#once we were like. doing something idk what at all i cannot remember but i said ‘oh and thanks for helping me with (thing) earlier!’
sophiagrimes · 9 months
that post from ages ago that was like “you always think you want to skip royals by lorde cus its overplayed until you get to the gold teeth gray goose and then youre stuck because holy shit this song bangs” is how i feel with willow by taylor swift until the more that you say the less i know
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bettymylove · 8 months
hello! I really love your work and I was thinking if you could write a one-shot of theo inspired by the song " Open Arms by SZA ". but somehow make it a good ending? idk 😓 ( like a slow burn or something ) reader had to let theo go but theo is kind of begging..? for reader to stay in his life and so on! idk if I explained it good enough but you can search up the song and take a look at the lyrics, you'll see what topic I'm going for!
thank you if your write this! you're an amazingg writer ‼️
never leaving
pairing: theo nott x reader
content: your insecurities push you to break your friendship with Theo, only to realize you were wrong all along.
a/n: hope this matches your expectations, I'm sorry if it didn't<33 (also I feel like I'm apologizing in every a/n)
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You could say that Theo took you in, he was the only person in your life that ever made you feel too comfortable. When you were on the train, he had befriended you and he never let his friendship falter.
Theo was everything, he was all you could ever need and it scared you how much you were dependent on him. You had never needed anyone, always doing everything by yourself but you could see that changing.
Friends weren't a usual sight in your life and Theo had changed that, but you still had your doubts and maybe that's why you had decided to tell him.
You always had a lingering feeling, that he was taking pity on you because who would willingly spend so much time with you, call themselves your best friend, he had no reason to do it.
You spotted Theo in the hallway along with Mattheo and Enzo. The former two were smoking, and Theo's eyes met yours, and he immediately threw down his cigarette, crushing it using the sole of his shoe.
His eyes stayed on you while yours diverted here and there, ashamed to even meet his gaze. You wanted to be with him, but he was ruining his life for you, he was way too enamored and you wanted to help him.
You reached the group and scrunched your nose at the nicotine smell, Theo noticed this and dragged you away. Why does he have to be sweet and make this harder? you thought.
"Theo, I-" You questioned yourself, he was the only person who knew you but it would be too selfish to make him stay, so you continued, "I don't think we should be friends anymore"
Maybe friends wasn't the right word to describe you two, you weren't dating but he never dated anyone else and it's not like you could. You always hoped it was because he harbored some feelings for you but that had been a foolish fantasy.
"Y/n, I'm sorry sweetheart, I won't ever smoke again, I mean this was the first time in weeks, I really am trying" what? he thought this was about him smoking?
"No, Theo it's not about that." you simply stated trying to make him understand about you suddenly pulling away. He stared at you, his mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to say something but really could find the words.
"You can't do this, you cannot wake up on a random day and decide to remove me from your life as if I'm a pawn in your chess board" he was almost yelling, Theo had never yelled at you nor had he ever gotten angry at you, it was always you being mad and him picking up on it.
You remembered a scenario from second year and how different times had gotten now, you had changed and him not so much but you guess it was for his better.
"Where's y/n?" The twelve year old Theodore Nott asked his friend and said friend just shrugged in response before saying, "She hasn't been talking to anyone."
You're mad, he knew you were you always shut everyone out when you were, falling silent and Theo knew just how to better your mood and so he headed in your direction.
Your flashback stopped when you saw a tear fall from his eyes, you had never seen Theo cry either, only once and that too not intentionally. He was showing every emotion of his and you stood there unable to think, mumbling a sorry before leaving him stranded in that hallway.
Theo was shocked, hurt, angry and was feeling all these emotions at once. He had known you for six years and you had left him in six minutes. He loved you and you couldn't see it.
He knocked on your door for the fifteenth time, and you finally opened it. Your eyes were red and puffed up, you were crying.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked in a small voice unlike the one he used in the hallway, he was scared to lose you.
"You don't need to take anymore pity on me, Theo, go live your life" you said with a sniffle in the end and your statement had only made him more confused.
Pity? he had never taken pity on you, and it hurt himself that you believed that nonsense. "You can't replace me y/n, I'm forever, no matter what."
You so wanted to believe him, you so wanted to be in his arms right now, you so wanted him to stop as he was doing right now but you just couldn't.
"I'm sorry Theo, but I have to" Those were last words to him before you shut the door and Theo couldn't sleep that night.
It had been 2 months, 18 days of you ignoring him and he thought he might go mad, you were driving him crazy, you not being there was so much worse than he had anticipated.
It was late in the night when he spotted you leaning against a railing, breathing hard, and when he got a bit closer he noticed you were crying.
He went to stand beside you, you flinched but then sort of relaxed when you noticed who it was. You laid your head in your hands and started crying even harder and without missing a beat or saying something spiteful, Theo took you in his arms.
It was much later that you realized that you could not live without him, he was your Theo. Your tears wet his shirt but he didn't seem to mind, he never seemed to mind.
"You won't leave again, would you?" He asked as if he knew you were coming back and he was right. "You could try, but this time I won't let you."
You smiled at him, god he was the only person in the world who would never make you feel bad about what you did, and you realise it was only your insecurities holding you back from him.
He kissed your forehead lovingly and hugged you even tighter, "I love you" he whispered, half hoping you didn't hear him, but you did.
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bamfkeeper · 1 month
Religious Differences
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RQ: 'Hiiii if you're comfortable could you write some angst/hurt/comfort where a non-religious reader finds comfort in Kurt's religion and teachings during a hard time? If that makes sense? I've never been particularly religious myself (on the fence about spirituality), but in the past I've found great comfort in friends/family and their religious beliefs when things went awry. Idk something about the mutual comfort and respect towards eachother's ideologies and just talking about different religions and ideas brings me comfort when I'm feeling down :)' - @citiirose
Warnings: GN!reader, religious themes, unedited.
A/N: I felt this rq. I am not religious, but I've had religion shoved down my throat by my parents. For a long time I resented religion, now I don't care as long as it's not pushed on me. I always thought this would be an interesting dynamic with Kurt. This was a little hard to write, but I hope I did a good job getting that comfort in there. I kept the troubles vague, so you could possibly come back and get comfort in any scenario.
WC: 1.4k
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Faith in something unseen is almost cruel.
Especially when life threw you curveballs and you had no idea how to swing back.
You never felt the need or desire to believe in teachings spewed from a book older than you could imagine, especially not with all the science and proof saying otherwise. Everything contradicted each other, and a belief in any kind of faith felt confusing. Even learning, you never felt that pull that others do, your faith in an invisible force didn't exist.
Lately, life had been hard. Events were happening that effected you in such a way that you began to feel as though you yourself were crumbling. Nothing was helping you, you felt completely and utterly alone. You were always so strong, yet...you wished you didn't have to be. Or that you had someone around that would help you through it. You were just too stubborn to reach out on your own.
The only person who could always help you feel better was Kurt. He always knew exactly what to do and say to lift your spirits. The kind-hearted Catholic was always the shoulder you needed to cry on, offering you a safe space to express your emotions. His entire presence was incredibly calming for you, wrapping you in a sense of peace and understanding. Kurt could read you like a book, intuitively sensing your needs and providing the comfort you sought. In times like these, when everything felt overwhelming, you could really use that kind of compassionate support.
As if right on queue, the blue German teleported to you with a loud BAMF and purple smoke. He looked at you, his usual charming smile displayed on his face. "Ah, liebe!" he grinned, those fangs poking out of his lips, "I thought we could..." his smile faded slightly as he took in the sight of your sad form. "Ach....what's the matter, liebling?" his voice quieted with his question and he sat down beside you.
"Talk to me, ja? What's going on?" he asked gently, his arm wrapped around your waist and he let you lean on him. His tail wrapped around you too, brushing your leg. He was always so patient with you, his presence was grounding in the swirling thoughts you were having. You almost felt like you were caught in a typhoon, and he had become the shelter you needed for safety.
You slowly opened up and told him of what was going on. You spilled it to him, he was so easy to talk to. Kurt, being the wonderful listener he was, sat quietly and nodded along. He acknowledged everything you said, remembering bits and pieces he would ask about later. Your rant and vent made you feel so lost.
"I just...don't know what to do anymore. Or how to feel. I am...I feel as though I can't control my thoughts or help to think about what happens once everything is gone." You turned to him, "You are always so secure...how do you do it?"
Kurt smiled back, "Ah, I always find comfort in my faith. God is always there, so I am never truly alone. Sure, I cannot see him, but I can always talk to him. My faith is my light and it will always guide me through the dark." Kurt always spoke kindly about his faith, and it made sense. He had his rosary, always, and whenever he needed to, he'd fiddle with it.
You felt bitter. For some reason. Why was Kurt so secure, why weren't you? You were always so sure of things but something as unknown as faith irked you. Kurt was so sure and devoted, you were so upset with everything in your life it made you want to snap at him. You knew that wasn't right, so you held back. He didn't deserve that. But you couldn't help but feel mocked by the very thought of it.
"How are you so sure?" The sharpness in your tone was obvious, "I mean...you can't talk to him really. He doesn't respond back. And, how are you so sure he is real? The books have been rewritten thousands of times, lost in translation. How are you so sure you're even following what he wants? If you believe that." You asked him, you weren't sure how he was so devoted to something that seemed impossible. "Science explains everything the book does. How are there dinosaurs, but no people for millions of years? Or, if they did exist, how did humans survive? Humanity didn't start happening until way later in life. You can't just ignore the facts life has."
He didn't look offended by your questions, he had been asked them many times. He smiled and held his rosary, rolling the beads between his fingers. "There are ways to look around it, God's teachings can seem confusing with what science can explain. Sometimes, faith extends past what you can see with your eyes, and you have to see with your heart and soul. Then you allow it to guide you."
Your brow furrowed with confusion, you couldn't imagine doing that yourself. You just couldn't believe it, and thinking on all the stories that come with Catholicism, you just couldn't pair them with what you knew. Science was there, the stories were vague and the teachings didn't make sense to you. "I still don't get it. There are so many things that tell you the truth. Explanations that don't rely on God, who's essentially an invisible, flying orb in the sky."
Kurt nodded, "Ja, that is true, but as I said, you have to open your heart and allow it to come in to understand it." He rubbed your arm and smiled, "Not everyone can, and that's okay. I know how you feel, and how it might seem...odd. That I am so devoted to something you don't understand. I'm happy to teach you, or talk to you about it..."
You thought for a bit, looking to him and fiddling with the end of the rosary he still held. You weren't sure if you could touch it, but he hadn't moved away. "This might be a weird request but...can you tell me some?"
"Tell you some what?" Kurt tilted his head.
"Some stories. I don't know I just...I think that even if I don't believe like you do...it would help me feel better." You muttered, feeling embarrassed for asking him this, hoping he wasn't offended. He heard the hurt in your voice, he was surprised you asked this, knowing you weren't faithful like he was. Still, who was he to deny you such a simple thing? His grip on you tightened and he leaned into your hair. "Of course, liebling..." he situated you both so he was sat back on your bed, pulling you to lay on him.
After you were cozy, he rubbed your back and told you all the common stories first. Of Eden, of the Ark, the Lion's Den, the Giant, all the classic known ones. As he spoke, he told them in such detail, his voice calm and even. He spoke of the teachings, of the great splitting of the sea, he told both the kindness and power. He told of the faith and love. He was passionate without overwhelming you.
For the most part you listened, letting your eyes close as he spoke and hummed to you. But you of course had your thoughts and questions. Kurt happily answered them, glad you seemed interested. He respected your ideologies, even if you didn't believe like he did. He was still happy to teach you and tell you stories when you felt down like this. He had such understanding, he was respectful and didn't push his faith onto you.
"We are never truly alone, he watches over all of us. He protects us and provides us with comfort. He guides us, helps us through the difficult decisions we may make or is there for us when we need someone. We are of God, even with our...unique...abilities, or appearances. We are the same on the inside, and we are all loved." Kurt looked down, seeing you were close to sleep.
"That's it, liebe..." he smiled and kissed your forehead tenderly, "You will always be loved, even if you don't believe. He loves you, as do I. Rest, your troubles will fade away...I will be with you throughout them. If you don't feel like trusting in God, then trust in me." he hummed gently to your sleeping form, keeping you close and secure, his arms wrapped protectively.
He wished he could take the pain away, but what he could do was be there for you, and he would be no matter what happened.
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Thanks for reading.
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Dividers by @/adornedwithlight
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hongtiddiez · 3 months
my stand in final thoughts, feelings, etc.
what an absolute ride of a show. what a series of ups and downs and downs and downs and up.
i think what i find so charming about this show is that it really exemplifies what it means to be human. each character was flawed in their own way and each made mistakes that at the end of the day were just human mistakes. no one felt like a mustache twirling villain but rather a flawed human being that got caught up in something bigger than themselves, or caught up in their own ego, hubris, etc.
in a show that was clearly framed to be about second chances i really did not expect the wide array of examples of different second chances in life - the obvious being joe and ming, but then there was joe and new!joe's mother, ming and his mother, tong and may, joe and sol, etc. almost everyone experienced a second chance of some kind with one another. almost all second chances worked out towards a positive outcome but i respect that some were neutral outcomes at best; a total reset. a second chance doesn't always mean total forgiveness and absolution but rather a new slate to try again and i really appreciate that MSI made it a point to showcase that.
i am also once again grateful that the show did not fall into the evil mother trope. i was gritting my teeth waiting to see what became of ming's mom and in the end both she and joe's mom were parents doing their best, wanting the best for their children, and stumbling along the way - another perfect example of humanity.
i couldn't even come to fully hate tong by the end. the industry inflated his ego, he felt indestructible, he was able to get anything he wanted with his connections, and he allowed that confidence to turn to hubris and got involved in something far bigger than himself. a scared, cornered beast will almost always lash out and at the end of the day tong was lashing out for any chance of survival. he needed a wake up call of catastrophic proportions to get his head on straight but throughout the show they did show us reminders of how much he loved may, little glimmers of who he was behind all of that, and by the end when he was able to find peace those traits shone through again.
and with ming i appreciated that he still felt like the same person. he was still an asshole, still rough around the edges, still who he was at the beginning of the show but his efforts were channeled elsewhere, his priorities changed, and he learned what he truly values out of life. joe didn't magically change ming, but he did alter his perspective and give him so much to consider.
i still cannot fathom the pain joe has to go through every day looking in the mirror and knowing he will never see his face looking back at him. the show teased little peeks of the affect this would have on his mental health and i wish it had maybe delved into that more but mental health is always a slippery slope.
for the grit and darkness of the show the ending felt a little too fairy tale for me but i was also kind of hoping joe didn't come back. i know, horrible of me, but if i was him? i don't think i would've come back. he had to be so, so tired and he'd been through so much, that part of me wanted to see that happen as a final nail in the coffin, a message that sometimes death comes for us no matter how hard we try to run from it, and sometimes death is a kindness at the end of a long and painful journey.
idk i'm also a slut for angst so ignore me.
i wasn't mad at the ending by any means, i enjoyed the little nods to potential side couples, i loved seeing things come full circle, loved joe's realization that while HE always saw himself as a stand in or someone overlooked everyone else remembers his past self fondly and he made an impression on them. in the end, so much of joe's self worth issues were his own insecurities exacerbated by ming's emotional abuse.
that being said, don't forget to tell people in your life how much they mean to you. it can mean a lot more to them than you can imagine.
definitely think MSI is my fav bl of 2024 so far, it was something unique and a little darker, more mature, all things i've been craving for a while.
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ashironie · 7 months
I don’t have a good feeling about Celia
I tried to post this earlier but it got deleted so fuck
But from so many standpoints she just irks me
-She has the same character archetype as Alice. Many have pointed out their similarities and while this by itself isn’t much (as is everything on this list) with everything else it makes me weirded out
-She just came out of the blue. We had no warning in the episodes before no build up. We were introduced to the concept she was coming and then she came with little fanfare.
-Her introduction to the rest of the cast is a lot different than Sam’s. A lot understated. Maybe Jonny and Alex just didn’t want to do the same thing again but it felt really rushed and weird.
-I cannot see how she can possibly contribute to the plot in any meaningful way if she is just another victim coworker. She was introduced too late to have her death feel like anything but fridging (when you make a character just to kill them for momentary character drama), once again she shares a character archetype with Alice so the only thing that they could give Celia could be given to Alice perfectly fine, and she once again feels forced
-Celia was also too comfortable too quick for me. She just instantly trusted none of her coworkers would report her for talking shit about their boss. She seemed too genuine about everything even though she was in a completely new environment. And she was just so laid back with everything, like sure she might not know the full scale of things but she seems like she’s been their for as long as anyone can remember (something that might be due to the fact I associate this trait with Alice who has been there a long time)
-idk if I’m reaching or going crazy with this one but Alice seemed off. She moreso just said “I’m Alice” and and Aliced all over the place. But as soon as Celia left she said ‘yeah’ sorta suspiciously? Maybe I’m crazy. Then she’s back to herself replying to Gwen, who we can assume is only less interested in what Celia has to say due to the situation she’s found herself in during ep 4 was it? with Lena. The only time we really get to know her thoughts about Celia when she isn’t in front of her is when she’s bugging Sam about his crush on her, and also literally all conversation she has with Celia she also has with Sam and shifts the conversation (aside from just meeting Celia) to Sam (imo). The only time we get her opinions on Celia away from other characters is the little ‘yeah’.
-We don’t see Colin’s reaction to Celia either, which would mark the third episode in a row where Colin is only mentioned (to my knowledge). Though we don’t have any mention that he’s been hostile to her. The only characters that truly talk to her and that we can see their reactions to her are Alice and Sam. One who I’m convinced is suspicious of her and the other who’s ’in love’ with her (I was completely caught off guard by this due to not even thinking about any of that in the very beginnings of a horror podcast, I’m autistic and demiromantic, and because I was half listening the first time I listened. I sense it more but it still feels like a stretch to me before Alice mentions it though makes a lot of sense due to Sam’s reaction to her mentioning it)
-I feel like I’d be amiss to not mention the fact this is the episode we truly have an Avatar in it. Needles is the first avatar we tma enjoyers know as an avatar (in Norris’s statement in ep1 we have the maybe scammer but it’s unclear weather that’s an Avatar, someone being possessed, or something else entirely). Thematically, this would be a great way to establish a connection with Avatar and Celia. She was introduced exactly when Avatars were. Also the episode name could also be a reference to the fact we are having our “introductions” to Avatars thought this episode, but that’s unrelated.
-People has also pointed out Celia is in Tma, same name and same voice actress (so no Michael situation or helen and Mel’s therapist situation [I think I remember them having the same voice actress and that being a problem] here). Although I don’t know what the could mean but that’s actually the reason I decided to rewrite this mini-notsomini-rant.
I could be wrong about all of this and am prepared to be wrong but still, needed to get this out there.
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dyslexicmammon · 1 year
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Characters: Lucifer (Obey me!), Solomon (Obey me!) [not together]
CW// SFW, Angst ig? Yelling, Implied Lucifer x Mc, Implied Solomon x Mc, Nightbringer MC/attendant MC, You/Your pronouns used
A/N: Hiii~ I haven't written something in ages and I literally cannot remember how this drabble came about but, here you go. I couldn't find a way to end it because for me, Solomon is very hard to write for/about. The ending is open to add onto if you would like! uhhh idk what else to add. I'm gonna try and write more of my ideas since I'm having a hard time with art atm. Again this is just a short drabble lol
Chapter 2 / Ao3 / Divider Credit
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“Here's some food Lucifer, you haven’t eaten all day and I’m worried- '' You were cut off by a groan. Lucifer rubbed his brow and with disdain in his voice “If I was hungry I would have come down to eat at the agreed times. I don’t need you out of all people to worry about me. Leave.” He touches his tongue with his gloved hand then goes to turn the page of the documents he’s currently working on, not daring to look up from his work. 
Tears well up in your eyes as you place the well-prepared food you had made for the ungrateful Avatar of Pride down on his desk. On your way out you accidentally slam his study door behind you. You suddenly get a ping on your D.D.D, with its familiar and expected buzz you knew it was Solomon “I’m waiting outside ❤ ️”. You begin to move away from Lucifer's study, sighing and clutching your D.D.D to your chest. You hear a faint call of your name from behind the door. Ignoring it, you begin to make your exit. 
The tears are having a hard time staying in as they desperately roll down your cheeks. In the main hall you spot Mammon and Beel who were talking about dinner. Desperately trying to go unrecognised by them you begin to walk further to the left of the hall you were now sharing. “Where do ya think you’re going mc??” Mammon reaches out to grab your arm. Without thinking you pull away, only sniffling in response. “Yeah we haven’t had dinner yet” Beel says with a sympathetic half smile. Wiping your tears aside and in a shaky voice you apologise to the hungry demon. Looking at him, hoping to see that compassionate smile you once knew from your long nights hanging out and eating snacks. Only to be met with a faint smile from the gluttonous demon.
Mammon laughs nervously, feeling the tension in the air then announces “It's okay Beel! We don’t need some attendant taking care of us! We got this!” and giving his brother a slap on the back. Feeling unwelcome from the 2 oldest brothers' attitude you pick up your pace once again and head straight for the front door. A couple moments pass or faint grumbles from both demons until you hear the Avatar of Greed as he runs and reaches for your hand “Hey! You haven’t had dinner yet either!”. Unable to hold back the tears anymore, a steady stream begins to trail down your face as you start crying uncontrollably. “You said it yourself! You can cook yourself and your brother's dinner just fine. You can also clean up after yourself. You don’t need me! so let go Mammon!” You had never raised your voice at any of them before. After pulling yourself free from his grasp, you exclaim “Solomon is taking me out to dinner & I have to go. Not that you people care if I’m here or not. Oh and don’t bother cooking for Lucifer either.” Suddenly looking up at the banister, like he had control over your body you noticed the demon himself. Trying to hide the panic in your eyes you wipe away your tears and swiftly begin your descent upon the front door once more, ready to brace the elements. “Have a nice night.” you say, your voice cracking a little before slamming the door behind you. 
With the tension seemingly broken by the wooden door now between you and the avatars the tears flow harder than ever before and the air becomes heavy in your lungs. That's when you hear light human footsteps rushing towards you. Solomon was now staring in shock. With his face merely inches away from your own. He quickly but gently wraps his arms around you and holds the back of your head. “Oh my, Mc what's happened? Why are you upset?” Responding to his touch, your arms snake around his chest as you wail into his shoulder. Hearing the demons on the other side fast approaching, he picks you up and casts a shield spell to protect you and silence the yells of a certain white haired demon.  
“Let's get you out of here my love, our date can wait” he quickly begins to escort you away from the HOL. You can hear faint yells from what you assume to be the brothers calling your name...
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agendabymooner · 1 year
from the ground up ! fernando a. x ofc (professional wrestler!canadian!ofc)
“this life will go by in a blink of an eye but i wouldn’t wanna spend it without you by my side.”
summary: weeks after their 15th anniversary, trish and fernando alonso introduced the newest members of their family to the world. f1 twt were also posting about… everything alonso-related, including the names of their kids (in a loving manner)
content warning: mentions thirsty!grid of years 2023 and 2005, literally fluff, long ass names of the alonso kids, pregnancy/birth announcement, crappy spanish translations + taylor/fernando alonso references
note: i can see you lurking and i just wanna say hi 😩 everything’s been a bit of a flop, i know 🥲 there should be some pierre gasly content otw as well- but idk who else to write for (thinking about este and checo atm)
let me know what you think!! send me an ask- tell me what’s going on, etc. enjoy xx
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[1st image: “back in 2013, your husband - f1 driver fernando alonso - started a rumour about your firstborn’s name being seven something words long. you never addressed anything about it despite it being asked repeatedly. then you confirmed that that’s the case after you had given birth to your second child. the youngest.” trish: she’s not going to be the youngest soon enough but yes.]
[2nd: just for the record, our kids freddy and rey have been given at least three middle names. and since they were both born in spain, their surname follows after what the practices tell us. i didn’t honestly want to tell anyone outside our family about it but nando was so excited that he told his grid friends. sebastian vettel’s the one to basically cause chaos and said “yeah the two named their son after their ancestors.”]
[3rd: it became a recurring topic that would show up once in a while. we don’t like making a big deal out of it — our kids don’t need to have their legal papers be published or spread to the public because they are entitled to the privacy that they have now. though the two have been bragging about their names in front of a camera whenever they could. especially when their papa gets interviewed— oh god, they actually tell everyone their full name.]
[4th: “yes! i remember the press conference with him and the kids!” t: i was hoping that it wasn’t streamed live when they had that but what can i do? it’s already out there hahaha. they’re really proud of their name. “would you be willing to repeat what they introduce themselves as?” t: i might as well. so, their names are frederico hugo fernando patrick and reyna severina odette anastasia alonso staedtlander— don’t look at me like that. i know it’s long.]
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tagged fernandoalo_oficial
liked by lance_stroll, estebanocon, amydumas
amydumas holy shiiii- more godbabies for aunt amy!! liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso i carried them all for you to spoil them!
user1 what’s up with the names 🥲
user2 what are their nicknames?!!!
thetrishalonso tino and tiago 💕
user3 name inspo?!!
thetrishalonso rubén = rubens barrichello and michael = schumi ❤️
lewishamilton oh my god you and rey are outnumbered 😂 liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso there’s no need to point it out 😂
carlossainzjr cannot wait to see the chicos, beatrice!! liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso hurry up, tiago’s waiting to meet his godfather for the first time 😉
estebanocon congratulations, trisha and fernando!! liked by thetrishalonso
user4 look at my bestie, getting noticed by the grid crush of the season
astonmartinf1 just found our drivers 1 and 2 for the 2041 wdc season 💚 liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso freddy’s looking forward for the 2032 season 😂💚
astonmartinf1 he’s welcome to be lance’s no. 2 anytime!
fernandoalo_oficial estoy tan bendecido de tenerte a ti y a nuestros hijos 😍 i’m so blessed to have you and our kids liked by thetrishalonso
thetrishalonso thank you so much for your love, mi amor ❤️
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[translation: i am so incredibly grateful for my wife and her strength to carry not just one, but four children that i am sure i will love and appreciate as long as i can breathe. freddy, rey, tino and tiago, you will always have a place in my heart. freddy, you are an incredible big brother to all your siblings, and i can't wait for you to make them feel proud when you start your career as a racing driver. reyna, you will always be the best girl in my eyes, don't let other people say otherwise, princess. tino and tiago, you are the miracles that your mom and i have been asking for for years and i am always glad that you have come into our lives as nothing but surprises.]
tagged thetrishalonso
liked by nicholaslatifi, mickschumacher, lance_stroll
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amydumas congrats alo!!! i’ve always known i trusted you with trish for good reasons 😉 liked by fernandoalo_oficial
lance_stroll look at tino! he’s just as handsome as his godfather 😎
fernandoalo_oficial eh, you’re not that handsome.
lance_stroll wOW MEAN
sevstaedtlander congratulations nando and trish! their cousins are excited to meet the two liked by fernandoalo_oficial
tillywolff aww 😍 much love from me and the whole pack! liked by fernandoalo_oficial
thetrishalonso thank you tils! we can’t wait to have a play date with the wolff cubs and have you and toto meet the twins!
danielricciardo man you’ve got some balls 🤣 congratulations on the twins, nando and thetrishalonso!
thetrishalonso thank you danny, i can’t wait for your little one to show up too. though word of advice: please don’t refer to the kids as “some balls” ever again 😭
maxverstappen1 me and sylvie are up for babysitting if you ask for it 😉
mickschumacher hell no, i’m watching the alos
charles_leclerc you guys are funny
landonorris the bigger alo kids literally love me. have you been considered a favourite by either? no? exactly.
lance_stroll bold of all of you to assume they’d even allow anyone to watch the kids
carlossainzjr you might be a favourite but me and lance_stroll are the godfathers. so, keep trying nonetheless 👍
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zandlikething · 7 months
I have so many thoughts on Bad's last stream the fact like OMG my heart QSMP needs to pay for all of our therapy
I'll probably do another post because holy crap there is a lot that happened today
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I thought it was sweet Dapper and Pomme went to qPhil first because Dapper said they know he has concretions to some kind of goddess of death obviously referring to Kristin but I still am not sure if she is actually canons but it was a cute reference and it's nice to know that Phil has lots of tickets if they need cookies this week.
But also like Damn Phil cannot get a break first Tubbo now Bad I swear soon all the eggs will be ophans /j
Also apparently Taulluah is seeing the ghost of the eggs that died and one more. Idk if it's also an egg or something/someone else but if it's an egg I think it's either: 1. A-1 the egg that evil quackity was testing and died or Hope.
For those who don't remember Hope was an egg in a different orphanage than the original eggs that Cellbit found a while ago. The egg left a diary of their time in the orphanage. No one came for the egg and died but told that whoever is reading their book should not be sad for them. That's all I remember I'd have to go back and look to see what else I can find.
ANYWAYS Yeah so Taulluah sees ghosts now that are sad for some reason and she doesn't know why and Bad is missing and also presumably dead or a ghost? Because as we were following Dapper and Pomme on Bad's stream the thing would have reactions a lot of like what Bad would have. Like nodding and shaking his head or rolling his head for rolling his eyes. It all just felt very Bad like.
Also he was very against using any spells of stuff to block spirits so I think it might be Bad somehow looking out for them but not able to talk or interact with them for some reason.
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I know these are a lot of signs at once but I find it very sweet that Dapper despite everything is trying to keep a positive view of everything and trying to cheer Pomme up.
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I love how this is the plan they come up with to get Bad back lol 😆 I'm sure they'll come up with a real plan but who knows this could maybe work
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Dapper and Pomme did this a lot and I love it. Them just leaning their heads together silently telling the other it's ok we are together aggghhh it is so sweet. And the fact that they did it multiple times I imagine just reassuring the other and themselves that they are there.
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This was so pretty and nice just Dapper and Pomme watching the sunset (07 Bobby) together going over memories
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Talking about their dead siblings and Max saying they should build a new place for them to remember them and wish them a Happy birthday every month
I didn't get screenshots of it but Dapper telling Pomme that all of their past siblings would have loved her with how sweet Tiln was and how good it was to be around Flippa, how Trump would have loved picking flowers with her and how Bobby would have loved doing pvp with Pomme :,) like bro I am literally tearing up
I am going to make a part two because tumbler is at its limit of how many screenshots I can show because guess what there is more heartwarming and heartbreaking stuff I need to talk and show
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future--ghost · 8 months
I started thinking about Sammy Lawrence again. He genuinely means so much to me because he's such missed potential. The creators of Bendy proved that they COULD write good characters, but just don't. If time constraints are an issue, maybe you should deviate from your formula? Susie/Malice is a good character. She has development throughout the chapters, even if we don't explicitly see her much. Her actions resonate through the studio, not to mention that we can get her audio recordings from the past, each one showing her going from an excited, up-and-coming Alice to an angry, betrayed, bitter woman, who's about to become a victim to Joey. I WISH they'd explore Sammy more as a character. He could genuinely be so interesting. A talented musician who won an award, alongside his old friend and musical partner, Jack. Jack, who was a singer, and the sweeter of the two. Jack who can no longer form coherent sentences, nor can he sing any longer. Sammy, who has a more stable body than the rest of the lost ones, but who has lost himself to madness. One of the first overtaken by the ink. One of the first to be pulled into the depths of insanity by Joey's creations.
He could he so tragic. Sammy's belief in the Ink Demon "saving him from the inky abyss he calls a body" has always been considered dumb. How had he come to that opinion? That's something I'd see every once and a while after the release of chapter 2 of BATIM. After BATDR, I remember seeing a character analysis of Sammy's belief in the Ink Demon and how in BATDR, we saw a more manipulative and egotistical Ink Demon. It could be possible that the Ink Demon took advantage of Sammy's desire for his old body back to return to his former self. It'd be easy, wouldn't it? A sleep deprived musician who's been one of the first victims of the Ink. Spiraling downwards, even writing one last song, before the breakdown that marked the end to his former life. (Lighter Side of Hell was the last song Sammy composed before he broke down and was consumed by the Ink, I think.) I can't find the post, but I really did love that one, because ever since I've thought about him more.
Something I've thought about his character that has definitely sprouted from BATDR is Sammy's ability to compose in the form we see in the game. His body is made of Ink. INK. Ink doesn't hold a stable form. No matter what you do, it won't. It's not like skin. Skin will at least be soft enough to touch things, but inky will ripple at the touch of a string. Why might I mention strings? Sammy's favorite instrument is the Banjo, as he said in the Sammy Lawrence Hot Topic Twitter Takeover in 2017. Banjo is a string instrument, but an ink body wouldn't be able to use a string instrument. Sammy Lawrence physically cannot compose without damaging the ink body. The string would most likely cut through the ink. Not to mention all the other string instruments in the Music Department. He can still use other instruments, like percussion, right? It depends. The frequency might cause ripples in the ink. It depends on how it works. Personally, I'd like to think Sammy has a far more stable body, as his anatomy is not as see-through as the other lost ones. Sammy has a "skin" of sorts. The lost ones are just kind of bones, with ink dripping down. So Sammy may actually have a body under the ink, who knows! But my main point is that both Sammy and Jack are incapable of doing what their jobs and livelihoods were. Sammy can't compose his new body, which hinders the ability greatly. Jack can't sing. He was the more vocal of the two.
That's just a small bit of what they could think of. Idk that's just kinda been what I think about when it comes to Sammy.
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submariini · 11 months
Thee Antwerp Gig Overview (by #5)
me and @jeevm arrived around 7:50am at the gig, numbers 4 and 5 bc belgians simply are not a queuing people. not much happened beside chaotic uno and trix doing a short interview with us seven? i think at that point i forget
the bus arrived a little before ten am, and we were allowed to sit inside at that point so we just all went outside again and just stood there for a whole ass three hours being clowns.
jaakko, jukka and jesse walked by a few times entirely undisturbed bc belgians also do not talk ever. (and dutch ppl ig). respectful times.
eventually, at around one, Häärijä got off the bus (mostly as a distraction for K going the other way). This man came by like proper we thought he was gonna just walk by, but he waved and then decided to ignore everyone and beeline straight into my direction for a hug? hello? unsure how he still knows what i look like (was not in the yellow tshirt yet bc cold and he hasnt seen me since simerock).
K and Jesse came by as well -- please note at this point there were like goddamn 40 people there. Nothing like the Munich papal visit scenes at any point.
K just the nicest. Didn't remember me from simerock (fair, it was a factory of photographs) and was like wtf rollo (as per ushe), complimented my boots bc he likes them (they are r+ but usually kids sizes) and i got to be "mean" abt the r+ ticket sale and the bus making it stressful. When he asked it I wanted him to sign anything, I didn't have anything and he just offered to sign my boots? Man did not expect the clown to clown communication that was happening bc he seemed very oh god for real when I agreed.
Someone gave him a necklace and instantly wanted to put it on. The person who gave it couldn't fasten it bc nails/shaking hands so I offered to try and then idk how it got fastened bc christ I shook as well. Not helpful: Mikke both filming that and the boot signing up close 😭
Told Jesse he told me at simerock that I should just join the tour bus and he went "yeah that sounds like something I would say." then scolded me for not having been in Berlin for that 😭
H wandered back and forth a bit, had another weird football chat (rip hazards career) where I was sitting on a little wall, back to the bus still at that point, and he just leaned into me turning around and just held my shoulders the entire time? When I got sweaty and took my hoodie off later he also suddenly grabbed my tshirt when it was riding up I am Feeling Fine.
Was wearing the yellow tshirt w the cross stitch and he made me turn to show Jesse??? And Jesse did the nicest "wait can I touch this?" bc I guess he thought it would be fragile???
People formed a nice selfie line and K just said he's santa claus 🎅
H vanished, then came back out of the bus, and we had a weird mime moment bc I wasnt sure if he was motioning at me to get to him away from the rest. He was and I got fucking free merch??? Like free, not yet available merch. Genuinely what the FUCK. Im making an extra post abt this most likely bc I cannot explain what the hell happened in that moment and the things around it.
When Mikke did the interview w the first queuer, H just stood behind the glass door into the venue and started miming at us. Like not even properly in character? Help.
Jesus Belgian audiences proving once again we just Are like that. Refusing to goddamn shut up. Every time. Man disallowed to banter by loud belgian screaming. He seemed so touched though jesus christ time to cry
Got roasted for basically slut dropping and shooting my Häärijä sign up in the air before Mic Mac. "yes that mean fucking häärijä" local man fed up w my antics.
Got roasted AGAIN straight after Mic Mac because I was the person he pointed at during the "this is your home now" bit. (promptly decided diving behind the barrier and Face In Hands was the best reply)
Mild bit before the 2nd Cha Cha Cha as I was the front row person he called out for not sitting down. Just yelled that I got bad knees and I'm not sure anyone caught his reply properly 😂
Overall 10/10 excellent gig what the HELL. The belly flop on the balloon, the whole banter before paidaton bc so much of the queue ppl I was with took their shirt off, the way we refused to kept chanting, him trying to eat the bubbles, him talking about Hs dick and the whole balls convo??
Post Gig
Had to pick up merch for a few people, so went with the hope of a third Häärijä hug. He eventually got a bit held up outside of merch by people (lit at the door into the merch room) and I got to just "Sorry it's me again" but he just instantly hug. We talked a little about the gig (did I like it, how I was doing) and like K feeling much better/doing better ft. some dumb crap.
Merch was in fact gotten after I just LOST my friends bc of H.
CANNOT wait for London. and Glasgow but thats with normal people. Like met so many fun people in the queue who are going to be at London jesus christ. Party time.
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
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𝓑𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓬𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓱 𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓷 𝓟𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓪 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓘𝓘
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋɴᴅ - ꜱᴛᴀʀɢɪʀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʀʟᴜᴅᴇ (ꜰᴛ. ʟᴀɴᴀ ᴅᴇʟ ʀᴇʏ)
Tw: Betrayal, slavery, torture, not so sibling rivalry, some angst but majority is fluff. 
Author’s note: I manage to squeeze something for a part two of Tamaranean headcanon. The Sullys know a bit more about reader. Idk why I just like the scene where the Tulkun return into the village, so I wanted to add it to the headcanon. Sorry that it’s not much.
One day, you along with the Sully kids and the Metkayina kids have been haging out. “Y/n? what did your sister do to get to banish from your home?” Ao’nung had asked as Tsireya responded for you. “I don’t think that’s appropriate to ask” she said as you responded. “No, no, it’s fine, I think it’s best you all know” you said. Then again you spoke again once getting everyone’s attention. “When she was born, she had an illness, that illness prevented her from from flying or having the strength me and my people had. Then after a while, I was born, I was born just like the people in Tamaran.” You talked while they paid close attention. “She had become resentful towards me, because I had something she didn’t have, she began to hate me. I believed was because our parents didn’t see her fit to inherited the throne due to her illness.” You spoke sadly looking down at your hands.
“She would do things to me, she’d hurt me in many ways. Until our parents sent us to a school in another planet, so that they could train us into becoming warriors in Tamaran since our enemy had been trying to go to war with us. We are peaceful being but if we have to fight, then we fight. My sister had become the greatest in combat. During a test, she had been beating me to all the tasks. Until I had accidently knocked her off the field, which was floating in open space. I went to save her from her death, but after I did, she attacked me again, nearly killing me.” You now sounded sad.
“Our tutors have sent her back home, since they believed that she had no heart for attacking me the way she did after I saved her. But she did not go home, she went to our enemy, she told them about our secret defense system and other stuff. Then my sister had demanded my parents to hand me over, and If I ever return, then she’ll destroy Tamaran. So I went with her, I had become her slave, she did whatever she wanted to me, most of it was torture.” You said, this made your stomach turn a bit, still remembering the torture all those five years.  
“Then one day we both got kidnapped by another race, they had decided to experiment on us with solar energy. But I manage to get away due to the attack to an attack from their enemy, that’s how I got my powers. I had saved my sister again, but just like the last time she had tried to kill me again. Again I was sold as a slave but this time I manage to escape, and that’s how I ended up here.” You had been in tears, you felt Tuk hug you, feeling sad about the whole story. “Even after everything she had done, I still love her, I cannot come to hate her.” Ao’nung then spoke, surprised “forgive her? after everything she did? you saved her twice and she tried to kill you no one, but twice” he said but you just shrugged it off. “I know, but she is till my sister and I love her, I can’t really hate her honestly.” You admitted. 
Kiri had been the one who told Jake and Neytiri your whole story, they felt bad, seeing that you had lost everything but yet, you’re still standing and were forgiving. 
Jake and Neytiri had basically adopted you since the day you had arrived, their care for you grew stronger when you had helped them recue their children. They saw you as a good influence towards their children.
Neytiri saw that you were pure from the heart, even after everything you had gone through, you were still smiling. 
Ever since you had told your friends what had happened, Tuk had made it her mission to tell you and let you know how much she loves you. No matter what Tuk always told you that she loves you and that you’re a good sister. 
You and Tuk had become very close, she was like a little sister to you since the day you had arrived. Tuk was innocent and deserves nothing but happiness. You honestly saw Tuk as your little brother, the brother you may never see grow up.
But you believed Tuk had been put in your way, and you now had a younger sister to look after. You would give her the love you weren’t able to give your baby brother. 
You’d often be spotted with Tuk, playing, swimming or just hanging out together. Tuk was basically attached to your hip.
Also, you and Tsireya were practically besties, you both would be with Tuk or sometimes hanging out together, you had also considered her a sister too.
Sometimes you’d take her on your back and you’d fly around the village for fun or you’d be hanging out with her in her marui making bracelets or weaving each other clothes. 
Tsireya would be the one to do your hair, since you just let it be. She thought about braiding your mane like hers, when she did, you practically called each other twins.
Since you weren’t really the fighter type, you had decided to get into healing. You had asked Ronal if she could teach you, at first she wasn’t sure but she agreed.
Since you had been learning how to heal others who’d get injured, it made you feel good knowing you were helping others without having to fight, unless needed.
While you learned Ronal had been interested in about you. She’d ask you questions about your home and your family among other things. When she heard about how your sister betrayed you, she felt bad but also saw how forgiving you were. If she were in your case, she’d be enraged.
You honestly reminded Tonowari of his own daughter, you and Tsireya were both just the sweetest people to ever live. He thought it be good to keep you around since you were a good influence on both his kids like Rotxo.
That day you had been weaving Tuk a new top, until you heard the Horn go off, getting everyone’s attention. You stepped out along with to see the commotion, then you heard Tsireya saying that the Tulkun had returned. Looking at the ocean, you saw the Tulkun swimming towards the village, Tuk then went to get Kiri so that she could see too. You along with the Sullys had joined in. Rotxo was kind enough to introduce you all to his spirit bother. Then you all went for a swim with the Tulkun. Kiri and Tuk on the top fin, while you and Rotxo at the bottom fin.
Some had swam by in their ilus, you spotted Ao’nung waving at you all, so you waved back. As you all swam with the Tulkun, you saw other Tulkun of all ages, adults, teens and some calf swimming around the Metkayina. It honestly reminded you of home, you remember how some warriors would come back home and be greeted with their families. It was nice seeing everyone happy, specially reuniting with their brothers and sisters. You had met Tsireya’s spirit sister and you had also met Rao and her calf. You were in tears scene such a beautiful view, a mother with her child. That type of vision always warmed your heart. 
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 6 months
u know what. im in the mood to piss ppl off. heres my ranking of the 10 strongest waterbenders in atla and lok (not including avatars, and im not including anything from kiyoshi or yangchen’s era. i havent read those hehe. sowwy. strictly going off the shows).
now im doing this bc waterbending is by FAR my fav form of bending. and in MY OPINION!!!!!,,, people overlook some pretty important facts and feats and decide based more on who their favs are. this is my opinion anyways so im sure i inevitably did that too! but anyways. here we go.
10 strongest waterbenders:
honorable mentions: kya- listen. she is my GIRL. and also she is very strong, but at the end of the day, shes a healer. she has very little combat experience, and she was up against some real monsters in tlok. and shes known to be a great healer, but we dont even see that much of that. for this reason, she cant be top 10:/. eska and desna- they are GOOD. and their synchronized waterbending is super interesting. unfortunately i just kinda think everyone else in the top 10 is stronger. and i feel like the reason they are so strong is because they’re a unit. if they were separated, i have doubts.
10. tonraq- right off the bat im wondering if im going off biases LOL. but i love him. i love his style of bending. he is arguably my fav waterbender to watch waterbend. but unfortunately, in most of his fights, he’s kindaaaa getting worked (im on s2 of lok rewatch now. so i may be forgetting some stuff. but the big fights that stick out for me are him vs unalaq where he gets worked and him vs zaheer and korra where again, he gets kinda worked.) very clearly strong, but does not have all that much to show for it in the show. but he fights with all the big shots for a reason, and he led the water tribe army or something like that. so. hes good.
9. huu- i honestly don’t remember a whole lot of him, but swamp style of water bending is super interesting, and he clearly does it the best. i know we dont see a whole lot of him, but i cant overlook that he is THEE swamp bender.
8. pakku- obv. hes a member of the white lotus and was the master waterbender of the northern tribe. a slayer for his time but i do think he is outclassed by most waterbenders we see in tlok. cannot deny his strength tho. he was the goat at one time for a reason!
7. hama- as far as we know, she is the first blood bender. aka the strongest aspect of waterbending. she is a LEGEND. but again, i think she was a master for her time, but would have trouble holding her own in modern day bending esp without a fully moon.
6. ming hua- the way she uses waterbending as an extension of herself is clearly masterful. and i feel like we never see anyone utilize waterbending anything like how she does. unfortunately, she cant be any higher bc we dont see any extraordinary sub-water feats (healing… i think???? don’t remember lol. bloodbending, spirit healing). but clearly, she was an insane threat to everyone around her.
5. unalaq- so like. MAYBE he should be 4, but i really hate him lol. but i cannot deny he is an EXCEPTIONAL waterbender and pretty much no other waterbender (that we see in s2) can even TOUCH him. hes got the spirit healing, and hes got the skill. somethin somethin vaatu vaatu. idk. i hate him and i dont rly like this season lol. moving on.
4. katara- ok. she was the best in atla. no ifs and or buts. HOWEVER. she gets outclassed in lok and i think we know why. BUT. she was a complete prodigy as soon as she started training with pakku. there was no extension of waterbending that she could not do. she clearly thrived learning waterbending how she did, in such a fast paced, high pressure, and high stakes situation, and thats not even HER PRIME! she was waterbending for under a year when we see her. and we still got the greatest waterbender of that time. there was no one like her, and no waterbender could hold a candle to her by the end of atla. and once again, was only 14. only waterbending for a year. whos doing it like my sis?!
3. tarrlok- unfortunately for katara, the bloodbending family, without a doubt, outdoes her. bloodbending without a full moon? done and done. sorry! i believe katara COULD bloodbend outside of a full moon given the extensive training tarrlok and noatak were given but unfortunately, we will never know, so i cannot in good conscience put her any higher than 4. tarrlok was a master waterbender in itself and pretty much a master blood bender.
2. yakone- he bloodbent. a whole courtroom. with his mind. we dont see anything else from him, and we really dont need to. sorry. it is what it is.
1. amon- he bloodbends with his mind. and learned to take away someone’s bending ability with blood bending. katara, the best healer in the world, could not restore korras bending. granted, she was probably going about it wrong, but the point is, she couldnt do it. taking away someones bending with bloodbending just takes the cake. that aside, even in a combat setting, when he wasnt even trying he was wooping on all other benders of all kinds bc he was controling their movements w his mind. imagine him openly using waterbending AND having his mind control technique?! he would be unstoppable. im ngl i dont love how lok handles waterbending/bloodbending in general. i kinda think they made it TOO strong with little reasoning). also we do see him do an awesome lil water tornado at the end. so. not that we needed that, but its a cute lil cherry on top to his waterbending. hes the strongest waterbender. sorry!
want to finish this by saying had katara learnt to bloodbend outside of a full moon, she would be number one. and i do believe she could have learned. but she didnt. so she cant be first.
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verdemoun · 23 days
What happens to camps in modern au? I can definitely see a few becoming tourist attractions. Shady Belle is Shady Belle, this was talked about a million times. But Clemens Point, for example? A calm lake, with a few bridges built, maybe for fishermen? A camping spot with just a few small buildings?
Beaver Hollow, now part of a legally protected forest? I don't mean national park, I'm 99% sure there was a phrase for that. But I think it'd be healing for someone (cough) Charles and Arthur (cough) to go on a hike, looking for Beaver hollow and spending some time there. The cave is probably sealed off due to safety, but probably with a tall fence or something. But the clearing is there. The memories are painful. But it's healing to see it so peaceful. No fights, no fire, no tents that'd remind them of that awful camp.
I think horseshoe overlook wouldn't share that fate though. It's close to a railroad. It probably became one of these small stations in the middle of nowhere (idk we have a lot of those here), but i doubt it'd just be left like that. Especially with limpany close. Maybe it's torn down, or reconstructed as a small tourist attraction in the middle of nowhere. I hc that Valentine is still a relatively small town. Sure, it grew a bit like most towns do, but it's still just a small town. Close enough to Limpany that people go there on a trip, and horseshoe overlook becomes a really cute scenic viewpoint? Something like that.
Colter is in the mountains. No sane person would do much with it. Hikers go there, sure. Maybe some- and i shit you not i just spent 5 minutes trying to remember the name. Maybe those are just a slavic thing. But these small cafes/hotels that are in the middle of a trail for people to rest up? Those? Something near colter? I can see that happening.
All of your asks are like a 1v1 where I have to write more than you.
Clemens Point becomes a very kitschy beach and tourist attraction for its naturally calm water, with long piers/bridges letting you walk out to most of the islands (with massive environmental impacts, the iguana population wiped out, and the islands themselves little more than sandbars) . Almost the entire shoreline has a timber walking platform. The field that once housed Clint and Clive's livestock sales is now a beachside campground instead of the point itself. At the point itself there are public bbqs and a viewing platform with a tiny plaque saying that 'Dutch's gang' were believed to have camped there in the early era.
Beaver Hollow is a nature preserve! Even Elysium Lake still looks semi-natural with the exception of a few lake-side holiday homes owned by millionaires who could afford to build on such hellishly sloped terrain. Arthur was mortified to learn people were swimming in the lake. While seeing the wilderness and trail trees nearby still growing, untouched and in place, was comforting, the cave itself has become a hiking hotspot and is well-lit with walking ropes and guided tours. It was very uncomfortable to see an overly enthusiastic man in his late teens give a speech about how it was believed the VDLs used the cave as an escape during the legendary assault on Beaver Hollow. But Charles and Arthur found peace hiding the mountain that had been the site of Arthur's last stand, which is now called the Arthur's Seat trail. They got to sit together amongst the red flowers where Arthur had once taken his last breath, share a bottle of whiskey, and then hike back down knowing they could go home to their little cluttered house and the gang waiting for them.
Horseshoe Overlook is private land, with someone building a McMansion on the site. The gang can no longer access it, but they looked at the property on google maps and were delighted to tell Kieran the tree he was tied to has been torn down. There is no mention of the VDLs having ever been at Horseshoe Overlook, but the bar in Valentine that Cornwall cornered them at is still standing and is very much a hotspot for vanderlindonians (middle-aged men who obsess over the gang).
Colter somehow became a ski lodge with only the original church restored and graves (including Davey's) still standing. There is also a plaque saying it is believed the VDLs had stayed in the area while escaping the law in 1899. Jack and Isaac took a selfie with it, even though Jack was too young to remember and Isaac - well, wasn't there. Isaac proceeded to break his arm skiing.
You make a literature major look at a map, you bastard. Guarma we know is the second island east of Cuba. Looking at maps, cross referencing the history of island sugar plantations, Guarma was most likely based off Puerto Rico. So yes it is absolutely a tourist destination. Dutch went with Habitat for Humanity (under Annabelle's supervision) and still complained about the humidity. Bill and Mac went on a romantic getaway only for Bill to hate it and want to go home. Javier and Kieran went and absolutely loved it (Kieran was drunk the entire trip and flexed his spanish (while drunk (which was... not good))). Arthur and Charles took Isaac and proceeded to lose him multiple times to bars and dances. By the end of the trip they kept him on a monkey backpack. Charles made many jokes about Arthur's complaints about Guarma and Arthur complained in response that it was very different back then.
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Headcanon Time!
Chrollo headcanons idk TW: sex mention like once
Mouths along to books when he reads. He only does this when he’s alone, really, but sometimes if he’s deep in thought or deep into the story, you can see his lips moving along with the words on the page.
I don’t think we really understand the magnitude in which this man steals. The auction was a walk in the park. Chrollo will take anything that isn’t nailed down, just to really see if he can. He gets his thrills from stealing.
When the Mona Lisa went missing? It was Chrollo. The Holy Grail actually has been found, and it has also spent two weeks as Chrollo’s toothbrush holder.
Chrollo uses malaphors all the time. He thinks they’re funny and way more fitting than the actual idiom. His favorite is “We’ll cross that bridge when we burn it.” “He’s a wolf in cheap clothing” is a close second.
Chrollo is multilingual, but he doesn’t let anyone know this who doesn’t know already. A common way to find out that Chrollo speaks different languages is to either see him flipping through a book whose title is in a different script, or to be out on the field with him.
Shizuku found out the boss could read different languages when they were stranded during a mission and Shizuku needed a restroom. She couldn’t read the signs, but Chrollo could.
Loves classical music, does not play often. He gets inclined to play and listen to music when he is upset, so when he gets the urge, but nothing is wrong, he just ignores it to avoid alarming the troupe members. Might hum under his breath.
No sweet tooth but can cook and bake something fierce. Cookbooks, along with religious texts, were some of Chrollo’s first books.
On that note, Chrollo remembers books cover to cover. He remembers favorite passages, but never marks them or highlights them. He thinks if anyone picks up his books and sees what his favorite parts are they’ll assume (or know) too much about him.
Chrollo in a relationship is a masterclass of experimentation on his part. He wants to know who you are, how and why you tick. You might not learn a thing about him, but he’ll know everything about you.
He likes to mess with your emotions. He wants to see how you wear them, especially in comparison to himself and other people he’s been with.
That tiktok trend where people tell their parents and grandparents a favorite celebrity died is a good example of something Chrollo might do just to see what you’d do. Might hide your dog and say he sold it. Would break your mother’s urn, it may or may not be a fake.
Likes kissing. Thinks its far more intimate than sex and will work you up with kissing and then just leave you if you let him. He was just in it for the smoochies.
Sexually, Chrollo does like the buildup and teasing before sex more than the actual act as well. Big on foreplay.
Bi man. You cannot and will not change my mind.
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crowwithacomputer · 1 month
The X Files - S4 - EP5
This episode has been very much interesting for their relationship
«Early in the four years of working together an event occurred that suggested or somebody told you that we were friends together in other lifetimes... always, would it have changed some of the ways we looked at one another?» said Mulder
«Even if I knew for certain, I wouldn't change a day» responded Scully «Well... Maybe without that Flukeman thing. I could have lived without that just fine»
I don't know but when I watch the episodes I see how they care for each other, but I don't see that love shown in this scene. It's like we're just some coworker. Watching them at all times, kinda weird, but only when they're working.
We don't see them in other circumstances. We don't see them watching movies, playing board games, visiting family, hanging out together... In four years they've known each other and we just get 16'5h on average each season (I did a bit of probably incorrect math). That's not even a day.
Am I saying we should get to see them 24/7 like The Truman Show? No, but it makes me think how much of their relationship we don't see. Again, we just see their professional side. And Scully and Mulder argue too much in every episode about all the theories they have. A normal working relationship cannot handle that much imo. They must have a really, really good bond. Maybe they don't get exclusively weird cases, maybe they work on normal stuff and get along pretty well during those.
They don't argue that much but such different ideas and perceptions while working on these things, idk, I feel it can only be handled when you know and appreciate that person very much.
"would it have changed some of the ways we looked at one another?" is such a hard line. Like, we've been together since the creation of our souls, for centuries before and to come, forever we'll be tied to find each other in the next life, even from an extremely small period of time, to spending our lives together. And Scully, I ask you, even after all those lives, personalities, faces, everything, do you look at me in the eyes and see Fox Mulder? Do you still look at me and see my weird theories and my love for sunflower seeds? Do you see a friend? Do you see me as something different? Something less? Something more?
Mulder, I tell you, that even remembering your faces, your personalities, everything from before. Knowing that we were mere coworkers, to husband and wife, to mother and son. Even after all that, after all we've been through and what we will have to go through, I wouldn't change anything that happened that led me to you.
I don't want any spoilers about this, but I wish we could see more of their life, both just having fun, arguing, hugging, whatever. I just want to see them relaxed for once and not stressed out 😭
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mixelation · 2 years
I would love to see you rank Akatsuki by how shippable they are with Kakashi
oh my god. called out. but i will answer. CRACKS KNUCKLES
tbh this was kind of hard to write because even though i love akatsuki ships AND i love kakashi ships, there's not a lot of.... like..... easy/natural chemistry going on here??
least to most shippable
9. Zetsu - Does anyone ship Zetsu? No. Get out of here, Zetsu.
8. Pein - I think the connection here would be like. Similar Traumas (tm) and I know some people like this but I don't LMAO. That or missing-nin!Kakashi joins Akatsuki because he likes what Pein is selling philosophically, and it turns into one of those "loyal follower sets themselves apart in order for leader to notice them Romantically" which is another dynamic I know some like but I don't.
7. Kisame - Kisame is Chill For An Evil Villain and I think he'd admire Kakashi's philosophy of ninja who abandon their comrades being less than trash. He'd be annoyed but not lose his mind over some of Kakashi's more annoying traits. But, idk, this ship doesn't really have enough Spice for me.
6. Itachi - I like the fanon that Itachi and Kakashi were friendly in ANBU, and for a long time I liked the idea of them running into each other years later and reconnecting in a more shippy way. But I have rotated and rotated this and I cannot make it work in a shippy way. I've read some fics and they else seem to just not have.... a spark? a Spice? There's something missing. I just like them more with a platonic dynamic.
5. Sasori - There are some interesting parallels and contrasts and vague plot connections between these two, but oh my GOD is it hard to fit them all together in a compelling way. There's probably something in "Your father killed my parents and it fucked me up for life" vs "Yeah well, then he also killed my father and fucked me up for life" but you will have to work so hard to extract it. Sasori and Kakashi are antisocial weirdos in opposing ways and GETTING them to the point where you can do anything is so hard.
4. Kakuzu - Despite fighting each other, canon failed to produce any emotional connection at all between Kakuzu and Kakashi, which is unfair to us all. Kakuzu is ranked here because he's the first person on this list I can see getting into bed with Kakashi without the writer having to do a shit ton of work. Kakuzu fucks. Kakashi fucks. I think under the right circumstances they'd fuck each other. If I wrote it, I'd have a Catfishing AU where they're both trying to lure the other one out to collect Dat Bounty but they're doing it via the lonely hearts section of a newspaper. Anyway their public personas don't impress each other but once they switch to private letters they both realize they're both weird kinky freaks. Kakuzu WAS trying to catfish you in that he lying about his age and name and sent a fake photo, but somehow he was not lying about the tentacles.
3. Hidan - I think Kakashi and Hidan would make eye contact across a bar and then go hook up. I just think they're both like this. Maybe they run into each other again later and are like, "fuck it, why not?" It's a very straight forward relationship and both somehow miss all the ways the other one is completely unhinged. ALTERNATIVELY, Hidan thinking Kakashi's suffering and wallowing is so, so beautiful.
2. Deidara - Okay. Do you remember his "sees Itachi for the first time" face? I think Deidara would make this face at a raikiri. And as we all know, Deidara is at his cutest when screaming because someone is actively trolling him, and Kakashi loves trolling people. I don't think Deidara would be very impressed with Kakashi's dedication to a never ending mourning period, BUT I think there's room for interesting character growth on both sides here. Also I just think Kakashi should fuck him. As a little treat
I. Konan - Okay. Listen. My ideal Kakashi het ship is "weird damp man and woman who would crumple him up and wring him out like a paper towel." This is them. Kakashi literally only knows how to take care of his loved ones by going out and killing their enemies and Konan thinks this is so sweet. She doesn't NEED him to, but he does go out and kill people she hates and he's not even weird about it. Kakashi murdered more specific enemies of the Ame or Akatsuki than the Akatsuki. Very cute. Also they'd look good together. ALSO the pairing of her blank, judgmental stare and his trolly grin. Excellent vibes all around
Orochimaru (between Deidara and Konan) - They would hook up specifically for the psychic damage to everyone they know.
Obito (True Number One) - OBVIOUSLY. Rivals to friends to enemies to lovers! The mutual obsession! Bonus identity porn!
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