#or like “this is all i'll get so i'll cherish this small thing forever”
deathsweetblossoms · 2 years
Just sitting here thinking about how Azriel admits he kept the headache tonic "just to stare at", which means by the time he received it he was already down bad enough for Elain to add that type of sentimentality.... to...headache tonic.
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krazyyyyyy · 4 months
Forever Longing Solivan Brugmansia /Reader
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Synopsis: A small glimpse into Sol's elementary life, where he abruptly meets the single most important person in his life...You
Warnings: Mentions of violence
Words: 2553
Notes: Don't know how many more of these I'll write, but I'm hoping to get around three more done if not a few more.
Hope you enjoy this short story <3
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Children’s happy laughter echoed loudly throughout the playground, as they began to spill out of the school building; marking the beginning of their cherished recess time. Kids ran freely playing around with friends, swinging giddily on the swing sets, and continuously going up and down the slide.
Well, all the kids but one…
A young, small, and quiet Solivan stood far away from the other kids, staring at the ground at his feet, avoiding any eye contact with anybody within the area. He knew he didn’t fit in with the others, given his introverted nature, he was considered an outcast amongst his classmates. People tended to overlook him, barely acknowledging his presence even when they were standing right next to him.
He was used to it, though…. He had his drawing supplies and stuffed animals, the only things that really made him feel anything close to happiness. The stuffed animals would never judge him, and, they’d always be around to listen to him when he needed it, an idiosyncratic concept to him growing up in a loveless household.
A soft tap on his shoulder causes him to lift his amber gaze from the ground and into the familiar brown orbs of his teacher, Mrs. Baker. A woman with a skinny frame and curly auburn hair that just slightly exceeded her shoulders. It took everything within him not to scoff at her arrival. She was keen on pushing him towards being more sociable with the other kids, a goal that would always fail in his favor. So why couldn’t she just leave him alone?
 She crouched down to his height and spoke to him in her usual soft and steady voice, “Solivan, Why don’t you play with the others today? It seems they're playing a little game of freeze tag, doesn’t that sound like fun?” 
Solivan spared a short glance toward where the kids were running wildly at each other, while some others stayed frozen in place, showing signs of annoyance at being frozen; he retracted his gaze back to the ground shaking his head, mumbling a small “No”
Mrs. Baker smiled understandingly at the timid young boy before her, “I know it might seem scary, but give it a chance, you might like it more than you think.” She attempted one last time to try to convince the boy to open up, even if it was just a little.
The boy remained silent, having lost interest in the conversation completely and hoping that his teacher would simply give up and leave him alone for the rest of the recess period.
Thankfully, it seemed fate was on his side, as he heard his teacher sigh next to him before standing up and walking away to a different part of the playground to supervise a group of rather exuberant children. Leaving him alone at last.
The little raven-haired boy sat on the ground, back pressed against the steel fence that separated the playground from the busy streets that lay not far behind. Settling down, Sol pulled out a small sketchpad from his back pocket; a notebook that was filled page to page in his numerous doodles, which he usually did during class time to pass the time.
Pulling out a pencil, Sol began to doodle, head buried in the notebook; heavily embarked on the mini sketches that required his utmost attention. After a while, he finally cranes his head back to admire his work; his sketch was that of a small horse with a small sketched figure of him seated cheerfully on its back.
He beamed at the drawing, proud of his work. While marveling at the sketch, the notepad is quickly ripped from his grasp. Startled and confused, Sol snaps his head up to look at the culprits. Standing above him, were three kids, obviously much older than he was, possibly four grades above him.
Sol was quick to spring up to his feet to try to get the notebook back, but to no avail, as the blond boy who held the item towered over him. He held the sketchbook high above his head, so even if the little boy tried to jump for it, it would prove pointless in the end
“Give it back!” Sol shouted at the kids as he continued to try to reach for what he considered to be one of his only sources of comfort. All three of the boys laughed at him, “Aww, is the little weirdo gonna cry.” a boy with red hair teased, pointing at him.
“You drew yourself riding a horse? What are you, some kind of girl?” The blond boy jokingly flipped through the pages of the book, briefly observing its contents.
“Stop it!” When Sol tried to reach for his sketchbook once again, the blond boy laughed, before tossing the book over to another boy; then that boy proceeded to also flip through the book and laugh before also tossing it to the next boy. Sol found himself playing in this miserable game of monkey in the middle; a game where he could only watch as his book flew through the air above him, out of reach, with no hopes of ever reaching it.
Eventually, Sol got the courage to defend himself from these bullies, and with all the strength he could muster with his tiny form, he tried to shove the bully who had the sketchbook in his possession. But, the shove proved unhelpful, as the bully didn’t even move an inch.
Sol could barely catch his breath before he was harshly shoved to the ground. A sharp pain pulsed through his body as his back was met with the hard ground; Sol opened his eyes to notice that his sketchbook had fallen next to his body, the bully had more than likely dropped it in outrage at Sol’s sudden rebuke. Sol swiftly snatched the book off the ground and held it close to his chest, shielding it from the bullies.
Sol lay on the ground in a fetal position, with his back facing his bullies, arms still tightly wrapped around his sketchbook. There was a sudden sharp pain on his side as a bully directed a fierce kick toward the young boy; another boy directed a kick, of similar intensity, toward his other side, leaving the little boy only to whimper in pain.
The group of bullies continued to relentlessly kick the defenseless boy, not showing any hint of mercy toward him. Tears ran down Sol’s cheeks as he could only endure the endless kicks that the bullies threw at him. He closed his eyes and hoped the boys would soon grow bored with this and walk away, or maybe a teacher would notice this assault and interfere.
It felt like an eternity that the kicking would continue, he almost thought it would never end…
Until a loud voice rang out and suddenly the kick stopped.
“Hey! Leave him alone!” Sol heard the unknown voice shout at the group of boys. He peeked from his position to glance at where the shouting came from; upon opening his eyes, he was met with his saviors back facing him as they spread their arms out wide to shield him away from the sight of the bullies.
“Get outta the way Pipsqueak! Or you're gonna be next!” He heard one of the bullies shout at the person before him. Sol noticed the stranger's visible shakiness as they stayed rooted in their spot in front of him; they were just as scared of these bullies as he was, yet they still chose to throw themselves in the middle just to protect him. He felt a surge of admiration for the stranger; this had been the first and only time someone stood up for him… his heart couldn’t help but skip a beat.
“No! I-I won't l-let you!” The stranger's words came out shuddered and breathy as if they were holding back tears. Luckily, their voice had been loud enough to possibly draw the attention of others nearby.
The twisted grins on the bullies' faces faded at the realization, and they looked around the area to see if anyone had caught the drift of what was happening.
“Shit!”  Was the last thing Sol heard from them, followed by the frantic pattering of feet in the grass as the bullies quickly fled the scene. Leaving behind two frightened kids as a result. 
Sol, who was still lying on the ground, breathed heavily, the fear coursing through his veins still running wild. He flinched when a blurry object suddenly came into his vision. As his vision slowly cleared, he noticed that the object was the outstretched hand of his savior; they looked down at him with a concerned expression, tears still lingering in the corner of their eyes.
Hesitantly, Sol took the hand, which helped pull him to his feet. He stumbled a bit but managed to regain his balance with a bit of effort and help from the person next to him.
“Are you okay?” The stranger asked him, their voice a bit hoarse from all the yelling yet still holding a subtle gentleness to it. Sol looked at them for a second, before shyly shifting his gaze off somewhere else and slightly nodding his head.
They smiled, their gaze landing on the item that Sol continued to hold tightly to his chest. “What’s that?” They pointed out the sketchbook, which, unknowingly to them, had caused the whole ruckus that just happened moments ago.
“... It’s my sketchbook,” Sol murmured under his breath, keeping his gaze away from the person in front of him. He never did well talking to people, never mind kids his age, this person wouldn’t be any different.
Their eyes lit up as he spoke, “You draw?! I wanna see it! Can I see pretty, please?!”
 Sol was taken aback by their sudden interest in his sketchbook, his eyes were blown wide at them; he had never shown anyone his work before, nor had anyone ever asked to see it… this person was achieving a lot of firsts for him. He supposed he could show them, considering they had just saved him from a harsh beating.
“Umm… Okay.” Sol pulled the sketchbook from where it rested on his chest to hold it out between him and the stranger. He slowly navigated through the pages, properly allowing the person next to him to take in each piece of art. They were a bundle of excitement, commenting excitedly on almost every single little doodle in the book; it brought a small smile to Sol’s face, knowing that someone enjoyed his drawings just as much as he did.
“These are so good! You're so talented! Do you think maybe you can draw me something?” Sol felt his cheeks flush with an odd, unfamiliar warmth. They wanted him to draw something for them. Him? Out of all the people they could have asked? They wanted him to draw for them…
He fidgeted with the pages of the notebook in his hands, keeping his eyes glued to the ground, nervously. “Sure–”
“Wait! Before I forget, my name is Y/N!” They cheerfully cut him off, “What’s yours?” They talked a million words per second, which was a bit overwhelming, but Sol still found himself intrigued by them.
“My name is Solivan…” He spoke quietly, but loud enough for their newfound acquaintance to hear. “Solivan?” They tested his name out, “Well, Solivan from this day forward you are now my friend!” Sol stared at them dumbfounded. He never had a friend before, but didn’t think it would ever be this simple, yet here he was.
He didn’t get a chance to respond to their declaration when they continued to speak, “I’m thinking maybe a butterfly–No wait! A gecko… no…” They continued to list through a variety of animals, as Sol would stand and watch them in awe. He didn’t know what it was, but he felt some sort of connection to his new friend, it wasn’t unwelcome, but it was still strange.
“Oh, I got it! How about a dove? Mom says those are her favorite!” 
Sol raises an eyebrow at them.“Like the bird? Are you sure?”
“Yeah!” They cheer.
Sol only nods his head in response, but a smile remains on his face at their jubilation. He sees the opportunity to speak after your moment of triumph and takes it, “I-um… thank you… for helping me. Not many would’ve done the same.”
They shake their head at him with a smile,“ Don’t mention it. You needed help…so I helped!”, the sincerity in their tone set Sol at ease. He wondered if had truly been missing out. If other kids acted just like Y/N, then maybe talking to others wouldn’t be so bad.
A mature voice suddenly rang out through the playground, catching everyone's attention, “Kids, recess is over! Start lining up with your class!”
“Aww man!” The child next to Sol groans, “Just when we were having fun, too!”. If their definition of fun was getting nearly trampled by a couple of older students, then Sol supposes he had the time of his life… Not really, though, but meeting Y/N was a nice surprise.
Children from all around the playground started to depart, moving to their designated class lines. Y/N started to make their way toward their line before they stopped to turn around to look at Sol one more time. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Solivan! Can’t wait to see the drawing!” And with that, the energetic second-grader gave him one last wave before running over to their class.
Sol gave them a little wave in return, watching as their figure got further and further away. It wasn’t long before he himself started making his way toward his own class, to continue the rest of his day. Of course, his attention wasn’t drawn toward that of his classwork, but rather that of the little dove drawing he spent the rest of the day drawing for that special someone he met.
Sol paid no mind as his art teacher rambled on and on about the importance of elements in art; his focus mainly on the small, worn-out sketch pad that lay open on his desk. He lazily drew his fingers along the delicate pencil marks of his old drawing from way back then.
Out of the drawings he had created during his entire childhood, that little dove that he drew for you in the second grade always held a special place in his heart. He remembers how bright your face lit up when he showed it to you the very next day; you insisted that he kept it in his sketchbook, under the circumstance that you get to view it anytime you want–which you would do on the daily.
He shifted his gaze from the paper to where you sat near the front of the classroom, trying your best not to fall asleep during the lecture. His heart ached for you to look at him the way you did when you were kids, now it was like he was a total stranger to you; another student who simply attended the same art class as you.
But with time, you’d eventually grow aware of his existence, you’d have too.
After all, you were his soulmate, just as he was yours.
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mariasont · 5 months
The Manuscript - A.H
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a/n: this was supposed to be based on t.s new song manuscript, but it didn't realllyyy turn out like that
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x reader
summary: while unpacking you find a series of letters aaron wrote to you in college
warnings: angst, age gap (reader is 20s, hotch is 40s), haley and jack don't exist in this universe
wc: 1.3k
Your gaze swept over the towering stacks of boxes littering your living room floor, and with a resigned sigh, you began the daunting task of unpacking them. Your hands found the nearest box deftly lifting the flaps as you began to pull out its contents. Your felt the soft crinkle of paper beneath your fingers, and gently, you drew out a stack of letters, their edges softened with time, all neatly tied together with a string. 
Your heart seized a sudden halt as you realized just what they were. Your throat constricted, parched, as tears stung your eyes, threatening to spill over, your fingers coming to rest over your mouth. Instinctively, your body sank onto the cold hardwood floor, gently placing the papers down beside you. You had forgotten these had even existed, let alone made it with you on the move.
You didn't remember seeing them when you packed, did you? Your fingers shook slightly as they picked apart the knot, and with a hesitant touch, you reached for the first piece of weathered paper.
January 5
Your letter was a welcome surprise, far sweeter than any text message could be. I enjoyed spending New Years Eve with you too, and I hope this case ends quickly so I can take you on a real date. 
I'm glad to hear college is going well. Should you encounter any more issues with your professor, please let me know. You're a bright young woman, and I have no doubt he'll see that in time. I am looking forward to your next letter.
March 12
I'm glad you enjoyed our date as much as I did. At times, I find my thoughts wandering to you in that dress, and it's a welcome distraction. 
I'm glad you look forward to our letters, because I do too. And yes, rest assured, I'm taking all necessary precautions in the field. Don't worry, the team has my back, especially Garcia--she's got more eyes on us than stars in the sky. 
Goodluck on your psychology exam. I know you will ace it.
May 5
I've read your letter several times, and I want you to know that it's perfectly normal to question your path. Trust your instincts--they've led you well thus far. Remember you are allowed to change your mind. Your parents will understand.
No matter what you decide, I have no doubt you will succeed. You have a rare combination of intelligence and empathy that will serve you well in any profession.
Once I'm back, how about we go to that restaurant you love? Consider it a date.
July 19
Summer suits you, I can tell--even from a distance. I'm proud of the work you're doing--shadowing at the occupational therpay office and working with children is no small feat. You'll have to tell me all about it when I get back.
The case is demanding, as they often are. And as for the sweatshirt, consider it yours. I had a feeling it wouldn't find its way back to me anyway.
We should talk about getting you a key to my place. Then you'll have no need to borrow my things--you'll have access to them whenever you wish. 
I love you. I'll say it again when I see you.
Yours forever, 
January 14
Congratulations on your first semester of OT school. I am incredibly proud of you and everything you have accomplished. Smarty pants. 
I'm glad to hear you've been using the journal I gave you for Christmas. I would give you a thousand if that's what you wanted. 
When I'm back, we'll celebrate your achievements properly. Until then, know I'm grateful for you every day. You've made me the happiest I've been, and I cherish every moment we share. I love you. 
Yours forever,
May 20
Your last letter lingered on the topic of our age difference, and I've been giving it a lot of thought. It's a subject that, admittedly, has crossed my mind more than once. But let me reassure you, to me, it's the person you are, not the years you've lived, that matters most.
I understand the concerns that come with this, and I want you to know that it's okay. Your feelings are valid. We're navigating this together, and I remain certain in my commitment to you and to us. 
We'll talk more about this when I'm home. I love you. 
Yours forever,
August 8
I want you to know that I didn't mean to leave things unresolved, I'm sorry I was called away. I'm not writing to rehash the argument. I understand everything you said, and it's given me much to think about.
You are the most important part of my life, and us being at odds is more challenging than any case I've ever face. I love you deeply, and I'm committed to finding a way through this together. When I return, let's sit down and talk--really talk. I'm sorry for the way things were left, and I hope we can move past this. 
Yours forever,
December 22
I find myself at a loss for words yet compelled to write to you. I've had time to reflect on everything that happened between us. I'm deeply sorry for any hurt I've caused, and how things unfolded. My only wish was for us to want the same things. 
Please know, I will always be here for you, in any capacity you need. I hope you find someone who is worthy of you and can provide the life you deserve. You deserve someone who can walk with you through all stages of your life--someone who can give you the family you dream of. You have so much to offer.
You are an extraordinary person, and I have no doubt you will find great love and joy. And though it may not be with me, please remember, I still love you.
Yours always,
You hadn't even realized you were crying until your tears began to soak into the page, each droplet distorting the text as it spread. Your hand moved instinctively to your face, the fabric of your sleeve brushing against your wet cheek. A decade-old ache twisted inside you sharply, as fresh as if it were only yesterday.
You returned the letters to their stack, the bow tied as neatly as it was before, and laid them at the bottom of the box. As the papers found their place, your focus shifted, something else catching your attention--the journal he'd given you.
The sudden patter of footsteps coming down the stairs snapped you back to the present. Hastily, you wiped away the lingering tears and secured the lid on the box. As you turned, your face transformed with a practiced smile just as your seven-year-old daughter came skipping into view, her voice bubbling with excitement, "Mommy, mommy!"
Gathering her up in your arms, you showered her cheeks with affectionate kisses, her infectious giggles filling the empty house. 
"When is daddy going to be home?"
With a gentle smile, you replied, "Soon, sweetheart," while your fingers danced along her side, eliciting more giggles. "Do you want to help Mommy unpack?"
She quickly scrunched her nose and shook her head. "Mmm, no, not really."
You laughed, and your heart swelled with love so intense it almost hurt. The front door swung open, and your daughter's voice pierced the air once more with a, "Daddy!"
Her little feet dashed off as she rushed to greet him, leaving you to resume unpacking. You barely had time to refocus when you felt a gentle touch in your hair.  Aaron was there, kneeling to your level with a tender smile. 
"Hi, honey," he said, his hand pausing as he noted the redness around your eyes. "What's wrong angel?"
You reach for the letters, holding them out to Aaron with a half-smile. "Just revisiting the time you were this close to losing the best thing in your life," you tease, a laugh bubbling up. But as the laughter fades, it morphs into a sob.
Aaron's laughter mingled with yours as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. "Yeah, that was a close one," he admitted, his voice a soft rumble. "Glad I came to my senses." 
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
You from the eyes of your future lover / future spouse.
How would your future spouse describe you? How would they see you?
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Piles : 1~2~3
For my females audience so I'll be using she/her pronounce in this post.
Paid services
Pile 1
She's the reason for my happiness. She is perfect in every sense. She fills my heart with so much emotions that it scares me sometimes. I can't imagine ever hurting her. I love her so much that it hurts sometimes. God if there's an afterlife please keep us together forever. I beg you. She's just so perfect and spontaneous. There's nothing she can't do. She makes the impossible become possible. She's magical. Well sometimes she's energetic and joyful and other times her mind seems to be all over the place. I love it she gets annoyed haha. She's a just to cute . I love how talented she is. She is intelligent but she's stupid. She's stupid because she doesn't see her beauty and her perfection. I never thought I would feel these emotions. She makes me feels mushy. Just the thought of her bring smile to my face. She's the light of my life. Without her my life would be in darkness. I wanna paint my world the the color of her skin. I wanna tattoo her smile on my body. Her voice is the only thing I wanna hear. Her laughter is my favorite melody. I would cherish it forever. God I love her so much it's driving me crazy.
Pile 2
Who's she? Well she's my destiny. She is my begining and she is my end. She makes me feel like a child again. She's my other better half. These gushy-mushy feelings are all because of her. She is the reason I became a better person. She is the person I have been waiting for the my whole life. There's nothing more I want than to have a family with her. Just me, her and our pets. I imagine living with her and dying with her. I even want to be next to her in the casket. I love her to death. God knows I have never cared about the future but with her , I just feel as if I need to plan everything. I'm willing to go wherever she takes me to even if it's my death. With her I never feel scared or anxious. She brings me peace. I feel as if I can finally breathe after being suffocated my whole life. She's my morning coffee . she's my late night snack. she's like a cold breeze on a hot summer day. She's my sun, she's my moon and she's my star. She's everything. I wish she could see herself from my eyes, to see just how beautiful and mesmerizing she is. I want to express how much she means to me but I don't think I have right words for it. I want to make her my queen.
Pile 3
She's crazy but she's mine. She's childish, she's goofy, she's a like a small kitten. Sometimes I just want to pull her cheeks so hard but I know she'll bite me. Oh how much I love her but she's stupid. She's not stupid stupid but she's hilariously stupid. She makes me laugh till I have tears in my eyes. She's like my personal comedian. She's my life long best friend. I am sure we'll never get old together. We will forever be high school sweethearts. She makes me feel alive. She makes my world light up. I love it when she argues with me. I love it when she gets annoyed with my pranks. Her face is so expressive that I can't help but laugh at her expressions. Oh how she's always in her own little world, how she's zones out when she wakes up. How she's ties her hair in a messy bun. How she runs like a child around the house. How she thinks she lives in her own fantasy world. How she unknowingly pouts while eating. How her eyebrows go up when she's surprised. I love her crazy ideas. She's a mystery that i wanna solve. I want to know where she goes when she zones out. I want her to take me with her where she goes , in her world. Where it's just us and no one else.
Hope you like it! And leave a note to show support ♡ Have a great day ahead !
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
we need more nerdy peter 😕😕
ask and you shall receive!
peter was going to kill you, this time you weren't exaggerating, this time peter was really truly going to kill you.
maybe he wouldn't full on murder you, but for the first time in forever you'd see him in a fit of rage. he'd scream at you, that's for sure. or the thing that'd hurt the most, he'd be disappointed.
it was a total accident, an accident that just sent thousands down the drain. literally.
a brand new ring with a sparkly diamond, you cherished it, and the man who got down on one knee with it. you never had anything so nice and you promised yourself you'd take care of it.
that's why you took it off for your shower, you didn't want to tarnish it in the hard water. it was the most precious thing you've ever gotten, and you wanted to protect it. you had set it in the same spot by the sink, just like you had for the past week.
this morning didn't go to plan, the silver slipped and you watched it circle the drain, trapped in panic and shock you tried to grab it too late.
peter proposed to you five days ago, and you just lost your ring.
you cried for ten minutes, then had a moment to gather yourself and a game plan hatched. peter would kill you, but only if he found out. he'd be up any minute, you just had to grab a wrench and get it out yourself.
peter would never have to know.
you're still in a towel when you creep by his sleeping figure, delicately moving around his office for his toolbox. your eyes widened looking over the several sizes, you had no idea which one would work.
you took a shot in the dark and grabbed the biggest one, more is more, right?
holding your breath you take small steps as you pass peter again, holding the tool behind your back.
you spin, giving him the guiltest look of your life. 'morning, handsome.' peter rubs his eyes, 'whatcha doin?' you shake your head, 'nothing, nothing, about to take a shower.'
peter tilts his head while looking at your wet hair, 'again?' you panic, 'i forgot to wash out my conditioner, so... be right back.' your fiance smiles, 'want some company?'
'no! i mean- nah, you don't have to. it'll be quick, ya know?'
'i don't mind, i'll just stay in longer.' when he moves the blankets you fluster, 'no, really, give me like... five, ten, maybe twenty minutes and it's all yours.'
peter keeps smiling at you and you have to look away, the guilt is eating you up.
'sounds like you don't want me in the bathroom,' you shrug, you think you're about to break, you don't want to see the look on his face.
'does it have anything to do with that giant wrench behind your back?'
the jig is up, your shoulders slump in defeat. the silence is deafening, tears build in your eyes. you tried to hold it together but the crushing remorse made you drop the wrench, a muffled bang hit the rug.
you sob so hard you fall to your knees, peter's up and wrapped around you in a second, kissing your head and rocking you.
'it's okay! i don't know why we're sad, but it's okay!'
you choke between sobs, 'i'm the worst fiance ever.' peter snorts, 'and your answer was take me out with a wrench in the bedroom?'
he wouldn't be joking in a few seconds.
'i... i... i... lost the ring.' you heave for air, you feel him freeze for a moment, you're prepared for the blow up but it doesn't come.
peter's gentle kiss to your forehead made you feel worse, you'd rather him yell. 'where'd you lose it?'
you gasp for air, he holds you tighter. 'the drain.' he shouldn't making you feel better, but he is. he's calmed your sobs into harsh breaths.
peter wipes tears from your cheeks, 'which one?'
you sniff, 'sink.' your fiance holds you to his chest, he rests his chin on your head. 'want me to help get it out?'
you gasp and push him away, 'we can save it?'
peter nods, 'i'll show you how, if you want.' you nod and take his hands when he pulls you up, he grabs the wrench from the ground. 'i appreciate the initiative, but this is the wrong one, give me a second.'
peter meets you in the bathroom, you've cleared out the under cabinet to make room for your heads, he crouches and points to a small lever.
'alright, first thing we have to do is turn the water off, go ahead and flip that for me, baby.'
'this one?'
'you got it.'
peter pulls at a plastic piece, loosing it enough for a few small drops of water to leak. 'wanna grab me something?' you went for the closest thing, the trashcan. you stuff it where the water dropped.
'i loosened it for you, so now you can take that piece off.' you follow instruction, a bit of water drops with it, you take a peek, no ring.
'now...' peter grunts at the awkward angle, taking his wrench and untightening something. the next thing you see is a small opening, peter gives you a nod.
'you wanna do it or me?'
it's your ring but it's kind of gross, you don't want to stick your hands up that. peter can hear your thoughts, scooping his fingers around until he pulls out the missing diamond.
it still looks brand new, you send him to the floor with a hug. you squeal at the ring back where it belonged, on your left hand.
'oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you.'
peter groans at your full weight, 'it's supposed to be, i do, i do, i do.'

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Princess Bride quotes that I think would suit Hazbin characters.
Alastor: I mean, once word leaks out that a demon has gone soft, people begin to disobey you, and then it’s nothing but work, work, work all the time.
Charlie: You mock my pain!
Alastor: Life is pain highness. Anyone says different is selling something.
Charlie: You mocked me once. Never do it again! I died that day! And you can die too for all I care!
Alastor: As you wish my dear.
Sir Pentious: You never said anything about killing anyone.
Adam: I've hired you to help me start a war. That's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition.
Sir Pentious: I just don't think it's right, killing an innocent girl.
Adam: Am I going mad or did the word "think" escape your lips? You were not hired for your brains, you reptilian land mass!
Angel: That Adam, he can fuss.
Sir Pentious: Fuss, fuss, I think he likes to scream at us.
Angel: Probably he means no harm.
Sir Pentious: He really very short on the charm.
Angel: Oh, you've a great gift for rhyme.
Sir Pentious: Yes, some of the time.
Adam: Enough of that!
Angel: Are there rocks ahead?
Sir Pentious: If there are, we’ll all be dead.
Adam: No more rhymes now! I mean it!
Sir Pentious: Anyone want a peanut?
Adam: Ahhhhh!
Adam: Inconceivable!
Angel: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Vox: Surrender!
Alastor: You mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well, I accept.
Husk: That’s s not what he said. He distinctly said "to blave." And, as we all know, "to blave" means "to bluff." So you're probably playing cards, and he cheated.
Rosie: Liar! LIAR!
Husk: Get back witch!
Rosie: I’m not a witch! I’m your wife but after what you just said, I’m not even sure if I want to be that anymore!
Husk: You never had it so good!
Alastor: Give us the gate key.
Tom: I have no gate key.
Angel: Pentious tear his arms off.
Tom: Oh you mean this gate key.
Angel: Hello, my name is Angel Dust. You killed my friend. Prepare to die.
Angel: Offer me money.
Valentino: Yes!
Angel: Power, too, promise me that.
Valentino: All that I have and more. Please...
Angel: Offer me anything I ask for.
Valentino: Anything you want...
Angel: I want my friend back, you son of a bitch!
Vox: To the death!
Alastor: No. To the pain.
Vox: I don't think I'm quite familiar with that phrase.
Alastor: I'll explain. And I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you junkyard faced buffoon. To the pain means the first thing you lose will be your feet, below the ankles, then your hands at the wrists, next your nose.
Vox: And then my tongue, I suppose. I killed you too quickly the last time, a mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight.
Alastor: I wasn’t finished. The next thing you lose will be your left eye, followed by your right.
Vox: And then my ears, I understand. Let's get on with it.
Alastor: Wrong! Your ears you keep and let me tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God, what is that thing?" will echo in your perfect ears. That is what "to the pain" means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.
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Prompt List
Hey, guys! I've made a list of prompts that y'all can send in, along with the driver you want! I am going to start with F1 imagines, and maybe, later on, I'll include other fandoms too. Also, I haven't really learned how to make an smau yet, so those requests might take me some time.
Feel free to send in stuff aside from this as well!
“We should get married.”
“What would happen if I kissed you right now?”
“I never really left.”
Using each other’s phones without supervision 
Having their first serious fight
“Seeing you like this, I fell even more in love with you.”
“You love me again.” “Who said I stopped?”
“Maybe this was a mistake.”
“Do I make you nervous?”
raspberry lip gloss
pajama bottoms
flushed cheeks
a fogged up mirror
colouring tattoos
lipstick marks on shirt collars
silver bangles
six missed calls
“Silly me to assume that you would care.”
“I can’t believe that we finally made it.”
“We’re ride or die, remember?”
“I’ll be here forever. For as long as you’ll have me.”
“If you insult them, you insult me.”
“We’re a package deal.”
“I could pick you out from a room full of thousands of people.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’ve saved me so many times; it’s only right that I return the favor.”
“Did you seriously drop everything just to come here?”
“You are my home.”
“I saved this for you.”
“I got you your favourite.”
“I haven’t watched any of it without you.”
“This reminded me of you.”
“You can have the last one.”
“You could put a knife to my throat and I wouldn’t flinch.”
“I made this for you.”
“I knew you would be there. You always are.”
“I don’t care about what they think, I care about you.”
“I know, I know, I’m stuck with you. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“really? i never knew that about you.”
“who’d buying you flowers that isn’t me?”
“isn’t paying for dinner a date thing?”
“for you, i’d do anything.” “i know.”
a tattoo parlour, buzzing with machinery and walls lined with artwork .
an otherwise empty parking lot .
the thick crowd of an audience at a show .
“Wanna dance?”
“i love that about you.”
“your hugs are the best.”
“could you get any cuter?”
“please come back to bed.”
“god, you’re just the cutest.”
“wow. you look really good”.
“can you come here? please?”
“you’re freezing! take my jacket.”
“I wish I could hate you.”
“I can hate your guts but still respect you.”
physical touch as a love language
words of affirmation as a love language
acts of services as a love language
“I miss home.”
“You’re safe with me.”
accidentally calling the other wife/husband
a forgotten anniversary gift hidden in a closet
“I think I need help.”
a cherished photograph tucked inside a book
an old, faded love note found in a pocket
a favorite blanket with a small, stitched heart
“What if we get caught?”
“Would you please just kiss me?”
a faded Polaroid tucked behind a mirror
a handwritten recipe with personal notes in the margins
leaving post-its everywhere
“Thank you for taking care of me.”
Pet names/Nicknames
sleeping arrangements
grabbing the other’s hand so they don’t fall
guiding each other through a crowded room with gentle touches
helping someone zip up a jacket in a chilly wind
subtle protection
“I’m sitting front row. I always do.”
cozy pizza night
“You scared me!”
coming home after a long day
dancing in the rain
domestic life
time difference
painted nails
promise rings
face masks
sunday morning breakfasts
warm cups of cocoa
late night conversations
movie marathons on rainy day
staying up all night and watching the sunrise together
building a fort with blankets and pillows
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d1xonss · 5 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 45 ~ All Good things Must come to an End
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 4
✧ Word Count : 5.8k
In this chapter ~ After living in the newfound community for six whole months, things seem to still be going strong. Relationships had been built, responsibilities had been taken care of, and for the most part, everyone was happy. Though...it can't always stay that way forever.
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The smell of cooking meat and eggs filled my senses as I allowed my mind wander for the fifth time that morning alone. Time was a fickle thing, always somehow getting away from me in the end as it was always hard to keep track of and catch. But I couldn't help but try and count the days, knowing that sometime in the upcoming dates would mark six whole months since our community first started. And it still to this day couldn't be more perfect.
I found myself to be very content with where I was in life right now, I was happy, only growing closer with the people we surrounded ourselves with. Though I knew if my past self could see me now, she would be screaming at me. Like I'm talking absolutely losing her shit screaming at me, knowing how much I couldn't trust people in the beginning. But allowing myself out of my shell was probably the best thing that could've ever happened to me. I had never had a family like this before, and I found that I tried to cherish it whenever I got the chance, especially recently.
"Oh, careful it's going to burn!" Carol's somewhat panicked voice spoke up from beside me.
I snapped out of it in an instant, "Shit," I quietly cursed and took the meat off of the makeshift stove, waving my hand over it to get rid of the smoke as it fizzled down.
She peeked around me for a moment and smiled to herself, "You saved it." she said in slight relief before laughing lightly, "What's got you so distracted?"
I glanced over at her as I began to plate the cooked breakfast, "All good things, I promise. I was just...thinking about how far we've come. How happy I am."
Her smile got wider, "We have come pretty far, huh?" she asked while wrapping an arm around my shoulders, looking out to all the people chatting and doing their own thing beyond where we stood.
"We're lucky." I stated as I finished scooping up the food.
She looked back over at me, "Yeah, we are. Couldn't imagine it working out any better than this," she agreed as she gave my shoulder a squeeze, before pulling away to go back to her own pan, "Who's that plate for?"
"Rick." I stated, "I know if I don't give this to him, he won't eat anything at all. I'll just be a sec, you got it handled?" I asked knowingly.
Her only response was to give me a certain look as I laughed to myself, grabbing the plate and heading down to where I knew Rick would be busying himself this morning. These days he seemed to be constantly staying down near the gates, managing the crops we had planted and taking care of the animals we somehow managed to find. In my opinion he didn't really give himself a break and was overworking to the max.
Getting up at the ass crack of dawn just to get a head start on feeding the pigs and checking the vegetables, it's something that he didn't need to be doing. And he knew it too. But he was too stubborn to slow down or take it easy, so I just let him be.
I spotted him in the distance as I slowly walked down the small hill, heading towards the grass to see him filling up the water in the stables. His arms shook slightly as he lifted the weight of the gallons of water, sweat dripping off his forehead as he tried to wipe it on the sleeve of his shirt.
"Hey, Old McDonald!" I yelled to get his attention.
He whipped his head towards me, and a smile broke out onto his face as he squinted his eyes from the blinding sun behind my head, "Yeah, Rosie?" he asked.
I made my way closer to him and let out a small breath, holding out the plate, "Breakfast." I said simply.
"No, I can't, my hands are filthy." he said while looking down at the dirt and mud that was coated everywhere along his palms, under his fingernails.
I frowned, "Okay." I said while grabbing some of the meat in my hand and holding it up towards his face.
He raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"
"You said your hands are filthy, but you need to eat...so eat." I said while holding my hand closer to his mouth, dangling the meat from my grasp.
"I'll eat later." he replied.
My eyes narrowed as I wasn't budging and he only sighed in response, slowly opening his mouth anyway. I smiled in victory and dropped the meat in his mouth, listening in as he informed me of the things that needed to be adjusted down here in the fields. It was quite the boring topic of choice, but I only wanted to make sure he actually ate something seeing as he was baking in the hot sun constantly.
Though there were times we had to speak a little louder because of the walkers piled up along the fence, snarling and banging on the flimsy barrier, making too much damn noise. There were a lot of them, and although we had people clearing them every day, they still seemed to be a problem. It had never been an issue before now, but I figured with the amount of noise and people we had behind the gates, it only drew more of them closer.
Suddenly, Rick and I seemed to momentarily stop our conversation when we heard a pair footsteps approaching, the two of us turning around to see Carl coming our way rather quickly like he was late.
He smiled at me before looking towards his dad, "You didn't wake me up." he spoke a little out of breath.
"Cause I knew you were up all night reading comics with a flashlight." he stated with a raised eyebrow.
Both boys then slowly looked toward me knowingly. Carl had a smirk on his face while Rick didn't look the least bit amused as I held my hands up in surrender, "What the hell are you looking at me for?"
"You're the one who got him the comics Ro." Rick stated with a tilt of his head.
"Hey," I said pointing at him, "Michonne got him some of those comics too, why don't you yell at her."
He tried to suppress a chuckle, "Well, she's not here, so you're the only one I can blame right now."
I placed a hand over my heart in mock offense, "Well, that's hurtful." I stated, causing them both to laugh, "You know what, I should've let you starve." I said while placing the paper plate on the thick wooden fence.
"Now that's hurtful." Rick stated, his tone still dripping with sarcasm.
I just raised my hands again with a smirk on my face, "Enjoy your father son bonding time." I winked before backing away.
However, Carl caught my arm before I could get too far, leaning in to whisper in my ear, "Can you still get me some more on your next run?"
I gave him a pointed look, "Just don't tell your dad and we're good." I warned.
He gave me a smile and nodded excitedly, all while letting go of my arm so I could make my way back up towards the prison. As I slowly approached Carol's station again, a few people were quick to notice my presence, greeting me with praises and smiles on their faces. I managed to be as polite as I could considering how early it was, but the attention Daryl and I were getting was only getting worse.
After I went out with him on that hunt just a few weeks ago, I've been getting out more frequently to help out, and to say the people in the community were grateful would be an understatement. Everywhere we went, we would get stopped to talk, or just a simple thank you as we walked by. We both weren't used to the amount of attention, but I tried my best to hide it. I simply smiled at all the good morning's being thrown my way as I approached Carol again to help her finish up.
"Still aren't getting used to it huh?" she smirked, not taking her eyes off the food in front of her.
It's like she read my goddamn mind.
I sighed, "I don't think I'll ever get used to it." I admitted, "But the funny thing is, Daryl's a lot more awkward than I am so it's worth it to see him squirm a little."
She looked up, "Oh, speak of the devil."
I followed her line of sight once she spoke to see the man himself making his way over to us. There of course were a few greetings as he passed by and I almost busted out laughing at his facial expressions. He didn't know how to respond, giving only a simple nod as he passed through the group of people. Though I felt a big grin spread to my face as I saw his eyes light up when he caught sight of me, his pace picking up the smallest bit.
"Mornin." he drawled, leaning over to kiss my cheek.
"Hey, Daryl!" a woman greeted as she passed the three of us.
He pulled away from me and looked over to the woman who said it, only to look back at me with wide eyes and an annoyed look to his face, "This still happenin to you?"
"Worse." I responded, "Just wait for it." I said while briefly holding up my pointer finger.
Not a second later, a teenage boy passed us in a slight rush, "Goodmorning Rose!" he still managed to call out.
I smiled in response before it quickly dropped again as I looked back at Daryl with the same look he gave me earlier, hearing him chuckle at me as he leaned over the small stove. "Smells good." he commented while looking to see the food we were making.
"Goodmorning Dixons!" a man yelled as he walked by.
Carol looked up to see our faces and laughed lightly to herself, "Just so you know, I liked you two first."
Daryl scoffed a little, "Stop." he muttered, tossing some of the meat in his mouth before continuing, "Ya know, Rick brought a lot of them in too. Wasn't just us."
"Not recently," she responded, "Give the strangers sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're going to have to learn to live with the love." she then turned to look at me, "Even you." she smirked.
"Hey, I'm trying here. Just don't like the attention, it makes me feel...itchy."
"Itchy?" she questioned.
I paused for a moment before nodding more confidently, "Yeah."
"Right," she said before taking the meat off of the stovetop again, "Anyway, I need to show you both something quick, Patrick would you mind taking over?" she asked a teenage boy who was standing too far away from us.
"Yes ma'am." he said politely.
I began to move around the grill, walking towards Daryl who snaked an arm around my waist. I glanced up at him and saw him take the bowl he was eating out of, putting the rim of it up to his mouth to get a huge bite of meat. My brows furrowed, and when he looked down at me and caught me staring, he opened his mouth full of food.
I scrunched up my face, "Gross." I muttered, trying to hold back a chuckle while lightly pushing his face away from me.
"Yer gross." he retorted.
I narrowed my eyes at him, "I swear, I'm married to a child." I laughed.
He gave me a cheeky smile and began to chew to say something else, but the kid, Patrick, cleared his throat suddenly as if to get our attention. The two of us turned to look at him, and he immediately got flustered and nervous when just making eye contact.
"Uh...Mr. and Mrs. Dixon? I just um...wanted to thank you for bringing the deer's back yesterday. I mean... it was a real treat, and I would be honored to shake your hands."
Daryl and I seemed to share some kind of look. I couldn't tell if it was one of humor or one of dread, but either way I had to bite back another laugh as I pulled away from Daryl's grasp, shaking his hand with a small smile.
Daryl, however, wasn't as polite.
As I backed away from Patrick, he looked at me as if he needed confirmation to which I just nodded. But I clearly didn't know what was coming. He then one by one, licked his fingers clean from the meat and used that same hand to shake his firmly. I pressed my lips together to suppress a laugh that threatened to escape as I saw the look on the poor kid's face. Daryl gave him a smug smile before letting go and placing his arm back around my waist so we could follow behind Carol.
I had to wait for a moment or two so we were far enough away, before I couldn't help but laugh quietly to myself. "What?" Daryl asked almost instantly with a small smirk of his own.
I only shook my head, "That was terrible."
"Ah, but ya thought it was funny." he pointed out, giving my side a small squeeze, as if it was his goal to get me to laugh all along.
I rolled my eyes playfully in response as we continued to walk, feeling him place a small kiss on the side of my head. We followed the woman until she suddenly stopped while looking out at the closest fence, the walkers still surrounding it and trying to get through. From an outsider's perspective, it seemed like we were hardly making a dent when in reality we had people out there taking care of them constantly.
"About today," she started, "I don't know if we're gonna be able to spare a lot of people for the run." she said as she gestured to the amount of people already working on clearing the walkers.
"We won't need too many." I reassured, "Plus that place is good to go, we're going to clear it today."
"Yeah," she nodded, "The thing is, we had a pretty big build up overnight. Dozens more towards tower three, and it's getting as bad as last month. They don't spread out anymore."
Daryl spoke up, "With more of us sittin here, we're drawin more of 'em out. Ya get enough of those damn fence-clingers, they start to herd up."
"Pushing against the fences again," I voiced my thoughts out loud, "That had been a bitch to deal with these past few weeks."
"Yeah, it has," Carol agreed, "It's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, not for long." she spoke before looking towards Daryl, "Sorry pookie." she said before sending a knowing wink my way.
I smiled to myself as I tried not to show too much of a reaction at the nickname Carol had recently given him. Her sole purpose was to get on his nerves and it worked every time without fail, and I personally thought it was hilarious. He scoffed in response, pushing her arm lightly as she walked away from us to go back and finish up whatever she was cooking for the time being. The moment she was out of earshot, I started to laugh quietly to myself.
When my eyes finally moved back up to his face, he was already glaring at me, "Aw pookie." I said while poking his cheek lightly.
He sighed and stood there for a moment as a few beats of silence passed, before he quickly picked me up in one swift motion and tossed me over his shoulder. A small squeal escaped me because of how fast everything happened, feeling him begin to spin me around to I would get dizzy. My protests meant nothing to him as I tried to smack him in order for him to put me back down, but that only seemed to edge him on further, chuckling to himself at his own actions.
"Put me down!" I yelled as my stomach hurt from laughter.
"Quit callin me that." he countered back, beginning to spin me the other way.
My breath caught in my throat as I felt all the blood rushing to my head, "Okay, okay, I give." I spoke slightly out of breath.
He then slowly stopped spinning and carefully lowered himself to put me back down onto my feet. I felt myself sway a little to try and catch my balance, but the whole world was still spinning around me in a nauseating way. He let out another laugh as he placed both of his hands on my arms to help steady me.
"Ya know, I don't really know why I married you. Yer kinda annoying." he joked as he flicked the tip of my nose gently.
My mouth dropped at his words in mock offense, "Well, you're no saint Daryl Dixon, plus there's plenty of other people around here." I gestured to the group around us.
He pretended to look around, scrunching up his face in through for a moment before looking back at me, "Nah...none of 'em are you." he said sweetly before placing a soft kiss on my lips.
I smiled into the kiss, pulling away briefly to mumble, "Damn right." before bringing him in again. He brought his hands to the side of my face and deepened the kiss, feeling his lip slightly upturning into a smirk. But he pulled away before either one of us could get too carried away, leaving a few lingering pecks in the process.
"Alright, we gotta stop or we're gonna be late for that run." he huffed.
I nodded my head in silent agreement, knowing that was nothing but the truth. We headed back towards the cars where a few others were gathering their things, getting a few vehicles ready to head out. Daryl parted from me to pull his bike up closer, leaving me to load the bed of the pickup truck, filling it as much as I could with a few weapons and supplies. Though my eyes glanced up once I saw some movement heading toward me, seeing Tyreese breaking away from his sister before heading my way to place a few things in the back alongside me.
"You're coming along too?" I questioned with a smile on my face.
He shrugged, "Yeah, I figured why not. It's been a while since I've been on a run, and plus you know it's gonna be entertaining when you're going."
I gently pushed his arm, "Oh whatever." I muttered and he smiled at me, before making his way back over to Sasha.
My gaze followed him for only a moment before something to the left pulled my attention away. Zach and Beth stood off to the side, talking quietly with each other before he came along with the rest of us. It was the first time he was coming with us to a place like this, his very first time on a run really and I understood completely why he wanted to see her again before we headed out. Although it seemed like she didn't see the big deal behind it as I watched her shrug it off, feeling Daryl come back next to me to witness the end of the conversation.
She kissed him once more before fully walking away, "Aren't you gonna say goodbye?" he asked.
"Nope!" she yelled over her shoulder, smiling brightly as she passed me, "Bye, Ro."
I nodded to her with a small smile, "It's like a damn romance novel." Daryl grumbled out loud as he zipped up his bag, causing me to hit his arm lightly to get him to stop talking.
But the kid's head snapped over towards him as he clearly heard his hushed words, "Oh you're one to talk." he clapped back.
Daryl glared pointedly at him, pulling away from the truck to approach him and Zach's eyes widened, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he quickly stuttered out before speed walking in the other direction.
Daryl watched him scurry away for a moment before turning back towards me with a smug smile on his face, "Be nice." I scolded lightly with a roll of my eyes, shutting the bed of the truck with a slam.
He shook his head, "Nah, I only like bein nice to you."
I sighed as I placed my hands on my hips, "Okay... then just be civil." I offered.
He scoffed, "Even that's pushin it."
"Daryl." I warned.
"Rosie." he mocked.
I narrowed my eyes at him, "Like I said, a child. I'm married to a child."
"Oh, but ya love me anyways." he said with a goofy grin.
His smile only made me smile, "Yeah, I guess I do." I admitted as I walked over and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, "Like a damn romance novel." I whispered with a smirk before walking back towards the others to finally get the show on the road.
Once we got the okay from everyone, Daryl hopped on his bike and held out a hand to help me on the back of it like always. We made our way towards the front gate in a formed line with the cars trailing behind us, and that's when I noticed Rick and Carl were talking with a familiar face. I smiled to myself when I saw Michonne, knowing she must've just gotten back from a run.
To this day she was still looking for The Governor and hasn't given up yet. It honestly broke my heart seeing how much she wanted to find and put an end to him, staying out for longer periods of time now only to come back for a day or two, before she was leaving again. But I supposed it only made me cherish the times when she was here before she disappeared all over again.
The loud rumble of the motorcycle approaching seemed to catch both of their attention as Daryl barely had a chance to slow the thing to a stop before I was quickly hopping off to greet her. She smiled brightly the moment she caught my eye.
"Well, well, look who's back." I said while quickly wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug.
She gave me a gentle squeeze, "It's good to be back." she confirmed, pulling away to wrap an arm around my shoulder and looked towards Daryl, "Didn't find him." she said simply while looking back and forth between the two of us.
"Glad to see you in one piece." Daryl nodded.
She smiled slightly and continued, "I'm thinking of looking over near Macon...it's worth a shot."
"Seventy miles of walkers, ya might run into a few unneighborly types. Is it?" Daryl asked with squinted eyes.
She didn't respond right away, not knowing for sure if all the things she was putting herself through was truly worth it. It must've been a constant conflict in her mind.
I found myself speaking up again to fill the silence after a moment, knowing she didn't need to decide right now. "We're heading out to check the Big Spot a couple miles from here, the one we were talking about. Just to see." I informed Rick.
"Yeah, I got to go out and check the snares. I don't want to lose whatever we catch to the walkers." he replied.
My eyes glanced back to Michonne who still had her arm wrapped around me, bumping her hip with mine to grab her attention, "Why don't you come with us?" I asked.
She smiled down at me and nodded, "Alright...I'll go."
Carl then spoke up for the first time with a slight frown on his face, "But you just got here." he complained.
"And I'll be back." she assured, letting go of me and making her way back to one of the cars with her bag still crossed over her shoulders.
I made eye contact with the kid and noticed the new comic books clutched tightly in his hands, smirking to myself, "I'll keep an eye out." I spoke quietly to him as I gestured to what was in his arms.
He smiled at me and nodded eagerly before I turned back around to hop on the back of Daryl's bike again. As I adjusted myself on the back, placing my hands around his middle, I looked up to Rick as he gave me a small smile, "Stay safe." he said, receiving a nod from us in return.
Daryl started his bike back up, watching as Rick jogged a little towards the gates to open them up for us. I tried to ignore the snarls of the walkers around us once we made it outside the safety of the prison. It seemed like they've tripled, and the groups only kept getting bigger. Their dead eyes followed us as we quickly drove past them, attempting to reach out for us slowly before we were just out of reach.
I rested my chin on Daryl's shoulder and closed my eyes as the wind hit my face and blew my hair wildly behind me. He took one of his hands and gave my thigh a squeeze before putting it back on the handle, revving his engine a bit as the vehicles behind us stayed close. I smiled at his actions and placed a kiss on his shoulder before closing my eyes again, trying to relax for this longer ride ahead of us.
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After driving down the long and windy roads we finally made it to the Big Spot, quickly grabbing the weapons we needed from the back of the truck to check out the oddly quiet place. Each of us stayed silent as we made it up to the large double doors of the place, trying to pinpoint the number of walkers in the area. The parking lot was completely trashed, tents and tarps were set up all around as we silently weaved through them, double checking our surroundings.
Once we got up to the door, Daryl peered into one of the big windows before banging his elbow against it loudly to see how many of them were inside. You could barely see though the glass with how dirty it had become over the months.
"Just give it a second." he said to all of us, leaning his head against the building to try and listen for them as he sat propped up near the glass.
I walked over to the other window just a few feet away and attempted to glance inside, seeing nothing as I moved to put my ear up to it to try and listen for any walkers as well, but I couldn't hear a thing. The building was quite large, knowing that there could be a fair amount inside that we would have to clear out before anything. 
I absentmindedly walked back towards where the rest of them were waiting, sitting myself down on the edge of the window. Daryl scooted a bit closer to me the moment I sat down, feeling him giving my leg a light tap as we waited for any kind of noise coming from inside.
Zach then came around the corner, "Okay, I think I got it." he announced.
Michonne tilted her head a bit as she stepped closer as well, "Got what?" 
I nodded towards the man, "Zach's been trying to guess what Daryl did before the outbreak."
"He's been tryin to guess for like six weeks." Daryl muttered to me, though Zach still heard him clearly.
"Yeah, I'm pacing myself." he said in defense while taking a seat on the other side of me, "One shot a day."
Daryl nodded over to him, "Alright, shoot."
"Well, the way you are at the prison, you being on the council. You being able to track, you're helping people but you're still being kind of...surly."
I snorted which earned a light nudge from Daryl as Zach continued, "Okay, big swing here...homicide cop." he spoke confidently.
Michonne instantly began to laugh somewhat loudly to herself upon hearing the assumption, and Daryl squinted his eyes at her, "What's so funny?"
"Nothing," she shook her head, "Makes perfect sense."
Daryl then cleared his throat as he nodded, "Actually the man's right; undercover."
My head whipped over in his direction with a shocked expression, using my job as a copout so he could mess with the kid a little bit more. He only gave me a pointed look as if to say play along and I rolled my eyes, but didn't say anything as I let the man have his fun.
"Come on, really?" Zach excitedly said.
"Yep...I mean I don't like ta talk about it cause...it's a lot of heavy shit, ya know?" he said before turning his head to hide the small smirk growing on his face.
"Really?" Zach asked again.
"Mhm, that's where I met this lovely lady right here." he continued on as he wrapped his arm around me, "Went through a lot together, only brought us closer."
I couldn't help but scoff at the amount of bullshit coming out of his mouth, but I still didn't say a thing. Though at this point Daryl's voice was dripping with obvious sarcasm and Zach caught on after a moment and sighed to himself.
"Okay, I'll just keep guessing I guess." he muttered.
"Yeah, you keep doin that." Daryl replied.
I knocked Zach's foot with mine as I got his attention, "Hey, if it makes you feel better, not everything that came out of his mouth was a load of shit." He seemed to perk up at that. "I was actually an undercover cop."
"No shit?" he asked.
"No shit." I confirmed.
That seemed to lift his spirits a little, "What's your most badass story?"
I opened my mouth to speak, but that's when a walker finally made its way towards the window as it clawed at the glass, signaling that it was time to head in. I glanced back and forth between him and the people beginning to make their way towards the entrance.
"Maybe some other time." I suggested and he nodded in return.
I hopped off and headed towards the front door along with everyone else, trailing behind Sasha and Tyreese as they began to go over the things we needed to look out for. "You ready to do this detective?" I asked Daryl, nudging his arm as I passed by.
He scoffed but nodded anyway, "Let's get this done."
We easily took out the walkers that piled up towards the front quickly and quietly, Sasha grabbing a hold of a cart as she voiced the main things to grab on our imaginary list. I followed her actions as I grabbed a shopping cart as well, slowly making my way through the isles to grab the things I needed the most. Some new clothes, flashlights, batteries, I even found some new arrows that were practically brand new, nearly shining in the sunlight with how perfect they were.
Though I seemed to stop in my tracks when I turned around a sharp corner, spotting something that made me visibly freeze. There was a small section in the women's hygiene that were packed full of pregnancy tests. They seemed to be untouched. collecting dust as I stared at them, biting my lip in though while eyed them intently, debating if I should grab a few or not. I mean, mistakes happen every day.
Eventually I just shook my head as I made up my mind, grabbing a couple in my hands and placing them in my jacket pocket. I knew for a fact that there was absolutely no way, but it was nice to have a few on hand just in case I ever got a scare. My fear of the unknown was worse than practically anything else.
Though I suddenly heard some hurried footsteps approaching from right behind me rather quickly. Almost too quickly. The sound causing me to practically throw myself away from the shelf as I whipped around to see who it was. 
Glenn stopped dead in his tracks with confusion written all over his face, scanning me before glancing over towards what I was standing right in front of. His eyes got wide as he connected the jots in his head, his mouth falling open as he began to frantically point between me and the wall of tests.
I immediately shook my head and went up to him, "No, no, stop, I'm- I'm not-"
"Then why the hell did you jump out of your skin when I walked around the corner? Does Daryl know? How far along do you think you are?" he asked hurriedly.
I couldn't tell if he was excited, completely panicked, or both. But regardless what he thought was not true in the slightest, causing me to shake my head again, "Glenn honey, I'm not pregnant. I just...I don't know, just figured it was nice to have a few just in case, you know? I swear on my life, I'm not, you don't need to freak out." I finished with a somewhat nervous laugh.
He then sighed in obvious relief, "God Ro, don't do that."
"You're the one jumping to conclusions." I spoke.
He chuckled lightly, "Yeah...yeah, I guess so."
Though I calmed his nerves the smallest bit, I could still clearly see that there was something else bothering him. Something that caused him to freak out the way that he did, similar to how he acted when he found out Lori was pregnant way back on the farm. The thought caused me to stare at him for a moment, knowing something wasn't completely right.
Then, as if reading my mind, he asked quietly, "Can I...have one of those?"
My eyes widened in surprise, "Oh my God, Maggie-"
"I- I don't know, but she's late and uh...we're both kind of freaking out." he admitted, "I was supposed to keep my mouth shut since she didn't want anyone to panic...but when was the last time I ever kept my mouth shut." he finished with a forced laugh.
I nodded silently in understanding, wordlessly handing him one from out of my pockets as he muttered a small "thanks." I didn't know what to say to help ease his mind, I didn't know if there was anything that I could say. But I knew I had to say something.
"Hey, listen...neither of you know what's going to happen. But just know that...everything's going to be okay, and I'm right here for whenever you need me." I finished with a smile.
"But how can you know that? I mean...with what happened to Lori-"
"Don't." I quickly interrupted him, "She didn't have Hershel...and she had to have an emergency c-section. And clearly, I didn't know the first thing about that so... she-"
He shook his head as he realized what he had just said, stopping me from continuing as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry," he whispered, "I shouldn't have brought that up, I'm sorry."
I shook my head, "It's okay," I assured, "But please just trust me on this. Everything's going to be fine."
He looked at me for a moment, before nodding with a small smile, "Okay." he whispered.
However, seconds after the words left his mouth, we heard the sound of glass breaking. The sounds that followed were even worse. A loud crash echoed throughout the entire store, followed by a painful and terrified scream. Glenn and I just looked at each other for a brief second before taking off towards the commotion, and I hoped it wasn't as bad as it sounded. But then again, all good things must come to an end.
~ Thanks for reading!
Taglist - @justareader95 @hayley1998 @ryoujoking @sipsthecoffee @winterassassin1804 @marsmallow433 @catlalice @writingstreetspirit
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stupidscav · 9 months
DNI: zionist, antikin, ableist, lgbtq+ phobic, fatphobic, fat kink, proshipper, support ai art, anti-cringe, general bigotry. sorry once again I am too lazy to make a proper dni
im sorry for not reblogging or answering asks regarding the current genocide but i really cant handle it.sorry.
RB > LIKES on art, preferably
art fight,,
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ok new pinned time finally
I am also otherkin/fictionkin, and my confirmed (?) kintypes are caninekin and collectorkin (toh):]
hello!! I'm comet/collie/callie! feel free to alternate names (aka pls pls pls pls/nf)!! I go by it/they/thing/he. I am neurodivergent (autism, anxiety, probably adhd and maybe ocd) please be clear about things,, my mental health also may not the best currently so I might not be in a stable mood sometimes. expect some vents. i am also a minor, and I love bugs, indie music, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, and Rain World. :3
you can send me bug images as long as it is NOT A LARDER BEETLE. THEY ARE SMALL BLACK BEETLES WITH A WHITE/TAN STRIPE. DO NOT SEND ME THOSE . if you send an image of a larder beetle i WILL be blocking you.please and thank yuo
if anyone uses this to specifically send me images of tjem im just gonna delete this part
about my tw tags: I tag the word itself. if "your mom" was a trigger, I would simply tag the post "your mom". you can always ask me to tag something!
tags + info (these are subject to change):
#scavs silly misc: miscellaneous posts/original posts. I upload random shit sometimes🔥
festers fuckery: art :3
#dark pearls: dark topics, vents
#pearl treasury: asks and polls!
#scavs favorite pearls: gifts! at least I think that was the tag
#scav is serious: announcements mostly
spam acc: @gayass-ery
music sideblog: @musicmutt
btw, I love being tagged! I love being asked! I love getting doodle requests, though idk if I'll get them all! these are basically always open!! unfortunately I am a horrible procrastinator so I might not always answer timely :']
probably gonna add more if I forgot, which is very likely. ty!
notes below!!!
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-if I change my PFP from your art to something else that doesn't mean I don't love it and cherish it forever!!!!! thank you so fucking much for every gift you make I love them!!!!!! seriously why do people keep making me things helppp/pos
-sorry I haven't been answering asks often:(( still don't mind asks though!
-please don't make jokes on my vent posts or blank reblog or anything unless I say you can btw. should have said that earlier sorry
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xshybutdeadlyx · 7 months
Questions for the demiromantic and demisexuals out there
Ok, so I've recently found this term thanks to an aroace character from a show I watched. I knew of the sexuality but I didn't really know the specifics because I always thought I was bi but now looking into it I didn't know how aroace was like a literal umbrella and there was so much more to it then meets the eye. Which I'm 30 I feel like I should know more than what I do. But with doing research into it trying to understand it better, I learned about all the terms, and I learned about demiromantic and demisexual and it really resonated with me. But I wanted to ask for advice, I guess? Like I like romance I love reading it seeing art and what have you but when it comes to romance for myself I'm not a big fan? And maybe it's because I literally have to unlearn so much romance equals a, b, and c when that's not really true. I literally been in only one relationship in my life and it consisted of hand holding small kisses (no tongue, honestly I have an ick with spit and the only reason I "wanted" to do deeper kisses with the boyfriend I had at the time was because I felt like it was a requirement) but I honestly didn't feel attraction towards him until after getting to know him and being friends with him for months well into almost a year. And he's the only one I ever felt that way for I hardly ever had crushes or when I did I almost kinda forced myself into having them if that makes sense? It was "natural," and every kid was supposed to have crushes. Nothing ever came from the "crushes" though.
Now, like I said, I'm well into my 30s, and the relationship I just mentioned was the only relationship romantic wise I've ever had. I have had strong feelings for two of the friends I have but one friend is straight as they come and the other is married lol the one that is married though we have a strong bond that I wouldn't trade anything for. She tickles my hand, and she lets me cuddle her all the time, and we just spend nights just playing games together, just like when we were in high school. I love her so damn much, and I'll cherish what we have even when we are both dead and gone. She is my forever person.
Sorry, I went into a mini rant about my platonic love, but she's the best, and when I start talking about her, I have to gush lol, but anyways back to my sexuality crisis
So anyways, when there is even a chance of someone having an interest in me, I honestly kind of freak out. Or like if someone tries to set me up with someone, red neon flashing warning signs pop up for me. I don't know that person, and honestly, I get put off by big romantic gestures. Like, I appreciate it, but I don't think it's necessary? Can we just go get McDonald's, sit in the parking lot, and just shoot the shit? Play some games? We can watch movies or shows too.
I've also been on the dating websites and such as well, and I'm just always immediately put off. "Hello beautiful," ugh. "Insert pickup line here." please God why. "Unsolicited romantic or sexual advances right after a day of talking." Haha, no. There was literally one guy I thought was cool and we kinda flirted but it was really just talking everyday about the games we were playing I feel like if given time a connection could of been built but he ended up finding someone else immediately. Which honestly was fine I was kinda bummed but like if he wanted romance immediately, I wasn't gonna be giving that to him. I wanted to still be friends, but apparently, we had "too much history," so he ended up blocking me. lol oh well.
I've also literally only have had two "crushes" in like in a 5 year time span (only because this is what I can remember lol) one of em was so goofy and seemed so fun but then it seems like they turned out to be very self absorbed instantly done the other had baby mama drama wasn't into that. Honestly, those things seem to be things that could be worked through? Maybe? But once I just see something off-putting, it's all I see, which seems more like a personal thing because of past traumas.
As of now I'm honestly content with no romantic relationship but I feel like I do want one but I don't want one with just anyone and it just doesn't seem like many people out there are willing to wait or willing to be friends first and want to hop into relationships immediately when I very much don't. It takes me a while to be comfortable with people, and I want to get to know them as a person.
For a long time I felt like I just wasn't doing things right or that I had to actually change something that I was doing. I thought I was wrong or that I should just force myself into the uncomfortable situation of being someone's girlfriend immediately but then if it turns out I just don't have those romantic feelings then there the whole process of hurting them which is just anxiety inducting.
Also, with all that I'm saying, it does go into the demisexual portion, too. I've still never been with someone sexually because even in the one relationship I have had, I haven't met someone I've trusted to give myself to. The thought of one night stands or anything of the like just makes me wanna crawl into myself. I don't mind anything sexual but I want to be with someone sexually that I trust and care about with my whole being, not some dude Craig or some chick Wendy from Tinder. I'm content with that, but a lot of the times, I'm almost made to feel bad because I haven't done anything sexual. But boy, can I read all the smut on Ao3. Like it all in theory, but dunno about in practice lol I just don't have much of a drive in general, but I don't know if that's just because I've never been with anyone before? I keep getting told, "As soon as you're with someone, your sex drive changes," and like, does that shit really happen? Lol
All in all, I really feel connected to the terms demiromantic and demisexual. Even when I just said I'm bi, it just never felt right, but for once, I feel like I finally found something that I felt connected to and finally found me. But I guess I also wanna feel like I'm right in assuming so? I dunno I feel like it'd be disrespectful in using a label that isn't really you? Which doesn't sound right because everyone has the right to find themselves, and sometimes people go through a list until they finally find themselves, which is what's happening to me right now. But my feelings also just get jumbled up and I have a hard time distinguishing what's been conditioned in me, like how you date, you get into a relationship, ya do couple things, then you get married ect. When all I wanna do is get to know you, really know you, then actually date but even then I feel like a lot of my stuff is more on the platonic end? Like, I like cuddling and kissing, and I do like romance but on a more tame level? I kick my feet when reading "he bought her all these extravagant gifts then he swept her off her feet and dipped her into a kiss" so cute but like if I was actually in that situation like bro put me down for real and I'm so awkward when given gifts lol
I dunno I'd just would really like to discuss this with others who have found themselves because I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this. I've talked to my friends and they of course support me and love me but I feel like they don't really get it? And my family just chalks it up to " Ya just don't have a lot of experience it'll all change when ya get out there and mingle with people"
Thanks in advance for reading all this if ya made it this far I know it's a lot of word vomit as I like to call it but I don't have very organized thoughts and I just kinda write what I'm thinking in the moment lol
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megu-meow · 1 year
Oooo I saw you're taking requests rn lol. I hope you don't mind me sending you one.
Can I request Gojo & and the reader having a wedding and having their 1st dance. You can pick any song you like or you think might fit the concept ^^
Idk if this isn't enough info lol let me know if I need to be more specific, I'll do my best to get back to you :D
Hiii! Of course, thank you for sending this in. 🥰
I feel like this makes a lot of sense for me to write, cause I've written about how Gojo decides to propose and also about said proposal before.
I really hope you like it, I know it's a bit all over the place, I'm having a bad ADD day.
Firstly, the only song that popped up in my head upon reading your message was la vie en rose, cause I don't really listen to love songs that are actually happy. It is a beautiful song, a classic may I say so and I feel like it would fit the old money vibe/aesthetic Gojo radiates, in my opinion.
Before his wedding, Gojo has a completely different picture on how things actually go. He has never attended a wedding in his life, it's not an everyday thing among sorcerers and even if it was, he couldn't care less about going to one. So he believes he is the one supposed to walk down the isle, that people are supposed to stand up for him as he walks in and he genuinely expects the crowd to shed tears as he enters wearing his custom made, expensive suit. However, that train of thought is quickly dismissed by Nanami, just a few minutes before the wedding.
He stand kind of disappointed at the end of the isle, muttering things like "he's not appreciated enough" and "no one actually complimented him on his suit yet" but then he spots you and he falls in love all over again. Not because of the dress you're wearing or your make-up that has been done professionally, but because of your smile, the happiness you radiate and warm glint in your eyes. He quickly understands why the bride is supposed to walk down the isle and why that's a big moment in movies portraying such situations. Suddenly, he regrets opting for a small wedding, with only the closest people to you two present, because he wants the whole world to see how perfect you are in that moment and how you will become his forever in mere minutes. He cries too and his students are dying from laughter, the strongest has been rendered soft in an instant.
You decided a long time ago that you wanted to write your own wows and you laugh with tearful eyes as he fishes out a wrinkled paper that has Tom and Jerry printed on the back from the pocket of his dress pants. He explains that he thought about his wows during one of his missions and that was the only piece of paper he could find at that moment.
After the wedding, during the reception he stuffs himself with the delicious food you picked out, when the two of you started organising the whole ordeal he made it clear that he didn't care about the food at all, he trusts your judgement, but the cake must be his duty and oh boy does he go out with the cake. It's massive, decorated nicely with the cliche marzipan figurines of the two of you on top. Nonetheless, it's delicious and you're glad you let him fulfil the dessert duty.
Gojo's mother put him through dance lessons when he was a child, claiming that the heir of the Gojo clan must know basic dances, considering how many formal events he will have to attend in the future. That makes your first dance even more magical, his posture is perfect and he guides you through the steps flawlessly. He keeps you closer to his chest than he's supposed to though, which you don't mind, because he keeps whispering into your ear about how much he loves and cherishes you.
"I love you, Mrs. Gojo!" he says as the song is over, more loudly than before "Hehe, you're Mrs. Gojo now, that's hilarious. You gotta change your sorcerer ID after this. Good luck with that, those idiot higher ups are slower than sloths."
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naomeii · 9 months
The three loves.
—Pairings: Ajax (childe) x F!Reader
Chongyun x F!Reader
Kaeya x F!Reader
Content : Angst/comfort, modern au, slightly suggestive on Chongyun's part
Synopsis : They say we fall in love with three people in our lifetime.
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"The first is the puppy love, this love feels like a fairy tale. It’s that all-consuming puppy love and one that, at the time, you think will last forever.."
The sun dipped below the horizon, leaving behind hues of pink and orange that painted the sky. Y/n and Ajax, both at the tender age of nine, sat side by side on a small hill overlooking the quaint town where they grew up. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, and the sounds of cicadas provided a gentle background melody.
Ajax grinned mischievously, "Y/n, do you believe in shooting stars? They say if you make a wish on one, it'll come true!"
Y/n's eyes sparkled with curiosity, "Really? What should we wish for?"
Ajax looked at her with a twinkle in his eye, "Let's wish to be together forever, okay? Like, even when we're grown-ups!"
A giggle escaped Y/n's lips as she nodded, "Yes, that's a perfect wish!"
They clasped their hands together, their tiny fingers entwining like the promise they were about to make. The night was clear, and a shooting star streaked across the sky. As it did, Y/n and Ajax closed their eyes and whispered their innocent promise to the cosmos.
"Let's get married when we're big, big adults, Ajax!"
Ajax chuckled, "Deal! You're going to be the prettiest bride ever!"
"...but it won't, 'cause we soon learn that fairy tales don't exist."
Years passed, and the once-inseparable pair found themselves standing on the same small hill where their innocent promise had been made. The landscape had changed, and so had they. Y/n, with dreams as vast as the sky, was on the brink of a new journey that would take her far away from the town they called home.
Ajax gazed at the horizon, a subtle sadness in his eyes, "Y/n, I can't believe you're really leaving."
She turned to face him, a mixture of excitement and sorrow in her expression, "I have to, Ajax. There's so much out there, and I want to explore it all."
Ajax tried to control his tears, as a pang of sadness tugged at his heart. "What about us? Our promise?"
Y/n sighed, "Ajax, we made that promise when we were kids. Things change, priorities change. It doesn't mean I'll forget you or what we shared."
He looked down, disappointment evident in his voice, "Is this the end for us, then?"
She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, "No, it's not the end. But we have to be realistic. Long-distance is tough, and we both have our paths to follow."
Ajax looked up, determination in his eyes, "What if we try? What if we make it work?"
Y/n smiled sadly, "Ajax, you're a part of me, and I'll always treasure our memories. But we can't tie ourselves down with promises made in the innocence of our youth.. Let's just cherish what we had and see where life takes us."
He sighed, his gaze downcast, "I guess this is it, huh?"
Y/n looked at him with a mix of sadness and understanding, "Ajax, we'll always have our memories. You mean a lot to me, and I'll never forget us."
Ajax nodded, a quiet acknowledgment of the shared past, but a lingering pain in his heart. "I thought maybe we could make it work, but maybe it's for the best."
Y/n reached out and gently touched his cheek, "You deserve someone who can be there for you.."
He smiled weakly, "You're right. It's just hard to let go."
As Y/n left, she never looked back, fear of looking at Ajax's broken face, the one she loved so dearly.
"The second love is the intense love, the love that turns your world upside down.."
The rain poured down in sheets, turning the city into a blurry watercolor painting. Y/n hurried through the streets, groceries in hand, regretting the decision not to bring an umbrella. As she navigated through the crowd, a sudden warmth enveloped her as a blue umbrella shielded her from the downpour.
Y/n looked up to see a person with messy blue hair, their face partially hidden by the hood of their jacket.
"Need some cover?" the person asked with a friendly smile.
Y/n nodded gratefully, "Thank you so much! I forgot my umbrella."
As they walked together through the rain, Y/n couldn't help but notice the kindness in the stranger's eyes. Conversation flowed easily, and laughter punctuated the sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella.
Eventually, they reached their apartment building, and to their surprise, realized they were neighbors.
"You live here too?" Y/n exclaimed.
The blue-haired stranger grinned, "Small world, huh? I'm Chongyun, by the way."
Y/n introduced herself, and from that day forward, their lives became intertwined. Shared dinners, movie nights, and the occasional run to the convenience store during late nights.
"The one that comes with highest of highs and lowest of lows.."
One evening, after a delightful date, Chongyun took a deep breath and looked into Y/n's eyes, "Y/n, would you officially be my girlfriend?"
Her face lit up, "Absolutely, Chongyun! I'd love that."
Their dating phase was filled with laughter, shared dreams, and the comfort of knowing someone was there. Soon, the idea of moving in together surfaced. Given their proximity in the same apartment complex, it seemed like the next natural step.
Moving day arrived, and as they settled into their shared space, the reality of living together unveiled a new dimension of their relationship. They discovered each other's habits, preferences, and the occasional quirks that grated on their nerves.
One evening, a seemingly harmless argument escalated into a heated exchange. Chongyun, frustrated, exclaimed, "Y/n, sometimes you're just too serious about everything! Can't we have a lighthearted conversation without you analyzing it to death?"
Y/n, equally frustrated, retorted, "Well, maybe you could take things a bit more seriously! Not everything is a joke, Chongyun!"
Silence hung in the air as they both realized the weight of their words. But just like every other time, they found themselves gravitating towards each other, seeking comfort in the familiarity of shared sheets and intertwined limbs.
Y/n sighed, "We can't keep doing this, Chongyun. It's exhausting."
Chongyun then pulled her closer to him, taking a deep breath he spoke, "I know, Y/n. I know."
"The one that will cause you so much pain.."
As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the intensity of Y/n and Chongyun's relationship reached a tipping point. The cycle of arguments and reconciliations became a weary routine, leaving both of them drained.
Once, after a particularly heated exchange, Chongyun took a step back and looked at Y/n with a mixture of sadness and resignation. "Y/n, I think we need some space. This isn't healthy for either of us."
Y/n, caught off guard, felt a lump forming in her throat. "What do you mean, Chongyun?"
He sighed, "I mean, maybe we're not meant to be together. We've been through so much, and it's not making either of us happy."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as the weight of his words settled in. "Are you breaking up with me?"
Chongyun nodded, "I think it's for the best. We both need to figure out what we truly want, and staying in this cycle isn't helping either of us."
The apartment, once filled with laughter and shared dreams, now echoed with the painful silence of a relationship coming to an end.
"But I love you, Chongyun," Y/n whispered, her voice breaking.
He gently touched her cheek, "I love you too, Y/n, but love isn't always enough."
"..but it will teach you what you want, and what you don't"
Chongyun moved out, seeking a fresh start. However, fate had other plans, and they found themselves crossing paths in the same complex, the awkward encounters serving as painful reminders of what once was.
Y/n, weary from the constant reminders of their past, decided it was time for a change. She received a job offer in a new city, and with a heart heavy with memories, she packed her bags to embark on a journey of self-discovery.
On her moving day, Chongyun showed up to help with the boxes. The air was thick with unspoken words as they navigated the process of dismantling the life they had built together. The shared glances and hesitant smiles hinted at the emotions bubbling beneath the surface.
As the last box was loaded into the moving truck, Y/n looked at Chongyun, gratitude and sadness mingling in her eyes. "Thank you for helping me, Chongyun. This is goodbye, isn't it?"
He nodded, a somber expression on his face, "Yeah, it is. Take care of yourself, Y/n."
A bittersweet silence hung in the air, and they found themselves wrapped in a tight embrace. It was a hug that spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the shared pain and the decision to move forward.
"Goodbye, Chongyun," Y/n whispered, her voice catching in her throat.
"Goodbye, Y/n," he replied, the weight of their history lingering in the farewell.
As the moving truck pulled away, Y/n glanced back at the complex that held the fragments of a love that had taught them both valuable lessons.
"The third love, is the unexpected love.."
In the hustle and bustle of the new city, Y/n found herself working under the supervision of Kaeya, a charming yet infuriating figure who seemed to revel in pushing her buttons. Kaeya, tasked with training the new recruit, couldn't help but find amusement in Y/n's exasperated reactions.
From the very beginning, their interactions were laced with a peculiar tension. Y/n, with her determination to prove herself in the new job, clashed with Kaeya's laid-back and unpredictable approach to work. Each meeting felt like a battle of wits, a constant attempt to outsmart and out manoeuvre the other.
Kaeya smirked, "You know, Y/n, you're taking this job a bit too seriously. It's not a life-or-death situation."
Y/n shot back, "Well, someone has to do the work around here, and it seems like you're allergic to it."
"..The one that comes from nowhere and feels just completely and utterly right."
As Y/n and Kaeya continued to work together, their relationship began to take an unexpected turn. Y/n couldn't help but notice Kaeya stealing glances at her when he thought she wasn't looking.
One day, catching him in the act, Y/n raised an eyebrow, "Kaeya, is there something on my face?"
He quickly averted his gaze, a subtle blush coloring the tips of his ears. "N-no, of course not. Just lost in thought."
Y/n smirked, sensing something beneath the surface, "Lost in thought, or lost staring at me?"
Kaeya attempted to play it cool, "Staring? Please, I have more important things on my mind."
But the telltale redness of his ears betrayed him, and Y/n couldn't help but find the situation amusing. The once-annoying colleague seemed to be harboring feelings he wasn't ready to admit.
"And whereas it may not always start off very interestingly, it is the love that keeps knocking regardless of how long it takes you to answer.."
As Y/n and Kaeya's relationship deepened, their initial irritation gave way to a unique connection. The line between bickering and flirting became increasingly blurred, and late-night work sessions in Kaeya's apartment became a common occurrence.
One night, surrounded by the soft glow of city lights filtering through the window, Y/n and Kaeya found themselves engrossed in their project. The air was charged with tension, and their banter teetered on the edge of something more.
Y/n couldn't help but confess, "You know, when I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying."
Kaeya grinned, "Anddd?"
"And you still are," Y/n replied with a playful smirk.
The atmosphere shifted, and in that moment, the tension hung heavy. Kaeya's eyes locked onto Y/n's, and without warning, he closed the gap between them, capturing her lips in a kiss.
However, the moment was short-lived. Y/n, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotions, pulled away, her eyes wide with uncertainty.
"I… I can't," she stammered, her hands shaking.
Kaeya, sensing her hesitation, tried to reassure her, "Y/n, I didn't mean to—"
She interrupted him, hastily gathering her things, "I need to go."
As Y/n rushed out of Kaeya's apartment, the door closed behind her, leaving a bewildered Kaeya standing in the quiet space. The city lights continued to flicker, but the warmth that had enveloped them earlier had been replaced by a chilling silence.
"..You no longer have to hide your flaws and imperfections; they accept you for who you are."
The days following the abrupt departure were heavy for Y/n. Overwhelmed by her emotions and the fear of confronting the newfound feelings, she took a sick leave, attempting to find solace in solitude. The apartment, once a sanctuary, now echoed with the quiet emptiness of her own thoughts.
One afternoon, as Y/n sat lost in her contemplations, a sudden knock on the door disrupted her fragile peace. Startled, she wiped away her tears and opened the door, her appearance far from the composed image she usually presented.
Kaeya stood at the doorway, his usually charming demeanor softened by concern. His eyes traveled over Y/n's disheveled state, taking in the messy hair, the tear-streaked face, and the hastily thrown-on pajamas.
"Y/n, I was worried. You haven't been answering calls or messages," Kaeya said gently, his voice filled with genuine concern.
Y/n struggled to meet his gaze, her vulnerability laid bare. "I… I needed some time alone."
Kaeya's expression softened even further as he stepped closer, "Can I come in?"
Y/n hesitated but eventually nodded, allowing him entry into her private sanctuary. As Kaeya entered, he took in the traces of her emotional turmoil scattered throughout the room.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he began, choosing his words carefully. "I care about you, Y/n. I just… I wanted to make sure you're okay."
She looked at him, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears, "Kaeya, I… I don't know what to do. I'm scared."
He took a step closer, reaching out to gently wipe away a tear from her cheek. "You don't have to be scared, Y/n. We can take things at your pace. I'm here for you."
A fragile smile played on Y/n's lips as she allowed herself to lean into his comforting presence.
"It comes so easy it does not seem possible and the connection sweeps you off the ground because you never planned for it."
Winter draped the city in a soft blanket of snow, and as the holiday season approached, Y/n found herself on the path to healing, guided by Kaeya's patient presence. Their bond had weathered the storms of uncertainty, and with each passing day, the warmth between them grew stronger.
One chilly evening, they strolled through the twinkling streets adorned with festive decorations. Families bustled about, and the air was filled with the joyous anticipation of the upcoming celebrations. Y/n couldn't help but notice the couples hand in hand, the laughter, and the shared moments that painted the city with a special kind of magic.
As they walked together, Y/n felt a comforting warmth radiating from Kaeya. The time spent healing had allowed her to unravel the layers of fear and uncertainty, revealing the genuine love and care Kaeya had consistently offered.
Taking a deep breath, Y/n turned to Kaeya, her heart pounding but filled with a newfound clarity. "Kaeya, I… I love you."
His eyes sparkled with genuine happiness, and without a moment's hesitation, he scooped her up in his arms, twirling her around. Peppering kisses all over her face, Kaeya chuckled, "I love you too, Y/n! More than you can imagine."
As she giggled, Y/n couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of loving Kaeya. It felt easy, natural, and unlike the complicated loves of her past. Ajax, the childhood friend, brought comfort but carried the weight of duty. Chongyun, the intense love, brought excitement but was overshadowed by the strain of constant conflict.
With Kaeya, it was different. His patience, understanding, and genuine affection created a love that flowed effortlessly. In the embrace of the winter evening, Y/n realized that loving Kaeya was like navigating through a calm river after weathering tempestuous seas. It felt easy, secure, and filled with a warmth that melted away the remnants of her past doubts and fears.
"It is the love you’ll spend the rest of your life with."
The snowfall from the night they confessed to each other was a distant memory as Y/n and Kaeya stood together at the altar, surrounded by the warmth of their love and the presence of friends and family. The ceremony marked the culmination of a journey filled with challenges, growth, and an enduring commitment to each other.
The venue was adorned with flowers, the air filled with the sweet melody of joy, and the love between Y/n and Kaeya radiated, turning the ceremony into a celebration of a lifetime. Y/n, in a breathtaking wedding gown, looked at Kaeya with eyes filled with love, and he, in a sharp suit, beamed with pride.
As they exchanged vows, promising to stand by each other in sickness and health, in joy and sorrow, the connection they shared blossomed into a bond that would withstand the test of time. The wedding guests, a mix of family and friends, looked on with smiles and tears, witnessing the union of two souls destined to spend the rest of their lives together.
After the ceremony, as Y/n and Kaeya danced under the starlit sky, they caught glimpses of the other two important figures from Y/n's past. Ajax, her childhood friend, danced with his partner, a person who brought stability and warmth into his life. Chongyun, the intense love, swirled around the dance floor with his partner, a companion who complemented his spirit with laughter and understanding.
It was a moment of shared happiness, a realisation that the journey of love took different paths for each of them. Y/n's heart swelled with gratitude for the past loves that had shaped her and led her to this moment.
As the night continued, Y/n and Kaeya revelled in the joy of their love, surrounded by the people who mattered most. The dance floor buzzed with laughter, the music echoed through the night, and the stars above bore witness to a love that had endured and triumphed.
And so, Y/n and Kaeya stepped into the adventure of a lifetime, hand in hand, ready to face whatever the future held. As they sealed their love with a kiss under the moonlit sky, the promise of spending the rest of their lives together unfolded, a journey filled with love, laughter, and the beautiful simplicity of a love that felt just right.
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 8 months
I'll show you pain
"Yes! Let's fight! Let's go at each other till there's only one of us standing!" A hysterical Atori cried out as he lunged for you. His claws barely missing as you shifted out of reach.
"No." You said in a bored tone. This making the demon seethe with rage. "Why not??? Aren't you curious to see who will win? A battle to the death between you and me!"
This time, you avoid his tail lashing out. "No, not to the death. To the pain." This causes the unhinged demon to look at you curiously. "What?"
"Allow me to explain. I'll use small words to make sure you understand your mindless buffoon." You say casually, looking him in the eye.
"To the pain means the first thing you lose will be your wings. Then your tail, next your nose." Atori seemed amused by all this. "Then my tounge, I suppose."
You catch his foot before it lands a blow to your head and hold steady. "I wasn't finished! The next thing you'll lose will be your left eye, followed by your right."
"And then my ears, I understand, let's get on with it!!!" He whines. A desperate edge in his voice. You shook your head. "Wrong."
You grab the multi-limbed demon and pull him closer. You whispers into his ear. "Your ears you keep, and I'll tell you why."
You could see his eyes glazing as you paint the picture in his mind. "So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish."
You squeeze his neck tighter. You can see the drool escape his mouth as you continue to speak. Really, he was just too easy to distract.
"Every babe that weeps. Every woman that cries out "Dear God, what is that thing?" Will echo in your perfect ears." He moans, and you shake your head.
"That is what to the pain means. It means I leave you in anguish. Wallowing in freakish misery forever." You watch his eyes roll back as you chock him.
The erratic demon is now unconscious in your hands. Honestly, it's laughable how easy it was. But tempting an adrenaline fighting junkie like Atori was the quickest and most non-violent method.
You could relax now. The threat to your family, to the school, and to the students was neutralized. "You really know nothing of pain."
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nian-7 · 7 months
HI NIANNNNN I got your matchup and I am very excited to write it!!!!! I am here to submit mine as well <:3 no rush at all ok !!! Take your time or else (said lovingly)
Cancer sun / ISFP !!! Generally I'm an outgoing and talkative person and I've got lots of energy, I'm not shy at all and I enjoy talking to people !! I'm super emotional and sensitive and I either tear up or full on cry over something silly once a day SDFGSDFGFSD….. I have a really hard time opening up to people though </3 you will not perceive me
I'm a huge worrier T_T I try to make sure everyone around me has eaten and is taking care of themselves properly and I suppose I do have strong motherly instincts. I just like taking care of people!!! Especially buying gifts or getting them treats <:)
I have 2 college degrees and I work in the medical field so I like to think I am smart….. I'm kinda airheaded though I'll be real and things tend to fly over my head. I run into walls in my own house :( I'm like if a smart person was also very dumb. You see my vision…… I'm also easily embarrassed and own mom told me I'm easy to bully and pick on . Mean to me
In terms of hobbies ofc I enjoy writing but I like to cook and bake also. I've been really into nail art recently and buying candles because I'm 21 going on 60 I guess @#$#@%@$%@@$# ANYWAYS to be honest I mostly just work all day, go home, and do nothing productive the rest of the day DFGFDGFS I just chill……
If I could pick some traits in a partner….. someone who can handle my emotions LOL I like reassurance . . . I'm also very affectionate so it would be nice to receive some back !! I'm not super picky though like number one rule to dating me: please like me. This is all. Smiles
SORRY THIS WENT ON FOREVER I appreciate you so much!!!!!!!! Like I said take your time ok!!! Spins you around HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND NIAN
HI!! i literally had a list of options and then i said ykw no and then this is what happened. I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! i gave you the runners up as well under the matchup too!!
I match you with...
Hokusai Masaki!
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-Hokusai just seems like he'd mesh really well with you. He's not the emotional or energetic type but! He likes those types of people seeing as how much he cares about Satsuki and Reo!
-The fact that he wouldn't judge you for being emotional over silly things is just something perfect honestly. He's always there for you to say the least! No matter what it is!
-He's a very patient person so if you don't open up to him right away in your relationship, he truly doesn't mind. He wants you to take your time and be comfortable with him rather than rushing you into telling him things.
-He cherishes any gifts or treats you may give him and feels very comforted by your motherly personality. Even though you may worry about him and his safety a lot, it makes him feel loved.
-Hokusai is a gentle giant of course. He doesn't blame you for your airheadedness or your clumsiness at all and just finds himself smiling whenever you are a bit airheaded...
-Being easy to pick on or bully is not a problem anymore when you're around him though! As someone who doesn't take lightly to bullying, I don't think you'll have to worry much about it.
-Ohh.. I can so see Hokusai letting you do his nails though. That'd be so cute honestly!!
-In terms of what you were looking for in a partner, Hokusai checks the boxes honestly. He can handle your emotions and reassure you without seeming annoyed because just the tone of his voice is so genuine...
-He doesn't mind physical affection either though! It might be very small little things like a hug or a kiss to your temple because he's not a physically affectionate person but he still tries to be to make you happy!
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Runner Up No. 1...
Zen Gaho!
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-So he's the first runner up cause I actually was going to match you with Zen and then I thought about it and went with Hokusai instead. He'd be a great partner for you too but!! I just felt like Hokusai and you would be a better match than you and Zen if you get me.
Runner Up No. 2...
Yuto Inukai!
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-Main reason he didn't last till the 'finals' so to speak was cause of his age.. and Hancho. I didn't know if he was like too old BUT I KNOW YOU LIKE HIM SO I FEEL BAD...
-And then Hancho... it's Hancho I don't think I have to explain that as much because you probably see my vision here...
Runner Up No. 3...
Anne Faulkner!
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-Okay so the main reason I decided to scrap Anne was because although I feel like you both would get along really well, I felt like it'd be more of a friend-like relationship rather than romantic if that makes sense???
-They were a good option and all but I just was like hmmm.. Hokusai fits better as a romantic match because Anne is more of a friend-like relationship.
a/n: don't rush my matchup, robyn!! take as long as you need i know i did yours really fast.. BUT TAKE YOUR TIME DW!!
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thefandomenchantress · 6 months
Breaks down invisible door
Looks at you with firey eyes
Hey hey hey looks like we both like Whace, eh? Care to share a few headcanons? I'll throw in a bonus! I'll reblog and add mine hehehe :3
Anyways, yeah! I do like Whace! Not only because the ship name is fun and silly, but also because I think the way Whit and Ace bounce off each other is a very entertaining concept. On with the headcanons!
-It took the two of them forever to get together, since Whit, what with his ever-present trouble with love, was too scared to try and confess his feelings. And Ace was also too scared, since he’s scared of everything but especially showing vulnerability like that. Eventually, Whit managed to tell Ace about his feelings, but Ace wasn’t sure if he was joking or not and so Whit had to try and clarify. Overall it was awkward but worth it when they finally got together.
-Whit loves PDA but Ace is very easily embarrassed by it. So they meet in the middle by doing secret PDA, like holding hands under the table where no one can see (Arei has made it her mission to catch them whenever they do stuff like that and tease them for it)(Ace gets mad and Whit gets disappointed because Ace will immediately stop doing whatever affectionate thing he was doing).
-Whit really likes doing Ace’s nails. Ace, comforted by the fact that he wears gloves most of the time so no one will actually see his nails, lets Whit do whatever crazy designs he wants. He’d never admit it but he really likes them.
-Similarly, Whit likes to try and do makeup on Ace. Ace can do eyeliner, so he’ll do that on Whit, but Whit likes to go all out. He’s always sad when Ace washes it off.
-They help each other with dying their hair. Whit’s is slightly more complicated, since he dyes his hair blonde and pink, but Ace tries his best. Whit has to help teach him how to properly just dye the edges the first time.
-Whit likes playing with Ace’s hair in general. Ace is a little cagey when it comes to letting people touch his hair but he doesn’t mind as much when it’s Whit.
-Whit finds much entertainment in teasing Ace just to see him all flustered. Whether that be with compliments, physical affection, or the occasional dirty joke (He likes to use atrociously bad pick-up lines sometimes, too, just to see Ace’s reaction).
-I’m not one to talk about nsfw too much…But Whit tops. ;)
-Hehe time for a very self-indulgent one. Whit found out Ace likes to read romance novels and would not let it go. Now they have a book club with just the two of them as members.
-Ace tends to get embarrassed when expressing his feelings for Whit through words, so sometimes he’ll buy him gifts instead, just small little things to show he cares. Whit keeps them all in a box to cherish forever.
-Whit has decided that Ace is his new favorite bed. He likes to sleep on Ace’s lap and chest, which confuses Ace, but he doesn’t really mind. Even on the off chance he does, he usually doesn’t have the heart to make Whit get off of him.
-Whit likes to tease Ace about how he’s one inch taller, calling Ace cute and petite and generally being a menace by pretending they have this huge height difference.
-Ace, being quite strong thanks to working out a lot, can carry Whit around. He usually does this when he’s fed up with Whit teasing him and wants to turn the tables on him. Sometimes it works, other times Whit just giggles and calls himself a captured princess.
-Whit loves to text 🩷 emojis at Ace all the time. An excessive amount, honestly. Ace will sometimes text him back <3.
-Ace will get really mad when someone is mean to Whit, unsurprisingly, but also unsurprisingly doesn’t do too much besides scold the person and swear at them. If someone’s mean to Ace, Whit won’t immediately do anything. But he‘ll get really quiet, making a 🙂 face, and on the inside you can tell he’s plotting their death.
-At every opportunity, Whit will take whatever pen/marker is lying around during class and doodle a heart on Ace’s arm. He thinks it’s cute. Ace glares at him whenever he does it, but puts in a noticeable amount of effort not to wash it off when he takes a shower.
Hmm, I think that’s all for now. Maybe I’ll add more if I think of any I forgot or if I think of any new ones. This list turned into a lot more than a few headcanons but I regret nothing.
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lynbaccha · 11 months
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Series of small, scared whimpers echoed through the cave, before his mind could fully indulge him into a nightmare. Memory that would haunt him, until the day he would eventually perish. All things do…
Despite this, Arvak's mind faintly threw blood, pain and his own pleas in front of his blurry vision, as he opened his eyes. He could barely see in the dark that he was met with. And in his sleepy state, he quickly understood what was up.
The fire was out. He fell asleep when he was supposed to watch over it…
Arvak got on his elbows and squinted a bit. The little he could see came from a small light source, his lantern. And the little life in it was crying.
A tiny whimper answered back. That alone was a sign that the hybrid ghoul needed to push his own hurt and sorrow aside. To do a duty every responsible guardian does with a glee…
Arvak gently yet quickly picked the lantern up. As he sat up in his nest, feeling the cold cave air around him, he rested the source of a blue light in his hands, on his lap. His Leaf. An apple of his eye, the most precious thing he has ever been blessed with…
"What's wrong, dandelion?" His husky voice asked. The flame coo'ed at him miserably, before crying once again. Arvak shushed the borderline wail of the small flame, and pet its glass. It was warm, like on a summer day. As it was supposed to be.
"I know…," Arvak coo's back with a gentle smile. "It's dark. I'm sorry."
It probably wasn't the main issue, but it definitely doesn't help. Leaf is young in mind, compared to a very small kit. Not quite as newborn, but close enough. And young kits fear dark.
"I'll make some light–"
Leaf whimpered as the flame flickered harshly. She doesn't want Arvak to go. She's afraid. Of being alone.
After a small silence, Arvak sighs, pondering what to do.
"Do you want a song, sprout?" he asks from the lantern in his hands. He expects Leaf to get somewhat excited and eased. Like her fair and kind mother, she adores songs and stories.
And Leaf gives him her approval. The little flame laughs and giggles, as some of it escapes from holes and cracks on the glass protecting it.
The old ghoul smiled, inhaled, and opened his wordful chest. Songs he sang echoed in the cave, bouncing the words love, companionship and wonder for the small soul to her. How a cold-hearted hurt male met a wonderful female, who treated his wounds with flower nectar, kisses and honey. How their love brought a small summer to the world, meant to be cherished forever. To all this, like her mother so long ago, Leaf raised her spirit, and allowed her flickering being to dance.
In that flame, Arvak saw what once was his. Lightful future, hopes of bigger family, as he nurtured his and Villa's first…
All gone. In a blink of an eye.
Before Arvak could wallow on it too much, a coo echoed in the air. He looked at what was left of his beautiful daughter, knowing she's upset and worried. He has learned how to read her again, in that form.
He had to. As a father, as a father who loves his kit…
Arvak smiled gently, and pet the metal frame that was the foundation of his daughter's vessel. It was cold, it was hard… Nothing even remotely similar to a poofy hair Leaf once had. Hence her nickname, dandelion.
"Dada will be fine…," Arvak whispered. He bought Leaf up to his eye level, and like an owl's feather against the chase, gently bonked his horns with the glass. Small purring erupted from his chest as he closed his eyes. "Sleep a little. Tomorrow is a busy day."
It didn't take as much time as usual, before Leaf started to doze off. No wonder. It is the middle of the night, after all.
When he knew his daughter was asleep, the ghoul put her down on his lap. He looked as the flame flickered, mimicking a living being's breathing. That was all Leaf knew. Being alive, being reliant on him for survival…
Arvak will never see her grow up. Nor hear her first words. He finds himself bitter on some days. Numb in most.
This little lantern, his daughter… All he has left from the love he once knew and still cherishes.
Memory of that will haunt him, until the day he would eventually perish. All things do…
Arvak hopes, just for Leaf's defenseless sake, that it comes only after his kit flickers for one last time.
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