#one was a mechanical spider
slimeclimbtime · 11 months
gyuvin 🤝 jiwoong monster buddies
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raccoonscity · 5 months
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HADES 2 + Characters
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jonny boy in college
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fotibrit · 1 year
peter parker runs a tumblr account where he tells stories about the ridiculous things his dad says/does. It started as a way to keep all his stories in one place, and he didn't think much of one or two notes here and there.
He didn't expect it to go viral overnight, however, and it seems a little too late to reveal that the "dad" in question is billionaire Tony Stark.
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yuridemon · 6 months
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alright chat. what, the flip.
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lucraven · 2 months
what are some other funger monsters you think Laios n company would eat and how
would they eat moonscorcheds?
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Not including any humanoids/gods! I don't really know anything about Termina, so I'm not including them sorry ;-;
I don't think they would eat Moonscorcheds though because they used to be human
Click more to see my reasoning/tastes
Salmonsnake - You can eat it in the game outside of the devour function which makes it seem like a very reasonable thing to consume. It looks like a salmon steak, which Laios' party would eat. As for the taste, I'm not sure. Definitely meatier as the salmon snake is larger than a salmon. The flavor is also a little marshy due to the environment. It must taste like whatever tf axolotl tastes like, or any other creature its inspiration takes from. The eyes could be yummy too. Not sure about the tongue, but all-in-all it would fill you right up!
Scarab - I go into greater detail here, but overall it tastes like shellfish in some parts, and more like muscle-ly flesh. Very interesting textures, and the shell is crumbly if cooked properly! The hands can be used for broths as well. It is higher than the ice cream due to the variety.
Miner Spectre - Holy water ice cream. It's canonically yummy. Okay fr though I think they could have a bit of a rejuvenating function, as they must "feed" upon the life force of those who come close. If they are draining the life force, it would need to go somewhere (their own souls so that they can remain in existence). It would taste more refreshing!
Assassin Spectre - Same as above, but lower because of the lack of the rejuvenation aspect. Other than that it would taste the same, as the food is mores based on the contents of the jar.
Greater Blight - Similar to red dragon meat, I'd imagine! It is a Giant reptilian creature like a dragon is. It is also massive, meaning that there is a lot of it to go around. It makes a good meal, but the meat is pretty tough. It would be higher, but I'm putting it in "sure" because of the hassle to obtain and prepare it.
Blight - Very close to the Greater Blight. Definitely denser and darker/tougher due to the oxygen needed to allow it to fly. Overall a very rich meat. Its body is quite large, but not as large as the Greater Blight.
Spider - Just like a real life spider... I hear they taste like shrimp; the gang would be a little grossed out, but Laios might convince them!
Maneba - The heads texture is very gelatinous, so it could be utilized similarly to a slime. The preparation is tedious, as you have to be careful of all of the parasites. This would maybe be a one-time or rare treat. You would have to freeze/dry the head, and dissect it to avoid any further risks. The tentacles are similar, as they are used to inject the worms. Some of them might be completely safe though!!
Cavewolf - Yeahhhhhh I doubt Laios is eating a wolf. I don't know too much about the orc hierarchies in relations to wargs, but it is known that corpses are fed to them. Whether or not the orcs consume wargs determine Senshi's position. For the cave wolf, they mayyyyyyy decide it's monstrous enough? I haven't and don't plan on eating dog anytime soon, but I've heard that they are fatty/meaty with a pungent odor.
That is all!!! I didn't include any humanoids for the obvious reasons. I would LOVE to eat salmon snake ngl...
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somebluemelodies · 10 months
DAY TWO OF SPIDERBIT THEME WEEK STARTED BY @anonymous-dentist! :D SELECTED THEME: MURDER HUSBANDS (au slash something or other where purgatory happens later bc we were robbed of murder husbands plans) (i, uh… violence warning? murder husbands commit murder. i think this is one of the more interesting things i've ever written. you'll see why)
Their synergy is that of a well-oiled machine; quick yet eerily meticulous, like they’d done it together a thousand times already.
(Only one of them has. But the anger, the desire for blood and revenge from the other, is the perfect compensation.)
Their victims don’t stand a chance, one dropping to the floor right after the other with barely a chance to react.
The guard vaguely recognizes the man pinning him to the ground, whose arms are littered in scars new and old and whose clothes are stained with blood. A red and black dagger is held against its throat. They warned it, about this man. A potential threat, but not definitive.
Definitive, indeed.
The struggle only seems to make the man more pleased, laughing with a grin like the Cheshire Cat. The guard gets a few hits in with its baton, knocking him back, but he always comes right back, eager to fight. Eager to play. Eager to kill.
The other worker knows next to nothing about the other man dealing with it. But what’s more concerning is that they were wrong. There isn’t just one killer to be weary of. Since when was there two? Has it been two this whole time?
It’s this worker that’s the first of the two to go, the spider-hybrid above it playing no games with it, unlike his companion. The worker’s one and only attempt at self-defense is blocked with ease, and it watches as two extra sets of ruby red eyes open to stare at it, pupils as thin as needles.
(As if to say, you shouldn’t have done that.)
He strikes, and there are fangs piercing its neck. Immediately, it feels something coursing through its veins, numbing as its limbs feel as heavy as lead. The fangs are torn out of its white fur with no remorse, and the last thing it feels through coughing and sputtering is a spider leg piercing right through his chest. Digging.
And that’s that.
The guard sees it happen. And that’s the last thing it sees. Because the dagger that’d been shoved through its chest is pulled out and slicing against its neck, quick and efficient as it slumps to the floor, unmoving…
Cellbit climbs to his feet, lifting the dagger and swiping his tongue along the flat side of the blade, licking the blood clean off.
He watches Roier - his love, his husband - hold a heart without so much as flinching. If anything, the spider-hybrid seems just as pleased as he is, even if his expression is stoic, borderline angry.
(He knows how to read that man better than most people.)
Roier’s black sweatshirt is stained even darker still with fresh blood, hands covered in it too as he drops the organ carelessly, standing as well.
(Cellbit’s heart jumps, and he resists the urge to walk over, pulling him into a smothering kiss.)
It’s Roier who walks over to him first, finally smiling and looking evidently satisfied. Roier slips behind him, chin hooking over his shoulder, arms circling his waist as they both admire their handiwork.
“Que lindo,” the spider-hybrid murmurs.
The tone nearly sends a pleasant shiver down Cellbit’s spine. “Sim.”
Cellbit finally wheels around after a few moments pass, shoving his dagger away momentarily to cup Roier’s face and pull him into a bruising kiss.
His husband makes a surprised sound but immediately reciprocates, arms wrapping tight around his neck and deepening the kiss.
It tastes like blood; metallic and bitter and addictive.
(Cellbit’s heart hammers in his chest, and he’s never felt more alive.)
(Roier starts to understand the thrill, too.)
Two new bodies show up, mutilated and massacred as ever. But there’s a catch, this time. They don’t show up days apart; they appear on the same exact day, and the exact same place.
(And one of them is missing a heart.)
The dead Federation workers have been morbidly displayed on the quartz floor in front of the train station. Bloody symbols paint the pristine white floor crimson with another message, another clue.
Find it before we do.
Far away from the train station, in a tall, brooding castle on a hill, the island’s head investigator sits, carefully cleaning red off of his wedding ring as he and his husband strategize and plan out their next little date.
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
We agree Ding Ding is named after the fact she either sounds or functions like a doorbell right? We also agree she, maybe unintentionally, functions as an ESA for Noir to help in dealing with his trauma after EVERYTHING.
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littlemetalbiter · 22 days
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I told myself that it's the best thing
I swear that I got no regrets at all
Pretending catastrophes are such a blessing
My life's just a perfect picture on the wall... Not at all!
So why'd you wind me up to waste me away?
Why'd you weave me in this web that you made?
Damn, this dream is such a nightmare
And I'm sleepin' awake
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lyfrassiredda · 5 months
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introducing the unwilling captain of the Dynamos, former Inspector Second Class Lyfrassir Edda! 
The AU where lyfrassir tries to hunt the prison mechs down with their shiny new eldritch powers (and a gun) for ditching them while their system was vored by a crusty imperialist’s eldritch sugar mommy.
Unfortunately, they’re not the only survivor of a Near Mechs Encounter interested in finding the crew of the starship Aurora— not by a long shot.
#lyfrassir#lyfrassir edda#the bifrost incident#the mechanisms#tbi#hey. you. yes you the one reading these tags. it’s me the ps5 inside your brain. come into my ask box and type#‘jester speaketh on the subject of new midgardian hair cartilage.’ i have so many thoughts about midgardian biology and how it interacted#with the bifrost#i also have a full crew roster for the dynamos au#and also to pique your interest further: the reason the crew finds dr. plichard is because lyfrassir starts displaying anemia symptoms#after they sleep with no discernible cause so they put cameras in Lyfs room and find dr. plichard dropping from the ceiling and doing#freestyle blooddrawing before spidering back up into the vents. this is how they discover daedalus is NOT doing his job as engineer because#dr. plichard has set up an entire condo in the vents. daedalus promised that he was done trying to stage a violent mutiny against lyf to#claim the title of captain. clearly he did not pinky promise because that bitch is a LIAR.#anyways. lyfs only captain because 1) no one else wanted the position and 2) no one wanted Former Tyrant Daedalus Of The Hephaestus Fame to#be in power#so unfortunately their options were ‘ex cop frothing at the mouth for immortal blood’ or ‘Hephaestus the Olympian’#anyways. if you’re wondering why the ps5 inside your brain came preloaded with mechanism au opinions and a tumblr blog.#well.#Don’t worry about it :)#come into my ask box. we’ll have pirate fun times in space!#also let me know what you think of this piece. i need to have positive affirmations read out to me by the tiktok voice over lady as asmr.#for my health#anyways oh yeah forgot that one tag#my art
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eri-pl · 11 days
Silm reread 7: the Darkening of Valinor
So Melkor loses his shapeshifting "soon after" he runs away from Valinor (hiding from Tulkas and Orome), but when exactly? I suppose when he empowered Ungoliant. Because later he doesn't disembody or go in spirit form again.
Yes, he takes his big bad form to talk with her— and so he stays. Forever, says the book.
Ungoliant is afraid of Aman and of the Valar. :D
Melkor promises her a lot, with no intent to keep it. I feel like this may have something to do with him being so much nerfed after the situation, unable to take his power back from her (if it would be possible anyway) and almost eaten.
The Valar do like to take CoI-like forms and eat and drink (and celebrate in general I suppose). It is canon.
Feanáro is ordered to come to the party. Huh. why? who thought they had the authority to do it? the book doesn't say, so maybe it was Ingwë, this would make sense and I see why he would think it was a good idea.
Finwë is still upset, and as long as Fefe is banished, he does not want to meet his people. So again, Fingolfin doesn't feel very usurpy to me here.
…and despite being named "Wise", he overtalks Feanáro too. :( This time it doesn't result in Fefe getting upset, but in a badly worded promise.
Ungoliant eats the trees, gets so big and ugly that even Melkor is terrified of her.
Darkness mentioned again!!!
(googling the english text of this part)
The Light failed; but the Darkness that followed was more than loss of light. In that hour was made a Darkness that seemed not lack but a thing with being of its own: for it was indeed made by malice out of Light, and it had power to pierce the eye, and to enter heart and mind, and strangle the very will.
Oh. Darkness that is a thing. No, It *seems* to be a thing. (see: Theodicy and all that.)
I'll have to make a mass analysis of all the capital D Darknesses and how to connect them all (bind? no, we're not gonna do the bindy-bindy) to one concept. But I feel like they should be all facets of one thing concept.
Another thing (a thought for @dfwbwfbbwfbwf especially, I think): It's not "if". It's whenever their deeds started failing too much, Darkness fell upon them and entered heart and mind, and strangled the very will.
I don't think I'll subscribe to this HC, not fully, it makes things too easy, their hand was forced and I don't like their hand being forced.
But partially? This I will subscribe to. They did call upon something, something that seemed to be true, something that seemed to have the power to compel them. I think this reading is very close to Tolkien's intent, because it stinks of "this is how evil works".
Am I portraying Ungoliant as more evil than Melkor?
I think that at least in some aspect I am. Because she feels like something that is not entirely, well, that not entirely *is*. I don't know how to explain it better. And he was a Vala.
Can you stop being? Can you turn from a being to a non-being? I don't think so… I do not subscribe to the "Ungoliant was an uMaia" theory. I don't subscribe to any theory of "Ungoliant was [something that objectively exists]".
Ungoliant as Melkor's (self-inflicted but still real) trauma given a illusion of form by his power? Mmm. I like this one. I don't think it will be popular, but I do like it. (Or: his hatered, his jealousy, something like that, if you prefer. I don't think those are far apart from one another in this case.)
(Why is it easier to me when something evil-evil is not really real? Is it philosophy or my personality issues? Good question. I think there is some philosophy there too.)
Tulkas gets paralyzed by the spider-induced Darkness and Orome gets a "silence" spell on him. So, not only Melkor is defeated by a spider, he's just the most defeated.
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jokesterino · 1 year
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Piolo Panganiban, Spider-Man: Discotheque
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it looks like he’s punching jonny in the stomach (not sure where it’s from but its a favorite)
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[Zooterkin. Image description: The second image is of the Mechanisms performing on a stage. From the left, Ashes O'Reilly is playing the bass. Jonny d'Ville is singing into a microphone, grinning and leaning back with his arm reaching up triumphantly.
Gunpowder Tim is playing electric guitar, looking down with his arm kept outstretched to the side after strumming. He's to the right and back of Jonny, but the angle of the photo makes it look like they're interacting, like Tim's punched Jonny in the stomach. Raphaella and Brian can be seen mostly obscured behind Ashes and Tim respectively.
The first image is of the same photo, but cropped to only show Jonny and Tim. End ID.]
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Sandman: It’s just so hard not getting to see my little girl
Otto, who stole some of Spidey’s DNA to combine with his to make a kid to use against him, lex luthor style, but Spidey just kidnapped the kid immediately when he found out and got Matt to cover him legally: I know exactly how you feel, Spiderman won’t even let me have visitations with my kid :(
Sandman: That is not the same thing, our situations are not comparable at all, it’s important to me that you know that
#I like thinking of Otto for situations like that for several reasons#cause I usually think of him with red hair so with him and spidey combining dna you could get a kid with red hair#making may-day even in universes where he doesn’t get with MJ#and it’s a funny situation for me to think of him telling other spideys#‘oh me and MJ? that didn’t end up happening’#‘why do I have this red haired daughter? well funny story actually-‘#also I like to think that as the kid gets older they have to deal with Otto trying to persuade them to become evil#gifting them mechanical spider legs#which is a cool look#also Otto is my favorite villain to imagine as being the only one who knows Peter’s identity#especially in universes where they used to work together#so rather than sounding like an evil villain like he’s trying to be#he’s trying so hard to sound and be Spidey’s worst nightmare#he just ends up sounding like a bitter ex who misses his lab partner and whenever he explains his ‘evil plan’#instead of sounding like an actual supervillain using the hero’s fears of forever being alone after their last relative dies#by dangling blood relative in front of them and threatening it#he just accidentally makes it sound like the kid’s his last shot at getting the ex back#kind of a ‘you can’t leave me for another villain I’m pregnant and it’s yours’ type of thing#idk I just prefer Otto for this#otto octavius#flint marko#doc ock#sandman#Spiderman#spider man#spider-man#peter parker#made up dialogue by yours truly
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whumpy-wyrms · 10 months
i have a confession everyone. i am actually scared of caterpillars
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dudefromtheooze · 2 years
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some messy donbot sketches bc he is like a little bug to me . i want to, crush him
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