#or backstreet boys' as long as you love me if that's more your fancy
popcornforone · 4 months
From the Marcus Pike Fan Fic Diary
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Master List
I’ve written (well I say written) I actually spoke this because I wanted it to properly sound like an audio recording that had been converted into word for the diary. It was really random to do, so it’s not my best writing but I think it works for this situation.
Synopsis:- your on a girls holiday, when one night your trip takes an unexpected turn.
Word count:-1000
Warnings:- DONOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! Swearing fingering public displays of affection, piv sex, lots of moaning, alcohol.
Yea this isn’t my usual style & I don’t think I will do it again but It was a good learning curve. Thanks for the read peoples
Audio description for diary when I return home from the girls holiday in Florida, day 5.
One of the girls called me out today. Clare realised I’m sneaking off once every couple of hours to record this for my diary. She asked
“you doing a diary?” & I was like
“yes well you know why not?”
“How long has it been going on all year?”They went.
oh but at least we’re gonna find out how good this time of our lives was I mean this is month five so far
Oooh Tara got off with Sam from that other bar & Vicky well you didn’t want to see Vicky this morning oh my God.
But yes, so far it’s going good. The tan is topping up. & I am on my second cocktail of the day as I lie by the poor reading the girl on the train.i can’t wait to see what happens next in the book, it is so full of suspense.
Oh God we are going to Michaels tavern tonight apparently it’s a 90s bar oh that means fancy dress doesn’t it? I’m not looking forward to it. I don’t do fancy dress unless it’s Halloween. Well I guess I just gotta make the girls happy & it is laylas night to pick what we do & she loves a bit of Backstreet Boys so I’m not gonna argue.
my nights coming up on night seven. I’m looking forward to that. That will also mean that there will probably be no more hangovers after night seven & then on night 12 we return home I get to get into my comfy bed & not have to share it with a girlfriend with cold feet & random snoring.
& I’ll have my Marcus to spoon me all night. oh I miss Marcus so so so much. I miss his kisses. I miss Little hugs
oh I should probably get out of the bathroom now, the girls are gonna wanna get in there next aren’t they? & I’ve got an outfit to prepare.
Wow. That was a right turnabout for the books oh my God
I am on a turning dancefloor busy reaching for the stars like S Club 7 all those years ago & suddenly I see this group & in they walk these lads, I say Lads men obviously, but they are all busy flirting their way through bar & I recognise one of them. It’s Jackson. I just shake my head. No I’m hallucinating I’ve had too much drink, oh God.
I’m saying this in the bathroom of the bar phone I’m sure you can hear the drum & based behind me. I went to the bathroom put some water on my face & head back to the bar & I go to the bar and I asked for 10 slushpuppy vodka shots in hope. that’s when I felt his arm go around my shoulder, I recognise that hand, so soft & large & it stroked my bra strap down & I just looked up at him & he looked down at me & we did the five shots each in unison & got to the last one & then the words escaped his Lips
“I miss you and I love you baby. “
Oh, you’re here & you ravaged me, the way your tongue flowed through my mouth hands caress my hips the way you held me close as my friends all cheered as we made out at the bar & they even turned on the sprinkler above us which the barman does when people are getting a little bit too intimate to break it up but didn’t Obviously. your hands went underneath my schoolgirl T-shirt & the way you made sure that I was being more than satisfied, damn, every single kiss every single toungue that invaded my own my tonsils feeling every inch oh Marcus oh Marcus. (Someone bangs on the bathroom door & Marcus shouts go away).
Waking up to you kissing my neck knowing that I ached knowing that you wanted some morning sex even though it was already noon. No way am I gonna be heading to the beach today because you are here in Florida spur moment with your friends because they got bored because we weren’t at home & now now you’re just… (muffled noise not picked up) Marcus, Marcus please oh you wanna you want some (gasp) oooh fuck yes oooh more baby oooh you missed this? Fuck oooh fucking fuck baby, more please please fuck baby, more (unable to detect the moaning) fuck yea like that just like ooooh fuck like that baby…
Marcus has just put on his shirt on, his holiday shirt obviously, they literally have come down here for Saturday & Sunday to make sure that we all remember all our boyfriends are like it’s a bit awkward for Tara but I’ll oh I never wanna leave Marcus side again the way in which he just made me cum so hard three times in a row he knows I’ve not bought anything with me to look after myself. oh, I’m gonna be thinking of nothing but his cock & the way in which he came, & the way that he sucked my nipples for the rest of the holiday I’m really looking forward to ripping my underwear when we get back next week & the way in which I will be laid on that bed & I won’t be able to go to work for next morning even though I should be there after having a few days off on holiday because I won’t be able to walk. Marcus it was a nice fly by drop in to make me feel good but now I’m lining for you more.
Yea diary that was last week when he arrived to make my trip memorable, I can’t believe it picked up some of our moans from the sex we had.
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spicywhenspeaking · 8 months
If I’m There: Chapter Twenty-Two
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read from part one here!
summary: Noah and Natalie met in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
this is a complete work of fiction, some characters while based on real people are totally made up. :)
this chapter contains feels! and some are a sad but we will get through this together
Taglist: @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @laurpartyprogram @concretenoah @thebadchic @jessitpwk @madomens @samanthasgone @myownthoughts12 @missduffsblog @jilliemiw86 @malerieee @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here
Noah POV
“It’s nice to meet you too. Even though you made my mom sad.” I’m stunned at first by the ferocity in the way she said “Even though you made my mom sad.” My fears of starting off on a bad foot are seemingly coming true but I can hopefully pull it around and win her over. I hope. She’s perfect. Erin is. She has the same happiness in her eyes that Natalie had when we were younger. Like pure sunshine. 
She looks like a miniature version of her, her soft brown hair falls like a halo around her face. Her face looks like mine but also like Natalies—a perfect combination of us both. Natalie’s hand comes down on Erin’s shoulder and squeezes lightly, “These are beautiful flowers Noah, thank you.” she says and I try not to stare too long into her eyes when she smiles at me.  “Why don’t we head into the kitchen to eat and I’ll get these in some water.'' She ruffles Erin's hair and guides her with her hand still on her shoulder towards the other room. I noticed her give a sideways glance to the girl in a warning of sorts. I don’t think it's necessary at all, by all means, lay it on me. The kid thinks I broke up with her pregnant mom and left them to become a musician. Natty says that’s not the case but I don’t know. I try to imagine how I would have felt in her shoes and she’s definitely acting more level-headed than I would have been at her age. I guess that goes to show how amazing Natalie has done raising her. A voice in the back of my head that I constantly battle against wonders if they’re both better off without me.
I follow them silently into the kitchen and find a seat at the round table on the opposite side of Erin. 
 “So Noah, what kind of music does your band make?” Erin asks as she takes a huge bite out of her sub. Natalie has placed my sandwich down in front of me with a polite smile and I offer a small “thank you” before I continue, “Um, we make something called metalcore, it’s like rock music but a little heavier. I could show you sometime, or make you a CD if you’d like. What kind of music do you like?” I ask and take a bite of the sandwich. “I can see why these are your favorite,” I say once I swallow my bite. “I like a lot of music, my mom shows me a lot of music that she likes and so does Haylie like the Backstreet Boys, and oh! Lady Gaga! She’s so pretty. Um, a lot of old stuff like what my Grandpa likes, Audio something? Um, The Rolling Rocks.”
“Stones baby, The Rolling Stones’ and its Audioslave that’s what Grandpa was playing last time we went over to dinner.” Natalie corrects her quietly as she eats. 
“Oh yeah! I also like The Lion King soundtrack, The Little Mermaid, oh and me and my mom and aunt Haylie sing Mulan in the car a lot.” She takes another large bite of sandwich in the middle of her sentence so she mumbles that last bit out with a mouth full of turkey and lettuce. “Erin, please don’t talk with your mouth full,” Natalie tells her softly. “You like singing?” I ask her and her face lights up nodding, “Yes! I love singing, I got a karaoke machine last year for Christmas and we use it sometimes. My mom says you have a really good voice.” Natalie blushes at the comment but remains quiet while Erin and I talk. “That’s very nice of your mom to say. Maybe we can do karaoke sometime? What else do you like to do along with singing? Do you play any sports?”
“Oh yeah, I’m in karate and soccer. I used to do gymnastics but I didn’t like it that much anymore so my mom let me stop. I’m also in the art club at my school but since it’s summertime we don’t meet. I’m going to art camp in a few weeks though! I’m excited!” 
Her whole face lights up when she talks about the things she likes and I’ve never felt this way before. It’s like seeing her happy is the best thing in the world and I only want to keep the feeling. “That’s amazing, I would love to see your art sometime.  I think it is so cool that you’re learning karate like your mom. I tell her I’m learning Muay Thai which is a Thai fighting style” I tell her. We finish our food while we continue getting to know each other. Erin tells me about her friends in school and about spending time with her grandpa and her kind of grandma Gwen, who was the woman that Natalie lived with for a while when she first moved to Austin. God, I want to ask Natalie more about her life here with Erin. I wish I had more time in town. 
After we eat Erin asks me if I want to see her room so she can show me her art and her favorite toys. Erin grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs to her room with Natalie following behind, she’s been really quiet and I notice a mix of happiness and sadness across her features and I can’t help but battle with the same emotions. I’m so unbelievably happy and grateful to be here right now meeting my daughter who’s amazing in every way. Funny, smart, kind, she’s everything I would have hoped for in a child. But, I’m also filled with the most profound sadness that I’ve missed so much of her life. Her first steps, her first words, birthdays, Christmas, soccer games, losing her first tooth. Does Natalie even do the tooth fairy? I have so much to learn about their life and how I can fit into it. I don’t want to miss anything more but I know with my life on the road I’m bound to. I wonder if they would ever come with me? I could hire a tutor for Erin’s schoolwork and Nat could do tattoo pop-ups in each city we visit. 
I think I might be getting ahead of myself. I just am desperate to be in Erin’s life. I have regretted breaking up and leaving Natalie for almost 10 years and now I’m seeing everything I gave up. All of the things I sacrificed for this life. Not just Natalie, but Erin too. 
I shake myself out of the endless dreadful thoughts when Erin pulls me excitedly into her room and starts naming all of her stuffed animals, adding the monkey I brought her into the pile. “This is my giraffe, his name is Bartholomew, and my snake Randle, oh! My dragon! Her name is Fluffy! I love her so much! Look!” She hands me the red stuffed dragon and I admire it while she continues showing me all the toys and pictures in her room. 
“I made this last year at school! It’s my ‘all about me’ board, what do you think?” She asks while pointing at the large poster board hanging on the wall opposite her bed. It’s full of pictures and stickers and things that she likes. A list of her favorite things, pink, pizza, music, art. She’s so incredibly talented, the background of the poster is all her drawings. Her hero is her mom.
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Natalie watches quietly from the door, there as Erin’s closet source of safety. Her fiercest protector for all of her life. Natalie’s eyes shine with emotion but she is giving us space, space to meet, and space to learn more about each other. I tell Erin about how much joy making music brings me we talk about the foods we enjoy and I learn that she has a very sophisticated pallet. She likes spicy crab, tofu, spam, she even likes brussel sprouts. “Wow, when I was nine I hated brussel sprouts, to be honest, I don’t even really like them now” I laugh and she giggles along with me. “Yeah, my mom makes them really good. You should come over for dinner sometime and she can make them! Can Noah come over for dinner for your brussel sprouts sometime mom? She makes them crispy! With balsam? Balsamic vinegar? Right mom?” She turns to look back at Natty who’s still leaning in the doorway. “Yes sweetie that’s right,” she smiles at Erin and nods “Noah, you would be welcome to dinner anytime.” She says and turns her smile to me, “when you’re done with the tour you’re welcome here whenever you’d like.”
I want to go over to where she’s standing and shake her or hug her, how is she handling all of this so well? How does she seem so normal? I want her to be happy or sad or angry or something. I wonder if she’s feeling any of the emotions I am feeling right now. I wish I didn’t have to leave tomorrow. I just want a second to talk to Natty. I want to know what she’s thinking. After ten years of doing this on her own to just allow me to come in and be a part of their life? It’s crazy. This whole situation is crazy. I need to schedule a meeting with my therapist ASAP.
The hours’ roll by and Erin asks if I can stay for dinner, I don’t want to tell her no so I just look at Natalie and she has that same calm look on her face, “Of course, if he’d like to? We’re just heating up a couple of frozen pizzas” 
I stay and eat with them, Haylie joins for a little while to eat and before she leaves back into her room she hugs Natalie and they have a nearly silent conversation. I barely make out a very soft, “I promise, I am okay.”
After dinner I reluctantly let them know I should head out so I can get ready to leave first thing in the morning to head to our next city. But I ask Erin if it’s okay if  I call her until the tour is over and I can come back for a longer period of time. She excitedly agrees and surprises me when she wraps her arms around my middle, “I’m glad I got to meet you today Noah” she says when she removes her arms and walks back towards her mom whose head is turned to the side quickly and then back and I see the moisture in her eyes again. The emotion she’s keeping at bay. “It was great to meet you too Erin, I will call you in a couple of days okay?” 
“Okay! Bye!” She waves excitedly as I walk down the front steps. 
“Bye Noah, it was nice having you over today,” Natalie says in a soft voice and I wave and tip my head in acknowledgment. “Thank you again, Nat, for everything”
Her shoulders shake just for a moment but she takes a quick breath and just rubs her hands along the top of Erin’s head and down her hair until they’re resting on her shoulders to lead her back inside. With one last wave, the door closes and I head towards the rental car to go back to the hotel. I quickly take out my phone and shoot a message to my therapist to set an appointment in the next few days. I contemplate sending Natty a quick text, thanking her again for today but I don’t. I’m not sure it would do anything good for her right now, I can tell whatever is going on in her head must be weighing heavy on her. 
Natalie’s POV
I don’t cry when Noah leaves. Erin asks to watch a movie before bed so we sit on the couch and watch Brave, one of her favorites. She asks me a few questions about Noah and more about what he was like when we were younger and I answer them all but it's almost like my voice isn’t connected to my body. When the movie is over Erin is falling asleep next to me on the couch so I gather her in my arms and lift her, walking her upstairs and settling her into her bed for the night. I kiss her forehead and wish her sweet dreams. “Thank you for letting Noah come over today, I like him.” She mumbles out half asleep. “Of course sweet girl, goodnight. Love you” 
“Love you too mommy” 
I don't cry when I finish cleaning the kitchen or when Haylie comes out and asks me again how I’m doing. I just tell her I’m exhausted and ready to shower and pass out. 
I don’t cry in the shower while I wash my hair and remember every moment of the day. 
I don’t cry while I brush my teeth and think about all of the things Noah missed out on. 
I lay my head down on my pillow and question how he could possibly stand being near me, how he could meet Erin and not want to scream and yell at me for having missed out on her amazing life. 
I cry when I think about how my selfishness took away that time they could have had. 
I could have gotten over my feelings of being alone and thought about what was best for Erin. 
I cry until my body is shaking and when I feel the bed next to me dip and Haylie quietly shushes me and runs her hands down my hair in a soothing motion I cry even harder. “You’re okay, it’s okay. I’m right here, you’re okay” she tells me over and over and all I can do is cry. “I fucked up Hales. I ruined everything for her. I fucked up” I sob out over and over. “Shhh. Shh, you didn’t. You were young, what were you supposed to do?” My body continues to shake as I begin to hyperventilate, feeling the panic taking over. “Natalie you can’t do this to yourself, you are a wonderful mother and you’ve given your daughter a beautiful life. You can’t think about what could have been. There’s no way of knowing. He’s here now. That’s what matters. She has him now. That is what is important” 
Haylie continues rubbing soothing circles on my back until my breathing starts to even out and sleep finally envelops me. 
In the morning when I wake up I have a splitting headache. Haylie is sprawled out on the other side of my bed. I don’t wake her when I get up and peek into Erin’s room where I see her cuddling the monkey Noah brought her. Whatever the past, the mistakes I’ve made. Having her was never one of them. It was a mistake to have let my emotions get in the way of Noah being in her life. A mistake I do not intend to repeat again.
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xoxoxox ! I am so excited to take this journey with Noah and Natalie and Erin!
next time Kyle and the fam are in town and Erin and Noah will get to know each other more on the phone while he's away on tour :)
next chapter ->
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cosmickyeom · 2 years
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seventeen boyfriend headcanons: ⋆ ﹕₊˚ seokmin, dancing in the kitchen
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word count: 0.7k content warning: food genre: fluff a/n: because it's getting more chilly outside and i have too many feelings about soft! and! sweet! seokmin! in! the! kitchen! to welcome the start of autumn in your new home, seokmin decides to prepare a special dinner for you and him to share.
nothing beats the comfort of a warm pot of soup paired with a side of freshly cooked rice at the table. seokmin had spent the past week thinking about this dinner. listen, cut him some slack, he's just so excited to get some extra time to spend with you! he even woke up extra early the morning of to make a grocery store run, determined to use the freshest of ingredients for your meal. in the past few years, he has been growing his skills as a chef and takes pride in the fact. as much as he would love for you to act as his sous chef for the night, all he wants is for you to sit back and relax. however, you guys would go back and forth on this topic, only to end in a compromise where you have your own dedicated space on the countertop to sit on and strictly observe. no funny business. he has his cooking stations and you have your own space to sip your beverage of choice and to make conversation.
this particular recipe is a favorite of his. this was the soup his mother would make when he fell sick and was forced to stay home from school. it's one of the few dishes that calls to him when he's been away from home for too long. it's his humble contribution to the table when he and the guys gather together to share a meal. it reminds him of home, of family. it holds a safe place in his heart because the first sip brings him to a place where he feels safe and loved. as hopeful as he is, he wishes to transfer all of these feelings to you when you take the first bite. seokmin remains mindful of you throughout the entirety of his cooking process. when he asks for you to grab a something from the cabinet next to you, he shows his appreciation by pressing a quick 'thank you' kiss against the tip of your nose. on occasion, he will slide over and take a sip of your drink, but for the most part, he's nodding along and making small comments here and there as you give him a rundown your busy week. it first starts when the rice cooker starts playing the familiar instrumental to indicate that it's done cooking, its song overpowering the soft music that was previously playing in the background. seokmin, ever the talented dancer, takes it upon himself to drop whatever he's doing to dance robotically to the high-pitched tune. it's absolutely ridiculous. the robot has never been in his repertoire as a performer, but he's able to get a string of giggles out of you, which is all that matters to him. when you finally decide to jump off the counter and join him, you guys are only dancing to the rice cooker's song for a few more beats when the music abruptly stops. in its place, the sounds of a gentle guitar from andrea bocelli's cuando me enamoro flow into your kitchen. he guides your arms around his shoulders as he wraps his own around your waist, gently pulling you against him. as he rests his forehead against yours, he leads you both into a relaxed sway as you both make your way around the kitchen. even though his arms are safely wrapped around you, he has a compulsion to give you a soft squeeze every once in a while, as if to keep you as close to him as possible. as the dance goes on, he's humming along, only stopping for a few seconds to pepper little kisses on your cheeks and forehead. he's definitely the type to be a little clingy, especially when it comes to you. the lights are low. the soup is simmering. there's really nothing else in the world that can disturb the peace that you two have built in this small home of yours. in this moment, seokmin thinks that if he was able to spend the eve of every new season with you by his side, he would never have to wish for anything else ever again.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 3 years
Walkman -- Fred Weasley
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Wow another one huh? Yea :)
Summary - Fred is suddenly interested in muggle studies so the reader teaches him some
Word Count - 1.9k
It wasn't often that other students at Hogwarts cared much about Muggle items. So when Fred had recently taken in interest in muggle studies, he had came to y/n about it.
"Its not that I know nothing, I know plenty from what my father goes on about. But I don't know, I want to learn more." She and Fred had been friends for a little over a year and he hadn't previously expressed any liking to the subject. So why now? Why not just sign up for Muggle Studies?
She didn't care enough to express it aloud.
See, Y/n had grown up as a muggle. Her mum had been a witch but both her and her father feared she wouldn't be a witch because she didn't show the normal signs at a young age. So they sent her to muggle school until she officially got her letter. No one could explain the relief and joy on her mum's face when she saw the letter in their box.
"When do you have time to learn?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
"Any time really. We could practically start now!" He replied excitedly. She shook her head with a smile.
"You're lucky it's a Saturday you git, I'll floo home and grab some stuff to teach you about." And with that she turned and walked away from the boy. For the first time in a while he was genuinly excited to learn something, maybe because his teacher would be someone he fancied. He thought maybe he hadn't felt like this since he discovered he could scare the trousers off his mum by hiding behind doors and jumping out at 6 years old.
And so he waited for her to get back.
While Fred waited at the castle, Y/n appeared suddenly in her homes fireplace. This earned quite the screech from her little brother who was sat on the couch.
And yes, was, he promptly fell off the couch once she appeared.
"Sorry Alastair, just came to grab a few things. Is dad home?" He nodded, pointing behind him to the kitchen where the smell of pancakes wafted through the house.
Not only was Y/n's dad a muggle, he was also American. He had moved from America when he was 17, wanting to escape his horrendous family and have a big change. He met Y/n's mother when he was visiting a museum in Scottland. She had been on a field trip for muggle studies.
"Dad?" He jumped slightly, nearly dropping the spatula he held in his hand.
"Christ Y/n, what are you doing here." He laughed, pulling her into a side hug.
"One of my friends wants to learn more about muggles and asked if I would teach him. Have any recommendations on what I should tell him about?" His eyes narrowed at his daughter.
"Is this that boy I heard you talking to mom about? The tall ginger boy?" Her cheeks flushed at the comment, partially because he had been eavesdropping on her and her mother and partially because he was correct. After a few seconds of silence, she spoke up again.
"Can you just give me ideas please?" He decided not to tease her further and began brewing up ideas for her.
"Alright, I have a few things I think he may like to hear about, literally." This peaked the girls curiosity as she followed him to her parents shared bedroom.
Y/n's dad ruffled through his side table and brought out a Walkman.
"Do you think he's ever used one of these?" He handed it to her nonchalantly.
"Definitely not." She laughed, grabbing it from his hands.
"You could probably just grab a few random things from your room and he wouldn't know what they were. It stunned me how much stuff your mother was unaware of." He shrugged. "You can borrow it for a while. And take this tape, I made it for your mom so she could hear top hits from America."
"Perfect! Thanks Dad." And she was then off to her room in search for more things to show Fred.
It didn't take her long to gather a few things and bring them to her dad to ask what he thought. She spread a pile of things out in front of him and asked him to weed out the things he thought Fred wouldn't understand.
They were left with a slap bracelet, a tamagotchi, the Walkman, and for fun, crayola step markers and stick on earrings from when Y/n was a kid. She thanked her dad with a hug and asked him to say hi to Mom for her and vanished through the floo again with a loud goodbye to her brother.
Once she arrived back, she skipped down the stairs to find Fred in the common room in front of the fireplace. His tie was loosened quite a bit and a few of his top buttons undone on his shirt. She bit the inside of her cheek like she didn often when he made her flustered.
Clearly he didn't have to do much.
"Would you like to come up to my dorm so I can show you some stuff?" She asked through the silence. His head whipped around with a sinister smile.
"Godric that's quite forward of you." He winked. She could feel the inevitable heat rushing to her cheeks at the comment.
"You know that's not what I meant you arse, do you wanna learn or not?" She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the wall behind her.
"Alright let's go." He stood with a laugh, squeezing her shoulder while going to trot up the stairs. She pushed ahead of him and got to her room door. Fred looked at her curiously as she leaned down close to her door handle and whispered into it. The door creaked open as she stood straight.
"What was that?" He asked, plopping on her bed.
"Mione and I charmed the door so that it needs a password. Don't want anyone walking in on is changing and stuff. The only ones who know it is us and Luna." She explained as she shuffled through the bag she brought back from her house.
"Can I know it?" His eyebrow quirked slightly, leaning back on his arms with a wicked smile.
"No you cannot, it's kind of an inside joke. Now scoot so I can show you stuff." He was shoved back slightly so he was sitting closer to the headboard of her bed and she sat opposite. She spread the things out on the bed as he looked at them with a scrunched face. He first picked up the stick ons.
"What are these?" He held them like it was a dirty nappy. She giggled and snatched them from his hands. Her fingers grabbed two of them and she used her other hand to grab his chin and bring his face closer. He stared into her eyes with intensity. She probably thought he was so confident, but it was really a front for how nervous she made him. Y/n quickly turned his head to the side and put the stick-on on his ear, repeating it on the other side.
"Now look in the mirror." He hopped from the bed and turned his head in the reflection with a giddy smile.
"I actually kind of like it." Y/n stuck some to her ears and stood in the mirror with him.
"Now match!" She said enthusiastically. He looked down at her with a sweet smile and adoring eyes.
*This girl was certainly something to him.*
"Alright more. This one is pretty self explanatory. It's called a slap bracelet. Put your wrist out." He did so with a suspicious look. She raised it and hit it to his wrist as it wrapped around it. She had never seen someone look so amazed. He took it off, straightened it, and did it again.
"That's phenomenal!"
"They make ruler versions of them too so you can carry around a ruler as a bracelet. I used them in primary."
It took her an exponentially long time to explain the tamagotchi to Fred. He was beyond confused about it. But they ended up taking care of what he called 'their baby' for a good 25 minutes.
*Their baby*
This of course wasnt something Y/n would really think about until weeks later. Daft woman.
They had really stamped up each others arms with the stamp markers as well. Along with a little heart Y/n had stamped sneakily on Fred's cheek.
She of course saved the best for last, the Walkman. She slipped the tape into it and handed it to him, teaching hin the buttons.
"This is a Walkman, for music. My dad said he has top his of the decade on it for my mom." She set the headphones on his head and pressed play. She could very mildly hear 'Wannabee' by the Spice girls leaking through the headset. She very slightly slid one side of the headset off of his ear so he could hear her, brushing his cheek on accident. Not that she noticed.
But he did.
"If you hold down this button it skips the song onto the next one." He held it done and 'I Want it that Way' by Backstreet Boys was playing. He really got into this song. He hooked the player onto his packet and got up and started dancing all dramatic. She sat up against her headboard just watching him enjoy herself.
Now, Y/n tended to say her thoughts aloud when she was extremely zoned in or out. It's not something that was intentional, it was actually something she hated. Most the time it got her into trouble. Most the time after it happend all she could think was simply.
*Well Shit*
"I'm so in love with you." It slipped effortlessly, ber eyes widening as soon as tr he words were said. She thought maybe she could have gotten lucky and the music would still be blaring in his ears. But since when was the girl lucky?
Fred slowly pulled the headphones from his head and scrunched his eyebrows.
"You are?" She couldn't read the exact emotion on his face, making her afraid to answer. So she just nodded. He sat by her slowly, not facing her, just sitting next to her. They both stared straight forward.
All you could hear in the room was the very subtle music leaking from the headphones at the end of the bed.
Fred felt like such a wimp. She literally just confessed her love to him. One he shared for her, and he couldn't even say anything. Maybe he was just stunned.
Suddenly she reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers, turning to look at him. He smiled and grabbed the side of her jaw so gently.
"I'm so in love with you too." She smiled with a small giggle and leaned in to kiss him, pulling away faster than Fred would have liked.
"WeasleBottom." She said suddenly, catching him completely off guard.
"That's the password. It's a mixture of the last names of our crushes. Pretty cheesy huh?" He shook his head with a laugh.
"I think it's pretty flattering." He pulled her in for another kiss. "You getting why I wanted to learn about muggle stuff now?"
"For me?" She smiled with her hand over her heart.
"Of course for you."
*Anything for her.*
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
sports promoter!kuroo + taking care of his pregnant wife
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anon:  Hi ur farmer kita and atsumu x pregnant reader fics were so good and heartwarming is it alright to ask for a kuroo one 👉👈
i think i got this request right after releasing the atsumu one and i’m so glad you guys have been liking it so far! these have been super fun to write and i like having that mix of fluff and crack in these hc’s. SO YEAH I’M SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS KUROO ONE I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT TOO !!
i feel like kuroo would be the type to fall for someone he’s known for quite some time because he likes that sense of familiarity with another person
the two of you had been good friends in high school and admittedly, you also had a crush on him because who didn’t
sadly, the two of you lost touch a bit when you entered different universities BUT you had a fateful run-in at the MSBY Jackals vs. Schweiden Adlers game
you were there as a journalist and you couldn’t mistake that familiar bedhead for anyone else so you just had to come over and say hi
meanwhile, kuroo couldn’t take his eyes off you, especially seeing how beautiful you look now
after you conducted your interviews, kuroo decided to straight-up ask if you were free later that evening and you were. he took you out to a nice restaurant and the two of you were able to catch up
from then on, the two of you meet quite often, most especially at work because you were a journalist for a sports news channel
kuroo isn’t the type to beat around the bush so he ended up asking you out on an official date to which you said yes
he is the SWEETEST boyfriend. be prepared for lots of text messages filled with every heart emoji you can think of and him just dropping in randomly while you’re at work to give you hug or a kiss
despite how busy he is, kuroo loves making time for dates with you, whether it’s eating dinner together or catching a movie 
you love the fact that even though he’s grown up, kuroo is still pretty much the same science-loving dork you fell for in high school
some of your at-home dates involve the two of you eating popcorn and watching the newest science documentary series on national geographic and discovery channel
idk why but i feel like kuroo is super into River Monsters and Shark Week and you find it cute how you can hear his little squeals of excitement while sitting on his lap
i feel like kuroo isn’t really the type of guy who thinks that marriage is an absolute must. as long as you guys love each other he’s down with living with you forever
and then he finds out that marriage has tax benefits and he’s like ‘guess i gotta put a ring on it’ 
 jk it’s also because he loves you
*whispers* but tax benefits tho
kuroo is gonna be SUPER EXTRA about proposing to you. i’m talking dinner at a fancy restaurant, a trip to the rooftop, then he’ll have a fireworks display with the words ‘will you marry me?’ written across the sky (actually idk if this is illegal but lets pretend it isn’t)
now y’all are engaged
kuroo is honestly the best at wedding planning. he probably likes it more than you and he already has a pinterest board of wedding inspo and everything
he loves sending and showing you wedding cake ideas and even napkin folds so you have to rein him in a bit because kuroo gets excited really easily
you guys have a classic wedding but for the reception kuroo probably begged for you to have a nerdy theme. eventually you went with space exploration and kuroo showed up wearing a spacesuit
he also had a special dance number specifically prepared for you and he even got bokuto, akaashi, lev and kenma into it and it was amazing 
was the number ‘i want it that way’ by the backstreet boys? yes
immediately after getting married, kuroo brings up the subject of having kids because he’s always wanted to have a family of his own and kids to raise
plus he knows you’ll be a GREAT mom
expect his ‘wanna have sex ;)’ texts to turn into ‘are you ovulating rn?’ texts kuroo pls stop this is embarassing
also i personally feel that even though kuroo is a science geek he also got into astrology because that’s what the kids are doing these days
you try to surprise him with birthday sex but then he’s all ‘y/n, if you get pregnant this month our baby is going to be a cancer and i don’t want that’ 
i hate u cancers, myself included
after choosing a due date zodiac sign for your baby, kuroo is ready to have a baby with you
when you find out you’re pregnant kuroo was actually at work but he ditched whatever he was doing and took a bus all the way home to see you 
one of his favorite things to do is talk to your baby and caress your little bump and kuroo will talk about ANYTHING: the weather, how his day was, how beautiful you look every day, the new River Monsters episode
you: kuroo, please that’s the fifth time you’ve told our baby that catfish swallowing a man whole story
kuroo: you’re right. should i tell them the piranha story instead?
i just know that kuroo would be the type to film a video of the two of you all throughout your nine months of pregnancy to show the baby
it’s honestly so cute how excited he gets whenever he’s filming himself
kuroo: hey baby! it’s your dad, talking to you from the past. by that time, there will be flying cars--
you, from the other room: THERE WON’T BE
kuroo: okay, hoverboards tho
he loves taking pictures of you and putting them in a little album for the memories. sometimes he’ll even show it to his friends or people at work (you have to tell him to stop tho because most of the pics are of you napping on the couch with junk food around you)
since he wants to be super prepared, kuroo would make sure that he takes time off work when your due date rolls around
when you feel your first contraction kuroo’s already there carrying you to the door and calling a taxi at the same time
he’s yelling out too many encouragements for you to focus on your breathing so you have to tell him to shut up for two minutes
i think kuroo would actually want to be in the delivery room to hold your hand and make sure everything’s okay and yell even more encouragements
except all his encouragements are related to volleyball
kuroo: give it one more good serve y/n!!
kuroo’s the first one to hold your baby while you were still resting after the labor. he’s even there help the nurses give your child a bath
when a nurse comes up offering to put your child in the nursery kuroo’s all 🥺🥺but i wanna hold them  🥺🥺
when you wake up in the hospital room kuroo immediately rushes over to you with your child in his arms
kuroo: look y/n, it’s our child
you can tell that he’s very emotional 
kuroo’s hugging the both of you real close and smiling at his little family 
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @tpwkatsumu @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
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(not me making this awful cover but i wanted this to have one lmao. i do not own the picture i used, so credits to whomever made this lovely pic)
So first of all, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the 100 followers LIKE?????? where did thAT come from I just- you guys are sO AMAZING !!! I am beyond grateful for all of your support and your kindness and I'm so happy interact with you pretty people.
I really don't have any rules, nor characters I don't wanna write of that I can think of as in right now. (please if state if u want it to be nsfw bc my first instinct is write sfw stuff)
ANd, as a thank you, I made this super duper fantastic song lyric prompt list that you can choose from (you can absolutely send in a lyric that isn't in the list if you want) and just send me a sw character and we'll see how that goes!
Song lyric prompt list
• already requested, but you can ask for them again!
1. I don't need anything fancy, I just need me and you slow dancing. - Slow dancing by Aly and AJ.
2. I've been trying hard not to talk to you/act a fool. - Sunflower vol. 6 by Harry Styles
3. Say it's been long six months, and you were too afraid to tell her what you want. - How you get the girl by Taylor Swift
4. And if you have a minute, why don't we go? Talk about it, somewhere only we know. - Somewhere only we know by Keane
5. To the strand, a picnic planned, for you and me. - From Eden by Hozier
6. Why she had to go? I don't know, she wouldn't say. - Yesterday by The Beatles
7. I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you. - Fallingforyou by the 1975
8. Take on me, take me on, I'll be gone, in a day or two. - Take on me by a-ha
9. Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do. - Like real people do by Hozier
10. You wanna say no, no, it ain't gonna work, but then you fumble your words, oh you're running out of reasons. - Running out of reasons by The Wanted
11. You love me, but you don't know it yet. - Happy accidents by Saint Motel
12. I don't really care what they would say, I'm asking you to stay. - Level of concern by twenty one pilots
13. You know I talk too much, honey come put your lips on mine and shut me up. - Talk too much by COIN.
14. I know that you're scared because hearts get broken. - Golden by Harry Styles
15. I try and try to erase you, but you won't disappear - Everywhere by Niall Horan
16. I heard you ask about me through a friend, my adrenaline kicked in, because I've been asking 'bout you too - Nervous by Shawn Mendes
17. Every time I'm leavin' you, you don't make it easy. - Sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee.
18. I wish that I could believe, that there's a day you'll come back to me, but still have to say, I'd do it all again. - Just want you to know by Backstreet Boys
19. Well, tell me do you hate me or do you wanna date me? - Van Horn by Saint Motel
20. Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain. - Hey Stephen by Taylor Swift
21. I know I would rather be together alone, in a big top circle and a world we can call our own. - All our own by Radio Company
22. Every time I find the words to end it, something in your eyes won't let it. - Shandi by KISS
23. Just dance in my living room, love with an attitude, drunk to an 80's groove - Only human by Jonas Brothers
24. I spend all my time, waiting all night for you. - No going back by Yuno
25. I need to know, if this is mutual, before I go. - Mutual by Shawn Mendes
26. I will sing to your every day, if it will take away your pain - Miss missing you by Fall out Boy
27. If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. - If I could fly by One Direction
28. When you rise in the morning sun, I feel your touch in the pouring rain, and the moment that you wander far from me, I wanna feel you in my arms again. - How deep is your love by Bee Gees
29. If I wake, I'll move closer without waking you, sleeper, sleeper, what's been tiring you. - Rise by Helena Deland
30. All we do is think about the feelings that we hide, all we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign. - Drive by Halsey
31. I never sat by the shore, under the sun with my feet in the sand, but you brought me here. - Malibu by Miley Cyrus
32. With a sunset and a moonrise not so far behind, to give us enough light, to lay down underneath the stars. - Constellations by Jack Johnson
33. Dancing through our house with the ghost of you. - Ghost of you by 5sos
34. And we all sit around the fire, we feel a little warmer now. - Woods by Hollow Coves
35. Won't you kiss me once, baby? Just a kiss goodnight, maybe. - Put your head on my shoulder by Paul Anka
36. If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?- Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd
37. Baby just came back around, said she needs time to explore, said I can’t love her no more - Baby came home by The Neighborhood
38. When I kissed you I meant it. / I wanna be more than a friend. - Do it again by Pia Mia
39. I thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me. - Ivy by Frank Ocean
40. If you're awake then I am too. If you're lost then I'll find you. If you're hurt then I'll fix you. - It's U by Cavetown
41. They don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the I love you's. - They don't know about us by One Direction
42. Can I kiss you or not? / Are you still mad at me? I'm hoping not. - Like to be you by Shawn Mendes and Julia Michaels
43. Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again, it's been a long, long time. - It's been a long, long time by Harry James
44. Kiss me hard before you go. - Summertime sadness by Lana del Rey
45. You said you'd meet me out there tomorrow, but tomorrow never came. - Tomorrow never came by Lana del Rey ft. Sean Ono Lennon
46. How can I miss you so much when you're right here? - Miss you so much by Miley Cyrus
47. The way she tells me I'm hers and she's mine. - Cherry wine by Hozier
48. No need to say goodbye, you'll come back, when it's over. - The Call by Regina Spektor.
49. Common sense tells me kiss the girl goodbye / I think I love you - Common sense by Joshua Bassett
50. If I could tell her how she's everything to me, but we are a million worlds apart and I don't know how I would even start - If I could tell her by Ben Platt ft Laura Dreyfruss
51. I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel - Nightcall by Kavinsky
52. We went for a drive, at 2:30 in the morning. I kissed you, it was pouring. - Remember that night? by Sara Kays
53. Don't wanna hand you all my trouble, don't wanna give you all my demons, you'll have to watch me struggle from several rooms away, but tonight I'll need you to stay - The run and go by twenty one pilots
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ackermansupremacy · 4 years
More marley kids headcanons because i’m still distraught
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The sheer amount of content that i could write for them is a s t r o n o m i c a l
•An animal lover!
•Has a really big intimidating dog like a rottweiler or mastiff that her friends are lowkey scared of
•But it has some headass name like ‘Fluffy’ or ‘Princess’
•Or something oddly human like Joe or Robert LMAO
•She drinks a lot of energy drinks so shes up until like 3am blasting music
•I saw another post saying that they could see her being a kpop stan and i SEE IT
•She would be a boygroup stan and would stan NCT
•She would really like Gorillaz too Rhinestone eyes would be her JAM
•When shes not playing roblox shes plays things like overwatch and league of legends until the sun rises
•Yet somehow shes still full of energy the next morning??
•Her deepest secret is that she has a wattpad account and randomly publishes stories and never updates them
•She also reads like,,,1D fanfic and would never admit it
•Her walls are covered in doodles in the spaces between her miscellaneous band posters
•Shes the kind of angsty kid that acts like she doesn’t like you
•But honestly? You’re her role model
•She really admires you :)
•Especially if you’re a single parent
•Whenever someone asks she always says
•“I wanna be just like my mom/dad when i get older” :)
•She’ll never admit it to you, but she just wants you to be proud of her
•She strikes me as the daintier type but like at the same time not really??
•Shes definitely no stranger to fun
•She loves amusement parks and its one of her favorite places to go
•Surprise her with tickets to disneyland and she’ll cry
•She enjoys fashion but dislikes makeup so shes never really bothered trying to get good at it
•I think she has like, two different types of music she listens to
•She likes classical music when shes trying to focus on things like her hobbies or homework but indie music is her go to
•Mozart, Bach, Beach Bunny and Melanie Martinez being some of her favorites
•I think shes artistic too
•Her room always smells slightly of acrylic paint
•Her room is always really clean
•Other than that one single moldy coffee cup... iykyk
•it has a black and white minimalistic aesthetic
•But her walls have her favorite pieces that shes hand painted framed
•Along with a Van Gogh tapestry next to her bed
•A simple girl, she has a pink betta fish
•It probably has some fancy long name
•Like Elizabeth or Charlotte
•The tanks is perfectly matched to the aesthetic of her room
•She would take such good care of it it would live way past the life expectancy
•She probably takes some sort of martial arts class as well
•Like judo or karate and shes REALLY good at it
•Trophies and medals are all over your house because shes so proud of them
•She just keeps making you proud huh
•Oh this sweet child
•Hes so gullible
•Hes really smart but he just...believes everything Colt tells him
•And he always finds out its not true the hard way
•It would be dumb stuff that would send him into a crisis too
•Like Colt once told him that if he wasn’t asleep by midnight he would die or something and he actually believed it
•So when he couldn’t sleep he started saying his goodbyes to everyone LMAO
•After a teary eyed conversation you had to convince him it wasn’t true and made Colt apologize
•That gave him trust issues
•As i said in a previous headcanon, I think he would play a lot of instruments
•Piano, guitar and the cello are among his favorites
•He has the most diverse music taste out of all of them
•Its mostly mainstream music though
•He would just hear a song on the radio or on tik tok and would add it to his playlist if he liked it
•Resulting in the most random music
•From bands like coldplay, to doja cat, to cardi b to occasional kpop...
•His dirty secret is that he really likes boybands
•He loves backstreet boys, one direction and 5sos
•Gabi found out and made fun of him for it so he never told anyone after that
•His room is pretty bare and empty other than mass amounts of instruments
•Most of them he never even plays anymore
•He def has empty water bottles everywhere
•But the little bit that he does have in his room is organized chaos
•“Do you have a paperclip?” “to the left of my keyboard pedal on the floor” “Bro...” 
•One of his favorite things is watching a good mystery show or movie, especially the classics like Agatha Christie’s mysteries
•He loves writing them too!
•He takes it very seriously and probably has a mystery novel in the works that he plans to publish when he gets older
•Hes really passionate about it if you ask him about it he could talk about it for hours!
•He has a chameleon or a snake or some other reptile
•Gives it a cute name like Henry or a fandom name like Dobby
•Or something unique nature related like petrichor
•Its his lil buddy it always rides around on his shoulder :)
•His music taste is also diverse
•Zofia introduced him to indie music and he loves it
•He loves bands like The 1975, The Neighbourhood and Jack Stauber
•But his all time favorite band is The Beatles
•His favorite song is Beautiful Boy by John Lennon because it reminds him of when you used to sing to him when he was a little kid :)
•He collects The Beatles posters and vinyls and displays them on the walls in his room
•His room is pretty cluttered with things like clothes, books and school supplies strewn about but his desk is always spotless and organized
•Notebooks with story ideas, his laptop and a gaming controller being the only things on it
•His deepest secret is that he struggles with anxiety which makes him pretty clingy to you :(
•And he doesn’t want to keep sleeping in your bed like he did when he was little so he has a playlist of all the lullabies you sang to him when he was younger
•And he can’t sleep without it :(
•Hes not the most athletic, but I could see him joining the soccer team Falco and Gabi are on just for fun and tries to convince Zofia to join too
•Kinda sad but i think he cries himself to sleep a lot and doesn’t really know why
•Sometimes when he feels really really sad he comes into your room and you watch tv together until he falls asleep
•And hes v tiny so hes easy to carry into his room
•Hes my precious boy I love him so much :,(((((((((((
I have two more things I wanna publish for these absolute jelly beans before i take a break from writing for them unless y’all wanna request more hahahahaplzrequestthingshahaha
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groovybaybee · 4 years
In The Club - 1
cw: bit of smut, alcohol consumption, think that’s all, terrible writing but that’s a given
(8.8k i’m so sorry, the other chapters won’t be this long i promise)
Fucking your friend is never as problem-free as you convince yourself it will be. Sure, it starts out simply enough; two horny people agreeing to a moment of need-driven desperation. If you are lucky, the sex is terrible and forms the basis of just another inside joke between you. However, if you are truly unfortunate, the sex is fantastic and addictive and so convenient that you convince yourself it is an ideal situation.
“Fuck me,” I groan blissfully as the cool night air smacks against my exposed flesh.
 Despite still not falling into the habit, the smoking area of any club quickly becomes my sanctuary on any given night out. Something about the space feels sacred and sinful at once, a free zone of communal naughtiness.
 Its more than that. The haze-filled space offers a welcome reprieve, whether that be from thumping beats, one drink too many, or lecherous advances. Standing outside in my sanctuary, breathing in a mixture of second-hand smoke and crisp, late August air; I feel at peace. My eyelids flutter closed and my head rolls back until my chin is parallel with the night sky.
 Its cold.  We knew it would be before we came out, the idea of a summer in London feeling like some sick joke as we rallied around each other to avoid bringing jackets to avoid wasting time in a queue for the cloakroom. The evening’s chill does not bother me, instead, I appreciate the way it sinks into my skin, chilling the heat being pumped through my veins. The beads of sweat in my hairline begin to dissipate as the soft breeze caresses every piece of bare skin.
 “You alright there, babe?” I hear Harry ask, promptly reminding me that I am not alone despite being in my own little world.
 A smile pulls across my face, but I take a second to breathe one final inhale of tranquillity before meeting his gaze. He is grinning at me, clearly finding amusement in my cooling down process. If his use of the name ‘babe’ had fallen on deaf ears, the toothy grin and glazed look in his eyes would quickly clear up any confusion as to his state of intoxication.
 The sweet boy is pissed.
 As he has every right to be. Tonight marks the first night in months he has accepted an invitation to come out. Do not get me wrong, Harry is an inspiration for his dedication to his work and it is obvious that creating music is his path in life, his primary passion, but man have I missed him. The past month has been the worst, almost every offer to spend time together being met with a consolatory ‘Have to work sorry :(‘ text message. Despite knowing that this was the truth, and would only last a little while longer until his newest album was fully wrapped, it still stung not being able to relax after a long week with a bottle of wine, some horrendous film, and one of my best friends. But the album is done, fully mastered and now just awaited final approval before being birthed to the world. Now, I have my boy back.
 “I’m so happy you came,” I tell him, wrapping my arms clumsily around his neck.
 I feel a breath of laughter against my hair as he pulls me into a tight hug. The two of us sway enthusiastically together, likely encouraged by a mixture of spirits but happy, nonetheless.
 Pulling away from him I press a quick kiss to his lips, hands on his cheeks squeezing his face gleefully. This is not the first time I have kissed Harry during our two-year long friendship. The two of us even went through a brief period of kissing each other hello, up until just over a year ago. So, it is little shock to the rest of our friendship group when we share a few giggle-fuelled smooches.
 “Get a room,” Deb laughs, stubbing out the butt of her cigarette with an amused eyeroll.
 “Some people would pay good money to see this sweet action.” Harry teases, a hand gripping my hip and pulling my body flush against his to prove his point.
 I would be lying to myself if I said his body did not feel good against mine, that his lips don’t spread warmth through my chest, but so does gin.
 “Tanya’s having afters at her’s, anyone fancy it?” Bri asks, wobbling on weakened ankles as she walks over to us, arms wrapped tightly around her petite frame to fight the cold.
 The question is indirectly aimed at Deb, something only Harry and I seem to notice, a smirk shared between the two of us at this realisation. It is the same pattern every time we go out and the night starts to draw to a close. The potential for an end to the evening is too much for them, not wanting to say goodbye to each other, but not having enough courage to specifically ask the other to spend time together. So, the roll of cupid falls on my shoulders once again.
 The moment I hear Deb agree to go with Bri, I speak up, “No way am I staying up until five with you two chain-smokers. I’m going home.”
 “So boring,” Bri teases, a grateful look in her eyes. I send her a quick wink when Deb is distracted, asking Harry if he will join.
 “Nah, think I’ll skip it as well. Make sure this one gets home alright.” He responds, a gentle squeeze to the flesh of my hips.
 “Sure,” Deb smirks before turning to Bri.
 The two women look at each other for a moment, a soft haze of smoke and stifled attraction surrounding them.
 “Have a good time,” I interrupt, snapping them out of their unintentional staring contest. Each gives me a hug, desperate to hide their pinkened cheeks from the other. “Be safe, I love you both.”
 “You too!” Bri hollers as they begin to walk away.
 “Use protection!” Deb shouts across the crowded area, eliciting embarrassed giggles from Harry and myself as we hide our faces in the other’s neck.
 “You staying at mine tonight?” I query as I lift my head from the crook of his neck. “Missed having you round.”
 “I’d love that,” Harry says, pressing a kiss to my forehead, “Want to go now?”
 I nod and smile as he finishes the last of his drink in one gulp, Adam’s apple bobbing harshly. A large drop spills from the corner of his mouth and he clumsily wipes it away with the pad of his thumb. His hand slips into mine as we cut through the crowd in the same direction as Deb and Bri
 A smirk graces my lips as I picture the pair sat in a car together, completely oblivious to their mutual attraction. Since the moment they were introduced at my birthday party a few years back, they have tiptoed around each other, both deeply infatuated but too scared to make the first move. Sometimes I worry that they are too similar for their own good, that they will dance around the subject forever.
 “Who do you think will make the first move?” I ask Harry as we walk to find a nearby takeaway, my body on autopilot as Harry leads me through quiet London backstreets.
 “Probably me.” Harry says absentmindedly, focussing the majority of his attention on checking the road is clear before we cross.
 “Deb or Bri, idiot.” I chuckle, my legs working overtime as I try to keep instep with his long strides.
 “Oh, Deb, guaranteed.” Harry posits, holding the door to the almost empty chip shop open for me to step inside.
 “I’m not so sure,” I say as we join the queue, the group of girls in front of us swaying, most holding their high heels as they discuss condiments. “At uni, Deb was always too shy to go up to girls, so I had to do it for her, but Bri’s a model you know, confidence kind of comes with the territory.”
 “Not necessarily. Bet you a tenner it’s Deb.” He smirks, hand already outstretched to shake mine.
 “You’re on,” I shake his hand firmly, the mischievous twinkle in his eye charming me more than I would like to admit. “Want to split some chips?”
 * * *
 By the time we pile into my flat, the food is almost cold, the two of us quickly chowing down as we collapse on to the sofa. We work like a well-oiled machine, falling into our habits of pouring water, kicking our shoes off, and switching on some late-night television.
 “I know I’ve said this a hundred times,” I start softly as my wild eyes attempt to focus on him under the dim light, “But it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you, man.”
 “C’mere,” Harry grins, pulling me into a tight squeeze before we settle side by side into the cushions. “Been meaning to tell you, you look great tonight.” Harry smiles cheekily.
 “You going to try and snog me again?” I tease through a mouthful of chips.
 “You do look irresistible right now.” Harry chimes, wiping a smudge of ketchup from the corner of my mouth before popping his finger in his mouth to clean it.
 There is a brief pause, a second or so of silence before Harry speaks again, picking through the box of chips for the perfect one.
 “I liked kissing you.”
 “Do it again then.” I tease, wondering if he will take the bait or laugh it off.
 Turning in his seat until he is facing me, a curious smirk plays at the corners of his mouth. For a second, his lips pucker in thought.
 It is all I can do not to let out a little breath of laughter. The situation is bizarre, undoubtedly. Yet, there is a distinct sensation of calm filtering through my body, as though no matter the outcome, I would be satisfied.
 “I shouldn’t… Haven’t had sex in months, scared it might stir up something in me.” With that, he turns his attention to the TV, slouching down into the sofa cushions.
 “Harry,” I utter softly.
 “Hmm?” he asks, my gaze fixed on his jaw as he clenches and releases it absentmindedly.
 “Kiss me.”
 Turning to face me yet again, this time with an incredibly serious look on his face, his eyes dark and stern. While he observes me, I take a sip of my water. His eyes follow me intensely, watching my lips part before lowering the glass and swallowing, his throat bobbing with mine.
 “Are you sure?”
 “Beyond sure.” I tell him with enough confidence for the both of us.
 Our lips meet somewhere between us, lazily melting together as we sink into the sofa cushions. We move in a blur, arms around each other, hands caressing faces.
 Our clothes tangle as we hastily undress ourselves, giggling as the garments collide on their way to the living room floor.
 “This is stupid, isn’t it?” Harry grins before connecting our lips over and over.
 “Completely.” I smirk between tequila-flavoured kisses.
 “Condom?” he asks, voice slightly muffled by the flesh of my shoulder.
 “Implant.” I tell him breathlessly, mentally reminding myself of my appointment to get it replaced next week.
 Harry just nods into the crook of my neck, a hand reaching down to position himself. The giggles fade away as we become fully connected, slipping naturally into a symbiotic amalgamation of limbs and lips. It is hasty and sweaty, each of our movements oozing with lust. Our bodies work quickly with one another, only personal need driving us until we pull our clothes back on.
 “Nice.” I tease, reaching my hand out for a high-five.
 “Loser.” Harry laughs, pulling me into his side. A quick kiss is pressed to my temple and we turn back to the television as if nothing had happened.
 * * *
 The morning after, us having sex has already turned into a private joke. The two of us teasing one another relentlessly as we nurse our hangovers with a fry up.
 “Never going to be able to look at you the same way, not after seeing your face when I made you—”
 “Made me? I don’t think you could make me do anything.” I interrupt, bumping Harry’s hip with my own as I plate up our late breakfast.
 “That so?” he replies, a smirk strongly evident in his voice.
 I am about to reply when his hands slip around my waist from behind, gently raising until they cup the underneath of my breasts.
 “Do you want to eat or not?” I laugh, motioning to the pan of eggs in one of my hands and the spatula in the other.
 “Fine.” He grins, giving my boobs a quick, soft squeeze before moving away.
 We sit down on the barstool by the island and I instantly dig in, desperate to eat away the throbbing in my head.
 “Bri’s sad because she didn’t make a move on Deb.” Harry tells me as he types a response quickly on his phone.
 “Telling her about last night to cheer her up?” I joke. Harry pauses, locking his phone and placing it down on the cool granite surface.
 “God, can you imagine how much shit they’d give us if they found out?”
 “I won’t tell if you don’t.” I offer a hand for him to shake.
 “Deal.” He says quickly, stretching out his own hand to meet mine.
 * * *
 It isn’t until a few weeks later that I get to see Harry again. Work consumes us both as always. Harry finalises a promotion timeline for his new album while I travel across Sicily, working with temperamental models in the baking summer sun. I spend the first day back at home, lazing on the sofa and doing laundry. Almost immediately upon exiting the plane, I miss the heat. Late summer in London provides to be drizzle-filled and grey for the majority of the time. The only time sunshine rears its head is the day of Harry’s party. Typical, really. That man even has mother nature on his side.
 After a sluggish and jetlagged day spent doing laundry and replying to emails, I drink as much caffeine as possible before heading over to Harry’s place. He had wanted tonight to be as intimate as possible. Only family, friends and a few members of the production team received the invitation to his house to hear his new album before the public get their hands on it. The select few of us, after checking our names with the security team at the gatehouse, make our way through the enclosed community, walking right in through his unlocked front door.
 Once inside, I cannot help the smirk that tugs at my lips as I imagine Harry organising this party. The house is covered in pink and blue like a fancy gender reveal and all I can picture is a roll of tape between Harry’s teeth as he insisted on hanging streamers himself.
 Quickly, I am distracted by the décor when a table filled with flutes of champagne catches my eye. With one in my hand, I turn a corner and see him immediately. He stands in the centre of the lounge while those around him sit dotted around the space, watching as he speaks animatedly. His hands move about wildly as he talks, eliciting laughter from the room as he continues to tell a story I already recognise. Just as he reaches the climax of the tale, his gaze floats towards me. Joy seems to settle around us as everyone cracks up at the punchline of the anecdote, the two of us simply sharing soft smiles by way of a greeting. I raise my glass slightly and he understands, continuing to entertain the room effortlessly as I join the masses, simply observing and enjoying him.
 “Alright?” I hear a familiar voice utter groggily. I turn to see Bri clutching an espresso martini tightly, majority already drunk. “Knackered, mate.” She confirms as she presses herself against me in lieu of a hug.
 “Know the feeling,” I sympathise, feeling the formidable aches of travelling.
 Bri and I swap stories about where we have recently flown in from as we settle amongst the group, finding a small loveseat brought in to accommodate the increased number of occupants.
 Collectively, the room falls silent. Harry, charmingly humble as always, utters a few words of thanks to us all for our support during the writing, recording, and production processes, before we relax into the evening as the first track begins to play. Thankfully, Harry has already witnessed my initial reactions to each and every song, including a few which did not make the cut, so I need not worry about emotional outbursts in front of some of his nearest and dearest. Each track reminds me of the nights he would sneak me demos or voice memos of certain lyrics and riffs he was particularly proud of at that moment. Hearing the album again now brings back a serious swell of pride that fills my heart right to its capacity, emotion beginning to fill my eyes as we listen to the stories of his heart. Each sorrowful ballad and upbeat tune breaks and reforms my heart repeatedly and I am once again, completely enamoured with him and his talent.
 * * *
 “My girl,” Harry calls out happily, slinging an arm around my shoulders. “What did you think of the album?”
 “I’ve already heard it.” I laugh, absentmindedly leaning into his warmth, grateful for it in the slight chill of his back garden.
 “You weren’t supposed to though.” He whispers, lowering his head as he colludes with me, “This was meant to be the first time anyone outside of production heard it so… shh.”
 Impossible to hold back my grin at his ridiculously over the top nature, I just give him a toothy nod before placing my left index finger against my lips.
 “I won’t tell if you don’t.” I say softly.
 “Where have I heard that before?” he grins, tapping a finger against his chin as he pretends to search his memory. His gaze trickles over my body, eyebrows pulling together when he notices the giant purple bruise spread across my upper left arm. “How did you do that?”
 Gently, he takes my arm in his hand, lifting it softly to take a better look at the yellowish edges.
 “Was time to get my implant removed, back to condoms for a few weeks.” I tell him casually, not realising the suggestive nature of my words until he replies.
 “Going to miss the way you feel for a few weeks then.” His tone is so casual that it stuns me for a moment, completely unable to think of a witty retort.
 I had assumed that our drunken fling was just that. Never had the thought crossed my mind that he might want to do it again. Okay, that’s a lie. I have thought of little else at night than the thought of Harry on top of me again, his hand replacing my own as I bring myself to climax.
 However, watching the way he observes my reaction sparks a disgusting greed within me.
 “Hang out when everyone leaves?” he asks, seeing the fire behind my eyes and matching it with his own.
 It is all I can do to nod and not pull him aside and let my body mould to his.
 The evening passes quicker than I had expected, perhaps my slight exhaustion seems to warp my internal clock, making hours feel like minutes. Regardless, before I know it, Harry and I find ourselves on his bed, lips and limbs entangled.
 “I’m really proud of you.” I manage to mumble against his lips in a brief interlude in which they are parted from my own.
 “That means a lot.” Harry utters back, equally hindered by my lips against his. Neither of us mind though. If anything, these small and restrained interactions seem to encourage us, raising the heat in the room as hands grasp and grip the other. Our bodies flush together, desperately meeting in any way possible as if trying to verbalise what we do not dare talk about.
 We move much slower than the last time, savouring each and every touch as we take turns removing the other’s clothes. Contrary from our previous experience, there is nothing greedy about our movements. Instead, a different type of need drives our bodies to intertwine.
 I manage to pull myself away from him for long enough to mutter, “Condom?”
 Harry stills above me, eyes averted as he thinks deeply before speaking, “Think there’s some in the bathroom, sorry, I’ll be right back.” With a swift kiss to my forehead, he dashes from the room into his en suite.
 “Cute bum.” I call after him, enjoying the way his hips wiggle with his quick pace.
 “Cheers!” he hollers back, shortly followed by the sound of skin on skin.
 The idea of him slapping his own backside leaves a smile on my face which lasts until he returns with a single condom, declaring it to be the last one and making some teasing comment about how lucky I am. His words fall on deaf ears, however, as I feel the energy in the room shift. My eyes glue to his body as he sits beside me, taking both of my hands in his and pulling me to sit up straight. The muscles of his body grow taut under his skin as he moves me to sit between his open legs. My feet lock around his back, his hands mirroring the same position around my waist as our lips meet yet again.
 Into each other we sink deeper, chest meeting chest, rising and falling together. A gentle hand lifts to tuck away a lock of my hair before settling against my cheek, softly grazing his fingertips across the tender flesh of my neck. His lips are like runny honey against my body as they trail across my jaw and trickle down the column of my throat, catching my breath between them. The tip of a thumb under my chin keeps my head high as his lips work lower and lower. My own lips are parted as I melt beneath him.
 “Harry,” I gasp, unintentionally making him stop dead in his tracks. Panic instantly flooding through my veins, I cast my gaze downwards to check on him. He looks up at me with soft but needy eyes. “What is it?” I ask cautiously, my hand subconsciously clearing the rogue tendrils of hair away from his forehead.
 “I like the way you say my name.” he utters lowly, so quiet it almost seems as though he is afraid of my reaction.
 Unsure of what words could quell whatever doubts he is battling with; I replace them with a soft kiss to his lips. One side of his face cupped in my hand, I feel him lean into me, eyelids fluttering shut just long enough to savour the feeling but not so long as to make it obvious that it was his aim.
 “Harry,” I whisper, just loud enough to catch his attention and bring his eyes back to mine, “I want you to…”
 I falter, unsure of the right word to use here. None seem to fit just right, either feeling too blunt and devoid of emotion or too far the other way.
 Regardless of semantics, Harry understands and slips his hips away slightly. I watch as his steady hands tear the wrapper open and roll the condom down his shaft. Without another moment’s hesitation, his hands are back on my body, grasping at the flesh at my sides as he pulls me into his lap. With every move he makes, his lips provide accompaniment. Kisses spread across my face and neck, down to my collarbone and breasts, celebrating each and every part they come into contact with.
 Desperate to feel every part of him, I raise my hips. Upon realising my intentions, Harry meets my gaze, watching me with awe-filled eyes as I slip our bodies together. I feel him gasp against the bare skin of my chest. For a moment, our actions are slow, adjusting to the overwhelming feeling of one another. Our hips rock gently into each other, soft moans and sharp inhalations fill the otherwise quiet bedroom, bouncing off the walls I have begged him countless times to add more colour to. His hands grip the flesh of my hips, reaching down sporadically to grope at my cheeks. With each squeeze and scratch, I move faster against him, head thrown back in pleasure as we repeatedly hit every delicious spot.
 His hands caress every part of me, truly making love to my body as heated gasps slip past my lips. Our bodies work as a chemical reaction of lust and care, eyes locked as we move quicker and more urgently. Everything we need to say we say with a kiss of the neck, a scratch of bare skin, and a bliss-filled moan.
 Two hands slip behind me, swiftly but securely lowering me into the pillows of the bed before returning to my hips and waist. His hands grip me tighter as this new position allows him to sink deeper into me, his body slowing temporarily against mine to savour the feeling of being fully complete. His eyes never leave mine, pupils contracting and dilating, telling me everything I need to know.
 My gaze flicks down to the point where our bodies meet, watching in lust-filled awe as we connect. I feel Harry do the same as his forehead rests against mine, hands slipping to grasp at my thighs, squeezing and moulding the flesh in his hands. A groan leaves my lips at the sensation of his adoration. At the sound, his hips snap harshly against my own, eliciting louder, wilder moans. Encouraged beyond belief, Harry chases my pleasure, speeding up the movement of his body against my own. His head drops down to my neck, suckling and licking at the skin growing tender under his control.
 Lifting his upper body from mine, he pushes gently against one of my legs until it is perpendicular to my body. Instantly, I melt beneath him, this new angle driving me into a state of madness as he hits harder and deeper, watching with animalistic pride as I clutch around desperately for something to cling to. My fingertips tangle in the bedsheets, eager to anchor myself as a hand slips between my legs. His fingers spin soft circles, their contrast to the speed and force of his hips sending me over the edge, body shuddering violently as he eases me back down. Harry utters soft words, gentle coos that bring me back to him and allow my eyes to unscrunch themselves. When I see him, laying atop me, face just inches from mine, the fire is burning brighter than I have ever seen it, something about watching the pleasure he brings me arousing every sense.
 “Fuck me,” I beg, my voice cracking from my raw throat but I don’t care. I need him.
 He gives me everything in him, using my body to feel good, knowing as well as I do that nothing could compare to the two of us. Even when his face contorts, jaw slack and breathing halted, I feel the care he has for me. His fingertips caress the softness of my skin, gently roaming the expanse of my body as I tether him to the Earth. Collapsing into me, he buries himself in the crook of my neck. My hands come up to encircle him, grazing up and down his back soothingly as he catches his breath.
 “You’re unreal.” Harry eventually mumbles against my skin, producing a breathy giggle from deep within my chest. He pulls away, rolling off me and quickly discarding the condom before laying beside me. Propping his head up with his hand, his body follows the contours of my side in order for us to constantly be touching. “I mean it.”
 I turn to him, tucking one knee between his and trying not to groan at the ache in my body.
 “I dig you too.” I say with a gentle, slightly exhausted smile.
 “Never said that,” he teases, earning a half-hearted frown which just makes him grin even harder. Slowly, his face falls serious, his brows pulling together as he contemplates the thought swimming around in his mind.
 “Tell me.” I whisper, a hand coming up to rest on the side of his face, thumb automatically caressing the stubble across his cheek.
 “Sometimes I think we’ll end up together.” He tells me quietly. My actions still, eyes flitting to his eyes to search for the tell-tale sign that he is just being mischievous. But there is only a hint of worry in those bright eyes.
 “Yeah?” I ask, quickly licking my lips to distract myself from the break in my voice, convincing myself that it is simply because my throat is still sore from moments ago.
 We lay for a while like this, no words spoken, or action taken. I don’t think either of us would know what to do if we wanted to anyway. Instead we lay. His hand comes up to rest on top of mine, keeping me with him until the rise and fall of our chests sync and my eyelids grow heavy.
 “Little, still a bit jetlagged.” I mumble, already half-asleep despite my intentions to stay awake and look at him all night long.
 “Go to sleep.” He says softly before pressing a tender kiss to my hand. His lips work as an immediate sleep aid, relaxing every aching muscle and eradicating every stressful thought.
 * * *
 Three weeks pass by quickly, work overwhelms me yet again and I spend my days and nights at shoots, silently praying that each director I work with will be less of a diva than the last. Unfortunately, my prayers go unanswered. The increased workload begins to drain every last drop of lifeforce from me. My limbs ache with exhaustion, stomach never fully settled due to lack of sufficient sustenance.
 “I’m knackered, think I might be getting the flu.” I explain sleepily to Harry over FaceTime, my body slumping back into the heap of pillows in my unmade bed. His camera flips around from the beautifully clear blue sky above him to a concerned, slightly bearded Harry. “Have you shaved since you left?” I ask with a smirk.
 “This is my LA stache.” He grins, smudging and finger and thumb across the width of the hair above his top lip.
 “I miss you.” I whisper, not meaning the words to leave my subconscious.
 “I miss you too,” Harry smiles, his eyes softening as an excited shade of light pink flushes his cheeks. “Hang out when I’m back?”
 I nod and agree to dinner next week before yawning and saying goodbye. Wrapping myself up in the cold duvet, the thought of seeing Harry soon stops me from slipping into sleep. My mind relives our last night together, each kiss and caress playing like a film. We should have talked about it before he left but, as per usual, our work-lives consumed us. What would he say about that night? Did he feel the difference in the way we moved? Is he just as freaked out by it?
 The next day, all doubts and fears are drained from my body, a care package waiting on my doorstep as I arrive home. Carrying the box inside, my eyes glance around the box in search of some sign to indicate the sender’s identity. I knew he had been the one responsible for it, but the contents just confirmed it. Tins of soup, orange juice, cold and flu medicine, a box of cherry bakewells (my absolute favourite comfort food), and an unbelievably soft pair of fluffy socks.
 Snapping a quick picture of the assortment, I send it to Harry with a string of appreciative words, tearing up due to his sweetness and my sickness.
 It does not matter what either of us thinks of feels about that night together, because at the end of the day, it is always going to be him and I, whatever form our relationship takes.
  * * *
 “You look like shit.” Deb greets as she presses a kiss to my cheek before allowing me to sit across from her and Bri. I fight the urge to roll my eyes and glance down at the menu laid across my plate. The majority of the options made my stomach churn, the thought of pushing eggs down my throat enough to make me gag.
 “Can’t shake this bug.” I grumble, sipping at my water as our waitress arrives.
 “Three mimosas please.” Bri smiles sweetly at her.
 “Oh, no, just two.” I correct, starting to break into a slight sweat. The waitress nods and excuses herself to fetch the girls their drinks, leaving them both to look at me with wide eyes and mouths agape. “My stomach has been in bits for weeks, no way I’m drinking and making myself puke again.”
 “Never thought this day would come... I mean its brunch, what else are we going to do?” Bri gasps in a dramatically solemn tone.
 “Yeah, can’t remember the last time you didn’t drink with us.” Deb frowns, clearly slightly upset at losing one of her drinking buddies. “Except that one time at uni.”
 A smirk ghosts over my lips at the memory. Deb and I, still in our first year, sat in the pub with two pints on the table, both untouched as we watched the pregnancy test stashed in my bag slowly reveal just one line.
 Slowly, the smile begins to fall from my face, Deb mirroring me as the penny slowly drops for the both of us.
 “When was the last time you got your period?” she asks quietly.
 “What?” Bri asks in utter confusion, excluded from our moment of telepathy.
 “I can’t remember,” I admit in a whisper.
 “Jesus Christ.” Deb sighs, the colour draining from her face as her hand comes up to rub at her forehead nervously.
 “I had my implant taken out, the doctor said my hormones would be unpredictable so I haven’t really thought about it.” I rush, desperately trying to defend myself for not noticing the absence.
 “Oh,” Deb says, instantly perking back up as if nothing had even happened. “To be fair, when was the last time you had sex anyway?”
 She speaks as if the question were simple a throwaway comment, a small joke to lighten the mood. Of course, she would think that, the last time I spoke to the girls about my sex life, it was to complain about its lack of existence. I haven’t quite found the right way to tell them that Harry and I are doing whatever it is we are doing.
 “About a month ago.” I admit quietly, unlocking my phone to flick through my calendar, mainly to avoid the harsh gaze of two of my best friends.
 “What? Who with?” Bri asks giddily, however her excitement is drastically overshadowed by Deb’s probing.
 “You used protection though?”
 “Of course we did, I’m not an idiot.” I say, feeling myself getting wound up as the blood seems to drain from my body.
 There is no way I am. We were safe. There’s no way.
 When I look up to meet their gaze, however, both girls look at me with such sympathetic gazes that it takes everything in me not to burst into tears.
 “Want to get a test to be sure?” Bri asks gently, somehow instantly caught up and fully aware of the sheer internal panic I am feeling.
 I nod and we immediately leave the table. Bri takes my hand and waits with me as Deb quickly pays for the drinks that did not even arrive.
 “It’ll be okay,” Bri whispers to me, her thumb soft against the back of my hand.
 “Yeah,” I nod, trying to shake of the severe sensation of dread smothering me. Swallowing hard, I manage to meet her eye. “Probably just a scare, right? We’ll laugh about it in an hour.”
 She does not reply. No one speaks as we walk to the closest shop, thankfully Deb lives close by and is able to source a test and usher us home before I can overthink too much.
 I won’t be. What are the odds? Condoms are 98% effective, I checked in the health aisle as Bri went to pay. 98% is far too high to be stressing out over a few potential symptoms.
 The girls sit on the edge of Deb’s bathtub, watching me pee and trying to crack jokes to lighten the mood as I place the test on the side and wash my hands, looking anywhere but the stick.
 “These situations make me so glad to be gay.” Deb utters to Bri with a ghost of a smirk.
 “Totally.” Bri says with a small giggle.
 “Not helping.” I groan, pacing back and forth in the small bathroom, my stomach squeezing tighter and tighter into a knot.
 We sit in silence for the remaining few minutes. Until Bri finally breaks the tension in the room.
 “Do you want one of us to look?”
 “No.” I say quickly, undoubtedly wide-eyed.
 With a long inhale and slow exhale, trying to draw out these last few seconds of naivety, I give a small nod before approaching the countertop.
 Two lines.
 “Maybe its faulty, do another one.” Deb reasons.
 “You okay?” Bri asks me gently as our friend digs wildly through the box for the second test stick.
 “It’s positive.” I whisper, eyes glazing over slightly as I stare down at the white plastic. “I’m pregnant.”
 * * *
 “Have you told the dad yet?” Deb asks, her voice crackling through the phoneline as I walk into the hospital’s multi-storey car park.
 “No,” I sigh, ready to defend my decision to her for the fourth time since the three of us stood in her bathroom, two positive tests laying across the countertop. “I told you, I wanted to know my options before I tell him. Gather some research, you know?”
 “How was it?” she asks as I unlock my car door and slump into the driver’s seat.
 I give her a quick run through of my appointment, from taking yet another test, it coming back positive yet again, to discussing the three main paths from here. Abortion, adoption, or parenthood. Repeating all the information the doctor had given me makes me want to be sick, all of the statistics and medical jargon feeling foul in my mouth. This was not supposed to be my life. I was not meant to get knocked up by my friend who, oh yeah, just so happens to be internationally acclaimed musician Harry Styles. Blocking the image of telling him from my mind, I focus back in on Deb’s voice.
 “You know I’ll be here through whatever you choose, don’t you? I know you’re scared, and I know this isn’t exactly ideal but you’ll make the right choice and me and Bri will do whatever you need. We’ll hold your hand if the dad won’t.” she tells me, unintentionally causing my eyes to fill with tears.
 “Love you Deborah.” I mutter.
 “Love you loser.” She grumbles back, eliciting a teary chuckle from my lips.
 As the call ends, my head lolls back against the headrest, eyes closing momentarily as I allow myself a few seconds of calm to be grateful for my angelic friends. Both had offered to come with me today, or drive me at the very least, but I had insisted on doing this alone. I could not have dealt with any more eyes on me as I was told ways in which I could deal with my situation. An absentminded guilty hand stretches across my stomach at the thought of my ‘situation’.
 Adoption just would not be an option. Unless I somehow managed to avoid Harry for nine months and give birth in secret. Even then I would probably just have to remove myself from his life forever, unable to take the pain of looking at his beautifully unaware face and being stricken with the loathing of giving up the only thing that would ever be just ours. No, that is not an option.
 So, my choices become drastically limited. Both life-changing in their own ways. Automatically, my brain begins to form lists of pros and cons as I drive out of the city.
 I do want children someday, and people always say that there is no perfect time.
 No fucking kidding.
 Things would be so much simpler if I was not pregnant. I could live my life and Harry could live his. Surely, he will not want the burden of a family at such a young age. I know all about his hopes and dreams. I know how much music means to him, how incredible he feels after each and every performance. How could I take that away from him?
 The thought of not telling him circles around my mind as I sit in the familiar traffic of the route. I could make both of our lives so much simpler if I just made the decision for the both of us. But that is just it, I cannot take that from him. He has to know at the very least.
 Anyway, who is to say that he will even want to be involved? Perhaps this has happened before. I have heard the stories of tour. What if he already has an illegitimate child out there and simply does not care? Maybe I have been something to pass the time and the reality of our situation will come crashing down around us and make him want nothing to do with me. Would I keep the baby then?
 The possibility of Harry wanting nothing to do with his child leaves my mind almost as quickly as it enters it. This is Harry. He has wanted a family for as long as I have known him, he loves kids. Am I depriving him of a potential future with his partner and legitimate children? Would I be in the background of family photos, not even Harry’s ex, just some woman he got pregnant and has to watch him live happily for the sake of her child’s relationship with their father?
 Anger bubbles up inside my ribcage as I pull into the garage attached to the house. With a frustrated sigh, I turn the engine off and step out of the car. How could I let myself be so stupid? No one in their right mind thinks that sleeping with their friend is going to be problem free. Clearly this is a sign, a punishment for being stupid enough to open myself up to the potential of a--
 “HEY!” I hear him shout from his front door, quickly dashing out barefoot to come and greet me.
 For a split-second when I look at him, I forget why I am here. When he wraps his arms around me and pulls me so tightly against him that I worry I might suffocate, all I feel is his warmth and excitement at seeing my best friend home at last. Until he lets me go, and my stomach sinks to my feet.
 “Lets go inside.” My voice is hushed, barely above a whisper when he lets go of me. I pull a smile across my face until he nods and walks bouncily into the house, a half-step ahead of me.
  “I’m glad you came over, I wanted to talk to you about something.” Harry says, failing terribly at hiding a grin as we move to his kitchen.
 I sit myself on one of his bar stools, gesturing for him to put down the kettle in his hand and sit next to me.
 “Me first.” I tell him, my face so solemn and opposite to his that were the circumstances different I may have found it comedic.
 “It’s kind of a biggie though.” Harry’s smile is completely unaffected by my tone, so wrapped up in getting out what he wants to say that panic starts to bubble up into my throat at the thought of not being brave enough to just tell him what I need to. “You know that night before I left…”
 He looks to me with the most hopeful and kind eyes, making me dig my fingernails into the palms of my hands as the realisation sets in that I am probably about to break his heart and have him hate me.
 “I’m pregnant.” I force out, voice cracking halfway.
 My heart does not thump in my chest like I had expected it to, nor does my stomach churn as I watch him try to process the weight of my words in the slightest. Inside, I feel a sick sense of calm, potentially relieved, potentially too numb to feel the world disintegrating around me.
 “You’re… Sorry, say that again.” His eyes search mine desperately for some sign that this is just a cruel joke. Now the pain resurges, wrapping itself tightly around my lungs and squeezing hard.
 “I’m pregnant,” I whisper guiltily.
 I wait for Harry to speak again, but he doesn’t. He just stares into mid-air, chest heaving up and down as he attempts to make the slightest amount of sense out of this situation.
 “About four weeks,” I explain softly, secretly trying to coax him back to me, selfishly desperate to see my friend’s kind eyes. “I saw a doctor today, talked about my options…whether to keep it.”
 “Our options.” he whispers, I think mainly to himself before his eyes free themselves from their visual tether and meet my gaze. They are glassy and it takes all I have not to reach out and take his hand and promise him that it will all be okay, because I honestly do not know that it will and I can’t lie to him.
 “Our options.” I repeat quietly, ignoring the slight leap of my heart at his sentiment and quickly reminding myself that he has not committed to anything. “I know it’s a lot to process, and you don’t have to say or do anything… but do you have any… strong preferences?”
 “Yeah,” he says lowly, “but it’s your decision, isn’t it?”
 My heart sinks and throat dries, all moisture heading towards my eyes. With a large, pained swallow, I sit up straight, avoiding his eye.
 “Yeah, sorry, I just thought I should tell you.” My voice is quiet, afraid of its own weakness. I stand from the stool, running a hand through my hair out of nervousness.
 “What are you doing?” Harry asks quickly, eyes panic-stricken as he stands up in front of me, catching one of my hands in his.
 “Going, I didn’t mean to bother you.” I admit, trying my hardest but failing to hide my heart breaking.
 “No, no you—I don’t want that.” He says, only now do I notice the texture in his voice, “We don’t leave each other.”
 His eyes are every bit as tear-filled as my own, the sight enough to encourage the water in my eyes to slip gently down my face. Standing in Deb’s bathroom, she and Bri had wrapped me in a gentle hug as violent sobs wracked through my body. Now, however, as Harry and I pull each other into an embrace tight enough to keep up anchored to the world, we cry softly.
 “We’ll figure it out.” He whispers, resting his chin on top of my head. “Promise.”
 * * *
 For hours Harry and I sit at his kitchen island, debating our next move. With frustrated sighs and tearful moments, conversation delves into the logistics of each and every possibility at our disposal.
 As predicted, Harry is not keen on the prospect of adoption. The notion that his child might discover their father’s identity and potentially make it public, could destroy his image, his career, everything he has worked so hard for. I tell him I understand, that I had thought this would be his fear, and that our options were narrowed down to two.
 There is quiet when the topic is first brought up, the eight-letter word stunning him silence.
 “It’s your body.” He manages to whisper.
 The groan that passes my lips is unavoidable, having heard those exact words from Deb, Bri, the doctor, and now Harry.
 “I wish someone could just tell me the right thing to do.” I sigh, holding my head up on the counter, fingers pressing lightly into my eyes to try and relieve the stress headache that has been lingering for the past few days.
 “I’m sorry.” Harry utters quietly beside me.
 He sits with his hands in his lap, anxiously picking at his cuticles as he watches me with a frown.
 “I didn’t mean for…” he doesn’t finish the sentiment, but I understand.
 “Me neither,” I admit, softening my gaze and taking one of his hands in mine to stop him from ruining his nailbeds.
 He gazes at my hand on his for a moment, afraid of moving and losing the contact. It twists into mine until our palms are touching, squeezing the width of all my fingers with one gentle contraction of his muscles.
 Before I let myself get too caught up in the tender comfort of his skin against mine, I speak up, “Fuck it, pros and cons list.”
 I stand up from the stool and find a notepad in one of his messier kitchen drawers.
 “No judgment.” I tell him, handing him a pen before making a table with my own.
 We pause for a moment, and I list something in the negative column.
 Everything will change
 Harry follows suit and leaves a few words beneath my handwriting.
 I cannot help but nod my head before we continue to add to the paper, reasoning for and against our little situation.
 The process takes longer than I had expected, Harry arguing with some of my cons and suggesting that they are easily fixable or are, in fact, pros.
 “Okay, so cons,” I start once we both lay our pens down. “Everything will change, impact on careers, would we be good parents?, don’t want Y/N to have to deal with media, no privacy, custody, would have to co-parent, impact of pregnancy on day to day, this is all a bit mental.”
 Harry nods, urging for me to continue to the counterarguments.
 “Pros… We both want kids someday and a friendship relationship could create a good support system for the kid… Think the list is pretty clear then.” Looking at him, we both understand logically what we should do.
 “Yeah.” Harry says quietly, eyes burrowing deeply into my own before picking up his pen one more time and adding into the left-hand column:
 His eyes seem to take forever to meet mine, flicking down to where my bottom lip is caught tightly between my teeth.
 I pick up my own pen and leave my final note, sealing the decision for us.
 Its our baby.
 Silence fizzes around us, its intensity growing as our eyes meet and have a conversation that we cannot quite pass to our mouths. He looks to me nervously, chewing at his cheek, his eyes holding back the hope building inside him. I want to tell him that I am still scared, that everything about the future is so uncertain. I cannot do it. I cannot deprive him of the joy he is feeling, however shrouded in terror it is.
 “So…” he eventually manages to push out, a slight smile creeping on to his lips.
 My mouth mirrors him, the muscles in my cheeks aching slightly from the sensation after not being used for the past few days.
 “Yeah.” I let out in a shaky breath, eyes watering yet again but this time I welcome it.
 “Should we celebrate?” Harry asks quietly, his voice suddenly apprehensive.
 “As long as it includes takeaway and a film.” I say, too exhausted to go anywhere or deal with the consequences that come along with being next to Harry in the outside world. Pushing the nagging dread at the thought of people finding out and commenting on us, I pull up Deliveroo on my phone and we settle on the sofa in his living room.
 “What to Expect When You’re Expecting?” Harry teases as he flicks through Netflix.
 “Too soon.” I reply, smirking down at my phone.
 “Sorry,” he says, not at all sorry for getting a positive reaction from me as if our lives would just slip back to how they used to be.
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excuseme-youpretty · 4 years
BTS Reaction ~ Caught by their child
Anonymous asked:
Hello, can I please request how all the members react to your child walking in in you when your making out or being intimate.🥰
All credits for the gifs go to the original owners/makers.
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Genre: Fluff / Crack. Slight smut.
Rating: M
Word Count: 575 - 980
Warnings: Heavy allusions to sex but nothing too graphic!
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Kim Seokjin
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It is no secret that Seokjin always prefers to perform his culinary magic underneath the rhythmic guidance of whatever cheesy pop song happens to illuminate his beloved sticker-slathered radio. Tonight's offering? Britney Spears. 
As you make your approach from behind, you can hear your husband synchronize the sharp click of his knife tearing through colorful fresh vegetables with the admission that oops, Britney has indeed done it once again, and can't help but to chuckle.
Your arms enslave his midsection as you press your lips into the smooth strip of velvet skin at the nape of his neck. His hands hesitate for a minute only; just long enough for an enthralled grin to decorate his face.
"Well hello, babe. Fancy seeing you here."
Seokjin is careful to peel away the latex of his gloves before he turns, cradling both of your cheeks within his palms as he pulls you forward. His lips just barely brush across your own.
"And where is our little lovebug right now?"
You sigh contently, thumbing over the solidity of his abdomen through his flour-speckled shirt. 
"She's currently captivated by the wonderful adventures of Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse. You know how she gets… she could be watching for hours."
"Hours, you say?" Seokjin smirks, applying just enough pressure on your bottom lip so that he may autograph a signature heart across your flesh with his tongue. "Well, that gives me just enough time to indulge on a craving I've been having…"
Seokjin's palms are exceptionally warm where they slip across the small of your back, thumbs painting intricate semi-circles over the elastic waistband of your cotton shorts before they delve even lower. He palms across your outer thigh with the same delicacy he would afford kneading an enriched dough.
You can't help but to release a small, perfectly clipped exhale of pure bliss.
"Aren't you worried that you will spoil your appetite, Jinnie?"
Seokjin's digits move rapidly. They slot underneath your thighs in order to aid in twisting your body that bit closer, the tip of his nose skimming across your fluttering pulse point.
"On the contrary. I consider this to be an appetiser; an Amuse-bouche if you will." 
Seokjin's velour lips weave a haphazard pathway down between your collarbones, clinging to a particular cluster of nerves that he is certain will nudge you toward delirium. 
"And I happen to find my wife very amuse-ing."
He lifts your thigh slowly, shifting your leg until it wraps securely around his waist, and begins to lift you up onto the counter-
"Eomma!" Your daughter cries, her voice as syrupy-sweet and innocent as birdsong. 
Her little feet pad triumphantly across the kitchen tile, her unicorn slippers squeaking with every fortified step. 
"Eomma, you missin' d'best bits!"
Seokjin is swift to back away from you, dropping your leg as though your flesh had transformed to molten lava and seared his palm. His back hits the edge of the sink with a rather comical thud, ironically synchronized with the orchestral stab of The Backstreet Boys announcing - once again - that they are back.
You have been left rather uncoordinated yourself, heat pouring into your stomach with all of the cloying stickiness of a candy-coated toffee apple.
"Sorry, darling. Eomma will be right there, okay? I was just asking Appa if he needed any help with dinner."
Your daughter's eyes are large and round and so similar to her Father's own that it is almost frightening; they contain an abundance of constellations and more knowledge than should be capable of someone her age. 
Her bottom lip protrudes in thought, plump and ever so slightly discolored from slurping on grape juice all afternoon. It only takes a minute before she nods, seemingly satisfied with your excuse.
"Okai, Eomma. But huwwy!"
Taking off in a carefree, infantile sprint, with her slippers squawk-squeaking all the way, you are finally left alone with your husband once again.
"Rain check?" You ask once your heartbeat has settled back into a reasonable rhythm. 
Seokjin brushes his thumb underneath your jawline, swiping over the small cluster of ginger-hued freckles which kiss your skin. He tips your face skyward, pressing a smattering of kisses back and forth over your satine cheekbones.
"Rain check. No appetisers tonight, babe."
A brief flicker of tanzanite temptation illuminates your husband's vision, one of his hands slipping down to rest almost tauntingly around your throat.
"I'll just have to have you for dessert instead."
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Min Yoongi
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Min Yoongi has always considered himself to be a being with exceptional hearing. He can detect even the smallest alteration in pitch, can recognise when an arrangement requires more volume or bass or vocal power, and can easily complete a portfolio of compositions in a single afternoon.
And yet, his outstanding hearing is so acute that he almost misses the unmistakable sound of his studio's pass code being punched in.
"Yoongi?" You breathe quietly, treading lightly lest you shatter the creative bubble that your husband is famous for cocooning himself within. 
Yoongi pivots slowly in his chair, swivelling around until he can face you fully. Light touches his eyes with the intensity of several beautifully bobbing fireflies. 
"What're you doing here, sweetheart?" He chirrups, sparing a brief glance toward his wristwatch. "I thought the kids and I were going to pick you up from work today?"
Yoongi's arms open out toward you, encouraging you to burrow into his lap without much need for communication. 
You drape over his thighs as though you were pouring yourself into the very mould of your husband, situating yourself into all of the nooks and crannies you have claimed ownership over since the dawn of your relationship. 
"Well, I finished early." You place an abundance of soft, featherweight kisses along the underside of Yoongi's razor-sharp jawline; savouring the fragrant tang of cologne which glistens like diamonds upon his skin. "Which means we just so happen to have some alone time before the twins get dropped off. Just think of the possibilities~"
No more than a moment after your syllables have been fully formulated does Yoongi wrap his opalescent fingertips around the nape of your neck and pull you close. 
He kisses you deeply, presses the very tips of his cuspids into your bottom lip and lalves over the succulent indents with the gloss of his tongue until he can feel you shudder against him.
Your hands find their way into his hair with very little navigation. Sighing blissfully, you rake your nails over his scalp as though you were illustrating your initials in vibrant saffron sands; leaving your mark in the form of several exhilarated goosebumps.
"I love you." You whine, tipping your head back just far enough to provide enough room for Yoongi to suck several small candy wrappers into your throat.
"You too, sweetheart."
Yoongi's palms bracket over the swell of your jeans, each digit slipping one by one into the stitching of your back pockets so that he can grab your fleshy behind by the fistful. 
He guides you forward, setting a slow but deliberate pace as you work in tandem with each other to feel-
This time, there is no mistaking the distinct sound of Yoongi's pass code being punched in.
You only just manage to pry yourself from your husband's lap by the time that his studio door bursts open. 
You hear your twins before you see them; a cornucopia of fluorescent overalls and mismatched trainers and a seemingly unfathomable energy which completely belies their own paternity. 
"Eomma!" Your son cries, the latter syllable smothered by the sensation of him excitedly clinging to your calf. "You're here!"
"Yes baby, Eomma is here!"
Beside you, your daughter makes quick work of climbing all over Yoongi's torso. Her hyperactive cackles seem to reverberate throughout the studio walls as she runs her chubby hands all over Yoongi's silver-toned hair; worsening the mess your own digits had made not five minutes before.
"Appa is a lion! Raaaawr! Look Unki NamNam!"
Lifting your son into your arms, you spare a glance over to the man in question and internally curse Namjoon's uncanny ability to destroy even a moment of impromptu passion. 
"Sorry I'm early." Namjoon sighs, rubbing sheepishly at the back of his neck.
He can't seem to meet your eye.
But as you glance over toward Yoongi, making sure to nod artificially every so often as though to show feigned interest in the tall tales that your twins are spinning, you are met with a pair of dark, bottomless irises which sparkle, bubble and pop with the promise of what's to come as soon as you are protected by the coverage of twilight.
Yoongi definitely doesn't need exceptional hearing to know that your heart is absolutely beating out of your chest.
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Jung Hoseok
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On days like these it is often hard to determine what has your head spinning faster; the sensation of Hoseok twirling you under his arm or the reverberation of music pulsing like gunpowder throughout your veins. 
Realistically, you should have known that your dance rehearsal was in jeopardy the second that Hobi's phone had diverted away from the relay of his own voice and opted instead to play Sistar's Touch My Body; your husband's not-so-hidden vice.
After grinning wildly and gyrating his body back and forth to the swish-swish dance of the song, he had pulled you in close in order to innocently mouth the lyrics against your cheek. 
Fortunately, you had always been a stickler for following the rules. 
And touching Hobi's body has always been your favourite pastime activity.
Your fingertips had found purchase upon the ridge of his collarbones, thumbs falling into the crease of his deliciously sweaty skin before shifting lower. Your lips had painted his Adam's apple with precision, tasting the sherbet of his aftershave and the natural essence of Hoseok.
Now your lips are plump and swollen from the feverish trap of his uncoordinated kisses.
He has you pinned up against one of the mirrored walls by his pelvis, the tip of his tongue writing soulful soliloquies into your skin until you glow with poorly contained adoration. 
"Mm, Hobi. Calm down~" You sigh, arching up into the pressure of Hoseok's teeth as they paint faint crescent-shaped halos in the flesh of your earlobe.
Hoseok shifts his fingertips around your wrists, effectively binding them in a ribbon of calluses and articulation as he traps them up over your head.
"I can't help it, honey. You know what you do to me, don't you?"
"I'd have a guess, but I'd say that the evidence is pretty clear."
Certainly, with how Hoseok presses against you, he leaves very little to the imagination. 
"A guess? Well, Maybe I'm not making myself clear enough, then…"
Using his unpreoccupied hand, Hoseok dips the faintest whisper of his fingertips into his mouth in order to get them appropriately wet. He then kicks your ankles apart, situating his thigh in place between your quivering knees. 
It does not take a genius to recognize the unbridled gallop of small, toddling feet racing through narrow linoleum hallways. Nor does it require much effort to deduct that those very footsteps and the loud, high-spirited giggles which precede them can only belong to your son. 
The studio door swings open with all the momentum of a party popper being pulled taut. Only instead of confetti you are rewarded by the sight of your son's beautifully plump rosy cheeks and his gap-toothed grin.
Hoseok turns just in time to drop to his knees and scoop your toddler up into his arms, the tone of his voice shifting from leather and velvet into something bubbling and bright.
"There's my little Hapi!" Hobi coos, nuzzling into your son's soft mousy hair. "Did you have a good day with Uncle Kookie?"
"Uh-huh! Appa, you look so silly! You wearing Eomma's lips!" 
Hoseok lifts his thumb to swipe it over his bottom lip, gathering the fluorescent remnants of your transferred lipstick which lingers there.
"Yes I am." Hobi teases. "Do you want some? Mwah~"
It takes half a second before your son shrieks in protest, immediately sprinting away from your husband's chaotic influence. Hoseok chases after him with pursed lips, making outrageously exaggerated smacking noises during his pursuit. 
Sighing softly, you lean all of your body weight on the mirror behind you and fan your face with your palm in an attempt to cool your rapidly rising body temperature. 
"You're blushing awfully hard." Jeongguk acknowledges as he settles in beside you. 
"Dance rehearsals. Worked up quite a sweat."
"Oh, I bet. You want me to keep him out a little later next time?"
Your teeth find purchase on the crease of your bottom lip, a residual sting prickling upon your flesh from how intensely you had been kissed mere minutes before. Your pulse continues to fizzle and pop and jump underneath your skin; a firework ready to burst.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
You watch as Hoseok finally catches up to your squealing son. He lifts him effortlessly, pressing kiss after kiss over his rotund cheeks and your heart absolutely sings. How did you get so lucky?
And yet, as Hobi tucks your child carefully underneath his chin, you don't miss the way that his mouth dances around a simple word inundated with promise.
You can't wait to see what 'choreography' piece Hoseok will teach you next.
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Kim Namjoon
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There is something to be said about the sweetness of Namjoon's kisses during nightfall, when the moon is pitched high over Seoul's skyline and there is little need for urgency. 
Without the influence of convoluted phone calls or frequented business meetings, it is almost as though your husband has been impassioned anew.
His kisses always start off deceptively slow, the petal pink tip of his tongue wicking across your bottom lip like butter gliding over hot toast. He rests his palms against your crimson-hued cheeks, guiding you that bit closer to his body as your bedsheets rustle down around your hips akin to a tambourine being jostled. 
"I love you." Namjoon sighs, rotating his body so that you fall to a collapse against his exposed torso.
Your fingertips splay against his flushed skin as though seeking out purchase, eager to aid in the transition of your rolling hips. 
"I love you more." 
Burning with vibrant adoration, you can feel your stomach positively froth with frenzied butterflies. Your lips lather a steady stream of kisses down between Namjoon's pectoral muscles, pausing just millimeters below his ribcage where you sink your teeth ever so gently into his skin, determined to leave a mark which will last for days to come. 
"And now I'm going to prove just how much I-" 
The sound of your daughter's shrill, waterlogged sobs as they carry through from her nursery and into your bedroom is stark and corrosive; a bolt of lightning which strikes through your sternum with the intensity of blunt nails on a chalkboard. 
As she tumbles into your bedroom, raven hair plastered to her cheeks by way of her seemingly limitless tears, and her tiny hands balled into fists where they cling to her beloved Koya plushie, you are quick to spring from your bed in order to gather her up into your arms.
"Oh sweetheart! What's wrong?"
Burying her reddened nose into your neck, your daughter splutters through her words.
"D'eres a monsta under m'bed! He's big n'mean and.. and scawy!!"
"A monster, huh?" 
After some careful readjustments, Namjoon climbs out of bed to join your side. He runs his hands affectionately over your daughter's swollen cheeks, clearing the hair away from her eyes. 
"Well, I'd like to have words with this so-called Monster. Let him know that he's messing with The Rap Monster and his beautiful little Princess. We'll see how mean and scary he is then!"
You each take one of your daughter's petite hands, being mindful of Koya’s unshakable presence, and inflate your chests into plates of pseudo armor as you lead her back into her nursery. 
It takes less than a minute for Namjoon to scare away the fictional threat, adding just an ounce of parental gravel to his words for extra emphasis. 
And it takes even less time for your adorable puffy-eyed princess to convince you to stay in bed with her until she feels safe once again.
With both you and Namjoon planted firmly on either side of your toddler's tiny frame, and the sensation of your fingers combing gently through the small tufts of her hair, she finds sleep easily. 
"So…" You whisper, just loud enough for Namjoon to hear over your daughter's infantile snores. "You're a monster, are you?"
Despite the impenetrable darkness of your daughter's room, broken up only by the small heart-shaped night light which twinkles beside her bed, you can clearly see your husband's fiendish smirk.
"Just wait - I'll show you later."
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Park Jimin
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Two years.
You have been married to Park Jimin for two whole years. 
And in that time you have seen him at his best, with a rhinestone microphone held in place between his dainty fingers and a light sheen of sweat glittering against his brow. You have also seen him at his worst, when thick black bags sit underneath his sunken eyes and sleep is a distant memory. 
You know your husband inside and out; his flaws (or lack thereof) and his many merits.
Which is why you should have known that his suggestion of an impromptu movie night was nothing more than a ruse to have you exactly where he wanted you; draped across his lap on the couch and purring every time his lips brush against a weak spot on your neck. 
"Shh, darling. Not so loud." Jimin teases, already moving to run the tip of his tongue along the underside of your jaw. 
Your fingernails dig into Jimin's biceps from how tightly you grasp at him, leaving small  moon-shaped welts in your wake which somehow pale in comparison to the roses he is currently embossing into your skin.
"You're a cruel man, Park Jimin."
"So I've been told. C'mere."
Maneuvering his hands underneath the blanket which he had draped over your shoulders in order to preserve your modesty, Jimin clasps at your hips and pulls you that bit closer to him. 
"You're so beautiful." He sighs, swiping his thumb over your bejewelled lips.
For a moment he simply stares at you, admiring the cinnamon flush of your cheeks and the way in which you seem to flutter with every poorly managed breath; his influence evident.
Unwilling to lose this unspoken game you are playing, you up the ante by bearing your hips down against Jimin's own and push your fingertips through his bubblegum pink locks until he hums with bliss.
"Now who's the cruel one, darling?"
Before you can answer, the sound of your son's hiccuping whimpers resonates from inside his nearby bedroom. 
"Appa! Eomma!"
Throwing the blanket off your shoulders, you are quick to rise from Jimin's lap, not missing the urgent way in which he grabs the fleece in question and places it over the space you had once occupied.
Your son darts into the room with a speed which belies his small stature, falling into your arms with his bottom lip quivering and his paw print pyjamas torn at the knee. 
"Hey, easy! What happened?"
Your son rubs furiously at his damp eyes, making small but urgent grabby-hands toward his Father. Jimin reaches over to rub affectionately at tiny knuckles.
"Twipped. Was thirsty and twipped!"
He points adamantly at the small red welt which glows against the pale skin of his knee, his entire body shaking with barely contained sobs.
"Aw, you poor thing." Jimin consoles, his own lower lip protruding in a manner which reflects your toddler's pout exactly. "Eomma, our little Tiny got himself a booboo."
"So I see. You definitely have your Father's clumsiness trait, hm?" 
Careful to avoid hurting him, you place a gentle kiss against the affected area.
"There we go. Good as new. Now, let's go get you a bandaid, okay?"
"Of course! An Ironman bandaid for my little superhero."
As you lift your son with the intent of carrying him into the bathroom to patch up his battle scar, he makes a small whining noise and reaches for Jimin once again.
"Appa? You come too?"
You watch as your husband's face somehow darkens in hue. His ears burn scarlet-hot, beads of sweat stippled like pearls across his clavicle. He glances between you, your son, and the blanket currently concealing his hips.
"Appa will join us in a minute, baby. He's just gonna clean up first. Right, Appa?"
Jimin nods enthusiastically. "Right! I'll be there in a minute, Tiny. Promise."
Seemingly satisfied with his answer, your son turns to rub his cheek into your chest, already changing the subject to an unusual dream he had earlier in the evening.
Briefly, you can see the relief flash in Jimin's eyes as he collapses back onto the couch. He bites his bottom lip, mouthing a brief word of thanks toward you.
You blow him a kiss in response, not missing the way that Jimin pushes his fingers back through his hair to fix the mess you had made. His eyes briefly sparkle with something oh so familiar; something salacious.
After two years, you can be certain that you know your husband well enough to guarantee that your little game of cat and mouse is far from over. 
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Kim Taehyung
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When Taehyung loses himself to his illustrations he is always completely silent. 
His lips form a pursed rosette of pure concentration, brows furrowed low across his forehead, and his pinkie finger develops a small but temporary tick every time he pauses to load his paintbrush with a new pigment.
He is so silent, in fact, that the only sound you can hear on your approach toward his office is that of novelty ice cubes clinking back and forth within the glass of freshly poured lemonade you prepared for him.
Knocking politely on the door to alert him to your presence, you can only watch in awe as Taehyung dabs a bead of sweat from his brow, his fingertips stained shades of periwinkle and amaranth. 
He stipples another dollop of paint onto his canvas, brushing back and forth in broad strokes in order to heighten the saturation of a particular petal cluster.
"Hey, you." You hum contentedly, placing the glass of lemonade down on Taehyung's desk. "I thought you could use a drink."
"Thank you, Jagiya. That's very kind of you."
Placing his paintbrush down into a pot of discolored water to soak, Taehyung turns in his chair to face you. He reaches his arms up overhead and stretches until his shoulders give a rather satisfying pop and then reaches out toward you, guiding you into his lap.
His large palms stroke along the individual notches of your spine, touching you with the same care he would afford a piece of fine, antique china. The tip of his nose nestles against yours for a moment, wading back and forth before he uses the cool compress of his thumb to elevate your chin.
"Look at you. So beautiful; my muse."
Your husband's words flutter about inside your abdomen like dispersed dandelion seeds; soft and aerated and tickling you in all the right ways. 
He kisses you softly, deeply, the tip of his tongue tracing whimsical patterns across every dip and divot of your lower lip as though he has found his new favourite canvas; a magnum opus all wrapped up in a beautiful wife-shaped bow. 
You can feel every single brush and stroke of his tongue as he kisses you, somehow both cool and hot at the same time, until you are absolutely incandescent with hue and color.
Taehyung shifts until you are comfortably straddling both of his hips. His calloused thumbs knead at the nape of your neck until goosebumps sprinkle like powdered sugar upon your skin. 
With your husband's outrageously long fingertips combing through your hair, you find yourself clasping onto the crisp collar of his shirt simply to keep yourself afloat. 
You trace the blunt curvature of your nail against his pulse point, doodling a small asymmetric heart on his gilded skin which quickly dissipates when his blood begins to flow southward.
"You taste so sweet, Jagi." Taehyung remarks once your mouths finally separate, savouring the numb tingling sensation which busies his tongue.
"Not as sweet as you do, Taehyungie."
You catch your teeth against your husband's earlobe, ever so carefully guiding the steel loop of his piercing into your mouth. Taehyung's torso seems to reverberate when he mewls, his every breath pitched by anticipation as you guide your hands lower and lower and-
Yeontan darts into Taehyung's office with such gleeful acceleration that you almost leap out of your skin. 
He yips merrily, a petite ball of downy-soft fur flanked by your shrieking daughter and her tiny outstretched fingertips. 
"TanTan!" She squeals, chasing Yeontan with reckless abandon.
Sighing softly, you place a small apologetic kiss to Taehyung’s nose and climb to your feet once more.
"Are you having fun, sweetheart?"
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Taehyung reach for the lemonade glass. He takes a long, dehydrated drink. 
Your daughter's arms are short and chubby where they wrap around Yeontan's fluffy brown body. She places a comically loud kiss to the top of his head and then bursts into a fit of bright, energetic giggles.
"Eomma!" She wheezes, pointing a finger up at you. "Yous all colow!"
You bring a hand up to your face, frowning when you feel the crackled texture of rapidly drying paint swept over your cheeks and into the roots of your hair; Taehyung's evident touch tinting your skin turquoise. 
"Ah, yeah. Eomma was just helping Appa to paint."
"Ooh! Can y'paiwnt me too, Appa?"
You blush sheepishly, watching the way that Taehyung instantly softens when your daughter regards him with a vibrant rosewater smile and hopeful eyes so similar to his own.
"Of course, Cherub. Come here."
Taehyung lifts her up into his arms, helping her get comfortably situated on the ball of his knee. He grabs for one of his many paintbrushes, drying the excess moisture on a paper towel before he dips it onto a dollop of glowing tangerine paint.
He turns toward her, his tongue protruding ever so slightly out of the corner of his lips as he once again falls victim to his own concentration. 
He starts by painting an almost perfect circle against her cheek, chasing it with an abundance of soft squiggly wisps until he has created a summer-bright sun on her skin.
And it works, because she positively burns with delight.
"I suppose I better leave you both to it, hm?" You muse, your voice almost lost to Taehyung's amused giggling as your daughter sings his praises. 
You carefully usher Yeontan out of the room, a surprisingly easy task as he trots off in search for a place to nap, and just barely catch the scalding hot sear of your husband's eyes meeting your own.
"You'll finish painting me later, won't you?"
Taehyung rests his chin ever so gently against the top of your daughter's head. His lips twitch with poorly contained mirth.
"You can count on it, Jagiya."
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Jeon Jeongguk
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The sound of deliciously hot water hammering down on cool tile is loud; a brigade of heavy footsteps echoing throughout an otherwise tranquil room. 
And yet, it pales in comparison to the vehement growls Jeongguk emits every single time your fingertips brush over his abdomen.
Your digits move as though you have been hypnotised, the pads of your thumbs following a line of apricot-scented suds as they skim down betwixt Jeongguk's hardened muscles. 
"Baby, if you keep touching me like that I swear it's game over."
It never fails to astound you just how talented Jeongguk is at kissing - much like everything else. 
His lips crash against your own, sticky and warm and deliciously wet from the torrential downpour of a perfectly-angled shower head. Using the prickle of his teeth, he paves a petite pathway into your mouth. His tongue conducts something of a waltz alongside the succulent slip-slide of your own. 
When you finally break for air, your lungs tingling with the poetry of a perfectly executed liplock, you can see starstruck galaxies burning just beyond your damp lashes. 
Finally, fighting past the lump which has formed in your throat, you will yourself to simply speak.
"And if you keep kissing me like that, I'm going to be forced to pounce on you."
Jeongguk's playful laughter seems to reverberate throughout his sternum, smothered in part by the sensation of his nose ghosting down your stomach as he slowly folds onto his knees.
"Challenge accepted."
Turning his head into the flush of your thighs, Jeongguk peppers kiss after kiss against your water-warmed skin. He starts at the base of your knee and works his way up, pausing only when he feels the tug of your trembling fingers his hair.
He grins, fiendish and dark, and you see stars far brighter than your wedding band shimmering in contrast to his inky-black hair. 
"Jeongguk, I-"
The noise of your son's small, sputtering lips opening and closing as he makes loud, enigmatic sound effects is unmistakable.
Through the percussion of water droplets you can hear plastic feet pit-patting against the bathroom counter, dashing across your various lotions and potions, and undoubtedly destroying the perfect sanctuary you have spent the entire afternoon crafting.
Jeongguk stares up at you with wide doe eyes, pressing his pointer finger to his lips.
Internally hissing, Jeongguk pulls the shower curtain back just far enough to poke his head out, hoping that his son's ignorance and naivety is enough to prevent him from questioning why he's situated so low to the ground.
"What's the matter, bud?"
"Can we pway supahewoes?" 
Your son shakes a worn Spiderman action figure in Jeongguk's face, his smile full of young bewilderment.
"Uhh.." Jeongguk turns his head to glance up at you. 
He absolutely does not miss the way that you smirk, clearly finding humor in your current predicament that Jeongguk himself sorely lacks.
"What about Uncle Yoongi? Can't he play with you?"
"Nuh-uh. He gone nap-nap. N'I can't find Eomma!"
Jeongguk swallows his sigh, briefly thumbing through a rolodex of suitable excuses within his mind. When he comes up short, he gnaws against his bottom lip and opts instead to admit defeat.
"Okay, buddy. Give me five minutes and I'll be right out, okay?"
From your position pressed flush against the cold shower wall, you can hear your son bounce up and down from excitement. After a brief victory cheer, he quickly darts out of the bathroom and leaves you alone with your partner once more.
"So… Good call on asking Yoongi to babysit for us to give us some alone time, huh?"
Jeongguk rolls his eyes as soon as he springs back up onto his feet.
"Yeah, Yeah. Even a golden maknae is wrong every once in a while."
Brushing his thumb over your fuchsia colored cheekbone, Jeongguk pulls you forward into a sickeningly sweet open-mouthed kiss. His tongue lalves a brief signature against your own; just enough to leave you sizzling all afternoon long.
"We'll pick this back up later, okay?"
You sigh happily, bringing a hand up to stroke across the spun sugar sting of your lips.
"It's a date."
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Make your own request HERE ♥
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Out of Bounds - Part 2
If you missed it, you can read part 1 here.
Rhett held on for another hour before the excitement of the long day and the ever-increasing noise inside the house became too much to him. He said his goodbyes, dealt with some goodhearted ribbing about who he was going home with, and headed out. 
As he walked through the house his gaze searched the crowd, his heart skipping a beat every time he got a glimpse of dark brown hair. But it was always someone else. 
Rhett stepped out of the front door feeling strangely deflated. The feeling caught him off-guard, and he tried to convince himself he wasn’t disappointed. He simply couldn’t be, since he’d had no intention to talk to Link even if he’d found him. He just wanted to see if Link was still at the party. Whether he’d already left with someone else. He’d seemed pretty determined to find a hook-up. Surely he’d propositioned someone else besides Rhett. And who would say no to that?
I did. I said no. And it was the right thing to do, Rhett reminded himself sternly. He wasn’t about to have an identity crisis this close to the tournament. His father was right. He needed to concentrate on basketball. 
It was a chilly night and Rhett pulled his jacket tighter around himself as he walked towards his apartment. His stride was steady enough, and he mentally congratulated himself on his self-restraint. Hangover was a bitch even without a mandatory early morning run.
The sound of quick footsteps made Rhett glance behind him. His heart leaped as he saw the fluffy hair and a flash of blue. Link took a few running steps to catch up with Rhett. He had his hands in his jeans’ pockets. Rhett couldn’t help but wonder if they were women’s jeans—they hugged Link’s curves impossibly tight. Link didn’t have a jacket on, instead, he wore a hoodie he was positively drowning in. At the party, he’d worn only a tight t-shirt. 
Maybe he stole that from some guy. Maybe he already hooked up with someone at the party...
“Hey, can I walk with you?” Link asked, smiling bright enough to light the dim backstreet they were walking on.
“Um, sure, I guess,” Rhett mumbled, desperately trying to erase the mental image of Link sitting in someone else’s lap, hands roaming on their body, desperately tugging off clothes to get more access.
Link settled next to Rhett, taking long strides to keep up with him. Rhett buried his hands deep into his pockets. Not because he needed to. Not because he wanted to slip his hands under that hoodie and feel Link’s waist under his palms. Not because he was itching to gather Link’s face into his hands and kiss him senseless. He refused to think about any of that. His hands were just cold. That’s all.
“So, where do you live?” Link asked after they’d walked a full block in silence.
“I’ve got this little apartment off-campus. It’s about a five minutes walk from here,” Rhett said, waving his hand onto the general direction of his place.
“Ohhh, an apartment? Fancy,” Link said nodding appreciatively.
“Eh... Not really. It’s tiny and kinda dingy. It’s my aunt’s. My dad insisted that I live there. He thought living in a dorm would be too distracting.”
“Ah. I see. How do you feel about that?”
Surprised, Rhett turned to look at Link and missed the curb, stumbling down onto the street. 
“Whoa, there!” Link said and grabbed his arm to keep him from falling face-first onto the pavement. Rhett quickly regained his composure and pulled his arm away like he’d been burned. He saw Link’s face fall before he managed to arrange his features to a pleasant smile. 
“Gotta be careful, hot shot. We can’t have our star player hurting himself.” 
“Yeah. I’m fine. Thanks,” Rhett muttered and picked up the pace again. His arm was tingling. Even the leather jacket couldn’t stop Rhett from feeling a strange kind of heat envelop him when Link touched him.
If he touched my skin… Surely, I’d combust.
Rhett shook his head to chase the heated thought away. Worried he might just grab Link’s hand and test that theory, he blurted out the first thing that came into his mind.
“No one’s ever really asked what I thought about it.” Immediately after he’d uttered the words he flushed red, embarrassed by the admission. Link stopped and turned to look at him. Rhett stopped too, meeting Link’s intense gaze. 
“Really?” Link asked.
Rhett shrugged and flashed a smile that was definitely more like a grimace.
“Well, how do you feel about it?” Link’s blue eyes were trained on him, observing, picking apart Rhett’s thoughts as if he could read them from Rhett’s face. Rhett was used to people staring at him. He was used to people cheering his name. He was used to hearing how great he was. He was used to hearing how he needed to practice, eat, sleep, live—even love. What he wasn’t used to was someone looking at him without judgment or agenda. So, instead of doing the thing he usually did—the practiced answer of ‘whatever’s best for the team’—he told the truth.  
“Honestly, it kinda sucks. I mean... it’s quiet and I don’t have to deal with potentially annoying roommates, but I feel like I’m missing out. That I’m not getting the quintessential college experience or something. Stupid, right?”
Link made a sympathetic throat noise. “I don’t think that’s stupid.”
They stared at each other for a moment that seemed to go on and on. Feeling light-headed Rhett watched Link’s tongue slip out of his mouth to quickly lick his lips and without thinking about it, Rhett did the same. 
“Rhett, I—” Link started and took a step towards him. It was like a spell was broken. Rhett jerked back, turned on his heels and power-walked half a block before realizing he was headed into the wrong direction.
Get yourself together, man! It’s just a pretty boy. No need to lose your mind. 
“So,” Rhett started, glancing at Link who’d caught up with him. “Do you live off-campus too?”
I’m just gonna take a right at the next block. Just a little detour. He’ll never know.
“No. I live in Syme Hall.”
Wait, what?
“Oh, um... Isn’t that the other way?” Rhett asked and stopped again. They were in front of a little corner store and it’s garishly bright lights painted a red and orange halo around Link’s messy hair. 
“It is,” Link said with a sly smirk.
“Then why are you—?”
“A pretty guy like you shouldn’t be walking alone at night. S’not safe.”
Rhett let out a dry laugh. “Funny. And your plan kinda sucks since you still have to walk back to your dorm alone. And you’re way prettier than me.”
Link smile widened and grew softer. “You really think I’m pretty?” he asked. His eyes shone almost alien-blue in contrast to the shop lights. There was no way around it—he looked like a vision. But Rhett sensed that Link’s words had an edge of apprehension in them as if he was actually uncertain whether he was desirable. Ridiculous.
“Yeah,” Rhett admitted, the corner of his lips quirking into a smile. “I think you’re pretty.”
Link sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and tugged on the lapel of Rhett’s jacket, pulling him closer. “How pretty?”
“Fucking gorgeous,” Rhett whispered and then his arm was around Link’s waist and their lips were pressed together. Link’s mouth opened eagerly and Rhett gasped into him. Link’s low chuckle went right to Rhett’s dick and he pulled Link tighter against himself. As their tongues brushed together tentatively, Link’s fingers tangled into Rhett’s hair and tugged him closer still, deepening the kiss.
The store door opened with a jarring tingle of a bell and Rhett pulled back. He didn’t step away though. His arm was still tightly wrapped around Link’s lean body. 
“You still trying to get into my bed?” Rhett asked, breathless. His gaze roamed Link’s features, his parted pink lips and the lusty glaze in his eyes. The whole scene felt like a dream. Maybe it was. Maybe he could do this. Just this once. No one would ever know.
“Yeah,” Link answered, sounding almost  as breathless as Rhett.
“Okay, what?”
“Okay, come home with me.”
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neerasrealm · 4 years
STAN LAUGHING DAD AT ALL TIMES dkfkkdkdkdkskd MY HEART IS FLUTTERING!!!!!!!! i promise this is the last request (maybe ffkfkd) pls PLS PRETTY PLS do sum where one of the twins has a secret boyfriend and suddenly starts to wear a bunch of makeup and style her hair all pretty and lj ends up finding out by seeing them together KFKFKDKDK IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN I LOVE YOU BYE
LAUGHING! DAD! LAUGHING! DAD! HIM DEALING WITH TEENAGE DAUGHTERS IS SO FUNNY TO ME I LOVE DOING THIS. I decided to use the names Juliette and Jasmine for these two (as suggested by another anon). This isn’t relevant but. hc that the daughter from the second story where jack had to comfort one of them was Juliette. Lowkey im making entire personalities for these two god help me enjoy :)
Laughing Jack thought of himself as a pretty good dad. He was loving and supportive of his two girls, and always had their backs. They were happy to go to him and tell him everything, and in return he always told them he loved them and supported them no matter what. But of course, he didn’t force them to do any of that. It was a matter of mutual love, mutual trust. Jack wasn’t an overbearing father, in fact, he was quite relaxed. He knew his girls could hold their own, and they lived in a mansion full of demons and serial killers! If anyone decided to pick on the girls, they’d live (and probably die) to regret it. So when he heard footsteps creeping down the stairs behind where he sat in his big comfy armchair, and someone tip-toeing towards the front door, he wasn’t expecting it to actually be one of his two twin daughters.
He looked over at the girl as she quietly creeped towards the front door. She was dressed in a red leather jacket, and under it Jack could see she was wearing a short black skirt and fishnet stockings along with red high heels he couldn’t remember seeing before. Her hair was done up elaborately, and she’d even curled it. Jack blinked in surprise for a moment before smiling and arching a brow. ‘’...Jasmine?’’ he called out. The girl jumped and whirled around to stare at her. Looking at her face, Jack could see she’d taken the time to put makeup on. She wore some simple red eyeshadow, black mascara and some sparkly red lipstick. Jack also noted her contour, which made her cheekbones look sharper and more noticeable than normal. He looked her over for a moment and smiled. ‘’Ye look good!’’ he finally chirped. He had to admit, he felt a bit of secondhand pride. He had been the one to first teach both of his girls about makeup and hairstyling, so seeing her do something so elaborate all by herself brought a smile to his face. 
‘’Oh er- t-thanks da.’’ she stammered out, shifting nervously on her feet. She forced a smile. Jack chuckled a bit, thinking she was just embarrassed at the compliment. 
‘’Ya ‘eaded somewhere?’’
‘’Oh! Uh- yeh, yeh I’m er- goin’ ta see some friends.’’ she replied quickly. Jack nodded. Oh, friends! Odd...normally his daughters told him a little bit in advance if they were planning to go out- but maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing. Besides, she’d already gone through all the effort of dressing up and making herself look so nice, Jack certainly wasn’t going to keep her home!
‘’Ah! Awrigh’ then,’’ he turned back to the TV show he’d been watching. ‘’Ave fun, luv.’’ 
‘’Thanks da.’’ Jasmine smiled a bit and walked more confidently towards the door. Jack glanced at her and frowned.
‘’...’ey kiddo?’’ he suddenly said. She paused and looked over her shoulder at him, looking worried. ‘’...do ye need money?’’ he gave her a wide smile and reached into his puffy sleeve. Before his daughter could even mumble out a flustered ‘nah, I’m okay’, he pulled out a couple paper bills and stretched his arm over to her. She smiled gently and took the money. ‘’Buy yerself lunch ‘er somefink, awrigh’ swee’ear’?’’ 
‘’Yes da.’’ she gently tucked the bills into the pocket of her jacket and looked up at him again. She smiled a bit wider. ‘’See ya la’er.’’
‘’Ave fun!’’ Jack called back. He settled back down into his chair, content with himself. Just as he was relaxing again, he was interrupted by a second voice at the top of the stairs.
‘’...ye le’ ‘er go ou’ lookin’ like tha’??’’ 
Jack looked up at the sound of his second daughter’s voice. He looked up at her and frowned. ‘’Yeh?’’ he tilted his head. ‘’Somefink wrong?’’
‘’No, i’s jus’ tha’ she’s goin’ on a da’e is all…’’ Juliette leaned nonchalantly against the wall, smirking a bit as she spoke. 
‘’...a da’e?’’
‘’Yeh. Wiv a boy, y’know, nofink big.’’ Jack stared at her in astonishment. ‘’No’ tha’ big a deal, she only spent two ‘ours doin’ ‘er ‘air up an’ lookin’ all nice fer’im.’’
Jack stood up quickly and stared at her. ‘’Well- who is ‘e?? Do I know ‘im?’’
‘’E’s tha’ scrawny lad tha’ works a’ th’ music shop in town.’’ she examined her nails as she spoke. ‘’She’s fancied ‘im since she me’ ‘im. No idea why, ‘e’s kinda spo’y.’’
Jack frowned and looked at the ground. Ohh, he knew who she was talking about. A boy with wispy, greasy blonde hair and a nose ring who always seemed a little out of it. Your typical teenager. He was just surprised he’d never put two and two together and realised his own daughter liked him. He’d always thought she was just really into music. ‘’Do ye know where they went off ta?’’
‘’Mmm…’’ she spent a long, long moment thinking about it. ‘’I fink she mentioned th’ place bu’...I can’t qui’e remember i’.’’ she gave her dad a mischievous grin. Jack groaned and reached into his sleeve, pulling out another thirty dollars. He stretched his arm up and the girl grabbed the notes, smiling in satisfaction. She was a smart one, Jack would give her that. ‘’Th’ shoppin’ centre in town. Fink they mentioned ge’in lunch an’ summat.’’ 
‘’Righ’.’’ Jack turned on his heel and towards the door. ‘’I’m g’nna go er- check on yer sister-’’ 
‘’Don’t le’ ‘er see ya. Jus’ stalk ‘er from a distance.’’
‘’Thanks luv I will.’’ 
Jack walked quickly across town to the local mall. He stuck to backstreets and kept his eyes peeled for his daughter. He almost thought he wouldn’t find her until, when leaning out from behind a trash can, his eyes spotted a red leather jacket in the crowd. He gasped and stared at her. Alright, alright, calm down. He wasn’t going to storm over and tell her off- she was in love. Kids in love do stupid things, and hey, maybe this boy was nice! Maybe he was like her dashing Romeo- actually no that'd be more fitting for his other daughter Juliette...Aladdin then? Wasn't Aladdin a thief who lied about being rich though? Jack definitely didn't want someone like that dating his daughter…
OH WAIT HE’S HERE- Jack’s eyes widened as the boy walked up to his beloved daughter. He examined him carefully. The two just waved a bit in greeting as he casually walked up to her. They talked for a little bit before walking off towards the entrance to the mall. Perfectly innocent, right? WRONG! The ungrateful daughter stealer hadn’t even brought flowers! He wouldn’t even hold her hand as they walked! Not to mention his outfit. A red and white baseball cap, a track jacket of the same colours, black jeans that were ripped and old worn trainers. Also in red and white. Would it be too much for him to even put on the tiniest bit of lipstick? Honestly! Jack wasn’t a romantic but he knew low effort when he saw it. Honestly, men these days…
But fine, fine. He’d give the boy another chance. Maybe he forgot the flowers at home and maybe he thought the dress code was casual. No biggie, no biggie. He slinked over to the mall’s entrance and slipped inside. He stayed hidden in the crowd- or- as hidden as a giant monochrome clown could be. Things seemed pretty normal. The two of them walked along, talking calmly. The boy seemed to be laughing a lot, which made Jack proud. If someone was going to date his daughter, they had to have a sense of humour. He followed them into various stores. A record shop, a Hot Topic, Claire’s and a couple other places. They seemed to get along good, though Jack couldn’t hear very much of their conversations. He’d listened to them talk excitedly in the record shop about music, and in Claire’s he’d watched them mess around trying on accessories. They were...cute. They made a good couple and seeing the way his daughter laughed and grinned, and the way the boy blushed in her presence- it made Jack soften. He was wrong about this boy...he made his daughter happy, really happy, and he was more than happy to let them be together.
As he followed after them a few feet behind, his eyes stayed locked on their hands. They were holding hands. Jack was over the moon at that. His little girl was in love! Her first date was going good! He watched from a little bit away as they sat down at a food court. Once he was sure they were settled in and stuck into both their lunch and conversation, he wandered over and took a seat a little bit away where he could keep watching them. 
And then...Jasmine glanced to her side, just for a moment, and then snapped her head over to him. Her eyes locked with her father’s from across the food court and slowly, a look of horror crossed her face. She looked quickly to her date before he could notice something was wrong and stood up from her chair. Jack watched her say something to him before calmly walking away. As she got closer to where her dad sat though, her strides became angrier, and her face more enraged. Jack gulped.
Oh no.
She stopped calmly in front of his table and folded her arms. It was silent for a long, tense moment. ‘’E-ey swee’ear’.’’ Jack murmured, forcing a smile.
‘’Wha’ are ye doin’ ‘ere?’’ Jasmine growled back. 
‘’I wuz jus’ checkin’ on ye, ‘onest!’’
‘’Checkin’ on me?!’’ she snapped back. ‘’Stalkin’ me more like!’’
‘’Well ye’re th’ one tha’ didn’ tell me ye were da’in’ some’ne!’’
‘’Becuz I knew ye’d pull this crap!’’ Jasmine looked about ready to hit her father. It honestly wouldn’t surprise him if she did. ‘’I’m no’ a li’le girl! I can do wha’ I want! Juliette has a fella and ye don’t do this wiv ‘er!’’
‘’Tha’s diff’ren’-’’
‘’She’s the one tha’ told ya abou’ this, isn’t she?’’
Jack hesitated for a moment. ‘’...yeh.’’
‘’I’m g’nna kill tha’ poxy ra’!’’ she buried her face in her hands and groaned. Jack reached up and patted her shoulder gently. She looked up at him, still glaring.
‘’...I like ye’re boyfrien’. ‘E seems nice.’’ He murmured gently. ‘’I jus’ wanted ta make sure i’ went okay...yous’re a cu’e couple.’’ he smiled up at her. Jasmine paused for a moment before sighing.
‘’Ye’re such a fockin’ eejit, da.’’ she muttered. Jack laughed gently and pulled his hand away. He stood up from his chair. ‘’...ye mean i’ abou’ ‘im?’’
He nodded. ‘’I do.’’ he smiled down at her. ‘’Tell ye wha’, I’ll go back on ‘ome an’ pretend I didn’ see any ‘f this. Ye can keep goin wiv yer da’e an’ f’rge’ abou’ me.’’
Jasmine stared at him for a moment before smiling gently. ‘’Fine.’’ she sighed. She stepped back from him. ‘’Ge’ ou’a ‘ere b’fore ‘e sees me talkin’ ta ya. Don’ wanna make ‘im mee’ th’ folks on th’ first da’e.’’
Jack laughed and nodded. ‘’Alrigh’,’’ he pat her head once more before stepping away from her. ‘’Ave fun, luv.’’
‘’I will, da.’’
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iznightwing · 4 years
TUA Season 2 Spoilers
So, this is my immediate reactions to the new season of The Umbrella Academy. Please enjoy
Episode 1
They all got stuck in different parts of early 60s Dalas, TX
Threat of nucular war
"The Swedes" are our main(?) protagonists for this season it seems
Diego(1963) is in a mental asylum because he's trying to stop JFK's assassination.
Vanya(1963) has some minor amnesia
Luthor(1962) is a mobster???(idk)
Allison(1961) is married, helping with the civil rights movement
Klaus(1961) stole a guys truck and fighting with Ben
Ben(with Klaus) is still a ghosty boi(😭)
Five(1963) as to figure out how to stop the fuck apocalypse ****again**** that they ended up bringing back with them
Episode 2
Handler is alive, but she got demoted
Luthor works for Jack Ruby apparently
Luthor still hates Vanya -_-
"Dad should have left him on the moon" jsjegdidu Five's fuckin savage
Diago and Lila(new character) escape the mental hospital
Allison's husband just got arrested for "assault and battery"
Diago is still trying to get Lee Harvey Oswald
Klaus is literally treated like a Hippie Jesus but he doesn't like it
They have fottage from JFK's assassination, which isn't for another 6 days, based on the show's timeline
Luthor found where Vanya has be- OH SHIT HE HAS A GUN
Luthor doesn't realize Vanya has amnesia
He wants to apologize to her???
2 of the 3 guys sent to kill the Hargreaves are just throwing a knife at each other while the other one cooks??
Five and Diego are going to search for Reginald
Allison's husband is getting suspicious because she almost used her power in front of him
Lesbian vibes coming from Sissy and Vanya
Five being vulnerable makes me soft
Reginald has (a) mannequin family(ies)??
Reginald just fucking stabbed Diego I-
Episode 3
Klaus seriously is just Hippie Jesus
Lila saved Diego's life
Vanya run girl!
Yaasss queen! You use thos powers!
Well, Five found Vanya
Luthor is trying to find Allison
Klaus and Allison reunited!!
Handler changed her appearance??
Allison is a strong independent woman, and ain't none can tell her otherwise
Daaamn klaus and Ben just used his ghosty self to get Allison's husband out of jail
Five tries to help Vanya get her memories back
I'm fairly certain Lila has a thing for Diego
Okay, they're doing more than making out
Luthor found Allison's address and met her husband. Can you say **awkward** !
Allison ain't taking no shit my dudes
Klaus is being the awkward gay
I think Ray(Allison's husband) is mad at Allison...
Vanya and Five went find Luthor
Shit going wrong at the sit-in
Oh shit Allison just made Ray scared of her by using her power
Klaus managed to get Allison out of all the chaos
Luthor just purposely lost a fight??
Lila what the fuck are you doing??
Lila, what are those keys for??
Episode 4
I don't know how I feel about this my dudes
Vanya and Luthor bonding??
Jack Ruby just fired Luthor??
Vanya and Five just had a fight
Klaus is not the best person for moral support
"He stabbed me" "I'm surprised he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge" jdjdgdj savage Five back at it again
So Reginald is part of a "shadow government"??
Allison, honey, you can do better babe
Oh nooo Klaus is going back to the dunk side
Welp, Klaus' followers found him
Diego, Lila and Diego doing a sneaky
Allison and Luthor have reunited!!
More sneaky
Oh nooo! Harlan come back!
Well, Luthor just got evicted
Well, Luthor's high on laughing gas, thanks to Eliot
Ooo fight scene to KISS niiccceee
Welp I think Diego feels betrayed
Five knows ancient Greek apparently
Episode 5
Pogo was apparently sent to space
That moment you realize Reginald treated Pogo more like a son than he did his own children
Diego and Five are onto Lila
Allison and Klaus are have a heart to heart
As I stated previously, LETS GO LESBIANS
Oh nooo
Luthor, you're just going to get your feelings hurt
Told you soooooo
"Dude, that's rough" I- they literally missed the opportunity to use "that's rough buddy"
Handler, what are you planning?
Now Diego doesn't trust Vanya -_-
The Swedes are just living their best life in this random women's home
Damit Klaus
God damit Luthor
Don't follow her damit
Klaus calling out all the in*est shippers
"The only thing the Umbrella Academy knows about love... is how to screw it up" I didnt need called out like this Klaus
I love some quality sibling bonding
Well that guy just went boom
I lowkey like this cover of Billie Eilish's "Bad Guy"
Five figured out Lila and Handler are working together
Vanya trying to confess her love to Sissy I- baby nooo
Vany, baby, it's all gonna be okay
The swedes are down to two. Poor guys
Idk how I feel about this version of Adele's "Hello"
Klaus is confronting his followers
Allison decided to tell Ray everything
Episode 6
Allison, run baby!
Ooo how sweet!
Seriously Handler. What are you planning?
So luthor, Diego and Vanya are going to talk to Reginald
Klaus' followers won't listen to him
Allison got Ray to believe her. Yay!
Ooooh booooyyy, pooh shhhiiittt
oh shit, what the hell??
Oh my god, Dave come baaaaccckkk!!!
"Unharm my wiener" oh my god
I think Luthor let rip in the elevator, lol
Reggie wants proof
And with that proof comes a mess of fruit
So, Ben can possess Klaus
Diego doooonnn't
Vulnerable Five gets me every time
Nooooo not Eliot
Sissy, it's gonna be okay baby
Oh noooo
Oh fuuucckkk
Episode 7
I have a bad feeling about this
Well that was... interesting
Klaus is being Ben's wingman and letting him possess him to talk to a girl
I don't like Carl's attitude
I knew Handler was gonna pull something
Diego just threatened an old lady because of a misunderstanding I-
Istg, I want to shoot Handler in the head again
God damnit Diego
Ben, enjoy yourself baby, but don't abuse your brother's trust
Fuck off Carl
Allison, honey, please go with Luthor
Ben, you're doing great sweetie
Diego knows that Ben is able to possess Klaus
Vanya, please don't fight with your brother
Diego, please lis- GOD DAMIT LILA
Allison, baby, its going to be okay
Sissy, what are you doing?
Backstreet boys to a fight scene. Nice
So vaccuum extensions can be a weapon
Klaus, Ben, stop fighting!
Okay, so that happened
Vanya, don- SHIIIIT
Episode 8
So Vanya is the russian baby from the opening of the first season
"You've had your possession privileges revoked!" "I regret nothing!"
Oh shit, he's gonna- ope, he knows it was Handler
Diego, don't let them treat you like that man
Grace, please be careful
Grace, don't believe him
So, five is going to look for himself. Literally, not figuratively
Sissy, don't listen to him
The FBI be assholes(for legal reasons this is about the show only)
This won't end well
Lila, please. Control yourself
Five apparently doesn't trust himself(the old body version of himself)
Diego, don't fuck up
Fancy shmancy machine
Sooo, Vanya causes this apocalypse too??
Past five wants to "kill" present Five??
Brain food. Ha
Ray, just listen to your wife
Uuuuhhhh Harlan??
Episode 9
Allison, please be careful baby
"You look like Antonio Banderas with the long hair, I just thought you should know"
Common Klaus, I know you can do it baby
"Because I'm him, and that is exactly what I'd do if I wanted to kill me!"
"I'M THE DADDY HERE!!" Gejkzudh I'm-
Carl stop it!
Sissy, POP OFF
God damnit Lila
Five. For god sakes
Oof, I felt that through the screen
"Dancing with myself" is a completely appropriate song to go with this fight scene
Ben, be careful baby. I know your dead, but still
Vanya, baby, it's gonna be okay
Ben noooooo
Shut the fuck up Carl
Lila knows the- GOD DAMNIT IT WAS FIVE
Don't listen to her Lila!
Okay, so that just happened
Diego is still trying to stop the assassination
Five sent old Five through his rift to 2019
Well, Diego got duped
Reginald didn't know about the plan of the assassination??
Episode 10
Okay, so we open up with Ben's funeral
Wow Reginald
Klaus apparently convinced Ben not to go to the light?
So now they're all wanted by the FBI
Guys, please listen to Vanya
Okay, so he was scared of the light, it wasn't Klaus that got him to stay
"Anyone makes a fat joke and I'm outta here"
Oh- oh no
Harlan, baby, please listen to Vanya
So Diego can control the direction of more than just knives. Okay then
Hell yea baby, Vanya saves the day
Phew that was close. Why is it always Allison that almost dies?
Don't listen to her Harlan!
Listen to them Lila!
Harlan, it's okay baby!
Way to go Herb!
No Sissy, go with herrrrr
I have mixed feelings about all this
And theyre back home
Apparently Reginald is alive??
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starryevermore · 4 years
17 Questions, 17 people
Rules: Answer these 17 questions and then tag 17 lovely people to answer them, too.
thank you @lonely-xplr for tagging me!
Nickname: Kayls, Kay, KayKay (my name’s Kayla)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 5′2″ (and a half because the half counts)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 💛🖤🦡
Last thing I googled: what does it feel like when your wisdom teeth are coming in
Song stuck in my head: “Tell Me Why” by the Backstreet Boys 
Number of followers: 202
Amount of sleep: about 10 hours during summer/winter break, and 8 hours during the school year
Lucky number: 7
Dream job: Writer
Wearing: It’s a blue t-shirt with Abraham Lincoln wearing sunglasses and has “the sun shines bright” on the front 
Favorite song: currently, “LA Summer Nights” by the incredible Aryia
Favorite instrument: I’ve never played an instrument before, but I like the sound of saxophones and pianos
Aesthetic: messy buns, pop figure collections, disney world, pressed flowers, chasing butterflies, more notebooks than I can dream of filling, paint-stained clothes, long walks in the woods, a to-be-read pile the size of me, stargazing, the smell right before it rains (petrichor if ya wanna be fancy), encyclopedias, browsing the shelves of a library for hours, study dates in cafes
Favorite author: we stan Rick Riordan in this house. 
Favorite animal noise: Crows cawing 
Random: I’ve been debating on buying rune stones for a hot minute
tagging: @rebelemily @curlyhairedbrock @lenneylobster @trixiehoe @8rtisoc @golbrockstar @golbrockyummy @colbybrock7137 @colbysbltch @absolute-randomness-forever @kid-that-likes-to-xplr @colbyrbrock @turnupbrock @bellatherunner @mix-tape96 @emobrock
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revisionaryhistory · 5 years
It’s All Art ~ 94
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Well, I don’t know what happened. I skipped posting a chapter. This is supposed to be 94. I’ve already posted the two that come after.  I’ll be fixing the order this weekend.  There’s nothing in here that screws up plot progression.  Just a thing. Sorry.
Oscar walked into the hotel room pointing his finger back and forth between the two of them. He started to speak, but laughed instead, "I had is whole speech planned giving you two shit, but I can't." He squeezed between them on the couch, putting his arms around both of them. "Are there more shower pictures? Can I request a bubble bath next time?"
Kelsey moved her hand to his upper thigh, "Don't ask for what you can't handle." He glanced at Charlotte, seeing her smirk. He looked back to Kelsey, "Oh, I can handle a lot."
Before she knew what hit her Kelsey was laid back on the couch, Oscar half on top of her, with his mouth nibbling on her neck. She yelped in surprise and instinctively latched onto his back. The shock left quickly and she mowed a hand to his hair, "Don't tease me, Oscar."
Oscar backed up enough to meet her eyes. "Tease you? Your hands were on her tits."
Kelsey screwed up her face, "Do you seriously think that's the first time my hands have been on her? Many sleep overs in University. Many drunk girl sleep overs." Kelsey raised her head to look at Charlotte, "I can tell you he likes that visual."
Oscar snickered, but didn't move. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before sitting up," She'd be worried if I didn't." He did a quick adjustment to his jeans before kissing Charlotte. "We're going to keep her."
The three talked for another half hour before Kelsey stood up, "I'm off. Abby has tomorrow then Beth and then the three of us. What a day that will be."
Charlotte stood up and hugged her friend, "Thank you for the wonderful day."
Kelsey kissed her cheek, "I missed this. Can't wait until the three of us spend the day. Maybe we'll send your boyfriend away and have an all girl sleep over."
Oscar grinned, "I think I can get video set up by then."
* * * *
Charlotte regailed him with tales from their day and filled in with missing bits of history. Oscar was happy she'd had such a good time. He'd wanted someone with her to make sure she was physically ok, but he' d gotten someone who'd done much more for her emotionally. His fingers were crossed that the trend continued with Abby, Jane, and Beth.
After dinner they settled back on the couch to watch a movie. It was still early, but he watched her eyes starting to droop. He crawled out from behind her and knelt between her legs, "Tired?"
"I don't know why. All I've done is sit on the couch all day. This going to get old fast."
He repeated his words form this morning, "Healing takes a lot of energy."
She glared at him and stuck out her tongue.
Oscar jumped on that, taking it as an invitation. His hands moved to her ass as he kissed her. "I was thinking an orgasm might keep the nightmares away." He kissed over to her ear.
Charlotte laced her fingers through his hair. "It's certainly worth a try."
He was already working on pulling her pants off, "Your enthusiasm at the prospect of some amazing oral sex is lacking."
"You should be careful not to oversell."
"Ha fucking ha, baby."
Unfortunately his brilliant plan was not successful. He lay with her until she feel asleep then went back to the family room for awhile. He thought he heard her rustling around and went to check on her. She was kicking her feet against the mattress and twisting her body. Definitely a nightmare. Oscar sat beside her, laid a hand on her shoulder, and talked to her. Nothing of any importance. Sweet words and calming phrases. She didn't calm, but it didn't get worse. He switched to singing, "And you wanted to dance, so I asked you to dance, but fear is in your soul. Some people call it a one night stand, but we can call it paradise. Don't say a prayer for me now. Save it till the morning after." Not surprisingly Duran Duran calmed her. Hell, he'd learn the lyrics to Backstreet Boys if it chased away the nightmares. He left her long enough to turn everything off in the other room. The sheets were cool against his skin as he slipped in beside her. They couldn't cuddle up, not even close, so he tucked his hand under her t-shirt, resting it on her stomach.
Oscar's singing only kept the nightmares away so long. For the second night he was awakened by her scream.
The next day's visit with Abby centered on baby talk. Charlotte kept her hand on Abby's stomach to feel movement. She talked to her future nephew and nixed name options at would get him bullied on the playground.
With Beth the topic was Oscar. Charlotte wanted details on how she came to help with the twitter account, including what would have been mortifying if not for their long standing friendship, Beth's movie star crush. Beth's fangirling started at least a year before Oscar and Charlotte had met.
"I remember when the first pictures of you two showed up. It was all I could do not to text you, calling you an awful bitch." They laughed. "But I got over it." Beth rolled her eyes dramatically. "If my internet boyfriend was going to cheat on me at least he looked happy and I approved of his choice."
Charlotte held Beth's hand and tried to look sincere, "I'm good with inappropriate thoughts. I'll provide a detail or two."
Beth snorted, "It's good you don't mind because lots of people have far more inappropriate thoughts than I ever did."
Charlotte adjusted her position to be more comfortable, "I'm glad we were never crazy stalker. I mean, outside of staking out airports and around the venue." She laughed with the memories.
Beth laughed too, "Yeah, we may have joked about it, but none of us really believed they'd see us and fall instantly in love." She glared at Charlotte, "But that's what happened for you, is'nt it?"
Charlotte shrugged, "Wasn't a fan situation though."
"No," Beth said, "having met him I can't imagine that would have worked." She shook her head, "I don't want to seem like I know your boyfriend better than you do. From videos and interviews he's never really seemed comfortable with the whole famous thing." She watched Charlotte nod her agreement. "I'm glad we're talking about this. I want to make sure you know I'm not nineteen and crushing like we used too. If there wasn't a bit of that it wouldn't be fun. There were four of us running the twitter. Shannon was a bit insane and we changed all the passwords. I'm not all starstruck being around, but if I'm honest it is kind of surreal at times."
Charlotte was glad they were talking about this too. There was no concern with trusting Beth, but it was complicated. Since Beth had been brave enough to broach the topic, Charlotte could say it all. "He's a little surreal to me at times. More whenever I met one of his costars. I must say it gets easier each time, but there's always at least a split second of 'Oh shit, it's Princess Leia!". After a moment it's just talking to a person." She took a sip of her water, giving herself a moment. "Here's my concern since finding out your connection to that account. In some ways you do know him more than me. You were absolutely fine when you met him. It's almost like we both had a crush on the same boy and he asked me out. Which it's not, but it's the best I can do. The crux of the thing is I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
"More like we both fancied the same boy in a pub and he bought you a drink." Beth put her hand on Charlotte's arm. "I appreciate your concern more than you can imagine. I'm not uncomfortable. I was worried that you were. Or Oscar. I have no problem letting the twitter go if it's the least bit weird for either of you. That's just silly fun. You're my friend."
"I see no need for that and neither would Oscar. He doesn't like anyone to change things because of who he is." She emphasized the word "who". I trust you without question and that's enough for him." She'd had enough of the serious talk. It was good to get it out, but it was time to move on. "Besides I count on that twitter to direct me to video or pictures I'd otherwise not known existed."
"I'll work on a top ten video or something."
Kelsey came over after work. Soon after Abby and Matt showed up. Charlotte excused herself to the bedroom. Her head was pounding. She made them all promise to stay put. Oscar had texted he and Adam were bringing pizza for everyone. She was hoping a half hour of dark and quiet would be enough for her to join them.
It wasn't long before Oscar arrived with Adam carrying boxes of pizza. He checked on Charlotte, finding her asleep and returned to the others. The group sat around the family room laughing and eating. No one would ever know by watching the group interact that it was made up of old college friends, siblings, and a couple of celebrities.
Matt handed out another beer for everyone. They'd been laughing and teasing each other, so Matt was simply continuing. He nodded toward the closed bedroom door, "Looks like no sex for you tonight."
Everyone laughed, including Oscar who knew her sleeping wouldn't last. He tried to keep it light and winked at Kelsey, "If Charlotte's not up for it I've got Kelsey as a spare."
Adam almost spat out his beer. Kelsey let out a loud laugh before clamping her hand over her mouth.
"What do you mean if?" Matt had stopped mid drink, the lip of the bottle almost to his lips. "She's got broken bones and cuts. Can't you keep it in your pants for a few days?"
Oscar wasn't sure if Matt was teasing or reprimanding him. The look on Matt's face said reprimanding, which didn't sit well. At all. Oscar leaned forward, setting his beer on the table. Matt's comment was plucking a string that was wound to tight. Oscar felt it break. "You need to back off, Matt. You may have years of time over me, but you don't get to question my taking care of her."
"Is that what you call it?” The men's eyes were locked. Every one else was silent. Both men were looking out for Charlotte in their own way. Abby put her hand on Matt's arm, trying to get him to back down. He pulled his arm away from her.
Oscar's eyes shifted momentarily to the movement. Part of him said to shut up, but a bigger part didn't think he should. If Matt was man enough to accuse him, he was man enough to hear the truth. And be put in his place. "When Adam and I saw the video of the attack we could see her scream. Thankfully there was no audio. I didn't want to hear that, but guess what? I hear it now Every. Single. Night. She wakes up terrified from a nightmare she cant remember, probably about an attack she can't remember. And when she asks me to make love to her I know it's about those feel good hormones after to replace terrified with feeling safe and loved. Would you have me tell her no and point out her broken bones and cuts?" Oscar would wait all night for the answer.
It didn't take long for Matt to shake his head.
"You're her brother and I respect you're protective of her. Not more than me. And you don't get to judge me when you have no fucking idea." Oscar quickly wiped away an angry tear. "No fucking idea." He hated he feeling scared and hated that he couldn't make it stop.
Matt put a hand on Oscar's shoulder. "You're right. I'm sorry."
Oscar nodded.
Kelsey wasn't going to let the awkward moment continue. She giggled, waiting for eyes to shift to her. "Anyone think broken ribs are going to stop Charlotte having sex with him?"
Abby and Beth said, "Nope." Adam was shaking his head. Matt closed his eyes and shook his head.
Oscar just smiled.
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leighlikesthing · 6 years
How the Televisions Have Turned
When I was in high school, I was considered pretty strange. The comic book addiction, a taste for music made before I was born...an aversion to the Backstreet Boys...I wasn’t considered a normal teenage girl.
Another “weird thing” about me was a deep love for off-kilter TV. Presently, television is a huge, cultural thing. With the invention of Netflix and Hulu and other streaming services, comes a society that is super into weird, daring television, which makes my nerdy little heart sing.
In high school, my TV watching habits went like this:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Angel: the Series
The Invisible Man
I wasn’t always home for an episode. I spent an unreasonable amount of time setting up our videotape player to record these shows when I knew I wouldn’t be home to watch live, and my parents were, if nothing else, cognizant of the fact that when it was TV time, either my friends were coming over to watch, or I was to be left alone on the couch. The cat was allowed to participate, but that was it. They would head upstairs to do their thing, and leave me to it.
Mostly because I would yell at the television.
Weird kid. Weird, weird kid.
Television is a lot like comics. If given the chance, it can be this bizarre long-form storytelling vehicle and it can go, budget willing, wherever it damn well pleases. And that appealed to me, and still appeals to me, in a big way.
Buffy and Angel, to be honest, both hold up and don’t. As I get older, it becomes easier to spot the cracks in Joss Whedon’s vision. That his brand of feminism is...well, not as awesome as we thought it was. But there are some bright spots in these shows, and while it’s not the best acting you’ve ever seen, there’s a lot of heart behind it.
After all, it’s hard to hate on a universe where the words “You’re a wee little puppet man!” get yelled.
I still cannot get enough of Farscape. I have the DVD boxset, and maybe one day I’ll even save my pennies for one of the fancy DRD plushies on Etsy. There is something about how gross and weird and sad and hopeful and and and and and that makes this show something I keep coming back to.
It was cancelled at the end of season 4, which ended with a cliffhanger so cliffhangy that I literally screamed. It brought my dad downstairs to ask if I was okay, and when I told him what had happened, he looked at me funny and left the room.
I was like seventeen. Everything is an emergency at seventeen. Including the two main characters of one of your favorite TV shows getting - well. I won’t spoil it if you haven’t seen it.
Farscape, structurally, is genius. In season three, the writers realized early on that their ensemble cast was enormous, and focusing on all of the things they wanted to in the span of a season when all of these characters were living in the same place was tricky.
So instead of trying to make that set-up work, they cloned their main protagonist, split the ensemble into two teams and switched off every episode. It was a brilliant move that paid off in so many ways, both big and small. The writing was tighter, each character got to shine, and the pay-off culminates in possibly the most heartbreaking moment of television I’ve ever witnessed.
I could talk about Farscape forever, and to be honest, it should have its own rewatch. It’s officially on the list.
Lastly, we come to the Invisible Man, or, I-Man.
This makes me sad. My memories of this show are so fond. I remember adoring these characters. I wrote a lot of fan fiction for this show that never saw the light of day.
But the sad news is that it’s just not holding up for me.
The pilot, oddly enough, is actually super solid. It sets things up, and it makes you care about the characters, but...I’ve watched two episodes since (Catavari, It Hurts When You Do This), and they were…
They were dull.
Catavari didn’t hold my attention at all. There was scratching and dead people and the main authority figure of the series was in danger I guess. It became background noise, and It Hurts When You Do This, previously a favorite of my younger self, tries, but ultimately fails to keep me invested.
And in thinking about it, I wonder if the jokes and ideas in this episode in particular are just too juvenile for me now. Specifically, It Hurts has a running gag of Agent Bobby Hobbes having lost his short-term memory, and, sitting in the hospital, he keeps forgetting that his roommate is a woman.
He keeps repeating “...I gotta chick roommate?”
Now, at seventeen, I truly thought this gag was really funny.
As an adult...I mean, look. Bobby Hobbes is in his forties. The character has been married once before, and presumably, outside of being a secret agent, he’s lived a life. Being that old, and being that giddy about having a “chick roommate” at best comes off childishly irritating, and at worst, creepy as fuck, especially considering how much younger said “chick roommate” is than Agent Bobby Hobbes.
Add to that the fact that whoever transferred the show to DVD or streaming cut it wrong, and all the shots are off, slicing people’s faces in half, and sadly, I-Man isn’t holding up the way I had hoped.
I’m going to give it one more episode (Germ Theory from season 2 probably. I taped it and watched it constantly), and if it doesn’t live up to my memories, it’s time to throw in the towel.
And I wish that weren’t the case. I wish these characters sparkled the way they did for me back when I was younger. But with time comes wisdom...and other television show characters with more depth and funnier zingers than Darien Fawkes and Bobby Hobbes.
So I guess we’ll see. I may report back, or I may just let it go. Maybe there’s a way to salvage a show I loved so much as a kid, but my hopes aren’t super high. 
Sorry guys.
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putschki1969 · 6 years
Japan ~ Summer 2018 #2 🎌🚅
Quick introduction: Hello my lovlies!! As most of you might already know, I went to Japan this summer. It was a rather spontaneous decision based on the fact that both Hikaru and Wakana had announced their solo lives. At that point I was suffering from a serious case of Kalafina withdrawal so I felt like I had no choice but to go. I just needed to see them. Also, it was my 30th birthday so I thought I would treat myself. You only turn 30 once, right? On a side note, the timing finally gave me the opportunity to do something I had wanted to do for a few years now. Climb Mount Fuji. o(〃^▽^〃)o So yeah, that’s the backstory of my trip. I stayed in Japan from July 30 till August 14 and pretty much my entire trip was dedicated to Kalafina Pilgrimage. Let me tell you this, it was by far the best summer vacation of my life, worth each and every penny! And believe me, there were a LOT of pennies involved XD
Notes: Once again this is coming pretty late but not as late as my previous travel report so that’s a good thing. It took some time to gather my thoughts and put them all into words. This report will be a bit different from the last one since I thought it would be nice to include some travel tips here and there. I guess you could see this as some sort of travel guide/Kala-guide. Many of my followers have never been to Japan so I guess some general info would be useful to make things easier for you if you ever decide to travel to Japan.
Please note that this is Part 2 of my report. It is dedicated to my time in Toyama. Part 1 can be found HERE!
Without further ado, let’s get to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Aug 4 (Sat) ~ Toyama Trip
I decided I would dedicate that entire day to a Toyama trip. I made the mistake of not reserving a seat in advance for the shinkansen. I usually always do that but for some reason I didn’t think the train to Toyama would be that frequented. Turns out I was wrong (at least when it comes to the fast bullet train - the Kagayaki). When I got to Ueno that morning I was planning to take one of the earlier trains but it was already completely booked out. Later on I found out that Aug 4/5 was the Toyama Matsuri weekend so it's really no surprise that all the shinkansen seats had already been reserved. I ended up getting a ticket for the 10:14 Kagayaki which meant I would arrive in Toyama around noon (a little later than planned but oh well, there was nothing that could be done about it). It was my first time taking the Hokuriku Shinkansen so I splurged a little on a fancy ekiben °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° For those of you who don’t know, ekibens are bento boxes sold at train stations. You can eat them on a long shinkansen ride. There are so many different types to choose from. But I’d personally recommend the one I got. The E7 Bento Box. Like many others, the Hokuriku shinkansen has a very distinctive look so of course, it also has its very own bento box XD And boy, is it a cute box! Perfect to keep as a souvenir. And the good thing about it, there’s mostly stuff in it that I actually eat (I am a VERY picky eater!). The special Ueno Coca Cola bottle is also cute as hell btw!
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The ride to Toyama takes a little over two hours I think. I arrived around noon (maybe at 12:30 or something). Shortly before I arrived I realised that I had forgotten my USB cable. I brought my charging battery but it was useless to me without a USB cable At that point I had already used my phone quite extensively and my battery was at around 60%. I was already starting to panic a little because I had all these plans for Toyama but they required me to use google maps, without google maps to rely on, I wouldn’t be able to find ANY of the places I wanted to visit. When I arrived I was greeted by a gorgeous little street festival, right outside of Toyama Station there were lots of people gathering around a handful of dance groups. It was quite pretty and spectacular. But at that point I was already scared to use my phone for anything except google maps so I didn’t take any pictures. *sobs* Such a shame. First I made my way to the Nanakosi shop that sells those pastries Hikaru mentioned in the 10th Anniversary Film. It’s located inside the Sōgawa Ferio Grand Plaza which is about a 20 min walk away from Toyama Station. Usually 20 min is nothing for me and I always try to explore new areas on foot but man, it was hell to go there. It was really hot that day and my battery was dropping faster than expected in the heat. Google maps was constantly crashing on me and it didn’t seem to work properly. I kept going the wrong way (please note that I have no sense of direction whatsoever). So yeah, I was a mess. Frantically I was trying to find a shop that sold USB cables but for some reason I had a really hard time finding one. Usually they sell those in conbinis but I couldn’t even find one of those. Plus, I was scared to venture too far away from my route since I thought I might get lost. Thank God I eventually managed to find a 100 yen shop. They have everything, including USB cables. After that I was able to relax and focus on my Hikaru pilgrimage.
So yeah, like I said, I was walking towards Ferio Grand Plaza. On my way there I passed Toyama Castle. It’s a nice little castle with a small garden but nothing to write home about. When I arrived at Grand Plaza I was greeted by yet another festival. A nice little wind ensemble was playing popular songs such as “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid, it was quite epic. They were all wearing uniforms, it was some sort of commemorative event to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Toyama police department band or something .
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Grand Plaza is a really nice gathering place that’s protected by a glass ceiling but it’s still outdoors. It’s a wide open space and often used as venue for events like the one mentioned above. While enjoying the concert I bought myself one of those infamous Nanakosi pastries.
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I got the one with custard because I am not a fan of the standard bean filling. I’ll be real with you, it wasn’t all that great (sorry, Pika-chan T_T). I think it might be more enjoyable in winter but during a hot summer day it was just too much (and that’s coming from someone who can usually eat a lot of sweet stuff). There was just too much filling. It was a struggle to finish it. Afterwards I walked around the Ferio Grand Plaza area a bit to find the Doutor Coffee shop that Hikaru had worked at in her student days. It’s very close to the Nanakosi shop so everyone should be able to find it quickly. It’s the Toyama Sōgawa shop in case any of you want to check it out ( 〒930-0083 Toyama-ken, Toyama-shi, Sōgawa, 3 Chome−5−4 アキオビル 1F).
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My next stop was the Yamaha Music Center which was also mentioned in the 10th Anniversary Film. It’s only a 10-minute walk from Grand Plaza (although I took a lot longer because google maps was messing with me again or maybe I was just too stupid to follow the directions, I don’t know). At any rate, the center is a little hidden away in the backstreets of Toyama so it wasn’t exactly easy to find. Of course the heat made everything seem a lot worse XD. Here’s the address for those of you who want to go there one day => 富山音楽センター 〒930-0049 富山県富山市豊川町5-6
Then it was time to head north, to Kansui Park. You simply follow the river for about 30 minutes and then you are there, it felt really nice to walk along the riverside, the trees were providing some shade, there was a nice breeze so close to the water and you could listen to the cicadas singing. Oh boy, I underestimated how loud they could actually get. I had never heard them before because I always travel to Japan in the winter time.
Kansui Park is absolutely gorgeous! This is where Kalafina performed during the Stardust Illusion Festival. I summarised Hikaru’s blog post from that day. She talks about how that was one of the most special lives for her so of course I had to go and see where it took place. Hikaru also mentioned the infamous Kansui Park Starbucks which is known for its lovely terrace views. And really, it DID have some nice views. I took a little break there and tried to cool down with a cold drink. Afterwards I headed to Aubade Hall, the venue of Hikaru’s dreams. She has mentioned in a couple of blog posts that ever since she was little she always wanted to perform there. And Kalafina did end up performing there twice. Once back in 2015 for their fotw tour and then last year for their 9+ONE tour. It’s about 10 minutes away from Kansui park, pretty close to Toyama Station actually. Here’s the address => Aubade Hall (Toyama City Art and Culture Hall), 9-28 Ushijimacho, Toyama, Toyama Prefecture 930-0858, Japan
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Then I wanted to have some dinner and I thought about going to the Izakaya that Kalafina always go to when they are in Toyama. It’s called Soratobu Usagi which pretty much means Flying Bunny XD. You can even check out their signatures at the bar. It’s quite cool. BUT I decided against it since they only have seafood and I don’t really eat seafood. So I slowly headed back to the station and ordered some gyoza (because I always crave gyoza XD) at a random restaurant. I finally got to relax after walking around in the heat (I didn’t really walk that much but it felt like I had run a marathon due to the humidity). While watching the sunset I ate my yummy giant gyoza and then I took the train back to Tokyo.
❗ Some tips ❗ 
Always bring your charging battery AND a USB cable
Conbinis and 100 yen stores have everything in case you are ever in need of a random product
Always reserve your shinkansen seat tickets in advance. It’s best to reserve them at least a day ahead if you are planning to travel during communiting hours or during the weekend.
Prepare an itinerary so you don’t waste your time going back and forth between locations. I started with the lower part of Toyama and visited all the places in that area. Then my plan was to head north where another bunch of places were located. Do your research before you travel and life will become so much easier. You can lose track of all the places you wanna visit if you don’t have an itinerary and then you might end up having regrets because you didn’t get to see everything you wanted to see. I mean, you don’t have to strictly stick to your plan but just see it as a sort of guideline.
When you are taking the shinkansen splurge on an ekiben. Yes, I know they are totally overpriced but really, they are pertty delicious most of the time and it’s just part of the shinkansen experience.
Aug 5 (Sun) ~ Lazy Shopping Day
I didn’t actually do much on that day. After all I wanted it to be a relaxing holiday and not just one exhausting trip after the other. Plus, the heat really took a toll on me so I felt like I needed some downtime. So yeah, I just did some shopping (mostly window shopping) and eating. I walked around Tokyo Station and happened across an IENA store. Guess what I found there? Yup, Hikaru’s blouse, right in front of me. In my previous post I mentioned that I originally wasn’t planning to buy it since it was just way too expensive. But after climbing Mount Fuji and after celebrating my 30th birthday I just felt like I deserved a treat. I realise I have said the same thing about my nail salon appointment but oh well, you only live once. So yup, that’s the story of how I ended up buying the blouse even though I was initially not intending to.
This was me during the entire trip.👇
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The rest of the day was spent in all kinds of shopping malls in Shibuya/Shinjuku. I am actually quite proud that I didn’t buy anything else. But on this trip I really wanted to focus on Kalafina so I didn’t feel the need to spend money on random clothes or accessories. But I always enjoy just looking at stuff. We don’t have any of these malls here in Vienna (at least not in those huge dimensions) so it’s a cool experience to check everything out. To wrap up the day, I had some yummy dinner and then I headed back to the hotel to pack for my upcoming trip to Fukuoka.
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