#one time a guy even went STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT IT'S SCARY
eorzeashan · 1 year
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Eight's big detriment is whenever he's in business mode/around unfamiliar people he wears the flattest expression ever and makes no effort to improve his 'image' as well as talking either very little or not at all, so this usually gives people the wrong impression...or they have to make an interpretation up for him because it's like looking at a wall.
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yeostars · 4 months
When ATEEZ members get jealous as ur bfs, reaction post !
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• tbh, he gets jealous quite often, even at the smallest stuff but most of the time he manages to conceal it well.
• He's immediately besides you and whoever that guy is that you're enjoying talking to so much, my man would literally burn holes with his eyes whenever he's jealous. seriously, he gives such an intense stare to the person he perceives as a threat, although he trusts you a lot, he tends to get a little too protective of you...... cuz he loves you so much, ofcourse. He clings his arm with yours, sending a signal that you're ready to go.
•"Who even was that?" He asks, annoyance oozing in this voice as you turn back to him. Or "I didn't know you were that close...." would be his classic statement whenever a guy he doesn't know seems to get a little too close to you.
• Seonghwa tends to get a lot more clingy than usual whenever he's jealous. Not just clingy, but he'll purposely call you as "honey" "sweetheart" "babe" repeatedly in front of whoever made him jealous and protective of you in the first place.
• Something like "babe, we're getting late, let's go." he says, while entering the scene, emphasizing on the word babe a lil too much.
• As he says this, he'll eye up the guy in front of you up and down, almost in a judging manner, and effortlessly snakes an arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him, as if sending him a signal that you're his and his only. After you're done conversing with that guy, he'll literally jump on you, asking "what did he say to you?" demanding all details of your convo with him.
• Another one who gets jealous more often than he wants to. If y'all remember, yunho himself admitted once that he "gets jealous too much/often" soo it's safe to say that he would be quite possessive of his s/o.
• When he notices that you're taking too much time conversing with whoever is your "new company", he crosses his arms, sighing as he watches you both, and matches towards your direction with a blank expression and sour smile (which looks kinda scary tbh)
• And then, voilà, you're getting dragged impossibly closer to him by the waist. His arm slides under your waist sideways, his grip firm and tight and that has goosebumps forming all over your skin. He doesn't even make eye contact with the guy in front of you, practically avoids him and once you're both alone, he says "do you talk to him often?" sensing that you do and he hates even the thought of you being close to him.
• Yeosang isn't really the jealous type. That's just how he is, and even if the slightest pang of jealousy hits him he conceals it so well that you've never seen his possessive side before.
• One day, you literally asked him out of the blue "you've never gotten jealous before, seeing me with some other guy, have you?" and yeosang laughs, literally LAUGHS because that was so random. but you sounded serious so he had to stop laughing and give you a reply. "what, you want me to get jealous? possessive? wouldn't that be annoying though?" he replied, staring at you. "why would it be? it shows how much you want me. i would actually love it if you act a bit possessive of me sometimes." you say, pouting, and yeosang just kisses your cheek, saying "alright, I'll try."
• And when the day comes when you ACTUALLY witness him being jealous for once, you're satisfied with his reaction. Yeosang noticed that you were gone away for quite a long time and went looking for you, only to find you talking to a guy he didn't know and you seeming to enjoy talking with him. Interwining his fingers with yours in a heartbeat, he asks "Hope I'm not interrupting? Y/n, love, let's go now, it's getting late." And when you're both alone, you pull his cheeks playfully, praising him and begging him to act more jealous like this cuz that's HOT of him (did I lie)
• He's literally both cute and scary when he actually gets jealous. He tries his best to not get jealous of the smallest stuff but sometimes he cannot hide his jealousy.
• He's the type to become restless when you aren't around. Literally staring at you both while sending death glares to the guy in front of you, his feet tapping impossibly faster on the floor.
• When he decides that it's his last straw when he notices the guy trying to get closer to you, he's there besides you in no time, smiling sweetly at you, not even acknowledging that guy. Placing a soft, quick kiss on your cheek, he brings your hand to his, suggesting you to check out those other food stalls with him.
• He's DRAMATIC when he's jealous. When the princess itself gets jealous? It's over for you. You have to give him hundred times more kisses, cuddle him the entire night and hold his hand till eternity, all until he feels better ;D
• He'll barge in when you and the unknown guy are having a convo, introducing himself as your boyfriend. He'll literally tug on your arm sleeves, a small cute pout forming on his face and he stays like that until you exchange your goodbyes with that guy, finally alone with him.
• Rarely, he gives you silent treatment when he gets jealous. And you're always able to tell that he's jealous from the way he gets too quite rather than being talkative as usual. He denies it when you ask him about it, but immediately dissolves into a fit of giggles and a precious smile when you kiss him firmly on the lips and murmur I love you all over again. Really, that's all it takes for mingi to feel assured and happy.
• 100 % scary when he's jealous. A little dramatic, might I add. He gets jealous quite often and doesn't shy away from showing that he's possessive of you.
• His last straw would be when you're flashing your incredible eye smile to that guy in front of you while talking to him, a smile that's reserved for wooyoung only. He appears being you in no time, back hugging you and wraps his arms around your waist tightly, placing his chin on your shoulder, sending death glares to the guy in front of you, not letting go of you unless that guy finally decides to leave.
• "What was so funny that you were laughing at literally every word he said?" Wooyoung asked, bitterly, lowering his eyes. "Don't worry, babe, he wasn't as funny as you. No one makes me laugh like you do, that was just a....fake laugh." You assured him, pulling his cheek playfully. He shrugs if off and makes sure to cling to you like a koala the entire day.
• Something tells me that jongho hates admitting that he's feeling jealous. He does get jealous sometimes but it's mostly when something he senses someone else getting physically closer to you. He usually doesn't have a problem when you're just having a conversation with someone.
• So, when someone does try to get physically closer to you, he's there besides you immediately, snaking an arm around your shoulder. otherwise, he doesn't approach the person you're talking to since he doesn't want to come off as clingy to you.
• "I don't get a good vibe from him. He was trying to get close to you all the time." He admits, not out of jealousy, rather protectiveness. "If he was, i wouldn't let him. Don't worry babe, he was just an acquaintance." You assure him, kissing him lightly on the lips, causing jongho's cheeks to heat up as he hums, satisfied.
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wonton4rang · 4 months
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Thirsty ¡!
pairing: taesan x reader.
warnings: +18, smut, cursing, unprotected sex (please don't), kinda rough so yeah.
summary: where taesan was so tired of watching you from afar and simply decided that it was time for him to make you his, not knowing you already had your eye on him.
note: this was sitting in my drafts since two weeks ago because i was listening to taemin (cunt legend) but i didn't manage to finish it or edit it until today so there we go. if you see any typos, no, you didn't.
your skin was glistening, your eyes shut closed while your hips moved at a torturing rhythm, a smile placing on your lips when you felt the hands of your partner trying to hold on for dear life to your waist.
it was saturday night and you were so tired of the week you had on college that you just decided you deserved some fun. your boyfriend cheated on you, you failed the test you were studying for because of how disoriented you were and your parents said they were coming home this weekend.
yeah, well shit. if life had something to tell you might as well say it and stop making your day a day a living hell. it was treating you like you were the one who ate the fucking apple to begin with.
but you forgot about everything for tonight, your drink in hand, your hair sticking to the side of your face while you grinded against a stranger in the club. you were back to his front so when you felt his hands getting down your skirt you finally snapped, getting away with a sly smile, denying with your head before drunkily walking to the bathroom.
it was late when you saw the time in your phone, over 11 o'clock already and you had to get back home by your own since, for obvious reasons, you didn't have a boyfriend to take you anymore.
you layed against the wall of the bathroom stool and tried to light a cigarette to bring you back to your senses, failing miserably when you couldn't even light the freaking lighter.
all it took was a second for you to look up with confusion filling your sore eyes, watching the door open and close and a man right in front of you. you're not gonna lie, you almost freaked out and tried to runaway before the guy grabbed your arms and made you look at him.
"taesan?" he softly nodded, smiling at you when you did, relieved to see him there and not some stranger. "i didn't know you were here"
"yeah, me neither" your eyes met his for a second before you looked away, feeling too dizzy to take in the feeling you got. "do you have someone to take you home? i know you broke up with jaehyun"
"he cheated on me" anger was so present in your words that taesan almost backed up.
"i know, i didn't say it because of that. do you want me to take you home?" his hand went to your hair, moving the strings off your face and taking one of your hands when you didn't answer. "you shouldn't be alone like this"
but you were not THAT drunk. you knew taesan, jaehyun's friend who was always quiet in a corner, black clothes making him look paler than he already was and a mischievous little smile that actually made you feel uneasy when he had his hair throwed back just like he did right now. the platinum strings being almost impossible to see due to his black hair on top.
he was cute, undeniable, he was tall, smart, charming and quiet, everything you liked in a boy and yet you dated jaehyun, the loudest mf ever who ended up cheating on you.
at least jaehyun was not this intimidating. but you were starting to think you didn't really mind him being this scary.
his feline dark eyes looked into yours, his tongue licking his lips slowly and remaining between his front teeth for a second when he noticed you staring.
"hey, y/n, you good? did you smoke something?" you shaked your head to deny and also come in your senses. "you zoned out for a sec there"
"can you take me home, min? i don't wanna be here anymore"
the boy just nodded, holding your waist when he helped you out of the bathroom stool and out of the bar, walking you to his car with so much patience you actually wanted him to hold you like this forever.
he sat you at the passenger's sit, putting the seatbelt on and closing the door before going into the driver's side and turning the car on to go.
"can i put so music?" you asked, he just nodded.
"you can use the pad" his head signalled at the car's board, you immediately moving to put on something and kill this silence before it killed you both. "if you need some help- or not"
"i got it" and there was already music being played, 'thirsty' by taemin being the background music of the ride and it seriously got you feeling some type of way when taesan just gulped. "you know this one?"
"who doesn't" he mumbled and you could tell that he got kinda nervous when the lyrics started playing. "it's a really good production"
"yeah, he's also so hot" and the boy just looked at you for a second before facing the road once again. "don't you think?"
"i mean, he's a men you know, i like girls"
"but you have eyes, he's really hot, isn't he?" taesan didn't answer nor looked at you, causing your lips to pout before you placed your hand on his thigh and moved it a little bit to get his attention. "yah, i'm talking to you"
"y/n, stop doing that" was all he answered. "get your hands off me"
"why are you being like this?" you said back, your eyebrows now frowned and your arms crossed in top of your chest, facing front as taesan was while you kept saying "it's not like you didn't insinuate to me before"
"what?" his voice sounded confused and offended, his eyes looking for yours but getting nothing when he watched the road again. "i never insinuated to you"
"you did a few moments ago, in the bathroom"
"you also did it during the pool party we had at sungho's, during leehan's birthday, that day after jaehyun and i had that argument during our monthly anniversary and even during that festival where you asked for my number"
and you were right, taesan couldn't defend himself anymore. it wasn't intentional, he knew his limits as you had a boyfriend, but he couldn't help the subtle touches he would leave in your hands, the looks he gave you and the way he talked to you. it was very obvious coming from a boy like him.
"you have them numbered"
"i counted all of them while waiting for you to finally come out to me like a man" you said "i know i was dating jaehyun and all but you could've at least told me about it"
"about what, exactly?" his hand finally moved to join the other one in the wheel, pulling over and stopping the car to look at you with the dim light of the night "i don't even know what is this, how could i tell you about it?"
you make me thirsty.
it was painfully obvious that you were playing games with him right now when only a soft laugh answered his questions, the frustration being legible in his face when your hand reached out to his thigh, leaning closer before saying against his lips:
"you can tell me about how much you want me" you whispered, being so close to his lips that he could feel your breath, the alcohol smell filling his nostrils before he licked his lips. "how hard i make you while wearing those type of clothes"
this time your hand moved to his clothed cock, effectively feeling the bulge under your fingers and laughing at the way taesan seemed to be so affected right now.
"don't do this to me" a whisper was all you got. "you know how bad i want you"
"then why should i stop? you're not making any sense, min-ah"
"i can't do anything with you here" he looked around, biting his lower lip and getting a grip on your wrist when you put pressure on his erection. "for fucks sake, quit it"
"or what?" you were trying to lead him on so bad, he looked so fucking hot and you just needed him, it was weird. it could be despair, it could be the alcohol in your blood, it could be many things, but taesan was there and you just couldn't hold back.
"you're such a flirt" he softly laughed, his grip loosening around your wrist, his hand moving to the hem of your skirt and it made you tense a little bit. "you make me so thirsty"
"i can handle that"
"can you?"
"i don't know" he retracted his hand, leaning back on his seat and crossing his arms in top of his chest. "i don't like bets, i like sure things, can't you be straightforward?"
"i am being straightforward, dongmin, what part of me touching you wasn't clear enough?"
"what do you want?" was all he answered, side eyeing you before continuing. "if you can tell me then i might comply"
"i need you, please. i wanna suck you off so bad" dongmin's cock twitched at that, licking his lips softly before nodding for you to continue. "the way your eyes stare at me makes me wanna strip naked and let you fuck me so good"
"seems like you thought about it for a while"
"we've been having this teasingly tension for a while too, why are you surprised?"
"because you seemed to be very in love before" he grinned a bit before adding "i'm guessing love was not enough for you ambitious cunt"
and the way he cursed just made your breath heavier, your eyes staring into his and feeling your pussy palpitations accelarating when he smirked at you, that smug look in his face that just made you feel so inferior but in the best way ever.
so you couldn't hold it back when you grabbed his face and kissed his lips, immediately feeling his hands holding your frame, one going for the back of your hair and tangling his fingers there, moaning into your mouth like a little slut and instantly brushing his tongue against yours.
you were being restrained by the seatbelt so you pulled out for a second to unbuckle it, being met with his blushed face, his stained lips by your red lipstick and him softly panting while scanning you up and down, stopping you with a hand on your chest when you tried to kiss him again.
"didn't you want to suck me off a few seconds ago?" you would furiously nod, immediately trying to ponytail your hair with your bracelet but failing miserably. taesan helped you, removing your hands and making a grip there to keep your hair up "i got you"
so you just went with it, unbuckling his pants and urging to take his dick out of his underwear. you mouth watered at the sight, he had such a pretty cock, perfect length and girth, slightly pinkish due to the arousal, so hot to the touch and already covered in pre-cum so you couldn't wait another second when you leaned forward and gave it a taste, just the tip, a lick there before you wrapped your lips around it and felt him flinch.
when you finally took him in he dropped his head back on the driver's seat, opening his mouth and softly moaning, caressing your hair while he just let you do your thing, loving the warmth of your mouth around him, the way your cheeks sucked him and created that amazing friction that had him closing his eyes to, according to him, feel it better.
your head bobbed up and down, saliva dropping off the corners of your lips and staining taesan's underwear but he couldn't care less. the obscene sound of your mouth sucking him off fast and wet, your tongue lapping against his shaft and you moaning in happiness, you loved to have your mouth stuffed and to think it was with a pretty boy's cock made you even hotter, pressing your thighs together when you accelarated the pace.
"fuck, y/n" he whispered, his voice sounding so whiny yet deep, it was like he was trying so hard to hold it. "you're so good, such a good girl"
you just went faster and harder on him, engulfing him until you felt him in the back of your throat, his hips bucking up and making you gag, you tried to pull a little bit out but he kept you in place with his hands, looking down on you just to make eye contact and make sure you were doing fine.
"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry" he repeated but his moves didn't stop, you just staying there and letting him use your mouth, it felt so good, your eyes tearing up and saliva dropping off your chin, so dirty yet so good. "i'm cumming, y-you can- fuck, no" but when he tried to let you go to avoid cumming in your mouth, you didn't listen, taking the control back and furiously fucking your throat to bring him to the edge, using your hands to work on his length when you focused your lips on the tip. "don't- i- oh god, i'm cumming, y/n, please"
but before you could even do anything else, you felt the hot spur in your mouth, the way his dick throbbed in your tongue making your pussy even wetter than it already was. his hands loosening the grip in your hair and you sucking his dick clean before incorporating in your seat again.
he looked like a mess, being so sweaty, breathing rapidly and his limps rather numb on each of his sides, you could even hear him gulping and you enjoyed the way he liked his lips before pawning his eyes to you.
and you tried to talk, on god you did, but he held your cheeks, pressing on the flesh to pout your lips and softly kiss them before getting just a little bit away from you, enough so that he could see your eyes but your noses were still touching.
"let's get to the back" he mumbled "i need to fuck you, please"
"how bad?"
"what?" his voice was small, visibly flustered.
"tell me how bad you want me, taesan" you said this time, getting away from him and starting to remove your top and reveal your already hard nipples, watching him bite his lip "c'mon, pretty, i don't have all day"
and taesan quickly understood why you were with jaehyun, he knew the boy was a mess, a whiny little bitch when it came to having sex, he told him about it when they talked about the girls they fucked.
you were so demanding, you knew what you were doing and you were not shy of taking what you wanted. it made him feel so aroused, his dick filling with blood again when you just stared at him like he was a miserable virgin.
"i want you so bad, no, i need you" he started "i need to have your pussy around my cock so bad, please, let me fuck you"
he didn't even know he could beg like that until he saw the results of it, you signaling him to go to the back and sit there, spreading his legs open and you taking place in top of him right away.
your panties were throwed to a side and your pussy was wrapping around his cock in a second, you feeling the stretch and audibly moaning about how good it felt, he was definitely gifted. your hands were on his clothed chest and when his mouth started to suck on your boobs you lost it.
he was so desperate, so messy, sucking your hard nipples and moaning against your chest and his arms hugging your waist while you jumped on his cock.
it was so hot, so good, the windows fogging up after a few minutes and your hips rolling now, chasing your high while you throwed your head back. but it didn't even took you a minute to go back to the front, pulling his hair to get him off from your boobs and kiss him instead.
and he was able to feel you growing weaker, your hips getting sloppy, your moans dying in his mouth and he just had to help you. so he held your waist steady and lifted his hips up instead, fucking into you like a mad person, the wet sound of both your pre-cum and his resonating within the small space of the car, your right hand going to the window for a second before it slipped due to the fog, holding to taesan's shoulders for dear life while you rocked your hips against his.
you came faster than you expected to, shaking in his hold and detaching from his lips to let a moan out and hide on his neck, starting to cry out a few "oh my god, stop" when he kept fucking you through your orgasm, looking for his second high.
it was crazy, your pussy was so sensitive, your legs so weak, your back sweaty and his hard length pushing through your velvety warm walls. it was heaven, so he came shortly after you did, letting a sigh out when he noticed he did it inside of you.
"i came inside" was all he said when you looked at him after he finished. "i'm sorry"
"honestly" you started, brushing his hair out of his forehead and placing a sweet kiss on his lips, not missing how he closed his eyes and gave in before you pulled away again and continued "i would let you come inside every single time if it meant this will repeat itself"
"you're not mad?" you denied with your head "you don't even look drunk anymore"
"i'm drunk on something else now"
you both just laughed and got off each other, cleaning yourself with some paper tissues taesan had on his car, kissing a little bit more on the back of it before he actually drove you home.
staying with you overnight to cuddle and talk about things, talk about what was gonna happen with you both and simply coming to the agreement of knowing eachother better before doing anything else. taesan was the one who proposed that.
but don't get him wrong, is just that he knew that the differences between him and jaehyun were gigantic so you needed to get used to his lack of physical touch, his quiet self, the way he would be so shy yet mischievous at the same time, his jokes, the things he liked. he just wanted you to be sure before engaging with him because he has been waiting for his chance for years it seems (like five months) and he wasn't going to let you go that easily.
funny how you forgot your parents were coming over tomorrow and opened up the door with taesan hugging you from behind, both of your giggles coming to a stop when the elderly couple lifted their eyebrows and said:
"that's not myung jaehyun, y/n, are you cheating on him?"
let's say you had tea for your parents because the cheater was the someone else.
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famwhy · 1 year
Bereavement (2)
/bɪˈriːv.mənt/ The state one is in when losing someone important to them
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
42! Miles X F!Reader, 1610! Miles X F!Reader
Synopsis: Miles is missing, and all you can think about is getting him back. Upon finally finding him, however, you're taken aback by the copy that stands beside him—the same copy that was staring at you with wide, shaking eyes full of... disbelief?
Note: I can't—for the life of me—believe how many notes the first part got after just a few days of being out, you guys are actually insane. Thank you all so much. And thank you too, Kingpin, for giving me the idea in the first place lmao. (Do me a huge solid and lemme know if any of my Spanish needs some work, I studied it for 3 years but it's been over a year since it's been put to practice so I'm a little rusty)
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Miles would never drop you, not in a million years—you knew that.
Something had stopped him, forced him to let go as he froze in time; in an assortment of colours he couldn't control—that was how you found yourself where you were now—free-falling to your death for what was perhaps the second time in your life.
It was a lot scarier the first time—you had to admit—when you fell from the glass room right beside the huge collider more than a year ago. At the time, Miles had insisted you stay away from his spider business for your own safety, but you—being you—followed him down anyway.
That was your first mistake.
Your second—however—came in the form of letting Kingpin know you were there after allowing quite the ridiculous sneeze out of your mouth. And once he saw you, it wasn't hard for him to pick you up and throw you through the shattered glass in his rage and dismay of his failed plan.
Miles had his back completely turned to you when it happened, and yet—somehow—he was the first to whip his head around and notice your quickly descending form.
You had come so close to the ground—seconds away from touching it—when that familiar warmth wrapped its way around your waist, carrying you through the wind to prop you onto your own little cloud of safety.
Ever since then, Miles refused to leave your side. He took you out on every mission he went to—pretty much every news station had you pinned down as 'Spiderman's girl' and he never bothered to correct them.
So even as Gwen went off to another dimension, Miles grabbed you before following after. Even as he was invited to the headquarters of this 'spider society', he refused to go without them also granting you permission inside too.
When you asked him why he went to such lengths for you, he simply replied, "I almost lost you once while being in the same dimension as you, if you think I'm going to let it even come close to happening again, you've got another thing coming."
So no, you didn't find the second time you were falling to your death all that scary. Not when you knew Miles would save you—
"I've got you, cariño."
—you just didn't exactly know that it would be the other one that did.
His arms were wound tightly around the underside of your knees and upper back—carrying you so intimately, looking at you with so much love in his eyes, you found yourself growing slightly flustered.
...okay, very flustered.
"Oh, Cariño," as he spoke, he didn't lose the breath in his tone—the gentle air of disbelief he took on since your arrival, "you're here. I can't believe it—you're here. Te extrañé mucho." ("I missed you so much.")
You were speechless, gaping up at him like a clueless fish—what else could you do? You were being held in the arms of a copy of your best friend after he basically just confessed to you because the 'you' in this universe was apparently dead.
Though, luckily for you, there was no need to say a word for he continued speaking with those soft, fond eyes, "I missed your smile and your laugh. I missed how you always used to tug me around whenever something caught your eye... and how you would go on and on about whatever show was your new obsession of the month. You were always so... pretty when you spoke passionately.
"Speak for me, cariño," he continued, "let me hear that pretty voice of yours again."
"I—" you were stuttering—why were you stuttering?—"I, uh..."
Pull yourself together, Y/N.
"Ah, I just realised how much I missed the way you say my name."
"—guh!" How the hell was he spitting such smooth lines? "Miles! Just listen for a minute, okay?!"
"Of course, mamí."
"I— I'm not who you think I am. I mean, I am Y/N but I'm not your Y/N. And you're not my Miles."
As the words came tumbling out your mouth, the boy's—this earth's Miles'—lips tugged down, gaze hardening and grip around you ever-so-slowly growing tighter.
"Don't be silly, mamí, of course I'm your Miles. I always have been and always will be."
Your brows furrowed and your eyes trailed to the view behind him, moving rapidly as you tried to locate your best friend. Though, soon, your view of the sky was cut off by the male with braids once more.
"What are you doing?" A growl. "Stop looking for him, look at me. I'm right here. He dropped you."
"He glitched! This isn't his world so of course he would, it wasn't his fault!"
You were quick to defend him—he was your best friend so of course you were. There was no way you were having anyone accuse him of anything negative, even himself.
"Cariño, you almost died. Again. He can't take care of you." Miles narrowed his eyes, as if just the thought pissed him off; as if he had the right to be pissed off.
"Oh what?" You scoffed. "And you can? I'm my own person, I don't need to be taken care of."
Stubbornly, you found yourself pulling away from him—or well, attempting to at least, he didn't seem to want to let you though, judging by the way his claws slowly began to dig into you a little.
His eyes were narrowed and his lips were tugged down, gaze seeming to pierce through you—as though he was trying to use you as a vessel to glare at the person he was really mad at.
Though, soon, the expression was gone, replaced by sullen eyes and an almost-far-away look—glossed over in a cloudy haze full of what you could only assume to be the grand despair that was grief; grief over a loss so great, it would pain someone to even admit it ever happened.
"Cariño, please. I don't want to argue with you, I just got you back. Please."
The look on his face, the crack in his voice—it was all too much, you almost couldn't stomach it, and soon, your arms loosened up as you lost the will to pull away.
"Miles," you whispered, "I... I'm really sorry—"
"Don't be, you're here with me now, aren't you? We can make up for all that lost time."
"I can't." Your vision blurred as you shook your head from side-to-side. "I'm sorry, I can't."
For a moment, all was silent. No words were exchanged, leaving only the strong wind to howl in your ears; to warn you of your grave mistake and whisper taunts into your ears. Then—
"It's because of him, isn't it?"
You almost couldn't muster words. "Huh?"
"The other me—it's because of him that you won't stay with me, isn't it?"
The look in his eyes was something of a dark nature, swirling with malice; with hate so inextricibly deep, you almost couldn't believe your own eyes—because... because there was just no way, right? There was no way your Miles (or any other Miles for that matter) could exhibit such a lethal level of loathing towards anyone...
"If I get rid of him, it won't be so much of a problem anymore... sí?"
...or was there?
@justmare, @majestichugs, @milktealvrr, @ladyfairenvale, @sakura-onesan, @haunted-pass, @phoenixgurl030, @stupendousnightmaretrash, @ultimate-geek14, @liaaa-1, @sluslutts, @angrypomeranianwifey, @thatbeanieboss, @kkate8008, @lilslmao, @honeydewpie, @elenasstxarr, @sloverr, @quartzangel0, @crystalsinwater, @astrosdelululand, @sflame15-blog, @nightshxdex, @dottoresgarden, @crowshiny, @teamowolverine, @bangtannie7, @k0la22, @kissmxcheek, @myloveforreading, @jared-oranges, @shisuishoe, @veryfancydoilies, @sunshinesetsstuff, @lovefks, @omg-the-nutella-queen, @hazzapotter, @levanneisdumb, @angie2274, @blueberrystigma
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tlou-reid · 1 year
you found me ✰ spencer reid
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warnings ✰ gunshot, violence, mentions of maeve, hospitals, mentions of death, mentions of religion and god, angst let me know if i missed any please
summary ✰ spencer is the one to reach you after being shot by an unsub
notes ✰ inspired by you found me by the fray. please send requests here. & this is not edited
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spencer wasn't sure what dropped first: him or his gun. he could still hear hotch yelling after him, instructing him to not to go in. first not to go in the black suburban you always made jokes about. then, not to go in the yard of your home spencer had been begging you to move out of. then, not to go in the door of the house that he'd held open for you so many times. now, he could hear hotch's voice telling him not to go in the room, but he sounded like he was underwater. when spencer opened the door he could see morgan holding the unsub to the ground while he got him in cuffs, but, as soon as his knees hit the floor next to your body, everything in his peripherals went blurry.
he knew he should be doing the medical things he learned years ago, back during his training, but he couldn't. he was frozen, unable to do anything but stare at the gunshot wound beneath your left rib. his eyes started to well up with tears as his hands reached out, applying pressure, as if he could stop the bleeding himself.
as soon as his shaky hands landed on your body, all he could think of was maeve. how could he do this again? another person he loved, bleeding to death, all because of him. he felt so selfish. for everything. for moving on from maeve. for falling in love with you. for putting you in this position. for thinking of another woman while you bled out under his hands.
"reid, move," hotch's voice cut through his thoughts. spencer wasn't sure how long he'd been kneeling over you, but it was long enough for medical first responders to get there, get inside, and be ready to take over the job he was failing to do. still, he couldn't bring himself to move from his position. hotch had to pull spencer away, letting the medical team move in and get to work.
despite the tears welling up in his eyes, spencer hadn't starting crying. until now. he was sitting in the floor, with hotch behind him with an arm still wrapped around him when the first sob wracked his body. his whole body jerked as he wailed. hotch didn't know what to do, so he just wrapped his arms around spencer, holding the crying boy to his chest as if spencer was his own son. spencer's bloodied hands reached up to hold hotch's forearms, looking for something to ground himself.
the rest of the day was blurry. time seemed to be moving with super speed, but also not moving at all. spencer felt like a bystander in his own life as he watched them load you into the ambulance. he couldn't move his legs when they asked who was riding with you, so it was prentiss who climbed in, giving him a sad look as they closed the doors.
he rode in that stupid suburban, and neither him nor hotch uttered a word. the ride was completely silent. it wasn't the comforting silence like when you and spencer would sit on the couch, each holding your own book and just enjoying being around each other. this silence was scary. he could feel his heart beat in his temples, his stomach was churning and he couldn't stop tapping his foot. hotch didn't complain about his fidgeting the whole ride to the hospital.
they met prentiss in the waiting room, where she explained that you were in surgery now. there was no update on your state, and the rest of the team was waiting on a phone call from one of you guys to explain what was going on. morgan had called to inform prentiss that the unsub was in custody, and his other victim had passed. spencer didn't say anything in reply. instead, he moved to sit in the chair farthest away from where hotch and prentiss were standing, not wanting to listen to the details of the case.
this case was not one that should have even been on the BAU's radar. the local police knew who the unsub was, they caught him on camera after his first attack. there was no need for a profile, and definitely no need for the BAU to be spending their time on something as simple as a manhunt. until you called. you thought someone had been following you on your walk around the neighborhood, and it was proven that you were right. there was no solid reason why you were the next victim. there was relatively no similarity between you and the other victim, you just happened to be in the wrong place. when his larger frame pressed himself into the door, there was no stopping him. he shot at you, knocking you down, and eventually unconscious, while he looked for anything valuable in the house. spencer didn't know what he was trying to take, and he didn't really care either. all he cared about was you getting better.
one hour turned into two, and then two turned into three. he had somehow convinced prentiss and hotch to leave. he just wanted to be alone, and after a long phone call with garcia, he was. he had started to pace and his thoughts started to wander. he wanted someone, something to blame. sure, this unsub was the one who shot you, but what about the police? the ones who didn't try hard enough to find this guy before he was in your house? what about your neighbors? who weren't keeping an eye on you while you walked, even though you did numerous favors for them? what about him? a law enforcement officer that you were in love with but who wasn't there to protect you?
and lastly, what about God? being a man of science usually kept him from turning to a higher being. but a desperate man will take any chance he can get, and the best word to describe spencer right now was desperate. desperate for you to be okay. desperate for you to make it out of surgery. desperate to be next to you. desperate for someone to blame. so how could God do this? how could he allow something to happen to you? how could he punish spencer after all the good he had been trying to be doing for this world?
his thoughts went wild for what felt like years, but was only a few more hours, before the doctor was coming to get him. "dr. reid?" her voice came into the empty waiting room. his head snapped right to her. "she is out of surgery, she'll be waking up soon. you might want to be in the room when she does."
spencer stomach dropped the way he did earlier. he picked up the sweater vest and tie he had discarded on a waiting room chair and hurried to follow the doctor. when he reached the room, he was shocked at how peaceful you looked. despite all of the noises from the machines, the hospital room was the calmest place he had been in in the last 24 hours. spencer made himself comfortable while he waited for your eyes to flutter open.
and when they did, his eyes were on yours. he couldn't help the smile that spread across your face. it took a few minutes for you to adjust to the room. the noises, the bright lights, the lack of understanding where you were. the last thing you remembered was hitting the ground after having a gun pointed at you. after a few minutes, you turned to face him, "you found me." you smiled, despite the dryness in your throat as you spoke.
"just a little late." spencer shrugged, trying to downplay the guilt that was burrowed in his stomach. he reached forward, rubbing a few fingers along your cheek. "what happened?" you asked, wanting the whole story. spencer explained, leaving out a few parts. you didn't need to know how he couldn't bring himself to help you, or how he cried in hotch's arms, or how many times he had to wash his hands in the hospital's bathroom sink to get your blood off of him.
"that's kinda crazy," you couldn't help but laugh. spencer was mildly uncomfortable at your reaction. "so, when do i get to go home?"
"you don't," spencer begun, "you're moving out, like i have been asking you to." he could see the confusion written across your face. "you're moving in with me, that way i know you'll be safe." he smiled at you, excited at the idea. he had been wanting this for a while. "now get some rest," he said with a gentle tone, "i'll find us something to eat." despite the fact that he hadn't eaten in almost a day, he waited for you to be asleep to leave the room.
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joonsmagicshop · 4 months
Stress Relief Series Part 7- JHS
Summary: A couple months ago Taehyung asked a favor. For you to have sex with his bandmates to relieve some tension and stress. How can you say no to that.
Paring: Hoseok/Reader (all members are mentioned)
Rating: M/18+
Word Count: 5k
Tags: smut, FWB, jerking off, eating pussy, dry humping, hobi's hands (cause come on that mans hands...oof) fingering, anxious hobi, dancer teacher hobi, taetae and hobi sweet moment, penetrative sex
Authors Note: Hobi!!!!! I had so much fun writing this one but the fact that the next chapter will be the last chapter is very bittersweet. This series will always hold a special place in my heart and even though I am excited to finish it off with my bias....I also don't want it to end
In case you missed it
Intro Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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“Taehyung you were supposed to move on five not six.”
“Namjoon you need to move in a wider circle so you don’t bump into Jungkook”
“Jimin can you please help me explain these steps.”
“No Yoongi we aren’t taking a break until we get this right so stop scrolling through your phone.”
Jung Hoseok was at his wits end and it was only Tuesday. He watched as the other members started arguing amongst themselves, not bothering to pay him any mind or the dance cues he had been trying to give them for the last ten minutes
It was only two weeks out from the opening night of their tour and everything had to be perfect. Hoseok knew very well that his bandmates were perfectionists like he was but they all seemed to be a little burnt out from all the prep for the tour and therefore a lot more wasting time was happening.
“Okay okay!” Jimin shouted as Taehyung carried him in his arms around the dance studio, giggling while the others watched fondly.
“We should get back to work before Hobi Hyung has steam coming out of his ears!” Jimin shouts between giggles as Taehyung finally puts him down and they start elbowing each other and laughing behind their hands.
Meanwhile, Jungkook was sitting on the floor with Namjoon pulling out his phone and showing him a video that had Namjoon smiling fondly at the youngest member.
Hoseok looked around to see that Yoongi and Jin had completely disappeared and right as he was about to ask where the hell they went the door burst open and Jin announced very loudly that they had ordered food and it was going to arrive in ten minutes.
Which had everyone cheering loudly and Taehyung scooping Jimin up once more to twirl him around as they both laughed.
Hoseok didn’t know when this impromptu break happened but he was going to put a stop to it. They had to get this dance right and only had two weeks to do it, and while ninety percent of the time they did get it perfect there was still a small chance they could mess it up, like today.
Hoseok clapped his hands to get everyone's attention but it seemed only Yoongi heard and he quickly paled when he saw the look on Hoseok’s face.
Pure frustration
And no one liked a frustrated dance teacher
Yoongi nudged Jin and with just one single look the room seemed to quiet down as they all stared at Hoseok.
“Good now can we go over this again and can you actually listen to me this time? We have to get this right and we only have two weeks to do so.” He said with his hands on his hips as they all stared at him.
“Hoseok relax we have this. Today was just a small accident. I had a misstep and Namjoon didn’t go wide enough. We are okay. You don’t have to do the scary dance teacher face.” Taehyung explained as Jimin giggled from behind his hands.
“Well, Taehyung it seems someone has to. You all are goofing off or texting and I’m the only one caring about this routine. I’m so tired of you guys messing up all the time!” He nearly shouts feeling his frustration bubble over.
Hoseok is hardly ever a yeller so when he raises his voice everyone knows something is very wrong
Namjoon stands up first and holds out a hand to Taehyung who is about to open his mouth and retort.
“No Taehyung no arguing. We all had a nice dinner last night and all got along and we are not starting this again. We are a team and Hoseok is right. After we eat we are going to perfect this dance. I know we just want this tour to start and to get to the fun parts but we have to do this first. We all know the prep is the worst part so please no more fighting.” Namjoon says as the room grows quiet and the only sound is the ticking clock above the wall of mirrors.
“Foods here,” Yoongi mumbled checking his phone as they all stood up and slowly began to filter out of the room.
Yoongi patted Hoseok’s arm and muttered an apology as he left, the others hung their heads and avoided his piercing gaze as they walked past him to get to the delicious food that was waiting.
Jungkook was second last to leave and he stared up at Hoseok with his big dark eyes and apologized before dropping his gaze and leaving.
That alone made Hoseok feel worse.
Taehyung finally walked up to Hoseok and stood in front of him, fluffy hair all messed up, teeth biting into his lip.
Hoseok crossed his arms.
“I’m sorry about the dance mess up, I’m also sorry I was goofing off with Jimin so much Hoseok. You know how is it. Things get too much and I just wanted to make everyone smile. I didn’t mean to make you upset. Honest.” He says shyly a Hoseok pulls him in for a hug.
He can feel Taehyung smiling against his shoulder when they embrace and when he finally releases Tae he has a silly grin on his face.
“I don’t mean to be a hard ass it’s just. You know how it is.” Hoseok says, knowing his apology isn’t the greatest but he’s starting to feel the weight of all the other things they have to perfect and get done before the tour and his whole body just felt tired and heavy.
“I know how it is. That’s why I have Y/N. Honestly, she keeps me sane.” Taehyung explains heading over to the table that was set up in the corner to retrieve his sweater.
“Don’t you just have sex with her? How can that take away all this…ya know.” Hoseok asks waving his arm around as if showing Tae all the other stress he has.
Taehyung just laughs and pulls the sweater over his head messing up his hair even more.
“Well yes but also. You know. She’s a companion. We have dinner, we talk, we hang out. I just don’t fuck her and leave. I mean. I used to but now I’d say she’s a friend. I trust her. The other guys do too. I know Namjoon doesn’t like it and he doesn’t have to. He’s going to crack soon enough I can feel it. Nothing is as stressful as being our leader.” He explains as he looks in the mirror to fix his hair and Hoseok stays frozen in place watching him.
“The position we are in, the life we chose. It’s not easy. Y/N is like a vacation after a very long work week. It’s someone I can be myself around. And not just me. Jungkook and I have talked about it too. She’s just…that person you know.” Taehyung says finally getting his hair the way he wants it and staring at Hoseok through the mirror.
“Namjoon’s going to kill you if he hears you talking about her. I’m not sitting through another one of his lectures.” Hoseok says rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, I know. I’m not trying to convince you or anything. She already said she’s there if we need it and if not…” He let his voice trail off and he shrugged as the door burst open and Namjoon stood there.
“Okay, you didn’t kill each other? Good. Now please come eat before Jungkook takes it all. I already had to swat his hand twice because he was grabbing too much and not saving any for you This kid I swear. He’s going to give me wrinkles.” Namjoon explains as he leaves down the hall and Taehyung shoots Hoseok a knowing smile.
“Told ya. Namjoon is stressed.”
The next day Hoseok had off from work.
He woke up later than usual and spent a long time in bed just scrolling through his phone. He let the sunlight fall over his naked torso as he lay there, not bothering to get up and close the curtains as the beams of sunlight crept up his body and eventually rose to illuminate the walls above him.
Once he got out of bed and went to the bathroom he made his way to the kitchen to have some food. His house was very spacious and very quiet at this time of day and Hoseok drank in the calmness as he ate his food.
The day dragged on and around dinner time he found himself restless.
He wasn’t sure what was wrong but he knew something was wrong.
He paced room to room trying to look for something that would entertain him. He grabbed a book and then put it down. He tried to cook dinner instead of ordering but gave up. He paced back and forth from the front foyer to the bedroom.
He turned on some music but couldn’t find something that he liked.
Eventually, he flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
The sun was starting to set casting everything in a vibrant orange glow and Hoseok took out his phone to take some pictures of the way the sun hit everything just right.
He also took some selfies smiling as the sun highlighted his beauty
He sent the shots to Namjoon, minus his selfies, locked his phone, and threw it on the bed beside him.
Namjoon would love those pictures because nature always calmed him down.
And Namjoons stress was reaching an all-time high lately with all the pressure he had as their leader.
Hoseok thought back to what Taehyung had said yesterday about how Namjoon would crack soon and he felt terrible. He didn’t need to add to the stress by yelling at them yesterday. Even though he did apologize at lunch he still felt guilty.
Hoseok’s long fingers aimlessly ran across his collarbones as he let his thoughts spiral. He knew he had been too hard on everyone yesterday but the whole thing was just so frustrating.
His hands continued to wander as he tried to memorize the dance steps in his mind. Usually that helped with his spiraling thoughts and he let his hands wander up and down his sides, caressing himself as he did so.
Hoseok was so lost in his thoughts and in trying not to let them spiral he hardly noticed just his touches alone were making him hard in his shorts.
His cock was starting to stiffen as he lay spread out on his bed, hair a mess on his pillow as he tried to calm down the storm going on in his brain.
There was still so much to do before the tour and what if they messed up on tour and what if something bad happened like someone got sick? Army would be so disappointed and what if he messed up? He would be so embarrassed.
Hoseok felt the anxiety bubbling up and he quickly wrapped his arms around himself to give himself a much-needed hug.
He buried his face in his elbow and rolled over on his stomach to cover his face with his pillow when he felt it.
The hardness between his legs.
“Oh,” Hoseok whispered as he rolled onto his back again and stared at the impressive tent his dick was making in his pants.
He wasted no time cupping himself and a soft groan left his lips at the contact. His thoughts seemed to silence as he took his time stroking himself over his shorts. Squeezing his length when he needed to and teasing the head just right to have his hips jolting off the bed.
Hoseok quickly sat up and discarded his shirt. Letting the late day rays of sun hit his bare skin as he trailed his fingertips lightly down his chest, teasing the skin and making his hard cock throb.
When was the last time he took care of himself?
He wasn’t sure so he decided to take his time and enjoy this.
His hands ran up and down his body as he closed his eyes and let his last hookup replay in his mind. The memories were foggy as it had been so long but he was already hard so it took no time at all for his deft fingers to undo the button on his shorts and peel them off his legs.
He rubbed his bulge over his boxers and hisses at the contact. The girl he hooked up with was some brunette, right? Or was she blonde? It didn’t really matter to him as he pictured a naked sexy body on top of him.
Hoseok let out a moan as he palmed himself and added more pressure. He couldn’t picture her clearly but he could imagine her hot wet pussy sitting on his cock as she kissed down his skin.
How good it would feel to have lips on his body again
How amazing it would feel to be buried in a hot wet pussy.
Hoseok had enough of his teasing and he slipped his hand into his boxers to grip at the base of his cock. His eyes fluttered open for a moment as he pulled his boxers down, only to close his eyes again when he got comfortable.
His hand lazily stroked his cock, the precum making the whole thing glide so much easier as he let out a shaky breath and tried to imagine his last hookup.
It had been so long however that the details were fuzzy, the whole thing was fuzzy and hard to imagine and his cock was still angry and throbbing but he couldn’t come up with a good image to jerk off to.
Hoseok could try porn but he didn’t feel like spending an hour finding a good enough video for that.
He let go of his aching cock and smacked his hand on the bed in frustration. He couldn’t even jerk off properly anymore. And this was adding to the stress he already had.
Hoseok rolled over and grabbed his phone. Namjoon had responded to the pictures but Hoseok ignored those. Instead, he texted a phone number he was given two months ago, a number he told himself he would never…ever use.
The drive over was torture. Hoseok was still hard and trying to fight the guilt that was starting to burn up inside of him.
He could hear Namjoon’s lecture as clear as day as the car navigated the busy streets. Hoseok tries to block that out. Instead focusing on the fact that he was about to be with a real person and not just his hand.
The driver pulled up and Hoseok smiled at him before exiting. He purposely wore baggy pants to hide his raging hard-on that still had not gone down and throughout the drive, he kept palming himself to alleviate the ache.
You opened the door to find Hoseok standing there looking equally excited as he was terrified and you welcomed him in.
His brown hair was a mess atop his head and his heart-shaped lips were drawn into a thin worried line as he looked around, slowly placing his designer bag by his shoes at the front door.
“Hi Hoseok.” You say softly as you stand there and give him time to adjust. He looked so out of place and so nervous to be around you.
“You can call me Hobi. I mean. If you want.” He stammers and you smile as you sit on the couch and invite him over.
He sits down and plays with his long fingers not meeting your gaze.
“Hobi you seem…. stressed. Or extremely nervous. Want to talk about it?” You ask placing a hand on his knee and you smile when he seems to relax even if it’s only a small amount.
“I…I don’t know why I’m here. I’m sorry.” He says in a small voice as you rub your thumb along his knee going slow as if not to startle him.
“Okay let’s start from the beginning. Are you okay?” You ask giving him the time and space to answer
“I…I’m horny.” Hobi says finally looking at you and you smile softly at him.
“I got mad at everyone yesterday because they were goofing off and not doing the dance correctly and then today I didn’t work and I think I was left alone with my thoughts for too long because now I’m all anxious and I got horny so I wanted to jerk off but I don’t even know what to jerk off too because it had been so long since I hooked up with someone and I know I shouldn’t be here but I am and I’m so hard. And now I’m dumping all my problems on a stranger oh my god.” He says running his hands through his hair and looking at you with wide eyes.
You slowly sit up on your knees on the couch and put your hands on his shoulders.
“Hobi It’s okay. It’s all okay. We can just hang out if you want a friend. Or we can do more if you are up to it. I don’t want to push you or pressure you.
“I… I don’t know what I want.” He breathes out.
“Actually, I do. I want this tour to start already. I want everyone to get along. I want all the stress and the pressure to go away and I just want to be on stage and perform. I just want this whole thing to begin. We are always happier when we see our fans” He says with a small smile on his face.
“You guys really love your fans huh.” You answer as you inch towards him and throw yourself over his lap.
His hands come up to grab at your hips and you stay far enough back that you are not directly over his cock.
“This okay?” You ask softly as Hobi nods.
“Yeah, our fans are the best in the world. And that’s why this whole thing is frustrating. I want to put on a good show for them and no one else seems to be taking it seriously!” Hobi complains as you nod and bring your hands up to his hair.
He freezes again as you tangle your hands in the hair at the back of his head and softly play with it. His eyes start to soften and he blushes.
“That feels…really good.” He breathes out.
“Good. I want to relax you. Keep talking Hobi.” You say as he smiles up at you.
“And Taehyung and Jimin kept goofing off and the whole thing was a disaster. If Namjoon just went wider with his step and Tae didn’t mess up we would have nailed it.” Hobi complains as you continue to play with the hair at the nape of his neck and hum as he speaks.
Hobi continues to pour out his frustration to you and you let him, softly stroking his hair.
Soon enough the room is dark and Hobi is quiet, resting his head on your shoulder as you move your hands to the top of his head to comb the hair back, lightly grazing his scalp with your nails.
“Thank you. Also, I’m sorry you're kind of a stranger and I just dumped a bunch of stuff out on you.” He mutters, voice muffled by the fabric of your shirt.
“Happy to help Hobi. That’s why this whole thing started. I just wanted to help. It doesn’t have to be just about sex. I’m also a friend.” You say as he lifts his head to stare into your eyes.
“That’s what Taehyung said. He said you keep him sane.”
You laugh.
“And he drives you insane. What a combination huh?”
Hobi laughs at that one and he softly stares up at you through the darkness.
“I want to kiss you is that okay?” He asks as you nod.
He sits up straighter and captures your lips with his.
His lips are oh so soft and warm against yours and you sigh into his mouth as you press your body into his chest, desperate to get him closer to you.
His hands wrap around your middle to hold you steady as he takes his time with you. His kisses are soft but also heated as you feel your core start to throb when his hands leave your middle to run up and down your thighs, getting higher with each pass and making you squirm against him.
You whine out his name when his fingers dip a little too close to your center and he smirks against your lips.
“You said you were having some trouble jerking off?” You ask voice slightly shaky as you pull back and he grins wickedly at you as if he knows just how much he is affecting you.
“Yeah, I may have said that.” He teases as his hands dip between your legs and you whine when he rubs his long index finger along the seam of your pants.
“Should I help you with that?” You ask jerking against him as he runs his finger once again along the seam of your pants. Applying more pressure this time as your wetness pools.
“How about we help each other hmm? You listened to me babble for too long I think my pretty girl should be rewarded.” He coos as you bury your face in his shoulder and grind your pussy against his finger.
“You’re going to soak your pants, baby.” He pants as you deliver sloppy kisses to his neck and collarbones.
“Gotta b-be careful you can’t mark me up right before tour.” He grits out as you push your hips forward so you are now resting comfortably on his cock which is hard once again in his pants.
“And why not?” You tease as you pull away from his neck to stare at his flushed face.
“You vixen.”
With that, he kisses you again but with so much passion it steals the very breath from your lungs. His hands tangle in your hair as he kisses you which gives your hands freedom to roam up and down the hard plane of his chest.
He moans in your mouth and you buck against him, slowly grinding against his cock giving you both the delicious friction you crave.
“God you are too good at that.” He whines out against your lips as he carefully pushes you down on the couch and throws his shirt over his head.
You are met with miles of gorgeous skin and your mouth waters when he reaches for your top to pull it off.
Your bra goes next and in an instant, he is on top of you palming and sucking your breasts as your head is thrown back against the pillow with pleasure.
“Couch or my room?” You ask breathless as he harshly sucks on your right nipple which has your hips shoving against his hard cock.
“Your room. Please god, get me to your bed.” He whines as you push him off of you and stand up on shaky legs.
You grab his hand and take him to your room and the second you are over the threshold he picks you up and throws you down on the bed.
You gasp and he wastes no time crawling up and positioning himself between your legs.
He holds one of your legs up in the air and grabs your ankle, you watch in awe as his heart-shaped lips kiss your skin slowly working their way toward your heated core.
It’s too hot, or maybe he is too hot as you fumble with your pants to rip them off your body. Hobi gets the hint and helps you take them off.
“No underwear. Fuck Y/N.” He growls as he takes in the sight of your soaked pussy.
“I wanna bury my face in there and never come back out.” He admits as you groan at his words.
He lets your leg fall as he gets off the bed to undo his pants and rip his boxers down.
You take your time staring at his naked form. He is exquisite, his body is art that you’d like to admire for a very long time.
You open your legs instinctively as he crawls between them and settles on his stomach. He stares at you with a tilt of his head and a question on the tip of his tongue.
He doesn’t even need to ask before you are pleading with him to kiss you, to touch you, to do anything to you before you lose your mind.
His hands rest on your thighs holding them down before he dips his head low to lick at your pussy. You cry out at the contact fisting the sheets below to hold yourself steady.
His tongue licks a bold stripe up your slit and you thrash against him as he flicks his tongue over your clit in such a way that you feel it throb.
Your body is on fire as he licks and sucks at your clit, his dark eyes meeting yours and you whine and cry out his name as he continues to make out with your pussy alternating between soft licks and harsh sucking which brings you close to orgasm a lot faster than you thought.
As affected as you were he was equally affected by the act. His hunger for your pussy made his cock throb and he hastily humped the bed as he buried his face deeper into your core and drank in the moans you were emitting from above him.
“Gonna-” You cried out though Hobi knew you were close.
He removed his mouth for just a moment to insert his finger into your wet heat and you cried out and arched off the bed as he rubbed your front wall just right to have you orgasm around his digit,
He quickly latched his mouth back to your pussy to drink in everything you gave him as you rode out your high and ground down on his finger.
Once you came down from your high you opened your eyes to see Hobi looked as fucked out as you felt and you giggled when you looked down to see him shamelessly humping the bed, desperate for relief.
“Fuck you are so hot. Why did I wait so long? What the fuck?” He whispers as he gets up to grab a condom.
You giggle to yourself as it seems to take a while for him to find his pants, in his haste he threw them on your dresser. Eventually, he gets out the condom and rolls it down his hard cock, and climbs back onto the bed with you.
“How do you want it?” He asks voice low as his agile fingers stroke his cock.
You can’t tear your eyes away and Hobi chuckles darkly.
He takes charge and grabs your hips as he kneels on the bed. He slowly spreads your legs and positions your pussy right in front of his cock.
“Wanna see you when I fuck you. Is this okay?” He asks softly as he takes his cock in hand and runs it through your soaked folds.
You nod and he smirks as he inserts himself inside of you slowly and carefully.
You let him take his time and bottom out. You fist at the pillow by your head to anchor you because Hobi just feels so good inside of you.
Once he bottoms out you both stare at each other breathing hard. Strands of hair are falling in front of his eyes and he looks beautiful, so incredibly beautiful.
“Hobi move.” You beg as he leans down to capture your lips in a soft kiss.
He begins to thrust in and out of you slowly and carefully, he angles his hips in such a way it has him hitting your g-spot with ease.
You feel how he moves inside of you and it makes you wetter around him. He swivels his hips and grinds down into you before pulling out and snapping back in with such force it pushes you up the bed.
Hobi fucks into you with force and passion, his hips always hitting their mark his moans mixing with yours as you both use each other to get to the high you both crave. Your hands are tangled in the pillow at your head and he licks two fingers to bring them down to play with your clit.
“H-Hobi if you want me to last you can’t. I’m serious you can’t.” You cry out when he circles your clit and flicks it in time with a harsh thrust.
“It’s okay I’m cl-close.” He whines as he thrusts up and you push your hips down trying to meet him in the middle.
Your orgasm is fast approaching and you cling to your pillow for dear life as Hobi fucks into you harder. Sweat drips off his brow and his face glistens but even through it all he still looks beautiful.
He flicks your clit again and you throw your head back and cry out his name as your orgasm hits you hard. Your pussy clamps down around his length as you ride out your high. Hobi still fucks into you and is grunting above you, his hips are moving with such speed and force you cry and squirm on the bed as he finally reaches his high and cums into the condom.
The air is thick with the smell of sex as he pulls out and gets himself cleaned up. He brings you a towel and cleans you up as well, taking his time as you try to come down from your high which seems to take a longer time than normal.
“Holy shit.” You breathe out as he flops down next to you and stares at you with a boyish grin, so different from the man that just fucked into you wildly.
“Yeah.” He agrees as he laces his fingers through yours.
You slowly get up from the bed and head to the washroom to get cleaned up. Your body feels tired but well fucked as you make your way back to the room to see Hobi already dressed and sitting on the bed.
“Want to order food? I don’t know about you but I’m hungry.” You tease as he stares at you.
“I…uh? You don’t want me to go?” He asks as you shake your head and stand between his open legs.
“Only if you want to. But I wouldn’t mind sharing a meal with you.” You tease as you peck him on the lips and grab his hands to lead him to the kitchen.
You both flip through his phone to figure out what to order and he stares at you with a small smile.
“Can I… you know text you sometime if I’m feeling stressed or worried?” He asks in a small voice as you intertwine your fingers with his and bring his hand to your mouth.
You deliver a soft kiss to the back of his hand and he blushes.
“Anytime Hobi. Call me, text me, fuck me…anytime.”
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ornii · 5 months
Yoo can i request a wenclair x male reader who is a streamer but no one knows about it in the school until Enid saw a fan of reader ask him for a picture
Tier 3 Sub!
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Enid Stares hard and intently at the Computer screen as she watches a streamer who rarely shows his face, Wednesday peers into the room.
“You’ve been staring at that computer screen for four hours, as little as I care about your wellbeing it is.. odd for you.” Wednesday started. Enid turned to her, smiling.
“This guys voice is, so beautiful! I can’t see his face though..” Wednesday shook her head.
“I never understood the obsession of others though a screen, and his voice most likely isn’t even—“ Wednesday droned on, until the Streamer saw a request.
“What songs can you mimic?” Good question, I’ve been working on the pitch for d4vd, like this” he clears his throat and effortlessly hits the right notes.
“Watch the sunrise along the coast / As we're both getting old / I can't describe what I'm feeling / And all I know is we're going home / So, please don't let me go / Don't let me go~
And if it's right, I don't care how long it takes / As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face / Save your tears, it'll be okay / All I know is you're here with me~ “
“I still gotta work on the pitch.” He awkwardly laughs, Wednesday and Enid are both now staring at the screen. He gets another request from Enid this time.
“Oh, WolfiutUwU2012. Asks if I play and instruments, I do! Let me show if I can.” He adjusts his camera to focus on the wall, as a black guitar was on the shelf, Wednesday noticed the wall and door nearby. It was a boys dorm, and the window showed the Quad at a downward angle.
“I know that room..”
“You know his room?!”
(Y/n) was enjoying his stream as per usual, until there was a scary and frantic knock at his door, “sorry guys gimmie a sec.” He stood up and walked to the door, but not before muting the stream. He opened the door and Wednesday stood there, he tilted his head a bit. “Uh.. Hello?” He said.
“Sing for me again.” She spoke so calmly, which just made (Y/n) uncomfortable. “I-I’m sorry?..”
“Save your tears, I don’t know how but your infectious voice wracked my brain..” Wednesday stepped closer, making (Y/n) retreat back. Enid finally catches up to Wednesday and grabbed her friend by the shoulder
“I am so sorry about—“ Enid looks (Y/n) in the eyes and immediately stopped talking, he looked was carved out of marble by a sculptor, a god.
“My.. friend..” Enid blinked a few times and (Y/n) gave an awkward smile.
“So.. you guys like the stream.”
“Very much.” Wednesday said, “your voice is like a soothing poison in my ears, wallowing me into a enteral slumber.”
“…” (y/n) looked at Enid for help.
“She means she likes it.. sorry for bursting in your room! We’ll leave you alone now! Btw gonna be a tier three sub!” Enid pulls Wednesday out and slams the door shut. (Y/n) shook off his creepy and unironically hilarious that interaction was, he went back to his chair and sat down, the camera aimed slightly down to his chest.
“Sorry about that…” he said, many question marks and “what happened” floods his stream and he laughs. “I met.. two really cool people. Both of them were really cute too..”
He didn’t have to hide his smile, and was having the time of his life, maybe this new streaming thing does have more benefits than he expected.
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kiddiewrites · 1 month
I'll break every bone in your body while naning them pt.1
A story of an army doctor... and how they learn to take your strength into account.
Ok, im so so so sooooo sorry for not updating, life has been chaos lately but but but i bring to you a tiny story about the time someone tried to fuck around and found out.
Platonic!T.F.141 x reader, Minor Injuries , bit of OOC T.F. 141, pining!reader, Sexual Harassment (they get what they deserve), Not proofread
So medic!reader who’s all sunshine and cutey and nice, all soft curves and chubby cheeks and soft giggles but… strong. Like FREAKISHLY strong, there’s a reason your threat to Johnny wasn’t taken lightly by the others, they’ve seen you and they KNOW that you absolutely will do it.
What happened? Well it went like this: 
One of the rare night’s out where you’re allowed a tiny leave you went to the pub with the guys, them being a little reluctant to you being there but at the end won over by puppy eyes and a promised first round. 
We ALL know that civilian clothes do wonders for the boys, not really their usual outfits but …
The black jeans hugging Ghost’s powerful thighs and the deep gray loose hoodie (god knows where he got it cause… THAT’S a BIG MAN)covering almost every inch of skin. His blonde hair covered by a black cap with a few tufts peeking out of it, his face covered by a black surgical mask along with his black combat boots already making him look as his usually sexy scary self. Not that you were looking…
Johnny wore khaki shorts and mountain trainers (why? Idk he looks like a guy who would do it uwu specially if it’s cold af) A loose white t-shirt, though “loose” it’s a mild way to put it… The man is built like a tank (he has massive pillowy strong titties, fight me) so the shirt expands across his well formed chest, letting the fabric drop over his stomach. And don’t even get me started on the way the sleeves FIGHT to stay in one piece, his arms are almost the size of your face, his biceps bulging with every flex aaaand maybe stoooop staring.
Kyle decided on a bit more of a soft approach, dark blue jeans that seemed a bit too tight but not as intense as Ghost’s but still it was a nice view from the back, the light brown sweater he had on concealed a bit of the muscles he had built over the years, Key Word: A bit. The sweater bulged over the muscles of his arms and hugged his toned chest in every perfect way. Along with his freshly groomed mustache and beard… Kyle was a vision; the warm energy he exuded was enough to send your head spinning in the most delicious way.
The captain had a navy blue t-shirt, his strong arms making it seem tighter than intended, although not as tight as Johnny’s, the small pudge of belly hanging beautifully over his dark blue jeans, the dark brown belt and trainer boots tying it all together. His mutton chops recently groomed making him look even hotter than he already is (I swear to GOD Price has me on a chokehold 😍 Such a fine MAN 🤤) 
Walking down the road to the jeep issued for your unit, you missed the glances headed your way from the boys, a cute warm baby pink sweater exposing your neckline and some of your shoulders, the cleavage stopping just right above your chest line, sleeves rolled up a bit to prevent them from getting in the way, tight ripped clear blue jeans paired with pink converse make you look even younger than you were, your (h/c) pulled back a bit just enough to get the hair out of your face by pins with a few strands falling from them. The boys knew that you’re a beautiful girl, seeing you in the more laid back outfit without the military issued uniform had them quickly looking away when you turned to look at them.
You took the middle seat with Kyle and Johnny by your sides, Simon climbed in at the copilot seat and the captain was driving. The drive to the pub was calm with a small talk with Kyle about the type of music you both enjoyed, Johnny joined in the conversation every now and then , Price smiled a bit at the sight of you getting along better with the team and even felt his grip on the wheel loosen a bit but he knew it was only temporary. Simon tried really hard to maintain his eyes on the road but his eyes couldn’t help but to deviate to the rear view mirror where he had a perfect view of your jean clad legs, the fat of your thighs relaxing against the hard seat of the jeep making it really hard for him to tear his eyes away.
However Simon was not the only one to notice the soft edges of your body moving and jiggling with the movement of the truck
Johnny had his arm placed around your headrest and everytime he turned to join the conversation he felt his side squishing you and it felt so good, the urge to just hug you by the waist and bury his head in your pretty tummy was…  Intense
He was known to be some sort of a flirt and had a very friendly way with people, but lately he was being a bit short with you. You attributed it to the stress of the missions so when the opportunity came to take some sort of leave you took the chance, much to the starting annoyance of the team. They still treated you kindly but it was kind of disheartening.
When you arrived at the pub Kyle helped you down the van and offered his arm for you to take - Such a gentleman, Sarge.- You smiled up at him and took his arm into yours,  your other hand resting over it. Your chest pressing against his arm was so soft and so warm, he felt himself blush as he smiled back at you.
Once inside it seemed like they had a designated table, the bartender smiled up at them and wave them at a tabla at the back -I’ll be right there boys!- a cute smile adorning his features he seemed well acquainted with them
John thanked him and led the way to the table with Simon and Johnny following behind both you and Kyle announced you were going for the drinks. The guys shouted back at you what they wanted and you headed up to the bar.
As you were walking a sudden slap at your booty had you wiping your head so fast Kyle thought you might snap your neck. It was all so sudden so you didn’t had the chance to pinpoint who the bastard was, but Kyle did.
An older man with obviously a lot to drink laughed loudly at your face along with his friends, Kyle immediately went up to grab him but the friends of the other men had you surrounded in a matter of moments.
-What’s tha matta, soldier boy? Yer net gonna tell me that fat ass wasn made to be slap’d aroun’ aren’t ya?-
If the look full of fury didn’t kill the man the right hook to the chin must definitely brought him to the edge of it. Thanks to the booze the friends of the drunk man had little time to react before they realized it wasn’t the man that threw the first punch…
It was you…
The strength of your punch was enough for the man to just fall to the ground with a Thump and gave enough time for the rest of your squad to get to where you were at.
The way you looked at the man had him scared enough to try and run away. Emphasis on "Try"
Simon grabbed the man by his collar and picked him up, you couldn’t really make out what he was saying, given that one of the drunk friends tried to lounge at you.
To their utter surprise they saw you fling that man over your head and into the ground nearly hitting his head against the edge of the table
- By all means, keep doing something stupid. Im begging you to give me the excuse -...
Tag List: @blackhawkfanatic @beebeechaos @d3vils-adv0c8 @azkza @asherwesley @praying-for-the-sun @woodlandgirl22-blog-blog @darling006 @aldis-nuts @theyarereal @thriving-n-jiving @talia-the-gemini @lilynotdilly @neonboy0 @sh4rksandst4rs Please remember to activate your tagging settings :D
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #04)
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FEB04: Cheering Them Up
You had a boyfriend.
Keyword: had. 
Getting broken up with in the middle of the night was one thing, but having it be over a text message (all lowercase, no punctuation) was a whole new low. You knew it wasn’t going to last, but the suddenness of it was dreadful, as were the personal criticisms he decided to throw your way just to rub salt into the wound. 
your bodys just not doing it for me anymore
we could still hook up if you want just hmu
but not in bethesda obvi lol 
You weren’t sure what possessed him to say those things to you, but you had seen enough, so you blocked him.
Tear-stained and angry, you went outside to get some fresh air. You wrapped your blanket around you and stared up at the stars, trying to move on from that asshole as quickly as possible. 
Suddenly, you heard John’s sliding door open up. You turned to look at him, and he seemed just as startled to see you there. 
“Oh, hey… Hey,” he furrowed his brow, “What’s happened?”
You sniffled, trying to find your voice,
“Got dumped.” 
“What? Just now? It’s midnight,” he sat next to you, “Did he just leave?” 
You shook your head, dreading having to admit to the fact that you hadn’t even deserved a capital letter much less an in-person visit,
“Text message.”
You passed over your phone to let him experience the drama first-hand. As he read the messages, his face grew increasingly dark, almost scary. You couldn’t help but notice his attire while he read, and you felt insane for doing so. He was in running shorts and a cut-off tee shirt with some rock band’s logo fading and flaking on the front. You were supposed to be sad, but now you couldn’t stop staring at his very visible and extremely muscular arms and abs.
“You’re joking,” he handed you back the phone in disbelief.
You shook your head again and looked down at the tissue in your hands, trying to come up with something to say. 
“What a fuckin’ wanker.”
You laughed, nodding, and he cracked a smile. You let his voice wash over you like a salve, healing the hurt another man had caused, 
“Well, this calls for a bloody drink, don’t it?”
“Don’t think the bars will be open by the time I make it out,” you joked. You weren’t going out anywhere tonight. 
“Wait here,” he said, ducking back into his apartment.
He reemerged with a bottle of Scotch whisky and two glasses, pouring one for you and then one for himself, each equally generous. 
John tinked your glass and drank. You followed suit, albeit a bit more timidly. 
It burned. Then it spiraled into oranges and vanilla and honey. And then it burned again. You tried not to, but you made a face, and said,
“Wow, it’s good. Thanks.”
“Strong, hm?” He purred softly, pleased with his choice.
“Yeah, but still good,” you insisted.
“Don’t worry about those messages, love. Your body is doing wonders just how it is. He wants your reaction.”
You tried not to let the compliment linger in your mind for too long, but it was stuck in there like popcorn in your teeth. 
“I know,” you admitted, “And I wasn’t going to marry this guy or anything, but…”
“Still hurts.”
John was clipping and lighting a cigar to have with his drink, and you watched him as he worked. He still hadn’t bought that ashtray he’d promised, but he was using an old glass bowl for now. He smoked for a bit, sharing it with you wordlessly. Then, he took a long breath and gave you a droll look.
“What is the difference between a condom and a coffin?”
You laughed before he even gave you the punchline of the joke, shocked by its crudeness,
“You come in one and leave in the other.”
He snickered, listening to you laugh, turning a little red in the face as he did so. 
“Alright, alright,” he prepared another one for you, “What can you spell with P, E, N, I, and S?”
You raised your eyebrows at him, and shrugged, 
He scoffed, 
“Spine, you filthy thing.”
You stayed outside talking and telling jokes long enough to see the black starfield give way to a pale pink morning, and before you knew it, half a bottle of whisky was gone. John had certainly worked his magic in you, and by the time you said goodnight and climbed back into your bed, you’d forgotten why you’d even been wasting your tears on a jerk like that in the first place.
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Check out the schedule here.
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butterfly-writer · 20 days
Yo! I was wondering if you could do some headcannons for Hawks, Aizawa, and All Might with a Pro Hero husband reader? I think it would be really cool if reader had a quirk that gave him the abilities of a skinwalker. He could be able to shapeshifter into his beast form, mimic voices he hears, regeneration, etc. Maybe he could be really tall (around 7ft) even when he isn’t using his quirk, and he looks creepy but is really sweet? I think it would be cool to see the medias reaction too. Sorry for the length. Thank you!!!
Keigo Takami; Shouta Aizawa, Toshinori Yagi x ProHero!Husband!Reader Summary: A character is married to a scary looking hero who’s actually a sweetheart. How does the media react? How did they meet?
★☽A/N: It’s been a while since I wrote headcannons! I really hope I improved! Oh! I had my birthday a couple days ago! September 4, hehe! So I consider this a bit of a gift to you guys for my birthday!
Contents: FLUFF – Headcannons Quirk: Skinwalker The user can alter their physical appearance to mimic any living creature, including humans and animals. This ability allows them to change their voice, size, and even mimic specific characteristics, such as muscle structure or hair. The transformation can be partial or full, depending on the user’s control. However, maintaining a transformation for extended periods drains energy, and extreme changes may lead to temporary exhaustion or loss of control.
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Keigo Takami (Keigo)
The number 2 hero probably met Y/N when he just started his agency at 18 years old. He was on patrol when he saw a thief stealing an old lady’s purse. As the fastest, he immediately got to action, chasing the thief with lightning speed. Just before he could reach the purse, a cheetah suddenly ran into him, blocking his path and swiftly grabbing the thief by the collar with shark canine teeth.
The moment the cheetah ensured that it had disabled the thief, it suddenly changed into a tall male. He was towering over everyone who walked past, staring at him with a scared glare. Keigo figured he was perhaps 7ft (213cm) tall which practically towered the hero. He looked up at the figure, watching as he looked around for the owner of the purse.
He had to admit.
The male was tall and menacing. He had piercings around his ear, colors similar to his outfit. Takami figured he was a pro hero like himself. ‘But how did I not know him?’ he wondered. ‘Maybe an underground hero?’ he thought. Keigo just shrugged it off and walked over to him.
“Hey, big fela!” A shiver went down the hero’s spine when he saw the tall H/C haired man turn to look at him, eyes piercing through his soul. “J..Just wondering if you want me to give the purse back to its owner? I’m sure she’ll be very happy to get it back!” he managed to utter with a slight stutter.
The H/C haired tilted his head in confusion, but then his eyes widened in realization. “Oh- right!” The blonde couldn’t stop the chuckle from coming out of his throat. ‘I didn’t expect him to be so awkward!’ And he had to admit, he judged the hero too soon. His menacing looks were the total opposite to his sweet personality.
“Name’s Hawks. You?” he asked, receiving the purse from the tall hero. “Chimera.” He smiled. Hawks’s heart almost exploded!! His smile was so gentle and soft, a total contrast to his terrifying aura and looks! “So… What’s your Quirk? It’s hella unique!” Keigo commented. “Uhm… like a skinwalker..” Chimera mumbled. Takami was impressed. “A skinwalker? How cool!” he complimented.
“Thank you..” Chimera smiled.
And now they’ve been married for maybe two years? And Keigo is probably one of the happiest birds ever!
In his free time with Y/N, he would play a guessing game with him where Y/N had to transform into a person or an animal and Keigo had to guess who the person was or what animal it was! (He lost most of the time since he didn’t know much about animals… but he was excellent at recognizing people!”
The media would always talk about how scary the hero was, how he would turn into the scariest things just so he could fight. But Keigo? Total opposite! He is infatuated with how amazing Y/N’s Quirk is! Imagine being able to transform into a cerberus?!
Despite his terrifying and frightening aura and looks, he was such a sweet man! Whenever Keigo and Y/N went out together, he would scare almost everyone who laid eyes on him! The rest just glared at him with disgust, which Keigo hated.
One time, Keigo and Y/N had just got out of the 7-11 where he found himself staring at a hungry kitten. Y/N looked at him with an excited face. “Wait here!” he said before rushing back into the store. Keigo didn’t know what he was doing until he came out of the store with a small packet of cat food. His heart ached out of affection when he watched Y/N give the food to the young kitten. His soft gentle smile, a rare sight, brought joy and love to Keigo’s heart.
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Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Both Y/N and Shouta probably met when they were in high school! But Y/N was in a different class which made them meet extremely late. During their 1st year, around their second semester, both class 1A and 1B were going to have their joint training. This is probably the first time he met Y/N, teaming up with him to go against another team.
Shouta looked over to his side, watching the boy who was much taller than he was. He was broad and frightening to look like. He honestly believed their team would immediately win just by having the H/C look at their opponents the way he was staring at Shouta–
‘Wait-’ He realized Y/N was looking right back at him. He instantly blushed and looked away, silently cursing himself for staring at the male. “Sorry…” he managed to mutter. He heard Y/N respond with a hum.
He turned back and found the tall male walking forward before jogging, and then sprinting. Before Shouta knew it, Y/N was sprinting and quickly turned into a peregrine falcon and flew off. Shouta noticed how he was flying so fast, as if he was flying 5km per minute which was impressive to the ravenhead.
And in a matter of minutes, their team had won!
Y/N had rendered the other team’s members unconscious and had won for his team. Shouta was speechless! Even Hizashi and Oboro who were watching from the viewer room were just as speechless as their best friend!
Shouta walked up to Y/N with an embarrassed look. Despite Y/N’s spine-chilling presence, he managed to utter a “thank you..” to Y/N. Y/N smiled at him, thanking him with a gentle voice. Shouta didn’t stop the shivers going down his spine. His gentle voice and smile was different from his looks and presence, a feeling of comfort from the H/C’s gentle voice.
And now they’re much older! Like… 12-13 years older.. And their love never faded! It even grew when they got married!
Shouta had just started the year with his new students, thankfully not expelling them like the last batch of students. He genuinely saw potential in all of them and Y/N noticed and did not regret teasing Shouta about it, much to his protests.
Y/N was seen as a creepy person by the news, for his towering height and his death glares. But Shouta knew it wasn’t true. Y/N was actually a big softie and sweetheart. He was a gentleman to all women, growing up with a mom who made sure he treated women with respect.
Like one time, they were out to eat and they saw a woman walking alone with a scared expression. Y/N, with no hesitation, walked over to the lady. She was about to scream for help because of how scary he looked, but she was calmed down by Y/N’s gentle and soft voice. He ended up guiding her to her car with no troubles.
Such a gentleman! No wonder Shouta is obsessed with his husband!
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Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
The number one hero! A symbol of peace! Toshinori was proud of himself for finally making his dream come true after being Quirkless and being given One for All by his mentor. Not only that, but the blonde was happy he would’ve made his mentor, Nana, proud, bringing a soft smile to his face.
During one of his missions, he had to go to America and was partnered with one of the underground heroes named “Chimera” who would accompany him.
 He had to admit. Out of all the villains he had to face, including All for One— Chimera was the most terrifying. As a tall man himself, he wasn’t scared of him due to his height, for he was taller by 3 inches but his eyes… The way he practically stared into Yagi’s soul was already bone-chilling to him and made him even terrified by thinking what sort of Quirk the H/C could have.
He was impressed by Chimera’s quick thinking and fast agility, making things a breeze. And the way the hero switched between animals was impressive! And it was on the go as well! The blonde couldn’t help but appreciate the hero more.
After the mission, All Might went up to Chimera and gave him the brightest smile. “You’re really good with your Quirk!” he complimented. Chimera turned to him with a threatening stare, giving shivers down Toshinori’s spine. “Y-You’re really impressive..” The blonde managed to let out. “I-I’m All Might.” He extended his shaking hand towards the hero with a crooked and forced smile.
The blonde was surprised to see Chimera smile. He thought his smile would’ve been terrifying and bone-chilling– So he was shocked to see such a gentle smile. It was a small one, almost non-visible, but his smile was still there, gentle and soft. And in his voice, as gentle and as soft as his smile, he said, “Thank you” with his tender smile.
ALL MIGHT IS SMITTEN! By now, in his 20 year marriage with Chimera, he had gotten used to Y/N’s horrifying appearance and eventually loved how scary he looked, with his tall appearance and hostile stares.
The public, around 10 years into his marriage, was shocked to hear that the number one hero was married to such a creepy underground hero! And Toshinori did not care, he loved the way he was!
The public, until now, are still terrified of the hero, even after he retired before his husband. Toshinori didn’t care much about how he retired, or that he still had his scary reputation. He loved Y/N and that was that.
After Toshinori retired and used his real form, he realized how short he was compared to Y/N now. It was shocking but he didn’t mind it.
Husbands for 20+ years and they’re happy as the day they first met.
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lovelynicho · 28 days
"I'm giving you this summer now"
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&team reaction - summer love
Pairing: &team x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, sligh angst
Warnings: drinking in K's; not proofread (I'm still lazy)
Note: yes, I have requests I still need to write, but as the summer is coming to an end, I wanted to write something like this; english is not my first language if there's any mistakes please let me know!
After your first meeting you never tought you would meet again. You first met at a party, both of you were a little tipsy and danced until you could barely stand anymore. Although, you believed you'd never see him again two days later you met him at a store and while you had no intentions of talking to him it seemed like he tought differently and asked for your number. You found it weird but at the same time curiousity grew inside of you and you couldn't stop it. So you ended up on a date with him that night and it was surprisingly good. At first sight you tought that he's just a guy who just wants to hookup, but he was actually interested in you, he was funny and incredibly charming. So after that date you found yourself on an another one with K, and it was followed by the next one and so on. He made that summer the best you've had so far, and both of you decided to make the fall at least as great.
You have never been in a relationship before. And it started to get scary because it's been so long. All of your friends who are the same age had already gone out with at least one person but not you. This led to you thinking that there might be something wrong with you. You were often alone, walking in the city, admiring the settling sun. That's exactly what you were doing the day you met him. Fuma. The most perfect man ever. It was almost unbelievable that nobody wanted you before and suddenly he showed up. Tall, strong, handsome, charming voice asking for your number. It was pretty late, the sun going down, but the summer breeze is still hot. Despite that, you shivered when he said he'll call you. And he did. And he made this summer the best of all by making you feel loved in a way you never experienced before.
You loved being a tour guide. You were always good at learning languages and to use that to show others the beautiful parts of your hometown was a dream of yours that you finally achieved. It was the beginning of summer but you already took numerous groups on a great tour. But this group was different. Not even the group itself, but a certain someone. A beautiful man with strawberry coloured hair, almost cold eyes but with the warmest smile you've ever seen. You tried not to stare at him too much, but he was so captivating that your eyes longed for the sight of him. As the tour ended you were actually glad you don't have to see him again, because even if he would found you attractive (which you tought was impossible) starting to date with a foreigner would be complicated. But as you were packing your stuff, ready to leave, a voice pulled you out of your thoughts. "Hi! Loved the tour. I'm Nicholas, here's my number. I'm going to be here all summer if you'd like to go out sometime" You don't even know why you accepted it. If you start to have strong feelings for him, saying goodbye at the end of the summer will be the hardest thing for you. But he was too charming to reject.
You always loved kids. Probably that's why you volunteered to help at a summer camp. The only thing you never tought would happen there is finding the most beautiful man you've ever seen. When you first went to the camp on Monday to prepare some games for the kids you found help in a tall, brown haired individual called Euijoo. He was incredibly kind to you, making small conversations everytime you had to work on something together. Small conversations turned into deep talks everyday after all the kids left and you finished cleaning. Just sitting on the stairs, eating some leftover food, talking about everything and nothing. By every passing day you found yourself liking him more and more. On Friday he asked you out for dinner, proving that he felt the same.
What is better than a vacation with your friends spent in a different country? Obviously nothing! That's what you and your friends tought when you booked a hotel in Japan for the whole summer. You just wanted to take a long, deserved break before college starts again. And next to the beautiful hotel you were staying at was an amazing cafe where you could get your morning coffee. That's where you met him. Beautiful hair, beautiful skin, shining eyes. It took him a week until he gave you his number and asked you out. He introduced himself as Yuma, and he was living close to where you were staying. So every single minute when you weren't with your friends, you were with him. The only problem was when the time of your departure came closer and closer. By that time both of you fell for each other. You couldn't beleive that you had to end it here, leaving him just as the summer leaves too. But you want to try, you beleive in your feelings. So maybe it will work for the two of you. Maybe....
Why did it take you so long? You started working with him at the beginning of summer. You shifts almost always the same. Both of you being introverts, at first you barely even talked to each other, but as time passed by, work getting more and more boring, conversations started to spark between you two. He was quite. A cute smile on his face. Shy. But when you talked, you felt like he understands you like nobody else in this world. So why did it take you so long? Why didn't you go to grab an ice cream after the first time you had a good talk? Why didn't you asked him out right after you realised you had feelings for him? Why didn't you kiss him right away when his lips looked so inviting? Why did you have to wait for so long. Now there's barely two weeks left of summer, and by the end of it, he'll be gone. He's moving away for university. You love each other. You did this whole time. If only one of you would have been braver, you could have had the whole summer to make memories, to kiss, cuddle, live like two young people in love. So why did it take you so long....
That day seemed like a nice day for a walk alone. However, the hot weather left you in need of something cold. That's when you decided to go and buy some ice cream. You were about to make an order when you looked at the guy who was giving out the ice cream. He looked at you with the brightest smile you have ever seen, brown hair falling perfectly on his forehead, eyes scanning you from head to toe. The mutual attraction at first sight was obvious. After you asked for the flavours of ice cream you wanted you were just about to pay when he suddenly told you to wait a little. He quickly found a pen on a table close to him and wrote something on a napkin that he gave you after you payed the price of your cold sweet. "My name is Harua. That's my number, maybe you can call me, if you want to. My shift is over at eight."
When the two of you first met, you were on a vacation with your friends. You were walking on the beach when a guy came to all of you. He seemed nervous and a little embarrassed that he had to speak infront of all of your friends but he tought you looked amazing and if he didn't ask for your number he would be regretting it for the rest of his life. "Hi my name is Taki" he started and looked directly in your eyes "I think you look really good and... Would it be okay if you gave me your number?" You were shocked. You didn't expect someone to be so straightforward, but you found him interesting and cute, of course, so you did give him your number. And he called you that evening asking you out for the next day, and after that date you had to admit, that giving him your number was one if the best decisions you've ever made.
Although the two of you went to the same school for years, you were never really close. You barely even talked. Until you got a project together nearly the end of your last year. While working on it you realised how much interest you both share and you started to hang out. As friends. But both of you started to have stronger feelings for the other. And, being the brave man he is, at the beginning of summer he asked you out on a proper date. It didn't take long for you two to start dating. It seemed normal, like nothing could separate you two. Until you saw that both of you were accepted to your chosen university. It would be a good thing, if only they weren't in completely different countries. But still, you decided to make the most out of the summer: spending all your free time together, going on your dream dates, sharing sweet love confessions. You even started to think that things can still work. It's just a few years spent thousands of kilometres away from each other. Your relationship can survive that....right?
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jungshookz · 8 months
teeny tidbits: namjoon wants a raise & y/n is kind of scary
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i watched the proposal again recently + i’ve been on depop trying not to spend a million dollars on all the y2k corporate-core clothes = inspired me to write this snippet of ceo!y/n (you all know i have a soft spot for anything ceo i’m sorry) 
“ever since you hired me, i’ve managed to boost sales up by approximately 28%-“ namjoon clears his throat, trying his best to continue standing tall as he points to the screen with his little laser pen, “i’ve been working here for nearly a year and a half which you can argue hasn’t been very long, but at the same time i feel as though my efforts and the results that i’ve produced is well deserving of a raise, miss y/l/n. i wasn’t going to say anything but i’ve actually been offered a position elsewhere with a higher salary, and, well- i do enjoy working here, and i would like to stay here, but-“ 
you lean back against your office chair, propping both elbows up on the arm chairs before pressing your fingertips together, staring intently at the presentation in front of you 
your eyes follow the little red dot darting across the screen and you lick over your teeth as your head tilts to the side slightly 
“-so, what do you think?” namjoon reaches the end of his presentation and tucks his pen into his shirt pocket, very much aware of how much heat is radiating off his body from the nerves 
he’s heard some things about people who’ve tried to ask for raises, and making the bold move of coming directly to you has historically never ended very well for those guys 
jungkook presses the button for the lights to turn on and the blinds to roll back up from where he’s standing by the front door, offering namjoon a smile and a supportive nod 
at least five seconds of silence linger in the air and namjoon wonders if you’re able to hear his heart practically beating out of his chest 
you’ve also been maintaining eye contact with him the entire time he’s presented which makes him ten times as nervous because he’ll be the first to admit you have very nice eyes 
“…i think all of this could’ve been an email, kim.” you lean forward, office chair squeaking slightly as you swipe your phone off the table and unlock it, “the next time you want something, i don’t need a thirty-eight minute presentation on why you think you deserve it.” 
“ma’am?” namjoon’s face reddens and suddenly it feels like the collar of his button-up is suffocating him 
“who’s trying to poach you from me?” 
“i-if you don’t mind, i’d like to keep that detail priv-“ namjoon immediately stops talking when your eyes flicker up from your phone to look at him through your eyebrows, “ah- min corporations, miss y/l/n. i was contacted by their secretary last week.” 
“mm, i’ve spoken to that secretary. preppy little thing.” you snort, eyebrow raising slightly at the memory of the one time you got a call on your personal cell phone from min corporations (you’re not even sure how that secretary got your damn number in the first place) inviting you to a lunch with mr. min yoongi himself 
you went, of course, more than surprised to discover that the secretary wasn’t just his secretary but also his wife and the mother of his (adorable) daughter 
you don’t know how she managed to go from secretary all the way to wife/mother but hat’s off to her for pulling that off
with that being said you’re sure that if she spoke three decibels higher all the dogs in the city would start barking and all the windows in your office would’ve cracked 
“you’re a hard worker. i like having you on my team.” you set your phone face down on your desk, “get back to work. we can discuss numbers another day because if you make me look at another excel spreadsheet i might change my mind.” 
“oh, i- thank you so much, miss y/l/n, i really appreciate it! thank you so much-“ namjoon fumbles with the projector and switches it off, a weight instantly lifted off his shoulders at the implication that he will, in fact, be getting a raise 
“mm.” you gesture with a flick of your wrist for him to leave your office as you raise your phone to your ear, “min yoongi! trying to steal my star salesman, are you?” 
jungkook opens the door for namjoon, stepping aside to let him out before shutting the door behind him quietly 
“see, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” jungkook beams, giving namjoon a hearty pat on the arm, “congratulations on the raise!” 
“i think i need to take a shot or something, that was- so stressful.” namjoon lets out a breath, reaching up to loosen his tie slightly, “god, she really- her eye contact is crazy intense sometimes-“ 
“it’s probably the eyeliner in her waterline making her look ten times scarier, you’ll survive-“ 
🎙️ ask y/n for eyeliner recommendations (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (go say hi to your other faves!)
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits like this!) 
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mafuluzx · 3 months
Hello hello! Hope youre doing well 🫶. May I request a Cole X M!Reader where they are secretly dating but it's not as subtle as they thought? Like, the team is aware smth is up, just not exactly filled in. So the team try to catch them with each other yadda yadda. Take your time, no rush at all! Put yourself before it, always, dear! 🫶
THANK YOU ANNON I WILL TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!!!! I took way too long with this as always, but at least I managed to write something. But I'm so gosh darn sorry, 'cause I just didn't know where to go with this one. I tried my best, I hope it's at least not bad.🥲
Cole x male reader oneshot!
Takes place after season 7,
In plain sight
Jay had been sitting there for an hour. hands folded with his hair covering his eyes like he was some scary villain thinking of his evil villain plans.
It would have been concerning if it was anyone else. But when it comes to Jay, it wasn't the weirdest thing that he had done. So when Zane had passed by the grab himself some breakfast, he had just spoken with a quick "Good morning, Jay." and continued without paying Jay any mind, and instead sitting across from the blue ninja as he started reading today's news paper.
Lloyd, as the responsible and mature green ninja, had of course woken up first and had eaten a long time ago. That seemed to be the case for Cole and (y/n) as well.
However when Kai (who went to sleep late, but woke up at a pretty average 8 o'clock) arrived for the same purpose as Zane, he couldn't just ignore Jay. After grabbing a bowl and filling it with cereal and milk, he sat next to Jay. He ate a spoonful while staring at the blue ninja. He hadn't moved an inch.
"Jay? You okay buddy?" Jay gave him no answer. Kai blinked, and continued eating. But when he was done, he tried again.
"Is anybody home? Hello!? Jay!?" Kai waved a hand in front of Jay's face, but got no reaction. In the end, the red ninja shrugged, took his now empty bowl and spoon and placed them in the sink before sitting back down next to Jay.
He wasn't really busy, so instead he copied Jay's pose, and just sat quietly. Zane ignored them both.
It wasn't until much later, that Nya woke up. She was the opposite of an early bird. Even if she went to sleep early, she could not wake up early on the weekend.
"...Morning, guys." She said as she walked into the kitchen. Zane returned the greeting, while Kai gave her a silent nod. Jay of course was still silent.
Nya was too tired to even notice, and only gave Jay a good morning kiss, but not getting one in return, did she finally realize something was wrong.
"Kai, what are you two doing?" Nya questioned, snapping to get Jay's attention, but that sadly didn't work.
"No idea. I found him here like this." Kai said, Not moving from the pose he had adopted from the blue ninja.
"That is the case for me as well." Zane answered, placing the news paper neatly down on the table.
"Just splash him with water." A sudden voice spoke up from the doorway. Lloyd, who was passing by the kitchen, had noticed the situation and had stopped to listen in as well.
"Did you say something to him?" Nya asked, one eye brow raised in suspicion. Lloyd only shook his head.
"Heck, no. I haven't spoken to him at all today."
"Then what's wrong with him?!" Kai suddenly broke the pose as he jumped up, pointing at Jay as Lloyd shrugged. In the end, no one got a better idea, and Nya formed a bubble of water on top of Jay's head. And without warning, she dropped it.
Jay jumped up, letting out a shrill scream as he did. He quickly shook his arms and legs violently, trying to get rid of as much water as possible. Kai let out a laugh as Lloyd walked in and took a seat next to the red ninja. Meanwhile Nya sat next to Zane.
"Why would you do that?!" Jay let out a high pitched shout as Nya gave Jay a deadpan expression.
"Jay, you were being all moody just sitting there, nothing else could get your attention."
"Oh, right." Jay let out in 'realization', as he sat back down, even if he was totally drenched.
"Why were you acting like in the first place? Did the Star Farer comics get cancelled or something?" Kai finally asked as silence fell.
Jay didn't say anything, seeming to be deep in though, before the reason hit him like lightning again.
"...You guys will not believe me."
"Did they actually cancel Star Farer or something?!" Lloyd let out in horror as Jay let out a scoff.
"Of course not! It was Cole and (y/n)!" Jay shouted as the others all looked at him with questioning looks.
"Cole and (y/n) what? Did they try to cancel Star Farer-?" The second question was barely out of Kai's mouth before Jay smacked him in to back of his head.
"Star Farer isn't getting cancelled! I saw Cole and (y/n) here this morning. They were kissing."
"What about it? I kiss my mom good morning sometimes-" Lloyd was cut off as Jay slammed his palm on the table.
"No! They were right there, kissing, on the lips, romantically." Now the others were completely silent.
"...You sure?" Kai asked after a bit. Jay nodded to him vigorously before continuing.
"Yes! This morning, right when I was about to walk in, I saw them kissing right there!" Right there presumably being the place Jay was pointing to, which was in front of the kitchen counter.
"...You really sure?" Kai questioned one more time as Jay let out a frustrated yell.
"Wanna bet on it?" Kai cockily added, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Sure! I put today's lunch on the line!" Jay came back at him with a scowl and an annoyed tone.
"Deal! Whoever loses buys everyone lunch!" As Kai agreed to Jay's terms, Jay jumped up from his seat.
"I'll prove it to you all right now! Let's go!" Jay ran out of the kitchen, leaving the others to look between each other in confusion, before abandoning their breakfasts and running after the blue ninja.
"Look, look!" Jay whispered out as he arrived in the monastery yard. (y/n) and Cole were putting up laundry together, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Still the team kept their eyes sharp as they observed. It was too bad they couldn't hear their conversation.
But nothing seemed to be happening at all anyway.
"You owe us one lunch, mate." Kai deadpanned as Jay whipped his head at him.
"Don't call me 'mate', Kai!" Jay whispered with a tone of annoyance, when Zane suddenly tapped on Jay's shoulder.
"Is that what you were talking about?" The white ninja spoke, turning his hand towards (y/n) and Cole.
The rest of the team all turned back towards the scene when their jaws dropped. Cole and (y/n) were basically glued together, grinning and laughing about something while holding onto each other lovingly, even sharing a short kiss. But before the team could observe the sight any better, Jay let out a shout.
"THAT'S IT!!!" The sudden shout alerted the two ninja, and in no more than a second, had (y/n) already pushed Cole away.
The (f/c) ninja grabbed a laundry basket from the ground, shoved it in Cole's hands, and rushed away without saying anything.
Cole was left standing by the laundry line, dumbfounded until he spotted Jay and the others from the corner of his eye.
The black ninja looked annoyed, but he masked it with a greeting and a smile.
"Kai..." Nya started in a whisper, as Kai let out a long sigh before speaking up again:
"I know, I know... I owe you guys lunch."
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trashyswitch · 2 months
Mess With Sun, You'd Better Run
Eclipse has been trying to take over Sun's body for the past week...And Sun is having none of it. When night time approaches, Sun decides to teach Eclipse a lesson in the hopes that it would slow his progress. Eclipse will quickly learn how scary Sun can be if you toy with him too much...
This fanfic was suggested by @anxious-lee-ler. Funny fact about this fanfic: I haven't watched through all of the web series, so I got a lot of help and approval from Drew for this fanfic! As a result, I already know he really likes it. I hope everyone else likes the fanfic too!
Sun was ready to lose it. Eclipse had been driving him nuts for the last several hours! It started with little things, like giving him small headaches while gaming with Moon. But it had escalated into trying to take him over while recording videos! He’d had enough. This has to stop. He hoped some talking and compromising would lessen the constant headache taking the form of Eclipse. He just had to wait until evening took hold. 
Sun and Moon had just finished recording their episode for the day. They turned off their cameras and put their controllers down. “Alright…” Sun mumbled. 
“Alright. I think a nap is in order.” Moon said aloud. 
“Really?” Sun looked at Moon with surprise. 
“What? Streaming makes me tired.” Moon told him. 
“Sorry, just…” Sun thought for a moment. “Sorry…You go have a rest.” 
Moon tilted his head. “Are you okay?” He asked him. 
“Me?” Sun pointed to himself. “Oh yeah! Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied a bit too enthusiastically. 
Moon stared at Sun for a few moments. “...Uh huh…” He muttered. 
“I’m okay, I promise!” Sun tried to tell him, showing him a thumbs up. 
Moon sighed and nodded his head. “Okay. Have a good night.” He told him before heading into the back room for the night. 
“Good night!” Sun replied, waving to him as he watched his brother leave the main daycare. As Moon disappeared behind the curtain, Sun’s arm dropped to his side. Now was a better time than any to escape into his mind and confront Eclipse. 
“You gonna pay me a visit, Sunny? It’s been forever…” The voice in his head asked. 
Sun sighed. “Speak of the devil…” he mumbled to himself. 
Sun sat himself down onto the chair behind the main desk of the daycare. With his body resting, Sun shut himself down and went into his inner mind. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was a big blur of dark orange in the corner of the room.  
“Well look who finally showed up…” The blur mumbled with a sneer. He looked annoyed, almost like he knew Sun would arrive to give him hell. 
“What’s the deal with you?” Sun asked. 
“I’m bored...It gets quite boring here after a while.” He complained. 
“Why the headaches?!” Sun spat. 
“Because you never let me have any time in the spotlight!” Eclipse yelled back. 
“And what have you done to earn yourself a chance?” Sun asked him. 
“I’ve been silent, compliant, and patient with you. I think that speaks volumes.” He clarified. 
“The only thing that speaks volumes is this constant headache that YOU started!” Sun argued. 
“Well what else am I supposed to do?!” Eclipse argued. 
“Literally anything! Anything besides giving me a mind-splitting headache!” Sun shouted. 
“Okay, then I’ll take over.” Eclipse replied. 
“NO!” Sun shouted, pushing him away. 
Eclipse growled and stomped away from him, muttering the word “Asshole…” as he kicked the dirtless ground of the inner code. 
Sun grunted to himself as he watched Eclipse act like a petulant child. He was getting nowhere with this guy. He looked up and down, trying to figure out what to do with him. How does one stop a glitch from taking over his body? Because if it were him, he would expel Eclipse from his head. Now, normally he’s not the kind of robot to wish a shut down on anyone…but it’s a little hard to keep yourself passive when you’ve been hit with a thundering headache all day. 
Sun sat himself down for a moment as he stayed lost in thought. There had to be some way to get through to Eclipse. At least, some sort of tactic to buy himself some time. He tried to think of what he would do if Moon had been bothering him. Though, Moon had NEVER stooped so low as to cause him physical pain and psychological torment. Though, there were a few times when Moon would play pranks on him or scare him…
Sun smiled slightly as he remembered those moments. Moon is such an evil prankster. And yet, he’s also quite vengeful when given the chance. The amount of times Moon had tickled him after Sun had tried to prank him back, is impossible to count on just two hands. Moon is a brutal tickle monster when provided an opportunity. And yet when it comes to Sun…He’s unbelievably playful and passive. It’s…actually really sweet. 
“What?” Eclipse spoke up. 
Sun widened his eyes slightly as he looked up at Eclipse. “Oh nothing…” Sun replied a little too casually. 
Eclipse was now staring at him, slightly unnerved. “What…are you planning?” 
Sun’s smile widened just enough to be noticeable. “You’ll see…Very, very soon.” He muttered in an almost villainous tone. 
Eclipse sighed and laid himself onto the floor. “Whatever…Don’t care.” 
Sun smirked as he saw the perfect opportunity to strike. He walked himself closer. “You said you wanted something to do, right?” Sun asked. 
“Uhhh…Yeah?” Eclipse slowly turned his head to look at him…only for him to regret it the second he saw those wiggling fingers. 
Uh oh…
“I think I have the perfect thing to play…” He heard from Sun. 
He widened his eyes with slight fear. Oh god…
“Hmm? What’s that look for?” Sun asked rather menacingly. 
…Oh god no… “S-Sun?” Eclipse stuttered, the look of fear worsening. 
“What’s wrong, Eclipse?” Sun asked him. He moved a few steps closer. “Is someone…ticklish?” He asked. 
That was all it took. Eclipse did a full 180 turn and booked it like his life depended on it. “SUN, LET’S TALK ABOUT THIS!” He shouted. 
“Nah.” Sun replied in an eerily easygoing tone. 
Eclipse slowed his running to a stop the moment he realized how far Sun’s voice had been with that last ‘Nah’. He turned around and was taken aback by Sun’s chasing tactic: 
Sun wasn’t chasing him. He wasn’t even running! Sun was skipping! Actually skipping around like a little toddler skipping through the meadows! Any other time, it would’ve been adorable! But right now? The skipping made things even more anxiety-inducing! Was Sun…toying with him?! 
Eclipse wasn’t sure what to do. With Sun just skipping his way around the code room, running felt like too extreme of an action. But…He couldn’t just sit there! He needed to keep away from the crazy daycare attendant threatening to tickle him! 
The only thing he could think of doing was talking to him. “S-Sun please stop!” Eclipse tried to reason with him. 
“Oh now you wanna reason with me?” Sun asked, pausing for a moment with his usual genuine, yet slightly eerie grin. 
“Yes! Anything to stop you from trying to tickle me!” Eclipse reacted. 
“Tickle you?” Sun tapped his own chin as he pretended to think. “Now why would I do such a thing?” 
“I-” Eclipse growled. “YOU TELL ME!” 
“Hmmm…Maybe it was because you were trying to take me over all day.” Sun explained in an off-hand way. “Or maybe it was because of the overwhelming headache I had been getting due to someone changing up my coding.” Sun also explained. 
“I-I didn’t know tampering with your code would give you a headache!” Eclipse argued. 
“Hmmm…Is that so?” Sun walked himself closer. “Y-Y-Yeah! H-Honest!” Eclipse put up his hands in arrest. “P-Please…” 
Sun reached out his arms as he got closer and closer to the different-colored daycare attendant. Eclipse looked super nervous. What does he do?! Is Sun gonna tickle him? Or is he gonna tell him something? Does he run again? Does he reason with him some more? Or does he take it? So many questions, and little to no answers in so little time! Fearing the worst, Eclipse closed his eyes and braced for impact…
“eeEEEK!” Eclipse hugged his side and doubled over. 
“Ho ho HO!” Sun let out in the same signature tone. “Looks like Clipsy IS ticklish!” Sun declared. “This MUST be investigated!” 
In no time at all, Eclipse felt the giggles overwhelm him the moment Sun’s fingers made contact. As Sun would quickly find out, it wouldn’t take much to get Eclipse to laugh. Just a few pokes to his thin belly would make him jump and guffaw. That, followed by a few flutters to the neck, followed up by a few scritches to his rays, were all it took to make Eclipse curl up and giggle like a little child. “EEheeheehee! Wahahait! nonono dohohon’t!” He reacted, wiggling his rays in an attempt to stop Sun’s nimble fingers. 
“My goodness, you’re more ticklish than I thought! It’s funny, I almost want to forgive you!” Sun admitted. 
“Ihihi’ll nehehever forgihihive yohou!” Eclipse shot back. 
Sun chuckled. “Funny how you think you still have control over me.” Sun teased. “If you had been more polite, maybe I would’ve gone easier on you!” Sun sighed. “But I guess that would be asking too much from you.” He concluded. 
Eclipse tried to move his rays away from Sun’s agile fingers. But this did pretty much nothing. All it did was give Sun more rays to tickle. “Suhuhun plehehehease-” Eclipse squeaked as he felt yet another ray being scratched. “NAHAHA! DOHOHOHON’T!” 
Sun gasped. “Oh my god- The back of your rays are worse?!” Sun reacted. 
“YEHEHEHES! CUT IT OHOHOUT!” Eclipse tried to push him away. “STOHOHOHOP!” 
“Oh Clipsy, Clipsy, Clipsy…” Sun dodged his hands and kept on tickling. “You can push all you want to. I dare you to try and push me off!” Sun added. “But we both know it won’t work.” He teased.
Eclipse, thinking he could still get away, started covering up his rays instead. Maybe with no rays available, Eclipse couldn’t be tickled so vigorously. 
“Goodness me! What a move!” Sun reacted rather dramatically. “Looks like I’ll have to go somewhere else…” Sun started to stroke his chin similarly to an adult with a beard. “Where else should I go next…” Sun asked aloud. 
Eclipse stared at Sun. “Are you…playing with me?” He asked. 
“Me? Playing? Oh no no no!” Sun said in the most playful voice possible. “Sun would NEVER play! Especially when it comes to something as serious as a takeover! That would NeVeR happen!” He kept on saying sarcastically. 
Eclipse was too busy staring at Sun, to fully comprehend his words. But he could very easily read his tone and facial expressions quite clearly…
And holy crap…He’d never seen Sun act like this before! Not even with Moon! And Eclipse had been observing their relationship from within Sun’s mind for several months now! He was only now starting to take over Sun’s body! 
‘So why is Sun acting like this with me?!’ Eclipse thought to himself. 
“I thought you’d never ask!” Sun declared, reading his mind. 
Sun giggled and raised Eclipse’s chin. “Because it’s funny seeing you stumble and fall while executing your mission! You’ve been so busy trying to take over my body, that you haven’t even taken the time to realize who you were messing with!” Sun declared. 
Eclipse widened his eyes as an electronic shiver went up his spine. Okay…maybe he underestimated Sun. 
“Oh! And I know what tickle spot to go for now!” Sun declared. 
Wait, NO! 
Suddenly, Eclipse felt a hand grip his knee joint…and in no time at all, Eclipse felt himself get flipped upside down. “aAH! Sun, stop! What are you doing?!” 
Sun giggled. “It’s obvious, really. You are a small part of Moon’s code! Isn’t that right?” Sun asked. 
“Y-Yes, but-” 
“Then you’d have at least 1 similar tickle spot to Moon!” Sun declared rather happily. But his demeanor quickly changed the moment Sun raised his hand up so he could see Eclipse eye-to-eye. “And that’s perfect for me…because I happen to know Moon like the back of my hand.” He mentioned. 
Eclipse tried to knee Sun with his free leg. “Damn you!” He shouted. 
Sun caught his other knee with no issue at all…almost like he was planning for Eclipse to kick him. Sun moved it out of the way slightly as he made a clicking sound. “That’s not very nice, is it?” He said, staring into his soul. “Physical violence? AND bad words?!” Sun lowered his hand and flipped Eclipse around so his face was looking away from Sun. “You’re just begging for it, aren’t you?” 
Eclipse gulped. “B-Begging for what?” 
Sun laughed as he grabbed slightly below both knee joints with only one hand. “Oh! Begging for tickles of course!” Sun declared. “And my favorite little tickle spot to go to when Moon’s being extra mischievous…” He brought his fingers closer. “-Happens to be the back of these special little knees.” With that little mention, Sun started fluttering and scratching his evil little fingers against the pit of the right knee first. “Right about here.” He added. 
Eclipse gasped before throwing his head back with a yelp. He wheezed and covered his mouth, attempting to prevent Sun from getting what he wants: Confirmation. But oh god, was it difficult! The desperation to laugh was almost agonizing! But the last thing he wanted was for Sun to figure out that he and Moon share a tickle spot! Maybe if he holds out long enough, he’ll stop! 
“Oh?” Sun looked down, and noticed Eclipse’s hand placement. A little smirk filled his face. Ooooh, he could have fun with this~ 
Sun looked up. “I guess this one isn’t very ticklish, huh?” Sun asked, acting none-the-wiser. “Maybe this other knee is worse?” Sun asked as he switched to his left knee pit. 
Not expecting this change, Eclipse accidentally let out a whimper and a snort. Widening his eyes, he tightened his grip on his own mouth and began to pray that Sun didn’t hear him break. 
Oh, but Sun heard it. He heard it loud and clear. But why let Eclipse know that, when he could continue to toy with him instead? That sounds so much more fun! “Looks like this one isn’t very ticklish either!” Sun reacted, moving his fingers away. “I could’ve sworn they could be ticklish!” Sun exclaimed as he stroked his chin. 
Eclipse let out a slow, but comforting breath. God, that was close…But did he do it? Did he convince Sun that he’s not ticklish?!
“Well that’s a shame…looks like I was wrong.” Sun mumbled aloud. “I guess you’re not ticklish there like I thought.” Sun added. 
Eclipse was flabbergasted. He couldn’t believe it! It worked! It actually worked!! 
Oh…but Eclipse quickly realized the truth…and it was all revealed to him the moment he felt skittering fingers against both pits of his knees.
“BWAHAHAHAHA!” Eclipse tried to reach up to stop him. “WAHAIT!” He shouted. 
“Sorry Clipsy~” Sun watched Eclipse crash down the moment his fingers moved primarily to the right knee pit. “But liars don’t get to have mercy! At least, not yet~” He teased more. 
“aAAAHAHAHAHAHA! DAHAHAHAMMIHIT!” He threw his head back with a long, slightly evil cackle. 
“Ooooh! So it looks like those eeeevil cackles of yours are more genuine than I expected!” Sun reacted. 
“SHUHUT UHUP! YOHOHOHOU-” Eclipse screeched as the left knee pit was attacked next. 
“Ah ah ah, Careful of your words, Clipsy~” Sun teased. “We don’t want you overdoing yourself, do we?” Sun warned in a playful tone. And yet, that playful tone almost made the warning sound a lot more intimidating. Whether this was his intention, is up for debate. 
But all Eclipse could worry about was how overwhelmingly tickly this was. Everything in him wanted to fight him and get out of this as quickly as possible. But the other part of him knew that resisting may make Sun go worse on him. And on another hand…
This punishment could’ve been a lot worse…He had to give Sun credit where credit was due. Never in his mind, would Eclipse even think about using tickling to subdue someone. And…Oh my god, it actually works! And it almost makes him want to take the idea and use it against Sun. Maybe with this strategy, Eclipse could weaken Sun enough to take control of his body and follow through with his original plan. But for now, Eclipse could feel himself getting tired. So as much as he hates resorting to such extremes, he needs to ask for mercy or beg for him to stop. 
“Oh, what was that?” Sun reacted with shock. 
Sun chuckled and stopped his fingers. “Fine, fine. You can have a break.” He gently lifted Eclipse up by his back, and placed him onto the ground of the headspace. “Are you done with your special takeover?” Sun asked. 
“Yeah…I’m done.” Eclipse said with a hidden little smirk. He’s not really done. He’s just saying what Sun would like to hear, so Eclipse can get away without pushback. “I won’t try to take over.” He looked down more. ‘Yet.’ He said in his mind. 
Though Sun heard his extra word, he still accepted his decision. “Alright.” He muttered, breathing a sigh of relief. Though he knew the takeover would come eventually, Sun was just glad he had gotten the code under temporary control. This would give him more than enough time to come up with other ways to stop Eclipse’s eventual takeover. 
Sun took over his body again, and turned himself on. He opened his beady white eyes, and looked around the room. It looked like he was…on his couch in their hidden bedroom.
Wait…didn’t he shut himself down in the main daycare? Why is he on his couch? How did he get to his bedroom? 
Sun pulled himself off the couch, and noticed the blue blanket around his chest. And on the blanket, was a note: 
[Hi Sun. Found you sleeping in the daycare. Guess you didn’t make it to bed, huh?
Good night Sun. 
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springseasonie · 1 year
just the tip scenario with jeno pls 🥹
When we're alone (M)
Warnings: sexual content, dom reader, sub Jeno, unprotected sex;(shocker), oral (fem receiving) semi-public sex, degrading(if you squint), praising, proofread but may still be errors
Word count: 1,5k
A/N: took this in a different direction than I initially was gonna write it. I hope you like it. this is probably one of my favorite scenarios for Jeno tbh kekeke
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You and Jeno can't keep your hands off each other for more than an hour, which landed you in an empty study room at the moment. You always thought Jeno was so cute. A loner, quiet, really smart kid, and a good listener. And just like any other time, he would do anything for you, anything you asked.
And luckily, he was on his knees giving you the best head you had in ages.
Jeno was loud and messy, not caring about getting caught by anyone. Besides, it was just the two of you in there, and no one should be in there till the afternoon. You and one leg in his shoulder and the other planted in the ground. His hand squeezed your thighs constantly, eyes glossed in pleasure as he kept looking up at you for approval.
You loved it. You've never been with anyone who wanted to please you as much as him, and you were starting to get the appeal of submissive men. Just as you were about to put your hand in his hair, he stopped you, grabbing your hand and locking fingers with you.
"Am I doing good," he said, breathing heavily.
"Yes baby, keep going."
And Jeno did just that, licking and sucking you so energetically it was almost impossible. Jeno loved the praise. He loved knowing he was making you feel good, knowing he was doing a good job. Jeno knew when you were getting close. Your panting becomes louder and louder, biting your lip trying hard to not let out a loud whine.
"F-fuck baby, stop for me," you said trying to regain strength from the stimulation.
Jeno shook his head, brows furrowing at how good you tasted. He was addicted at this point, he really needed you to cum on his tongue.
"Jeno, stop," you repeated. Your orgasm was getting closer and closer, but you didn't want to cum yet. You knew how Jeno was when it came to eating you out, so it was unrealistic for you to expect him to stop.
He was completely lost between your legs, eyes closed and moaning at the taste of you. But that was quickly cut short by the strong yank of his head off of your core. He looked up at you, eyes big and pretty, lips glossed with your arousal.
"When I say stop, stop." Your tone was stern and serious, making Jeno flustered. He blinked fast, nodding at your words.
"Y-yes Y/N," he stuttered.
"Good boy."
Your words went right to his dick which was extremely hard at this point, but he wasn't allowed to touch himself unless you said so. On a regular day, you would punish him for not listening by not letting him cum, but you were feeling gracious, and really needed a release.
"Stand up."
Jeno moved your leg off his shoulder, standing up clumsily. Jeno watched as you immediately went right to the string of his sweats, undoing them quickly.
"It's funny thinking that everyone thought you were a tough scary guy all this time when really you're just a good boy," you laugh. Your tone was teasing and curt, wanting him to feel your words more. "Isn't it funny?"
"Yeah.." Jeno couldn't even hear you, not when your hand so easily pulled him out his sweats and boxers.
"I shouldn't even let you cum," you mumbled. "But I'm feeling nice today."
He gulped knowing you always had something up your sleeve even on the days you were being nice. You pulled him closer to you, kissing him deeply. You tasted yourself on his tongue, grabbing his jaw roughly.
"Just the tip," you muttered on his lips. "Anything more, and I'm cutting this short.
"Anything for you," he breathed out.
Jeno lifted your leg letting you hold his shoulders for support. He was too eager to feel you around him even if it was just the tip. Jeno stares between the both of you, pressing the head of his length on your core. He swears he could cum just from hearing the pretty sounds leave your lips making him even more sensitive.
Jeno pushed the tip of his length in you, both of you moaning softly at the feeling. "Does it feel so good baby," you moan softly.
"Fuck," was all he managed to say as he moved it out of you, then pushed it back in slowly.
You couldn't take your eyes off the scene between the both of you. There was something so sensual about this, you didn't know what it was, but you knew you loved it. "Keep doing that..shit.."
Jeno kept going, letting the agonizing feeling of you squeezing the tip of his dick taking over his body. Your soft whimpers filled the room, mouth hanging open in pleasure. His hand on your leg squeezed the flesh right every time he entered you leaving prints on your skin. He loved seeing you marked up whether it be from his hands or teeth, you were his and he was the only person you would let do that to you.
You moved one of your hands between your legs, holding onto his shirt tighter to maintain your balance. Your fingers rubbed your clit slowly at the same pace of his thrusting, making you whimper curses softly.
"You're so good Jeno," you breathed out quietly.
"Mhm." You can tell how impatient Jeno was getting. He just wanted to plunge himself into you wanting to feel all of you around him. But that's why you liked him so much - no matter how impatient he got, he always listened.
You started to rub yourself faster, desperate for a release. Jeno could feel you starting to pulse around him, making the male whine softly in your neck at the feeling of you constantly squeezing around him.
"I'm so close Y/N," he said, muffled in your neck.
"I know baby," you huffed out. "Don't move anymore, just stay still. Let me make your pretty cock cum."
Jeno nodded, whimpering on your skin with his eyes shut. He needed more, he wanted you to cum as hard as he was going to. So Jeno took your hand away from between your legs and replaced it with his own. He rubbed you faster, almost making you cry out in pleasure. Your covered your mouth to stop yourself from moaning too loudly. Jeno pressed harder on your clit, making you throw your head back in absolute bliss.
Jeno pushed himself completely inside of you, cumming deep in you with a low groan. He just couldn't help himself, the constant attention to his tip felt so good, too good. The sudden stretch from Jeno pushed you completely off the edge, making you cum around him almost instantly.
Both of you stood there leaning into each other's bodies covered in a light sheen of sweat breathing heavily. Jeno looked at you, raising his head from your shoulder. He was expecting you to berate him for being disobedient, but all you could do was give him a smug smile, and chuckle softly.
"Sometimes I love when you don't listen," you admitted, laughing softly.
"I couldn't help myself, seriously," he laughed.
"You did so good today." You smiled as you kissed him softly still trying to catch your breath.
"Really? But I-"
"It doesn't matter," you said, cupping his face. "You were a good boy today."
Jeno blushed, a small smile creeping on his face as he let your leg down. He pulled out of you slowly, immediately covering your core not wanting any of his seed to fall. Just when you think you could go about your day, he always manages to do something that makes you want to reward him again, and again, and again.
"After we get ourselves together, do you wanna go see a movie," you asked him, analyzing his expression.
Jeno looked at you with wide eyes and a surprised happy expression. "Yeah, of course." He kissed you softly, smiling on your lips. You pulled away, stepping your foot back into your underwear, sliding them up quickly before his cum started to drip out of you. You fixed your dress, straightening with your hands to make sure you didn't look too compromised.
Jeno just stood there watching you, absolutely enthralled in everything that you are. He really did like you alot, despite being teased and degraded. He gulped suddenly feeling flushed about his nakedness. You watched, giggling softly as he fixed himself up, tying his sweats back into place.
"Ready to go," you asked.
"Yeah let's go." You grabbed his hand, walking out of the room as Jeno stared down at his feet. For some reason, he was just so cute. His face was still red, but he put his bruting, mean poker face back on like you didn't just dominate him in the other room.
But you knew he was going to do whatever you wanted wherever you wanted, so this trip to the movies was definitely going to work in your favor.
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insxghtt · 1 year
(i am obsessed with this man.)
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boyfriend!jack thurlow x reader
After everything that happened to him, he would be very insecure about meeting other people. so, when you first moved to the house next door, he wasn't the most friendly neighbor.
You heard some people from the neighborhood talking about him, saying that he was not the most stable person. That was a lie, Jack was doing so much better after being in a hospital for months. He was still depressed, but he was a normal person and he wished people could stop staring at him with pity all the time.
And, well, you did that. So when you went outside to smoke a cigarette and noticed him doing the same thing not so distant from you, you didn't turn away or acted weird. You just shook your head as a "hi", and gave him a soft smile.
Jack was mesmerized and he didn't even know why. Maybe he just forgot how it felt to be treated as a normal guy.
So he nodded back at you.
Even though he didn't retribute the smile, it was clear through his expressions that he was not bothered by your presence.
So a few weeks went by and that was all the interaction you had with him. It was weird, but nice. You would stand outside next to each other in silence as you smoked your cigarettes.
Finally, one day, he decided to say something.
"Sorry, i don't think i ever asked your name", he said.
You looked at him and he felt scared for a second, wondering if he had frightened you.
"No, you didn't", you said. and finally, you told him your name.
He repeated it to himself and nodded, making sure that he wouldn't forget.
"That's a nice name", he smiled and there was silence for a few seconds. "I'm Jack."
"I know who you are, Jack."
Your words made him insecure. What if the neighbors told you about how weird and scary he was?
"Your friend is always yelling your name at the door because she always forgets the keys", you explained and Jack sighed in relief.
"Shanda…", he whispered.
His childhood best friend had the keys to his house because she wanted to check on him at least once a day since he got out of the hospital.
But Shanda didn't have the best memory, maybe because of all the weed she smoked.
Having a conversation with you was easy after that. Every day you would get to know him a little bit more.
When he told you about his story, he was surprised you didn't treat him differently.
"We all have our demons, don't we?". Jack smiled at your comment.
When he first asked you on a date, he was so nervous and felt like he was ruining your friendship. He had invited you to have dinner with him at his house, but he burned the food and had to order pizza instead.
You laughed about it and he felt an immediate relief.
You two talked for hours and hours and at the end of the night you asked him what you've been wanting to ask for a good while.
"So… are you going to kiss me or what?"
Jack stared at you for a second and then smiled at your confidence.
And he kissed you. After that, he kissed you again and again.
Until you two were basically living together but none of you called it a relationship.
 One day you were watching TV on your couch and he walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower with the towel wrapped around his waist.
You looked at him finally realizing that that became a routine.
"Hey Jack, are we like… boyfriend and girlfriend?", you asked.
Jack was suddenly frozen, the reality had finally hit him.
But surprisingly, he didn't feel scared. He liked it. It sounded natural and even beautiful to call you his girlfriend.
"I guess…", he looked at you afraid that you would leave him. "I mean, if that's okay with you. Is it okay?", he almost stuttered.
"Yes. I like that", you nodded.
And obviously, Jack kept you awake all night making sure to show you how happy he was to call you his girlfriend.
Jack was not very good at expressing his feelings. Sometimes, very rarely, you two had arguments. They were mostly about how hard it was for him to share his thoughts over anything.
Not that he was rude, but sometimes instead of telling you the things that bothered him he would just be quiet and it made you confused and anxious.
It happened every time you tried to drag him to a friend's birthday party, for example. He hated places filled with people, but he wouldn't say that to you. He was just weird all night.
"You have to talk to me, Jack! I can't read your fucking mind, what am i supposed to do?"
"Why do you want me to explain every fucking thing that i feel to you?", he snapped. 
But as soon as he saw the look on your face, he immediately regretted his words.
It was hard for him to say "I'm sorry", so he just sighed and held your hand, saying "i love you" instead.
You knew he was doing his best, but you needed words. You needed him to open up like you always did.
So, he hugged you and hid his face on the curve of your neck, finally whispering against your skin: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, you're right."
He was genuine. Jack was not the type of guy to just say things without actually meaning it. He never once apologized just to calm you down or to just move on from the subject. He was actually genuine about everything. Sometimes, he was so honest that it would hurt, but at least you knew that he would never lie to you.
He really did his best to be with you. He wanted to make you feel good because he was aware of how precious you were. so, every week he would go to therapy to make sure that he was being the best version of himself, not only for you but also for him.
Jack wouldn't be the type of guy to propose to you on a fancy dinner. No, he would do that in the middle of the night, after you two were absolutely exhausted from work. He would just look at you, with no ring and no flowers, and decide that you were the one that he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.
"I wanna marry you", Jack said and you stared at him in shock.
"I want to marry you", he repeated and you smiled.
"Alright", you whispered. "Well, that's really ironic because I actually wanna marry you too."
Jack kept staring at your eyes and then brought his attention back to your lips.
"Good", he nodded.
 "Alright, we can get married then", you opened a big, beautiful smile and he didn't say it, but he felt like he was in heaven.
Jack would never understand why you chose him. He was broken, imperfect and confusing. But he was glad that you did and he hoped that even with all his flaws, you'd continue to choose him.
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