#one of the seven
lesbiansforboromir · 27 days
Inspired by the Hunt for Gollum 2 day fiasco (I suppose it wasn't really a fiasco, genuinely happy they came to such a quick resolution, I will give it to them), I noticed a bunch of people said they'd never heard of the Hunt for Gollum fanfilm and was surprised! So here are some more tolkien fan films on youtube that you can watch right now! A friend of mine coalated all of these for our server and we binged them all, which was a really great time and I would heartily recommend.
Obviously, first; The Hunt for Gollum, a 40min shortfilm pretty much entirely about Aragorn, you guessed it, hunting gollum. But there's also a few neat interactions with other characters too and the production is of an extremely good quality for what it is.
Then you have Born of Hope, from the same company as hunt for gollum, this one focuses more on Arathorn and Gilraen's relationship and Aragorn's tumultuous birth. It's very depressing but I also really liked the casting of Arathorn and is worth a watch.
Horn of Gondor is a short 20min fanfilm with a pretty inventive premise, focusing on Borondir's in-universe fabled ride to deliver Steward Cirion's request for an alliance with the ancestral rohirrim to Eorl their king, thereby saving Gondor from defeat. I find it a little lacklustre and it doesnt really measure up to it's concept but the attempt is still admirable and there is some real and clear passion behind it so still worth a watch.
Wings Over Arda is, gonna be honest, my favourite one of the lot. It is an hour long and extremely ambitiously attempts to feature events from Tuor's meeting with Ulmo, to the attack of the Sons of Feanor upon Doriath. It essentially fails to live up to the auspicousness of any of these things, but it is EXTREMELY earnest and the casting for Dior in particular is now just burned into my brain. It feels kind of like it was made in the 1980s too which I just love for a film that came out 2 years ago. It's really fun, give it a go.
One of the Seven is more of a hobbit movie fanfilm, referencing PJ's Thranduil backstory of losing his wife and the hunt for her jewels, but also involving dwarves and elves bickering over unspecified rings. It has the brightest colour pallette of all the films which is a visual relief and all the costumes are really detailed, mainly because I suspect this was made my cosplayers who just had some time on their hands. It's fun and campy and only 25mins so fully digestable, even if it's a little dwarf-ist.
Lastly there's The Peril to the Shire, even though cards on the table I have not watched this one. It is three hours long and was made by a bunch of homeschooled children somewhere, featuring entirely child actors and about Rosie Cotten defending the Shire pre-scouring. From what I've seen, the kids are having a great time doing it, but the audio is also really hard to hear clearly so this is more of a challenge than a suggestion.
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philzasjuicyass · 4 months
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memingursa · 10 months
*firebombs your dashboard*
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shaniacsboogara · 10 months
liking dnd is so funny because yeah you play the actual game sometimes but mostly you just think about the game and watch other people play the game and slowly go insane thinking about how much you wish you could play the game and hoping that buying more shiny rocks will fix everything
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soaked-doors · 5 months
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this devotion of mine runs deeper than the ocean
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months
sisko: *sigh* against my will and for complicated political reasons I am sent to save your sorry cardassian ass yet again. just get in the fucking car already pls
gul dukat: there's a hidden meaning in that! the usurper of terok nor obviously desires me carnally
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microrockets · 7 days
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petricorah · 12 days
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manga antics [ids in alt]
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knifearo · 3 months
ppl are so quick to modify and soften and put qualifiers on aromantic people’s statements. i’ll say “love loses” and here come seven thousand people in the notes going “funny joke but love is good actually!” “romantic love loses but not platonic love platonic love is great!” “but platonic love is still good though…” no actually i said what i meant the first fucking time. is it so hard to let someone just say something ever
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watchyourbuck · 2 months
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Two hilarious fucking tweets with one thing in common: both liked by Lou Ferrigno Jr (Tommy Kinard)
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‘Warlord Advice’
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They’re all fuckin horrid parents….
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Based on this image that made me laugh so hard I almost threw up
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hellishfig · 3 months
for the amount of time i spend thinking about erika ishii, i do not post about them NEARLY enough
everything i've ever seen them in, they have been fully dialed in. they understand the genre, they understand the character they're playing, and they NEVER. FUCKING. MISS
my current dnd character is actually based on multiple characters of erika's that i enjoy. my character is a witch (like ame of worlds beyond number fame [thank you to the witch class playtest]) but she is also a brewer who grows weed and shrooms, and deals them, and does them (and her personality is very much modeled off of danielle barkstock in dimension 20's the seven)
i feel that many of my favorite moments from erika are often focused on other characters. but many of those character moments would not have been possible without erika's incredible roleplay and sense for storytelling
and when the moment IS focused on erika's character? spellbinding. groundbreaking. from ame talking to orima in the overgrown shrine to danielle getting a nat 20 at the masquerade ball, i always fall into the scene and feel it so deeply due to erika's skill and poise and commitment to the story being told
tldr i think erika ishii is incredibly talented and wonderful
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riotrhea · 4 months
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2017 -> 2024
Butchness is about becoming, lesbianism is about growth, life is about transitions.
Take up your space.
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sarahwatchesthings · 5 months
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He is both an amazing and a horrible parent.
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lotus-pear · 3 months
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dazai breathlessly watching his partner in an inhuman, corrupted state and still finding him beautiful has to be another kind of love
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sibmakesart · 3 months
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Breaking news : new mayor's assistant worse than the last one (the assassin)
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