#or maybe I’ll have done a large part of it and be hitting all my deadlines
imbellarosa · 1 year
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chaotic-birds · 9 months
be with you || j.pt
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Jason wakes up in the middle of the night and you're not there.
🌙 Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader (gn)
🌙 Genres/AUs: Fluff, (emotional) hurt/comfort, established relationship
🌙 Warning(s): mention of kidnapping
🌙 Word Count: 1.1k
🌙 Author's Note: I have so many Jason Todd fic ideas 😵‍💫 For now, I decided to just write this. I normally don't post such short fics, but I want to get used to doing so. Sometimes I just wanna write without thinking of intensive plots 😪 That being said, please enjoy this little fluff piece! Sometimes, we just need some fluff in our lives. Also, this is my first Jason fic after a few years so… 😬 (im a lil nervous)
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When Jason turns to his other side to pull you against him, his eyes fly open.
Your side of the bed is empty.
And cold.
Which means it’s been a while since you left.
You left.
Did you leave or did someone take you?
Jason’s distressed eyes scan the bedroom. There’s no sign of a struggle. Plus, he would at least hope he’d wake up to the commotion if something like that happened.
But if you didn’t get kidnapped, where did you go?
Worry fills his chest and his heart pumps faster at the influx of questions in his head.
All the doubt about whether he’s making you happy clouds his mind. Had he said something yesterday that had upset you? Are you not happy with him anymore? Did someone better come into your life?
Jason groans and rakes his hands through his hair, tugging roughly at the ends to feel something other than uneasiness.
His hands fall to his sides when he sees your belongings at your vanity.
That’s a good sign, right? Maybe you didn’t leave him after all.
Jason slides off the bed and heads out of the bedroom.
“Babe?” he calls.
There’s no answer.
He wanders to the bathroom. Empty.
He goes to the living room. Empty.
Finally, he goes to your home office.
You’re sat in your chair with your headset on, fingers clacking against the keyboard.
The heavyweight he had put on his shoulders instantly lifted. He releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
He takes three large steps before he encloses his arms around you from behind.
You yelp, jumping and hitting your head against his jaw.
He grunts at having bit the inside of his cheek in the process.
Although your arms are glued to your sides, you tilt your head and lift a hand as high as it can go to remove your headset.
“Jay?” you question. “Did I wake you? I was trying to be quiet.”
He shakes his head and nuzzles his face against your neck more.
You lax in his arms, rubbing along his forearms and resting your head on his shoulder.
“Why are you awake then?” you wonder after a while.
“You weren’t in bed,” he mumbles.
“Sorry,” you murmur. “I forgot I had to finish something for work.”
“But it’s half past three. Can’t it wait?”
“Sadly, no,” you sigh.
Carefully, you try to pull apart his arms to free yourself. Jason refuses to let you do so.
“Baby,” you laugh softly when he holds you tighter. “Go back to sleep. I’ll be done in a bit.”
“No,” he grumbles.
Knowing he won’t give up, at least not easily, you nod. “Alright then. Should I bring in another chair for you?”
Jason shakes his head and finally lets go. He slides your chair back slightly and sinks to the floor in front of you.
Your legs part when he makes a home between them, wrapping his arms around your hips and resting his head on top of your thigh.
“Comfy?” you ask with a small smile, slightly amused.
He simply hums and closes his eyes.
Your gaze lingers on him before you focus on your work once more. You hurry more now, wanting to get back to bed with Jason.
A few minutes have passed when Jason speaks again.
“I-I thought you left me,” he whispers.
Your hands pause in their movement.
“Oh Jace,” you begin gently and place a hand against his cheek.
His eyes flutter open at your touch. His blue eyes are filled with worry and fear.
“I would never leave you.”
His eyes move between yours, trying to find a reason not to believe you. There’s that rotten side of him that tells him he doesn’t deserve to have company. That it’s inevitable for him to be alone.
“Unless you want me to,” you add.
He shakes his head aggressively. “Don’t say that.”
You smile softly at him. “Then it’s a done deal. You’re mine until the end of time.”
Jason cracks a small smile at your words, lifting his head.
“I like the sound of that,” he says.
Your grin grows. “I do too.”
Jason leans up, and you meet him halfway for a tender kiss.
“I’ve still got more to do. You want to go to bed now?” you ask once you pull away.
“Nope, I’m staying,” he replies, resting his head back on your leg.
His tone sounds lighter now, making your heart warm. Although you love all sides of Jason, this may be your favorite one.
Happy. Soft. Vulnerable.
After forty more minutes, you finally finish.
Jason has fallen asleep and has filled the room with his light snores. Some of his hair lays on his face, some of it slightly ruffled from sleeping in the bed earlier.
You bring a hand to his hair, carding your fingers through his soft locks. You scratch at his scalp gently to wake him.
His eyes open, drooping and groggily.
“I’m done, let’s go to bed now,” you say.
He nods and slowly stands up from the floor. He sways a little on tired legs.
“Come on, sleepy head,” you tease lightly and grab his hand.
He lets you guide him back to the bedroom. You sit him down on the edge then gesture in the direction of the bathroom.
“I need to pee; you gonna come with me or will you stay here?” you question.
Jason frowns but nods. “If you take longer than five minutes, I’m coming in.”
You laugh and kiss the crown of his head. “If you say so.”
You know he’s being honest so you rush. Luckily, you make it in time for him not to come get you.
Jason hasn’t moved from when you left. He’s staring at the doorway, feet thumping rhythmically against the floor.
“You’re so needy tonight,” you observe and climb into bed. Jason scoots back until he’s beside you.
“I just miss you,” he sighs, pulling you against him like he originally wanted to do.
You lean back against his chest to feel him more.
“I’ve missed you too, Jay,” you reply.
There's been a rise in crime lately, which resulted in Jason being out in the field more than usual. However, it feels as if there’s a break and you and Jason are making the most of it. You’re sure he will be summoned again soon.
Jason snuggles your body more—if possible—and kisses the back of your head.
“We’re so sleeping in today,” he mumbles, a slight groan accompanying his words.
You giggle. “I can’t protest that.”
“Hm, good,” he says. “Goodnight, baby.”
Smiling, you echo, “Goodnight, Jay.”
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©️chaotic-birds // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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katnisspeetaprim · 3 months
Father Figure
Lucifer Morningstar/Platonic!TeenReader
Summary: You'd had a hard time in the sort while you'd been alive, so when your new boss shows you kindness like you've never seen, you can't help but be suspicious...
Warnings: Platonic relationship, teenage fem reader, implied drug use, implied sex work, implied underage sex, dead beat parents, assault, swearing, panic attack, crying, angst, fluff A.N; not sure if I will write a part 2 yet, see how this does!
Word Count: 3102 Hazbin M.list
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Hell was a scary place for someone like you. Being a teenager in Hell was less than ideal.
Your parents were useless, always too coked out of their minds to care for you, so you left.
Due to your unfortunate circumstances, you had to resort to some... less than kosher means to survive. It was awful, but it’s all you could do.
One night, one of your clients wouldn’t take no for an answer so when you tried to fight back, things went bad for you.
So here you were.
Luckily, under princess Morningstar’s new work programme, all new sinners would be provided with a job to get them started, if they accepted the help that is. And that’s how you came to be the King of hell’s live in maid.
You’d finally found your way to the mansion, after getting lost multiple times. You felt somewhat intimidated as you stood before the large doors. It just now hit you that you’d be working for the devil himself. The thought made your blood run cold. Why would they give such a high profile job to someone like you? Maybe because you wouldn’t be able to cause any trouble? Either way you couldn’t back out now.
Swallowing back your nerves, you raised a hand and knocked on the door.
Almost immediately the door swung open to reveal a short man, who seemed a little too keen to interact with you.
‘Why hello there! Something I can help you with?’... Was he waiting by the door?
‘I uh- I was told to come here to work?’ You handed him your work certificate, and he quickly scanned it over before breaking out into a smile.
‘Wow! I didn’t expect to get someone so soon!’ It was only after Lucifer read the paper, did he properly look at you. His smile faltered slightly.
‘Uh sorry to be blunt, but you look a little... young?’
‘Well I’m 16.’ You laughed nervously. ‘Is that not ok? I promise I’ll be a good worker!’ Lucifer frowned deeply at your sudden panicked rambling.
It wasn’t uncommon for people to die young, but to end up in Hell?
He knew Earth could be a terrible place, but what could you have done at such a young age to end up here.
‘No no! Just me thinking out loud haha.’ Lucifer quickly backtracked. ‘Please come in.’ He moved to allow you to pass by, now smiling again. You entered, realising you were only slightly shorted than him as you passed by.
Maybe working for the Devil wouldn’t be as scary as you thought.
‘You have no idea how long I’ve needed a maid. I hate cleaning!’ He sighed out dramatically.
Over the coming months, you’d settled well into your job. You suppose you had it easy when it came to jobs in Hell. Cleaning was pretty easy.
Lucifer mostly left you to your own devices, thinking you wouldn’t want to hang out with an old man like him, but that didn’t mean he didn’t make an effort with you.
The first time he approached you in the middle of the day, was to gift you a mobile phone.
‘Hey!’ He slid up to you out of nowhere, making you jump out of your skin. ‘Realised you don’t have a phone! Can’t check in if you don’t have one of those!’ You weren’t used to receiving gifts with no strings attached, But Lucifer didn’t seem to have ulterior motives, so you tentatively accepted.
‘Oh! I’ll even give you my daughters number! You two will get on like a house on fire!’
Another encounter was on an evening. Lucifer was finishing up his supper, when he aught sight of you scurrying round the foyer. He called out for you to come over.
‘Have you eaten yet? It’s getting pretty late...’ You couldn’t help but feel touched that he was seemingly looking out for you.
‘I still have a lot to do... I’m a little behind today...’ You trailed off, worried about being scolded for being tardy.
‘Nonsense! Please join me, there’s way too much for just me anyway.’ Lucifer insisted, jumping up and pulling a chair out for you.
‘Are you sure that’s ok?’ You asked, still a little reserved of his kindness.
‘Of course! Always happy for the company.’
Lucifer could read you like a book. He knew you were still nervous and skeptical of him, but he couldn’t blame you. He still didn’t know the circumstances for you to end up in Hell, plus you were so young, it would take a lot to trust.
Even though you worked for him, Lucifer couldn’t help but feel protective of you.
One of the more recent incidents, was when you got hurt.
The house chef was running out of ingredients, so he asked you to run out and grab them. You happily agreed since you didn’t really have any reason to leave the house otherwise.
Ok. Maybe you’d gone a little over bored, you thought as you juggled the heavy bags in your arms.
‘Hey baby! Need some help with those?’ You looked over and saw a group of 3 men leering at you. You smiled nervously and said ‘ No thank you.’ Before turning round, hoping to get away without any trouble.
‘Hey do you know who your talking to? Don’t be rude!’ One of the men grabbed your arm, causing you to drop your bags.
‘Don’t touch me!’ You screamed out, trying to pry your arm from his grip.
‘We were just offering to walk you home lady, but if you want to get down here, that’s fine by us.’ The second man sneered at you with a smirk as he grabbed your face hard.
Your eyes widened at his words. You were now struggling even more, to no avail. The final man cam up behind you and grabbed your other arm in an attempt to keep you still.
‘Stop struggling will ya!’ The man in front of you spat out, shaking you by the arm. He shook you so violently, that the long sleeve of your dress began to rip. You took advantage of this. Pulling your arm back so hard, your sleeve came off in his hand.
The attacker behind you hadn’t been expected you to fall backwards, so he lost his grip on your arm, giving you just enough time to book it in the direction of Lucifer’s home.
You could hear them running and shouting after you, but you didn’t look back. It wasn’t far now. You just had to make it back to the house and you’d be safe.
Bursting through the main doors, you immediately fell to your knees and cradled your head in your hands as you hyperventilated.
‘Y/N!? What the Hell happened?’ Lucifer had heard the slam of the door so he came out to investigate. He hadn’t expected to find you having a panic attack in his entrance hall.
He was kneeling by your side in an instant, placing a comforting hand on your back. As he looked closer at you, he saw that your sleeve was ripped, with a bruise forming round your wrist. When you looked up at him with wide, teary eyes he also clocked some bruises on your jaw.
Lucifer’s eyes immediately darkened.
‘’m sorry I-I lost the groceries...’ You stuttered out with a shaky voice.  Lucifer’s face immediately contorted.
‘Y/N I don’t give a damn about the groceries! I want to know who did this to you.’ Lucifer was aware of how angry he sounded, but he was honestly offended that you thought he cared more about some groceries than you.
You cowered slightly at his raised voice and Lucifer felt bad. He took a deep breath to calm down before speaking again, much more softly this time.
‘Please Y/N, I need to know who did this.’
You looked up to him and you could see the genuine concern in his eyes. You tried your best to get your sobs under control so you could speak.
‘There was a-a group of three rough looking guys not far from here...’ Lucifer groaned internally. He knew exactly who you were talking about.
They were a group that had been causing trouble round the are for a while now, but he never had a good enough reason to get rid of them... Until now.
Lucifer stood and extended a hand to you with a smile. You hesitantly took his hand and he helped you to your feet.
‘Go get cleaned up ok? I gotta go out for a while.’ He ushered you towards your room.
‘Ok...’ You trailed off sadly.
‘Great!’ Lucifer grinned widely at you as he opened a portal. He stepped through before leaning his head back out to address you.
‘And I don’t want to see you doing house work when I get back, kay?’ he tipped his hat before dashing back through. Then the portal closed.
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‘Evening gentlemen.’ The three men from earlier swiftly jumped up from their card game, to see Lucifer leaning up against the wall, blocking the exit to the alley. They all immediately shrunk back when they saw it was him.
‘oh your majesty... What brings you to our hideout?’ Lucifer started to slowly walk into the alley, never tearing his eyes away from the men, making them even more on edge.
‘So you think it’s fun to assault kid’s huh?’ Lucifer spoke in an eerily calm voice. The men looked at each other, now sweating profusely.  They all immediately tried to deny the accusations, but Lucifer wasn’t having it.
‘Keep your filthy mouths shut!’ His demonic form began manifesting as his anger grew. ‘You dare lay your hands on someone I care about!?’
The men were no longer tough bullies, but now reduced to a quivering mass with their backs to the wall as Lucifer stalked forwards.
A smirk appeared on his face as he narrowed his eyes at the men.
‘What do you say I give a demonstration of how Hell got it’s reputation?’
Screams echoed from the alley. People knew better than to intervene.
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Lucifer returned home not much later, making a bee line for your room straight away.
He was about to knock on your door, when he heard faint crying coming from the other side.
He looked down remorsefully. Maybe he shouldn’t have left you alone. He composed himself and knocked. The sobs went quiet and he heard a meek, ‘come in.’
As he entered, he noticed you’d changed from your maid outfit and now wore your pyjamas and dressing gown.
‘Hey Y/N, you feeling any better?’ He came to sit next to you with a comforting smile.
‘I guess so...’ You replied, though the defeated look was still evident on your face.
‘Well golly! I have something to turn that frown upside down!’ You were startled by his sudden energetic proclamation. ‘Ta-da!’ He pulled a small duck from his coat pocket and proudly presented it to you.
You looked over the duck, which had obviously been made to resemble you by giving it some of your features.
As you looked at the little yellow duck, something inside of you snapped. Without warning, you batted the duck from his hand and jumped up in a fury, scowl painted across your face.
‘Why are you acting like you care about me!?’ Lucifer jumped up as if you’d burnt him, his hands out in front of him as a peaceful gesture. He was stunned at your sudden outburst.
‘Y/N, I don’t thi-‘
‘Don’t try and lie to me! Nobody’s ever cared about me!’ You cut him off. You were getting more irate as you broke down into hysterics again.
Lucifer didn’t know what to say. He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn’t find the words to speak.
When he didn’t answer, it only made you more angry.
‘What do you want from me!?’ You screamed at him, tears flowing down your face. ‘Is it sex? Is that what you want from me, just like everyone else!?’
Lucifer audible gasped at your outburst and took a step back to show he meant no harm.
‘Whoa kid! I don’t want anything from you! Especially not...’ Lucifer couldn’t bring himself to say it. Everything began to fall into place for him now. So that’s what you had to do back on Earth.
He was angry that you accused him of being that disgusting, but not at you. He could never hate you. He was angry that there were people on Earth that thought it was ok to take advantage of a child like that.
You froze in place. The way he was keeping his distance, the way he was making himself look small so as to not intimidate you... Then there was his eyes. They were sad.
They bore into you, as if he were pleading with you to believe him. He wasn’t lying.
Your eyes stung with tears and your face heated up as you looked away, embarrassed by your outburst.
Lucifer wanted to comfort you, but he also didn’t want to spook you, so you needed to make the first move.
You mumbled something under your breath he couldn’t quite hear.
‘I uh, didn’t catch that...’ You squinted your eyes and let out a shaky breath, as if hyping yourself up to repeat what you had said.
You looked him dead in the eye, face hard as you repeated yourself.
‘I said I wish I were your daughter! My life would have been so much better.’
Lucifer was gobsmacked. He really hadn’t been expecting that. When he really thought about it he realised he shouldn’t be that surprised at all. He knew you had to have a rough life, and with how welcoming and caring he’d been to you, he should have know something like this would manifest.
The more Lucifer thought it over, the bigger his hear swelled. You thought so highly of him, that you wanted him to be your dad, or fatherly figure at least.
It seemed that Lucifer took a few moments too many to digest this information, as you turned away from him abruptly. He could see you shaking.
‘I’m sorry....’ You whispered.
Lucifer was snapped back to reality by your voice. You were clearly still upset, but he couldn’t stop the smile from spreading  across his face.
He made his way over to you and gingerly placed a hand on your shoulder, so as to not startle you, but you still flinched at the contact.
‘Y/N... You’ve nothing to be sorry for.’ Lucifer spoke so softly that it took you off guard. You couldn’t see his face, but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was smiling.
‘It wasn’t till recently that I repaired my relationship with Charlie.’ You were rooted to the spot as you listened intently to what he was saying. ‘ I wasn’t there for a long time, and I truly regret how much time I missed with her.’ Your face was cast down as you hung onto every word.
You felt so stupid bringing this up. He already had a daughter that he loved, so you would just get in the way. Maybe this was his way of letting you down gently.
Lucifer moved to stand next to you, with his arm now across your shoulders. As you looked up to him, you were stunned to see him smiling. You almost passed out at his next words.
‘But maybe I can be there for you.’ More tears started to stream down your face, but this time they were tears of joy. For the first time in a long time, you felt truly happy.
Flinging your arms round his torso, you buried your head into his chest as you clung to him for dear life.
Lucifer happily returned your embrace and lay his head a top yours.
‘I’m sorry we couldn’t get here sooner.’ He soothed as he stroked the top of your head. You pulled back and looked up to him with a slight laugh.
‘You mean I should have died sooner?’ Lucifer cringed and pulled away, playfully throwing his hands up in the air.
‘Well of course it’s gonna sound morbid if you say it like that!’ You both laughed together and you wiped the tears from under your eyes.
Something caught Lucifer’s eye from across the room. It was the small duck he’d previously offered you.
You watched without a word as he retrieved the gift. He stood before you and offered it once again with a wide grin. This time you gratefully accepted.
Cupping your hands round the small toy, you held it up next to your face.
‘Great likeness.’ You joked and Lucifer snorted out in laughter.
‘I’m glad you like it! You know when you knocked it away, I thought you were highly offended with how I portrayed you, so good to know that’s not the case!’ He teased and gae you a thumbs up.
‘Thank you.’
‘Well.’ Lucifer spun round, making his way to the door before pausing to speak over his shoulder. ‘Thanks to todays surprising turn of events, I need to hire a new maid.’ He paused for a moment before turning back round to fully face you. ‘Can’t have my honorary daughter run ragged , now can I?’
Later that night after both of you had taken some much needed time to calm down, Lucifer had made you sit at the dining table, whilst he served you for a change. Once you were both settled, he took the opportunity to press you a little.
‘So did you ever reach out to Charlie like I said a while ago?’ You chuckled nervously and rubbed at the back of your neck.
  ‘I didn’t really think it would be appropriate.’
‘Ah come one now, I was the one who bought it up! Plus I think it would be good for you.’
‘How so?’ You titled your had curiously and Lucifer sank back into his chair with a breathy laugh.
‘Charlie showers literally everyone she meets with love, and she’ll introduce you to loads of new friends.’
‘But-‘ You stopped yourself, really thinking weather or not you should even ask. ‘Will she even want to meet me?’ Lucifer’s face softened into a warm smile. He knew exactly what you were thinking. You were scared that Charlie would want nothing to do with you, considering the way you saw him now.
He sat up and reached over, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze.
‘I grantee it.’
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oizysian · 4 months
Part II: Daddy Issues
I Set the World on Fire masterlist
Warnings: non-con touching, talk of sex, slapping
Word count: 2.3k
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My breath was shaky as we exited the car, my hearing and smell the only senses I could rely on. The blindfold that covered my eyes soaked up my tears, my hands were tied behind my back and my footsteps were tentative as I walked with the woman who had kidnapped me. She had a tight grip on my arm as she led me along and I tried my damndest to pick up some sort of clues with my remaining senses.
Leaves crunched beneath my feet as we walked and the air smelt crisp. The only sound to be heard was birds chirping and our footsteps, so I had nothing to go on to identify where I was.
We stopped and I heard the sound of a large door opening, creaking with effort and age.
“Let’s go.” The woman said and gave me a nudge, and I started walking again.
The crunching of leaves changed to clicking of heels as we entered. There were multiple people now and it felt as though we were walking forever when I heard another door open and then close behind us after we entered.
“Now what do we have here?” The voice was smooth and sensual and it sent a tingling down my spine.
“Surprise! How’d I do, Natasha? Delivered with no damage.” The woman next to me said and I scoffed, inching away from her. “Don’t worry, she’s friendly - not trained, but friendly.”
“Fuck you.” I spat and I heard the women laughing.
“She’s a real charmer,” the other woman commented, a hint of amusement in her voice. “Take the blindfold off of her.”
The blonde woman sighed and did as she was told, removing the blindfold and stuffing it in her back pocket. I squinted at the sudden brightness of the room, trying to make out the image in front of me.
A woman - a very beautiful woman - sat on a very expensive looking couch, lounging in a pencil skirt and a button up shirt that showed way too much cleavage. My heart sped up at the sight of her, fear overtaking me for the most part, but I couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t attractive.
“You’re even prettier in person.” She said softly, getting up from where she was sitting and approaching us.
She ran one of her long fingers down the side of my face, then grabbed my chin gently and tilted my head from side to side so she could see all of me.
“What do you want?” I finally voiced, trembling in her powerful presence.
“Leave us.” She looked at the blonde from over my shoulder and when she didn’t move, the woman spoke again. “Yelena. I’ll call for you when I’m done. Go.”
I heard her huff from behind me and she walked out with whoever else accompanied us. Once the door slammed shut, the redheaded woman looked me over once more, a hunger in her gaze.
“Just beautiful.”
“What do you want from me?” My voice wavered, my breath getting caught in my throat.
“Isn’t it obvious?”
I shook my head.
I backed away from her, almost losing my footing as I attempted to escape. I made it to the door and banged on it with my shoulder, feebly trying to break it down. I could hear her laughing and I did my best not to cry as I realized I was completely trapped - there was no escape.
“Maybe it would help if I untied you.” She teased and I grunted, slumping against the door as she approached me. “I’m not going to hurt you.” I looked up at her, my bottom lip trembling as I accepted my defeat.
She helped me to my feet and smiled.
“Let me start again. I’m Natasha Romanoff.”
I stayed silent. This woman had me kidnapped and was now trying to be my friend?
“And you’re Y/N.”
I panted softly as she spoke, my eyes hard with defiance.
“Lena was right. Not trained at all.”
“I’m not a dog.” I snapped and she laughed.
“No, but that’s how you’ve been treated, isn’t it?”
Her words hurt and I’m sure it was very visible on my face that she had hit a sore spot. She cupped my cheek, lifting my head up to look her in her eyes.
“I won’t treat you like she did.” She stroked my cheek with her thumb. “I’ll give you the world.”
“You’re a monster.” I said, trembling.
She blinked at me, her breathing heavy.
“You want to see a monster?”
Fear shined in my eyes at her words.
“I can show you a monster.” She said, turning me around so my face was pressed against the door. “Let me demonstrate,” she said, pausing to grab at my hips and tug down my pants. “How a monster gets what they want.”
I screamed, wriggling under her weight as she held me down, her hand threading through my hair, grabbing a fistful and tugging on it.
“Monsters just take.” She hissed in my ear, giving my ass a slap before running her hand along the swell of it. “If I want this,” she grabbed at me and I cried out in pain. “I’ll just take it. That’s what a monster does.”
“Please!” I squirmed under her, unable to control my body’s reaction to her. “Stop!”
“A monster,” she continued. “Wouldn’t ask for your consent. A monster doesn’t listen to ‘stop’.” She brought her lips to my ear and panted softly against it, her breasts pressed up against my back. “A monster would rip your panties off and stuff three fingers inside your cunt whether you wanted it or not.”
She brought her hand around to cup my sex, undoubtedly feeling the heat through my panties.
“You like monsters, don’t you?”
I shook my head, tears still cascading down my cheeks.
“Oh no?” She pressed her hand against me and I jerked back into her, my ass grinding into her crotch. “You’re telling me no, but your body is screaming yes.”
I thrashed underneath her, no matter how I moved I was pressing myself against her. I couldn’t escape and I couldn’t control myself. I bit my lip and tried to control my breathing as her hand released my hair, but trailed down to the nape of my neck, grabbing me and holding me against the door.
“You’re wet for me. How would Wanda feel seeing you like this?”
“Fuck you!” I screamed and she let out a soft chuckle.
“Take a look over there, printsessa.” She directed my gaze over to a video camera that was set up in the corner of the room, watching us, following our every move. “I’m gonna send Wanda this video and she’s gonna hear you cumming for me over and over and -”
“You bitch! Wanda!” I sobbed, still struggling against her.
“I’m not a bitch. I’m a monster, remember?”
I could feel the ropes burning my skin as I struggled, my legs spread apart and shaking as I tried to keep myself standing.
“And if I can do this to you,” she snarled. “Imagine what I can do to Wanda.”
“No, please!” I cried. “Don’t hurt her!”
I stopped moving against her, and she let me go. I slid down the door and fell in a heap at her feet, still crying softly.
“What do you want me to do?”
She knelt down next to me, brushing the hair from my face gently.
“Give in to me. That’s all you need to do.”
Several Days Later
“You bitch! Wanda!”
Wanda gritted her teeth as she watched the video sent to her of Y/N, visibly shaking with rage.
“No, please! Don’t hurt her!”
Her heart broke as she listened to her plead for her safety. She had been such a bitch to her and here she was sacrificing herself to protect her.
“Find that Romanoff bitch.” Wanda said to Dimitri, her voice low and dangerous. “I’m going to kill her.”
“Do you think that’s wise, Wanda?” He spoke to her softly, gently.
“She has Y/N!” She yelled as she stood from her desk, barely holding back from the temptation of destroying everything in the room out of white hot rage.
“Exactly, she has Y/N. We’re at a disadvantage. We should see what she wants.” Leo suggested and Wanda stared daggers at him.
“She wouldn’t have gotten to Y/N if you were doing your goddamn job!”
Dimitri gave Leo a look, one that Wanda did not fail to miss, and sat back down in her chair, rubbing her face with her hands.
“I don’t care what she wants - whatever she wants she can have it.” Her breath hitched. “I just need Y/N back.”
“We’ll get her back.” Dimitri spoke with determination in his voice.
“Go.” She said softly, not even bothering to raise her head. “I don’t want to see either of you again until you have some news for me.”
Leo turned and left without a word, but Dimitri lingered, clearly having something on his mind.
“I said go, Dimitri.” She said as she finally looked up at him and she saw the odd look on his face, nearly causing her to go pale.
“Wanda …” he started and she interrupted him before he could finish.
“You know something, don’t you?”
“No more tears, printsessa,” she cooed softly, stroking her thumb along my lower lip. “She’s not coming for you.”
I jerked my head away from her, still unable to believe that.
“That’s not true.” I whimpered softly, sniffling as she grabbed hold of my face again so I would look at her.
“She’s not coming. So open that pretty mouth for daddy. Just like before.”
Defeated, I opened my mouth and she slid her fingers inside. I wrapped my lips around the intrusive digits, my tongue swirling along the length of them, just like she showed me.
“That’s my good girl.” She purred, stroking my hair with her free hand. “Get them nice and wet.”
Tears trailed down my cheeks as I sucked on her fingers, my mind wandering as I did as I was told. What if Wanda wasn’t coming for me? What if she didn’t care and did leave me here with Natasha?
She pulled her fingers out of my mouth and before I could react, she slapped me across the face, knocking me back onto the bed.
“Stay with me, printsessa. I want you here with me.”
“Yes, daddy.” I cried, scrambling to my knees so I could ask for her forgiveness.
I hated giving into her, but I didn’t have a choice. It was either me or Wanda and I didn’t want to imagine what she’d do if she got her hands on her.
I would daydream that Wanda would come for me, get me out of this hell and we could be together again. But, she hasn’t come yet, and I’ve lost count of how many days I’ve been trapped here with Natasha.
Days blended with nights and now I wasn’t sure what time or what day it was. She kept me in a darkened bedroom with no windows, and I wasn’t allowed to leave the room under any circumstances. I was a prisoner and she made sure I knew it when I acted out of line. But when I was good, she treated me more like an equal; letting me feed myself, not being tied to the bed, and being allowed to go to the bathroom by myself.
So, more often than not, I obeyed her, let her have me in all the ways she wanted me just to hurt Wanda. It wasn’t always entirely unpleasant. Some nights she was gentle with me, and some nights she just wanted me to cum to hurt Wanda. I fought her so many times, struggling against my body to not cum for her, but I couldn’t control myself and every night she won.
Natasha was an incredibly powerful woman, and everyone she surrounded herself with knew it and respected her. To me, she was just a monster. She didn’t feel, she didn’t love, she just wanted and took. I didn’t know what she wanted from Wanda, and I couldn’t imagine what she could’ve done to this woman to have her go to these lengths to torture her.
Was she even suffering? Did she even care about what was happening to me?
She reached behind me and slapped my ass hard, causing me to fall face first into her, her other hand steadying me before I toppled us both over.
“This will be easier for you once you stop thinking about her. She doesn’t care about you.”
“Stop.” I cried, rubbing my face against the softness of her shirt.
“She doesn’t care like I do. I’ve taken care of you - fed you, bathed you - I’ve even made you cum.”
“Stop it.” I sobbed against her.
She stroked my hair gently, almost soothingly.
“She gave you to me. You’re mine now. She doesn’t care about you.”
I knew she was saying these things to test me, to see if I’ll disobey her and be defiant, but I didn’t have the strength. I was completely drained of everything. It was beginning to seem real, the fact that Wanda gave me to Natasha. The reality that I would have to live like this forever and that this was my life now began to sink in.
I cried, my tears soaking into the fabric of her expensive shirt. She shushed me softly, brushing the hair back from my flushed face.
“Once you give in to me completely, things will get easier for you here, I promise.”
She knew I would give in, it was only a matter of time. I didn’t know what she wanted from Wanda, but it was clear that Wanda wasn’t willing to trade it away for me, and I belonged to Natasha.
“Yes, daddy,” I whispered, taking her hand in mine and bringing it up to my face, rubbing my cheek against her palm. “I’m yours.”
“Say it once more for daddy.”
I looked up into her darkened eyes, swallowing roughly as I pushed back the tears that threatened to fall once again.
“I’m yours.”
@marvelogic @casquinhaa @mathxa @oh-thats-cute @ornorr @milkeeteaa @souanick @nothanksbye07 @romanoff101 @dracarys8287
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ther3allyra · 7 months
Cupcakes aren’t always the solution.
Vanessa Shelly x Reader
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Summary: On one of your shifts you head to the kitchen to grab some food, only for Chica to steal one of your cupcakes. When Chica then ‘accidentally’ breaks down, you have no other choice but to call your police girlfriend who won’t be happy.
Warnings: N/A
Content: Fluff, Chica loving food
A/N: literally my first time writing anything on here so let’s see how this goes! Thought I might add to the lack of Ness fics out there, because the LOVE I have for this woman is an understatement 🫶🏻
Word count: 1111 (that wasn’t on purpose)
Prompts: ‘We have a problem’
‘No, no YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps getting into one’
‘Are you even listening to me?’
‘Yes. It’s just taking a while to process your stupidity’
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You sat in the security office of Freddy’s your hands aimlessly spinning the chair you currently sat on as you watched the monitors. You had to admit even though your shift only started 3 hours ago you were bored out of your mind. Looking down at your watch which blinked 03:24 you couldn’t believe you’d only been sat here for 20 or so minuets. You continued to spin in your chair when an idea hit you, the other day you had hid cupcakes in one of the cabinets in the kitchen incase you needed something to eat on the job, so like any sane person does at 3Am you went to go get them. You’d stopped spinning in your chair, stood up and walked towards the office door.
Once you pushed open the door to the office you couldn’t help but feel your heart jump into your mouth, Chica was there hand raised as if she was about to knock. Your hand was placed over your chest, your heart pounding ‘Chica! Not funny’ you said a slight muse to your voice, as you gave her a pat on the arm that was still raised. You guessed she was just as bored as you were, so you had an idea. ‘I’m on my way to the kitchen to grab a snack, wanna come?’. The large animatronic nodded her head, and you both walked towards the kitchen.
‘Right here we go!’ You exclaim excitedly as you make it to the kitchen door, which was thrown open in a matter of seconds as you rushed in followed by Chica. You headed straight for the cabinet next to the fridge and low and behold your stash of cupcakes are still there which you had hidden a few days ago. You grab the tray and turn around to face Chica. ‘Shall we take these to the the guys and see if they want to chill?’ You question (guys being the rest of the animatronics). Chica replied with a slow blink and turned around to make her way to the stage, you followed behind her.
Once in the main area Bonnie, Freddy and Foxy made their way off of the stage to come join you and Chica, you had placed the cupcakes down on a table and taken one while the rest of the animatronics stared at you. ‘Sorry guys, if you eat one of these you’ll malfunction, if I don’t eat one of these I’ll malfunction’ you muttered the last part feeling guilty, since you had started dating Vanessa she told you about her father. William Afton. And what he’d done to the kids, so eating a cupcake in front of the them made you feel a little guilty but you still wanted to eat something. And after that the night had gone on per usual, you had played a few arcade games with Freddy and Foxy all three of you trying to beat each others scores, Chica was probably somewhere with Bonnie but what you didn’t realise is that you’d left the cupcakes uncovered around her, if all the animatronics Chica loved food. Maybe love was an understatement.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to see Bonnie who if he could would probably call you an idiot, his arm was raised and pointed at Chica who was stood next to the table where the cupcakes were, bent over slightly not moving with a cupcake in her hand. Of course this had to happen to you, you couldn’t have had the smallest common sense to close the cupcake lid. You looked at Freddy who was peering over Foxy’s shoulder as he tried to beat your high score at skee-ball, but it wasn’t the best with only one hand. ‘I’ll sort it’ you nodded at Bonnie as you walked over to Chica, Bonnie rather than following you stayed with Freddy and Foxy.
‘Right, let’s see what happened here’ you mumble to yourself, as heavy as the animatronic was you managed to get her to sit in a table out of sight of the other three, once sat down you managed to open up Chica’s stomach so you could see her endoskelenton and open up her beak. When you realised there were the remains of cupcakes lodged in some places you knew who you had to call, you just didn’t want to. Picking up your phone from your back pocket, you dialled the number dreading the response.
‘Hello?’ The voice from the phone had spoken, and you hadn’t realised it.
‘Hello, Y/N? Is everything all right?’ There it was again, hearing your name you snapped out of it shaking your head, swallowing the lump in your throat.
‘Yeah I’m here’ You said
‘Good, is everything all right?’
‘Yeah..umm look Ness we have a problem’ You stated, which was one of the good things about being Vanessa’s girlfriend was that you could be straightforward with each other, she would never be mad at you, well maybe this once for possibly breaking an animatronic.
‘No, no YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps getting into one’ you heard Vanessa laugh on the other side of the phone, your breathing slowed, you knew it, she’d never be mad at you. You took a deep breath and explained your problem, of how you accidentally forgot to cover the cupcakes and that it had caused Chica to malfunction when she ate one, but after a while you’d realised it had gone silent.
‘Are you even listening to me?’ You asked, to which Vanessa chuckled in the other side of the phone.
‘Yes. It’s just taking a while to process your stupidity’
‘Hey I’m not stupid’ you protested but in reality you know it was stupid what you’d done. ‘Can you please just come and help me?’
‘Fine, your lucky I was going to call anyway’
After finishing your discussion with Vanessa you hung up the phone waiting for her to arrive. After about 20 minuets maybe half hour you heard the buzzer going for the door and ran towards it, the others knew what had happened to Chica and if they could talk you swear they’d be laughing at you. Once you made it to the front door you opened it to reveal Vanessa, stood in her police uniform.
‘Thank god your here’ You mumble embarrassed as you rub the back of your neck.
‘Yep, your lord and saviour’ she’d laugh, leaning down to capture your lips in a kiss, which you felt yourself smile into.
‘Now come on’ she nodded ‘let’s go fix Chica’. She said grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the animatronic.
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What if Price got migraines, so he came to your piercing shop to get a Daith put in to help (because he hates taking meds). But then, he decides to get more done....
"Sweet Relief" (AO3 Link)
The shop had been quiet all winter. It started with No Ink November, an inside joke you and your business partners laughed about every year. Money was tight, that was for sure, and no amount of Instagram deals or tell-a-friend coupons were going to dig you out. So, you’d been practicing with your piercing skills. Your shop had plenty of tattooists, and one girl was even a specialist in scarification, but no one did piercings. You decided to work hard and fill a niche. 
It was a cold January morning, and you rolled into the shop around noon, setting up your station for your three o’clock appointment, a daith piercing. The guy had booked online with some generic disciple name like Mark or Luke or something. You checked the sheet. 
Based on his questionnaire, it was his first piercing, but he’d been tattooed by your shop partner, Caitlyn.
“Hey, Cait!” You called into the back of the shop. 
She shouted back,
“You know a John Price?”
She poked her head around the door and came over to your station,
“Sure do. He’s a total hunk. Some army guy. Comes in about two or three times a year for work. Is he cheating on me?” She laughed, ribbing you. 
“He wants a daith,” you showed her the sheet. 
“Huh,” she shrugged, “Cool. Enjoy it, babe.”
Winking and laughing to herself, Cait ducked back into her station and you waited for the man to show up. 
Then, like he had been summoned, the shop’s door bell tinkled and an enormous, bearded man stepped through. He was in casual clothes, and he wore a wool beanie to keep out the cold. He looked around the space calmly, giving a polite nod and a wave to Cait. When his eyes found you, he smiled, 
Goddamn if his voice wasn’t like a warm fire on a snow day. It rumbled, low and deep through the room, hitting you right in your chest, surprising you. 
“Hey!” You recovered, “You must be John. Come around.”
“Yeah,” he made his way over to you and sat in your chair, “I’m here for the daith piercing.”
“Gotcha. I’m all ready for you. I’ll clean the site, mark it, and I’ll show it to you before we commit.”
You got to work, studying his face as you worked. There were little scars here and there, and a big one near his temple, ragged and rough. You rubbed cleanser on his ear and asked him,
“So, why this one? You get headaches?”
“Sure do. Don’t always have meds out in the field, so I needed something a bit more permanent.” 
You gave him a curious look,
“The field?”
“Army. Special Forces. That’s where I got this beauty you were admirin’.” He thumbed the large scar on his brow.
You blushed a bit. He sure was observant. 
“Ouch,” you said, “I promise this won’t hurt half as bad. Here, have a look.”
You held up the mirror to let him see the mark you’d made. He shrugged,
“You know best, love. I trust you.”
His words stirred something in your belly. You liked the pet name, and his ease with trusting you went right to your head. 
“Alright, hold still, John. You wanna count?”
“No,” he smiled and turned his eyes on you, watching you work on him. 
You shoved the needle into his skin and watched his eyes close as the pain washed over him. He took it in stride, smiling when you finished with the hard part. He opened them again to watch you, and he almost seemed to look at you with some level of desire. So, you tried out a pet name of your own.
“There you go, handsome. All set.”
“Cait should’ve warned me. Had no idea my pain would come at the hands of such a pretty artist.”
“Careful, soldier. Gonna get yourself a tongue ring on the house if you keep buttering me up like that,” you showed him the barbell you’d installed, and he took a cursory glance at it. 
“Maybe that’ll be my next one. I heard they work wonders.”
“On migraines?” You laughed, confused by his tone. 
“No,” he leaned forward, putting himself in your space, “On pretty artists.”
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fandomobbsessedb · 4 months
Alastor x F!Overlord!Reader
AN: this is the result of the first poll I posted, Alastor won so here we are!
I’ve kinda broken this into two bits in this one shot, there’s a warning farther down if you want to keep within the ideas of “headcannon” but farther below I have the start of a story, I got a bit carried away and am too far gone to delete it.
⚠️Warnings: mentions of blood, death, weapons, smoking, maybe 1 instance of cannibalism ( but its more in the sense of revenge rather than a canabalistic reader) (idk man it’s hell if your triggered don’t read 😭) this is really long already so I might just break it up or continue it to make a part 2. I have a LOOOOOOT of references in here to so many things, if you guys can pick up on them leave a comment and I’ll tag list you in my next fic if you want! Or don’t I honestly couldn’t care less it’s just for fun :p
Reader is referred to with afab terms.
• In your life you tried to stay on “the right” path. Your parents raised you right, you tried your hardest to be nice, and where always on your best behavior, but after getting the short end of the stick for too long you kinda… loose it.
• You ended up in hell after a night out partying with some of your most valued clients, when you went to drive yourself home the heel of your stiletto got stuck under the gas pedal, as you tried to pull it out you took your eyes off the road and 💥 BAM 💥 you where hit by a large grocer truck.
•Opening your eyes to a red wasteland, the bright flash of lights and the smell of brimstone flood your senses. Looking down to try and gather your bearings you notice your whole body wasn’t (skn/tn) anymore… it was marble grey?
“Where… where am I?” I mumbled under my breath, trying to gather my surroundings, a bright flashing catches my eyes, a gigantic neon sign in the sky gives me my anwser…
“Welcome to Hell!!!”
“Hell…. I’M DEAD?!!!!” I groaned out through barred teeth and stood to my feet, looking around I saw definite signs, this was Hell alright. A blood red sky, fires everywhere, little sinners running around stabbing and shooting one another.
“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, ALL MY WORK, MY SHOPPING EMPIRE, MY CLOSET, MY AWARDS, MY EVERYTHING, RAAAAAAHHH!!!” In my anger I grabbed the nearest sinner and threw them to the ground, putting my foot between their shoulder blades and grabbing their arms.
“You’re gonna tell me right now, what the hell is going on, WHY AM I DEAD AND HERE-” I shouted in their ear, seeing blood come out… oh shit I probably burst their ear drum… oh well, I’ve done that plenty of times to my assistants.
“D-d-do you mean, like in hell, or or just this area?” They questioned nervously. To be fair they were a scrawny little thing…
“What in the-“ I paused to look around, then referred back to this little shit “actually HELL are you talking about?”
“W-w-well, you must, *gulp* you must be new here, huh?” It asked with a weary smile and a weak little laugh, probably trying to ease the tension. “Well, down… down here, we uh, we have overlords who- who rule certain areas, we’re in Ms.Leefolt’s t-t-t-territory right now, I mean, our king Lucifer, Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar rule all of hell…”
“Well, that certainly is… intresting.” I smirk and stand up, releasing his arms but not letting my foot off his back. “So these, overlords… are they appointed by your king, or born into or something?” I question with a sharp red nail in between my teeth, thinking…
“No, no ma’am just, just anyone who’s ballsy enough to, to, take over enough territory and have enough demons- sell them their souls in exchange for something. Umm- if it’s not too much of a bother, could you let me go… I- I can feel my ribs crushing under me…” it started wheezing out and trying to get a hand under its chest to place a barrier between their chest and the ground.
“Hm, well if that’s all true, I can’t let some little thing like you going around gossiping about me.” I growled looking down at this freak… pressing my heel into his spine harder.
“No! No please, I won’t say a thing I promise!! Just let me go, please… pleas-“
“Whoops, my bad, I slipped.” I reasoned, pulling my now bloody leg out of his torso.
“Ohh, eeeeeew eweweweweweweeew, I’ve got bits of his, ugh, lung on my heels.” Flicking away the bits of organ from my shoes, I take a breath and another look around but this time in a planning sense. Overlords huh, well, I’ll just have to see how much this ‘miss leefolt’ likes the taste of arsenic, I wonder when the last time she had a homemade pie was….
• So of course to establish some dominance in my new living arrangement, I gutted that bitch from the inside out. I took her territory, her power, her souls, even her manor. When I went to her office to kill her I found the deed to her house and all the contracts of sinners who gave her their souls in a pretty shittily hidden safe.
• I mean, I had to work so hard to build my life up just for a stupid grocer to end it all, so this is fine… right?
• The years go by and the world changes, you became one of the most powerful and influential overlords in hell, re-establishing your power once held on earth to a business in hell. Rosie and Velvet quickly becoming your closest friends, Velvet in a more business sense and Rosie being your go to gossip gal. Both of you having elegant and refined tastes. You and Husk became friends over talking shit in a casino one night, and remained friends after his downfall. He talks to you about this, radio demon, from time to time but you haven’t heard much of him
Little do you know he knows almost everything about you~
• Your walking around Cannibal Town one day waiting for Rosie to finish a meeting, watching children run around and little carts selling all kinds of body related snacks.
I lost a bit of my sense of surrounding and almost tripped on a kid running around with his friend throwing a head back and fourth.
"Jerermy! Stop playing with your lunch and apologize to that nice lady you almost ran into."
"Sorry miss, I didn't mean too." He said looking down at the head ashamedly, then offering me a piece of the cheek. "Would you like some of this face? It's really good." He looked up at me with an excited look. "Oh thank you, but I'm waiting for lunch with my friend, I'll go to the butcher and get some though, it looks really good." I smiled my pointy teeth at him, patted his head and motioned him back to his mother, she waved to me and I nodded my head back, thinking it was time for Rosie to be done by now.
"My my, with your reputation of anger issues I would assume you would tear that poor child into bits upon realization." A staticky voice spoke behind me, tilting my head back but not my body as I don't know who it is. I look him up and down, his outfit and cane/staff thingy give off quite the powerful impression. "My, mhm, reputation?" I pester raising my eyebrow.
"Ah-hahahaha, My name's Alastor, its quite a pleasure to finally meet you in person." He introduced reaching for the back of my hand to place a kiss. Him saying his name reminded me, I too finally recognized the name. "Oh, Rosie has told me much about you." The radio demon, his names been brought up many times around cannibal town since he frequented their shops and small town locals.
"Oh yes, Rosie is one of my dearest friends" He replied linking our elbows and started walking towards the shop. "Mine as well, she is quite the darling, so let me ask you now, where you just standing there when I got to the park, or where you going to follow me in silence since I left the emporium~" He didn't stutter in his step but my revelation made the air feel a bit more, weary on his side. Reaching into my hand purse I grabbed my lipstick and hand mirror and paused my walk to apply a touch more. Looking just past my lips in the reflection I saw his eyes in the back corner snap to my down, then back up to my eyes with a tight smile. "Well, are you coming? I know Rosie hates to be kept waiting." I snapped it shut and outreached my elbow waiting for him to link his so that we could start the traverse back to Rosie's.
• After our little group luncheon with Rosie, Alastor and you didn't verbally indicate that you were closer in any sense. But physically you swayed like two tree's. Brushing branches back and fourth with the breeze, restless and apart yet labeled as "together"
• You started doing weekly business deals, him acquiring land and souls for you, and all he asked in returns is he uses that land and those souls as he pleases. Which honestly isn't a lot. When he pulls people or their shadows to come help at the hotel- their mostly your people but he always sends them back to whence they came.
• He likes to pretend he doesn't necessarily care for being around you, however he's always looking for time you two can be together, or even thinking of each other. On his radio show he'll mention new shopping, eating, entertainment locations on your turf. He knows you listen when your able to. Sometimes he uses his power to let his station be the only one playing where ever you are. In the car, in a shopping store, you could be sitting in the bathroom and it would get to the point where you can hear it from the vents. Making you roll your eyes and finish your business so you could get to your office to listen to the radio.
• Truth be told... you where falling to his whims as well. Alastor didn't necessarily have "territory" but many places in one area he had influence in and quite often frequented. When you had rips or damage to your very expensive very delicacy clothing you would walk with him to the seamstress, and afterwards you would often get tea or lunch together. Maybe he knows a good diner or two and ya’ll will sit there and eat, then get a milkshake (mostly bc you wanted one, he just indulges to make you happy though he doesn’t care for the cold sweet taste) and drink it through two straws, awwwwwwwwwwwwe!!
• When either of you knew of prestigious events happening around you invite the other to be your plus one. You go shop together to find outfits for the occasion. You started attending overlord meetings together, with yourself sat on the opposite side of Rosie, sending each other glances and touches under the table whenever Rosie wasn't looking or walked away for a brief moment. At the events you stay close together and often stand away from the crowd, whispering and gossiping together, allowing yourself a to drink silly, little do you know how well he can hold his liquor and often will be the one making sure YOU get home. Sometimes you wake up still dressed, like the gentleman he is, and sometimes you’ll wake up in some red pajama set…. Like the gentleman he is, he’s not gonna let you sleep in an uncomfortable outfit. But he’s respectful about it.
• He often send subliminal messages through your radio to help you fall asleep, to push you to coming to see him, to maybe just stay in your town if he knew something really bad was going on outside. His favorite to do is when your falling asleep he’ll play the calmest songs from his time to comfort you as you drift off.
• When he officially asked to court you he compared you to the beautiful crimson of the sky, saying your cheeks where more bright and delightful to gaze at then the morning sky, when it was particularly bright. All kinds of poetic gestures, sending crows to your windows, sending your gifts of bodies with knives in them, and the knives had small notes left for you on some quote from a book you like. Now how he knows those are your favorite books are beyond you…. you don’t talk about your books much but, maybe he’s seen you reading it at some random point in time? Who knows, not you.
• He’s all in all not a bad partner, of course when you want to go out he usually goes along with what you want to do but if there’s something he refuses to do, his claws are sinking into your arms to keep you from dragging him to do it.
• His smile is genuine around you and you adore when he lets you pet his ears~ he’s not that intimate early on in the relationship but when your just sitting on a couch or watching the sun set from somewhere and you just reach over and pet his ears, he is putty in your hands, physically he keeps his compose fairly well but inside he’s willing to do anything to keep you touching his ears, telling himself he would sell YOU his soul if it meant you wouldn’t stop, petting his ears and helping him groom his antlers, don’t even get me started on the tail… oh wait he’s already got something going on with that… well darn… hopefully you will keep accepting his caring actions rather than push them away.
——-STOP reading here if you don’t want to get into the more “story line” of this idea, if you want more of a story KEEP READING——-
• One night some sinner had gotten into your liquor stash and drank himself ditzy, you chased him into an ally way, looking to end his fucking life. Most of those where gifts from clients that most likely had aphrodisiacs and at the time where trying to get down your pants, but he drank from one of the few special bottles Alastor had gifted you and you went ballistic. You ended up catching him and killing him, and taking a tip from Rosie and ripped some of his limbs off, letting yourself indulge in the taste of warm, liquor filled blood. When you came too you realized you didn't know where you had chased him. Now covered in blood, liquor, rain, mud and whatever mess you stepped in on your way over. Seeing the iluminating lights of the sign for the Hazbin Hotel, your only thought was to try and get to Alastor.
*knock knock knock*
"Oh! Oh my gosh, hi! Come in Come in. " An ecstatic girl ushered you inside, making a towel appear seemingly out of nowhere and helping you dry off. "I'm Charlie, whats your name?"
"Oh, how rude of me" I respond trying to shake off my chills, my nose starts to get a bit runny. "Uhm I'm Y/N, I don't mean to sound intrusive- uh is Alastor here?" I ask hesitantly, not wanting to just barge in but after the night I've had I wasn't in too much of a mood for pleasantries.
"Oh yes! Here, why don't you sit at the bar, have some tea or water or something and I'll run up to his radio tower." She sat me down at a bar stool and walked away. The bartender was turned around already whipping me up something.
"So he's got you wrapped up here huh?" I inquired with a smirk, resting my hands under my chin and trying to keep a little composure. His wings ruffled a little bit before he reached for my favorite hell made brand of brandy, my cotten candy brandy, I'm not one for sweets but I love the zing it gives you. The kind where you loose your vision for a good 7 seconds.
"You haven't usually been one to be a stranger, what gives?" Husk asked turning around handing me my drink and a bowl of pretzels.
"Well when I saw you weren't at your usual gambling tables I didn't think to question it, thought you where maybe getting more chips... ooooor hooking up in the chip room.... ooooor selling even MORE of your soul, if that's even possible, maybe like your wings or your feathers or, like your body as a human shield in the next extermination, never thought you'd be here slinging drinks." I shrugged swirling my drinks around the glass before taking a sip.
Before he could respond he took a bit of a step back and growled really low and deep in his throat.
"Ah yes well he owed me a favor and since I took an investment in this hotel I needed a little work on it done." Alastor came up behind me with a warm towel wrapping it around my shoulders as the one Charlie gave me was wrapped around my waist keeping my legs warm... unfortunatly the sinner got caught at a bad time, I was in the middle of 'me time' before bed and was in my good silk nighty. Glad I walked to my office with my fuzzy robe and ballet slippers. I feel really warm and fuzzy, my heads all….. comfy now… is that static coming from Alast-
"Oh deerest your all wet, would you like to come up and I can help you clean up." He asked you shaking the towel on your shoulders helping you sit up. "Oh yes please" you responded looking at him with sad tired eyes.
I took a sip of the warm tea Alastor had made me and laid back in the bath, taking it all in. I WAS just planning a quiet evening in at home, maybe snack on some treats I got in the Gluttony ring, watch some hells soap operas. Now I’m here, in my beau’s bathroom, relaxing… maybe I can convince him to let me up to his radio tower to listen to his late night show live, oh that would be fun. I wonder what it looks like up there? I’ve only ever seen his actual town house… a little ways away from town-
“What the fuck?!” I sat up so fast I almost slipped, sitting on my butt… in the tub…. Shit did he spike my tea?
“Alastor? Is everything okay?” I asked loudly. Standing up carefully keeping three points of contact with the tub and the floor. I reached for a different robe he had given me, a soft red fluffy one, with (what I hope is faux ) fur along the collar and wrists.
Walking towards the bathroom door very carefully I cautiously reached for the shiny silver handle. Telling myself it’s okay but feeling a sense of dread in the pit of my stomach, and the handle was the top of the pit…
“Alastor?” I called out again, once more not getting an answer, bringing my hands to my mouth when I heard a large thump out there, trying to keeping my composure… oh what the hell they know I’m here already. I went to turn the handle what the door got pushed in, had I been able to see what happened I would’ve seen Alastor in his demonic form and it probably would’ve scared the actual shit outta me… but NOPE
I went to open the door when it got pushed open and a bright blue flash covered all of my vision and made me feel… kinda tried… but I’m awake, almost like I’m not in my body… it’s… really hard……. To keep my….. keep my eyes …………………………….………open…….
• You collapsed to the floor slowly breathing, in a trance, feeling some sharper claws pick you up bridal style, if you weren’t so dazed out you would see Alastor frozen in time… like a paused TV… unable to get to you, or subdue your captor. You still had enough conscience to hear a muffled voice talking to a phone~
“Yeah we got her… foil chains worke—“
“Get her ba-“
“…. Longer you take the quicker……….. flasher wears-“
• Last thing you could remember hearing before completing falling out was a radio scramble in your brain, the sound going from a hollow scraggly to a tight scraggle- like turning the tv in between stations………
AN: WELLLLL WHAT DID YA THINK???? Did you skip to down here or did you read the WHOLE thing. I really hope ya’ll like this, I’m so excited to make part 2, and maybe 3 or 4 depending on how far this goes.
Thank you to anyone who reads this and interacts in any way shape or form!!! Even if it’s just reading :) HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY AND REMEMBER
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cactuscoolerr · 11 months
pls stop clogging up the blue lock fic tags if youre only giving one sentence 😭🙏🏻 no hate at all, but it’s not right to do that when it’s barely of any substance and just one sentence or thought
suck my nutz lol
anyway here’s pt 2 of ‘my roommates hot girlfriend’
(also.. i still barely know how tumblr works so mb if i’m doing it wrong)
⋆。˚. itoshi rin - my hot girlfriend (ft. isagi yoichi)
rin shows isagi that you’re his girl (nsfw)
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“you’ll be a good girl, won’t you?” rin asked softly while caressing your cheek in his large hand. as you stared up at him with absolute love in your eyes, isagi watched from a chair that sat in the corner of the room. he watched as you nodded and closed your eyes in desperation when rin’s lips pressed against your forehead. “that’s good, baby” rin smiled tenderly at you- something isagi has only seen when you were around.
“and you,” rin muttered in his usual annoyed tone while turning to isagi. “sit there like the sick fuck you are. if you move, i’ll kill you”
rin’s words made you squirm as you felt your wet cunt clench around nothing. you absolutely loved it when he was like that to people, especially knowing that he was always sweet and gentle with you and you only. “rin rin..” you whined softly and gently tugged at the string of his sweatpants.
“give me a second,” rin said before pressing another sweet kiss to your forehead. “be a good girl like i’ve taught you and sit patiently, ok?”
without a response from you, rin walked towards the bathroom, leaving you with isagi. he was still sitting on the chair like when you first walked in and it even seemed like he hasn’t moved and inch since then. it was like he was frozen in place. maybe it was out of fear- or excitement. you couldn’t really tell.
rin came back in, condom in his hand and walking over to isagi. you watched curiously as your boyfriend flicked it at him and leaned down to tell him something. and when he was done, rin walked back over to you with that usual softness in his eyes, moving to gently caress your cheek again.
“you ready, baby?”
the warm breath from rin’s words hitting your ear made you shiver slightly but you nodded, looking up at him through your eyelashes when he pulled away from you. “yeah..”
right away, rin reached towards the ends of your shirt and carefully pulled it up over your head. he even made sure to smooth your hair down before pushing you back against the headrest. “so pretty” he muttered while leaning in to press gentle kisses to the tops of your breasts. one hand was brought up to knead at your tits while the other gently caressed your hip, occasionally rubbing small circles into your skin to ease you when he bit into your neck.
a small whine sounded from you but you still angled your head upwards to give rin more room as he nipped at various spots until he focused on your collarbones.
your eyes wandered from the ceiling over towards isagi, who had his pants and his boxers pooled at his ankles with his cock in his hand. he was slowly stroking himself as he gaze stayed fixated on you, his eyes glancing up to meet yours for a second before moving back to where your tits were exposed. you then noticed the condom on his cock, realizing that was the one that your boyfriend had given him. it made you wonder if he’d be letting isagi join in.
while you were deep in thought, rin muttered a few complaints before slipping his hand into your shorts and pressed against your clit through your panties. a soft moan fell through your parted lips as rin continued his attack on your neck.
his strong fingers rubbed gently against your clit as you moaned softly, threading your fingers through his hair, often tugging when it felt a little too good.
rin’s grunts as you pulled on his hair didn’t do much to ease the aching for his cock, only making you more desperate to have him fuck into you. “rin..” you sighed softly and tried your best to pry him away from your neck, which didn’t work as well as you thought it would’ve. “need you inside of me.. please”
your pleading went straight to rin’s cock and he pulled away to look at you, breathless. “you want it?” he asked through pants before pressing a gently kiss to the corner of your mouth. “want my cock in your tight cunt? that what you want?” rin pressed another kiss to the other corner of your mouth before leaning down to lick a stripe up your neck. “wanna feel me deep inside of you? that it, baby?”
“yes!” you whined and desperately pulled at his hair.
“please, rin rin..” you said softly, making rin look at you. “i need you so bad. please fuck me..” the tears in your eyes were enough to break rin as he was already shoving your shorts and panties down your legs and spreading your legs apart. a soft gasp sounded from you and you watched as rin glanced over at isagi with a cocky expression before pulling his cock out and aligning it with your hole.
isagi still sat patiently, though there was cum leaking from the condom that he still wore. you almost forgot that he was even there. it amazed you that you didn’t hear him when he came and how he managed to stay in the same position for so long. still, you watched isagi as rin pushed his cock through your folds and into your tight cunt. you whimpered at the slight stretch but relaxed when rin leaned down to press a sweet kiss to your forehead before thrusting completely into you.
you moaned at the same time rin did, reaching up to hold onto his shoulders as his thrusts got harder and faster than usual. it was almost like he was trying to prove something.
and he was. he was trying to prove to isagi that he was better than him and the only one that was right for you was rin. he needed isagi to know that he would never have a chance with you. and this was how he was gonna show him. by fucking you and letting isagi watch as his cum spilled out of your pussy.
something about being watched while he fucked you was a huge turn in for rin. it made him feel more possessive than usual, making his thrusts more eager and brutal to ease out more sounds from you.
it didn’t take long for rin to feel his oncoming orgasm. knowing that isagi - who had been crushing on you forever now - and listening to your moans and whimpers was enough to have his cock ache, desperate to cum inside of you and mark you all over so everyone would know that you were his and his only. 
you and rin came at the same time, moaning each others names and grabbing desperately at each other. the feeling of rin cumming inside of you made you clench around him, making rin groan into your neck and thrust shakily to ride out his and your orgasm.
rin was quick to pull out of you, sitting up to make sure you were ok. he was more rough with you than usual, so he was a bit worried about your state afterwards. at the sight of your fucked out face and faint smile, rin visibly relaxed and glanced down at your ruined cunt, rin’s cum seeping through your fold. he couldn’t help but groan at the sight, wanting to take your picture and keep it forever to remember how beautiful you looked.
instead, rin kissed your knee and glanced back at isagi, looking at how he stroked himself faster and faster until he came with a quiet whimper. just the sight of his friend getting off to his girlfriend made his mind buzz with a sense of possession over you.
“here,” rin breathed out while swiping his finger through his and your cum. you watched as he made his way over to isagi and held his cum coated finger to his lips, gently pressing into them to get his mouth to pry apart. “have a taste of us, you fucking pervert” he said and shoved his finger down isagi’s throat.
you saw isagi gag but savor the taste, moaning as he sucked roughly on your boyfriends finger. it was a lewd sight and it made you press your legs together, trying your best not to reach down and rub at your clit.
with a disgusted face, rin pulled his fingers out of isagi’s mouth and walked back over towards you. a hint of disgust was still present on his face as he gently picked you up, but he still smiled lovingly at you as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“you better be gone by the time i come back in here,” rin said, stopping in the doorway. “this is the first and only time you’ll ever see her like this. do you understand?”
and without another word, rin kicked the door closed as he walked inside of the bathroom with you in his arms, leaving isagi to catch his breath and try his best to relieve the ache in his cock.
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ushiwakaout · 3 months
Yooooo. I’m feeling kinda in a angst mood so I want to like politely ask maybe a argument scenario from like angst to fluff? For kita, Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna. Or you can just do one. Love yuh lots.
I’ll make these short and good so you can get the whole experience with 3 of them.
[Osamu is a little ooc tbh but i think out of all the haikyuu boys he’d be the most poetic and im leaving out Suna because i cannot seem to write him correctly for the life of me, i am not satisfied.]
Shinsuke Kita
He’s not emotional. We know this. He’s apathetic, and you knew this the second you got into this relationship so why are you arguing with him. He finds this pointless. He breathes heavily and pinches the ridge of his nose, “Don’t do that! You said you would do better and you haven’t! Are you even listening to me?”
“If you don’t like what we’ve got then just leave!” He slaps his sun hat on the table, his gloves are still on. Kita literally just got back from a long, hot, exhausting day at the rice farm.
He didn’t mean to yell, and he didn’t mean the words that slipped out his mouth. It was too late. He knew that. Kita stared at his shoes, not daring to look at you. “Seriously? Kita? You promised me you’d try be more expressive with me…”
He tugs at you heart strings when he keeps his head down, he’s squeezing the chair nearby and it’s making his knuckles white. “Kita…” You try to cup his cheek, making an effort to try and get him to look at you but he swatted your hand away.
“That’s enough y/n, I don’t need you to babysit my emotions and the way i express things.”
Oh now you where upset.
You took a couple of steps back in disbelief, “I understand that you’ve been having a difficult time at the farm but that’s not an excuse for being a shit boyfriend… How about i take a load off your shoulders- we’re done Shinsuke, I-I’ve had enough…”
He doesn’t stop you from collecting your things. He doesn’t stop you from walking out the door.
It slams shut and he’s just standing there, in his empty kitchen. His house is a ghost of you. Every corner had been decorated by you. So he looks to the floor.
Tears fall to his shoes and he’s shaking.
It’s from crying he thinks, but the more he cries the harder he was shaking.
Your soft whisper breaks him from a nightmare.
His cheeks are wet.
He was crying. But it wasn’t real.
“Kita? What’s wrong honey? You were having a nightmare…”
His head was still resting on your chest, the same position he was originally in before his nightmare. You caressed his hair. He loved feeling your fingers run through your hair. He felt safe. Kita tightened his hold around you, “I’m okay now.” He whispered, kissing the closes part of you before nuzzling back into your chest. “I love you, y/n… i know i can be a little apathetic… but i care for you the most in this world.”
Atsumu Miya
He’s always been a ladies man.
You hate how stupid good looking he is.
It makes you feel insecure sometimes how much he gets hit on and you don’t. “It’s because he’s respected in the male community.” His twin brother spoke. “Everyone knows your his partner… so they back off.” It made your head hurt.
At a large volleyball gathering, you decided to wear something a little more eye catching. He thinks nothing of it, he tells you how amazing you look and you’re off to the party.
He’s pissed that he’s brought you now.
Who the hell told him it would be a good idea to bring his freaking partner. Osamu laughed at him when he mentioned something about it. “Now you can finally see how y/n feels…” Atsumu raised a brow. “What do you mean by that?”
Osamu regrets speaking. He lets out a sigh, “Y/n been feeling insecure lately. They don’t like the way you instigate things with them, that your flirty or that you look at them for that matter-“
Atsumu began waving his hands, trying to get him to stop speaking “You sure they didn’t you you were me? T-they wouldn’t keep something like that from me...” He glances over at you, a man from a different team was making your laugh. You fixed your hair shyly as you smile to the man who talks to you.
Before Osamu could try and stop his brother from doing anything stupid. He hand already marched towards you. “Uh yeah excuse me- this is my partner and we are leaving, thank you for keeping her company-”
“Atsunu what the fu-”
He’s dragging you out of the building and you don’t struggle, he was never one to run out of a party so the suden rush prevented you from even thinking of stopping him.
“Atsumu can you please tell me what the hell we’re doing out here! I’m freezing!”
His hand was still squeezing your bicep, “Why did Osamu have to tell me that you’ve been feeling insecure.”
You freeze. This was not, a conversation you wanted to have. Not now especially.
“Can we not- Can we not do this here, please?”
“No, i thought we didn’t hide stuff from eachother.”
“It’s me right? Because i pretend with them-”
You’re stuttering and stumbling threw your worlds as he continues to speak.”
“Did they say something to you, I swear-”
You blurted out, grabbing at fabric of his shirt. “I don’t think i even have…” You’re looking at your feet now. “I know you don’t see the things they say about me for dating you, but it’s mean… I wanna give you so much love but how much sanity will i have left… they pick at me for every little thing i do, wrong or right. I love you ‘Sumu… I really do but I don’t know know how much more i can take.”
He’s the one frozen now.
“You’re not breaking up with me.”
“Like hell you’re breaking up with me. Give me 5 minutes… stay here… please.”
He kisses the tip of your nose while squeezing both of you’re shoulders.
You’re standing there confused and sad. Sniffling and cold air brushed your chilled skin. From inside the building you could see through the glass door how he paced back in forth and spoke into the phone. it wasn’t long before he came back out.
Once we was in front of you, he cupped your hands on his. “Do you love me?” He kisses your wrist. You nod, sniffling back a tear. “Good. Do you trust me?” He kisses your other wrist, you nod again- almost choking on your breath. “I called my agent… He’s calling a press meeting for me, and i’m going to state that if any network, any fan girl, any article writes poorly about you- they will be sued by me every single time. We’ve already got a few people in mind, the paper work will go through tomorrow.”
“Sumu… you didn’t have to do any of that.”
“I will rather quit volleyball, then have you break up with me, because of an issue i can fix.” He kisses your cheek softly. “You’re perfect for me, i won’t let other make you think otherwise.”
Osamu Miya
He couldn’t close on time again.
He cursed under his breath, running towards the restaurant that you had originally picked out. He let the hostess know your name but her lips tightened and she shook her head. “You’ve just missed em, drank a glass of [liquor] and then made their way out… Sorry.” Her apology was apathetic.
He walked out the establishment and once he heard the door close behind him, he cursed loudly into the air.
He tried calling your phone but it didn’t even ring. It was off or worse he was blocked. It was late, the trains where no longer running so he walked himself home in his suit. Osamu quickly had put it on, and it was clear that he did because it was wrinkled and his tie was not tied correctly. It took him about an hour to get home. The one you shared.
He had a gut feeling before he opened the door. So he stood there, his hands in his pockets. Your stuff would be picked up and gone. He was with you because he loved that you had such a strong head on your shoulders… you wouldn’t take it any longer. Today, one-hundred percent, was the final straw.
3 year anniversary.
He let his forehead drop to the door, making a light thud. He gripped the little box in his pocket.
The reason he had been working like a dog, day and night.
This stupid little ring.
It was perfect too. He knew exactly what you liked, what you wanted. It was way over over his budget but he’s do anything for you.
“Osamu? Is that you?” Your voice chirped from behind the door. His head shot up and looked ahead. “Y/n?” You unlocked the door, slowly revealing that you had changed into you pjs, eyes swollen from crying. “I waited for you…” You whispered, your voice breaking in the process.
God he hates himself. He hated himself for making you like his. “y/n im so sorry…” he whispered. “please forgive me…” he dropped to his knees, his body lightly brushing yours as he held you. “i shouldn’t have been late, i should have never missed any of our dates… please give me one more chance, please hear me out...”
he backs up and props up a knee, digging into his pocket. there’s a shift in your eyes that he notices, “Don’t freak out, this isn’t me trying to tie you down that way… not necessarily…”
he clears his throat, opening the box that was in his hand, displaying it to you. “there is no one in the world… no one… i would rather be with than you. i can’t see myself with anyone else. i would be the luckiest man in the world if you married me, but this- you can say no to this…”
you’re still frozen, tears falling down your cheeks, sniffling. “I want to earn you… i don’t deserve you right now… i’ve been the worse boyfriend there is… there’s no excuse for it but all those nights i’ve been working late have been for you- and you only… i’m sorry i couldn’t communicate that with you. let me earn you again… let me show you that i am worth being your husband.”
you start nodding slowly, sinking down onto your knees to kiss him. “I’ll promise i’ll be better.” he says in between stolen kisses as he slips the tin onto your finger.
Author Note: My request are open!!! Please do fill free to ask for something.
i did lie
i came back from the dead
i write for haikyuu, jjk, chainsaw man and MHA primarily <3
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dollyyss · 7 months
The idea of the main four + butters and how they comfort you when you’re sad and distant?
Idk I be in my feels lately 😭🙏 BUT UR WRITING IS SO GOOD PLEASE
I’m actually getting some requests and I’m so fucking thrilled you have no idea, but I’m trying to push this one out as soon as possible to try and cheer you up!!
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The main four + butters comforting reader who’s been sad and distant.
Established Reltionship ₊ ⊹
All characters are aged up! Highschool AU! ‧₊˚✩彡
Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Cartman and Butters 𐙚
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: mentions of being sick in Stan’s part,
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Kyle 🐇𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒🪐
- He’s the problem solver, the “tell me what it is I’ll fix it” rather then the one to comfort right away. Kyle isn’t so great with emotions, right away at least.
-He’s probably confused at first. He try’s to give you your space as that’s what you seem you need since you’re being so distant from him. But even when he is giving you your space, any class you two have together he’s glancing at you from time to time to make sure you’re okay. He’ll take down extra notes for you if he notices that you’re just not participating.
-He’s worried for you, when school is over and you won’t even let him drive you home like he usually does? That’s when he speaks to you.
-He finds you in the crowd of high school students getting ready to go home, on your phone putting your earbuds in to walk home until a large hand grips your shoulder “baby what are you doing?!” You look back at Kyle in slight shock not exactly knowing who was touching you at first. “Home?” It was the first time you spoke to him today and though he was worried about you he was at least happy you finally spoke. “Well I waited by your locker.. and when you didn’t show up I figured you’d be at my car, let me take you home please” he grabs your gloved hand and leads you to the car and once you arrive you take your hand out of his. This causes him to close his eyes tight and turn to look at you “look. Y/N I have no idea what is going on with you today okay and I’d love to help you but you can’t push yourself away from me. I understand if you don’t want to tell me but please don’t ignore me. When you’re ready to tell me we can fix the issue.” You look up at him with slight teary eyes and he’s a bit taken back “can you just hold me..?” Your voice is what breaks him. “I’ve just been really tired.. I’ve been stressed I just.. was having an off day..” Oh. He feels bad now for looking at the more logical side and wanting to fix it when all you really needed was for him to just be there. He slowly leans his back against the passenger door and pulls you in by your arm, his hands gripping onto you tight and pressing his chin to your head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you just needed me..” you snuggle into his open jacket, his warmth engulfing you as his thumbs rub at your back. “I love you, yknow that? But don’t ignore me next time please.”
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Stan .° ༘🎧⋆🖇₊˚ෆ
- I think Stan gets a bit distant himself when you get like this. He doesn’t understand why you’re closing him out and not speaking to him so like Kyle he kind of lets you be. But I think it’s more due to his own insecurities. Wendy was like this before they broke up officially. So seeing you get cold on him.. he wants to throw up but not out of butterfly nerves no out of actual fear that you’re just breaking up with him. Buts it’s not the case, you’ve just had a really shit day and honestly all you wanted was Stan.
- once he’s done throwing up out of actual fucking fear he’s shaking to find you because it hits him that.. you’re just upset. And he shouldn’t be freaking out like this.
- “Jesus Christ Stan.” Kyle wraps Stan back up in his jacket as he stands back up, wiping his bottom lip and flushing the toilet rid of his vomit. “Just talk to them, I’m sure they’re just upset, maybe all they need is a hug, I don’t know maybe some time with their boyfriend” Kyle notes as he grabs Stans hat off the floor and swallowing slightly disgusted at how damp it was from Stan sweating so much from getting sick. “Maybe dude I don’t know they’re not usually like this when they get upset they’ve never been so cold to me like this.” There was silence as they walked out of the boys bathroom “there’s no harm in trying.” The ginger stated as he handed back Stan’s hat and walked off to get ready for his next class. When Stan found you, you were closing up your locker and running your hands through your hair. It was clear you were tired, your eyes had almost been weighed down, your hair was slightly messy, your coat seemed baggier, you just looked. Sad. Stan approached you softly taking you into his arms “Stan, there are like.. a shit ton of people around us right now.” He only sighed and placed his head in the crook of your neck “just, stand here for a minute please. I know you’re upset and I’m sorry I hadn’t realized sooner” he swayed you side to side for a moment, taking in his cigarettes and cologne before looking up at him. “Thank you..” he hummed gently before placing a kiss to your forehead, pushing back your hair “come to my place after school? We can watch a movie, anything you want. “Sure Marsh..” you paused for a moment “did you.. get sick.?” You looked up at him with curious eyes before he placed a hand on your face and pushed you softly “shut up.”
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Kenny ₊˚🕯️🖤❀༉
-there is no being distant with Kenny. He knows when you’re upset and he acts on it so fucking fast. The minute he sees your eyes have changed in demeanour he’s there in a heart beat.
-He’ll never pry you with questions, he’ll never make you talk about It if you aren’t comfortable in the moment. He lets you take your time and he’s there for you to use to feel better. He’s always aware when something is off with you, he knows when something is too much for you, or you just need a moment. Kenny may be a little ass hat but he’s very aware and caring when it comes to you.
-“ Clyde you’re actually such a fucking dumbass” Kenny spoke up. His arm had been around your shoulders, both sitting in the cafeteria while Kenny spoke to his friends. The toothpick between his lips twirled between as him and Clyde went back and forth ripping on each other, for no reason at all. “You really think Bebe still likes you? News flash pretty boy she doesn’t, should have seen her at the party last night trying to get with every fucking jock she laid her eyes on” Clyde and him both laughed as Clyde punched his arm in a playful manner. As the rest of the boys chimed in Kenny softly looked at you. “Hey you, you’ve been quiet you okay?” His hand softly rubs at your shoulder, taking his toothpick out of his mouth and placing it on the food tray. You slowly nod your head before looking down at your hands; fidgeting with them. “No you’re not.. is everything too much for you right now? Too loud?” You look at him a bit teary eyed and he had his answer. He got up with you grabbing your hand and grabbing your book bag to walk with you through the back of the cafeteria doors that lead to some stairs behind the school. Once he got to the steps he set your book bag down, sat you on his lap and took his parka off to place over your body. “Kenny you’re gonna catch a cold.” You stated sniffling as he shook his head “don’t worry about me pretty baby, you’re what’s important right now” you rest your head on his shoulder, your arms coming to wrap around his neck and you cuddle into him. He lets you sit in silence with him, closing your eyes and relaxing into him.
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Cartman 🎧✮🧺✧˖°
-Mm. Rather then the hugger he’s the stupid fuck that does stupid shit to make you smile. He’ll kinda go to outrageous lengths to get your attention, because he’s an attention whore for you so shut up.
-he honestly doesn’t like when you’re upset because he says it kills his mood but he also just wants you to be happy with him. So what’s better then to ruin someone’s else’s day just to make you feel better. He may or may not also buy you some food and a stuffed animal to cheer you up.. because him dicking around gets him a scolding from you.
-“.. what? What do you want me to say? I’m not saying sorry. That Jew totally deserved it.” You cocked a brow at him, arms crossed and foot slightly tapping on the ground as you looked up at him. Cartman swallowed. “Babe.. babe listen to me okay? I’ve always hated that ginger devil spawn anyway okay it was coming to him sooner or later” he said in a soft tone to cheer you up in which you only rolled your eyes at him. He sighed and looked down “I’m sorry.. here..” he grabbed the large bear and McDonald’s from the porch and placed them in your hands. “Now do you forgive me..? Will you be you again, you’re kinda killing my vibe here” “cartman you stupid fucking idiot.” A laugh escapes your lips when you take the food and bear and place them on your stairs. You pull him into a hug and kiss his cheek “I’m not an idiot..” he mumbles but smiles ever so slightly into the hug knowing that he was able to make you happy even if it wasn’t him doing some stupid shit to Kyle. At least he managed.
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Butters ˚☆🐈*๑
-…He’s crying. I mean it. He’s balling his eyes out. He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know what to do when you won’t talk to him and you distance yourself from him. The boy is about 10 seconds from having a god damn panic attack.
-he’s gentle with you, he’ll pull out some colouring pages for you to do because he knows how much they calm him down and put him in a better state of mind so he lets you colour some. He’ll even print out any specific ones you like. And he’s there. At your hip. Not leaving your side until you have a smile on your face.
-he becomes really touchy, when you tell him you just aren’t having a good day he understands and he pulls you in close to him, his head resting in yours while he listens to your rant about anything that’s bothering you.
- “darlin.. your quiet, very quiet” his hands interlock together before pulling apart and his fingers then pick at his other fingers. “Well I don’t quite like you like this..” he mumbles to himself before he’s biting his lip. You look up at him with a gentle look, teary but gentle and he could fall apart right there. He almost starts crying with you “oh dear! Oh gosh heaven above!” He’s rushing towards you instantly his hands quickly finding anything warm to wrap you in and pull you to his chest “you wanna colour! It’ll help you stop thinkin’!” He brings up the option and if you say yes he’s practically flying towards his colouring sheets, many having intricate designs and patterns and some being simple. “Pick which ever one you’d like” he grabs some art supply’s and displays it all on his bedroom floor for you. “Butters..” he cocked a brow looking up at the sound of his name “hm?” You look at him gently and place a kiss to his chin “I’m sorry if I was being distant, just not having a good day is all..” you lean against him. “Well that’s alright! We all have those days, you can’t have good ones without em, you just scared me a little that’s all.. heh” he pushes some hair out of your face and squishes his cheek against yours. “You uh, you wanna talk about it?” With a quick nod he immediately is sitting criss cross beside you, his arms around you as you colour and rant to him about how you felt. His lips press to the back of your shoulder and he watches you contently listening to every single word that poured out of your lips. His hands rub your sides and he’s staring as lovingly as possible at you.
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Can you write a Crosshair x reader and him with his shaky hands like we saw in season 3 and maybe reader comforting him...
For The Love Of A Bounty Hunter
Summary: Crosshair goes missing while dealing with your family. You have opinions about it.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Bounty Hunter Reader
Word Count: 1919
Warnings: Mentions of torture
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I decided to make this story a sequel to one of my Event Fics, I'll add the link so people can find it easily. Also, there are no spoilers here, because I haven't watched TBB at all. ^-^
For The Love Of A Sniper - Part 1 of this Mini Series
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You stare, blankly, at the calendar on the datapad in front of you as you draw another red X over another day.
Three weeks.
It’s been three weeks since Crosshair went to deal with the PI who was looking into you on behalf of your family. Three weeks since he vanished.
You carefully set the datapad down on the table and release a shaky breath. Carefully shoving the burning rage down, for now.
Crosshair would sooner cut his own hands off than betray you. You know this. You know him. He would never tell your parents where you are. And, the fact that they haven’t shown up at your ship, is proof enough that Crosshair didn’t tell them anything.
The bigger question is, is Crosshair still alive.
Stars, you hope so. You’re not sure the galaxy will survive your rage if he isn’t. You’re not sure you’ll survive your rage if he isn’t.
You jerked out of your thoughts when your holo chimes. 
For a moment you consider ignoring it, you’re not in the mood for chatting. But, in the end, you cross the room and hit the button to answer the holo, “I’m not accepting any jobs at the moment.” You say bluntly.
“It is me.” Tech’s image flickers to life above the holo, “I have the information you asked for.”
You blink, “Oh. Sorry.”
“No harm done, I know that you are stressed.” He looks down at his datapad, “I am sending you the information I have.”
You pick your datapad back up as it chimes with the information he sent you. “Are you sure this is accurate?” You ask, as you see the information, “Last I heard the people who took him are wealthy.”
Tech sniffs, “Very sure. According to what I have found, they used to be wealthy. But then spent most of their fortune looking for their missing child.” He pauses, “That would be you, I am guessing.”
“Right in one, Tech.” You reply with a grimace.
“I am sure you had your reasons.” Tech says after a moment, “If Crosshair is anywhere, it is there.”
You scan the image that Tech sent you. Figures, it would be your childhood house. Not home. Never home. “Thanks Tech.”
“You are welcome.” He pauses, “Are you quite sure that you do not require aid? We can be there in a couple of days.”
“I have it.”
“They are your family.”
“Not all families are created equal, Tech. And this,” You hold up the datapad, "has been a long time coming.”
Tech sighs, “Comm when you have him back. And if you should think that you need our help-”
“I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks for the intel, Tech. I mean it.”
“You do not have to thank me. Crosshair is my twin brother. I want him safe just as much as you do.”
“Even so. I know you’re not my biggest fan.”
Tech is quiet for a moment, “I will concede that, perhaps, I was too quick to judge.”
“Yeah, well…so was I. Water under the bridge.”
Tech smiles at you, a small smile, but a smile all the same, “I think I am beginning to see what Crosshair sees in you. Happy hunting.”
You flash a small smirk, “Yeah. Right back at you.” And then you kill the holo. You look back at the datapad, and swipe through the information.
“Hold on, Cross. I’ll be there soon.” You whisper to the empty ship.
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“It’s a simple thing,” Crosshair rolls his eyes at the massive Devaronian looming over him, “All you have to do is tell us where the little mistress is.”
“I told you the truth weeks ago,” He drawls, “I can’t help you.” He grunts in pain as a large fist slams into his stomach, “Kriff-”
“Mistress,” The guard says with a frown, “I’m beginning to think that he’s telling the truth.”
‘Mistress’ is a slender woman with white blonde hair and piercing green eyes. Though slender isn’t really the right word. Crosshair would personally call her skeletal, but the first time he asked how they managed to make a corpse walk and talk, he was electrocuted, so he’s learned to hold his tongue.
“He has to know,” The woman’s voice is cold. “Why else would he have gone to the PI?”
“Because you’re offering a hell of a lot of credits, lady.” Crosshair lies.
“You do not speak to the Mistress,” The guard snaps, taking a menacing step towards Crosshair.
“No. Leave him. I tire of this.” The woman says, before she turns to the side, “What do you think, darling.”
‘Darling’ is her husband. Just as thin and skeletal as his white, though his hair is more of a golden blonde than the silvery blonde of his wife. If Crosshair had to guess, one of them bleaches their hair, though which one isn’t something he cares about.
He’s also crueler than his wife. 
Crosshair will likely have scars from the stun batons that ‘Darling’ used against him. If he hates ‘Mistress’, then Crosshair absolutely despises ‘Darling’. How either of these people could parent someone like his Princess is beyond him. Maybe she’s adopted.
He glances to the side when the door to the dungeons slams open and a trembling twi’lek hurries his, “Master! Mistress!” He gasps, “The Little Mistress is here.”
The room falls silent, “Are you quite sure?” The Mistress asks. 
“Yes ma’am,” The Twi’lek bobs into a bow, “She consented to a DNA scan. It’s her. Would you like me to bring her down?”
“No, we’ll-”
The door slams open again, “No need. I thought I’d come and say hello.”
Crosshair has always thought that his Princess is stunning, but seeing her standing in the doorway, clad in tight leather, and with her short hair falling into her eyes…she looks like an avenging angel and he’s never been more attracted to her in his life.
Impressive, since he can hardly keep his hands to himself as it is.
“Sweetheart!” The Mistress takes half a step towards her, “Your hair…your face! Why are you so fat?”
Princess closes her eyes for a moment, and then she turns and blatantly ignores everyone in the room, “Are you okay?” Her voice is soft, and for a moment, Crosshair can pretend that they’re on the ship and it’s just them. 
He slides his arms through the bars of the cell, and holds out his trembling hands, “Better, since you’re here.”
Her sharp eyes linger on his trembling hands, on the burn marks on his arms, chest, and stomach. Her gaze lingers on the bruises covering his face and his torso.
And her eyes go cold.
“Sweetling, why are you talking to that-” His Princess’ father says as he takes a step towards her, reaching out to touch her. 
There’s a flash of silver, only noticed because he was looking for it, and then there’s screaming as ‘Darling’ falls back, clutching his blood soaked arm. His Princess carefully uses a cloth to wipe the blood off the blade. 
“You took Crosshair.” Her voice is flat, emotionless. 
She’s clearly pissed.
“You know,” She continues, some emotion returning to her voice, and she directs her comment towards him, “I really only considered two options when coming here.”
“Oh yeah?” Cross asks as he leans against the bars.
“Hm. Option 1, they took you and killed you.” She continues lightly, “And if that was the case I was going to kill them all, burn this place to the ground, and then throw myself at the Empire until they managed to kill me.”
She shrugs a single shoulder, “Option 2, is that they took you and were using you as bait to make me come here. In this scenario, you were uninjured, just annoyed, and I just threatened great bodily harm and we carried on our way.”
She casts her gaze over him again, “Somehow,” She continues, “The idea that they might torture you never crossed my mind.”
“They are still your family, Princess. I’m not gonna blame you for not wanting to believe the worst of them.” Crosshair says lazily.
She turns to the cell door and effortlessly picks the lock and swings the door open, “Well, you’re the injured party, Cross. What do you want?”
“You have a blaster?”
She smiles and wordlessly passes it to him.
Even with nerve damage, and trembling hands, he’s still the best. 
Three shots. Three blaster rounds. 
Three dead bodies. 
His Princess takes the blaster back and slides it in her holster, before she helps him with a shirt she brought him, “Are you ready to go?” She asks.
“More than ready.” He leans against her, needing her support to make it back to the ship, “Let’s get out of here.”
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A week later, you step into the bedroom on your ship, your gaze lingering on Crosshair. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, glaring at his shaking hands. Nerve damage takes weeks to heal, even with bacta.
His hands will be shaking for a while.
Maybe you’ll take Tech up on that offer for a 3 month long vacation on Pabu.
But first-
You enter the room and kneel in front of him, taking both of his hands in yours and pressing light kisses against the palms of his hands. “Do they hurt?” You ask.
“It’s mostly just an ache,” He admits, bitterly, “I’m not going to be able to-”
“Shh,” You release one of his hands and reach up to cup his cheek, “Crosshair, your only responsibility right now is to heal.”
He scowls at you, though you know he’s more annoyed at the situation than at you. “I feel useless.”
“Nonsense. You could never be useless.”
“You’re biased.”
“Mm, perhaps. A little.” You stand and settle on the bed next to him, “But I’m also honest. You will heal. You will get back to 100%. It just takes time.”
He scoffs.
“Don’t be like that.” You say as you lay your head on his shoulder, “After that Wookie broke my leg in three places, you didn’t accuse me of being a burden or of being useless, even though I felt like I was.”
Crosshair shakes his head, and then leans his head against yours, “You gonna use my words against me?”
“If I have to.”
He huffs out a laugh, “I suppose you did pay for the best doctors to see me.” 
“Yes, I did.” You reply smugly.
“Alright.” He turns to look at you properly, “I’ll be patient.”
“You’re a sniper, patience is your thing.” You tease him, throwing his words back at him.
His arms, strong and steady, hook around you and he pulls you onto his lap, “Yeah, yeah.” Crosshair leans in and kisses you hungrily, nipping at your lower lip roughly enough that you squeak, “So. You gonna tell me what you and Tech have been talking about?”
“...he’s invited us to come to Pabu until you finish recovery. I’m thinking that agreeing might be a good idea.”
He’s quiet for a moment, and then he sighs, “If you think it’s a good idea, Princess, then I won’t argue. But I refuse to stay with my siblings.”
“Of course not, we’ll be staying here or in an inn.” You brush your fingers across his cheek, “I’ll go let him know.”
Crosshair tightens his grip around you, “You can tell him later. I want you for myself right now.”
You beam at him, “I think that sounds like a great idea.”
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buckychristwrites · 11 months
When The Rain Gathers | Chapter Three | j.t.
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↳  Pairing: Jamie Tartt x f!reader
↳ Word Count: 4.2k
↳  Summary: Pain hits like a downpour, but when a heartbreak from your past is what greets you at your new job at Nelson Road Stadium, it's more like a catastrophic tsunami.
↳  Warnings: Enemies to lovers, Discussion of parental abuse, fluff and angst.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Main Blog
It had been the longest first week of your life.
For the most part, you shadowed Sharon to get a feel for how things were done around Nelson Road Stadium. It was mostly self explanatory, as it was all things you had already done before. There was only one session you had missed with her in the whole week.
Friday evening was more than welcomed when it finally came. You sighed happily when the clock read that it was time to leave. Come Monday morning, you would be released to start seeing the players, and anxious just didn’t seem to describe how you felt. All you wanted to do at this moment was pick up Ivy, go home, order pizza and curl up on the couch. 
A knock at the door pulled you from your daydream.
“Hiya!” Keeley called, her voice bubbly as the door creaked open. You smiled at her, surprised.
“Come in,” You urged, taking a seat once more as she walked over.
“How are things going?” She asked with a genuine look. “Settling in alright?” After a brief moment of mulling her question over, you shrug.
“About as well as to be expected,” You said, surprising yourself with your honesty. She gave you a small, soft smile. 
“Adjusting to a new job can be hard, I know,” She said. “When I had just started my firm, I felt like a fish out of water, you know?” I nod my head understandingly.
“Add in the fact that I haven’t lived in England for over six years,  I’ve never ever lived in London, and I’m navigating this new place with a toddler, and you may as well call me a martian.” Keeley snorted, her head falling onto her shoulder. Her amused look faded into one of empathy. 
“Rebecca and I were wonderin’ if you’d like to join us for dinner at Ola’s tonight. Sam’s restaurant.” 
My eyebrows raise. “Sam has a restaurant?”
She nodded excitedly before explaining, “It has Nigerian food. It’s wonderful. And the whole team will be there!” 
Your smile faltered, and Keely was quick to pick up on it. “Don’t worry! They’re loads of fun, once you get to know them.” 
As if getting to know the team as a whole was the problem, and not the one player you knew the most. 
“I don’t know…” You said, your eyes jumping around the room in an effort to avoid looking at her anymore. “I don’t have a babysitter for Ivy-“
“Bring her!” She exclaimed. “We’d love to meet her!” She gave you another lingering look. “Rebecca and I just want to welcome you to the Richmond family.” 
Your eyes meet hers this time. It was quite clear that Keeley was one of those people that simply does not take no for an answer. But there was no question. The answer had to be no. 
“Maybe next time?” You offer, heartbroken by the way Keeley’s smile faltered. “I just would rather have a babysitter for Ivy.” A long moment passed where Keeley just eyed you, and then she nodded understandingly.
“I’ll hold you to that next time, you better believe.”
You laughed. “Of course.”
When leaving that night, your office locked up tight, you felt incredibly relieved. Every step that you took closer to the parking lot made you more and more excited to get home. The hallways had largely emptied out, but in the distance, you could hear the post-training commotion coming from the changing rooms. Despite your short tenure with the club, you found yourself loving the sound. There was something quite wholesome listening to it. The laughter was always echoing through the hallways, and hitting your heartstrings in all of the right ways. 
As you got closer to the changing room, you found yourself slowing down in an effort to listen. Through the window, you could see that the players were all dressed, and mostly just mucking about.
“Oi, Tartt,” Colin called. “Ain’t your date with Anastasia tonight?”
Though you couldn’t see Jamie, or hear a response from him, the response he got from the team told the story. The chorus of “Oooooooooo”’s followed by praises and laughter bounced off the walls.
Something about it made you feel nauseous.
“What date is this? Three?” Sam asked while throwing his bag over his shoulder. Jamie walked into view. 
“Four, actually,” Jamie corrected with a smug smile.
This only seemed to rile them up more, Isaac appearing to shake Jamie’s shoulders.  
“Have you… you know?” Dani asked.
Jamie pursed his lips. “I don’t kiss and tell, lads.”
“But you have no problem fucking and telling,” Isaac pointed out. Your eyebrows rose to your hairline. A small part of you was surprised by their vulgarity, until you remembered that they didn’t have a reason to censor themselves, especially since they didn’t know you were listening. You pretended that the idea of Jamie sleeping with someone else didn’t make your skin crawl. 
“Wait, wait, Jamie…” Sam asked, waving his hands out in front of him. “Does this mean you have not slept with her?” Jamie’s cheeks turned a deep shade of red. A tell that he was embarrassed. When he didn’t say anything, his teammates began to round on him.
“Tartt! You fuckin’ gentleman!”
“Lasso has gotten to him, lads. He made him a carin’ guy!”
“He’s gotta properly fluff a girl up now before his willy stands up.”
“Does this mean you love her and want to cherish her, Jamie Tartt?”
“Boys, boys,” Jamie said, lowering his hands to the floor slowly. “When there is somethin’ to tell…I’ll tell it.” 
You decided you’d heard enough, pulling your phone from your pocket as you began to walk down the hall once more. Your fingers were moving without the explicit permission of your brain, as if you were on autopilot. The next thing you knew, you were bringing the speaker to your ear. It’s unclear what part of the conversation made you change your mind, but one thing was obvious: You no longer wished to spend the night alone at home. 
“Hello?” The bubbly voice answered.
“Hey,” You said, your tone nervous. “I’ve given it some thought and… is that invitation for dinner still open?”
Jamie stared at your receding back, your words stirring something in his chest. Dinner? You mean…a date? So soon after you’ve moved home? 
He shook his head. It didn’t concern him anymore. You were just another girl in his life now. What you did was of no concern to him.
Except it was a concern to him. He just couldn’t help it. Even after three years apart, he still felt so drawn to you, like you're the North and he’s a compass that can do nothing else but point to you. As unfair as it was, as much as you wanted him to fuck off and leave you alone, he couldn’t help it. The thoughts of you crept in when he least expected it. He wondered what your house looked like, and what you did in your free time now that you lived alone, and where you did your grocery shopping, and if you had found a new favourite takeout place. But most of all, he wondered if there was any part of you that would ever consider, even in the least bit, forgiving him. 
By the time he began to walk again, you had already disappeared out the door and into the car park. He was still staring down the hall when he came out of his thoughts. The boys came up from behind to follow you out, and Jamie plastered on the best smile he could muster as he did the same. He had a date, after all. What was there to be upset about?
The drive home seemed to go by quicker than normal due to Jamie’s preoccupied thoughts. Who was the dinner with? 
He fumbled with his keys while attempting to unlock his door. Was it with someone he knew?
Dropping his bag next to the front door, he made his way upstairs for a quick shave and to change. After all, he showered back at the stadium. Worse, was the dinner with one of his teammates?
The phone chimed, bringing him back to reality. Anastasia’s name crossed over his lock screen. Normally, this would bring him a shock of excitement. But now, at this moment, he felt nothing as he picked up his phone.
R u picking me up? x
Didn’t he already tell her that he would? He typed back a simple Yeah before turning back to his closet to dig out some shoes. When his phone chimed again, he huffed. Why am I getting so annoyed? He found himself asking. 
U better behave urself James Tartt! x
Real annoyance filled his chest. He couldn’t count how many times he told her not to call him by his full name. 
“I only ever behave myself,” He grumbled, dropping his phone back on the bed without responding.
“Alright, love, you ready to behave yourself at the restaurant?” 
“Yes!” Ivy shouted, jumping up and down. She was wearing the purple dress she had picked out, a white bow in her hair. You laughed before peaking back in the mirror and straightening out the dress that she had picked out for you. The smile faltered only slightly. Was this too much? It wasn’t formal, it felt more… clubby to you. But you knew how angry the tiny fashion critic would be if you tried to change. 
“Let’s go, Mummy!” Ivy shouted, tugging at the hem. 
“Alright, alright,” You sighed, shaking your head as you whipped her into the air before bringing her to your hip. A quick Google search had told you that the restaurant was just around the corner from you, and you were thankful to not need the pram. “Do you wanna walk or be carried?”
“Walk, please!” She shouted happily, bouncing up and down.
“Alright, but you better keep hold on Mummy’s hand or a car’ll turn you into an Ivy pancake.”
The surprise on her face made it impossible not to laugh. 
“NO pancake, Mummy!”
“The tiniest Ivy pancake!” You continued to tease as you slipped your shoes on. The toddler shrieked in dismay, still smiling and giggling at you. As you reached for the door, your other hand extended out for her. She didn’t hesitate before running up and smacking her tiny palm into yours. 
The cool evening air felt perfect when you stepped outside. Ivy proudly walked beside you, feeling like one of the grown ups. 
“Are you ready to meet the people Mummy works with?” You asked as the two of you stop at a crosswalk. 
“Yes!” A beat passed. “And eat!”
“Oh yes,” You agreed, nodding. “That’s more important, isn’t it?”
The light changed to Walk, and the two of you made your way across. The fact that Ivy wasn’t trying to run away from you made you feel a little easier about the evening ahead. Already, you could see the restaurant slowly coming into view. 
The anxiety filled your tummy, but the squeeze of your fingers from the toddler at your side made you feel slightly better. At least someone there was unconditionally on your side. 
The door opened and released an array of sounds, filling the quiet from the outside. The dining room was filled with footballers, who were laughing loudly as multiple conversations happened at once. In the middle of the room, the tables were all pushed together, the table set like a family style dinner. You looked down uneasily at Ivy, who only looked excited despite the amount of people around. At first, as you crossed the threshold into the restaurant, your arrival seemed to go unnoticed. But then, a flash of blonde bounded through the room. She shouted your name before throwing her arms around you. Just by her behaviour, it was clear she was already a few drinks deep.
Keeley kneeled down to the toddler’s level, who was suddenly holding onto your legs. “And this must be Miss Ivy?” She smiled warmly, her voice gentle. “I’m Keeley. It’s nice to meet you.” Ivy stared at Keeley with a curious glance, though her face was still largely hidden behind the hem of your dress. You pressed your palm to the back of her head, your thumb stroking her hair.
“Sorry, she’s so shy,” You explained, giving her a sheepish smile. Keeley shook her head as she stood up straight again. 
“‘S’alright,” She said with an unwavering smile. “I’m just glad you’re here. Come on!” She took your free hand and led you and Ivy to the other side of the table. When a high chair had been set up at the end, your heart skipped a beat. You lifted the toddler up and set her in the seat. She looked pleased, as she knew she was about to get food. As if he had a sixth sense of reading minds, Sam Obisanya appeared out of nowhere and set down a plate of chicken nuggets and fries in front of Ivy. And before you even had the chance to protest, you noticed the nuggets were already cut up. You look at Sam in wonder.
“You didn’t need to do all this,” You said to him, swallowing the lump in your throat. Behind the two of you was a buffet style table of food. Sam waved you off.
“As soon as Keeley told me you were bringing your daughter, I decided to do this.” His expression grew embarrassed. “I wanted to apologise for the team’s reaction the day you began. It was not fair for us to judge you so harshly, and so quickly.” Overhearing, Dani Rojas turned around, his smile warm and friendly.
“Yes, we owe you a sincere apology,” He added. When you turned, you found that Isaac had his arms out, gesturing towards the entire room.
“That’s what this is,” He told you. “Our Welcome-To-The-Team-Sorry-For-Being-Dicks dinner.” 
You shook your head, astonished. “This is so nice, I’m-”
An arm wrapped around your shoulders, and when you turned, it was Rebecca, with a deep smile.
“We’re so happy to have you here,” She said, bringing you in for a hug. When you looked over, Keeley was playing with Ivy as she ate her dinner, the toddler looking as though she was starting to get comfortable with your new friend. When your eyes find Rebecca again, you can feel them welling up with tears.
“I’m just going to run to the toilet real quick,” You said, desperately trying not to sound strained. She nodded understandingly before letting you go. As you make your way to the back, you have to refrain from rushing. You didn’t want to come off like something was wrong. The door swung shut behind you, and you pressed your back against it, taking deep breaths to calm down.
As the door shut behind him, Jamie looked around Ola’s with a wide smile. Anastasia was to his left, hugging her arms around her torso.
“James, why are we here?” She asked him without a single effort to hide her annoyance. Flinching, he gave her a look. 
“Me whole team’s here,” He said, as if it were obvious. When she stared at him with a hard look, he sighed in defeat. “We won’t stay long.” 
It only took one teammate to notice Jamie for the whole room to erupt into cheers and shouts. He smiled as he walked up to Moe, clapping his hand into his friend’s before pulling him into a hug. 
“Life of the party’s here now, ain’t he?” 
Moe, Zoreaux and Colin all shook their heads and laughed as they greeted their friend. Jamie saw them glancing at Anastasia as she followed him through the room. She didn’t speak to anyone, and it took him a moment to realise she was staring down at her phone. 
Shaking off his annoyance, Jamie spotted Keeley at the other end of the table. She had her back towards him, and it appeared like she was talking to someone, though he couldn’t tell who. A comfort fell over him as he approached. 
“Hey, darlin’,” He said, putting his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, first in surprise, and then in excitement. 
“You made it!” She exclaimed, giving him a hug. He closed his eyes at the contact. After the week he had, and the date he was already predicting he was about to have, he needed a hug. When she pulled away, she nodded to the side. “Look who’s been keeping me company?”
He followed her gaze to the toddler in the high chair that he somehow missed upon approach. His face softened as he looked her up and down. She had deep brown curls and familiar looking eyes. He lowered himself down to her level, her round blues staring intently at him.
“And who are you, love?” He asked, his voice friendlier now. She pulled her hands away from her mouth.
“Ivy!” She exclaimed, trying to hide a smile.
“Ivy? My, what a lovely name!” Jamie threw a glance back at Keeley. “What, are you a nanny now or somethin’?” 
“Of course not, she’s-”
Jamie turned back to the toddler, his face curious and playful again. Ivy was staring at him with watchful eyes as she waited for his answer.  
“Who am I?” He asked, pointing to himself. She nodded excitedly. “I’m Jamie! Nice to meet ya!” He held a hand out towards her for a shake, but she just shoved it away. As she pulled her hands back towards her face, she eyed him, as if begging him to respond. He pretended to be offended with a loud gasp, which made her giggle. “Someone has to teach this muppet some manners!” He reached forward and gave her round tummy a tickle. A shriek of laughter left her mouth as she tried to escape him, though it was impossible due to the high chair. 
“Jamie!” Someone called from across the room. Turning away from his new friend, he rose to his feet, the welling feeling of elation in his chest dissipating. When a disgruntled shout came from behind, he turned towards Ivy once again, who looked at him with a fierce angry face that, for whatever reason, gave him deja vu.
“What?” He asked. In lieu of words, she angrily crossed her arms over her chest. He mirrored her, making the same face back at her. “Do ya want to come with me?” The anger washed away from her face in an instant, and was replaced with bright enthusiasm.
Jamie’s heart lurched when Ivy reached out towards him, an invitation to pick her up. He hoisted her up and tossed her on his shoulders, receiving a squeal of approval in return. With one index finger in each of her hands to keep her steady, he began to walk the room.
“Dani!” Jamie shouted as he approached his friend. There was a bounce in his step now, and he could hear Ivy giggling as she held on tightly to his fingers. Rojas turned, his eyes immediately on the toddler and causing his crescent moon smile to fill his face.
“Hello there, amiga!” He exclaimed, taking a step forward. Ivy ducked behind Jamie’s head.
“This is Ivy,” He said proudly. He turned his head ever so slightly towards her. “Ives, this is Dani. He’s a friend! Don’t be shy.” Though she popped her head out a little more, she didn’t not greet the stranger. Jamie gave Dani a reassuring glance. “Don’t worry, she’s just feelin’ bashful, don’t ya, love?” Dani tickled Ivy’s foot, causing her to giggle loudly. A broad smile filled his cheeks.
Jamie continued his parade around the room. At the same time, he found himself wondering who this little girl belonged to. If she didn’t come with Keeley, the first person he saw her with, then who? She didn’t resemble anyone else in the room. And he thought he had met the families of at least most, if not all, his teammates.
The bell of the door rang out, and when Jamie turned, he saw Roy Kent walk inside. He gasped dramatically.
“Look who it is!” He announced as he made his way to the dark haired man. “Roy Kent! Roy Kent! He’s here-“ He jerked Ivy to the left. “He’s there-“ He jerked Ivy to the right. “He’s every-fuckin’-where!” He bounced to the beat of the song, instigated by the sounds of the little girl’s laughter.
“You might want to watch your fuckin’ language around her,” Roy warned. 
“Who are you to talk?” 
He shrugged. “Not a person walkin’ around with a toddler on my shoulders.” Though his face was still impossible to read, Jamie didn’t miss the way Roy’s eyes softened when he eyed Ivy. “Who brought her?” Jamie shrugged in an exaggerated fashion, making the toddler bounce and laugh once again.
“No idea.”
Roy began to head further into the room, with Jamie and Ivy close behind. The walnut mist footballer eyed the food table and remembered how starved he was. Not that he could do anything about it in the moment. 
“Are you having fun?” Rebecca asked as she approached. Jamie bounced some more, raising Ivy’s hands up along with his own before jerking them back down quickly, earning another contagious laugh. 
“I am,” He said, as Rebecca gave Ivy a fond look.
“She’s very sweet,” She remarked as she rubbed the toddler’s back lovingly. It seemed it wasn’t just Jamie who Ivy had wrapped around her finger. The whole room was slowly dropping like flies to the toddler’s adorable smile and piercing laughter.
“Who’s kid is she?” He asked Rebecca, the smile still wide on his face. Despite his distraction, he didn’t miss the way her smile faltered.
“You-“ She looked between him and Ivy, a deep crinkle forming between her eyebrows. “She’s-“
“Jamie Tartt!”
The shout started everyone in the room, including Ivy. He felt her release his hands as as he whirled around, his heart seizing as he felt her fall backwards off his lap.
The entire room seemed to pause. Jamie expected a loud thump, already flinching at his failure, but it never came. When he turned, he found that Ivy was safe in a pair of arms. 
Behind you was Jan Maas, who had stopped you when you were on your way out of the bathroom to return to the party. It was just a normal conversation, though not without some very intense and obvious flirting from his side. Since he’d been a few drinks deep at this point, and wasn’t on the roster as a participant in the therapy program at AFC Richmond, you decided to let it slide. It wasn’t until Anastasia had yelled out at her date that you turned and realised that your daughter was no longer in the high chair with Keeley. 
As you raised Ivy to your side, resting her on your hip, your eyes never left Jamie. His eyes were pleading as they stared into yours, the pieces of the puzzle coming together in his mind. Ivy picked that moment to wrap her arms around your neck, pressing her head against the side of yours.
“Mummy,” She said lovingly with a content sight. You raised your hand and patted her back. Opening your mouth to speak, you were stopped by the Russian model coming up behind Jamie.
“I want to leave,” She hissed into his ear. He glanced back at her with a look that suggested he had forgotten about her presence entirely.
His eyes turned back to yours, searching for answers. You had them all, but no words to give them with. 
Anastasia grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the door to leave. His feet dragged across the floor as he kept throwing glances back towards you, even still when he was outside and walking by the windows. 
The party had largely resumed, except for you, as you set Ivy back down in the high chair and sat down next to her. 
The moment you had never prepared yourself for.
He knows.
He knows. 
You stared at Ivy, who was now eating her foot again, albeit while acting a bit more fussy than she had before. Was she just worn out? Or was she missing him? You buried your face in your hands.
When you looked over, Keeley was sitting down next to you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You nod in acknowledgement. Even when you looked away, you could still feel her stare burning holes in the side of your head.
“So, you and Jamie…”
You closed your eyes.
“Yup,” You said slowly, drawing out the word. “Me and Jamie.” 
“How long ago was that?” 
You glanced at Ivy, who was dancing to the song playing over the speakers. “We knew each other forever, and dated for four years, I think. Ended about…” You narrowed your eyes in thought. ”…three years ago.” 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Keeley looking between you and Ivy. You could practically see the maths she was doing in her head like it was written in white in the air around her. 
“Does he know?” She asked. You sigh before turning to look at her again. She nodded towards Ivy. “Does he know she’s his?” 
You laugh slightly without an ounce of humour. 
“He didn’t,” You said, with a shake of your head. “But he definitely does now.”
I don't know if anyone cares to know about this, but i thought I would take the time to explain some of my process with this fic, mostly because I love it and i've put a lot of thought into it! A big inspiration for this story has been the song Euclid by Sleep Token, and in particularly, the line "Yet in reverse, you were all my symmetry, a parallel I would lay my life on. So if your wings won't find you heaven, I will bring it down like an ancient bygone". The duel POVs are to show that, even though they aren't together, Reader and Jamie still have an unexplainable symmetry, and constantly parallel each other, and as the story goes on, the parallels will become more obvious. Each time the POV changes, it's when a thought or action of theirs parallel. The title also comes from this song, from the line "Do you remember me when the rain gathers?" You'll also notice that rain is a prominent feature in this fic. A fun fact is that I debated making the title the whole lyric, but decided it would be too long. This fic was also almost titled Take Me Back To Eden, which is another sleep token song, but i decided WTRG fit it better! If you cared enough to read all of this, thank you for supporting me in my writing. I have tried to slow down with my writing so i can take better care with my chapter planning and writing, I hope that work shows! Please let me know what you think! :)
@oncasette, @shiptheship, @ajkdjdnkekemfxj, @breepboopbap, @sssatorus, @jelleeyfish, @puckyou-forpuckssake, @ricciardhoe3, @buckybarnex, @loveslide, @hopefulromances, @sokkigarden, @optimisticsandwichgladiator, @hanybunch, @skewedcherries, @pythagothug, @thatonedogwithablog, @gcidrvsh, @star-of-velaris, @burkayyy, @loveforaugust
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thisreadswhatever · 1 year
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To Keep Me Safe From You: Part One
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[description]: jax teller x fem!reader
[wordcount]: 3.1k+
[summary]: after overhearing a conversation that could be detrimental to the future of samcro, the club has voted that you have to die. fortunately for you, jax has to complete the kill.
[cw]: 18+, female reader(y/n), swearing, mentions of murder throughout, knives, smut, cliff hanger, possible grammar/spelling errors, generally following the show but slightly AU
[authors note]: so this one shot turned into something more and will be getting a part two as i'm not done with this scenario. i realised during this just how hard it is for me to write in a way where i don’t want jax to come tape me up and murder me... so sometimes the reader (y/n) makes some really questionable decisions, simply because i would let this man get away with anything. i hope you enjoy it :)
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“We really talking about offing a chick right now?” Juice stared at his fellow members with wide eyes.
“She heard everything, Juice.” Even though he was whispering, Tig’s panic was loud and clear. “You wanna be the one to risk prison time over some waitress in a diner?”
Jax slammed his hand on the table, “We. Don’t. Kill. Women.” 
Bobby looked around at the eyes now peering towards their table before shaking his head at Jax in disapproval, “We also don’t talk about club business outside of Chapel, for this exact reason.”
Tig doubled down now he knew Bobby agreed. “She heard too much. I saw it in her eyes, Jax. I can handle the hit. I’ll follow her out back, it’ll look like she was mugged. No witnesses. No trace.” 
“Do you hear yourself right now brother? We don’t even know if she heard-” Juice stopped abruptly as he saw you walking over to their table, bill in hand. You smiled at the blonde haired man sitting at the end of the bench, avoiding the 5 other guys glaring at you. “Is there anything else I can help you guys with today?” He grinned back at you, taking the bill from your hand, “I think we’re all done here.” He placed three twenty dollar bills inside the wallet, a very generous tip, before handing it back to you. “Thanks for stopping by, boys. Get home safe.” 
“You too, darlin.’”
Jax watched you walk away, making sure you were out of range before addressing the other members. “See? She heard nothing. That ain’t no witness that’s going to talk to feds. She’s not even spooked.”
Tig scoffed and Bobby lowered his eyes at Jax, “Maybe we should take a vote, Pres.?”
Jax was really pissed now, even contemplating killing a woman made his blood boil. But Bobby was his VP, and he was right, this wasn’t a decision he could make himself. Jax let out a large exhale, glancing at you as you cleaned the last remaining tables. He leaned into the table, “Fine, we vote. All in favor of murdering the poor innocent diner chick. I’ll start. Nay.”
He was the only one who voted so. Juice had almost sided with him, but everything Tig had said persuaded him to change his vote. Tig had panicked the rest of the members into actually killing a woman. Jax was outnumbered, and there was nothing more he could do. While you were finishing your night shift, the Sons of Anarchy had just sentenced you to die. 
Jax had managed to get Tig to back off, reluctantly agreeing to let him carry out the hit instead. He figured at least he could kill you quickly, saving you from Tig’s twisted methods. The other members had left, leaving him the only 4 seater vehicle they had brought out that evening. Although you didn’t know it, Jax was waiting for you across the parking lot, leaning against the hood of Piney’s car, cigarette in hand. You shut the door to the diner behind you, fumbling with your purse to find your car keys. You were too preoccupied with the broken zipper on your bag to realise the same blonde haired man from earlier was still there, and approaching you. 
“Lost somethin’ darlin’?” 
“Shit-”, his voice startled you, causing you to drop your purse and everything in it across the lot. 
“Fuck, sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” He helped as you collected the strung out items across the tarmac. “You didn’t mean to scare a girl leaving work on her own in the pitch black at this time of night?” You snapped at him as you searched for your belongings along some hedges. Jax handed you a tube of lipstick and your reading glasses, that had somehow survived the fall. 
“I guess I didn’t think that one through. Sorry about that.” He stood up, extending a hand to help you. You barely acknowledged as he spoke, ignoring his hand, as you were desperately scanning the floor. 
“Well you’re gonna be really sorry. You have to drive me home. My keys aren’t here..” 
 “Fuck- you cant find them?” He dropped to his knees again, searching the ground with you. You could barely see in the carpark, you had no chance of finding them until daylight. 
“No, they’re gone. What the fuck am I gonna do now?” 
Jax stood up, pacing the length of the car park still searching for your keys. “They gotta be here somewhere.”
“This is useless. Can you just take me home?” 
Jax smiled, “least I can do darlin’.” He extended a hand to help you up from the ground again, but this time, you took it. 
He started walking towards his car, holding a pack of cigarettes out at you. You didn’t smoke, but you also didn’t usually get into cars with strangers, either. You weren’t sure what had come over you, and you felt wary about the whole thing, but you didn’t have many options left with no car keys, and he seemed nice enough. You followed him to the car, taking a cigarette from the pack and holding it up to your mouth as he lit it for you. “I don’t even know your name and I’m about to get in a car with you.” He chuckled. “Names Jax Teller. And I can assure you, I’m a normal guy, just ignore the kutte.”
“Okay then.. Jax. You gonna tell me why a normal guy such as yourself is waiting for a girl outside her place of work at almost midnight?” 
He held the car door open for you with a reassuring smile, “I’ll explain on the way home.” 
You looked at him through narrowed eyes, “you better get me home in one piece.” You got in the car, flicking the half smoked cigarette on the floor as Jax shut the door behind you. 
The inside of the SUV was a mess, the dash covered in raunchy magazines and parking fines. It was hard to think about anything other than the stench of dry oil and stale cigarettes. Jax began to drive, and you directed him on the way to your house, although you got the feeling he didn’t need your help anyway. 
“I can get one of the guys to come change the locks on your car tomorrow morning. Get you a new set of keys.”
“That’d be great. You guys locksmith’s or something?” 
Jax grinned, one hand on the steering wheel, glancing between you and the road as he drove. “Something like that. We run an auto repair shop out in Charming.”
“Oh. So is this your thing?” 
Jax looks at you puzzled, “my thing?”
“Getting girls keys lost so you have to give them a ride home?” Jax shook his head, amused by your assumption. “You’re actually the first.” 
Watching him while he drove gave you the chance to study him in fine detail. You’d noticed his good looks earlier at the diner, but now you could see Jax looked like he belonged in a hollywood movie. He held the steering wheel with one hand, the other on the gear stick, his fingers draped in silver rings. His beard was coated in a layer of stubble, with long shaggy blonde hair that tucked behind his ears. He was undeniably attractive. If anyone was going to lose your car keys, forcing you to drive with them for a ride home, you were glad it was him. 
He turned on your drive slowly before parking, reaching into the glove box adjacent to you. He searched the compartment, and a load of CD’s fell to your feet. “Shit sorry. There’s no pens in here. You got anything in that bag you can use to write your number down? You know, for the keys.” 
“I could grab a pen from inside.” 
Jax nodded in response, “I’ll walk you to your door.” 
Before you had the chance to say anything, Jax was out of the car and making his way to the passenger side door to open it for you. It was all a little surreal, you’d only met him a few hours before, yet he had shown you more courtesy than any man you’d previously encountered. 
You walked with him to the front porch, then searching under the mat for the spare house key. You thought to yourself how you’d have to find a new hiding spot for it tomorrow. You unlocked the front door. As you walked in, switching the lights on as you entered the kitchen, you knew Jax was standing at the door, patiently waiting. You hesitated for a second, debating on the idea of having this random stranger enter your house. On one hand, you knew it was the dumbest idea you’d ever had. On the other, he was charming, respectful and like nobody else you’d ever met before. And you knew that after tonight, you’d probably never see him again. “You can come in if you want, I’ll just be a sec’.”
Jax stepped through the doorway, looking around as he followed you to the kitchen, “nice place you got here.” You searched the ‘drawer of everything’ in the kitchen to find an old receipt and pen. “It was my best friend’s house before she went back to Washington. She’s letting me stay here while I save for my own place. I get cheap rent, she gets a free house sitter.” Jax was standing behind you, making you overtly aware of how close he was. “Y/N.” He was reading from the receipt over your shoulder as you wrote down the number to your home phone. “I never did catch your name at the diner. It’s pretty.” You handed him the crumpled up paper, and he placed it in his pocket. 
“And you never answered my question.” You turned to face him as you spoke, to find the beautiful blonde stranger holding a large blade against your stomach. “Living room. Now.” 
You froze in fear, unable to move. You realised you’d made a huge mistake. You had known the risk of letting him in. You knew better. And now it was too late. You pushed through the lump in your throat to get words out, “Just take what you want and leave. It’s all yours.” “I don’t want your shit, y/n. Walk. Now.” You did as he said, walking slowly towards the living room, feeling the cold blade now pressed against your back. “What do you want?” He pulled your arm back with his free hand, stopping you in the living room. He gestured toward the armchair that sat between the TV and couch. “Sit down.” 
“What are you doing, Jax?” You didn’t want to sit, you wanted to run. You wanted to buy yourself some time. 
“I said sit down!” Jax’s voice cracked as he yelled at you. Hearing him yell sent a shiver down your spine, and you snapped into the chair in front of him immediately. You could see his face now. His eyes were vacant, completely shifted from the warm, courteous man you’d thought he was when he entered your home. It seemed he’d grown 10 feet taller now, towering over you while you sat frozen and vulnerable in the chair beneath him. He brought himself down to your level, with the knife now at your side, the blade touching your arm. 
“You wanted an answer to your question?” 
You nodded. 
“I waited for you because I have to kill you.” 
“To kill me?” Nothing was making any sense. “To kill me..” You repeated, looking straight into his eyes, “but you don’t even know me.” Jax placed the knife into the sheath, and back onto his belt pocket before pulling a roll of duct tape from his kutte. You recognised the tape from the drawer you had searched earlier, but that couldn’t be possible, you told yourself. You never saw him take it. 
“You heard some stuff tonight that could ruin lives. And there’s a group of outlaws that want you dead now because of it.” 
His words rang in your ears like sirens, putting all your senses into override. You couldn’t catch your breath before Jax was binding your hands together in front of you so tightly you could see the skin pulling under the tape. “And you want me dead too?” 
Jax paused to look at you, matching your eyes, before looking down, continuing to tape your hands. “Doesn’t matter what I want.” 
Nothing made sense. You hadn’t heard anything they talked about. He had totally got the wrong idea, and if you could just explain it, he could understand. 
“Jax, please listen to me. I didn’t hear anything. I don’t even know what you’re talking about!” 
He closed his eyes as you pleaded with him, “Stop. Talking.” 
You pulled your wrists up, trying to touch him with your fingertips, as if that could reach the kind part of him you thought you had seen. Your bound hands pulled at his shirt as you begged. 
“I didn’t hear a thing! If I heard some fucked up shit why would I get in a car with you? Why the fuck would I let you in my house!” You felt faint, your ears beginning to ring as adrenalin circulated your veins. He tried to ignore you, and started to tape your legs. You wanted to think straight, to talk sense into him, but your eyes began to fill with water, tears unwillingly streaming down your cheek. “I didn’t hear anything,” you sobbed, “I’m not lying to you.”
Jax dropped the roll of tape on the floor. His hands covered his face as he rubbed his eyes, the words “jesus christ”, muttered through his teeth. Suddenly he stood up, pacing to the kitchen. You couldn’t see him, but you could hear the flicking of a lighter. You sat there, bound by tape, in silence, afraid if you said anymore he would come back to finish you off. 
Some time had passed. Jax had paced the kitchen before venturing into your bedroom. You’d spent the last few hours weighing your options. You could try to run, but you wouldn’t get anywhere with your hands and legs bound together. If you could get to the phone in the kitchen you could call the cops, but he’d see you before you could even dial the numbers. You weren’t sure how long you sat there, trying to think of anything that may save you. Your planning was halted when you heard footsteps coming from the bedroom. Jax lowered himself down to you, pulling the knife from the sheath. He pointed it towards you, and you braced yourself, knowing any plan you could make was too late. You closed your eyes, awaiting your fate, when you heard the sound of tape ripping and your hands were released from the bind. You didn’t move a muscle. Jax’s eyes smoldered. “I’m not going to kill you.”
You pulled the tape from your wrists, stinging as you peeled back the residue from your skin. “You’re not?” “I can’t kill a woman. And even if I could, I can’t kill you.” He cut the tape binding your feet. You gulped, still sat in the chair as if the tape had never been cut in the first place. You could run now, you should run now, but you didn’t want to. 
“What about the outlaws?” your voice was almost a whisper. 
“I’ll handle them.” You watched as he began to walk towards the front door. “I’m really sorry for all of this, y/n. I just couldn’t do it.” His face was full of shame, his voice clouded in regret.
You didn’t have time to contemplate before you yelled, “wait!”
Jax stopped in the kitchen, “What?” 
“You can’t just go.” You leaned into your knees to stand from the chair, legs stiff from being in the same position all night. As you stood you stretched your legs creating instant relief as you walked towards him. Your mind yearned for the same relief your body had, but now you were just really fucking angry. “You bring me here, tell me I’m going to die, tape me up and then decide you’re not going to murder me anymore. Now you want to just leave? And pretend this never happened?” 
“I can’t stay.” He sounded guilty, and his lack of eye contact was further proof of this. 
“Why the hell not?”  You were standing arms length apart, looking up at the man who was tasked with your murder, yet now you were pleading with him to stay. “What are you even talking about, Jax?” You tried to step closer to him, but he inched back. 
“If I’m not killing you, I need to stop whoever is going to instead.” 
You didn’t respond, as you were still trying to understand why you needed to be saved at all. 
Jax softened, “I know you’re confused but this is the only way I can keep you safe.” 
“To keep me safe from you.” 
He took a deep breath, taking your face in his hands. His blue eyes had melted, any anxiety he had been wrestling with tonight had passed.
After everything that had happened, somehow, here, in this man’s presence, you felt safe. You now knew he wouldn’t hurt you. He held you there in his hands, searching your face, looking for a different way out. Something in that moment shifted, the air around you moved as if it were wrapping you in string, tying you to Jax, bringing you closer together. He leaned into you, kissing you on the head, seemingly like the beginning of a goodbye. But he didn’t speak, and no goodbyes came. Instead he placed his forehead along yours, breathing you in along with whatever thoughts plagued his mind. You didn’t understand how or why this was happening, and you got the idea that Jax didn’t know either. Before you could make sense of it, he took you into his hands and kissed you. He pulled your face tight to his, securing you to him by the grip his fingers had through your hair. The tension between you was palpable, every movement of his tongue against yours was fierce and urgent.
His hands released and lowered to your waist, pushing you into the open island in your kitchen as you stumbled backwards on your feet. The cold countertop was pressing against the back of your jeans, contrasted to the warmth of his mouth on yours, his hands now tugging at your waist band. 
He lifted his hand back to your face, feeling your lips beneath his thumb before sliding it down your neck. The corners of his mouth stretched into a smile as he kissed you. 
“I knew there was a reason I couldn’t kill you.”
His tongue lapped against yours, gentle and kind with every touch yet urgent with his hands on you. Groans fell from your throat in response.
You had feared this man all night, and now you were drunk from his lips, and utterly desperate for more.
part two
let me know if you want to be tagged in part 2 :)
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clumsiestgiantess · 5 months
Lots of people wanted a continuation to the short I made for @entomolog-t’s prompt, so here you are! I already had ideas for a second part the moment I finished the first one!
(First part here)
I was so tired the night of my disappearing act that I barely made it to the scraps of insulated fabric I call my bed.  Just as my head hit the comfortable fluff, a thud echoed above my head and I dashed to the doorway in seconds, heart racing.  More thuds rumbled over the floorboards as I stood frozen looking fearfully upwards — believing Alice somehow knows where I am, and is trying to pry up the wooden planks to get to me.  Faintly, I can hear her muffled voice.  “Please, I know you’re scared, but hiding isn’t going to do either of us any good!  Just come out; I swear I’m not dangerous!”  
Oh.  She’s probably crawling around on the floor trying to find me.  Well, unless she can crawl beneath it, she’ll have a tough time finding anything but dust!  I sneered at the thought, trying to reassure myself enough to get back in bed.  I’m safe now.  She’s not going to find me here.  However, no matter how many fabric scraps I press over my ears, I can’t drown out enough noise for me to sleep.  Even when I lay on the cold floor with everything over my head until I’m nearly suffocating, I can still feel the vibrations of Alice moving around.  Just go to sleep already!  Thud around all you like in the morning when I leave for the day!  Regardless of my mental harassment of her, the human didn’t give up until it was early morning.
Finally, I have peace and quiet, and I fall asleep in record time.  Come morning, the house is still silent as ever.  I wake up with a gnawing ache in my chest.  Briefly, I think it’s guilt over what I’d done the day before — turns out it was just hunger.  I’d run away before getting to eat yesterday.  Thankfully, I have some provisions that I’ve stored away for emergencies.  I grab a few crackers and glance at the little watch piece that’s fastened to the wall.  Oh, what?!  I slept in!  I usually never sleep in!  My natural alarm wakes me up at almost the exact time every day.  Then again, I’m usually asleep much earlier than last night, too.  
No wonder the floor is so quiet; Alice is probably out of the house by now, or in her room working on human things.  Quickly finishing breakfast, I slip on my bag and head out to the large kitchen.  Now that my emergency stash of food is diminished, I’m a bit anxious to get it stocked again.  I walk the same trek I’d sleepily walked the night before, but stop at the end of the hall where the electrical cover sits.  Maybe I’ll.. go a different way.  
Taking the long way through the walls, I come out inside a cabinet with windowed doors.  Reaching out to push one open, I glance out of it and flinch.  With cautious steps, I slide backward behind some cups.  Alice is in the room.  None of her usual music is playing, she isn’t watching videos on her phone, she isn’t talking to herself or a friend on the phone, either.  She’s just sitting there with what appears to be her breakfast, staring numbly at a wall.  Huh.  Whatever ‘exams’ are, they really seem to be stressing her out.  Usually she’s done with breakfast by now.  
Her strange behavior can’t be because of me.  She had spent less than twelve hours with me, and most of that time she spent ignoring me.  Logically, she wouldn’t be that upset over someone she barely knew, right?  She’d given up her search hours ago when she finally stopped keeping me up all night.
A while later, she leaves.  It’s strange, though.  Alice steps lightly across the room, glancing around the floor before each step.  Maybe she lost something important?  That tends to make humans fairly stressed.  Hell, it makes me stressed.  If a human’s missing something, it might mean I made a bad judgment call on what I could take without being noticed.
My nerves settle when the sound of her footsteps fade off.  Back to business.  My day runs relatively smoothly from there.  Of course, I had to come across a knot or two in my climbing rope mid-scale, which I wasn’t too happy about.  After collecting up some food, I spent a long while getting the knots to untie.  It’s always best to get them out before you make a climb, that way your weight won’t tug them tighter.  It was too late for that lesson to come in handy, though.  
My next chore on the list is borrowing some more thread to stitch winter linings back into my clothes.  The winter weather caught me by surprise.  It had come earlier than I thought, and I’d nearly died because of it.  Briefly, blurry visions of the inside of that knitted hat fade in and out of my consciousness.  I nearly froze to death that night.  If the thing hadn’t been left there accidentally, I wouldn’t have made it long enough to even try to get help.  Blinking away the memories, I realized I was shivering and rubbed my hands over my arms for a bit more warmth, reminding myself that I’m safe here.  The apartment never gets that cold.  Ever.
At my home under the floors that afternoon, I gather up the materials I already collected.  I have the fluffy inner lining that I’d taken from an old coat Alice left in a storage bin — I’ve been using it as bedding — my knife to cut everything to size, and a smaller needle I’d whittled out of a long chunk of wood.  Now all I need is the thread.
Back in my little passages, I head in the opposite direction through the floor.  I slow as I make my way up into the walls towards Alice’s room.  Unfortunately, that’s where the sewing kit is, directly under her bed.  Alice will be there for sure.  Whatever she’s working on this time must be important.  I haven’t heard her leave her room all day since I saw her walk in this morning.  She hasn’t even gotten lunch.  Maybe she has a snack on her desk!  Perhaps when she’s asleep or out of the house I’ll steal some of it.
Sliding out of a crack in the baseboards behind a large bookshelf, I creep up to the very edge of it and scan the room.  Sure enough, Alice is there doing schoolwork, watching a video on something called ‘trigonometry’ that I can barely pronounce — I don’t dare try to imagine what it actually is.  At least she’s not being unnervingly still anymore.  
I dart from my place beneath the bookshelf to beneath her bed.  The sewing kit sits further towards the wall, right beside her desk.  Alice seems distracted enough, scribbling down something while mumbling about things I don’t understand.  She does that often enough that it isn’t as concerning as this morning.  Maybe she’s finally returning to normal.  That’s a relief.  A human on a schedule is a good human to live with.  Memorize it, use it to your advantage, and you’ll practically own the place — at least while they’re not around.
Making my way to the box, I wait for the video to start playing again before popping open the lid — timing it so she doesn’t pick up the noise amidst the other sounds she’s concentrating on.  Sliding a few things around, I manage a clear path to the spool I want.  Rummaging through various different items larger than yourself is no easy task, but I make it look practically effortless.  A shrunken human would never be able to do half the things I do on a daily basis, I think with a smirk.  I yank out the spool of thread and reach for my knife.
“No!  What?  How?!  I used the same formula and everything!”  I flinch as Alice yells, her angry voice edged with dismay.  Cautiously, I tiptoe over to the side of her bedframe and glance up at her.  She’s frantically writing something down, biting at her bottom lip with furrowed brows.  Whatever it is, she isn’t too happy about it.  I’m just about to continue my work when she glances over at the computer screen again.  “What the heck?!”  Furiously, she crumples her paper into a crushed ball, looking ready to throw it across the room in a fit of rage.  I brace myself instinctively, thankful I hadn’t stuck around to anger her.
Suddenly, a sob wrenches out of Alice’s throat, catching me entirely by surprise.  She curls her arms around her head as it falls to the surface of the desk.  The paper ball drops dully to the floor.  Her whole body shakes as she cries onto her desk, and my relief drops into a muted kind of confusion.  “I’m gonna fail,” she whimpers, “I can’t do this.  Why is everything going so wrong?  I just wanted to help him; why’d he run away?  I feel sick.  What if he’s hurt somewhere and can’t call for help?  What if he’s too scared to call for help?”
She.. really is worried about me.  So worried that she’s acting like a complete mess — and not the silly endearing mess I’m fond of her for.  If my disappearance amplifies her worries over these exams…  Well, she didn’t tell me what would happen if she failed them, just that she couldn’t.  I abandon the thread I’m after and rush for the crack in the wall behind the bookshelf.  A plan’s forming in my mind.  It might backfire horribly, but I’m hoping it’ll work.  Alice is much too distracted for me to even bother checking if the coast is clear.  Her light sobs still echo against the surface of her desk.
I slip between the two halves of the wall and take a large calming breath.  Then I start shouting.  “Alice!  It’s ok, I-”  The human sits up so abruptly I stop talking fearfully.  I don’t know how beings as big as her can move so quickly.  She scans the floor of the entire room in only a few seconds.  Of course, I’m smart enough not to be in plain sight.  “Hello?”  Alice’s voice is slightly muffled like her nose is stuffy.  I swallow a lump that formed in my throat.  “It’s.. It’s ok.  It’s me, the ‘little guy’.”  Alice hastily rubs away her tears and stands up.  “You’re… alright?” she asks me, glancing around.  “Yeah.”
“Oh thank god!” Alice gasps, relieved.  “You made me so worried for you!  Are you hungry still?  I- I know you haven’t eaten in a while since you.. ran off when I tried to get something for you.”
The room falls into an awkward silence.  I can’t see much of her from beneath the bookshelf, but I watch Alice nervously shuffle from foot to foot — waiting for my response.  She can’t stay silent for very long, though.  “Look, I’m sorry I scared you off…  I don’t know what happened, but I’m willing to work with you to try and get your memories and your old life back.  I can’t imagine how terrifying it is to suddenly be so small, not even knowing how you got that way-”
“Stop.”  Alice quieted at the single word.  “That’s.. a lie.  I remember everything just fine.”  I want to say that I’m not terrified of being small either, but I can’t bring myself to say it.  Even if I’ve lived my whole life this way, I still have my moments.  Yesterday and that whole escapade with the freezing car was one of the worst of them.  “So.. you just didn’t want to tell me how you shrank?”  I sigh, “No.. Alice, I- I never shrank.  I’ve always been this way.”  She starts and stops talking a few different times — syllables barely leaving her mouth.  “I’m not human, Alice.”
The silence that follows is worse than the last.  It feels almost suffocating.  A gentle thud reverberates over the floorboards and I peer out.  Alice is kneeling on the floor, leaning down to peer under the bookshelf.  Quickly, I duck back behind the wall.  “Is that why you left?”  Her voice softens, tears entirely gone.  “I promised I wouldn’t hurt you.”  “You promised the tiny human me that you wouldn’t hurt me.”  I glance out of my hiding spot just as Alice’s gaze wanders, thinking through something.  
“You thought I would go back on my word if I knew you were lying to me?  Or you just.. thought that I wouldn’t care because you’re not human?” she asks me, sounding hurt.  I feel almost chastised.  Her gaze flickers to me.  “I promised you that I wouldn’t hurt you.  You.  No matter who or what you were.  I’m a bit upset you wanted to lie to me about… everything.  But I can’t be mad at you for being scared of me.  I won’t ask you to talk to me anymore if you don’t want to, but just know, I’m glad you’re alright.”
Tears of relief well in my eyes and my throat tightens.  Tentatively, I slide out from within the crack in the wall.  “You- You really mean that?  You don’t care that I’m not one of you?”  A small smile spreads over Alice’s lips.  Of course not, don’t be silly!  You’re safe here, I promise.  I understand if you want to go home, though.  You probably have others of your kind to get back to, and I’ve accidentally trapped you in my house.”  I glance away sheepishly, “Well, about that…  I kind of.. live here.”  “What?!”
I end up telling her every part of the truth — how I really got into her car, where I’d gone to when I ran off — everything.  “I actually did remember my name.  It’s just.. not really a human-sounding one, so I couldn’t exactly give you it.  My name’s Fennel, but I mostly just go by Fen.”  “Fen?” she asks a bit confusedly.  I nod.  “Nice to finally really meet you!” Alice laughs, “How long have you been living here.. with me?”  I think back.  “I moved in after you were already here, but you were still unpacking things, so I don’t think it was very far off from when you moved in, too.”  Alice makes a surprised noise.  “Where were you living before?”  “Eh, another apartment in this building.  The new people were too loud, so I moved out.”  She giggled, “I wish I could just pack up and slip into a new home whenever I have problems with the neighbors.”  I sigh, “It’s harder than it seems; I have to rebuild a livable space for myself every time.”  Alice nods thoughtfully, sitting back up.  Some of her bones crack as she does, and I flinch.
“Hey, if you don’t mind, can you maybe come out from beneath there?  It hurts my back to try to bend all the way to the floor to look at you.”  She won’t hurt you, she won’t hurt you, she won’t hurt you.  “Alright.”  With slow deliberate steps I make my way out from beneath the bookshelf.  Alice sits a foot away from me.  I have to crane my neck back vertically to see her face, peering almost all the way downward at me.  She offers me the palm of her hand.  “Can I hold you?  Please?”  My heartbeat thunders so loudly I almost don’t hear what she asks.  Cautiously, I nod and step up onto her hand, raised just a bit higher than a stair.  She won’t hurt you, she won’t hurt you, she won’t hurt you.
I’ve never interacted with a human before her, but I’ve seen it happen before.  My brother — well, he wasn’t actually my brother, but we always called eachother that — had been found by a human.  I was there.  It was pitch dark, perfect time for borrowing.  We’d forgotten a light, but Gin scoffed at the idea of going back for one — until he stepped into a mouse trap.  Every once and a while I’ll still hear the awful noise made when the trap snapped closed on him.  The human came running when they heard the gargled shriek, and the last thing he told me was to leave him there.  The metal beam that had crunched around his midsection somehow hadn’t killed him, but his body was far from unharmed.
From a grate in the floor nearby, I watched as the human found him, ensured him things would be alright, and pulled him out of the trap — tearing him in two.  In hindsight, I don’t think the human meant to kill him.  They screamed and dropped the half of him they were holding.  I was too stricken and horrified to process that in the moment, so I just ran.
“Fen?”  I flinched so violently I nearly knocked myself in the face with my hand, instinctively trying to cover my head with my arms.  “Are you ok?  You look sick.  If this makes you uncomfortable, I can put you back down.  You didn’t have to get on.”  It’s just like in the car — her blue-eyed gaze looking me over with genuine concern.  “I- I’m alright.”  She gently shakes her head.  “You aren’t, though.  You’re shaking.”  The gentlest pressure alights on my chest as a soft finger brushes up against it.  “And your heart’s beating really fast.”  Her touch is so soft — incredibly cautious like she’s holding something precious and delicate.  Maybe I am, to her.  It’s nothing like what I had imagined a human would feel like, nothing at all.
In a brief moment of weakness, my eyes tear up and I squeeze her finger closer, pressing my forehead against it.  It is absolutely terrifying thinking about where I am.  I’ve spent all my life believing it’s a place of certain death.  Why is it so comfortable?  All Alice would have to do to hurt me is close her fist and squeeze.  My fate wouldn’t be that much different than Gin’s.  She won’t hurt you, she won’t hurt you, she won’t hurt you.
Everything shifts around me and I rush to get out of her grip, immediately fearing that my imagination somehow willed an awful reality.  But Alice brings me up to her chest and holds me gently against it.  She tucks me against her sternum as her head comes to rest behind her hands that hold me.  “It’s alright now.”  I’m not sure if she’s assuring me, or herself, but I accept it and bring myself snugly against her.  It’s blissfully warm there.  While the walls where I live aren’t nearly as freezing as the outdoors, they’re still plenty cold.  The heat is more than welcome.  My wild pulse softens into a much normal rhythm while I listen to Alice’s own heartbeat thrumming beneath her skin.
Things are fuzzy in my mind beyond that moment.  I’ve been up for a full twenty-four hours, and the night before was only worse than the last.  I remember stumbling off her palm onto her desk, watching dazedly as Alice looked around the room for something.  She finds it and places it down for me.  It’s a little blanket folded over so it can be both a mattress and blanket at the same time.  I crawl into it, listening to the sound of pencil scratches on paper for only a few minutes before I fall asleep mumbling a weary ‘thank you’.
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rehfan · 2 months
La Belle Dame avec Merci -- Chapter 6: The Dance
Eddie Munson x Unpopular!AFAB!fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ readers only please - minor children DNI! – No Upsidedown; reader is technically a virgin; mutual pining; Eddie has trust issues; emotional hurt/comfort; female masturbation; male masturbation; emotional manipulation; reader is kinda shitty to Eddie; reader gets better; angst; more angst; Eddie’s mom is dead; small act of accidental physical violence; Uncle Wayne is the best 
Tagged: @bluestuesday / @ali-r3n / @winchester-angel / @iletmytittiestitty-russ / @mewchiili / @chaoticgood-munson / @welcometohellsock /
DO NOT POST TO ANY OTHER SITE. My words are mine and mine alone.
Inspired by @/hard-candy-writing ‘s ORIGINAL POST
Saturday arrived unceremoniously despite being the day of the Sadie Hawkins dance. The dance Eddie wasn’t taking you to. You awoke to a pair of parents on a cleaning frenzy. They roped you in quickly, handing you the paper towels and the window cleaner and assigning you every interior flat glass surface throughout your three bedroom split level ranch home. “Don’t forget the sills!” your mother shouted over the disco music she had put on to motivate the three of you. She was handling the kitchen. Dad was getting the lawnmower ready to tackle the front yard for one of the last times before winter truly settled in. As you cleaned the large sliding glass doors that led to the back porch, you could hear him cursing while trying to attach the bagger for the leaves and clippings. You wondered if he would appreciate Eddie’s help. 
As soon as the thought hit you, you shook it off. Nope. He was not going to invade your thoughts. Certainly not on a domestic level. He probably had no idea how to cook or clean anyway, never mind now a lawn. But then, he might? You knew so little about him it was shameful.
And then again, you weren’t his actual girlfriend. You two had never had a proper date, no opportunity to know one another. As you wiped at the windows in your parent’s bedroom, your mind drifted to what a date with Eddie would be like. Certainly, he’d take you someplace for dinner. Maybe pizza. Maybe takeout Chinese? Neither one of you can afford Enzo’s. And the conversation? Where would you begin? Music, probably. Cosmo. Teachers. Family. Hopes for the future.
And when all was done? Where would you go? Where could you go in Hawkins? Lover’s Lake. The quarry. Skull rock. You’d heard all of these places were used as rendezvous points for the kids at Hawkins High, but you’d never been. Skull rock sounded ominous. Lover’s lake was a bit too on the nose and too cheesy for you. But the quarry? A little dangerous, a little unexpected for one of your puritanical reputation. Yes. That was the one.
Maybe tonight you’d take a drive out that way instead of going to the dance. 
Your mother called you out of your daydreams. Apparently the carpet in your bedroom wasn’t going to vacuum itself.
Early visits to the car part store and the hardware store filled Eddie’s Saturday morning. Though he was standing there between Wayne and Rocco, the auto parts guy, discussing the proper time to be adding antifreeze to Wayne’s truck and Eddie’s van, Eddie couldn’t help but feel his mind wander to you. Did you have any antifreeze for the winter? Did you need any? Maybe your dad took care of that stuff for you. 
“Fuck,” Eddie muttered. 
“Something wrong, Ed?” asked his uncle, both men paused in their conversation at Eddie’s curse.
“Hm? No. Sorry. Just think I forgot my smokes. I’ll just check the car, yeah? You good, unc?”
“Yeah, son. I’ll just be a minute.”
Eddie took a deep breath when he got to Wayne’s truck. He wasn’t supposed to be thinking about you. But give his brain less than one thing to concentrate on at a time and goddamn it - off it went, thinking of you like it did just the night before. 
It was shame that had him up so early that morning. The shame of waking up in that empty bed still smelling like sweat and his own spunk. He needed to fuck you out of his system. And then there was the shame of jerking off to you - again! The only thing for it was a scrub in a hot shower…which of course meant he was rubbing another one out while trying not to call out your name. 
He leaned heavily against the truck, gulping down air like a fish out of water. Shaky hands brought out a half-crumpled soft pack from his inner pocket. He shook out the end of one of the cancer sticks and with what used to be smooth and practiced motions, mouthed the end of one, stuffed the pack back, and brought out his lighter. Today it took him three tries to get the cig from the pack into his dry mouth and four attempts to get a flame to come from his cheap plastic Bic.
He was three draws in again when he felt steady enough to swear. Two more and his hands weren’t as shaky.
“Ready to go?” Wayne asked.
Eddie stubbed out the cig and nodded. He got in the truck and Wayne settled the plastic bag of spark plugs in Eddie’s lap to hold. “You want to tell me what that was all about?”
“Look, Ed, I’m not here to be nosy, but I like to think you’d come to me if there was something going on. I mean —, “ here he gazed at his nephew as the engine roared to life, “I worry about you. That’s all.”
“It’s nothing,” Eddie said. 
Wayne reversed the truck and backed out of the space, eyes moving between mirrors and out the back window. Shifting to drive, he pulled to the exit and waited for traffic to open up. He wasn’t looking at his nephew when he said, “Your mom on your mind?”
“Huh? No. Not really.”
“Because you get this way when you—“
“It’s not her, okay?”
The truck moved smoothly into the street and headed in the direction of the hardware store. It was off Main Street in downtown Hawkins and Eddie liked it there. Something about buckets and buckets of bolts, screws, nuts, and washers all in their proper places made his brain buzz pleasantly with a calm joy. He really liked the smell there too: fresh cut wood and paint supplies. Which reminded him:
“I need some acrylics for some models,” he said. “Do you think they’d carry some?”
“We can ask, but don’t you normally scrounge that stuff from school?”
“Yeah, but the art teachers can only give me so much,” he said, shrugging. “If they don’t have any, it’ll be okay. It was just a thought.”
Wayne spared Eddie a sideways glance. The boy stared out his passenger side window, head against the glass, eyes dull, and his fingers twisted one of his rings around his finger idly. 
Wayne decided to take a chance: “What’s her name?”
Eddie turned his head, eyes suspicious. “What are you talking about?”
Wayne couldn’t hide his small laugh. “I knew it might happen again. But I’ll admit, I was hoping for sooner. Been a while since that Debbie girl.”
Eddie felt himself go crimson. “Shut up, man,” he mumbled. 
“Hey. First off, no back talk. Second, having a thing for someone is fine.” There was silence in the cab for a block or two before Wayne said, “She really pretty?”
“I suppose.”
“Wow.” Wayne let out a long low whistle. “With that kind of reaction she must be a knockout.” He threw Eddie a cockeyed grin. “She’s a stunner, huh?”
Eddie couldn’t help himself. He grinned and sighed: “Totally.”
“And she knows you like her?”
Eddie’s grin faded. No. You had no idea. He’d kissed you twice, but still you thought he hated your guts. He'd given you that impression himself. But you never knew that he’d fucked his fist over you multiple times now. He’d imagined you in his life and his bed, but you were in neither. And you never would be.
Eddie shook his head. 
“Ah,” said Wayne. He was quiet for a while after that. He didn’t talk again until the truck was parked in front of the hardware store. It was a busy morning in Hawkins and Saturdays were the days people went to Hawkins Lumber and Supply. The two of them people-watched for a minute in the quiet cab of the truck. 
“I know you don’t have much luck with the opposite sex,” Wayne began. 
“God, Wayne,” whined Eddie. “You make me sound like I’m a virgin.”
Wayne painted a mock look of shock on his face and gasped. “You mean my sweet baby boy has been spoiled?!”
“Shut up,” Eddie said, a smirk on his face as he unbuckled and opened his door.
The lumber smell hit him first. He could swim in it. “Over here,” Wayne directed eagerly with a grin. Eddie hadn’t seen him this keyed up in a minute. But it’s not every day a man gets his own brand new generator. The last two winters had been hell without one. Eddie had helped his uncle lay down the concrete patch that the small shed would sit on to house it. The trailer park red tape they went through to get that little patch put in was a war onto itself, but that mountain had been conquered. Now the crowning glory was coming home with them. All they needed to do was set her in place and hook her up. 
Wayne grinned ear to ear while talking with Sally the sales lady. Eddie gave her a polite nod as she smiled at him before motioning for her associate to wheel out the generator on a hand truck. 
When it was mounted and secured in the truck bed, Wayne sat behind the wheel, closed his driver’s side door, and sighed, happy. He turned to Eddie: “Gonna be a warm winter.”
“Finally! No freezing our asses off bundled up in blankets,” grinned Eddie. 
“Drinking hot drinks just to warm up,” agreed Wayne.
“Or worse: heading to the church for a meal.”
Wayne shook his head. “They mean well.”
“Yeah. They’re real mean. They wanted to baptize me!” Wayne chuckled at Eddie’s outrage and started the engine. “And you almost let them!”
“I almost did!” said Wayne. “Only reason I didn’t: they wouldn’t heat up the holy water first. Colder than a witch’s tit that year.” Eddie laughed and shook his head. “What? Couldn’t have you catching cold!”
They were half way home when Wayne asked, “Would she take care of you?”
“What? Who—?” But in the next instant, he knew who his uncle meant. “Aw man, leave it alone, will ya?”
“Answer the question.”
“Would she take care of me?”
Wayne nodded. “If you were sick. Or if you hurt yourself.”
Eddie recalled your soft kisses to his hand from pounding on the elevator door. He remembered you so concerned for him that he had shoved you to the floor. His gut twisted. “Yeah. She would.”
Wayne nodded and as he drove, fished out a cigarette from the pack in his pocket. Eddie lit him up with his lighter. “She cares then,” he said. “That’s good.”
“I guess,” Eddie said, his head now back against the window, the same listless look in his eyes once more. 
“Ed, I may not know much, but I do know that it should be about how this girl sees you. And if you see yourself reflected in her eyes, don’t hesitate.”
“But what about your track record?”
“My track record is not your track record. Don’t look at my life and see yours. Because it isn’t. And your mother’s track record isn’t yours either. If this girl’s not abusive — words and deeds, remember — then go get her. Don’t let her slip through your fingers.”
“What if—“
“What if what?”
“What if my track record… is my dad’s?”
“You get angry around her? You haven’t hurt her, son?”
“No! No way! I mean… I knocked her over once — but that was an accident! I swear! I wasn’t mad at her. She was trying to help calm me and I shook her away and she fell, but I didn’t want to hurt her! And she wasn’t! She was fine. She said so!”
Wayne gripped the steering wheel just a bit tighter. He let out a slow breath. “I’ve known you your whole life, Eddie. You’ve got your mother’s heart but you do have your dad’s temper. Fortunately, you can be calmed pretty easily. Did you spot that you knocked her over right away or did it take—“
“Right away,” said Eddie. “No question.”
“And you apologized?”
“Are you kidding? I was practically losing my shit that I did it. But then she smiled at me and I—“
“And all was forgiven,” Wayne finished. Eddie nodded.
“And then she kissed me,” Eddie said softly.
“And did you kiss her back?”
Eddie nodded.
“And she doesn't know you like her?" Wayne shook his head and smiled to himself. "So what’s the problem?”
“What if I do it again? What if she thinks I'm like my dad and walks away? What if she runs? What if she’s too ashamed of me to really be with me? She’s a Loch Nora chick. You know: money.”
“Oh? Well…. She sounds pretty invested as it is,” Wayne said, “for a girl that doesn’t know you like her.” He brought his truck to a stop at their trailer, having backed up behind it, the tailgate end facing the concrete slab and wooden housing they had built. He turned off the engine. “What you’re afraid of sounds pretty normal to me. What do your instincts tell you about her?”
Eddie shrugged. “Our beginning was…kinda wild? She was using me as kind of a fake boyfriend to get back at the cool kids and I let it go, but then it started getting weird and I guess she felt it too, because she had a change of heart and now I’m so turned around by her…” He took a breath. Christ, he was beginning to nervously ramble like you do. “I think my compass is just spinning and spinning. I have no north anymore.”
“Sounds complicated.”
Eddie nodded. Wayne laid a hand on his shoulder. “Women are. Relationships are. But boy are they worth it when you get it right. Stick around her. See how she is with you around with no strings attached. Maybe that compass of yours will find north in the end.”
Eddie considered this for a moment until his uncle patted him on the shoulder and woke him up. “Come on. Let’s get that beauty hooked up.”
Eddie had sat on the couch for as long as he could stand it. Your apology from yesterday and Wayne’s words from that day had been running around in his head all afternoon and evening and they were eating his brain. He had never looked forward to a Monday at school before, but he needed to be around you again. He needed to see you, to hear you, to flash a smile and see if you returned it among all the other people there. He sighed for the millionth time as he stared through the Gunsmoke rerun on the television.
“Jesus, Ed,” his uncle had said, exasperated, “Just go to bed.”
That tore it.
“I’m gonna go for a drive,” Eddie had said, slapping his hands on his knees and getting up. He grabbed his keys and his jacket. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
Wayne had given him an evaluating stare. “I’ll be here.”
Eddie had nodded to him and had left with the familiar slap of the screen door echoing behind him. 
He drove aimlessly as the sun set on Hawkins. Normally, his metal music would be blaring, but tonight he hadn’t bothered with any music. He didn’t want to drown out his thoughts, he wanted the drive and the night to take them - and for the most part, it was working. He lit a cigarette at a lonely stop sign and rolled down his window, exhaling smoke into the autumn air. The smell of rotting leaves and burning wood from someone’s fireplace mingled with the cold as he drove off again. The streets were quiet. He wondered when the dance was supposed to begin. He wondered how you looked. He wondered if you were having fun. But he didn’t wonder hard enough to actually drive to the school to find you. That would have been too real.
Street lights gave a hazy yellow glow to the road ahead as he rounded Lover’s Lake. He thought of hanging at Rick’s, but that would only end in a drunken weed haze and not get him back in those couple hours he promised Wayne. Then he’d hear it. Nah. Not worth the struggle.
Night darkened quickly this time of year and he wanted more of the eerie gloom. He chose an unlit back road that led to just above and over the quarry. There was a small patch on the shoulder where he parked his van. He sat there for a minute in the silence and finished his cigarette, willing the thought of you out of his head for the millionth time. He crushed out the butt and flicked it off into the dirt. Passing a hand over his face, he gave a soft groan and, for the sake of his sanity, played radio roulette. He turned the knob and stopped on the first song that caught him. Static crackled and snapped as this announcer voice passed by that commercial and this sugary pop song until Bob Seger sang to him to “Turn the Page”: a song about a lonely musician with long hair out touring away from family and everything familiar. Perfect.
Later in the evenin’ 
As you lie awake in bed
With the echo from the amplifiers
Ringin’ in your head
You smoke the day’s last cigarette
Rememberin’ what she said
He listened to its finish and turned the radio off, allowing the night to swallow him again. He closed his eyes, he saw you in his mind’s eye all apologetic and sad. He remembered his hands rubbing against your upper arms, comforting you. You had called yourself horrible things, but he hadn’t bothered to correct you. He had been too busy holding onto himself emotionally. You weren’t a bad person. But he had been. He should have just accepted your apology and ended your self-torture, but he didn’t.
He turned off the engine and the lights. There was a rusty guard rail running along the edge of the quarry but he easily clambered over it. He moved carefully to the edge, peering over it in the moonlight. The water was dark and still at the bottom. A void that, if he were in any other mindset, he probably could have flung himself into with little thought. He felt like shit about you and what his next steps should be, but he wasn’t feeling that badly. Instead, he sat with his feet dangling over the edge of the drop and took another drag.
To his side was a rock the size of a cantaloupe. He couldn’t resist. He picked it up and, one-handed, shot-put style, chucked it into the void below. There was a space of nothingness where only the breeze in the boughs around him could be heard. Then, with a sad finality, he finally heard the splash he anticipated. Goddamn, that was a long way down. 
He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
He threw another. This rock was a bit smaller and he tossed it high, outward from his position, his eyes attempting to track its descent futilely because even though the full moonlight was bright, the depth of the quarry swallowed everything visible. Again, the anticipation of the sound was more dreadful than the actual satisfaction of hearing the landing. A small splash echoed back up to him and he breathed again.
Small ripples caressed the shore of the quarry. He heard them more than saw them, although the water’s surface was accessible far below him just off the access road. Due to the angle of the shore he was able to see the soft waves lap gently there in the moonlight until they finally stilled. He threw another rock, watching and waiting for the splash and then seeking out the ripples against the shore far below. He counted elephants to himself: “One-elephant-two-elephant-three….” It was four and a half elephants to hear the splash and another nine until he saw the ripples. The anticipation of both was palpable.
Funny how mere seconds could be so long. Or how days could stretch into years. Sunday still lay before him. All in all, it was about 36 hours by his reckoning before he would be heading off to school. It seemed like 4 million years.
He wished he could touch you again. He wished he could bring you here to sit in the quiet and the stillness. He wished he could apologize to you for being kind of a dick. No. A total dick. The lyrics of the song echoed back to him like the splash from the stones below:
You smoke the day’s last cigarette
Rememberin’ what she said
Lights appeared on the access road below. A car stopped. Someone got out. The lights of the car were on and the car radio echoed tinnily against the carved stone walls. For a moment, Eddie wanted to flee but his legs betrayed him; he never moved. He was frozen. He soon discovered that it was the perfect vantage point. The individual walked in front of the lights completely ignorant of his presence. The figure was small, but they had a massive voice the echoed off of the walls of the quarry, startling some birds in the trees. “Eddie Munson! Get the fuck out of my head!”
He started at the sound of his own name, but then he registered who it was that was below him. “Unbelievable,” he muttered. He looked up at the sky briefly, “Mom, are you seeing this?” before he crushed out his cigarette, got to his feet, and watched you stoop and pick up the first stone skipping it along the water, ripples breaking and mixing in the shine from the headlights. Then another. Then another.
You really hoped your friends forgave you for ditching them but as you pulled up to the old quarry, you realized that you didn’t care. It was only a stupid dance. A dance that you were going to go to with all your female friends and try and have a good time? Nope. No chance. The radio was playing some soft rock when you put your car in park and turned off the engine, but engaged the ignition to keep power to the radio and lights.
The night was bitter and cold. You had brought your winter coat and wrapped it around yourself as you got out of the car and walked around the dirt road leading up to the water. You were instantly reminded that you were wearing your black stirrup pants under your denim pencil skirt, paired with black flats; your ankles were practically made of ice as soon as you stepped out of the car, but you wanted to feel the bite of it. You wanted to feel small and cold. It was your penance for being a horrible person.
The wind in the trees that surrounded the area, the faint music from your car, and the odd call of a night bird were the only sounds. The lights from your headlights reflected off the water and made shadows against the far quarry wall. It was spooky here all alone. You could see why it was a great make-out spot. Anyone would want to cuddle toward someone else, if only for a sense of security. You let out a deep sigh and watched your breath fog drift away.
Your day of cleaning had moved into running errands with your parents in the afternoon: grocery shopping, dry cleaners, and a trip to the watch maker’s so your dad could get his grandfather’s pocket watch cleaned. The late afternoon had been filled with talk of the dance. You had headed back to your room and called Gail. “Pick up Marie, will you?”
“Why? What happened?”
“I’m not going.”
“No! What? You said you would!” Gail had whined your name and it killed you to hear it.
“Sorry, Gail, but I just can’t. I can’t be happy. Not yet.”
“What is going on between you and Eddie?” she had asked. “Last I knew he kissed you and then ditched school.”
“Yeah. Then I saw him last night and I apologized.”
“For what?”
Gail had had no idea the whole thing was a set up, so of course she was confused. But you hadn’t wanted to explain it to her. She might have thought worse of you if she had known, so you had decided to dodge the bullet. “I didn’t exactly treat him well.” And here you had sighed, guilt still nibbling at your guts. “But he didn’t forgive me, so I guess we’re kind of through.”
“Jesus. That didn’t last long.”
“It’s okay. My relationships never do. S’why everyone thinks I’m this virgin,” you had said.
Gail had grunted in annoyance. “Listen, if Eddie shows up at the dance or any afterparty we go to, I’m going to kill him!” she cried. “Why is he dodging you? You apologized for whatever it was you said or did, so clearly you like him – though God knows why – but he really shouldn’t turn up his nose at you. You’re a hell of a catch – and better than he could ever hope to do. Honestly, he doesn’t deserve you.”
You had brushed off her insult to him/compliment to you. You hadn’t had the strength for that battle. Instead you had decided to refocus her attention. “You were invited to an afterparty?” you had asked, truly curious.
“Well, no,” Gail had admitted. “But there’s still time. My point is: if I see him, he’s dead meat. I’ll claw his eyes out.”
“Don’t do that,” you had said. “I like his eyes. And besides, you might break a nail.” There had been a pause during which you knew she was checking her well-manicured nails.
“True,” she had finally agreed. “Well, anyhow. What are you going to do with your night? Spend it with the ‘rents?”
“Oh God no. I have other plans. But if they ask: I met all of you at the school and had a blast. Okay?”
“Okay,” she had agreed. “See you Monday, mopey.”
You shivered against the cold and wondered why you had bothered to leave your house for this place, but you needed the time by yourself. The gloom only added to your mood.
“EDDIE MUNSON, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!” you screamed and then pierced the night with a genuine shriek of frustration and anger. Your voice was amplified and echoed all over the quarry. Night birds startled in the trees that surrounded you and you were grateful and more than a little fearful that you were in a place where you could scream your brains out and no one was around to hear and call the cops.
Breathing hard, you held your hands to your head and ran them through your hair. “Nothing to be done, girl,” you said to yourself. There were many pieces of flat pieces of shale at your feet. You kicked at them idly, but decided to pick up a few to skip across the still water. The splashes echoed a bit and the ripples glittered waves in the glow from your car’s headlights behind you.
Five skips.
Only the radio kept you company as you wasted your night alone with the water and the stones and your thoughts about Eddie Munson. How could he be so funny and kind and so cruel and cutting toward you all at the same time? It was like he was punishing you for more than the crime you committed. With every rock you threw, you felt a tiny bit better, so you kept at it. You didn’t know how long you’d been there, but you groaned when you felt additional lights on you and heard the sound of another approaching vehicle.
You suspected it was some of the local kids from Hawkins here for a make-out session. If they found you here on your own, they would paint you as a loser and you felt your heart race as the light flashed across your face and the vehicle slowed to a stop next to yours. It was too late to hide. Fuck.
The lights of the car went out and the moonlight took over. Eddie’s van appeared before you, dust from its tires blowing away in the wind behind it. Eddie himself jumped out of the driver’s seat and slammed the van door behind him. He strolled forward toward you, his hands in his jacket pockets, a smile on his face.
“Imagine my surprise, running into you,” he said.
Instantly, you were aware of how alone you two were. That smile of his was disturbing. Instinctively, you backed up a pace. “Yeah,” you laughed nervously. “What are you doing here?”
Eddie read your body language instantly. He held up his hands and stopped moving, saying, “Hey, hey. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You did a good job anyway,” you said, your arms crossing protectively across your chest.
“Sorry,” he said. He meant to add: And while I’m at it, I’m sorry for everything else too, but he didn’t. He just stood there dumbly and waited. 
“I was enjoying my solitude,” you said, turning and picking up another stone to throw. You curled it in your hand, took a step, and threw your arm swinging outward. Six skips that time.
Eddie whistled low. “You’re pretty good.” He looked around his feet and came up with a stone. He threw it. Two skips. “And I suck,” he said with a short laugh.
You didn’t say anything at first. He was the last person you wanted to see. But what was twisting you from the inside was that he was also the only person you wanted to see. You hucked another rock and he paid you another compliment. What was his deal? The last time you saw him, he kissed you and then dropped you like a hot rock when his friends found you both in that compromising position. Something in you boiled over.
“Look, why don’t you go away? Huh?” Your throat was suddenly raw with hurt. “You don’t like me? Fine. I don’t need you to like me any more. I’m done. You win. You get to hate me with the burning passion of a thousand suns. And your plan now is - what? - to torture me? To hang around until guilt chokes me and swallows me whole? What more do you want? Do you want me on my knees begging your forgiveness just so you can stand there and laugh at me with your friends?”
You had no plans to get on your knees for Eddie Munson.
“N-no,” he stuttered as his brain conjured up a totally inappropriate image. “I gave it some thought. You’re driving me nuts, but I was pretty cold to you back at Cosmo’s.” Here you barked a short sarcastic laugh. “And then you were crying and then I knocked you over…and then we, uh. And then I just left you there. It was pretty shitty, you know? So I couldn’t get all of that out of my head. I was just trying to tell you that I’m okay now. That I… forgive you. And that I’m sorry too.”
You didn’t move. Didn’t speak. Eddie gave you a sideways look and continued, guarded, “So if you want…,” he began slowly, “…I’d like to make it up to you. But only if you want.”
“Make it up..?” you managed.
“Yeah, you know… dinner, a movie. Real boyfriend shit. Things like that. If you want. I mean, I could make it up to you by staying the fuck away too, but I’ll be honest: I don’t want to do that.”
All you could do was blink and barely breathe as he went on: “I want to hang out with you. You’re funny. And smart. And I like you…?” His voice petered out weakly at the end, his voice lilting up into a question.
In the awkward silence that held dominion over you both in that moment, he held out a stone for you to take. “Here,” he said, “throw this and think it over.”
You were too torn up to see the rock in his hand. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. Relief flooded your senses and you felt cracked in half. One side of you wanted to hit him hard. The other wanted to fall into his arms. Mechanically, you reached out your hand. The stone was small and warm from his hand. It was three-sided and fit perfectly into your palm.
“Bit small for a skipping rock,” you whispered.
Eddie shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll make it work. You can do anything.”
“Anything except understand you, Eddie Munson,” you said flatly. You regarded him for some time as he kicked at the shale and avoided your glance.
Eddie could feel your stare and from somewhere deep inside him, he heard Wayne’s words about the complexity of women: …boy are they worth it when you get it right. Stick around her. See how she is with you around with no strings attached. Maybe that compass of yours will find north in the end.
Buoyed by this, he rounded his shoulders in a carefree shrug. “All part of my charm, sweetheart,” he quipped, that trademark grin, the one you had been waiting for for all this time, was right back on his face.
You little shit, you thought. You squeezed the stone in your left fist and moved to him, completely prepared to sucker-punch his smug little face.
The closer you got, the more your heart ached. You wanted to strangle him. But in the end, you just needed to touch him. “You are the single most infuriating person. I swear to God,” you said and wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him with everything you had.
His arms came up around you and held you close. Nearby, the radio DJ decided to put one of your favorite songs on. You always thought it so sad, because you’d never been treated like the woman in the song by anyone, but now, you noticed as your hug broke, Eddie swayed with you in his arms to the beat of it. He reached up and took your right hand in his left and pressed his cheek to yours.
“If that’s a yes, then I think I’ll start by dancing with you, if that’s okay,” he whispered.
You were dizzy, but Eddie’s body braced you, his arm around you supported you, his skin against yours warmed you and you had never felt more cherished. It was breathtaking how gentle he was. He brought your hand to his chest and covered your hand over his heart, warming your fingers as the music and the night surrounded you.
I’ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I’ve never seen you shine so bright
I’ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance
They’re looking for a little romance, given half a chance
And I have never seen that dress you’re wearing
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes
I have been blind
The lady in red is dancing with me (cheek to cheek)
There’s nobody here
It’s just you and me
It’s where I wanna be
But I hardly know this beauty by my side
I’ll never forget the way you look tonight
He pulled away from you when the song faded away. “How was that? I mean, I know it’s not the Sadie Hawkins or anything, but-“
You kissed him.
In the whole of your life, you had never been this frustrated by or been made to feel this helpless by a man. You had never had a man hold you like you were delicate or precious. You had never felt his kiss kill you and give you life all at the same time. But here, on the edge of the black pool of an abandoned quarry in a remote section of Indiana, you felt the universe turn around you and the world shift as your fingertips brushed his jaw.
You were suddenly hyper-aware of him: his taste, warmth, pressure, scent. All of Eddie surrounded you and you wanted more. You wanted to crawl inside of his jacket and hide in his pocket. You wanted him to hold you and dance with you and talk to you. For this night and every night.
Eddie was stunned to his sneakers. He never expected you to kiss him. The hug was already a shock, but this? No way. Even after everything that had already happened between you, he would never have predicted it. In fact, when you had first walked up to him, he could have sworn that you were going to clock him right in the face. But then you didn’t. And then the song came on.
It was a little sappy for his taste, but he had heard it plenty of times in all sorts of places and when he paid attention to the lyrics, he realized that it was perfect for just this moment. After all, you were stunning and he felt so lucky to be here alone with you. And he did rob you of the chance to go to the dance with him. He owed you a dance at least.
And now this. He felt terrified to take more from you, but that’s all he wanted to do. He wanted to usher you into his van and kiss you everywhere. He wanted to spend the rest of the night here, if you’d let him. He felt your chilly fingertips touch his jaw and instinctively, he took your hand and held it. 
Your glassy-eyed stare was all he needed to see. He was sure that his looked the same to you. Holding your gaze, he slowly kissed you again. This time, he let it linger. This time, he didn’t run.
“Eddie,” you whispered.
“You really want to date me for real?”
Eddie laughed and his hold on you released. His laugh busted out into a howl. He doubled over with it and stumbled a few paces away.
You watched him cackle and the longer it lasted, the more you found yourself becoming angry. “Edward Munson! Was this all just a trick to get me to kiss you again?”
His eyes flew wide and the laughter stopped immediately. “No no! Nooo! No, sweetheart, no!” He came to you and held both of your hands which you had balled into fists. “I’m not laughing at you at all! I mean it! I really did! It’s just- you asked me if I was for real and you- well, you’re you! You’re you and you’re asking me if I want to date you for real? You do remember that I’m the freak of Hawkins High and that you’re the Unattainable Ice Queen, right?”
“I do,” you said, thoroughly confused. “I mean- I didn’t think you liked me. That’s all.” You looked up into his dark eyes. They held a gentle humor and matched his soft smile.
“I know I gave you that impression in no uncertain terms, but…” He sighed and dropped to one knee. “You are the single most intelligent and beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on and it would be my undying honor to take you out on all the dates ever for as long as you can stand to be around this feeble excuse for a man.”
“Oh.” You wanted to kiss him so damn badly, but it took your stuttering brain too long to put the rest of your body into motion to do it. He stood.
He held up your left hand. “Aren’t you going to throw this?” The stone still lay in your palm, warm and solid.
“What? You want me to throw away your fake-aversary gift to me?”
“Honey, it’s a rock.”
“Yes. It’s a rock shaped like your guitar pic,” you said, flicking the plastic pendant for emphasis. “It’s also sort of heart-shaped, which is nice.” You pocketed the stone.
A slow grin spread across his face and he bowed his head, shaking it slowly. “You know, I think you might be weirder than me.”
“Then that makes us a pretty good match, don’t you think?”
“It doesn’t hurt,” he said. For a moment, neither of you spoke and the DJ’s voice came through. “Hey, uh… you may want to shut off your radio and your lights or you won’t have juice in your battery.”
“Oh damn!” You ran to the car and did as he told you.
“Now start it up,” he said, fully prepared to grab his jumper cables if you needed them. “See if she cranks over.”
The engine stuttered but caught and you breathed a sigh of relief. Eddie wandered over to your window. You lowered it. “My knight in shining armor. My parents would have killed me. Especially since they think I’m at the dance,” you said, smiling. “You do know how to save a girl, don’t you, Munson?”
The grin on his face was contagious, but he shrugged modestly. “I do my best for any maiden in distress, but… well…”
You are my maiden to rescue, aren’t you?” he asked, uncertainly. You smiled at him and leaned toward him, making your wordless answer unmistakable. He smiled and leaned in gently, kissing you softly. In the span of time it took for his lips to meet yours and part again, he knew he didn’t want to push you. Everything was too new. It was too delicate. He didn’t want to crush this thing before it had a chance to exist. “Now,” he said, clearing his throat and looking at his watch, “it’s not completely late, but you did lie to your parents. If you’re feeling guilty about it, you may want to head home. Besides, it’s freezing out here. I’ll see you on Monday, okay?”
The clock on the dash said 8:40. That wasn’t late at all. Why was he calling you his maiden, kissing you, and then pushing you away?
Your confused look must have moved him. “You can have my number?” he offered. “Just to let me know you got home okay?”
You nodded dumbly and you exchanged numbers. Eddie wrote yours on his arm with a pen from your purse all the while thinking, baby steps baby steps baby steps…gotta move slow…
As he passed before your headlights again, your stubborn resolute nature found a voice. It was too soon. You didn’t want to do anything but be with him. Plus, your curfew wasn’t until midnight anyway. You easily had just under four hours to burn. You opened your door and with one foot in the car and the other one out, you leaned one hand on the roof and shouted to him: “Hey! Are you hungry? I have pizza money. We could go into town. If you want?”
Eddie stopped short. Your voice was a shock. Are you hungry? He paused, but in the next second he was thinking of where he could take you on the money he had coming to him next Saturday from Rick. He wanted to take you to Clark’s Diner or The Harvester’s, some place that was nice, but not Enzo’s nice. But then he registered what you said after that: pizza? His stomach growled. “Sure,” he said. “Larry’s?”
“Larry’s Pizzeria it is.”
31 notes · View notes
sacredjake · 10 months
Teach Me
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pairing: Professor!Sam x 21+ College Student Reader
word count: 3.6k
warnings: drinking, cussing. not much this chapter. let me know if i missed anything!
here we are! part one of Teach Me, my first series!! huge thank you to @malany-gvf as always for reading through this and letting me bounce ideas off of her, i love you lots <3. i hope y’all enjoy this :))
This was it, your last year of undergrad. You have been majoring in Plant Biology at the University of Michigan for the last three years, and tomorrow was the start of your last year. You’ve been enjoying college, but you couldn’t wait to be done with school and actually move on to your desired career field.
Seeing as this was your last year, all students in the major were required to pick an elective with a lab. When you looked over the list before meeting with your advisor you knew immediately which elective you wanted to take.
Forest Ecosystems.
While you already knew about this course from your brother, Sebastian, who was the teaching assistant for the professor who oversaw the class, it jumped out at you because it encapsulated more than just plants. Plants were your main focus, but you were always looking to expand your knowledge. You also took this specific class with Professor Buckley because you had loose connections with the grad student who taught the lab. His older twin brothers were good friends with your brother, and although you never met him, you knew of him. He generally hung around with the twins and Sebastian, and from what you had heard, he was a good guy. Of course you were hoping that maybe in taking his class it would be an easier grade to make, allowing your focus to be on your core subjects. But worrying about classes can start tomorrow.
Now was the time for drinking.
You were currently at one of the local bars in the small town your school resided in. Although it was a Sunday night, every bar on the strip was packed with students who were either hammered or getting there, and trying to enjoy their last night of full freedom. You and your three roommates were no different amongst your peers. Each of you had been fairly buzzed before even making the short walk from your house to the first stop of the night.
There was always a routine when the four of you went out to the bars. It was the same rotation of bars every time and it never changed. You would start the night at one of the bars that was fairly calm, but still had your ears feeling full by the time you left. By the end of the night you were on a dance floor, shoulder to shoulder with random people, jam packed tight like sardines in a can.
It was the point in the night where your group would visit the bar with the large outdoor space. This particular bar was always in the middle of the rotation just because it allowed everyone to breathe and actually talk. The music outside this bar was never particularly loud like the music at the other places. You could always have a moment here to drink water, along with whatever the poison of the night was, and enjoy conversations with your roommates.
“I’ll grab this round, meet y’all at the table?” You took your I.D. from the bouncer and walked further into the building, where your roommates stopped and waited for you.
“Yeah, for sure. I’ll take a tequila soda please!” Chloe always ordered tequila sodas from this bar in particular. She claimed you actually got ‘bang for your buck’ as they always over-poured. You knew better than that though. The bartender had a major crush on Chloe and always gave her a little extra.
“You know what I want, I’m gonna hit the can. I have to piss like a racehorse.” Sadie walked away before you could say anything else. She wasn’t wrong though, you did know what she wanted. Her drink of choice here was a Budweiser, but specifically the bottle. Sadie was a country girl through and through, and she had the accent as well as the ‘to hell with you’ attitude to match. She was a sweet girl, and one of your closest friends, but she was definitely a firecracker.
“I’ll take a vodka redbull and I’ll go grab the waters.” Macie, who you were closest with, spoke up beside you over the loud music. Her drink of choice always changed depending on her mood. Vodka redbull was her go-to when she was on the tail end of her buzz and needed a pick-me-up. To be fair she had driven back in today from her home state, so it was expected of her to be tired.
“Alright see y’all in a few.” With that you headed to the bar, Macie went to the end of the bar where the jug of water and stack of cups sat, and Chloe made her way outside to snag your table.
There were people everywhere. You almost couldn’t see the bar top, but this was to be expected. It was also the reason why only one of you would go to buy everyone’s drinks. Weaving your way in and out of people was much easier when there is only one of you, and usually people didn’t mind letting you cut if they just saw one person. Unfortunately for them they didn’t realize you were ordering more than two drinks until it was too late.
You began moving your body in and out of the swarm of people surrounding the bar. You were looking for people who weren’t paying much attention, and men. Men always had a soft spot for a single female struggling to make her way up to the bartender. And boy did you use it to your advantage.
Just as you always did, you found your target. A group of guys were standing around and chatting away while they waited at the bar. It was time to worm your way in there.
“Hi, excuse me, would it be alright if I stood next to you? I’ve been trying to get up here for ages, but I can’t get through!” You lied right through the pleading look on your face. Luckily for you, this group of guys were already well into their night of drinking.
“Oh yeah! Sure thing! Hey, Dustin, move the fuck down so the lady can get in here!” The guy slurred over to his friend. If he hadn’t been leaning up against the bar he definitely would’ve been swaying.
A moment later an opening appeared along the sticky, wooden top. You squeezed your body into the space and leaned your weight against it on your forearms.
“So what’re you drinking?” The man next you slurred out again, the smell of beer pungent on his breath. It took everything in you not to gag.
“Oh I’m not,” You smiled at him, pushing down the urge to vomit on his shoes due to the distillery wafting from his mouth, “I’m just grabbing my boyfriend another drink!”
Another lie. You were definitely single, but you didn’t want him to know that. The word ‘boyfriend’ usually made guys back off, especially at the bar.
The guy just muttered a ‘Damn’ under his breath and wished you a goodnight. You thanked him for the bar space and did the same. Returning your attention back to the bar, you waited for a bartender to meet your eye so you could order. Thankfully you didn’t have to wait long before a bartender wandered up to you and you placed your order.
“Lying isn’t always the best way to get what you want, ya know? It’s deceiving.” The voice of a man came from your left, and you turned your head to meet the man who spoke. You looked him over, struck by how beautiful he was.
“Well I think it turned out quite well in my favor. As for it being deceiving, isn’t that the whole point of a lie? Besides, how would you know I was lying?” Your lips pulled upwards into a crooked grin, amusement in your eyes.
He was fairly tall, about 5’10, with long chocolate brown hair pulled into a loose bun, and a thick, but short, goatee. His eyes were also brown, but were layered with different shades and they turned downwards in a way that almost made him look sad had he not been smiling.
“It indeed turned out well in your favor, it landed you next to me.” His eyebrows shot up in a playful way, his smile expanding. As you went to respond, the bartender placed the drinks you ordered in front of you along with your receipt and a pen. You grabbed the pen and signed the thin, and now wet, paper.
“And to answer your other question,” You turned back to him as he spoke and you set the pen on top of the receipt and slid it to the bartender, “Maybe you caught my eye the moment you walked in with your friends.”
You gathered the drinks in your hand as best you could and met his eyes once more. “Well then, allow me to catch your eye again as I walk away.”
You shot him a wink with a wide smile before walking outside to join your group. Just before you made it around the corner you glanced back at him. You were not surprised to find his eyes tracking you through the sea of bodies. He raised his beer to you and dipped his head down slightly, smirking before taking a sip. You nodded back to him, and disappeared around the corner.
When you made it to the table to join the rest of the girls, you didn’t bother mentioning the interaction. They would only force you to go back and talk to him, try and get his number or hook up with him for the night. Not that you were necessarily opposed to any of those, but tonight was solely about you and your girls. You wanted to keep it that way.
The night finally came to an end at 2am in which every bar closed down on the strip. Sadie led the way out the door, fighting the crowd of people with your hand in hers. Macie was holding your left hand, and Chloe was holding Macie’s left hand at the back of the group. When the group had made it outside, you all started to walk in the direction of your house. It was about a fifteen minute walk, so instead of paying for an Uber the four of you always just walked to and from the bars.
On the walk back you thought about how you hadn’t seen the beautiful man from that one bar the rest of the night. You wondered if maybe that was the only one he went to, or maybe the two of you just never crossed paths again at the others. Pity. He was very attractive, and you kind of kicked yourself for not at least getting his number.
“I didn’t tell y’all this, but I met a guy tonight while I was buying our drinks at Murphy’s earlier.” You and Macie were still holding hands, your arms swinging back and forth between your bodies as you walked.
“Oh? Do tell.” Chloe, who was in front of you, turned around to face you, walking backwards. Sadie continued to walk straight ahead next to her, but chimed in as well.
“Ooooo yes, please share.”
“I walked up to a group of drunk guys and asked if I could stand next to them at the bar because I had been waiting forever, which of course was a lie. After they made room the guy I had talked to asked what I was drinking, and I lied and said I was grabbing my boyfriend another drink, and he left me alone.”
“That’s it?” Macie turned her head to look at you, your arms still swinging.
“No.” You laughed at her impatience, shaking your head slightly. You told them about your short conversation with the man and before any of you knew it, the four of you had arrived home. Sadie took out her keys and unlocked the door, leading the way inside.
“So was he cute?” Macie continued to follow you up the stairs to your room. You knew she would want more information.
“Yeah he was cute. He was also just very like… I don’t know, pretty?”
“Pretty?” She plopped down on your bed while you made your way into your bathroom for makeup wipes.
“Yeah. Like he was attractive of course, but I’ve never seen a man so beautiful.”
You took your makeup off and washed your face while you and Macie switched subjects and chatted about your schedules for tomorrow. Macie was an Animal Science major taking the pre-vet route meaning neither of you had any classes together, and between the two of you, her last year was busier than yours.
“My first class is at 10:30 and I’m out at 4 on Mondays, but Wednesdays I have a lab that goes until 6.” She was now standing in your doorway leaning up against the wooden frame as she caught you up on her class schedule.
“That’s not entirely awful. I go in at 10 on Mondays and Wednesdays and I’m done at 3. However, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I go in at 9 for my elective course, but thankfully the lab is immediately after.”
“Oh yeah, that’s not half bad either.”
The two of you didn’t talk much longer, the clock nearing 3am. She bid you goodnight and shut your bedroom door while you rummaged through your drawers for comfier clothes to wear. As soon as your head hit the pillow you were out.
Your first day of classes went well which you expected. Of course every professor that day began their lessons after going over the syllabus, which you also expected. This was a commonality among professors once you started your junior year as they had ‘so much material to get through before the end of the year.’ You didn’t mind though. Getting right to course work helped put you in the mindset you needed to focus. Slacking off early was always your biggest challenge.
On Tuesday you made your way to your only class for the day. Forest Ecosystems, the elective you had chosen. While you did have a lab after the course you considered them to be one long class.
You knew of a few people in your class, but you generally weren’t one to make friends with your classmates per se. Sure you had worked on group projects and assignments with most of them by this point, but you never hung out with any of them outside of class. You were glad to see that one girl you’ve been partnered up with multiple times was in this class and you decided to take the empty seat next to her.
“Hey Jamie, I didn’t know you were taking this course. Mind if I sit here?”
“Oh y/n hey! Yeah go ahead, it's all yours. I figured it could be a fun one to take. I’m glad to see a familiar face here, at least I know who to partner with if we have a group project or something.”
You took the seat beside her and set your backpack on the floor underneath the table. While you waited for the class to start, you and Jamie talked about your classes this semester and plans for after graduation. The two of you were in deep conversation about internships and whatnot when the professor finally walked in to greet the class.
“Good morning everyone, glad to see most of you showed up.” Your head snapped to the front of the room at the sound of his voice. Even without the noise of loud music to accompany it you knew instantly who the voice belonged to. Your eyes landed on the beautiful man from the bar standing at the front of the small lecture room as he greeted the class.
“As many of you can probably tell, I am not Professor Buckley. She is currently on maternity leave as she had her baby just a few days ago, and unfortunately, you are stuck with me this semester.” He was energetic and smiling, just the way he had been at the bar that night.
“I am Sam Kiszka, Professor Buckley’s Grad Student, but you can call me Sam… or Mr. Kiszka, whichever you prefer. I’ll be teaching this course and the lab portion for the semester. Professor Buckley will be joining us at the end of the semester closer to finals.”
You were hung on his every word, his every move as if anything he did was the most interesting thing you had ever witnessed. His eyes hadn’t grazed across you sitting there just yet, but you knew it was only a matter of time before they did.
“There is another professor who teaches this course, so if I am unavailable for whatever reason, or my office hours do not work with your schedule, please go see Dr. Rhone or his grad student, Sebastian. Their office hours, emails, and office locations are provided for you on the syllabus as are mine. Now,” He clapped his hands together as he walked around the desk in the center of the floor, “Attendance for this class is mandatory, yeah I know it sucks, I promise it wasn’t my decision, but it is something I have to do, so let’s move on to that.”
Sam began to read off the list of names, waiting for a response from each person before moving on. He made sure to take notice of each student when they responded, committing the name to memory. He made his way down the list until he called your name.
“Here.” You raised your hand slightly to better grab his attention. When his eyes found you, his smile grew just a fraction wider. He checked off your name, but paused before calling the next student.
“Y/n is it? Any relation to Dr. Rhone’s TA Sebastian?”
“Um yes, actually, he’s my brother.”
“You don’t say. Well glad to have you here, y/n.” He smiled softly at you, his eyes sparkling, and then continued to read off the list of names.
The rest of class and the lab went on without a hitch. Except maybe that you couldn’t stop eye-fucking your professor. You spent most of the time daydreaming about him, unable to push the intruding thoughts from your mind. By the end of the lab you were itching to get the hell out there as everything Sam did drove you completely mad.
“Alright, that’s all for today guys, see you Thursday.” Sam concluded the class and tucked his papers away into their folders on his desk. You shoved your notebook and pen into your backpack as quickly as possible, needing to get far away from him.
“Y/n, come see me before you leave please.” His eyes flicked to you and watched as you hurried to pack up. Your heart rate started to pick up, fluttering furiously in your chest. While the other students made their way up the stairs to exit the room, you descended past them.
Sam was still compiling all of his notes and paperwork for the class when you approached his desk. He looked up at you, and then around the room to make sure everyone had left, leaning his weight on his hands that rested on top of the wooden desk.
“I wanted to clear the air with you before we continue on with the semester.” You nodded your head, showing him that he had your attention. “Had I known that you were Sebastian’s little sister or that you were going to be my student I would have never hit on you at the bar. This relationship must be strictly professional.”
You knew he was right. Nothing could ever happen between the two of you while he was your teacher. That didn’t make hearing it sting any less.
“I know, I understand.”
“Do you?” He gave you a questioning look, looking between your eyes, “Because the way you were undressing me with your eyes the entire class says otherwise.” A cocky smirk stretched onto his face as your cheeks flamed, heat creeping up your neck. While you were embarrassed that he noticed, you weren’t about to let him know.
“I was not undress-”
“Oh but you were, and while in any other situation I would’ve welcomed or even encouraged it, but it can’t continue to happen. Not only is it highly inappropriate for anything to occur between us, and it could cost me my job, but your brother would kill me,” He leaned forward leaving minimal distance between the two of you over the desk, “And when you look at me like that I can’t find either of those good enough reasons to not do something about it.”
Nothing could hide the shocked expression on your face. It was not shocking that he was attracted to you, you knew that from the bar, but it was shocking to you that he seemed to be struggling to hold himself back. It was shocking that you were the one testing his limits. And that was incredibly hot. You couldn’t deny the way his words had seeped warmth throughout your core.
Before you had the chance to say anything else, students began to trickle in for the next class. He stood up and cross his arms over his chest. It was your turn to wear a smirk as you waved your fingers at him in goodbye.
“See you Thursday, Mr. Kiszka.” His name rolled off your tongue dripping in sweet, yet smug, desire.
You didn’t turn around to look at him as you left, but instead made sure to swish your hips a little extra as you climbed the stairs.
Was trying to sleep with your professor something you should actively be trying to do? No definitely not, but you couldn’t ignore the way you wanted him. Maybe if you just got it out of your system once then you’d be able to focus clearly the rest of the semester.
Or you would just be hooked and need more of him.
There was only one way to find out, and you were up for a little challenge.
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