#or. what if the garrison knew about aliens ahead of time
discordiansamba · 5 months
When Takashi Shirogane is made the youngest officer in Garrison history, he naturally expects things to change for him. He's given officer's quarters, a fair sight nicer than either the dorm room he had as a cadet, or the small single room he'd been given upon graduation before his promotion. He knows he'll probably get access to different intelligence reports than he was before, but if he's being honest, he doesn't expect much.
He's wrong.
Two weeks into his promotion, he's called into Admiral Sanda's office. She's not alone when he gets there- he recognizes a few other officers, including Commander Holt and Commander Sablan. Commander Iverson joins them momentarily afterwards. Clearly, whatever this is, it's something big.
And it is most definitely that.
The Galaxy Garrison has been monitoring activity on the edge of their system and beyond it for several years now. Whatever it is, it's not human. He doesn't believe it until he sees the visuals for himself- of massive ships larger than anything the Garrison could ever hope to produce. He'd heard that they'd been sending out more long range drones recently, but he didn't think it was for something like this.
They don't know anything about these aliens that are lingering too close to home for anyone's comfort. But there's every reason to believe they're hostile. Even worse, they've found the remains of several alien ships located on Earth. Whoever these aliens are, they've already been here.
A mission is being planned to send a manned vessel out to the edge of the system. The goal is to plant trackers and send out probes that will be able to monitor the activity even better. It will be incredibly dangerous.
They want Shiro as the pilot.
He thinks he understands why. He has no relatives- he has Adam, sure, but Adam is also with the Garrison. And he's also running on limited time. He's one of their best, but is simultaneously someone they can afford to lose.
But there's one more thing.
It's not just ships they found already on Earth. There's also a living, breathing alien. The Garrison has had it in the custody for years now. But when he's brought to see them for himself, they're not what Shiro expects. They look almost human, were it not for the striking purple eyes, a color too impossible to be anything other than alien.
They're also a child.
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just-a-real-human · 3 years
Silver Warfare: Part 2
William stood on the bridge of his ship, The Silver Warfare. At 2000 meters long, 150 million kilos and still growing, it was the largest battleship in the human navy, except of course the Deus Ex Machina, but that's mainly a base of operations and basically a mobile planet, not technically a battleship. They were expecting an attack by the Dr’acha’lians, and usually William would call in reinforcements, a carrier maybe, or perhaps a couple destroyers. But with the recent additions and improvements upon the massive warship, William was more than confinent in the power his ship held. "So, have the radar crew spotted them yet?" William asked, putting a hand on his chin, stroking his beautiful, silver beard. "No sir, they're not within the 100 kilometre range, sir." "Have the gunners fire a couple radar shots, see what they can find." Radar shots were a special type of shell that can scan an area of about 100 kilometres of where they were headed, the negative is that due to the fact they're launched so fast, they can only take small snapshot of anything they find unless it's at least planet sized. They don't really use radar, not anymore at least, but when they were invented about 100 years ago they still used radar, hence the name. "Hmm...sir, not in the range of radar shots either, do you think they aborted the mission?" "Unlikely...Welp, if they won't come to us i suppose we can go to them...Let's fire up thrusters to gain some speed and go into their general direction, let's beat them down like the beasts they are." "Very well sir, those reptillian bastards'll get what's comin' to them." William chuckled, patting his navigator on the shoulder, looking out into the vast space ahead. Dr’acha’lians we're a rather...simple minder folk, related to the Dr'achs, they had a burning hatred for humanity for...well, exterminating their entire sister species in a way that can only be described as...excessive. It had been about 6 months since that moment, and the Dr’acha’lians had attempted to take revenge on human about 7 times now, failing everytime. Hell, they once tried to attack the Deus Ex Machina! Suffice to say, they didn't get far. William stroked his beard, looking out as they moved forward at a respectable speed "Say, do you think they might be wanting to ambush us? If so, do you think we should ready reinforcement, artillery?" The navigator frowned "You have a point, cap'n, maybe ask that new secretary, Peter, right? He knows them aliens better than us, he should have something to say about it, right?" William nodded approvingly, he knew he could count on his navigator for advice in a pinch. With the introductions of ships this immense, navigators changed from simple pathfinders to assistants that can both navigate the ship and give advice to the captain, as they were expected to know the ins and outs of their ships like the captain themself. William tapped the communicator on his wrist. The communicator beeped for a little while... At Peter's end he was nervously working on the tasks captain William had laid out for him, simple inventory counting, weapons checks, crew counts etc. When suddenly the communicator on the monitor bleeped with an urgent call! Poor Peter almost fell out of his chair, looking at the call, it was William himself! "Uh, Hello sir! Sorry for not picking up, i haven't quite gotten the hang of this thing just yet!" "No problem boy, i just need some advice, do you know about Dr’acha’lian tactics?" "Uh...enough sir, why, are we getting attacked?" "No, at least not yet, i just needed some advice about if they might be planning an ambush, and subsequently, if we needed to call some reinforcements." Peter thought for a moment, digging deep in his brain... "Uhh, well, the Dr’acha’lians aren't known for ambushes, and if the previous battle have been a good example, they aren't exactly worth heavy reinforcements...but you can never be too carefull. Give me a minute sir, i'll see if i can calculate some risks and costs, see what's worth what." "Very well, just try to make it a little swift, i
believe you in the lack of proper ambushes, but still, we don't wanna just blindly stumble into eachother." William looked around, a hand on his chin, the other fidgeting with his hair a bit. He wasn't NERVOUS so to say, but like, a step below that. He knew SOMETHING was coming, and he knew they'd most likely win, but still, a battle's a battle, and you never want to lose men. *Beep beep beep* After roughly 3 minutes the communicator bleeped again, Peter's voice instantly talking as soon as he picked up. "So, sir, i think the best choice might be to call in a couple corvettes and MAYBE a destroyer, judging by the last battles, misslecrafts might be a good choice, and the destroyed should probably be a modified broadsider, the Dr’acha’lians aren't the fastest, but they're not very slow either." William nodded approvingly, eyebrows raised in surprise "Well, thank you Peter! You've done a great job, grab yourself a drink, there's a particularily good soda in the first layer of the drink storage. Though i suggest you don't take anything alcoholic just yet, let's save that for after the battle" Peter chuckled heartily "Thanks sir, but i don't drink, i'll take a look at the soda though! Good luck, sir!" William smiled, ending communications and switching it to the coms devision. "Communications, order some reinforcements, send in 5 corvette missleboats and a destroyer, modified broadsider if at all possible." "Very well sir, punching in the order now...and done! They will be in in about 7 minutes" "Good, thank you, keep up the good work" William closed coms again, leaning against the terminals. "So, now we wait! Let's hope those dull reptillians make themselves and easy target...fire some more radar shots, see if they find anything." "Yup, will do sir." The navigator pressed a few of the buttons, which then sends orders to the artillery garrisons to send out shots. A very efficient system, it simply worked with buttons and orders, of course if specifics were needed or the order buttons were defective/in maintenance, coms can always be opened. They though of everything in this top-of-the-line warship.
The minutes passed rather slowly, but after they passed, it was always worth the wait seeing the ships come in from lightfolding, dropping into line smoothly with the wide lightshow of colours as the ships quickly go from a simple mass of warped light to a proper ship. "Sir William, the ships have all arrived" Said the navigator "Good, we can start speeding up! Send the order to search around for recon, let's find those bastards!" Although looking puny by comparison, the corvettes were still missleboats 100 metres long, and those destroyers were about 300 metres! A fleet of those can quickly turn any ship to spacedust, i mean human missles are no joke, they often carry thermobaric explosives that completely incinerate the inside of a ship as long as there is fuel! Brutal...but as they say, 'All's fair in love and war' After about 10 minutes or recon, the message came in...The enemy had been spotted! "Good! Well done boys, place a tracker in their direction and we can start ranging our shots" William looked outside to the general direction the recon ships were headed, and ask and you shall receive, the radar showed a beacon. William looked at the direction for a long moment, and then he noticed the tiny specs...yup, those were Dr’acha’lian ships right, ugly, weirdly coloured and overall horrible. "Prepare the 120cm cannons, we're gonna be hitting them hard right off the bat." The navigator nodded, punching in the order and readying fire. "Any more orders sir?" "Yes, missleboats, get in position to speed in, lock on and fire with everything you have, destroyer, stay with the S.W and join in fire accordingly, prepare concussive shells." "Yes sir!" Said the navigator, punching in the orders and sending them to the ships. In unison the ships started moving along, the corvettes taking up a wide pentagon, silently preparing missles and roaring up their thrusters, ready to rush in and fire. "Alright...Let's now wait just a moment, tell the artilerry to fire the moment they have a perfect shot, as soon as they fire, we will engage" "Understood sir, you heard the captain, the artillery batteries have the say now..." Seconds passed, feeling like hours, and then, dissapearing as fast as they appeared, immense tremmors shook the ship as an entire salvo of 120cm cannons fired their shells, the corvettes swiftly firing the engines and catapulting forwards towards the enemy. The Silver Warfare herself quickly started turning, the destroyer joining the corvettes in their ambush. They could see the shells hit from here, the absolute power in those thing tearing apart entire battleships in a single hit, followed by a positively gigantic swarm of rockets enveloping the enemy fleet, passing by and hitting ships as it passed before the swarm turned around, hitting again and again, continueing to batter the ships, giving them no chance at retaliation. The silver warfare was approaching swiftly, readying arms and armor as the enemy ships scrambled to put a resistance. William opened up shipwide announcements "General quarters, i repeat men, action stations!" The ship quickly armed and armored up, shields glowing, weapons humming, beeping or making other noises. The ship's immense generator went into battle mode, whirring up a storm as electricety went skyhigh to keep up with the demands of the powerful shielding and weaponry. As soon as the Silver Warfare got in range, all hell broke loose as the Dr’acha’lians opened fire upon them, luckily, their weaponry was vastly inferior to the Silver Warfare's bleeding edge tech and simply immense firepower. As the ships started firing, the Silver Warfare started turning, exposing its side to the enemy as to release the full power of the ship. As soon as the cannons were in range, all of them started firing, a swarm of glowing shells starting to pepper the enemy, destroying small ships and leaving only rubble and dust in their wake. "Sir! The ship is keeping steady and the Dr’acha’lians are struggling to mount a proper counterattack, shall we test the experiment, sir?" "Yes, let's try
that! Let's see if we can live up to the name 'Silver Warfare', shall we?" The navigator smiled, opening shipwide anouncement "All hands, stear clear of the generator, the silver test is about to start, this is not a drill. I repeat, this is NOT a drill. The test shall commence in 5 minutes" As soon as the announcement was made, the gunner crews started scrambling to prepare the experiment, removing the barrels from the massive cannons, swiftly replacing them with different ones, luckily quickened by advanced machinery, then they loaded special shells into the cannons, taking great care to damage neither. William looked at the battle taking place, balancing him every now and then as a salvo hit them or the cannons fired. "Are we sure it won't overload the generator?" "Yes sir...well, in a way it will, but not in a harmful way, you know what i mean" William nodded, looking at the battlefield and opening the anouncements channel once again "The test is now starting, gunners may fire when ready" As soon as he finished, the cannons fired, blasting immense amounts of strange dust across the entire battlefield, the cannon's barrels were replaced with smoothbore ones, and this dust was actually... Silver As the dust spread around the battlefield, William quickly opened up a pannel at the command terminal, revealing a large lever. After the dust had properly settle around the enemy ships, he pulled the lever... In the generator room, the generator itself started going faster and faster, threatening to completely destroy itself with the extra charge, when suddenly... The entire comparment was slid open to space, revealing a massive gaping hole in the ship leading directly to the generator, this was a weak spot...what was the plan? That became clear as soon as the silver came close to the generator, a violent discharge spread throughout the entirely of the battlefield, travelling throughout the silver and electrocuting everything in its path. Silver, being one of the most conductive metals out there made the perfect choice. The enemy ships were being completely fried, not even able to fire anymore as all of their inhabitant were either busy dropping dead from electrocution or exploding since it was like being hit by a lightningbolt all across the field. William laughed, looking at the chaos "Well, report to Yeshua the test was a complete success! The silver warfare was baptised not by fire, but by lightning!" William laughed again, pushing the lever and closing the generator off. The generator would need a little while to get back up to strenght, but it's not like the enemy could put up any resistance. While the generator charged, the Silver warfare and supporting ships simply took care of all enemy ships, like shooting fish in a barrel. (Welp! that was that c: I'll probably not stick to a REALY schedule, but i promise i won't just DIE like that again without telling anyone! BUT I LIVE! I LIVE! I already have a million ideas for the series, and it'll be more around a band of adventurers moreso than these battles, as you might see i'm not the best at writing those '^^. Feel free to drop critisism, have a very nice day and i hope to see you next time :D)
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Voltron Part 37
It’s season finale time babey!!! Episodes 12+13 from season 7 are once again two connected episodes, which is why I break my usual pattern here. Instead of the season finale and review being one post, they’re gonna be two seperate posts now! Enjoy! :
Am I just imagining things or do they often recyle scenes this season?
Whoa... Forget Klance, forget Sheith. The Atlas is truly the biggest ship of Voltron
With both Lance and Keith being able to turn their weapon-thingy into a sword, I’m gonna go ahead and assume that they’ll do an epic “giant robot with two swords” scene?
Shiro’s new arm is so weird. Please just, let it connect to your shoulder.... Don’t have a floating bit...
Wow Allura, who would have thought? The evil guy has no morales? I never would have thought of that...
Honestly, the battles were always the least interesting part of Voltron (my opinion), so this episode is really not doing it for me
And I still don’t really care about the random ass children
I love how Shiro and moustache man know exactly how to fly the Atlas, depite knowing nothing about it
I just assume that Sailor Moon is hanging around somewhere, drinking margaritas. Maybe in a pool. With sunglasses on.
Shiro has come to save the day. Even further
Why is he wearing a Garrison space-suit and not his Paladin-armor?
I’m sorry, but that scene of Shiro flying through space is just so dumb
If we had spend more time, or you know any time, with the random ass children I’d probably care more about them
Sure was easy for one person to infiltate an entire ship
Fuck you Shiro. You don’t get to “die” in the season finale. That’s Allura’s thing
The Allurance-feel is reeeaaall
They did a sequence, where each lion used it’s elemental powers. And it’s still just so fucking funny to me that Hunk basically just got a new pair of shoes 
“Are you wearing th-” “The Chanel boots? Yeah, I am.”
God, OG! Galra Kitty man’s death was so anime
Okay. So. Hol up! Shiro and Kitty mirrored each other with the arm thing. Kitty was the one thing season1 “Mary Sue”-Shiro was truly afraid of. They just had a short battle and they are both kinda the head-figure of their repective alignment (if we choose to ignore space witch)
And now Shiro doesn’t even get to kill OG! Galra Kitty man?!?!?
But it did get me a cute Sheith moment
Does the comet-thingy have something to do with space witch? Did they finally remember her existence again?
Oh god, it’s another mecha
Seems like space witch has a few shiny new toys
Love how Keith gives his short inspiring team-speech, and then moustache man chimes in, all like: “I’m relevant too!”
Still love, that since they need time to form Voltron, it kinda implies that all the season 1&2 villains just watched them patiently, while they were doing their magical girl transformation sequence
Oh my god, I fucking predicted it! Epic robot fight with two swords!
Wow! I love Promare!
The fuck is Shiro doing with the Atlas?
Oooh my gosh. It really is Promare. The giant ship, that’s supposed to save humanity, turns into a mecha...
Now that they’ve got a new mecha-transformation sequence, how many times are they going to shove this down our throats?
Okay, the Atlas is a big gal. (Not to be confused with the character Big Gal from Lotor’s girlsquad)
Shiro, space magic did it. Don’t question it
Targeting the mecha’s weapon before it fires.... Didn’t we already do that with 99cent “Castle in the Sky”-robot?
The people in the Atlas don’t know that the mecha will selfdestruct, so they’re probably just wondering what the hell the Paladins are doing?
The earth is saved and now Shiro’s doing a speech about experiencing loss. The camera’s panning over 4-eyes’ death memorial and meanwhile I’m just sitting here, thinking to myself: “We don’t know him. We don’t care about him. The show literally just introduced him, for him to be killed off immediately.”
They’re doing a montage of all the aliens they met visiting earth and- OH MY FUCKING GOD! IT’S PIGEON MAN!
Awww, they’re all truly reunited with their families now~
Stone Cold Bitch is also here! And she’s creeping up on Keith’s family visiting his father’s grave...
Yeah? Alteans are being used as a power-source? That supposed to be a suprise?
We already knew that, thanks to Sailor Moon’s brother. Raisin boy!
If space witch didn’t exist, I’d say that this all felt very “series-finale”
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bluedemon1995 · 3 years
31 Resolutions-Happy New Years! Better late then never right? I wrote way too much and then had a killer headache so sorry it's not on time.  To make up for it, I added a bonus! Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think! Also this one is so long that I’ll add the link if you want to finish reading there!
Pidge was sitting at the table at the NYE gala and for the first time in a long time, feeling unsure. It started off well enough. She was dressed up, wearing a green and black gown that Veronica had assured her was stunning. It hugged her body and yet, didn’t make her feel uncomfortable or self conscious. She wore shiny sandals that reminded her or ivy and some jewelry that some of the Olkarion refugees had made for her. She was even feeling good about her hair and makeup. She felt that she still looked like herself but maybe a more shined up version or even more adult version.
The girl MFE pilots and Romelle all got ready together, having a few pre-drinks and even hiring a driver to take them to the gala. End result, when she arrived at the gala for the first time while attending an event like this, she was feeling happy and relaxed. And while her mom wasn’t happy that she declined a few invitations from some other officers overall she was letting her be because ultimately Colleen was just glad that she was in attendance. But what made today special was that Pidge knew she was getting another opportunity to enjoy her friends and family before everyone dispersed and went back to their own lives.
But that comfort was short lived because over the course of the night, what started as a small look or comment turned into blatant rudeness and what felt like an outright attack on her. Which Pidge was sorely unprepared for. While in school as Katie, she was used to being an outcast and the nerd. But she wasn’t outright bullied because well, no guys were interested in her and she was pretty low on the totem pole. Then at the Garrison she was a guy and while often ignored she wasn’t picked on. Then she found Hunk and Lance and well, no one said shit to her.
But thinking back to when she walked in with the girls and met up with the MFE pilots and the paladins-minus Coran. Everyone greeted each other warmly and introductions of the new people were made. Keith introduced a few new Blades- the males: Linus, Titus and a new female-Amoza. If Pidge thought Acxa was intimidating, Amoza was ten times that. Apparently, they were hoping to see Earth customs firsthand and make a few contacts. They all entered together and grabbed drinks and stood around to mingle. But one of the first things Amoza said to Pidge was inquire why she was so small, if she was a kit.
That comment made Pidge flush and stammer, which probably provided her proof, but she was just unprepared for that comment especially after feeling so mature. Thankfully, Keith interjected, joking that she didn’t want to make that mistake. He gave her a warm look, that made her flush, and when she averted her eyes from his gaze she noticed that Amoza was staring at her. Pidge looked to Veronica but she was arguing with Lance and Hunk and Shay were closely talking. And it didn’t look like she was impressed with her. Getting lost in her thoughts, Pidge lost track of the conversation. Tuning back in, she realized that Amoza had somehow managed to turn everyone so she was on the outskirts of the group. Sighing she glanced around the room looking for an exit strategy.
Spotting her parents, Pidge excused herself to go and say hi to her parents and Krolia. Both Keith and Matt quickly followed however, with Keith asking if everything was ok. She nodded while avoiding his eyes. She didn’t want to seem immature so she just jumped into the conversation. Later, as others mingled she found herself standing with Keith off to the side of the room. As always, she felt herself relax and again feel that strange comfort and familiarity that she often doesn’t find with others. And when Keith asked what she was drinking and she explained it was some new drink that was a version of sake he asked if he could try it. Shyly nodding he took her hand and guided it to his mouth. Pidge felt that his eyes were on hers and she couldn’t break it away. Then the announcement came for everyone find their tables. When she turned she looked up only to find Amoza’s gaze steadfastly on her.
Shaking off that uncomfortable feeling both headed to the table with Keith’s hand in the small of her back. Which was nothing unusual except that her lower back was uncovered due to the dress. As they made their way to the table, Pidge could feel the heat of his hand and that his thumb rhythmically move up and down. As they approached the table of 8, she quickly surmised there was a problem. Sighing she looked around frantically trying to keep her cool. Shiro, Curtis, Hunk, Shay, Lance, Veronica, and Amoza…they were short a seat. As they get to the table, she can feel herself start to panic and she turns looking for a seat close by at a different table.
Keith catches up and quickly sees the problem, frowning, he questions, “Amoza, I thought you were seated with the Blades?”
The young and beautiful alien looks up in surprise. “Oh sorry, I just assumed as your partner, I’d be seated with you. My, um, how do you say, mistake.”
That said she didn’t move. An inch. Pidge had started at the word partner…was Keith in a relationship with the alien? Why didn’t she know about this. But why wouldn’t he? He was single and attractive, and so was she. And tall. Strong.
So many thoughts started flying through her brain that she unintentionally took a step back, slightly twisting her ankle in the unfamiliar heels. She let out a quiet, “Ahh” when Keith’s hand turned into an arm support for her. Adjusting quickly to the added weight he bent his head, murmuring directly in her ear, “Hey no worries, I got you.”
Pidge felt her eyes tear and for a moment everything was blurry. Quickly blinking, she tried to straighten and looked around, “Hey, no problem, I’m fine. I’ll just find another seat. Go ahead and sit Keith.”
She moved away and looked around, right into James’ concerned face. Their eyes met and he stood. “Katie, I’d be honored if you sat at our table. None of us have dates, so we have the room. I mean if, you don’t mind sitting me and a bunch of unruly MFE pilots.” Smiling he reached a hand out to her.
Filled with relief, Pidge nodded, “Sure, thanks James.”
Just as his hand held hers however, Keith interrupted abruptly, “No need Griffin, Amoza should really be with her teammates.” Lacing his fingers with Pidge’s he continues, talking directly to her, “C’mon, like I’d, or um, WE would let you sit anywhere else.” Tugging on her hand he urges her back towards the original table. Now speaking to James-his gaze on the other man standing, “Appreciate the offer but Pidge is ours.”
Pidge starts to move back when she hears James say, “Well, I think she works more with me now so that’s debatable. I’d even go so far to say mine, but sure, you were part of her first team. I understand you have some history there.”
Pidge’s eyes get large and she makes eye contact with Veronica who pretty much spit her wine out all over Lance at that comment. Lance howled, torn between laughing and being bad at getting wine over his suit-loudly, which was a nice distraction. Because Keith had already turned and moved towards Griffin to reply. Pidge quickly pushed Keith towards the table, “Not now! Please.”
He looks down at her and pulls her arm so they are practically embracing. He looks over her head and stares at James, “We can talk about this later Griffin.”
“Looking forward to it, Kogane.”
“Keith, everyone is staring, let’s just sit.”
He nods, turning to the table, “Amoza, do you know where your table is?”
“No, can you show me?”
He nods, “It’s on the perimeter by the entrance doors, two from center.”
Amoza stares at him, then at her. Veronica interjects, “If you’d like I can walk you over now, I just see that Acxa has arrived and I’d love to say hi.” Standing, “Let’s go.”
Amoza finally stands, giving Pidge a look that clearly was not filled with love or New Years cheer. As they sit, she looks down, at her painted nails, thinking, I never stood a chance.
Keith leans close, “Hey, um, sorry did you want to sit with Griffin?”
“It’s just you look a little sad, I’m sorry if I spoke for you. I, just, you belong here with m-us.”
“No, Keith don’t be dense, of course I want to sit here. I just feel bad that your partner had to leave.”
Lance interjects here, “Yeah, what’s with getting a girlfriend and not even telling us! C’mon you could of sent a message!”
Now it was Keith’s turn to say “Huh?”
Lance rolls his eyes, “Um yeah hot alien who said she was your ‘partner’.”
Keith shakes his head in the negative, “No! We aren’t dating. She’s still new to the language I’m simply training her. And the way it works is during training with the Blades is they are supposed to stay with their trainer. Nothing more, so stop.”
At that reply, Pidge lost track of the conversation but felt so relieved that she took her glass of wine and took a healthy drink. Damn, what was going on with her???
The rest of dinner went by fine but Pidge could swear she could feel the alien’s eyes on her. And she was right because each time she turned or looked, she was staring. And somewhere along the line, Keith had his arm draped across the back of her chair and was pretty attentive to her overall, which was only adding to the confusion on Pidge’s end. Which let to a little too much wine at dinner.
Getting up, she excused her self to the restroom hoping to get a handle on herself. As she was washing her hands, she looked in the mirror. Her face was flushed and her hands were shaking. Sighing she wished things could just be easy. Lately, she had found herself thinking of Keith in very unplatonic ways and their phone calls and messages started to become more frequent. She thought Shiro had said that Keith was thinking of staying on Earth for a while and that led to some pretty fun daydreams on her end. But apparently that information was incorrect and she needed to adjust.
Just as she turned to head for the door, Amoza stalked in. She looked her up and down and stated, “Human, I want to inform you that Keith will be my mate. We are perfectly suited and my father is a very powerful man on my planet. I get want I want.”
Pidge blinked, what the hell?!
Suddenly angry and less self conscious, she replies instantly, “Well, alien, I’m thinking Keith has something to do with this and it’s up to him who he will be with. You may think you are perfectly suited but I know we are. That’s what years of fighting side by side do. And I don’t need my daddy to get me a man. I can do it all on my own so fuck off.”
Pushing forward she storms out of the bathroom, only to see Veronica and Acxa listening at the door. Pissed at herself for losing her temper and pissed at the alien who thought she could push her around Pidge looks at them both. Not sure what to expect she’s surprised when they both grin and Acxa replies, “You stop girl!”
Veronica laughs, “I think you meant, you go girl. And I second that, no one has that right and I’m thinking she’s an alien gold digger or hussy.”
That was enough to make Pidge laugh and readjust her mood. The girls walk with her back to the table. “Didn’t you guys have to go to the bathroom?”
“Nope, just wanted to check on you and be sure you had backup if necessary. Acxa saw Amoza leave right after you. We wanted to be sure she didn’t ambush you but a few people slowed us down.”
Feeling calmer, Pidge nods, “Thanks for the backup.”
The rest of the night progressed similarly with Amoza trying to get alone with Keith or trying to put Pidge down but everyone was quick to stop it. But nonetheless it was exhausting trying to keep up her guard. Pidge finally found Matt, “Hey, I’m gonna go, I got a room up stairs and I need to get out of here.”
Matt nods, “I’ll come too.”
“No, no!! Please stay. Tell everyone good night and I’ll see then at the breakfast buffet.”
Matt nods, kissing her cheek. “Be careful, love you and Happy New Year.”
Pidge strides out of the ballroom, stoping at the stairs to take off her shoes. They are killing her and she just doesn’t care anymore. She goes up one step when she hears her name being called loudly. “Pidge, stop.”
Looking across the hallway she sees Keith jogging up to her. With her on the step they are almost eye to eye. “You are going to miss the countdown.”
“It’s okay. Go find”
Both can hear the yelling and the countdown, when Keith tentatively slides his hands on her hips and slowly around her. Pulling her closer, his one hand is splayed on her lower back and the other is on her neck, all the while maintaining eye contact. “Happy New Year” with those words he lowers his mouth to hers. Foregoing a typically tentative first kiss, this kiss was all heat and passion. Pidge’s mind swam and she automatically opened her mouth to his demand. And demand it did. The kiss stole her breath and made her realize that this was what she was missing from her life. How did she survive without Keith’s kisses??
She heard a moan and absently realized that was her! Pidge has no idea how long they kissed but when they stopped her shoes were on the floor, she was pressed up against the stair railing, somehow Keith’s leg was in between hers and she was essentially riding his leg. Her hands were tangled in his hair and both were breathing heavily.
Keith brushes his nose against hers, “So, my New Years resolution is to stop being afraid of rejection and to reach out to those people I need. I’m going to communicate better. That said, I have come to realize, that I need you Katie, so much. And I’m tired of pretending otherwise, I want more than friendship, a lot more. So, I gave my resignation to the Blades and am opening a mechanic shop. I told Shiro I’d freelance for him and the paperwork just got cleared. So I’m officially a consultant for the Garrison and I’m looking for a house. I was hoping and praying, that maybe you’d like to…well..be mine?”
Pidge’s eyes filled with tears, “Quiznack! Of course. Shit Keith that’s the best New Years resolution and let me say, I will also make that same promise. I have come to realize I’ve had feelings for you too and I was too scared to tell you. But, never again.”
They both smiled and kissed again. Upon hearing a whistle and the comment, “Hey isn’t that the Green and Black paladin?” They both decided to adjourn to Pidge’s room and relax.
Next day….
Keith was in the gym going over his mourning routine. He had about 40 minutes before he needed to wake Pidge up for the breakfast. He was hoping to be done in 20 so they could have a little time before meeting up with everyone. He couldn’t wait to tell Shiro the good news even though he figured he already knew.
With that he turned to see his blade team walking in. Acxa smiled, “You look very happy.”
Keith grinned, “Yeah I feel it too.”
She nods, stating quietly, “Just so you know, there will be money exchanging hands. We have quite a large pool of money on the outcome. So there will be many questions at breakfast.”
Keith laughed, “You know what, I don’t even care. I’m that happy right now.”
Amoza walks up to him and states, “When do we leave?”
Keith nods, addressing the whole group. “So, I was going to tell you this later but now is good. I’m not returning, Acxa will be your leader and I’m staying on Earth. But if you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out. And you know what, I’m done for today, so I’ll see you at breakfast. I’ve gotta go see about my girl.”
He leaves before anyone has a chance to say anything.
At breakfast, the room quiets down fast when Amoza storms in and growls, “You should rethink this. I have offered for you. If necessary, I am willing to battle for your hand. You definitely deserve better than that kit.”
Keith frowns, “That is uncalled for. I’ve never considered us anything other than coworkers. What the hell?”
Pidge grins, “I’m game! How do we battle for Keith’s hand? I haven’t really kicked ass in a while.”
Colleen shoots her a frown, hissing, “Do you SEE how big that alien is? I don’t want you hurt!”
Matt laughs, “Seriously mom, you have no worries. Pidgey is totally badass.”
Krolia stands, “There is no need for a battle. Keith, hand me your blade.” Keith passes it over immediately, “Little one, please take this.”
Pidge takes it, holding it in her hand. Krolia continues, “Please say Knowledge or Death and hold the blade in a fighting stance.”
Pidge nods, standing and instantly mirroring Keith’s fighting stance with the blade and says clearly, “Knowledge or Death.”
The blade instantly glows and transforms into Keith’s preferred weapon. But then the blade glows even brighter and slowly transforms into a weapon that is better suited for Pidge, lighter and more balanced for a smaller fighter. As the room is filled with gasps, all of the Blades kneel and with a fist over their hearts reply, “Knowledge or death.”
Pidge looks to Keith who looks just as confused. Krolia speaks up again, “Thank you. You may pass the weapon back to Keith. This is proof that even the blade recognizes you as Keith’s true mate.” She smiles and reaches out to squeeze Pidge’s shoulder.
Pidge sits down, “Wow, that was intense. I wonder how that does it? It actually felt lighter when it changed for me. I wonder if I could“
Keith grins, and kisses her on the mouth, “Later, we have all the time in the world remember?”
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annewritesfic · 3 years
alright here's the chess and kate voltron au thing
"Um. Hi."
Chess, sitting at the table in the Castle kitchen with a glass of some Altean drink, looks up, and sighs internally when she sees Kate in the doorway. Kate's wearing a dark grey t-shirt and running shorts, and her feet are bare, even though Farrah has advised against bare feet in the Castle, where spare parts could always be lying around.
"I just… wanted something to eat," Kate says nervously. Why are they nervous? Don't they hate Chess?
"Go ahead."
Kate crosses the room, stepping carefully like she's trying not to wake a sleeping bear.
"God, what's wrong with you?" Chess snaps, then immediately feels bad. "I mean, is everything okay?"
Kate grits her teeth. "I just want a fucking snack without you yelling at me."
"Oh, I'm the one who always starts yelling at you?"
"That's not what I said! At all, actually!"
"God, you're insufferable."
Kate slams the packet down on the table, and with a start, Chess realizes their eyes are brimming with tears. What…?
"Why do you hate me so much?" Kate asks quietly, her voice cracking. "I didn't do anything to you."
"I-" Chess knows what she would normally say. Kate's a good pilot, the Garrison instructors never shut up about them, she's annoying. But suddenly, all those things she's told them before, she can't say to this kid, who looks so vulnerable in her PJs, crying at 1 AM in the kitchen.
Kate shakes their head and picks the packet back up. "Whatever. Forget I said anything. I don't fucking care."
"Kate, wait."
Kate stops in the doorway, one hand on the doorframe, not looking at Chess.
"I'm sorry, okay?" Chess takes a deep breath. "It's just… Cairo is my idol. I've always looked up to her, always respected her, and then suddenly we were on an alien planet and I knew her, personally. But she spent all her time with you. At the Garrison, she was always busy, and her free time was always checking up on you. And now, you guys are always hanging out, always talking, and I just… I'm jealous, okay? I want the relationship you have with her."
Kate's fingers curl around the edge of the doorframe, and then they turn to look at Chess. She's crying freely now, but ignores the tears rolling down their cheeks. "That's it? You only hate me because of Cai?"
"Yes, okay?" Chess sighs. "Don't make me say it again."
Kate hesitates, then walks forward and sits next to Chess. "Cairo saved me. I was so alone… my mom left when I was a baby, and my dad died when I was nine. I got shuffled between foster homes, and at school, everyone hated me and I hated them. I was twelve and rotting away in a middle school classroom that I hated when Cairo came and gave a speech to my class and let us fly a crappy simulator. I got mad at a kid and literally stole her car, but she persuaded the school and the foster system to let me into the Garrison anyways. I literally owe her everything." She shrugs. "Hell, if Cairo hadn't saved me, I wouldn't have gotten to the Garrison, and so I couldn't have gotten kicked out, and then wouldn't have ended up where I was and wouldn't have found your lion."
Chess doesn't know what to say. "Oh. Fuck, Kate, I-"
"Chess, can we not fight anymore?" Kate looks at her with wide eyes. "My only friend is like eleven years older than me, and is really more like a parent figure. That's kind of pathetic."
Chess manages a laugh. "I can work on that. I'm sorry I was a bitch to you."
Kate shrugs again. "It's okay. I was a bitch back." They both laugh, and then smile a bit at each other. "Friends?"
They shake on it, and then walk back to their rooms together, and Chess goes to bed feeling lighter than she has in months.
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aire-writes · 4 years
“Cute headcanons for Shiro or Hunk with a dorky botanist who usually ends up running off because they saw something new and absolutely has to examine it”
Ohh my god
He’s so happy he doesn’t have allergies.
He has no idea if what you bring home could even make allergies flare-up.
He’ll sit there and listen happily while you talk about the process of plants and what you did that day at work.
He’s just super happy that you’re happy.
Whenever he’s on a mission on a foreign planet he’ll pick up a plant or two.
Allura and Pidge make sure to gather some information on it when Shiro forgets to.
Which is often.
And by often I mean all the time.
He’s just super excited to bring something pretty home to you.
Something no one else could offer >u>
To his surprise, you weren’t too happy when you came home to find an alien flower in your garden.
“Wh-whats wrong with a flower?!” he was genuinely confused.
After explaining to him the dangers of bringing foreign plants to new countries and what could happen he started to limit what he brought back.
He always brought back a new plant in a container. 
Once you’ve observed it at home you’ll take it to work and have your co-workers help study it.
After awhile the Garrison would probably invite you and your team to work for them.
Once you work for them you get all new equipment and all access to the galaxies plant life.
Shiro starts crying a little when he sees you kept the first plant he ever gave you at your desk.
He’s learned a lot about plants since he met you.
It comes in a lot of handy on missions actually.
-You get to explore the universe with him now so PLANTS!!!-
He was pretty excited to have you go on such a light mission with him
He wouldn’t even call it a mission, he just needed to drop off some supplies to a planet and the Paladins had nothing else to do today.
So they figured they could explore whatever planets they were sent to.
He was super excited to show off in the Black Lion, like the mega dork he is.
Once the delivery was done he took you to the most interesting place he saw before landing,
He instantly regretted that decision
You ran ahead to look at some flowers, take notes, and record how the insects interacted with it.
All the while some crazy giant snake was creeping up behind you.
Shiro cut it to bits before it could bite you.
He thought he could keep better track of you and keep you safe but holy shit
He looked up.
And you were gone.
When he found you he about had a heart attack.
Whatever vegetation you had found wasn’t vegetation!
It was a lure for prey, and you were sitting on some monsters tongue!
He ran as fast as he could to save you.
But you were gone!
The monster’s mouth snapped shut.
Around him.
You had managed to run off to look at something else.
He was just about to rip his way out of the creature when it all went slack and he was pulled out.
By you.
“You should be more careful! This thing could have digested you in like 5 seconds for all you know!”
He was dumbfounded.
“I’m a scientist you think I’m not aware of these things?”
Now Hunk knew about the dangers of bringing forget plants to new places.
When he comes back with his plant gifts
He’s got all the info for you.
Seeds, soil samples, and if there's a video on it he’ll ask Pidge to help translate it :)
He’d be super excited to build you a greenhouse, but why stop there?
He goes to the Garrison, with Pidge as his wingman, to talk about you and how much you’ve learned about alien plants and stuff and how useful that could be as a whole to the planet.
You get a job offer a few days later.
Hunk, Pidge, Coran, and Matt build what's probably the best lab in the Galaxy.
He’s super excited to have you working so much closer to him.
He’s also super duper excited to learn everything he can from you.
Will absolutely find a way to include any edible plants into a dish.
Makes his own cookbook with you as a writer since he couldn’t have done it without you. 
-You get to explore the universe with him now so PLANTS!!!-
Oh, he knew what to expect.
He knew you were gonna run off and something bad was going to happen.
He’s Hunk, he plans ahead.
So he made a little pod for the both of you to ride around in and take in the scenery.
It even had a little trunk incase you saw anything you wanted to take back and examine.
He’d probably put a “mood” setting in to tint the windows for some more romantic moments.
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fangirlauthor · 4 years
A Rip in Time Chapter Three
Here’s chapter three! I got tired of writing (future) Matt every time he did something so pre-kerberos Matt is not included in this chapter. Link to post with link to the work on ao3 is in my pinned post/master post. 
Matt Holt knew they didn’t believe him. Not all of them, not on everything. Honestly, he couldn’t blame them - it’s all a little crazy, even to him. He wouldn’t have believed himself if he had been himself before he’d been kidnapped and eventually traveled back in time. All of which brings him to the other problem - his head is killing him. He’s not sure if there’s some sort of time-sickness occurring, or if it’s all this thinking about himself in several different time periods, or what, but he’s in dire need of an ibuprofen, and it doesn’t seem like anyone has one to spare. 
Preparations began properly… yesterday? He’s pretty sure it was yesterday. Like he said, his head is having trouble, what with the...time difference and all. Anyway, preparations began recently, but things are going slowly. The people who don’t believe him, even though they’re keeping quiet, are causing trouble - if people aren’t willing to help, they’re not going to, and they’ll certainly try to get others to not help either. 
“So far, we’ve put everyone on high alert, armed them with knives and the knowledge that guns won’t save them, set up patrols, and had the pilots be ready to fly, also with the knowledge that the onboard weapons won’t save them, sir.”
“All right,” said Iverson, turning away from the lower-ranking officer reporting to him to look at Matt. “What else can we do?”
Matt shook his head. “Not much. We don’t have the time - or the resources - to build weapons capable of breaching Galra defenses. Basically, just get everyone ready to fight.”
Iverson’s eyes narrowed, his face scrunching as he scrutinized Matt. “We’ve already done that. What can we do that we haven’t already done?”
“Nothing I can think of.” Matt turned around, body facing the fence they were standing by, and looked up at the clear sky. “Actually,” he said as Iverson was preparing to walk away angrily. “We can hope and pray that Voltron shows up in time. Otherwise, we won’t last long.”
Iverson sighed. Two days ago was supposed to have been the launch marking the pinnacle of human achievement - having a future version of one of the crew members show up and inform them that they weren’t as ahead as they thought they were was disarming, to say the least. 
Matt turned back to the sky and said, “Commander?”
“Yes, Holt?”
Matt grinned like an imp. “Shiro found it dis-arming as well.”
“Wait, you said that like it was a  pun. Why did you say that like it was a pun?” Matt turned around to see Shiro, with a full head of dark hair and no scar walking up, Adam walking next to him. This didn’t quite fit the events Matt remembered - he was certain Adam had broken up with Shiro. Huh. Maybe the extra time given to them after he appeared was helping them heal their relationship - helping them understand each other and each other’s reasons for doing certain things better. 
Matt glanced at the three people staring at him expectantly and nearly peed a little. This was not going to be fun to explain. 
Fortunately for him, he didn’t have to. Unfortunately for him and literally everyone else, it was because the Galra had arrived. 
“Sir, your orders?” Shiro and Adam had headed off to who knows where the minute the ships appeared in the sky and had been replaced by a random lady in a gray uniform. 
Iverson was too busy gaping at the fleet of Galra - he assumed they were Galra, anyway; he’d never seen any before - cruisers that had just appeared out of nowhere to respond, so Matt said, “Tell the pilots to get ready, and make sure everyone can see what’s going on.”
The lady blinked. “You want me to livestream an alien invasion?”
Matt nodded excessively. “Yes, that. And make sure not to fire on them, that won’t do anything besides make them angry.”
The lady glanced at Commander Iverson, nodded, turned on her heel, and headed inside the building - presumably to set up a live stream. 
Iverson was still staring at the cruisers when he waved to unseen people. Matt started to walk up next to him when two pairs of hands grabbed him from behind. “What-” Matt paused, then started again, “I’m sorry, watt is going on?
“Look, kid.” Iverson finally turned around. “It’s nothing personal, but you’re under arrest for hindering government activities and interfering illegally on private property. You’ve convinced the entire Galaxy Garrison that there’s some mechanical hope for them to survive this, and you haven’t given them any way to defend themselves.”
“But- there isn’t one! There was only the time and the resources to do what we already have, and like I said, if you fire on them, you’re going to provoke them.”
Iverson shook his head. “We’ve got this from here.” He jerked his head at one of the people holding him back. “Take him to a cell. And make sure to put a screen displaying the livestream in his line of sight. Wouldn’t want anyone to be clued out.”
Matt let the guards drag him several feet towards the building before he decided to remind everyone that he’s not as weak as he was when he left for Kerberos. He jabbed his elbow into one guard’s solar plexus and kneed the other in the crotch, instinctively wincing in sympathy. 
“Wha-” The next guard didn’t even have time to get a single word out before Matt knocked him down too. 
“Oh, man,” Matt panted. “This is a lot harder in Earth gravity.” Unfolding from his crouched position, Matt sprinted over to the main building of the Garrison Complex where a crowd of people had gathered; his original plan had been to talk to Iverson and get him to see reason, but he was nowhere to be found - besides, something about the last time Matt had seen Iverson was bugging him, but he wasn’t sure what. Not yet, anyway. 
“Everyone, get down!” he yelled, still heading for the crowd as a small Galra fighter plane opened fire. Not many people listened to him, but there were approximately two good reasons for that. 
1. People were too busy running from the Galra fighter plane (wings not included, apparently) that was heading straight for the crowd. 
2. Apparently a crashing jet makes a lot of noise on the way down. 
It didn’t matter anyway; most people didn’t need to be told to get out of the way. Unfortunately, some did - Commander Iverson included. For whatever reason, he was standing directly in the falling ship’s path as dozens of other people ran away. 
On the other hand, Matt Holt wasn’t exactly running away either. Iverson - annoying as he was - wasn’t about to die if there was something he could do about it. So he gave a final burst of concentrated effort, tripped, fell onto Iverson, knocked him down, and proceeded to roll away - dragging Iverson with him - like a five year-old on a grass hill in the summer. 
They didn’t get very far. Rolling on flat concrete when one person is dead weight - for whatever reason - isn’t easy. And the plane is still coming, falling faster as gravity continues to pull. 
It’s close enough to read the identification number on the side, now, and Iverson still isn’t moving. There’s nowhere for Matt to go - he wouldn’t be able to outrun the ship at this point - and Matt isn’t leaving Iverson behind. 
He closes his eyes, unable to watch the ship continue to fall - not much farther now - and he lies there, on cold cement with an unmoving but still breathing Iverson next to him. 
He’s still lying there when the sound of scraping metal and a small explosion sound. 
And he’s still lying there two minutes later, when people have started to gather nearby to gawk. 
And he’s still there three minutes after that, when he realized he isn’t dead. 
And when he opened his eyes, he smiled; he knows what all the people are gawking at. 
Landed on a large open space on Garrison property, the remains of a Galra fighter in its paws, was a giant green lion. 
And inside was his sister.
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
Things had seriously gone to “shit”, as Keith called it. He would normally recall Shiro scolding him for even using that language, but that wasn’t really possible. Not even close, he could say every curse word in the book and Shiro could say nothing. All because he went on a “stupid fucking” trip to space. His soulmate, Takashi Shirogane, had gone out on the Kerberos mission one year ago. That was when he absolutely lost in.
Everything was practically disregarded in that sense. Every time he tried to act upon it, or mention it to the professors, they brushed him away. Told him not to worry about it. He couldn’t help but worry about it! His arm had felt like it was on fire at some point. Like someone ruthlessly cut it off with a chainsaw, and after that episode at the Garrison, everyone assumed he was dead. Even Keith, at that point. He hadn’t felt anything after, especially not in that arm.
Every so often though? Every so often, there was either a punch in the gut or a pinch in his shoulder. He almost worried he was imagining it, hoping too much Shiro was still out there. Keith was generally conflicted- he didn’t know what to think, not anymore.
Keith was eighteen now. He’d got kicked out (though he liked to think of it as more of purposefully dropping out) of the Garrison a little less than two months after Shiro had gone. It was ridiculous. He’d found his own refuge in the desert, away from the Garrison but close enough to monitor what ships came and went. In hopes that maybe, just maybe, with his last glimmer of hope, they would one day be welcoming his soulmate back to earth. That didn’t happen though, not for a while. Keith survived on his own, a motorbike, a shack to hole himself up, and his own thoughts. Consistently, he would try to figure out the route the Kerberos ship took, how it could’ve gone off course.
A meteor shower? Possible, but doubtful. Some crazy aliens? Possible, but again, very doubtful. Keith wouldn’t give up hope, not for a second. If he was still feeling a pain that wasn’t his own, Shiro had to be out there. Unless they were abusing a not so alive Shiro... just gross.
It was late. Stars flittered across the navy blue sky, and there were hardly any sounds besides the soft hiss of a desert snake, or chirps of crickets and other bugs. The one thing that interrupted that peace was the distant thud of something landing. Something hitting a hard surface. That woke Keith from his short lived slumber, violet eyes flickering wildly around his own room. At first, he considered it to be something in his dream, but he didn’t remember dreaming up anything... shoving the one blanket off his body, he stepped out his door and glanced down both sides. That’s when he saw it. A faint light over the horizon.
He had to figure out what this was. If it was Shiro, he couldn’t miss out. Even if it was doubtful. Grabbing his jacket, he tugged it over his shoulders, pulling his bandana around his neck as well. Other than his knife, he didn’t exactly have a form of weapon. Ah, well, his fists would do just fine. Then again, maybe they would be friendly. In one movement, he grabbed his keys and pushed out the door, hopping on the bike and pushing it into gear. He was off faster than lightning. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, going off small ledges and short cuts to reach the place faster.
Keith turned the engine off and stopped a fair bit away, stepping past the rock he’d parked behind to peer narrowly ahead. It looked like a sort of escape pod, or ship in general. Curiosity tugged at the corners of his mind, and cautiously glanced around, he pulled red material over his nose, skillfully making his way over in quiet. No distractions, no one to stop him. Navigating into the place was a different thing, but the door had been left open; probably from the rough landing. His boots quietly clicked against the metal, and he approached down the hall, only to see three men. All were wearing gas masks, and extremely unhappy to see Keith. His fists raised up defensively, and in a few swift movements, they were taken down.
Amateurs. There was someone on the table they were crowded around- must be some insane people using human experiments except- this wasn’t just any human. This was Shiro. The bandana across his face fell down, and his own fingers trailed to gently grip the man’s chin. A scar covered his nose, a tuft of white hair replaced what was once fully black, and as his eyes trailed over, there was a metallic arm. That was the burning feeling. His heart swelled, and he could’ve broken down right there. Yet, he didn’t, and instead hauled the man up to support the pretty limp body.
“I’ve got you, Shiro. Stay with me,” he murmured, surprised his voice even stayed level. An arm secured around his waist, and even though he was significantly larger, he was sure he could manage to get him to the bike and somewhere safe. The Garrison wouldn’t be of much help.. plus, he’d just found his soulmate who almost died, he wasn’t about to share him with anyone else. Keith knew a decent amount with medical categories... enough to help, hopefully.
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Let’s voltron!
“I say vol and you say tron! Vol…..”
“Eh…. voltron?”
“We’ll work on it.”
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’ve been able to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic (and that the easing of some restrictions depending on where you are has not negatively affected you). After binge watching legendary defender on netflix I’ve had the undying and uncontrollable urge to do a voltron rp. Now I bet you’re all wondering what I want and if you’re going to get to do some shipping…….we’ll I guess you’re just going to have to read on and find out.
I’m looking for literate rper’s only. That means people who write in third person past tense, can give me at the very least one well thought out and fleshed paragraph (as well as be willing to write more when the situation calls for it) and has a decent grasp on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will not yell at you for the occasional bout of typonese but one liners, one worders, poorly written responses and lazy writing in general will not keep me around. If I can’t read what you’ve written and you’re not willing to put some effort in or correct it then there’s no point in me sticking around. I also require rper’s who’ve actually watched voltron whether it be legendary defender, defender of the universe or voltron force. If you’re someone whose a stickler for canon accuracy then I’m probably not the rper for you. When I rp in a fandom setting I treat it a bit like a base as in there’s rules to follow but I don’t have to follow them as if I’m reading the show script. To put it simply I value creativity and ideas that allow a different take on the characters and what could’ve happened.
I only rp male alien or alien hybrid characters and they’re premade but flexible in how they’re written. I do not have pictures nor do I desire to spend endless hours of time to find a face claim of a creature that isn’t the typical different coloured humanoids you see in voltron. I have descriptions and that’s it. I do not care if your character is made up on the spot or if you prefer to rp as a canon character. Shippers……I’m sorry but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side, I do not rp them as mains so if you were looking for some sheith or klance I’m sorry to disappoint you. That being said you are free to play as any canon character you desire or an oc as I’m open to oc x oc pairings or oc x canon pairings (you being the canon character) and I do either MxM or FxM pairings. Romance and non fade to black smut will both occur in the rp but it must be slow burn. I do not do fast paced love at first sight as it’s just not something that holds my interest. No sub dom dynamics, switch dynamics only and please no characters whose entire personality is just one emotion or one trait they have.
Guys…..please don’t call my aliens furries or whatever. I don’t rp generic spray painted humans and we’re rping in a world full of wacky and crazy aliens that have fur,scales,tails,multiple arms, etc so I find it Incredibly annoying to have a label forced on my character like it’s a bad thing. Alien means something not from earth, if a human was to be born on altea or daibazzal, it’d be considered an alien despite probably being a hundred percent human. If your view and comfort zone is restricted to aliens that look like an altean and nothing else then you needn’t not message me. I’m not going to make you rp with me if this is a dealbreaker so if you don’t heed this warning then you do not be rude after pulling a shocked pikachu. Be mature about it if you realise it’s a deal breaker rather than just blocking or suddenly deciding you no longer want to talk to me and that you’ll just ignore me till I unfriend you.
DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING OR ASKING YOU WANNA DO A SHEITH RP/ DO YOU RP AS THESE CANON CHARACTERS! I cannot stress this enough. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer that I do not do canon character mains nor do I do rp’s solely for the purpose of shipping said rp characters. As I’ve said before, if you wanna play a canon character go ahead but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. My oc’s are my mains.
You and your characters must be 18+. I’m in my twenties and will not rp with a minor, especially since I have mature and adult themes in my rp’s that I do not want to get into trouble for Rping them with someone whose underaged. Underaged characters are just……..a big no for the sole fact that my characters are adults and that i do not feel uncomfortable playing against underaged characters.
You must be able to give me one or more responses a day. If it’s been two weeks since the last response and you’ve mysteriously disappeared then I’m not going to stick around for the day you decide to answer me. I do not like having my time wasted for any reason. My time zone is the eastern Australian time zone but I’m available and awake at odd hours so time zones aren’t too big of an issue for me. Remember that I’m looking for a long term partner, someone to carry an rp with for more than just a few days or a week and someone to write multiple stories with.
I have tonnes of ideas and head cannons for the rp but I’m open to brainstorming and ideas. We can mix and match ideas till we get something we both like. I want this to be a shared job, don’t expect me to be the one to carry everything just cause I’m the one supplying the idea. Down below I’ve decided to list a couple of ideas that I have:
New school defenders:
the paladins of voltron have been defending the universe for years. Many stories of their countless victories, battles and struggles are something that every parent who was alive during the war told their children. Once the main three were taken out (haggar, lotor and zarkon) the paladins settled down to teaching the garrisons new generation of cadets. The new change in curriculum was welcome for many as well as a new change in ship style. To make sure that peace could be maintained in every quadrant of every galaxy the paladins of voltron has trained the cadets to fly animal styled space ships like the lions. The animal ship a pilot was assigned depended on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, how well they worked in a team and their style of fighting and piloting skills. The importance of team bonding was something the paladins basically preached. When news of the return of an old foe forces the paladins to return to their jobs as voltrons warriors and they suddenly disappear many write them off as dead or perhaps in distress. None of the superiors are interested to find out….. so who will?
Lotor’s reign:
It was unbelievable. It couldn’t be true. It had to not be true. Voltron taken down by lotor, son of the mighty emperor zarkon himself, and the paladins were now working for him without question as his top generals?! When the news had first hit many people had panicked whilst countless others had been slain for daring to believe and protest that it was all just some lie made up by the half galran prince who was now an emperor like his father before him. Princess Allura herself was locked away in an unknown location after refusing the cruel man’s hand in marriage so she is no help for what is now a lost hope. Lotor’s reign had well and truly begun all those years ago and it was holding steady. People had forgotten long ago that even in complete and utter darkness….one can always find a speck of light that burns bright no anger how small.
Mirror mirror:
For many years people believed the galra were a race of cruel, vicious, animalistic thinking beings whose only goal was to destroy and conquer words. No one would’ve ever believed that it was the peacekeeping alteans that had been working to plot the galaxy’s downfall. Voltron, belonged to the galrans, they’d been the ones who’d built it after all despite letting alfor pilot voltron’s right arm. When the king had been turned down on his idea to share the mighty robotic war machine he simply built his own. Five dragons that formed dracotron were what the alteans used as their voltron and weapon to conquer the galaxies. Emperor zarkon, under the advice of Haggar the witch, was one of the few world leaders who managed to get his people to safety. Ever since watching the great kingdoms that he’d known for almost ten thousand years fall under the alteans greed and obsession for power over peace, he prayed for miracle in whatever form he could get it in. When two young stragglers end up stranded on the galra’s second home world, the cards of fate are laid according to haggar, much to everyone else’s confusion. What could two lost souls possibly do to bring back what was lost to the alteans?
Gamora’s guns:
The guns of Gamora was a rebel group with the goal of foiling any plans of the altean empress allura. Led by the brave commander Sven and his somewhat neurotic sidekick Slav, the gun’s were spread far across the galaxy in little pockets of altean dominated space to keep tabs on the empires schemes and try their best to counteract them. The new recruits were aliens and humans from far and wide working together hand in hand to try and prevent a reign of terror from truly taking over. When plans for creating a super weapon fall on the ears of a trusted source, the newest batch of recruits are sent to locate, find and bring back the blueprints. Of course, such things are easier said than done.
The chosen:
Keith.lance.hunk.shiro (or Sven, depends on whether you want this to follow a legendary defender type story arc or one of the older series). Allura. Pidge. These were names that belonged to the universe’s greatest heroes. Legends beyond all compare. They were champions of the universe and paladins of the mightiest robotic warrior to have ever been built: voltron. The great robot and the lions that formed it were well over ten thousand years old…..sadly for the paladins, they knew that they wouldn’t live to or beyond the great age their lions and oldest enemies had. The galaxy garrison had worked extra hard on ensuring that the next generation of pilots would be suitable candidates for the possibility of becoming voltron’s future paladins. Each paladin chose a student whom they felt like would be the most suitable to take their place and trained them with the knowledge that they were not the ones who had the final decision as to who flew who…..or even if they’d fly at all. What happens when one student fails and is rejected by not one but all the lions? What becomes of them and what is their place on team voltron? What happens to the rest of the team? Only time will tell, according to coran, such a thing has never happened before……but what happens if it does?
Before we reach the end of the post, here are some important reminders:
For those who’ve read this thoroughly thank you and congratulations! If you’re at all interested please send me a message and add me on my discord, telegram, email or hangouts (contact info below).
My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187
My telegram: Tiberionwars
My email/hangouts: [email protected]
Hope to write some awesome stories!
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fallenqueen2 · 4 years
Homecoming 2-Final [Voltron]
Voltron didn’t lose all those years once they beat Lotor, this changes the way they returned to Earth.
How I wish the Paladin’s return to Earth went, in this AU they didn’t lose all those years when they beat Lotor as I thought that their return was very lacklustre and didn’t display how amazing and badass the Paladin’s truly were by that point.
I found this in my WIP and decided while it is not done and most likely will never be more than these two chapters, I thought I would share it nonetheless
“Are you guys nervous? I’m nervous like we have no idea how long it’s been on Earth and what if our families aren’t there, what if they freak out and don’t accept us being Paladins and defenders of the universe and oh God what if they aren’t space wolf people?” Hunk babbled as he and the others broke Voltron.
They were flanking their new Castle ship (which the Olkari helped them rebuild and with the crystal from the old castle in place and then Shiro accidentally bonded with the castle itself, it was better than ever) in their individual lions as they slowly descended through the atmosphere of Earth, of their home.
“Hunk, breath!” Keith advised as his face popped up in the yellow lion.
“But Lance, Pidge and I went AWOL to help you and Shiro and then we disappeared, what if we get back and they court-martial us and lock us in the brig and never let us see our families?” Hunk’s mind spun with what could happen and suddenly landing in the Garrison itself seemed like a bad idea.
“Then we’ll just break out of the brig, it will be a lot easier than a Galra brig and then we call our lions and leave,” Keith said simply like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Really?” Hunk whispered, feeling himself relaxing.
“Obviously I mean if they want to mess with any of us then they get all of us,” Lance said cheerfully.
“I’ve already hacked into their systems, my dad did a good job upgrading but I’ve got eyes everywhere and with one click we can get out of anywhere in the Garrison with ease,” Pidge said confidently.
“If they dare to lay a hand on any of you I will show them why Altean’s are to be feared,” Allura said firmly and Hunk sniffed.
“Thanks, guys, you’re the best.” Hunk said voice a bit wobbly.
“Oh yeah, you guys are coming to my house for dinner right? Keith my mom will think you’re far too skinny and will try to fatten you up.” Lance said teasingly and Keith sighed dramatically through their com system.
“We are sticking together so we are going to be making the rounds Lance,” Keith said reminding the other Paladin of their plans.
“Just making sure, I can’t wait to see everyone again. It’s going to be so weird but I can’t wait.” Lance said just as cheerfully.
“I am quite excited to see your homeworld, what you all have told Coran and myself about it has me very interested,” Allura said, childish excitement in her voice and eyes glittering as she took in the shades of blues and greens and desert reds as they made their descent.
“Paladins, 5 dobosh’s until landing, is everyone ready?” Shiro appeared on the lion’s view screens.
The Paladins gave murmured words that basically summed up that they were ready and Coran appeared in the image right in front of Shiro who leaned out of the way.
“Paladins! Let’s do a dramatic entrance like in our promotion shows!” Coran said joyfully and everyone minus Keith let out moans and noises of dismay at that idea.
“I did manage to catch a few of those shows, they always made my day.” Keith chuckled as he remembered trying to keep it together whenever he saw them on a holo screen, but he always left before the talking started because after the first time he felt guilty and missed them so much it hurt.
“No you guys, Coran is right. We are the defenders of the universe, we need to make an entrance.” Lance perked up at the idea.
“What do you have in mind?” Allura asked curiously and Lance’s grinning face just popped up and he explained his idea that had them all chuckling and agreeing to it.
“Let me go out first, we have no idea what we are going to be walking into. I want to make sure it’s safe for you all before we let our guard down.” Shiro stated firmly remembering the last time he had landed in the Garrison in an alien ship, he trusted Commander Holt but he wasn’t sure about the Garrison at the moment.
“We’ll wait for your word Shiro.” Keith agreed and the others nodded sharply and things quieted down when the familiar building of the Garrison appeared below him, it’s orange particle barrier fading away.
“Keep the Castle airborne Coran and be ready to put the barrier up just in case,” Shiro ordered as he headed for an airlock.
“You’ve got it number one!” Coran snapped out a salute and faced his console again. Shiro smiled fondly as he put his helmet on and powered up his jetpacks. He jetted over to the Black Lion and stood tall and strong on the lion’s brow as the lions gently landed on the ground, sending sand and debris flying from the powers of the lion’s thrusters.
“Stay in your lions until I give the go-ahead Paladin's,” Shiro said as he leapt up off the head of the Black lion and landed in a crouch in front of the gathering group of Garrison members.
“Superhero landing!” Lance cheered and Shiro fought back a smile as Hunk and Pidge cheered along with Lance while Keith told them to shut up and pay attention, fondness coating his words.
“Shiro?” Sam Holt stepped forward, the guards and Iverson and four cadets in flight suits tensed.
“Commander, it looks like we got here just in time.” Shiro took the helmet off and held it to his hip and smiled fondly at the man.
“That Shiro is an understatement, it’s good to see you all alive and well.” Sam rushed forward and warmly clapped Shiro’s shoulder with a pleased smile on his face as he waved up to the Green lion with his free hand.
“You as well Commander, now what is the situation with the Garrison, do I need to keep my Paladins in their lions?” Shiro lowered his voice as he eyed the other Garrison members.
“You are classified as friendly’s and no harm will befall you here,” Sam said confidently. “We had to put Admiral Sanda in the brig when she fought too much against us defending against the Galra and wanted to put you all in the brig and experiment on the lions.”  
“So everyone else is okay with us here?” Shiro confirmed, slightly relieved that Sanda wasn’t going to interfere with them.
“You could say that Earth is the newest member of the Voltron Coalition,” Sam said cheerfully and Shiro nodded and turned up to look at the lions and gave a sharp nod.
Five armour clad figures rose from the tops of the lions, jetpacks flaring and they all landed on the ground in a similar style as Shiro had moments before. One by one they removed their helmets and squinted at the bright sun, Pidge ran to her father and tackled him into another hug extremely pleased to see him.
“Welcome home Katie, oh your mother is going to be so happy to see you.” Sam sank to the ground, holding his daughter close as the other Paladins gathered around.
Lance, Hunk and Allura had their heads craned back as they took in the sights of Earth. There was a soft pop and Cosmo appeared on the ground next to Keith who smiled in relief and knelt down to pet the alien wolf smirking at the shifting and looks of awe and shock the gathered Garrison members gave at the sight of the teleporting space wolf.
“Welcome back to Earth Cadets, Commander Shirogane.” Iverson stepped forward and his lips twisted up into a smile. “I guess you’ve surpassed Cadets and Commander status by now huh?”
“Something like that,” Shiro let his own lips twist into a smile.
“Commander Iverson, I owe you an apology for how I acted before all of this,” Keith said boldly as he rose to his feet, fingers tangled in Cosmo’s fur like he was stabilizing him.
“The same could be said of me, no hard feelings?” Iverson offered a hand, he had talked with Sam about what his former cadets had been up to when they disappeared from the planet and he knew that they were no longer the teenagers he had yelled at to do better all those years ago.
“No hard feelings.” Keith shook the offered hand and gave Iverson a small smile before laughing when Cosmo moved forward and he watched as Iverson cooed and stroked Cosmo’s fur.
“Careful Commander, he may teleport you to some random place in the universe,” Lance said snickering a bit when Iverson blinked up at him in shock.
“McClain… I was wrong about you, you had so much potential and I went about trying to bring it out in the wrong way… From the colour of your armour and what Commander Holt told me you not only piloted the Blue Lion off of Earth but now you also pilot the Red Lion. This is what I knew you were capable of.” Iverson rose to his feet and offered Lance his hand as he did with Keith.
“…Thank you, Commander, that actually means a lot to me.” Lance swallowed hard and shook the offered hand.
“LANCE!!!!” A female voice shouted as a uniformed figure pushed her way through the gathered guards and launched herself at Lance, tears in her eyes.
“Veronica? Veronica!” Lance gasped in shock and disbelief before tears streamed down his face as he wrapped his arms around his sister and the two sank onto the ground as they sobbed against each other.
“Get out of my way! That’s my baby!” Another voice shouted and a woman with short hair made her way towards the group, Pidge perking up at the voice.
“Mom!” Pidge extracted herself from her father’s arms and leapt up to hug her mom, the two sobbing and sinking to the ground to match Lance and Veronica. Sam engulfed the two with his arms and held them close.
“You are so grounded young lady.” Colleen sniffed as she held her youngest close.
“Y-Yeah, I figured.” Pidge laughed gasping for air as tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Hunk, Lance, the rest of your families are on their way here and Shiro… Someone is waiting for you.” Sam looked up at the other Paladins and winced when he realized Keith had no one waiting, but the Paladin didn’t look bothered as he talked quietly with Allura who seemed to be asking him numerous questions and they also seemed to be speaking with someone else who must still be on the Castle.
“The rest of the reunions will have to wait, we need to debrief you all and make sure you’re not full of alien radiation,” Iverson said once the tears had slowed and everyone was now on their feet.
“Our suits stop any sort of radiation so there is no need for that,” Allura said smoothly, knowing that the Castle and suits were very efficient that way.
“We’re not doing anything until we see our families.” Hunk said stubbornly.
“You need to be debriefed.” Iverson protested.
“Families first,” Hunk shot back, desperate to see and hold his family after all this time.
“Do Paladins not follow a chain of command? You will debrief when Commander Iverson tells you.” One of the cadet pilots stepped forward, anger and disbelief on his face and tone and Keith narrowed his eyes at the sight of Griffin and he took a step forward when Hunk’s shoulders slumped and his eyes turned downwards.
“Keith,” Shiro said in a low warning tone and Keith shot him a look as his shoulders slumped while rolling his eyes, but Shiro’s warning didn’t stop Lance.
Lance was moving in a blur of blue and white as his Bayard appeared in his right hand, glowing and shifting shapes into an Altean Broadsword that was pressing against Griffin’s neck. Griffin’s squad mate’s yelped and jumped back, not having expecting to be attacked.
“Oh Lance,” Shiro face palmed while Pidge cackled and Keith grinned looking very like Krolia.
“Listen here… Cadet.” Lance sneered, as he looked Griffin up and down with disdain.
“You have no idea who we are anymore, what we have been through. We were ripped out of everything we have ever known and thrown into a war that was 10,000 years old and suddenly we became the defenders of the universe. So don’t you dare try and tell us what to do or what not to do. We understand the chain of command perfectly, just the thing is no one here except maybe Commander Holt is apart of that chain, so cadet. Keep your mouth shut until you understand how we work.”
“Lance, stand down,” Shiro called out amused and Lance bared his teeth at Griffin before letting his Bayard disappear into his suit again before he stepped back into place between Hunk and Keith. Hunk and he fist-bumped absently and Veronica looked at her brother in silent awe and a bit of shock at seeing her brother like that.  
“We won’t make you debrief until you have been reunited with your families, it has been a long time for everyone and that is the least we can do for you all,” Sam said firmly, eyeing Iverson who looked a bit impressed by Lance’s words and quick protective actions.
“Of course, follow us. We have rooms set up for when your families arrive and Garrison outfits for you to change into.” Iverson gestured towards the building.
“Let me get Coran down here then,” Allura said cheerfully and put her helmet back on and a few minutes later with the Castle ship still hovering overhead Coran landed on the ground thanks to Cosmo. Coran cheerfully started to talk to Iverson who thankfully took Coran in stride as the group started to move forward.
“With all due respect Commander, we will be staying in our armour,” Shiro said politely.
“Why?” Veronica asked curiously, she and Lance had their arms twisted together while Pidge was all but clinging to her mom’s side.
“These suits have saved our lives more times than we can count, we were in space and on alien planets and they adjusted so our human bodies could handle it,” Lance explained beaming at his sister, as he felt warm and fuzzy at being with his sister again.
“You have so much to tell us and I’ll try not to freak out like I did when I heard you got blown up by that Sendak!” Veronica inhaled deeply to stop herself from panicking again.
“Ah, you heard that?” Lance said under his breath. “I’ll explain later I promise and it really wasn’t as bad as it sounded?”
“It better not have been,” Veronica said firmly and Lance laughed awkwardly, exchanging a look with Keith who winced as he remembered being the one to hold Lance close as they waited for the healing pods to come back online.
Keith stepped closer to Shiro who was lagging at the back of the group, looking unsure.
“I don’t know how I’m going to do this Keith, we didn’t part on the best terms then I was ‘KIA’ and I don’t know what he knows or if he even wants to see me. I know Sam said he does but I don’t know if I can face him.” Shiro admitted to Keith in a low voice and Keith put his hand on Shiro’s shoulder in silent support.
“You have been through so much Shiro and even if you and Adam didn’t part on the best terms, you both deserve this to either be closure or something else. You have been through so much and you deserve something good.” Keith said softly, remembering the night they had camped out on a planet they had found.
How Shiro told them all about Adam and what had happened. Keith remembered watching Adam and Shiro back in the Garrison and wanting that kind of love in his life.
“I do…” Shiro said slowly like he was coming to terms with that he did deserve something good in his life.
“We’ll be right there with you Shiro, you know that,” Keith said and Shiro shot him a grin and glanced over at the others who were silently sending him smiles or thumbs up discreetly and he knew that he wasn’t alone with this.
“Shiro, he’s in that room… Whenever you’re ready.” Sam stepped back to give Shiro a look.
“Okay, thank you, Sam.” Shiro took a shuddering breath and with one final look at the others who beamed at him and helped up his confidence a bit more. He opened the door to the room and felt his heart beat faster in his chest at the sight of Adam looking the exact same if not a bit tired sitting on the couch, head snapping up when the door creaked open.
“Adam.” Shiro breathed out.
“Takashi, is that really you?” Adam rose to his feet, eyes not moving away from Shiro who was still standing in the doorway, not able to move his body as Adam’s voice washed over him.
“It’s really me Adam, I know it’s a bit of a difference…” Shiro felt his knees going weak and he had to fight the urge to just burst out into tears; he never thought he would see Adam again.
“A bit! Takashi, oh my god.” Adam crossed the room and threw his arms around the other, burying his face in Shiro’s neck letting out shaky sobs. Shiro closing following suit, clutching Adam’s back with his hands and the two of them broke down together, finally reunited after so long.
It felt like an hour before the two managed to extract themselves from the other, tear stains obvious on their cheeks. Adam ran a shaky hand through Shiro’s white hair with a nervous laugh.
“It’s a new look huh?” Adam gave a watery smile.
“Something like that,” Shiro gave his own smile before steeling himself for what he had to say next.
“I’m not sorry I went on the mission, I’m not sorry because even with all the pain and suffering it caused the both of us it brought Voltron together, it gave me this family and I wouldn’t change that for the world,” Shiro said firmly.
“I am sorry about the way we ended things, god I replayed our conversation over and over and I wish it had gone differently.”
“Somehow I knew you would say that Takashi,” Adam closed his eyes briefly as he curled his hand around Shiro’s hand tightly, holding onto him like a lifeline.
“Commander Holt told me about what you endured, what you went through up there, well I’m sure more has happened and no doubt it was watered down for me, but… I see that this is larger than either of us. Goddamn defenders of the universe Takashi. I doubt you will be staying on Earth for good with the universe out there waiting for Voltron. We’ll talk about us later but just right now let me savour having you in my arms again.” Adam lurched forward to cling to Shiro’s amour again.
“Okay Adam, later. I can’t wait to introduce you to my family,” Shiro rested his cheek on top of Adam’s head, inhaling the familiar yet foreign scent of his old boyfriend’s shampoo.
Slowly the two separated from the other and rose to their feet, hands brushing together as they left the room and headed towards the room where the rest of Voltron, the family he had made out in the stars was waiting for their leader to return to them.  
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angels17324 · 5 years
The Violet Paladin (Keith x Reader) Ch 1
Summary: (Y/n) was just a normal girl with a normal life. She’s always been a dreamer looking to the stars and the future. When one fateful night changes her whole life what secrets lie beyond in the unknown?
Word Count: 2447
It was just a normal day of classes at the garrison. I was standing in the back watching my best friend Katie and her teammates fly, unsuccessfully I might add... the simulator, which had resulted in a failure. I watched as Commander Iverson slammed open the pod door and yelled at the trio to get out. He used them as an example of a bad team. 
Comparing them to my own team I think they're better than us. I'm on the team of Ina and Jacob, I hardly knew either of them before getting teamed up and even still I don't know much other than the basics like their flying and comm skills. I'm the team's engineer, I hope after I graduate I'll be able to help build new ships with my idea's.
I had been so zoned out in my thought's that I hadn't realized it was finally my teams turn in the simulator. Unlike with Katie's team, we hadn't crashed or anything so the rest of the class was as uneventful as usual. Thinking about it, it wasn't always like this. It used to be kind of fun, though I never really got to see it being in the engineer's class I had always heard of these two boys, I only learned the name of one, which was Keith because we were in a class together but he got kicked out not long ago.
He used to be one of the perfect models for when I was drawing, having this look about him that made it seem like he was never really here. I probably have more drawings of him than I'm willing to admit but I could help it. I grabbed my backpack with my drawing pad, pencils, and some snacks to go meet Katie on the roof. It had become a nightly routine for us, ever since she sneaked in after her father and brother went missing. I would spend the time sitting next to her either sketching the sky or when I listened to her machine I'd try to sketch what I imagined the voices to look like.
Tonight wasn't going to be any different, I walked onto the roof seeing I was alone I plopped down dangling my feet over the edge and grabbed my sketch pad and a pencil. I began drawing as I heard footsteps behind me and a heavy backpack sat next to me.
I looked over to see Katie. She quickly set up her machine and plugged in the headphone to listen.
"I hope we find out what Voltron is." She said with her eyes closed. "Me too, If it's as dangerous as I think it is, I hope those people we hear never find it," I told her. I went back to sketching the stars again but was soon after interrupted.
"You know it's not polite to ignore your girlfriend." I heard the familiar voice speak from behind. I turned to see none other than Lance and Hunk. "Oh, Lance, Hunk..." It seemed like it took her a moment to register what he had said, "For the last time we're not dating!"
"We're just looking at the stars," I told the Cuban teen. He'd looked pasted Pidge and me to see her tech.
"Man where'd you get that stuff it doesn't look like garrison tech at all," Lance remarked.
"I built it," Pidge smirked.
"You built all this?" Hunk slowly approached her gear to touch it but was slapped away.
"With this puppy, I can scan all the way to the edge of our solar system," She proudly started.
"All the way to Kerberos?" Lance retorted, Pidge immediately shrunk at the mention of that. "You go ballistic anytime a teacher mentions it!" I turned to Lance, "There are just things you don't understand," I took the liberty to slap Hunk's hand away for the second time.
"Well Pidge, if we're gonna bond as a real team we can't have any secrets and it seems like you're most comfortable with (Y/n) so we can bring her along too," Lance gave me one of his looks like he was trying to flirt with me, I had only known the looks cause I've seen him use them on other girls in the garrison. "Fine..." Pidge sighed. "The world as you know it is about to change," She had a sad look in her eye.
"The Kerberos mission wasn't lost because of pilot error or otherwise-"
"STOP TOUCHING MY EQUIPMENT!" Pidge shouted angrily at Hunk. You took note of this to keep an extra close eye on your sketch pad. "Anyways," She said after calming down, "I've been scanning the system and picking up alien radio chatter," She turned to look at Lance.
"Woah! Wait, Alien?!" Hunk panicked.
"Okay, so you're both insane," Lance crossed his arms and glared at us. "We're serious," I matched his glare.
"They've just been repeating one thing, and that's Voltron, and from what I've heard tonight it's been going crazier than ever," Pidge informed them.
"How crazy?" Lance questioned. We were interrupted by Iverson over the P.A. system
"What's going on?" Hunk looked around. "Is that a meteorite?" He pointed out something in the sky.
"Can't be," I mumbled.
"It's a ship!" Pidge announced.
"Holy cow! I can't believe what I am seeing! It's not one of ours,"
"That's because it's one of theirs," I almost wanted to smirk.
"So wait there really are aliens out there?" Hunk began to freak out yet again. Pidge and I immediately packed up and started to leave.
"I've gotta see that ship!" She cheered.
"Hunk come on!" Lance called following us.
The four of you sat on rocks near the base they set up but far enough away that we wouldn't be caught. I watched as Pidge hacked their systems to get a look inside. We watched Shiro on the feed surrounded by men in hazard suits. We had all perked up at the mention of Voltron from Shiro.
"We need to get down there and save him," I said.
"Hate to be the bearer of bad news but weren't we watching on this because there's no way to get down there past those guards?" Hunk pleaded.
"That was before we were properly motivated. Now we just gotta think. Could we tunnel in?" Lance was talking to himself. We all bounced ideas of how to get in (Or to go back to the dorms in Hunk's case), before agreeing on needing a distraction. That's when you heard explosions in the distance.
"Like that!" Lance shouted. Hunk began to freak out thinking it was aliens.
"No, that was a distraction," You commented.
"Yeah, for him," Pidge pointed out someone approaching from opposite of where the garrison had left.
"Oh no way, that guy is always trying to one-up me!" Lance shouted looking through the binoculars.
"Who?" Hunk asked as Lance jumped down.
"Keith!" Lance shouted as Hunk followed him down.
"Who's Keith?" Pidge asked, then turned to me since I was the only one with her still.
"He got kicked out," I told her as we followed the boys. When we made it down everyone but Lance (who ran in) stayed by the entrance and watched the exchange between him and Keith.
Pidge, Hunk and I all kept watching for a minute while Lance and Keith carried Shiro back to Keith's hoverbike.
"Is this thing going to be big enough for all of us?" Pidge asked.
"No," Keith replied. Lance handed Shiro over to Pidge and I as he sat on the wing. Keith quickly took off with the Garrison not far behind us. I helped Pidge keep Shiro on the bike as Keith was telling Hunk what to do to get the officers off our trail. So far it was successful except for one very persistent pursuer.
"Guys it that a cliff up ahead?" Hunk asked.
"Yup." Keith almost playfully said as he speeds up with us all screaming no.
"You're gonna get us all killed!" Lance shouted.
"Just trust me!" Keith said. How we survived that I may never know but we did.
Keith drove to a small shack in the middle of nowhere and parked, by this time it was almost morning and Shiro had woken up.
Everyone except Keith and Shiro was inside just kind of talking. "You realize how much trouble we will be in when we go back right?" I asked. We all remained silent for a moment that's when Keith and Shiro walked in.
Keith walked over to a board covered by a white sheet and ripped it off to reveal a bunch of pictures and diagrams.
"What is this?" Shiro asked.
"I don't really know, I've been working on it basically since I was booted from the Garrison, like some energy out here was telling me to search,"
"For what exactly?" I slightly zoned out from the conversation as I looked at the picture of the lion carvings. I only started paying attention again when I saw Shiro had turned to us.
"I guess I should thank you all, Lance right?" He shook Lance's hand. Then turned to Pidge, Hunk and I.
"(Y/n)," I shook his hand as well.
"The nervous guy is Hunk I'm Pidge," She introduced herself. "So did anyone else from your crew make it out?"
"I'm not sure. The last things I remember are the mission and when we got captured, other than that it's just bits and pieces,"
"Yeah sorry to interrupt but back to the aliens. Where exactly are they now?" Hunk began to panic yet again.
"I can't really put it together, I just remember "Voltron", Its some weapon they're searching for, but I think we need to find it before they do,"
"Well, last night I was rummaging through Pidge's stuff," As soon as I heard that come from Hunk's mouth I clutched mine tighter. "I found this picture, look it's his girlfriend," He chuckled a bit.
"Hey, give me that! Why were you in my stuff?" She asked him.
"I was looking for snacks."
"Did you go through mine?" I asked.
"No," He replied "Anyway's I found these series of number that looks like a Fraunhofer Line,"
"A what?" Keith asked.
"It's a number that describes the emission spectrum of an element, that is not found on earth, So it might be this Voltron and I can probably build a machine to look for it," Hunk quickly explained. "The wavelength looks like this," He pulled out a paper which Keith took and held to his board and it matched up with a series of rock formations.
After Hunk built his machine the six of us traveled out there and followed Hunk and Pidge to a cave with more drawings of the lions. I looked at each one, they were all fascinating. When they started to glow, I backed up a bit when the floor crumbled. We all screamed as we were on almost like a water slide and landed in a little pool of water at the bottom.
"Ow," I mumbled and looked up to see a lion.
"Is this it?" Pidge asked.
"It must be," Shiro said.
"This has got to be what's been causing all this crazy energy out here," Keith walked towards it.
"There's a force field around it." I said, "And probably for a good reason." I mumbled the last part, everyone had already started walking towards it I sighed and followed. Keith put his hands on the force field.
"I wonder how we get through?" He asked no one.
"Maybe we just have to knock?" Lance knocked and the Lion roared to life it seemed like we all had the same vision of six lions forming one giant mecha.
"Whoa," We all said.
"This is only one part of Voltron," Shiro said.
"I wonder where the rest are?" Pidge questioned. The lion lowered down and opened its mouth.
"Hey we probably shouldn't," I started but Lance already ran inside. "Touch anything..." as everyone else walked up.
"Come on (y/n)," Pidge said, I walked up behind her and into the head. The controls all powered on and were in a language we couldn't understand. I stood in the back between Keith and Shiro.
"Okay, guys, I feel like I need to point out just so we're all aware, we're in some kind of futuristic alien cat head right now," Hunk said.
"Whoa did you guys just hear that?"
"What?" Keith asked.
"I think it's talking to me," Lance turned to look at the controls.
"Wait Lance don't touch anything," I said but too late he already started to push buttons.
"Don't worry I've got this," He said and blasted out of the cave and started flying crazily. I grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be Keith who was also holding onto something for dear life.
"You are the worst pilot ever!" Keith yelled.
"This is awesome!" Lance cheered.
"Make it stop!" Hunk pleaded.
"I'm not making it do anything,"
"Where are you going?" Keith asked as we took off towards space.
"I just said I'm not doing anything, it says there is an alien ship approaching Earth I think we're supposed to stop it," Lance said.
"What did it say exactly?" Pidge asked.
"It's not saying words just idea's... Kinda,"
"If that's them and this is what they're coming for maybe we should just give it to them," Hunk said.
"You don't understand, these monsters spread like a plague through the galaxy, giving them this won't stop them," We all glared at Hunk who shrunk back. As we turned back, we were face to face with a large Alien cruiser which began firing at us.
Lance avoided the blasts. "Okay, I think I know what to do,"
"Be careful man this isn't the simulator!" Pidge warned.
"Oh, good, cause I always crash those," Lance said. That didn't make any of us feel any better but Lance shot a beam from the lion and attacked it before flying us away from the planet and towards deep space. We passed Kerberos and we were all in shock, and a wormhole had opened in the distance. "Where does it go?" Pidge asked.
"I don't know, Shiro, you're the senior officer, what should we do?" We all turned to Shiro.
"I don't know what's happening but the lion seems to know more than we do, so, for now, we should trust it. However we're a team now, so we decide together," We were all silent but it seemed like we agreed to go through the wormhole was the best option.
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@somebodytouchedmysaeran @ittie-bittie-tittie 
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shastelly · 5 years
Ocean - March Klance Prompts from MonthlyKlance - Day 19
Yes, it's April, no I don't care :)
This fic brought to you by Seagram's extra dry Gin…enjoy responsibly...the typos took longer than usual to edit out, perhaps drinking and writing aren’t the best combo
  Day 19 - Ocean
  It didn't happen in slow motion.  He didn't get a time-lapsed forever to weigh his options and make his decision.  It was not like the movies at all, but even now as his air and time were running out, he would not have made a different choice.  Even now he knew that split-second decision had been the right one.
  Three Varga ago…
  The plan was solid.  They would infiltrate the Galra cruiser when it was docked at the fueling station on Alien Waterworld.  Lance did not remember the name it had way too many consonants in it to pronounce properly and besides it was totally alien Waterworld, covered nearly entirely in ocean.  The fueling station was a tower that soared up out of the water into the pink sky.  The water was somewhat surprisingly blue, and Lance really appreciated its resemblance to Earth water. 
  Pidge explained that the tower was converted electrochemical energy produced in the alien ocean to fuel.  It was not ecofriendly, and they were slowly killing the planets ecosystem with the three fueling stations towers.  She had suggested that once they completed the mission with the cruiser data retrieval that the castle blast the other two towers as well.
  The towers were manned primarily by droids according to intel and scans.  The team would use Green and her cloak to get into the tower and then sneak aboard the cruiser as it was docked.  Then Lance, Keith, and Hunk would place a series of detonators in key spots around the ship while Pidge and Shiro hacked the mainframe and copied the prisoner records and troop movement information they needed.   When they had the information they needed, they would take a pod and drop down to the ocean where Green waited and Pidge would set off the detonators.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy.  And Shio had rolled his eyes when Lance said it, but it was, it was supposed to be.
  Another brilliant plan ruined by stupidity - Galra stupidity.  One of the detonator's was discovered, one on the starboard engine.  The brilliant detective decided to mess with the bomb and set it off blowing himself and the engine to bits.  Lance is sure that's what happened, because Keith apparently saw the bomb go off as he was trying to stop the idiot from setting it off.
  Now, Lance thinks, maybe being next to the bomb going off wasn't Keith's best plan and that they definitely need to get that boy a long-range weapon of some kind.  At this point Lance thinks a sling and some rocks would be better than nothing.
  "Keith, are you okay?"  Shiro yells in the com.
  "Yeah, yeah, mostly."  Keith's breathy voice almost echoes.  "Blast busted my helmet.  The visor is cracked.  Stupid patrol set off the bomb.  I think we're going down."
  "No kidding, did the free fall clue you in?"  Lance snarked as he clung to the wall in the hall he was in, not far from Keith. 
  "Everyone to the pod now, we need to get off of here before we hit the water."  Shiro ordered.
  Keith was the furthest away and had to make a detour around damaged sections of the ship as doors were sealed in attempt to keep the thing in the air.  It wasn't working, but it was causing Keith a lot of issues.  Lance wasn't having much more luck as he wasn't much ahead of Keith.  About two dobashes after the ordered retreat they found themselves in the same hall.
  "Pidge?  Help?"  Lance asked.
  "I'm in the pod with Shiro.  I can pull up a map."  Pidge's typing could be heard over the com.
  "I'm almost there.  I see the pods."  Hunk yelled.
  "Shit, we have three dobashes to waterfall."  Pidge yelled frantic.
  "Go then!"  Keith yelled as he and Lance moved faster, still not sure how to get to where they needed to be.
  "Don't wait for us."  Lance echoed.
  "We can give you one more dobash."  Pidge snarled.
  "Won't make it.  Get Hunk and go."  Lance panted.
  "Hunk's on board."  Shiro stated.
  "Go Shiro!"  Keith yelled.
  "Pidge, launch."  Shiro ordered.
  "No, we can give them…"
  "They aren't going to make it in time.  Keith, Lance - You are too far out to get to the pods.  Find a secure location and brace for impact.  We will give you the count."  Shiro commanded, sounding sure that they would be okay.
  "Fuck."  Pidge cursed as she pressed the button to launch the pod.  "You have 2.5 dobashes."
  "On it."  Keith answered, though his voice was weak.
  Lance could see the blackened marks on the red paladin armor and the shattered visor and cracked helmet revealed bleeding cuts on Keith's face.
  "Here?"  Lance nodded to a small room to the left of the hall.  It looked like a dorm room, complete with desk and bed.
  "Yeah."  Keith agreed.
  The bed seemed to be bolted into the wall.  They both crawled under it and braced themselves.
  "This sucks."  Keith growled.  His breathing seemed shallow and Lance worried that there was more wrong with him than he had told.
  "Yeah, I've heard of hiding under the bed from a monster or a tornado or maybe a fire, but not a shipwreck and the others never work out either."
  "Lance, you're babbling."
  "I'm not babbling, I am pretending not to be freaking out about our imminent deaths by talking about random things to distract myself.  Where you aware that cows have four stomachs?"  Lance knew he was babbling, he didn't care.
  "They do, it's so they can digest grass and stuff, which humans can't because of just the one stomach.  I had to have my stomach pumped when I was six and drank an entire bottle of tequila that I found in the kitchen cabinet."
  Lance wasn't entirely sure that Keith was paying attention, but he did seem to be humoring him, "Yeah, I got a popsicle and a night in the hospital.  Hospitals aren't so bad when the nurses are nice.  I went out with a nurse once when I was at the Garrison.  She was like five years older than me.  I'm not sure why she said yes when I asked.  She was a good dancer.  We went to three clubs and did shots of tequila.  Then at like 3 am we went cow tipping."
  "Are all your stories about cows and tequila?"
  "Important hallmarks for my childhood."  Lance snarked, though his voice shook slightly.
  "One dobash, are you guys safe."  Shiro asked over the com.
  "We found a good spot.  Riding this thing in."  Lance came back trying to sound confident.
  "Okay.  Hold tight.  Get to an outer area of the ship as soon as possible and we will get you out if we have to make a door."  Shiro responded.
  Something about their leader's voice seemed to fill him with a sense of safe.  Shiro wouldn't let anything happen to them.
  "Okay, Shiro, be careful yourselves."  Keith responded.  He was well aware that Shiro would throw himself into fire if he thought it would save his team.
  Pidge's voice shaking came over the com, "Ten, nine, I love you guys, five, four, three, two, one."
  At one the world shook.  The sound was like a thousand trains running into a thousand cliffs and blowing up.  The paladins were bounced hard against the bed and back down to the floor several times.  Clutching desperately to the bed and each other they tried to minimize the impact and stay contained in their little corner.  They didn't realize they were both screaming at first, the sound covered by the monstrous noise of the crash.
  When Lance came to, he was pressed between the wall and Keith, clutching the former like his life depended on it.  The bed had apparently come loose at some point and Keith was clutching the bed in front of them like a shield.  All in all, Lance decided he wasn't doing too bad.  He felt stiff, his back hurt and his arms and hands were so stiff he had trouble convincing his fingers to let go.
  "Keith?"  Lance jostled him a little as he tried to remove his arms from around the Red Paladin.
  Keith groaned and apparently let go of the bed as it went crashing to the floor.
  "LANCE!" Pidge's scream left his ears ringing.
  "We're here Pidgie.  I'm okay, a little stiff but no damage.  Checking on Keith now."  Lance answered.
  "Quiznak don’t scare me like that again!"  She growled.
  "'m 'kay” Keith slurred.
  "Yeah, not convincing, mullet."  Lance carefully climbed around so that he could see Keith's face and the rest of him.  He didn't see anything new, but that didn't mean he was okay.  Keith blinked a couple of times and then managed to focus on Lance.  "Okay, so head injury from explosion or crash?"
  "Um…both?  I think my helmet's damaged or maybe my headache is just getting worse."  Keith answered squinting at Lance.
  "Okay, well, definite helmet damage because the explosion blew out your visor.  Can you sit up?"  Lance reached out to steady him when Keith wobbled, but he managed to sit.  He closed his eyes and then snapped them open.
  "Dizzy."  He muttered.
  "Okay, you guys get that?"  Lance asked.
  "Yeah, we hear you."  Shiro answered.
  "Lance, we need you guys to get out of the ship, Pidge is sending you the quickest route to an exist.  The blast left a pretty big hole and the ship is starting to sink heavily on that end."  Hunk came over the coms nervously.
  "Route sent."  Pidge returned almost immediately.
  "Okay, Keith, we gotta go."  Lance helped him up.  The fact that he didn't say a word and just did as Lance asked kind of freaked him out a little.  "Moving."
  "We read you.  I'm monitoring your progress."  Pidge offered.
  "Okay."  Lance was nearly carrying Keith by the time they got to the second hallway.  He wasn't sure if it was the head wound or something else, but he was worried.
  "Guys!  You need to hurry!"  Hunk's panic bled through the com.  "The ship is breaking up."
  "What?!"  Lance leaned down and managed to lift Keith up over a shoulder.  "Quiznak you are heavier than you look!"
  "Lance?"  Worry colored Shiro's voice.
  "Keith's too slow, I'm going to try to move us faster."  Lance panted managing to move to a jog.  Keith growled from his back but broke off into a whimper.  Lance tried to move faster.
  The sounds the ship had been making were getting louder.  The rocking from the waves made on impact had accompanied groans and creaks, but now there were louder metallic noises that filled Lance with a kind of dread.
  "LANCE!"  Hunk called out just as the floor in front of him split open with a shriek.
  Lance may have joined the floor in shrieking as he scrambled backwards.  The ship in front of him split and tilted forward, falling away and forward.  He scrambled as the ship rocked hard sliding them back and forth across the hall.  Lance clung to Keith.
  "LANCE?!"  Hunk cried.
  "Ow!  Quiznak!"  Lance slammed hard into the wall and the two section of the ship separated.  The far section moved farther away bobbing like a cork in the ocean.  While the section they were in shifted and started tilting forward, trying to drop them into the ocean below. 
  "No, no, no."  Lance tried to push them back away from the edge, Keith was clinging weakly to him and despite his efforts they were sliding forward. 
  "Lance?!"  Hunk yelled again.
  "Falling, falling, shit."  Lance's outstretched arm managed to grab the corner of a door, but the jolting stop caused Keith to slide out of his arm and he was now clinging to his legs.  "Stopped," he grunted.
  "Lance, where are you?"  Shiro called.
  Lance couldn't focus enough to answer, his arm burned, and Keith was slipping.  He saw another hand hold further down and letting his one go, he managed to get a grip on Keith again and grab the next door.  This time expected the jolt he was able to brace himself and keep his grip on Keith.  Keith groaned.
  "Hanging on."  Lance muttered.  The water was rising.  They were about thirty feet above it.  Their part of the ship was continuing to tilt, and Lance wondered if it would go completely upright and if he could hold on if it did.
  "We are coming to you."  Pidge gritted out.  "We've made it to Green."
  The ship jolted and it was as though an entire level disappeared into the deep blue ocean.  The ship shuddered and shook, and Lance found his grip loosened again and they were sliding and Keith was sliding faster.  Lance gave up all pretense of trying to stop their fall and desperately grabbed for Keith.
  They were almost to the edge and Lance almost had him.  He saw Keith reach out his hand and Lance reached out his.  They were less than an inch apart when Lance's armor hung up on debris from the hall and he was jerked to a stop and Keith slid off the edge and out of site.
  "NOOOO!"  Lance jerked himself free of the debris and slid to the edge.  Keith was just visible sinking into the water almost thirty feet down.
  "LANCE?!"  This time it was Shiro that yelled.
  "Lance, Keith isn't showing up on the scan!"  Pidge shrieked.
  "Water must block the scan, Pidge, you'll have to fix that."  Lance spoke calmly and stepped off the edge.  He crossed his arms over his chest and kept his legs tightly together trying to aim himself after Keith.  That was the moment.  No slow motion, no questions about their fate, no thoughts other than "go".
  "What?  Lance?  Water?" Hunk sputtered.
  It hurt hitting the water that fast, but he his armor protected him.  He searched for Keith and spotting him began swimming for all he was worth.  Keith was sinking further into darkness.  His eyes closed and face slack.
  "nonnonnononnonononononono…" Lance didn't even realize he was talking until another voice answered.
  "Lance.  What's going on?  Talk to us, buddy."
  "nonononononononnonononnonononononono…."  Lance finally reached Keith hands grasping his armor and pulling his body to him.  As he did the water around him darkened like night falling.
  "Lance, the ship!"  Hunk yelled.  "Please!"
  Lance looked up to find the ship and tilted on over and was now coming his way at an unfortunate speed.  He grabbed Keith and began trying to swim away, but the water displaced from the ship was pulling them back.  He had to get Keith air, he had to get him out of the water.
  "nonononononono.." Lance panted breathlessly.  The ship was getting closer.  Soon Lance was swimming up into the ship, dodging between halls.  He realized about two ticks later that the ship had stopped moving.  He just needed to find some air.
  "Need air."  He growled.
  "Air?  There are pockets in the ship, try to reach one.  I don't know where you are because you are in the water."  Pidge fretted.
  "Keith?" Shiro uttered his name like a prayer.
  "Needs air."  Lance gritted out.  He broke the surface of the water in a hallway.  Up and to the right was a doorway.  Lance managed to pull Keith up with him and hauled him out of the water.  Later he would wonder how he managed it, but at the time it was just what needed to happen.
  He pulled Keith's helmet off and his hair spread around wet and dark behind him.  His face pale and unmoving.  A sound came out of Lance like a wounded animal before his lifeguard training kicked in and he began CPR.
  "Breathe damnit!"  Lance hissed as he felt Keith's ribs crack under the pressure.  "Breathe, you stupid mullet!"  Lance wailed.  "BREATHE, PLEASE KEITH!"
  And then he was sputtering and spitting out water, his body jerking and moving, and Lance rolled him to his side sobbing in relief.
  "Lance?"  Shiro begged.
  "Breathing, he's breathing."  Lance choked out.
  "Thank you."  Shiro whispered, Lance wasn't sure if he was talking to him or Keith, but it didn't matter at least the idiot was breathing.
  To be continued in Day 23 Hands
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balmerancrystalance · 6 years
good for the soul ryance hcs
adam is giving the mfe pilots instructions but the second the pretty boy with the blue eyes and bright smile comes out of the pod the world stops
adam: was i clear, cadet?
kinkade: i'm so gay
rizavi, under her breath, offended: wow, bi erasure much?
adam: become a teacher they said, it’ll be fun they said. fuck you, takashi
cue to shiro lightly tapping adam’s shoulder
iverson introduces the paladins and pilots and lance calls kinkade “ryan”
rizavi, being the godsend she is: actually, he’s not comfortable with people calling him-
kinkade, blushing: its okay, really *turning to lance* you can call me ryan
the mfe pilots might be in the middle of an alien war but that had to be at the top 5 of most unbelievable things they've ever seen
leifsdottir: it’s not humanly possible but you just might be blushing about 50 shades of red right now *turning to rizavi* d-did i used the reference right?
rizavi, on the floor: you got it, babygirl
griffin wheezing noises in the background
kinkade goes to visit lance at his hospital room after war is over, lance pretending to be asleep just to see how ryan will deal with his mom alone, his plan backfiring him when the beeping of his heart going into cardiac arrest coming from the machine betrayes him when the word "hero" comes from the other boy's lips
lance goes to shiro with his mayhaps-mayhaps-not boy problems
lance: i thought nothing could scare me anymore, i mean i died and everything but now a pretty boy smiles at me and i feel like i’m gonna be sick
shiro: yOU fUCkING DiEd??!!!?!!?!!
since his talk with shiro almost ended up on him dying, again, lance goes to adam, he doesn’t get that much help but b OI does he has enough material to blackmail shiro now
desperate times call for desperate measures
lance: you have to promise not to tell anyone but... i think ryan likes me...? and i think i like him too...?
keith, stopping halfway his knife trick:
keith: and they say i'm the dense one? jfc its like adam and shiro all over again
lance is telling ryan voltron stories, and ryan it’s a great listener of course, but just objectifies he’s having a hard time believing lance piloted a giant robotic alien lion
lance, before he realizes what he's saying: i could show you around sometime
kinkade, smirking: are you offering me a ride?
lance, after rebooting for the 5th time that night: only if you say yes
spolier alert ahead: he says yes
lance: you'll have to be careful tho, red isn't very-
red’s jaw drops at the sight of kinkade just like everyone else
lance: ...friendly
kinkade, already getting inside: hey, you coming?
lance, staring at the red lion for solid 5 seconds: traitor
dudes pals bros who train together...
kinkade, panting: okay, you might be good at shooting and sparring but i'm sure there's something i'm better at
sponge bob narrator's voice: a few moments later
kinkade, pining lance to the ground: hm, who knew you'd be so bad at hand on hand combat? i win, again
lance, smirking: i got you pinning me down so who's the real winner here
lance asking kinkade for advice because he could listen to him talk forever, and if takes pride he's the only one ryan says more than two words to no one needs to know
lance: nice work out there, sharpshooter
pidge, confused: i thought sharpshooter was your thing?
lance, sighing dreamily watching as ryan walks away: he’s about to be
one day shiro beckons kinkade over after training
kinkade, mocking: is this the part where we have the "you break his heart, i break your neck" talk, commander?
shiro: hmm, i didn't even thought about it but now that you mention it *shiro's arm glow*
one night while doing his perimeter check kinkade bumps into lance stargazing at the garrison's rooftop
lance, smirking: hey, you come here often?
kinkade: umm, we take turns to do our night rounds and i'm in charge of this wing today
lance, after going over the garrison pilots' schedules with hunk and pidge ten thousand times: oh, i didn't knew that
another night kinkade walks into the showers late at night after training, immediately stopping dead on his tracks
someone is s i n g i n g
someone is s i n g i n g in the s h o w e r s
someone is s i n g i n g in s p a n i s h in the s h o w e r s
lance, walking out of the shower: ah! oh, ryan, you scared me! *blushes looking away tightening his altean robe around himself* sorry, i'm still not used to share with so many people after being stuck in space, and i come from a huge family like-wow, okay, i'm rambling again. so, i'm just gonna-
kinkade, turning to take off his shirt, not being able to look at lance in the eye: you have a beautiful voice, lance
*lance.exe has stopped working for so many reasons*
lance beaming when ryan asks him the next day what song he was singing, making his way downtown walking fast and into his room to look for his ancient mp4 where his childhood playlist was intact and giving it to him
lance’s heart screaming in two different languages when ryan asks him to share headphones so lance can translate the songs for him
they try to learn spanish together but both get awfully distracted
lance convinces ryan to do beauty masks with him because, bonding of course, and if he gets to touch the other boy while doing so he won’t complain
kinkade, who has been bullied when little, thrives as lance keeps rambling about how cool his hair is and how beautiful his skin tone is
kinkade: you do know you don't need these, right? or cover up your freckles? or straighten your hair? or pretend you don't use reading glasses?
lance, thanking god the mask won't let his blush show: h-how?
kinkade, quickly looking away: i just like observing people
hunk and ryan become cooking buddies and that’s the law
hunk, leaving the room: and whatever you do, don't let lance lick the spoon
lance, indeed, immediately goes for the spoon
kinkade: lance...
lance, licking the spoon: yes, ryan?
*kinkade.exe has stopped working*
lance knows both the paladins and the mfe would rat him out so literally his only choice is
lance: come on, veronica. i need you to work with me here
veronica: lance, for the last time, my knowledge on the mfe pilots is strictly academic so no, i don't know if kinkade enjoys romcoms, long walks on the beach and deep talks about his future
they're hanging out at lance's old room, with the door open because lance’s mom says so, when ryan finally notices the glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling
kinkade, snorting: oh my god. you were that kind of nerd *they both giggle then stay in silence* how was it like? *turns to lance* to see real ones?
lance: if there's something i've learned from space is that everything is more beautiful up close
kinkade, looking at lance: yeah..
its movie night for team garrison/team voltron but certain pair is mia
pidge at the mfe: wait, if lance isn't with you...
rizavi at the paladins: and kinkade isn't with you...
allura, entering the room: has any of you seen the blue lion?
meanwhile on what was left of varadero beach after the war
lance, walking into the water with his jeans rolled up: i've been dying to come here since since i got back, it looks so different, but still so beautiful. i’m glad you accepted to come with me
as if out of a fucking nicholas sparks book, it starts to rain, and fuck if it isn’t perfect because lance looks so fucking happy and ryan is just weak
kinkade, watching as lance dances under the rain: hey, lance? speaking of things we've been dying to do since you got back
lance, turning to him, smiling: yeah?
kinkade takes lance’s hand to pull him in a twirl and finally kissing him, loosing his balance and falling into the water when lance immediately kisses him back
keith, sitting upside down on the couch playing video games: lance, how do you get a boyfriend?
lance, pausing the game to look at him dead in the eye: keith, my man, the fact i'm dating ryan doesn't mean i have any idea of what the fuck i'm doing
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breezy-cheezy · 5 years
Your drawing of Tim in the Voltron AU is so lovely! I love you added freckles in his face, he's such a cutie 💚 I would love to hear your ideas for this AU! More about Tim's role and the other batfam members as well, it sounds like a really interesting AU :D
HE IS SUCH A CUTIE DANG IT I LOVE HIM???? Timmy needs more love. I can’t help the freckles, I’m glad you like them >v
Oh! Thanks for asking! I can try and give a synopsis…of sorts…I haven’t hashed this out very well yet but!! Musings and extra doodles under the cut!!
Timmy is Pidge’s role! I think he was enrolled in the Galaxy Garrison by his parents; they paid alot, they’re super rich. Now he’s in a very high standing education, and they don’t have to care for him anymore…it stings a lil for Tim, but he’s used to it. What he’s not prepared for…is Bruce. (Bruce is Shiro’s role) He takes Tim under his wing; he tends to do that for students he sees something really special in. He saw it in Richard (Lance’s role), in Jason (Keith’s role) but he dropped out. I wish i knew more about how the garrison worked, I’d be able to flesh this out more. But yeah, Bruce looks out for Tim, and it’s very clear to him Tim is extraordinary. He gets absolutely bored in classes; he’s so ahead already. Bruce teaches him all he knows, and prepares ways for Tim to flourish without the system getting in his way. Bruce becomes the father figure Tim never really had.
Bruce is pronounced dead on the Kerberos mission.
Kinda like in the comics, where Bruce disappears and no one believes he’s alive except for Tim, he draws into himself, doing everything he can to search for Bruce. He knows he’s not dead. He can’t be…
I’m thinking…around here, Tim’s unnamed roomie drops out; he doesn’t care. Except he gets put with a very LOUD and irritatingly friendly roomie. Richard Grayson. Even more irritating is that the notorious Damian Wayne (Hunk’s role…it’s not perfect, but it works) is put in with them as well, since Dick is literally the only person that can deal with the brat. (Damian is also a prodigy, but instead of drawing into himself like Tim, he lashes out and belittles others for not keeping up. He gets bullied alot, which only feeds the flames. Dick watched a bullying episode and immediately adopted the kid in his mind lol)
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(some sketches of their Garrison days lol, and some Galra Jays) 
Anyway, Tim’s main focus is finding Bruce, and Dick is pretty annoying at first, but quickly worms his way into his heart as almost like a brother. As he does to many, he’s a sunshiney guy ^^ Damian appreciates him too, he’ll never admit it. Tim never tells them of his search, but they unintentionally help from time to time. 
The day the meteor hits, Tim KNOWS he has to check it out. Richard is curious and follows along, to his dismay. Damian goes because Dick is going. As usual. Jason is in the facility before them, having been searching for his mother all this time (after uncovering some information of her being missing in space long ago) and is shocked to find Bruce of all people here. Drugged up, scarred beyond belief, and with a cold, metal, alien right arm. They had a falling out of sorts long ago, but can’t help worrying about his past mentor and wanting to rescue him. In comes the rest of the gang, Dick is a HUGE fan of Bruce’s, and insists on helping as well. This is who Tim was looking for too!! Bruce is literally Damian’s father in this AU too, I just haven’t figured out the details of his backstory yet ^^;;; Anyway, cue rescue hijinks!
The rest goes about the same. Jason points out the mysterious cave, Damian figures out the coordinates, and they discover the blue lion. Dick is accepted as the blue paladin (shocked as he is) and flies them all to the castle ship, where they meet Starfire (I was debating Kori or Cass for Allura, but Suki pointed out she’s already a powerful alien space princess…so yeah. It works) and Alfred (Coran). 
“Hi. I’m Richard Grayson. And you’re right here in my arms…you’re safe.” Is very likely something Dickie would say, but in a more reassuring manner…before Kori beats him up anyway X’‘D He’s head over heels for her from the beginning, poor bab. 
Anyway! So Tim is Green, Dickie is Blue, Jason is Red, Damian is Yellow, and Bruce is Black. As for the rest of the batfam/dc verse, they’re either rebellion fighters, aliens, etc. Cass is Shay here, part of some shadow alien race that can’t speak very well. Damian is still obsessed with animals and misplaced creatures, so he’d be a total advocate for her oppressed race, and many others. I like to imagine she goes with the team. I could easily see Duke and Steph as Rebels…it could go on. Kent fam is already aliens, I’d love to see Jon meet Damian…haven’t figured that out yet though. Also I have hilarious images of Bruce struggling to trust Clark’s super powered alien race and build an alliance, but genuinely becoming friends over time! 
So yeah! Lots to play with here! Granted, I haven’t finished Voltron yet, so I don’t have it super solidly planned, but…it’s still fun! Here are some more sketches of the au:
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Let me know if you have anymore questions! They help plan more  ^^ Thank you for asking!!
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eldunea · 5 years
buckle up, kids, let me tell you a bit of history.
[TW: Mentions of racism + racial violence, politics, murder and body horror.]
there is an urban legend in the united states about a native american man who tried to assassinate andrew jackson—the man responsible for the trail of tears, who built his political career on taking indigenous lives. the story goes that while andrew jackson was giving a speech, he threw a dagger at him from his vantage point, perched on top of a tree; the dagger just barely missed, nicking jackson’s ear and embedding itself in the stage wall behind him. suddenly, all eyes were on him, a dark-skinned man dressed in european clothes—including the eyes of the guard. some say he had yellow eyes with catlike slits for pupils. others say he had a tail, and that when he opened his mouth they saw glistening fangs. in any case, it was time for him to make his escape.
according to the story, he let out a yowl like a cat. he then leaped out of the tree and hit the ground running despite being shot two times. he sprinted down the city road, pursued by men shooting at him on horseback, but he managed to outrun them all, not even slowing his pace as the holes in his back continued to bleed. finally he ran into a residential area, leaped the fence into a backyard, and disappeared into the woods. dogs were sent to track him, and spurred by his scent they did so with an unusual ferocity—but they lost the trail in an open clearing.
the dagger remained with the u.s. government, where it was inspected by officials. they assumed that the hilt was made of some sort of bone, and the blade was made of iron. they also assumed that the creature carved into the hilt was a being from native mythology. but there were several things wrong with this picture: for one thing, the carving was too intricate and detailed to have been done by human hands. for another, the feathers that dangled from the hilt were not identified as the feathers of any known bird species. moreover, no native american identified the dagger as one of theirs, nor could they identify the creature or the feathers as belonging to their mythology. lastly, soon enough, the government realized that the blackness coating the outside of the bone was not paint at all. rather, the bone itself was black on the outside and white on the inside (which had allowed the carving to look so striking)—a feature not found in the bone of any species on earth.
the dagger also showed a downright magical stubbornness to never remain with one person for longer than a day. anyone whose hands it passed into would find it lost the next morning, and if they took it back, it would display the same result. mysteriously, no matter how far away it was moved, it always seemed to be trying to get closer to the white house—where andrew jackson lived. and when jackson’s second term was up, the dagger immediately switched course, doggedly pursuing him to his new home.
those who were still loyal to him panicked. they insisted that some sort of “indian curse” was trying to kill their beloved former president. they tracked down the dagger’s location, seized it, locked it in a lead box, sailed out as far as they could go and dumped it in the ocean. and there it lay, allowing itself to become lost and forgotten, ready for the day when it could once again emerge and fulfill its purpose.
earthlings say that america’s seventh president fell victim to lead poisoning from the two bullets that remained embedded in them. but a more apocryphal addition to the legend of the man and his dagger suggests a different end. they say that jackson did not succumb to poisoning symptoms, but met a more grisly fate. instead of peacefully asleep in his bed, they say he was found there on june 8, 1845 with a stab wound in his chest, his face twisted into a scream of agony and fear—after decades of being moved from place to place, the dagger had finally found its mark. chillingly, however, the tale does not stop there: it also adds the detail that his body looked desiccated, dried out, as though the very life essence had been sucked from him. his hands, which reached out for a help that would never come, looked leathery and tough like the hands of the pharaohs laid to rest in egyptian tombs.
here is where the story ends. and here is where my story begins.
the dagger’s magical properties, for its part, had long since been passed off as an idle myth. several decades after it had disposed of the ex-president, it allowed itself to resurface in a collection of indigenous artifacts. those who rediscovered it faced the same problem as those who had initially attempted to pry into its mysteries. if this belonged to a native american nation, then why could no actual native people identify its imagery or its craftsmanship? what sort of animal had bones that were black without and white within, and what sort of bird had originally carried the feathers in its hilt? however, the ignorant americans paid these issues no mind. they classified it as “native american; unknown origin,” when they stuck it in a museum.
for decades more, the dagger did nothing. its purpose had been fulfilled, so all it had to do was wait for its master to show up and recollect it. silently, tamely, it sat there behind the glass, the dried blood of the fallen president long since wiped off its blade. it sent out messages that it knew its original owner would be able to pick up on; humans who looked at it often got the feeling that it was calling to them. it became the most popular item in the exhibit due to the supernatural experience that one received just by looking at it—until one evening in 1945, when the object began to beep.
the security guards alerted the curator, who was just about to go home for the night. curiously, he took the dagger from its encasing and stole into a back room. once there, he tugged at it and figured there must be some way to open it, as the beeping was probably created by something inside. he thought he would have a struggle, but surprisingly, as soon as he pulled on the blade it came out into his hand.
attached to the knife blade was a panel of intricate circuitry in need of repair. and attached to that panel was a vial of a bright blue-white liquid—the drained quintessence of president andrew jackson.
the curator gave it to one of his scientist friends, who immediately recognized the technology for what it was: the invention of a civilization advanced beyond human comprehension. the scientist, who was well aware of all the myths surrounding the dagger, felt as though everything had been made clear. the feathers and bone hilt must have come from extraterrestrial species. the carving must depict either a real species somewhere on a distant planet or a creature from an alien mythos. the dagger’s repeated pursuit of its target must be the result of some sort of artificial intelligence. and the “native” man with catlike eyes who had thrown the dagger, then managed to outrun horses and avoid dogs even after being shot twice--he was obviously an alien in disguise.
immediately he contacted the united states government, which took lotor’s dagger into its possession. everything the government did to test the blade confirmed the scientist’s theory. but what the government was most intrigued by was the quintessence sample; they easily deduced that the quintessence powered the blade, and they wanted to see if it could have any application for humans. they soon discovered its miraculously energy efficient properties: simple machines could run on just a few drops for years on end with no decline in functioning. when NASA was created, its scientists were thrilled to hear the government secret that they had found a miracle substance that far surpassed the capabilities of fossil fuels: this was just what they needed to power their proposed rocket ships, just what they needed to get ahead of the russians. naturally, it wasn’t long before russian spies found out about this secret. the galaxy garrison was founded and started developing quintessence-based weapons and technology, and the russians made their own equivalent soon after. the race was on.
this is the story, my friends, of how lotor sincline attempted to assassinate andrew jackson—which then launched humanity into the space age.
he was indeed the man who perched in that tree and threw the dagger—if he walked around dark-skinned in the united states, most people mistook him for native, black or latino. galra instinct had driven him to climb that tree to get a better view. he already loathed the man in front of him, but hearing the way jackson spoke about native americans pushed him to the brink—it reminded lotor of how his father spoke about his own people, the moon elves, and it didn’t help that he felt that moon elves and native americans had a lot in common. violently triggered, struggling to even think or act with the force of his lived experience and his blood memory coursing through him, he took the concealed “smart dagger” from under his sleeve and snarled, “kill president andrew jackson.” once commanded, the blade would not miss its mark—nor would it rest until its objective was fulfilled.
there was only a one in a million chance of the blade malfunctioning.
somehow, jackson still lived.
in the end, though, lotor’s weapon gave him the death it thought he deserved. when it finally found him in his home, it not only stabbed him, it drained him of quintessence—it had been running low on battery and needed a brand new dose of energy, and the quintessence in jackson’s body would power it for the next 7,000 years. with the new energy, it then consumed him with visions of its master’s intensely traumatic life. moon elvish smart daggers take on their master’s feelings and even their memories, and lotor had bonded with his strongly enough that it was aware of the many traumas he had suffered. as andrew jackson felt the sensations of lotor’s life wrack his body and watched the scenes of the alien’s ordeals flash by, he learned what it was to experience the sort of oppression that he had inflicted on the native americans--and he experienced ten thousand years of it within the span of a mere thirty seconds. the shock of it killed him before the blood loss did.
fast forward to the mid-1900s. the american government kept many secrets from its people. the existence of extraterrestrial life was one of them. the existence of quintessence was not—but they certainly lied about their method for harvesting it. for a time, they were satisfied in taking it from animals—there was a farm outside washington d.c. that raised livestock specifically for quintessence draining. but they soon realized that the quality of the energy drained from the livestock was not as good as the quality of the quintessence within the blade itself. once more recalling the story about how andrew jackson had been found dead and seemingly “drained,” they quickly deduced that the purest source of quintessence available to them was from human beings.
and so it was. the american government got their quintessence fix from people sentenced to the death penalty. capital criminals were told they would get the noose or the electric chair, but instead, they were violently stabbed to death so that the life energy could be drained from them. the united states would never have invented the level of technology depicted in the voltron series if not for the discovery of jackson’s quintessence inside lotor’s dagger; humanity’s incredible progress was thus forged in the blood of the guilty. NASA had no idea that any of this was happening, that the technology they used was being powered by murder--but the galaxy garrison, whose scientists had come to the conclusion that human quintessence was superior to that of animals, did.
spacefaring aliens across the universe have had mixed reactions to this, especially because it’s a common cultural practice for them when they encounter non-spacefaring races to leave no trace of their presence. some of them praise lotor for indirectly getting revenge on an oppressor, and point to how the decades-later result of that helped the human species attain greater technological advancement; these people also tend to be pro-contact. the opposite side points to the fact that the humans harvested criminals for their quintessence, and say that lotor should have been more careful with the use of advanced technology on a “primitive” planet. these people are among the sort who believe that leaving behind even the most seemingly inconsequential of materials can change the course of another species’ history. either way, after being separated from his weapon, lotor figured it was time to go get it back.
when the paladins returned to earth during the events of my canon divergent season 7, lotor told galaxy garrison officials that they had something that belonged to him. he asked to be shown to area 51, where his dagger was giving off the last of its weak calls to be found by him—many of its systems including its system of communication had malfunctioned and were slowly breaking down, which had caused the beeping back in 1945. he was easily able to track it; he took it out of its box, smiling down at it gently. pressing the flat part of the blade to his cheek, he was granted a vision telling him that the item had completed its mission.
“well done,” he murmured. “welcome back, old friend.”
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rueitae · 5 years
"The Common Tongue of You Loving Me" for the Hozier prompt!
Continuation of Too Soon and Not Soon Enough. I hope that’s okay, Ivy.
Keith could cut the tension in the cockpit with a knife. His own stomach coiled into a knot as the Blue Lion flipped, rolled, and dodged yet another round of fire from the two Galra battle cruisers that chased them.
Lance’s hands were shaking. He gripped the controls of this… alien war machine so tightly they paled.
The machine - this Lion - that allowed him, and only him, to pilot it. 
“This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening. I wanna go home!” Hunk was openly hysterical, gripping the back of the pilot’s seat and sobbing, eyes shut tight.
Katie’s side ponytail bobbed and swayed, as she clung to Shiro’s arm, keeping both eyes on the battle outside the ship. With each bang from enemy fire, she held him closer.
“You’re doing great, Lance,” Shiro said calmly. “Pull up!” he followed in panic. Shiro kept his other hand on the back of the seat, offering what encouragement he could to Lance, but fear was still easy to spot in his eyes.
To his credit, Lance reacted and flew them out of the way of another blast. “I’m trying, I’m trying!”
Keith tried to keep tabs on the battle, but he was scrunched between Hunk and Shiro… and Krolia.
“Steady, Lance. The Blue Lion knows what to do, let it guide you.” Krolia’s patience wore thin, though she remained even tempered through grit teeth.
“O-okay,” Lance responded nervously. He took two deep breaths and closed his eyes. All were silent but for their rapidly beating hearts.
Keith clutched his sweatshirt, only now noticing how his hands trembled. Terrified as he was, he preferred if he were the one in the pilot seat. Or Shiro, or even Krolia, not the kid at the bottom of the simulator scores.
A large purple purple hand wrapped around his upper arm. Keith knew it was supposed to be comforting, but the unfamiliarity made him freeze.
Krolia removed her hand and his heart filled with guilt. She’d saved him, Shiro, and these other kids, risking her life to do so. She told him the truth.
She was his mother.
And here he was, pushing away yet another adult - the most important adult he’d probably ever meet. He wanted to yell at her; where had she been all these years? He was half alien? How did she meet Dad? So many questions lay at the tip of his tongue.
But not here while they were running for their lives, in front of a bunch of other kids who’d sooner make fun of him, judge him. It was bad enough they knew he was part alien.
He’d never be normal enough to have friends his age anyway.
“I… I think it has weapons,” Lance said, still jittery. “Maybe we can fight our way ouuuuuut — “
A beam stronger than any fighter jet of Earth blasts from the Lion’s mouth. The kickback sent Keith colliding into Krolia, his backpack crunching against her. Her arms wrapped tightly around him and it’s the only reason he doesn’t go to the floor like Hunk, Shiro, and Pidge.
She protected him.
His brain registered that he held something - Krolia’s armor. His hands gripped her arm plating desperately. Oh no, she probably hated him for brushing her off moments ago.
“S-sorry,” he told her, taking his hands back and grabbing fistful of sweatshirt in each. He couldn’t look at her and he hated it.
Lance let out a loud, sharp laugh. “Take that invaders!” he said with a confidence he hadn’t displayed since encountering the enemy ships.
“Then get us out of here!” Katie yelled as she pulled herself up using the pilot seat.
“Does this thing have a really fast setting?” Keith asked hurriedly. There was no way they could fight here with one ship…
Lance turned around in his seat, facing them with distress on his features. “I’m going as fast as I think I can go!”
The Blue Lion roared. Ahead of them, a circular object appeared out of nowhere.
“What - what’s that?” Hunk fretted. “Is it going to eat us?”
Lance gulped. “Blue wants us to go through it.”
Shiro’s eyes widened. “It’s a wormhole.”
Katie’s jaw dropped. “No one’s seen one before, let alone able to create one,” she said in awe.
“There’s no way we can stay and fight with just the Blue Lion,” Krolia said stiffly. “We must go through in order to escape Ranveig.”
Keith had no real love of Earth besides the happy memories of growing up in his father’s care, but the others had much stronger reactions.
“Where does it go?” Katie asked softly, as if she almost didn’t want to know.
“When can we come back?” Hunk followed up, his voice rose in octave as he spoke. “Our families are still on Earth. What’s going to happen to them?”
The cockpit went silent. Krolia closed her eyes.
“Krolia, please answer them,” Shiro said, his demand weaker with the fear in his eyes.
Krolia sighed. “There is no debate. Lance is the Blue Paladin. Zarkon will chase him to the ends of the universe. If you want any semblance of safety, he must get as far away from Zarkon’s commanders as possible.”
Lance paled, hands shaking. “What about… my family?”
“They will be safer the further away from them you are,” she said quickly. “Hurry, the ships will be upon us soon.”
Lance was no friend of Keith’s, choosing to join the bullies rather than stay out of it like most kids.
But right now, Keith felt awful for him. He had a weapon to fight the Galra invaders, to save his family, but couldn’t.
If his father were still alive…
“We should fight,” Keith blurted.
“No, not this time,” Krolia said firmly. “You will when you are older, but — “
“We have part of Voltron, we can fight!” Katie chimed in. “My family is back on Earth too!”
Hunk bit his lip. “But we don’t have enough firepower… maybe we can sneak in later…”
Lance fought back tears. “Shiro,” he choked, “what should we do?”
Shiro clearly doesn’t know, he’s torn as well. But his posture straightened and his eyes harden, looking like the Galaxy Garrison poster boy he was.
“Krolia is right. We can’t do anything for Earth right now, but maybe we can find help if we go through the wormhole.”
Krolia nodded. “The Blade of Marmora has ample resources to assist you, especially since the Blue Paladin is among us.”
Lance does not look comfortable. He twitched, his eyes averting the gaze of everyone. For a boy who loved attention, he does not welcome it now.
“Well,” Lance attempted to say with swagger, though his eyes said otherwise, “let’s go find a way to save the day then.”
“I swear you will all be safe once you are outside the range of Zarkon’s eyes.” She lowered her head. “I’m… sorry he found out the Blue Lion was on Earth.”
It clicks for Keith then, why Krolia left. Why her arms around him are so firm. To protect the Blue Lion.
To protect him.
Adults always said they loved him, but none ever showed they meant it, leaving him unadopted and not listened to.
Shiro was the first since his father to put action with his words.
Krolia had too, leaving to keep Zarkon from finding Earth.
She loved him.
Keith braced as they entered the wormhole. Now he just had to find a way for his heart to believe it.
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