#or they should have a damned good reason to do so beyond 'we felt like it'
awkward-teabag · 11 months
There's a talk about how bad live service games are from a consumer standpoint between the predatory "micro" transactions and how it removes access to games consumers paid for (just check out the latest Ubisoft controversy where they'll straight up delete your account—including games you paid for—if you don't respond to an email in time) but something that gets talked about less is how it gives companies the ability to straight up change how characters/classes/weapons/etc function and how that can make it hard or impossible for people to keep playing.
There is an understood risk of playing, say, an MMO where your character(s) could be changed at any given balance patch but it's assumed that playability would stay in the same realm, or at least low-intensity builds (builds that have less buttons to push and more downtime) would be left alone since LI builds rarely are top-performers.
But with live service games being what they are, all it takes is a change of design lead or balance lead to decide that LI builds are bad actually and to change them with no warning. Then "git gud-ers" come out of the woodwork to defend the change that was never asked for, wasn't game-breaking, and never so much as hinted to be a problem until right that moment.
You can't "git gud" wrist issues.
You can't "git gud" slow reflexes.
You can't "git gud" missing fingers/limbs.
You can't "git gud" brain processing speed.
And so on.
But because of the nature of live service/always online games, there's no way to avoid it as you can't simply not update the game to avoid the changes, not unless you don't want to play at all.
Or you pirate it and have a private server to run said pirated version on.
Accessibility matters. A lot. But it's not taken seriously and there's still the pervasive idea that if anyone so much as mentions video game, accessibility they're just being lazy and need to "git gud". With the lack of physical ownership or being able to opt-out of drastic changes, all it takes is someone in a studio to ascribe to that idea who has the power to push changes and people who prefer/can only play with LI builds can find themself suddenly not being able to play whatsoever.
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cfr749 · 2 months
Initial Thoughts on Chenford in 6x07
All right... I'm feeling... a lot at the moment, so just sharing my initial reactions before seeing anyone else's. I'm sure my feelings will evolve. Also this turned into a GD essay and I'm sorry.
The Good
Grey acknowledging that Lucy was going through a lot ABOVE & BEYOND the break up. I just wish he'd mentioned the shooting, too. Lucy deserves to be more than her relationship with Tim and I need to actually see that in the future.
Lucy laying out 2 key things in her conversation with Grey - how easily Tim walked away and that he had no right to make that decision for her
Prior to the last scene (see The Ugly below), I thought Tim's interactions with the therapist were reasonably well done; if only therapy was that easy in real life lol
"You've always got a home with me" - I loved this final scene between Lucy and Tamara. I don't really have feelings either way about Tamara at this point, and this still hit me right in the heart.
Smitty's poll made me laugh, but also another solid indicator that these writers / producers do in fact really enjoy laughing at the expense of the fandom and shippers (which, whatever, I don't care that they do, I'd prob do the same; but it does irk me when people act like these writers should be worshipped because of all the things they "give" us)
The Tim
"I'm not depressed. I broke up with her."
"I was her TO." Not her friend, cuz god knows Tim has yet to deal with the fact that he started banging his former Rookie I suppose.
I dunno whether to put this in The Good or The Bad at this point; it depends on where they take it, so instead Tim gets a section all about why he's a dick.
To be clear, I do not like that Tim is a dick. But I actually do kind of like that it is very clear TO THE AUDIENCE that Tim is being kind of a dick. Do I still think people will bend over backwards to defend him? Of course they will.
From my perspective, I love Tim, I understand that he thinks he's doing the right thing, and has lots and lots of trauma. I've never seen Tim as a character that magically healed at some point between Seasons 1 & 5 (please see his storyline with his dad, his ongoing issues with UC work and unwillingness to confront or deal with them, his feelings about therapy historically, his inability to dump Ashley, etc. etc.). He's never been perfect and he doesn't need to be.
All of those things are true. None of those things give him a free pass to be kind of a dick. He still has to take accountability for how he treated Lucy (which, to be clear, was like sh*t).
The Bad
Lucy being petty AF with the invites to Tamara's dinner - let her be ANGRY, but give me villain Lucy over this dumb sh*t.
Lucy having no one other than Grey to talk to.
Others acting like Lucy is actually kind of pathetic (why do these writers love sh*tting on her so much? girl could not be down and kicked any harder at this point) -- Celina / Nolan and the double dumping crap, Lucy thinking Grey paid actors and him telling her she was out of her damn mind
The last interaction between Lucy and Tim. I am so angry for her. I needed to see that from her, but instead it felt kind of like her being dumped / a kicked puppy all over again. We got it, thanks. What's next? Lucy being incredibly happy with the hottest man on earth? I'm here for it tbh. Lucy plotting Tim's murder? Also here for it at this point. LOL.
The Ugly
I could not hate the implication of that final scene with Tim and the therapist and the door shutting more. There was ZERO reason they couldn't have had him show up during the day, and it actually disgusts me that they are pushing this line again, but especially with Tim. I am literally NEVER this dramatic, but in this case I really hope they did that to just get a reaction, because if anything were to actually happen between Tim and the therapist, I'd be 100% done with this ship and show as would a whole lot of the audience (I think). If I kept watching, it would only be to see Lucy be absurdly happy without Tim.
Well, what'd I miss? What did y'all think?
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mustainegf · 2 months
Can you a friends with benefits 89!james x fem!reader ??
You guys are so creative with this stuff I love it
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The house bustled with party goers, loud music, and loud conversation. I never really liked parties, but James invited me and I figured I should get out more, so I accepted.
Something different had become of me and James lately. Being friends after all this time, I guess something spilled over. I wasn't too sure what to call it, it was not like we were a couple or anything.
Despite this, we'd been hooking up for almost a year now, with no strings attached, sadly.
Whatever, I always loved the sex so I didn't mind.
Not a single person knew of our little secret, they were none the wiser. We were just friends to the rest of the world.
As if my thoughts had summoned the man on my mind, James had approached me.
He grabbed my arm, his eyes dark. I already knew where this was going, and it made my stomach flutter.
"Bathroom, now." James said firmly, tugging me along with him.
I didn't put up a fight, why would I? James looked particularly good tonight, if he was going to have his way with me right now, I'd be more than willing.
I let him lead me down the hall. The first door on the left was the bathroom. It was the only place we could do this without anyone knowing. Once inside, I shut the door behind us.
My eyes traveled down his body, devouring him from head to toe. His blue eyes flickered between mine, telling me he felt it too. "You look so good," he whispered in a husky voice, "Of course you decided to tease me with this outfit, huh?" James taunted.
That's when I noticed his own eyes trailing up my legs. It was hard to breathe. I was wearing the tightest pair of jeans I owned, paired with a white lacy top that showed off my navel.
I knew damn well I was driving him crazy. James' lips found mine, his hands guiding me to the counter.
Our kiss was demanding and forceful, neither of us cared about the fact we were in a random person's bathroom. All that mattered is that we were alone.
"I want you," I murmured into his lips. "Good." James bent me over the counter, hastily unbuttoning my jeans.
He pulled them down my legs, along with my panties, before slipping his hand underneath my shirt and brushing his thumb over my clit.
"James.." I breathed out, my arms holding me up as I bent over the cold counter.
He pushed two fingers inside me, spreading my cheeks apart. I gasped at the intrusion, loving every moment of it. The wetness coating his fingers told him how much I wanted this.
I arched my back, pushing against him. "So wet." He moaned, moving his fingers around. Then, he withdrew them, James was always impatient.
He stood straight, I breathed heavily as I could hear him unzip his jeans, the rustling of fabric following.
Before I had the chance to say anything, he was inside me, his thick cock filling me completely. We moaned in unison, both of us needing release.
With ong of his large hands trailing down my back, James thrust inside me.
I couldn't keep up with his pace, but I didn't care, I loved being taken like this.
I hardly knew where we were anymore, all that mattered was that we were together. In the midst of his rough thrusts, James kissed my shoulder and down my back.
"Such a dirty girl, my dirty girl," James growled.
A whimper escaped me. There was nothing like hearing him say those words.
"Harder, baby... please," I begged him, glancing in the mirror as I watched him roughly take me.
"Harder? God you're such a slut, it's a good thing I like that," He quickened his face, forcing my eyes to clench with pure lust.
I didn't care about the party, or the fact we were in the bathroom. None of that mattered. What mattered was James. It always would.
"Let me hear that pretty voice, I want to hear how much you like it," James demanded, his voice quick and ragged.
I could hardly even think let alone speak. "Don't make me say it again, pretty thing."
His words did what they usually did, turning me on beyond reason. "I love it, fuck, I love it!" I cried out, writhing beneath him.
I could see myself in the mirror, every move of my hips, every curve of my back, every tear falling. I saw everything. But most importantly, I saw James.
He was beautiful. Beautiful and powerful. "I'm gonna cum, James!"
I cried out. He gave one last thrust, and he was coming too. His hot seed spilled deep within me, shooting up my walls.
"You're always so perfect for me..." James whispered, leaning over my back to scatter kisses on my shoulder.
We tried to catch our breath, James helping me sit up from the counter.
We cleaned ourselves up, and he helped me get dressed. God, he was so perfect.
"Come on, we gotta get back," James said quietly, kissing my temple before he opened the door.
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imjustwritingg · 2 months
Other than wanting to wrap Hailey in cotton wool and give her the biggest hug, how are you feeling/what are your thoughts after last nights episode?
This turned into an unofficial review of sorts and it got rather long, so I’ll post it all below the cut for those that want to read my thoughts.
I might be in the minority here, but I really enjoyed the episode. I kinda loved it actually, and it might be one of my favorite episodes. I enjoyed everything about it…the writing, the directing, the acting.
Gwen Sigan wrote the episode, but I gotta give her credit where it’s due because it was pretty damn good in my book. It reminded me a lot of her writing days prior to her becoming show-runner and I miss those days so very much.
I think the tidbits of Hailey’s past are coming way too late, but I still really enjoyed getting to peek into her life a bit more. Just wish we could have gotten more of it along the way and not three episodes before the character is gone.
I loved Kevin’s blatant callout to Hailey in the first minute of the episode of how she’s dealing and if running is helping her. He asks this question of “how are you doing…really doing?” with no words and just one look, and then we’re given the answer by Hailey deflecting and avoiding yet again under the guise of wanting a sugar fix. I think that was brilliant. It conveyed everything you needed to know about Hailey’s mental state in one short moment.
No Voight in the episode was such a gift.
Hailey being in charge and leading this particular case was the right move and she handled it so well. I’m bummed we probably won’t see her leading her own unit someday.
Also back to the no Voight thing just for a moment to say that it’s interesting to see how the dynamic shifted with the team versus him not being around and Hailey being in charge. The team felt lighter to me, like in the sense that they weren’t on edge, walking on eggshells in a way. Everything just felt calmer. There was still an intensity and an urgency to solve the case, but rules were followed, there was no off the book cowboy bullshit, and it felt like everyone followed Hailey and trusted her, whereas with Voight they were obeying orders that were barked out to them. I don’t know. It just felt really different and so very satisfying to me.
I love Kevin and Kim’s ability to communicate with one another with just one look between them. Makes me think of the early days of them being partners and being on patrol. They still work so wonderfully together.
This case was sick. A mother doing that to her own child is demented. Where these writers, and Gwen specifically, come up with these ideas is beyond me, but someone should probably do a wellness check on her. Like girly needs some serious therapy and R&R.
Josephine Petrovic. I had some hesitation with her at first as you usually do with a new character as you try and suss them out, but I’ve gotta say, I like her. I like her and I hate that I like her and I hate that she only just came onto the show because I would love to see what happens with her if she were to stick around, but I can’t watch this show without Tracy or Jesse — mostly Tracy — but neither of them? I just can’t do it. I have some other thoughts on Jo, but I will save them for another ask I received.
I obviously saved the elephant in the room for last…Jay. I really don’t think the mentions and nods to him in this episode were “bad” in any way because it’s stuff that has already been said about the character…Gwen’s version of him at least, but I do think there is a reason why he is being brought up and why there are so many nods to the marriage. Hailey insisted she wasn’t angry with him in the premiere. She signed the divorce papers, sent them off, and that was that and she washed her hands of him. Except she didn’t. Because she is angry, she hasn’t moved on in the year and a half he’s been gone now, signing the papers didn’t give her any closure…hell, even him signing the papers didn’t give her any closure, (I will die on the hill that he only signed them because it’s what he thought she wanted). I personally do not think she will get any closure whatsoever if she doesn’t have a conversation with him, if she doesn’t confront him and all of it head on…the anger and resentment and confusion and the love that is still there. You can’t turn that shit off. You can’t just push it away and be like, “okay, I’m done with you now, goodbye.” Life doesn’t work that way. Emotions don’t work that way. Grief sure as shit doesn’t work that way, and I feel like that is the stage Hailey is stuck in right now. Grieving the loss of Jay and her marriage and stuck in a limbo that she doesn’t know how to navigate on her own while dealing with childhood trauma that she actually isn’t really dealing with at all. And she is without a doubt on her own. That is the one thing that has been made clear this season. She has no family, not any friends other than co-workers, and right now, she doesn’t have Jay. I respect the “independent woman, gonna stand on my own, I don’t need anyone” mindset, but I don’t agree with how we got here and I also don’t fully agree with the notion that she doesn’t need anyone because everyone needs someone. You can’t do life alone. You need someone in your corner, someone by your side, someone who gets you in ways you don’t even know yourself, and for Hailey, that person is and will always be Jay Halstead. I think she will realize she needs to get out of Chicago like her brothers, like Jay, like Will, and I hope that wherever she ends up, Jay is there waiting for her and the two of them can just start over without Chicago and their past looming over them like a dark cloud. And for the love of God, let them both go to therapy…together and separately.
Brenna Malloy directed and it was just…perfect. True cinema if you will. The close-ups of the actors’ faces during certain scenes and how the camera would pan to them at just the exact right moment for a reaction, the no background noise and intentional pauses during scenes that allowed moments to feel heavier and more real, the ending shot of Hailey and her teary eyes…I feel like it was a story that was so delicately handled and crafted by Brenna, and I’m just really impressed.
Tracy Spiridakos. I mean, what more even needs to be said? The woman is a powerhouse. It always amazes me knowing how much of a goof she is on set and then you watch an episode like this and it’s just like…WOW. Her range of emotion and the way she makes you feel every single one of those emotions is truly something that needs to be studied. You cry with her, you smile with her, you laugh with her, but the biggest thing is you feel for her character, and I think that is something that not all actors are capable of doing with an audience. Tracy knocks it out of the park, across the highway, into the next town every time, and her execution is consistent every time as well. No one is doing it like her, and I love and respect the hell out of that woman and her talent.
I think the same also needs to be said for Bojana Novakovic. I have been surprisingly impressed by her and kind of adore her. I’ve really been enjoying the character of Josephine Petrovic and I hate that she’s only coming into the show now right when Tracy is walking out the door because Bojana alone is incredible, but her and Tracy together? It’s like magic to me. Their chemistry as scene partners and the way they bounce off each other is absolutely insane, and then their ability to pull you in and keep you locked in…ooof. I think it’s something special and I’ve really enjoyed seeing them together on-screen.
As for how I feel…
I feel good? Okay? The episode didn’t do much for me in the grand scheme of “what is Hailey gonna do” or “what’s gonna happen” because we already anticipated her leaving Chicago. That wasn’t ever in question. But the actual reason for Hailey leaving is still muddled to me, even more so because she hasn’t resolved anything in her life. She still has these demons, a past filled with trauma she hasn’t found peace with, she has no closure with Jay, she has questions and zero answers, and she is already and literally running from her problems.
So, is she supposed to leave Chicago and start over somewhere and her problems are just gonna go poof? Magically disappear? Because that’s not how that works, and I think that would be yet another injustice to the character and more lazy writing. I do think the episode (finally!) laid the groundwork for Tracy’s exit, but it should have started in episode 1, not 10. Tracy gave them an entire season to wrap up Hailey’s story, and I feel like they wasted so much time and it’s gonna be another rushed exit once the curtain falls. It’s not that I’m surprised in that regard, but I am disappointed (again!) especially considering how much of a fuss Gwen made about “it’s so generous of Tracy to give us a whole season.”
If Gwen’s plan was to make Hailey’s exit about her family and her childhood trauma then the seed should have been planted long before now, and Jay shouldn’t still be a sore subject for her. I think we’re in for a really emotional ending to the season, not just for Hailey, but for the first time since season eight I’m actually looking forward to a finale again.
In conclusion and a very long story short…I loved the episode, but Gwen Sigan is still on my shit list.
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blank-slate-jay · 1 year
Shared Warmth
Joel Miller x Male!Reader
Word Count: 6.8k
Summary: Joel brings reader to an abandon home, that he wants to call home for the two of you. Something erotic in Joel ensues seeing you in just your underwear.
Tags: Smut (18+), Anal, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Pet Names, Dom!Joel, Fluff, Established Relationship, no use of (y/n)
A/N: Longest fic I've ever written so far. I don't know how I managed to conjure this! Could've split this into two parts, but decided this is better as one post to make this more cohesive. Enjoy!
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AO3! | Reposts are much appreciated!
"You'll see," is what you had received.
A response with very little context, a saying with many different meanings.
You didn't know what to make of this, sitting behind him on the horse with your arms around his waist, you genuinely felt left in the dark. It was very much like Joel to leave you questioning the tones under his voice. Most of the time it was just Joel being Joel, being the closed off man that he was. But the man was in a very good mood, deliberately mocking your naivety with a chuckle.
You sighed, "where are you taking me", saying it more toward yourself than to Joel. Being nearly a day away from Jackson, the question was a reasonable one. After all, what purpose was there to go beyond Jackson for? A gated community was a blessing in times like these, and yet strangely for you, something felt off. Living there has made you feel out of place, made your relationship with Ellie and Joel seemly less meaningful. Perhaps being in a safe haven, with so many people, wasn't truly what you sought.
Bizarre for sure that if you say it out loud, you knew people would call you crazy. You yourself felt you might’ve lost your mind. However, you can’t deny your feelings. Those days, weeks, and months traveling with Joel and Ellie across the country - those were some of the best times you've had even with the looming danger around every corner.
Regardless of what was going through your head, you weren't complaining, being back out into the world. The orange glow of the sun only served to emphasize this notion, piercing through the branches just above your head. It created this relaxing setting, one you can bask in for an unhealthy amount of hours.
"Do you have an idea of where we might be goin'," Joel asked.
Cruel. Just damn cruel, asking you a question you knew he'd leave open ended. Still, you played along.
"I’m assuming it’s pretty big,” after relaying that the man hums finally providing you with a clue, even if its unspecified. “…and that you aren’t playing some trick on me. So, a mall?”
“Try again.”
“A museum?”
You let out a frustrated grunt, wishing the ladder were true. “Lake?”
Joel took longer to respond, “Mmm,” the man thought about it. “Not quite, it’s close by, but not important.”
You scoffed, placing your head on his shoulder, unsure of what he has disclosed so far is true or not, "Should I already know what it is?" Maybe that'll give you the upper hand.
"I doubt you'd guess this," Joel responses.
"So I'm guessing that a no then?"
The older man nods, turning his head to you before replying with a, 'Yeah'. There was no use in trying by that point. The constant persistence wasn't doing you both any favors. Joel probably had a reason to keep it secretive, so why spoil it? Knowing ahead would've made the trip less intriguing, if not boring. And on the bright side, what'll come will actually be a surprise.
Rather than playing into Joel's trickery you let it go, lifting your head back up, "Alright you won, I forfeit."
"Finally givin' up."
You reply, “I think I have too. I’ve ran out of ideas,” you lied just exhausted by the mind tricks, “Unless you want me to keep going?”
Joel partly wanted you to continue, to get back at you for all the times you fucked with him. He was starting to understand the fun in it now and why you did it to him. He settled for one more jab at you, “Will you get it a right this time?”
"Shut it" you giggle, bumping the man's thighs with your legs. Your comment did do the trick, as Joel fell silent after your remark. You could tell the man was smiling though; his rising cheek gave it away. Some of you was certainly rubbing off onto him, to know the man was now more comfortable with you was flattering.
Joel then reaches down for your leg, placing his hand right over your kneecap, caressing it like it was precious. “Don’t worry now, sugar. We’ll be there shortly.”
His considerate touch, that softness in his voice. Those two components together were enough to send a warm feeling throughout your body. How easy Joel could just captivate you by his touch alone, you guessed that was just how love worked.
You nodded your head as if he could see you, humming to acknowledge his words. Again you laid your head against him, face now between the back of his bare neck and the collar of his blue shirt. Closing your eyes, you let yourself listen to the sounds of nature around you to pass the time.
Sometime later, you found yourself opening your eyes to the sound of Joel's voice. Your vision, well adjusted to the growing darkness of dusk, focused on the dirt path some feet away.
"We're here," Joel says, spiking your interest enough to get your full attention. You lean back from the man's frame, hands rubbing the bags under your eyes.
Taking a look at the dirt path, you gaze in both direction. One leading deeper into the forest and the other extended out into a clearing. You confusingly study the area, unable to spot anything of interest. No water, no structure, not even a tree with any unique properties. You couldn't help feeling a bit bewildered, some of that feeling escaping through your lips with a quick 'Umm'. Stealing a glance at Joel's side profile, you tried reading what little you could see of his face.
He nods, "Good. You're awake. It's just this way," he explains, spurring the horse to get them moving in the direction of the dirt path.
Huffing in relief you spoke, "Phew, not gonna lie you almost got me there," thinking Joel might've been toying with you still. He turns his head to you, claiming that he wasn't going to bring you out there for nothing. If the man had told you that some time ago, you would have a hard time believing him.
Trotting forward, the horse comes into close proximity of the tree lines. Just on the other side you could barely see something faint between the leaves; a building of sorts. By what you could see the distance made it difficult to tell with the addition of nature covering your view. The universe really made things difficult for you. For what what it was worth, you were sure Joel didn't want you to see it until you stepped out into the open field. Still, the suspense was killing you.
This wasn't going to last any longer as Joel turns the horse right into the clearing. The tree's now finally out of view, you were hit with the red beam from the sun, blinded by your curiosity and in exchange being blinded by the sun in return.
You squint some, grunting as your gaze trailed around the perimeter. There was lots of tall grass, a noticeable transition compared to the on's just behind them. It stretched far beyond what your eyes could already see. Of course your mind was then caught up by the building some distance away.
There was a house. Someone's house. A house, that looked to be in good conditions. Surprisingly the lone tree just beside it has yet to infect the home with any vines. It made you believe that someone had to have lived here not too long ago. That person was one lucky bastard to have that home to themselves, you thought, imagining how nice the interior had looked.
"Ain't that something", Joel spoke, pretending as if it was his first time being there.
You comment, "Looks lively." A good point compared to everything the two of you had seen on the way there.
But Joel corrected you, "It's empty actually, has been for awhile". You let out a quick 'Huh', taking in his words, further scanning the house. The sidings are a tinted white, slightly scrapped on some parts of the wall. The dark colored roof, contrasting with the siding, made the home brighter than it already seemed. The house stood tall, two stories at most based off the windows, with the first floor being linked with the porch.
It was both funny and disheartening how attached you felt to this home already compared to the one you, Joel, and Ellie shared in Jackson. You kill to live in a home like this, not that you hated your existing home, just this one felt...right to you. Exterior alone, it reminded you of your old house pre-outbreak.
"Can we go in," you asked. A silly question, like you needed Joel's permission to enter the desolate property.
Joel responded sarcastically, dragging out the phrase "Nooo", with his gruffy voice. You knew he was only kidding and was now becoming intrigued by what was inside. Even so, the invasive feeling creeping up your stomach didn't go away yet. You looked around, taking in a full scope of the area. You trusted Joel of course, something that had improved since you first met. But your vigilant, alert mind hadn't shifted in the slightest; only improved thanks to being with Joel.
You turn your head around, looking behind you and at the edges of the tree lines to ensure that no one was following or coming. Like it even mattered, Joel had already assured your safety. You guessed it was better safe than sorry.
With your head now facing to the left, you gaze over to the far side of the field. So far that walking there would be ineffective. The field, a tad bit sloped, dragged on into the distance stretching too far for you to even consider. The sun made the entire sight something you'd see only from a painting or photograph. Sure enough, Joel wasn't lying from earlier when he confirmed there was a lake, just far off at the ends of the slope.
Joel steady the horse, grabbing the reins tightly to slow her down to a halt. "Alright," the man sighed. You let go of his waist as he began to move, his boots shaking the stirrups while he steps down from the horse. He then reaches his hand up to you. You gladly took it, allowing the man to pull you down.
You thanked him, a small smile stretching across the side of your face as you looked at the older man. He reciprocated your gesture with a smile of his own, one that made the wrinkles near his eyes stand out. He didn't have to mutter a word for you to know that he heeds your words.
The man turned his attention then to the horse, letting go of your hand in the process. He grabbed the reins and moved the horse over to tie it up to on of the porch's pillars. While he does so, you made your way up the few stairs, the wood creaking beneath your shoes.
Your hands trailed along the rails, rough and also smooth against your skin. Your eyes darting up and down the walls. Closely the walls looked more worn down, not too badly but could use some improvement.
You turned to look back at Joel who was slinging his bag over his shoulder. The man brushes his hand by your arm and passes by you. He walked up to the door before pushing it open. He moves his back agains the open frame, "Come".
Peaking inside for a moment, there was no way the house was empty like Joel had inferred. "Empty, huh. Doesn't look the way to me.", you look at the man with a snarky look on your face.
He looked unfazed by your humor, the man's face falling a bit flat. It reminded you of the times he'd looked at you after having to endure some of your playful banter. Those times were fun back when you traveled the country together with Ellie.
"Get in" he insisted, sounding annoyed but also seconds away from chuckling.
You don't push your luck and brush by the man still with that look on your face as you pass by him. To wipe that look off your face, Joel smacks your backside causing you to yelp; biting his lips in sync. It was a bastard move, but you weren't complaining. Looking back at him was either rewarding or a mistake cause he was making the face you familiarizes yourself with, best described as hunger. God. Choosing your next action carefully was smart cause anything that insight him to grab and kiss you, would lead to something more...erotic.
Not giving into temptation, you turn your attention to the living space ahead, balling your hand into a fist and squeezing it with the other hand. "This is...quite the place," you stated, stepping further into the home. You weren't kidding. The place had an aura very reminiscent of a cabin, the amount of woodwork around the living room alone gave you that impression. However, the house looked and felt homey all the same.
You walked up to a small craved out sculpture, shaped like a bull, placed above the small fire place. While inspecting it's form you brought up a question, "How'd you find all this?"
"Me and Tommy we're riding out", he started as the man trailed over to the wall to place his bag down, "And I wanted to do some more exploring but Tommy wanted to go back. So I let him and luck would have you..," the man finishes by raising his arms up some like he was revealing something grand, "...got my hands on this."
You nod, looking away from him to fiddle with the small bull, "Cool, it's like a comfy outpost. I like it". You then used the bull like a pointer, motioning it in the man's direction, "You weren't gonna hold out on us were you?"
Joel shook his head, making his way over to you. "Firstly this isn't a toy," he says, grabbing the small figure out of your hand. He places it back into its original spot before resuming, "And secondly, I was going to tell you, specifically just you about this place."
He was? You raised an eyebrow in question, wondering what significance a place like this would even have. It wasn't somewhere you'd visited with Joel before, nor was it a house that held any meaning to you prior to arriving. So what gives? "Just me", you muttered.
The man smirked some, finding it adorable how dumbfounded you appeared. He stepped closer to you, close enough to where you could feel the warm heat from his nostrils flaring against your face. “Yeah, just you”, he repeated, his voice now closer to a whisper. 
You could feel his hand grasping at yours as you kept your eyes locked with his. “I’m sorry, I feel I’m missing something here”. The man, obviously still listening, lifts your hand up to his own face, gently rubbing it against his cheek. His scruffy beard, pricked your palm as you cupped the man’s face. 
The man wondered if he should even answer. Your palm, tender against his rough skin nearly made him forget how to speak. Made him almost forget what you had even asked. He had held it longer than he should've, feeling slightly guilty for holding something like this off from you. He felt you inquired more than enough today. 
With your palm, slowly being squished between the man's hand and cheek he explains, "I got this for us. At Tommy's...I know things have been different between us since we got there. We, spend a lot of time outside of town, sometimes don't even spend time with each other much anymore. I thought it'd be nice to have our own space again, you know away from...everything. When I found this it just clicked for me. Felt like we could call this place home."
Your face was at ease, hearing him say what had been on your mind, spiked your attraction to the man further than you thought was possible. Every word, every sentence hit the mark for you. For a moment, you could swear he had to have read your mind at some-point. Either that or being with you had made it easy to determine what was bothering you. Regardless, having a place faraway for yourselves sounded too good to deny, especially when it was exactly what you wanted.
You couldn't quite put your thoughts into words, simply letting out a confused giggle, unsure of how to follow up on Joel's reveal.
Joel takes notice of this, captivated once more by your expression. He then breaks the silence, "You've asked a whole of questions. Now let me ask you this, how do you feel about living here with me, sunshine."
You nodded immediately, maybe a bit too quickly and possibly too eagerly. "I'd...love to," the words finally falling out of your mouth.
The man response, turning his head some to kiss your palm between an utter, "Good." His lips softly trailed down, like he was following the curved lines on your hand. Each kiss felt delicate, purposeful, each with some kind of meaning supposedly. That was just within Joel's transcended mind, he couldn't help himself, he got lost quickly whenever he'd feel your touch.
You leaned yourself forward, pulling your hand away from his mouth to wrap it around the back of his neck. Tugging him forward you embrace him, finding his hips as a comfortable spot to rest your free hand. No surprise, Joel indulged, pulling you into his arms too.
The two of you stood for some time, merely appreciating and savoring the moment of intimacy. You didn't think any words could pinpoint how much you loved Joel. Not even the word ‘loved’ felt like it was doing him justice. It was beyond that.
“What did I do to deserve you," he mutters above your ear.
“Luck," you say.
He hums, knowing it to be true but hating the notion of life without you, fighting for you made it all worth something, made it mean something. He made small circles around your back, just being grateful he had you now, thankful that you made it to this point to be there in his arms.
"I'm making dinner," Joel says, catching you off guard for a moment. "Got the ingredients for your favorite."
You knew what he was talking about, it was meal you'd two shared before and you couldn't keep quiet about your enjoyment of the dish, even while eating the damn thing.
Luck would have you, again, you were about to experience that meal again.
You turned the running faucet of the soothing shower off, grabbing the towel just off the shower's hinges to wrap yourself in its warmth. Stepping out the tub, you began to dry yourself, wiping away all the sweat you'd built up after leaving Jackson. Once knowing this new place had running water, you were quick to jump for the shower, never skipping the opportunity to get yourself clean.
Joel was just downstairs prepping dinner for the two of you. You wondered if it was already finished since you spent way too long wandering the upstairs plane; checking the available rooms before finding the shower. You were sure it wasn't even done yet since Joel would've called out for your name by that point.
Wiping away the last remnants of water, you threw on some spare clothing, a shirt and just your underwear, from your backpack before stepping out the restroom. The cooler air hit your body, nothing you wouldn't accept since the season was a lot warmer; spring.
You made your way into the master bedroom. In this case, your shared room with Joel. Not much was in it. Compared to the other bedroom, which hosted nothing at all, this one at least had a bed and a few dressers. You weren't complaining since the room felt less compacted and more freeing.
Walking into the room you toss your towel onto the bed, taking in the open space, a stark contrast to your room back in Jackson. The thought of what you could implement to this room had your mind racing momentarily. Like what you could put within the corners or whether you should put any entertaining devices in the room. Maybe not the last part probably cause Joel would advise keeping those contained to the living room.
It got you pretty thrilled thinking about what you could do in general now that you weren't limited to a communities resources. This of course meant you didn't have as much to work with, but everything you gathered would or could be used to further improve your new home.
You started comparing your home back in Jackson to the one you have here. Down to it's interior, format, and spacing. You thought about the kitchen, dinning area, your shared room, Ellie's room. Ellie. Again you thought about her, a realization hitting you in the process. 'Fuck' you sighed under your breath. So caught up and enthralled by a nice change of environment, you hadn't even thought about her wellbeing.
At the moment, she was at Tommy and Maria's place, likely giving them a hard time as you'd expect. The usual for Ellie. But being so far away from her, not being there for her made you somewhat fazed; a pinch of disgrace too. That girl was tough and she needed to grow up around people to understand what it's like to live. But on the other hand, she'd follow you and Joel to the ends of the earth, she said it herself.
Throughout the wave of thoughts, washing within your head, you were by the window now. Hands perched up on the dresser just below the glass's border. The spot made for a great place to reflect. Perhaps this would be a good position to do it, overlooking the grassy plains, it gave your head a hub place to ponder.
If it weren't for you being lost in your thoughts, you would've been aware of the man standing by the door frame watching you; completely out of eyesight. Joel, leaning up on the frame with his arm, exhales an exaggerated sigh to catch your attention.
You turn, startled by the sudden noise. Realizing it was just Joel you relaxed. "You almost gave me a heart attack," you joked.
His presence definitely lightened you up, giving you something to distract yourself from any thoughts running in your head. You'd talk out how to settle Ellie's situation with Joel, it'll work out; you knew it would with Joel by your side.
"Sorry" he started, his eyes gazing upon your exposed legs. "Dinner's ready."
You nod, "Alright. I'll be down in a bit."
You thought after relaying this to Joel, that he'd leave and wait for you downstairs. But he didn't move, his figure remaining still as his eyes stayed focus on you. He nods too, but it seemed more that he did it subconsciously since his eyes weren't locked with yours.
The look was back and more prominent than ever. The dark look that you avoided earlier, was calling out for you to let him have you. Mixed with the half smile across his face made for a deadly combo.
You tried being clever, looking about the room to see if your bag was in sight. It wasn't, but you were sure it was still in the restroom after changing out your clothes. "I'm gonna grab my pants, really quick-"
"You don't have to" Joel says, his fingers playing with his nails. "I think you look fine already."
Failed, you tried getting to see if the man would hold off, tried keeping him at bay at least until you both were in bed. But no, you only drew more attention to your undergarments. To make matters even worse, Joel's gruff voice had caused a twitch between your legs. A slight growth a hardness, noticeable by both of you.
Joel bit his lips, taking his weight off of the door, "You're not too hungry, right?"
This was the one time where choosing your words carefully would be wise at the moment. However, you felt there was no turning back now. He wanted you, now. And you wanted him more. You sheepishly shook your head, "Not really", finally falling for the man's glare.
While you spoke, Joel already had closed the gap between you too, looking into your eyes for a moment. He hooks the front of your trousers with his finger, pulling you closer to him until his lips were locked with yours. You inhaled deeply, feeling a tingle shake your spine.
He cups the sides of your face, passionately parting his lips to slide his tongue inside. Fast as Joel was to get things going, you accepted. The warmth elevated by the mixing of each others taste made the tightness in your underwear uncomfortable.
Joel's huffs deeply into the kiss, his grip, grew stronger with each passing second. His weight started to shift your stance, causing you to back up until you hit the dresser behind you. You grunted against his mouth, not letting the movement stop you from continuing to brush your tongue against his.
Both moaning and breathing heavily, you grab at his collar shirt, playing with one of the buttons to get it open. You tried getting him to undress, a chance taken from you when he grabs your wrist tightly. The man wanted nothing but to feel your skin against his own. He wanted to savior the moment. He liked the build up, he loved the anticipation.
His hands were free from your face, but they soon started invading your shirt. He rampaged through it, running them around your shirt before sticking them in by your sides. You tremble at his touch. His hand created a warm sensation on your skin, reminding you of the times he’d draw circles on your back whenever you’d lay in bed together.
For you, gripping his jawline pulled you two closer, crotches colliding too. It peaked Joel’s interest, his eyebrows raising between the groans against your lips. Joel’s jeans made it difficult to tell, but it was clear you were hard, just as hard as he was. That got him to smile into the kiss, proud he could get you really erect quickly.
You parted your lips from his, only a few inches apart. You used the moment to catch some air, something you knew you wouldn't be granted later the further you proceed.
You questioned his smile, "What?" "Nothing," he says, his accent rolling off the tip of his tongue. "Just you". He waits a moment before throwing himself back into the fray, wanting your lips to be sealed with his.
Aggressive, he pushes you harder against the dresser, unintentionally crushing you moments before dipping down to grab your legs and halting you onto the wooded surface. The dresser creaked, not adapted to a person being onto but that didn't concern either of you. The man caress your thigh, slow and aimlessly, while his other hand yanked at the front of your underwear once more.
He wanted you to take them off so badly and you didn't waste a moment. You shook yourself, getting enough room under you to slip them off. Joel helped, his steaming breath hitting your slowly exposing skin made you pick the pace up. He help fully get them off, letting the cloth hit the ground. His gaze fixed on your now exposed erection made him forget to breathe.
“Now your turn”, you said.
Rubbing his hands down your legs, he reaches down for his zipper to unbuckled his pants. His belt clicked and his pants loosened, dropping everything done to the floor with a thud. He swiftly took his underwear off too, slipping it fully off and sliding everything off to the side with his feet.
You let out a shaky exhale, your eyes so baffled by how hard his cock was; rock solid and strictly standing upward. Your started pondering if you could even take it. Under these conditions you would have to take him raw. There had to be something to use, you thought something to make it easier for him.
“Hey”, Joel’s voice soft on your ears. He tilts your head up to hold your gaze, “Eyes on me.” He slowly caresses the features on your face, adoring just how amazing your eyes looked and how kissable your lips were. Those lips, looking at them intently he slips his thump across the bottom half. He wanted to nibble on them, gently bite to leave a mark on them; to leave evidence of his pass doings.
He used his other hand to play with your cock, making sure you were staying hard for him. You assisted him with your palm overlapping his; working in unison. It was subtle and worked to keep you both pleasured while focusing on the man.
Joel dipped his finger between your lips, “Open your mouth, baby”. Your lips separated and he slid his finger in. A bitter taste hit the roof of your mouth as he swirled his finger around. “Get it nice and wet for me. Gonna need it for the hole of yours.”
So this was the alternative. Normally you and Joel would talk about using some sort of cream for sex. With seemingly none around to use, your mouth would have to do. You started sucking on his finger for a bit, his thick finger, took up a good portion of your mouth. Not enough to suffocate like his cock, but enough to make you think about how to manage your tongue’s movement. After the first finger he switched it out for another, a small line of saliva leaking out every time he’d pull out.
Three finger were soaked now, three fingers you were sure would break you, more than his cock would. You shiver, trying to estimate the width of his fingers with that of his cock. It served no purpose other than question your capabilities. What good did that do you, especially now?
Joel releases your cock, and trails his hands down to your balls. You knew where he was headed, this wasn’t your first rodeo with Joel. You lifted your leg up, leaning back onto one elbow to keep yourself upright. Joel effortlessly threw your hovering leg over his shoulder, getting a view of what he’d been dying to see. Your hole, albeit at an angle was still visible and accessible which was the only thing that mattered to Joel.
The man, looked to your eyes for conformation, he wanted to make sure you were ready. There wasn't a hint of denial in your face, Joel loved that look.
Coming into close contact, he circles around your entrance. His rough fingers toyed with your hole, allowing the sensations to prepare you for his soon to come entry. God the feeling alone was making you wish he just put himself inside you, knowing it might hurt but still wanting him to push deep in.
No longer waiting, Joel pushes a finger inside, slowly. You narrowed your brows, the walls of your ass being breached caused a slight spark in your stomach. His finger slid relatively easily, getting your breathing to become shakier than before. It was nothing you couldn't take and his finger was satisfying, it might've been enough to make you cum. His second finger though, made itself known too, pushing in with the first.
You winced, wishing Joel had warned you. Two thick fingers inside was about right, it felt about the size of Joel's cock at it's hardest. Staying with this rhythmic push and pull inside your hole made you believe you were ready for him to fuck you. But one other finger remained, one still damp and set to go.
A yelp escaped your lips feeling the third join the other two. It hurt for sure, causing you to throw your head back as a jolt reaction. You bump the glass pane behind you, the light outside barely shining onto the side of your face. You reached up to grab at Joel's collar, the fabric bringing some level of comfort with it's pure softness.
"Relax..." the man groans.
Fuck you wanted to, but how could you when the man was expanding your ass with every thrust. It made you grip his collar tightly as you kept your eyes tight to prevent it a tear from falling. The feeling was both painful and enjoyable, the tingles running up your stomach never ceased and neither did the sting in your hole.
You started to tell, no, insist that he fuck you. It escaped your mouth through a whine, a part of you wanting him to just remove a finger or two to let you relax. You knew it had purpose, you knew why he was pushing your limits. The longer you held, the easier it would be for him to push himself inside of you. Still you begged, "Please...Joel...take me, just fuck me."
Through your closed eyelids you couldn't see the man, shamelessly smirking, "Oh yeah? Tell me how bad you want it, sugar pie."
You gasp, "Bad".
He groans, "Yeah?". He licks his lips, "Want me to go really deep in there, want to me fuck you real good."
He pushes fingers deeper than usual "How badly?"
You gasped, "Really fucking bad. FUCK".
Joel groans, acknowledging your plead. If you wanted it that badly, he wish you told him sooner. He pulls his fingers out, the sounds of your hole getting him excited. It was wet now, just the way he liked it. In one swift motion, Joel flings your other, idle leg over his shoulder and yanks you forward until your backside was against his crotch. His cock, bumping into your balls got another sound out of you.
You relax into the dresser the best you could, letting your elbows rest and leaning your head back until it was laying against the glass again. It wasn't the most comfortable positions for your neck, you didn't pay much mind to this though as Joel began running his hands up your thighs. With your legs so close to his face, he also started leaving kisses and bite marks you knew would be visible the next day. He wasn't about to let you off without at least some marking, whether it'd be visible later or hidden by your clothes didn't concern him.
Breathing hard against your skin, his gaze turns back to his hard-on. He reaches for it, while overlooking your body. He lines it up to your hole pushing, not inside of you yet, but rather around the exterior.
Again with the teasing, you thought, wanting to roll your eyes but refusing to try. Did the man not tire of his own nonsense? You shifted your hip toward his cock, physically telling him to knock it off and shove it in you.
He locks eyes with you then, seeing your desperate and longing expression. You chewed down on your lips, seeing how the man's eyes had darken since last you laid upon them. He just smirked, looking down between your legs before pushing himself in.
It hurt but not as much as his fingers. The aftermath of those three invaders acted as a testament to how well you could still take the man in strides. For what it was worth, they did make it easier for him to slide into you.
He slipped in and out easily, smooth like butter. His thrust started methodically, getting familiar with your hole's interior again. He groaned, his cock pulsating against the edges, trying to find your sweet spot.
He wasn't able too, it wasn't that easy. You had laid there making hush moans that could only be audible for anyone within the room. It was striking and incredibly hot to Joel hearing you try to conceal your voice. It came off is if you were going to burst, like you were going to scream out his name, that was something else entirely.
Thinking about it gave him a surge, a rush that rapidly increases his pace. His hips smacking up against your ass, created a sound that vibrated your body. Each smack, was music to the man's ears, meld together now with your rising grunts. It probably was the best thing he'd ever heard.
You were losing it on the other hand. Your body trembled, your eyes became hazy, your mind completely in shambles; a mess best described it all. So much so that you had no idea what was even happening, questioning what was even real.
Were you becoming stupid with each thrust or did you completely lose your mind to him. His strides were beginning to make you see stars, more pleasing than the ones you'd see in the sky. A sudden overwhelming feeling rushes from your stomach all the way to your head, the strongest sensation you've felt all day. It made you feel light, like you had been consumed by the clouds.
This strange halt in your mind lasted for a minute before coming back from being on autopilot. You were semi-confused as your body was on a softer surface now. Your body lays flat, Joel's entire weight on top of you. Your senses were coming back to you.
The dresser was no longer your resting place but rather it was now the bed. Joel had lifted you up moments ago, still inside you, and crashed you both onto the mattress. Surprisingly that didn't snap you out of it, but what was even more confusing was the wetness near your stomach, just in between your stomach and Joel's. It was quite sticky. Wait, you stopped your mind from racing, ignoring Joel's rough groans in your ears for a second. You already came, you totally did. Your cock didn't feel restrained nor was it in any desire need to let loose any longer.
Shit, you thought, not realizing the man had satisfied you. You got lost in thought due to him hitting your sweet spot, it explained why your mind went into a frenzy. The feeling sent you over the edge again, jolting you back to reality this time; he hit it again.
You cry out as a response.
"Fuck, I'm gonna blow, I'm gonna fucking blow". Joel groaned.
You couldn't speak a word, it was too much, too much to bear. You dug your nails into the back of his shirt and pulled him closer with your legs around his waist. Your strength was dwindling, and you didn't have the voice to tell him to finish. If he kept it up any longer you were surely gonna cum again.
Joel's voice was deafening against your ears, his rhythm completely erratic and harsh against your hole. He went all out, posting himself up onto his elbows and thrusting into you like it was his last. He could feel the sharpness on his back, a deep sting from you nails pushing further into his skin. He watched as tears rolled down your face, wanting nothing but to wipe them away. He was right there, he could feel it rising up.
A few more rough thrusts did the trick. Joel grunted, holding his breath for a second as his cock convulsed before blowing. It came out fast, faster than he expected, squirting strings of cum in succession against your interior. He squinted his eyes, as he came quickly back down to your neck.
Joel's cock had settled, just as the two of you were. Exhausted beyond belief, you felt weak, one of your slipping off the man's back. You both relish in each other's touch, your breaths becoming steady at last.
The man's body shifts, causing you discomfort from still being inside of you. He reaches down to pull out, a quiet groan breaking free from your sealed lips. He used his other hand to cup and rub your cheek, his way of showing his gentleness after the affair. The man's cum oozed out, running down onto the mattress. You could feel how wet and loose it had become. Compared to the last time Joel had fucked you, you weren't as messy as you were now.
He then looked over to the side, seeing the towel you had used from earlier. He grabs it and wipes away the stains on your stomach.
You let out a sigh followed by locking eyes with Joel. They looked a lot more calmer, vibrant even just by his soothing demeanor.
As he finished wiping you clean the corner of his lips rose, "We should go eat."
Just like that, he had nothing left to say, acting as if nothing just happened. You scoffed at how quick the man could go from wanting to devour you to being a sensual man who wanted to give you the world. You weren't ready to rise from your position, not yet. You yank the towel out of his grasp before pulling him back down onto you.
Dinner can wait, just a bit longer.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
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Supernatutral Yandere Harem x GN reader
Word count: 1k
Warning; swearing
“Honey, what are you doing?”
“Quiet, Sharon. It’s happening again.”
With time, you had reluctantly grown used to all the new members of your household. As a break for your dwelling sanity, the latest addition wasn’t as clingy as the others. Though they gave the occasion stare and more of your belongings had gone missing than ever before, the reaper kept to themselves for the most part. With their distance and the fact they save your life; you didn’t mind them as much. Plus they had a literal hold of your heart, but you tried not to think about that as much. As an added bonus, they didn’t try to take over your bed like Alasdair and Baron had; instead choosing the couch as their makeshift bed. This wasn’t much of a problem… until you happened to need a place to sit down or lost something. 
“Shit… where are my keys.” 
You mutter in frustration as you search your dresser for your house keys, opening one of its drawers to check there. After failing to wake up due to some mysterious force, you now had to rush to get ready for work. Said force was still half asleep in your bed, arms wrapped around your pillow and occupying the space that you once did. 
“Baron, did you take my keys again?”
He shakes his head, burying his face further into the pillow. “No… but maybe that means you should just stay home today.”
“Not happening.” You hear him whine after you as you exit the room, heading towards the kitchen where the smell of toast and brewed coffee hit you in the face. Alasdair sat at the table, a plate across from him and a cup in his hand. 
“Good morning, Y/n.”
“Have you seen my keys?”
“No, I haven’t. Coffee?”
You take the cup and a small sip with it, immediately handing it back to him. It was black, and you didn’t even have a coffee maker to begin with. He mouths the rim where your lips once where as you rush from the room and onto the next.
The grim reaper was lying on the couch as always, curried around a pillow with your shirt as its cover. 
Most people would freak out seeing a being from beyond the veil laying on their couch as would anyone who saw an angel or demon in the room prior, but when they looked like a tired college student and you’ve already had two other celestials in your home; the only thing that mattered was not being late to work again. 
“Hey. Wake up. I need to see if my keys are in the couch.”
They stir lightly, but their eyes remain shut.
“Maddox, come on I’m going to be late.”
That definitely catches their attention. They look up at you, slumber gone from their eyes. 
“What did you just say?”
“Maddox. That’s what I’ve been calling you in my head for the past few weeks. Can you move?”
Maddox slowly rises, a bubbly feeling arisen in their chest. They had never had a name before, only listed before as a mere number. It was one of the reasons they failed to give you their title until now. Names were more of a mortal thing, but upon being given one their opinion changed drastically. Their face felt slightly warm. Maddox – it’s nice.
“What the fuck?”
Baron stands at the entrance to the living, a mix of heartbreak and anger in his eyes.
You fish out your keys from the cushions. “Found them.”
“You gave them a name?”
You place the set in your pocket. “Yea, what about it?”
“What about it? What about me? I’ve asked you to give me one since we first met.”
“I needed something to call them by, and I’m pretty ninety percent sure giving them a name wouldn’t tie me to them, unlike whatever demon laws that exist.”
“I need to go. See you later.” You leave, despite Baron’s protests. He then turns his aggression on the property target, who had been sitting quietly until then.
“What makes you so damn special?”
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because of our connection?” 
Baron's eyes narrow. “Are you trying to imply you’re Y/n’s favorite?”
“ I’m not implying anything, but.. I am in possession of their heart. If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t even be with them now. The sands of time are lonely, but we could have made due there.”
“I literally own their soul.”
“But they have yet to give you a command.. doesn’t that make the contract void?”
“Listen here motherfucker-"
“What is going on in here?” Alasdair enters from the kitchen, morning ruined by the overheard bickering. 
“Y/n gave them a name and hasn’t given me one yet, when I’m clearly the favorite.” 
Alasdair sighs. “That’s a stretch if I’ve ever heard one. Y/n cares about us all equally, which isn’t very much as it is. If anyone is their favorite it would be me. I’ve been with them their entire life.”
“I’m a better guardian than anyone. Noone has bothered them since I came around.”
“Weren’t you by their side when they got shot?” 
Everything goes silent. Baron stared blankly at the angel. His chest heaves. His jaws unhinge, growls seething through clenched teeth.
“You son of a-"
Your neighbor sits on his front porch, watching everything unfold through a crack in your curtains. Nobody believed him when he said your house was full of monsters and whenever he tried to take pictures they came out warped. So now, he was stuck with being the only one with knowledge of your roommates, and the only one who shared in the loss of sanity. 
You walk faster as you hear your windows rattling in their frames. Not your circus, not your monkeys – at least until you got home. You spot your neighbor in his chair by his steps. You wave slightly, he hurries inside.
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1-800anklebully · 1 year
That girl Jude Bellingham x black female oc
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Summary: You are one of the best female players in woman football. And for some odd a reason a certain Dortmund player had taken a liking into you.
Warnings: Swearing, and use of alcohol, and just Jude being Jude. Also for sake of this imagine Trent plays for Borussia Dortmund. And probably more things I cant think off the top of my head.
Excuse any errors
┊ ˚➶ 。˚
It was a hot day in England to be exact it was about 28 degrees, you could not spot a single cloud in the sky it was as clear as day. The sun was the only thing out today.
Along with the female and male England teams they unfortunately had to train on this beautiful note the sarcasm. They were on separate grounds the men on the other and the woman on the other.
Simply just doing drills and works out as the men had a game approaching this week which meant the ladies had to attend it was mandatory.
“Girls are you mucking around? You’re meant to be working on your kicking skills. Especially you Gretchen.” Coach Martin pointed her out and she went a bright shade of red. He was wrong for that.
But hey that was Coach Martin for you he didn’t care who he offends or humiliates. He was honest and like it or not that’s who he is. The whole team have all came to the conclusion that’s who he is as a person.
He was so nonchalant to everyone including his wife. I think the only time he actually cracked a smile and let himself loose was when the woman had won their World Cup.
“Oh then you come fashionably late l/n. Maybe you can teach these girls how to kick a fucking football!” He seethed throwing his clipboard to ground and he stormed off the field to where the men were gawking in disbelief.
You on the other hand, had just arrived and were beyond perplexed on why he was so grouchy in the morning. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
“What did you guys do to piss him off.” You sighed crossing your arms. You were the youngest in the ground yet you felt like the oldest.
“Nothing just practicing our kicking and he just flipped.” Gretchen sighed rubbing her face now recovered from being called out.
You raised a eyebrow.” I get what he means though. You’re lazy Gretchen.” She said making the men gasp and some say ‘oh shít’.
“E-Excuse me.”
“You heard me you kick like a pre-schooler and lack putting in effort when performing. I know we’re better and bigger than that. That goes for all of you we can’t be slacking off just because we won a cup.
It doesn’t mean anything it’s a new which means we have to try harder for another 4 years. Understood. Now let’s started.” You explained and they all nodded in agreement paring up with somebody to pass the ball back and forth.
A speaker was on, Burna boy was playing on the speakers some of the girls were dancing and the others were chatting while actually doing what they were told.
It was not surprising as they had respected their captain you and could never disagree with what she says due to her always knowing what’s best for their team.
“I wonder why Coach M was so mad at them they seem to be kicking efficiently.” Trent analysed joining Jude who was on his break watching the girls train. Not in a creepy way.
“I agree. Who is she.” Jude didn’t tear his eyes off you as you laughed handling the ball with so much skill and it was effortlessly too.
“Number 9.”
Trent furrowed his eyebrows, but once his eyes landed on you he smiled and waved at you and you blew him a kiss jokingly making him laugh.
“That’s Y/n L/n. Their captain. She’s a damn beast on the field you should see her.” Trent ranted amazed by your work.
“What’s so good about her.” Jude shifted uncomfortably not liking how doe eyed Trent looked at you.
“She has won countless medals and not to mention she’s the captain of her team at only 19 like you it’s incredible.”
“Oh yeah well how do you know her?” Jude couldn’t help but question. Trent then began explaining that your sister was dating one of his brothers. Tyler.
And you guys stood together at the wedding of one of his cousin wedding. Ever since then you made it your duty to tease him. Partially because you use to have a crush on Trent, but the crush faded as soon as you saw his dance moves that night.
It shocked you that someone that was mixed with Caribbean had no rhythm at all. Stiff as a board.
“Well she seems cool.” Jude expressed as he kicked down on the grass with his boots. Trent stared at him funny. There was no way…
“Do you fancy her?”
Trend rolled his eyes at how defensive Jude became it obviously meant that he found her some what attractive . Yet he couldn’t blame him. You were a sight for sore eyes.
“I’m just going to put this out there if you choose to pursue her, you’re not going to be 100% successful. She’s a tough one. Wants her eggs cracked.” Trent tried explaining but all Jude could see was love-hearts.
He wanted to get to know her, heck if he had known about her earlier he probably would’ve shot his shot.
You pivoted your right foot so that the ball had hit the inner side of your boot and boom the ball had went into the goal square.
Your team cheered as you run around the field screaming they had jumped on you which made you tumble down. However when down your eyes landed on a familiar pair of brown ones and they twinkled with delight.
You felt like you were in trance with this stranger and for whatever your eyes couldn't seem to drift away only until your teammates had carried you away to the locker-room and you loss sight of him in the crowd.
''Jude.'' Trent spoke a wide shit eating grin on his face he could beyond a doubt see that this youngin was already plotting your whole life together. That's how Jude was.
He falls in love to quick and believes in love at first sight. This is how he always tends to end up broken heart as he dates the first girl he sees.
┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊
Your point of view
Time had now passed and the girls were done with their practice most were showering and others were chatting getting ready to leave. You stood against the wall typing mindlessly on your phone to your younger brother who was claiming there was no food at home.
Which was a lie because your mother always cooked at home for your father however your brother wasn't interested and only wanted fast food. So being the good old sister you were you would always buy him something when you could.
Lori, your teammate and best friend had came over and bit into you shoulder causing you gasp and flip around while she laughs toppling over.
"Girl you're weird as fuck you can't be doing that shit.'' You berated clutching your shoulder as she smiled goofily. She was always doing strange things to make her presence known.
She simply shrugged ignoring your statement.'' Who are you texting.'' She peers over your shoulder and scrunches up her face, when she sees your brothers name on the screen.
''Not that little brat.'' Her and your brother didn't exactly get along as he had a attitude problem according to her which wasn't exactly false.
''Not too much Lori. How are you beefing with a 16 almost 17 year old and you hanging onto 20.''
''That boy's a menace don't even.'' She waved you off for defending your brother and eyed Emily's arse as she walked by which made you roll your eyes at how she was not being subtle at all.
''Anyways, I saw Mr Bellingham eying you earlier on the pitch what's up with that huh.'' She nudged you knowingly as if you knew what on earth she was going on about.
''Who the hell is that? And piss off would you.'' You scoffed pushing her away to stop her hassle.
Lori's face had dropped there was no way you didn't know who Jude was he was all over tik tok and Instagram you name it. He was everywhere and for you not know who he was astounding.
Most 13-17 year old girls would be shaking their head at your lack of knowledge.
''Are you bloody serious? Number 22 that guy that was gawking at you that's Jude Bellingham.'' She stares at you alarmed at how un phased you were that he even glanced your way.
Quite frankly you weren't interested as the last thing on your mind was a boyfriend you already were one step ahead of Lori. She was probably already jotting down ideas on how to purposely make you two bump into each other.
''oh that's cool.'' You go back to texting your brother laughing at the text he sent you. Unaware of how badly she was glaring you down.
''I hate you sometimes you know that.''
'' I know.'' You chimed and began walking off to shower.
" You know he's feeling you!" She yelled out not caring who heard she just wanted to get her message across.
┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊
While on your drive back home after spending some time with the girls, the traffic to your house was absolutely bizarre. Especially at this time of the night since it was around 8pm you didn’t expect that much people to be out and about.
Sighing, you knew the best thing that you could was scroll on your phone to by some time. Adjusting your seat, you went on Instagram catching up on everything you had missed due to being a practice. Eh it was same same.
Insta models, DMS being flooded with messages from random people most positive but some could be quite nasty.
For some reason a random cloud had propped over you and it was encouraging to scroll through this Jude Bellinghams page.
So you did. Oh he took some nice photos. Mainly about football not really into posting his social life. That’s great.
Accept why were you stalking his page if you weren’t interested. You mentally scolded yourself and hopped off his profile going to something else.
You will give it to Lori though, he is quite majestic and definitely does have the looks. But of course you would never admit that out loud.
“Finally, you’re here.” Your brother exaggerated dashing up from the living room. He didn’t even greet you, he just finessed the bag of Maccas from you.
Your mother scolded him and he just hummed.
“Tobias.” She tutted him as he just took a bite of the burger and his eyes widened.” OH- thanks Y/n!”
You waved him off with a tired smile and just collapsed on the couch next to your mother who was knitting.
“Hey mama.”
“Hey sweetie. How was practice?” She never tore her eyes off her thread. It still marvelled you at how she threaded so efficiently even though she was approaching her late 40s.
''Practice was the same. Accept the girls were taking it lightly as they won a championship.'' You voiced your frustration making your mother tut her head.
''You're being so hard on them Y/N let then relax its only been 2 weeks. Lay off.'' Your mother insists knowing how uptight you could be fun was not in your vocabulary. Only when you were intoxicated which you'll see what I mean eventually.
''I agree stop being a tight arseeeee Y/NNNNN.'' Tobias sung getting all in your face causing you to shove him away and he falls backwards making your father let out a belly full laugh.
Tobias groans in agony getting from the ground clutching the back of his head, a grimace on his face.'' You're so damn aggressive.''
''Karmas a bitch ain't it huh.''
'' Y/N language.'' Your father reminded you.
''See this is why you don't have a boyfriend.''
The smirk had dropped from you face quicker than a ice cream on a hot day. You stood up from the couch and began tying your hair up. Sure your brother was almost a whole foot taller than you and had longer legs.
But you could take him down any day with your strength. He'll always be little bro, and respectfully he's gonna learn today.
He screamed out and began running like a mad man you followed his lead.
"Whatever you do don't kill our son Y/N!''
┊ ˚➶ 。˚
Authors note: And just like that I have published another imagine this has been sitting here for awhile so I am glad its out there. I hope you all liked it!🤎
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blitz0hno · 8 months
Why I'm Voting Inno Mikoto even tho He Definitely Did It
or should I say DID i-*🏏smacked*
TL;DR like many I do not believe a word John says, but I also don't think he has the entire truth. Meanwhile Mikoto's amnesia is near undoubtable. With two unreliable narrators and solid evidence of self-defense, I think we need more before declaring him guilty.
I'm here to be Mikoto's lawyer cuz John ily but you suck at it 😭
Now onto why I'm voting Inno:
Mikoto isn't lying when he says he doesn't remember murdering those people, at least not entirely. The memory is in his subconscious, but he can't even remember the faces of his victims because they were both so out of it.
I believe what we see in MeMe is safe to assume to be his first. The first mannequin smashed onscreen is this one:
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That looks like a damn FNAF jumpscare lmao this tells me that his baseball hobby probably saved him from getting jumped at that train station, but it came at a heavy price.
That's where John comes in. To handle the feelings that undoubtedly came with taking a life and having to hide the evidence.
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Generally in DID alter's memories fall into one of 3 categories (my observations of myself and other systems):
That event happened. These are all the details. I feel nothing about it.
That event happened and I remember everything I felt like it was seconds ago, but I couldn't tell you specifics
That event happened??
The latter two can safely be assigned to John and Bokukoto. The first one is what we're missing.
I saw someone point out how the train could symbolize that he can never go back (credit urself in the tags if u see this it was a good one) to before he killed.
That brings me to our final scene.
Remember how John split to handle the feelings of that stressor? The feeling of unsafety, pure adrenaline, and righteous anger at the attacker is a horrific thing, but once you experience it you change. In order for an alter to handle the reality of something, it must be accepted somehow. John's way of accepting it is not remembering their faces, only his expressions and actions. That's probably why he's so aggressive; constant fight-or-flight mode.
Mikoto (Bokukoto), like with whatever happened to him in early childhood to cause DID, is unable to accept these realities because doing so would shatter his world (it turns out constant fight-or-flight isn't great for your social life).
So about John's statement that he didn't know any of the victims even though he totally did, at least a little;
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John is reading the room and there it is: unsafety, pure adrenaline, and righteous anger at the attacker. That's all he needs to feel to know that it's time to protect Mikoto.
That's not the face and mannerisms of a man who bashes skulls in for kicks. This shit was personal.
I can't tell if it's one or two victims in the second clip here, but I strongly believe they had something to do with his work. His subconscious is really harping on how much his boss got on him and how stressed it made him. Something happened that pushed them over the edge. You don't call your mom after you kill for fun (or maybe you do idk). You call your mom when you know you're fucked.
John initiated the second killing but I don't think he was the only one making a conscious decision. That said, I don't have enough details to condemn Mikoto to another unforgiven verdict.
So, where will we find that info? Well remember RGB Mikoto/Trikoto theory (kudos to whoever coined those too)? Well when I broke down the compartmentalization earlier I hinted that there's a strong chance that SOMEONE remembers every detail, but feels nothing and lays dormant.
Good old green Mikoto, the only one we haven't seen speak yet the one who's given us the most detail so far (via MeMe).
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Even if not and Bokukoto remembers more than he's letting on/gets in contact with John, the crime itself isn't unforgivable beyond a shadow of a doubt yet even with multiple victims. His reasons are still cloudy.
Also I like him
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britcision · 1 year
Alright my lovelies, despite my Dragon Age distractions it is still WIP Wednesday and I still have snacks for you!
Today we shall be snacking on BRUCE! 😈
Things have picked right up again with this chapter since I’ve changed a couple scenes to Harley’s POV but I am gonna let it run long to make sure we get all the way through Croc so I can close the door on that lil side quest
The final chapter miiiight need to be posted in two parts, which I don’t like doing but then the next one after I get to boop back to the Ghost Zone, so we’ll see!
A Good Excuse To Be A Bad Influence iv
Pulling himself slowly from sleep just a little past noon, Bruce had to admit he was feeling better. The headache had dulled to a low throb but he felt clearer.
More aware of himself, and after a glass of water, more like he could take on the day.
It was far from his first concussion and he was well used to navigating the symptoms over the next few days. So long as he didn’t get any serious memory loss he wasn’t going to worry about it.
He had far more serious things to worry about, but even they seemed more manageable after almost nine hours of sleep.
Honestly… he wasn’t surprised that Jason hadn’t come to the cave. Hadn’t agreed to stay away from Danny when asked.
It had felt like a reasonable request at the time, like the bare minimum of common sense. But they didn’t have that kind of relationship anymore.
Jason didn’t trust him. Didn’t trust Bruce’s judgement, in how to deal with criminals or anything else.
Jason hadn’t been the boy who’d looked to Bruce with such trust, such wonder and awe, even before he’d died.
Sometimes Bruce wondered where he’d gone wrong.
But there was no use dwelling on the past. Bruce would like to re earn Jason’s trust some day, but he wouldn’t ignore their present relationship.
Jason wouldn’t trust that Danny was a danger to him without proof, so Bruce would find that proof, if it existed. Hopefully before Jason’s condition became proof itself.
The first and most obvious step would be to consult the Justice League Dark at today’s meeting, and then make arrangements for this doctor from the Infinite Realms.
He’d have to look into those laws Jason mentioned ahead of the meeting. Perhaps bring them up to Constantine, see how it might affect matters with the Infinite Realms.
A bitter part of him mused that he wouldn’t be surprised if the magician was completely unaware of most international laws, let alone the ones of the various lands he travelled, but still.
The man had been so adamant that the Infinite Realms were completely beyond their ability to handle. That they should cut and run at any cost.
Bruce could hardly imagine he’d be pleased that the US had apparently declared its inhabitants the targets of its newest genocide.
Of course, changing the laws and having them struck down would take time, but Bruce still hoped that the act of beginning might be enough.
Enough for him to visit Jason’s doctor in the Realms or some other neutral ground, since the doctor couldn’t come here.
Jason had said that he would be fine, not that he was already fine. Bruce wouldn’t have believed him if he had, not really; Jason hadn’t been fine since he’d been dunked in those damn pits.
Their poison had stuck with him far longer than anyone Bruce had ever heard of.
Hells, Bruce had had his own dunking. He could just barely remember the rage that had forced itself down his throat, into his lungs as he was brutally thrust back into the land of the living.
He had controlled it, had mastered it quickly, and now it was nothing more than a faint scrap of memory. Even that was still enough to grant his deepest sympathy to Jason’s struggles.
If the rage had never left him…
But no, he decided, going through his morning routine like he was still the young playboy Brucie who never showed his face before 3pm.
There was no point in indulging those thoughts either. He had mastered the pit’s fury, and it released him. For whatever reason, Jason hadn’t.
And now they all had to deal with the consequences.
Still, Bruce let himself hope for the future instead.
If his children were right, if Jason was right… if Danny or this mysterious doctor from the Infinite Realms could help him with the pit rage…
He might one day see that little boy again. The boy who looked at Bruce like he’d hung the stars, who could fly because Robin made him magic.
There was nothing in this world or any other that Bruce wouldn’t give to see Jason whole again. To see him happy.
The United States government were going to learn (again) what it meant to come between the Batman and the safety of his sons.
The Justice League’s meeting would be in another four hours. He had plenty of time to do some research and amend their presentation.
So long as Jason was right.
And speaking of Jason… there was just one other thing he’d like to do this morning. Heaving a sigh while he had the privacy of his room, Bruce pulled up his phone again.
He didn’t quite indulge himself as far as making a face as he punched in Constantine’s number, because concussed or not he was an adult. And he was going to need the man’s help.
Surely Jason wouldn’t object to a single check in with a trusted practitioner?
As the phone rang, Bruce once again cursed the circumstances that kept Zatanna off world. He was about 75% sure that Jason actually liked her.
But maybe the extent to which Constantine annoyed Bruce would also cheer him up.
The call went through, and Bruce snapped his wandering attention back. Maybe he’d take the rest of the day off after the meeting. Heal up a little more.
Alfred would be proud.
“Constantine. A moment of your time before the meeting?” It even sounded like a question, not a command. Sleep really had done him a world of good.
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai
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shuublebunny · 29 days
Hey gang, I wrote a quick little drabble of how I personally think Aphmau would have reacted to seeing Garroth again during the first dream sequence. I could never understand how she wasn't angry with him and just went "omg shawty I missed you <3"
Tired. That seemed to sum it up pretty well--only it didn't--Aphmau was beyond tired, she was exhausted. Fifteen minutes, no, fifteen years she spent battling that damned priest and his brother. That stupid, horrible brother in whom she had put so much trust, toward whom she felt such deep affection.
That same, wretched brother who stood before her now. No, that's impossible. Of course, she had experienced a good few things that should have been impossible recently, and she supposed this shouldn't be too much of a shock. She could be hallucinating, for all she knows; after all, she hadn't been able to sleep in days, and this environment certainly didn't resemble anything short of some twisted dreamscape.
Whatever the reason for this vile man before her, she couldn't help how she burned with rage at the sight of him (of course, she hoped to suppress the slight, cool wave of relief that soothed the scorching fire of contempt that coursed through her veins--he was safe). She stood there, glowering at him from a decent distance of a few paces opposite from him under the cascading branches of the wisteria they were situated beneath, and he stared back, his gaze soft, warm, and full of admiration as he shifted slightly in an attempt to conceal his anticipation.
"My lady? Is that really-" "Don't," she cut him off, her tone icy enough to crystallize the knight's blood in his veins, "speak as though you are so pleased to see me."
Her interruption was met with a moment of palpable silence from the traitor, who looked like a kicked puppy. After a while, though, he bravely (stupidly) spoke again. "But I am. My lady, I am so glad to see that you're safe."
"Are you, now?" This was a very different Aphmau from the one Garroth saw as he regathered enough of himself to fend off his brother; that Aphmau was confused, afraid, and teary-eyed at the thought of leaving him behind. This Aphmau was cold, distant, and livid, yet somehow as radiant as ever. "Because you didn't seem too concerned with my safety--or anyone else's for that matter--when you sided with Zane."
He could have hissed at the sting of her words, true as they were. "I know. It was wrong of me to act in such a disgraceful manner." She stared at him, unimpressed, through half-lidded eyes and a quirk of her brow, but she let him continue. "What I did was horrible, and I cannot apologize enough. But you must understand that Zane took advantage of my love for you and used it to control me. He turned me into something I'm not." Aphmau's barely-maintained composure snapped at the ridiculousness of his excuse. "Your love for me?" she spat, venom dripping from her tone. "What you did wasn't love. You were upset that I held affection for another man that wasn't you. It was an act of possession."
"You think I'm possessive? You led me on," he retorted through gritted teeth. "I did nothing of the sort." "You kissed him!"
Aphmau nearly doubled over in laughter at the incredulousness of his accusation. "I beg your pardon? I have done nothing of the sort." Garroth's pulse pounded so harshly at her denial that he could hear it. "Don't deny it, I saw you. You led me on and then you kissed him!"
"I can't lead either of you on when I'm not actively pursuing either of you," she retorted with a wry, humorless chuckle. "I never chose to be pursued by either of you, and if you perceive me being friendly as an attempt at courtship, that is your own damn fault." Garroth opened his mouth to defend his wounded ego, but his lady continued, "And even if I did, you have no right to claim me if we never explicitly determined what we are outside a lord and her guard. You didn't just betray me, but all of Phoenix Drop! Do you even know what's become of our home?"
That seemed to shut Garroth up for a while, and Aphmau could feel her chest swell slightly with a cold, sick sense of pride. She didn't really feel much better. Her guard, who looked thoroughly shaken at the realization, finally choked out a hushed plea. "What happened?"
The lady felt everything she had experienced come rushing back to her, images of decrepit, overgrown homes and her now adult children flashing behind her eyes in rapid speed. "'What happened?'" she seethed, "Well, for every minute spent in Irene's Domain, one year passed in the overworld. So you can imagine my dread when I returned to my village abandoned, in shambles, with everyone gone." Garroth could feel his head begin to spin as his lady continued, "the only one left in the village was Dante. Did you know that he spent every day, for the past fifteen years, going to that same spot where we all disappeared in hopes that we would come back? That he stayed in the remains of Phoenix Drop as people slowly started leaving because there was no hope for a lordless village? How he's now an adult in his thirties, with a wife and two children?"
She felt her eyes start to burn with tears that she refused to shed in front of him. "Yip is all grown up now, and Donna and Logan have kids of their own now, as well. And Laurance came home to find Ungrth's grave was robbed. You should have seen how distraught he was." Her chest heaved as her rage caught up to her. "And Dante looks so tired. Nothing can seem to bring back that spark in his eyes. Cadenza has fully taken over Metelli as their lord, and Nicole is the lord of Scaleswind. They're both incredible." The tears continued to burn, and her chest continued to tighten. "And Zoey gave up her immortality to bring us back. She could still live forever if you weren't so stupid," she spat. "And the worst part? My sons are all grown up. Malachi looks to be my age now, and Levin has been lord of what remains of our home for the past year. Levin didn't even recognize me--he couldn't even look at me without glowering at me. He tried not to show it, but he resents me, and I can't even blame him. He took on lordship at sixteen! And he feels that he has to live up to the standards of a woman he didn't even know, a woman who abandoned him!" Her last statement came in choked sobs, the tears finally daring to burst forth and roll down her cheek in fat, hot streams.
Garroth, who could only stand bewildered and ashamed for all of Aphmau's evisceration of his character, buried his pride and did the only thing he knew to do; he pulled her into his arms, as if to shield her, whispering a plethora of 'I'm sorrys' and sweet nothings until her ragged sobs and labored breathing calmed down. The tidal wave of emotions had finally crashed, and Aphmau couldn't find it in herself to push away. After everything that had happened, it was nice to be comforted, to be seen. This was her guard, her Garroth. The one who was always there, who never faltered, unless he dealt with wounded pride--
She ripped herself out of his arms with a newfound fury, flames dancing wrathfully behind her amber eyes as she scowled up at him. "You took away everything! You stripped Phoenix Drop of their lord--and by extension, their validity as a village, robbed Dante of his youth, and robbed me of my sons' childhoods! I will never get to watch them grow up. I missed so many of their firsts, their joys, failed to comfort them in times of grief…everything! You robbed me of my motherhood." Her vision blurred, and she could see red. Her senses only seemed to do her any good when Garroth reached for her, and in a moment of clarity, she swiftly slapped his hand away. "I swear to Irene, Garroth Ro'Meave, I will find a way to bring you back to our realm and you will help reverse all the damage you've done."
"…Of course, my lady."
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blucifer08 · 6 days
rambling about my personal life (positive)
I moved in with my boyfriend in December and every single day I am reminded why I am incredibly lucky to have him. He makes every moment of my life better. He is the most patient and kind person on this planet and I consider myself so lucky to get to be his partner.
I've been going through some mental health issus and lots of really bad mood swings, which isn't uncommon for me, but things at work have been ramping my anxiety and when my anxiety gets bad it seems like the rest of my mental health comes falling like a bunch of dominos knocking into each other. And yet his patience is damn near unending.
I couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat the other day, I just laid in bed and cried and clung to him. We were having a 'fend for yourself' kind of dinner night and for some reason I just had a bit of a mental block and couldn't actually get up and prepare the food, everytime I thought about it I just started freaking out. Couldn't figure out what to eat, despite having plenty of food. And so he hugged me and he kissed me and he got up and he made me something to eat and made sure I ate dessert as well
I am not an easy person to handle emotionally. I have meltdowns often, especially because i have sound sensory issues. Sometimes I get stuck in my brain and relive really traumatic memories from my childhood, and I get stuck for hours paralyzed in fear from things from long ago. And no matter what it is, no matter what's bothering me, he responds with the most pure and gentle kindness I've seen from another human being.
I really just hope I can be somewhat like that for him. I want to make his life as good as possible. I love him so much.
I really, genuinely thought myself incapable of this kind of love. We've known each for many years and we played FFXIV together, and it took until last year for me to become okay with the idea of being romantic with him. What a shame, because i love nothing more in this world than loving him and being loved by him.
I've often found myself repulsed by the idea of love, repulsed by being physically close to other people. It's so strange now, to be filled with such an overwhelming love for someone. And I'm beyond happy that it is him with whom I share love. I adore his curly hair, his stupid shit-eating grin when he's said something dumb as fuck, his eyes, his eyelashes, his eyebrows, his jaw, his hands, the way his voice sounds when he's sleepy, the way he needs to watch youtube when he cooks dinner, the way he bags groceries very specificaly and CLEARLY doesn't like the way i do it lol
I love when we're out and about and he knows the moment I'm starting to get overstimulated. He knows me so well. Last week he came to me and said, "Hey, I hope this is okay but I was offered for us to go to [place that is very nice!] but I figured since we were there last week and you're pretty exhausted, you wouldn't wanna go, so i said no." And he was 100 percent absolutely fucking right. "I figured you'd wanna spend the weekend relaxing around the house." DING DING DING! He knows me so well.
It's so beautiful to love someone like this. I've never felt this way about another person.
He is just so, so, so kind. And understanding. He loves Naru and Erasmia and he encourages me to write and draw whatever I'd like to my heart's content, he encourages me to gpose, even though none of that is anything he's ever done or generally has interest in. He loves my art. He loves me for me. He loves my flaws. He loves me for my flaws, not in spite of them.
He loves me, even when I'm suffering from sensory issues and just curled into a ball covering my face and wishing all sound and light would disappear. He loves me when I'm sobbing and can't tell why. He loves me when I've sunken into old memories and can't find my way out. He loves me when I'm paralyzed in anxiety over something that I should be able to do easily.
I have no clue what it is I did to deserve this man's love but I thank my lucky stars I have him every day when I wake up and see him beside me
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🖤🌸Speaking of byakuya with people from Hueco mundo, Byakuya would make a certainly interesting pair if he was with Gin. They grew up together, but they are quite different. Byakuya with an s/o like gin, or gin himself would be so interesting to see play out tbh
I love the idea of these two together!
While they were on the opposite ends of the spectrum growing up, Byakuya living a life of luxury. In a manor, servants, a family around him. He didn’t want for nothing, was born with a sliver spoon in his mouth. He had a life of greatness already laid out before him.
Not to say he didn’t work hard. He did, he trained for uncountable hours, honing his craft, perfecting his movements and building his strength. He strived for perfection and greatness. He wasn’t going to be a good leader because it was expected of him, he was going to be a great leader because he made the sacrifices needed to become one.
While Gin had nothing. No family, money, home. Everything he had he begged borrowed and stole. He became strong because he had to. It was what was needed to survive, especially after his spiritual pressure grew, and he needed food. Gin found his own family in Matsumoto. (This whole love story breaks me 😭 but that’s for another day)
Not only did he have himself to take care of, he CHOSE to take care of this person, his friend. He decided his own future, his own path, and worked hard to achieve it, but we all know what spanner got thrown in that works
*cough* Aizen *cough*
So while Byakuya and Gin lived completely different lives. They had something in common. They were both deprived of a normal, happy childhood. We’re both made to grow up far sooner than they should have, from necessity, from politics.
Byakuya from a young age was moulded to be the head of the Kuchiki family, he had expectations far beyond that a child should bare. Pride and nobility customs were thrust upon him at a young age. He had to present himself a certain way, hold himself to a high standard, be judged every day of his young life.
While Gin, already living a touch life, never knowing where his next meal would come from, witnessed the most painful thing he never imagined. He watched as his friend. His only family, the only good thing in his life get some of her soul ripped from her for Aizens evil plans.
He saw her own childhood, her innocence ripped from her, someone he swore to protect. He couldn’t do that as a kid. So he worked his ass off. Became a prodigy even, excelled through the academy, fooling Aizen all the while, working his whole damn life to right that wrong. To give back Matsumoto what was taken from her, what he failed to protect.
I feel Byakuya feels the same about his wife, Hisana. He vowed to always love her, always protect her, keep her safe and happy. When she got sick, Byakuya felt like a failure. He couldn’t save her, couldn’t take away her pain. For all his strength, wealth, status, there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to save her. And I think that broke him, hardened him.
I believe these reasons are why Byakuya and Gin could form a bond. Sharing in the same guilt and loss they faced. No one can understand what they went though, except the other.
However, their personalities are vastly different with would be most entertaining to watch 😂 Byakuya is prideful, respectful, reserved. He appreciates beauty, nature and art. Quiet morning sharing tea, looking out over his favourite pond. He isn’t flashy or loud, but that isn’t to be mistaken for a lack of passion. Byakuya can be very passionate, especially about those he loves. He also has a temper, more in control now with age and experience. Not the hot head he once was as a teenager. But it’s still there, hidden under the surface waiting for that spark to ignite it
While Gin is flashy, sarcastic, he loves the thrill of getting in your mind, of bringing out a massive reaction. While he does have a soft side, and would be serious when the time called for it, his favourite way to spend his day would be to get under Byakuyas skin
Small lies. Drops of doubt, teasing words. Everything he can do to slowly build up that pressure hidden away until it explodes in a passionate eruption.
Sex between the pair would often start out that way. Emotions running high, passionate, burning. Byakuya found the fastest way to shut Gin up was to kiss him, and Gin enjoyed it so much he vowed to never stop talking, hoping Byakuya would shut him up
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ahundredtimesover · 2 months
I love this chapter so much despite how things ended. I know most of y'all want OC and Jungkook to be done with the drama and just date but all that only happens in the movies. Real life is sooo complicated and I get the part where both of them don't date even when they KNOW both of them have feelings for each other despite all the insecurities thrown in there. AND MIMI'S WRITINGS ARE NOT DELUSIONAL. Love that mimi 🩷
And I'm SO HAPPY OC finally quit🎉 Because no matter how cheesy and romantic it sounds, dating your boss is. not. cool. I feel they really need the time apart to grow and understand their feelings and themselves. Maybe they both will get into different relationships, maybe they won't, maybe Jungkook will go back to hook-ups or maybe just maybe he'll go into therapy? 🤷‍♀️ We don't know but whatever happens, they'll grow and they'll understand each other eventually. They will(hopefully) and can date even if they're not working at the same place and that's definitely NOT problematic at all compared to when they're in boss/assistant dynamic. And OC definitely needs this if she has to find herself and define herself outside the company. She deserves to be happy too and that happiness should not depend on anyone but herself. And it's so important to know where your happiness lies and OC being aware of that and working towards that also shows she knows herself to atleast some extent.
We finally got the answers to the Mr Ri's regrets and why OC is indebted to the Jeon family yayy.
And ukw mimi, I kinda freaked out for a mili second when Mr Ri said that OC's mother and Jungkook's father were like OC and Jungkook. I was like WHATT they're half-siblings or what??!!!?? Oof- good it's not like that😅😂
And I have a feeling we'll have Jungkook's ex back in S2? Maybe OC will date Jimin? (But their friendship is too precious to risk it?? I don't know)
And and and, 'I WANT YOU TO STAY' may have nothing to do with Jungkook wanting her to stay in the company as his assistant but him wanting her to stay in his life, in his bed and after they uk do stuff. The girl Jungkook hooks up with in one chapter says that she hopes that someone will stay for him so I think that's what IWYTS says?
And damn, the kiss, their first kiss, not to mention in HIS OFFICE was like that. Imagine the tension and the things that'll happen when they finally get together when they clarify all the misunderstandings and when their NOT in a place where they're not supposed to do the deed 🤭🤭🤭🤭 Will probably take a long time but I'm here and ready to wait and of course we need the angst ukkk🫠
"You let the tears fall, a reminder that you’d done this, and that for the first time in your life, you’re crying over losing someone, even if he was someone you didn’t have in the first place." I almost cried at this because this is so similar to what happened to me.. and I felt it's so beautifully written mimi 🩷🩷
I have no regrets whatsoever with how the chapter ended Mimi. And I'm waiting to read more but please take your time and don't feel pressured. Take care of yourself and yess sublock is really important no matter what the weather is and please stay hydrated too🩷🩷🩷 I'm going to re-read IWYTS too once I'm done with exams
PS: This reminded me of the plant OC got for Jungkook🪴
Hiii I LOVE THIS thank you for letting me know your thoughts and your theories moving forward 🥹🥹 And true, the slow burn continues beyond the feelings being revealed haha but also, who says there won't be drama even when they date? Hehe (there's a planned season 2 for a reason) 🤭 Which again, points to them still being flawed individuals even if they finally grow up and stop being scared and talk things out.
And yes to all the things you said about OC and finding her happiness, which can be different things at once. Could be a job, a person, a way of life, a refreshed mindset.. And the thing is, she's also about to learn what those are and that's also going to take some time. I'm loving all the different ideas u guys are thinking up about what happens after! Makes me wonder how you'll take what actually happens hehe 🫣🫣
But lol an earlier version of t huhu flashback conversation made it seem like their parents had an affair hahaah but no, I don't want things to be that complicated. We'll go for the other painful one, and idk it made sense for me to go that route bc of the parallels between those love stories. 💔💔
The title would actually mean different things at different points in time! Even in earlier chapters, JK would have thoughts of OC wanting to stay close to him but he could never say it. And then he says that in this chapter, asking her to stay in the company but eventually we see it's more than that.
Glad you enjoyed the kiss! JK out here teasing and it won't be the last for sure 😏😏 but yes, imagine when nothing's holding them back anymore! It's gonna be funnnn! 🫠🫠
Thank you so much for dropping by! It's always so encouraging to know you guys appreciate the characters and the story in all their complexities. I hope you enjoy the remaining of the story and that it doesn't disappoint! Sending you love, anon! 💕
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Every time I look back at Star Vs. The Forces of Evil I just get so depressed because it was a show I actually loved only for it all to go to shit in the very end and that’s kinda all people will remember it as when time moves on. It was such a banger show in the beginning, with likable characters, good animation, and interesting villains and obstacles ect, season 1 and 2 was where the show peaked, season 3 was very flawed and wonky but it still kept me at the edge of my seat, and then season 4 was just a fucking disaster, with things that were drawn out, lore stuff that was never explained, zero buildup over most of the events going on, and of course the infamous shipping drama. It really felt like the writers dropped EVERYONE and everything all to make Starco happen, like it didn’t care if it would fuck up the world or characters around them, so long as the ship becomes canon everything is okay…..and like…no. As a past starco shipper myself, the way they executed it was just…..beyond bad, and this is the only SURFACE of issues the show had, like things ACTUALLY being built up but the climax being underwhelming, VERY important lore points that legit SHOULD have been in the show but instead got stuffed in a Disney book, Star as a main character just fucking downgrading and turning into a shallow teenage brat as the show progressed, there was honestly a LOT of issues I had with the show, even if I was young and naive when watching it. I still think in general the show is good, or WAS good at least. It was a huge part of my childhood and had the show gotten another season or two, and Daron wasn’t writing the damn script as the show progressed, it would have been better. There’s like…..a LOT of video essays on Star so like…I wouldn’t be able to go into detail in one post.
It’s honestly just sad that certain shows I grew up with that I loved the hell out of eventually just got either bad or underwhelming, like…Gravity Falls is STILL the only show from that cartoon era that managed to have an actually satisfying ending, and ended at the perfect moment. Shows like Regular Show and Adventure time were also shows I loved in the beginning, but Adventure time just dragged for WAAAY too long and started turning ridiculous in my opinion so I stopped watching, and Regular show I just grew out of. I remember coming back for both finales to pay respect to the shows even if I wasn’t caught up with either of them, and while I can say Regular Show’s finale was decent, I didn’t like Adventure Time’s. Then there’s Steven Universe, and we all know how THAT went. Why did these four shows that were famous for being actually good had to turn bleak for me? In my opinion, one of the main reasons is that when you’re making a show similar to the whole “This is a story driven show that has some filler but at the same time follows a story leading to something big” (Amphibia and The Owl House are also examples of these) the main important thing you have to make sure you’re able to do is perfectly balance filler episodes AND story driven episodes, (something that Steven Universe and Star Vs. The forces of evil SUCKED at I’m sorry) and you have to make sure the show doesn’t drag on for too long, which is what happened with Adventure Time, Regular Show, and even SU. Of course you also need to be a good writer and storyteller, but that’s a requirement lol. Keep in mind these are just my personal opinions, but I’m certainly going to miss the shows, mainly Star. Even if I haven’t seen The Owl House and Amphibia, I’m glad they’re both new shows of this era that have entertained others and seem to be VERY good. Oh…and there’s Infinity Train and Over the Garden Wall. Those were REALLY good.
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morathicain · 11 months
Okay, so ep 10 of Be My Favourite has left me ... frustrated? Talked a lot to my friend @ommited-miscellaneously about the way Kawi’s character seems to have switched and how uncomfortable the dynamic between them was and how weird some decisions were (like the mom, like ?????????). Is he ace coded? After some consideration, I doubt it. I rather like the theory (of @shouldiusemyname ) of him being an observer who isn’t used to be an active participant but also going in blind.
But regardless if it’s one of the two or the good old “one of them needs to be pushy and the other needs to play coy to the point of seeming repulsed”, it was done badly in my opinion. Like, a lot of people seem to think them sleeping together in the end was romantic and a sign of Kawi realising he actually likes to do all of that with Pisaeng, but it made me highly uncomfortable. Pisaeng had been trying to get any sign of affection from his boyfriend this last episode and Kawi has reacted repulsed to the smallest touches. Could it have been the nerves? Sure, but it’s still not a cool move, dude. Did his avoidance of actually telling Pisaeng what had been bothering him and instead saying he “ENJOYED” himself this day despite clearly been aggressive and rejective the whole day sit wrong with me? Definitely. Like, sorry, but this treats Pisaeng as if he’s dumb and can’t see when someone actually has a bad time? There was a chance for communication and it wasn’t used at all. Instead, they instantly jump to the sex!!
Which was the next ... uncomfortable thing. Like, they haven’t had a sober kiss yet. And Kawi clearly doesn’t feel ready. Why the fuck, do they need to jump to sex instantly, without proper communication, when they haven’t even had a sober kiss? Why couldn’t they have a talk so Pisaeng understands and they then can proceed to like ... watch a movie and cuddle, hold hands and share a first tentative kiss? This felt so rushed and I’d only accept it if it’s going to explode into their faces next episode.
Also, I was getting BohnDuen flashbacks. Of course, Kawi isn’t as bad as Duen, but the way he treats Pisaeng’s simple wish to spend time with his boyfriend and thinks Pisaeng wants to jump him all the time, wasn’t sitting right with me. Most of the episode he was an outright asshole to him while Pisaeng was so desperately pushy. Yes, the nerves but DAMN, that’s what the offer for communication at the end has been for! Like, I can accept a lot of reasons for him being overwhelmed but it still stands that Kawi didn’t use the chance to communicate his struggles and he should have grown enough as a person till now to use that. And if he doesn’t, on purpose, then this show suddenly gets deeper and less wholesome and light than it was during the past episodes. And to me, it rather felt like a checkmark.
Somehow, this kiss felt also less natural and comfortable as the two drunk kisses they have shared before. Yes, the nerves, but I’d argue that the circumstances made it feel different. In those two kisses before we’ve seen Kawi communicate a clear need and wish to be close to Pisaeng and initiate the kisses (hell, him being unable not to play with Pisaeng’s hair in the first one was adorable AF and exactly the vibe I would have wished for their first time - let me see that he enjoys it!) and nothing of that need or his crush on Pisaeng has been shown in this episode?
We know that Pisaeng has been going to the future, too, we just don’t know since when and how often and what he’s learned. But if they need to constantly travel through time and their relationship STILL raises my hackles like that ... maybe they shouldn’t be together at all? Really, this episode it sometimes felt as if Kawi isn’t really interested in a romantic relationship with Pisaeng at all or that he never thought beyond “getting together for the greater good”. It leaves me baffled after all those episodes before which were well done and a lot of fun and I wonder if something changed/if the problems were here all along/if the writers actually have a magic trick up their sleeves that will make it all make sense and be good????
So yeah, my thoughts on this are complicated and I’ve spend a good portion of last night trying to put my finger on why both of their behaviour felt so wrong to me (yes, Pisaeng’s, too - it felt almost mindlessly pushy???). In the end we have to wait and see ^^°
As an extra, things that would have made it better in MY opinion: 
more time between Pisaeng confessing and Kawi realising his own feelings, maybe with Pisaeng actually exploring his sexuality more and having boyfriends (he’d know better what he wants and Kawi could maybe observe what a relationship with Pisaeng might look like and also what he wants from his relationship with Pisaeng?)
them having an actual talk about what they want and need and their fears
them NOT jumping to sex instantly but also NOT avoiding any other form of intimacy (and IF Kawi has intimacy issues then PLEASE talk about that!)
have Kawi initiate cute moments in between too, let us see his need to be close to Pisaeng and be supportive (and not only have him promise it in a call with Pisaeng’s horrible mom - no I won’t forgive her being homophobic and distant 99% of the show just to have a last second switch) despite being a bit overwhelmed and nervous
Have Pisaeng NOT pretend as if he’s had a horrible fight with his mom to come and be with Kawi, this was stupid and not in character all along, wtf guys?
Have them break up and I mean this seriously - I was so uncomfortable during this episode and the fact that they didn’t properly talk made me think that if this goes on (or would go on irl because the show might just behave as if everything is fine next episode) they are doomed. If they don’t find a way to properly communicate their needs and limits, they’ll get stuck in the worst relationship, thinking this is the only way to make sure the world is happy? Thanks, I hate it.
Anyway, I wrote a quick breakup scene here and will now wait and see what next week brings. It might be the build up for the angst in episode 11 as always but I currently have a hard time believing that they’ll handle the topic properly and well enough for me to want them still together in the end (pls prove me wrong pls prove me wrong pls prove me wrong) and that would be a damn shame because the show has been fun and cute so far. But we’ll see ...
So far thank you @ everyone who read till now. No hate please, this is MY opinion and you can have another. I’d rather be convinced that my view is too unjust but I’ll only accept friendly discussions. Rude comments will be blocked. Thank you! <3
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
My biggest problems with Filoni’s Star Wars
I'd say my biggest critiques of Filoni's Star Wars would be
Complete change in Anakin's character from AOTC to the character he is portrayed as in TCW. We NEVER see Anakin knighted, so he should not be given a Padawan. Nor do I think Anakin is capable nor do I think the Council would trust Anakin with a Padawan.  Honestly the change in Anakin's character felt like giving into RLM's complaints about Anakin and just turned Anakin into a mix of Luke and Han, but that’s not Anakin. 
Lightening the skin of the clones and Boba and not bringing back Temmura to voice the clones, The whole whitewashing of the Clones is downright disgusting.
Constantly retcons. Kanan’s backstory. Ahsoka’s novel has recently been retconned. This is getting ridiculously mean spirited, it’s like the man has no respect for the canon novel/graphic novel writers. 
Everything about Barriss. A Muslim coded character who was loved in the EU. And what does he do? From someone who was Anakin’s temporary is deaged to be Ahsoka’s, makes her willing to be okay for dying for the Jedi and having her bomb the Jedi Temple. I hope this was just him being tone deaf, but if intentional, oh boy yikes.
Minor nitpick but changing Obi-Wan's armor from the awesome design from the micro series to what he has from TCW. It’s like going from Gucci to Walmart.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Erasing Alpha 17 and Captain Fordo
The Bad Batch. It again enforces the whitewashing of the clones and could've easily been Delta Squad, since they are essentially the same fucking characters.
Bringing back Maul. Maul served a purpose. Sure George regretted killing him off too soon and I do think he should have been the Vader of the Prequels. But god, the way they hammered him in TCW, Rebels and Solo? Good god it's ridiculous.
The same damn story in EVERY Star Wars story. It's less noticeable in TCW and Rebels. It's good for The Mandalorian, but The Bad Batch just makes it clear he only knows how to tell one type of story. Grumpy man is forced to take care of small sunshine child.  What's next? Book of Boba Fett doing it with Boba and Dash?
Abundantly clear he did not care about Boba Fett and used Book Of Boba Fett as a prop for The Mandalorian. Boba Fett doesn't do Boba Fett type things. He's a crime lord that doesn't do any crimes. He's outwitted by everyone in the show and instead of reaching out to characters Boba knows like Bossk, IG-88 etc, we need Din. And instead of focusing on flashbacks with Jango that focuses on his Mandalorian heritage, again we get proto-Mando season 3.  It honestly would've been better to keep Grogu out of TBOBF cause now people are forced to watch it to see how Din reunites with Grogu instead of watching The Mandalorian season 3. If he didn't want to write for a show about Boba Fett, then he shouldn't have written a show about Boba Fett. 
Ahsoka living through all 3 trilogies. The Jedi are supposed to be all extinct by the time of the Empire, Obi-Wan and Yoda should be the only survivors. Ahsoka lives beyond Order 66, throughout the Galactic Civil War and Filoni plays favorites and literally uses time travel to bring her back. Then apparently she lasts beyond the Galactic Civil War(why did she not meet Obi-Wan, Yoda, Luke or Leia?) Like fuck it is convoluted that she's survived this long. Hell, I will also say that Ezra, Cal and Cere should be dead too. Thrawn's fleet should have crushed the Rebels on Lothal and Vader should have killed Cal and Cere in Fallen Order.  No one but Obi-Wan, Yoda and the Twins should be left alive from the Jedi. Luke is the Last Jedi for a reason. I came up with an emotional death for Ahsoka in Order 66,  Rex kills her and then Rex kills himself. But for sure if Ahsoka survived  Order 66, she should have died against Vader in Twilight Of The Apprentice. She should have died against Vader, it would solidify him as the monster that he is at this point in time: the one that can only be saved by his son who in turn would be saved by him. It took away all the tension and emotion by using World Between Worlds in bringing Ahsoka back. Filoni pulled a Moffat by having a dead character come back to life an episode/season later. Kind of insulting. Like imagine if Leia used WBW to prevent Alderaan’s destruction or imagine if Luke used it to stop Anakin’s fall. Yes it would be satisfying to prevent a tragedy, but for story purposes it takes away the tension and the monstrosity of the Empire. I think it would have been a good end if she was killed by Vader. In their fight she even says "I won't leave you, not this time!", but then time travels out of them and never tries to go to him again. I don't really know what they'll do with her, she isn't mentioned once in the sequels by Luke, so seems unlikely they met up. I don't think there is much they can do with her, not to mention its now dumb that she didn't turn up in the OT.  Better she get killed by Vader in a poignant death scene. With her lamenting she couldn't give Anakin a proper burial with Padme much less kill Vader. Then Ahsoka appeared in THe Mandalorian. Good moment, but you are telling your new audience they need to watch your animated shows in order to even know who this character even is. Also it’s kind of insulting Ahsoka lived this long. And honestly Ahsoka living past Order 66 and past the Galactic Empire is the epidemy of refusing to let go and let your oc die. I've said countless times how Ahsoka has surpassed her expiration date and I stand by my point. For Ahsoka to survive all the way up to TROS is both baffling and insulting and it implies that Ahsoka stood by and did not help Luke with Ben. It implies she stood by and did nothing while The First Order was reigning and only waited until the last minute for the Emperor to return. Like Filoni confirmed she wasn't a force ghost, so it's just baffling she lived this long and Filoni should've just let go. She outlived the Empire AND the Skywalkers since Filoni said Ahsoka isn’t dead(good god man let her go) It's clear at this point that Dave Filoni doesn't know when to let go of her as a character. I like her, but It's kind of insane to me that she's now a part of all 3 eras of Star Wars. George Lucas wanted Ahsoka to die at the end of The Clone Wars, but Filoni somehow convinced him that she should live. Ahsoka Tano is a lot like The Simpsons. Great at first, but now I just roll my eyes at her existence. Ahsoka has been overexposed and it shows. She's a great character, but she's just become as overexposed as Maul was.
I also would include these videos about Filoni to my critiques
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