#only he is allowed to commit manslaughter
Not to be all "this is an Only Murders in the Building blog now" but apparently since yesterday I have reached a point of no longer being satisfied with being part of a two-person fandom irl with my sister and I need to Discuss things with you all.
Anyway. Currently thinking about how Theo Dimas is a) Greek and b) Deaf—both cultures that are very physically demonstrative—and that he is. Like that.
#I love Theo Dimas so fucking much#the poorest and littlest of meow meows#haven't we all committed accidental manslaughter and allowed someone else to go to prison for it?#have we not all in our time robbed valuables from dead people's bodies?#and consider this: he was very sad about it#and he is so sweet and has such a delightfully quiet and affectionate friendship with mabel#who he kidnapped that one time and who wrongly accused him of murder on a podcast that lead to his arrest#neither of which they hold against each other because they are fellow traumatised disaster millennials who haven't got their shit together#also I think maybe they should kiss about it???#because he has stuck around a lot longer than any of her canon love interests#and! she is learning asl so clearly values the relationship and wants to make it easier to communicate on his terms#and mabel is famously guarded and slow to trust#(but also a real 'once my walls are down I will love you forever' type)#so her being like 'I want to talk to you and I want that enough and to do it often enough that I want to meet you half way#and not just expect you to always lip-read and write things down for me#because I don't want understanding me and being understood by me to be as much work as it would be if I didn't make any effort to sign'#is like... a very significant indication of how she feels about having theo in her life imo#also they are both very cute and ping bi4bi to me and honestly that would have been more than enough for me#only murders in the building#omitb#omitb spoilers#only murders in the building spoilers
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cyanide-cafe · 1 month
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Z-327, nickname "REAL ALARM", codename [REDACTED], real name Clayton Nebula.
Clayton, and his companion, Nouvel, were released when Z-13 opened their cell during the events that caused the Hadal Blacksite to proceed to the Expendable program.
Z-327 is thought to be highly dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Clayton was aggressive to some extent pre-experimentation, as he was accused of 23 separate cases of kidnapping, manslaughter, and defiling human remains via cannibalism. Only one case was proven to his name, but with the 22 other missing persons, they were assumed to be his other victims. It is expected that with his current form he has resumed these activities to a much more violent extent. His partner- both in crime and in marriage- was imprisoned as well.
327 and 326 were held in the same containment cell [as they were previously wedded and were docile pre-experimentation] and had the same line of experiments commit on both of them. Clayton is comprised of stonefish, pacific dragonfish, moray eel, goblin shark, and, of course, human DNA. Refer to Nouvel / False Alarm's document for their DNA lineage.
Their experiments were used to test genetic differences and how it would result their finalized forms.
327 is an ambush predator, and 326 has been seen scaring [3 or more] individuals towards 327, allowing him to successfully capture and kill one or more expendables. When sighting 326, it is best to inspect nearby vents and dark areas for the light glow emitted by his fins and eyes.
However, if 326 is passive, 327 will give expendables cryptic hints on monsters sighted in the next 5 rooms, like "Keep a hiding place in sight." or "Don't look into its eyes."
327 is capable of swimming extremely quickly, and can often be seen exploring around the minefields slowly and carefully. He is entirely passive while exploring the minefields, but may occasionally press his hands against the glass, staring at any expendables that walk past. If a player stares back, he will wave, before returning to exploration.
On rare occasions, if an expendable makes the mistake of flashing him while he's exploring the minefields, Clayton will retreat before the minefield detonates, causing any expendables inside the room to die instantly.
ADDENDUM: Gametes were harvested from both subjects to test if a viable Zygote would be produced. It seems that despite their differences in species, Urbanshade's science division was capable of creating viable offspring between the two's.. charitable donation of gametes. Offspring Z-327-326-1 was seemingly terminated after confirmation of its health, as its file is incomplete.
ADDENDUM: Nouvel [Z-326] was found to be innocent [via monitored conversations between 327 and 326] past the mutation point of no return. They were to receive elevated status, but the blacksite fell before they were able to be moved to a different location.
ADDENDUM: Clayton [Z-327] was found to be innocent [via monitored conversations between 327, 326, and various staff] on the 22 other cases of kidnapping and cannibalism, though the singular outlying case he confessed to committing, saying that he knew he would have been accused anyway, so he had to hide the evidence somehow. Nouvel asked whether or not they had been fed human remains, which Clayton avidly denied, saying that he had only eaten very little of the victim before being revolted by his own actions, dumping the rest of the body elsewhere.
Due to the fact that he had still commit the singular crime of defiling a human body via cannibalism, and not kidnapping or murder, he was not to be elevated alongside Nouvel.
[Nouvel is owned by @novasolstarr!]
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Kinktober day 2
Astarion Ancunin + Bloodplay
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I’ve always been a huge vampire fanboy, ever since I read twilight years ago. Plus, a vampire voiced by Neil Newbon? Woof.
Reader is Dark Urge in this. Featuring some Durge headcanons, like their blood being like crack for vampires when willingly given. Not a lot of smut in this, I got kinda carried away by the relationship part.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist
Living a life without memories should have been more difficult than it was, but outside of the random urges for manslaughter, committing manslaughter in your sleep, and how desensitised you appeared to be to all types of pain and torture, it was whatever. After a while you didn’t think about it much, even as time passed and you learned more and more about your past, or how your so-called servant showed up at night to try and tempt you into killing all of your allies.
Your memories still weren’t fully back when you learned about your Bhaalspawn status, but it made sense in the long run. From the first time you had met your allies, you’d thought in detail how you wanted to kill them and bathe in their blood, devour their flesh and make ornaments out of their bones. All but one, that is. And that was none other than your ragtag team’s rogue vampire Astarion, ever since you had first met it was like there was a connection between the two of you.
When you had awoken to him one night attempting to feed off of you, you had felt no disgust, but instead a possessive want. You had grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him in, burrowing his handsome pale face into your neck, almost more excited about being fed on than he was to feed on you. Astarion would later tell you that your blood was the most delicious he had ever tasted, though he had very little else to compare it too, especially not another sentient living being.
That first feeding seemed to have opened the floodgates, not just in Astarion but in yourself. It was like a bloodlust that had been dormant before flashed awake, like the vampire venom coursing through your veins acted like a shot of adrenaline to your system. Astarion would never outright ask to feed from you, he was much too proud, but you could both tell you enjoyed it, maybe a bit too much for either of your sakes, but with the situation you were in neither of you seemed to care.
You never experienced the fatigue one fed on from a vampire should feel, and if Astarion had ever fed on another sentient he would have been able to tell you that he gained more strength from your blood than he would have anyone else. When learning your Bhaalspawn status, it all made sense, at least to those who knew about your kind. It became especially clear when some of Cazadors spawn tried to feed on you and immediately screamed in agony and turned into black soot. The blood of Bhaalspawn, and Bhaals most beloved child, could only be freely given, any who tried to take it by force would die a painful death.
Even after turning down Bhaals fate for you, dying and then coming back again, your blessed blood stayed. And when everything was done and over with, and most split up to continue their lives, you and Astarion stayed together. Neither of you had anywhere to return too, and you could both admit you had fallen in love. Astarion had no master, and whilst the Bhaal cult still worshipped you to some degree, you felt no need to return. The cult had been quite useful in its own way though, as its lairs had possessed different items that would allow Astarion to walk in the sun even without the tadpole.
But even as you two travelled across the lands, set on exploring and living life to the fullest, the yearning for blood was present. It was like an instinct or need that had been implanted deep in your body, as it was in Astarions in his need to feed. And at times his fangs in your neck as he gulped and your hands in his hair wasn’t enough, at times you needed to draw the life from someone’s eyes and bask in the power it gave you.
That is what lead to the situation you found yourselves in now, both covered almost head to toe in the blood of slave traders. Astarion and yourself had stumbled across a medium sized village mainly filled with refuges of different descent, and had learned how their more beautiful children kept disappearing. So, the two of you set out to hunt down these slave dealers. Normally you two would debate on going more than you did, but something had fuelled the two of you.
The children were brought back to the village, you two were paid with what little gold the town had, and you two returned to your camp even when offered housing by the villagers. Whatever room you would have been offered wouldn’t have survived the hunger you both experienced, you had barely removed the order off your body before Astarion was on you, his nails digging into the tight muscle of your chest as he lunged for your neck.
It wasn’t a bite just for hunger, not in the sense of which he normally fed from you for strength, but a hunger for something deeper. Your hand wove through his pale locks and pulled, drawing an almost snarled groan from him as he panted out his nose, dislodging his fangs from one spot to bite another. The blood of a god still flowed through you even after being disowned, so the puncture wounds shut on their own.
After the life Astarion had lived, he had never been much for intercourse after being free, but you two found a deeper connection this way. Your vampire felt no need to get off, but it didn’t stop his hands from sneaking under your belt to start touching and pulling, his nimble fingers playing you like a fine instrument as you lapped at the muscle and veins of your neck.
Orgasm like this was euphoric, you felt alive in ways you couldn’t remember ever feeling, even in your many years as a cult leader. And for Astarion your trust in him lit a fire inside him, making him feel freer and more in charge of himself than he had been for 200 years. Times like this could draw on for hours, your godly blood replenishing with ease no matter how much your lover drank from you, your cock filling up under his actions as he drove you to pleasure and far into oversensitivity again and again.
It always ended with you two having to stumble your way to the nearest river and clean yourselves, even as your legs felt numb and the glow in Astarions skin made you want to jump him again. As you laid down in your shared tent, you always swore your undead lover felt warm to the touch. Maybe it was the large amounts of blood he had consumed, but he always seemed to sleep better on nights like this as he laid on your left side, his ear pressed against your chest to listen to your heart as it pumped. You didn’t miss being a cult leader, you didn’t miss Bhaal, not one bit. And laying here with Astarion made you glad you had given it all up.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Villain Crimes Tag!
I had this idea for a tag game a while ago and I think its time I finally put it to practice!!! Plus I think its really cool and you guys will probably enjoy it!
Rules: What crimes would your villains be convicted of if they faced trial in the real world? In short, list what crimes your villains have commited, in modern terms.
TW. Mention of some pretty gnarly crimes - but NOT in detail - because these are Villains after all.
Supernova Initiative
The Director/Dr. Darius Merrik
Multiple counts of First & Second Degree Murder + Manslaughter (The Director, behind the scenes, is a very brutal and vicious man - the antithesis of whom he pretends to be to the population. Darius has ordered the execution of/personally killed multiple people who were accused of stirring up "illegal insurrection and rebel efforts" against the Junction, as well as has killed any and all who discover his secret experiments without his explicit permission. His methods of experimentation are also so brutal and extreme that his subjects/victims often, really often, die as a result of it, whether that was the intent or not. Darius doesn't care at all, being at most disappointed at needing to find another test subject and starting from scratch.)
Human Experimentation/Torture/Illegal Laboratories (As mentioned before; Darius is a mad scientist who conducts highly illegal experiments on people, especially those who stand against him. He believes what he is doing will supposedly "bring even more progress" too the galaxies and change the tides of the civil war, and doesn't care how many innocent people he brutalizes in the process. Countless people have already gone through his secret labs - without the population of the Junction even knowing there was a secret lab - and most of his test subjects have died as a result of the experiments, and those who did not were changed in horrifying ways)
Blackmail/Extortion (Darius often counts in severe forms of blackmail and extortion to keep his rivals in line and to make people obey him. Part of how he became so powerful and influential in the Junction was by blackmailing and extorting powerful people and eliminating any possible chance of people looking into his schemes. Another example of this is that the Director only manages to get Jack Tithus to comply to becoming his test subject by threatening to hurt the young man's sister. To protect her, Jack accepted to be experimented on.)
Funding terrorist groups & War Factions/Accesory to Colonization (The Director holds a strong position of power in the Junction, often tampering directly with the civil war by funding extremist organizations and raiding war factions in order to "facilitate" the Junction's advance into enemy territory. Because of him, factions like the Skull-Reapers - space pirates/raiders - were able to raze whole planets - like Acaeth - and allow the installment of Junction settlements there. He also vehemently supports the Junction's official military advances onto other independent planets, and often provides the government's Sentries with new weaponry and armor.)
Ecological Destruction (The Director also funds many mining and deforestation efforts in non-Junction planets, often to get the raw materials he needs for his inventions and experiments, but also to profit from the trade of those spoils. The sheer rate of these "efforts" have already caused considerable devastation and damage to those planets' ecosystems.)
Embezzlement/Money Laundering (Darius is one of the richest men in the Junction, being also one of the most influential. But where does he get that money? From his experiments, inventions and trades? Yes, but that is only a small fraction of it. Most of his vast fortune comes from money laundering and corruption schemes, especially targeting politicians who somehow pose a threat to his plans, a self-fueling cycle that maintains his sheer fortune no matter how much money he spends)
Eldora Thalax
Multiple counts of First Degree Murder, Multiple War Crimes & Genocide (she literally is a warlord hellbent on conquering as much territory as she can both in her planet and others. Eldora is a skilled warrior and assassin, and has killed people before - many of them innocent citizens of places that refused to bow to her tyranny. She also sent hitmen after her husband when he and their son ran away from her, leading to his assassination)
High Treason (Eldora has essentially betrayed her people's high council, known as the Hearth, after her mother and the actually honorable Matriachs denounced her disgustingly ways and exiled her. She also betayed many political deals to have more advantage. Eldora wrongly believes that if she gets as many conquests as she can, that the Matriarchs will forgive her and accept her back, giving her a seat at the Hearth, when she's actually proving them right about her - kinda like Lord Shen did in Kung Fu Panda 2)
Sexual Coercion (her relationship/marriage to Damen was arranged and thus she specifically didn't... really care about his consent or not. Full 'Game of Thrones' arranged marriage to make heirs kind of situation but make it futuristic - he technically said 'yes' to the marriage but did he have a choice? No.)
Kidnapping, Torture & Human Experimentation (She is known to torture prisoners of war, especially those who once held positions of power - at times just for fun, at other times for information, for compliance or to extract information. When Deimos Soll discovered how corrupt she is and tried to desert her ranks, she captured him and had him tortured AND experimented on in an attempt to brainwash him into some kind of supersoldier)
Domestic Abuse/Psychological Torment (Eldora was very abusive to both her husband, Damen, and their son, Kye. Though most - but not all - of her outbursts of physical abuse were directed at her husband, the former prince of the region she'd conquered, Eldora was extremely emotionally abusive to Kye as well, especially because she had a tendency to threaten to hurt his father further to get their boy to obey her)
Dictatorship (Eldora has conquered multiple regions of her home planet and has long since started "brainching out" her influence to other nearby planets, almost conquering an entire solar system. She is known for being a cruel, corrupt, violent and often ruthless ruler who controls the places she conquers with an iron fist.)
Illegal Arms Trade + Slave Trade (Eldora prides herself in having the most top-of-the-line weaponry in the galaxies, being an ardent client of many infamous arms dealers and intercepts some of those goods to sell to her allies. She also is known for proffiting from enslaving portions of the civilizations she conquers, especially if they try to rebel or are accused of trying to betray her, or simoly are her prisoners of war, and selling them as slaves in the underworld market to the highest bidder, though she keeps many to strenghten her armies.)
Arachnys & Red Adder
Racketeering/Fraud/Loan Sharking (They are mobsters. The most dangerous mobsters in the galaxies. The Crime King and Queen. Protection schemes, false business/racketeering, major fraud are just another tuesday to them, and a huge part of what they do on a daily basis.)
Illegal Drug Trade (Any and all addictive substances in EITHER GALAXIES is sold and manufactured by people working under the behest of Arachnys and Red Adder, especially some high-ranking crime families. They're known for making some of the most dangerous and addictive/destructive drugs in any planetary system, and keep their control over their planets underworlds by using those chemicals to keep the population obedient/dependent on their supply)
Being Leaders of a Criminal Organization/Mob (Self-explanatory. Arcahnys and Red Adder are the heads of the most dangerous and powerful crime family/mob in the Khosmonian galaxies, and now in the Junction as well.)
Illegal Casinos/Houses of Gambling (And man do they profit off of it, because those places are popular in both galaxies!)
Human Trafficking, Slave Trade, Organ Trade (They are known for being involved in the most nefarious side of the interplanetary black market, and that includes, unfortunately, the trade of people - be it in full, by selling/buying slaves to/from warlords like Eldora Thalax, with whom they have a longstanding business relationship with, or in... parts, because they also sell organs and cybernectic parts, which they harvest from humanoids and cyborgs that fall into their hands.)
Illegal Prostitution Schemes/Forced Prostitution/Dehumanization (The MAIN "business" of the Saphir crime family is the "pleasure business". They pride themselves on having the finest brothels and strip-clubs in their planets, with most of the entertainers being either slaves they've captured/bought OR... sentient robots. Not cyborgs, but actual, sentient robots, their newest and most popular invention - sentient robots, unlike cyborgs, are fully artificial despite looking like regular humanoids, and their adaptable appearance makes them very popular in the Saphir's business. Meridian Shardd, the story's most innocent character, was one of those sentient robots - having gained conscience/broken free of their programming shortly after being manufactured, Meridian ran away from the factory thankfully before being put to work by the mob, and is terrified of being found.)
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin,
@oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling @agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @topazadine
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, and OPEN TAG
Taglist for Supernova Initiative below the cut! 🌠
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3,
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri,
@lyutenw @finickyfelix
@elshells, @thecomfywriter
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kosmicsandshoes · 3 months
KOSMIC WDYM 3P?? you just dropped a whole ass new au and act like nothing happened?! loredump PLEASE the people need to know
Alright alright alright lmao
It kinda started as me really just wanting an excuse to come up with more alternate character designs, but I did brainstorm it all day and really think about it.
3p, like 2p, is of course another alternate universe. Instead of being a dystopia, 3p is more of a paranormal world in the sense that the things seen in movies like The Blair Witch Project and Texas Chainsaw Massacre happen all too frequently and are normalized to an extent.
Basically, life is a horror movie in the 3p universe, and everyone just kinda has to deal with it.
Since I haven't had the chance to draw the others yet, I won't get into them, but I will explain the 3p big 3.
3p Nogla is the most manipulative of everyone in the group, for better or worse. He puts on the front of being the sweetest, most wholesome man to ever walk the earth and uses his silvery tongue to get people to do his bidding, whether that be to commit vehicular manslaughter or simply allowing him to cut in line. His borderline mystical powers also cause him to become obsessive to a creepy extent. If any one person peaks his interest even mildly, he obsessively stalks them and takes in their every move, and because of his cutesy, charming personality (and his own manipulative abilities), no one ever raises any suspicions. This usually comes to a head in 3p Nogla growing bored of the object of his obsessions, and discarding them one way or another.
3p Terroriser is a strange case. Much like his 1p counterpart, by some manner of the world, he gained sentience. Unlike his t-800 counterpart however, he's a t-900, the 3p universe's midway point between the t-800 and t-1000. He's more equipped to handle the burden of sentience than t-800 Terroriser is, but as a side effect, he's also more susceptible to negative human emotions. Such as flagrant narcissism. He's extremely prideful, and never does anything that he's told to, believing he knows what's right and wrong and everyone else is stupid. This also gives him absolute immunity to 3p Nogla's manipulation abilities.
3p Vanoss is definitely the most odd out of this bunch, and maybe even the whole 3p group. Completely different to both his 1p and 2p counterparts. Due to what can only be described as a series of unfortunate events involving illicit scientific experimentation, 3p Vanoss is not all there mentally. He's much like a feral cat cornered in an alleyway. He's manic and distrusting due to his past. He has a tendency to lash out and scratch and bite if he's too freaked out. His beak is typically tied shut as a result, and his bite seems to be lethal, as the only one who's survived being bitten by 3p Vanoss is 3p Terroriser (this is the canonical explanation as to why his endoskeleton arm is exposed, the bite corroded both his jacket and synthetic skin away). He's quick to anger as well, think like the tasmanian devil; any little thing could set him off, hence why 3p Nogla sticks around. While he's not as easily swayed like the rest of the world, he can still be talked down rather easily.
I hope this is a good explanation for now, I will definitely be doing more with this and making more designs since I just really like it.
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kharmii · 20 days
So I got the idea to actually calculate the global human population myself, city by city, and guess what.
It’s not even 3 billion.
Not even CLOSE.
There are NOT 7 billion people on the planet. You can count yourself. The overpopulation hoax is the foundation of the globalist terror regime.
Whether it's three or seven billion, the global population doesn't matter. Overpopulation is a regional problem. There are starving children with distended bellies running around in Africa and India, and yet I suspect those places aren't handing out free birth control and running article after article about how "Cats are Better Than Babies".
The globalist terror regime is focusing that on first world nations while flooding every good place to live with problem people. Here in the US, every country south of us is clearing out their prisons and mental hospitals then sending them right up to us in large caravans of tens and hundreds of thousands of people. It's white privilege to have a job with a living wage, medical benefits, etc. We need to let everybody in so large corporations don't have to send their companies to China. The whole planet should be one huge sweat shop.
Speaking of white privilege, I have an OT beef. A few days ago, a fourteen-year-old student at Apalachee High School named Colt Gray brought a semi-automatic weapon to school and shot a bunch of people before being detained by police. According to the wiki, the school is in a town that's 58% white where half the students are economically disadvantaged. Colt Gray was one of these students. His mom was a low life drug addict who was arrested for "domestic violence, drug possession, property damage and various traffic violations, including driving under the influence charges. She also faced civil fraud charges over the purchase of a used vehicle and was locked up in Ben Hill County as recently as April."
Colt Gray ended up a Kamala Harris supporting trannie who was probably bullied at school on top of having a dysfunctional family. They tried to wipe his online presence, but it's being passed around.
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It looks like he lived with his dad who was also abusive, and now the dad is being arrested for giving the shooter the weapon he used as a Christmas present last year. This is the second time I've heard of this happening. The first time is when the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley were charged with manslaughter in April 2024 because they supposedly also supplied the weapon used.
Now I can see why people would think this was appropriate. Terrible parents who raise a kid wrong should be held accountable for setting a monster loose in the community, and yet this only seems to be a white issue. I've yet to see a black parent be held responsible for her child's actions. Black people have an 80% out-of-wedlock birth rate and fatherless household rate. They make up 13% of the population but commit 90% of gun crimes, 90% of adolescent gun crimes and most of the mass shootings. The news only focuses on the rare white person committing a mass shooting and acts like it's an epidemic, even though black people are shooting up every major city every day of the year.
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You aren't even supposed to question this. Black people problems are the result of white privilege and 'them evil colonialists who brought crop rotation and modern medicine to the third world' blahblahblah. Black people who aren't qualified to run a hotdog stand at a little league game are supposed to be able to lecture white people endlessly, and yet we aren't allowed to say, *lifts finger* uh um.....maybe if you waited until you were married to pop out babies, then maybe your atrocious crime rate would go down. Srsly, we're dealing with the problems of people in generational poverty who have like a 10% literacy rate, and the media keeps beating it into our heads that all the problems of the world are caused by white people, and it's only white people who need to have fckn dogs-cats-rats-smelly horses instead of babies.
Another meme they're always pushing in the media is that 'right wing extremism is the biggest domestic terror threat' and that all mass shooters are right wing (laughably ridiculous). Then when a radicalized Marxist trannie like Audrey Hale shoots up a white Christian school, it takes literal years for the authorities to release the manifesto. It's supposedly a danger to the public. When we finally get to read it, it's nothing but the ramblings of a mentally ill radicalized Marxist who complains over and over that nobody loves them, and that's why they have to kill a bunch of white Christian kids because the media beat it into their deranged mind that white Christians are the cause of all their problems.
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firelord-frowny · 8 months
Alllllllllllll you need to do to make the case for why it should be difficult to legally acquire and use a gun is look at the comments on any firearm related video on the Active Self Protection youtube channel.
It's run by a guy who teaches self defense training, and is a staunch advocate for the RESPONSIBLE USE of guns in self defense. Every day, he posts and analyzes a video - usually security footage - of a real-life incident where a crime or any other sort of self-defense encounter takes place, and he analyzes it to help viewers understand what to do or not do in a similar situation. And not all of the videos show instances where the victims prevail. Sometimes the victims literally die. But often, the victims do prevail, and the perpetrator dies. Still, there are many times where neither person is injured and the perpetrator escapes, or neither person is (seriously) injured and the perpetrator is either arrested, or is thwarted, but escapes the scene. And, importantly, many of the videos show situations where the victim takes self defense WAY TOO FAR and use deadly force in situations that clearly didn't warrant it. The host spends a lot of time talking about this, emphasizing that in the us at least, a person does not have the right to use deadly force to protect property. Your car, or your phone, or any other item is not important enough for you to kill someone over it. the only circumstance that clearly justifies deadly force is one where you have good reason to believe that your life, or someone else's life was in imminent danger. point blank period.
and it is INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE how many people will comment on those videos bitching about how they think they should be allowed to kill people over property. these lunatics are proudly boasting about how ~once you commit an illegal act against me, you forfeit your right to live~
I just looked at this one video where a dude is trying to steal the side mirror off of someone else's car. The car's owner runs out with a gun and shoots at the motherfucker like 7 times at point blank range, WHILE the motherfucker is fleeing. So the host talks for a few minutes about why that was a fucking dumb thing to do! He even tried to preempt all the fucking insane barbarians in the comments by saying something to the effect of, "i know people are gonna say, 'but john, i need my car to get to work every day! if a criminal steals my car or renders it inoperable, they're threatening my livelihood because i won't be able to get to work and pay my bills and feed my family!' but you know what? if you can't afford to miss work, then you DEFINITELY can't afford the lawyer you're gonna need when you're charged with manslaughter. You DEFINITELY can't afford all the days you won't be able to go to work because you're dealing with the police. So just don't use deadly force against non-deadly threats."
But do those people get it through their thick ass skulls?? Of course not!! of course they're still frothing at the mouth about how much they want to kill petty thieves!
And the thing that fucking KILLS MEEEEEEEEEEEEE about these people is that they have absolutely no fucking regard for the fact that just because they fire 7 rounds off at a petty thief doesn't mean all 7 of those rounds are going to land in the thief! If you go around recklessly shooting at non-deadly threats, you're putting OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES in extreme danger just because you're so fucking arrogant and barbaric that you feel the need to try to kill petty thieves. Your ego was too enormous to let somebody run off with your side view mirror, so now the 11 year old girl who was leaving her house to walk to school is dead. Now a man who was just minding his own business on his couch at home has been shot in the shoulder when your bullet went through his wall. You fucking idiot!!!
Like, even if we stoop to the level of saying that it's okay to kill someone over a non-deadly threat, what about all the bystanders?? is something that's not a threat to your life worth putting other people's lives in danger???? the answer to that should be a clear and resounding OF COURSE NOT but i mean, barbarians are gonna be barbarians so for all i know, those people might think it's a perfectly moral and sane thing to do.
and it TERRIFIES me to think that people like that are walking around with guns. because one day I'm gonna be walking through the parking lot at the grocery store, and somebody's gonna catch someone else trying to steal their car, and they're gonna whip out their handgun and start firing at that person, and i'm gonna be in the line of fire, and my fucking life might get ended or otherwise changed for the worst when a bullet that was meant for a non-deadly-threat winds up hitting me.
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kaythegayest · 2 years
Superhero/Villian Au
I'm was gone for a while, I would like to assure you that I didn't die.
Anyway, finalized character designs! (Let's be real, no one can read my handwriting. So I'll be translating everything)
Starting with the hero's,
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Aviate- Sky
Hero: Danger level: medium-high
Crimes committed: justified murder, Minor vandalism, manslaughter
-strict but kind, determined, outspoken
-friends with both Shade (see second panel) and Rogue (see third panel)
-out of all the hero's, he is the most hostile towards vigelates, believing them to be volatile threats to the public
-very defensive of the hero system
-favorite food is corn dogs
-engaged to Sun
-Calm under pressure
-has a pet parrot
What's in the pouch? A feather from his parrot, a red potion, hero ID, some rope (for restraining foes)
Power: Flight
Aviate's power is rather simple at first glance, but is very effective when it's used. Aviate, like the name suggests, can fly using holographic-looking wings, controlled by a combination of focus and arm movements. The wings largely follow Aviate's arm movements, however with enough concentration, he can move them on their own. The reason Aviate is the #1 hero, and what Makes it so powerful, is that it takes no endurance or stamina whatsoever to use. For example, Say he is chasing a criminal. The criminal is running as fast as he can, soon enough he runs out of breath, that's when Aviate swoops in, arresting him with little to no effort.
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Shade- Time
Hero: danger level- high
Crimes Committed: 3rd degree murder, lawful vandalism
- Sarcastic, irritable, collected,
-Rogue's (see third panel) mentor
-unlike Aviate, doesn't find a problem with vigelates, unless they get in the way
-knows full well the corruption of the hero system, but they do pay really well.
-Rather temperamental, but trys not to be
-has a annoyingly specific coffee order
-married to Malon
What's in the pockets? Anger Management medication, tape (for restraints), protein bar, Nokia phone (he needs a work phone that won't break), hero ID, pepper spray, Red potion
Power: Reactive Strength
Shade's ability builds off of his already powerful physical strength, and makes him stronger based on the intensity of his emotions. Rage is the best fuel for his power, multiplying his strength about ten times. However his power can be powered by any strong emotion. Doing as the fact that his power is emotion based, he needs to be extremely cautious with everyday situations, as anything could trigger his power. So as apposed to hurting someone, he elects to bottle up his emotions. Which makes his powers more powerful on the battlefield, however causes lasting problems with, and his mental state. He has prescribed anger management medication for when he needs to calm down, but he doesn't take is often as he's supposed to.
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Rouge- Twilight
Hero: danger level: medium-high
Crimes Committed: manslaughter, battery
-Loyal, protective, and decently petty
-is the only hero with permission to tamper interact with the evidence of a crime scene
-out of all the hero's, he is the most layed back about vigelates (and certain villains) leaving them with a warning as opposed to arresting them.
-Shade's protege
-(secretly) a mentor to Suspend (see fourth panel) and has a albeit shaky alliance with Thorn (see eighth panel)
-doesn't know the extent of the hero systems corruption, but knows enough to understand villains
-unlike the othe heroes, Rogue had 2 swords
-orders only basic white girl drinks at Starbucks.
What's in the harness? Latex gloves (no fingerprints allowed), a notebook, a pen, a Nokia phone (same reasoning as Shade), Empty bottles (storing evidence), handcuffs, Hero ID, health potion
Power: Tracking
Rogue has a more peculiar power, he has the ability to track someone down with dead accuracy using only something they have been in contact with. (ie: a piece of torn clothing, a left behind weapon, the persons blood, ect). He has gained the title "the bloodhound" with the media. Another thing about his power is whenever he uses it, he gets a almost feral impulse to hunt them. The strength of this urge is based on how close the person he's tracking is to his location. Rogue is scary because when he genuinely wants to, he can know your location, exactly what your doing, and how long it will take him to get there.
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Suspend- Wild
Vigilante: danger level: medium-high
Wanted for: aggravated assault, assault, battery, obstruction of the law, theft, vigilantism, Minor destruction of property, disturbance of peace, Minor vandalism
-Reckless, Easily distracted, Loyal, persistent
-Allies with Tetrad (see panel 5) and (friendly) acquaintances with Thorn
-Rogue's Protege, which gets a little complicated sometimes due to the whole your-entire-job-is-to-arrest-me thing.
-Became a vigelate when he realized that the heroes weren't protecting the poorer parts of town, so he decided to help the people the hero's weren't.
-he makes a very good vigelate despite his impulsive tendencies
-doesnt like coffee. Drinks monster energy instead. (Mipha does not approve)
What's on the harness? Stamina potion, climbing clips, (stolen) police radio, (stolen) taser, stun grenade. (He also has the rope across his chest)
Power: Time Manipulation
Suspend has a unique ability called time manipulation. He can slow down or speed up time around him while he remains at normal speed. This ability can be used for flurry rushes, sneak attacks, or even bullet time. Originally the media mistook his power for super speed which he had to correct the next time he saw a hero. There are two issues to his power. Not only does it sap his energy extremely fast, forcing him to carry around a stamina potion at all times, but also he hasn't completely mastered the power. He can't just slow down time whenever he wants. It's largely timing based, in the heat of the moment. The adrenaline rush allows him to temporarily unlock his power, but when the rush fades, he can't use it. he and Rogue are currently trying to figure out what triggers the power.
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Tetrad- Four
Vigelate: danger level- medium
Wanted for: vigilantism, obstruction of the law, wire fraud, theft
- subdued, rational, witty
-usually a loner but has a strong alliance with Suspend.
-prefers to stay out of the spotlight to avoid the hero's attention.
-he is very helpful to his community, fighting off criminals, walking drunk people home, ect. But comes off as more threatening then Suspend, who's more extroverted, when in reality he just doesn't want to talk. The community loves him nonetheless.
-when theres nothing to do on patrol, he reads. He's reading the Odyssey right now, or at least trying to. He has no idea what's happening.
What's in the backpack? Rope (restraints), flashlight, police tracker that notifies him about and where nearby crime is, his book, and thirty bang! snaps! (those little snappers you get for fireworks that you throw on the ground and they light up and are super loud. He uses those for stun grenades)
Power: Cloning
Tetrad has a rather unique power to clone himself a max of 4 times. these clones don't have separate personalities, and are more like to drones. He can use these clones as anything from distractions, to a extra pair of hands, getting multiple civilians out of danger. however, controlling multiple of these clones takes energy, so often times Tetrad will be exhausted after using them. He can't control the clones once they get too far away, so the moment he gets out of range, they'll just disintegrate. If a clone dies, he feels the effect, but very downgraded. If a clone gets burned alive, he'll get a blister. Stabbed? That might hurt a bit in the morning things like that.
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Thypoon- Wind
Villain: danger level- high
Wanted for: first degree murder, third degree murder, manslaughter, destruction of property, disturbance of peace, criminal mischief, vandalism, aggrieved assault, terrorism, anarchy
-reckless, charismatic, loyal
-Captain's (see panel 7) younger brother
-started being a villain mostly for fun, but then realized how horrible the system is and now he refuses to quit
-Captain doesn't let him drink coffee so he drinks fanta instead
- has a rivalry with Suspend after the vigelate told him he looked like he was seven. (He is not seven for your information)
-Allies with Hare (panel 9) and Thorn (panel 8)
What's in the pouch? Water bottle, smoke bombs, granola bar, device that send his location to Captain if he holds the button (wasn't his idea)
Power: Water Creation and Control
Despite his young age, Typhoon's power is terrifyingly efficient, the only consequences being dehydration, Typhoon can summon water, at will and can control its form, making it from a liquid to a gas or a solid. This can be used to make ice shields, changes in humidity, attacking with waves, drowning foes, water boarding etc. However, the more water he summons, the more dehydrated he gets. he will reach dangerous levels of dehydration, If not monitored.
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Captain- Warriors
Villain: danger level- medium
Wanted for: arson, anarchy, kidnapping, manslaughter, first degree murder, second degree murder, third degree murder, destruction of property, vandalism, terrorism
-Protective, Chatty, Sarcastic
-Thypoon's older brother
-Allies with Thorn(panel 8) and Hare (panel 9)
-friendlier then most villians, but that doesn't make him a good person
-actually never wanted to be a villain, but he found out wind was one, and decided "maybe if I'm out there with him he won't get hurt"
-Only drinks black coffee because he wants to look cool. He hates it.
-he talks when hes nervous so you could be fighting him and out of the blue he'd just say "your dog could be planning your murder and you wouldn't know" It doesn't happen often, because he's pretty good under pressure, but that's how you can tell he's actually anxious
What in the hoodie pocket? Athletic tape (he gets muscle pain), small knife, device that sends his location to Typoon if he holds down the button (was his idea), survivalist fire starter, gasoline in a bottle, red potion
Power: Paralysis
If he touches any part of you clothing included, then he can paralyze you temporarily, the closer he is to you, the longer you are paralyzed, the farther away he is the less time it takes for you to be able to move during paralysis, you are still fully conscious, usually he will pair up this ability with Typhoon's power, allowing the 2 of them to get hostages easier and more effectively. Their is no downside to his power and it can be used on multiple people. But the more people he has to paralysis, the shorter the paralysis lasts on the victims.
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Thorn- Hyrule
Villain: danger level, medium
Wanted for: theft, first degree murder, third degree murder, kidnapping, manslaughter, destruction of property, Anarchy
-friends and close Allies with Hare, Captain, and Typoon
-knows Hare's identity
-trys to avoid killing people, but it's occasionally needed.
-knows the hero system is corrupt, but doesn't blame the hero's for the state of the system since they can't control it.
- he likes vigelates, believing their everything the hero's can't be.
- He always feels guilty whenever he sees someone injured, so he'll toss a roll of bandages to them every now and again. Which is how he has so many Allies (some heros included)
What's in the pouch? Several bandage rolls, bandaids, medic kit, various packages of plant seeds, red potion
Power: Accelerated Plant Growth
Thorn carries pockets of seeds around at all times, while it seems like a weak weapon with thorns, power becomes a terrifyingly effective asset, Thorn can speed up, slow down, and control plant movement and growth. Just with a few scattered seeds, he can make a wall out of plants the size of a 2 story building.
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Hare- Legend
Villain: danger level- high
Wanted for: theft, arson, destruction of property, first degree murder, second degree murder, anarchy, attempted murder, hostage taking, kidnapping, drug possession with intent, non-consentual drug use
-Friend and close allie with Thorn
-knows Thorn's identity
-doesn't shy from murder
-believes the hero's themselves are corrupt
- picks fights with vigelates, believing them to be mo better then the heroes.
-has Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) (had to look it up)
What's in the cargo pants pocket? Stamina potion, candy, switchblade, rope, chalk (for hands), vials of anesthesia, a rag (for anesthesia)
Power: accelerated jumping and grip
Much like his ally, Thorn, Hare has a seemingly questionable power for villainy, until you see how he uses it, not only can he launch himself at foes, but he can also escape a crime scene very easily simply by going into a alleyway and jumping off building to building. He can get to people fast, or get away from them fast. What Makes Hare so deadly isn't his power, its his willingness to kill any, and all people who get in his way. He doesn't feel much remorse for killing people anymore. He's been doing this for year's.
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There are real cases where the defense counsel will argue that men who murdered their “evil” wives, wives that were nasty or toxic, should have reduced charges. This is why I get so fed up with fans who say Cersei deserved to be abused by Robert or Daenerys’s death wasn’t intimate partner violence. The “oh he just snapped due to her sadistic behavior” being a common defense that men’s defense attorneys use to argue for a charge of 1st or 2nd degree murder to be dropped to the 3rd degree or manslaughter. And this is not just a thing of the ancient past when Blackstone wrote his heavy tomes on English law. As recently as Girouard v. State (1991), in Maryland, THE UNITED STATES, this rule is cited as a valid reason to reduce a homicide charge to manslaughter (Steven Girouard stabbed his wife 19 times after a verbal argument ensued and was infuriated by his wife’s taunting and insulting words).
And same for people who think Cersei committing adultery is a genuine reason for her to be murdered or harmed (I would never tell a wife-beater that his wife has a lover and bastards but that’s just me). In the common law, it was once normal for men who murdered their wives to get away with it, or have reduced charges, because of “sudden discovery of a spouse’s adultery.” To this day, there are many countries in the world where a husband, brother, or father is legally permitted to commit an honor killing against a wife, sister, daughter, or girlfriend, if she “strays” or commits a sexual folly.
I really don’t give a single fuck if people hate Cersei and Daenerys, but they need to stop parroting objectively male supremacist, violently patriarchal rhetoric to justify their insanity over fictional characters. Do people know how horrifying it is that “bad and evil women deserve gendered violence, including rape and femicide” is a normal take, even on The Left ?
Domestic violence is one of society's biggest problems. Unfortunately, many women are victims of domestic abuse.
I'm not an American but I'm aware of the Girouard v State and I consider it a prime example of how female victims are mistreated even in courts of justice; even long after their death.
In my country (Greece) there is a rise on femicide incidents the last few years. (the article is two years old but saldy also applies today). Here we are get mocked even when we used the word "femicide" because according to plenty of people that's a "radical feminist word that shouldn't exist". I know that my country's experience isn't unique. Femicide is a global issue.
There are countries in the world where honor killings of women still exist, have to marry their rapists, are forced married (sometimes from a very young age), are not allowed to dress as they want, they don't have access to education etc.
Some people think that those are scenarios that only happen in historical or pseudo-historical-fantasy books. But the truth is that this is reality for many of our sisters.
I really have no sympathy or tolerance towards people who praise male supermasist rhethoric or who held patriarchal views. Especially when they hide it behind the typical "it's period appropriate to be a bigotry" Bullshit, Karen! Even if the character from a show/book series/comic has awful behavior based on the historical era they come from that doesn't mean that you, who are consumming the content in 2023, have to make excuses for bigotry.
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If you were the director of the Raft and had the choice to pick out members for your own version of Thunderbolts, who would you pick?And why?
Any of my Marvel knowledge is about 12 years out of date now.
First, I'll acknowledge that the question posed is "who makes sense" as opposed to simply "who do I like", so I'll try and ignore my inane need to have Grizzly in every comic.
Songbird always screams as the obvious candidate to lead any team.
Team-wise, since my larder is Raft inmates I'll immediately remove the past members that were "heroes" the last time I really was invested in the universe (Atlas, Abe, Radioactive Man, Jolt) even though they pretty much all were made evil again in the comics. I'll also try and steer clear of too many repeated members - as much as Blizzard, Amazon or Boomerang have potential to be better... they didn't manage it the first time, so I'd be a wishful fool to make a team of people who showed some promise but then as much as gave up. With that said, I am keeping two from The Raft era because they plain work on this format of prison reform team and... well, we'll get to her.
I think Juggernaut always makes sense. Keeping him on the straight and narrow by way of Thunderbolts is only beneficial for everyone. As a member of the team, and previously the X-Men, it was shown quite clearly that offering him the chance to contribute and giving him clear focus effectively removes his inclination to waywardness. His temper and the ease to manipulate him need to be worked on or taken into account.
Next up, might as well keep it rolling with the X-Men's rejects so we have Mimic. Mimic is and has always been directionless but shows capacity to both recognise the right thing to do and even the desire to do so. Away from the X-Men and any feelings of inferiority or being a copy, he can find some inspiration from Songbird and his team-mates to be the hero he thought he could have been instead of hiding behind an attitude and apathy. Mimic's powers alone make him beyond useful in any situation, but they also present an opportunity to adapt and plan in advance. (I'm going with the Exiles set-up of him being a mutant allowed to copy 5 mutant powers at a time and they are only half as powerful as the original - because that made the most sense and didn't make him completely OP)
Ghost. Like Juggernaut, the team takes him out of the running to be a future potential enemy. He has a skillset and expertise that is valued and the team helps Ghost better himself allowing him to interact with others and come to develop human connections and feelings which he has otherwise denied himself. Manipulating Ghost or keeping stuff hidden from him will only make him a nuisance or a threat - instead allow him a mixture of respect (for his abilities and intelligence) and don't give him any reason to feel misled or paranoid.
Sylvie Lushton, the Enchantress from the Young Masters, is still young and could be set on the right path. She's not yet a broken toy, her moral compass is simply undeveloped with her attitude still being that of any spoilt high school girl - shallow, fickle and vapid. Her greatest asset is she already has some finesse with aspects of her magic (teleportation) and potential to tap into even greater spellcasting than she has so far displayed. Essential to accommodate her relationship with inmate Melter, no use in removing one of the few things that present possibility for her to feel or care for someone. (Melter isn't unsalvageable either but I think he would benefit from serving his time - for manslaughter, I think that was his only crime? Although come to think of it I'm not sure Sylvie even committed any crime?).
In what I already suspect is a bad decision, I think Tiger Shark too could be rounded into, at least, an agent. He has attempted to turn over a new leaf before and his erratic motivations and even physical appearance seem to be the result of an imbalance of oxygens similar to that which also affected Namor. With appropriate treatments, Tiger Shark may again be susceptible to the idea of reform. On the Thunderbolts, he offers two great advantages - a second tank to stand beside Juggernaut and then someone uniquely suited to any aquatic elements.
Continuing the trend of poor choices... let's finally get to the obvious - Moonstone is insubordinate, she can't be trusted and she is unlikely to really accept or even ideate the notion of personal redemption again. However, it is much easier to include her as a team-mate than ever have to count her as an enemy. Active involvement in the team mollifies and reduces her threat to others significantly - however, preparations and contingencies should be made for the possibility of flippant betrayal. Her manipulating any of the team to her own ends should also be anticipated, expected and combated as best as it can be.
Lastly, what the team is lacking is someone who doesn't rely on strength or big powers, so we round off the team with Crossfire. He is a highly trained combatant, an excellent marksman, a master of battle strategy and has intuitive technological proficiency. He has no interest in atonement or bettering himself, no desire to be a good person or wash the blood from his hands... but he is a professional. Simply allowing him the chance to use his abilities to work off his sentence or work towards gaining a clean slate for past crimes could provide incentive.
All I can say is, I hope Graviton doesn't murder them all.
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thecrimecrypt · 2 years
Crimes That Shook Britain (North East)
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John Darwin In March 2002, John Darwin, 51, paddled out to sea in his canoe near his Hartlepool home. He never returned Coastguard rescue teams and police searched for him, but all they found was Darwin's paddle.
Several weeks later, the wreckage of his canoe washed up on a beach. With no body found by April 2003, John Darwin was declared dead. His widow Anne and their two sons grieved. Until December 2007 - when Darwin walked into a police station, claiming to have amnesia.
John Darwin was reunited with his sons and Anne, who'd moved to Panama, was delighted. Only, a pjoto emerged of Anne and John in Panama, together in 2006. The couple had actually faked John's death to claim his £250,000 life insurance.
Both Darwins were jailed for over six years - him for obtaining cash by deception, her for deception and money laundering.
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Michael Atherton New Year's Day 2012 - taxi driver Michael Atherton, 42, shot dead his partner Susan McGoldrick, 47, her sister Alison Turnbull, 44, and niece Tanya Turnbull, 24, at his home in Peterlee. He then turned the gun on himself.
His stepdaughter survived after fleeing via a window. It emerged Atherton had a history of domestic violence. He blamed Alison for his arrest in 2008, after a row. When he discovered Susan had gone out with her sister that night, he said there'd be trouble if he saw Alison at his home. He said he'd stay in a hotel.
Yet the women arrived home before he'd left. A row erupted and Atherton got his gun from the car.
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Mary Bell On 25 May 1968, the day before her 11th birthday, Mary Bell strangled Martin Brown, 4. His body was found in a derelict house in Newcastle.
Two months later, Mary enlisted a 13-year-old friend to help strangle Brian Howe, 3. His mutilated body was found on waste ground. When detectives questioned local children, Mary and her friend acted strangely, their stories changing. Officers soon realised Mary was a killer.
The friend was acquitted and gave evidence against Mary. The court heard Mary committed the crimes 'for the pleasure and excitement of killing'. Mary Bell was convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. She was sentenced to life in detention, released aged 23, and given a new identity.
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Raoul Moat Two days after being released from prison on 3 July 2010, Raoul Moat, 37, from Newcastle, went on the rampage with a sawn-off shotgun.
First he shot his ex Samantha Stobbart and her new partner Chris Brown. While on the run in Rothbury, Moat shot police officer David Rathboand in the face. Brown was killed, Stobbart injured and PC Rathboand blinded.
Police deployed armed officers in one of Britain's biggest manhunts. In a letter left with a friend, Moat declared war on officers, saying that he wouldn't stop 'until I am dead'. On 9 July, police tracked Moat to the river Coquet, leading to a stand-off. Police negotiated, but Moat shot himself the next morning.
Sadly, David Rathboand later took his own life.
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Billy Dunlop - Double Jeopardy Pizza delivery girl Julie Hogg, 22, disappeared in November 1989. Eighty days later, her mother Ann found her decomposing, partially mutilated body behind a bath panel in Ann's Billingham home.
Julie's ex Billy Dunlop was charged with murder, yet juries at two trials failed to reach a verdict. He was cleared. The double jeopardy law (which meant Dunlop could not be tried again) meant he thought he'd got away with murder for 17 years.
Ann fought for double jeopardy laws to be scrapped and, in 2003. MPs backed changes allowing serious cases with compelling new evidence to be reopened. Dunlop pleaded guilty to murder in 2006, was jailed for life.
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Gary Vinter = Freed to Kill Again Gary Vinter killed colleague Carl Edon, 22, in a railway workers' cabin in 1995. Vinter stabbed him 37 times, puncturing every organ. He was jailed for life, but released in 2006, after serving 10 years.
In July 2006, he married Anne White. But Vinter was recalled to prison after a New Year pub brawl. Released again in early 2008, he separated from Anne after attacking her at their home in Eston, Middlesbrough. That February, Vinter bundled his estranged wife into a car.
After holding her hostage at his mother's house, he stabbed Anne to death. He was jailed for life. In 2011, Vinter attacked Roy Whiting - killer of schoolgirl Sarah Payne - in jail.
In 2016, he received a third life sentence for trying to murder fellow 'life' Lee Newell behind bars.
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pb-dot · 1 year
Film Friday: Friday 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
Listen, this is silly. I know it's silly and I'm doing it anyway. Since this is a Friday 13th during the spookiest of months, and I happen to have a favorite Friday 13th movie, I feel I have to tell you about it. Part 6 is not good per se, I usually stress when recommending this one, but it is fun, and it's fun in a way I think is rather unique for the genre. So, without further ado, let's get our Chi-Chi-Chi Ah-Ah-Ah on.
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The movie picks up some years after somewhat troubling Survivor Tween Tommy Jarvis ended Jason Voorhees' killing spree with quick thinking, some improvised stagecraft, and a disconcerting level of violence. There's also some interstitial messy business with a copycat killer in Tommy's teens, but the franchise would rather we don't dwell on that, so let us move quickly onward.
Tommy fears that the notoriously resilient murderer and dogged abstinence advocate won't stay dead for long and seeks out Jason's grave to make sure. Long story short, Jason's body gets struck by lightning. In the tradition of Hammer Horror, this reanimates the murder machine, and we're off to the races.
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There is more plot as Tommy strives to convince the local constabulary that there is indeed an inhumanly strong super-zombie out there murdering folks, but that's not really what the movie is about. No, this is very much Jason's story as he stabs, slashes, slams, vehicular manslaughters, and bludgeons his way through the newly rechristened Forest Green.
The kills and ludicrous slasher action are in focus, and there is a decidedly slapsticky tone to the violence. What's interesting about part 6, though, is how it seems to do a better job than objectively sillier slashers, primarily my old frenemy Freddy Krueger. Part of it, I believe, is delivery. Jason put plainly, doesn't look like he's telling a joke. This stone-faced approach makes the grotesque little gags that he comes up with or otherwise commits all the funnier for it.
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I'm also fond of how this movie commits to its own interpretation of Jason. Turning Jason into an improbably resilient gentleman out on a murder spree into this undead juggernaut was a clever move to keep the movies coming, as well as really turning up the violence our non-Jason protagonists get to heap on the world's most sincerely dedicated Momma's Boy.
In fact, I would go as far as to say I like the ending to Part VI, in part because the finale has a very franchise-friendly sense of stakes. Our hero Tommy could conceivably get the better of Jason and thus complete a happy ending of sorts, but there's no need to get defensive about what sort of plot BS will justify Jason being back to the slashing in the next one because he's an unkillable murder machine at this point, and getting back to slashing is kind of the only thing he does.
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In closing, I like Friday 13th Part VI: Jason Lives because it's a silly thrill ride of blood and gore with a kind heart pulsating somewhere deep beneath all the viscera. There is self-awareness in the movie but of the kind that allows them to play with and change genre conventions, which is a vastly superior sense of self-awareness to the smug navel-gazing that's come to be the approach du jour. It should also be mentioned that the movie has some vintage 80's Alice Cooper on the soundtrack, which is also quite the experience. Shared below in case you have forgotten or never had the pleasure of experiencing Cooper's kinky horror rock oeuvre.
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Villains: The Wonderland Gang
White Rabbit: Wendy Philips was born into a rich family that profited by gentrifying rundown neighborhoods. Despite living a well-to-do life, she was sickened by the family business, as they ran poor people out of their homes in order for rich people to move in. Not wanting to live off the suffering of the poor, she ran away from her home and moved into the Industrial District. She then tried to help the homeless children by offering them a home in an abandoned steel mill that she converted into her home. However, despite all that she did to help these people, nothing was ever enough. Seeing that the entire system was the problem, Wendy decided to dedicate her life to rebelling against it. At first, she just spent her time committing acts of petty vandalism, but she was able to step up her game thanks to the Hobgoblin. During his gas attack, she and her best friends were mutated by the gas, causing them to develop superpowers. Wendy gained the ability of super speed, allowing her to run as fast as Black Streak II. Using these powers to step up her game, Wendy (now calling herself "White Rabbit '') led her team of friends in order to truly do some damage against the system. Now their objective is to tear down "The System'', and turn Harking City into an anarchic utopia where class is nonexistent and money no longer matters. Despite her rather cut-throat agenda, White rabbit still has a massive amount of compassion, and never tries to hurt innocent people. She's not above killing, but she'll only kill if it's a last resort. After she and the gang cross paths with Cheshire Cat, she saw how similar the two of them are, and tried everything to convince her to join her side.
Dormouse: Molly Madsen was the daughter of extremely young parents. Despite her being very well-meaning, she also suffered aichmomania (obsession with Knives). This caused her to unintentionally scare away any potential friends. After her parents were arrested for vehicular manslaughter whilst drunk driving, she was forced to live with her cruel aunt, who relentlessly punished her for being "Abnormal". At the age of 11, she finally ran away from her house. While trying to shoplift a 10-pack of knives from a hunting store, she was chased down and viciously beaten by a group of asshole cops. Fortunately, she was saved by Wendy Philips, who then offered her a home at her makeshift children's home. Despite being only a few years older than her, Wendy was more of a mother figure to Molly than anyone else she'd known. During Hobgoblin's gas attack, Molly was one of the people who was mutated. She developed the ability to grow and shrink like Ant-Man. She now works as the Dormouse of the Wonderland Gang and is one of the most helpful and useful members of the team.
Tweedle Dee: Daniel Dumfrey was born into a broken home. His father was an abusive drunk who also worked as a machinist. Since he couldn't afford to have his son go to school, he'd often take his son with him to the garage. During his time there, Daniel picked up some skills of the trade and even learned how to construct several small devices. Daniel is also quite mischievous and was known for pulling pranks around the shop. Unfortunately, his father couldn't sanction his buffoonery, and would often take his anger out on his son for messing around. After his father was killed in a car accident, Daniel was forced to live on his own. He ended up living on the streets, using his cunning and trickery to help him survive. After tricking the wrong people, Daniel was nearly beaten to death by a gang of bullies. Fortunately, he was saved by Wendy Phillips, who beat up the bullies and scared them away. She then offered Daniel a place at her home, which he gladly accepted. After getting mutated during Hobgoblin's gas attack, he developed the ability to duplicate himself. Now working as Tweedle Dee of the Wonderland Gang, he's a loyal and useful member of the team. 
March Hare: Elliot Summers was dealt a bad hand since the day he was conceived. While still a fetus, his mother became a cocaine addict. Because of this, he was born addicted to coke as well. Living the majority of his childhood in a rundown apartment in the industrial district, his mind never was nurtured in the proper environment. At the age of 13, he accidentally burned down the apartment while playing with some matches. His mother and several other people were killed in the fire, and the entire building was destroyed. Now without a home, Elliot was moved into a foster home that was run by a cruel Mother Superior. She'd always punish who she deemed bad kids, and Elliot was among the unlucky few. After running away from the orphanage at the age of 15, he was forced to survive on the streets of Old Town, which were rife with gang violence. One cold Christmas night, he was discovered by Wendy Philips, who offered him a home in her makeshift children's home. Seeing no other options, he graciously accepted. While living with Wendy and her orphaned children, Wendy showed special care for Elliot, as she knew that he was a person who needed as much care as possible. During Hobgoblin's gas attack, Elliot was among those who were mutated. He would end up developing low-level psychic powers, allowing him to drive people temporarily insane. Unfortunately, these powers mixed with his already fragile mental state drove Elliot over the edge of madness, and he wound up developing Paranoid Schizophrenia.
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thehare1234 · 4 months
Weekly TV Roundup
We continue with somehow so many shows, I write them all down and think…how do I get anything else done 😭…but still, I’m being fed by a lot of great shows at the moment and many that really make me think or feel so who am I to complain❤️‍🔥
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QL Shows
✨We Are (EP 10): alright alright another week of…groups of boys doing things lol…I’m griateful I’m watching this weekly because I don’t think I would enjoy it as a binge. Overalll…I thought this episode was actually pretty silly like it leaned into it in a way that was fun. With 3/4 couples basically now established I’m interested to see where they go from here (pls more story for Chain and Pun because at this point idk who these men are lol). Me personally I’m rooting for a last minute secret couple between Beer and Mick
🎬At 25:00 in Akasaka (Ep 8): Here we go again, one of my fave shows currently airing. This was a pretty quiet episode still mostly focused on Hayama. I love knowing more about his thoughts and the fact that he liked acting because he felt it was one of the ways he was allowed to express emotions freely is just so sad. And contrast that with Shirasaki who can't help but make his feelings/emotions known, so much so that the rest of the cast can highkey pick up on it. Next week it seems they have to shoot the final episode and I'm ready for the angst
🏡Knock Knock Boys (Ep 3): ok Latte, you are officially one of my favourite characters. I love how each actor is playing their character. I think the scenes where they are all together work so welll. Like this show is pure crack and I love it? Also Latte going to the sex shop with the girl who writes smut (I’m assuming) and is a shipper? Iconic…The fact that Almond keeps trying to find Lattes hidden birthmark in progressively unhinged ways when he could just ask him probably? Iconic. I'm still not really sure what is Peaks backstory with that girl…and I’m guessing his arc is going to be like a gay awakening because of Thanwa? Anyways I’m sat
🦋My Marvellous Dream is You (Ep 5): Dawan pls I can’t keep defending you like this…she might be a huge brat but I actually really like how the actress is playing her…she has now almost committed murder twice (suffocation and vehicular manslaughter). I actually kinda like how we’re bringing them into the most angst possible and setting up Wan to be the worst option and I’m ready for her to redeem herself and start begging for forgiveness lmao. I also love the highlight of both Kim and Wans relationships with their moms because idk I feel the mother-daughter relationship is really interesting to explore. I find it so interesting that they each have a mirror life but their moms both moved from that situation differently. It’s also the idea of the daughter having to look after the parent and what that looks like. Anyways it’s a lil slow on the romance but I actually don’t mind because I think this is supposed to be a very angsty show. My only complaint is show more of the side characters next week I miss them <3
🥘What Did You Eat Yesterday? (New Years Special): my faves…back again..in basically a movie special. I as always had a great time…seeing Shiro be more and more open and smiley warms my lil heart and them saving and preparing for the future….i like seeing the differences in their dynamic and Wataru and Kohinatas dynamic. Shop lady stays winning and now we move on to the movie!
✏️My Love Mix Up (Ep 1): I liked the original show a lot when I first watched it because I liked how goofy but sweet it was so I will watch this, even though high school plots are just not always my fave...so far I think it looks pretty good, the episode honestly flew by which is always nice. It seems like in the preview of the next episode that Atom will already start to realize his feelings which seems pretty quick but we shall see. Watching right after My Stand In was definitely an experience. I guess this show is replacing 23.5 so now fridays are only for the fluffy high school qls I guess.
🥟She Loves to Cook, She Loves to Eat (Ep 19-22): these four episodes might be the death of me…we had supportive bestie asexual lesbian Yako (my love), we got Nagumo clocking them so hard, the supportive bestie at work….Nomoto being so cute and giddy about sending a text about Valentine’s Day…all of the Valentine’s Day meal, the confessions! It just goes on and on this is amazing. I can’t believe these two started dating and decided to move in together in the same conversation 😭😭😭 i love them. Also shout out to that one male coworker who let them leave early to go on their lil dates a true ally if I’ve ever seen one
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩Two Of Us (Ep 2): Wellll this was cute. The dancing at the end, I love. Also Meiji just being like 'I know you like me and I'm going to make you admit it", amazing. I think a full series with these two will be amazing <3
💟Wandee Goodday (Ep 6): this show continues and I literally can’t handle the domesticity of Yak and Dee like…they are acting so much like a couple. I sort of get each of their hesitations, especially Dee since he went from pining for someone for 8 years to being in a fake relationship for one month. Not sure what’s going on with Yei and Cher, but I’m hoping for a fakeout and it’s not about debt collectors, I would also love more backstory on them but I’m thinking we probably won’t get it. Next episode looks so angsty but maybe a kiss? Get your HPV vaccine!!! ( I actually got mine when I was 12 lolll)
🧍‍♂️My Stand In (EP 7): OKK it's happening, Ming knows it was JOE's back the whole time...the crying and apology was really great and emotional but I couldn't stop thinking about the rest of the crew jus there watching this.....I honestly don't know what is going to happen next but the way Joe truly is so bad at pretending to be the other Joe that he just has to feign memory loss is great. Also Tong is truly the worst and I want to know more of his motivations for keeping Ming so close/all his attention. I feel like this show is just so intense but it's keeping me hooked.
💍Wedding Plan (Ep 1): why did I decide to watch another MAME show on top of love sea? Who knows! But I thought why not…and I hadn’t gotten around to watching Wedding Plan yet, but I do have some spoilers of the show…this was a solid first episode and I feel like I don’t have much to say about it yet…
🌊Love Sea (Ep 1): I was on the fence on watching this but I kinda wanted to do it for the sapphics…this is giving like hometown cha cha cha vibes, or like a classic hallmark Christmas movie about a girl boss going to a small town and falling in love with the local wine maker. I’ll keep watching but yeah so far it’s not baddd. I love the friend (I forget his name) who was trying to be a wingman😂
🍒Cherry Magic Anime (Ep 1-6): Ok I forgot I started this last week. I put it off for a while because I don't watch a lot of animation/animated content (I know I should fix this), but it's Cherry Magic so legally I have to...So far I am liking it because I think it probably is the closest of the adaptations to the manga. I love how they are capturing more of Adachi's negative side/persona and Kurosawa's intenseness. Like Adachi is still show as being kind and helpful in ways that go unnoticed by others, but his inner monologue is a lot more pessimistic. Also Kurosawa seems so competent on the outside, but internally he's kind of insane? But that's why him and Adachi work because Adachi allows him to act how he is truly feeling and allows him to be his true unhinged self <3. But yeah overall I am enjoying but I was probably going to no matter what...at this point the original live action work is probably the least like the source material but it has a special place in my heart. Cherry Magic Korea next? Why stop there, let's make a gender swapped Cherry Magic....
Non-QL Shows
👽3 Body Problem (Ep 5): Alright if the first four episodes were setting up the premise it got real this episode. The scene with the nanofibers on the boat was not something I was expecting...and I could feel so well how conflicted the characters were feeling...but I also didn't really understand why that was necessary? I do like how we're sort of entering in a new chapter of the show where everything suddenly feels very intense and very real. I still don't realllyyy understand how the aliens were able to project the numbers into people's heads, but at least the reasoning which is stopping our science makes sense
📝Bridgerton (Ep 3): Alright alright the jealousy has started, we're gearing up for the final episode of part 1. Colin really embodied the "One kiss is all it takes" mindset from Dua Lipa because suddenly he is soooo down bad and I love it. Just in time for Lord forget his name but have to stan because he's a vegetarian to get some angst going. I'm ready for the next episode...all of the side plots and romances are also really fun this season so far!!
🏫Degrassi (EP 80-81): Ok we finally finished season 4... and this was a Craig episode and for some reason he's one of my faves. A memorable line from this episode "England probably won't even let a psychopath like me into the country, they already had Jack the Ripper and Mad Cow Disease."
🪶Little Bird (Ep 3-4): This show is really just devastating to its core. The way that you can really just feel the emotions at the family/sibling reunions and the ache for what has been lost. It's just so sad to watch Behzhig and her siblings meet each other, and just have such a love and emotional response, but also feel awkward with each other because their time together was stolen. I wonder if we will see the mom or the other brother in the rest of the show. I think it could go either way because realistically, they wouldn't be able to find each other. I also think her relationship with David highlights so many important things and it's just really well done, but so so sad.
Next Week:
I don’t think I’ll be starting anything new sooon…one day I will return to Living With Him 😔
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"BARAN COMMITTED ON MURDER CHARGE," Weekly Free Press & Prairie Farmer. February 12, 1913. Page 5. ---- Dauphin, Man, Feb. 1. - The adjourned preliminary trial of John Baran, under arrest for the murder of Constable Rooke, was concluded at 11:45 Saturday morning. Magistrate Munson remanded the prisoner to Portage la Prairie to stand his trial at the next criminal court on a charge of murder,
The court was called to order at 11 a'clock, the court-house being crowded a throng who were anxious to hear the outcome of the trial here. The prisoner had to be an assistedinto into court by two officers, and appeared in a very weak condition. Later he fell from his chair to the floor, where he was allowed to lie during the trial.
Dr. Harringion gave evidence as to his attendance on Constable Rooke, and stated death to have been caused by the bullet wound and resultant weakness.
When the charge was read, the prisoner declined to make any statement. Bertram Byan for the defence, admitted that Baran had fired the shot which killed Constable Rooke, but pleaded justification on a plea of pro vocation, claiming that Baran could not have known it was an officer of the law who was demanding entrance and who was breaking in the door of his house. He asserted that Baran had right defend his is home, and had fired the shot with the intention only of frightening away whoever was forcing his door. In asked to have the charge at least modified to one of manslaughter.
In passing sentence, Magistrate Munson severely commented on the past character of the prisoner, and said he had no hesitation in committing him on a charge of murder to to stand his trial at Portage spring assizes. He was taken to Portage Saturday night by Constable Parr.
Baran Murder Trial. Dauphin Manitoba, February John Baran Baran, who was arrested on for the shooting of Constable Rooke and who is being held on a charge of murder, appeared before Magistrate Munson in the town hall yesterday at 11 o'clock. After a hearing, which lasted all afternoon, an adjournment was made until 11 o'clock next morning to get the evidence of Dr. Harrington, who attended Constable Rooke, but who is now out of town. J. L. Bowman represented the crown, while Bertram Ryan appeared in defence of the prisoner.
A photo of the Baran home was produced in court as exhibit 1. It showed dilapidated building, scarcely fit for human habitation.
Evidence Damaging John Baran sat pale and motionless, casting anxious inquiring glances from witness to magistrate to lawyer, not being able at to understand the evidence until it was interpreted by Mrs. Wilson, who acted in that capacity. Not by so much as a quiver did the prisoner show he heard or understood the evidence when it was translated to him, although some of it proved of a very damaging nature.
John Tomaski, who drove Constable Hooke out with the warrant for Baran's arrest on a charge of wife desertion, was the first witness. He gave the same evidence as before, admitting, however, that he was a total stranger to the woman whom he saw at the window, just previous to the shooting; that he couldn't swear positively she had seen Constable Rooke, and that she hadn't been told that he had come out, as he was attempting to gain entrance to the house on a plea of wanting to get warm, when Rooke would follow in and arrest his man.
Would Resist Arrest Anthony Mallinuk, a school teacher, testified that Baran, whom he knew, came to him early last fall to ask him regarding a summons which he had. He had explained the summons, which was to appear on a charge of wife desertion, and suggested that Baran appear before the magistrate, although the date of the summons was then past. He refused to do no. and then told he he would would be arrested if he did not. He then said he would shoot the police and commit suicide.
Nellie Duch, who lives a mile and a half from Baran's, gave evidence she had seen him on the day of the shooting, that he had left her house at 2'oclock, after being there about ten, but he had not mentioned any shooting.
Her mother, Mary Duch, said she had heard Baran say in the summer that two policemen were after him, that if he had had a revolver he would have killed them both. When she demonstrated he said that if he did kill them, not even a hair of his head would be harmed.
Repeat Baran's Story. Sam Corman, Tony Ryesmowski and Mrs. Wilson, the latter of whom was also acting as interpreter, gave practically ally the same evidence at the afternoon session, stating they had been sent for or asked to talk with Baran by Chief Bridle or Constable Parr, on Monday, Feb. 2, and that they had talked with the prisoner in his own language through the bars of his prison cell. They stated that they had not warned prisoner that his statements to them would come out in evidence.
Baran had told them he had been sleeping at home on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 26, when his wife had refused admittance to two men who were rapping at the door, telling them her man was not at home. When they started to force the door, the had said she thought it was the same men, who had taken his children from him before, and he had better be quick and shoot. He had then fired two shots from his rifle through the door, about shoulder height.
On going to the prison's cell they had asked him what he was doing there. He replied that at some years agp, they had taken his wife and children from him, and now they had shot his wife and child.
Woman's Story Correct. Constable Parr, the next witness, stated that he had taken the prisoner to the hospital on Feb. 3, when the woman's evidence was taken, Baran had maintained that the woman had done the shooting, but on being taken back to his cell he had admitted that the woman's evidence, that he was the guilty one, one, was correct, adding had not stated that she had that she had not told him to shoot.
This evidence was all objected to by the defence. The revolver, rifle and shot gun found in the prisoner's house were produced in court, The prisoner, with a charge of murder hanging over him, looked a pitiable spectacle, dressed as he was, in an old pair of patched overalls and worse patched larigans, and with over a week's growth of beard. He followed his keeper from the adjourned court room as meek a looking murder as could be imagined.
The woman states that on Monday morning, when the posse arrived in quest of Baran, he had just gone out for some wood to t to start start th the morning's fire and she never saw him again, until he was taken up to hear her evidence at the hospital, a week later. He, no doubt, observed the approach of the posse and attempted to escаре across the mountain.
The woman still lies in the hospital an d is not yet out of danger, although doing as well as can be expected.
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lifesidefun · 1 year
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