#or outright au
astrummorte · 1 month
alt !!
ex muses & hidden characters. still accepting!
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"Ah man, you guys are so weird. I like that. Weird is in season, I'm pretty sure." they chuckle, the sound backed by countless bouncing echoes that seem to come from nowhere. "Hey, have you spoken to Oz lately? They seem to be worried about something. Us living horrors have to stick together. This marble you live on gives you so much hell - stick together. See you later."
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circuscountdowns · 2 days
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someone asked for au crumbs - here’s their first meeting in person
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ryoalouette · 25 days
DP X DC Death Game Show AU
A tot just occurred to me like. You know those deadly game movies? Something like... Escape room? Or maybe those movies of which some ppl got kidnapped, get strapped with a poison bracelet, got to solve a riddle within time limit/vote to kill someone/etc or die via poison?
Yeah. Those.
Danny (from Gotham U) got kidnapped with several other citizens by Joker (or Riddler or someone else, you pick) and are forced to play A Game. Whoever loses dies via Joker Gas (or something like that).
Danny ofc, is still a hero at heart. He'd purposely do things wrong/play hero in the last minute so that the villain targets him first. And second. And third.
It's live streamed.
Villain is noticeably frustrated with why the venom is not sticking to Danny.
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birdsong-warriors · 1 month
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Fun fact: my late sister used to call him Tigertail all the time as a condescending insult, so I had to sneak that in there somewhere. Also, SURPRISE THAT'S NOT REALLY A SURPRISE.
Also also: we're back to once weekly uploads every Friday. Sorry, guys!
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Part 1: Friend and Family
See up to thirty pages ahead, with timelapses, on Patreon!
Backgrounds, brushes, timelapses, and other assets for sale on my Ko-Fi!
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moonlight-stalker · 10 months
# 59 Dc X Dp
Danny has been living with the Waynes for several months now, in those months he has learned that the Wayne are the bats, they have left some of their equipment lying around the manor. Danny has not said anything about it because when he sees the equipment with somebody there they get anxious he comes to a collision that they didn't mean to leave it out so he pretends not to know
The Waynes have been leaving hints about the vigilant life to the new brother/son they want him to know but do not want to tell themselves, they wish for him to figure it out himself
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meamiiikiii · 2 months
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ways to wear a coat ft a reverse entry au siffrin
(also i am referring to the modern office / reverse isekai loop au as the reverse entry au moving forward)
(it is a clever wordplay that encapsulates both ideas i promise)
silly tiny bonus for those who click read more ADFSAFASAS
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zillychu · 4 months
I really like your “ghosts treated as natural disasters” au! It’s super cool! I wonder how people get around the fact that phantom has never been seen sucking anybody’s life force out? Do they think he’s building up to something big or just protective of the population center he’s found
That's a great question! I tried to keep that post as short and sweet as possible but oh man do I have a lot more nitty gritty details in mind.
For one, ghosts aren't restricted to Amity Park. They have haunts (territories) but they have lairs in the ghost zone as well, so they tend to go back and forth between the worlds.
However, only the Fentons have a portal with a fixed location, and they rarely have it turned on. (Fun fact: the Fenton portal is made after ghosts explode into the human realm in this AU!) There are areas on earth with higher portal activity, but where they pop up and how long they stay is pretty random.
So, ghosts naturally wander. They pop back into the human realm as they wish, but it's not always close to their haunt. Lots of lesser ghosts don't even have haunts, too mindless for intelligence and more like roaming animals. Smarter ghosts can be curious and explore other parts of earth. They tend to only get defensive of their haunt if they sense other ghosts hunting there excessively, or trying to lay claim on the haunt.
So, in short, Phantom isn't always in Amity. He's there most frequently, but does appear elsewhere on earth at times. There's basically no way to tell how many ghost-related deaths are Phantom's fault.
Not only that, but slowly devouring a human's life force over time isn't uncommon! More intelligent ghosts will do this in an effort to prolong the duration of their "meal", and indulge in the terror it incites. A lot of people simply get very ill and exhausted over time, until there's not enough life left in them. But since this happens to humans naturally all the time, well... it's often hard to tell if the decline in health is from natural causes, or a ghost. (Lesser ghosts don't eat as much, but they have no intelligence to keep them from stopping till they're full. They get full quickly though, so you're less likely to die if one catches you. Just watch out for multiple encounters.)
Danny does take this to an extreme, though! Humans do replenish their life force naturally over time--it's just that ghosts that eat slowly still overcome that natural regeneration. Phantom is literally the only ghost that takes so little over such a large population that it's barely perceptible (unless he messes up, which, oops--that's happened).
But there's simply no evidence that this is probable, or even possible. Ghosts have no reason to do this, it's not as satisfying to them if their prey doesn't experience the terror that comes with knowing they're being drained.
(Also, just another fun little factoid: haunts are usually small! Lesser ghosts will haunt a single item, stronger ones will haunt a building, the strongest on record will haunt something like a park or complex. No one has figured out yet that Phantom haunts all of Amity because that's unheard of!)
Another factoid: ghosts don't need life force to survive! They lived in the ghost zone all this time just fine.
Life energy simply gives them more power, and better ability to stay in the human realm longer, and more corporeal. And it's instinct--it tastes good.
Danny, however, does need that life energy to survive. He needs his ghost half strong enough to stay attached to him, or it could detach and leave his human half dead. Then he'd just be another ghost.
(Also, The more sentient a life is, the stronger it is. So ghosts could technically drain the life of plants and animals, but it's gonna be mostly empty calories.)
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
Dead on Main Childhood Friends Memes
Because now that I've gotten the hang of making au memes, i can't stop.
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emry-stars-art · 11 months
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I don’t know if you know this but I love a good royal au just as much if not more than a mer au… so when someone mentioned it at the beginning of May and i went for the thematic mermay instead I vowed I would come come back to the subject. Sketch dump time
Enter young king Aaron and prince Andrew, who recently were assigned new personal guards but Andrew is starting to realize every other word out of Abram’s mouth is only a half-truth if not an outright lie… what could he possibly have to hide
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little-pondhead · 1 year
For your villain au, what if Daniel is still a bit unstable an likes to take naps as just a sentient pile of goo. Danny finds this out and keeps a giant breaker in his lab in the DC universe specifically so his daughter could sleep without getting everywhere.
Now imagine some of the heroes break in to his lab while Danny is running errands or something and see this giant breaker of green goop labeled “Daniel” and just assume the worst. Danny comes back to a lab full of hero’s looking ready to murder him with tears in their eyes and calling him a sick bastard and such. Danny is so confused by the angry screaming until they all hear a tired yawn from behind the heroes. They all turn to look at a sleepy, very much alive and semi human Daniel, looking at them from inside the glass and asking her dad what’s wrong. He tells her that everything is fine and that she can go back to sleep. She just shrugs and turns back into goo before the horrified heroes
This, of course, only solidifies the theory that Danielle is a test tube baby created because the Trio wanted a child. I mean, why hire a surrogate when Fenton is a mad scientist in every sense of the word?
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spacedace · 2 months
John Constantine knew what he was. Knew he wasn’t a good man. He tried, sometimes. Got credit for it more often than he should. But at the end of the day, he was a bastard of the highest sort and nothing was going to change that fact. A rogue and a rake through and through. He lied, he cheated, he stole, and delighted in doing so. Cut from the same cloth as ol’ Stingy Jack who tricked the devil into letting him live longer than he should and managed to keep himself out of hell to boot after he’d finally shuffled off his mortal coil. John liked to think his cloth had been sewn into a much sharper suit though. He’d been clever enough to avoid the dying altogether, no carrying around smoldering turnips in the bleak between of closed-off afterlives for him, thanks. He was a charlatan and a scoundrel, and many, many worse things besides. John knew what he was. The woman who appeared in his dank and stinking flop house room in the middle of the night knew what he was too.
The Wild Hunt calls. For better or worse, John Constantine answers.
Chapter 6 is up! 😄
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revisitingfandoms · 2 months
Idea Prompt 10- A soulmate by any other name would never be the same
(Or in which pure vanilla can never catch a break.)
Every Cookie had atleast three separate soulmate markings.
One Romantic, one Familial and one an enemy. That was the standard, however there were cases like his.
Five Romantic, Five Familial and no enemies. 
That last part was the reason he’d been moved from counselor to counselor out of his mothers worry. After all, his parents just set to distancing themselves from him. 
(Afterall- instead of nameless blurs on his arms they were names in delicate ink carved into his skin. Five Familial names written upon them and not one of them was any cookie in his direct family.)
Pure vanilla sighed and grabs the book he was reading, “Ah- I should go meet up with White Lily Cookie..” The blonde cookie couldn’t stop the burning on his cheeks at the thought of his first Romantic soulmate.
(Elder Faerie, Dark Cacao, Golden Cheese, Hollyberry, White Lily)
(All of them written clearly in varying shades of red, orange or yellow, covering him.)
( White Lily’s name written around his wrist, almost like a chain, in a deep red, a red that had small things of black in it. Many times he’d been told it meant at some point they would be at odd ends before coming back together.)
(Elder Faeries was a soft yellow with strains of bright green and moments of silver. All he would have to do to see the others name was to simply look directly at his right shoulder and he could spot the others name trailing up his upper arm. He’d been told it meant that Elder Faerie would be there- that he would be supporting him and protecting him even when he didn’t know.)
(Dark Cacao was a deep red but lighter than White Lily’s, although bits of it was blue that mixed into purple on it. Many times pure vanilla had traced the others name written onto his inner elbow. More then once the name had gotten a nod of approval, that the other would be silent, but kind, a strong but gentle protector.)
(Golden Cheese was a bright bold yellow with a shining orange texture. Going diagonally right across his forearm. His father had laughed at the counselors words, a cookie who would spoil him in anything and everything and would be willing to give him whatever his heart desired, yet would also wish to be treasured back.)
(The pinkish-red of Hollyberry’s names was bright and bold and out there. The other had the biggest lettered name right along his back arm. He remembered the words, they would be bright, loud and willing, a bright smile and more then ready to fight for him.)
Pure vanilla could barely hide his blush as he rubbed his left arm against his cheek, he paused then as he spied the name in a proud navy blue and deep fiery red, Burning spice. He sighed as he looked over his familial soulmates' names. 
(Burning Spice was seared into the palm of his hand, more than once concerns had been expressed towards the meaning of his Familial soulmate. A burning, fiery passion that gave off the feeling of destruction, buried with deep seated possessiveness.)
(A dark pink and purple Eternal sugar tied around his wrist, seemingly tighter than white lily’s own. Possessive, he’d heard, Possessive and desperate. Willing to do whatever it took to keep him.)
(Pale blue with Mystic Flour written upon his upper arm like a band- just right below his shoulder. Uncaring had been the common words stated about them, until a more experience counselor turned around and told him something different. Exhausted, tired, apathetic, but not completely uncaring, possessive and not willing to lose him.)
(Silent Salt was marked out in deep purple sprawling across the back of his forearm. Quiet had been easy to know right off the bat, perhaps even distant or cold, but the words of hesitant, of bold and of possessive had not been.)
(The last name had always struck him- the same shade of blue of the academy. Shadow milk crawling across his elbow, almost always in his sight in some way due to its length. More then once he’d overheard the whispers of the counselors, unstable, they spoke with concern, intelligent, possessive, dangerous.)
(Dangerous had always been unspoken with the other four, yet they felt compelled to state it aloud. It always made him question his familial soulmates. Just who they were.)
He’s brought from his thoughts as he nearly trips from his poor eyesight, but grabs onto a nearby wall and thankfully manages to stop himself. Pure Vanilla puts his thoughts behind him as he continues onto his way to his soulmate.
Unaware to the eyes in the hallway that follow him.
Shadow milk only smiles silently as he does his best to assist his son (A son, he has a son- something those witches would have never granted him or the others, a son!). He can hear the cooing of Eternal sugar, the light growls of burning spice as pure vanilla struggles in the hallways, silent salt standing vigil at the watcher ball shadow milk had made and mystic flour lightly patting the ball with a small smile.
One day, they would exit this damn tree and then they would finally, finally be able to truly, fully greet their son.
(Heyo! Little notes this au; Shadow milk does not equal the light of truth in this au! Nor is he or the other beasts aware of what happened to their soul Jams. Also note that due to fuckery reasons Pure Vanilla doesn’t end up in hammerspace, but instead with severe amnesia that becomes triggered by the vanilla kingdom- to which he spends the next few weeks fully recovering his memories.)
(Also I would like to expand upon a thing! I am now answering any questions you may have about any of the au’s I’ve so far! Just a little event thing for the next five days!)
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p1x1x · 11 months
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knight x blacksmith!!! look at my doritos!!!! and more scribble
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melanodis · 5 months
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what if you were full of 2 tons of metal wire
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hey hey ! ive been lovingly staring at all ur art ever since i found you n ‘ i wanna say !! i love ur artstyle !! sm !! waaugh !! <33
have a star ⭐️
a question ive been meaning to ask though , i cant really seem to find much information about your lights out au , unfortunately ^^”
may i ask what exactly is the premises ? :O
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so the Lights Out au is essentially: the Welcome Home Puppet Show was shut down prematurely, and without any warning to the puppets. the employees turn off the studio lights when they leave for the last time, completely abandoning the building and the sapient puppets inside. the building is locked and boarded up to ensure that nothing gets out.
the lights turn off halfway through the neighbors' "day", and everyone - except Wally - goes to sleep, assuming the day got away from them & its just time for bed. the lights never come back on, the neighbors don't wake up, and problems start to arise from the lack of light. Wally and Home are left to deal with all of this alone.
(and Eddie is in the water cause... well. he's just in there! fr tho it's just a running joke for the au <3)
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
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They told you that you were special. That you were born to do great things. And you know what? They were right.
I am thrilled to announce the Bioshock AU, Always a Lighthouse — a collaborative effort between myself and @robinette-green!
This story takes place within the war-torn world of Rapture, years after an uprising that left the city in shambles and saw you narrowly escaping with your life.
Now you're back... and on a warpath to make things right.
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Always a Lighthouse follows the story of a y/n who returns to Rapture after swearing to never step foot in that dreaded city again, for the sake of both their own conscience, and the lives of those they left behind.
Their family is dead. Their friends aren't any better off. The only solace they found before making their escape was that of Rapture's kindly caretakers; two individuals with unmatched patience and a natural talent for making friends with even the snottiest of children, they were more human than anyone...until they weren't.
Until the city took that from them.
And you? Well, in years past you wouldn't have batted an eye at the treatments, much too young to understand what was really going on in the world around you. Life was velvet carpets and silky, white curtains. Elegant banisters, rose petals, shining lights—
and dancing angels. Then one day, when their lights went out, all became clear. All at once you were forced to reckon with the damage that had been done.
Returning to this city means taking up the mantle of Splicer, if only to keep your true identity hidden - and finish the job you started so many years ago.
If that's what it takes, you'll gladly accept this blood on your hands.
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The fic for this au is already in the process of being written, and we hope to drop it on Ao3 in the near future. Until then, keep an eye out for updates and more information, as Robin and I are both ecstatic to show it off!
Now then... would you kindly hand me that wrench? 😏🐟🧬
[The brilliant art of the boys was done by @robinette-green while the y/n art was drawn by myself. If you have any questions about this AU, either of us would love to hear them!]
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