#one of the best jokes I’ve seen in awhile
succcession · 1 year
I have a request for Kendall!!!! I imagine him and the reader being on the verge of divorce and him being a possessive almost ex husband and making a scene every time a man breaths near the reader and them fighting and screaming at each other and then having the best make up angry sex of their lives.
Your mind is phenomenal, I hope you like it!
Marriage Make Up
Kendall Roy x f!reader smut 4.1k word count
You tried with Kendall. You really tried. It started with the coke. Which you could look past for awhile. Occasionally, suggesting various detoxes and rehab facilities, always trying to let him know you were there for him. Free from judgment. You knew who Kendall was when you married him, the addictions he struggled with. The trauma. However, the day you stood in front of him, your handmade white dress flowing, a traditional veil being lifted from your eyes to kiss him. You promised yourself you were going to be there for him. No matter what happened.
That was until the coke turned into ignoring all phone calls, never coming home, forgetting birthdays, and daily drunk 3am texts that clearly weren’t intended for you. You threatened Kendall that if this is how the marriage was going to be, you couldn’t be a part of it. But honestly they were empty threats. When you had made that initial promise, you meant it. 
That was until the escorts. 
You were awoken one morning by the ringtone of your phone, slowly blinking your eyes open as the sound grew louder. You threw your arm over searching to find the warmth of your husband's body sleeping next to you. Instead, being greeted by the now too common fabric of the cold sheets. You began rummaging through the pile of king size blankets searching your buzzing phone, eventually answering right before a call from Roman Roy went to voicemail.
“Hey! Seen your husband lately?” Roman questioned. Never beginning conversations with any kind of small talk. 
“Oh yeah…Kendall, my husband” you scoffed. “At this point I have no idea if he is even still alive.”
“Oh he’s alive alright. All over the news actually… Billionaire Logan Roy's son, Kendall Roy seen leaving NYC restaurant with instagram model Claire Hane.”
Roman read aloud the headline cackling after almost every word.
 “That girl is like, known to be an escort! What? Did you stop putting out?” He continued joking.
As soon as Roman had begun reading the headline your heart was pounding. Kendall in the news was rarely a good thing, and with every word out of Roman’s mouth you could feel heat rushing to your face as tears filled your eyes. 
Choking on the lump in your throat you struggled to come up with a respond to Romans teasing. You wanted to act unbothered, like you were as heartless as any Roy sibling, unphased. But the tears already streaming down your face clearly proved otherwise.
 “I…Fuck” you huffed finally managing to get something out of your quivering mouth. Everyone had warned you with patronizing eyes and scolding fingers when you married Kendall that he was inconsistent, unthoughtful, and “occasionally psychotic” his ex-wife even mentioned. However, you always waved their comments off with a smile. “Yeah, I know he has a lot going on, but I’m in love. And he can be really empathetic! I’ve never had someone take care of me the way that Kendall does. And not just with his wallet!” You explained over and over. Now all of your illusions were quickly shattering. Of anything he could do, cheating was not one you expected. Your sex life was great! At least, you thought. Maybe a little lacking lately, but that was hardly your fault seeing as though he was rarely home. Did he honestly need to pay for sex? Your confidence in him and your confidence in yourself were crashing down right in front of you.
“Look y/n, I’m sure it's not you. My brother is an asshole. This wouldn’t be the first time he’s been a shitty husband.” 
Nearly forgetting Roman was on the other line you groaned at what you knew was his attempt to cheer you up. “Thanks Rome, I’m gonna go drink over my failed marriage. Bye.” you mumbled quickly hanging up before Roman got another chance to throw in a heartless joke.
Time appeared to be moving painfully slow after the disheartening events of this morning. After laying in bed clutching your chest and sobbing for what felt like weeks, you eventually pulled yourself into the bathroom. Confronted by your gloomy reflection of swollen eyes, still in shock this was all really happening. That Kendall would really be hiring escorts, and that you would find out from his brother! You decided the only way to distract your distressing mind would be a hot shower. Taking your time to delicately wash your hair and lather every inch of your body with the expensive body soap. Even though Kendall was richer than you could comprehend, you still had a habit of trying to preserve those things, never using too much. However, now all those little things were out the window. Who cares anymore if I’m just using him, you thought to yourself. Obviously he doesn’t.
You dried yourself off slowly taking the time to apply a sweet smelling lotion and your face moisturizer. Taking one last glance at your figure in the mirror and letting out a deep sigh. “Fuck him, I’m still sexy” you exclaim aloud at your reflection. 
“Fuck yeah, you are!” You hear Kendall reply slyly behind you, looking back to see his suited figure leaning against the door frame. His eyes scanned your body from head to toe. You have no problem brushing off his remarks rushing to grab your white silk robe, covering your exposed body from him. Kendall was quick to pick up on your agitated reaction as you brushed past him.
“Okay. Yeah great what the fuck did I do now? Cause I know I didn’t leave any fucking drugs around the house.” he huffed, naturally jumping to defend his actions. 
“Yeah, probably because you’re never here.” You mumbled quietly. You weren’t ready to fight about it. Not yet at least. You still felt too heartbroken to even scream at him, simply just wanting him to disappear until you were ready to confront the reality. 
“I know I’ve been gone a lot y/n, but with my dad gone things at the office are just really starting to pick up and everything with Mattson, I mean…” his voice trailed off as you wandered around the room putting together a comfortable outfit. His rambling excuses eventually stopped when he looked at you and questioned, 
“Uh babe the fuck are you wearing?”.
“God Ken, why do you even care? You’re leaving again tonight right?” you sneered. He’s never home, and then when he is home all he has is work excuses and a problem with your outfit, seriously?
“Um, we're leaving tonight. Waystar Charity Gala. One of my biggest opportunities to make a good impression as CEO. What, did you fucking forget?” He exclaimed. 
“Fuck” you whined holding a finger to rub your temple. 
You had totally forgotten tonight was the charity event, explaining why Kendall was home and finally paying any attention to you. Part of being married to Kendall Roy was putting on a play. Attending various events and red carpets draped over your husband's side performing as his beautiful, dotting wife. Although, honestly you never had to fake it. You genuinely did adore Kendall and it made you happy to make him look good, and brag about his accomplishments to his peers. And you were good at it! Always leaving every man in the room jealous of how happy you made Kendall, and every woman dying to take your place. But tonight you weren’t sure if you could handle that job. You couldn’t even make eye contact with him right now, let alone appear like you’re obsessed with him. 
Kendall walked over to where you were sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at you. You resisted every urge to begin crying again, screaming at him about this morning's headlines. Although it was eating you alive, you knew that sobbing to him wouldn’t work on Kendall. The Roy’s were a different breed, and if you wanted to get to him, you really had to make him feel something. You looked up at his figure towering above you. Giving him soft eyes but maintaining the displeased frown on your face.
“Are you seriously this upset over me being busy? God I know, I’m sorry for being the world shittiest fucking husband!” he scoffed “ But I’m trying to take over a fucking company here y/n. Now, you knew what you signed up for when you married me, so we’re going to this fucking gala. And you’re going to be my loving wife, okay? You’re going to look beautiful, and you’re going to make me look good. Can you do that? Can you be a good girl for me?” his patronizing tone sinking deep into your chest. You knew he was half serious, half just attempting to intimidate you, and the good girl he had to throw in hoping it would finally get to you. And it did. Sending heat straight to your center. You gave a slow nod in response, not breaking eye contact. Although, this response was not enough for kendall as he roughly brought a hand under your chin “Say yes Kendall, thank you Kendall”. You repeated his words gently and even turned your head to leave a gentle kiss on his palm. His entire demeanor softened, you could easily play into his game now but you were already planning ways to get back at him throughout the night. 
Your dress for the night was a striking dark blue, a slight shimmer radiating from the bottom, drawing all eyes down the velvet fabric that formed around your body nicely. The plunging neckline, a lower cut then you would usually wear. You nearly forget about Kendall as every head in the crowd turned in awe at yours and Kendall's arrival. Your beauty quickly becoming the topic of the event.
 As you made your way through the party, Kendall snaked his arm around your waist breathing deeply into your neck, recognizing his favorite perfume of yours. Smirking as he whispered “You’re so good to me.” His words sent a chill down your spine. How could he so easily say things like that while he had another life going on? Your brain jumped between wanting to slap him, and completely surrendering to his touch. You wanted nothing more than to leave a soft kiss on his lips, lean your head into his shoulder and mean it. But you refused to give in so easily, letting his hands wander your body without returning any of the attention. 
 It seemed as though you had a spotlight on you, the way your dress glistened softly, your light smile drawing in awestruck gazes from every direction. Kendall analyzed every man who let their eyes linger on you as you passed by, his grip around your waist growing tighter with the minute. Although, he wasn’t saying anything you knew the increased attention surrounding you was driving him insane. Of course, Kendall's ideal night consisted of having the most desired woman in the room but tonight felt excessive. With men who had never spoken to him in his life stopping to shake his hand, clearly only for a chance to gain proximity to you.
You grabbed a champagne glass from a waiter before turning on your heel away from Kendall commenting “I’m going to go mingle.” 
“What are you-” his question, cut off by quick disappearance into the crowd. 
It was easy to charm the kind of men you find at these events. Whether they were married or single, younger or older all you had to do was act interested in their lives. Listen to them talk about how much money they make, throw in an innocent giggle and they’re easily under your control. Which made it easy to flirt with random billionaires throughout the room, but made for little true entertainment. Reminding you what you had first admired about Kendall. Although others rarely saw it, Kendall had depth. You two often would stay up till early hours in the morning pouring out endless streams of emotions to each other. He enjoyed deep conversations and sharing his daydreams. Kendall was made of much more than just Waystar inheritance money. Every other man in the room felt so…simple, so facile compared to Ken. 
It wasn’t long until Kendall found you in the crowd again, eyes locked on some investor as he did his best to swoon you. He watched as you threw your head back in laughter, lightly letting your hand graze the man's bicep. 
Kendall formed a tight fist as he felt a trigger go off in his head. Kendall spent his whole life competing. He definitely wasn’t going to let your attention be stolen by anybody else. In his mind when he put a ring on it, he won you. Besides you hardly paid attention to the people at these things, why tonight did you decide to put on such a performance while brushing off all of his advances? The jealousy of your lack of attention was piling on him like a ton of bricks. He knew he had been extremely negligent in the marriage department lately, and as much as he probably deserved to be cheated on after everything he’s done in his life, he didn’t think you would be so quick to throw yourself at other men.
He made his way over to you and the man stood in front of you, quickly sliding in closely next to you. “Thanks for keeping her company, man. Keep up the good work.” Kendall joked aggressively.
“Ah anytime, we’ve all seen what a busy guy you are, hate to see you leave this beautiful thing all alone.” The man scoffed back lightly, referencing today's news. You were always impressed by rich men's ability to be mean to each other without actually fighting, it was as if cryptic trash talk was their second language.
“Oh, I guarantee I can keep my wife very entertained” Kendall asserted. 
You observed the two men wind each other up, pleased that your simple yet effective plan of making Kendall jealous was working. Eventually, the other man let up, leaving you two standing alone. Kendall’s chest was heaving in front of you, his large eyes scanning the room, and you could sense that he was trying to calm himself down. Resisting from making a scene. He knew he needed to stay longer, that he should spend the entire night networking with strangers, gaining the trust of possible donors, anything to earn respect as CEO. But as his anxieties regarding your displeased attitude began growing more unignorable, he wanted nothing more than to drag you out of the venue. Away from everybody's eyes, and against only his. Protected. 
Kendall wasn’t saying a word to you, and you took your opportunity to wander off again to search for anyone semi handsome you could pretend to care about. However, your first step away from him was interrupted by a rough grip on your hand. You turned hesitantly, knowing you will be met with his distressed eyes, “I’m done with this fucking game. We’re leaving.” 
The fighting began the second you walked into the apartment building. Not even making it past the lobby before Kendall was yelling out “So are we gonna fucking talk about this?”
“What is there to talk about Kendall? How you clearly have no desire to even be married to me? Why don't we start there!” You explained only to be met with a stunned 
“You’re never fucking here Kendall! And if you are here you’re high, mad at me for being upset that my husband only ever sees me when he's coked out of his mind!”. You had never yelled at him like this, shocked at the amount of anger you could feel swelling in your chest. 
“Oh and now you don’t even want to have sex right? You can just hire someone for that too! I hope eventually you can spend enough money on pussy and drugs to actually be happy Kendall!”. It was harsh, yes. You wanted to hurt him. Hoping maybe your words could compare to how it felt reading the headline.
“Fuck you. Okay, what the fuck are you talking about y/n?” 
“The news, Kendall! I’m not fucking stupid! Everyone has seen your recent little public affair. Obviously, I don’t make you happy so please lets just do whatever the fuck we have to do to end this! I don't want anything from you, I don't care, I just don't fucking care anymore” you aggressively stammered on, raising your hands in defeat.
Kendall was sitting on the bed watching you pace the room. He didn’t realize that his dinner last night had made so many news articles, but they weren’t lying. He did meet up with an escort, thinking that fucking someone he didn’t care about might actually help him blow off some steam. But by halfway through dinner he had already made up his mind that he couldn’t follow through with it. Sure, she was beautiful and listened to him rant about work and his ex-wife. Nonetheless, his interest faltered with every coy giggle she let out. She wasn’t sarcastic like you, she didn’t push back or tease him. It was as if you were the only one bold enough to treat him like a real person, not just a possible paycheck. He left the restaurant with her but only to have her dropped back off at her apartment, giving a soft apology while still paying her the originally intended amount. He thought he could be like his dad, not give a fuck about anyone, use anything for his own pleasure. But he was positive his dick wouldn’t have been able to get hard all night, and trying only would have made it miserable for her and him.
“I didn’t fuck her.” Kendall finally huffed in response pushing himself to stand in front of you “I couldn’t fuck her! I’ll be honest with you y/n, I wanted to. But we never even made it past the fucking restaurant! I couldn’t stop thinking about you. You never leave me side y/n and I know I fucking put you through hell and back! I’m really fucked up, but I didn’t fuck anyone else!” 
You weren’t sure whether to believe him. Regardless you would still be upset that he considered it. But there was something oddly sweet about a man who could buy any woman not being able to go through with it because of you. Kendall had slowly been stepping towards, and your hands laid gently at your side, unsure of what to do with all the information in your head, only to be met with a rough kiss from Kendall. You pushed him away exclaiming “Kendall, what the fuck? I’m so fucking pissed!” yet you were met again by his tight grasp around your waist and his lips returning deeply to yours. This time unable to resist the urge to give in and kiss him back.
“I know. You should be pissed. But I love you, I love you y/n.” he muttered in response against your lips. The sound of your shared panting filling the room as the passionate kiss continued. Kendall walked you backwards until you collided with the wall behind you. 
“So fucking mad at you Ken!” you growled into his mouth as you both clawed each other's clothes, his arms raking down your backside squeezing your ass roughly and brushing the sleeves of your dress off your shoulders. Letting the fabric pool around your waist his mouth was quick to begin leaving a trail of sloppy kisses down your neck, stopping to nibble gently on the skin between your neck and shoulder. You threw your head back as his mouth made contact with your nipple, he sucked harshly, pulling the skin lightly with his lips, and then soothing the sensitive bud by tracing circles with his tongue. His other hand working to undo the zipper holding up the remainder of your dress. You attempted to steady your shaking hands and loosen his belt and dress shirt but the feeling spreading from your nipples to your pussy was already causing you to struggle. When your dress pooled around your ankles, Kendall wasted no time in lifting you into his arms, legs instinctively wrapping around him as he sucked on your bottom lip. You could feel his bulge pressing firmly into your center as he trapped you tightly between him and the wall. His hips grinding, desperate to buck into you, causing a yelp to leave your mouth every time. 
He moved his hands swiftly, lowering his dress pants enough to pull his cock out, rubbing the large bead of precum that was forming on his head between your folds. 
“Fuck Ken!” You exclaimed as you felt his head pressing firmly against your slit. Kendall usually enjoyed taking his time, slowly working his cock into you, trying to make you as wet as possible before bottoming out. However, now you could feel him pushing in with no hesitation. Grunting as your lips squeezed tightly around him, giving you no time to adjust, only pulse as he pushed deeper. His cock had never felt so swollen inside you before. You weren’t sure if it was the time apart or the passionate argument but your pussy was yearning for every inch of him inside you, and to completely submit to his hold. But your brain still had the lingering thoughts of his actions.
“Why Ken? Fuck- why do you have to be like that? Why can’t we just talk?” You managed to moan out 
“I don’t know why I’m so fucked up y/n” he grunted into your ear pushing the final inch of his length all the way inside of you. Both of you let out a sigh in unison as your bodies aligned perfectly together. Your legs spread wide for him as he held your ass in his palms, grinding deeply into you. With each thrust his pelvis softly nudging your clit driving your pleasure further.
Backing away from the wall, while maintaining his tight hold around you, Kendall walked your conjoined bodies over to the bed. Laying you down harshly against the edge of the mattress, pulling your hips quickly to meet his, pushing his dick deep back inside you. He collapsed into your shoulder, his arms wrapping around your chest. He fucked into you at a brutal pace, you were unable to controls the cries that left you lips each time his thick head brushed against the sensitive spot along your walls.
“Ken please- I need you” you whined scratching your nails down his back searching for anything to hold onto while the knot in your stomach tightened. 
“I want to be better, baby. I can be better for you. I promise” He groaned deeply into your neck, his words so easily seducing you back into completely trusting him again.
“I want you home Ken, I want- ughh you” you managed to moan out breathlessly. As your orgasm drew closer, so did your thoughts about missing Kendall. You just wanted to tell him how much you loved him, how much you needed him but all that left your lips was a loud cry as you felt your pussy finally release on his cock. 
“You’re making me cum! Fuck Ken oh my god, wait wait I-…” you yelped.
Your hand reached between your legs pressing your palm to his stomach as your overstimulated pussy throbbed harshly around him. He maintained his brutal pace, holding your hips in place as you squirmed against him.
“Just a little more baby, you can take me. That’s my girl” he cooed, his hands straightening your legs over his shoulder. His hips snapping against your ass, eyes never leaving yours. Watching in adoration as your eyes shut closed, but your mouth remaining open, drool falling down your chin as the pleasure slowly became too much. 
With a few more powerful thrusts Kendall was releasing deep inside you. Allowing himself to collapse completely into your warm body. Shallowly grinding his hips to ride out his passionate high. Waiting until he felt your walls stop throbbing around him. Allowing both of your breathing to relax before he eventually pulled out with a long sigh. Kendall looked down at you fucked out face. His thumb brushed your cheek gently, then ran it along your bottom lip. He thought you always looked so beautiful with your cheeks flushed pink, hair wildly flying around your face. Arms reaching up searching for his protection. He wasn’t ready to give up on another marriage, not when the make up sex was like this, he laughed to himself. He gathered you in his arms scooting your bodies up the bed, until he was comfortably holding you.
“I’m not going anywhere, okay?”
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thedeviltohisangel · 6 months
All The Things I Did (3): Don't Leave Me Alone
chronology: chapter 1 chapter 2 interlude 1 chapter 3 interlude 2
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a/n: well well well. here i am again. not as sad as interlude 2 i promise. i put them in chronologic order up top for all the new fans of this fic. focusing on gale and cass this chapter. i've appreciated all the screams in my ask box (i will explain anything about spook x bucky i've got going on in my head whenever you want, shoot me a dm) and will work on more interludes this weekend. keep the prompts coming! good a good mix of current & post war bucky x spook. love you guys and enjoy this longer one in celly of the finale.
Of all the places for them to bump into each other, no one should have been surprised it was in the base library. It was small and quiet and didn’t have the nicest lighting. But it had plenty of books on plenty of topics and very few people ever frequented it. Normally, it was her place to unwind and seek solace. Breathe in the scent of the worn bindings and get lost for a few hours. Cass wasn’t sure if John even knew it existed so it only made sense that this is where Gale would find her first.
Gale Cleven had been in communication with John Egan since their first day of basic training. Had watch him fly and crash on occasion. Watched him flirt and dance and take girls home. Only a few times had watched him give a piece of his heart and never once had he watched it go anywhere. When he had sent him the unicorn to pass along as an apology to a bar owner in Greenland, John had written one line at the end that made him more confused than the figurine had. A little note at the bottom: P.S. I think I’ve found my girl. 
Gale hadn’t known then, wouldn’t know for awhile, that Bucky had only seen her across the airfield when he had written that. Hadn’t even spoken a word to her. Had taken one look at the way every man on that base stopped and parted for her. One look at the way she navigated herself around the airfield while never looking up from the paper in front of her. John Egan had been gone like a freight train.
“Excuse me, Lieutenant Cooper?” She was in an armchair in the back of the library, curled up as much as her uniform would allow, thumbing through a book on Prussian history with two others opened and balancing precariously on either side of her and a stack of yet-to-be-read books piled on the floor. “I don’t mean to intrude. I just thought I’d introduce myself. Gale Cleven, friends call me Buck.” 
“My friends call me Cass.” She shook his hand as firmly as she could, her right arm in a sling. “You know, John has a whole thing planned for us to meet. He’ll be heartbroken.” Him and Cass had spent the night on a blanket in the flowers, just like she had wanted upon her return. He told her all about his best friend Buck and that introducing her to him was almost like her meeting his sisters or mother. Joked that she needed Buck’s approval before he could take her on another date.
“We can work on our story. Let him still have his moment.” Cass smiled and motioned for Gale to take the chair next to her. She placed a notecard between the pages to keep her place before giving him her full attention. 
“I’m sorry your first impression of me was when I got off that plane yesterday. I promise I’m not always that dramatic.” Gale laughed. The swelling in her eye had gone down slightly and there was color back to her cheeks. Maybe a couple of new bruises on her neck but he assumed his friend was more likely the culprit of those than the secret police.
“I barely noticed over the commotion of Bucky.”
“I wasn’t expecting that,” she noted shyly. All of a sudden her fingernails were much easier to look at than Buck’s gaze.
“I’ve known Bucky, John, a long time. You’ve enraptured him, Lieutenant.” Gale hadn’t expected such a reaction either. Bucky had always been somewhat impulsive, sure, but always with a personal gain in mind. Win the bet. Win the girl. Win the game. But yesterday had been near primal. A base instinct to protect. To put himself in between her and those who would do her harm. It had come as natural as breathing.
“Your word choice is inspiring, Major Cleven.” Her eyes twinkled. She knew.
“Has he serenaded you yet? Then you’ll really be inspired.” 
“I don’t know if that is what I would call it. I haven’t worked my way to that level of affection yet.” He thought back to the desperation in John’s voice when he called Cass’ name yesterday. Thought back to the venom that replaced it when someone got in the way of him reaching her. 
“I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.” She ducked away from his gaze again.
“Don’t tell him I’m telling you this, but I’m pretty enraptured by him, too.” Gale reached over and squeezed her hand, locking the secret between them, and stood up to let her get back to her reading and to find the book he had come here looking for in the first place. “Cass? I’ve got a favor to ask. It’s kind of a big one.”
“Something wrong, Buck?” 
“No. Just something that’s been on my mind since he left.” He mulled over the words for a moment. “He’s got a big heart. Does a good job at hiding it. I’ve been doing my best to protect it since the day I met him but if something happens to me up there…”
“You don’t even need to ask, Gale.” She would be his armor. Protect John Egan the way her soul had told her she should from the second she laid eyes on him. Had recognized the purity within him and felt the need to protect it. Cassandra Ann Cooper had been gone for John Egan the moment he stepped foot in England.
Gale nodded in appreciation. “I’ll see you at dinner tonight.” He walked to a shelf out of her sightline and Cass sighed deeply. She had faced down some scary people. But that interaction had her stomach in more knots than any of them. She had met, and talked to, and hadn’t made a fool of herself in front of, Major Gale Cleven. Cass smiled. John was going to be so happy when he found out.
The man in question was having a bit of a devious streak. Decided he was going to be early to pick up Cass instead of simply on time. Decided, after five minutes of waiting, that it had been too long since he last kissed her. Mary rolled her eyes when he came strolling in, thinking better of it when she opened her mouth to ask what he was up to. 
“Mary, I swear if Major Egan is early, tell him I’m not ready.” He smiled as he heard Cass answer his knock.
“Too late, Spook. Let me in so I can see whatever potions you're brewing to look so goddamn beautiful.”
“Are you calling me a witch?” Her voice was closer this time. John pressed his palm to the door where he imagined hers was.
“I miss your face,” he provided simply.
“I have curlers in my hair.” Her mother had never let her father see her with her curlers in. Even after thirty or so years of marriage. Told Cass it took away the allure of femininity. 
“Good. I’ve been imagining what you might look like in my bed in the morning-” He almost fell through the door when she opened it, her fist around his tie and all confidence choking off in his throat. 
“No remarks like that in the hallway where anyone can hear you.” Cass sat back down at her vanity for the finishing touches of mascara and powder. 
“Afraid they won’t find you so spooky anymore?” There weren’t too many artifacts of her life for him to look at. Photos of what she presumed were her parents and her siblings. A pile of letters with a return address in South Carolina. A jewelry box on top of her dresser.
“I don’t mind the nickname. I never had one growing up.” John stopped to admire her in the mirror as she pulled the curlers from her hair. He swallowed. It did look like he imagined she would be waking up next to him. How she would be after spending the night letting him worship her.
“Hey, wait on that for a second.” Cass put the tube of lipstick down and looked at him with a question across her brow. “Don’t want to mess it up when I kiss you.” She smiled and crooked her finger to beckon him forward, standing on her vanity chair as he got closer.
“So handsome,” she sighed as she took the opportunity of her newfound height to really take him in. She knows he would disagree but Cass found something ethereally beautiful about John Egan. The slope of his nose and the angles of his cheeks. The soft hair on his upper lip that she had found such joy in kissing. 
“I’m glad you think so.” He started with just a quick peck, enjoying the look of annoyance on her face. 
“That’s not worth holding up my lipstick application for.” John took that as a challenge. He felt guilty for only a second as he tangled his fingers into the curls at the back of her head and held her steady. John was trying to be mindful of the healing cut on her lip but she was pushing herself closer and closer and he had no choice but to give her more and more. It wasn’t slow. It was a spark spinning itself into a fire. An ember catching fire on all the things around it. He was a man starved for her oasis. She was a girl all too eager to tantalize him in the desert. 
John slid his arms to wrap tightly around her waist, lifting her against his body and turning so her back was against the wall. Instinctually, she wrapped her legs around his waist and gasped into his mouth at the sensation. “Fuck, Cass.” 
“John, we have to slow down.” She was enjoying his lips that had moved to her throat all much. Was so flushed with desire for him that beads of sweat were collecting in her collarbone. Cass unwrapped her legs from around his waist and John smiled with pride when her knees buckled ever so slightly. 
“You’re right. Do this the right way. The slow way.” He straightened his tie and bent down when Cass reached up to fix his hair.
“Doesn’t have to be slow forever. Sir.” She knew exactly what she was doing when she said it. Relished in the way it made his eyes darken with lust again immediately. “We’re going to be late to dinner. And I already made a literally bloody first impression with Gale.” 
“Come to think of it,” he noted as she expertly coated the red pigment around her lips, “it might’ve been more fun to try and kiss it off of you, Lieutenant.” 
“There’s always later.” 
He watched her hips sway to the Jeep, held her hand while he drove and smiled so wide it hurt when she slid across the bench and kissed his cheek. It all felt so normal. Felt like he was back home taking a girl to a movie and milkshakes on a Friday night. Felt like being with her was exactly where he was meant to be.
“Before you ask, no, we are not going back to the pub tonight.”
“Oh?” she asked as they drove right past. “Our memories from the other night incapable of being topped?”
“Just thought we would meet him somewhere nicer. This little bistro up the way a little bit.” 
“John Egan, are you nervous?” 
“Maybe.” She laughed but snuggled into his side. 
“It’s very sweet that you love Gale so much.”
“Don’t tell him. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.” Cass thought back to her conversation with Gale in the library. About the mushy heart right behind the very ribcage her cheek was resting against. 
“You know, I’ve been told I’m good at keeping secrets.”
Gale watched from the window by the table as John’s Jeep pulled into view, smiling to himself as Cass held his friend’s and kissed him. Stayed close to whisper reassuring words and knock his nose against hers to seal the promise.
“Bucky you lucky son of a bitch,” he muttered. They held hands as they walked in and when she let go to shake Gale’s hand, firmer this time as the sling hadn’t gone with her dress, John had kept his hand on the small of her back. Looking back on it, Gale doesn’t think there was a moment the whole night they weren’t touching. 
“Cass, this is the best man I’ve ever met, Major Gale Cleven. But I call him Buck.”
“Gave everyone else no choice but to call me Buck, too.” John pulled her chair out for her and pushed it in, sitting straight as a rod in his own until her arm locked around his comfortably. He visibly relaxed and kissed her forehead when she offered it.
The conversation flowed smoothly, John none the wiser the two of them had already met. Buck had her giggled over stories of a younger Bucky, taking her back to their days when they were first learning to fly. She asked about Marge and John noticed the way her chin dropped into her hand and she watched Gale with adoration as he spoke about the woman he had loved since he was a child. And would love until the day they died. 
“She sounds absolutely lovely, Gale.” Cass reached across the table and squeezed his hand when his gaze turned melancholy for a moment. 
“If you’re crazy enough to see it through with this one,” his chin jutted towards John, “I’m sure you and Marge will be thick as thieves.”
“Hey! I’m not that bad of a guy,” he spoke around bites of his dinner.
“John, you’ve got a little…” Cass motioned to the corner of her mouth to signal a bit of sauce was lingering on his. Without even really thinking about it, she used the corner of her own cloth napkin to dab away the offense. 
“Perfect.” Gale could lose his stomach with the sweetness. “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me to the powder room.” John stood as she left, watching her with a dazed smile on his face until Buck coughed.
“She’s something, Bucky. A real class act. Whip smart. Has you wrapped around her finger many times over.” John hummed around his sip of whiskey. 
“I’ll keep wrapping myself around it as long as she’ll have me.”
“Yeah? I should tell you she’s too good for you.” 
“You’d be right. I don’t deserve someone like her.” He swirled his glass pensively. “You know I love you and I love Marge and I love the little world you two build whenever you're together. I’ve always wanted that but kept getting in my own way. Chasing the immediate instead of being patient. Cass and I, it’s going fast because of this fucked world we live in. And I’m not getting in my own way because I’ve found a girl who won’t let me.”
“Watching you two, I think it’s real, John.”
“I think it is too,” he swallowed the lump in his throat. “We’ve got to make it through this thing, Buck. I came here with nothing to lose but now I’ve got something I couldn’t stand to.” There was something desperate in his eyes. The same look Gale had seen yesterday when he was fighting the officer to reach Cass. 
“Feels nice to have someone to live for, doesn’t it?” he teased.
“Nice, scary, like I’m being mauled by Meatball.” They both laughed in spite of the truth. “You think she’s smitten with me?” Gale rolled his eyes.
“I do.” Bucky nodded.
“Good.” Cause he thinks he might love her. 
“Sorry for the prolonged departure.” She came back with a  smile, John standing and kissing her gently. “Major, I just reapplied that.”
“Couldn’t help myself.” Didn’t want to. 
He watched her and Gale banter back and forth the rest of the night with a smile on his face. Cass was the first girl he was introducing to his best friend, wished it was under better circumstances. Wished he had met her somewhere the threat of not making it to tomorrow didn’t exist. That he could court her properly and take her to the drive in and canoeing on the lake by his parents house and listen to a ballgame on the radio in the summer. Wished he had the courage to tell her and Buck that he was scared of losing them both. That he had been up there once and would back up a hundred times more if it meant they could live in a safer world. 
And one day, after all three of them had done their part to end this war, John will mention this dinner at Buck’s wedding. And Buck will mention it when John asks him to be their child’s Godfather. But they didn’t know what they would have to go through to get there. That John’s fear of losing them both will come true. And that he would almost lose himself in the process of getting them back.
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loviingpedri · 1 year
where was i? - trent a.a
prompt: where trent redeems himself as a father.
warnings: cursing, some angst (fluff at end), grammar issues
Part 2 -> Part 1 here
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my secret
you couldn’t have asked for a better best friend. she broke into tears finding out your pregnancy. she cried harder knowing she was gonna help you with your little angel.
evelyn, your best friend, the one who could do it all even held your hand while in labor. its been a year since the birth of your baby, Aria Alexander-Arnold. you adored her. practically, everyone adored her.
it was still a question who her father was. but that was your secret. you lied to everyone about aria’s last name. everyone was fooled about her name, but only you knew she was a proud alexander-arnold. people speculated trent being the father with your public relationship, he made it easier by revealing your breakup by going out with a couple friends the next night, then getting caught making out with another girl.
you never cared on what trent did. it only mattered that he just stayed out of your life. you were living your best life.
“y/n, when are you ever going to tell trent?” evelyn spoke softly as aria was still sleeping.
“i don’t know. life has been so much better with just aria and i. i’m just afraid.” you sighed in distress.
“afraid of what? i know he broke your heart, but i still would think he would want to be apart of his child’s life.”
fidgeting with your fingers, “i just don’t want to get hurt again. what if he doesn’t wanna be apart of her life. or if he takes her away from me.”
“trent is probably the sweetest guy you’ve ever dated even if the breakup was messy. i say he’s the only one evelyn-approved.”
“i’ll think about it,” finishing your sentence, a cry was heard. you both nodded at each other before getting up to comfort her. opening aria’s room door, she was already standing in her crib. her tears stopped falling and the brightest smile appeared on her face. she is the most precious thing you’ll ever need in life. “hi angel. how was your sleep?” covering her face with kisses.
evelyn walked into the room. “y/n, it’s pretty cool today. i think you should take her out. i have a meeting at work, so please enjoy the weather for me.”
“good luck, you’re gonna need it.” evelyn kissed aria on the cheek before leaving. “let’s get you dressed.” it was a mystery where you were going. yet, you needed time out of the house.
soon, both you and aria had your fall outfits on ready to fight against the cold. putting her in the stroller and locking the door, you were prepared to just go anywhere. holy shit were you freezing. walking to the cafe a few miles away, hot chocolate was much needed. placing your order and sitting down, you paid no attention to the customers walking in. mid way feeding aria a piece of a chocolate croissant,
“y/n?” you knew that voice. looking up you saw a familiar face.
“hello jude.”
“oh my god, it’s really you. bloody hell.” jude attempted to hug you, but realized the stroller. “babysitting?” he looked so confused but was trying to process where you’ve been for the past 2 years.
“no, this is my daughter. her name is aria.” you put on a smile on your face trying to play it off like it wasn’t his good friend’s child.
“daughter? y/n, you had a baby? who’s the father?” jude was no stranger to you. he had one curious mind, especially in a state of panic. “wait, sorry. that’s none of my business. i’m just happy you’re doing well. it’s been awhile since i’ve seen you.”
you nodded at him. although jude never did anything, you were just afraid of trent finding out. you needed to prepare yourself, because word is gonna get out through the national team within a few hours. “it has been awhile. how have you been? playing for madrid, yeah?”
“my blood runs is madrid now. of course, it still has some part of england in it. i’ve gotta go to practice now. i’ll keep in touch, please don’t block me on instagram.” you laughed off the joke. trent must’ve tried to see what you were doing, only to be blocked on all social media platforms.
trent’s reveal
“man, i need to clean out this closet.” trent spoke to marcus.
“shit looks mad trent. what even happened.” marcus picked up a shirt off the ground and threw it on the other side of the closet trying to avoid the millions of piles of clothes.
“went crazy, lost of organization. i could name a lot of things.”
“went crazy after losing the love of your life. has she ever unblocked you yet?” trent was doing worse than you after the breakup. he turned into a mess after learning he couldn’t reach you anymore.
“i don’t wanna talk about it. maybe i should clean this corner, i’ve never worn clothes from this section in forever.” taking clothes from the hangers and throwing it in a bag for donation. a box was revealed. “what the hell is that?” trent picked up as marcus appeared in curiosity. trent had 0 recollection of the box being there. opening it, he almost dropped it after seeing the words, “baby alexander-arnold coming on -/—/—“ and the pregnancy test right next to it.
“what the fuck.” rashford’s mouth immediately fell.
“is this a joke? who put this here? marcus are you trying to fuck with me.”
“no man. that’s a sick joke to put on you.
trent’s mind started to fill with idea of fatherhood. he didn’t dislike the idea, but the mystery behind the box was still trying to piece together. he set the box aside. stress filled his mind. “let’s go. we’ve got practice to be at.” rashford seemed more shocked then anything. pulling his hair at the fact trent just left the topic alone like nothing.
arriving at practice, just a bit of warmups. kicking the ball back and forth. trent tried to take his mind off who put that box there. marcus taking concerned glances at him, knowing he was out of it.
suddenly, jude ran into the field.
“TRENT YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE WHO I JUST SAW.” caught off guard, trent had no time to process what jude just said.
“what?” almost falling over since jude’s rough push of excitement and shock.
“Y/N. I SAW Y/N.” everyone’s face dropped at the sound of your name. you were loved by the national team. not to mention, the shit show behind the breakup and the reason why trent had to be at therapy for most of the season. “and you’ll never gonna believe it, but she had a baby.” the word baby rung around in his head. the news just got shocking each time.
“a baby? what?” jude nodded his head.
“she said her name is aria. she looked about one years old. mate, she kind of looked like you if i’m being honest.” the reaction of the last sentence was mixed. he wanted to be the father, but what if he wasn’t. he didn’t want it to be all in his head.
“hold on, you said 1?” harry kane joined into the conversation. seeming like he wanted to make a point. jude nodded at his question, still curious what was about to be said. “trent, when did you break up with y/n?”
“i don’t know. maybe two years ago.” it was impossible to trent that he was the father, but it was still likely.
“you broke up with her around late february. 9 months later, it would be november. mate, it’s december already. i mean, it’s very likely it’s yours.” trent wanted to pass out at that moment.
“i’ve still got access to y/n’s instagram.” saka said. pulling it up, a birthday post to aria was made. “posted on november -“
almost falling to the ground. “that was close to the date i broke up with her, just 9 months after. jude, where did you see her?”
“at ‘place’. what are you doing?” if trent kept up the same speed during the world cup, fifa would’ve upgraded his stats. he grabbed his bag and ran quicker than ever. it’s been 2 hours since jude saw you, but you couldn’t walk that far with just a stroller. trent was praying you’ll be around there.
parking his car and running around. he saw a face. someone who he’ll never forget.
“evelyn. where is y/n?” evelyn’s eyes widened. fuck. she wasn’t prepared for trent to know today. she saw your text saying how you saw jude. news must travel fast around here. “please, answer me. you can yell at me again, but please tell me where she is.” it was bold of him to show up in front of evelyn. he got a loud yelling session trying to use her to talk to y/n again. she could see he was desperate in his eyes. she was confused on what to do.
“excuse me while i take this call.” she patted his shoulder before walking a distance away to safely call you. trying to whisper, “y/n help. trent is looking for you. i think jude told him.”
“oh my fucking god. what am i going to do?” you tried to remain calm as possible so your baby doesn’t think of anything.
“get dressed, it’s time for aria to meet her father.”
“what?” with no questions allowed, the call ended. you grabbed aria to get ready quickly since there was no time for fighting.
evelyn walked back to trent. clearing her throat, “i don’t know what you’ve heard. i’m going to answer your question now. yes, that is your child.” the word child was ringing in his ears. he didn’t know how to react. did he want to cry or did he want to run away? “do you want to meet her.”
“of course.” he nodded quickly. he followed evelyn like a stray dog. she knocked on the door to signify that he was there. you took a deep breath. opening the door, you saw the two people who you’ve spent your entire life with. evelyn walked in, trying to give you two space. “y/n,” he wanted to hug you. you only had one arm available as aria was resting on your shoulder. aria heard the unfamiliar voice and turned to look at him. it was true, she looked just like him.
“hi trent. very nice of you to show up.” you patted your skirt to reduce wrinkles and ease the awkwardness. “this is aria.” for the first time, aria flashed a big smile at him. she was never good with strangers, but this might be different. you moved out of the doorway and urged him to come inside.
“can i hold her?” you nodded at him. easily, aria was all over him. “does she have my last name? i mean it’s totally fine if-“
“yeah, she does.” aria alexander-arnold is the only thing running through his mind. probably the only thing he’ll ever need to think about.
“y/n, i’ve been trying to get into contact with you. i mean where have you been.”
“where was i? taking care of my daughter. sorry, i didn’t wanna seem like a distraction.” the both of you knew very well what you meant by the word distraction. you could see regret running through his veins. “i just wanted to ask you, where were you? you said you wanted to get into contact, but you didn’t try harder.”
“i understand my mistakes. i’ve missed the prime of my child. nonetheless, i missed your entire pregnancy. i promise to be devoted to both of you. can we start over?”
“it’ll be hard to not say no. you are the father of my child and high school sweetheart. i think it’s better if we do start over. the three of us, as a family.”
“we’ll always be together, forever.”
from now on, there would be no secrets.
author’s note: check out my poll! thanks for all the support everyone.
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simpforboys · 2 years
just thinking about you
jj maybank x fem!kook!reader
summary: seeing your ex happy with someone else doesn’t feel great, but when you’ve both moved on, you come to terms.
warnings: angst, lovers to acquaintances, they still love each other, swearing, right person wrong time trope
i think this is the prettiest piece i’ve ever written, so lmk what you think!
based on little freak by harry styles
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the guilty feeling that resided deep in your stomach as you changed into a sundress was something you couldn’t shake.
the dress was navy blue as you wore a gold necklace, strapped sandals on your feet as you slipped on your bracelets.
mr and mrs carrera had invited you and your family to celebrate the anniversary of the wreck.
a nice boy named hunter had asked if you wanted to go with him, and you reluctantly accepted.
he was tall, brunette, with a big nose, so surely you were attracted to him, right?
but then why did you feel underlying guilt?
you hadn’t seen sarah, kiara, or any of the pogues in awhile. so when you walked into the party on hunter’s arm, sarah and kiara quickly ran over to you.
“i missed you so much.” they whispered in your ear, hugging you tightly.
“you need to tell me everything. where did you guys go? i thought you died.” you joked.
kiara’s eyes left you and looked at hunter. the man licked his lips nervously, taking his arm out of yours.
“i’ll be over there.” hunter dismissed himself to where topper was.
“why are you here with him?” kiara asked, disgust written on her face.
“he asked me,” you shrugged.
“jj isn’t going to like that.” sarah raised her eyebrows.
“jj and i are broken up. we have been for awhile.” your voice was laced with sadness as you grabbed a shot from a caterer.
sarah and kiara shared a look.
“now, you two better get talking.”
as the night went on you found yourself trying to avoid hunter, much like how sarah was avoiding topper.
“i shouldn’t have came here with him-“
you were cut off by kie kicking your shin. you turned around to see hunter approaching, his green eyes glowing in the lantern light.
“wanna dance?” he asked.
you bit the inside of your cheek, already on your fourth shot. you nodded, taking his hand as you felt sarah and kiara’s eyes on you.
“she’s so fucked,” kiara whispered to sarah.
you put your arms around hunter’s waist, closing your eyes as you leaned against his shoulder.
he smelt like louis vutton cologne, much different from jj’s infinity cologne he swiped from a store.
hunter’s hands were placed on your hips, the skin softer than jj’s calloused ones.
and as you swayed with hunter, your mind played dangerous tricks as you imagined it was jj with you. a tear trickled down your cheek.
a relationship that was taken too fast by stupid teenagers trapped in a world of danger, they missed the little things.
the little things that induced happiness instead of sorrow, gave life to death, light to dark.
you were always so bright, seeing the good in things that were pure evil to jj. your delicate view on things made him change perspective, and it was one of the things he loved about you.
and jj’s world went dark as he saw you leaning on hunter. his heart shattered in his chest, but in true jj fashion, he tried to push it aside and focus on the mission.
you were so trapped in your imagination, you didn’t notice john b had shown up to the party until you felt hunter pull you aside quickly.
“no hard feelings, bro.” you saw topper say to the man who tried to leave.
your gaze narrowed as john b turned around, punching topper in the nose. the cracking noise that was heard made chills run down your body as topper laid out cold on the wooden floor.
hunter went to pull john b off of topper, but jj was quick to push hunter back.
“don’t touch him!” he shouted, anger coursing in his veins. first, hunter had touched you, jj’s world. then, he touched his best friend. it took everything in him not to beat the man’s face in.
“get out!” mike shouted.
jj shrugged mike off as he grabbed john b from topper, your heart pounding in your chest.
the next second happened too quick as jj turned around, punching hunter in the jaw.
you gasped, hand over your mouth as jj looked at you. your normal glowing self was dim, eyes glazed with tears. all jj wanted to do was run over and scoop you up and promise you everything would be alright, but he couldn’t.
jj and john b walked on the dock as you ran over to where sarah was, tears pouring from her eyes as john b stared back at her.
you hadn’t noticed your lip trembling until a tear dropped off your cheek and onto your chest.
and jj never stopped looking at you until the boat left the dock and you became out of sight.
the devastated look on your face burned into his memory, connecting with the one he left you with the night he broke up with you.
the look he thought about every day, never wanting to see you so broken ever again. and maybe that’s why jj left, because he knew he would only break you until you were left shattered like him.
he didn't want you to waste your life on him, a pogue with nothing, while you had everything. he just never realized that your everything was him, and you never knew until you were left with the mere memory of his touch, thoughts, and self.
jj wiped away the tears from his eyes as he clenched his jaw, his knuckles turning purple as he observed the color.
“what the fuck are we doing with our lives, john b?”
and as you stood on the dock under the moonlight, the guilt you had felt all night finally coming to light, you stared out into the water. you stood where the they had tied their boat, ready to leave out on another great adventure.
the realization that at the end of the day, you didn't belong to him anymore, and he was off seeing the world on a quest that left you stuck on kildare.
all you could do was think of him, the legacy he had on your life, and hope that one day, he'll come back to you.
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Hercules x (fem) reader
A/N: Hercules has to have the most unique relationship as a sugar daddy in this event as he is just so Hercules. 😭
Warnings: 18+, no minors 🔞, sugar daddy x sugar baby relationship, alcohol, daddy mentions, fingering, rough sex, bit of jealousy.
🍬Rukia’s 4K event 🍬
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“So? Is this part where we have sex?”
Outside his palace he was joking around with his beloved (Name), a minor flower goddess and Hercules’ supposed “sugar baby” of 100 years. Heading out Hercules had a mission to accomplish and was handing (Name) her payment for the month while he away. Smiling Hercules, watched as the bashful flower goddess politely told Hercules “There wasn’t time for that.”
“I was only joking. I’ll see you later, okay. Have fun with your gardening.”
Saying goodbye, Hercules left the still shy flower goddess. Waving goodbye, (Name) hoped Hercules wouldn’t be gone long. It was true, the god of fortitude did spoil his goddess but when he went away things could get rather lonely. The gifts ranged from the smallest thing to the most lavish.
All (Name) had to do was ask and it was done.
Even getting her own botanical garden that took up half the palace, the flowers were rather beautiful so Hercules didn’t mind. It all started with a joke ironically enough.
“I hear by call the council to order!”
The council of Valhalla was now in procession as the room was crowded with gods and goddess alike. While this time, it wasn’t to decide the fate of humanity instead it was to solve any problems Valhalla was facing. Zeus sat in his chair hoping today wouldn’t drag on like it usually did.
As time went on and the gods decided what to do with several cases, Ares found his brother kindly looking at someone. Waving his hand infront of his brother Ares told his brother that it was rude to stare at people, Hercules kindly turned a bit red from being caught and sort of agreed with Ares.
“What were you looking at anyways?”
“…I was just making sure (Name) was okay.”
Ares looked over at the minor flower goddess and he could understand where Hercules was coming from. Beautiful and a bit shy sometimes, hair that resembled the hyacinth flower and smelled like one as well. Beside her was her mother Chloris, and it seemed the two got a long well.
“She looks fine to me, why don’t you ask her out?”
Ares cleared his throat as he was no expert on the subject but he still wanted to support his friend and brother. Sighing Hercules told Ares he tried to but something always got in the way or he simply couldn’t do it. Ares was going to offer his opinion on the matter again, except this time he was interrupted by Hermes.
“You should talk to her when we go for a break.”
On the other side of Ares was Hermes, hearing the conversation he also pushed for Hercules to pursue his love interest. Hercules agreed to do so, after all he hadn’t seen her for sometime and wanted to know how she was doing. So, when it was time for recess the two had a chance to talk in the courtyard.
While the two were a bit awkward at first the longer the two talked, the more relaxed they became. Hercules found out that (Name) was here on business with her mother, apparently Elysium wasn’t doing so well with its fertility this year and they were asking for a bit of help.
Like always, Hercules offered to help in any way he could. Touched, (Name) smiled at the handsome Greek god at first kindly denying Hercules’ help. However, a thought came to her and she kindly smiled at Hercules while moving closer to him while asking if it was possible to get Zeus’ support and if he could help with another problem. Offering he would do his best Hercules reassured her and was curious about what problem she had.
“Well, you see I’ve been wanting get out on my own for awhile now. But I don’t have the resources to do so, maybe I could work-“
“I have a place you can stay, I’ll even take care of you.”
Hercules quickly interrupted his love interest catching (Name) off guard as she didn’t believe what she heard. Even offering to work for Hercules, however Hercules denied her on that again. Again, he offered to take care of her with no strings attached.
“But I have to give you something in return.”
“Don’t worry, your company is enough.”
Awe and surprise mixed together as (Name) heard Hercules words, bold and to the point. Thinking to herself how lucky she was to have Hercules favor. Wrapping her arms around Hercules muscled and toned arm making the Greek god jump a little bit as his face turned red from (Name) gesture.
“You’re sounding an awful like a sugar daddy, Hercules. Would you like to be my sugar daddy?”
Smiling (Name) was hoping Hercules would enjoy her little joke, after awhile of silence (Name) looked at Hercules to see him thinking to himself.
“What’s a sugar daddy?”
Innocent and to the point Hercules finally asked (Name) what a sugar daddy was, smiling and trying not to laugh (Name) kindly explained what a sugar daddy was. Hercules initially didn’t like the sound of a role of a sugar daddy but when (Name) suggested that she would give him whatever he wanted in return made him have a change of tune.
“So, if I become a..”sugar daddy” I can have your company and dates?”
“Of course.”
“Okay, then. I’ll be your sugar daddy!”
Smiling a wide tooth grin, Hercules accepted the title and position. Smiling back, (Name) accepted being Hercules’ sugar baby.
“And we have to have sex everyday. That’s the rules.”
Again, (Name) was joking but taking it seriously Hercules accepted the rule only for (Name) to bashfully tell him it was a joke making the Hercules turn red from embarrassment. Nevertheless, the two walked side by side back inside to the meeting and this time (Name) sat beside Hercules.
Ares wondered what was going on between the two only for Hercules to be direct as he simply told Ares that he was (Name)’s sugar daddy now. Ares was in pure shock while Hermes congratulated his brother with a smile.
That was how everything came to be.
For years, the two had a relationship that consisted of Hercules spoiling (Name) with lavish gifts and giving her whatever she wanted while she lived with him at the his palace or if she decided to stay with her mother. (Name) was quite happy with how things were between the two, however Hercules found out sometimes that (Name) had a “little” jealous side.
Being gone always made her a bit jealous especially when she heard Hercules had a saved a princess made her green with envy. However, Hercules reassured her that he was only saving people and doing his job, followed by Hercules giving her a gift.
Hercules wasn’t jealous like (Name) could be, but he was very protective as he was aware (Name) was part nymph and a flower nymph to boot. Hercules wanted Ares to keep an eye on her but (Name) reassured Hercules she would be fine, he still worried about her a lot though.
Now, (Name) wasn’t at Hercules’ palace upon his return. From what the servants told him (Name) had left a few days before to visit her mother, which Hercules didn’t mind. Hercules even found a little note from Chloris saying how great of a friend he was to her daughter.
Hercules didn’t know why, but the word friend irked him and he had no idea why.
However, Hercules didn’t dwell on that feeling for long as Ares had visited his brother. The two were close and even though they didn’t see each other often as they would like, they got a long quite well. Ares informed Hercules that he had stopped by for a chat days ago but when he didn’t see him he left.
But not before seeing (Name) and her mother.
Ares complimented both goddess and how they handled the gardens, the flowers were rather beautiful. Hercules, on the other hand didn’t like that his brother had met (Name)‘s mother before he properly did. At the same time, he knew while being busy he would miss opportunities like that.
While silently pouting, Hercules then caught Ares slip up by saying that Chloris asked “Where is your amazing friend Hercules you talk so much about.” The word friend irked Hercules again, and once again he couldn’t figure out why. Later that night, Hercules had more time to think why he was feeling that way and it didn’t take him long to figure it out.
Luckily, (Name) returned to Hercules the next day just before he had one more mission to complete and while (Name) seemed happy Hercules wasn’t even though he smiled and waved her good bye like he always did. It was only when Hercules left that she noticed he was a bit off for the most part, Thinking to herself maybe it was because of the mission and the next day (Name) made her way to Zeus’ palace.
Zeus informed (Name), after warmly welcoming her into his great room, that Hercules was sent to take care of lion that was terrorizing the country side in Thespius and that it would take Hercules a few days to catch it. (Name) didn’t seem too concern about Hercules going after a lion, after all he had completed his labors and (Name) was certain he would return.
However, (Name) wasn’t sure why Hercules seemed so concerned until Zeus mentioned that the fifty princess would be happy when the lion was defeated.
“Princesses? Fifty?!”
“Yes, they-“
Zeus, was the king of the gods, but once (Name) grabbed him by his sash Zeus was frightened by (Name)’s presence as her anger was scary. Zeus didn’t need to hear anything and called for Hermes to take her to the human world.
It was late at night when Hermes, arrived at the kings palace. The palace had just celebrated Hercules victory of the lion, and the party was quite heavy as drinks spilled, music played loudly, and dancing. Hermes whispered to (Name) that it was going to be hard to find Hercules in this crowd of people.
There was no need to as the two came across a group of women crying, all complaining their hero wouldn’t take them as a lover.
Hermes found the situation amusing and asked where their hero was. One of the princess told them where to find him which was in the King’s guest room, Hermes took (Name) there and (Name) thought the room was huge but Hermes wasn’t impressed. Both ducked when a huge vase was flung across the room and then shattering into millions of pieces.
“It’s not fair!”
Hermes knew where this was going and told (Name) to call for him when she was ready to go as he left back for Valhalla, he also told her that Hercules seemed a bit tipsy and to be careful. Before (Name) could say anything Hermes left followed by a loud voice kindly mocking the word, “Friend.”
Peeking her head around the corner (Name) saw Hercules drinking on the ground with several wine vases beside him and was currently finishing off another. (Name) didn’t recognize the Hercules before her and almost didn’t believe it was him until she heard Hercules say aloud, “I should have talked her before I left, I miss her so much.”
Slurring his word “her” (Name) was sure it was indeed Hercules, just as (Name) was about to make herself known Hercules spoke again without turning his back towards her,
“If you’re one of the king’s daughter please leave, I’ve told you all I have a sugar baby back home.”
Busting out in a fit laughter (Name) couldn’t help but be tickled by Hercules statement, quickly turning around Hercules saw (Name) waving hello at him as she wiped the tear from her eye. Red in the face from the alcohol, Hercules squinted his eyes to be sure it was (Name) in-front of him and not the alcohol.
“(Name)?! How did you get here?!”
“Hermes, helped me. I was worried-“
(Name) quickly lost her breath when Hercules quickly hugged her tightly to his chest in a bear hug while telling her happy he was to see her, muscles tightening around making it hard for her to breath. Hercules released her when he asked her why she was here, after getting her breath back she informed Hercules that she was worried about him.
Before shyly telling him that she heard about fifty princesses and wanted to check on him. Hercules wasn’t tipsy but was quite drunk and he was still able to piece together the full story as he gently poked her forehead continuously while teasingly telling her,
“You were jealous again, huh?”
“No, of course not!”
(Name) denied it but Hercules was no fool and continued to tease her with, “My sweet sugar baby is jealous.” And with “You’re so cute when you’re jealous.” (Name) poked Hercules chest continuously while saying, “Well, it doesn’t help that you’re saving Princesses all the time.”
“Well, maybe if you wouldn’t consider me a friend! After I’ve taken care of you a 100 years!”
“…Who told you that? And what does that have to do with you saving princesses all the time?!”
“Everything! And you do consider me a friend after all these years after all!”
“What?! No, I consider you a …I-“
The two had their little argument even though Hercules’ thinking was now a little off as the wine was now really starting to get him, however (Name) while being of sound mind was emotional and now was bashful as she cleared her throat wanting to confess what was on her mind. However, Hercules was quick to talk.
“Consider me, what? What do you consider me as? I’m listening.”
Hercules placed his hand over his ear and even leaned down to listen to her response, only for (Name) to turn around folding her arms to her chest and tell him that she wasn’t telling him anything. The sound of metal hitting the ground, quickly looking behind her with freight to see Hercules taking off his chest guard and once it hit the ground Hercules popped his knuckles then proceeding to wiggle his fingers with a smile on his face.
“I see, you want to play. Do you?”
Slowly backing away (Name) shook her “no” as she knew what Hercules was planning and just as she ran the god of fortitude easily grabbed her and tickled her sides making her drop to her knees laughing until (Name) was laughing on the floor with a smiling Hercules.
Pleading for mercy (Name) hoped Hercules would her pleas, instead Hercules taunted her by asking, “Who’s your daddy? Hm? Who’s your daddy?” Ribs, sides and stomach Hercules tickled (Name) until he was satisfied.
“Now tell me already.”
“…I consider you my lover. I only said that you were my friend to other people because I didn’t want other people to know. I was only looking out for you.”
Wiping the tear from her eyes from laughing (Name) answered Hercules’ question, smiling his bright smile making (Name)’s heart skip a beat Hercules gently lifted her and placed her on his shoulder stumbling a little in the process from the alcohol but he regained his posture as he told (Name) they were going back home.
(Name) was a bit bashful as Hercules lifted her so effortlessly and carried her all the way home easy. Of course, Hermes helped guide them back. In the afternoon, was outside in her botanical gardens trying happy things between Hercules were salvaged and once she heard Hercules call out for her as she was actually inside her rather large shed.
When he finally found her, Hercules hugged her in a bear hug as he first apologized about last night and then informed her that he was just invited to go hunting with Ares and Apollo. As if to make up he gave her a kiss on her forehead as to say “Don’t be mad at me.”
“Well, before you go I need some help with the some heavy equipment.”
“Say less, what do you need help with?”
Smiling, Hercules was happy to help as he flexed right his bicep muscles showing how strong he was, which only made (Name) hot and bothered as she looked at his huge his muscles as he had healthy veins here and there and even some on his hands, his fingers were thick and his fingernails were trimmed.
Looking at all this made her nymph side come out and Hercules didn’t know any better until he noticed how she was complimenting his strength while stroking his bicep, and when he looked her in the eye he knew that emotion called “Lust.” Hercules didn’t know what to do as he hadn’t sex, of course the two kissed before and sex did cross Hercules’ mind a few times.
There were times he wanted to simply come home from a mission, fuck his at the time sugar baby into bed and go to sleep.
Hercules was simple.
Yet, here was his opportunity as her body close was close to his with her hands looking at his hand now and complimenting them. “You have very strong hands, I’m sure they’ll work help with the problem I have.” That was all Hercules needed to hear as he closed the shed door with the back of his foot then gently grabbing her chin making her look at him.
Direct and simple.
“Are you horny?”
A bit too direct but (Name) couldn’t lie to her sugar daddy as she cleared her throat and answered “Yes”. Quickly clearing the table she had inside her shed Hercules motioned for her to get on which she quickly and happily did so and it was when he noticed the dress she was wearing.
The dress was long, split down the side, with straps. Noticing Hercules was looking at her, she asked what had caught his attention with a smile. On the side that was split Hercules was what Hercules paid the most attention to and when he felt the dress as (Name) sat on the table he smirked.
“I like your dress.”
It was amazing how a simple compliment from Hercules made (Name) wet for the man, as he asked if she was ready again (Name) nodded her head eagerly and then when told her it was also his first time he followed up by asking what she wanted. Gently taking his hand and placing it on her pussy, and Hercules caught the message.
“Okay, I get it.”
Spreading her legs with her feet on the table, Hercules blushed a bit with a little drool that he quickly wipe off as his cock became excited at the sight. As the feeling of lust spread across his emotions, Hercules asked once more if she was ready which (Name) quickly answered with, “Yes.” Hercules placed one finger inside (Name)’s cunt as she tilted her head back
Covering her mouth with her hands as Hercules gently rubbed the inside of her cunt with curiosity as he had never done such a thing before with his other hand placed on her knee to keep her from closing her legs, hearing (Name)’s whimpers was a good sign that made the Greek god happy.
Inside her pussy was his index finger and her clit was gently rubbed by his thumb outside, the more he kindly played the more he heard (Name) whimper out moan more. Thinking to himself, he was on the right track Hercules curved his fingers and earned a dragged out moan from his beloved (Name).
“Well, that sounds like you’re enjoying it.”
Repeating the “come hither” gesture several times made (Name) feel like her mind was hazy and as she repeated his name many times. So much so, Hercules was finding it rather difficult to simply fuck her right then and there. Aroused would be the right word to use as Hercules pleased his (Name) with thick fingers and healthy veins was enough to please any woman.
“Are you sure you haven’t done this before-“
“I haven’t, but it won’t be my last. You’re getting really wet, (Name).”
Not able to finish her sentence as Hercules had curved his finger once more, followed by Hercules answering her question as his beautiful blue eyes never left cunt not even noticing his words were a bit dirty for the righteous god. The more this continued the closer (Name) was getting to her orgasm as he added another finger to please her, a total of three fingers inside her rubbing her gently as her toes curled as she played with her breasts that were erect.
“Do you think I could put my dick in you now? I promise to be gentle.”
Hercules’ lust that he didn’t know he had reached a peak and was getting bigger by the second. Agreeing in between moans, (Name) believed she was ready for the god of fortitude to be inside her and making things truly official between them. Gently taking his fingers out and replacing them with his well endowed cock made both moan loud simultaneously, (Name) from Hercules’ cock and Hercules from how tight she was.
Lifting her legs and wrapping them around his waist as his hands grabbed her hips and then proceeding to move his hips slowly at first as he understood it was (Name)’s first time and wanted her to enjoy it. Which was a good thing as it took (Name) longer than she what expected but when she was ready the shed was filled whimpers, moans, and dirty talk.
The dirty talk was mainly from (Name), but that was okay as Hercules didn’t mind as he was too busy fucking his sweet nymph as he had lifted her from the table carrying her now having her face toward him as he had no trouble fucking her still while standing up. Then again, Hercules wasn’t your average god and nothing was small about the god and certainly long lasting as time had escaped both.
Kissing, fucking, and love all mixing together into one moment.
Back arched with Hercules having a tight grip on her ass as he had set a fast and steady rhythm as the two kissed each other moaning for more of each other all the while (Name)’s wet cunt was full of Hercules cock, balls deep inside her as she felt like the god was inside her stomach at that point. The feel could only be described as a high, addicted to one another, sometimes Hercules cock would twitch excitedly as it was signaling that Hercules was nearing his end.
“(Name), my sweet. Is it okay to okay to cum inside?”
How (Name) loved when he asked for anything especially when he did so in a gentle and sweet manner, such an answer was easy as she told him between breaths a simple “of course.” Tighter (Name) legs wrapped around Hercules waist as his pace became rougher and his grip as well his hands never leaving her ass making (Name) moan louder.
One last thrust was enough to bring both to their euphoric climax as (Name) had completely killed the god of fortitudes cock as his cum filled up to the brim as she bite her lip and her eyes rolled back a little with her toes curled as a shiver went up her spine, Hercules did a few more sloppy thrusts before gently placing her back on the table. Catching her breath as she place her wrist over her eyes (Name) felt complete, then hearing Hercules yell “Ohhh, I forgot about Ares and Apollo!”
Kissing (Name) on her forehead as he then gathered himself while apologizing that he would be back later and rushed out the shed. Muttering under her breath about how she wanted another round as the nymph looked at her plants that were growing outside.
While on the inside of her (Name) felt the love between her and Hercules grow, and that is when it dawned her on that Hercules was never fit to be a sugar daddy because he too couldn’t separate love from the relationship.
Then, (Name) would be waiting for Hercules to come back home and give her some more love as that was the greatest gift of all.
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autumnslance · 11 months
Year of the OTP - August 2023 - Snowstorm
(Whoops, fell off with this thanks to Other Writing Projects, but let's get back into the swing with 2500 words of Heavensward pre-relationship and a draft I have sat on for years and am finally reworking and yeeting out here...Original prompt list here! Something of a sequel, or at least a similar situation, to Sandstorm.)
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“This seems familiar,” Aeryn said as they shoved the old door closed against the howling winds.
“In some ways,” Thancred agreed, unable to stop his teeth from chattering. “Should we worry about heretics or creatures?”
“Durendaire cleared this hamlet recently,” Aeryn said. “I remember talking to Redwald about it, so figured it was safe enough for shelter.”
Thancred nodded and stamped his feet, following her from the foyer to the cramped sitting room of the abandoned house, one of many dotted across the icy countryside after the Calamity. The farmhouse wasn’t large, nor had it seen recent upkeep from weather such as the blizzard winding up outside.
It didn’t help that Thancred was soaked up to his thighs, having slid off an embankment and onto ice thinner than it had looked while they had fought their quarry for Clan Centurio, a rogue aevis of unusual size. It was a part of Nidhogg’s emboldened brood and had been terrorizing the supply lines from Falcon’s Nest to the Convictory and Tailfeather.
The dragon was dead—but they would be too, if they didn’t get a fire going soon. The temperature was noticeably dropping.
“Been awhile since we outpaced a storm like that,” Thancred said while they did their best to shut themselves into a single room. “Not sure if I wish to be in a sandstorm instead, though.”
“This is much too cold for my Thavnairian blood,” Aeryn sniffed. A quick check showed some remnant firewood made of broken furnishings. She got the fire going, using magic to speed the process.
“You’re half-Coerthan,” Thancred replied. “Surely that affords you some acclimation.”
“I left when this place still had proper seasons,” she countered. “You have to get those boots off.” She dug into her pack for blankets or anything else to help. Despite the spellwork making it capable of carrying quite a lot without burdening the wearer, Thancred knew what a crowded mess her bag was, and shuddered.
Or maybe that was just the cold.
“Working on it,” he replied, shrugging off the winter coat he had donned for this venture. He hung it over a nearby chair that yet survived, turning it to the fireplace to help dry the fabric, his gloves left on the seat. Then he sat heavily on the large, fuzzy rug—it was ragged, but at least in this cold there probably weren’t fleas or other vilekin—and began fumbling at the buckles and laces of his boots, fingers not as nimble as usual.
“Let me help,” Aeryn said, dropping a blanket next to him as she knelt on the rug.
“I’ve got—” He growled in frustration as his fingers slipped past a buckle again. Her hands caught his, pressing his fingers between her warm palms. “Fine, I don’t have it,” he admitted, breath caught at the feeling. At least there was a feeling.
“You’re colder than I thought,” Aeryn said, frowning. She let go of his hand, and it was an effort for him to not whimper at the loss. She quickly got his boots off, and the socks beneath them, pulling the wet fabric carefully. The feel of her fingers on his legs sent more shocks through him. “Um. Your pants are soaked, too,” she said.
“Then they’ll have to go,” he replied. “I can manage that, as entertaining the idea of you further undressing me is,” Thancred joked. He couldn’t help but grin at her expected blush.
“Well, you’re not so far gone as I’d feared,” she replied dryly. But she smiled in return, relieved he had the energy for his usual teasing demeanor.
“You’re not rid of me that easily,” he said. “And you should remove your own damp layers, Aeryn.”
She nodded in response, turning away from him as she removed her coat and boots. While she did, he managed to unlace and unbutton his pants and wriggle them off, dropping them aside while keeping the blanket over his lap for her sense of modesty more than his own. At least he had smalls on; while staying with the Vath, that hadn’t been an option. He pulled his sweat-damp top off while at it.
He distantly watched her hang up their gear to dry, over random old furnishings or even carefully off the mantle. She dug through his pack, too, for anything to help with the cold. He ought to help, but mostly wanted to sit and doze by the fire. She knelt by him again, and he thought the way the firelight framed her was rather pretty. “How are you feeling, Thancred?”
“Cold and tired, and my feet still feel number than I like.”
“May I?” At his nod, she pushed up the blanket and began examining and massaging his feet and calves to stimulate circulation, her skin warm and soft against his and gods. He swallowed hard and watched as her shoulders relaxed. “I don’t think you’re in danger of frostbite, just cold—”
“Could you keep massaging just a bit longer?” he blurted. “It’s helping.” He didn’t want to try to explain how much he didn’t want to lose the sensation of another’s skin on his, the simple touch of another person. He kept his eyes down as she studied him briefly, but then she nodded and continued for a few more minutes.
It was heavenly.
“It’s still getting colder,” she noted, finally moving away to look for more fuel for the fire; there wasn’t much left in the room. “We’ll have to strip down and sleep next to each other for warmth.”
He raised a brow, surprised she had been the one to suggest such. Then again, she had been living in Coerthas for moons now and had learned from her hosts. That was what he meant to say. What slipped out was an attempted jape: “Is that how things started with Lord Haurchefant?”
Aeryn’s face reddened as she fumbled with an old, broken set of shelves. “No!” she snapped, focusing on the fallen bits of wood to carry to the fire.
“I’m sorry, I’m not thinking clearly,” Thancred said, rubbing his arms. “I know his loss is still recent and naught to joke about. I do admit to a bit of confusion, as I recall you not caring for romantic matters and yet—”
“Stop.” Her tone was sharp, her back to him as she tried to busy herself by the fire. “Please,” she added after a moment.
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He frowned at her back, more irate than he perhaps should have been. Probably just the cold.
“It wasn’t like that,” she finally said so quietly that he almost missed it. “I know about the gossip, and the godsdamned songs and poems the local bards have spun up since that day in the Vault, and since my return upon Midgardsormr.”
Which was how Thancred had first heard; he wouldn’t have given such the tavern bawds credence, however, if he hadn’t also spoken to the Fortemps servants about how besotted the young lord had been with their guest, and how she was so carefully interested in return, and wasn’t it all just so terribly tragic, she had been so aggrieved…
“If I could stop all those rumors, I would,” she practically growled. “Haurchefant was…a friend. That’s…that’s all.”
Thancred peered at her. She was still turned away, staring into the fire. “You’re still a bad liar,” he pointed out.
Aeryn did turn now, to scowl at him. She looked about to say something, then blinked, her irritation turning to concern. “Hells, Thancred, you’re freezing.”
“There is a blizzard out there.”
She shook her head, finishing removing her own clothes until she was just in her band and smalls, then dove under the blanket with him. He expected back to back, but she wrapped her limbs around him and was not only warm, but the close contact with another person again left him heady.
Thancred thought for a moment. How long had it been since he had touched, and been touched, by another person so intimately? Moons, certainly, even counting his brief tryst with Hilda on his first arriving in Ishgard. That had been...different, than this; more desperation than anything, sating an immediate need for carnal contact with willing company (and that wasn’t insectoid).
All right then; how long since he had experienced an innocently friendly, intimate touch with no other expectations? He really couldn’t say, as he wrapped his arms around Aeryn in return.
“I’d…tried to reciprocate his affections,” Aeryn said after a moment. Thancred frowned. Her head rested on his shoulder, dark strands of hair tickling his cheek while her breath was warm on his collarbone when she spoke. “He was my friend, and I cared for him as such—and realized, too late, that was how it was. He wanted something else. Then everything happened and I never got—never took—the chance to clear the air with him before…everything happened.”
“I’m sorry,” Thancred said, wincing. “For how that turned out, for that loss of a friend, and for my thoughtlessness and heeding of base rumors.”
He could imagine the little thinking crease between her brows as she took a long moment to respond. “Thank you,” she said eventually, not elaborating. Then she sighed. “Not the first time I’ve made such an error. I thought I’d grown past such, knew myself better. I hate feeling like I led the man on, or used him.”
“Knowing you, I doubt that’s what happened,” Thancred said. “Still, nice to know our Warrior of Light’s yet fallible,” he teased gently, jostling her.
She whined a little. “Keep that up and I’ll kick you all night.”
“Ah, is that the danger I face?”
“Only if you listen to my sisters. Or Yda. Or Y’shtola. Or—just go to sleep.”
He chuckled, watching the fire and listening to the wind howl outside. It was as cold as the Hell of Ice outside of their little nest of blankets. So stay put and don’t examine any other reason besides staying warm as to why that seemed like a nice idea.
Thancred shut the mental door firmly there. Aeryn was a friend and colleague, and they’d both been through too much hell in recent moons. His time of isolation had affected his mind and physical reactions when he was literally freezing and she only did what was necessary to keep him in good health, despite his acting like an ass. Had their positions been reversed, he’d have done the same with no thought of anything but her safety.
Well, he may still have made a few jokes, just to make her scoff and smile and snark back the way she usually did when he teased. He had truly missed that, and was truly sorry for causing distress by bringing up those rumors.
He merely wanted to look out for her interests and her own bruised heart. That was all.
He was alone. The plain was unending, empty but for the buzzing of insects and the distant roar of dragons. The wind howled, sounding like the shouts and screams of men in blue uniforms. Their ghosts sliced at his bare flesh as he ran, calling out the names of the Scions until he was hoarse while cold shadows blotted out his vision and Ultima burned through his veins as Lahabrea laughed…
“Thancred!” Aeryn’s voice jolted him awake. It was soon followed by the warmth of her hand on his face, checking his temperature. “Are you all right?”
“Bad dream,” he rasped, clearing his throat. “Apologies if my thrashing woke you.”
“More your clinging,” she said. She was one to talk, given how she had latched on like a barnacle. Aeryn started to remove her hand, but he caught it, holding it against his cheek, needing to keep that gentle touch, noting her scars and calluses, letting that reality ground him in time and place. “Thancred?”
“Apologies,” he said. “I simply…” Am acting a fool.
“You were alone for a while,” she said gently.
He smiled wanly, finally lifting his gaze to her. She was propped on her elbow, watching him. His eye covering had slipped off in his restless slumber; his left eye was beginning to throb from the aetherial underlay it showed, a result of the damage he had taken from the Flow before being spat into the Dravanian wilderness. He temporarily forgot the discomfort it caused as he finally looked at Aeryn with his eye uncovered. She glowed with bright aether, sparking across every ilm in shimmering blue, tracing her limbs, outlining each muscle, every scar, the well of brilliant strength within her possibly fathomless...
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“The Vath are not the best company for a fleshling, unfortunately,” he admitted after too long spent staring. “I didn’t realize how lonely I had been until...well, until you all found me again.”
She pulled him close, letting him lean on her this time in a simple embrace. “You’re here,” she said quietly. “You’re all right.”
He let out a heavy sigh and listened to the steadiness of her heartbeat, breathed in the hint of her violas mixed with the tang of earlier activity sweat. “Do you ever tire of taking care of people?” he asked, only half joking.
“Sometimes,” she admitted, like it was a recent realization she was still parsing through. “But not right now.” Another pause, and a slight squeeze. “I’ve spent too long worried for all of you. Wanting to find everyone, and we still haven’t—“ She stopped.
“I’m glad you found me,” he said. “And with your good luck, it won’t be long until we find the others.” Until we find Minfilia.
He thought to wait until Aeryn was asleep again before adjusting to a more appropriate position— he was aware of exactly where her thigh was despite the innocence of their situation—but then her fingertips brushed his bare left cheek, startling him. “I just realized your bandana fell off.”
“It’s fine, didn’t mean to sleep with it on at all,” he muttered, reveling in the sensation of her fingers tracing along his cheekbone. Ever-caring, their Aeryn; she was simply helping him (again, a part of him hissed, a part he told to shut up) after so long on his own.
“No scarring; I thought you were injured?” she sounded like she wasn’t certain if she should be annoyed or not.
“Not physically, as such,” he answered. Her fingers ghosted over his eye, and there was an ever-so-slight bit of warmth and light; the only indication of magic used. He could no longer feel the shift in the aether, but he kept that annoying fact to himself.
“Aetheric damage,” she said, resting that hand on his shoulder.
“One does not traverse the Lifestream unscathed,” Thancred answered. “Even as a passenger.”
“Any pain?”
How to explain it? In the end, he simply said: “Not especially; eye strain headaches, hence keeping it covered most of the time. Nothing I can’t manage.”
“You try to manage much by yourself.”
He chuckled wryly at that. “But honestly, it’s mostly an inconvenience, I promise you.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” she replied.
“I don’t doubt that you shall.”
They faded off into sleep again, and this time there were no nightmares. Tomorrow they would dig themselves out and return to Ishgard, job done, and not speak of the details. Tonight, however, was friendly warmth and comfort while the storm raged outside.
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bootleg-sara · 5 months
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I’ve been meaning to get back to this AU for fuckin ages, but I’ve also had other projects that I’d rather do than work on this. But! I still like it, and I have most of the characters from this au drawn out so I’ll write about them 👍 I’ll start with these three because I’ve shown them before in previous art
Small update on this au because it’s been awhile- This is a Tboi x Lisa the Painful x Darkest Dungeon AU, a dark, gritty, and unforgiving world overrun with cosmic monsters and mind melted men after a man-turned-God named The Propagator opened up the world’s heart to the influences of the Iron Halo. A ragtag group of heroes are given the last flame of hope and have to traverse the world and stop The Propagator before his influence takes the last remaining survivors.
If you want to read more, look at this link here where I talk about Brad and Isaac. But for now I’ll talk a little bit about these two characters
Jacob: He’s the youngest of the group. He’s been an orphan for all of his life and as a small boy, ran away from his orphanage to escape their abuse. Eventually he find a new home with an older couple who had a son named Esau, who Jacob could grow close with. But after Jacob’s fascination of the fire’ warmth got to the better of him, he accidentally burnt down the house along with his new family and brother. Jacob would spend his days wallowing in his misery and fighting off the boards of monsters that now plague the world. He’d eventually be found by Brad and choose to follow him around when he notices Isaac is under his wing too. Jacob and Brad have a father-son bond, but Jacob doesn’t want to admit it as Brad still isn’t exactly the best father one could have. And at this point Jacob is an adult, so he feels “wrong” to feel any need for the family he never had for long. Jacob still loves to play with fire and embers. He’s learned the effectively use them in a fight too, as even the strange creatures from other worlds can’t be saved from the unforgiving flames. Jacob is very aloof and prefers to be alone. He is almost always on watch duty as an excuse to not talk to anyone else. He takes everything very seriously and isn’t big on joking around.
Judas: He was once a follower of The Propagator under his cult rule when the world first started going to shit. Being the massive over achiever he is, Judas was quick to be one of the Iron Halo’s most powerful and respected followers. He would save his head clean for the cult’s symbol to be engraved right onto his mind. His understanding of the occult was far beyond most of his peers, which got him some attention pretty early on. Judas was even ready to “ascend”, a highly special event where the person would become one with the Iron Halo’s power. Turning them into power flesh beasts. Judas was far on tract for this, and fully ready for his ascension. But he was never the most loyal. And before he could go through with his ascension, he finally had enough of the horrors he had seen within the cult and broke out along with a few of The Propagator’s side projects (aka joy mutants). He is still a wanted fugitive to this day. Craving an upside down cross over his old halo to further himself from his past. Judas moved on to the study of demons over cosmic entities, finding them to be much more agreeable. Though he does dabble in his old ways sometimes, as the cosmic forces hold much more power than most demons. Judas has a massive ass ego and brags about his strength all the time. He’s also very ways to scare and is a big baby when insulted. His sassy retorts gets him into the most fights out of the group.
Lazarus: He’s a highly masochistic man. His entire life revolves around receiving as much pain as he could possibly get. Even before the end of the world, he would hang around shady areas just to get angry, drunk people to kick him around. The pain is the only thing that makes Lazarus feel alive. When the world started to end and strange powers flowed into the earth’s heart, Lazarus started seeping it into his own body (unknowingly, might I add). His pain was a source of power now, being able to both take people’s health and hurt himself to hurt others. His pain so great that even Death struggles to take him as their own. He would join the group by chance, when he would help a lost Judas find his way out of a pin’s den before he met his demise. He’s an eccentric and odd individual. His casualness and morbid words bring unease to the group. Really, he makes everyone there very uncomfortable. But they also recognize he is there strongest asset so they all put up with his strangeness. All except for Bethany. Bethany hates his ass but Lazarus doesn’t seem to fully grasp why she would.
That’s it for now. I’ll post my last designs eventually. Idk if I’ll ever write more about this au, but it will show up here and there once in a blue moon
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mysterious-ocarina · 1 year
As The Dust Settles
Dazai Osamu x reader
please give me recommendations for books to use as abilities or just abilities in general for bsd content
Main Masterlist BSD Masterlist Requests AO3
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(2.9k words)
You were being followed, you could feel it. Each time you turned around, there was no suspicious person trailing you, but when you faced forward you could feel the chill of eyes assessing you.
You wiped the tears from your eyes to focus where you were walking, making sure to not make a careless mistake again. You were cruelly reminded yet again, by touching your face, that you were not wearing your gloves. The reminder brought fresh tears to replace the ones you wiped away. You had a feeling that whoever was following you witnessed what happened a few minutes ago and was watching as you silently cried.
You were simply walking along the roads of Yokohama, a book in hand not paying attention where you were walking. A lone man walked in front of you and bumped into you, forcing you to drop your book on the ground.
“Shit, I’m so sorry. I should’ve been watching where I was going,” you hastily apologized.
“It’s okay, it was an accident,” the man replied.
You both bent down to pick up your book but unfortunately for the man his hand had grazed yours. You watched as he immediately shriveled away into dust that flew away with the wind.
As the tears in your eyes started to form, you hastily looked around to see if anyone had seen what just happened but everyone seemed to be too consumed in their busy lives to notice.
Completely forgetting about the book on the ground, you walked away as fast as you could, just wanting to be alone in bed. You tried not to think about the man, like you always did when this kind of thing happened. Was he married? Is there a girlfriend at home waiting for him? Or a mother that he’s taking care of? A sister who worries about him? A child that depended on him?
Still making your way home, the guilt consumed you until you almost forgot about the person trailing you.
Eventually you were near the cafe that you sometimes frequented. It was quiet, most of the time, and was a good place for you to get out of the house without seeing too many people.
Forcefully, you were pulled by your long sleeve shirt into a nearby alleyway.
“Don’t touch me,” you screamed, backing as far away from your assailant as possible.
“Now now, Belladonna. I’m not going to hurt you,” a soothing voice said. You finally looked up to see who dragged you into the alley. It was a handsome man in a big trench coat with bandages covering all his skin except his face and hands. Speaking of hands, you noticed the book in one of them and you visibly stiffened.
“You dropped something, and I wanted to give it back to you,” he smoothly offered. It was obvious to you that he had ulterior motives.
“It’s not mine. I’ve got to go,” you hastily told him. You tried your best to get away from him but he simply grabbed your arm preventing your escape.
“Don’t lie to me, belladonna. That was certainly an interesting sight to see,” he said, confirming that he had seen what you did.
Fresh, guilty tears started to form in your eyes as you looked up at the man. For some reason, his heart broke at the sight of your puffy, tear-stained face.
“Well, now what? I didn’t do it on purpose, you know,” you replied, voice cracking. You thought the day finally came where you were justifiably punished for your ability. You would be wrong.
“I know,” he responded, studying your face. “I have a proposition for you.”
That’s how you found yourself working for the Armed Detective Agency. For awhile, you didn’t have it in you to go on missions and use your ability on purpose so you were a desk clerk alongside Naomi Tanizaki. Eventually, with a lot of encouragement from Dazai and your other coworkers, you ended up helping out on a lot of cases. You eventually warmed up to everyone.
Your relationship with Dazai was a weird one. Despite the jokes and unprofessionalism he displays, he was the main person in the agency that you felt most comfortable with. You weren’t sure if it was because you knew your ability wouldn’t work on him, not that you’ve ever tried to test that, or if it was because he was the one who found you. 
Anytime the guilt of your victims weighed on your shoulders, Dazai was always there to comfort you and assure you that you weren’t a psychopath. He’s seen firsthand the care, love, and joy that you provide to the world, it’s what he admires about you. The fact that despite having such a destructive ability, you wake up everyday with a full heart.
Sometimes when you walk into the office and offer everyone one of your angelic smiles, Dazai doesn’t feel like he deserves to be graced by your presence, the blood on his hands keeping him from going too far with his feelings with you. That doesn’t stop him from pestering you even more than he pesters Kunikida.
“Belladonna, it would mean the world to me to be touched by your lips and fade out of existence,” Dazai begged. He was sitting across from you desk and as usual wasn’t getting any kind of work done.
You tensed but rolled your eyes, used to his antics, “Like I’ve said, each time you say this, my ability probably won't work on you and I would never want to kill you.”
He simply pouted at you, “Well then, why don’t you give me a kiss to test it out. It’s a win for me either way.”
“How is it a win for you either way?” Atsushi chimed from his desk, next to yours.
“Well young apprentice,” the title makes Atsushi roll his eyes, “First, I get a kiss from the most beautiful woman in the world. That’s enough by itself but if it kills me, it would be the perfect suicide, to die by a powerful kiss from a wonderful woman.”
You and Atsushi shared an exasperated look. This wasn’t the first time either of you have dealt with his suicidal antics, except this time you were starting to feel sick.
“Excuse me,” you choked out, pushing back from your desk to leave. You made a hasty retreat to the bathroom to empty your stomach.
“Is she okay?” Atshushi asked, worriedly. “She looked a little pale.”
Dazai sighed, “I’ll go check on them.”
After you were done in the bathroom, you made your way downstairs to the cafe. Upon entering, you were greeted by Dazai who was now standing in front of you with two drinks in hand and a soft smile.
“I got your favorite,” he offered one of the cups to you. You were not surprised to find out that he actually did know your favorite cafe order. You softly grabbed the cup and sat in a booth towards the back of the cafe, Dazai following close behind.
“Thank you,” you whispered, gazing out the window.
“Would you like to tell me what happened upstairs? I couldn’t find you, but I knew you would come down here eventually,” he asked. He was speaking softly to you, understanding that something was indeed wrong. There was no need to lie to Dazai, he knew you too well.
“I just got stuck in my head, it’s fine,” you responded.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” he laid his hand on the table, inches away from yours.
Upon noticing how close he was to you, you pulled your arm further from him. To this day, you were still too scared to touch Dazai. What if you got too comfortable touching him one day and had to watch as we withered away?
“I had a bad dream last night and I was reminded of it,” you eventually responded. Dazai sat in silence, waiting for you to continue but not pressuring you. “In my dream, I was at the office and as everyone faded into dust you came up in front of me. I went to cry in your arms but then you faded away too.”
Your face was wet but you didn’t bother wiping the tears away. Dazai knew that your biggest fear was killing everyone you loved. He could feel your anxiety from across the table and he knew he would do anything to quell your nerves.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, looking right at you. His gaze was so intense you couldn’t look away. You couldn’t respond so you nodded your head, shortly. You trusted Dazai with your life, the both of you knew this.
Dazai inched his hand close to you, softly grabbing your gloved hand. You wanted to pull away but the soft smile he was giving you froze you in your spot.
With one hand on your clothed wrist, he pulled your glove off and whispered, “You could never hurt me, Belladonna. You don’t have to worry about anything.”
With your glove off and hands exposed, you both just sat there. He still didn’t touch you, letting you calm your racing heart. His grip on your wrist was also light so you could back out if you truly felt too uncomfortable. Frozen in place, you couldn’t pull away.
Eventually, Dazai let his fingers trail from the sleeve of your shirt. Your fingers twitched at the attention. When he reached the skin of your wrist, he confidently and without pause kept his fingers trailing down. His fingers tingled in your palm but felt warm to the touch. He brought your hand up and let his hand rest against yours, like a high five but without the motion.
You almost cried at the feeling of skin on yours. Dazai just sat with you, fiddling with your fingers.
“Your hands are bigger than mine. I never noticed,” you sniffled with a small laugh. You let your fingers wrap around his, enjoying the feeling of skin to skin contact. Dazai chuckled at your comment and stared at you and your joined hands in utter adoration.
From that day forward, the relationship you had with Dazai would be very different. No one in the agency seemed to notice or care about this change, but Dazai could and he was not going to complain one bit.
You would often find yourself touching Dazai. Mostly, you would be holding onto his arm as you walked beside him. Sometimes after a long case, you would even lay your head on his shoulder. You would only hold his hand directly if you two were alone, nervous of the comments you might get from your coworkers.
Dazai had always been a comfort for you, but now it’s only increased tenfold, making your feelings for the maniac also grow.
You were lazing around your desks with your coworkers (minus Ranpo and Dazai, thank god), taking a break from the long work day. Though, you regret joining them, for they were currently teasing you about your obvious feelings for the bandaged bastard you guys work with.
“Come on, you should totally tell him how you feel. What’s the worst that can happen?” Dr. Yosono asked with a shrug.
“Well the worst that can happen is that he declines, doesn’t feel the same way, and then kicks me out of the Agency for my unprofessionalism,” you listed, raising a finger for each point.
Naomi gave you a big smile, “None of that would happen. He’s clearly in love with you too and he would get bored here, if you were kicked out.”
You could only roll your eyes. You tried to not let the jealousy in your voice show, when you asked, “Well if he truly wants me, then why does he flirt with every woman he encounters?”
Atsushi piped up from his spot, “I’ve seen the way he acts around other women that arent you and it’s different.”
“How?” you questioned, dubiously. Why was everyone so intent on this subject?
Kunikida, of all people, pushed his glasses up and spoke up, “Atsushi’s right. The way he flirts with other women is mindless and meaningless. Just a way to entertain himself because he’s bored. But with you, he interacts with you with intent. I can tell by the stupid look on his face when he talks to you, that he cares about what you have to say.”
You could only stare at everyone, crimson dotting your cheeks. You didn’t know what to say. There’s no way that Dazai’s partner could be wrong about the way he feels towards you.
“You know he’s right,” Naomi chimed, with a little wink in your direction.
Speaking of the devil, Dazai walked into the office. He made his way to your desk, “What are up to, Belladonna?”
You blushed, recalling the conversation that took place barely minutes ago. You raised your eyebrows, teasing, “My job.”
Dazai laughed at the look you gave him, “Want to join me on a case? I actually have work to do.”
You gave him a confused look, “You can solve a case on your own, what do you need me for?”
In the corner of your eyes, you watched as some of your coworkers facepalm or release a disappointed sigh.
“Well, it will be a lot more fun if you came with me. I’ll even get you food after,” he gave you a charming pout.
“How can I say no to that?” you replied before getting up. You grabbed his arm and made your way out of the office with him, pointedly ignoring the looks that everyone was giving you.
Walking down the streets of Yokohama arm in arm with Dazai was perfect. You both slipped into comfortable conversation and chatter.
Eventually you brought up, “Where are we going, anyways? Are you going to tell me about your case?”
Dazai looked confused for a moment, like he didn’t know what you were talking about, and then laughed.
You pouted, “What’s so funny, Dazai?”
“There is no case,” he finally got out once his giggles had subsided.
“Then why did you say that?” you asked, genuinely confused with the way this man’s brain worked.
“I only said that so I could get you out of the office, to hang out with me, without Kunikida getting mad at us,” he giggled again. “I also knew you wouldn’t leave to hang out unless I made it sound like we would be getting work done.”
You slapped his arm, laughing along with him, “He will kill us, if he ever finds out.”
“OOh, I like the sound of that,” Dazai said, face covered with a smug smile.
You simply giggled before replying, “I don’t know if I should kiss you or push you into oncoming traffic.”
Oh god, where did your filter go? You really did not mean to let that slip.
Without a second thought, Dazai replied, “I suggest both,” followed by a flirty, “please.”
You just stared at Dazai in shock, unsure what to say.
“Don’t play with me, Osamu,” you whispered, suddenly feeling very vulnerable.
Dazai grabbed your hands, pulling your gloves off. “I’m being serious. I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time, Belladonna.”
He was holding onto your hands like you were about to run away from him.
“I think I’ve been in love with you since the first time we touched. Hell, maybe even before that,” you claimed. You looked up at Dazai and flushed at the adoring look that he was giving you.
“I care about you so much that I may or may not have gone behind your back about something. Don’t be mad that I didn’t tell you,” Dazai sighed.
“I won’t be mad at you. You can tell me anything,” you said, worriedly. 
“For a while, I’ve been doing a bit of research on the side, with the help of the President. I’ve been trying to figure out if there was a way to control your powers. So that they only worked when you wanted them to and not all the time,” Dazai explained.
With tears in your eyes, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He looked at you, eyes filled with love, “I didn’t want to tell you and give you false hope if I didn’t find anything useful.”
“Then, why are you telling me now?” you asked.
“The President and I found a lead. It’s very likely that we found a way for you to control your powers,” Dazai replied, a wide smile covering his face.
You had no response to what he said so you did the only thing that came to your mind. You kissed Dazai Osamu. You kissed him like he was the oxygen you needed to breathe and he kissed you back with equal if not more passion.
You kissed under a lone streetlight, feeling as if you were floating on top of the clouds. Dazai never failed to remind you that you deserved to be loved and that you deserved to be held.
Under the gleaming moonlight, under the warm streetlight, in the arms of Dazai Osamu, you have never felt more happy.
“I love you, Osamu,” you whispered for only Dazai and the stars to hear.
“And you, my Belladonna,” he whispered back.
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l-starlight-l · 1 year
The love of a Hero
An Old Friend
Previous: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4
A/n: here’s a new story for ya! This time with the star Dick Grayson!!!!
Warning: Fight, Wounds
Description: You catch up with an old friend in the city over dinner and cookies.
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
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This was the first time you had lived in the city alone but not the first time living in Gotham. A long time ago, you had run away from home. You were an angry teenager and needed to find comfort somewhere other than your home. Some close friends, basically your second family, lived in the city. You stayed with them for little over a year, it took awhile to convince them to let you stay but they did. It was one of the happiest times of your childhood, you belonged with these people. Of course that didn’t last forever and you left, or more so was taken from them.
As you hurried to clocked out from your night shift your pocket buzzed. Dick was calling your phone, you held the phone to your ear. “What’s up” you greeted him.
“You free?” He sounds like he’s moving around.
“Yeah I just got off work” you answered honestly
“I’m about to finish up a job, do you wanna hang out after?” He asked feeling a little guilty about not seeing you sooner.
“Oh have you finally made time for me” you say a tiny bit annoyed because he’s been blowing you off since you’ve moved.
“Hey come o-“ there’s a loud grunt and a slam through the phone. “Oh that one hurt” he whinces
You laugh softly, “I’ll make you dinner, stop by my place when your done” you reply with a smile.
“You’d make such a good wife” he jokes and you roll your eyes
“In your dreams, boy wonder” you press the red “end call” button and hurry home.
An hour later there’s a knock on you window. You jump not expecting it, turning to face the window you see dick all beat up waving at you like an idiot. You unlock the window and let him in. “Took you long enough” you mutter hands on your hips. He starts walking into the kitchen, “I made your favorite”.
Dick makes a dramatic stop and takes in a big whiff of the air, “cookies!” He exclaims like a child. You laugh to yourself, he hasn’t changed in the years you’ve been gone.
“I just put them in there so it’ll be awhile” you say reaching for your first aid kit, “let me clean you up, I have some of your old clothes but idk if they’ll still fit it’s been a long time since I saw you” he’s definitely grown in the years you’ve been gone. You look him up and down, you can tell that his new “job” has done wonders for his body. You’re face heats up, he is friend, just my friend. You quickly turn and go grab his clothes.
You two eat and catch up, it’s been a long time since you’ve seen each other in person. The last few years have been filled with texts and long phone calls. It felt good to be in each others presence again. He’s been your best friend since diapers and knows everything about you.
“How’s your new job treating you” he asks in between shoving his mouth.
“I’ve only been there two weeks but I’m really enjoying it” you smile to yourself thinking about your new job. “How’s being a vigilante” you say with a raised brow.
He smiles, “it has its ups and downs, as you know” you give him a look and he quickly changes the topic. “So how’d you get Alfred to give you his cookie recipe” he smirks.
You laugh and roll your eyes. “That recipe is between me and him, you never gonna get” you both laugh. You don’t get to spend as much time with him as you wanted. He gets called back into “the field” pretty earlier into the night. You hug goodbye and he descends back out the window.
Tag list: @princessbl0ss0m @mxtokko
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sophoscorner · 11 months
As long as I’ve been on Tumblr I have seen posts talking about how undervalued women are in fandom, and I’ve nodded along, reblogged and moved on with my life. Occasionally I’ve tried to figure out how one would solve this problem at least in their own fandom experiences, and I’ve never had an answer, but today I am here to tell you: the answer is Mei. 
I’m 100% joking, but also so serious. Mei is the most undervalued character in lmk and she deserves so much more love. She is the only girl in the main cast (I’m counting red son as a boy because that’s what he is in cannon) and she has so many cool things about her. She’s literally descended from dragons, she has a complex relationship with her parents, trouble sharing her feelings and asking for help, and she HOSTED LITERAL WORLD ENDING FLAMES, but when you look at her followers on tumblr you’d think she doesn’t do much.
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(Pigsy did not make it on this graph because he doesn’t have his followers listed on his tag page)
Before I carry on with all this data analysis I want to say that I’m not shaming any specific people for not being particularly interested in Mei. The important thing when it comes to biases isn’t one specific case it’s trends, so it’s not about whether you like Mei, it's about whether you have a tendency to think guy characters are more interesting to talk about them more. 
Anyways, when you look at Ao3 tags you may think that Mei has just as many fics about her as a lot of the main cast (minus the main character and the gay monkeys of course), but when you filter for fics tagged with Mei in them you’ll find a frustrating amount that have her as a supporting character or worse mentioned that one time. The thing about tagging characters is you’re not saying the fic is about them you’re saying the fic has them as part of the plot, and so most of her popularity comes from being an amazing best friend, matchmaker and a party animal instead of any of her internal conflicts.
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To find fics that were actually about Mei (to some degree) I filtered for the tags Mei-centric and Mei Needs a Hug,and the results were much different. Mei’s number of fics is around how many Tang has. She has 10 more Needs a Hug fics than him, and he has 10 more -centric fics than her. The only character she’s beating out is Pigsy whose -centric tag doesn’t even have it’s own page yet.
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Probably the most popular aspect of fandom (for better or worse) is shipping, and there’s a surprising lack of shippable characters in lmk. With the brotherhood and older demons there’s some variation, but for the stoplight trio they really only have each other (at least from what I’ve seen), and when you look at the popularity (on Ao3) of the different ships the results are… decisive. The most popular ship in the trio is MK/Red Son and the runner up Mei/Red Son has only 1/5 of the fics. I personally only really like MK/Red SOn and the whole trio shipped together (poly ships aren’t as popular), but I’m still surprised that Mei/Red Son, which is the one most supported by cannon in my opinion, is so much less popular. 
Unlike the others this isn’t really me saying Mei absolutely should be shipped more, but shipping is pretty much always correlated to how popular a character is in fandom so I thought it was worth mentioning.
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I don’t really know what to say at the end of this. I’m not much of a analyzer or a headcanoner. I don’t know how to delta every interesting thing I love about her. Please just take a second to appreciate Mei and all that she’s been through. Maybe partake in Mei thursday every once and awhile or just talk about her more. I don’t know, I just wanted to make a bunch of graphs about it. (Thank you @mythicalmagical-monkeyman for inspiring this <3)
Also this started as a fic rec list (that’s why Ao3 comes up so much), so if you have any Mei fics you like pls send em on over.
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cheylouwho · 1 year
i’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and i want to hear someone from SPHS’s thoughts.
i know you’ve noticed the “tiktok” fan base- the ones that only watch clips of the show and then say they’re fans. i read one of your posts talking about these types of fans and making blatantly incorrect headcanons. that’s something that bugs me, but another thing that bugs me is the fact i do not believe south park is tiktokable. i’ll use family guy as a comparison for my points.
first of all, compared to family guy, the humor is different, pretty much everything they explained in the cartoon wars two parter explains what i mean, m&t are not fans of interchangeable jokes and are able to give characters emotional progression throughout the episode. that’s one huge factor, i hope you get what i’m trying to imply with that. m&t are passionate about their story telling and it pays off in their episodes. i know not EVERY SINGLE joke follows this, but there are jokes made better by understanding the characters and the circumstance of the episode. the episodes work best in their entirety. (that was difficult to explain so i fear it can be misinterpreted easily)
the characters are another thing i want to mention. i watched the episode TSST with two friends awhile ago, one of which who had never seen an episode and didn’t understand cartmans character. she kept asking questions about him, or said how weird his hitler obsession was. the other friend hadn’t finished south park and said he hated cartmans character and it’s hes one of the bad pieces of the show. i believe even if you don’t like cartman as a personal preference thing, you should at least appreciate him as a character and his placement, it’s hard to understand him (despite us watching an episode that really dives into him, they still didn’t know much about him before). with family guy, one episode is enough to grasp the character, hell, even a single scene is i’d say, while m&t are very good at developing and fleshing out character personalities over time. it’s why they can pull off making sad episodes (like kenny dies and assburgers), heartwarming episodes (like tweek x craig and even bits of episodes like in raisins) all while still being a comedy show. they understand how to make the characters react in a way that can make you feel something while maintaining a good amount of jokes in the episode.
i dont know, theres more i could add but i’m just writing whatever comes to mind first so it might make no sense or it might be wrong. also, i’m by no means an old fan. i’ve rewatched the series quite a few times, watched commentaries, researched through wiki pages and am constantly trying to better my knowledge of the show, but i know i’m not quite there yet and could just be making a mistake GAHAH
No anon, I actually totally get this and agree 100%. SP as a show is not something that works well with out of context clips (and even then, the ones that do work are usually from very early in an episode before the plot fully gets established and stakes as drawn). Until pre s18 when they started soft continuity (and then s19-21s full continuity, after that is a whole other discussion entirely), the shows syndicated nature did make it easier to hop into any episode and watch it in its entirety and enjoy it without much prior knowledge of the show or it's characters. However, even then, you really needed to watch the *whole* episode to get the big picture of it's message.
And I get it, SP full length episodes are not as accessible as they once were. People these days don't know how or aren't willing to pirate things if they don't have the streaming service SP is hosted on, and beyond that, south park used to be free to watch on their website. Like, that's how I ended up catching up on the show when I finally decided to take it all in other than a handful of episodes and scenes I'd seen during my childhood back in 2013. It was all entirely available (save for Super Best Friends, 200 and 201, which I had to go track down on other websites) for free, with ads unless you used an ad blocker, right at your fingertips. And that's how M+T wanted SP to be consumed, because they explicitly noted that they didn't care about making money on streamed episodes, they cared about getting their show out there. (I will have to go find that interview, I know it's somewhere).
But still, regardless of that, you're right. SP is not something that you can consume short form as a brief tiktok video, and that's why I think we have newer fans with such big gaps in knowledge that seem like they would be easy to fill in. It's not that they're being willfully ignorant, they're just being fed a very piecemeal version of the show through social media, which is how we get people thinking Pip is a he//llpa//rk OC (augh!!! dont get me started) instead of realizing this dude was actually in the fucking show, or headcanons that are very easy to contradict with canon itself by watching like 3 episodes. That's not me knocking HCs btw, go wild and do whatever you want, but these people don't even know it's ooc, and that's a little troublesome. I've made some outlandish character decisions in the past but I at least KNEW they were not evidence based.
What that means for the fandom down the road I don't know, and its made a lot of discussion and analysis more shallow-- it's so hard outside of my SPHS friend group to find good breakdowns these days. I'm hoping maybe something will change, but who knows.
TLDR fuck tiktok and its watering down of media
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Ex's Best Friend
Goo Gunil
Summary: You run into your ex’s best friend and he tells you that he misses you.
This more platonic rather than romantic.
Goo Gunil
Summary: You run into your ex’s best friend and he tells you that he misses you.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Today was as normal as any other day. You were out grocery shopping, picking up any necessities that you needed. After paying for your groceries you exited the store and walked towards your car. 
“Y/n!” A voice called out for you. Turning your attention to the direction of the voice to find its owner. The voice belonged to Gunil, he was the best friend of your ex. Your ex and you ended your relationship on horrible terms. You found out that he had been cheating on you for over a month. There was no excuse that he could give that would justify what he did. Naturally you ended things with him. Gunil was actually the one who told you about your ex cheating on you. You and him got along well. It was a joke among your ex’s friend group that you were stealing your ex’s place as Gunil’s best friend. 
“Long time no see,” you say, approaching Gunil. You hadn’t seen him since you broke up with your ex five months ago. 
“Yeah, it’s been awhile. How have you been?” Gunil asks you.
“It was a little rough for a bit, but I’m much better now,” you answered. “How have you been?” You returned the question.
“I’ve missed you,” he responds. It was definitely unexpected you didn’t foresee him saying that at all. You can’t say that you didn’t miss him either. You didn’t just end things with your ex when the breakup happened. You non-directly ended your friendship with Gunil too. It was collateral. “The others miss you too,” Gunil added, coughing awkwardly. 
“Shouldn’t you guys be glad that I’m not there to interrupt boys' night?” You jested. 
“Aye! You were very much one of the bros. We all liked spending time with you,” Gunil defended. 
“I miss you guys too. How are they doing?” You questioned. Gunil went quiet for a moment, looking like he wasn’t quite sure how to answer. 
“They’re good,” he finally says. 
“Are you not telling me something?” You interrogated. Gunil eyes the grocery bags in your hands.
“You should get your groceries home,” he tells you. Now you know there’s something he’s not telling you.
“After you tell me,” you stated. “I’ll go after you tell me,” you reiterated. Gunil sighed, remembering how stubborn that you could be. 
“Can we at least talk in your car and not in the middle of the parking lot?” Gunil asks.
“Yeah, follow me,” you instructed. You lead the way to where your car was parked. Once you reached your car you unlocked it and put your groceries in the back seat. Afterwards you gestured for Gunil to get in as you did yourself. “So what is it?” You questioned after Gunil shut the door.
“Our friend group kinda…split,” Gunil reveals. 
“What? Why?” You were shocked.
“Some of us didn't want to forgive e/n for cheating on you. There was actually a big fight about it. Everyone was mad at him for it, cause we all viewed you as a friend. It bothered some of us more than others. There was a split between those of us who couldn’t forgive him and those who were just mad and needed time to get over it,” Gunil explained. Somehow you felt responsible. “Don’t feel bad y/n. It’s not your fault. It’s e/n being a cheater that we couldn’t accept,” seemingly Gunil could read your thoughts.
“When did this happen?” You wondered.
“About two months ago,” Gunil answered.
“You haven’t talked to e/n in two months then?” You inferred. 
“Guess he’s a common ex between us. Your ex boyfriend, my ex best friend,” Gunil chuckled.
“It sounds funny when you say it like that, a common ex,” you snickered. Gunil’s chuckle turned into laughter. “We should hang out again, I miss it,” you suggested. 
“That would be nice, I could invite the others too,” Gunil recommended. 
“Yes, I can infiltrate boys’ night again,” you said excitedly. “Here let me give you my number,” you took out your phone. Gunil took out his as well and you both put in your contacts. Afterwards you decided that you really should be getting your groceries home, so you bid goodbye to Gunil, with the promise of texting him later. 
Arriving home you put your groceries away. Once you were done you pulled out your phone and sent a text to Gunil. The two of you chatted and set up a date and time for you and the boys to hang out together. You were excited to be able and see them again because you never thought that you would. 
The date came for hanging out with the boys. You had all decided to go bowling. You all met up outside the bowling alley. 
“Y/n, it’s so nice to see you again,” Seungmin said as he pulled you into a hug. 
“Don’t hog them,” Jooyeon smacked Seungmin away, so that he could hug you too. Jiseok joined the hug, squishing you in the middle. Oh how you missed the antics of these two. After they release you Jungsu and Hyeongjun also greet you.
“We won’t squish you to death,” Jungsu jokes.
“Shall we head in,” Gunil says. All of you agreed and headed inside. You all got situated between the two lanes you guys paid for. Jiseok, Jooyeon, Seungmin and Hyeongjun were on one lane, you Gunil and Jungsu on the other. 
“You know I’ve never seen Gunil that mad before,” Jungsu told while Gunil was up to bowl.
“What?” You were confused.
“Over e/n cheating on you. He went into a full overprotective brother mode of some sort. He gave e/n a black eye, busted his lip and nose. Looked like he wanted to kill him,” Jungsu informed. You turned to look at Gunil for a moment.
“I didn’t know that,” you turned back to Jungsu.
“I figured he wouldn’t tell you. I wanted to punch him too honestly, but Gunil beat him enough for all of us,” Jungsu stated. 
“Thank you,” you tell Jungsu. 
“For what?” Jungsu questions, unsure.
“For telling me. For wanting to punch my ex. I’d thank Gunil too, but I have a feeling he doesn’t want me to know that he did that, so I’ll act like I don’t,” you explained. 
“What are you two gossiping about?” Gunil says as he returns from his turn. 
“That’s nice to be one of the bros again,” you declared. 
“Yeah we’re glad to have you back,” Gunil strongly patted you on the back. Maybe a little too strongly as you let out a slightly pained grunt. 
“Oh sorry,” Gunil apologies, rubbing your back in an effort to soothe it.
Perhaps the bros little sister was a better term for what you were, but the specifics didn’t matter. You were glad to have Gunil back and Gunil was just as glad if not more to have you back too.
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goodlucktai · 2 years
give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around
chapter two: stuck on the thought of you
rise of the tmnt pairing: leoichi (leonardo / usagi yuichi) word count: 2k title borrowed from sunroof by nicky youre and dazy post-movie
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Yuichi lasts another whole day before his scraped-together willpower completely fails him. Okay, half a day. At work he approaches Sunita in that lull between the lunch and dinner rush while she’s folding linens for the tables and makes his daring move.
Her phone is propped up against the napkin holder, playing a music video by a human performer Yuichi is unfamiliar with. Sunita is bopping along to it and doesn’t notice Yuichi until he’s standing directly in front of her.
When she does, she jumps about a foot in the air, yelping loud enough that a few of their coworkers on the other side of the dining room turn and shoot them judgemental looks.
“I’m so sorry!” Yuichi fumbles. He’s constantly accidentally sneaking up on people, but just watch him try to sneak out of the house on purpose to go joy-riding with Chizu and Kitsune. He gets caught nine times out of ten, usually before he’s even halfway out his window. It’s a joke.
“Ugh, I spend all my time with ninjas these days and I still get spooked,” Sunita says, patting her chest where her heart must have leaped in surprise, but her tone is good-natured. “You’d think I’d be used to people popping up out of nowhere by now, with how often my girlfriend’s little brothers do it, but nope! Anyway, sorry, did you need something?”
“Uh, hi,” he says at length. To his alarm and dismay, he doesn’t actually know where to go from there. It’s very possible he didn’t think this through. “I mean, I just wanted to say hi.”
Sunita saves him with a smile, her visible eye crinkling with the force of it.
“Hi, Usagi,” she says brightly. “Lunch was wild, huh? Did you make good tips?”
“Yeah, actually. It almost made my ten-top worth it.”
His coworker laughs, commiserating the way only a fellow server possibly could, but her eyes drop back down to the napkins. She mentioned to him once that she has to split her focus constantly, to be sure not to leave slime residue behind on everything she touches.
Yuichi is finished with his side work for now, so he reaches for a stack of the linens and drags it across the table toward himself, settling in to help. Sunita seems happy to have his company and doesn’t mind leading the conversation, his brief, generally one-word contributions no deterrent at all. It’s always been easy to talk to her.
“Um, hey,” Yuichi says very casually when he’s bolstered enough courage. “I was wondering if you had Leonardo’s number? I don’t have it, and—it’s been awhile since I’ve seen him.”
“Oh!” To his immediate disappointment, Sunita looks apologetic. “Oh, I totally would, but it’s not really a good time? Things are kind of touchy right now.”
Yuichi focuses very hard on the napkin he’s folding because otherwise he’d probably stare at her as if he’s hanging off her every word, and that. Well that would make him seem desperate. And he’s not desperate.
“Because of the invasion?” he asks. His friend nods, her bubbly good cheer displaced.
“Yeah. It was really bad. I don’t know all the details but April and her boys were right in the thick of things. And after—well, after, Leo wasn’t doing too good. It was pretty scary. So his siblings sort of just closed ranks around him.” She slimes the napkin she’s holding and makes a face at it, balling it up in her hands. She finds another smile for Yuichi and adds, “Hey, how ‘bout this? I’ll text April and see what she thinks, okay? I’ll bet Leo would love to hear from a friend!”
Sunita is the best. He’s buying her boba tea after work tonight. And maybe, if she gets him Leo’s number, he'll buy her boba tea after work from now until the day they die.
Later that night, when he’s helping wash dinner dishes, Yuichi’s phone starts vibrating like it’s fighting for its life. When he checks it, he finds messages from Sunita rolling in. She’s a quintuple texter on a good day.
SUNA: hey ₍ᐢ.  ̫.ᐢ₎ SUNA: good news!! SUNA: april says she’ll meet up with you tomorrow SUNA: you’re off right? i said you’d come to the restaurant SUNA: she has classes in the afternoon so it’ll have to be before 11
Yuichi notes right away that there was no mention of his potentially not meeting up with April tomorrow. He gets the feeling he doesn’t have a choice.
Usagi: That’s great. I’ll ask auntie but I should be free. SUNA: okay april will see you there at 10 am sharp !! Usagi: Thanks, Sunita. I owe you one. SUNA: no prob!! ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
The bunny emojis would rankle if they were sent by literally anyone else, but from her they manage to be adorable. Yuichi locks his phone and sets it face-down on the counter, then clears his throat.
Auntie glances at him, rubbing a sponge around the inside of a casserole dish. Two of his cousins are parked at the counter with coding manuals and coloring pages but two is better than the full audience of five, so Yuichi just goes for it.
“Would it be okay if I skipped my morning chores tomorrow?” he asks quickly. “I know the farmbatto still needs fixed but I promise I’ll get it done!”
“You stay far, far away from my robot,” cousin Botan says loudly without even deigning to look up at him, little seal point face buried in an unethically-sourced textbook thicker than Usagi’s arm. “It’s still holding a grudge from what you did to it last time.”
“It was an accident, and it was as much Momiji’s fault as mine!” Yuichi shoots back.
Momiji sends him a look of absolute betrayal, her russet-colored fur bristling in offense. “Was not! You were the one who said we should play samurai!”
“Alright, enough,” Auntie says with a clap of her hands that causes little dishsoap suds to scatter. Botan and Momiji both settle down, but considering they’re ten and six years old respectively, it’s not much of a victory. “Yuichi, what are you up to now?”
Yuichi twists the dishtowel in his hands. “Uhhhhh, so you know—you know Leonardo?”
His cousins both snort. Yuichi whips around to pin them with a glare. “What was that? Why did you do that?”
“Do we know Leonardo?” Botan asks dryly. He’s very sarcastic for such a tiny rabbit. “Hamato Leonardo? Gee, I dunno. You only bring him up nine billion times a day.”
“I do not!”
“Ignore them, baby,” Auntie says, amused. “What’s this about Leonardo?”
“Uh, well, he hasn’t been around lately. And I work with his big sister’s girlfriend, so I asked her about him, and she told me that he was—I mean, I guess he got hurt during that invasion. She couldn’t tell me much, so I was going to meet his sister tomorrow morning.”
Auntie drops the sponge in the dishwater and braces her hands on the edge of the sink, brow furrowed. “What? That poor boy was hurt and you didn’t tell me until now?”
“I didn’t know until now,” Yuichi says. Then, a little desperately, he adds, “Please be normal about this.”
“I’m making him a care package and you’re making sure he gets it,” Auntie steamrolls over him in her most no-nonsense tone. She abandons the dishes left in the sink and starts bustling around the kitchen. “If you’re seeing his sister in the morning, I’ll need to get started on it now.”
Yuichi gazes out the window at the darkening sky, praying that his ancestors will smite him on the spot, but unfortunately he lives to see tomorrow.
Also unfortunately, April doesn’t cancel or blow him off the next morning, and is even earlier than their agreed-upon meet-up time. She’s standing outside Run of the Mill when he gets there, her arms crossed and her mouth set, and if she’s nervous about all the big yokai milling around on the street, opening their stores or heading down to the market, she doesn’t show it at all.
She picks Yuichi out of the crowd with steely brown eyes and he steps up his pace a little bit, Spot trotting faithfully at his side.
“Good morning,” he says, hoping it’s a safe enough start when she seems annoyed with him already.
“Yeah, you too,” April replies. She considers him for a minute, then uncrosses her arms and stands a little taller, squaring her shoulders and jutting out her chin. “Sunita told me you wanted Leo’s number. Look, if this is some kind of joke, I’m not laughing.”
Um. What? Dumbly, Yuichi parrots, “A joke?”
“Leo may be the absolute worst sometimes, but he’s still one of the best people I know all the time,” the human goes on hotly, as if they’re both on the same page here. Yuichi has the sinking feeling that they’re reading completely different books. “Whatever you’re trying to get back at him for, it ain’t worth it. You do anything to hurt him and his brothers would go on the warpath, and frankly so would I.”
“I’m not trying to get back at him for anything,” Yuichi blurts. Honestly the only thing he wants payback for is all the real estate in his brain that Leonardo takes up, but that’s not something he’s willing to admit, out loud, with his mouth, where someone might hear him. “Why would you think that?”
“Because you can’t stand Leo,” April says plainly. “You always look pissed off when he’s around. I know he can be annoying as hell, but if you can’t see how good he is, too, then that’s your loss.”
Something in Yuichi’s chest folds right in half. Wow, it hurts a lot.
Historically, resting bitch face runs in his family. Usagi Miyamoto was known for many things, one of which was his dark, glowering expression. He isn’t smiling in a single painting of him that exists. Yuichi is usually very proud of every single trait that he’s told he inherited from that famous samurai, but maybe he could do without this one.
Now he’s combing through every interaction he’s ever had with Leonardo, every conversation. He’s picking apart each exchange and trying to look at it from a third party’s point of view. Did it seem like he didn’t want Leonardo around? Is that what Leonardo thought?
The striped turtle had a way of plowing unceremoniously through uncomfortable silences, of carrying the conversation when Yuichi’s tongue was all tied up, and it seemed as easy for him as it always was for Sunita—her vibrant personality and Leonardo’s charming one, filling the gaps Yuichi’s social awkwardness tended to create.
But maybe it wasn’t that at all. Maybe it was easy for Leonardo to talk to Yuichi because he figured he had nothing to lose—because he thought Yuichi disliked him already.
Suddenly, the only thing Yuichi wants to do is go back home, march up the stairs to his loft, climb back into bed, and stay there for approximately a hundred years. Spot leans his head against Yuichi’s leg, sensing his downward spiral the way hounds are trained to sniff out foxes.
“That’s not true,” Yuichi says. It sounds weak to his own ears.
He doesn’t know what else to say, and Leonardo’s sister isn’t willing to fill the silence the way Yuichi’s friends are. He looks everywhere but at her, flexing his hands, then remembers what he’s holding.
“Oh. This is from my aunt,” he tells the ground, holding out the embroidered bag Auntie forced upon him before he could slip out the door. “Sorry. I told her about—and she—yeah. Please tell Leonardo it’s from anyone else. Tell him it’s from Señor Hueso.”
“He’ll know it’s not from his tío at a glance,” April says. She sounds surprised and agreeably lifts the bag out of his hands. Huffing a laugh at how heavy it is, she gazes at Yuichi thoughtfully, then takes a peek inside. 
He probably should have seen that coming. Yuichi does his best to sink into the ground and disappear as she takes in the tupperware containers and plastic-wrapped pastries.
April looks back up at him. Some of the ice in her eyes has thawed.
“I’m definitely telling him it’s from you,” she announces.
“From Auntie,” Yuichi stresses desperately.
“Right,” April says. She’s grinning outright now. She shoulders the bag like it weighs about as much as a handful of grapes, and props her free hand on her hip and says, “You got your phone with you?”
“Uh-huh,” Yuichi says, dazed. Is this what whiplash feels like? He felt sort of like this when he crashed his bike in the watermelon field last year.
“Give it.” April makes a grabby gesture, swiping his phone from him immediately when he holds it out. She taps at it for awhile, then tosses it back. Her own phone chimes from the pocket of her jacket, cluing Yuichi in to what she was doing. “There. You’ve got my number and I’ve got yours. If Leo likes his present, I’ll pass your digits along.”
Her tone has warmed considerably. She winks at him and Yuichi has to remind himself sternly that it would not be cool to bury his face in his ears and hide there until she went away.
Is Leonardo’s entire family like this? Because it feels like Yuichi has just survived a tornado or tsunami or some other terrifying force of nature, and this conversation wasn’t even ten minutes long.
April waves cheerfully and takes off at a brisk jog, weaving through the Hidden City streets like she was born and raised here. Yuichi sinks onto a bench, presses his forehead against his knees, and calls Chizu while he’s still all curled over into a yokai pretzel.
“I’m calling in a favor you owe me,” he says by way of hello the second she picks up. “Meet me at the market street.”
“I don’t owe you anything,” she replies dryly.
“It involves getting ice cream and making fun of my life choices.”
“We’ll be there in twenty.”
Yuichi ends up blowing the rest of his pocket money for the week on parfaits from their favorite street food stall, and his friends definitely don’t hold back laughing at him when he unpacks the latest installment in the befriending Leonardo saga, but it doesn’t seem as hopeless with the three of them around.
Gen in particular, big softie that he secretly is, hoists Yuichi up to ride on his shoulders as they make their meandering way back to Usagi Farm. It’s the rarest of gestures. Not even Kitsune’s best doe-eyes gets her a shoulder ride.
His friends make Yuichi feel ten feet tall.
And the next morning, he wakes up to nine new texts from an unknown number. A lot of them are just strings of exclamation points and emojis. He knows exactly who this is.
Yuichi’s fingers tighten around his phone as his ribs seem to tighten around his heart. A grin spills across his face before he can help it, mirroring the relentless summer sunshine pouring in from the window above his bed.
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imaginesixguys · 2 years
What kind of boyfriend would Osomatsu be?
- ur local Oso Simp™️
This is pretty open-ended but I’ll do my best! Lot’s of potential answers here so I apologize if it ends up being not as in-depth as it could be (I could go on for hours about Oso really...)
Osomatsu is a gooder boy than the fandom gives him credit for, so let me give my honest thoughts here.
Osomatsu as a Boyfriend At the start of the relationship, I could see there being a lot of uh, well, teaching moments with Oso, as well as reassuring him you’re okay with being his partner. Up until getting an S/O, Oso hadn’t really feel like he’d been good enough for one, that he would just be a disappointment. We can see in the season 3 ep where Nyaa asks him out that his emotional response was one of terror, and I feel like it’s because he’s terrified at the idea of someone interested in him actually finding out how “terrible” he is, or him being terrified that he wouldn’t be able to be a good boyfriend. It didn’t help either that both his friends and his entire family were basically throwing receipts and evidence at the potential love interest to try and scare her away from him, so I feel like his confidence in regards to dating is VERY low, maybe even more than Ichi’s.
He’s essentially convinced himself that nothing will ever really happen, which is why he makes so many lewd jokes and comments, he doesn’t think he has anything to lose.
At first, you’d probably have to tell him about things like boundaries, maybe give him some nudges every now and then about anything you might be uncomfortable with. He’s definitely a longterm investment for sure. But I think that once you guys had been dating for a few months without too many hiccups, and that it really felt like this wasn’t something that was gonna end or collapse, he’d start to open up more, become more sweet and thoughtful. Once he realizes “oh wait, this person actually really likes me? Even though they’ve seen me do all this stupid stuff?” he’d finally relax. 
I could see him being fine with dates that just consisted of going to a convenience store at 3 am, or acting dumb at the park at night, or even just saying home to watch a dumb movie. Simple things. That’s sort of  what he’s all about.
This might be a weird off-the-cuff take, but whenever I think of Osomatsu as a steady boyfriend, I think of the arc Rigby from Regular Show went through after he started dating Eileen.
Some examples in case people haven’t seen the show. Again, I know it’s a bit out there of a reference to make but it’s honestly the closest I’ve found in media to how I think Osomatsu would be as a longterm boyfriend. Weirdly emotionally mature and pretty chill/confident, it’d basically be like dating your best friend.
His love language, aside from physical affection and quality time, would be honesty. He wants someone he can tell everything to, even the less favorable bits. Though admittedly, sometimes he struggles with putting words to the things he’s actually feeling, so being honest with him about that would be helpful.
Overall, he’s not used to being genuinely liked, so I think if he was consistently and genuinely liked for awhile, you’d gain his trust and loyalty, and he’d feel pretty indebted to you, even if he never really said anything “cheesy” like that out loud.
I have a lot I could say about Osomatsu but this post is already getting pretty long... People are welcome to ask more specific things though! I know he’s always been one of my favorite Matsus to write for.
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beamergirll11 · 1 year
My OC Headcanons
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Her name is Spider
She got this name from being so tiny 5’0”
Also because she is fast, used in missions to get to areas another’s can’t
She is short so there is a lot of things she can’t get to but she is a avid climber
When 141 meets her they have no idea she is a girl
Price does but keeps it quiet until she is ready
Spider wears a voice changer under her mask so her voice can’t be determined by gender
She simply wants to be one of the boys
During a mission everyone is thrown around after a Grenade goes off near by
Spider rises up holding her head and helmet firmly groaning
Once somewhere safe she begins to pull off her top clothes
Her breasts become exposed covered but out Soap has to do a double take
She removes what looks like shrapnel from her chest it’s tiny
She redresses and once they are out of view looks are exchanged behind her back
They don’t mean anything by it they are just confused
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Spider is a jokester with a temper
She doesn’t back down from a fight but doesn’t know when to shut her mouth at times
Once in awhile she is victim to horrible anxiety because of her past
She tries her best to push it away it’s nothing serious it’s just the past, right?
She can be vulgar at times
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When she met Ghost she wasn’t exactly polite
“Damn you scary huh?”
“Don’t talk much huh?
When she finally sees his face her reaction is very different than the others
*gasp* “Aww you have a baby face.”
Spider annoys Ghost while another times she has him rolling his eyes
However as time goes on he realizes he can have meaningful conversations with her
When she’s upset he is the first one to notice
He finds out fairly quick that she was a victim of abuse
Ghost has been in her room several times
One time she left a email up on her laptop
Ghost wasn’t one to pry but found himself caring more than he should
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People usually fear Konig because of his height
Not Spider she is fascinated
“I’ve never seen anyone in 141 as tall as you!”
She isn’t afraid of him and sometimes talks his ear off
Spider despises snipers and during a mission with agitation makes it known
“Fucking snipers I hate snipers, except you Konig I love you.”
When paired up a few times Spider used Konig as a scaffold
She climbed him like a tree or he would hoist her up
She doesn’t see it but during this Konig is blushing
“I’m sorry if my ass swipes your face but your welcome.”
Konig is silent
During a mission a small child runs from Konig terrified
Once Spider locates him she coaxes him out
“Oh him? He’s a big teddy bear…he’s gotta look scary so he can fight the bad guys.”
This works and the kid comes out of his hiding spot
When the kid suddenly holds his hand it’s a life changing moment
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Gaz is notably more humorous when he is with Spider
If you can’t find him anyone and you don’t see Spider anywhere chances are he’s in her bedroom
He’s protective and will come to her call
A few times Spider has called Gaz daddy as a joke he doesn’t seem to really care
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If you read this thank you!!
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cwritesforfun · 2 years
(Criminal Minds) Derek Morgan x Fem!Reader: Get Your Groove Thing On!
You meet him at the club. **I don't own any of the Criminal Minds characters**
Y/N = Your Name
Your two friends = Carrie and Sherry (sorry they’re basic lol) 
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Clubbing - is not my first or second choice of what to be doing on a Saturday night. Yet I find myself here because I'm a good friend and they wanted to be here.
I hear someone slide into the seat at the bar next to me and I don't even look. It's probably some guy trying to hit on me, buy me a drink, or someone who chose that seat out of every seat at the club. I will never understand men. 
I hear that person ask "Pretty Girl, why are you frowning?" I answer "I'm not. It's a backward smile meaning I'm enjoying myself." He smirks and replies "Ahh clever joke. You must not be into the club scene." I glance over at the guy talking to me and ask "How could you tell?" I notice his eyes first. They make you want to keep staring at them. I bet he gets all the ladies with his eyes and his smile. He looks attractive though, so maybe it’s his body. I really gotta stop thinking about how attractive this stranger is.  He answers "You're glancing back and forth to those two girls on the dance floor. You're lightly sipping one drink. You didn't even look my way when I slid into the seat next to you." I reply "You're correct. Carrie and Sherry, the twins, are my friends. Now, why would you spend time with me sipping my one drink at the bar when you could be getting your groove thing on?" He laughs and asks "What are you talking about?" I answer "I've seen you dance with at least 3 other girls tonight and all of them wanted to take you to a second location. You are most likely not drunk yet because well you're a big guy and it takes more alcohol to make you drunk. You're pacing yourself, which shows you're looking for a good time but with limits." He asks "You're not with the FBI, are you?" I answer "No I'm not. I work in the tech industry. My 3rd-grade teacher joked that I was very observant when I was 7 and if ever needed, she would ask me to be her character witness though." He smirks and replies "Hmm... I’ll make a mental note of that." I nod and smile.
Carrie runs up dragging Sherry and says "We need to go! Sherry is not doing so well." I nod and face the man. I say "Sir, it was nice talking to you. See ya.” The man replies "Yeah it was a pleasure. Bye!"
One week later ...
I'm at a bar this time with Carrie and Sherry. We decided the whole club thing was so last weekend and we need something a little more chill. I have to admit that the club was not fun, except for that attractive man. I hear "Pretty Girl, is that you?" I turn and see the same man from a week ago. It’s like he knew I was thinking of him. Is he stalking me? Maybe I’m just paranoid.  I smile and say "Yeah Mr. Groove Thing! Crazy running into you here as well." He nods and replies "I work nearby." I reply "Oh cool. I was going to joke about you stalking me, but I guess that’s not the case. My friends picked this place because they heard a bartender here made the best martini." He laughs and replies "Maybe they do. I come here with my team and they enjoy them, but I don't know if they're the best. Stalking is a serious issue though and I’m not stalking you. I want to make that clear. We just are meeting by coincidence.” I reply “Cool. My name is Y/N by the way." He replies "Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Derek Morgan." I reply "Nice to meet you. So... wanna dance?" He answers "If you're down, so am I." I nod.
We walk over to the dance area and dance together. It's one of the most fun nights I've had out in awhile.
........................................................................ THANKS FOR READING!!!
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