#oooo lots of good stuff here
luna-loveboop · 3 months
Something I love:
Fi :) Everything to do with Fi. Fanart of Fi. Fanfiction that has Fi. The games with Fi. Fi's metal cloth sleeves. Fi's words- telling Link statistics of survival at the beginning of the game and good luck by the end. Fi's colour scheme of purple and blue. Fi's dancing. Fi's singing while Link plays harp.
I love Fi <3
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
You chose (Yes) the Consequences are as follows:
The man seems relieved you're staying to help and asks some questions about your own rope situation, surprised to hear you actually repaired the damage, he offers to help the best he can and the three of you head to the forest where you find trees fading in and out of seasons, the sky differs each time you look, and the ground shifts like rippling sand despite its solid foundation, it unnerves you, but you feel secure enough to push forward until you reach the field of your interest, which as the pictures indicate are covered in glowing material, loops of rope dot across in lines over the field which remind you of a seam, or maybe that's just the comparison that the writer of your book on all this had used, but she wasn't wrong for sure, so you set up shop, your friend off to the side minding his own business, the scientist curiously taking blurry photos and notes while you wander through the damage, the sickly air cracks drily, the rope puddles on the ground and hangs limply in the air, there's so much, it feels all wrong, like an itch deep in your bones, you pick a spot and begin to work, showing your methods to the scientist as he tries to replicate your actions, he does his best, but he can't quite get the hang of it and he keeps getting distracted reading through the old journal print out you'd brought along to reference, so you do end up shouldering the majority of the work over the weeks, not that you mind, the movements are becoming familiar, you can let your mind wander in peace, the soft rope gliding across your hands, the cracking shimmery air sliding back towards normalcy in increments as things fall into place, it's comfortable if a bit tedious and that's probably why you don't notice the person off to your side before they politely clear their throat to get your attention, you startle to see a woman, she's in fairly dated clothing and wears a fond smile as she works alongside you to repair the damage, she greets you with the name of the author of the book you've been using, you wonder how she's here but she only shrugs,
"You stand here patching a hole in the fabric of the universe, are there not odder things to happen? Though, between you and me, this is not the first I've met a fellow seamstress or seamster, even divided by time as we are. It always a unique experience of course." You puzzle at this, continuing to work on the ropes, she takes over a spot you had struggled with earlier, quickly straightening it out,
"More inquisitive minds than I have worked to measure and define this problem, but I do not mind not knowing, I think I prefer the mystery of it all." You let that pass over you a moment before you enquire about what would happen if you had walked away,
"Oh, it'd have fixed itself eventually, this fabric of ours is self-repairing if given time. But like a wound, it bleeds without care. I'm sure you've seen the consequences of this?" You agree, this conversation alone is proof of her words you imagine and she laughs, the both of you chat amicably, she gives you a few tips and tricks for the situation at hand, but also for general seamstry, you discuss the present and answer her questions where she has them, after a while the project begins to reach completion, together you've made great time, finishing several days earlier than you'd thought it would take, as the last of the rope disappears your newfound friend begins to fade, you say your goodbyes and sit in each others company as the space between time closes,
"Will you keep attending to the fabric in your own time?" She asks, you think on it, this wasn't anything you'd ever planned on, you could walk away of course, but there were plenty of times to have walked away before all this, you think you may keep going, when you can of course, she nods and with a final farewell she's gone. In the end you start a webpage that the scientist offers to run in his free time, he'll keep a look out for strange things possibly related to the rope around the world and have a place where people looking for help can reach out, the group he's a part of chips in, covering travel costs and occasionally coming out to help or study the phenomenon when you have jobs that appear, and for the most part your life continues on, while every once in a while you and your military trained companion head out to some new place in the world to mend the universe.
You've unlocked: Meet the Seamstress!
You've earned the title: Mender of the Universe!
You've earned the award: Carrying on a Legacy!
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strawberrygyuuuu · 6 months
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Genre —> Fluff
—> will txt peel your orange for you? Will they complain? Will they not do it? Will they do it willingly?
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• what the flip guys
• you sometimes don't even have to ask, if he's getting himself fruit to eat he's getting you some too in a cute little bowl so y'all can eat your fruits together
• like...if you ask him to peel you an orange then okay sure no problem baby!!
• bro doesn't even think twice
• if his baby want their orange peeled bc they don't want it to get in their nails then sure!!! He loves you too much tbh
• just wouldn't question it too much so dont worry! You're all in good hands
• def a guy tho to do acts of service a lot for you, even if you ask or not
• baby js cares and wants to make sure you're okay! He def has the urge to take care of you a lot.
• papa bunny does it usually when you're sick, unless you ask ofc
• like, if you're sick he'll get you some fruit he knows you love and give you it without asking for it
• any other time tho you'll have to ask him and tell him because you don't feel like getting your hands messy/sticky (or any other excuse lol)
• "yeah, okay..sure." shows a tiny little dimple smile and does it!!!>0<
• easy, right?
• hes just glad to help you honestly
• "you feelin' better, baby? A little? Ok, get some more rest, sweet girl." With his little 🥺 staring at you and and and😭
• okay but realistically he sometimes just stares at you :D and then shakes his head and says, "ahh, no." Lololol he's joking pls joke back.
• oooo he's a menace
• tease you a little before giving in lol
• "wha? Why?..oh, hmm..no." then he'll get up and push you down if you try and get up to do it yourself 💀
• cutiee, he just likes to mess with you
• but he'll cut you some fruit! Tho he might make a mess so🧍🏻‍♀️
• no matter how it turns out pls eat it n be happy he worked hard😓
• if he's getting himself food or a snack or a drink or wtvr he'll get you one too without saying anything or you asking
• gyuie's just cute like that guys
• "here!!!! I bought you a drink! :)" pls take it and thank him and drink it happily 😭🙏🏻
• nooo cause his love language is def acts of service
• so he def does things for you a lot, me thinks
• you're cold? Cool here's his hoodie
• oh, you're hungry? Don't worry you'll be filled up real soon, he's cooking you something!!>.<
• he will gladly peel you an orange if you want one, an apple, he will peel it if it's peelable guys
• "mhm, okay." 5 mins later, "here, eat up, pretty girl."
• I need him so bad guys😭
• idk he's just really thoughtful and always puts you before himself
• especially when it comes to health and food n stuff
• "here, have the rest of my food I'm full." *You end up feeding him some while you finish it.*
• whenever he eats something I know he gives you a few bites even if you have your own
• def rubs your tummy after you're done eating I'm sobbing
• 🧍🏻‍♀️
• but, anyway, hes just very thoughtful and wants to make sure you're okay
• "babyyyy! Would you like some? I figured we could try it since we've never had it before." You agree and he's so happy and he airplanes you the food IM BITING CEMENT
• this is so offtrack😭
• erm moral of the story he thinks of you a lot so yes, he in fact would peel you an orange and care for you happily!>0<
• at first tho he'll prob give you the most confused face ever bc you've never had a problem before..? But okay!!😊
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avocado-writing · 7 months
Hey there, if you’re still doing requests for BG3... I'm terribly angry about something big and outside of my control at the moment. Could you let me know what you'd think the BG3 companions do if Tav started self destructing? Like Tav passing harsher judgments, snapping at neutral NPCs, or fighting more dangerously and recklessly with bad guys?
Oooo the angst possibilities! Fun! Going to write like you’re self destructing due to stress, and you’re picking unhealthy coping mechanisms. Here we go:
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at first probably thinks that it’s quite funny. We know he enjoys seeing a little bit of suffering.
but, the more it goes on, the more worried you can see him become.
this isn’t like you. He knows you by now. You’re… kinder than this, damn it.
he takes you to the side one day after he’s seen you be short with a friend.
“whats the matter?” “Nothing, Astarion.” “If you’re going to lie to me, darling, you’d better do a better job of it than that.”
you go to snap at him, fire on your tongue, and then something inside you breaks. You just start sobbing. Everything which has been weighing on your mind has finally become too much.
he isn’t good at comforting words, but he does hold you. Runs his hand up and down your back, and lets you know you he’s here for you whenever you’re ready to speak.
helps you centre yourself again, eventually. He loves you. He’ll do what he can to make things better.
Makes a couple of snide remarks about how you’re acting, suggesting maybe you be a bit kinder, but then he stops to reassess how you’re acting.
there’s something wrong. You’re pent up. Furious, but not with the people you talk to. They just happen to be the ones bearing the brunt of it.
he sees the injuries you nurse on yourself after battles too. You used to be a clever fighter. Now you are a reckless one.
takes you aside one night at camp and presents his findings very matter-of-factly, concluding that there must be something the matter. When he puts it so astutely, you know you have no chance of hiding from him.
tears slip down your face and he is there in an instant drying your eyes. Telling you there’s nothing to worry about. Reassuring you that “the great Gale of Waterdeep is on your side, we’ll find a way to work things out.”
he puffs his chest out, you chuckle and bury your face in the crook of his neck. Yes. You will find a way to work things out.
When he first sees you acting out, as it were, he immediately intervenes.
he knows what it’s like to be under great levels of stress. He made his contact when he was a teenager, after all, and had to deal with all the fallout that happened consequently.
he takes you to the side, holds your hand tightly in his, gets you to look at him.
“i love you, you know that, yes? If there’s something the matter, you need only tell me.”
you begin to crack immediately. Damn this sweet man and his emotional intelligence. Why is he perfect.
you let him know you’ve been under a lot of stress lately. You agree you’re not coping with it very well. He says he’ll help you however he can, but you need to stop being so unkind to yourself.
“you matter, my love. You deserve sweetness.”
holds you close, and you just stand there for a while, together. From then on whenever something is wrong, he is the first one you go to.
Sees you snapping at a friend, jumps in.
“whoa, whoa, whoa! Soldier, where is all this coming from?”
you snap to tell her it’s none of her business, she wouldn’t understand… but then you see the hurt in her eyes and immediately feel awful.
“Oh gods, Karlach, I’m sorry…” your voice is wobbly, cracking a bit, and she cups your face in her warm hands.
“hey, hey. it’s okay. Tell me what’s going on.”
you blurt out all your feelings to her in one, long, run-on sentence. She can’t help with a lot of the personal stuff, but she can listen, and she holds you to her chest and rocks you a little. Being engulfed by her embrace is very comforting.
”I’ve got you, babe, eh?” You know she does. For better or for worse.
She sees the vicious way that you’ve been acting in battle. Strange, usually it’s her attempting to take the big hit, not you. She can take it, you can’t.
She finds you when you’re tending to your battle wounds. Sits down. Stares at you until you instigate conversation.
“what?” “You are not acting like yourself.” “Oh? And how would you know what that is?”
you’re just saying these things to be hurtful, but she’s stalwart. You’re deflecting.
She tells you she’s been enamoured with you long enough to see how you usually are. That you’re kinder, smarter. You’re lapsing into these feelings out of some sort of self-preservation, but you don’t need to.
”if there is something weighing on your mind, share it. I am here to help ease your burdens.”
you don’t love to cry in front of her but that is remarkably… sweet. It breaks you a bit.
You promise to stop being so foolhardy, especially in battle. She says that must be for the best, lest you get rended in half.
“Hey!” but she’s smiling. Your heart swells as you realise she’s trying to make you laugh.
Lets you get quite far down the burrow of self-destruction before she does anything.
once again, she’s loyal to the lady of loss. Nothing you’re doing is exactly alarming to her.
but it does get worse and worse… she sees you snapping at friends, being harsher to passers-by, and she’s constantly having to patch you up after battle due to your wounds.
eventually one day you snap at her, and that’s her limit.
“I know something’s causing you stress but it isn’t me. I’m trying to help. So you can either pull your head out of your arse or I’m leaving this tent.”
the two of you have a little squabble, but it quickly becomes obvious your heart isn’t in it. Your anger turns to sadness. You collapse in tears and she pulls you to her without a second thought, holding you close.
despite her sharran devotion, she starts whispering how things can get better, how they will change. How the first step is letting people in.
her hand wound throbs as she comforts you. But in this moment she knows she’d pick you every time.
things are easier from then on, knowing she is with you.
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bouncybongfairy · 7 months
Hello I have an idea. I don’t know if I already sent you something but I don’t think I did so anyways here is my idea
So void gets into stiles body and he’s walking around thinking about his plans until his friend y/n and asks what’s wrong with him they figure out that stiles is actually void and they start talking back in forth until void says something that’s makes y/n’s werwolf suddenly come out and I mean like eyes glowing and fangs come out and then they start talking about y/n’s werewolf power and that she is a hybrid werewolf and then void asks what y/n does with there “prey” and they say I like to play with my food. He says do to me what you do to your “prey” and she does just that and she pins him to the ground and starts to claw at his back and bits his shoulder but he likes it and it just goes down from there.
If you do it then thank you but if you don’t it’s okay, you probably have better things to worry about :) :)
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Cat and Mouse Games
Void Stiles x Werewolf Reader
Summary: Thinking Stiles asked you to hang out excited you. After going on a late night hike, he reveals himself to be Void. He teases and gaslights you into letting him fuck the shit out of you.
Word Count: 2.0k+
TW: Rough Smut, Blood Kink, CNC kink.
Account Ref: @kaionyx
It was Friday and you could barely keep your eyes open on the bus. Sleep deprived, also mentally exhausted from the academic and social aspects of school. Regardless of your exhaustion, Stiles invited you to hang out tonight, lately he’s been his own little world. Isolating himself and acting quite withdrawn when he did converse with you. That being said, you didn’t want to brush him off. After getting home you jumped in the shower. Welcoming the hot water burning your shoulders and back. Hoping it would loosen the tightness in your muscles. You cut the water off and stepped out of the tub. After wrapping your hair in a towel, you sit down at your vanity. Drawing a deep breath in and letting it out with a sigh, you start doing your make-up. Of course you wanted to impress, up until a couple weeks ago you thought there was something between the two of you. So now that he was showing interest in you again, it was important that you made your feelings clear. Not to mention Stiles was already so familiar with the supernatural. Once you were ready you texted him to come pick you up. Scrambling to gather your things together while waiting. He texted you a simple: here. Normally he would have called but you brushed that off and made your way outside. 
“Hey, what’s up?” you asked, climbing into the passenger seat of his beat up Jeep.
“How are you?” he asked without looking over. 
“I’m pretty good, tired but good. What about you? I feel like we haven’t hung out in forever,” you chuckled, clicking your seatbelt into place.
“Yeah sorry, I just been discovered new things about myself,” he said. 
“Oooo, so mysterious,” you laugh before continuing, “are you okay though, like mentally? Sorry I don’t mean to pry and you don’t have to answer, I just noticed you’ve been kinda withdrawn lately. Even from Scott,” you said, treading very lightly. 
“I appreciated the concern but like I said, I’ve just been in my own head lately. Realizing things about myself that I needed to deal with, you know?” he asked. 
“Well, I’m just glad that you’re doing better than I thought. I totally understand what you mean, when I get in my head a lot, I usually go on a hike and it really helps. You know, like the fresh air and everything,” you said. 
“That’s crazy because I’ve been doing the same lately. Like nightly walks and stuff to clear my head, can I show you a cool trail I found? It’s one of my favorites,” he suggested and you agreed. 
The ride was pretty chill, just making small talk while the radio played quietly in the background. Even though there was nothing that really stuck out, something was off. Stiles was normally very bubbly and bright. Tonight he was anything but that. Extremely still and calm, never looking over at you when speaking. Keeping his eyes steadily on the road. All his laughs and chuckles seemed forced and dry. Not only that but it was just a feeling in your gut. Finally getting to the hiking trail, your suspicions only grew from there. The conversation was just so surface level, commenting on different plants and random shit. Another thing you noticed, was how unaffected he seemed to be by the cold weather. Eventually you stop entertaining the conversation, just walking in slightly uncomfortable silence.
“It’s a really nice trail right?” he asks. 
“Yeah there are a lot of little critters running around, it’s nice to see how lively it is tonight,” you said. 
“Yeah it’s real unfortunate,” he sighed which made your brows furrow. 
“Unfortunate?” you asked. 
“Well of course, all this prey, just going to waste,” he said, your heart began to race. 
“I’m confused, what do you mean by that,” you asked, slowing your pace down. 
“Oh it’s no secret that you’ve been confused this whole time. Do you think you were good at hiding it? It’s obvious that you think something is off about me, have you come to a conclusion as to why?” he asked, voiced laced with condescension. 
Immediately the realization hits you like a truck; he was Void. Your brain starts flooding with worse case scenarios and questions. Involuntarily your eyes begin to glow and claws come out. Unsure of what to do you just stand and watch him. Nothing in his body language indicated to you that he would try to hurt you. At the same time, you knew what Void was capable of. 
“You know Stiles is still in here and I can’t deny the sexual fantasies he has about you are truly a sight to behold. He is a nasty little guy. He likes the fact that you’re stronger than him. He’s never told you this but watching you hunt gives him a rush like no other. Can’t say I don’t agree-” he tried to continue but was interrupted. 
“What’s your point? Honestly, like… seriously are you just gonna ramble till we both drop dead?” you asked
“Egar are we? Well, like I said I would be lying if I didn’t indulge myself in his fantasies. I mean, look how powerful you are, quite literally an apex predator. Teeth sharper than daggers, claws that can shred flesh like it’s paper. Don’t you wanna give in to your natural instincts?” he asked, making such strong eye contact that you were getting uncomfortable. Shifting back and forth, the fight or flight reflex tethering on the edge of uncontrollable. When you didn’t respond, he continued,
“When you first got turned, it took you a couple months until you could control your impulses right? I just wanna see those instincts in person, how do you normally kill your prey?” he asks. 
“I like to play with it before going for the kill, like hobbling it before finishing the job,” you say quietly, fearing the silence would make you appear weak.
“Say it with your chest, why are you so ashamed of your biological instincts?” he asks, tilting his head to the side a bit, “Show me how you hunt, like i’m your prey,” he half demands half asks. 
“You want me to attack you?” your heart was beating out of your chest, “that’s- I’m not doing that, why would you even want that?” you ask, taking a few steps back. 
“I want to feel your internal conflict, the shift from the good girl persona you sell to well and pull out what’s underneath. A whore that gets off on the most shameful activities. You may fool yourself, however I’m not so easily persuaded,” he said approaching you, he was trying to taunt you and it was working. 
Scott had warned you about how dangerous Void was, that he was the definition of toxicity. Now that he was standing here, inviting you to tear him up the way you would a deer. You felt disgusted that you were actually tempted to attack him. It was true, when you hunted you felt powerful. Like there was nothing that could stop your reign of terror on your chosen prey or target. He was now only a foot away from you, eyes were completely black. Jaw was clenched, indicating that he was getting impatient. Your eyes were locked on him, pushing him back which only hummored him. Becoming irritated with the anxiety building up inside, you turn and walk away. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of having a second more of your attention. This infuriated him, an all powerful Nogitsune such as himself was never to be ignored. To be denied a request; seeing you walk away from him only made him watch you unravel you more. 
“You think you can ignore me? The same way you’ve ignored all the urges and needs swarming in your brain on a full moon? I will get what I want out of you, making you act on every sinful desire you have. Even if I have to reach down your throat and rip it out myself!” he roared, stomping towards you while shaking in anger. 
Something in you snapped, the taunting was enough to make you go crazy. All you wanted was for him to shut the fuck up. Jumping on top of him, you use your claws and swipe at his chest. Blood starts seeping through his cotton shirt, taking a look at his face to catch the reaction. To your dismay, he chuckles letting his head fall back. It wasn’t until then that you realized what he meant when saying he wanted to see your internal conflict. This was conflicting; expecting to look up to see him damaged. Normally giving you a satisfied feeling but this was different, normally content in a platonic way. The way his head fell back and the smirk on his face. You couldn’t deny being turned on by how twisted he was. How unaffected he seemed to be by your attacks. Adding another slash across his chest, it felt so good being vicious. For so long you’d bent your instincts to Scott’s mission of keeping the peace in Beacon Hills. Letting your mind be wrapped in a foggy daze while letting your urges run wild was an intoxicating feeling. He pulled his shirt off, hands becoming soaked in blood. He reaches up and takes your face into his hands. Leaving bloody hand prints on your cheeks. Pulling you down so your lips were hovering over one another. You could feel the blood from his chest seep into your shirt. Starting to fall deeper into the kiss, you let your full body weight press onto him. He suddenly flips the two of you over swiftly, now keeping a tight hold on your hair. His hands were sticky with blood, only making for a better grip. 
“Did you really think I'd let you use me to satisfy yourself without a fight?” he asked, holding you down with his body weight. 
Feeling a little too vulnerable, you bite down on his shoulder. Feeling his skin pop as your canines break through. He lets out a loud groan, leaning into the bite which makes your lower stomach burn with pleasure. He pulls your head up slightly by the hair and pulls it back down, indicating he wanted you to let go after a while. You refuse; after realizing he was caught in your jaw, he moves his hands from your hair to your throat. Hair still stuck to his hands, which covered your face as he changed hand placement. At first it seemed like you’d be able to keep this up. Until his grip became tighter and your breathing became strained. Towering over you and focusing most of his weight on your throat. Your vision was becoming blurry and cloudy, you scratched at his shoulders. When this doesn't phase him, you rake your claws down his back. Trying to put in the last of your strength into shredding his back before passing out. 
Void watched as your eyes become glossy, the feeling of your nails in his back making him rock hard. Chuckling as your arms went limp, falling off his back and to the ground. He let go of your throat and turned his attention to your body. He lifted your skirt and pulled your panties to the side. Muttering a couple curses as he uses his fingers to feel how wet you were. Even your thighs were wet and sticky from you leaking desperately for his cock. He uses one hand to rub himself against your entrance and the other hand to start slapping your chest. Watching you bounce as he tried waking you up. Once you started coming to, he began fucking himself into you. Moaning as you started becoming more aware of what was happening. Blood drips from his back and shoulder onto your body. The only thing you were focused on was chasing your orgasm. Rocking your hips into him, trying to get him as deep as possible. Noticing this, his thrusts become rough and fast. His hip bones piercing into your ass painfully. Gripping your hips hard enough to embed his nails into your skin. 
“What kind of whore gets off on this? Are you that desperate for attention?” he taunted as he destroyed your pussy. 
You let your body go limp, enjoying and accepting anything he had to offer. He moved his hands back to your throat. Seeing your face turn red and gasping for air was what sent him over the edge. His climax racking through his body, you came slightly before him. Seeing how your helplessness and pain was enough to make him cum was what made you climax. By the time both of you rode out the highs, you felt completely worn out. Like your body was carrying the weight of a ton, forcing you to stay on the ground. His shoes walking away were the last thing you saw before losing consciousness.
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YELLING YELLING SCREAMING- I found your blog through the power of Hyperfixation Rabbit Hole tm and I was looking through your stuff because OOOO GOOD SOUP and I saw your duck dance wips and like !!!! I hadn't realized you made that!!!!! That video has CHANGED my brain PERMANENTLY (/pos) (THE PERSONALITY IS IMMACULATE. THEY HAVE SO MUCH PERSONALITY) AND JUST. I have THOUGHTS and I must YELL!!! this probably makes very little sense (certainly doesn't make sense to me) but I must SCREAM
(screams softly) yesss. i made the armless dancing squishball animation. So glad people liked it as much as they did.
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The majority of the time spent on that video was actually on the backup dancers I decided to add "last minute" lol. But also thank eversplode for having the duck dance idea and putting it in the rain world tag in the first place :)
Still trying to make more - I've been posting WIPs on here. But the next video has a lot more unique animated parts and backgrounds and stuff, so it's taking a bit. also i can get distracted easily. i may have gotten distracted from something else to draw for this ask...
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But yeah thank you!! I wish to cook more soup!
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itsscromp · 4 months
Going to the beach with the 141?
Beach day
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And just in time for summer too :D Word count:1.5K
With summer now finally here and the weather starting to warm up, Laswell has awarded all of you two months off for your hard work. But what should you all do ?? Y/n may have just the idea for everyone.
"Hey you guys know how we have two months right ??"
"Why ??" Simon was curious.
"Yes, I remember it very clearly y/n" Price said.
"Well, maybe I thought we could rent out a cabin for a month and head down to the beach or something" You said enthusiastically.
"Walk into the sun... On purpose ??" Simon did not like the sun whatsoever, yes he said his skin was impeccable bronze, but that's just around the eyelids.
"That's the point I guess ??"
"Well that's a nice idea Y/n, That would be good for us to get out" He immediately got out his phone and looked through some BnB's
"See Simon, Price agrees"
"I still don't get why you'd want to be outside of your own free will"
"Well one it's healthy and two it gives you fresh air" You snickered.
"Did I hear a beach day in here ??" Johnny heard as he walked in, as someone mentioned beach, golden retriever mode is now activated.
"Yeah, I suggested we rented a cabin for the month near there" You caught him up.
"Oooo !!! Price you should listen to them" He gave an enthusiastic smile. "That's a good idea, Have ya heard ?? Are we going captain ??" He was so damn ready and the thing wasn't even organised.
He then found the perfect BnB for all of you to stay in and it was within the price range. "Then it's settled, We're heading to the beach" He looked at you all smiling.
"What's going on here ??" Gaz walked in, hearing soap's cheering and excitement.
"We're going to the beach !!!"
"Nice, sounds like fun !!" He smiled a little.
But Simon was not budging, he didn't want to go outside and feel the sun, risking more tan on his skin among other things. "I'll stay behind"
"Aw come on, It'll be fun" You tried to convince him.
"I'll watch the base for price, Who's going to take care of-"
"Simon, No, your coming with us" Price affirmed him in a loving dad way.
"Pleaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeee" You and Johnny tried.
"You can't convince me" He eyed both of you.
"Yes I can"
"No you can't"
"Oh yeah ?? What if I told you there was an open bar on the beach ??" Johnny tried to add.
"Well... Do you think I'm just an alcoholic ??" But you could tell it was working, Time to sweeten the deal.
"Or you can toss soap in the water with the sharks or trap him in a pile of sand so he has to walk back with sand in his ass"
"Well, That does sound pretty enticing" He showed crows feet on one eye, indicating a smirk.
"GHOST !!!" Offended scotsman bestie noises.
"Alright you sold me" He finally agreed.
'Hell yeah !!" You fist bumped the air.
"I thought we were bros...." He was hurt, like a kicked puppy. "I'll get you both back, just you wait !!"
"Sure Johnny sure" You both snickered.
"Alright, I got the place booked, Go get packed then, we leave tomorrow morning. Giant children the lot of you" Price clicked his tongue.
Soon the morning of the trip arrived and you began double-checking the items you had packed. "Ok, shirt's check, pants check"
"I got my stuff" Gaz slung his duffle bag over his shoulder.
Johnny was in tow behind him with a big backpack "Ready !!"
You were a little baffled by how much he had in his backpack "Johnny what did you pack, Your entire room ??"
"No... I only brought my good clothes, comic books, drawing pad, journal, several pencils and a picture of my mom"
"Soooooo Your entire room" You smirked
"Well, Like 70% of my room, I can't fit the furniture" He joked. Simon walked down the hall with his duffle bag, ready to go as well.
"We're all packed captain" Gaz said
"Alright then, shall we head out ??"
"Onwards !!" Johnny bolted for the doors.
Everyone sorted out the car situation to figure out who was going with who, Johnny was a little saddened how he wasn't going with you and Simon. "Awww why can't I go with you guys"
"Cause the last time we did a road trip together, I had to clean out your car sickness the whole day, and the smell was still there for 3 days" You shuddered.
He pouted a little before obliging, the cars now on the road and off to the BnB, You and Simon chatting along the way. Finding a very old house that had tree's growing outside of it, something like out of the last of us.
"Wow, that's so freaking cool"
"Yeah... It's crazy what nature can do" He smiled a little, he liked car rides with you, it was one of the many peaceful times with you.
His phone dinged with a text from Price. "Price is at the next gas station, something about Johnny eating too many cheese curds and is currently throwing up"
"Tried to warn him" You chuckled.
"Poor Johnny, He's stupid though for eating those cheese curds"
"Oh I can Imagine" You shuddered
Soon the two of you arrived at the destination, Y/n finding the keys and heading inside. "Wow, this place is so cool in person"
"It is, check out the TV" Simon walked in and saw how big it was. He pulled out his phone and saw another text from Price. "They're on the road again. Johnny is still feeling a little uneasy, but he isn't throwing up anymore"
"Thank god for that, He's taking a shower as soon as he get's here"
Soon the others arrived and Johnny went for the shower, After which it was a rest afternoon for everyone, tomorrow It was the beach day.
So the next morning once everyone was rested and Johnny recovered, You all filled up on breakfast and got ready, Simon pulling you aside to slap a huge fuck ton of sunscreen on you.
"Hey hey easy" You chuckled as he slapped some on your back.
"Not on my watch" He was not letting melanoma get to his bestie !! Not now not ever.
Soon everyone began to walk to the beach as it was within walking distance, normally the beach was a little busy, but thankfully it wasn't today, so you guys technically had the beach all to yourselves, you set the shade up and the chairs, Johnny and Gaz immediately rushing for the water. Having water guns in the ready.
Price had his book ready to go as he sat down and kept his eyes on you 4 as well. You and Simon began to draw sketches into the sand.
"Ok, what's this ??" You pointed out your sand sketch
"Hmmmm........ A dragon ??" He tilted his head.
"Yeah, there we go !!" You smiled "Ok your turn"
Simon began to draw his sketch in the sand, It was a very complex drawing leaving you baffled.
"Ok.... Is it..... A dog ??"
After a little bit of guessing, Johnny called you over to take some photos of him to send to his wife, You snickered every time he flexed for the camera, eager to impress her. "Looking good supermodel" You snickered.
"Hey, it's for my one and only, she gets only the best" He smiled proudly.
"Ok I sent you the photos"
"Why don't you two come in the water ??" Gaz offered.
"No thanks, You three have fun" Simon said as he headed back for the shade to dump more sunscreen on him.
So you three began to wrestle in the water, Having the time of your lives, not a care in the world, Just you guys. Simon watched on as he sat in the shade, Price knowing him too well, sat up. "Why don't you join them ??"
"I don't know..." He still didn't want to get tanned. But another thing is he didn't know how to relax, He was so used to routine and planning so all of this was a little off-putting to him.
'I know it's a little hard son, But when do we be able to get to do something like this. Besides, Y/n is on the losing side from what I can see, I'm sure they can use your help" He chuckled softly before going back to his book.
He looked out into the water, Yes it looked like you were in a little trouble, So he sighed a little and got up, slipping his shirt off and heading to the water.
You looked and smiled. "Yeah Simon, Let's go !!"
Johnny and Gaz gulped as he rolled his shoulders and lightly flexed his chest. Soon the match began and how the tables turned, Ultimately by the end you and Simon being declared the winners.
"Well done" He smiled softly, raising his hand for a high five from you, To which you happily returned.
The sun began to set, A very fun-filled day for everyone, But Johnny sadly being the victim with sunburn and sand up his ass, But all in all a very fun day.
A/N: I'm so sorry for the lack of content as of lightly, I hope to try and be a bit more consistent.
Taglist: @callofdudes @cumikering
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calliemity · 8 months
Orin Scrivello's Lost Head Prop: A Masterpost
Written and researched by Calliope Avery
Content Warning: Very very mild and low quality special effects gore, implied violence, uncanny valley stuff(?), Orin Scrivello's face.
Little Shop of Horrors (1986) has an unfortunate reputation of leaving a lot of really cool things on the cutting room floor. The most infamous would be the movie's original ending, a beautiful and impressive sequence of puppetry that ended up completely scrapped. However, today we're talking about a prop that never made it into the final movie in any form:
Orin Scrivello's Decapitated Head!!!
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Pictured above are the only 2 photos of the prop in its original state that I can find at the moment. The left photo was taken for promotion and advertising purposes, and the right image is actually a Topps trading card! (Which I have a physical copy of, hehe!)
To put it bluntly, I am slightly (very) obsessed with this prop head. There's so much mystery around it, and everything I've managed to dig up both fascinates me and makes me very upset. So much thought and hard creative work was put into the creation of this thing, and it was left completely left out and forgotten! I desperately want more people to be aware of this, so here is my big and (hopefully) well organized masterpost on everything for your learning pleasure. Alright, let's talk about some heads!!!!!!!!!
Forming a Timeline
The earliest mention of the head can be found in an early draft of the movie script, dated February 14th, 1985. There's plenty of concepts in this script that never seemed to get past this draft, but the severed head concept was not one of them. Here, take a look!
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This section, found on page 66 of the script, not only established the existence of the head, but also establishes the facial expression it will later take on! Clearly, this concept was good enough to be held onto once actual production started, which is good for us! If it wasn't, then this post would be a lot shorter.
Early production of the prop began after the actors were cast, as face molds of Steve Martin were created as bases for the head.
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source for the left image - source for the right image
Oooo, check these guys out!!! The left one is made of plaster, and the right one is made of rubber. The website sourcing these images included a quote from Steve Martin about the casting process. Here's the full provided quote:
"These molds were taken of my head for Little Shop of Horrors. It was cast on the lot at Pinewood Studios outside of London, and I got exceedingly claustrophobic during the casting. My entire head was covered with plaster and two straws were placed in my nose for breathing. Argh." - Steve Martin
I unfortunately don't have much information about the crafting process of the prop. I'm currently trying to track down anyone who could've worked on it, but the few people I've managed to contact haven't responded to me yet. So I can't say anything concrete about who worked on it and what went into creating it. The only thing I can assume somewhat confidently is that the creation of the prop happened around the same time as filming for Orin's scenes. It would allow them to make the face molds and also match up Martin's post-mortem Orin face with the facial expression of the prop.
Here's where it starts going downhill. From what I've found, the prop was never filmed with its face toward the camera. In the workprint that I accessed from the Internet Archive, the prop appears for 2 shots, and both of them only show the back of the head. Take a look:
source - timestamp: 1:02:59
[Video description: a low quality, slightly green tinted video depicting a deleted scene from Little Shop of Horrors (1986) where Seymour is feeding the decapitated head of the dentist, Orin Scrivello, to the plant. The video starts with a man in glasses reaching into a garbage can and pulling out a dark-haired decapitated head, holding it upside-down by the fabric on its neck. The head is faced away from the camera, so only the back of its hair is visible. There are vines flailing in the foreground of the shot. The video cuts to a shot of the plant puppet laughing silently. The video cuts again to a shot of the man slowly shuffling forward while dangling the head in front and away from himself. The plant is seen on the left side, still laughing and flailing its vines. Throughout the video, there are brief flashes of light that resemble lightning. The video's audio only consists of thunder noises and an unidentifiable sound that resembles chewing noises. End ID.]
My best guess for this choice is maybe it isn't as convincing when filmed? In the photos it looks really well made and realistic, but perhaps it didn't come across that way during shots. Regardless, the head was still in the film at this point, so that counts for something!
But as you and I both know, those 2 shots were left on the cutting room floor, completely removed from the final product. The prop was left completely unused and unspoken of... except for one instance.
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Remember the trading card I mentioned at the beginning? It's a part of a full set of trading cards that were made and distributed by the brand Topps. Back when the movie first came out, you could buy a pack of 5 mystery Little Shop of Horrors themed trading cards, along with a stick of bubblegum. This 44-card set is notable for featuring a lot, and I mean a LOT of images from cut movie scenes. There's photos of the original ending, there's photos from the cut sequence The Meek Shall Inhereit, and of course there's also the card featuring the prop head! However, those 2 sequences would later be rediscovered, cleaned up, and then added into the Director's Cut rerelease of the movie. The prop head wouldn't get this treatment, staying obscured, unknown, and unmentioned.
Fast forward about 30 years. A certain unused movie prop would be offered in an auction, allowing us to not only see high-quality photos of said prop in its current state, but also to allow us to know the exact materials it was made of! Without further ado, I present Orin Scrivello's decapitated head, circa 2018:
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This absolute freak of a guy was up for auction at the "Profiles in History: Icons and Legends of Hollywood" auction on June 5th, 2018. No one ended up buying it (I would. I need to buy it actually. Please sell it to me.), but the auction gives us some absolutely divine information about the prop, such as what it's made of and its dimensions! Here's a quote from the auction website describing its materials:
"Vintage original hollow cast resin character head painted in realistic flesh tones with brown eyebrows and eyes. The 13 x 8 x 9 in. head has been polyfoam filled for stability. Exhibiting cracks to the crown, which is brittle and with other wear and age. A striking likeness of Steve Martin. In vintage good condition."
How neat! The high-resolution images allow us to see the detailed sculpting of the prop, which is still evident and impressive with its age and missing parts! The creases on the forehead, and around the mouth and eyes, the realistically colored teeth, this was clearly sculpted with a lot of attention to detail. I would've loved to have an image like this back in the prop's prime, back when it still had hair and a fresh coat of paint.
Why was it Scrapped?
This is entirely just me theorizing, but I have a feeling it's for the same reason the original ending got snubbed.
If you take the time to watch the archived workprint, you'll find a lot of cuts and changes were made that changed the tone of the whole finished project. Orin's death and dismemberment scenes got edited down a lot. Shots of him struggling and knocking things down as he falls to the ground got cut, the voiceline where he begs Seymour for help is gone. The shot where Orin's legs jolt when Seymour brings down the axe is gone too.
It's not just Orin-related scenes either! Mushnik no longer cries out for Seymour when being killed and eaten, and that's ignoring how different the scene happens in the stage musical. And obviously, the entire ending got changed so that Audrey and Seymour survive, leading to the cut of the magnificent ending sequence where all the Audrey II's destroy New York. In a way, the film got murdered and gutted of any of its real horror, with attempts to cover up any of the blood they couldn't scrub out.
In the movie's later quest to rebrand as a softer version of itself, it only makes sense that 2 shots of a decapitated head wouldn't make it. The appearance of the dismembered leg made it through, probably because it's less gruesome, but a head is... different. I obviously think it should've been kept it in, along with almost everything they trimmed from the workprint, but alas.
Tldr, they cut the head off of the movie because it wasn't funny enough.
This is where the information I have ends, unfortunately. I do have more research routes I would like to take, but one of them involves desperately contacting random people who I suspect could've been involved (I've tried this, I've gotten no responses from those who I've managed to find an email for), and the other route involves taking a road trip to the actual goddamn Library of Congress, which is not something I can do right now or even in the near future. So this is probably as far as I'm getting!
However! If I find anything new, this post will be updated and/or remade again, depending on how big or little the info is. For now, I think this is good enough to share, and maybe letting people know will encourage others to research this prop as well! It'll probably be easier if it's not just me, y'know.
I'll finish by saying that I think research and preservation of art like this is very important. While it's common for cool artistic things to end up cut from movies, I think preserving that those cool things existed in the first place is something worth doing. Even though this prop head was a very small part of the movie, it's clear a lot went into creating it! I feel bad that I'm not able to credit any person or people for their work, but I hope getting the word out about it will do some justice.
If you've read this whole thing, thank you so much! I appreciate your interest and I thank you for taking the time to read all this. I hope you found it as interesting and fascinating as I do!
Oh, by the way, if this post looks familiar at all, you've probably seen the original version of this post I made awhile ago. I wasn't happy with the formatting of that post, and I ended up making too many discoveries to just continue updating it. I'll keep the original up to preserve it, but reblogs will be off for it, as I want this version to be the one to go around. Thanks!
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luffyvace · 7 months
Her brook Idk if your req are closed so read this at your convenience 🙏
I wanted to ask for a male harpy reader strawhat hc or if not just hc with luffy, more specifically based off a bird with heavy feathers like a snowy owl cause I’d love to imagine that he complains about the heat a lot and wonders why he’s sweating more then usual but it’s just luffy hugging his legs cus he’s so soft
Love your work brook 🙏☺️
nope! Still open lovely anon<3
when I tell you I did NOT know what a harpy was 🤦‍♀️ I had to do research for accuracy 😅😋
but don’t worry it’s all good I’ll be more than happy to do your request!
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I’m telling you right here right now luffy would most definitely be interested in a reader like this!! You know how many unique animals and such he tried to recruit into the crew that weren’t even human?? 😂���
and thank you!! I’m so happy you enjoy my headcanons :) that makes me very happy!
Okay I’m just saying…….like chopper…if you look more animal than human….his first thought is to eat you
”you think he tastes good?” 😋
moving on…♡
He thinks your wings are really cool
I mean a 6.5 ft wing span…….I do too!!
definitely wanted to measure them to check after he learned that
to which he got himself wrapped up in the measuring tape
Both you and luffy eat “strange” animals
such as sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, opossums, armadillo’s, anteaters and sometimes parrots…..other birds too 😋🍴
No animal is safe 😭
every island you go to the two of you immediately start scouting for whatever variety of yummy foods you could find
”I’ve got news for you two—normal people don’t eat those animals”
- Nami ♡
it taste absolutely delicious to you!!
honestly you probably got Luffy into eating them
which so funny because he already loves eating all types of weird things
which is probably why he was so easy to convince him to eat it too
like he would normally see a monkey and go oh cool a monkey!
but now….😈😈
not all the time tho
mostly when he’s hungry
……….so I guess I lied, yes all the time 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he saw you eating a armadillo with some sloth on the side and was like
oooo I gotta try that 🤪🤪
you might dislike for cats seeing as though a harpy’s predator is a jaguar
Least baby harpy’s anyway…
still! 😠
it’s good for you that the sunny is big once y’all upgrade from merry
it has plenty of rooms with shade for you, since a harpy’s natural habitat is rainforests
and they mainly stay in the shade anyway :)
franky probably had a room built that simulates a rainforest for your comfort 💕
like how he simulated the grass
once Luffy found out harpy’s are rare to find and you found the tori tori no mi - model: harpy- it was pretty much settled for you to join the crew :)
like he loves rare stuff!
it’s like treasure!
and you know darn well a pirate will fight for his treasure! 😼
you use your high pitch bird call to reunite the strawhats whenever you guys get separated (which is like- every time you go on an adventure 😀 besides the point-)
it’s loud enough and ranges far enough to the point where it’s more efficient than yelling
very much so comes in handy when your in danger too
also not to mention luffy is 100% gonna wanna fly on your back since you have wings
he probably won’t even ask
he’ll just rocket onto your back while your flying one day and refuse to get off cuz it’s fun
it likely ends with him spotting something cool, telling you to go over to it and getting you two into trouble
just be ready for the
😬😁 ✊😠 💥💥 😖😓
sequence again
flying also comes in handy when saving the strawhat’s BUTT!
You and Robin like 🦅🦅
but no fr you literally just swoop in and save the day 🦸
SUPERRRRRRR M/N!! *super man pose* better yet *franky pose*
Zoro will also appreciate it if you catch him while falling because I swear that man is always getting smacked around-
same with Nami 🧡
another time
Robin was stating facts about harpy’s when the strawhats first met you, and you were confirming
she mentioned that they typically lived 35-45 years (but she was talking about the ANIMAL.)
Luffy—of course—mistook this
*Nami steps in*
“……..and besides..! M/n’s not an animal! He’s still a person you know?! Sheesh…..of course he’s gonna live the lifespan of a human”
Sanji will of course cook any animal of your request into your meal
if it’s more nutritious for you—then certainly he’ll do so!
he always prioritizes nutritional value in his meals, and thats different for everybody!
Luffy however….he will get annoyed with 😂
your like one of the few men in his life Sanji doesn’t hate
okay I know that was more harpy facts related so now I’ll get into the scenario you mentioned 😅💗
Luffy uses you for warmth in the winter (all the strawhats do)
like chopper ;P
especially with your large and soft wings
”M/n…spread your wings out..we need your warmth..”
you’ve been complaining about the heat all day
You felt like you were ON FIRE.
like seriously?! What was gon on today?!
it’s not like birds need to shed……so why are you burning up!??
”mmmm…your so warm M/n!”
”no wonder I felt heavier than usual!! Get off me Luffy!”
”awwhhhh WHYYYYYY?”
”what?! Why?! Because I’m burning up! I already have all these feathers! You’ve got to get off of me Luffy!”
*whines* “but mmmmm/nnnnnn! Your so waaaarrrrm!”
*sighs and face palms* *attempts to pry him off*
“noooooo m/nnnnnn! I don’t waaaaanna get ooofff!!”
Luffy practically had you in a literal choke hold
he was not about to let you go.
and you know he’s got himself wrapped alllllll the way around 😂😂
once again thank you for the compliment my dear!!
Hopefully I did your hcs justice and that you enjoyed them! <3
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hopelesswritergall · 1 year
Hello!!!! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for Boris pavlikovsky x cutecore fem reader? Or miles Fairchild x cutecore fem reader headcanons? I’m fine with either one if you want to,have a lovely day!!<3
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Alright I’m writing this in one sitting please bear with me… let me know if you find grammar issues. English isn’t my first language and I want to learn!
General Taglist: It’s quite lonely here……
TW: mention of fighting, bloody nose, bruises. Yandere tendencies
Meeting him
Alright Boris and a girl who wears mostly pink. Unlikely combination but it’s true.
You were the stereotypical girly girl. Pink? You loved it. Lipstick? Pink. Clothes? Pink. Notebooks? Pink. Hell you were almost like barbie and had a pink mood.
You were doing pretty good in school and kept your grades up. Boris on the other his grades were sinking faster than the titanic.
There was a group project coming up for English. You have to read a book, present and write an essay. This would be the chance for Boris to get his grade up.
“Hey Theo! Come on man, let’s do it together!”
“Unfortunately Mister Pavlikovsky, the groups will be decided by me.” Miss Clarence spoke.
Boris sunk back into his chair, well if he isn’t with Theo, he isn’t going to do shit.
“Hmmm. Let’s see. Boris you will be paired up with……. Ah of course! Y/N!.”
Y/N? Who the fuck is that?
Boris knew he should know the face that belongs to the name but he doesn’t.
Suddenly his vision is filled with pink and he nearly has a heart attack.
“Jesus woman, don’t you watch where you’re going?!”
“That’s a way to introduce yourself. I’m y/n! We’ll be partners for the next project”
Aww hell no. He couldn’t.
“Miss Clarence. Is there anyway we can switch partners?”
Getting to know him:
It was week 3 of the project and Boris hadn’t done much yet. You decided to play a game so he would do stuff and he would get “rewarded”, almost like a child or dog..
“Alright Boris, for every 5 sentences you write, you can ask me a question! That way we can get to know each other!”
“And why should I do that? I can just let you do all the work.” He crossed his arms and leaned back
“Otherwise I’ll only hand in my part and you’ll fail. Don’t think you’d wanna do the year over again, do you?”
He grumbled a bit before writing, he finished the first sentences pretty quick. “Fine, Uhm what is your favourite gift to receive?”
“Oooo, great question!! I love teddy bears, flowers or books!! But I love every gift that someone put effort in.”
You guys talked for some longer and Boris, not wanting it, felt more of a connection. He really wanted to fall through the floor.
Some things during the relationship:
Boris once got into a fight with Mark (only the OG’s will remember my hatred towards Mark) because Mark insulted your clothes. Was it worth the trip to the hospital to check out his nose and knuckles for? Yes. Everyone that makes you cry deserves to rot in hell.
He steals you little stuff from the stores. He will often give you a bracelet or a flower. You even got him to make a flower crown together. You had to swear to not tell anyone!
You guys watch a lot of television together, a LOT
He is very protective of you, always asks what colour you want something in, despite already knowing the answer deep down..
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shygirl4991 · 2 months
Mini Arc
wow alright here we are never thought i be sitting here writing my thoughts on the mini arc in public but i feel it needs to be talked about. The mini arc was bad and mess along with being so rushed. We have a lot of build up on how scary mr puzzle is, there was a whole mystery i felt the build up was amazing but after the movie puzzle vision we sank hard. He isnt scary and every time they go oooo its gonna be a spooky one well its not its just super goofy and nothing like they advertise These are just my thoughts personally on how this mini arc went your all free to enjoy the arc and such im not here to tell you what to like.
ONE HE RETURNED TO SOON while there was hints that mr puzzle wasn't defeated at the end of the movie let it cook, they hinted on twitter he be back way to soon. Not to mention no build up for his return just hey mario found him, but like shouldn't Mario be aware of what Puzzle head looks like? Shouldn't we have characters get over what just happen with the movie, we move past that so fast. TWO WHAT IS THE PLOT? There was nothing done with Puzzle the whole time he showed up and vanish till for some weird reason smg4 made the meme factory. Which why the hell does he need that? He is a youtuber and doesn't need people to come visit the grounds. Are we also not gonna talk how SMG4 just used Meggy when she got turned into Leggy ALL THEY HAD TO DO TO FIX HER WAS A MUSHROOM?!?!
With all the questions we already have i feel we should focus on those mystery's or have mr puzzle pretend to be the good guy then back stab them for the comedy zone. It just felt all to sudden and random that i have no idea what the hell just happen? At least i guessed that you can turn views into stars with shadow vision (when you guess things in the series by writing fan fiction lol weird)
how did pv get a eldritch keyboard when he cant do powerful things without five stars?
how did he get the VR stuff to trap the crew for weeks in this world for wren?
Is there a reason PV wanted smg4 to buy the showgrounds?
whats the deal with that sealed up door?
will the second floor ever be done?
what is the point of clench?
What happen to his motivation of being an entertainer? ( like it just changed to rule the world? or maybe get revenge on mario?)
What is channel 999?
what is the tv world and the hell is pv powers?!
why do the leggys multiply?
why is mr puzzle being force to have a change of heart so soon because of leggy?
mr puzzle could have a change of heart but again it felt to rush.
idk i just feel the writers didnt know where to take this mini arc since we already have so much build. Hell we dont even talk that Peach is a eldritch monster, we just ignore the pit for now i guess? Any who that was my ted talk thank you for ready <3
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breathe-101 · 10 days
The long drive home!
Characters: Jacob Scipio and writer.
Dear diary,

Hehehe, look at you and your nosy self.
There's some PG18 stuff I need to share.
As you were!

Sooooo, I’ve been dating Jacob for about six months now.
It was my idea to keep it private of course.
Honestly, after loving him from a distance for so long, I just wanted to give it a chance.
You know better than anyone that he's my first boyfriend.
It's exciting but I can't really say I'm not scared.
Just a little. Okay, maybe a lot.
Oh my days what the fork am I saying!

Anyway, having flown in this morning he insisted on picking me up after work.
I didn’t want him to cause man needed sleep.
The press tour was long and to expect anything from him now was just ridiculous.
We settled on spending the weekend together.
It’s been a hectic week and sleep was all I wanted really.
I don’t think coffee is the answer anymore, might just give myself heart failure at this rate.
Oooo and before we move on with the story, I actually said goodbye to my colleagues before leaving the office today.
Talk about progress.
Still don't really like them though.
Anyways, back to the story.

Jacobs black Jaguar pulled up out front.
Sprinting to the car, my first thought was to get the fuck out of there before my colleagues
had something to write about in the group chat.
Forget the butterflies of excitement welling up in my tummy, those villians gossip like fish wives.

Jumping in, there he was, you know.
After weeks of FaceTiming he was actually here.
‘Hi’ I whispered. It was all I could manage in that moment.
No judgement please!

Jacobs hair had grown longer.
Dark curls bouncing effortlessly as he moved his head, looking at me then the road again.
I hadn't even realised we’d started moving.
He had one hand on the wheel and the other now resting comfortably on my thigh giving it a slight squeeze.
You know that grip.
The one that makes you all giddy. Ahhhhh!!!

Okay, so. My eyes made their way down his face, his skin looked good.
Clear and somehow giving off a glow.
He didn’t have any makeup on having had the morning off.
I liked his bare face.
His almond eyes looked more defined against his now darker completion.
Guess the Florida sun agrees with him cause even his lashes looked longer.
The car came to a sudden stop.
Red light.
Lips parting slowly, his face turned towards me and he finally whispered,
‘Hi'. You knowwww, the way guys do when they want you to lean in closer cause you can't hear what they're saying.
Hmmmmm, I see you Jacob!

I watched him unable to speak.
I had so many things I wanted to tell him about
and so many questions to ask but, nothing.
I just happily stared at the amused expression on his face.
His scent filled my nose as he placed his hand on my cheek, outlining my brow then gliding down to rest on my neck.
‘I missed you' he whispered again.
Aaaahhhhh! (Hand on the chest level of excitement)

I followed his inspecting eyes as they made their way up my body.
Starting with my stocking covered legs, then a glance at my full thighs.
Eyes stopping at my chest, Jacob slowly released a deep breath then quickly looked me in the eye.
I could feel him moving closer, fingers caressing the short hair on the back of my neck.
His gaze sharply turned back to the road as the honking snapped us out of the moment.

It was a long drive to my apartment.
I'd just started a new job and hadn't found a closer place yet.
Note to self, get that sorted ASAP.
He'd packed a bag for the weekend and had several paper bags I didn't recognise.
I wanted to ask but exhaustion got the better of me.
We drove in silence.
Both of us reluctant to disturb the heavy tension in the air.
We'd said a few words about our weekend plans then continued an amusing dance of stealing glances at each other. 
This was all new to me. I'd never really liked someone this much.
I just wanted to touch him.
Feel the weight of his legs wrapped around me and rest my head on his chiseled chest.
He'd been working out.
I could tell. Jacobs arms had grown bigger more defined.
The dark T-shirt hugged his bicep as he loosely held the wheel.
I could see the outline of his abs under the fitted shirt.
His waist looked smaller against his broad shoulders.
His legs had grown bigger, leaner.
Jacob was holding my hand now, squeezing it lightly, stroking my finger with his thumb.
Keep it together girl!

We made a quick stop to get some snacks for the road then continued home.
The heavy atmosphere and smooth car ride made me drowsy.
I wanted to look at him longer but my eyes were fighting a losing battle.
I'd forgotten just how cute he was when he was happy.
Jacobs face broke into a mischievous smile, amused by the drowsy look on my face.

'I thought you were excited to see me. How dare you fall asleep.' He chuckled,
admiring my blushing face unaware of the Pervy thoughts flying around in there.
I let out a lazy laugh, pulling his warm hand closer to my chest.

Jacob moved his hand down to my legs, slowly caressing my inner thigh.
I looked up at him, eyes half closed.
The sky had grown dark, low lights hitting his face, outlining his now fuller beard.
He looked good, really good.
Jacobs hand slowly made its way further between my legs, strong fingers sliding their way against my tight stockings.
I shifted, slightly parting them in response.
Feeling a strong tug, they ripped making way for his fingers.
Hand lightly tracing the ladder paving its way down my inner thigh, his grip on the wheel tightened.

The car stopped.
Red light.
Taking advantage of the short pause, he leaned over, his face right up against mine.
Moving even closer, breathing heavily, I anticipated the feel of his warm, full lips... but he stopped. Such a tease!
His warm breath now flowed into my slightly parted lips.
I was struggling to keep my eyes open but I craved him.
I craved the mouth I hadn't felt for three weeks.
I wanted to bite his plump lip, feel him wince against me then aggressively come back for more.
Invading my mouth, not knowing where his saliva started and mine ended.
Licking the blood off his lip wanting more of him on my tongue.
Girrrrl who are you!
Holding my gaze, he slowly lowered my car seat then turned to face the road.
‘Rest.' He demanded.
The car started moving again.
‘You fiend' I muttered under my breath.

I could feel my body fully relax into the seat as sleep came over me.
But his hand started moving again this time moving closer .
Hhhmmmm This man will be the death of me, I swear.
I'd like to sleep now ,Sir. If you don't mind.'
He let out a deep chuckle, pinching my thigh in the process.
I jumped surprised by the sudden attack.
I smacked his hand and he chuckled again. 'Such a tease' I muttered accusingly.

The hand crept even closer caressing back and forth,
reaching its goal then moving away again.
The frustration from exhaustion and this slow seduction had my body screaming.
Eyes closed I grabbed his hand and slowly guided it up to where we both wanted it.
Parting my legs further, I arched my back, moving my hips higher up the seat to give him a better view.
‘I’d like to drive if you don't mind' his deep voice tugging at my stomach.
I chuckled leaning my head back giving him a good view of my now exposed throat.
‘You can have your hand back if you need it. You seem to be doing just fine with one'.
‘Hmmm' he reluctantly moaned in agreement.

The car stopped, another red light.
Sitting up, I moved closer to him.
Squeezing his hand tighter between my thighs.
I stared into his eyes, reflecting the GPS light. Moving his other hand off the wheel,
I placed it firmly around my throat, squeezing slightly.
We stared at each other desire hanging heavy in the small space.
Eyes barely open I parted my lips, releasing a slow breath, coated with the smell of Maltesers, his favourite.
My hot breath hit his lips then moved down to his throat.
I swallowed.
Making sure his hand felt every inch of the movement before moving it slowly down to my erect nipple.
Orange light.
Peeling his hand off my breast, I returned it to the wheel.
Moving away, I settled back into my seat, fully closing my eyes.
Green light.
‘You should drive Mr Scipio. Don't want to hold up traffic now do we?’
Running his fingers through his hair, eyes fixated on my charged body, Jacob slowly accelerated.
‘You f*cking tease' he breathed, pinching my thigh again as he turned to face the road.
PS: I’ll tell you the rest later xx
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dearmura · 1 year
HERE'S ME ASKING!! ok have u though abt bf!riki x reader where they are buying stuff at the supermarket and it ends up in ✨️ chaos ✨️
"no riki omg this soap is literally the best!!"
"ew it smells like trash, we're buying this one!!"
"pls i hate u"
just something rlly fluffy/crack <3
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☆ cw. some cursing, they bicker/threaten each other A LOT, period jokes, reader is referred to using she/her pronouns, not proofread
☆ pairings. bf! riki × fem! reader
☆ genre. fluff, crack, established relationship
☆ author's note: sort of a drabble ig???
with a ring of the bell just above the door, you sigh to yourself, hearing feet shuffle just behind you. swiftly turning around before you fully enter the store, you give the boy a stern look
"ki, I swear to God, if you don't behave yourself I'll literally force you into that child compartment at the front of the shopping cart. don't, I repeat DON'T, try anything" you warn, pointing an accusing finger at the boy who only gives you a feigned innocent expression you see right through. someone on the outside looking in would think your attitude towards the boy would only resemble a mom scolding her son when you were in fact his girlfriend who desperately wanted to shop without being publicly embarrassed by the boy's shenanigans
slumping his shoulders in defeat, the boy nods solelmy, paralleling a child after being scolded. sticking to your side like a wad of gum, you two continue on your merry way. though, knowing the boy, you knew this promise would be broken within 5 minutes tops. you even consider timing it but decide against it, knowing it would only encourage the boy further
"oooo angel angel, look at how big this watermelon is" he points with wide eyes like a child on Christmas morning, giving you an expectant look which you only laugh at
"ya, ki, if you put salt on that watermelon I'm actually disowning you" you tease as he places it in the cart, only resulting in him blowing a raspberry in your direction. you playfully hit his shoulder, and he dramatically gasps, falling onto the floor like he was in a telenovela
"riki, I swear to God, get up from there! you're already embarrassing us" you whisper shout, hiding your amusement at his pure stupidity
he fakes a cry, holding the back of his hand to his forehead dramatically as he takes little peeks to see if you're still looking, making you roll your eyes
"how could you. your boyfriend is dying here and you call me an embarrassment" he scolds, gasping dramatically once more, sticking out his tongue to fake his death. pointing to the shelves right above him, you almost burst into a fit of laughter at what you see, a whole section filled to the absolutely brim with kuromi bandaids along with other sanrio characters. sighing in feigned annoyance, you grab a box, successfully 'healing' the boy enough to bring him back up to his feet
"you're a pain in the ass, you know that?"
"and you haven't broken up with me yet. who's the real dummy now?" he states innocently, blowing a kiss in your direction before scanning the aisles once more, leaving you absolutely dumbfounded
"ooo ki smell this soap, it's so good" you take a whiff with a sigh, in heaven by the soothing smell. the boy approaches you and takes a sniff of his own only to fake a gag
"that smells like ass" he says plugging his nose, swatting the air with a grimace dramatically, making you roll your eyes
"how would you know what that smells like" you retort, making him click his tongue at your attitude. you only wink and blow him a kiss just as he did you. you knew he secretly found your attitude insanely attractive so you only smile to yourself when you see him go silent
the boy was wrapped around your finger and he knew it
"oh my gosh!! look look! it's a little coffee filter for dolls!! how cute~" he coos at a package of bright pink "coffee filters." when you finally approach him and see what he's referring to, you laugh, caressing the boy's cheek as you place a gentle kiss on his lips at his pure innocence
"oh my sweet, pretty boy those are menstrual cups" you coo at him like a child, throwing your head back in amusement when his smile drops and eyes widen at your words, a blush creeping up on his cheeks from embarrassment
"y-you mean that you put that up your..." he pauses in pure shock, looking like he's seen a ghost, only making you laugh more. dramatically holding you in fear, he takes your hand to cover his eyes, terrified of the feminine products before him. about to take one to restock for yourself, he holds your arm back, shaking his head quickly
"would you like me to bleed all over our bed next month" you say with a smile way too sweet for your words. suddenly switching up at your words, he searches the aisle
"do you prefer pads, tampons, cups..." he asks with a scared smile
grocery list in hand, you scan the shelves searching for items as you check off ones already in the cart. switching places with the boy so you could actually get stuff done, he was now in charge of rolling the cart (essentially just sitting there and looking pretty cuz he wasn't gonna help anyways)
you knew immediately he would take advantage of the power, which he did. walking peacefully, trying to go about your day, you feel a sudden pain in your calf, making you hiss in pain. looking back at the culprit, you see a smiley riki holding the cart innocently as if he didn't just ram the cart into your leg
scoffing, you slip your sandal off of your foot and hold it up in the air before you start walking toward the boy
"you're really gonna get it now, nishimura"
he was lucky you loved him
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skumhuu · 10 months
Found your Vampire! Dreammare on Twitter. Nay I asn for more info? Particularly in regards to Dream and experiences as what is essentially an abandoned fledgling before he got reluctantly and forcibly adopted into he Pack and dragged back into the arms of the vampire who first turned him?
Oooo vampire!Dreammare is so fun 👀 here’s a copy/paste of one of my twt threads:
Basically either Nightmare was unwillingly turned or eating the apple made him into a vampire. He almost starves before Dream realizes and forces him to feed from him. Things go horribly wrong when the villagers find out what is happening, and Dream gets fatally injured by accident.
In response Nightmare goes on a rampage, kills everybody, and turns an unwilling Dream who would have died otherwise. Dream is,,, heartbroken, to say the least by his predicament.
Thus Nightmare dedicates all of his time to finding a ‘cure’ for vampirism. Sadly, it backfires and he becomes goopified and unhinged. Afraid of his power hungry sibling, Dream flees. The twins spend a long time apart, fighting, waging wars, but at the end of the day Nightmare IS his sire and eventually Dream is forced to return.
He’s dragged kicking and screaming but it’s not like he could have stayed away for much longer w/o going feral. He is his brother’s fledgling, as much he tries to fight their bond, instincts outweigh logic. He gets drunk off of the instinct high at times 😂
Thankfully at this point Nm has settled down a bit with Killer, Dust, and Horror who have all been feeding him. He’s effectively Chilled Out and is ready to be a Good Sire 🥺 And along with Dream comes Cross, who is basically his emotional support werewolf/bloodbag in this mess.
Also Dream leaving in the first place was very very difficult since fledglings feed off of their sire’s blood and completely severing the deep mental bond they had was impossible. Instead Dream carefully walled off his mind, pushing his brother out.
Closing Nightmare off was one of the most difficult things Dream ever did. When he’s forced to return, reopen their bond, and feed from his sire, there’s no way of leaving again w/o Nightmare noticing and immediately dragging him deep into his instincts.
Nightmare is very soft towards him tho, and ready to prove to Dream that things are better now and that he’s going to properly cherish him. Very soft vampire and werewolf stuff, lots of instincts and growling and warbling until they finally all settle down 💚
Also Nightmare has chilled out as a sire but he’s still a power hungry murderous vampire dictator who doesn’t hesitate to drain anyone who inconveniences him dry (Except his pack ofc) the pack is also usually Very Vicious to outsiders. Thus Cream’s nervousness 😂
Dream doesn’t realize it but he was only allowed to leave the first time because Nightmare LET him leave out of guilt of hurting his brother over and over again despite how hard he keeps trying not to. The moment Nm realizes that Dream is hurting himself he drags him back.
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
Hi... can i ask a little thing?
I dont know if you do this but...
Pleaseeee can you write something about mountain x reader x aether?
I was thinking about a lil fic but choose whatever you feel inspired to do (sfw and/or nsfw, i dont care at all)
(If you dont like poly trio can be at least mounty x reader? He's a little giant puppy, i would cuddle 🥰 him all day if he was real...)
Oooo today's your lucky dayyy
A Spring's Soft Greeting
Mountain x Reader x Aether
Established relationship (Poly) No Warnings! Just lots o' fluff / kissing n stuff
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The air was crisp just as it was gentle when the ministry's willow tree swayed with the breeze. Though one could still feel a chill when the wind blew, the sun was warm and comforting. Blanketing the green grass and the wildflowers as their colors reached their peak. Spring was here, finally.
Aether and Mountain had planned this day with you for weeks. They made sure the weather was perfect, even going so far as to cast a few good weather charms. The Ghouls and the Sibling's of Sin had off from their duties today, and nothing would ever get in the way of their perfect picnic Mountain and Aether had planned for you.
Aether was carrying two hefty baskets of dishes and food. A ghouls' gotta eat. Meanwhile mountain had flowers hidden behind his back. With a pep in their step, they headed over to the Willow tree where you said you'd meet them. And there you were in all your beauty.
You were sitting on a checkered blanket, sunning yourself with a hat over your face. They smiled and picked up their speed as they approached you. Though they were thinking about catching you off guard. Aether gently set down the picnic baskets, the of them got on their knees and crawled towards you. Their tails flicking in anticipation.
They sprung at you, attacking your face with kisses on both sides. "Guys!" You shouted in surprise as they sandwiched you into a hug. "Hey Love" Aether purred in your ear, his sideburns tickling your face.
"Hello my handsomes, glad you showed up" you sat up from your position, a little dazed after the sneak attack. Mountain held a bouquet of flowers under your nose. It was clearly a fresh batch, hand picked by the ghoul himself. Gasping, you give him a giant smooch on his nose and he chuckles.
The day was spent lounging on the blanket and eating whatever Aether brought along with him. Everything was perfect, down to a dot. It was moments like this that you had to take a step back and feel the world around you. Nobody made you feel as loved as Mountain and Aether did. They were similar, yet very different, and they enjoyed eachothers company as much as they do yours.
Spring was around now, which means the ghouls were as cuddly and lovey dovey as ever. Their moods changed with the seasons, and in warmer climates the ghouls certainly prospered.
With a full stomach, you rested your back on the blanket, looking at the branches of the Willow tree. The two ghouls joined you, squishing you between them. "What's up beautiful?" Mountain chimed into your thoughts, taking your hand and kissing it.
"I can't wait to go skinny dipping" Aether almost choked on his spit when you replied. "How blunt" Mountain laughed "I get to join you, right?"
"Duh!" You looked at Aether with a smirk "You're also invited if you want." The quint grinned "How could I refuse?"
With Mountain and Aether tucked into both of your sides, you couldn't help but blush. Mountain had his tail wrapped around your leg with his head next to yours. While Aether had his head resting on your stomach, his strong arms relaxed around your hips.
The quint ghoul slightly lifted your blouse and left small pecks on your stomach, and the earth ghoul decided to join in. He lightly suckled on your neck, and all of a sudden it was kinda like you had two cats giving you affection.
"So warm" Aether mumbled into your abdomen face first. "So soft" Mountain said into the skin of your nape. You massaged Aethers scalp and placed your palm on Mountain's cheek.
"You two are very touchy today" you commented, but it certainly wasn't a complaint.
Aether detatched his face "It's not our fault, you're just-" "irresistible" Mountain finished. "Took the words right outta my mouth"
You sighed "Just don't do too much, we don't want to give the others a show"
"And why not?" Aether pouted.
Mountain chuckled and rubbed the quint's head "If anyone here is needy it's you." Aether face planted back into your stomach, groaning as his tail swished around.
"Don't tell me it's that time of the year" You sat up on your elbows, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked at him.
His tail fell and he looked up at you "Well-"
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thesupernaturalhouse · 7 months
Right so- Emily's personality ir charlies design for the hazbins Fallen au?? Which should I talk about first??
Let's go with Emily-
Alright! So, Emily is still her cheery self but also due to the nature of the au defiantly isnt all niave and trusting and stuff
In this au, she's learning about seras lies from others, which I think would give her trust issues. I also made her more, angry
I imagine in the au she holds grudges a lot more, mainly against alastor, and has more of a silent anger type personality- here's a small snippet of the pilot for the au
Emily: alright so now we watch *Katie starts throwing insults* ...oookay- vaggie, spear, down *gently holding said spears tip down
Vaggie: wha- but, come onn
Emily: no 'come onn' I don't think you scaring people with you angelic spear is a good ide- *Katie says soenthifn homophobic* .....neveemind *releases spear* do whatever you want ant. I want that bitch to fear for her life
Or it'd go something like that, I'll work out any kinks when I start writing the story, first I wanna awake an episode layout whoch is harder then it loks- I have the ideas but I need it in a list so- jsut gotta sort through all that
Like she isn't like Vaggie, spear raised, but not like Charlie, easy to forgive.
I do imagine she bites her tounge however if you ask for her hienst's opinion, she will NOT hold back. I think once she and Husk become more of a father-daughter duo, he starts rubbing off on her, and she starts blurting some ruder things out
He is so proud of his little(200k year+) girl
It's probably the most evident when I have her tell of Alastor- which will also be one instance of her being super protective over her found family.....listen I know yall love Alastor i do to, but I think he fandom over hypes him, and so does he himself, and I want Emily to kinda call him out, and threaten him in this au
But that'll be another post :)
Remember how I said charlie and slaviathen are like Ron and Tammy 2 but without all the sex? Yeah, well, then Emily is Diane! Vaggie is to but vaggie mostly focuses on getting them out and stuff. Emily and slaviathen just have passive aggressive argument and comments thrown at each other
"Always a pleasure to meet you charlies friends" "*strained smile* always a pleasure seaweed hair stranger" "oooo-Kay let's go- and let charlie Dela with this"
Why vaggie is passive with sleviathan and Emily is the protective one? Honestly idk but I think it's funny :) maybe it's cause Vaggie knows Charlie doesn't tale shit from slaviathen one bit so lets her gaurd down more because she knows charlie has it, so she's more passive or smth
Emily meanwhiem can't STAND being talked down to so absurd bites back no matter what. Which is also why her breaking point would be Katie calling them a slur.
She hates being talk down to, which stems form her years in heaven being treated as a child by almost everybody, good intentions or not it was still always so condescending to her. Especially when it was from Sera or the other heaven born and elder/arch angles
So she definitely internalized that, remember how I said she was often referred to as 'lucifers replacement' by many elder angles?? Yeah, that's where it MOSTLY stems from
She'd also have resentment and hatred for lucifer because of it all, like "I never want to meet whoever the fuck lucifer is" kinds mentality, it's due to this that she refused to search him uo and relaize he was her girlfriends, one of them, DAD
So the dad beat dad episode is...fun!! Emily gets piss drunk with HER dad, husk after realizing the short man in the middle of the living room is lucifer
It's after that whole song at the beginning happens does she realize he's lucifer, cause charlies only referred to him as dad so-
......I should start drafting a psot for her and Peter's relationship- mlm and wlw solidarityyyy
She also be a lot more sexual active I think because liek heaven is restricted so being in hell with norestricrions she definitely is THRIVING on that freedom
I have a scene planned out for when Angle takes them to that bdsm club that involved her buying black silk stuff because why not-
Anyways, the finale change in Emily, I think, for her personality that is would be she absolutely take sfter a more Sloth like sin
"Screw both of you I'm sleeping in!" She absolutely HATES waking up early in the morning, especially if it's after a night of certain events. Vaggie will throw clothes at her and force her to get up. Charlie will already be downstairs full of energy-
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