#otp: your true self
sandrockian · 1 year
So, I thought long and hard about this, but I have decided to not delete any of my Pen/Builder content. Despite how much of a clown he's made of my Builder, I believe that he genuinely does love her, but he's just utterly cruel, and yes, cruel people can love, too, but Liira deserves better, and whether or not Pen decides to turn a moral leaf (doubtful) is up to him. It's not her job to change him; their relationship is dead in the water. Liira slowly but surely moves on and ends up in an unexpected relationship with Unsuur. Still, it's a slow-burn friend to lovers, the opposite of her whirlwind romance with Pen.
However, I am not against coming up with a fanon au in which Pen, still his usual cruel self, convinces Liira to not break up with him. When she presents him with the Dead Branch, he smirks and promptly snaps it in two, saying, "Nice try, darling, but I have no intention of letting you go." He is unrepentant and callous and shows more of his true colors, but he does love her while Liira is trying and failing to wean herself off him.
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elysianholly · 3 months
Why Spuffy
Decided to put this here so I can find it more easily. Originally answered on r/Fanfic: What is your OTP?
Why? There are a lot of assumptions made about Spike/Spuffy fans. Like, we're just whores for good cheekbones. We're blinded by Spike's abs. We're all just abuse victims waiting to fall in love with the wrong person. And honestly, after 2+ decades of this nonsense, it'd be nice to just say: "read this then get back to me."
So. What is your OTP?
Buffy/Spike from BtVS. They've owned my heart for more than 20 years and show no signs of slowing down.
At first, it was the enemies-to-lovers thing. I've always been a sucker for that. Especially for a villain who turns to mush for a hero in the falling process. That is still true, but my love for them has become more nuanced the older I've gotten. I just turned 39; I fell in love with Spuffy when I was 17. What I love most about them today is that their history as enemies means they know each other better than anyone, have seen each other's faults, have done the worst things they could do to each other, and have a very honest, non-rosy view of their relationship. Spike is also the only man in Buffy's life (on the show; I'm not counting comics) who owns the hurt he's caused without making it her fault or imposing his view of things and convincing her he's right. He shows her that loving her doesn't always mean sacrifice or suffering, the way it was with Angel or Riley, but that she can make someone want to be better. And he also knows her well enough to know she will assume the responsibility of the soul he sought for himself (the most effective and tortuous sentence for the demon who hurt her), so he first tries to hide it from her, then encourages her when she starts dating Robin Wood that she owes him nothing, that she doesn't need to consider his feelings. It's the first time someone she's been intimate with has not been petty or jealous at the thought of her moving on. And because he has seen the best and worst in her, when he says he loves her, it's with a view of the whole person Buffy is.
And for Buffy, loving Spike is about loving herself. He was her outlet for her depression, a representation of all the bad things she thought about herself when she was at her lowest, and she punished him for that. She was conditioned to believe her friends' acceptance of her had strings attached. By Season 7, after she has come to peace with the worst thing she went through, she is no longer apologizing for herself or making excuses. She is unapologetically in charge. Loving Spike means loving the parts of her she always thought were ugly or twisted or irredeemable, going all the way back to how she carried the burden of Angel having lost his soul when she was a 17-year-old girl in love and had no idea what was going to happen. Furthermore, how she was made to feel responsible (side-eyeing Xander here; Giles and Willow get a pass but Xander was the most egregious offender). She also assumed the responsibility for her relationship with Riley falling apart even after he negged, gaslit, and cheated on her. Spike showed Buffy that she is not the problem in relationships, and allowing herself to love him meant an acceptance of self she struggled to find throughout the course of the show. In the end, after bringing out the worst in each other when they were at their worst, they learned to bring out the best in each other. It's just beautiful.
And that's why Spuffy, friends.
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rossithepixie · 10 months
Alrighty since people seem interested in this I guess i'll make it an official post with a an open tag!
What JJK polycule would you be a part of?
For me like I said in my original post I took it twice and the common factor was Gojo in both
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satoru gojo and suguru geto this would be a super chill, deep and fun relationship. i think you’d all be best friends. its the kind of relationship where youre all comfortable with and know each other so well that words arent really even needed. gojo loves you and geto, geto loves you and gojo, and you love them both. you would die for each other. people might not even be able to tell if you guys are together or just close friends, but the answer is: both! you have fun together, no matter where you are or what you do. i feel like you and geto have to take turns being the responsible one; if you and gojo are up to something he’ll gently persuade you not to do something that ends with jailtime, and when he and gojo plan an elaborate, sinister prank on nanami you have to tell them to please leave the poor dude alone. gojo is also the clingiest mf in the world, so youre gonna have to let him cling to you or geto like a koala sometimes. geto isnt as clingy, but will want to just rest with you while reading a book. both of them crave stability, but also fun. oh, and i just see them being protective as hell. theyre the strongest, so you never have to worry about anything happening to you. overall this relationship is just very stable and sweet, and you all love each other more than anything.
(the true otp of my self ships. Roruru)
And a bonus below the cut if you wanna see it without getting it yourself is nanago polycule
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satoru gojo and kento nanami this would be a… kinda chaotic but sweet relationship. you are the middle ground that keeps nanami from killing gojo. they bicker pretty often, and disagree on a lot of things — i do think theyd love each other, though. its just in subtext. when nanami tells gojo to fuck off, its said with love. all jokes aside, i think this relationship would work out well, as long as you can balance them out. sometimes gojo needs someone to be a menace with him, sometimes nanami needs someone who ISNT a menace. gojo will steal both your and nanamis clothes, and also cling to you 24/7. nanami usually pushes him off, so youll have to oblige, otherwise he’ll sulk and ask you when the divorce is coming. he’ll buy both of you gifts all the time, and even if hes annoying sometimes, he loves you; and tries to show it, even when it ends up with him audibly saying ”cringe” afterwards. nanami is more lowkey with his affection, but shows it through acts of service and words of affirmation. he wants to make sure youre not feeling overwhelmed, especially considering youre the one who has to ”put up with gojo” most of the time. they argue and bicker, but the relationship is full of love from all sides.
I can see it but I also think I would be more stressed in this dynamic than I am in my roruru one.
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hiro-doodlez · 11 months
LIST OF ENGLISH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (the random letters that people use sometimes)!! FEEL FREE TO USE AS A REF (reference) SHEET!! In alphabetical too!!
Tone indicators at the bottom!
AFK- away from keyboard
AKA- also known as
ASAP- as soon as possible
ASL- American Sign Language
B4- before
BC- because
BF- boyfriend
BFF- best friends forever
BTW- By the way
BTS- Behind the scenes/back to school / that one band
BRB- be right back
CW: content warning
Cya- see ya
DM- direct message
DW- dont worry
EZPZ- easy peasy
FB- Facebook
FW: flash warning
FAQ- frequently asked questions
FYI- for your information
GF- girl friend
GG- good game
GJ- Good job
GL- good luck
Gnite- good night
GTFO- get the fuck out
GTG- got to go
Gud- good
H8- hate
HBD- happy birthday
Hella- really
HMU- Hit me up
HW- Homework
IDK- I don't know
IDC- I don't care
IG- I guess / instagram
IK- I know
IKR- I know right
K- okay
Lmao- laughing my ass off
Kewl- cool
Kk- okay
Lol- laugh out loud
ILY- I love you
ILYSM- I love you so much
IMO- in my opinion
IRL- in real life
IYKYK- if you know you know
JFC- Jesus fucking chrkst
Jk- just kidding
L8R- later
LMAO- laughing my ass off
LMK-let me know
LOL- laughing out loud
Mkay- mm okay
NE- Any
NE1- anyone
NGL- not gonna lie
NM- Nothing much
NP: no problem
NSFW- not safe for work
NVM- nevermind
NW- no worries
Obv- obviously
OFC- of course
OMW- on my way
OP- original post(er)
OTP- one true pairing
Ova- over
Pic- picture
POV: point of view
Ppl- people
Prolly- probably
QOTD- quote of the day
R- are
RB- reblog
Ref- reference
Rly- really
RN- right now
RP- role play
RPG-role playing game
RT- retweet
Sec- second
SH- self harm
SMH- shaking my head
SMP- survival multiplayer server (Minecraft) / social media platform (?)
S.O- significant other
Sui- suicide
Sus- suspicious
STFU- shut the fuck up
T- testosterone
TBA- to be announced
TBF- to be fair
TBH- to be honest
TF- the fuck
Thnks- thanks
Thx- thanks
TLDR- too long didn't read (usually a summary)
TMRW- tomorrow
TOS- terms of service
TTYL-talk to you later
TW: trigger warning
Vid- video
WTF- what the fuck
WYD- what are you doing?
YOLO- You only live once
YT- YouTube
YW- you're welcome
If the one youre looking for isnt here, either i forgot or its a fandom! Id suggest looking it up if youre confused!
Extra note: if you see 8 in one of the acronyms, then it usually is used as an “ate” sound. So h8= ate, gr8= great ect.
/aff- affectionate
/c- copypasta
/cb- clickbait (?)
/f- fake
/gen- genuine
/genq- genuine question
/half joking
/ij- inside joke
/j- joking
/lyr- lyrics
/lh- light hearted
/lu- little upset
/neg- negative
/nf- not forced
/nm- not mad
/npa- not passive aggresive
/nsrs- not serious
/p- platonic
/pa- passive aggresive
/pos- positive
/q- quote
/r- romantic
/s- sarcastic
/srs- serious
/t- teasing
/th- threat
I HOPE THIS HELPS!! and if i forgot to add one feel free to send an ask ^^
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Was there anything about how BSD cast would react if GL shipped some of them??✨✨
Not, they I can recall of.
BSD Cast can react in two different ways.
First: GL start shipping them before BSD Cast got into the real world/GL learnt about BSD Cast being real.
BSD Cast will be neutral towards it. They do feel weird about shipping thing, but understand, that it is a way for a GL to express their love towards BSD Cast. BSD Cast won't look on GL's saved shipfics, shipping arts.
When BSD Cast got into the real world, during their first conversation with GL, they will not only explain the self-aware situation, their plans for future and said their thanks to GL. Characters, that GL shipped, will said, that they aren't judging or blaming GL for your fic/art preferences, but, they will really appreciate it, if GL dropped it or, at least, won't try to play a matchmaker and try to make their OTP true. Because the situation will become equally embarrassing, weird and confusing.
Second: After BSD Cast got into the real world, GL are "shipper on deck".
BSD Cast will be mostly fine. As long as GL respect their feelings, don't lie or try to force their OTP them into relationship with each other, BSD Cast will find it somewhat cute and endearing.
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dangermousie · 5 months
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Finished Blossoms in Adversity.
It was a pretty flawed drama, and Hu Yitian remains the second least watchable leading man in cdramas for me but it really was consistently the airing drama I'd watch FIRST - it really was an addicting watch despite its flaws.
The best thing? I don't know how they managed to get it past the censors, but they actually had the emperor as the Big Bad.
He was the one who exiled FL's family men unjustly, he was the one who punished and messed with her because he didn't like his nephew caring for anyone outside of him, and as the above scene indicates, even his gaslit/brainwashed/enmeshed in abused fashion nephew finally had enough. Every positive character who had an opinion hated him (FL literally called him out at one point!) and all the negative ones did too. He was not shown to do any of his petty, cruel, arbitrary things for the greater good but because he was a paranoid, self-absorbed man.
The best part? No last minute, death bed redemption of any kind. You think there would be one, as he lies dying from poison (inflicted by his own son! with the help of a foreign agent who is portrayed as justified and sympathetic!) but nope. Gu Yanxi, who realistically still loves his abusive as fuck father figure (because that's how it goes in rl), is all "I am sorry for stuff I did/said, I still love you, I will remain security head blah blah") and I expected the emperor to say he loved him and no pls go live your best life, find your happiness, I am sorry for being a bastard daddy etc etc but NOPE. Emperor just says "Yanxi" and croaks. (And same with his one remaining child, the sixth prince. He does not repent for how he treated his small son who saved his life, he does not appoint him heir etc. It's the dowager who trots the kid out.)
It's pretty telling that everyone gets a happy ending but only after the old monster croaks. The kid emperor pardons the Hua men who come back, Yanxi gives up his awful job and gets married and he and Hua Zhi peace the hell out of politics and business and just travel the world all over with no responsibilities etc etc.
I also liked how realistically tailored to various people the ending was in terms of happiness. Youngest uncle and aunt and their daughter go traveling, and I loved that - they were my faves except for sister and her OTP. Sister and her boo are in court, SML (who really wasn't - he never really pined and barely showed up) is a royal tutor, various younger married ladies have their own happiness (and I love that for one of them, it's a very realistic happiness of ruling her not attractive husband's concubines, business and household and getting his respect and buy in. She was neither looking for nor getting true love and that was fine with her) and the older generation of women also finding their calling that isn't just about the husbands (business, charity work etc etc.)
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oh-nostalgiaa · 7 months
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Five
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
28 Days of Smut Prompts
50 Dialogue Prompts, Part Two
50 Vague Angsty + Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
50 Ways to Say I Hate You Prompts
79 Dialogue Prompts
After the Kiss Response Prompts
And They Were Roommates Prompts
Angst Prompts for All Your Heartbreak Needs
Angsty Dialogue Prompts
Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Arranged Matrimony for Royalty Prompts
Baby, It's Cold Outside Prompts
Best Friends to Lovers Prompts
Bubbly + Reserved Romance Dialogue Prompts
Childhood Exes to Lovers Prompts
Childhood Friends to Lovers (Reuniting & Reigniting) Prompts
Chilly Winter Prompts
Christmas Pick-Up Lines Sentence Starter Prompts
Comforting Sentence Starter Prompts
Confrontation Prompts
Dancing in the Rain Prompts
Death Prompts That Tore My Heart Apart
December Prompts
Defending the Right to Not Say Prompts
Dire Situations Prompts
Emotional Hurt / Comfort Prompts
Emotional Starters to Kick You in the Feelings Prompts
Extremely Self-Indulgent Prompts
Fan x Celebrity Prompts
Fluffy Moments Prompts
Gestures to Get You on Your Knees Prompts
Hand Touching Prompts
Heartbreak Sentence Starter Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts, Part II
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts, Part III
Hurt and Comfort Dialogue Prompts
I Love You Prompts
Injured & Healers Prompts
January Prompts
Kiss Sentence Starter Prompts
Love Languages - Quality Time Prompts
Magic Fatigue / Exhaustion / Overuse Prompts
Meaningful Gestures Prompts
Modern Royalty AU Prompts
More Break-Up Dialogue Prompts
More Sick Prompts
More Teasing Dialogue Prompts
Mostly Angsty Drabble Prompts
Non-verbal Starter Prompts
Noticing / Being Noticed Prompts
One True Pairing Moments Prompts
Other Ways to Say I Love You Starter Prompts
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body Prompts
Physical Contact Starter Prompts
Pillow Thoughts Prompts
Post-Breakup AU Prompts
Prompt List #1
Prompt List #2
Prompt List #3
Prompt Set 2
Prompt Set 3
Prompt Set 7
Prompt Set 8
Prompt Set 10
Prompt Set 18
Prompt Set 25
Prompts for Angsty Conversations
Prompts for Characters Who Are Slowly Falling in Love
Question Sentence Starter Prompts
Random Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Reunion After Physical Trauma Prompts
Romantic Date Dialogue Prompts
Roommates to Lovers (Who Are Scared to Confess) Prompts
Royal Arranged Marriage Dialogue Prompts
Royalty Dialogue Prompts
Royalty Forced Marriage to Actual Lovers Prompts
Scenarios with Undertones of Tension Prompts
Seduction Starter Prompts
Send a Number to Do X With Prompts
Set the Scene Prompts
Sexy / Suggestive Dialogue Prompts
Sinful Sentence Prompts
Six Word Sentence Starter Prompts
Softer Shippy Prompts
Spending Time Together Prompts
Super Soft Intimacy Prompts
Symbol Meme Starter Prompts
Tearful Goodbye Prompts
Teasing Prompts
Tired / Exhausted / Feeling Very Weak Starter Prompts
Tol & Smol Prompts
Valentine Interactions Prompts
Valentine's Day Prompts
Where to Land Prompts
Whump Dialogue Prompts
Words of Love Prompts
Worried Sentence Starter Prompts
Year of the OTP 2023 Prompts
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b0r3ali5 · 7 months
‼️‼️Quick PSA y'all because this is starting to become a serious problem‼️‼️
Newer people who have just gotten into fan fiction and shipping DO NOT KNOW PROPER SHIPPING ETIQUETTE!!!
The amount of hate that is on so many platforms like ao3, tiktok, twitter, and discord is way too much.
So this is a PSA to remind everyone that if you don't like a ship or an HC to just ignore it, it's that easy. Don't bash people for their HC's just because you have a different HC. That's why they're called HEAD-canons. It's the canon you make in your OWN HEAD!! It doesn't have to conform perfectly to canon because, in all actuality, most ship are, SURPRISE, not actually in the canon! Who would have thought about that?
Mentalities of hate like that are exactly what we do NOT need in shipping culture and on ao3 and other fabrication platforms. Lines of thinking like that are the same ones of people who want to have certain fics removed from ao3 due to the sensitive nature of its content despite the abundant tags of its content and the generous warning of Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
Thinking like that is incredibly self-centered and dangerous to the sanctity of fandom archives like ao3. Everyone needs to keep in mind that other people are their own person, they won't share the same thoughts as you and that's okay!
If all else fails, reread the og laws of fandom. They still speak true to this day and should be actively upheld by any fandoms community! This word. reds to be spread to these newer and younger shippers who do not show kindness to anything/anyone if they don't agree with their OTP.
ship and let ship yall, there enough hate as it is. if you don't like a fic or ship or hc just look the other way!
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hssrarepairs · 2 months
🎄 HSS Rare Pairs 2024: FAQ 🎄
Find more info in our Rules!
🎁 What is HSS Rare Pairs? 🎁
HSS Rare Pairs, or HSS, stands for HP Secret Santa Rare Pairs. We are an anon, multi-ship, multimedia gift exchange focused on HP rare pairs run as a collaboration between the HP Rare Pairs (@hp-rarepairs) and HP Saffics (@hpsaffics) Discord servers. This fest is not self-posting. The mods will post your gifts all through December.
🎁 What is the 2024 Schedule? 🎁
Sign-ups: Aug 13-Sep 3 Gift Submissions Due: Nov 15 Gift Giving: Dec 1-Dec 25 Creator Reveals: Dec 30
🎁 What counts as a HP rare pair? 🎁
Any ships besides these common ships (LITERALLY ANY OTHER SHIP IS OKAY):
Dramione - Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Drarry - Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Harmony - Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Harrymort/Tomarry - Harry Potter/Voldemort (Tom Riddle)
Hinny - Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Jegulus - Regulus Black/James Potter
Jily - James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Romione - Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Snamione - Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Snarry - Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Wolfstar - Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
🎁 How is the list of common ships determined? 🎁
Any ship with less than 10K results in an unfiltered AO3 Relationship tag search AND less than 3K results in an “otp: true” filtered Relationship tag AO3 search is considered a rare pair!
🎁 What about polyamorous ships? 🎁
Polyamorous ships (triads, vees, quads, polycules, etc.) are always considered rare and are VERY welcome (ex: Hermione/Harry/Ron is allowed even if Hermione/Harry and Hermione/Ron are on the list of common ships)!
🎁 What about a common ship in the background of a work? 🎁
Yes, background common ships are totally allowed as long as the main focus is a rare pair (ex: A Pansy/Ginny story with background Draco/Harry).
🎁 What about OCs? 🎁
OCs may appear in the background of a work, but the main ship should involve only established characters from the HP universe.
🎁 Who can participate? 🎁
Anyone aged 18+ can participate with an AO3 account. We also encourage you to be part of the HP Rare Pairs Discord Server, although it is not required.
🎁 Do I need a Discord/Tumblr to participate? 🎁
No, we will be sharing gifts on our Discord and Tumblr, but you do not need to be on either platform to participate. What you do need: an active email address and an AO3 account.
🎁 Is there a limit to the number of participants? 🎁
The 2022 round had 66 sign-ups which was quite impressive. We are tentatively setting a limit of 75 sign-ups for the 2024 round.
🎁 What is on the sign-up form? 🎁
The Sign-up Form is long and thorough. Please make sure to fill out all required sections in order for the mods to make the best possible matches and for you to receive the best possible gifts. This year the sign-up form has 5 sections:
Participant Information (required - for mod use only)
Character and Ship Preferences (required - shared with gifters)
Receiving Preferences (required - shared with gifters)
Giving Preferences (required - for mod use only)
Bonus Questions (optional - for mod use only)
🎁 I don’t like the username I signed up with. Can I change my AO3/Discord/Tumblr username in the middle of the exchange? 🎁
Please don’t. This is confusing for your gifters and makes more work for the mods.
🎁 I messed up on my sign-up form. Can I go back and make changes? 🎁
Yes, you will be able to edit your sign-up form until Sep 3 when sign-ups close. A link to edit should be sent to your email. If you do not see it, please check your spam folder.
🎁 When will I find out my matches? 🎁
We aim to have all participants matched within a week of sign-ups closing. However, it will depend on the mods’ schedules and number of sign-ups.
🎁 What kind of gifts can I create? 🎁
Any type of HP rare pair fanwork that can be uploaded to AO3 are accepted! Here are some examples:
Creative writing (fic, drabble, poetry, epistolary, screenplay, etc.)
Other writing (meta analysis, ship manifesto, recipe, tutorial, stats, etc.)
Art (traditional mediums, digital art, comic, photography, calligraphy, etc.)
Remix art (moodboard, story banner, podfic coverart, gif set, meme fic, etc.)
Craft (origami, bookbinding, embroidery, knitting, papercutting, ice sculpture, etc.)
Audio (podfic, podcast, filk, playlist, etc.)
Multimedia (fanvid, videogame, animation, stop motion, music video, etc.)
🎁 Is there a word limit for written gifts or gifts based on written works? 🎁
Yes, the minimum is 200 words. There is no maximum. What this means is:
All written works (drabbles, fics, meta analysis, ship manifesto, etc.) must be at least 200 words. If the gift is less than 200 words (a poem, recipe, etc.), the remaining words may be filled by commentary (character analysis, explanation of imagery/themes/word choice, extra description, etc.).
All podfics must be based on a fic that is at least 200 words.
All translations must be at least 200 words when complete.
🎁 What kind of content can my gifts include? 🎁
We accept all content! This includes graphic violence, MCD, rape/noncon, underage, incest, abuse, and dark or triggering themes as long as they are tagged appropriately. The mods will be tag-checking all works. The only restriction is we will not accept NSFW art containing underage characters (which is illegal by US law). If you need help with tagging, you may reference this Comprehensive List of Triggers, Tags & Squicks or ask a mod. 
🎁 Can I recycle fannish works as gifts? 🎁
No, gifts must be new and created exclusively for the exchange and specifically for your giftee.
🎁 Can I submit an AI-generated work? 🎁
No, AI-generated works are not allowed. If we find you have submitted an AI-generated work, you will be kicked from the exchange.
🎁 Does my gift need to be X-mas/winter themed? 🎁
No, it can be any theme as long as it includes a rare pair.
🎁 How many gifts will I get? 🎁
Every participant will receive at least 2 gifts. They may be small gifts and they may not be exactly what you wished for but they will be made with love and enthusiasm <3
🎁 How many gifts do I need to create to be able to participate? 🎁
You must submit at least 1 gift in order for Santa (aka the mods) to deliver your gifts. Participants are implored encouraged to submit more than one gift. If we have enough gifts, we may be able to give everyone 3 gifts instead of 2!
🎁 Can I submit my gifts anonymously? 🎁
Yes, you may choose to submit your gifts anonymously. In this case you will not be named as a giftmaker in the Creator Reveals on Dec 30. Please tell the mods your preference when submitting your gift. We will contact you about any additional steps.
🎁 How do I submit/deliver my gifts? 🎁
Gifts should be uploaded to the AO3 Collection. Then, please complete the Submission Form, one for each gift submitted. The mods will deliver gifts on AO3, Discord, and Tumblr Dec 1-25.
🎁 Can I make treats? 🎁
No, we are not accepting treats (extra gifts made outside of your matched assignment) for this exchange.
🎁 What if I need an extension or need to drop? 🎁
We get it. Life happens. If you need an extension or need to drop, please email us ASAP. It’s okay, we understand. Just, please don’t ghost us!
🎁 How will I get my gifts? 🎁
If you are on Discord or Tumblr, we will tag you when your gifts are delivered. Otherwise, your gifts will be delivered directly through AO3. Please make sure you have "Allow anyone to gift me works" checked in your Preferences. When you receive your gifts, don't forget to leave a comment to thank your gifters. We want to make sure they feel appreciated!
🎁 Can I send/receive physical gifts in the mail? 🎁
We are not doing physical gifts as part of the exchange, but you are welcome to coordinate with your gifter/recipient after the fest ends and send physical gifts granted you are both comfortable sharing your IRL addresses.
🎁 Who are the mods? 🎁
@lumosatnight, @nanneramma, @schmem14, @mischiefmandied, @venom0usbarbie and other wonderful helpers from Discord and Tumblr!
🎁 I still have questions/want to find out more. What should I do? 🎁
Message us through email, Tumblr, or Discord! We are always open to chat, answer questions, or flail about rare pairs 🍐
Tumblr: @hssrarepairs
Discord: HP Rare Pairs
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autumnslance · 1 year
Year of the OTP - July 2023 - Stars
(More Shadowbringers timeline, have some yearning during a key early moment. Original prompt list Here. 2 sections, 2 screenshots, 850ish words nearly evenly split between 2 POVs.)
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Thancred cooked over a small fire as Minfilia imbued his ammunition. There was a sudden pressure in his ears, on his shoulders. The sky rippled…
…and broke.
The oppressive Light evaporated like clouds of steam, plunging the world into darkness. Minfilia shrieked, the cartridges tumbling from her hands. “Thancred?!”
He couldn’t answer immediately, staring up, the stinging wetness in his eyes not from the campfire smoke.
The moon shone down, a gleaming disk of silver. Stars scattered across the velvety darkness, blinking and winking like old friends. And they were, he realized, recognizing constellations memorized to help comrades with their Astrology studies once upon a time.
“Thancred, is this…night?”
He swallowed past the lump in his throat. “Yes,” he managed hoarsely. “The night sky, the moon and stars.”
She hugged herself. “Then this means…”
“She’s here,” Thancred whispered. His heart tried to beat through his chestplate, his pulse in his ears, echoing: she’s here, she’s here, she’s here, she’s here!
“We have to find her,” Minfilia said, crystal-blue gaze turning from the sky to the shadowed woodline.
“We will,” Thancred replied. “But first we need to pick up those cartridges and eat.”
His mind spun while his heart continued to do backflips behind his sternum. Five years of dreaming, of longing, and Aeryn was here. Had much time passed for her as well? Or was it as the Exarch’s mirror showed, and she was the same as she had been their last night together in Ala Mhigo?
Aeryn’s hair falling in midnight waves down her back, her eyes shining silver in amusement at his jokes and teasing, the lilt of her accent followed by her laughter, the scent of the white violas she wore in her hair, the soft touch of her skin against his, the heat between them keeping the chill of the highland night at bay…
Thancred let out a sigh, hardly noticing his meal, vaguely aware of Minfilia watching him.
Five years in this harsh realm had changed him; would it be too much? Would Aeryn still recognize him? Still want him?
He ought to be sure of the answer; he knew her well enough. But that ever-present voice in the back of his head whispered warnings as always. One would think he’d be able to ignore his self-doubt by now.
“Let’s clean up and break camp,” he said, dousing the fire. Minfilia whined at the loss of light. “Your eyes will adjust; it’s a lovely night, for the first this world’s seen in far too long.”
Thancred paused to look at the sky again. She’s here.
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Aeryn looked up at the sky again, the familiar moon and constellations looking back, comforting after their absence.
She had only been in the First for a little over a fortnight, the lack of change each day disorienting and the constant press of Light wearisome. How much stranger it must be for the people of the First, who had never seen the night, never known the natural rhythmic shifts in time and weather and the beauty of the true sky!
Alphinaud also kept pausing to look up and smile, his relief and happiness palpable. So many other people as they walked by were staring up, talking to one another in excitement, unable to tear their eyes from the starscape above. There were many tears, prayers and songs of thanks even before they entered the city proper.
As they passed through the checkpoint, the Exarch quietly spoke to a guard. “Any word from Thancred?”
Are you seeing the stars too?
Was Thancred nearby? Had he seen the Light split away and wonder why, or did he know what this meant? Was he even in Lakeland, or in another part of the realm where Light still billowed and swirled above? Did he yet care, or had the years he had spent here—years!—dull his affections? What of this companion the Exarch had mentioned?
“Not yet, my lord.”
The moonlight had streamed in through the window of her room in Ala Mhigo, the stars twinkling, their light making Thancred’s fair hair practically glow as they had lounged in the bed, talking and joking, laughing and teasing. His hands had been warm on her skin as they cunningly explored her, his voice low and sending shivers down her spine. His mismatched eyes had glimmered in amusement, the line of his mouth crooking into a smile before leaning in to kiss her again, drawing her close to his warmth against the night’s chill.
The next day his body lay frighteningly still and silent, everything that made him Thancred…gone.
She could count the time in mere sennights and moons. But he had been here without the moon and stars, without her, for five entire years.
Do you know that I’m here? Do you still care? Do you see the stars?
“Aeryn,” Alphinaud called, pausing with the Exarch at the head of the bridge leading into the Crystarium.
She turned her face from the sky to smile at her companions as she rejoined them.
I’m here, her heart silently called. And I brought you the stars. Do you see them? Do you see me?
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thegreymoon · 7 months
The Story of Minglan
I've been fighting off a monster of a headache all day with copious amounts of coffee but that could only go so far and I had to take painkillers in the end, so I am now in a drug-induced happy haze, very ready to bask in happy feels and root for the OTP 🖤
I love how he sees the real her.
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Qi Heng only ever saw her public face, Liang Han also never realised her true character and thought she was obedient and boring. I think He Hongwen came the closest to understanding her, but he is nowhere close to being her intellectual equal. She would have run circles around him and though her life might have been peaceful at his side (though with that family of his, even this is doubtful), it would never have been as fulfilling as it will be with a man who can match her.
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LMAO, if he keeps this up, she really will smack him 🤣🤣
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He's just lucky he's so cute.
LOL, deserved 💪💪
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I still maintain he should have approached her directly.
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(With that said, as much as I despise Qi Heng, this actor is crazy beautiful and he is really tempting me to watch Guardian at long last 😭😭)
LOL, it is not fate.
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It is your shitty classism, ego and garbage behaviour.
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Oh, shut up.
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I am still mad about him suggesting that brain-dead plan to kidnap the princess and get all their families executed for it.
Also, he is a liar.
He revealed just now that he had decided to marry Minglan after she gave him advice on Rongjie. That was after he saved her from the pirates. It was before the whole Prince Yan disaster. This either means that this storyline is inconsistent or that he never actually intended to follow through with what he was offering. He expected Qi Heng to turn him down just so that he could go, "BuT i tRiEd tO HeLp yOu!" and absolve himself of guilt for backstabbing a peer because even then he knew that he would be going after Minglan himself. Honestly, I actually like this interpretation better than him being genuine in his offer, but it is still unnecessary. Qi Heng renounced all claim to Minglan when he married another woman. Gu Tingye owed and still owes him nothing.
Minglan is a whole-ass human person with her own agency, thoughts and feelings. She is not a leftover piece of pizza you can call dibs on. Qi Heng had his chance, the best chance of all her suitors because she actually liked him, and he blew it. Minglan wouldn't take him now if he was the last man on Earth.
LMAO, yes, tear him a new one, Tingye!
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Yes, Qi Heng, either shit or get off the pot.
The nerve of him.
The self-serving selfishness.
Both he and his evil mother need to be taken down several pegs.
It is called having 🌟self-respect🌟
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I love Minglan, she has a spine of steel and a very long memory. She neither forgets nor forgives her grudges.
LMAO, end him, queen 😂😂
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I love Xiaotao 💙
Perfect 🤗
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Tobirama for the ask game plss
Yayyy comin' right up!
favorite thing about them
His intelligence & skillset. Also his self-control & discipline. It commands respect. His voice too, whew it's so authoritative. I also think his character design is so cool! The blue wardrobe against his pale skin and hair (I support the headcanon that he's albino, I think it adds so much depth) with his red eyes and face marks. How prettily his eyes are shaped too. His sarcasm and dry humor. And (last thing I promise) when he gets so indignant after Nart mistakes his jutsus for Minato's. (i literally named almost everything whoops)
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Cont. below cut:
least favorite thing about them
His stubbornness & huge ego. The man will never admit he is wrong out loud even when he knows he is.
favorite line
"First you must take a hard look at yourself and come to understand who you are objectively."
This speaks to who he is as a person. Look at yourself unbiased, with all of your shortcomings, your flaws, and your weaknesses as well as your strengths, know your limits and know what you're willing to do to lessen your faults. It's how he came to be who he is, and man if it isn't good advice.
HashiTobi obvs. I think their brotherly relationship is cute. Hashirama is the older sibling and yet the one who is more responsible and level-headed is Tobirama. Also the fact that Tobirama lived his life to realize Hashirama's dream of his village--as he knew Hashirama was a visionary but lacked the concrete know-how to actually execute his vision.
I have two.
TobiIzu in the way that they were true equals and I headcanon the idea that while Tobirama harbored the generational mentality that Uchiha were evil, he was also very fascinated by the Uchiha in general because of their traditions/prowess, and Izuna's strength and abilities in particular were so intricate, it was his favorite thing to study. Izuna got under his skin (which amused Izuna) and Tobirama couldn't help but be interested and in awe of him despite his pesky beliefs about the Uchiha. I believe he felt heavy guilt when he killed him.
TobiKaga in the way that Kagami was the only Uchiha ever to gain Tobirama's utmost trust. I want to know so badly how Kagami was able to obtain it. I believe Kagami was a very sunny-personality-type, who inherently understood where Tobirama was coming from and had unwavering respect for him. The beautiful "you are my exception" trope. I support the headcanon that Kagami got his Mangekyo after Tobirama left to be the decoy.
I do enjoy me some MadaTobi/TobiMada, after all they are very similar and they butt heads to it's always fun to read fics where they're stubborn in admitting they're attracted to each other.
TobiMito, I just don't see it. Mito is Hashi's wife &...why would they be attracted to each other?
TobiSaku...I see so many Sakura-self-insert ships that make no sense and this is one of them.
Just bc I don't ship/understand doesn't mean I judge you if you like it tho, by all means ship what u ship
random headcanon
I have SO many
the lines on Tobi's face each represent a fallen loved one, and the last line for Hashi is on his forehead underneath the protector
he created the Reanimation Jutsu to bring Izuna back
He hadn't meant to kill Izuna, he believed he would counter his Flying Raijin slice and was shocked & horrified when it actually worked
That he is albino & autistic (I love these hcs)
unpopular opinion
I don't believe he is prejudice against the Uchiha, I believe his misgivings about them are so ingrained (from growing up as Butsuma's son, having to view them as enemies all his young life) in his mentality that he refuses to give them up because that would mean admitting he's wrong which he never does.
I believe he did his very best to make sure Konoha would be successful and strong (creating the ANBU, delegating roles to clans, etc.) and the fact that some backfired was not his fault. He's only a person and did the best he could with what he had.
song i associate with them
R.I.P 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
favorite picture of them
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Pretty, pretty, and pretty.
Ask me here!
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sinisterexaggerator · 9 months
Genuinely curious: How did you get hooked on Banaka?
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I have an enabler, that’s why. A few, but none so great as @allsystemsblue and I thank her every day for that. Not only do we have daily discussions about those two, but it makes the ideas run wild in my head. The more and more I think about them, the more ways I see them being good together, so much so I name them my OTP.
At first, like most Bane Stans, I was like, nah, he’d hate him. Hondo would annoy the fuck out of Bane, and while that may be true, that doesn’t account for things such as nuance, or growing to be obsessed with your “enemy” to the point it becomes homoerotic. >D
But I sell myself short. I have thought way too long and hard to give a simple explanation such as this, so let me delve a little more into the idea by explaining a bit of their canon backstories, and then my own takes on how they work well together and why.
Bane grew up on Duro, specifically in New Tayana, and lived in an area called the “Descent Ghetto.” It was not a nice place. Hondo was raised for a time on Sriluur, a not so nice place either, in Hutt Space where his mother taught him how to pick-pocket, among other things. Eventually, he was sold into slavery, but he knew deep down I am sure that it was for the money. He escaped, but we can determine they both have a rough start in life.
At this level we might say there could be an understanding. A mutual respect for a man who is self-made. In this they can relate, and while Hondo has his own set of problems commanding an entire crew, both could possibly confide in one another and discuss life’s ills.
As I mentioned in a previous post, Jango and Bane are an “item” if you will, for a period of time. I have yet to decide all the determining factors or all the things I want to cover in this part of my story, but based on what I know about Jango, he was not an affectionate sort. Gruff, surly, to the point, a man of few words, and with a short temper who has little patience for bullshit. If we take that and add to it a cunning, outspoken, brash, ill-tempered, sassy, aggressive Duros, to me that equates to an unhappy ending, or a clashing of personalities are they are both so similar. In this case, opposites attract.
If Jango and Bane were to part ways, Hondo being in the picture and observing their relationship, seeing the value in Cad, becoming fascinated and absorbed in him, regardless of if Bane knows or acknowledges that fact, should he give the Weequay a chance, all those things he has been denied through Jango easily come into fruition via Hondo Ohnaka.
This man needs love, support, a friend even, healing. He is traumatized in part due to his past (my story), and Jango is not that empathetic or concerned.
Hondo is attentive, charming, a deep thinker despite his clownish façade. If Bane can get past his petty grievances, if they were to share a moment or two alone, if they had a chance to talk, to linger in each other’s presence, if BANE ALLOWED HIM A SHOT, I think Ohnaka could sweep him off his feet. He would see there was more to him than just the flamboyant, foppish pirate.
Granted, Bane is untrusting. He sees the women; men; sentients, that Hondo brings to Florrum. He knows of his sexual escapades. He knows he’s a flirt and a scoundrel, so it is tough going in the beginning for Bane to accept what he is experiencing or receiving from him is genuine.
Perhaps they engage in something together, possibly among others, that is a sexual awakening in Bane. I see Hondo as giving to Bane things he has never felt before or even knew was possible.
He would hate it. It would unnerve him. He wouldn’t know what to think, to do, how to address this feeling inside himself, and it would soon devour him alive.
Maybe he needs more of it, despite wanting to inflict violence or damage against the person (Ohnaka) that made him feel this way. It becomes a need, a thirst so infuriatingly strong in him that it must be quenched.
This could develop in to a tentative, informal, even secretive relationship. It could go on for months, weeks, Hondo one of the few people who can bounce right back after one of Cad’s terrible mood swings. He doesn’t take offense to his words, or rarely if that, something more personal perhaps, but he is able to deal with this terrible, bratty boy and knows just how to placate him, how to soothe him.
Maybe casual sex “digresses," or “upgrades” to feelings being involved, real affection occurring, yet also hidden behind closed doors.  I foresee angst, drama, hurt, comfort, and a whole plethora of other tropes occurring between these two.
One is the concept of “sun” and “moon.” Hondo is the sun to Bane’s moon. He is the sunshine one, the happy one, the one who can get this bounty hunter out of his funk on more than one occasion, despite his jealous, possessive tendencies.
To me they are perfectly complimentary. That’s basically it. Not only that, Hondo knows when he needs his space, when not to crowd him, when to stand down, and even though Bane may raise his hand against him, Hondo would never afford him the same reaction. Not like Jango.
Though Hondo speaks many, many words, actions speak louder to Bane, and Hondo can read him, whereas many cannot.
Pair that with his almost obsessive interest in Bane, and the fact he is without a doubt attracted to him from the moment Fett brings him to Florrum, and we have for a most interesting potential ship, IMO.
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Hi!! Gin for the ask game?
Yay Gin!!!
Favorite thing about them: Oh man there's not much to talk about in canon outside of the oc I made from them. But I still think they're very cool!! I also find them felling affection for Ryuunosuke to be very sweet, they're the only character in the whole series together with Higuchi who's ever shown to genuinely care about him.
Least favorite thing about them: How they weren't given a personality outside of “Akutagawa's sister”. Like, I love Gin, but being honest, it's more of loving the character I built pretty much from scratch for them in my mind, because canon literally never gave them a personality. Also, I don't like the voice actor choice for them… I don't know if I'm being conservative with this, but I find that kind of hyperfemininity they're depicted having sometimes (their high-pitched voice, the onsen scene in Wan) pretty stereotypical, that taste of “all tough girls deep down actually want to be delicate and femminine” from old medias I don't really vibe with.
Favorite line:
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This one, because it's funny, and specifically because it's a non-verbal line. I like the idea of Gin using their sword more than they use their mouth.
brOTP: Look, I'm weak for siblings dynamics. They're always my favourite thing. I don't remember ever having an hyperfixation that didn't include siblings dynamics. I love love love the Gin / Ryuunosuke relationship and could talk about them for days. ALSO the Black Lizard in general I've already talked about them here I care so much about them. I really like tachigin platonically too. And I like Gin's dynamics with Higuchi, I actually like them better platonically.
OTP: I dig everything tachigin, I really like them and the “I'm not who I say I am but you know me better than myself even though you don't know my true identity” deal they have going on. I also like the idea of Gin and Naomi 👀👀👀 talkative gf x gf who's never said a word their whole life. Also my personal crack ship Gin × Paula ThePromisedNeverland
nOTP: ... I don't really dig higu/gin. Higu/gin friends, please forgive me. I just think that starting dating the person your brother has repeatedly abused would be super awkward, and I don't think I really like the idea of Higuchi basically dating Ryuunosuke's sister as rebound guy. Also it's just a thing with me and not being a fan of vanilla / sugar spice and everything nice wlw ships. I do acknowledge they have their fair share of scenes together and that they're perfect to be interpreted romantically!! The latest volume 23 omake especially, it can perfectly be taken as romantic. It's just not something that does it for me, and tbh I like them better with having a kind of sisters dynamics, with Higuchi being this kind of very exuberant and silly self-assigned older sister and Gin who just likes her and enjoys hanging out with her.
Random headcanon: Oh boy, may I introduce you to my Gin brainrot. I really have so many ideas about them. Apart from what I've already mentioned, I really like the idea of them having selective mutism, especially as it's shown in Wan. I don't think they're someone to talk in general. The Akutagawas household must be death silent 24/7 lol.
Unpopular opinion: I just wish people would give them more flaws. I'ver read my fair share of Gin fics, and in all of them they're always this kind of sassy / funny / witty / pretty / confident / charismatic / overall perfect person. As result, I find them quite boring to read, and they particularly pale in comparison to Ryuunosuke; especially since at least for me it's his flaws that make him such a compelling character. I wish we'd extend some of his flaws to Gin too. They're bad at communication and expressing their feelings. They're aggressive and pessimistic. Idk, anything that makes them a little more human.
Song i associate with them: How To World Domination by Neru. Just the overall imaginary it evokes of two siblings close in age fighting together in a world that is both violent and war-ridden, and terribly domestic and mundane. The feeling of being lonely together. Them both fighting to become a better version of themselves, a kinder version of themselves, even, before my heart grows numb from the cold. This song really is one that always evokes the Akutagawa siblings in my mind whenever it comes on shuffle. Also, Re-education by Neru, for similar reasons.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card: (Band Gin you will always be famous)
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Send me a character?
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thegrunkiest · 2 months
For you! I received this from a mutual and am pulling you in on the fun of you haven't received one already!
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
Thank you for the ask, Unironically! 😊 My 5 favs:
Blood Brothers - A pro wrestling fic
Despite what it may seem due to my long hiatus, I still consider this fic my baby; I've poured my heart into what is currently public and am enamored still with the plans I have for it. I consider it the closest in quality to a professional work that I've achieved so far. I've learned so much while writing it 💗
2. Feel For You - A TES fic
This is a fic dear to my heart; a concept I had struggled for years to convey in the way I want it to. I'm not a dedicated shipper so to make a work I'm satisfied with about my ultimate OTP makes me happy. I'm also ecstatic by the reception I've received for it!
3. Temper - A Pokémon fic
This is my greatest personal example of a success story with 'pantsing' or writing a fic in one go, with minimal revision. I first wrote this on a tiny notepad! I'm also happy with how I wrote Guzma's character, considering that when I wrote the fic, Pokémon Sun and Moon were fresh and I had yet to play it.
4. No Pain In The Void - A TES fic.
Above all the types of relationships I write for Lucien, the ones closest to me are the familial relationship between him and the Shadowscales, as well as a complex headcanon between Lucien and Mathieu. This is by far my best portrayal of a retrospective of these relationships.
5. Feliz Navi-Dead - A pro wrestling fic
Believe it or not, this fic had me getting into the Christmas spirit for the first time in years. I feel like I captured a perfect blend of emotions, and finally got to explore more of the familial dynamic I headcanon for Gangrel, Luna and Christian. It felt like a true Christmas special.
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theangrypomeranian · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
I'm sorry this is so late orz life has been pretty crazy this past week lol.
Baby Steps
After going through a terrible break up, Tina is left trying to pick up the broken pieces of her heart and life. Luckily, Zeke is there to help her with his tried and true method: touch therapy (literally). Through many trials and tribulations, they slowly learn how to grow and move on...together. A story of healing, friendship, and falling in love.
i doubt anyone is surprised by this choice lol. this fic is my pride and joy, i worked on it for a year and kept up a consistent update schedule for it. it's a story that is very near and dear to my heart and helped me start to heal my inner teenager.
2. i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this)
Best friends Louise and Rudy get married for tax purposes. No, really, that's totally it, honest. No way are any actual feelings gonna form. No way... ...unless...?
the fic i wrote for Roudise week 2023. this story was SO MUCH FUN to write omg. the whole premise started as a joke between my beta reader Red and I about these two getting married for taxes and the prompts for the week were announced i knew i had to use the idea. it was a huge hit with the Roudise side of the fandom and i'm so glad that they all loved it so much.
3. Safe and Sound
When Tina Belcher is reaped for the Hunger Games, she's sure that her life is over. But when Zeke Tisdale volunteers as the male tribute and promises to protect her in the arena, she realizes that she might have a chance of surviving this...if she can avoid falling for him.
the Hunger Games AU i wrote for Zekina week 2023. as most of my followers probably know by now, i freaking LOVE the Hunger Games series, both the movies and the books (though I lean a lil more towards the books lol). the prompts for the week immediately made me think of it, and since i'd already had the first 2k or so words typed out already i figured why not finish it for the week? it was also written as the week went on because it was a last minute decision lol.
4. Long Way Home
After Zeke leaves for three months to work for a logging company in Alaska, Tina receives a call telling her that he passed away in an avalanche. Devastated but determined to stay strong for her loved ones, she must learn how to live without the one that got away. ...or does she? Because unknown to all, Zeke survived - and he is fighting with the Last Frontier to get back home.
my current WIP. this one started as a weird ass dream i had about my otp and i told Red about it, then she proceeded to pitch a reworking of it for a fic and i was instantly in love with the concept. it's very niche so i don't blame anyone for giving it a pass, but i love it and that's all that matters. and for the fifth rec i'm putting down two because i genuinely cannot choose between them (and since when do i ever follows the rules for these kinds of asks XD):
Meet Me in the Afterglow
Three months after she's peer pressured into breaking up with Henry, Susmita gets a call that her grandmother has died. Henry offers to take her home for the funeral and she quickly realizes that she's made a huge mistake. Can she sort through her feelings and win back her man? Or is it too late for them?
i LOVE this fic. normally i hate break up fics but i worked very hard on this one and did SO MUCH RESEARCH for it. overall i think i did really good with it and i'm always thrilled when someone reads it.
you better leave (it's not safe in here)
Tina lives an idealistic life in the small community of Victory. Every day is the same, structured, secure. All of her neighbors know and like her, and her husband Jordan is a quiet unassuming man who works hard so that she can stay home and be a good housewife. Life is good and peaceful. However, sometimes she can't help but feel as if she doesn't belong there, and her nightly dreams of a tall and handsome man with an accent make her question if her marriage is really as happy as she's been led to believe. But then strange things start to happen and Tina starts to wonder if something more sinister is going on in Victory...
the Don't Worry Darling AU that no one asked for lmao. i was so let down by the movie but still loved the concept, so i decided to use it for a fic and loved the end result. just like with LWH, this one is very niche so i understand why it's not more popular. but i really love this fic and hope that one day it gets the recognition it deserves.
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