#one of them was a total dumbass and we had to explain to him that his idea was explicitly listed as what NOT to do 3 times
l0v3tast3 · 2 years
Listen. Only do this if you feel like it❤️
But can you do a hc or short ff (Anything is cool) with a reader that tells Ghost, price, Alejandro and Rudy that they see them as a father figure and that they feel save and protected around them?
Something wholesome because I thing we all could use some 🧎‍♂️❤️
✎ this is so adorable i love this idea omg
✎ tags: alejandro and rudy use feminine spanish nicknames for you but otherwise i think i kept it gender neutral reader?, military reader, pure fluff <3, not proofread im too cool for that
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☆ simon "ghost" riley
♡ you're both in the kitchen of the compound's living area at the same time, you perched on a counter while you and simon are waiting for coffee to brew. your conversation had turned to the last mission you had all went on.
♡ your arm had been grazed by a bullet during a firefight, and as much as simon will deny it, he went kind of ballistic. the enemies were neutralized within minutes after that and through your protests of "it was my arm, dumbass, i can walk!" he still picked you up and took you to safety and stitched you up.
♡ the whole time he had lectured you about staying behind cover and checking all your surroundings and all the other things you knew how to do, but you knew he wasn't angry with you because his hands were more gentle than you thought they could be.
♡ so when you're both waiting for coffee to brew and you tell him that he made you feel safe and that he was protective of you in a good dad way, he short-circuits.
♡ you see him as a father figure? he can't really figure it out himself why you do, even when he gives you a weird look and you try to explain further. he watches you with the same weird look through his balaclava (his eyebrows do plenty of talking for him) until the coffee is done and he pours you both cups and walks off.
♡ you just shrug and go about your day, but simon thinks about it for weeks. he doesn't forget how you trust him and he makes a point of keeping an eye out for you from now on, even if he was already doing it subconsiously.
☆ john price
♡ it's you and the other four guys, price, soap, ghost, and gaz, all sitting at a table playing cards and drinking. you're all joking around and gaz brings up how price is like an old grandpa sometimes with the stories he tells, and you chime in with "yeah, he's totally like our dad!"
♡ gaz, soap, and ghost all just nod their agreement with laughs but price stops, looking at you questioningly. he asks you if you really think of him like a dad, and you smile and nod.
♡ you tell him about how he's always so on top of everything and he makes sure the team stays together and solid, and how he just has "dad energy", which he doesn't understand but he'll ask gaz about later. it makes him feel a little warm inside but he just looks away so you can't see the obvious smile threatening to push through onto his face.
♡ he thinks about it for awhile afterwards. he covers up the mushy feelings he gets with dad jokes and sarcastic comments, but he makes sure to encourage and look out for you from then on.
♡ you can be damn well sure that if this man sees you flirting with anyone, he'll march on over and just start grilling them. it chases the person away 100% of the time because come on, this is captain john price of the 141 task force, and it kind of pisses you off, but he definitely finds it hilarious.
☆ alejandro vargas
♡ alejandro and you are holed up in a safehouse for a few hours during a mission and need to kill time, so as per usual he's sitting calmly, cleaning his weapons, and you're bouncing off the walls. he loses count of how many times he tells you to just sit about 45 minutes in.
♡ "changuita, you need to sit, preserve your energy," he says, about one million and two times. you just throw him an annoyed look and a quick "i'm not a monkey!", to which he just watches you once again climb a piece of furniture out of pure boredom.
♡ you almost (definitely intentionally) fall off of the couch when you go to jump onto it next to him and he bursts out laughing, warning you not to break something. you're response to this is, "whatever dad, you're the old one here!"
♡ he's just like, did i hear that right? and quirks an eyebrow at you. you give him a look back, confused, and he asks you if you think of him as your father.
♡ "well, not like, my dad, but, like... my dad, ya' know?" is followed by, "no, chiquita, i don't know." he's chuckling though, and he just shakes his head and goes back to cleaning his gun.
(changuita = little monkey , chiquita = little one , i googled this pls lmk if it's wrong lol)
☆ rodolfo parra
♡ rudy is bent under the hood of your car, inspecting the different compartments and liquids, explaining them to you when you accidentally call him "dad". you had called him over because a light on your dashboard had lit up and didn't really know what to do about it, and he had said before that if you ever need help to call him.
♡ he figures out what's wrong pretty quick and let's you know, saying he can have it easily fixed within the hour, and you beam up at him excitedly with a "thanks, dad!" you scurry inside to get something to drink for you both without realizing, and he's left to stand in the driveway, dumbfounded.
♡ when you come back out, you ask him why he looks weird and he asks, "hermana, do you really see me as a father figure?" and you think about it for a bit before you nod with a smile. "yeah, you always help me out when i need it and, ya know, i feel safe with you!"
♡ his heart melts and he vows then and there to always make sure that never changes with you. he starts actually treating you like his child, making sure you know you can call him for help whenever, going out of his way to get you whatever you need when he goes shopping for anything, making sure you're hanging around good people, etc. etc.
♡ rudy won't admit it but he really does start seeing you as his own child, and he always does his absolute best to keep an eye out for you.
(hermana = sister , again i just googled platonic spanish nicknames)
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crepes-suzette-373 · 8 months
One Piece Magazine Reiju short story
I recently bought One Piece Magazine to read the Reiju short story. I don't know how to share this experience other than just straight up translating the whole thing, but it was utterly hilarious chaos with the brothers trying to cook and it just ended up being a disastrous mess.
I'll give a summary, I guess...
Reiju and her brothers went to another kingdom for a diplomatic discussion, but once they were done, the Germa ships that were supposed to pick them up got delayed by the weather. The bros can't wait so they demand the locals to be given a ship.
Niji/Yonji: "Oh good, they understand. So we don't have to steal a ship."
Well, they did tell the people that Germa will compensate them, but still.
And yeah, the guys were so hungry that they were like "Even though royals shouldn't do menial things like cooking, we're dying of hunger here so it can't be helped."
All writers apparently agree that Niji misses Sanji like an utter dumbass because in the kitchen he out of nowhere says "Didn't we used to have a younger brother called Sanji who likes to cook?"
Yonji says "Yeah, he was kind of lame" and Ichiji says there's been wanted posters of him being spread around.
(Edit: I saw another post saying that the one who brought up Sanji first is Ichiji. To be fair, in the actual text there's no dialogue tags indicating who was talking. It's definitely not Yonji, because it specified "younger" brother. I personally read this as Niji because the sentence was more informal-sounding)
Based on the info they got, Reiju is aware of Sanji's history with Baratie and the Straw Hat crew, and thinks that because he's listed as just a cook on the wanted posters and not "fighter/combatant", he's probably still not much stronger than before.
Ichiji found some pork, labelled to be from Broc Coli. Reiju mentioned that Broc Coli specialises in pig farming and the pigs have been selectively bred to improve the meat quality. Ichiji commented "Oh, it's similar to our lineage factor modification, then", but then the next second he suddenly gets mad about it himself, throws the meat to the ground and was like "How could pigs compare to our Vinsmoke royal family."
Reiju: "You brought it up yourself out of nowhere though? :/"
Ichiji is grumpy and wants to go fishing instead. With the Raid Suit. Don't know how, wasn't explained, maybe he Sparking Valkyrie'd the fishes.
Niji wants to make chocolates, but had a meltdown because the recipe calls for cooking/confectioner's chocolate. He was like "Why?? do you?? need chocolate?? to make chocolate??? If the chocolate is already there I'll just eat that directly???"
(Note: It's not making cake or brownies or anything, it's making something along the lines of chocolate truffles or milk chocolates or other forms of chocolate that isn't just straight up dark chocolate/confectioner's chocolate. He's confused because the final product is still just "chocolate")
Yonji wants to make bread because it looks easy. Reiju decided to try to make something too, and wanted to make tamagoyaki (Japanese rolled omelettes) because she remembered reading about it in a story book with Sora before.
Reiju's logic: "If a penguin (in the story book) can cook, then even a beginning like me can do it." (so much for Reiju being the rational one)
Yonji starts shouting for help. His bread is a goopy mess and is a total failure. Apparently he didn't add the yeast because the recipe says 3g of yeast, and that's almost 0, so he didn't add any. Reiju tells him to make sure to follow the steps properly.
Ichiji comes back with a giant fish, and is asking for poison check. No poison, so Reiju left him to cut the fish.
Yonji is still having trouble, and he says he had added the ingredients properly this time. The dough is still gloopy and will not firm up even after kneading. Reiju said that maybe because of the exoskeleton, their skin are too cold for the fermentation process to start activating.
Yonji is grumpy and asks if this means he can't make bread. Reiju suggest using hot water to warm his skin, but he's already really disgruntled and says that it's so lame that they have to rely on microorganisms to make bread (well, at least he knows yeast is microorganisms, not just another type of flour).
(Note: This part really does not sound right to me, honestly. Maybe this was just meant to show that Reiju and Yonji have zero knowledge in cooking, but bread dough not firming up and gloopy is usually not related to yeast or fermentation, but the gluten. Most cases that I know of are either caused by adding too much water, not enough kneading, the flour itself is not suitable for bread, or even the dough being over fermented. I've never heard of sticky dough problems being caused by hand temperature.)
(Edit: I've discovered that Japanese bread making guides do mention temperature affecting the dough, but it's nevertheless because of the gluten and not the yeast. This one might a goof on the author's side.)
Ichiji gave up fileting the fish because there's bones everywhere. he dumped all the dead fishes he caught back to the sea. Yonji gave up trying to make bread and tossed the failed dough away (and also threw away Reiju's egg attempt even though it was fine :/). Niji can't find any chocolate, so he has nothing.
They can't do anything except wait until they reach Germa and then just go "AAAAAAA FOOODD" (well, they act cool in front of the servants, but still).
Reiju herself showered and got cleaned up first before going to eat. Seeing the poisoned stonefish served, she wondered how normal chefs handle the poisonous ingredients and so she went to the kitchen to ask.
There was a young cook on cleaning duty that immediately panics, but then a senior cook named Beryl came out to answer her questions. Reiju says old lady Beryl has been there for a very long time, even before the kids were born.
Beryl explains that to treat the armoured stonefish to make it safe to eat is to let it swim in a tank with Ruby Wakame seaweed. The seaweed will absorb the toxins and after 3 weeks, the fish will change from purple to blue, and this indicates that the toxins is completely gone and it will be safe to eat.
An easier method would be to just skin the fish and take out the poisonous organs, but fish skin is a delicacy, and so the chefs would do this so they can serve cuts of the fish with the skin attached.
Reiju makes a comment that cooking must be very hard because her brothers are all picky eaters (not just Niji, apparently), but Beryl says she and the other chefs are happy to adjust the prep to make the food palatable to the boys.
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"Ichiji-sama dislikes green vegetables, but if you chop it up finely and mix it with meat dishes such as hamburg steaks, he will eat it without noticing."
Reiju: Is he a toddler?
(Note: Dunno if this is a universal thing, but it's a Japanese thing that when toddlers hate vegetables, the parents would chop up vegetables and put it in meatballs or the toddler's other favourite food so that they can get the vegetable nutrients even though the child dislikes the vegetable's taste)
"Niji-sama dislikes things with complex seasonings, so things like the sauces and such has to be made to be very simple to the utmost extent."
Reiju: That's dumb.
"Yonji-sama doesn't like food with dry texture, but if it's served to him when he gets hungry between meal times, he'll usually eat it."
Reiju: Is he a dog?
(Note: There is a section where Reiju muses that the cooks "safeguards" their meals just like how "Germa 66 protect peace". What peace? In the main series they're fine with siding with whoever, as long as they get paid. This comment doesn't make sense unless maybe she was being ironic/sarcastic here.)
Reiju apologised for bothering the cooks at this time, and Beryl then lets slip that Sanji has been to the kitchens often. When Reiju presses further, eventually Beryl reveals that Sora likes to make desserts often. Sora would say that she hoped to someday be able to cook together with her kids.
Hearing this Reiju briefly fantasised baking together with her mother and Sanji. Knowing it's just idle fantasy, though, she thanks Beryl for telling her all these and helping her appreciate cooking more.
Reiju thinks of Sanji and reevaluates her opinions on him. He's not "just" a cook. People's lives are basically in the hands of the cook, especially on long voyages at sea. She is glad that him having a place as a ship's cook means that he's found good friends who rely on him and trust him.
She then transforms, and uses her ability to suck out the poison from the fish, saying that the cooks are welcome to ask her for help to take out the poison if they need to cook with the stonefish.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
The Strawhats go to Syrup Village when their adventure ends because they want to say hi and thank everyone they've met along the way. Luffy misses his old friends! And Usopp, of course, wants to see the Usopp pirates and... And Kaya. Kaya, mostly. They were dating before Usopp joined the crew and when Usopp started having feelings for Sanji, he sent a letter to her asking if she was fine with that being a thing. And of course, she said yes, because Sanji seemed like such a nice gentleman and if he made Usopp happy then she was happy too. But he hadn't taken into consideration how nervous Sanji would be meeting her. Which, you know, understandable. Meeting your boyfriend's girlfriend. Something totally, uh, normal for Sanji's little mind who had to have a whole crisis for two years about his sexuality and relationships. But you know, it's okay, because it's Kaya. So everything will be fine.
And it surprisingly goes great! Well, surprisingly for Sanji. Usopp knew it would be okay! Obviously!
They encounter the kids first, and they're- They're older and it makes Usopp feel old too. Because what the hell. They're taller and they look almost like teenagers and it's making his heart melt. God, he has missed them so much. They go running to him and asking questions and hugging him and Usopp doesn't think he can take this much happiness, really. He keeps bragging about his cool, awesome, powerful crew and bounty and says that he'll tell them all their adventures later. Piiman directly asks "So, which one of them is your boyfriend?!" and Usopp freezes because "How do you know I have a-" and Tamanegi jumps in like, "Kaya told us!" and Usopp obviously can't be surprised at that. Or mad. He wrote the letters for the kids too, after all. So while the crew waits there watching it all happen, Usopp tells Sanji to come with him and meet the three idiots he had for a crew. And Sanji knows them, of course. He takes a drag of his cigarette, stares at them, and instantly goes "Ninjin, Piiman, Tamanegi" pointing at all of them correctly. They're astonished, but before they can say anything, Sanji squints his eyes at them "I remember because you look like vegetables-" / (Usopp): Ooookay, Sanji, babe, enough!" And he changes the subject to ask if Kaya is home right now. The kids say yes. Yadda yadda yadda, and they start walking to her house. (On their way to Kaya's, btw: "If I cook tonight we're not having vegetables, I would feel bad-"/ "Sanji!" / "C'mon, it's funny- They're cute, I swear. Like cute little potatoes-" / "Do you want me to punch you?" / "If we have children, do you think they'd look more like a radish or a cauliflow- / "Dumbass. And those are the only children we're having for a while. Get used to them." / "Wait, I was joking! Do you- You want children? With me? I-" / "Sanji, please, not today.")
So they get to Kaya's and... And Sanji is excited. Nervous. But excited. Nami won't stop teasing Usopp about it, too. And he's not worried. He's okay. He's not anxious. Everything's gonna be okay and she will love the person he has become. Definitely. Nothing to worry about. But he's visibly shaking, and he didn't expect Sanji to be the one holding his hand to calm him down, but it happens. And he couldn't be happier.
So, of course, Luffy can't be fucking quiet and starts knocking on the door and yelling for Kaya to come to greet them. Even if it was supposed to be a surprise. And Nami says "Gosh, Luffy, calm down! She can hear you. Everyone can hear you, actually. Shut up and wait for-" but she can't finish her sentence because Merry is already there with the biggest of smiles, opening the door for them. Usopp just says a soft "Hi!" while Luffy wastes no time in going in.
Nami: Luffy! Wait for a damn second! Merry: Oh, well, not that we can control the King of the Pirates, can we? Nami: You don't need to tell me. Franky: You look like Merry. Merry: ... I am Merry? Franky: No, I mean the ship- Usopp: Franky, we've explained this to you. Franky: Not the part where the butler looks exactly like the ship, though? Usopp: Oh. True. Well. There you have it.
Everything happens a bit quickly. Kaya is walking down the stairs when they're walking in, and the second she sees Usopp she just has to hug him tight. Sanji steps away because, well, he doesn't want to get in between their reunion. And everyone thinks he's jealous or weird about it, but it only takes a moment to realize he's staring at them with the fondest of looks in his eyes. She's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen (apart from Nami and Robin, of course. But it's another type of beauty) and there's just this glimpse in his eyes nobody can actually describe.
Usopp and Kaya kiss and he starts to feel a bit dizzy because- Wow. Remembering her kisses is just as overwhelming as he thought it'd be. She's precious. He says they'll tell her all about their adventures. That he has truly become somebody she can be proud of. She says she has always been proud of him, and Usopp dies a little bit with that. When she's done staring at him, she tilts her head to the side saying hi to everyone else and she spots Sanji, hands on each side of him and bouncing his right leg. She lets go of Usopp to approach Sanji and grab his hands, and with a soft, tender smile, she says "I'm so glad you've been looking out for him. I've heard so many great things about you, Sanji! I truly hope we get to know each other better" and Sanji dies. Sanji instantly dies. Not from a nosebleed but a heart attack, probably. He's speechless for a whole second and nobody says anything. Because this sweet girl just said this in front of everyone and let's be honest, everybody is wondering how the fuck Sanji and Usopp are the ones with enough rizz to pull this wonderful girl. Anyway- I can imagine Jinbe laughing and saying "Usopp! You have a type!" and he's being genuine and sweet but it's so fucking embarrassing the sniper just wants to curl up and die.
Luffy, Nami, and Zoro see Kaya again and it's so, so sweet to see her being a doctor just like she wanted. She's healthy. She's adorable, like always. And she welcomes them into her house gladly. Kaya says hi to the rest and she. Absolutely. Adores. Chopper. That's probably the cutest doctor she's ever seen, and also the smartest! If Usopp and Sanji didn't need to talk with her, she'd probably spend the day talking to Chopper. She also gets along with the older members of the crew! They're all just so nice to her <3 Robin comments about how Usopp and Sanji have been talking a lot about her and Kaya giggles but it makes Usopp want to run away to a private place as quickly as he can. If Robin is the one talking about this, this means they will all keep the embarrassing conversation going and he can't have that.
They decide to stay for dinner, the way they had planned because Sanji is dying to cook for her and they just knew Kaya wouldn't let them go without having dinner with her. Besides, they've been staying for a while in every island so that they can enjoy their time with each person and decide what they want to do next. If they want to, you know, stay with the crew or choose to keep going with their lives outside of being a pirate (everyone chill, they're staying together. At least for a long while until they're old. Because otherwise, I will cry). So, Sanji cooks while the crew waits around the house. Talking to Merry and Kaya and wow!! The kids are staying too!! Awesome!! Usopp is in the kitchen with Sanji because he just needs a second to calm down. It's too much. In a good way! But god, he needs a second.
Usopp helps Sanji with a few things while they talk about everything and nothing. A kiss here and there. And then, Usopp is suddenly a bit uncomfortable about what he's about to say. "What do you think about, um, Kaya?" / "Are you really asking me that?" / "Yeah! Why wouldn't I? Maybe you don't- Fuck. I don't know. Maybe now that you've seen us together you don't want-" / "I want to, Usopp. More than anything." / "Really?" / "Yeah. She- She makes you happy. She even makes me happy and I just met her. And- I don't know. I guess she just looks a lot like my-"
But then the kitchen door opens quickly and it's closed just as fast, because Kaya is there, resting her back against the wall and smiling shyly at them both.
Kaya: Hi! Hi. I- Am I interrupting or-? Sanji/Usopp: No! Kaya: Oh! Oh, okay! I just thought It'd be nice for us to be together for a while? Alone? Usopp: ...... Luffy is being- Kaya: Nami? Usopp: Oh, fuck, yes, makes more sense. Sanji: Nami-san can be a bit assertive sometimes, but it's alright. Kaya: So it's okay if I stay? Usopp: Kaya, it's your kitchen- Sanji: Of course, madame. You're gonna be the first one to taste our dinner, then. I need opinions. Kaya: Oh, I'm not a cook. But I am sure your food is excellent! Sanji: Indulge me, please? Eat whatever you like. Usopp, whispering: Why are you being more romantic than me? She's my girlfriend. Sanji: And I am your boyfriend. She's, like, my girlfriend too, now. Usopp: Does that work like that? Sanji: Uh, not sure? Kind of? Usopp: ... As long as you two are happy. Sanji: You should eat too, by the way, mon amour. I am being serious when I say I want feedback.
They end up spending a long while together making dinner. While Usopp tells her about their adventures, she tells her about her life without him and her studies. How much she has been trying to help the village, too, and how the kids have been doing. Sanji asks them their opinions on the food. Asks them for help, too, if needed. And everything ends up being so domestic and nice that Usopp is surprised Kaya and Sanji just met. They're so in sync and they look so pretty together they even look like a couple already. Usopp thought he'd end up feeling left out (because he always does) but there's just something about them being together that makes his heart melt.
Skipping the dinner part, because it's just all of them having fun as usual and besides a few cute glances and blushes and compliments, there isn't anything remarkable about Sanusokaya here. They end up in Kaya's room after dinner, while the other crew members go do whatever. They have designated rooms and beds (the place is a fucking mansion, and there's room for everyone).
The thing is, they go to Kaya's room to talk about... Them. They don't know where to begin, so Usopp breaks the silence by telling Kaya about how he met Sanji. Things she already knows from letters, but she hasn't actively heard. And it's obviously more entertaining this way. So Sanji and Kaya sit on her bed while Usopp talks. And one thing leads to another and he's also explaining Skypiea. And Water 7. And when he gets to Dressrosa, something they had already talked about during dinner, Sanji decides to explain what happened back in Whole Cake Island. He didn't have this in mind. Opening up so much, he means. But there's just something about Kaya that makes him want to keep talking. So he explains a bit (not everything, of course) about his past. And she's so, so sweet about it. Holds his hand all the time. Rests her cheek on his shoulder. Usopp kisses both of their foreheads. And that's when Sanji stares at Kaya and says:
Sanji: You know? You remind me a lot of her. My mother, I mean. Kaya: Do I? The way you talk to her is so wonderfu- Sanji: You are wonderful. Kaya: Oh- Usopp: Sanji, you can't say that to her! That's my job. You're wonderful, babe. Kaya: Thanks, darling. I just- I was thinking that it could... If you are okay with it. Maybe I'm overstepping. That it could also be his job? God, I am explaining this awfully. I am a doctor, not a writer- Usopp: He would love to be your boyfriend. Sanji: Don't answer for me! Usopp: Weren't you going to say yes? Sanji: In a more romantic way, yes. Of course. Kaya: Really?! Usopp: I think he likes you more than he likes me- Sanji: Idiot. Don't ever say things like that. He's always so- Kaya: No, yes, you have to force the love into his head, huh? Sanji: Exactly! Usopp: Don't get too excited, Kay. He's just like that too. You say something good about him and he starts sobbing.
Long story short, they sleep together in Kaya's room, all tangled up and cuddling because they're the cutest, most adorable couple in the world. They stay for a while in the Village and spend some days together, growing closer and clingier every day. And sadly they have to say goodbye because they want to keep going with their journey (they have stuff to do. They tried to bring Kaya along, but she's the doctor of the village. She can't leave them alone) but she knows they'll come back to her. She trusts them to
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pedriscroquettes · 1 year
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summary. going clubbing doesn’t go as planned when your brother’s rival shows up to ruin the fun
warnings. fermín x paz!reader, f!oral, semi public s3x, fingering, & a cocky!fermín.
a/n. my brain worked overtime on this tbh. poor fran i completely slandered him in this. based off tra by bad gyal (catalan it girl)
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the strobing lights were almost strong enough to blind you and half of the real madrid b squad. the dj seemed to be going through an existential crisis since he kept going back and forth between edm and reggaeton. you’re fortunate enough that he at least plays fiebre without remixing it or pausing it to try and drop a beat.
“joder.” your brother puffs clearly done with whoever he’s texting. (fuck.)
“is it the schedule?” you ask him wondering if this seasons schedule finally came out. it always got him worked up.
“no, this season seems like a good one. it’s just-” he sets his phone down before turning his head towards you.
“el boludo de agustin…” he takes a sip of his drink. he’s always been the most dramatic out of the two of you, clearly. (augustin’s dumbass.)
“nico, you already know that i’m not interested in him like that. he’s just my friend. ” you reassure him.
“no, i know and i don’t want to be an overbearing protective brother but mom would kill me if i let one of my teammates hurt you.” he sighs.
“nico i can take care of myself. don’t worry about me you’ve got a whole career ahead of you. focus on that instead.” you smile at him.
“i’m trying- joder” he scoffs again.
“now what?” you say concerned about the way his mood changed so quickly.
“look who just came in.” he nods towards the entrance.
you try to subtlety turn around but it’s almost impossible without doing a full 180 to see who your brother was talking about. your eyes immediately spot the three guys nico hated the most on the pitch. although out of all three of them only one stood out to you, fermín. you didn’t care for your brothers’ rivalries except for the one he had with the barcelona midfielder. not only did he bother nico but he bothered you as well. every time you were in barcelona he was always there with his annoying attitude.
“well, we are in their city.” you shrug trying to ignore their presence.
“there’s like a million other clubs here and out of all of them they arrive here it can’t be a coincidence.” he scoffs as if the three of the players had been following them.
“i’m not very fond of them either but you’re being ridiculous. we’re like ten minutes away from their training grounds i think it would be a coincidence that they’re here.” you explain logically.
“yeah what- you know what i’m just very stressed out about my whole nationality process right now. i’m gonna go get a drink. do you want anything?” he asks.
“no, it’s fine. just don’t indulge too much i do not want to take care of you again like in vigo.” you bring up the northern city into the conversation.
“you promised you wouldn’t bring that up again. that shit was so embarrassing.” he whines.
“i wasn’t the one who confessed their profound love for duki in his messages. i had to delete over ten voice notes of you singing, crying, and explaining why you’re better than emilia.” you burst out laughing.
“whatever, i’ll see you later.” he walked off.
you watched as your brother walked away either to find someone to flirt with or get another drink. he was the social sibling always outgoing and making friends as soon as he joined a new team. your house would always be full of people you hardly even knew. so you were surprised when his distaste for fermín began, your brother never held grudges. but then you met the devil himself and you realized why your brother disliked him.
he was arrogant, a total egomaniac, and an asshole. you remembered how nice he was to you when he first met you outside the stadium but as soon as he realized who’s sister you were he was always taunting you. you knew how serious rivalries were but you didn’t think it was that deep.
“hope your brother enjoyed my goal from the bench.” a voice interrupted your thoughts.
you look up to find him sitting in front of you replacing your brother. you’re studying his features when the chain around his neck distracts you. a cross. yet, he was somehow the worst person you knew. meanwhile, a smirk grows on his face as time passes and he realizes you’re not in a rush to get him to leave.
“milking a friendly today, are we?” you tease him.
“a friendly your brother spent at the bench the whole night.” he smirks.
“i’m starting to think you have a crush on my brother.” you laugh at him. “which probably explains why you always stalk my story every time we’re in town.”
“what are you talking about?” he scoffs at the accusation.
“felopez03? could you make it more obvious?” you manage to embarrass the barça player.
you had lied to your brother earlier. every time the two of you ran into fermín it was never a coincidence. you had debated on telling your brother about his secret admirer but quite frankly you loved the attention. you knew he always watched your stories when you were in town so you took advantage of that. posting pictures of yourself in short dresses, bikinis, and including some where the only thing covering your breasts were your hands. he always seemed to like those anyways.
“lópez is an extremely common last name.” he simply replies.
“good night fer.” you stood up and picked up your things.
“if you’re going to go like for your brother you won’t find him. saw him leave with a girl who looked very familiar. i think-” he paused debating on whether he should say what he was thinking. “i think i must’ve slept with her as well.”
you simply roll your eyes not wanting to be the victim of his ego. you check your phone and surely enough there’s a message from your brother. you can’t believe he’s left you alone with his teammates and the egomaniac to get laid.
nico 🐣: don’t wait up on me fran will take you home.
y/n: you left me alone to get laid? i hope she bites your dick off.
you shove your phone into your bag and begin looking around for fran. you spot the defender near the bar with a few of his teammates. you’ve avoided him for almost a month and the last thing you wanted tonight was to talk to him. the barça player seems to notice that too because as soon as you start walking towards fran he steps in front of you. you try to push him out of the way but he’s too strong.
“fer-” you sigh exhausted at his antics.
it all happens in a quick blur one minute you’re trying to shove fermin out of the way and the next you’re completely drenched in vodka. you’re not even sure how it happens but the girl in front of you is currently rambling about how sorry she was. you were a bit annoyed that the top you had just bought was now ruined but you could always borrow your brother’s card again.
“it’s okay. it’s fine don’t worry.” you try to calm her down because somehow she’s more upset about the situation than you are.
as soon as she leaves you head towards the bathroom hoping to dry off your shirt. you don’t realize that fermín has followed you into the bathroom until he shuts the door.
“what are you doing here?” you scoff.
“she spilled half of her drink on me too. must’ve tripped or something.” he murmured.
“and you came to dry your shirt in the women’s restroom?” you ask dumbfounded.
“well i can’t exact leave you alone in a bar full of strangers.” he shrugs.
“i know more than half of the people here.” you complain.
“yeah and they’re not exactly looking out for you. nico asked fran to take care of you and as far as i know he hasn’t come looking for you yet.” he bites back.
you murmur a quick ‘whatever’ before focusing on your top again. it’s completely wet from top to bottom so you have no other option but to take it off. you completely forget about fermín’s presence when you start walking around the restroom with your black lace bra and mini skirt. fermín tries his best to look away, to be respectful for once but you leave him in a trance. the view you give him is all too much and he decides to do something about it.
“here. it’s almost dry anyways.” he takes his shirt off and offers it to you.
your eyes linger on his toned body for too long you practically have to force yourself to look away. the dirty blonde finds himself smirking at your reaction. he walks closer to you hoping you’ll accept his peace offering. it begins to drive him mad how beautiful you look you in your current state. if he hadn’t been such a prick to you for the last couple of years maybe it’d be him taking you home and not fran. besides fran wouldn’t know what to do with all that.
you look at him again and throw your inhibitions out the window. your brother is the one who hates him on and off the pitch but not you. maybe just on the pitch but right now you were in a club bathroom without tops on. if your brother could have fun why couldn’t you?
“fer?” you turn around to look at him directly.
“hmm?” he puts his arm down realizing you won’t take his shirt.
“do you think i’m pretty?” you bat your eyelashes innocently.
he pauses not knowing how to respond. of course you looked pretty but he couldn’t exactly say that out loud. not if he wanted to keep up with the banter the two of you had. it would ruin the dynamic.
“it’s fine you don’t have to answer i’ll just go and ask fran.” you fake being upset and head for the door before fermín steps in front of you again.
“you can’t go out like that.” he panics.
“why? don’t you like my bra?” you tease him.
“joder tía pero tú estás loca.” he sighs frustrated. (fuck, you’re crazy.)
��i mean you’re the one who’s been liking all my stories. especially the ones where i leave little to the imagination.” you reach behind your back and unclasp your bra letting it hit the floor. you’re too far gone now. “you seem to really likes the ones where my breasts are showing though.”
he bites his lips trying to avoid his eyes from wondering. he can practically feel his pants getting tighter the closer you got to him. it was as if the room got smaller and ten times hotter. he’d always been so cocky with his hookups but you somehow made him lose his confidence. but then you said someone else’s name and he suddenly gained his ego back.
“do you think if i asked fran to fuck me he’d say yes?” was the question that threw him off.
his demeanor changed in an instant and suddenly he needed you right there in that bathroom. he knew you were probably just teasing him but he wasn’t going to lose you, not to fran at least.
“he’d probably finish in his pant just by seeing your tits and you’d go home upset.” you didn’t realize how much little space was left between the two of you until you saw both his arms on the sink. you were stuck between the sink and his shirtless body. “he’ll never satisfy you.”
“and you would?” you test his patience.
his hand finds its way onto your thigh and you realize you’ve finally gotten what you wanted. as your breath hitches his hand trails up and the look on his face proved he wanted this as much as you did. he pauses once he gets to your clothed core and looks up at you. you realize he’s asking for permission. you trail your hand down your body to where his hand is and carefully move your panties to the side.
“joder.” he groans at the sight. this is definitely not how he expected his night to go.
“fer.” you whine wanting him to touch you already.
his hands creeps up your throat you can feel his fingers getting closer to your lips. you know what he wants you to do so you open your mouth taking in two of his fingers. he watches intently as you suck on them making them wet enough to enter you. he takes a mental screenshot of you not wanting to forget about this moment. when you finally stop he places his fingers on your thigh again, teasing you. he’s gotten his ego back.
“fuck, you’re so wet.” he can feel the blood rushing to his dick as you you spread your legs for him.
you want to tell him to shut up and hurry up due to how needy you are but he finally drags his fingers over your core. a wave of pleasure rings through your body as he finally touches you. he circles your clit before dragging his fingers down to where you needed him the most. he enters you with one finger first thrusting it slowly letting you adjust. the room is filled with your incoherent moans and your acrylics dig into his free hand.
“oh, fuck.” is all you can say as he enters his second finger.
his thrusts begin to gain momentum as he sees how much you’re enjoying it. the feeling of having your walls squeeze his fingers is so surreal and he can’t resist the urge of reaching up to kiss you. the first kiss is long and sweet but as soon as you start kissing him back it gets heated. soon the kisses become short and needy and you can barely breathe between them. he grabs you by the hair pulling it to get better access to your neck and the pain turns into pleasure as he curls his fingers inside of you.
fermín expects you to tell him to not leave marks but you can’t help but want him to bite down on your neck. he leaves short peppered kisses on your neck before sucking and biting making sure that tomorrow you’ll have to hide your neck from your brother. he hears you panting and knows you’re getting close to coming undone. your hands run through his hair tugging on the strands as you get closer to your high.
and then suddenly you feel empty. his fingers are no longer thrusting inside of you and he pulls away from your lips. you’re about to yell at him when he kneels down in front of you and your eyes go wide. he spreads your legs further apart placing one on each shoulder. you can feel his breathe on your core and you’re not exactly sure you’re ready for what’s to happen. one lick is enough to make your head go back and your legs tremble.
his hold on your thighs get stronger and he dived in deeper. you pull on his hair harder each time he gets closer to your hole, clearly teasing you. he sucks on your clit and that’s enough to have you screaming out of pleasure. your moans are enough to raise his confidence and he brings his fingers back and enters you once again. his tongue and fingers are too much, he’s overstimulating you. you can feel your high approaching once again. this time he doesn’t stop he keeps going. he wants to see you reach your high.
“gonna cum all over my fingers?” he teases.
“fuck, yes.” you gasp barely having the strength to speak properly.
he somehow manages to go faster and you know you’re only a couple of thrusts away from cumming. then he adds in another finger and you’re a moaning mess. your juices squirt all over his fingers and pulls them out of you. he drags your fingers back towards your lips and you grant him access again. you lick them tasting yourself before he kisses you again. it’s a slow sensual kiss and then it happens you spot something moving in the background from the corner of your eye.
“fran.” you gasp at the sight of your brother teammates standing in the back shocked at the scene he walked into.
“what?” fermín pulls away confused at the sudden burst of fran’s name. that’s when he spots fran in the mirror and instead of being ashamed he can’t help but smirk.
that is until you push him off of you and fix yourself. you grab fermín’s shirt without a second thought and fix your skirt embarrassed about being caught and by fran of all people. fran’s disappointment is visible but you really don’t care about his feelings at the moment but rather about whether or not he’ll tell your brother.
“my shirt!” fermín yells.
“you’re a man you can walk around without a shirt.” you say as you get your purse from the sink.
fran walks out not wanting to witness more of what he’s already seen. you have no choice but to follow him since he was your designated driver for the night. but once again fermín steps in front of you and stops you from leaving. he leans down and kisses you and you can’t help but kiss him back.
“next time leave the bodyguard at home.” is all he tells you before stepping aside letting you leave.
that night you fell asleep in his shirt. you’re definitely looking forward to the next game your brother has in barcelona.
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raspberrydraws · 7 months
pls pls tell me about your hcs for the first members of the crew fitting the elements of harmony, i very much wanna hear 👀👀👀
Thanks for asking I love u very much allow me to bring a chair so you can sit down and read all my rambling 🪑
some notes about this absolute madness:
I feel like they fit the element but also some traits of the mlp characters too so I will add that when it's necessary
When I talk about the mugiwara's dreams I assume they've already reached them bc the story is not finished yet like mlp and I KNOW THEY WILL ACHIEVE THEIR DREAMS anyways
Please don't have high expectations ahhh I don't wanna end up feeling like I thought something cool and it ended up being lame, I'm not used to writing or explaining stuff this way (and in english tho oof double brain work)
I'll put a everything under a read more bc it ended up being long and also uhh CW: spoilers for both series yeah
✦ Magic: First of all and obvious reason, main character lol.
Character who gathered the group in the first place
Royalty !!! King of the Pirates!!! Princess of Friendship!!! besides the fact that Luffy's dream is becoming the king and Twilight just had to do it etc etc
Very powerful mentor who's far away but encouraged them to start their journey and find their friends
They're not similar in personality at all I get it lmao
✦ Kindness: oof do I need to say anything
Sanji is kind, that's like one of the traits that made him one of my fav characters (more than his totally badass habilities).
and of course that's one of his most important traits
His mother sacrificed everything and celebrated everytime he showed his kindness, he was a sweet child, he's soft with children and helps anyone who's in need.
He's so full of emotion and can go from the softest to the meanest in a second if he needs to (flashbacks to fluttershy literally confronting a bigass dragon, making him cry and leave bc he was mean to her friends)
Also both characters are certified Friends of the Little Critters ™ and can't fly very well
Special mention to Pinkie Pie here, since she shares the "Third child who stands out like a sore thumb from his other siblings because she's weird to her family standards" backstory with Sanji
✦ Loyalty: That's like one of Zoro's main character traits right? He's in the air before Luffy says jump
Cool, they're just cool and probably the most liked characters + the ones who sell more merch for sure lol
Both have a childhood dream, becoming the best swordsman/wonderbolt, but that doesn't push them to leave their friends to achieve it alone + having friends actually helps them reach their goals
hot headed kids + dumbass sometimes
✦ Honesty: The group's voice of reason
Character that pretends to be okay but hell naw she's not ok (AJ harvesting sweet apple acres and almost dying / Nami Pretending to be Arlong's little trustworthy human so she can save her village) until their friends help them to be honest and ask for help
Also they have similar lifes cultivating apples/tangerines with their families and I thought that was cute hehe
✦ Generosity: SCREAMS Chopper my little chop chop I love u my sweet child
The way that Rarity shows her element is usually by giving away something important to her (her time, her talent with fashion, HER FRIGGIN' TAIL) so she can help other people (creatures?) feel better, and there's no signs of repentance after that, she does it with her heart (and sometimes to show that she can make things fabulous)
This brings me to Chopper looking for the mushroom to cure Dr. Hiriluk's illness and showing up at his door all hurt but he's like heyy I got the thing. I understand that's another kind of "sacrifice" The way he showed his thankfulness to his mentor by risking his life looking for the mushroom and trying to prove that he's a good doctor too (even tho uhh we know how that ended)
This was a little bit more difficult to connect with his element and that's why I was in between choosing kindness and generosity for him, but
kindness had to be sanji's element for suree
Dr Kureha specifically told him that "kindness wasn't enough to save lives" and I won't contradict her she scares me so much
AND I feel like Chopper's generosity it's shown all along the show just by treating all those injured pirates over and over again for free lmao
My overall feeling when giving him the element was "He's a little doctor, of course he's generous, doctors are generous enough to learn how to save lives! so we don't like.. die! next question"
✦ Laughter:
This one was pretty simple too, I love Usopp bc he makes me laugh a lot, he's such a comedic relief for the story and also: my best friend in the whole wide world, yes *gives him a lil kiss*
Of course he's not just a comedic relief, he tries to make things easier trying to solve conflicts (sometimes) or joining the sillyness (most of times)
Also they like to tell stories! I feel like that's a cute trait that makes both characters more interesting, even when someone's stories are lies *eyes emoji* I like storyteller characters a lot !!
they're good with kids + tell them stories too !!
also the whole.. alter ego thing, yeah
Hope you enjoyed my TED talk, thaks for giving me the strenght to be a little unhinged, I don't talk too much here but this whole mlp au has people coming and encouraging me to talk/write and I have a problem, once I start talking about something I like I can't shut up
And I like MLP since I was 12 years old, i started drawing because of it and I'm currently rewatching the whole series with my bf so if I see anything else I'll come back and add stuff for sure ♥
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
achilles heel - I: Ben's Sister
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Grace is the very opposite of her brother in every way. when she finally moves onto campus at UNC Chapel Hill, she feels like she gets to be her own person, make her own friends, and hopefully start a promising career in the museum industry, and maybe, one day, get married to her high school sweetheart and live the American dream for herself. Rafe Cameron however, upon their very first meeting, throws a wrench in her very perfect plan.
rafe cameron x fem!oc, rafe is giving very much homewrecker, fanon!rafe (kinda), college!au, friends to lovers, slow-burn (maybe?), minimal oc description, drug and alcohol use, mostly unedited, (these tags are not exhaustive, lmk if i should add anything!)
wc: 2.1k
my master list
series masterlist
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January 4th, 2019
B: i'll be at the caf in 10 if you want to grab breakfast before class
Her phone buzzes twice in quick succession as the screen lights up on the table in front of her. She leans over to read it, putting down her coffee mug and rolling her eyes slightly to herself. Grace had already eaten the same thing she always does, being frozen strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast, and is finishing up her first of several cups of coffee for the day when she receives this text from her brother.
g: okay, back table in the corner
She sends her quick reply and goes back to what she was doing, pretending to read her textbook and hoping to absorb at least the key points before her eight am class. So far, this method has worked well for her. Only one semester down so far, but with a 3.91 GPA, Grace is feeling pretty good about her academic career.
Her brother, Ben, on the other hand, got into the same school on a scholarship for soccer, and Grace is pretty positive he's only doing the same degree as her so she can tutor him while he lives in a frat house. Which he very promptly moved into after orientation, leaving Grace on campus alone, and she didn't mind it one bit. Having some space from her brother and her parents for the first time has been amazing.
Grace looks up as her disheveled-looking brother slides into the seat across from her at the table, practically throwing his plate down. She removes her headphones to hear what he's saying. "Huh?" She asks, prompting him to repeat himself.
"I said..." He draws it out, clearly frustrated his sister didn't listen. "You're already reading that? It's only the second class."
"Oh, well yeah, they're assigned readings for a reason." Grace replies, putting in her bookmark and closing the book, shoving it in the bag at her feet before looking back at her twin brother. He looks like he just rolled out of bed, which, of course, he did.
"Right. Give me the summary then, yeah?" He asks through a mouthful of cinnamon and sugar toast.
Grace sighs a little. "So, basically, there's this guy, totally a dick." She begins to explain and Ben nods, but he's already looking down at his phone. "So he shoots this elephant, right, and then someone else shoots him, and then that's how the third world war started."
"Wait, what? Really?" Ben asks, his attention suddenly drawn back to her.
"No. There was no World War III, dumbass." She replied flatly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Do you even know what this course is about?"
"Not yet but that's why I'm here isn't it?" Ben chuckles, taking another bite of his toast and instantly chasing it down with his orange juice.
Grace cringes a little as she watches that. "Not exactly..." She replies, looking down at her watch. "We have fifteen minutes. We should probably go, we have to get all the way across campus."
Ben nods and shoves the rest of his one piece of toast in his mouth and picks up the other to carry with them while they grab their bags and clean up the table.
No one really knows what it is about the first week of the semester, but Grace, as well as every other girl she's seen so far, has fallen victim to the idea that you need to look put together and organized knowing damn well that by two weeks from now, she'll be showing up in pyjamas. But today, for the time being, she's actually wearing jeans and makeup to class.
They walk across the beautiful campus that overlooks the city from a hill. It's January, but the sun is rising and there's hardly any snow left on the ground, not that there ever was much to begin with at UNC. Grace grips her coffee cup with both hands to try and warm them- it was probably an oversight to leave her gloves back in her dorm.
They make it inside and find their classroom, walking in and looking around, scanning to see open seats. Grace's eye lands on a table with two seats that no one is sitting at, and makes a beeline for it, placing her bag down before realizing her brother isn't at her side anymore.
"Hey, man, how's it going?" She hears as she looks back over her shoulder, seeing her brother grabbing the hand of a boy sitting in the back row. She sighs and sits down as he sits in the back with someone she's assuming he knows from his frat or soccer or something,
"I'm pretty good. Don't know why I took an eight am but here I am I guess." Ben's friend, Rafe, says as Ben takes a seat next to him.
"Honestly, same." Ben laughs slightly, pulling his laptop out of his bag and placing it on the desk.
"Hey, uh..." Rafe starts, leaning closer to his friend and lowering his voice. "Who's that girl you came in with?"
"Why?" Ben asks, taking on a defensive tone as he digs around in his bag, looking for his textbook.
Rafe instantly shakes his head, leaning back in his seat. "Just wondering." He says quickly, looking forward at the long-haired girl sitting a few rows in front of them. "I didn't know you had a girl- I just thought you would have told the team."
"What? I don't." Ben looks up at him to see his friend staring at his sister. "That's just Grace. My sister." He admits, leaning back in his chair as well.
Oh, his sister. Rafe thinks to himself, nodding slightly in response to his friend, that was now watching him, watching his sister. Time to look away. "You have a sister?"
"Uh, yeah, dude."
"You never talk about her," Rafe says, glancing back at her.
"Not much to say I guess." Ben shrugs in response. "Uh, we're twins, I don't know she likes to read apparently. She's a history major, she lives here on campus. I don't know what really there is to add."
"Oh, really? I was thinking of doing history."
Ben laughs. "Dude, as if Ward would ever let you even think about taking anything other than business. Pretty much the only thing you can do with history is write or teach, that's boring as hell."
Rafe sighs, he knows Ben is probably right. "I mean, like, I wouldn't hate that. At least it would be my choice."
"Yeah, I mean, whatever you want man. Why not, right? Being a prof makes bangin money too. People respect you and shit-" Ben rambles on but Rafe isn't really listening. His eyes are trained again on the girl sitting closer to the front of the room, as her hair cascades over her shoulders when she leans forward more, writing something down in a notebook.
"Right?" His thoughts are interrupted.
"Oh, yeah, totally." Rafe nods, completely unaware of what his friend was talking about by now.
"Okay, so we've got some new faces in here today." A man who Rafe assumes to be the prof says, clapping his hands together to get everyone's attention as the room quiets down. "You, in the back there. You missed introductions on Monday, so basically we all shared our names, our majors, and what year we're in if you'd like to share as well."
He's looking dead on at Rafe in the back, and everyone's heads turn to look at him. "I, yeah, sure. I'm Rafe, uh, this is my first year, so I haven't made any big decisions yet, but I'm thinking about majoring in history." He says, making eye contact with Grace and giving her a slight smile.
"Right, yes, Rafe Cameron. You're on the soccer team with Ben here. Your dad is Ward, right?" The prof asks and Rafe nods.
"Yes sir."
"I've met your father, he's a really nice man, hey?" He grins and Rafe nods again slightly in response, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "Anyway, let's get started, shall we? Did everyone get the readings done?"
Grace gets up at the end of class, placing everything in her bag and her headphones back in, assuming that her brother would take off with his friend.
"Shouldn't we wait for Grace?" Rafe asks Ben as his friend turns to the door.
"Nah, I'll talk to her later." He shrugs in response. "Come on- we've got practice this afternoon and I want to have a nap first."
"Hold on one sec," Rafe replies, holding his hand up at his friend signaling for him to wait, and watching as Grace turns around evidently surprised to see them still standing there looking at her- waiting.
"Oh, hi." She says, removing one of her headphones.
"What did you think of the first real lecture? Did you write down every word?" Ben asks her and she laughs a little.
"No, but I'm glad we're getting into something interesting at least." She replies, avoiding eye contact with his friend, who's watching her intently.
"Hey, uh, I'm Rafe, by the way." He says to her before Ben can get a word in.
Grace looks briefly at her brother, who is staring at Rafe with an indecipherable look on his face. "I'm Grace." She says, looking back at her brother's friend and smiling politely. "You said you want to take history? That's my plan too." She adds, making an effort to move the conversation along so they don't just all stand there staring at each other.
"Yeah, I mean, maybe. My dad wants me to take business because he owns a company and I'll have to take it over eventually and all that crap." Rafe shrugs as the three of them head for the door.
Grace nods at that, shoving her hands in her pockets as they walk out the door and down the hall. "My boyfriend was supposed to take business too, or that was originally his plan in high school. He decided to go into chemical and electrical engineering instead and he's loving it, but I guess it's a bit different than your situation but I still think it's important to do what you want, not what other people want you to do." She shrugs, as Rafe looks at her brother, giving him a 'what the fuck, man?' expression.
Ben raises an eyebrow at him, the silent exchange finished with his confusion, and Rafe quickly continues his conversation with the girl who wasn't watching them, eyes straight ahead as she walked. "Yeah, I guess you're right. My plan right now is to sell it as soon as my name's on it, so my degree won't really matter."
"Yeah, you probably don't need a degree in business for that." She agrees, laughing slightly as she shakes her head.
As the three approach the end of the hall, Rafe takes a few quick steps forward to grab the door, and Ben smiles at him, laughing slightly and patting him on the shoulder as he walks through. "Thanks, bro." He steps outside, leaving Rafe to stare at the girl who took a turn down the hall instead of following them out. 
"Not going back to dorms?" He asks her, making her turn as she continues to walk backward staying with the flow of other students.
"I have a class in C building in ten minutes- this way is much faster. It was nice meeting you!" Grace smiles with a slight wave, popping her headphone back in as she turns around and continues down the hall. Rafe smiles back and raises his hand in a quick wave, sighing as he's stuck holding the door for a few more people before he can follow Ben.
"Dude, you didn't think to tell me she has a boyfriend?" Rafe asks, jogging slightly to catch up with his friend.
"Sorry, didn't think you'd be into my sister. Didn't think it mattered- that's not like, the most important thing about her, you know." Ben scoffs, shaking his head.
"Well, of course not. Would've been nice to know, though." Rafe grumbles, adjusting his bag on his shoulder.
"You're not hooking up with my sister. Listen, even if she wasn't dating that loser I wouldn't let you. That's like, fucked up." Ben says sternly. "What would you say if I said I was into Sarah, huh?"
"Dude- gross. She's like, seventeen." Rafe shakes his head, scrunching up his nose at the thought.
"Exactly." Ben agrees. 
"Okay, well, that's different."
"You're digging yourself deeper and deeper man- you've just got to let it go." Ben insists, turning to walk towards his car on the opposite side of the parking lot from where Rafe parked his bike. "I'll see you at home!" He shouts back.
"See ya'," Rafe replies, walking in the opposite direction. He pulls the other side of his backpack over his shoulder, holding tightly onto the straps as he makes his way back to where he parked his bike- completely unaware that he was being watched through an upstairs window in C building by his friend's sister.
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ahhh finally part one!! i’ve been working on this one for a hot minute so lmk all your thoughts and everything- i don’t have the whole thing planned out so also if anyone has any requests on where this should go, pls lmk!!
taglist: @madelynie @slut4drudy (message me or reply to this to be added!)
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osleeplessflowero · 4 months
Hi! I saw your post asking for requests, this is my first time asking so sorry if I break a rule just delete if it makes you uncomfortable. Can I get a platonic reader x bad sanses or star sanses? (Or whoever your want I'm not picky) maybe how the reader sees them as a brother or father figure? Thank you in advance!
you're totally fine anon! this is a great request!! :] let's see..i've done quite a few bad sanses oneshots previously, how about we show the star sanses some love? 🌸
CW: Light Emetophobia, Ink is known to throw up when he gets too excited! It only happens once and for a brief second.
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It's a peaceful day in the corner of the Doodlesphere that Ink had placed the Star Sanses base in. You sit in your assigned room on your bed, playing one of your favorite games on your laptop. The lights from outside shine in through your window, imitating sunlight. It gives the room a nice, comforting feeling. It's peaceful for a little while, until Ink BURSTS into the room, leaning against the door and holding it shut. You raise a brow in confusion, lowering your headphones.
"Hello Ink." You greet him with a blank look, waiting for him to explain himself. He chuckles sheepishly, jolting when something begins hitting the door.
"Heeey, you! So, funny story.." Another thud. "I kiiinda made Berry mad at me and I need to take shelter here, is that cool?" He holds up his hands as if to pray, pleading with you. You raise your index finger to your chin, contemplating.
"What did you do to Berry to get him this mad? And where's Blue?"
"Blue's in his universe, he left Berry here because they were gonna talk about stuff. And uh..I may or may not have hit him with paint balloons. Bright, neon colored paint balloons."
"Ink, you dumbass-" You sigh, saving your game and closing your laptop. "You know not to provoke the kid."
"Okay, but in my defense, it was insanely funny." He snickers, moving a box of random things you own in front of the door and plopping down on your bed.
"You do realize that won't hold him for long, right?"
"Yeah, but I'll savor my freedom while I still have it. Soooo, what have you been up to? Haven't seen you a lot today." He lies upside down, looking up at you with the goofy grin he always has.
"Well, I was just playing my favorite game and chillin'. At least, up until you broke in." You poke his forehead, earning a chuckle from the skeleton.
"Hmmm..sounds like it would get kinda boring after a while." He rolls over, resting his chin between his hands. "You should come hang out with me, Dream's busy and Blue's gone."
"I mean, I could. But what would we do?"
"We..Huh." He blinks a few times, the small symbols in his eyesockets changing each time as he thinks. "How abouttt.. we go paint the outside of HQ? We could make a masterpiece!" He grins, sitting up with his legs crossed. "C'mon, what do you say?"
"Sounds pretty fun, Ink. But if you throw paint balloons as me as well I might have to kill you."
He laughs, giving you a playful nudge.
"Wait, so does that mean you'll actually join me?"
"Yeah, just let me change first-"
He grins wide, shaking you back and forth excitedly before pausing, running over to the nearest window. You wince as you hear him throw up a bunch of ink, letting it fall into the depths of the sphere before closing the window and leaning back in.
"This is gonna be great! C'mon!" He gently tugs your hand, before the door bursts open. You both freeze like deer in the headlights, looking down at the skeleton approaching.
Berry was a small fellow, much smaller than blue and having an overall cyan color scheme in comparison to Blue's calmer tones. A bandana with a large ribbon behind it is tied around his neck, his eyelights constantly being shaped like stars, where in comparison Blue's only occasionally do the same thing. At the moment, those eyelights have shrunk to mere pinpricks, as he holds up a comically large knife, pointing it in Ink's direction. He hides behind you, as if you were able to defend him. Gee, thanks Ink.
"INK- You Have Dared To Cross Me, And Now You Will PAY!" You can't help but snicker a little at how adorable the little guy looks, covering your mouth with your hand.
"Look, Berry, I said I'm sorry!" Ink struggles to hold in a laugh.
"You'll Be Sorry Alright, WHEN I GET YOU-" He charges forwards, but you interfere, grabbing his head. He struggles against you, swinging his arms to try to get to Ink.
"Now now, Berry, let's just cool it. Ink apologized, let's move on. You wanna come paint with us to make up for it?" You smile as the little skeleton perks up at that, making his blade disappear into his inventory.
"Really?! You Mean It?" He grins wide, his eyelights expanding to a much bigger size.
"Yeah! Right, Ink?" You turn to him, watching him nod before looking back. "Well, it's settled then."
You pause, hearing the sounds of shortcuts, before grinning and running into the living room. Blue and Dream seem to be having a casual conversation before realizing you're there, smiling towards you. Blue promptly runs over, picking you up and spinning you around.
"Ha Ha! I've Returned! Did You Miss Me?" Blue grins before putting you down, putting his hands on his hips.
"You know I did, Blue! How's Paps doing?" You tilt your head, genuinely curious. He chuckles at your reply.
"He's Doing Well! He Wanted Me To Give You A Small Bag Of Suckers That He'd Been Holding Onto, So Here You Go! Try Not To Go Through All Of It At Once, Okay? Sugar Rushes Are.. Scary." He briefly glances over at Berry, narrowing his eyes. You let out a laugh at that, putting the little bag he hands you into one of your pockets.
"Noted." You turn to Dream, who holds his arms out for you. You grin as you leap into his arms, embracing his warmth and the pleasant scents that surround him.
"Oh, I've missed you! How've you been doing while I've been away? Good, I hope? If not I'll have to give Ink a stern talking to." Dream glances at him from the side, earning a laugh from the more colorful skeleton.
"Don't worry, I've been alright. I've just been hanging out in my room, and I just split these two up from a fight." You point towards Berry and Ink, the former putting his knife away the moment he's spotted and smiling innocently.
"Goodness, Berry! What Did I Tell You About Having Knives In HQ?" Blue frowns, walking over and carefully taking the blade away from his shorter "cousin". "You Know Better."
"Sorry, Blue.." Berry pouts, crossing his arms. The taller skeleton pats his skull, smiling a bit.
"Just Be More Careful Next Time! You Don't Want To Hurt Anyone, Do You?"
Berry looks at Ink. "..Maybe."
"Berry! Bad!" Blue frowns again, poking the smaller skeleton's forehead as you finally let go of Ink.
"Me and Ink were just about to go outside and paint, if you'd like to join us. You guys don't have anything else to do today, right?" You offer, silently hoping they'll agree.
"I'd Love To Join In! It Could Be Good Exercise." Blue puts his hands on his hips in a hero-like manner, his cape swaying out behind him.
"I'd like to join, even if I just end up watching. Ooh! I could make some tea for everyone, how does that sound?" Dream smiles as everyone agrees with that idea, stepping into the kitchen to make some magic-based teas for everyone. He made sure to remember your favorite kind in advance.
Everyone moves outside, Ink stopping you a moment so he can use Broomy to paint a grassy area for you all to stand on, grabbing some paint cans he'd left beside the house and walking over to the first blank wall.
"Okay everybody, let's get started!" Ink grins, handing a smaller brush to you. You pause a second, realizing that due to getting caught up in your excitement you forgot to change into something you're okay with getting paint on.
"Wait a sec, I'll be right back." You run back inside to your room, changing hurriedly before rushing back outside. Ink paints a few step stools using Broomy so those who can't reach taller areas can use them, balancing on the large brush to paint patterns with smaller ones.
Berry jumps up onto Blue's shoulders, standing up on them so he can reach the upper areas thanks to the bigger skeleton's height. Blue doesn't seem to mind it all that much, instead focusing on what to paint outside of his room. Dream walks out and places down a yellow gingham blanket, then goes back inside to sit the teacups down where everyone can easily access them.
You stand outside your room, beginning to paint whatever comes into your head that relates to you somehow. You want to ensure that the space feels truly yours, so you put a lot of thought and care into each stroke. Of course, you could always just repaint later, but it's the thought that counts. Berry eventually runs out of ideas and goes to talk to Dream, so Blue takes the opportunity to paint a little bit beside you.
"So, how's adventuring been, Blue? Is it..everything you'd hoped?" You paint a little star pattern. He hums thoughtfully, completing a heart you'd forgotten to finish.
"I Suppose You Could Say That! It's Given Me A Lot Of Opportunities To Meet New People And Experience Other Worlds. But That Can Also Be Kinda Stressful..Especially When You Start Running Into Variations Of You That Are..Well.."
You both look over at Berry, who's currently zooming around a very confused and startled Dream in circles.
"Yeah..I don't know how I'd feel about seeing so many of Me. I mean, the three of you guys alone is a stretch. Imagine if all of the variants were in one place?"
"That Would Be Very Much So Impossible- Which Really Makes You Think..Just How Big Is The Multiverse? What Parts Of It Are So Closed Off, Even Ink Hasn't Seen Them? It's All So..So.."
"Yeah! Exactly." He smiles at a little cutesy painting you made of him right below his window, looking as if he's holding it up. "But I Suppose That's How It's Always Been."
"I feel that. It makes me wonder if we've ever met before, in some other timeline. You think things would be much different?"
There's a short pause.
"Nah, I Don't Think It Would." He smiles, you share it. You continue painting side by side in peaceful silence, until you hear the sound of something splattering. Sharing a worried look, you turn back to see Dream looking down at the ground, a green paint balloon having hit his head. Ink is frozen like a deer in the headlights, and Berry is laughing hysterically.
"I- I am so sorry, Dream, I meant to hit him, not you--"
Dream looks up, an eyesocket twitching as he picks up one of the balloons Ink had left lying on the ground, throwing it and hitting him square in the face. Berry collapses, laughing even louder.
"Oh Dear, It Seems Ink's Declared War." Blue chuckles, laughing a little as he speaks, watching them begin to form more paint balloons to throw at each other. A devious grin crosses your face as you look back at him. His expression slowly shifts to a worried one. "Oh No. Don't- Do Not Even Think About It-"
"I'm joining in!" You pick up a balloon.
"Pick your side!" Ink grins, getting hit in the side of the head with a red balloon.
You shake your head. "Nah..I'm taking my own side!" You throw balloons at the both of them, before getting pelleted with them yourself. Blue huffs as he watches you, before going still when he feels a presence behind him.
"Nothing Personnel, Double." Berry grins, throwing a cyan balloon at Blue's back.
"YOU DIDN'T EVEN PHRASE IT RIGHT-" Blue sighs, joining in the battle. Paint balloons fly across the yard, splatting the walls as well as everyone laughs, having a great time. The commotion grows so great, even Error finds himself popping his head in from the Anti-Void, before closing up the portal to avoid a balloon to the face.
After a while, you each grow tired, huffing and raising up little white flags before drinking the tea that Dream brought out (that thankfully is somehow still warm, and paintless). You then turn to the walls, seeing a beautiful mess of color accompanying your art from earlier, smiling a bit at your collective handiwork.
"Y'know, I think it looks good like this." You hold up your hands like a camera, smiling.
"I think so too! Hey, you know what would fit?" Ink turns to Dream, seeing if he'll catch on.
"Oh! A picture!" Dream rushes to his room, grabbing his camera and running back out. Everyone stands in front of the wall together, grinning and posing. "Say cheeeese!"
Getting to spend so much time with the skeletons you both look up to and admire is an experience you wouldn't trade for anything in the multiverse. Anything at all.
"IIIII say..on this momentous occasion, we should all watch a movie. First one to fall asleep gets their face drawn on!" Ink holds up a washable marker menacingly.
"I've got coffee, you won't be getting me anytime soon." Dream grins, going inside to clean off the paint and change his clothes to wash them later. Blue follows after him to do the same.
"It'll probably be you first, Ink." You snicker, using a towel to get some fresh paint off of your face. He calls out after you as you start to head to the bathroom attached to your room. "NUH UH!"
"YUH HUH!" You shout back, going to take a warm shower to get all of the paint off of you.
An hour or two passes, and you find yourself building a strong pillow fort with Blue and Berry. Dream sits to your left, Blue to your right with Berry leaning on him, already looking pretty tuckered out. Ink observes everyone from his spot in front, eagerly waiting for the moment someone falls asleep.
Dream whispers to you as Blue looks through a selection of movies for you to watch together. "Did you have fun?"
You whisper back. "Yeah, I've had a lot of fun with you guys today. I love having peaceful moments like this..it's really nice. I really have to thank you guys for taking such good care of me lately..it means the world to me." You lean on him a bit, and he smiles as he places an arm around you.
"Of course. You're a very dear friend to us, never forget that we care for you. We'll always be here for you, no matter the circumstances."
You yawn a little, the comforting aura emitting from him making you feel safe enough to rest. "Thank you, Dream.."
"Careful." Ink grins like a cheshire cat, watching as your eyes begin to close. "There's still an active threat in the room." He says in a sing-song tone, waiting to attack.
"I'm gonna fucking Get You later."
"I'd like to see you tr-" Ink pauses mid-sentence when he sees that Berry's fallen asleep, grinning madly. "Well. Looks like you'll be spared after all."
"Oh boy." You snicker, the rest of your little group grinning amongst themselves as the movie begins. Ink claps his hands so the lights dim, sitting closer to you and relaxing on some pillows, giving commentary from time to time. Soon your eyes begin to close..those around you growing tired as well from a long day of adventuring.
It's peaceful for a while.. the perfect environment to relax.
..Until a portal opens.
"Ah fuck."
"Language!" Blue frowns as Ink stands up to go outside. Blue considers carrying your sleeping form to your room like he always does, but decides not to since Dream's already asleep with you. He'd rather not disturb you both, at least not until he needs Dream's aid..
Oh boy.
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astarryeclipse · 10 months
Angels and Demons au
So, the poll won and now it's time to talk about the angel and demons au. So, our dumbass(/affectionate), accidentally stumbled(literally) onto a cursed artifact used to summon Demon!Moon. You, having no self-regard for your own personal safety and being highly curious, decide to research it and accidentally summon Moon. Moon is shocked because this tiny, small mortal summoned a dangerous and feared demon, like himself. He decides to keep you after a few days of just stalking you(Moon: I’ve only had Y/N for a few days, but if anything were to happen to them, I would kill everyone in this realm, and then myself). Moon is actually pretty careful at not being caught by Angel!Sun, but still gets caught anyway. So, Sun comes and just sees this small mortal just hanging out with Moon, as if he isn’t some kind of feared demon. This causes Sun to stay just to make sure Moon doesn’t do anything. Y/N, completely oblivious about Moon and Sun actually being powerful supernatural deities, just treats them like normal people, and it causes both of them to freak out at first, before realizing, ‘oh hey, we like being treated like normal people and not eldritch deities’. Sun and Moon then fight in the background because they just kinda realized one day that you're a cinnamon roll. Sun then decides to give you a sun-shaped earring as a protection charm and totally not a courting gift- Moon does the same thing, but with a moon charm on a bracelet to summon him(he also uses it as a camera to spy on you, but shhh-). They do leave eventually, but do leave a note explaining that they had to go back ‘home’. You just accept this and a few months go by, and suddenly sun and moon shaped gifts just start, appearing, on your doorstep…as well as those nightly terrors of an biblically accurate angel that looks like Sun and a terrifying demon that looks like Moon, just fighting it out and screaming at each other. Do y’all want to hear more, or would you like designs of them?
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what if baz had pulled his shit together in fifth year and launched a surprise kiss or a confession of undying love on simon? how do you think simon would have reacted? please write another gorgeous 10k on this
I have actually wondered this, but never got far because I would think "Baz would never do that" and call it a day. I mean, the guy is rolling around with Simon, worrying about whether he can convert someone with "so much saliva" because Simon would just not get his tongue out of Baz's mouth, and he's still reluctant to open up (emotionally, not his mouth, clearly that's not an issue). He's like "Perhaps I'll kiss Simon before dying, since I'm dying anyway" and he's still not kissing him! he's like "I'm going to do it... right now... totally going to do it" and it's Simon beating him to the punch. He's like someone standing in front of a pool, contemplating jumping in, but he's just not jumping until he's literally pushed.
First of all, we can't even begin to define what Simon would do without first defining what Baz is doing.
In fact, I'm considering as I think about how to answer this... Baz notes Simon is taking his cues from him after sex (he was also taking cues during sex, and actually he goes on to do so in most aspects of their relationship) but hasn't Simon always been taking cues from Baz? I think this can tie into his lack of autonomy, his lack of understanding of his feelings, and his familiarity with hostility. He understands anger. It might be the one feeling he understands the most. So when he meets Baz, he's like "this guy hates me?? well I guess I'm gonna hate him too >:c" "he's DISGUSTED by me?? well, I think he's a creep who only has two (2) emotions! >:c") (yeah, I imagine him making that face). If something changes on Baz's end, and he externalizes it and/or communicates it to Simon (as opposed to just thinking it while giving away nothing), Simon would continue to take his cues from him as well.
However, to have Baz in 5th year, or to know that it's even an option to not see him as a villain, would probably have been too much for Simon, Too confusing. Too destabilizing. If such feelings are already too much for his 18-year-old self, what chance does 15-year-old Simon, at the height of his angsty teenage dumbasery, have? (to be clear, I don't think he's a dumbass for not understanding his feelings, or that he's one in general, I think he's a dumbass for telling everyone who would listen that Baz is a vampire. Like, what did he think it was going to happen to Baz, if he was believed? Fucking nothing, because he wasn't using his brain). (Also: part of the reason it drives me insane when people don't get Simon wasn't into Agatha is that I think Simon not being in love or attracted to her is actually crucial to explain why they get together. As in, not having those feelings [among other things] is precisely why he dated her – not feeling those things made it all feel deceptively “manageable,” even if that created other problems. His feelings for Baz are too much for him, too intense and overwhelming, hence why he's regularly losing his shit around him [unable to leave him alone] even before he identifies them.)
On the other hand... does Simon actually grow, mentally and emotionally, between 5th and 8th year? Or does he stall in a particular place until he's forced out of it, kicking and screaming, his growth only made possible once he "gets off the map" with the events of CO? I wonder this because, well. Maybe the reaction of 15-year-old Simon wouldn't be too different from how he reacts at 18. When we meet him, he's still on the same type of “delusional bullshit” he would have been at the ages he was in some of the memories he shares. He's still clinging on to the thoughts and feelings of his 11-year-old self when he should know better. Maybe it's just not possible for him to grow at all, while he still lives under the structure that allows him to not process things and to just do what he's told, until he's pretty much forced out of the structure.
And this takes us back to Baz. A confession from him would certainly murder Simon's structure. But how does Baz say it? how does he show himself? Is he vulnerable? Is he in pain? Is he letting Simon in? I mean, when Simon catches him in the catacombs, Baz gets on the offensive. He's confrontational, he's not being "clear enough" in what he's communicating to Simon, so Simon doesn't know how to react. And when Simon is lost, he defaults to the familiarity of anger. But had Baz been clear in "I'm thinking of my mom and feeling like a monster and sad and suicidal" Simon would have completely changed his tune. In some ways, it does get to some part of Simon that Baz is sad in very concerning ways, even if he doesn't get anything else, which is why he's unable to go back to the catacombs. It's why he keeps hearing that song...
Those very same elements appear again in the forest scene, and how does Simon respond? He kisses him. And when Simon kisses him, it's impossible not to realize he wants him. When he's touching him before this, it's impossible to not keep looking for way to touch him again...
I think, if Baz is ever telling him for the first time, it's a very painful and vulnerable thing. That's exactly what it is, in canon. Simon is breaking up with him and Baz, heartbroken and feeling like it doesn't matter, says "I love you." He adds something that's absolutely devastating for Simon ("I'm the first thing you ever gave up on") and leaves. If Baz is saying it in 5th year, I can perhaps picture it like that. I can't picture a Baz who is "pulling it together and giving Simon a love confession" because that's a different person and it makes the question pointless – under no circumstances is Baz pulling his shit together to just say it, he fears too much, he's too committed to "protect himself," even at his own expense. And again, Simon, who exists without processing, responds to what he picks up from him (or what he thinks he's picking up from him). We know how Simon responds to Baz letting his wall down and showing his pain and vulnerability. He kisses him. He shows up at his door, asking to be taken back, practically on his knees. I don't think 5th-year Baz would ever say it, but if he does, it's going to be a very painful thing that would leave Simon no choice but to feel. It would absolutely devastate him. Simon's exact reaction depends heavily on what's happening, but in general: he would be confused. It would likely affect his magic. He's never able to leave Baz's alone, I think he would be even less capable of leaving Baz's alone here. Like his reaction in awtwb, it might take some hours, maybe a whole day or two, and some conversations with other people for him to even get to a true reaction.
The more I think about it, the more I think "how would Simon react" isn't the right question, but how would you sustain this situation. I mean, the immediate reaction is probably just that pikachu reaction image (:O) but get him alone with Baz, and tell him he has permission to see him as anything other than an enemy, and Simon is already trying to touch him (and even before, he was trying to touch him via fighting). He goes from bumping him, to putting his hand on his shoulder, to firmly touching his back, to grabbing his hands in like... a single day. He escalates very fast. "He was just giving him magic in some of those" I mean, that just makes it gayer. Penny establishes the importance of magical compatibility between lovers and that Simon isn't a touchy person, yet here we are.
This is probably going to be a separate post, but as much as Baz is the one who figures out his feelings first, it's Simon who's climbing Baz like a tree lighting fast with practically nothing. He figures he wants Baz as he kisses him. He asks him to be his boyfriend before figuring out his feelings for Baz. He's saying he wants to and likes being boyfriends so much better than fighting, that he doesn't want to be enemies or on opposing sides at all while believing the war is still going on. I don't think Simon would respond negatively to Baz opening up to him because he literally never does. He responds negatively when Baz does the opposite as he's pulling out his thorny defenses and pushing Simon away. I don't think it would have taken long for Simon to be all over Baz (in a gay way, not in a confrontationally gay way, as he used to be during those years). I think Simon would be confused as fuck, as this would push him to ask questions about himself he wouldn't be ready for, but he's still engaging in a kissing session that lasts an entire night after thinking "I don't understand shit" isn't he? He's not ever doing that "but Baz is a villain, what if this is plot" bit when Baz is actually being vulnerable, as he would have to be to confess. I discard Simon going "Is he plotting??" about a confession, because the manner in which Baz would confess wouldn't leave room for that.
It's also important to consider whether Simon is already in a relationship with Agatha when Baz "confesses." If he is, that complicates it because even when Simon is feeling (even if he's not identifying such feelings) that he wants to break up, he doesn't want to be the one who does it. If he isn't dating her, the expectation that he should would weigh on him as well. (Worth mentioning that Simon faces dating Agatha like it's a job he has to do, and at some point it feels like a routine – you can tell in the way he forgets he's no longer dating her and immediately goes, "anyway" after remembering... one of those instances is when he's kissing Baz and he has a second where he feels bad for Agatha before remembering they're not dating anymore. Which tells you that dating her wouldn't have stoped him from kissing Baz, even if he feels bad about it). Regardless, Simon would choose Baz, because he always does (if you're thinking about Simon not going to the numpties with Baz because he just discovered he's the humdrum, I wouldn't count it. It's like in awtwb when Baz discovers the Phippa thing and literally tells a Simon who's in shambles after Smith fails to restore his magic "I'm sorry love, I know your problem is important but I'm literally incapable of focussing on anything else until I fix this" – it's the exact same thing Simon is feeling towards the end of CO). When Simon feels like he's going to lose him, he's pushed to act (WS being the exception partly because Simon feels like a burden and like Baz is with him not because he still wants him but out of duty, which changes everything). But to have them figure this out at this point would be too difficult. Too painful. (Not that not figuring it out isn’t terribly painful anyway – there’s no escaping pain here)
The thing isn't really Simon's reaction – all things considered, that might be easier to put together than what would come after, given all the external factors. The thing is the mage (and not even war, as we have established that the war doesn't stop Simon from telling Baz they don't have to fight, he just wants to be boyfriends) and perhaps Simon worrying about fulfilling expectations in ways that suffocate him, in ways he doesn't know how to fight off because he's not used to making decisions by and for himself outside of combat and survival, and you definitely don't want the cocktail of emotions this would cause when he's in possession of his crazy magic. He does figure out how to fight this, but I think Baz is right when he says they figured it out at the right time – crucially, the strongest forces that would keep them separated are gone shortly after they get together. The thing is a million things, externally and emotionally, that would come into play if they go off script. And the mage is just too alive here, as opposed to fucking dead, which is both how we want and need him to be for Simon to have a better chance at making any type of choice in his life, heal and move on. He has too much control over Simon's life. But this is about reaction, not what happens after – at that point we might as well write fanfiction (I'm kinda already are with this post, anyway)
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epickiya722 · 5 months
This is how I know that some of you in the BNHA fandom just want to hate Bakugou and have the urge to bother people because you're bored and it's just ridiculous.
I'm not even annoyed by this, but amused really that this is what some of you proudly will say.
About 2 years ago, I made a post that pretty much summarizes that as much hate BakuDeku gets, it's just odd how KamiJirou doesn't get slack like given that Kyoka treats Denki almost the same way. I wasn't saying that "you shouldn't hate BakuDeku, hate KamiJirou". I was saying that Kyoka's behavior can be unnecessarily mean towards Denki sometimes.
I don't hate either ship or any of the characters. But what I do hate is how some you will go out your way to make an argument just because you want to be an ass and the argument you make makes no sense.
Tell me why someone said this.
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Yes, Katsuki had told Izuku to jump off a building. And he knows he can be an asshole. Something a lot of you can't even admit. Yeah, so quick to point out Katsuki's, this fictional character, faults, but are the same people who are quick to suicide bait people in their inboxes. And it's not just minors who do this. Some of you be grown as hell and do this.
What gets me about this reply is they said that "Bakugou means to inflict pain" but uh... Kyoka hasn't? Maybe I missed something because I could have sworn she used her quirk on Denki in the dorm room episode over a comment about her room. Yeah, I would have felt a certain way if someone insulted my room but did she have to use her quirk to hurt him over such a comment? Did she had to respond with violence on two people? (Aoyama got attacked, too.)
Or does she get a pass for that?
"One is consensual and one is NOT."
So... when coming up with hero names and Denki thought Kyoka was giving him a cool name that made a reference to a topic that he knew, displaying that he isn't a dumbass, but instead got Kyoka laughing at him, putting him down. And what she was laughing at him about?
When he goes almost braindead after overusing his quirk. Mind you, he's vulnerable and defenseless in this state. He can't communicate that well and can only give a thumbs up to show he's okay (when he really isn't).
You're telling me her laughing at him in that state is consensual? If it is, explain it to me.
Or how about when during the School Festival arc he tries to be encouraging to her about her talent as a singer? She threatens him with her quirk and he flinches. So that's it being consensual for him?
And again the attack on him on the dorm room episode! That was consensual for him? Again, explain how so.
Look, Denki isn't all too innocent either, but sometimes he does mean no harm to Kyoka and the way she responds is unnecessarily cruel to him. But he doesn't hold any ill will towards her just as Izuku really doesn't to Katsuki as their relationship progresses.
This isn't me trying to tell you to hate Kyoka or anything. I like her, too.
But it does bother me how backwards this fandom (or any really) is sometimes.
We all know Katsuki has been a total dick to Izuku. But why it is a problem that if someone brings up someone else's faults this is what y'all do to justify them and yourself display the same behavior you condemn Katsuki for all while ignoring his character development (therefore, ignoring parts of the story)?
You can't argue that "Well, that was in earlier parts of the story", referring to Kyoka, because again some of you constantly bring up what Katsuki has done in the past. So you can't tell someone what she has done is in the past and then bring up Katsuki's past. Make it make sense.
Y'all call Horikoshi a "misogynist", but some of you are no better.
You're telling me Kyoka can't have her faults point out, too? Just because she is a female character doesn't mean her gender makes it okay. Regardless of gender, age, or sexuality and whatever else background, someone can do wrong.
I feel like some of you do look past this because Kyoka is a girl. Like, it's okay for a female character to have flaws and if she does, it's a story. Flaws is what makes the story the interesting and drives the plot.
It's why even though I point Kyoka's treatment of Denki, I don't think anyone should condemn her completely and hate her and think she's a bitch. Not because she's a girl. Look at Kyoka as a character.
Don't be this person here, folks. Don't call what she does "consensual" because that ignores that Denki is still a victim just as much as Izuku. Yes, Denki ain't all that innocent as I said, but come on.
Don't be that person who is puts on shades and be selectively blind to everything else because you want to be an ass. Some of you do this and not realize you're doing it.
I can be a bitch, but damn. I don't think hating a character is enough to jump on someone's 2 year old post and make an argument that don't make sense just to make that person feel dumb and they don't share your views.
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obeiii-mee · 2 years
Can I please request the demon brothers' and undateables' reactions when they find out MC has a tattoo?
The Brothers and Nowdateables reacting to an MC with a tattoo
I have a few angsty/comfort requests that are gonna take a while to finish so now I'm taking a break by writing slightly shorter HCs of the brothers and nowdateables, I've had these asks sitting in my inbox for so long-I am genuinely sorry ;-;
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, Luke
Warnings: Just mild cursing
-Lucifer feels pretty neutral about tattoos in general
-Since they have been popular for a long time now, it wouldn’t be his first time seeing a human with a tattoo and honestly has no impact on him at the beginning of the programme because it’s just a quirky human thing y’know
-Demons can technically get tattoos but there is no point since many of them can shapeshift anyway and their human forms can have any number of oddities such as piercings or tattoos
-It's mostly a human thing, turns out we started the whole 'injecting ourselves with ink to see how it goes' trend and kinda ran for the fields with it-demons and angels don't really see the appeal
-Once he warms up to you, if you explain the reasoning or meaning behind it (whether you had it in memory of someone or just because you liked the design) he might actually appreciate it a bit more
-At the end of the day, he thinks it adds to your character and it also indirectly tells him something about you in general, which is a subject he is more than just a little interested in
-He doesn't understand it but he thinks it looks good on you and if you like it then who is he to judge?
-Honestly, he thinks it's one of the coolest things about you, even though he'd drop dead before admitting this to your face
-Even if it's a really simple, small tattoo he's going to internally fawn over it because, in his eyes, it makes you look badass af
-Lowkey offended you've been hiding this from him for so long
-Actually, you might just persuade him to get one himself and knowing him, he would totally go over the top with it
-I mean, think about it, if he hasn't already Mammon is definitely the type of person to get sleeves of tattoos and look hot whilst doing it
-100% would get matching tattoos with you, would not even hesitate and it seems like a good idea except you'd inflate his head bigger than it already is so-
-Is a dumbass and would probably try to colour in the tattoos if they are accessible to him at any given moment and he happens to have sharpies on him
-You know, funnily enough, I think Levi would look really good with tattoos, especially if he got some that were related to either his sin or water
-But an MC with a tattoo would absolutely amaze him since it definitely gives off protagonist vibes and he will probably find a way to relate you back to almost every anime he's ever watched that happened to have a character with a tattoo in it
-Honestly, he'd be more than willing to listen to you about the meaning or origin behind your tattoo/s if you feel like disclosing it to him (or if there is a meaning) since you often listen to his rants without a second thought and he wants to return the favour
-Actually, you might encourage him enough to get his own
-But I wouldn't count on it for the foreseeable future, he was kind of put off by what sounds like a painful procedure and thought of his brothers never letting him hear the end of it
-Also, he is part of the military and I like to think that, for disciplinary reasons, members might have a strict dress code (then again they are demons so probably not)
-Either way, he likes tattoos and even though he gets a tad too excited when you start telling him about your own and might ask some personal questions, he has good intentions
-Kinda in the same boat as Lucifer though don’t tell him I said that
-He has many human acquaintances and seems to be on good terms with many of them so it’s more than likely he has met several people with tattoos in the past
-He didn’t expect you to have any, naturally but when he finds out about it, he’s pretty chill though he might try to make small talk and ask what it symbolises, etc.
-Sometimes, if you’re sitting close to him whilst reading or something, and your tattoo is accessible (like on your forearm) then he might trace it with his own hand absentmindedly
-Weirdly enough, I also think he’d like seeing his pact mark somewhere near your tattoo-there’s no real reason for this I just thought he’d be into that
-I think maybe sometimes he uses the physical appearance of someone to judge and analyse them as if he was Sherlock Holmes so that might happen during your first couple of days in Devildom 😭😭
-Other than that, he doesn’t think about it or bring it up all that much. He’s usually too distracted by your annoyingly attractive face y’know
-You already know where I’m going with this one
-There’s no way in Hell that Asmo is not the type to flirt and use your tattoos as a reason for that
-This might not sound right but, like Mammon, I also think he’d have a tattoo if possible though definitely not whole sleeves. More like small tattoos on his ankles or wrists
-He would definitely get tattoos for the aesthetic rather than the actual meaning behind it because he wants to look good for his Devilgram story and the tattoo needs to fit whatever theme he’s obsessed with
-But when it comes to you, no matter what tattoo or how big or small it is, he immediately finds it endearing
-Whilst his brothers are mostly in the neutral zone about this kinda thing I feel like Asmo would 100% encourage and support you getting one even if you don’t have one already
-And then obviously, all further shopping trips and the type of clothes he’s gonna get you will be altered with the tattoos in mind in order to show them off as often as possible
-I just hope you don’t have a tattoo of a certain type of food anywhere on your body because that might trigger him
-Especially at the beginning, he’s already watering at the thought of eating you so a tattoo of a burger or something would not help
-Otherwise, he also sort of falls in the neutral category when it comes to tattoos
-After all, he didn’t start hanging out with you because of your accessories, regardless of how cool they are
-Then again, he is interested in you and therefore, once you’re more comfortable with each other, I see him as the type to ask quiet but sweet questions about any tattoos you might have
-Like he might talk about his past and then conversation may lead to you getting that tattoo in the past for whatever reason
-Just really little things that he’ll remember and then surprise you with next time you talk
-Also, he’d be hesitant to get one himself but he’d look good with it. Like really good. Just wanted to point that out
-He sort of hated it at the beginning but that’s only because he hated you 💀
-Once he stops acting like a little bitch he becomes a lot more neutral about it
-Or at least he says he’s indifferent towards it but you’re starting to think he’s lying because every time he falls asleep now, his head happens to lean against your tattoo
-He still likes his pact mark better
-I like to think that Belphie would also look good with tattoos but I really don’t think he’d get any just because he couldn’t be bothered
-If you like talking about yours though, he encourages it because your voice whilst you speak about anything but especially if it’s about you puts him to sleep like nothing else (in a good way, he loves it)
-Might also have tried to colour your tattoo in but not because he’s an idiot. He’s just a mischievous little shit
-Naturally, he assumes it’s part of human culture and will be as interested in it as every other aspect regarding you
-In fact, you could probably feel him marvel at your tattoo from miles away and he always compliments it if he happens to pass you by in the corridors
-Though he was definitely confused about it when he first learned tattoos were a thing, he didn’t really get it but it doesn’t matter!
-He would sympathise if he learned that getting one hurts quite a bit but eventually he’d convince himself he’d want to get one himself
-And he’s dead serious about it too but thankfully Barbatos puts a stop to it by reminding him that maybe the future ruler of Devildom shouldn’t go too crazy with tattoos
-He might get small ones to match with yours but either way he will be fascinated by the meaning behind yours (if there is one)
-I’d see him as the type to also trace it with his hands but out of curiosity on how it feels more than anything and he always asks first cuz polite prince things yk
-He gives off this air of aloofness which you interpret as disinterest when in reality it’s politeness that is holding him back from asking you about it
-Of course, unless you bring the conversation to focusing on your tattoo, he feels he has no right to comment (this tbh would include stuff like dyed hair, piercings, etc.)
-And obviously, being the mysterious butler he is, he’d much rather hear you talk about yourself so the meaning behind your tattoo is a perfect example of leading the spotlight away from him
-Still, he can’t say he doesn’t find your tattoo/s endearing but I believe that is simply because he finds all of you endearing so eh
-Though you noticed that whenever your tattoo is on display in public he does tend to stare at it sometimes when he is not need by Lord Diavolo
-He’d also be the type to trace it, I think. It feels like it would relax him or something idk, maybe I’m pulling at straws here
-He’s probably not overly fond of tattoos in general but honestly you rock everything you wear and that includes tattoos so he’s not complaining
-He’s just annoying bruh
-Like, he does not understand personal space (something that even Mammon has understood to an extent) and will ask as many personal questions as possible within a 60 second interval
-Obviously he backs off and apologises if he makes you uncomfortable but he does the thing where he clearly stares at something without saying anything
-And you have to ask if he wants something and then he goes “How long have you had this tattoo for?” Or something similar to that
-And that’s another thing-the questions he asks about it are so bloody random. Like “What nationality was your tattooist?” And “What was the weather like when you got it” which is just weird
-I think he’d have a couple of tattoos of his own but I don’t think you’d be able to tell them apart from the dozens of pact marks he has with other demons
-He won’t talk about his but if you’re willing to talk about yours without shutting him down then he’s all ears
-See I’m conflicted about this
-Because as an angel, I don’t think he’d be particularly supportive of tattoos mostly because he would maybe think that they are staining your beautiful skin or something
-But on the other hand, he’s down bad for you and for some reason, tattoos look a lot better on you than they do on others he’s seen
-Of course, he’s very complimentary when he first met you about it and asked small, polite questions but never intruded unlike a certain someone *coUGH COuGH-solomon-COUgh*
-Once the two of you grow closer, his curiosity might might get the better of him and he would feel more comfortable talking about stuff like that in general
-It was kind of a big thing about you at first but the more time he spends in your presence, the more accustomed he gets to it-meaning it no longer stands out to him all that much
-Will probably stare as well but unlike that embarrassing sorcerer, he actually would get pretty flustered about it
-He’s never seen a tattoo in his life
-He’s quite young and hasn’t had many interactions with humans before ok, give him a break
-You were the first person with a tattoo he’s ever met and he is confused beyond measurement
-“Simeon why does the human exchange student have drawings on their skin?”
-He doesn’t want to be rude obviously but he questions it the same way most children would 😭😭😭
-He doesn’t think it’s bad or anything but it’s kinda like tasting a new type of food and trying to decide whether it’s good or not
-He’s very curious about it but Simeon told him not to ask anything personal unless you gave the green light for that to happen
-Obviously his whole reaction would be what you would expect a child’s to be, a lot of staring but it’s not malicious and he’s definitely all about finding out more about it if you’re willing to tell him. He does think they look good on you
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dissvicious · 10 months
Redbomb triplets trivias
Next friday if I manage my time correctly, the nine first pages of Daddy's Treasure, my webcomic about Buggy's offsprings, will be published on this blog. The panels are almost done, they juste need some shading & lettering.
To keep you waiting, have this trivia post about the Redbomb triplets
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As we stated many times before, he's stupid. Dumby dumbass, 0 braincell. Can't write his own name correctly. But ! He actually beat his siblings when it comes to emotional intelligence. Seing someone they love crying, Rory would sigh in annoyance, Skye would punch their shoulder playfully before trying to change the subject to something more lightly, but if you cry in front of Blaze you'll soon have a little redhair gremlin glued in your arms hugging you warmly (good luck getting rid of it)
Basically a golden retriver with extra ADHD. If he decides that he likes someone he will not go away from them.
Even if this person actually want him to go away, tho.
He's a biiiiiiig mama's boy, he's always glued in his mother arms.
Sometimes he put his hair in ponytail and try to make a resting bitch face to imitate Rory, which makes laugh everyone (except Rory)
Due to Reddie being a former strawhat, the crew is like extended family to the triplets.
Zoro and Skye get along well, Zoro teaching her a thing or two with swords.
In fact, it's possible, really possible, that Skye had a HUGE childhood crush on him - you know, those innocents crushes kids can have on cool teens around them sometimes.
Zoro was totally oblivious of it, of course.
"Hey look she offered me another drawing" (Nami tries to not giggle seeing her crewmate holding a kid drawing picturing Skye and Zoro in a flower field with swords) "Guess I'm the coolest babysitter huh ?" (It's really hard for Nami to not burst into laugh right now)
During a family dinner, after being babysitted by the strawhats, Skye didn't stop talking about Zoro - how fun he was, how skilled he was with swords etc etc.
Reddie playfully asked her "Hey, you're in love or what ?" and she made this exact face :
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"He's gay, and he's an idiot. Don't waste your time." Rory said, not looking up from his dishes, making everyone around the table pretty much incomfortable for a moment.
Reddie had to explain the concept of childhood crush to Buggy because he was already ready to storm the Straw Hats for breaking his little tinkerbell's heart.
Later when this silly crush faded away, she understood she just admired swordmen and wanted to gain skills with blades
Probably understood that Zoro was effectively gay, too.
She started being glued to Mihawk whenever Buggy took her at work - pretty much to Mihawk displeasure, tho.
So we know that Rory get along well with Crocodile and with Shanks
The fact that it pisses off his father a TON make it even more enjoyable to him.
He actually seems to take great pleasure in sympathizing with people his father despite the most.
His polite tone and the way he talks brutal truth 24/24 with placid glances tends to make adults laugh a lot when he's around.
Rory has a very strict mental hierarchy when it comes to his family / the people he lives with, from the person he respects the most to the person he respects the less it would be : Himself, Reddie, Skye, Alvida, Buggy, the whole crew, Richie, Blaze.
But don't get it wrong, he loves his brother !
... in his very weird kind of way, though
While one of Rory's favorite hobbies is to fight with his brother and make him feel like an idiot, he would never let anyone else doing so.
Rory (rolling eyes) : Blaze you could become the richiest boy on earth if you rented the space between your ears.
Some crewmember : Aha you got it kid, your brother really is an idiot !
Rory (jumping on his feet, a hand on a smokebomb, ready to fight) : WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL MY BROTHER, SHITHEAD ?!
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nekoshi13 · 10 months
You know, there's plenty to complain about wasted potential in characters, wasted story lines and the like but my biggest, hugest gripe with this show (beyond the homophobia but that's a different topic) is how much they wasted every archangel that wasn't Lucifer. And even Lucifer got absolutely butchered in season 15!
We met Raphael for so little that I can even think about what could have been done differently with him. Probably seeing more of the civil war in heaven would have helped both Raphael to feel more like an actual character instead of a figure stick placed to be Castiel's antagonist and Cas himself to not look like the asshole the writers tried to make him look like in s6
Gabriel was an amazing character that, like mostly everyone that wasn't Sam and Dean, deserved way more screen time that he got. But even with what we had, bringing him back in s13 to do absolutely nothing more than make Lucifer cry once and then killing him again was an absolute disservice to the archangel that died in the apocalypse facing his brother for the right reasons. He could have stuck around and if they really didn't want to have the power of an archangel on the side of the good guys then keep him depowered and let him process his trauma instead of healing in like 2 seconds
Michael... where do I even begin with Michael? The most powerful archangel, our Dean parallel in the celestial family, the obedient soldier that was still the nicest he could be to his vessels and I don't think he even had half an hour total of screen time. And let's be clear, I am not counting Apocalypse Michael here, this is about our world Michael, OG Michael. For starters we should have seen way more of him than we did. From season 11 onwards there were so many occasions in which the boys could have at least tried to talk to him AND THEY COULD DO IT but they never even tried. I do however love what they did with him and Adam when they finally left the cage, although I would have been the first one cheering them on if they went for revenge I think what they did makes clear just how different and not actually evil was Michael. I hate that even in the season where we know they are out there we barely see him, I would have loved to see more of his conflict about what his father did, seeing him grieve Adam (friendly or romantic, whatever is good for me at this point) and... well, here comes the biggest bad thing they did to him, I would have loved to see him stand up to his father, Michael deserved to do that, he was one of the angels who got most deeply screwed over by Chuck and he deserved to punch him in the face
And while in that topic... Lucifer. Lucifer was the archangel with the best arc, he was a great villain and the fact that the Mark was what made him like is in the first place made him actually sympathetic, when he told Michael he didn't want to fight him, the whole thing with Chuck I'm season 11 and then he realizing he had been played by his father in season 12 and wanting to prove he could do better was great. I loved what looked like a redemption arc for him because besides Michael, he also got incredibly screwed by their father. I hated that he turned on Jack like he did, I wish that whatever confrontation needed to happen at the end of season 13 would have been more out of being scared of AU!Michael and wanting to protect Jack even if he had to do it forcefully. The fact that Nick was somehow alive after his death was strange as fuck and I wish they had explained how exactly after he looked dead in S5 but regardless, the fact that he wanted Lucifer back I think says something about how he interacts with his vessels (when said vessel doesn't drag him back to his cage, I guess, sorry Sam, I love you). But biggest sin against him was how he went right back to Chuck like a dumbass in s15. S12 Lucifer, my beloved, he would never. He deserved to punch Chuck as much as Michael, I wish they had teamed up and punched Chuck together. Bet two archangels fighting god would have charged up Jack faster and would not have been as ridiculous as two humans being beaten up by god and being just mildly hurt at the end, they could still stand...
Anyway, the archangels deserved better, thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Of course I have fallen down an ITSAY/IPYTM rewatch rabbit hole the moment I have things to do. Instead of spamming @bengiyo lemme liveblog...
On Viki the new subs are chef's kiss. Grammar, tone, readability, idiom usage, much improved. I also FINALLY know what MoRaoYuLok means!
Man the fight they have at the temple after this middle school play is the EXACT same fight they have in the bathtub in IPYTM. Like the dialogue is almost word for word. I love that the same fight bookends the beginning and end of the acting dream for Oh Aew. HOW IS THIS SHOW STILL GIVING ME NEW TEAS YEARS LATER?
'I think someone like you will quit eventually' - cut to him quitting in IPYTM and them having this exact same fight. And people say Teh changed...HE NEVER DID.
If I could ask Boss one question I would ask him when Teh's dad died. Like...it haunts me. I feel like so much of Teh is explained by his dad's death. Like, does he die before or after the middle school play? Was it illness or incident? It's the last key to completely unlocking the character and I WANT IT.
I have so much more of an ear for Thai now than I did when I first watched this, and the difference in that plus the difference in the subs is making this a whole new experience.
I also now know what 'Saleng' means thanks to the subs. MLC's Leng's parents really named him after a sidecar motorcycle? Jail.
Man now that I know a smattering of Thai, Teh and Tarn were really basically dating. Like she had expectations, he'd made promises. He really just abandoned her to run after this boy he swore up and down he hated.
I always forget Oh Aew had 90 thousand Instagram followers. And he wasn't even showing feet. You know his DMs were wet. Oh Aew's influencer status needed to be explored more.
They actually translated some of these thirsty Instagram comments 🤣 'I want to be the red bean up there' referring to the red beans topping the oh aew dessert. HORNY JAIL FOR OH AEW'S INSTA FOLLOWERS.
Teh literally got under the covers and stared at this man's picture for WHO KNOWS HOW LONG.
Hoon really treats Teh like an annoying little brother.
This teacher really decided to roast Teh in front of everybody🤣
Teh really sitting here at this cafe dragging down the mood with his heavy vibes.
Man I forgot how petty Oh Aew could be 🤣 'Oh Bas you're so smart, so much smarter than dumbass Teh *bats eyelashes*
The friends really went through it with these two. You know how hard it is to maintain a friend group that includes two people who are in love/have beef? Yes I put those two things together. Kai n'em fighting for their lives this whole show.
Not Bas the New Friend putting his foot right in his mouth talking reckless about this Chinese play and the whole group bracing for impact. Nobody warned him these two are in love/have beef?
Oh Aew embarrassed as shit now, plan totally rumbled, not that Teh's dumbass even understood why he wanted to do a CHINESE PLAY WITH PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT SCHOOLS.
Man I had forgotten how subtle yet totally clear the acting in this was from jump. Billkin and PP's eyes, their face journeys, the small microexpressions, the body English...you know exactly what they're thinking at all times.
Teh: 'Oh? A Chinese play?' Mod n'em's facial expressions: 'Oh shit here we fucking go.' Bas's face: 'What just happened? Why'd the temperature drop 20 degrees?'
Oh Aew said leap if you're feeling froggy and they were really about to scrap over a 3-year old petty beef. Who says men aren't emotional?
Teh was out of order making fun of Oh Aew's grades and he knew it immediately too. Forever popping off at the mouth and instantly regretting it, from the beginning.
Bas looks so distressed that he caused this whole altercation. I'd actually really love to know Bas's perspective on this story, because from where he's sitting the whole thing is WILD.
It's really striking me on this rewatch how protective the friends are of Oh Aew, not just Bas but Phillip n'em as well. He always engenders such loyalty, whereas Teh is harder to love hence why he doesn't have other friends except their mutuals.
Oh Aew called Teh an asshole with his whole chest, love that for him. Teh was absolutely being an asshole.
Kai really like 'how y'all still beefing off some middle school shit and we about to be in COLLEGE? Let it go!' And you really get the feeling Oh Aew really did want to try to squash it until Teh came at him all RAH.
I never really got a sense of the dynamic between Oh Aew and his parents. It's clearly loving and supportive, but it doesn't seem terribly affectionate and it's maybe a little distant? Idk how much of my reading of it is due to it not really being foregrounded as compared to Teh's familial dynamic. But Teh is main character and Oh Aew is the love interest so Teh does get a deeper dive.
You forget all the time that Teh is totally the spoiled baby brat of his family.
In this scene where they're waiting for the admission results, you can see Oh Aew's stress level shoot up in real time when he realises Teh has entered the room. Teh has put in his head that he's not gonna make it, and he doesn't want Teh to see him fail (and probably gloat about it he's thinking). And then Teh FOLLOWS him...no wonder he runs away like Teh's the devil. Teh's literally number 1 on the admissions list and Oh Aew didn't make it. And he thinks there's no way he can make it through the admissions system so the dream's dead. With the hindsight of realising that everything Oh Aew did since their fight was a combination of wanting to prove to Teh he was wrong about him plus hoping that they could repair their broken relationship and be close again...ARGH this show will forever put me in my feels.
Oh Aew always looks so small sitting on that beach alone in this scene. It's been said a million times, but the filmmaking in this show absolutely slaps. That tracking shot following Oh Aew getting his bags from Teh and then walking away as Teh follows? So good...
You really feel the weight of Teh's apology here, how he first apologises for the immediate offence and then realises no, that's not all he feels guilty about. The apology is such an unburdening for him and you can feel the weight lift off him when Oh Aew accepts it. Also, Oh Aew's surprise and immediate surge of emotion at each stage of Teh's apology...ugh these boys acted DOWN, so detailed, so effective!
This show is built around Teh and Oh's conversations, they're so important to me for how raw and vulnerable they always are. Part of the reason things fall apart for them in I Promised You the Moon is that they stop talking to each other like this, because they're trying to be brave, or to be grown up, or to be considerate, or to hide how not fine they are.
For Oh Aew to say 'I forgive you but bitch I DESPISED you, I don't know if we can ever come back from that' was such a moment. Teh being forced to sit with the possibility that what he broke with his pride and selfishness might not ever be fixable, and deciding to try ANYWAY...see this is why despite him being the worst he's also the best.
No but Teh really went from calling that sidecar 'hideous' and 'embarrassing' to taking it everywhere because it could carry Oh Aew, and all the things he wanted to give Oh Aew. But this fool really packed up every school book he owned in a suitcase he stole from his brother and left his house at the crack of dawn to give them to Oh Aew. Down HORRENDOUS.
Oh Aew's smile before he answers Teh's ke yi ma always gets me.
Guess I'm back on my ITSAY/IPYTM bullshit
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writersmorgue · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 17 - Hostage Situation
Inspired by this prompt
TWs in tags || read on Ao3 || wc: 996
Katsuki watches in horror as the villain raises the gun to Denki’s temple. 
The man is halfway to death’s door already, having taken a severe beating in the battle that led them here. He can’t survive much more, definitely not a shot to the head. 
“Hold the fuck on,” He curses his voice for wavering, the villain’s eye glinting when he realizes he hit a sore spot, “don’t do any of that shit. What are you attacking the Commission for?”
Katsuki tries to keep his hands steady, pleading no sparks set off and freak out the villain. 
The man chuckles, raising an eyebrow, “So quick to negotiate with me, dearest Ground Zero? I thought you’d be tougher than that. I’m sure this pathetic boy is nothing more than a pebble under your boot.” He nudges the gun harder into Denki’s head, smearing blood from an earlier wound. 
Denki winces, eyes fluttering. Katsuki sneers, shifting his weight, “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Oh,” The villain takes the bait, “I need to know the location of Overhaul’s little doll. Unfortunately, the heroes I asked before weren’t too keen on letting me search for her freely, so I figured I’d go to the source. They probably keep the lab rat in the lab, correct?”
Katsuki’s jaw flexes at the mention of Eri. The young girl was under Aizawa’s care and had been since she was freed, but that was top-secret information, and no one so motivated had come looking. 
“So!” The villain jolts Katsuki out of his thoughts, “Tell me her location and let me go free or the little bitch here gets it!” His finger flexes over the trigger, Katsuki’s blood running cold. 
“If I told you where she is, we would both die. I’m under oath.” Katsuki explains lowly, holding his hands out, “Her caretaker would kill you before you made it within a mile of her.”
The villain’s smile widens, “Ah, but you do know where she is? I see.” 
Shit. Shit . 
Katsuki clenches his fists, shaking his head, “You’ll have to get through dozens of other heroes. The best I can do is let you go.”
For a moment, Katsuki’s heart lets him believe the man considers it. He angles the gun down, grazing it over Denki’s arm. 
He lets his eyes close for just a moment, breathing in to steady himself. 
A bang and a blood-curdling shriek snap him out of his temporary calmness. 
Red eyes snap open, looking first at Denki’s head, but seeing no fresh wounds, he looks down. 
The villain had shot right through the hero’s wrist, leaving his hand mangled and dangling at a horrible angle. 
“The little brat has a rewind quirk, I’ve heard. Seems to be true from how tightly they’ve got her secured.” The gun travels up Denki’s shuddering arm to his shoulder, “Might want to take us to her if you want this one to live, hm?”
Fuck, FUCK. 
Katsuki freezes, totally and completely lost. 
He could attack now, catch him off guard when he thinks Katsuki is cornered. 
But most likely Denki wouldn’t make it. 
No, not an option. 
He could agree, but he, the villain, and most likely Denki as well would be taken out for endangering Eri. 
He doesn’t have any bargaining power here, what else would the villain want that could distract him long enough for Katsuki to grab Denki and go? He only has his bracers on him, boots, comm device, aids, the dumbass American coin Denki found on their last patrol that Katsuki never took out of his pocket-
His eyes dart up to the blond’s mangled wrist, bloody tears carving a path in the dust caked on his face. 
Denki dies or they both die endangering a child. 
Katsuki looks down at his hand, ignoring the taunts from the villain tracing the barrel of the gun up and down Denki’s side. 
He reaches his palm up and places it at the side of his own head. 
The villain snickers, pressing the gun to Denki’s temple again, “You wouldn’t.”
He briefly wonders what his younger self would think of this. Him, threatening to kill himself to protect dunce face of all people? The idiot who almost killed their entire class trying to make toast, the dumbass who fried all of Katsuki’s arm hair off once, the motherfucker who was Katsuki’s second real friend at UA- the one who sat next to him without fear even when he threatened to break his neck.
A hundred of his deaths are worth one of Denki’s. If either of them should survive this, it should be him. 
Katsuki takes a deep breath, “I would rather die than kill someone innocent, especially a child.” He smirks, “You’re not getting shit from me. You pull that trigger and I blow: You’re back to the start.”
He can tell the villain is starting to believe him. 
“But- the media-”
Katsuki quirks an eyebrow, “You really think the media knows shit about me?”
His hand flexes on his head, and he can feel the nitro seeping into his hair. Even if he lives, he’ll be a walking matchstick. 
The villain growls, shaking Denki slightly, “I’m going to kill this fucking brat, and you’re not going to do a fucking thing. You’re just a lowlife hero who cares for no one but himself.”
“Would I still be here if that were true? You took my friend hostage, not me. Fortunately for him, I do give a shit about his dumbass.” 
Denki is thrown to the ground, Katsuki flinches at the movement but doesn’t let his hand move from his head. 
He winces at Denki’s poor wrist, hoping he can get the guy to a healer in time. 
“Take your fuckass twink, I’m fucking out of here.” The villain spins on his heel, sprinting out of Katsuki’s sight. 
He heaves a breath of relief, stepping forward to kneel by the other hero. 
Fuck, I can’t believe I just did that.
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eriquin · 1 year
The Prophetic D&D Game, Part 2
Part 1
Eddie went around the table handing out folded over pages like they were prizes. The boys were silent as they unfolded them, with some of them being more careful about keeping them secret than others. 
“Yes!” Mike said, throwing a hand in the air. “He’s really a paladin! Woo!” 
“Mike loves playing a paladin,” Lucas said.
Eddie nodded. “I had noticed that. We’ll see how he does with Joe.” 
“So I guess I should assume we’re all a little more powerful than the little level ones you reeled us in with?” Jeff asked. He was keeping his sheet folded over. 
“You should assume nothing!” Eddie said with a wave of his hand. 
“Maybe one of us is the murderer!” Dustin giggled. He gave Mike a little shove. “Maybe it’s you, Mr. Paladin.” 
“I would never,” Mike said. “That goes against the paladin’s code.” 
Dustin raised his eyebrows. “Maybe the murder victim was a terrible person and you were forced to kill them.”
“No way,” Mike said. “Maybe you’re just trying to throw suspicion off of yourself!”
“Jesus, we haven’t even started the game and the infighting is already happening,” Gareth said. “Nice job, Eddie.”
“I know,” Eddie said. He hadn’t stopped grinning. “Before we get started, does anyone want to change their seats? Rearrange themselves to be closer to their co-conspirators, as it were?” 
They all took another look at their character information. Gareth got up first. “Dustin, trade with me,” he said. “I need to sit next to Mike.”
Dustin made a weird little hooting noise as he got up. “Are Maya and Joe secret lovers? Is that why his fiancée dumped him?” 
“No, dumbass, they’re siblings,” Gareth said.
“Well, kind of,” Mike said. “I mean, they’re actually—”
“Hey, no telling all our family secrets to strangers,” Gareth said as he took Dustin’s chair. He waved his finger in Mike’s face. “Come on, dude.” 
“Right. Right.” Mike nodded. He pulled a little notebook from his backpack and tore out a sheet of paper. “We can pass notes, right?”
Eddie nodded. “I expect you’ll be doing a lot of that in this game, yeah.” 
They all settled into place and started sharing small amounts of information. Everyone knew each other from a past adventure, where they had fought together and assisted a sorceress in banishing a demon. Caleb and Gaten had grown up in the same village, along with two other boys. The sorceress had been the long lost twin sister of one of the boys.
“That’s very Star Wars,” Dustin said. 
“It’s a pretty common thing in mythology, actually,” Eddie said. “But yeah, I might’ve been thinking of Princess Leia when I made Millie the Mystic.” 
“Leia should totally have force powers,” Dustin said. 
“She should!” Eddie yelled. 
“For the love of god can we not start this again?” Gareth sighed. “Okay, so half our friends took Millie back to the hidden village so she could recover, right? Does that matter? Like, is it close enough that we could get them to help if something goes terribly wrong?” 
“No, it’s too far. You usually send letters, but it takes weeks to get there, and none of you have teleport. There are magic items you can use to send a faster message, but they’re unreliable.” 
Gareth scratched his head. “So, it’s just backstory?” 
“Basically. To explain how you all know each other.” Eddie grinned. “But maybe it’s important.”
“You’re the worst,” Gareth said. He started scribbling a note to Mike. 
Once everyone had established how they knew each other, Eddie set up his DM screen and stretched his arms out over the table. He waited until he had their attention before launching into his story.
“The sleepy little castle town of Kiteshire has had its fair share of tragedies, but things have largely settled down in the past few years. It seems like business as usual one bright Saturday morning, with everyone going out to work or running errands, when the rumors start to spread. A body has been found in the thieves’ quarter. Now, this would normally not be news. Thieves kill each other all the time. But this was the body of a noblewoman. Lady Grace, beloved philanthropist, was found in a most horrific state. The guards have been trying to keep it quiet, but bad news travels fast. So far, there are only whispers of what happened, but they imply that it could only have been done with magic.”
“Caleb’s one of the guards, right?” Jeff asked. “Does he know anything?”
“He’s a junior guard,” Eddie said. “There’s a group of senior guards in charge of the investigation. He knows that Lady Grace was married to one of them. Lord Mason. Word is that he’s in his mansion, paralyzed with grief.” 
“So no suspects?”
“None that they’ve said yet.” 
“What about Sadie?” Lucas asked. “She’s a thief, and she lives in the thieves’ quarter with her mother. Did either of them see anything?” 
Eddie smiled and folded up a note to pass to Lucas. The boy’s eyes grew wide as he read it. “Woah,” he said. “I have to go talk to someone.” 
“Would you talk to Caleb?” Jeff asked. 
Lucas shook his head. “No. Remember how Caleb joined the guards even though Sadie was a thief?” He flipped his hand as if tossing back imaginary locks of long hair over his shoulder. “We’re from two different worlds, Caleb.”
Jeff clutched his hand over his heart. “But Sadie! Darling! My love!” he said. The rest of the table giggled.
“It’s over between us,” Lucas said. “I’m going to, uh—” He double-checked his notes. “Gaten for help.”
Dustin rubbed his hands together and turned to Lucas. The other boy leaned in and whispered something to him, then passed him the note. Dustin’s eyes also grew wide. “Wait, wait, wait,” he said as he flipped over his character sheet and pointed at a line on it. “Quinn? I know him! He’s the one who taught me how to be a bard.”
“You’re a bard?” Mike asked. “But halflings can’t be bards!” 
“Oh my god, Mike,” Gareth said. “I know it says lawful good on your character sheet but you don’t have to be such a little bitch about the rules all the time.” 
“Okay, we’re ignoring Mike,” Eddie said. “Dustin, what’s Gaten doing with this information?” 
Dustin grimaced. “I mean... Shit, we need some help, don’t we?” He sighed. “Okay, so Sadie and I are going to go to the archives to look up some things.”
“Hey, that’s where Maya and Joe work,” Gareth said, patting Mike’s arm.
“I guess we’re not ignoring Mike afterall,” Mike said smugly. 
“You’re not talking,” Gareth said. He put his hand over Mike’s mouth. “No-no-no. You just stand guard at the front door, like one of those Buckingham palace guys. You have to show no emotion and not flinch when tourists make fun of you.”
Mike squirmed out from under Gareth’s hand. “No. No way,” he said. “I do not agree to that. I’m at the archive desk with you. We spend the whole time filling requests and making fun of what people are looking up.”
Gareth stroked his chin and nodded. “I’ll accept that. Okay, so Joe and I are at the desk by the archives when you guys walk in. You need to get our permission to access them, so you’d better have a good story, or else I’m going to have Joe throw you out.”
“Joe would never throw me out,” Dustin said. “He loves Gaten like a brother.” 
“Only when you don’t bother me at work,” Mike said. “When I’m at work, you little shits better be on your best behavior.”
Dustin snickered. “Oh, you know who you sound like?” 
“I know!” Mike slapped his hand on the table. “Oh my god, that’s how I’m going to play this, isn’t it? That’s a terrible idea.”
“What is?” Eddie asked. 
“Nothing. Nevermind,” Mike said, rubbing his face. “It’s not important. Anyway!” He slipped back into character. “Welcome to the city archives. How can we help you?” His voice dropped from a chipper customer-service register to a deadpan. “Oh, it’s you. This better be good, Maya and I are working.” Gareth started to giggle. 
Lucas frowned and leaned in close to whisper in Dustin’s ear. He looked confused until Dustin whispered something back, and then he threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, that’s good. He even sounds like him.”
“Hey, shut up,” Mike said.
“It’s what you were going for, isn’t it?” Dustin asked.
Mike’s mouth twisted into a frown. “I mean... Still. Shut up and stay in character or I’ll throw you out of the archives.” 
“I gotta say, I’m loving this,” Eddie said.
“Yeah, I have no idea what’s going on, but this is great,” Jeff added. “Wish I had some popcorn.” 
“Just get to the point,” Gareth said. “Fill us in on what happened so we don’t have all this whispering back-and-forth all the time. I want to start investigating.”
Dustin spread his hands out “Okay, so, we need to do some research on curses and bardic magic,” he said. “It’s... Lucas, do you want to tell them?”
Lucas nodded. “Yeah, Sadie will fill them in. She tells them how the guards showed up in the building across from her this morning, and she saw the body of Lady Grace there. It was all twisted and broken, like she’d been tortured or done in by dark magic.”
“What kind of dark magic? Like, demonic magic?” Gareth asked. 
“I mean, maybe?” Lucas continued. “That’s why we’re here. To look it up.” 
“And also to help clear my mentor’s name!” Dustin said. “She was found in the home of Quinn the bard, and I know he would never dabble in dark magic. He’s missing and the guards are looking for him. We need to find him first.” 
Mike and Gareth wanted more information about what they already knew, and why they were so sure that Quinn wasn’t the killer. Dustin did a bit of metagaming then, saying that it couldn’t be the person that the guards suspected because that’d be too easy. Mike countered with the concept of double-bluff, theorizing that Eddie would try something like that, which was where Eddie stepped in and quashed it. 
“Don’t make me make you all do this in-character,” he said. “I will!”
“Then I won’t get to talk at all,” said Jeff. “I’m still stuck training with the guards.” 
“He’s got a point. We should get the group all together,” Lucas said.
Jeff frowned and gave his shoulder a little shove. “You’re the one who didn’t want to tell me.”
“No, Sadie wouldn’t tell you,” Lucas said. “I was trying not to metagame at the time.” 
Jeff chuckled at this, but Eddie cleared his throat and gave the group of them such a mean glare that they all got back on track in a hurry. Dustin and Gareth came up with some theories about how they would research the magic used without being able to cast anything at the scene while the rest of them listened. Mike suggested they talk to witnesses, but Lucas said there weren’t any. 
“Other than me, I guess,” he added. “I was the only one out on the street when Quinn ran away. Oh, but something weird happened right before. Maybe that’s a clue. Hold on, let me check Eddie’s note.” 
The rest of the team leaned in to listen as Lucas read from the note he’d been given and hear about how the gas lamps on their street had pulsed ominously. Dustin theorized that it was just the wind, but Mike said it wouldn’t have been written down if that was the case. Gareth groaned and poked Mike in the arm, whispering, “Metagaming!” 
“Oh! It has to have been different from what would normally have happened, or else Sadie wouldn’t have noticed it,” Lucas said. “Maybe it was, like, some kind of a pattern?” 
“Fucking thank you,” Eddie mumbled. He pointed at Lucas. “Roll against your wisdom to figure the pattern out.” 
Lucas rolled and Eddie stood up to describe the scene that his character had witnessed. How the gas lamps in the street had been shielded from all the wind, but in unison they had all gone out, then flared back to life, then out again. The boys all watched him intently, but it was Gareth who pulled his notes out and tapped them. “Demonic magic from another realm can be detected in the way it can suppress mundane flames,” he said, holding the page up. “Also, magical lights will turn strange colors in its presence. Jeez, Eddie, there are a lot of weird details here. You came up with this on the fly?” 
The younger boys were all staring at each other and looking a little grim. Dustin was the one to speak up first. “So, it’s like the lights were flickering?” he asked quietly.
Eddie frowned. “I mean, this is D&D. It’s not like they’re light bulbs burning out, but... I guess? Yeah, that’s kind of what I pictured.” 
“Were there any other signs of demonic magic?” Mike asked. He sounded cautious, and his question was directed at Eddie instead of Lucas.
Eddie looked over to Lucas, who was staring down at his notes but didn’t look like he was reading them. “Well, Sadie?” he asked. “Anything else you want to tell your friends?” 
Lucas looked up briefly when he realized the question was directed at him. “I mean. There weren’t, right? No, monsters or...” He looked between the notes that were specific to the events of the game and the ones that were background information. “Uh. No smell of brimstone or...”
Jeff, who had leaned in to read the details over his shoulder, chimed in with the rest of them when he hesitated. “Or flakes of ash in the air, like hell was seeping through to the material plane.” He chuckled. “Damn, Eddie, really leaning into the satanic vibe, huh?” 
The three freshmen shared a startled look. “Oh, come on, guys,” Gareth said. “Don’t tell me you’re freaked out by a little satanism.”
“You’re in a club called Hellfire,” Jeff said. 
“I promise, we only sacrifice virgins,” Gareth said. “Oh, wait!”
Eddie scoffed. “Please. Like membership in this club isn’t a bright shining ‘don’t fuck me’ sign on its own,” he said. “Quit teasing the sheepies for being intimidated by my disturbing imagination and get back to the game.”
Jeff and Gareth both rolled their eyes in unison. “Yeah, all right,” Jeff said. 
“I thought the club was named that because of the X-Men comics,” Dustin said. 
Eddie grinned. “It was, Henderson,” he said. “It has the added bonus of freaking out the mundanes in the rest of the school who don’t know about its innocuous origin.” 
“I mean, those same people probably don’t think of comics as innocuous,” said Gareth. “In fact, X-Men itself is pretty subversive, being about—”
“Bup-bup-bup! No! No more digressions!” Eddie slammed his hand on the table. Everyone shut up and he stared off in the middle distance, looking angry and frustrated. It melted away in a second, though. “Wait, where the fuck were we? In game, I mean. I’ve lost track.” 
Mike chimed in quickly. “No other signs of demonic magic!” he said. “Just the lamps.” 
“Still, that’s weird enough to keep it to ourselves right? If it’s demonic stuff again, we can’t bring it to the city guards,” Dustin said. “Let’s see what we can figure out about where Quinn would’ve gone. He might have seen something else, and we can’t let the guards pin it on him if it’s... You know. Demons again.”
The rest of the group was in agreement, but finding out where Quinn could have gone proved to be difficult. Dustin’s character knew him the best, but he rolled poorly in his research checks. Gareth had the highest int and wisdom and the background of having worked in the archives, but once again the dice did them no favors. Eddie chewed on his knuckle and glared at the offending dice, but he couldn’t push himself into giving them any hints they hadn’t earned.
Finally, it was Mike who came up with a new idea. “We should go find Jeff. I mean, Caleb. He’s in the guards, so he’ll be able to tell us where they’ve already looked. 
“Also, I know Quinn because I go to Gaten’s shows,” Jeff added. “And if there’s demonic stuff involved, I’m one of the few people in town who knows the truth.” 
They agreed to loop Caleb in, and the group went to the guard house. They sent in Mike’s character, as he was a former guard, and it didn’t take much convincing for Caleb to join them. Jeff and Eddie exchanged some notes and rolled some dice to figure out how much information he’d gotten from the guards, and thankfully the dice gods smiled up on them this time. He let them look through the reports that had been compiled and come up with a list of places that the guards were looking for Quinn.
Jeff looked thoughtful and held up his dice. “Hey, they haven’t found him yet, right?” 
“That is correct.”
“And we don’t actually want the guards to find him, do we?” He looked at the group. “Like, we know it’s demonic stuff, right? So there are two options. Either Quinn is the source of it, and we need to fight him. We don’t want the guards interfering with a fight, because they can’t learn about the demonic stuff. The king’s men would hunt us down for betraying the secret.”
“Right,” Mike said. “That’s true.”
Jeff continued his reasoning. “And the other option is that he’s an innocent witness to demonic horrors... But the guards are convinced that he’s the killer.” 
“So we need to protect him,” Dustin said.
“And the best way to protect him is to make sure he’s hiding in a place they’re not looking,” said Jeff. “Can I tell which of the places on this list are actually really good places to hide?” 
Eddie pretended to think about it for a minute. “Yeah, you have some idea.” 
“Okay, then can I mess with their system so that the guards lose track of those leads?” 
The rest of the table let out a low cheer and looked at Eddie. He grinned. “Roll me percentiles,” he said, hoping that the score would be high enough to justify it. 
Jeff picked up his dice and shook them dramatically. He let them fall in the middle of the table. The rest of the group leaned in to read the numbers off of them. “Does eighty seven work?” Mike asked excitedly. 
Eddie leaned back in his throne and steepled his fingers. “I’ll allow it,” he said. The group cheered. 
They made their way through checking all the locations that the guards had listed, while also dodging the guards. Eddie had a possible fight with the guards planned out, but once Jeff’s character joined up they were able to use his background to avoid patrols instead.
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