#or whatever my chemical romance said
egharcourt · 1 year
You call it therapy I call it uncovering source material for my art
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nero-neptune · 2 years
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sing it from the heart! sing it ‘til you’re nuts!
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rubbish78 · 2 years
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alright go off
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frnkiebby · 2 months
I have just decided to keep sending asks because you're too cool and nice
have some franks
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that last one is my vision fr
f r o g g y
pls i don’t want you getting yourself in trouble for interacting with me okay?? 😭😭
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nerveslikecobwebs · 1 year
Frank wearing hats (yes cheese is a hat)
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marciliedonato · 1 year
Hey American rock band my Chemical Romance eurovision is next week you want to drop a song again soooooooooo bad.....
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73647e · 2 years
party poison: i have the most scrumptious, most luscious, amazing ass
kobra kid:
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kindaeccentric · 1 year
Frerard this, franthony that, peterick, rayrard, whatever... listen, to be honest, if I had a space where I could indulge some of my impulsive thoughts about benevolently harassing my friends by kissing, soft biting, pushing my head and whole body against theirs, then I, too, would do the things these guys did and keep doing. It's free real estate of instant dopamine. You just have to direct the pent up energy from performing towards something and my man, if you have a friend who's game, then you play. It's as simple as that.
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gorystory · 2 years
damn mcr got me thinking life is worth living and shit
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let it be known that i generally am not a blacklister like i have maybe five tags filtered in total (and those are mostly just spoilers) cause im nosy as fuck and generally am not super bothered even if i come across something somewhat annoying on the dash BUT. at this point im starting to wonder what combination of keywords would i have to blacklist to not have to see people gerard way gender discourse on my dash ever again
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meat-wentz · 2 years
mcr shouldn’t be allowed to have days off anymore look what happens
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exactlyyoungchaos · 1 month
Loss of my life.
(ex) husband Simon X f!Reader
Part 2.
CW: divorce, hurt, angst, mentions of emotional cheating, trauma. let me know if I missed any, enjoy!!!!
(Don't mind the mistakes.)
If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary
You and I go from one kiss to gettin married
Still alive, killing time at the cemetery
Nobody prepares you for something like this. What do you do when someone you loved more than your own life, rips apart your soul in pieces? What do you do when the one person you trusted your heart with, leaves you to gather scraps of whatever is left of it?
It's been months since that day. The day you found out that the man you love loved someone else. You moved out the next day, he didn't try and stop you, didn't try to argue or make you stay, he just stood in the corner and watched as you packed up your whole life in a suitcase and left.
When your lawyer served him divorce papers, he didn't hesitate. he signed it immediately as if he was trying to get rid of you, or maybe he was. you don't know, you don't know anything anymore.
When you were young, you were scared to be in relationships because the idea of trusting somebody with everything and giving them the power to hurt you was ridiculous. you always thought love was a sham, just something for romance books and movies.
it was when you met Simon you realized it was all real. the chemical reaction inside your brain that makes you want to stay with someone forever. Laughing at their stupid jokes, waking up next to them, love them was all real. Or maybe it wasn't.
now all you recall, was how you almost had it all. how it all just slipped from your hands without warning.
maybe it was your fault. maybe you weren't enough. maybe you didn't know how to love properly, maybe you were unlovable.
maybe, maybe, maybe.......
Or perhaps it was a sign that a prophecy in your name had already been written. you are not meant for love, you were sent here to be alone, to be betrayed by whoever you trust, to be unworthy. so others would know what not to be.
You sat on the bed of your new apartment, looking at your wedding ring that was still on your finger. you couldn't get yourself to take it off. your heart wasn't ready to accept what your brain already knew.
You couldn't cry anymore, your tears were gone, and all that was left was a deep ache of loss in your chest.
Why? Why did he do this to you? why did he make those vows when he never meant to keep them? you wanted answers, that you knew you'd never get.
If your parents saw you in this state, they would be ashamed of you. you're ashamed of yourself. you can't eat, you can't get out of your bed, because something counterfeits dead.
The house you once called home is haunted by the ghost of lies and deceit. How long has it been going on? how many times did you lay with him in your bed and he wished it was her instead of you?
You were driving yourself crazy. Day by day you were losing your sanity as you combed through your whole life trying to find where it all went wrong.
you've been getting calls from your friends, and messages that you keep ignoring. What were you going to tell them? They bought his lies too.
He said forever and you bought it.
And the worst part is, you miss him. You miss your life, how it used to be filled with laughter, love, and light with him. How he used to hold you when you broke down. How he caressed you when you were in pain, how he made love to you.
Now you're sitting in a cold, dark, and empty apartment on another continent, you don't know who to call and ask for help.
All of your things remind you of him. Do you throw all of the things you built together or keep it? you were tired, mending your gashes on your own. He dealt a final blow and left you to deal with it.
And he doesn't care. He's already with her. he already replaced you. Nothing you two had was real.
But then why do you feel like dying? Why was it that you can't feel anything anymore? Is this how it will always be? Will you ever be okay enough to want to live?
all of these were very big questions you weren't ready to ask yet, or maybe you never will be.
you needed a distraction and you needed it fast.
you picked up your phone for the first time in the day and went straight to the one person you knew who could give you a reprieve from yourself.
You felt numb as you dialed her number as if a switch had been turned off in your brain. She picked up on the third ring.
She still called you by your code name. Your first team that you were assigned to as a rookie medic gave it to you.
"I need a job," is all you said.
AN: SOOOOO!! DID WE LIKE IT? THOTS? I might have shed a tear or two writing this. don't mind me.
@ssc7514 @rrtxcmt
If you want to be tagged in the next part do tell me.
Until next time sugarplums.
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american-dream-denial · 6 months
now cum one cum all to this faggot affair or whatever the guy from my chemical romance said
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nerveslikecobwebs · 1 year
I might start wearing shorts again…
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marciliedonato · 2 years
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These hit me like a truck.... How come this is real and happening now.... Remember when everyone thought they didn't want to come back remember when everyone thought it wasn't gonna be the same and the days of costumes and theatrics were long gone but they're still happening and now it's his choice...They're not bound to any concept or theme they're just doing this for fun they don't have to but they WANT to....They're having fun... This is real and it's a new peak in the history of the band... They literally rose from the ashes of decay and fixed their heart... OH GERARD WE'RE REALLY IN IT NOW ....
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the0doreslover · 11 months
Hi do you still do requests if so i have an odd one for you.
Ravenclaw reader has a headache and asks for a remedy from one of the Gryffindors, Fred gives her a Potion in a bottle that she drinks all of it. It's not until her second lesson that she starts feeling funny, she realized it's a combo of LSD and water so she trippin. She normally quite shy and reserved. Realising she cant concentrate she skips her lessons and stays at the tower where's she meets Theodore Nott and is giggling like a child. He finds it amusing and she confesses he situation.
chemical romance
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it may of been the fact that you hadn’t been sleeping very well for the past couple of nights but you woke up with a splitting headache, causing you to wince in pain at every slight movement you made.
You had just about made it out of bed and into the great hall when you took a seat at whatever table was closest.
you ended up on the gryfindor table surrounded by some of your friends
“you look like shit” ron laughed
“thank you ron, always so sweet”
“what’s going on with you?” hermione asked genuinely curious for her friend
“my head is killing me” you explained
“freddy don’t we have something for that?” george asked his brother with a smile
“are you talking about our new and improved headache remedy” fred replied a bit to animatedly
“i’ll honestly take anything”
“anything?” they asked at the same time making you regret your statement
“don’t do it y/n you can’t trust them” harry piped in
“thanks for your concern harry but i’d literally take slugs if that got rid of this headache”
“if you want we can give you slugs as well” george smiled
“don’t test me”
after breakfast you followed the twins to their dorm and sat quietly on george’s bed while you waited for them to cure you
a few minutes later they came out with a bottle, after pouring it into a cup you were shooed out of their dorm
“so i just drink this?”
“yeah, drink you won’t know what hit you”
you were about to ask what they meant by that before you saw the door being shut in your face
“well, thank you” you shouted at the door hoping they could hear.
wasting no time you quickly gulped back the liquid and started walking to your class.
Potions, one of the most long lessons in your timetable.
you were currently trying to brew a sleeping draught with seamus finnigan while also waiting for your medicine to take effect.
once snape assessed your potion you sat back down and closed your eyes for a second
“hey y/n what are you doing after classes?” you heard seamus ask you
opening your eyes you froze at the change in scene, your vision started going fuzzy, you blinked a few times to try and fix it but instead it made it worse. Now things were breathing?
you couldn’t focus on what seamus was asking you, and instead were just trying to understand what was happening to you.
“i was wondering if you would like to hang out?” his voice echoed like a loud microphone
you looked down at your hand and watched as it left a trail as you waved it. Looking back up remembered a book you read last year on muggle-
those ginger twits gave you drugs.
luckily for you it wasn’t that high of a dose but despite that you still were finding it hard to concentrate on anything.
“so what do you say?” seamus asked again while that question rung in your mind sounding quite odd
you laughed, not on purpose, you swear
“you don’t have to? no need to laugh at me” he grumbled
you quickly shot up attracting some eyes of other students
“sir i need to leave” you said with a smile looking at a random student who looked a lot like snape.
“i’m over here miss L/n, what is the reason?”
you tried your best to locate where he said that from and quickly thought of an excuse
“i’m not feeling well!” you laugh and accidentally said to loud before giving up and quickly grabbing your things ready to shoot out the door.
snape had just about excused you, not believing your situation as you laughed in his face, once you had been allowed to go you wandered the hallways shouting insults aloud
“stupid weasleys, that’s illegal!”
“how dare they give me drugs”
“i’m going to kill them”
despite your anger you couldn’t stop yourself laughing
you shortly found yourself at the entrance of the astronomy tower.
finding no point in going to your next lesson you went up the stairs.
you found looking at the floor quite interesting to be honest, the way the tiles were moving was quite calming to you
you were still grumbling insults towards the twins when you got to the tower
“you alright?”
you jumped at the voice and quickly looked up, despite your vision being a bit off you could make out the face of the slytherin, Theodore nott.
“yeah” you laughed
you both started at each other in awkward silence before you burst into laughter yet again
“did i say something funny?” he looked amused
“not you” you smiled
“this is the most i’ve heard you say in all the years i’ve shared classes with you”
“haha very funny” you said trying to be sarcastic but ending up laughing your ass off “i’m sorry, i really am sorry”
“no way” he said, his eyebrows raising and mouth turning up into a grin
you of course could barely make out the objects around you
“what?” you asked
“you’re on drugs!” he said and this time it was his turn to laugh
“no no no” you said trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably starting a chain of laughter between the two of you
“i cannot believe this! Y/n L/n is on dr-”
you quickly shot forward and tried to put your hand on his mouth, but ended up covering his eyes
“no one can ever know this” you whispered while he nodded
“what did you take?” he asked
“i…. don’t know?” you grinned
“you’re funny” he replied
“trust me, i’m not i’m only interesting right now because i’m on drugs… wait am i going to become a drugaholic? shit i’m a drug addict!” you panicked suddenly not finding the situation funny
he sat down leaning against the railing while you followed.
“you’re definitely in the panicking stage but don’t worry i think you have to drugs everyday to be a drug addict” he smiled “you’re fine”
you smiled back and almost forgot, you were actually talking to a slytherin!
almost forgot
“i shouldn’t be talking to you” you said turning away from him
“oh yeah? why’s that”
“you don’t like my friends” you answered
“can’t i not like you’re friends and like you?”
“it doesn’t work like that” you said looking back at him now
“why can’t we make it work?” he said softly
“you know i have barely been able to see your face this whole time” you laughed changing the subject
“why’s that?” he asked
“your blurry”
you both bursted into laughter again
“we should go somewhere else, there’s a class in here next”
“we? no i’m going to sleep this off, have fun going somewhere else” you said beginning to walk away. You felt him grab your hand, turning to face him he smiled
“for the record i always found you interesting”
he let go then walked right past you
you watched his figure go down the stairs and stood frozen for a minute
“wait theodore! i can’t go down these stairs, i could just about go up them, i’ll fall and die!”
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