#or any Jane Austen's I haven't read yet
roseofb612 · 3 months
I want to reread Persuasion so badly
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astrxealis · 1 year
really want to read more and more literature (esp classics!) aghhhh yesterday iirc i was on a walk with my mom and twin and an old guy (not a weirdo dw) who was jogging or walking too actually asked what book i was carrying and it's a little funny bcs uhm he just went "oh a classic!" you see. i was carrying dante's inferno. which i still haven't properly started to read but anyways he might... if my mom is right... be the local parish guy so oopsies !! LMAO anyways yeah really interested in lovecraft for a while now! horror scares me and gives me paranoia but i also enjoy the writing of it? and i remember once that something/someone said my writing is kinda similar to his. hm.
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#i never talk about literature here but hi i grew up reading books and i really love literature. both fiction and non-fiction! admittedly i#less prefer modern books because i prefer classics and all that? and i kinda fucking hate people who only like boring and/or famous#literature lmfao fuck you but anyways putting my bitterness aside! arthur conan doyle with 'sherlock' of course & 'a dream within a dream'#dazai with 'no longer human' is something i think i'll really enjoy reading one day as well and hmm#i never properly read 'lord of the rings' despite my relative having the books and i borrowed it once? but didn't make the time to actually#read it unfortunately :(( 'the great gatsby' is something i also have yet to read and then jane austen's works!#and then. louisa may alcott ... i asked my mom right now about her books that we have/had and i did not fucking know we had#'little women' all this time holy shit. i remember reading 'a modern cinderella' but also i am unsure now... but yeah. that/those too!#shakespeare's works are of course a must-read hehe we do have 'the tempest' and i've read a couple of his works but only a little bit#either based off the knowledge i just. know. or for school back then! but yeah. you probably know his works already lmao <3#and then uhmm 'phantom of the opera' we have now as well! bought it alongside yk. 'the tempest' 'inferno' 'paradise lost & regained'#a few months ago but tbh i haven't made it very far in reading any of them yet but i really want to sometime! and learn more guitar!#and get back to playing piano and also finish and play more games but anyways. yes.#george orwell's books! we have a few if i'm not mistaken (love my family fr) i really want to read them. my dad keeps recommending#his works for us to read. especially 'animal farm' but i've heard '1984' is really good. i also really want to read more of narnia!#only ever read the first book and wow it meant a lot to me tbh? with. growing up and all. and then i read a bit of another book hmm.#'to kill a mockingbird' was something i have wanted to read since i read 'the hunger games' as a kid because i for some reason connected#the two in a way because of the word mockingbird. and then uh other books that i don't think are as... classics. idk what are classics tbh.#BUT okay yeah i still haven't read 'a monster calls' but i know it made my twin and mom cry! and then 'the fault in our stars' we have but#i also haven't read it... haven't read the witcher books either and then george r. r. martin's stuff. tbf i'm not an adult yet so lmfao.#'the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy' i know my dad really wants to read and i know my tita has it but i'm not completely sure if we have#it ourselves too now? but yeah. really interested in that book as well. and then i have yet to read 'frankenstein' and then i'd love to#reread books from my childhood from authors like roald dahl !! and then man i should read more from#neil gaiman ... i've read his short stories? and a book. or few. i can't really remember.#anyways. okay. running out of tags but i really love literature ..... <3#also want to read more of modern literature tbh! the ones that are actually good tho <33
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andrasta14 · 2 years
Okay, Tumblrites, I hear you and I’ve scratched Persuasion 2022 off my To Watch list. I’m not doing that to myself. 💀💀💀
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ineffable-suffering · 7 months
The Jane Austen Ball and why it was never about Nina and Maggie
Otherwise known as (*takes a deep breath*): A completely inflated close-up look at various dialogues and events of Season 2 that prove that the Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeeper's Association Meeting Cotillion Ball was supposed to be Aziraphale's confession to Crowley
Look, the point's been made before but that's never kept me from making it myself again, still. In fact, even I made it before, at the end of one of my other metas. But I feel like it's absolutely worthy enough to get its own soppy, way-too-long post. And I do love it so very much to write ridiculously long essays on something that could easily be condensed into a short paragraph.
So, here we go! Snuggle up, get cozy, settle in and, most importantly:
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(Word count: 3.177 | Reading time: ~13 minutes)
As I already said above, I laid out a similar case in my meta about why Aziraphale is somewhat of an unreliable narrator. I'll try and recycle it here briefly, so I can further make my point.
When Aziraphale arrives back in London from his Edinburgh journey, he seems oddly happy and giddy for the fact that he just had a rather odd and threatening encounter with Shax. I explain in my other meta that this is because he just spent the last hours of his drive reminiscing on the thrilling and romantic magic show adventure of 1941 and also the fact that he just found out that Crowley has been replaced by Shax and no longer works for Hell.
Ergo: We have a hopelessly lovesick Principality at our hands, who's practically swooning over his serpent who saved him, his books and his magic show all those years ago.
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Realistically, Aziraphale should probably be a tad worried about the eery encounter with Shax, in which she definitely had the upper hand on him. But well, if you spend many-a hours driving across the serene countryside (Edinburgh is about an 8-hour drive from London), pondering on one of the craziest, sticky-sweet romantic adventures of your not-life life, well ... things tend to turn a little rosy around the edges. Head in the clouds and all that. Light shades of grey!
Alright, onwards: Once the angel, filled to the very brim with fond memories and butterflies, gets out of the Bentley, he's kindly met with a face full of verdant plants and a very in-character-grumpy Crowley.
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Fhwack! Way to burst the rosy bubble.
Seriously, the absolute lightning speed with which Crowley storms out to vacate the bookshop the very second Aziraphale arrives makes me giggle every time.
Let's make a first small (who am I kidding) diversion into analysing the following conversation in unnecessary detail ...
... simply because I enjoy quoting dialogue as an accurate reference in my metas. I'll also highlight certain passages I want to comment on in individual colours so I can back up my thoughts with them below. Alright, their little chinwag goes as follows:
Crowley: "They you are! I was worried something might have happened to you." Aziraphale: "No, nothing happened to me. Very uneventful journey indeed. No strange things at all." Crowley: "Good. That's what we wanna hear." Aziraphale: "Um .. everything okay with- ah.." *nods to the bookshop* Crowley: "Oh, yeah, fine. He's singing to himself. I think he must have been asleep. I heard snoring coming from his bedroom–" Crowley, to the Bentley: "Did you miss me? I bet you did." Aziraphale: "... I'm sure it did." Crowley: "So, any more clues from the mystery of the missing archangel?" Aziraphale: "Not exactly. Or, if there are, I haven't yet cracked the case. But I'm certainly hot on the trail of something." Crowley: "I'm sure you are. Oh, by the way, the whole sudden rain and awning thing was a complete washout." Aziraphale: "Sorry?" Crowley: "You know, project making Nina fall in love with Maggie. I failed, it's your go." Aziraphale: "I see. Well then, Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeeper's Association Monthly Meeting, here we come!" Crowley: "You're really hosting the meeting?" Aziraphale: "Absolutely! And I can guarantee you, it will be a night to remember."
At first glance, this has little to do with the plot of this meta but actually, it folds into my point very nicely! However, it's not time for that yet, so we'll just state the facts as they are for now and then bring them back 'round later when we need them. That being said: For the love of Someone, will these two ever manage to simply tell each other the truth of what happened instead of thinking they can protect each other by lying about it all the time? Hrmpf. As a big fan of open communication myself, I'm close to developing a stomach ulcer with the amount of false truths being spewed here. (Then again – and yes, that is another, way larger meta I'm currently cooking up – it plays so very perfectly into the whole Jane-Austen-Pride-and-Prejudice tragic miscommunication theme that this entire Season has, so I understand the point of it.)
Very uneventful journey indeed, Aziraphale, except for the fact that you were ambushed by a demon who told you she was Crowley's successor, knows about the rumors of the two of you being an item as well as what went down in 1941 (that almost had both of you exposed) and also seems to have figured out where you and your demon boyfriend are hiding Gabriel, all in the span of about a minute. No strange things at all, nooo!
And Crowley's "Oh yeah, fine" is a total lie too. Again, we see him make an absolute run for it before Aziraphale can even enter the bookshop. After all, he just once again witnessed Jim have a Gabriel-flashback, speaking of the Second Coming, while Crowley was alone with him. As fumingly angry he is with the amnesiac archangel – he's also absolutely terrified of what might happen (to him and Aziraphale) should Jim regain his memories. So, no wonder he's quick to vacate the premises after witnessing Jim's rather eery memory flashback (and was, just like Aziraphale, threatened by Shax mere moments later, lol).
But no, nothing out of the ordinary happened to either of them. Tip-top. Absolutely tickety-fucking-boo.
Alright, let's get back on track with the actual topic of this meta. Certainly hot on the trail of something, hm? At first glance, it might seem like Aziraphale is talking about the fact that Gabriel was in company of someone whenever he went to the Resurrectionist Pub. (The clue!) However, I don't actually think he is talking about that. Why? Because, and this slipped my mind too at first, he never actually follows any of this information up, does he? Yes, sure, he went to Edinburgh, found the capital-c Clue and then returned to London. But what does he do with it? Nothing. He doesn't keep investigating this hot trail because that's not the important thing he realized during his journey. No, the more important clue Aziraphale found during his trip, is that Crowley no longer works for Hell and that he is also very much irrevocably in love with him and must confess this at the earliest given chance. (The latter part isn't necessarily a new discovery for Aziraphale, but it surely is fuelled by the fact that he just realized Crowley's out of a Hellish job and simply hasn't told him yet.)
This exchange just the perfect indicator for the fact that Aziraphale, at no point during his drive back, was thinking about the Maggie and Nina mission. He has no idea what Crowley is talking about once he mentions it and seems surprised, even, that he would. Even though they just talked about it on the phone when Aziraphale was still at the graveyard. Which is another important piece of evidence because it means that the last status update Aziraphale got of Mission Lovebirds, was that Crowley had sensed an opportunity to make them fall in love – and had then hung up on him. Why is this important? Because it means that until that very point of their conversation, Aziraphale did not know that Crowley's attempt had failed! There would have been just as much of a chance of Crowley's weather miracle actually working out and Maggie and Nina already having skipped into the sunset happily ever after.
So, riddle me this:
Why would Aziraphale spend the entire ride back from Edinburgh plotting "a night to remember" (because clearly, he already had the entire Ball planned out down to a T in his head since he goes into action right away after arriving) if he didn't even know yet that Crowley's attempt had failed?
To be very clear here: We're not talking about Aziraphale driving on the M1 to London, having a silly little idea for putting on some good music, miracle-ing Nina and Maggie to dance to it and watch them confess their love–
He planned an entire actual Cotillion Ball with very particular location design that involves re-arranging the entire bookshop, specifically designed individual outfits for (almost) every single attendee, topped off with a live band, hors-d'œuvre, drinks and an actual choreographed group dance.
During one car ride.
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Where's the party planner Aziraphale AU? I'm waiting!
Now, sure, we know that it's still quite important for Aziraphale to convince Heaven of the faux-reason they gave for their accidental ✨25-Lazarii miracle✨. But if we're all honest, this all seems to be a tad much just to make two random humans fall in love, even for that.
Glittery ball gowns and suits? Red and gold wall curtains? A modified language filter? Bloody vol-au-vents?
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Talk about over the top ...
Once we start S2E5, Crowley is still surprised at the mere fact that Aziraphale is actually planning to organize the Monthly Meeting – and he doesn't even know yet that it's gonna be the most extravagant ball-boogaloo that the Whickber Street Community has ever seen! Aziraphale wanting to organize the meeting alone, is enough to render Crowley incredulous, because Aziraphale never mingles with the other shopkeepers. He usually actively avoids them and any sort of social encounters as much as he can because he doesn't care about the bloody Christmas lights, alright?
These things seem mundane and uninteresting to him, obviously, since all he really cares about is hoarding his book collection in peace like the little hedonist he is and drawing as little attention as possible to his none-business business.
Oh, right, speaking of books:
Let's take another unnecessarily detailed look at the whole Whickber Street invitation scene:
Aziraphale realizes very quickly that he's not the only one who's quite unenthusiastic about the blessed Chritsmas lights. And despite his very persuasive methods of temptation ...
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... he has to take some more drastic measurements. And those are?
That's right: Giving away his books.
I'll repeat it again, slowly: Aziraphale is willingly (!) giving away or lending his books to pretty much complete strangers to, allegedly, make two other humans strangers fall in love.
Seriously, who is that angel and what has he done with our prim, fussy, hedonistic Aziraphale that protects his books with the vice grip of an eagle carrying his precious prey?
Believe in the importance of Mission Lovebirds as much as you will, but we're talking about Mr. A.Z. Fell here who, over the past millennia, has pretty much spent every day actively working out methods to stop people from purchasing as much as a single paperback from his holy shelves.
And yet: the 1965 September Dr. Who Annual? Given away. The first edition of Expert at the Card Table that was S. W. Erdnase's personal copy? Lent away to grubby human hands to fondle around with.
Let's do another coloured dialogue diversion (don't worry, it's not as extensive as the last one):
Crowley: "You just did what I think you did?" Aziraphale: "I'm not prepared to talk about it." Crowley: "You gave away a book." Aziraphale: "I had to! Maggie and Nina are depending on me. They just don't know it yet."
Crowley backs up my point: This is a huge deal. Aziraphale does not sell his books – let alone give them away for free. We're all shocked! Flabbergasted!
And the explanation Crowley and us get just ... doesn't satisfy. Something and someone sure is depending on this Ball and doesn't know it yet. But it's most definitely not Maggie and Nina, folks.
You know for whom Aziraphale would give away his books in the blink of an eye, though?
Mhm, that's right.
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This pretty old serpent.
I want to take a minute to show you the reaction again that Aziraphale has upon entering the very same magic shop him and Crowley went to in 1941 to acquire the Bullet Catch:
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You ... you need a minute there, angel? You're sure looking a little ... affected.
And I mean, well, no wonder. He reminisced about that very memory four hours last night. To him, this shop is where the most turbulent, ecstatic, adrenaline-fuelled and romantic night of his life began. And it shows.
I've made my point in my other meta series about how Aziraphale is an incredibly nostalgic character. He romanticizes so many things in his memories – especially the parts that feature Crowley. So, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that he's once again willing to loosen the tight grip he has on his book collection to get the successor of Will Goldstone's Magic Shop, the shop that started it all for him, to come to his fancy Ball.
As we watch Aziraphale and his little lap dog demon pat around Soho, I'd like to take another second to point out that he goes to seven or more establishments before he even invites Nina.
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... and he only does so because she starts talking to them on the street. Almost like he'd forgotten about it. Why not ask her at the very beginning? To establish whether or not he'd have to book-blackmail her too?
"Perfectly ordinary invitation with no hidden agenda of any kind", except that he's using you and Maggie as a pretence to resolve his own clusterfuck of a relationship-miscommunication Jane-Austen-style so that he can then hopefully confess his undying love to his demon not-boyfriend boyfriend.
You'll forgive me another short diversion but my God, the whole exchange at the Marguerite's restaurant with Crowley literally cat-call-whistling Aziraphale over to him (and Aziraphale checking if he meant someone else first, I–)? I am weak. So, so weak and
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However, this is also when we get a snippet of Crowley finally revealing the truth in place of his "Oh, he's fine"-lie earlier and telling Aziraphale that he's actually pretty scared Jim might turn back into Gabriel and smite him altogether. And Aziraphale's response is, in a cosmic sense, (remember the pink paragraph now) so hilarious:
"Have you thought of just talking to him?"
Yeah, have you? Have any of the two of you? Just thought about talking? To each other? About anything?
'pparently not. But hey, it's all good because remember what the ultimate remedy for star-crossed lovers simply misunderstanding each other is?
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Bish, bash, bosh, problem solved!
Back at the ballroom bookshop, Aziraphale sends Crowley to invite Maggie in order to, in my opinion, not spoil the Ball-y surprise for him. (Inviting Maggie only now?! Wouldn't she be one of the only two guests who really should attend? Why the short notice? If she's really that important for the Ball you're planning, hm?)
On top of this, we see Nina almost not attending the Ball meeting after her partner broke up with her and Crowley being the one who coincidentally runs into her and ushers her into the bookshop before Shax and her "legion" of demons start creeping up on them. Again, if this hadn't happened by pure coincidence, Nina would have left to go home and this whole Ball would have taken place without her, rendering the apparent sole purpose of making her fall in love with Maggie useless.
Why doesn't Aziraphale care more for both of them to attend and be there? Why is he instead busy fussing over everything looking perfect and wonderful and doesn't even seem to notice that both Nina and Maggie are really late to the meeting?
Well. Well.
The answer's in the title, babes.
Alas, Crowley safely gets Maggie and Nina to join them, Mr. Brown is the only one who doesn't get a miracled outfit (fussy, petty angel, you just don't like him, do you?), Jimbriel stuns with glamour and flirt (and whatever sexually suggestive thing he does with his cheeks) and the Whickber Street Ball is a-go!
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Sorry, I just had to chuck this in again because Crowley's face here absolutely kills me every time. He looks so confused, I am hollering.
And the heart eyes Aziraphale is making at Nina and Maggie now that they're actually here?
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Oh, bless it, angel.
He's all like "Oh look, it's working! Jane was right! It's all going to be resolved, all the misunderstanding and quarrels! Crowley, where's Crowley–"
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Ah yes, there he is.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is an angel who is not listening to a single word being said right now. No, in his head, Aziraphale is already down on one knee, pouring his heart out to Crowley after they just danced the night away.
Oh, yes, right. The dancing.
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Parallel much?
But well, as marvellous and beautifully romantic as her stories tend to be, it turns out that Jane Austen isn't always right after all. Because before we know it, the perfect night shatters into many-a tiny pieces (literally).
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And once again, fhwack:
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... the rosy bubble bursts.
Let's take one more deep breath so I can make my final point:
In S2E2, Aziraphale explains to us very exactly what Jane's Balls (hrhr) used to be about: Solving miscommunication and confessing love to one another.
During his car journey back from Edinburgh, Aziraphale:
doesn't know Crowley's Mission Lovebirds had failed
remembers 1941 and just how badly he's in love with Crowley
and also realizes that they seem to have been wildly miscommunicating for quite some time now. (Crowley didn't even tell him he basically got let go!)
So, what does maddeningly strong love plus a want to resolve all the miscommunication equal? That's right: A night to remember! A Ball to change it all! A dance, a vol-au-vent, a confession. And, ideally, a happy ever after. Because:
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man angel in possession of a good fortune Jane Austen collection, must be in want of a wife demon husband.”
The Ball was never for Nina and Maggie. As a byproduct, maybe, yes. But the whole rest of the glimmer and glamour, the careful, romantic planning and set up of it all, the book-bating the other shopkeepers– that was for Crowley and Crowley only.
And oh, if only it were as easy as in the books.
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*whispers* I'm sorry, I had to.
Your honour, the tinfoil-hat crackpot defence rests. Feel free to share thoughts (and prayers) if you want to!
Au revoir! 💗
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pitviperofdoom · 25 days
Any book recommendations? That remind you of fanfics you write? That inspire you? Or you just plain like?
Pretty much anything by Tamora Pierce, she's the kind of writer I want to be. The Protector of the Small series is my favorite of the bunch, but you do kind of have to read Song of the Lioness and The Immortals first, which are both also extremely good. They're all four-book series but I race right through them.
Favorite Neil Gaiman books are: Good Omens, The Graveyard Book, and The Ocean at the End of the Lane.
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao is Pacific Rim meets Handmaid's Tale meets Hunger Games in a science fantasy version of China. Great book if you love it when a female character is also a rabid honey badger.
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee. Bisexual british lordling goes on his Grand Tour with his best friend/crush, hijinks and manhunts ensue. I haven't read the other two books of the trilogy yet but I intend to.
Currently rereading The Lord of the Rings and loving it.
Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams: cat-based xenofiction, but tone-wise it's more Watership Down than Warrior Cats. Rich animal fantasy with a kiss of cosmic horror.
Big fan of Jane Austen, favorites are Northanger Abbey and Pride and Prejudice. In the same vein, Evelina by Fanny Burney came out before Jane Austen's novels but occupies a similar vein of romantic satire of 18th century British society.
The original Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories are genuinely so good, I need to reread The Hound of the Baskervilles.
The Redwall series basically raised me as a child. A lot of my feelings about how stories should go come from what I absorbed from Redwall.
If graphic novels count, Mouse Guard by David Petersen.
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bethanydelleman · 8 months
I haven't gone very deep into the Austen fandom or JAFF world yet, so I'd like to ask a question out of curiosity. Is it common for Austen fans to view Elizabeth as being more like Jo in "Little Women" than she really is? I've seen a few posts comparing them, with a comment on one of them saying "Everyone loves to compare them." But while they do have some things in common, for the most part I'd say they're very different characters (and from entirely different genres of book too, a comedy of manners vs. a Bildungsroman).
Short answer: Yes, absolutely they are conflated. Though @thatscarletflycatcher might be able to better answer about Jo.
I haven't read Little Women in forever, but according to Wikiepdia, "The principal character, Jo, 15 years old at the beginning of the book, is a strong and willful young woman, struggling to subdue her fiery temper and stubborn personality." It also describes her as a tomboy.
I do see Elizabeth Bennet characterized like this a lot in Jane Austen Fan Fiction, despite that not really being her personality. I don't know if we have P&P 2005 to blame for this or if the misconception began earlier, but Elizabeth never displays tomboy tendencies in the novel, unlike Catherine Morland who is described that way in Northanger Abbey. JAFF with child versions of Elizabeth often have her climbing trees and coming home dirty every day; I would guess this is taken from her walk to Netherfield.
Elizabeth also doesn't have temper problems. She stays calm through the entire Collins proposal even though he won't listen to her refusal. At one point she just gives up on saying no and decides to get her father. A person with a temper would have yelled by then, in my humble opinion. She's even pretty calm during Darcy's proposal, as insulting as it is.
Elizabeth never rejected the idea of marriage, she was looking around and hoping to find someone. She doesn't write or want to work... she is very intelligent...
I think part of it is that Elizabeth often becomes the vehicle through which authors point out the problems with the Regency era, which Book!Elizabeth never does. If any Austen hero is radical, it's Anne Elliot of Persuasion, but as most JAFF is about P&P... They don't want her to be a passive delicate female, so they give her a job. They don't want her to be blind to the class system of her era, so they make her a advocate for the poor. It's about the author's sensibilities, not the true nature of Elizabeth as a character. Which is fine if you want to do self-insert, but don't tell me that is Elizabeth Bennet!
So yeah, they love Elizabeth's wit, but they want her to be Jo March.
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liminalmemories21 · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @rmd-writes, @strandnreyes, @heartstringsduet, @three-drink-amy, @paperstorm, and @carlos-in-glasses. Thank you!
@rmd-writes - to answer your question, what am I doing to these boys . . . . nothing nice (but strictly speaking not as mean as canon, so there's that at least).
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] RE:  Jane Austen Did you ever read Persuasion?  I know everyone has to read Pride & Prejudice in highschool, I think it’s a law somewhere, but did you read Persuasion?  I had a friend in highschool - Michelle’s younger sister, Iris - she had a thing for the Keira Knightley P&P, used to make me watch it with her after school about once a week.  It’s how she came out to me.  How I came out to her too.  She told me she couldn’t decide between Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen, and then left this pause in case there was something I wanted to add, so I said it really wasn’t a choice for me, but I’d rather have Colin Firth than Matthew Macfadyen.   That wasn’t actually my point.  I like Pride & Prejudice, but Persuasion is better.  Iris thinks I’m wrong, but I’m not.  Anne’s 17 when she falls in love with Wentworth, and she lets herself be persuaded out of marrying because she’s not sure of herself yet, because she doesn’t know the cost of what she’s giving up.   She’s 27 when she meets Wentworth again.  She’s older.  She knows herself better.  She knows how to make mistakes and live with them.  She knows the price of giving something up, and the value of a second chance.  She’s learned how to listen to her own voice instead of everyone else’s.  When you’re 18 you do dumb things because you don’t trust yourself enough yet to listen even when you know better.  I almost married Iris when I was 18 because I thought it was the only way I could fit the box I told myself I was supposed to occupy.  Fortunately for both of us Iris told me not to be an idiot.  This probably doesn’t make any sense to you.  I’m not sure I want it to make sense to you.  But, I want you to know that I’m not naive.  I’m not 18 anymore.  I know that losing you is more than I can afford.  I know that you are worth more to me than anything anyone thinks you could ever cost me.  You’re a choice I made with my eyes open, and a choice I would make again every time it was offered to me.   I’m 28, and I know what I’m choosing and what it’s worth to me.  Everything.  You’re worth everything.  Wanna go to sea with me, sweetheart?  Or at least to Crate & Barrel to look at throw pillows and couches?
Trying to remember who I haven't seen a snippet from yet today - @freneticfloetry? @ramblingdisaster73? Also, literally anyone else who wants to share.
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annbourbon · 4 months
After reading What is...? by @creativepromptsforwriting (if you haven't read her blog or follow her WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?)
I decided to add some of my notes here too. Because it's on the little things I've been studying every night to get better at writing. So please consider this post as part/collab of "What is...?"
★Please keep in mind that this comes from someone whose first language it's not english, so, what for some might be obvious, for others it is not.
Blurb? is a short promotional description on your book. But can also be used to promote movies and other things.
Needs: Hook + Keywords (define an audience) + keep it short and leave them wanting for more.
* Remember to check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Nowadays you can use quotes from your book as promo too. Pinterest is your best ally here. Make a bunch of attractive images with a colorful quotes and upload it on your social media! ^♡^
Honestly when it comes to promos you should exploit it all (meaning: create quotes, collage, your cover, promos, etc!) Be your own fan. Create a playlist, ambience, set the mood. Let your own world drag you into the woods, do not resist it.
If you love it, other will love it too.
W.I.P.? Means Work in Progress. So you have yet a lot to do to finish your story. it's okay, it takes time \^♡^/
Pathetic fallacy Vs Personification?
Pathetic fallacy
It's specifically about giving emotions to something non-human (objects, nature, or animals)
Writers use the pathetic fallacy to evoke a specific mood or feeling that usually reflects their own or a character's internal state. While I have seen some detractors of using this technique, think of Emily Brontë novel, Wuthering Heights, or Shakespeare in several of his works like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. Or Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. So study it and use it carefully and you should be fine. Times change but you should write however you want too.
On the other hand, is giving any human attribute to an object.
Think of The Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, and Toy Story as great examples of what personification is.
Atmosphere?  is the way an author uses setting, objects, or internal thoughts of characters to create emotion, mood, or experiences for the reader.
For me Mary Shelley with Frankenstein is one of the most accurate examples I can give, but when I think about it, Robinson Crusoe, and Moby Dick, both feel tremendously claustrophobic and desperate to the reader, full of details, the time passes slowly and it's insufferable. Which in theory is not okay because the reader can drop the book but guess what? They're classic because you want to know what happens next. Which brings me to my next point, if you want to know more about the art of writing, you should try the following channels on YT:
Abbie Emmons
She has some interesting videos, but one crazy tip that will change your mind. It actually works. And don't worry, she keeps repeating it over and over so you learn it too. She also offers some courses and several activities like writing together (in case you're trying to write but can't, now you have a date!)
Ellie Dashwood
If you're into social dynamics, subtlety and want to get better writing period stories wether they are romantic or dramas, then she's your best bet. While she doesn't teach you how to write better she does teach you literature and history. And trust me, some of these things can be more than helpful. The way she analyzes and provides for clarification over social situations has made me understand not just Jane Austen but my own time in a different way.
Fiction Beast
This is showing me a lot of literature and making me read classics. Of course it wouldn't work if it wasn't because of Ellie but it's a must! because it does explains a lot.
Ana Neu
I just discovered her and Ellen so I can't say a lot of things but their videos have been really helpful with some of the things I've been working on especially with Fit or Die, so you should check out both of these girls.
Ellen Brock
and of course, he needs no introduction, but if you didn't know, he has several classes posted on his channel which have been helping me tremendously.
Brandon Sanderson
*Disclaimer: They're not paying me for doing promo. I just do this on my own account because I truly admire their work and effort put into it. Plus, I always do this for anyone if I truly admire the way they work. And I believe this is helpful for anyone with hopes of becoming an author. Even if it's just a hobby. Have fun~!
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River's English Major Summer TBR list(to encourage you to read new things):
because holy heck, i'm done with school already??? Anyways these are in no particular order tbh.
Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy. I've started it before but lost track halfway through. I've got my own copy now so it should be easier.
Persuasion, by Jane Austen. I'm already halfway through this, and ANNE MY BELOVED---
The Only Problem, by Muriel Spark. I ordered it while i was at college and never got around to it, and I LOVE the satire of this woman.
Wise Blood, by Flannery O'Connor. You all know how much I adore her. I haven't read this novel yet!!! I'm so excited!!!
Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley. I've never actually read it. I only sort of know how it goes, so this should be really good. I love gothic literature.
Cursed, by Marissa Meyer. I got it for Christmas and still have not read it. Curses on a reading-intense degree.
Providence Blue, by David Pinault. I also got this for Christmas, and have been looking forward to it.
Plague Journal, by Michael O'Brien. Dystopia or something. It should be really good.
The rest of Paradise Lost by John Milton. I'm not one for poetry, so this might be a last ditch effort when I'm at the end of my rope. I studied the parts about Satan and his fall, but I don't really know what happens in the rest of the book, so I'm very curious.
And last, but not least, Before Austen Comes Aesop: The Children's Great Books and How to Experience Them, by Cheri Blomquist. Another Christmas Present that may not be something most people would enjoy, but I think I really will enjoy it. I'm a nerdy nerdy Lit major at heart, and like. These kind of commentaries are really enjoyable to me.
Anyways, I hope you all have fun watching me get repeatedly broken apart by various classics and newer novels, as I tend to walk a strange line between fangirling and critical analysis, I suppose as any good literature lover does. I know last summer I started re-reading the KOTLC Series, and I'm not going to lie when I say I honestly think I'm tired of Shannon Messenger's style for now. I read a ton of her work last summer, and now I kind of want to go everywhere with my reading. I hope y'all don't mind that I'm gonna randomly post quotes from all over the place. :P
Then again, you're still here. Perhaps this is the kind of thing you've signed up for.
Happy Summer to every College kid who's almost free, and everyone else who still thinks it's only spring!!!!
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 months
(pls substitute any year of your choice for 2021! or, like, of all time, whatever works! :D)
I'll do the ones I haven't been asked yet. :)
🎉 favorite release of 2021? give your top three 2021 releases if you can’t choose just one!
So I already covered A Psalm of Wild Built, so I'll look at a different 2021 releases that I really enjoyed:
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki is one I recommend EVERYONE read. HOLY SHIT is this book good. (It has supercorp feels too.) Shizuka, a violin teacher, needs one more soul to escape from her deal with the devil, and she finds it in an homeless trans teen, Katrina. Except, Katrina pulls at Shizuka's heartstrings more than she anticipated, but the real kicker is when Shizuka mets Lan Tran a donut shop owner who is an alien mother of four. Shizuka doesn't have time to fall in love, and yet she can't stay away from Lan Tran. Can these three women defeat the devil at his own game?
Read and find out! And yes everyone is gay or trans in this book. Its prose is so fucking good. I have read it over and over because it's just so good! The words make the music in these pages come alive.
As a side note, during my last re-read, it hit me how Shizuka has Lena Luthor energy and Lan Tran has Kara energy. Not that I need more AU's...
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro is a book about an android who is chosen by a young girl, Josie, whose health is deteriorating due to too much genetic tinkering to improve her intellect. Klara becomes obsessed with Josie, and tries to find a way to repair and help Josie. It's a breathtaking story of pain and loss told through the eyes of an android (known as "artificial friends"). Sure, it starts out like an exploration of A.I., but in the end becomes more of a dreamy fable. ishiguro really knocked it out of the park honestly.
📓 do you read classic literature? if so, what’s your favorite classic? give your top 3 if you can’t choose just one!
Emma by Jane Austen was a favorite, mostly because Emma never wanted to marry and loved to meddle in other people's romantic lives, until some of her plans unravel in unexpected ways. Sure it turns into a romance eventually, but Emma is an intelligent, witty, and sometimes petty protagonist that I just had so much fun reading.
Anything by Mary Shelley, who I will call the grandmother of science fiction and horror. No one can convince me otherwise. She has a few novels, though Frankenstein is her most well known. All tackle complex and creepy as fuck subjects. Definitely one of the few "classics" I enjoyed reading.
The only author that predates her in the realm of science fiction is Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, whose book The Blazing World was published in the 1600s and dealt with someone going to an alien planet. So one can claim the first science fiction writer ever was Margaret Cavendish, a woman. The second one was Mary Shelley. :D ____
🥺 I covered in this post.
Thank you so much for asking! This was fun.
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shelbydelrey · 3 months
Heyyyy I’m starting to read Pride and Prejudice and I thought I’d let you know since you’re a big Jane Austen fan. I’ve only ever read Emma by her, so I’m excited. Do you have any other recommendations? I was looking to read Northanger Abbey since it’s one of her more gothic works.
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Hi, M 😃 It's so nice to see you, girlie 🤗
But honestly, i don't know if i'm the right person to make Jane Austen recommendations 😅 I'm not as versed in her work as some people are and i'm a fan simply for the ✨vibes✨ 🤣
Pride and Prejudice, in my basic bitch opinion, is her best book and the most entertaining (i could easily see Emma becoming the most entertaining out of the two for you because the girl is a *hot mess* 🤭). Lizzie is just an incredible heroine and seeing/reading her not accepting Darcy's bullshit is hilarious and the work Ms. Austen made on Darcy is just - insert gif of me biting a pillow here - marvelous. He's an asshole, yes but instead of being played as some bad boy swag, it's shown that he's terribly awkward introvert king: Best Austen Hero, no dispute there! (fyi this is my *my opinion* in case anyone disagrees and wants to come for my head).
I haven't read Northanger Abbey myself yet (although i plan on doing it soon) and i feel weird recommending Reason and Sensibility and/or Mansfield Park because they're kinda boring? 😂 I love this two stories and Mansfield Park is even my second favorite Austen book but the plots and character conflicts are heavily focused on moral and the romance is just embarrassing 😒. It's very Jane Austen if you're accostumed with her work but unless you have the patience to sit through it i don't see why you should bother.
Persuasion is short and kinda cute, so maybe you should try it? 😅 Sorry for the rambly mess! I hope i helped somewhat.
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chocolatepot · 11 months
2.02 thoughts!
DAMN Crowley talking to the goats about himself, basically, yeah? God will destroy you for no fucking reason.
Muriel is such a John Finnemore idiot character. Love that.
My ambivalence to Ineffable Bureaucracy aside, Gabriel remembering the song even after putting all of his memories into a fly is pretty sweet. (Gabriel is also such a John Finnemore idiot. He writes great idiots.)
This whole thing with the Scottish pub's jukebox feels like something that should have been given to Maggie to investigate, maybe. Like all of the stuff that the human characters were able to look into for the viewers' benefit in s1/the book - it feels like too much of a digression for Aziraphale when there's so much going on in the plot. I feel like it could have helped to make things less jam-packed.
Aziraphale doing the little miracle to get the guy out of his seat (and seeming to be closed to get away from street association man) - again, a little selfishness!
When I first watched this ep I KNEW he was going to characterize Maggie as having a "pash".
I don't like the Jane Austen joke ... I know I'm being a killjoy/taking it too seriously. A friend pointed out that it's very Doctor Who-ish and it is. We don't have TIME for stupid jokes, there is too much plot to cover.
Truly love that Peter Davison is Job and Ty Tennant is Job's annoying gay son. "Bildad the Shuite" is so silly that it really pleases me.
The first time in history that Crowley insists to Aziraphale that "no I really am evil and awful, I'm such a bad guy"? And he's immediately proven wrong.
I always liked the idea that Aziraphale discovered the pleasures of human food himself (with pleasure in physical comforts and food/drink being his own personal love of the Earth to mirror Crowley's), but it being something that Crowley introduces him to, as supreme lover of Earth, works as well.
Aziraphale being jealous that Job gets to speak to God (when was the last time God actually interacted with any angels besides Metatron? is she talking to the archangels, even?) when God is just lecturing him like an asshole, asking him questions he obviously has no answer to ...
I am such a child, the "reach into his robe - no, higher" joke really landed with me.
I feel like Gabriel and Michael would have questioned the number of children being given, since she was supposed to have seven? Also makes me wonder if the poor woman still conceives seven more times, since that was apparently divinely ordained. (I guess she could still miscarry. I just want to save her from seven births at her age.)
The "our car, our bookshop" conversation hits so well on a second viewing - but again, so selfish. There is no way he has ever considered the car shared until the moment that he needed it!
Pride and Prejudice foreshadowing/parallel - Gabriel sort of was an angel in possession of a "good fortune" as supreme archangel, and the first line is sarcastic, but he did find himself in want of a wife, of sorts. I'm connecting the dots! (You haven't connected shit.)
The interesting thing about Aziraphale's abusive relationship with Heaven/God is that it's a staple of fic, yet ... not quite like this. The focus in my experience is usually on him being directly bullied rather than on the doubt engendered in him by God/Heaven doing shitty things and his fears about what doubting would mean (though tbf I don't read as much GO fic as I do OFMD fic). I'm sort of eager to see if people jump on this.
Crowley thinks he's so adorable when he's freaking out about being "fallen". So cute so cute so cute. How does David Tennant load so much affection into his smile? And the "as far as he can" callback ... *chef's kiss* It is interesting to me how in/after s1 I was very into the dynamic where Crowley gets off on protecting Aziraphale, and now I am kind of like "... he's been GIVING for so many centuries, when is Aziraphale going to turn around and match that?" Some of that is obviously echoes from having seen the finale, but some is definitely what I was thinking as I watched the first time. (Presumably the answer is "in s3," obviously.)
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blush-and-books · 1 year
Top 5 all-time favorite ships?
Warning - this list is literally just the same m/f couple in different fonts. A lot of these were more formative and influential in my childhood or were from series that are from a couple years ago. I am naming these as my top five because of how insane I went over them/how hard I hyperfixated on them.
When I made this list I was disappointed to realize that there hasn't been a wlw couple from a series or movie that has influenced me this powerfully, but I hope to find it soon and if you have any recs lmk! :) Will also include honorable mentions!
1. Kirsten Clark and Cameron Goodkin, Stitchers (2015-2017)
This is tied with Julie and the Phantoms for one of my biggest hyperfixations ever. Kirsten and Cameron were a slowburn that was done really beautifully and nobody was doing it like them. I watched this show at a very pivotal developmental point in my life, and I think these two taught me a lot about the work that a relationship takes and the fact you have to be willing to put it in - they were a healthy relationship example for me at a time that it was necessary for me to see it. They have a lot of character development over 3 seasons but grow together in healthy ways, and the writers kind of bake it into the plot that they're meant to be lmao. They also are just a great example of loving someone for everything that they are. They definitely made me a little mentally ill but also inspired me to be a writer, so...
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2. Julie Molina and Luke Patterson, Julie and the Phantoms (2020)
I don't know how long you have been following me anon, but if I've been on your dash at all in the past couple years, it was most definitely related to Julie and the Phantoms, and probably related to Julie and Luke. In one season, they had insane development and beautiful chemistry. The way their characters were written made them naturally fit together, and made me cry "soulmates!" quite often. I will forever mourn what they could have been, and be grateful for some of the most stellar works of fanfiction I've ever read that were produced in their name.
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3. Anne Shirley Cuthbert and Gilbert Blythe, Anne With An E (2018-2020)
Technically they're from the whole Anne of Green Gables Universe but AWAE is one of my Shows Of All Time ™ lol so I'm crediting them to the show!!! Just everything about them..amazing. Definitely gave me unrealistic expectations for love tho bc who tf assaults a man and still bags him in the end!??? Anne. She's that bitch and I haven't reached that yet but I'm working towards it.
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4. Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy, Pride & Prejudice (2005, dir. Joe Wright)
This is another one of those ships where I'm like if you've followed me long enough you could have seen this coming lol. These two are from the general Pride & Prejudice Universe, first created by the lovely Jane Austen, but P&P 2005 is by far my favorite movie of all time, and it is still breathtaking every time I watch it. Keira Knightley and Emmy Award Winner Matthew Macfadyen are really a perfect pair and their adaptations of the characters are so genuine and whole. Everything I do, I do for them.
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5. Nina Martin and Fabian Rutter, House of Anubis (2011-2013)
My original Ship of All Time. Was very mentally ill over them. I rewatched this show last year and I expected to be like "oh god this is cringe how did young me like this so much" but instead I was like "oh god this is so well written how could anybody hate this show." Yes it has its silly moments but I could write essays on how well it was written. The foundation of trust between Nina and Fabian was more powerful than any "do you trust me?" YA teen fantasy movie moment of the 2000s. Fabian was the blueprint for every fictional crush I have had since.
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Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa, Six of Crows Duology and Shadow & Bone TV series
Aziraphale and Crowley, Good Omens
Su-hyeok and Nam-Ra, All Of Us Are Dead
Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper, Stranger Things
Zoya Nazyalensky and Alina Starkov, Shadow & Bone Trilogy and TV series (yes I am a Zoyalina truther sorry)
Dan Humphrey and Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl (will I receive hate for this one? to be determined)
Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson, Stranger Things
John B and Sarah Cameron, Outer Banks
Ethan and Sarah, My Babysitter's a Vampire
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coquelicoq · 6 months
re: you reading name of the rose: did you watch the movie as well? do you tend to seek out adaptations of novels at all and do you have a preference in which order you watch/read them?
i haven't and i didn't know there was one!
if i read a novel and like it and then sometime after that a film version is released, i will often watch it. however, i don't usually seek out adaptations that were released before i read the novel. (exceptions where i read a book and then looked for film adaptations that already existed: i did seek out film adaptations of the count of monte-cristo (though sadly i still haven't found the french miniseries that sounded so interesting). and i've watched several adaptations of jane austen's novels.) so i probably won't watch the name of the rose movie unless i hear something specific about it that intrigues me.
in general, i'd rather read the book before watching the movie, but i don't take this to the level of refusing to watch a movie if i haven't read the book yet. i'm trying to think if there are any cases where i watched a movie and liked it and then sought out the book, and the only one that's coming to mind is reading volumes of the natsuyuu manga after having watched the anime. which just tells you how much i love natsuyuu!
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creativefiend19 · 1 year
Fandom Trumps Hate Beta Offering
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What's your story?
I can help you start it / write it / improve it / tell it!
I'm offering beta services for @fandomtrumpshate 2023
Do you need:
- cheerleading
- brainstorming
- helping with organisation & deadlines
- spelling & grammar checking
- editing Original Works
- language suggestions for ESL writers?
I can be any kind of beta you want!
If you're looking for canon story and characterisation feedback, here's the list of fandoms from FTH that I'm familiar with (which means I've read/watched some or all of the canon). And of course, I'm always happy to learn about new media, or your OCs!
Drop me a line if you need more deets!
(List follows after the cut)
• All for the game
• Alex Rider (books)
• Agatha Christie (all media)
• Anne of Green Gables
• Arrowverse/DC Multiverse (to an extent)
• Asimov (works)
• Buffyverse
• Charlie's Angels (2019)
• Cosmere - Brandon Sanderson (except The Lost Metal - its #1 on my TBR tho!)
• DCEU (most of it)
• Batman (all media)
Carry on Simon (haven't read the last book yet but I plan to, ASAP)
• Dead poets society
• Divergent (any media)
• Doctor Who (mainly 10th and 11th Doctors, some Torchwood)
• Downtown Abbey
• Dune (books)
• Heartstopper (books)
• How to train your dragon
• Howl's moving castle (all media)
• Hunger Games (all media)
• Inception
• Jane Austen (works)
• Wodehouse (works, except Psmith)
• James Bond (all media)
• Jurassic Park (all media)
• Locked Tomb trilogy
• Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
• Merlin
• Miss Fisher's murder mysteries
• MCU (the films + Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D)
• Old guard
• Riordanverse (all media)
• Queen's thief
• Raven Cycle
• Red white & royal blue
• Schitt's creek
• Grishaverse (all media)
• Shadowhunters (all media)
• Sherlock homes (all media)
• Star Trek (films and series, but I stopped watching after Voyager)
• Star Wars (films only)
• Tolkien (all media)
• Wheel of time (all media)
• Twilight (all media)
• X-men (all media)
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leohtttbriar · 1 year
For the ask game: 3, 6, 17 🔥
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i literally have one in mind that has haunted me for a couple years.
it was like this gifset of various popular but slightly bookish m/m ships. i saw it because i was looking through the dead poets society tag. under all the gifs (and they were really lovely, good job aesthetically, like) was this quote from plato (maybe, i haven't been able to find it yet in any of his works) about how the love between two men is more sacred or something than the love between a man and a woman.
like. that is not a gay rights thing. that is a woman-hating thing. what even.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
i think the most annoying ones are the ones who are concerned in one way or the other of their gay ship becoming canon. if they are convinced it's not going canon, then they are constantly calling the writers homophobic or any sort of interaction between the characters "queer-baiting" or generally just unable to consume the media in a way that is not all or nothing. if they are even somewhat convinced that the ship is going canon, they've got this fun 'tude in which being able to read the secret "obvious" details of what is going on between the two characters is one of their special skillsets and everyone else is just missing the point and the magic of the piece of media.
people in fandom talking about gay ships being canon can probably benefit from a nice return-to-childhood type journey, in which they remember innocence and joy.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
can i answer this with what i think there should be less of? bc i do think there should be less college aus. why are there so many of those. why are you putting people with swords in college. swords are cooler.
anyway, i think there should more f/f fics across the board.
i also think there should be more funny fics. fics with like quick fucking dialogue and a sense of irony. like jane austen or douglas adams or mark twain. i think people should practice being funny. think that would solve a lot of societal ills. we're all too angsty.
(i say in the midst of writing a very in-my-feelings fic about jadzia dax, lol)
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