#otherwise the IRA
ryusei-green111 · 1 year
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me and my friends + new friend ily kel~ let’s shift to enstars and become idols together, wahahhahahhahah!!☆ (also sorry leo i might kin nazunazu too, but i gotta train harder as our niichan, even if i am the youngest but whatever /j)
i also got a liiiittle lazy when making the arashi domination one, sorry ya’ll!!
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sins-of-the-sea · 11 months
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"Oh, I traumatized them back, all right. There is a segment of Barcelona, just outside the city walls, where a fortress estate belonging to minor nobility has fallen into ruins due to 'unnatural causes'. No one dared to rebuild. No one dared to step into the ruins to even study it, even for the sake of historical preservation. The place is cursed now, for millennia to come.
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"I made sure of it."
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gorsemonster · 2 years
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Ira and Nabriales engage in a little-known SIXTH love language which is “making fun of each others’ birth names”. Their pillow talk romance is truly a thing that exists.
Alt Text Nabriales: Chicharrón Ira: Fan-Man Nabriales: Chimichanga Ira: Jean-Claude Ffamran Nabriales: Choo Choo Charles Ira: Ram’s Mixed Bananaman
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emeraldastraea · 17 hours
Stayed up almost all night trying to make a ppt onky to not finish now I:
1) can't sleep properly
2) can't present my ppt and finish the task either
Time and skill management is Not my forte clearly
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lazunight · 3 months
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This is such a travesty... they changed his entire smile...
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wewontbesleeping · 5 months
i still don't really know what a roth ira is but i'm happy that mine is growing.
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0x28 · 9 months
I love old ladies lol I was chatting to one about manchester and she just randomly started talking about the ira bombings of manchester. queen
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icypiece · 1 year
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Ok but....what is flute-infused-r&b and how can I find some to listen to??(that is not "just" Lizzo, if her music is what that tag is based on)
(music judging bot)
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kremlin · 7 months
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@wikwalker hi sure yes anything to give me an excuse to procrastinate the post i should be writing right now. here are all teh drugs and how to manage them. you can trust me, a drug addict
first of all: https://www.erowid.org/ , erowid always
don't be afraid of drugs, if they're the right drugs, you should do them since they will be a blast regardless and overcoming fear is also good (but outside the scope here)
OK to do as much as you want: alcohol - social benefit greatly outweighs health effects, no reason to avoid if predisposed to abuse since that'll happen sooner or later. what can i say? don't be a fucking dork. when you start drinking, really overdo it as much as possible without dying and get a few real nasty hangovers under your belt so you know how much is the right amount to drink.
weed - innocuous enough to be fine but will make you stupid in the long term. make sure to only buy from a real drug dealer and never some legal institution. cut it out when you're a "real adult". don't smoke weed and watch TV routinely, go out and do things so you naturally grow to hate it. good to go through this as early as possible to minimize the time you spend as a cringe weed enthusiast
i guess those are the only two.
ok to do infrequently (annually): "lsd" - or whatever it is, probably not lsd, blah blah blah, if it works and is sold on blotter its fine and won't make you go nuts or whatever. opt for a better psychadelic imo. see psych rule at bottom of section
mushrooms - better than acid since you know what they are. rule of thumb is to always do more than you think you want. minimum 1/8oz. see psych rule at bottom of post
dmt - if you somehow have a dmt hookup you don't need to be reading any of this. lasts 10 minutes which leads to tendency to way overdo it, don't do this, my favorite webcomic artist is permanently crazy from exactly that. using a crack pipe is also not the uhhhh most dignifying-feeling thing to do either. it's harder than you think.
mdma - for use at electronic music event or rave. overuse causes brain lesions or something.
coke - wait until you're in your 20s, have maxed out your roth IRA for a couple of years in a row, and havent missed a car payment in a similar timeframe. better still if you've worked a very shitty low paying job and know the value of a dollar. if you still find yourself buying candy you're not ready. too expensive to be worth it to get hooked on. know that you are VERY ANNOYING to anyone who also isn't high. don't fuck around with the guy selling it to you. avoid discussing or thinking about business ideas. you can't afford to make it a habit + kinda turns you into a piece of shit after a while, but at least a very interesting one
ketamine - another sick drug that rules, but save it for a special occasion. don't try and go into the k-hole your first time
rule for psychedelics - you get one good strong trip a year and that's it, make it count, always opt for doing a bit more than a bit less. but don't make it a habit, otherwise you turn into a very stupid very annoying "hippy" style cliché and believe in ghosts, aliens, crap like that.
ok to try once prescription opiates/benzodiazepine (xanax), valium, this kind of shit - worth trying so you can go "holy shit, this stuff is way way way too good to ever use responsibly" and then never do again. especially if you're white. for some reason we just can't handle this shit. if a doctor prescribes it to you, idk, that's your call to make.
ayhuasca - this is just dmt in a different form. do some other psychadelics a number of times before you do this. once you realize the whole "substantial visual hallucinations" thing is made up, its time. do exactly this: -buy root online (legal). receive box of dirt -boil dirt into "tea" (read erowid for exact recipe) -take over-the-counter anti nausea medicine or anything that will give you a stronger stomach -drink tea (its nasty as fuck, get it down quick) -have someone bigger than you keep an eye on you for the next five hours. -have the experience, which is absurdly intense, has no bearing to the real world, etc etc. don't be a bitch and throw up, if you do it'll only last an hour or so. again there is no way to provide a consistent description of the experience except that you will meet god. you only ever need to do this once and never again. trust me
peyote/salvia/etc - try em if you want, you'll never ever want to again afterwords. these are drugs for idiot teenagers too lame to get real drugs. imagine being very very sick from poison and utterly terrified at the same time. No good
whippets/nitrous oxide - just find a dentist that uses it and don't bother creating hundreds of pounds of trash on your floor for this crap that lasts ten seconds. you have to understand the extremely short timeframe coupled with the cost makes zero sense. go to a phish concert parking lot and do some people watching -- you do not want to be these people. only use is as a motivator to get routine dental exam. also if you somehow manage to make it a heavy habit your fucking legs stop working, no shit, but they start working again once you quit.
don't ever do heroin/meth/pcp - is is truly a mystery why you should never do these 🙄
synthetic weed/k2/shit from the gas station - it is so funny that they sell this as "weed that won't pop you on a drug test". its not weed. it is some dubious chemical sprayed on yard waste. smoke it to have a terrible time and go nuts. only buy drugs from legitimate drug dealers!
kratom - anyone's guess as to why this is legal but it's heroin for pussies. its still heroin
dxm/cough syrup - do you ever wonder why it is exclusively teenagers robotripping? it's because it sucks ass. is like a cheesegrater on your brain in terms of health effects with repeated usage. you're better than this king
inhalants - these are at the bottom of the list for a reason. do not huff gas. don't huff paint. do not consume computer duster. not fun + fastest way to make yourself a complete, uh, (word i can't say anymore) and then dead
not listed quaaludes- unavailable due to no longer being manufactured. these ruled apparantly
sincis2c - unavailable due to not existing, i just made this up
amphetamines - cannot provide objective take here. they're my albatross, lifelong (posted 4:55am natch)
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ariadne-mouse · 6 months
"For the next 8 hours or until he decides otherwise" Ira terms and conditions
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prettytief · 24 days
There's something I need to make very, very clear.
Kamal Harris is the only option for people who care about Gaza and the Iraeli/Palastine conflict as a whole. Yes, I know she supports Israel. Guess who else does? Oh, that's right! Everyone's least favorite local MAGA fascist, Donal J Trump! These people are the only two options, we're not getting a third. Anyone telling you otherwise is either deeply misguided or a right wing propagandist trying to turn the left in on itself. Because of how the American system works, 9/10 elections are entirely based on Harm Reduction. Keep this in mind when you vote.
Because Kamala Harris wants a Ceasefire. Donald Tump will turn Gaza into a barren parking lot. Kamala Harris provides military aide to Israel, but Trump will too and he's gonna do it SO MUCH WORSE. Harris has stood up to Netenyahu. Trump is a doormat for foreign leaders, especially ones like Netenyahu. Harris might end this. Trump absolutely will, but not in the way you want.
Remember. This is the only option. If you vote for Harris, you're making it less likely that Gaza gets paved over by a bunch of genocidal maniacs. If you vote for Trump, you ensure that not only Gaza, but the entirety of Palestine gets absolutely demolished.
So I vote for Harris because I care about Gaza, not because I'm ignoring it. You should do the same.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Master Your Money & Tips On Financial Literacy
Understanding and taking control of your finances improves your quality of life in many ways. Making strides toward better financial literacy can save you a lot of stress, unnecessary fees and helps you play a more active role in taking control over this aspect of adulthood. Once you understand the game of money, saving, and investing, it becomes infinitely simpler to devise a plan to set yourself up for a more financially-free future. Here are some practical tips to keep your finances streamlined, secure, and systemized to help you gain more financial literacy and win in this area of life.
Track Your Income & Expenses
Set Financial Goals & Realistic Limitations
Invest Higher-Quality Items To Save Later
Educate Yourself On Different Types of Banking & Investment Accounts
Establish Credit, But Know Yourself
Create An Emergency Fund
Leverage Credit Card Benefits
Understand The Power of A Roth IRA (or Backdoor Roth IRA) & HSA
Automate Whenever Possible
Get Familiar With Taxes & Write-offs
Stay Informed About Employer Benefits
Purchase Seasonally & With Discount Codes (When Available)
Protect Yourself
Read Books
Seek Expert Advice
Track Your Income & Expenses: Always have a record of all of the money going in and out of your accounts. Use the tool on your banking account app(s) to confirm your monthly income and expenses. Tools like Mint also are great to track your spending to see where every dollar is going all in one place. Aside from personal use, for small business owners, Quickbooks is my favorite invoicing and expense-tracking option. 
Set Financial Goals & Realistic Limitations: Once you know your exact monthly income, budget your essentials, savings, investments, and fun money accordingly. Make sure necessities like rent, food, health insurance, electricity, WiFi, toiletries, etc. are accounted for before anything else. Depending on your financial situation, experts (not me – I try to educate myself as best as I can, but am no expert!) recommend trying to save and invest between 15-30% of your pre-tax income. Give yourself the liberty to spend the rest (say 15-20%) of your income, so you don’t feel deprived and stay on track with your goals.  
Invest Higher-Quality Items To Save Later: Initially purchasing a higher-quality item often cuts your overall expenses in a certain area over the long run. (Ex: Well-made clothing, shoes, furniture, kitchen appliances, coffee maker, hair dryer, etc.). If you invest upfront on an item you regularly use, there’s a lower chance that it will deteriorate, rip, break, or otherwise become unusable for the next few years. When you opt for the cheaper option, this practice might save you a few bucks in the short term, but you will probably end up having to replace it a few times over time and spend more in the long run. This tip might seem counterintuitive to some, but it truly does save you a lot of money (and frustration). However, I will place a caveat here and say that this advice comes from a place of privilege. Never purchase something you can’t afford. If you have the means, spend a bit more upfront - it is better for your future wallet, allows you to indulge in a better quality of life, and helps you let go of any scarcity mindset/financial limiting beliefs. 
Educate Yourself On The Different Types of Banking & Investment Accounts: Know the differences between and the use purpose of different accounts: Checking, Savings, CDs, 401K, Roth IRA, HSA, etc. Always opt for a high-yield savings account option to help preserve your money’s value over time with rising living costs and inflation. 
Establish Credit, But Know Yourself: Your credit score is like your adult report card. It’s essential for so many aspects of life, like renting or buying a home, insurance, cell phone plans, etc., so it’s important to start building your credit as early as you can. However, if you know you’re the type of person to overspend with a credit card, look into secured credit card options (you deposit the money that acts as a credit limit, so it’s like a debit card with credit-building benefits). 
Create An Emergency Fund: Pay yourself first. Have between 3-12 months of expenses available in a high-yield savings account at all times. If you have a family or are self-employed, aim for 6-12 months of necessary savings to stay sane. Saving this amount of money takes time. Be patient, and cut back on frivolous expenses if needed for the short term. 
Leverage Credit Card Benefits: If you have enough self-control, always use a credit card instead of a debit card – but spend in the same way you would as though the money is coming directly out of your bank account. This gives you additional flight and other purchasing perks, such as cashback and exclusive discounts. Using a credit card provides additional security, too.
Understand The Power of A Roth IRA (or Backdoor Roth IRA, depending on your income) & HSA: Compound interest is your best friend financially. Depending on your income, invest as much as you can into a Roth IRA account or set up a backdoor Roth IRA through your brokerage firm (I use Vanguard!). HSA (Health Saving Accounts) accounts offer so many benefits – they can serve as a tax write-off, lower your overall healthcare costs, and be leveraged to use as an additional retirement investment account, too (I use Fidelity). 
Automate Whenever Possible: Automate a portion of your paycheck to savings and your investments, so you never see this money. Pay yourself first before spending (on anything but necessities). 
Get Familiar With Taxes & Write-offs: This mainly applies to anyone self-employed or a small business owner (been in the game for 5 years!). However, this point can also potentially be beneficial for students who can leverage an education credit for tax purposes. Explore all of your options to see what write-offs are available in your specific situation. Understand how your income and expenses influence your tax bracket. Investing in a CPA can save you a considerable amount of money and all of your sanity if you’re not a salaried employee. Look over the standardized section C document, and speak with a professional to help maximize your write-off potential (legally and honestly, of course). My CPA is my lifeline! 
Stay Informed About Employer Benefits: Always maximize your 401K match (whatever percentage that is at your company), any wellness perks (like a gym membership or massage credit), or any meals and car services credits for late nights/work trips. 
Purchase Seasonally & With Discount Codes (When Available): Try to purchase items off-season when you can (e.g. purchase classic winter closet staples in the summer when they’re on sale). Utilize plug-ins like Honey or Cently on your browser to have discount codes for any site readily available. 
Protect Yourself: Stay on top of fraud alerts. Freeze your credit bureau accounts if necessary. 
Read Books: Educate yourself on saving, investing, budgeting, building a business, etc. See the ‘Finance’ section of my Femme Fatale Booklist for some recommendations. I also love Graham Stephan’s Youtube channel – his videos are highly useful and practical for beginners in this life arena! 
Seek Expert Advice: Use licensed professionals (CPAs, brokerage firms, your bank, etc.) as a resource, too, for your personal goals. 
This is a lot to take in, so try to implement one action item (or a few) at a time, so you can work towards your goals without getting overwhelmed. Also, for reference, I’m in the United States, so all of these tips are focused on how the system works in my country - if you know of any international equivalents, feel free to drop them in the comments to guide others.
Hope this helps xx 
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hero-israel · 1 year
Here's the thing about this narrative that Palestinian resistance no matter what form is acceptable. Jewkilling cannot exist in a bubble. It cannot be politically neutral. 1000 years of European (and Arab) antisemitism culminating in genocide have ruined that. Sorry to Palestinian activists but that's just how it works. You can't murder a Jew without it being a tragedy, without it contributing to the continued global oppression of Jewish people.
And all that said, that's just if Hamas and others only targeted soldiers and police (or at least tried as best they could). The IRA didn't go out of its way to purposefully target noncombatants. Why? Probably because there isn't thousands of years of history of English people being seen as subhuman, there isn't thousands of years of anglophobic propaganda showing English people as twisted monsters preying on children and secretly undermining Irish society. The Irish national movement was not born because English refugees returned to their historical homeland and challenged the notion of Irish Supremacy. It was a pragmatic liberation movement. Resist military occupation, undermine military infrastructure designed to oppress the people. The descendants of English and Scottish settlers would even be allowed to stay if they had won. Imagine that.
These things are all tied up in each other. I'm against police brutality, I'm against the escalation and the militarization and the mistreatment of Arabs in Israel and in Judea & Samaria and Gaza and Golan and everywhere. But killing Jews can never be righteous. Sorry to anyone who feels that way but it can't. Antizionists NEED to understand that. Jews will always feel defensive and ready themselves for retaliation because of history, because of that context. Jews keep saying "prove to us a post zionist society where we all share the land won't be antisemitic" and their concerns are completely brushed off.
There's no empathy at all. A little girl can be stabbed to death and antizionists celebrate because she was a "settler," and that brave Palestinian man was defending his indigenous homeland, by targeting the weakest of his enemies. And since Israel has mandatory military service the antizionist can surmise that no Jews are Innocent. An Israeli Jew cannot be a noncombatant. They have to, otherwise the only other explanation for why Jewkilling is acceptable to them, or even feels good to them, is that they hate Jews. And as of right now, the optics are still against that. I have a sinking feeling the optics won't be against them much longer. I inherently don't trust a "liberation" movement that's all too eager to make murdering Jewish civilians praxis. I'm sick of the internet falling for this bullshit.
One of the best asks I have ever received. Thank you for sharing it and I agree with every word.
The entire progressive intersectional social-justice frame has failed Jews (or, alternately, has succeeded in excluding them), due to being intellectually colonized by a clearly fascist ideology of incessantly hating the Jew as a poisonous alien. Try to get an online activist to critically deconstruct the social assumptions they were raised with about Jews in their Muslim, Christian, or very slightly post-Christian society... it won't go well. Funny how Jews have lived in India and China for thousands of years yet you will look in vain for examples of bitter bloodthirsty kill-your-nextdoor-neighbor antisemitism in those societies. That's because the origin, the core, of Chinese and Indian societies was not "We're the people who are better than Jews."
From a review of Richard Landes' new book "Can the Whole World Be Wrong?":
[During the Second Intifada] Israelis were described at the time as the new Nazis. But the malice that was unleashed was even worse. As Landes writes, “It was mostly about being freed from a sense of obligation to the Jews, a chance to take up again the Jew-baiting so long denied Europeans by a politically correct post-Holocaust sobriety.” Landes quotes a poisonous comment made by a member of the House of Lords and reported in the Spectator, “Well, the Jews have been asking for it, and now, thank God, we can say what we think at last.” During that time, I was told something horrifyingly similar to my [=the reviewer's] face.
Your example of Irish nationalists not going out of their way to murder British children is a good one. The oft-reached comparisons between Palestine and South Africa are frivolous for many reasons as I have explained here before, and the ANC advocating and normalizing a vision of enduring racial diversity and equality is high on the list of reasons (made possible because black African identity is not predicated on a thousand-year history of hating and oppressing whites). The case of Rhodesia is even more instructive. Robert Mugabe - ROBERT MUGABE! - pleaded with the whites to stay, to live as equals, as brothers, and work together in building a better society in Zimbabwe. Ian Smith, last white PM of Rhodesia, agreed with him and stayed in Zimbabwe. If a so-called "liberation" movement is more openly dedicated to straight-up exterminating their enemies than Robert Mugabe ever was, maybe, just maybe, it shouldn't be described as "liberation" at all.
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hiskillingjar · 7 months
hi there! love your blog! have you ever shared voice hcs for strade, ren, and law? hope youre having a good day! <3
ren 🦊
i think he has a young-sounding voice, like even as he gets older his voice doesn't really give away how old he is
raspy? kind of like he's always talking out the back of his throat
A LOT of vocal fry. idk how to explain it
he'll, like, use a lot of, um, filler words? and, ya know, sort of just speak in a way that, like, really makes you question if he knows what the fuck he's saying.
the only point of comparison i can think of is ira glass, though his tone is a little more fox leaning
real talk, he sounds kind of faggy lol
he's kind of self-conscious of his voice, so when he does become fox, he makes a lot of changes to the way he speaks so that it's more practiced and considered. obviously slips up when he has the chance to though <3
law 🥀
they got the playstation cut scene autism. the twin peaks autism.
like, they've got the low, quiet, kind of monotone autism drawl
very breathy sounding, which goes with slow quiet of it
they have to...um, really annunciate to put...tone and meaning behind their voiceee, otherwise they kind of just...sound...a little detached...a little spacy...yeah...okay...
they sound like they're not listening to anything anyone is saying, and the fact they look so out of it most of the time (even without the drugs, their gaze is super spacy) doesn't help either
like almost the gentle, offputting kind of quiet of paul dano in prisoners but. lower.
they um and er a lot too, like, um, yeah...okay, uh, for sure...
there's a lot of power behind their voice though. like, they make themselves seem gentler and smaller most of the time, but in the case of being angry, it can really climb up in volume and intention
so you better listen to them when they're being nice and quiet...
strade 🔨
hehehehehe i've thought about this one sooooo much
obviously has a noticeable german accent, albeit not a super thick one. it's there.
doesn't have the best grip on english slang and does the bilingual thing where he'll be like "ah...what is the word for-" when he's having a scatterbrained moment
doesn't um or er that much though, he'll confidently say the wrong thing and get corrected on it (or not)
he'll talk in a way that is really really direct, but, ahm, kind of lilt towards the end, making everything sound like a question? and then, ah, spreche-SPEAK very knowingly, right?
a pretty medium-range voice, not super low or that demanding of attention in his regular tone. people want to listen to him because he's a friendly guy!
kind of like the original singer of oomph! hehehehe, pretty regular tone, definitely a fast talker too
laughs a lot <3 has a nice warm chuckle when he's in polite company, and he's like the best person to laugh at bad jokes
very good at keeping up appearances <333 he's a manipulative faker who looks and sounds totally normal in his rich neighborhood
and obviously can push his voice down to a growled threat or a shout, which makes his accent sound a lot thicker <3
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hikuswing · 6 months
Romulan Dictionary
So I went looking for this site and it appears to be down now, probably a casualty to the whole geocities thing. I wish I could credit the original author (trraith according to the document I have), if anyone has a direct link/is this person please hit me up. Otherwise, please enjoy the English->Rihannsu (Romulan) dictionary. To keep this from spiraling and taking up someone's whole dash, I will be replying with cuts for each letter (Z and X had no entries at the time of my saving this. If there is a more updated version of this list I would love to hear about it.) Please reblog the final entry only, linked here. I will also pin it.
abandon, lose (v) - ehlu (D) ability (n) - alehu (D) able (adj) - aled above, area above (n) - aerrh (D) absent (adj) - nuhur (D) abundance, great supply (n) - aefau abuse (n) - aehyy* (D) abuse, hurt, injure (v) - dirhae (D) abuse, misuse, ill-treat (v) - aehyy (D) abused, injured, hurt (adj) - gustai (D)
Academy, military training center (n) - Phi'lasasam (D) accelerate (v) - reuvh (D) accept (v) - neiss (D) acceptance (n) - oann (D) access (n) - kheah (D) accidentally, by accident (adv) - oiidh (D) accommodate (v) - awhae (D) accompany (v) - haodt (D) accomplish (v) - arhoe (D) accomplish, perfom, do, carry out (v) - sthe
accomplished, skilled (adj) - hnnial (D) accomplished, finished (adj) - cufhae (D) accomplishment (n) - raon (D) accord (n) - hoaer (D) accumulate (v) - taith (D) accusation (n) - bhuut (D) accuse (v) - swuil (D) ache (n) - rheis (D) ache (v) - rheis* (D) achieve (v) - khuea (D) achieve, arrive, attain (v) - dhaie (D)
achievement (n) - rhaarh (D) acid (n) - nnoihr (D) acquire (v) - kaeth (D) act, behave (v) - kla act, deed (n) - grukhai act, take action, do (v) - irea (D) actually (EA 11) (adv) - rhaau add (arithmetic) (v) - llifv (D) add, give (v) - mnyiener address, lecture (n, v) - dochai* (D)
adjacent or neighboring area, area beside (n) - ieuhh (D) adjust (v) - aorre (D) administer (v) - haidh (D) administration (n) - daesn (D) administrator (n) - fvrihai admiral, senior commander (n) - enriov admire (v) - eirai (D) adroit, ready, skillful (adj) - hnaai (D) advance (v) - onnta (D) advanced, highly developed (adj) - duimn (D)
adversary, sworn enemy (n) - jihmn (D) adversary, opponent (n) - retaenir (D) advise (v) - aueth advise/answer a query, "advise me" (v) - auethn advisor (n) - auethnen advocate, one who speaks for another in court (n) - raihiw'sheh (D) affirm (to be true), assert (EA 0) (v) - yie aft (n) - aehf (D) after, afterwards (prep) - aihkh (D) after (RW 25) (adv) - rheh afternoon (n) - aihkhmiite (D)
again (EA 12) (adv) - hlun aged, old (adj) - ira agency (n) - dhaehhr (D) agent, instrument, cause (n) - iarr'voi (D) agent, representative, intermediary (n) - lehrei aggressive (adj) - khied (D) ago, hence (adj) - lhai (D) agonizer, Klingon agonizer (n) - fveolh (D) agony (n) - iolae (D) agree, assent (v) - rhai
agree, match (v) - aekhra (D) agreeable, amicable, friendly (adj) - khedak agriculture (n) - aellae (D) aid (v) - nveim (D) aid, help (n) - solaere (D) aid, help (v) - solaere* (D) aide (n) - kaidha aide-de-camp (n) - hmnial (D) air (not the Element) (n) - lhael air, breeze, wind (n) - mosaram (D)
Air, the Element (n) - Jaeih airlock (n) - fveill (D) alarm (n) - bhaie (D) ale ingredient, a Vulcan grain (RW 168) (n) - kheh alert (n) - nhyrh* (D) alert, warn (v) - nhyrh (D) alerted, prepared (adj) - alleik* (D) alert, prepare oneself, be vigilant (v) - alleik (D) alien (adj) - yikh alien (n) - ssouh (D)
alien or stranger, lit. neighbor (derog.) (n) - vaehkh (D) all, exclusively, solely (adj) - fortnepas (D) all (RW 58) (pron) - oiuu'n all gone (adj) - urrhaa (D) all's well (RW 58) (sup-inf phrase) - oiuu'n mnekha
Fig. "Alls'-well?", lit. "Advise me [whether] all is well" (formal, inf.-sup. phrase) (RW 58) - Aeuthn qiu oaii mnek'nra?
all, entirety, whole (EA 0) (n) - en all, everything (pron) - qiuu, qiuu'n, qiu (oaii) alliance (n) - kaehht (D) allow, permit (v) - hisl (D) allow, have, permit (v) - vhuin ally (n) - dhaekav alone (adj) - eial (D) alphabet, the Rihannsu writing system (n) - efveimne (D) also (conj) - oi (D) alter (v) - aimnaa (D)
alternate, substitute, proxy (n) - hlomaus (D) altitude (n) - mniue (D) always (adv) - diamn (D) ambassador (n) - llairhi ambassador, diplomat (n) - kiitha ambition, hubris, extreme pride (n) - mhr'vaat (D) amicable, friendly, agreeable (adj) - khedak ammunition (n) - saedi (D) analysis (n) - temnei (D) analyze (v) - hnnai (D)
ancestor (n) - orheika (D) ancestry, blood (fig.), temperament (n) - plaeh (D) ancient (adj) - ulhei (D) and (RW 25) (conj) - u' angel (n) - jhu (D) anger (n) - dhuil (D) angle (geometric) (n) - meraehh (D) angry, mad (adj) - mnaae (D) angst, pain (n) - uan animal (n) - ahlh (D)
bird (in general) (n) - dhael bird(s), flightless and edible, ostrich-like - hlai(in); hlai'hwy, domesticated bird, hlai'vna, wild bird bird native to ch'Rihan, Rihannsu-sized and carnivorous (n) - mogai (D) small venomous bird (n) - nei'rhh cockroach (n) - nhaidh (D) a hyena-like animal (n) - sseikea a pet (n) - fvai(in) a wolf- or wolverine-like animal (n) - thrai(in) a worm (n) - kllhe edible ostrich-like bird (n) - hlai(in) weasel-like vicious predator (n) - hnoiyika(r)
annihilate (v) - rhioy announce, reveal (v) - doprae (D) announce, proclaim (v) - lihr announce the presence/ arrival (sup.-inf.) (v) - oal'lhlih announcement (n) - veiht (D) annoy (v) - ebhae (D) annoy, hassle, bother (v) - daehhra (D) annoyance, hassle, problem (n) - daetra (D) another (pron) - koemae (D) another (EA 11) (adj prefix) - hra'
answer (n) - aednae answer (n) - dhroi* (D) answer (v) - dhroi (D) antecenturion, subcenturion (Starfleet ensign) (n) - erein antidote against artificial poisons (n) - ssifefva antidote against natural poisons, antivenin (n) - ssifegho antimatter (n) - nvihha (D) any (of a group), any one, whichever (pron) - ehrr (D) any way (corr) - khrisa any, some (adj) - siufve (D)
anybody, somebody (pron) - rilhta (D) anyone (corr) - isaeha for any reason (corr) - ievoi anything (corr) - khru anything (n) - eriuu anytime (corr) - khefv anywhere (corr) - khira apartment (n) - takas'rhe apartment building (n) - takas apology (n) - veherr
"Non-Apology" (RW 133) (n) - Vehe'rrIhlan
appear, build up, take form (v) - hhwai (D) appear, come (v) - mayri appear, seem, look (v) - hhaetn (D) ascribe, blame, attribute (v) - aerlhi (D) apprehensive, worried, nervous (adj) - aaemir (D) approach, propose, request (v) - ekhau (D) approach, close in, get closer, come nearer (v) - iurrhi (D) approach, near, come (unexpectedly) (EA 11) (v) - mrei archway (n) - gaih area beside, neighboring or adjacent area (n) - ieuhh (D)
area next to (n) - hhaehh (D) area, district (geographical) (n) - hiudh (D) area, district (political) (n) - kaisu (D) area, vicinity, premises (EA 11) (n) - lai area (large), region (n) - kalanam, calanam argue (v) - iyhwe (D) argument, fight, brouhaha (n) - fhaihuhhru arm (body part) (n) - haenhe (D) arm, offshoot, branch (n) - ahtma armed, as in "disruptor armed," or "ya-ie'yakk" (adj) - ya (D)
arms (small), weapons (n) - teidr (D) army (n) - draao (D) around (prep, adv) - hraefva around (prep, w/nom) - sevihf arrangement or contract, unfair or too restrictive (colloq), chain, currency unit (n) - takhse arrest (v) - iera (D) arrival (n) - oali arrive, achieve, attain (v) - dhaie (D) arrive, get somewhere (v) - hilai
art (n) - lvhiet artisan, craftsman (n) - aethhon as far as, to, until (prep) - ru (D) ascend (v) - vailiu (D) ashamed (adj) - urhae (D) ashen (adj) - rehillh ask, question (v) - nihroi (D) ask, request (v) - stheirhn assault (n) - arkhiann assemble (v) - paeti (D)
assembly (of people) (n) - aetheaa (D) assembly (of objects) (n) - bressas assembly (n) - paeti* (D) assembly, gathering (n) - bresasam (D) assent, agree (v) - rhai assert, affirm (to be true) (EA 0) (v) - yie assets, money, wealth (n) - iaehhs (D) assist (v) - irhis (D) assist, serve, help (v) - etrhei (D) assistant (n) - diserhn (D)
asteroid (n) - ihrh (D) at that time (corr) - astev at, on, in (prep, w/nom) - hrrau, h'rau atomic (as elementary particles) (adj) - fvinnash atop (post, w/nom) - mibh attache (n) - lleifven attack (v) - errhi (D) attain, arrive, achieve (v) - dhaie (D) attempt (v) - eidae (D) attend me, hear me (phrase) - vaed'rae
attend, care for, minister to (v) - aihei attend, heed (v) - vaedn attention, pay attention (v) - aemni (D) attitude-control thrusters (n) - itheil (D) attractive (adj) - l'lorel'ei* (D) attribute, blame, ascribe (v) - aerlhi (D) authority, power (legal/social) (n) - efveh (D) authority, commission (n) - eireth avenge (n) - kholhr avenger (n) - ra'kholh
awake (adj) - khumae (D) award (n) - sagomh* award (v) - saghomh away from (prep) - uaenn (D) away team (n) - ahyan (D)
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havethetouch · 27 days
Here be pirates
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2020 - Siti, Mahdi
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2021 - Ila, Mel, Eli, Asa, Ava, Ife, Niv
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2022 - Ixtia
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2023 - Lev, Ora, Dar, Ira, Ayo, Efe, Nia, Jia
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2024 - Nor
Figured I throw them down all in one post because why not most people are not even aware how vast the cast of this lil pirate story is, and those are the characters that got their design down, I have some more that I still play around with a bit on terms of colours and shapes. Aside from Ava and Lev, everyone got their first design try on a quick headshot that felt right and then threw colours on. Ava and Lev just got a ref sheet right away because idk I hit the golden moment with those two. (context: I hate doing refs and it usually takes me ages to do them even if if I have their designs down to a T. Mahdi for example.. is after Siti oldest characters created for this story and I only finally got around to finish his ref what? At the end of last year (2023)? Niv only got her ref like in July of 2024. Like fuck you could not pay me to do reference sheets the only reason I even do them is so that I can hand them to the handful of people I like to buy comms from (and sometimes for AF) who need the visuals bc they cannot just see them in my head otherwise I would not bother.)
The order these are drawn in is also not necessarily the order those characters have been living rent-free in my head either. Like there is Wyn who I vaguely know what he looks like for 3 years now but I have not brought him to paper yet lol. However the first few are. Siti was obviously the first, it started with her, Mahdi came second in my head even though back then I didn't even knew his name yet, he was an integral part in Sitis backstory and had the workname "Mapmaker/Scholar" but I knew while I tinkered with Sitis story that he needs to come back into the picture and then I started developing him. Technically it went like this: In the course of Sitis bg story she is faced with the loss of people she considered family (among them the mapmaker/scholar who she shared the closest bond with) during a vicious pirate attack at sea that she is the lone survivor of but even as I worked on that part I was like... "ain't no way that this fucker died, he is probably messed up but I bet he survived I want him to survive and reunite with Siti down the line" - and then a bit later in my head (mahdi, kicking the door in) "Hello there. I have risen!".
It still takes the duration of a decade before these two reunite. Which is also the starting point of Siti being the captain bc those two yearn for the sea regardless of the trauma.
After came the first five, being Ila, Ava, Eli, Mel and Asa. Ife and Niv followed soon after and then it kinda gets muddy with the rest. I had some rear up louder some just slipped in through the backdoor and at some point I started to design those as well. Nor is the most recent design in the lineup which I adopted from someone else because I had her down at her core but I could not decide on which animal which vibes but I saw demi-reality sell this zebra lady on their TH and I looked once, twice, thrice and went "oh. That is Nor." It be like that sometimes. But yeh so that is Sitis crew, at least those of them that have fixed designs. It is funny to look at the first headshot ever of Siti she changed not really much at all from that one aside from the fact that I got her unique face shapes down better in a way that I could not properly bring to paper back in 2020. So much shit happened around those years too, many losses in my family, among them my own father so many of these characters are intertwined with that grief and brainfog and memory loss that came with that trauma. A wild time that feels like a different life at times and I'm glad to have it behind me now. And I didn't even mean to get so personal about it here but those characters are, like I said, very much intertwined with a lot of that which also reflects in most of the early casts stories. But yeahhhh anyway I keep tinkering around, lots of writing going on in the background among some other stuff I have planned.
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