#one day i will have proper tags for this blog... that is not today.
unsolvedjarin · 8 months
COMPLICATED — prologue
pairing: (fernando alonso x driver!reader) (grid x platonic!reader) — mostly older!grid
summary: you and fernando were known to be the biggest rivals on and off track back in 2012. that rivalry even crossed the line to pure hatred many years ago. but how did that hatred turn you two into the loving iconic couple of f1 you are today?
note: i’ve been dying to write this for AGES. it’s the fic that’s the reason i made this blog. keep in mind however this is just the prologue, so i’m simply setting up the story for where i want it to go. after this mostly social media chapter it gets plot heavy. anyways i hope you enjoy this!!!
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liked by danielricciardo, lewishamilton, and 528,293 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, aussiegrit, jensonbutton, sebastianvettel, lewishamilton
yourusername beach day with my boys! had so much fun pretending to know what i’m doing while surfing (do NOT trust mark when he says he’ll teach you how to surf. he’s horrible.)
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aussiegrit you falling off the board 272872 times was of your own accord, don’t blame the teacher!
jensonbutton mate you fell off your OWN board 272872 times, i think when it gets to that it’s the teacher’s fault
yourusername get his ass again for me jense
fernandoalo_oficial looking great amor! 🥰
yourusername thanks to my amazing photographer 🫶
jensonbutton what about the pictures i took?
yourusername they were definitely pictures!
fernandoalo_oficial posted a new story
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This was not Fernando Alonso’s year. Losing the World Championship by 3 points was not good on his ego nor on his morale, yet here he was.
Everyone was celebrating Sebastian now for having won his 3rd World Championship– but Fernando was angry. Not at Sebastian, but at you. 
You who had gotten first place. 
You who was third in the Drivers Championship and had no chance to pass Fernando on the standings, yet still overtook him during the last two laps. You couldn’t even let him win.
“Good race Nando,” he heard a voice in front of him say. He paid no attention to it.
Getting no reply from him, you scoff and put down your water bottle. “I know you’re mad at me for getting first, but at least have some sportsmanship.”
That gets him to look up and take a proper look at you, post race sweat and your race suit dangling at your hips. He thinks you glow look terrible in this light. Because he was sat on some stairs, you were standing over him, hands on hips with a slightly smug look on your face. 
“Don’t be a sore loser. It’s unbecoming.”
“I could have won the championship. I was three points away— three, and you could not even let me have that?” He gestures wildly. “I know you dislike me, but stealing my championship is far and beyond, L/N.”
He stands up, purposely hitting your shoulder as he walks past you. 
Oh the bastard. He wanted to throw out accusations? Fine. 
“Oh don’t be such a hypocrite. I stole your championship? What good would that even do me? I’m third in the standings, there was no way I was going to catch up to you,” you retort. Fernando was still facing away from you, but frozen on the spot. You knew he was listening. “I went faster because my contract with Mercedes expires this year. I’m losing my fucking seat, I need to prove to other teams I’m worth it. It’s bad enough you’re constantly fucking badmouthing my character to the press, and now you question my integrity as a driver? Honestly, Alonso, grow the fuck up. Not everything is about you.”
A silence befalls the room. Fernando doesn’t speak or do anything, and the seconds waiting for a response feels like minutes. He’s facing you at this point, speechless in his Ferrari race suit that looks fucking great on him. Too bad he’s a shitty person.
You sigh, exhausted. “Nothing?” 
He shakes his head and looks down. Of course. He’s got nothing to say. Resigning, this time you’re the one to walk past him and towards the door behind him. He tries to look at everything else in the room that wasn’t you, the walls, the stairs, the tables, but that wasn’t enough to avoid your exasperated look that he could see through his peripheral vision.
He should’ve done something, anything. Stop you from walking away, tell you he’s sorry, just something. But he didn’t do anything. That was his first mistake.
One of many.
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once again asking if we can change the group name
it’s correct though? But while we’re on the topic of the groupchat can we change the photo
its beautiful whats wrong with you
okay then we’re not changing the group name
MAHK WEBBAH has left world champs + mark
give him a few minutes he’s having a temper tantrum because skysports labelled his name as “Sebastian Vettel’s former teammate”
where the fuck did you learn that
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AUTHORS NOTE: i know some of these are ooc but i had too much fun making the fake tweets 😵‍💫 this is quite a plot heavy fic from here on out, so put on your reading glasses!
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kittybroker · 8 months
Intro post!
I'll reblog cat pictures and value the kitty.
Now I'm sure you're all saying kitties are all valuable, and while that's true one cannot simply dismiss the importance of proper accounting in today's economy.
If you want to submit a picture of a cat you can use either the ask function or send in a post submission and value it yourself. Feel free to tag me into any kitty post you want.
Please make sure to read the FAQ below before sending in any questions.
While I am mostly a joke blog, please be wary when sending overly personal/strange asks, particularly when I do not know who you are. Absolutely do not ship this blog with other blogs, and particularly do not make comments to me about this.
Tagging system: I'll tag all the cats here with #crazy kitty, as I do over on my main. The pricing of kitties is set into one of five categories:
#free bin - $0 kitties #bargain bin - Under $5 #discount kitty - Under $20 #valuable kitty - Under $50 #premium kitty - Anything over $50
#alt currency is used for any kitty not using kitty dollars.
Note that kitties from before 27/01/24 may not include the #bargain bin or #premium kitty tag as those tags were introduced after the blogs creation.
#set deal - For pairs kitties sold together #collection - For collections of different kitties in a collection
#silly kitty - For memes and humorous kitties #art - For drawings of kitties or kitties with art attached #fake kitty - For kitties that aren't really actually kitties at all
#text post - For posts that aren't actually evaluations #asks - Posts that are sent via ask #tagged - Posts sent via tagging #in the replies - Tags from the replies of a post
I'll probably post my own cat a bit here as well and tag that with #my cat.
Submission: You can submit kitties by tagging me in posts or sending asks (when the inbox is open). I will not always get around to tags as sometimes there is too many to get to or I have already evaluated the post. I prefer people tag me into a post over DMing, and will not evaluate a kitty sent in DMs. I would also ask you to not send too many asks or tags in a row simply to avoid too many posts being sent in at a time and allowing others to send stuff in. If you are unsure on how to tag me please refer to the FAQ, do not message me asking how to tag me into posts.
Rules for submission: Please no real people or anthropomorphized cats. Anything that is pretty much just human is a big no go zone for evaluation (particularly evaluating real people). As long as it's clearly an animal I don't really care. Do not tag me into more than 2-3 posts at a time.
Why hasn't my ask been answered? I get a lot of asks, and I can't answer everything. It usually takes a few days to a week to get around to answering an ask. Sometimes the ask may also contain a submission that cannot be posted, ie you submitted a real person, a cat in the harmful situation or with wounds. For text based asks I cannot get to everything and am frequently inundated with comments. Not all will get a response. If you ask a question answered in the FAQ I will not answer.
How do you evaluate the kitties? The economy guides my hand, I merely see the truth of what is already there.
I tagged you into a post, but you never responded? I get a lot of tags, and often a lot of the same post. I will try to avoid responding to the same post multiple times (sometimes I forget!). Sometimes I just have so many tagged posts to get to I have to cut some out. I do see every tagged post though so you're post will still be seen, even if not answered.
What is the most valuable kitty ever? Our current estimates would put Intergalactic Shiro, now at an impressive 720000000000
What currency are the kitties evaluated in? They are all in Kitty Dollars. I've never heard of this "USD" or "Euro" stuff. None of it is real.
I want to tag you in a post, but I don't know how? To tag me into a post you will need to reblog the post and add the tag into the text field of the post (no the tags!). If you type @kittybroker you should see this blog appear in a dropdown menu. Select kittybroker and then reblogging the post. You can also tag me into the replies of posts by opening the notes, heading to the replies section and tagging me there with the same method.
Who runs this blog? This blog is run by @autistic-autumn!
Can I submit myself? Many before have attempted this perilous feat. Yet I remain strong. No real people will be evaluated!
Kittybroker, you reblogged a bad post! Sometimes I reblog posts that I should by mistake. Please notify me if this is the case, ie. the cat is in danger, the video is not safe or harmful. I do my best to try educate myself on what the best, but I still miss stuff. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO FANDOM DRAMA/PROBLEMATIC USERS. DO NOT MESSAGE ME ABOUT THIS.
Do you have a cat? I do, although I rarely post it out of both privacy concerns and the sheer number of other kitties sent in. The rare occasion I do however they will all be tagged. His name is Boris and he is around nine years old. He is very crazy.
That is all for now! Remember to stay crazy and kitty!
272 notes · View notes
thatfreshi · 2 months
Hi! This was an expedited request by @mosshugs who asked that I go more into my headcanon of Astarion having ED behaviors. I want to preface this by saying I have limited experience with ED behaviors, and most of my experience and knowledge is from people I know with eating disorders, and I apologize if something I've written here doesn't feel correct for the experience.
So, BIG TW for eating disorder talk on this one.
If you'd like to have an expedited request, please check out the pinned post on my blog! (The masterlist can now be found under the tag freshimasterlist.)
When it comes to survival, it is difficult to foster nurturement, to find the strength to nourish even the smallest part of yourself. It is especially difficult for those who never had a nurturer, those who grew up without the protection of a mama bear, those who were ripped away from safety and forced into survival primarily, to find the strength to care, even if it's for themselves. While it seems like common sense, some part of you couldn’t ever fully understand the phenomena of nourishment and survival. That is, until you were faced with the conundrum head-on.
Astarion had somewhat perfected survival at this point, despite the fact that it was mostly not his choice. A more proper word choice might be endurance, the ability to persevere through torture despite your undying presence. Even now, he had endured all the way to the city, all the way to the legendary ‘Baldur’s Gate’ that you had been fighting towards for weeks. The two of you understood each other quickly, smoothly, reading each other like tea leaves. But, just like premonitions, not all of the details unfold as quickly as others. 
Your vampiric lover had been feeding on you almost every evening since you found out about his little ‘secret,’ that he didn’t quite hide as well as he thought he did. Of course, it started when you were merely aquaintances, continued on when you were friends, and then turned into something more. Now, feeding on you is a romantic ritual of sorts, a sign of trust, a moment of recluse and safety. Safety is a word that Astarion is unfamiliar with, the feeling at least. But those moments he has drank from you, he has finally started to understand what exactly it means to be safe. That is, until he suddenly stopped. 
You were waiting to face Cazador, a being who had now become one of multiple banes of your existence. Sadly, things on a wild adventure don’t necessarily schedule themselves neatly, which was making both you and Astarion jittery, anxious.
“We should rest soon you know. Plenty more villains to get around to.”
He isn’t fully listening, something you’re quite used to dealing with. 
“I know.”
He’s more exhausted these days, moreso than usual. Everyone is tired obviously, but you’re more tuned into his energy than the others.
“Have you fed recently? It’s been a while since you’ve asked me.”
“Of course. How many people have I killed just today? Plenty of blood has been going around.”
He stands in the opening of the tent, staring off into nothing while you sit on the ground.
“You and I both know you don’t stop for long enough to get enough out of any of those fools.”
“And you take me for a liar?”
Astarion’s tongue is sharp, and he finally turns to face you.
“I take you for a liar, but not usually a liar to me. Now, come, drink some.”
You’ve had plenty of banters like this, where he has been difficult with you, but the night air doesn’t sit peacefully like on those nights. He’s not staring at nothing, but at the past, the future. He doesn’t bend to your whim. 
“Really, my darling Tav, I am alright. Perhaps you should go to bed without me, I might be up for a while.”
Distant. He’s only distant when something is truly bothering him, just like he was in the beginning, just like he was when you met him on the beach.
“Astarion, why don’t you want to feed on me?”
Out of the myriad of things he doesn’t like, he doesn’t like direct confrontation from you. When it comes to safety, survival, nourishment, he likes to be elusive. He likes to hide from you, because sometimes you let him. He wasn’t allowed to hide before, when he was still living at the palace. Sometimes though, you can’t let him hide.
“Who said I don’t want to feed on you? Why, your blood is delightful! Delectable even.”
And there he goes, that slight seduction in his tone, a distraction.
“Then why haven’t you drank from me in days? Over a week at this point?”
Now comes the moment when he realizes there is no way out, that you’re onto him, that he can’t dance around it with his words any longer. He makes his way to be next to you.
“I… I’m not really sure Tav.”
A very rare occurrence, where Astarion sounds entirely clueless.
“What do you mean?”
“I, I mean I do want to. I’ve told you so many times before how much I delight at our feedings, I just-”
You give him a moment.
“I feel, wrong.”
“Wrong. Like it wouldn’t be right to feed from you.”
“Aster, I’ve told you how many times that I’m okay with you feeding on me. It’s even enjoyable at times! And besides, it’s good for you, and it strengthens our bond-”
“I don’t think any of that is what this is. And I do hear you, but this… this is different. Maybe it’s because we’re so close to confronting, him.”
Both of your faces change slightly at the thought of Cazador.
“Are you nervous? Because that seems entirely natural.”
“Well, yes. Of course I’m nervous, not that I would tell anyone else that. I think this though, is perhaps a feeling of being undeserving of something.”
“Like what?”
“Freedom, love, more than rats. I have wanted to feed on you numerous times, but I find myself being held back by this feeling of being… undeserving.”
“My dear, you are entirely deserving of feeding, especially on me.”
You move to comfort him, a light touching arm.
“I suppose it doesn’t feel that way right now. You know what I was forced to drink from before: flies, rats, other vermin. And of course, when you first offered for me to feed from you, I was so incredibly taken away by a luxury I was never given. Now though, I simply wonder if I should’ve ever had that luxury at all, or if I should have that luxury even now.”
“You are deserving though.”
“I don’t think that will fix it my love. I don’t know if anything that you say can fix this.”
One of the hardest truths of love, that your words cannot always fix their wounds. That sometimes, there are things you will never be able to heal by yourself. 
“Then… how do we fix it? How do we make you feel deserving of feeding?”
He fumbles with his hands.
“Time? Patience? I don’t honestly know darling.”
You move a hand over to his wandering ones, hoping to ground him a little.
“Maybe, now that I know, we could at least try? Even just a little?”
There’s a hint of optimism in his demeanor, something you’ve seen more of over time.
“Alright then, we can try. But that’s all I can promise, an attempt.”
And so, he moves to prepare as you lie down, a much easier way to get your life’s essence taken. It’s a little more tense than usual, which makes sense following a conversation like that. There’s a moment where his teeth pierce your skin, and a piece of time where he does feed, and then there’s a sharp pull away. He seems almost nauseous when you sit back up. You cover the rip he just made on your neck with a nearby piece of cloth.
“I’m sorry, I just… I can’t tonight. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, you tried. That’s all I said right, that we should try?”
You move back over to him and wipe at a tear, one made from an apology he never should’ve had to give. 
“Right. And maybe we can try again tomorrow?”
“Of course my love, of course.”
When the two of you lie down finally, there isn’t much said for the rest of the evening. You’ll never quite know exactly what he felt in that moment, what tasting your blood was like, how it made him ill and scared. One thing you do know is that you’ll be there again the next evening, and the evenings later, even if it takes a lifetime to repair that relationship with feeding from you. And maybe eventually, there won’t be that feeling of being undeserving anymore. Maybe one day, there will be nourishment instead of survival, but for now, you can try and make survival as nurturing as you can.
89 notes · View notes
thefallennightmare · 1 year
Moment of Weakness-nineteen
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*credit to whoever created the gif. found on google/Pinterest *
Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, affair, cheating, violence.
Summary: Reader is the assistant to New York's most feared mob boss, James Buchanan Barnes. He had the picture-perfect life: status in the mob, friends, and beautiful wife. So why can't he keep his mind and eyes off of reader?
Author's Note: I'm sorry for the typical, cliche story line but it's the only thing I could think of when creating ideas for this story. Last one for tonight so you will have to suffer until the next update. 😉
Tags(closed): @splendidreads @sebsgirl71479 @mdpplgtz03 @pattiemac1 @unaxv @alana4610 @broadwaybabe18 @themayzittcha @playboystark @raajali3 @ozwriterchick @ragamuffin285 @screamingdying @themorningsunshine @kenziekugler22 @calwitch @sebastianstansqueen @stanaddict @stucky-simp03 @sleyeveryday @loustan90 @lyra-black13 @valsworldofcreativity @cjand10 @tesseract69 @batprincess1013 @subwaysurf45 @arsonfrogger @yoruse @5moremin @lipstickandtanqueray @mandijo17 @joannaromanoff @justsebstan @winters1917 @elizacusi-blog @football1921
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I walked into the building, smiling bright as the morning sun, ready to finish this work day already. After he left last night, Bucky promised that when he would come by tonight, he would stay the night. He had planned on telling Natasha that he had to go out of town for something mob related. 
There was already a list of things I had planned; dinner at home, a movie cuddled together on my couch, and a warm bath to end the night. It was something that we had yet to do, a proper at home date. 
My body jumped with excitement every time I thought about it. 
A frown pulled at my lips when I noticed that Bucky’s door had been closed. He didn’t have any meetings planned so there was no need for it to be shut. Bucky also always took his phone calls with the door opened. 
I placed my things on my desk and softly knocked on the door, only to be met with silence. The thought of if he was coming in today or not crossed my mind so I sent him a quick text. 
Are you not coming in today? 
Some time would pass before I would even get a response. Three hours to be exact. 
By the time Bucky had decided to text back, it was nearing lunch hour and I was busying myself to run to the deli across the road to pick us all up something. Steve and Sam were playing a card game on the couch that sat across from my desk and Steve noticed the worried look on my face. 
“Everything alright?” 
By the mere tone in his voice, I could tell that the relationship we shared was not the same anymore. 
“Yeah,” I mumbled, not bothering to take my eyes away from the text on my phone. 
I’m held up in my office all day, sorry.
It was short, to the point. No sweet names or cringey emojis that Bucky had just found out of. This wasn’t like him, something being different; off. 
Steve stood to walk over to me. “Bucky?” 
I peered over his shoulder to make sure Sam wasn't paying attention and nodded. 
“Have you talked to him at all? I feel as if he’s avoiding me,” I said. 
He hesitated, unsure if he should even say anything. I could see it in the way he avoided my gaze, rubbing at the back of his neck. 
Steve was hiding something from me. 
“What do you know?” I asked. 
“I can’t be the one to tell you, Y/N. Bucky has too.” 
With a gentle squeeze on my shoulder, he went back to his previous spot on the couch. 
I gnawed on my bottom lip while gazing at the still shut door to Bucky’s office and decided to give it one more try, seeing if he would talk to me. 
“Bucky, can I come in?” I asked after my knuckles rapped against the door. 
There was quite a bit of shuffling behind it and my heart hammered when the door opened, revealing a very stressed Bucky. 
My voice lowered. “Are you okay?” 
He nodded. “I’m going to skip lunch today.”
The door shut just as fast as it opened and I was left staring at it, tears brimming in my eyes. 
“Y/N,” Steve’s soft voice called from behind me. 
I blinked a few times, tears splattering over my cheeks, and quickly grabbed my things to head to lunch.
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I don’t know what I did to make you so upset with me but I don’t appreciate the cold shoulder all day. I’m about to leave for the day and you’ve barely come out of your office.
I hit send on the text while walking back to my desk from the bathroom. The day went on at a slow pace, my eyes darting from my computer to Bucky’s still shut door, not once seeing him come out of his office. That was the third text I sent him all day and with yet no response, I decided that tonight was officially off the table. He would not be rewarded with spending the night with me after ghosting me all day. 
As I returned back to my desk, I noticed that the door was wide open, and my feet practically dragged me across the threshold. Until I stopped myself when I saw that he made no effort to look away from his phone when he heard me walk up. Not even a quick glance my way. 
“Asshole,” I grumbled, plopping into my chair. 
Six minutes. That’s all I had left of my workday and I could go home to wallow in self-pity in private. 
I used that time to scroll through Instagram, not having the chance to be on it all day. My thumb froze over one post, almost unsure to like it or not, because everything around me faded to black. Ears rang loudly with white noise and my heart dropped to the depths of my stomach as it shattered. The pain caused a sob to leave my lips. 
Cannot wait to meet you baby Barnes. Coming in six months. 
My vision blurred from the tears that spilled everywhere but I still could see the picture Natasha had posted announcing her pregnancy. It was a picture of a positive pregnancy test with her and Bucky’s vibranium hand holding it. 
With a broken gaze, I looked over to him and was shocked that Bucky was already watching me. His own eyes were broken, tears pooling in the corners of them. 
“I’m so sorry, doll,” he mouthed. 
No words were able to form, my mouth had run dry. I didn’t know what to say, to be honest. All I could do was gather my things and storm out of the office, the door slamming behind me shaking the walls. 
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The persistent knocking on my front door was becoming too hard to ignore, it going on for the last five minutes. In tangent with my phone ringing, not stopping for a second. I did my best to tune it all out, staring off into the void of my living room wall, wishing it would stop; wishing everything would stop. 
“Doll, please open up.” 
“Go away,” I yelled, the anger suddenly bubbling to life. 
“Please let me explain!” 
I scoffed while shaking my head, even if Bucky couldn’t see. “Explain?!” 
Everything I had been avoiding came rushing to the forefront when I heard him begging me to let him in, to explain his actions. 
My feet dragged me to the door and I opened it with such force, it created a small wind tunnel. Bucky didn’t bother waiting for me to let him in, he pushed himself past me. 
“I’m so sorr-.” 
His apology was cut off by a hard slap to his face, my palm already stung with redness. 
Bucky rubbed at the raw spot where I had hit him and his jaw tensed. “You hit me.” 
“Trust me, I want to do a lot more!” I seethed. 
“Can you calm down so I can explain?” He begged. 
“Calm down?!” My voice bellowed. “You get your wife pregnant, hide it from me, then come here to explain yourself? How the fuck can I calm down?!” 
My shoulder rammed into his as I walked past him and down the hall towards my bedroom. His footsteps that echoed down the hall told me that he was following me close behind. 
“I wanted to tell you, Y/N. All day I tried to come up with the best way,” Bucky said. 
I spun on my heels and pushed him hard in his chest, my actions doing nothing to deter him. 
“Fuck you, Barnes! You’re such a liar!” 
I began beating his chest with my fist, pure hatred fueling my momentum. And he stood there, taking every hit. 
Out of breath, I let my fists fall to my side, and felt my chest rise and fall each time I swallowed a large amount of air. 
“Feel better?” Bucky asked. 
My eyes narrowed. “Go fuck yourself. I never want to see you again.” 
His shoulders dropped. “You don’t mean that.” 
I nodded, even if I didn’t believe it myself. “Get out.” 
Bucky didn’t move so I pushed him harder in his chest. “Leave. Now!” 
I smacked him yet again, this time with so much force he stumbled back onto my bed. 
“You lost the right to call me that the second you put your dick in her, Bucky! I can’t believe I fell for your lies again.” 
I ran a shaking hand through my hair. “I allowed myself to ignore the red flags because I cared that much for you. I believed that you wanted me, wanted a future with me. I bet the divorce was a lie too.” 
Bucky vigorously shook his head. “I promise you. That was all true. Matt finished the papers this afternoon.” 
“When did it happen?” I abruptly asked. 
He hesitated, unsure how to answer. “A few months ago. It was the night I drove you home from work and we had sex in the back seat.” 
If my heart wasn’t in a million pieces before, it for sure was now. 
“You’re such a dick!” I screamed while pushing him down on my bed. “I knew you were still screwing her.” 
Bucky leaned his elbows onto his knees and held his head in his hands. “You don’t understand how terrible I feel, Y/N. I wish I could take it back.” 
I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand. “Are you still leaving her?” 
He gazed up at me, lips parting and eyes welling with tears. “I can’t. She’s having my child.” 
My eyes shut, his words giving me exactly what I needed to end this. 
I pointed towards the door. “We’re finished, Bucky. You need to leave.” 
He was fast on his feet to reach for me. “No, it doesn’t have either.” 
“Yes it does!” I wailed. “It’s one thing to break up a marriage but I refuse to break up a family.” 
Both of us were crying, not bothering to stop or hide the tears, and Bucky wanted to reach for me, fight for me, but knew that there was no changing my mind. 
“What about work?” He asked with a glimmer of hope. 
I gnawed on the inside of my cheek. “I can’t afford to quit. So I’ll see you next week. I need to take some time off.” 
Bucky nodded. “I didn’t want to hurt you, doll.” 
I grabbed my elbows, bringing my arms closer to my chest and avoiding his gaze, keeping my eyes trained to my feet. The only thing I could hear over his footsteps walking away from me was my broken cries, my body collapsing to the ground. 
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09lover · 5 months
@mulberriesandtea vs @burstvoid
propagandas under the cut!!
Do you want to see somrjing beautiful? Do you want to rest your eyes a bit after scrolling throufh this dull tumblr dash filled with all sorts of unhinged things. Or mayhaps you jsut opened your tumvlr app after a long day of seeing enough in the real world. I got you.
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Look at this pretty blog. Warm, welcoming, soothing color palette. They have a very aeathetically pleasant tagging system on top of that. Okay but this is only the mobile version.
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Look at this SICK desktop version. It can be warm and tender but it can be absolutely FUNKY. The decoration of this blog perfectly captures the personality of this multifaceted individual. As you see their blog is also surrounded with muu which may influence your decision in different ways however it's undoubted that their dedication is truly impressive and inspiring for the whole fandom. Stare at it for long enough snd you can feel the growing urge to decorate your entire blog around your fsvorite character.
They also have CAT(!) and can send us cat pixtures. A splendid example that will render you speechless:
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their other talents include, but are not limited to:
📍 MAKING THE PHONEGRAM DRAWING THAT LED TO THE MILGRAM SMART FRIDGE MEME. Can you imagine? If not for Kris' art achievements we might jave never had that ezxtrmeely impoetant part of the milgramblr daily life. Their input to our culture is inseparable and incomparable.
Takr this all in mind and vote for kris mulberriesandtea 04dissection ONLY TOMORROW! (or today i guess depending on when this will be posyed)
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+ https://youtu.be/WhtpH3BciDY?si=7y1m7EZxt0s4Vxqw
Now you might see the moots battle and feel torn on how to vote. there are so many options, so many marvelous talents to consider. Puzzled, you nevertheless want to commit your voting duty as a proper eslover followers citizen.
May I perhaps interest you in this limited edition PATHETIC CREATURE?
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they're a jirai kei patheticgirl. they're an ouji loserboy. They once cried in my dms brcause they didnt want to accepr they relate to fuuta even though they had fuuta pfp the first time we met. They're the jackalope pfp star on milgramblr christmas tree. they're a cat with four (!) beauitufl strong women cats living in their house and one gay ass male cat coming to their house unprompted. They might be kind enough to show you photos of all of these beautiful strong women (!!!).
their size is PERFECT to be put in a blender (80x60 cm). Their texture is suitable to get soaked in milk and only becomes better with it if applied in moderste amoubts (recommended to soak rhem 1 liter of milk per day). they make a splendid thump sound once thrown at a wall.
Their other hideen talents include DRAWING, WRITING, OC CREATION, SINGING and INFODUMPING PEOPLE ON POLITICS. An astonishingly versatile individial.
this is what they look like ↓
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don't these big wet eyes captivate you?
this LIMITED EDITION PATHETIC CREATURE can bring a lot of coziness and fun to your house. Be sure to be online and vote for them available only TOMORROW!
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and that is all, enjoy your voting for round 1.
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idrellegames · 1 year
Wayfarer Dev Log 2023.03.06
Hi friends!
It’s been a while since my last proper update in January. I am recovered from illness and mostly back to normal; with the days getting longer and actually having sunlight now, it’s easier to stay focused than it was in the winter. A lot of developments have happened in the interim, so I’m hoping this dev log will serve to get you caught up on things I’ve been keeping under wraps until now.
✦ New Blog Reveal
My blog’s desktop theme has been redesigned and updated! Huge thank you to @ethereal-themes for taking this on, I am in love with the new look.
Desktop theme
Navigation (with updated tags!)
Character Roster (updated with Episode 2 characters + sortable, including by romance type)
These pages cannot be viewed in the tumblr mobile app, but they can be viewed by inputting the link into your mobile browser. Mobile versions of the updated FAQ information and tag list are forthcoming.
Many thanks to @memaidraws for my new blog portrait of Alexia. 💕
Additionally, I am no longer tracking the tag "wayfarer" for community content. The tag has become overrun with bots that makes it very difficult to filter. If you've created something you'd like me to see, please use the "wayfarer if" tag or tag my blog!
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✦ The Public Build
A new patch should be coming sometime in March to fix lingering bugs and issues in Episode 2. This patch will require a full restart of the game. Once it releases, you should not use old saves otherwise you may encounter continuity errors and bugs in later episodes.
✦ The Alpha Build
Work on the next alpha update is progressing. I am still writing slower than I usually do, but I am coming up on the end of a major branch. There should be a new alpha release later in March that will cover one half of Episode 3 Part 1.
Even though not all possible routes will be included, the update will add over 300,000 words of new playable content to the game.
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✦ Development Changes
Until recently, Wayfarer was planned to be a free game. This is no longer the case. Though I am not ready to announce the full details yet, the game will be eventually be moving to a free demo + paid full game model later in its development cycle.
Act 1 (which includes the Prologue and Episodes 1-3) will remain free to play. Future pricing for non-Patreon early access to later episodes while the game is in development is TBD.
Because this change impacts some behind-the-scenes things, I am need to gauge how much of Wayfarer’s playerbase plays the game on their phone versus a computer.
If you would like to help me out, check out this poll here and let me know what device you regularly play on!
✦ Wayfarer 2023 Pin-Up Calendar
The Wayfarer Calendar is now closed! A huge thank you to our contributing artists and everyone who donated. Altogether, we raised $1094.54 USD. These proceeds were donated today to the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice.
I am so honoured that the calendar was a huge hit. On behalf of our organizers, I would like to thank everyone for their passion and excitement for this project. It’s too soon to announce whether we will do something like this again for next year, but there may be another calendar on the horizon…
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If you’ve enjoyed Wayfarer, used my tutorials, or would like to support my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Patrons receive access to the alpha build, a private Discord server, exclusive previews, bonus content, side stories, and other benefits.
(Please note that if you are pledging solely for access to the alpha build, the alpha and the public build currently contain the same content.)
Wayfarer is a passion project and creating it is a full-time commitment. Any little bit goes a long way to help me bring it to fruition.
If you aren’t in a position to support financially, reblogs, shares, ratings and comments, and spreading the word about the game are much appreciated and do a lot to help me out! 💕
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princesscolumbia · 7 months
Ranma 1/2 Thoughts, Meta Edition
I have consumed...a lot of Ranma 1/2 content.
I mean, this is kinda what happens when you're a repressed transgirl who discovers the manga a year into a marriage that you got into to "fix" being trans and be "a real boy" in a desperate bid to fill the hole that you wouldn't learn for two decades could only be filled by living as your true self.
I've encountered precisely four (4) types of Ranma 1/2 fans in that time:
Transwomen who see Ranma as their idealized expression of the gender experience ("I'm not like this because I want to be, it's a curse. A curse that gives me a smokin' hot body and HUGE tits! But it's tooootally a curse, for realsies! I'll find a cure any day now, see how hard I'm looking? I'm trying sooooo hard to find a cure...")
Transmen who see Ranma as their perfect representation of their gender experience ("I'm a guy, damnit! This body...it's a curse! I hate it and I want nothing better than to be cured, but all sorts of Life Bullshit keeps getting in the way!")
Lesbians who kin either Ranma (butch NB lesbian) or one of their love interests (Akane - comphet closetted butch lesbian, Shampoo - Strong, smokin' hot bad bitch who goes after what she wants, Ukyo - transmasc coded genderfluid NB)
Completely clueless nimrods who miss the FUCKING POINT and are only into the show for the martial arts and think it would be better if Ranma got cured and they stopped having funny stuff happen.
(In case it's not obvious, IMHO the last group are the worst parts of the fandom and need to Go Away. Most of the toxic stuff that exists in R.5 fanspaces is because of this group of assholes which includes the incels that think everything would be better if Ranma just did stuff that's questionable from an ethics and morality perspective and chased after Shampoo because she's the closest thing to a Barbie-doll these closet fascists can allow themselves to fantasize about playing with, completely ignoring that she's a complex character that's a subversive pastiche to the Japanese racist stereotypes of the 1980s.)
I'm not kidding when I say that in the early days of the public Internet (before Facebook and Twitter ruined it for everyone), Ranma 1/2 was the SINGLE largest fandom by a MASSIVE stretch. I once checked my math on this by going to Fanfiction.net (before the massive purges) and brought up the Big List of All Fandoms and right there at the top with a MASSIVE number of fics was Ranma 1/2 by a HUGE margin. It took three fandoms (Star Trek, Doctor Who, and I believe Naruto if I'm recalling correctly) to have their combined total number of fics exceed the number of R.5 fics on FF.net...and that was JUST FF.net. There was an entire separate index (The Penultimate Ranma 1/2 Fanfic Index) that had the single task of listing, not even curating or reading or reviewing, ONLY Ranma 1/2 fanfics. Not fanart, not commentary, no RP blogs or chat transcripts or whatever, JUST fanfics. And only about half of those linked to FF.net, meaning that if you dig up the archives you'll find at least 60% of all fanfics that people had managed to index in the Ranma 1/2 fandom are missing because they were never properly archived and just...faded from the Internet as the public servers and places like Geocities started disappearing. You can find teasing, tantalizing hints of larger works that all we have left, like scraps of ancient papyri revealing a quote from a missing book of the Bible, are single chapters backed up on niche sites that managed to get spider-crawled by Archive.org, but many great works are just...lost. (There's an ero fic called "Playing with Water" that was SUPER hot and featured elements that we have tags for on porn sites but didn't really have proper words for back in the day...but even back when it was first being written finding the thing was hard...and today? Nearly impossible.)
(If you wonder why I'm such an absolute RABID advocate of AO3, this is why)
For me, Ranma will always be the transfemme coded genderfluid hero that we needed in the late 80s and early 90s. We were on the tail end of the AIDS pandemic, and just like COVID-19 there were a bunch of assholes who used it to ride to power and marginalize queer folk. It was easier to do with AIDS, of course, given the absolutely massive numbers of queer cis men and transwomen who contracted it and died. (Sidebar: the reason "L" comes first in "LGBTQIA+" is because it was the Lesbian nurses who were the caretakers of the Gay men who were dying in numbers large enough to be counted as a tragic statistic instead of a mere tragedy) and while the world was starting to acknowledge (again) that gay men was a thing that existed and they weren't actually trying to corrupt the youth, what we now call "transgender" was still listed in the DSM as a mental disorder that required treatment to "cure." According to the cultural majority in damn near every field you can imagine, the Gender Binary was the only way to exist and if you didn't fit neatly into one or the other then you were Damaged™ and had to be Fixed™ for The Good of All People™ (but specifically so cis-het-white folks, usually men, could feel comfy and not be confronted by things that made them feel icky and might have cooties). It's a truism that's treated as a joke that transwomen get into coding and wind up doing IT work in such massive numbers that between us and the furries we ARE the foundation of the modern Internet. And into the fanspaces packed to the brim with closetted AMAB transwomen who hadn't yet had their egg cracked came this plucky martial artist that gets to swap their gender with a splash of water but somehow still winds up the best of the best, the finest martial artist of their generation. (Goku can suck it, Ranma would turn the Kamea-meha right back on the over-muscled, braindead loser with a food fetish and still make it home in time for Kasumi's dinner)
I'm no sociologist, anthropologist, behaviorist, whatever, but I suspect that the reason Ranma Saotome spawned such a large fanbase so early in the modern Internet's history was specifically because the series created a safe space where people could talk about gender issues with a degree of separation that helped strip away the stigma surrounding feeling like you were in the wrong body.
I get why people like the martial arts aspect. I mean, Ranma kills a demigod. This is NOT something to sneeze at. I also understand the transmen who latch onto Ranma as a kin because I get the feeling like you have no control over what your body's doing and you're going through your days in existential dread of what might be dragging you further and further away from what you always knew was right and correct about yourself. It's a terrifying thing and here's someone who (esp. the anime version) IS a guy trapped in a girl's body.
For me, though, and for a LOT of transwomen out there, Ranma is transfemme. And, yes, canonically Ranma states right near the end of the manga that they're both and they kinda forgot about the 'cure' when they had to pick between that and the really important stuff and that they're okay with being fluid ('cause water, gettit?!) about their gender and it's a damn shame this was the 80s 'cause a continuation might wind up showing Ranma embracing being both...
BUT, and this is a transfemme thing, I know, if you continue the parabolic arc of Ranma's character development, the logical conclusion (for us) is that she eventually decides that she's a woman and just lives in her "cursed" form the majority (or all) of the time.
And yes, this is because that's the transfemme story arc. In the manga in some distant part of the multiverse that peers into our universe and for some reason decides to make me the MC (god, that must be a FUCKING BORING manga by our standards, I weep for those fans), my story arc is the gradual progression of uncracked, closetted transgirl to transitioned out and proud transbien mom. At one point I swapped back and forth between gender presentations because it was safer for me to appear in some spaces as the male that they thought I was. Now I would prefer to die before being forced to go back to pretending to be a man again.
Ranma has the choice, and good for them. Until the Kaisufuu is permanently destroyed, even if the "curse" is locked, they have the option of going one way or the other based solely on their own, personal desire. I can't say I'd be comfortable with that option being available. In that theoretical manga where there's a reboot that gives me a condition like Ranma's, I'd probably wind up destroying the equivalent to the Kaisufuu just because of the threat to my mental wellbeing it presents.
So it's not a stretch to imagine Ranma making the same choice. She's a woman now, she has the life she never realized she wanted because she never had the choice so didn't know she was allowed to imagine it, but now she's happier than ever and why would she ever go back to that struggle of being a guy that only ever brought her pain and challenges and heartache?
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lisbeth-kk · 1 year
Continuing the May prompts with a letter story. Thanks for the tag @calaisreno
Healing letters
After grieving Sherlock for months, John decides to write down his feelings, just like his therapist, Ella, advised him to. First he tries to actually write. Physically. It’s too strenuous. He’s not used to writing by hand anymore. Besides the pages more often than not, gets soaked from his dripping tears, and the ink gets smeared all over the paper.
He'll use the blog, but he’ll disable comments. Although he does it for his own sanity, it may help the few friends he’s got to understand what he’s going through. He hasn’t exactly been socialising since Sherlock jumped off that roof, and he rarely answers his phone. 
He wants it to be a system to this. Each blog post will have its own topic. If not, John’s confident it’ll be just him babbling, not even making sense to himself. Today he feels a bit less depressed, and he can start with the anger.
I’m so angry with you, Sherlock. How could you kill yourself in front of me? Making me witness my best friend jump off a building to his death. Did you think I wouldn’t mind? That I wouldn’t grieve you just because I was pissed with you when I left you? You, the most observant man who’s ever walked the earth. How could you not know, you meant the world to me? What do you think it was like talking to you when you stood up there? I heard the tears in your voice, and you must’ve heard my despair as well. When I saw you lying at the pavement, my life ended too, you know. My whole world shattered. You were taken away before I could say a proper goodbye. How do you think that made me feel, Sherlock? Damn, you!
John’s mentally exhausted after posting the entry. He’s shaking with anger against Sherlock. Without giving it a second thought, he grabs his jacket and heads out to get some air. He walks quickly wherever his feet carries him. He doesn’t care much, and he must look quite intimidating, because other pedestrians are clearly avoiding him.
He makes tea and toast when he gets back. The anger has dissipated a bit. It’s actually liberating to feel something again. For weeks he’s just been numb. Haven’t cared about anything. He startles when his phone buzzes. A text from Molly. He deletes it without looking. She has most likely read the blog entry and wants to comfort him or something. Mike and Greg texts him a few hours later. John deletes those texts too. 
A few days later the anger is long gone. Another feeling has emerged in his mind the last couple of hours. His faith in Sherlock. It’s always been there, but never as strong as it is now. Curious, that.
From the first day I met you, I had faith in you, Sherlock. That drug bust at 221B told you that much. Perhaps I put you on a pedestal for a while, come to think of it. Nevertheless, despite all your odd habits, sulks and annoying behaviour, I always believed in who you were. The core of you. Not to flatter myself, but I think I knew you quite well. Perhaps not as well as Mycroft, although he once said that I knew you best of all. All that’s been said about you after you died, makes me believe in you even more. Because I know, Sherlock, that you never were a fraud. You may have shammed and tricked people for a case, but you were never a fake. To the day I die myself, I’ll deny that with everything I’ve got.
Again, John’s mentally exhausted after posting the new entry, but in another sort of way. The adrenaline doesn’t zing through his veins. It’s more like he’s poured out his soul. And in a way he has. He’s never uttered those words to anyone. 
Before the day is over, his phone buzzes with texts from Molly, Greg and Mike. He deletes all of them without reading. This quest is something he wants to execute without input from anyone.
A week passes without the urge to write. When the familiar nightmare appears one night, John knows it’s time for another blog post. He had waked screaming Sherlock’s name, seeing him fall from that roof again. His heart pounded like he’d run a marathon and his face was wet from crying, sobbing really.
How did I fail to see that something was amiss, Sherlock? I loathe myself for not observing you more thoroughly. Moriarty clouded my vision. You were so absorbed in his endeavours to get your attention. Flattered maybe, that another genius wanted to play with you. I should’ve seen that his only goal was to destroy you. He said so the first time. At the pool. “I’ll burn the heart out of you.” Whatever he meant by that. He certainly burned the heart out of me, if he had anything to do with your suicide. It must’ve been that. You would never do what you did unless you had no other choice. Am I right, Sherlock? I think I am, which makes it even harder to bear. The thought that if I’d been just a little bit smarter, more alert, less stubborn and angry with you....I might’ve saved you.
John shuts his phone off and drinks half a bottle of whisky after posting that entry, or letter as he’s started to call them. 
This will be his last letter. John knows that this also will be the hardest one, and maybe it’ll be the one that starts his healing properly. His grief’s still raw. Some days are better, other worse. This one tip more in favour of the latter.
How much can a man grieve before it destroys him, Sherlock? All I know is that I’ve grieved enough to last a lifetime. That said, I’ll never stop grieving you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. Being in your orbit, saved my life. I was so lost back then, and now I’m even more lost. Because now I know what it’s like to be whole, to have a purpose, to wake every day, feeling excited about what may await me. A new case, a severed head in the fridge, listening to beautiful music from your violin, having takeaway from our favourite places, or dinner at Angelo’s, bantering with you about the lack of milk, or nagging you to eat something. There are so many things that vanished from my life when you died, Sherlock. Are you aware of that? I’m just existing nowadays. The amount of tears I’ve shed could fill the pond in Regent’s Park. I’ve hid them here at Baker Street. Out and about I put on a mask. Motionless. Stony. Speaking of. I’ve only been to your grave once since the funeral. The stone fits you. Polished, black with golden letters. Only your name. No dates or quotes. I talked to you when I stood in front of that stone. Asked you for a favour. To do one last magic trick. For me.
For an unknown reason, John enables comments after this entry, but hours go by, and the comment sections are still empty. Maybe he’d miscalculated people’s interest in him. After all, the readers of his blog were all interested in Sherlock, not in him, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise.
He takes a shower and heads for the bedroom when he hears a sound he hasn’t heard for ages. Someone’s commented on the blog. Probably Molly or Mike. His curiosity gets the better of him, though. The comment is on the last entry.
I heard you. SH
A bit angsty. I can reveal that I shed my share of tears throughout alongside with John...
@totallysilvergirl @notjustamumj @raina-at @meetinginsamarra @topsyturvy-turtely @peanitbear
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ccaptain · 22 days
While I am patient and never in a rush, I do want to point out that I try to make interacting with me by ask-meme-sending exceedingly accessible and easy to send.
Most of my rp partners are in other timezones, so once I am in an ask meme mood I will reblog it several times once I see that most of them are online, so they won't need to scroll further than maybe 2-3 posts to visualize the entire meme, or risk missing it.
I have put my ask memes tag in my pinned, popping up first whenever my blog is opened both on mobile and desktop. I also don't particulary have a time limit for them, as I can fetch the prompt quite easily from said tag.
I can, at any point in time, be asked to give a partner my ask meme tag so they may perouse it to their liking and sending one, or more than one.
If there's a prompt I'm particulary interested in, I will link it directly to a partner of mine (or more) with a very direct ''send me this'' followed by a gun emoji. I don't do this one often and there's no real gun-
What I am asking, however, is that you do NOT submit me to ambiguous behavior where interest is being shown quite enthusiastically, but all the chances that I go out of my way to make easy to take are avoided without a proper explanation, or without improvement after the situation has been discussed.
While I'm open to plotting in DMs, I do think that ask memes are the easiest way to start interacting with me- even just to put down an idea to develope along the road.
Sometimes I will need some behaviors explained in a way that helps me make sense of the situation, but sending me contrasting messages between words and actions will confuse the fuck out of me and put me on edge. I will, one day, enter the depths of the trauma I have in regards to this, but it's not today.
While I apologize and try extremely hard not to project my troubles on other people, as it's not fair to them, I do ask for clarifications and explanations over things that are confusing for me to understand in order for us to smoothly interact and to not create any misurestandings.
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butmakeitgayblog · 6 months
“Abusive???” 😭 Well I’ll have you know every time I log onto tumblr dot com I get proper buzzin when your blog shows up on my dash and I eagerly rush to see what on earth your tags have to say today because they do give me a good giggle while I’m having a shit time so. That person in your inbox can give my arse a nice big cheeky peck 😘
They really did 😂 and out of allllll the shit I talk on this blog, they got mad about the breezy skirt comment. Which was like,,, the ONE not at all sexual or thirsty comment of the day, I literally meant like it was so short it had to be physically breezy. But apparently that was too far and ~abusive~ 🥴
Anyway thank you and I'm glad I at least amuse some of you guys lol, that's all I ever wanted this blog to be. A place to talk shit, be thirsty, and enjoy clexa so I'm happy that that can be a fun relief from the bullshit of lifw for awhile 💕
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jadedvibes · 2 years
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In honor of spooky season, sweater weather, and all things autumn, I'm hosting my first writing challenge! I started writing nearly a year ago because I was inspired by the beauty of the season, and I thought why not organize something where others could join in and celebrate the many aspects that make this time the best.
For the challenge, I'd like you to incorporate some fall vibes and activities into a fic or moodboard. It can be anywhere from taking a stroll down a leafy street with your fictional fave, baking together, cozying up by the fire, wearing their flannel, visiting a pumpkin patch, or watching a scary movie; anything that reminds you of this enchanting time of year plus a little catch I’ll describe below 🍂🎃🧡
This writing challenge will open today and has no deadline.
Rules, guidelines, and optional prompts are under the cut! 
Must be 18+ or older. 
You don’t have to follow me to participate.
There is no deadline, follow your muse. 
No incest/pedophilia/necrophilia/bestiality/ddlg/water sports/💩
Please tag any and all potential triggers with proper warnings e.g. (Fluff, smut, dark etc.) 
Original works or must be able to be read as a standalone if it’s part of a series.
If you want to withdraw at any point, it’s no problem just lmk!
There is no minimum or maximum word count.
If your fic is over 200 words please use the “read more” function.
You can write for any Marvel character, in universe or in any AU. I’ll also read for whatever SS and CE character you’re into except Jeff Gillooly and Tommy Lee. You may also write for Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson or a Top Gun: Maverick character. No RPF, please. Also no OFCs, reader inserts only.
Send me an ask letting me know that you want to participate, then tag me when you post and tag your fic or moodboard with #fallinginlovewritingchallenge 
And the catch that makes this a challenge is – the words “falling in love” MUST come up in your entry at least once if you’re writing. You can change it to past or present tense e.g. (“fell in love” or “fall in love”); whatever variation you need to fit the vibe you’re creating.♡
I will read and reblog your work before adding them to a masterlist!
And feel free to send me an ask or dm if you have any questions or if I can help you better understand the season. I'm so excited to see what you all come up with!
Please note that you don’t have to use the prompts and au’s, they’re just there for inspiration and more than one person can use the same one ✨
“You’re comfy.”
“I’ll be here to protect you.”
"Here we are, home sweet home."
“Stop flirting.”
“Are you sure?”
“Do you like what you see?”
"Let’s go somewhere, just you and me.
“Your hands are warm.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“I’ve been waiting all my life for you.”
“I know you still love me.”
“Fancy seeing you here. 
“I know what you need. Hold on.”
“I’m scared.”
“Are you… jealous?”
"Baby, I could do this all day."
“I can’t think straight with you.”
“Give me a chance.”
“Am I too late?”
“You’re dangerous.”
Coffee Shop
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Thank you @bucky-barnes-diaries, @maladaptivexxdaydreaming, and @treatbuckywkisses for helping me, encouraging me, and listening to me ramble about my ideas!!
Tagging some pals that might be interested, but absolutely no pressure! ♡
@writing-for-marvel @summerofsnowflakes @tuiccim @sweetdreamsbuck @poppunksnowwhite @jobean12-blog @sunshinebuckybarnes @beach-daydreaming @weekendgothgirl @navybrat817 @mrsmischief209 @sgt-seabass @yarnforbrains @traitorjoelite @sweetascanbee @musingsinmoonlight @sanguineterrain @late-to-the-party-81 @sexyprise @intrepidacious
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 5 months
New Year, New Direction (Semi-Hiatus, New Writing Goals & Barry Sloane)
‘Ello my darlings,
Today is the final day of 2023. Isn’t that mad?! Like, I could swear it was January just a few weeks before (before the whole ‘stranded in Scotland’ situation, at least).
I’m writing this beforehand because I’ll be working my day/evening job with little time off for a wee while longer. Henceforth, it should come as no surprise I’m hereby announcing a semi-hiatus. I simply do not have the time, energy, nor motivation to write and edit at the moment due to work being quite hectic.
Nevertheless, despite that being said, I do have some plans for 2024. As you perhaps already have guessed from the title and the recent CoD Captain Price & Barry Sloane lovey dovey reblogs, I want to try my hand at writing something new. I’ll still write for Tom and his characters, but I need a challenge. Or, rather, wish to take one on (to keep it polite and proper).
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And, honestly, can you blame me for wanting to write for this bear of a man? Can you really?🤨
(I swear I don’t have a thing for DILFs… is the lie I’ll keep telling myself😹)
HOWEVER! How-so-bloody-fucking-ever, I also have plenty of stories for Tom Hardy in the works. Siúil a Rún, a story from Alfie’s POV in a Modern AU for example, which I hope to publish in the foreseeable future. Currently down to only having to edit two more pages!
Look, being a perfectionist with too many hobbies and a small business isn’t ideal, but it’s what we’re working with here.🤷🏻‍♀️😅
Now, this post only pertains to only part of the writing goals I’m setting for myself the coming year. Another is to publish content at least once a month. Maybe try and write a novel. Sixteen-year-old me did it, so let’s see if 25-year-old me can still do it.
Anywho, that’s it for now. I wish you all a happy new year!
With love,
Tag list: @mollybegger-blog @hecatemoon87 @potter-solomons @liliac-dreamer @vir-tual @wandawiccan60 @dreamlandcreations @zablife @babaohhhriley @rose-like-the-phoenix @hoodeddreams13 @buttercupsandboys
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azulatheblorbo · 23 days
Whispered Secrets in the Dark: Chapter II - A Helping Hand
do block this blog if you don't like A/B/O & incest fics so I don't show up in the tag for you
pairing: Azula x Ursa | rating: explicit | A/B/O; alpha!Azula x omega!Ursa
general content warnings: omegaverse (feat. g!p), explicit sexual content, parent-child incest, consensual underage sex.
One of the most useful skills learned in the Fire Nation Junior Corps is, undoubtedly, how to put all your clothes in under a minute.
Very useful, Azula, gracefully, jumps into the closest pair of trousers, hoping it would help a little. She ties her robe close, and is quite grateful for her own habit of sleeping under heavy blankets, the weather never matters. Just to be sure Mother dearest won’t see her erection at all – even if she’s not escaping the scent of arousal, – she places one of the many extra pillows at her lap. After unlocking the door and then hiding under the blankets, she giives Mother permission to enter the room.
She can’t hide the scent of arousal, but, well, Azula’s a young alpha going through body changes, it’s normal for her to be aroused at any moment of the day.
“Am I interrupting  something, sweetie?” Mother has always called sweetie – Azula’s sweetie, Zuko’s dear, Lu Ten’s love – and it shouldn’t affect her like this. The stupid cock strains against hastily put on trousers. 
“Just doing some light reading before sleeping,” she half lifts the scroll she decided to pretend to be reading.
“My girl, always interested in learning,” Azula does not blush a little at the praise. Stupid cock keeps twitching under any attention from the older woman. “I’d like to have a conversation about you behavior earlier today.”
She steps into the room, properly. Her nose flares just a little, twitching like Azula’s does when she’s noticing some sort of interesting scent. But the reagal princess does not react, even if she should have a disgusted look on her pretty face, nose filled with the arousal of her own offspring. Mother’s floral, soft scent does not help Azula’s current situation.
She’d like to be alone so she can jerk off in peace, without the object of her lust in her bedroom, thank you very much!
“Feeling alright, sweetie?”
“Y-yes,” fuck, I do not stutter! “Yes. Yes, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure, my dragon cub?”
Azula full on flustered, what was the last time Mother called her the old, maybe adorable, nickname?: “Yes, I’m sure. Do not worry. What about about my so-called behaviour?”
“It’s not polite to threaten to burn servants.”
“They were annoying me,” they were staring at me like a piece of meat. “Annoyances need to learn their place.”
“A kind ruler does not burn their subjects.”
“I’m fifth in the line of succession, and I have no interest in being Firelord, Zuzu is more interested than me. Go pester her with your ‘how a proper ruler behaves’ nonsense.”
“You’re still a royal, and you’re still not meant to behave like a childish brat.”
“Perhaps I am a childish brat,” it feels almost more like a banter than a scold. “And I didn’t burn any of them, stop worrying about it.”
“I’m trying to fix your reputation. How are you going to find a suitable omega with the reputation of being a violent, brutal alpha?”
“I’m not interested in finding a suitable omega.”
“Crown Prince Iroh is. He’ll be Firelord soon, Lu Ten already has. You and your sister are the next.”
“Being this far down the lineage, I’d expect to have the same experience as Father.”
Mother steps closer, it throbs and Azula has forgotten for a moment that she was in the middle of something: “Your Father is a decent alpha, a decent Firebender, however you… you are a prodigy. No Firelord would allow it to go to waste your seed in inferior omegas.”
“I didn’t know you were so… defiant.”
She scoffs: “I am honest.”
“My Father is a great Firebender.”
“You’re better than him, are you not?”
Would that be some sort of treason? She knows she is a better Firebender than Father. Objectively, only Uncle and Grandfather are better benders than her. It’s an experience thing, she knows, being a prodigy like Grandfather, it won’t take much longer for her to be superior to Uncle in his prime. And she respects him just enough to admit she’d like to be better than him.
(Maybe she’d respect Uncle more if he didn’t keep choosing Zuko over her, if he didn’t act like he had only one niece.)
“You’re on the way to becoming the greatest Firebender in history, sweetie.”
Azula blinks, surprised that Mother’s close to her, standing beside the bed: “I believe that’s true.”
“Good girl.”
She makes quite an embarrassing noise, Mother smiles and cradles her cheek, her quite flustered cheek: “I do… I do try, sometimes.”
“So keep trying to be a good girl,” she places a knee on the edge of the bed, and Azula’s brain gets full of static. “And tell me what you were doing before I knocked on your door.”
“Perhaps I was having some quality private time.”
“So I interrupted your playtime? I could help.”
“Help?” Azula blinks, her speech impaired by how close Mother is, by how the omega smells sweet and how her night robe doesn’t hide much of her body at all. Has it always been this… inappropriate? “Help… how?”
“Help however you want,” she places a hand on top of the pillow, applying minor pressure that is enough to get yet another embarrassing noise from the young alpha. “Tell me to leave and I will.”
“No,” she grabs her wrist. “Stay.”
“Whatever you need, little dragon.”
Mother kisses her forehead, and Azula is about to burst. Maybe in flames, maybe in a fountain of cum, maybe in ashes from a mix of embarrassment and that warmth burning on her chest from Mother’s affection. It feels like something innocent, it feels like there’s a dirty promise underneath.
A dirty promise she hopes Mother fulfills.
Azula can’t avoid the deep red flush on her face when she allows Mother to pull the pillow away, her cock makes quite the visible bulge on her trousers, the wet spots from the precum that didn’t stop leaking only makes her fluster more. 
“It’s alright, don’t be ashamed,” Mother says, all sothing and calm. “It’s normal.”
“I don’t think this is normal.”
“Don’t worry, no one will judge us."
“I imagine no one should know.”
“You’re correct.”
“I always am.”
She’s smug for a second, before Mother gropes her, as bold as the one person who has the courage to do that. And it makes her hips jerk with the almost unexpected touch. She throws her head back as Mother squeezes it, and Mother takes the opportunity to kiss her neck. The older woman hums in approval. She keeps kissing and sucking at the sensitive, soft skill before she pulls down Azula’s trousers just enough to set her cock free.
At least she’s leaking enough that no spit is needed.
“Such a majestic thing you have here,” she praises, not even looking at it, just stroking slowly. “My little dragon is all grown up.”
Azula is a master of self-control. it’s the only reason she doesn’t start to fuck into Mother’s hand. Soft, warm, fingers almost not long enough to touch each other when her hand is wrapped around Azula’s girth.
Much better than her own hand.
Paired up with the atack on her neck, she’s dangerously close to an orgasm within minutes. Mother withdrawns from her neck, her free hand sneaks up to her chest. Not expecting her breasts to be played with, she moans almost too loud.
“Let go, sweetie” her hand moves down her abs and back again, the hand stroking her cock speeds up. “Let go of what you’ve been holding back all day. And all because of me.”
Count on Mother to know of Azula’s dirty, little incestous feelings.
It doesn't matter, not when she’s twisting her right nipple just enough to be the last straw to make her burst in a ridiculously intense orgasm. Grabbing at the bedsheets, moaning Mother just loud and clear enough for the woman to hear.
“There you go, my good girl. My beautiful good girl.”
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athemarina · 2 years
writeblr intro!! finally!!
hello lovely people of the tumblr writing community <3 i'm marina (she/her) and i've had this blog for about a month now but so far Life and all its Obligations prevented me from making a proper intro post - here it finally is now, for everyone who'd like to get to know me and my projects a bit!
me as a person
i'm marina but you can also call me any nick name version of that and also any and all terms of endearment (can you tell i'm a libra). i'm 27, from austria, and speak german and english (pretty well), french (badly) and know how to order bread in korean (essential skill)
my interests include: philosophy, linguistics, horses, music, musicals, the city of paris, and also formula 1. yes i know this is random what can i say
i'm a full-time student and part-time capitalism worker-bee so depending on my schedule i might disappear for a bit, but i intend to always come back here to get inspired and get some work done! which leads me to...
me as a writer
i love coming up with new ideas and projects!! getting started is so much fun!! finishing things on the other hand!! is so hard!! send help!!
my fave genres (to read and to write): fantasy, sci-fi, works and words inspired by folklore and mythology - but really i like anything with compelling characters!
random things i love in writing: vampires (one day i'll write the Great Big Austrian Vampire Novella. alas, not today), characters that haunt the narrative, guilt and grief and healing from both, characters that make all the wrong choices, couples that have fun with each other, cryptic prophecies, sibling relationships, symbolic flowers
PLEASE COME TALK TO ME ABOUT WRITING!! i would really like to become part of a community here, so always feel free to come talk to me about your wips, my wips, the blorbo that lives in your head rent-free, the latest book you've read and loved... whatever you want to share i'd love to hear <3 you can also always tag me in games and challenges, but it might take me a bit to get to it, depending on how much real life hates me atm
my children: works in (never-ending) progress
i'm gonna make proper intro posts for all these projects soon, but to give you some idea of what i get up to, here are some short descriptions! some of these wips have been with me for a couple years, others are more recent, but they all haunt my every waking moment <;3
The Price of Wishing (first draft complete): good old sci-fi dystopian flair; a society that got rid of poverty by creating so called Houses of Service - institutions that will sell out their workers to the highest bidder for anything that people are willing to pay for. but it's not quite as simple as that: politics, organised crime, and a revenge plot years in the making all intersect at Isra's House of Service, and its inhabitants must learn to navigate these worlds - or they'll go down trying.
Forget Me (Not) (first draft about half-way done): wouldn't it be great to purge some of the mistakes we made from memory, not just our own but that of everyone? in a world in which the Chip implanted in everyone's neck records everything seen and experienced, this - collective forgetting - is the price celebrity contestants get to compete for in a reality tv show. each contestant has something they need the world to forget, but who can convince the viewers the most? the central theme of this story is grief, and when to hold on, and when to let go.
Attempts at Life (still in the outline stage): finn day and her brother felix know how their lives will play out: they were born in the lowest class society has to offer, and there they will stay. which is an unusual position for people like them to be in: both their souls were reborn for the fifth (and last) time; for them to have been assigned to this shitty life, they must have done something heinous in their previous one. finn is resigned to accept this punishment for a crime she can't even remember, but that's before the government offers her a position - she finds out things that change her view of society and herself forever, and she'll have to decide which one to save.
Untitled Fantasy (literally only thought of this last week): something something a necromancer brings back the hero of the ancient world to stop Something Bad from happening. only problem is - the hero does not remember ever being a hero. or anything at all, really. the rest of the world remembers, though. i'd love for this story to include some traditional austrian folklore elements! those are fun
so that's it! last but not least: if you've read this far, thank you so much omg you're my personal hero. i'm following a bunch of people already since i've been lurking for a couple weeks, but i'm always looking for new writers to get to know and support so pls interact with this post or shoot me a message and i'll check you out and follow you! and if you have any questions, or answers, or just wanna talk i'm very excited to get to know you all <3
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7grandmel · 4 months
Blog Update - 04/02/2024
TL;DR - Google Form for rip requests and other anonymous comments is open. Link to it can be found on the blog's Pinned Post, which has been overhauled. Tagging system on daily posts has been vastly expanded with individual tags per ripper and more. "Media Player" has been scrapped - rips using tentative names are being edited per their official releases.
Hey everyone! Been a hot minute since I did one of these. I've wanted to make a post talking about the tinkering I've done with the blog for a while, but figured it'd be best to wait until all of it had been done. Well, now's that day - conveniently right as Season 8 of SiIvaGunner is rolling out, fresh out of the oven with Puyo Puyo day.
Let's start with the most recent, but most important change - I've opened a Google Form for requesting rips to be covered on the blog. Tumblr's default Ask box is mighty convenient for me, but over the months I've noticed several users troubled by having to start Tumblr accounts just to submit to the blog, even anonymously! You can of course still use the Ask box if you're a Tumblr user already, but now even non-Tumblr users should be able to request to the blog - or just leave anonymous comments! - completely hassle-free.
Next, to help promote this new request system and to accommodate for all the other changes made to the blog recently, The Pinned post of the blog has been given a pretty significant overhaul, alongside adding the current Eighth season to its per-season filtering buttons. I've done my best to also reword the main body of the post to more properly convey the blog's goals, and to help readers new and old navigate it easier. For instance, I've added descriptors of some of the tags that I use for the blog's contents, as well as links to said tags and their Archive views. Take a look around yourself if you wish!
I've been doing a lot more than than just explain the tags, however - you'll notice that the tags #high quality art and #epic flintstones have been added! To help make this blog the ultimate hub for SiIvaGunner activity on Tumblr, I'll be reposting fanart/official art and just various funny posts under these tags to feature on the blog! If you're only here for the daily posts, you're of course still able to use the prior mentioned navigation buttons on the pinned posts to only see posts tagged as #todays siivagunner. But what if you want to get more specific than even that?
Well, alongside retroactively tagging all fanart and shitpost reblogs with the two aforementioned tags, I've added a few more categorizing tags to all 490+ of the Daily SiIvaGunner posts - most notably, the names of every person credited per rip. This both makes it easier for myself to check how many times a ripper has been featured on the blog prior, and should help you find out more about your favorite rippers on your own! There's also some other miscellaneous tags added, such as tags denoting if a rip has visuals, if a post is covering multiple rips at once, if a rip is a Fusion Collab, and so on - I'll have a post properly denoting all of these tags up sometime in the future.
Finally, back in July of last year I described my thought process for how to handle rips that, due to lacking album releases, lack proper official names per the time of writing - alongside spitballing an idea for a post-navigation "media player". First off, I can say now after six months that I'm not moving forward with the media player concept, as fun of an idea as it was - I don't believe it offered much benefit over what can be done through just using the pinned post's links to begin with. Second off, though, a lot of the rips I've covered with tentative names, primarily rips from Season 7, have gotten official album releases, and thus been retroactively edited to feature their new official names. You can see an example of how this looks with Persona 64, which was previously titled I'll Face Gay Bowser. All mentions of a rip with its tentative name as featured across other posts will also be edited to feature their official release name.
Whew! What a big update! I've been having the time of my life with this blog in the months since the last Update, and the lack of updates here have certainly not been due to a lack of confidence in the blog - I've simply had too many ideas on what to do for them to be properly distilled to just one post! Hopefully this conveys everything I've been doing in the background of it all. If you have any feedback or other changes you'd like to see happen on the blog, please let me know!
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waystartwo · 1 year
Saw your posts and ohhhh man. Yeah. Idk why tomgreg makes so many ppl so angry like... There's this sort of superior attitude, where if you DARE to ship tg (who have arguably one of the best build-ups in relationships in the show) you're stupid and "watching it wrong" and if you don't ship tg but ship literally anything else (tomshiv is now apparently the ship for smart people) you're so so right and a genius and deserve a cookie. Like what even is this bfjsmjddk I come here to relax and have fun about my favorite show and my favorite characters and every day I see people being way too serious about this and ruining it. I think it's ridiculous how many posts there are in the tomgreg tag about us being annoying for complaining about the show in our own blogs and using the proper tagging, but they complain about our complaining and go on full on rants about "media literacy" (shut the fuck up!!!!!! lol!!!!!!) and "you can't say the show is wrong about that, it's not, YOU'RE watching it wrong!" and that is.... An absolutely normal and not annoying thing to do. Got it.
Sigh. Anyway. People are silly and I'm trying to remain nice but I'm so fed up with this fr jdkajsn
yeah it's been going on for weeks but today i also got fed up with it lol
agree with everything, shipping discourse is always the worst. let people enjoy what they enjoy - what's so hard to understand about that concept. we all just want a nice fandom experience.
i guess tomgreg and succession just have become so big that getting haters is inevitable.
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