#or they’re not the type of people i feel comfortable venting to
Have you ever been so inspired to make something, but lack the technical skill to make it, or for some reason or another have no way to externally express this like pent up need to make SOMETHING, and it feels like a gazillion thoughts running through your head and you get so restlessly frustrated because you NEED to make something, but for some reason or another, be it personal or technical, you just can’t? And then you end up giving yourself an anxiety attack and heart palpitations and it feels like you’re going to explode?
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herozdiary · 8 months
Hellooo 👋 I know you’re busy with other requests but I can’t help with this idea
With hyperpink girly reader (gender neutral Ofc or your choice) though they may seem mean to others but is really nice to Simon, very affectionate to him (covering his face with pink lip gloss marks) , and protective too. Chase Simon’s bullies away with their neon pink platform heels.
I’ve been obsessing with pink x emo dynamic
Take however long you want!! Thanks for reading this and I hope you’ll have a good day/night ✊
Simon x reader
This diary entry contains…established relationship | Talk of poor mental health | mentions of bullying | reader is a icon | Simon is just Simon | just the two of you being cuties | slight obsessive behavior
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Simon was a loser and you were the popular icon of the college you both went to.Your style was so pretty and colorful,Mostly pink but any color would fit you.
You met Simon on your first day when you needed help finding the girls restroom to re-do your lip combo.He instantly fell in love with you.
He soon enough made a big enough of move to get closer to you and you guys ended up getting close to each other to start dating blah blah blah!
Once you guys got close enough he confessed about how he was struggling with poor mental health and was a main target for bullying.
You never liked them.You use to be a target for bullying until you kinda just snapped and told them off.You were left alone after that and ever since then you been helping people who get bullied.
You sat on his bed as he cleaned up his floor.You had came over to listen to him vent and to help him with some English because he needed an idea of what to write.
“People are so shitty sometimes Simon,but you gotta ignore them and show them you don’t care! They’re just a bunch of self projecting losers”You say while fixing your digital camera.
Simon nodded before shrugging.He didn’t have the confidence like you did.You made yourself known while he kinda just stood on the side lines and supported you.”come here”you say gently as you place your camera on Simon’s windowsill.
Simon got up from his spot on the floor and made his way towards you.he sat next to you before staring into your eyes.You grab the sides of his stubble covered face and plant small kisses all over his face.
You had applied some cute pink lipgloss a couple of minutes earlier so you left sticky lipgloss kiss marks.You giggled at your work before grabbing your camera and snapping a quick photo of Simon.
He started down at your lap before smiling.”You’re so so so so soo handsome babe.Im kinda glad some girls don’t you like you because now I can have you all to myself!”You joke as you place a couple more kisses on his face.
Simon feels his face get red as he hides his face in his hands.Girls never were into him as much as your were.He had Sophie yeah but Sophie only saw him as a friend
You were different.unlike Sophie,you didn’t leave him but you stayed with him and comforted him.When Sophie rejected him and made up the excuse she had to go,You stayed with him the whole entire night listening to him vent.
Simon and Sophie are still I guess you could call them friends but he doesn’t talk with her anymore as much.He has you!When Simon does talk to Sophie he mostly talks about his life and how you made it much better.
People still don’t know how Simon was able to get with someone like you.You were a likeable,bubbly and a talkative person unlike Simon who was like the complete opposite,but they do say opposites attract.
You sometimes would even chase them off,it didn’t matter what type of shoes you were wearing you could run in 6 inch heels and still look flawless spewing out curses word at a bunch of losers who were picking on Simon.
Sometimes Simon would help with picking your outfits!he didn’t have much fashion sense when it came to himself but when he came to you,He knew exactly how to dress you.
“Ok Simon!I have this cute baby pink crop top or should I wear the baby blue one?”You ask while showing your boyfriend the two shirts.Simon did a quick scan off both shirts before looking at the skirt you had picked out.It was a black,pleated skirt with small rhinestones on the belt loops.
“I feel like you should wear the blue one.I think it would go good with the skirt your gonna wear”Simon said while going back to messing with his camera,
You nod as you toss the pink shirt back into the closet before smiling at Simon and thanking him for his help.Not only was he such a cutie but a big help when it came to styling you.
He was the only male you would trust picking out your outfits.Sometimes the two of you would match if you were able to convince him.it would take a couple minutes of begging but sooner or later you would make Simon have matching pink themed outfits!
Even if he found it absolutely ridiculous,As long as you were happy he was even more happy.
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luffyvace · 10 months
Aizawa crush headcanons
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”aizawa crush headcanons, but like make him realize he’s in love with you at the end, so that like, he can do something about it or he can’t ignore it”
asked by a good friend of mine irl. she didn’t mention gender so i’m going with afab since i haven’t written for that yet ♡
(ps i’m not going to mention what type of person he would like unless you req that i want to keep this as neutral as possible)
aizawa having a crush on you means finding cats to take care of together
it means warm, comfortable, solidarity silence
he would still be himself around you for sure, he would want you to like him for who he is
changing himself is too much effort. if you don’t like him back he’ll have to move on whether it hurts or not
people still need teaching and saving after all and the world isn’t going to stop just for him
being a realist he’s aware of that
but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to clean up if you go out somewhere together (prior to dating, first impressions are everything)
he wouldn’t be afraid to tell you like it is if you ask for his opinion,
in his eyes sugarcoating things aren’t going to help you
but he wouldn’t necessarily be as harsh on you as he is on his students or mic
to woo you he wouldn’t really do anything above and beyond
he acknowledges that he likes you but he doesn’t want to waste time if his crush on you doesn’t blossom into something bigger
so instead of going all out he relies on things like little compliments, little favors and quality time
”you don’t look half bad today l/n”
”not too shabby, i guess” *combs hand through hair* (yeah that’s another thing, he’ll do little gestures to sway you but we’ll dabble into that more later)
”you smell fresh, that’s a nice aroma”
for little favors……
you: “ahh crap i left my keys in my car”
him: *magically knows a way to open locked out cars* you: *clearly having a rough day* him: *opens a window for you to vent* you: “awww man the last of ____ is sold out!”
him: “hmm..well, i’ll keep an eye out for when it’s back in stock” *the very next day* “oh yeah turns out i already had one i just forgot, here you can have it”
im not lying he actually did have one and forgot
as far as quality time:
inviting each other over for movie nights (he always falls alseep so you get most of the popcorn- 🎉 unless it’s his favorite movie- then he stays up eyes red and all, while sucking nothing out of an empty juicy box)
although movie night only happens when your closer friends though- he keeps his friend circle small because anyone could betray him and he doesn’t like people (he doesn’t hate them either he just stays to himself)
quality time for him can also be texting and checking up on each other
it doesn’t always have to be physical for him to feel appreciated
if YOU want to sway HIM though
get him a cat
self explanatory
but you can also listen to him when he talks, shoulder massages (only when your real close tho), give it to him straight.. definitely don’t be phony…and yeah!
pretty much be yourself
if he doesn’t fall for you himself there’s no way to convince him to
and if he falls for you it’s not for any facade you put on
its for your real true self
your personality.
he accepts your flaws and who you are but he will talk to you about bettering yourself a few times if they’re really bad and habitual (which he’s perfect if you have low self esteem because he’ll help you realize you might be overthinking and underestimating yourself, bringing you back to reality like the realist he is)
he’s not necessarily judgmental though
i feel like the part of him that’s not afraid to tell it like it is, is being misunderstood as him being judgmental
anyway that’s for when he has a crush on you
now its time for love
okay so what (for), when, where and why right?
(“what about who? 🤓☝️“ YOU, FOOL!)
so what (for):
i dabbled in this okay? he loves your personality
for your flaws, your strengths, your weaknesses, your IQ (high or low), your fears
he loves everything about you
probably when you guys are pretty close
not him and mic close
but y’all have been friends for some time now
i say a couple of months
he doesn’t fall fast
maybe first though, if you an oblivious typa person
where (does he realize);
he was probably sitting on his couch after dinner, waiting for his shower to get hot, snug as a bug in his sleeping bag, drinkin a juicy box.
see the vision?
so he was thinkin n thinkin n thinkin…
about you.
about you
why was he thinking so much about you.
omg wait..
he just remembered..
your beautiful smile (don’t care if it’s crooked, missing teeth, over/underbite- it’s GOREGEOUS)
your beautiful hair
your beautiful eyes
your personality
he realized he was thinking about you so much because…
he loves you
sits there head empty for a hot minute…
then falls asleep..
(rip water bill- shower still running)
wym why he fell in love? your YOU!!
your amazing even if he doesn’t say it all the time
or even if you don’t think it
even if no else thinks it!
someone does!
he’s not the type of person to romanticize the person he loves
but he does accept you!
but as i said he loves you most for personality!
purely, truly—you
now let’s dabble back into the little gestures he’ll do to sway you once he realizes he loves you
for one like i said he’ll comb his hair in his fingers
and if he sees you find that attractive he’ll do it a little more around you
now keep in mind
your special
he doesn’t go around doing things like that for just anyone
no matter how small the change if it’s not beneficial he won’t do it
but this is beneficial
because he’s trying to court you ;)
he loves you, and he wants you to love him back now :)
but anyways
back on topic
he’ll also shrink his personal bubble around you
so now you can;
stand a little closer than normal
brush your fingers together
have your arms side by side
touch knees together when sitting
lay your head in his lap during movie night and he won’t say anything
(he wouldn’t pet your head but he’s not going to move you either)
rest your head on his shoulder as he does stuff/work (usually in private like when he’s planning his lessons on weekends)
speaking of that you can now come over unannounced and he’ll be glad to see you, ask you about your day, etc
back on topic to gestures he does,
his favors can get more personal,
like if you need to run errands but aren’t feeling well he’ll go shopping for you
(although i will say he doesn’t like shopping and has no idea what brands of products you normally buy he’ll do it to help you out)
he’ll also feel comfortable putting his arm on your shoulder (not around, on)
the gestures aren’t a lot because he isn’t the most cuddly guy (in my realistic headcanons)
but they mean something to you
AN: i tried to write canon aizawa more than fanon because it’s better that way to me but if anyone wants a little more cuddly/fanon aizawa i’d be happy to give it to them
i’m really happy with the way this turned out so i hope everyone can enjoy as well
ps: if you want specifically how he asks you out id love to do that (i might do it anyways 😋)
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stardewrotsession · 1 year
Note: I definitely stayed a little too close to some of their heart events, but I still think they’re cute.
When the Bachelors realize they have a crush on you:
- You two definitely were friends for a while until he realized his feelings for you.
- And honestly, he seems like the oblivious type to me, to the point where if someone flirted with him, he’d take it as a compliment and move on.
- With you however, it’s different.
- Any kind of flirt, tease, or joke would put a slight blush on his face.
- At first he didn’t really know why, you were his friend, and just his friend. Right?
- He just felt really comfortable with you, like he could talk about anything and you would just continue the conversation without any hesitation.
- In my opinion, he would start realizing his feelings for you once you started trying some of his hobbies. Like skateboarding.
- “Sam! You did a kick flip!”
- He’d have a huge grin on his face.
- “Yeah! I did!” He turns to you, his excitement taking over. “Do you wanna try?”
- Whether you knew how to skateboard or not, it wouldn’t matter to him. He’d teach you, skate with you, and try to impress you with his killer moves.
- Bonus points if you end up singing or playing an instrument with him. He would literally swoon.
- Whatever you wanted to do with him didn’t necessarily matter though. What really mattered to him was that you wanted to do it with him.
- When you two first met, he honestly didn’t think much of it.
- Like “Oh, a new farmer, cool.” And would shrug it off.
- But once you started visiting him, bringing him food and talking to him, he eventually warmed up to you.
- I think the moment you two really clicked, was when you would talk about your personal lives in front of the mountain lake.
- Although Demetrius wasn’t the worst dad, he definitely wasn’t the best. Constantly showing favoritism towards Maru, ignoring Sebastian, and bashing his work ethic.
- It was too much for Sebastian.
- He went to go out to smoke near the lake and there you were.
- “Hey Seb.”
- “Oh. Sorry. Didn’t realize you were here.”
- His eyes are still a bit red and puffy.
- “Are you okay…?”
- He wouldn’t respond at first, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets.
- “It’s fine. I was just leaving anyways I-“
- He stops when you sit down on the grass and pat the spot next to you.
- “Come sit with me.”
- He ended up venting the entire night, finally opening up about himself to you. Once he realized, he was deathly afraid of your response. What you’d think. What you’d say.
- But when you comforted him, actually listened and sat down with him, a huge weight he didn’t know he had was lifted off of his back.
- It was refreshing to him, to have someone who’d listen and sit in silence with him.
- He wouldn’t mind having you around as much anymore. Hell, after that night, he’d sometimes go out of his way to see you more. To show his thanks and appreciation. And maybe even more.
- I think we all know Harvey is very, very shy when it comes to love or romance.
- In fact he’s shy around the town in general.
- When you first come to town, you can see that he clearly separates himself from the community unless he’s either working or exercising. But even when he’s exercising he doesn’t really socialize.
- Once you start helping him open up, going at his comfortable pace of expressing himself and socializing a little more, he’ll realize you’re not like the rest of the townsfolk.
- He’s not the type to go out of his way to talk to everyone, and in response not many people go out of their way to talk to him.
- But when you come by, coffee in hand, he doesn’t freeze up or feel uncomfortable around you.
- He does eventually start freezing up around you when he becomes self conscious and anxious about his own feelings.
- But you bring the best out of him after all. Why should he be afraid of that?
- I’m a little split on this boy.
- Because George isn’t exactly accepting of gay marriage at first, I think Alex might think similarly at first. It’s just the way he was raised.
- So if you are a girl, he would definitely throw out harmless flirts and pick up lines.
- If you are a boy however, I think he’d just hang out with you and spend time with you without the flirts/sexism.
- Regardless of gender, I think he’d start realizing his feelings later on.
- Opening up about his mom and his dad, talking about sports, thinking more and more about farming.
- Your support towards him becoming pro, you being there for him when others weren’t, and sunshine energy is probably what draws him to you more than anyone else (cough cough Haley).
- After your support, your comfort, just your presence. I’m sure that’s when he starts thinking more about the future, and how you’d play a part in it.
- Also side note, I think he starts reading and exercising his because because of you and I think that’s adorable.
- Honestly, I think it would have to be during his six heart scene, or at least the aftermath of it.
- What can I say, I’m unoriginal.
- All I can imagine is after Harvey pumps his stomach and he’s awake, he’s staring up at the ceiling, wondering to himself, “Why did they stop me?”
- He would eventually come to the conclusion that you, the farmer, cares about him.
- Like, actually cares about him.
- Ouch.
- But seriously, he would not be able to wrap his head about why you would stick by him, even at his lowest.
- It would take him a couple of weeks to really accept it.
- But after he does, he starts to fully embrace it and begins to change for the better. To finally quit drinking once and for all.
- Everytime he sees you, you’d be able to see his face light up a little.
- “Hey farmer. I just wanted to thank you for everything. I really needed that wake up call.”
- As much as he loves romance stories with huge revelations and dramatic gestures, the way he realized he liked you wasn’t exactly huge.
- It was just how much you’d come over to support him, to talk to him and to make sure he wasn’t too lonely on the beach.
- Sure, he’d go to town to visit Leah, or to go to the saloon for a drink or two, but no one really came to him.
- It was such a nice surprise to see someone making their way to him, especially if their farm is across the town.
- Your support was what made him swoon.
- “Elliot! This draft is so good!”
- “The way you wrote this out was so beautiful and detailed, I felt like I was within the book.”
- “You’re an amazing writer Elliot.”
- He’s never had this kind of support back in the city. So to hear someone else, also from the city, talk so positively about him and his book?
- Let’s just say he had a lot more romantic book ideas in mind for the next few weeks.
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prettyrealm · 6 months
itzy yuna as a bestfriend
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first of all, yuna wants her bestfriend to be super pretty and attractive, she does her very best to provide emotional support to others so she wants someone who can handle her trauma dumping and provide heavy emotional support in return, she tends to hold herself accountable in her friendships and takes them very seriously, she won’t neglect you, she’s not the type to leave you on read for long periods of time and she’ll make sure you two don’t spend too much time apart even if she’s extremely busy. she wants to be there through everything and hold onto you through ups and downs, she wants the friendship to feel meant to be, but at the same time, she’s very guarded and holds herself back as she’s been betrayed by a friend before and fears it happening again. she’s the type to continue listening to your troubles, even if they’re “annoying.” Like, if you keep going back to your shitty ex knowing you shouldn’t, but still keep needing to vent, she will listen to you genuinely. she’d pretty much be happy to help you through any emotional mess. she also has a problem with lying to keep her friends happy though, like she won’t tell you to straight up dump your trashy ex if she thinks it’s hopeless anyway.
she will be the #1 most comforting person to talk to. “everything is gonna be okay” and many compliments. she’s very good at saying what you want to hear. she won’t say anything to hurt you. she’s the type to not give advice at all actually and will let you do what you want and support you through your good and bad decisions. she won’t push her opinions onto you. she’s a big spender. let’s say there’s a super expensive and fancy restaurant that she wants to go to, if she knows you can’t afford it, she’ll pay because she wants to share that experience with you. she may even have sort of a motherly vibe, she wants to take care of her friends for a long time. she wants to be in almost constant communication and won’t ever make you feel unheard. if she’s on tour or working a lot she’ll be sure to text you whenever she can. extremely willing to do things she doesn’t like as long as her friend does, “if you like it, I love it.” If you’re yuna’s bestfriend you will genuinely feel loved by her.
she’s not much of a girl’s girl - at all, she’ll listen to your problems, but she’s secretly judging you hard and may even vent to other friends about you even if she isn’t telling you directly what she thinks, romance >> friendship - as much as she’s there for her friends, her love life will always come first, she definitely makes herself come across a lot nicer than she actually is to your face, she tends to build up resentment and won’t ever communicate - she gossips instead, (considering her love life comes first, if she’s dating, she would 100% be complaining about her besties to her partner), she’s a very big liar, she really wont ever tell you what she’s really thinking. she’s shallow - she wants her friends to be young and pretty like her, she’s okay with earning more money than you, but you have to be on the same level of her socially and appearance wise.
what type of friendship does yuna want?
she wants a bestfriend that has the same beliefs as her (if she’s religious, she could prefer friends to be of the same religion), she likes being the one people feel they need to go to, she wants to be able to ask anything of you and for you to just do it. like, if she says “hey, l need you to make a fake account and stalk my ex on instagram” or if she needs you to lie to someone for her she needs to know she will be able to ask you to do that, she needs a lot of reassurance that you’ll stay by her side and not leave or betray her, compliments and saying nice things to each other is super important to her. I think to her, friendship is more about feeling emotionally happy in the moment, so her actual opinion of you and your actions doesn’t matter, therefore honesty and being up front isn’t that important. it’s about making each other feel good when you’re together, and feeling supported when you communicate and need each other. to yuna, that takes precedence over everything else.
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xmhaoluvr · 1 month
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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Sobbing was all YOUNGJAE could hear upon entering his shared apartment with his girlfriend. With how loud the sobs were, he knew that she didn’t hear him come home
Changing from shoes to a pair of home slippers, he went to set down his things on the couch before going to their shared room. Once he opened the door, the sobbing immediately stopped and he saw the blankets moving subtly; tried to be subtle at least
He changed into his pajamas before tucking himself next to her and immediately spooning her
“I’m home,” he said, kissing her cheeks ever so lightly a few times before hugging her tightly and then letting loose “Have you eaten?” he nodded upon her question “How about you?” “I did, too”
“Are you alright?” he asked, voice soft and in a whisper, trying to not hit a button yet it did. Her tears suddenly started coming out without a warning, her sobs earlier turned into bawling as she turned around to bury her face into his chest
Oh how he hates hearing her cry, especially like this. It’s like he can’t do anything to make her feel better
He caressed her back and head, kissing it from time to time while her clutch on Youngjae never loosened
Once her cries calmed down, he asked her, “Are you willing to tell me?” she nodded and told Youngjae about everything
If Youngjae liked your friends before, he surely didn’t now. The way they made you feel so invalidated was so wrong. And they’ve always done this? Oh he was so ready to confront them for you
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he planted a kiss on the top of her head “If only I knew how you felt, I would’ve tried to do something so that your friends will stop doing that. You deserve to feel and know that your feelings are valid and never a kill-joy. How you feel is important. What they did to you should never be excused, it doesn’t matter if they’re a friend or not, the fact that they kept invalidating your feelings should be an enough sign to cut them off,”
He wiped her teary eyes that listened to every words he said
“But they’re the friends I have…” you said sadly and Youngjae shook his head. He held your face with both of his hands, rubbing his thumb on your cheeks ever so lightly
“You have me, and I can introduce you to my friends! They’re the kindest people I’ve ever known– and! Will never make you feel invalidated”
He placed a light kiss on her forehead, it felt like a feather just dropped by
“I love you so much, love”
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end! sorry if this is bad lol. i wrote this feeling down bc i felt invalidated so this is vv self indulgent 😅 i might make another youngjae one that is better than this and *venting starts here* i just felt so invalidated earlier that i left the group chat :( i wanted comfort and a shoulder to cry on because it wasn’t the first time it happened and i just didn’t know how to confront them *venting ends* i wanted comfort and a shoulder to cry on and youngjae was the first one who came to mind; very chronically online i know lol but he just looks like the type of person to give the best comfort and hug, i love him so much no one will understand ☹️
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Perhaps not quite a confession? I understand if this doesn’t get published. I’m the “have concerns about specific breed kink” anon.
I was honestly really nervous about even sending it, even with it being anon. The last thing I want to do is make someone feel like garbage about something they’re into, especially as someone who’s been on the receiving end of that.
As someone who was raised in a certain type of environment with a very rigid way of thinking. Monsterfucking was part of the gateway out.
The idea that sex could just be for sex, for pleasure or even boredom, the levels of creativity with so many body types/forms and interactions was mind blowing for me.
Ironically, I actually tend to enjoy certain types of ovipos.
It just feels like ever since the porn ban, and the wave of targeted mass harassment by certain groups driving out certain types of creators, it’s harder to find the things I found most freeing about being a monsterfucker.
Probably something I could stand to talk to a therapist about, but since I definitely can’t afford one, an anonymous bit of venting in the hopes I’m not alone in feeling that way will have to do.
Long winded and probably unnecessary pre-amble aside, I ultimately want to say: Thank you for running this blog, and thank you for understanding what I was struggling to express.
Will probably just go back to lurking, but at least people seemed to enjoy the portal sex 🤷🏻‍♀️ if I do send anything else in I’ll stick to things like that.
Anon, you are perfectly within your rights to voice these thoughts and concerns here.
I personally found some of your wording in the confession to come off as slightly judgemental, but I felt that wasn't truly how you intended it and that is why I published it. I didn't want to censor you because your thoughts and feelings are valid.
I hope you are not discouraged from sending in more things you need to get off your chest in the future. That is what this blog is for.
I understand where the other person was coming from, feeling like something they liked was being criticized, but ultimately this blog isn't about catering to everyone's comfort. It is about giving people the space to say what they need to say (within reason: I don't allow outright attacks on things or extremely judgemental submissions).
Some confessions are going to make other people uncomfortable and that's okay. We all have different likes and dislikes and opinions on things.
All that to say, please feel free to continue to use this blog to vent. That is why it exists. Knowing I am providing a place for people to voice their thoughts is why I continue to run this blog, even while my health is suffering.
I apologize if you didn't want a response. I just wanted to make sure you knew that you really didn't so anything wrong and that you are still welcome here. Also, I can assure you that you are not alone in how you feel regarding that previous submission.
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lunatic-pudge · 9 months
Engie SFW Alphabet
This was a little harder to write cause as obsessed with Engie as I am with someone like Sniper. But I know people love Engie and he do be a good boy. Kinda went a little morbid at some parts though so oops.
But this is my last post of the year! Happy New Year everyone! I'm five seconds away from passing tf out :D
A: Affection (How do they show affection? And how affectionate are they?)
Wholesome baby man Engie loves affection. Like Spy, he is a gentleman so he won't be too overly affectionate with you when in a public setting. If you choose to love all over him in front of people, he'll get flustered but won't stop it. Definitely loves holding hands. It's simple but gets the message across
B: Best Friend (What would they be like a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Top tier bestie. He never looks down on people for being different and he's such a great support system. The friendship was bound to happen when you meet him due to his kind nature. Bonus points if you are into mechanical stuff as well. You two would be sitting together around some blueprints, trying to create new inventions or build something crazy
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He do be loving some good cuddles. Loves being snuggled up with his partner, just enjoying each other's presence. Likes to be the big spoon. Having his arms wrapped around you, nuzzling up against your neck, enjoying your scent and telling you how much he adores you
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking & cleaning?)
He would like to settle down but kinda feels too old to be settling down. Top tier cooking and amazing at cleaning and organizing. He's the house husband of the mercs, they'd all be nothing without him. But he really is someone worth coming home too. Man's too adorable
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I'd say he's the most mature about it. He's like Medic where relationships tend to not last long cause of his work and how it tends to be his main focus. He's quick to the point, feeling bad about it but understanding it needs to be done. I'd say it doesn't take him long to recover from it.
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Take commitment very seriously. He'd love to be able to get married to the one he considers his soulmate. Engie is someone who'd wait a good few years before considering marriage. He just wants to be sure.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Definitely the most gentle of all nine mercs. Again, he's a great support system. He's naturally gentle with his pertners, treating them with respect and always trying to be there for them. He's a great person to go to even if you just need to vent. Gives some of the best advice needed
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loves to give hugs. I'd say he does it often no matter where you are and who's around. He's got them comforting hugs, warm and strong. Man's giving dad vibes off and I'm going with it.
I: I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
It would take a few months into the relationship for him to say it. He feels he has to say it first since it's the gentlemanly thing to do. He'd wait until you two are all cuddled up for the night before saying it. Absolutely flustered after saying it. Cheeks pink, holding you tighter. Just a cute little moment between the two of you
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don't really see Engie as the jealous type. I'll elaborate later but he's someone who has more of a God-complex if anything. Why would you ever wanna settle for less? He knows no one else is on his level and he knows how to treat his partner right. So he never worries about any sort of competiton. But if he were to ever be jealous, he has his ways of taking care of the problem
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Cute and wholesome. Loves to give his partner a kiss on the cheek. It's easy for when you guys are both busy and can't stand and talk for a bit. A quick kiss on the cheek and he's off to do whatever he was doing. God, I can't stop picturing this man as an innocent ball of wholesomeness when he's basically the opposite
L: Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Man, he's great with kids. Makes a damn good father figure. Is someone who'd would try to get the kiddies into STEM. Teaching them how to build simple things like little homemade rockets. Making sure they eat and are taken care of. He's EVERYONE'S dad
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's one of the first mercs up and ready for the day. He'd have breakfast made, a pot of coffee brewed, and in his workshop tinkering with his inventions. His days are always spent in his workshop, he'd have a seat ready for you so you can hang out with him
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are spent trying to get him out of said workshop. He's always couped up in there and loses treack of time. So you'll have to convince him that it's time for bed. He tends to stay on the workshop til he's finished with whatever project he's working on, it's a bad habit of his
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
It happens over time, though it doesn't take too long. He likes to tell stories of when he was a child, helping his Father out with building sentries.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Engie's someone who takes a lot to anger, though he has his moments. The quickest way to anger him is by messing with his stuff. He can't stand when Scout comes into his workshop, looking for something, and then trashes the workshop. He makes Scout clean it up each time while making snide remarks at the youngster
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
You take one look at this man and tell me. This man has, what, like 11 PHDs. Of course he's got a damn good memory. He's got the memory of an elephant, never forgets anything. If he were to not remeber something, it's cause he learned the info when he was drunk. Good luck trying to catch this man lacking cause it almost never happens
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
When you two were in his workshop and he was teaching you some of the basics of his inventions. Having you help out a little while he did most of the work. He enjoys spending quality time with his partner. It's the little things that wins his heart over
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I'd say he's a little more on the protective type. He knows you can take care of yourself but he likes protecting you. It fuels his ego. He'd be such a flustered mess if you protect him. It was something he wasn't expecting so he was thrown so off gaurd. He appreciates it though and make sure to make it up to you for it
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
He likes to have quiant little dates. A home cooked dinner, watch a movie while cuddled up, just spending time together. When it comes to gifts, he likes to make them. He feels they matter more when they're made by his own hand
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
It's his God-complex. He thinks he's better than everyone and no one comes near his level of intelligence. And, like the other mercs, he's a bit of a psychopath and you know damn well he could make Saw-esque traps to use out on the battlefield or to "take care" of those who hurt his partner
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Meh, he's too busy with other things. He's just not too worried about his looks when he's inventions to work on. There's not much to say on the matter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Meh, he can handle going a while without seeing you. He's use to it. And if the relationship ends, he'll be sad about it for a bit but he'll be fine
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
I really like the idea of Engie being two-faced. Like, he makes himself seem like such a nice guy, but then he's also this cruel, semi-obsessed, deranged man who will gladly make his own Saw traps to torture those who've wronged him or his partner. It makes a good yandere scenario for me
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like people who think they're better than him. If he were to catch someone messing with his sentries or other inventions, claiming that he did it wrong or they're fixing it, he'd beat them to death with his wrentch. Again, God-complex
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Sleep? What sleep? Another one with a fucked sleep schedule. He can't help it. He's the type to be like "just one more (insert thing here)" and then all the sudden instead of it being midnight, it's 3pm and he's missed out on a whole night's sleep and gets yelled at by Medic
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harrysfluff · 2 years
Are you sure?
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A/n: Whoa another one?! Crazy! But for real, now that I’m on break I’m just clearing my drafts from the year
Summary: Lost luggage = baby 
TW: sex
“I can’t believe it. Ugh it’s just so annoying, you know?” You pause for a moment. “You know what I can’t do anything about it, it’s fine.” Another pause. “Actually no it’s really frustrating,” you continued to vent. Your hands buckling your seatbelt, as you settled yourself in the car. The dense Italian heat felt heavy against your skin as you fiddled with your hair in an attempt to keep it from sticking to your neck. You crossed your arms, chewing the inside of your cheek. “And you know they’re not gonna call. It’s probably gone forever!” You imagine.
Harry slid in after you pulling you close to his side. “Baby, it’s going to be okay. I know this stuff is irritating but it’s not the end of the world,” Harry soothed, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Lots of people have their bags lost by airlines all the time.”
“I know but it had my clothes in it. Like what am I gonna wear?” You complained. Although his touch was usually comforting, it felt like heavy stones adding more weight on your skin. “I just wanted us to have a nice vacation! Ugh I’m sorry, I’m probably ruining this. I’m sorry, i just... am frustrated,” you said, trying to calm down. You began to rub your face in hard movement an attempt to destress.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Things like this can be frustrating but it’s gonna be alright. We can get you new clothes,” Harry reassured. 
“What about all my makeup?” You whined jutting out your bottom lip slightly.
“I like you better without it.”
“We can get that here too,” Harry laughed. “Babe, everything and anything you could possibly need or want we can get. You don’t have to stress.”
You could feel the weight coming off your body. “Thank you,” you say coming closer into his body. “I’m starting to feel a lot better. I think I’m just tired and feel gross from the flight.” You lean your head on his shoulder. “I just need sleep.”
“Don’t worry we’ll be at the hotel soon,” Harry pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Maybe you can sleep now.” He moved your head, his arm reaching over you pulling you into his side.
“Yeah,” you spoke softly. Your eyes gently closing as the car drove away from the airport.
“You spent so much on me. I feel bad,” you uttered, while climbing into bed. You grabbed the hand lotion from your night stand, rubbing the jasmine cream into your hands. Harry laid next to you, his fingers tapping away at emails. You had noticed Harry was more stressed lately yet he never gave a clear reason as to why when you asked him. Hence you thought that an Italian vacation would be relax him but he still seemed tense. It must haven been bigger than an album or a movie deal. “I would have paid, but someone already had gotten it before I did,” you sneered. You turned on your side, watching him type away on his laptop.
Harry had his lips twisted to the side as his fingers would type something then quickly press the delete button then type again. “Sorry what? Oh yeah.” Harry pushed the laptop off his lap turning his body to slightly face you. Inhaling sharp, Harry sat up against the headboard. “I mean I just wanted to take care of it. I knew how stressed you were with it.”
“I know but still I don’t want this to be one sided,” you confessed.
“Hey, it was my treat. Don’t worry about it,” Harry assured shaking his head.
You bit the inside of your cheek, as you processed the thought yet it was quickly disbanded by the a new thought. “Hey, actually I need to tell you something. So apparently, my luggage had my birth control in it. So that’s a bit of a bummer,” you explained. “I mean we could grab some condoms or something, but we need to get them soon. But I worry we can’t read Italian very well and what if we buy the wrong size? Oh god that will be awkward.” 
“Y/n, you know-”
“I mean what is ‘super massive’ in Italian,” you teased, laughing to yourself. 
“Very funny, but no. You know, I’ve been thinking,” Harry readjusted himself. Sliding his body down to your level, his arm coming underneath his head while his other hand came up to lightly traced the skin on your arm. “What if we didn’t use anything.” 
You sat up on your elbows, alerted by his comment. “Wait, what do you mean?” 
“I mean, like what if we didn’t use anything. Like anything at all. No more pills or condoms... just us,” he answered. His eyes stayed staring at his fingers tracing circles. 
“But then we’ll have a baby. Wait are you telling me you want a baby?” You asked knitting your brow.
“I think so, yeah.” Harry took a deep breath, “Yeah I want to have a baby with you,” he admitted. “You know I’ve been thinking for a while that maybe it’s time. I don’t know. I just feel like I’ve been growing my career a lot and I’m happy with it but now it’s time to grow something else. I guess literally,” he chuckled. Harry’s hand left your skin and flew to his eyes rubbing them. “I just want a baby and I want it with you. I’m ready to take a break from everything and really be present with here with you. I think lately I’ve also realized that I’ve maybe stalled us and the family we want to build, so I want to prioritize that now. I’ve already talked to Jeff about slowing things down for a while and I know this seems spontaneous or irresponsible but we’ve been together for 6 years. I’m ready to start something bigger and even more I want to do it with you.”
“Well you know, I want children and I do want a child with you and it makes me feel better that you’re taking a break but Harry we aren’t married,” you argue.  “I know we don’t have to be married to raise a child or anything but still I don’t want to screw something up. Sometimes I feel like we lack that security and it scares me.”
“Yeah I get that. Y/n I would marry you right now if that’s what you wanted, I would do anything for you. I just feel this is what I want right now. This is how I want to start our family.” Harry’s eyes finally met yours. It was evident he was nervous, his eyes darting back and forth, analyzing your face. 
You drew a sharp breath inward. Your heart began to race as scenarios ran through your head each while displaying a lifetime flew by in seconds. “I want this too and if you’re slowing down then maybe I wouldn’t have to give up my work. You could stay with the baby. We would almost be a normal family.” You grinned, your teeth drawing you lip into them. 
Harry smiled back at the agreement. “So you will have a baby with me?” 
“Yeah, I would love to.”
This has to be the most awkward sex you had ever had with Harry. There was no denying the sexual chemistry between the two of you and yet all of that seemed to disappear in this moment. Harry laid on top of you, his forearms coming down on each side of your head. His hips moving in slow awkward bursts. “Is that alright?” He kept asking which was always met with an ‘yeah’ from you. 
“I just don’t want to hurt you or anything,” he assured, with a pause in his movements. You were honestly a bit disappointed. This was the man who would tie you up, spank your ass till it was red with his handprint, and even poured wax on you to see you writhe under the heat. Therefore, you frankly had no idea who was on top of you. 
“H, can we stop for a moment?” You say, pushing him gently off of you. 
“Oh shit sorry, am I hurting you? I’m so sorry,” he apologized, pulling himself out of you. 
“No no, it’s not that. I just... I’m not glass, you know like you can be more rough with me. Like you usually are,” you hinted hoping he would act normal. Your hand gently pushed the hair out from his forehead, “I like when you’re like that,” you shyly admitted. 
“Oh shit sorry, yeah erm let me try that,” he said clearing his throat. Harry realigned himself with your entrance, pushing his way inside. You let out a moan at the feeling of his fullness.  He brashly moved his hips forward which you grimaced at the feeling. He then tried moving them faster assuming that might be better and yet was again very wrong. It was as though he had forgotten how to have sex entirely.
“Okay, that’s it,” you declare pushing him completely of you. Harry pulled himself away from, curling his legs behind himself. “Honey what is going on? You’re fucking me like you’re like you have never heard what sex is so what’s going on,” you confront.  
“I don’t know. I guess I’m just in my head a lot, like suddenly I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“Is it because of the whole trying thing?”
“Yeah, I really don’t know why I’m so freaked, we’ve done this plenty of times and I know I want this so I’m not sure what is going on. Ugh I’m really sorry.” He said collapsing on the white sheets. “I want this to be good.”
“Hey,” you comfort, crawling towards him. “Don’t worry about all that stuff. It’s just me, and here let me help.” You coax, grabbing his arms so he would sit up with with. You positioned him on his knees behind you wrapping one of his arms around your chest and leading his other hand to your core. Grabbing his cock you realigned yourself again with your back firmly pressed against his bare chest. Sliding down on him, you both begin to move in sync with each other’s bodies. “Here just keep moving with me,” you continue to speak softly allowing Harry to adjust. You then move Harry’s hand in slow circles on your clit, letting the feeling wash over you. 
Harry felt his skin melting into yours, the way he could feel himself completely letting go. His lips sucked gently on the neck of your skin as his hand placed more pressure on your clit. “Oh fuck that feels so good,” you cry out. Your eyes close throwing your head back onto his shoulder giving him more access to your neck. Harry slid the tip of his tongue down the curve of your neck sending shivers down your spine. Between the tongue, clit work, and the deep thrusting of his cock, you were being completely unraveled under his touch. “H that’s perfect.”
“Yeah, I might want to switch it up a bit,” he whispers in your ear. His lips pressing a kiss to your ear. 
“Okay how do you want me.”
Harry pushed you off of him, laying you down gently on your back. He came down on top of you, hiking up your legs to allow more movement. “I want you just like this. I want to see cum just like this.” He pushed himself again into you. His hips rolled into you. Your arms wrapped themselves against his neck, pulling him into your chest. His hot skin on yours created a warm comfort over your body. “Just like this,” he whispered again. Your hand slid down your body to your clit, rubbing it in tight circles. The feeling of your hand made Harry jerk his hips back, allowing more access for you. 
“Oh Harry, I’m gonna cum, yeah right there.” Harry’s hips began to move faster, harder as his face began to scrunch up. “Fuck me Harry!” You screamed as you could feel your pussy expand as you reached your climax.
“Oh shit Y/n. I’m gonna cum too,” he let out. His eyes shutting tight. “Oh fuck!” He moaned, his release shaking throughout his body. His hips gave a few more thrusts to ride out the full high. His hips can to a stop, his finger delicating running through the hair around your forehead. “I just want to stay like this forever. I love you y/n,” he said his eyes staring down at yours.
“I love you, too, H.”
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kat-rose-griffith · 3 months
Hi. I love you blog ❤️
But I have an unpleasant question to ask. I hope it doesn’t bring your mood down and I hope that you may have some advice.
I love the Bridgerton community here and I genuinely enjoy the series analyses and the memes and love and praise for the actors. But you know how the situation with Luke has been recently.
I had to block #lukola and lukola content since the comments are mostly generated under this tag. I know that not everyone is using it romantically but I hoped that it will bring down the amount of posts that make me see red or genuinely depressed me. And I still have to block users just to remove their posts from my dash even though I thought that the filter may help.
I want to generate positivity instead of fighting but some posts are just THAT outrageous that I feel the need to dismantle them. By doing that I feel like I keep the hate train rolling simply by bringing the content of these posts into question in order to point out how harmful they are. I’ve also tried doing nothing and ignoring, but it feels like I’m letting the baseless cruelty slide and letting my principles and who I am at the core down.
I’m not sure what to do anymore and I’m thinking about stepping away from all social media for a while. But this thought also makes me sad because I used to love it here and I still (sometimes) do.
Do you have any advice? How do you deal with this? Maybe I have to filter something more? Do you see any way to contribute something good without fighting but also without hiding and running away from the tide?
If I’ve overstepped, I am sorry, and if you decide to remove the ask or not answer it I would absolutely understand. Thank you for listening in any case ❤️
Oh my gosh you’re so sweet. Thank you so much for enjoying my blog. That means so much to me and I truly appreciate it!
As far as advice goes I don’t know if I have a lot. I know it can get really hard to not let other peoples hatred and negativity bring you down. It can get really frustrating especially when the hate is as illogical and unwarranted as the harassment that the bridgerton actors, especially Luke, have been getting. It’s not guaranteed but hopefully the aggression will die down with some time as people move on with their lives. Just know that you’re not alone in these feelings.
I’m personally pretty susceptible to this kind of negativity too. That’s why tumblr is my only form of social media. The way that I try to work with those reactionary feelings is pretty similar to what you’re already doing. Whenever I see something that affects me like that I just block it and move on. Sometimes I do forget to do that and get wrapped up in scrolling through the hate or typing up a response, but then I have to stop myself and think if it’s really worth my time. I remind myself that these people want attention and they want the notes on their posts to feel validated in their opinions. It is hard but the best course of action is to try to just ignore them because they’re truly not worth the stress or energy.
With that I do want to say don’t be afraid to vent your feelings on your own blog. If you don’t feel comfortable putting it in the tag or associating it with your blog because you don’t want to deal with those people harassing you there that’s completely fine. You can always leave it untagged, type it up but leave it in your drafts, create a side blog just for that, or block them when they leave an upsetting comment. I’ve just found that it’s helpful to me to let out how I feel on here instead of holding it in and it’s especially helpful when I find people who actually get it and share my feelings. That’s actually one of my favorite things about tumblr.
Another thing that I try to do is just make my blog a nice place that I’m proud of, which is why you liking my blog has made me very happy. I try to share as many things that I like as I can. With the negativity in the tag surrounding Luke I’ve just been trying to counter it with any positive post that comes to my mind to drown out how negative and hateful some people have been. These people aren’t the majority, they’re just loud. That’s why whenever I’ve been making posts about this season I’ve been putting them in Luke and Nicola’s tags. If you have other social media accounts spamming the cast and their tags with love, complements, or just anything that’s not hateful to counter the hate spamming that they get is always a good idea too.
All that being said if it is all too much I always recommend just stepping away from social media for a second. It can be very overwhelming and hard to remember that it’s not real life, so if you ever feel like it’s effecting you too much just check in with yourself and walk away, for at least a bit.
I know that’s not great advice, but I’m going to post this in all of the tags that I use for bridgerton to see if anyone else has any advice that might be a bit more helpful. I’m very sorry that you’ve been experiencing this too and I hope that it gets better. Thank you so much for liking my blog, that really did make my day
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iluv-b-127 · 4 days
I had a very slaggy night so I here’s some headcanons on my favorite boy Bumblebee! I give him a bit of a feral twist in my writing.
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When Bumblebee gets too much energy built up, he gets zoomies. Due to his speed and size they can be a bit destructive. The ONLY thing that can get him to stop is Sari yelling “SIT!” Or distracting him another way.
One of Sari and Bee’s favorite shared activities is Bee dragging Sari around the city in roller skates.
Bee constantly needs some type of oral stimulation or he can get destructive. Mainly stealing Prowl’s stuff in particular. Sari will play tug and fetch with him often to keep his urges at bay.
Bee is insanely flexible. It’s not uncommon to see him scratching one of his horns with his servo.
Bee will carry Sari like a scruffed kitten sometimes. Either to bug her, or because he feels protective. Sari does not enjoy when he does this.
Bee HATES getting washed. He’s also terrified of car washes.
Bee’s favorite spot to be pet or scratched is behind his horns. Instantly his engine will start purring and his servo will start kicking drastically.
Sari will commonly sleep on top of Bumblebee. He don’t mind, he likes having his best buddy close.
Bee and Sari learn things from each other often. Certain sayings or behavior, they tend to copy each other. An example being a time Sari found Bee moping and genuinely crying in his room. She remembered how he comforted her when she broke down in tears, and told him the same thing. “It’ll be ok Bee, let ‘em leak. I’m here for ya. You’re safe. If you wanna tell me what’s wrong, I’ll listen. Ok? Promise.”
As Bee is common to stand on four stabilizers, so he has another electric defense besides his stingers. He can breathe/vent electricity. Similar to a dragon and getting hit by it is deadly to people. Which is why he don’t do it often. Last resort if you will.
Due to Bee’s electric vents, randomly if he bites something it can become jolted by electricity. This can be a good or bad thing mattering on the situation. Though even if Bee can’t control when the jolts happen, he can control how MUCH damage the jolt gives.
Bumblebee works with Carmine as his K9 partner. Neither of them were the most excited at first when finding out they got paired up, but they bond in their own odd way. Carmine can’t hate Bee with his eagerness and optimism.
Bee’s favorite thing to do on patrol is chase down speeders. Though him and Carmine can butt heads on who to go after. They’ve had a couple false alarms where Bee chased down someone not a speeder. Though he’s gotten better at controlling his urges.
Bumblebee can actually be pretty shy when it comes up to other organics. Mainly other K9 officers of his squad. He’s aware how different he is so during meetups with the posse he tends to hide behind Carmine the whole time. Yes a 12 foot tall bot can do that somehow-
If Bee is being especially ornery, which can happen sometimes. Carmine will contact Sari as she’s the only other human he’ll listen to.
Most human criminals are very wary of Bee and Carmine if they’re on their tail. While getting taken down by any K9 officer isn’t enjoyable, Bee is terrifying. No one wants to be taken down by the giant robot alien.
Bee can work as a guard for Carmine in more dangerous situations. Criminals with guns and knives can’t affect him, and he’ll protect his officer partner at all costs. Carmine will protect Bee the same way if he needs to.
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Bee is basically just a giant puppy dog. No I won’t elaborate on it, yes he’s a good boy.
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academic-vampire · 4 months
Hi, this is the secret I had asked if i could actually tell you
I love people, I love being around my friends but sometimes i genuinely don't know where I stand in anyone's life.
i'm the type to pour my heart out to a friend, sit down with them and listening to their problems but when it comes to me, idk whom i should tell, everyone i look at has someone close, someone to turn to, someone they can tell anything...but for me, I'm often fighting my battles alone.
It isn't like I cannot deal with life alone or it isn't like i might die if i don't have any true company.
I either struggle making friends or I struggle maintaining them.
At the same time, there are a few true ones who have remained with me except I don't open up to them about things that bother me as after all who likes to be judged about some bad things in life.
I just wonder why I cannot find someone who can listen to my issues without judging me for it, or maintaining it as a secret like.... I've always done that for everyone else, buried their deepest secrets in me, given them the assurance that I would never judge them for anything they tell me, is it that I've given people too much or am I asking too much?
I'm sorry if this is too much for you to deal with, but i needed to vent this out to someone even if it makes no difference. tysm for this <3
Of course, you can always vent here. And I read everything, don’t worry.
It’s natural to crave deep companionship and understanding. Often it feels like everyone around us always has someone to turn to, and we’re left alone to fend for ourselves. Like you said, it’s not like we can’t handle it on our own, but it’s always easier to tackle our problems with someone by our side.
You’re not asking too much by wanting someone to listen to you. Trust me, I actually broke up with my partner when I realized that they never listened to a word I said. And we’d been together for a long time. I noticed this when we were on the phone for an hour and I probably spoke only two sentences. I realized that I deserved someone who listened to me, wanted to listen to me, and cared about what I said. And that should be the same for you. It’s not selfish to want to be comforted and listened to.
Finding friends is hard. Finding good friends is even harder. And even still, sometimes good friends aren’t equipped to listen. Those listeners are rare, and I can hardly find any these days either, so don’t feel discouraged. I know they’re out there, because clearly you exist, and so do I. I know that someone out there wants to listen to you—most likely more than one person. They’re rare to find, but not nonexistent.
Nevertheless, my “tell me a secret” button and dms are always open if you need to vent to anyone. I know I’m just a stranger, but in all honesty, sometimes it’s easier to tell your secrets to strangers. Hope this helps a little.
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natsuki-bakery · 11 days
⁎˚ ఎ Banana Fish Agere ໒ ˚⁎
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I'm here again to asking for another one. So can I please request CG headcanons for Shorter Wong (Banana Fish). I like to see him as a big brother instead of a dada, so yep.
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•Shorter embodies the classic protective big brother role, always keeping a close watch over those he cares about. He has a natural instinct to shield his loved ones from danger, whether it’s street trouble or emotional distress. He’s fiercely loyal and will put himself in harm’s way if it means keeping others safe
•Growing up on the streets, Shorter teaches practical survival skills, how to stay alert, avoid trouble, and defend yourself if necessary. He’s all about street smarts and often gives blunt advice, but it’s always delivered with a sense of humor to keep things light !
•Despite his tough exterior, Shorter has a big heart and knows how to comfort without being overbearing. When someone he cares about is upset, he’ll offer comfort in subtle ways like a reassuring pat on the shoulder, cracking a joke to lighten the mood, or simply being present without prying
•Shorter often hangs out with his little one late at night when they can’t sleep, whether it’s playing cards, watching old kung-fu movies, or just talking on the rooftop. He uses these moments to bond and let them vent about their problems without judgment
•Shorter takes it upon himself to teach those he cares about how to handle themselves in a fight. He emphasizes that it’s not about picking fights but knowing how to protect yourself when there’s no other choice. These sessions often turn into playful sparring matches that end with laughter
•In the tough world they live in, Wong does little things to show he cares, like giving up his jacket when it’s cold, sneaking extra food to those who need it, or patching up injuries without making a big deal out of it. He’s the type to help in a practical, no-nonsense way
•Shorter is all about letting people be themselves. He encourages others to embrace their quirks and not conform to what’s expected of them, even when society’s pressures are heavy. He’s the first to hype up someone’s unique talents or style choices, making them feel seen and valued
•Shorter’s approach isn’t the gentle, nurturing type; he’s more about tough love. He’ll push you to keep going when you want to give up, but it’s always clear that he’s rooting for you. He’s honest to a fault and won’t sugarcoat things, but his intention is always to help, not hurt
•Wong believes actions speak louder than words. He shows his care through what he does rather than what he says, whether it’s fixing something that’s broken, sharing a meal, or just hanging out in comfortable silence. These unspoken bonds are what make his relationships deep and meaningful
•Shorter’s loyalty is unbreakable. Once you’re part of his circle, he’ll stick by you through thick and thin, no questions asked. Even when times are dark and hope seems lost, he’s the type to stand by your side and face whatever comes, making sure you never feel alone
•Wong always notices when his little sibling starts getting drowsy, especially after a long day or when they’re feeling overwhelmed. Instead of forcing them to go to bed, he’ll casually suggest a "nap break" while they’re hanging out. He’ll put on a quiet movie or play soft music, and they’ll curl up on the couch together
•He might not be the type to sing lullabies, but he’ll gently ruffle their hair or just sit beside them, making sure they feel safe and protected until they drift off
•When Shorter’s little sibling is feeling down, he doesn’t push them to talk about it immediately. Instead, he tries to lift their spirits by doing something fun and low-pressure, like taking them for a walk around the neighborhood or grabbing their favorite snacks
•He’ll crack jokes or make funny faces to get them to smile. If they need to cry, he lets them, offering a quiet space and just sitting beside them, showing that it’s okay to be sad and that he’s there no matter what
•Shorter handles tantrums with a mix of patience and firmness. He doesn’t get angry; instead, he waits it out, making sure the regressor is safe and not hurting themselves
•He’ll kneel down to their level, speak in a calm voice, and gently say, "Hey, take a deep breath, okay? We’ll figure this out, sweetheart" . Once the tantrum subsides, he might suggest doing something physical, like kicking a ball around or hitting a pillow, to release any lingering frustration. He always makes sure to validate their feelings, reminding them it’s okay to be upset
•Shorter’s approach to a regressor refusing to eat is laid-back but concerned. He’ll sit with them and casually offer a variety of foods, trying to make it feel like a fun taste test rather than a forced meal
•He might say, "You don’t have to eat if you’re not hungry, but let’s just try a little bite of this, okay?" If that doesn’t work, he’ll try to turn it into a game, pretending the food is part of a little adventure. He’s patient, never making it a battle, but always encouraging them gently, sometimes even eating together to make it feel less intimidating
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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Alright, last one, I promise!!
Could I please request headcanons for all the Ride the Cyclone kids finding out their S/O is getting bullied, and how they would react? I would love to see what you do with something like this!!
Thanks in advance, and I hope you’re doing well!! 🖤🖤🖤
the choir finding out their s/o is being bullied
pairing: st. cassian chamber choir x gn reader
warnings: bullying (obviously), everyone destroying your bullys life, wounds, fights (cough mischa and penny cough)
a/n: i love writing for rtc sm
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Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg
jaw drops when she sees someone bothering you
really upset you didn’t tell her
she’s very popular and every teachers favourite student, she could’ve helped you!! :((
comforts you afterwards, still a bit angry you didn’t tell anyone about how you were being bullied, but she understands you may have gotten pressured into it
let’s you vent to her <3
will destroy the reputation of the person/people who bullied you
is so mad and makes sure they’re absolutely humiliated
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Noel Gruber
also a bit annoyed you didn’t tell him
is understanding of why you didn’t however
doesnt force you to vent to him or tell him what happened, let’s you tell him that on your own and listens intently when you do
he’s the type to have dirt on everyone from being observant, so he plots something to use that against them
he makes sure to walk you home and always be near you in hallways in case someone comes to bother you
if they do he runs to your aid and calls them out on something embarrassing
they don’t even look at you again afterwards
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Mischa Bachinski
his rage kicks in
you’ve never seen his face so red
storms up to your bully and just starts fuckin swinging and hitting
he has to be physically pulled off of them by like 15 people
a few mins later when he gets everyone to fuck off he drags you away to somewhere private
cleans up any wounds you may have
asks the important questions
how long has this been happening? does he need to go back and finish what he started? are you okay? do you need anything?
seems to always be around you after that day…
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Ricky Potts
so shocked
at a loss for words
sits you down and asks if you wanna talk about it or if there’s anything he can do
so devastated to find this out
hes sad for the rest of the day :((
hugs you and takes you to various places to make you feel better <333
will 100% beat your bully(s) with his crutches or give them to mischa to beat them with <3
checks up with you between classes after finding out, always somehow bailing you out of school if you feel uncomfortable
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Jane Doe/Penny Lamb
goes fucking feral
gently and calmly moves you away from them, before going at it
you knew she was a lil bit insane but not this insane
she’s biting, scratching, kicking, and punching all at the same time
mischa is standing there yelling words of encouragement and wiping tears away at how far his bestie has come
after that she checks on you to make sure you weren’t hurt in any way
if you were she goes back and finishes what she started <33
very scary, nobody messes with you ever again
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Constance Blackwood
not the type to barge in and immediately defend you
but she’s there for emotional support afterwards <3
lets you cry into her shoulder, rubs your back, is really caring
she’s too shy to directly do anything about it, but luckily she friends with ocean and tells her what happened and because ocean is friends with everyone and loves you (because she’d 100% be friends with her friends s/o)
ocean…..gets them…. expelled… not what you wanted but it’s good enough!
if you still don’t feel safe after that, she walks you home and stuff (like noel) <33
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hwnglx · 10 months
Can you do Jimin and jungkook’s friendship dynamic? They’re going to enlist together as companion soldiers and i think that’s sweet
jimin + jungkook
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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how does jimin feel towards jungkook? 9ofsw+3ofw, sun&char, star, aceofsw
so, i believe these two are members who have been there during each other's worst times. i keep getting this feeling that they've often bonded over being similar, since they both seem to be people who can easily get lost in their head, just obsess over trivial things and overthink.. they understand each other.
jimin thinks that jungkook is a powerful driving force in the group. someone who keeps them going. i remember yoongi (? i think) saying that whenever he sees jk, he gets this desire to work even harder. jimin seems to agree, since jungkook is like the ☀️ in his eyes. you know how you just have this pleasant feeling whenever the sun comes out? the world becomes warmer, vibrant and bright. people feel better. it's an existence that gives you a lot of energy and vitality.
he sees the maknae as this source of inspiration, someone who can give you a lot of hope in times of doubt. there is this major feeling of encouragement here. jk is a person who pushes him to be more brave, believe in himself more and take more risks. i keep hearing "아 형 할 수 있잖아 진짜 멋있는데" translating to "ah hyung can do it, you're very cool"
it seems like jungkook has been someone in jimin's life, who has been able to provide him with many realizations and opened up his eyes to things he didn't see before. i keep seeing them just sit there and vent out their worries, ones they can't really talk about with other members. there is this huge feeling of acceptance, respecting the other for what they are, with all their flaws and everything. very wholesome dynamic. i think being in the military together will bring them a lot of comfort.
how does jungkook feel towards jimin? 5ofp&kingofp, 6ofp, 7ofp, 4ofc&wo, 10ofc
god, so many pentacles.. jungkook is definitely the one who has more of a "business" perspective on his band member.
he sees jimin as someone who's had an amazing impact on the group's success. in jk's eyes, jimin is a member who played a big role in getting to the place they're at today, a very important figure in the group. he sees him as a reliable and trustworthy hyung who's good with finances, and believes in the power of hard work. also, just a very generous and giving person, who isn't greedy or selfish at all. someone who always does his best to show support to the people he loves.
i believe that right now, they have this dynamic where, they don't have to be together 24/7 in order to keep their relationship strong. you know those friends you could not see for years on end, but once you reunite, things are just as harmonious as they've always been. like you never spent time apart. that's the dynamic jikook seem to be sharing now. the 10 of cups at the end of the spread is giving a beautiful dynamic. they fulfill each other weak's spots, feel comfortable around each other. the type of dynamic where you can tell what the other is thinking, even without having to communicate verbally. one of the best dynamics i've read for till now, they have such pleasant energy.
enlisting together was the right decision <𝟑
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hello!! may I request hcs for mayoi, rei, and rinne with a short (4’11) masc! s/o who pretty much clings to them whenever they’re out in public? (mainly because their s/o doesnt like being alone/out in public without them!!)
» mayoyo!! i've been wanting to write abt him for some time now!! im so glad u asked, i hope u enjoy these! and my apologies if it feels shorter than my other works! ☆
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prompt: an s/o who is really clingy (and short)
character(s): mayoi ayase, rei sakuma, rinne amagi
pairing(s): all of the above ↑ x masc!gn!reader
warnings: N/A, fluff
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☆ — MAYOi AYASE !!
mayoi absolutely loves you and how small and cute you are! he likes holding you and having you in his lap, and he's known to play with your hair a lot. you two have a huge height difference and he loves taking advantage of it.
he absolutely hates being in crowded areas, so for yours and his own comfort, mayoi takes you through the various tunnels and vents he knows of. it's pretty scary at first, but with him around, it's easy to adjust to.
if he absolutely has to be out in a crowded place though, mayoi's got one arm around your waist, holding you so close that you two are practically glued to one another. the thought of losing you in such a terrifying place was awful!!
on another note, he actually kind of likes going out shopping with you! he gets to choose outfits for you, even if you never end up buying anything. he just loves seeing you looking cute in something he chose especially for you!
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☆ — REi SAKUMA !!
although he never says it, rei thinks you're absolutely adorable. fawning over you is common from him, but he very clearly holds back if he thinks he'll make you even the tiniest bit uncomfortable. is calling you cute allowed?
he enjoys cuddling you, because you fit so snug into his arms, it feels more like he's got an oversized cat than anything. he would be lying if he said he disliked it, because getting to nap with you like this is his favorite part of the day. plus, you take up less space in his coffin!
rei himself isn't a huge fan of crowds. he would sacrifice that preference when at a Knights concert, but any other time? he would rather avoid it. and he knows you feel the same way too, so he usually carries you around everywhere when you're in a heavily populated area.
he has and probably will continue to drag you to Knights concerts with him, though. although he's not the strongest, he's known to occasionally sit you on his shoulders, but that only lasts for about half an hour until he's just completely worn out from it.
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☆ — RiNNE AMAGi !!
how do i put this..? rinne shows affection in such a way it's almost startling to you. he picks you up, he throws you at couches, he drags you around whenever he sees something that excites him.. honestly, he's just so hyperactive it's insane.
crowded place? do not fear! he's got you swung over his shoulder in no time, speeding forward to your desired location faster than you can say his full name. it's terrifying at first, but because he's pretty tall, you barely end up bumping yourself into other people. still, it concerns you that you're kind of just flying around there.
as expected, rinne is also the type to make fun of your height. you can't go a day without hearing him pick on you for it, so much so that you're not even angry at him anymore and have instead resorted to making fun of him for being tall. and then the debate of which one is more ideal starts..
he picks you up if he wants to hug or kiss you. he absolutely could bend down, but it gets a reaction out of you when he suddenly lifts you up and starts leaving kisses all over your face. he's affectionate and he'll find any excuse to show that to you.
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