#one of them mentioned she was a lesbian the first time we met her (she was telling a story to the other friends she knew and us i guess
sugaroto · 7 months
Well. Long story short uni-friend said she doesn't support the lgbtq community and I felt really awkward
"Δεν το υποστηρίζω, μακριά από εμένα. Είναι έναντια στην θρησκεία" I don't support it, should be far away from me. It's against religion
And dude??? Like I know a bunch of religious people... the only thing they hate about the gays is that they can't marry that hot 40 years older than them actor from Hollywood cause he's married to a man (or at least that was the mindset when they were 12)
And most of my friends are kind of atheists
It just came of as a surprise?? Cause a lot of people we've talked to are gay and any time they mentioned stuff like "I want a masc woman" she said stuff like "oh I don't know what that means... I don't know much about lgbt" and we were like "haha we're teaching you now" and laughed about it
I mean I thought it was bc "there were no lgbtq people in her village" but I didn't thought she was actually homophobic?
She didn't say it in a mean way? She is very very shy and her boyfriend is studying to be a priest and she is looking forward to becoming a Presbytera (I just found out there's no English word for it jeez) And like... idk good for her I'm used to the παπαδιά being my grandma but you do you
And anyways she was like "I don't support it" and all and I was kind of like "Well I'm a part of it, I thought you knew"
Like literally another girl made fun of my past hair color choices by saying "she wanted to let us all know that she's gay so she did all the rainbow in her hair" and she was sitting with us? I thought she heard it, I thought she knew
Honestly when [friend] called me gay bc of my hair for a few seconds I kind of froze bc there was another girl there to whom I haven't said I'm gay and it felt like outing me, but fuck it I'm out I don't care I don't need to announce it to anyone, the rest of the girls know cause they literally asked me
And anyways yeah I felt really awkward when religious friend said that, she started apologizing when I told her I'm also gay and that she didn't mean it like that but dude-
How have you befriended so many queer girls and don't support it
You're like the 2nd/3rd? Straight person here? The rest are on the community you don't like and want to stay away from you
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alottiegoingon · 2 months
who's afraid of virginia woolf?
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jackie taylor x fem!reader
summary: the one where you and jackie secretly love each other while struggling with your sexuality.
warnings: jackie and reader are best friends, everyone is 21+, alcohol, heavy mentions of r and j dealing with their sexuality, homophobia mentions?, lesbians in denial, angst but fluff and happy ending, not proofread, slightly based on good luck, babe by chappell roan!!
making plans of going to college together became a regular thing when you and jackie entered high school. it was only natural that the two of you shared the typical teenager dream of living with your best friend and being roomates in uni, ditching classes and getting drunk instead of studying for exams.
"hey, don't worry." jackie tried to comfort you when you got a terrible score at your finals in senior year. she was fidgeting with the heart necklace she wore on her neck, gently spinning it around between her fingers.
regardless her impressive and actually sad capacity to pretend to be just a silly popular girl with pretty face and shiny hair, jackie was actually smart. you knew that all that effort to act all clueless and giggly around weird teenage boys in high school was fake. you never saw jackie studying during the weekends but, somehow, she would always get the perfect grade but would be the first one to hide it from boys. everyone knew that being too smart was bad. boys would easily get intimidated and that wasn't good for jackie taylor.
"we are gonna get through this together. i promise. i'll help you." jackie gives you that same old sweet looking smile that always get you freaking out inside while putting on your best show to act casual.
one more thing about jackie taylor; she had your heart in the palm of her hands since you two met. you weren't certain about how your friendship actually started, but you were sure that it was almost instantly.
jackie was actually quite popular by the age of eleven. she had the charisma of those late night show hosts you used to watch on tv with your parents, the prettiest and softest hair ever and a sweet perfume that would ling around for days.
jackie was also a natural leader. if any kid needed to complain about a classmate stealing their favorite glitter pen or their favorite sticker, jackie would be in charge of comforting them and helping them with whatever they needed. it wasn't rare for the teachers to have a talk with her after class to compliment her for being such a role model. everyone loved jackie.
you loved jackie, maybe too much.
it didn’t take long for you to realize that. you had the worst time of your life every single day while having lunch in the cafeteria with jackie and other girls from your class. you felt like ripping your ears off when all they could talk about was boys. they weren't even being discreet about it, you thought at yourself as you watched them stare at a couple of losers that were treated like gods with their weird stiff hair full of gel and a mustache that consisted on a tiny clump of facial hair.
while every girl at your table was so mesmerized by them, dreaming about how their lives would be so perfect if they ever liked them back, you were captivated by someone else; jackie.
you could watch her for hours, even if she was too busy looking at boys. you would think that her hazel eyes were even prettier that day, but that was a daily thing. you loved to hear her voice and to see her big beautiful smile adorning her face when she was excited about something and, with her, you didn't mind hearing about boys.
eventually, you and jackie got to live the dream. sharing a small bedroom with your best friend would sound like heaven to any girl but to you, it could be scary as well.
not only you were going to see her face every second at the day but it would also be hard to hear her constant speech about how you had to be more friendly and outgoing and stop studying so much. in another words, she wanted you to date guys.
that was a common debate between you two in high school. her persistent need to find the perfect boyfriend for you even though you were always ready to deny it. maybe she was trying to get rid of you?
"come onnn! all you do is study. remember last year when i had to drag you to mari's birthday party and you spent the whole night hidden in the corner?" jackie made fun of you during your first night together while doing her usual skin care routine.
even with her hair pulled back by a headband and with her face covered in cream, she looked fucking stunning.
"i wasn't hiding! i was just watching everyone from a safe distance..."
"that's actually worse." she giggled. you watch her leave the bathroom with a face mask and wearing nothing but a soft robe that had you on your knees.
“i’m not telling you to go crazy. all i’m saying is that you need to relax, okay?”
you weren’t exactly proud of it but you had to admit that is was too hard to focus on anything else besides her. it was impossible to deny her anything anyway but now? you were in tight shoes.
you could already feel your face heating up while you stood there like a coward with eyes growing wide and fighting for your life to not drool over your straight best friend.
“so? what do you think?” she insists, giving you an impatient glance.
“yes.” you immediately said the first thing that popped into your head.
“what?” you watch jackie’s eyebrows knitting.
“i-i mean, yes! i agree. i should relax more.” you trip over your own words but, thankfully, jackie didn’t seem to notice. maybe you were just stressed with the entire change of routine.
“great! we can start tomorrow!” she clapped her hands excitedly as her smile grew from one ear to another, probably surprised and relieved that you didn’t disagree this time.
the first weeks weren’t nearly as good as you thought they would be. you managed to make some friends and actually met nice people, but so did jackie.
every friday night was a new suffocating experience. after a long week, jackie would drag you to the closest bar that most of the students would go to and, for the first half of the night, her duty was to play the matchmaker.
ever since you had agreed with her that night, you would force yourself to look happy in front of jackie at every god damn time she introduced you to a guy.
“i think you have so much in common!” she would say to all of the men before giving you a wink and leaving you two alone in a noisy bar, disappearing into the drunk pool of people.
it was always awkward and uncomfortable, of course. some of the guys ended up being actually acceptable and some were even sweet. but no matter how hard you tried to focus on the conversation, you would eventually find yourself looking for jackie in the crowd just to get your heart shattered by the view of a drunk jackie taylor with her pretty dress, messy hair, and with one of her hands tightly wrapped around the heart shaped necklace, eagerly kissing a stranger.
seeing this at pretty much every friday night didn’t make your daily need to fight against your feelings the easiest. you were drowning so deeply into your own thoughts that, one day, you woke up decided to forget about it.
maybe all of that was just a phase. you didn’t have feelings for your best friend and you definitely didn’t feel like throwing up every time you saw a boy since you were a kid. and, obviously, you wouldn’t fail biology or calculus on purpose just to be tutored by jackie so you could spend even more time with her and listen to her voice.
and absolutely, without a doubt, you weren’t scared of the big bad wolf called truth banging on your door and calling you a wimpy liar.
everyone know that famous saying “you are what you eat”, but what about you are what you desire?
jackie stopped complaining about you being stuck on your dorm studying on a friday night or during the weekends cause you stopped doing it. now, she wasn’t the only one to frequently visit the closest bar.
most of the time, you were the one to invite her first and at that point, it became a tradition.
you and jackie had different classes during the day and would barely spend any time together until you two met again at night. you, too scared to even look at her, would find an excuse to sleep early or spend the night at some random guy’s dorm that you met the other night. spoiler alert; you didn’t even remember his name.
you noticed the visible disappointment in jackie’s eyes and how deeply hurt she seemed every time you left, too desperate to silence your own thoughts and numb your feelings with good old alcohol.
during the bar nights that you two shared, jackie wasn’t as energetic as before. sometimes, while feeling like you were kissing a fish as your lips awkwardly melded with some other guy’s, you would open your eyes right in the middle of it to find jackie on the other side of the bar, sitting by herself with a filled glass of something strong.
you felt sick to your stomach at the idea of being touched by anyone else except for her, especially a man. but it was worth it if it meant that you could forget her entire existence for the night and wake up at someone else’s bed in the morning (and probably be late for class).
the year was flying by and everything stayed the same, except that the two of you didn’t share a word for the past few months and you avoided each other at all costs.
“i was wondering that, maybe now that finals are over, we could-“
“sorry, i got plans with travis. i’ll see you later!” jackie said while rushing to the door of your shared dormitory. you were a liar but so was she. you knew that “later” was a synonym to “tomorrow if you’re lucky”.
and just like that, everyday was the day to hear a different name. kevin, josh, steve, randy, sam. you even thought about making a list with all those names. you tried to leave the dorm during that nights as well but you were too worried about her safety. it would be much better to just wait for her and pretend to be asleep when the door opens.
you couldn’t blame her, you were the one who started it.
in a typical night at the bar, you feel a stranger’s arm wrapped around your waist. you were already dizzy thanks to the couple of shots you took and could barely feel your mouth attached to his. however, you were kind of thankful for that.
jackie wasn’t in a very different situation but she knew how to be pettier than you. she knew you and how you were acting for the past months. how you would look for her with the corner of your eyes just to make sure that she was okay or not too drunk.
you weren’t the most cautious person, jackie perceived your multiple stares and she would make the best of it. while having your attention, she was hiding behind her best mask and flirting with the first man she saw. it was the performance of her life, consisting of a fake smile followed by a loud and high pitched giggle and an exaggerated hair twirling.
you, watching from across the room, felt your blood boil as your hands curl into fists. how dare jackie to do this right in front of you? didn’t she know how badly you wanted her?
retaliating her behavior, you would mimic her actions just to get under her skin. until it worked too well.
you carefully watched jackie leave the bar in quick steps and your first idea was to ignore her. she started the entire jealous thing and she was being childish. but so were you.
you immediately ditched the person who you were talking to and placed the shot glass on the wooden table so you could follow her.
you immediately stopped walking as soon as you put your feet outside, finding her sitting on the sidewalk. you would usually approach her in seconds, ready to go for a hug, but neither of you were in proper speaking terms now.
cautiously, you get closer. she doesn’t look up to meet you but you know that she can feel you there. you sit by her side and hug your legs. the silence gets so loud that you would be able to hear crickets if it wasn’t for the muffled noise coming from the bar.
“what happened to us?” jackie’s breathy and insecure voice finally breaks through the silence after a while.
you finally feel brave enough to look at her. not just look, to see her. to acknowledge her presence. to not ignore her.
“i don’t know.” you whisper. but you did.
“are we even friends?”
“we used to be best friends.” she looks at you and, for the first time in what felt like forever, you could see all of the details in her face again. of course, she was prettier than you could remember.
“you remember when you gave me this?” jackie grabs the shiny heart pendant, rubbing it between her fingertips. there was a small hint of a smile trying to make its way to her lips.
“yeah. you were scared to try for the soccer team.”
“scared? i was terrified.” she adds and you let a whispery chuckle out. “i couldn’t sleep for days, thinking if i would be good enough to even make it to the bench.”
“you gave me this before the first trial and said that if i was feeling too scared, i could squeeze it and it would be just like holding your hand.”
“i guess it worked, right?” you try to lighten the mood, lips curling up into a subtle smirk. jackie ended up being part of the team and, over time, the team captain.
she nods in silence.
“i didn’t even like soccer.”
“what? but you were so good. why did you join the team?” your eyes narrow as you speak and your heart starts to beat faster when jackie takes longer to say something.
“you were part of the team. i wanted to be around you.”
you find yourself looking away from her to hide the sudden heat and the pinkish tone of your cheeks. jackie went through a stressful week that year, practicing and learning the basics without actually liking it just because of you.
the sound of your voices is replaced by a loud nothing once again. the air was growing thicker and even the slightest touch of your shoulders accidentally brushing against each other was a reason to make you unconsciously hold your breath.
“i think i’m a lesbian.” your feel yourself getting struck by a sharp surge of disbelief and in a blink of an eye, she has your attention again. you feel the palm of your hands getting sweaty, going against the cold weather.
“what? why?” you manage to say a few words and, if it wasn’t for the delicate moment, jackie would have laughed at your frantic gaze.
“because.” jackie sighs, not being able to stop playing with the heart hanging on her neck. “i felt absolutely nothing when i had to pretend to care about boys in middle school but i felt the entire world when you were looking at me.”
not only she knew that you were always staring at her in the cafeteria but she liked it. she liked having your attention.
“you were never good at hiding it, by the way.” she snorts but you were sure that she was just as nervous as you.
“i thought i was pretty good…” you whisper, grinning. she was absolutely right, though.
“really? i found a biology test of yours hidden under your bed once. you were even better than me but you said that you were failing it and needed help.” the red color on your face gets more intense as you share a loud laugh. your hands momentarily cover your face.
“i think i just wanted to be around you.” you shrug, defending yourself by echoing her words.
“you still do?” jackie asks and, slowly, the lighthearted smile fades away from your face.
your gaze was lingering on her eyes and wouldn’t dare to leave. not even when you gently leaned closer and your fingers fixed her hair by carefully hiding a small section behind her ear. the entire world felt like it had stopped and you could hear a feather hitting the ground. it was quite adorable how jackie was the one to held her breath now just before swallowing the lump on her throat.
“i think i’ll always want to be around you.” you whisper. there was nothing but love and adoration inside your eyes as you felt completely hypnotized by her. you allowed your gaze to drift down to meet her lips and the hand that was hanging around her ear just a second ago found its way to her face. the palm of your hand fit perfectly on her cheek and you took the opportunity to guide her closer to you.
the first thing you feel the second after closing your eyes is jackie’s soft lips touching yours and how tenderly they were dancing together. it was almost like you and jackie were made of glass and you didn’t want to break each other.
jackie’s hand imitated yours but she used her thumb to caress your cheek. you feel her pulling away from your lips and you feel faint when your eyes open and she is smiling like she had just won the lottery.
“fuck. you are so pretty.” you groan in a dramatic way. with watery eyes and rosy cheeks, jackie nestle her face into your neck and gives your skin a small kiss, causing you to shiver and hug her body tightly, closer to you.
maybe the big bad wolf on your door wasn’t so scary now.
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l8rs-gat0rs · 1 year
Hi, I have an Eva request!
So she was giving reader her first "therapy" session and when asking what her biggest secret she's hiding is, reader is like "the fact i really wish you'd go down on me" 😫����🏽
Secret Thoughts
Pairing: Eva x bisexual!reader
ANOOOOOON. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST. I literally can't thank you enough holy shit. I hope you enjoy this :) also shout out to my fellow bisexuals (as well as all the other gays who happen to be attracted to women😌)
Warning(s): smut ofc, this is basically straight porn. y/n use.
Summary: During one of your sessions with Eva, you can't help but spill a secret you didn't think you would. Eva is thrilled to hear it and decides to fulfill your request.
Word count: 1.9k
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~~~~~~18+ MINORS DNI~~~~~~
"Ah you came! Come sit down" Eva hugged you before moving to close the doors behind you.
You sat down on the chair that was facing Eva’s and you looked at her, nervous as she sat down.
She wasn't very far away if you were being honest, your leg bounced rapidly as you suppressed the thoughts coming through your head.
She watched you with her piercing blue eyes and a small smirk played at her lips, making you want to shrink into your chair but instead you glanced away, unable to keep eye contact.
"So" you cleared your throat.
"Is this like...therapy?" You asked, glancing back at her.
She let out a small chuckle before answering,
"No, think of this as a bonding experience for the two of us, which should be easy, considering how drawn I feel to you" her slightly hooded eyes seemed to drop down to your lips and you suddenly felt butterflies erupt in your stomach
"Alright, so here's how this is gonna work," Eva started as her eyes shot back up to yours, startling you.
"I'm going to snap, and every time I snap, you're going to say your name. Think of it as a grounding point. And we're going to keep building on that grounding point, so it can be strong. Like you." her eyes dropped to your hands and she brushed her fingertips along them.
you nodded doltishly and she pulled her hand, along with her body, away from yours.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t miss the contact already.
Eva leaned back in her chair and snapped her fingers.
"What's your name?"
"So y/n, let's start with something simple, why are you here with us?" Eva asked with a low voice.
"As embarrassing as it is, you found me crying on the sidewalk after my boyfriend broke up with me and kicked me out," you said sheepishly.
Her smile slightly faded at the mention of your ex-boyfriend.
"Yeah, I remember."
"Why did he break up with you?"
"Well, he said there was 'someone else'." You did air quotes.
Eva's frown deepened before she went back to a neutral expression and snapped her fingers.
"Have you ever been with anyone other than your ex?"
Curiosity glistened in Eva's eyes as she waited for you to respond.
"Mmm, yeah, there was a girl," you started, watching Eva's face for any reactions.
A smile pulled at her lips and you felt your insides melt.
"We dated for a while but it didn't end up working out, even so, our relationship was better than Derrick and me. I'm thinking of going full lesbian after him." You stated truthfully.
Her eyebrows raised at your confession and she unfolded her hands, bringing her chair a bit forward and closer to you so your knees were almost touching.
You suddenly felt very aware, and you sat up as she settled in her chair, watching-
Analyzing- you.
You felt your breath Hitch as her eyes slowly seemed to be undressing you.
When her eyes met yours once again, you clenched your jaw, trying to keep your mouth from saying anything crazy, but the weird thing was, you felt like telling Eva everything for some reason.
You were jerked from your thoughts when you heard a snap.
Eva's voice was now seemingly lower and a bit husky.
Fire burned through your veins as you opened your mouth to answer her prompt.
Eva leaned in towards you, you felt yourself slightly go forward as well.
"What's your biggest secret?" She looked at you through hooded eyes, darting between both of yours before they settled on your lips.
She licked her own lips before letting her teeth drag against her lower lip.
It felt like she was torturing you.
The smell of her perfume seemed to surround you and occlude all of your senses, causing your thoughts to be surrounded by haze.
You felt hypnotized by her.
"My biggest secret is I want you to go down on me so bad right now" you breathed out.
Your eyes widened at your own words as soon as they left your mouth. Eva smirked.
"Yeah?" She simply asked.
You felt a jolt in your stomach, you couldn't even explain the hold this woman had over you if you tried.
"Yeah" you simply stated.
"Well, why didn't you tell me baby?" She said, chuckling lowly, her eyes dropped down to her hand as she ran it up your thigh slowly.
You stared at her with your mouth hanging open and her eyes met yours once again.
"Answer me."
"I-I don't know" you said, your chest starting to rise and fall quicker as she used her other hand to slip up your shirt.
"Well I'm glad it's not a secret anymore" she leaned in closer and ghosted her lips over yours
"Eva" you whined.
"Can I tell you a secret?" She asked.
"I've been wanting to hear my name come from your pretty little lips like that since the day I first saw you" she said huskily.
You moaned before smashing your lips into hers.
You felt her hand slip under your bra as she ran her thumb over your hardened nipple.
You moaned into her mouth causing her to chuckle darkly.
"God you're so sexy" you groaned "I want you so bad" and she captured your lips in another heated kiss.
She pulled away from the kiss, taking her hand out from under your shirt before resting her forehead against yours as the two of you panted heavily.
You were surprised as she got up and pushed her chair back. She sat down on her knees, looking up at you.
You could cum at the sight alone.
She spread your legs open and slotted herself in between them, you felt your heart speed up.
She bit her lip and hooked her finger in the waistband of your loose sweatpants.
You lifted your hips up to let her remove them, almost moaning at the sight of how hungry she looked staring at your soaked lace underwear.
"God look at you, so wet for me already that you've ruined your panties" she moaned, licking her lips.
You spread your legs wider, your back slightly arched in the chair as you moaned for her desperately.
"Eva please, I need you" you gasped.
"You're so good for me, keep moaning my name like that" Eva groaned, bending down between your legs.
She pressed her tongue against your clothed center causing pleasure to explode low in your stomach.
Your hand shot into her hair and you grabbed it, pushing her tongue harder against you.
You felt her laugh, which vibrated through your body, causing you to shiver.
She wrapped her mouth around your clit through the thin lace and you moaned loudly as she sucked on it.
"Eva, please holy shit, take them off" you moaned feverishly.
"So impatient angel" she chuckled as she hooked her delicate fingers in the waistband of your underwear, pulling them down when you lifted your hips.
Eva reveled in the sight before her, licking her lips and groaning.
She pulled your hips forward and then held your thighs open as she went back in between your legs to taste you fully this time.
Your jaw dropped open as soon as her tongue made contact and you felt her moan vibrate through your whole body.
She licked your slit up to your clit before pulling back.
You felt your stomach burn with fire as you watched her sit back onto her knees, her hands still on your thighs.
Eva's eyes were closed as she took in the taste of you.
When she opened them her dark blue eyes looked up at you causing you to let out a whine.
"God, you taste so good baby" Eva groaned, licking her lips.
You moaned loudly, bucking your hips towards her.
"Don't worry angel, I haven't had of you enough yet" she smirked before moving in between my thighs again.
You let out a languid moan feeling your walls clench, pumping out more wetness that Eva happily lapped up with a flat tongue against your core.
Your hand made its way into her hair once again as she stuck her tongue inside you.
"Holy fucking shit" you moaned out, chest heaving as Eva ate you out like she was starving.
She moaned into your core as she felt your walls clench.
The room was filled with obscene wet noises harmonizing with both of your moans.
You bucked your hips into her face when her nose brushed against your clit.
As you peeled your eyes away from Eva in between your legs you noticed her hand moving slightly.
"Oh- my God, Eva are you touching yourself?" Her eyes opened as she looked up at you, but didn't stop the rapid movements of her tongue against you.
You saw her hand speed up as her eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh, you're fingering yourself" you gasped out.
Her eyes closed again as she let out a moan against you causing your stomach to tighten as you shuddered.
"Fuck you're so hot" you panted rapidly "I think I'm gonna cum."
She took her mouth away from your soaked center and looked up at you, her lips and nose glistening with your wetness. It was a filthy sight.
"I'm gonna cum too" she moved her hand inside her pants at a now, medium pace.
Before you could say anything, she took her hand out of her pants, her wetness still coating her fingers, she pushed them inside you and separated them, causing you to feel a wonderful stretch.
"Oh fuck fuck fuck" you groaned as Eva watched your core, your walls squeezing her fingers.
She snaked her other hand into her pants once again.
Her eyes met yours and she started pushing her fingers inside you at the same pace as hers.
"Don't cum until I say so" she moaned breathily.
"Yes" you choked out.
She added a third finger inside of you and your chest tightened once again, waves of pleasure taking over your body.
"Eva" you moaned out her name, signaling your release was close.
"Come on baby, hold it in, I'm almost there" she husked out.
Your chest rose and fell rapidly and you gripped onto the back of the chair, throwing your head back as you moaned loudly.
She was knuckles deep in you, thrusting her fingers faster, and the feeling was sending you to heaven.
"Alright, you can cum for me angel" Eva groaned.
You arched off the seat and your eyes rolled back as your legs shook with the power of your orgasm.
Eva let out a languid moan, reaching her climax at the same time.
She took her fingers out of both of you before watching your cum spill out causing her to let out an almost pornographic moan.
She sat back on her legs as she huffed, catching her breath and waiting for you to come down as well.
"So, how do you feel?" She breathed out as you looked back down at her.
"What do you mean? I feel so good, that was amazing" your eyes widened.
She giggled a little before elaborating.
"No silly, I mean do you feel connected to me now that we've cum together?" She raised her eyebrows.
"Ohhhh!" You nodded,
"Yeah I guess I do"  almost losing your train of thought as you watched her stick the fingers that were just inside you, into her mouth.
She removed them with an audible pop.
"How about we revisit this thought next session?" She smirked up at you.
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thelaurenshippen · 7 months
re: that *chef kiss* PERFECT Franken-Drummer post and tumblr not being all over The Expanse, I know right?? it’s such an amazing show with so many delightful, complicated characters yet it’s so unfairly slept on! maybe because S1 takes awhile to get going and ppl give up? idk but it makes me sad that I have so few ppl to squeal about Drummer and Amos and Bobbie and Christjen and Ashford and Naomi (ad infinitum) with 😭🚀😭
WHY ARE PEOPLE NOT OBSESSED WITH THE EXPANSE HELLO!?!?! there's literally so much to love about it oh my god. you're right, it DOES take a second to get going but once it does!!!
for those of you who have not read or seen The Expanse series (I myself have yet to read the books), let me tell you why you'll love it:
political space drama with incredibly distinct cultures and phenomenal world building, if you're a details girlie (gn), you're gonna go nuts
the found family vibes!!??! are off!?!? the charts!?!? (minor spoilers for the first few episodes) four people are thrown into a situation in which they accidentally become the most important people/fugitives in the whole galaxy and most of them DO NOT trust each other, what could possible go wrong, and even better, what could possibly go RIGHT
Christjen Avasarala. you are not ready for her. most powerful mover-shaker on earth with the most incredible outfits you've ever seen, refined elegance with the filthiest mouth, plus she's got a classic "whatever those two have going on is so gay it veers into something else entirely" with her younger protective knight lady, Bobbie
Bobbie. the "not to be a lesbian but oh my god" post is made for her. we meet her in the show for the first time when she arm wrestles a robot and WINS. you will be begging for her to step on you with her mech suit
speaking of women I want to step on me Camina Drummer. angry revolutionary pirate queen of my heart. do you miss the unique agony of 2000/10s queerbaiting but want it to be not baiting somehow? this show does that, idk how else to explain it. the most agonizing sapphic pining you've ever seen but it's textual and also not painful because its gay. don't worry, Camina fucks, just not the girl she wants most (also spoilers, but this is not a bury your gays show don't worry)
Jim Holden is literally just Some Guy who becomes the special fantasy chosen one because he simply cannot stop Getting Involved. nosiest bitch in the universe, I love him.
imagine you're a girl who leaves your shitty ex and gets a normal industrial job on a spaceship, only to have a six foot, two hundred pound killer dressed as a mechanic imprint on you like a baby duck, and its unclear whether he wants to fuck you or call you a little sister but he definitely WILL kill for you and will do literally anything you say and then you both end up caught up in a weird galactic war by mistake and there's this other guy with a captain america level moral compass and he's cute and you're into him except your shitty ex is still out there with the biggest secret you have and meanwhile your best female friend is the coolest person you've ever met but you don't think you can be what she needs and you're holding your family together, you're holding the universe together and all you want is justice for your people but unfortunately you've gone and fallen in love with the accidental most important man in the galaxy. well, every day Naomi Nagata wakes up
Praxideke Meng. botanist of my heart. literally tames the rabid guard dog that no one else could. gentle and able to stay gentle because of said dog. which brings me to...
Amos Burton. I saved him for last because he is my guy. he is THAT guy. canonically aromantic pansexual king. are you into guard dog characters? do you find yourself drawn to the "sorry my love language is acts of service and all I'm good at is killing people" characters? amos burton is like seventeen tumblr posts come to life. previously mentioned enormous killer dressed as a mechanic, former heels wearing "I didn't always work in space" sex worker who is always rolling into brothels and being like "you guys unionized?", gives a shit about basically no one in the universe except his crew and every single child in the galaxy, accidental comedian because he cannot stop saying weird shit, not a nice or good person but a loyal one, and one who is always trying to relearn the empathy that was carved out of him as a young person. every time he goes homicidal to protect one of his chosen people (crew + any and every child), an angel gets its wings.
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lottiembae · 4 months
𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔; jackie taylor x fem!reader
Summary: mid-twenties, a podcast and an off voice. or y/n discovering she had sex with a famous podcast's presenter.
Warnings: fluff, mention of sex, future surgeon!reader, mention of disorder alimentary. I don't know how I do it but it's long, sorry😐.
Note: English is not my first language.
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"Hello, everyone! Welcome back to glitter things. I'm Jackie Taylor, Shauna is behind like always and today we have a special guest! Welcome back to glitter things Misty."
Y/N spit out the water she was drinking, wetting the counter in front of her. She coughed, grabbing a piece of paper and cleaning the mess, her breath going normal. She kept hearing the new recommended podcast, not believing the voice she is hearing.
She had sex with her. Even if Y/N couldn't see her face, she recognises the voice. That scratching, low and cheerful voice that whispered dirty and luring words at her last night. When they finished, Y/N walked away from Jackie's place and that's all.
Tired and surprised, Y/N sat down on her rough brown couch, listening closely to the program. Amazed by the charm and spontaneity of the woman, she got in a trance and listened to the full episode.
She isn't proud that after that and decides to take a short shower and change clothes, while she cooks her dinner, Y/N put an old episode. This time some Natalie Scatorccio was the special guest, the soft banter with Shauna, who still Y/N couldn't listen to the voice, and the stories about how they were in the same soccer team. It surprises Y/N, not taking Jackie Taylor to play some sport. She finished her dinner and after thinking about it, she couldn't help typing her name, only to be met by an unknown answer.
There aren't any photos of her. Neither Natalie Scatorccio or Misty Quigley. It's weird. It's clearly at this point of how well the podcast is going, there aren't any traces of Jackie Taylor or Shauna. Three seasons and a ghost face to the public.
For a part she is surprised, but the other part she felt proud. I mean, how many people who listen to this podcast could put a face to Jackie Taylor? A few ones, Y/N is one of them.
A few days later and Y/N went to the same club she collided with Jackie. She couldn't help it, the mystery attracted her.
She walked inside of the crowded club, going to the bar to ask for a drink. While she waited for it after she ordered, her senses were on alert. She didn't like going out, plus nobody knew about her sexuality, so sometimes Y/N came to this lesbian club in New York, but afraid someone could recognise her. It's an internal feeling she has been battling for a long time, the only person knowing about her sexuality is her therapist.
Y/N thanked the bartender when they came with her drink and gave a sip, her eyes scanning the dance floor. And she spotted her, just like that. She isn't dancing, but she is close to the dance floor. Her head leaning to the unknown woman, whispering something with a smirk on her ear. Y/N could only see her face, the constant smile resting on her lipgloss mouth.
After thinking, Y/N decides to go to the dance floor, emptying her mind and letting herself loosen. She closed her eyes, focusing on the music, her body starting to move to the beat in a slow and sensual way. Sometimes she could feel the people surrounding her, but going away when notices she is ignoring them. Song after song, Y/N's body started to feel tired, the work hours affected her a little, until a perfume she knew too well hit her nostrils. Y/N still kept her eyes closed dancing, feeling her breath on her shoulder while she sneaked an arm around her waist, closing the gap between their bodies and dancing to the same beat.
This time she opened her eyes and moved her head to the left, seeing Jackie's bangs messed and her hazel doe eyes looking back at her, smirking.
"Am I finally the lucky woman to have you tonight?" She rasped on her ear, referring to the people who hit on her and failed.
Y/N shrugs, smirking back and turning around, wrapping her arms on her neck. "Maybe." She played, loosening her arms and her smirk widened when Jackie wrapped her other arm on her waist.
Jackie licked her mouth, deciding to lean her head on hers and kissing her lips. Y/N reciprocated, opening her mouth and giving access to Jackie's tongue, a hand going to her cheek meanwhile the hands on her waist going to her ass, squeezing it hard, Jackie smirked when Y/N let out a hiss.
"Let's go." Jackie whispered in her mouth after breaking the kiss, grabbing her hand and walking to a table.
"Wow, you gave for sure that I'm going with you!" She loudly says on her ear, the music is too loud for them to talk in a normal tone.
"I'm confident." Jackie said in a flirty voice, shrugging.
Their irregular breathing matches when Jackie puts on next to her, a hand removing her hair while letting out a laugh. "That's amazing."
Y/N nods next to her, not knowing what to do.
Jackie frowned and looked at her, leaning her head on her hand while putting her elbow on the pillow. "You okay? I know that I'm good," Y/N snorted to this comment, rolling her eyes. Jackie hit her shoulder playful. "You can stay. It's late and I don't want you to go home at this hour." She offers, pulling on the covers on their naked bodies.
"Thanks." Y/N said, blushing a little because she wanted to ask something, she cleared her throat and talked when Jackie looked at her. "I'm sorry, but can you let me get some clothes? It's freezing." She whispered.
"Yeah, of course." Jackie stood up and rummaged into her closet, grabbing an old dark blue sweatshirt and gave it to Y/N. "There you are." She put on a big shirt and lay down.
Y/N thanked her and before she put on it, she could read WHS with a bee on it.
The next morning, Y/N woke up before Jackie and decided to go before the blonde woke up. So, stood up slowly and carefully to not make a sound while she put on her clothes. She closed the door carefully and tipped toe for the dark hall, going to the front door of the apartment and freezing out when someone cleared their throat.
"Coffee?" The unknown person asked when Y/N turned around, a smug smile painted on her lips.
Y/N looks around uncertainty, but nod. She didn't want to be rude. She approached the kitchen and waited for her coffee.
"I'm Shauna." The brunette introduced herself, putting the cup under the machine.
Y/N opened her eyes quickly, so this is Shauna. She cleared her throat when notices she fell silent for a few seconds. "Y/N."
Shauna nods with her head and gives the white cup at her. She sipped her own coffee while her eyes looked at the stranger with curiosity, leaning on the counter. Y/N felt nervous for the intensity look on her. She sipped the coffee and cursed lowly to get burned.
"You can sit down if you want." Shauna said, pointing to the bar stool next to her.
"No, thank you. I need to go to work soon." Y/N declined, explaining the reason. Shauna nods, grabbing her tablet and going to a round table, sitting there.
Y/N sipped her coffee quickly, even if later she would have severely burned spots on her palate. Something on Shauna made her feel nervous, like if she gives a false step, Shauna will know she recognises them. Something is true, but in her defence, she found out randomly. And if Y/N decides to come back to that club it is only Jackie's fault for being charming and other qualities she can't think of now.
"Thank you, Shauna. Bye." Y/N said after putting the cup in the sink.
Shauna removes her gaze from her tablet and gives a lipped smile at her. "You're welcome. Be careful." She wishes kindly.
Y/N nods and left the apartment.
A few days passed. Y/N is in a cafeteria near the hospital where she is having practice. She is on a break, without changing her medical clothes because soon she needed to come back.
She sipped from her drink, depositing it on the table and typing on her laptop. But she raised her eyes up momentarily when saw a few tables away from a brunette she met a few days ago, it made her feel nervous. Y/N checked the hour, she is still ten minutes before her shift started and Shauna seems like she is staying for more than five minutes, that means Y/N needs to pass for her table to exit from there and Shauna would see her.
Y/N saved her project and closed the laptop, saved her belongings and went to pay for the piece of cake and coffee. Maybe if she wasn't so distracted, she could see the knife on the next empty table to fall, but it was too late when someone pushed her and her right hand met the metal, stab in her skin. She let out a loud pain noise, alerting some people around her. Her eyes saw the knife with her blood dripping, it is still stabbed in. Y/N needed to remove it slowly, careful to not damage the wound or brush her tendon.
"Are you okay? Oh my god, there you are!" Some waitresses came and tended her to a rag to cover the wound when she took the knife out.
"Thank you." She said in a weak tone, putting the rag on her hand with a firm knot. "How much for the coffee and that cake?" She asks, signaling with her left hand the cake she asked to have before.
"Oh no! We invite. Please, let me help you." A boy from the same age said, going out from behind. Y/N thanked them again, she could feel how pallid she is turning.
They walked to the exit, Y/N holding with her left hand the other injured one, feeling a warm liquid forming on the rag. "Y/N?" She stopped when Shauna called her. The brunette stood up and walked towards her with a smile until she saw the rag covering with blood, her smile faltering. "What happened?" She questioned with worry.
"I was not paying attention and I stabbed with a knife." She said in a weak voice. "I'm going to the hospital." She informs, trying to give her a smile but failing.
Shauna nods, watching the boy who attended her before. "I'm going with her, Simon. I'll pay tomorrow for my command." She said, grabbing her things and walking towards Y/N, guiding her outside.
The brunette guides her carefully to the big hospital, her body doing the shield on the crowded streets, scowling whenever someone pushes them without apologizing. "You know this place." Y/N said after a while, making Shauna frown confused. "The cafeteria." Y/N specific.
"Yeah, I usually go there because it is nearer where I work." Shauna murmurs, turning right to a street and seeing the big building. "Are you a doctor?" She asked a few minutes later, side eyeing the blue clothes.
"I hope so. I'm in my last year of college." Y/N said, both of them are going in now, they went to the reception and she gives a brief wave with her uninjured hand. "Good Evening Molly. I need a doctor." Then, she proceeded to show her right hand with the rag covered in blood, gaining a gasp from Molly.
"What the hell happened? Let's go, I'm taking you with Stella. She is free now." Molly indicated a door to go, Y/N looked at Shauna and whispered to follow her too. They travelled for some halls until Molly knocked at the door, opening it later when someone gave her permission. "Stella, your intern got injured. Please, fix her."
Molly gave Y/N an affectionate squeeze on her shoulder and smiled softly at Shauna, she left the room.
Stella frowned and walked towards Y/N, telling her to go to the stretcher. Shauna noticed how Y/N's steps were weak, so she helped her and grabbed her left hand to show her some support, the girl thanked her.
Stella grabbed a desk chair and put it in front of them, mainly Y/N. "Put the hand there." She ordered soft. The injured woman did what Stella said and the doctor started to loosen the knot, taking off carefully the rag and throwing it into a bin. Her blue eyes examined the wound, whispering something like it doesn't look bad, needing a few stitches. It relieved somehow Y/N heard that.
"Well, done." Stella said, giving a smile to Y/N. "The next time you injure one of my best interns, be careful." She said, chuckling.
"I'll try my best." Y/N said, blushing a little by the compliment.
"You will be two weeks out. Don't worry, I'll do the paperwork." She kindly said, standing out and throwing away the gloves. "It happens many times, and it is superficial. My advice is, breathe these weeks and come back with the same energy you came the first day." Stella said, patting her shoulder. "I'm going to grab the antibiotics you need and you are free until four days when someone needs to check on your stitches." The three got out of the consulting room, Stella went to do what she said while Shauna and Y/N sat down on the chairs outside the consulting room.
Shauna watched how Y/N moves her leg, a distraught look on her eyes looking at the bandage hand. "It's nothing." She patted her knee, trying to distract her.
"I know..." She whispered, raising her gaze towards her and opening her mouth a few times, she finally said. "I was afraid. I would never forgive myself if for a distraction I throw my dream into nothing." Her voice trembled. Shauna wrapped her left arm around her shoulder and pushed her to herself, Y/N's head on her chest.
"Do you want to hear something stupid and random?" Shauna asks out of the blue, Y/N nod gladly to distract her mind from the previous event. "You are my favourite." Shauna laughs lowly when the girl raises her head confused. "Jackie slept with a lot of women. My opinion is that they are all stupid and foolish. Then, you seem the only one with a brain to understand a hookup night." Y/N closed her eyes and slowly painted a grin, understanding what she meant and letting out a laugh, Shauna laughing too. "But it is funny to see Jackie trying to gently kick them out." She said with a shrug.
They laughed for a few minutes, Y/N let her head on her shoulder this time, sighing. "Can I admit something now?" She asks shyly. She hears how Shauna hummed an affirmative word. Y/N swallow and take a breath. "The next day after I had sex with Jackie, I discovered who she is..." She said lowly, a little embarrassed. "I'm a huge fan of criminal podcasts, and when it finishes there were recommendations and it was put alone when the time finished. So it was how I found out." Y/N explained.
"How the hell would our podcast appear on your recommendations?" Shauna asks aloud, a little incredulous. It made Y/N chuckles a little, thinking the same because the podcast she is into is the opposite of what Jackie Taylor could be. "Wait, Jackie mentioned the other day that you two met, so I'm guessing the second was the other day...?" She says, in a curious voice.
"Yes... Before you judge me, Jackie's voice is powerful. I know it is a lame excuse," she could see the ghost of a smile on Shauna's lips. "I guess I liked the other part I couldn't see that night..." She admitted, embarrassed.
After a moment of silence, Shauna spoke. "Usually, Jackie gave a contract with the person she had fun with and made it sign the next day. I asked her if she gave you the contract, because normally it is Jackie saying goodbye to them, not me. Maybe I'm around to witness the lies she said to them." She stopped, looking at Y/N with a kind look. "She said to me that we didn't need to worry about you." She finishes, shrugging.
Y/N feel confused. "What does that mean?" She lowly asks.
"I don't know." Shauna says sincerely.
At that moment, Stella came and gave her the antibiotics. "Three times during the day." She reminds her before she engulfed Y/N in a hug. "And you, did me a favour and take care of her, yeah?" She said at Shauna with a smile.
Y/N opened her mouth to answer that actually, she and Shauna weren't friends. However Shauna cut her and kindly promised that she kept an eye on her.
"You don't have to do that, you know?" Y/N says, walking to the exit with Shauna beside her.
"Believe me, I'm going to keep my word." The brunette stated, pressing the lift's button. "Starting now." She gazes at her, giggling about the girl's behaviour. It's weird that Shauna expresses some type of interaction with a person that only saw a few minutes the past day.
Shauna offered to drive her to her apartment, after Y/N declined like five times, the next try she said yes. They stayed quiet, hearing the cranberries on the radio, it surprises her a little because if she is honest, Y/N knew two songs about that group. But the little time they passed together, she could appreciate that Shauna is not like the rest.
"We are here." Shauna hummed, parking the car. They got out and Y/N followed her, not daring to say anything because clearly, Shauna doesn't take her to her place. And like if Shauna read her mind, she talks. "Sorry, but we need to record the next episode today so I can fix it tomorrow to have it ready on Thursday."
Y/N opened her eyes. "It's okay... But, do you want me there? I don't want to disturb." She said worried, going inside to a different building where Jackie and Shauna live.
"I'm surprised to offer it." Shauna started, indicating the way with her busy hands. "You seem nice." Was the explanation she gave.
They came out of the lift to the one on the last floor. They passed a few doors and the third one is where Shauna stopped, unblocking the door with her keys. She entered and turned on the lights in the big room, waving at Y/N to pass and close the door behind her.
"It has a lot of glitter..." Y/N muttered, her eyes widening. Shauna agreed with a low laugh. She could appreciate a lot of shelving, full of things, of memories and gifts. The wall had a light lilac tone, some lights scattered on the walls. In the middle there is a rectangular table, three chairs and microphones. A little far away there are two white couches and to the right a cabin with transparent windows, assuming that is the place where Shauna worked. She saw two doors closed, so she slowly walked to a glass cabinet where there were photos, it was old photos. She saw that a blonde with dimples on her cheeks was wearing the same shirt that Jackie gave her the other night. Then, Y/N realised that in fact, they are in their teens years. When her eyes met a teen Jackie with a yellow ribbon on her bun, with a navy blue kit while holding a trophy in the air with a big grin on her face, her heart gave an overturn. Jackie now and before, had almost the same face. Maybe the blonde is a few years older than Y/N, but that photo could have ten years, which means it is ten years older and Jackie barely changed.
"We won the last match to go to Nationals that year... She gave us the pass scoring that last minute goal." Shauna explains, crossing her arms while leaning on the table behind Y/N. "The dyed blonde is Natalie, at that time she and Jackie couldn't see each other. The tall brunette is Charlotte Matthews, she has never been on the podcast and I doubt she would be, but she hung out here sometimes. Busy with work now, she is a producer musician." Shauna walks next to Y/N, pointing the mentioned ones. "Ex girlfriends." At this Y/N let out a chuckle, seeing a photo where Natalie and Lottie are having some good time playing the guitar.
"She is Misty, you can't recognise her now. From all of us, she is the one who changed the most but remained the same inside. Smart, dark humour and tragic theatre recite." Y/N beamed a little, she only heard a few podcasts of them, but Misty seems really an interesting person. At least the topics she talked about, detailed it really well. "Van Palmer. If you want to survive never call them on their full name." Y/N painted a smile and could appreciate the photo where they all are together in a party, the redhead seems a little pissed compared with the others one where they were always doing a silly face or smirking. Then, she focused better and saw a big scar on their left cheek, it seems fresh. "Van got bit by a wolf in a trip with the high school's last year in Canada. I know, shocking. They hated it before, but now love it." Shauna explains, smiling at the end. "Laura Lee. The perfect, loving and happy girl that loved to tell us about our sins, very catholic if you don't catch up. She now has an erotic shop, very successful if you ask me..." Shauna pointed to a blonde, smiling face in a photo posing and behind her a small plane, next to her were an unknown face and Charlotte.
"This is Taissa. Our political friend. Badass and not scared to say what she thinks. She is a frequent guest here." A fierce gaze, big curly hair and proud smile while she held the same trophy Jackie did. Very attractive and showing a strong aura, Y/N could see through her features how Shauna described her. Y/N needed to hear the episodes where she is featuring. "Here's Mari. She doesn't have filter to say anything passing for her mind. Best karaoke singer, actually studying to become a soccer coach." She pointed to a girl who looks similar to Charlotte, with bangs and her eyes shrinking from laughing. "These are Akhila and Crystal. They help me with edition sometimes." Shauna finished, showing her a picture where the three are in the studio, having a break and giving tired smiles to the camera.
Before Y/N could ask something, two new voices were heard when someone opened the front door. They turned to look at them, seeing how the smile from Jackie's face dropped, transforming in a shocked face. Next to her was a redhead with long hair, the colour of their hair brightening the whole room.
"What are you doing here!? And are you a doctor!?" Jackie asked twice, her eyes scanning what Y/N was wearing. She throw her purse to the near couch and walked towards the pair, the shock turning in a new emotion, worry. "Oh my god your hand!"
Y/N looks briefly to her injured hand, then to Jackie again. "It's okay. I have a few stitches but I'm fine." She reassured her when saw how her eyes opened more when heard the stitches word. "And not, I'm not a doctor. But hopefully becoming one at the end of this year." She clears out, smiling timid.
Jackie looked at Shauna, suspicious. "Since when you two know each other?"
Shauna opened her mouth to explain the whole situation, but Y/N has an idea and interrupted her. "Well, she is my girlfriend." She almost let out a big laugh when Jackie gasped and Shauna looks at her with an alarming look. With her left hand grabbed Shauna's hand, intertwining them. Behind Jackie, Y/N saw the mischief look that Van is throwing at her, catching the lie immediately but remaining quiet.
The hazel eyed woman blinked a few times, still surprised. Then, she gazes intensely at her best friend and knew when the brown eyes moves away from her that this is not real. "Very funny." She said sarcastically, crossing her arms and looking playfully to Y/N. "I know this one for twenty three years, honey."
Y/N rolls her eyes, however inside her, her mind got dizzy and her heartbeat accelerate when Jackie gave her that pet name. "I wanted to see your reaction." She smugly said, shrugging and giving her an innocent look.
"Shit. So she is your girlfriend?" Van spoke for the first time, sitting on one of the couch.
Jackie turned to look at them with a startled face, while her cheeks start to turn red. "She is not my girlf-," she cut herself when saw the smugness on Van's freckles face. "Shut up, Van." Then, she turned to look at the pair, ignoring her warming cheeks. Her eyes noticed that they still holding hands.
Shauna let out Y/N's hand and cleared her throat. "I saw her in Sunny's cafeteria and I offered to accompany her to the hospital, where she is working." She looks at Y/N for confirmation and relief showed on her face when she nodded, confirming her explanation. "Also, I bring her because it was getting late." She said in a small voice, scratching her neck awkwardly.
"And you trust her?" Van asks, a little surprised. She knew Shauna is difficult to let people know about the podcast.
The brunette gave them a pointed glare. "Yes. The contrary she couldn't been her." She harshly said, walking away and going to her room, closing the door behind to let know that she wants to be alone.
Van snort. "So Shauna." She murmurs, sipping from her water. "Anyway, I'm Van." The redhead introduced to Y/N, smiling kindly when the girl sat down next to her, Jackie trailing behind her.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N. Jackie's hookup." Van burst out laughing while Jackie whined behind them, scolding Y/N.
"I like her." Van commented when their laugh die. "You hear it before?"
"About the podcast?" Y/N asks, the redhead nods. "A few episodes. I heard the Epitome and the Cheeseburger." She admitted.
Van hummed. "Well, there are good ones. You can witness on live today." They winked at her.
"Depends... Topic?" Y/N felt relaxed and play along with the redhead.
"About various topics. I'm a gamer who is friend with a cliché with legs. What do you think it could be?" Van rhetorically ask, leaning their head on their hand on the couch back.
Y/N snorted. "Be careful with your words, Palmer. I'm the boss here." Jackie muttered, sitting in the rectangular table with the laptop on. Her hair now in a mess ponytail, and she still looks beautiful. Her beige jacket wrapping her small figure, and her hazel eyes looking through the sophisticated glasses to the screen.
"Sorry, boss." Van mocked, not bothered by her friend's warnings words.
Y/N fix her eyes on the scar. She tried to avoid the lingering stare on it, not wanting Van feeling uncomfortable. But the problem is that Y/N from a long time, adores the scars and could be mean if the doctor who did it was a botched job or praise who the art work.
"The doctor who stitches you was a rougher and careless..." She whispers, clearly without intentions to say it loudly. Her eyes opened a lot when Van turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow. "Shit, sorry. I mean, it could be better stitched. It is not bad, but could be better." She explains, nervously.
Jackie raised her head curiously. Van's scar barely is mentioned and nobody dare to say something about it. Not because they are scared, they saw how bad and painful it made Van in the past, that they wanted to bring back what the redhead lived. "You are a freak about it, do you?" Their voice is calm, a tiny smirk showing on their lips. The blonde sighs relieved.
"Yeah... Can I?" Y/N shyly asks, explaining with her hand what she wants to do. Van nods, leaning their head aside to let more access. Y/N's index finger traced slowly the scar, it's big but frames perfectly their features. Maybe it could be a little thinner, but maybe the circumstances were different and it needed to be quickly.
Van's eyes catches the gaze that Jackie was throwing at them, specially at Y/N. They could see the soft on her eyes and the corner of her lips turning up. When Jackie moves her gaze towards Van, this one put their thumb up, making her to rolls her eyes.
"Alright! We are starting in five minutes. Y/N, please come with me." Shauna approachs again, warning her friends.
Y/N separated and nodded at Shauna, before she stood up, looked back to Van. "It's beautiful." She murmurs, standing up and walking to where Shauna is, closing the door carefully.
"You need date her or I'm doing it." Van whispered at Jackie when passed next to her.
"Sit down and talk about video games." She grumbled.
Shauna's eyes travelled to her right sometime, scanning Y/N's face when she noticed at the start of the episode that her face started to change. With a sight, she pushed away the black headphones and put them hanging on her neck, her full vision entirely on Y/N.
"Do you need anything?" She whispers, seeing now the pain written on her face. She knew that the woman tried to deny it with a smile, but it was impossible. "I'm going to take your pills and a glass of water." She informed her, squeezing her arm. "Keep talking, I need to go grab something that I forget in the living room." Shauna let them know, sometimes she did it in the past. They keep talking while Jackie puts her thumbs up.
Van keeps explaining the good game Baldur's Gate 3 is to someone in front of her that the only game she played was the sims. Jackie advertised her eyes from the redhead and looked at Shauna when she came out and started to rummage on a white bag. She can't see it properly, only it is a rectangular box. The brunette gave her a quick small smile and returned inside of the cabin, closing the door softly behind her.
"The other day I played with Shauna to guess Taylor Swift's songs... It counts?" Jackie says, smiling while Van scoffs, muttering under their breath. Y/N looks at the interactive entertainment, seeing how Jackie put up her leg and reposed her arm there, laughing at something Van said.
"There you are." Shauna approached with a glass of water and the pills Stella gave Y/N earlier. The brunette sat down where she was before, next to Y/N and when she saw the other took it, more relaxed she paid attention to her friends, smiling at some old anecdote that Van is telling about Jackie.
The time passed and Y/N was feeling better, but sleepy. She removed the headphones Shauna gave her before and leaned her back to the seat, hiding a yawn between her hands. Slowly her head met Shauna's shoulder, finding comfort there. The brown eyed woman looked at the weight on her shoulder, seeing a very sleepy Y/N with her mouth half opened. She knew that if she moved, Y/N wouldn't wake up too easily thanks to the pills. So moving her right arm slower, and with the passing time her arm started to feel numb, the new episode finished.
Jackie went to the cabin when no one came out from there. She opened the door and witnessed how Shauna was struggling to remove Y/N's head from her shoulder without waking her up. The blonde leaned on the frame door, crossing her arms and clearing her throat with a smug smile.
"Need some help?" She rasped out, chuckling when Shauna gave her a pleading look. Jackie walks in and gently removes Y/N's head to the chair, removing some strand of hair from her face and admiring her features while doing it. Then, her eyes find the injured hand and worry is installed in her mind. "Why did you come out before?" She whispers.
"She was in pain. I grabbed some pills the doctor gave her." Shauna explains, standing up and clearing out her desk. "What are we doing? We take her to our home or take her to hers?" She asks, stopping with a notebook on hand and the other with her bag, looking at Jackie.
"Well, for me I have no problem with her staying with us... Do you?" Jackie placed her hands on Y/N's shoulders to hold her and not falling from the chair. Her hazel eyes found Shauna's brown ones, unintentionally giving her a pleading and hopeful gaze.
"You are the only one who is going to sleep with her in the same bed." Shauna states, shrugging and saving her things.
Van approached there too and saw how the blonde started to call the name of the woman sitting there in vain, because Y/N is passed out. "I can help you with her." The redhead says, walking towards them and lifting Y/N up, wrapping an arm around her waist while the other one passes Y/N's arm around their neck, holding her hand with them.
"I'm going to grab my things and I will help you!" Jackie says, walking out quickly. Van walked carefully with Y/N by her side, Shauna helping her and stepping out when Jackie comes back. "Van brought me with them." She informed Shauna when they left the studio and the brunette is closing the door with her keys.
"Jacks, I know it. You have a car like an accessory." Shauna says in an obvious tone, smirking when Jackie hits her arm playfully.
When Y/N opened her eyes it was dark. A low volume of music playing in the distance and someone speaking in a low voice. She blinked a few times, disoriented. She looked around and noticed she was in a car, in the back part.
A throb of pain on her right hand made her let out a hiss of pain, sitting better and bringing her hand to her chest. A head turned to look at her, turning on the light and illuminating the whole car, making Y/N shrink her eyes.
"Shit, sorry!" Jackie murmured, lowering the light. "Are you feeling better?" Her doe hazel eyes pooled with worry, she heard the pained expression Y/N let out.
Y/N nods. "Where are we going? And... How did I get here?" She is confused, looking at the inside of the car.
"Van help us to bring you to Shauna's car." Jackie explains. "And we are going to our apartment. I hope it is okay." She gifted Y/N with one of her famous smiles.
Y/N holds her breath. "You don't have to. I can call a Uber." She said, not wanting to be a burden to them.
"Don't say nonsense." Shauna spoke this time, her eyes moving to the review mirror and gazing at her. "Also, your friend needs to keep an eye on the best student." She winked at her.
Jackie frowns, gazing at her friend confused and alternating her gaze with Y/N, who blushed. "What did I miss?"
"Nothing." Shauna hummed, turning a corner. "We are here."
"You have a nice apartment." Jackie complimented after her eyes scanned the living room and sat down in a stool in the open kitchen.
"Thank you. My parents searched for this and paid the rent, so..." Y/N says with a sarcastic smile.
Jackie snort, seeing the girl with fresh clothes now take the juice from the fridge. "You are rich. I know the sentiment. My parents are too and constantly paid for my things. Then, I went to college and I worked and I don't feel more free in my life." She explains, letting out a tiny laugh and shrugs her shoulders.
"I can't imagine their reaction when you told them about how you are dedicating now." Y/N says in a teasing tone, sitting next to her.
"No happiness at first... But later they accept it and they are my biggest fans." She admitted, her two buns made her look more innocent when her hazel eyed lit gazing at Y/N. "But I'm sure your parents are over the moon with your job's choice. C'mon, surgeon?" It was her turn to tease Y/N.
Last night, while they were laying on Jackie's bed they talked a little about their lives. And Y/N mentioned the blonde to what she wanted to be.
"They are happy." Y/N nods, laughing a little. "But it's for passion and admiration from an early age. I always liked the idea of healing people... And like you can hear yesterday I'm a huge weirdo for scars..." She slowly says, playing with the half empty orange bottle. "I know I'm privileged to have parents to pay for everything. But I think they do it for the amount of absence in my childhood that they reward me with money..." She said with her gaze lost, shaking her head when notices she shared too much. "Sorry, I should let it to my psychologist."
Jackie bit her lip, that story sounds to her. No because their parents did it, she had luck to have them there always. She put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. "I can share my shit in my teens." She tried to light the mood.
"Sure. I would love to hear Jackie in a difficult situation." Y/N snorted. She didn't know her too much, but Jackie emits that she was miss perfect.
"I know what you are thinking." Jackie started, removing her hand from her shoulder and starting to play with her rings. She made a thinking face, looking at the ceiling. "I remember the pressure about being perfect, after all it was what they waited for me. I remember how my mind blamed me for not doing what they wanted. Slowly I stopped to eat like I usually did. A small amount of food, counting the calories... I think soccer saves me from something bigger." She opened, her eyes brightening for the tears. She does not cry, but it's painful for her to remember those years.
Y/N felt shocked. In a million years she imagined something like that. She scolded herself to judge her. "Jackie..." She didn't know what to say so she wrapped her in an embrace.
"I'm fine now. My family and friends help me a lot. My psychologist too, so I'm glad you go there to let out your shit." The blonde patted the arm wrapped on her neck, the marshmallow soup Y/N used, hit her nostrils.
They stayed in silence. Y/N processing what the blonde told her and Jackie too distracted about the few freckles scattered on Y/N's arm.
"You don't seem surprised about me being a famous podcast presenter." Jackie hummed, smiling when Y/N let out a laugh.
Y/N removed her arms around Jackie. "And you seem disappointed about it." She sang.
"Well... Maybe." Jackie played along.
They stared at each other while the silence enveloped them in their bubble, until a song interrupted their moment. Jackie cursed in her mind and apologized to answer Shauna's call.
"Sorry, I need to go. I will text you later and hang up soon, okay?" Jackie came from the living room, grabbing her big caramel bag and walked towards Y/N, embracing her.
"Don't worry. Since I have some free time I will go to visit my parents and maybe listen to the rest of the episodes..." Y/N says, chuckling softly.
"I'm flattered, but you won't regret it I promise." Jackie kissed her cheek and walked away when Y/N said goodbye, who stayed looking at the back of the black coat she wears.
Days passed, Jackie and Y/N's bond got stronger. Texting every day and every hour. Every text that Y/N received from the blonde, let a big grin on her face.
Shauna helped Y/N too. Always calling her once a day to check on her. She even invited Y/N to go back to the studio, but she denied not wanting to overstep.
At this point, Y/N heard the full two seasons and half of the third, that it was still in the air. She can't deny that Taissa Turner is one of her favourite guests, loving how Taissa made her explanation with good arguments and not disrespecting different opinions.
Charming Voice: hey you! Some of us wanted to disturb Shauna's peace. You in?
Y/N laughed to herself when read the message before unblocking her phone. She is busy changing the bandage to answer immediately so, opted to call her.
"What do you say?" Jackie answered the call at the third tone, her voice echoing in the silence bathroom.
"I love the idea! I need to change my clothes because I just showered and put on my pyjamas. Give me the direction and drive there." Y/N explained, rolling her eyes when the bandage didn't stay like she wanted.
"Are you driving there? Are you crazy!? Forget about it, I make Shauna or Natalie drive to your apartment." Jackie says firm, some noise was heard in the background. "Shut up, Nat." She grumbled, making Y/N laugh.
"You know what? I'm not going to discuss with you this time. You know where I live. See you now!" Y/N says, hanging up the call when Jackie agrees.
Y/N opted to wear something casual, not in the mood to fix her. 20 minutes later, Jackie texted her that they were waiting for her.
"You look stunning!" Jackie yells at her from her seat, the window down. Y/N walked to Shauna's car, blushing a little by her words.
"You said that to everyone." Y/N stated, going in and waving at Shauna and the unknown person in the back seat.
"I'm Natalie." The blonde introduced, waving with her hand in the air and giving her a polite smile, a dimple showing up on her right cheek.
Y/N wanted to jump in the seat, too excited to finally meet in person to a frequent guest in the Glitter Things podcast. So, she just holds her enthusiasm and introduces herself politely.
"I guess Jackie can't convince you to drive her here." Y/N jokes when Shauna drives to another part.
Natalie let out a deep chuckle. "Yeah, however I almost made her drive me here." She said, giving a teasing smirk to the blonde when she turned at them.
"Well, is Shauna who did it, I think." Y/N says back, making Natalie laugh and the other gives an apologetic smile in return to Shauna when the brunette looks at her in the reviews mirror.
"Van's right, you are funny." Nat murmured, her black eyeliner giving intensity to her deep blue eyes.
Y/N raised her eyebrows, surprised to hear it. Van talked about her with Nat? And maybe with other friends that usually approach the podcasts? She feels like she can faint at any moment. The reason? Jackie Taylor. Why? To be cool. No matter what the reason is, for Y/N meet some cool women that approached in Glitter Things is Jackie's fault.
"Am I?" She questioned in a low voice.
Natalie bit her lip and nod, right now both dimples showed up on her cheeks when she fully grin at her.
"Can I have Y/N's attention to myself? Thank you." Jackie loudly said in a fake innocent voice and looked at Natalie with the same expression. The dyed blonde rolled her eyes, but made a signal with both of her hands to Y/N to indicate that she is hers now. "We are going to karaoke. Prepare yourself to sing with all of us some Taylor's songs and with Shauna Green Day's. Natalie doesn't sing, only smoke." Natalie showed her middle finger when Jackie teased her.
"I like Green Day!" Y/N cheerfully said, grinning big when heard that someone else likes them. Shauna gives her a shy smile.
"I think your shoot turned in another direction." Natalie muttered, looking by the window and holding her laugh.
Jackie gave her a death glare.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, not knowing what that means. Instead she remembers when Shauna told her about the two to not get along in the past.
They arrived at the karaoke bar, Jackie giving Y/N a hug when she got out of the car and immediately starting to tell how the new recording of the episode went when Y/N asked her how it went.
Jackie intertwined her arm with hers, walking inside while Shauna and Natalie walked behind them, chatting and correcting some of Jackie's parts of the story.
"Finally! One more song about Harry Styles and I cut my veins." Van exclaimed when they approached, smiling when their eyes met Y/N. "You came! How are you?" They kindly ask for her hand.
"Hi! I'm fine, thank you for asking. Someone sang American Pie? It is not a karaoke night when nobody sings that song." Y/N says.
"Oh my god! Yes! There are three people who sang that. You think like me! Can I bring you a drink?" The last part the redhead said in a fake flirty voice, but enough to make Y/N laugh.
When Van disappeared with Natalie to bring their drinks, Jackie introduced at her a tall brunette with a kind smile and soft brown eyes. She wears a pink top and a black skirt, accentuating her long legs. Unlike in the photo, her bangs disappeared and her long hair was cut, letting it go about her shoulders.
"Call me Lottie, please." She said in a kind voice, leaning down and embracing her briefly. Y/N couldn't deny how beautiful she is. And how good she smells. "Tai can't come and Laura Lee is getting late." She informed Jackie.
The rest of the night Y/N laughed a lot. Van's jokes with Natalie sarcasm's comment brought tears to her eyes from laughter. Misty Quigley joined the little group, she and Y/N engulfing in an interesting conversation. Then, the part where they all go upstairs to sing, Jackie brought with her a tired Shauna with hers to sing a Taylor Swift song. The next one was Van and Y/N, choosing for a 80's song.
"I'm glad you got along with all of them." Jackie sat down next to her after finishing the song with Misty and Natalie, for the dismay of the last one.
Y/N grin, drinking from her cup. "Thank you, Jackie. I needed this and you helped me a lot these days. Your friends are amazing." She sincerely said, maybe the alcohol had something to do with it.
Jackie gave her a sincere smile, putting her hand on hers. "I'm happy to help you. And about that they are amazing... We are keeping those words away from them." She joked, gazing at her with a fascinating look.
"Can I ask you something?" Y/N leaned on her ear for her to listen. When Jackie nodded, she leaned again. "I don't judge you but... Don't you want people to put a face to your amazing skills with the microphone? I mean, you are so talented and you are easy with words. It's a shame they can't see how pretty you are." At this confession, Jackie's cheeks almost explode for the intensity of how warm they felt.
She cleared her throat, trying to answer honestly about it. So this time she leaned to her and spoke on her ear. "At first I wanted people to know me! But contrary to me, Shauna wasn't. And for the first time in my life, I made the right decision to stay anonymous until someone finds us." Her hazel eyes meet Y/N's, the eyes that from a few nights were in her mind. "It's fun to read comments and theories about us." She finished, sipping from her drink.
"Jackie, let's go!" Van came and grabbed her hand, the rest of the group going on stage.
"We are going to sing our song. It's a tradition. Do you want to come or witness our talent?" Jackie says.
"I prefer the second choice." Y/N reply, feeling a little too dizzy to go there and sing. That and not wanting to overstep on their song.
Jackie nodded and before she stood up, she leaned and kissed her cheek. Then, Van dragged her after asking Y/N to record it.
Y/N finishes to record the song with her cheeks burning. The group made her the target to sing at the top of their lungs at her, bringing attention from the rest of the people there. The worst were the redhead and Natalie, putting up a scene.
The next day, Jackie offered to take Y/N to the hospital and removed the stitches. It surprises Shauna that finally her friend could use the car that their parents brought her after finishing college.
"Guys you don't believe it but Jackie is going to use her car!" Jackie rolled her eyes when hear Shauna say it when she stayed outside for Y/N's request and entered the buzz's chat.
The rest of the reply were they all making fun of her. She typed a quick answer and sent them all a picture of her middle finger.
"Why do you look so pissed?" Y/N approaches, holding a laugh.
"They are making fun of me." Instantly a pout makes passes on her features. Then, Jackie noticed that Y/N isn't wearing a bandage anymore and changing her expression for a happy one. "Let me see!" She extended her hand to grab Y/N right one, seeing a fresh little scar between her thumb and index fingers.
A new person approached behind Y/N. "New like a rose! Ivan told me you are here. How are you?" Y/N turned and let out a bright smile, hugging the woman.
"Stella! You are right, I don't know how many things I've been missing. I'm going to miss them when I come back." She gave her a brief pout.
"I told you!" Stella laughed, her gaze now in Jackie. "Hey, I don't know you came with your girlfriend." Y/N opened her eyes, blushing like crazy.
Jackie copied her gesture, but let out a nervous laugh. "We are not girlfriends..." She corrected her kindly.
"Oh sorry! You two looked like a couple, my fault!" The blonde apologises.
After that, Jackie notices how uncomfortable Y/N is. She decided to sit down Y/N where she was before and she took the seat next to her. "What's wrong?" She questioned gently, her hand stroking the palm of Y/N's hand, careful to not touch the scar.
"People don't know about me..." She struggles a little to say it loudly. She felt comfortable talking about it with Clare, her psychologist.
Jackie brushed her thumb to her chin and gave her the kindest gaze that no one gave her in her life. "There is not a rule to say to everyone that you are gay." She whispers. "You know, my parents found out when I went to college and saw my diary. I ranted a lot about Trinity Damon, the captain cheerleader. I always knew it and also denied it and I don't know why. It's okay if you are comfortable with people not knowing it, the problem comes when you hide who you are."
Y/N hides her head on her neck, finding comfort in her words. Jackie wrapped an arm around her shoulders, leaning her head on hers.
"Sometimes I feel like Leighton Murray." Y/N commented, making Jackie let out a big laugh.
"Yes, you are! Rich, gay and pretty." Y/N hit her arm playfully, raising her head from her neck.
When they come back to Jackie's car, Y/N discreetly takes a photo of her driving and sends it to Shauna. When Jackie opened the group chat she pouted at Y/N, whining.
"She didn't leave me live for it, Y/N!" Jackie protests, groaning. They went to her studio, the blonde wanted Y/N there to record the episode of that week.
"She or they?" Y/N hummed, laughing when Jackie sent her a warning glare. "You are cute." She pinched her cheek, only for the blonde to remove her hand away.
"You need to stay away from Van and Natalie. They are a bad influence on you." Jackie sighed, going out from the lift.
Y/N entered behind Jackie to the studio and almost passed out when saw a big curly hair chuckle to something Van said. Y/N slapped repeatedly on Jackie's arm, making this one to let out a trial of giggles.
"Big fan, uhm?" Jackie teases her. She planned it, for today's episode Shauna and herself thought to bring a special one where the majority of them showed up there, less Lottie, who for much she and Shauna begged, she remains to her word, but with the promise she can witness the moment from a distance. Y/N hides behind Jackie when she walks towards the group gathering on the couches.
Shauna steps towards Y/N, with enough confidence she grabbed the hand and scanned the scar, a small smile on her mouth. "Stella did a good job." She commented.
Y/N only smiled and hugged her, after all Shauna helped her that day and maybe thanks to her, she maintained contact with Jackie and met them all, including Shauna.
"Do you approach too?" She asked curiously at Shauna.
"Crystal and Akhila are here. So yes, I'm going to approach." She shyly said. Y/N clapped content, squeezing her round cheeks with her hands. "Stop it, you are spending too much time with Jackie." It made Y/N snort, remembering the previous Jackie's words.
A pair of arms wrapped around Y/N's waist, lifting her and making her let out a little scream. "It's me, Van." The redhead chuckles, putting her down and giving a side hug to her. "Taissa come here please!" Jackie asked Van if they could introduce Taissa to her, because if the blonde did it would be suspicious. Y/N swallowed nervously. Taissa walked towards them with a warm smile, removing her hair aside. "She is Y/N, a future addition to this wonderful lesbian group." Van introduced, gaining some laughter from their friends.
Y/N looked at Jackie, but this one gave her an imperceptible nod to her way, smiling. "The only one who made Jackie drive, nice to meet you." She sent a sheepishly smile to Jackie, who rolled her eyes but kept smiling. The full room burst out laughing.
Taissa laughed, greeting her with a hug. "I heard from you, nice to finally meet you. Wonderful words I promise." She reassured, intertwining her arm with Van's. "This one gossip about everything, just a warning." Van gasped offended, dramatically putting a hand on their chest. Taissa just rolled her eyes.
When Y/N greeted the rest of the group, introducing Akhila and Crystal too, they all gathered at the big table, letting out Lottie who remained on the couch. Jackie grabbed Y/N's hand and walked with her towards another room, a kitchen. Of course they have a kitchen too, she thought.
"Before I start, I wanted to ask you something..." She nervously said, playing with her fingers. She cleared her throat when Y/N nodded. "Can you go on a date with me?" She really feels nervous, Y/N could see not only through her actions, from her constant biting on her lip and her breath.
"I love to." Y/N decides to not tease her this time. "First time asking it?" She asks softly, playing with Jackie's ring, it seems that it relaxed her a little.
"I never had a girlfriend..." She admitted. "When I accepted who I am, I only slept with women. There are two times where I felt a little more, but I ran away." She explains, calmly. "The last one told me that she hoped the day I fell in love, they don't run away." Y/N could see that for much Jackie tried to hide how scared she felt, her doe eyes betrayed her.
She closed the distance and placed her lips on hers in a brief touch but enough to let her know that she is on the same page as her. "I never have a girlfriend either..." She confesses.
"I don't mind discovering this side if you are by my side." Jackie brushed her nose with hers, placing now her hand on her hips.
Y/N chuckles. "That's cheesy."
"Shut up." Jackie whispered, rolling her eyes.
A bang on the door alerted them. "Jackie stop sucking her face and come out!" Natalie yells on the other side.
"I'm going to kill her." Jackie muttered, Y/N only laughed. They come out, Jackie going to sit in her usual seat while Y/N sat down next to Lottie.
Y/N watches them all with a big smile on her face. Widening when she saw Jackie so relaxed and doing what she likes, laughing and carefree. Because Jackie is the reflection of her friends, and without them, this podcast never existed.
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tfyoulookingatgiuxs · 7 months
Drunk with my friends
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Nancy Wheeler x Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: That evening, you and your friends had organized a girls' outing. The party was getting better and better and alcohol was playing a bad joke on you.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: +18!! SMUT!! MDNI!!! Blurb, alcohol, toxic religion, fem!reader, use of Y/N, your surname is Williams, lesbian sex, fingerings, voyeurism, cheating, cunnilings, spanking, slight mommy kink, dirty talking, pet names (good girl, baby girl etc...), praise kink, begging, bad language, mention of drugs.
𝐀/𝐍: I love Nancy. Sorry for my english, this is not my native language. Please support and reblog! Hope you enjoy this one! (DIVIDER NOT MINE)
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"Come on Nance! We're going to have fun!" You urged Nancy who still seemed unconvinced.
You, Robin and Chrissy planned to go on a girls' outing and of course, Nancy was the mom of the group. Meaning she's always hesitant about partying and staying up late at night.
"That's right, nothing will happen" Robin chimed in "I don't know girls, are you sure? What if we drink too much?" Nancy said worriedly. You rolled your eyes as Chrissy watched the scene in silence a little lost in Robin "We'll be at my house. No danger, no boyfriends, no drugs, just alcohol and even if we drink too much nothing too bad will happen" You said walking closer to her placing your hand on her shoulder, she smiled at you "Alright..." She said making a big smile from you and Robin.
In your house. The evening was truly crazy. You having fun to the music while laughter filled the living room.
In the last period, you felt stressed and it had been a short time since the last time you had a night out just for you girls. But let's not talk about boyfriends! You were dating a boy you met thanks to a friend of your mother. He seemed very kind and helpful towards you, your mother wanted at all costs for you to find a meeting point with him. He was also strongly religious, as your father liked, so both of your parents took the opportunity to introduce you to him and find a way for you to get together. Real shit. Yes. As forced as it was, you liked him at first and so when he reciprocated you got together, but lately things were getting worse and worse.
He only thought about reading and barely said hello to you. He also specifically told you that acts such as sexual pleasure were not to his liking, so he would not have sex with you until you both make the decision to have a child in the future. You couldn't blame him if he had been raised badly by his mother. He barely knows what it means having fun. You would have left him, for sure, even if you were afraid of disappointing your parents.
Nancy was engaged to Jonathan. For now she didn't have many problems about it but the only thing that was wrong was the distance which made her insecure.
Chrissy was engaged to Jason, the most popular boy at Hawkins High. Lately the two have done nothing but argue, and the little cheerleader would like to have some time to have fun and be carefree.
Robin on the other hand...has no one. She's a lesbian in love but not engaged, so she's the quietest one of all.
It was ten in the evening and you could still hear your screams as you were putting a large quantity of alcohol in your stomach.
From speaking you began to play spin the bottle, in a certain sense... it was spin the bottle but with the words 'truth' or 'dare'.
“Come on Y/N, it's your turn” Robin told you and you flipped the empty Coke bottle onto the board. The tip of the bottle ended up on the yellow segment where 'dare' was written.
“Now you have to dare someone to do something,” Robin explained. You looked at the three girls to decide and set your sights on Nancy, who was also dead drunk by now.
“I dare Nancy to show me her tits” You said shamelessly. Ever since you started your evening you can't take your eyes off her breasts. You didn't know if it was the effect of the alcohol or what, but damn did you want to see them. Robin and Chrissy were speechless but they seemed to enjoy this ambiguous dare.
Nancy, throughout all this she looked at you with wild eyes "You're a pervert Williams, you couldn't wait to look at a pair of tits" She told you and you followed the divine movement of her lips while the two spectators remained watching without saying anything, curious how it would end. "Exactly, I'm curious to see yours" came a surprised noise from the lips of Robin and the cheerleader.
Alcohol was playing tricks on you, but this was not a joke...
You don't remember how, or rather, you two don't remember how. But you both ended up licking each other's tits, while Robin and Chrissy watched and cheered you on.
Nancy let out a few moans as you sucked on her hardened nipple.
The atmosphere had heated up and Nancy was the center of your attention. She was beautiful and her curious look as she looked at you was even better. Robin couldn't believe her eyes. In an instant two of her straight friends had become lesbians or any other sexuality in a matter of minutes. Was it the alcohol? Very likely in Robin's view. But not from yours. Sure, you were drunk, but you never denied yourself the attraction you had for Nancy. She was a beautiful woman, but not only in the aesthetic sense, but in everything. She was tough and she could stand up to you, she was responsible and when she ordered someone to do something...God you couldn't help but fantasize.
What were once fantasies were becoming reality and you couldn't miss this opportunity. You lifted your face and pressed your lips against hers kissing her. Robin and Chrissy, looking at you, started to warm up too, and after various comments, they too let themselves go. All four of you were a couple kissing sitting on the living room floor. Nancy reciprocated by adding tongue and you couldn't help but moan, wrapping your arms around her neck.
Fuck you. Fuck everything. Boyfriends, parents, friends and problems. Fuck you. All of you were now free as lust crawled between your legs. You in particular wanted to make bad decisions and bring down every perfect thing you had half-heartedly created.
Now you would have shouted the worst swear words at your shitty life. Fuck religion or any other shit, pussy was your religion now.
Sure enough, Nancy made you lie down on the floor and broke away from the kiss "Nance..." You said panting. She didn't say anything, just watched as you tried to catch your breath. You gave her a pathetic, submissive look, and Nancy couldn't help but giggle in your face "Poor thing..." her hand slid down your dress until it reached your skirt. Her left hand held your thigh tight making you keep your legs open, while with the thumb of her right hand she touched the wet part of your panties making you moan softly “I knew it Y/N, you are a dirty pervert, what should I do about you?" She said grinning as she pulled off your underwear.
You didn't answer and Nancy slapped your ass and you groaned "I said what should I do with you?" She repeated "Anything you want..." you blushed "Good girl..." she told you and then touched your wet folds with two fingers.
You also took a look at the other two. Both were definitely without clothes and Chrissy was making circular motions on her clit while Robin placed a few kisses on her neck, praising her and urging her to continue. You let out a moan as you felt Nancy's fingers enter your pussy. She didn't even give you a second, she started moving her fingers in and out making you moan pleasantly.
To think that in a few weeks you would have to go for confirmation. You will not be able to pray well if you have a guilty conscience and know that you have sinned so much. But you didn't care.
You had always been a devil with a halo.
Being still one would have changed little in your life.
You couldn't help the pornographic sound your pussy made as Nancy's fingers went in and out faster and faster. The living room had become a mass of moans from all four. Chrissy was about to come again, for the second time, while you were ready to reach your orgasm.
It was a beautiful feeling, and you rolled your eyes to the back of your head as her fingers were hitting that sweet spot inside you "Ohh- mommy, please..." You begged, not realizing what you called her. Nancy, the nickname didn't bother her and she didn't say anything about it "Shut up and cum" she just told you, and you didn't have to be told twice. You came screaming her name, wetting her fingers while tears ran down your face.
“Very good sweetie...” she praised you and saw your luxurious look. She pulled her fingers out of your pussy and tasted your juices “Mmhh…” she looked you straight in the eyes and sent shivers down your spine, making you close your legs.
"Ah-ah-ah, no no Y/N. Open these legs" she grabbed your thigh and you obediently did so "Good" was the last thing you heard and you looked again at the other two girls. Both were on the sofa, now tired and asleep. Of the two, Chrissy was the truly exhausted one.
You arched your back as you felt Nancy lick your clit. She continued sucking and licking until you came. Her whole face was now full of your cum, but Nancy didn't seem to mind, in fact, this allowed her to continue more wildly, torturing your poor clit "Ugh- mommy..." You repeated that nickname as your moans they increased more and more "It's too much, please...-" You begged but Nancy didn't want to listen to you, she slipped her tongue inside your hole making you tremble more than usual. You were about to come once again. Tears continued to fall down your face as you felt your third orgasm approaching “NancyNancyNancyNancy-” You repeated her name until she pulled away making you come “Fuck...” she said, wiping her lips of your cum.
You gasped and your vision went blurry.
The next day you woke up in the living room. It was early in the morning and the way you found yourself definitely shocked you. You and Nancy were half naked while Robin and Chrissy were completely naked on your couch. You immediately understood what had happened, and above all who you fucked last night. Nancy lay next to you, eyes closed as she was in dreamland. You got drunk with your friends. And that led to you fucking each other.
From that day on you decided to plan another girls night out.
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homosexuhauls · 1 year
I haven't seen anyone mention it on here, most likely because English language news sources are reporting them as friends, but a man murdered a lesbian couple in Hong Kong last week.
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(Twitter thread includes more sources and proof of the two victims being in a relationship. However, video of the attack exists online and some of the photos in Chinese news articles are graphic/disturbing. Please proceed with caution.)
Fang Xiaotong (26 years old) and Liu Jixi (22 years old) were stabbed to death by a 39 year old man in a targeted attack in a shopping mall. Allegedly, he purchased the knife only after seeing the visibly gay couple, then attacked Fang Xiaotong, who was a Tom, which has a similar meaning to a butch or stud or masc lesbian. Liu Jixi attempted to intervene to save her girlfriend, but the perpetrator stabbed her also. Bystanders and mall security did not intervene, although eventually chefs who worked at the mall heard screams and armed themselves with stools before attempting to stop the attacker. The perpetrator then waited calmly for the police, and both women were pronounced dead at the hospital. While Western sources are painting this as a result of mental illness, the video and local news stories make it clear that this was likely a hate crime.
(Nb. I've also seen their names given as Fong Hiu-tung and Lau Kai-hei, and also that they may have used the nicknames "Daniel" and "Amber". I can't know which names they would have preferred to be used, hence why I'm including all of them here but using Fang Xiaotong and Liu Jixi throughout the post for consistency and clarity.)
From Naomi Wu, whose twitter thread I've linked above, an explanation of the sometimes deadly hostilities Toms and other lesbians face in China and Hong Kong:
When men attack Toms (butches), they think a lot of things- sometimes in Chinese we say "one lesbian steals two men's wives"- herself and her partner. And for bitter middle-aged, unmarried men like this attacker, they've been told their whole life they are owed a wife to wait on them hand and foot- and they feel robbed and wronged by a young handsome Tom taking what's "theirs". They are angry, entitled, jealous- they want to teach her a lesson. They want to punish her for having what is rightfully theirs when they don't. Then it's "Oh, if you want to act like a man, I'll treat you like one". Most need to justify it to themselves to get started. Of course, the femme/Dee/P is always next, because we will fight to save our Tom, and once we do, they can justify turning their violence on us next. In their twisted head, they decide their unprovoked attack was "fighting 1-on-1" and it's our fault for getting involved. All Toms know the deal, they cannot win, all Toms tell their girls again and again "if something happens, just run, I can take it". When the time comes, all Toms try to buy their girl time to get away- even as they go down under fists and boots...or knives They want to buy us time, but no femmes can bear to leave them, so it never works. But they always go for our Toms first, then us. Every time.
Fang Xiaotong was a waiter in a high-end restaurant. She loved small animals and children and had lived with her mother and step-sister prior to moving in with Liu Jixi one to two months before the attack. Liu Jixi was a hair stylist and also worked part-time at a bar, which is apparently where she and Fang Xiaotong met. On the day of the attack, both women were planning to meet up with Fang Xiaotong's family to celebrate her grandfather's birthday.
Rest in peace 🫶 your courage will not be forgotten.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
Top 5 comics that aren't bat related?
GOD okay I'm admittedly so so behind on my non-Bat comic reading because trying to read Everything Published In A 15 Year Period is fucking TIME CONSUMING, but! but but but!!! I have some fun ones!! also as always these are not in ANY particular order!
Thirsty Mermaids (Kat Leyh, 2021)
first off: yes we are including graphic novels! that's just a honkin big comic! nobody @ me! anyway, I read Thirsty Mermaids in one sitting on an airplane earlier this year and it was delightful. it follows three mermaid besties who turn themselves into humans and go ashore in search of booze, only to get stuck when the party mage can't remember how to turn them back. what follows is a mix of shenanigans and genuinely heartwarming character development as the trio cope with being landlocked and try to survive capitalism. there's a high potential for a story like this to get cloyingly oversentimental, but Thirsty Mermaids struck the right balance for me the whole way through and never went overboard.
also, the character designs are soooooo fun. look at them!
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2. My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness (Nagata Kabi, trans. Jocelyne Allen 2016)
MLEWL is one of those books that actually completely lives up to the hype and then some, and it totally knocked me on my ass the first time I read it. I didn't really know what to expect going in, but I was totally blown away by how boldly Nagata's willing to share the ugliest parts of her life through this reflection. it's so much more than romance and yearning (and that isn't even really resolved by the book's end! Nagata continues to struggle with interpersonal relationships in later books, which you should also read!), and it felt really refreshing to see such an honest depiction of how much being depressed and anxious and insecure can just fucking suck. but at the same time, Nagata's ability to turn all of that into art and process what she's experienced in a really levelheaded way as she finds the will to grow and change is really affirming.
I have to give a special note of appreciation to the actual sex scene and how intimacy is negotiated between Nagata and the sex worker she hires, especially the ultimate realization that sex is just an act and losing her virginity didn't really change anything about why she was unhappy in her life. as a sex educator, I really appreciated the honesty and sheer practicality of how it was all framed.
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3. Nimona (ND Stevenson, 2015)
hi okay yes basic bitch alert I'M AWARE, but I reread Nimona last year to remind myself of why I didn't want to watch the Netflix adaptation and I was so right for that, because OG Nimona fucks so much harder. it's heartfelt but also chaotic and violent and funny and deeply jaded; I think when I mentioned it in my monthly reading synopsis here I described it as weird art for pissed off queer people by a weird pissed off queer person. and I stand by that! if you haven't read it already or if you haven't in a while, it's right there waiting for you with an open invitation to burn the entire corrupt government to the ground.
I know the word feral is overused and therefore cringe but christ, comic Nimona is feral. come on, man. just let her kill your ex. he's a cop.
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4. Superman Smashes the Klan (Gene Luen Yang and Gurihiru, 2020)
I had to get one DC comic in here, sue me! it's not Batman-related at all! it's a really rad Superman story that takes place in the 1940s and loosely reimagines an old radio serial, "Clan of the Fiery Cross," the was pretty much a 16-part hit piece on the KKK that was hugely successful in tarnishing their reputation and getting membership to drop. how cool is that? in this version we follow Lee family, Chinese-Americans who have just moved to Metropolis and are met with harassment from the local Klansmen, contrasted with Clark, early in his hero career, still figuring out the full extent of his alien abilities. you get some really nice parallel storytelling between the Lee kids, Tommy and Roberta, exploring what it means to be part of two different cultures at the same time Clark is going through something similar figuring out how to be a representative of two totally different planets, and it all works out in a way that's really sweet. now that I have a friend who's a baby I can't wait until he's old enough to get a copy.
it's an extremely comic book-y comic but in, like, the best way possible.
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5. Hawkeye (Matt Fraction and David Aja, 2012-2015)
I can't believe I almost forgot to list tumblr darling Matt Fraction's Hawkeye! what do I even say about this series that hasn't been said already? I love the way Clint Barton is a sadsack piece of shit who's repeatedly ruined his own life, and I love rooting for him anyway because he's just trying so goddamn hard. and also because there's a teenage girl who stole his name and gimmick bullying him the whole time. (Kate Bishop you are everything to me and you will always be famous.) there are costumes and crime fighting but it's first and foremost a slice of life about a life that fucking sucks but keeps on trucking anyway, and that's so up my alley it's not even funny. a lot of the humor probably feels dated now but fuck it, the series is iconic for a reason.
MCU, eat your heart out.
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bonus because I wrote out the whole thing and then decided I wanted to include a different one: Paper Girls (Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang, 2015-2019)
I'd be lying if I said that the thing about this series that I love first and foremost wasn't the art, because Chiang's art is breathtaking and I'll read anything ever if he does the art on it. but it's also just a super cool twisty, time-bending story about four girls getting roped into some high sci-fi bullshit when they're just trying to finish up their paper routes the morning after Halloween and having everything go to hell around them. I really respect a series that is committed to being weird and doesn't really care if you don't understand what's going on for a decent chunk of the plot, especially because it all comes together in a way that's pretty satisfying. waiting to read the whole series in one big run once it was all published so that I could track all the little hints and clues and things coming together across time travel bullshit was mwah, delicious.
also more than anything it's a story about how you Do Not fuck with 12 year old girls, especially in packs, because they're metal as hell, and I'm really about that.
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deadjam6 · 1 year
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its such a LARGE misconception that chip and dale are canonically brothers, and it pisses me off, cuz some of the things i see them doing are just....NOT BROTHERLY AT ALL!! and if they are brothers.....it's very Incesty and that's ..... fucked up
the first thing id like to mention is they ahve never canonically every been referred to be brothers, i have watched. EVERY. SINGLE. POSSIBLE thing chip n dale thing tha has touched the planet earth (ask my friends!)
in the movie dale stated chip was LIKE a brother he had never had, but from personal experince i can say with confidence sometimes people say this because they dont wanna outright say they like the perosn! (happened with me and my wicked hot girlfriend when we first met!)
but now onto my photographical proof (i wanted to include vdieos but tumblr isnt letting em for some reason :raise eyebrow:)
we see them meet in the movie for the first time IN THE MOVIE ?!!?!? 
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Now if you are saying “well techinally :nerd: thats meta, so does it really count?” dont worry friend, i have more
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there are SO MANY sreenshots i could get form this single episode (and the entire series) that depict them being lovers. I literally don't know how anyone can watch this episode and confidently say they are brothers afterwards
everyone in this epsiode had RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS ! then they see chip and dale being happy and think they are so cute, THEN CHIP AND DALE BREAK UP AND EVERYONE IS SO SAD AND JAW DROPPED!
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and this???? hello??? do i even need to explian this?????????
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are you guys doing this with your siblings???????????????? is this something siblings do????????????????
there are TONS! of shots in this series of them with a HEART BACKDROP BEHIND THEM like............................?
if THAT is some how not enough proof ?? i have more !
listen call the corprate mouse homophobic all you want but are you kidding me???? the fuck is this
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Do I even even need to elaborate
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other mickey mouse and friends couples
MOST of mickeys friends are part of same animal couples, including himself, disney did this alot with their older characters, mickey and minnie, donald and daisy etc, so why would chip and dale be any different?! lol!?
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now some of you may be saying, but clarice? lol? they were so into her?
LOOK AT HER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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THAT is a lesbian if id ever seen one!
not only that but she was totally hooking them up in her original debut? lol? moving out of the way to make them kiss instead? lol? :rainbowflag::vineboom:
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SOMETHING. id like to mention, because i feel like people will bring it up!
now i know orginally the creator had stated they were “simply little brothers” in his autobiography, which can link up again to what dale had said in the movie that chip was “like a brother” to him (not blood related), but really......look at everything dinsey as done with these guys, if they were blood related that is just, so messed up?? morally??? yknow? if that was ever the case then park life as most certiantly retconed that (even though it was NEVER mentioned to begin with in anything before park life) 
anwyays! that is all i have. happy 80th birthday chip n dale! You are my favorite gay Disney couple!
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dsm--v · 2 months
mutual shoutout. teehee.
alright im just copying @corpsedog right now cause he did this so. for the sake of time and also my patience im only gonna be doing people i can remember off the top of my head.
@constable-rohza REGGIE!!! hes an incredibly nice person, and i really love talking to them. big help on the server and a super duper rad boyfriend <3!
@beachdog211 AARON!!! my best friend and genuinely the coolest guy i know. weezercule member. very cool interests and very nice about the stuff i like. dog to my cat <3!
@biblicallyaccurateautism jack is admittedly one of the funniest people i’ve met, he helps to mod the server and is cool as hell (despite the nerd allegations). has the most warnings on the server which is something !
@spinkertoot spencers a big part of the atmosphere of the tb server, they made a bunch of the emojis way back when. theyre the “cum on guys. wait.” person. cool as well.
@cheese-in-space dotty! you’ve been in the server since day one and i think your stuffed animals you send in your channel are awesome.
@traderjoes-official rowan! another server og, and i think you were my first community mutual. anyway pst best timezone.
@biro-slay biro! a tumblr mutual turned friend. she’s very nice and has been a great pal. explains lots of hermitcraft stuff that i do Not understand /pos.
@ford-mustang-1969 fordie! cool guy who im friends with. they’re funny and i appreciate having someone who is also in love and annoying about it.
@antfarmingantfarms cass! theyre a relatively new mutual but i think shes funny and cool. the url they have is a good one and the genderqueer neil cici pfp goes hard.
@mcdennis chuck! your posts make a laugh a lot. i appreciate the url as well. i believe you are mutuals with many of my mutuals too which is cool.
@sheatethesun darcy! i enjoy your writing and i love the evil lesbians. keep up the cool shit !
@sunmoonyandstars v’s account is cool, even though i don’t know anything about marauders(?). we’ve been moots for a while which is cool !
@corpsedog ok kieran i know i tagged you in this twice. anyway he makes sickass moodboards and i’ve requested far too many, probably. he’s funny and i enjoy the blog rethemes. gotta say the basil one was the best yet.
@rraazzzzmmaattaazzzz faye! shes in a crazy timezone compared to mine which can make talking difficult but i enjoy when we do. sprout likes her account which is nice !
ok sorry genuinely if i didn’t mention you it’s like eight am and i need to do science homework so! yeah don’t feel bad. or do im not the feelings police.
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hawkinsglasscloset · 3 months
Sappho Punch | Bottoms x Stranger Things AU
Chapter 1: All is Fair in Love and War
Word count: 2k
Warning: strong language, mention of SA, mention of violence and blood.
A/n: So my obsession with the movie Bottoms and my obsession with the show Stranger Things came together to create this baby. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments are greatly appreciated :3
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Fall came, but the weather was still pretty summer-like. There was a soft breeze and a sky sprinkled with stars, making that night the perfect night to finally talk to the girl of your dreams. The only issue was... maybe the girl of your dreams was also the girl of your best friend's dreams. 
Hazel and Robin had been friends since third grade, they bonded over being tomboys and eventually their friendship grew deeper, but never into a relationship. They simply could not see each other in that way, not to mention they both were more into femmes, which led them down a long road of falling in love with straight girly girls. 
They usually went for the opposite type, it definitely made things easier when it came to relationships (or the lack thereof, in their case since they were both virgins), they never fought over a girl in all their years of friendship. 
Robin was more into petite redheads and blondes who could sing or play some instrument. Meanwhile, Hazel liked brunettes or girls with colorful hair, taller than her and on the chubbier side.
Unfortunately, as there's a first time for everything, this time they were both in love with the same girl. She wasn't exactly Robin's usual type, neither was she Hazel's usual type. 
Men usually say bros before hoes, straight girls say chicks before dicks, what do gay girls say? Chicks before clits? Well, something of the sort was decided between the two friends. They were definitely NOT gonna fight over some girl. 
And if she ever happened to show interest in any of them... the other would have to gracefully accept it and move on with no hard feelings. All is fair in love and war, but losing someone who has been in your life before you could even do long division was a price they were not willing to pay for coochie.
"If you don't say hi, I'm gonna say hi," Robin said with a nonchalant shrug. 
"She's definitely straight! What are you even thinking?" Hazel cried nervously as she fidgeted with a big roll of tickets and waited for her cotton candy.
"She's British! Maybe that's how British people are... straight looking," Robin shook her friend by the shoulders. 
"I don't think so, I think in Britain they're even gayer looking than usual," Hazel took the cotton candy and shoved part of it in her mouth. "Look! PJ and Josie!" 
The unpopular, supposedly untalented, lesbian crew of Rockbridge Falls was almost all there after the two arrived, Sylvie was the only one missing, but... nobody really wanted Sylvie around (except for her stepdad, of course). 
"What happened to your arm?" Hazel asked, seeing that Josie had a cast on. 
"She ate shit," PJ laughed. 
"She ate literal shit? What the fuck?" Hazel chuckled. "Did you get beat up again? Were you jumped? Was it spy camp? Did you go to juvie?" 
"Yeah, we went to juvie," PJ sarcastically sneered. 
"OH MY GOD, IT WAS JUVIE?" Hazel gasped just as Jeff, their golden boy from the football team was introduced in the most ridiculous fashion, making all the girls scream and beg him to fertilize their eggs. 
"Why are people so obsessed with him?" Robin mumbled. "He has a round jawline... like a girl." 
"I don't get why girls like boys like that. They're like dogs or pigs or... what's the grossest animal?" PJ huffed while the Viking players passed by them without caring if they bumped into someone. 
"The human being, no animals are gross" a soft voice answered her question.
"Naomi!" Robin nearly screamed.
"Where?" Hazel turned and squealed when she was met with the girl she'd been dreaming of for about a year since she moved from London with her mother. 
Naomi was the British straight girl in question. She was tall, taller than both Hazel and Robin (who was already quite tall), but in a delicate way. Her many curves were perfectly hugged by her bellbottom jeans and a crop top that said vegan women taste better. 
She had long jet-black hair and pale skin which gave her a Snow White quality that made both Hazel and Robin lose their minds.
"Hey, mate," Naomi smiled, as her cheerleader friends, Isabel and Brittany joined her. 
While PJ and Josie fumbled to talk to the other two, Hazel and Robin stared at Naomi without knowing what to say. It was like she always stole all the words from their brains. 
"I see you're vegan," Robin pointed at the shirt. 
"Yeah, I don't like to take part in any kind of animal exploitation," Naomi sweetly replied. "They are friends, not food." 
"Did you know Hazel worked all summer on her uncle's farm? In the slaughterhouse!" 
"Shut up!" Hazel hissed and then put a smile back on. "I didn't... I worked at the National Meat Association." 
"That's well bad," Naomi frowned. 
"I know, right? I don't even eat meat-"
"Yeah you do, your favorite food is steak," Robin said before being elbowed right in the boob by her friend. 
"Meat is murder... I just needed a job," Hazel tried to save face. 
"If you don't mind me asking, how much do you get paid there?" Naomi tilted her head. 
"Fifteen bucks an hour, it's pretty good," it really wasn't, not for handling guts and blood for hours and coming home every day looking like the final girl from a slasher film. 
"Say what, if you're interested, the golf course I work at needs new caddies, they pay twenty quid an hour plus tips. The old guys usually tip well if you laugh at their bad jokes."
"Wait, seriously? And I'd get to work with- with you?" Hazel's eyes lit up, not even caring if the old men in question happened to be pervs or not. 
"Yeah, kinda. I drive around serving drinks, we'd see each other all the time."
"Yes, please! I'd love that! The job, I'd love that job!" 
"I'll give you my manager's number tomorrow and you can give her a call to apply, you have the right build for it," Naomi said, eyeing the cotton candy. "Can I get a little bit?" 
"O-of course! Take all of it!" Hazel handed her the remaining of her treat.
"C-could I get a job?" Robin asked timidly. 
"I thought you worked at the video store, you don't like it there?" Hazel quirked an eyebrow at her friend. 
Before Robin could answer, PJ and Josie stormed out, snatching the big roll of tickets from Hazel and giving it to Brittany. 
"Hey, no, steady on," Naomi took the big roll of tickets back from her teammate. "These are Hazel's." 
"She knows my name," Hazel whispered to herself.
"But the little Dutch boy gave it to us," Brittany protested without any heat behind her words, as usual. 
"Don't be a twat, go buy your own," Naomi handed the roll back to Hazel and followed her friends to the nearest ride. "Have fun!" 
"Don't you work at the video store?" Robin repeated in a mocking tone once they were alone. "Fuck you, Hazel! Eat a bag of uncircumcised veiny dicks!" 
"You did way worse! You told her I eat steak!"
"You do!"
"I can stop."
"Isn't your mom throwing a barbecue tomorrow?"
"I can stop... after tomorrow. Anything for love!"
The next morning, when school finally started, Jeff showed up in crutches. He looked completely fine with the exception of a nasty black eye, which left PJ and Josie puzzled. 
Yes, they had technically driven into him the night before, but the car barely touched his leg, how the hell did he get hurt like that? He refused to explain anything more than the fact that he was supposedly run over.
That's what they tried to explain to Principal Meyers, but he wasn't having it, he had to protect their perfect quarterback... to escape expulsion then, Josie made up a story. 
She said they were just practicing for their self-defense club, to help the girls be prepared to face Huntington players that might want to hurt them, which had already started to happen. 
"I can't believe they're letting you guys start a fight club," Hazel chuckled as she ate her lunch next to Josie and PJ on the bleachers. 
"No, they're not, we are not!" Josie shook her head, too scared to even think about it. 
"Of course we are! Did you see the way Brittany and Isabel were looking at us?" PJ countered.
"Wait... girls were looking at you because they thought you ran over Jeff?" Hazel asked, her interest piqued.
"Hell yeah! Nothing makes a girl wetter than displays of power and strength," PJ nodded. "If we get this fight club going, we can get whatever girl we want. We just have to learn how to fight..." 
"You guys probably fought girls in juvie."
"We were lying about that, obviously!" 
"About juvie? Why would you lie to me?" Hazel asked, unintentionally looking like a mistreated puppy. 
"You assumed, I just didn't correct you," PJ rolled her eyes. "We just need to teach girls how to not get punched in the face, easy, and they drop their panties!" 
"Hey, hey guys! Did you hear?" Robin ran towards the trio suddenly. "Huntington shot up our books so the library is out of order again this year!" 
"No, actually... we're discussing creating a fight club to teach the girls self-defense," Hazel squinted, her blue eyes hurting from the sun hitting her face. "We can start with taekwondo, which I got covered."
"Wait, why are we even doing this? This sounds dumb," Robin started eating the sandwich her mother packed in a plastic grocery store bag. 
"We teach a bunch of girls how to defend themselves against the evil Huntington killers. They are grateful to us, we build a community, we bond, we share, we connect," PJ explained while gesturing with her hands and her hips. "We're punching each other, adrenaline is flowing, next thing we know Brittany is kissing me on the mouth!" 
"I take it back..." Robin shared a look with Hazel. "We definitely need a fight club. Hazel, bring Stella-Rebecca! She'll attract the cheerleaders."
"You know Stella-Rebecca?" Josie sat up, starting to consider the idea.
"We're family friends," Hazel shrugged.
It was true, but before even thinking of Stella-Rebecca, Hazel and Robin had bigger priorities.
"Naomi will be so impressed, she'll need to bring an extra pair of underwear to practice every week, cause she'll soak through the first!" Robin cheered quietly. She was usually shy and nervous, but they had a real shot this time, she couldn't throw it away.
"Shhh..." Hazel held a finger in front of her lips when she heard Naomi's voice coming from the principal's office. 
"I'm really sorry," she said. "But he tried to grope me."
"He's a boy, Naomi! He doesn't know any better!" Principal Meyers argued. "We won't make any of this public because it would hurt Jeff's image, but you can't just punch someone for their natural instincts.
"Naomi gave Jeff the black eye!" Hazel whispered. 
"Shit... it won't be as easy as we thought to impress her with our sexy fighting skills," Robin mumbled, but then she smiled. "But on the other hand, she has sexy fighting skills!" 
Hazel nodded, understanding right away and as soon as the principal's office door opened, Naomi was stopped by both girls. 
"Hey! Don't you think there's a lack of female solidarity at this school?" Robin asked, trying to sound casual. 
"Um... what?" Naomi narrowed her eyes. 
"You know, that Huntington player who fucked that girl's face up, we should do something about it," Hazel suggested, almost as if she just had that idea on the spot. "Hey, why don't you come over to our self-defense club after class?" 
"Self-defense club?" Naomi breathed. 
"Yeah, like a fight club! You can beat up people in the name of feminism!" Robin nodded excitedly. 
"Today at 3:15," Hazel added. 
"Okay, I guess it sounds nice. I'll be there," Naomi smiled as she walked away. "See you guys later!"
"May the best tomboy win?" Robin held out her hand.
"Oh, I will," Hazel teased, shaking her friend's hand.
Tag List: @mrprettywhenhecries @elliethesuperfruitlover
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When I was in college, I wasn't the quote unquote perfect activist. I am definitely not immune to making mistakes, especially in the heat of emotional moments. But...let's talk about my experiences for a moment.
-During my first semester of college I joined my university's local PRIDE club. I suggest that we do some sort of clothing drive, and have a place where anyone can give or take clothing. The intent of this was obvious and person: I came from family who either did not really understand my transness or actively disapproved of it and didn't have an income. I could not be the only one. We should be helpful in this way, to our trans brothers and sisters.
Sometime later, someone suggests changing the clothing drive into a clothing sale to fund their Drag Ball. PRIDE under that semester's leadership never does a clothing drive. My vision would not be completed until a couple of semesters later, working with my university's LGBT Center, and working loosely with PRIDE's new management.
-The one thing I failed to notice coming into PRIDE was that I couldn't find other trans women. That didn't bother me, and I was fairly popular early on. This was until someone else came out as a transgender woman. Initially I was happy to have another trans woman as a friend, but I very quickly began to notice the social effect. They were shorter, smaller, and more femme. Their social transition progressed much faster than mine, because they weren't poor. They regularly got many clothes from their friends in PRIDE, even as discussions occurred about a clothing drive. I got nothing. I was being outfemmed.
-I noticed the uplifting of drag performers and drag stars by many of my cis and nonbinary peers in the group. I often asked myself why this happened. For some of these people, drag was almost a lifestyle. The performance of hyper-femininity by someone who was AMAB in the context of a drag show was met with cheers, applause, fandom. Meanwhile, my displays of my own femininity were met with nothing. Those same people never complimented me.
-The president of PRIDE gave a presentation on the history of drag. They mentioned Ru Paul, but handwaved away their trans-misogynistic comments, saying they were unimportant.
-A considerable amount of time later, our LGBT Center did a wide survey of queer people on campus. Some responses by cis lesbians bemoaned a lack of lesbian support groups, and more importantly, that they didn't feel like they ever saw anyone that looked like them at the center. I object to this finding, because I myself am a lesbian, I am what they are looking for and am always at the center. I bring up the possibility that the comment may be transphobic. I am shot down. I was denying other people's feelings. I was a trans woman, not a lesbian.
-A dear friend of mine suggests doing a PRIDE event about learning how to do make-up. This is something I was in great support of, because I did not like the extent trans women were expected in a very short span of time to grasp all the complexities of the role of woman in today's society, when cis women get so much longer. What will not be included is tutorials of using make-up to cover facial hair follicles. They did not want to focus on tutorials about passing. I protest, in part because the darkness of my follicles is something I'm very self-conscious of, and that passing in itself is something that a lot of trans woman want. The make-up event never happens.
-A trans woman is talking about her transition experience. She is notably well off and has gotten a variety of surgeries. She explains this is ultimately the path that all trans women need to take, unless they end up looking like "fishy boys". This notably impacts my friend in a severe way.
-A series of hate crimes strikes campus rapidly. Someone spray-paints the "N" word on one of the school buildings, while conversion therapy pamphlets are deliberately left in classrooms teaching about LGBT subjects. Campus police do not care to investigate. PRIDE and BSU being to work collaboratively on a protest. The atmosphere is very good, there are a variety of different but very good conversations, and both groups work well on various tasks that were planned. The protest does not focus on what happened to LGBT students. Members of the LGBT Center and of PRIDE did not speak. We, who had been working hand and hand, were reduced to a footnote and a one-liner in a chant.
-While asking for more information about the investigation into both of these incidents, myself, the Title 9 administrator, and one of my coworkers, a black queer woman, are invited to a meeting with the VP of Student Affairs and the detective on the case. None of us were made aware of the presence of the chief of police nor of a third officer whose purpose was unknown. These investigations would never result in anything.
-In the issue of the school newspaper that reported on the hate crimes, included as well along side of it was a story about how conservatives felt like they were being silenced on campus.
-When I first went to college, I went to Housing to discuss the possibility of gender neutral housing, which they have on their website. I am told there is none, but they can make an accommodation by giving myself my own dorm room on the men's floor. I had been unable to transition before this point because of living with religious conservative family members. I am told that if I want to have a room on the women's floor, where I would have a more private showering area that was not a public shower with other men, that I would need the gender on my birth certificate changed.
Both of these were lies.
-I have a discussion with my mother about her continuing to deadname me, noting that I did not want to end up confusing my niece once she became old enough to remember my name. This does not change.
This is just, the experiences that I can recall while writing this post. It is not an exhaustive list. Discussing school administrations chronic underfunding of the LGBT Center and the resulting drama that caused over years would be an entirely new post. There's possibly even more stuff that I've simply just fucking forgotten over the years. It wasn't all bad. I met some truly incredible people and did some truly incredible things.
But there was bad. Some of it was general, but a lot of it was trans misogynistic, even if I don't think it was always intentional. A lot of these experiences changed me into the jaded bitch I am today on a lot of issues.
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
Day 9: Run, Ahsoka Tano
Song link
Fanfic, fem!reader
Word count: 2390
Tw: THE LESBIANS HATH RETURNED. Not proofread. Mutual pining. References/descriptions of slight injuries. Mentions of battles and order 66.
Summary: You and Ahsoka have known each other for years, and both of you knew that there was something existing between the two of you. Something that could not quite work for a padawan, or as anyone from the Jedi order. It isn’t until order 66 happens that you finally decide to run off with her.
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“Give me the keys, I'll bring the car back around We shouldn't be in this town.”
You were only fourteen when you two met. For her, it had been a rescue mission. For you, it had been your final moments at the place you once called home. She had just become a padawan, and was following her master around constantly. You were seated in the freighter the entire time, doing your best to ignore the blaster shots going off on the background.
Your whole town was transported to Coruscant shortly after. The place offered a safe place to stay, and food after the shock. The togruta had been seated beside you the entire flight. Perhaps because you had been closest in age, or perhaps because you seemed to need comfort. But whatever it is she did, it brought you comfort.
“And my so-called friends,  they don't know I'd drive away before I let you go So give me a reason and don't say no.”
You were fifteen when you considered her to be a close friend of yours. Your family had decided tos gay in Coruscant, claiming it had been a good climate for them to find work, and for you to come of age properly.
Your school was not far from the Jedi temple, and Ahsoka had snuck out countless times to wait for you. You’d share a walk home, talking about anything and everything.
She would rant to you about her training, and about the things you’ve seen, while you tried to tell her a bit about your own life. And though you once considered it to be dull compared to hers, you found she enjoyed listening to your stories more than telling her own.
“There's a chain 'round your throat,  piece of paper where I wrote "I'll wait for you".”
You were sixteen when she walked away from the Jedi order. She had run to your home first, finding a place to stay in, even if it only was for a short time. You had laid out an extra mattress for her in your room.
She hadn’t slept that night. Nor would she nights after that. She’d fall asleep for a short amount of minutes, but not enough for her to get that rest she so desperately needed. 
When she had decided to leave Coruscant, you were left with no choice but to leave her. You were too young to go with her, and you were not nearly as skilled of a fighter as she was.
She wouldn’t show up at your door for a year after that.
“There's a key on the chain,  there's a picture in a frame Take it with you.”
She was seventeen when she returned. No cheer or glee on her face: Sheer panic. Beside her stood a trooper, bruised and beaten, but there. She had taken you and the remainder of your household to a planet far off the radar. On your way there, she had told you about everything that happened with the Jedi order, and the fall of it. The rise of the Empire.
She spoke about her battle with Maul, the loss of Anakin, and the fight against the clones. It had now come to your understanding that the clone travelling with you had been Rex. Ahsoka had talked about him often; you had wished to meet him under other circumstances.
“And run, like you'd run from the law Darling, let's run Run from it all We can go where our eyes can take us Go where no one else is, run.”
After she had joined the rebellion, the two of you moved to Alderaan, where she could help rebuild hope. You were proud of her, you truly were. You were able to help in the infirmary. 
From there on, the friendship you had tried so hard to maintain through the years began to blossom into something else. Ahsoka had always strayed from the Jedi path just a little bit, but since the order had fallen, you had come to the realisation she had tried to be closer to you.
Short hugs turned into long holds and friendly looks turned into longing stares. After all that she had been through, there had been one rock for her. One person who perhaps knew her better than she knew herself. One person who she had told everything to her entire life.
It didn’t take long for her to realise she was completely, and utterly in love with you. And every little thing you did.
“We'll run We'll run We'll run.”
“Fulcrum?” You tested on your lips, squeezing your eyes together in confusion.
“You don’t like it?” Ahsoka asked, sitting cross legged across from you. Judging from your facial expressions, she formed her lips in a thin line. “You don’t like it.”
“No, I do!” You defended, holding your hands up in mercy. “It probably takes some time to get used to.”
A short laugh escaped you as you tried the name again. The woman in front of you shook her head, looking down at her feet.
“It’s supposed to hide my identity.” She justified. To that, you nodded in belief, standing up from your seat on the floor.
“That, it will do.”
“So you laugh like a child And I'll sing like no one cares No one to be, no one to tell.”
The togruta laughed in disbelief, following your movements. “That bad?”
“No,” you disapproved again, walking up to her as you placed your hands on her shoulders. “It has a nice ring to it.”
“Good,” she hummed, leaning forward quickly to place a kiss on your nose. “Now, I think your break is over. Soldiers don’t heal themselves.”
“You’re hilarious.” You mocked, reaching for her hand and squeezing it once. She returned the gesture before parting from you. 
A short wave came from her as you ran through the halls, on your way back to the infirmary.
“I could see this view a hundred times Pale blue sky reflected in your eyes So give me a reason and don't say no, no.”
The room on Alderaan was often empty. Lots of soldiers set out on mercy missions, leaving their injuries to be treated on the ships. Most injuries came from training or stumbling downstairs. It wasn’t necessary or a difficult task, but you were grateful to do some good for the rebellion.
And it did something good back; the window in the room gave you a perfect view of the training room. And when Ahsoka hadn’t left the planet, it gave you all the right reasons to look out of that window.
Now, she had busied herself with a droid, deflecting shots with her new sabers, having yet to notice you. 
This was easy for her, you could tell. There was no more excitement in training or improving, because there was scarce competition. She did not like to admit it, but sometimes she would talk to you about it. At night. In bed. When all other conversations had left the window.
It was that fragile side of Ahsoka only you got to see from time to time. The sudden thought brought a frown upon your face, sadness taking over.
Trying to cheer yourself up, you knocked on the window, completely forgetting that it could cause distraction. 
“And the note from the locket,  you keep it in your pocket Since I gave it to you.”
At the sound, her head turned around immediately, seeing worry etched into your features only briefly. It turned into a smile quickly, followed by a wave, identical to the one you had offered before running off.
In return, Ahsoka sheathed one of the sabers, offering a wave back. The droid, however, had not picked up on the distraction. Shooting aimlessly, a loose blast hit her arm, causing her to drop the hilt of the saber.
A loud laugh escaped your mouth, hiding it behind your hand quickly. You knew Ahsoka never set her training on lethal mode. Training droids would not even allow those shots. It would leave a red mark. At most. 
But you had nothing better to do. And thus, you grabbed the med kit from the desk, running towards her through the door beside the large window.
“There's a heart on your sleeve I'll take it when I leave And hold it for you.”
Already holding up a cold patch, you ran up to her, that same smile still on your face.
“Heathen,” Ahsoka scolded, turning the droid off. “You did this on purpose.”
“I didn’t!” You dismissed, lifting her sleeve slightly to assess the wound. “Though, I won’t lie to you. It was funny to see.”
“Glad to see that my pain amuses you.”
“Pain?” You laughed, applying the patch. “From a training droid?”
A pinch on your biceps halted your laughter, a tiny curse slipping through your lips. Now it Ahsoka’s turn to chuckle, retrieving her hand.
“Pain?” She mocked, pulling her sleeve back down. The red skin underneath was slightly visible, poking out from under the bandage. You simply stared at it. Not in worry, or malcontent. No; In sudden nostalgia.
“And run, like you'd run from the law Darling, let's run Run from it all We can go like they're trying to chase us Go where no one else is, run.”
“You should really get this looked at.” You complained as you and Ahsoka sat on your stairs, your fingers attending the wound on her shoulder.
“And tell my master that I got it while sneaking off with a secret friend?” She voiced in concern, holding the bandage in her arm as you worked on the stitches. “Attachment is-“
“Yes, yes,” you mumbled, knowing the words she kept repeating daily. “But I think lying is even worse.”
“They could come after you.” She reminded, to which you rolled your eyes.
“I cannot help being so loveable.” You tried to joke, snapping the cord gently. Ahsoka’s head turned to yours slightly, a serious look on her face.
“I’m not joking, Y/N. If they do find out, who knows what’ll happen to you? I get kicked out of the order, and you might-“
“We’re children,” you reminded sternly, working on the final stitch. “Even if they were to ever find out, they can’t blame us.”
The padawan only sighed, squeezing the white gauze in her hands. “My master might understand, but I can’t say the same for the other Jedi.”
“They won’t find out,” you reminded, retreating your hands from Ahsoka’s arm, looking at your work with slight pride.
“They won’t.”
“We'll run We'll run We'll run.”
You took the bandage from her hands, applying the lint gently. A silent hiss escaped the togruta momentarily. You would have preferred to work with bacta, but they only used that for the wars. Not for casual medical applications. At least, not back then.
“You could make work of this,” Ahsoka started, trying to distract herself. “We could use some good medics.”
“I don’t like the wars,” you pointed out. “I’d rather not get involved in them in any way.”
A short snicker escaped the padawan, and you swore, you could hear her words before she even voiced them: “You are friends with a Jedi.”
“Trainee.” You added, now pinning the bandage tightly, making sure it didn’t let go.
“There's been this hole in my heart This thing was a shot in the dark Say you'll never let 'em tear us apart.”
Blinking twice, you let your eyes wander over her arm, ripping yourself from your thoughts. You never did see yourself serving as a medic. Let alone serve in something as big as the rebellion. You never did like the wars, making your relationship with Ahsoka somewhat ironic. But she didn’t enjoy them either. She did what she thought was best. And you had followed her without question.
“Are you okay?” She voiced, grabbing your hand firmly. Your eyes got adjusted back to the training room, your eyes finally meeting hers.
“Déjà vu,” you answered absentmindedly. “You get injured too often.”
“Only because I love it when you patch me up.”
Heat rushed to your face as you turned around flustered, refusing to let her see your face now. The togruta laughed at your state. In response, you walked away slowly, to which she followed quickly.
“No, come back here.”
“And I'll hold onto you while we run, Like you'd run from the law  Darling, let's run  Run from it all  We can go where our eyes can take us  Go where no one else is, run.”
A hand caught the back of your tunic, yanking you back quickly, but not enough to hurt you. Spinning around, you held your hands out in front of you, trying to maintain your balance.
Two arms now wrapped around your frame, pulling you into her hold. That comforting place suddenly forced the heat back down. Now there were these terrible butterflies wreaking havoc in your stomach.
“You are adorable.” She hummed, resting her head atop of yours, her fingers tracing circles on your back.
That little tease was winning you over with one simple gesture. Curse her loving arms.
“We'll run We'll run We'll run.”
Melting in her embrace, you returned the hug, your head nestling into the crook of her neck.
“I hate you,” you mumbled.
“It’s so easy.” She remarked, a silent laugh rumbling through her chest. You couldn’t hear it, but you could feel it. She did this constantly. 
A sigh swept through you. Not one of exhaustion or disappointment, but one of contentment. One of these moments you were glad to live through. You were glad to have her at your side.
After everything the two of you had been through, the talks about running away, leaving everything behind. The conversations leading to nothing. And now you had her here. The circumstances weren’t the best, and you felt almost guilty for being happy in times like these. But she was there; as you always wanted her. Not as a acquaintance, not as a friend. As a partner. She was there.
You looked up briefly, placing a kiss on the bottom of her chin, before falling back in her embrace. A hum of appreciation came from your girlfriend in return.
Bad circumstances? Sure. But amazing results.
“And we’ll run.”
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laylajeffany · 3 months
Can men do any form of divination work in your interpretation of outcasts? There have been plenty of male psychics, but none doing Wednesday's sort of magic. Though very few men were accused during the most well-known witch trials (though there were still some), there were many men accused in other countries like Russia Many authors intentionally choose to exclude male witches from their work simply because there's plenty of male representation already, but it varies whether not that means no men at all or if simply none are presented to the audience. So I'm curious to know your view on it in the context of outcasts and the Network (I will say I'm only on chapter 21 so there may be a character I'm not aware of yet)
I just snorted; there is a character you are loosely aware of and haven’t met in-person yet as of chapter twenty-one and oh boy, can he perform psychic/magic-adjecent feats.  For the magic “rules” I have in place in CftF, anyone is capable of tapping into the energy of the universe and perform feats of divination, though obviously Psychics, particularly Seers, would be more naturally inclined to be open to these channels due to their Outcast abilities. Wednesday’s lineage on the Frump side and the whole “homespun magic” piece is intentionally matriarchal. Indeed, all the way up to the end, you will notice that only women (outside of QBB in the ether) have been seen doing divination in the story regardless of the Frump family, though. Is this a coded message that women are stronger than men in this area within the CftF world? Or does the author just think about men so infrequently that she didn’t even consider to include any males in the scenes that involved these practices, lmfao?
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In general - my writings are by The Girls™ for The Girls™ All other genders and expressions of gender are welcome to read of course, but might not find themselves connecting as deeply as I specifically call to some of the female and lesbian struggle, written by a lesbian who really writes for herself, and edited only by lesbian eyes as well lol (even before Wednesday and Enid are together in chapter 13 - the subtext of her struggle prior to is related to that experience). I used to write a lot of stories that featured men more, including het ships. Now I’m like, “Why would I write something that I don’t really like?” And I don’t really like men lol. (To be fair I also do not have great men in my real life who inspire me in any capacity, I am constantly having to teach them very basic things, do their jobs for them and/or remind them that I am not just here to be used - I do know there are good men out there, T. Martel’s father being one of them a la Gomez). (I think Kate McKinnon’s team has scrubbed lot of her pre-SNL content from the internet…she used to have an interview from when she worked on LogoTV that explained this so well that I can’t find anymore.) Regardless, the entire world centers men, and my 1.4 million word story was a place where that simply would not happen. As an author I absolutely try to center women and write from a lesbian lens as often as it is appropriate and makes sense for the story. We will be seeing more Gomez and Pugs in the sequel though as the first 300k will probably be taking place prior to arriving at Nevermore for the fall semester and be far more Addams family (which includes Enid now) centric. I recently finished an extremely heartwarming father-daughter part of chapter one and it tugged on my own heartstrings, lol. I would love to play with more Gomez and Morticia pre-children visions or memories if I can find a way to meaningfully incorporate them into the story. I think that Gomez’s love for his wife is a conduit for her to tap into more powerful divination practices - she is a light seeker, and her husband is part of where she draws inspiration (even if it grosses Wednesday and I out lol). This was very briefly mentioned when Wednesday asked if she had a difficult time conceiving when she realized that it was nearly seventeen years into Gomez and Morticia's relationship before she was born. Love power is real lmfao.
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spoofymcgee · 5 months
i realized i was queer when i was fourteen. we'd just moved to a new city, i was going to a new school, and until that point in life i hadn't put much thought into who i liked. i assumed i would have a husband because i wanted kids, but i was at orientation for my new school, and there was this girl there–
but the point is, i realized i was queer in a new city, a new house, a new school, and.
the neighborhood we'd lived in before hadn't been the most religious neighborhood. some of our neighbors kept shabbat, some didn't, and there wasn't a real community there that we were part of. that was seven years of my life.
and then we moved. and we moved into a neighborhood where almost everyone was an orthodox jew, and my father taught at the yeshiva and we went to shul there on friday nights.
and for the first time in as long as i could remember, we had neighbors with kids closer to our age, who would come over and laugh and talk with my parents, who were friends with my mom, who asked me to babysit their kids on weekends.
and. look, i don't speak for the whole orthodox community, and there are plenty of orthodox jews who are fine with queer people, who are queer people, etc.
but fourteen year old me didn't know that.
fourteen year old me realized she liked girls and her first thought was 'oh my god, what will the neighbors think.'
because in my little teenage brain, we had just settled in this community and put down roots and my parents planned to live there for a long time, and what would it mean if they had a daughter who liked women, what would people think, would anyone ever talk to them again, how could i do that to them–
and i agonized over this for months. november december january febuary march. i remember being listless, crying while doing the dishes, refusing to tell anyone what was wrong.
(this seems like a good point in time to mention that this was all my dramatics and somewhat erroneous conclusions based on uncles-at-family-dinners and the like. as far as i knew my parents were totally fine with gay people , but they were outliers in the community. to be clear.)
i know the date i came out to my mother because i told her after a friend from my old school texted me 'are you part of the lgbt community? don't worry, i won't tell anyone'
(i'd fought with my best friend, who still went to that school, the year before, because she said that she thought gay people were weird. i had no friends in my new school yet.)
(i panicked and googled how to respond to that question and told her yes i was but only on wednesdays.)
she told me that she was pretty sure she was a lesbian, and please, not to tell anyone.
if she hadn't texted me and scared me like that, i don't know how long it would have taken me to tell my mom. she made me realize i couldn't do this alone.
years later, i cut my hair. it was at my waist and i convinced my mom to let me chop all of it off and get it cropped and short. i told her when it was over that i loved it and the only thing i was really worried about was what the neighbors would think, because i babysat their kids.
she told me that one of them had a sister who was married to a woman (she hadn't known earlier) and so i didn't have to worry about it. i doubt i'll ever meet her. she made me feel safer in my parents' community than anyone else in the world.
last year i went to a queer shabbat retreat up north. i met someone there whose parents live down the block from mine. we see each other, sometimes, when we're both in the area for shabbat. we sit and talk on the stoop of one of the apartment buildings and the night before pride he invited me over because he'd made flag cookies and wanted to eat the messy ones.
my father asked me, the week after that yom kippur, if i knew the son of one of the rabbis, because he'd been home and in shul for the first time in ages and had his ear pierced and as far as my dad knew his dad wasn't the most supportive, and he wanted to make sure he was okay.
i asked my friend and he laughed. they'd been friends for years, him and this guy, and my dad was wrong–his dad was very sweet about it.
i don't know where i'm going with this, really.
i've talked to my mom, sometimes, about learning to be thankful for the community being queer has brought me, all the people i get to know and love because of it.
i wish i could go back in time and hug fourteen year old me and tell her that the neighbors wouldn't say anything. they don't care. some of them will say 'do you want to come to mine? i made brownies' 'i like the pin on your bag' 'did you get a haircut recently? it looks nice'.
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eddiemunching · 2 years
ok idea for robin x reader where reader is steves childhood friends and steve is constantly trying to get them to meet and set them up
Matchmaker Steve at your service! Sorry if this feels rushed, I’m super busy lately :o Warnings: Swearing, mature themes, lesbian! Reader, mentions of sex (but no smut)
Matchmaker - Robin x Reader
Five times Steve tried to set you up with Robin plus the one time it actually worked.
The first time happened in high school, back when you were a junior following around Steve’s senior antics. He had practically begged for you to come to the mall after school, promising you a free ice cream if you took up his offer.
“Why did you want me to come anyway, it’s not like you’re alone at work.” You said, digging into that free ice cream and nodding towards the back door where you knew he had some coworker messing around.
“We’re not allowed to hang out anymore?” He pouted, serving a customer with a jolly wave and an overly friendly smile.
“We can hang out perfectly fine at your house, I miss your mom.” You sighed before standing up and heading to the trash can, muttering to yourself about her wonderful cooking.
“I wanted you to meet my coworker Robin.” Steve gestured to the door, pointing to where Robin was apparently supposed to be. Instead you were greeted with an empty space and a very confused Steve.
“So, where is she?" You narrowed your eyes.
“She’s right-" he turned around to face the nothingness “Robin! NOT AGAIN!” He rushed after her, leaving you standing there alone.
It was maybe two months since the ice cream incident. Steve would not stop apologizing and offering even more free food, despite your claims that it was a one-time thing and not to worry about it.
“Sit with me at lunch?” He asked, pleading with you and practically dragging you over to his table already.
Placing your shitty lunch on the table, you gazed around at the weird mix of friends Steve had, all of them sticking to their own, much more strange, conversations.
“Okay, so I’ve known you since I was four and you’ve never invited me to eat lunch with you.” You said suspiciously, leaning over to look Steve in the eyes. “What’s this about?”
“I can’t eat with my longest and bestest friend ever?” He forced a fake smile, his voice faltering with each word.
“This is about your friend, Robin was it?” You looked around his table, attempting to figure out the mystery girl he was constantly talking about.
“Shit. She was supposed to be here.” He grumbled again, putting his head in his hands.
“You can introduce me to your girlfriend whenever y’know?” You said between mouthfuls of food. “You don’t have to invite me to lunch either.”
Luckily, Steve had waited until summer to bother you again. He was throwing yet another party, establishing a strict swimsuit-only code. Your old black bikini would have to suffice for this occasion.
“I’m starting to think this girlfriend of yours is made up Harrington, or she just really hates being seen around you.” You said wrapping your beach towel around your waist, grunting at the wet spots touching your skin.
“Look, she’s not my girlfriend-“ he said before being cut off by another voice.
“I definitely do hate him.” The voice said. “He’s really bad at throwing good parties.” She said picking at the array of food and ruffling Steve's hair.
“Robin finally.” He sighed. “This is Y/N.” He smiled, gesturing for you two to shake hands.
To humor Steve you held out your hand, winking at Robin to encourage her to do the same. Instead of shaking you opt to give her a quick kiss on the top of her wrist. Definitely in a more gentleman manner than Steve has ever shown.
“I’m going to steal your girlfriend Harrington.” You yelled before pulling Robin into the pool with you.
“That’s the point.” Steve muttered under his breath as you both collapsed into the warm waters.
After clearing up with Robin that Steve was definitely not her boyfriend, you two met up outside of Steve's overbearing influence quite regularly. Both agreeing to not let Steve know to prevent a potential uproar.
You found yourself in Robin's room, sitting on her small single bed with a growing awkwardness.
“Have you and Steve ever…” Robin blurted out randomly, holding her hand over her mouth in shock.
“Kissed? Hooked up?” You finished for her, grinning at such a bizarre question coming from Robin. “Never. I made it very clear to Steve that I do NOT like guys, especially ones with obnoxious big hair.”
“You don’t like guys at all?” Robin‘s eyes grew big, you could tell she was holding back a smile. “You’re a-"
“Yes. I’m a lesbian.” You gulped hard, not knowing what reaction she’d have to this sudden news. “I didn’t mean to just come out with it. It's just not every day you get asked that and I’m sorry if you hate me. I just wanted to clear things up.”
“I was just shocked that Steve hadn’t said anything about it before.” Robin insisted, rubbing your leg with her painted fingers to calm you down. “How does he get lucky with two lesbian best friends?”
Inviting Robin out seemed to be a lot easier process than when it was with Steve, bearing in mind he had a new event every week and always ended up canceling your plans anyway.
“See how peaceful it is without our little loud mouth.” You sighed happily.
“No one here to bother us about his devastating love life and his new hot girl every week.” Robin agreed. “I could get used to this.”
After about twenty minutes of pure silence, both of you savoring your coffees, a familiar voice called out. “You’re hanging out without me?”
You both turned to look at eachother and groaned. “Steve.” You said in unison.
“So. Not. Cool.” He grumbled. “I’m supposed to be supervising you two at all times.”
“We’re not five Steve.” You shoved him into a seat across from you, saving the one next to you for Robin. “Besides, you turned us down for another girl.”
“Is two girls not enough for you Steve.” Robin teased.
“Please just enlighten me when you’re going to be out alone.”
“This isn’t even about us being out together is it?.” You butted in. “You’re jealous of us.”
“W-what no!” Steve attempted to save himself. “I just want to do the matchmaking myself!”
“Matchmaking?” Robin looked at you confused. Before you could interrogate Steve further, he rushed out of his seat, sprinting out of your sight. “What just happened?”
You had started hanging out with Robin more and more, having found you have a lot in common. It was refreshing to have another girl’s opinion in your life since Steve was never any help at all.
“Did Steve invite you to his house tonight?” You asked, rummaging through your closet for something to wear. Hovering over different shirts with your fingertips and sighing when you were met with out-of-date material.
“Probably another one of his movie nights where he falls asleep at nine and kicks us out again.”
“I am not in the mood to deal with sleepy Steve tonight.” You grunted putting on the closest dress you could find. “Does this look okay, I have no clue what the dress code is for this thing.”
“You look wow. I mean good.” Robin stuttered out, looking at the way the dress fell just below your thighs. "No need to look all fancy for Steve's boring house."
"A dress is not fancy. I just want to look nice, that's all." You say as you pull out another dress. "Why don't we play some dress-up. Put it on, I've never seen you in a dress before."
"There's a reason you haven't." Robin gags, pushing the dress away. "They're far too itchy and uncomfortable."
"Don't let me go overdressed alone." You sulk, beginning to fake cry.
"Fine." She gives in. "But you owe me. Big time."
In all honesty, seeing Robin in a flowery dress was not something you ever expected. The color was definitely not flattering on her but she somehow made it work in a cute awkward way.
"You look so cute." You giggled, petting Robin's head.
"I look stupid." Robin moaned, going to take it off.
"We're leaving and you're wearing that." You stopped Robin from changing and fixing her makeup. "Let's surprise Steve with our hotness."
It took around twenty minutes to arrive at Steves and to your surprise, no one was there. You unlocked the door swiftly, using the handy key from under the leftmost plant pot. Sheer silence accompanied you two as you entered. There was absolutely no sign of Steve at all.
"Did he forget to tell us it was canceled or?" Robin said, helping herself to some candy on Steve's cabinet.
"Typical Steve." you groaned. "Do you want to leave, we can just go back to mine."
"How about we have fun here first?" Robin smiled, gesturing to Steve's room.
You both attempted to run up the stairs, crashing into each other in a small heap on the third step. Robin hoisted you up and continued the journey to Steve's infamous bedroom.
"So how many people do you think he's brought back into this very same room." Robin picked at the bedsheets.
"I really hope he changes the decor every once in a while." You shuddered.
"Think about how many times he had sex on this bed."
"Stop. Gross. Gross. Gross." You covered your ears. "You're going too far."
"How does he even get girls up here?" Robin questioned. "People are actually into Steve or is he making it up to sound cool."
"Why isn't he getting us any girls?" You looked to Robin. "The only two lesbians in Hawkins it seems."
"Maybe he did help us get a girl." Robin mentioned.
"What do you mean?" You asked, cocking your head to the side.
"After all, we did meet because of him." Robin justified, shocked at how she was coming to Steve's defense.
You let her idea register in your mind. Initially you had never thought about Steve possibly setting this whole thing up. He was more of a dingus than anything else, messing up most plans with his foolish behavior.
“You don’t think he’s smart enough for this, do you?” You laughed lightly, moving closer to look Robin in the eyes.
“I’m just saying.” She shrugged. “He knew what he was doing inviting us here.”
Before wasting another moment you pull robin down by her shoulders and connect your lips with a deep kiss, binding you together in the moment. It was long overdue. There was always this inkling in the back of your mind that Robin liked you. You often caught her quick glances. The way her breath hitched when you walked past. She always listened to your long rambles, ensuring you that you were completely in the right every single time.
“Steve is the best wingman in the history of Hawkins.” You exclaimed, using Steve’s Polaroid camera to capture a quick peck from Robin, leaving it on his pillow as some form of a trophy.
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