#or don’t if you prefer- but your answers are still anonymous
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Signups for the Fifth Annual Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange are now open! 
That’s right, we’re back baby! Thanks to the enthusiasm of you wonderful JB writers, the Jaime x Brienne fic exchange is back for 2024. 
What is the Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange?
For the past few years, we’ve been running a mid-year (or thereabouts) exchange for all JB writers. Interested writers sign up via the above form, and are assigned prompts from another participant. They must then write one completed fic of at least 1000 words incorporating one (or more, if inspiration strikes!) of these prompts. Fics are then posted, anonymously, between September 15th and September 30th, before identities are revealed on October 7th! 
By the end of the exchange, a participant will have written one fic and received one fic. There is no upper limit on the length of the fic you can write, however it must be completed and fully posted by September 30th.
Is there a requirement to join?
You must have an AO3 account and be willing to write a complete story of at least 1000 words before the due date. It doesn’t matter if you’re an old pro or it’s your first time writing a fic for the fandom, or even your first time writing a fic ever. 
What if I’ve dropped out in previous years?
In years past you would need to complete a Little Oathkeeper treat to sign up if you did not complete your assignment or inform us before the no fault default deadline, but we are offering a blanket amnesty this year. That means that even if you had to drop out super late or didn’t finish your fic (a very rare occurrence, but things happen), you can still sign up for 2024!  
How does matching work?
We use Google Forms to try to ensure everyone gets prompts within their expressed interests. When you sign up, you will answer some questions about both your reading and writing preferences–ratings, canons, squicks and triggers–as well as supply three prompts. The organisers will then match you with someone whose preferences and prompts align with yours on as many points as possible, while keeping an element of randomisation. If you’re interested in reading E-rated book canon, we won’t assign your prompts to someone only interested in writing T-rated modern AU! 
What are prompts?
Prompts can be anything really! Maybe it’s your favourite trope, or a song that makes you think of Jaime and Brienne. Maybe there’s a piece of fanart that makes your heart go pitter-patter, or a fic premise you would love to see. All forms of prompts are welcome, though we ask you to keep in mind that they are meant to be a jumping off point for your writer and anything too sparse or too detailed might be difficult. A good rule of thumb is to provide prompts that would get your own mind whirling with possibilities! 
What are the key dates?
Signups are open from TODAY until June 27TH, 23:59 UTC-10. (What time is that for me?)
Assignments will be sent out by JUNE 30TH, and completed fics must be posted by SEPTEMBER 30TH. This is a later writing window than previous years due to some real life commitments.
Consequence-free dropout deadline is SEPTEMBER 1ST. Any writers who dropout after this date or have incomplete fics at the end of the posting window will need to write a bonus gift before participating in future exchanges.
Fics are to be anonymously posted in the Ao3 collection between SEPTEMBER 15TH and SEPTEMBER 30TH, and authors will be revealed OCTOBER 7TH. 
Fic posting guidelines will be published closer to the due date.
Are you doing Knight Writers again?
Of course! Life happens and you may not be able to complete a fic on time, and that’s okay! Knight writers are wonderful volunteers who will step in and write a fic when people are unable to complete their assignment. This year knight write requests will go out via email and the Transformatives Werks Discord, and you don’t need to be an exchange participant to join–just keep your eyes peeled on Discord, or shoot me an email as [email protected] to be added to the mailing list for Knight Write requests.
Any questions? Send an ask!
Sign up here
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
You're Good Together, Man
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Anonymous request - Joey's friend comes to town, and everyone's shocked that Joey doesn't like her in a more than friend way. When Chandler gets nervous during a conversation and leaves upset, the reader follows him to see what's wrong.
Tags @lover-of-books-and-tea @rosie-posie08
Walking up the stairs in the building I finally found the right apartment door knocking three times on the door until it opened, revealing Joey, my best friend. "Hey Joe, I finally made it."
"Hey y/n. I can’t believe you could come this weekend. Oh you've got to meet my friends across the hall." He told me closing the apartment door behind him.
Nodding my head, yes I followed him across the hallway. We entered the apartment seeing a few different people all hanging out on the couch. There was a blonde girl, another with black straight hair and finally a third girl with light brown hair. I saw there was one guy that was wearing a bright blue shirt but had similar hair to one of the girls meaning they were siblings. “Hey guys this is my friend Y/n from school.”
“Hey everybody.” I raised my hand with a smile.
The girl with dark black hair came over to me. “I’m Monica, so how do you two know each other?”
“We met when he was first looking for acting jobs. My father was holding auditions when we met. And this guy knows how to have fun watching movies and ordering pizza.” I shrugged my shoulders nudging Joey.
The girl with light brown hair came up and hugged me. “I’m Rachel. So Joey, have you two ever dated or anything?”
“Me and Y/n.” Joey started laughing.
Covering my mouth I couldn’t help but laugh along with him. Joey and I had never considered being in a relationship together. Hitting my hands on my knees I was still laughing. “We would never work out. He’s like a brother to me. Always has been always will be.”
“Yeah. How you doin’ don’t work on her.” Joey replied with a cheeky smile.
The guy that was wearing a blue sweatshirt and sat on the couch spun around joking. “Was it because of your snoring or was it because you're crazy enough to not go out with your friend.”
“I’m not afraid of asking her out.” He replied to the other guy.
Clasping my hand together I sit down at the table. The last guy that looked like Monica came over to me suggesting a nice offer. “Hi I’m Ross, Monica’s brother. Well how about I take you out to dinner while Joey is at his audition.”
“No! You’re with Rachel or whatever is going on between you two.” Joey pointed his finger.
Ross throws his hands away from his side. “What’s wrong with me taking her to dinner.”
“Because you are with Rachel.” He said.
Rachel made a face. “Joey, we’re not together now. I broke up with him a few weeks ago.”
“But then you 're telling us how much you missed him after a few glasses of wine.” The blonde named Phoebe teased her.
Rachel started getting nervous and I could tell there was something going on between them. Joey had told me that he had two friends who had an on and off again thing. “Guys, I don’t like Ross anymore.”
“Sure that’s what they all said before you wake up in the middle of the night and scream oh my gosh I love Ross.”
Ross rolled his eyes. “Not helping Chandelier.”
“Oh sorry I was talking about pizza.” Chandler chuckled at him.
I smiled, shifting my gaze over to the Chandler guy. It had been a while since I had been on a date. Since my father was an actor most of the guys that seemed interested in me were ones who wanted a part in his shows or movies. If they didn’t get the part then I wouldn’t see them again. “Chandler, do you have a girlfriend?”
“Uh no I prefer being alone and horny.” He answered my question by rubbing the back of his neck. “Are you seeing anybody or just pining over Joey?”
Joey throws his hands up. “Stop hitting on her.”
“You’re just denying your feelings for her.” Phoebe smiled.
Joey stomped around the apartment pointing fingers at his two guy friend’s being all dramatic over their teasing on whether or not we had feelings for one another. “There’s nothing going on. You aren’t dating her and you aren’t dating her.”
Chandler got up from the couch walking up to him. “Wait why me. I get Ross but me. Am I so crazy that no girl would go out with me?”
“You and Ross repel women all the time.” My best friend explained before I watched Chandler move past him and shut the door quickly behind himself. Watching the door for a second I don’t know what came over me but I get up to my feet slipping through the door and across the hallway.
Shutting the door quietly I noticed that Chandler was laying on the couch and there was half of a pizza missing from a box on the floor. “Hey, are you open to sharing some of that pizza with me?”
“Actually Joe, I want this pizza for the rest of my life.” He sat up hearing me laugh at his comment. “Y/n, oh sorry sure.”
Kicking my shoes off at the door I went over to him I plopped down on the couch beside him. We ate pizza in silence until I remembered what he had said earlier. “So is this how you get all the girls to your apartment huh. Mistake them for your best friend and then apologize with pizza?”
“Actually, no. I have decided that I would rather die alone.” He replies to me.
Shaking my head I nervously smiled. “You joke a lot.”
“Yeah sorry I started using jokes as a safety measure after my parents got divorced. It works on the ladies at first but here I am sitting with you shoving my face with pizza.”
“Oh you mean like this?” I throw pepperoni at his face.
He shakes his head smiling and throwing some at me. I leaned forward trying to grab a full on slice and throw it across his face. But I fell off the couch when he tried to catch me and we tumbled to the ground together. “Oh geez Y/n.”
“Awe sorry for the mess.” I apologize seeing that we were both covered in red pizza sauce and cheese now laying on the floor with him on top of me. “Crap it’s late and I have to take two different trains to get home.”
Chandler focused his attention onto mine and he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to date you. You had a fun side that was easy to get along with. You didn’t find his nervous joke gag weird. “You could stay here tonight if you want.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude. This is your apartment.” I sat up where he offered me his hands helping me to my feet.
He laid down on the couch with open arms telling me to lay down with him. “I live with Joey. Trust me your company would be less crazy. I’ll even stay up with ya till you fall asleep.” I nodded laying down with him on the couch curling up on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist so I wouldn’t fall on the floor and we remained that way until we fell asleep together.
A few hours later the apartment door opened again and Chandler lifted his head up quickly waking up seeing Joey was back. He panicked feeling Y/n fully asleep on his chest so he couldn’t run away like he wanted. “Joe, it’s not what it looks like. I’m not messing around with her I swear.”
“Shhh you’ll wake her up.” Joey raised a hand to his mouth.
Chandler eyed his roommate confused. “Aren’t you mad after you said we couldn’t date her?”
“Nah man. She has been through some bad relationships in the past that’s why I said no to Ross.” Joey smiled reassuringly seeing a smile on your face when she snuggled up against Chandler more. “You two would be good together.”
Chandler went to move his arm shocked that he said the words. In such a short time he had found himself wanting to spend more time with his friend. “You’re not gonna be mad if I ask her out?”
“Ask away brother. Don’t wake her up now..” Joey crossed the room pausing outside his room before leaving the pair alone. That next morning you were more than happy to say yes to a date with Chandler.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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f1crecs · 9 months
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Fic Rec List - Lando/Oscar
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let us know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want us to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments
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Only a few months ago, we featured a Lando/Oscar fic on our super rare pair list. Now, it's our most requested ship. Wow!
We hope you enjoy these ones! 🍊
nsfw: By a thread by @mctwinkdom | 5k | E
Oscar and Lando have a text conversation about thongs – things escalate from there. I loved the formatting of this fic, the texting really works well as a structure and the rest is filled up by the authors lovely characterization of both Lando and Oscar. I especially love Oscar being his normal aloof self, a little bit nervous about his new teammate (but so so in to it when the convo turns spicy) while Lando is just a strange little horny boy with a liking for ”thongs”.
Oscar raises an eyebrow. He thought his answer was pretty straightforward, didn’t think he’d have to spell it out for Lando. (me): I wasn’t talking about shoes in my tweet” Now that would teach him. Fucking British. Always thinking they have full powers over the English language. Okay, granted, maybe they invented it but still.
Sanctus by debrief | T | 5.5k
This is a renaissance au with lovers to enemies (and back), beginning with Oscar serving Lando's high-status family. What I like: This is some of the most incredible writing I've encountered. Not only is it a masterclass in non-linear narratives, but it's packed with striking imagery and fascinating power dynamics. There are phrases and sentences in this fic that I can quote off the top of my head. It's immersive and heart-wrenching and beautiful.
'Lando had been blithe, Oscar had been brave. They were seventeen and unforgivably naive. It was a time of spires, domes, cathedrals, rebirth celebrated at the heart of the greatest city-state this side of the world. A war of high art and marginalized decadence, long expanses of moon-kissed skin bathed in gratuitous bathos, love and lust flirting vows over gilt-framed canvases commissioned by wealthy nobles who have known neither.'
legerdemain by anonymous | Not Rated | 5.8k
Oscar gets roped into teaching Lando how to play chess, and quickly finds out that Lando's endgame is a lot more complicated than it seems. I loved this fic for a variety of reasons - firstly because of the way that the author's love for and understanding of chess shines through so clearly. And secondly, the characterisation of both Lando and Oscar is complex and witty and so fitting to who they both are. Lando is cheeky and a little weird and far sharper than he lets on, and Oscar is dry and matter-of-fact and unexpectedly into Lando. This is one of those fics that can get you sold on the Lando/Oscar pairing if you were initially uncertain about it - the slow build-up of tension and realisation is brilliantly captured, with chess and chess strategy being used to build UST between these two in a way that feels perfectly fitting to them.
'“Gotcha,” Lando says. “So like. D’you prefer blowjobs?” He moves the white rook to attack the hanging pawn and figures out the rest of the endgame puzzle pretty effortlessly.'
soft vanilla foreplay by anonymous | M | 7k
AU. Lando, a member of a Robin Hood style crime group, meets Oscar, who turns out to be a cat-hybrid vigilante superhero himself. Oscar joins Lando’s gang. Together they fight injustice (by doing crime). This fic is really well written and incredibly funny. It leans hard into the cat-Oscar joke - Oscar is very catlike in all the best ways and has some mannerisms that made me think the author definitely has one. Their meet-cute is hilarious and sets the tone for the entire fic.
' “No, I actually inherited the genes from my ancestors, who came from a planet of felids.” “Excuse me, did you mean a planet of furries?” “No, Jesus, Lando,” Oscar says emphatically, then he’s laughing, crinkling eyes and soft cheeks and bunny teeth. God, he’s so fucking cute. “No, I was found, um,” Oscar says, sobering from the laugh. He takes a deep breath. “In a handbag. Someone left me on the. Doorstep of a stranger’s house.” Lando looks up and gauges Oscar’s expression. He’s telling the truth. “I don’t know why I’m a cat,” Oscar says. Makes this shrugging expression without actually shrugging. “So…” Lando says. “How did you find out?” “Well. For one, I can speak to cats,” Oscar answers. Huh. This probably explains all the neighbourhood cats serenading Oscar from his balcony so much. “Okay,” Lando says, taking it all in stride. “And you fight crime by night?” “I work graveyard shifts at the supermarket,” Oscar says. “Yeah. Part-time. That’s three out of seven nights.” And Oscar is with Lando for two or three of the four remaining nights (they fuck every evening though) (and morning). Anyways, the maths doesn’t add up. Oscar sighs. “Well, I.” He pauses. “I climb up to fancy penthouses of people who run trust mills, and I take stuff. Then I redistribute.” Oh. Lando is mouthing the oh. “You’re a cat burglar,” Lando whispers it like it’s the funniest secret ever.'
nsfw: Needs Improvement by @strawberry-daiquiris | 7.1k | E
Zak tells Oscar his 'teammate communication' needs improvement. Mark sends him to a 'Psychic, Clairvoyant, Sorcerer' who ends up doing some voodoo that leads to Oscar and Lando being able to read each others' thoughts. Its got great characterisations and some humour mixed in with some angst and, of course, some smut. Plus one of the first Landoscar fics I read and it really drew me in.
'If he’s really that worried, Mark suggests, he could see a sports psychologist. Someone who can advise him how to work with Lando, really get to the core of what it means to be a good teammate. They could even do sessions together. “Like couples therapy.” Mark grins, clapping Oscar on the shoulder. “Only worse, because you won’t get any sex out of it.” The irony, really, is that Oscar and Lando don’t not get on. He’d actually thought they were doing pretty well. Lando laughs at his jokes, Oscar smiles through his stories. They don’t see eye to eye on music, or hobbies, or the taste of fish, but none of those things matter on track anyway. Even more ironic is that Oscar really wouldn’t mind having sex with Lando, if he’s honest.'
nsfw: Never have I ever by @mctwinkdom | E | 13k
Lando and Oscar play a game of Never Have I Ever, and it leads to some interesting revelations. Although its majority (very good) smut, this was a very heartwarming fic. The dialogue is fun and keeps you reading more. The characterisation of them feels realistic!
'But there was something between them, without shape or name, something that made them avert their gaze after staring at each other for one second too long, something that made them slightly jump if their hands were to brush. Something Lando had named in his mind: “I wanna fuck my teammate: the Remix”, in bold orange (papaya) letters with some glitter and fireworks.'
we are all in the butter but some of us are looking at the cars by xiaoluclair | T | 14.3k
Oscar's first season in F1 is about reaching the stars. It becomes about reaching Lando, too. The timing of this one feels very real to me, the way pieces slowly slot into place. The author places threads and waits until the end to pull on all of them, and it's lovely.
'Peer pressure, thinks Oscar, this is peer pressure. But Lando keeps it held out, eyes on Oscar and Oscar. Oscar takes the damn shoe. It’s probably one of the oddest experiences of his life. When he lowers it again, can feel the thin river of it cold on his chin, Lando’s still looking at him. Crows have walked in the skin beside his eyes.A minute later, Oscar watches him tip his head back, shoe against his mouth. Light shines through the gap and, just for a moment, it looks like he is swallowing the sun itself.'
nsfw: carried away by venerat | E | 22.1k
AU, non drivers. Lando impulsively asks Oscar to pretend to be his boyfriend to make an ex jealous. Oscar agrees, even though it's probably a bad idea when he likes Lando so much. Lando gradually comes to realise he is in love with Oscar. I am crazy for the fake dating trope. This has all the best parts of it - miscommunication, angst, gradual feelings realisation from the POV character and obvious pining from the other. Venerat is so good at this and the fic is a lovely journey. The characterisations are perfect, especially Oscar and his natural talent for understatement, which muddies the waters a bit.
'If there was anything Oscar would do, it was was focus very intently on the task assigned to him, until he got it exactly fucking right. That was what made him perfect for this particular task: the task of being Lando’s boyfriend. Fake boyfriend. “Okay,” Lando said, clearing his throat. “Stunning. Was thinking, maybe we could try it out at the cinema tomorrow.” He, Oscar, and the Lefrères were going to see the new Bond film. It was the perfect opportunity to be dickish and in love, as far as Lando was concerned. “Just didn’t want you to get all jumpy if I touched you,” he explained. “If that’s alright. Like. Yeah.” Oscar nodded. “Got it. Sounds good, mate. I’ll be, er, ready.” It was nice to be around such passion. Lando rolled his eyes. He was smiling inside, when he thought it. But Oscar did have some capacity to surprise him. Before Lando fucked off, Oscar stepped forward, closing the normal non-sexual gap between them, and wrapped Lando in a light hug. It was nothing—Oscar’s arms were barely even squeezing him—but Lando’s breath still caught in his chest like a stupid fucking idiot, freezing inside the hug. “Have a good one,” Oscar said when he drew back. He was pink, which made Lando feel better, given that his own ears were warming. Okay. They clearly needed practice. Desperately, in fact. “You too, babe,” Lando said, and winked. Then, before he could embarrass himself further, he spun on his heel and walked out.'
nsfw: climb up to your lips by @scenetocause | E | 28k (wip)
This fic is Lando/girl!Oscar (the always-a-different-sex trope). Lando has a massive crush on his teammate. He also has a submissive streak that starts to express itself around her. As their relationship develops, she picks up on this and starts finding ways to take care of him. They’re both a bit inexperienced at relationships and sex in general. I just love these two. They’re both slightly weird and awkward and don’t quite fit with anyone else but are turning out to be perfect for one another. It’s a learning curve for them both.
“Yeah, fuck.” Lando has to tilt his head back onto the sofa. He can feel it in his arse, where she touched him. He might feel it for the rest of his life. “Yeah, I. Fuck.” “Later.” she says, like a promise. It takes him a moment to work out she means them, later. Fucking. Which might be ambitious because he currently feels like he needs a refractory period of about a decade, after that one but he won’t spoil her dreams just yet. She's acidic, clever as ever in debrief and brutal in the way she deconstructs her own, botched Q3. Lando's probably staring at her a bit lovestruck but he's been doing that all season anyway so no one has to know it's over the phantom sensation of her inside him. Despite the lecture from Zak earlier Oscar tucks him under her arm on the drive from the hotel, playing with his hair. He's actually less worried about being killed by Andrea or whatever now but still doesn't get his phone out because he hasn't had time to clean up his insta follows and he doesn't want Oscar to think he's into anyone else. For someone who doesn't seem to think much of herself, she seems fairly assured he likes her. Which might, in retrospect, be something to do with the best part of a year he spent broadcasting that to her before he'd even realised it himself.'
already home by @nyoomfruits | T | 32.5k
Lando marries Oscar, his best friend and roommate, to keep his family from worrying about him so much. This is an absolute gem. It's sweet, funny, cozy, and the dynamic between the pairing and their friends is delightful.
“Yeah, well, you’re marrying me, so,” Lando says, sticking out his tongue, and Oscar laughs, that loud, bursting out of him laugh he does sometimes where he completely folds his body in half. Lando hides his self-satisfied smirk behind another bite of his pancake, and pretends like he isn’t committing the little laugh lines in the corner of Oscar’s eyes to his memory.'
thank you to @singsweetmelodies, @ocontraire, @maaxverstappen, @lydia-petze, @frickinsweet & @welightitup for compiling this list 🧡
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 8 months
Ghost Bookshop Romance Headcanons
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📖 Ghost is secretly quite bookish, having found refuge in novels during his youth and now even as a grown man. He especially loves bakery and coffee shop romances, though he’d never admit this outright.
📖 No one asks what he’s reading when they see him sitting with his e-reader, more often than not smoking as well.
📖 Those who are brave enough to ask only get glared at in answer and walk away, tail tucked between their legs.
📖 When he’s on leave, back home in Manchester, he watches out for a particular girl he’s seen at Waterstones. Pops by there for hours on end, drinking coffee, smoking outside yet near the shop, all in the hope he’ll bump into you.
📖 Your face looks familiar to him, but he can’t remember where he’s seen it if ever he has. Nonetheless, it’s enchanting, a strange though pleasant (and thoroughly distracting) imprint on his memory.
📖 Unbeknownst to him, you’re secretly his favourite author. However, you barely have any photos out there, preferring the anonymity of your pen name. It doesn’t help you haven’t published in a while due to being grabbed tightly in the vicious maws of writer’s block. Henceforth, despite the loyal fanbase, there’s little talk about your works or you yourself.
📖 One day he catches you sitting in one of the chairs dotted around the store, reading. Finally, at long last, he has the chance to talk to you!
📖 Simon has a whole plan. First he’d ask you what you’re reading and your opinion on it thus far, gradually leading the conversation towards your recommendations and favourites. It’s essential to gain that info because there’s always plenty to say and discover about books. Then, he’d ask you for tea, show you he isn’t as scary as he looks.
📖 But, like out in the field, there can be unforeseen circumstances.
📖 He didn’t account for the goosebumps on your skin, the slight shiver that has you shaking despite your efforts to suppress it.
📖 “Trying to catch a cold?” Simon crouches down before you, takes off his heavy leather jacket and drapes it over your shoulders. It’s warm, infused with the scent of nicotine, black pepper, gun oil, gasoline, and black tea.
📖 For a moment you stare at him, gobsmacked. After all, you don’t meet someone in a skull balaclava at Waterstones on the daily. Nevertheless, after wrapping his jacket around you a little tighter and deciding he means no harm, you find your voice. “Not consciously. Guess I’m not particularly good at dressing for the weather.”
📖 “No, you’re not.” He chuckles at your expression, a mixture of shock and surprise. Much to his delight, Simon senses you’re not offended by his bluntness. “Fancy a cuppa? My treat.”
📖 “Only if you tell me your name.”
📖 “For now, call me Ghost.”
📖 “Cheshire. Pleased to meet you.”
📖 “Like the cat?”
📖 “Indeed.” The way you tilt your head, eyes bright with defiance and granting him a glimpse of the walls you’ve carefully constructed around yourself, sends electricity through his nerves. “Curiouser and curiouser.”
📖 Simon usually keeps people at a distance, even the taskforce, but he’ll gladly take on the challenge of getting closer. “Yeah.”
📖 As per his promise, he pays for the tea and a scone to share. He cuts it in half, giving you the thicker top part while he settles for the thinner bottom bit.
📖 He doesn’t know how, but as he watches you smear jam and only the tiniest bit of clotted cream on the pastry it hits him. Finally he recalls who you are, where he’s seen you before.
📖 “Cheshire,” he begins, wanting to breach the topic carefully. Still, it’s hard to not get distracted by how you’re innocently enjoying your scone, enough to unintentionally give him the opportunity to wipe the crumbs from the corner of your mouth. However, to restrain himself, Simon tucks his hands in his lap. “Have you by chance heard of (your pen name)?”
📖 He clocks how you stiffen. Bingo. “How do you know that name?”
📖 “I… I’m… I’m a fan. Inked Monsters is the first book of yours I read. I liked how you discussed the prejudice against age gap relations, lone wolves, and heavily tattooed people. Made me feel heard.”
📖 You can’t help but chuckle, amazed at this giant’s enthusiasm for your novels. “What’s so funny?”
📖 “Nothing, it’s just… you don’t strike me as the type to like my writing. I’m glad to hear it touched you, though.”
📖 “Well, I am. But yours is the only one in the genre I really like. I’m not a big fan of fairy tales or retellings, but yours,” he glances at his cup, comically small in his big hands, “I… I do… a lot.”
📖 “Glad to hear it.”
📖 “How’s it going with Sugar Hood and Flannel Wolf? Haven’t heard or seen anything about it for a while.”
📖 You snort because ‘for a while’ is a severe understatement considering it’s been three years. The fanbase exploded with supportive messages when you announced you were writing another modern fairytale. This time, it would be about a lumberjack grumpy werewolf and a young woman who runs a bakery after her grandma’s passed away.
📖 And there’s the key phrase.
📖 Would be.
📖 “I’m suffering from writer’s block, which also drives my publisher and agent up the bloody wall. They still earn enough thanks to me to not cancel my contract, but I don’t think I’ll be able to publish soon… if ever again.”
📖 The way you look down into your tea, head bowed low and eyes sad, breaks his heart. “How so?”
📖 “When a hobby turns into a profession, there’s the pressure to perform, to deliver. I used to write for fun, but now it feels like a chore and I feel nothing but guilt for not doing it. Doesn’t help I’m stuck on the plot.”
📖 “You need a rubber duck.”
📖 You look up at him, feeling like you lost the plot. “A rubber duck?”
📖 “Talk through your problems to a rubber duck and you’ll see the solution presents itself. This duck can also be… someone.”
📖 “Are you asking to be my rubber duck?”
📖 “Proofreader, at most. If you’d allow it.”
📖 “A second opinion wouldn’t hurt.” You smile to yourself and shake your head. “A ghost reader.”
📖 Little do you know that that is what gets him going. “Let’s make this a two-man project. You write, I read, and we get through this together. Fuck deadlines and to hell with the people pressuring you to write. This is our plan, our mission. Getting that book out.”
�� You giggle, a sound he archives for later. “My God, you’re headstrong. It’s nice, though, to hear you speak as passionately about my works like I did once.”
📖 “Being stagnant is useless. It’s also definitely the way to get yourself killed out in the field.” Simon wishes he could kick himself in the face for his words. “Sorry, you can take the man out of the army, but not vice versa.”
📖 “That explains a lot, you being an army man.” You take a sip of tea and nibble on the scone. “Retired or on leave?”
📖 “On leave.”
📖 “Know when you’re deployed again?”
📖 “Not any time soon. Unless Price cooks something up again. No, I’ll be here for a while.” Mumbling under his breath, the words too low for you to make out, he adds, “Plenty time for me to help you.”
📖 “Pardon?”
📖 “Nothing. But,” he clears his throat, “if you don’t mind, would you sign one of my copies?”
📖 “Sure. You have it with you?”
📖 “No, so, uhm, could we meet here tomorrow for that?”
📖 “Are you asking to see me again?”
📖 “If we could have tea again, that’d be nice too.”
📖 “Maybe grab a bite in town instead?”
📖 He perks up. “That’s a yes?”
📖 “It’s bad protocol to go out with a fan, but,” your smile makes him melt, “how can I say no to an interesting man like you, Ghost?”
📖 You pop the last bit of the scone into your mouth. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Meet here?” He nods. “Thank you for the tea.”
📖 “Anytime.”
📖 Ngl, silly as it is considering you just met, he’s kinda disappointed you don’t give him a kiss on the cheek before you leave.
📖 Though he finds enough satisfaction in the fact you ate the piece of the scone he cut for you.
📖 Enough to carry him through the day.
📖 Afterwards, the two of you stay in regular contact. It’s not always about business and even if it is, the conversation always diverges. To what you’re reading, simple recipes for Simon to try and make (he’s a self-confessed terrible cook), easy stretching exercises for you to do in between writing sprints (he hasn’t had the courage yet to ask you to accompany him to the gym), or possible outings.
📖 Yes, outings.
📖 Because Simon loves driving around the country on his bike with you.
📖 What he’d love even more, though, is not having to book rooms or accommodations with two single beds rather than one king or queen size bed whenever you’re off on a multi-day trip.
📖 Occasionally you do buddy reads. You were the first to propose it and have since expanded your literary horizons together. If only because Simon makes a lot of notes. Honestly, it’s surprising he doesn’t have a literary degree what with how passionate he is about reading.
📖 One day, a few days before he’s off to the gods know where, your ghost reader gives you a book with a copy of his dog tag. Until then, you’ve only known him as Ghost.
📖 But now you finally know his name.
📖 Simon Riley.
📖 “What’s this?” You look from the necklace to him, uncomprehending why he’d gift you his dog tag.
📖 He keeps his eyes trained on you, taking you in as best he can lest this will be the last time he’ll see you. After all, there always remains the chance he won’t return. “In case I don’t come back. I don’t care if they’ll be unable to identify me. I’m a ghost, un fantasma according to a buddy in Mexico. But I want you to have something to remember me by.”
📖 “You’re very real to me.” His heart cracks at your outburst. “How can you say that? You’re a person, Simon!”
📖 There’s no hesitation in the way he cups your cheeks and presses his lips against yours. You melt into his touch, the feel of his hands on your skin, feeling the smirk pressed against your lips when you clutch his shirt.
📖 “Your person, eh?” he asks when he breaks away, breathless and lightly panting. However, he has to stop himself here. Unlike in the field, there’s no time limit with you.
📖 Because despite the novel, he’s come to understand you’re in more than a business relationship.
📖 A relationship which takes time, shouldn’t be rushed.
📖 An opportunity for you both to show yourselves.
📖 For him to learn patience and self-restraint.
📖 For you to learn how to trust and rely on someone.
📖 And grow together.
📖 “Yes, so don’t you bloody dare claim otherwise ever again.” The way you poke his chest, full of conviction, melts his cold heart.
📖 “I’ll try to be a person around you, sweetheart.”
📖 If only because you care.
📖 And he can’t live without your stories.
📖 Especially not when you tell them yourself.
Btw, I might actually write Sugar Hood & Flannel Wolf because I’m going nigh on feral thinking about werewolf!Price. I mean, c’mon, that man screams wolf vibes (aside from the massive daddy… I mean teddy! Teddy vibes).
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pedrostories · 11 months
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🎄 PedroStories Secret Santa event 2023 🎄
Dear Fanfic writers and readers,
PedroStories would like to invite you to our second Secret Santa event! ✨
If you write fanfictions for any Pedro Pascal characters and/or you're a visual art creator (graphics, gifsets, fanart) with a love for our fandom's fanfic writers, this event is for you! You can register here until November 26 (you can expect our message about your giftee a few days later), and the gifters will post their arts on December 24.
We have tagged all the incoming questions and answers about the event with “secret santa questions”, you can search for it on the blog, but if something still isn’t clear, feel free to send us an ask!
Please read the rules carefully before submitting your application!
Please make sure that it’s specified in your bio if you’re a minor/adult (at least temporarily)
Please respect the deadlines: application ends on November 26 and you will need to post your gift on December 24
Please consider the following rules about the format of the gifts: gifsets should contain at least 3 gifs (this doesn't apply to animated banners) and fanfictions should be at least 1k words
We encourage you to anonymously contact your giftee if you feel like your prompt isn't clear enough, or if you have any questions about their preferences
If you're a tumblr user please make sure your anon ask is enabled, and if you're not a tumblr user please provide a contact where your gifter can approach you anonymously (obviously a media account or e-mail address you check regularly)
Please tag your gift as #pedrostoriesgift23 and #pedrostories so we can track and reblog all your arts on the day of the gifting, and don't forget to tag you giftee as well!
If for any reason you need to drop out, please do let us know as soon as possible so we can find a pinch hitter for your giftee
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send us an ask!
Join us and spread the word! 💚
 - PedroStories Staff
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Can you write a Steddie x reader where the boys are like super possessive of her and she goes out without telling them and she almost get hurt so they punish her
Idk if this makes any sense but 😭
Here ya go, anonymous angel! I hope I did your request justice :)
Word Count: 1783
Warnings: Jason being a douche, Daddy/Sir Steddie, Punishment (ignoring), Smut
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“Y/N, where the fuck are you?”
“When one of us calls you know you’re supposed to answer.”
“I swear to God, little one, if you are at that fucking party.”
“Wow, sweetheart. You have balls.”
“Answer. The. Phone.”
“Fine. Have it your way.”
That last message was sent to your phone 15 minutes ago and you shuddered at the words. It was never a good thing when a threat was followed by silence. 
You just wanted a fun night out and more than anything you wanted it with them but they were so stubborn sometimes. Both boys refused and when you mentioned going alone, they practically forbad it. 
You should have listened to them. You should have stayed home or at least sent them a text telling them you were ok. You’d be lying though if a part of you wasn’t excited at the thought of the punishment you would receive. 
“Hey Y/N. Didn’t think I’d see you here tonight? Where are your attachments?”
You raised you glass at Jason as you shrugged. “No idea. Probably somewhere pouting.”
You bit your lip at the sound of your audacity. You’d never say something like that with them around. What is wrong with me?
“Well shit. Look at you! Do you want to dance?”
You were startled as your phone vibrated in your pocket, quickly unlocking the screen to take a look. Your breath caught in your throat at the image of you and Jason talking to each other as your head swiveled around the room frantically. 
“Don’t do it, little girl. Or else we’ll do more than just pout.”
“Yes or no, Y/N?”
“Baby, any other girl would be dying just to be asked.” Jason slowly began backing you into the wall. “Now, normally, I would have told you to fuck off by now but the fact that you fuck that freak intrigues me. Maybe you need a real man to show you how it’s done.”
As he began his rant, your face cringed but as soon as he insulted Eddie, your demeanor changed entirely into an angry one. 
“I assure you, Jason. Eddie and Steve know exactly how it’s done. All you could do is show me why I prefer them over you, you fucking asshole.”
His eyes went wild as he grabbed your arm, tugging you through the house, and pushing you out his front door onto the gravel. “Then get the fuck out of my house if you’re going to be like that!”
As he turned to go back inside a ring studded hand connected with his face knocking him backwards as he fell to the ground next to you. Steve bent down to collect you in his arms and you promptly locked your own around his neck. 
“Munson! Come on, man.”
Eddie panted as he looked down at the now cowering former jock. “If you ever touch her like that again I swear this will be much worse.” He lightly taps his cheek as he rises to his feet.
The entire car ride home was silent; you knew better than to speak. As soon as they parked, Eddie opened the door for you and lifted you in his arms, carrying you inside and placing you gently on the kitchen counter. As he takes off your shoes, you hear the sound of Steve riffling around in the bathroom before reappearing with a wash rag and a first aid kit. 
When Jason pushed you, you scrapped your knee on the concrete. The metalhead leaned back against the sink as he watched the other man clean you up and take care of you. Even though they were trying to remain calm, you could still feel their anger radiating off them. 
“I’m…I’m sorry. I-I-I just wanted us to-to go out and spend time together.”
“So you went to Jason’s party alone?”, Eddie asked with distain. “How did that work out for you?”
“I begged you guys to come with me!”
“Oh, I see! So, she went alone to punish us. Did you hear that, Steve? Like we belong to her!”
Steve eyes never left you as he leaned back to watch you both fight. It was never a good sign when he was quiet like this when he was upset with you. 
“And see my favorite part is not only did you go, but you ignored us and then had the audacity to mock us openly to an asshole like Jason Carver. What did that have to do with wanting to spend time with us?!”
“I was pissed at you! You’re both so stubborn sometimes!”
Annoyance flashed through Steve’s eyes as Eddie stepped forward, completely prepared to reprimand you before the other man cut him off, placing a hand on his chest and crashing his lips to his own. 
You squeaked in surprise as the metalhead pulled back to glance over his friend’s face before nodding and locking lips with him again. 
Eddie pushed him back against the countertop you were sitting on, his lips trailing down Steve’s neck as he lifted the boy’s shirt. Completely thrown off guard you weren’t sure what you were supposed to be doing. You knew they were mad but… they had begun playing… maybe I…
You reached out to caress Steve’s cheek but instead of kissing the pads of your fingers or leaning over to capture your lips, he turned away from you. 
His mouth opened as he moaned, Eddie unbuckling his belt and pushing his pants to the floor, enveloping Steve’s cock between his lips. 
“F-fuck, Ed. Yes.” He licked his lips as his head fell back against the cabinet, his fingers playing with the metalhead’s hair. “God that feels so fucking good. Mmm… always such a good boy.”
When you try to touch him again, Steve’s hand shoots out, grabbing your wrist and pinning it to the counter. “Such a good fucking boy.”, he repeats. “You always respond when I call. Don’t you, Eddie?”
Eddie’s lips pop off the man in front of him as he rises to his feet, continuing to stroke him as his mouth finds his again. “I do. It’s…it’s polite…Plus…I want to talk to you.”, the metalhead answers between kisses. 
“I want to talk to you both…” You tone comes out meek, hating that they are ignoring you. Even just the smallest glance your way would be enough. 
Steve steps out of his jeans, gripping Eddie’s arms as they dodge around you and head for the bedroom. Usually, one of them would have helped you down and it killed you that they didn’t. 
“Daddy? Sir? Please…” You felt the tears sting your eyes as you carefully hopped down and slowly shuffled to your shared bedroom. Depending on the punishment they delivered sometimes you enjoyed it immensely like the spanking or when they would shove their cocks down your throat while you were tied to the bed. This was different. They were ignoring you completely as if you weren’t even there. 
Now you were the one somewhere pouting…
You found them on the bed, Eddie now completely undressed and under Steve as they passionately kissed each other’s lips. You placed yourself on the corner of the mattress, crossing your legs as you turned towards them. 
“Fuck me, Steve. I need to feel you.”
He wasted no time, lifting Eddie’s legs around his waist as he guided his cock into him. The moan that left them had your pussy clenching but you knew better than to touch yourself. You were in trouble and you didn’t want to make them angrier. This was torture enough. 
“Jesus, Eddie. So—mmm—so fucking tight. It’s…it’s to bad…baby girl isn’t here.”
“Yeah… the party was probably… fuck… probably worth it though.”
“Yeah, she obviously…knows better than…us, right? Mmm—she can take care of herself now.”
Steve reached between them, stroking Eddie’s cock as he thrust into him faster. The metalhead’s face scrunched with pleasure as rope after rope of his seed hit Steve’s stomach above him. The other boy chased his own release for his hips stuttered and he roughly pumped his spend into the man below him. 
After gradually pulling out, Steve got up grabbing another rag as he cleaned himself before taking care of Eddie. When they finally looked at you, your chin was to your chest as tears flowed. You felt the bed under you move and suddenly arms incased themselves around you as you were pulled onto a lap. 
“I’m-I’m s-s-sorry.”, you hiccupped in the littlest voice they had ever heard from you. “I-I-I deserved this.”
Fingers ran through your hair as you cried, your body curling into the chest holding you. 
“You didn’t like being ignored. Did you, baby?”
“No, Daddy. I didn’t like it.”
“Why didn’t you text or call us back? Is it because you knew you weren’t supposed to be there?” You nod your head at his question. “Then, honey, why were you there?”
“I was m-m-mad at you guys. You’ve both been so busy lately with work. I thought it would be fun to go to a party like we used to in school.”
“You’re right, pretty girl. We have been away from the house a lot these past few weeks. The reason we told you no was because it was Jason’s party. Maybe we should have been clearer or come up with an alternative activity.” Eddie leans forward to grip your chin turning you to look at him. “I hope you know it wasn’t because we didn’t want to spend time with you or anything. We miss you to, sweetheart.”
“You do?”
“Of course, Y/N. We love you. I know we can be a bit hardheaded but…Eddie’s right. We should have at least come up with something else we could have done together. Now, that doesn’t excuse you disobeying us and going there.”
“I know, Daddy. I’m sorry. I learned my lesson though!”
Steve’s hand slides under your leg, extending it out so they can look at the bandage on your knee. 
“Bastard is lucky I didn’t fucking kill him.”, Eddie growled. 
“Do you think you’re up for the rest of your punishment?”, Steve asked as he held you closer.
“Rest of!? That wasn’t it?”
They both laugh at your surprised reaction. “Honey, you snuck away, talked back, ignored our calls and texts, and said we were somewhere fucking pouting!”, Steve chuckled. “That last one makes me think you forgot the type of men you belong to. We are more than happy to remind you.”
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gin-juice-tonic · 5 months
I've been thinking a lot about gender identity and stuff lately, but to my shame I’m not the most educated person when it comes to lgbt related stuff. Every time I try to search it to learn more I end up freaking out and clearing my browsing history because of the feeling of being watched. I know I’m being unreasonable, but it’s stronger than me. I don’t have anyone to ask about this kind of stuff. Everyone around me is negative about lgbt, I grew up among this negativity. I’m afraid to ask my online friends because I don’t want to seem ignorant or stupid. What have I decided to do? Send an anonymous ask to a stranger about my concerns (sorry about that), whose blog helped me to accept the fact that I might not be who I though I was at the first place. It feels more safe. Back to the point.
As a teen I used she/they pronouns and a different gender-neutral name online for years. I still do it as an adult and now I realise that “she” was more like a compromise for me because it was what I used to be referred as for my whole life, but didn’t feel quite comfortable with. So it’s they/them for me, I guess. Okay. I’ve always preferred to not be related to any gender, but now I see that there’s more to it. I might be a nonbinary, but what if I’m actually an agender? I also consider the possibility of being a genderfluid because one moment I wear a dress and think that it looks good, and the other moment I cry in front of a mirror because of the idea of wearing it. So yeah, it depends on my mood. I don’t know how it works. I’m just so confused. The only thing I know that I’m not comfortable with being referred to as a female anymore. I’ve never really been.
Admittedly, as someone who is binary trans, I do not have a lot of knowledge in this area. I do know what it’s like to not know what you’re “supposed to be” though. And I know it can be frustrating and scary to be lost in trying to figure out your own identity. 
I asked some of my friends, who are nonbinary and genderfluid themselves, and the first thing we all have to say is you should allow yourself more kindness. I am sorry that you grew up around so much negativity. But I want you to know that it’s both okay to feel afraid but also okay to not know everything. If a friend is going to treat you badly for asking questions, they’re not a very good friend. 
One of my friends says the part you said about “making compromises” resonated a lot with them a lot, so you aren’t alone there. As for how you feel in a dress, clothes do not equal gender. You can like how you look in a dress without any of it having to do with girl-ishness. I suggest you try to think about why you like it when you do, and why you don’t when you don’t. My friends also suggested trying other clothes you can express yourself with. Think about why you like them, or why you don’t like them. (Of course, sometimes the answer has nothing to do with gender. I like athletic clothing because they make me look sporty, which is a neutral thing. But it’s good to know what parts aren’t related to gender at all too.) That extends beyond clothes too, any part of your presentation that you think you can play with without getting yourself into danger, you should. 
It’s tempting to feel like you have to scramble to figure out a label. Especially when advice and other people you can talk to can feel sort of “grouped” under them. And there’s a lot of knowledge to be gained that way for sure. But there’s a lot of knowledge to be gained just in figuring out what you do and don’t like. What makes you feel bad, what makes you feel at ease, what makes you super excited. You‘ve got it nailed down that you don’t like being called a female, that’s not a bad start! 
If your friends are people you think are good and kind, I would suggest reaching out to them so that you can explore things a little more with them, considering they know you better than I would. I know it's scary, but there's nothing wrong with not knowing things, and I hope they'd be aware of that too. And even if you call yourself something now and explore more into it, there's no harm if in the future it doesn't fit so good. There's no wrong way to be a gender, and more importantly there's no wrong way to be you.
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bbsmuts · 1 year
Promiscuous ft. EVERGLOW Aisha
A/N: Thanks for 1k followers! I wrote this for an ask I got a good while ago, but decided to release it when I hit 1k. I’m doing it as a collab with a friend who prefers to stay anonymous. It’s amazing the results your mind will show when challenged by a pitch about a hot idol. Obviously, since I don’t write guy on guy stuff, Hongjoong and I aren’t going to be doing anything. This was suggested by someone through a private chat. Enjoy! 
Length: 3.31k
Possible TW: Whipping, bondage
Tags: Spitroasting, threesome, bondage, whipping, humiliation, exhibitionism, throatfuck, cunnilingus
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It was fairly late when I gave Yurim the call, but not late enough for it not to be immediately answered. “Sung-min?” “That’s me. You got plans for later?” Her voice became suddenly mischievous. “Yes, I have plans. Would you like to participate?”
“Hell yeah I do. What time?” “7:00. Feed yourself before you come, I haven’t got much here.” “Oh, I’m sure I’ll find tasty enough sustenance while I’m there.” I could hear the smirk in her voice as she said,       “Whatever. Be there at seven.” I still had two hours to wait, so I decided to kill some time at a bar with my friend Hongjoong. He was already waiting with a shot of soju in hand when I arrived there. “Hey, Sung-min, my man.” I sat down at the bar with a “Hey, Hongjoong” and ordered a takju. “Something wrong?” He asked nonchalantly, taking a small sip of his soju. “No.” I said, accepting my takju and pushing a small wad of bills at the bartender. “I’m going to meet Yurim later.” “Ohhhh. That makes more sense. You mean you’re going to fuck her later?” “Pretty much.” I took a sip of my takju. “You want to come along?” He thought about it for a moment. “What time? I can be there, but not before eight. I have some other plans.” “Yeah, that’ll work.” We continued drinking and talking for about an hour until I went back to my house to get a bite to eat. After whipping up some stir fry with beef chunks and wolfing it down, I got ready to go. Her house was about twenty minutes away, a mere blink of the eye when I was savoring fantasies about eating her out, having my cock deep down her throat, thrusting in and out of her tight pussy-      I arrived at her house shortly after, and I had barely touched the doorbell when the door was flung wide open. Yurim was wearing nothing but a black lace bra and a matching pair of panties, nicely showing off her curves, hips, and thighs. “Hey.” She said, ushering me in the door with a small beckon.  “Hi.” I said. “You look nice.” All niceties forgotten, she needily mashed her lips against mine, and I grabbed her thighs and I lifted her onto me, still kissing her intensely. I carried her along a narrow hallway to a door with a fancy brass handle, which I knew to be a room specifically dedicated to sex. Once inside, I realized that she had dressed the place up during my short absence of three days. It was more than the usual day or two, but still. She also probably put all this up since me saying I’d come. Racks along the wall displayed a number of riding crops, floggers, whips, paddles, and other such instruments; one rack displayed handcuffs, rope, zip ties, cord, and other restraints; another showed off a nice collection of sex toys: fleshlights, dildos, vibrators, and others; a small bedside table held a few types of gags. “Damn,” I said, looking around, “this place looks like something out of Fifty Shades of Grey.”  “Do you like it?” She asked, sidling up to me and sliding one coy hand along my chest.  “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun tonight.”     
“Oh my god, yes, yes, oh fuck, oh god yes, eat me!” Yurim’s screams of pleasure filled the room as I pushed her thighs apart for maximum penetration while I ate her out. I had her flat on her back, hands tied high above her head to the bedpost, blindfolded, and legs spread as far as they would go. She was so wet it was like plunging my face into a hot bath. I could tell she was nearing her peak by sound, as she always had specific noises she made when getting close to climax. Her string of words turned into a mindless stream of moans and yelps of pleasure, slowly but surely getting louder until I finally pushed her over the edge. Her groans turned to shrieks and yells as she orgasmed, straining against her restraints and arching her back as her juices sprayed all over my face and shoulders. She fell back to a laying position limply, basking in the post-orgasm pleasure, She made no movement as I uncuffed her hands and took off her blindfold. I hoisted her off the bed and to a support beam near the center of the room, recuffing her hands around it above her head. Her knees came to settle on either side of the beam, providing an erotic view of the glistening pink slit that showed briefly between her spread thighs. Without much further ado, I removed the remainder of my own clothing. She, having reconnected with reality, looked up and saw me before her, then looked up and peered at her cuffed hands. She looked back down slowly and then straight at me, then opened her mouth with lust dancing in her eyes. I rather roughly inserted my cock into her willingly opened mouth, letting her suck her cheeks in and drag her tongue all over my tip, before sheathing to the root in her throat with a single thrust that made her gag. I held there for a moment before partially pulling out, then shoving back in. She opened her jaw to its fullest extent and allowed me through, taking her facefucking with some dignity, and by dignity I mean with saliva running down her chin and a single tear rolling down her cheek. I continued thrusting into her throat, hot sounds of deepthroat resonating loudly around the room. Glancing down for a moment, I saw her thighs very slowly rubbing together, and by the expression in her face (what little I could see of it), I knew she dying to touch herself, but due to the cuffs she couldn’t, something I had done deliberately. I picked up the pace, facefucking her with abandon, completely disregarding her noises getting louder, her random jerks when I went down her throat, and her pleading glances to be released. Without warning, she moaned into it just as I pushed forward and held there. The sudden vibrations around my cock drew a groan from me, and I shoved my hips forward and buried myself in her throat before blowing, shooting cum down her throat. She choked, gagged, and moaned around it, but I didn’t let go. I held myself there, making her kiss the base until she finally tapped out, but I didn’t pull out. I held there and she choked and gagged again with an “ack” as I pushed still further. She squeezed my thigh to let me know she needed air, and I thrusted four more times before pulling out. She fell limp against her cuffs, cum instantly flowing out of her mouth, down her chin, and onto her breasts below. Having swallowed the remaining cum, she gasped and gulped in much-needed air. I sat down hard and laid back on the bed, breathing heavily. There came a distant knock at the door, and I picked myself up off the bed to go look. When I reached the door and looked through the peephole, what I saw made me laugh. Hongjoong stood there wearing a low-cut tank top and a pair of athletic shorts. I flung the door open. “Hongjoong,” I said casually. “Sung-min, ma boy?” He said, stepping in the door. “Ma nude boy?” “This way. Yurim has some bokbunja in the kitchen.” “Where is she, speaking of?” Hongjoong said, looking around. “I figured she’d be here.”  “She may or may not be cuffed to a post, recovering from an orgasm and a hardcore facefucking,” I said nonchalantly, pouring us both a shot of bokbunja. “Bottoms up.”  “Oh, that makes more sense.” He took his shotglass and downed it in one sip. I knocked back my own, savouring the burning and sweet taste before following Hongjoong down the hall to where Yurim was. When we entered the room, Hongjoong took a second to asses the scene before him: walls lined with restraints, whips, paddles, and riding crops, and Yurim’s hands visible at the back of the post, handcuffed. I walked to the post and unlocked the cuffs, allowing her hands to fall. She stood up immediately, turning to face me but then seeing Hongjoong. The thought occurred to me that she had never met Hongjoong and therefore didn’t know who she was looking at. One of her arms crossed over her chest and the other hand shot down over her pussy, which was already glistening with denied arousal, in a vain attempt to protect her modesty. Hongjoong raised his eyebrows and turned to me, clearly questioning this behavior. “You didn’t tell her I was coming?” “Well, I may have forgotten to mention a few key details,” I said. “Yurim, this is Hongjoong, you’ve heard about him. My friend.”  Her tension relaxed and her hands dropped to her sides, bringing back the visual of her breasts and pussy in the full. Hongjoong’s eyes traveled slowly down her body. He started at her neck, going down past her collarbone, pausing at her chest for a split second and then moving on. His eyes roved over her toned stomach and abs, his gaze raking over the pink flesh between her thighs and finally ending on her legs.    He exhaled slowly. “Wow. Okay.”  Yurim’s own glance found his shorts, and I followed her gaze to the quite obvious bulge. I took the first step towards Yurim, pushing her onto the bed while Hongjoong undressed in the corner. I flattened her against it, opening her legs with my own knee. I kissed her deeply, her moans sounding as she allowed me in, enjoying it even before my next move. I gave her thighs one last push apart before acting, sheathing myself to the root in one thrust. My groan sounded with her own “ahh” of pleasure. I started thrusting fast and hard into her, her “ahh” turning into a scream of bliss as I pounded her. Her breasts jiggled deliciously as she bounced with the rhythm of my pounding. Her hands, having been previously gripping the sheets, raised themselves. One hand grabbed my shoulder as her legs wrapped around my back and pulled me closer, and the other found her clit and started rubbing furiously. She was clearly as desperate for release as I was. Within seconds, she arched her back and climaxed with an ear piercing shriek of pleasure. With moans and cries of bliss, she kept humping on me until she had nothing left. I felt myself getting very close to the edge. With an almighty groan, I gave a final thrust and held there, shooting cum into her hole. I rolled over and lay next to her, panting heavily. She gave a soft “ah” as some of my cum came dripping out of her pussy. Hongjoong beckoned me over and I got up, letting Yurim relax in her orgasmic afterglow.   -Anonymous Friend- 
 “What now?” He asked. “Well, what do you have in mind?”   “She didn’t papier-mâché her walls with floggers for no reason. I say we use them.”   I smiled. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” “Probably. Gutter piping outside?” “Absolutely. Go get her and take her outside. I’ll get the… things.”   Hongjoong walked over and hauled Yurim off the bed and towards the bedroom door, grabbing a length of rope as he left.. I walked around, surveying the many whips properly. I selected a black riding crop from one rack and a bullwhip from another. A pink and black tasseled horsewhip from another. A switch from another. And finally a brown oak paddle. I went out to the hall, through the kitchen, through the living room, and opened the front door to fine Yurim naked and tied by her hands to the gutter piping along the house’s front wall. Her feet were tied to concrete bricks which were firmly set into the ground.  “Want to do the honors?” I asked Hongjoong, offering the switch to him.   “I sure as hell do. Where?”   “Ass. She likes the ass.”   Hongjoong took a step back, measured the distance, raised the switch, and brought the tip down on her ass cheek with a searing crack that echoed off the surrounding houses, leaving a red streak in its wake. Yurim’s head shot up and she cried out in both pleasure and pain. She liked being spanked and whipped on the ass, but we definitely weren’t going to stop there. This switch gave a very sharp sting when being used on you, as I had found out when I tapped my own arm with it earlier. He raised it and smacked her ass again. And again. And again. He gave ten strokes before handing it to me. “I’ll sit back and watch for now.” I stepped forwards with confidence and cracked it across her ass again. Another cry sounded from her. I gave her fifteen more strokes before setting the switch down, by which time tears were welling in her eyes but she hadn’t asked me to stop. I looked at the other four. Bullwhip, horsewhip, riding crop, paddle. I went with the riding crop. I picked it up and walked toward her, slowly sliding the leather over her ass, which was littered with red streaks and marks from the switch. I gave her raw ass a small smack with the riding crop and she whimpered. I stepped back, raised it high above my head, and whacked her sexy cheeks. The shout that left her lips sounded more pained than pleasured now, though she would still enjoy it. The streaks increased in number the more I spanked her with the riding crop. Her hands twisted above her head in pain and pleasure, straining against their bonds. I paused for a moment and she stuck her ass out, spread her legs, and gave it a shake, drunk on my spanking. On a sudden thought, I lowered the crop to waist level and gave a beautiful underhand swing at her. The tassels on the end and the body smacked per pussy lips full on. Her cry was delayed for a moment as she took a second to realize. But when it came she threw her head back and shouted out, wiggling her hips for more. I gave her pussy another uppercut with the crop and she just moaned. I knew she loved having her pussy spanked, although usually we weren’t out in public in full view of neighbors, passersby and cars passing, and usually I didn’t use a riding crop, rather my hand or a leather strap, so the thrill was skyrocketed. After a few more strokes, during which I could tell she was getting close to orgasm, I stopped and brought her cumming to a screeching halt. She relaxed, gasping and panting and moaning. A pair of men came out of the house across the street, arguing loudly about whether or not wrestling a chimpanzee would be a good idea. Clearly drunk, the weaved their way into the street, and then they spotted us. I picked up the paddle, observed their transfixed gazes, and gave Yurim’s ass a little smack. She remained quiet, defiantly ignoring the men, who had taken a few steps further. I kept spanking her, going progressively harder until she actually did climax, sending a cascade of cum onto the grass and my feet. Her pleasure was expressed in the most luxurious moans ever and her arms fell limp against the rope. Even in the dark, I could see her cheeks start to redden, the men’s gazes having not wavered from her naked body. She didn’t say anything, however. I glanced over at the two guys, and immediately noticed the glint of a blade on the taller one’s hip. Deciding it would be better not to risk anything, I untied her from the pipe.  “Hongjoong.” I said, and he followed my gaze to the knife blade. He nodded and led her inside. Yurim getting raped and us getting sliced was not something I was prepared to have going on, so I went back inside and locked the door. 
 I headed back to the bedroom and took the rope off her wrists. Her ass was thoroughly red, a nice job. But enough messing around. Yurim had gotten up and repositioned herself on her hands and knees. As I looked back, she wiggled her ass at me, wordlessly begging to be fucked. Without any hesitance, I moved forward and bottomed out inside her in one stroke. Her face was buried in the blanket, but a muffled whimper was audible all the same. Hongjoong hung back, looking dubious. “It’s okay, man.” I said, groaning as she squeezed me. “Neither of us mind.”   He hesitated a moment more and then crawled across the bed and lifted her face from the blanket. A moment later I heard the unmistakeable sounds of deepthroat from in front of me. Her pussy was like a vice on my cock. I started thrusting into her harder, and her moans got gradually louder. I reached forwards and squeezed her breasts roughly. I repositioned her so she was in cowgirl on my cock.   “God, Yurim, you’re so fucking tight,” I moaned as she rode me.    “Fuck yes, you like that Sung-min?” Her eyes glinted mischeviously.  “You feel so good on me, don’t stop.”     She continued grinding her hips on me, her clit brushing my crotch with every gyration. Her mouth had fallen open in a state of utter euphoria, intermittent moans sounding from it. I pulled her down and started thrusting into her pussy hard and fast, the soft moans turning to loud yells of pleasure.       I felt another presence in her ass and as it turned out, Hongjoong had started fucking her ass.  “Fuck yes, fuck, oh my god yes, ahh yes keep going, I’m cumming!” I didn’t stop thrusting through her orgasm, her juices splattering my waist and hips. Her head fell beside mine, her hair brushing my cheek. She kept whispering more dirty talk into my ear, only spurring me on, as I was reaching my own peak. “Fucking hell, I’m gonna cum,” groaned Hongjoong. “God, it’s so tight…aahh!”   He gave on final thrust and buried himself to the hilt in her ass, and she moaned in my ear as she felt the flood of warmth. I slapped her ass as he pulled out, causing her to moan “ahh” as I plunged into her. There were seconds, maybe, before my orgasm. She sat up, propped herself up on my chest with her arms, and started grinding her hips on me.   “Yurim, I’m cumming,” I gasped, the pleasure overwhelming me. “Keep grinding. Oh fuck, keep grinding.”   I pulled her hips down on me hard, and then with an involuntary moan, spurted another load of cum deep inside her. She rolled off of me and sat panting by my side. I leaned over and kissed her.    “Oh shit guys, I have to go.” Hongjoong said suddenly, getting up and getting dressed again. “I’m already late. Sung-min, I’ll see you tomorrow man. Later, Yurim.” With that, he departed and I heard the front door close loudly.     Yurim slid over on top of me, my half-hard cock naturally settling between her thighs.      “So,” Yurim said into my ear, “how was it?”    “Fucking amazing. I trust you liked it?”    I could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke the next words. “I loved it. Being whipped outside was fun. New and exciting. Do you want to go for round two?”   “Tomorrow morning, maybe. I’m too tired.”     She pulled herself up partially and smirked down at me.   “What? You’re saying you’re too weak?”     I met her eyes and growled,        “Come here.”
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steddieunderdogfics · 22 days
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  LadyKailitha! @ladykailitha has 33 fics posted to AO3 in the Stranger Things fandom and 32 of them are in the Steddie Tag.
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @ladykailitha:
Little Runaway
Staking My Claim
I'll Be Your Knight
Eddie's Big Stevie Rescue
"LadyKailitha is a wonderful writer both on Tumblr (shout out to WIP Wednesday, makes my day!!) and on AO3! They absolutely deserve all the recognition and respect for their work. And now I'd like to share the love 🫶"-- anonymous
Below the cut, @ladykailitha answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I’m obsessed with them. LOL! On a more serious note, it’s because I relate to the two characters a lot and want to see them happy.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Childhood friends. I just love watching them be friends as kids and then grow apart and then back together again. I could read it a billion times and do it again. As long as there’s a happy ending of course.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
AUs. Just all of them. I like canon Eddie and Steve, but putting them in different worlds and still finding ways to make them who they are. chef’s kiss
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
There are so many good ones but one that I’ve read several times is STRIKE TEN by oaseas. So good.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
That’s the best part of steddie is not knowing there’s a troupe I want to write for until inspiration strikes. Like I never thought I’d do a sugar baby/daddy AU, but I’m currently writing one. Ditto for omegaverse, but now I’ve written two from the same universe. But as I’m typing this… probably sentinel/guide. The idea has always intrigued me.
What is your writing process like?
First is day dreaming up an idea. Then depending on how long the idea is, I’ll do a short write up about. If it’s long, then it gets treated with plot beats I want to hit. I don’t consider it an outline, because they aren’t in order. Then I will sit down and start writing. I will do at least 400 words a day and keep at it until I have at least 3 or 4 chapters into it before I start posting.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I have to have a backlog of unpublished chapters because I worry if I’m not putting out stories people will lose interest. It’s also so that if I write myself into a corner I can go back a couple of chapters if I have to and change it to fit the new direction the story is going.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Definitely on a schedule. I’ve tried waiting until I’m done and I just get too excited for other people to read it and start posting.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Well Met By Moonlight. I’m really proud of the world building and mystery.
How did you get the idea for Little Runaway?
When I first got into the fandom, there was a severe lack of Eddie and Steve postseason 2 and I really wanted to lean into that a bit.
When writing Little Runaway, what was something you didn’t expect?
Max becoming a reader insert in a way. Where you see the characters through her eyes at the end.
What inspired Staking My Claim?
LOL! Steve licking Eddie’s hand like he was a cupcake he didn’t want to share.
What was your favorite part to write from Staking My Claim?
Jeff. I loved how he just kinda rocked up and said, “As Eddie’s boyfriend, you are now my responsibility and no, you don’t get a say in this.”
How do/did you feel writing I'll Be Your Knight?
I love this one. It really does not get enough praise honestly. I loved the idea of the sound of Steve’s lighter as he lights and puts it out over and over again. I just really loved the idea of Steve guarding Eddie because he’s part of the group now.
What was the most difficult part of writing Eddie's Big Stevie Rescue?
The subject matter. It’s one of my darkest fics because Steve gets slipped a date rape drug and the fall out of not trusting the people you care about with the deepest parts of yourself. Also, keeping the tension ramped up.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I absolutely love the scene with Billy and Steve from “Never Hold Back Your Step…” when Billy gets Steve’s lifeguard job and Steve calls him a washed up surfer. That whole takedown was cathartic as hell.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’m currently working on a couple that I think are just so much fun. “The Hellfire Exotic Club” a stripper AU that has been a blast to write. And “Of Butterflies and Backstrokes” the Olympic swimmer AU. I’m proud of that title, too.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Thank you to our author, @ladykailitha, and our anonymous nominator! See more of LadyKailitha's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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spicy-apple-pie · 9 months
for the “anonymously tell me your honest opinion” thing
I originally thought you were one of those annoying Tim Drake fans that was like “What if Damian felt bad about hurting tim :3 ✨” and basically only likes Damian if you “fix” him to be more wholesome/nicer, and I was like: “leave my boy alone! He’s got enough guilt as it is (“This ‘R’ stands for Ruin,” “I came here to find out if I’m really the monster everyone keeps telling me I am,” “This will be my year of atonement,” etc.), don’t add to it, jerk!”
But then I went on your blog and realized that you’re an equal opportunity wholesome-ifyer, you seem to like Damian fine, and you don’t seem to be particularly biased towards Tim. I like you a whole lot better after learning that fr.
(Love your lil comics btw!)
omg this is so funny because I prefer Damian over TIm. I think because he reminds me so much of my cat lol.
but yeah, I hate Damian/Tim stans that absolutely despise the other character with all of their heart. Like, they're both justified in not liking each other at first and I think that Damian was just doing what he was taught. Damian fucked up but he's still a kid and wanted the approval of the grown ups around him, and Tim is not unreasonable for not getting along with Damian right after he tried to kill him. Idk, I like the dynamic where they grow really close as brothers (tho they will never admit it to anyone, not even themselves)
I actually want to draw more canon Damian because I do love him very much, and I'm trying to capture him in Adopted Damian. But it's hard because C!Damian was raised as a heir and son of the bat and has a lot of pride, while A!Damian was raised in the foster care system where his caretakers wanted him out of sight and out of mind.
Thank you so much for the ask!! I loved answering this one, please send me more!!
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“Hey Tucker, we have to have a talk.  And that means, I do the talking and you do the nodding.  When I came to town last week, you and your wife welcomed me in to your home.  You knew that I was going to breed you that night, just like I used to when we shared our dorm together.  I knew you were needing me to cunt you, treating you like shit, and you got it.
“And you also knew that I was eventually going to fuck your wife, just like I fucked your girlfriends back when we were at Iowa State.  I always thought it was funny how quickly I would snatch them right under your nose.  It could have been being the athlete of the year, it could have my sparkling personality, it could have been my Mercedes, or it could have been my beercan dick.  Didn’t much care why they let me fuck them.  I think you just paraded those bitches in front of me so I would take pity on you and give you my dick.  Hey it worked.  You were so obsessed with my dick back then, just like you are now.  Oh you are obsessed. 
“The way you pounce on my hog when you get home from work before Krystal comes home, you submit with so much enthusiasm.  It’s funny I tell you that I’ve been fucking your wife, and you show no reaction.  It’s as if you don’t like being with women.  Your smirk tells me everything… fag. 
“Are you a fag?...  No, no, I’m not asking you to agree with what I call you.  Do you prefer to be with men or women or both?...  No answer?  That’s an answer in itself. 
“This morning when I told her about me piledriving you, she flew off the handle.  I told her about our time at the dorm with you submitting to every disgusting act I made you do.  I even showed her the video, the one I used to blackmail you with of you at that rest area licking the anonymous cum dripping from that glory hole.  I kept that video all these years.  I kept them all.
“I even took one the other day of you giving me a blumpkin and then licking my ass afterwards.  I’ll hold on to that one to use for a later time.
“She’s truly disgusted by you.  I can’t say I blame her.  I probably would be too if I wasn’t the one making you do those things.  She and I talked about it this morning, and we are making some changes around here.
“She no longer wants to share a bed with a fag like you; in fact, she wants to see as little of you as possible.  So I will be replacing you in your own bed.  She agreed to that on one condition, that I am tender to her and treat her like a woman should be treated, not that you would know anything about that.  The other part is that we agreed that I will still use you but only to satisfy my need to be aggressive, cruel, and brutal.  She gets the caresses, and you get the beatings.  She’s made love to, and you are raped.  She gets the glass of fine wine, while you drink from a puddle of my piss.
“That seems like a fair deal to me.  You and I are going to move your shit downstairs in the basement.  She and I don’t want you in the guest room.  In fact we’ve decided that the stairs behind me and the entire second floor is off limits to you.
“However, in a bit, you will watch us make love in your former bed.  I want that visual to with you for the rest of your life.  I insisted to her that it needs to happen; you must be made a true cuckold.  After that, you are to keep your interaction with her to a minimum.  You need to say something to her, you go through me.
“She gave me the rundown on the prenup she signed when you two were married.  Your dad was a total dick to her.  But he was always that way with everyone… except me.  He and I always hit it off together many years ago.  So she needs to be married to you for another year and a half and produce a kid before she gets what’s she’s entitled to.  It looks like I’m here for a while.  I will be knocking her up.  By the time anyone realizes the kid looks nothing like you, we will be long gone.
“So, now let’s talk about the fun part, me and you.  I am the man of this house now.  My way is the only way.  You are merely an object to use in my home.  If ever I feel that you are acting in a way to undermine that, those videos I made of you will go to your very conservative father. 
“First things first.  Strip cuck.  Your name will be Cuck going forward.  Tuck the Cuck.  I like that.  I said strip.  You are not allowed to wear clothes in my home.  You got that?  Let’s go down to the basement…. 
“…I’ve decided that your bed will be in that corner over there next to the bathroom.  We’ll take off the bathroom door; you are to have no privacy.  Should I need to take a shit, your mouth will be wrapped around my cock; so why bother with a door?
“I’m going to be ordering some gym equipment.  I grabbed your wallet from your pants.  Thanks for the credit cards.  I now own everything that was once yours… including that rock hard pecker of yours.
“That brings me to this; I have a present for you.  Here, open this box.  I bought that when I went into town yesterday.  As you can see, it’s a cock cage.  Yeah it’s a bit bulky, but it has a feature I want.  Here, put your balls into my hand. 
“These things are nearly useless.  They couldn’t even produce a kid.  Pathetic.  Now their chief purpose is to cause you pain with a very tight squeeze.  Shh shh.  Until I get this basement soundproofed, you will need to control your screams of pain. 
“See, now you lost your hard on, and the cage goes on like this.  You won’t get hard from now on.  Now what did I make you call it back in the dorm?...  You remembered!  That’s right, it’s a pee pee.  What a stupid thing to call it hunh?...  Well, I want you to start calling it that once again.  Real men have cocks and dicks.  Fag cucks like you have pee pees.  Ha!
“Notice how heavy the cage is.  That’s because of the battery.  There’s a tracker imbedded in there, so I know exactly where you are.  There’s a small little buzzer so that I can send you a signal to come to me.  And finally there’s this.
“…Well you dropped like a sack of shit.  Yup.  That’s the primary reason I got that cage.  Delivers one hell of a shock.  Doesn’t it?  Now that is only level one for about one second.  There are five levels.  Keep that in mind. 
“I have it set up so that you cannot leave the house without my permission to deactivate it.  Also, you go up to the second floor, it will shock the hell out of you.
“It comes with an app that allows me to track you, where you are, where you were, how often you get aroused, if you pulled your shaft out… tons of stuff.  It also tells me how much battery is left.  You will feel three short buzzes when it reaches 70% of the battery left.  It also does it at 60%, 50%, and ten percent increments below.  When it reaches 40% and below, the buzzes become shocks. 
“It will be your responsibility to keep it charged.  It takes about an hour for it to fully charge from 70%.  I already installed the charging station over here.  Follow me.  I mounted the charging cord so that you must stand in that spot in the corner facing in.  Not only will your time there reset the charge, but it will also reset your focus, as there’s nothing for you to do other then look at the walls while charging.
“We’ll set your office up over there.  You will be expecting to continue to work remotely.  If you need to jump on a conference call, you will be permitted to wear clothing, but you must have titty clamps under your shirt.  We’ll also mount a dildo to your chair and cut the ass seam out of any pants you wear so that you will have your cunt stretched every time you sit.
“Come with me.  It’s blumpkin time.  This is one of your daily duties.
“So this is the set up.  This is the hell you will be in for the next few years.  I will be spending most of my time with your wife.  She and I seem to be hitting it off.  But when I need to have some time to unwind my tension, I will be down here to beat the shit out of you, rape you, whatever.
“Cuck, what you have to realize is that since our dorm days, I haven’t stopped making cuckolds.  I find the right couple and I fuck the wife or girlfriend while the man serves me.  The closet fags with a lot to lose are always easy to find.  And sometimes that fag, like yourself, craves the control I demand.
“Wasn’t expecting my piss hunh?...  Cuck!  You are expected to drink every drop every time.  You will need some extra training for that.  Pull off, I don’t want you biting me as I do this….”
“…That cage is meant to give instant punishment.  And it delivers.  That is so fucking hot seeing you writhing on the floor groping your cage trying to get relief….  Since you are on your back, it’s toilet paper time. 
“Oh yeah, I don’t plan on bringing TP down here.  You can wash up using your hand or the douche hose I put in.  I don’t care how you clean yourself up.  But me, I expect the extra attention a tongue gives to my shit hole.  What’s lucky for you is that my diet and my meds tend to make my turds so that I rarely use TP.
“Get that tongue in there deep….  Don’t you dare fucking gag.  No matter the condition back there, you are never to gag.  Focus…  Aww fucking hell.
“…Get up.  I’m moving up the plans I had for you.  I’m going to tie you to the footboard of your former bed.  When Khrystal comes home from work, I will make love to her and make you a true cuckold.  After we have a nice dinner just the two of us, I will secure you in my truck, then take you three hours to a biker saloon.  I had planned on doing this tomorrow morning, but tonight is better.  I want you broken in, and I don’t have the patience to do so.  And besides, I need to spend some time with my new wife without having to worry about her cuck—kinda like our honeymoon.
“They know me, and I know their work.  One of men there is into modifications.  Yes, they are going to modify you.  Your hair below your nose will be gone.  I’m going to have the head of your pee pee pierced so that it can be locked in the cage, eliminating any possibility of you pulling it out.  And it will go across your head.  And it will be severe.  You will be tattooed on your back.  I will tell you what it is once it’s on.
“The reason why I’m taking you tonight is so that they can install you in the back as a urinal and toilet paper duty for any of the bikers there.  And it’s going to be a busy Friday night.
“For the first time, you look terrified.  Good!  That’s what I want.  I have been doing this for so long, I know what I’m doing.  Look at my dick.  I am rock hard for this.  Creating a brand-new cuckold always gets me leaking.”
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padfootagain · 1 year
The Moustache
The Moustache
Hello! Today, we’re answering an anonymous request: “Helloooo! You see I woke up from my nap thinking about this… You see how Ben had a mustache in the cabinet of curiosities when he played old william? I don’t really know if it was fake or he had to grow it, but for the shake of this idea lets gonna pretend he had to grow it. I remember years ago reading a Sebastian Stan fic where he also had to grow the mustache for the I, Tonya film and reader be like “I’m not kissing you until you shave that thing off your face” and I thought it would be fun reading something like that Ben? If you’re down for it. Reader being playful and turning her face when he tries to kiss her or something like that🙈 I’m not really fan of guy’s with mustaches but I guess we always can make exceptions….”
I have no idea what the fanfic the anon is referring to, but the idea is absolutely adorable, so let’s goooo!
Thank you for your request, anon! I hope you enjoy your fic!
I hope you all like this cute little fic! Tell me what you think of it!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Warnings: absolute fluffiness that will leave your teeth rotten
Summary: Ben needs to grow a moustache for his role in Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosity. You’re not a fan, although… perhaps you don’t hate it as much as pretend you do.
Word count: 1611
Ben Barnes’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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You’ve never liked moustaches.
It’s simply not your thing. You don’t find it aesthetically pleasing, it tickles when you kiss…
Still, as Ben is getting ready to work for his next Netflix show and he has to grow a moustache… you don’t mind it that much.
You would be lying if you claimed that you didn’t prefer him with a full beard or a clean-shaven face, still… it must be Ben’s magic playing with your head cause you still find him dashing this morning, as you see him shaving his cheeks, shaping his moustache with care.
It’s rather late in the morning, but it’s Sunday and you both enjoy these days slow-paced and lazy, filled with blankets, cuddles and cups of tea.
You have lingered in bed for a long while with Ben this morning, taking your time to wake up under his kisses, holding onto him tight as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. The sun was fully risen when you summoned enough strength to get up and prepare a breakfast for two, Ben making his famous pancakes and you cutting fruits and preparing your favourite beverages and stealing touches as you walked by him.
Now, you’re coming out of the shower that you shared with Ben. The habit domestic and loving, of hands running through hair, and palms massaging tired shoulders, and fingers rubbing soft caresses as well as soap on the other’s skin.
Ben’s hair is still a wet mess, dark strands falling before his eyes. He’s wearing nothing but a towel hanging low on his hips, and you can’t help but stare at him as he gets ready.
You put on your underwear while stealing glances, but Ben is too focused to notice the way you gawk at him, admiring the few droplets lingering over the small of his back and along his spine.
He frowns after a while though, staring at his own reflection scrunching his nose in focus.
He turns to you, a slight tilt of the head as he asks you a question.
“Did I make my moustache even? I can’t tell anymore, I’ve been staring at it for too long…”
You chuckle at that, but examine his work all the same, taking the scissors he offers to make the shape perfect.
“Will no one make sure you’ve done a good job on set anyway?”
“At make-up? Of course. But I still have to live for a whole week without any professional help and still try my best to not look ridiculous.”
“But you have my help!” you chime.
“Yeah… that’s what I’m saying.”
You swat his upper arm playfully as you protest, making him laugh.
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding!”
“You shouldn’t play that game with me when I’m holding the scissors. The fate of your facial hair is in my hands, after all.”
He fakes fear, in a not-so-convincing way, especially for a talented actor…
“Please, have mercy, don’t take it out on the moustache!”
“Stop talking, you’re moving your lips.”
It’s quiet for a few minutes while you shape his moustache the best you can, and you have a proud smile as you put down the scissors.
“Done! Look! What do you think?”
He smiles as he looks at his reflection once more.
“Quite good! Well done!” Ben leans to give you a kiss, but he frowns hard when you scrunch your nose as you pull away.
“This thing tickles. When are you getting rid of it?”
He laughs at that.
“In a couple of months, I would say.”
“Two months?! Wow… that’s a lot…”
“You hate it that much?”
His tone is playful still, and yet you don’t fail to recognize the hesitation in his gaze.
You roll your eyes.
“You’re always gorgeous, baby,” you reassure him, and it earns you a bright grin.
“But?” he adds, raising a brow.
“But… I’m not a fan of the moustache.”
“Really?” he asks, touching the hair above his lip. “I thought it gave me some… mature charm.”
“You don’t need a moustache to look mature.”
“Are you implying that I’m old?”
“Of course!”
You can’t refrain your laughter this time, shaking your head at the outrage in his eyes.
“No, you’re not old! Besides, you’re aging gracefully.”
“Getting better, like a fine wine?” he teases, and you nod.
“So, if I wanted to keep my moustache after the movie was done…?”
“Well, you’re free to do whatever you want with your facial hair,” you answer cautiously.
“But you won’t like it.”
You know he’s teasing, not being truly serious.
“I might refuse to kiss you as often as I do now.”
He looks at you with shock, a hand on his heart.
“That would be awfully cruel of you, love!”
“But it tickles! And it’s…”
You merely shake your head.
“Actually, I’m not sure I want to kiss you anymore, now that you have that thing on your face,” you tease him, and Ben knows what you’re doing. He still plays along, gasping.
“No kisses! That would be too cruel. Besides, we both know you wouldn’t hold for more than five minutes! You love my kisses too much for that.”
As if to prove a point, he drops a couple of pecks on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you to pull you close. When you feel him tugging at the clasp of your bra, you pull away though.
“Is that a challenge? Cause I can totally resist the urge of kissing you for a whole day. Especially when you’re sporting that thing.”
“Thing? It’s not alive, you know?”
“Are you sure?”
You both laugh at that while you put on a shirt and some jeans, and Ben gets dressed as well.
“I bet you can last an hour, and then you’ll give up and come cuddle and steal kisses,” he challenges you, and you raise an eyebrow, meeting his confident gaze.
“You think you’re this charming, huh?”
“I am. To you, at least.”
He rolls his eyes, but when he answers, the words are more genuine, less playful.
“I simply assume that you’re as obsessed with me as I am with you.”
You grin at that, and you lean to kiss him, before you remember his challenge. You shake yourself out of your urge, and narrow your eyes at him.
“Hmmm… Almost fell for this one,” you admit, making him laugh.
“You would have held on for a grand thirty seconds, then. That would have been a record, you’re all over me all the time when we’re alone.”
“That’s not true!”
“Yes, it is. And I’m all over you as well, and I like it that way.”
It’s his time to lean closer, but you turn your head away, his lips landing on your cheek instead of your lips, making you giggle as he gives you a big smooch anyway.
“No! No kisses!”
You both laugh at that as you walk out of the bathroom.
It turns out it’s easy to last for an hour without kissing him, because Ben spends some time working and you spend some time reading. Even if you’ve both settled in the living room, you’re both busy with your own tasks, and merely hold hands from time to time.
The real struggle comes after this quiet time, when Ben starts seriously losing focus and sets himself on a cuddling mission, lying down and resting his head on your laps so you can run your fingers through his dark hair. He heaves a content sigh at the feeling.
But the moment lasts just a few minutes as Ben grows restless and is soon playing with your hand, then lifting the hem of your shirt to kiss your stomach.
“Stop! It tickles!” you complain in a laughter you can’t hold back, pushing him off of you and almost making him fall off the couch.
He rolls his eyes.
“I usually have a beard and you’re perfectly fine with that!”
“But it doesn’t feel the same.”
He gives you a look and scoffs.
“You’re being dramatic.”
“And you’re irritating.”
He scrunches his nose, moving his moustache in the process, and you can’t help but laugh at him for it. It earns you another dramatic eye-roll.
“Come on, I want kisses,” he complains, leaning closer, but you turn away, laughing.
“No! No kisses while you have that moustache!”
“I’ll have it for two months, you can’t hold that promise, love.”
“I can! I will!”
But Ben grows annoyed now, because, after all, he does want his kisses. His tone is less humorous when he speaks again.
“Love, please. Darling, I want to kiss you. I’m not joking now.”
You pout.
You nod, and he smiles again as he leans closer…
…for his lips to meet the cover of your book.
You explode in laughter, and if he didn’t love this sound so much, he would be mad at you right now.
“You’re so cruel…”
But you take his face in your hands in a tender hold, and he can’t keep scowling.
“Sorry, baby. That’s enough teasing. And I need more than you having a stupid moustache to not want to kiss you anymore.”
“Good to know.”
And you yield. You kiss him, forgetting about this challenge of his, and it’s worth it. Despite the moustache, you adore his kisses more than anything in this world.
He chuckles against your lips as you melt into his arms.
“So much for holding on for a whole day…”
“You were getting too needy and moody.”
“Was not.”
“Was too.”
“Let me kiss you again…”
You smile, nodding, bumping your nose into his in the process.
“Please, do.”
Taglist : @sergeantbuckybarnes @wolfmoonmusic @reg-arcturus-black
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nouearth · 1 year
a letter to spider-man.
peter parker x male reader.
summary: spider-man launched his own help line and you need his advice in talking to your crush: peter.
wc: 1.2k. genre: fluff, comfort!fic. warnings: holland!peter, social anxiety, mention of death, crushes, college!au.
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peter wasn’t sure what made him decide to do this: a spider-man help line. one day, he woke up and wanted to fulfill a sense of purpose more than he already has—to help out the public more, to build a community that peter has been wanting to fix since the death of his aunt.
so far, they’ve been pretty simple tasks: walking the dogs, helping a blind woman with grocery shopping, fixing a broken pipe with his webs—it was all out of the kindness of his own big heart. a heart that his aunt once nurtured.
it was hard at first. from being a ‘save the world’ hero to a ‘save the dog from burning up in a locked car’ hero, it was a downgrade one might find—peter did at first. 
but it’s been a while since he saw the relieved smiles on the public’s faces whenever he swung from the corner. true happiness that he was envious of at times, but nonetheless grateful for, and so that would become his motivation. 
maybe it can make the world a better place if people happen to be inspired by his actions. small stuff that regular civilians can achieve. a domino effect that peter hoped for.
—april 10th
dear spider-man, so, this is a thing now, huh? the future is so unpredictable, so i actually never thought i’d be writing to you. well, i guess the future would be me texting you like you advertised, but i like writing. it makes my hand cramp, and my handwriting is terrible (sorry, i hope you can still read this), but it feels good. like... shouting at the sky, i would imagine, so i prefer it. i’ve also been watching a lot of ‘80s and ‘90s movies, which could also be a major factor.  and i just realized i’m supposed to tell you about my problems! this is kinda hilarious because i think i’ve probably rewritten my letter six times already.  also, are you living your citizen life as a therapist or something? because why else would you be helping people this way? not that we don’t appreciate it, but it’s different. you’ve probably stopped reading by now, but in case you haven’t, i’ll keep the rest short. i guess my problem is… i like this guy. i know you’re not a relationship therapist (your secret is safe with me if you are though), but i figured a guy like you knew how to talk to people? you save people on a daily basis, so you probably aren’t scared anymore, right? that theory worked better in my head, to be honest, so scratch that! anyway, his name is peter. we’re both freshmen in college, so we’ve been seeing each other a lot, especially since we’re in the same classes. did i mention that i’m a guy as well? i don’t know him that well. i’m pretty quiet, i guess. invisible, maybe? it’s funny. sometimes, my professors would forget that i was even in their classes until i would speak up. but besides that point, he probably doesn’t even know that i exist either.  the perks of being invisible—i’m not even sure if there are any, because i’m noticeable enough on days where people want to say stuff. mean, terrible stuff. i wonder if he notices me, though. probably not, but a guy could only hope. i think we’d get along. again, hope! he’s smart and humble, always insecure of his own answers even though he knows—everyone knows—that it’s correct. kind, too. also awkward, like me. but the cute-awkward, not the me-awkward. i like him. i want to be friends with him. maybe even more? but i’m not greedy! i can settle with being friends.  i guess, how can i approach him?
thank you, (m/n)
it caught peter off guard at first—seeing his name in the same vicinity as spider-man became a jump-scare. even though, the sender kept everything pretty vague to keep the named crush relatively anonymous, there was a gut feeling telling peter that it was him—the culprit of (m/n)’s stolen heart.
nah, there are so many peters..! just a coincidence.
it took him longer than he thought to come up with a sufficient reply. usually, a task would’ve been done because all he had to do was use his body, his webs to do good—not his words. inexperienced yet excited, peter smiled while writing his letter.
peter wasn’t great at consoling people. hell, he couldn’t even make himself feel better. but he’ll try, like he always does. 
—april 23rd
hi (m/n)! sorry for taking so long to get back to you! life’s been crazy with everything going on. did you know that there’s been at least ten deli robberies that i managed to save this week alone? something about that chicken salad sandwich drives people nuts… like you, peter’s actually been pretty swamped with exams and graduation. i also want to congratulate you for being the only one that has written a letter to me instead of using the chat service! i’ve never written a letter before, so excuse my rustiness. my handwriting is way worse than yours. mine looks like if you gave a dog a pen and made it write. freshman year of college is a big year for you, for everyone. i remember the feeling of feeling so lost!  still know the feeling.  don’t get me wrong. yes, i’ve become braver since i started this spider-man stuff. but i still get scared, you know? life is so unpredictable and you never know when something might go wrong, and unexpectedly go so right.  like, just the other day, i got anxious when i was ordering from a drive-thru! they didn’t hear me, so i had to repeat my order. then again, because the mic sucked or whatever! even though it was only me, i felt so embarrassed, like my cheeks swelling and itchy skin type of nervous. but then it quickly went away because… okay, well i got my burger and fries pretty quick, so that helped. but you know what i mean? there’s this potentially negative outcome that we’re so afraid of. when in reality, it’s only ever so fleeting. you said he’s a nice guy, right? he could also be scared to talk to you, and you would never know because you’re too busy knocking yourself down! everyone is awkward. I’m awkward. so are some of my family members, my friends too. and that feeling won’t ever go away. sometimes, it’s meant to be shared. being invisible isn’t so bad sometimes. i definitely know the feeling, even wished for it at times. you can listen to music without being bothered, that’s a bonus! but from what i’ve noticed from feeling invisible, it would always come when i was being unkind to myself. i had the worst perception of myself in the eyes of my peers, and that made me withdraw. i purposely isolated myself because i was being unkind. the way you view yourself reflects onto others. not all the time, sometimes people are genuinely just assholes. but from what you’ve been telling me about this peter guy, he seems pretty special. if you’re awkward, be awkward and laugh it off. there’s nothing more charming than being genuine, and being kind to yourself is part of that progress. I’m rooting for you (and peter)!
from your friendly neighbor, spidey.
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. andif you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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Book Club
Sam Winchester x little sister!reader, Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by anonymous
Synopsis: really just an Imagine about you and the boys liking Tolkien
Author’s note: this turned out so short, sorry
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“Don’t disrespect Sam like that.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Look, I know you’re obsessed with the one character in fantasy named after you, but honestly, he would agree with me.”
“That’s why he’s so great!”
“I didn’t say he wasn’t!” You insisted. “Saying that I prefer Aragorn is not the same as saying I don’t like Sam. Everyone loves Sam.”
From about four feet under you, an annoyed grunt came from the eldest Winchester.
“If you two aren’t gonna help dig, the least you could do is talk about something interesting!”
Twin yells of protest came from you and Sam, and Dean threw up his arms in defeat.
“Fine, fine, talk about whatever you want,” he tossed the shovel out of the hole, and climbed out after it. “But one of you is gonna talk from in there, because I’m done.”
“Not it!” You called out a split second before Sam, who groaned in annoyance.
“By the way,” Dean stage whispered to you. “You’re right, Aragorn’s the best.”
“I disown both of you,” Sam grumbled as he tossed shovelfuls of dirt onto Dean’s pile. “Hey, wait!” Sam’s head popped up. “His vote doesn’t count, he hasn’t even read the books.”
Dean scoffed, “You don’t need to read the books to know that Aragorn is freaking awesome.”
“I think there’s only one way to settle this debate,” you announced.
“Oh yeah?” Sam questioned. “What’s that?”
One salt n burn and three extended editions later:
“Yeah, Sam’s still the best,” Sam announced with a yawn. “And licorice is still disgusting.”
“Well you’re not wrong about the licorice,” you agreed, “but I still think that Aragorn-“
“Would you idjits find something useful to do already? You’ve been on my couch for twelve hours,” Bobby grumbled on his way past the living room.
“You know, we could use your opinion on this Bobby,” Dean chimed in.
Bobby scoffed, “My opinion is that you three should get your lazy butts off my couch.”
“Alright, alright,” Sam relented, gathering his dishes and heading for the kitchen, followed by Dean. You moved to join them, but Bobby’s soft voice stopped you.
“You’re all wrong, by the way. I think the best ones are Merry and Pippin.”
You stared at him.
“Seriously? I mean, they’re great and all, but why?”
Bobby didn’t answer. At least, not out loud. But after a moment, you realized he was no longer looking at you, but over your shoulder, and you turned to follow his gaze and saw Sam and Dean, leaning over the sink, still bickering about movie snacks.
A smile found its way on your face as you watched two of your favorite people in the world.
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “Merry and Pippin are pretty great.”
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holybibly · 4 months
hi!! i’m a writer myself and despite having mdni on my blog, i still get a lot of minors trying to with my work. i regularly have to check my followers for ages in their bio and i’ve even had minors come in my inbox telling me that i’m ’overreacting’ for not wanting them to read my writing. it’s gotten to the point where i’ve just turned off anon altogether, partially because of the weird people in my inbox and partially so i know i can be safe and not respond to minors by accident.
i guess what i’m trying to get at here is even though you have mdni on your blog, how can you be sure that the people in your inbox aren’t minors. there’s nothing physically stopping them from coming on your blog and sending sexual asks and you seem to facilitate these asks by responding in an equally sexual manner. i hope i’m not coming across as rude, but i just don’t see how you can be sure that you’re not engaging with minors when you respond to anons in a flirtatious and sexual way. if you somehow do check their ages, great! but since they’re anon, i don’t really see how that’s possible…
So, hello. Well, the wording of the question is rather crude to begin with, don't you think? And frankly, I'd prefer to take such questions to DM posts, but if you want to talk, you're welcome. 
First of all, don't you think it's a bit unfair? Accusing anonymous people and then asking a question anonymously? I don't think it's very nice, or do you think I'm going to declare a witch hunt and go on a bashing spree? That's so stupid. Or do you just not like me? Because that's what it sounds like. In general, I don't mind you having an opinion, but by sending a message like that, you knew I'd respond to it. 
Secondly, I know this is going to sound awful and you can totally throw a bunch of shitty comments and posts at me, but let's be honest, even if we check the age of our subscribers and readers every time they subscribe to us, when they ask us questions, comment, reblog, etc., where is the 100% guarantee that those people didn't lie about their age when they created their blog on Tumblr? 
Go to any porn site; age verification is just a tick in the box. These are the horrible realities we face every day. The internet is a place where it is very difficult to verify anything, and unfortunately, there are consequences.
I am in no way supporting the sexualization of minors, and I am certainly not engaging in depravity, although you make it sound that way. 
But I do know that there are many people who can't talk openly about their desires, sexual or otherwise; people who doubt their sexuality and self-acceptance; people who are judged for being different; people who are shamed for being too feminine or masculine; for having problems with daddy or mommy; or simply for being too quiet and shy. Not all of us are going to come out for manifestos and parades. 
And in this case, the only option for them is anonymity. I repeat, I do not support the sexualization of minors in any way, and if you want to accuse me of encouraging such things, I suggest you look at some of the profiles of authors on AO3 who openly use sex scenes with minors and even children in the text of their work. 
I don't know your social circle as a writer, and since you're asking this anonymously, I can't even check your work, but I think the problem is not whether I answer anonymous questions or not, but whether I talk to my bunnies at all. Every time I get messages like this, I think about it. You call me weird, angry, triggering, and now a lecher. Not directly, but the context is clear. 
I've never written messages like that to anyone; you know, it's not nice. I've never intended to offend or hurt anyone with my replies or FFs. But apparently everyone around me, for some strange reason, thinks I'm some source of universal evil while trying to retrain me and change my character and disposition. 
I really hope you are happy with what you are doing. 
Bunnies, I'm sorry. There will be no updates for a while. 
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