#oresteia au
specialagentartemis · 8 months
love when you find yourself thinking a thing you can be pretty confident no person has ever thought before because there is no reasonable reason to be thinking it and you just have to be like yeah these are the things that occupy my brain
this post prompted by thinking about parallels between Maddie Fenton and Clytemnestra Queen of Mycenae but like not even their ‘canon’ versions or ‘popular fanon’ versions but very specifically the versions from Euripides’s “Iphigenia in Aulis” and phantomrose96’s “A Right to Know.” And how Maddie deserves to kill Vlad with an axe
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telemachii · 1 year
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Modern AU Elektra where she works at a punk music bar and serves people in roller skates
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sonofcelluloid · 7 months
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For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? / wingedbeings / PAUL MARCUEYZ (1877-1952) / Blythe Baird - To Live in the Body of a Survivor / Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - The Infant Saint John with the Lamb / Lake Mungo (2008) / Aeschylus , The Oresteia / Interview with the Vampire (1994) / Ethel Cain - Ptolemaea / Agnus Dei - Lamb of God / Jean Anouilh - Antigone
Hannibal S4 AU: Jack Crawford gets assigned a trainee to assist him in a case. And this time, he isn't going to lose one of his people.
Especially since every time he looks at her, she reminds him of someone else.
It's just a shame that the two men that she has to interview also see someone they lost.
Or, Hannibal S4 AU: in which Kacey Rohl plays Clarice Starling for narrative reasons.
Read Spoon Feed by harleygirl2648 on ao3 or @somebodyhelpthenotdeadfreds on tumblr!!!
This takes place 10 years after the events of the show and 2 years after Will and Hannibal have been recaptured and placed in adjoining lover's cells in the BSHCI. This arrangement is contingent on Will's agreement to consult on cases from captivity, but no agents have made any headway with him concerning the Buffalo Bill murders until a certain Clarice Starling enters the scene, who unbeknownst to her, shares a striking resemblance to Abigail Hobbs.
This creates all manner of lover's quarrels between the Murder Husbands that are truly a constant delight, this author has such a phenomenal feel for the voices of these characters.
Will and Hannibal are also sickeningly in love and sooo insane and making it everyone's problem. Hannibal Lecter embodies the jealous evil stepmom archetype and Clarice is not having it. It's hands down my favorite post-fall/Silence of the Lambs imagining of all time, and I cannot stress enough how invested you will become in all the characters, especially newcomers that are often overlooked in fandom.
Clarice is the heart and soul of this fic and you will fall in love with this interpretation and cheer her on every time she rips Hannigram a new one amidst their constant antics. Please read and enjoy!!!
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virgils-muse · 4 months
I wanna promote my fic/au because I crave attention and validation. Anyways, reblogs are very much appreciated!
What is the au in question?: A Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium alternate universe where HMSW take the place of different Hellenic (Greek) gods called The Primordial Forces AU. I made this because I love CCCC and I’m also a Hellenic Polytheist who’s obsessed with Greco-Roman classic literature.
What’s the au about?: As I said previously, HMSW take the place of different Hellenic deities. Heart is Selene, the deity who pulls the moon with her chariot across the night sky. Mind is Helios, the deity who pulls the sun with her chariot across the day sky. Soul is Eos, the deity who opens the gates of dawn each morning. Whole is Chaos, essentially the personification of the fabric of the universe and the entropy that existed prior to the creation of anything. Of course, CCCC’s usual turmoil arises between the siblings, and when tensions reach their worst, Selene causes a solar eclipse (the equivalent of Heart shooting at Mind in this au). Eos, in an attempt to avenge the wrongs that his sibling have committed against eachother, goes to extreme lengths.
How many fics will you write for this au?: As of right now, I am planning on have three fics. The first one (and currently the only one that is up) recounts Selene’s perspective in a typical narrative format. The second one recounts Helios’s perspective in a play format. The third one will recount Eos’s perspective in an epic poem format. I may make more fics but as of right now that is the plan.
Why should I read these fics?: Although of course these fics do not accurately portray Hellenic Mythology, as that is obviously not the point of them, I can say that they’ve been crafted with great effort to reference actual mythology and beliefs of that time period. For example, in the opening of the first chapter of “The Selene Acoustic,” I used the format of actual Homeric prayer. I also reference the actual cult followings (or lack thereof) of these deities as well. And I don’t just use Percy Jackson or Madeleine Miller’s retellings as my source. I’ve read The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer, The Aeneid (which yes, I know it’s Roman not Greek) by Virgil, Theogony by Hesiod, Metamorphoses (yes again I know that’s Roman) by Ovid, The Three Theban Plays by Sophocles, The Oresteia by Aeschylus, Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides, as well as several essays and articles pertaining to these subjects. And I’m not saying this to brag or say “look at me I’m so smart”. I’m saying this because I want you to know that I’ve made this fic with such care and attention to detail. I do my research into these deities mythology, their worship, their epithets, their role in domestic life, their festivals, everything!
Anyways, here’s the link to “The Selene Acoustic” third chapter came out today, you should def read it if any of this stuff interests you.
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jasminewalkerauthor · 6 months
Deep dives into folklore: Greek plays
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Ancient Greek plays, primarily produced during the 5th century BCE, hold a significant place in the annals of world literature and theatre. These plays, often performed in grand amphitheaters like the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens, served not only as entertainment but also as reflections of societal values, norms, and political ideologies. In this essay, we delve into the societal influence and impact of three iconic Greek plays: "Antigone" by Sophocles, "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles, and "The Oresteia" trilogy by Aeschylus. Through an analysis of their plots and themes, we uncover their profound implications on ancient Greek society.
"Antigone" by Sophocles:
"Antigone" tells the story of a young woman, Antigone, who defies the orders of King Creon by burying her brother Polynices, who died fighting against Thebes. Creon has declared Polynices a traitor and decreed that his body should remain unburied, but Antigone believes in the divine law and the duty to bury her brother. Despite warnings and pleas from her sister Ismene and Creon's son Haemon, Antigone persists, leading to tragic consequences for herself and those around her.
"Antigone" reflects the tension between individual conscience and the laws of the state. In ancient Greece, the concept of divine law, or the unwritten laws of the gods, often clashed with human-made laws. Sophocles uses Antigone's unwavering commitment to burying her brother to critique the tyrannical nature of absolute power and the importance of moral duty. The play serves as a cautionary tale against unchecked authority and the consequences of hubris, resonating with audiences then and now.
"Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles:
"Oedipus Rex" centers on King Oedipus of Thebes, who unknowingly fulfills a prophecy by killing his father, King Laius, and marrying his mother, Queen Jocasta. As Oedipus investigates the murder of Laius to rid Thebes of a plague, he gradually uncovers the horrifying truth of his own identity and actions. Despite his efforts to evade fate, Oedipus cannot escape his tragic destiny, leading to his downfall and exile from Thebes.
"Oedipus Rex" explores themes of fate, free will, and the consequences of ignorance. In ancient Greece, the belief in fate, or moira, was deeply ingrained in the cultural psyche. Sophocles uses Oedipus's tragic journey to illustrate the limitations of human knowledge and the inevitability of destiny. The play prompts audiences to contemplate the complexities of the human condition and the hubris of challenging divine will. "Oedipus Rex" thus serves as a timeless examination of the interplay between fate and agency, leaving a lasting impact on Greek society and beyond.
"The Oresteia" Trilogy by Aeschylus:
"The Oresteia" trilogy consists of three interconnected plays: "Agamemnon," "The Libation Bearers," and "The Eumenides." The trilogy follows the cursed House of Atreus, plagued by a cycle of violence, betrayal, and vengeance. "Agamemnon" portrays the return of King Agamemnon from the Trojan War and his subsequent murder by his wife Clytemnestra in revenge for sacrificing their daughter Iphigenia. "The Libation Bearers" depicts the avenging actions of Agamemnon's son Orestes, who kills Clytemnestra to avenge his father's death. Finally, "The Eumenides" explores the trial of Orestes by the Furies and his eventual acquittal by Athena, marking the transition from primal vengeance to a system of justice in Athens.
"The Oresteia" trilogy grapples with the themes of justice, retribution, and the evolution of legal systems. Aeschylus uses the tragic saga of the House of Atreus to examine the cyclical nature of violence and the necessity of breaking free from the cycle of vengeance. The trilogy reflects the changing societal values in ancient Greece, particularly the shift from personal vendettas to the establishment of democratic institutions. By advocating for the rule of law and civic order, "The Oresteia" resonated with Athenian audiences and contributed to the cultural and political discourse of the time.
Ancient Greek plays like "Antigone," "Oedipus Rex," and "The Oresteia" trilogy continue to captivate audiences with their timeless themes and profound insights into the human condition. Through their exploration of societal norms, moral dilemmas, and political ideologies, these plays left an indelible mark on ancient Greek society and continue to influence literature, theatre, and philosophy to this day. As enduring classics of world literature, they serve as reminders of the enduring power of storytelling to provoke thought, inspire change, and transcend the boundaries of time and culture.
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madqueenalanna · 1 year
sorry but helen's abduction/absconding to troy is only incidentally about the golden apple bullshit. the fact is that helen married into atreus house and so atreus house curse touched her, and so she had to experience some significant tragedy. some choice was given to paris, maybe, but only bc (from the fates' perspective) he was never going to choose anyone except aphrodite, and so no outcome was possible except that helen was spirited away (maybe she chose it herself! maybe she was stolen! doesn't matter)
like, the second children are involved (iphigenia, orestes, elektra for agamemnon; hermione for menelaus) the curse has been passed on to the next generation. iphigenia was sacrificed, orestes and elektra had to bear their mother's wrath after agamemnon came home; helen left her homeland for troy, and even in the iliad we see her mourning and regretting her choice, wishing she had DIED rather than brought this outcome on her people
i do think both pairings loved each other. i think agamemnon and clytemnestra loved each other, albeit in a more stiff-upper-lip way than helen and menelaus, she with the husband she chose. but still. they could never be HAPPY bc no matter what, the fates would intervene. house curse! intergenerational tragedy! there was no other option! the love didn't matter. or, it did, but not enough to outweigh the house curse
that's what hits, to me. that they had no choice, no better option. they tried and it didn't matter. i know that's not a popular option in modern retellings, but it hits for me. things happen, no matter what you plan for or intend. sorry. like orpheus, right, sometimes the worst just HAPPENS
anyway i like it. it means the most to me in oresteia good ending au (where agamemnon comes home from troy, casts off cassandra, and tries to mend his relationship with clytemnestra) but no matter what. the love did matter, but not enough!!
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spoondrifts · 1 year
what if i was crazy and made an oresteia sanders sides au. what then
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firefeufuego · 2 years
3, 19 and 21 for the ask meme!!
Hi anon, thank you for asking!
Absolute shout-out to the Keats scene from ‘in the morning when i wake’, as well as the Oresteia scene I discussed here, but as I was rereading ‘if it’s a crime’ to write Chapter 2, I quite liked this paragraph:
Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw his tall, broad-shouldered frame and the perpetual glorious chaos of his hair passing by the window. Something rose up between her ribs and expanded out into her chest, a flower whose seed had long laid dormant, planted under summer skies and watered by a smile that had once made her blood boil and then made it burn and—
Well I have my ghost!James story that I’m very excited about and now that @sunshine-lover has absolutely saturated my mind in Josh/Donna Realness, there is definitely a West Wing au percolating quite merrily.
Having @theesteemedladydebourgh do a blow-by-blow read through of ‘too far away’ was really special, as was the love and support and mystery solving of @marhoeders, @thegobletofweasleys and all the people in the thread. Seriously girlies, that meant so much and really made the writing process of Ch 2 unlike any other.
I also have to mention @caandlelit, who leaves me jaw-dropped and humbled with every review—thank you so much again xxxxx
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avelera · 2 years
Oops, sorry, I meant that there are some real Oresteia parallels in Dream's canon arc and it would be really funny (and fitting) if that quote were applied to a retelling of it, as he fills Orestes' narrative role to an extent. Tumblr fandoms use it so often and here's an instance where it would even be mythologically resonant!
Gotcha gotcha, yeah I mean Neil definitely 1-to-1 did a Eumenides AU already in the comic, it's literally called The Kindly Ones lol (which, for the uninitiated, not saying this is you Anon but to anyone reading this who isn't in the know, Eumenides just means the Kindly Ones aka the Furies, which Neil in Sandman has as possessing double identities as Furies and the Fates). But yes, anyway, I absolutely have many anguished feelings about Hob stepping in to disrupt the Eumenides arc for Dream and, I would argue, "Giving Sanctuary" is absolutely a fic where he's actually doing that, just 300 years before the issue actually comes to a head.
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wellbelesbian · 10 months
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maneinhorn · 1 year
das "i'll take care of you" "it's rotten work" "not to me. not if it's you" zitat ist nicht aus goethes iphigenie sondern aus der oresteia von euripides aber ja tatsächlich man entkommt den charakteren nie. das zitat kommt auf tumblr öfter mal vor (übrigens hi das hier ist ein ask. weitere tumblrfunktion die existiert)
Nicht mal auf Tumblr ist man sicher…
Hallöö, spannend spannend was alles möglich ist.
Und danke fürs Aufklären:)
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asaethiel · 4 years
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have been Thinking About murder-y electra from regency oresteia au for approx. three years (ref: x)
[IMAGE ID: digital art of a young woman wearing an unbuttoned white shirt and holding up a knife. she is facing left with her chin tilted up, and holding the knife at a downwards angle. it is covered in blood, as is her hand. she has short curly dark hair. her hair and the background are a dark blue color and her skin is purple-ish red. the blood is bright red and the knife is gold. end description]
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umbrx · 2 years
Slender fingers TAPPED against the phone screen, teeth BIT his thumbnail as the seconds seemed to pass slow, way too slow. There was time difference, he was aware, yet that didn’t stop him from getting IMPATIENT. He was waiting to give her a call, or to receive a text from her saying she had gotten his gift.
April 30th, her birthday.
It was one of many questions he asked when they had just met, wanting to get to know her in DEPTH. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he remembered their conversations, as he remembered the meteor shower they had seen together, the best night of his life. He reminisced of the stories she had told him, mythology and astrology so deeply engraved in her life, of how she to that day refused to tell him what her book was about. The morning jogs with their dogs before they both went to work, then, despite the tiredness, NEED to see each other. Conversations which would go on for hours, debates over romanticism and realism, books and philosophy, art and music, languages, history — all which he was MISSING.
Amidst the hectic lifestyle of his career, he yearned for the domestic one he experienced with her, the simple pleasures of life.
Oftentimes he’d roll to the other side of his bed and wish she was there, to feel once more the warmth of her body pressed against his. To be able to kiss the nape of her neck as he stirred her awake, to start their day with a simple, comfortable feeling. Whenever he did that, the bed was either EMPTY or someone else took her place — UNABLE to make him feel a thing. It was the same old routine of experiencing a high one moment, then DISAPPOINTMENT the next.
Viola didn’t mind it, she didn’t care for it. Their kids were her priority and she wanted him to keep his image of a bachelor. Safety of their kids from public eye and peace were of most importance, something an actor like him wasn’t privy to. He HATED it, often, but regardless of arguments they’ve had before, he knew she had a good point. Sometimes, love wasn’t ENOUGH. Sometimes, the only thing they got was a BRIDGE every seven months to cross and have one night for themselves.
He wasn’t able to cross it that day, he was in the States and shooting a movie. He knew she’d understand and wouldn’t hold it against him, but the fact he WANTED to be with her on her birthday remained.
He had sent a bouquet of roses and “Beast Meridian”, a book by Angélica Villarreal. He knew she’d appreciate it. Inside the book was a LETTER, written in neat cursive writing.
Dear Viola,
I hope this letter finds you well, and I’m wishing you a happy and beautiful birthday. Lately, I’ve been in situations which would’ve made you laugh over how shallow they were (if you had been here), and it made me crave conversations with you more often. It made it even more certain that whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same. The book I sent is the one I believe you’ll resonate with, and I’d love to hear of your opinion once I am able to visit.
I know we’re not able to control time and space as we wish, but if I could, I’d be with you and I’d stop it in this moment as you’re reading this letter. I’d want to see your eyes glazing over the words, I’d want to see that focused look on your face, the way your fingertips gently hold of it as if you have the thinnest piece of glass in your hands, the way you’d smile when you reached the end, the way you’d look up at me and the following warm embrace.
This time the bridge wasn’t in place, but the first moment it is, I’ll come to you. Kiss the kids for me, please.
your Altair  / @vixlariku
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janiedean · 3 years
succession season 3 is almost upon us! like this show made me, a vanilla shipper, look forward to roman x gerri and some tomlettes made of greggs i--
alsooo can't wait for more of logan fucking over his kids and kendall backstabbing logan and then all the roy kids backstabbing each other while tom and greg and gerri slither around why is this show so much fun
anon don't worry ALL OF US HERE want the tomletts made of greggs and want to see where tf roman/gerri is headed but like... I'm actually legit excited and hbo is giving me well written stuff for the first time in ages??? what gives????
also sdlkjdjkgllkjdg LISTEN I JUST WANT KENDALL TO MAKE LOGAN CHOKE AND HE CAN HAVE WHATEVER HE WANTS ANON HONESTLY DKLJGKDJLLDKJGS also because rich people being dysfunctional and providing drama has been entertaining since forever never mind that it's one of western society's foundational myths so we can't escape we'll enjoy it until the end and we'll love every second of it
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clodiuspulcher · 5 years
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I had @izzychao redraw some iconic Breaking Bad scenes with Clytemnestra, Aegisthus, and Agamemnon for the sake of my Breaking Bad Oresteia AU and the results are incredible
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sovinly · 7 years
I know a lot of people associated R with Icarus, but Ive always associated Enjolras. R *knows* where the sun is, and where the water is, and how high she is relative to either. (And, R stays low... she tried flying high once, and then she hit a down draft and now, she stays low and steady despite what she says as she does it. Out of control, in control, that's R). No, its E who flyings too high, E whose pride gets to her, E who will light the world on fire and watch it burn to start again.
I can see that with Grantaire, that desperate fear of falling weighing down wax wings with saltwater, or maybe even a Grantaire who is so afraid of either that she stays as level as she can, whose heart catches in her throat as her loved ones swing high or low, who don’t seem to fear oblivion as deeply as she does. (But also Grantaire, whose friends are thermals that carry her higher and lighter, until she can breathe again.)
Enjolras, though, I don’t think Enjolras’ failing is blind pride, not Enjolras who listens so carefully to Feuilly and Combeferre and Courfeyrac. Enjolras is exacting expectation and ruthless adherence to the ideal, whose eyes focus on a bright and overwhelming thing to the exclusion of all else and who learns to look around, to step softer and more carefully. Sir Gawain, maybe, who stumbles over her own faults and softens to people while upholding vast ideals. An Agamemnon who learned to yield to the cries of his family, who never sacrificed a daughter, who is upright and vicious and a storm in human skin, but who didn’t step outside of it.
Grantaire, she is a sharp blade who tries to dull herself to a blunt instrument, with sweet eyes and the fine tremor of fear. Enjolras, she is a sharp blade whose tongue is as much of a weapon, who tosses aside the weapon to hold out her hand.
The depths of the ocean and the bright dawning sun, so unbreakable that even death does not break the tableau.
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