#or not šŸ˜… the book is from January
artemispt Ā· 7 months
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margareth-lv Ā· 6 months
šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ«” Anxiety, apathy, withdrawal, delusions šŸ«”šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
@odessa-2 inspired me with her note today and a reminder of the post Oliver Jeffers shared on Instagram on 3 January 2021 (side note: I have a feeling this is a completely random date and has nothing to do with anything other than CaitrĆ­ona being at the time, as many people believe, already heavily pregnant with this child, whose birth wasn't announced until August, Ā but I could be wrong. Is there anything that you associate with this date?).
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*** *** *** My body reacts nervously to any event involving CaitrĆ­ona and Oliver Jeffers. Maybe it's some kind of PTSD, I'll explain in more detail below. *** *** *** Anyway, my first reaction to the news in fandom over the weekend about the New York Times article was quite nervous.
In October, [ā€¦] the visual artist and author Oliver Jeffers, 46, hosted a candlelit dinner for a group of Irish and Northern Irish artists and friends.
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CaitrĆ­ona was also present at the dinner to celebrate the launch of Oliver's latest book, 'Begin Again'.
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CaitrĆ­ona/Oliver, that combination doesn't sound right to me, it means smoke and mirrors and supporting the narrative. Luckily I was wrong this time.
*** *** ***
2021. Oliver Jeffers at CaitrĆ­ona's 'wedding', sitting in the fireplace recess in a white suit, accompanied by a stone dog. There was no better place for him than the soot-blackened fireplace? There was no other suit than white for a friend's wedding? There was no better companion for this wedding than a stone dog? ā“
Smoke and mirrors. As dense as a spider's web, a web of connections, dependencies and interests.
*** *** ***
July 2022. Oliver Jeffers invites CaitrĆ­ona to take part in the 'Our Place' festival he is organising.
Here they are in conversation with Kathy Clugston in Belfast on 2 July 2022 ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø
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CaitrĆ­ona is sitting on the stage, tense.
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Excuse me. I don't mean to be rude, but she looked like she was getting dressed for the event in the dark. And when you watch the whole thing, you realise that, surprisingly, she wasn't at all comfortable on stage. She didn't have much to say except for her personal memories. She didn't have any general thoughts, any wider perspective than her own. You could see her lack of confidence and fear in her body language, the unspoken part of communication. Sadness, stress and depression. So what does she say? What does CaitrĆ­ona say?
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The fandom has been buzzing for years about the fact that CaitrĆ­ona never referred to šŸ§›šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø as her husband. So now CaitrĆ­ona, sitting uncomfortably next to Oliver Jeffers, raised her right hand in an embarrassed laugh.
Well, her husband used to say, wait, what did he used to say? Oh yes, he used to say that a strong personality keeps their accent. I mean, the most interesting thing is what happens after that. Because the most surprising thing is what she starts talking about after she calls her 'husband'. Within a couple of sentences she starts talking about Sam, you know, the one she works with. And "Sam, who I work with, for the last three months he's been saying, 'What's up with you, you're really Irish all of a sudden'". And then she talks about her 'only son'.
A brilliantly acted scene (if it weren't for all the nervous laughing and tensing up).
You ask, how do we know which 'husband' was in the festival audience? From here, of course ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø
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Smoke and mirrors. As dense as a spider's web, a web of connections, dependencies and interests.
*** *** *** Incidentally, I am keen to compare CaitrĆ­ona's pictures with her 'husband' with those of her real-life friends:
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*** *** *** That's why when I saw the 'NYT' article about CaitrĆ­ona and Oliver Jeffers, my stomach tightened. This time, however, I couldn't have been more wrong. šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ
ā€¦ because CaitrĆ­ona's handbag was on the floor, near her feet, as someone on 'X' pointed out.
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Which means that the professional purse-holder had been given the evening off on the day of this dinner.
Can one feel more relieved?
I ate my breakfast in peace and quiet.
*** *** *** Source 1: Starting at 36:29 is the short clip I quoted above.
Source 2:
*** *** ***
VoilĆ . Enjoy, @lovehimloveherstuff (Although reading what I've written here probably has nothing to do with 'enjoying'. I am so sorry.)
[December 11, 2023]
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yumeka-sxf Ā· 7 months
1-year anniversary post and future projects
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My blog turned 1-year old today! šŸ˜ƒ (I also have a new blog banner and profile pic for the occasion!) I was lowkey hoping I'd hit the 1,000 follower milestone before then, but I got close - about 890 followers as of now! I'm very humbled that so many people enjoy my SxF content ā¤ļø Thank you all so much for your Likes, Reblogs, and kind messages~ Even though I wish I had joined the SxF fandom sooner, better late than never! The series has been around for about four years now, which is still a relatively short time for a popular shonen manga. So I'm hoping there will be plenty more SxF content to indulge in for years to come!
As you've probably seen, I've been reblogging my Twiyor analysis posts as a build-up to my continuation of that project for season 2 of the anime. And I'm happy to report that my planned start date for new analysis posts will be Tuesday, December 12th! On that day I'll post the new installment, Part 19, with a new post each Tuesday after until I finish covering the season 2 episodes. I know it seems like I'm dragging it out, but it takes a long time for me to not only write each post, but to revise and proofread them as well...the more chances I get to proofread my posts over time, the better they turn out. I also want to make sure I don't get too far ahead of the current episodes (since I still want to make the posts manga-spoiler free as much as possible). Since season 2 is only going to be 12 episodes, there won't be as many posts as last time, but the topics are just as compelling! I've been so excited to finally delve into analyzing the cruise arc šŸ˜„
I should also mention that late December/early January are going to be very busy times for the fandom: there's the movie release, the game release, the season finale, another art book that I'll want to scan, and the light novel being released in English! Of course I'll be making posts covering all of this, as well as my usual merch and chapter/episode review posts. I'm also planning to do some kind of post mini-series for the game where I write about my experiences with it in a daily journal kind of format. We'll see...there's going to be so much to cover at the end of the year, I hope I won't get overwhelmed šŸ˜…
Anyway, thank you all again for a wonderful year of SxF goodness~ Here's to many more years of joy from our beloved fake family!
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joker1315 Ā· 4 months
Tagged by @mobius-m-mobius Thank you very much! That's an interesting tag game ^^ let your spotify predict your 2024! shuffle your on repeat playlist, and the first twelve songs represent your 2024 I had to search the on repeat playlist first, but here we go:
Edit: I forgot September šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜… January: It Just Won't Quit - Meat Loaf - great way to start the year xD February: So Happy It Hurts - Bryan Adams - well, it's not wrong March: You Tell Me - Paul McCartney - a bit of reflection in March? April: Love Me Do - The Beatles - I won't say no to that May: Seaside Rendezvous - Queen - Yes, please June: Scotland's Story - The Proclaimers - scottish independence in June? July: Mr. Bellamy - Paul McCartney - I like it up here without you August: The Witch's House - Elton John - two months too early September: Scarecrow - Elton John - still a month too early or alternative Wake Me Up When September Ends - because I was clearly sleeping yesterday October: Kingpin - Jake Bugg - might be more attention than I prefer November: Kentucky - Jake Bugg - a young man from Kentucky with a guitar wins the US elections? December: Scene - Jake Bugg - and that's how great Spotify is in shuffeling songs
Tagging @thetv-junkie @rockyracoon17 @badluck990 @punchandspade @anthonytheshuhite @ithinkpeteisdead @paininmyheart-imalive @astaldis @the-wandering-whumper @a-book-locked-nerd @do-androids-dream-ao3acc and anyone who'd like to join.
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September 2023 WOTM: lilyoffandoms
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this monthā€™s writer of the month isĀ @lilyoffandoms. We hope you will enjoy learning more about them and their work below!Ā The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on theĀ navigation page.
This month's Writer of the Month was selected a little differently than normal. We announced that we would be selecting the WOTM from the participants in last month's Writer Appreciation Event. But the eleven writers involved all agreed the honor belonged to Lily. Lily has been a staple in the Choices community for so long, and they continuously go out of their way to support creators and spread positivity while continuing to inspire and create themselves. We couldn't think of anyone better suited for the honor, so please join us in congratulating Lily... September's Writer of the Month!
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog Name: lilyoffandoms Blog Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Lily is fine (they/them preferred)
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played?Ā 
Best guess would be back in January of 2018. It was a joke at first since a friend saw one of their god-awful ads and said we should both try it. Next thing you know, we were both arguing over which books were better and regretting our decision to start. Though their opinions on what constitutes good books are almost as bad as the Choices ad that got us to jokingly play (and I say this most lovingly because they are awesome and I love them). I started with Most Wanted, and my friend started with The Freshman.Ā 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
Oh gods! I joined back in March 2019. I know Iā€™m a Tumblr baby by most everyoneā€™s standards, but that feels like a really long time. I joined when Open Heart book one was released. I had lurked, reading fanfics, for a few months before biting the bullet and creating a blog and actually posting. Only joined because I was taking my editorā€™s advice and writing something entirely outside my norm to break a particularly bad case of writerā€™s block. Thought I might as well share those silly things if I was taking the time to write them. Maybe someone would enjoy them. Never did plan on sticking around, but found so many lovely people that Iā€™ve come to call friends.
3- How did you pick your blog name?Ā 
It was lilyofchoices. My name + Choices because I am super creative like that with those sorts of naming things šŸ˜… I changed it to lilyoffandoms when I left the Choices fandom for a bit. Iā€™ve thought about changing it more times than I can count but I canā€™t bring myself to actually follow through on it. How do yā€™allā€™s change your blog name with each new book release? You are a crazy different breed of tumblr and you fascinate me.
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!Ā Ā 
I deleted the first one years ago. It was my first drabble. Currently, as it stands, the first thing in my archive is this post about Desire and Decorum, and it still makes me giggle.
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Iā€™ve only been writing fanfic since I joined Tumblr. I never really tried writing fanfic before that. Some nonfiction personal things before that but never anything like this world. It's been an adventure, to say the least haha
6- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to write about?
My favorite book is probably Blades of Light and Shadow, book one, but there are plenty that are really close behind. This is also the book Iā€™d say I enjoy writing for the most because it is my favorite book, contains my favorite LI, and has one of my favorite OCs (Maiele) in it.
Though recently, Iā€™ve been writing more for Crimes of Passion because it's more of a challenge for me. It's a different vibe between the MC and the LI and it's one I donā€™t often explore so Iā€™m here for that right now. But I have a sneaky suspicion once Blades 2 drops Iā€™ll be back on my bullshit with that again.
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were writing it today?
I donā€™t think it exists on this site anymore. Maybe in someoneā€™s reblog? I still have it in my files. It was an Ethan x MC drabble featuring my MC, Merida. I still like it. Iā€™d not change it cuz Iā€™m a firm believer in writing it and donā€™t look back haha.
This is it:
He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to form in his eyes. There it was. He had told her. Dr. Banerji was dying and Ethan was at a loss as to what was ailing his mentor and friend. Ethan stared at the young woman in front of him and then to the floor. He cleared his throat and made a small motion to turn back into Naveenā€™s room but froze instantly the moment he noticed her take a step towards him.
She threw her arms around him and hugged him, wishing to take away all of his pain, all of his loneliness. Silently willing him to understand that she cared for him. Cared deeply for him and much more than she should. ā€œEthan. Iā€™m so sorry,ā€ she whispered, one hand stroked through his hair while the other grasped his neck and slowly bent his head toward her shoulders as she raised herself to her tiptoes to meet him halfway.
He tensed upon feeling her arms around him. Arms, he thought to himself, that he had imagined holding him for a number of weeks now. Ever since that night spent sitting up with her watching little baby Ethan. ā€œMerida,ā€ he sighed as he gradually relaxed into the embrace.
She didnā€™t let up on the hug, squeezing him to her just a bit more tightly. God, she had wanted to comfort him when Dolores died but she didnā€™t know how he would respond. Now, he was facing the possibility of another friend dying and she couldnā€™t help herself.
He responded to the increased pressure of her hug and tightened his own hold upon her. Finding himself tracing circles up her spine and imagining what it would feel like to move his hands to tease along the skin of her back where her pants met her shirt.
Her breath caught when she felt his hands move lower. No longer making gentle movements along her spine but increasing their pressure upon her body, nearly massaging their way lower. She brought one of her own hands around to his chest, lightly bunching his white coat in her fist to try and pull him closer to her.
A loud crash echoed down the hall. ā€œShit!ā€ a construction worker cursed. The two doctors jumped back from each other both staring into each otherā€™s eyes seeming to question if they had both felt the same in the otherā€™s arms. She blushed slightly. ā€œI should see to my other patients. Dr. Banerjiā€™s condition stays between us. Understand, Rookie?ā€ he stated, his eyes narrowing. She nodded and he turned and marched down the hall.
8- What is your favorite fic that youā€™ve written?
I love asking this question of others but donā€™t like it asked of me. Iā€™m so bad at self-rep and advertising my wares šŸ˜‚ But if I had to pick one, Iā€™d say this one. It was so far outside my comfort zone when it came to writing that I almost abandoned it two paragraphs in. But Iā€™m a stubborn person, and I refused to let it beat me. Plus, I had been wanting to write a noir fic for this book since it was released. Furthermore, I adore Haydenā€™s work too much not to gift a little something back for all the art he shares with us, so I knew I just had to make it work.
9- Do you have a fic that you didnā€™t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but found could use a little more love?
I didnā€™t expect last yearā€™s Luck of the Draw fic to garner much love. Attention? Maybe. But not love and definitely not the response I got. I really enjoyed writing that one.Ā 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?Ā 
Fluff. Iā€™m a sucker for happy-ever-afters and an endless hopeless romantic. Give me the fluff. All the fluff.Ā 
I pull a lot of what I toss into my silly drabbles from real life. Always been a believer in writing, most often what you know, and sprinkle that all with a dash of the stuff you donā€™t as a treat. And my life is pretty fluffy thanks to my incredible partner.Ā 
However, I do so adore angst Iā€™m just not able to write it often because it hurts more to write. But Iā€™ll always always read it. That pain is *chefā€™s kisses*
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Maiele, my Blades MC, is most definitely me coded. His whole personality, his choice of partner when it comes to personality, his constant flirting with said partner, his sense of humor, his lack of a filter most times, itā€™s all pretty much me. Gabriel, my CoP MC, is me when it comes to romantic gestures and Valentineā€™s Day. I may be a romantic, but I get weird when itā€™s aimed at me šŸ˜‚Ā 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Editing. I refuse to do it. I hate it with the burning light of a thousand suns. Those of you that manage to edit your fics have all my admiration. I honestly donā€™t know how yā€™all do it. Doesnā€™t it just bore you to no end?Ā 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
I have more drafts than I care to admit. I would like to complete a series I started long ago for Ethan x Merida, but I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll ever do that. Iā€™d settle for finishing one of my drafts šŸ˜…
14- If someone you know in real life (who isnā€™t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?Ā 
Nope, haha, Iā€™d not be able to do that. If I were that brave, Iā€™d recommend this one maybe. I do so love Flynn. Or this one, mostly because I do so love the idea of Gabriel just pouting on the couch.
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
Not really. I mean all of em probably. I read a lot of books in a lot of genres. Mostly I use my drabbles as morning warm ups for my day job.Ā 
There are definitely fanfic writers I admire around here that encourage me to share my silly things everyday. Especially all those queer writers out there that have a rather thankless existence sometimes around here but keep sharing their stories! They are all my heroes!!
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series?Ā 
Any and all of my Maiele and Tyril stories. I just love them sooooo much!!
17- Do you write original fiction?Ā 
Yes, but until recently, I wrote mostly nonfiction.
I do have a fic I began a few years back when I was still teaching. I had a student who hated their writing class, so I promised to write a short story alongside them and read it to the class like all the students had to if they gave it an honest go.Ā 
They did and so I did too, and I was asked the following year to do it again by more students and so I continued the same story. Iā€™ve since continued that same fic, and maybe someday Iā€™ll actually go looking to publish it.Ā 
18 -Ā  What other hobbies do you have?
I love the outdoors. Hiking, spelunking, kayaking, gardening, camping, anything and everything outdoors. My other favorite hobby, which I've done for years and years, is fencing. I still am part of a club and teach a few levels.Ā 
19 - Whatā€™s your favorite emoji?Ā 
šŸ˜… because itā€™s legit my state of existence at this point in life.Ā 
20: BONUS - tell us anything youā€™d like (if you want to).
I want to send a special shout-out to all the absolutely lovely participants of Augustā€™s writer appreciation event I hosted. I still cannot believe yā€™all did this for me. šŸ˜˜ These are each of my favorite fics youā€™ve written. Thank you for making our fandom a little brighter each and every day!
@aallotarenunelma Bathed in Sunlight @coffeeheartaddict2 Moths to a Flame @karahalloway A Leviathan Surprise @jerzwriter A Mother's Journal @ladylamrian Ma Cherie @mydemonsdrivealimo Run, Run @peonyblossom We're Gonna Get Married @petiteboheme Familia @storyofmychoices Passing Shower @tessa-liam All is Fair in Love and War @trappedinfanfiction What's In a Name? Lily's Top Three Commissions can be found here:
Crimes of Passion by @javsarts
A Year of Kisses by various artists: @lethendralis-paints @cashweasel @kundool @deheerkonijn @javsarts @weetlebeetle @kollapsar @mooreaux @rosefuckinggenius @/ArtbyAinna (IG) @littlestpersimmon @callmebeem
Trystan x Noel by @rosefuckinggenius
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karahalloway Ā· 5 months
WIP Update - 2024
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Happy 2024! šŸ„³
Hope everyone had a great holiday period - got the chance to see friends and family, relax a bit - and is ready for the new year!
Harper and Drake certainly did! Thank you @nestledonthaveone for these pics!
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Unfortunately, I was too busy to put together a 2023 Year In Review post, or something similar, but now that things are getting back to normal after the festivities, I wanted to take the time to let anyone who is still around (and reads my stuff) about a few updates.
Tumblr Projects for 2024
My overall plan for 2024 is to try and finish off my outstanding WIPs. These are (in no particular priority order):
(Less Than) Noble Intentions (including Extraction)
Mission: Cordonia
If I have time / the Muse feels supportive, I may post an additional installment for Tales from the Gypsea as well. I also have The Highwayman for January's Song Rewrite Challenge to write (at least the first part).
Please bear with me, as my posting will probably be chaotic. I was supposed to be working on the next chapter of Thanksgiving (as there is only one part left), or possibly the first installment of The Highwayman given that this has a deadline šŸ˜¬, but instead, my brain decided that I must focus on the next chapter of Intentions šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
So, I may be dropping one chapter of one fic here, another chapter for another fic there... or there could be a glut of chapters for one particular fic while the other ones gather dust in the corner. Who knows... I certainly don't!
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Original Fiction Project(s) for 2024
In parallel to my TRR fanfic, I am also working on some original fiction in the background, that I hope to publish (as actual books) once they are done (I currently have 3 projects in progress or in pre-planning - I know - my brain is crazy - I blame my association with @angelasscribbles šŸ¤£)
Definitely no ETA on this yet, but if I randomly go silent on Tumblr, then this is why.
In addition to this, there are several series that I want / need to catch up on, but again, please bear with me, as my primary focus will be wrapping up my outstanding series, so my reading/reblogging time may end up being limited (especially if work is also busy).
Thanks for your continued support and interest in my fics (I know the fandom is not quite what it used to be, but my OCD will not let me leave projects unfinished! šŸ˜…) and best wishes to everyone for 2024!
PS: If anyone wants on or off my taglist, please message me! I will not be offended - I know real life is busy, and most of us don't have as much free time anymore as we did during the successive lockdowns (kinda miss those, tbh šŸ˜…)
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandmeĀ @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890
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homerforsure Ā· 10 months
Fuck It Friday
Tagged by @panbuckley and @wildlife4life
Okay according to poll results, I need to give you 56 sentences of Eddie Gives Buck a Key which would be a lot easier if my sentences werenā€™t 56 words long šŸ˜…
but! i have the first 26 for you.
The blue and grey concrete box rose up in front of him as Buck rounded a bend on Victory place. The Burbank Walmart lit up with the same sea of bright white LED lights that Buck recognized from every other parking lot that heā€™d been in across the US. The sameness and familiarity of it was almost comforting except that it also felt a whole lot like defeat as he backed the Jeep into a space and put it into park.
When he first left home, Buck meant to save the money that Maddie gave him. He wasnā€™t going to blow through it like he did his allowance and his tuition money. He was going to build a new life and if Maddie didnā€™t want to come with him that was just fine. He didnā€™t need her.
He skimped on food, bought well drinks for people who smiled at him in the bars, drove past E until he found the cheapest gas, but for the first month that he was on the road, Buck slept in a bed surrounded by four walls. Hotels mostly, but also assorted apartments and condos and houses both fancier and more rundown than the one heā€™d grown up in. It wasnā€™t that he hadnā€™t slept around before, but there was a new wild freedom in doing it without having to worry about being caught, getting home late, wondering if heā€™d be shamed or ignored this time. For the first time since Maddie moved away, Buck reached out and found others reaching back.
Unfortunately, his, like all addictions, was expensive, and Buckā€™s pile of cash grew thinner and thinner in his glove box. He pulled over in a beachside town, talked his way into a dishwashing gig that barely paid enough to put gas in the Jeep, and got let down easy by a brown eyed server with a crooked smile. It got darker and closing time came and Buck thought about driving around and pretending he had somewhere to go until the sun came up and he could blend in with the surf crowd, but he couldnā€™t spare the gas.
It was a local grocery store that time, but the lighting was the same. Buck lay awake, waiting for a knock on his window, a gun, storm, a cop. But the only thing that peeked through the glass was the sun. Early morning staff pulled in not long after and Buck pulled away, a little stiff, a little grimy, but knowing something new about himself. What he could do. He still spent plenty of time in other peopleā€™s beds and eventually found jobs that paid enough to get him a room in someone elseā€™s house and then, finally, his name on a lease of his own. But when it eventually, inevitably, came time to leave, Buck knew he could go.
Of course, the procedure was easier when half of what he owned was in the Jeep most of the time anyway. These days, Buck had a couple empty energy drink cans, an overkill first aid kit, a book heā€™d lost interest in, and a rubber duck in a firefighterā€™s helmet. No blankets. No extra hoodie he could squash down into a pillow. And it was January.
tagging @rewritetheending @mellaithwen @princessfbi @sibylsleaves @bigfootsmom @honestlydarkprincess @messyhairdiaz @renecdote @littlespoonevan @fleurdebeton @shortsighted-owl @devirnis
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finleyforevermore Ā· 1 year
About me!
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First picture/profile picture/avatar made with this!
Second picture/drawing made by my wonderful friend Korey (@sharkbaitju1ce)! Great artist and even greater friend, please check their stuff out! :D
Third picture/picrew by @/potato-lord-but-not!
More under the cut, friends! Please be sure to peruse through all of the IMPORTANT LINKS! You may also take a look at all of my wonderful Tumblr family members, but the important links ESPECIALLY. Thank you! :)
Name: Finley, but you can call me Finn or Fin, too! Or really ANY nickname derivative of Finley! I ADORE nicknames, please feel free to give me some! :D
Birthday: January 8th!
ā™‘ (Capricorn): The Ambitious Nature
Age: Minor
Interests: Animation, voice acting, musicals
Gender/Orientation: Cis male, sex-repulsed asexual
Musical genres I like: Musicals, Classical, Orchestral, Jazz, Lo-fi, Ambient, I dabble in rock sometimes šŸ˜…
Pronouns: He/him/his
Quote(s) that describe(s) my life:
"And all I really want is some justice! Ahhh!" - "All I Really Want" by Alanis Morrisette, from the album "Jagged Little Pill"
"I've earned the right to selfishly be all for one and one for me." - "Loser Geek Whatever" from "Be More Chill"
Favorite colors: Green and blue.
Favorite Book(s): "Good Dog" by Dan Gemeinhart, "Thanks a Lot, Universe" by Chad Lucas, "Ghost Boys" by Jewell Parker Rhodes, "Long Way Down" by Jason Reynolds, "Show Us Who You Are" by Elle McNicoll
Favorite Season: Fall/Autumn
Favorite musical(s): Wicked, Hadestown, and Come From Away
Favorite film: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Favorite band: Tally Hall
Favorite shows: Infinity Train, Bluey, Hilda
Blogs with DNI Minors
Wilbur Soot defenders/supporters/fans
You ship incest, pedophilia, real people, etc.
Anti-BLM/All Lives Matter
Porn bot
Do not stand with Palestine
Other stuff!:
Pall Weople and Hurricane Family enthusiast!
I have chromesthesia!
If my profile pic wasn't any indicator, I wear glasses!
I play the violin and sometimes the piano!
I give off platypus vibes according to my friends!
11 of my friends have called me a "ray of sunshine" so I guess it must be true XD
I like boots more than shoes.
I saw Wicked on 10/5/22!!! šŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’š
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oristian Ā· 5 days
Speed round: who do you think has the next book?
How do you think the remaining plots/problems will be resolved? And by what couple?
Do you think e/riel needs closure at all? I donā€™tĀ šŸ˜…Ā except maybe a little apology.Ā 
Do you think there will be any betrayal? I go back and forth with that because thereā€™s too many unresolved problems already.Ā 
Thoughts on Merrill maybe working for Koschei?Ā 
Do you think the Valkyrieā€™s will take over the Prison? Do you think the pegasus holds any significance to their story?
Do you think Nesta will be pregnant by the end of the next book?
Do you think Lucien or Elain will cave first? AND! Do you think Papa Archeron made a deal with Koschei that Elain will end up having to deal with?
Any other thoughts on the future of the series or theory you want to see play out??
Thank you for what you do for this fandomĀ šŸ™šŸ»Ā šŸ˜­
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I want to preface this by saying that I only recently joined the fanbase back in January, so many of my theories may not be fully fleshed out. My theories are also ever changing as I do more rereads, learn about other theories/possibilities, and my opinions change. However, I love talking theories!
1 ā€” The next book is a toss-up for me and can go either way. I personally would want the Gwynriel book next to continue the ACOSF and HOFAS foreshadowing and build-up for the Dusk Court arc, and I would love the Koschei plot arc to complete the spin-off. On a romance standpoint, the Elucien book being next makes the most sense so that the readers can see that it was Elainā€™s choice to end whatever it is that she has with Azriel and accept the mating bond with Lucien. I do think that Gwyn and Azriel need a little bit more development before their book, especially since Azriel needs to sort through his feelings for both Mor and Elain.
2 ā€” I separate the remaining plot arcs into groups assigned to each couple. Koschei/Day Court/Autumn Court/LoA, Beron, Helion triangle/Queens/BoE/Spring Court and Tamlin/Eris will all be in the Elucien book based on the ties that the plot has. Their book will also explain more about how the Cauldron works and will inform the reader about mating bonds, since it is still pretty unclear about what constitutes a pair.
The Gwynriel book will deal with Ramiel/Dusk/Amren and her origin/Emerie and Illyria/Valkyries and I could even see this one deep-diving more into the history of Pyrthian, again, since some readers may not have read Crescent City. We will also see more of the Trove, Made items, Gwydion and Truth Teller, and I do believe the Prison is going to be handled in this book. Since it seems that SJM is going to pair Mor and Emerie, I also see us learning about Morā€™s power and I see women being a massive part of this bookā€”possibly Emerie training the women in Illyria to be Valkyries, and Mor training the women from Hewn City.
3 ā€” For Elriel, I do think they need to have a conversation. Personally, I wouldnā€™t want any page time between them, but there needs to be some sort of resolution that fully resolves them before their endgames. I have always seen Elain and Azriel being such good friendsā€”which is what I believe the ā€œforeshadowingā€ that Elriels pick up on was eluding toā€”and I hope that they can communicate well enough to remain as friends. Seeing as there has been no development in their relationship since ACOFAS, this should be relatively quick.
4 ā€” I actually have a theory on the betrayal idea! I truly donā€™t think that there will be a betrayal in the way that others do with someone from the Inner Circle selling them out. I actually see Elain being the ā€œbetrayer.ā€ Allow me to explain. Cassian picked up on this, too, but I do not think that Elain is actually gardening around Velaris. I believe that she has been trying to find either a way out, or a way to turn back mortal. I also believe that she may have been either attempting to come to terms with her ability, or she has been communicating with Koschei through the wind.
I believe that Koschei is going to convince Elain that he can turn her back mortalā€”possibly even using Papa Archeron and their bargain to be a manipulation factorā€”if she returns Vassa to him and helps free him from his lake. I think Elain is then going to do so, realize that she made a massive mistake, and this kickstarts her journey to find his box and ultimately defeat him. I really donā€™t see anyone else being a betrayer for so many reasons. We can rule out Nesta and Feyre, as well as Cassian and Azriel. Amren sacrificed herself for the better good in ACOWAR. Rhys always seemed suspicious to me, but not enough to be the actual villain. Mor is lying about something, but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s enough for her to be the villain. If there would ever be a betrayal, it would be someone youā€™d least expect.
5 ā€” Merrill is a toss-up for me. She either could be a Jesiba type who is just that type of personality, or she could be the antagonist in the Gwynriel book. I do think it is very interesting that she can hear the same wind that those in the Prison do, as well as the wind that Koschei communicates through. Iā€™m indifferent until we see more about her.
6 ā€” I do see the Valkyries taking over the Prison and Nesta freeing the fae trapped within the walls. Though, I wonder if the Prison will remain, or if there needs to be some sort of ā€œportalā€ open to rid their world of the monsters trapped within it. I think Dusk will become a sanctuary for women, protected by the Valkyries. I do think that pegasus are going to be important for this arc since they have been symbolic of the Valkyries. Most of that is speculation since we need more information.
7 ā€” I sincerely hope we do not get another pregnancy trope, especially not Nesta. I can definitely see where people believe that HOFAS hinted at such, but I really see no reason other than fan service for Nesta being pregnant. The only way I could see it happening is if the novella is at the end of the whole series and is an epilogue type years in the future.
8 ā€” My hope is that Elain caves first. We saw a snippet of Lucienā€™s POV in ACOWAR and we already know that he is attracted to her and seems more willing to explore the bond. I think it would be interesting to see inside of Elainā€™s head to see if they have similar reactions to each other. I also would love a confession from a female first.
The bargain with Papa Archeron has always seemed suspicious to me. What did he bargain that was strong enough to release Vassaā€”arguably Koscheiā€™s favoriteā€”for as long as she has been freed? I have a theory that Papa Archeron bargained one of his daughters, believing that Koschei would not come for them until decades later when they were old and possibly already dead. At that point, he was not aware that his daughters were all fae with elongated lifespans.
9 ā€” My biggest theories revolve more around Elucien since I can visualize their book the best right now. I want Elain to have a solo journey through the mortal lands and I would love if her trio involved mortals. I also want to see Helion challenge Beron to a Blood Duel over the LoA, winning, and Eris becoming High Lord of Autumn. I want to see more with the Band of Exiles and I would like to explore more of the Prythian courts, as well as the mortal continent. I just really want to branch out of Velaris/Night Court/Hewn/HoW/River Houseā€”the settings that have been in every book so far.
If SJM writes Elucien and Gwynriel correctly, I can see their books being some of her best work and those couples being two of her best couples. I also believe that it is taking as long as it is for an announcement because sheā€™s writing their books to be read in tandem.
I just woke up, so apologies if some of this makes no sense. Thank you for the questions!
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yyh4ever Ā· 2 years
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GraffArt x Yu Yu Hakusho Winter Version ā„ļø
GraffArt design, an A3 original series that combines graffiti and art, is releasing new goods with Yu Yu Hakusho winter-themed illustrations. I like GraffArt, because they often include Botan, Keiko and Yukina. All chibi chara are so cute, it feels like Kuwabara will throw a huge snowball at Youko šŸ˜… ā˜ƒļø
Stores: GraffArt Shop Ikebukuro Main Store, and Namba Store
Release: January 14th, 2023
Mail Order Reservations: from December 9th to December 15th, 2022, on eeo web store. You can pick up the product at a designated store after the release date.
Acrylic Petit Stand
Blind (9 types): Ā„900 each
Complete Box: ļæ„8,100
Size: approx. 70Ɨ70mm
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Can Badge
Blind (9 types): ļæ„550 each
Complete Box: Ā„4,950
Size: 65mm
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Leather Sticky Book
4 Types: Yusuke & Kuwabara & Keiko; Koenma & Botan; Kurama & Youko Kurama; Yukina & Hiei
Price: ļæ„605 each
Size: 57Ɨ11Ɨ77mm
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Character Pouch
Price: ļæ„1,430
Size: H113ƗW200ƗD3mm
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Smartphone Chara Stand
It is an acrylic smartphone stand.
Price: ļæ„1,760
Size: H150ƗW70ƗD6mm
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If you purchase 2,200 yen (tax included), you will receive a special postcard.
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kazeharuhime Ā· 5 months
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Thanks to @authoroflight for the original template! (Though I might have customized it beyond recognizability ksdjgnsd)
2023... I got a lot of art done this year compared to past years! Though the year started out slow, between trades and commissions, the first quarter of the year somehow managed to have at least one good drawing a month, even if March's old-sketch-paintover looks a little strange next to all the creatures. XD; May and June continued the theme of painting over old, though June's original was considerably newer than May's. It also took me forever to find it!! Several of the ones I'd been going to put for June turned out to be from different months (no date on them so was going by modified date at first, oops!). And in July of course there was the Clysmia comic, August with the Choco 'comic'. September was another low but I managed to churn out another paintover. October of course had my annual flower-drawing saga with the last one featured here, and in November I got bored and drew Comet, and December held a delightful surprise in the form of a book-illustrating commission. :3 Gonna keep that one to just a preview since it's part of something that'll be published.
But! Let's go through all the rest. Keep reading for more on the rest of the pieces.
January - This was a secret santa for my good friend @toothpaste-dragon of her OC Baz! Love this grumpy crust of an alien. :D You can view the full pic here.
February - This was a commission from @dreagonarchives of her guy Guido! Full pic: x
March - Paintover I did of my character Sleepi from Torn Apart! Since it was done over an older pic the style looks a little incongruent from my current style šŸ˜… But this was also almost a year a go now, so, y'know.
April - My half of a design trade with @chrystallink! Doggos are a bit of a challenge for me, but it was a fun one! Full pic: x
May - A fittingly sunny pic of my character Nola. This was another one that I think had started from a paintover and just went places from there. Still a little strange-looking, but oh well. Plus a photo of some sunflowers in the background. XD
June: Progress pic of an absolute freak. An attempt was made to sketch out a hand to keep it from hiding, but I never did get back to this pic... šŸ˜‚
July: As mentioned above, a comic for my good friend Dia featuring her gal Clysmia!
August: The tail end of a final ArtFight attack against Chocobir! I had so much fun putting in on the Easter eggs, and Choco is so cute!
September: The suave business lizard himself, it's Nell! Another one that's painted over an older sketch. Overall I think I improved the face shape a bit since the sketch? Maybe?
October: The final flower from Floratober 2023! I had a lot of fun and it was so great getting so much feedback this year. The wonders of posting on places other than Tumblr! lol.
November: Comet from Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san! Whenever I need to get away and draw, Comet is there as my comfort anime. :) It's been a while since I've drawn the girl and watched the last bundle of episodes!
December: And of course, December's art! From a very fittingly snowy-themed project. :) I don't know yet how much I'll be able to talk about it, but it's certainly going to keep me busy for a while!
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woolandcoffee Ā· 6 months
11, 14, 16, and 18 for the end of year asks
Oh dear, not only me just now getting to thesešŸ˜…
11. Something you want to do again next year?
If at all possible, I would love to make another 18th c. gown next year. This year was my first time working in that era, and I really enjoyed the end result! Would love to try maybe a Redingote or a robe a l'anglaise.
14. Favorite book you read this year?
Hands down, Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. It was so beautiful, and elegantly articulated some of my own feelings about human beings an our relationship to our landscapes. About halfway through reading it, I started to limit myself to only one essay a day to make the experience of reading the book last as long as possible.
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
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Most of my pictures from January 2023 are of my cats! These two are brothers from the same litter. The orange one is Hazel, and the grey one is Thistle. Collectively, they are known as the Disgusting Brothers.
18. A memorable meal this year?
For St. Patrick's Day this year, I corned by own brisket to make corned beef for the first time (as opposed to getting a corned beef brisket at the supermarket that's already been spiced and cured). It was divine. I have never had a more flavorful corned beef. My partner and I both absolutely adored it. Suffice to say, I will be corning my own beef every year going forward. And for anyone wondering, it was incredibly easy to do! The biggest challenge is making sure you prep everything in time because it does take about 10 days to fully corn (and no, no idea if I'm using that verb correctly).
These were so fun, thank you for sending them!
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faejilly Ā· 5 months
jilly's week in review?
I guess or something. Idek y'all, I was gonna try and do reviews but then I just rambled about what I did instead, so this is clearly gonna need a format revamp next week
Finished Daughter of Witches
and also St. Peter's Fair, which I had started AGES ago and sort of lost track of, but I'm doing the January Challenge on TheStoryGraph and couldn't decide what to read next but needed to get my pages in, so I went digging for random shit and I have read it before and watched all the Cadfael mysteries so it's not like it was hard to get into to finish it so I could save my streak.šŸ˜…
Read A House with Good Bones (on purpose from start to finish in one day!) because T. Kingfisher/Ursula Vernon is absofuckinglutely one of my favorites. (There's a thought here about my occasional forays into the horror genre, and how some horror is almost kind of cozy because it's about protecting what we love from what we fear, and that is very much a Kingfisher kind of thing, but that might need a new post and a more functional brain to figure out where I'm going with that.)
Listened to a little bit more of IT while doing housework; I'm not great at audio books except when I'm driving, but sometimes I can manage a little (and I didn't want to distract myself from dishes by picking up a new book instead). Stephen Weber is an excellent narrator btw, for anyone who's curious.
The husband was sick last week, and I was only sort of doing shit either, so he kind of just put the TV on and let it go and I definitely will not manage a nice list with links like I did with books. There was some M*A*S*H, (oh, I did finally watch the special that recently came out on Hulu), and RoboCop (largely because Thing 1 gave the husband the new game for Christmas) and several different Predator movies of various quality, and a bunch of other stuff I am not thinking of at the moment. I know I picked a couple and watched them myself but with everything else I can't remember what?
Also some Mythbusters when Thing 2 picked something to watch for awhile, which is pretty much always entertaining even when we're like: your sample size is nonexistent and just because you can't do it doesn't mean someone who knows what they're doing couldn't have done it so are you SURE you should have busted that? šŸ˜…
I got Garden Story for Christmas and got through the quest-lines and realized I was quite far away from all the upgrades, so I've been periodically poking at it and trying to get my villages/tools better before trying the Final Boss. I have had a good time with Concord though, it's fun, I'm just not sure the leveling functions, such as they are, are paced/balanced quite right? šŸ˜… (Or perhaps I'm just Bad At Fighting In Cozy Games? This does seem to be a bit of a trend tbqh, probably why I liked Wylde Flowers' lack of combat so much.) I also have found VERY FEW of the memories/weird achievements so that's a thing I'm probably going to have to look up hints for soon-ish...
(I did finish Potion Permit last year, which is great, I recommend it whole-heartedly: the potion building mechanic is usually pretty solid, it has good characters, a nice aesthetic, I did actually mostly have fun rolling around and fighting things/gathering stuff, but I did reach the end of the main quest and then go... huh, is that it? just because it, yk, kept going after the finale but there didn't seem to be anything there beyond like, a couple personal quests that needed materials I couldn't unlock until the end.)
MORE ENTERTAININGLY I THINK, we did also play some board games
Paint The Roses is QUITE HARD with only two people even if you stick to the medium level whims; or maybe I'm just not that smart?!? We did in fact survive without getting our heads' chopped off by the Queen of Hearts, but we legit guessed the last two puzzles so. Dumb Luckā„¢ļø is not nearly as reliable as actually figuring out how to plot your plants better.
We did Escape the Dark Sector (with more people this time, tbf) on our first try though! That was pretty delightful. It is atmospheric and potentially almost deadly without feeling too awful at any point! Also I got to punch a tentacle monster!
Mice & Mystics can go dramatically bad if your dice aren't on your side and you do like, one stupid thing to compound that, and then if you're invested enough to start over you can suddenly realize you've been moving tiny plastic mice and bugs around the table for like four hours and still only got through the first chapter... but not regret it at all because you like your mice and are very proud of them for finally making it!
Can you tell we like co-op games? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
(I did also do some rearranging so the game room was comfier, so like, win/win I adulted and played!)
THERE WAS NO WRITING OR CROSS-STITCHING OR PAINTING OR ANYTHING ELSE THIS WEEK, so uh. Clearly my balance of activities is bonkers and I should maybe get off the couch/game chair(s) a bit more often.
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destinyc1020 Ā· 5 months
This what I don't like in Tom decisions,he almost all the time picking up roles before scripts is twitter. So he never know what he will get. With TCR he done same thing and he was flexing like it's good thing. Many famous actors doing opposite of this, never take roles if they not like script when script already done, waiting for "their" role,ehh Tom...I have bad feeling for FA. Problems is even with good performance u can't save bad scripts and all blame usually gets lead of film in this case would be Tom.
If it's early stages and small chance he will shoot this in 2024,so uncharted 2 or nothing and FA after spiderman shooting in 2025
Hey Anon, I think some of your msg was a little bit unclear, but I think I understood the general gist of what you were trying to say.
I'll be honest, I've seen several fans of Tom being upset by his manner of picking roles (like yourself), but I always say that at the end of the day, I just want my favorite actors to be HAPPY. šŸ˜Š
If Tom were not HAPPY picking the roles that he's choosing, THEN I would probably feel some kind of way about it. But as long as he's happy doing the projects that he's been doing (and, let's face it, he seems pretty happy with most of his projects), then I'm happy for him and I'll always support him in his roles! šŸ˜Š
With that said, I am kind of curious about what kind of projects he could possibly find himself getting into if he were to step away from the Russo Brothers, Amy Pascal, Sony, or anything Marvel-related period... šŸ‘€
I'm just curious! šŸ¤”
I wouldn't mind seeing him do a role which already had a script finalized before he signed on to it, or even a role that was based on a critically-acclaimed book/novel, so that even if there isn't a script written yet, you kind of know where the story is going ahead of time and how well-written the plot is because of the novel. šŸ¤”
But we might have to just be patient. Tom JUST had a much-need year off break from working last year. šŸ™‚ We're currently only at January 4th. Fans need to give Tom some time to start getting back into working mode again.
I'm sure 2024 will bring more Tom project announcements our way, and some fans might get their wish.
BTW, I'm not exactly sure why you have such a negative feeling already about the FA biopic? šŸ„“ Despite what haters and Debbie Downers might think or say šŸ™„, biopics are a GREAT genre to get into! And they usually often do very well with most audiences... especially if the film is done well.
Paul King is a very respected and decent Director, and his films tend to be beloved by moviegoers.
This will also be the FIRST time we FINALLY get to see Tom dancing on the BIG SCREEN!! šŸ˜ If that's not exciting, idk what is lol šŸ˜…
Idk why some fans are automatically throwing crap at this movie when we haven't even gotten any bts filming/set pics yet, let alone a trailer or even a script! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
I think some fans need to chill on the pessimist-ade they're sipping on this winter, and just let things unfold organically without being so negative about a project every step of the way. šŸ‘€
Jmho šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø
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bryan360 Ā· 5 months
Hereā€™s my note before Iā€™ll get startedā€¦.
2024 Review - Seagate 2TB Portable Drive (First Half - Unboxing Impressions)
No ā€œOn This Dayā€ posting once again, but might be the right time to focus on this instead. Itā€™s been a long waited time for me; especially for what was my most ā€œlimitedā€ experience when trying to complete my art trades in time. Though thankfully Iā€™m keeping it cool to get through my friendā€™s request for January 2024; without having to rush as Iā€™d developed my art skills for sometime. Iā€™m lucky enough to get those done despite giving some multiple details if I wanted to keep it going. Other than that, Iā€™ve been secretly supported my DeviantArt page with two recent fanarts Iā€™d saved. At least that counts for something while Iā€™m not too busy on my friendā€™s art trade requests this hard. šŸ˜…
Just needed to squeeze one more for the last week of January 2024. But for today, Iā€™m now about to bring you my first half review for my Seagate 2TB Portable Drive I was looking forward. Keep in mind, this will be the focus for an unboxing part Iā€™d taken. Do forgive myself that I wouldā€™ve like to continue on by installation and progression, but thatā€™s gonna be for February posts hopefully. So anyways, hereā€™s my unboxing impressions for this latest item after my mom ordered from Amazon.com. Link Here
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(Dated: Jan. 6th, 2024) (The time Iā€™d recorded myself when unboxing my package)
Let me just say it does bring my excitement regardless this is suppose to be my last yearā€™s Christmas present request. (And the second one which yet to be revealed.) Well, we canā€™t expect anything to arrived in time for that matter. So as I get into my package, it came with the main item, a USB 3.0 cable, and two other books. Nothing too much, but exactly what it needed like if I wanted more. Besides, this is good enough of having two items to install with my gaming console; which Iā€™ll get to reveal soon.
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(Dated: Jan. 25th, 2024) (Just after setting up with my external portable drive. Sorry if I wouldā€™ve included from the beginning.)
Hereā€™s a closer look of my portable drive while Iā€™m holding. It seems small enough to fit in your pockets, but best if you donā€™t do this by accidental breaking. Iā€™d looked up for the product details from Amazon.com that was about ā€œ4.6 x 3.15 x 0.58 inches and 6.72 ounces.ā€ Just making sure if it can fit anything other than pockets from your pants. For as the USB 3.0 cable was obviously needed to transfer with. Itā€™s about 18 inches and hopes of high-speed connectivity. If I ever lost it, then preying myself when checking some similar USB 3.0 cables that should work to transfer connection.
My Overall Thoughts (so far):
Iā€™m very happy to unboxed this without some issues. Thereā€™s plenty other hard drives to looked from, but the Seagate one is the first way to go. I would imagined if I can planned more on hard drives for other of my devices. Since it didnā€™t have with my own laptop/computer desktop, my gaming console is the closest way I can get. Either way, this portable drive of mine is something to look forward to.
Hope you guys enjoy this first half review Iā€™d going through, but promised be back for more during February 2024 for free time. Iā€™ll be coming back for another weekdays at the program through Mondays and Fridays as always. What that being said, at least I got this first half review in timeā€¦.just before going to bed though. ^^* See ya, guys.
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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gothamxwattpad Ā· 5 months
Writerā€™s block doesnā€™t have me stuck.
I have me stuck.
I have multiple directions I want to go but can only pick one because each one changes what happens next.
One direction has me writing from the POV of a character that doesnā€™t really hold a lot of weight in the story, I mean, she does play her part. Sheā€™s the daughter of a former gang leader who still holds great power and influence over the other gangs in Uptown and Midtown Gotham. He did a thing (no spoiler) that got innocent people killed to save him and his own family. Heā€™s had to live with that guilt and now his daughter has to live with it too.
Another direction has me jumping to the main characterā€™s best friendā€™s plot line, (that was very wordy, my apologies). Him being the street art & comic book loving little punk he is, that would send him down a rabbit hole, (pun intended- no spoilers), which would skip ahead to present conflicts. Iā€™d actually like to save that for a little later on.
Or I can continue on with my chapter three being in the same POV of my main character from chapter two. Iā€™d like to go ahead and post chapter two but not until Iā€™ve figured out what Iā€™m doing with chapter three. (Again I apologize for the word soup, itā€™s been a long day).
After writing all of this, i didnā€™t even consider I have other characters I can play around with, after all, my biggest issue with rewriting was how many characters I have and that I kept trying to write it from one POV, the main characterā€™s, and it wasnā€™t working.
Iā€™m not pantsing, (you know, writing from the seat of my pants), I am following the same storyline I already have, just trying to do it better. I have another version of my fic, GothamX, on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own(AO3) and itā€™s okay. Itā€™s not great and it needs a lot of organizing and editing and some love and affection. THAT was me pantsing.
But Iā€™m trying and I keep reminding myself that little progress is still progress and this project is not work, it is art & fun & for myself. I wanted something different from all the other Harley Quinn and Joker fanfictions on Wattpad.
If you canā€™t find what you want to read in fanfiction, make what you want to read. Because chances are, youā€™re not the only one that wants that story.
(sorry, Iā€™m derailing again)ā€¦
I really wanted to be close to done with part one by the end of January. Part One is the first night. It sets up the basis for everything else to come. The First Night. The First punch thrown. The First stormā€¦
If I can get through part one, I can branch out more on the other plot lines with my other characters.
Welcome to my Tedtalk and thank you for letting me ramble on. Feel free to ask questions and such.
Tagging @dyrewrites since you said it was okay to brain dump on youšŸ˜…
All of this was actually pretty helpful. I should brain dump more often.
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