#one day I'll use the hc names I gave them
ihateleviack · 6 months
Senpai, texting Beta Senpai: Any plans for tonight?
Beta Senpai: No.
Senpai: Loser.
2. Beta Senpai, to Senpai: Please, picking locks is my specialty.
Beta Senpai: throws a brick through the window
Beta Senpai: Okay, let’s go.
3. Beta Senpai: Surgery is basically just stabbing someone to life.
Senpai: Please never become a surgeon.
4. Senpai, texting Beta Senpai: Please don't text me for the next hour, I'm going to be on the treadmill.
Beta Senpai: I wasn't planning on texting you.
Senpai: What did I just say?
5. Senpai walks into the kitchen, ignoring everyone
Beta Senpai: Hey, Senpai, how was your day?
Senpai: picks up an onion and bites into it, staring at Beta Senpai Hell.
Monika, watching this unfold: whispers Who hurt you?
6. Monika: Senpai got into a fight.
Beta Senpai: That’s bad.
Beta Senpai:
Beta Senpai: Did he win?
7. Monika: What's the most efficient way to burn calories?
Alpha Senpai: Exercise more!
Beta Senpai: Set yourself on fire.
Senpai: There are two kinds of people.
8. Monika: Made you all playlists!
Monika: Beta, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Monika: Senpai, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your depression.
Monika: And Alpha has the ABBA Gold album!
9. Beta Senpai: Shh, here comes Alpha!
Senpai: Quick, Monika, start talking about boring nerd stuff!
Monika: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist.
Senpai: Yes, that’s perfect. Just like that.
Senpai: And here we have a capitalist.
Monika: Did you just-
11. Alpha Senpai: Beta, I have a couple of words to say to you.
Senpai: Please let those two words be “I’m sorry.”
Monika: I’m ready with the bleep button if not.
12. Alpha Senpai: Why are Senpai and Beta sitting with their backs to each other?
Monika: They had a fight.
Alpha Senpai: Then why are they holding hands?
Monika: They get sad when they fight.
13. Monika: Why are you two always out during rainstorms?
Alpha Senpai: It’s so peaceful and refreshing. I love the smell of rain.
Senpai: Beta bet me I couldn’t get struck by lighting, but he's WRONG.
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Could I get a Hc for how the M6 would react to an Mc that has regeneration like an axolotl due to it being the fools body?
Like during the ending of the route or during a fight post route Mc loses a finger or an arm and as their recovering they notice it growing back and like a few weeks or a month later it's like they never lost it to begin with. Due to how they view themselves and the fools body making them look like how they ses themselves.
Similarly to how Lucio lost his arm so long ago his metal arm is just a part of him so when he took the fools body it come with the metal arm.
(Let me know if it's not a good Hc idea and I'll change it for a different one.)
The Arcana HCs: When MC can regenerate their limbs
His first thought is "I have to keep them away from Valdemar"
His second thought is more along the lines of a very intrigued medical scholar. He's dying to figure out exactly how this works - how does your body know what to form and where??
His third thought definitely bears his younger sister's influence, because it's the sleep-deprived, melodramatic theatre kid version of "twinsies!!!"
Yes, twinsies! Because now you're one of the only other people in the world who knows what it's like to have crazy regenerative abilities! (though, he gave his up, but still -)
Will chart the growth of the limb and regularly ask you if you got any new injuries that day (obviously he hopes the answer is no, but if it's yes he has multiple reasons to want to know now)
Occasionally thinks himself into an anxiety spiral worrying that he's treating you too much like a medical phenomenon and not enough like his beloved partner. A round of smooches will take care of that
Honestly? They're more relieved, than anything
He is uncomfortably aware of the level of responsibility he has for yoinking you back to this plane of existence and knowing that you have this safety net for physical injuries is very reassuring
That said, they're still very curious about just how far it goes (not that they'd ever try to find out)
May or may not add "lizard" to his list of pet names for you, because lizards are also cute and known for losing limbs and then regenerating them for self preservation reasons
May or may not study just enough of the magic involved to suggest trying to grow said limb to be ... different than the previous one. You could grow an arm of neon tentacles!
May or may not regularly use body paint to turn your slowly regenerating limb into some kind of illusion, like a large, funky looking hamster hanging onto your shoulder (with your permission)
They love you regardless of how many limbs you have
To say that she is intrigued is an understatement. She is borderline obsessed with your slowly reappearing limb
Much of that has to do with her desire to provide for you and the duty she's given herself of making sure that you are taken care of
Plenty of that has to do with what an excellent excuse it is to initiate touch and general affection
But a good portion of that is because, while she can tell you're a unique case, it's the kind of ability that would do so much good if she could find a way to recreate it even a little bit
She's not going to ask you to do anything unreasonable, but she might suggest allowing lead researchers in the medical field to chart your progress and study it in case they find anything
On another note, she does love to make you feel and look your best. If you've lost an arm and your outfit has gloves, you'd best believe she's ordering a mini one for your tiny hand
Pulls out old baby jewelry to try on it while it's small
He's not going to lie, he does find it just a little disturbing
He's not going to go as far as saying that it's unnatural (he knows of plenty of creatures who can do the same thing) but it's definitely not a normal thing for humans to do
It's far outweighed by his gratitude that you're able to heal from such difficult injuries to this extent. He likes your limbs :)
He's also terrified of accidentally ruining whatever unforeseen magical force is allowing your body to manifest itself back together
You're clearly already very good at losing limbs! He doesn't want to make you lose another one! What if it's like one of those budding flowers that's really sensitive to touch?
He doesn't want to find that out the hard way! What's he going to do if he reaches for your mini-hand and the rest of your mini-arm comes with it? Stick it back on??
The above freakout is happening on the inside. On the outside, he's avoiding that area of your body and being very protective of it
It goes without saying that she thinks this is pretty cool
First off, you lost a limb, which is badass by default, and now you're completely regrowing it on accident - that's amazing!
She does casually mention that she is curious about just how far your body can regenerate itself at one point, but that's just idle wondering unless it's something you want to look into too
Fascinated by your mini-limb while it's growing back
Comes up with a whole list of pet names for it (squishy, tiny, silly, mr peach, miss millie, The Growth ...) but she mostly sticks to referring to it as your baby
"Good morning MC! And good morning squishy! How's your baby growing?" (all this is said while she hands you your preferred morning beverage and rubs the affected limb like it's a belly)
Overall she's so adaptable that she kind of ... forgets that it's weird. At least, until someone else sees it for the first time
Then she'll tell them it's because her shrink ray missed
No no no no no -- SERIOUSLY?!?!?
He's been living with a prosthetic limb (albeit a really cool one) for TWENTY YEARS NOW, and you just randomly start growing yours back just like that? JUST LIKE THAT?! NO!!!
He's not mad because he thinks you don't deserve it! You do deserve it! You saved the world without having to make a life full of criminal oopsies first, and you did it while you rehabilitated him!!
He's mad because even if he doesn't deserve it more than you do, he wants it more than you do! WHY DIDN'T THE ARCANA OFFER HIM HIS ARM BACK, HUH?!
(This is a very good point at which to tell him that you think the metal arm is attractive. He will quickly switch gears into crooning and flirting at you and rarely bring it up again)
He does often comment on its growth patterns, and has definitely made an innuendo or two about it for funsies
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glitch-karma · 9 months
So, I've heard that requests are open again, and I really like your writing, so I'd like to request somwthing with Chuuya and a reader who just really likes his hat, and often steals it and has similliar fashion taste...yeah, just some fluff with Chuuya and his hat if that makes sense.
Have a nice day, take care!
(Always nice to see you on my page Why <3)
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✧Hc's + a one shot cause y'all know how much I love this man
✧Cw's: Tooth rotting fluff ♡
✧Includes: GN! Reader, Established relationship, Pet names, Play fighting, Lots of my own hc's, Chuuya being a cutie and taking my heart once more
✧I listened to Boy Toy by Ricky Montgomery over and over while writing this and omg I just AH
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At first he just, did not understand???
Like yes it's important to him but why you going crazy over this hat?
Whenever you'd steal it he'd chase you around wherever trying to get it back, using his ability to throw softer objects at you
One day you showed up to work with an outfit that he actually had in his closet and it drove him crazy
When he asked if you took it and figured out you actually just threw it on from your own wardrobe he fell harder for you
Chuuya loves fashion and the fact you were also so great at styling clothes actually made him a little smitten
When you two started going out on dates it just got better
You two coordinated clothes and always were the prettiest mother fuckers where ever you went
Omg please take him dancing.
Both of you just get nice and dressed up and go, even if you don't know how to dance just TAKE THIS MAN!!
Not only will he love it, he'll love teaching you and watching you dance with him
He now lets you take his hat on occasion, but play fights to get it back are a must
I've always loved the hc of Chuuya liking play fighting 🥹
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After a long day of work, you found yourself lazily sprawled out on the floor with takeout in your hand as Chuuya laid on the couch, flipping through channels trying to find anything interesting on TV. The exhaustion of the day had settled in, making your limbs feel like lead.
You sighed as you set down your food, peeking up at him as he had a bite half out of his mouth as he focused on the remote. The soft glow of the television cast a warm ambiance over the room.
"Chu, I already finished eating while you searched for a movie," you said with a hint of playfulness in your voice.
He snickered at that as he glanced down at you. "Just be patient, Doll, I'll find somethin'."
You hummed as you looked back at the TV, and by now, he was scanning through romance movies. Although he'd never admit it to anyone else, he secretly loved them.
Only after a few more seconds did the genius idea pop into your head. You know what you haven't done in a while?
You stood up innocently, going to walk into the kitchen. You then sneakily walked behind the couch, trying to contain your excitement.
"Chu?" you began, and he responded with a nonchalant "Yea."
In one smooth motion, you snatched the hat off his head, laughing as you ducked down and rolled away from the couch before staring at him with a mischievous grin.
He blinked a few times before tossing the remote to the side, a playful smirk now on his face as he brushed his hair out of his face.
"You really wanna do this?" he teased, his tone filled with anticipation.
"Do what exactly~?" you replied with a playful tone.
You then flipped the hat in your hand before tossing it on your head. Pulling the top slightly over your face, you giggled. "Oh, do you mean this ol' thing?"
"Y/n," Chuuya cooed playfully as he stood up, his work clothes messy as he grabbed a pillow from the couch. "Chuuyaaaa."
With one quick motion, he threw the pillow, causing you to squeal as you ran away. He immediately gave chase, running after you as you dodged his attempts to grab you. The game of cat and mouse led you from the living room to the kitchen, into the laundry room, and then slipping back out and running back to the living room again.
Chuuya chuckled as he quickly grabbed another pillow and threw it, successfully hitting your feet and knocking you onto the couch. You screamed playfully as he jumped on top of you.
"Come on now, love! Give in!" he teased.
"Never!" you replied with determination.
You two wrestled back and forth on the couch for a few seconds, laughing and teasing each other until the two of you grew tired from chasing and running. You gracefully placed his hat back on him crooked as you smiled up at him.
"You're lucky I'm worn out," you admitted, your playful demeanor still evident.
He chuckled at you, looking down with such adoration in his eyes. He then leaned down and gently kissed your forehead. "Let's just rewatch 'The Princess Bride' again."
"Anything you want, lover boy," you teased as you leaned up and kissed his nose lightly. The evening had transformed from a mundane night to a playful and affectionate memory the two of you would cherish.
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po1sonous-l0ve · 14 days
Could you do Jason x child Hephaestus or Chaos Reader
Chaos kids I would imagine have like Powers to literally swallow people with the void
hmm, I think it'll be a bit similar to nyx, but I'll try!
Jason Grace x child of Chaos hcs
•You love it when he gets close to you, bcuz everyone usually avoids you due to chaos powers.
•It shows he trusts you utterly, and it really touches your heart.
•He's always trying to convince people you're not scary.
•But the resting bitch face doesn't really help.
•You're actually a softie at heart though, and he adores cuddling you.
•He often takes you flying, and does tricks for you.
•He always carries you bridal style up in the air, your head resting against his chest, wind in your face.
•He has an infinity symbol on his camp necklace, because was the first and will be the last thing in existence.
•He gave you a lightning pendant to wear on yours.
•Now, if there are any bsd fans here, you'll know about Chuuya's corruption.
•Basically, he can turn on corruption mode, where a dead god takes over his body and lets him dissolve and suck things into the void.
•So I think you can do that.
•But the catch is he cant turn it off. It just eats him away, so he needs someone to turn it off, his partner.
•So it think Jason is the one that turns it off for you, soothing you and you collapse into his arms.
•He looks after you post corruption since you're very weak.
•He'll stroke your hair and talk randomly to you, letting you hear the sound of his voice.
•He doesn't often call you pet names, but when he does you just FOLD.
Jason Grace x child of Hephaestus hcs
•Valgrace vibes??
•You love to make him little gifts out of scraps of metal, and he keeps them all in his cabin.
•Whenever you're working in the forges, he'll come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist while you work.
•He always makes you stop to take a rest and drink some water, since you often forget to take care of yourself.
•You use him to bounce ideas off, such as a new automated bow, or bigger designs for the lava wall, and he always smiles and agrees because he loves the sound of your voice.
•Neck kisses!! All the time!!
•Sometimes you fall asleep at your desk when blueprinting designs, and he puts a blanket around you and carries you to bed.
•He loves being the test subject for all your designs, particularly the flying ones, seeing as it won't hurt him if he falls.
•You've always wanted to fly, so he takes you with him as rides the winds.
•One day you design your own wings, Daedulus style, and you went flying together.
•You prefer being in his arms whilst flying though, so you pretend to break them.
•Pet names all around! Sweetheart and baby being the main ones, but you get the occasional darling.
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moumouton4 · 11 months
Can you do first time with orochimaru?
First Time || Orochimaru x fem!reader
A/n : Hi hi hi ! 2 requests written in 2 days ! 😍 Thanl you for this so much ! Lately I've been struggling to write a piece in 1 day but I'm getting back on tracks baby oh ayyyyy 😎
A/n 2 : Next I have 2 requests on my other account for those who knows. And then I'll be back with a Demon Slayer hc 😍✨
Warnings : first time, boner, penetrative sex, slight jerking, kinda rough sex, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 963
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He always thought he was above those kinds of activities. He often looked them down, thinking it was only a flaw that the most animalistic of human beings were trapped with
But then he met you… and everything changed
He started to feel impossibly hot inside. He then learned that in those moment when he wanted to embrace you tightly he was feeling something unknown, love
He couldn’t help but be drawn to you when you were in the same room
He who was usually restless found himself more than once, there in his bed or in a couch doing nothing but cuddling
And it felt even better than reborn in a new body
But then when he thought he had discovered everything about this new feeling, he felt yet again something he didn’t conceive he could feel
It felt like a strong urge. An urge to be close to you more than he ever had been with you before. An urge to mate. An urge to be one with you, body and soul
One problem though… how to even approach you with this new desire of his ?
Would you find it inappropriate, uncalled for… or maybe too soon ?
He couldn’t even believe that HE was tiring himself to find a way to approach the subject with you
But little did he know that you too were feeling this strong pull towards him
Finally it happened naturally. You guys were cuddling in the couch like usual and he pulled you flush against him
He felt his body throb. It was it. He needed you now
“Y-Y/n ? I want-” he said, he sounded so unsure. Besides the fact that he called you directly by your name showed just his increasing need
“Orochimaru” you were breathless when you felt his bulge press against you “I want you too”
And it was all he needed to crash his lips on your. His arms circled you waits and you stumbled across the hideout - hopefully you were in his private areas, just imagine stumble on somebody in this state lmao - making his way to his bedroom
Both your hands working intensely and meticulously on pelling the clothes from each others body
But once he was here, on top of you, his body only mere inches away he froze. His thoughts were racing in his mind
Should he take a condom ? Could he hurt you ? So that’s what a pussy looks like…
The more the time passed the more he felt his urge growing. His body is tingly at places he didn’t know could tingle
As his desperate gaze locked onto your loving one he took a deep breath. You took his hand and helped him come back to Earth
You reached in the drawer and took a condom - that you bought yourself thinking that one day he would eventually let go of his inhibitions - and gave it to him
He struggled slightly to open it with how shaky his hands were, but he eventually managed to put it on. It felt weird ( I mean it should the first time right ?!? )
He went back on top of you and started wonder how he was going to enter you
But before he could think further he felt your hand gently stroking his hard length, making it twitch. He blushed furiously as he let out a groan. Not at all used to this type of contact
You reassured his with your gentle touch and your words of understanding as you guided him towards your entrance
His breath was shaky as he gently entered your warmth, inch by inch carefully not to cause any harm or unnecessary pain
His grip on your hips was vicious and it was surely going to leave a bruise or two
“Mmph… you’re s-so tight… ugh” he managed to say as he slowly started to grind against you
State of arousal allowed him to increase his rhythm and find a steady one that he tried to keep up
Though once he was fully comfortable something switched inside him. His grip grew stronger. And you felt him pin you in a possessive way against the mattress
His thrusts started to get deeper as he slammed his hips harshly against yours
He didn’t know what was happening and you on the other side were too much in ecstasy to care
The room filled with the sound of your lovemaking and your moans and groans
On the verge of climaxing he felt like his body was on fire
He bent down, still fucking you, and nestled his head against your shoulder, where his teeth sank
He was trying to desperately not to scream or moan as he felt the pleasure increase and increase
Then he felt it, the knot in his stomach bursted and he came hard, his hips stuttered as he filled the condom
His hips continued to move slowly against yours and he emptied himself
He didn’t have any more strength in his arms as he fell over your shaking form
“Fuck” you breathed out as your hands clung to his hips
You felt his nuzzle against your neck and gently lick the bite he did on your shoulder
He felt like he was on a cloud right now “I’m sleepy”
Your heart swelled at how cute he sounded “Just close your eyes my Love. I’ll be there when you wake up”
“Uh uh” he said his voice impossibly soft “I love you”
As he basked in the afterglow of his first time he kept thinking on how could you made him feel
He was sure that if he wasn’t this tired he would have gone for a second round right away. Maybe next time then
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🥗🌮 Again my requests are open 🥞🍳
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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Babe wake up new cult of the lamb au dropped.
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I coughed this au up today. Uh,enjoy. More info under the cut. I'll get to the bishops another time.
Narilamb au because cotl has a grip on me again/A cat's lie,a lamb's truth au. Au - The lamb is named sarem,their personality is smart and wise like shamura which is why they're besties with the latter,the general story is that sarem and nari have always been in love when nari was still a god and during's sarem's early cult days but uh the betrayal aka the lamb/sarem defeating nari and turning them mortal kinds caused nari's feelings on the other to sour but the love is still there,mutual pining slowburn but the slowburn isn't cause they're enemies it's cause they have a lot of other shit going on to talk to each other about their feelings so there's that,narinder and shamura were responsible for the lambs' extinction. narinder was the one who killed them all with his crown's powers but shamura was the one who ordered him to do so as they figured that killing the lambs would increase the bishops' power more and also increase the old faith's following. sarem finds out about this and they're absolutely LIVID due to their family being included in the extinction so yeahh saremder argument that also involves them fighting,and yeah the main story is nari and sarem trying to deal with a shit ton of side quests while also hiding their feelings from one another + heket side story + shamura purple crown side story + leshycat side story. idk what to call this au yet. Update it's called a cat's lie and a lamb's truth based off of the og inspiration of toh yesterday's lie title. Nari's lie is referring to him lying about his feelings toward the lamb and also him lying about the cause of the lambs' extinction,sarem's truth is referring to them being very obvious and blunt about them pining for narinder but nari can't accept their feelings 'cause betrayal™ and also the truth about their past (they don't remember anything about their past before meeting nari). Plus the betrayal goes both ways,narinder feels betrayed by the lamb's defeat/mortal resurrection of him whereas lamb feels betrayed about narinder aka the only person who cares for and understands them literally killing their entire species and family. WIP story. Bonus - Side stories of sarem helping ratau with something or someone,shamura is trying to get the purple crown as the brain damage is getting to them due to them forgetting a lot more often and the fact that they're now getting delusions as well as paranoia so they deem that the crown will fix them as i hc that the crowns don't just give the gods their powers but it also enhances abilities/talents that they already have. however thing is it's not actually the brain damage but shamura has some sort of supernatural illness instead but they don't know this yet,heket is a lesbian and she eventually meets a lizard girl who used to be her follower when she was still the goddess of famine. Also mystic seller appears here and they have a name,woo!Bishops and lamb voice claims:Lamb/Sarem - Gus porter post witch pubertyNarinder - Corpse husbandHeket - UndyneLeshy - FizzarolliShamura - Raine whispers Kallamar - StolasBonus - Enzo's/Yellow cat's voice is hunter toh.Lamb notes: I got lamb's name by mixing salem and saram together,as i wasn't sure on whether to use either name during brainstorming so i just fused 'em lol. I gave lamb digitigrade legs 'cause irl sheep have those,also i gave them pants. And i put more gold in their appearance to make them more unique.In CLLT,aym and baal were taken back to their mother after narinder's defeat but they also often visit the cult in order to see narinder. Baal however stays longer at times due to him being the more social and friendly one out of the two and as such he usually interacts with followers,aym only stays as long as he has to as he's a mama's boy and he'll miss forneus too much plus he has better things to do than mingle with cultists. Also the twins have decided to take on a more relaxed lifestyle after they have retired as the henchmen of the former god of death,aym is now a blacksmith (he likes weapons lol) and baker whereas baal is now a gardener.
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thevyladsafespace · 1 month
My "My Inner Demons" overhaul
alright, since I'm bored- here's what I got so far.
I renamed Asch's kingdom to Phobos, in reference to the original term of Daemos (probably an aphmau 'sound it out' name like Ein and whatnot.) With Mars' moons. Phobos and Deimos. While the general species of Asch's kingdom are referred to as Daemos.
Appropriately, I gave the kingdom a family name. Dacite, a type of Volcanic rock. Asch Dacite, Rhal Dacite. ectect.
Backstory time:
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Noi Barter. I gave him the backstory of "sole survivor" from a long dead and fallen land, the story of a late bloomer/ someone whose actually more powerful than the rest. He just has amnesia. The key item being the locket around his neck, changed from a lightning bolt. To a sun shape. Spending most of his days fighting for his food, he found strength in stealth and being quiet. Due to having little muscle mass compared to his future companions made it easy for him to sneak into Phobos. Being caught and eventually set up for Execution, Asch recruited him. Being the last addition and stuff. (Similar to the original story, but I put a bigger spin on it since we know very little of a majority of them.))
Leif and Pierce now come from very different kingdoms. Since.. an entire universe dedicated to one kingdom is weird.
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Feng Leif, or just Leif appropriately is from a Chinese-inspired kingdom, exiled for assassination crimes, later hired by Asch the same way in canon. And leaning into another horned creature from the same culture, the Dragon. While his name was chosen by himself after seeing it somewhere. While knowing it correlates to wind, which I HC him being rather proficient in using it with magic. And instead of.. entirely insane maniac, he's definitely smarter than he appears. Not book smart, but very street smart and survival wise. The insanity is a choice for him. Instead of being soothed/ calmed by an E-girl over time. (/lh j)
(The rest of the designs are being worked on. I'll make full body posts later. )) Pierce Stone, making him originate from a Japanese-inspired kingdom. Y'know, with his kimono and whatnot, I'm leaning into my other culture fixation! Youkai. I made Pierce an Oni. A wanderer that eventually got hired like the rest, by Asch himself. How? I'm toying with the idea Pierce signed up for a tournament/ exhibition kind of event in Phobos. Recognized by Asch and eventually hired.
Rhys Wynn, (It's pronounced Reese, Aphmau.) is a scholar from Phobos. Someone finally from the same Kingdom as Asch. Designated by Lady Grandma to be an assistant to Asch. It's.. pretty straight forward with him, I'd say.
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chelsea-xxx2003 · 2 months
Hi! I don't know if you accept requests or not (it's cool if you don't!) But do you have any hc about Aaron discovering he has a daughter? Lol. And what would be Miles reaction. Okay, thank you. Bye :D
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Hi Anon👋, I’m not really taking requests but I had to jump on this one. However I can't promise all future requests being answered quickly because I've got studies to focus on but I will try and do as best as I can. I feel like this request was made based on the headcannon I had made up. Absolutely love love love it and I'm happy to write it. Now let's get on with it shall we.
Oh and btw, He would be a Girl dad right. I can't see it any other way.
"Girl if you don't call this man now, I will track him myself."
"Ok I heard you, I'll call. Just in my own time. I promise I will call."
"Fine. Gotta go now but he's got to know now ok. You can't do this alone."
I mutter under my breath something she can't hear. "Psh yes I can."
Homegirl leaves and I'm stuck here with a phone number struggling to call it. It's been long. Will he even remember me? Why I am scared? I'm a grown woman for goodness sake, just do it.
"Fuck it."
Aaron arrives at his place at the early hours of a new day. However he just wants to collapse in bed and forget about yet another near death experience. All gear on the floor only left in boxers and bandages and dried up blood. He escaped gunshots but not the sharp end of the blade. A non life threatening gash on his arm and the side of his abdomen. Chugged a few pills and was ready to get knocked into sleep.
Not even five minutes into sleep, his phone vibrates on his night stand. Great another thing to do. He semi consciously picked the phone and answered without looking at the name id. Not that there was one.
"Hello," he answers. Not a word back. If these scam callers where trying him he was going to find whoever they were and end it there.
He kisses his teeth and no longer wanting to entertain whoever disrupted his not so deep sleep.
"Is this Aaron?" Hearing his name got him into defensive mode but relaxed a bit when it was from a feminine voice.
"Who'er you?"
The woman tells her name and it rings a faint bell in Aarons head. He's heard the name before. Where though?
"Do I know you?"
She seemed a bit hesitant to tell but she spit it out anyway after taking a deep breath. "We've hooked up a few times many months ago."
In his head he's thinking it's another chick wanting to see him again or wanting to move things further by being in a relationship with him. Makes it clear to them from the start that it's not like that at all then blocks them. It boosts his ego a little.
"Look, I thought I had made it clear that it was a two-three time thing then we don't talk anymore. I'm not looking for relationship or sum," he said immediately to clear any confusion.
"What? That's not it. I have something very important to tell you," she says.
Nothing could have prepared him for what she had to say next. She sounded nervous before she took a breath to speak.
"Well...... I ended up pregnant. I gave birth to a healthy baby. I found your number and called to let you know. Listen and listen carefully. If you want nothing to do with the baby, that is fine. I just thought you should know. I didn't say anything while I was pregnant because I was focusing on me and my baby and in case something might have happened. And I didn’t have it in me to get an abortion," she said so clearly and calmly.
He heard right? Oh he heard right. Was he too tired and drugged up to believe it or was this for real. She gives him the time to process the news. Once all her words were digested he asks…
“You sure it’s mine? How do you know it ain’t anyone else’s?” He asks confidently.
She takes some air in quickly as if being accused of whoring around. She wasn’t gonna let that slide.
“You’re that last person I slept with. Even then I wasn’t hoe. Never was, never will be ok. Look we were both careless. We didn’t use condoms but I was on birth control which ultimately proved that it’s not as effective as I thought it would be. I’m giving you the choice to come see the baby or to leave the matter completely.”
She was serious in her tone. So believable. Maybe it was the tiredness causing him not to think straight but…..
“Send me your address.”
I could not sit still. Walking back and forth trying to find something to do to distract me. It's still early morning, slight heavy rain falling and sliding from the top to the bottom of the window. The baby was ok, asleep in the bouncer, slowly rocking. I try to sit on the sofa but my leg just keeps bouncing, with the tv on but not my attention on it.
That dreaded call ended about an hour ago and by the sound of his voice, he was serious.
I flinch at the sound of the buzzer. “Hello?”
“It’s Aaron.”
With not many words I buzz him in. Now in a few moments things could go right or left. This is right, right? I gave him options. That's a good thing right? I definitely didn't want to be one of those women who don't let fathers see their child for no reason. Thoughts stop swirling when there is finally a knock on the door. No more time for hesitation but the doorway felt so far.
Aaron POV
I'm soaked from the rain. It took me being inside the apartment complex to realise. All this time it wasn't on my mind that it was pouring outside. There's an elevator but the stairs seem quicker. I skip a step each time until I'm in front of her door. No time to hesitate. I put my fist against the door to knock.
The door opens with her standing behind it. I most definitely remember now. I’ve been with her more times than I’d like to admit honestly. Can’t lie it was the best, not that I’d admit it to her face. Now seeing her, she has a glow that I hadn't seen before.
"Hi umm sorry bout being soaked, its raining like shit outside."
She gives a small laugh and tells me to come in. I remember I've been here before a couple times. Her place always smelt nice and looked clean. I take my jacket off and hang it by the door. I follow her down the short corridor to the living area. We both turn to the living room.
"Well. Here she is."
In the corner of the room, a baby swing with the smallest human possible as cute as can be a sleep, protected from world. I sit on the sofa before my legs give out. She said 'she'. A girl. I have a daughter. I hold my head in my hands. She sits next to me and put a hand on my leg to calm me down.
"I know it's a lot to process. Believe me. I had the same reaction when I found out I was pregnant. All the worries left when I first held her. It was instant love. Sorry I kept it from you."
"Nah I get it. Whats her name?"
"Her name is Tiana."
"Its a beautiful name."
I don't know what came over me but the need to protect her came out of nowhere. Protect her from every evil out there. It's crazy to think she is a part of me. But what about me? It on dawns me that I hold the role of prowler. Am I good enough for her? Am I strong enough to protect her? Am I man enough to be her father. Am I going to end up abandoning her like my father did? All these thoughts consuming me all at once.
"Would you like to hold her?"
I look at her and she has a reassuring smile encouraging me to hold her. "I don't know how."
"Neither did I but I learned."
She stands and walks over to this sleeping angel. She picks her up and walks up to me. I hadn't met Miles until he was a couple months old, so I have no experience in holding a newborn. I sit up and back and open my hands. She's so small. I don't think I've seen something so precious in my life. My hands are almost the same size as her.
"Don't be scared. Here, move your arm to support her neck and then your other hand holds the side."
She helps me hold her comfortably. With all this fuss she moves around waking from her sleep. Shit here it comes. Big brown eyes stare at me with a twinkle in them. We are both strangers to each other but she has to have trust in me and I never would dream of breaking that trust. A grown man like shouldn't be feeling emotional but here I am. She was right. It was love at first sight.
"She's so beautiful."
"I know right. Big eyes, a cute nose and a head full of hair. She got that part from me."
We both break out into a short laugh.
I hesitate to ask the following questing seeing as we are not together. "What's her last name?"
"I put mine and your last name together hyphenated. If you don't mind."
"It's nice."
We spend the rest of the day just talking, actually getting to know each other. She works as a nurse at a hospital, I told her I do engineering which isn't a lie. I use it as a cover up from what I do other times.
"I have a nephew, my older brothers son. His names Miles. He probably would wanna meet Tiana. Is that cool."
"I don't mind, it's cool she has cousin."
We met at a diner, we talked and it seemed like we were both after the same thing. No relationship but a stress relief. Semi strangers with benefits kinda thing. No personal questions and no feelings.
Looking at it now, that might change now that she had birthed my daughter. Speaking of her she starts stirring in my arms and looks like she's about to cry. Her lips quiver and starts crying. It's hasn't even been ten minutes and I've failed.
"She's probably just hungry. Let me feed her."
I slowly had her over to mom. All of a sudden she lifts the side of top and puts a boob in her mouth. This looks private so I look away to the whatever was playing to the tv. She starts laughing at me though.
"What? It's not like you've never seen them before."
True. I can't look at breasts the same. All this time they were just sexual thing to me but its not even like that. It's a personal connection between mother and child. I change the subject. I ask her how old Tiana is and she tells me only four days old.
"So you're fresh out the hospital then? Was it not hard?"
"It was hard. I couldn't drive because I was still sore from giving birth, so my friend drove me back home. She's been such a help these past few days. Cooking and cleaning for me but she does have a job and her own family to take care of."
"Hold on. Don't you only get a few weeks off work before you have to go back."
"Yeah. Around twelve weeks and then I have to go back to work. Some weeks are even unpaid."
"Well that's stupid."
"Tell me about it but hey, I didn't build the system. Here burp her."
She hands her to me then leaves.
"Where you goin. I don't know how to do this."
"Relax I'm just getting her cloth so she doesn't throw up on you"
She can back as fast as she left, put a pink cloth on my shoulder and move her to my shoulder.
"Just pat her back until she burps."
She gets up to leave and looks like she's heading into the kitchen.
"What you bout to do now."
"I'm a bout to cook. You've got her so I have the time to."
"Nah order some food. Get some rest."
Took some time going back and forth but she sat down. Same time as Tiana finally burps. I move to get my wallet and hand it over to her.
"You know you have a lot of faith in a stranger."
"Same stranger that birth our baby."
She orders some food. Time goes by and it eventually comes. We ate, talked. Looking outside, I realise time has gone by fast. Looks like it time me to leave. I get to lay her down back to sleep in her swing.
"Looks like I gotta go now."
"Oh umm thanks for stopping by and seeing her. You make a great father you know."
Her words struck me to my heart. I want to be the best dad to her. Better than my father ever was to me and Jeff.
"Come by anytime. Oh here's your card."
"You hold on to that."
I grab my jacket, say my last goodbyes to both of them but man I so don't wanna leave. I might come back tomorrow. I grab my phone and start calling.
"Jeff. I need to talk to you."
"I have a daughter."
"That poor woman."
"Ay now ain't the time for games. Me and her we cool. Yeah we were irresponsible but I stepped up. Think about it, you're an uncle now."
"I've been an uncle. Rio has siblings that have children."
"On our side stupid. Anyway can I take Miles to see her tomorrow?"
*The next day*
Jeff has allowed Miles to come with me to see Tiana. But he doesn't know that. I'm trying to surprise his since he wanna keep asking questions talking bout 'how come I don't have a cousin on your side?'.
"So what spot are we painting today."
"We're not doing that."
"We've been walking for so long. Where are we going?"
"You'll see man, just be a little patient. Don't wanna ruin the surprise."
We arrive at apartment complex. I ring up and I'm let inside. The confused looks on his face makes me just wanna laugh but I can't give it away. We get to the door, knock on it and wait.
"Hi guys, come in."
Miles walks shyly behind me until we turn the living room.
"Miles meet your baby cousin, Tiana."
The look on his face is just priceless. Ain't never seen him so confused. He looks at me then at her mother then at Tiana again.
"You have a daughter. Wait does that make you my auntie?"
"Umm well..."
"Yes it does. See I told you. All those questions bout 'how come I don't have an auntie'. Well you got one now."
"It's nice to meet you Miles. Your uncle has told me a lot about you."
He breaks into a nervous laugh. "Unfortunately I haven't heard about you but it's nice to meet you. So uhh how you guys meet?"
"That's not important. Here come hold her."
Needless to say besides Miles being so puzzled, he was so happy that he has a little cousin. Since then Miles had come to visit and see her many times after school and during the weekend and has seen her grow. Rio and Jeff came later on with gifts. Rio was beyond excited. Jeff was just as surprised as Miles.
"Your family is really nice, I like them a lot."
"Yeah. I've got a present for you too."
I take her down stair to the parking area. Her eyes could have popped out their sockets. Her mouth open so wide, you'd thing her jaw dislocated. In front of us a white Range with a bow.
"Oh my gosh Aaron wha- what's this?"
I dangle the keys infant of her and drop them in her hands.
"People call it a 'push present' if I'm correct. Oh and that card, spend it on our daughter."
"You are spoiling her to the core and she doesn't even know what money is."
"Only the best for my baby girl. Besides I wanna try this mom and dad thing. That's if you want to?"
"We could do that."
A/N - Honestly, I'm not to sure I did a really good job on this one I can't lie. I might have to reread it again like ten times and make tweaks to it. But let me know in the comments.
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argisthebulwark · 2 months
So I'm gonna waltz in here because I'm still brewing bodyguard vilkas and what you think of him? My despiction of him as well is around that, protector who takes his job seriously, first and foremost.
I can picture him pulling out different antics, like HOT ways to protect the dragonborn like pinning them against a wall and use his body as cover from falling objects. But share more of your hcs of him 👉👈
(Waltz off 💃🏻)
YESS omg... i definitely think he'd start off being super professional and taking everything seriously, i feel like he takes everything seriously. he'd be really vigilant. "no, you sleep i'll keep watch" "let me go first just in case there's traps" "stay behind me, i'll protect you" type of dude.
YEAHH god the dragonborn dragging him down in some old ruin in one of the many fetch quests they take. he would be sooo annoyed by fetch quests but at least it breaks up the monotony of clearing out their tenth bandit camp. he spots too late that a trap's been triggered and tackles them. ohhh noo, the big man has them pinned...his nice big body's on theirs and his face is so close when he asks if they're okay.... he sees the dragonborn's cheeks get all pink when they stare up at him, not even trying to remove their wrists from his hands... how awful....
i think he's super intrigued by the dragonborn internally but his introverted ass doesn't know how to ask questions. i'd pair him with a dragonborn who doesn't do well with social cues just for the sillies. he wants to ask questions about them, to get to know them better, but gets tongue tied every time he asks anything more personal than "so what's your last name?"
he'd pick up on little things. he'd note if the dragonborn's left handed or leaves the same opening during a battle and cover them without thinking. he'd notice if they like butter or jam with their breakfast and wordlessly pass it to them. he'd probably like finding little things they share - preferences in how they take their coffee or laughing at the same jokes.
he's used to being perceived as a resource - whether it's for his intelligence or his trustworthiness in battle, i think it's how he'd come to view himself. he trains the new recruits to strengthen the companions, he learns as much as possible to aid Kodlak, he protects the dragonborn because it's what he's told to do - he gives without expecting anything in return. he'd expect the same treatment from the dragonborn until he notices them doing little favors for him or taking him into consideration, asking where he'd like to travel or bandaging his wounds, i think it would throw him off a bit.
i know his ass would be soft for casual intimacy!!! vilkas internally losing his shit when the dragonborn offers to put his hair up or help remove his armor!! he tries to maintain the outward indifference but inside his tummy would be full of butterflies!!! when he finds himself doing the same... when he catches himself wiping dust from their cheek or hands brushing together when they walk too close.... oh it's so over for him.
he'd get so flustered when farkas demands to meet the dragonborn. he picks up on vilkas' feelings so easily he probably realizes his brother's feelings are more than just professional before vilkas does. when he insists on meeting the dragonborn vilkas tries to keep things as professional as possible, which is promptly ruined by farkas the dragonborn giggling about how cranky he gets in the morning.
he would probably hate being dragged to stuffy meetings, but being the last dragonborn's personal bodyguard gave him immunity to make snarky little remarks. he likes bothering the advisors who do nothing but sit and ponder all day, i think he'd view them as inactive in the face of real problems and getting under their skin is his only reprieve from the boredom.
SORRY i rambled so much but omg.......him........
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welldonekhushi · 4 months
Lieutenant Yuvraj HC's!
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Here are some HC's of Yuvraj, following up with his story of what motivated him to join the army! Hope you like it! ♡
Yuvraj "Yuvi" Chaudhary was born in a family whose generation belonged to an army background. The descendents, along with his great-grandfather and grandfather were a part of the Rajputana Rifles.
The area he lived in was just closer to an army cantomnent area, where Yuvi would often see the soldiers passing by to the camp, which he found really amusing.
When Yuvraj was a child, he used to listen to stories about his great-grandfather, who proudly served the nation in his glory days. As it piqued the young boy's interest to know more about their past, he asked if his father too was in the army as well. But, he realised that due to some reasons, his father couldn't allot himself in the field of defence.
Feeling maybe he wasn't fit for this role, his father used to work in his own flour mill, and required Yuvraj's presence to handle his business as well.
Yuvraj felt that discontinuing the legacy of what his ancestors worked on for so hard, would have become an entire waste of their efforts as well, and it didn't suit the young boy at all. So, it made him grow an urge to join the army as well, but what heavily conflicted him is that he cannot stop working at the flour mill with his father, and he also wanted to pursue his education in the field of defense.
His plan was to join the Rajputana Rifles like his great-grandfather, but one day during a busy day with his father at the flour mill, he saw a few sena jawans (soldiers) making their way to the cantonment. In curiosity, he first made sure his father wasn't looking at him around, so he could approach with them.
Yuvraj met the soldiers, and they greeted him with love and care. He asked if he was capable of joining the army, and one of the soldiers chuckled saying "Anyone can join the army, son. You just need three things before you join the army; bravery, pride and patriotism." Those words did move Yuvraj, but wondered where he should go in the army, and one gave him a suggestion. "I feel you can join the Para Special Forces. Your wits clearly describe that you can go in it."
Yuvraj heard that name for the first time, but it did make him excited and determined enough to work hard for that particular regiment. "I'll go with that!"
"But be careful.. it's a very tricky process."
"As long as I keep these three words at heart, sir, not even my failures can push me down!" Yuvraj said in determination, that surprised the soldiers that he was even ready to take the risk. But, without knowing, Yuvraj's father was seeing them all along, and it worried Yuvi that he might scold him for disturbing the soldiers like that..
When they got back home, Yuvraj's father didn't say anything much, but Yuvi was ready to get scolded even if he didn't disturb the soldiers. He knew his father thought the best of him and the boy wouldn't break his feelings by disagreeing with him, but.. it was way different.
Yuvraj's father looked at him for a couple of seconds, and walks closer, hugging his son. Yuvi was surprised by that sudden action from his father, but the words he heard were going to be a huge turning point in his life..
"Go, my son. Make us proud." Yuvraj's father said with tears in his eyes. "Maybe, your great-grandfather knew that you were going to make our family shine bright with pride." Those words moved Yuvraj so much, as he felt so happy that his father agreed with his decision to join the army. The way Yuvraj thanked God and his father so much for letting him have this opportunity, and this.. is where it all changed for the boy.
Growing up, Yuvraj was able to complete his education and finally graduated from the IMA to become a Lieutenant. His parents saw him in that uniform, making them shudder and tear out in happiness. Yuvraj, who had grown a moustache, twisted the corner of it and smirked, chuckling heartily as he achieved something so precious. After that, he shared a hug with his mother and father, saying — "Told you.. I'll make you all proud."
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cosmichoneibeee · 1 year
Hi! May I request HCs of Skye, Omen, and Jett (Separate) whose partner [Reader] [Gender Neutral] [Romantic] [Valorant Agent] snuck a kitten into the Protocol after a mission? Say [Reader] explains they found the poor baby feline all alone and needs some aid. They promised to send the small animal to an animal rescue shelter after it heals up and ready for adoptions.
Skye, Jett & Omen helping you taking care of a sick kitten
[k/n] = kitten's name
warnings: none
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
You and Skye had a way too big a heart. When the two of you were at her house, deep in the australian forest, it wasn't uncommon to care for sick wild animal, cubs mainly; it just worked, made you look like a enormous unusual family, full of furry children, and she loved that. But she would never try to rehabilitate any animal at protocol headquarters, because ou two had very busy schedules and she didn't want any trouble with Brimstone.
You on the other hand didn't thought twice about picking up a kitten, so small and helpless, lying in a cardboard box on a crowded street you passed the last time you were in town.
So when she walked through the door, tired of the mission she just went through, and saw you with the feline in your arms, giving milk to the very hungry animal with a small baby bottle, she could just let out a sigh.
"Damn it, [y/n]"
"I can explain...! But first come and meet our baby, [k/n]"
She couldn't say no to the assignment, you both knew that. So she just accepted and started to come up with a way to concile the work in the Protocol and the care that such a young cat needed to have.
You really tried to be as discreet as possible, but within days Fade and Omen had already found out about [k/n] and were more than willing to help.
Skye's animals love the kitten, they spend hours just watching that tiny little thing, admiring it, taking care of it like guardians.
And not just them, but herself. As much as Skye maintains a certain façade, looking irritated, non stop complaining and lecturing about how you'll end up getting you two punished for being too kind, she has a twinkle in her eye and a huge smile on her face every time the kitten shows an improvement.
She absolutely loves this cat and she will try to convince you to stay with it. She even plans to get them used to a leash when it gets older so she can go on walks with them. Exercise buddies :D
Sage began to suspect something was up when she noticed the movement your room had been having for the past week and strange meowing noises in the middle of the night.
It didn't take long for her and Brimstone to connect the dots.
Despite the fear of what was to come, none of them really had the courage to punish you for [k/n], and since it's going to adotion soon, the kitty could stay a little longer.
Skye was so upset, hurt that she couldn't stay with the cat. She had so many plans and all this disappeared, even if you had never agreed to stay with it.
When the day arrived, it was hard to say goodbye, but you managed to go through it, together. And you knew that [K/N] would go to a good, love-filled family, they needed someone who gave them full attention.
Which did not prevent you from missing them.
After a day you were particularly sad, Skye decided to give you a gift, it was simple, but it was done with a lot of love.
A cat wooden totem, just like those of her animals; But this one was all yours, to keep you company and protect you while she is far away.
It may not seem like it, but she loves cats
Like, a lot.
Whenever you go to Seoul, she drags you to these cat cafes and don't be impressed, because she knows the name of each of the cats by heart
Every time a cat shelter ad appears, she begs you to adopt one and every time you say no...and every time she gives you a few hours of cold shoulders.
So when she went to your room to see how you were after the last mission and saw a cat in your bed, she almost shouted with happiness.
"Sunwoo Han, no. We're not staying with it, I'll just take care of it until they're healed."
"But..but, [y/n]..!"
She loves to help you take care of the kitten, everything you need to do, she is already doing it without you needing to ask.
The cat loves her too, only Jett's presence seems to make them more cheerful.
She promised not to be attached, but the next day she had already named them [k/n] and bragged to the other duelists.
When you arrived in your bedroom and saw all those people around your bed, with toys, clothes, cat snacks and even a cat tower, petting the animal, it was very difficult not to lose your head.
"I'm sorry, [y/n], things ended up getting out of control..but [k/n] seems super happy."
Brimstone is not happy though.
What will the Protocol become if everyone doesn't care about the rules?
[K/N] would really have to leave.
You preferred to choose the future owner by yourself, try not to involve Jett at this stage so she wouldn't suffer.
All the other agents were sad too, they bought so much stuff for [k/n] and now they're gone.
At night, when you were getting ready for bed, she looked at you with those little puppy eyes and asked if the kitten was okay.
"I think so, honey. They're with your parents, they'll take care of it while we work."
"Wait a second..!"
When she realised what you did, she hugged you so strong for so long that she slept with her arms around you.
And now she has a cat waiting for her in South Korea...and you have an incredibly happy girlfriend.
You have returned from your mission, Omen can sense your presence.
But you didn't go looking for him, stranger...
Teleporting to your room, he saw you tending to a kitten's wounds.
He doesn't ask you anything at first, just suggests that you take it to his room, which is already cat-proof while the two of you tidy up yours.
Omen's cat watches from afar, from a high cat tree, quiet as its owner, almost jealous of the attention the other one is getting from you and your boyfriend.
Eventually you tell him that you found the kitten dumped in a partially destroyed building, so badly hurt that you thought it wouldn't even make it to the base alive.
He doesn't mind helping with care, especially at night, when you're tired and he can't sleep
His body may not be very still, but his hands are insanely precise when he needs to use them - plenty of practice cutting bonsai branches.
Simply a sweetheart
No one takes care of a cat as well as he does.
He buys so many treats and wet foods, also its own cat tree (his cat doesnt like sharing)
By the time the cat is good for adoption he will be so chubby and pampered
Brimstone and Sage didn't care too much when they found out about the new HQ resident, Omen was less unstable and that's what matters, if it's going for adoption, just makes everything goes smoother.
He knows you're just temporary parents to it, but he can't help but knit its lots of clothes and even some yarn pets, it's so cute.
When you're on missions elsewhere, the ones that will take days, he makes a point of sending pictures of the two kittens wearing something silly. Makes you smile and he knows it.
The other agents have heard rumors about a new cat, but he will never talk about whether or not it exists, he knows everyone would be excited to see them and despite everything, [k/n] is still kind of sick. So he wants to be extra careful
Omen can't lie that he was a little upset when he had to say goodbye, but he knows that the cat is going to a home where it will have all the love and care in the world... and his cat was already bubbling over with jealousy, they need to be the center of attention for a while.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
@ Do not copy any of my works, translate and/or post it on others websites.
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cerosin-bis · 1 year
so....tell us more about König w the Kortac milsim...👀 any hcs about them?
Alright so it took me ages to reply I'm so sorry that ask was SIMMERING. yes I have once again made a ship from nothing. I basically adopted the default Kortac mil-sim - one day I ought to write all my headcanons for him. I gave him a name: Samir. so from now on, I'll tag him as Samir (Kortac) lmao
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Ok so headcanons about them as a pair under the cut ⬇
König is like. canonically socially anxious, that's one thing. I imagine him to be reserved off-duty, but very intense on the battlefield. He's super competitive and if you hear the Kortac guy while playing MWII multiplayer, w his voicelines you'll guess the guy is also one smug bastard on the field. I think they could have an interesting dynamic.
I imagine the Kortac guy (so, Samir) to be… actually just a genuine, very balanced dude. He's either a social introvert or just a calm extrovert. he's affable and wants to make everyone feel included sorta, so he balances out König's social anxiety in a way that feels very natural.
Both believed they would NOT get along with the other because who the hell is that Slovenian dude replying to König's snark comments w no fear AND the exact same energy? Who is this guy daring to say "I JUST saved your ass 🙄" to the absolutely gigantic Austrian dude who was tunnelvisioning in his sniper rifle landing headshots??
They started talking because König is a vegetarian and the Kortac guy does not eat pork. they literally started bonding because once in the cafeteria König assumed he was a vegetarian too (their first exchange off-duty ever), and then apologised 174 times despite it not being a big deal (but König makes a big deal out of a lot of things especially what he considers to be "social blunders". Samir is here to remind him life is more chill than he expects it to be)
TL;DR they're gonna hold hands at one point. I think they're cute
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tofu-loverx · 2 years
Maybe illusions?
I know, I know that I have been dead for a long time, but I have had a lot of preoccupations and studies until now…. So I am so sorry.😞🙏 I spoke too long Let's get into the topic…
Summary:You return to your home or apartment after a long and hard day, to be surprised by the surprise that awaits you… This is what I imagined in philosophy class😅😂. Fandom: Genshin Impact Characters: Childe/ Scaramouche. Warnings: none. Type: HCs Note: English is not my mother language, sorry for any spelling errors.
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As soon as you opened the door, you were surprised by the cleanliness of your house. Yesterday, you were drowning in a pile of papers, and from the severity of your fatigue, you slept on top of them, leaving the house scattered as if it had been hit by a hurricane.
You walked quietly, waiting for someone or someone who might have cleaned your house, thanks to whoever cleaned it, and while you were walking, you were lured by that delicious smell emanating from the kitchen.
You gave a careful look and shouted in surprise, "Childe!?"
Gingerbread Head in your cute cat apron is turning towards you.
Childe: "Grace!, welcome back!!"
You're confused:" that's impossible…"
Childe with luminous eyes:" I know, but when I found myself here, I felt comfort and peace, and I immediately knew from the hanging pictures that it was your house.." Pictures of yours..
You turned around and grabbed your head: "I must be hallucinating… I need some sleep…"
Drawn on the features of the worried childe: "Your grace!, I am real and in front of you here and now.."
He held your hand in a spontaneous manner and made you touch his face.
He continued, saying:" You see!!, I am real, I am no longer in the world of Teyvat, I am here with you, your grace"
You said with shock mixed with happiness:" I can't believe, your skin… is warm"
Ginger head smiled at your expression, then took you to the dining table and said: "There are a few left and dinner is being prepared, I hope you like it"
I'll leave the rest to your imagination
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Usually, when you open the door, your cat will greet you at the entrance, but this time it did not.
You entered wondering where your little girl with black fur disappeared, as she was the one who renewed your energy whenever you pet her.
You went to your room and was shocked by the boy sitting on your bed, you screaming: " Who the hell are you!?"
He answered you, standing quietly: " Your grace it s me, Scaramouche, your loyal follower."
You: " No no no, it's true that your costume is well-made, but it's impossible for Scara to appear in real life!."
Scaramouche added:"Your grace, it may seem impossible, but it does not negate the fact that I am in front of you. Somehow I found myself here and did not move because I knew that it was your dwelling."
You in amazement: " Okey… that explains your calling me your grace"
Seriously Scaramouche:" Honestly, I was shocked to see your dorm so messy."
You are ashamed: " what can i do!!, I let the work pile up on me until I ended up like this"
Scara:" That explains why you haven't been in Teyvat these days"
You: " What's the use of going in now that I've got who I actually want"
His cheeks turned red and he turned his face screaming: " You are a dirty creator!"
You smirk: " I know , also Choco loved you" Your cat's name, I couldn't find a better name, call it whatever you want
He said:" All I did was caress her and play with her until you return"
you approached him and pet his head: " Thank you for taking care of her while I was away"
I'll leave the rest to your imagination
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hozaloza · 2 months
I'm forcing everyone to look at my Cranes pet/animal hcs Jasmine has a dog, cat and snake.
Thomas has a cat
Jasmine forced Thomas to make their cats have a play date. it was a success in Jasmine's words.
Thomas's cat is an orange and white tabby named Daisy.
Jasmine's pet names are: Dog- Mushu Cat- Meowvrick (He's a black cat with long fur, she had to name him after her boss <:sobbingBoss:1183934764386898000> ) Snake- Mr. Snoodle (She let her friend Jenifer pick this name. She regrets it afterwards 💀)
Jasmine used to have a big fluffy dog when she was a little kid. She was old but still energetic. She absolutely loved her. Sadly one day while on a walk, an unleashed dog tried attacking little Jasmine. Luckily her dog was there and defended her. Unfortunately, while her dog won, she was left heavily injured. She carried her back home (with struggle) and tried to help her, but it was too late. It took a lot of years after to get a new dog since she was heart broken
Jasmine kept a lot of centipedes in a little bucket and gave them names. They would always die and she cried every time (she was like 9) ((also she held funerals for them and completely forgot about them afterwords))
In 7th grade she went over to Thomas's house and saw that he had a pet bird. She loved spending her time with Cracker (Thomas named him 💀)
Oh yeah, Thomas had a pet bird named Cracker. He named him when he was 10.
Thomas would always bring home the most scrungkliest feral cats, and his parents would force him to let them back outside (he always cried bc he loved them a lot, even if they scratched his face up)
Jasmine and Ryan would always help him capture these cats. Mainly Ryan bc he knew what he was doing.
Ryan had a pet horse who he still visits to this day (horse was a baby when he got him)
Ryan is scared of every dog except his tiny little dachshund who he named Snake (he grew out of this fear eventually)
Ryan loved turtles as a kid. He had a pet turtle named Hank (they were kids ok--)
Ryan didn't like Thomas's bird as a kid (he bit his finger) Every time Ryan went to his cousin's house, he would immediately hide from their heeler dog (they lived on a ranch) Once while on the trampoline, his cousin's dog got on and Ryan started freaking out, struggling to get away since he was laying down.
He hates the rooster on his cousin's family ranch
Ryan took horse riding lessons
Maverick has a black axolotl who he named Latte (haha reference)
When Maverick was little, he was constantly surrounded by birds and other rain forestly type animals. He took care of 2 Scarlet Macaws that frequently visited his childhood home, a pet Capybara named Stinkle, and an Iguana named Chico
Maverick loves animals, give him a cat to play with and he melts immediately "Awhhh, aren't you a stinky little thing?? Yeah you don't like me, but I don't care. No one likes me either way!!" "Boss, we have to give the cat back" "No, she's mine now." "Boss--" "Ryan, can't you see we're bonding??" He says as the furious little kitten is biting him
Maverick is scared of horses (a horse licked him when he was little)
He LOVES cranes. He absolutely loves them. It's been his dream to have one as a pet, but sadly the only cranes that lives in the states is the sandhill crane and whooping crane, and they're illegal to own as pets. (He'll get one eventually)
When he got to see a crane up close once, his fixiation started HARD. Bring up a crane in discussion and he'll list off all the facts about them from the top of his head.
The crane trio gave him the axolotl for his birthday. Maverick didn't like aquatic type animals, so he was sorta pissed at first. But when he saw the axolotl was black, he fell in love. "You got me a fish…?" "Well, not really, it's an axolotl!" "…Whatever it is, I don't want that disgusting--" Sees it's black "….You're my baby now. I'm naming you Latte. I'll build an entire ecosystem for you, and we'll talk about cranes together." "…Told you he'll love it."
Alex is scared of cats (he got chased by an orange kitten when he was little)
He really likes Cheetahs, their swiftness intrigue him
He really wants a pet dog, but never found the time to make room for one (his job 💔 )
When Ryan and Alex move in together after this hell, Ryan got him a Golden Shepard breed, and Alex loved her (he cried when he held her in his arms)
Alex and Ryan are dog parents
They got a Doberman after
Crows are fairly fond of Alex, they constantly bring him little shiny jewels since he feeds them
That's all I have for now </3
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babybluebex · 2 years
You’re such a wonderfully creative writer, I’d love to know what your hc ideas for Joe’s pub guy in the Irish Mike music video would be 😂
omfg this is cracking me up 😭 and yet i still have hc's
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he lives above the pub
he's friends with the owner of the pub and always hangs out down there
he's usually pretty happy just drinking and chatting shit
sometimes doing a lil dance if he's got enough liquor in him but he's just funny like that
idk what his name is, but i'm feeling something pretty traditional british, like charles
idk WHY but he gives me charles energy, fuck it his name is charles
but you call him charlie
and you're the only one who calls him that
you met at the pub, he was drinking with friends and you wandered in
"ain't ever seen you 'round 'ere before" he says to you
not creepy or leering, he's just curious
the pub is small and old, it's not every day they get new customers
"i just moved here," you tell him "down the street"
"oh cool" and he sips at his beer "think my mate used to live there... what're ya drinking, love, it's on me"
"oh, no, i couldn't—"
"let me" and he flashes his big brown eyes at you, and you're hooked instantly "please?"
"alright" you relent, and charlie grins as you order your drink
he introduces you to his mates as they come in, telling them "little miss just moved into roger's old place"
you don't feel weird or awkward around his friends, it feels like you've known them for ages
finally, the night has to come to an end, and you tell charlie as much "i've got work in the morning, i oughta head out"
"right" and you can tell he's a little disappointed but he adds "can i get your number?"
"why do you need my number?" you tease him, and he jokingly rolls his eyes "are you planning on calling me? you know where i live"
"yeah, but i figured a text would be more welcome than me turning up at your doorstep" charlie laughs "anyway... i'd love to see ya again, darling"
you end up giving him your number, writing it on a pub napkin with a little heart next to your name
he texts you later that night as you're getting ready for bed, and it says "i'm glad i met you, you made my whole night"
he's an absolute sweetheart, just a little goofy sometimes
you make it a habit of going to the pub on friday nights to see charlie, and he's always ecstatic to see you
greets you with a big hug and a "there she is!"
your first kiss is during one of those nights, you're a little tipsy and grinning as charlie does his silly dance in the corner, and he stretches his hand out to beckon you over
the upbeat song he was dancing to ends as you leave your seat, and he holds you tender and close as a slower song starts
his hands are gentle as they skate up your back, and you carefully press your cheek into his warm chest
"i am really glad i met you, ya know" he tells you in a whisper "you really light it up in here... "
"thanks" you tell him "m'glad i met you too; gave me a drinking buddy"
"what if..." he starts and pauses "i sound like a fuckin' idiot, but... what if i wanted to ask you to be more than drinking buddies?"
"really?" you know exactly what he's asking, and it takes you by surprise
sweet, silly charlie from the pub wants to be more than friends
it's enough to make your heart burst
"yeah" he says "what're you thoughts on that?"
"i like the thought" you tell him "how much more do you want?"
"however much you'll let me have" charlie says "everything or nothing, i'll take what i can get"
you rise up onto your toes and finally, finally, kiss him
he tastes like the beer he's been drinking and the cigarette you shared 20 minutes before and just like him and it's wonderful
he grabs your hips and holds you tightly as he kisses you, and you laugh a little when the song changes to some drill nonsense
"oh yes" charlie hisses "love this song"
"are you serious?" you gasp and charlie nods, raising his eyebrows eagerly "that's it, i'm done, relationship over"
"damn it" charlie mumbles playfully "got the girl and lost 'er in 5 seconds"
"just kiss me again and i won't be mad"
and he does
i WILL be revisiting charlie bc omg i'm so in love with him now
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snazzilystoopid · 10 months
What if I started a series about an AU where every ninja has a little sister? (So yes Nya and Kai "have a little sister")
(tw for sh!)
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This gif makes me so sad I cant-
Libble "Lilly" Brookstone
Named Libble after her mom's best friend, Libber
(Yes I hc that Cole's mother and Jay's birth mother were besties)
Nicknamed Lilly because she looks exactly like her, they're basically identical apart from the fact that Libble has her dad's eyes
Her family sometimes give her the nickname "Libs" or "Libby"
(Most people acc call her Libby now)
She was the "naughty kid" and she ran away alot
Gave poor Lou lots of stress 😭
The moment Libble turned 13 (abt halfway through Possesion) she started to bunk off school and do stupid things (smoking, dr*gs, that sorta stuff)
She grew up WAY too fast
Like she rly didn't gave a shit abt Cole turning into a ghost or any of that until Day of the Departed
After DotD she had a much needed wake up call (still just age 13 at this point)
She didn't go and visit her home for the holiday and she realised just how much their family had suffered bc of Lilly's passing
So that night Libble cried herself to sleep in the crappy apartment she and her friends were camping out in
a) bc she missed her dad and big bro and b) because she knew she had seriously messed up
The next day she went back to school and finally started making an effort
She realised she really loved sketching and she also had a passion for programming/machinery/tech
She decided she wanted to pursue a career at Borg Industries before she mustered up the courage to go back to live with Lou
She apologised profusely and sobbed and begged for his forgiveness
Lou welcomed her back with open arms
Cole was skeptical of talking to her for a few days but after a week he ended up going back to visit
and he was the happiest he had ever been when he saw his baby sister had truly changed <33
They had a family dinner the following night catching up on things
During the one year gap after Hands of Time she continued to go to school and actually got an education, and regularly stayed in touch with Cole (since he was with Jay looking for Wu)
She met all the ninja just after March of the Oni and decided that Nya was her favourite (after Cole ofc)
After MotM, once Cole returned from Shintaro, his veins up his wrist/arms would sometimes pulse a faint orange. Libble liked to trace them and would always say she wished she was the one with elemental powers as a joke
By the end of Crystalized, Libble is 16!
Aaand that's her story!! Moving on to random facts abt her:
Unlike the rest of her family, Libble can't sing or dance to save her life
She'll stay up all night sketching and sketching and sketching
Cole often calls her "Libbler the Scribbler"
Whenever Lou and the Royal Blacksmiths have a performance, she always makes sure she's on the front row
She used to sh as "punishment" once she returned home, because she couldn't forgive herself for leaving her dad like that
Her classmates called her a freak because of the scars up her arms and the minute Cole found out he was PISSED
She hangs around Chen's Noodle House a lot, and she always orders the same thing: PUFFY POTSTICKERS
She smashed the TV in the monastery of spinjitzu once, because of Kai and Cole beating her in a video-game
Shes usually quite a calm and collected person, but she can also be really loud
Simillar to Lilly's locket, Libble owns a silver locket which pictures her and Cole in one photo, and Lilly and Lou in the other.
Thats all hehe, but I feel like I could've picked a better name, I had literally no ideas 😭😭
(Just to make things clear, each sister doesn't exist in the same universe, these are all gonna be seperate AUs!)
Hope yall enjoyed and I think I'll be doing either Lloyd or Kai + Nya next! <3
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