#or rather they just get each other but they’re both so in denial
lynsstrange · 6 months
I have some issues with how the action scenes and tension were done in this episode, but if there’s one thing I can say is how WELL this script truly understands these characters, their fatal flaws, and the underlying themes of the entire series.
They understand that Percy is so trusting of Luke immediately that he doesn’t want to bring him on the quest. The quick glimmer of resentment in Luke’s eyes that would go unnoticeable to someone who’s never heard this story before when he mentions that the shoes are a gift from his father. Percy choosing someone who he knew would never betray him, and someone he thought he’d keep at arm’s length to go on the quest, instead. The differences between his goals and Annabeth’s goals, the small secrets they’ve already kept from each other, and how it’d inevitably drive distrust and suspicion between them immediately.
Annabeth’s anger and denial of the gods’ often self-serving and shitty ways because she wants approval from a parental figure so badly. Her arrogance and pride towards her heritage. Percy’s willingness to trust in people, and already brewing anger towards the gods making him more willing to hear Medusa out, because deep down, he knows there’s part of him that is already resentful. Medusa getting into both of their heads by telling them they’re doomed to repeat their parents’ mistakes, doomed to repeat the cycle.
But Percy still deciding he’d rather risk death than betray Annabeth and Grover to Medusa, even as she preys on his loyalty, and Annabeth being unwilling to give up Percy to Alecto when she had the chance, even as she has her own pride used against her. It causing both of them to realize that maybe they’re not who they initially who they thought each other were. The unspoken knowledge that this quest is so much bigger than their own desires and grudges, at the end of the day.
I’m just so excited about the way Rick is clearly able to go back and edit and incorporate themes that are introduced later on in the books, expand on character beats that he feels are important, etc. It’s been so cool to watch so far.
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ang3l-fac33 · 3 months
WJEJJF I HAD THE CUTEST IDEA can you please write a oneshot for husk being a total father figure for some younger sinner at the hotel (I feel like he’d be a reluctant teen dad haha) thank you so much! Love your writing!
of course! thank you for the request! :D i’m not sure if you meant the reader to be a teen so i apologize if i got it wrong!
husk x teen! reader. (platonic)
genre: fluff
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husk was standing behind the bar counter cleaning a glass, and not looking really thrilled to be there as usual. sitting on the other side of the bar table was angel dust, sipping away at some fruity pink alcoholic beverage that he made a few minutes prior.
there was a comfortable silence between the two, both of them not having much to say to each other, but husk prefered the silence, it helped with the headache he was currently nursing from having to deal with everyone’s bullshit in the hotel.
the only two people he was most comfortable with was angel and you. you were a rather young sinner, only fifteen. that didn’t really sit right with husk, you being so young in a place like this?
maybe that’s why he felt the need to look out for you, because you were so young. he didn’t want you to end up like him, washed up with a long history of bad choices. just because you were in hell doesn’t mean that you couldn’t do good things.
you were young and impressionable, another reason why he kept a close eye on you. more than half the people in the hotel were bad influences. he really wasn’t the best either but at least he was sensible.
angel would constantly talk about drugs and sex, alastor was just plain creepy, charlie, well, she was fine.. it’s just that you were known to be a bit.. what’s the word? mischievous. and charlie didn’t have the heart to tell you ‘no’ half the times. vaggie was fine as well, though a little more on the aggressive side. and, well, nifty was.. well, nifty.
he felt like he was the only one fit enough to actually help you. but it’s not like he would admit any of this out loud of course. you still were very very annoying to him, and angel gave him enough teasing for his fatherly behavior. he can’t believe he got sucked into all of this.
the silence was soon interrupted by the hotel’s doors slamming open. husk flinched and sighed, already knowing who it was. you grinned as you made your way over to the bar, hopping on one of the stools next to angel dust.
angel dust gave you a side glance and a small smirk. he had grown fond of you, and due to your young status he viewed you as a younger sibling. plus it was also fun to tease husk about his father like tendencies towards you. “hey squirt. how was your day huh?”
you smiled, kicking your feet back and forth excitedly. “it was awesome! i went out with cherri bomb and she taught me how to blow shit up!” you said it as if it were the coolest thing ever, but to husk it made his heart drop. bombs? are you serious?
husk wanted to say something but he held it back, not wanting to offend the demon spider with his opinions about cherri. she was the guy’s best friend after all. as angel dust continued to encourage this, husk sighed.
“can i get you something to drink kid?” husk asked, trying to avert the conversation to avoid a bigger headache. “i’ve got orange juice, apple juice—“
“give me what he’s having!” you demanded, pointing towards the pink alcoholic beverage in angel dust’s hand. husk wrinkled his nose before giving a scoff of amusement, putting away his glass. “not happening.”
you pouted childishly at the denial of your requested drink, and angel dust laughed. “c’mon, let the kid have a drink. it won’t hurt him.”
husk’s brows raised in disbelief. “they’re fifteen!” he exclaimed, his wings giving a tiny flutter of irritation. “just because this is hell doesn’t mean that they can do whatever they want!”
“pfft— okay *dad*”
that makes husk freeze, and for a moment he panics. he knew you were just being sarcastic but something about it just.. whatever.
the smug and amused look angel dust was giving him made him instantly snap out of it with another scoff. “whatever kid. do you want a non alcoholic beverage or not?” he growled, grabbing a clean glass.
you rolled your eyes and sighed. “fine.. give me an orange juice.”
husk made quick work of pouring you an orange juice, making sure it was nice and cold before sliding it over to you, then grabbed a whole bottle of alcohol for himself.
as the minutes passed husk found himself quietly drinking as he watched you and angel dust chatter on about random things, a small smile tugging at his lips. he felt relaxed again, his headache being a little less bad now.
you may be annoying at times but you really were a good kid.
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stars-and-inkpots · 9 months
Had an idea for a gale x tav thingy where gales in love with a tough black cat type tav who wont admit their feelings until gale almost gets attacked in battle and she goes crazy, afterwards she almost says “my…” and says Gale but astarion and karlach know exactly what she was going ti say and gales just all heart eyes
I wasn't sure how to go about this and then suddenly, while I was supposed to be writing a project proposal last night, I finally got inspired. Thank you for the request, and I hope I did it justice because this was such a cute idea!
Realisations | Gale x Reader
You tolerate the wizard’s company, you tell yourself. You let him explain countless magical theories to you because there was nothing else to talk about anyways. You didn’t enjoy learning about them, and you surely didn’t think the way Gale’s eyes would light up when he spoke of something that particularly interested him was endearing. Surely not, you tell yourself. You had bigger things to worry about.
Pairing: Gale/Reader
Tags: Canon-typical violence, Blood, Blood and injury, Denial of Feelings, Love Confessions, Hurt/Comfort (briefly)
Ao3 Link: Realisations
Word Count: 1,225
Gale is determined to stay close to you a good majority of the time. He would ramble, and you would listen to him talk, barely acknowledging him. Yet, despite your apparent disinterest, you never told him to leave you in silence. He figures that you must enjoy his company to some extent, though perhaps it’s more of a hope. He assumes, however, that you do not share the feelings that he has for you. Any attempts at flirting were brushed off; your responses short and curt. Regardless, he is more than content to simply remain beside you, sharing each new thought that comes to mind. 
So you continue walking, expression always indifferent, while Gale recounts the latest book he had been reading the night before. 
You tolerate the wizard’s company, you tell yourself. You let him explain countless magical theories to you because there was nothing else to talk about anyways. You don’t enjoy learning about them, and you surely don’t think the way Gale’s eyes light up when he speaks of something that particularly interests him is endearing. Surely not, you tell yourself. You have bigger things to worry about. 
You catch Astarion’s eyes for a moment, but you don’t notice the amusement in them before he turns back to Karlach and says something to her that you can’t hear. 
At the front of your group, Shadowheart and Lae’zel stop suddenly. Lae’zel raises a hand, motioning for everyone to stop, and you’re immediately alert. Everyone is quiet, and even in the forest you're walking through there is a disconcerting sort of silence. 
You look back at Wyll, and he moves his head slightly, gesturing to your left. When you glance over to where he nodded to, you notice the concealed threat in the bushes. Absolute cultists. 
They must know they’ve been discovered, because the forest path explodes into sound. The cultists swarm your party; and you’re thankful for Lae’zel’s constant vigilance that has ensured the cultists didn’t catch you by surprise. There’s a concerning number of them, and if you didn’t notice them, you’re sure this would have gone far worse very quickly. 
They’re fast; moving in and swiftly separating everyone from each other. They’re smart enough to know you fight better together; and in that same moment you have the sickening realisation that they probably also know exactly where- or rather who- your weak spots are. 
Sure enough, cultists begin to swarm towards Gale and Astarion. Of course, both of them are incredibly skilled, but you know they are far more suited at a longer range. They won’t last long in their current state. 
When you hear Gale cry out in pain, you’re immediately moving towards him. 
Everything is a blur. You can hear your companions shouting over the clashing of metal. A burst of fire erupts somewhere to the right of you, and you aren’t sure whether it's from one of you or the cultists. Your own blade tears through countless cultists with a brutal swing. When you reach Gale, you manage to take out two of the three that are crowding around him, while he finishes off the other, fire erupting from his outstretched hand. You stay close to him, lashing out at any enemies who dare to come near. You can tell he’s trying not to show the pain he’s in while he watches your back as you watch his. 
When all of the cultists are dealt with, you quickly turn to Gale who has taken a moment to sit down. 
“My…” you trail off, snuffing out the word before it has a chance to escape you. “Gale, are you alright?” You say instead, kneeling beside him. You don’t see the way Karlach and Astarion glance at each other, almost exasperated as they watch the two of you interact. 
He’s breathing heavily, clutching his arm close to his chest. “It’s not as bad as it looks, surely,” he tries to reassure you or maybe even himself. When you gently take his arm in your hands to assess the wound, he looks up at you, completely enamoured in spite of the blood that covers you. You don’t notice his stares, too preoccupied with making sure he’s okay and calling Shadowheart over for help. 
When she finishes healing Gale, she turns to look at you, but you brush her concerned hand off. 
“The bloods not mine, don’t worry,” you answer, and Gods, Gale should not find that as hot as he does. 
She leaves the two of you to help the others with their own wounds. You help Gale to his feet, but your hands linger on his arm for just a moment longer than you need. There is no reason for this other than you just making sure he has his balance before you let go of him. 
Surely no other reason.  
You and your companions only continue on for a little while longer before you decide to set up camp for the night. 
Karlach gives you a look when she leaves to retire for the night, decidedly early you think to yourself, leaving you and Gale alone around the campfire. 
You finally admit to yourself that perhaps there is a reason for the slight nervousness that fills you when the two of you are alone. The realisation comes to you while you stare into the fire and think about the day’s excitements. 
You remember how worried you had been. The moment you heard Gale in pain, and how the only thing you could think of in that moment was protecting him. You didn’t even have to think about it. Perhaps, you consider, that is not the reaction that many would have when they claim to merely ‘tolerate’ someone. And perhaps, you reluctantly admit, you might actually care a great deal for the man. You bring your hands over your face and groan. 
Gods, you really do care about him, so very much. 
Gale rests a hesitant hand on your shoulder. 
“Is everything alright? You can always unburden yourself with me,” he offers, so genuinely caring. 
You look up at him, his eyes shining with firelight. 
“I think I care about you a great deal,” you deadpan. Gale laughs, cheeks dusted slightly pink.  
“Well, I would certainly hope so. I would hate to be a bother while we travel together.” But you can hear how his tone betrays him; that spark of hope that you don’t mean it in such a friendly manner. 
“No, Gale. Like, I really care about you.” You can’t say anything more than that yet, and you hope he understands. It’s taken you this long to realise this alone. You hate talking about your feelings like this- at all even, far more accustomed to keeping them at an arm’s length; like a cat who wants attention but shies away from it at the same time.
Gale smiles. He’s happy to wait for you. 
“I care about you, too,” he answers. 
He shifts a little closer to you, and you let your shoulders rest against each other. You let out a breath, a sigh of relief. 
This is nice, you decide. You don’t feel trapped, you don’t feel cornered. You feel safe and content with him at your side. And though it will take time before you can fully embrace your feelings, you know he’ll still be here when you do. 
Neither of you notice Karlach give a silent whoop of victory on the edge of camp while Astarion begrudgingly hands over a handful of coin to her.
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weirdagnes · 4 months
brewing a mihawk/shanks/buggy fic idea in my mind where theyre stupidly inlove w each other but theyre too dumb to open to each other on how insecure they feel.
Buggy has inferiority complex and thinks hes just there in the relationship as a side piece. He thinks someday Shanks and Mihawk will realize they’re better off w/o him. They’re two of the most powerful men in the seas, incredibly handsome too, and Buggy’s just. Buggy. Weak and cowardly, weird and ugly. So whenever he sees Shanks and Mihawk particularly spending more time together, he mentally prepares himself for the day they leave him (he plans to leave out of the relationship first so it will hurt less).
Buggy of course will never admit his insecurities, and he fears if he opens the topic, the two will break up with him much earlier. So he just tries to make the most out of their relationship while it lasts and anxiously wait for the inevitable ending.
Mihawk, on the other hand, feels out of place in the relationship bc Shanks and Buggy shared a much deeper and stronger bond way back in their childhood that his history with both men could never compare. He thinks his aloof and introverted personality will someday bore them, that they will see there is not much to Mihawk than they first thought. Sometimes he overthinks if Shanks only loves him bc he was the nearest person to have filled in Buggy’s place in his heart after the two separated, or if Buggy is even interested in him, who’s a complete polar opposite to his personality. Moreover, his guilt over beating up Buggy at the start of the Cross Guild washes over him every now and then, and he thinks it will become a factor someday when the two decide to break up with him.
Mihawk doesn’t open up these thoughts bc he doesn’t think they’re worth opening up. He’s a lonewolf all his life, but he couldn’t get used to the disconnection he feels despite having two partners.
Shanks has abandonment issues fr. He’s afraid that all those decades spent apart from Buggy has estranged their relationship forever. He’s scared of a future where the two will break up with him - that Buggy will abandon him again, having found a perfect partner (Mihawk) who he knows will treat him better than Shanks ever did and could ever do. He worries about being the most mentally unstable out of them all, that his depressive alcoholic episodes and loudness will turn off Mihawk for good, or that he’ll unknowingly do something that will cause a second downfall in his relationship with Buggy again.
Shanks will never open up about his insecurities bc he thinks it will sour the happiness they currently have in the relationship. He’d rather shoulder everything and keep up a facade than have the two abandon him.
Even though they’re happy to be together officially and they love each other, there is still some tension due to them not very good at opening up. Buggy’s too into denial and evades sensitive topics at all costs, Mihawk is too private and socially inept, Shanks is the type to suppress and put up a facade for the sake of keeping peace in their relationship.
In short, theyre a fuckibng mess
((idk maybr Luffy will randomly pop up in their lives again and indirectly save their relationship while being completely oblivious))
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iamthecomet · 8 months
Kinktober - Day 19 - Hate Sex
1.4k of sort of angsty Born Under A Troubled Sign - style Mountain/Dew hate fucking. Including rough sex, improper prep, some angst, knotting, overstimulation. Could be read as dubious consent but everyone is fully aware and on board with what they're doing despite the pheromones and emotions at play.
No need to read Born Under a Troubled Sign to know what's happening. But if you haven't and you like angst you should check it out.
Dew thought this would never happen again. That Mountain would never look at him like this. That he’d never feel the calloused drag of Mountain’s hands over his ribs. That he would never feel small like this again. 
Mountain’s fingers dig in and Dew knows he should pull away. Mountain’s eyes are clouded. He’s not himself. Deep in his rut, mind fuzzy. Body driven by instinct rather than heart and Dew knows deep in his bones that if Mountain was thinking clearly he wouldn’t do this. 
And so, Dew should stop him. Should grab Mountain by the wrists before his hands slide any higher. Before rough thumbs pass over his nipples, hook into the rings there, pull until Dew gasps. 
Dew should stop him but he doesn’t. He’s hard. Mountain’s knee is pressed tight between his legs, and Dew’s rolling his hips up against Mountain’s thigh with very little thought. He hasn’t been pinned beneath this big body in months. Hasn’t smelled him like this, looked at him like this. And Dew doesn’t want to stop. 
Not when Mountain is gazing down at him with lust blown eyes. An expression Dew thought he lost to his own bad choices. His chest constricts, heart hurting in his chest, but he can’t stop. Won’t. He wants it, needs it. 
“Mount,” he whispers. Hoping that Mountain can break free of this spell himself. That Dew doesn’t have to be the one to stop it because he doesn’t trust himself. If he talks to Mountain enough. Reminds him who is pinned beneath him, maybe he’ll back off on his own. It’ll probably break Dew’s heart but that’s nothing new. 
“Mountain,” he tries again. Reaching up to cup Mountain’s face between his hands, to force the bigger ghoul to look at him–really look at him. Mountain snarls at him, teeth bared. He shakes out of Dew’s grip. 
And Dew feels the gravity of what is really happening set in. Mountain knows. Of course he does. Even fucked up on pheromones he can’t forget. He knows and he’s still thumbing over one of Dew’s nipples. Still pressing his thigh tight to Dew’s aching cock. 
Dew doesn’t know if the tightening in his chest is joy or dread. He presses a palm to the back of Mountain’s neck, holds on. Fingers stroking into the soft baby hairs there. Familiar. Like he’s finally come home. 
“It’s just this once,” Mountain grits out. Fumbling with his zipper. Reaching for Dew��s so he can pull them off of Dew’s skinny hips. It’s all moving so fast. Dew can’t quite catch up. Mind hazy from the scent of Mountain’s rut. From the way it feels to be under him again–he can’t hope to get himself on level ground. 
“Just let me,” Mountain continues. “Just once. I need it–I need–”
Dew nods. Hauling himself up to nose at Mountain’s neck. To fill himself on the scent of evergreen and juniper. He presses open mouthed kisses over Mountain’s skin, salty with sweat. 
“Just this once, Mount.” 
Dew wonders if Mountain knows it’s a lie. If they’re both just lying to themselves and each other about what this is going to do to them. It won’t make it better. He thinks they’ll probably do this again. Denial coursing through both of their bodies as they ruin each other. 
Mountain flips Dew over. Dew has no say in it. One moment he’s on his back and the next his face is in his own pillow. Mountain holds him down with a palm between his shoulderblades. He doesn’t have to. But Dew isn’t going to tell him that–he likes how it feels too much. To be held down. For Mountain to be a little rough with him, demanding. His stomach clenches, dick kicking between his legs, drooling precum onto the sheets. 
Mountain makes a gut punched sound as he spreads Dew open and finds him dripping with slick. Dew mirrors it when Mountain runs his finger through it. Smearing it over Dew’s already twitching hole. Pressing in with one finger just a little. Dew keens into the pillow. “Still so wet.” 
Dew doesn’t know how Mountain can talk like this. Fucked up as he is on his rut. Dew can’t form words. Not when Mountain is working him open. Pressing two fingers in to the third knuckle and scissoring them apart. 
“So warm,” Mountain says, reverence coloring his tone and Dew flushes, hiding his face in his pillow as he whimpers. He feels like he’s the one in heat. Rocking back against Mountain’s fingers, desperate for something else that sounds like a compliment. “Bet you’re still just as tight too.” 
Dew hiccups. Rolling his hips back as Mountain pets his fingers over Dew’s prostate. “Satanas, fuck Mountain just fuck me already. End this.” 
Before everything Mountain would have chided him for that. Even in a rut he always was level-headed enough to be gentle. But Dew doesn’t get that luxury this time. Mountain laughs at him, low and cruel and then his fingers are gone. Replaced by the blunt head of his cock. Pushing in. It’s a stretch, even with Dew’s copious slick. The burn isn’t unpleasant. It doesn’t hurt so much as it does overwhelm. Dew digs his teeth into his pillow. Ripping holes in the fabric. He’ll have to get a new one. He doesn’t care. 
Mountain’s fingers dig into his hips. He’ll have bruises. He’s glad for it. Knows he’ll replay this, dig his own fingers into those marks and cum about it later. Mountain doesn’t so much thrust as he does use Dew to fuck himself. Pushing and pulling the little ghoul. Dragging him up and down the bed as he pulls him onto his cock. Grunting and swearing as Dew bears down on him and wails each time Mountain bumps against his prostate. 
“Mount–touch me.” Dew’s lost to it, realizes it as the words tumble out of his mouth. He’s somewhere else–another time. Each rough thrust driving sense further and further away from him. 
“Touch yourself,” Mountain growls. Giving up on using Dew as a toy and snapping his hips forward. Driving Dew up the bed until his horns gouge into the headboard.
Dew hiccups on a sob and shoves his hand down between them. Getting a fist around his cock. Hot and twitching in his hand. Pre dribbling over his fingers. Each of Mountain’s thrusts fucks his dick into his own fist. He twists his hand up by the head the way Mountain always did for him. 
For a minute, Dew’s not sure he’ll cum at all, no matter how hard he is. Each of Mountain’s thrusts seeks to overwhelm, to claim. It’s too much. Dew can’t muddle through the sensations to find the right ones. But then his orgasm is roaring up on him. Unexpected. Dragging through his veins like electricity until he’s wailing with it. Shooting boiling hot over his own knuckles. Clenching down hard on Mountain, more slick drooling out of his hole as Mountain fucks him with abandon.  The edge of his knot bumping against Dew’s rim, pushing in a little further each time. Dew sags. Tears biting at the corner of his eyes. Body gone boneless as Mountain rails him. Cock twitching valiantly between his legs as Mountain abuses his prostate. It really is too much now, and Dew is about to say as much when Mountain shoves his knot in. Dew sobs with it–the sound drown out by Mountain’s growl as he cums. Holding Dew tight to him. Cock twitching and spitting deep inside of Dew’s body. 
Time suspends, stretches, as they both pant. Dew’s throat burns. Body sore and satisfied but mind racing. Fingers clenched tight in his sheets. Afraid to move, afraid to look at Mountain and see hatred on his face even after all of this. 
Mountain sits back on his haunches and pulls Dew with him. Almost sitting him on his lap except for how Dew stays hunched over. 
Mountain reaches down, he strokes some of Dew’s hair out of his face so he can see him. Tucking golden locks behind his ear with gentleness that makes Dew’s chest ache. 
“Sorry,” Mountain whispers. “I should have been–”
Dew shakes his head. “Don’t.”  Mountain goes quiet. He lets Dew slump back to the bed. He pets Dew’s spine with slow soothing strokes that make the burning in Dew’s throat worse. He’s exhausted, fucked out, hazy. He wants to reach up and pull Mountain down with him. Wants to spoon while they wait for Moutnain’s knot to go down. He doesn’t. That feels more intimate than this. It’s a thing for people who actually like each other.
Tears well in Dew’s eyes. He bites back a sob and promises himself he won’t cry until Mountain’s gone.
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merakiui · 6 months
The way you made clear that MC is just as delusional and crazy as Jade made the ending feel so soo right.
Like when MC went “Floyd would never be this mean to me.” Im like “GIRL Yes tf he wooooouuuuld 😭”
Her delusions made it clear that MC never truly knew Floyd. Not like that. Because the moment she went “His sharp upturned eyes are so beautiful💕” I was like “Floyd’s eyes?? they’re not- oooh 🫢” I’d like to think that she knew who that was in the room with her because how do you have “Floyd” but your thinking about Jade? 🤔
Honestly I like how callous she was about him and his feelings because Jade’s actions felt reciprocal rather than predatorial. Because honestly, if you think about it, there is nothing platonic about working him to an orgasm in the garden and dancing with him in a dress he magics up for you after a nice meal made by him lmaoo. She was using Jade and Jade was using her and I love that they’re so messy 💕
Honestly I’m as “Greedy Greedy” as the MC because I was hoping for Floyd to go for being with MC, along with Jade, but that’s just my delusion 😊
Either way thank you for getting that fic out! It was well worth the wait!!!!!! - 🦭Anon
🦭 ANON, THANK YOUUUU!!!!!! >w< I'm so happy you enjoyed tmdg!!!!! I loved writing an obsessive MC! She's so funny every time she claims "I'm not delusional" and then proceeds to say or do something delusional. T_T denial truly is an accessory she wears well. ;;;; I think a reader like the one in tmdg works very well with Jade, so I'm glad you also think similarly! :D their chemistry is very scrumptious to me. <3
Omg I'm really happy you caught on to the fact that she doesn't really know Floyd in that way and her cold indifference towards Jade!!!! Both eels are equally mean, but Reader doesn't want to see it like that. >_< she was absolutely viewing Floyd through rose-tinted glasses. But Jade encourages it like the troublesome guy he is because he knows fully well Floyd feels nothing for Reader!!! >:( I just know he was internally celebrating after seeing her so devastated in the wake of the confession LOL. His mindscape was covered in confetti. AAAAAA he's terrible... orz
But then she was using Jade for her own reasons in the same way he was using her. They're both opportunistic individuals using one another for their own gain. Jade and Reader surpassed the platonic line the minute they started kissing in the Mostro Lounge kitchen hehe. >:D Jade is so sneaky, using their deal to his advantage like that! How can you possibly call yourself "friends and nothing more" after Jade was balls deep inside you and you're thinking about him during the sex!!! He sticks in her brain like gum on the underside of a desk, so it's no wonder she's thinking of him when "Floyd" is railing her. AAAA reader is so messy. 。゚(TヮT) they're perfect for each other.
I like to imagine the unofficial sequel for tmdg involves Reader navigating her pregnancy while gradually falling out of love with Floyd, Jade being his usual obsessed, silly self, and Floyd slowly starting to fall for Reader because he thinks Shrimpy looks soooo cute when she's so pregnant and hormonal. OTL the timing is too unlucky because she likes Jade now. <3 aaaaa maybe one day the eels might share, but Jade won't let that happen anytime soon. ^^;;;
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Thoughts on this scenario?: Alucard sometime before s3 or during s3 meeting Trevor's older sister (neither of them are aware they have a sibling who survived the massacre) after she show up at the castle knocking on his door with her knife like "WHY is Dracula's castle on top of my family's ruins?!" I think it would be very interesting for both of them. (Especially once Alucard tells her that her little brother is alive.)
A/N: Lol, this is effing hilarious! I can totally just see Alucard watching this woman come out of nowhere and start throwing cheap shot punches and being like: “There’s ANOTHER Belmont??” 
Alucard Meeting Trevor’s Older Sister Headcannons 
So she shows up to what she expected to be nothing more than a pile of ruins only to find said pile of ruins plus a giant ass castle next door. Which makes no sense because 1) Why not repair the Belmont home if someone was going to build something there? And 2) Why choose to make a big ugly-ass castle of all things? 
On the inside, she’s like: ‘Has it really been THAT long?’ (Maybe, lol.) 
Once the initial shock subsided, she’s like, ‘Okay, this thing’s gotta go’ because again, it’s ugly af, and it can’t be good for the open-earthed Belmont Hold to be responsible for supporting all that weight. 
So she goes to the door and starts banging on it like she owns the place. 
Of course, the doors swing open revealing a very disgruntled Alucard. 
Commence the interrogation.
She’s all like: ‘Who the fuck are you?’ 
And he’s like, ‘Um, excuse me, I live here, who the hell are you?’
And she’s like, ‘Well I lived here first!’ 
And Alucard’s like, ‘That’s a very immature argument.’ 
And she’s all like, ‘Oh yeah? You wanna go pip-squeak?’ 
And Alucard’s like ‘I’m literally a foot taller than you.’ 
And she’s like ‘Well fine, that makes you the perfect height for me to do this!’ And she knees him in the groin. 
Suddenly it clicks for Alucard. “Are you by any chance a Belmont?”
“Yeah, what’s it to ya?” 
Needless to say, the two of them are quite shocked to learn the identity of the other. She’s half in denial that her little brother, if he really is alive, would be friends with a dhampir. And Alucard’s not sure she is Trevor’s sister once they get to talking, mainly because she’s well-spoken and rather intelligent when not she’s not threatening to kick his ass, something Trevor is not. 
But from his descriptions of their battle with Dracula, her gut tells her it really must be her brother Alucard’s speaking of. 
“I take it you didn’t know he was alive, then,” Alucard says. 
She's like, yeah, no shit. 
But she still has a lot of unanswered questions: how did Trevor manage to escape? How did he survive being so young on his own? Why didn’t she hear of his existence until now? 
Alucard doesn’t have all the answers, but he does have good food and wine, so she decides to crash in the castle with him until her brother returns. 
It’s good for Alucard to have the company, mainly because he was starting to lose his mind. (Something she would pick up on like right away lol.) 
But that’s okay because almost being murdered as a kid and then running from place to place fighting the odd supernatural creature has made her a bit crazy so they’re a decent pair. 
Oddly enough, I think they sort of mellow each other out: she’s just hyper/nuts enough to get Alucard to stop wallowing in self-pity. And he’s just cautious and introverted enough to keep her from accidentally (ahem*intentionally*) burning the place down. 
Sure, there’s a lot of ribbing, and witty jokes thrown back and forth between the two of them, but they’d probably form a strong bond based on mutual respect and necessity. Alucard realizes his mental and emotional state will improve if she stays, and she realizes her chances of fulfilling her destiny as a Belmont increase tenfold should she stay and learn from the ‘enemy’ himself. 
Of course, it takes a while for them to overcome their residual prejudices of one another, especially on Belmont’s side. She’s spent her entire life viewing vampires as monsters- something to be eradicated- it’s not exactly something you can unlearn overnight. But Alucard is such an enigma, and the more she hears of his and Trevor’s travels and adventures in defeating Dracula, the more she sees him as human- the more she sees him as a friend, even. 
They get very close. So close that they even think up ways to prank Trevor once he comes back, planning especially to use her existence as the central super-charged element of surprise. 
Who knows, maybe if she was there with Alucard post-S2, things would have turned out more positively with the twins' arrival in S3. If Alucard wasn’t so dependent on them and them alone for companionship, he wouldn’t have been so hesitant to quickly teach them everything they wanted to know as a way to keep them at his castle longer. If Alucard was more open and forthcoming, the twins might have felt encouraged to put all their own cards on the table before making the drastic (and fatal) move that they did. 
Thanks to her existence, any monsters nearby stand no chance against the occupants of the castle and the surrounding villages. With the newfound double-trouble Belmonts, no one ever has to be scared (or lonely) ever again. 
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beidousfavwh0re · 2 years
including: albedo, ayato, Scaramouche, Beidou, Ningguang, kaeya, Diluc, Heizou, Dainsleif, eula, Ganyu, xiao, zhongli, Kazuha, yelan, thoma, Lisa, rosaria and childe
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-I imagine a slow burn fanfiction, like the type of one where they almost kiss on the 50th chapter and then they’re interrupted
-omg and there’s definitely some kind of element where they’re both in denial for ages because they don’t know how to accept their feelings
-they find out about their feelings because jealousy
-I’m thinking a ‘spoiled rich kid meets the one thing he can’t just buy’ kinda dynamic
-like he really wants to have this person and has to work for them rather than buy their love
-but it serves as character development as well cuz he’s now just a really sweet person who now sees the world like everyone else rather than some kind of monopoly game
-cliche enemies to lovers .
-it’s not even a slow burn. They just realise they kinda do like each other actually. And they understand each other more than anyone else understands them
-even better if it’s dickhead meets even bigger dickhead.
-like they’re just so good at pissing each other off that when they are left alone in a broken elevator they just kinda bond
-I’m seeing a friends to lovers but one is a big extrovert and doesn’t have any shame whereas the other is an introverted nerd who dies if someone talks to them
-and then they get together and all of a sudden everyone notices the existence of this person
-Beidou invites the person to travel with her and they’re just chilling on the Crux, watching the sea while everyone else is chatting all the time
-Ningguang has a secretary or meets a business person who’s married
-let’s just say they fall in love but the person is married and in a controlling relationship so they run away for Ningguang
-just a shame the person has to be in the spotlight with Ningguang
-I’m genuinely just thinking about one of those high school AUs with the parties in the rich kids house
-truth or dare.
-except the person has to kiss their best friend’s brother, Kaeya, who’s a bit of an asshole.
-kaeya is a year older and is the guy in his year who could get with any chick he wanted but he doesn’t
-turns out he’s shy but still can’t help being kinda rude to everyone.
-I’m thinking hero meets villain
-the villain is kinda hot and is the only person Diluc hasn’t been able to just destroy and now they’re on his mind
-then they just keep coming back like one morning they’re sitting at the counter after making breakfast for diluc
-turns out they can’t stop thinking about him too even as everyone’s trying to kill them
-similar dynamic except he’s forced to arrest a person falsely convicted of murder and he releases them but they just keep showing up.
-not necessarily in his house but when he’s buying stuff, they’re always nearby
-they just awkwardly wave and pretend it’s not like he’s stalking them
-Dainsleif falls in love with the sweetest soul on earth like an absolute angel who happens to be a florist
-but he’s immortal and would put them in danger if they were to be together so he’s forced to distance himself and admire them from a distance
-but they have already fallen for him so he’s forced to protect them for the rest of their mortal life
-I’m imagining Eula loving someone simple
-they don’t have much going on in their life like maybe they’re just an ordinary baker who gets rude customers sometimes and likes to vent about them
-eula would settle down for a simple life with this person and be able to ignore her problems to listen about theirs
-I don’t imagine this being a complex love story. I imagine it to be a straight forward kinda story that’s just cute-
-hear me out
-Ganyu falls in love with some kind of model or actor/actress who is super confident and seems above the world
-Ganyu doesn’t have that self confidence and is just kind of shy around this person. They, however, see Ganyu as just stunning
-they help Ganyu to gain self confidence and worship her
-just some kind of cute, fluffy dynamics
-similiar kind of vibes as Dainsleif except I see Xiao being more vulnerable to someone who is also immortal and carries the same burdens as him
-this person is also kind. They don’t chase after Xiao like a rabid dog but were persistent enough to actually get Xiao to talk to them.
-he is able to talk to them about his problems and become vulnerable and they are able to slowly take down his walls.
-I’m thinking friends to lovers
-I can see Zhongli searching for some a person that is always there and he knows would never leave so I can’t see him liking a mortal
-I can’t see him having any kind of complex story
-I think it would be another friends to lovers except I can see it being someone he’d recently met that’s immortal rather than a long term friend
-met at a party hosted by Beidou
-both got high together while everyone else mainly stayed away from the drugs
-woke up on top of each other on the floor, half undressed and limbs tangled
-he gets apologetic about it but keeps in touch with the person and they hang out more and more, especially with everyone else
-I can see some kind of friends with benefits thing happening
-okay probably not gonna happen but
-the person is a treasure hoarder that’s plotting against yelan and then yelan catches them and they’re like MOMMY?!
-like mf really expected a Karen with wrinkles and npc features but got the hottest gambler in liyue
-just imagining someone who desperately needed help in inazuma like they got lost or don’t have enough mora for something
-then thoma just appears out of nowhere and saves them from trouble
-but this stuff keeps happening and Thoma is somehow always there
-and then they have to help thoma when his vision is almost yoinked
-bookshop. That’s all I have to say.
-Lisa finds a bookshop and picks out a book to read which the bookshop owner happens to love. Then they recommend a book that’s a lot better and happens to be their favourite
-Lisa goes back to talk about the books she’s recommended and they have really long conversations
-then they’re offered a job as library assistant and take it up part time while occasionally checking on the bookshop and doing small jobs there
-and then they slowly fall in love like just imagine one moment where Lisa and this person are on opposite sides of the bookshelf and their hands touch when they both reach for a book
-and then they share the book like that scene in DDLC
-just imagining an absolute saint like someone who loves peace and order and can never do anything wrong and then just the complete opposite
-this person who’s constantly trying to be nice to Rosaria and then is constantly denied
-until the person snaps and has a breakdown in front of Rosaria, shouting at her
-Rosaria is just slowly hating this person less
-then Rosaria just kinda changes them
-they start hanging out and they start to just become straight unholy
-I’m thinking something like his story quest
-a complete stranger finds teucer wandering around alone and is concerned so they take him to liyue harbour where they find childe
-childe asks if they can take care of teucer and they say of course because they love taking care of children
-when teucer meets childe again he’s talking about how he wants to see them again
-when they next meet the person has been hired as a babysitter for childe. They take their youngest sister as well so teucer and her can play together
-it doesn’t take long for childe to fall in love
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Steddie and “Shh use your words, baby.”
turned this one into a full-fledged ao3 oneshot with a whole lot more content. you can read it here :)
ooo i love this !! thanks for sending it in anon, i hope i do your prompt justice 💗
tw: ftm steve harrington (usage of cock, pussy, etc. to refer to his own genitalia), under negotiated kink (but they are both very into it and safe), mutual masturbation, slight orgasm denial/delay
they’re about a month into dating when it happens for the first time.
eddie’s just left steve’s place, after an evening spent cuddled up next to each other on the cushy sofa—pretending to watch a movie. and as always; it only took a few minutes of shared body heat, lingering stares, and wandering hands before steve found himself straddling eddie’s lap and kissing his boyfriend senseless.
it felt good, really good.
steve’s boxers dampening considerably as he humped himself down against the hard line of eddie’s clothed cock. little wanton moans falling from both of their mouths, when eddie’s big hands wrapped around steve’s hips to assist in building more delicious friction.
but just as things were heating up, steve started to get a bit too in his own head about everything and made some stupid excuse to get up and go to the bathroom. essentially ruining his chances of getting laid tonight.
you see, the thing is, eddie hasn’t actually seen steve naked yet and as much as steve trusts and loves his boyfriend, the idea still greatly terrifies him.
thankfully, eddie hasn’t seemed to mind; endlessly understanding and patient as they navigate this new world of intimacy together.
that being said, the second eddie departs from the driveway, steve rushes back inside and sprints upstairs to his bedroom. practically tripping on his own feet as he ascends. horny as a dog in heat and in desperate need of release.
its become routine over the past few weeks. eddie teasing his body, caressing every available inch of his skin, making him soak his underwear, and then leaving for the night—completely clueless as to how insanely turned on steve is.
so once he’s safely back in his room, steve scrambles up onto the bed. the air thickens with want as he hurriedly strips off his jeans and boxers. leaves eddie’s shirt on—a borrowed graphic-tee that’s quickly become a staple. he tucks it into his mouth, so he can inhale the natural musk of his boyfriend and gain easier access to the stiff buds of his nipples. rolls them between his thumb and forefinger as he mounts his favorite pillow—squeezes it between his thighs and whines as his he starts grinding his swollen pussy against it. finally giving into the filthy fantasies that have been clouding his mind all night.
eddie walking in on him isn’t part of the plan—in fact steve half-thinks he’s imagining it when his boyfriend appears out of thin air in the doorway.
“hey baby, sorry to bother you! forgot my jacket and thought i’d—” eddie says casually, as he throws the door to steve’s bedroom wide open and finds him humping his pillow,“oh. oh, fuck.”
eddie’s practically drooling. his mouth is hanging open like he’s trying to catch flies and steve is instantly mortified. covering up as much as possible with his hands.
“eds! shit, you weren’t supposed to see me doing this. i’m sorry, i’m so sorry. i’m so embarrassed. oh my god—” steve rambles, thoughts automatically going to the worst places.
“don’t be sorry. don’t you ever be sorry,” eddie walks over to the edge of the bed and tilts steve’s chin up with two of his fingers, so he’s forced to meet his gaze, “and don’t you dare fucking stop on my account. keep going, baby. i wanna see you.”
steve is awestruck by eddie’s reaction. never dreaming it would be so unwaveringly positive. cheeks flushed as it clicks that eddie isn’t disgusted by him and his naked body—rather he’s attracted to him and wants to see more.
“you’re sure?” steve can’t help but ask, even as he starts to slowly buck his hips again.
“you’re asking me if i’m sure? baby, your body is so fucking hot. even hotter than i imagined it would be,” eddie laughs incredulously and kisses steve deeply, “plus I’d love to be right here while you make yourself cum. talk about a dream come true.”
“yeah?” steve whines, feeling confident as eddie kisses along his neck and nibbles on his ear. he’s so far gone for this man it’s ridiculous.
“yeah, honey. if you hadn’t noticed, i’m kind of obsessed with you. now tell me what you want me to do? you want me to keep talking?” eddie cups steve’s face and pets a hand across his cheek.
steve nods enthusiastically, “y-yeah. it’s hot, really hot. more please, like hearing your voice.”
eddie willingly obliges. palming his straining hard-on over his jeans as he runs his mouth and edges them both closer to orgasm.
“feels good doesn’t it, baby? you’re so wet and your cock’s so fucking hard. looks just about ready to burst with how good you’re teasing it on that pillow. taking your time, hm? letting all that pleasure build up like a good boy,” he coos in a sickeningly sweet, condescending tone. voice shakier as he fucks into his palm and watches steve intently.
and steve? he can’t even begin to find his words. a mess of mewls and whimpers and moans, as he works the length of his aching cock between a few fingers and ruts his pussy in punishing circles against the soaked fabric of the pillowcase. and now that he has eddie as an audience, he’s arching his back, pushing the plump curve of his ass out, and using his free hand to pinch his raw nipples. knot tightening in his lower belly, warmth spreading through his abdomen.
“fuck,” eddie groans, thrusting his hips and biting his lip, “that’s right, baby boy. don’t hold back—making such pretty noises for me. such a good little slut. my perfect boy.”
steve knows he’s going to cum. he knows it’s going to be messy. he knows eddie’s going to see him as he squirts over the pillow. and the very idea makes him lock eyes with eddie and moan incoherently. begging with his gaze.
“what is it, baby?” eddie’s patronizing smile makes steve keen, “aw you wanna cum don’t you? is that why you’re shaking so much? wanna cum for me and make a mess on your pillow?”
steve nods as hard and fast as he can, words still escaping him. unsure why he feels he needs eddie’s permission to cum, but also knowing it’s absolutely necessary.
“shhh, shhh,” eddie hushes, rubbing his cock at a punishing pace, “use your words baby. use those pretty big boy words of yours and ask nicely. then i’ll give you everything you need, okay?”
“p-please, daddy,” oh fuck where did that come from, “please, please, let me cum, daddy. wanna be your good boy, please.”
“ahh. fuck, fuck baby. say it again and i’ll let you. c’mon one more time, precious boy,” eddie pleads, face contorting with pleasure.
“daddy. need to cum for you, daddy. please,” steve begs so pretty and bounces on the pillow mercilessly, stimulation peaking.
“fuck yes, baby. cum with daddy. cum for me,” eddie groans and spills into his jeans with steve’s name heavy on his filthy lips.
and steve does the same—positively drenches his pillow as he squirts all over it. slapping his pussy like he’s never done before just because everything feels too good and the oversensitivity is enough to destroy him.
suffice it to say, after that night, steve’s quite physically comfortable around eddie and vice versa. and it’s the start of a beautiful relationship <3
and as always, if you’d like to be added to my tags list for my smutty steddie ficlets/asks pls let me know in the comments !! xoxo
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hungryscara · 7 months
I am just curious but what are some of your favorite hunger, stuffing, or tummy headcanons in Genshin/HSR?
Favorite tummy headcanons…. Ooughhh… this is a tough one but I’ll hit y’all with the kscr beam today.
They both struggle with taking care of themselves but will gladly take care of each other. They have this weird double standard. This is more of a the hunger aspect I’m looking into however we’ll get to stuffing~
If wanderer does get hungry, he definitely doesn’t recognize it. He’s used to not needing to eat… he usually expects the one he’s traveling with to eat
Kazuha loves food! He loves cooking… honestly he loves everything about it but he forgets to take care of himself. He gets so focused on what he’s doing during the day he won’t notice his stomach growling
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The two of them make each other eat.
Kazuha loves to cook however Wanderer prefers to do it. He’s picky and rather food be made the way he likes it. Kazuha isn’t as picky so it’s easy to satisfy him.
When it comes to being stuffed..
finds comfort in it
often sleeps off a full stomach
lack of complaints
far from ashamed with having a stomach full of food
rests his hand on his stomach a lot, content expression
W. ☂️
complains a lot
very ashamed he let himself indulge, sees it as too human
blushing a lot and in denial
“Who told you to look there anyway?! So perverted…” just an excuse
hiding his stomach
being full makes him tired as well.. even if he denies it.. he finds so much comfort in it
It’s not often they’re both stuffed together and more often than not Kazuha is the one who overindulges since he’s comfortable around Wanderer in that sense.
Wanderer often tells him:
“Didn’t I tell you to slow down?”
“Pfft. You humans never listen.”
“How the hell do you look so relaxed?”
“Is over indulging common among humans?”
“Hey.. don’t go asking for thirds now.”
Despite his insults and teasing, he’ll rub his stomach. He makes sure to be gentle and lets Kazuha lay his head on his lap.
The white haired male will occasionally burp or hiccup before drifting off to sleep. Wan hates to admit it but seeing the other so content brings warmth to his heart.
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sporesgalaxy · 4 months
I love chucklebug so much its unreal. Just realized that Pierre escaping the Navy to fw Buggy inversely mirrors their departure for the navy when they were younger bc they chose for themselves rather than the pleasure of other people! Also like. they’re bombastic escape where they left the family made for them (by the Navy) in favor of their own choice (Clown Town) in contrast to the silent submission when they first joined the Navy is!! fucking peak!! (I don’t actually remember their escape but it was a prison break yeah?)
ALAS, THERE WAS NO COOL ESCAPE FOR PIERRE....... but that's on me, I have BARELY brought it up?? Which I didnt realize!!!!!! Sorry!!!
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In my head this fact was better established because I've been writing and rewriting the Pierre & Buggy post-timeskip reunion for so long, and it's one of the things they discuss in that script
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But you're not wrong either! Pierre WILL have to reckon with his people-appeasing and self-denial, that's definitely where his character arc is going. It jussst hasn't quite happened yet.
See, Pierre and Buggy post-TS are both relying on each other a little TOO much to paint over their insecurities with Getting A Good Grade In Being Liked while they're feeling pushed around and worthless and fraudulent elsewhere in their lives. This was always sort of the case for them but it's magnified a lot more post-TS.
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Neither of them really have a plan to get to a better situation at first, they're just clinging to each other.
As per the canon story, Buggy eventually stands up to Mihawk and Crocodile when he hears that Shanks is finally going after the One Piece after not doing so for years.
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I'd like to see the next installment of the Buggy & Co. intermission comics before I decide what to do with Pierre. Whatever happens though, I AM gonna make him finally choose to go after something he wants even though it might not work out or be the easiest choice.
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I was just reading a new TBOSAS fic on AO3, it’s a Catching Fire AU that I found by religiously stalking the Treech tag. And the author just informed me that they’re not sure on who gets to live or die so my brain made multiple similar AU’s where I decide who lives :)
So first of all, these will all be focussing on Treech and Lamina. I headcanon Lamina as older than Treech, which I seem to be alone in? I’m sorry but she has big sis energy to me, and also I push the “younger people can be the (more) protective one too” agenda. In my head Treech is 15-16ish? So he’s a few months to a bit over a year younger than Lamina (who is canonically 16). I’m not 100% on what to make their relationship to each other, because I like them both as a ship and as platonic besties. I’ll mention which one I’m using (or if I’m making them related somehow) for the AU’s I’ll share in this post (and, likely, following ones 💜).
Starting off strong: not necessarily a catching fire AU but close enough and better because the second rebellion happens much sooner here. Treech and Lamina can be anything here, but I my top picks are siblings or besties since birth so we’ll go with siblings (nice Gloss and Cashmere parallel minus the career/likely volunteer part I know). Treech is two years younger than Lamina here for ✨reasons✨. The 10th games, with Lucy Gray still as victor through cheating, are the starting point of the mentors. From then on, the victors slowly start taking over the mentoring. The academy students still get a chance at winning the Plinth Prize in the beginning, but that quickly falls away and it’s just about getting your name out there and bragging rights for them.
Lamina wins the 16th games at 16 (ha) as the first female victor for district 7. She and one of the two male victors from previous games are to mentor, since the capitol stipulates that if there are male and female victors, the two mentors have to be one guy and one girl. This happens during her second year as mentor. The mentors all watch the reaping together in the capitol, which also gives them more time to sort mentor business. District 7’s turn comes, and Lamina almost feels bad for how relieved she is that the 18-year-old girl is someone she’d only seen in passing and didn’t actually know. Most of her friends that weren’t already safe aged out this year, meaning she didn’t have to worry about potentially seeing anyone she cared about die. Treech’s name isn’t in the bowl as much as many others, especially since her victory meant her family had enough food to not require tesserae anymore. And their family had already been reaped once, so surely they wouldn’t be picked again, right?
Pause for effect
Treech’s name is called out, and Lamina screams in denial before breaking down into sobs while the other two district 7 victors try to comfort her. The rest of the victors look at her with pity and sympathy. He’d been her motivation to win her games, and now Lamina would have to mentor her little brother despite his low odds of winning the games. I have most of this AU worked out in terms of broad strokes, but I’ll move on to the next one and if you want me to expand just ask me.
Quarter Quell Hell:
The 25th hunger games had the twist that the districts have to vote on their tributes, but I’m adding a twist to this Quarter Quell. The tributes are reaped from bowls filled with the names of the 5% of kids with the least votes, to remind the districts that they’re powerless rather than the whole “you’re the reason they’re dying” thing. And when they’re chosen, a screen will show how many people voted. Treech, being the only direct relative of a victor eligible for the games, received zero votes. Nobody wished it upon their family to lose another child, especially given how they’re so kind to everyone (basing this off of Lamina, and Treech doesn’t have much canon personality so it works).
Quarter Quell Hell 2: Electric Boogaloo:
A completely different first quarter quell, where the tributes are picked from the victor’s direct family. A reminder that even the districts’ strongest cannot protect their loved ones from the capitol. The only restriction is that people above the age of 50 cannot compete, because those people have lived out most of their life expectancy, whereas younger people still have most of their life to live, and it’d be like letting the district off easy. Only one previous victor besides Lamina has a brother, and that brother turned 50 just that year, whereas Treech just turned 15 and is very much eligible. The parents that are still alive are well above the age cutoff. So, while there are more than 20 names in the bowl for the women of district 7 (sisters, wives, and daughters), there’s only one in the bowl for the boys. Treech. Worse even, he won’t be mentored by a previous victor but by a top performing student at the academy to reinforce the intended message.
I’m torn on whether to make Gaius Breen (because he deserves more attention) or Festus Creed his mentor (I wanted to go with Pliny, but he’s so tied to Lamina in my head it would feel weird to go that route). I’m gonna go with Festus, because he was nice to Sejanus. Am I lowkey shipping Festus with Treech now, even though they have no canon interaction whatsoever? … yes, yes I am. Sue me. The reaping happens in the capitol, and while the previous victors must go to the capitol to watch the games they’re only brought there a day before the games begin and aren’t allowed to see their family member at all before the games. Both the tribute and the victor will be alone. I’ve got a lot of ideas for this one, and for my newly invented ship FesTreech, so I’ll write a post about that once I’ve posted this.
Star Crossed Lovers AU:
Lamina is the Girl on Fire of this AU, winning her game with only one kill, made out of compassion. Lumber is used as firewood, and her stylist leaned into it. Hence her also getting a literally flaming hot costume. She’s sent into the games with Treech, but unlike Katniss and Peeta these two are in love from the start. In fact, they were dating before they were reaped. Treech joins the careers, but only because he doesn’t want to be the only one left with Lamina at the end because he doesn’t want to fight her. He leaves the pack very early, rather than being forced out, and stays alone for most of the rest of the games, before teaming up with Lamina towards the end when the announcement comes they can survive together. The announcement is revoked, they almost eat the berries, they’re saved, they start a rebellion.
Actual Catching Fire AU:
Lamina won the 71st games, went back home and started dating Treech. Then Treech got reaped and she had to mentor her boyfriend, but he won too so it’s alright. Then the third Quarter Quell happens, and their worst nightmare comes true. Not only are they both reaped to go back into the arena, but they’re going in together this time. And only one of them will survive. They stick together throughout most of the games, only teaming up with Tanner and Coral briefly because they’re good friends of theirs (less than half of the 75th games’ tributes are 10th games tributes because I refuse to kill any of them if I can prevent it). When the arena is destroyed, Treech is taken by the capitol. I choose him because this leads to Lamina going on an absolute rampage. The capitol was not prepared for her wrath at the sheer audacity they have to dare hurt her boyfriend.
What did I just create? I- it’s 4:35AM please cut me some slack
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Hi! No pressure if you aren’t doing these still! But if you are, could I request prompt #2 With Marc Spector? Have a lovely day! :3
Omg anon! ^^ You’re so lovely! I hope you have a wonderful day too!
Prompt: 2) our muses with unspoken feelings forced to share a bed and end up cuddling + Marc Spector
Rating/Warnings: M, innuendos, mentions of sex/dry humping, crude language, strong language, reader and Marc’s love language is sass with a side of snark, they’re helplessly in love and they both know it but are scared to act on it so therefore disguise it with cheap attempts at dodging flirting but they’re actually flirting??? idk it’s weird ok
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“What the fuck kind of cheap romance novel did we just step into?” Your mumbling would’ve made Marc laugh, if he wasn’t trying to be so serious.
“This isn’t a romance novel, Y/N. There’s no romance here. Just a cheap-ass hotel with only one bed.” He glanced over at you as you made a face like duh.
“Have you ever heard of the ‘only-one-bed’ trope?”
Marc shook his head, a hand coming to run down his face. “I’ll take the floor.”
“Like hell you will. There’s hardly enough room to walk there. Your broad-ass shoulders aren’t gonna fit between the bed and any wall in this room sideways. That’s the last thing we need. Moon Knight trying to punch somebody and his shoulder kinks up like an old man.”
Marc dropped his bag carelessly by the door, following suit in your actions. “You think the bed’s any better? It’s probably full of bed bugs and STDs. You think they clean these after somebody comes in here just for a quick fuck? Hell no. I’d rather wake up with a crick in my neck than with a disease.”
You started pulling the sheets away from the nearest corner of the bed, clicking on a flashlight, to check for said bed bugs. Marc took the other side. “You’re just scared I’m gonna dry hump you in my sleep.”
Marc scoffed. “You say that like I haven’t caught you moaning my name before. You think the walls of a bathroom are fucking soundproof, honey?”
You pursed your lips, going quiet for a second. Marc smirked. He’d finally made you speechless. “Fuck you, Marc.”
“Sounds like you want to,” He retorted, receiving a pillow tossed at his head. He caught it, barely even looking.
“No, fuck you,” You specified, “As in, go trip off the pyramids. Roll all the fucking way down.”
You and Marc had… a complicated relationship. You had feelings for one another, and you both knew this, but you refused to admit it, too afraid of what might happen if you did. Too afraid of getting hurt. And so you compromised by something between mocking and flirting each other, seemingly insistent on being petty and bickering all the time.
You both wished it would end.
You wished you could just curl up together and watch a movie, kiss, cuddle, hold hands, go to dinner— you wanted to do what couples do. But you were both so terrified of being hurt at even the mere concept of a relationship, that you were in a state of denial. Maybe it wouldn’t last forever… maybe you’d go separate ways. It was a thought that had you up late in tears, while in his own flat Marc paced— and somehow you sought comfort in each other with late night phone calls and going to bars.
It was no secret, what sat between you. But would you act on it?
Maybe never.
So the whole concept of sharing a bed, where things might happen, was a scary prospect.
Marc passed you to grab the bags, tossing them into the center of the bed. He mumbled something about not rolling onto each other or you punching him in the face while you’re sleeping, to which you didn’t respond. You bit your lip, avoiding his gaze as you headed to the bathroom to change. When you came out, you laid down nervously, chewing your lips as you waited on Marc; he hardly even looked at you as he flipped off the light and flopped down into bed.
Neither of you slept.
Hearts pounding, minds racing, you were both coming to the conclusion that this was it. Everything was going to come out, whether you liked it or not.
Eventually, Marc turned his head to look at you over one of the bags that laid between you. You met his gaze worriedly. For a long while, he said nothing, before he finally took a breath. Even his whispered voice sounded over-loud in the silence of the room, his courage quickly dwindling. “...If we take this jump… There’s no going back.” He braced himself for rejection. You readied yourself to have switch rooms. “...Are you okay with that?”
Almost immediately, you sat up and started pulling off your blankets, before climbing over the bags and coming tentatively straddle his waist. Marc helped you, breath hitching as you laid on him in a way he’d never thought he’d actually get to experience. Your own breaths came rapidly as you nestled against him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Marc shifted so that he could pull the blanket up over your shoulders, breathing in the scent of your shampoo.
“Fucking finally,” you whispered against his neck, mirth in your voice; it earned a rare and beautiful grin from Marc, who pressed a kiss to your forehead as he tried to quiet his laughter.
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Give me a prompt and a character!
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the-boy-meets-evil · 1 year
tell me how it got this way | ch. 6
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pairing: jungkook x f.reader, hoseok x f.reader genre: fwb to lovers/friends to lovers, love triangle | non-idol!au, angst, smut, est. relationships rating: 18+, minors dni warnings: mentions of past issues (so brief), lots of kissing, explicit smut (seriously minors DNI), fingering (f. receiving), orgasm denial (f. receiving), unprotected vaginal sex (they've talked about it previously but don't do this), slight marking, begging, mentions of multiple orgasms, cream pie kinda, mention of oral sex (f. receiving), mention of shower sex, mention of bathroom sex, mingyu makes an appearance as the shithead roommate, i think that's it? word count: ~9.7k (idk what to say, it got away from me)
a/n: SHE IS FINALLY DONE! this is the fic that completely got away from me, ended up being much harder to finish than i imagined, and went some place completely different from the original idea. this was definitely not the ending i imagined, but sometimes you just have to go with what feels natural rather than forcing something that doesn't. i hope you enjoy it and sorry for the length.
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With a new day also comes the realization that you don’t get another pass. Today you don’t get to just tell people you don’t want to talk about the conversation with Hoseok and actually have them respect that. It’s time for you to start figuring out what it is that you feel and process your emotions. To use Jimin’s words, you need to start acting like an adult that’s published multiple books and earned a streaming deal. Which is kind of terrifying. All you want to do is pull the covers over your head and pretend the world doesn’t exist. 
You’re seriously considering that when you roll over to your side and Jungkook isn’t there anymore. And your feelings about him being gone are complicated. The rational part of you knows that he has his own life, his own things to do, he doesn’t owe you his free time. But, it was really nice just to fall asleep cuddled up with him, no sex or talking, just comfort. It’s also a little gut-wrenching to think he might have left without a word. That’s no who you are, is it?
Then Jungkook walks back into the room, still in just his briefs, with a mug in each hand. You sit up with a smile and accept the cup when he hands it over to you. It smells amazing, which isn’t a surprise. This man is good at everything, including something as simple as making the perfect cup of coffee. Surprisingly, though, he never takes the credit. Just reminds you that it’s easy to make good coffee when you’ve got a full coffee bar in your apartment. And because Jungkook is a saint, he tells you that he’s ordered breakfast from your favorite place. 
For all the time you and him spend together, it feels like it’s been ages since you had a day like this: both free from work or other plans, a full day just to be lazy together. You don’t even have to talk about it, you know you’re both on the same page when he asks if you have anything to do and says he doesn’t either. Seems really happy to be able to spend the day with you too. 
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Okay, so maybe you did sneak an extra day of not having to talk about your feelings after all. It’s not like you were going to answer text messages when you were with Jungkook and it wasn’t like he asked about it either. Which suited you just fine. 
Today, though, you agree to go see Yoongi and Jimin. Without the special guest this time, because you really do want to figure out how you were feeling. And to do that, you really needed to take him out of the equation. As amazing as he is as a friend on top of everything else, this just isn’t fair. It’s not fair to ask for advice now. Besides, Jungkook has been at your place since two nights ago and Mingyu, his roommate, is getting whiny. Not that it’s unusual, but it does mean Jungkook should go home.
You suggest going to Yoongi and Jimin’s apartment since they’re both there, which annoys Jimin since he was excited to get out of the house. Even if it was only to come to your apartment. Your offer to bring coffee and pastries, anything he wants, which quiets him back down again. There’s also a strategy in it. Part of you isn’t entirely sure what your friends are going to say and going to their apartment gives you the chance to run, if you need to. 
You don’t, thankfully. 
Both listen intently as you relay your memories from the conversation the previous day. Jimin, as usual, interjects more than Yoongi does. He wants to know things about Hoseok’s body language, facial expressions, if he leaned in or fidgeted in his seat. And just as usual, Yoongi lets his boyfriend pepper you with questions throughout the story, only listening intently. It makes you a little nervous, though, because you know that he’s going to have something to say and you’re really not sure what it’s going to be. 
“I think this is a good thing,” Yoongi finally says, even earns an eyebrow raise from Jimin. 
“You do?” both you and Jimin ask together.
“I do,” Yoongi responds. “Even if you haven’t been talking about it, this fight with him and losing that friendship has been hanging over your head for the past 5 years.”
“He has a point,” Jimin agrees. 
“I remember when we met, it couldn’t have been much after the fight, I’d say a year max,” Yoongi starts and you nod. “I didn’t know what happened except that there was this pain completely covering you.”
“Wow, thanks Yoon,” you say, sarcasm kicking in as a defense.
“Will you just…listen?” he asks. There’s something in his tone that makes you roll your lips together and nod. “You wore the pain like armor, still do sometimes, but wouldn’t it be nice to not have to anymore? Wouldn’t it be nice to be free?”
“Yeah, I mean of course it would,” you say, letting out a sigh in the process.
“You’ve got that chance,” Yoongi says. “Jimin and I can’t tell you what you feel…” 
“Though I’m happy to offer opinions,” Jimin interjects, only to be silenced by a look from Yoongi. 
“But you have a chance to get closure, real closure, and move forward from one of the worst things you went through,” Yoongi says. “So figure out what you feel and talk to them both.”
“Both?” The surprise is clear in your voice and on your face.
“Oh honey,” Jimin says almost like he’s pitying you. “Jungkook?” 
“I’m not sure…” you start and Jimin is even quicker to cut you off. 
“I don’t wanna hear about how it’s just casual or you’re not actually in a relationship because it’s bullshit,” Jimin says. Which catches you off guard, a bit, because he doesn’t usually swear like that in your direction. 
“I know things have gotten deeper,” you concede. 
“He was worried about you the other night, when we went out,” Jimin admits and you realize you never actually asked Jungkook about the text. “He texted me…”
“When did you get his number?” Yoongi asks and Jimin smiles. 
“Aww is my Yoonie jealous?” Jimin taunts, earning nothing more than a huff in response. 
“You know she’s my best friend, right?” Yoongi grumbles under his breath. 
“Yes, my grumpy little cat, I know she’s your best friend. We exchanged numbers a while ago because I put him in touch with someone I knew about a job,” Jimin says and continues before either you or Yoongi can ask any questions about the vague answer. “Anyway, he texted me after he’d texted you a few times. Just wanted to make sure you were okay and nothing had gone wrong. I told him we were out and things were fine, but that I was sure you wouldn’t mind if he went over anyway.”
Not what you were expecting. Although you’re not sure what you really expected. The whole thing has been different than you were expecting. 
“Since he has a key and we do not,” Jimin adds and you laugh. 
“Yoongi does have a key,” you say and laugh harder when Jimin playfully smacks the older man. 
“It’s for emergencies, Jiminie,” Yoongi reasons, unbothered. 
“I’m gonna need my own key, then,” Jimin says. 
“Anyway,” Yoongi adds, trying to reign in the chaos. “Yes, both. You deserve the chance to get closure with Hoseok and move forward. But Jungkook also deserves to know where exactly you and him stand.” 
It’s a completely fair point, entirely understandable to lay it out like that. Only one problem. You really don’t have any idea about the answer. Despite admitting this, Yoongi stands firm that Jimin can’t help because you need to work it out on your own. Can’t even offer his thoughts or a little suggestion. Yoongi puts his foot firmly down. And he’s right, isn’t he? This isn’t something for them to figure out. This is your life and they’re your relationships. You can’t have someone else tell you how to feel.  
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You take the time that you haven’t given yourself to process. Time to sit alone with yourself and your thoughts, no distractions or outside opinions. It’s not as scary as you thought it would be. There’s a strange kind of comfort in it. Maybe that’s a sign you’ve grown. Not a lot, there’s no need to go crazy, but at least enough to examine where you are. 
In the past, it might’ve taken you weeks, or even months, to process your feelings. Largely because you never actually stopped to process them. Now that you’re actually giving yourself the time and space, it’s only a couple of days. Well, it’s not that you think you’ve figured it all out. You just know Yoongi was right. You need to talk to Jungkook and you need some form of closure with Hoseok. Since you haven’t seen Jungkook in a few days, you figure inviting him over will at least get you moving. 
The best thing about Jungkook, and there is a lot to pick from, is that he always goes with the flow that you set. He’s supportive and kind and caring without being overbearing. The problem with that, though, is you never really noticed when the roles changed. Never noticed how much more observant he became. Never noticed that you know him as well as yourself. Never noticed that you depend on him more than anyone. 
He listens to everything you have to say, keeps his face carefully neutral while you relay the conversation you had days ago with Yoongi and Jimin. If he feels any kind of way about you processing without including him, he doesn’t show it. His face is thoughtful, at times, but you’re not entirely sure what he thinks. There’s something for a second when you say that you had to figure out what your feelings for Hoseok are. And it’s gone just as quickly. 
“You know he’s the reason nothing has ever worked, right?” Jungkook asks and you look for some sign he’s upset or hurt.
“I’ve always said that. That him throwing our friendship aside has made it hard to trust people,” you respond automatically.
“That’s not what I meant.” His voice is soft and low. 
You want to look down and avoid his eyes, but something keeps your eyes on his. Maybe it’s that you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen now that he’s said it aloud. Maybe it’s wondering if this is the last time you’re going to see that warm smile directed at you, the one that always makes you want to smile in return. You don’t know if everything is going to change.
You do know exactly what he means, though. You’ve known since Hoseok appeared back in your life. And maybe it’s not exactly what you expected. Hoseok’s sudden reappearance meant dealing with a lot of emotions and pain that were unclear 5 years ago. Emotions that are both clearer now and still not crystal clear. But struggling internally is very different than having this person you care so much for pointing it out. It scares you. Just how much has Jungkook realized? 
“I don’t know what to say, Kookie,” you admit, finally looking down. You pull your lower lip between your teeth. 
In a second, he’s closing the gap between you and tilting your head gently up to meet his eyes. He smiles softly, the same as always. “There’s nothing to say, I get it.” 
“How long have you known?” You have no idea why this is the question you ask in your hushed tone, but it somehow seems important.
Jungkook is quiet for a moment, like he’s thinking about what to say because he’s not usually one to say much unless he has time to think it through. This is different though. He seems to want to answer. “I guess, well I think I knew there was something when we first started hanging out. I was sure at that gala you brought me to.”
“I’m so sorry,” you repeat and he’s shaking his head.
“We’ve always known what this was, you and me, and it’s always been great,” Jungkook says and you start to open your mouth. You’re not actually sure that he realizes what you want to say. “Don’t worry. You never hurt me. Just don’t fuck it up now, okay?”
Jungkook smiles again and shakes his head. “Tell him. Tell him for real this time, before it’s too late for you to say something, before he disappears to give us a chance.”
“To give...us? I don’t…” You’re sputtering the words out, so confused with not only what Jungkook is saying, but with your emotions as well. Your head is a mess again and you’re not really sure what you’re supposed to say. This isn’t how this was supposed to go.
“I could see it on his face, the last time I saw him, he thinks I’m good for you,” Jungkook says.
“You are,” you say. “You know me so much better than I ever realized, so much better than I think either of us planned.”
“I know I am and I know I’m also the only one you’ve let stay around for this long. It’s just time for you to take a chance at getting what you want, even if you’re scared,” Jungkook says. Part of you really wants to disagree and doesn’t. Chicken.
“Can I ask you something I have no right to ask?” you ask. Jungkook arches his eyebrow at your question, clearly intrigued, but possibly deciding if it’s a good idea. 
“Sure,” he says, curiosity winning over.
“Were you seeing anyone else? Like while we were doing...whatever this was?” you ask. The answer somehow feels important to you. So much so that you hold your breath.
“Casually dating, I think is the word,” Jungkook offers.
“You’re cute, but I think we both know we sucked at casual,” you say and Jungkook chuckles. 
“Did we?” Jungkook asks.
“I mean, yeah? Jungkook, you literally show up at my apartment with coffee or breakfast when I’m hungover. You have a key, for fuck’s sake. I’ve asked you to come to events with me. You bring me to events with you. We hang out and do things without it being sexual at all,” you say and he looks like he’s about to say something. “Which I love, to be clear. I wouldn’t change anything about how we’ve been.”
“I wouldn’t change it either,” Jungkook says and is thoughtful again for a moment. “No, though, I wasn’t.”
“You weren’t?” Somehow this surprises you, even with how bad you were at casual.
“Nah, it was just you,” he says and you nod. “How about you?”
“Please, I always was clear I wasn’t seeing anyone else,” you say. 
The conversation is just so casual, so easy. You know you should be able to think of another word to describe things with him, but you can’t. He’s such a steady presence in your life that you’re not really sure how to go forward with his advice, even though you know he’s right. It’s weird to think you might have a Jungkook-sized hole in your life soon. He’s made himself at home and you’re not really sure you’re ready to lose that safety net.
But it’s not fair to anyone. It’s not fair to Jungkook, even if he says that he’s really not looking to be in something serious with labels and expectations. In the back of your mind, you do know that the two of you have basically been in a relationship for months without calling it that. This conversation with Hoseok is just one that you need to have. You know that there were more than just friendly feelings simmering beneath everything that happened. Not everyone gets closure, but you can and you’re going to try.
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You’re nervous. Like really nervous. Like the kind of nervous where your leg is jiggling almost uncontrollably and you react every time the door opens. Okay, maybe that’s because you had entirely too much caffeine in your system. This had been the compromise though. Overly caffeinated was fine, apparently having a drink (or four, who’s counting) was a bad idea. You were internally cursing at taking Jimin’s advice on doing this sober. What did he know anyway?
(Jimin is in a happy relationship, you remind yourself, with someone you never thought would settle into something as easily as he had with Jimin. Okay, so maybe Jimin knows something, but you’d rather die before admitting that because he’s smug enough already, thank you very much.)
So yeah, the caffeine isn’t helping the nerves. Knowing Hoseok is on his way and you’re going to tell him how you used to feel is worse, though. You know there’s a part of you that has feelings for him now. You know that’s why you fell into bed with him. This seems like something he should know, or should have known. Or maybe he does know and he just hasn’t said anything. Feels bad about Jungkook. Which you do too, honestly.
No, you need to stay focused and you’re cursing yourself that the only time you can ever be early seems to be when you’re meeting Hoseok. It’s giving you too much time to think and re-think. Maybe you should just get up, text Hoseok that you’re sorry but something came up with the series and you’d have to catch him another time. (Which, you then remind yourself, is a terrible idea because one of Hoseok’s dance students is in the series so he could definitely tell Hoseok nothing came up. Ugh.)
And then he walks in, just walks through the door like there isn’t anything to worry about and nothing is going to change. Which maybe nothing will change for either of you, that thought has been on your mind constantly. Jungkook seems sure that Hoseok has feelings for you and seems sure that you have some kind of feelings for him. Maybe he’s right.
Hoseok’s smile upon seeing you sitting there is instant and genuine, that warm smile that’s always felt like it was only for his favorite people. Once upon a time, you knew you’d meant the world to him. Now? You aren’t sure. 
As soon as he had a coffee of his own, he joined you, sitting down looking suddenly apprehensive and something else you can’t place. “It’s good to see you.”
“Thanks for coming to see me,” you say, not sure exactly how to act. 
“I wasn’t sure, after that whole thing about the TV series,” Hoseok says and you sigh. 
You apologize for that, because you know it wasn’t ever a serious thought that Hoseok would do something like that. He isn’t underhanded or calculating. Sure, he hurt you all those years earlier, but getting close to you again just to help someone get a role in a TV show? No. That wasn’t Hoseok. You’re falling over yourself to make sure he understands just how sorry you are for it. In typical Hoseok fashion, he accepts it easily. 
“It was really bad timing,” Hoseok admits, “running into you out like that, us being drunk, ending up back at my place.” 
“That wasn’t exactly what I signed up for,” you say. 
“No, I know, and then with Jungkook, I know you said it wasn’t serious. But, I see how you and him are together. He’s good for you,” Hoseok says, kind of rambling in an uncharacteristic way. 
“Yeah, he has been really good for me,” you say. “I guess…this has all been confusing and I’m not really sure what the future is for him and me.” 
He’s surprised, clearly. He was sincere in saying how you and Jungkook were good together. You think you see something else too and you’re not sure what it is. When did you get so bad at reading his emotions? There was a time you knew his face better than your own.
“What happened?” Hoseok asks. “I don’t ever remember seeing you like that with anyone, even if I have missed years of your life.”
That gets a sigh out of you. “Jungkook is different. He’s kind and patient, listens even when my mouth can’t keep up with my brain, which seems to be a lot. He supports my mood swings while I’m writing. He’s really good at calming me down when I want to throw my computer out the window and quit writing.”
“Which also probably happens a lot,” Hoseok jokes and you can’t completely fight a laugh.
“I’d like to say it’s better now, but it’s not,” you concede.
“So why aren’t you sure?” Hoseok asks.
“Why did you pop back up?” you ask. “Why now?”
Hoseok lets you answer his question with a question. 
“I don’t know,” Hoseok says and thinks about it. “I knew I made a mistake, that I fucked up for what I said then. I think, eventually, she knew it too. I couldn’t get why she was so threatened by our friendship, she couldn’t get why I didn’t get it. I had all this regret and I didn’t know how to apologize.”
“I’m sorry for being a dickhead is usually a good place to start,” you offer, and Hoseok levels you with a look. “Sorry.”
“We finally broke up and I wanted to call you the minute she left. I just felt like that would feel off? Like ‘hey, we just broke up, you were right and I’m sorry’ just felt lame,” Hoseok says. 
“I want to say it wouldn’t have been, but I also don’t think I would’ve been in the right headspace to hear it,” you acknowledge.
“I figured,” Hoseok sighs. “So I waited, and then you had a book drop and some time went by. I was getting ready to reach out, when I looked at your Instagram. The last two posts were a super heartfelt post about a friend of yours that you referred to as your best friend and then a picture with some really attractive guy looking at you like you were his whole world.”
You thought you remembered the timeframe and who you’d been dating. Seokmin had been wonderful and beautiful and cared deeply for you, a feeling you weren’t able to return completely. 
“The post with Yoongi, who I had to fight to even get pictures with for the record, must’ve been hard for you to see,” you acknowledge and Hoseok looks puzzled. “The one gushing about him being my best friend?”
“Oh, sure, that was the harder of the two,” Hoseok says and for one of the first times in your life, you feel like he’s lying. 
“Still, though, if it’s when I’m thinking, I dated that guy like over a year and a half ago,” you say. “And, to be fair, it wasn’t as serious as it probably looked.”
“I just, I don’t know, I missed you. I was at my sister’s with her and her husband and I just, I missed you,” Hoseok said. 
“I saw pictures from her wedding, she looked stunning,” you say and then, almost without a thought, “and so did you. I mean, you looked really handsome.”
The tips of Hoseok’s ears flushed a bit, another something out of character for him. 
“She was so upset. She thought I’d have patched it up with you by then and you’d have been there. She nearly told me not to come unless you were there too,” Hoseok says. 
“I missed you too,” you say and sigh because you know you have to just say it. 
“I’m surprised you thought about me at all,” Hoseok says quietly. 
“Well I tried not to, it worked a lot. Not nearly as much as I’d have liked. But artists are supposed to suffer, right?” You laugh a little without any humor. “Look, I have to put my cards on the table,” Hoseok says. “All those years ago, the things I was saying. I realized later I had it backwards. I’d been in love with you since we slept together that summer. I just, I didn’t really know what to do with my emotions and you were so sure about pretending it hadn’t happened. I’m so sorry for everything that I said and for everything that it put you through. I know it doesn’t make up for it now and I can accept that. I fucked up. Plain and simple. And I’d be willing to spend however long I needed to showing you that I’m so sorry. That’s why the relationship finally ended, though, she realized I was still in love with you. It wasn’t just that I felt bad for what I said, which I still do, it was that I couldn’t help from bringing you up, especially when anyone talked about you as a writer. I was still in love with you and she felt like she couldn’t compete.”
“What?” you ask, unable to form other words.
“I’m so sorry to dump this on you now,” Hoseok says and you sigh.
“You weren’t alone and she wasn’t entirely wrong,” you say and his eyes lock on yours. “I did have feelings for you back then, super complicated feelings that I didn’t really know how to process. Or even what they were.”
“You’re talking in the past tense,” Hoseok comments and you bite your lower lip.
“I am, aren’t I?” you ask idly.
“I’m too late,” Hoseok realizes and you look away. 
“Hobi, I do have feelings for you, that drunken night wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t,” you say and chuckle. “We’re way too old to act like drunkenly falling into bed is meaningless.”
“No, I agree there,” Hoseok says. “But?”
“I think I just walked away from someone I shouldn’t have so we could have this conversation,” you say. 
“I think you did too,” Hoseok admits after a moment and you can see how hard it is on him.
“You don’t get it though,” you say and shake your head. “It was never serious with Jungkook. Never something we labeled. He let me walk away to come talk to you. He encouraged it. He doesn’t want more with me.”
“Of course he did,” Hoseok chuckles. “What was he supposed to do?”
“Ask me to stay?” you ask and Hoseok looks amused. 
“You don’t see the way he looks at you, at least the way he did at that Gala. It took me a long time to approach you because of it. I was already there when you and him walked in,” Hoseok says, which really catches you off guard. You’d assumed he was a late arrival or at least that he hadn’t seen you yet. “You were sighing and I could just imagine you talking about how much you didn’t want to be there, but his eyes just stayed on you. So fond. And then there’s the way he apparently looks at you when he shows up to the set.”
“How do you…?” you ask and then realize. “Chan, of course.”
“He didn’t know what he was doing, just mentioned a guy with tattoos that seemed crazy about you showing up pretty often,” Hoseok says. “Chan’s so obsessed with your work and so happy about the project. He was all starstruck talking about the guy that looked at you like you hung the moon while you were just drinking your coffee.”
“Yeah, well, I need my caffeine,” you say. What else are you supposed to say? Your brain wants to process it all and wants to believe it. It’s just, it goes against everything you thought you knew.
“We were too late and that’s something I have to live with. And maybe it’s for the best, we’re not 22 anymore,” he says. “But you don’t have to be too late for this.”
“I’m so sorry, but I have to go,” you say and rush out of the coffee shop. 
Even though you spend a lot of time at your apartment, you still spend some time at Jungkook’s apartment too. The downside is just that he lives with a roommate. Not a downside really, because his roommate is great, it’s just that sometimes he complains about how single he feels around you and Jungkook. Which you didn’t really understand until now. It’s like now you can see exactly how you’ve been the entire time. You’re not sure how you missed it.
And it’s Mingyu that answers the door. You forgot that he’s like 7 feet tall as you’re looking up at him in the doorway. He looks confused for a second before he’s leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.  
“Long time, no see,” he says casually.
“I know, is Jungkook here?” you ask and he shakes his head.
“I thought you’d be with your new boyfriend,” Mingyu says and you frown at him. Frown because he didn’t answer your question. It doesn’t even occur to you that he wouldn’t know about Hoseok unless Jungkook was talking about it.
“Please, Mingyu, is he here?” you ask again.
Mingyu sighs and steps aside so that you can come in. “He’s not, but you can wait.” 
“Do you know when he’s gonna be back?” you ask.
Mingyu opens his mouth, probably to say something sarcastic, and then stops himself. Which is weird. Weirder still, his face softens.
“I really wanna fuck with you, but I’m hoping that it’s a good thing that you’re here,” he says. “He legit just went around the corner to get coffee so he should be back really soon.”
“Thank you,” you say. And you mean it.
“Can I say something?” he asks, seems to be fighting with himself. 
“You’ve never hesitated before,” you answer. Which is true, you don’t know Mingyu that well, but Jungkook’s roommate has never been shy around you.
“You mean a lot to him,” Mingyu says. “I know he’ll never come out and say it like that and he’d probably kill me for telling you, but you do. I don’t think there’s anything he wouldn’t do for you. I’ve known him for years and he’s never been like this about anyone.”
“Yeah, I think I’m realizing that,” you say, earning a smile from Mingyu. 
“Just give him a shot,” Mingyu says.
He’s about to say something else when you both hear a key in the lock, both turn to look at the door when the handle turns, both watch to see the reaction of the man walking in. 
“Gyu, I got you a coffee too even though you’re a complete…oh!” Jungkook says, catching sight of you in his living room. “What are you doing here?” 
“Sorry, it’s just…well, I,” you start, tumbling over your words and miss Mingyu shaking his head.
“No, sorry, that came out wrong. I’m happy you’re here, I just figured you’d be with Hoseok,” Jungkook says and his face crinkles. “Don’t tell me that idiot turned you down.” 
“Thanks for the coffee,” Mingyu interrupts. “I’m gonna head out, actually.” 
“I thought we were…” Jungkook starts, adorably confused.
Mingyu only claps him on the shoulder. “Another time, trust me.”
“Can we sit?” you ask and Jungkook looks unsure but he nods. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t get coffee for you too, I didn’t realize,” Jungkook starts.
“No, it’s fine, I definitely don’t need more caffeine,” you say.
He laughs, “well that’s a first.”
You take a deep breath and try not to watch the range of emotions on Jungkook’s face because you’re scared you’ll lose your nerve. 
“I’m sorry,” you say quietly to your hands. 
“For what? Did he turn you down?” Jungkook asks. You can hear the protective side of him coming out.
You ignore the second question. “For everything that’s happened since that Gala I dragged you to. All the times you’ve had to pick up the pieces, all the times you’ve had to comfort me, all the advice you’ve had to give about another guy.”
“Oh,” Jungkook says softly. “Well, that’s okay.”
That makes you look up. “No, it’s not. You don’t deserve that. You don’t ever deserve to think that you’re anything less than amazing. I know I’ve made you feel like a second choice, like a back-up plan, you’re not.”
“Hey, life is complicated, right? I’m a big boy, I knew what I was getting into,” Jungkook assures you.  
“Still though,” you say.
“What happened with…him?” Jungkook asks. It’s the first time his careful mask has slipped and it gives you hope. Hope you’re not sure you have a right to feel. 
“He told me he did have feelings for me, both back then and now,” you say. 
Jungkook, usually so composed with you, lets some of his frustration come through his next words. “So what are you doing here?”
It’s harsher than he usually speaks to you and you know you completely deserve it. You need to actually get the words out and let him make a decision for himself for once, without putting you first. 
“I realized that it wasn’t him that I wanted,” you offer, so quietly that you’re scared he won’t hear. But he does, of course he does. 
“I don’t…” Jungkook begins.
“I think my feelings towards him have always been complicated, tied up in how he was the first real friend I’d ever had. There’s a part of me that did feel some kind of love for him and definitely some kind of physical connection to him,” you say and pause. You need to take a breath to keep going. To steady your nerves. “It wasn’t until I was sitting across from him that I realized, I’m not 22 anymore. Maybe it would’ve been right then, maybe it wouldn’t. But it isn’t right now and I don’t wanna be chasing something from years ago. Love doesn’t have to be that complicated.”
“I…no, it doesn’t have to be complicated,” he agrees. 
“So he realized he was too late and I realized it wasn’t him I should be talking to,” you say and look up into Jungkook’s soft brown eyes. You’re not even sure he’s breathing with how intently he’s watching you. And hopeful, so hopeful. “It’s you that I want, Jungkook, if I haven’t fucked this up so bad that you can’t…”
You don’t get to finish your words before his lips crash against yours. And the feeling is warm and comfortable and electric all at once. It’s right in a way nothing else has been before. He just fits together with you like it was always supposed to be this way.
“I’m so sorry, Jungkook,” you say between kisses. “I am so insanely sorry for everything I’ve put you through.”
“It’s okay,” he assures you, not wanting to break apart. 
You have to pull away though, his face between your hands. “It’s not and I want you to know that you’re my first choice. This, right here with you, is all I need.”
“I know,” he says. “And fuck, I’m so happy you’re here. I know we have a lot to figure out but can we just…can we do it tomorrow? I just want today with you.”
How can you deny him that? After everything that’s happened between the two of you, you really do feel like this is the least you can do. He’s also far more perceptive than you’ve given him credit for, so maybe it’s okay to just follow his lead this time. 
Kissing Jungkook now feels…different. Not bad, just new somehow. Which is kind of crazy because you’ve kissed him thousands of times over the months you’ve been together. There’s just something about your brain and your heart finally seeming to be on the same page that makes everything feel more. More feelings, more happiness, more excitement. You didn’t think that kissing someone could get any better. It has, though, and you’re not sure you’re going to be able to catch your breath if you keep going. 
Another amazing thing about someone who knows you as well as Jungkook is that you don’t always need words. When he stands and grabs your hand, you follow him into his bedroom without even questioning it. You watch, eyes probably full of some nauseating level of affection, as he sits on the edge of the bed and reaches out for you. There’s an equal amount of affection as you let him pull you in and settle on his lap, one knee on either side of him pressing into the mattress. 
There’s never really been a rush with Jungkook, at least not since the first few times. Yeah, there have been plenty of rushed times, but just as many slow. This is somehow different, just like the kiss. And that makes sense, doesn’t it? Because you have all the time in the world. All the time to be together and figure each other out even more. Jungkook may have the edge there. 
His hands are firm on your hips, keeping you anchored in place, stopping you from rolling your hips against his for the friction you crave. The control is  a stark contrast from the softness of his lips moving in time with yours and it’s making you a little dizzy. You really thought you knew this man inside and out, yet here he is surprising you again. 
Even more dizzying is the realization that you’re in so much deeper than you ever thought. It’s more than just caring about him, even though you do, probably more than you’ve ever really cared about a partner. It’s this inescapable feeling of being safe and on the edge at the same time. Knowing that if you fall, he’s going to catch you. It’s so glaringly obvious that you see why your friends were so insistent that you include him in the equation. 
Just when you think you might explode, Jungkook pulls apart from you and studies your face. His fingers graze along the skin at your waist, playing with the hem of your shirt. You nod and lift your hands up as he grips the hem to pull it over your head. His fingers are so light across your skin when he unclasps your bra and slides the straps away. 
Gentle. He’s so gentle. Like he’s telling you that it’s okay, that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Like he’s not sure this is real. It is, though. As his lips move down your neck, you can’t help the sigh that escapes your lips. The trails his kisses down to your breast, slow and deliberate. The way his warm breath meets your skin makes you suck in a breath. 
He’s always been generous, always wanted to be exactly what you wanted, but this feels like even more than that. It feels like a side of him you should’ve known and yet didn’t quite. It feels like a last little bit of him that had been tucked away, just waiting. And that’s kind of exciting, to think that someone you thought you already knew completely can still surprise you like this. It makes all those hangups you thought you had about relationships seem insignificant.
And he’s getting a side of you that is a little different, too. There’s something about him that makes you needy, but it’s never been like this. All you want is more of him, more of everything he’s doing. You try to take advantage when he’s not anchoring you quite so steadily, roll your hips against his. While you’re rewarded with a low groan, he also puts a hand firmly back on your hip to keep you from doing it again.
“Please Jungkookie,” you whine, finally relenting. You will absolutely beg if it gets you what you want.
His eyes study you, so full of affection that you might combust. You don’t even realize he’s slid his hands under your ass until he’s standing up and you gasp. It’s just for a moment, though, so he can lay you back onto his bed. Almost immediately, you go to remove your pants and his hands are on yours, stopping you before you even get to the button. The next second, he’s pinning you down, one hand holding both of yours above your head, the other swiftly undoing your pants. If this is the way you go, a squirming mess beneath this beautiful man, it all might be worth it, honestly. 
Jungkook pulls himself back off of you so he can pull your pants down, taking your underwear along with them. Even though you’ve seen him get undressed more times than you can count, you still find yourself watching as he removes his own clothes. Eyes taking in the recently added color of his tattoos, the lines of his body, the way his muscles contract as he moves. 
He’s back almost on top of you, slightly offset so he doesn’t put too much weight on you, but it’s still a surprise to you when he starts kissing you again. You need something more, some sort of relief before you go insane. And you’re just about to beg for it when one of his fingers slides along your folds. So this is the game he’s playing, teasing you with just his fingers and making your back arch in response. You want to protest, want to tell him there’s plenty of time to go slow, but you just need now. With his lips so insistent on yours, though, that’s hard. 
Thankfully, Jungkook isn’t cruel. After running his finger along your entrance, collecting some of the wetness there, he slides a single finger inside you. It’s so slow, painfully slow, but it’s something. It’s a start to the relief that you need. Okay, maybe he is a little cruel. His finger slides in as slowly as his kisses, which are all languid motions. Any part of you that wants to fight back sinks into the mattress as he licks into your mouth. 
It’s honestly the most relaxed you’ve ever felt with someone like this. There’s a part of your brain that fights against that feeling for a second before you realize that it’s been there all along. This feeling of complete comfort and safety. You were just too caught up in the idea that it wasn’t that serious to realize Jungkook had made a home in your heart. Too caught up in your past bullshit to realize this person had carefully broken through every defense without you realizing it.
But, unfortunately, Jungkook is still kind of a shit. Through your moaning, he picks up the pace, something you immediately encourage. A chorus of nonsense mixed together with your appreciation. He had two fingers inside you and his thumb on your clit. All you feel is that you’re close, so close.
Until he stops. Just completely stills himself when you’re on the precipice. Ready to come on his fingers and body still wound tight.
“Not yet babe,” he says, eyes alight.
“I was so close,” you whine.
“I know,” he says, just confirming what a demon he is. He captures your next protest with a kiss and you tangle your hand in his hair without thinking. Anchor him to you. Take back some small, tiny bit of control.
It’s all too fast when he pulls away again and you recognize he’s looking for a condom. So you just tell him not to bother. You mostly haven’t been using one lately because you’re protected and you know both of you are clean. It’s something you’ve both talked about more than once. 
And thank fucking god he seems like he’s on the same page as you again because he doesn’t question it. Just abandons his search and presses his lips to yours again. You arch your back into him, chase his lips with your own. It should be embarrassing, the way you just need, except that it’s Jungkook and it’s not. It’s just…natural. The most natural thing in the world.
He does successfully pull away from your lips again, sparing a low, quiet chuckle for the way you immediately pout your lips at him. But then he’s lining himself up at your entrance, using just a little bit of lube along his shaft, and pressing the tip into you. Just like everything else, it’s slow. So slow as he pushes into you, buries his length inside of you and lets you adjust to him. Wants you to feel comfortable. But you’re always comfortable with him. 
The second that you try to move against him, Jungkook presses a hand to your hip, pins you down to the bed. There’s none of the usual wide-eyed wonder in his eyes when they lock onto yours, silently telling you that you need to stay in place. Be good. Somehow it makes you want to squirm even more. Instead you focus on the way the muscles in Jungkook’s arm that’s holding you down contract, focus on the furrow of his brow, focus on the lines of his chest.
You tentatively wrap your legs around him, wanting to change his angle and he moves his hand from your hip to balance himself over you. Somehow, even though this is not your preferred position, it feels…different, intimate in a way that usually scares you. You’re not scared, though. You’re only happy. Jungkook finally starts moving, too slow like everything else but at least it’s something. 
Without warning, he pulls almost all the way out and snaps back into you hard, a perfect contrast to the previous thrusts. He must anticipate your reaction, too, since he leans down to kiss you, capturing all your pleasure. So you do the only thing you can think of and drag your nails down Jungkook’s arms. Part of you hopes you’re leaving a mark so that everyone will know he’s yours. Wholly and completely. 
“Fuck,” Jungkook hisses.
“Do you like that?” you ask with all the innocence that you can muster. 
“Don’t play games with me,” is the only answer you get.
“Then please, Jungkook,” you beg and he slows, still moving but focusing on your words instead.
“Please what?” he questions.
“Please just fuck me,” you supply immediately. “We’ve got the rest of forever for slow, just fuck me. Show me that I’m yours.”
It’s what he’s been waiting for. That last little thing he needs to hear. There’s a split second where he looks at you full of that same love and affection you’re sure was on your face earlier before he switches back to pure want and lust. And fuck this is what you need. What you want. The only thing in the world for you.
Jungkook picks up his pace, thrusting hard into you as you grip yourself as tightly to him as you can. Arch into him to change the angle, tighten your thighs around his hips. Before you can move a hand to your clit, he’s there. His finger along with the speed of his thrusts has you back on the edge. Your entire body is hyper aware from the earlier orgasm denial. He knows it, too.
“Come on baby, I want you to come for me,” Jungkook urges.
“I’m so close, oh my god,” you say through a moan. “Yes, oh my god, Jungkook, yes!” 
“I wanna see you come undone,” he says, breaths getting ragged. “Fuck I’m close too.”
“Come for me then,” you whine.
“You first,” Jungkook says and thrusts even faster.
A few more thrusts and you’re cumming harder than you can remember in a while. Nothing coherent leaving your lips. Jungkook is just a few seconds behind you and you meet his thrusts through his own high. When he stills, he carefully drops himself down, half laying on you without putting his full weight on you either. Almost absentmindedly, you run your fingers up and down his arm, tracing the lines of your favorite tattoos, watching the way his body moves with each breath. 
Jungkook looks up at you and he’s the same man that you fell in love with without realizing it. Except now you can accept it for what it is. You see the love and care in his eyes when he looks at you, the same look everyone else has seen the whole time. It almost makes you shy. He leans up to plant the softest kiss of them all on your lips before he pulls out, the mix of both of your cum spilling out in the process. 
“We need to get cleaned up,” Jungkook chuckles. You can’t help but laugh along with him.
“Yeah, probably need a shower,” you agree. 
“Let me check if the coast is clear,” Jungkook says and gets out of bed to pull on some boxers. He disappears out the door and you hear him out in the living room before he’s appearing back in the doorway. He’s got a smirk when you look over at him.
“Busted?” you ask.
“Better, he says he won’t be back until after dinner at least,” Jungkook says.
“Okay, sometimes he’s not the worst,” you admit.
“So shower?” Jungkook asks hopefully.
“Jungkook, I am not fucking you in the shower, do you remember that one time we tried?” you ask and he’s all smiles.
“Can you blame me for trying?” he asks. You’re so hopelessly endeared that it’s actually a little sickening. You’re also about to answer when he hops back into bed nearly on top of you.
“Jungkook, we have to clean up,” you say through a laugh.
“I don’t care, I’m just happy,” he says.
And that’s just it, isn’t it? That one word perfectly sums up how you’re feeling, too. This, with him, is what happy feels like. The lightness in your chest is only further confirmation.
You shoot down shower sex again, suggesting that maybe you should just shower separately to avoid anything awkward. But that doesn’t stop the two of you rolling to the other side of the bed to continue kissing each other. Doesn’t stop the kisses getting deeper. Doesn’t stop Jungkook kissing down your body until he gets between your thighs. Doesn’t stop him from going down on you and making you come hard on his tongue. 
It’s probably good, you think as you’re heading off to actually shower, that Jungkook sends his roommate a text that he may not want to rush back. It should be embarrassing how quickly Mingyu says he’ll just be home in the morning. Or that he knows exactly what’s happening. All you can think about, though, is the overwhelming feelings for this man.
(Well, you try to shower and remind Jungkook that shower sex was a disaster. But with his roommate gone, that doesn’t stop him from bending you over the counter and fucking you. It also shouldn’t be hot but you love the way you can watch him in the mirror. In almost know time he’s pulling yet another orgasm out of you and you’re not even sure if you can stand in the shower.)
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There’s a loud knock on the bedroom door seconds before a louder voice carries through it. “This is your 30-second warning, I hope you’re dressed.” 
He doesn’t even give you that amount of time before he’s opening the door. And it’s fine, because you have one of Jungkook’s t-shirts on and he’s got boxers on. So you’re at least partially dressed.
“Oh, you are dressed, that’s so boring,” Mingyu whines, throws in a pout for good measure. 
“Don’t be weird,” Jungkook says. 
“Pot, meet kettle,” Mingyu starts but has to dodge the pillow Jungkook throws. 
“Out,” Jungkook says. 
“Is that any way to talk to someone who’s making breakfast?” Mingyu chides. 
“Oooh you cooked?” you ask. 
“You never get that excited when I offer to cook,” Jungkook whines.
“Out of the honeymoon phase already?” Mingyu asks and pretends to grimace.
“Babe, you don’t know how to cook and you won’t let him teach you,” you respond. 
“Yes, I am cooking, we’re celebrating,” Mingyu says.
“Celebrating what?” Jungkook asks. 
“Someone finally getting her head out of her ass and realizing how amazing my roommate is,” Mingyu says and is out the door before you can hit him with a pillow. 
“Breakfast does sound good,” Jungkook says, a little shy.
“Okay, but then can we talk afterward?” you ask.
He nods. 
Breakfast is good, but it comes with a side of The Talk from Mingyu before you even get to eat. Jungkook wanted to shower quickly before eating, and that’s fine. You’ve been alone with Mingyu before when you’ve been over at their apartment. He tries to make it a serious talk, telling you that he’ll come after you if you ever hurt Jungkook. It’s just, well it’s a little hard to take him completely seriously with his threats when he’s like the personification of a golden retriever. You do mean it, though, when you say you’re in this for real, that you care deeply about Jungkook. That you know it’s been hell for the last while and you’re so sorry it took you this long to see what was there all along.
After breakfast, some of the best waffles you’ve ever had, Mingyu leaves to go see a friend of his. And you all know it’s at least in part to give you and Jungkook time to talk. Still, you appreciate that he’s giving you the space you need to sort this all out. 
“I don’t wanna pop this little bubble, but I think we have to talk about us,” you say when you and Jungkook are settled on the couch. 
“I’m not sure how much there is to talk about?” Jungkook admits. 
“Well, for starters, I need to know if you can actually forgive me,” you say. Jungkook opens his mouth, but you’re quick to continue, “and please really think about that, Jungkook.” 
“I mean it when I say that it was mostly fine. I knew what I was getting into almost from the beginning. It was obvious you had some shit to sort through,” Jungkook says after a moment. “And I felt like you were always honest with me about everything.”
“And the times it wasn’t fine?” you prompt. 
Jungkook takes a deep breath. “Yeah, those times kinda sucked. Like when you came home drunk that night after you talked to him and you called him Hobi.” 
“I was so happy to see you, I don’t even remember calling him that,” you say.
“I knew it didn’t mean anything, I assumed it was just a slip, but it hurt my heart for a minute thinking you were just going to fall back into step with him,” Jungkook says. 
“I can see that,” you acknowledge. “What about when I told you that I was going to go talk to him about whatever the feelings were?” 
“I was, well I don’t know, I wasn’t really sure. I really wanted to be there for you because you’re such an amazing person and I do want the best for you,” he says and you find yourself studying his face. Finding more expressions there than you’re used to seeing. 
“You just wanted to be the best for me,” you finish and he nods. 
“I know I should’ve just told you how I felt and asked you to stay. But, I don’t know, there was this part of me that thought if you didn’t at least talk to him…” Jungkook trails off, unsure how to finish the sentence. “There was a part of me that thought if I asked you to stay, and you did, we’d both be wondering with him like hanging over our heads.”
“Honestly, I don’t think I had the right to ask that of you, or to even expect it,” you say. “I never really let you know where I was at.”
“You did,” Jungkook says and that surprises you. “I could always tell. I knew what I meant to you and I was…I was a little scared, even knowing how much you liked me, to just ask for it to be more.” 
“I thought you didn’t want more either,” you nearly whisper.
“I didn’t, not when we met at least. I thought being with you would just be easy and casual and what we both needed,” Jungkook says with a chuckle.
“I don’t know that I’m easy,” you grimace.
“You are, what wasn’t easy was slowly falling for you. I’m not used to being the one falling first,” Jungkook says.
“I’m so sorry, Jungkook,” you say, “I would take it all back if I could.” 
“I wouldn’t,” Jungkook disagrees. “I think we both needed to go through that to get here.” 
“And this is somewhere you want to be? Here with me?” you ask, more honest than you’ve been in awhile. 
“Yeah, I do,” he says immediately. “You said I deserved to know I was someone’s first choice and you do too.” 
“I want you to know that I do realize I was unfair to you and that’s not something I want to ever do again,” you say carefully.
Jungkook takes one of your hands in his, always so thoughtful. “We all make choices we’d change if we could, but you chose to be here. You’re acknowledging it, so I think we can take that and move forward.” 
“I wanna be clear about where we are though,” you say.
“I’m sure you want to take it slow, this is all kind of new territory for us,” Jungkook says. 
“No, that’s not it,” you say and watch his face. “I mean, we can take it at whatever pace you want, I just mean I want to be clear. This is a relationship and I’m serious about it just being you and me. I don’t want there to be any confusion in defining it.”
“I don’t think there’s any confusion,” Jungkook laughs. “But yeah, I’m on board for that. We can figure out the rest of what a serious relationship looks like as we go.”
“Together?” you ask and he smiles your favorite smile. The one where his nose crinkles and you can see his slightly-too-big front teeth and his eyes seem to sparkle. 
“Always,” he says. 
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thank you for reading and for sticking with me through this, i hope you enjoyed it <3
78 notes · View notes
washa · 7 months
I listened to Lasko’s recent audio and here’s my favourite personal comments/thoughts! (GOD IM SO SWEET FOR THE DAMN CREW. also most of this is Lasko's dialogue and me screaming over it."
God I love his ranting. 
Oooh earthier colours? OH 100% mahogany, SLAPS
LMFAO THE CRICUT. Yk my roomie has one of those, we’ve never used it but it’s there !!
Awh he’s so observant 😭  
“Top speed” my ass. He’s gonna put Eminem outta business. 
Lasko.. Baby 💕😕
“Come to fruition.” Yes wow me with that vocab.
Yes, that does make me feel better.
Unrelated, can i just say how happy i am Lasko can joke about his anxiety in a good way. 
“They’re my family. They’re not the one I started with, but they’re the one I found. The one that’s actually a family to me.” SHUT UPPP 😭
“And you make me happy, you make me feel cared for and respected and wanted, and the time I spend with you makes me feel so fucking good.” AND YOU DESERVE SO MUCH MORE BABY 
AWH HE TALKS ABOUT US??? 😭😭 oh wait that bonus audio after the date LMFAOOA
“It doesn’t have to be perfect, It doesn’t have to be anything. It’s just the first!” LORD ABOVE HE’S SO SWEET
Yeah.. I think Lasko’s first impressions were, interesting.? Yeah it was bad 😭
Freelancer was probably blinking their eyes in confusion in that video. 
OH MY GOD THEY KNOW ABOUT GAVIN AND LASKO??? I bet my whole foot it gets brought up and Lasko’s listener teases Lasko abt it.
Yeah the bowling video, poor Lasko could’ve had a stroke in the chair.
Oh god, if he starts talking about his friends, I'm gonna kick my legs like a little school girl. OH MY GOD HE IS. 
I love how Lasko had to think of a word and chose “intense”. 
“He’s passionate, and he’s stubborn, and he’s strong, but he’s also generous and thoughtful and driven.” REALLL
I love Damien so fucking much. He’s one of my favourite characters, he’s so misjudged and deserves every good thing that he gets. The fact he fights for full certification is to help humanborns, de(a)mons and other judged people against a corrupt government. He pushed himself and nearly lost himself just to help someone. He’s such a good guy, even if it comes out wrong.  
“And Gavin can come off like he’s just some vapid, surface-level… shit-starter, for lack of a better term.” LMFAO FAIR 
“But he’s also loyal, and bold, and brave, and a person who is really, new to having others actually care about him, and the genuine surprise in his eyes when people give him, Just the basic kindnesses that friends do for one another, is.. somehow sweet and heartbreaking at the same time.” STOP IT
Gavin again, so misunderstood. He was judged for being him, put through so much bigotry and the fact he found people that loved him for who he was is SO FUCKING SWEET. I CANNOT RIGHT NOW
“And the way that he and Freelancer complement one another, and seeing how that relationship has helped Freelancer” YOU GET IT LASKO YOU GET IT. 
“Who has always been sweet and giving and supportive, but also guarded, and closed off, and completely in denial about their own emotional needs, to their own detriment, to their own.. harm, really. It’s been an amazing thing to see.” STOP IT YK THE INVERSION AFTERMATH WHERE THEY CRY. GOD.
“With Huxley, from the outside he can seem… naïve. Or unfocused, just a goofball without anything more to him, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. He is one of the most emotionally intelligent people I’ve ever met.” AMENN 🙏🙏
 “He just gets people, he understands the motivation behind people’s actions and he has the emotional maturity to react to that driving force rather than the action itself. And he’s easygoing, and flexible, but he’s not listless at all, in reality he has really concrete goals and plans and he pursues those with a determination that could rival Damien’s, he just… presents it differently. I think that’s one of the things that makes them work so well together. They’re two sides of the same coin in so many different ways.” I can’t even say anything, Lasko said it all for me. 
Also i think this video is Erik like explaining and showing how much character developing he did. Good job Erik, you did amazing. 
“And most importantly they see those things in other people. They’ll see those things in you. Because you are kind, and thoughtful, and generous with your time and your patience and your support, and you’re funny, and you’re sweet, and you make me so fucking happy to be a part of your life, and for you to be a part of mine.” WATCH ME WEEP
Yes the beginning, I’M SO HYPED AND EMOTIONAL RN. 
“You’re stuck with me. We’re in this for the long haul now.” Wouldn’t have it any other way.
LMFAO, lets go mahogany!
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ebonyslasher · 9 months
Spicy Alphabet: Hinata Hyuuga
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Hinata, naturally, is full of anxiety. She will have a clean up kit prepared hidden near. For a while, she’s embarrassed to show her cute face. Hinata will hide her head under your arm or bury it in the crook of your neck.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Hinata: Soft, supple, and creamy. Her breasts were always a secret ego boost for her. Other girls were envious of her big boobs. 
You: All of you. She’s been obsessed with you for so long. Hinata has focused on each body part. If she was bold enough, she would lick every crevice.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Hinata views this act as an exchange of chakra. Anyway where cum is either on/in her and hers on you is preferred. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Those sweet, quiet girls can be sneaky. If it’s something that they really want, they will get it. This includes Hinata stealing your clothing items, using them to rub her breasts and pussy on. She sniffs the mixture of your scent and hers and it makes her cum.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
None, too shy and her father is pretty strict and scary. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She’d rather be serious. Mostly because she would be mortified in you laughed.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Groomed. She has cute little jet black curls. Surprisingly soft as well.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Shyly intimate. Hold her hand. Kiss her. State your love!  Wipe any tears away from her face. Don’t fret, it’s tears of joy or overstimulation.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Masturbates heavily due to the overwhelming thoughts from her crush. It makes her lustful and embarrassed, which fuels the quality of her climax.
K= Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding, light Omorashi, rubber/latex,  breast/nipple play, Train*, fisting
L=Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bathroom or hot spring
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. Flirting with her. Paying attention to her, helping her. Being encouraging. Flexing, showing off your body. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Being demeaning, doing anything she deems too gross, acting disinterested in her, ignoring her, talking down on her friends
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow to moderate. Soft to hard. It will depend on her mood, how well her body is prepared, and how desperate she is.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes! Her favorites are random ones in the village or near a spring during traveling for a mission. She’s figuring out that she might have a thing for almost getting caught.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Somewhat, as long as it doesn’t disgust her. She is okay with some pee, but it's only on her or you. Body only, nothing near face or directly on genitals. However, she will do anything to make you happy.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Varies, depending on how much her body is willing to take. Her orgasms are more extensive and intense than others. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
If your clothing items constitute as toys, then yes. She has plenty. Otherwise, she has gone to a sex shop (disguised) to get some. She would love to use them on you and vice versa. Just let her get over her fainting spells.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Will tease depending on her mood. If you made her mad, expect some.It will range from a lewd outfit to orgasm denial.  But, she's pretty soft, so it won’t go too far. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Starts with whispering and will get louder, especially when hitting her g-spot and rubbing her wet clit.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She practices her sex skills for you, even wayyyy before you both date.  She will imagine situations and read erotic texts (like Icha Icha) and then practice. Once the internet starts to get popular, videos and pictures will be used. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Her pussy is puffy, clit is is a small marble surrounded by a long inner labia that drapes out. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. When you’re obsessed with someone romantically, it’s going to be high as hell.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not quickly unless y’all really go at it
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