#or in this case speak to them once and then chicken out
hayakawalove · 5 months
Survival Skills
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Summary: Suguru has to go on a business trip, leaving you and Satoru to fend for yourselves. Will you be able to? A/N: I really really like this fic. I thought the idea of you and Gojo trying to figure out how to manage without Suguru would be very funny. I doubt Suguru minds caring for either of you, my whole thing about him is that he needs to be needed. Comments always appreciated!
CW: SFW, Fluff, Polyamory, Food, Teasing, Humor, Comfort, Light Angst, Suggestive Joke, Very Mild Infidelity Joke, Gender Neutral Reader, They/Them Reader W/C: 6,697
Credit to Benkeibear for the banner
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“Alright, I made some garden pasta for the both of you. It’s in the fridge. I also left out some recipes in case you guys go through that fast.” 
You stand next to the door, staring up at Suguru as he lists off the food he had left for you and Satoru. He was such a worrier, if you didn’t know any better you would think Suguru thought the both of you might starve the second he left. 
On second thought, you might. 
“Thank you Suguru-“ you start. 
“And I left some chicken in the fridge for tonight’s dinner. It just needs to be cooked, I already marinated it, it's that one you liked from-“ He interrupts you, his lips twisted in a frown. 
“-Thank you, Suguru.” You grab him by the arms, holding him firmly as you cut him off. 
Suguru stops talking, no doubt getting the message. You had been trying to get him out the door for thirty minutes now, you were certain the taxi driver outside was nearly losing his mind. 
Suguru peeks over your head, sliding past you to walk towards Satoru. He was laying on the couch, his long limbs hanging over the edge. You really should get a bigger couch. 
Suguru leans down and places a kiss on Satoru’s lips, almost melting down when Satoru lifts a hand up to hold the back of his head. The sight almost brings you to your knees. 
“Do you really have to go?” Satoru asks when Suguru peels himself off. 
Suguru hums before squeezing Satoru’s shoulder, turning around to face you once more. 
“Are you sure you guys are going to be okay?” Worry is etched into his face. 
“Yes, mom. We'll be fine.” You reassure him, even though the words feel hollow. 
Would you be fine? You and Satoru were grown adults, fully capable of handling yourselves. 
“If Satoru got an extra kiss, I want one too.” 
Suguru’s face relaxes into a smile as he leans down, placing a gentle hand on your cheek. His lips slip perfectly between yours. You have to fight the urge to drag him back inside. 
A horn sounds out, breaking the tender moment.The cab was still waiting. 
“Okay. Text me if you need anything.” Suguru speaks, punctuating each word with a kiss. 
The overt signs of affection soothe your nerves the slightest bit. Everything would be fine. And you wouldn’t be completely alone. Satoru would be here with you.
Your fingers tremble as you close the door behind Suguru, and an unnerving silence begins to take hold of your residence. It wouldn’t be silent for long though, not when you had Satoru in the house. 
“So what do you wanna do now? We could throw a rager and party till the cops show up.” Satoru proposes. 
You snort and drag your feet away from the door, bringing yourself to the couch. 
“We would need to have friends to do that, Satoru.” 
“Wh- I have friends, don’t know about you though.” 
You roll your eyes while he snickers to himself. Your foot nudges his leg, and he clicks his tongue. You wouldn’t throw a party, although the noise and commotion would have been greatly appreciated. 
“Come on, why don’t we eat some of the leftovers Suguru made and put something on.” 
Satoru sighs dramatically at your denial of a party before sitting up. 
You dish out two bowls of garden pasta for the two of you, your stomach rumbling at the mere sight of Suguru’s cooking. Satoru puts on your favorite show while the two of you start to eat. The food tasted amazing, like always. When Suguru first entered your life, you were sure that eventually you would get used to his cooking, but no. It amazed you every single time you had it. 
At first, it was sort of nice having some extra personal time with Satoru. Being in a polyamorous relationship could be difficult at times, trying to navigate the best way to divide your attention. With Suguru on a business trip, the two of you were able to spend some much needed time together. You even noticed that Satoru clung onto you a little more when you slept, no longer having to share you with Suguru. 
When you wake up in the morning, the bed is decidedly more cold than it was the previous day. You turn your head to the right, Suguru’s designated spot, only to be met with air. You feel a heavy weight against you, long limbs tangled in yours. Satoru. His arm is thrown across your body while his bottom half is laying on top of you, his legs on yours. It was suffocating. But it was just what you needed with the lack of Suguru. 
You close your eyes and focus on Satoru’s breathing. It's a steady pattern, one that could lull you back to sleep if you weren’t careful. It was the weekend so realistically, you and Satoru could stay in bed all day if you wanted to. The idea sounded nice, but you needed something first. 
You jostle your legs, causing Satoru to grumble. You pinch his arm and he yelps, squeezing you tighter. 
“I know you’re awake, Satoru.” 
“No I'm not.” He responds, voice devoid of any sleepiness. 
“I'm hungry,” you whine “you should make us crepes. Suguru left the recipe.” 
Satoru’s eyes flick open and you’re almost startled by the blue looking at you. His hair was ruffled, an adorable look on him. 
“Why don't you make it?” 
The two of you could go back and forth for hours; this was why it was good to have Suguru there to cook. 
“Because I just woke up, I’ll make dinner when we run out of leftovers.” 
Satoru thinks for a moment, before dramatically groaning, pushing himself up. He’s wearing a loose white shirt with black pants, and he looks so cozy you almost felt bad for making him get up. You did need to eat though, and so did he. 
You trudge after him, plopping on a stool at the bar as you watch him navigate the kitchen. He looks confident, like he belongs there, even though you know damn well he hasn’t cooked a thing since Suguru walked into his life. 
You're telling him about your dream as he holds a mixing bowl, leaning his back against the counter as he listens to you while stirring the crepe batter. You decide on Nutella and strawberries for the fillings, the mere thought of it making your mouth water. 
“And then when we left the house, you got struck by lightning-“ you’re talking before he interrupts you. 
“Hah? You killed me off in your dream?” His eyebrows are touching his hairline, looking the slightest bit offended. 
“I can't control my dreams! You can't either. Remember when you had that spicy dream about-“ 
He rushes to cut you off, not wanting to be reminded of it. You weren’t sure why he told you stuff, he knew you would just tease him after. It wasn’t like he was any better. 
“Okay okay, point taken. Kill off Suguru next time though, yeah?” He turns around, and starts to pour the batter into a pan to cook. 
“Duly noted.” You remark, picking up a strawberry to pop into your mouth. 
Satoru faces you again as the crepe cooks, his fingers tapping his arm. He looked impatient. He usually was. You drag your eyes down his body before bringing them back up to his face, where you notice he's already staring at you. 
“See something you like?” He comments, a cocky grin on his face. 
“I do, you wanna go out some time? My boyfriends not home.” 
Satoru chuckles and walks towards the bar, leaning over in front of you. 
He reaches across it and grabs your hand, turning it over until your palm is facing up. He looks calculated as he stares down, running his thumb over the skin, light enough it almost tickles. A small smirk appears on his lips once he sees you squirming out of the corner of his eyes. 
“Wanna play rock paper scissors on who has to do the dishes?” You ask. 
He flicks his blue eyes up to you. 
“I’m cooking, why don’t you do dishes?” 
“Oh, so you’re afraid of losing.” You prod, knowing you’ll get a reaction. 
Satoru sneers and stands up straight with his hand out. You reach out too, noticing the size difference of your fists. 
“Ready?” You wait a moment. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-“ 
You lay your hand flat while he keeps his in a fist. Satoru’s brows furrow while you grin. His lips twitch while he looks up at you and pouts, always a sore loser. 
“Two out of three?” He proposes, already getting his hand ready for the next round.
You jokingly roll your eyes and set your hand out again. Satoru’s looking at you intently, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth, eyes wide as if he could predict your next move. 
He was able to, apparently. 
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-“ 
You put down scissors, and his hand is formed into a rock. Satoru cackles and taps your scissors, happy with himself. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself pretty boy, there’s still one round left.” 
The two of you get into position for the final game. There’s a distinct smell floating over to your nose, and you crinkle it as you look over Satoru’s shoulder. 
“Satoru, I think it’s burning-“ 
“Yeah yeah hold on, let’s go.” Satoru’s in the zone. 
You shrug and straighten in your seat. 
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-“ you recite. 
You put down scissors and he puts down paper. You chuckle as you snip at his hand. He juts his lip out as he grieves his loss, and you almost feel bad. The smell is getting stronger now, and Satoru’s finally picking up on it. 
“Oh, shit- why didn’t you tell me it was burning?” He turns around and fumbles, rushing over to the burner. 
You give him a deadpan stare, shoving another strawberry in your mouth. 
“Gotta cook, gotta clean, gotta do everything around here.” Satoru’s mumbling under his breath. 
“I know, you’re like Suguru.” 
Satoru dumps the burnt crepe in the trash before turning around, pouring more batter in the pan. You watch him from behind as he cooks, his hip popping to the side as he rests a hand on it, tapping his foot as he waits for the crepe. The sight was borderline mouthwatering. 
Once the crepes are finished, Satoru sits next to you as the two of you decorate them, slathering the chocolate spread on and placing strawberries neatly down. While he burned the first one, all the others turned out perfect. Leave it to Satoru to be good at something. He groans in satisfaction as he takes a bite of his. 
Breakfast was good, decidedly so, but there was something missing as you ate. Or rather, someone was missing. 
You lay on your stomach on your bed as you gaze at your phone. You were calling Suguru, hoping to catch a glimpse of him before you went to bed. 
The phone flashes the second he answers and your head perks up. 
“Hey baby.”
Your heart falters at the sound of his silky tone. 
“How was your day?” He asks. 
He’s lying in a hotel bed, dark circles beneath his eyes as he watches your face. The sight hurts you. He’s made an off-handed comment before that he didn’t sleep well without you and Satoru. Your fingers twitch with the need to reach through the screen to grab him. 
“It was okay, how was yours?” 
“It was alright. Nothing interesting has happened yet,” he pauses and his eyes flick down before he brings them back up to you. “Wish I was home though.” 
“Do you?” You tease, your teeth digging into your cheek. 
“I do. It's a bit weird. I haven’t had this much alone time since Satoru got the stomach flu in school, and even then he was calling me every hour to baby him.” 
You let out a laugh. 
Suguru gets up from his bed and carries the phone with him. It looks like he’s in the bathroom now, you can tell with the shower curtains behind him. He’s shirtless with a pair of pajama pants on, they were red plaid that hung low on his waist. It was a Christmas gift you had gotten him several years ago. Even though he was far away, there was still evidence of your love on his body. 
Suguru sets you on the counter, digging his teeth in the hair tie around his wrist. It hangs from his mouth as his hands comb through his hair, putting it into a bun. You’re mesmerized as you watch the action. 
“Satoru tried making your crepes earlier.” You comment, watching Suguru. 
He hums to prove he’s listening, as he stares into the mirror. You watch his tight stomach as he washes his hands, leaning forward to pull out his contacts. 
“They turned out okay. The second batch anyway. The first batch he got distracted and almost burnt the house down.” 
Suguru blinks a couple times before looking down at you, his eyes squinting. 
“I’m kidding! Well, kind of. We were playing rock paper scissors and he was losing, so he was distracted and the first one burnt. I won by the way.” 
Suguru lifts up his phone and carries you back to the bed, sitting down and sliding on his glasses. He always thought he looked the worst at bedtime, unpresentable he said, but you always thought it was when he looked best. 
“Oh hey, you talking to Suguru?” Satoru enters the bedroom and asks, flopping down. 
He inches up the bed, and lays on top of you, pushing his weight on your back while he grabs the phone, pointing it towards him. 
“You miss us so much you just had to call?” Satoru says lightly. 
“Sure, Satoru.” Suguru’s face softens as he watches him. 
“Did they tell you that I won rock paper scissors?” Satoru goes on. 
You wiggle beneath him, trying to distribute his weight. Fruitless effort. 
“No, they didn’t. They did tell me that they won, though.” 
Satoru plasters on a shocked face and uses his other hand to push your face down towards the bed. You chuckle beneath him, poking your head up again. 
“I’m being bullied in your absence, you know.” Satoru tells Suguru. 
“Well, someone has to keep you in line.” 
You giggle beneath Satoru. It was true. Someone had to manage Satoru while Suguru was gone. 
“I have to head to bed, got an early day tomorrow. I love you both.” Suguru says, and you can tell he really doesn’t want to hang up. 
“Okay… I love you!” You try to make your voice cheery. 
“I love you more!” Satoru almost yells. 
The two of you smile at the camera until Suguru clicks off. You try not to let the silence get to you. 
The next several days were relatively harmless. Suguru called every day, sometimes multiple times if he had the time. You finally ran out of the garden pasta and chicken leftovers, much to your chagrin. Satoru had eaten more than you thought he would. It was because he told you he thought the two tupperware were his, and that there were two others in the fridge for you. When he overheard Suguru saying he put leftovers for the both of you in the fridge, he took that as there was a container for each of you. 
There wasn’t. 
So here you are. 
You end up driving to the store as Satoru was a self proclaimed Passenger Princess. He talked to you the whole time while shuffling through his playlist. 
When the two of you arrive, Satoru makes a beeline to the carts. His lanky figure hunches over as he pushes it, walking at a much slower pace to keep up with you. Satoru and Suguru usually walked extremely fast, given their freakishly long legs. 
And they made fun of you for being slow. 
Satoru always offered to give you piggy back rides, but you only made that mistake once. You were green in the face once he finished, sick for the rest of the day. 
“What’s on the list?” Satoru asks, eyes trailing over the shelves.
You look down at the paper in front of you, carefully reading Suguru’s neat handwriting. 
“Beef, noodles, broccoli, ginger, and green onion.” You read off. 
You link your arm around Satoru’s (he wasn’t the only one who was feeling extra needy while Suguru was gone). Satoru’s arm is thick and hard underneath yours, the result of working out daily for years. Calling it mere eye candy would be gross negligence. 
The two of you had gotten everything on the list, save for the noodles. You were debating in the middle of the aisle between two different packs. 
“Why can’t we just get that one? Comes with more.” Satoru says, pointing to the package in your right hand. It was twice the size of the other one. 
“Cause it’s not the brand Suguru wrote down.” You respond, eyes flicking back and forth. 
It would be nice to have extra, but still… 
“They’re both noodles.” Satoru remarks. 
“Do you want it to taste like Suguru’s?” 
You take Satoru’s silence as an answer, stuffing the larger package back on the shelf. Honestly, you didn’t really see the need to get the specific brand either. But Suguru was meticulous, and you decided you would be too, in his stead. 
You throw the noodles in the cart, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction flow through you. See? You didn’t need Suguru to function. You normally did shopping with him anyway, but you tended to just talk his ear off the whole time while he picked out what he needed. He liked the company, he said. 
When you turn around, you see Satoru shifting everything in the cart. You raise your brows, waiting for him to explain. 
“Get in.” He lifts his head up, signaling for you to hop in. 
You dart your eyes back and forth between the cart and him. 
“I’m not- we could get in trouble-“
“Oh, so you’re a scaredy cat.” Satoru has a shit eating grin as he leans against the cart. 
Now that was something you couldn’t have. You grumble to him and take his hand as he helps you crawl into the cart. It’s a bit fun, you feel joy sparking in your body the second he moves the cart. He pushes it fast before jumping on the back with both feet, letting the momentum carry the two of you. Your laughter fills the air and Satoru’s grinning at you. You felt so carefree, momentarily forgetting the sadness that lurked beneath. 
What feels like an earthquake shocks you from your moment of joy. You whip your head around to the front of the cart, eyes popping out once you see the cause. Your cart had knocked into someone else’s, the older woman scowling at you. 
“You need to watch where you're-“ she starts, her gaze moving from you to Satoru, “-going.” Her words sound light as she stares up at Satoru, clearly in awe of his beauty. 
“I’m sorry, that was my bad.” Satoru says with a chuckle, scratching the back of his head. 
The woman sputters as she stares up at him. Lucky bastard. He could start a war, and apologize right after and get away with it. Pretty privileges. 
“It’s-it’s okay. Just try to be careful? You wouldn't want to get hurt.” She says, aiming her words at Satoru, even though you were in the one in the cart. 
The audacity. 
“Yes! Thank you!” Satoru is smooth as he waves her off. He doesn’t stop smiling until she’s out of sight. 
“You’re unbelievable.” You murmur under your breath, looking up at him. 
Satoru drops his head to look down at you, and you’re almost startled at the intensity of his eyes. You weren’t immune to his beauty either. 
“It’s not my fault old women love me.” 
“Everyone loves you.” 
Satoru grins, shoving the cart before jumping on it again. He didn’t learn anything. You can’t be mad though, not with the way you start to laugh in fun again. The two of you travel down the aisles, slipping different treats into the cart, shoving them on your lap. 
Satoru pays and the two of you head out, the daunting task of cooking dinner resting on your shoulders. 
You stand in the kitchen feeling completely out of place as you stare at the ingredients before you. It wasn’t a hard recipe by any means, Suguru picked it for its ease. But it was still incredibly daunting. With a sigh, you begin to start cooking the meat, trying to shove the nerves from your mind. You kicked Satoru out of the kitchen, banishing him to your bedroom while you cooked so he wouldn't distract you. 
It was going okay, it really was, it smelled and even looked delicious. That was until you added the garlic powder. You swear it came out faster than it normally did, probably intent on ruining your night if you had to guess. Your eyes stare at the lump of powder in the pan before you rush to mix it, hoping by some miracle that it would dilute. 
You turn the stove off with a dissatisfied expression, glaring at the meal as if it personally did you wrong. A heavy garlic smell hangs in the air, permeating in the small kitchen, as if to shove your face in the failure. 
“Satoru! It’s… done.” You mumble the last part. 
Satoru comes bounding out of the bedroom, a large grin on his face that twitches the second he reaches you before he forces it back. 
“Smells great!” He comments. 
Your lip wobbles into a frown as you stare up at him. 
“Whaatt? I’m serious. Smells fantastic.” He puts an emphasis on the last word. 
You have to keep a sob from bubbling up your throat. You knew there was no way you could compete with Suguru. Turning around, you mope while grabbing bowls, dishing out the dinner for you two. A dinner that would kill any vampire, even if they just looked at it. 
Hanging your head in shame you nudge Satoru’s bowl over to him. Honestly, you were debating if it would have just been better to starve for the night. Satoru grabs his chopsticks and immediately dives in, shoving the utensils in his mouth once he has a hefty amount of food piled on. 
“Wait-!” You try to stop him, although you're not even sure what you’d say. 
Satoru bounces his head side to side as if he’s thinking, his pale cheeks puffed out from the amount of noodles he had. Your eyes are wide open as you stare at him, unsure if you would need to grab water or google how to do the Heimlich maneuver. 
“It’s good!” Satoru says, chopsticks snapping as he picks even more. 
Your mouth is hung open as you witness him chowing down on the food. He can’t be serious. It’s bad. You know it’s bad. 
Why is he lying? 
“Satoru- it’s okay, you don’t, you don’t have to keep eating it, we can order something.” You move to grab his bowl from him. 
Satoru slaps your hand and flicks his lashes up to you. His face is incredibly serious, and for the life of you, you can’t figure out why. 
“I want this.” He maintains eye contact as he grabs more, slipping it past his pink lips. 
You feel exposed under his gaze so you look away, crossing your chest. Is he trying to prove something to you? 
“We should tell Suguru he’s kicked out of the kitchen once he comes back, since you can cook.” 
“Okay, now that feels like you’re making fun of me.” 
“I’m serious! How’d you get the meat so tender?” He’s speaking around mouthfuls of food. 
The meat was tender. You were actually really proud of it, even snapping a picture to send to Suguru. The food was going good until the incident. 
You poke and prod at your food, taking several bites before you nudge the bowl away. Satoru may be able to put on a brave face as he eats it, but you’re much weaker than him. 
Not only does Satoru eat his bowl, he gets seconds, leaving next to nothing in the pan once he finishes. The first couple bites amazed you, how could he pretend it wasn’t bad? Then he had more, and more, and you were starting to worry the copious amounts of garlic had killed his taste buds. 
You were still hungry so once he finishes, he stands up to make you instant ramen. It wasn’t the healthiest of meals, sure, but at least you weren’t going to go hungry. Satoru sits next to you and watches as you dive in, much more eager to eat this than the monstrosity you created. He has love in his eyes as he stares, opening his mouth wide when you offer him a bite. 
Just where did all that food go? 
“All done?” He asks, standing up to grab your bowl. 
You aren’t even feeling upset anymore. Satoru was good at that, though. He always knew how to cheer you up, using his ridiculousness to his advantage. 
“Thank you, Satoru.” You murmur and wrap your arms around him. 
He uses his free hand to pull you in closer. When you look up at him you feel like you’re floating; you had so much love in your heart for him. Satoru leans down, lips pushed out in an attempt to kiss you. 
You could smell the garlic from where you’re sitting. 
You press your hand against his mouth and attempt to push him away. 
“N-no! I don’t wanna kiss your garlic lips.”
“Baby, you’re so mean to me!” He presses against your hand, face inching closer to yours. 
“Get away from me!” You screech with a laugh, running to your bedroom. 
Satoru cackles behind you, pushing the dirty dishes in the sink to clean later, before he chases after you. 
Several days had passed since the night you cooked for Satoru. Suguru would be coming home today, you think. It was hard to remember. The days had blended together in a conglomeration of time without Suguru. You were excited to see him again. You hadn’t slept well the past couple of days. You hadn’t slept at all for the past two, really. No matter how warm Satoru felt hogging you at night, his limbs wrapping around you like an octopus, your right side still felt remarkably cold. There was a hole in your bed, a Suguru shaped one. 
He’d be home today. He’d be home. 
When Suguru arrives home, he feels something like excitement and relief wash over him. He was able to come home way earlier than anticipated. The sun was barely starting to peek over the clouds, he wasn’t supposed to be back until dinner time. Suguru digs into his pocket once he’s stopped at the door, rummaging around until he grabs hold of his keys. He carefully pushes them in the door, not wanting to wake you. 
The house is silent when he walks in, almost eerily so. Is this what Satoru was used to? He was always the early bird out of the three of you, waking up hours before you and Suguru even thought to. Suguru keeps his steps light as he walks into the house, leaving his bags by the door. The first thing he notices is a bump of hair poking out above the couch. Your hair. 
Why were you out here? 
Kicking Satoru out, he would understand. But you? 
Suguru makes his way closer to you, standing behind the couch. He leans over and places a hand on your shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of your face. You jump in your seat and screech, your phone flying from your hands. Suguru winces once it makes impact with the floor, and brings his eyes back to you. 
You looked… awful. 
There are dark circles underneath your frenzied eyes, your chest heaving as you stare at Suguru. Once you’re able to comprehend that it’s just him, you twirl around and jump over the couch at him. 
Suguru instantly wraps his arms around you so you won’t drop. 
Are you… lighter? 
“Suguru!” Your words are muffled into his neck, your breathing tickling the side of his throat. 
He feels relief at the weight of you against him. He missed being crushed by the presence of you and Satoru. Suguru lifts a hand up and holds the back of your head, shifting his fingers into your hair. The two of you stand like this until he begrudgingly sets you down. 
Your eyes are lit up as you stare at him, your body practically jumping up and down. 
“You’re here early! Right? What time is it? What day is it?” You ask. 
Suguru’s brow lifts up as he watches you, only tearing his eyes away to stare at his watch. It was very early. 
“Why are you awake?” He asks, looking at you. 
The definition of guilt pinches up on your face. You look away, suddenly finding everything else in the room much more interesting than him, even though you were attached to him moments ago. 
Suguru waits for an answer that doesn’t come. 
“How long have you been awake?” His voice is deeper this time. 
He knows he found the sore spot by the way you wince. Suguru says your name in a reprimanding tone. 
“I am willfully choosing not to answer.” You murmur. 
Suguru grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him. His heart breaks at the sight. Sure, he probably also looked like he hadn’t slept well in awhile. But that was him, and you are you. And you’re his baby. 
Suguru repeats your name a second time, voice much softer. Your face relaxes as you sag in his hold. 
“Two… days.” You respond quietly, Suguru has to strain his ears to hear the end of it. 
Suguru normally tries not to overreact. That was left to Satoru. But he can’t stop the way his eyes bulge from his head, his lips parting in shock. 
“Huh?” He feels the sudden urge to wrap you up and tuck you away. 
“It’s not my fault! The bed was just so cold… and then I got distracted by my phone, which-” you look over your shoulder at your phone on the floor “-shouldn’t be a problem anymore.” 
Suguru’s heart tugs into guilt. He knew that wasn’t what you were intending. You would never want to make him feel bad. 
You couldn’t sleep without him? 
Suguru sighs and pulls you into a warm hug. You nestle into his embrace, your face smooshing against his broad chest. Suguru swears he can feel himself drifting off to dreamland, but he forces himself out. 
He pulls away and reaches over the couch to grab a blanket. He wraps it tightly around your body, including the back of your head. You look a bit like you’re in a cocoon by the time he’s done. He pulls it tight around your chest, and grabs your face with both hands. 
“Go lay down.” His voice is soft but commanding. “I’m gonna cook something, I’ll get you when it’s ready.” 
You look to the ground like a scolded child as you nod, dragging your feet towards the bedroom. Suguru feels a renewed sense of responsibility as he watches you trudge away. He takes a deep breath and looks around. 
Where was Satoru? 
Suguru knew he would be up. At least, he should be up. Suguru walks into the house, going towards the kitchen. He finds Satoru sitting at the table facing away from him, looking down. 
“Satoru?” Suguru says to announce his presence, learning from his mistake. 
Satoru’s head whips around, tossing his phone on the table while he bounces up to his feet. He charges toward Suguru, jumping up until he’s latched around him. Suguru doesn’t have to hold him in place, he can feel Satoru’s legs wrapped tightly against his back. Suguru sways in place and smoothes a hand down Satoru’s back. He peers over Satoru’s shoulder to the table where he notices a bowl of something. Ice cream. 
A wave of smell coming from Satoru’s shampoo washes over Suguru, and he buries his face into the side of Satoru’s neck even more. He missed that smell. 
Suguru pulls Satoru away, reaching behind to unlatch Satoru’s limbs from his body. He sets him down and looks at him, able to maintain eye contact without looking down. 
Satoru looked good. He thought so, at least. He looked wide awake, probably having been awake for at least thirty minutes. Suguru adjusts one of Satoru’s stray white hairs, before looking him up and down. 
“When’s the last time you ate something green?” Suguru asks, knowing that would be Satoru’s issue once Suguru was gone. 
Satoru looks over his own shoulder to the table at his bowl of ice cream. His bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. 
“Uh, now?” Satoru responds, looking back at Suguru. 
Suguru squints at Satoru, clearly unimpressed. 
“Have I told you how handsome you are lately?” Satoru goes on. 
“Finish what you have, but I’m making something for everyone. I’m gonna make sure to put lots of vegetables in it, just for you.” 
Satoru whines as Suguru turns around, tying his hair up and shoving his sleeves out of the way. 
You’re nestled in the sheets of your bed when Suguru’s voice pulls you from the deep sleep you managed to find yourself in. It was like just knowing Suguru was in the house was enough to calm your nerves to grant you rest. You twist and turn in the bed, debating on whether or not to bring the blanket with you. You hadn’t realized how exhausted you were until Suguru woke you up, and you found yourself wanting to go back to sleep. 
A delicious smell carries over to the bedroom, snapping you out of your haze. The one thing you missed more than sleep was Suguru’s cooking. 
You jump out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. Suguru’s standing next to the stove, a spatula in hand as he looks down. He isn’t wearing his sweater anymore, instead he was wearing a loose white shirt. Satoru is sitting on the counter next to him with a bowl held firmly in his hands, a spoon in his mouth. He’s wearing Suguru’s sweater now, and you don’t doubt for a second that he begged Suguru for it. 
You didn’t blame him. You wanted to drown in Suguru just as much. 
“Is it ready?” You ask, lifting a fist up to wipe the sleep from your eyes. 
Suguru turns around and a soft smile grows on his face as he watches you. You really were his baby. 
“Just about, will you take Satoru’s dishes? He won’t let me have them.” 
“I’m not done yet!” Satoru complains, gripping the bowl closer to him. 
“Satoru, the bowl is empty.” Suguru says, as if he’s already repeated that. 
Satoru digs his spoon back into the bowl, lifting it up to his lips again. The bowl was empty. There were only melted remains of the ice cream clinging to the glass, Satoru scooping it up and easing it past his lips. 
You walk up to him and try to tug the bowl from his hands. On the second tug Satoru finally relents, letting you take the dish to the sink. That was one thing you did right. There were no dirty dishes, the house was in relatively clean condition in general. You refused to let Suguru come home to a messy house. 
Suguru dishes out three bowls for you all, evenly distributing the food. Your mouth is watering by the time he’s done, and you’re diving in the second he gives you yours. 
The food all but melts in your mouth. It was so good. And it didn’t reek of garlic. Suguru stands in the kitchen as he eats, watching you and Satoru sit at the bar. There’s an easy smile on his face as he watches you both, only looking away to shovel more food into his mouth. 
“I’m sorry for making you cook.” You mumble around the food, guilt tugging at your chest. 
You really were pathetic, you could hardly survive with him out of the house. He just got back from his trip, yet he dropped everything to take care of you. 
Suguru picks up on the sadness on your face. 
“I don’t mind, really. I was craving a home cooked meal anyway.” 
Satoru’s lips twitch into a smile. He’s up to something. 
“If you wanted a home cooked meal you should have just said so. They made beef noodles while you were gone, we actually saved the leftovers.” 
Your face heats up, and you kick Satoru’s leg besides yours. 
“Shut up! No I didn’t, Suguru!” 
Suguru’s brow is raised as he watches the two of you bicker. 
“Did you? I didn’t see it.” He talks under his breath as he turns around, opening the fridge to look into it. 
“Suguru!” You whine. 
“It’s in the-“ Satoru’s voice is muffled as he speaks through your hand, “-the front in the container.” 
Suguru reaches to grab it, turning around to set it on the counter. They were the leftovers you hadn’t eaten, as Satoru had consumed everything else. Your face is scrunched up as you watch Suguru open the lid. 
A strong smell of garlic fills the area and you sob, covering your face with your hands. Embarrassed didn’t even cover the half of it. 
Suguru’s face is curious as he peers down, using his utensil to dig into the container, not bothering to heat it up. If he can tell how overpowering the garlic is, he doesn’t show it. Suguru bites into the food, chewing for a moment while the room quiets down. 
“You put a unique spin on it.” He finally says. 
You sob even louder, dropping your head. Satoru is chuckling beside you, taking a sip from his cup. 
“I didn’t say it was bad! It’s just, a choice.” Suguru tilts his head as he takes a second bite. 
“Please stop.” You whine. 
The two boys were ruthless together. Sometimes you forgot, but it didn’t take them long to remind you. It was hard to tell which was worse, the upfront bullying of Satoru or the teasing Suguru took up, that often left you wondering if he was being mean at all. 
Suguru closes the container, and for reasons unknown slips it back into the fridge. Personally, you would have preferred if he threw the whole damn thing away, container included. Or lit it on fire. 
“I hate you.” You murmur to Satoru. 
He side hugs you, pulling you close to him; as close as he can without yanking you from your seat. 
“Did you guys have some good bonding time together?” Suguru asks, picking up all your dirty dishes before dropping them in the sink. 
“We did!” Satoru says proudly. 
You did, and that was nice. You just couldn’t announce it right now, you were too busy showing your displeasure. 
Suguru steps out of the kitchen and makes his way to you both. He presses a kiss to Satoru’s forehead, and grabs your jaw. He bites back a coo at the scowl resting on your face. So damn cute. He presses his lips against yours and you nearly melt. Suguru pulls back and lets his eyes float between you two. He really missed you guys. 
“You wanna go back to sleep?” He offers. 
You grin excitedly and hop off the stool, pulling Satoru with you. The two of you trip over your feet as you run to the bedroom, Suguru trailing behind with a smile on his face. 
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @dinolvrrr, @kimi01985, @mikisspeak
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daisynik7 · 8 months
I blinked and suddenly I had a Valentine
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Author's Note: modern setting, no curses, high school setting. ~1.3k words. Divider credit to @/cafekitsune. Title from the song “Valentine” by Laufey. Rice bear bathing in Japanese curry looks something like this (reddit link). Part of the past lives vignettes series. Thank you for reading!
It’s almost the end of January and you’ve spent the past three weeks at your new school eating alone, either in the classroom or in the cafeteria. You’re too shy to socialize with your peers, who are already well-established in their own social circles. This is what happens when you transfer in with less than three months left of the schoolyear. No one wants to be friends with the new girl, right? 
Well, two people prove this theory wrong. 
Yu Haibara is the first to approach you in the cafeteria during lunchtime. “Hi there!” he greets, taking a seat across from you, a cheerful smile on his face. You can tell from his aura alone that this is someone easy to get along with. Jovial, optimistic, kind-hearted. You’d normally feel nervous interacting with someone you’ve never met before, but his welcoming presence immediately puts you at ease. 
He’s followed by a blonde boy, slightly taller, a bit lanky, and sulking behind him. His name is Kento Nanami. You recognize him from your homeroom, though you’ve never spoken before. Occasionally, he eats his meals there, usually in the back with his headphones in, listening to music, while you’re in the front, indulging in whatever homemade bento box you decide to make for yourself that day. It’s crossed your mind more than once to join him so that neither of you are alone, though you’ve chickened out each time, convinced that he’d rather remain that way than be bothered by a nobody. Unlike Haibara, his lips are pressed together in a natural frown. You don’t sense unhappiness or animosity from him; rather, it’s indifference, apathy. When he sits down next to his pal, he gives you a nod, acknowledging you. 
Haibara does the courtesy of introductions. You hold your hand out to him, doing the same. He takes it enthusiastically, beaming at you. “I know who you are. I’m a first-year too!”
It doesn’t strike you as odd that he’s already somewhat familiar with you. Instead, you’re relieved to finally be making friends in this cutthroat environment called high school. After this first meeting, the three of you are inseparable. You get on well with Haibara, who’s an expert at keeping the conversation flowing. Nanami doesn’t say much, though you notice his subtle mannerisms that speak volumes more than what his actual words do. You can tell he admires your homemade lunches each time you uncover them at the table. His eyes light up, marveling at whatever creation you’ve concocted the night before: yakisoba, onigiri, chicken stir-fry. He doesn’t say anything, relying on Haibara to do the complimenting. You appreciate how intently he listens to you, even if he doesn’t have much to contribute. In homeroom, you sneak glances at him when your teacher says something particularly ridiculous, to which you spot the faintest hint of a smile flitting on his lips. And you realize that every time you’re walking beside each other, he makes sure to switch his bag to his arm away from you. Part of you hopes the real reason behind this is to be closer to you, but you try to keep those lovelorn thoughts buried in the back of your mind, being certain that’s not the case.  
You eventually find out that Haibara has severe allergies, especially during the seasons of Winter and Spring. He explains how he has to take at least a few days off once a month, sometimes an entire week. Today, he dons a face mask, already anticipating it. “Don’t miss me too much,” he jokes, his bright smile noticeable even behind the mask. It’s February now; the three of you sit together at your regular spot in the cafeteria. Nanami eats his rice bowl in silence while you say to Haibara, “You’re going to miss Valentine’s Day.”
He crosses his arms over his chest, smirking. “I guess the two of you will have to be each other’s Valentines.”
At this, Nanami almost chokes on his food, face turning scarlet. He reaches for his water bottle, which is empty, still clearing his throat as he excuses himself to refill it. When you’re alone, you glare at Haibara, scolding him. “Why would you say that?!”
He shrugs innocently. “What’s the big deal? He likes you.”
Your jaw drops at his surprising statement. You’ve always thought that Nanami tolerates you, but you never truly believed he could ever like you. “What do you mean?”
Haibara blinks at you, as if the answer is so obvious. “He told me about you. Said how you always had the most amazing bento boxes for lunch. How cute your smile was whenever you’d take a bite. He was too shy to talk to you first, so he had me do it. You…didn’t know that?”
You stare at him, shaking your head slowly, stunned by this revelation. 
He laughs nervously, scratching his head. “Oops.”
Nanami returns, back to his normal self now, remaining quiet. There’s still the faint blush on his cheeks; you pretend not to notice it. Nothing else is mentioned about Valentine’s the rest of the day, though it lingers on your mind the remainder of the week.
Haibara is out sick February 13th, leaving you and Nanami alone together for the first time since you befriended them. You’re curious to see if the dynamic would change, if Nanami would actually speak up now that his buddy isn’t around to fill the void with his amicable chatter. But lunch ends up being a quiet affair. You do your best to ask questions, start conversation, but he’s even more tense than he usually is. When you mention Valentine’s Day tomorrow, the familiar rosy tint spreads across his face. You drop it, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, though you can’t help thinking how sweet he is for reacting that way.
He likes you. The words have been replaying in your head since you heard them. And the truth is: you like Nanami too.  Based on what Haibara said, he might be too shy to tell you. 
So, you take matters into your own hands. 
The next day, February 14th, you come to school carrying a box wrapped in red ribbon. Inside homeroom. You greet Nanami politely, catching the way his gaze drifts to your hands. You smile wider to yourself, excited to present it to him later. At your seat, you can smell the decadent scent of homemade chocolates and heart-shaped candies from the other girls in your class. You get increasingly nervous about the gift, wondering if he’ll receive it well. Still, it’s worth a shot.
When class is over and it’s time for lunch, Nanami waits for you near the door to walk to the cafeteria together. Ready to leave, you stop him, clearing your throat before you announce, “I have something for you.”
His eyes widen, his jaw clenches. It’s obvious he wasn’t expecting this. 
You don’t hand it to him, afraid he wouldn’t know what to do with it. Instead, you untie the ribbon yourself, uncovering it. Inside is the bento box you prepared special for him. “I made this for you. Happy Valentine’s Day, Nanami.”
He reaches inside, holding the bento in his hands like found treasure. He snaps the cover off slowly, revealing rice balls formed into a cute bear, bathing in Japanese curry. A sheet of seaweed cut into a heart is placed directly in the center. 
You watch him for his response, heart racing against your chest. He inspects it carefully, his expression softening to one of adoration. When he looks at you, he smiles, and you swear you’ve never seen anything more beautiful than Nanami Kento smiling. 
“Do you like it?” you ask, needing to hear it in his own words. 
He nods, still smiling. “I love it.”
You spend your lunch in the classroom, eating your matching bento boxes together while listening to his music on shared headphones. 
For the first time in his life, Nanami has a special Valentine.
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lesservillain · 3 months
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inmate!eddie munson x teacher!reader
cw: smut, miscommunications
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January 19th, 1995 
“And when you take the line that Romeo-”
With ten minutes left in class, you were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. All eyes turn to see Mr.Bridges standing with his bright smile and a crisp new tie. He gives a friendly wave and stands there waiting for you to greet him. He gets the hint when you give him a questioning look.
“Hell, all! I hope you had a good holiday season,” he waves, a stack of envelopes in his hand. You did your best to keep your excitement contained, watching his hand as he made his way to you, “I have your newest letters here. And I just want to say that the boys at the jail loved the cards, guys. You all wrote some very nice things and they all had a light in their eyes when they read them.”
When you went to grab the stack from his hands, he stopped you, stepping close enough to whisper. “Can I talk with you in the hallway for a moment, please?” Your heart raced at how serious his tone was. Nodding, you let the class know you’d be stepping out, and to do some self study in the meantime. Mr.Bridges closed the door behind you, clearing his throat before turning to face you.
“Is everything okay? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not smiling. It’s kind of creeping me out.” You joke, trying to lighten the tense vibes this interaction is giving. 
He looks down and the ground for a moment before looking back up to you, “So, I have some bad news. About one of the inmates.”
Your heart dropped to your ass.
“W-what happened?”
“There was an…incident over the holidays,” he starts, “one of the inmates was attacked and, unfortunately, didn’t survive.”
Your head reeled back, suddenly dizzy. He kept speaking before you could think much more.
“We don’t know how it happened, but we are looking into making sure that our security measures don’t let it happen again. But,” he perks up again, easily slipping back into his sunny disposition, “in the meantime, that means you don’t have to worry about writing to your inmate anymore!”
Oh, god you wanted to puke.
“E-Eddie died?” You could barely get out the words and your vision started to go blurry as tears welled up in your eyes.
“What, oh, no, another inmate,” he said nonchalantly, “Eddie’s fine, but he’s just going to be reassigned to the student who had the inmate who passed. Wasn’t very happy when we told him about the switch, but when we told him that you weren’t super keen on the whole project to begin with, his tune seemed to change.”
It was too much coming at you all at once. It felt like the worst case of the spins. Relief hit first, and then mortification. Bridges was talking but you couldn’t hear the words. He handed you the stack of letters as the students started pouring out of the classrooms before disappearing amongst the crowd.
The rest of the morning you were in a funk. Only on your lunch break were you finally able to sit down and process everything. Eddie is alive. A positive. Eddie probably hates you. A negative. Anger bubbled in your body. Why would they even tell him about your disapproval for the program anyway? Sure, you had your reservations, but you’ve had a change of heart in the last few months.
“Fuck,” you bury your face in your hands and run them down to your neck. The stack of envelopes sit on your desk. You’re not sure which student got Eddie in the mix, so you flip through the envelopes to see if the handwriting looks familiar. Sure enough you see a name in the familiar chicken scratch handwriting. You sit back in your chair with a huff, throwing the envelopes on your desk.
Tears started to fall. You looked up to the ceiling to try and cease their descent but it was too late. 
It’s always just when it starts to get good that it’s all ripped away from you. Just when you started getting good at soccer, you broke your foot. Just when your dad started coming around, he relapsed and ran off again. Just when you got to see your moms face light up when she found out she was getting her first grandchild, you had a miscarriage. Just when you thought your life was going to be normal for once in your life, your husband had to have an affair. And just when you thought you had something in your life to look forward to, that was taken away from you, too. 
“Hey, Marcus ordered pizza, it’s in the breakroom-” The chipper voice of Mr.Clark made you jump, bringing your sleeved wrists to your eyes to hide the evidence. “Woah, hey, what’s going on? Did Carl Thompson try to set his paper on fire again? I told Ester that he needed to be searched when he gets off the bus in the morning.”
You let out a light chuckle at his attempt at humor, though there was some truth in his words…Regardless, you just shake your head and give him the best smile you can muster. “No, not today, Scott. I’m just, um, still a little emotional from the holidays?”
“Ah, yeah, I get it,” he nods his head in solidarity, “I was pretty blue after Jen left. Still not much better, really.” The thousand yard stare he gives as he says those last words make you feel a little concerned for him in the moment. You give him a look, and he instantly goes back to his normal self, “But, hey, it does get better. Valentines day probably wont help,” his eyes widen in momentary distress, “but, the staff usually have a little party at Bennigan’s, so that will be fun!”
You just nod your head, “Yeah, sure, sounds like fun…”
There’s a moment of awkward silence before Scott tsks and slowly starts moving out of the doorway to your classroom. “Well, yeah, anyway, uh, pizza’s in the breakroom.” Then he’s gone.
You wait a moment before letting out a laugh you desperately needed.
January 21st, 1995
“Open up, you’re not skipping out on another weekend!”
A groan pours from your chest, muffled by the pillow you’ve got your face buried in. Another knock comes from the front door, Robin’s voice booming from the other side. 
“Alright, alright!” You barely lift yourself from the couch to lean over the arm, twisting the knob of your front door to let your beloved friends in. As they make their way inside, you twist your body to look at the clock on the stove, but your vision is too blurry to see. “What time is it?” 
“Nine in the morning,” Steve says as he lifts up your feet to sit at the end of your couch, placing them back in his lap, “we’re going to brunch, then we’re hitting up the mall. Robin is in desperate need of a new pair of shoes.”
“I’m pretty sure I have the back of an 80 year old. Probably from carrying the weight burden of being Steve’s only friend.”
Your whole body shakes from laughter, Steve’s face only making you laugh harder, “You are not my only friend!” He gestures to you, still laying on the couch, boneless in you lack of effort to peel yourself from the couch, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Robin. 
“Oh, yeah, this barnacle of a human is totally worth calling your friend,” She says jokingly as she grabs your arm in an attempt to pull you from the couch.
“Hey,” you say defensively before starting to maneuver yourself upright, “I still move around. If I’m any sea creature I’m at least a starfish.”
“Pardon me, I’ll make sure to properly address you next time.”
After getting properly dressed and piling into Steve’s car, you let them drag you around to brunch, letting yourself have a few mimosas and eating enough appetizers that you barely touch the food you ordered. 
At the mall, you let Steve and Robin drag you from store to store. They stop and laugh at the empty spot in the food court where their old ice cream job used to be before it caught fire (neither of them would tell you how it caught fire). Eventually, Steve ran to the bathroom, leaving you and Robin to wander around the mall. 
“Why don’t you get yourself something nice?” She nudged you, tilting her head in the direction of a fancy underwear store, her eyebrows wiggling suggestively.
You scoff, rolling your eyes, “Why? Who am I gonna wear it for? You and Steve?”
Her shoulders shrug, “Hey I’m not complaining. But, you never know. Love will soon be in the air, and maybe you’ll get asked out on a date. Wouldn’t it be nice to wear something cute like that,” she points to a mauve coloured bra and panty set on one of the mannequins in the window, “rather than the same $2 pack of granny panties and K-Mart bra all the time?”
“Are you suggesting I’m going to be putting out on the first date?” You look at her with a deadpan expression.
“Hey, I’m not judging,” her hands go up defensively, “But, you’d probably feel better knowing that if you did get lucky, at least you came prepared.”
Looking into the store, then back to your friend, who gives you the best convincing face she can muster, you slump your shoulders and make your way into the store. You try on a few things, using Robin’s expert opinion to find something that pops on your colour wise and fits your body’s curves the best. 
When you emerge from the store after making your purchase, you find Steve sitting on a bench a few feet away, eyes scanning around him. Once his eyes meet the two of you, he jumps from his seat and makes his way over. 
“What the hell, you guys totally disappeared on me!”
“Relax mother bear,” Robin pats Steve on the back, “We just wanted to make a quick pit stop before we go.”
Steve eyes the bag in your hand when you lift it up for him, and his cheeks get a dusting of pink to them. “Ah, I see. Well, I guess that means we’re ready to go then?”
After making one more stop on the way home to pick up dinner, the three of you settled on Steve’s couch. Just as he went to take his spot next to Robin, the phone rang. Steve lets out a groan before making his way into the kitchen. “Harrington’s residence,” he says with his fake customer service voice, you and Robin to stifle your giggles. His face goes from annoyed to wide eyed, and a smile blooms across his face.
“You mean tonight?” He asks, eyes flicking over to yours for a moment, “Yeah, yeah, we’re just about to watch a movie, but it can wait. Do you know what time? No, no it’s fine, I know you’re busy, sir.”
Steve looks at his watch and nods his head. “Yeah, okay. We’ll be right here when he does. Thanks, Mr. Munson. Bye-bye.”
You feel your eyes go wide. Munson? Steve answers your questions before you can even think to ask them.
“So, Eddie is gonna call in, like,” he looks at his watch again, “20 minutes. His uncle said he meant to call sooner but hadn’t had the chance,” he looks at you with a quirked brow, “Is that going to be okay? You don’t have to be in the room when we talk to him if you don’t want to-”
“No, no, I’ll be fine!” You wave your hands, “Don’t do anything different on my account.”
“Are you sure?” Robin’s voice has a more teasing tone compared to Steve’s. 
“Yeah, no, it’s cool,” you sit back on the couch, trying to disguise your nerves, “Just…pretend I’m not here.” Your attention is now on the cuticles on your nails, and you miss the look of mischief on Robin’s face, along with Steve’s nod in return.
To avoid the awkwardness that started to build, you jumped up from Steve’s couch and made your way to his fridge to get a drink. Taking a long sip, you almost drop the bottle entirely when the sound of the phone ringing again makes you jump. 
A lump in your throat forms, and you feel butterflies instantly in your stomach. Shit, is that sweat on the back of your neck? You watch as Robin springs up from the couch and makes her way to stand next to Steve. When Steve picks up the phone a woman’s voice can be heard on the other end. He gives a short “yes” and the phone is quiet for a moment. Robin looks at you from over Steve’s shoulder with a smile. Then, you can hear a voice.
Robin and Steve adjust themselves so that the phone is between both of their ears. “Hey, Eddie,” Robin says with a cheerful enthusiasm. 
“Sup, man,” Steve says cooly, “How’s it going?”
Your heart flutters when you hear a soft laugh from the speaker of the phone. 
“Same thing, different day. Been trying to keep myself occupied. Old man got sent to solitary again so I had to be on my toes last week. But,” he said the last word with a sing-songy voice, “I did get some good news.”
Robin and Steve look at each other, visible excitement in their eyes.
“Did you get a set date?” Robin’s ask, becoming excited and pulling the phone closer to her ear. Steve pulls it back and gives her a look.
“Yep! Only five more miserable months and then I’m a free man,” you can hear the relief in Eddie’s tone as he practically shouts into the phone. Whoops and hollers come from your two friends as they bounce around in front of you. You can’t help but feel excited for him too, eyes meeting with Robin in mutual excitement.
“That’s so awesome man,” Steve laughs into the phone, “just in time for your birthday, too.” 
“Oh, yeah! We’re definitely going to terrorize the Hideout,” Robin says.
“You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to it. Can’t wait to drink with the kids, too,” Eddie laughs.
The three of them continue their back and forth for a few minutes, talking about their mutual friends and what shenanigans that they can all get into.
“Hey, are they doing a rose festival this year?” 
You perk up at this, still standing idly by and sipping on your beer. Robin notices and smirks, “Yeah, I think so. Why do you ask?”
“I’ve been thinking about it for a couple months. You remember that pen pal thing I was telling you guys about?”
Now both sets of eyes are on you. A slight blush covers your cheeks, and you feel your heart beating faster. 
“Oh, yeah, with that teacher? Are you still doing that?” Steve winks at you. You look at him wide eyed, mouthing “what the fuck” but he just brushes you off. 
Eddie’s tone shifts, “Still writing letters, but not to her.” There’s a clear malice in his voice. Like just the thought of you made his mood sour. All the butterflies die instantly and fall into your ass at his words. Steve and Robin look at the phone confused. “What? Why?”
There’s a pause for a moment. “I can’t really go into the details. But they told me I couldn’t write her anymore. I got pissed off and told them that the reason why wasn’t fair, that I wanted to keep writing to her. Well, turns out she never liked writing to me anyway. The guy running the whole thing said that she was only “doing it out of obligation” and wasn’t the nicest person in the first place. Said she was trying to get canceled from the start, made it seem like it was a chore.”
“That’s not true!” You finally speak up, tears welling in your eyes. “I mean, it’s not totally true.”
There’s a pause, the three of you standing in complete silence for a moment.
“What?” Eddie’s voice, crackling in the receiver, is riddled with confusion, “Is someone else there? Hello?”
Grabbing the phone from Steve’s hand, you take a deep breath before bringing it to your ear. “I like getting letters from you, Eddie.”
The line is quiet for a moment. Then, he says your name softly, but like it’s a question.
“Yeah…surprise?” Your voice is small, and it matches the smile on your face. You wait for Eddie to say something in response, but there is a sudden commotion coming from his end. All you hear is him yelling back at someone before the line goes dead.
“Eddie? Eddie, hello?” Your panicked voice makes Steve grab the phone from your hand, bringing it up to his own ear. “Did he hang up?” He asks, looking at you confused, placing the phone back on the receiver.
“I-I don’t know,” you stammer, “It was quiet and then I heard some muffling and yelling. Then the line went dead.”
“Shit,” Robin places a hand on your shoulder, “You think he’s okay?”
“Can you call him back?” you look to Steve, pleading for him to do something. 
Steve shakes his head dismally, eyes darting between floor tiles, “No, only he can call us.” He shrugs, lifting his head just enough to look at you through his lashes, “We did talk for a while, maybe his time was up?”
You couldn’t help but frown at his words, your mind going to the worst case scenario of what could have happened.
“Hey,” Robin’s words brought you back, “He’s fine, don’t worry about him. He’s always been able to hold his own.” She gives you a questioning look, “You didn’t tell us that you weren’t writing to each other anymore.”
Your head rolls in frustration, “I only just found out on Thursday. Some guy died and it fucked everything up. One of my students gets to write to him now and I don’t get to do anything about it.”
Fist slamming on the counter, you feel your blood starting to boil. “I never said it was a chore to write to him. Sure, I was skeptical at first, but I haven’t said a single negative thing since the damn thing started. I just…Fuck, I knew he was going to be mad at me.”
The warmth of Steve’s hand on your back along with the weight of Robin’s head on your shoulder as she link arms with yours grounded you. You expected them to say something, but they just let you cry it out, moving you to the couch. They knew that the tears falling weren’t just because you lost a pen pal. It was a break down that was a long time coming. Everything came pouring out, letting your wound be open and exposed to the air. 
February 3rd, 1995
“-Then, you’re going to write his name, his booking number and his cell block. That’s all the stuff I told you before.”
You nod your head, as if the voice on the phone could see you. “Okay, got it. So I just write the address and stamp it now, correct?”
“Yeah,” Dustin Henderson squeaks on the other end, “And it should work. I write letters to him all the time since we don’t have a phone in our dorm. I tried to stick some blank papers in there once for him but he said they confiscated it and still made him pay for the paper he does write on. Messed up, isn’t it?”
“I know, right,” you say with an ire, placing your letter in the envelope before licking it closed, “What a way to squeeze money out of someone.”
“Totally! Anyway, I’m sure Eddie will be stoked to get your letter. Steve gave me some of the details, but when he reads what you said there’s no way Eddie can stay mad. He pretends to be a tough guy but he’s a total softy -- Don’t tell him I said that, please.”
“I promise,” you laugh, “It’s the least I can do for all your help, Dustin.”
“Hey, who am I to keep two people from falling in love,” the suave suggestion in his voice makes you blush, but you keep yourself together.
“We’re not in love, we’re barely even friends.”
“Yeah, yeah, save it for the wedding. Which I better be the best man for!” 
“I think you’re breaking up, Dustin! Thank you for your help! Byeeee!”
Leaning against the wall next to the phone, you take in a deep breath before letting it out and up with exasperation. Holding the envelope between your fingers, smoothing your thumbs over the edges, you stare at his name for a moment. The envelope feels heavier than normal, but that’s the difference that writing three front and back pages will do. 
Three pages, all written with your heart. The invisible eye of judgment that looked over you when you wrote your letters before had disappeared. You felt the need to explain yourself after everything that had transpired. You didn’t sugar coat anything, because that wouldn’t be fair. But, you hoped that when you explained your background a little that he would understand your reservations. It only seemed fair to tell him that you knew more about him than you let on in your last letter, hoping that when you explained how Robin and Steve had entered your lives that it would clear up any misunderstandings.
It was hard to write, but you concluded the letter by telling him that you would understand if he still hated you. If he didn’t want to talk to you ever again, you would respect that, even if it meant having to distance yourself from your friends. You signed with your own rendition of a small rose next to it, and made the last minute decision to add your apartment phone number at the very bottom. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but you put it there just in case.
February 14th, 1995
As the final bell rang for the day, you wished your students a safe trip home, reminding them to have their homework packets done by Thursday. Once the last student filed out, you wasted no time getting to tearing down the pink and red decor that had been haunting you for the last two weeks. You’d not been a big fan of Valentine’s Day to begin with. Even when you and Henry were still together he had only really put in any effort the first year or two. Then it just became mundane and predictable. He’d take you to dinner, get a little wine in you, and expect you on your knees once you got home. 
It was almost nice to spend a year doing something different for once.
“Hey, Anita wanted to get a head count tonight to make sure we have enough seats. You’re still good to go, right?” 
“Yeah,” you turned to see Scott at your door, “I’ll be there, 6 sharp! Just going to run home and get out of my teacher costume.”
Mr.Clark laughed at that, “Alright, see you later then!” He gave a little wave before he tucked himself back out into the hall. 
After cleansing your classroom of any signs of love, you made your way home to get ready. Even though Steve was a little bummed you wouldn’t be joining him and Robin for a night of cheap chocolate and shitty made for TV movies, Robin was more than happy to hear that you wanted to get out of your shell and make more friends. “Don’t forget to wear that set you got!”
And you did. Not that you expected anything to happen, but she was right about feeling good in it, even if it was just for yourself. Self love counts on Valentine’s Day.
When you came home later that night, you were still in a fit of giggles from the excitement at dinner. Between the surprise karaoke set up and the look on Scott's face when Mrs.Blaine pulled him back to the bathrooms during the peak of the night, you’d dare to say that you’d had a good time. You’d even limited yourself to one drink before switching to water.
As you peeled your jacket and boots off the red flashing of your answering machine caught your eye. You walk over to the machine, letting it play as you walk around the apartment.
“You have: two missed messages. First message.”
“Hi, darling.”
You stop mid step. Goosebumps cover all of your body at the sound of his voice. You hadn’t heard it in months. Almost a year now.
“I’m sorry I missed you…In more ways than one I suppose. I’m guessing you’re probably out with Stephen tonight. I saw the two of you out with your friend at the mall a few weeks back.”
A pause in the message has you wondering if he hung up after that.
“I…I guess I just wanted to say that I hope you’re doing well. You looked as much, and they way he looked at you…Well, I guess I can’t comment. Hope you have a good night. Love you.”
Love you.
You scoff. 
“Second message.”
“This call is coming from Pendleton Correctional Facility from:”
“Eddie Munson.”
Quicker than you’ve ever moved before, you’re sure your feet barely touch the ground as you make your way to your living room. 
“Hello? Oh was that a beep? Shit, sorry.” He was clearly flustered, his fumbling only made you feel giddy like you were listening to a voicemail from your crush.
“Let me start over. Hi, it’s Eddie,” he laughs, “I hope it’s not weird for me to call today. They only make you pay half as much if you tell them you’re calling your old lady. Not that I’m saying you are my-my, uh, girl or whatever.” You could almost picture how red he must have been as he was talking. You couldn’t help but bury your face in your hands and falling over on your couch, floundering around at the implication.
“I would have called sooner, but I had to wait for your number to be added to my approved call list. Just, uh, wanted to let you know I got your letter. I wrote you one back, but I’m waiting on a stamp. The freaking ran out since everyone is sending love letters. So as soon as they get more I’ll be shipping that out to you. But…I wanted to tell you that I’m not mad. That Bridges, he’s a real asshole. He keeps bragging about how as long as the project goes well then he gets a bonus.”
You were shocked at first, but it all made sense when you thought about it. In your gut, you knew there was no way his sunny demeanor was genuine. His insistence on your participation as well. He probably would have lost money if you hadn’t taken on his offer.
“And as much as I hate the guy, I gotta admit that we wouldn’t be…whatever this is without him. On that note, I also feel like I need to get something off my chest.”
Heart beating a million beats per second, you sit up straight, keeping your eyes on the machine as if it would disappear if you looked away for even a second. 
“I may or may not have known a little bit about you before all of this happened, too. Before we started writing to each other actually, thanks to the wonder twins telling me all about their new friend whose asshole husband cheated on her with a girl 15 years younger than him. They would talk about you any time I called and I started to look forward to meeting you when I got out. That hasn’t really changed…” The audio is muffled for a moment, where he probably put his hand over the receiver, “Alright, jeez get off my back, Tony. I’ll be done in a fucking minute. Sorry,” his voice becomes clear again, “these guys are jerks. Anyway, to make a long story short, I think that we should just put the stupid shit with Bridges behind us, start over, or pick up where we left off. I think that it’ll make more sense when you read my letter. So, yeah. Um, have a happy Valentine’s day and…live long and prosper. Bye!”
“No new messages. Two old messages.”
May 27th, 1995
A breeze blows gently through your apartment, billowing your curtains lightly. Lightening Crashes by Live transitions into Only Wanna Be With You by Hootie and the Blowfish on the little radio that you picked up from Melvald’s on clearance. You hum along, wiping sweat from your forehead as you continue to mop your kitchen floor. “I only wanna be with youuuuuu~,” you belt out into the empty apartment.
The phone rings in the living room, and you look at the clock. Shit, it was noon already? You scramble to turn the radio down, careful not to knock over the empty wine bottles that sat next to the sink, drain rung red. You hop over the coffee table, planting your butt on the cushion and picking up the phone. The automated message plays, and you mutter a little yeah, yeah, yeah as it speaks. Hearing Eddie’s voice gets you curling up against the arm of the couch. You give a quick yes, and soon you’re connected.
You try and hide your excitement, but fail miserably as you reply. “Hi, Eddie!” 
“Happy first day of no school! How did last night go?” His voice was full of genuine interest, you could almost imagine the grin he has on his face.
“It went really well! I had to take Mr.Clark home afterwards, but I didn’t have a single drink! I also don’t think I’ve had a single migraine since we last talked.”
Eddie’s laugh told you that he was definitely cheesing on his end. “That’s so awesome, Sweetheart! I’m super proud of you.”
His praises made you melt, his smooth voice not helping.
After Eddie’s message on Valentine’s day in combination of his letter, the two of you agreed to try your friendship again from scratch. It was never spoken between you two, but you’re sure that after all the things you’ discussed on that first real phone call just between the two of you that Robin and Steve were planning to set you two up, even before the prison project. When you asked them about it, they just played dumb so you just put it to rest. 
Your dreams had also changed. Once the door that was closed was now open, the two of you sit facing each other. Sometimes you would talk, sometimes the dream would only last for a few moments. Either way, the feeling was different now. There was no fear, he just needed to cross the threshold to get to you.
Eddie has been calling every other Saturday at noon since. You’d drive to his uncle’s trailer after every call to give him money to put on Eddie’s commissary, shocked the first time to see the man you spent some of Christmas Day with. You had been too far gone to remember his name, which you apologized profusely for. He told you it was no big deal, and insisted on showing you some hospitality and some old photos of Eddie when he was younger.
Eventually it became routine. Wake up, get everything prepped, talk to Eddie until eventually Tony (who apparently thinks he gets to tell people how long that can use the phone) kicks him off, take food to Wayne’s, and then spend the evening with Steve and Robin. It took a lot of energy out of you at first, but when you confided in your friends about your drinking problem, it started to feel like less of a chore as your energy started to come back. 
“What have ya got made up for Wayne today?” Eddie asks.
“He told me he really liked my hash brown casserole I made a few weeks ago, so I got that ready for him before I started cleaning this morning.”
“Damn, he did say somethin’ about you making a good casserole. I’m gonna get a belly on me if you’re gonna be cookin’ like that,” his pained sounds at missing out on your food has you squirming in your seat. You couldn’t pinpoint when it really started, but as your phone calls became more frequent, the two of you talked more and more about things that you wanted to do together.
It started out as group activities. He wanted you to come to a D&D game. You wanted to go with him and Steve and Robin to this cute farmers market your coworker told you about. He wanted to try and get a gig at the hideout so he could show you how good his band sounds. You wanted to have a get together at Steve’s when he comes home. He wants to take you to this really nice restaurant in town. You want to bring him with you to Chicago some time when you are out visiting your brother. He wants to take you to the movies. You want to take him to the new record store opening this summer. 
It would be a lie to say that his promises didn’t make you hopeful. You had to constantly remind yourself that he didn’t even know what you looked like. He could say all these things to you on the phone, and he could just as easily book it if you weren’t what he was expecting. 
“Oh, I was thinking-” you started.
“That’s never a good sign,” he teased.
“Ha ha, so funny, Munson,” you fake offense, “Anyway, I was thinking we could go see the new Batman movie when you get out. Robin and Steve keep debating on if Val Kilmer is going to play a good Batman, but I just want to see Jim Carry as the Riddler.”
“I don’t know, have you ever sat through a movie with them?” He questions.
“Uh, yeah, plenty--oh, okay I see your point,” you say, thinking about how much the two of them talk during a movie just at Steve’s. They were probably menaces in a movie theater. 
“Yeah, it would probably be better if just the two of us go. Save us a headache,” he suggests. 
“Sounds like a date, then,” you say, curious of his reaction. It’s quiet for a moment before he speaks again.
“A date? Yeah, sure, yeah, that,” he sounds nervous.
“I’m just messing with you, Eddie,” you say to save face, hoping to hide any disappointment in your voice.
“Oh,” his tone sounds sad, dejected even, “Yeah, sure.”
You were going to say something until you heard Tony’s voice yelling. Both of you let out a sigh in unison. 
“Alright, I guess I’ll hear from you in two weeks?” You don’t even bother to hide your disappointment anymore.
“Yeah. Wish it was sooner…”
“Hey, only two more months, Eddie,” you try to lift his spirits.
“Two more months,” he mirrors back.
After you say your goodbyes, you quickly get cleaned up to head over to Wayne’s. His old truck sits in the driveway, and you catch him finishing up mowing the grass. You pop the casserole in the oven while he gets cleaned up, using the spare time to pick up a few things here and there. Wayne’s tried to tell you guests don’t get to clean up, but you just ignored him until he gave up, asking him if it was really the hill he wanted to die on.
The two of you chatted, eventually migrating out to the front porch to enjoy the steady nice weather. 
“Do you think Eddie will like me?” you ask nonchalantly, keeping your eyes on a crack beneath your feet.
Wayne stops mid puff and looks at you confused.
“What?” you ask, trying to play it off.
“Is that a rhetorical question?” he asks, blowing the smoke away from you.
“No, I mean…What if he thinks I’m something I’m not? What if he’s disappointed when he meets me?”
Wayne barks out a laugh, “Oh, trust me, he won’t. I already know exactly what’s gonna happen, and it’s not him running away with his tail between his legs.”
“What do you thinks going to happen?” you ask with concern.
He just smiles, eyes fixed on the sunset.
July 26th, 1995
Your hands smooth out the fabric of your dress for the hundredth time, opting for something simple yet flattering and pairing it with some nice jewelry. “Are you sure this is okay?”
Robin was laying across Steve’s bed, swinging her legs and staring at the ceiling. “For the millionth time, yes, you look hot. He’s gonna fall to his knees when he sees you.”
You walk over to the bed and plop down next to her, “And for the millionth time, it’s not like that Robin. I…,” you fiddle with your rings as you stare at Steve’s ceiling fan spinning above you, “What if I’m not what he’s expecting? I know what he looks like, but he’s only going off of what he’s been told about me. What if when he gets here, he takes one look at me and-”
“Okay, listen,” Robin places a hand delicately over your mouth, “First of all, Eddie is going to have to pick his jaw off the floor when he sees you. I promise you that.” You look over to her next to you, smiling under her hand. “Second, if it’s not “like that,” then why are you wearing that matching set you got when we went to the mall?” The hand on your mouth moves to your shoulder where she snaps your bra strap against your skin.
You jump up from the bed trying to hide the blush in your face when a knock on the door draws both of your attention.
“Hey, are you two done playing dress up in there? Jane and Max need help getting all the food set up.”
“On it,” you say as you open the bedroom door, sliding past Steve to get away from Robin before she can ask any more questions. 
You wipe the sweat from the back of your neck, bouncing Nancy and Jonathan’s two year old daughter on your hip. Nancy was telling you about her latest article in the New York times when Dustin’s shrieking voice caught everyone’s attention.
“HE’S HERE! HE’S HERE!” Dustin yells from the front yard, and you can hear the sound of a car playing metal music on full blast getting closer, before cutting off completely.
You hand Nancy her toddler back, not trusting yourself to be able to hold her as your hands start to shake. A lump fills your throat, and it suddenly feels way hotter than it did a second ago. You’re surrounded by excited whispers and the rustling of Gareth getting into a cooler to grab a beer. 
And then it’s the skin to skin contact of Mike brushing past you and the squealing of Max and Jane from the other side of the yard as two bodies emerge from around the side of the house. A usually bald head covered in a dark brown cowboy hat, followed by a mop of curls that bounce with excitement. Bodies flocked around him; you note that he’s taller than most, say for Mike and Argyle. Everyone is taking their turns to greet him, and you’re hit with a realization that this is a family. A weird, mixed found family, who clearly have a bond that can’t be broken by time, and you were lucky enough to be accepted by them.
“Hey, there little missy,” Wayne’s voice breaks you from your trance, his arms open expectantly. The normally gruff and distant man was all smiles today, for good reason.
“Hi Wayne,” you wrap your arms around him, patting him on the back before pulling away, “How was the drive?”
“Lord,” he says, shaking his head, “That boy ain’t changed a bit. Either talked my ear off or played music loud enough that I’ll need hearing aids.” He looked over to Eddie, who was still being mobbed by the other party guests, “But, it was worth it.”
You hum in agreement, watching as Robin talks to Eddie. She points your way, and before you can prepare yourself his gaze meets yours. Even from a distance you can see the sun hitting his eyes just right, honey brown orbs locked on you. You lift your hand up to give him a small wave, and the biggest grin you’ve ever seen spreads across his face. You’re sure your face must be beat red, and you shift your eyes suddenly feeling shy. Eddie places a hand on Dustin’s shoulder and moves him to the side, making a beeline to you and Wayne.
Gravity felt like it was magnifying with each step he made, and everything around him was blurry. Every nerve in your body felt like a live wire. You’re sure you weren’t even this nervous on your wedding day. You smooth out your dress again, the fabric brushing against your skin leaving a tingling feeling behind. Each stride he takes gives you an opportunity to examine him further, to see the dimples in his cheeks, the lines in the corners of his eyes where his smile reaches them, the littering of light freckles and other imperfections.
He stopped just in front of you, his body rocking back to maintain a space between you. His hands were tucked in his jean pockets with his arms tight to his body. It reminded you of a kid trying his hardest to keep his hands to himself. 
“Hey,” his voice was even nicer in person.
“Hi.” It came out small. You were trying to be cool, but kept your head low to hide the smile on your face. He shifted where he stood, bending and twisting to force himself into your vision. The girlish giggle that came out of you was unrecognizable. You look up to him as he makes himself upright again. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
He shuffles his feet, probably a nervous habit. “Yeah, no kidding,” his head tilts and he looks at you with one eye, “I know being locked up for 5 years didn’t really do a lot of good to me, but, uh, I hope that I still hold up to the pictures you’ve seen of me.” 
 “I’d say it wasn’t all bad,” you look him up and down playfully, “You look…mature. I’d venture to even call you handsome.” It was his turn to act bashful now, bringing a hand to rub against his stubble. The both of you laugh, exchanging glances before you speak again, “Was I what you were expecting?”
He leans his body back, the huge smile returning to dimple his cheeks again. “Are you kidding me? Even better than I imagined. You didn’t do yourself justice, ya know.”
“Stop, you’re gonna make me blush,” you whine and curl into yourself, kicking at the ground.
“Too late for that,” Steve says as he slaps Eddie’s shoulder, “Now, if the two of you are done pretending not to like each other over here, we got food to eat. Who wants a hamburger!”
The yard is alive with chatter and Eddie makes his rounds to catch up. One of the guys who you’re pretty sure is named Jeff, makes him shotgun a beer with him and everyone cheers when Eddie crushes the can on his head. “Henderson,” he yells pointing at Dustin in the pool, “you’re next! Gotta make up for all the lost time since I missed your 21st birthday!” 
“That’s a lot of drinking to do,” Jane says with a worried look on her face. You look at her where she sits next to you on the edge of the pool and pat her back.
“It was nice knowing them, I guess.”
Max snorts from the other side of El, making all three of you erupt in a fit of giggles. You stop when you feel a hand on your shoulder. Looking up into the sweet chocolate eyes, he kneels down and you can smell the beer on his breath. “Hey, you doing okay? Me drinking isn’t gonna bother you, right? Do you want another water bottle?”
He’s been doing this for the last 2 hours, leaving his conversations to check in on  you, even before he started drinking. Not that you were complaining, you relished in the attention he was giving you. Where at parties with Henry you were there to be seen and not heard, Eddie made you feel like the party was for you. Putting your plate together for you, standing just behind you when you talked in a group, undoing your shoes for you when you said you wanted to drip your feet in the pool. When you told him to stop hovering and enjoy his friends, he did so reluctantly, stealing glances your way like he was scared you’d be gone if his eyes weren’t on you.
“Eddie, I promise I can handle you and everyone else here drinking,” you give him a warm smile, “And I’m okay, thank you for asking.”
“Please drink Dustin under the table,” Lucas groans as he swims up to the edge of the pool, resting his chin on Max’s knee, “He thinks he can handle his alcohol well and I need to see you put him in his place.”
“Hey!” Dustin shouts as he exits the pool. 
The night starts to wind down a few hours later. Some people are gone and others are sitting by the fire pit reminiscing on times you weren’t present for. You take it upon yourself as one of the only sober people to start picking up the stray cans and solo cups that had been scattered around the pool area and putting away any of the food that was still good. The sound of the sliding glass door opening caught your attention as you were cleaning up Steve’s kitchen. Eddie shut the door behind him, walking over to stand on the other side of the island.
“I was wondering where you ran off to,” he leaned on the counter top, propping his head in his hands with the dopiest grin.
“You’ve been slacking,” you tease as you place some dishes in the sink, “I think I’ve been cleaning for at least an hour now. Not doing a very good job at keeping tabs on me.”
“Okay, for the record,” he points a finger up and staggers a bit, “I could see you, and I wanted to stop you from cleaning. Buuuuuuuut, Robin told me you always clean up and get upset if anyone tries to stop you. So I figured I’d let you enjoy yourself.” He shrugged.
“I just respect Steve enough to not leave a mess. It is a little therapeutic in a way.” You move to stand closer to him, leaning against the edge of the counter perpendicular to him, arms just shy of touching. You watched as he fidgeted with a ring on his finger. “How is it going out there? It looked like Dustin and Gareth were passed out in their chairs.”
When he didn’t respond, you brought your attention up to meet his stare. His eyes were dark, the shine of the sun no longer bringing out the umber, now almost black under the warm light above him. They flickered as they stared into yours, back and forth like he was searching for an answer only you could give him. If you weren’t so acutely aware of your close proximity, you might not notice how he subtly leans closer, closer. You close your eyes.
The sudden noise was enough to make you jump almost out of your skin. You’re white knuckling the counter as you turn to see Dustin, Lucas, and Steve stumble inside, with Jane, Mike, and Max not far behind trying to help keep all three of them from falling over each other. 
“Jesus H. CHRIST, Henderson!” Eddie screeches, slapping the top of the counter. 
“Oh, there he is!” Dustin leans backwards, Jane holding him up, “Hey, guys, I found Eddie! He’s in here with his girlfriend! Oh shit where you guys in here suckin’ face? My bad my-”
“Okay, okay, come on lets get your shit together,” Eddie interrupts waving his hands around, “Or else you’re all sleeping on the floor.”
“I don’t wanna sleep on the floooor,” Steve whines like a child, throwing himself into Mike where they almost fall over.
“Well, it’s a good thing you have a bedroom here, dingus,” Robin walks backwards through the doorway, carrying a pair of feet with her. The feet belong to a very passed out Gareth, whose top half was being carried in by Jeff.
“Oh for fucks sake,” Eddie runs over to Gareth's side, picking him up and carrying him bridal style to the couch. You reel back as you watch him carry Gareth like he weighs nothing, his biceps flexing catching your attention. Damn, did it get hot in here?
You helped Robin get Steve up the stairs so she could put him to bed while the others got themselves situated. When you came down, you said your goodbyes to Mike, Will and Jane as they made their departure for the night. Max elected to stay with Lucas since she didn’t see well at night to drive, dragging him up to the spare bedroom. Gareth is still passed out on the couch, propped up with a towel under him in case he pukes. Jeff says he’s going to sit with him until he sobers up enough that he won’t ruin the interior of his new car.
Eddie got Dustin set up in another spare bedroom and made his way down the stairs. “God, my first day back and I can already tell nothing has changed.” He’s shaking his head, but the smile on his face gives him away.
“Are you usually the dad of the friend group?” You lean against the entryway wall, watching him as he walks over to you.
“How did you know?” He chuckled, putting up an arm and leaning into the doorway over you. The move was so smooth, and you felt the butterflies go straight from your stomach to between your legs. You sucked in a breath, “Oh, just a hunch.”
His eyes lock with yours for a moment, and his smile falters. He looks around for a moment, leaning over you to look into the living room, his chest pressing into you softly. Whatever he was looking for must not have been too important, bringing his attention back to you.
“So, I really hope I haven’t been reading into this wrong,” he says lowly, head nodding between the two of you, “‘cause I’ve been dying to do this all night.”
His hand cups your cheek as he leans in. He moves slowly, to give you an out if this isn’t what you want. But when you lean into him, he wastes no time closing the gap the rest of the way. His other hand moves from above you and lands on that spot on your neck and under your ear. His weight shifts, pressing you into the frame with his body and your hands to his chest, fisting the fabric to keep him in place. Your senses are flooded with dollar store detergent and his sweat after being out in the sun.
You never believed in that spark when you kissed someone before, but the way his plump, chapped lips move with yours has your body feeling like the 4th of July. And when his tongue swipes against your bottom lip, the taste of cheap beer mixes with the lemonade you were sipping earlier. He pulls away, just far enough to kiss you over and over and over and over amplified by the stickiness of your lip gloss that’s transferred to him. But you’re insatiable, and you chase him. Touch starved doesn’t even begin to touch it. 
His hands move from your face down to your hips, moving you from the doorway to the darkness of the small hallway. Just in time as you heard the sliding glass door open and shut, then the sound of Jeff plopping down in one of the recliners. Eddie didn’t give you time to dwell on anything other than him, pulling your hips flush into his and grinding against you. 
And, lord, you felt it. 
The small gasp you let out has Eddie smirking into your kiss. He breaks away, leaning into your neck to whisper in your ear. “I’ve had a long time to think about all the things I want to do to you,” he bites at your earlobe and you moan, clenching your thighs. 
“All the ways I want to touch you,” he kisses down your neck, “tease you. I bet you like being teased, don’t you?”
 “N-no,” you whisper with a shake of your head. A whimper falls from your lips as his teeth gently scrape over a spot on your neck. “Don’t wanna be teased.”
He hums, kissing back up your neck to your lips again. “Awe,” he chuckles, eyes meeting with yours again, heavy lidded and pupils blown out, “you just want me to ruin that pussy, don’t you?” 
Frantically nodding you press your lips back into his, but he pulls away leaving you to whine in frustration. “Easy, now, sweetheart. I’m just as eager as you, but I wanna do this right.” He grabs the skirt of your dress, pulling it up to get access to your legs. You don’t get the chance to protest before he’s picking you up. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders. The hardness in his pants is pressing directly into your core where you’re sure your panties must be soaked. 
Not bothering to be stealthy Eddie carries you as fast as he can up the stairs. You can’t contain your giggles as he pushes you up against the door to his new bedroom. While stealing a few more kisses, he goes to grab the knob, but doesn’t get the chance when the door swings open behind you. He puts you down quickly to keep you from falling backwards, and you whip around to be met with a half awake Max.
“What the fuck,” she asks rubbing sleep from her eyes, “what’s going on?”
Eddie looks like a kicked puppy,  his jaw slack and eyebrows knit together in a pout.
“I thought you guys left?”
“What? No? It’s way too dark. You know I can’t drive at night,” she crosses her arms looking at him confused.
“Damn it,” he looks at the door to his right, “and I put Henderson in the extra room.”
“Sorry, Max,” you speak up, “he was just trying to figure out where he was sleeping tonight. You can go back to sleep. Good night!”
She eyes you suspiciously before wishing you a goodnight and closing the door. When you turn to look at Eddie, you see that he’s about to open the other bedroom door.
“Eddie, what are you doing,” you whisper yell. He hesitates before he reaches the door knob.
“I’m gonna get Henderson and put him in bed with Harrington.” He goes to grab the knob and you reach for his hand to stop him. He looks distressed, but you can’t help but laugh. It had only been a little over a year that you’d gone without any sexual contact with another person, but you could clearly tell that Eddie was struggling after going as long as he had with the opportunity dangling right in front of his face. 
“Can I make a suggestion before you start displacing people in their sleep?”
He nods, hopeful eyes on you.
“My apartment is like 10 minutes away,” you step closer to press yourself against him, “There’s a gas station on the way. We can stop and-”
Before you can finish he’s grabbing you by the middle and carrying you over his shoulder down the stairs and straight out the door, not bothering to close the front door behind him.
“Which car is yours?” He’s swinging you around playfully as he looks at all the cars lined up on the street and in the driveway.
“I’ll tell you, but we’re not going to get anywhere without my keys!” 
“Fuck!” He smacks your ass before placing you on the ground. “Where are they?”
“In my purse on the counter-”
He takes off, running through the front door and back faster than you think you’ve ever seen anyone move. Tossing your purse to you he follows you as you move to where you parked on the road, pulling out your keys and unlocking the door. 
“Eddie, hold on,” you giggle, pushing your butt into him in a futile attempt to get your door open. Your keys jingle as you try and get the right one into the lock to your apartment. Eddie’s hands were everywhere as he pressed himself further into you, kissing up and down your neck and shoulder. “It’s only going to take longer to get inside if you’re distracting me-hee~”
He relented with a whine, chin resting on your shoulder and hands lingering on your hips as he waited patiently. Once you finally opened the door you stepped in and flicked on a light, Eddie hot on your trail. When you turned around to face him, you were expecting to be met with his lust filled eyes, but you were surprised to find him looking around your apartment with wide eyes. You took the time to admire him again, much like you did earlier. He looked like he belonged there, like he fit with the cozy atmosphere you had cultivated since you moved in. He would have looked so out of place in the sterile white of your home with Henry. 
“It’s cute,” he says looking at some of the artwork you have hanging on the walls, “exactly what I was expecting.”
“Oh, so you were expecting me to take you back to my apartment?” You eye him with a smirk. He looks down at his feet before tilting his head to look at you.
“Only for the last four months.”
Chills run up your body. He’s been thinking about you, like…this, for 4 months.
“Only four months?” You step to him, craning your neck to look into his eyes. The pink on his cheeks more prominent this close.
“Well, sort of. Honestly been thinking about you since you sent me that letter about yourself, what you looked like. Again, you didn’t do yourself justice,” he leans down to kiss your nose, “But, I, uh, didn’t really start thinking about you until we got to talk for real.” His hands snaked around your waist, sliding down to grab handfuls of your ass. 
“Something about your voice,” he leaned in for a quick kiss, “hearing you laugh at my dumb jokes,” another kiss, “the way you say my name. “Hi Eddie.”” He mocks you, exaggerating the sultry inflection of your words. Smacking a hand on his chest, you both laugh, and he pulls you in closer. 
“Well I’ve been thinking about you longer,” you say as you pull on the hem of his shirt. His brows quirk up at you in surprise.
“Really? And I thought I was pushing my luck tonight. Was worried all our talking was just you being nice to me.”
“God, Eddie, you’ve been away for way too long if you couldn’t tell I’ve been flirting with you by now.”
“Hey,” he raises his hands defensively, “I’ve never gotten my hopes up about a girl flirting with me before, and I wasn’t about to start.”
It hurt your heart to hear him say that. Robin said Eddie wasn’t super popular in high school, and didn’t have the best luck in the dating department before he was incarcerated. Which was a shame because he’s such a sweet guy and deserves to feel wanted. The ache between your legs came back when you realized that you might get to be the first person ever to make him feel that way.
You lean up to kiss him again, lingering there for a moment before you take a step back. He leans in to chase you,but you keep taking steps back. When he opens his eyes, he sees the mischievous look on your face and smiles wildly. Just as you turn to take off to your room, he launches after you, making you squeal as he chases you down the short hallway. Once passed the threshold of your bedroom doorway he wrapped his arms around you, planting kisses all over your face. You giggled as he walked you to the edge of your bed, planting a kiss on your lips and guiding you down, down, until you were sat. 
The mood shifted from playful to hot the moment his tongue slipped out in search of yours. His hands were suddenly on your knees, bunching and shifting the fabric of your dress. The metal of his rings was cold against the hot skin of your thighs. His fingertips felt rough to the touch compared to your smooth skin, the sensation lingering as his hand crept closer and closer to where you wanted him, needed him. 
“Holy shit,,” he inhaled sharply though his nose when his fingers reached the fabric of your panties,“This is happening.” An incredulous chuckle left his lips, and he let his fingers loop the waistband, snapping it back to your skin. 
Just when you thought he was going to take the plunge, his hands continued to creep up your body. His touch was feather light, gliding up your sides, slowly, slowly, until you felt him right under your rib cage, below the cups of your bra. He hesitated for a moment, and you weren’t sure he even realized that he had stopped kissing you. The low light of the moon shining through your blinds illuminated him just enough that you could see him swallow. Where had all that big talk gone from earlier.
His shift to yours and you hold his stare. Your hands move down your own body, gliding over his hands from the top of your dress, down, until you grab the hem of the dress yourself. His grip tightens as you pull the fabric up, up, exposing your legs, your stomach, chest, until it’s up and over your head. You toss the offending garment to the floor, and meet Eddie’s eyes again. Leaning back on one hand, you grab the collar of his shirt, pulling him in so his lips just ghosted over yours.
“I thought you’d been thinking all this time about what you wanna do to me?”
That was all exactly what was needed to break Eddie of his nerves. One of his tattooed hands flew from your ribs to your chin, fingers squishing your cheeks to purse your lips. He looked down at you over his bottom lashes, lips curling into a devilish smile. 
“I’ll do my best, but I can’t promise to be gentle. Tell me if you need me to stop. Got it?”
You shook your head the best you could in his grip, your thighs rubbing together at his shift in demeanor. His lips were on yours in an instant, hand slipping from your face, down your neck, shoulder, before slipping behind your back. He shifted his weight, placing a leg between yours so his knee was fully pressing against your heat. His other hand snaked around your side, meeting his other hand. In one swift motion the constricting hold your bra had on you was gone, and the weight of your chest shifted as the garment lay flimsily against you. You shimmied your shoulders, lifting one arm out of the strap, and then the other. Eddie grabbed it, flinging it off of where it still covered you as if it personally offended him.
His mouth was on you again. Starting at your lips, moving down your neck, nipping, biting all the way to the swell of your breast. His hands make their move, wasting no time as they began to grope and pull. He took a nipple in one hand and did an experimental roll, the sensation causing you to arch into him, and your hips roll into his knee, hitting that hard spot just right against your clit. Your eyes cross for a moment, and you barely get time to recover before he’s taking your other nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue in tandem with the rolls of the other. All the sensations creating a perfect symphony of pleasure that you hadn’t felt in years, if ever.
You don’t hold back as moans fall from your lips, and they only egg Eddie on more. His mouth releases your nipple with a wet pop causing you to whine out in protest, only made worse when his whole body pulls away to stand at the edge of your bed. Even in the mostly dark room, you’re still able to enjoy the show as he strips himself of his shirt.
His biceps flexing already had you feeling hot, but your breath hitches in your chest as you take in Eddie’s bare chest. Some of the tattoos you recognize from the picture of him and Steve, but there are new pieces that fill in a good majority of his chest and parts of his stomach. He’s tone, even more so now than in his earlier twenties. Your head spins as you follow his happy trail down to where he’s undoing his belt. When he pushes his jeans down to the ground, your jaw hits the floor when you see the tightly pitched tent in his boxers. 
When he clears his throat, you quickly shut your jaw and look at him with embarrassment. “See something you like,” he smirks. Your head nods dumbly, still in awe at the man before you. He rubs his hand over his stubble shyly, curling into his shoulder at your admission.
However, his bashfulness didn’t last long as he leaned forward, grabbed you by the calves and pulled you until your ass was at the edge of the mattress, making you lose your balance and fall flat on the bed. He holds your legs up, moving to stand between them. Leaning forward he kissed you on the lips, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth when he pulled away. Then, in a move you weren’t expecting, he dropped on his knees and began kissing on your inner thighs.
“W-what are you doing?” you asked as you propped yourself on your elbows, watching him make little marks on your skin.
“What do you mean?” he doesn’t look up, only switching to your other leg as he moved closer to your clothed slit.
“Sh-shit,” you whimpered as his mouth landed on your mound, licking over where you’d soaked the center of your panties, “w-hat are you doing down there?”
“Oh, pretty girl,” he looked up at you from between your legs, “I’m going to eat this wonderful meal that you’ve so kindly warmed up for me.” Before you know it, he’s biting and pulling the material away from your cunt, leaning back and pulling away just enough to pull them off. 
And then he’s on you, wasting no time getting his mouth on you. A hand flew straight to the curls on the top of his head as he began in ministrations. His flattened tongue licked a slow stripe all the way from your hole to your clit, stopping on the bud to flick his tongue back and forth. 
“H-ooooohh my god,” your words came out breathy, and you subconsciously ground your hips into this tongue as he lit the fire in you. “Eddie- t-that, ah, don’t stop!”
He hummed into you as his tongue slid down to your hole, wasting no time plunging his tongue inside. Your breath hitches as the breach, curses falling from your lips as your head lulls back. He pulls away for a moment, a thumb gliding to your clit to keep you going as he speaks.
“Baby, has anyone ever eaten you out before?”
“N-no-o, ffffuck, never,” you stutter out, lifting your head to look at him again. You were met with an expression that you could only describe as wild excitement. His eyes practically had hearts in them.
“Well, shit, I was just going to get you warmed up for me, but I’m definitely gonna make you cum on my face.”
Your face was flush red with embarrassment. Henry never did anything like this with you. He barely made you cum in anyway, leaving you to get yourself off on your own. So the idea of cumming on Eddie’s face only stoked the flames in you more. 
His mouth wrapped around your clit once again, sucking and licking, making you cry his name with the remaining breath in your lungs. When you didn’t think it could get better, you felt the roughness of Eddie’s finger at your entrance, pushing in, and working you to the knuckle. The curling motion of his pointer was like throwing gas on the flame. Losing the strength in your arms, you flopped onto the bed with a gasp, hands shooting to grip in Eddie’s short curls. “Oh, oh fuck — ah!” 
Eddie let out a small moan when you pulled. He was smirking against your mound, eyes watching you wriggle and writhe before him. You were so responsive to all his touches and he was sure that he was leaving a stain on the inside of boxers from how much you were turning him on. He needed you. Bad. But he wanted to make you melt under him first. So he added another finger and could feel the way you clenched around him, how your whole body was going stiff, that he was so close to getting you right where he wanted you. 
His name spewed from your mouth between some curses when the flame finally took over and had you seeing white. You clenched your thighs around his head, shaking as your orgasm ripped through you. Broken gasps and cries barely left your lips before breaking out in a pant, chest heaving as you come down from the high. 
Eddie stood from where he was between you, taking the moment to grab the condoms that he shoved in his back pocket earlier in the car. Taking one and setting on the night stand, he turned to find you watching him. You already looked so fucked out, but there was anticipation in your eyes as he approached you. Taking his time to tease you, he pulled his boxers down slowly, watching your eyes widen when it sprung out and smacked against his stomach. He wanted to say something funny at the look of concern on your face, but all that came out was, “It’ll fit, promise.”
Wordlessly you nodded. Watching Eddie saunter over to you as he put the condom on felt like watching a predator about to devour his prey. Once he was back where he belonged, he leaned down to kiss you, hand on your cheek. The lingering taste of your own release on his lips. There was hunger, passion in his kiss. No words, and yet it felt like he was pouring his heart out to you. 
You hummed in surprise as you felt the fat head of his cock nudging at your entrance, begging for permission. You rolled your hips with a small whimper against his lips. 
“Oh, fu-u-uck,” the words stuttered from his mouth as he finally pushed himself inside. Your breath caught at the feeling of him splitting you open, a new heat igniting in your body. Even with the condom you could feel every bump and curve, how hard he was as he pushed himself into you. When he was fully inside, opened your eyes and were met with the prettiest sight; Eddie’s face mere inches from yours, looking strained, yet relieved, all just from being inside of you. 
While he was trying to regain his composure, you were starting to get impatient under him. You start to grind against him, and his hands are instantly at your hips to stop you. “Ah— hold on sweetheart, I’m afraid I’m gonna bust too quick if you do that.”
You pout your lip at him, continuing to roll against him. The sureness he had when he had his mouth on you dissipated as he reveled in your movements. He dropped his head, forehead resting on your shoulder, his little noises right in your ear went straight to your core, “Shit, that’s right—oh use my big cock to fuck yourself. Fuck you feel so g-g-good.”
It didn’t take long of your movements to get him to finally snap, pulling back and trusting into you with a loud smack. You arched your back at the intensity of his movements, arms wrapping around  him as he sets a relentless pace. Each thrust into your cunt was punctuated by your quick moans as the air was being knocked out of you over and over.
His grip on your hips loosened, weight shifting as his hands snake under your arms, gripping your shoulders to amplify each thrust. When his eyes meet yours they’re wild, feral as he’s lost himself in his own pleasure. It was like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, another person’s carnal need for you. 
Your second orgasm hit you like a freight train. It was back arching, toe curling, open mouth but nothing comes out pleasure that you’ve only read about in the dirty novels you’d read alone in the bathtub. You’re pretty sure your eyes crossed at one point. His eyes are locked on your face, watching it contort in pleasure as he feels you fluttering around him. He wants to hold out, but it’s too much, and his movements become erratic. Soon after he stills his movements, hips flush with your core and moans into your ear. You can feel the way he twitches inside of you, even with the condom.
Body going slack on top of you, his weight was comforting as your chests rose and fell in rhythm. His grip on your shoulders shifts to around your rib cage and pulls you into him in an embrace so he drag you up the bed with him. The two of you lay there silently, and you stare into his big brown eyes as they shine in the moonlight. Your heart swells with fondness as he looks at you like you’ve hung the moon. His stare is so intense you have to tuck your head in his chest. He wraps an arm around you, tucking his chin on the top of your head.
You didn’t want the moment to end. In less than 24 hours, this man with his arms around you has made you feel more wanted than you ever had in the entirety of your marriage. Deep down, you knew there was a possibility that this was all that it was going to be. And over the last few months, you told yourself that you would be okay if this was all he wanted. But now that you’re finally here, in the moment, you’re starting to realize that this man could ruin your life.
Gently pushing away from him, Eddie gives you a confused look as you climb out of the bed, picking up his clothes. 
“Uh, what are you doing?” He sits up from the bed cautiously.
“Oh,” his question caught you off guard, “well, I, uh, when Henry and I would, you know, he would have me wash his clothes after…”
Eddie reels back, looking at you with shock, “What the hell? I thought you were his wife, not his maid.”
You tilt your head, “What do you mean? All wives do this for their husbands? Not that you’re my husband, I just--it’s just out of habit.”
He’s got himself on the edge of the bed, leaning forward he reaches out for you, tattooed hand waiting for you to take it. You look between it and his face, before placing his clothes in a neat pile on the nightstand. When you take his hand in yours, he pulls you into him, taking your breath away with a kiss, pulling you down into the bed with him once again.
“See, I thought you were getting my clothes to kick me out,” he whispers as you nestle into his side. You shook your head, smiling against his tattooed chest.
“No, definitely not. You’re going to be lucky if I let you leave now,” you giggle as you trace the lines that cover his body. His chest jumps, and when you look up at him he’s smiling from ear to ear.
August 12th, 1995
Roses covered every shop, cart, and building at the fairgrounds today. The sun was beating down on you hard. It was practically boiling out, making you wish you could peel off the little clothing you decided to wear. The numerous bodies moving around you wasn’t helping, along with the endless food trucks putting out heat as the air filled with the smell of steak fries, hot dogs, and the food you were looking forward to the most: funnel cake.
Standing off to the side in the shade holding Eddie’s sketch book, you kept your eyes on the line, watching your boyfriend stick out like a sore thumb in the crowd of Hawkins citizens. Even though you told him you could wait in line yourself, he told you to find a nice spot for the two of you to enjoy your food out of the sun.
When you found a little spot in the grass under a tree, you waved to him to show where you were. He gave you a thumbs up, so you took that as the okay to take your seat. Just before you do, you hear some yelling coming from a few feet away.
“Mrs.Creel! Mrs.Creel!”
A group of your students from this last years class ran up to you, and you were suddenly very aware of how little clothing you were wearing.
“Oh, hi kids,” you greeted, adjusting yourself to hide a little skin. The kids didn’t seem to care much as they talked to you about their summers and how excited they were to be moving up to the eighth grade.
“Why can’t you be our teacher again next year?” Cindy asks.
“Yeah, I have Mr.Rupert this year and he’s so old and boring,” Suzy groans.
You laughed at their words, but felt a tug at your heart from their kindness. You hadn’t even noticed that Eddie was approaching until all four sets eyes widened, looking just behind you. When you turn around, you quickly take some of the load off of Eddie as he juggles your food and drinks.
“Woah,” you hear Collin say. You have to stifle your giggle as you realize that these kids probably didn’t expect boring Mrs.Creel to be with a guy like the one kissing her on the temple.
“Eddie,” you say, turning back to the group, “these are some of the kids from my class last year. Kids, this is my boyfriend, Eddie.”
Their jaws drop as their suspicions are confirmed. Eddie gives them a friendly hello, and you notice the two girls looking at each other. 
“Wait,” Paul interrupts, “Your boyfriend? I thought it was “Mrs” Creel?”
Oh lord. You were hoping that you wouldn’t have to explain much since you’d have a new class this year, but you forget how observant middle schoolers can be.
“You’re correct, Paul. I am married, but,” you look up to Eddie, who gives you a nod, “But, I won’t be much longer. Hopefully that is.”
“Oh, okay,” Paul shrugs.
“What are we supposed to call you then?” Suzy chimes.
“I’m going to be going back to my maiden name, but you can call me Mrs.Creel if you want to. I know it can be confusing-”
“It’s okay,” Cindy insists, “we’ll just tell everyone that they can suck it up and call you by the name you want to be called.”
After the kids leave and you and Eddie stuff your faces, Eddie tugs you close, kissing the top of your head, his lips moving against your scalp as he talks.
“I don’t know if you remember, but I told you before that your students didn’t think you were lame.”
You sucked in a breath and laughed, “Yeah, I guess you were right. I’ve always been hard on myself when it comes to my students, though.”
“You’re hard on yourself with everything, Sweetheart.” He takes your hand in his before you can pull away, already getting used to your antics when he teases you.
As the sun finally starts to set, the two of you start to make your way back to your car. Eddie has proven himself to be quite the gentleman in the last few weeks. He opens your car door for you once you’ve gotten Teddie Munson, the giant teddy bear that Eddie one for you throwing darts at balloons, safely placed in your back seat. Once inside, he jogs to the passenger door and jumps in. The drive home was full of laughter and conversation, only winding down as you approached Steve’s place.
This had become your least favorite part of the night. Eddie had forgotten that his newly assigned probation officer was going to come and visit him the day after he was released. So when he was at your apartment instead of the address listed on his paperwork, he almost got thrown back in jail on violation. Thankfully, between you and Steve talking with him, he let Eddie off with but with one stipulation. 
So Eddie had to stay at Steve’s house for the next six months as punishment. It wasn’t the worst thing, as you were welcomed by Steve to stay whenever you liked. But, with how vocal the two of you liked to be in bed, you could really only get away with it when Steve and Robin were both gone. And it was only going to be more difficult once the school year started.
“Hey, maybe if I’m really good, proving that I’m lookin’ for work and all that, maybe he’ll let me off my punishment early,” he shrugs as you walk into Steve’s, night bag in tow.
“Maybe,” you lament, “I wouldn’t do anything to risk it, though. You may piss him off if you even ask.”
“Ugh,” Eddie groans as you follow him up the stairs, “If I ever see Rick on the street he’s fucking dead.”
You just shake your head. He always says something to that effect whenever his probation prevents him from spending more time with you.
“I wish you could move in here. It would make things so much easier.”
That was the other thing he said.
“Sorry, babe,” you shrugged, grabbing your night clothes. You stood by the bedroom door as he rummaged around for something to wear, “I can’t afford to break my lease. Besides, you might get bored of me and kick me to the curb. It’s probably for the best that we don’t rush into anything.”
You don’t even see him coming when he grabs your arms, lightly pushing you into the wall, lips pressing firmly into yours. You hum against his lips, and when he pulls away, he looks at you with those eyes. Big, brown eyes that you wish you could stare into forever. 
“I’ll agree to the no rushing, but you told me yourself that I was gonna be hard pressed to get you to let me go. I’m keeping the same deal on my end. Only way I’m letting you leave is if I royally fuck up or I’m on my death bed. Got it, Sweetheart?”
Nodding, you pull him into you again, hoping that your lips could tell him how you feel without having to speak the words. That you were scared, nervous to give yourself to someone so wholly again. The pain of losing him would probably do you in. But with how everything felt so natural with Eddie, so not forced, that you wanted to at least try.
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thanks for reading!
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battydora · 1 year
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masterlist | rules | pinned post
synopsis: they lose a bet and they have to take a shot from your breasts (inspired by: this tiktok)
cw: suggestive, drabbles, modern au, human hantengu (i refer to them as demons anyways lol), gn. reader (afab), written with a chubby reader in mind, reader has big breasts, pet names, consensual, mentions of alcohol, drinking games, teasing, + sekido's confession
note: i saw that tiktok and can't stop thinking about it, so i decided to do it with hantengu clones, self indulgent because i want to stop feeling insecure about my chest and i need them to drink a shot from my tiddies, yeah that'll do it. i wanted to do this only with sekido but the others can join too bye im so gross about these four (btw sekido is my favourite so his part is longer, i'm not sorry) btw karaku is shamelessly dirty lmao i love him
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"haha! you lost, urogi!" karaku's voice yelled as he jumped from his seat on the ground, throwing his cards to the table out of excitement.
"ah, screw you, karaku" the joy demon complained, also throwing his cards to the table aswell looking rather annoyed, side eyeing you. he hid the fact of actually being excited about losing a bet, i mean, with a bet like that who would like to win? whatever's the case, he remained calm and collected despite everything.
"oh that's a shame" your voice spoke, sarcasm asserting presence in your tone, you were obviously not against the idea, you agreed this from the very beggining because, come on, how could you not take the chance of any of these four to bury his face into your chest?
you grab the little glass and the bottle of vodka from the table and start serving a shot. the four demons dagged their glares at you as you unbottoned a... suggestive amount of bottons of your shirt, a little smile growing on your face as you -tried to- hide your excitement for the upcoming events. you grabbed the glass and stuck it between your breasts, your hands pushing both of them together so the glass didn't pour. urogi, sekido, aizetsu and karaku looked at you a bit astonished, sekido glares away quickly, aizetsu stares for a few seconds before also looking away and karaku looks at urogi with a devilish grin, almost encouraging him. urogi didn't hesitate and, with a wide smile, walked towards you and knelt infront of you.
"okay babe, are you ready?" he asks, clearly full of confidence, he seemed excited, like a small child who just got gifted a candy.
"i was born ready" you teased pushing your chest closer to him, he flinched slightly, his eyes widen just as his smile in response, however, he was no chicken. his hands were about to hold your waist but karaku stopped him instantly, a grin on his face.
"ah, ah. no hands!" you both look at him, then at eachother. you smirked once again and winked at urogi, challenging, he only chuckled as a response and, with his hands well hid behind his back, he buried his face in your chest. he missed a few times before actually getting to the glass, his tough lips made contact lightly with your chest, making him laugh just a little bit, you bit your lower lip with a grin as you saw him struggle. you giggled as he took the glass out and threw his head back drinking the liquid within the glass, now grabbing it with his hand.
he sighed out a laugh after, shaking his head due to the alcohol burning his throat. he looked directly into your eyes with a wide smirk.
"now that was fun!"
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"oh man, come on!" karaku throws his head back as his hands slam the table, grunting at loosing to aizetsu "you cheated!"
"you can't accuse me of that, you cheated in the first place" aizetsu protested, putting his cards down calmly "stick to the consequences"
"yeah, you're no one to speak, karaku" your teasing voice said, as you crossed your arms with a grin, karaku's annoyance dissapeared in less than a second when he shrugged and smiled back at you.
"ah, as if the consequences were so terrible anyways. let me see 'em babe!" he was shameless while asking, you laugh at him before unbottoning your upper buttons, exposing your bare chest only covered by your bra, his eyes and smile widen in excitement, he looked like a puppy.
"you will excuse me" he added taking the bottle and glass to fill it himself and stuck it between your boobs, you laughed at his lewd and fun look on his face when he stared at your chest "cheers!"
those were the last words you heard from him before he buried his face in your breasts, purposefully staying in place for a few seconds wrapping the glass with his mouth to have you close for a little longer.
"get it over with, karaku!" sekido was the one to scold the green eyed for staying there for more time that he should have, not that you minded tho.
so, just to tease both sekido and karaku, your hands pushed your boobs up just so karaku would sink in them even more, his laughter was muffled by his mouth being busy with a glass to then finally pull it away and drink the alcohol within. he took the little glass and chuckled with his precious laugh and looked at sekido.
"in your face, sekido!"he mocked and the red eyed just grunted, looking away. karaku then looked at you "sorry babe, i'm tempted, can i give any of your buddies a hickey?" he shamelessly asked, your eyes widened as you saw from the corner of your eye how sekido and aizetsu grossed out at him, which only made you laugh out loud.
"yes baby boy, go ahead" you heard an annoyed 'oh come on! you're disgusting!' coming from sekido aswell as you heard urogi laughing at the whole situation, granting you some sort of satisfaction, this was fun.
"man, cheating was so so worthy!" karaku cheered to himself before putting his mouth to use again.
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"this is ridiculous, i'm not doing it." sekido is the first one to make an objection against the bet HE accepted.
"oh no! you're not backing away like a coward!" urogi laughs at him, shaking his head.
"yeah, man, you can't bet and then not confront the consequences" karaku backs up urogi, laughing at sekido's face right now, man's infuriated.
"shut up both of you!" he states loudly, crossing his arms, avoiding any sort of eye contact with you, he is denial... and embarassment.
"you accepted the challenge, sekido. don't be a pussy" you say now, your elbow resting on the living room table, your face is one of amusement and your eyes locked on the anger demon. he does not answer to you so karaku speaks again.
"if you're not gonna do it, i will" his grin is devilish, he tries to touch a nerve in sekido. the red eyed demon turns to him absolutely furious, more than he normally is.
"fine, shut up, let's get this over with" he grunts and sighs, karaku laughs at him.
"that's the attitude, i knew you weren't so stubborn to let this chance pass by" urogi teases now, you laugh at all the teasing to the poor sekido and serve the drink in the small glass. the red eyed simply groans and decides to ignore them, now putting his attention solely on you.
he kneels infront of you, his knees glued to eachother and fists sitting on them almost shyly, he frowns at you but then looks down, avoiding looking at you, only for a second until he notices you begin to unbotton your shirt, then is when he becomes nervous, he tries so hard to not look at your chest, he is already so embarassed for doing this and can barely look at you. he can't avoid it any longer and eventually lifts his gaze and takes a look at the glass sitting between your big breasts, a beautiful black bra cupping them so prettily. the view is arousing and makes sekido actually thirsty. you stare at his astonished look and make him snap back by pressing your chest lightly.
"what's the matter? gonna try to chicken out again?" you tease in a playful and sweet voice, making the blush on sekido's face grow wider. he gulps and responds.
"of course not, i'm no coward"
he builds up courage from his own words and leans to your chest, his face flushes in dark red when his skin touches yours as he tries to catch the glass with his mouth and pull it out as soon as possible to end this embarassment. his hand lands on your thigh for support (yeah, support...) squeezing softly before finally pulling out the little thing out of your chest, throwing his head back drinking the alcohol in it. the hand touching you takes the glass and slams it to the table.
"done." yep, you definitely enjoy when he's upset like he is in this very moment, his fanged grimace remaining on place as he returns to his seat, avoiding eye contact with you for the rest of the night, because he knows you're looking at him with that look, that exact look you make when you want to tease someone. not that he feels disgusted, he just doesn't want to lose himself infront of his friends.
later that night, you stay over at the hantengu's place, karaku, urogi and aizetsu went to bed a little bit tipsy from a fun night and you're about to do the same until you come across sekido in the hallway, he is dressing the loose t-shirt and shorts he uses as pijamas, his angered expression looking strangely soft right now, or maybe you are imagining it, the hallway is dark and the alcohol in your system is not entirely gone.
"hey, i just wanted to say, i wouldn't mind taking another shot from that chest of yours anytime" he states confidently but in a low voice, the statement surprises you but you play along, whispering some words in response.
"oh yeah? what changed your mind? you seemed vexed carrying out the bet earlier" you look directly into his deep red eyes, he frowns before answering.
"i don't like being watched, those bastards were putting a lot of pressure, i didn't enjoy it as i wanted to"
"aw you're adorable" you say, smiling playfully. you walk to him, standing only a few centimeters away from him, your hand landing on his muscular chest and going down, teasingly "how about we go to your room and try again? bet you'll enjoy it accordingly this time" his angered expression changes for an instant when a teeth showing grin appears on his face, nodding in agreement.
"i would love to rip off that pretty black bra after"
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"do i really have to do this...?" the sorrow demon asks, as if he could back away now that he is kneeling in front of you, chest on full display, a glass of vodka already waiting for him.
"i mean, can you really chicken out now?" karaku says, chuckling to himself.
"yeah, you have to do it" urogi follows, giggling knowing aizetsu has the fattest crush on you and that this was definitely not in his plans.
"i guess i don't have other choice..."
his lips are twisted in an awkward grimace, his face is red as sekido's eyes, he is so ashamed and embarassed right now, he just wants to end this.
'why do i get myself in these situations...' he thinks to himself, trying not to panic as he leans forward, his hands are shyly sitting on his lap.
he is a sweetheart, he loves you (and desires you) deeply but he will do anything in his power to have the littlest touch with your breasts as possible, even if you consented to this. he is very respectful of you no matter the circumstances. however, he kinda fails his commitment because the glass is unfairly buried in your chest (you did that on purpose to tease him, poor thing) so he had a hard time getting it. after some hard work, he finally manages to pull the glass out and drink the alcohol within, his face is red as ever and his eyes avoid yours at all costs.
"d-done, i'm going to my room now, excuse me"
"oh, aizetsu, man come on! it's okay!" urogi tries to cheer him up but the blue eyed already headed to his room, you start to feel lowkey bad for him, what if he didn't like it?
"i feel bad now... was that really okay? he seemed upset" you say with a guilty tone, furrowing your brows, thinking you might've ruined the night for aizetsu.
"no babe don't feel bad! ... i'm not sure if we should tell you this but-" karaku begins to talk but is soon shut by sekido interrupting him.
"the dumbass has a crush on you, it's so dang obvious" he grunts crossing his arms, his revelation actually surprised you, i mean aizetsu kinda hit on you in past situations but you may not have noticed it because his signals were a bit subtle, so it wasn't so obvious for you, maybe to them it was because they're his closest friends.
"oh... is that so?" you ask, still a bit shocked.
"yeah" karaku speaks again "so, if i were you, i would check on him" he smiles rising a brow at you with a smug smile, clearly suggesting you should have some alone time with the blue eyed.
"yeah! we won't bother you" urogi chuckles, winking at you.
"just don't make too much noise or i'm kicking you out" sekido adds, frowning.
you try to hide your blushing face laughing amusingly at them, you loved these dorks so much, supporting you in this whole thing, maybe the night isn't exactly ruined, more seems like it just begins.
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thanks for reading!
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celestiamour · 3 months
Would you do Peter and his spouse welcoming their first child to narnia if they had never left and gone back to the professors house
ft. pevensies & f! reader’s daughter (& peter x f! reader) — the chronicles of narnia
╰₊✧ welcoming the birth of the first heir of narnia┊0.7k words
setting: the golden age contains: mentions of labor & one of death
➤ author's note: i probably went off prompt because i assumed that you meant peter & the reader having their first kid in the golden age, but i didn’t focus it on them and focused it on the kid so feel free to send in something else!!
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news that the queen had gone into labor spread like wildfire throughout the palace and spilled into the rest of the kingdom, becoming the only thing anyone could talk about for the day since the realm hadn’t seen the birth of a son of adam or daughter of eve in a hundred years after the reign of the white witch. all of narnia held its breath in anticipation for the safety of the queen and the healthy arrival of her child, knowing that the magic of the lands would protect her yet still nervous at the slim chance of a worse-case scenario. one half of cair paravel was bustling with maids running around like headless chickens to tend to their queen while the other half didn’t feel like they could even speak above a whisper for these hours out of nervousness, many simply loitering about instead of working and patiently waiting for an update since they didn’t feel like they could do anything at all until then.
oh, but when the first piercing cry of an infant rang throughout the hallway, it was like the entire world stilled for all the attention to be focused on the first heir of the prophesied monarchs: a daughter of eve with the same royal sapphire eyes as her father and the smile of her mother that shines brighter than the sun. the next high queen who will someday rule with the same grace and wisdom as her parents once did before they eventually pass, but for now, she is a little bundle of joy who doesn’t even know her own name, much less how important she is or the future she’s destined for.
peter couldn’t help but shed a tear of happiness at the sight of her, sitting next to you in the bed and gently holding her for the first time. a product of your shared love and devotion for each other through thick and thin, so frail and delicate placed perfectly in his arms and without a single thought in her little head as she stuck out her pudgy arms at him to touch his face. and just like your love that started out small, she will grow into something so beautiful and powerful that its power will be written into history books about the beginning of narnia’s golden age.
lucy is gushing over how cute she is and immediately runs over to pinch her chubby cheeks, so thrilled that she’s no longer the youngest in the family (even if she’ll always be the baby to her siblings) and to be the cool aunt that she’s always dreamed of becoming— the one who helps her sneak out of boring lessons for an adventure and the one who shields her from her father’s scolding once they get caught, she’ll always be your daughter's favorite relative because of all of the whimsical memories and helping her to always be a child at heart.
susan is calm as always with a glint of excitement and adoration in her eyes when she sees her new niece. she’ll act like a tutor of sorts for her as she grows older, teaching her about the ways of royalty and proper etiquette for young ladies (which are often the very classes that lucy occasionally assists in skipping). despite that, your daughter will deeply appreciate her older aunt for everything she does for her: for helping her out when she fights with you, for teaching her that a lady doesn’t always need to be submissive, and for all the knowledgeable advice that she will carry with her for her entire life.
edmund is just in awe at the very fact that he is an uncle, knowing that this day would have come inevitably and still in disbelief that it happened. he’s a bit of a bad-influence uncle, accidentally teaching your child swear words, helping her prank her father on occasion, and swinging her around on his shoulders when she’s still little, but he always means well and teaches her that being nobility doesn’t mean that you need to give up your sense of humor.
mr tumnus was the one to announce to the people that the queen safely delivered a healthy heir, a daughter named aurora which has latin roots meaning “dawn” to represent the dawn of her generation of rulers. she will be a beloved monarch who will look over narnia and its inhabitants with the same love that her parents raised her with, eventually receiving the worthy title of “high queen aurora, the gracious.”
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throneofsapphics · 8 months
More nyx x sunshine readerrrr
Maybe she gets attacked or something
I need drama
misplaced chivalry 
Nyx x f!Reader
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Summary: visiting with your family goes horribly wrong
Warnings: death, graphic depictions of violence, blood, minor injury, references to torture, a hint of angst & fluff, not proofread well
A/N: I did see your other ask, thank you for your request! I hope this hits the drama mark. same reader as ambushes and invitations, but they can be read separately !
Solstice with Nyx and his family was more than you could’ve imagined. Garlands, decorations, wine, food, music, and great company. 
Unfortunately, with the holiday over it meant it was time to do your annual obligatory trek back home. You managed to delay yourself two days before the guilt started creeping in. Estranged would be the best way to describe your relationship with your parents. They didn’t approve of your move to Velaris, or of your chosen profession. 
Trying to imagine the negativity flowing from your body, you took a few deep breaths before approaching the house. Outwardly, it was pleasant - normal. Red brick, a neat garden, a path leading right to the front door, a few chickens could be heard clucking from the coop behind the house. Absentmindedly, you wondered if your father ever got around to expanding that. 
Inside the house, it always felt strained - even before your relationship with them began to fall apart. There was still love, still good memories, and you put most of your conscious effort into focusing on that. It would be a good visit, and maybe things would begin to mend. Worst case you wouldn’t see them again. Your throat caught, despite the tension that’s the last thing you want. 
Three knocks on the wooden door, shaking out your knuckles, and you took a step back, rolling your shoulders and planting your feet like you were headed right into a conflict. 
Your mother answered the door, a worryingly pleasant smile on her face as she tugged you into her arms, squeezing tight. “You’ve grown so much,” she commented. 
Fighting back a wince or sharp retort, you beamed at her. “It’s good to see you.” 
She hummed, grabbing the crook of your elbow to lead you further inside. The scents of your childhood hit you at once, the vague smell of apple pie, old leather furniture, and something else you couldn’t quite place. 
“... made your favorite,” you hadn’t realized she was speaking and quickly added your thanks. Your father came in, shooting you a smile as well, and that was basically a warming welcome from him. 
Later, you realized just why they were being so pleasant. 
“Ella’s daughter completely cut them off,” your mother commented, shooting a nervous look your way. Right - they were scared you’d do the same. 
“That’s a shame,” you moved some food around on your plate. Not really, you figured she wouldn’t do it without a good reason. The night was pleasant - no judgemental comments about your profession or choice on where to live, no prying questions about your personal life or if you’d get married soon. When your mother nearly begged for you to spend the night, you decided it couldn’t hurt. 
Nyx knew you didn’t have the best relationship with your parents, and you’d declined his offer to come with you - outright - but he wanted to be there for you in some capacity. 
Your home village wasn’t terribly far from Velaris, and still in easy Daemati range, so he cast his mind out, searching and focusing on you, like his father taught him. 
“How’s it going?”
Around a minute later, “Surprisingly good, I’m going to spend the night.” 
He fought the disappointment that he wouldn’t see you later, and reminded himself to be happy for you. 
“Should I say good luck?” 
He could’ve sworn a soft laugh came through. “Maybe.” 
You filled him in on a few more details, and eventually he promised to check in the next morning, ignoring your gentle teasing, calling him a mother hen. 
It happened at breakfast before breakfast. The faint tang of copper filled your senses and you launched out of bed, reaching blindly for the knife Nyx had given you, well aware your knowledge extended to sticking the pointy end at them. 
First, your mothers body laid by the door, limbs sprawled at awkward angles, chest unmoving. The door was still open, the remains of a greeting still on her lips, the knife lodged in her throat. Scanning the room, it felt like time stopped, your entire world screeching to a halt. Three bodies laid on the floor, all dead. You heard one faint familiar heartbeat and scrambled down the stairs, feet sliding in the pools of blood. 
Wood splintered into your knees as you slid the last few feet to your father, the knife lodged in his chest. 
His eyes were half-glassed, knife lodged in his chest. You knew he’d killed the other three men. How had you not woken? Had he cast some kind of shield, now faded as life left him?
You gripped his hand tight, squeezing as his eyes focused. 
“Run,” his voice was hoarse, filled with pain. 
“I’ll get a healer,” the words were just above a whisper, told in vain - you both knew it was too late. 
“I’m proud to be your father,” one tear dripped down his cheek. The first tear you’d seen from him. 
“Stop,” you choked. 
“We both loved you very much,” the faintest squeeze, maybe just a twitch of his fingers. “Run.” 
“I’m not leaving you,” you snarled. Your magic had already cast a basic shield around the room. It wouldn’t hold under heavy assault, but you’d be damned if you let him … die alone. 
Maybe it was part of your nature, to accept the inevitable, to try and bring joy where you could, but you focused on him - repeating the happiest memories of your childhood until his chest stopped moving. Just then did you sob, as you closed his eyes. 
It was stupid to stay here, but you were in shock - you couldn’t leave.
It was normal for a short delay between responses, and he waited. A chime of the clock - five whole minutes, and nothing. It shouldn’t have taken this long, and he knew you wouldn’t ignore him. 
“Are you alright?” He tried. 
“Help,” the word was so bleak, your voice desolate and burdened in a way he’d never heard from you, your mind completely open. Fear struck him as he saw through your eyes, fear that could either freeze him in place or bring enough anger to topple mountains. Blood - everywhere, five bodies - two that looked like your parents, three others - and your hands. You were knelt on the floor, one hand still in the pool of blood, the other holding your fathers hand. He could imagine your wide eyes, stuck open in horror. 
One of the bodies was still moving - chest still breathing, rising to his feet, the knife lodged in his thigh, pulled out and already healing - and you didn’t know.
“Run, y/n, run.” Nothing. He needed to get you out of there. Panic he hadn’t felt before hit him. “I’m coming, love.”
In that second, as he was still watching through your eyes, there was just enough time for the man to slice at your back, movements uncoordinated, a strike designed to incapacitate - not kill. You dodged in time for the blade to slice across your shoulder. 
The next second, a wave of dark, pure night slammed him against the opposite wall with a loud crack. Bound in ropes of magic, he left him alive for now. For answers, later. He slid his arms under your shoulder, and he winnowed directly to the river house - right outside his father’s study, where he knew at least a few of his inner circle were gathered. You were limp in his arms, chest heaving with silent sobs, hands clenching at him like a lifeline. 
“I’m here,” he murmured, one hand running over your hair. There was no indication you heard his words. 
One arm held you close to him as the other banged on the door, his mind showing a sequence of the last few minutes to everyone inside. He was beyond words, too fucking angry to try and explain. 
The door flew open. His father, eyes a dark stormy night, anger rolling from him in waves, his mother’s anger matching, but switching to worry as she spotted you. Azriel and Mor were there as well, and Nyx vaguely registered his father grabbing them and disappearing. 
His mother gently ushered them inside, Nyx lifting you into his arms - your body nearly frozen. As magic healed the small gash on your shoulder, as it made the blood disappear, he still held you close, still ran his fingers through your hair and said over and over again, “i’m here, i’m with you, you’re safe,” even as his mind wandered towards how soon he’d be able to get revenge on your behalf - revenge he knew you’d never seek out. Gods, you were more likely to try and show them mercy. Like hell that would happen on his watch. 
“He said he was proud of me. He said he loved me. He cried.” Nyx jolted as you whispered, the first words in the last two hours. You’d fallen asleep on him - but he hadn’t moved an inch, not as people came and went out of the office. Nobody suggested he try and move you, nobody dared to get too close to you, not with his temper and protective instincts barely under wraps. As far as he knew, your father had never said those words to you. Nyx didn’t know how to reply, so he placed a kiss on your forehead. It was stupid to be mad at a dead male, but he wished the male would’ve told you as often as you deserved.
Nyx only left you alone after you were secured in a room warded as heavily as possible, impenetrable except by him or his family. 
“We’ll need to talk to her, eventually,” his mother said carefully. His fists clenched at his sides, but he nodded. 
“Did you get anything from the male?” 
“Azriel’s working,” his father replied, eyes searching his face. 
“I want to see,” Nyx insisted. 
“You don’t need to see that,” his mother argued, but his father held his hand out, understanding flashing in his eyes. Nothing he hadn’t seen before, but she was still protective. 
Apparently, his mother knew when she was fighting a losing battle. “I’ll keep an eye on her,” she promised. Nyx sent a grateful nod her way, and took his fathers hand. 
By the looks of it, Nyx knew Azriel was conducting a special symphony of pain - one reserved for those who’d hurt people close to him. He watched, leaned back against the stone wall - arms crossed, as each word was pulled out of the male, resisting the urge to filter through his mind. 
He waited to comment until Azriel packed up for the night, until the cell door had closed, a barrier in place - one the male wouldn’t hear beyond. 
“What are you thinking?” the shadowsinger offered - not a demand or command, but letting him know he’d listen. 
“They weren’t trying to kill her,” he tucked his hands into his pockets, hiding anger-induced shakes. “They wanted to get to me.” 
“Yes,” Azriel confirmed. Hearing it from another was worse than his own mind. Would you hate him now, resent him? Being with him put you in danger, and he couldn’t live with himself if something happened to you. 
Azriel read his expression easily enough - he was the only one who could. “Pulling away from her won’t keep her safe, not that they already know.”
Nyx exhaled slowly, “it’s my fault.” 
“No,” the other male said sharply, insistently. “You’re not to blame.” 
The words were futile, he’d keep blaming himself. 
“I’m so sorry,” Nyx’s hand ran over your hair, your eyes blinking to adjust to the sun streaming through the windows. Why was he sorry? He was sitting next to you, you were laid in an unfamiliar bed, but you knew the hunch in his shoulders, the worry in his eyes. 
The events of the previous day hit you, slamming into your mind, filling you with an unfathomable grief. 
“There’s no reason to be,” your voice was hoarse and rough. “You saved my life.” An uncomfortable silence filled the room for a few minutes, and for once you didn’t have the energy to break it. 
“It’s my fault they came for you,” you could feel the guilt in the statement, and knew exactly what was coming next. He’d try to leave - to ‘keep you safe.’ Nyx was stubborn as a mule, but this was something you wouldn’t budge on. Sure enough, he said, “you’re safer without me.” 
Planting your palms on the mattress, you pushed yourself up to sit - the remnants of the sleeping tonic making the movements slower than usual. It was misplaced chivalry, some kind of attempt for him to be noble and assuage unnecessary guilt. Usually you were slow to anger, but this was enough to piss you off. 
“Do you not like me anymore?” You asked. He blinked, surprised. “Are you not attracted to me?” 
“Of course I am,” he stumbled over the words. 
“Is there a valid reason you don’t want to be with me?” 
“It’s not safe-”
“I don’t care,” you insisted. 
“I can’t put you in danger,” he insisted. 
You weighed the next words carefully, deciding what would get the best reaction. “Are you scared, Nyx?” A muscle in his jaw flexed. “If that’s the only reason you want to leave me, I won’t accept it.”The steadfast look in his eyes wavered, and you knew you had your in. “Tell me you don’t want me anymore.” 
He shook his head. 
“Say it,” you insisted. 
“Of course I still want you,” he muttered. Evidently, he’d realized he wouldn’t get his way. Good. 
Your body swayed as you reached for him, and he grasped both of your shoulders to steady you. There was the slightest twinge in your shoulder, thanks to the wound from yesterday, but besides that you were in good shape. 
He noticed your small wince, and tried to move away, but you reached for him, cupping both of his cheeks, thumbs brushing over his cheekbones. Eyes fluttering shut, he let out a slow, slow breath. 
“Until you have a good reason, you’re stuck with me,” you murmured. 
“It’s not stuck,” Nyx groused, and rearranged the two of you, laying you down, head resting on his chest. 
You hummed in content. The grief would come later, but for now you could lean into this moment, lean into his quiet strength.
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controversialcoven · 4 months
Outsiders gang headcanons
(That really aren’t headcanons because im a ponyboy fictive and just sharing random memories)
Johnny didn’t talk much, but if you got him talking about cats it would never stop, real lot of fun facts saved in his brain
Especially calico cats? He really liked calico cats, like the pattern or something
Ponyboy hated the blonde cut hair, but always left it alone since he felt like that was the last thing he’d ever have of Johnny
The Shepard gang did not like chocolate (I don’t know how)
Dally had this secret rivalry with everyone that only he knew about, where he made everything into a competition he would win
Darry is the only person to say “I wouldn’t get addicted to (insert thing), id just stop” and be right about it
Ponyboy didn’t like alcohol because it was beer, hand him a fruity drink like a strawberry daiquiri and he’ll be all over it
He still wouldn’t drink it regularly though, insert “that’s a girls drink” and he has enough addictions under his belt already
All of the Curtis siblings have chronic migraines but deny it
Soda once made himself cry in a movie by going “I will cry if this happens in the movie”
He wasn’t even sad he was borderline laughing
Pony and curly both have various scars on each other from doing extremely dumb things
Pony would say it’s stupid, but curly would call him chicken so then he’d do it anyways
Johnnys favorite place to sleep if it was late and he needed to get out was under a huge oak tree not to far from the house (if he didn’t crash at the Curtis house of course)
Speaking of the Curtis house, it was a one floor ranch house with very little rooms. It was a 4 bed 1 bath, but one of the rooms got turned into Darry’s work room
If any of the boys got asked the “bring only one thing to a deserted island” question, they’d all say hair oil with no hesitation
Half of the dirty things dally said he didn’t know what he was talking about and picked it up from a movie
If Johnny were alive today he’d have one of those raccoon tail hair styles (probably blue)
Darry would listen to Taylor swift
Pony started a running joke of saying “don’t tell darry” over everything (ex. He pours himself a soda in front of Darry and says “don’t tell Darry” as loudly has he possibly can) ((he gets jokingly shoved for this every time))
Pony is not the type to remind the teacher of homework, more like confusedly bring his homework to the teacher after class is done and walk away
Almost everyone had a specialized nickname for eachother, some that only a specific person could call them and if someone else tried they’d get the tar beaten out of them
In pony and sodas room the closet was full to the brim of snacks in emergencies
It also had an ash tray only pony knew about in case he wanted a smoke
This post is gonna be a mile long if I continue but I might do a part 2 some day
Edited a few things because I wrote it at 1am and it had issues
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shadowwolflady · 7 months
Hatake Kakashi Headcanons
All right. It's time for some of my husband's headcanons. I consider Kakashi my husband. So I have to make some headcanons for him.
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Birthday September 15th
Zodiac Virgo
Height 181 cm
Weight 67.5 kg
Blood type O
Hair color silver/gray
Eye color gray
Missions completed 1,141
197 D
190 C
414 B
298 A
42 S
Jutsu: Tai and Nin
Kekkei: Sharingan
Hidden ability: Kamui
Style: Tracking/Assassination specialist
This man is an introvert.
Favorite colors: black, grey, green (neutral colors)
Reads Icha Icha in public
Work smarter not harder
Is late to things that aren't important
Sees KIA stone in morning
Appreciates his comrades more than he lets on
If you can't find him, he is reading or working out. Most likely reading.
If you REALLY can't find him, he is trying to hide and keep away from people.
He is straightforward and doesn't beat around the bush. Especially when it is something he likes.
Kakashi does smoke, only when extremely tired and stressed, like after a tough mission. Other than that, he won't smoke.
Will. Do. 400. Crunches. For. The. Fun. Of. It. Basically any kind of exercise for the hell of it.
His spacial awareness is insanely keen.
The moment he walks into a place or room, he already has a plan in case things go awry. He has an exit path separate from the front. He already has tabs on civilians and potential allies. On top of that, he already can sense those who have ill intent.
Plays dumb so he doesn't have to interact or get involved.
Has hyper focused on something and missed a conversation point.
Has fallen out of bed.
Has fallen asleep with his gear on. Basically face plant into his bed the moment he got home. And didn't wake up until 12 hours later to go to the bathroom.
He always throws up an aloof facade so he throws his opponents off. Acting bored or disinterested is the best way to rile up an opponent's anger, which can cause them to lose a fight.
Just the fact he shows up to something or for someone is a big deal. It means he supports them or it is important to him in a way, even if he is forced.
He gets really quiet and withdrawn when tired. Usually his book isn't even out by this point.
He gets more irritable when tired. He tries to keep his comments to himself and mouth shut.
Has massive respect for kunoichi. It isn't easy in the shinobi world and a woman has to be bad ass if they want to achieve recognition.
He is a stickler for teamwork and comradery.
He has a favorite tree he likes to sit in so he can watch over people while he reads.
He has sharp canines.
Favorite food Miso with Eggplant with salt boiled saury
Can cook
Likes simple meals
Doesn't like sweets
More savory food
Fish, beef, chicken, pork. In that order.
Can handle most spices.
Fast eater
Least favorite anything fried or sweet
Social drinker
Can hold his liquor
It is rare, but in the mornings he will have Coffee, Black
He is a gentleman, walks ladies home at night and makes sure his drunk friends get home.
He will get cats out of trees for civilians.
He will help the elderly with groceries.
Calm, cool, collected.
He is quiet and analytic, he likes to stay in the background and unnoticed. He will step in when he feels like no one will be able to handle the situation.
He is usually reading or day dreaming.
He usually speaks tactfully. But he does say what is on his mind.
Originally, he was strict and by the book. But after Obito's death, he became carefree and prioritized team safety over success of the mission.
He is reluctant to let anyone close to him. He fears losing them.
Modest about his abilities.
He has a heightened sense of smell and hearing.
He has a sensitive chakra network, able to pick up on people around him and distinguish friend and foe by their chakra signature.
Showers at night
Smells like sandalwood and timber, earthy undertone
He brushes his teeth with mint and mouthwash
He shaves every morning.
Comb? What's that? Maybe once a week or so.
Fighting Style
Kakashi uses a ton of kicks to keep opponents at bay from getting too close to him.
INSANE core strength.
Fluid movements.
Constantly adapting to the fight, changing grips and angles of attack.
Will use chakra as a last resort.
Will use Sharingan as the ultimate last resort.
Will prefer to knock out or render unable to move. Will terminate as a last resort or if opponent is known in bingo book.
Has dealt with bingo book individuals before.
He usually waits to strike.
His Anbu training takes over and he strikes fast and lethal over power.
Lots of his fighting is based off Gai.
Kakashi knows the strongest and most powerful muscles in the body are the legs, which is why he uses them.
He tends to sleep on his back.
He will wind up on his side.
He is a light sleeper.
Has insomnia.
He does like to nap during the day. Usually in a tree or outside. But he has napped at home.
He sleeps with a kunai under his pillow.
If he can't sleep he will read.
If that doesn't work, he will go for a walk around the village.
He enjoys taking naps with his ninken.
First chakra affinity is Lightning
Second is Earth
Can wield all elements due to sharingan
Insomnia, hence naps.
He will have night terrors to the point he will purposely walk around the village to avoid sleep.
Has scrubbed his skin to the point of bleeding so he could get the memory of blood off.
I will post more, but this is the general list I have for him.
My other list is for that when he is with my OC, Rai.
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He is so precious! He has my heart! I love him so much!
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mollycabot · 4 months
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Casey Novak X Reader coffee dates
A/N a short but sweet fanfic because I’m to tried to write more
Y/N was working with Olivia and Elliot on a case as Casey walked into the squad room.
“Hey guys” Casey said “hi case what you doing here?” Olivia asked “just come to look over a couple of things for this case” case responded.
As Y/N was walking back “Olivia got the flies for you” Y/N walked in and Elliot took the flies as Olivia was busy chatting with Casey. “Who is that gorgeous woman?” Y/N whispered to Elliot who shook his head “that’s our A.D.A Casey Novak” he replied. “Why don’t you go say hello to her” Elliot suggested with smirk.
“Nope nope I would trip on my words” causing Y/N to be come flustered “your ridiculous” Elliot said walking over to Olivia and Casey “oh look it’s my break anyway I’m going to get some lunch” Y/N said as she walked out the room.
“Who she?” Casey asked “she our new detective she was transferred to us from other unit as her skills and kindness would be a great addition to our team” Olivia explained “she also a really funny and easy to winded up” Elliot added.
“Well I hope to meet her when she comes back” Casey said she saw you in court a couple of times supporting the victims and she see you around and she find Y/N very stunning and wants to get to know her.
After a while Y/N walked In and sat at her desk with her lunch and sat down doing some paperwork work not nothing Casey walking up to her desk.
“Hello Y/N” Casey said as Y/N looked up and felt her heart speed up “hello” Y/N said “Olivia said you got some files for our up coming court case mind if I have them if there ready?” Casey asked as Y/N handed over the files.
“Thank you” Casey said as she put the flies in her bag and said goodbye to the team as she walked out.
“So our Y/N has a little crush” Olivia said which made Elliot laugh “Shut up you two” Y/N said embarrassed and going red in the face. “You know Y/N Casey likes you as well” Olivia started “she seen you a handful of times and thinks your stunning and gorgeous and kind and she likes how you help the victims and help get them through court”. Olivia finished.
Elliot then said “you two are as bad as each when do you speak about your feelings” Y/N just nodded “well I’m heading home now my shift is done and I’m going to go and sleep. As Y/N was leaving she ran into Casey.
“Hi case what you doing here?” Y/N said “well I just came to ask you if you would like to go and get some coffee sometime? And I was hoping to catch you before you left” Casey said.
“I would love that very much thank you Casey how does tomorrow morning sound?” Y/N said.
“Perfect” Casey said handing Y/N her card with her number on it. Which Y/N happily took.
As they both headed the different ways Elliot stood next to Olivia and said “so are we going to tell them that we told Casey to ask as Y/N is to much of a chicken to admit anything” Olivia laughed “nope it our secret”.
Next Morning
Y/N was stood outside the coffee shop when Casey arrived, “hey love would you like to go inside” Casey said which caused Y/N to go red in the face “yeh sure” Casey smiled once they gave the order and started chatting about work and hobbies. Once they had their coffee they left and decided to go to work together.
“Thank you for this it was a lovely morning love” Casey said as they walked into the squad room, “it was Casey” Y/N said.
“Well we definitely do this again” Casey said as Y/N agreed. “Well as much as I would love to stay I got to head to the office have a nice day my love” Casey said as she gave Y/N a kiss and with out a second thought Y/N kiss her back.
Not knowing Elliot and Olivia are at the back smiling like idiots and happy that they finally admitted their feelings for each other.
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midnightcinderella · 2 years
Little dating headcanons <3
Characters (in order of appearance): Leona, Azul, Cater, Rook, Vil, Sebek, Jamil
Notes: sfw, fluff/crack, gender neutral pronouns for reader
♥ He is the gf who bites you for no reason
♥ He will try to get you to feed him entire meals. Don’t indulge him too often or he will take advantage
♥ Doesn’t start trimming his toenails until you complain that they’re scratching your ankles
♥ If you’re the type to play your music out loud, he takes almost no time to adjust to be able to fall asleep to it
♥ Lets you mooch off his detergent and fabric softener for when you do your own laundry. Ruggie ain’t too happy about having to go buy them more often
♥ You once sprinkled some catnip on his pillow as he slept and all it did was make him sneeze and blow it all over the floor
♥ Will grumble something about sodium and fats when you bring him fried chicken, but will immediately chase after you when you pretend to take it away
♥ If you ever tell him about the kind of furniture and decoration you like, expect a few pleasant changes in the lounge’s decor
♥ Gets so pouty when you say you can’t cuddle in his octopus pot with him
♥ Azul pls they can’t fit in there, they have bones
♥ Bottomless drinks at the Mostro Lounge <3 but you have to go get em yourself lol
♥ Azul doesn’t send the tweels to be your bodyguards. They just come pester you on their own and scare off anyone who tries to pick on you because they’re the only ones who can do that <3
♥ “Can’t you make them stop?” “I can’t make them do anything.”
♥ Contrary to popular belief, you don’t show up on his Magicam as often as you’d think. Not in pictures anyway
♥ You’re tagged in every post as his photographer, and there has been a noticeable improvement in the quality of his photos with someone to man the camera for him
♥ Gets so many matching couple items, it’s crazy. Mugs, phone charms, key chains, phone cases, bracelets, the list goes on
♥ Once lost one of the matching bracelets and flipped the entire dorm upside down looking for it. It was in a pocket of the jacket he’d lent you
♥ Tried to show off his guitar skills for you but he was nervous so he flubbed a couple chords <3
♥ Was unaware of how hot you found him until he had his hair down in front of you for the first time and you crumpled to the floor
♥ Prone to running off on a whim as he is, he always tries to return before you get worried and appreciates that you welcome him with open arms
♥ Will try to gift you his quarry to soothe the pain of his absence. Some of them are flowers <3 and some of them are school supplies he stole from the student he was hunting -.-
♥ If you guys get couple items, he wants them to complement each other, not match. If you wear gold, he wears silver. If yours is blue, his is red
♥ Will not lend you his hat no matter what. He’ll give you his coat instead when the elements are on the attack. Not super helpful when it’s hot as balls out
♥ You never see him go to retrieve his arrows, not even with magic, but somehow he never runs out. He says he makes more with the power of love but you have no idea what that means
♥ Got a taste of his own medicine when you had an impromptu sleepover at Heartslabyul and he came to Ramshackle for a surprise visit. He was in such a tizzy, it took him a whole half hour to figure out where you were :(
♥ You once gave him a compact mirror shaped like a macaron because you thought it was cute. He carries it with him everywhere
♥ Once tried to teach you how to walk in heels but got distracted by your legs -///-
♥ Doesn’t mind lending you jewelry, but makes you polish/disinfect it when you give it back
♥ Likes doing your skincare when you’re drowsy. The way your eyes droop and the way you hum because you’re too sleepy to actually speak gives him terrible cute aggression
♥ Will cuddle you at night but you can’t cuddle him back. It’s fine if your jammies get wrinkled but he can’t say the same for his own so you just lay there while he carefully wraps himself around you like a pashmina shawl
♥ Once heard you humming a song that you were helping Epel practice and stepped in to show you proper technique
♥ You once fixed his hair and collar for him after gym class and he thought about it for 3 weeks straight
♥ You swear you saw his lip wobble when he asked you why you insisted on spending so much time at Diasomnia and you answered that it was so he wouldn’t have to go so far from Malleus
♥ Wants so badly to pitch a fit when you let Silver sleep on you, but the one time he did you scolded him and learned the definition of a kicked puppy expression
♥ The first time you slept over at Diasomnia, Malleus overheard you fighting about who would take Sebek’s bed. Sebek insisted you take it and Malleus offered him the couch in his own room and when I say Sebby leapt at the opportunity
♥ He came crashing back into his own room once he realized that he left you with his roommates lol
♥ “Welcome home, cheater,” you said while fending off one of the other boys’ attempts at looking at your cards
♥ He brought you home once and you thought Najma was so pretty, you spent almost your entire visit chatting with her, stars in your eyes the whole time
♥ He thought he’d have to watch out for the Asims stealing your attention, but it be your own family smh
♥ Once caught you eating instant curry and looked like you’d told him you didn’t love him anymore
♥ If there’s ever a time when you need to dress up for one of Kalim’s banquets, Jamil will style your hair with magic
♥ Won’t say it, but he likes when you hang off of him in the kitchen. Feeding you small bites of what he’s making while you hold him from behind is what happiness is for him
♥ He likes to use you as a weighted blanket at the end of particularly stressful days
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"It's just one night," Remy said to himself. He'd been dared to enter an abandoned hospital and stay the night there in a sort of hazing ritual by his fraternity, and the rules were that he had to spend the entire night, sunset to sunrise, in the building. If he chickened out he would have to be the booze runner for the rest of the year.
He'd brought a few things with him. A flashlight, sleeping bag, snacks, water bottle, and some matches, just in case, among some other things he felt he might need. He figured nothing crazy would happen, worst case scenario he ran into a squatter or something, but he was still a bit nervous. The hospital was rumored to be haunted, and his frat brothers made sure to let him know that before he went in for the night. They'd told Remy that people who went in would see the ghost of one of the patients that died in the hospital back before it was shut down due to rampant malpractice. Of course, he didnt believe them, and he didnt believe in ghosts.
He stepped through the trashed lobby. chairs were strewn about and a thin layer of dust covered them. Broken beer bottles were swept into a corner, evidence of other people coming here to goof around, maybe even previous frat members. He kept going into one of the halls, just looking for a room to hunker down in and just sleep through the night. He found one down the hall a ways that wasn't full of broken glass or anything nasty, and set his backpack down on the floor and laid out his sleeping bag. He sat on top of it and decided to play on his phone for a bit before he went to sleep.
Remy opened his eyes to a hospital room lit with fluorescent lights. In front of him stood a heavily pregnant woman with a massive belly attached to her gaunt frame. She had long black hair and tear streaks running down her face. Her hospital gown was torn and ragged. She looked at him with a pained expression and clutched her stomach. A hoarse and ragged voice escaped her lips in a fearful plea.
"Help me."
Remy awoke with a jolt. He grabbed the flashlight from his bag and shined it around the room. Nothing.
"Heh. Just a dream. Theres no such thing as ghosts. Its just what the other guys said getting in my head," he said to himself. He flicked the flashlight off and put it back in the bag, then turned around to go to sleep and was greeted with a familiar tear streaked face. He screamed and scrambled back against the wall. She stood, and he noticed that she was translucent, and had a glow to her.
"No way. I'm dreaming. This can't be real. Ghosts aren't real," Remy said, rubbing his eyes. When she was still there, hands on her belly, he stood. "Who . . . are you?"
She slowly walked toward him, saying nothing. He pressed himself flat against the wall, unsure of what to do. She stood between him and the door, so he couldn't make a run for it. And even if he could, did he want to? She had been in his dream, and maybe she really did need help.
The woman slid her hand up under his shirt. Remy began to speak, but it felt like the air had been taken from his lungs. The woman held her icy hand on his stomach, as if feeling for something. Finally, she spoke.
"You will do."
She backed away and grabbed her belly once more. Suddenly, it was flat, and three orbs flew out from under her tattered gown. They swirled around her, and she whispered something to them before they turned toward Remy. They flew towards him, right to his stomach, and then they were gone. He didn't feel any different, and patted himself down just to make sure. He looked up to see the woman gone.
"Okay, just a weird dream or a hallucination. Asbestos can cause hallucinations right? This place has to have asbestos in it. I should really-"
He was cut off by a sudden lurch in his gut. He held onto the wall for balance with one hand and lifted his shirt with the other. He gasped in disbelief as he saw a glowing spot on his lower stomach. He put his hand on it and felt a cool, pulsing mass underneath his hand. There was no way this could be a dream, he would have woken up by now. This was real.
He slid down the wall onto his but as he felt another lurch in his belly, and then pressure. It began to push against his hand, growing bigger by the second.
"Oh my god, what's happening? What did you do to me?" he yelled, but the woman was nowhere to be seen. His gut pushed out, bigger and bigger, looking like someone in the early stages of a pregnancy. He felt the three spirits that had entered him shifting inside, which showed no signs of stopping.
His shirt began to slide up, exposing the glowing orb underneath. he looked to be in the second trimester now, and still getting larger. He looked around for something, anything, that could help whatever situation he'd somehow got himself into. He slowly stood again, using the wall as a brace, and hobbled back to his bag. He pulled out a knife, considered for a moment, and then put it back. If he tried that he'd probably end up with a nasty infection, or worse, just bleed out. He had no choice but to sit and watch himself grow.
He'd reached full term size by now, but was still going. He remembered that there hadn't just been one, but three, orbs that had entered him. He figured they must be spirits, so that meant that he was carrying triplets.
A few minutes later and he was the same size the ghost woman had been, if not bigger. The spirits in his womb thrashed and kicked, making his belly deform and stretch with each and every movement. He felt the growth slow, then finally stop. Then he felt something new, like a hot iron band gripping his belly. He groaned through it, hands holding the taut mound that had become of his midsection.
When the contraction finally let up, he took a moment to breathe and reposition himself. The spirits continued to use his organs like punching bags inside him, but they had slowed down ever so slightly. He had figured at this point that he was going through a rapid pregnancy with some sort of ghost babies. He saw a bit of paper in the corner that he hadn't noticed before, and crawled over to grab it. It was a newspaper clipping about a woman who had been kept at the hospital during her pregnancy, and ultimately she and her children had died due to the doctors' negligence. The picture showed a cheerful looking young woman with long black hair named Liu, obviously a picture taken before her stay there.
Another contraction crashed through Remy and he dropped the paper. He began to feel something down below, something moving into his canal. He screamed at the burning in his belly as the head of the spirit moved down his birth canal. He managed to shimmy his pants off and felt around his crotch. A cold teardrop shape was forming, the head of the spirit. He pushed and grunted as the opening got wider around the head. It didn't hurt as much as he thought it would, but by the time the head had slipped out he was panting and sweating. How was he going to get three of these things out?
After a moment the next contraction hit, and he pushed with all his might, and suddenly Liu was back, between his spread legs, ready to catch the baby between them. Remy didn't have the energy to ask her where she went, but just kept on pushing. The head slipped out of him, then the shoulders, then the rest of it all at once. Remy slumped against the wall and took a deep breath in an attempt to regain a little bit of energy, before he was hit with another contraction. He pushed, again and again, until the second spirit was out and in Liu's arms.
His belly had shrunk significantly by now, but the last spirit appeared to be the biggest. It thrashed inside him, showing no signs of wanting to leave. Remy welcomed the break, taking another moment to rest.
Suddenly he felt Liu shove her arm up his hole. She wanted her babies, and she wanted them NOW. She wasn't going to give him a break until she had all three.
Remy tried to grab her arm and pull it out, but his hand passed right through it. She was pushing further and further into him, until he could see her hand up inside his belly. She grabbed the thrashing baby still inside him and began to pull. He screamed in pain, begging her to stop as she tugged on the spirit.
She pulled and pulled, eventually sticking her other arm up into him to help pull the baby. He felt a foot pop out of him, then another, then the legs, torso, arms, and then . . . it was stuck. Liu kept pulling, and Remy kept screaming, crying out for someone to help him. He pushed and pushed, but the head wouldn't budge.
After what felt like hours of pushing and pulling, the head finally slipped out of him. Liu picked up the other two babies and, holding all three, began to walk towards the door. Before she left, she turned back to Remy and spoke.
"Thank you. You're the first one they sent it who could actually help me." She smiled, and faded away as she walked out the door. The room began to spin, and finally, Remy passed out.
Remy awoke to a faint light coming through the window. He looked down to see his sore, and very much bare, crotch just out in the open, and remembered the events of the night before. It hadn't been a dream. He'd really gotten possessed and given birth to ghost babies. He couldn't believe it.
He got up and tugged his pants back on. If the other guys found out about this, he'd probably get ridiculed for the rest of his college career, if not his life. They could NOT find out about this.
He gathered up his things and rolled up his sleeping bag. He looked around for the newspaper clipping, but couldn't find it anywhere. He'd have to look for it later. He lifted his shirt to make sure everything was normal again, then booked it back to the lobby entrance. Two of the boys were waiting for him outside.
"So, how was it? Did you see any ghosts?" one of them asked.
"Come on guys, you know I didn't," Remy lied.
Both of the other boys smiled, looked at each other, and snickered.
On their way out of the lot, Remy looked back to see Liu, her three children around her, all waving goodbye. He whipped back around. He was never, ever, coming back here again.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Pit Plant
Debut: Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
This Piranha Plant has bright green, ridged lips. That's how you know it is from the GameCube! Did you know? The abbreviation often used for the GameCube is "GCN", which stands for "Green Clothed Nibbler", referencing the green lips of the Piranha Plants. The mouth is the nibbler, and of course, the lips are the clothes of the mouth, keeping it closed and appropriate. Green clothed nibbler!
Unfortunately, Pit Plant's story is a bit of a sad one :( let's learn why...
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This is Dry Dry Desert! It is a desert, it is dry, and it is dry again as well, wouldn't you know it. It is not to be confused with the many other Mario deserts named Dry Dry Something. But it's hard to get this one mistaken for another, because it is so incredibly distinctive! The sun and the sphynx are looking down upon us with funny Mario object eyes, which are also present all over the place, as with any Double Dash course.
Dry Dry Desert is also distinguished by its Danger! There are Pokeys, sure, but also roving whirlwinds, and best of all...
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Pit Plant! A unique green Piranha Plant with yellow spots and brown spikes, which sits at the bottom of a conical pit of sand. I know what this means. You know what this means. Let's sing it together!
If you slip down the sand, get chomped, and start dyin',
You, my friend, were caught by the antlion!
Pit Plant is based on antlions! The insect that, in its larval form, sits at the bottom of a pit just like Pit Plant's, waiting for poor bugs to lose their traction on the sloped walls. Once they get in the center, the antlion will chomp its prey and slurp its insides through its hollow mandibles! This is not like what a lion does at all.
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In case it was not obvious by now which I sincerely hope it was, Pit Plant is Dangerous. There is even a billboard warning everyone about it! Not just a sign, a BILLBOARD. A very prominent, permanent fixture. They know about the danger Pit Plant causes, but it is just a native plant, living its life! This is its home, and it is your own fault if you get eaten by it.
We only see Pit Plant's head, which is the flower, so there is so much lurking underground that we cannot see! No leaves to speak of, but there is no need for much photosynthesis when you can and do eat an entire Waluigi. Probably a Stomach of some kind down there, since Piranha Plants have those. Most intriguing is how it made this pit in the first place, though! Maybe it uses its roots to dig, or there are indeed some leaves underground, modified for burrowing! I like to think that the architecture of the entire pit is formed by its roots, keeping the shape anchored securely even if the sand is blown all over the place.
I am sorry, but it is time for the sad part.
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Here is Dry Dry Desert in Mario Kart 8. It's just one angle, so there's not much to judge from this image, though I like the Hammer Bro-looking sphynx, a nice reminder that this is a turtle world and we're just living in it. But such realistic clouds... these ones would never have eyes, and neither do the realistic pyramids... it already feels kind of lifeless compared to the original, and that is worrisome. The tornado is even gone! What's the deal? Take me to Pit Plant! I need to see my friend Pit Plant, and maybe toss some raw chicken into its mouth from afar!
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...It's gone. Pit Plant is dead. In its place? Nothing. Just a hole. This is a remake! Isn't it supposed to IMPROVE on the original? I like the oasis, but other than that, this remake feels so lifeless. If you fall in the hole, Lakitu takes you out, and that's it. They could have still had Pit Plant! Just have a brief fade to black and Lakitu dropping you back on the track! And the billboards, now purely advertising. I don't think Red Shell Strike Equipment is behind the removal of Pit Plant, but I will forever associate them with it. You know who's not innocent, though?
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I blame the tourism department! Could it be a coincidence that once the most notable dangers subsided, Dry Dry Desert started being advertised as a tourist destination? Maaaybe Pit Plant reached the end of its natural life cycle, but the tornado is gone, too. Maybe that went away on its own, and then some heartless CEOs were thinking "Now all that's keeping people from visiting is that pesky Pit Plant..." I don't want to imagine it!
I really am so sad about Pit Plant's removal. I have not even played Double Dash, but I don't need to in order to recognize the whimsy and creativity that was lost. Dry Dry Desert went from being extremely distinct to perhaps the most aesthetically standard a Desert Course could be. Can't you so vividly see Pit Plant as the featured element on its course icon, in a better world?
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Wherever you are, Pit Plant, I hope you are happy. I hope you're eating clumsy angels that fall into your cloud trap. Who knows! Maybe you even ate God, and became the new one! I'd like to think so. I feel you smiling down on me.
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ladytesla · 8 months
Cowboy Halsin
I saw @aerynwrites musing about how Halsin would be as a cowboy or rancher. I thought I'd throw in my two cents, since I live on a farm myself.
There's more to it than just seeing Halsin speaking softly to horses, as awesome a sight as that would be. There's more to living out in the country than horses, believe me. This kind of morphed into Country Halsin and not Cowboy Halsin, but I hope y'all like it anyway. Let's go through a day in the life, shall we?
Halsin would probably be up before dawn, kissing your cheek before getting out of bed as carefully as possible, trying not to wake you. You have your own goals to accomplish today, he wants to let you wake up on your own.
Besides, he loves the stillness just before the sun rises. The nocturnal creatures are seeking their nests and burrows, the diurnal ones have yet to wake. This solitary commune with nature is one of the highlights of his day, listening to the wind in the leaves, the crickets and the frogs. It is a very referent time of morning that seems to stretch for ages and at the same time end far too soon.
As he reaches the barn, the day officially begins. Animals need to be fed. Mostly they graze in the pasture, but some need special treatment. An old swaybacked mare needs a little something extra to keep her weight up. Maybe there's a colt who managed to hurt himself somehow, and the wound needs to be tended to. Maybe it's cold outside, so he throws out alfalfa with the hay. Alfalfa is also called 'hot hay' because it raises an animal's body temperature, which is a great trick for winter.
He speaks to the horses as he works, maybe fondly berating the colt for being so clumsy in his excitement, or encouraging the mare to eat everything he's set out for her, smoothing a large hand down her side and smiling to himself when he feels her ribs much more faintly than he used to. One of the horses who is usually waiting in the mornings isn't there... that's a bit odd. He'll turn up eventually. The chickens milling around outside have heard his voice and know The One Who Feeds Them has arrived, so they peek around and wander into the barn themselves, waiting very impatiently. The goats in another small paddock nearby are just as impatient. They start yelling and bleating as if they're starving to death and He Is A Cruel And Unjust Father And They Are Going To Scream.
He likes hearing the chickens chatter as he scatters out feed for them. They don't have anything of real importance to say, but they never stop talking. Mostly it's "Food! Food! Food! Bug? Food! Scratch. Peck. Scratch. Bug!" in a dozen warbling little voices. He brought a bag of veggie scraps from last night's dinner with him to throw to the goats, which stops them yelling. "I don't think the neighbors heard you yet," he would say dryly as he throws hay to them as well. Sometimes they headbutt each other for access to the best morsels, and while he wants to prevent this to keep anyone from getting injured, he knows it's in their nature. He keeps an eye on the smallest and oldest, however, making sure they get their fair share. The twin kids born last week toddle after their mother like baby ducks. It seems like she has enough milk for both of them, though he still has powdered formula and bottles from the last kidding season, just in case they're needed once more.
Now that everyone's been fed, it's time to walk the fences, looking for that missing horse in the process. A lesser known but very important job when it comes to country life. Any breaks could not only let animals out, but predators in. He'd keep an eye out for signs of predators nearby. He hasn't seen any today, but he heard coyotes crying out in the darkness the night before. By this time of morning, though, he has company. You've made your appearance, bleary-eyed and handing him an insulated cup of coffee. You're already on your second.
The fog from earlier hasn't been burned off completely by the sun yet. It's a quiet time for the two of you to walk the property lines together. Halsin is a bit concerned about that horse. He hasn't shown up yet. Soon, though, he sees a silhouette in the last bits of fog, and sighs with relief. The horse isn't lying down from illness, he's just... trapped. The two of you look at this big strong chestnut gelding, eyes rolling and sides heaving, barricaded in the corner of the pasture because... there's a rabbit in the way. A fat little gray-brown bunny, nibbling delicately at the grass without a care in the world. Truly a terrifying sight to behold.
"Arthur we've spoken about this," Halsin sighs as he walks closer to the horse. "Rabbits can't hurt you. They eat plants, and they're tiny. Look!"
Still, Arthur isn't convinced. Halsin soothes him, stroking his nose and smiling to himself at the absurdity of it.
"My heart," he glances to you, "please convince our visitor to release Arthur."
You smile as you shuffle closer to the rabbit, gently shooing it back through the fence. Now that Arthur is out of mortal peril, he happily walks off towards the barn.
"They're majestic creatures," Halsin admits, "but sometimes..." He shakes his head, then keeps walking the fence. "Come on, my love... we're only halfway."
A round bale is delivered around lunchtime. The thing is as tall as you and just as wide and weighs an ungodly amount. But it needs to go out into the pasture somehow. Moving a round bale is a two-person job. Your job is to hold the gate open and keep the curious horses at bay... and to watch as Halsin, sleeves rolled up and muscles bulging, easily rolls it into the paddock as though it weighs nothing. He barely has time to set the feeder ring around it before the horses are nosing greedily at the fresh hay.
"I wish I could help more," you say as you close the gate.
"You help plenty," he replies, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Besides..." There's a faint glint of mischief in his eyes. "I've flattered myself into thinking you like to watch."
You grin and say he's being ridiculous, but you both know the truth.
As active a man as he is, Halsin isn't content to spend the heat of the day indoors. There are still so many things to be done. Bird feeders to fill. Eggs to collect from the chickens. The vegetable garden to water and weed. Water troughs to top up. Finally, there's a little time to take a break. Sometimes you have other things on your schedule, but today you decide to join him. The two of you find a shady spot under a tree and settle in with a book, some whittling, perhaps a snack, and you let yourselves get lost in nature. The afternoon sounds are different from the early morning ones. There are no crickets or frogs, no reverent stillness. Now there are raucous little songbirds fighting over birdseed, the chatter of a squirrel, the crow of the rooster, maybe even the far-off braying of a neighbor's donkey a quarter mile away. The windchimes you hung from the back porch. And underneath it all, the wind humming in the trees. Halsin leans back against the rough bark of the tree, closes his eyes, and feels the undercurrent of life running through all things. You can't help but admire the sheer expression of peace and happiness on his face, and set your little diversions aside to lean your head on his shoulder. His arm instictively wraps around you to pull you closer against him, and you enjoy simply existing as part of nature for a while.
The sun is about to set, casting mile-long shadows and lighting up the fields like gold. It's nearing time to go inside and help make dinner. But first the old mare and the colt need to be tended to once more. Another helping of special feed for the mare, sequestering her in her stall so that she can eat in peace without a certain someone (whose name may or may not be Arthur} attempting to share. The colt's wound is healing nicely, and Halsin digs in his pocket for a cookie in exchange for the colt standing still enough to be treated. He tosses another cookie to Arthur who protests that he too needs special food because he is a special boy.
He comes inside to clean up and help with dinner. He'll need to go back out in an hour or so to let the mare out of her stall, but in the meantime he's happy to be in your company as you maneuver around each other in the kitchen. If you're cooking, it may be a bit difficult with those big arms around you from behind. The two of you have been busy all day, and now that you're done with your work, he has decided to make things a little difficult.
"Love, please, I need to get to the spice cabinet." "I can reach it just fine. Tell me what you need."
"Halsin, I can't work with you right behind me like this!" "I fail to see how this is a problem, my heart. I'm having a wonderful time."
Halsin is normally a mild-mannered type, but his sense of humor sneaks out in sly ways from time to time. At least he hasn't broken out the horrible puns yet. And you have to admit, it's nice to be able to feel his deep voice resonate against your back.
Halsin is ready to sleep when it's time for bed (as long as you are too, of course. He's always up for 'extracurricular activities' if the mood is right). "We did well today, my heart," he says quietly in the darkness, pulling you close. "Pleasant dreams." He can hear the faint sounds of frogs and crickets outside your window, and that coupled with your soft breathing is enough to lull him into a deep sleep.
Was it a long day full of hard work? Yes.
Would he trade away any of it? Never.
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antlered-prince · 1 year
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The Universe
The famine is actually something that has happened before, way in the past when monsters were first trapped in the Underground. A lot of the knowledge of how it was overcome was lost with Asgore and Toriel however, and a lot of the older monsters were either too young to remember or were the first to fall down when it resurfaced again.
The famine is actually caused by an overabundance of magic. When the monsters were first sent into the underground they brought all of their magic with them, it soaked into the ground, rocks and water. The new density of magic caused any crops to become 'overripe'. The Core failing did the same thing, sending a new intense wave of magic through the Underground. If they had gotten the Core up and running the way it used to, it would regulate magic once more.
The only reasons Reuben's magic was able to restart the Core briefly was because it has the same magical signature as Gaster, it has nothing to do with power level or anything like that. When Gaster fell into the Core his magic became interwoven in its mechanisms, a significant boost of a similar magic (either from Reuben or Dagwood) would have been enough to restart it.
In my headcanon, Toriel was also defeated by Frisk. This is because I believe this 'run' was someone's first and only, someone who gave up trying to talk it out, someone who didn't bother to go back and get the 'best possible ending'.
Not that many humans have actually fallen down during the second great famine, at least not enough to affect anyone who has eaten them. Most of the changes that have happened to monsters are because of the extra magic, it changed them to help them survive tougher conditions. For example, making them taller/bigger, sharper teeth, improved vision etc. In some cases, this has affected their mental state as well.
Both Reuben and Dagwood's teeth and size are a result of the extra magic that the Underground got flooded with. Most monsters have been affected physically in some way by it. Their bodies changed to be able to handle that amount of magic. There was some emotional struggle since monster souls are so in tune with magic, so it was harder for them to keep their emotions and magic in check. But over time it has become easier as they adjust to their new reality.
They both know sign language, as Reuben sometimes finds it hard to speak verbally.
Horrortale Sans
Nickname: Reuben
Height: 6'4
Magic: Pinkish Red
Style: He likes dressing in cosy winter gear. Big jackets, jumpers, big grippy boots, etc. He almost always wears his matching yellow gloves and scarf, although sometimes he'll swap it out for something else Dagwood has made for him.
Other facts and info:
Reuben can cook, but he's not as good as his brother.
He loves spicy food.
Reuben has four pet chickens that he loves very much. Their names are Spoon, Knife, Fork and Ms Ice-cream Apple Pie.
Reuben likes to take care of the groceries and any other short errands around town. He'll often take one of his chickens (usually Spoon) with him if he has the opportunity.
Reuben loves to savour his kisses, much preferring soft lingering kisses and being closer to you. He likes if you take the lead as he's perfectly happy to get lost in it.
He 'doesn't dance'.
Reuben would like to work with animals, perhaps in some sort of petting farm or animal daycare.
His favourite colour is yellow.
Horrortale Papyrus
Nickname: Dagwood
Height: 7'5
Magic: Pale Green
Style: He likes light coloured clothing and he likes to look smart. He often wears button-ups, dress shoes and long coats. He's never seen without a pair of gloves, as his bones are heavily scarred and he prefers not to look at them.
Other facts and info:
Dagwood is a very skilled cook. He made it a priority to properly learn once they made it to the surface, taking advantage of the wider variety of foods available compared to underground.
He cooks mostly savoury things but he loves sweets. He's still not the best at making them though since he likes to make sure everyone eats healthy first.
Likes spicy food.
Dagwood is very outspoken, partially stemming from his brother's selective mutism. He's not afraid to speak up for others who need it.
He's very protective of those weaker than him, and keeps up a consistent workout routine to make sure he's always in fighting shape (the boost of magic from the core exploding in their au makes this very easy for him).
He likes to knit in his spare time too, although it's not something that he openly shares. The scarf and gloves that Reuben wears are a past birthday gift from him.
He was the main one that monsters in Snowdin went to if they needed help and that need to take responsibility never went away. He would melt if someone went out of their way to take care of him.
Because of the shape of his teeth, Dagwood's kisses are usually very gentle and precise. He'll usually take the lead and hold your face to direct you. Both because he likes the act of control and because he doesn't want you to accidentally get poked.
He really loves kids. If his partner also wanted kids he'd probably want at least two so that they'd always have a friend/someone to rely on. He'd also be open to adopting/fostering older kids who need a home.
About his relationship with Undyne. There were a lot of tense feelings at the start of the famine, a lot of magic going haywire, so their relationship was very rough for a while after his brother got hurt*. It's been a few years now and they've worked on and rebuilt their relationship as they've worked together to help the remaining monsters.
*It happened during an argument where her magic got out of control. She meant to summon one spear as a show of power but accidentally ended up summoning multiple.
He loves any kind of dancing with a partner.
Dagwood would love to be a teacher of some sort. Probably somewhere around the preteen level.
His favourite colours are pastels, but specifically blue.
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staytinyville · 1 year
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ATEEZ ot8 x Reader
Cowboy / Wild West AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
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“Sweetie, you already had your night shift turn. Are you sure you want to do it again?” Your father questioned you. 
You gave him a bright smile, trying your best to act the part. “Of course it’s fine. Really. I want to spend the time alone. I’ll be fine.”
Your father squinted his eyes, moving to say something else but your mother stopped him. “I have to go make dinner soon, dear. I’m sure (Y/N) will be just fine.” She gave you a teasing smile over your dad’s shoulders. “Besides there are two nice police officers staying on the first floor should there be trouble.”
You grimace but immediately grinned when both of your parents looked at you. While your mother seemed to be thinking something else, her words eased your father. “Alright. Be careful. We will see you in the morning.”
You gave them both hugs goodbye, waving at them from the door. When they made it out the back and began their trek to your family home, you turned back around and began your night chores. 
You noticed you tried to finish them quickly, wanting to reach a specific room quicker than normal. You were thankful for the patrons not wanting many things which allowed you freetime to get to where you wanted. 
When you had done what you needed to, you waited outside the door for a moment, trying to build up the courage to knock. You raised your hand before you chickened out and rapped your knuckles along the wood. 
Jongho opened up the door, allowing you room to walk in. The other man was sitting in the chair you often occupied while speaking with Yeosang who seemed to be conscious. 
“You’re awake.” You called to him. He gave you a breathtaking smile in return.
“Yes, thanks to the medicine.” He answered. “All I need now is to clean the rest of the wound. The pills left should be enough to aid the healing process for the next few days.”
You nodded your head quickly, moving to unwrap the man from the sheets that were stained red. “I’ll help you with that.” 
“We’re going to go see the others.” The tall officer spoke to you two. “We’ll be back in a moment.”
“If you so much as do anything-”
“I don’t need wanted criminals to be on the hunt for me or my family.” You spoke up, not daring to look at the two. Yeosang had a grin on his face as he listened to your conversation. He just knew each of his friends who would have trouble befriending you. 
Yunho looked to Yeosang, getting a nod in return. “Do be careful.”
Yeosang noticed your fingers pause just for a moment before resuming the chore of removing his makeshift gauze. With the man conscious, he was able to move just the tiniest of bits to make the whole thing easier for you. 
You decided on washing his skin before addressing the wound. For now it was best to allow it to breathe some before closing it off once more. There was silence that both of you seemed to find no trouble in enjoying. However Yeosang took a few moments to take a look at you. 
It didn’t seem to bother you much to look at him with the top half of his clothing. You didn’t so much as seem phased with seeing his torso. Most women he had come across seemed to shy away from the advances his comrades gave them, giggling and blushing red. However he figured maybe things weren’t the same when you thought you were going to die. 
“They won’t kill you.” He expressed. 
You stopped wiping the rag along his collarbone, trying to fight off the smile from your face at hearing his deep voice. You could hear the small lisps he had which you found to be adorable. 
“I don’t think anyone would want to risk it.” You answered. “As I told your friend. We’re both walking on eggshells.”
Yeosang sighed, hands moving to the back of his head to give you space. “We’re not like that.”
There it was again, the way he spoke making it seem like everything he said was correct. At least in this case it might have been. He knew what to say to calm you down. He also wasn’t worried about giving away too much about his gang. 
“I believe you.” You told him. 
Yeosang took a moment to glance over your face, titling his head in thought. “Is that why you act the way you do? Because you know we won’t kill you?”
“Oh no. I wholeheartedly thought I would die at one point.” You shook your head. “You just have such sincerity in the way you speak that it calms me down.”
Yeosang pulled his lip into a thin line, his cheeks turning pink from the compliment. 
“Does my attitude bother you?” You asked him, continuing the rag down his chest. 
“I find it entertaining.”
You patted his chest, pursing your lips. There weren't many people who complimented you on the way you acted. Even your family would make jokes about the way you were. They didn’t shun you for it but you were still often the bunt of the jokes when it came to people talking about their children. 
‘Oh yes. It’s (Y/N) we are worried about. She is way too independent for her own good. Who knows if a man would be willing to marry her.’
It didn’t hurt to have them think that way. It’s not like they ever stressed you to go out and find someone. They weren’t people who forced their kids out of the house. Maybe it was because they had hands available to work in the hotel but they never outright expressed their thoughts about you leaving the house. 
“My family has always told me I was too independent. I guess I never grew out of it and it caused me to have a mouth.” You tried to joke. “Glad to know my personality tickles your funny bone.”
“I’ve been with the boys for a long while. Each has their own ways of talking to people. It’s enjoyable to watch them argue with someone else who they won’t beat to a pulp.” The man explained to you.
“Lucky me.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “I’m assuming you’re the one who avoids violence?”
“I’m part of a gang; it’s inevitable. I will say I enjoy the medicinal things a bit more.”
“I’ve been told.” You drop your rag into the water bowl, moving to get the medical supplies to clean his wound. “This might sting a little.”
Yeosang sucked in a deep breath when the cold solution of iodine touched his infected wound. It stung but nothing he couldn't handle. When you finished the disinfection, you moved onto the gauze. 
“Bear with me.” You told him, moving his body. He was able to lift his hips just enough to where you could roll the bandage under his torso. You were glad he was looking better at that point. You had no clue if you were going to be able to move him yourself. 
“Thank you.” Yeosang told you once you tightened the gauze. 
“You’re welcome.” You smiled down at him. 
“Yeosang.” He introduced himself. “My name is Yeosang.”
You felt your cheeks heat up with the look he gave you. It was warm, with a small smile playing on his lips. “Nice to meet you, Yeosang. I’m (Y/N).”
“Nice to see you’re still here, Sweetheart.” Wooyoung stuck his head through the windowsill, grinning at the two of you. 
You sighed in annoyance, rolling your eyes. Turning around in the chair, you noticed all seven of the men climb back through the window, each taking up space in the room once more. 
“I see you’re awake, Yeosang.” You moved out of the way, avoiding coming in contact with the blue haired man. 
While Yeosang told you they wouldn’t hurt you, he seemed to be the most hostile compared to the rest. At least when it came to his members. 
“All thanks to the girl, Captain.” Yeosang spoke up. 
“I brought you some food.” The one who hadn’t spoken to you yesterday grew closer to the bed with a plate in hand. “Jongho brought us a good amount of herbs and spices. Tried a new recipe.”
“Can you sit up?” Hongjoong asked. 
San and Wooyoung moved to either side of Yeosang, helping the man sit up a bit more in bed. You flinched and were about to reach out when you noticed the man’s pained expression. But it quickly was wiped from his face. 
“Thanks, Hwa.” Yeosang told the man as he spooned some food into his mouth. 
You watched as they all seemed to get comfortable, arguing over the order in which the shower was to be used. They all joked together and it brought a smile to your face to notice how close they actually were. There was a lot you were missing to their story, but watching them you wouldn’t think they were criminals. 
“I’ll take my leave.” You spoke up when they all settled down after Mingi had walked into the bathroom. Just as you were going to turn, a voice spoke up from the middle of the room. 
“Thank you.” Hongjoong called out.
“No problem.” You answered. With one last glance at all the men, you moved the door open. Before walking out though, you spoke over your shoulder. “I do hope you know I’m going to charge extra for the stained sheets.
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara ,
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Top 5 Emotional Outbursts
See if no one else on this website has my back, I know Ben has my back because he is giving me a chance to talk about my boy Patts once more
Patts, La Pluie
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gif by the beautiful, marvelous @liyazaki
Episode 10 was just an absolute masterclass in emotional outbursts. The fight between Lomfon and Patts, then Patts and Tai, then Lomfon and Tien, then Patts and Tai again. Like goddamn, finally thank fuck, Patts is able to let out years worth of frustration and pain at Tai's silence was just so beautiful, and cathartic, and necessary. What an absolutely incredible moment to not only witness but experience. Patts has been so kind, so patient, so forgiving, and it was time for all the pain that he's been letting simmer for two years out. Good! For! Him!
Uea and His Bio Family, Bed Friend
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There are few characters in this world I hate more than Uea's mother, and it was so so so so so so wonderful to see Uea finally give her a piece of his mind. I am so proud of him for speaking his mind, standing his ground, and getting the ever living fuck out of his bio family's house. Too personal, sorry, but this fight hit especially well for me because I too have had a parent say they'd live perfectly happily without me, and it was great vindication of my reaction to that to see Uea GTFO immediately after.
Secondarily, James' sobbing screams at the beginning of episode 4 and in the flashback of him getting dragged in to the bathroom when he was an adult have never left my brain. James absolutely crushed those scenes and this was going to be my Bed Friend pick before I remembered this fight exists.
Jim and Li Ming // Heart and His Parents, Moonlight Chicken
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I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that Jim and Li Ming's relationship dynamics is one of my favorite of all time. Aof is such an incredible screenwriter/director and I feel like he's able to make such realistic depictions of families in all their complicated glory. The screaming match between Jim and Li Ming is SO good, and really is what solidified my appreciation for Fourth's acting skills because there was a fucking storm cloud on his brow. Happy fucking birthday to you Uncle Jim I guess. Poor fucker.
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And then of course, one of the first ever posts I made in the BL Sphere of tumblr was a full essay on Heart's confrontation which I loved so motherfucking much. Once again a much needed fight with lots of interesting, complicated emotions flying around the room.
Kiyoi and Hira, Utsukushii Kare Season 2
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gif by @itsallaboutbl
"I'm sorry that I like you" one of the best moments of the year for me by far. This fight between Kiyoi and Hira was desperately, and I mean desperately needed. I know changing will be a slow process for the two of them, and even in Eternal they are no where near where they need to be, but Hira needs/needed to cut this Pebble to a God bullshit out and I am so glad that Kiyoi was able to call him on it. Also from a performance standpoint, Yagi Yusei had his work cut out for him as a scene partner to Hagiwara who absolutely bodied his role as Hira. In season one Yagi did not need to do all that much for his performance because we didn't know as much about Kiyoi until closer to the end, but that cannot be the case for Season 2 and Yagi knocked it out of the motherfucking park.
Sunshine and Q, 7 Days Before Valentine
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Okay, almost positive this isn't a BL but I love when people structure TV shows like stage plays, and there was a fight between Sunshine and Q in like Episode 4 or 5 where they were shouting over each other and it just felt so real and the dead silence that hit the room when Q said something that struck a chord with Sunshine was expertly handled, and some of the best work I've seen out of Atom the whole show. I don't think anyone gifed it so I can't put the scene in, but I think you talked about it in your Stray Thoughts @bengiyo
And just cause I wanna, the Top 5 Emotional Outbursts of the pre-2023 shows I watched this year:
In and Wang's fight in 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us, Ep 8
Gav sobbing about his aunt in Gameboys (the movie, i think?)
Pran sobbing in to Pat's shoulder in Bad Buddy, Ep 10
Tarn's fight with Teh in I Told Sunset About You, Ep 4 (shout out to Smile there because I still cannot believe it was the first thing she filmed on set)
Shiro being terrified Kenji was dying and Kenji being worried Shiro was dying and the resulting clownery from them blurting that out in What Did You Eat Yesterday? I think it was the New Year's special.
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