#(i dont remember how the conversation lead to that but whatever)
sugaroto · 7 months
Well. Long story short uni-friend said she doesn't support the lgbtq community and I felt really awkward
"Δεν το υποστηρίζω, μακριά από εμένα. Είναι έναντια στην θρησκεία" I don't support it, should be far away from me. It's against religion
And dude??? Like I know a bunch of religious people... the only thing they hate about the gays is that they can't marry that hot 40 years older than them actor from Hollywood cause he's married to a man (or at least that was the mindset when they were 12)
And most of my friends are kind of atheists
It just came of as a surprise?? Cause a lot of people we've talked to are gay and any time they mentioned stuff like "I want a masc woman" she said stuff like "oh I don't know what that means... I don't know much about lgbt" and we were like "haha we're teaching you now" and laughed about it
I mean I thought it was bc "there were no lgbtq people in her village" but I didn't thought she was actually homophobic?
She didn't say it in a mean way? She is very very shy and her boyfriend is studying to be a priest and she is looking forward to becoming a Presbytera (I just found out there's no English word for it jeez) And like... idk good for her I'm used to the παπαδιά being my grandma but you do you
And anyways she was like "I don't support it" and all and I was kind of like "Well I'm a part of it, I thought you knew"
Like literally another girl made fun of my past hair color choices by saying "she wanted to let us all know that she's gay so she did all the rainbow in her hair" and she was sitting with us? I thought she heard it, I thought she knew
Honestly when [friend] called me gay bc of my hair for a few seconds I kind of froze bc there was another girl there to whom I haven't said I'm gay and it felt like outing me, but fuck it I'm out I don't care I don't need to announce it to anyone, the rest of the girls know cause they literally asked me
And anyways yeah I felt really awkward when religious friend said that, she started apologizing when I told her I'm also gay and that she didn't mean it like that but dude-
How have you befriended so many queer girls and don't support it
You're like the 2nd/3rd? Straight person here? The rest are on the community you don't like and want to stay away from you
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elliewluvr · 2 months
sells | ellie williams
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pairing: drugdealer!ellie x f!reader
summary: ellie’s a popular known drug dealer at your college which just so happened to be hosting a large party where you and ellie bump into eachother.
content warnings: 18+ SMUT MDNI, drug use, alcohol use, partying, fingering, slight degradation and praise, reader receiving, almost getting caught, tons of kisses
dont purchase tlou2! support palestine 🇵🇸
there you were, laying in your dorm room with an face mask on that was in the middle of moisturizing and cleansing your pores.
outside of your door, you could hear girls laughing as they walked down the halls to head to the assumed frat party that everyone has been raving about for the past week.
you on the other hand, WERENT interested in going, despite the amount of messages your friends and classmates sent you in hopes of you showing up.
it wasnt that you hated parties, you just didnt want to go to this party in particular since the people hosting it are pretty much all dicks.. hard pass.
you let out a sigh, rolling over onto your stomach as you checked through your social media and messages, immediately clicking on the 9+ messages your best friend sent you on instagram.
her: arent you coming to the party tonight?
you: yeah ill pass, i think im gonna stay in and watch movies tonight
her: hell no, you promised youd come out with me tonight. youve already missed every other party there’s been
you: damn i forgot about that
you: fine, ill be ready soon. just give me 30 minutes.
her: mkay, sounds good!
you rolled your eyes playfully, liking her message before plugging your phone up to get some extra juice into the battery.
lifting your body from the mattress, you jumped from the high bed and proceeded to head to your shared bathroom, washing your face from the skincare mask before starting on your makeup.
as promised, you were ready with 30 minutes. your hair freshly flat ironed and your makeup flawless and nearly perfect as always. you were dressed in a simple croptop and shorts that paired nicely with your converse.
you grabbed your phone and purse, applying a bit more lipgloss to your lips as you proceeded to leave your dorm to meet your best friend at hers.
your knuckles raised to gently knock at her decorated door, the slight smell of weed and perfume coating your nose once the door opened.
“hey sexy, come in.”
she gave you an wide smile, pulling you into the room before closing the door behind you as she immediately went back to adjusting her hair in her vanity mirror.
“hey, i thought youd be ready by now.” you said, letting your feet lead you to her bed, sitting down on it while you watched her.
“i am, just making sure i look perfect. you know whos gonna be there tonight.” she said before standing to grab her purse while smirking to herself. you on the other hand let out an laugh, knowing she was referring to her ex.
“i thought you were over him, what happened to that?” you asked, earning a sigh from her as she grabbed her keys and opened the door to her dorm, “well remember how i told you he showed up to my dorm a few days ago?”
“uh huh? dont tell me you fell for it.” you said before standing to follow behind her closely, looking over at her with an disgusted expression.
“i cant help myself around him, you know this.” she said, making you roll your eyes and laugh a bit, “yeah yeah, whatever you say.”
there was an good little walk to the frat house but once the two of you made it there safely, the fun began. people were everywhere, some laid in the lawn while others stumbled around and danced drunkenly to the music that was slightly muffled due to being outside.
you looked around, a bit in awe from half of the campus being at this very party that you were so tempted on turning down. “girl come on, we have to get drinks.” your best friend said, grabbing your wrist to pull you into the crowded and hot house.
for all the windows to be opened, it surely was too muggy to be in for too long. there was people dancing on eachother, playing drinking games, smoking, and even an few who were making out sloppily.
you let out a laugh once you reached the kitchen, grabbing a red solo cup that was stacked up for the guests, “i didnt expect the party to be so packed tonight, theres so many people here.” you said, speaking over the music that blasted through the house while pouring yourself some tequila.
“yeah, i told you it was gonna be fun, im glad you came.” your best friend said, smiling as she grabbed the bottle from you to pour herself some as well.
you smiled, leaning over to give her an hug before looking up to meet eyes with the famous ex that she was referring to earlier. “oh shit, look who it is.” you said, watching her eyes immediately latch onto him.
“should i?” she asked while looking over at you for permission. you nodded, although you didnt wanna be alone, the two of you are both adults so you let her.
she smiled at you, laying a gentle peck on your cheek before throwing back the liquor in the plastic cup. “ill be back, if you go anywhere else make sure to text me and tell me.” she yelled over the music, making her way over to him.
you took a sip of your own liquor, leaning against the counter in the non crowded kitchen. you gently rolled your hips to the music that was playing, the bass of the music hitting your ears better than it would with headphones.
a few moments passed along with a few drinks, at this point you were more tipsy than you thought you were and upon your friend not returning, you were starting to get a bit paranoid.
“you here alone?” you heard a raspy but smooth voice say, turning around to be faced with a auburn haired girl who was dressed in an basic hoodie with the sleeve rolled up and cargo shorts.
you knew exactly who it was, ellie, who was the most known drug dealer around campus who just so happened to be your classmate and project partner.
“uh. oh no, im here with an friend.” you said, analyzing her face that suited her voice perfectly. she looked so good, some of her hair pulled back out of her face which helped you see her freckled features.
she nodded, smiling a little, “makes sense, do you smoke pot?” she asked while pulling out her lighter from her front pocket to spark the joint she had in her opposite hand.
ellie leaned forward to put her ear to your mouth as you spoke, “yeah.” you said, laying a hand against the counter behind you.
she placed the joint between her lips, inhaling the smoke a few times before handing the joint to you, “well, here you are.” she said, watching you grab it from her.
“lets go somewhere more private. its so loud, i can hardly hear you and im shitty at reading lips.” she laughed while her low hazel eyes stared into yours.
you giggled a bit, “okay, lets find somewhere.” you said, nodding at her before grabbing her hand to lead her out of the kitchen and up the crowded staircase, inhaling the joint a couple more times once the two of you reached a unoccupied bathroom.
ellie shut the door behind the both of you, your lower back pressing against the bathroom sink as you inhaled the smoke and looked at the auburnette in front of you.
there was a sense of silence between the two of you, ellies eyes looked on you whilst you blew out the smoke and returned the same eye contact, “save some for me, baby.” her slightly raspy voice let out before she grabbed the joint from your fingers.
your eyes landed on her fingers and how long they were. long, slender, and veiny hands along with a sexy forearm tattoo that you knew for a fact would look so good wrapped around your neck.
you attempted to shake the thought from your head as she hit the joint and tilted her head at you, “im surprised you come to these kinds of parties, thought you were a good girl.”
“oh? well yeah, i havent been to any this year.” you said, looking at her who was stood in front of you. she let out an soft laugh, “makes sense.” she said, blowing the smoke away from your face.
“its nice to see someone i know here.” you said with an smile before feeling her place a hand on your one of your hips, “yeah definitely, glad i came over to you .” she said earning a hum from you.
“shit, we have that project together.” you said as you subconsciously laid your hands on her shoulders. as much as you hated to admit it, you were crossfaded and it happened so damn fast.
“i forgot all about that, we have another week to complete it.” she said, tossing the burned out joint onto the floor before stepping on it to put it out, “sounds like we need to formulate a study sess, huh?” you said.
ellie let out an laugh as she nodded, looking back to you. “yeah, definitely.” she said while the bathroom grew quiet despite the muffled music and talking from outside.
“you look really pretty when youre not in school air.” you heard her say, instantly making you laugh.
“do i? thank you. ” you replied, looking into her green eyes while she wrapped her arms around your waist to look at you, “is this okay?” she asked, tilting her head at you who was smiling.
you nodded, your eyes landing on her lips that were a bit flushed. ellie noticed how your eyes were drifting all over her, from her hands to her arms, and now from her eyes to her lips.
“do you want me to kiss you?” she asked you who was still a bit fixated on her lips while she smirked, “whyd you ask?” you said, feeling yourself grow immediately embarrassed once you noticed she could tell where your eyes were.
“i mean, youre the one looking at my lips. are you sure you dont want me to kiss you?” ellie asked, smirking a bit slyly as she pulled you closer to her.
you thought for an moment, teeth attaching to your bottom lip while you pressed your chest against hers, body leaning forward to connect your lips.
although you were in your sophomore year of college and was supposed to be having the most hookups and one night stands one could have, you didnt. the thought of fucking someone who couldve fucked half the school just wasn’t something you were interested in.
even though ellie was an well known junior around school who sold pot to pretty much everyone without getting caught, she wasnt to fond on fucking alot of people either but something was different about you.
the only person she was interested in was dina, a popular senior who seemed to have good grades but yet, always made time to attend every party there was. did i mention dina and ellie are exes?
despite the two of them being broken up, ellie and her still remained good friends regardless of anything which was good. since the breakup with dina, el’s focused on selling and keep her grades good enough so joel wouldn’t scold her.
until she ran into you.
she smirked against your lips whilst sliding her hands up your shirt. she made sure to make the kiss deep and controlled, letting her hands glide over your satin bra.
“good girl.” she mumbled against your lips, taking an hand from under your shirt to your neck as she placed an knee between your thighs, making you whine into the kiss.
you felt your stomach growing a bit tight while your purse slipped from your shoulder to the floor, a soft gasp for air passing through your lips as the kiss progressed. her hands sliding back up your shirt to palm your breasts.
“fuck.” you let out softly, eyebrows furrowing while she pulled away to kiss and suck your neck. this feeling making you a bit needy before you decided to buck your hips forward against her knee.
oh how that was a bad decision, the action making ellie pull away to land an slap on one of your thighs, making you squeal, “be patient, dont get greedy or ill stop.” she said, her eyes low and red.
you felt yourself nod subconsciously, obeying her commands while she unbuttoned your shorts to slide a hand into your panties, “im gonna make you cum on my fingers, do you understand?”
you nodded, watching in awe as she slipped her hand under your bra to massage your nipple, her fingers rubbing between your slit at an agonizing pace.
ellie let out a sigh, watching your face closely while being sure not to stop her fingers from rubbing and massaging your clit, “fuck!” you let out, eyes glossing over whilst you wrapped your hands around her tatted forearm.
“feels good, huh? such a pretty girl for me. open.” she said, smirking happily prior to drawing circles over your budded clit, your pussy practically dripping in her palm as she lifted her free hand to her neck.
you opened your mouth, moans coming from you nonstop with no words since your mind was too fogged to even start a sentence. ellie pushed two of her fingers into you, your insides gripping around her digits desperately.
the auburn haired girl nodded while looking at you, sticking her tongue out to kiss you sloppily as she curled her fingers in you in search of your spot.
you couldn’t help but moan into the kiss, arms wrapping around her neck before gasping out in pleasure, your head falling back, “ellie! dont stop!” you moaned, feeling her place kisses on your chin.
“thats.. right there!” you whimpered, “yeah? listen to how you sound. take it like a fucking good girl.” she said in an raspy tone, making your legs tremble.
ellie curled and yanked at your spot, her eyes completely latched onto you as you stared back at her with furrowed brows, teary eyes, and slightly parted lips.
“i want you to come all over my fingers.. let it all out for me baby.” she said, feeling your legs grow a bit more weak which caused her to grab ahold of your waist out of reflex, holding you upright.
you felt your stomach tightening, your pussy gushing and squelching over her fingers that repeatedly pushed into your spot. your mouth fell open as your breathing grew heavy, your chest beginning to rise and fall quickly.
“im gonna cum!” you let out, earning a hum from ellie before nodding, “cum for me, give it to me baby.” she said, smiling while watching you.
your eyes rolled back in awe, her fingers speeding up quickly, “pretty girl, look at you.” she said as you started to clench over her fingers, cumming on her fingers and in your panties.
ellie smiled, “goodjob, you like my fingers huh?” she said, leaning in to kiss you while you panted against her lips, slipping her fingers out of your pussy to rub your sensitive clit that was throbbing from the orgasm and not being touched.
the feeling made you whimper into the kiss, hips trembling and shaking, “why dont i go back to your dorm with you?” she said against your lips before pulling away, “yes please.” you moaned, her fingers continuing.
the two of you jumped at the sound of there being banging on the door, the sound of the doorknob twisting made ellie tear her hand from inside your pants once the door opened.
“motherfucker! someone’s in here!” ellie yelled, pushing the door back shut with an look of frustration covering her features.
frantically you turned around to button your shorts and pick your purse up from the floor while ellie started to wash her hands from your juices.
“i mean what the fuck? people dont know how to knock now and days?” she said, completely annoyed. you on the other hand acknowledged how cute she looked frustrated, watching her through the mirror as her eyebrows scrunched together.
once she finished drying her hands, ellie snatched open the door, immediately being greeted with an long line of people behind the door.
“cmon ellie.” you said to her who gave angry looks back to everyone else who mugged the two of you, “assholes.” she said to the people who stormed in past her, making you place a hand on her lower back to push her out.
as entertaining it would’ve been to see an fight, you werent interested in seeing it at that moment. more so ready to get in pajamas and cuddle.
“well, back to my dorm huh?”
“yeah. of course.”
should i make a part two?
thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed!
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anacecherry · 9 months
I was looking through the Fionna and Cake trailer to look for scenes we haven't seen in the show yet, and I noticed how most of them are most likely from the same episode. So, on this post, I will be talking about my theories/speculations for Episode 7, The Star.[Spoilers for the episode synopsis under the cut]
So this is what we know about the episode right now.
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My first theory was that the title came from whatever happens in the gumlee subplot or maybe it was about Cake being "the star" of the vampire hunters, but then my friend Will reminded me how the previous episodes were all names of characters (Yes, Im counting Destiny idc), and said it could be a nickname for a pre existing character. Maybe it could be this world's Marcy's "Vampire Name". I dont know enough on the topic to be able to tell if it would fit in with the theme the vampires in Stakes had, but it does have an article at its start.
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For the first screenshots we have these. The first image shows up near the end of the trailer, its 3 vampires attacking. I think these two are back to back, as the vamps are exactly the same. In the second image the third vampire is in the background and appears to have knocked Fionna down, with Simon standing next to the vampire. Maybe Cake does that attack in rage due to them hurting Fionna.
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This is a one second scene and the frame where the explosions dont cover up the whole screen is very hard to catch, but these are the same garlic bombs Peppermint Butler had in Stakes. Maybe the Bubblegum of this universe, along with Pep But, is working with the vampire hunters.
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Following up on what I said about Marcy having a "Vampire Name". When I first read the synopsis I assumed that Marcy was the one leading the vamp hunters, as it only makes sense. Being a Vampire hunter was a big part of her backstory that led to her *becoming* one. But I then realized, what's going on here, might be completely different. Not only is she already a vampire, both in the trailer and on the poster this Marceline looks pretty smug for someone presumably fighting for her life, and she has that dress which looks very "royal"(to me, at least).
I thought maybe she embraced being the vampire queen, and attacked the humans, but that wouldn't make sense. Why would she hurt the beings she wiped out an entire species for? And then it clicked: this Marcy never had a Simon at all. She was found by vampires instead of him. Remember the conversation Simon and little Marcy had at the beginning of episode 2?
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Someone rich? Living in a castle? With people trained to tend to their every need? Sounds a hell lot like a king.
This conversation is going to come up again. Simon is going to find out that No, Marcy would NOT have been fine if he didn't find her. He's going to see what would really have happened to her if she never met him. In all the past episodes Simon's been constantly told that he sucks, that Ice King was "better" and "more fun". He's been feeling like he truly did not matter and had no value, that it would be better for everyone if he just went back to being Ice King. He's going to see that that's not true, that he does matter. That Marcy values and needs him, even if things are different now. Maybe he won't get it immediately, but he might start doubting his decision to wear the crown again. I'm so confident in this I will eat my door if it doesn't happen.
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Human huntress wizard with a garlic arrow. Obviously its from this episode. She must be a hunter(duh) and maybe she's the leader as well. Or maybe Im right about Bonnie being there and *she's* the leader.
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Im only assuming this scene is from this episode bc the background color scheme is similar, I dont have any other evidence for it. It may be after Cake beats the vampires, where she gets approached by the hunters to join in. Im kinda basing this theory off the voice line that goes along with it in the trailer ("Now that is a party I don't wanna miss" Who'd wanna miss out on the fun of hunting evil vampires?), but the voice line may be about something else and she could be praising herself to the hunters here (she just has that vibe in here).
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A gun(?) Lowers down to face the gang. They smile at it nervously. The ground theyre standing on is wet, and so is Cake. I don't know the reason for that, because they didn't immediately come here after leaving the Winter Kingdom. They might have gotten their clothes wet on some other universe and then came to this world, or maybe this is after they fight the vampires and they somehow got splashed with water during the process. I came up with two possibilities of what might be going on here:
Option A) It is the vampires spotting and trying to kill them. If thats the case they might've destroyed the gun before it could shoot them, or maybe Fionna got shot and thats why she's down on the scene where Cake is attacking. Both end up with the 3 vampire goons attacking.
Option B) It's the vampire hunters seeing them, either after the fight or right as they arrive, and they think the gang are vampires as well until they show their teeth
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This isn't from the trailer its from a magazine. I think its from this episode because of the background, like that Cake screenshot. This may be after Cake is recruited. Fionna seems to be annoyed so maybe Cake is doing something wrong and Fionna's disagreeing with her. Or maybe Cake's trying to annoy Fionna and it's working. My friend @weirdlizard26 said this about it, which is far better than what I came up with:
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And that's it for the speculation! I wanted to talk about the rest of the scenes in the trailer as well but 1) this post is long enough as it is and 2) tumblr image limit is not being kind to me rn. I might make a separate post for those if I get the motivation. Untill then you'll have just one post of me going insane rambling about what could happen in a show about an old man having an existential crisis and a girlfailure with her cat.
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wtfwhy · 6 months
First of all its a slice of life comedy 
No villain just normal problems, but maybe background Monroe issues
Each character has a running gag or a funny arc 
Runs his own veterinary business but accidentally placed his building in a place with primary cat people. He can not treat cats because they go crazy around him (he tells the humans he's allergic to cats). So the whole movie is him talking to real estate agents about buying a new building and selling his current one. The process is painfully slow. (but the new place is in beacon hills were this all takes place)
Is still not in the movie but a bit after 6b she came back from the skinwalkers and she and scott get married. During the movie she's actually having a girls weekend with the skinwalkers because they became good friends 
She and Stiles have twins (like 10 years old or something) and a newborn baby. Stiles convinces Lydia to take a break cause she's so stressed and to go visit their friends (so thats why shes in bh) during the movie she'll be having a conversation interrupts by taking a phone call. Its the twins' school. She is the leader of the PTA. This happens multiple times throughout the movie. (minor detail of her being super successful, getting that feilds medal, and being like the second Stephen Hawkins basically)
Is at home taking care of the newborn, we cant hear his voice but Lydia talks to him on the phone.
Is just constantly hanging out with lydia the entire movie, her sidekick, her goon
Life way more put together than in the real movie. She works as like a camp ranger nature person or whatever, has weekly dinner with Mr. Tate, and is overall living her best life. Shes currently single but like every guy her age in beacon hills is trying to get with her. Shes also internet famous. She has simps. She lives in beacon hills but has traveled to a few different countries, including france 
Is no longer a cop because he found his true calling in modeling 
Retired and tired. Lydia is staying with him during her visit. He's just really happy about being a grandfather
Same basically, a cool dad, so similar to tyler heclens (idk sp) portrayal of clark kent that a joke about that is made
The scene where he talks to coach is there so that coach can not recognize him and then derek is like "oh sorry, how about now?" (he walked into the corner of the room, clenched his fists at his side, and started glaring like he was about to kill someone) and coach is like omg yeah i remember you, hows it been? 
Also he is married to braeden and she is elis step mom
ALSO he has 11 kids including eli, he is tom baker cheaper by the dozen.
Stiles' biggest fan, just like that one post✊ (i saw a post about that being why hes like stiles and it annoying derek and its one of the funniest things ever, i dont remeber the poster sorry) calls all of the original pack uncle or aunt. He and Malia besties. His arc is he has a boyfriend or girlfriend and is trying desperately for no one to find out because they all babysitted him and are notorious for telling embarassing baby stories to his friends and previous partners. He's the oldest sibling.
Literally just chilling, planning a tropical vacation, is married to Melissa 
Still works at hospital, overly mushy with chris, especially in front of peter 
Same as usual but 10x more dramatic. Lives on Melissa's coach. Theres a few random times in the movie hes being interviewed like hes in the office. He's the only one that this happens with.
Only speaks in french, but there are subtitles for the audience. Only speaks English to Chris even though Chris knows french. Malia and him are friends from when she visited france.
Professional lacrosse player, is in the lacrosse nfl (i have no idea if thats a thing) hangs out with mason and on his off time he leads an anger management class
Politician, the only thing stopping him from being president is his age. Corey uses his powers to steal incriminating evidence against masons evil political opponents. They are married. 
He's a trailer life vlogger, very successful online. Regularly hits up scott and liam for no particular reason (its because hes lonely) its never mentioned but there's a brief shot of his trailer and on one of the walls there's a picture of the pack with a picture of theo tapped to it. And/or just a picture of stiles* Bonus points for hearts. 
He goes to liams class as a demonstration on how not to beat someone up when you're angry (liam and theo usually end up fighting anyway)
Either not in it or inexplicably alive. No mention as of how or why or when she came back. At one point there is a very clear reference to her death so the audience knows it wasn't reconned or something 
OR ( my sister's idea) Chris Ouija boards her every friday night and they chat
Just doing completely unrelated shady shit, which all ends up being something super anti-climatic 
This is my vision
*to clarify, i dont ship them, its just that how obsessed theo was with void stiles lives rent free in my head
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liquidstar · 10 months
i think something important we all have to remember about characters is that they are not real. but they are symbolic representations of types of humans. especially when you incorporate fantasy into the mix, where these representations become a bit less literal.
so, like, when you have characters that are immortal/ageless/reincarnations/vampires/whatever, who are, on paper, much older than they actually look... it really just comes down to "if they walk like a duck and talks like a duck, then it's probably a duck."
basically what i mean is if a character is functionally a teenager within a story, emotionally and societally and such, then for all intents and purposes they ARE a teenager. because the thing that they are coded to symbolize is a teenager. regardless of fantasy factors that dont exist in the real world. maybe the closest thing is someone who is an adult but looks young (i still get mistaken for 16, its a struggle) but thats a false equivalence, you are still an adult, you cant be coded as a teenager as if this was a story (though you can certainly be immature lol).
conversely, "1000 year old dragon lolis" are coded as children. they represent children. no matter how many spins you try to put on it, that is a symbolic representation of a child. there's a huge difference between the reality of an adult who just happens to look young, and the fantasy of a child who by some loophole can consent. because thats the intent the character was created with.
obviously im not saying this applies to ALL characters who are immortal children though. it can be used for all types of different effects, like, for example, pride in fullmetal alchemist mangahood uses this to enhance his Creepyness factor, due to the disconnect between his appearance and his demeanor. he walks like a duck but doesnt talk like a duck. there are for sure ways to do this trope that arent creepy in the other sense.
same thing goes for immortal teenagers- once you introduce a power imbalance into the mix that makes them functionally just an adult who looks young, thats when the dynamic can begin to feel creepy. and its a tricky thing to pull off, because you have to balance the immortality with the teenager-ness, and it seems like lots of life experience will often contradict the latter. but its not impossible (at least in writing). a character can be more knowledgeable without having power over the other, and i think it largely comes down to how theyre treated socially too. if they have just as much power as any other teenager in their society, then theres not really an imbalance. how theyre treated by other characters will inform the viewers on how to treat them by extension.
like, weird example, but the vampire girl from hotel transylvania (i forgot her name, i watched it when i was 12) is like 100 years older than her love interest. but shes still a pretty stereotypical teenager who has to listen to adam sandler her father, and has the same amount of power in this situation as any other teenager would. the movie sets up the leads as being on the same level socially so theres no issue (this may have been made extra clear because its a kids movie, which is why its an easy example). contrast this with twlight where edward obviously has power over bella specifically due to his vampire-ness, and thats why their dynamic is one that many people find uncomfortable because the fantasy age gap plays a part in this.
but yeah at the end of the day thats why id never, like, call c.c from code geass a pedophile for kissing lelouch (utilitarian reasons or otherwise), but that's also exactly why i'd call isekai man #208 a pedophile for having a loli love interest. these characters are not real, they are symbols. you cannot take symbols literally (thats oxymoronic) by just looking at the numbers of their ages, you have to look at what they represent of the real world inside the story. what does this fantasy immortal SAY about age and such. what do their actual dynamics reflect in the real world.
fiction isnt reality, but its a mirror that reflects it. sometimes a funhouse mirror, but you can still see whats being reflected if you look closely.
anyway please dont take this as any sort of discourse, i really am just musing about how fiction Works, and how different tropes apply in different ways and such. this isnt a response to anything or anyone im just thinking out loud. peace ✌️
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noonajoe · 1 year
When She Forgets Her Birthday (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader)
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"At Least Don't Forget Your Most Special Day"
Word Count: 600+
©noonajoe (Published on 6 March 2023 - 20:52 Bangkok Time) this story is not going to be sold, modified, or translated in any manner.
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At first, he will forget because this person is actually experienced in dates, he knew when he forgot important dates he will be smAcKed *just kidding*
Today it’s your birthday and you act cold towards, him. Why? Because it's Q4 of the year, you have many jobs to do at the office. Kuroo didn’t mind that, it is just how it is, you’re a pretty busy career woman but still trying hard to be at home punctual because Kuroo often asks “going home late again? Can I have you 1 hour earlier today :(“
2 days have passed but somehow, it’s November. Huh? That’s weird, in October they are supposed to celebrate only 1 important day: your birthday. Kuroo was confused and checked his phone again, and he just receive a notification entitled “Y/N’s birthday” has passed 2 days late!
He was confused, and called her, “hon, you’re okay, right?”
“Uh? Really Tetsu, don’t mention your stupid prank/confusing questions now I’m still in the middle of work”
“Wow honey, you changed a lot” he pouted, well she forgot her own birthday and she didn’t even remember something missing around her? Okay this woman is pretty something
“Sorry honey, I’m just pretty stressed, I’m going back late again okay:( I’m so sorry for not cooking for you a whole week”. Ok but Tetsu is like, ‘honey sweetie please be sad a little that I forgot your birthday 🙁
They end up their conversation at 8 PM
He goes to the nearest bakery/convenience store/okonomiyaki stand, just anything to make a little surprise for his girlfriend, even tho it’s just a little. 
“I’m home, Tetsu?” the room was pitch black, and she didn’t see anything
He showed up, bringing a self-made pancake with waffles and ice cream, decorated with candles, and a piece of paper written “Happy Late 25th Birthday Kitten! Sorry your man here didn’t find any cakes left on the streets”
“Oh….?” she was confused while Kuroo is singing her happy birthday, and she checked the calendar. “Oh my dear, thank you for remembering it, Tetsu...”
“Seriously? You didn't remember? Even a little?” he asked
“Uh… yeah, well it's late for 2 days... so....”
“No one said happy birthday to you? Last 2 days?” he asked again.
“No one, hon” she said sadly. Well, Kuroo does know that Y/N hates birthdays because she didn’t have any friends, and also her parents were not remembering her day much because of financial problems since she was little, she always stays with her grandma yet she never celebrate her birthday. Not even once. She often sad when she saw her friends celebrating their birthday with their parents and relatives. that’s why before she met Kuroo, she always forgets her birthday. At first she just dont want to remember, but later she just forgets it. poor woman:(
“Kitten you have me now, okay? Please just let me spoil you with any stupid gifts, even I will give you a car on your special birthday” He strokes her head, hoping her to just depending on him more, it's her special day.
“Nuh-uh, no thank you mister rooster there. Car it's too expensive including maintenance, tax, and insurance. Just you remembering is more than enough for me” she answered him, kiss him on the cheek, and hugs him tightly because it's her 1st birthday to celebrate.
"Whatever then, that's really you. But remember if you forget your birthday again I will forcefully spoiling you" he hugging her back. She remembers Tetsu's important dates such as matches, birthday and even his cat's death anniversary. So he feel wrong not celebrating his darling girl.
“okay then, blow up the candles first please, don’t forget to make a wish” he laughs, stroking her head, leading her to blow the candles.
“Should I say my wishes out loud?” she jokingly asked him
“Well I will be glad to hear it, but if you don’t it’s okay. It’s your day, honey” he answered, with a smile, so many couples were angry when their partners forget their days but this time, it’s not so bad.
“My wish is you’ll stay remember again like this, even if it’s 2 days late” she blew up the candle.
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sunsetsixx · 2 years
lace & silk
a/n: this is a beyond random post for me here at sunsetsixx hq but as a journalism major & previous owner of a multifandom writing blog i guess i was bound to return to my roots at some point ! this isnt me becoming a writing blog, instead just a one-off fic of an idea thats been floating around in my brain for the last 2 weeks that came to fruition in a google doc at 2am. i dont know if theres even an audience for this besides me & maybe like 3 other people in my notifs so enjoy if you wanna & pls dont judge my out of practice writing too much <3
pairing: current!vince neil x fem!reader
word count: 2315
warnings: smutty dialogue, light (?) smut, mentions of tommy & brittany getting it on lmfao, a highly unrealistic take on the behind the scenes of the stadium tour that was necessary for the plot
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“Can you fuckin’ believe we’re already halfway through this tour?” Brittany asked, shaking her head as the two of us walked back to where the buses were parked. “I swear to God we just hopped on that plane to Atlanta like yesterday.”
“Seriously.” I nodded in agreement. “Time has flown.” 
“It’s been a crazy ride. Like so fun.” 
“If I’m being honest though, it’s really not as chaotic as I thought it would be.”
“Really? What do you mean?” She asked.
“I don’t know…I guess it’s just different actually living the modern day reality. We’ve heard and read all these insane stories of them in the 80s but obviously life just isn’t like that anymore.” I let out a short laugh. “No real backstage shenanigans…it’s funny to see how much they’ve mellowed out over the years.”
“Girl you’re lucky you don’t have to deal with shenanigans. My husband thinks it’s funny to light shit on fire with hairspray every five seconds. There’s literally never a dull moment in that dressing room.” 
“I don’t know if I’m jealous or not.” I said laughing. “We keep it pretty chill in ours. Mainly just me helping with his outfit and hair. Lots of Fiji water and listening to Sammy Hagar’s solo stuff as ‘pump up’ music.” I explained as Brittany laughed this time. 
By this point in the conversation, we had made it to tonight’s stadium’s back parking lot where our temporary homes were located. All of the buses were set up in a line with the lights on, as if ready to drive off at any minute. But from the looks of Brittany’s face, and the absence of our men, we weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. 
“Hold up.” She said, a look of disbelief gracing her features. 
“What?” I asked, laughing in confusion. 
“You’re telling me that you and Vince Neil haven’t fucked in your dressing room this entire time?” 
My mind began to rewind as many shows back as it could remember, but nothing of the sort stood out. I shook my head at her. “No. Just in the hotels and a couple times on the bus…” I trailed off as my gaze wandered over to the vehicle in question, all kinds of memories from the first week flooding back when Vince so romantically suggested “breaking in the new place” with multiple rounds on multiple surfaces. 
“(y/n)! What are you even doing? You’re a tour wife man, you gotta act like it!” She joked, lightly hitting my arm with her bag. 
“I don’t know! I guess it just always gets too busy back there, especially with all the meet and greets and photoshoots and filming…I never wanted to tire him out before the show or whatever. I haven’t even thought about it too much.”
“The rushing around is what makes it so good though. Tommy & I were like rabbits back in St. Louis. I don’t know what was in that water but shit got crazy.” 
I nodded, thinking about everything my best friend was saying. “You might be right, Britt. Truly what am I doing if not the lead singer in the sleaziest band to walk this earth backstage? It’s a disgrace to their reputation, honestly.” I said, shaking my head. 
“There you go!” She laughed. “Just because they’re getting older doesn’t mean we are too. We gotta keep them on their toes babe.” 
“You always do make a good point Ms. Furlan-Lee.” I replied, and the two of us broke out into laughter. We stood outside scrolling through our phones and judging each other’s Instagram feeds for a few more minutes before we were finally joined by the men of the hour. 
“Goodnight guys! See you on the next!” Nikki’s slightly raspy post-show voice called out. He was walking up with Courtney and a sleeping Ruby in tow on the way to their bus as well. 
“See you dude!” An unmistakable voice yelled back, followed by the appearance of the lankiest guy of the bunch, still somehow with a single drumstick in hand. 
Finally I caught a glimpse of my specific man of the hour, who had traded in the bright red glitter and leathers of his stage costume for a pair of camo shorts and a black tank top. His signature chain hung around his neck and for some reason he was also still adorning sunglasses at 1:30 in the morning. 
“There you are.” I said smiling as he walked up. 
“Hey lovey.” He said, wrapping me in a hug and pressing a short kiss to the top of my head. 
“You tired?” I asked, still in his arms. 
“Yeah I could sleep. Fuckin’ awesome show though. I still can’t believe how many people are actually showing up.” 
I scoffed at his words. “That’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said. This is literally the tour of the century. People are gonna be showing up for you guys forever.” 
He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “Hopefully.” 
He gave my back a quick rub before motioning for us to get on our bus so we could start off to the next city. As we got ready for bed, my conversation with Brittany played over and over in my head, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized she was right. 
I just said it too– this is the tour of the fucking century. I need to start treating it like that for myself and my man. Tomorrow is a new day full of new experiences and new ideas and new desires. A million possible ways I could go about what I wanted to do swirled around in my brain, but as I settled under the covers of our shared bed in the back room, a lightbulb moment was had. 
The next night began like every other after we arrived at the latest stadium and got everything settled. Crüe was closing the show tonight, which meant we all had more time to hang backstage. We were currently in an in-between period between Poison and Def Leppard, meaning there was about two hours until Crüe’s set. Vince was mostly ready to go, and was over in someone else’s room with the rest of the guys in the band hanging out and doing whatever other pre-show rituals they all partake in these days. 
I was in his dressing room, putting last night’s ideas into action. I was nervous for a million different reasons; nervous he’d shun me off if there wasn’t enough time, nervous he’d think I was trying to act like some groupie on the Girls Girls Girls tour, nervous the idea my brain had conjured up was overstepping or I’d get in trouble with their stylist somehow. Lots of nerves. I just hoped Brittany’s advice was right to take for Vince and me. 
After connecting my phone to the speaker and turning some music up decently loud, I began the action steps of my plan. I grabbed my tote bag and wandered into the bathroom. I took off the ripped blue jeans and tank top I had been sporting all day and opted for something more…(well technically, less) appropriate. I had dug out one of my red teddies from my luggage on the bus, a lacey number I knew was one of Vince’s favorites, and slipped it on in place of my clothes. I touched up my makeup that had begun to flake off over the course of the day, and ran a brush through my hair. 
Once satisfied, I walked back out into the now much more noticeably cold air of the dressing room for the main operation. 
There on a silver rack hung Vinnie’s most prized possession this tour– a floor length, silk piece of art hand painted with Japanese symbols in reds, golds, and royal blue covering the back. I ran my hands down the oversized sleeves as it hung there, looking like something that should’ve been in the MOMA rather than trekking around dingy baseball stadium hallways being diligently followed by a short woman with a portable steamer. 
It had been almost a month of The Stadium Tour and I hadn’t dared to touch it, especially not after seeing how pissed off Vince got when someone (still a mystery who) stole his original show pants from backstage. Tonight was different though. I needed it to help me with the fantasy I had dreamed up after a middle-of-the-night conversation in a parking lot in Cleveland with my best friend. 
I took a deep breath before carefully taking it off the hanger and placing it on me. My smaller frame was of course drowning in it, since the length and size was custom made for Vince. I tiptoed over to the full length mirror hanging on the wall, careful not to drag too much of it on the floor. 
My eyes went wide as I took in the sight of myself. Bright red lace hugging my hips and chest perfectly, (the bodysuit had been a gift from Vince last Christmas, something that actually was custom made for my body’s measurements), with the iconic Wild Side performance look draped over my shoulders. I felt expensive– high class even, and now understood why Vince was always on such a high between the opening song and Shout at the Devil. This piece was enough to make anyone’s ego go through the roof. 
I tied the kimono up in the front to conceal what lay underneath and took a deep breath before walking back over to sit on one of the couches. My back was facing the door, so the surprise wouldn’t be ruined when he came back in, which after seeing the clock turn to 6:39pm, realized should be almost any minute now. 
I smoothed my hair over a few more times with my hand and picked at some stray nail polish that had chipped off onto my cuticles. My mind wandered to the endless amount of reactions he could have at the sight of me until they weren’t just fantasies anymore, but the real thing. 
It took everything in me not to jump off the couch like some sort of rabid animal in anticipation when I heard the doorknob turn and the heavy door creak open. 
“Hey baby, have you see my kim–” 
The sentence died in his throat as I rose from the couch in the very article of clothing he was asking about not a second before. I smiled innocently up at him as his wide eyes looked me up and down. 
I walked toward him, making a show of my bare legs peeking through the soft fabric with every stride forward. He bit his bottom lip when I placed my hands in his. 
“This what you were looking for?” I offered, officially setting the backstage plan into motion. 
“Oh yeah…” He trailed off, letting go of one of my hands so he could twirl me around. “Look at you baby doll.” 
“I got you a present.” I said softly, after a moment. His eyebrows raised when I didn’t continue. Finally I walked backward a couple steps and held my arms out so the kimono’s tie was on display. “You have to unwrap it.” 
He practically pounced on me the second the words exited my mouth. He pulled the silk fabric gently and the loose knot fell, allowing a glimpse of what was underneath to show through.
“You fuckin’ tease.” He said in a low voice, still smiling like a kid in a candy store. The plan was working. 
His hand graced my shoulder as he pushed one arm of the robe off so it draped down my back. “You want something tonight, huh sugar?” He asked, pressing a short kiss to the underside of my jaw. My eyes fluttered closed at the touches, almost completely abandoning the act then and there. I did my best to stay strong. 
“Don’t you have a show in an hour?” I teased, taking a small step back. 
His face dropped. “Don’t you start. Those fuckers can wait.” 
Before I knew it, I was being lifted up and carried towards the couch. He laid me down so my head was on the armrest as he hovered over me. I ran my hands up his tattooed arms as his lips pressed down onto mine. 
He ran his hands over the red lace that clung to my skin and massaged my soft flesh underneath. The couch was beyond uncomfortable, but I found I didn’t care at all when Vince was touching me like this. 
As we made out, his right hand snaked around my back to undo the thin fabric and pull it down my body. I started to slide the kimono off my shoulders to give him more access as well. 
“No.” He said and put his hand on my arm. “Leave it on. My girl wants to play dirty tonight, right?”
I bit my lip and took a deep breath through my nose as I nodded in response.
“That’s what I thought. You want me to fuck you in this then wear it onstage in front of 40,000 people…is that it?” He whispered.
Any and all facade of confidence and calmness I previously had completely melted away at his words. Just the thought of him putting it back on later after these less than wholesome activities to go sing in front of a stadium full of unsuspecting fans had me shuddering in anticipation. He started kissing down my jaw and neck again until he reached my heaving chest. 
“God I love these tits.” He spoke softly. “Especially when they’re filling out this outfit.” He trailed his hand over the kimono once again, down my curves until he reached the part of me dripping with need. 
“You’re lucky I got an extra one of these baby…because you’re gonna be the fucking death of me.”
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theasterous09 · 6 months
This was a really long time ago, so I may or may not have some of it right, but I can still remember the most memorable parts of my dream.
So it started with me opening my TV to see what's new on the Disney channel, I don't remember what I was trying to look for, but then I saw this teaser of an RC9GN 2-parter special episodes thing and I literally screamed, no joke.
The teaser was like a countdown to the 2 episodes, so I waited for a few more minutes or smt
So anyways, the theme song started playing and I remember singing along with it, going batshit crazy
Then the song ended and the episode starts with Randy in class, bored out of his mind. The teacher (a new one, I can't remember what she looks like, but I know she's a woman) was teaching about whatever
I dont know what else happened in this episode, but skip to the part where a robot attacks and Randy is going ninja. I can't remember what it looks like, but it wasn't a robo-ape.
The Ninja is there to destroy it, yelling quips and puns, the usual
But the part I remember so much was the end of that episode, so this robot was trying to hit the Ninja, but missed, leading the robot to hit the school instead. Hard.
So the part of the building where the robot hit collapsed and there were students there just before the part of the building fell on them.
For a split-second, we can see Randy's absolute dread and tried to reach out to the kids, but he couldn't reach them on time and the bulding fell on top of them.
Absolute silence followed soon after. I can remember how shocked I was on this part, my jaw dropped because I DIDNT KNOW DISNEY WOULD ALLOW THAT
And then the episode ended. Just like that.
So we ended with a cliffhanger on the first episode, and my mouth was still wide open.
Disney gave me a break and a commercial started
But then after that the next episode started, and there wasn't even a theme song
The episode showed the Ninja trying to reach out on the kids again, but he couldn't make it. There was a heartbeat sound effects going on in the background making it more suspenseful
Anyway, the Ninja went to dig them out of the collapsed rubble, and miraculously, the students lived
So randy asked if they were okay, and I kid you not, he sounded genuinely terrified and concerned
The students had minor bruises, while one of them had an dislocated arm, but they were alive and that was what mattered to Randy at that moment.
Randy got them out of there and he made sure they got out of harm's way before he went back to the robot
Fastforward to the aftermath of the destroyed robot, (this is probably my fav part cuz it was just so ANGSTY) Randy took off the ninjasuit in the boys' bathroom and he just sat there for a minute
The heartbeat soundtrack was back, but faster, and I can see on screen that Randy was also starting to hyperventilate as he processed what happened and what almost happened to those students
I can't remember what else happened then, but i think Howard found him or something and tried to calm him down
anyway, when randy did calm down, he took the nomicon out of his bag, with howard by his side, and asked "What would happen if I failed them? Was there ever a ninja that had to deal with what almost happened?"
The nomicon shloomped him in the book and Randy had a deep conversation with Finja (AGAIN IT SUCKS THAT I CANT REMEMBER THIS PART BECAUSE I KNOW IT WAS SP GOOD)
Randy sat on the dirt (its kind of like dirt? I mean, its a page of the nomicon but whatever) with tears streaming down his eyes. Finja is there, just, rubbing his back and comforting him because Finja knows what he's going through, he's been there and worse, he's seen his comrades fall in front of him and he knew that it was a painful feeling
Silently, randy told Finja (in my own words cuz i cant remember how he actually said it "What if those students... will an even greater chaos happen if I failed them? Can I still be a ninja if I failed to protect them?"
And finja replied with smt like "Ninja... you are one of the best ninjas I ever had the privilege to meet. You saved me from giving up on fighting, you saved many people by defeating the sorcerer and bringing peace to Norrisville. You saved the Sorcerer from his eternal curse and freed his soul. If anyone is going to fail at being the ninja, then it is not you. Yes, it was a close call for those defenseless students, but they are still alive and well and you need not think of the possibility of what might have happened. So do not be hard on yourself, Ninja."
More tears and more hurt/comfort ensues and I think the episode ended with randy leaving the nomicon and having a more peaceful mind.
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
u dont have to but maybe the grabber x gn reader where the grabber is all nosey and looks through the backpack that the reader was wearing when he kidnapped them, finding their cds, listenning to them all, and his liking for the reader only growing as a result? preferably metal music but its up to you !! bonus if the grabber teases and/or mentions it to the reader and them getting all embarassed lmao idk im not creative
i love this!! i 100% thinks he snoops around whatever you had on you when he took you, its like a little treasure hunt for him! i believe he likes all genres of music, since he doesnt really listen to it alot he doesnt care, but hearing your heavy music entices him & makes him wonder how someone like you could like something like that, he will tease you of course, but will also use it against you to get his way, and use it as a reward🙏
requests r open, masterlist is up!!
The Grabber x Gn Reader!
Warnings: Manipulation, Language, Kidnapped Reader
Al's body sat heavily into his chair, nimbly moving calloused hands through his hair as he exhaled harshly. He was still recovering from the fight you'd put up after he took you in, sweat droplets began forming at his temples, yet nonetheless, he had you where he wanted you, right in his reach.
Upstairs, it was quiet, only the sounds of himself filled the dull kitchen, but he preferred it that way, he knew it was just you and him in the home.
Al's eyes had been on you for months, learning your patterns and routines before embarking to have you to himself. When the day came, he caught you while you were biking back from the park, you backpack hung lightly off your shoulder as your head was down, keeping to yourself as anybody would. It was mildly sunny, enough to make it so that when Al called you over, asking for help, his white facepaint must've been smudged, he noticed your eyes skimming over him. But, your concerned demeanor that convinced you he was harmless, and to care for everyone was put to front, you paused your ride, striding over to him carelessly, leading yourself right into his forceful arms. Admittedly, you were stronger than you looked, your bag you had on caused some problems, leaving room between him and you, but he did have the muscle in the end.
His eyes broke his nostalgic thoughts as he remembered, you had your bag with you, the bag that was now, technically, his.
The table creaked as he pushed himself up, setting one hand on the table as the other found the light bag you'd been carrying. The soft material folded under his grip as he brought it to him, unzipping it and peaking inside, he was sure you wouldn't care, it's not like you need any of it. Darkness was the only thing visible at first, his eyes wandering around, seeing what you may keep close. As he rummaged, he felt sweatshirts that were now his, he thought of it as 'safe keeping' rather. There were loose pencils & papers, some unfinished sealed bags of candy, nothing of major interest.
That was until he felt something sharp and smooth, making his fingers handle it with care. What fell on the table was some sort of thin material, but after narrowing his eyes on the cover, he recognized it as a music cd. Reaching back in, he found a few more, placing them on the table with care. It wasn't to be unexpected that someone like you wouldn't carry this around, but he saw some of the names, bands that he would hear on his van radio that were rather, loud, in his opinion.
A giggle came from him, you did not give out 'metal' ideas to him, you were 'in touch with your emotional side,' as he'd put it. Maybe he didn't know as much as he'd like to know, but he could make up for plenty of lost time.
Getting to his feet, a cd clutched lightly in one hand, he decided to see how your stay was so far, maybe a conversation starter was all you needed to loosen up. His feet followed one after the other, the bottom smiling piece of his mask was already attached, there being no reason to change it while peace held the air. As his body made it down, he fluttered with anticipation, being more than thrilled to greet you with enthusiasm, making you acquainted with him. To his luck, you were just as he'd hoped, awake & mild. You were sitting on the mattress serenely, your eyes glancing at him, petrified.
While he stood there for moments on end, taking you in, your body language, your meager looks, you sat there with a paralyzing fear, foreboding what his next move would be. With a head tilt and a quick sigh, he broke the silence that encompassed you.
"You don't need to be afraid. I just came to chat, I found some things in your bag that piqued my interest."
These words made you stiffen even more, your body backing up to meet with the wall, and the thought of just sinking away made you pray it would happen. He took notice as to how your breathing quickened, and while it amused him, he stood his ground, maintaining eye contact as he moved the cd's to your view.
"Why were you going through my bag, was kidnapping me not enough?"
Your voice became defensive, it gave Als eyebrows a raise of your sudden shift, but he knew that defensiveness was only a coping mechanism, you were masking yourself for him, truly at his will.
The man before you let out a breathy laugh, echoing in the empty room & causing you to flinch at his unfazed self. Though his stature was intimidating, he did his best to ease up for you, seeing how shelled you were.
"It fell into my possession, to say the least. I never thought of you as a metal fan though, you're all too good-natured for that, but to each their own."
Your cheeks began to heat up, eyes avoiding his as he stared down at you, your fingers drummed against the springy mattress, you were too vulnerable for your liking.
"So what? Why would you even care."
The shoes he wore scraped the cement as he took a step toward you, entertained at how you held yourself.
"Is it wrong for me to care about your interests? I think its fascinating. Metal? Really? I wasn't picking on you for it, but the way you're defending it explains a lot."
Confusion hazed you, it was clear he was poking fun at you, trying to rile you up for his pleasure.
"I'm not defending it, just forget it."
Another step was taken.
"Sure, sure. I'm sure it means a lot to you, but enough of that."
Before you could bark back, a gentle but firm hand had ahold of your chin, making you look at Al. Your chest began to rise faster as his eyes pierced you, it was frightening, but you couldn't help but feel a twinge of thrill as he continued examining you further.
"Sadly, I don't have anything to play the cd's, but that makes room for rewards, doesn't it my dear?"
You cringed under him, he was holding your only possessions against you. In his mind, he was simply using it to grow closer, he wanted to learn more of you, know what made you squirm and what made you relaxed, he wanted to study you like an open book, and who were you to say against it? Why not take advantage of your situation the way he did, it was only months of silence, strictly observational, so why not get to learn all of what you had to offer now, and if that entailed of some little cd's, he would swipe the opportunity in a heartbeat,
what a dick move.
for some reason i feel like my writings been off recently, the rushed ending doesnt help w that so im sorry😭 but i promise im filling out requests rn!
requests r open, masterlist is up!
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jefferythejelly · 3 months
ok more kidfic: do u have any pregnancy hcs? Especially for Foolish bc I've only rarely seen him as a dad :3
u have no idea what u've just unleashed 90% of the brainrot bulletpoint list i have for this au is pregnancy headcanons asjdfadkjs
this is like 90% just copy pasted from that bulletpoint list and slightly edited and also i've had this document since may of last year and have been slowly adding on to it every once in a while since then so FAIR WARNING this post is Quite Long
they try decorating the nursery themselves but neither of them know what to get or how to make it cute so then foolish calls up tina who eventually just makes them call up an interior designer XD
can you imagine them telling their friends abt it. can u imagine how cute auntie tina would be. she would be taking it so serious like she doesnt want any of the responsibility but she wants to be like the cool aunt y'know
random tidbit but i can so imagine a conversation between tina and foosh where they start talkin about the phrase "buns in the oven." like i think tina would think that phrase is really cute. i think that phrase is really cute tbh. hes got buns in the oven :>
following in the vein of nervous-but-excited-newly-pregnant-couple them going to foolish's prenatal care appointments and taking his health like super seriously. also ultrasounds. i dont think either of them would Cry cry but theyd maybe get a little teary eyed lookin at their kids for the first time
on some more classic omegaverse bullshit: punz had always been a bit possessive/protective as a partner and that very much continues once theyre mates and foolish is pregnant. like really frequently is holding his hand or has an arm around him, tries to be really doting and get him whatever he asks. not as common when theyre in public but one of his fave things to do is hug foolish from behind with his hands on his stomach
i'd imagine they have a few arguments esp when foolish is hormonal and does/says shit that annoys punz and he cant understand why. they work it out tho, bc they love each other <3
in the time leading up to foolish's due date his nesting instincts go crazy. theres nests everywhere in the whole house. when hes not sitting chilling in a nest hes making a new one or readjusting one
(this one is real long bc it is a vaguely drafted out scene oops) foolish's water breaks on stream/at least when he's in vc on someone else's stream bc like. i deffo think it would. u think this man would take a break? like the streams would get shorter especially as his hormones and instincts get more fucky but he would still be trying to be on that grindTM. and (bcuz this is the part i actually vaguely researched) he's been having like the irregular not actually real contractions (theres a name im forgetting it rn) so hes gotten used to just like feeling them, noting when the time is, and brushing it off when it doesnt happen again. so he's in vc with someone, i'm thinking tina lets just say tina, and he's in the middle of laughing really hard at a joke, but abruptly cuts off his windexing when he feels the whole "rush of fluid" thing and is all like o_o and tina's all like "foolish? you okay?" when he stops laughing like that and foolish is like "uh. i think my water just broke?" which makes tina go all "wait What?! like- like the baby's coming?" "yeah" "foolish!" (chat is freaking out. monkaS monkaW fukW) "shouldnt you like, go to the hospital?" "yeah, uh, bye chat!" (chat has been yelling at him since he said his water broke to end stream) he yells for punz who ofc comes rushing into the room like "whats going on do you need something" and when foolish tells him his water just broke he starts freaking out a little and then foolish has a contraction right then (is that realistic timing tbh its been a while since i did that google search. what i do remember is that theres apparently apps for timing contractions like isnt that neat. anyways) but then theyre like "sorry tina bye!" and then tinas like "good luck!" (is that a normal thing to say idk. even if it isnt it could be funny hashtag awkward girl swag /affectionate) and then they like drive to the hospital and stuff
i just have this image of like the night they come back from the hospital both of them in their nest with the babies laying between them oughhhhhh
listen i just think this is really cute but punz sitting on the edge of the hospital bed while foolish is in labor so he can lean into him and calm down with his scent
actually thought abt it a bit more and mayb this is more general omegaverse hcs but like i think omegas would have an instinct to give birth in a nest which obv is harder to do while also having the support of modern medicine in a hospital but maybe it is more normalized to bring some blankets/pillows/clothes/what have you to make a lil temporary nest in the hospital bed
foolish is way more absentminded/no thoughts head empty than usual (like forgets what hes saying in the middle of a sentence bad) bc of fucked up hormones pregnancy brain
he tries having one or two blankets wrapped around him on stream to be sort of like a temporary nest when his instincts start going wacky. sometimes it works sometimes he accidentally gets too sleepy and begrudgingly admits that he should probably end stream bc he can barely think thru the omega nesting instinct brain fog
actually on that note i think there a couple of times where punz basically forces him to take a break from streaming. it never lasts very long
i have decided that the timing of their baby is such that foolish is like 7/8 months when christmas rolls around bc i was at family christmas brainrotting what it would be like for them to have like cute domestic family christmas while foolish is still pregnant. he falls asleep on the couch leaning against punz's shoulder after dinner its very cute
they maybe do a thing where like they have christmas with one family on eve and one on day and have a slightly chaotic nighttime flight? do the flight times work out for that idk. but its bc their families wanna see them bc theyre all excited for the baby awwww
wait just remembered the whole scene i had imagined for this where they land in mass super late at night/early morning and once they get back to punz's parents house p much immediately go to bed but foolish cant sleep bc the babies keep moving and kicking and punz scootches down so hes all curled up next to his tummy and purrs at them so that they calm down and foolish can sleep
at the end of his pregnancy foolish is just like capital d Done like get these babies out my back hurts im tired my belly is fuckin huge. ive got tits now
punz very happily gives him back massages tho <3 even if he sometimes gets overdramatically whiny about it first
foolish is one day horrified to realize none of his usual foods are appealing and he is instead craving some weird ass food combo
when foolish starts showing more and its gonna be harder to hide on stream they do a cute lil classic pregnancy announcement photo where punz like has his hands around him on his belly (maybe taken by karl? or someone? i just realized i have no idea where i hc them living like i guess its always been vaguely nc but idk if thats like. necessary? idk whatever) but im imagining the one they end up posting isnt even one of the ones they were posing for its like a candid one where theyre looking at each other over foolishs shoulder or like laughing or something idk its cute its not staged and weird lookin
oh also at some point punz convinces foolish to do a maternity photoshoot (well kind of. its just punz taking pics of him in his underwear bc he maybe has a Thing for heavily pregnant foolish) and at first foolish feels kinda embarrassed and silly and punz keeps complimenting him and making him flustered (i have a couple of lil doodles of this + a few other ones related to this au in a sketchbook somewhere but i dont feel like digging them out + taking pics rn ajfsbajskb)
final note would like everyone to know as i was typing this foolish lost his water bucket in mc and he phrased it like "my water just broke" and chat was all like "wow congratulations whos the father." like what are the chances. also why is he like this. also can u really blame me for making this au when he is like this
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ilynpilled · 11 months
on grrm describing his own style as that of heroic fantasy: how do you feel asoiaf is in conversation with the great man theory of history
ok so im not a historian, and it is not a strong subject of mine by any means, so do not expect that rich of an answer here: i just view the great man theory as only true to the degree that people that find themselves in positions of power will have a degree of influence on history by virtue of that position of great power, and the choices they make will be of great significance as a result, but there are too many forces at play, a lot of complexity that makes it so that the idea of “events shape history, great men create events” feels reductionist. i do not think these things can be attributed to the control and the choices of singular great individuals. i especially do not think that the “great men” of history have innate qualities granted to them at birth that in turn makes them great lol. i think the text treats the whole thing like this too for the most part, but it is a fictional fantasy series at the end of the day. when it comes to george, he is also not that interested in historical processes:
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this is grrm’s, who noted before that he considers himself a romantic in the classical sense, approach to heroic fantasy. i do think the text takes apart aspects of the “great man theory”, how that label can even be defined, and how “greatness” in general can be defined, and whatever it is, it is more made, rather than something that is completely innate. there is a reason that a lot of our heroes are undergoing arcs that deliberately goes into the nitty gritty of their experiences, and outlines how they are shaped and evolved through it all. i also like feast’s approach to this conversation, as it hones in on tywin being treated as a “great man”, a kind of man that is “born once every thousand years.” it is a rhetoric that is repeated by his family and associates, but feast looks at the damage he’s done through the eyes of our protagonists, and how this “greatness” stems from mostly terror, and the banality of his evil. how singular is he really? + i think we all know that his legacy will not have a very happy ending. anyway, like he says, he does write from the lens of history being shaped by individual men and women and the choices they make, he just treats them as thoroughly human, and argues that they are like us, so i do not think the point that is being made here is: “people in positions of power deserve to lead due to innate characteristics granted to them at birth which shapes them into heroes.” the text goes into this whole discussion of “the heroes of history” pretty overtly through jaime too:
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and there is a lot of grey area here. best & the worst on what terms? we know which heroes are remembered by history here, and how they are labelled, and we can look at why critically.
as george says, he does write like history is shaped by individuals and their choices, glorious and terrible, but the point is that they are not so different from “you & me.” every human being is linked by the capacity to make choices, and we have all have the capacity for good or evil, but it is choices that define us, not anything else. he repeats this in interviews constantly, and it is ever present in the text itself:
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and i do think it is a major theme in the story that many essentialist ideas are being taken apart. the protagonists and their agency is always emphasized, and they are, again, largely defined by their choices, and their rearing, not their blood and the way they are born. this is actually why i feel more opposed to the tyrion targaryen theory. like for me, it is not just about the nuances of the whole tywin-tyrion dynamic, i just dont think it would be as thematically meaningful if all three “main characters with the biggest page presence” are tied together like that through royal blood. even if it is not the intention, i find it difficult to remove the implication. like i get that our protagonists are all mostly nobles from great families already (but there are clear heroes in the story that are not that), and it is not like classic hero narratives and chosen one narratives are absent from this story, i just believe george will have stuff up his sleeve to deconstruct and be in conversation with these tropes, and i think this whole “everybody very major is a secret targ” thing would take things too far lol. we will see. magic is interesting to me though. it feels like it is more innate. i think grrm writes with nature & nurturer in mind, and places a lot of emphasis on the latter, but there are magical aspects to the story that do not necessarily abide by this, bc magic is treated as something unique and not universal (i also remember him saying stuff about this, but i dont have the interview at hand), but we will see what direction he will take a lot of it, as the story will get more and more magical. it will still be ambiguous and treated as a force that is not fully understood i assume.
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shitisaysometimes · 11 months
Can we PLEASE talk about how Crowley KNOWS heaven's plans during the confession scene?? Whatever. I'm gonna talk about it you dont have to listen.
I'm convinced Crowley is Lucifer so much of my interpretation is based on that sub theory which I'm not going to go in depth on here because its a whole post on its own (and I'm already getting bored writing this one lol). I'm also not convinced that Metatron is really going to let Aziraphale run heaven. I think he's going to lock Az up (either as prisoner or as commander-in- chief) (but probably a prisoner) to keep the Our Side™️ team up from interfering. I’m focusing on the subtext in the confession scene conversation and implications for season 3.
Crowley knows the plans for Apocalypse 2. Which means he knows how it STARTS.
We viewers only see the last bit (the amens) but its implied that Crowley sees much more while we're viewing Aziraphale in the cutaway. The line "Tell me you said no." is repeated twice and increasingly desperate. Yes, he wants Aziraphale to stay with him, but more importantly, I think Aziraphale returning to heaven is the first step to start the End again. This is supported by Crowley saying "You can't leave this bookshop." Because if Az DOES leave the bookshop (and goes to Heaven) then the End is started.
Also why he confesses - "I didn't get a chance to say what I was going to say, I think I better say it now." Why now? Because he won't get a chance to later, because they'll be on opposite sides. Likely fighting each other. (Assuming Metatron is being truthful) (which... eh).
It explains Crowley's agitation while Aziraphale is with Metatron. He already knows what Metatron is doing (tempting Az). Earlier in episode 4 or 5 (can't remember, not looking it up), Crowley is worrying about Aziraphale and says "it's always too late." This time is also too late because by the time he returns, Aziraphale is already convinced he should go to heaven/leave the bookshop.
I think the Job story is included because that's when God and Satan made a bet over the devotion of God's most faithful. A parallel to what is now happening with Aziraphale. (Don't get me started on the almond syrup implications rn omg). (Side note, most scholarship distinguishes Lucifer and Satan as two entities/concepts and knowing Gaiman keeps within the theologic cannon, I think we'll find that's true in the Good Omens universe too)(Either they're two separate entities or Satan is a mask of Crowley's)(but thats another post omg thats like the third time I've said that I need to stfu).
In the "I forgive you/Don't bother" exchange, I dont think Crowley is deflecting because he doesn't think his past is worthy of forgiveness. I think it's because he knows what will happen in the future. Namely that season 3 will show Crowley and Az on opposite sides rather than together as they have been. Aziraphale (might be) leading heaven's armies against Crowley (Lucifer). And Crowley doesnt think that is worth forgiving.
I'm especially convinced of this because of the sudden interest in the "or give me death" name that Crowley and Metatron take in the last episode(s). "Does anyone ever choose death?/How predictable" especially makes me think that Crowley is going to be the one to choose death - his own death - to save everyone else's, especially Aziraphale's (and surprising Metatron). A parallel between "The Second Coming" and the... idk first coming (? lol) since Jesus sacrificed himself and all that.
Like the ladies said, Aziraphale and Crowley don't say what's on their minds. Crowley isn't talking about them, he's talking about the plans he knows about. And he knows that he doesn't want to be opposed to Aziraphale.
I'm sure I have more, but this is enough to chew on. (And I'm tired of typing).
I'm foaming at the fkn mouth.
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felikatze · 9 months
binding blade thoughts (again), abt religion this time. so the elimine church is one of only TWO major religions in the ENTIRE FRANCHISE to not worship dragons, alongside whatever ashera's religion is called in the tellius games
and the elimine church is specifically EXTREMELY christian. elimine is basically jesus. she is considered to be the incarnation of god on earth and stated to have ascended to heave after her passing, which also tells us the elimine church has a concept of heaven as an afterlife
additionally from various supports we see that priests hold regular mass, and that proselytizing is also a part of the religion (though, fortunately, the bishop yoder frowns upon forced conversion, and will just leave anyone of other religions alone, cuz they already have something to worship)
yoder's supports also confirm that the elemental affinities are not just something for players, but rather the characters know about them in universe, and there ARE diverging theological beliefs in how they came to be. the elimine church state that the affinities were a gift from god (specifically, a nameless all powerful creator god, which drew me to the obvious christianity comparison to begin with), and the sacaen spiritual belief states that the affinities come from the earth itself and act akin to protective spirits
people also have some means to discern which affinity they fall under, as dayan directly states he is protected by the anima affinity
i dont think other games have this direct integration of game mechanics into theology? which is wild. it's so fascinating for support bonuses to have lore.
as a result of that, the elimine church also seems to have a strong "love thy neighbour" ethic, especially since belief in elimine is associated with the healing arts. staves are considered holy tools of elimine. all characters who start with staves are either direct members of the church, or troubadours. both troubadours (clarine and priscilla) come from etruria, where belief in elimine is a state religion
that casts a fun light on druids usint staves... call it a hunch, but i don't think niime is a very devout person.
ALSO! DRAGONS! so, yoder, our leading bishop, remember, seems to not mind dragons very much. he says that the return of dragons must be "prevented" and if it cannot, then dragons should "return to their own world", which is all very gentle phrasing.
however, our only non-mario kart depiction of elimine, in heroes, is WAY MORE VIOLENT?
"Never forget that dragons are but destruction given form."
Whereas Yoder seems wary of dragons out of a fear it may restart the Scouring, Elimine straight up advocates for killing em. It seems that her endless compassion does not extend to them.. huh...
It honestly seems like that aspect of her character just got watered down over the thousand years between the Scouring and Binding Blade. With dragons all but gone for the world, people stopped worrying about them, and they became objects of legend. Notably, the perception of dragons as demons does still exist - in Niime's support chain with Fae, she retells the Scouring just so, substituting demon for dragon, but soon drops that belief once she sees Fae is just a wee little baby, and just as much a person as anyone else.
Honestly, the belief in a god who created the earth, alongside the terminology of Divine Dragons - I want to know the relationship between those so bad. Unfortunately, Sophia and Fae have no supports with any priests. The only one who does is Igrene, with Saul.
And in that one, she says that she doesn't believe in god anymore, but that before she became an atheist, she specifically believed in a different god. Alongside statements that Sophia is a priestess of Nabata, this clearly indicates that Nabata, and perhaps dragonkind, have a different main religion, with a different god. There is like, zero lore, on what they would have worshipped, but i do wonder if that is where Divine Dragons come into play.
From the Igrene/Saul support we also see how the god of the Elimine Church is characterized. Mainly, as a kind god, yet one who will not intervene in mortal affairs out of belief that humans can make their own path. If you don't believe in god, god still believes in you, that type of stuff. Works well with the healing angle that priests do good in the name of god and all that jazz.
I ran out of things to say.
TLDR; the cast of the Binding Blade and the Blazing Blade are the only FE characters who can and will say "Oh my god"
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borderlinereminders · 2 years
how do you /not/ turn your apologies into guilting the other person? obviously thats never my goal but i always end up doing it wrong and my bf will end up comforting me for what i did to him and i dont really know how to fix it
Hi anon,
Apologies can be really hard. We're often told not to "ruin an apology" with excuses, but it can be so much more complicated than that. One of the first things I keep in mind about apologies is that explanations and excuses are not the same thing. Here is an example post I wrote of a personal situation where you can see an "explanation" apology instead of an "excuse" one.
It's not okay to say "I'm sorry I screamed at you but I wouldn't have if you hadn't done -insert reason here-." This is not a real apology, and it puts the blame on the other person for being screamed at or upset they were screamed at. (I'm not saying you personally do this, I just don't know anything about your situation so I am starting from the basics.)
It would be really valid to have feelings about whatever thing it was that led to the screaming, but that should be communicated about separate from the apology with some healthy communication skills.
What you could say is "I'm sorry I screamed at you." But you could also say "I'm sorry I screamed at you. I was feeling frustrated but it wasn't right to scream at you." While a lot of people say the first one is "right", I do think the second one is also okay because sometimes an explanation can make it easier to apologize, or sometimes open the door for a bigger conversation (if the other person is in a headspace for it) or can be crucial to not disregarding your own feelings (which are valid, even if the way you responded to them wasn't.)
A lot of this depends on the relationship itself as well. The latter one works for my partner and me, as seen in the example post I shared above. It doesn't mean it will work with everyone, in fact, it could make some people feel dismissed or invalidated. It's good to communicate when you're both calm about what some of the best ways to navigate situations like apologies are.
Some other things to remember about apologies are while a lot of people say that it's okay to express how badly you feel, there is a fine line. Sometimes, even though we do genuinely feel torn up about something we've said/done, it's not good to convey that in a way that can lead to the other person needing to comfort us or feeling they need to put their feelings aside for our well-being. Saying things like "I'm sorry I screamed at you. I feel really bad that I did that because you didn't deserve it" are okay. But saying something like "I'm sorry I screamed at you. I feel so bad. I'm so sorry. I don't know how to handle this because I feel so guilty. I'm a terrible person and don't deserve your forgiveness" isn't really okay.
The feelings can be really overwhelming, and I get that and see how those guilt spiral apologies can happen but they end up pushing the other person to accept your apology even if they're not ready just to make sure you're okay.
Speaking of apologies, I am sorry this got so long. I could probably help more if you gave me some more specifics about the situation.
Long story short though - I do think the best course of action is to talk to your bf about how he would like these situations to unfold when they come up. It might be helpful to come up with an apology template yourself. This is especially true because everything I wrote above is my own personal opinion, and honestly, a lot of people disagree with my opinion about apologies. Which is really fair because my opinion is my own and it's not a fact, and this sort of thing is different for every relationship.
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1ore · 8 months
ough. everything happens so much and i barely have the processing power to talk about the men who live in my brain that aren't real. this is unacceptable. how is a woman to work under these conditions.
byuuillggghhh i make an effort anyway.
yuri got his shit rocked in the mists. i still cant believe my dumb throwaway idea is canon. i dont think that man 'came back wrong' so much as he didn't come back at all. instead, an entity who has been transformed to the point of being unrecognizable (but still technically a continuation of the same person) came out of the mists. happy pride.  
i think the sheer need to kick balthazar's ass is what brought him back. not just his own desire, but that of everyone and everything around him. he forms around the collective suffering and vacuous emptiness left behind in his wake, and while he DOES recover some memories on the way up, all of them are of conflict and war. which. has some implications for his sense of self and how he relates with literally everyone around him.  
he is instinctively drawn to people with unresolved grief, righteous anger, or other wounds related to wartime. For a while, he's not really a person but a physical force that strongarms the cruel and powerful into paying their moral debts, whatever that means. (the Norn description of the six gods not as persons but as motive forces is bouncing around in my brain.)  
inevitably this leads him back to his old gang as they converge on Kicking Balthazar's Ass. yuri is drawn to their hurt and remembers most of them from his time with the Pact, but only in broad strokes-- the great victories and terrible losses. he remembers almost nothing of their actual day-to-day relationships. he is vaguely compelled to learn more, but he doesn't know how to be anything but a shambling wraith. so. emotional intimacy doesn't come naturally. that, and everyone else just thinks they're hallucinating him out of grief.  
idk if yuri even GETS to kill balthazar. i think it's fun if he's robbed of the chance to fulfill his purpose, and feels anchored to tyria out of this sense of unfinished business. my man is once again embodying the vacuous emptiness left behind by war.  
right now, in the aftermath, he's kind of just orbiting people and trying to be helpful in his narrow, ominous, vaguely upsetting definition of being helpful. he remembers 'Commander Atropos' and 'Marshal Trahearne' well enough to hold a stilted conversation. The Lastborn is a puzzle to him, definitely knows that guy, definitely has The Long Shadow Of War hanging over him, but cannot for the life of him pin down why or from where. hasn't met his daughter the vinetooth yet, but when he does, she Will force those memories back into his miserable brain like a square cube into a circular hole. biting him and biting him and biting him and b  
(Of all people the Lastborn is probably handling this the best. he's like oh we all have those days where we cannot continue to exist without annihilating everything that we were and everything that we could have been. you're not special. maybe if you eat some soup you'll calm down.)  
something something trahearne finally getting to reciprocate the patience and kindness that yuri showed to him while he was in the pits of his psychic mordremoth prison. at first he's being dragged kicking and screaming into this but then he picks himself up and dusts himself off and 180's on it, just like his wild hunt. anyway that's all thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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cybermeep · 5 months
now i know its a constant to talk about my dreams, but… the ones i had today were.. hard to talk about. not like they were damaging per se or triggering (for the most part), just… convoluted. hard to talk about because they’re confusing and plot is very spotty, if any at all. whatever, i’ll try.
the first one i had was entirely in a textual format— i think it was just a worry dream. ill spare the details of this one publicly because it isn’t particularly interesting
the second dream i had was after i had a period of time where i woke up from the first and then went back to bed— setting changed but was primarily a college campus. however before that there was a.. dining establishment. i remember i went with someone who i dont know & who was entirely made up for the dream but japanese kept being spoken by both the employees at the restaurant and others. sat with people made up for the dream. think the person i went with got a girlfriend in the middle of this & told me i was likely mad i didn’t have a partner and was single, or told me i was likely mad i wasn’t the girl with him. wanted to tell him i wasn’t a girl in the middle of this.
after an odd exchange, i went from this restaurant to a different establishment. people were cleaning it as i dont think it was open yet— one of them the girl from my dream from yesterday. odd she appeared again. wood flooring there too. after waving, i walked past her and got to a staircase descending downwards.. naturally, i went.
what was down there was a pretty big place— i think a part of a college campus. apparently just had a dairy queen section as their opening area. saw a person i recognized working the counter. had red & white checkered walls and looked like a retro dinner. was the size of my schools cafeteria more than a small establishment— this then made me realize that yes, this is definitely apart of some college campus. i went to go sit in a booth, but all of them were taken. i do believe i sat with a random assortment of girls at first— one asked me to voice act for her, or something. the details are spotty. after this i… augh. okay.
i.. found a place to sit. somehow. granted, it wasn’t alone. person across from me ordered some bacon hamburger or something & i ordered it too only because i didnt know what the fuck to do. more people sat there— squeezed into a corner beside someone. thought i was dying, but actually this time. they made conversation which i did not remember. eventually, i got up.
….there were…. God damn it, how do i say this? there were like. twenty people with the same outfit. it was so, so jarring. all wore this bright ass top and a trenchcoat and i was like are you fucking serious right now but i had to go on. all looked very similar. one individual had hair similar to mine and spiral plugs in their ears; an outlier, i guess. i wanted to bash my head against the wall. only found out this factoid when i got up and saw similar getups everywhere. i turned around and went towards the front desk.
there was also a segment where i wasn’t allowed to go upstairs by the teachers.. there was some storyline about how they were corrupt and manipulating their students. at a certain point apparently i had to find someone and they were just laying on the floor in a corner, face down against the floor and in a plank like state. i… accepted this, as it wasn’t weird at all compared to everything else i saw leading up to that point. there was also another visual ill leave out because i hated it. there were other things but this is already long and they aren’t particularly important
im not sure how to end this besides what the fuck did i dream about
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