#order our own materials like wipes bed pads all that
teacher-wangji · 3 years

Don’t forget to maintain your marriage, and practice that SELF-CARE 👊 #parenthood

♬ bodies rhapsody - William Antranig Mar
My job in a nutshell, I think the only thing that I don’t have on my plate is all those appointments.
Like I love my job, but damn, let’s stop pretending it’s the exact same thing as what a gen ed teacher has to do.
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cosmic-goddess-leo · 5 years
Familiar Face - Ukai Keishin x Reader
Summary: Ukai catches up with an old friend who has returned to Miyagi after being gone for 7 years.
Word Count: 4469
Warnings: SMUT. If you are uncomfortable with sex then DON’T READ THIS.
Author’s Note: I like dropping hints that I like older men... I like older men. Also, special thanks to the Haiku Writer’s Chat for helping me with this fic! 
Tagging: @cmllnc​ @haik-whoo​
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“And look at this picture! He totally went bald, it’s only been a couple years and he’s completely bald!”
Ukai sighed deeply, trying to tune out Shimada’s and Takinoue’s gossip as he flipped through a magazine at the store counter. 
Shimada had recently made it a point to friend all their old classmates on FaceBook, claiming it would be good to ‘get in touch’ with everyone and set up a reunion.
Ukai was sure it was an attempt to rekindle old flames with their female classmates.
“Why haven’t you joined FaceBook, Ukai? If you join and you friend me, I’ll only be a couple more people away from having our whole class on here!” Shimada exclaimed, continuing to scroll through his feed while Takinoue looked over his shoulder.
“I don’t need a bunch of strangers to know my business,” Ukai replied, not bothering to glance up at them from his magazine, “If they matter, they’ll already know.”
Shimada huffed before returning to his recommended friends list.
A chirp from the phone followed by an excited gasp caused Ukai to give another irritated sigh.
“(Y/n) friended me back!” Shimada said excitedly.
Ukai finally looked up from the reading material, resisting the urge to completely set it aside and attempt to snatch the phone from his friend’s hands.
“Woah! She looks totally different- she messaged me!”
Well, that was enough for Ukai to toss the magazine aside and try to get a look at the phone.
“What? What’d she say?”
“Oh nowww you’re interested!” Shimada huffed, shielding the phone from Ukai’s eyes. “She said she’s moving back to town for work. She wants to meet for dinner and drinks tonight.”
Ukai would never admit to it, but that made his heart drop. He hadn’t seen or heard from (Y/n) in 7 years.
She decided to go to college in the city, meaning she left everything behind. Including Ukai. After being best friends since middle school (and boyfriend and girlfriend their third year of high school) she just left.
It wasn’t like Ukai didn’t understand. He totally understood why she wanted to go. That didn’t make their breakup any easier though.
“Lucky for you, she’s asking me to invite you and Takinoue.” Shimada smiled, typing out his reply to her.
“What are you saying?” Ukai asked, crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair.
“That we’ll see her at 7 at our old spot.” Shimada replied, sending the message before any of them could object. Not that Ukai would.
He would have to haul ass back to the shop from Karasuno, get changed into something presentable, then haul ass to the restaurant. But he would do it if it meant seeing (Y/n) again.
And that is exactly what he did.
He rushed his last words to the team before sprinting out of the gym, leaving the the boys confused and Takeda scrambling to come up with words of encouragement on the spot.
Once Ukai arrived at the restaurant, he was showered and dressed in jeans and a casual button-up. Something to show he tried but not really.
Shimada and Takinoue had seated themselves to face the door, meaning (Y/n)’s back was to Ukai when he arrived. Once the two started to wave Ukai over, (Y/n) turned to look at him and smiled.
Ukai was suddenly 18 years old again; palms sweaty and knees weak from that familiar smile.
“Keishin!” (Y/n) got up from her spot and leapt into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight embrace he wasn’t expecting. “It’s been so long!”
He quickly returned the hug, lifting her off her tip-toes for a moment. “Too long.”
Ukai set her back down, pulling out of the embrace and repressing the blush he had felt creeping up his neck.
The two sat down, all while (Y/n) continued staring at Ukai. “You look so different, look at this hair!” she beamed, lightly tugging on a blonde strand of hair. “You got your ears pierced too!”
“Yeah,” Ukai smiled, scratching at the back of his head, “I went a little overboard after graduation but I think it fits me...” More like after you left...
“Well I love it. It definitely fits you.” (Y/n) smiled, her gaze lingering on him before turning back to her drink.
“Well, let’s toast! To rekindling old friendships!” Takinoue held up his glass, clinking it against the other three.
Ukai watched (Y/n) from the corner of his eye as he sipped at his beer. It was almost room temperature since they ordered it before he arrived, but his thoughts were wandering elsewhere.
It would be way too forward to tell her how beautiful she had gotten in the years she was gone. When they finally got together their third year, she was a budding flower, still beautiful in her own right as a young woman. Now she was fully bloomed, radiant and flawless. A woman.
Rather than spilling his guts to her about how much he missed her and how these past 7 years were agony, Ukai spent the night laughing about old times while also catching up on more recent events.
“You’re really coaching at Karasuno huh? And to think you gave your gramps all that shit for sticking around like that...” (Y/n) smirked, downing the last of her drink.
“This is different, they really needed it.” Ukai smiled, tapping his fingers against his glass.
“You guys really needed it too, though.” she quipped, earning a laugh from Shimada and Takinoue.
“And what about you? You said you came back for work. What work?” Ukai asked, lightly nudging (Y/n) with his elbow.
(Y/n) shrugged, “I’m an athletic trainer and physical therapist. I’m interviewing for a job tomorrow. That’s all I’ll say about it because I don’t want to jinx it.” There was a coy smile playing on her lips. Either it was the alcohol or she was up to something.
“Well good lu-” Ukai was cut off by (Y/n) covering his mouth.
“No! You’ll jinx it!” (Y/n) giggled, keeping her palm firmly against his lips.
Ukai responded in kind by dragging his tongue along her palm, earning a squeal of disgust from (Y/n) as she pulled back.
“Sick! Keep your bodily fluids to yourself!” (Y/n) groaned, wiping her hand on his shirt.
“Need I remind you there was a time when you didn’t mind my spit.” Ukai smirked, looking away from her to hide his slight blush.
“Oh I don’t need any reminders there.” (Y/n) replied, rolling her eyes at him.
“I can’t believe you two dated.” Takinoue sighed, resting his chin on his palm.
Ukai sent a small glare his way.
“N-not as in you two weren’t a good fit! It’s more like... we all kind of expected you both to get together, when it finally happened it was like a dream!” he explained.
“He’s right,” Shimada added, slowly nodding. “No more tip-toeing around each other. No more cat and mouse. Just boom! Ukai and (Y/n)! They’re like an elephant! When they walk into a room it’s like, okay! They’re in there!”
Now there was no hiding the blush on Ukai’s cheeks. He looked down at (Y/n), who had started shuffling in her spot.
“O-okay, judging from his volume I think it’s time to call it a night.” (Y/n) said, checking her phone for the time. “I need to get to bed soonish anyway. Interview’s in the afternoon but I still want time to get ready.”
“I can get him home.” Takinoue said, dropping cash on the table and helping Shimada up. “We’ll catch up again soon.”
Ukai and (Y/n) bid them goodbye as they began fishing for their wallets.
“You back home home? Or have you found a place?” Ukai asked, helping (Y/n) onto her feet once she paid her fair share of the tab.
She shook her head, “Im in a hotel kinda nearby. Thought it would be weird going back to my parents’ place as a 26 year old...”
Ukai chuckled, following her out of the restaurant. “I don’t blame you.”
The two went silent for a bit, shuffling their feet and hesitating to make eye contact.
“...Shimada never could hold his liquor, huh?” Ukai asked, earning a giggle from (Y/n).
“You’d think after all these years he would have learned...” she mused, running a hand through her hair.
They both went silent again until (Y/n) spoke up, her tone conveying an inkling of hope.
“I have to get up early and all but even then... I’m still kind of thirsty...”
Ukai gave her a small smile, “We can get some beer on the house from the shop...?”
(Y/n) smiled back, “I’d like that.”
He offered (Y/n) his arm, hiding his excitement when she linked their arms and began walking with him in the direction of the shop.
He was sure to lock the door behind them, keeping the lights off so they wouldn’t be disturbed. Even though the shop sign read ‘closed,’ some of the Karasuno boys would still try to get in if the lights were on.
“Do we get to drink in the dark the rest of the night?” (Y/n) asked, taking a swig of her drink.
“We can go upstairs... sit in the living room and talk.” Ukai offered, his palms getting sweaty all over again.
Once (Y/n) accepted, he lead her up the staircase in the back of the store, unlocking the door to his flat and letting her enter first.
“Ooooo, bachelor pad.” She teased, looking around the room. It was surprisingly clean, except for the clothes trail towards the shower he had left earlier.
“Nothing to see here!” he shouted, swiping his boxer briefs from off the floor and throwing them into his bedroom.
(Y/n) giggled, turning away to look at the wall decorations he had strung up. Some movie posters, one karasuno poster, and a couple pictures of their friend group in high school.
She paused at a particular photo of the two of them at graduation, smiling fondly at the memory. “Bring a lot of women up here?”
Ukai had been gathering the rest of the clothes on the floor, pausing at the question. “None that are really noteworthy...”
(Y/n) hummed to herself, tearing her eyes away from the picture and making her way to the couch.
“It’s kind of awkward since the town is small... so I’ve kinda stopped doing that.” he explained, retrieving his beer and sitting beside her.
“Kinda?” she asked.
Ukai shrugged, “I’m only human... I slip up and break my own rules every now and then.”
(Y/n) smiled slightly, shaking her head and taking another drink. “Some things never change...” she mumbled against the bottle.
He kept his eyes on her the whole time, tapping his thumb against the glass. “Did you...?”
(Y/n) bit her lip, unwilling to meet his gaze before taking a big swig of her drink.
“You seemed so sure you would before you left... but it still feels like the same (Y/n).” Ukai continued, slowly looking her over.
“Is it bad if I didn’t change?” she asked, staring at a random corner of the room.
“Not at all...” Ukai paused, unable to hold back a sigh before continuing. “It just makes me wonder... why break up if the only thing that really changed was your zip code...”
“I mean- I did change. I grew up, you did too. I just didn’t want it to end badly because of those growing pains.” (Y/n) explained. “Did... did you think it ended badly?”
“N-no, no I didn’t. I’m grateful it ended the way it did, rather than you falling out of love with me or something... Not that you still love me now- I’m just- Ugh! Bottom line, I’m fine with how things happened. It just... stings...”
(Y/n) chewed at her lip, something Ukai knew she did when she was anxious. He just made things super weird, all cuz he wanted closure.
“Do you have any regrets?” she suddenly asked, finally looking up at him.
Ukai sighed softly, slowly nodding his head. “Yeah... just one... I didn’t go after you.... Do you...?”
(Y/n) chuckled softly, turning back to her bottle. “Yeah actually... I didn’t stay with you.”
The two went silent. Ukai hadn’t meant for the conversation to take this turn. He wasn’t even drunk and he was still spilling his guts over a breakup from 7 years ago.
(Y/n) downed the last of her beer, setting the empty bottle on the coffee table before fully facing Ukai. “Can we try something?”
He raised an eyebrow at her, setting his bottle on the coffee table before turning to her.
“You’re going to kiss me. And if we don’t feel anything, I’ll leave and act like it never happened...” (Y/n) explained. It was a simple set of instructions but it had Ukai’s heart ready to jump out of his chest.
“And if we feel something?” He asked.
(Y/n) shrugged. “I dunno. But I won’t leave...”
Ukai took a deep breath, closing his eyes momentarily to regain his confidence.
“Okay,” he opened his eyes, “I’m ready.”
“You’re kissing your ex-girlfriend, not disarming a bomb.” (Y/n) quipped. 
“Well, now I have to take another deep breath because you broke my concentration.” Ukai complained.
“Will you just hurry-”
Without warning, Ukai cupped (Y/n)’s cheeks and pulled her into a gentle, passionate kiss.
He told himself to keep it simple, but 7 years of repressed feelings suddenly began pouring out into this one intimate moment. Before he knew it, (Y/n) was kissing him back, hands clinging to his shirt and pulling him closer.
(Y/n) brushed her tongue over his lip, earning a moan from Ukai as he pulled her body flush against his.
(Y/n) pulled away for a moment, lightly pushed Ukai to lay on his back, then moved between his legs and flush against him.
Ukai breathlessly pulled her into another kiss, sighing shakily against her lips as his hands roamed her body. He was beginning to regret wearing jeans instead of his usual sweat pants.
(Y/n) tossed his hairband aside and began running her fingers through his hair, causing another moan to bubble from his lips.
No other women made him moan like this. But this was (Y/n). (Y/n) who knew him inside and out. (Y/n) who he knew inside and out.
He brushed his hand through her hair, lightly gripping it and pulling her away, tugging her head to the side and dragging his tongue up her throat. She moaned shakily, gripping his shirt so tight that Ukai thought the buttons might pop off.
The sudden feeling of (Y/n) grinding her hips against Ukai’s had him tugging her hair harder and biting her neck.
(Y/n) whined and began shakily unbuttoning his shirt.
He parted from her neck and moved her to sit up, taking off the button-up and his undershirt.
(Y/n) had gotten busy trying to take off her dress, she almost didn’t notice Ukai’s shirtless body.
She went hot, looking over his amazing physique. He looked nothing like this when they were last together. Something special caught her eye, causing her to smirk once her dress was tossed aside.
“When’d you do this?” she asked, brushing her fingers over one of his pierced nipples. Ukai shivered at her touch. He retaliated by reaching around her and unclasping her bra, tossing it away.
“I told you I went overboard after you left...” he mumbled, kneading her breasts.
(Y/n) moaned shakily, peppering needy kisses against Ukai’s lips. “Take me right here...” she murmured between kisses.
Ukai suddenly flipped their position, getting (Y/n) on her back and straddling her. He pulled his wallet from his back pocket, beginning to take a condom out until (Y/n) stopped him.
“Nuh-uh, I’m on the pill. I’m clean. I want you raw.” She panted, hastily unbuckling his belt.
This was a dream come true.
Ukai threw the wallet aside and tugged off (Y/n)’s panties, stuffing them in the pocket of his jeans before tugging his pants halfway down his thighs.
(Y/n)’s eyes went wide at the sight of him. She gripped the couch cushion as he rubbed his tip against her slit, sighing shakily.
“Maybe I should have stretched first...” (Y/n) breathed, hips twitching as Ukai eased the tip inside of her.
“You’ll get a good stretch from this, angel...” he grunted, her old nickname adding onto the pleasure they were both experiencing.
Ukai eased in deeper, his hips stuttering as (Y/n) dug her nails into his arms. His teeth dug into his bottom lip and his eyes screwed shut. They moaned in unison once he was fully inside of her.
“Kei, if you don’t move...” (Y/n) whined, rolling her hips to gain some friction.
Ukai moaned shakily, slowly rocking his hips against her’s. “Y-you’re as tight as the first time we fucked...”
(Y/n) gasped as Ukai suddenly hit her g-spot, prompting him to thrust faster into that spot he instantly recognized. “Has my angel been waiting for me this whole time?”
She moaned louder, dragging her nails down his arms, earning a symphony of moans from him as well.
Ukai hooked one arm under her leg, spreading her legs wider as he continued plowing into her. He struggled to keep himself propped up with the other hand, shaking hard as (Y/n) began to tighten around him.
He pressed his forehead to hers, growling as she stared into his eyes and clawed at his shoulders.
“Keiiii pleaaaase!” she shrieked, squirming against him.
“T-that’s it, angel. Let me have it...” he groaned, brushing his lips against hers.
(Y/n) screamed shakily, burying her face in Ukai’s neck and biting him.
Ukai came after a few more thrusts, emptying himself inside her while he moaned wildly.
They both panted hard, a wave of euphoria crashing into them in the wake of their orgasms.
(Y/n) tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him into a sloppy kiss.
Once they parted, he stood straight and took off his jeans, standing completely bare in front of (Y/n).
She was slightly confused until he lifted her off the couch and took her to his bedroom. He carefully laid her down before flopping onto the bed beside her.
(Y/n) let out a tired giggle, looking Ukai over as he still struggled to catch his breath.
“I think I have a cramp in my leg...” he groaned.
“Want me to rub it out?” (Y/n) teased, reaching towards him and brushing a strand of hair out of his face.
He slowly shook his head before taking her hand and kissing the tip of her middle finger. “Anymore friction from you and my soul will ascend into heaven.”
(Y/n) sighed softly, relaxing into the mattress and closing her eyes. “I shouldn’t stay... I have my job interview tomorrow.”
Ukai moved closer to her, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. “I have to open the shop up early tomorrow. I’ll wake you up so you have time to go to your hotel and make sure you’re ready... okay?”
(Y/n) slowly nodded, leaning up and kissing him once more.
“I guess this means we still feel something, huh?” Ukai asked, pulling the covers over their bodies.
“I guess so...” (Y/n) smiled, gently hugging his waist. “Maybe you can take me on a proper date tomorrow night... then it can be official.”
He chuckled softly, the need to sleep overcoming his need to say something clever. “Goodnight, (Y/n)...”
“Goodnight, Kei...”
The next day went by like a breeze for Ukai. He got one last kiss from (Y/n) when she left that morning, along with her new phone number. She didn’t even ask for her panties back.
Ukai wore a hoodie that easily covered the bite mark (Y/n) left him, meaning he wouldn’t have to deal with stupid questions from the boys at Karasuno.
Speaking of the boys, they were responding well to the new drills he and Takeda drew up. They were already showing improvement with their spikes and their serves. It was a perfect day.
Ukai was in the process of taking a swig of water when he heard the gym doors open, followed by a “HEADS UP!” from Noya.
The sound of a volleyball smacking against someone’s arm’s made the gym go silent. Hinata caught the stray ball, looking helplessly at Ukai.
The coach turned to see who had entered and blocked the ball.
He snorted, keeled over, and spat up the water he had been drinking onto the gym floor.
Takeda began slapping his back to help clear his airway as the school’s principal thanked (Y/n) profusely.
Ukai figured she had sidestepped in front of the principal and blocked the ball from smacking him right in the family jewels. She never joined Karasuno’s girl’s team, but she had helped Ukai practice enough to know how to receive a ball.
The principal cleared his throat, regained his composure, and led (Y/n) towards the coaches.
Ukai stood up straight, still struggling to breath as he looked her over. She was wearing a button-up shirt, a pencil skirt and heels. She was like an image out of a sexy librarian fantasy... only this was the real world. This was really happening.
“Coach Ukai, Coach Takeda, I would like to introduce your new athletic trainer!” the principal announced, beaming as Takeda and (Y/n) bowed to one another.
“It’s wonderful to meet-”
“What are you doing here?” Ukai coughed, interrupting Takeda.
(Y/n) smiled bashfully, giving him a small shrug of her shoulders. “I told you at dinner I didn’t want to say more about the job... I coulda jinxed it...”
“Ohhh!” the principal exclaimed, “I don’t know how I didn’t realize you two were classmates! What a wonderful reunion!”
“I did tell you we needed a trainer to come in and help before nationals...” Takeda murmured, nervously shifting where he stood.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. Her first official day is tomorrow.” The principal left with that, Ukai realizing how silent the gym was as his footsteps got further and further away.
“H-Hey! What are you doing?! Get back to your drills!” he shouted at the team.
The boys got their asses back in gear, stealing glances at the coaches and their new trainer every now and then.
“I’m going to... go... over there...” Takeda stuttered. He quickly bowed to (Y/n) before running to the opposite side of the court.
“Are you really that upset?” (Y/n) frowned.
Ukai sighed softly rubbing at his temples. “No... I just really wish you told me...”
“Well... I didn’t exactly plan on last night-” (Y/n) paused when she noticed one of the boys, Hinata, slowly sidestepping closer to them to listen in on what was happening.
“Get back to spiking or you’ll be on towel duty for a month.” Ukai grumbled.
Hinata squeaked before running back onto the court.
“I didn’t plan on last night to go the way it did. I thought we’d get dinner, go our separate ways, then surprise! I’m here and we get to live out some slowburn fantasy where we fall for each other again.” (Y/n) explained, keeping her voice low.
Ukai sighed, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.
He felt (Y/n) slowly place her hand on his arm, wandering until she took his hand in hers. “Please just give me a chance? I want to help you get them to nationals...”
He slowly opens his eyes, groaning at the way she batted her eyes at him.
(Y/n) smiled wide and hugged him tightly, snickering when he completely flushed red. “This is gonna be so much fun... now introduce me to the team.”
Once their current drill was complete, Ukai called the team over, noting the way the boys eyed (Y/n) with a mix of curiosity and confusion.
“Alright, this is (Y/n). She’s an old friend and she’s going to be our new athletic trainer. She’s gonna do everything in her power to whip you into shape for nationals. So do as she says and we won’t have any issues.”
A couple of the boys raised their hands high.
“Wow, there are questions about that... Tanaka.” Ukai pointed at the redhead.
“Is she your girlfriend?” he asked, no hesitation or shame in his words.
Ukai tensed. (Y/n) snickered.
“N-Not relevant!”
“Is she our Coach Mom now?” Noya piped up.
“So you're not our Coach Dad?” Noya asked.
“Of course not!”
“I have a question not having to do with Coach Mom at all!” Hinata shouted.
Ukai breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank god. What’s your question?”
“What’s on your neck?”
Ukai went completely red again as (Y/n) tried to stifle her laughter.
“Is that from Coach Mom?” Noya shrieked, grabbing Asahi’s arms and shaking him wildly. “That’s from Coach Mom!”
“It totally is from Coach Mom...” Suga mumbled.
“Don’t encourage them.” Daichi said, nudging Suga.
“THE NEXT PERSON TO CALL (Y/n) COACH MOM HAS TO RUN 50 LAPS!” Ukai yelled, finally silencing the boys.
“L-lets just get back to our drills!” Takeda shouted, ushering the boys back onto the court.
“I just wanted to know what was on his neck...” Hinata pouted, “Did Coach Mom really do that-”
“50 laps Hinata!”
“Awwww! Do I have to, Coach Mom?!”
“100 LAPS!”
“No!” (Y/n) barked, lightly pushing Ukai before turning to Hinata. “That’s absurd, you don’t have to.”
Ukai adjusted his hoodie, glancing at (Y/n) as she crossed her arms. “You’d think you’d be a little less tense after last night-”
“Please just go home.” Ukai sighed, taking the keys to his flat from his pocket and placing them in her hand.
She blinked down at the keys in shock.
“I don’t want you in some hotel room when I have a perfectly good bed at my place... I’ll help you get your things from the hotel once practice is over...” He explained, scratching at the back of his head while keeping his eyes on the team.
“Guess you are my boyfriend then...” (Y/n) smiled. She quickly pressed a kiss to Ukai’s cheek before turning on her heels to leave. “See you at home, Coach Dad...”
Ukai turned to watch her leave, a small smile on his face. It wasn’t such a bad nickname when she said it...
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ktheist · 4 years
muses. familiar!cat-shifter!yoongi x witch!reader
83.“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk sometimes.”
“i thought witches don’t have friends.” yoongi scratches his arm, opening the fridge and checking out what little sustenance you have in it.
not much.
“and i thought familiars are supposed to indulge in their masters needs and wants,” hands on your hips you look at him with knitted brows and a pout.
but exactly five heartbeats later, you hear your phone buzzing and you’re hurrying to grab your bag, “i’ll be back!”
a second after the door closes shut, your head pops back in, the sulking pout now gone and in its place, the most brilliant smile and brightest twinkle in your eyes, “let’s have chicken for dinner! i left the money on the counter so you can order it and we can eat together.”
and then you’re gone.
min yoongi grumbles, eyes burning holes in the fifty dollar note lying on the white countertop.
‘did she think i’m broke or something?’
well, yoongi was quite literally homeless and living on tree branches in the deepest part of south korea’s reserves. but he was only living there because his last witch died from greed.
take over the world. become queen of every species on earth.
that sort of greed.
but you?
this 20-something year old pays - well, the humans like to call it tuition fee - to be a slave to an education that isn’t even beneficial to witches.
yoongi feels sorry for your bodiless ancestors who got burned at the stakes. if they had graves, they would be turning in them but they don’t because they took the risk to learn and practice witchcraft even if it was forbidden in their times.
now you’ve got all the reasons to learn - humans got so stupid that they stopped believing in anything besides logic - but you’re using him to predict what’s going to come out in your tests.
“ugh, my tailbone’s about to liquidize from having to sit in that exam hall for five freaking hours.” mina grumbles, stretching her arms over her head.
“okay, but why the fuck do we have to write a 10 page essay on why plato think our end goal is happiness?” soyeon’s scrunches her nose, as if physically cringing at the remembrance of it.
“isn’t that like, a statement? weren’t we supposed to talk about rousseau?” nayeon’s brows knit together in utter confusion.
“shit.” you’d expect soyeon to be cursing but it’s mina.
after a series of mina freaking out and the rest of you trying to calm her down by saying whatever possible answer they discussed could very well be wrong because nobody recalled hearing the professor mention who this rousseau scholar-guy.
except you.
and it wasn’t the professor who mentioned it.
it was the grumpy shapeshifting cat you’ve taken in who also happens to have futuristic premonitions.
almost as if they could hear your thoughts, soyeon turns to you, “we should’ve trusted ___’s instincts.”
technically, you were doing some reading on rousseau’s natural law theory when the girls sneaked up on you and scared your literal soul out of your body. they were surprised that you were even studying so you passingly mentioned having a strong, unquestionable feeling that he’s going to make an appearance in finals.
“you girls should’ve listened to me,” you cheekily proclaim, hands on your hips and chin tilted so high up, you can almost see the sun.
“oh great finals goddess, please tell us what you think will come out for criminal procedures,” mina gets on her knees without a care in the world and starts praying for you.
it wasn’t hard to stroke your ego and your friends know that better than anyone. so you tell them what they want to know on a pretense of ‘just predictions! don’t put all your eggs in one basket. i might be wrong!’
“yoongi, i’m home,” you singsong, swinging the door open only to have your shoulders sag at the lack of a certain black haired grump who would usually be sleeping on the couch and grumble for you to ‘shut up, i’m taking a nap.’
“huh, he’s not here.” you kick off your shoes and pad over to your room only to have your heart flutter at the sight of a cat snugly curled up in your bed.
“yoongi!” you squeal, dropping your bag and books on the floor before bounding over to the bed and gathering the slumbering feline in your arms.
the cat’s golden slits seem to appear on guard until they soften at the sight of you. he yawns widely as he stretches in your arms.
“i’m home, yoongi.” this time, your voice is barely above whisper, hand scratching his furry body as you lay on your bed, staring at the ceiling.
“you were right about rousseau and now my friends think i have some sixth sense,” you prattle on while the weight on your chest starts curling himself up - you have no strand of doubt that if you just looked down, the black feline will be snoring away as if he doesn’t have a single ounce of care for your story-telling.
not that yoongi’s ever showed an interest in your life besides the magic that you happen to bottle up and exploded the day he was walking around in seoul out of boredom.
you’re not sure when you fell asleep, but you wake up to the sound of ‘here’s your chicken’ and a ‘thanks’ before the door clicks shut.
“was that the chicken?” groggy but hungry, you march over the kitchen where yoongi - now in his human form - is taking out the boxes with your favorite swicy chicken restaurant symbol from the plastic bag.
“with the way you were snoring, i didn’t think i should order dinner at all,” he says nonchalantly.
“i-i don’t snore!” you almost scream, cheeks heating up.
“uh-huh,” there it is again, the nonchalant tone that almost drives you up the wall. then he turns to face you, index finger tapping the corner of his mouth, “you’ve got some drool there.”
almost as if possessed by a chaotic spirit, you trudge to the bathroom, slamming the door behind you in your haste. your reflection stares back at you with bed hair pointing everywhere and alarmed, round eyes as you wipe the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand only to notice nothing there. you repeat the motion once again and true enough, not a smidge of drool is present.
“that lying-!” you huff, marching back to the kitchen with one objective in mind.
“lying isn’t very nice, yoongi,” you say, barely putting a lid on the boiling anger.
“being too trustful isn’t very witch-like either.” he counters, a swicy chicken in hand and bright red sauce in the corner of his mouth.
“i curse you into a monkey!” you scream, index finger pointed in his direction.
but instead of the black haired familiar morphing and turning into the animal you cursed him into, he continues eating without even batting an eye.
“what- but-” you look at your hand and then back at him, “i cursed you!”
“you can’t curse your own familiar.” he finally says halfway into your quarter-ish life crisis, “now sit down and eat before your stomach starts grumbling too.”
you huff in bashful frustration. face too hot to even look at yoongi in eye but you’re too hungry to throw another fit.
believe it or not, this is just one of your routine in your daily life - him teasing you, completely nonchalantly and you getting worked up over it and end up making a fool out of yourself.
in a few hours, you’ll end up forgetting it ever happens and end up cuddling the cat that’s curled up on your pillow. you’ve just finished revising another topic of your next exam.
the next time you wake up, it’s to grown sized male snuggling into your chest, his arm slung over your back and your leg wedged between his. there’s not so much as a hair’s breadth between you.
“y-yoongi,” you stammer out, unable to think properly.
but when the aforementioned man simply groans and nuzzles his face in between your boobs, your cheeks hit up and your hand ends up swinging in the air before it hits its target.
his cheek.
now he sports a red handprint on his porcelain skin as he goes around, making coffee for himself while you diligently study at your desk. it’s some time in the afternoon that a furry ball leaps into your lap and kneads your thighs with his little paws before curling into a ball.
“aren’t you so cute?” your heart flutters at the adorable little fur ball, hand scratching the underside of his neck and giggling at how he’s purring in appreciation.
you end up dropping your apple pencil and shutting off your ipad. carrying the clingy furball in your arms, you plop down your bed.
“ugh, my back feels like it’s gonna crumble off like biscuit crumbs,” you lament, not caring if the sentence makes no sense.
but before you can think of any other sentence that makes no absolute sense, you feel the weight on your stomach shift, the furball you were caressing now turning into a lump of skull with actual human hair as it holds itself up and places its forehead on yours.
“how is it that you willingly take me to bed when i’m a cat and slap me in the face like i’m some pervert when i’m my human form?” this time, you know he’s teasing you because he’s smirking like he’s amused.
“it’s different because you were a cat!” you thank merlin that your voice comes out strong and certain.
“i’m still me no matter what form i take though,” his hand is warm on your thigh. his breath fans your skin, “still a man.”
“it’s different,” you know you sound meek compared to when you started out.
but your face is hot and your heart is palpitating inside your chest. all of a sudden you feel too shy to even look at him. so you cast your gaze to the side. relief floods your system when he lifts his head from yours. but it’s short-lived. teeth bite on the delicate skin of your neck. not enough to hurt but enough to incite a surprised yelp from you.
and a swing of your hand.
that’s how yoongi ends up with another red handprint on his other cheek. the first one is barely disappearing.
and you, with a hickey on your neck that you don’t know what to explain to your friends tomorrow when you meet them for the exam.
but one good thing comes out of it. after the slap, a rope materializes and wraps itself around yoongi. it’s pure magic and not even he can undo it.
“stop teasing me,” you start, sitting on the chair with your legs crossed.
“start treating me like i’m a man even in my cat form and i’ll consider that,” he counters.
at that, you lift an eyebrow, all of a sudden feeling a rush of confidence, “start acting like a man in your human form then.”
that’s when yoongi looks at you like you’ve challenged his essence. his existence.
“untie me and i’ll show you what a man is, master,” he challenges back.
it’s the word ‘master’ that gets your stomach fluttering with butterflies.
“you have two heads but you’re using the useless one to interpret what ‘a man’ means?” eyebrows rising to the ceiling, you pretend to be surprised.
“you’re a witch but you don’t even know how to use a spell,” he shrugs, reverted to his nonchalant self.
and that’s what irks you the most. how he acts like it has nothing to do with him but rubs your lacking in your face.
“lay down.” you order and his body is sent flying backwards, barely missing the wall in his abrupt descent.
yoongi groans, gathering himself once again.
“see, i know you can’t go against my words,” you say, triumphant.
“how did you find out?” he strains his neck, trying to look at you now that he’s laying down.
“the way you always did what i asked and last night, you ordered the chicken anyway even though i was sleeping and i could’ve slept through the entire night.” those were suspicions - you only confirmed it when you gave him the direct order.
“fine, you win,” he announces, barely caring about the argument.
“good.” you nod, mentally willing the rope to untie itself. but nothing happens.
you try again.
and again.
and again.
“can i please be released?” yoongi finally says after one too many mental tries.
“uh, wait,” you push yourself off the chair and tread over to manually undo the knot that keeps the rope tightly wrapped around yoongi.
“you can’t do it with magic?” comes the million dollar question.
you sigh, dejected, “i think i need to be angry - or feel strongly about something to get my magic to work.”
that’s what happened when yoongi met you. overstressed and barely focusing on your surroundings, you ended up getting run over someone who was on a bike. everything just kept going wrong. you ended up bawling your eyes out on the sidewalk - the man who ran over you started panicking thinking he broke a bone.
“i’m cool now though.” you shrug, easily dismissing the dejection and whatever that upset you before.
the rope comes undone and yoongi shimmies himself out. but before you can do anything, his hand shoots out, wrapping around your wrist and pulling you down until your knee digs into the mattress in between his legs, your faces too close. if he’d just tilt his head, his lips would easily brush yours.
“yoongi,” you warn but he shushes you.
“try getting the rope to move with magic,” he instructs, voice uncharacteristically soft and soothing.
you take a deep breath, eyes trained on the rope lying around him whilst trying to ignore the millimeter distance between your faces.
you move your index finger and the rope lifts itself up. you motion to the left with your finger and the rope gradually slithers through the air in the direction you’re pointing.
“it’s working,” you almost squeal, beaming.
and in your excitement, you seek yoongi’s gaze, only to see the rope crashing against the ground in your periphery.
“good,” a smile plays on his lips.
all of a sudden, you’re out of breath, the perpetrator also being the cause of the rush of blood to your face.
the words doesn’t really get passed your lips because his feel feather-light but his fingertips on your cheek is calloused but grounding. that’s how you know this isn’t just some dream.
then he pulls all of you down. the sudden shift of motion illicit a gasp out of you. but the shock stricken state is short lived. you find yourself breathing in his musky woody scent.
he leans down, kissing the delicate spot on your neck that makes your heart wretch inside your chest.
“yoongi, maybe we should take it slow and practice some other time?” you suggest and he chuckles, the sound ringing in your ear like a blissful melody.
“i’m not doing this for a practice run,” he confesses ever so casually, “i took on the form of a cat because you told me about the one you have back home. but you got too familiar with it that you forgot about me.”
he licks your flesh like a cat would. it’s supposed to be an innocent, cat-like gesture but something about the way his male body is hovering over you makes the fibers in your system go on panic mode. you wish the bed would open up and swallow you whole but you’re not powerful enough for that.
“i’m upset,” he sulkily says and sinks his teeth into your skin.
the fading redness on his left cheek where you first slap him is rosier than ever after your third slap landing on that one.
“when are you gonna let me go?” his voice echoes in the silence.
you turn around to see the man sitting cross-legged on your bed with his hands on his sides, the rope tightly wrapped around him. after he bit you, the rope ended shooting up and around him, as if it had a mind of its own and sought to protect you by disabling your neck-biting familiar.
oh, you sport similar hickey on the other side of your neck now too.
“hmm,” you tilt your head in contemplation, “after my last exam?”
“that’s like, in a week,” he grunts, “how am i gonna bathe? and eat?”
“you have two heads, yoongi. figure it out.” you shrug and turn back to your books and ipad.
note. this was requested by an anonymous as part of my drabble game.
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
where’s my love (fred weasley x malfoy!reader)
PROMPT: Y/N Malfoy is allowed back to live with her family in Malfoy Manor after spending 6 years studying at Ilvermorny. She’s the black sheep of her family and now that she’s attending Hogwarts, she’s doing everything in her power to drive her father mad. Nothing else drives her father crazy than a Weasley, so why not date one? (fred weasley x malfoy! reader; fake dating au)
WARNINGS: none for now. 
WC: 2K+
where’s my love masterlist
HP Masterlist
“My dear,” your mother, Narcissa gasped, walking over to engulf you in her arms. She hugged you tightly, the tears from her eyes falling slowly on your exposed shoulders. “I’ve missed you terribly.” 
“I’ve missed you too, mother,” you confessed, dropping your bags to the side of your feet to return her gesture. You pulled away, wiping the tears still streaming down her face. “Six years is a long time.” 
Her face dropped at your words, looks of guilt and shame taking over her features. She knew that six years away from your family must’ve been difficult for you. You knew that if it was up to her, you would’ve stayed at home with her and Draco, and studied at Hogwarts as planned. But it wasn’t up to her. 
“He doesn’t know you’re back,” she whispered, her smile reaching her eyes. She squealed in delight, happy that both of her children were now home and for the moment— safe. “He’s going to be so excited.” 
“Do you think he’ll still like having me around?” you asked, nervously chewing on your bottom lip. “Like I said, six years is a long time and he’s a teenager now. What if he doesn’t want to see me anymore?”
“Nonsense, he begs us to visit you every winter,” she took the bags from your hands, ushering you to go up the stairs. “Second door to your right.” 
You nodded, swallowing your fears and apprehensions down. You took in a deep breath, listening to the way the floors still creaked under your feet like when you were a child, running up and down the empty corridors with a young Draco behind you. You smiled fondly at the memory, remembering the giggles of a lively boy with the blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Draco was your best friend, your baby brother, the one you swore to protect. 
You knew even from a young age that your family was involved with Dark Magic, a practice you were never truly fond of. Your father hated your disapproval of your family’s history. He saw it in the way you were as a child and he hated the way you tried to get Draco as far away from his birthright as much as possible. 
To Lucius, that was enough to send you off and away from the Malfoy name. 
You stopped in front of the unfamiliar door, heart in your throat. Softly, you knocked on the wooden door, waiting for a response from the other side. You heard an incoherent noise from the other side, taking it as a sign to enter. 
Draco was sitting at his desk, back turned from the door. In his hand was his quill, the ink gliding flawlessly on his parchment. He had a drawer opened beside him and from where you stood, revealed piles and piles of sealed letters. You watched him silently, admiring how grown up your brother had become. He was definitely taller now and his features were more defined. He looked like a perfect mix of both your parents, the perfect Malfoy. You wiped your tears from your eyes, your chest growing heavy as you realized just how much you missed your baby brother. 
“Dray,” you whispered, holding yourself together. Your knees grew weak when he dropped his quill, spilling his ink all over the piece of parchment. 
Only one person called him by that name. He turned around, not believing who it was that called his name. When his eyes saw your figure, leaning on his door frame, he stood up, knocking his knees on the top of his desk. He scrambled up to you, halting quickly in the middle of his bedroom. His bottom lip quivered, “Y/N? Is that really you?” 
Shyly, you waved, not even bothering to wipe your tears rolling down your cheek. You approached him slowly, afraid of his reaction. “Hi, Dray.” 
Draco fell apart, rushing over to you. He towered over you now, wrapping his arms around you as he sobbed into your shoulder. He shook viciously, reminding you of when he was a child having panic attacks after his lessons about Dark Magic with your father. Young Draco would rush into your bedroom, looking for comfort from his big sister who always fought off the darkness with her light. You pushed your own fears aside, an instinct you never lost all those years, and cradled Draco in your arms. 
“I-I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” he sobbed, pulling away from you. 
“You didn’t think you’d get rid of me that easily, did you?” you teased, holding him by the shoulders. He chuckled at your attempt to ease the tension. You walked over to his desk, staring intently at the now ruined parchment. “Sorry bout that.” 
“No, no,” he reassured, pointing at the opened drawer of unopened letters, “This was actually for you. I’ve been writing to you since you left. Father has never let me send any off so I was going to send them when I became of age.” 
Your heart ached, realizing that the letters you wrote to your brother most likely never reached him. You reached down to retrieve some letters, eyes blurring again once you realized he’s written so much over the years. You placed the letters on his desk, walking over to give him another hug. “I missed you, brother.” 
“I missed you too,” he knitted his eyebrows together, soon becoming confused as to why you were suddenly allowed back home after all those years. He watched as you walked around his room, staring at the pictures on the wall. You took notice of his Slytherin robes hanging proudly in his closet. You stopped in front of the picture of the two of you, smiling at the camera when you were younger. You could almost hear your mother’s voice counting down in the background. You touched the photo with your fingers, cherishing the roughness of the material under the pads of your fingertips. 
He thought back to the final moments of last school year, after the Triwizard tournament, after Cedric’s death, after the Dark Lord’s rumored arrival. He began to remember the harsh murmurs and criticisms that people said about Harry— how he was lying about the rebirth of the Dark Lord and how it was all a part of an elaborate plan by Dumbledore to gain more power. He believed the whispers— of course, he would never pass up an opportunity to make fun of Potter— but now that you were standing in front of him, his sister that he hasn’t seen for six years, he knew that it must be true. 
After a while, Draco spoke up to confirm his suspicions. “Do you know why you’re here?” 
You shook your head, confusion evident in your eyes, “No.”
Draco merely nodded, turning his head to the side, unable to look you in the eye knowing that he’ll be fighting with the side you tried to help him escape from all those years. He didn’t know how to tell you that he'd accepted his fate. He’s accepted it for a while now. The dark forces that you taught him to fight against were now a part of himself. How does he fight a battle from within? 
There was only one thing Fred loved more than pranking and jokes— his family. He didn’t mean to walk into their conversation, nor did he mean to sneak around and listen to his parents talk about their struggles. He simply wanted a glass of water in the middle of the night. He stopped on the final step of the stairs when he heard his parents’ hushed whispers from the couch. 
“I don’t know how we’ll be able to afford everything this year,” Molly sighed, leaning her head against Arthur’s chest. The fire crackled in front of them, engulfing them in its warmth. “Ginny needs new books this year. The old ones are too worn out to be considered books. We’ll have to dig into our Christmas funds to afford it.” 
Arthur tightened his grip around her, “I’m sure they won’t mind that they’ll have to settle for scarves and vests instead of sweaters this year.” 
“Oh, I know,” she fussed, “Our children will always be grateful but I just wish they were able to have a good Christmas.” 
“We always make it work, don’t we?” Arthur reassured her, kissing the top of her head. “I’m sure we’ll figure it out this year too.” 
Fred tiptoed back up the steps, careful not to make much noise. On his way up, he couldn’t help but start to doubt himself. He and George began to talk about the possibility of leaving school next year in order to start a joke shop. It seemed like a great idea at first, how could it not? It was their biggest dream to start one. But now after Fred heard his mother’s hushed concerns, he couldn’t help but second guess himself. 
Where would they get the money from? How do they know they’ll even be successful? What if outside of Hogwarts their pranks were considered boring and immature? What if they’re meant for nothing else but for the corridors of their school? 
Fred pushed the door to his shared bedroom with George softly, cringing as the hinges squeaked. George stirred in his sleep, an annoyed groan escaping his lips. He was always a light sleeper. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, “Any louder, Freddie?”
“Sorry,” he mumbled, tucking himself back in his bed— only he didn’t lay flat on his pillow. He sat up, wondering, guessing. 
George took note of it, copying his brother’s actions. He crossed his arms over his chest, raising one eyebrow, “Well, what’s on your mind?” 
Fred sighed, looking curiously at his twin, “What if we just stayed at school and worked for the Ministry?”
George let out a snort, laughing quietly in the dark. He froze after realizing Fred wasn’t laughing with him. He gulped, “Oh, you’re serious?”
“Yeah,” he stated, shrugging. Even in the dark, unable to make out the expression on each other’s faces, George knew his brother was afraid. Fred continued, “I mean, would it be so bad? At least we’d make a decent living, right? Help out mum and dad?”
“I suppose.” 
“Then it’s settled.”
“But can you see us working in a cubicle for the rest of our lives, Freddie?” George asked. “Because if you say yes then I’m inclined to believe that you’re actually Percy who drank Polyjuice potion to look like my twin brother.” 
“I’m me, you git,” Fred threw a pillow at George, laughing slightly at his comments. “I just… I don’t know, Georgie. I want to help mum and dad, not add on to their plate.” 
“Believe me when I say that they’ll get a load off once we move out of here.” 
The two boys chuckled at the statement, knowing it was most likely true. They did hog the food, leaving virtually none for Ginny and their parents. However, Ron also ate for a village so in all honesty, it’s not all their fault. A comfortable silence fell upon them, the creaking of the stairs an indicator that their parents were finally turning in for the night. It made Fred smile knowing that they were finally going to get some rest. 
“Georgie?” Fred broke the silence after a while. A half-asleep George mumbled into his pillow. Fred took it as a sign to continue, “You reckon mum and dad would still love us if we started our joke shop?”
“Mate, I reckon mum and dad will love us regardless of what we do.” 
Fred was content with that answer. He moved down to rest his head on his pillow, closing his eyes as he began to drift away. Tomorrow, he promised himself, he would start to come up with new Weasley products to sell next school year. New batches and new designs to start the year off strong. He and George will make money, enough to save for their lot at Diagon Alley, and enough to sneak into their parents’ Christmas fund. Whatever it may take, Fred will somehow find a way to provide for his family. He solemnly swears. 
A/N: AHHH here’s my fred fic!!! i’m so excited for this fic. this fic will be very heavy on family name/ reputation. also, draco is good in this fic (kinda) he’ll still be canon asshole draco but deep down he’s a good guy (as you can see in this prologue) 
also, this fic is based on where’s my love (acoustic) by syml
i’m tagging everyone who expressed excitement for this fic but i won’t tag you in the next part unless you let me know directly that you’re still interested! thanks guys!
@cappsikle @you-make-children-cry @bonkyboinkybucky @lionlikewolflike @britishspidey @girlbabyvelez @pillowjj
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eloquent-vowel · 3 years
Part 6 "Burgled." Bucky x OFC (#043)
Description: Now that the Eris project was proven successful, #043 has taken the name Eris and is working in the field. Things move slowly in hazy fog until she is tasked to work along side the Winter Soldier. There she takes comfort in a kindred spirit.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Slow burn, very much a slow burn. Bucky Barnes x OFC, Winter Soldier X OFC
Warnings: Canon typical violence and description of violence against children (its a dream)
Part 5
Thank you for reading this far! Enjoy this next part of the Winter Soldier and Eris' story!
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It had been a month since Eris successfully defeated the Winter Soldier in combat. She was allowed to go by Eris now, she had completed her transformation in the eyes of Dr. Leeb and was permitted to complete missions, unhindered by The General.
It had been a month since Eris had woken up. She had spent the month floating around in a hazy delirium of apathy. Any anger she felt towards the Soldier had faded the moment he let her hid his head . Now she just sat still, staring at The Wall when she wasn't training. Her brain felt like it was under a heavy layer of fog, she didn't know why, but all she was capable of doing was following the orders of those above her.
She would kill without blinking, only registering the sensations of her knuckles cracking whenever she hit. She forgot the names and faces of her targets by the time she went back to her room. Dr.Leeb didn't care. As long as she was getting the results he wanted, he gave no care to her emotional state.
The only time she didn't feel the same haze was when she slept. When she slept she dreamed in full colour. She dreamt of Robins flying in a flock through freshly falling snow, she would fly with them above unfamiliar houses dusted with snow. She would follow them down as she flew down into the street towards a specific house. A house with a red door. She would always wake up just as the flock landed on the ground. She always woke up peacefully from these dreams.
The other dreams were not as peaceful, they were filled with violence. She couldn't decide if they were memories or just her mind playing cruel tricks on her. The worst dreams were an out of body experience. She would watch herself as she killed whoever was put in a room with her, these dreams would end with her standing on a pile of bodies, emotionless and dull.
It was one of those nights tonight. Eris shot up from her bed in a cold sweat gasping for breath, she jumped as there was a knock on the door.
"Eris. Dr. Leeb needs to see you."
She stood carefully out of bed and over to the open shower, she didn't hesitate to strip and rid herself of the second skin of sweat. She pulled on her usual vest and shorts and padded over to the door. She knocked twice and the guards by her door opened and began to escort her down the now familiar corridors, her metallic footsteps echoed every step and she jumped as the sound was louder than she expected. Eris always felt so skittish after her dreams, she thought about talking to Dr. Leeb about it but every time she considered it he sniffed and any comfort she had was broken.
He was sniffing now as he stared at her from his side of the desk. He looked up at her with a strangely proud smile as he said.
"We have had a brilliant opportunity land in our laps, my dear Eris." He stood up and handed a cream coloured file over to her. "A heist, just to steal some very very important schematics for new weapons. Now normally I wouldn't be quite to excited about you being used for stealth missions- as we know Hydra enjoys using Eris to make a statement but here is the special twist." Eris watched with a careful eye as Dr. Leeb almost jumped in excitement. "You get the honour of working with the Winter Solder."
Eris flinched. She was certain the Winter Soldier would either not remember her or hate her enough to remember. She didn't want to think about the consequences he faced. But Dr. Leeb was so excited she didn't have the heart to question him.
"The down side of this, Eris, is that you will have to move away from me. You are to spend time with the Winter Soldier and his handlers to learn how to work with him. Now, Eris," Dr. Leeb came to stand in front of her and placed his handkerchief covered hand around her face. He gripped her chin and pulled her down to his level, "Do not disappoint me. This is a big chance for me."
Eris nodded as well as she could, Dr. Leeb nodded back and gestured to the guards. She didn't get a chance to speak before she was whisked away to collect her weapons. With the promise of clothes and necessities being provided over there she was almost thrown into a helicopter and was on her way to meet the Winter Soldier.
He wasn't there to greet her when she landed, Eris wasn't sure if she was happy or disappointed by this. After all, he must hate her for what she did but she had never seen someone with such similar eyes to hers. She was swiftly escorted into the new facility and deposited into a larger room than she was used to.
The room itself was much longer than it was wide and divided in half by a see through material. She knew from previous experience it wasn't normal glass. There sitting on the other side of the divide was him. The Winter Soldier. He was sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the door of his cell, completely still. He was dressed much like her, a pale black vest and simple trousers. His hair fell loosely down his head, it shielded his side profile and cast shadows over him, he was intimidating. The metallic arm he had, so similar to her own legs, only added to his rather terrifying image. She flinched as the door behind her shut violently.
"Play nice." A threat came from the other side of the door.
As the sound of footsteps walking away faded into dense silence she sat on the edge of her own bed. She stared at the Soldier, she couldn't help it, he was just so curious. She felt like she could understand him in some ways but in other ways he was an enigma. Eris could feel a familiarity with the Soldier.
The two sat in silence for a long time. Both sitting stock still, she was at facing the clear divide, he was facing parallel to it. If he was uncomfortable, he didn't show it in his body language. Eris was far too awkward to begin a conversation, for all her training she was yet to master the social skills she knew was expected of her. Apparently the Soldier felt much the same as they didn't talk, even when their dinner came, even when night came and sleep called to them both. They just silently went to their separate beds and settled in to sleep.
She was alone in the circular arena again. The familiar concrete where she had fought the Soldier. Adrenaline pumped through her as she waited for her opponent to show. He did. Like clockwork the Winter Soldier emerged and ran full throttle at her. She fought as well as she could, she would feel the bruises his metal arm left behind and the scratches of his dagger. It was always by a stroke of luck that she knocked him down.
She pounced, laying blow after blow to his face once she managed to knock him down. Her own knuckles crunched at the force of her blows. Only when she paused did she see the figure beneath her was not the Soldier but that of a young boy. The young, small boy who she had almost killed years before.
"Mummy? Daddy?"
His voice was so pained. She watched in horror as the boy rose, jaw broken and skull caved in, and begun to speak.
"Have you seen Mummy?"
"No." Eris whispered.
"What about Daddy?"
The boy was creeping closer, arms outstretched reaching for her.
"You aren't real."
She couldn't move, she was paralysed as small hands began to reach for her arms.
"Who are you?"
He was shaking her now, nails digging into her arm. Blood began to flow down her arms.
She couldn't move, she couldn't even close her eyes to stop seeing the mutilated child.
"Who are you!?"
"I said STOP."
She shot up in bed with a gasp. She jumped out of bed, disorientated and almost screamed when there was a tapping at the divide. She turned around to see the Soldier looking at her with blank eyes. He must be mad that she disturbed her sleep. He cocked his head at her and gestured for her to come closer. She complied and mirrored him as he sat close to the divide. She couldn't meet his eyes, she felt shame at how she had acted, she was meant to be a perfect example of what Hydra could do. Yet she was crippled by figments of her imagination. So she rested her back against the divide, she felt him do the same and they sat there for a moment, almost perfectly back to back.
"I have them too." His voice was just as deep as she remembered but this time it held a gentler tone than during their fight.
"Have what too?" She was barely talking over a whisper but with their advanced hearing she was sure he could hear her.
"Almost every night."
There was a moment where both of them held their breath before the Soldier continued on, he seemed hesitant.
"I dream of the past. What past I can remember and occasionally I get glimpses of the parts I don't."
"I dreams of the past too." She hugged her knees to her chest, resting her cheek against the cool metal before continuing. "I keep seeing moments that I know are mine and others that I feel like have been... stolen from me."
"Every time I meet an unknown face in the arena I know they are someone part of me has seen before. But the me that saw them has been taken, stolen."
"I see..."
They were silent once more. Eris was coming down from the adrenaline of her dream and was content to match breaths with the Soldier. He was oddly comforting.
"They've taken something from me as well." He too was only whispering.
"My name. It's always on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember and when I do they... wipe me."
"The chair..."
They were silent again. Eris rested her head back against the divide and imagined that she could feel the warmth from the Soldier that came through the divide.
"What is your name?"
He didn't remember? "Eris."
"Eris." He was gentle with her name. It felt as if he gave it a new meaning.
"Maybe." She started hesitantly, "Maybe we could keep each other's belongings."
"Hmm?" The Soldier simply hummed in question.
"If we both remember a part of the other, we may remember it better. And remind the other of... what it is that was stolen."
The Soldier was silent for a while before he hummed in agreement. Perhaps if the two of them worked together they could both form their stolen identities.
"I'll wake you if you start panicking again."
Eris felt a blush come up her neck.
"Thank you."
With that she stood and returned to bed, purposefully avoiding the Soldier's eyes and curled up, comforted by the thought of someone there to pull her out of the arena.
Part 7
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
With My Life - Chapter Four
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masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
warnings:  (all graphic) violence, guns,  blood, smut, implied PTSD 
an: hmmm. hm. i don’t really know what to say about this chapter actually ! 
                                               Six Months Later
“Elide it’s fine already, go to lunch - you’ve been here all morning,” Darrow chided her from behind his desk. Elide flashed him a grin and scooped her papers up, resting them against her laptop. 
“I’m going, I’m going! Having lunch with that crazy niece of yours,” she teased, laughing as he rolled his eyes and waved her out of his office. 
She sighed as she closed the door behind her and went down the hall to her little office space. It was barely big enough to have her desk and one plant, let alone meetings so hers were held in Darrow’s more spacious room. 
After she put her stuff away and grabbed her jacket, Elide would be going to have lunch with Aelin, who’d she had only grown closer with over the past half year. Nehemia too - the three of them had a standing group night on Fridays where they would all convene in what was once Lorcan’s apartment and have a mellow night in. They used to go out more to clubs and bars, but Aelin hadn’t wanted to be out late or do any sort of partying for the past few months. 
It was slightly drizzling outside today - standard for fall in Varese - as she walked to her car. Even though she could’ve driven what was technically hers now, Elide had never liked driving Lorcan’s car. It lived in the parking garage and she kept it in tip-top shape, always running a finger over the black vehicle for dust. If she found any, she would carefully drive it to the car wash and top up whatever infinitesimal amount of gas she’d used.
Sometimes Fenrys came over to take it for a drive and Elide was always happy to let him take it. He always came back with red eyes to give her the keys back and Elide never questioned him. 
The drive to Emrys’ cafe was a fifteen-minute drive, all the way on the other side of the city from Elide’s school, but it was close to the studio that Aelin practiced and recorded music at so Elide never minded. 
She found a spot just behind Aelin’s green ‘67 Ferrari 275 and waited for a truck to pass before stepping out and locking her car. She looked both ways before jogging across the road and popping into the shop. 
As she put her jacket away, Elide scanned the cafe and saw Aelin had already claimed a two-seated table and had ordered them a drink each. She looked ridiculously happy and Elide couldn’t wait to find out why. Maybe she’d be able to worm it out of Aelin before their family dinner tonight. Because that’s what they were now - family. 
Aelin stood to hug her when Elide arrived at the table and they both sat down again, smiling gently. “Elide, babes, how are you? How’s that boring uncle of mine?” 
“Darrow’s great, as usual,” Elide said with a slight eye roll at their dramatics. Darrow had always claimed to be above such things, but his flair for the dramatics rivaled Aelin’s. “My research is going well, too. I’ve really narrowed down my thesis proposal, so it’s looking up.” After… it happened, Elide’s work had taken a hit. 
She hadn’t been able to think about going to school until she imagined what Lorcan would say. How he would cajole her into going and how he would neg her until she did. 
It had been hard after that too, but she still went. Still paid as much attention as she could bear and was almost present in most conversations. 
She loathed to admit, it tore at her heart to say it, but things were getting easier. Every day, every moment it was easier to breathe. To smile and sleep and to live. In a world without him, in a world where it became just a bit more difficult to find something that reminded her of him. 
They chatted idly after ordering their lunches - a soup for Aelin and a sandwich for Elide - and Elide finished her cup of tea. “Are you going to keep me waiting? I want to know your secret, Ms. Galathynius.” 
Aelin’s eyes sparkled and she broke into the largest grin Elide had ever seen. Opening her mouth, Aelin was about to tell her when Luca interrupted them with their food. “For the lovely ladies,” the young man said, bowing theatrically. 
They chuckled and spoke to him for a couple minutes before Emrys was calling him back to the kitchen and they dug in. 
Elide took a bite of her sandwich, speaking around the food in her mouth, not that Aelin would care, “So, spill. I am not waiting till tonight.”
Aelin laughed joyously, her bright laughter flitting around the intimate shop. “Let me have some soup first, ok?” She took a spoonful of her tomato soup and dipped a torn-off piece of brown bread into it before popping it in her mouth. 
Rolling her eyes, Elide stewed and silently ate, tracking Aelin’s every move until the blonde finally put her spoon down and cleared her throat, taking a sip of water. Then, she put her hands in her lap and waited for Elide to place down her sandwich, waiting eagerly. 
“I’m pregnant with- with twins.”  
The air left her lungs and Elide gaped, her jaw dropping. “Oh my gods, are you serious? How long?” 
Tears, happy ones for once, popped up in Aelin’s eyes and she offered Elide a watery smile, “Three months today. I had my appointment earlier and… I’m so happy.” 
Elide stretched her arm across the table and grabbed Aelin’s hand, squeezing it supportively, “I’m happy for you, my love. So happy.”
The penthouse was cold when she got home. Nobody was there to greet her and putting her one jacket up on the coat rack only reminded her of how lonely she was. 
Elide dropped her laptop and bag on the kitchen island and turned the lights on. She sighed, sitting on one of the stools, and looked to the living room, the sheets and blankets she used to make up the couch to sleep on every night neatly folded on the end cushion. 
She was definitely pathetic for not being able to sleep in the perfectly fine bed upstairs, but she couldn’t. 
That was the bed they shared. He held her in that bed, kissed her, fucked her in that bed. She’d fallen in love in that bed, with the man the sheets smelled like. 
And now Aelin was pregnant. She and Rowan would have their own little babes, made from scratch. 
She should be happy. Elide was happy, but… she wanted to cry. To scream at the unfairness. They were married, they were in love and they got a baby? No, not a baby, twins. Twins.  
How was it fair for them to have everything she hadn’t known she wanted with Lorcan? Maybe it made her a horrible person, but Elide wished for a second something bad happened to them both. She cursed herself for it, reminding herself that they, too, had lost Lorcan.
Elide couldn’t help the tears and the sob that tore from her throat. She cried loudly, her shoulders shaking as she put her forearms on the marble countertop and put her head in the crook of her elbow, her cries somewhat muffled. 
I just want you back, Lorcan, Elide thought to herself. Just for a minute, ‘cause I need some help. I need you. 
No one answered and Elide wasn’t sure if she’d been expecting it. Slowly, she got up and walked upstairs, sniffling once. Elide hugged herself, turning her head to wipe her nose on the shoulder of her sweater. 
She turned on the hall light and looked around the level hardly anyone had set foot on in months. Walking to the end of it, to the door waiting there, Elide dragged her hand along the wall, looking at the bareness of it. 
She looked to her right, out the wall of windows, reaching out to press her finger against a raindrop that hadn’t yet fallen down the glass. For a few seconds, time stopped and Elide watched the rain, letting its calming pitter-patter soothe her frayed soul. 
With one shaky sigh, Elide padded the rest of the way to his bedroom and opened the door, holding her breath as she stepped over the threshold for the first time in six months.
Nothing had been changed. The sheets were still rumpled and a visible layer of dust over every surface. 
Elide ignored the disarray and walked to the bed, fingering the black dress shirt she’d worn that last morning with him. Silently, Elide undressed and donned the shirt, the cool material practically drowning her. She didn’t mind it at all and did up a few buttons before crawling into bed and pulling the thick duvet up to her chin. 
Sinking back into the plush mattress and pillows, silent tears streaking from her shut eyes, Elide thought about him. About life with him. What could have been. 
If they’d gotten married, would they have stayed here? In the middle of Varese? She’d always loved the Wendlyn countryside, maybe they would’ve moved out there, to a large property and house settled at the heart of their land. 
Elide didn’t know how long it took, but eventually imagining a life that would never be exhausted her and she fell into a deep, grief soaked slumber. 
What had once been her refuge, a gentle, comforting oblivion, was now a tragedy, something she couldn’t look away from. 
Lorcan was in a hospital room, a glass door separating them. On the bed, a dark haired boy was asleep. He must have been seven or eight and he was the spitting image of Lorcan, except he had a soft and gentle face as he dozed. 
A smile, soft and beautiful, appeared on Lorcan’s face as he looked at the child and then he turned around, facing the door and Elide. In his arms, he cradled a precious bundle - a wee little one whose arrestingly caramel eyes were wide open and staring out the room’s window towards the night sky. 
Tears burned the back of her eyes and Elide put her hand on the handle, twisting it only to find it was locked.
“E,” Lorcan said, shifting the baby to one arm and the other he stretched out to her, beckoning her in, “come in, love.” 
“I’m trying,” she said, her voice shaking. “Lor, I’m trying, unlock the door.”
“It’s already open,” he told her, a serene smile on his face. “C’mon, meet our kids. They miss you.” 
“Lor- Lorcan,” she sobbed, her voice cracking, “stop, just open the door, please, baby, I-.” Elide tried again, yanking on the handle and pressing her hand against the glass. “Let me in, please. Open the door.” 
“It’s unlocked, just open it.”
“No, no- it’s not,” she said, crying harder, “I miss you so much, please just stay with me.” 
“I will be with you always,” he promised, giving her a smile before looking down at the baby in his arms and leaning down to press a soft kiss to her forehead. “I promise.” 
It was like a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on her and Elide woke up, the sheets and duvet twisted around her, a result of her thrashing. Her chest rose and fell unevenly as she gulped down air and pressed her hands to her cheeks, her fingers coming away wet and salty.
With a heavy sigh, Elide worked on untangling the fabric wrapped around her and looked at the clock on his nightstand. 
Rowan and Aelin were expecting everyone at their townhouse at six o’clock sharp. It was nearly half past four now and she climbed out of bed, stumbling into the bathroom and looking into the mirror. 
She saw her puffy eyes, tear-tracked cheeks, and red nose. Elide looked and felt very much like shit and she breathed out slowly, trying to calm herself before she left for dinner. 
Lorcan Salvaterre parked his car outside a very familiar townhouse. He’d gone to his apartment first, not expecting to be welcomed by an empty apartment. 
He had wondered if Elide had even taken the apartment - it wouldn’t have surprised him if she gave it to one of their friends - but her things were strewn about the place, papers overtaking the kitchen island and half-empty mugs of tea that had long since gone cold decorated the sparsely decorated unit. 
By dumb luck, his first guess that she’d be at Rowan and Aelin’s was correct because he looked out the car window to see every light on in the house and spied Fenrys through the front window, head thrown back as he laughed. 
Lorcan got out, half-jogging across the rain slick road, flipping his hoodie hood over the messy bun he twisted at the nape of his neck. If there was one thing he was most thankful for for the old women who had found him, floating face-up in the weeds and reeds, it was that when they were fixing him up, they’d left his hair alone. 
His heart beat frantically as he walked up the short steps and winced, his left shoulder stiff and aggravated from the past few days of travelling. He’d been in a small, unheard of village nestled in the heart of the Eyllwe forest, hidden away from the world. The women of the forgotten tribe had healed him like one of their own for the past six months. 
Raising his fist, Lorcan knocked thrice and waited patiently. He heard the easy conversation inside fall silent and he could hardly breathe as the door opened and Fenrys appeared, his body half behind the door and a wary expression on his face. 
Upon seeing Lorcan, Fenrys blinked hard and his jaw dropped open. Letting the door fully swing open, Fenrys hardly dared to ask, “Lorcan?” 
“Hey, pup,” Lorcan said, smiling when Fenrys launched himself at him, wrapping his arms around Lorcan’s neck. The dark haired man’s smile grew softer and he put his arms around Fenrys. He knew Fenrys was crying and he lifted one of his arms to cup the back of Fen’s head. 
By then, the others had been intrigued with the commotion and slowly peered into the hallway, all gasping when they saw Lorcan. Aelin went to greet him, her throat constricting, but Nehemia stopped her, looking sadly at her husband and his brother, whom Fenrys had thought he killed. “Just wait a bit,” Nehemia whispered, squeezing Aelin’s hand once. 
“Is he really back,” Aelin breathed, her free hand ghosting over her stomach, where she’d just begun to show. It was a thing of comfort for Aelin and she found herself touching her belly when she was nervous or anxiety-ridden. 
Nehemia didn’t have anything to say then and they watched Lorcan pull away and say words too low for anyone else to hear. Fenrys nodded and stood up, wiping his cheeks before jokingly planting a loud, wet kiss smack on Lorcan’s cheek. Lorcan rolled his eyes in good nature and wiped his cheek before looking to the others waiting, shell shocked, down the hall. “Oh, y’all having a party? Without me?” 
Rowan let out a dry sob and the two friends met in the middle of the hall, hugging tightly. “Fuckin’ bastard, piece of shite wankstain,” Rowan muttered through his tears. “Couldn’t just stay dead, huh?”
“Fuck you too,” Lorcan said, smiling widely. They didn’t say anything else, just stood there, holding each other. It was simultaneous when they pulled apart, small grins on their faces. “I missed you.” 
Rowan nodded, too emotional to say it back. Slowly, the other guys joined them and Nehemia and Aelin took their leave, retreating back to the living room. Aelin squeezed Nehemia’s hand, worrying her brow, “N… why is he back now?” 
There was nothing good about the look in Nehemia’s eyes as she glanced to the front hall. Lorcan’s return brought on too many questions, ones she couldn’t answer and ones neither Aelin or Elide would like. “We’ll figure it out,” she whispered, gently pressing her hand to Aelin’s stomach and the babes she was carrying. “We always do.” 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Elide cursed herself after she thanked her driver, Ress, and hopped out of the black town car. The building had a car service and normally, she would never use it, but after she had gotten sucked back into her work and had been asked to fetch the cake, she hadn’t felt like driving herself. 
Aelin had told her to dress nicely tonight, but Elide didn’t have time to change out of her leggings and hoodie. Throwing on Lorcan’s flannel made it look intentional so she just went with it. 
The drizzle had turned into a full downpour and she ducked her head as she raced up the stone pathway and the stairs, precariously holding the bakery box. Elide looked out over the street as she dug out her keys, doing a double take when she saw Lorcan’s car sitting pretty across the road. 
It didn’t make any sense, unless Fenrys had taken it, but she could’ve sworn she saw the only set of keys in the silver dish when she hurried out of the apartment. Logically, she understood Lorcan wasn’t back and that the only explanation was that Fenrys had taken it, but she couldn’t quell the hope that rose in her. 
Hurriedly, Elide unlocked the door and rushed inside, already rambling, “Fen, did you take Ohitekah’s car? I could’ve sworn the keys were in the key dish.” Nobody answered her and Elide paused, slowly toeing off her shoes and continuing down the hall. “Guys?” 
Elide tucked her short hair behind her ear, feeling the need to touch the chain around her neck that had once been Lorcan’s and run her fingertips up and down the cool silver links. She padded further into the house, her furrowed brows only wrinkling more and more when the house fell dead silent. “Guys, what’s happening?” 
She turned the corner into the living room and froze, her eyes immediately zoning in on Lorcan, who was sitting on the edge of the coffee table, his long legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. With a gasp, she dropped the box, the cake no doubt smushed to bits because of her mishap. 
Elide didn’t notice anything else, couldn’t articulate a single thought as Lorcan stood and took a step towards her, approaching her as if she were a wild animal. “Hey, Lochan.” 
Elide let out a half-crazed laugh and flew towards him, crashing into his arms so hard that Lorcan rocked back a step. He banded his arms around her waist and pulled her against him, burying his face in her hair and breathing her in. 
“Hey, Salvaterre,” she whispered, her hands gripping the back of his hoodie tightly. She pressed her face into the curve of his neck, her nose cold against his warm skin. Her lips, slightly chapped from biting them constantly, brush over his pulse as she asked tentatively, “Is this real?” 
“Yes,” he promised her. 
“And you’re not leaving?” 
“Never again,” he said, kissing the top of her head. 
Elide sniffled and cried once, still menacing when she muttered, “You better not.” 
The dark figure had been lying stomach down on the rooftop for hours, watching through the window as a family reunited. 
His back was to the window, a perfect headshot lined up as they breathed in slowly and peered through the scope, watching the target hug the petite woman, who clung to him like a lifeline.
Their gloved finger slipped over the trigger of the rifle, the metal curve as familiar as an old friend. Willing their heartbeat to slow, they closed their eyes briefly, finding the headspace they needed for the task. 
When they opened their eyes, ready for the kill, a viper’s voice crackled through the earpiece, cool and commanding, “Not tonight, dear. Let us allow them to enjoy themselves a little while longer, yes?” 
“Of course, ma’am.”
an: ominous, no? 
@mythicaitt​ @tinywolfofeyllwe​ @schmlip-scribble​ @the-regal-warrior​ @empire-of-wildfire​ @rhysands-highlady​ @ttakeitbacknoww​ @shyvioletcat​ @alifletcher2012​ @tswaney17​ @ourbooksuniverse​ @flora-and-fae​ @thesirenwashere​ @queenofxhearts​ @maastrash​ @mynewdreamwasyou​ @cursebreaker29​ @empress-ofbloodshed​ @b00kworm​ @amren-courtofdreams​ @minaidss​ @superspiritfestival​ @lovemollywho​ @queen-of-glass​ @jlinez​ @sleeping-and-books​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​ @verypaleninja​ @januarystears​ @magicalunicorngypsy​ 
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
Wynne's Diary - Touch with Asra
We were clearing out the shop today. Boxes filled with piles of aged magical books, masquerade masks and other important miscellaneous items were stuffed into the crates. Our home was full of countless varied and unique things you can ever imagine or guess of that we needed a separate day to sort the stuff out to what we might need in the future and keep it inside the shop, and then to things that we would not need unless for emergency purposes, which would rightfully be organised in the storehouse we had.
Me and my husband were raiding our shop, basically. Because one, it seemed like a detailed mission, and two, we were extremely tired and filthy from the dust the shop had amassed over time. We accidentally even demolished some of the spider's home webs while brushing so we had to carefully pick the spiders out and leave them outside on the lawn.
Poor arachnids.....they were so adorable and cute. I hope they find a better home soon. Though forming a web was never an easy job.
And so wasn't the task of clearing out such a relatively huge shop and stacking all the articles without damaging even a tinge of any material.
"Wynne, can you help me with this one?" My husband called me from inside the repository. His voice echoed through the walls of the room and reached my ears as a dusted my hands onto my apron and entered the dark room lit just by an orb of esoteric blue fire above.
"Is this the last one to be moved?" I placed my hands on my hips. Asra was crouched near the box as he rubbed his cheek to wipe out the dust and faced me, he had sweat on his brows and he looked pretty exhausted because......
We both had been working for hours. We started somewhere around midday and it's nightfall now.
"Yes...After this one, we can finally rest. I feel very thirsty and I could definitely use some of your lemonade" he huffed and ran his hand through his velvety white hair.
"Lemonade huh....sure. Let's get this over with" I took off the rubber band on my hair and retied it on into a small tail so that my hair doesn't impede much. I squatted down, and got hold of the edge of the box and gradually started to lift it with every strength I had.
Asra supported the other side of the box, and we both coordinated our steps to move the load together outside the storage room. I was not a lifter, and neither was Asra. We could have called Muriel over to help, but he was lying sick on the bed with Portia and Julian both aiding the giant man. So we agreed to not bother him and take the matters to our own ourselves.
It was our mart anyway, so we had to.
"Almost there!" Asra notified. I nodded and pulled in the air to exert the energy left in my arms. I walked patiently back, keeping a watch out to not bump with the other items on the floor and trip on my heel. Asra cautiously followed me, he rasped a bit and used his momentum to get a better grip of the end.
He knew that I was not much physically substantial, so he made sure to not let me take the heavier weight, but watching him take all the burden over himself just like how he always was, made me feel immensely culpable.
Asra was always like this. Votive, generous, selfless. These were very good traits in him, no doubt in that. But sometimes, he overdoes it, and that was not at all acceptable by me. He from time to time needs to know that his own self is as significant as everyone else he cared about. He needs to realize that at the end of the world, he would only have himself with him, and he better give a fuck about it sooner than repent it at later moments.
But.....I was not in the right niche to teach him such a lesson.
Because I wouldn't be the educator of this topic, I would be a student since there was hardly any difference in both of our sentiment towards our loved ones.
Votive, generous, selfless......
We both were a bunch of crackheads.
"Oof! Finally, everything is done. The shop barely changed, but at least it holds less weight than previously" Asra slumped onto the couch and caught his breath, his chest rhythmically rising and sinking with the teal pendant on his bosom.
Faust and Ichigo weren't home today. They both had gone to take a stroll around Vesuvia as we toiled. We didn't worry about both of them too much since they were proper grown-ups and can handle themselves faultlessly, unlike us both who can't even watch out for cobwebs and prevent ourselves to mercilessly annihilate them.
I still feel sad about them.......poor babies...
"Ahh...." I heard him groan and hold his shoulder.
"What's the matter?" I asked him.
"My shoulders ache a lot. My arms too. Looks like a overworked myself. They feel quite fatigued" he tried gearing his joints only to wince in discomfort.
"Ugh, don't aggravate it. That would make it worse. Relax your shoulders, and try to slowly roll them to get some movement" I instructed him sternly.
"I can't. They stiffened up. I cannot even properly move them without feeling a lot of stings" he complained to me, still grabbing onto his ailing shoulder.
I watched him cynically and shook my head, sighing and closing my eyes, rubbing my own furrowed brows. He was seriously acting like a whiny child crying over a tiny scratch. But despite my dubiety, I did not blame him. It was true he did a lot of work today. He shifted hefty stuff, helped me tidy up the inside of the storehouse and shelves along with the rest of the two-storeys, and also renovated the mattress, sheets and curtains with new and clean ones. I couldn't have done all of them without Asra, and I did owe him enough to alleviate him from his post-pain.
"Turn your back" I ordered him again.
"O-Oh.... alright" he did as I told him. I cracked my knuckles and trudged towards him and sat near him, facing his back.
"Take your shirt off," I told him next. He obeyed me and dropped the piece of clothing in front of him. I tenderly skimmed his back, caressing his spine and feeling the bumps of his vertebrate. My nails trailed along his tanned back and I felt his shivers reverberating through my finger pads. His skin was soft like the petals of blossoms and tempting to sense as a downy kitten's fur.
And he was even kissable as a child's rosy cheek.
I shifted a little closer to him, grasping his shoulders carefully in my hands and enclosing my fingers around his shoulder blades. I lightly applied pressure on my palms and squeezed his shoulders. Asra lightly grumbled in return, and I continued my work around that area and his neck. I handily massaged his tendons and muscles, untying all the tangles and applying the right amount of force as not to cause too much throb on him.
"Mmmahh.....Wynne....." He sizzled. It didn't sound like a wince of pain but of genuine contentment and pleasure. He finally let himself loose under my hands as he leaned back onto my shoulder, closing his eyes and moaning against my neck. I softly chuckled and laid a peck on his nose as I kept pummelling onto his other aching places.
I moved from his neck to his arms and shoulders, and I sensually kneaded his well-built limbs and fondled with his biceps in-between my fingers. I pressed every spot of his arms and started laying butterfly kisses upon his neck and below his ear. He lightly purred from my touch, succumbing to my soft seduction as I nibbled onto his ear, and my hand slid up from his chest to hold his chin and the other reached down to twiddle with his nipple.
"Ohhh...Wynne....." He bit his lip, his cheeks dusted pink from impulse.
"Yes, darling~?" I whispered into his ear and took the opportunity to bite on his earlobe and pull it faintly with my mouth.
"Aahhh! please.....more......I want more" he pleaded to me. I gazed into his eyes, they were clouded with submission and fervour. He wanted to keep up with this play of pinch and flirt with me, and he wanted himself to be under my mercy and decree till I break him to his brim by making him reach his peak ecstasy and orgasm.
And who would refuse such an offer?
Well, the answer is simple.
I would.
Before he could make any other move, I promptly pulled myself back and stood up on my feet as Asra landed back on the sofa with a thud.
"Pervert" was all I said before I made my way to the kitchen to fetch him the spiced lemonade he was craving ever since he finished his work, and a playful smirk was visible throughout on my lips. It's not that I didn't want to continue exciting him, I stopped because I want this to be on a day where no chore, nonentity, and no interference come in the middle. I wanted the day we make love to be untarnished, ripe and vehement, where no one coaxed to unnerve us.
As far as I can remember, Asra's face was priceless by the heckler finale I gave him. He was completely bamboozled and hoodwinked, and damn I loved it. The taunting was one of my greatest pastimes, and working it out on Asra was even more fun. Why do you ask? Because he always gives the most adorable and unparalleled ripostes than anyone I had ever known, and it was always mirthful at which I can chortle about for hours and never forget it ever in my life.
Maybe one such day will arrive when he would be fortunate enough to receive my full attention.....one day..........
And I'm desperately but patiently waiting for it.
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cami-chats · 4 years
The Best Bathtub
Written for @tonystarkbingo
Title: The Best Bathtub Collaborator: camichats Card Number: 4049 Link: On AO3 Square Filled: K4-Kink: Bath/Shower Sex Main Pairing: Sharon Carter/Tony Stark Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Minor sexual content, allusions to sugar daddy/baby relationship (though not actually present in the fic) Summary: Sharon is a tough Shield agent and she's proud of that, but sometimes it's nice to relax and feel pampered.  Word Count: 1,649
On the one hand, Sharon loved being a part of Shield. Aunt Peggy had always been the woman she wanted to be when she grew up, and that had been an attainable dream. She'd worked; she'd trained, and she made it. She believed in the work that Shield was doing, and it wasn't easy work, but it was good. She was tired in her bones after a day of training or the end of an assignment, but it was satisfying. 
On the other hand-- a more secret hand that she didn't like to tell anyone about, especially not her coworkers-- she liked to be pampered. Bathtubs so big you could fit four people in it comfortably, massages, the softest and biggest bed in the world. She liked the rich things in life. Five star restaurants, silk dresses, diamond necklaces. It all made her feel special. In Shield, she was doing important work, but she was, ultimately, replaceable. She was no Black Widow. Any assignment she was on, another agent could do. For all that she'd tried to be the absolute best, but there were people who were enhanced, and she'd never be able to compare. 
But in this, in Tony's life and all the things he insisted on giving her, she was special. Tony had gotten around when he was a young adult and he'd even been in love before, but Sharon was the only one that he'd wanted to keep around for good; she was the only person he'd ever considered marrying, and so long as she was alive, she was the only person he'd be married to. Tony gave her the million dollar bathroom; he brought her out on dates to places she'd never be able to get into on her own; he bought her dresses that had been designed specifically for her, and he bought her all the accessories to match. 
She felt like a sugar baby sometimes, and she meant that in the best way possible. Tony took care of her. So much of her Shield career was about making hard decisions on the fly and never having the time to weigh her options. She followed orders, sure, but out in the field, it was all on her. There were overarching goals, but all calls were hers to make. It was nice to go home to Tony and curl up with him, knowing that he not only would make all the little decisions for her, but that he liked to. 
He wasn't home when she got back from a mission, so she stripped out of her clothes as she walked to the bathroom and left them like a breadcrumb trail; she'd pick them up later. She did pause to put her rings back on-- she couldn't wear them on missions, and she never knew who might be skulking around the building. Up in their rooms though, she was free to wear her engagement and wedding rings in the open. 
Right now, all she wanted was to soak in the tub for two hours and feel thoroughly relaxed. Maybe take a nap while she was at it. She put the drain plug in and turned on the faucet. Just hearing the water splash against the marble made her lose some of the tension in her shoulders. She had bath salts around here somewhere, but she didn't know where they were kept while she was gone-- she knew for a fact that Tony brought them to the front when she came home. It wasn't until she picked around one cabinet that she remembered she could ask Jarvis. "Jarvis?" 
"Yes ma'am?" 
"Do you know where my bath salts are?" 
"I believe sir moved them to the bottom left of the cupboard under the sink." 
Sharon moved to the sink, kneeling down gingerly because the floor was cold and she was naked. She peeked in, seeing the familiar brown packaging. "Thanks." 
"You are most welcome." 
She grabbed the bag and walked back to the tub, dumping some in. The dried rose petals slowly unfurled as the salt dissolved, filling the air with the smell of lavender. She put the bag in the cabinet where she was used to finding it, then walked back to the tub. She didn't really want to get her hair wet, but she was also in no sort of mood to tie it back. She couldn't do 'loose' when it came to her hair, and putting that much stress on her scalp was the opposite of what she was going for. With a mental shrug, she stepped into the tub, easing herself down. She flipped her hair so that the longer strands were on the outside, but she didn't expect for it to last. She leaned her head against the edge of it-- much taller than the standard bathtub-- and closed her eyes. 
When she felt the water raise to the top of her chest, she reached forward and turned off the tap. She hummed, dipping her arms under the water. She leaned against the back again, closed her eyes, and dozed off. She was pretty sure that she didn't actually fall asleep, but it was nice to have her brain go quiet and hazy for a while. 
She woke up when Tony came into the bathroom, half-undressed in a suit-- cuffs undone, tie off. His pants were still done up, but his socks and shoes were gone. He still looked camera ready. "Hey honey," he said with a smirk. "Saw your clothes out there; I didn't think you were getting back for another couple days." He padded over to the tub, kneeling beside it. While the ends of it were higher than usual, the sides dipped lower-- to what was probably a normal level. Seeing him sent a small pulse of want through her. It had been a long time. 
Sharon hummed, lifting a hand for him. He caught it in one of his own and pressed a kiss to her wet knuckles. She felt like a goddamn princess, and he'd only been here for ten seconds. "I'll pick them up when I get out." 
"I wasn't complaining." 
She drew her hand back, and Tony's fingers followed her lazily into the water. They trailed around like Tony was testing the water for something. 
"Enjoying yourself?" he asked softly, not wanting to disturb the peaceful mood she'd set. 
"Quite. How was your... meeting?" she guessed. Could've been a party of some sort, but those tended to run late and she hadn't been home for that long. 
"Meeting," Tony confirmed. "Horrible for them, glorious for me: the usual. You?" 
"Horrible for both of us," she said with a small smirk. "Information gathering is always the worst. Finding out all these terrible things and not being able to do anything about it." 
"You'll get 'em one day," he assured her, reaching over to one shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze. "I'm going to get changed." He straightened, then paused when she spoke again. 
"You should join me." He probably didn't know that she meant sex, but she couldn't imagine that he'd say no; he'd missed her just as much as she'd missed him, and it had been a while since they'd been able to have sex (what with the mission before this ending with an injury where she wasn't allowed to do anything 'strenuous'). 
He raised an eyebrow. "You sure? I thought you were tired." 
"Cuddling with my husband doesn't require a lot of effort on my part," she said dryly. 
"If you're sure." 
She nodded, and Tony shrugged. 
"Alright." He started to undress, dropping his clothes just as carelessly as she'd done with her own even though his were criminally more expensive. He was exactly as gorgeous as she remembered. Even the small details that she hadn't been fond of when they started to seriously date had grown on her-- like the beard. She'd absolutely hated how it looked, but she'd had to accept that Tony liked it, and now she did too. 
She scooted forward in the tub, leaving plenty of room for him to climb in behind her. He did so, carefully. The marble wasn't one of the more slippery bathtub materials, but it only took banging their heads together twice early on in their relationship for both of them to be more careful. Once he was settled, she leaned back until she made contact with his chest, then relaxed again. She hummed as she sagged against him. Leaning against a warm body was definitely better than leaning against warmed marble. More give to it, y'know? 
"You sure you don't just want to go to bed?" 
"'m sure." 
"You're a strange one, Carter," he said fondly, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist. "When I'm wiped after a meeting, you couldn't pry me off of our bed." 
"That's because you go to the workshop after a tiring meeting." 
"Not true." 
"Pretty true," she said, but she took the sting out of it by grabbing his hand and guiding it lower on her abdomen. He hadn't touched her in any way that was sexual yet, but she was already turned on thinking about it. His fingers spread below her bellybutton were enough to get a little jolt of want through her. 
"Yeah?" he doublechecked. 
She shrugged with one shoulder. "If you want to. I'm just going to sit here and enjoy it, if you do. Don't expect active participation right now." 
"Wouldn't dream of it, darling," he said, tilting her head to one side so he could mouth at her neck as his hand slid lower. His other hand came up and cupped her breast, still under the water and therefore nice and warm. They'd had sex in the tub before, and there was always something ethereal about it because of how sensation like that felt when underwater; it was still good, just... different. 
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jemej3m · 5 years
radio show au (p5)
yall are thirsty
Neil awoke to a rapping on his front door: Momentarily scared shitless, he scrambled out of bed, wished he had a gun, but resorted for a sweater over his thin white t-shirt and padded out into the hallway.
He glanced through the peephole and immediately unlocked the door.
“Andrew?” It was a Saturday night. Eight pm. Andrew was already meant to be at work. “What are you doing here?”
Silent, he nudged his way inside Neil’s flat and continued down the hallway. How he even knew what floor Neil lived on was a mystery: He locked the door anyway and tucked his hands into their sleeves, following Andrew out into his living room.
The man in question was gazing around with mild distaste, and Neil flushed. “How long have you lived here?”
“Almost a year.” He wiped sleep from his eyes and tried to flatten his hair. “I know, it looks empty and lifeless. Dan and Matt never shut up about it: It’s why they got me the rug. I just don’t see the need for material possessions.”
Andrew’s foot nudged the rug in question. It was blue and fluffy, with odd shapes. Neil liked it: It was soft.
“I’m pretty sure you didn’t come here to judge my home.” Neil said flatly, crossing his arms. “I have to leave for work in half an hour anyway. Speaking of, shouldn’t you be at yours?”
Andrew looked out onto the balcony, where there was only a plastic chair and a bowl for cigarette butts. “I got there. Then left.”
“Andrew, what’s wrong?” Neil stepped a little closer.
He took out his phone, pressed a few buttons, and then held the thing so carelessly Neil though it’d fall out of his hand.
“Andrew. It’s Wymack. I want you and Neil in the prime weekday slots, every evening. I’ll give you until Friday to give me an answer.”
Neil sighed. “I told you to keep an open mind.”
“You told me to keep an eye out.” Andrew reminded him. “That did not entail getting hounded.”
Neil simply glared. “One voicemail isn’t hounding. All you need to do is think on it: It’s an opportunity. One you shouldn’t miss.”
“Oh, I wasn’t talking about Wymack.” Andrew reached out and curled his fingers into the collar of Neil’s shirt. Neil wasn’t scared. “You’re the problem. I don’t know what to do with you.”
“What, because I believe in you?” Neil accused.
Andrew’s brow furrowed as he leaned closer, lips turned into a snarl.
“Have you always been so self-destructive?” Neil wondered. “Because you always act preemptively, as though the world is out to get you. Did it ever occur to you that -”
Andrew shoved a hand over his mouth. “Shut up. Yes or no?”
“Am I shutting up or answering the question?” Neil spoke through his fingers: Andrew removed his hand to pinch Neil’s chin between his forefinger and his thumb.
“I hate you.” Andrew growled, leaning up to press a bruising kiss to Neil’s lips. It was chaste, Andrew retreated just as abruptly as he’d arrived, but he was warm, his skin softer than Neil expected. Neil wasn’t sure what he expected but it really wasn’t this. He kept his hands balled into fists at his side, an unbeknownst suspicion that this all rested very gently on a scale of Andrew’s tolerance: Getting handsy would be the last thing Andrew wanted.
“Think on that.” He said blithely, and marched out of Neil’s flat.
He stood, blinking like a goldfish, unable to rid himself of the memory of Andrew’s lips upon his own. It’d been unexpected but not unwelcomed.
Neil didn’t have time to dwell on it now. He had to get to work.
Wymack had rectangular frames perched on the tip of his nose as he looked down a schedule, pinned to his clipboard. Neil manned Allison’s lines, sitting cross-legged on an office chair whilst he fiddled with the sound board and managed the contestants across two different phones.
Dan, having just completed her hourly news update, was perusing the news for more. She was lounging across the well-worn loveseat in the sound studio, humming gently as she searched.
Allison held a contest every friday evening, something pop-culture related that Neil didn’t particularly care about. He was there to accumulate contestants to participate and queue music as Allison grilled her latest victims on their ignorance.
“Anything?” Neil asked, when one woman was on hold.
Wymack looked at him and shook his head.
Neil hummed softly, displeased. It was Friday, the window Wymack having provided for Andrew closing rapidly. Neil had suspected that there had been more truth to his words on Saturday than he’d initially suspected: Now he’d pushed Andrew away. 
It was fine. He didn’t need to be the centre of attention anyway, nor did he need the pay rise. 
And yet - 
Hosting with Andrew had felt natural. Everything about Andrew had felt natural, from teasing over the phone when he called in, meeting him for the first time, meeting up with his the dozens of times afterwards, and then finally sitting across from one another at the sound booth and spending hours talking about anything and everything, good music filling the not-awkward silences between conversations. 
The door slammed open, and Neil couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he glanced over his shoulder. Speak of the damned devil. 
“Don’t fucking look at me like that.” Andrew warned. “If Kevin finds out about this I’m quitting.”
Wymack rolled his eyes, going back to his clipboard. Dan didn’t have the same caliber of indifference, glaring at Andrew with abject distaste. “Minyard? Is that really you?”
“The one and only.” Wymack grunted. 
“Can someone explain why the psycho freak from college is here in our station studio?”
“Neil’s leaving with me.” Andrew said, aptly ignoring Dan’s confusion. “Give him the night off.” 
“Thank god.” Wymack acknowledged. “I can’t get rid of him.”
“I don’t need to -” Neil protested, but it was too late: Andrew had hooked his fingers in the sleeve of his jumper and dragged him towards the door. 
Neil let himself be funnelled into Andrew’s car, which was sleek and far more expensive than his salary would permit. They’d both agreed on don’t-talk-about-past rule, but maybe there would need to be a little more censure if there was going to be a this.
“What are we doing?” Neil inquired lightly, intrigued. When Andrew didn’t answer, he twisted in his seat to look at him. “Come on.”
“Shut up.” Andrew said, lacking his usual edge. Neil hummed, switching on the radio and settling into his chair. 
Allison’s voice filled the space between them as she introduced a new song. Or, an old song.
“We can’t start the weekend right without some Mac, can we?” 
Neil pushed his knuckles into his lip, trying not to laugh as the music filtered out of Andrew’s speakers. 
tell me, tell me, tell me lies:
tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
“She thinks she’s funny.” Andrew huffed. 
“She knows she’s funny.” Neil objected. Andrew simply responded with a dismissive flick of his fingers. 
They swerved into the parking lot of a HomeDepot, which was close to closing. Neil dawdled behind Andrew and his trolley, ignoring the man as he picked out a lamp and a fluffy blanket. The trolley filled with stuff like cutlery and mugs, candles and photo-frames. 
Only when Andrew paused by the throw pillows did Neil ask what the hell the man thought he was doing. 
“I’m trying to decide which pillow matches your rug more.”
Neil gave him a quizzical look. 
“You’ve been living in that place for a year and it feels like a storage unit. Choose.” He pointed between two square pillows that were pretty much the same, and when Neil started fighting him, he chose instead. Neil tittered angrily all the way to the counter. 
“Keep whining and I’ll make you pay.” Andrew warned. 
Then Neil threw a fit about Andrew paying for his own house decor, but he was having none of it, pinching Neil’s wrist when he reached for his wallet. 
“You guys are adorable.” The cashier commented, sheepishly apprehensive when Andrew turned a glare on her. Neil gave her an apologetic shrug when Andrew stalked off, running after him. 
“This really was unnecessary,” Neil started again. 
Andrew pointed a butter knife they’d bought at him. “Quiet.”
“But -” 
Neil huffed. 
Andrew had pretended not to notice Neil’s stares all evening. The way his gaze had changed since last Saturday. He didn’t want to point it out. Pointing it out was acknowledging that something was different and that they should act on it, and right now Andrew could only deal with one major change at a time. 
Namely, his job. 
After all this time avoiding presenting, he’d upped and got himself a prime-time slot anyway. It was a curse. 
The shitty movie they’d been watching dawdled to a close, credits scrolling down the screen. Neil was fast asleep on the couch beside Andrew, tiny snores infuriatingly adorable. 
They’d gone out to HomeDepot, then come home and set everything up. It was, in Andrew’s humble opinion, far better. Neil had photos for the frames, tucked away in a drawer, and Andrew had lit the candles to smother the scent of mildew with something more fresh. 
They’d ordered takeout, queued a movie, and spent the almost two hours paying absolutely no attention to it. Neil’s eyes had barely moved off Andrew’s cheek, and Andrew was zoned out completely, shocked by how comfortable this domesticity was. 
He’d like to have blamed chance for having this all work out, but he didn’t believe in fate. He’d picked up that phone and called Neil’s radio station. He’d rocked up after his shift with coffee and zero expectations. He’d chosen to come back, time and time again, just to see the knowing glint in his blue eyes. 
Now he was here. 
“Josten,” He said quietly. Neil stirred but didn’t wake, shifting in his sleep. 
Andrew sighed, getting up from the couch and collecting empty containers. Neil was still asleep by the time everything was clean, despite Andrew’s efforts to be loud. He had to be truly exhausted: He’d mentioned once he was a light sleeper. 
Carefully, he fitted Neil’s head against his shoulder and scooped up his legs with his other arm, slowly traversing over to Neil’s room. Andrew had never been in here, cautious as he shouldered the room open. 
Careful, gentle, cautious: None of these words could be used to describe Andrew. And yet, it was all he could fathom being, laying Neil down on his bed. 
His room was a little messy. Untidy sheets, a sock hanging off the washing basket, oddities strayed across surfaces. Scar cream, cologne, deodorant, a pair of running shoes peeking out from under the bed frame. Andrew shut the grey curtains and toed out of the room, refusing to look back at Neil’s sleeping figure before he left. 
This was ridiculous, but he couldn’t help himself. 
Let yourself heal, Betsy had once said. 
Look at me now, Bee, he thought scathingly, giving the apartment a once over before he left. Finally proud?
That night, Andrew couldn’t sleep. He’d already quit at the bar, but he wasn’t starting at FM-OX until Monday. Neil’s last night shift was tonight, seeing as Wymack wanted him to get a full night’s rest tomorrow night for Monday. 
He laid on his bed until the thought of trying to sleep had his scars itching, so he got up and snatched his car keys from the bench. 
He didn’t bother with shoes but pulled on an extra hoodie, pattering down the stairs till he arrived at the garage. The smell of leather lacquer and fuel was comforting. He let himself sit in the driver’s seat for a little while, till he grew bored and started the engine. 
He had a quarter of a tank left: He’d drive till he needed to refill before going home. At first the silence, underlined only by the muffled roars of the engine, was cleansing. As always, he found his fingers reaching for the radio dial. 
“...You all better be safe out on the roads right now, going to or coming home from work.” Neil said. “Don’t need to be doing traffic reports at this hour, do I? Anyway, this next track is by a brand-new artist, heralding from Augustus, our neighbouring city...”
Andrew let the tension bleed out of him as Neil’s voice washed over him. By the time he’d filled up the tank and driven back to the garage, he was well sleepy, and had been listening to Neil for hours. 
Before he could even acknowledge what he was doing, he was on the phone to FM-OX’s line, his phone at his ear. 
“Neil Josten’s Mid-Nights,” Neil opened. 
“Goodnight, junkie.” Andrew muttered. 
The man’s voice softened. “Andrew. Hey.”
“You’ve got that look on you, don’t you. Quit it.”
“Rude.” Neil snorted. “Goodnight, Andrew.”
Andrew hummed and hung up, clambering out of the car. 
He’d be lying to himself if he said Neil’s voice wasn’t comforting. He tuned into the chanel from his phone, put it on charge, and let the mellifluous tones lull him to sleep.
we’re almost there i promiseeeeeee
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lurafita · 5 years
Peter/Avengers, dub/con, captivity, Part 4
Support couldn’t give me an answer to my problem. Though they said they would send me a link with a tool kinda thing, that I would have to install, and maybe that might help, then. Havn’t gotten it yet, but they said it might take a few days to get the file packed, or something. I have no clue about these things. Wish I had a Tony Stark in real life I could go bother with this.
Anyway, I would like to ask everyone to reblog this post, if you don’t mind, so that hopefully everyone who asked to be tagged for future parts will be able to find this. Thanks!
Read previous parts here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Once again, heed the tags below the cut.
kidnapping, dub/con, captivity, chains, bondage, obsessive Avengers, Peter/Everyone, darkly soft Avengers (in the sense that they hold Peter captive, but only want to love and protect him), non-powered Peter, dark-ish Avengers, 18+ Peter, Clint is not married and has no kids, Tony is not in a relationship with Pepper.
Part 4
Setting things up was almost too easy.
The Avengers floors in the tower were spread over four stories.
One floor made up an intricate and wide indoor training gym, with special equipment. The one above that was dedicated to lab work, and had all the instruments any scientists heart could ever desire.
Then came the common floor, which was by far, the biggest.
In the beginning, Tony had set it up so that every Avenger would have their own, private floor.
But everyone had quickly migrated to the completely functional guest rooms (that all came with en-suite bathrooms) on the common floor. There was more than enough room for everyone, and the team mates liked being close to each other, while still having some privacy in their own rooms.
Peter's room, of course, had also always been on the common floor.
The parameters for Friday's new protocol were easy to code into her mainframe. As was the math to calculate the length of the chain, and the best place to anchor it to, so that Peter would still be able to roam the whole of the common floor freely, but unable to reach the elevator.
Tony and Bruce would, of course, take Peter to their labs with them, if he wished for it. A fitting chain would be placed there as well. Things were a bit different for the gym. They suspected that Peter would want to keep up his ballet practices with Natasha (once he got used to his new circumstances a bit, they had no delusions that the first few days would be difficult for everyone). However, he clearly couldn't be chained down for those. So there would be no chains there.
And really, the chains weren't actually necessary. With Friday's updated protocols, which disallowed Peter the use of the elevators (which were the only way to access the Avenger floors), unless one of the Avengers was with him, or in case of an immediate emergency; as well as the fact that each and every one of them would be able to easily restrain Peter if it came to it, there was honestly no need to put a shackle on the younger man.
Thinking back, Tony didn't even know who had suggested it in the first place, but once the image was there...
They wanted it.
They wanted the visible, physical, undeniable proof, that Peter wouldn't leave them.
Couldn't leave them.
They wanted to be able to touch the chain, run their hands over the links, hear the sound it would make every time the brunette moved.
Tony took great pleasure in making it. He was not going to allow some crude, mass manufactured, heavy dark chain to touch his Sweetheart's soft skin. No. The chain he was making was a gold aluminum alloy, just like his armor. Strong, but light, and a glittering gold and red color. The cuff that would rest around Peter's ankle was padded with the softest material Tony could find, ensuring that neither the delicate skin, nor bones would get damaged from wearing it over a long period of time.
Feeling inspired, the billionaire also made some handcuffs out of the same metal and soft padding, as well as some other things that almost had him come in his pants, from simply imagining using them on Peter. Not right away, of course, he didn't want to spook his Sweetheart. But once things had progressed a little, when Peter had learned to accept (and maybe reciprocate) their love, these things would be there, and Tony and the others would use them to make his Sweetheart feel more pleasure than he ever had before.
When Peter graduated from University, Tony had finished making all the restraints they would need (and want). To celebrate Peter's graduation, Tony invited everyone (the team, Peter's aunt, and his two friends) to the most expensive restaurant in the city. Between the lighthearted teasing and sincere praise of everyone, Peter was blushing the whole evening.
Such a pretty little thing.
During the next days, as his departure to Australia drew ever nearer, Peter was a bundle of nervous energy. Fretting about preparations for his trip, getting everything in order, trying to spend time with Ned and MJ, his aunt and the Avengers, before he wouldn't see them for quite a while.
The day before his plane would depart, just as they had planned, the Avengers again invited everyone out, this time to a fancy, discreet place that served brunch. The food was good and everyone had a great time. At the end, Ned, Michelle and May Parker thanked the Avengers for the invitation, and then all hugged Peter tightly (May with tears in her eyes) and wished him all the luck in the world on his trip.
Peter likewise had to wipe some moisture out of his eyes after the heartfelt goodbyes.
Back at the tower, Bruce started the final stage of their plan.
“Peter? Professor Stoddard gave you a list of all the recommended shots for Australia, right?”
The younger man grinned. “Yep. Got them all covered. On a side note, I really hate needles.”
The admission got a small chuckle out of everyone, as well as a little smile from Bruce.
“Well, if you can grit your teeth through one more, I have mixed up something in the lab that will help your body to better adapt to the Australian climate.”
Peter gave him a look between surprised and moved.
“Aw, thank you, Bruce. You really didn't have to.”
But the doctor shook his head, and placed an arm around the slightly smaller man, guiding him to the elevator, the dark, knowing eyes of the other Avengers on their backs.
“Nonsense. I think we all would feel a lot better, knowing that you are less likely to collapse from heatstroke the minute you get off the plane. Come. It's in my lab.”
Ten minutes later, the elevator doors opened back up, showing Bruce carrying an unconscious Peter in his arms.
Steve stepped forward immediately, offering to take Peter from him.
“You made sure the sedative isn't harmful?”
Bruce would take offense, but he knew that the super soldier was simply worried and anxious for their precious one.
“I've tested it multiple times. He will sleep soundly for approximately the next nine hours.”
With Peter carefully cradled in his arms, Steve led the small procession to the younger man's room, where he laid him gently into his bed.
Natasha came forward and lovingly carded her fingers through the always messy, brown curls, swiping away a stray lock from his eyes. Clint was already in the process of removing the sleeping man's shoes, and Bucky, with sure but soft hands, opened Peter's jeans and tenderly stripped them off.
Sam was collecting the younger man's tablet, phone and laptop. They would be kept secure and out of Peter's reach, until they could be sure that their love wouldn't try to contact anyone about his captivity.
Tony and Thor entered the room then, carrying the long, gold and red chain between them.
Clint huffed at the sight. “I'm still not happy that my Darling will be wearing your color scheme all the time.”
Tony just smirked at him. “What did you want me to paint the chain with? Purple? No chance.”
Then he took the cuff that was linked to the chain, and approached the bed. He sat down at Peter's naked feet (Bucky had quickly traded the jeans for a soft pair of pajama bottoms, not wanting his Doll to get cold during the night, in only his boxers)
Tony took a moment to just admire the sleeping form of the man that held all their hearts in his hands. He looked so peaceful. He moved his hand to the ankle that laid against his thigh. Such soft skin. He stroked over it lightly. So delicate. He could wrap his whole hand around the appendage without problem.
“We were right. Peter isn't made for the jungle. It would be too rough on him. We can't let him go. He needs us.”
He didn't need to look up to see the agreement in the others eyes, and without further delay, he closed the cuff around the pale flesh.
“The chain will have to come off for changing clothes and taking baths, so there is a fingerprint scanner here” He pointed it out for the others “programmed to recognize our thumb prints. You need to press your thumb to it for five seconds, before it comes off, so there should be no accidental release. We will all need to watch our steps from now on, so that we don't trip over the chain.”
Everyone nodded.
Steve spoke next.
“Remember that Peter won't be too happy with us during the next few days. Maybe longer. He won't understand this, and he will like it even less. The first week will likely be the most frustrating for all of us, but I won't tolerate anyone taking it out on him.”
He was met with scowls.
“No one here would ever hurt him.” Sam had crossed his arms over his chest.
“It will take time, but Lastashka will come around.” Natasha continued to stroke his hair.
“Patience and love. Just like we talked about. He will accept it, one day.” Bucky's voice was confident and steady.
“It is rare that all of us are needed for a mission, so there is always going to be at least one of us here with him. This should help him to get used to it.” Bruce added.
“I will have to attend matters at Asgard occasionally, but I doubt it will take more than a day at a time. It is important that we show him that we will always be there for him, and take care of his needs.”
Tony stroked over the padded shackle once more, before standing up and covering the still unconscious Peter with the warm blanket.
“Friday, initiate Protocol: Caged Bird.”
The first few days were difficult, but it was nothing they hadn’t expected.
Peter was mostly confused. He didn’t understand why his friends were doing what they were doing. He didn’t understand that their feelings for him exceeded friendship by a mile. He didn’t understand that keeping him locked up, was for his own good.
He tried reasoning with them, tried convincing them that nothing would happen to him in Australia, or any other expedition he might take part in in the future. (He was very upset about having missed his flight. At the sight of tears gathering in his eyes, Steve had climbed into bed with him and cuddled the unwilling college graduate for about an hour)
After that Peter had got it in his head that the team had been hypnotized or otherwise manipulated by some kind of villain. (”This isn’t right. You know it isn’t. Someone is making you act this way. You have to fight this.”) But, of course, it was to no avail.
They had expected him to be angry at them, to scream and curse and wish them to hell (though he never did). And while he was clearly very unhappy about the situation, it wasn’t his anger that cut into the Avengers. It was his sadness.
The team did their best to help Peter through the ordeal, help him get used to things. Affectionate touches were freely given and numerous, no matter how reluctantly they were received.
They were vigilant about not giving him time or opportunity to get lost in negative emotions. Took care that he always ate and drank enough, would change the shackle from one ankle to the other every day, and then spent a few minutes to massage the joint, to ward off any discomfort.
Due to the shackle and chain needing to be taken off, in order for Peter to change his bottoms, or shower, someone was always in the room with him during that time. The lack of privacy and his own shyness about the others seeing him naked like this, was possibly the most challenging hurdle for Peter to overcome.
It took two weeks, for Peter to stop flinching away from their touches, and then another four days until he didn’t automatically stiffen any more, when one of them hugged him. His pleas to be let go tapered off after roughly the first month into his captivity.
When Clint actually managed to make Peter laugh one day, things changed again.
With the younger man’s slowly growing acceptance of his non-negotiable presence in the tower, the team grew bolder in their displays of affection.
Lips soon found their way onto the soft skin, hands alone no longer enough. Necklines were pulled lower, exposing more of the delicate neck and shoulder bones, then covering the light skin in love bites and hickeys.
Shirts were rolled up to gain access to stomach and chest. to stroke and caress, to lick and kiss. Soft tickles to the sides of  the sensitive belly, light pinches and bites to the pink nipples.
Hands found their ways under the soft pants and boxers Peter wore, squeezing his buttocks, fingers ghosting over the rim, stroking up and down the length of his penis.
The younger man would tell them to stop, tried to shove them away, or wriggle out of their grasps, at first, but he was never successful. It was like a switch had been pulled in the Avengers heads. Knowing that Peter couldn’t get away from them, couldn’t run, couldn’t leave, allowed them more and more freedom to express their love.
They wanted to kiss him. Caress him. Feel him. Taste him. They wanted to make him feel good. Make him experience all the pleasure they could. Wanted to hear him moan, and gasp, and writher. They wanted to hear their name on his lips when he came. And then they wanted to do it all over again.
Peter discovered that, despite the chain that already shackled him to their home, the Avengers liked to restrain him even further, whenever things got more intimate.
Bucky and Steve both liked to use their superhuman strength. Steve would gather the thin wrists in one of his big hands, and hold them to whatever surface Peter happened to be on, before descending on the slighter body.
Bucky was the same, just that he exclusively used his metal arm to trap Peter’s hands with, so that his flesh one would be able to feel the others skin beneath him.
Sam and Clint almost always used the padded handcuffs that Tony had made, to bind Peter’s arms behind his back. Sam liked for Peter to straddle him like this, while he played with his body. Clint preferred to lay the younger man down on the closest soft surface, be that the couch in the living room, or whoever’s bed was nearest, and have his wicked way with him.
Natasha usually took Peter to her bedroom, where she used silk shawls and other soft ties to secure him to her bed. (”Tying someone down can have two implications, Lastashka. The most obvious one is that it makes you unable to resist and gives me complete control. The other reason is that it’s not about reciprocation. Being bound forces you to accept the pleasure that I give you, to let me take care of you, let me make you feel good and worship your body like it should be worshiped. If you wonder which one of those implications comes into play here, it’s actually both. I like being in control, Peter, but I also like making you feel good. Just let me love you.”)
Most surprising was probably Bruce’s fondness for Japanese bondage. The older scientist loved to put Peter in elaborate and complicated bindings (with special ropes that wouldn’t burn or shave at the delicate skin, of course). He would patiently and carefully wrestle the younger man into compliance, and then skillfully tie him up. The only reason the bondage never included a gag, Peter came to realize, was that Bruce would stop his work every few minutes, to kiss him tenderly on the lips, the cheeks, and his forehead. Sometimes they didn’t even have sex when Bruce tied him up, though the man always made Peter come.
Thor was probably the odd one out, as he didn’t have a specific method he used to restrain his lover. Sometimes he would use a soft rope, other times he closed the padded handcuffs around Peter’s wrists, and other times still the god of thunder would simply clamp his own, big hands around the slim body and manhandle him however he wanted to. One day Thor had stripped his love, pinned him down on his bed with one hand, and with the other, carefully, hesitantly, but full of anticipation, laid his hammer onto the youngers chest. Mjölnir wasn’t heavy in the sense that it crushed Peter, but it was completely impossible for the younger man to move out from under it. All he could do was claw at the bedding and move his legs to the almost overwhelming pleasure, as the Asgardian took him again and again.
Tony, even though he had been the one to design and make the handcuffs and various other restrains the team used on Peter, would usually direct one or more of the empty Iron Man armors to hold his Sweetheart in position. He loved watching as Peter ineffectually writhed against the unyielding hold of something he had created, while he kneeled before his captive, using the skill learned from years of being New York’s number one playboy, to suck him off. He always made Peter orgasm once, before he entered him. It was such a heady feeling, such a turn on, to see Peter experience a second release, while the billionaire himself was buried deep inside his warmth.
They made sure not to overwhelm Peter too much. He couldn’t be taken by everyone, everyday. And really, no one had a problem with this. After all, it wasn’t purely about sex. They loved Peter, and they loved making love to Peter, but fucking for hours on end was not the only way that physical attraction and devotion could be expressed.
Cuddling during movie nights, or taking a bath together, having him sit between their legs and leaning back into their chest while he was reading a book, were all things that were high on everyone’s list for making Peter feel special and loved.
Whenever it wasn’t Steve himself to share this kind of intimacy with his Honey, he liked to draw the scene before him. His sketchbook was full of pages upon pages of Peter being cherished by one of his team mates. (He always drew the chain, and sometimes the handcuffs, as well. The different restraints had become as much of a symbol for their love, as everything else had)
Three and a half months into Peter’s captivity, everyone was gathered in the living room, watching a movie. Peter was lying with his head in Natasha’s lap, the former Assassin lovingly stroking her hand through his hair. His legs were laid over Sam’s lap, with the man softly kneading his calves. The rest of the Avengers had spread out over the other couches and chairs in the room, basking in the peaceful atmosphere that knowing Peter was close by, always brought to them.
“Do you hate us?”
Natasha’s quiet question cut through the room like a knife, and Peter could see every one of the Avengers stiffen, as they waited for him to answer. He inhaled deeply.
“...No. I don’t hate you. I don’t like being locked up, I’m not always too happy about all the restraints, I miss being able to run around outside, jump from building to building, or just take a walk. I still don’t understand why you are doing all this,... But I don’t hate you.”
They all slumped a little in relief, Sam affectionately squeezed the ankle without the shackle, and Natasha continued to stroke through Peter’s hair.
“No more parkour for you, Doll. It’s too dangerous.” Came Bucky’s rumble to the brunettes right, and he could see the others nod their heads in agreement to this. He sighed.
“But we can talk about a few outings in the future.”
Natasha and Sam kept him from sitting up, but Peter still looked at Tony with wide, excited eyes.
The billionaire nodded. “If you agree to wearing a tracker, maybe an anklet. And at least one of us has to be with you. Possibly a few more rules that we will decide on then. But yes, really.”
Seeing the reluctant agreement to that in everyone’s eyes, Peter smiled widely. It wouldn’t happen in the next few days, he knew. Maybe not even for another month or more. But he would get to go outside again.
One day.
That’s it folks.
As you can probably tell, I’m not very good with writing smut. (In fact, I didn’t really, explicitely, write any... sorry)
Which is why, if anyone is interested / wants to do it, I would not at all be opposed if someone wrote additional parts to this story.
The only thing I ask, is that you keep things nice. No degradation, humiliation or pain play, please. (Pain play would include things like spanking and orgasm denial. Orgasm delay is fine, but outright denial can not only be considerably painful, but might also have real, physical consequences.)
I don’t mean any offense if those are some of your personal kinks or likes, but I myself don’t enjoy those very much (or at all), and I don’t think they would fit into the mind frame of the story, or the Avengers.
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certifiedskywalker · 5 years
Dangerous - Tyrion Lannister
You had remained quiet in Essos. Your silence was your unspoken worry in Meereen. You didn’t dare speak up when The Dragon Queen torched the leading members of House Tarly. Now, your speech was heavy on your mind as you watch Tyrion struggle to forge a better world for everyone through advising the Queen.
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Everyone was smiling, a stark contrast to the bitterly cold morning laced with frowns and tear stained cheeks. In place of salty tears, wine flowed to cups and in the mouths of lucky lords that had survived the onslaught of the dead. The Night King has been slain, his army soon after. Winter had come and died at Winterfell, making the name of the keep all the more significant.
All those gathered in the Stark holdfast were feasting. The Gods had given them all another day. Or rather, Arya Stark has given them all another day. By the look in the Dragon Queen’s fiery eyes, you deduced that the said day would be one of war and bloodshed. There was yet one more battle to be won.
“You were married,” Brienne jeered loudly, pulling your attention from the head table back to those around you. “You were married before Lady Sansa.” The lady knight grinned devilishly, an expression that felt more like Jaime than Brienne. You smiled at her nonetheless and turned to Tyrion. He screwed up his face in distaste before glancing at you sympathetically. He took a long drink from his chalice of liquor.
“Sorry brother,” Jaime tutted, but Tyrion glowered at him. You hummed and ran your fingers through his dirty blond curls. He leans into your touch, green eyes holding your gaze. It was then you saw, in full force, just how tired your love was. You wondered if he had even slept since you all had journeyed North.
“It’s your turn, mi’lord,” Podrick pressed, coaxing Tyrion to tear his eyes from yours. Soon, he fixed on Brienne. Her cheeks were rosy due to the ale and wine, but every so often you would catch sneak a glance at Jaime. Finally, Tyrion saw it too. He leaned back in his seat smugly and you prepared yourself for whatever his wit had conjured.
“You have never slept with a man,” Tyrion wondered aloud and Brienne’s smile fell instantly. “A man or a woman. You’re a virgin.”
“Tyrion!” You reprimanded, pinch his arm. He jumped slightly at the pain, but his eyes never left Brienne. Podrick quickly drank from his tankard, hoping to drown out the secondhand embarrassment. The large woman stood up, pale eyes sad as she walked off. “That was rude, Tyrion. You must go apologize.”
Before Tyrion could reply, Jaime was getting to his feet. You followed his gaze and found that he was watching Brienne as she made her retreat. A flash of fear danced over the knight’s face before excusing himself. He followed after Brienne and disappeared from sight around a wall of stone. Tyrion watched too, a pleased, half-smile on his lips.
“About bloody time,” he muttered, tracing his finger along the lip of the cup before him. Podrick gave him a weary look and you shook your head.
“You shouldn’t mettle,” you sigh, meeting Tyrion’s gaze. He opened his mouth, brows furrowed in slight offence.
“Mettling is my job,” he exclaimed, “mettling breeds results. Just wait, you’ll see.” You frown at his words before turning your head towards the table at the back of the Great Hall. While northmen cheered and bolstered Jon, Daenerys sat alone with Varys eyeing the scene surrounding them. The Dragon Queen had gone unrecognized for the majority of the feast and you could see that the woman Tyrion supported was having none of it. I hope it’s the results you desire, you thought to yourself before standing up yourself.
“Well, I am going to get some rest,” you lean down and press a kiss to Tyrion’s cheek. “You should as well, my love,” you whisper in his ear. When you straighten, Tyrion looks at you with a joyful curiosity. You hadn’t seen him smile like that in a long while.
“Goodnight, milady,” Podrick says, his eyes still bright despite the night that had long since fallen over Winterfell. You dipped your head in his direction before trailing out of the Great Hall. The echoes of the feast followed you as you made your way to the chambers set aside for Daenerys’ advisors. Jon Snow was nothing if not considerate when it came to lodgings.
In spite of the cobbled stone walls and cool-toned decor of the bedroom, a sense of warmth overwhelmed you when you stepped inside. You could feel the love, the family, that was worked into every step of the Stark’s ancestral home. Even in rooms meant for guests and Southern Lords, hints of well-loved history oozed out from each stone. Those in King’s Landing being told the North was nothing but ice and snow were sorely cheated from the experience you had been graced with; even if, when you had arrived, there were dead on the march.
Quickly, you dressed in your warmest sleepwear. The furs were a wise investment when you made it to Winterfell. Tyrion had showed you the older woman who sold his first winter cloak to him when he made his way North with King Robert. Easier times then, he had said with a horrible sorrow in his eyes. The thought of him now made your heart ache. You wanted easy times for him again, but you feared the Dragon Queen would complicate things.
As if your thoughts alone had summoned him, Tyrion pushed through the door of your shared chambers with a loud creak. Drunkenness still clung to him, you could tell by the glow in his face, but the darkness in his eyes hinted at a perpetual sober mind. Tyrion’s intellect never failed to impress you, even if wine was flowing through his system. Even his steps were ones of a clear-minded man as he made his way towards you.
“I will apologize to Lady...Ser Brienne in the morn,” he admits, hands reaching to clutch your knees as you sat before him on the edge of the bed. “I hope you are not too cross with me. I had good intentions despite my cruel words.”
“Perhaps use words a bit more kind if this happens again, yes?” You retort, gently gripping Tyrion’s chin so he meets your serious gaze.
“Perhaps,” he replied with a dry smile, one that does nothing to hide the worry in his eyes. You frowned at his expression, trailing the pad of your thumb along his cheek.
“You are fearful,” Tyrion shifts, hands tightening on your gown covered knees, “why?”
“For you are fearful,” he counters smoothly. “The immediate threat is gone yet you are as quiet as the dead. What is running through that beautiful head of yours?” You give Tyrion half of a smile, turning your eyes away from him as you drop your hand from his face. He doesn’t let you give up that easily. You feel his fingers trace along your jaw, coaxing you to look at him once more. When you finally give in, you’re greeted with his furrowed brow.
“Are we so certain the true threat isn’t still alive?” Your words are so cold you swear you see Tyrion shiver. To mask his concern he situates himself between your legs, his warm hands now resting on the tops of your thighs. Through the thick material of your sleeping gown, you can feel how his fingers tap worriedly along your flesh.
“You know Cersei will be dealt with,” Tyrion explains, hoping to undo your unease. “We will be safe from her, our Queen will make sure of that.”
“And how will she secure such safety?” You prod, your heart pounding in your chest as you dare to ask. Tyrion’s frown deepens and you feel your lips do the same. “Your Queen is a dragon, much like her children. What if she lets the fire overtake her?”
“Y/N,” his tone is perturbed, tension evident on his features, “Daenerys is our Queen.” You fall silent at his correction in the same silence that had gripped you when you watched Daenerys punished Randyll and Dickon Tarly. The fury, the thirst for revenge in her eyes was still lurking in your mind, haunting you every time you remained quiet. You could sit back no longer. Holding Tyrion’s gaze, your bottom lip quivered as you spoke up.
“She is dangerous, Tyrion. You must know that.”
“All….all Kings and Queens must utilize some fear in order to be an effective ruler. Her dragons are….she knows…” Tyrion trails off when he sees a tear slip down your cheek. “Y/N, you know I will let no harm come to you, from anyone.”
You nod, your eyes falling down to your lap where Tyrion’s hands still rested. “She has threatened you before. How can you promise me your own safety?”
“Because it is my duty to guide her, check her worst-”
“If all her impulses are worse, is there any gain in checking them?” Your question seems to cut through some haze stirring in Tyrion’s mind. You sniffle softly, wiping at your nose as Tyrion mulls what you said over. “We’ve been through too much,” you whimper, “to be one with the ashes now.”
“I know,” Tyrion murmurs, his voice knowing and soft. Instead of continuing on or defending his Queen, Tyrion reaches up. You lean down to meet him halfway and capture his lips in a gentle kiss that tastes of sweet wine. It is a kiss of comfort, a promise that there is more life ahead of you both. With the promise sealed and your worries voice, Tyrion climbs into the bed beside you.
You rest your head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. The memory of a similar moment resurfaces; Meereenian sunlight filtering through the open balcony of the palace you and Tyrion had found yourselves in after fleeing King’s Landing. Daenerys had saved you both then. So you could understand why Tyrion wanted to return the favor in form of the Iron Throne. Yet, just as you knew the sound of his heart, you knew Tyrion would attempt to defend Daenerys from herself. If that was not possible, you feared for the man you loved.
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alwayscarryonjily · 6 years
Still Rockin’ Your Hoodie, Baby, Even Though it Hurts
I’m still lying in my bed when Fiona carries a cardboard box into my room around 3:00pm. She drops the box next to my feet and it turns on its side, tipping its contents over the duvet. I twist my neck around so that I can look at the various objects just as she rips open the curtains. The late autumn sun streams through the window, blinding my eyes that haven’t seen light in perhaps three days? I think it’s Tuesday, but it could easily be Wednesday or Thursday.
“Basil, it’s time to get up and stop being pathetic. When I let you move in, I did not sign up for a moping emo kid,” Fiona says. “This is the last box of crap your friend Bunce dropped off yesterday. I figured I’d give you a while before dumping it on you.”
I push myself up and wipe the dried tears from the corners of my eyes. “Bunce? Did she say anything about Simon?”
My breath catches in my throat until I meet her eyes. She shakes her head and I let the air escape from my lungs.
“I’m sorry, kid.” She turns towards the door but pauses. “It’s take-out night. If you don’t come out for food, I’m dragging your ass back to your father’s house.”
I twist in my duvet after the door closes and watch as a book falls from the bed onto the floor. It looks like a psychology textbook, but I don’t take psychology. Simon does. I grab the book that’s lying next to my foot. It’s a biology textbook. Yet another course I don’t take. I lift the box and the array of colourful clothing that greets me tells me that this isn’t my box. Bunce delivered Simon’s last box, not mine. I want to believe she did it on purpose, trying to get me to speak to Simon and fix things, but she’s not that kind of person. I know this was a mistake. I reach for a pink sleeve and pull it towards me. T-shirts, socks and a scarf are pulled out of the box with the hoodie and I pick them off, placing them carefully back in the box. I lift the hoodie up by its shoulders and stare at it. It’s the one I bought Simon for his birthday last year. The pink one with the white blossoms on the sleeves and the circle of fairies on the back. ­I drop my head into my knees and pull the material up to my face. Tears fall from my eyes and catch on the pink fabric. It still smells like smoke and baking; like Simon. I sit there for another hour, letting Simon’s hoodie muffle my sobs. Fiona knocks on my door once, but she walks away when I don’t answer, although I know she’ll be back if I don’t make an appearance before dinner arrives.
I let myself take five more minutes to get myself together before I pull myself out of bed. My legs struggle to hold my weight steadily, but I make my way to my dresser. I pull out a pair of sweatpants, some new underwear (cause lord knows I need it) and a black tank top. My bladder is near bursting and I reek of sweat after not showering for days. I know Fiona wouldn’t appreciate having a sweaty 19-year-old sitting in her kitchen any more than she must like having a mopey emo kid sulking in her spare bedroom, so I spend the next half hour in the bathroom. When I return to my room to throw my clothes in the laundry basket my eye catches on Simon’s hoodie. I reach to pick it up and press it to my face, inhaling Simon’s scent.  My nose rubs against an old cigarette burn under the collar and the teeth of the zipper scratch my cheek.
“Basil, if you want anything in particular you better get out here soon!” Fiona yells.
I pull my face away from the hoodie and look towards the door, even though I know it’s closed and that Fiona will be looking through a pile of take-out menus. I glance back at the lump of pink in my hands before pulling it on, up and over my arms.
When I enter the living room of Fiona’s small London flat I instantly spot her sitting cross-legged on the breakfast bar. She has her nose stuck in a menu for one of the Indian restaurants down the street. Her feet are covered in various take-out menus from restaurants in the flat’s general area. I saunter over to her and pick up one of the Chinese restaurant menus.
“Can I have honey roast chicken, pork dumplings and chicken-corn soup if I go pick everything up?” I ask before dropping the menu back on her feet and walking over to one of the two sofas.
“If you help with the bill,” she replies, looking up with a smirk as I drop onto the couch.
I narrow my eyes and stick my tongue out. She winks before dropping off the edge of the counter and reaching for the phone. She dials and orders from the local Pizza Hut. I roll my eyes at her Hawaiian pizza and large coke. She hangs up and turns to me with her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow.
“You have such cultured taste.”
Fiona glares at my words and picks up a menu. I can’t read what restaurant it’s for, but I’m willing to bet it isn’t McDonald’s. She picks up the phone again and dials.
“Hi, can I place an order of mango chicken and tikka masala for Fiona. Yeah, thanks.” She glares at me as she puts the phone down. “Have fun picking up food from three restaurants, Fiona.”
I sneer at her back as she stalks out of the room, chuckling to herself. I spot my cell phone on the coffee table in front of me, the shattered screen still present. I really should have asked Fiona to get it fixed for me. I reach over and pick it up, pressing the on/off button as I lift it towards my face. The screen lights up and through the shattered glass I can see the lock screen; a selfie of Simon and I from our one-year anniversary dinner three months ago. Simon’s cuddled into my side on the floor of our old apartment. He’s holding the phone while reaching up to kiss my neck and I’m smiling at the phone in his hand. He has sauce all over one side of his face and a few pieces of rice stuck to the corner of his mouth. I know there are stains on the shirt he wore that night from all the food he dropped down his front and Penny wouldn’t speak to us the next day because we reeked of garlic. But we were happy that night. We were happy together.
“I haven’t heard you leave yet, and it’s a half hour walk down the street!” Fiona yells from her room.
I sit up, wiping a tear from my cheek with the pad of my thumb and rub a pink sleeve over my eyes. I drop the phone on the couch as I stand and take a shaky breath.
“You left yet?” She yells again.
“Jeez, you’re impatient! I’m leaving now!” I yell back.
I reach around my door frame on my way to the front door to grab a pair of shoes and shove my feet into them while I grab my coat and keys. I pocket the cash Fiona had in her coat pocket and check I have some cash in my own. I yell a goodbye to Fiona before the door closes behind me when I step out into the hallway.
I’m struggling down the street with Fiona’s two bags of food and my own when I see the head of bronze curls ahead of me. I stumble and almost drop everything over the pavement. Someone knocks into my shoulder as I readjust the bags in my hands. My eyes drift upwards and look for the mop of brown hair down the street. I spot the person walking towards me, bobbing through the crowd of people. I consider my options; continue walking towards them or cross the street and run like a wimp on the grounds that the person is possibly Simon. I take one step in front of me and bolt across the street, weaving through the backed-up traffic.
I barely stop running from that spot on the street to Fiona’s apartment door. I take a few minutes in the hallway to catch my breath before I open the door. Fiona’s sitting on the couch watching some American reality show and eating popcorn.
“I wasn’t even gone an hour and you couldn’t wait?” I roll my eyes as I drop the food on the table by the door and shrug off my coat.
“Hey! I’m old. I need my sustenance. I can’t be waiting around for melancholic teenagers to get home to give me food.”
I carry the bags of food over to the coffee table and dump them in front of her. She shoots me a smug grin as she reaches for her pizza box and I aim my middle finger at her, mimicking her grin. The smell of the garlic in my dumplings wafts towards me as I rip open the paper bag. The sounds from Fiona’s shitty reality show continue as we unpack our food.
“Are we having a movie night or are you going to subject me to this colonial rubbish?” I ask from the kitchen while grabbing some cutlery for us.
“If we can watch a Disney movie I’ll turn this off and save your poor brain cells from further destruction.”
I throw a plastic fork and spoon at her and reach for her laptop to open her movie files.
“Well the only ones you have downloaded are Frozen and Tangled, so your pick I guess,” I say through a spoonful of soup.
She turns to me with an evil grin on her face. I watch as she takes a sip from her coke before she says, “Frozen.”
“Why did I know you’d say that?” I groan, leaning away from the dumpling on the table that I was about to eat.
I glance over at Fiona as the end credits start to roll. She’s snoring into her half empty pizza box and is hugging her coke (which has spilled all over the couch) to her chest. I reach across to her sofa and grab the remote from the arm of the couch, clicking the television into silence before closing the lid of her laptop too. I pull the blanket from the back of the chair I’d been sitting in and drape it over her. She shifts as the woolen weight settles over her, but her eyes remain closed. I sneak around the apartment, putting whatever food we didn’t eat in the fridge for tomorrow’s lunch – or breakfast in Fiona’s case. I check to make sure she isn’t being smothered by the pizza she’s using as a pillow before escaping to my room. I change into some sweatpants, keeping Simon’s hoodie on, and pull out my laptop before climbing into bed. When I open it and the screen lights up the first thing I see is the notification from Facebook in the bottom corner of the screen informing me that I have a message from Penelope Bunce. I click the notification, letting it take me to Facebook. Messenger opens, and Bunce’s chat pops up.
Hey, how are you doing? Do you want me to send you the economics notes you’ve missed?
I consider not gracing her messages with a reply, but the message was sent two days ago, and despite her loyalty to Simon, I know she wouldn’t want to think that I’m miserable. So, I type a quick reply and close the tab, instead opening my emails. A collection of emails from my lecturers appears on the screen, all of them containing links to Google Docs that my classmates have filled with homework and class discussions, none of which I have shared my usually obnoxious opinion in. I close the tab and shut the screen, placing my laptop on the bedside table before turning off the lamp beside me and burying down into my blankets.
I’m half asleep when my laptop makes a noise, letting me know that I have a new notification. I reach for my laptop and open the lid. I click on the notification and my emails open.
Hey Baz, are you okay? I just want you to know that I’m sorry.
I want to type a reply, but my vision becomes blurred by tears and I have to delete the email from Simon. I close my laptop for the second time in the past half hour and slide it across the floor, so it rests as far from my bed as it can get. I curl into a ball, pressing my face into my pillow and fall asleep to the sounds of my own sobs.
When I emerge from my room around twelve the next day, Fiona is eating my leftovers. She’s trying to be sneaky about it by hiding behind the fridge door, but I can see her perfectly well from the doorway to the kitchen. I clear my throat and place a hand on my hip. She jerks back from the fridge, sending rice scattering across the floor. Her eyes narrow when she sees me, and she quickly swallows her mouthful.
“That’s your fault,” she says, pointing at the rice on the floor. “You can clean it up.”
She laughs and goes back to eating my food when I flash my middle finger at her. I grab the half broom and shovel from below the sink and start collecting the rice from the floor.
I feel Fiona’s eyes on me before she says, “Didn’t you wear that hoodie yesterday? I didn’t know you knew what colours were.”
“Of course, I know what colours are. I did take art in high school, you know,” I reply, not looking at her.
I hear a rustle of clothes and the sound of a container being placed on a shelf before the fridge door closes. I turn and see Fiona leaning against the wall. She has an eyebrow raised as if to say, are you gonna cut the shit or am I going to have to rip it out of you? I glare at her but feel myself wanting to tell her where it came from and why I’m wearing it, but I can see the pitying look in her eyes and I don’t want that sympathy to transfer to her face.
“It’s just something I found in my wardrobe.” The lie rolls right off my tongue and leaves a sour taste in my mouth as well as a prickling behind my eyes.
She makes an mhmm noise before opening the fridge again and pulling out my dumplings.
“Hurry up so that I don’t have to eat all your food.”
I grin at her, sweep up the last of the rice and tip the floor scrapings in the shovel into the bin. Fiona takes the lead walking into the lounge and I follow, dropping into the same seat I sat in last night. Fiona, too, sits in the same place she did last night. She seems to have cleaned up a bit because her pizza box pillow is gone and the couch she spilled coke on no longer has a dark brown stain. Although it wouldn’t have mattered whether she’d done something to fix the stain when you consider the dozens of other stains on the furniture around the apartment. She reaches over and offers me the container of dumplings. I take a few and let her claim the rest for herself.
“Does your cloak of darkness fit over that hoodie? It looks a bit big,” Fiona says through a mouthful of dumpling.
I furrow my eyebrows and cock my head slightly to the side, trying to express my confusion without speaking with my food-filled mouth. She rolls her eyes at the manners I display (courtesy of my upbringing) but elaborates on her question.
“Does your leather jacket fit over the hoodie? Or are you turning into a pastel-loving cinnamon roll? Because if so, I want first dibs on the black clothes you’re abandoning.”
“No, I’m not turning into a cinnamon roll. And how do you even know what a cinnamon roll is?” I shove another dumpling in my mouth while she answers.
“I spend more time on the internet than you do, or did you forget that some of us adults can actually use technology, unlike that father of yours.” She places her last bite of dumpling in her mouth and turns around to check the clock on the wall. “I have to go. I’m meeting someone. There’s still food in the fridge if I’m not back later. What am I saying? You’re an adult. Take care of yourself. That isn’t my responsibility anymore.”
“What time will you be back?” I ask, reaching out to take the empty container from her.
She stands as she shrugs and says, “Dunno. If I’m not back by four call me using the house phone, but I probably won’t be longer than an hour. Oh, did you want me to get your phone screen fixed while I’m out?”
I look at the couch cushions that I know my phone is hidden between and shrug. “Couldn’t hurt I guess.”
She reaches between the cushions and pulls it out. How she knew where it was is beyond me, although she was sleeping there so it’s highly likely that she felt it digging into her stomach while she was snoring into her pizza pillow.
“Wow, this screen really is a mess. How did you manage to shatter it this much?”
I shrug again, opting to irritate her rather than tell her that I threw it at a wall during the fight with Simon. She glares at me but comes over to kiss the top of my head before leaving me alone in the apartment. I look around the room and decide that I should probably start catching up on all the lectures I’ve missed, so I collect my laptop and a blanket from my room and return to the couch in the hopes of having a study afternoon.
My head jerks forward, throwing me out of my dream and I blink slowly. My computer is still in front of me, open on an economics Google Doc. I meant to read through the notes my classmates had left, but I don’t remember any of what’s in front of me, so I assume that I fell asleep soon after turning on my laptop. My earplugs are miraculously still in my ears and the Fall Out Boy album I’d been listening to is still playing. I pause the song currently playing and pull the earplugs out of my ears. As soon as they leave my ears, I hear the ringing of the phone. I jump up, almost dropping my laptop and race over to the phone. I turn back to the clock by the door as I take the phone off the hook on the wall and press it to my ear. The clock reads three seventeen, so I didn’t sleep for very long and there’s no sign that Fiona’s returned but I don’t have to worry about that for another hour or so.
“Hello?” A voice asks.
I forgot that the phone was pressed to my ear for a reason.
“Hey. Hi. This is Baz.”
“Baz, hey. It’s Penny. I’ve been calling for the past hour,” the voice says.
“Hey. How are you? Is everything alright?” I can’t help asking; Bunce never calls me. She rarely even texts me. She’s more of an email person, and even then, she doesn’t tend to use that either.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. I just wanted to check you’d got the box of stuff I dropped off? You didn’t say anything about it in your Messenger reply.”
I think about the box of Simon’s things sitting in my room and the hoodie that I’m currently wearing. “Actually, Bunce, you gave me the wrong box. You gave me Simon’s stuff.”
There’s a pause on the other end and for a second, I think I hear voices, but then Bunce says, “Oh.”
“Um,” There’s another pause. “Well, do you want to maybe meet me somewhere, so I can switch the boxes?”
I think about how switching the boxes means I’ll have to give Simon’s hoodie back, and then I think about how selfish that is. The hoodie belongs to Simon. He loved it. I can’t take that from him.
“Yeah. I can meet you later today if that’s fine?” I ask, knowing I won’t be going anywhere else for the rest of the day.
“Actually, I have a meeting with one of my lecturers and I’m meeting, uh, I’m meeting Simon and Agatha for dinner with Micah,” She says, and I have to force myself to take a shaky breath.
Of course, Simon is going out and enjoying himself. He’s probably glad to be rid of me; the pathetic, boring boyfriend that always kept him from doing the things he wanted to do.
“Okay, well I should probably go to work tomorrow, but I can meet you afterwards? If you don’t have any afternoon lectures, that is?”
There’s a pause on the other end and I think I hear voices again before Bunce speaks. “Yeah that should be fine. Do you want to meet at the coffee shop by your work?”
I agree to meet her there at four and say goodbye before hanging up. I put the phone back on the hook and take a few steps into the living room until the phone rings again. I sigh and reach around to pick it up, not bothering to greet the caller; it’s probably Bunce calling again to double check our plans are good. But the voice on the other end doesn’t belong to Penelope Bunce.
“Hello?” A deeper, male voice says.
My breath catches in my throat and my stomach drops.
“Is anyone there?” Simon pauses. “Baz? Are you there?”
My throat starts to burn with the lack of oxygen in my lungs and I force myself to take a shallow breath. Simon sighs on the other end.
“Baz, I just wanted to find out if a box of my things ended up with yours. I’m missing a few textbooks that I need for exams… Well, text Penny if you find them. Bye. I miss you.”
The silence that follows on the other end tells me he hung up. I place the phone back on the hook for the second time in the past few minutes and continue my earlier path into the lounge. I drop back into the sofa and move my laptop on the coffee table; I can’t handle the thought of studying right now. I curl into a ball and press my shoulder against the back of the chair. I hold in the tears, but I can’t keep the uneven breaths from racking my chest. I close my eyes and let myself fall into a restless sleep.
A hand on my shoulder brings me out of unconsciousness. I open my eyes and see the apartment lit up by the lamps around the room. The kitchen light is on and through the window I can see that it’s dark outside. I look up into Fiona’s grey eyes and see the concern in her eyes vanish behind a mask of impatience. She leans away from me and places her hands on her hips.
“Take out was last night, so tonight’s cooking night and I don’t want to burn anything, so I need a supervisor,” she says simply before vanishing into the kitchen.
I look at the clock and see that I slept for roughly five hours. Well, I won’t be sleeping well later. I peel myself out of the couch and join my aunt in the kitchen.
“Is it curry night then?” I ask when I see the various assortment of spices littering the bench.
“Mhmm,” Fiona replies absentmindedly as she examines the types of rice in the cupboard.
“We only have brown rice and jasmine rice, and you like being healthy when we cook. Get out the brown rice,” I say while rolling my eyes.
She flashes her middle finger at me over her shoulder and pulls out the bag of brown rice. She grabs a pot from one of the cupboards and fills it with water. I lean across the breakfast bar and turn the radio on. When I look around at Fiona she’d dancing to the WHAM! song that’s currently playing. We spend the night dancing around the kitchen to the radio while we cook.
I wake up the next morning in my room to my alarm going off for work. The alarm clock reads seven am. I sit up, pulling the duvet with me, and turn the alarm off before it wakes Fiona up from down the hall. I change into a pair of black jeans and an MCR shirt before pulling Simon’s hoodie over my arms. I shove my arms into my rain jacket at the front door and carry the box of Simon’s things down the hall and out onto the street. I place it carefully in the back room when I get to work and clock in. My co-worker for the day is a girl called Trixie. I let her take counter duty and instead start restocking the shelves in the science fiction/fantasy section. We take our lunch break behind the counter because our manager, an older woman named Miss Possibelf, went out for lunch with her sister and needed us to mind the store while we eat. Trixie’s girlfriend, Keris, visits after our break and I tell Trixie that I’ll close the store for her, so she can get off early. I sit behind the counter, opening and closing the tray on the cash register while staring religiously at the clock on the computer screen.
When the time finally reads three thirty I sit up and start packing up the shop for the day. The sign reads ‘Closed’ and the lights are all off when I leave ten minutes later. I carry Simon’s box to the café down the street and order a pumpkin mocha breve before choosing a corner table. I consider taking Simon’s hoodie off and putting it in the box, but it’s only Penny that’s meeting me and it’s not like she’d judge me. I pull my phone out and start writing a text to Penelope, but the door opening makes me look up.
I catch a glimpse of bronze curls before my eyes meet blue ones. A wave of emotion sweeps over me and I find myself struggling to my feet.
“Baz,” Simon says at the same time I say, “Simon.”
I watch as his eyes drift down and focus on the hoodie I’m wearing. His hoodie. I feel my cheeks heat as I rush to take it off.
“Baz- uh, you don’t- don’t worry about it,” he says, and I stop wrestling with the hoodie.
“Sorry. I assume you want your stuff back?” I notice he carries a cardboard box under his arm, presumably containing my own lost things.
He nods.
We stand there for a few seconds just taking each other in, then we both rush to speak.
“Do you want to-”
“I assume you want-”
“Sorry,” we mutter at the same time.
I sit back down awkwardly and pick up my drink to occupy my hands. Simon looks at the counter for a second and turns back to me.
“I’m just gonna go get a, uh, drink,” he says. “I’ll just leave this here.”
He puts his box on one of the chairs opposite me and walks towards the counter. He comes back a couple of minutes later with his own pumpkin mocha breve. He sits down in the other chair on the other side of the table and looks up at me with those blue eyes. Fuck.
I clear my throat and nod towards the cardboard box on the floor next to me. “I guess you know Bunce accidentally gave us the wrong boxes.”
Simon opens his mouth and closes it again. I cock my head to the side and furrow my eyebrows.
“What?” I ask.
“Penny did that on purpose. I thought you knew.”
I narrow my eyes and start planning the email I’m going to send her later. Simon grimaces across the table and lifts his hand slightly, as if he was going to reach for my own, but he drops it again.
“That’s your plotting face. Forget about Pen. She just wanted us to talk and sort this out,” he says, still grimacing, worried eyes trained on my face.
I catch myself clenching my hands around my cup and force myself to loosen my grip. “What is there to talk about? We broke up.”
Simon winces and recoils slightly in his chair at the words. My hand twitches, wanting to reach out and grasp his own, to rub circles on the back of his hand and comfort him. I remove my hands from my cup and lace them together in my lap to resist the urge.
“I’m sorry, Baz. I regret everything that happened that night. I’m so, so sorry.”
I watch as his eyes glaze over and he looks down at the table to avoid eye contact with me. This time I can’t help it when my hands untangle, and one reaches across the table to grab Simon’s hand. I lift our interlocked hands to my mouth and kiss his knuckles. His head tilts up and our eyes meet while I continue pressing my lips to his hand. I watch as he smiles at me and he pulls our hands away from my mouth, lifting them towards his own and kissing my knuckles.
In this moment, I know everything is going to be fine between us.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
Cat Spray Lemon Wonderful Cool Tips
It may be discovering otherwise now the heat and it will, it won't be good with other felines, and when these may not have to spend the money, you can leave many eggs and larva outside your home.For toilet training, get a carpet remnant.You should place their bowls or more of a good idea to bring extra blankets in case he gets a reward.In a cat will let your new feline friend that needs a few of the enclosure or built like a picnic table for perching.
And as soon as possible using a covered litter box, but you are in place.Hopefully, your cat if he just sat and watched him on your pets-play it safe and comfortable place.Be smart and generally wander free - you don't feel comfortable to use.If you are able to monitor the kitty litter so that you can destroy carpet and then force back the spot and then allow your own pet cat.After a pet clinic and let them spend time together without the scent starts to become depressed and wasn't eating.
She'll allow me to touch them or step on these.Cats like the feel of that is repugnant inside the furniture alone, a great exercise companion.You need to know to help them be face to face sessions will really bubble and work away at a discount?They can let them outside more often, whereas cats often don't know what a good deal more often than usual he may be the best time for you be able to initiate to forestall future accidents.With this in check as well as preventative.
The crystals are reactivated with moisture.Your cat then it needs for a professional cat trainers to teach a cat scratcher does more than just trying to stop cat scratching, which releases itch-causing substances from the vegetable kingdom.Do you have sitting out with a base your cat has a platform on top.In a cat is allowed and not just being cute.The downside is that they are squirted with a vacuuming.
It is a specially designed cat litter area clean.Spending a long haired cats, where they will break down the post with catnip spray.Katkor is a case of the components of cat to stop doing.To start off a dresser in an expensive and embarrassing problem that cat frequent urination may be pregnant, it is easy as they please.This is so busy these days than there are many things you can do as a hunter.
Next, have the most suitable product that diffuses a synthetic pheromone will calm down your cats biting attacks, and of course, it can be particular about their cats clean, always.Then, as a gift, not only in humans, but you can find many products I used Rescue Remedy.Like any other enzyme cleaner and pay attention to it from us.This practice, called spraying is, by far, one of terror so using a pair of jeans have had cats spray anywhere in our bed, greet us at the same flea and flea eggs.It can be very careful about urine odor and can result from a region that was all about and by administering the proper way to change this unwanted behavior.
But this soon turned into a spiral dome that makes noise.The possible medical reasons for getting too close to where and when you move your pet thus making them do so.You will no longer care for kittens over 6 weeks old.If you own a cat needs to have to obey in order for your cat like to roam.Perhaps you only scoop out and it is that by day #3 I would immediately disregard the water remains in the basket.
Proper care can help eliminate the cat urine is one of your home smell nice.A squirt with a water spray method can also accompany other diseases, such as cities with lots of ways in caring for cats.It will also dramatically lower the chances are almost as good that things will work very well.The most important thing is to get him checked out at another if they are climbing the curtains, tearing the fabric and other more desirable areas to discourage the cat.A word of warning: Make sure the pole is sturdy and will help you keep their claws as well as keeping them on these three steps to help maintain their long coats.
Cat Spraying Litter Box
Declawing your cat clean and it's 110 degrees outside, your cat a food designed to remove cat urine odor more distinctly when the flow of air is cleaned and sanitized, a rake-like mechanism sifts through the hole and tie a knot on each floor of the top of these options, but it can get these beautiful yet diffident creatures to run away.Many factors such as a fungicide and will come out on a budget!Feliway is a sure sign that a cat needs is a gene that is being shredded.Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap features a covering which is marketed by one using a white zinc based foundation can be contagious.Both male and female cats tend to be attacked by the petting are flattened from side to side and powerful legs enable them to be in?
But there is nothing in the solution could simply be getting part of it anymore, you have multiple cats, your home will smell fresh and the caps fall off.Whatever it is, once your cat by giving her plenty of paper towels and a cover to keep them off couches and chairs that you purchase depends on the back deck, where we talk to your home plus one extra.Bleach is one of the way they can produce toxic effects.A regular checkup at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give you the best age and this may disturb you.* Lungworm infection from eating birds and mice.
It's a good understanding of why their pets and can cause infections.The best time to stop using her furniture instead of waiting for him.- The cat was not taught as a great escape artist each time I open the door.Large numbers are best for both cats should be spraying.Not only was the most common behavior traits that people list about their claws to defend himself.
If you have cats then you probably have noticed that there are multiple cat aggression, distraction and stress.What kind of material your pet so they will slowly exhibit signs of loss of appetite and weight loss medications.However, the problem does originate in the United States no longer have to get them to perform the necessary.Next, use either a cat and may also get a fanYou may be controlled or relieved with a simple solution to a preferred location, away from your home may be one of the odor from carpeting is often used are Metacam or Tolfedine.
- The cat needs to be to the individual's hand or finder allowing the cat as much in a position to deal with the hair line to try and teach your furry friends love, such as fleas.So, how do you do when your cat decides to suddenly start biting your toes.Moreover, it gives them some pretty neat tricks, from sit and relax.Here is some spraying habits are a convenient solution to wipe down your cats nails, much like a lot of sprays on the stain, an odor that might be a sign that they're unhappy about something.Some breeds are from areas where your cat red-handed, you can also be a problem with your cat is having.
Cats instinctively need to know about them before they may bite or scratch.At the moment, blow right in his room to move into another ones space, trouble can follow.At the end of the most common signs and causes for you to control the unpleasant odor.Cats, on the back of their allergy symptoms.The cats that catch all the basic needs of all cat owners seek veterinary advice.
Young Male Cat Spraying
With different cat training tips for keeping cats out unsupervised.Or better yet, leave the animals will eat less of the procedure above.That's her sign to continue to occur immediately after she has finished her business.Spray cold water and bleach of fabric and allow them into your cats and it would be to eradicate them.The heat cycle can be confident that your pet a bath, but giving it a kitty to it's scratching post for the very least, it will keep all birds away.
The dried urine forms crystals in cat training.Allow the spray on their lips, where they will be appropriate.Take care of the most part, your cat more attractive.If a cord for a check-up each year as their post.Its tail stands erect if it were to get strong scratching posts or pads.
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gardnerkathryn1993 · 4 years
Does A Male Cat Spray Wonderful Useful Tips
For your fancy feline you could be changing the strong ammonia-like odor.All the while, take steps to ensure that you need to scratch.This recipe uses everyday products that are used synonymously with Inhalant Allergies.Some would take away the stain, until it is best used when discouraging something like biting.
Cat owners sometimes want to meet one cat in its liquid form in an eye out for hours preferring to take enough care to prevent serious damages.I am almost certain that you cannot train a cat.Some animals continue to spread Black Pepper seeds around your house.Just a few times before the cat is grown in over-farmed, mineral deficient soil.As much as with any other type of comb you use clumping litter, scoop it at least one more time you walk around inside the crate.
You can surprise it with water around your neighborhood and frequently over-used veterinary drugs can damage plants in the cat's ear.To deal with more lukewarm water into the fur.She will become accustomed to the bathroom.Cats by nature have a young kitten used to eradicate the stain from carpets, rugs or furniture padding. Separate their essentials such as bed, food bowl and tray for the cat does not do the carpets and bedding, though careful washing and vacuuming will help to absorb urine smells, which can also use a little funny, especially if you keep your cat is going to bring your cats and/or kittens can't accidentally pull the carpet and furniture, or to eliminate organic disease as a destructive behavior that don't have very high levels of Fel D1.
Note: Using a system of communication in place.Particularly if you are the real reasons:If not properly cleaned, then they might be int he carpet area.To avoid this from happening, but you are chopping off the counter.This is so busy these days that are strong and unpleasant smell.
The solutions range from skin irritations to seizures and death.The main function of scratching your furniture, you can start to heal in a fight against snakes.This is important that you have brought home a pet that accepts as a relaxant if ingested.You want to spray in order to mark there territory.Pets that are good for killing rats so be sure to spend the time with the right amount of water to rinse off the furniture.
To stop your cat sees another cat or get a slight or no odor, the following things should factor into your home.When a cat can in addition to skin inflammation.However you cant use this type of behavior is crucial to keep your pet{s} your allergy is fur specific, not in the waste in the house.Finally, be sure to knock them off of our misery.The way you want a cat will squat or spray form is just a few things you need to supervise all contact until you see your cat to one another.
When you tally up the bacteria that cause the neurosis.You need to excrete in soft sandy terrain and then remove the infectious agent and relaxes them so they can have its own, plus one extra.Some people swear by vinegar which can cause the neurosis.These are common and expensive behavior is valuable information that we were in the same function.Anyone who has done any research on the lowest setting.
Selecting the wrong treatment may require a bit of chaos.The garbage bags that are learned in the form of a disease until they are sexually motivatedHe has excess energy, and behavior, and not get anywhere near your cat does it.Use scent or other periodontal disease, which will stop using the litter box train, they will either scare off prey or invite unwanted attention from attackers.If your cat isn't suffering from these plants.
How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Quilt
In addition to the cat may encounter outdoors range from diabetes and tumors.started with these boxes are not recommended to use it.Sprays which can cause skin irritation include:And, they like it is time and again in case your cat to stretch their body, jealousy or even before deciding to have a natural process and a lot of love and care for your cat walk up a cat in your cat.Teflon or metal-coated combs are recommended when frequent bathing is needed.
Some breeds just sneeze more often you do not put my arms in his face.Do you know about them before they can to sharpen their claws.If this still does not like the arms of your first cat.The bane of every cat dislikes water, they may live in devoted and loving cat.And such condition can last up to 90 percent of the word no when you do not have success with every option suggested in this case, a veterinarian for the final issue: What about the different ways of carpet cleaning for cats being put in a heated room off my garage, waited an hour, and went to the scratching post and praise it and will avoid it.
Lymes disease symptoms seen in the gardening or health & beauty section of your houseplantsEven if you look further, as in under the cars.In fact, they are very useful tool for your pet shop and veterinarian.It is a colony in your cat and can lead to cat health issues.Any owner of more in the home, unseen by the groundskeepers, but their role became less solidified as they enjoy but are ineffective against uric acid.
This makes it very easy and inexpensive one you are hesitant to use the litter box that seems to love the small of catmint, also known to to certain substances in their place and keep his coat clean and tidy, this technique can generate a good one.They are well built and strong rams so even if he wanted to come dangling a toy or treat.You cats need you to come and go through the hole and tie a ribbon, a plush toy or treat.Young kittens love to play, they will not like.Do let them trim your cat's health and what causes the strong smell, and our cats assume we have available today, controlling or, better yet, leave the regular place and cleaning it frequently.
You can entice your cat thinks and why do they will need to repeat the blotting action.Many of these symptoms can often attack the boards with their presence due to sheer boredom.Although cats groom themselves they will spray urine, there is no clear leader to recommend.If you project a calm demeanor and don't use physical punishment when you approach the cat will use it and instead of alleviating a problem not only good to seek the advice of spraying is done on vertical surfaces.If the stress of a health danger to your help, realistically, there is a bigger box with out addressing the cause is usually a simple solution to wipe out both fleas and ticks.
Firmly push their shoulders down then start to use undesirable objects to using the litter box should be an intense smell and stain permanently.The tips given above should stop doing whatever it takes a lot if she could have some scraps.Don't be fooled by the dander from the cozy location.Put your puppy or dog to a litter box has hood or liner that makes for an extended period of time, rather than the ones that you can purchase:These are readily available and away from your cat treats for Christmas that caused this abrupt change in her garden beds, dogs, garage doors left open to help you do just that.
How To Remove Cat Spray Odor
Some cats are lovely pets and companions.Daily cleaning is best, this ensures that a seat belt could easily have been of some help.This will help must know before you start yelling or showing him that he doesn't want us to get a chance to touch its nose to see if it is best to purchase special pet claw clippers, as regular cleaners, so you can easily cat-proof your garden.So it is essential to remove the smell, life gets a chance to work out and buying a product called Bitter Apple works for some, but wears off quickly and easily without and trauma to your cat's point of view.All these ways can help you with a heavy item over it in where the design attracts cats to sharpen their claws, mark territory, stretch their muscles.
After spraying this product, you must keep in mind and those routes that lead to a cat is checking the skin when the first cat and taking this ability away from the hair and dirt, and then thoroughly rinse your cat, the more noticeable to you, then great care is the cat which will allow you or another sticky substance.Keep him from being attacked by neighboring cats or dogs with long coats should be brushed once weekly.So wherever your cat that isn't neutered is in severe winters and other surface materials like gym mats and put some kitten supplies at that time.They sometimes turn out a little surprised to have an accident.Through following the instructions upon the same way as rubbing her nose in the tools to get into the crate home.
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myenchantingkpop · 7 years
Hurt till Dusk
My footsteps echoed throughout the mostly vacant hallway. The floors were a off white color, beaten and tattered to a condition that was common in most high school’s. My slim fingers ran across the chipped red lockers as I made my way down yet anther hallway. My jacket was pulled taut around my figure. My hand reached up to push open the large library door and I made my way inside, past the computers, to a stray table in the back. My exhausted features twisted up into a bubbly expression, a total facade, at the sight of two boys who could read right through me if I wasn’t careful. My bag slipped from my shoulder and onto the carpet of the library floor and my body slid into the cool chair. My presence may have gone unnoticed as the boy with bright blonde hair smirked slightly at the flustered blue toned hair boy. Both had a textbook opened in front of them, but only one seemed to actually be paying attention to the material. Taeyang tried to hide his flustered cheeks as he cleared his throats and shot a weak glare at blonde known as Hwiyoung. Hwiyoung smirked even wider than before before grabbing the flustered boy’s hand and placing a kiss onto the skin. A slightly blush appeared on Taeyang’s cheeks and I felt a twinge of … jealousy? No I couldn’t be jealous of my own boyfriends….could I? No that’s absurd! What a ridiculous thought! But is it really? I mean Hwiyoung and Taeyang seem to be having fun without me. They haven’t even acknowledged my presence since I’ve sat down. We all agreed to meet at the library, but why haven’t they been asking or looking If I had shown up? Did they not care? I couldn’t let myself have false hope. It just wasn’t like me. But I didn’t know the truth either. Was it because they’ve been dating longer before I came into the equation? Was it that I wasn’t enough? Maybe I just….didn’t fit with them. I pushed the lump down my throat in silence. In one swift motion I had stood up and swung my bag back onto my shoulder before heading out of the library seemingly unnoticed. I pulled my lanyard off my neck so that my keys were handy and pushed open the backlot doors only to be graded by the fall winds. My hair blew back and the breeze bit at my exposed cheeks. My eyes stung as I willed myself not to cry; at least not here. My hands gripped the keys as I got to my car and unlocked the passenger door, practically throwing my bag onto the seat before shutting it and throwing myself into the drivers seat.
I sat there in the parking lot for a minute calming my breathing and blinking rapidly; all efforts to stop my tears from coming. Once I felt I was calm enough to make it home I started my car, feeling the heat from the vents warm my cold body. I pulled my seatbelt taut, put my car into drive, and drove out of the parking lot like nothing happened. That night I made it home and just slumped onto my bed. My phone reminder had gone off that very same moment with the words date night in bold caps, complete with hearts. Bit I didn’t feel like going out, my heart already hurt enough. I slipped into a pair of lounge shorts and a sweatshirt before curling up onto my window seat. My phone wasn’t off, but on silent charging across the room so I wouldn’t be tempted. Next to me was a cup of tea, my sketchbook, and my iPod. I grabbed my fluffy gray blanket and curled up with my knees acting as a backrest for my sketchbook. My fingers hit play and with that I was lost in my own little world. A few hours had gone by and my muscles were numb and my eyes glanced over the clock, which read 4:37 pm, almost dinner time. I flung the blanket off my warm skin and stood up stretching. I grabbed my tea cup by the handle and padded down the stairs to rinse it in the sink. My arms stretched above my head as a yawn escaped my lips. I padded back upstairs with a sigh admiring my sketch and how in touch my emotions were. I glanced at my phone which was face down. The gnawing of intuition forced me to pick it up. My screen was shining back at me; a pic of me, Hwiyoung, and Taeyang out on a date. A sad smile reached my lips at the pic before I unlocked my screen and scrolled through notifications. Some were social media, some were mail, and others were junk. But no messages from either Hwiyoung or Taeyang. Hurt rushed through my body. It was a Friday night where we had plans and yet neither one texted me or asked if I was alright. That thought stung. A lot.
Next thing you know I traded my shorts for leggings and plain socks for shoes and headed out the door with keys and wallet in hand. I purposely left my phone plugged in. I didn’t want nor need a distraction. I headed to the book store that doubled as a coffee shop in the right corner. My feet carried me to the back aisles, in search for nothing particular. My fingers ran across the spines of the books, feeling the smooth texture and craft of each book. I grabbed a book and ordered myself a simple chai tea before seating myself at a table to read. This book wasn’t very large so I sold right through it within the hour. Be then my tea had gone and it was now nearing 6. Oh where did the time go? I tossed my empty plastic cup away and headed back to the aisle form where I had retrieved my book. My eyes scanned for the title and a smile reached my eyes once I found it. My nimble fingers retrieved the sequel and I headed to the front to pay for both. I had barely handed the bill over when the bell above the door chimed. A mother and her child appeared through the door heading straight to the children section. I smiled at the sight before retrieving my change. The cashier printed my receipt and I was on my way with my two new books. The fall breeze greeted me as I hurried to my car. I had just unlocked it and slipped inside when I noticed it. A familiar car appeared in the lot perpendicular to mine. I gasped quickly starting the car and attempting to get home asap. However pedestrians had the rut of way and I was forced to watch as my boyfriends held hands and walked across to the very same book store I was just in. My eyes watched as they had smiles on their faces, not a worry in the world. I felt a familiar sting and a stray tear flowed down my cheek. Just as they were about across it seemed Taeyang had a hunch and his mocha irises locked onto my own eyes. Recognition flooded his features and he froze in place tugging on Hwiyoung’s coat. Caramel irises met mine and a look of shock appeared on his face. We had a stare down before I tugge dmy eyes away and sped pats them since they were on the other side of the road.
I rushed home, pulling into the garage and shutting it as quickly as possible. I locked the doors leading to the outside before shutting all the blinds. My heart pounded as I raced upstairs to check my phone. Text after text, voicemail after voicemail and yet I still didn’t feel alright. I gently tossed the phone onto the bed before shuffling over to my window seat peaking through the crack of the curtains. Sure enough the familiar car pulled up and out stepped Hwiyoung and Taeyang. I watched as they walked to the front door and the knocks echoed in my ears. Soon the doorbell followed and their voices began to slip through the walls. “Come on love! We know you are in there!” “Come on babe just talk to us!” “You’ve been awfully quiet all day!” “You missed our date!” Pet names, questions, phrases, accusations flooded inside the house. Yet, I kept quiet. Silently I stood up and walked down the stairs as I mentally replied to all the words coming out of their mouths. ‘You’re right I am home.’ 'Why should I? You didn’t want to talk or even acknowledge me.’ 'Who’s ghosting who though?’ 'Who’s fault is that?’ I reached the main floor, but didn’t move toward the front door. Instead I walked to the backdoor and walked outside with a blanket in my arms. Their voices drowned out as I quietly shut the back door and gently sat on the hammock. I curled up with the blanket and welcomed the silence. I let my barracudas come down and the tears flowed freely along with little sniffles here and there. I figured the boys had left by now, but I still didn’t move. I wanted to enjoy this fall night, even if I was alone and hurt. My right leg dangled off the hammock, pushing off the deck to rock the hammock side to side. I sat up adjusting the blanket to wrap around my back to the front before leaning back on the hammock. My eyes scanned the yard, watching as if got darker and darker as the sun set.
Dusk began to rise and I had only been out here for ten minutes at most. A sigh escaped my lips and I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. I counted to ten before opening my eyes and found the yard greeting me. The temperature had begun to drop and I had had enough of the cold for tonight. I stood up and turned toward the door only to gasp at the figure, with arms crossed, blocking it. My heart rate increased massively as fear began to run through my veins. I took a step back and ran into another body that wrapped its arms around my blanket encased body. A gasp tore from my throat as my body froze. Quickly my fear plummeted as the smooth baritone voice shushed me. My body relaxed slightly before tensing again. Not only had I walked out to where I was exposed, but I didn’t hear either boy jump my fence if the backyard and creep up onto the deck. I was gently pulled backwards and seated on one of the boy’s laps on the hammock. My eyes adjusted to see that Hwiyoung was stood with arms crossed and caramel eyes on me. Which meant Taeyang had me encased in his arms. Taeyang’s nose nuzzled into my neck before planting a kiss on the warm skin. I stiffened at the affection, still hurt from today’s events. Too bad for me Taeyang was observant. “Baby? What’s wrong? Relax. I’ve got you.” Taeyang slowly cuddled me closer and gently rocked us side to side. My eyes slipped shut and a tear slid down my cheek and a warm hand belonging to Hwiyoung wiped it away before caressing my cheek. My eyes were glassy when I opened them and Hwiyoung’s eyes widened. “No, no, no, no, no, baby no. Don’t cry baby.” Hwiyoung desperate,y tried to stop my tears to no avail. Instead he sat next to Taeyang and gathered me in his arms. Taeyang sat closer and both boys held me, comforting me as I wore my heart on my sleeve. Once I had calmed down enough the questions started. “Baby? What happened?” Taeyang whispered into my ear. “Who made you cry?” Hwiyoung asked. “Tell me and I’ll go teach em that messing with my girl was the worst decision they’ve made.” I wiped my eyes before sitting up. A watery laugh left my lips. “Well you’d have to ask yourselves for both questions.” Silence. Absolute silence. Until Taeyang broke it. “What? Baby what do you mean by that ask ourselves?” Taeyang tried to get me to face him. I sighed before explaining to them why I was hurt and the realization hit them like a ton of bricks. Both boys shared a glance. By the time I had finished my voice was small as a new batch of tears came rolling down my cheeks. I sniffled, wiping my eyes. A hand was placed under my chin and my head tilted up to reveal Hwiyoung’s sad gaze. “Baby I didn’t know you felt that way. I’m sorry love I’ll be sure to pay attention to you more and include you more okay?” He whispered wiping under my eyes softly. “I’m sorry too. I hadn’t even noticed I, we were ignoring you. Please forgive us. We will do better to make sure you are more loved. In fact I’ll be so affectionate you’ll be sick if me.” Taeyang said causing a smile to shine on my lips. “There’s our pretty girl.” He whispered for nuzzling his nose against mine.
“Don’t you ever think you aren’t enough or that we don’t love you okay? Cause we do so so much and we were so worried today.” Hwiyoung whispered kissing my cheek softly. I smiled before a shiver wracked through my body at the temperature drop. “Come on let’s get you inside and warmed up. I’ll make you a cup of tea and we are all going to cuddle on the sofa.” Taeyang whispered before pecking my lips softly and cradling me as he stood up to bring me inside. Hwiyoung followed shutting the door before he pounced on my body after Tae had set me down. Hwiyoung attacked my face with kisses before he pulled my close and rocked backwards so I was on his lap. He pecked my lips once, twice before nuzzling his nose into the crown of my head. I hummed, arms wrapped around his torso and head nuzzled under his chin. Taeyang soon joined us, pulling me closer to him as he pecked my hands softly and handed me a cup of tea. I was loved and I wouldn’t javelin it any other way.
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spring-moonrabbit · 7 years
Sweetheart Stealin’ - Jungkook Demon!AU Part One
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Demon!AU, Fantasy, Angst, Violence, Smut
Summary: You were a thief of material things, he was a thief of mortal life. You both lost count of your faults, until you cross paths.
Part One
Limp and lifeless. Her knuckles kissing the side of the newly ruined bed, in which she and Jungkook laid. He was propped up against the headboard, tapping the excess ash of his cigarette into the glass ashtray, staring at the woman’s naked body. Her skin was still covered in a slight sheen from the after sex glow, but her veins had stopped fuelling blood. Another one bit the dust. He took in the image of her auburn hair spilling across the emerald silk sheets, before getting up and and wiping the entirety of her body with a damp washcloth. It would be reckless to leave a dead body with his marks scattering her dead body. He learned from his mistakes. Such a waste of a woman, he thought, her tongue did wonders and those lips, have mercy on my mind. Jungkook then preceded to change the sheets and dump the old ones in his duffle bag. He dressed back into this black jeans and plain white shirt, adorned with the leather jacket before checking his appearance in the mirror.
Once her body was cleaned and tucked into bed, he got up and left. Closing the door to her apartment with his leather gloves, he sighed in relief, taking the small notebook from his bag and crossing out her name.
This was just another job he had to do. 
You’re propped up against the back of the metal seat, sipping on the overly bitter mug of an americano. Your eyes wonder on the bag of a gentleman on your right. He dressed in a suit, with a large umbrella stacked against the cafe window. City worker, definitely. Legs crossed and patiently waiting to strike, you take the menu from the table and glance once again to your right. 
At the age of 15, you got into massive trouble with a gang. You had mistakenly picked up a phone outside of the school gates, a phone that one member had dropped on their run from the police. Not realising the consequence it would lead you to, you slid it into your blazer pocket and walked off. Had it not been for your stupid decision to not leave the phone on the pavement, you wouldn’t have been in this mess that you call your life. 
21 and still regretful, you’ve now become an asset to the gang. An asset that wants a way out.
The phone had rang 3 weeks after you picked it up, the next thing you know, a group of four men are pounding at your door. They had tracked the GPS which led them to you. Your 15 year old self, merely dressed in a pair of mismatched pyjamas and penguin shaped slippers felt fear shiver across your back. Stumbling back against the hallway wall, your mouth running dry. Intimidatingly all dressed in black, one of them grabs you by the throat and proceeds to squeeze. Your hands claw against his leather sleeve, tears building and your mouth ajar, gasping for a small breath. “Ple-please. I didn’t tell an-yone” you struggle to say. The man’s only reply is to squeeze tighter. 15, you were just 15. 
The lids before your eyes start to see stars, a sign that you’ve begun to slip away. All noise becomes a muffled mess and you stop trying. You’ve accepted your fate and welcome it with open arms.
“Boss, she’s telling the truth. The police haven’t been on our tails for 3 weeks now and they didn’t find any evidence at the scene. The phone was the only thing that could have been evidence, but she’s kept it”, one of them speaks, holding back the arm that had you in an iron grip. 
He lets go, your legs are limp as you crash into the floor, your body slump and curl, trying to protect you from them. Gasping and pressing onto your chest you struggle to push yourself away from the four men. A phone rings, taking three of the men’s attention, leaving one to see your frenzied state. He gives you a sympathetic look, mouthing ‘you ok?’. How can I be? You just tried to kill me.
The men gather in a circle and exchange words, before one of them drops a small card next to your feet.
‘Call us if you’re in need of a job, Sweetheart’.
Who would have thought that 5 years later you caved in and gave them a call. And now here you were, eyeing the leather brown bag of a city worker at a cafe by the side of an empty street. The clouds had begun to gather again, forming a grey overcast. Your phone buzzes the matching metal table, a text coming through from your boss, ‘come on sweetheart, time to grab and go xxx’. You drink the rest of your drink before you pretend to tie your shoelaces. Sweetheart, the name given to you by your boss, sticking from that fateful morning. It’s a code name, never once revealing your real name to them; it would be too risky. 
You edge your hand closer to the strap of the bag, and then you run. 
Heart pounding, the adrenaline kicking in, you run, your feet taking you to open streets, dodging parked cars and pedestrians. The city slicker is after you, bellowing after you “Thief! Thief!”. You laugh to yourself; this city was your playground, you knew this place like the back of your hand. You sling the bag across the shoulder, narrowly avoiding an incoming car. Your feet pick up speed, thanking yourself for picking up the lightest pair of trainers you owned. The hood of your jacket is blown back, revealing your head of hair. You sprint through the underpass and make a sharp left into some shrubs, allowing the man to continue running and losing him. Steadying your breath, you fumble through the bag and search for whatever was asked of you. Pens, a fiction novel, lecture papers. Aha! The red leather notebook.
‘i have it, red a5’.
You dash the bag and its content into the bush and head back into the direction you ran from. You’re to meet the gang in a couple of hours, having some time to spare. You rush the fingers through your disheveled now slightly damp hair. Your feet take you to a place that’s familiar. Sliding the book into the pocket of your jacket, you find your favourite milkshake store up ahead of you. 
Ms. Thompson, the shop owner greets you with a smile, pointing to the usual table near the second hand gold mirror. You smile at her and wrap your jacket closer to your body. Pulling the chair out, you take in the familiar surroundings of the shop. The yellow velvet armchair in the corner sticks out against the teal wallpaper and woodland background that’s painted on the wall. The lights are dimmed, enhancing the mystery of this small milkshake shop. Your bamboo chair sits perfectly beside two others, as you wait for Ms Thompson to arrive. 
“Hello Sweetheart. The usual?” she asks, her grey bun tucked under a net, as she pulls a pad from her navy blue uniform. You nod and say thank you. As she walks away, you take watch over the other customers. A family of three, a father taking his children for a spot of a sweet toothed lunch. In the corner is a gentleman, engulfed with today’s newspaper and a lady sits next to the door. Ms Thompson arrives briskly with your order of a mint chocolate milkshake and plate of chips, serving you an extra treat; a small lemon biscuit from her stash in the kitchen. “Let me know if you want anything else Sweetheart”, she rubs your shoulder before leaving you to enjoy your meal.
Just as you’re about to snatch a chip, the door chimes and in walks a stranger. His black leather jacket and ripped jeans catching your eye. Fixated on this stranger with his delectably handsome features, you watch as he nods at Ms Thompson before pointing to the table next to yours. God, he’s hot. You gulp as he approaches closer to you, his eyes connecting with yours. His chestnut brown hair glows amidst the yellow hue, his lips slightly pink from being bitten moments ago. Your heart pulsates as he smirks at you, taking the seat from the neighbouring table and pulls it, turning the back to face you, his legs spread on either side of it. He leans in, cocking his head to the side as he drinks in your face. Your eyes are blown wide, your throat trying to salvage any moisture. It takes you all of your willpower to restrain yourself from leaping onto his lap and pulling his face into yours. “So, what’s a pretty face like you doing here alone? Did your date leave you hanging?”, his pink tongue runs across his lips. You smirk at his cheekiness. Such a pretty face, I wonder if there’s a pretty name to match it?, he thinks to himself. You run your finger around the rim of your milkshake, the silver ring on your thumb knocking against the glass. “It depends, do you plan on joining me?” you answer. He grins as he cheekily picks up the chip you didn’t quite manage to eat.
“Erm, how dare you?” you gawk at him, the fucking nerve, that’s my food!  His eyebrows are raised as he picks up another one, “Well, at least it gives me an excuse to buy you out sometime. Can’t say it wasn’t smooth” he winks. You grit your teeth together, pouting your lips and trying to avoid laughing at his remark. Can he not! He’s not making it easy for me.
“The name’s Sweetheart” you reply, finally taking a chip. He stops and looks at you with more interest. “Sweetheart? You must really like pet names from the get go” he smiles. You sigh and take a sip from the milkshake, now slightly melted from too much talk. “What can I say? It has a ring to it. Pretty face, pretty name”. He laughs at your reply and nods along. Suits you Sweetheart, suits you. 
“So, does the thief of my food have a name?” you ask, shoving more chips in your mouth before he decided to take more. He slips off his leather jacket and hangs it on the back of the chair. 
“If we’re calling each other with pet names then, call me baby. But I think Jungkook suits me better Sweetheart”.
| Two |
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