#one of the most underrated movies ever
breannastewart · 2 years
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“you have all of these conversations. You spend hours and days and weeks and months thinking things over, and then, suddenly, out of nowhere, something just happens to render all of that….. I mean, almost meaningless [...] We won the lottery. We got Breanna. We won, so I stayed.” - Sue.
“Words can’t describe how much you have meant to me. Thank you for letting me share the court with you for many, many years. I wish there were many more years coming. I love you, you’re a great person, great teammate. Thank you for everything you’ve done.” - Stewie.
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swirls-fanart · 2 years
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If you already know what movie this guy is from, you get my sincerest appreciation… and a cookie, because that’s a thing people say 😌
I recently watched My Father’s Dragon on Netflix and AGH I WAS SO GOOD. WHAT AN ADORABLE AND BEAUTIFUL MOVIE. I was caught off-guard in the best way possible by the themes it touched on, and the animation, art style, and characters were all so unique and perfect!! Boris the dragon was definitely my favorite part though, so I drew the boyo himself!! My beloved, friend-shaped little doofus!!! He has my heart!!! I would love to be his friend!!
He’s holding a valentine card because I drew this on Valentine’s Day and thought it’d be cute to add a small nod to the holiday! So yeah, he gets a card, and he is clearly very very happy and grateful for it ^^ ❤️ The lil’ drawing on the card is made to look like a child drew him and Elmer from the movie!
Anyway, GO WATCH MY FATHER’S DRAGON IF YOU LIKE WHIMSICAL ANIMATED MOVIES/SHOWS. It got almost NO attention from the media, and it was even hard to find decent ref pics using the most basic searches on Google. It’s such a shame - this movie really deserves so much more than what it got. Seriously, it really is an adorable, beautifully-created tale! AND Gaten Matarazzo voiceacts Boris, which is the most perfect casting choice ever!!
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mundifinis · 2 years
one day i'm just gonna dip from everyone's lives and ghost them and move somewhere else
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vibinglikethat · 2 years
kind of insane that spirit stallion of the cimarron is such a fantastic movie because it very easily could’ve made me a horse girl when i was younger LMAOOOOO
hans zimmer is just too powerful
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thehauntedetheral · 2 months
hi,can you make a yandere actor with a reader that is not famous, he is really pretty and the reader starts to suffer atacks for not being "pretty enough for him", she is already insecure and wants to break up but he is too much in love and obsessed with her for let it that happenss so he goes on public to stop the attacks, but he ends up saying things like, if she asks him he would abandon his career in a second and other stuffs and even the public realizes his obssesion.
Yandere Actor
Requests are open !
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• Yan is a superstar. Crazy fans, blockbuster movies, critic's favourite, handsome, Money, Fame, Glory he have everything. He is the definition of boys want to be him and girls wanting to be with him.
• But what he didn't have was a person to call his love, his home. Many times when he is alone he craves it more than anything.
• People around him were so fake and greedy that he has given up on the idea to ever find his person.
• Until one day he meets you. You were the supporting actress of his new project. You were not a famous actress but a underrated one.
• You and yan had very few scenes together in the film so very rarely he would see you be sets while filming his scenes.
• He loved how you were so passionate for your work. How you are still underrated and unrecognised is still beyond him.
• Whenever he saw you on set his mood would automatically cheer up. You were like a ray of light. Bright and warm according to him.
• He would often come to set early than his scheduled time just to get a glimpse of you.
• Intentionally would ask you questions about some scenes written in the script when he understood everything he just wanted a reason to talk to you, to hear your voice.
• His day started with waking up and your thoughts filling his mind and ended with seeing dreams about you in his sleep.
• After the filming got over and the whole crew was celebrating at a restaurant. He asked you out on date.
• At first you thought he was pranking with you. Because you were not beautiful or famous like the other actresses he work with.
• Even after you politely saying no to him due to your low self esteem issue. He kept asking you for a chance. Finally you gave in.
• Slowly you two were growing closer to each other going on dates secretly, texting, video calling each other on sets, spending quality time together and much more.
• You both were dating secretly. As you didn't wanted a controversy before the release of film because the public were crazy for the couple of yan and the another actress of the movie that was about to release. People shipped them two like crazy, praying they become couple in real life and if they got to know you were dating yan it would be a recipe for disaster and hate for you. So yes you decided to date secretly even though yan wants to scream at the top of his lung and tell to the whole world that you are his girlfriend.
• The thing you feared the most happened. Some paparazzi clicked photos of you and yan in a private restaurant eating together and kissing.
• Now it was all over the media. The shippers of the yan and another actress were spreading hate for you on internet. Yan fan's were heartbroken that he was dating an non famous actress with an average looking face.
"eww why is he even dating her???? she looks so ugly and has no fashion sense"
"Yan is so handsome he can get anyone why her?"
"She is the reason between yan and other actress not being couple god I hate her"
"Please yan come to your senses and leave that ugly looking stick"
"Yan you deserve better"
"Yan and other actress are meant to be together not this ugly actress who no one knows about"
"She is just using him to get fame. After all she became famous now after dating him no one knew about her before"
• Seeing all this hate comment it made you cry and think that yan deserves someone like him famous and beautiful not you who people don't even know about and is average looking.
• Seeing you cry breaks yan's heart. He can't see you his angel, his light crying. He takes you in his arms holding your face delicately in his hands and wiping your tears.
"Baby for me you are the most beautiful women on this earth. They don't deserve you hell even I don't deserve you but I will always try till my last breath to prove how greatful I am to have you. You are beautiful inside out. You are smart, funny, kind , you are the girl of my dreams, my future wife, and future mother of our children. All those people are fools, love. Even if all of them combined together they still won't be able to hold a candle to your beauty and personality. Even the moon's beauty fade infront of you my darling. Don't believe those fools" yan said kissing you making you a bit smile.
"Take some rest,darling. You must have been exhausted by crying for this stupid people." He says and cuddle you to sleep. After making sure that you have fallen into deep slumber he leaves quietly to make all this people pay for hurting you.
• He hires a famous expensive lawyer and comments on social media "Whoever will say or comment any bad about my girlfriend I will sue them and drag their ass to court. So think before you do anything."
• His lawyer is already in process to sue everyone on internet for trolling you.
• In all his promotions and interviews he would constantly talk about you and tell how lucky he is to have her and that you are perfect.
• He also warns every one that if someone even looks at you in a wrong way he would personally handle them. ( Meaning dragging that person to an abandoned place and beating them until the person says that y/n is the best)
• Whenever you two were out together he would wrap his arms all around your body embracing you to protect from paparazzi.
• One time a paparazzi harassed you and pushed you making you fall down while taking photos and asking questions. The next day that paparazzi is tied and in Yan's basement.
• Everyone were shocked with how much yan is obsessed with you. In an interview he even said that "He would leave his successful career and move to another country for you".
• He even planned the move away but you put a stop on it.
• This man would even leave the world for you if you want. He just loves you too much that it makes him hard to breathe just thinking about you leaving him.
• He is so obsessed with you that now people were scared to even approach or say something about you.
• This man made sure that no one I repeat no one ever say bad about you. Ever. After all you are his darling. He won't let anyone hurt you.
For more yandere reading:
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whenyourbirdisbroken · 8 months
🎵🎸🎹 music ask game 🎵🎸🎹
what is your favourite song of all time?
what is your go-to karaoke song?
if you were to get lyrics tattooed on you, which would they be? (or tell about what you already have!)
if you were to get a non-lyrics music tattoo, what would it be? (or tell about one you already have!)
is there a song that always makes you cry, no matter what? what is it?
is there/what is a song that you secretly love but you hate to admit it?
is there/what is a song that always makes you think of your parents?
what do you think is the best song to play during sexy times?
who are your top three all time favourite bands or artists?
what band were you obsessed with as a child? do you still like them?
what is the best live music show you've ever been to?
who is a band or artist that you've never seen that you're dying to see?
what's an album cover that you would frame and put up in your house?
do you have any music related home decorations?
what is a song you are obsessed with at the moment?
is there/what is a song that has been ruined for you by an ex or a former crush/situationship/relationship?
what song do you listen to if you need to pump yourself up to do something difficult?
what's a song that you absolutely cannot help dancing to?
what do you think is the greatest love song of all time?
do you have any band t-shirts or other clothing items and what are they??
what is the best album of all time?
what band do you think has the best or most interesting story? (toxic breakup, bandmates in love, etc)
Do you create your own playlists? If so, how many do you have?
How many hours a day would you say you spend listening to music?
Is there any activity (walking, housework, studying, etc) that you cannot do without music?
Is there/what is a song that you always associate with a movie or tv show?
which musical artist's wardrobe would you like to steal for your own?
Most underrated band or artist?
Most overrated band or artist?
Do you sing along to songs in the car? In the shower? other places?
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half-an-hour-hence · 9 months
Some underrated friendships in Ghosts!
Pat and Thomas
I swear on my life Pat calls Thomas ‘Tom’ at least once
The episode where Pat guards him when he’s going cold turkey 🥺 ALSO Jim and Mat’s little runs after Thomas escapes and Pat drags him back to the attic is so fucking funny
They’re both losers (affectionate) so it makes total sense that they’d be besties
Captain and Humphrey
MR GRAHAM CHEESE ‼️‼️ That whole scene felt like a fucking fever dream and I love Larry so much for being like that
ANYWAY if they were alive they would be those guys sitting in a coffee shop gossiping about the most OUTRAGEOUS things
I need them to interact more please and thank you (I’ve read a fanfic recently and in it they’re bffs and now I can’t stop thinking about the potential)
Fanny and Robin
One woman and her dog (sorry Robin)
Alison saw Fanny being moody over her dead pets and thought Robin was a suitable replacement I love her so much
‘Not just a pretty face’ ‘well, quite’ absolute icons
Unexpected genius duo
I know they’re nerdy as hell together when Fanny gets over the fact that she’s communicating with a man from the beginning of time (again, sorry Robin)
Kitty and Humphrey
In my mind they’re watching movies and playing hide and seek together every day
S5 Ep5 has convinced me that after Kitty made him whole again they’ve been inseparable ever since
Older Brother-Younger Sister vibes honestly
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Diana Rigg (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, The Assassination Bureau, A Midsummer Night’s Dream)—Though she may be most famous across the pond for her Game of Thrones-era career, here on her native soil she is an icon of the 60s and female empowerment! Arguably best known for slaying as Emma Peel in The Avengers, her biggest pop culture legacy is definitely playing the only woman Bond truly loved - Tracy di Vincenzo - and absolutely stealing the movie (OHMSS) from under George Lazenby’s nose. The Assassination Bureau is also an extremely fun and underrated period adventure film where her boundless energy and wit is better matched by Oliver Reed. She excelled at playing alluring women with a sense of humour and darker complications underneath. Undoubtedly one of England’s most lovable, intelligent, funny, sexy and unforgettable actresses of all time, I entreat you VOTE PRINCESS DI !!
Barbra Streisand (Funny Girl, Hello Dolly)—I love her smile!! I love her nose!! I love her Brooklyn accent!! She's hilarious and gorgeous and real!!! I love her sense of humor! I love her voice!
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Diana Rigg:
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"She lived with a director/partner/boyfriend for eight years in the 60s and told the tabloid press '[I have no desire] to be respectable'"
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Barbra Streisand propaganda:
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"If you want to know why I’m submitting her, you’ll just have to read her 900 page memoir My Name is Barbra. It’ll explain everything!"
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Lovely, smart, funny and a GORGEOUS VOICE
have you seen her? she could sing and dance and i love her so much in funny girl
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Her most famous movie line is telling herself “Hello Gorgeous,” what else can I say lol. One of the most famous Hollywood divas of our time, who’s still alive and going strong. All of her outfits in Funny Girl are also soooo pretty. Plus she got to act alongside Omar Sharif, who was in the Vintage Men Poll.
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She IS the greatest star! Her voice! Her eyes! She has one of the most stunning profiles I've ever seen. Talent in SPADES! (And honestly, as a wlw it's disingenuous to ignore it - a truly beautiful cleavage)
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I'm going with 10 All Time Classics from the Captain America (MCU) fandom. I mean, they're all classics to me, at least. In no particular order:
1. This, You Protect by owlet
First installment in the Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail series, which are all amazing. It's a “Bucky escaping Hydra and rebuilding his sense of self” fic, which he does while spying on Steve. With eventual Avengers Family and a lovely cast of OCs bonding with Bucky in the meantime. It has a very distinctive perspective and writing style; Bucky's in constant internal (and sometimes accidentally external) dialogue with himself, making it hilarious and tragic all at the same time. I love it. I've recently been getting into The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells and this Bucky has a similar sassy-but-vulnerable vibe? Read this if you like that, anyway.
2. The One Who Knows by Dira Sudis (dsudis)
This is a Political Animals AU, in that no-powers Steve is inserted into the Political Animals world and Bucky is TJ. Discusses being outed and depression but is ultimately hopeful. The author is one of my all time faves and has written lots of great stories for this and many other fandoms.
3. Blue Scales by chaya
Steve is a merman AU. He's still Captain America, though. It's crack with heart, I love it.
Best line: "May your scales and your love story be our weird secret forever.”
4. Our Lingering Frost by eyres
AU where Bucky is rescued from Hydra in the 50s (?) and so is around for Steve to be found.
5. Assets Out of Containment by follow_the_sun
It's a classic to *me*, OK? Bucky goes undercover at Jurassic World just as that movie's plot kicks off. They're Hydra dinosaurs! It's just great. Also has a podfic and crossovers with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
6. Not Easily Conquered (series) by dropdeaddream and WhatAreFears
Some of the greatest fanfiction I've ever read, the whole series is epic. Anyway, it's a "Steve doesn't go into the ice" AU with added queer angst when (never sent) love letters from Bucky resurface. I particularly like the second installment in the series The Thirteen Letters, which are just Bucky's letters and are insanely well-written.
7. to memory now I can't recall by Etharei
Time travel AU! Featuring post-CATWS Bucky accidentally switching places with CATFA era Bucky.
8. If Wishing Made It So by Leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
Genie!Bucky AU! This author is great at writing AUs with fantasy/genre elements, it was hard to choose. They've also written an excellent werewolf!Steve AU and a horse!Steve AU that I really love.
9. Into That Good Night by Nonymos
An Interstellar AU! Very angsty and tragic but with an eventual happy ending.
10. Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square by Speranza
Speranza must be one of the best writers in the fandom, so it was hard to pick just one of their fics. Other strong contenders were All the Angels and the Saints and The Fifties, so check those out too! But this one has a special place in my heart. Steve, Tony and Natasha accidentally time travel to WW2 London, leading to an accidental run-in with CATFA-era Bucky. The author does tragic and romantic time travel tropes so well, but with a happy ending.
I now realise that most of these are AUs, so here’s a bonus rec for a non-AU in-universe story that’s severely underrated and deserves more love:
Heart, Have No Pity on this House of Bone by Sena
This story follows Bucky in-action in the Pacific Theatre. It’s very well written and, from what I can tell, well researched. Steve only appears in Bucky’s imagination and the story focuses on the horrors of war rather than romance, but it’s gripping! And it explores unrequited love, being closeted and period-typical homophobia, which I also enjoyed. I’m still holding out hope for a sequel.
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filmperidot · 1 year
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My Favorite Coming of Age Movies
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)- One of the only rom-coms out there that I don’t feel guilty about loving. Its also one of the only rom-coms that I find laugh out loud funny, and where I genuinely really like both the protagonist and the love interest (I feel like at least one of them typically annoys me).
Booksmart (2019)- Great characters, and a fun new version of a pretty classic plot. It’s extremely funny, and highly enjoyable.
Easy A (2010)- Honestly one of my all time favorite comedies. Emma Stone is an absolute icon, and Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson play the best parents known to cinema.
Eighth Grade (2018)- My god is this movie painful to watch. Prepare to cringe the whole way through, but it’s also quite sweet, and easily the most accurate depiction of middle school I’ve ever seen.
Lady Bird (2017)- The hype is real for this one. Saorise Ronan is amazing. It makes you laugh, tugs at your heartstrings, and does an incredible job depicting the high school experience.
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)- I love Wes Anderson’s style. If you generally aren’t a fan of his work, you won’t be a fan of this one either. But if you’re a fan of his cinematography, campiness, and awkward humor, this one’s for you. It’s a great summer movie.
Stand By Me (1986)- What a classic. It’s nostalgic, poignant, and funny. For me, this is a movie that defines the genre.
The Edge of Seventeen (2016)- Hailee Steinfeld and Woody Harrelson made a hilarious duo. Similar to the other movies on this list, it’s funny, relatable, and slightly heartbreaking in just the right way.
The Kings of Summer (2013)- This ones an underrated gem. It’s a bit of an acquired taste, but overall it’s a great experience. The atmosphere is amazing, and it’ll bring you back to your childhood summers.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)- God I love this movie. It’s incredibly heartbreaking, and the acting is great (especially from Logan Lerman)! Yes I cry every single time, no not at the part you’d think.
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Marine biology ask meme!
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I didn't find any so I decided to make one myself! Can be applied to all aquatic animals or just a specific group if one desires (minding some animal group-specific questions, of course). Fish lovers come get your juice!!
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What's your favourite aquatic animal?
What's your least favourite aquatic animal?
Do you have a favourite aquarium?
Any aquariums on your bucket list you’d like to visit?
What's your controversial marine biology take?
What’s your favourite semiaquatic animal?
What aquatic animal do you relate to the most? Why?
Favourite cartilaginous fish?
If you could keep any aquatic animal as a pet, with all the space they need and perfect care, what would it be?
Tell me what aquatic animal(s) you think is severely underrated.
Have you ever fished? Do you fish regularly, why or why not?
You are now a werebeast! What aquatic animal shall you choose to be your wereform?
What’s your earliest experience with fish/aquatic animals?
What was an important, defining moment you’ve had with fish/aquatic animals?
Favourite bony fish (ray-fins and lobe-fins alike)?
Who would you give the title of most sexual motherfucker in the ocean to?
Do you keep an aquarium or an outside pond? If so, what animals (or lack thereof) do you keep?
Share your most prized marine-themed possession!
Have you ever been to the ocean?
Gastropods or cephalopods?
Seals or whales?
Billfish or tunas?
Sea stars or sea urchins?
Goldfish or koi?
Coelacanths or lungfish?
Favourite aquatic mythological creature?
You can only invite three deep sea scavengers to your whalefall feast. Who?
What do you like most about aquatic life (e.g. their diversity, their colours, their importance)?
Best aquatic animal name?
Stupidest aquatic animal name?
Can you swim? Do you like swimming?
Do you partake in water sports? Which ones?
Favourite jawless fish?
Best extinct aquatic animal?
Most beautiful fish?
What’s the coolest aquatic animal fact you know?
What’s your favourite ocean- or aquatic animal-related movie (or do you have one in the first place)? Why?
Do you work or study to work in a field that deals with aquatic animals or bodies of water? If not, do you wish you could work in the field?
Favourite non-fish aquatic animal?
Share a pet peeve about something marine-related (e.g. a misconception, a portrayal or lack of portrayal of an animal, etc.) that drives you up the walls.
Dividers by @wateryourgender!! They are very pretty and nice indeed! :D
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princesssmars · 6 months
a few ellie headcanons bc i like her c: sfw.
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she is a backpack lesbian. always has a tiny backpack. they are always black or a dark green. will sometimes get a patterned one. maybe has bananas on it. wants to put stickers on basically all of them but won’t because she gets paranoid they’ll get ruined.
i can’t find the post and ong i don’t remember what type of snack girlie i said ellie was but yes. this bitch loves snacks. always snacking. had a four month long addiction to jello it was a little scary.
she can cook for herself! she can make a damn good burger. hates tomato’s because she’s a baby 👎🏽
feel like she likes the weirdest cereals ever…like bae why are you eating kit kat cereal
runs super cold and always has a blanket. lovesss those super thick fluffy blankets that make you wanna fall asleep immediately. begged joel for one of those full body blanket snuggie things and he kept forgetting so she bought a matching dinosaur set with jessie and she loves it.
despite running cold her bedroom fan has not turned off in thirty years.
loves trivia. likes to play are you smarter than a fifth grader because you are NOT gonna catch her fuckin lackin.
likes mixmatched socks. her dryer is always eating half of her pairs so she grows to like it.
calls things pretentious and overrated as a joke bc she is annoying. watching a popular movie? she hates it the author is trying too hard. if she has a letterboxd she is either giving the most in depth review you’ve ever seen or a five star rating with a “cool”.
super nervous at the start of relationship yo show affection but when she’s locked in she is always on you…cuddles all the time. if you’re getting up to do something she is gripping around your waist. it’s cute until you need to go to the bathroom and she is insistent on going with you. once when she was high she told you she’d get a second toilet so you could go together 🫤
playstation girl yawn. she was hyped for elden ring then got her ass beat and didn’t play for a month before randomly deciding to finish it in two weeks.
whoever said she loves spongebob first was right…binges regular show when high. loves breaking bad. will act like she doesn’t like romance shows but if you make her watch the first episode she hasssss to finish it she can’t help ittt… sorry not sorry i’m making her watch bridgerton.
secretly watches those family guy adhd tiktoks
has a habit of watching movies through tiktok
and those space tiktok’s… comparing the gravity of different planets, what’s it’s like to fall through jupiters atmosphere.
likes orcas… watches marine life documentaries and gets emotional.
would know ur birth chart. ever forget ur big three signs? she knows. kind of scary. weird talent. doesn’t believe in astronomy buts knows every basic fact about every sign?? 😭
has two instagrams. her main is for her art and to post pictures with her friends and you. second she posts anything. and i do mean anything. will go from an introspective into idk why hoodwinked is underrated to
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loves green it’s literally her color. needs some green in her dorm/apartment. thinks about this ahead of time so when she’s in middle school she starts buying tiny plants to take care of. at the start they’d die in like a week but now she has a dozen and they’re all healthy <3
bunch of posters on her bedroom walls. hates bare walls.
likes to try new hobbies every so often! is lazy about working out but when she does she gets on the treadmill and doesn’t break a sweat no matter how fast. kind of scary.
likes to go on the most random dates. you’ll be sitting on the couch and she’ll show you some random restaurant she saw on like instagram and be like let’s go. right now.
likes when you touch her hair. rest her on top of you while watching a movie and run your fingers through her hair? she’s out like a light. if you want to try different styles on it at home she will let you. doesn’t care if she has stupid looking like stubs everywhere she’s like c:
jesse told her she had a fuck ass bob once and she almost hit him :c
such a bike girl omg. i know she used to put water bottles in the back to make it sound like a motorcycle.
who first came up with that she loves spongebob because you’re so right. tried to act like she’s grown out of it but when she’s high and you’re trying to go to bed she’ll whisper “twenty five” to herself and laugh for five minutes straight.
spider-man girl because she’s cool.
pretends to hate all the dumb nicknames you give her when she does stuff. she makes a pb&j? shes now 'ellie jellie' for the rest of the week. has a stomach ache? now she gets to hear 'ellie bellie' for a month.
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links for palestine, sudan, drc
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What and why the actual fuck is this zepotha trend?
It's literally just tryna copy Goncharov 1973 (the greatest movie ever made) and y'all are so uncoordinated it's actually kinda funny.
Like the original was posted 10h ago, I saw it when it had like 8000 likes now its at over 198k likes.
But even though there's this much attention around it, y'all can't agree on it.
It's meant to be an 80s horror movie, so why are some of you saying the 90s?
I've seen like references to 10 different characters who nobody has given backstory to because at the end of the day, if you give lore to a character, your comment will be lost in the endless comment section void and will be shown beneath the comments liked by the creator. Meaning the people who make these videos decide what happens.
At least on Tumblr everyone is as chaotic as one another and can agree on stuff.
I literally saw someone say zepotha was a series... The original literally says it's a fucking movie.
Also y'all can't agree on scenes, the clocktower scene of Goncharov was heartbreaking and powerful, but wtf is the ice breaking scene of zepotha? Who is the villain? Why is he using chainsaws and axes?
It could work if you agree on something like idk maybe that John Carpenter could be the director and it's his least well known film and his most underrated.
I know the original has only been up for 10 hours and I'm sorry if you find my rant harsh or mean at all, it's just this has been done on the Internet before, you don't have to resurrect it. Be like r/Place. Maybe come back in 8 years.
(also do y'all think the original was made to gain traction for this person's album like 😭)
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seaslugfanclub · 6 months
Hi! How you doin? I saw that Clayton and Alameda fell under the "Crush/Romantic feelings" category in one of your previous posts and was wondering if I could request some separate imagines on them? Since there's not much mention of them in your other works (especially Clayton), just to get an idea of what they're like with (Y/N). Please and thank you!
Sure!! I’d love to write more about Clayton, he’s so underrated 😭 Enjoy!
He’s one of the more… aloof villains of the park. Unlike the others who parade around the park giving backhanded compliments and insulting the elderly, Clayton tends to stay more on the sidelines.
I mean… the only thing he really liked to do was hunt, and he can’t exactly skewer any living creatures at the “happiest place on earth”
Though what he wouldn’t give to make a new coat out of that sardonically scarred lion…
With our beloved park attendant (Y/N), they found a couple ways to get along with him.
(Y/N) asked him about his hunting expeditions and his time in Victorian England
As much as (Y/N) hates the idea of killing for the sake of killing, Clayton can tell one hell of a story. He becomes super animated, hands waving around and voice super loud. He even got Gaston’s attention.
Other villains walked in on both (Y/N) and Gaston sitting crisscross applesauce on the floor as Clayton relayed the tale of his expedition in Peru like it was story time
He LOVES showing off his skills and strength, and what can I say, (Y/N) loves a show
As for the romantic aspect of Clayton and (Y/N)’s relationship, I believe Clayton fell first
Clayton was a man from Victorian England, where it was risqué for a women to show her ankles
Now imagine Clayton seeing (Y/N) in small summer wear attire, it is Florida/California after all…
During one of Clayton’s tantrums, he ended up screaming in (Y/N)’s face. And what did they do? They slapped him across the face, shocking him to silence
No one has ever dared lay a finger on him, and as (Y/N) immediately apologized to him he could only think one thing; “that was hot”
Clayton isn’t used to someone being genuinely interested in his past, and the way that (Y/N) looks at him when he retails his adventures keeps the Englishman up at night
It’s weird, but (Y/N) loves how big Clayton’s hands are, like they take one of his hands and covers their entire face with it, much to Clayton’s embarrassment
(Y/N) is now Clayton’s official backpack, they cling to this man as he walks around the park. Clayton loves showing off his strength and (Y/N) loves being carried
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Alameda Slim
Cowboy time baby
Alameda is one of the most unknown villains, like no one cares
But (Y/N) does, (Y/N) always tries to get Alameda included with the Villains and park activities
Whenever there’s a big crowd, Alameda always gravitates to (Y/N)
The size difference between them omg
(Y/N) brings Alameda old country music records, he now has a whole milk crate filled with albums
Gives (Y/N) mini concerts, yodeling along to the records
They have movie nights together in the common area watching old westerns! Alameda always interrupts the movie pointing out all the inaccuracies
One time Alameda tried to show (Y/N) how to square dance, and accidentally made them go airborne when he tried to spin them around
(Y/N)’s super curious about Alamedas yodeling, does it only affect cows? They decided to experiment on a bunch of different animals around the park, much to the park goers dismay
Turned out the only other animal effected by yodeling is… pigeons
Alameda ended up running for his life, a horde of hypnotized pigeons chasing after him
(Y/N) ended up having to convince Alameda it was safe to go outside again, after he barricaded himself in his room
Alameda likes to plop his cowboy hat on (Y/N)s head when it gets to hot outside
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mylucayathoughts · 6 months
Alex on his way back from Paris is one of the most underrated Taylor scenes in Red White and Royal Blue and I think he did such a splendid job there. It's underrated in the sense that, it's not as talked about as his coming out to Henry scene or lake scene or Kensington palace confrontation scene, mostly possibly because it's so short (about 9 seconds). But it's one of my favorites and it owns my heart 🥺♥️. I even talked about it a bit in my little moments series part 1, but not nearly enough.
To me, this scene was incredibly beautifully acted. Taylor poured his heart and soul into it. I believe he discussed it with Matthew extensively and put a lot of thoughts on his approach to it. He knew, the focus would be on his face and he had to portray the many emotions of Alex perfectly and boy did he deliver!
Alex was seen to be so lost in thoughts on the plane, taking in all the new things that had happened, contemplating Henry and their situationship, navigating all the new feelings that were bubbling up within his chest.
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He was thinking about Henry, who had become such a good friend to Alex in such a short amount of time, who listens to him, supports him, reassures him while having his own demons to deal with, his closetedness, unsympathetic grandparent. I'm sure Alex felt heard, connected, loved and at the same time feeling a new sense of responsibility towards Henry, to care for him, to protect him. He was falling so fast in love with Henry. This must have been overwhelming to him in the best possible way. And you can see it in the way he goes from pensive to taking in a deep breath. I love how it shows that he is relaxing and coming to terms with all these new feelings.
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And he tears up a bit at the weight of them, the weight of all the good things, the prospect of something much bigger and more beautiful than a hook up. And he smiles, ever so softly, at how happy and at peace it made him feel.
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I cropped the photo so that his teary eyes can be seen a little better. This 9 second scene is so important and sets the tone for the rest of the movie. Alex was clearly very serious after this about their relationship. His transition from showing just pure Physical want and devouring looks (at the polo match), and then just having a good time with Henry, discovering little things about each other (garden scene and Paris Cafe scene) to Paris hotel scene where they make love for the first time and him pouring his heart out to Henry, and seeing Henry say all the right things, respond in the most loving way, has been done so seamlessly and all of it culminate in this plane scene. And it's so apparent that Alex is grasping and accepting all of that. It's just amazing to see Taylor portray this with just facial expressions (and not through a convo with a friend like it's sometimes done in movies). Such a well scripted and well acted scene, it was so refreshing to watch 🥰
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can you write relationship headcanons for hyugo please? he's so underrated oh my god- btw love your blog, i'm so happy there's more people in the tkatb fandom <33 thank you for your service!!
My Exaltation (Hyugo x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And especially thank you for the kind words! :D
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Exaltation: a feeling or state of extreme happiness. Trigger Warnings: NSFW and sexual mentions (nothing too crazy though).
A/N: (Check down the bottom for more info: but here's the server skeleton I've made: Link: TKATB Server).
I see Hyugo as somebody very affectionate, like a puppy. (He literally gives puppy-dog eyes like c’mon). Also is capable of becoming as feral as one.
Definitely will be the type to walk up to you randomly and beg on his knees request to do something, considering I feel like part of the reason he has so much on his plate is due to the fact he can't stand having the same routine day after day. He needs spice. And you'll happily oblige.
Also very protective. Hell, this guy killed someone(s), so he’d be more than willing to defend you if it comes to that. Owns weapons 110%. Is also very capable at using them.
Hides all his suspicious activity from you. Not because he doesn't trust you, but mostly due to the fact he doesn't want you to get involved.
When If you move in together, he will make sure to enroll you in self-defense/weapon training classes (or he'll teach you himself, who cares about the law he's committed about 56 crimes in the span of a month /jkjk).
Is alarmingly strong, for someone of his stature and build, he often ensures to work out, because, well, he never knows when someone will come after him now does he?
Is paranoid about your safety 25/8, he's alert and vigil every waking moment. Ever since the cinema incident, he's been freaking out internally. (What if they find out about you? What if you go missing too?). Will hide it though, he can't afford you to be scared of him, now can he?
Crime hustles aside, Hyugo is genuinely a very loving and #goldenretriever boyfriend. Will use petnames as much as humanely possible, usually the flirty ones like 'darling'.
If you are a clothesnapper, expect him to start stealing back, eventually both your wardrobes will be swapped. You both don't care though, because both your horny asses will be relishing in the smell of each other in secret teehee.
Will be pulling the biggest 'Aww you look so adorable!!!!!' face known to man the first time you stole his clothes (probs a sweater or overshirt). Will tease you about it.
Makes puns 24/7, actually a master at them, it's kind of unnerving.
If you're ticklish, do not, under ANY circumstance, let him find out. You will be on the verge of dying each time he tickles you.
Hyugo's heart melts if you wanna watch his favourite movies with him: "Uh...Oh my God! MC! The new *insert movie title* came out...wanna watch it together this Sunday?" *insert massive puppy dog eyes, a cutesy little pout and two slender hands clasped together in a praying motion*
You agree, because...of fucking course you will.
Doesn't care enough to cook most of the time, but will try for you. :]
If you're cooking (or baking desserts), he'll spawn right behind you and hug you.
Will make you game with him, you don't have a choice, this guy needs action in his life (totally not like he doesn't already have any right-)
He's the little spoon, loves being smushed into your tits/pecs pressed against your torso, it means he can hear your heartbeat. It means he can fall asleep knowing you're safe.
NSFW (I am aware these may seem short. But. uh. I'm rusty cut me some slack).
I see Hyugo as a power bottom, or even a switch. (Emphasis on the 'power' part, this guy is strong).
Is capable of serving cunt/cock scarily well. Like you have no clue how he got this good.
Don't pull his hair too hard, a bit'll make him whine groan, but he doesn't seem the type to be into hair pulling unlike Sol and Crowe teehee
More funny during sex imo, depending on how intimate it is. If it's a sudden need then he'll be silent as the grave and going all out on dishing his horniness out, but if you're both chill and happy then he's much more jovial.
Masterful at aftercare, will murmur praises for how good you were, how much he loves you, etc. into your collarbone.
You are everything to him, his lover, his vehement source of peace, and his exaltation.
A/N: So, @hayooni mentioned that we should probably have a Discord server or something, so I made one. It's pretty mid so far, and I'm definitely going to hand off admins to other people who're superior when it comes to Discord server making, but hell, how about we make sure this community is as nontoxic and interconnected as possible. We're the OGs and veterans of this fandom; we might as well make it a fucking good one.
Link: TKATB Server
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