#one flew over the cuckoo's nest fanfiction
myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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chapter 9
Warnings: the appearance of MacMurphy
An: sorry it’s short. But I wanted to add MacMurphy before I lost the idea.
It was a couple of weeks after the carnival trip. Some of the ward seemed to catch onto the fact that Billy and I were together while everyone else remained clueless. We were playing cards like every other day when there was a new addition to our little gang.
“He-he-he can’t hear you. He’s d-deaf and d-d-dumb.” Billy called over his shoulder at the man trying to talk to Chief. Billy shared a look with me, knowing Chief’s secret but not wanting to give it away.
“Is he now?” The man asked as he made his way over to us. Billy put his arm over my shoulder and squeezed. “R.P. MacMurphy.” He held his hand out for billy. Putting his cards down, billy shook his hand.
“Billy B-b-bibbit.” MacMurphy’s eyes flashed over to me. It was clear from the one look that he was just here to get off the work farm. The only thing that was wrong with him was an ego trip.
“I’ve seen you before.” He held his hand out to me. “You’re the cousin of the senator. The one who…” he cut himself off before he finished his sentence. I nodded and shook his hand anyway. “Well I’ll be. Funny running into you here.”
“Imagine that.” I gave him a small smile. To most it wasn’t that big a deal that he cut himself off but to me it meant that he at least had the balls to feel a little sorry about it. Everyone else made fun of me for it and it was a long time gone since I’d had to deal with it. “Want a hand MacMurphy?” I cocked my head towards the card game, watching as MacMurphy tilted Billy’s cards away from Martini.
“Sure. Deal me in.” He sat down next to me and Taber dealt him in. “And call me Mac.”
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
Devon has upgraded his podcast and is now able to interview guests. This is the audio transcript of a very special edition of the podcast:
Devon: Welcome back to my podcast, today I have a very special guest, and honestly I’ve been looking forward to this all week. It took a lot of work to arrange this interview, and I’m proud to say that I’m interviewing the infamous slasher Charles Lee Ray, better known as Chucky!
Chucky: Hey, great to be here.
Devon: I also have my boyfriend Jake here in order to restrain him. He’s waving- Jake, they can’t see you, this is an audio recording, maybe say hi instead?
Jake: Hi.
Devon: As you can see he’s very talkative… anyway, let’s start with the first question. Chucky, as some of the listeners may know, you’ve made quite a name for yourself as a killer doll, but you were also quite prolific as a human, would you mind talking about one of your favourite murders or crimes committed as a human?
Chucky: Of course, the only problem is that there’s so many good ones that it’s hard to pick… damn it, I knew a question like this was gonna come up, but I didn’t prepare for it, isn’t that stupid?
Devon: It’s not stupid at all Chucky- can I call you Chucky?
Chucky: Sure, I hate being called Charles anyway, and Mr Ray was my father- may he rest in peace.
Devon: Okay, would you like to move on then? I have a few more questions I can ask in the meantime.
Chucky: No, no, I thought of three, is that alright?
Devon: Sure, I’m sure my listeners are just as excited to hear about your past as I am. 
Chucky: Okay, I guess my first pick is when I killed my mom. Nothing special, but it got me started, and it’s always good to remember where you come from, keeps you grounded y’know? My second pick was the whole thing with  Vivian Van Pelt. Again, nothing notable there, but the misunderstanding over her ring meant that I eventually got married, and… well, Tiff and I get on sometimes, and she gave me two… interesting kids, so it all worked out for the best, right? My final pick was this one murder where I managed to get my hands on a chainsaw, the blood went everywhere! Tiff was pissed cause I made a mess on her new white rug, but we were both laughing our asses off when the cops found the body and one of ‘em slipped and fell in the blood on live tv. Classic.
Jake: Devon, we’re gonna get arrested or something over this, should we really continue this?
Devon: Shh, Jake! You know why we’re doing this! Now Chucky, it’s interesting that you mentioned your mother, mind talking our listeners through the process behind that first kill?
Chucky: I’d be happy to. So basically I had a knife in my hand and an oppressive situation I had to get out of. That’s pretty much it.
Devon: That’s it? No remorse, no deeper reasoning? Didn’t you love her?
Chucky *scoffing*: Nah, I always preferred my dad, mom never let me stay up past my bedtime, but dad did. Oh yeah, sorry about your mom by the way. We good?
Devon: …Sure. I’d like to ask about how you got into voodoo, because I’ve always been quite curious about that.
Chucky: Well I was stalking potential victims at a bar one time and I came across this girl who was reading the book Voodoo for Dummies. I started a conversation with her and she told me more about voodoo. I killed her obviously, but what she was talking about really interested me, so I bought my own copy of the book and found a voodoo doctor to teach me more, Doctor Death - his real name was John and I killed him too - so yeah that’s about it.
Devon: That’s so interesting! Now I’d like to take a break from the crime from a moment and get to know the man behind the murders. I’ll start with an easy one, what’s your favourite movie genre?
Chucky: Horror, no questions asked. If it’s got blood, terror and screaming, I’m down.
Devon: I thought you’d say that. Following on, what’s your favourite horror movie?
Chucky: The Shining. I loved it as a human and I love it now, a classic movie based on a classic book that I’ve read eight times.
Devon: Does all work and no play make Chucky a dull boy?
Chucky: Ha, nice reference! And yeah, I’d say so, I like to have fun.
Devon: Glad you liked the reference. What’s your favourite not strictly horror movie?
Chucky: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. I love the psychological drama elements, and it reminds me of the times I was in a mental hospital.
Devon: Do you… see yourself in any of the characters? Not even like emotions wise, just like, based off of physical appearance?
Chucky: …Nope. I do like Nurse Ratchet though.
Devon: Really? Even if I show you this picture of yourself as a human and… give me a sec- this picture of the character Billy Bibbit?
Chucky: No, not seeing anything…
Devon: That’s weird. Do you see what I’m talking about Jake?
Jake: You know what, you’re right! He totally looks like-
Chucky: We seem to be going on some weird tangent, any other questions?
Devon: Yeah, sorry about getting sidetracked there.
Chucky: No worries.
Devon: Okay, continuing on, what’s your favourite book?
Chucky: Anything by Steven King, the man’s a literary genius.
Devon: So he’s your favourite author then?
Chucky: Totally.
Devon: Alright, two more questions. The first is, do you regret anything?
Chucky: No, I’m pretty happy with life.
Devon: Okay, now I don’t regret what’s about to happen.
Chucky: What do you mean?
Devon: Final question-
Chucky *thrashing to break free*: What the hell’s going on?
Devon: Don’t worry about it. Jake, tie him to that chair and step back.
Chucky: What?!
Devon: Final question.
Andy *kicking the door open and bursting into the room, cocking a gun*: Hands where I can see ‘em!
Devon: Are you ready?
Chucky *sighing*: Damn it, this is why I don’t do interviews…
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kaiidos · 2 years
there is a distressing lack of fanfiction for classic literature. please let me uwu-ize and babygirl the characters in my English assignments so I can find a reason to keep living
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some-pers0n · 1 year
No, but my actual biggest pet peeve when it comes to literature in general is when a character has an accent / speech impediment so heavy you can't tell what they're saying half the time and it never stops.
Replacing vowels with 'w' when writing a child character will never not be the most agitating thing to me. Same with cutting off half of the words they're saying or replacing certain consonants like 's' with 'z' or 'th'. Please please please I can't read a back-and-forth conversation when one or more of the characters are literally incomprehensible to the readers.
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ennead-of-whump · 3 months
Psych Whump Masterlist
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This is going to be my go-to list every time I find something with medical or psych whump in it that I want to remember. I'll reblog it frequently and try to keep it updated but it's going to start small because good psych whump is so hard to find. (This in no way endorses medical abuse, I'm a mentally ill individual but I love consuming psych whump in media. Just about everything in these movies, books, etc are at the very least morally gray so consume at your own risk. Also, I only enjoy these things in fiction. Irl it makes me sick to my stomach, I know bc I've experienced some of this.) I'll try to add trigger warnings for each one but I might miss some so I apologize in advance. If you have any recommendations please message me! I'm scouring the internet for good psych whump but medical/sickfic whump is also wanted.
A Cure For Wellness: Guy gets tricked into becoming a patient at a "resort" that's really a mental hospital in disguise that uses its patients for nefarious means. CW: incest, medical abuse, teeth falling out, sexual assault, some weird eel shit ^^There's probably more but I haven't watched the film in a while.
TV Shows:
Moon Knight: Whole season of psych whump, the main character has DID and loads of past trauma. Has a huge ancient Egypt theme and the MC gets (kind of) forced to accept psychiatric care. CW: lots of ableism, mental break, psychotic episodes, forced institutionalisation, child abuse, restraints
House of Leaves: This book is a fever trip but the MC (kind of?? The book has multiple authors, it's honestly very confusing but it's great) suffers from declining mental health and spirals hard. CW: child abuse, lots of sexual content, mentions of a caretaker beating a child, mentions/delusions of sexual assault, death of a dog (it was brutal, huge warning), mentions/descriptions of suicide and attempted murder
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: This is chock-full of psych and medical whump, it all takes place in a psychiatric hospital (I've actually been to the one in the film! -Not as a patient) CW: huge amounts of abuse from staff, doctors, nurses, there's also a scene where SA is implied on a patient, the MC is there after being convicted of SA'ing a minor and he's pretty unremorseful (the MC is a dick though anyways), racism, ableism
OG Works (not mine):
Redwood Psychiatric Insitute: Forced institutionalization, great read and it has just about every trope I look for in fics all packed into one series. Please give it a read, it's fantastic. Source - https://www.tumblr.com/only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are/706656298337435648/redwood-psychiatric-institute-masterlist?source=share by @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are
Into Your Arms: This is a Star Trek fanfic that follows a girl who has a severe eating disorder and mental illness. It's not the normal kind of sickfic or psych whump I go for but the aftercare in this is topnotch. Source - https://archiveofourown.org/works/15185897 by moose-misses-sweets on ao3 CW: suicide attempt, severe eating disorder, abusive partner, cutting/self harm
Note: If something you made is on this list and you want me to remove it, please message me and I will. I don't check messages very often but it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, I just forget I have a tumblr sometimes.)
This has now been moved to @caspers-delusions which is my main blog. I'll be updating the post from there
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taydaq · 1 month
sleepover thingy! do u have any favorite books/book recommendations? you’re cool and I trust your taste IF you like books! if not books, movie/tv shows? :D
I don't read as much as I used to (unless it's fanfiction, LOL). But my favorite books growing up were (and most were high school reads):
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey The Gunslinger by Stephen King (I really need to read the rest of that series, my god)
I recently read The Green Mile by Stephen King, loved it and the movie of course. And I have yet to finish it, but I was really liking 'Salem's Lot by him as well.
Definitely ask my sister, @darthsyd-ious for book recommendations, she reads A LOT and I trust her judgement.
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yourheartonfire · 2 years
I don't know if you like to answer questions, so feel free to ignore. But I was wondering how much research you do for your writing, and what your methods are
I ask because you are SO GOOD at using the right terms and jargon for a character's background/identity. You sound like you're writing from firsthand experience every time, even though you've written characters in dozens of different careers
Writing from a perspective different from your own is incredibly hard, and I'm always floored by how well you do it
Why thank you!
I actually really love jargon and that's why a lot of my writing tends to feature it.
The first really great piece of writing advice I ever got in my life was from the acting teacher at my junior high musical theater camp. He spent the summer coaching us that basis of great character work started with building out a detailed understanding of their daily life. His example was when he played an orderly in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, and he had to count meds correctly onstage every night because that's what his character was focusing on. (We were 11 year olds doing The Sound of Music, btw. I think about that man a lot.)
This advice has gone into every character I build since. Because I've been doing this a while, I tend to collect this kind of information. I'm always keeping an ear out for something interesting I didn't know or some inside bit of knowledge I can use - and the fun thing about Tumblr is I can use it immediately. Sometimes I pick things up in fiction or even in fanfiction (all the newsroom jargon my reporter/villain series is based entirely on this incredible Arthur/Eames Inception fanfiction.) But most of what I get comes from non fiction.
For quick research I really love the YouTube video genre of "expert critiques movies about their expertise". I watched this while I was writing the safe cracker story - my snippet is pure word salad but I got the right words.
For bigger pieces there's no better research material than a first person memoir. If a reporter wrote it, it has to be a reporter who fully embedded in the lifestyle, not someone who kept their distance.
I read non fiction for fun as well as for research. This year I've read about the Harlem Renaissance, becoming a certified sommelier, how to build a 12th century castle, and about Timbuktoo archivists fighting to preserve medieval African manuscripts. Some of this may eventually surface in what I write, but even if it doesn't it feels good to pursue things I'm curious about.
Lastly, I'd be remiss not to point out - I'm old, and that comes with a hefty chunk of life experience to draw on. I'm on a second career in my fifth company. I'm married. I've traveled. I've lost people, found people, I've played a lot of dungeons and dragons. Again, you wont necessarily use all this in your work, but just on its own merits getting old is great - I highly recommend it.
Hope this is helpful!
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romance-reanimated · 9 months
Psychology teacher didn't want to teach for two days so he put on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest. Personally I didn't like the movie much. Well except for-- well-- ...and now I'm writing fanfiction
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thatgordongirl · 1 year
2, 4 and 6
Thank you for the ask!!
2. What are you currently reading? 
I know I answered it previously, but I’ll add on that I’m close to finishing Henry V and going to read Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks 
4. Favourite book format: Hardcovers, Paperbacks, E-books, etc
Most of the time, I need an actual book I can touch to really immerse myself, reading fanfiction doesn’t feel the same, I’d probably only read that online. I prefer hardbacks, but I’ve bought e-books that I couldn’t get an actual copy of. 
6. What songs do you associate with specific books? 
Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects is always connected with One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, I imagine McMurphy winking instantly. Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi for Misery, I picture Annie Wilkes going through a depressive episode. Choice by Jack Stauber for The Bell Jar, Esther going through moods rapidly and trying to make sense of it 
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Where do people go now to talk about Linkin Park Fanfiction?
Looking for Miss B stories and also a particular story from back back Hybrid Theory days, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest vibes….. anyone have any ideas?
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 years
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AN: I already know this is gonna be long. But I just finished reading the book and Billy Bibbit deserves so much better so here. It is unapologetically long and fluffy. Warnings: mentions of past suicide attempts, mentions of forced medical operation (lobotomy of another character), mentions of attempted murder (what else do you think McMurphy would do to defend Billy?) mentions of abuse from authority figure, mentions of scaring
I stood outside the hospital leaning against my car. I was waiting for my boyfriend to come out anxiously. I had met Billy bibbit when McMurphy threw together a spur of the moment fishing trip and candy had dragged me along. I sat next to candy on the bus and nervously had waved at the young man who had blushed hard as soon as he saw us. Turned out he was very sweet and kind despite all that had happened to him. Once the trip was over I had given him a kiss on the cheek and slipped him a piece of paper with my address on it. We had been writing back and forth for a while before he had asked me out. I started to come for visits and I would pass his mother every time I went. She unnerved me, not a good quality to have in a receptionist. And not how you want to meet your boyfriends mother for the first time.
she reminded me of Norman bates’ mother: overprotective and overbearing. Probably too involved in her grown sons life and most likely hiding some dark secret that lurked right below the surface. I mean why else would she ensure her son ended up at the same hospital she worked at on her beat friends ward? It wasn’t right. And it had terrified her to see me walk in that first time asking to see her son. From what I heard, Mrs. Bibbit had the head nurse talk to Billy about it during group therapy. the way I understood it, every patient up there had smiled, patted him on the back, and congratulated him. And he continued to see me.
a week ago McMurphy had snuck Candy and I onto the ward. There was a party, Billy and I spent the night together and in the morning, the head nurse had tried to embarrass him. But when he responded, there wasn’t a stutter to be heard and Billy held his head high while he requested an AMA in full view of everyone on the ward. When the head nurse had denied it and asked what his poor mother would think, Billy squeezed my hand before letting me go with Candy. I never found out what he had said but he got his AMA and he had pissed everyone off by putting my name down as the person he Would be released to. His mother practically disowned him and had a fit when She found out. his last letter before today had mentioned that there had been another denial at that and it had kicked up such a fuss with the head nurse that McMurphy had attacked her on Billy’s behalf. But there was no mention of what had happened to him.
The gates opening knocked me out of my memories and I bounced on the balls of my feet in excitement. Billy smiled when he saw me before turning to watch the gate close behind him. I saw him looking at one of the windows before he threw up both hands, flipping off whoever he had seen standing there. Laughing, Billy rushed over to me. I hugged him with all my might before kissing his cheek. Billy just stood there holding me tightly to him and occasionally pressing kisses to my temple. Billy broke away first and kissed me full on The lips.
“Hey.” He whispered. I smiled back at him and smoothed my hands over the jacket he wore. It was the same one he had worn on the fishing trip.
“Hey yourself.“ I whispered back. “Ready to go? I hope my place is alright. I didn’t know where to Take you so I went out and got an apartment.” I opened the passenger door. “Candy wasnt happy I moved out of the trailer though. I think she was just upset that you got out and Mack is still there. Can’t blame her but I mean come on.” Billy squeezed my hand to stop my rambling.
“A-Anywhere is f-fine. As long as I’m with you.“ billy blushed at the cheesiness of what he had said but I only smiled and nodded. “I sh-should p-p-probably tell you about Muh-muh-Mack though.” My eyes met Billy’s and I bit my lip to fight the tears. Without him even saying I knew what happened to him.
“in the car. Away from here.“ my eyes glanced up to the window billy had flipped off. “She’s watching.” Billy smirked and glanced over his shoulder.
“Sh-she is?” I nodded and was about to walk around to the drivers side and let billy work himself out with the passenger seat when he pulled me flush against him and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him in surprise and let him back me up until we were pressed against the car. He pulled away, pupils blown wide and panting. “T-tell me when sh-she’s gone.“ I nodded weakly and slumped when billy Lowered his head to start going to work on my neck. I quietly moaned in his ear before tightening my grip around him. The head nurse hadn’t moved from the window. It would have made me laugh if what billy was doing didn’t feel so good. “Sh-she still w-watching?” I nodded against his neck as Billy pulled back and smirked down at my slumped form. Billy dipped me and kissed me again. His hand moved just past my belt where it stayed. My eyes widened momentarily before they closed. I moaned against his lips as billy straightened back up. “If sh-she’s still watching after th-that,” he looked over his shoulder and shook his head. “Screw her.“ I laughed and gently pushed him into the passenger seat.
“Come on lover boy. Let’s get going.“ I settled in to the drivers seat and interlocked our fingers over the gear shift. “I can’t wait to show you our new home.” The grin on his face made my heart melt a little so I leaned over to steal a kiss. The drive back was full of stolen kisses and laughter. And a few tears as I found out that the head nurse had given McMurphy a lobotomy. Billy lightened the mood again as he recounted some of Mack’s adventure on the ward before the nurse finally got the better of him. As we pulled up to the apartment building I got a little nervous. “So here we are.“ I reached into the backseat to get billys bag.
“it l-looks nice.“ he nodded at the building as we walked up to the front. “I’m s-sure th-that the apartment is j-just as n-nice.” his hand squeezed mine before I buzzed us in. It was a little awkward as we took the elevator up to the floor our apartment was on. We kept stealing glances at each other but looking away when we caught the other. It felt like a new beginning and neither of us knew what we were doing. There was an added fear of what would happen if this didn’t work out. If we didn’t work out. The fear kept growing as we started to settle into our life together. It wasn’t as if we were fighting all the time or as if we didn’t know how to act, the air was tense no matter what we did. Until one night.
“L-let’s go outside.” I tore my eyes away from the television. “It’s a n-nice night a-and I w-w-want to spend it w-w-with you.” I could tell he was nervous. His stutter always got worse when he was nervous. I anxiously slipped my hand into his as we stood up. I followed billy out of our fire escape and down to the small field below. Being in the city didnt give us that much greenery but I had been lucky enough to find just the right about for him. He waited for me as I finished climbing down and led me over to the small community porch that everyone in the building shared.
a few families had had the same idea as us and greeted the two of us as we wandered over. Billy sat down in one of the lawn chairs and quickly pulled me into his lap. I tried to surprise my grin but it was hard as he held onto me tightly and pressed kisses to my head and neck for a while. We watched the sunset and the building children run around for a while before I laid down on him.
“this was a good idea.” I whispered as billy shifted so we’d be more comfortable on the small chair. I could feel him nod before pressing yet another kiss to my temple. ‘almost like how it was when we would have our visits.’ I thought. I could tell billy was thinking it too but neither one of us wanted to break the tranquility.
“W-what are th-they doing?” Billy asked, his attention drawn to the kids running around with mason jars. I lifted my head to look at him curiously.
“you can’t tell me you have never been catching fireflies.“ I shook my head at him. “Come on billy. It’s something everyone has done at one point in their lives.” billy frowned at me before looking away.
“my m-m-m-mother…” He forced out and I nodded.
”she wouldn’t let you.” He nodded and looked at me with sad eyes. “And then she put you in there with that nurse and you were there forever.“ billy smirked.
“not f-forever.“ he teased. “I’m only th-thirty one.” I smiled at him, glad to see his sense of humor was shining through again.
“come on mr. Thirty one. You are going to catch fireflies with me.” I tugged on his hand and borrowed a mason jar from our next door neighbor. She smiled at the two of us and told me not to worry about returning. It. I smiled as I looked back at billy asking one of the kids what he was supposed to do.
“he spent far too long locked away from the world.“ she said. “use that jar and show him.” Nodding and promising I would, I jogged over to join the small group that had surrounded billy.
“know what to do?” I asked. Billy nodded and smiled at me. Together we took the top off and followed the kids. Some of the kids caught fireflies in their hands and brought them over to put in our jar while others continued to show billy what to do. I turned my attention to one that had just landed on my arm, carefully scooping it up in the jar before putting the lid back on when billy came running over. He was red in the face and out of breath but still smiling the biggest smile I had ever seen him have.
“I c-caught one!” I smiled as he carefully added his catch to our jar before closing the lid for good. we went back to our lawn chair to sit and watch the fireflies for a little while. “Th-that was fun. W-we need to do th-that again sometime.“ I nodded before pressing a kiss to his lips.
“we can do this every week before it gets too cold.” I promised. Billy watched the kids start to release their catches and looked back at me.
“why are th-they letting them go?” I watched as the sky illuminated with the released fireflies. I took Billy’s hand and our jar to join them.
“because they would die otherwise. And they aren’t meant to be kept as pets. You let them go and they Light up the sky as a thank you.” I turned away from billy as I opened our jar. “It’s kind of like you and that hospital. You take them on for a little while, watch them and see what they do but in the end they leave and become sometime extraordinary.” Blushing as I turned back to him, I almost didn’t have time to register how close he was before his lips were on mine. Almost like when he had tried to gross out the head nurse but more tame. More calculated. More passionate.
“I love you.” Billy whispered when he broke away. my eyes met his glassy ones and he sniffled before continuing. “Can I keep you? I don’t want you to g-go away.“ I nodded quickly and drew him into a hug.
“I’m not going anywhere.” I promised. “I’m going to show you the world.“
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An Unhealthy Obsession: Chapter Twenty Four
She Who Marches Out Of Step Hears Another Drum
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TW: behavioral health center, mentions of ankle monitors, depression, anxiety, disordered eating, probation, self-harm/suicide, and gambling
Thanks for the wait - it's a bit of a longer chapter and more plot-heavy than romance. I also want to set a disclaimer that I have not ever been admitted to a behavioral health center and that some of my descriptions may be inaccurate. If there's anything that's outdated or totally off; let me know. Otherwise, thank you all so much for reading and your support!
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“There’s no way we can let her walk out of here free of charge, Hotch.”
“Unfortunately, legally, there’s not much we can do.”
The three men in the room were arguing over your future, and all you could do was stand and watch.
“Hotch – you were a lawyer. Is there anything we can frame on her even if he takes charges off?”
“There could be some fine print somewhere, but I’m afraid it won’t look good for the public if we act against the decisions of our own agents.”
This was worse than any interrogation or solitary confinement. Being in front of men who were trying to pin you with anything they could to get you in jail did not make for a welcome environment.
“Agent Reid did just pass his psych exam, we can’t say we don’t trust his judgment.” Agent Morgan rubbed his temple, clearly frustrated. “They signed him off of a clean bill of health.”
“I put my signature on his paperwork, too,” replied Hotchner. He pinched his eyebrows with his fingers. “I can’t go and undo something like that.”
“What, and show that you were wrong?”
“It’d reflect poorly on our department if we said the psychiatrists made a mistake,” Rossi explained, “I don’t think Hotch really wants this case to have more attention.”
“Well,” groveled Agent Hotchner, “right now it has no attention since it’s so in-house, which is good. But I don’t really want Strauss learning about all this.”
The three men argued and debated back and forth for a while, as you stood and lay dormant, listening and watching them. They seemed to be chasing their own tail in circles, not really sure what to do with you. Since you decided it was your own future they were debating, you decided to throw in your own hat.
“So I have something you guys want, and you guys have something I want,” you declared.
They turned and looked at you quizzically. Feeling awkward with all the attention on you, you took a deep breath and took a step closer to them.
“I really, really, don’t want to go to jail. I’m not sure if it’s a barrel of monkeys for you guys, but the idea of jail doesn’t sound like fun to me.”
Agent Morgan opened his mouth to begin arguing, but you held up your index finger, trying to allow yourself to finish.
“You guys don’t want my case – or me, I guess – out there and getting publicity. Keeping it in-house, as you said. You don’t want this to reflect badly on you, Spence, or the team.”
“Call him Agent,” grumbled Agent Morgan.
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Potato, Potato. Listen – I just want to compromise on this. Make some kind of deal.”
They turned and gave each other glances.
Nervous what their glances meant, you reiterated, “It’s a win-win scenario, theoretically.”
Agent Rossi sat back in his chair, analyzing you.
“What kind of deal are you looking for?”
You didn’t think you’d get this far.
“What if I did a psych exam too? If Spence’s came out good, and mine does too, then there’s not much of a case; is there?”
Both Agent Hotchner and Agent Rossi lifted up their eyebrows. Agent Morgan’s seemed to furrow down further.
“You guys could monitor me or put me on some kind of probation, maybe.” You threw up your hands in the air. “I’d rather have an ankle monitor than spend my time behind bars.”
Agent Hotchner motioned to the rest of his team.
“That is an offer.”
The three men stood up, towering over you.
“We’re going to go discuss this with the rest of the team in private. Thank you.”
They lined up and left the room, leaving you with the dreadful atmosphere they had brought into the room with them. You buried your hands in your face. Was that stupid to do? To offer up a deal when you were on the losing end?
You slammed your body against the wall and let gravity carry you down until you sitting up against it. You were just tired of it all; acting tough and imitating when you were terrified, being locked up in a cage of boredom, feeling like a constant disaster, and the people around making sure you felt the consequences of your actions.
You may have deserved it, but still – you were tired of it all. You thought back to your real home; your own apartment wherever it could be, your friends, your plants, your dog. The only thing that felt like prison was your cubicle at work.
But, that reality didn’t have Spencer, either.
Did you mean it? When you told him you’d do it all over again for that moment with him?
You rattled your handcuffs and looked down at your dirty clothes and hands. You rubbed your palms with your thumbs; these palms were the same ones that held hands with him, and you tried to imagine his warmth again. You brought your hands up to your face again, imagining it was Spencer cradling your face and stroking your cheek. You rubbed your thumb over your lips, the same lips that had kissed the infamous Dr. Reid. The soft intimacy you two shared would be something that only happened in a dream.
With your face warm with the memories of his smile and the time you two shared, you agreed – it was worth it all.
Thinking about Spencer, you drifted into a dissociate daydreaming state. It wasn’t until you felt a looming presence over you that you focused back into reality.
Agent Hotchner offered his hand, and you used it to stand up once more.
“Follow me,” he said, and he left the room.
With no guard being around for the first time, you followed him. The corridors you followed him through were different than your usual route, and you had no idea where you were going. Small windows began to appear and walls became lighter in color. As you walked behind Agent Hotchner’s footsteps, the building seemed to get brighter, and felt more open. Taking a sharp turn, you found yourself again.
Agent Hotchner began to lead you through the lobby of the Behavioral Analyst Unit, walking past the elevator, front desk, and glass doors you had seen in almost nearly every episode. You weren’t sure if you were still daydreaming as you went past the desks of the agents that you had berated prior.
He led you into the meeting room where the entire team – sans Spencer – laid eyes on you in full. Seeing their watchful glances as Agent Hotchner motioned you to the only empty chair around the table made you feel uneasy and your stomach queasy.
You fumbled with your handcuffs, slanting down your head to avoid contact with any of them. Prentiss, Morgan, JJ, Rossi, Morgan, Garcia…they all were watching your every movement each with their own expression; none of them pleasant towards you in the slightest. You couldn’t blame them.
Agent Hotchner’s voice caught your attention and you whipped up your head towards him.
“We’re taking your deal, but we’ve added our own clauses – me and the team.”
A sigh of relief. You weren’t going to jail.
“Now, we are allowed to change the terms at any time we see it, considering how…unique this case is. You will be restricted access to the outside world but will be able to earn back privileges over time, depending on your behavior and the team’s own evaluation. If you break any laws or step out of our terms, we can choose to do with you what we will; agree?”
You were still on the losing side of this deal it seemed, but there wasn’t much choice. Signing your name on the dotted line, you nodded and agreed.
“Here is what will happen,” Agent Hotchner started.
“One; you will be required to take a psychological evaluation and be cleared by medical staff.
Two; you will be living with each team member until they can say that they can trust you, and clear you. You will be restricted access, starting with house arrest and no access to the outside world. As we monitor you and your behavior, those rights may be granted back to you.
Three; when we are not out on cases, you will be working here under the guise of an ‘intern.’ It’ll keep Strauss off our backs, and if we tell you to jump-”
“-I’ll ask how high,” you responded.
Agent Rossi began to talk, picking up where Agent Hotchner left off.
“When we are on cases, we will have you restricted to whoever’s property you are living in.” He leaned in. “That can mean ankle monitors, video surveillance, or sending an agent over to watch you.”
You gulped. This was the first time you had seen the whole team in a room at once, not to mention how serious and solemn the room seemed. With all eyes on you, you did all you could to give your best poker face – you didn’t want the team to know how scared you truly were.
“And four; the final rule for now,” Agent Morgan gritted through his teeth, “you are not allowed any contact with Agent Reid.”
“Not until we say so, anyway,” Agent Rossi interrupted.
You weighed it all over in your head; you’d be losing your rights, your privacy, trying to get the approval of people you had spent the last few weeks annoying and berating. The odds of you seeing Spencer were slim, and you’d still be imprisoned in some sense. But, there was some hope in the offer. Hope in getting out, of befriending the team, of seeing him again.
“It’s a deal,” and you extended your hand to shake on it.
Agent Hotchner shook it, and the contract sealed itself.
“S-so,” you stammered, “what’s the first step?”
“Behavioral health ward, and meeting with your psychiatrists. We’re going to go get you set up.”
You began to stand up, and noticed that the team had now shifted their attention to anywhere in the room besides your gaze. Now that you weren’t such a threat, and they held all the power, the feeling of intimation on both ends had dissipated.
As you began to follow Agent Hotchner out of the room, Agent Rossi stopped you before exiting. He lifted a key out of his pocket, and removed your handcuffs. An instant weight left your wrists, and your heart. You rubbed your wrists, feeling the marks that the cuffs had left, and marveled at how light they felt now.
“Don’t make us regret this, Y/N,” Agent Rossi whispered to you.
“I won’t, sir.”
“Sir?” He chuckled. “That’s new, especially for you.”
He cut in front of you to leave the room, and began to make his way to his office.
“I like it though, Y/N. Keep it up.”
You smiled. A positive reaction from somebody. Agent Hotchner had already made his way to the glass doors, and he waved his hands for you to follow. You began to make your way over to him as the other agents made their way back to their desks. Reaching the glass doors behind Agent Hotchner handcuff-free felt liberating. You knew it wasn’t the end, but it sure felt like the beginning of something.
The behavioral health ward was in a separate section of the base, past the hanger and past the official offices. The federal government had its own hospital and medical staff for their staff, and the ward was located in that facility. Its fluorescent lights and cold tile were reminiscent of any other hospital, and you shivered as you entered the space.
The ward had its own floor, the fifth level in this building. You were greeted by kind staff, and shown to a generic hospital room. Agent Hotchner had guided you through the transition, and as the staff began taking your vitals and asking the generic questions, he waved and was off on his own way.
Even though you understood this was all necessary since your medical files didn’t exist in this reality, you hated the sensation of being poked and prodded by every needle and finger that touched you. The bright lights, the scrambling of staff, the basic and repeating questions, with each area of your body being examined were enough to overstimulate anybody, especially you.
After what seemed an eternity of tests and questions, you were finally free to meet with the doctor who would be doing your final examination. She introduced herself as Dr. Melete.
“Now,” she began, “I’ve heard that you are not our usual case, and to keep your details under close care.”
You nodded.
“I haven’t been given enough clearance to know about your case,” she confessed, “but the BAU did tell me you weren’t an employee and to keep an eye on you.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You weren’t getting into trouble now, were you?”
You squirmed on the crinkly paper. “Let’s just say I won’t be getting into any more trouble, Doctor.”
She nodded and wrote on the clipboard she carried with her; her pen made a clickity-clack against the hard surface.
“And one of the staff informed you’d be doing a full psychological examination; are you aware of the difference between that and our basic exam?”
You shook your head and frowned. “I assumed there was only one test…?”
She smirked. “We get that a lot.”
Dr. Melete unclipped a stack of paper stapled together from her clipboard and handed it to you.
“Our basic one covers cognitive tests; can you tell your left from your right, can you count correctly, identity shapes, do your basic sense work, et cetera, et cetera. We call it the MMSE.”
She pointed down at the section she referred to with her pen.
“It also has basic behavioral questions; do you feel like harming yourself or others, have you been exposed to any addictive content, how do you keep your mind occupied and calm, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.”
You nodded along as she read, understanding the basic exam.
“And what makes the full exam different?” you asked.
She took the document and flipped a few pages over, handing it back to you.
“You’ll be staying with us as we cover a multitude of other tests.,” she explained. “The basic ones, and more specific tests. Hypnotherapy, Rorschach blotches, color, and music therapy, and a fuller psychoanalyzed profile of your previous mental wellbeing as well as your current wellbeing.”
You nodded along, slower this time. Was all of this really necessary?
She continued, using her pen to guide you along the pages.
“You may be asked to do specific tests for things like depression, anxiety, PTSD, disordered eating, addiction, psychosis, self-harm/suicide – just to cover everything.” She paused, taking a step back and letting you breathe. “Since we don’t have any of your files in our database, this would be a good time to tell us if you have any conditions you’re aware of.”
Suddenly, it felt like a spotlight had shone on you, and you were caught unaware. You weren’t sure how honest you should be, considering this doctor would be standing between you and your progression of being free. Of potentially seeing Spencer. Still though, letting them know in advance some of your struggles could show trust and also get you out.
You started, fidgeting with your hands. Choosing your words delicately, you began treading over your mental health issues. Small things, like a bout of depression or occasional anxiety, shouldn’t set off any alarms; but some of your manic, self-destructive episodes you skipped over. Especially anything involving Spencer.
“And I have been diagnosed with ADHD. I had Adderall at home, but…” you continued carefully, “it’s been a while since I’ve been able to take any.”
Dr. Melete scrunched up her lips as she finished jotting down the rest of her notes. You hoped to the heavens above you hadn’t set off any red flags.
“Thank you for the input,” she concluded, “and we’ll be taking all this into consideration. I’ll show you to your room, and we’ll allow you to get settled in for today.”
She opened the door and you followed her out, walking down a saturated hallway until she led you into a bare-boned room down the hall. It had only the necessary items; a closet (inside was a rack to hang clothes, in which the rack was able to come off with very little pressure), a bed with thin sheets, a window that only opened inches, a basic shower, and bathroom with nubs for handles, and a desk.
“What’s with all the weird handles?”
She raised her eyebrows and licked her lips.
“Um…” she replied nervously, “that’s in case one of our guests, er, is feeling unlucky. We don’t give them a way to, uh, escape their reality, let’s say.”
Although she beat her way around the bush, you got the big picture; to keep anyone from offing themselves. With federal agents who’ve seen cases of what the worst of humanity had to offer, it couldn’t come as a surprise. A grim conclusion, if one.
You continued checking out the room.
“None of the doors have any locks – not even the bathroom.”
She seemed more comfortable with this answer. “We do routine checks daily and nightly. And, if there’s an emergency, we can reach you easily.”
It was a bare-boned room, but at least it wasn’t a jail cell. You hadn’t slept in a bed in weeks, and even that slight comfort was an improvement. You laid down on the bed, stretching your body out and hearing the cracks in your back.
“We’ll come back in the morning to start your tests. Until then, feel free to relax or ring if you need anything.”
You didn’t need to ring for anything – you were out within seconds. The gentle wave of sleep washed over you, and it was the best night of sleep you had in weeks. The trials and tribulations of the next day were gone from your mind, and you remember smelling a faint scent of lavender and cotton before passing out for the night.
“Do you find yourself unable to empathize with others dealing with difficult situations?”
You shook your head.
“Alright; do you feel you consistently fail to fulfill financial, work, or personal obligations?”
“I’m going to go with no,” you decided.
This was your third day of testing at the facility. The staff had been incredibly nice, and Dr. Melete oversaw your case personally. A few other employees, or residents, were also staying at the facility from an overseas mission. You didn’t prod into their problems, and they didn’t pry into yours; it was mutual respect, and you enjoyed getting to meet them.
At other behavioral health vicinities, they might have group therapy sessions, but since so many people’s trauma was classified or government information, you spent your group time playing UNO or watching old re-runs of Wheel of Fortune. You never were great at the puzzles – being more of a Jeopardy ­fan yourself – but as you and the other residents placed bets on the answer, you started to get a knack for it.
It felt nice, too, having a group of people to enjoy after the psychological prodding of the tests. You wouldn’t necessarily call yourself friends, but you were all able to understand one another in a way the outside world might not get.
Currently, you were stuck in another test, answering oddly phrased questions asked by the doctor.
“Would you consider yourself as superficially charming and intelligent?”
You leaned back in your wheeled chair.
“I’ve been told I’m dumb as shit, actually,” you laughed. “Can we go back to the cognitive testing? I liked those questions.”
Dr. Melete’s nails tapped against her keyboard. “I’m going to put your answer as a no, Y/N.” She swiveled from her screen back to you. “And we don’t need to do those tests again – we know that you can count backward and read at a functional level.”
You faked a pout as she continued to roll out her last few questions. As nice as a doctor she was, the college tournament was on today and you had bets on Lauren Baum winning today’s game. Her long acrylics danced across her keys as she jotted down your responses, then edited them to sound more professional.
“Based on your answers, although I can’t say for certain without my peers reviewing this,” she typed, “I don’t think you have any type of anti-social disorder.”
You threw up jazz hands sarcastically. “Whoop-de-doo.”
“That means you’re a step closer to leaving our care, since we can sign you off soon.”
You repeated your “Whoop-de-doo,” this time with more enthusiasm.
“That being said,” she continued as she turned off her monitor and faced you once more, “you still have three tests left to go. We can start scheduling them with rest days in between, and hopefully see you off soon.”
You didn’t realize how close you were to being done.
“Could I just do it all in one day? And just get it over with?”
Dr. Melete lifted her eyebrows in surprise.
“Three in one day? You’re not growing apathetic towards us, are you, Y/N?”
You squirmed in your seat. “No,” you confessed, “just excited for the chance to be out and free again, that’s all.”
She smiled warmly. “Most people are,” she said as she grabbed the landline phone. “I’ll make up the arrangements then, you’re free to go for now.”
You left her office as Dr. Melete dialed up the hospital’s operator, and shut the door behind you. You could almost taste the sense of freedom on your tongue. The next steps; apparently getting clearance from the members of the BAU, would be tricky, but you didn’t want to think about that now – the thought of stepping outside and walking through yards of grass sounded wonderful. You walked back over to the main living area, where the agents in residence waved you over.
“We’re playing Texas Hold ‘Em; want us to draw you in?”
You slid into an empty seat at the table next to them.
One of them, the one named Mustafa, dealt you in two cards as the next round started. He was an older name with a nicely shaped beard and had an alto that sounded like honey. You checked out your cards; catching a glance from him. A two and a seven.
“I’ll call,” another resident stated. She was named Zara, although she answered to a multitude of names. You heard one of the nurses whisper to another that her file was extremely dense and continued to grow with interest.
You nodded and threw in a pack of floss. The ward didn’t have any real poker chips, so you gambled with whatever any of you could find, or steal. The staff didn’t seem to care, and your pot was often filled with plastic forks, crayons, hair ties, and other assorted items.
“Floss? Now I really want to win,” joked the last resident.
Mikkel Anderson, the loudest and funniest one in the group, was not quiet about anything in his life. He boasted the first time you met him that he was a late-late descendent of Hans Christian Anderson. A nurse had interrupted and said that the author had no children, to which Mikkel berated the woman, and was sedated for the day.
“I heard you might be leaving us soon,” Zara whined.
Mustafa laid down three cards face up. “You are? That’s too bad.”
Their sweet words rang in your ear. “I’m hoping to get discharged soon; they just have to finish the rest of my examinations.” You threw in a pudding cup to raise the pot. “I’ll miss you guys, though.”
“Holy shit, a pudding cup?” Mikkel laughed. “You really will miss us.”
You played it out, eventually winning the hand with a flush.
“You won with a two and seven?” Mikkel scoffed. “Damn! Maybe when you leave I can actually win a round.”
“That’s so mean!”
He shrugged. “No harm done,” he remarked as he eyed your pudding cup. “Just wanted to win, that’s all.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Here,” you handed him the cup. “When I get out of here, I can buy my own.”
Taken aback, he accepted the pudding cup. “Here – cheers to the chance of freedom.”
You smiled.
The tests came and went the next following day. You were exhausted, and felt you had been asked every question the world had to offer. The day after, you were met with the ward staff as they congratulated you – the examinations were complete and you had clearance to leave the behavioral health center.
The other residents threw you a going-away party, where Zara and Mustafa made little decoration for your room out of colored pencils and multi-colored napkins. Mikkel had flirted with one of the wait staff, and convinced her to bring cookies in for your little shindig. Their little efforts to celebrate your success swooned your heart.
You guys were all practically strangers, not really knowing much about the other. Still, there was a bond you all shared, albeit the circumstances.
Agent Hotchner picked you up the next morning, and presented you with normal clothes.
“Our analyst Garcia picked these out,” he muttered, “so hopefully they work.”
You tried them on, realizing they were just a basic tee and some jeans. Still, you hadn’t worn real clothes in weeks; denim felt spectacular after wearing jumpsuits and scrubs. They fit perfectly, and you followed him out the door of the hospital.
“Did you enjoy your time there?” he asked, trying to find a conversation.
“I’m not sure if anyone truly enjoys their time at a hospital,” you remarked, “but it felt miles better than being in that cooped-up jail cell.”
Agent Hotchner led you to a large black car, and you had to climb your way into the back seat.
“You’re at least one part done with our deal,” he added. The engine began to roar and he adjusted his rearview mirror to look at you. “Are you ready to move on to the second part?”
You racked your brain; trying to remember what the second part was. That conversation with the team felt like so long ago.
“I have to get clearance from each of your team members,” you reminded yourself. “And working an undercover intern so you guys can keep an eye on me.”
Agent Hotchner nodded and continued driving.
“You’ll be staying at each of our residences until we clear you, and you’ll be restricted to that residence until the team trusts you enough.” He took a sharp left turn. “We’re going to be keeping a very close eye on you.”
You rode the rest of the drive in silence until you arrived in front of a white house with an unkempt yard. He parked the car in the middle of the driveway and got a set of keys out of his pocket.
Standing a few feet away from your next step to freedom, you asked:
“Whose house am I staying at first?”
The front door locked and Agent Hotchner gestured you inside. It was dark and cold as if it hadn’t been used in ages. Remnants of what looked like a suburban family’s interior furnished the house, although there wasn’t a family to be seen.
Agent Hotchner slammed the door shut.
“It’s mine.”
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ladyfiresfanfiction · 3 years
Flying the Nest - One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest Fic - Chapter One
I’ve had this fic percolating in my brain for about four months and I am now just letting it flow. I hope you guys will like it! Please let me know what you all think. I’m a bit rusty haha, so I hope I don’t suck! Chapter One under the cut. Chapter two will be posted tomorrow!
I am standing shakily in the hallway of a whitewashed building. Ahead is rows and rows of rooms, art and photography and pamphlets adorn the walls. But I am staring with utmost fascination at the black and white and brownish designs of the tiled floor. Snapped back to the unpleasant present by a nurse not much older than I, I'm guided through heavy white double doors into what I would usually call the Room of Hell; a peer counseling room or area in multiple buildings I have become well acquainted with in the last eighteen months.
To my surprise, I am met with familiar blue-green eyes and a face turning ashen with shock upon seeing me. My older brother, Mac.
"Baby Jane? What the hell are you doing here?" Mac asks in his gruff yet gravelly voice. I shrug, forcing a slight smile as he walks toward me, against the wishes of the bitchy looking blonde nurse seated less than one hundred yards ahead of me and envelopes me in his infamous bear hugs I had missed greatly. I found myself holding tightly to my brother's arms, afraid that if I were to let go, I would break into pieces in the middle of the room that would soon become my greatest fear and biggest location of loathing.
"Alright, Mister McMurphy, let your sister go now, thank you. And Miss McMurphy, please take the empty seat right here, between your brother and Mister Bibbit. Thank you. My name is Nurse Ratchet, welcome to our home of healing." The nurse said as I took my seat. As I sat down, my eyes locked onto the bluest eyes I have ever seen, so much so that my heart skipped a beat.
"Ah, yes," Mac laughed as my cheeks turned a light pink. "This is the man of the hour, Janie. His name is-" "M-m-m-my name is-i-is b-bi-b-Billy." The beautiful boy with gorgeous blue eyes stammered. "I-it-its nice to m-m-meet you, Miss." He finished with a shy smile.
Before I could utter a reply to Billy, I was interrupted.
"Miss Jane McMurphy? Come with me, please." The resident doctor, named Doctor Spivey. My heart started hammering in my chest as I reflexively grabbed Mac's hand. Doctor Spivey was a reserved yet kind-looking man as he waited patiently in the doorway, noticing the apprehension on my face. Mac patted my shoulder with encouragement as he nodded towards Spivey.
"I'm just a couple of rooms away, Janie. He's a nice doc. Go on, now, and I'll give ya a tour when you're back." Mac said in a low voice, nodding toward the waiting doctor. I let go of his hand as I stood up and slowly walked towards Spivey. He waved his hand toward the left corridor and said the admissions room was on the left. I whispered something I couldn't even hear and walked slowly as if the path I was taking was going straight to the gates of the Underworld. Doctor Spivey walked a couple of paces behind me, guiding me to the right room, or possibly making sure I didn't try to bolt to the entrance door about fifty steps from his office.
As we made it into the office, he waved his hand toward a comfortable-looking brown leather chair behind a large mahogany desk. It had a manilla envelope with what could be mistaken as someone's novel manuscript but was actually my medical history and doctor's notes from past mental hospital and emergency room stays since July of '61, nearly two years ago.
"Make yourself at home, Miss McMurphy," Doctor Spivey began as he took his seat in a large-looking leather desk chair that matched his massive desk. He peered over my notes, tsking at some parts while his sparse salt-and-pepper-colored eyebrows shot up at other areas of my history. When he finally looked at me, I felt my stomach lurch and the room became unbearably hot. I knew I was in the middle of a raging panic attack, but I tried to keep on my Pokerface in fear of what might happen if I started to become undone.
"Well now, Miss McMurphy. Says here you are about to turn twenty-two years of age and were a junior in college. What uh, brings you here?" He asked, softly. "My... ex-fiance, he killed himself almost two years ago. I had also been dealing with physical health setbacks and was falling behind in classes on top of his untimely death. I just... Couldn't handle it anymore." I replied while my voice was barely above a whisper. "I see. It also says here you've overdosed on opium and cocaine, as well as gotten alcohol poisoning a few times. Is that right?" He asked, his eyes boring into me over thick black spectacles. "Well, like I said, I wasn't handling Charles's death... well... And I have been in and out of the hospital since my freshman year of high school. I just wanted everything to stop." I replied in a flat tone. "Your brother wasn't around much, I see. He had no idea you were in this much emotional distress? And what of your parents?" The doctor asked, watching me closely.
I could feel my forehead begin to prickle with droplets of sweat and my knuckles turned white as I gripped the wood arms of the chair. I tried to gather my thoughts so I could talk in a more rational way, but my throat kept closing and opening, and my eyes began to fill with white-hot tears anytime I opened my mouth, which caused me to shut it and open it a number of times.
"We're more than happy to keep you on as a patient in our ward. I feel you could benefit from our help and could leave quite possibly around the time your brother does We offer services to get you back on your feet once you feel comfortable and safe enough on your own. There is a ladies ward a floor right above the men. You are welcome to visit your brother in the daytime, but we do have strict rules about nightly visits and no, um, congregating with the male patients here.  We have activities as well as counseling to help when things are rough. I need to finish looking over your medical history and we will see what we can give you to help with these night terrors and panic attacks. I'll take you back to Nurse Ratched now, she or Mac can take you to the second floor or give you a tour of our ward. If you have any questions please let me know. You can always let Nurse Ratched or the other nurses know when you need to speak with me. I usually meet with my patients once a week in the morning.
It was a lot to take in, but I nodded, only half-listening. So far this was still a voluntary thing and I could leave whenever I wished. However, now that I knew Mac was here, I was thinking of waiting until he left with me. I didn't trust myself alone anymore. And I couldn't get that beautiful blue-eyed boy out of my head. Charles always said he would send me people when I needed them most and he couldn't be there for me. I was beginning to wonder if he sent me to Oregon State Hospital, and brought me back to my long-lost brother. As I walked back into the Room of Hell, facing who I was sure was Satan's wife, I smiled half-condescendingly to her and made my way to Mac, ready to see where I would be staying for at least the next month, or longer.
"Ready to tell me what the hell is going on and why you haven't called me, Janie?" Mac asked, looking concerned. "Yeah, let's talk while we explore this house full of nuts," I smirked, making Mac laugh. "Okay then. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?" He asked, extending his arm to me. "It's not pretty, but I'm sure this place isn't so pretty either," I replied, placing my hand on his arm as we began to walk towards the front of the building. "Something tells me your story isn't that pretty either, sister. Now start talking."
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adomfangirl · 4 years
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Word Count:1660
Inspired by A Clockwork Orange, The Psychotic Kids music video, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
I hope yall enjoy this story!
Adam walked down the dark cordors of the aslyum like he did everyday checking in on his assigned patients and making sure that they took their medicine.
It was tedious work and he had to constantly be on his toes due to the fact that some of his patient's behaviours bordered on the violent and dangerous side.
After Adam visited his last paitent on the third floor he took the winding staircase down to the basment to visit his faviorite patient who was locked in a maxium security room due to his conditions.
Adam knew that it was againist the rules to get attached to patients but he couldnt help befrending a young man by the name of Dominic Harrison who had been staitioned at the aslyum since he was a teenager.
They both had a lot in common and got along very well.
Adam's visits to Dominic's room were the highlight of his busy day at the aslyum and he would often bring the paitent little treats such as extra dessert or magazines.
It was wrong but Adam didnt care he felt like Dominic understood him.
Adam walked twards Dominic's room with a skip in his step and a small snack cake in his pocket.
 He opned the door to a bright white padded room entred and approached a young man who was sitting in the corner of the room wearing a straight jacket with a leather harness rocking back and forth.
The man turned around to face Adam and spoke in a low gravley voice "why hello sugar plum good to see your lovely face."
"Hey Dom I brought you something,"Adam spoke as he presented the man with a chocolate snack cake.
"Thank you darling could you feed it to me my hands are tied at the moment,"Dominic laughed.
"Of course,"Adam chirped as he unwraped the cake and began to feed it to Dominic who ate the whole thing in one bite quickly swallowing the sweet confectionery.
 "Adam this maybe the last time we will see eachother,"Dominic sighed.
"Why do you say that,"the other man questioned his voice shaking from the thought of loosing his friend.
 "Well you see I will be going in for a very important surgery tomarrow," Dom spoke.
"Wait why,"Adam questioned.
"The doctors are tired of me I am a danger to society and they want to get rid of me," Dom chuckled.
"This is not funny Dom I cant let them hurt you,"Adam said.
"Its allright my time has come,"Dom mumbled under his breath.
"Stop talking like that Ill come up with a plan to get you out of this place,"Adam shouted as he grabed Dom by the by the shoulders shaking him around.
"Adam you dont need to do that the doctors only want what is best for me,"Dom hummed sitting back all calm and unfased whlie Adam pased around the padded room.
"Thats a lie I have seen what they have done to people I wont let them rack your brain and kill you,"Adam retorted.
"We will escape tonight while I work the night shift I know a back way out,"Adam said as he left the room slaming the door behind him.
Dom wacthed as Adam left with a smile on his face.
"That bloke is fooking crazy,"Dom thought to himself returning to his position in the corner of the room awaiting Adam's night visit.
Adam walked back up to the third floor not noticing a nurse that stood under the stairs listing to his entire conversation with Dominic.
The next few hours before his night shift were absolute tourture for Adam his heart was heavy and his mind cloged with the thought of Dominic being killed the helpless screams of paitents being electroshocked or given lobotomies didnt help to ease his worries.
He knew what the doctors at the aslyum were capable of and it scared him so when it finaly came time for Adam to visit Dom on his night shift he was enraged to find out that his faviorite paitent had been moved to another room.
"Sorry Adam but Mr. Harrison has been removed from your list of paitents to attendend to,"spoke the sweet voice of Nurse Wretched.
"Has he gone in for surgery yet,"Adam responded in a total state of panic.
"Yes he has the doctors decided to send him in early," the nurse said.
"Tell me were the fuck he is or else,"Adam growled.
"Alright allright no need to get you boxers in a bunch,"joked Nurse Wretched as she sauntred down the hallway guiding Adam twards a opreation room with a veiwing window.
Adam peered through the window to see Dominic hooked up to various machines standing upright tied down to some kind operation table.
He hated to see Dominic in this state and needed to do something before the doctors completly destroyed him.
"Let me in please I need to see him,"Adam spoke clenching his fists.
"Sorry but that will not be possible,"Nurse Wrecthed laughed wickledly.
Adam banged at the window trying to break it but he was stoped by a much stronger aslyum employee who came up behind him.
"There is nothing you can do but wacth that little waste of space die,"the nurse cackled.
Adam wacthed in horror as a doctor entred the room and swicthed on a leaver that sent an electrical current through Dominic's lifeless body jolting him awake.
"No no stop you cant to this,"Adam shouted strugling against the workers strong grasp.
What came next was the worst part of Dom's torture Adam looked on in horror as the doctors scalped Dominic leaving his brain exposed proding at it with needles.
Tears began to run down Adams cheeks as the doctors forced Dominics eyes open droping some kind of substance into them.
"I am cured I am cured,"Dom cried out as he struggled against his restraints.
When the doctors heard Dominic's cries they stoped their tourture and drug him into another opreating room.
Nurse wrecthed grited her teeth.
"They were suppose to kill him what happned,"she spat voice driping with venom.
The stronger aslyum worker got tired of trying to hold Adam down so he just threw the traumatized man onto the ground and left the facinity.
"Where did they take him,"Adam questioned his voice shaking.
"I'm not going to tell you figure out yourself scum,"Nurse wretched hissed kicking Adam with her shoe.
I have to find Dom I cant just stay here,Adam thought to himself as he slowly picked himself up and walked away from the vindictive nurse in search of the place where the doctors had taken Dom.
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disdaidal · 4 years
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getting to know you
rules: tag nine people whom you’d like to get to know better.
Last Song: Tokyo by Bloom
Last Movie: It’s been a while since I watched any movies... I know it was something from my own collection (but I have a huge collection lol :D), and I was binge-watching a lot of stuff back then simply out of boredom, so... let’s just say I watched at least “IT” (1990) and “The Nightmare on Elm Street” and “The Lost Boys”, because I watched those with both my irl best friends during last summer.
Currently Reading: Well apart from fanfiction... :D I’m supposed to pick up a book about power for school, so I’m thinking about borrowing “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” from the local library. And I’ve been occasionally reading “Watership Down” in English (it’s huge!) since last spring.
Currently Watching: Not currently watching anything special, unless you count Stranger Things. I am curious for the 7th season of The 100, though from what I’ve seen spoilers so far I really don’t have high expectations for it...
Craving: Marshmallows maybe. Some sweet coffee drink, like cafe mocha.
tagged by: @vaniccio​ ♥ Thanks love!
tagging: @breathstill​ @godidontevenknowwhat​ @billyswangotango​ @memes-saved-me​ @idreamofdacreandbilly​ @freetolosehardtowin​ @heck-in-a-handbasket​ @im-baby-okay​​ @i-find-the-beauty-in-chaos​​
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Thank you for @frightenedofrabbits for tagging me for this fun little game. Please, enjoy! Favorite Color: Red
Currently Reading: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (re-reading)
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: I have a major sweet tooth. Particularly for chocolate.
Last Movie: The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made me Do It
Last Series: Total Drama Island
Craving: Happiness, sugar, and absence of pain in my back (from old injury) and my hands (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) and my feet (bad work shoes)
Tea or Coffee: Tea for me please, but only because it actually offers some nutrition that coffee seems to lack. Why do so many people drink that stuff when it causes really negative withdrawal effects and makes you have to run to the toilet?
Currently Working On: My own original stories and poems--hoping to put them altogether to form a book to publish online. Also multiple fanfictions, mainly focused on Stranger Things right now, but also several for TUA, OHSHC, The 100, Descendants, and Newsies 
Things I Need to Get Started On: Work courses I need to complete that were overdue a long while ago. People I am going to tag. Don’t feel pressured to join in! @dastardlydandelion @marahollowbirdmcu @maggs-is-a-muppet @jaelynn-is-slightly-confused @psychdelia @mourntheantagonist @assortedfruitsnacks212
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