly!" I felt a vein pop in my head. I could care less if she made fun of me, but she brought Kyotani into it. He's done nothing wrong. She had no right to talk about him like that. I stormed over to her and grabbed her by her shirt collar. "Listen here bitch! Keep Kyotani's name out of your mouth or I'll-"
"You'll what!? You won't do shit! And besides, I'm not here to fight you. Like I said before, I wanted to introduce my friends." Chiharu snapped her fingers, and two of the third years grabbed onto my arms and pulled me away from her. I was going to scream, but the third one covered my mouth before I got the chance. "Come on, I think it's time we teach this one a lesson." With that, the third year that was keeping me quite, knocked me out cold.
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"Ugh...What...What happened?" I groan before slowly opening my eyes. My head was pounding, and I felt dizzy. My vision finally adjusted and I could tell just were I was. I was behind the school near the dumpsters. Why was I hear and...why can't I move!? It was then I noticed my hands were tied together behind my back. All at once it hit me. Chiharu, the third years, she had them knock me out. My breathing picked up rapidly. Why? What were they going to do? I managed to sit myself up, if I could just stand, I can run back inside the school and call for help. But I couldn't, I was so dizzy, it made standing was difficult. I felt something warm hit my knee, blood. I felt it run down my cheek this time, my head must have been bleeding.
"Come on!" I say to myself, attempting to stand once again, but again I couldn't bring myself to stand, I could hardly sit up straight. A hit to the head wouldn't do all this. "They must have drugged me..." I say breathlessly. "Right we did, sweet cheeks." I gasp and look up to see the three third years from before towering over me. "W-what do you want from me? Did that bitch tell you to do this?" I ask, glaring up at the three. "Oh, she's smart. I like em smart." Siad one of the three. "I prefer them more dumb honestly. But she'll do." Said another. "Yeah, Chiharu told us to do this. But really, we would have done it sooner." The one talking to me crouches down to my height.
He looks me up and down, practically undressing me with his eyes. It felt disgusting. "You're pretty cute. How have we not met you before?" He asks. I make sure my legs were firmly pressed together and close to my body. "I prefer to keep to myself so I don't meet people like Chiharu or you scumbags. Now let me go!" I demand. The guy in front of me chuckles. "Sorry, but no. We ain't going anywhere, anytime soon, princess." He moved his finger down my leg. I kicked at his shin roughly, making him groan in pain. The other two third years laughed at his pain.
"Damn, Chiharu was right. You are a bitch." Suddenly his hand was around my throat. He slammed me back down to the ground, hovering over me. "Hey! Make sure you leave some fun for us!" One of them called. "Shut it. There's plenty of her to go around." Says the one on top of me. his free hand tugged at my uniform's tie, loosening my blazer. "No! Stop! Stop it!" I cried.
"See, I knew you didn't give her enough. She's still bitching and moaning." One of the two said, referring to what I only assumed was the drug they slipped me while I was unconscious. "Who cares? No one's gonna hear her." I yelled and cried, but like he said, no one would hear. "Would shut up already!? I promise you'll enjoy it." The guy on top of me purred into my ear. "W-why? Why are you doing this?" I managed to croak out between sniffles.
"Chiharu figured you needed to be taught a lesson. If you want multiple guys, then that's just what you'll get." I sobbed and shut my eyes tightly. 'Someone please help me...' I whimpered in my mind. Just as the man's hand began to go up my skirt, a loud cracking noise filled my ears. Soon after was a cry of pain. My eyes shot opened when I felt the man's grip on my throat loosen. "What the fuck!?" He yelled. Another cracking sound and a cry of pain, then fast approaching footsteps, and before I knew it, the weight of the guy on top of me was gone.
From what I could see, my tears blurring my vision slightly, was someone grabbing the guy and punching him multiple times in the face before kneeing him in the gut and throwing him aside. The person who saved me walked over to the guy's limp body and kicked at it, yelling out in fury while doing so. That yelling closely resembled a man's yells.
After a few more seconds, the person hurried to my side and sat me up. Now that he was closer in view, I could make out who he was. "...Kyotani?" I whimper. "Y/n...I'm sorry I got here late..." He muttered before holding me in his arms tightly. "I'm so sorry." The dizziness that filled my mind had finally gotten the better of me, and once again I fell unconscious.
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I woke up again sometime after that, there was something soft underneath my body, and something warm on top. I slowly opened my eyes, narrowing them momentarily due to the brightness of wherever I was. After a minute my eyes adjusted, I was in a room this time. Not just any room, Kyotani's room. "Kyotani." I breathed. Memories of what just happened replayed in my mind, tears begin to fill my eyes. Kyotani saved me. If it wasn't for him, I might have been...I felt sick just thinking about it. I didn't want to think about it. I just wanted Kyotani. Where was Kyotani? "Kyotani..."I whimpered pathetically. From the other side of his bedroom door, I could hear his voice. It was feint, but I could just barely make out what he was saying.
"...She's not coming today, neither am I......Look I'll explain everything later just trust me ok?....Alright, see ya." After a few seconds Kyotani entered, his expression brightening when he saw me. "You're awake!" He rushed to my side. "Are you-Did they-what happend?" He fumbled over his words. I didn't respond, I just stared at him. He's done so much for me. He became my friend when he didn't have to, he helped me study when no one else would, and now he's saved me from a very horrible situation. I rose my shaky hand and gently pressed it to his cheek. "Kyotani...thank you. Thank you so much." I say weakly.
Kyotani put his hand on top of mine. "It was nothing. Y/n, what...tell me what happened. Who were those assholes?" Kyotani asked, repressing the anger in his tone. I removed my hand and turned my head away from him, not wanting him to see me cry. "Y/n?" Kyotani speaks softly. "I really don't want to talk about that right now." I tell him as calmly as possible. I felt Kyotani's thumb gentle wipe away a stray tear on my cheek. "Ok. you don't have to right now. How are you feeling?" He asked. I only shrug, still not look at him. In honesty, I was better. That damned drug wore off, my head was a lot clearer.
I felt something press down at the foot of Kyotani's bed, I glance down to see Killer. His ears were flat against his head and he was whimpering while pawing at my leg. I smile sadly. "Aw, it's ok boy. I'm ok now." I say gently. Kyotani pet killer's head a few times. "He went crazy when he saw me carry you in here. I'm glad my mom and sister weren't here to see it. They would have started pestering me." I glanced over at him. "Asking why I'm carrying an unconscious girl into the house, then having to explain what I just had to fucking see..." His hand moved away from Killer's head, and covered his eyes. He was shaking. I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. "You don't have to talk about it either." I say softly.
His arms found their way around my waist. "Right..." I sniffled. We both sat in silence, just enjoying being in each others embrace. After a moment or two, I finally spoke. "Who were you on the phone with?" I asked. "Iwaizumi. He wanted to know why we didn't show up to practice." I shifted my position to get more comfortable. Kyotani picked this up and laid me back down on the bed before crawling in next to me. He draped his arm over me and I laid my head on his chest. "I won't say a word about this to him or anyone, until you're ready. Until then, I'll be here for you ok?" I nod and close my eyes, breathing in Kyotani's scent. He was so warm. "Thank you Kyotani."
"This will be selfish of me to ask but, can I stay here with you tonight? I don't want to be alone right now." Kyotani rubbed my back softly. "Of course you can." I thanked him again before texting my mother, letting her know I'll be staying with Iwaizumi. I wouldn't have lied but my mom trusted him the most. 'Hope you don't mind Iwaizumi.' I set my phone aside and snuggled closer to Kyotani.
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butgilinsky · 4 years
honest man // tt
warning; language, underaged drinking, and mentions of smut if you squint real hard, a little angst, mostly fluff
summary; where you and topper are hiding from the world, even if one of you wishes you weren’t. based on the song honest man by ben platt
word count; 3.2k+
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There's something about you in the moonlight But your eyes go so well with the day You won't let go of your layers But your power can strip me away
“why are you staring at me like that?” 
it wasn’t his fault. the way that the moon casted a blue light across the high points of your cheeks and shoulders had him realizing just how deep in it he was with you. he’d never seen a person glow the way you were glowing right now, and he would’ve given everything to stay like this, with you, forever. 
“you’re the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen.” you didn’t think you were capable of smiling so wide. the ache in your cheeks was quickly over powered by the slight dizziness your mind brought upon by his confession. 
the two of you had only been together for a little less than a year, but he swore he’d spent ten lifetimes pining after you. sure, you both had been with people before you ultimately ended up together, but that felt like an entirely different lifetime. 
topper thought he had fallen in love before. he thought that he had experienced the greatest heartbreak when he’d caught sarah cheating on him. he thought that was the pinnacle of how it feels to get everything stripped away from him, but the sheer thought of losing you was ten times worse than what he had felt back then. 
“topper thornton, you’re quite the charmer.” 
this was his heaven. having his arm wrapped around your back, pulling you against his chest while your own arm hooked around his neck. having your bright smile directed up at him in a way that had his heart beating at a mile a minute. he swore he’d never felt anything as sweet as the feeling of your lips pressed against his lightly, just enough pressure to call it a kiss. 
he felt you smiling against his lips, though he didn’t mind as his own lips turned upwards at the feeling. he swore he would’ve traded everything in his life for you to kiss him like that for the rest of your lives. 
“i love you.” the words were soft and sweet, but it felt like they held the world within them. it was enough to make topper’s stomach flip, the thought of having the girl of his dreams let the words drip off of her tongue so easily felt like a dream to him. 
It's easier for us to hide If you come out, then so will I Promise that I'll meet you halfway 'Cause I see every part of you And I can tell you see me too By the way that you say my name
“do you ever get tired of hiding?” topper hated sneaking around the island with you. he wanted to go anywhere and everywhere with you. 
sure, it was exciting at first. doing things in secret, having you all to himself, it was a dream. he wouldn’t have done anything different, but he was growing tired of keeping you a secret. he was tired of being a secret. 
topper wanted everyone to know. he wanted to tell his friends that it didn’t matter that you lived on the wrong side of the island. he wanted to see your friends’ eyes bulge out of their sockets when he took your hand in public. he wanted to show up to the boneyard with you under his arm, and he wanted everyone to stare. 
“sometimes, i guess.” you shrugged simply, slipping one of topper’s long sleeves over your head before turning over your shoulder and crawling back up to him. 
he sat against his headboard, eyes locked on you while you moved up to sit beside him. his chest still bare from the moments prior to now, taking in the sight of his shirt hanging off of you as if it had been made specifically for you to wear. 
“so why are we?” his voice was soft, the fear stepping in with every word he let slip. he was scared of ruining things, scared he was pushing too far. 
“you know how that would end, top.” he sighed softly, figuring you’d say something of that sort. he knew where you stood on the issue, having far more to lose than he did. 
he knew rafe and kelce would get over it. they’d tease him for a bit, but accept you with open arms. he knew kelce liked you, despite the fact that you were a pogue, because he had said so once or twice. rafe didn’t care for you, solely due to your class ranking, but topper knew that out of all of the pogues, rafe would pick you for his best friend over the others. 
your friends, on the other hand, would not accept this deal with open arms and wide smiles. your friends would throw a fit, shocked by your betrayal of falling in love with a kook. you knew it shouldn’t have mattered, given kiara’s technical kook status, along with the fact that john b had been involved with sarah for over a year now. 
but it didn’t matter. if anything, having sarah in your group made it that much harder. sure, if john b loved a kook then so could you, but what happens when sarah and topper have to spend time together? topper wouldn’t care, because he hadn’t thought of sarah in that light since before the two of you had gotten together, but you weren’t sure the blonde bombshell felt the same way. 
“maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as you think, though. i mean, what if they don’t even care-” he stopped himself, seeing the deflated look on your face as he spoke. he didn’t want to push you, but he didn’t want to hide either. “we’re in it together, y’know?” 
you nodded, settling your cheek against his chest. you hear him let out a sigh through his nose, only making the thoughts in your mind race more than they had already been. 
I'm an honest man Why can't you take my hand I'm not what you planned But I'm a safe place to land I'm an honest man
you hadn’t expected to fall for topper. you were just trying to assure him that he didn’t deserve the hurt that sarah had dumped on him. nobody deserved that, kook or not. 
but it’s now, as you stand across the beach from the boy who had managed to steal your heart and sweep you off your feet, that you realize you’ve made a mess for yourself. 
all he wanted to do was hold your hand as you walked to the keg, swiping beers from jj, who was dishing them out for the night. he wanted to have his arm around you, as a silent tell to anybody with a pair of eyes that you were taken. you were off limits, and it killed him that nobody knew that. 
“earth to top.” rafe snapped his fingers in front of topper, shaking the boy from his thoughts and tearing his eyes away from the group across the beach. 
“what? sorry. what’s up?” he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the thoughts that were invading his mind for the past few weeks. 
“just go talk to her. something’s clearly bothering you, has been for weeks.” kelce shrugged his shoulders, raising his cup to his lips as he downed the rest of the golden liquid. 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” topper tried to wave them off, claiming that he had no knowledge of what their allegations were hinting at, but his friends weren’t stupid. 
they’d caught topper looking at you on more than one occasion. the fact that topper had a crush on you at the very least was anything but a secret to the two boys that spent way too much time with him to believe otherwise. rafe had also connected the dots one night when topper blew them off, again, for some mysterious set of plans he wouldn’t say much about. 
kelce and rafe knew. topper hadn’t told them, and there was room for error in their hypothesis, but they knew topper too well. they knew him better than he’d ever assumed, so a ten month relationship was harder for topper to hide than he’d originally thought. 
“topper, what do we care if you’re shacking up with a pogue? sarah left your ass for one, kelce and i have our fair share of our nights with pogues. who gives a shit, dude?” topper’s eyes snapped over to rafe’s for a moment, slightly shocked that he was anything less than an asshole about the whole situation. 
it took everything in him to stop himself from spilling the truth to his friends. they saw the way his knuckles turned white from gripping his cup tightly, his eyes locked on you, just yards away. 
you were dancing with pope, a reasonable distance that allowed topper’s mind to ease ever so slightly. but the way you smiled, the way your hips moved in a fluid motion, and your laugh filled the air, was enough for topper to want things to go as smoothly as you’d asked many times before. 
“i seriously don’t know what you’re talking about, rafe.” 
You're so afraid of tomorrow So you build your walls up today You won't believe that you're ready But I'd never lead you astray
“you’re never going to be ready if you don’t at least try, y/n!” you groaned again, balling your fingers into your palm to stop yourself from lashing out on the boy. 
“you just don’t get it, topper!” he could see the gears in your head turning, he knew your mind was racing but you were biting your tongue from saying what you were truly thinking. 
“what don’t i get, y/n? i love you! isn’t that enough? what else do i have to do to show you that i don’t give a shit about what your friends think?” you groaned loudly, feeling the lump in your throat slowly subside as the tears poked at your lash line. 
“i care what they think, top! i love you, topper, i really do, but i just- i can’t do it, top. not right now, at least.” he scoffed then, a sarcastic smile pulling at his lips before he ran a hand over his face in an attempt to wake himself up from this nightmare. 
“what’s the worse that could happen, y/n? they don’t like me? i already know they don’t! i get it, i have a past with them, but how’s it any different than john b being with sarah?”
“see! you don’t get it! this is the same shit you always spew when we talk about this.” 
“then help me get it, y/n!” his voice was back up, screaming across the room to reach your ears, though you would’ve been able to hear him all the same if he had spoken at a normal tone. 
“i can’t, topper!” 
“why not?”
“because you’re a fucking kook!” 
topper’s face dropped, his shoulders slumping as a sarcastic laugh dripped from his face. of course you’d go there. you always went there. it wasn’t anything he didn’t already know, it was pretty obvious that he was a kook and you were a pogue, but he didn’t need the constant reminder that the one thing he couldn’t change about himself was your least favorite thing. 
the thing that was holding you back from telling the world about your relationship. 
“and you won’t let me forget it.” topper grabbed his things, not even bothering to slip his shoes back on before he was walking out of your house, slamming the door behind him hard enough to make the windows on the same wall shake slightly. 
you let out a frustrated scream, one that he heard even out by his car. he paused in stride, having half a mind to turn back around and comfort you, suspecting that your cheeks were wet with frustrated tears while you chewed angrily on your bottom lip. 
but he didn’t. he just got back in his car and drove the distance from your house back to his on the opposite side of the island. 
I know I've played with hearts before Don't have the heart to play with yours I only swear to do the best I can 'Cause when you put your trust in me How beautiful our love could be If only you would take a chance
you’d heard the stories about topper long before you’d fallen for him. you’d spent too much time listening to random tourons, the repeats and the newbies, swoon over the boy who caught their attention quickly. 
after sarah spending more time with the pogues, it only got worse. you’d heart the mess of it all, practically having the notion of topper thornton being kook trash ingrained into your mind forever. 
you knew he’d done less than redeemable things. he’d done unforgivable things to your friends, and you’d never let him forget that. 
but your topper was nothing like the stories. he was gentle and kind, soft and sweet. he noticed the little things, and helped you when nobody else noticed you were in the mess of it all. he was there for you when nobody else was, and he provided a sense of comfort you’d never found in the pogues. 
topper, your topper, was the brightest light in your life. sure, you had walls built up, but he’d done everything in his power to break them down. he’d never hurt you, and you knew that. you knew he loved you with everything he had, and you returned the sentiment easily. 
you weren’t scared of how things would end between the two of you. you were afraid of the outside pressures. you were afraid of your friends’ disapproving glares and harsh words. you didn’t want the criticism that came along with dating topper, but you couldn’t pick and choose any longer. 
if you didn’t decide what you wanted sooner or later, you were going to lose topper, and the thought alone was enough to have you in tears for multiple nights afterwards. 
you had to choose between topper and your secret. there was no more hiding. 
I'm an honest man Why won't you hold my hand? I'm not what you planned I'm a safe place to land I'm an honest man See me as I am, show me that I can You make me an honest man
you knew he was on the golf course. it was friday, which meant a 12 pm tee time. you’d been with this man long enough to know his weekly routine, and golf was always written into the schedule. 
to say you were nervous had to be an understatement. your ripped jeans and crop top that you’d already worn once this week was a stark contrast from the rest of the people on the course, all dressed in recently dry cleaned polos and khakis, or tight tops and tennis skirts. 
you were walking around the course with no sense of direction, not having been on the course since the last time you helped pope deliver groceries, but that had been months ago. 
you didn’t know where the boys were teeing off from, since topper never told you that. there was no use of you knowing which hole the started and ended on, but it would’ve been useful information right about now. 
you swore the sky had opened up and handed you a gift on a silver platter when you caught sight of rafe’s tall stature on the green. he was laughing loudly at something that kelce had said, giving you enough of a hint to find him quickly. his eyes found yours, a smirk stretching across his face as you changed your path to walk directly over to the boys. 
“top, your girlfriend’s here.” rafe called out, stopping topper mid swing. 
he turned over his shoulder, muscles tense and face pulled together in confusion as you jogged across the course. he was confused, not having seen you in a few days at this point, along with never seeing you on the course in the entirety of your relationship. 
“what the hell are you doing here?” he wasn’t mad, that much was obvious enough, but he was surprised and confused. 
“i don’t want to hide anymore.” the words were falling from your lips before you could stop them, a sense of exhaustion hanging heavy in your mind as you begged him to connect the dots himself. 
“what? but i thought you said-”
“fuck what i said. i don’t care what anyone thinks anymore. i don’t care about anybody else’s opinion but yours, top. i love you and i don’t care who knows about it.” 
topper swore he’d never smiled so large. the realization sunk in quickly, resulting in his head filling with too many thoughts to decipher. to have you there, standing in front of him, telling him everything he’s wanted to hear for the past ten months, was more than he ever could’ve asked for. 
“you sure?” you laughed softly, eyes flicking over his shoulder to meet rafe and kelce’s gaze, who were both biting back gentle laughs. your nose scrunched softly, a sight that topper would’ve paid to see at any moment of the day. 
“it’s a little late for me to rethink all of it, don’t you think?” you lifted your chin in the direction of his friends, making topper look over his shoulder for a split second before rafe was waving his hand in front of him. 
“we’ve known for a while.” your eyebrows pulled together, confusion evident in your expression. “kind of hard not to pick up on it when he can’t keep his eyes off of you for longer than five minutes.” 
“alright, alright.” topper laughed gently while turning back to face you, trying to end the slightly embarrassing moment for him. “i’m serious though, are you sure? because i don’t care about-”
“i’m sure. i don’t want to hide anymore. if my friends don’t understand, then fuck them.” you shrugged gently, a wide smile spreading across your lips. “i love you, topper.”
“i love you too, baby.” 
“just kiss already, so you can take your shot and we can move to the next hole.” kelce called out, earning a soft snicker from rafe and an eye roll from both you and topper. 
topper broke out into an equally large smile, wrapping both of his hands, one gloved and one not, around your cheeks to bring your face close to his. your eyes shut before you felt his lips on yours, a sense of euphoria flooding through you on impact. 
you loved topper with everything you had, and he loved you all the same. the two of you might have been hidden form the world for the first part of your relationship, but you had a feeling that’s what made the two of you so strong. 
sure, the pogues might have had a problem with it at first, but if they were your friends they would get over it eventually. your happiness should’ve been a priority of theres.
it sure as hell was for you. 
I've said all I can I am who I am And I am an honest man
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hayleysstark · 4 years
I always wondered what would have happened if Merlin hadn't ducked the chair in the tavern brawl (S3 ep 4-Gwaine). A sort of delayed response like in more severe concussions. Maybe a coma or some of the other serious side effects. I'm excited to read your work.
Thank you
okay okay i would like to preface this by saying i have been fortunate enough that i’ve never experienced a delayed concussion, and all that comes with it, so this is probably not 100% medically accurate, but consider, Merlin has magic and if we can believe in magic, we can believe this is how delayed concussions work. okay?? okay. thank you. 
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"What happened to your head?" Arthur asks, on the way back to Camelot, with Gwaine—passed out cold, probably still drunk, and absolutely dead to the entire world with the knife lodged firmly in his thigh—slung over his saddle. "Looks like you took a bad blow back there."
"I didn't," Merlin waves him off. It would be a lie to say the impact didn't rattle him a bit, but he's sure he'll be all right when he's had some sleep—his magic usually heals his everyday bumps and bruises in the night, and there's no reason to think it would let him down now. "I'm fine. I got lucky, he only just clipped me."
Or, well, he supposes the man only just clipped him, because he has to suppose that, because supposing is all he can really do about it, because—if he's being completely and wholly honest with himself here—he doesn't know for sure. He doesn't know what the chair did. He doesn't even know what the man with the chair did. All he knows is the moment right before—a real big muscly fellow, as Gwen would call him, with long, scraggly blond hair hanging limp and greasy around his filthy, sneering face, clutching a truly enormous wooden chair in his massive, meaty hands, and his mean, dark eyes narrowed, and locked firmly on Merlin—but that's it, that's all, that's where it cuts out, that's where it fades to black, in that tiny handful of seconds between one heartbeat and the next.
He didn't pass out.
And he knows he didn't pass out.
But he opened his eyes, and he was on the floor, with the chair some ten feet away, tipped over on its side, one of the thick legs snapped off in a shower of sharp splinters, and that's all he knows, that's all he remembers.
"Well, it is bad form to hit a girl, you know," Arthur tosses a quick, smug glance back over his shoulder, but the minute his eyes fall on Merlin, his face does a funny little spasm, and the smirk slides off his lips like water. "Merlin, you're bleeding."
Merlin hastily rubs away the wet, warm, bright red trail streaking down his temple with the edge of his jacket sleeve, until the blood smears into a dull brown stain on the thin cloth. "I'm fine. He just scraped me when he—" I suppose he just scraped me, but if he says it like that, Arthur will ask, and he's sure it'll come back to him, he's sure he'll remember, there's no need to fuss about it right now, "—head wounds bleed a lot," he says, instead, a little too quickly. "It's normal. Gaius told me."
"Gaius said that?" Arthur's wrinkled brow smooths back out. "Oh, that's all right, then." He pokes lightly at Gwaine's limp frame, sprawled slackly out in the saddle in front of him, and adds, "Reckon he'll have his hands full with this bloke, anyway."
"Yeah," Merlin nods, "I reckon he will."
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As it turns out, Gaius does have his hands full with Gwaine, and Merlin feels fine, so he just doesn't bother to bring it up with the old man at all.
When he finally scrubs off the last of the dried, sticky blood still clinging to the side of his head in dark streaks, he sees the scrape runs far deeper than he thought—less of a scrape, and more of a cut, but it's fine, it's nothing, it will probably be scabbed over and well on its way to healing up in the morning—one of the many benefits of magic—so he rinses the red stains out of the clean white rags he used, and he goes to bed, and he thinks no more about it.
From the minute Merlin opens his eyes, he knows something's wrong.
The world feels wrong—uneven and off-center, like the earth's off its axis, and when he stands up, he feels almost lopsided, like a little girl's doll, too limp and loose to hold himself up, but that's nothing to the way the chamber spins and spins and spins around him, like a child's top. The cut hasn't scabbed over, and he's got what has to be the worst headache he's ever had in his entire life, with a dark, furious bruise on his brow, purple and swollen and painful.
But he hasn't got the time to wait around here for Gaius and tell him about it—he's got far too much to do today to bite his nails over a headache of all things—and anyway, his magic has never let him down before, so he's sure he'll be fine in an hour or so, it's probably just taking a bit longer because, well, a chair clipped him 'round the head, it's not so simple as a bad fall or a brutal spar with Arthur.
He doesn't bother with breakfast—he feels a bit sick, honestly—but he does take a plate up for Gwaine and check the man's leg while he's at it (one less thing for Gaius to worry about when he gets back) before he heads down to Arthur's chambers.
"You're bruised," Arthur says, the minute Merlin walks in the door, like he thinks maybe Merlin hasn't got a mirror, or a pair of eyes in his head.
"You take a hit like that to the face and see how you look," Merlin fires back, and that's the end of that.
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Merlin thinks, maybe, it was a mistake to not talk to Gaius.
Merlin thinks, maybe, it was a mistake to come in to work at all today.
The everyday noise of the castle is just such a nightmare—the quiet chatter of the busy servants going about their work, the boisterous prattle of the bored guards stuck at their stations, the click and thud of high heels and heavy boots on cold marble floors and hard stone stairs, the soft clinks of the dishes down in the kitchens, it all makes his head pound like a drum, until it feels like his brain might burst with it—but the courtyard is nothing short of murder.
The sun stabs into his skull like a knife, even when he shuts his eyes and turns his head, but it's the sound that really does him in. The snorts and whines of the horses fresh from a hard ride, the clank and clang of swords and shields, the groan and grunt of the water pump as a thin, nervous maid fills up her bucket, the shouts and hollers of the knights and squires out on the training grounds.
It's all so loud, and it's all so much, and he can hardly think past the sharp shocks of pain up and down his brow, and maybe he should just tell Arthur—he knows Arthur will be fair about it, he knows Arthur is a good man, he knows Arthur will give him a few hours off to see Gaius, he knows it, but the melee is only a few days off, and Arthur needs a servant to see to him while it's going on, and it'll all go a lot smoother for him if he's got his servant, who already knows everything, his schedule and his preferences and his quirks, seeing to him until it's over.
Where Arthur strolls down the wide stone steps to say hello to Sir Oswald, Merlin stumbles—his legs feel funny, shaky and weak, and he's sure he'll trip over and fall flat on his face any moment now (and won't Arthur love that) but he makes it all the way to the ground without a single nosedive.
"—my servant, Merlin," Arthur claps a hand on Merlin's shoulder—
—and he has to bite his bottom lip to hold in a gasp, because it jostles his neck, sore and tender from where his head snapped back when the chair hit him and that—
—that can't be right, can it?
No, no, that simply can't be right, because the chair only clipped him, remember, because he was all right on the ride back to Camelot—a little dazed and a little dizzy, sure, but who wouldn't be after a blow like that?—and he was all right that night, too, nothing but the slight sting when he cleaned the cut, when the edges of the broken skin stretched with the scrub of the cloth over it. No, no, he's all right, he's fine, it didn't hit him in the face, it did not hit him full in the face, because his head would hurt a lot more if it had.
It clipped the side of his head a bit hard, that's all.
"—loves hard work," Arthur says, with another painful clap on Merlin's shoulder, and he bites back a wince this time, "so, anything you need, just give him a call."
"Believe me," Sir Oswald says seriously, "I will."
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Sir Oswald is as bad as his word.
Merlin's ears ring louder than the biggest bells in the Camelot cathedral, and it feels he's got a blunt sword stuck in his skull, and he's shaking all over, dripping with sweat and shuddering with cold, and little white stars pop and pop and pop before his tired eyes, but he stays on his feet, and he finally shoulders the door open.
He hauls the heavy trunk inside.
"What took you so long?" Sir Oswald, leaning elegantly back in his chair, his dirty boots up on the table, pops a blueberry in his mouth.
"What?" Merlin rasps, because it takes him a second to really hear it, takes a second for the words to make sense to him. Everything is taking a second to make sense to him today. "It—it weighs a ton," he points out, rather fairly, in his opinion.
Sir Oswald stares coldly back at him.
"The stairs," he adds quickly, because he knows what it means when a knight looks at him like that, he knows it means if he doesn't come up with a damn good excuse, he'll be in the stocks—or in the dungeons, or tied to a whipping post—faster than he can blink. "It's seven flights." He's so exhausted, it might as well have been a thousand.
"That's very kind of you," Sir Ethan smiles at him, almost kind, so he musters up a small, tired grin of his own before he pushes himself back up on his feet—the room spins and spins and spins, like Gaius' chambers, around him, and he thinks he might really be sick, here on Sir Oswald's pristine floor—
"—but you can't leave it there."
Merlin turns—the room spins and spins and spins like Gaius' chambers, like a child's top, and his stomach churns and his head hurts. "I-I can't?" he says, uncertainly, mostly to make sure he's heard right, because everything sounds different with the funny ringing in his ears, because everything is taking a second to make sense to him lately, because the world is wrong, because the world is uneven and off-center, because the earth is off its axis.
"It's in the way," Sir Oswald jerks his chin at the trunk—which is, admittedly, very much in the way.
"Okay," Merlin nods, but it hurts, and he has to stop. "Where do you want it?"
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For the first time all day, Merlin doesn't feel sick, so when he gets home, he downs an entire bowl of soup, and he thinks, maybe, he should wait for Gaius to get back, so he can tell him about his head, about how awful he feels, but he hasn't even rinsed his bowl before the door swings open, and Gwen peers inside.
"Merlin," she says, seriously, "I think you need to come with me."
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Merlin follows Gwen all the way down to the tavern, where he finds Gwaine in a stupor, with a tab longer than his own leg, and a red-faced, furious barkeep.
He drags a very drunk Gwaine back home and gets him settled safely in bed where he can't hurt himself (or drink anymore) before he goes back downstairs, to a dark and empty room, and vomits up that bowl of soup.
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"S-Sorry," Merlin rasps out, the next morning, as he comes into Arthur's bedchamber and puts his breakfast down—even the light little thud of the plate on the desktop makes his head ache, and he doesn't think he'll ever remember what it's like to not be dizzy ever again. "I-I know I'm late."
"Not at all," Arthur says easily.
"Um," Merlin says, blankly. Is he not late? He certainly feels late. But Arthur's not looking at him like he's late, so that must mean— "Good." He takes a small step back—his skull screams at the sudden move, but his skull screams about everything lately—and turns away to make Arthur's bed.
"You're not sick?" Arthur says, all of a sudden, out of the blue. "Unsteady? About to burst into song?"
Merlin thinks this must be one of Arthur's jokes (like how he says shut up, Merlin at least a hundred times a day, but God knows he'll get all huffy and pouty and moody if Merlin ever actually does shut up) so he doesn't say, yes, my head hurts so badly I can barely think straight anymore, and I think that chair might have hit me harder than I realized. He only pulls the blankets up higher and tucks in the edges and says, "No, why?"
Arthur snatches up a sheet of parchment off his desk, shakes it out with a soft rustle, and reads off, so loudly it makes Merlin's skull scream again, "Fourteen quarts of mead—"
Oh. Merlin's stomach drops. Oh, so that's what this is about.
"—three flagons of wine," Arthur drones on, relentless, "five quarts of cider—"
Merlin comes 'round the bed, head ducked down so the light won't hit his eyes. "I—I can explain," he says, weakly.
"—four dozen pickled eggs," Arthur never looks up from the paper in his hands, but he raises his voice even more, and Merlin has to wait until the pain—so sharp he sees the white stars again—dulls down enough to let him talk.
"That was Gwaine," he says finally, and a little shakily. "He went to the tavern, and he couldn't pay for it."
"So you said I would," Arthur says, in a huffy sort of tone that leaves no doubt as to his opinion on this decision.
"You know, if I hadn't," Merlin says, quickly, but he can already tell Arthur is well past listening, "th-that innkeeper, he would have strung us both up."
"I fail to see the downside," Arthur says harshly—which feels, just now, tremendously unfair, so Merlin fires back with the first thing he can think of.
"You said he should be given anything he needs."
"Four dozen pickled eggs?" Arthur wails, incredulously.
Merlin squeezes his eyes shut and swallows back a wince. "I'm sorry," he says and, before he can stop himself, before he can really think about it, before he can tell himself to shut up, to have some sense, to stop making absurd and impulsive promises he knows he can't possibly keep, he adds, "I'll pay for it."
Arthur sits up in his chair and flings the paper back down on the desk with another soft rustle. "You most certainly will."
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Well, on the bright side, Merlin has to admit, it could be far worse than a few hundred pairs of filthy boots.
Gwaine disagrees. "Arthur is a thoroughbred little braggart."
Merlin has to swallow back a laugh—if only his head didn't hurt so much, he's sure he wouldn't mind the work at all, now he's got Gwaine here to crack his usual jokes. "Why?"
Gwaine peers down at the boot in his lap like he thinks the tough, cracked leather will tell him what he's supposed to do with it. Hasn't he ever cleaned his own boots? "For making us do this."
Merlin shrugs—it's easy work, even if it is, admittedly, a touch tedious, certainly repetitive, and hopelessly mundane, and it's a far lighter load than he expected in the face of Arthur's fury this morning. "I think it's fair."
Gwaine throws him an incredulous look and jabs a finger at the endless line of grimy boots stretched out ahead of them. "For the entire army?"
Merlin clicks his tongue. "If you admitted your father was a knight, you wouldn't have to."
Gwaine tosses his head to get his shaggy hair out of his eyes. "Maybe," he concedes with a little huff, "but I'm not making the same mistakes that he did." He runs the brush lightly over the boot—oh, so he does know how to do it, and thank God, Merlin thought he really might have to teach the poor man—and a bit of dried mud crumbles off and floats down to the wood floor below.
Merlin turns back to his own work without a word—he's not going to push it—and the quiet swish of the soft brush on the dirty leather is a faint but familiar music to his ears.
"How's your head?" Gwaine asks, finally, with a quick glance over at Merlin. "Looks pretty bad to me."
"It's fine," Merlin says, and he's not sure what shuts him up, what holds him back, what makes him say it's fine when he's almost certain he's never felt less fine in his life, but there's simply nothing else for it—he has to be here for Arthur until the melee is over, so there's no point in whining or moaning about it when he's got no choice but to grit his teeth and get on with it, anyway. "I'm fine."
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Merlin isn't sure what makes him pull back the red silken cloth on the table—he's only here to take the dinner plates back to the kitchens—but he pulls back the cloth, and the glint of the swords beneath fascinates him, in a way swords have never fascinated him before. The cold gleam of steel is murder on his throbbing head, but it's like he can't look away, and before he knows it, he's picked them up, the hilts cool and heavy in his hands, and he stares and he stares and he stares.
He's not sure what's wrong with him. It feels like his mind is moving too slowly, all of a sudden, like a hand has ripped his skull open, and poured thick, sticky syrup inside, gumming up his brain until he can't think straight, until he can hardly think at all, and it takes him far too long to remember he's only here to pick up the dirty plates, he shouldn't be playing with the swords, he has to put them down and get on with it and—
—and the blunt blade slips, and cuts him, much deeper than a blunt blade should.
He stares at the blood on the tip of his finger, bright and thick and red—
"What are you doing with that, boy?"
He whirls around—he knows he shouldn't, he knows it will only make his head hurt, and it makes him look guilty besides, like he's doing something he shouldn't, like he's doing something he knows he shouldn't— "Uh," the sword slips from his slack fingers, and he presses his bleeding hand, on reflex, into his chest, so the knights can't see the cut, but—but why's it is so important that the knights can't see—? "I-I was just tidying—"
"Keep away from things that don't concern you," Sir Oswald snaps, sharp and cold as the sword at Merlin's feet, and his eyes like ice as he glares, and for the first time since he met the man, Merlin feels the tiniest thrill of fear.
He gathers up the plates, and he leaves, and he's much happier than he should be, to get away from Sir Oswald.
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Merlin tells Gaius about the sword.
It takes him the entire walk down to the kitchens, and the entire walk back to his chamber, to work out what the knights want with blunted-sharp blades, and that feels unbelievably, embarrassingly long, and he's sure if this horrible headache would just go away, he could think much clearer, he's sure if he could just stop stumbling and tripping, if the world would stop tilting, if those white stars would stop popping—
So Merlin tells Gaius about the sword—or, he means to tell Gaius about the sword, but the minute the old man sees him, he lets out a little gasp, steers him over to the nearest cot, and pushes him down onto it, and Merlin is far too tired to fight him on it.
"What happened to your head?" Gaius demands at once.
Oh. Oh, that's right, isn't it, Gaius hasn't seen him in days—the old man is always out when he gets home at night, and he's just too tired lately to wait up the way he usually does. He rubs lightly at his temple, where the pain burns hottest, with a little wince, before he forces himself to shake his head, to shove it down. "It's nothing," he says, and he tries to sound firm about it, too, but his voice sounds slow and slurred and small in his ears, "it's nothing, I'm fine—listen, I was in Sir Oswald's chambers just now, and I—"
"Merlin," Gaius says sharply, "what's happened to your head?"
"Yeah, I'm no physician," Gwaine tosses out, from his spot on the bottommost step in the dark, narrow stairway, "but you really don't look so good, mate, you should get yourself checked over."
Merlin throws him a glare.
Gwaine stares back, entirely unrepentant.
Gaius raises his brow.
"Okay, fine, I-I hit my head," Merlin concedes, because he knows he can steer the talk back around to the sword much quicker if he gives a bit of ground here, "in that fight in the tavern, but it's not important, it doesn't matter—I have something to tell—"
"The fight in the tavern?" Gaius echoes, like he hasn't heard about that already, like Merlin and Arthur didn't fill him in when they brought Gwaine to him, except they did. "Merlin, that was days ago!"
"It's fine," Merlin says, again, except he sounds worse than ever, weak and wavery, and he balls his hands up in fists on his knees so Gaius won't see he's shaking, "it's not a big deal, it doesn't matter, it'll heal up soon, I'm sure the chair didn't even hit me that—"
"The chair?" Gaius' brow has never jumped so high so fast.
"The chair?" Gwaine squawks and leaps up off the stairs.
Merlin realizes far too late that he's said far too much. "It doesn't matter, it was just—" he shakes his head, "—some madman chucked a chair at me, all right, but some other madman is going to—"
"A chair?" Gaius says, again, his pale eyes very wide. "Merlin, you could have died from a blow like that! Why didn't you come to me and—?"
"Please, Gaius!" Merlin blinks against the sudden burn of furious tears behind his eyes. "Please, listen to me, this is important. Sir Oswald's using a trick sword! He means to murder Arthur in the melee!"
And Merlin has never, ever been more grateful for the old man in his entire life, because Gaius listens. He sits up, a bit straighter, on his stool, and he drops his withered white hand back into his lap—out of the corner of his eye, Merlin can see Gwaine edging a bit nearer—
"All right," Gaius says at last. "All right, Merlin. Tell me everything. But let me have a look at your head while you're here."
Oh, thank God. Merlin drags in a shaky little breath of relief, and hastily gabbles it all out as quickly as he can. "H-He's got a sword in his chambers, and to the eye, it appeared—" it takes him too long to come up with the word, because thinking too hard makes his head pound, "—blunt—but when I touched it…" he holds up his bleeding finger for Gaius to see.
The old man clicks his tongue. Like it's Merlin's fault he thought a blunt sword wouldn't cut him.
"Trick sword?" Gwaine frowns. "Then you were lucky it was just your hand. I've seen those blades in action. They're forged using sorcery."
Gaius lets go of Merlin's hand and stands up to prod at his bruised head again instead. "But what would they want with such a blade?"
"To kill Arthur," Merlin says, because it's obvious, now that he's finally realized it. "In the melee."
"But in front of all those people?" Gaius says, doubtfully, his brows pinched, and he presses his finger lightly to Merlin's temple.
"—perfect cover—" Gwaine's voice, quiet and loud and quiet again, rings suddenly through the room, "—nobody will suspect—"
"I-I need to warn Arthur," Merlin pulls back from Gaius' touch with a little wince, and hegets up, but he is so dizzy, and so tired, that the minute he's on his feet, he crashes right back down to the cot in mere moments.
"Not so fast, Merlin," Gaius says grimly, like Merlin was making any great leaps and bounds to the door, "—bad shape—no fit state to—"
"—I-I've got to!" Merlin tries to stand up again, but it's so hard, and his head feels so heavy— "—I've got to—I've got to tell Arthur—"
"Sir Oswald's a knight—from a well-respected family—" Gaius says, "—good friend to Arthur—can't accuse him without proof—"
"—then—" a sudden shock of pain pulses through his head, and Merlin rubs at his brow, "—then I need to—to get the sword from Sir Oswald—"
"No, Merlin, absolutely not—completely ridiculous—no fit state, as I said—a chair to the head, and you still—foolish boy—" Gaius' voice goes quiet and loud and quiet again, too, like Merlin's slipping in and out of deep, dark water, over and under the rolling black tide of pain.
"I'll get it," Gwaine says, suddenly. "I'll get it, Gaius."
And the last thing Merlin hears—before the stars flare up in front of his eyes again, big bright bursts, radiant and blinding and almost beautiful, before he slumps down sideways onto the cot, and passes out—is the quiet creak of Gaius' door, and the thud of Gwaine's boots as he leaves the room.
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Merlin wakes up slowly.
The room is dark. The windows are shut, the curtains pulled tight over the dirty glass, and the candles on the table burn low.
It's cold. Gaius has taken his jacket from him while he slept—he can see the rough brown cloth flung over the back of the nearest chair—and his shirt is wrinkled from where he slept on it. He's not sure he wants to go to all the hassle of straightening it.
He still feels funny—fuzzy and bleary, like he's lost in a thick fog, like he's looking out at the world through dirty glass, like he's looking out at the world through a dark veil—but there's only the barest ache at the back of his skull, and when he opens his eyes, the room only slopes a little to the left.
He's still so exhausted, and he already wants to go back to sleep, but he can't go back to sleep—he's supposed to be with Arthur right now, or he's supposed to be doing something for Arthur, isn't he? Isn't that right? Hasn't he got something to do for Arthur? Hasn't he got something really important to do for Arthur? Isn't there something really bad he can't let happen to Arthur—?
It hits him in a cold shock of ice, and he bolts upright in the bed. "Sir Oswald."
"Merlin!" And, all of a sudden, out of the blue, utterly inexplicably, Arthur is there, his hands on Merlin's wrists, gentle but firm, his brow pinched, his face pale. "For God's sake, you idiot, lie back—!"
"S-Sir Oswald," Merlin gasps, breathless, frantic, "he's got a—a sword, and it—it looks blunt, but it's actually—"
"Merlin," Arthur says, sharper now, and he shoves Merlin back down to the bed, hard, "for God's sake, stop being an imbecile. Everything's all right, Gwaine showed me the sword, Sir Oswald's been dealt with."
Merlin almost doesn't believe it, but he can't think what would make Arthur lie to him, either. "H-Has he?"
"Yes." Arthur's blue eyes darken. "And it wasn't Sir Oswald. It was that thug from the tavern, Dagger."
"Oh." Merlin slumps down a little deeper into the pillows—now that he knows Arthur's not in danger, he's sorely tempted to go back to sleep again.
"Wonder if Dagger was the one," Arthur says, in that casual sort of voice that means he's actually seething with sheer rage, "who threw a chair at your head in the fight."
There it is.
Merlin winces. "Look, Arthur, I—"
"You know, there's one thing I'm a bit curious about," Arthur cuts him off, talking deliberately louder than he needs to. "Are you really stupid enough to think you can take a chair to the face and just walk 'round like nothing happened?"
Merlin flushes. "I thought I was all right, I-I felt all right—"
"You don't just take a chair to the face and feel all right!"
"Well, I did." Merlin feels he has to point this out, if only to see if it will finally shut Arthur up.
"Well, that's not normal!"
Apparently not. Merlin rolls his eyes. "What are you doing here, anyway? Haven't you got the melee to worry about?"
Arthur waves him off with an impatient little flick of his hand. "The melee's over."
"Over?" Merlin echoes incredulously, and he looks at once to the window, but it's still shut, and the only light in the room is the faint glow of the candles, so he whips back around to face Arthur. "H-How long have I been asleep?"
Arthur shrugs. "About five days. Give or take."
"Five days?"
"Well," Arthur says, in a rather sanctimonious sort of way, "that's what happens when you take a chair to the face and walk 'round like nothing—"
"Whatever," Merlin says, and it makes him feel sixteen all over again. "So," he adds, quickly, "so, the melee's over with, and Sir Oswald—Dagger," he corrects himself, "is gone?"
Arthur nods. "Dead. My father had them hanged for attempted treason and, once the life left them, the sorcery wore off, and their true faces were revealed."
"Right," Merlin says. It's rather hard to feel sorry for the brutes. "Right. Good." He nods, and he's surprised it doesn't make his head hurt. "How's Gwaine?"
The corner of Arthur's mouth ticks up in a small smile. "Highly offended. My father's just tried to give him a reward for his part in all this."
Merlin laughs. It's hard not to—he can already see Gwaine's outraged face in his mind. "He hasn't got much love for nobles."
"So I gathered," Arthur says peevishly.
"Well, you can't blame him," Merlin says fairly. "Hard to like nobles when they're all arrogant, supercilious prats—"
Arthur yanks one of the pillows out from behind Merlin's head and stuffs it in his face. "Shut up, Merlin."
The door creaks open and Gaius shuffles in. Merlin hastily peels the pillow away from his nose and mouth.
"Merlin!" Gaius tears the empty basket off his arm and tosses it onto the nearest chair before he hurries over to the bed. "You're awake!" He grabs Merlin's wrist to feel the pulse there. "Any pain? Nausea? Dizziness?"
"No," Merlin says, truthfully, "no, I'm fine."
Gaius' eyebrow creeps up an inch or so.
"Just tired," Merlin admits, a bit sullenly.
Gaius nods. "Right, then, that's good. Thank you for staying with him, Sire," he adds, over his shoulder to Arthur. "You may leave now."
"Of course, Gaius," Arthur nods and gets up on his feet, stretching his arms over his head. When the old man turns away to pull a few glass bottles down off a higher shelf, Arthur leans in and adds, in a low whisper, "Don't run into any more chairs while I'm gone. You really haven't got the brains to lose, you know."
And, with a light little pat to Merlin's shoulder, he's out the door.
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angeltrapz · 3 years
hey dude 💚 sorry yr having a shit night too— chainshipping ask tho! I’m always down to head more thoughts abt just. things they do to make th other person smile. but also favorite things to do together? not necessarily Big Activities but the lil domestic stuff (like cooking, maybe chores they do together, etc) that’s just better bc they’re Both doing it
Yeah it was a. rough one kdjks... ty <33
I'm always game to talk abt things they do to make the other smile!! One I think about all the time is the simple act of getting things for each other? Maybe sometimes before they even realize they want said thing, or that they need said thing. As you've mentioned b4 I do think Adam has one of those lavender-scented stuffed animals that you can put in the microwave (I have!! the celebration bear one, who naturally is named Lawrence bc he's blue... and uh... I associate teddy bears. w him) and sometimes, when Adam is doing poorly and has gone nonverbal, Lawrence will just be like "Oh! I know what might help!” so he’ll grab the husky from the bedroom (got Rlly attached to that idea when you mentioned it <33) and pop it in the microwave for a minute, rounding back to the couch to hand Adam one of his shirts to snuggle in and a kiss on the forehead. When he gets Adam’s husky from the microwave and hands it to him, Adam just kinda has a moment like oh... I didn’t even have to ask... and he smiles, for the first time that day, and honestly? It rlly does help, to have someone who knows what might comfort you/knows what types of things do, and who just. Does those things when you need them, sometimes without prompt. It’s an intimate kind of knowledge, and it makes Adam feel all warm on the inside.
Another good example of this is Adam making sure Lawrence has his cane while he's walking around the apartment, esp those first few months when he's just getting used to using it - because he's still learning + trying to get used to walking with his (properly fitted) prosthetic, he often left the cane in random places because Adam would often offer his arm if Lawrence needed it (which, again, took some time for him to be okay with, but Adam always tells him it's okay to need help sometimes), and it would frustrate him because he'd be sitting on the couch like "I. I don't know where I put it." but Adam will be like "It's okay, I know where it is!" and it's as simple as that! Lawrence can't help but smile when Adam hands it to him because Adam just. He gets how hard it is. It's so simple to Adam but to Lawrence it means a whole lot. <3
Something else is that Lawrence will remind him to eat. I've touched on this a little bit b4, but Adam has issues with food that extend past textures and tastes and such - his eating is very disordered, and has been since childhood. He doesn't eat three meals a day, sometimes he hardly eats anything at all (usually the bare minimum that will allow him to take his medications without getting sick), he tends to gravitate towards snacks/easy foods that aren't necessarily super healthy, and combined with him already being underweight + having spent the last seven or eight years since leaving his parents' place at 18 getting by on very little, it causes him frequent dizzy spells/fainting episodes. It also takes him a while to realize that hey, I don't have to spread my meals out anymore, I don't have to worry about getting food, and I don't have to feel guilty about eating when I'm hungry. I think Lawrence is a very observant person by nature, and while he might not understand it fully right away, I think he'd definitely realize that some of these issues are tied to the state of the apartment he'd seen only once + Adam's life from before.
So he doesn't force him to eat, obviously, because that doesn't work and helps no one, but he will definitely be like "Hey, I know you're not feeling great today, but why don't I grab you a granola bar or something? We have those oranges you like too. I just want to make sure you don't give yourself a headache or get sick." and admittedly Adam is. Not used to that kind of regard whatsoever. But it feels so much easier to at least eat something small when he knows Lawrence sees him, understands that it's hard and isn't forcing anything out of him. I do think that once they settle into a routine after moving in together, some of that becomes a little bit easier because hey, he's not living paycheck to paycheck, he doesn't have to survive off of ramen and monster energy, he's allowed to eat and not worry about what happens after. The stress of worrying about groceries is definitely nonexistent with Lawrence, and that takes so much weight off of Adam's shoulders; not to embtion the fact that Lawrence is also conscious about his same foods, and makes sure they've always got some in the kitchen. It's not easy, but having someone care about him so much, someone who wants to make sure he's eating right and caring about him like that always makes Adam smile a little bit.
For Lawrence, I think a big thing is just like... seeing Adam hanging out with Diana? There's nothing that will put a smile on his face faster than coming home from work to find the two of them in the living room, a Disney movie (or The Princess Bride!) playing in the background while Diana paints Adam's nails bright glittery blue and pink, because she wanted to practice patterns and she really likes the glitter. Her nails are already painted black with a glitter coat on top - "Adam's nails always look so pretty like that, and he said maybe I couldn't do full black, so he put glitter on them too!" - and he's sitting there, hand spread out on the coffee table while they both sit on the floor, talking about anything and everything that pops into Diana's head, and Lawrence just kind of stands there and watches for a little while. His two favourite people, relaxing together, enjoying each other's company. Adam turns around and Lawrence has always got this huge grin on his face, just like, "Oh, don't mind me. What was it you were talking about, Diana?" which of course prompts her to jump up to give him a huge hug, but after that she's right back to painting Adam's nails, and Lawrence is more than content to just sit in and listen. (He also absolutely adores finding Adam reading to her before bed, because he does voices and everything. He gets a little bit embarrassed about it at first, but once he sees Lawrence watching them with the most loving look he thinks he's ever seen, he just blushes, smiles back, and continues. Sometimes Lawrence joins in, but not always, because then it becomes a competition of voices and they'll never get Diana to bed if she's laughing too hard!!)
Another is that Adam is really good at pulling him out of his own head. He can usually tell when Lawrence is thinking way too hard about something, or when he's beating himself up for some perceived slight he feels he's somehow performed, or when something is bothering him and he's debating whether or not to bring it up for fear of bothering Adam. Often times he'll just sit beside him wherever he is, or lead him somewhere to sit down if they're standing, and he'll just guide Lawrence's head to rest on his chest and he'll just talk softly, making sure Lawrence isn't sitting in silence, knowing that Lawrence doesn't typically feel up to talking himself right away. He'll run his fingers through his hair and tell him about his day, or something he saw while scrolling through his phone/on TV, sometimes he'll read to him, basically just letting him know that hey, I'm right here, I know you're not doing great right now, and that's okay. I'm here for you. Lawrence cries sometimes when Adam does this, the relief of being held + feeling safe enough to express his emotions making it easier, but he smiles by the end of it because he knows how much Adam loves him + wants to make sure he's okay, and he knows that Adam isn't going to judge him. It's the safety of it all. <3
Favourite things to do together!!! Like you mentioned I like to think they do chores together! It’s just more fun that way. Again as you’ve mentioned b4, I think Adam has some difficulty with the dishes despite liking the repetitiveness of the task, both because of textures and because of his shaky hands - so what they do is Lawrence will wash the plates themselves and then hand them off to Adam, who will dry them and put them away/the strainer! They both find it helps a lot to just be around each other like this, listening to the radio above the stove and bumping hips, tapping their feet, sometimes humming along if they know the song well enough. It’s just a nice little routine. (Sometimes they dance in the kitchen after, and sometimes to the goofiest pop songs Adam has ever heard, but if you heard that, no you didn't.)
They like folding laundry together, too! That one is just because it's fun. Lawrence will toss him one or two of his shirts while they're warm because he knows Adam likes the feeling + stealing Lawrence's clothes, and every now and then Adam will throw a washcloth at him just 'cause he thinks it's funny (it is, especially bc Lawrence's gut response is to throw it back?? so they look like two dorks bc they're just throwing it back and forth???), and it's just a nice way to share space. Sometimes they get a bit too caught up in whatever is on TV (its on bc they both need background noise) and end up just sitting against the couch, two baskets of laundry on either side of them, and then eventually Adam will be like "Okay babe I think we should probably finish folding clothes now," and Lawrence will just groan like "I forgot that's what we were doing. Damn it." and they take a moment to laugh before they finish up. (Adam Loves hearing Lawrence swear bc he doesn't do it often, so even smth as simple as "damn it" cracks him up for a good minute lmao!!)
I do think they also enjoy cooking together!! Adam will hand him ingredients/assist in cutting vegetables/what have you; I think, for the most part, that Lawrence does the majority of the cooking, but Adam does help where he can! Sometimes he'll just hop up onto the counter and hand Lawrence things as he needs them, and Lawrence thanks him with either a squeeze to his hand or a kiss on the cheek, and Adam will joke about how he's basically just sitting there looking pretty, but he learns very quickly that Lawrence will just be like "Well, you DO look very pretty, so I think that's fine," and it ends with Adam red in the face but smiling into his hands anyway. The payoff is always a nice meal that they can sit down to together, and it's just such a peaceful, enjoyable thing for them to do together!!
Other than those three they'll take turns doing chores for each other - sweeping, dusting, tidying up the bathroom, things like that just to help each other out <3
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pandoraborn · 4 years
Chapter 7 (AO3 Link)
Content: Injuries, hospital visit, drugs, mention of bruises, self doubt, SBI family fluff, mention of kidnap Characters: Philza, Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade Word count: 3521 words
It’s the feeling of fingers in his hair that has him stirring. He’s still half in a dream, and he can imagine those fingers to be from some long-forgotten parent that no longer exists. Tommy imagines a mother singing to him, but the voice whispering to him is too deep to come from a woman. The voice does have the benefit of sounding familiar, so Tommy struggles to blink his eyes open. He’s still far too sleepy to really move around much, but he focuses a blurry gaze on the figure sitting by his bedside.
“Hello, Tommy.” It’s Phil. He’s wearing a gentle smile, and the setting sun coming in behind him is still too bright to be allowed; Tommy’s squinting and turning his head away.
“Phil?” Tommy’s own voice is still too groggy and weak. He’s trying to remember how he ended up here. It’s clearly the hospital, if the sterile aura is anything to judge. He wishes he were at home in his own bed, but at least the hospital bed is comfortable enough for him to stay put for now.
“How’re you feeling, son?” Phil gets up to close the blinds, providing an instant relief. “You’ve been asleep for some time now. Your brothers will be happy to know you’re finally awake.”
Oh. He remembers now. He’d gotten seriously hurt in a training session with Dream. The entire past few days is nothing but a large blur, but Tommy does remember vividly how determined he’d felt toward the end, and how much he still wants to prove himself. It shouldn’t have ended like that.
Flinging an arm across his eyes, he lets out a heavy sigh, not sure what to feel anymore.
“Tommy?” Phil gently moves his arm to the side, and Tommy’s vision blurs again when he sees the concerned expression on Phil’s face. “Are you hurting anywhere?”
“No.” It’s mostly true. Aside from minor, vague aches, Tommy can’t feel much. He assumes it’s because of the drugs in his system, and he knows there are drugs. One does not get admitted to the hospital without being dosed with a plethora of painkillers.  “What happened?”
“I was hoping you’d tell me that,” Phil says. “George called me after you and Dream were admitted, and I came as soon as I could.”
“How long was I even here?”
“About a day or so,” Phil responds. “You’ve been asleep. Sedated, I think. The doctor said every time you woke up you cried out of pain. I heard you took a heavy fall.”
Tommy breathes out slowly. He remembers the fall too well. Falling into a ravine, having to tend to Dream, venting his frustrations... “Yeah. It fucking hurt.” He tries to manage a grin, but it feels lopsided, and Tommy can feel the sluggishness weighing him down again. Tommy doesn’t want to sleep though, he wants to stay awake and talk to Phil. After days of not seeing his family, he wants to spend as much time with them as possible.
“Phil, can I ask you something?” Tommy asks. He watches Phil for a reaction, and gets one in the form of a tilted head and a curious hum. “Why did you let them take me?”
“I think this is a line of questions and answers that’s best left for when you’re feeling better.” Phil’s too good at keeping his voice gentle. “I will tell you though, I am proud of you. I heard from Bad that you did great for your first run. I know how much you’ve been wanting a chance to prove yourself. I’m very proud of you.”
Tommy’s eyes water. It’s the words he’d been wanting to hear for ages, but it feels so hollow right now. Like Phil is only proud of him for doing something big, and not just proud of him in general. There’s no energy left to clarify what Phil actually means, but he can guess what the answer is. Tommy realizes that Phil probably wants to hear ‘dad’ just as much as Tommy wants to hear ‘I’m proud’, but Tommy can’t bring himself to say the words.
“I should go to sleep.” Tommy turns away again, letting depression settle over him. Instead of wishing he was back at home, he’s now wishing he could go back out into the plains and practice speedrunning again. His fingers are itching to craft tools and see how fast he can run this time. It’d be far easier now with all that experience and knowledge under his belt; it’d probably even be easy to accomplish it with all three members of the team chasing after him.
“Tommy, listen.” Phil reaches over and pats Tommy’s shoulder. The teen scoots closer unconsciously, not wanting that comfort to end. “I mean it. I’m proud of you, alright? You’re my son. It doesn’t matter what you do or what you don’t do, I’m always going to be proud of you. I don’t say that enough, and you need to hear it.”
“Thank you.” Tommy’s voice is cracked and hushed. Tears are forming, and he hastily tries to wipe them away, telling himself it’s just the drugs in his system, and not actual emotions. “I just…” The words trail off there. His mind blanks out as soon as the words are out of his mouth, and that’s when Tommy knows he needs to go back to sleep. A pitiful expression is thrown toward Phil, who laughs. Phil goes back to threading his fingers through Tommy’s hair, sending the teen into a more relaxed and sleepy state of mind. For the first time in days, Tommy feels safe and comforted.
“Go to sleep Toms. You’ll be able to go home soon. Your brothers will be happy to see you, alright?”
“Mm.” It’s all Tommy can manage now, and before long, he’s asleep. He doesn’t remember his dreams, but that’s alright. He’s with his dad, and that’s what’s most important.
“Tommy, oy.” A finger prods at his cheek, and Tommy swats at it irritatingly. He’d been having a dream about doing parkour in a swimming pool, he’d like to go back to that dream. “Tomathy, wake up.” The finger prods at him again, forcing Tommy to blink his eyes open.
Wilbur’s standing over him. He’s wearing an annoyingly bright smile on his face, the kind that makes Tommy want to shove his brother’s face into a pillow. Groaning, Tommy rolls over onto his stomach, still too out of it to remember he’d already been checked out, and had fallen asleep waiting for a ride.
“You can sleep at home, you know. I’ve come to take you there.” He can hear Wilbur leaning in closer, lowering his voice as well. “This is a dream, Tommy. You’re asleep, and you’re having a dream. You’re dreaming of… of ice cream! You want ice cream. Maybe if you cooperate with me, I’ll buy you some on the way.”
This gets his attention. Pushing himself upright brings a new wave of pain, but Tommy grits his teeth and keeps silent about it. If Wilbur knew Tommy was still hurting, he’d probably try to keep Tommy here a lot longer. Home is far more ideal than the stupid hospital. It’s been what, close to two days now?
“What was that thud earlier?” Tommy grunts. Sitting up makes him feel dizzy. At least Wilbur is nice enough to offer a hand out for him to grip onto. “Did you trip over your own feet again?” He takes the offered hand and tugs on it, pulling himself to his feet. The head rush has Wilbur tightening his grip on Tommy, because he’s dangerously close to falling to the floor.
“It wasn’t a bang, Tommy. I was setting something down on the nightstand.” Wilbur chuckles. “You’re alright, yeah?” The expression on his face is more concern than amusement. Tommy nods without saying anything, though he glances toward the door to indicate where he wants to go.
“Alright.” Wilbur nods in response. He picks up the phone he’d set down. That’s probably the whump he’d heard, it only sounded loud because he’d been asleep. “We’ll get you a milkshake on the way home, alright? You look like you need some.”
“I barely remember anything while here,” Tommy grumbles. “I remember changing a little while ago, and then I guess I fell asleep again.” Oh yeah, his nurse had checked him out already.
“You’re on...I think Phil said a few different painkillers. I’m not surprised you’re feeling loopy right now.” Wilbur puts a hand on Tommy’s shoulder to steer him out of the room. “Also, I already grabbed everything that belongs to you. All that’s left is to go home.”
“Where’s Phil?”
“He had to run a few errands today. He should be at home by the time we get there, so don’t you worry.” He guides Tommy out of the room, down the hall, and toward the exit. Wilbur only lets go of Tommy to open the doors for him, before guiding him out to the car.
Tommy sits and stares at himself in the rear-view mirror. He’s still a mess: covered with bandages and bruises that are fading, but still visible. He looks high, clearly still on pain medication and it visibly shows in the way his eyes are drooping and bloodshot. Turning the mirror away, Tommy resigns himself to staring out the window during the drive.
As promised, Wilbur does stop to get him a milkshake. It’s chocolate, which is okay with Tommy, though he would have preferred something more fun to drink. At the very least, it’s something he can remember putting into his mouth. By the time they arrive home, Tommy’s already mostly finished drinking it. It’s not solid food, but Tommy’s not feeling very hungry anyway. He’d rather go to bed and sleep off whatever drugs are still in his system.
It takes a few moments for him to get out of the car and inside the house. He stops right in the entry, glaring at the house in general. Everything comes rushing back to him; he’d gone to bed one night, and woke up in the middle of a forest. No one had bothered to come looking for him? Had all three of them known where he was the whole time?
He remembers the strange looks he’d gotten from Wilbur and Techno his last night here. Of course they knew. Phil had known. Phil had given permission for Dream to kidnap him. Did that mean his brothers had given that same permission?
Anger rushes through him, stronger than any exhaustion or pain. No longer is he leaning against Wilbur, now he’s pulling himself away stiffly. His trust in his own family is shattered; they’d put him in danger.
“Tommy?” Wilbur sounds concerned. It seems to click a second later, because he clicks his tongue. “Shit. Phil?”
“I’m here!” Phil calls out. He appears in view a second later, wearing a grin on his face. The smile wilts when he sees the furious expression on Tommy’s face. “Hi, Toms. Welcome home, are you alright?”
“You let them take me,” Tommy says flatly. “You knew what they were up to, you knew they were going to kidnap me, and you didn’t tell me.”
Phil lets out a heavy sigh. “You just arrived home. Come sit down, please. I owe you a conversation.”
“I don’t want to have a conversation,” Tommy mutters. “I want to go to bed.”
Wilbur makes the decision for him, by pushing him toward Phil. Tommy stumbles, but Phil is quick to grab at him. “Wil, don’t push him around like that. Tommy, please sit and talk to me.”
Tommy tries to pull back, but Phil tightens his grip on him, guiding him toward the sofa. Sitting down, Tommy squeezes himself into the corner of the couch, glaring at the ground.
“I knew you wanted it,” Phil starts off. “I don’t have any other way to excuse my actions, but we all knew you would want it. You like trying to prove yourself.”
“So you let him kidnap me?”
“The focus shouldn’t be on that,” Phil says. “You’re right, I should have talked to you before it happened, you should have been able to go willingly. We know you though, you’re too afraid to take risks when we all know you’re dying for a chance to rise above us. We can tell it’s got you down.”
Hunching forward, Tommy scrubs at his face. His breathing is quickening, causing his chest to tighten, and he knows he’s on the verge of tears. “I’m never going to be better than any of you,” he admits. “You three are legends. I’m just some dumb-”
“Hey.” Wilbur’s speaking now, Tommy can feel him drop on the couch next to him. “You’re not a dumb kid, alright? You never give yourself any sort of credit, so yeah… we messed up by not talking to you about Dream’s hand beforehand. That’s entirely our fault.”
Tommy grips the edge of Wilbur’s sleeve, realizing he desperately needs some sort of comfort. All his defenses are starting to break down, leaving him feeling vulnerable and helpless, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep the tears at bay.
“I just… I just want to be good,” he whispers. “I’m useless, I’m reckless, and they...I hurt Dream. He’s never gonna talk to me again.”
Wilbur responds by wrapping both arms around Tommy. “Hey, you’re not useless, you’re a damned prodigy. You’re my brother, Tommy. You’re so much better than you’ve ever given yourself credit for. You work hard, you play harder, and you’ve had so many shining moments in the championships. Why are you so hard on yourself?”
He curls into his older brother, letting the dam break. It’s hard to speak for the longest time, though Wilbur is helping by rocking him back and forth. There are so many ways to explain where he went wrong, but the words aren’t coming easily.
Though Phil seems to understand well enough to take a very accurate guess.
“Is it because you feel like you have to compete with us?” Phil asks. “Something about not being good enough, because I adopted you?”
“Oh, Tommy’s home?” Techno’s voice drifts down from upstairs. Tommy immediately pulls away from Wilbur, wiping at his eyes. He can be soft around Wilbur, but Techno is even more of a legend. They love each other, sure, but Techno’s name is the biggest in the league, Tommy still feels intimidated by him, even now. “Heyy, Tommy!” Techno appears at the bottom of the stairs, wearing a thin-lipped smile on his face. “Heard you were coming home from the hospital today… are you crying?”
“Shut up Blade,” Tommy mutters, turning his body away. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“He’s having an inferiority complex,” Wilbur stage-whispers. Tommy swats him in the shoulder for that, earning a giggle for his efforts.
“I am not,” Tommy snaps. “We’re talking about how you all fucked up and betrayed me.” He shoots his tongue out at Wilbur, but wilts at the look Phil is throwing at him. “...maybe a little talk about how I’m not good enough for this family.”
“Bruh, you got Dream’s attention,” Techno points out. “Dream doesn’t up and recruit just anyone. I had to chase him down at one of the championships to get his attention.” He rolls his eyes, but sits on the floor in front of Tommy. “If you’re good enough for Dream, you’re good enough for us.” He sounds so confident. It’s so easy for Techno to be confident, he’s a god among gods. There’s no hope of Tommy ever coming close to catching up to his level of skill. At least, that’s what’s currently on his mind.
He rubs at his eye with the heel of his hand. “It’s my fault Dream and I ended up in the hospital,” Tommy reminds him. “Everyone says it behind my back, when they think I can’t hear them. That I don’t listen, I’m too loud, too reckless. Or worse, even too bossy. I’ve heard people say I talk over all three of you too much and that’s why I drag everyone down.”
“Are you seriously taking all that to heart?” Wilbur asks. “Tommy, everyone talks crap about everyone else.”
If this is meant to be reassuring, it’s not working. Tommy buries his face in the arm of the sofa with a dramatic wail.
“Okay no, that’s not what I meant. Let me backup a few sentences.” Wilbur chuckles, but grabs at Tommy’s arm to pull him upright. “Tommy, look at me. Are you looking?”
Tommy faces him, then looks past him at Phil, then finally turns his gaze down toward Techno. All three of them are here, and whatever Wilbur’s about to say has to be important, because they’re all here, and they’re all being so nice to him. It’s overwhelming, because he can’t remember the last time the four of them had sat down for a serious conversation like this.
“Tommy. You’re our brother, you’re Philza’s son. You have to stop comparing yourself to us, you have to stop trying to live up to an impossible standard. It’s impossible to reach because not even we are up there. Not even Dream is up there. You know us, you know us more than you think you do. You know Dream, and Sapnap, and Bad and George now. What have you learned from your time with us, and with them?”
“...Sapnap was kind of a dick,” Tommy mutters, once he thinks everything over. “Bad was annoying, and like...Dream was... “
“They’re human,” Wilbur finishes for him. “We’re all human. We’re not super gods or unreachable. You can’t keep trying to measure up, because there’s nothing to measure up to. You’re already there.”
“Yeah, like. Tommy, c’mon.” Techno starts laughing. His approach seems more lukewarm than Wilbur’s, but Tommy can hear the care in his voice all the same. “You’re really good in the championships. You brought up all the negativity surrounding you, but you’re completely brushing over what good things people’ve said too. You’re a great leader, you fight hard, and you’re really good at taking people down. You’re seriously a force to be reckoned with. If you were really that bad, I don’t think Dream would have picked you out of the crowd.”
“It’s not Dream, is it?” Phil asks quietly.
Tommy shakes his head, confirming their suspicions.
“Oh, Tommy.” Phil breathes lightly. “Of course we love you. You’re more than enough for us. There is no ‘good enough’ or whatever you’ve gotten in your head over the past few days.”
“I want to prove myself.” His voice is shaky, but he’s not crying as hard anymore. “You…you’ve never said you were proud of me. I never knew why you adopted me, I just felt like I had to go into competitions and... and I just…”
“I adopted you because I liked the charisma you had,” Phil says. “And still have. You were a little boy who laughed in spite of the hardships in life, and I wanted your spark to brighten my own life. I never intended to force you into anything. I love you as you. Whatever you do with your life has to be your decision, I’ll be proud of you regardless.”
“You mean it? All of you?” Tommy sits up straighter now. A weight feels like it’s been lifted off his chest and shoulders, and while it’s a nice feeling, it doesn’t change the fact that Dream probably won’t talk to him again.
“Of course. And if you’re still worried about Dream and his team, I can give them a call for you. Perhaps we can arrange another training session, with your permission this time. I’ll not make that same mistake again.”
Tommy nods, finally. He’s ready to go to bed, feeling wiped out all over again. “Yeah. Thanks… dad. I love you too.”
“You called him dad!” Wilbur cheers. “You actually called him dad!”
It takes a minute for Tommy to remember he’d always avoided that word for whatever reason. This conversation had been more therapeutic than he’d expected, so he slumps back against the couch. He’s too tired to really pay attention anymore. Phil’s reaction is hard to miss though; the man looks surprised and near tears himself.
Phil’s clearly happy about the sudden shift in mood though. He’s doing a good job of hiding it as he gets to his feet, moving around Wilbur and Techno to reach for Tommy. “You seem sleepy,” Phil points out. “Why don’t you have a sleep and relax for a few days? We’ll get in touch with Dream and see if we can’t try again?” Tommy nods at the offer. Getting to his feet, he leans against Phil, letting his father guide him upstairs and to his room.
This time, Tommy doesn’t have to worry about waking up somewhere strange. He feels whole and light, much better than he remembers ever feeling. With his family behind him and cheering him on, he’s pretty sure nothing can drag him down again.
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Traumatizing Baby Danvers!
You had a terrible day at work. Like literally a shitty day and all you want to do was vent your frustrations with your sisters eat pizza and just veg out watching tv. You tried calling Alex, but it went straight to voicemail and then you got a reply from her a few minutes later she texted that she was in a meeting, but if urgent you could call the emergency line.
 It wasn’t an emergency, you were fine just stressed out and emotional, but fine, nonetheless. So, you just texted back that everything was okay and if she wanted pizza night at yours and Kara’s tonight.
She replied that she was game and would see you later followed by several emojis at the end of the text.
 Y/n: “Alex you dork! “- you laughed at your sister’s text
 It was 2 pm which was early, you usually work until later. You do have a very flexible schedule and work hours, but you always stick around the office longer and make sure you’re always on top of everything. 
Today you couldn’t care less, everything that could’ve gone wrong, went wrong even though it wasn’t your fault. Today was not your day. You are a very calm and positive person, always trying to look at the bright side of things and you do everything whiting your power to help. But everyone has a breaking point and you reached out yours, something that rarely happened to you and your boss knew this. You were basically her right hand and because she was a good friend of yours and knew you must’ve been very stressed and overwhelmed, she took pity on you and told you go home to clear your head and come back the next day and you guys would figure things out. Your boss was awesome, and you appreciate having such a great work relationship with her aside from the friendship you two shared.
You called Kara earlier in the morning and asked her if she wanted to have lunch with you, but she told you she had a meeting and would be a very busy day at Catco. She offered to get lunch delivered to you, but you just told her you would get something from the café near your office with the guys from work.
You knew your sisters were very busy people with very important jobs reason why you didn’t n want to disrupt any of their activities. You could sulk for a while on your own at home in your jammies eating ice cream before you got to see your sisters later in the day. You got your favorite ice cream waiting for you at home double fudge chocolate and almonds.
You got home and throw your keys in the table and removed your coat. You were stepping out of your shoes when you hear moaning and then your sister ‘s voice.
Kara: “Ohhh yes yes right there baby. Just like that”.
Lena- panting heavily-: “Oh God!!!”
You stood frozen in place, Lena Luthor had your big sister bend over the couch, and they were both naked. You could see Lena was all flush and sweaty and even though you couldn’t see your sister face only her naked ass and legs while being roughly fucked by the CEO in what seems to be a strap-on, you knew she was pretty much the same.
Y/n: You dropped your bag and cellphone while covering your eyes with both hands – “OH GOD MY EYES! MY EYES!!!! What the hell Kara????!!!!”
You tried to run and leave but in your shock you forgot you were still trying to remove your shoes and when you turned you tripped over your own feet and fell forward hitting your forehead hard against the counter. You felt dizzy but managed to take cover behind the counter and kept your eyes shut. 
Lena: “Oh my God!, I’m so sorry y/n are you okay? Sweetheart?”
Kara speed into some clothes for her and Lena and went to check on you, but you recoil at the touch. 
Kara: “baby? Come little one let me see, please!”
y/N: “Do not call my baby and you Lena don’t say God” -you turned green and gagged.  “I’m sorry okay, I didn’t know you were going to be here. And you know what I’m just going to leave, yes I need to leave”
you were still covering your eyes and forehead with your hands, legs pulled into your chest with your back into the counter.
Kara: “What? No sweetie, come on, let me see you head.” 
Lena and Kara helped you stand up and pried your hands from your eyes. You had tears in your eyes, and you felt very embarrassed for walking into your sister and Lena doing the nasty in the couch. Lena was getting a clean clot to clean the blood in your forehead. When you looked into her eyes you saw how remorseful she looked, and you averted your eyes too look anywhere but at them. Then you saw what was in the counter, empty food containers and your ice cream tub you were so looking for get to.  
All of the a sudden, you weren’t just embarrassed and in pain, you felt anger run through your veins like hot lava all bubbling into the surface after all the stress and bad things that had happened today. You were mad, finally it hit you that Kara blew you off so she could fuck with her girlfriend.
Y/n: “Don’t! Get away from me” -you pushed her away.
You saw Lena standing next to Kara with equal sad expressions and shocked at your anger.
Lena: “sweet girl you are bleeding let us look at your head please. We are so sorry, we never meant for you too see that. We just… well got a little carried away”.  
Y/n: “I don’t fucking care about my head. Just leave me alone and just go and keep fucking each other brains out I’m leaving I can’t be here I’ll be at Alex’s, DO NOT FOLLOW ME!!! “
Kara stopped you by grabbing your arms and look into your eyes, you could see she had tears in her blue baby eyes, and she looked so remorseful. But you did not care, you were so angry and sad that your sister would lie to you for something like this, you couldn’t care less if she wanted to spend alone time with Lena or eat lunch with her instead of you, you weren’t like that and most of all you were happy they were dating , you love Lena like a sister. If they wanted time alone, you would´ve being more than happy to stay out of their way and do something else so they could do whatever they wanted. You felt like you were just an inconvenient and burden to your sister that she rather lied to you to avoid ´hurting´ your feelings.
Kara: “I can’t let you go out like this; you are hurt and angry and I can tell something is bothering you, aside from the obvious. Please let me in, baby. I’m so sorry for what you saw, but please tell me what else is wrong so I can fix it. Please y/n”
Lena was looking at the both of you but clearly out of her depth, it would have been funny to watch under any other situation, but right now you just wanted to be away from the women. You felt embarrassed towards Lena and so mad at your sister.
y/n: “I don’t want to talk, specially not to you. I just want to be alone. And it’s not like I can outrun you or fight you, am I? So please let go of me and let me leave. I can’t be near you right now Kara. I’m feeling so mad right now, and I don’t want to say something I will regret later. I’m holding on by a tread here Kara so, please give me this and let me be alone”
Kara: “baby no, I can’t do that. I don’t want you alone in the streets feeling like this.”
y/n: “No, you don’t get to play all worry sister now. Don’t be a hypocrite”- you said with a tone so venomous that it actually stopped Kara and Lena in their tracks.
Lena: “Ok, we need all to calm down, y/n let me have my driver take you to Alex’s ok? And then in a little while after you all are a bit calmer, you can talk things out. Okay?
You nodded in approval and just walk out of the apartment not saying anything else, not bothering to pick up your cellphone or bag. You knew Lena’s driver would be downstairs in no time.
Kara stayed behind rooting on her spot looking very much like a sad puppy and worried about her baby sister, she went to grab her phone and call Alex right away to let her know what happened and that y/n has heading to her apartment.
You arrived at Alex’ s and didn’t bother in changing or cleaning your forehead or even eating something, you were nauseous you just wanted to sleep and forget about everything and everyone for a while.  You felt bone tired now that the heat of the moment was over, you felt like you overreacted badly but, seriously  you were more mad at yourself for being such a burden and to put so much pressure on your sisters that they felt the need to lie to you instead of telling you things.  You dropped to the bed face down and cried yourself to sleep. You felt so emotional exhausted.
You felt fingers running through your head and face. Tender touches and soft words spoken by your big sister. Alex, you would know her touch and scent anywhere.  You barely open your eyes and looked at her a bit bleary and dazed. Blood -shot eyes. She was laying next to you one arm supporting her head giving you a warm and soft smile. But she looked sad.
Alex: “oh sweet girl, why are you so sad? What can I do?”
You just couldn’t handle so much tenderness from her you just burst into tears and cling to her like a lifeline.  You cried all the sorrow you felt in your heart, your frustrations and bad day. All that was bottle up inside you came bursting in the most awful way, body wracking sobs. Alex held you close to her and let you cry until you were limp pretty much on top of her.  She never let go, just held you and rocked you while humming a tune she used whenever you felt sick or sad.
You felt the bed dip, however it wasn’t Alex, she was holding you it couldn’t be her. Then you felt something cold being pressed to your forehead. Then a soft clot cleaning your face and tears tracks. Kara, you recognize her, and you felt so ashamed after your outburst earlier you tried to move away from her and more into Alex.
You dint see her face, pained by your action. Thinking you were still angry at her. She moved with the intention to leave you and Alex alone. But you just held her hand.  You didn’t speak but you didn’t let go either.
Both your sister waiting patiently giving you all the time you need. Then after what felt like hours, you were so spent that you can tell what time it is anyway.
y/n: “I’m sorry” …you said almost a whisper. But your sisters head you just right.
Alex: “why would you say that?”
Kara: “there’s nothing you should be sorry about, if anything I’m the one that should apologize little one”
y/n: “No Kara, you don’t own me an apology. I overreacted and I was out of line for saying what I said and for being rude and mean to Lena. I’m very sorry.” You sigh sadly and breaths deeply “it’s your apartment and if you want to spend time alone with your girlfriend, you can totally can. It was rude of me just bargaining in and not even tell you I was heading home early. I just thought you were busy and wouldn’t be home until later in the night. I had a very bad stressing day and basically everything went wrong today, and I just wanted to sulk and eat junk food and forget about today. Then I got home and saw you and Lena… “- You trailed off feeling embarrassed for walking on them. “I just should have gone to the café or somewhere else instead”
Kara stops your rambling right there- “Hey hey hey no, look at me please. I’m serious y/n.” You look at your sister with sad eyes “Is not just my apartment, its ours okay? You are not a guest and you don’t ever ever need to feel like you don’t belong there nor that you can’t walk freely anytime you want.  I was wrong by being so careless. I admit I got carried away and well things escalated. I wasn’t supposed to be home and I didn’t blow you off to be with Lena instead. I had a meeting and we were supposed to be working on a new project, but the meeting was cancelled, and the project leaders postponed the review. Lena was visiting and we decided to grab lunch and go to the apartment, I thought you were having lunch with your co-workers it never cross my mind you were going to be home nor you were having a really shitty day. You know you come first I would totally be there if I had known. I’m so sorry little one”
Alex was just listening to all that was being said by you and Kara and understood what happened.
Alex: “I think it was all a big misunderstanding and you were in a very emotional sate and took things harder. But don’t feel like you can’t talk to us about anything sweetie.”
You nodded and felt more tear leaking from your eyes. “It’s just stupid ok? I know you guys are very busy and have important jobs. I was just being ridiculous and childish”
Alex: “No, you don’t get to call my favorite person that, you are very important to us and you know you can always tell us anything and if you were having a bad day and needed one or the two of us, we would have figured something out, because you know that’s how we do thing right? If I needed you or Kara, you would have dropped everything or make sure to check on me. So no, you don’t get to hide or say things like that. You are my baby sister and one of the most important people in my life.”
Kara: “ditto!”
They hold you close, and you let their warm embrace get you to feel better and ease those trouble thoughts you had. You know they only want the best for you and one bad day will never change that.
Y/n: “well, Kara did ate my double fudge chocolate almond ice cream and didn’t left any for me” -You pouted dramatically
Alex: “How dare you Kara? You throw a fit whenever we try to get the last pot sticker or if we touch your ice cream you are always threating us into throwing us into the sun. so, how could you?”– Alex speaks indignantly.
Kara looking sheepishly and ashamed – “I´m so sorry baby, I was going to buy a new one to replaced it before you even arrived home”
You stomach decided to make its presence known by making loud noises.
Alex- “well, we need to feed that beast little one. Come on, Kara is buying tonight”
Kara: “YES! I brought pizza, ice cream, pies and brownies. I´ll reheat the pizza right now” -Kara sped into the kitchen to get things ready.
Alex you help you to your feet and hugged you. You know there were things you needed to talk with your sisters but for new you really wanted to food and feel the comforting arms of your sisters. Alex cleaned quickly your forehead; you had a bit of dried blood but nothing serious.
A little while after the pizza had been eaten and you were lazing in Alex´s couch watching something on Netflix, you weren’t paying too much attention to it. You decided to get back at Kara. You were resting with your head on Alex’s lap and feet on Kara’s. Alex had a glass of wine; Kara was drinking hot chocolate.
y/n: “Alex?”- you asked almost timidly
Alex: “hmm…yes baby?”
y/n: “Did you knew Kara was a bottom?”
Kara was taking a sip of her beverage when she started to cough violently, Alex was not much better choking on her wine.
You just smiled devilish toward Kara, who in return just glared and was looking like a giant tomato by how red she was looking.
Kara: “ha ha , okay yeah. be like that”
Alex was laughing hard, Kara was seriously looking so red.
Alex: “Well its not surprise really, Lena does have very intimidating presence and well, being a top should not be very shocking”.
Kara kept getting redder and redder by the second. But eventually you three calm down and were silent for a moment. Kara thinking the embarrassment was over went to take another sip and you just had to do it.
y/n: “We should really congratulate Kara tough, buy her a cake or something.  Lena does have an amazing body and let me tell you she really knows how to be a top. Like honestly Alex, she made the girl of steel bend to her demands. Like quite literally bend her over and that strap? Kinky much sis? hahahahaha”
Kara: “Stoooooop, oh Rao please stop”.
y/n: “Well, that’s not what you were asking Lena. If I recall correctly you were actually screaming the opposite. And I’m sorry I interrupted, I probably left Lena with a severe case of blue balls.”
Kara was so red you felt like she was about to faint, and Alex was laughing so hard she was in seriously about to lose it and pee on herself.  You just kept smiling and your sister embarrassment.
Kara was about to throw a pillow into your face when Alex held out her hand and stopped her.
Alex: “Stop, both of you. You can´t throw things at her; she has a cut on her forehead. And you stop teasing Kara”- but unable to stop laughing at how red Kara was with embarrassment
y/n: “Do you call Lena daddy?”- you jumped from Alex’s lap and ran towards the bedroom when you saw Kara turn violent red and you kind of felt she was about to use her heat vision.
You knew you were going to pay for what you just did eventually, but it was totally worth it, and you needed the laugh, even if it was at your sister’s expense.
Note: this is a stand alone piece in the same universe as “Make Wise Choices” a fun idea I had and that eventually explains something I'm planning in the main story.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Benadryl - Jumin Han
Warnings: allergic reaction, anxiety
Summary: you’ve lowkey been allergic to cats your whole life. Living with Elizabeth the 3rd has been okay... until one day she scratches you. Cue allergic reaction and Jumin freaking out becoming a helicopter fiancé
A foreword: I get allergy shots for all like 16 of my allergies and they suck~ a very rare side effect for allergic reactions is a feeling of impending doom. I’ve only had this feeling twice since getting shots, but unfortunately today is one of those days. For me it means panic attacks, almost fainting, spot of injection swelling, and genuinely thinking I’m going to die. I’ve been very upset all day so this is kinda for me, but I hope you all enjoy some Jumin fluff :)
You had only been with Jumin for about a month now. The wedding was coming up soon. While Jumin did not believe in couples living together before marriage, he wasn’t against the occasional sleepover, especially to get you out of Rika’s apartment, which he still viewed as dangerous.
He had been stuck in his home office in meetings all afternoon. You managed to entertain yourself, though, putting together a puzzle while sitting with Elizabeth the 3rd.
Everything was going just dandy. You were about a quarter of the way done with the puzzle (it was a very large puzzle), but you heard a loud thud in the other room. It made you jump, knocking a piece off the table. Elizabeth lept down to get it but you rushed to it first. She tried to take it from you, tackling your arm and leaving a sizable scratch.
Elizabeth was not a bitch but... that bitch! It stung. It hurt so bad. Seeing you wince and curse, Elizabeth took a step back, tilting her head curiously at you.
“I’m okay Elizabeth. It’s not your fault,” you reassured her, putting on a smile as though it would make her feel better. She seemed disappointed. She jumped back on the couch and sat down, her gaze still focused on you. You cursed and went to the bathroom to clean it out.
It wasn’t bleeding or anything, but it was bright pink around the edges of the scratch. It was stupid something hurt that bad. It couldn’t be because.. you didn’t think you were allergic anymore.
You ran your arm under cold water, swearing way more than you should have as you felt the sting. You turned off the water, patting it dry with one of the towels in the linen closet, and looked at it again. How was it swelling already? There wasn’t much swelling, but it was a little irritated. You sighed and went back to the couch.
Jumin poked his head out of his office to look at you. “Are you okay, My Love? You sounded distressed.” His hair was ruffled and messy, he looked like he needed a break.
“I’m okay. We heard a loud noise and it frightened Elizabeth the 3rd and I and she accidentally scratched me in the process.” You pet Elizabeth’s head, giving her some affection to show it wasn’t her fault.
“Can I see it?” He pushed himself off the doorframe and went over to you, kneeling by your side. You hesitantly gave him your arm, looking away so you didn’t have to see it or his reaction. He sucked in a breath. “That does not look comfortable.”
“No, but it’s okay.”
“It’s rather swollen. You’re not... allergic to cats, are you?” You glanced over at him, he had his head turned curiously, a very serious look on his face though.
“I mean... I was when I was a kid. I kinda thought it just went away though.”
He snapped up from his position, going into his office, coming back to you with his phone.
“It’s okay! It wasn’t like a deadly allergy or anything. Not like Zen. It just made me rashy and itchy and swollen...”
He shook his head. “I can’t believe you’ve been living with something you’re allergic to.”
“Well I love her Jumin.” You said simply, scratching gently behind her ears.
“Do you want me to call the doctor?” So that’s what he was doing with his phone, pulling up the doctor’s number.
“It’s okay. I’ll take a Benadryl and sleep it off,” you smiled, getting up from your spot to grab a Benadryl from the medicine cabinet. You took one of the pills then made your way back to him, unmoving and glaring at Elizabeth.
“Elizabeth, you cannot do that anymore. She’s allergic. We have to work on being more gentle,” he was reprimanding the cat. It was freaking adorable. His head whipped around to you when he noticed your presence. “All better?”
“It will be. I’m guessing you’re too busy to take a nap with me?” You asked, wringing your hands awkwardly.
“Unfortunately.” He walked over and placed a kiss on the top of your head. “If you need anything, come in and tell me. No- don’t walk. Just call me and I’ll come rushing to your side.”
You plopped down on the couch, putting your legs up. Elizabeth nestled between them. Jumin grabbed the blanket from the top of the couch and opened it up, laying it on top of you. “Sleep tight.” He stooped down to kiss your cheek this time. “Get better, okay?”
You let him go back to work, your eyelids already feeling slightly heavy. It was going to be a good nap.
You checked your phone when you woke up. It had been almost 2 hours? Your arm looked significantly better. You walked over to Jumin’s office door and knocked lightly, waiting for silence before entering.
He was on a call, but he tore his eyes from the screen to look up and smile at you. You pointed to your arm and gave him a thumbs up to tell him it was all better. He smiled and nodded. That was all the communication you needed. You went back to the couch to continue your puzzle.
But the Benadryl wore off eventually. It started to hurt to lift your arm to move the pieces around. And before you knew it, it was swollen again, way more than it was before. Your arm had swelled up to the size of a baseball. It was hard and hot to the touch. You had never had one this bad. You felt dizzy.
It hurt. Tears pricked at your eyes. You were... scared? You hadn’t had an allergic reaction this bad as far as you could remember. It was so so swollen and red and irritated and it hurt like a bitch. Was it harder to breathe or was that just from you panicking? It hurt to take deep breaths.
Don’t bother Jumin, you told yourself, he’s busy with work. It’s probably fine. Why were you looking up allergic reactions on WebMD? Why were they telling you to go to the hospital? Should you go to the hospital? You had never even written out a will. Should you write out a will now? Should you call Yoosung? You hadn’t talked to him in a while and felt kind of bad. Your hands stumbled to call Jumin.
Not even three rings later he was out in the living area, hands resting on your arms and asking you where it hurt. You were crying now. Why were you so scared? “Look how bad it got!” You exclaimed, pointing to the swollen spot.
He glanced at it then looked away quickly, cringing. “I thought the Benadryl helped. Wow, it feels so hot.”
You nodded. “It did help, but it’s worn off now. I just- I feel dizzy and sick to my stomach.”
He held you in his arms, pulling you close for a quick hug. “I’m calling the doctor.”
The call with the doctor was stressful. He paced the room anxiously, answering the questions. It was cute he knew everything about you, previous conditions, everything you had told him at one time or another. Except for the cat thing. That you avoided telling him. He stopped every once in a while to ask a few questions about the allergy and history then continued on the phone.
Finally, he was done. But not for long. He was making another call. This one was short and sweet. “Assistant Kang, cancel all my other meetings for the day.” He paused. “She’s having an allergic reaction. Yes. I need to be with her. I’ll let her know. Goodbye.”
This time he set the phone down, making his way back by your side. “It’s all okay. Assistant Kang sends her best too.”
“What’d the doctor say?” Your breathing had calmed down considerably, but you were still nervous.
“If the Benadryl is helping then that’s a good sign. He wants you to take more and keep resting. The breathing is probably because of a panic attack. Sometimes those suffering from reactions get a ‘sense of impending doom’ as he called it. You think that could be it?” He was stroking your cheek gently, focusing all his attention on you.
“That’s so silly. But probably true. I was worried I was gonna die.”
He hugged you tightly, pulling you as close to him as possible. “I’m sorry. This is scary,” he whispered.
“I’m okay. More Benadryl. You didn’t have to cancel your meetings, you know?”
He pulled back to look at you, shaking his head. “But I did. A nap with you sounds wonderful, especially if it’ll help you feel better.”
He left momentarily, coming back with more Benadryl and water. You took it silently. He sat down on the couch behind you in the small amount of space not occupied by your body. Picking you up as though you weighed nothing, he pulled you on top of his chest and stretched out, kicking his legs up underneath yours.
You positioned yourself so that your nose was nuzzled in his neck. His sharp collarbones and shoulders were never comfy to sleep on, but he had that one sweet spot on his neck that was super comfy.
He let his arms rest on your waist as you curled up into him. Elizabeth jumped up and sat on your legs; you didn’t make an effort to move. It was comfy. He leaned down a little, holding you tight so that you didn’t shift too much, and flung the blanket over your bodies.
“This was a lot of work. Maybe we should’ve just gone to bed,” you giggled.
You could feel his chest shake with a chuckle. “This is absolutely perfect. If we were in bed, you wouldn’t be this close to me.” He grabbed your arm and pulled it up to give you a kiss on the swollen bump. “I hope you feel better. Elizabeth is extremely sorry.”
“And I forgive her. She’s too sweet to stay mad at. And you’re too sweet for staying here with me.”
You let your eyes flutter closed, focusing on the way he hummed to himself, slightly off key, and ran his hands soothingly over your back. The Benadryl was coaxing you to sleep, sure, but he was just so comfy that it made you exhausted, excited to cuddle up and sleep.
I was supposed to write abt Yoosung tonight whoops catch him tomorrow
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satoruvt · 4 years
the color of you - you (7)
thank u for reading. this was an amazing ride. i hope this last chapter is as meaningful to u as it is to me.
pairing → keigo takami x reader
word count → 3249
summary → you’re not really dating, so you can’t really be in love with him... right?
song inspo → kill my time and best years by 5sos and the Tiniest bit of eight by iu x suga!!!
this chapter → y/n’s sad, two cute girls, a text, a talk, kisses, a happy ending for our favorite idiots in love.
warnings → super emotional sex at the end lol
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It’s taken a while for you to get to functioning level. A while, you think, because it’s been two weeks and you just now are starting to take note of the dirty dishes in your sink and the pile of laundry in the corner of your room that you haven’t washed yet. Because it’s been two weeks and most nights you lay in your bed and sit there and stare at the wall. Because it’s been two weeks and you still replay what you said, over and over in your head, because it’s been two weeks and you have to will yourself not to cry when you see Keigo on news reports on TV or in the local newspaper.
A while. And you’re still not… okay, yet. It might take a while longer to get there.
The days go by quickly. You spend your time baking, like usual, but it’s lonesome now. It was never lonesome before Keigo - tiring, sure, but it never made you lonely. He never helped you out anyways, he sat on top of your counters and snuck spoonfuls of cake batter and icing like a brat (and pouted when you said no more, like a brat). And when you’re not baking, you’re scrolling mindlessly through social media. Or crying. Or laying in your bed. Or all three, at once, on the worst nights, because this shit sucks.
In retrospect, you have no idea why this hurts so much. Keigo and you, despite legal arrangements, were never really dating. He was never yours to lose. He was a friend, when it came down to labels. Fake boyfriend, if you really wanna be technical. That’s it, though, nothing else - you two are - were - friends.
Still, it hurts. It hurts a lot. It hurts so much sometimes you think you feel it physically; some nights ago you thought about it and almost-felt a bright flash of pain over your heart, like your brain expected it to happen but it didn’t. You cried for a bit after that. Ran yourself a bath at near-three in the morning, soaked emotionlessly in the hot water in the quiet. It didn’t make you feel much better, not really, but it soothed you at least for a short time.
You’re walking to Angel Cakes (the clouds are painted different shades of gray, so you hurry just in case it starts to rain) when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Your music stops - a call, it seems - and when you pull your phone out to see the number you see it’s Keigo’s publicist. You figured it was coming, but - again - it’d been a while, so it still takes you a bit by surprise.
You don’t even get to murmur out a greeting before the guy’s speaking. “Why did you call it off so suddenly?”
You blink, sigh, don’t even bother with a hello anymore. “I just… couldn’t do it,” you answer, and it’s at least kind of true. Vague, but true.
Keigo’s publicist sighs, this time, and you can almost see him pinching the bridge of his nose. “Okay, well, legally, you’ve only got three weeks left to keep this up. You don’t have to talk to him often, but don’t make it obvious something happened. Do you think you can do that?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“If it really bothers you, I won’t pressure you. Neither will Hawks. But I hope you stick around for what little time is left.”
The call ends with a gentle “okay” on your end, and then his publicist thanks you and hangs up. By the time you put your phone back into your pocket you’ve arrived at the bakery. You walk through the front, offer a few of your employees a tight-lipped smile, then make your way directly into the kitchen.
The day is so slow and so fast at the same time. It seems to take hours to mix ingredients, but proving dough for three and a half hours seems like fifteen minutes. That’s how it’s been lately - slow and fast and stagnant and flowing all at the same time. You stopped, but the world didn’t, and it makes you dizzy to try and catch up. Somehow it happens, but you feel barely there.
You’re usually just in the kitchen most days - you are the head baker - but all you’re doing is waiting for a few batches of cupcakes to cook, and it’s a busy day, so you decide the front of the house could use some help. You tell one of your employees to go on their break while you take over at the register.
The customers come and go; you write down names, call out orders and hand out pastries and coffees. Two girls walk in at one point - memorable, since one of them has bright pink skin and they’re both wearing UA uniforms, you recognize - and you smile at them when they come up to the counter, but they don’t order anything.
“Can we have a picture?” The pink girl asks, eyes blinking at you. You furrow your brows.
“What? Why?” is your first reaction, and the other girl - who has pink cheeks and a cute bob - speaks.
“You’re Hawks’ girlfriend! We love you,” she says, adding the last part shyly, and both of them look up at you hopefully.
Her words send you into a brief moment of thought - you miss Keigo. You’ve known that you do, it never leaves, it’s always in the back of your mind at the very least, but seeing these girls, knowing they’ve followed yours and Keigo’s relationship, knowing they fully believe you and him are together… it does something to you.
Nonetheless, the gesture is nice, and it makes you smile genuinely for the first time in a while. “Okay,” you agree, chuckling at their delighted giggles. They turn around, the pink girl holds her phone out to catch the three of you in a photo, and you throw up a peace sign and the cutest face you know how to do. As icing on the cake, they both order something to go, too. You call out a thank you for your support as they exit through the doors, grinning back at you.
The thought of Keigo lingers in your mind as your employee from before comes back out and you retreat into the kitchen once more.
You need to tell Keigo.
If he doesn’t already know. You need to tell him, because ever since those girls visited the bakery, you can’t stop thinking about it. You need to tell him because regardless of how much easier it is, you hurt him by not just explaining that he didn’t do anything, and there’s only, like, two weeks left until the contract is done, and if he never wants to see you again, he won’t have to.
You need to tell him.
You unlock your phone, finding your messages app and then Keigo’s contact. He’s sent a few texts since the two of you last talked in person (all asking if you’d be willing to sit down and talk) but he hasn’t sent anything in a while. Before you lose the little courage you have, you type out the message and send it.
can we talk?
Keigo responds almost immediately, and somehow it makes you feel worse about everything.
Yeah, of course
You tell him to come to the bakery after closing tomorrow, and he says he’ll be there. You put your phone facedown onto your sheets and breathe.
The next day isn’t slow and fast. It’s just fucking fast. Fast enough that it seems like only a few hours pass between when you get there and closing, and then you send all of your employees home and you’re wiping down the counters and waiting for Keigo to show up. Because you’re talking to him today. Because you’re going to tell him you love him. Wow.
You’re turning your open sign over so it projects “closed” to the outside world when you see him. He stands outside the doors, watching you watch him, and when you make eye contact with him it’s like a breath of fresh air and pollution all at once. Both of you stay where you’re at, still, until you see him offer a small smile and you don’t feel as tense, not anymore. He opens the door and you move to throw a dirty rag behind the counter.
“Hey,” Keigo says after a moment. He stands in the middle of tables, hands in his pockets, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Hi,” you respond, and God, it’s so awkward. “Um, do you - do you want anything? I could make coffee, or - I have, like, two leftover donuts from today, I know you like them.”
“No, I’m okay. Thanks.”
It’s so awkward. You nod, then gesture to an open booth in the dining area for both of you to sit. Keigo does and you follow, sitting on the opposite side. You get strange deja vu from it. There’s silence for a moment, but then you can’t stop yourself from speaking, opening your mouth a few times to get the right sounds formulated in your head.
“I’m so sorry, Keigo,” you say quietly, meeting his eyes. He looks confused, brows furrowed. “I didn’t mean to - to do this, I never thought I would, I’m just - God, I’m so sorry. I fucked everything up. I did this to us.”
“No, what?” Keigo responds. You fiddle with your fingers on your lap. “This wasn’t just you, what are you talking about?”
Your heart is pounding. You want to look at him, to see him, drink him in because you’re pretty sure it’ll be the last time you’re able to, but tears sting your eyes and you can’t see properly, so you keep your head down. “It was,” you murmur instead, wiping whatever’s slipped out as briefly as you can before looking out the window. The street in front of Angel Cakes is empty. In your peripheral vision you see Keigo tense, lean away from the table between you.
“You have to say it,” he tells you. He knows. He knows, he knows - time moves in slow motion, when you turn your head, when he blinks, the way he sounds when he speaks.
“I love you, Keigo,” you say. It comes out so easily. Too easily. It feels so right to say it, even despite the circumstances.
It’s so quiet. It reminds you of the night of the conference, and you know what’s going to happen. He’ll leave. You know it’s coming, he -
“Really?” Keigo asks, and why is he grinning like that?
“Yeah, I -”
“Holy shit. Holy shit - Y/N, me too. I love you too.”
Keigo laughs like he’s relieved and you can’t move, can’t breathe, all you can do is look at him. He looks so beautiful and you blink yourself out of your trance, licking your lips before you speak again.
“You - too? You feel the same?”
“Yeah. Have for a while.”
A moment passes, but then you furrow your brows - “Why the hell didn’t you say anything? Do you know how much time that could have saved both of us?”
Keigo laughs, and it’s genuine and you know it is because his eyes crinkle at the ends. He shrugs, remnants of a smile still on his lips, when he finally speaks. “I thought you knew, and you didn’t feel the same. I figured that’s why you were acting weird, why you told me to leave after the conference.”
You need to move. You stand up, exit the booth, pace a little before stopping. “No, I…” you pause, running a hand through your hair. “I realized how I felt and thought you didn’t feel the same at all, and I didn’t want to tell you and have it ruin everything, because so much is at stake with your image and the bakery -”
Amidst your ramblings, Keigo had stood up as well, standing in front of you. He shushes you and you let him, looking up at him.
“So what I’m understanding is that we’re both fucking idiots?” He questions, and you let out a breathy laugh. 
“Yeah,” you say, still smiling. “I think so.”
The two of you just stand there for a moment, basking, before the thought hits you: you can kiss him. You could kiss him before, sure, but that was… for his image, for the contract. You can kiss him for you. You can kiss him because you want to.
You barely lean forward, but Keigo seems to get the message. You go slow - you don’t want to scare him away, you don’t want to scare yourself away. You want to remember this forever. But you close your eyes and feel your way through it, sigh when your nose bumps his and then you’re kissing him, for real, for you. And it’s so much better than it ever was before, because you know he loves you, he loves you.
It’s short, but you let yourself sink into it, fall into Keigo like you never let yourself do before. His arms wrap around your waist as yours come around his shoulders and you stay like that for a minute, feeling and breathing and loving, before the two of you break away.
“You’re really good at that, hero,” you say, just like the first time, and Keigo grins. A thought crosses your mind and you take half a step away from him. “So, um, the bakery’s closed, and I was just gonna head home but would - do you - do you want to come with me? To, uh, to my place?”
You’re sure you sound stupid, stuttering and fumbling over your words, but when you meet Keigo’s eyes he looks like he couldn’t be more enthralled by an invitation. So you grab your things and lock up Angel Cakes and the two of you are at your apartment in fifteen minutes flat.
You unlock your door, throw your things down on the couch and turn around to face Keigo, who’s still at the door.
“Be honest,” he starts, “did you bring me here to kill me?”
“Obviously,” you answer quickly, and he laughs and you laugh and it’s so much better than before because he pulls you close again and presses giggly kisses against your lips and you do too. And then giggly kisses turn to kisses, and kisses turn deeper.
They’re deep enough that it’s getting kind of hard to breathe correctly, and when his hands move on you you sigh. He turns his mouth down to kiss at your neck and you swallow, relishing in the feeling of his tongue against your skin, before letting out a hoarse call of “bedroom,” which you feel Keigo grin at.
He stops his assault, though, and lets you lead him to your bed. You gently push him onto it, get him to sit down, then pull away enough to take your shirt off and when it’s off he just stares for a moment. It makes you a bit too aware of the fact that you’re here, with Keigo, and this is very obviously leading somewhere, but then he makes cute grabby hands at you and you giggle as you situate yourself between his legs. 
It takes little time for both of you to strip down completely, never leaving each others’ hold for more than a few seconds. You end up under Keigo as he preps you, curls his fingers into you until you’re mewling and gasping into his open mouth.
“Keigo,” you call, but more to ground yourself. Euphoria shoots from your core to your toes to the top of your head. “Please, I - I need -“
“What do you need, sweetheart?” He’s murmuring, silvertongued and sweet, “I’ll give you anything, just ask.”
A million cheeky responses run through your head but then one of his fingers rubs over your clit and you want to sob. “You. You, Kei, only you, just -“
Keigo groans, pulling his fingers away from you only to mumble a disgruntled “where the hell are the condoms” and when you giggle breathlessly he sends you a playful glare. You reach a blind hand to your bedside table, pull open the drawer with a bang and don’t even bother to shut it after you’ve pulled out a condom. 
He’s quick to put it on (and you pretend you aren’t absolutely mesmerized by his hands as he tears open the package), and once he’s pressed up against your entrance he looks up at you, a lingering question of “you’re sure?” and you nod.
“Love you,” Keigo gasps as he enters you. “God, I love you.”
His words make your heart swell and he pauses, letting you adjust to him before you ease him into a rhythm with a gentle roll of your hips. He feels like honey, warm and slow, taking his time with you and you wouldn’t have it any other way. He feels so good and sounds so beautiful and you love him, you love him, you -
Neither of you are rushing, and there’s no need to. You’re already close, your sighs and whimpers rising. You look up at Keigo and sweat shimmers on him like gold, drenched in the lingering blue light of the sunset - he reminds you of the world. Beautiful and true and glowing. You tell him you’re close and your voice is wrecked with emotion and his eyes are bright, bright.
“Thank god, I was never gonna last long,” he says, and you chuckle as best you can, air stripped from your lungs with every drag of him inside of you. “You drive me crazy.”
One of your hands runs down from around his neck, traces up until it rests on his cheekbone. He looks so gorgeous like this - gentle yet exasperated, hair curling wildly around his face and mouth hung open. He leans into your touch and moves his hips faster, and the one hand that isn’t occupied with touching him runs down between both of your bodies until your own fingers reach your clit, tracing circles until you explode.
Your orgasm rips through you slow and sweet like something you’ve seen coming from miles away. As you come down from your high, Keigo’s just reaching his, and you swear to any deity you can that it’s the most beautiful thing you’ll ever see. His wings unfold and spread in a flash of bright red, eyes clenched shut and he moans, letting himself fall further on top of you. He doesn’t let his entire body weight collapse onto you, and you lazily pull your arms around him as he shudders under your touch. 
The two of you lay there like that for some time, simply basking in each other. Eventually Keigo pulls out of you and disposes of the condom, and the second he gets back into bed he’s curling himself into your arms, burying his face into the crook of your neck. You close your eyes and smile into his hair.
“I love you,” you tell him. “Thank you for letting me love you.”
“You’re welcome,” he responds, and you scoff, but he takes himself out of your neck to look directly at you. “Thank you for giving me a chance to be loved by you,” he says. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
All the colors in your universe appear in him.
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faithfully-writing · 4 years
Jealous/obsessive TFP Knockout X female reader [NF NSFW]
~your point of view~
I had been friends with Jack for a long time since we were children, even though there was a four year age difference between us. Me being older obviously. But lately, I've noticed that I've had to pick up more of his shifts at the burger house then usual. He would usually beg to have my shifts but more often than not he's begging for the opposite where I take his shifts. He worked so hard to save up for a motorbike but now all of a sudden he's disappearing somewhere I don't know. I was walking home after a tiring day of part-time work at the burger joint, having taken my shift and Jack's in a row. I just wanted to be home and sleep in my comfortable bed.
The sound of cars in the distance could be heard, around this town I figured they would be racing. As I wrap the jacket closer to my body, a sudden chill in the already chilly air brushes against my (s/t) skin. Just because it went dark for the moon to rise, the weather decided to get cold. Now I miss the bright warm sun, the sun that warmed my back and made me feel safe.
The sound of the car engines were getting closer. I was walking past the service station when my (e/c) eyes spot what I'd like to think was a sweet ride. A bright red Aston Martin, which I only happen to know because my father had a love for cars. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the red car and such without thinking I cross the road to look at it. "Woah..." Is softly gasped as I look at the sleek lines and shiny paint job. Noticing the gold on the inside of the wheels, I bend down to look at the glinting paint, shining at my eyes under the dull yellow street light. "You're gorgeous," I mumble. Sure I couldn't understand what goes into a car like this one before my eyes but I could admire the paint job. I stand once again just to admire. "Damn I wish I could afford a car like you," I say, running a hand from the front hood to along the roof. I wasn't even sure if the driver was inside or not for the windows were tinted black, and if I looked close enough I could see white and a brighter red details running along the car, heightening its beauty.
I stand there, just admiring the car, not worrying about the fact that the cars had drawn closer and that it was getting later at night when I was supposed to be home. I turn around when the car in front of me suddenly lights up as several car lights land on myself and the Aston Martin. Looking ahead into the bright lights I see a couple more cars, more like eight all behind each other. One of the cars drive forwards and turns on its side, the window rolling down. A wolf whistle is heard, and I'm unsure whether it's directed towards me or the car but I flinch anyway. "Sweet ride there sweetheart. Now how did a girl like you get a car like that? Must have done some... jobs? Am I right?" The sleaze behind the wheel asks, winking at me.
I shiver at what the man said and the fact that he was even trying to hit on me. "W-well at least my b-beast is far better looking than your s-stingy unfinished paint jobbed t-thing." I stutter, very uncomfortable with the male and just wanting to run and hide as a blush takes over my features, the shyness taking control. "a-an-and I-I-I-I would n-never do su-such a thing."
"You sure honey? You wanna hop in my car and prove it to me?" The man said, annoyed by what I had said.
Feeling threatened I look around but I see no way to escape away from it. "n-no. I need. I ne-need to go."
"This baby can go from zero to a hundred and twenty in ten seconds." The man says proud of his car, patting the door by hanging his arm out the window, almost as if he was trying to show off his scrapheap. "Now hop in. And I'll show how I can go that fast too."
Now I was honestly grossed out. "N-no w-way. I-I'd rather sp-spend the n-n-night with t-t-th-th-this car." I turn my back on the cars and trail my hand along the roof until I reach the boot, and without a second thought, I move to the other side of the car, hoping to be out of view of the other cars. Crouching I hide, knowing that myself against eight cars was never a good idea. But I was too shy and scared to do anything else.
"Oh, I wasn't giving you an option sweetheart." The sound of a car door slams close, these people were ready for a race, and now I had become the prize for one of the racers. "Now come to me and nothing will hurt much."
I also hear the sound of a motorbike, knowing that I could possibly be safe if the person was kind enough. The bike stops in front of the other cars, the shadow casting itself into the red paint job and though the window. Poking my head around I see Jack take the helmet off and hop off the bike. I was shocked. So he did save enough to buy himself a bike, that would explain why he didn't have any need to be stealing my shifts or working his own. "Jack!" I shout, drawing attention to both myself and Jack. Running out from behind the sweet red ride I'd found, I run at Jack, wrapping my arms around my best friend. "I-I'm so g-glad y-y-you're here."
"(y-y/n)?" Jack stutters in shock, taking a step back to regain his balance. "What are you doing here?"
"I w-was going home w-when I saw t-that car. I wanted a-a closer look at the paint job as from a distance it looks gorgeous, and it was on closer inspection. I-I stayed too long and that man." I turn around and point at the sleazebag who was trying to get back into his car, "t-t-tried to h-h-h-hiit... o-o-on me and wanted to-to-to.. do things to m-me." I inform your best friend, my voice stuttering over simple words as I shake from having to talk to a stranger. I rub my toe against the ground, after telling Jack, in worry and look towards the said ground.
Jack eyes the male and narrows his eyes, he hated when people put his friend's safety at risk. "Scrap," Jack says, making me look at him oddly.
'What a strange word to say.' I think, taking a couple of steps away from Jack. "I-I-I need to get home be-before my m-mum worries, or c-c-calls the police to s-say I'm missing." I stutter, "I h-h-have go, nice s-seeing you again Jack a-and thanks for arriving, th-th-though ni-nice timing."
I start to turn and walk away, the cars speeding away, fighting to overtake each other. It seemed the race started. "I'll take you back, I was going home anyway." Jack grabs my hand and drags me over to his bike. "Hop on." He hands me his helmet, and I purse my lips at the thought of Jack without his helmet.
"B-bu-but don't you have t-to wear this?" I ask.
Jack shakes his head, already sitting on his bike. "I trust Arcee," Jack says.
"G-great, he n-named the thing," I mumble to myself. "Alright t-then, if you're s-sure." I agree, my voice soft and quiet, and I hop on behind Jack, wrapping my arms around his middle. As soon as I did the bike was off, and the red sports car was too, it drove after the group most likely wanting to begin the race too. my eyes widen at the sudden change of speed and my grip on Jack tightens, frightened that I may fall off the speeding vehicle. Within minutes you reach home. Feeling dizzy from the adrenaline I stand for a few moments before handing his helmet back, "T-th-thanks Jack." I say nervously before turning my back on him and walking away to the front door. Looking over my shoulder I give a small wave before entering the house.
Entering the house, I miss Arcee talking to Jack, "Who was that Jack?"
"That is (y/n), an old childhood friend," Jack says.
"Why does she stutter so much? Doesn't she have any self-confidence?" Arcee asks.
"She does, but only when she is by herself or around people she trusts. She's just really shy, and even around me she's shy like that." Jack informs, looking at the door that was now closed.
"Then why was she with Knockout? Does she know we exist? Because if she does she either has to go or we put her under protection."
"Relax. She doesn't know about you guys. And his model must have just appealed to her. Her father used to work with cars." Jack put his helmet on, "Now let's go home." Jack hops on Arcee and she drives to Jack's home.
"Hey, mum! Dad! Guess what car I saw." I say, no longer feeling shy or nervous, I was inside my home with only my parents.
"What car did you see slugger?" Dad asks, looking at me with a grin.
"It was a red Aston Martin, it was sleek and shiny in its paint job. It even had gold wheeling." I describe the car.
Mum listens intently along with dad. Each smiling at my excitement. "You have to show me next time we're out (y/n). It sounds like you fell in love with a guy."
I pause and blush a bright red, almost like a tomato, "I-I-I didn't I just never s-saw such a ca-car like it. I bet y-you would too if you saw i-it." I say, wanting to go and hide now. "Anyway... what's on?" I slouch on the couch between my parents, putting my feet up on the coffee table.
"(tv show that's not tfp) is on." Mum says before tapping my legs as a way to say get them off the table. "You should be going to bed (y/n)."
"It's Sunday tomorrow though," I whine, not wanting to go to bed yet. "There's no school."
"Doesn't matter, I don't want you tired tomorrow," Mum says back, wanting me in bed this minute. "Now chop chop." She gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead which dad does the same before watching me leave for my room.
Not even bothering to change into pyjamas I collapse onto the bed and roll about, trying to get comfortable amongst the pillows and blankets that I have on my bed. I toss and turn, unable to get that car out of my head. It was a different car for this town. Sure there were sometimes people who came to race on the longer roads out of town but each car was different much like that Aston Martin. I couldn't fall asleep no matter how much I tried.
I wake up, opening my (e/c) eyes and looking around the now brightened bedroom. Today was Sunday. And I felt excited for no reason. It was just like nearly every other Sunday. I crawl out of bed slowly, not really wanting to leave it before changing out of yesterday's clothing. Leaving my room, I grab an apple, eating it as I leave the house after a quick goodbye to my sleepy parents. I stuff my phone in my pocket and have music blaring through the headphones. I walk into the town, enjoying the sun on my skin after last nights coldness.
Walking along I spot Jack up ahead who looks like he's talking to somebody. Without a second thought I stuff my headphones into my pocket where my phone was and started to run towards Jack, he was facing towards an alley so I had the element of surprise. I was close enough to see that it seemed like Jack was talking to someone but I didn't know who. Jumping on his back I whisper boo in his ear.
"(y-y/n)!" Jack stutters in surprise, almost toppling over from my added weight before catching his balance.
I freeze in shock as I look in front of me and Jack. There, crouched down to hide was a massive blue robot with female features. My (e/c) eyes widen as I just stare. "Jack. Now, look what had happened. I told you there was too much risk."
"Sorry, Arcee." I let go of Jack and take a couple of steps towards the oversized robot.
"What are you?" I ask.
Arcee doesn't answer but instead, she just changes into her alt form and Jack hops on. Putting the helmet over my head and getting me to sit on the bike behind him. "Everything will be explained soon (y/n). I'm sorry Arcee, I didn't think anybody would see us." A hum is heard before she takes off. Driving faster than before along roads, gasping I grip on Jack is like a boa constrictor on prey.
Arcee drove along the highways outside the town, the empty roads drifting away from town and further into the orange desert landscape. Coming up to large mountain Arcee just keeps driving. Growing increasingly worried the closer it came, "Jack!" I scream as I cling tightly to the man's back, hiding my face in his blue jumper. The mountainside lowered, revealing a hidden passage but hiding my face I don't notice it until Arcee stops and Jack lifts me off the bike's seat.
"It's alright (y/n). You're okay." Jack calmly says, rubbing my back in an effort to stop my shakes.
"Arcee. Who do you have here? You know it is dangerous to reveal yourself to humans." A deep commanding tone bounces off the walls, soundly slightly electronic much like Arcee's.
"I'm sorry Optimus but the human saw me speaking to Jack. I know it was irresponsible of me."
Upon hearing the voice I look around at the massive dug in military base, but massive was too small of a word. Standing in front of Arcee, in her form, was an even taller robot. He was painted blue, red and white and had a red print in the middle of his chest. I dubbed him as Optimus as he seemed to be the one talking. Staring at the oversized robot I quickly as possible hide behind Jack who had turned to face the talking things. I cling to his back, peeking around him slightly as the robots notice me. "Rachet, bring Knockout back. I have a feeling that this one will help us all with him." Optimus kneels on one knee in front of me and Jack but it doesn't make him appear any smaller. In all honesty, he frightens me. "What's your name small one?" He asked, his voice making the ground tremble.
My (e/c) eyes widen and I bury my face back into Jacks hoodie, too shy to speak to the strange ones. "They're not going to hurt you (y/n)." Jack comforts.
"(Y/n). That's a nice name. My name is Optimus Prime." He notices that I wasn't going to tear myself from Jack's side and so he stood up. "And we are the Autobots. Guardians of Earth." He gestures at the bots in the same room. "Over by the workstation is Ratchet, our leading medic." The white bot, that wasn't as large as Optimus but was still larger than Arcee, just grumbles under his breath about another human to look after. "And the other three are out at the moment, have you caught on to Knockout yet?"
"Not yet Optimus sorry. It seems he's racing again but in this place called Tokyo, where the people who Meiko call parents live." Ratchet pays you no attention as he speaks to who I gather is the leader.
"What about Bumblebee or Bulkhead?"
"I've gotten in touch with them and they're going to arrive as soon as possible."
And within those moments the sounds of two cars echoed from within the tunnel behind me. Turning around in fright I spot two cars. A bright yellow muscle car and a dark green SUV came racing towards me and Jack. Squeaking in fright, I quickly move to the front of Jack and cling for dear life, afraid that I'd be run over. Metallic noises and grating can be heard. "That was awesome Bulk! We need to do that again!" An overexcited feminine voice shouts in joy. Looking over Jack's shoulder and the said friend laughs at my reaction, I spot two more humans.
One looked Japanese with black hair and hot pink dyed tips in two small ponytails and a pink fringe that was side swept. She wore a light pink shirt with purple hemming, over the shirt she wore a navy blue tank top. Her denim shorts were short and held up by a bright yellow belt with a light blue and light green pig heads clipped on. Her two shirts were tucked into the shorts. On her legs, she wore purple and navy blue striped stockings, with knee-length brown pink books with purple laces. She overall looked punky and eccentric while she jumped up and down fist pumping the air in excitement.
"Maybe another time Meiko." The large green robot says, his voice unsure. Looking at him I could see that he was wider and taller than Optimus. I shrunk back as the girl shrieked with joy. I really disliked loud people for I wanted to stay quiet and out of people's way.
The yellow muscle car had transformed and a small boy with brown hair spiked back and red glasses on his nose. He wore a light yellow button up long sleeved shirt that seemed too large for the small boy, with an orange vest over the top. His navy pants were baggy from the knees down and on his feet, he wore orange and silver sneakers that somehow were wide enough where the hole for the foot went through to go around the bagginess of the pants. He seemed young. Younger than the others and I felt unsure if it was okay for him to be around such large transforming Autobots. But overall he looked like a nerd that would get bullied or wedgies from the older kids, making me feel like protecting the seemingly quiet kid which was strange for me.
I look up at the smaller yellow Autobot, he was smaller than Optimus and Ratchet but larger and taller than Arcee. He made a series of beeps, buzzes and tones as his bright blue eyes looked down at the small nerd boy. "Haha of course Bee! Let's go and play right now!" The kid laughs looking away from the bot he called bee to where the small group of seemingly three stood.
The kid froze and the bright yellow bot made a series of sounds once again, catching the attention of the other two, Bulk and Meiko. "My scout, you are right." The deep voice of Optimus echoed around, frightening me and I practically jump into Jack's arms, hoping I could hide. But even that action itself was embarrassing and my face grew a bright pinky red as I looked down at the silver coloured floor. "We do have another member and I'm hoping that she can help Knockout understand why we must protect humans. As well as stop him from racing." Optimus says, seemingly to infer that I'd play a large part in things.
"What about Grumpypants?" Meiko asks loudly, pointing at the white and orange bot by his station. "It could help him too."
"I-I'm not a-an it..." I quietly speak up, unsure if I were to even speak at this moment.
"Jack let's go. You wanted to take that girl out again." Arcee speaks up.
Jack looks down at me and smiles, "(y/n). I need to go now. I promise you that no-one here is going to hurt you."
I look away and instead look around at the Autobots and humans talking to each other, jokes going around and smiles about.
"And you like video games, right? Why don't you go and play them with Bumblebee and Raf." Jack offers, pointing out where the small bot stood by a high platform where a couch, TV and Raf sat, with controllers in their hands. "Go on. I have a feeling that you will get along finely." Jack gives me a small push before jumping on a transformed Arcee and going through a large green circle that closed behind them.
"Wha-What was that they just went through?" I ask, not noticing that all of the eyes and optics were looking at my form.
Rachet just huffs and looks away, muttering something about stupid human. "That was a ground bridge little one. It transports those that go through it to a destination given by coordinates." Optimus informs me, his voice loud in my own ears, unused to how those larger creatures spoke.
"Oh okay," I say and turn around, growing rigid as I see that everyone's eyes were on me expect Rachet who I guessed was still trying to get in touch with this knockout person, well bot possibly and most likely.
I slowly made my way over to where the yellow bot and Raf were, the game already started and from what I could see was a racing game. I waited until they finished before wanting their attention. "Uh... H-Hi." I stammer out awkwardly as I rub my arm.
The yellow bot replies in buzzes and beeps. "Hello," Raf says pushing his glasses up and holding out the controller. "You wanna go?" He asks, moving over so there was room for me to sit on the couch. I had a feeling that Jack was right with me being able to get close to these two. Smiling I nod my head, unable to trust my voice as I sat on the couch, sinking into its softness. Grabbing the controller I press start and such a round against Bumblebee starts
"That's not fair!" I whine realising that I had crashed. "You're a car so you're good at this." I turn around and face the blue optic bot, who seemed to be cheering at his win. Pouting I look away, handing the controller over to Raf. Bumble makes a series of noises as if asking if I were fine. "I'm fine Bumble, but I can't believe I crash every time. You need to teach me." I say, already comfortable around the pair that is made up of an energetic yellow bot and a genius child.
Bumble makes another series of beeps and Raf translates, "He said he'd be glad to."
"Yay!" I cheer, quickly moving to where Bumble laid his hand and hugging one of his fingers before realising what I did and moving away with a blush on my cheeks. "O-oh so-sorry," I mutter.
"It's fine." Raf translates a whole series of fast beeps and buzzes as if he shortened what the bot said.
"I'm in contact with Knockout." Ratchet said out of nowhere, informing the whole room which at this moment only consisted Bumblebee, Raf and myself. Meiko and Bulkhead had left to do some off-roading and Optimus was in his berthroom.
Bumble lets out a series of beeps and buzzes as he holds out a hand. I watch Raf jump on the boy's hand and Bumble looks at me, expecting me to follow. I stand unsure and awkward, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. Apparently, I took too long for the bot encircled me with his cold metallic fingers and lifted me into the air, it seemed the cheerful bot was taking care to not squish me into a mess of blood, grounded bones and a clump of pulp.
The sound of metal hitting concrete echoes into my ears as Bumble moves about, coming to stand in front of a short, wide circular tunnel with wiring and things along the sides. From somewhere I could hear Optimus' steps as he makes his way, arriving to stand beside his scout. His hand is out as if asking for me.
"Don't make me fall off your hand," I say as Bumble lowers me onto the silver hand before letting go.
"Servo." Ratchet corrects from seemingly nowhere. "It's a servo."
"Teach her about the anatomy after she greets Knockout." Optimus points out, sighing as if he expected Rachet to of spoken.
"I have better things to do than teach a simple-minded human about how our forms work." Ratchet huffs, pulling a switch down.
The car transformed into a tall bot, his eyes were startling as they were a bright blood red colour, brighter than his paintwork. He had a slender face, if they called it that, and seemed more sexually appealing then the other bots. I gape at the change. To me, he was more gorgeous, even sexy, in his bot form them his car form. "Shit," I mutter under my breath, in both awe and worry. What happened if he remembered last night?
"Bring him in. It's time he met who he's to protect." Optimus changes topic, knowing not to rile his medic up too much. I watch as the wires and things light up, creating the ground bridge that Arcee and Jack had gone through. It didn't take long for a red car to come speeding through the portal before it closes with a flick of the switch. I stare wide-eyed at the car that I recognized from the night before. It was the red Aston Martin. The red paintwork shone in the light but there seemed to be a large scratch on the side. "Knockout."
"Those humans thought that they could just scratch this beautiful paintwork and get away with it! Do they not know how long it takes to buff and shine this body for this look. Like seriously. They barely spend any time on their scrap heaps and when a much better and more appealing worked on car with an awesome finish arrives they want to destroy the hard worked on paint. It just hurts my spark to know that they can't appreciate beautiful sexy things like myself." The newly transformed bot rants. Looking closer he seemed to have a different mark than the others. Maybe it stood for what he did? Or maybe it was for something different altogether.
"Knockout." Optimus states trying to catch the attention of the ranting bot. "Knockout. I have something for you."
"Is it a new buffer? Oh Primey, how'd you know I needed a new one? The old one just wasn't shining this finish enough for it to look perfect like I am." I know it's going to be pretty bad when I'm introduced now.
Optimus shakes his head. "It's nothing like that. Hold out your servos." Optimus moves his hands that were covering me above Knockout's. He was just going to drop me on to the servo. Like I'd allow him to do that.
"No. Please don't. No." But he does anyway. "Ahhh!!" I scream as the world spins and turns around me until the breath is knocked out of me.
"What's this?" Knockout looks down at me with a look of disgust, "Is it going to stain my paint?!" He panics as I try to catch my breath back and cough.
"It's the fleshy you're to guard," Optimus states, ignoring how the red bot stared at me.
"Why is it so squishy?" He just simply asks, as if he never heard the guarding part. A single silver digit made itself known above me as it lowers and pokes my stomach before poking my legs. "Would it stain if I squished it?"
"C-can you s-stop? P-please." I stutter, rolling away from the unwanted pokes and hiding my blushing face.
"No, but it would make a mess," Ratchet speaks up from nowhere once again.
"Ewww!" He scrunches his eyes up in disgust, "Get it off me. I need my buffer now."
"You're to guard it," Optimus says once again, this time successfully grabbing the vain bots attention.
"What? Why? I don't want to. I can't be seen with such a disgusting thing. It would make my image go bad. And it's so plain. Like, look at its pedes." He uses two of his digits to grab a hold of one of my legs and lift it in the air.
Not realising what he's doing I'm soon off his servo and hanging upside down by a leg. "Bu-bumble. A L-little help. P-p-please?" I beg the yellow bot who was looking away and at Raf.
"Put (y/n) back on your servo Knockout." Optimus orders, his tone saying he doesn't want to be disobeyed.
"I don't want to look after a fleshy." So instead of putting you back on his silver servo he just let's go of you. "Hey look, one less fleshy to look after." A shrill scream echoed from my lips as the ground came closer.
The sound of shattering glass echoed as well, "Don't make so sudden sounds. I needed that before you made me drop it." Ratchet thundered.
I landed heavily on the yellow bot's hand, rubbing my side which hit the metal. "Are you okay (y/n)?" Raf asks, nervous about your welfare.
"I-I'm f-fine." I shakily say, wanting to hide from the red bot. "C-can we g-go some-somewhere else?"
I look up at Optimus who nods his helm. "Knockout. I need a word with you." Optimus states annoyed that a human's life was put at risk by one of his own members.
"Bee. Let's go for a ride." Raf offers, wanting to get me out of the hideout for a while. Bumble makes his series of noises before transforming, Raf and I found ourselves in the front seats with seatbelts tightly done. I smile at Raf just as Bee takes off, driving as fast as he could out of the hideout and onto the highways. I started laughing as the world flashes by quickly, forgetting the events that had taken place moments before.
"This. Is. Awesome!" I cheer, enjoying myself.
I hear Bee make a series of beeps. "Bee says he's glad that you're enjoying yourself." Raf translates as normal, his excited tone proving to me just how much he was enjoying it too.
"Thank you Bumble," I said with a laugh.
We speed and drive for what seems like a couple of hours until my stomach growled loudly. "Bee let's go back. Maybe Meiko and Jack are back. Then we can all get lunch." Bumble buzzes and beeps in agreement and quickly start driving back to the base, getting there in record time.
"Good to see you three back." Optimus greets beside a silently peeved Knockout. "Knockout."
"Fine. But I am never doing this again." Knockout scrunches his face up. "I'm sorry that the dazzling me tried to kill the plain you."
"Wow what an apology," I mutter to Raf from the transformed Bumblebee's servo.
Raf agrees with me as Knockout speaks again, "To make up for it, allow the awesome me to drive you to lunch." I knew that Optimus was forcing him to say this but I smiled anyway with a nod, agreeing to go with the bot.
"Yaay!!" Meiko screams from where she was tuning her guitar unnoticed by me. "Let's go get lunch!"
I flinch as her voice echoes in my ears, "RIP ears." I quietly mutter, too quiet for anyone to hear. Knockout holds out a servo looking bored. I jump the small height and land on the silver metal, clinging to a finger as I almost slip through. I'm quickly encircled by knockouts servo as he stops me from falling from the height that would surely kill me.
"Let's go. I have to finish my buff when we come back so the sooner the better." He turns and walks towards the exit back into town. Transforming and placing me in the passenger seat. Meiko and Raf follow behind in their guardians.
Once the six reached the cafe the humans jumped out of the cars and walked through the doors after a quick bye to their rides. Raf and I stayed outside and found us a table close to the curb where the bots could park and listen to our conversations. Meiko comes back and slouches into a chair beside me minutes later, a large smile on her face. "The food will be here in a few moments." She announced, bouncing in her seat.
I looked like a babysitter as I sat with the two. As our time went on and we talked over our food, I got to know more about the two. Like the fact that Raf has an older sister called Pilar and he can hack into any technology. You learnt that Meiko's parents lived in Japan and she felt like she was pushed into what she did while looked down at for what she did. Sure you felt like she was too loud at times but during that lunch thing, you really connected with them both.
The Autobots watch from the curve as the three humans spoke. One of the boys was paying careful attention to (y/n), the one he is now to protect. He could see her beautiful (h/c) hair catching the sunlight like it was a halo that surrounded her and proved her purity. Her glimmering (e/c) eyes sparkled as she laughed at a joke Raf made. From when he was holding her in his hand and how she sat in his car seat he could feel how smooth and soft her (s/c) skin was. She was almost as perfect as himself. But he would never admit it. Afterall, it would be bad if anyone knew what he was thinking or if someone thought they could upstage him.
~Time skip of a few months~
Overtime I found myself spending more time with Bee and Raf, allowing KO to run off to his races. It was a comfortable silence that filled the air. Bee and Raf had gone out for some time together, Ratchet was at his station playing with something that he wouldn't tell me. I felt like I had gotten closer the Ratchet more than my own guardian who was still grumpy about the fact.
"Ratchet!" I complain, hanging upside down on the couch. "I'm bored."
The white and orange bot just huffs, probably not used to my complaints. "I preferred it when you were more quiet and shy."
I just stick my tongue out at the human hating bot. "Well tough luck princess."
This gets his attention, never having been called a princess. "What did you just call me fleshy?"
This is where my fun begins. "A princess. What else?"
He sighs and makes his way over to me, hiding something in his servo. He picks me up in his other servo, making sure to keep a firm grip on my body. He brings out what seems to be feather, holding it dainty within two digits. "This is your fault fleshy." He then proceeds to use the feather against me. The soft flittery feel of it tickling me made it draw out loud laughs and screams as I twist to get away. Ratchet chuckles at my actions, finding torturing me amusing. 
"Please. Please Ratchet!" I laugh. "Please stop! I'm begging you!" But he doesn't stop, not even when Optimus makes himself known in the room by clearing his throat. It was amusing to the white bot. How could something like this make a fleshy laugh so much? He was sure it was something only the fleshy in his hand would respond to as such.
"Ratchet." Optimus finally interrupts, letting me catch a breath as tears ran down my face. "What are you doing with (y/n)?"
Ratchet places the feather down on his work bench, making sure to put it where it won't get lost. "Experimenting with reactions."
I look up to the bot and pout, "Bonding I think you mean."
"Bonding?" Ratchet looks down at me and Optimus almost looks regal.
I nodded, "It's when you get to know the other person and make memories with them." I bite my cheek, "It's not like the bonding in terms of animals." It was like a light went on in both their heads as they nod at my explanation.
"And what do fleshies do with the animal bonding?" Ratchet asks. "You are of age to bond right?"
I choke on my own saliva. Who in the world did this bot think he was to be asking that so casually? "Yes I'm of an age where I can do so."
"And so how do you do so?" Ratchet asks, writing down everything he noticed about my reactions. I was completely flabbergasted. I look to Optimus for help but he looks just as curious as Ratchet. "Because when I looked it up it mention sex and the basics but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for."
I just wished the floor would open up and swallow me whole. Ratchet's questions were making me uncomfortable and they were quite personal too. "Well Ratchet I just can't say as its different for each girl. Some like it one way and another might want it differently."
This seemed to confuse the medic even more as he scribbles as fast as possible. "What do you mean by that?"
I didn't know how to answer. "You can bond in different ways. Like you said the different positions." I start blushing, this was so embarrassing to be explaining. "Well girls prefer different ones to another. Or they prefer different roughness."
That seemed to set Ratchet and Optimus into deep thought. Ratchet placed me back down by the gaming station before returning to the medic bay and Optimus went back into his room. I look to where they both left, scratching my head at their sudden disappearance. It was strange. I return to my game, boredom filling my veins again. I just had to wait for Bee and Raf to return, and possibly Knockout.
Once Bee and Raf returned it was my turn to be curious about how the Autobots ran. Apparently Bee had hit his helm quite hard and some blue stuff had been running down his face for a bit. I watch as Ratchet looks after him, how nimbly the grumpy bot could fix him up.
"Is Bee okay?" I ask
Ratchet doesn't respond, instead letting Raf tell me. "Yeah he'll be fine, after all he's a strong Bee."
I hear Ratchet cough, "Young. Not strong. There's a difference." Bee beeps at Ratchet once it's said, sounding annoyed.
"Wait how does that work?"
"He hasn't been around for as long as the others. So he's considered younger." Ratchet informs me.
"What is the liquid though? Does it run inside you?"
"Let me finish patching this one up and Bee can help you."
"So what's the liquid that runs inside you?"
I ask Bumble after he finishes explaining how they work and playing a few rounds of helm, shoulders knees and toes.
From behind me, I hear Ratchet start coughing as he spits out his high-grade energon he was drinking as he finished some work. Bumble makes a few noises that Raf translates, "In our fuel lines?"
I nod my head, stretching back out across the couch as Raf sat on Bee's shoulder. "What other liquids would I mean?"
I look over at Ratchet who wouldn't stop coughing as his face lit up a bright blue. "Oh dear Primus. Bumblebee is too young for this."
I didn't understand what he meant, I thought they were asexual beings. "Does that mean that you're not asexual?" You ask, addressing Ratchet more.
But all you get is stutters from the bot. "Another time (y/n)."
From the other side of the room, I could hear Knockout grumble about some messed up paint and needing to fix it, as well as feel his red optics burn a hole in my body. Since joining the group and Prime forcing Knockout to be my guardian the red bot hadn't changed at all.
"They have energon running through their systems." Raf translates, getting my attention back on the two of them again.
"Oh. And so to have more energon as you don't replenish it like we humans do you drink or eat it?" I ask hoping to be on the right track. Bumblebee gets excited and nods his helm, his bubbly personality on show.
"Why don't we stop this lesson and I'll take it from here." Knockout informs, growing slightly jealous that Bee had all my attention.
I smile up at my large red bot, he was slowly beginning to like me the big softie. "It's fine KO. I've learnt all I need."
"It's not fine!" He suddenly raises his voice, "I want to teach you everything else about us. Not those other Autobots. They're not as fabulous as I am. They don't even deserve to be near someone like you." It was a shock to my system to hear him talk like that. "And I'll teach you about the reproduction, not Ratchet."
Ratchet is suddenly on guard and walks over. "Back up." He says, his servo coming to shield me. Sure he still didn't really like the humans but I knew he had a soft spot for me like the other three. "Bumblebee why don't you take Raf and (y/n) out while I speak with Knockout." Ratchet states, keeping a servo on the red bot.
Knockout glares at Ratchet as he speaks of me leaving. "No! (Y/n)'s not leaving." His silver servo reaching to grab me, "I don't want to lose her. And I'm her guardian, not the yellow bot. I'm the one looking after her. She's mine to protect and keep." His servo clasped around my body as he quickly lifted me into the air. "I've been the one looking out for her, not you."
"Woah! Slow down, big boy!" I exclaimed in shock at being picked up, those months with the group really took you out of your shyness. "Just put me back on the couch and we can talk about this later."
Knockout's red optics look down at me who now sits comfortably on his servo. He had gotten over the fact that he was my guardian but he was still grumpy about it whenever I got in trouble, using it as a way to make me feel guilty.
"Don't you need to fix up your paint?" I ask making sure to change the topic before any damage could be done. Knockout looks down at me in his servo and scrunches up his face, most likely annoyed at me for making him remember. "Aww lighten up KO, let me help you." You tease the vain bot, knowing exactly what buttons push now after the months being with the bots.
Knockout grumbles under his breath before turning on his pedes and stalking to his berthroom. I wave goodbye to Bee, Raf and Ratchet before they were out of sight. I start humming and bobbing my head to some unsung tune, around KO I felt the calmest and safest. He seemed to make it much easier for me to come out of my shell, yet not completely.
Once in KO's berthroom, he places me in the corner of the room where he had placed a stolen garage with all sorts of things to look and keep a car clean within it. He transforms back into his vehicle mode of the Red Aston Martin and drives to the front of the garage, waiting for me to open the roll-up door. As it rolls up he slowly drives into the garage, parking in the middle of the large room. I sigh and grab a bucket and a sponge, walking over to KO and setting the bucket of water beside him.
"Why do you constantly have to be cleaned? And by me precisely?" I question as I dip the sponge into the bucket. He doesn't answer as I start to clean the hood, leaning across the shiny paintwork to reach the other side without having to move too far from the bucket. What I didn't know was that as I pressed up against KO, he was thinking about all the things he could do to me. He could feel the softness of my body caressing his build and the slow easy circles of the sponge were making his mind run amuck. "KO what would you say?" I ask my guardian.
He just hummed, not seeming to listen to me at all. I stop cleaning and take a few steps back waiting for his attention once again. "What?" He asks with a grumpy tone of voice.
Sighing I get back to cleaning him, "Bee wants to take me out to one of the big cities for a few days, saying that there's this awesome place he wants to show me." You inform the red car, "And I wanted to know if you okay with that."
"I am absolutely not letting that happen (y/n). I'm your guardian and you're to stay with me." KO demanded driving backwards, he wanted out so he could transform. I huff and open the garage door, watching as the red Austin Martin turned into the tall and handsome bot. He places a hand on the ground waiting for me to climb on it. "I'm your guardian (y/n). I'm the only one who can protect you. If you went with BB his thoughts will constantly be of Raf and if something goes wrong over there he wouldn't think for a second about you and leave you wherever you are to save Raf." Knockout says, his voice deep and soothing.
"Bee wouldn't do such a thing. He cares for me." I say, scrunching my face as I'm lifted up to optic level.
"Are you sure (y/n)? We have to protect our chosen human over the other humans." KO didn't like lying to his little human but it was the only thing he could do to get her to change her mind and to stay with him. Over the course of the months, he grew to like and respect the tiny being that looked after his bodywork and hung out with him even when he was annoyed, even if it was only because he was her guardian.
I cross my arms, "I don't believe you. Bee would always protect me. Raf even translated that to me."
KO was getting annoyed with my behaviour and it was starting to show "I am your guardian. If I say no then I mean no! You're never leaving my side." He demands squishing me within his servo. "Do I make myself clear."
This wasn't the Knockout I knew. This wasn't the Knockout that broke some of Rachet's stuff just for fun or who was so vain that it got on everyone's nerves. No. This was a completely different side of the otherwise overly self-confident bot. A side that frightened me senseless. "Y-yes." I go to hide my face, not wanting to look at him and just wanting to go and hide somewhere where he wouldn't get me.
"Do you know how much I care for you?" He asks, red optics looking at me as he loosens his servo. I shake not wanting to answer him after his last outburst. "I'll show you just how much you mean to me." He places me back down next to the garage and walks off to the door, pressing something as a loud clunk is heard. "There. Now nobody can disturb us."
"Huh? What do you mean?" I ask watching the bot walk over to me. But something seemed different the closer he got. He seemed to be getting smaller until he was a human size he the time he stood in front of me. I look up, straining my neck at his large height. He was still far larger than a human. "I'm going to show you exactly how much you mean to me. You will look wonderful beside this beautiful bot." He gestured to himself as he speaks, still appears vain. I back off, sure I thought the bot handsome but I had no idea what he wanted.
"H-how come you're smaller?" I ask in shock at his size, finally speaking."
"It's called mass displacement." He seemed to have this dangerous smirk on his face as his red optics scanned my clothed body. "Now no need to be frightened, I've seen the way you've looked at me. And I'll treat you far better then BB could."
He walks towards me, arms outstretched to grab me as I take steps backwards. We enter the garage and he closes the roller door behind him, cornering me into the corner as his arms trap me.
"Your eyes are so beautiful, you can only look at me with this face." He whispers, a cold digit stroking my cheek as he leans down and rests his forehelm against mine. "And only I can touch your soft skin." His alloy metal seemed to be heating up the longer he stood near me, almost like he was conducting the warmth. His digits slipped into my hair and started to massage my scalp. I tilt my head back and into his touch, relaxing against him and closing my eyes.
I miss the devilish smirk that splits his face as he hides it in the crook of my neck. His glossa slips out of his dermas and licks up my neck to my earlobe where his dentas nibble it teasingly. A soft unfiltered moan leaves my lips at the pleasurable soft sensations that KO was giving me. His servos gripped my hair and bent my head back as he starts nibbling back down my neck, biting rougher as he reaches my shoulders. I wrap my arms around his build and let my fingers dig between his amour plates, groaning as I feel his cold dentas bite my skin.
Knockout felt like his processor would short-circuit from the sounds that entered his audio receptors. He didn't want any bot or fleshy to touch his soft skinned fleshy. He should feel the skin under his servos as he lets go of his fleshy's hair to trail his digits down her neck and to her shoulders. He could feel the breath brush his dermas.
His servos start to tighten around my forearms. Pressing me against the wall in a rougher manner as he presses against me even more, almost as if he wanted my shape to be engraved into his metal. His glossa came out from his dermas and forced its way through my own lips which were pressed tightly against his own. I could feel the tips of his digits playing with the sleeves of my shirt, fiddling with it and pulling at it. I hum into the kiss as I melt in his arms.
Since he had to bend down quite the fair bit to reach me, KO lifts me up against the wall so I was eye level and sits me on his tibulen so I was straddling it as his knee pressed against the wall. His servos pressed my shoulders back against the wall aggressively as my thighs clench around his single thigh in an effort to stay upright. I can't help but squirm as I feel the cold seep through my pants and underwear from his tibulen.
He smirks down at the effect he causes me to have. Squirming on his knee as soft moans exit my mouth as his servos slowly trailed to the bottom of my shirt, slipping under the hem and drawing small patterns on my stomach.
I suck my stomach in at the strange cold sensation and try to bury deeper into the wall to escape his trailing digits. "Ah! You-you can't. Not there!" A low chuckle escapes his dermas as his fingers find purchase on my skin. His dermas latch onto the skin on my neck again as he nibbles softly down to my collar. His fans click on and softly hum showing that he was heating up, but he was still taking his time.
"And why not my shy fleshy? Your flesh is mine and only mine to keep and protect." A low rumble leaves his voice box and he trails the cold digits from both his servos up and down my body; playfully dancing up to the underside of my breasts then back down to my belly button.
"Because... because..." I didn't know what to say. My thoughts left and my voice got lost. His movements left me breathless and my heart fluttering like a small hummingbird. He didn't seem to mind my stomach or the size of my breasts and I was glad that he wasn't saying anything about them if he disliked the size of either. He blinks his red optics and his optical ridges furrow.
Leaning his cheek against my own his breath drifts over my ear sending shivers down my spine, "You are perfect in every which way (y/n). The perfect piece for the perfect bot. My missing piece."
I grip his bitarlueus tightly as his digits rise even higher during their dance on my exposed skin, forcing a breathless moan to pass my lips as they lightly pinch my nipples. I intake a sharp breath of air and arch my back into his hands, gasping at the new sensation.
Knockout smirks at the sounds and his fans start to him faster. "Only I will ever hear these little noises from you my fleshy. I'm the only one perfect enough to hear them." He groans into my ear as his dentas bite my lobe softly and pulls on it. His servos cover my (c/p) size breasts and he starts to kneed them. Squeezing softly, to begin with as he breathe fans the side of my face before his movements get rougher. Pinching and pulling at my nipples as his glossa runs down the side of my neck and he bites the crook of my neck.
"Kn-knockout." A low groan is dragged from my lips as his digits continue to play my skin like it was his buffing supplies.
His digits dug into my sides and he lifts my shirt off my body. "I'm going to frag you senseless so the only bot you'd even think of or laugh at their jokes is me." His digits start their dance again. Moans leaving my lips at the cold and pleasurable sensations. I start to grind against his knee, trying to control the building heat and neediness. I couldn't cover my naked body from how he held me and I could feel my heart beat faster and my cheeks flush a bright red. Almost as red as Knockout's paint.
A low sexy chuckle is heard in my ear and I shiver. I could finish just by hearing his voice and by feeling his digits. Knockout starts to help me grinding by moving his knee roughly against my clothed clit. I could feel the wetness pooling in my underwear the more I grind and moan. His digits slip their way past the hem of my jeans and lightly tease my hips and skin through the underwear. Growing bored and wanting to hear different noises from me he slips his digit under my underwear and then lightly trace up and down my clit, the knee now gone and his chassis and other servo holding me up by pressing me into the wall. He slips two of his cool digits into me and starts to move and wiggle them about. My breath hitches as the air gets trapped from the feeling and I arch my back pressing my hips against him even more.
For a robot from space, he really knew his way around the female human body as his dentas slowly sink into my skin and two of his digits pump in and out of my vagina making wanton moans leave my open mouth. He had me openly grinding my hips on his two digits as they fuck me mercilessly and I was meeting their thrusts in a needy wanting manner as I begged for more.
"Kno-knockout. Please more." I beg slightly out of breath as my hands grip around his neck and my hips meet his thrusting digits. They spread and massage the insides of my walls with each stroke they make. The moans and noises escaping my lips like a waterfall as I repeat his name like a mantra.
"Not yet (y/n). And you're not to overload until I say so." His digits work faster making it harder for me to think straight or breath. I lean my head back and close my eyes as my mouth drops open in a loud moan. I was so close but I held on. My walls tightening around his digits in an effort to both keep receiving the pleasure and to hold onto the climax until KO says.
"Puh-please!" I beg not sure how much longer I could hold on as my mind was growing fuzzy with pleasure and all I focused on was the delicious feeling of his cold digits in my warmth.
Knockout ever so slowly draws out his digits, making sure that they brushed against every part of me to extend this pleasurable torture he had me in. I feel my body shamelessly rock and grind against him as my walls try to keep the digits buried within them. But he pulls them out, glistening with my wet translucent pre-cum as he studies his two digits. My hips move against him in an effort to quench the heat, it was like I became a slut within two minutes of being in his presence. A needy hormonal slut that just wanted to be fucked by the massive robot from outer space. Let alone me not even knowing if he had anatomy the same as us humans.
He wipes his wet digits on the inside of my thigh on the pants that covered the skin before he lowered me to the ground. "Pants off." He growls lowly, his fans getting faster once again to my notice. It seemed that the fans were a way to tell how hot or turned on he was.
Without a second thought, I shimmy out of my pants, hopping about on one leg to get it off the other leg and almost falling flat on my face because of it but saved by Knockout. After righting me all he does is stare and watch as my body jumps and moves as I remove my pants. My breasts capturing his attention as they jiggle and the showing cheeks of my butt do too.
As soon as my pants and underwear were off Knockout had me once again against the wall. His dermas harshly pressing against my own in a lustful kiss. His servos gripped at the meat on my hips as his digits left red marks to show that he had been there.
"I'll be gentler as it'd be your first time for our reproduction system." He whispers almost to himself as his dermas leave mine and travel back down my neck. His pelvis jerks against me roughly, betraying his calm movements of his kisses and soft bites. "And you'd no longer want to hide or shy away from me after this."
He seemed to groan against my skin as his smooth pelvis rub against my own, my own eyes flutter shut from the feeling as his dermas reach my right breast. I felt so on edge with his sharp grinds and soft kisses. It was like my body was milking all the attention as it struggled to find enough friction. My senses tingled as he continued his actions on my body.
He left me no time to try and hide away from him or to overthink the fact that I was completely naked in front of a robot. I move my arms to push him away and cover myself yet Knockout seemed to be one step ahead as he grabs my arms in his servos, breaking off the kiss and looking down at me with mild disappointment. "(Y/n)," He starts, not using the word fleshy at all, "Why cover yourself? From me to you only I will say this. You are perfect, maybe not as perfect as me but you're up there. You are everything I could ever want beside to be able to keep my smooth paint job, but that doesn't matter. I want you and I care for you with all my spark. I don't care if I was forced to be your guardian because I no longer care. I just want you to stay by my side and look at me only no matter what happens or who speaks to you. I want to become the most important thing to you like you have to me. I care more about you than my paint job or buffing up my shine."
I stare up at him with admiration, never having heard him say something or someone was more important than his looks. I look down and away from him, unable to hide my shame at my thoughts and the growing blush on my cheeks. He lifts up my chin and presses a kiss to my lips again, slowing his movements down to match the speed I am comfortable at. He presses up against me even more, knowing that my lips was most likely soaked from his actions.
I hear a faint click and a whoosh as something happens to Knockout's body. Looking at him I try to see what had change but instead I feel it as he grinds up against me. Something cold was pressing between my legs and against the lips and clit. I let a groan leave my mouth as I move, it was cold compared to my body but Knockout didn't allow it.
"Ready my little fleshy?" He asks as his fans are kicked to maximum. I nod my head and he moves me upwards just a tad. The cement on my back is cold, but not as cold as whatever was between my legs. I couldn't believe that I was about to do it with a robot, well autobot possibly. He had the different marking decorating him compared to Bee and Optimus. Being like this with KO made me feel even more shy and awkward, I had no idea what I was suppose to do and it must of shown for Knockout spoke up, "Don't worry about a thing. Just let me do it all."
All of a sudden he thrusts his pelvis up and half the cold thing enters me, high pitched squeaky moan exits my lips as my eyes shut. My nails scrape along the back of his helm which he grumbles lowly about as he patiently waits for my human body to get use to his form. From what I could feel it was thicker at the base and tapered into a round tip that was still thick. But not as much as the base. I was glad that he didn't try to fit the whole thing in one go because with how it seemed to be going, the length seemed much more and it got thicker to the point it was thicker and longer than a normal human male's.
I groan at the cold feeling as my walls loosen and tighten trying to get use to the strange shape and lack of warmth. "Do you know... what that is called?" He softly pants out, his grip on me tightening as he holds his pelvis from jerking up any further. I shake my head, breathing roughly as I got more use to his cold cock. "It's called a spike... from its shape."
I couldn't concentrate on his strange fact as I slowly roll my hips, testing how my body reacts. A low groan exits from both of us and he takes it that he could push more in. He moves slowly, stopping whenever I felt uncomfortable as he does so. He stops when his pelvis is flush against me. The whirring of his fans and my harsh pants are the only things that could be heard in the air as he waits for me to once again adjust fully. The shape of him was truly different yet pleasurable in a completely different way. Whenever I breathed out, I could feel the very tip of his spike brush against something deep inside me. He was far bigger than a normal human being and based on what he is and the small size he became just got me it was very proportional.
He waits until I'm ready before he slowly pulls out and pushes back in, testing to make sure that I felt completely comfortable. I groan. It felt weird but not uncomfortable. As the smooth metal pushes back in I arch my back as it reaches further then it did before. The rounded tip definitely pushing against something that was deep within my body. I panting harder as he starts to speed up once KO realises I was comfortable.
His digits grip my hips tightly as he keeps the same speed. Resting his forehelm against mine he locks eyes with me. "I'm taking you racing after this. I want you to see me in action." He growls out, not missing a beat with his actions. He just seemed to move so smoothly that it seemed pink he wasn't putting any effort into it, while myself on the other hand was having trouble keeping up as moans spill from my lips and my fingers grip anywhere they can, being careful not to dent or scratch his paint.
"Wh-why?" I moan out, feeling myself flush and grow hot from the pleasure.
Knockout presses his dermas against mine, "Because I want to show off my cute shy girl and let everybody know she's mine. That not even BB could live up to what I can do."
"Hush. I just want to hear you." A sharp gasp of breath is heard from me as he thrusts harder once he said that. "Only I can hear these noises. Only n you look at me like that. And only I can touch you like this."
His thrusts were getting hard and fast as our hips slapped when flesh met metal. I felt like I was going to tear or be ripped apart as he pounded into me with his spike, growling dirty talk into my ear as he licked it with his glossa and tugged on the lobe with his dentas. It was completely different and more animalistic compared to when he first entered which was slow. He just wanted to get off on this as much as I did now.
His vents were full power and sounding like a jet while his body had heated up considerably. Groans and grunts were leaving his dremas as the heat crept up on him. My eyes were rolled in the back of my head as he hit deep in me, rubbing and stretching my walls in a delirious effort to reach our ends.
The pleasure was all I could think about as we grind and thrust together. I wanted to reach my end, it was almost painful at how much pleasure was overloading my nerves and senses. "Kn-knockout!" I groan out in a small shout. I want shim to realise just what I was feeling.
"I know my little fleshie. I know." He groans back his thrusting even more powerful as he presses me Eben tighter against the wall. He was feeling the same as me but he was holding on. He wanted to end at the same time as me.
His fingers dance along my skin. Tickling in some places while firm and pleasurable in others. His glossa glides along the side on my neck and collar bones. This combined with his thrusts soon sent me over the edge. Screaming his name loudly as he slams his dermas against my lips in an effort to quiet me down as he finishes too, groaning lowly against my lips as I'm pressed against the wall even more as his body tightly presses against me. His digits find purchase on my hips and my fingers grip his neck win all their might as I close my eyes tightly.
He thrusts slowly, wanting to ride out his high as much as possible as well as relax my now tense body. "Hey relax my little one. Relax. Your in the brilliant hands of the most fabulous bot."
I groan against him, slumping against his strong metallic body as his arms wrap around me in a comforting warm hug. His thrusts slowing until he slips out and his spike clicks back into his body. His fans start to slow down before clicking off and he lifts me up. I waste no energy on lifting my head as it rests on his chassis and instead I relax further into his arms.
He starts to dress me in the clothing from the floor, before returning to his original large size and hold me in his palm. "I love you fleshy." Knockout softly whispers as he walks out the room.
"I love you too KO." I whisper back, smiling up at him and curling up in his palm. "Now let's go see you race!" I yawn while trying to seem excited, when I was in fact really nervous. What if I meet new people? What if they hate me? What of they like me?
"It will be fine my girl. I'll stay by your side no matter what and nobody will get between us." A smirk graces Knockout's face as he walks into he hall where everyone was. "I'm leaving for my next race." He announces, seeing Bumblebee and Raf's head turn to face him from the TV screen.
I hear Bee let out a series of beeps and buzzes which Raf quickly translates. "Can Bee take (y/n) out to see the town or she can video game with us?"
Knockout growls, "No. She's coming with me. I'm no longer allowing her to go anywhere or be with anyone without me there."
Bee holds up his hands in a surrender and Knockout transform into his vehicle mode and drives out of the base at high speeds, the seat belt buckling me in automatically.
In record speeds he reaches where a series of cars, sports or otherwise, were lined up. People, men and women, were in groups talking and some were even waving money around. He locks the doors and slowly rolls into his place at the front. People stopping to stare as he smoothly glides. "See how they draw their attention to me. That's how you draw my attention." He whispers quietly. "Now give me a few moments."
A bold boy starts to make his way over to me and the car. Knockout rolling the window down so that I didn't have to get out. "Y-yes?" I stutter, looking down at the steering wheel.
The boy whistles, seeming impressed. "What a cutie driving a car like this. Do you need someone to handle this beast for you?"
I was confused, sure Knockout was a beast but I never had the need to control him. Afterall, he controlled me. "I-I'm s-sorry. What d-do you mean?" I question, making sure not to make eye contact with the stranger.
"Excuse me." A deep voice speaks up from behind the male. It sounded just like Knockout. "But I'd like to get to my girl." The male spits out the my part aggressively and I knew it was Knockout.
Standing behind the boy, staring down at him with red eyes was a fire red haired male. His arms were crossed and he had a dark look on his face. "I-I'm sorry." This time the boy stutters and quickly moves away from us as he gets whoops and hollers from people who I suspect are friends and where the ones who egged him into doing that.
"Would you like to see my world now little one?" The male asks, his red button down shirt rippling with his movements as he opens the door and leans down, bowing as he holds out and arm. His shirt was tucked into his black pants and ended with black shoes. Even in a somewhat strange humanised form, which actually really surprised you, he was still handsome and can be seen that he carried a large package in his pants. But I didn't stare for long as I got out the car with his help and I walked with one of his arms around my waist to where the large crowd was. It was time for the bets to be placed.
He walked with such confidence that everybody knew that he owned the Austin Martin with ease. High bets rolled into Knockout's favor and he just smirked. The money was just going to roll into his hand at the end of this. And with his girl by his side the money was rolling in even larger amounts.
Keeping the smirk on his face he leans down and rests his forehead on mine, eyes watching my expression of surprise and uncomfortable. He presses his lips tightly against mine, hands wrapping around my waist as he presses his crotch against mine. Grinding slightly letting me feel his already hardening member. "KO!" I gasp into his lips, a bright red blush staining my (s/t) face. I couldn't believe he was doing something like this in front of so many people. All he does is smile and then walks me away from the people back towards his car.
"Two minutes left!" Some girl shouts from in front of the cars, she held two black and white checkered flags, waiting for the drivers to get sorted.
"We can do a lot in those two minutes." He whispers heatedly into my ear. I blush even deeper at his words as he leads me back to the car. Getting into the driver's seat and pulling me onto his lap as he rolls the window up and closes the door, once again locking all the doors. "Now let's get started."
He presses his lips against me. It was weird feeling the soft warm lips of a human then the cold dermas of his robotic form. He let's nimble fingers run up my shirt and along my spine, making me shiver. "Knock-Knockout. Not now."
"And why not? It will get me all pumped to win if you show affection."
I couldn't say no, not with how he was touching me. His fingers dancing along my body as he chuckles against my skin, biting harshly along my neck to make sure I, as well as everyone else, knew just who I belonged to.
"Start your engines!"
Knockout breaks away from the kiss as his fingers reach into my pants and using his other hand he moves my hand into his pants. He slips in two fingers as he makes my fingers wrap around his cock. Moving my hand up and down his member he starts to pump his fingers in and out of me. J start moaning loudly against his neck where my head falls as I start moving my own hand on my own accord. I couldn't fit my whole hand around it so I just did what I could. I move faster as he starts to breath heavily, letting grunts leave his lips as his eyes closed, no longer fixated on getting me off but getting himself off. He starts to thrust up into my hand and against me each time.
"Ten seconds!"
His breathing gets heavier and he bits my neck as he groans loudly, his cum covering my fingers and hand. He kisses me just as the lady starts to count down from five and he disappears. "We'll finish this tonight." He whispers as he finally starts the engine and as soon as the lady reaches one the seatbelt is buckled and he takes off quickly. Knowing that he'd be able to win the race with ease like usual.
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doginshoe · 4 years
What You’d Do To Me Tonight
summary: Lucy had been in a blooming high school romance, but now that the love has wilted between her and her husband, she searches for a solace. However, she finds it in an already broken man that manages to set her alight in more ways then one. When her secrets spill, she finds her world begins to crumble from beneath her feet as the two men in her life torture her already broken heart. 
tw: Brief mention of abuse
I would like to thank @rougescribe and @bmarvels for betaing this. It's always so much help to have an extra pair of eyes read through something, especially when I'm doubting my work. Check out their writing if you can!
tag list: @shadyhydrathesnekqueen @lovelyluce @trollka21 @sobatsu @millennial-star-gazer @celestialspiritqueen @loveandlucky @theanxiouscupcake @mautrino @sereniii @celestialtitania @otaku-daydreamer-4673 @theweiszguy @samanthaa-leanne @sevenlaila @albinoclifford @darkwingpegasus21 @i-live-off-pina-coladas 
chapter 8.
The sound of a dull thud stirred Lucy awake that morning. She was warm, fingers tightening over the blanket that she had pulled over her chest and she snuggled further into the soft cushion beneath her. It was comforting, though she had definitely felt better days. There was a fog in front of her mind as she let the heat wrap around her, an ache that started around her hips and throbbed all the way around her body incessant on making itself known as soon as she tried to dive back into the lull of sleep. Her eyelids were heavy, already stinging from the light that was peeking in from her bedroom windows, but she refused to meet its bright rays today.
She was tired and in pain - Lucy wanted nothing more than to rest.
A loud clatter jolted her upright before she could let the confines of her exhaustion wrap around her. Her puffy brown eyes snapped open, taking in the living room around her to then whip her head to look at the source of the noise coming from behind her.
Natsu was there, his face turned towards her like a deer caught in headlights as he clutched a cup in his hands that seemed to have fallen off the bench. Lucy had to adjust her eyes as he settled it down, lips already pulling up as he brought his hand up to scratch at the back of his head.
This wasn’t her bedroom.
His lips pulled up after a moment, his eyes softening as he looked at her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake ya.”
She blinked - her eyes locking with his before her face dropped, quickly breaking their contact as she felt a tug in her chest - embarrassment making her cheeks warm as she turned her gaze to the floor. The shock of waking up rippled the surface of her memories as she realised why she was on Natsu’s couch. Her heart ached, eyebrows scrunching before she flittered her gaze back up to meet his.
Right. Her and Jackal had-
Natsu was still looking at her, his expression tense, he placed the cup down on the countertop before leaning against it. “Did you get a good sleep?” His voice cut through the thick atmosphere, the sound rough from it’s morning rasp and she realised that he couldn’t have been awake much longer than she had. His pink locks were still strewn in every direction, some sticking up towards the ceiling that made her cheeks darken. The way he was watching her made her uncomfortable as he waited for her response, his usually bright eyes dark with emotion, but he was still trying to strain a slight smile for her.
“I know the couch isn’t very comfortable, especially…” He let the sentence die, fingers drumming on the bench as he pushed the thought aside.
Especially when you’re sharing it with someone else.
It wasn’t a big deal. They had slept together. Just sleeping. He didn’t want to move after she had finally passed out on his chest, but Natsu felt it was out of place to say it outloud - to give the action more meaning than there was. It only served to make him feel off, and he didn’t want to know how Lucy would react. Natsu didn’t want to give rise to those emotions. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on it. He didn’t think there ever would be a time. Instead he settled to carry the conversation elsewhere as he started again, “You know how old the thing is. I’m sure you had a few broken springs diggin’ into ya throughout the night.”
“Oh, it-”
Her hand reached for her throat, coughing as her voice felt like scraping nails through her windpipe. Yet, each puff of air that left her lips had her eyes watering, throat searing as she tried to stifle the spasm of her lungs. Each heave of her shoulders sent a jolt of pain down her body making Lucy feel dizzy, her eyes closing shut as she tried to calm down.
“Oh, shit.” Natsu turned back, the sound of running water reaching Lucy’s ears as she clutched at the skin of her neck, though she winced as her finger tips made contact with the tender flesh.
She bit onto her bottom lip, keeping in the cry that wanted to leave her as it would only make the pain worse. Lucy felt sick as she remembered the hands that caused the bruises that were now imprinted onto her. She didn’t want to imagine what they looked like, her eyes sliding shut. She didn’t want to know what she looked like right now. The injuries that were littered across her entire body now flaring up as the memories surged back to the forefront of her mind.
She pulled her hand away to instead thread her fingers into the red fabric of the jacket resting near her collarbones, squeezing tight as she felt her throat burn.
“Hey, hey-” He was by her side, warm hands gently touching her upper arm and pulling her back into the moment. “Here. Drink up. You need some water.”
She opened her eyes again, sniffling slightly as she saw Natsu in front of her - green irises watching in concern as his lips were pulled down into a frown. Lucy raised a shaky hand up as she accepted the glass of water he was pushing towards her, though she kept the other still close to her throat.
She knew he’d seen it. There was no way that Natsu was able to miss the marks on her body after he had been the one to clean her up last night. Yet, she still tried to conceal it - gaze flickering to her lap and away from him as she took a small sip of the cool liquid.
She tried not to let the tingles down her throat bother her, feeling like just that small amount was too much for the swollen glands as she swallowed - the sound loud in her ears as she sat in silence. She brought the glass down to her lap, keeping her hand flat against the smooth surface to stop it from shaking.
“Th-than-“ The hum of her vocal cords still hurt, voice coming out strained and croaky, and she paused to take another drink until she finally sighed. “Thank you…”
Those words hung in the air, their meaning not quite coming across properly as Lucy almost whispered them. She felt awkward. There was a lot she should be thanking him for. Not just for a measly cup of water, but Lucy didn’t quite feel like elaborating further for him. There was a weight in her chest, holding her perfectly still as she tried to look everywhere but at Natsu.
“No sweat.” Natsu kept his gaze on her, hands moving back immediately from where he had touched her arm. “How’re you feeling?” He didn’t let his gaze wander, focusing solely on her eyes as he watched her - the worry that had settled into his chest beginning to rise as she struggled to take in air.
Lucy forced a strained quirk of her lips, pulling the jumper higher as she sunk down. “F-Fine.”
“Really, Lucy -”
“I’m okay… Natsu,” She said, but the high pitch tone of her voice betrayed her and she had to force her gaze up slightly. “Really, I’m fine.”
Dark green eyes watched her and Lucy felt her gut twist whilst he studied her. Her nails bit down, picking at the fabric and she had to force herself not to look away. She felt nervous in front of him, a hollow feeling surfacing in her chest as she recoiled.
He knew. There was no pretending, no lying anymore, but she couldn’t fight down the shame that was building up inside her. The weight was getting heavier and heavier, muscles tightening as she squeezed the glass in her grasp.
His hand moved to take the glass from her, not thinking as he reached for her before Lucy visibly pulled back. The water jostled in her grasp and she opened her lips to say something, but nothing came out as they locked eyes - Natsu pulling back as his frown deepened.
They were both skirting around the edge, neither saying a word. The house felt suffocating. The presence of what had happened not leaving and refusing to be ignored, but Lucy wasn’t budging and Natsu didn’t know what to do. His thoughts were jumbled, still trying to work himself through his feelings as he tried his best to make the right choice. Whatever that was. He knew what he needed to do, to be there for Lucy as someone she could rely on, but there was no manual on what steps he had to take. He felt like he was running blind and she was the unfortunate sucker stuck hanging at his side.
He sighed before he stood and tousled his hair, walking away from her and back into the kitchen. She tried to settle her breathing - Lucy unsure when her heart had started beating so rapidly in her chest as she took another tentative sip of water.
“I was going to go to the store, but I didn’t want you to wake up alone,” He started, voice far off in her mind as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “So, the kitchen’s pretty empty but-”
She shouldn’t be here.
Lucy tried to take a breath. In and out. Yet, it wasn’t helping. Her eyes began to sting, blurring with unwanted tears as her throat burned. She tried to swallow down the lump that had formed, but she couldn’t break it down. There was too much for her to think about, her emotions becoming sporadic as she struggled to keep them under control.
She pulled her hand away from her neck, downing the rest of her water as she gripped the cup with both hands. The water dribbled down her face from her quivering lip, dampening the jumper she wore. Natsu’s jumper - That he had given her because she had shown up here with her problems.
Her hands were trembling when she turned to put down the glass, fists tightening before squeezing her eyes shut. Though, the tears dropped onto her cheeks and she had to scrub at her face, flushing from the frustration that was beginning to take hold of her. Lucy let out a shaky breath as she adjusted herself, sitting up straight on the couch as the blanket bunched around her hips.
“Sorry, it’s all I have left.” Natsu’s footsteps were heavy on the ground, coming back as he fell into the couch with another heavy sigh and a packet in his hands. He opened it, fiddling slightly before offering it to Lucy. “Breakfast is served.”
She flicked her gaze down beside her and to the bag of cashews that he was offering her.
“I’m not hungry…” Her voice quavered as she curled her arms around herself, forcing another smile at the man next to her. Though, it was weak, looking similar to a grimace rather than what she wanted to show him. “Thank… Thank you though.”
She tried not to bite the inside of her cheek, feeling sick as those words left her lips again. Thank you… like she had any right to have even ask him- to even show up here after what she had done to him.
This wasn’t right. She felt so wrong and it hurt. That pain sat directly in her chest, below her heart. It was etching itself across her ribs and spreading down to her stomach. Her thoughts only picked up the speed, making her more upset as Natsu sat across from her.
Guilt. Lucy knew of it well after all these years and it was burning through her like wildfire.
“You should really eat something, Lucy.”
Natsu wasn’t attempting to smile anymore, his gaze dark as he turned his body towards her. His brow was pinched together in concern, jaw clenched. Sympathetic care for the woman beside him.
“I’ve got you some pain-killers too. I’m no doc, but I figured it would help.”
It was the only reason he was helping her. She knew it. He was just waiting for her to leave, for her to pack up her mess and get out of his face so he didn’t have to deal with the maniac in his house anymore. He fixed her up because he had no other choice. Natsu didn’t want her here. He just felt sorry for her, that she was so useless that she couldn’t even hold her own marriage together.
Lucy hated it.
She shifted uncomfortably as she kept her eyes down. She didn’t move as he shuffled, the crinkle of foil resounding throughout the small room before he put down panadol on the coffee table alongside her empty cup. The bag of nuts stayed out stretched to her.
All he wanted was to make this better. His thoughts centered around giving Lucy everything she needed as he tried his best to work out what that was. He hated seeing her like this. It made him feel sick. Whether he wanted to admit it before or not, but she was someone he cared about. If he could do anything right in his life then he knew it was helping her. Though, it would be easier if she would let him - her passive refusal not going unnoticed.
Natsu was stubborn.
“I can go get you some more water to take it with,” He mumbled, more to himself, but still loud enough for her to hear. He felt so frustrated. “We could go to the shops- Well, I can walk in.” Natsu looked at her, taking in every bruise as he corrected himself. He was such an idiot. There was no way she would want to walk around in public when she was in pain. “You don’t have to come in… We can get whatever you want to eat. If you don’t like cashews, that is.”
She didn’t answer. Not that she wanted to, but she couldn’t get the words out, throat constricting as Natsu spoke. The weight was beginning to suffocate her. Her ribs feeling as if they were enclosing around her heart.
His lips turned up, making the effort that she wouldn’t. “Or we could get groceries delivered.”
She didn't miss the slight strain of his smile, it was barely noticeable but it stood out to her. Of course, he didn’t want to be seen with her. With the way Lucy looked... Her hand climbed up to once again pull the jumper up to try and hide her neck. She didn’t want to imagine the many gazes that would be on her. How everyone would know.
"Saves a walk and pulling all those bags all the way here." He pushed out more words, as if to fill the silence between them as much as possible. "The cabinets are mostly dust right now so I feel sorry for the poor sucker who has to deliver them." He tried for a chuckle, but it was forced - unnatural as it spilled from his lips.
Though, Lucy wasn’t listening anymore. Her mind became blank as she blurted out her next words, interrupting Natsu’s rambling. “I.. I have to go.”
Natsu paused, his smile falling. “What?”
“I have to go,” She said, voice firmer. Her eye’s finally moved up, meeting his surprised gaze as a silence passed between them. His face twisted, eyebrows narrowing as his lips turned down into a frown, but Lucy wasn’t giving him time to speak.
She pulled the blanket to the side, bringing herself to stand up until her knees buckled. The blonde fell forward, her ankle surrendering under her weight as pain shot up her body. Her head spun, the sudden movement making her feel faint as she swayed. Yet, strong arms were wrapping around her before she crumbled - held firm around her waist, stilling her before pulling her to lean against a hard chest.
Lucy yelped at the contact, trying to pull away but the feeling of falling having her hands wrapping around him before she could stop herself as she struggled to stand. Her breathing was heavy, adrenaline rushing through her and causing her whole body to tremble. Neither said a word, moment continuing to pass as they were joined together awkwardly in a hug. Though, they didn’t move - only letting the seconds tick by as the blonde got hold of her bearings.
When Lucy finally looked up, her brown eyes watering as she met Natsu’s own, he was already looking down at her. He had taken on that same look, the one from last night that didn’t suit him - an expression that was pinched with an underlying pain as he stared at her.
He moved his hands, coming instead to hold her arm in order to keep her stable. His lips were drawn down, eyes already knowing her answer but seeming to ask her the question anyways.
“Go where, Lucy?”
She always loved Natsu’s warmth. It was what contrasted him to Jackal. Where her husband was cold, an explosion of dark anger - Natsu was always light. She didn’t like how that changed now. How he was looking at her with so much furry ladened underneath green eyes. Lucy had never seen it before and she felt the air leave her lungs, a jolt of energy to rip herself away from him rushing through her.
She had faltered, her mind glitching like the sizzle of static on an old TV. She saw Natsu first, his dark irises while he held her causing a pool of heat to rush to her cheeks, but then Natsu wasn’t there anymore. Instead, Jackal glared at her and the grip on her arm felt too tight as she recoiled. It felt all too real, fear seizing her before she had a chance to catch herself.
Natsu let her slip out of his grasp, though he watched her carefully as she grabbed onto the arm of the couch, holding herself up as she lifted her twisted ankle off the floor as she was too uncertain to stand on it fully.
“I-I can’t stay here,” She bit out, forcing herself to speak as tears fell down her cheeks. She wasn’t sure when she had started crying. Though, Lucy had been doing that a lot lately. Her eyes constantly bloodshot and teary.
“Yes, you can. Sit down, Lucy.” He looked like he wanted to pull her back to him, but Natsu wasn’t moving an inch - already struggling to control the level of his voice. “I know what you’re doing and it’s not happening.”
She leaned back, though didn’t let up her grip on the arm of the couch. “I should have never come here! This.. This isn’t your problem, Natsu.” She sucked in a breath, trying to not choke on her tears, but it felt so hard for her to speak to him openly. “..I’m s-so sorry. I never wanted you to have any part in this.”
His frown deepened. “Don’t do this. Please.”
Lucy shook her head, no longer listening to him as she squeezed her eyes shut. “Please, Natsu. You don’t have to pretend… f-for me..”
She was shaking, hands trembling and her breathing becoming more laboured with each intake of her lungs. She was so stupid to come here. Who did she think she was? Lucy had caused enough damage by using Natsu for her own selfish reasons.
He didn’t deserve this.
“Pretend?” He raised his voice, Lucy wincing in response, and Natsu tried to pull himself together. Yet, his anger was beginning to surge - the thought of what Lucy was accusing him of only adding to the fire that was building. “Lucy, please.. Do you really think I’m doing this ‘cause I have to?“
“I know what happened between us..” He let out a frustrated growl, pushing a hand through his hair. That wound was still tender, he had to admit, but Natsu knew that wasn’t important right now. “Just because of what we’ve been through doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. What’s done is done and I’m going to look after you.”
“I’m not your clean up job, Natsu!”
“I never said that you were!” He hissed. “Would you please listen to me? I don’t know everything, I know, but I don’t care, Luce. Just look at yo-” His throat closed up, his own eyes becoming watery and he had to tear his gaze away, bringing a hand to his mouth as he took a deep breath. “Where do you even think you’re going to go? Because I’m not letting you go back there.”
Go back there...
The thought bubbled up, the question that had been on her mind last night as she had left the house on foot with nothing but the clothes she was wearing - where would she go? Lucy knew the only place left for her was with Jackal. They had played this game before. She couldn’t count the amount of times she had slept in her car, or Jackal had been missing from the house for days.
This wasn’t any different. Except it was. He had something against her now. Jackal tried to kill her. Truly. Lucy didn’t doubt that he would’ve strangled her to death last night if she hadn’t defended herself, but what was she to do…
She wanted to laugh, but she was sobbing even harder. “I- I don’t know…”
The blonde brought her hand up to her face, trying to shield herself from him as she broke down completely. “Natsu, I.. I don’t know w-what to do…”
“Lucy…” He was cautious, swallowing thickly as he watched her crumble once again. “Lucy, please.” Natsu took a deep breath, his hands coming up as they reached out for her - watching her barely holding herself up as she cried.
He couldn’t stand it.
She didn’t deserve to feel this way. No one did. He had his own share of mistakes. Natsu knew how painful being betrayed by someone could be - he had experienced it so much of his life. Constantly surrounded by pain from people that he had trusted. Yet, at the same time, he knew that he would never truly understand Lucy. The very thought of what she had been through-
“Hey,” he spoke softly, slowly closing the distance. “Lucy?”
She shook her head, not looking up at him. She didn’t want to see how he was looking at her, the pity in his eyes as he saw how pathetic she was. Lucy wanted to curl up and disappear. She didn’t want to make these decisions and she… she didn’t want to hurt Natsu anymore.
“I know this hard, but I’m here.” His voice was barely above a whisper, so soft as he tried to coax her towards him, doing what he knew best, but he needed her permission. “Just let me be here for you.”
She choked on a sob, her brain screaming at her, yet, she wrapped her arms around him as soon as he pulled her closer. The distance between them dwindling as his arms encircled her before she pushed her face against his chest. Her tears were soaking into his shirt, small hands clutching tightly onto him. He knew that there was one thing he could do for her now - to be that stability that she needed in a moment where she didn’t have anything left.
“It’s..” Natsu hesitated with his next words, hands tightening around her form tighter in his arms as he contemplated if he really believed what he was going to tell her. Yet, he knew he believed in Lucy even if she didn’t. “It’s going to be okay, Luce.”
“N-no… It isn’t,” She cried, “This isn’t o-okay, Natsu.”
He held her tighter, refusing to let go as he buried his nose in her hair. “We’re friends.” The term felt off as it left his lips, feeling as though it didn’t quite reach where their relationship truly was, but he pushed it aside. “I’m gonna help you anyway I can, which means you can stay here as long as you like.”
“But I-”
“Don’t.” Natsu pulled back just enough so that he was looking into her teary eyes, his expression serious. “You’re not doing this alone anymore, Lucy. I promise you.”
Her lips curved down, the tears rolling down her cheeks. “Everything t-that’s happened-”
“Doesn’t matter,” He breathed, leaning in close. His forehead pressed against her own, but Lucy made no move to back away. Their grasps tight as they stared into the others eyes. “I’m not backing down. We can do this- You can do this.”
“We can go grab your things and I can borrow a mattress from Gray. I don’t mind.” His green eyes were intense, burning with a determination that sent fear pooling in her gut alongside something she couldn’t quite place.
“You don’t have to call that place home anymore.”
Lucy smiled, a real smile that had her eyes shining as tears rolled down the rise of her cheeks. Her chest felt tight still, but warmth was spreading through her and wrapping around every part of her as she laughed before burying her face into his shoulder. It was weak and sounded more like a snort, but she didn’t care. The weight on her, for the first time in so long, feeling so much lighter than it had before as he held her close.
They had merely scratched the surface, she knew. There were so many issues that would eat her up inside when she had the time to think clearly, but for now she let his warmth consume her like before. The effect of Natsu that had her so drawn to him in the first place. It was selfish and naive, but she didn’t want to worry anymore. All Lucy wanted to do was melt in the hope that she knew wouldn’t last. She wanted to let herself rely on him, even for a moment.
Thank you.
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