#otp?: robot arm jokes
universal-kitty · 6 years
.: Right Words, Wrong Time :.
   A commission for @robotarmjokes! Using this prompt! Like this piece? Consider commissioning me...!
   “...so that’s when I was like-? Really? Ya call yourself Johnathan an’ all that an’ think I’m daft enough to not notice you’re not the bloke I talked to before on the phone? I don’t think so! So getting the actual guy took another thirty minutes and by then I was just sick of ‘em, y’know?” DL sighed deeply at the memory of that day, rolling her eyes as the man beside her was trying to not laugh his head off. Not that it mattered much anymore; he was shaking like a leaf in a storm, trying to keep quiet like that! What was the point of trying to stay silent by then?
   Rhys had to take a few breaths (dramatic ones, too, the weirdo) to calm himself, but that grin had not faded a touch since he’d first caught on to the shenanigans that particular info-gathering trip had been. One of the more exhausting ones, far as D was concerned, but it was all fine. Fine an’ dandy and honestly, who tries to swap out a guy?? She’s an info broker, thank you very much! Not an idiot!!!
   “So, uh... John showed up after that, I assume?”
   “Yeah, but as I said, I was bored outta my mind at that point. Bastard kept me waiting and tried to give me the runaround, like? Honestly... I got what I needed to and stormed off. I felt bad! But couldn’t feel too bad, by that point. I just wanted to get home, ha-”
   “-Have some tea, go to bed?” D looked up at her husband, squinting as he fluttered his lashes innocently, a small smile on his lips. He was right, but being interrupted like that... Ugh. Couldn’t even be mad at him. Rhys was too good at playing the sweetheart card and getting off scott free. Damn snake that he is...
   “Ugh, yeah. You know me too well, you know that?” Rhys chuckled, sending her heart drumming away as he leaned over and kissed her forehead with an aching sweetness.
   “It’s because I love you very much and knowing my wife’s habits is just something I’ve gotten to know very well by now.”
   “How well...?” How is that even possible? After two years, surely he’d know quite a few things, but this is the man speaking with confidence to his claims! Like he knows so much more than she expects him to! As flattering as it all is...what does this man know...?!
   “Well enough that I know you sorted the Morrigan file into Neethers.”
   “...I did not!” DL was indignant at the idea, but Rhys tilting his head back and laughing so freely was... First of all, distracting, and secondly, pointing towards truth...not that D was too thrilled over the idea of him being right. Then again, she had been incredibly tired last night, trying to cram some work in before bedtime and the inevitable drag-away by her husband to actually sleep. In a bed.
   “You did! Promise I’m not lying!!” D could only groan in embarrassment at his words, head tilting back into the couch and hands covering her face. Mortifying... That’s some kind of mortifying... “Awhh, sweetheart... That’s why I keep an eye out, though, you know? Something happens, I’m here to help. Right down to if you need more coloring or shampoo, right~?”
   “...We literally use Atlas-brand shampoo and conditioner,” D pointed out, her words slightly muffled from behind her hands. There was a slight pause, then the low sound of his laughter, embarrassment creeping into the sound.
   “Yeah, yeah... True. You, uh, got me there. I still do it, though! And it’s cause I love you and like helping you~” The kisses on her hands made her groan in embarrassment, huffing at his low laughter and the obvious grin now being pressed into her fingers.
   “You’re terrible.”
   “Yet, you love me....and married me. And you’re blushing.” Another groan, trying to gently shove him away. Something Rhys didn’t accept until those hands moved to allow him a quick kiss, only then did he let D alone so she could get up off the couch to prepare her favorite batch of tea. “Really, though. You know how amazing you are?”
   “If I say yes, will it spare me from what’s coming?” A pause from the living room, looking over to see Rhys tilting his head thoughtfully. (Oh NO, that’s cute...)
   “.......Ehhhhh, no.” D groaned to another peal of laughter, the CEO suddenly looking as eager as a puppy to get rolling. “Really, babe! You’re amazing! Getting all this information, retaining it, the notes you keep... Who would’ve known an info broker would be so cute~?”
   “I ain’t cute,” she grumbled sourly, pouting, but Rhys was oblivious to her flustered plight and continued on.
   “...and you’re a bit loud, but in a good way? If that makes sense? Lots of people around here are used to Hyperion ways, I think, so not usually a lot of cussing when I’m around. Which is fine, cause I don’t. I swear little bit, you know this... But yeah, you stub your toe and there go the swears! I think that’s impressive.” A pause. “Is that weird? To find your swearing impressive? Well, look, babe...”
   “I’m working on the tea, but go on.” Just a few more things and she’d rejoin him on the couch...
   “Heh... Uh, anyways! You’ve just...got all this energy. Where does it even come from? Is there honestly anything that can stop you?” In that moment, it was like the planets aligned. D turning to look back to Rhys with a sort of gleam in her eye as he looked over at her in such an adoring way... Unsuspecting of what was to come.
   “Well, an extremely well-placed kiss would do perfectly fine, you know.”
   ....The silence after that felt deafening and, for a moment, DL wasn’t sure what she’d just done. Being flirtatious wasn’t exactly her thing by any stretch and it wasn’t like things got easier because she married Rhys, either! If anything it somehow felt...more difficult. One of her many odd quirks? Gosh, possibly.
   “D-Don’t mind me an-!!”    “Is that an invitation?”
   They both stared at each other, mouths parted with words unfinished. Or, well, more in the case of D, anyways. Rhys had suddenly half-launched up from the couch, staring down his wife with a patient intensity. D felt very put on the spot....in an odd sort of welcomed way...? It was hard to describe, really. But with this alone she was already pretty distracted. Maybe a kiss wasn’t necessary for this...
   “I, um... S-Sure...” Didn’t stop her from agreeing just to see the grin that swept over his face, darting completely off the couch, just so he could rush over to her with enough force to lift her up and gently spin the wifey, then set her down with an eager kiss. It left her dizzy in the best way, giving a shaky laugh when he pulled away, pressing their foreheads together.
   “You alright, sweetheart?” Another shaky, breathless laugh from D at his words, yellow eye lighting up a bit in delight at the sound.
   “Y-Yeah... I’m doing great.”
   “Mmm, glad to hear it,” he hummed, moving away to kiss her temple...and then move away? “Now, why don’t you sit your cute butt down and I’ll finish the tea, okay?” DL blinked at the sudden memory. That’s right... She was making tea before this! He distracted her!!!
   “H-Hey!” At least hearing his bright laughter made everything oh, so worth it...
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self-shipping-angel · 6 years
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Rh.ys and @robotarmjokes are 100% canon.
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asa-de-ouro · 6 years
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Time for some @spookyselfship treats! First one is for @robotarmjokes, a letter from Rhys!
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grungeskeletondaddy · 4 years
I got two alter egos and one brain cell for each.
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raynegallows · 4 years
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Lol 🤣🤣🤣😂really only this
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starrysupercell · 3 years
Uhhhhh Belle for the character thingy :D
*rubs hands together, starts this and takes a nap halfway, wakes up and finishes this* hee hee
Fave thing: Ooohhh how can I pinpoint!! Her adoptive mom tendencies. She takes kids under her wing. She's the personification of be gay, do crime. She's SO good in game!!! Like so good. I'm not joking. I'm at Rank 24 with her and it would probably be more but I was suddenly busy yesterday and today. I also really like her scars and metal robot arm, I wish she didn't keep the glove on :)
Least fave thing: she made Ruffs go deaf in one ear :( I think I'm irrationally upset that I cant tell which tooth is the golden one. It's like 97% that it's an incisor, but it would have been so cool if it were a canine. Hypothetically, my least fave thing would be not only Belle+Byron being confirmed not siblings, but also Belle+Colt being confirmed mother/son. I will literally be so sad and mad because I. Am petty.
Favorite line: "Oof. Gotta do everything myself..." or "The Goldarm gang says hi." C: tell them hi back for me, gorgeous. (bonus: "My fizzle is ready to sizzle." Is my least favorite. Wtf does that even mean, Belle?) Aside from that I absolutely love her voice and voice lines! I wasn't expecting a tired voice but I love it.
Brotp: aside from anyone in her Goldarm gang, I can see her getting along with Pam because tech, mom stuff, other. But like.. I guess I can put it here? I'm upset that she has a lot of similarities to a handful of other Brawlers. It's funny because she steals stuff, including lines but idk. I'm not a fan of alike elements unless it adds to the character. Am I a baby? Probably. But so what 😤
Otp: Belle/Nani because of my Risk and Reward fic, which I'm starting to write chapter one of finallyyyy. I'm missing like one arc of character stuff but it should be fine....??? lmao.
Notp: nnnnone? I guess, I'm so convinced that she's a lesbian that ships with her and any guy is a surprise to me at first, but I could see why they like her with guys. OH YEAH, and multiplied weirdness with Byron because of the siblings theory I 100% stan. Like. Okay. If I NEVER saw them as siblings, I could see why ppl ship them. But I CAN'T not see them as siblings. Does that make sense!? 🤣
Random headcanon: She actually likes word structure a lot and she dabbles in writing. This is based off her knack in a lot of her lines where she makes rhymes or that clever weld sentence. She doesn't jot things down too often, I mean she has nobody to write to, and loose papers with her handwriting just means liability to be tracked. Shush no im not indulging and one more her horse's name is Elodie :)
Unpopular opinion: her design is a bit funky. Like. Over designed-ish? Or clunky. Cuz it's like super crowded at the top and then plain pants and boots. She has scars, a golden tooth, special goggles and a whole missing arm, and loads of accessories like geez lady save some character design for the other two members of your trio. Sometimes, simpler is better. :)
Song I associate with them: A lot actually, because she's in my mind like half the day but I think Angry Too by Lola Blanc is a good representation of how I see her character in general. I recommend the official video, BUT if anyone looks it up, warning that there's some flashing, it shows a woman being treated roughly and dressed against her will to convey the song's message, along with being tied near the end. If the sound of that isn't something you like, look up the lyrics only.
Fave pic of them: I know I can crop Colt out but it kills the quality but this cool af cryptic shot
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and this one. She's saying bye, hope your day goes WELL (to Colt lmao). But I would wave back to her. :) I also love her HAIR flow in it. You go bandit queen 💎
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headofhelios · 3 years
For the ask thing: I can’t imagine shipping the invisible man 1933 with anyone but I do want to hear your invisible man 1933 thoughts. Also the T-1000 if you want!
oh ABSOLUTELY i'm doing both!!!
How I feel about this character DR. JACK GRIFFIN MY BELOVED!!! MY BESTIE!!! he's SUCH a neurotic little weirdo and i love him. the original transgender mad scientist. the origin of guys with fucked up unhinged laughs (his laugh inspired the joker laugh!!!). when he rocks back and forth and clenches his fists? I Get It. when he said "Even the MOON is frightened of me! Frightened to death! THE WHOLE WORLD is FRIGHTENED TO DEATH!" YES! KING! WE LOVE YOU!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character OKAY i also cannot imagine like . Shipping him w characters BUT that said his relationship w flora is pretty cute (his little "oh! you're wearing that hat, the one i always loved on you :)"... cute... also the way hes only normal around her and does everything to try to give her a good life... he's sweet i enjoy him)
My non-romantic OTP for this character see this is hard because he has like. no friends ucbdjfbfhf BUT he and flora would still be so so so sweet as besties!!! and there IS something about his line to kent about Why he left to finish his invisibility solution in another village ("i couldnt bear for you to see me fading away like that" or something) IS sweet and i feel like on jack's side it was a very important, close friendship (but i feel like kent thought much less of it just based on how quickly he wants to make a move on flora when jack's missing.) OH AND IF WE WANT TO GET INSANE W IT. i feel like he and herbert west could be besties. or they'd try to maim one another.
My unpopular opinion about this character ARE THERE ANY OPINIONS ON HIM? um you know what actually i'm probably the only person in the world who headcanons him as a trans man. like idk he has the same "trying to be god" thing that local tboy swag haver herbie w. has plus personally i attribute my Wanting-To-Be-Invisible as a child to being transgender. so. also throughout the movie people are horrified by the thought of his invisible body something something peoples horror at trans bodies. this makes sense in my head i promise ♥️
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon I JUST WISH HE'D GET MORE ATTENTION... dr. jack griffin my favorite guy jack griffin... hm i do also wish there had been a few more scenes where his old self shines through, like the scenes with flora, but mostly i just want him to be appreciated hfjfhffh he's fun! he's a silly goose! he derails trains!
1995 T-1000
How I feel about this character MY GUY!!! he is my favorite boy. he is my bestie. he is me. he is everything i want to be. i am so insane about this guy. he transed my gender SO fucking hard when i watched t2 for the first time. if it were socially acceptable i would name myself t-1000. i wish i were joking
All the people I ship romantically with this character the rev-9. i'm only half joking about this. ik ik the popular thing is him and the t-800 whatever i dont see it. him and the rev-9 though? Yes. Yes. fucked up robot boyfriends will make each other worse will murder people with knife arms as a date. liquid metal terminators stay together babe!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character i have a whole post t2 au but basically: i want him to be hate-besties with the t-800 (the t-1000 wants to maim him so bad but also they understand each other on a lot of things) AND ALSO i want him to be john's other robot uncle but significantly less responsible. he rents horror movies for john and sneaks him into r-rated movies. also he has to be told several times not to murder children who are mean to john.
My unpopular opinion about this character ohhh man. oh man. honestly i think its kind of unpopular to post abt him on tumblr and NOT ship him w the t-800 but i just dont see it i dont GET ITTT i have TRIED. but i just dont see it im sorry 😔 and then off tumblr. if i tell the average terminator enjoyer that the t-1000 is transgender i feel like they might attack me. but i'm right. also some ppl seem to think that the t-1000 doesn't feel emotions even though it clearly does? it shows confusion @ the mall mannequin, it expresses shock + pain in the steel mill, "i know this hurts"... plus it goes out of its way to keep things it enjoys (using the motorcycle even when it would be faster to run up the stairs, keeping the biker boots + pants on after switching outfits) and thats not even getting into the fact that the molecular brain is SO human.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon OH BOY. okay part of me understands WHY it was cut and appreciates the decision to cut it. but also part of me does still wish that the scene wherein the t-1000 locates an encampment of the connors allies and kills them all like some fucking slasher villain had at LEAST made it as far as the scriptwriting stage!!! give me my horror scenes in terminator movies!!!
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Kloktober, Oct. 2nd: OTP or Favorite Character
Okay so I have a few OTPs for the show (which ruins what OTP means, I know, but also, I don’t care lmao.) 
But I haven’t written Charles/Pickles in literally ages, so that’s what I went with for today’s prompt! Boyfriends being boyfriends, getting high as fuck together, celebrating. 
TW for drug mentions, drug use.
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“I can handle it,” Charles scoffed. 
“That’s adorable,” Pickles said. “Nah. Gimme my pipe back.” 
“No,” Charles said, and yanked it away from Pickles’ reaching hand. “Let me try it. I think you’ll be surprised with me.” 
“Charles,” Pickle said slowly. “Charlie. My man. Do you know all what I have packed in that right now? I can barely handle it, that’s why it’s the Party Pipe. When was the last time you did...anything?” 
“I do cocaine at least once a week,” Charles replied. “You don’t notice?” 
“Cocaine is supposed to like...hype you up! What sort of cocaine are you snorting?” Pickles laughed. 
“I am very excitable on those days, you have to have noticed-” 
Pickles was bent over laughing. “Excitable in what way?” 
Charles looked hurt. “You really can’t notice when I’ve been using it?” 
Pickles pulled him close with an arm, taking the chance to steal the pipe from him in the process. “I don’t mean to make ya feel bad. But no. You always seem..” 
He paused. “Well, like you. Never out of sorts, or off, or anything.” 
Charles slumped into his embrace, silent. 
“That isn’t a bad thing! You know how many assholes I know who do coke, who could benefit from bein’ able to do it and not turn into even worse assholes than they are sober?” Pickles said, but Charles didn’t say a word. 
“That isn’t what you want though, is it? Isn’t why you do it?” 
“To try and be more fun,” Charles muttered. “I don’t care most of the time, the ‘robot’ jokes and all that. I hadn’t done coke since college, but I started up again because I thought...well. Doesn’t matter, does it? I was wrong, and it doesn’t make a difference.” 
“Look,” Pickles said. “You don’t gotta do anything like that just to like...earn favor with us, or whatever? Ya know we’re just fuckin’ with you, when we call you a robot, right?” 
Charles nodded, but didn’t look over to meet Pickles’ gaze. 
Pickles frowned, and looked at the pipe. “You wanna see how fucked up you get on this?” 
“You’re right, I probably couldn’t handle it,” Charles mumbled. “Or it would put me to sleep, since apparently cocaine makes me seem that way.” 
“That ain’t what I was sayin’,” Pickles said. “And there is cocaine in here, but not too much. This is a very exact science, puttin’ together the Party Pipe. There’s some of everything in here. Uppers, downers, you get to go every direction at once!” 
“You’d let me try it?” 
Pickles pulled a second Party Pipe from his pocket, and handed it to Charles, intertwining their arms after he lit the pipes, as if they were going to do a champagne toast at a wedding. “Hell yeah. Let’s get fucked up.” 
“This isn’t professional-” 
“Ya gotta stop sayin’ that while we’re in bed together,” Pickles interrupted softly. “I love you, but seriously.” 
Charles nodded. “Noted. Anyway...I love you. Thank you, for this.” 
Pickles carefully leaned around the pipe to give him a kiss. “Don’t gotta thank me. It’s gonna be fun. And I’ll try and get the guys off the ‘robot’ bullshit, if you want.” 
“You don’t have to-” 
“And I’ll get you some better cocaine,” Pickles interrupted. 
“I can hardly say no to that,” Charles smiled. “Should we lock ourselves in here, or anything, before we do this? If we’re going to get as fucked up as you say.” 
“Already got the doors and windows locked,” Pickles said. 
“And my mother said I would never find true love,” Charles sighed. 
“Your mother is the worst.” 
“She really is,” Charles said, before following Pickles’ lead and slipping the pipe into his mouth. 
“I know,” Nathan interrupted Toki, as he continued handing out ear plugs. “It’s only gonna get worse. We know what Pickles is like on the Party Pipe. But if Charles did some too...” 
He shuddered. “Just put the ear plugs in, and we’ll get through this.” 
“How ams they so louds?” Skwisgaar groaned. “Even my orgies ams not so louds! Ridiculous.” 
“He’s never let me try the Party Pipe, but oh, juscht because he’s fucking Charles-” 
“That’s not Pickles’ rule,” Nathan interrupted Murderface, jamming a pair of ear plugs into his hand. “That’s the band rule. Because you would be like, the worst, on it.” 
“I’m part of the band! I schould have been involved in that decision!” 
A particularly loud set of erotic moans echoed down the hall. 
“You know, I’m okay without it, on second thought,” Murderface said, and pushed the ear plugs into his ears. 
Nathan only nodded as he followed suit, and Toki and Skwisgaar after him. 
It was for one night, and next year, they’d make plans to be out of the house while Pickles and Charles celebrated their anniversary. 
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ghoste-catte · 4 years
A H I E for fandom asks!
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)  
So, obviously my #1 all time OTP is GaaLee, and has been off and on for ... close to fifteen years. I think this is self-evident. Probably my second and third favorite ships for Naruto are KakaGai and SakuIno, though I don’t write either of them that often (and honestly don’t read a ton of SakuIno, but if anyone has recs I’m all ears!) For a lot of other fandoms I enjoy, I don’t really actively ship anything? I just sort of enjoy the material and then like looking at pretty fanart, but I don’t have, like, a burning need for More Content of These Characters Specifically. There’s some where I’m like “Oh, this has cute potential”, but I’m not, like, passionate about it like I am with GaaLee. My 2nd biggest fandom right now is ~probably~ BNHA, in that I keep up with the manga, and I think there’s plenty of relationships that are, like, cute--and I do have drafts of fic that I probably will never get around to finishing for that fandom--but I don’t actively seek out content for them at the moment. Likewise with MP100 or One Punch Man--I like SeriRei and SaiGenos conceptually, but I don’t go out of my way to find or make content for them. Umm, I like Daisira from The Magnus Archives. I was reallllly into Cecilos from Welcome to Nightvale for a while. Pynch from The Raven Cycle. Rosemary and any combo of Davekat+/-John from Homestuck, though I haven’t really read Homestuck stuff actively in a long-ass time (because of the, y’know, post-canon shitshow). I watched The Dragon Prince recently and I really liked Janaya as a ship but there’s not tons of content for them? I’ve been slowly making my way through SPOP and the canon ships are good, but my main ship there is Huntara/me (joking, but seriously I loved her). Most other fandoms I straight up just don’t have any particular ships for. 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?  
I’ve written a couple ... not quite crack but crack-adjacent fics? I wouldn’t call them “hilarious”, but they are meant to give you a chuckle. Like the one where Lee and Gaara get stuck in a donut case together, or the one where Gaara tries to ask Lee on a date while Team Gai is trapped in a three-man, six-armed Maito Suit, or the one where Kankuro causes a small housefire by fucking around with a robot on Zoom. 
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?  
When I look at my “big” fandoms they seem to mostly be shonen anime/manga. Normally I will watch an anime, and the way I know if it’s something I really like is if I run out of anime episodes and go looking for the manga. But other than that my fandoms are a pretty mixed bag. The one thing I would say I don’t particularly like is live-action dramas? I don’t mind live-action comedy (I looooved What We Do in the Shadows, for example), but anything that’s got real human people + Very Serious Subject Matter just doesn’t really do it for me. I get really distracted and just find it boring. I think that’s partially because I’m not particularly good at reading irl human facial expressions--animation has a very standard set of expressions that everyone shares, so it’s much easier for me to understand what the character’s face is saying--and partially because the types of narratives that consume TV For Adults (tm) don’t especially interest me. I do not, for example, care very much at all about marital drama or will-they-won’t-they romances or grittily realistic fight scenes. I have a hard time following plot threads in televised/movie drama ... and I also feel like the actors often look so similar that I struggle to visually distinguish them, lol. If there’s more than one blonde woman, my mind just slots them into place as the same person. I had the hardest time following The Great Destiel Kerfuffle of 2020 because I literally could not tell the 3 actors apart. 
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?  
Hahaha, this question is great. Honestly, not really. I very actively curate the people I engage with and I follow and unfollow liberally (I have hit the 5k blog follow limit several times), so my dashboard is both very active and it’s very easy for me to just peace out if someone posts content I’m not interested in. I kind of low-key enjoy watching fandom drama from the sidelines (because it is so frequently absolutely absurdist), but I don’t ever put my fingers in it if I can help it. I also spent literal decades as a very, very passive consumer of fandom/a “lurker”, so it doesn’t feel like it costs me anything to just ... shut up and not engage with firebrands. If something really pisses me off I usually shriek about it to my wife and then I’m done. I will say, though, that I did start watching Voltron and was pretty annoyed that I could hardly find any content for the characters I actually liked (Hunk and Pidge), because everyone was so obsessed with shipping wars, but really what soured me on the show was that the color palette and animation was grating and the plot quickly got very boring for me. Steven Universe was kind of like that too, minus the color scheme issue. It was a pretty show but I just got bored of it, and it became increasingly hard to find the content I wanted (pretty fanart) because of all the discourse. Plus the episode schedule was ... frankly stupid, and made it really hard to keep up with the show. 
Fandom Asks! Send me some letters!
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universal-kitty · 6 years
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   I made @robotarmjokes and CEO Rhys as dragons on Flight Rising!! Why? Because I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER MY LIFE!!!!!!
   If anyone wants to actually recreate this dragon (as I did this in the scry room) or...maybe just me later...... Imma put the genes under the cut.
   DL: Poison Bubblegum // Saturn Rose // Underbelly Spruce (Ice eyes)
   Rhys: Giraffe Rust // Hex Amber // Glimmer Obsidian (Light eyes)
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self-shipping-angel · 6 years
R.hys absolutely adores @theheckhole and wants her to always be happy because she deserves it.
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ragingbullmode · 5 years
favorite thing about them
hes a rat ! a smart lil rat !
least favorite thing about them
i dont have a least fav for him but he had a little kid gang armed & dangerous. if i saw that i would have walked across the street & ran
favorite line
the japanese duel links line where he says ‘BINGO!!!’ and then laughs obnoxiously
him+yugi+atem ! i wanted them to hang out >:’(
none !!!!! literally just a baby !!!
him & anyone !!! literally just a baby !!!
random headcanon
he builds lil robots in his spare time ! like windup toys & lil helicopters
unpopular opinion
i hate (im joking i just really dislike him lol) dsod mokuba he looks like hed drain my bank account if i double crossed him. disgosting.
song i associate with them
mr raindrop - amplified
favorite picture of them
he looked the best in capsule monsters coliseum !!!
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Jaime Lannister was Personally Victimized
and so was I. An essay. Subtitled how we were wronged, how he was wronged, how Brienne was wronged, how Braime was wronged, and how years of development was wronged. 
Let’s begin.
Now couple of things: I don’t read the books (plan to now.) so I’m just mostly going off the show and specifically this season, because this season had 2 Jaimes. This is probably not academically sound, or too terribly coherent, but I frankly just want to get my thoughts out there, because I was plump bamboozled with “The Bells.” Not just because it ruined so many seasons of juicy, believable, utterly transformative character development for my personal favorite GOT character, (and many others as well.) but considering the episodes that came before this one, it made zero sense. Because let me tell you, in 8 x 02, this lowkey Braime shipper was turned into major Braime shipper in the span of one hour, and I was literally made to believe they were endgame. Maybe not ride into the sunset with a bunch of kids on Tarth endgame, but made explicitly clear without a shadow of a doubt that Brienne was Jaime’s soulmate, true love...or whatever you want to call it.
All of this... all for this to culminate in him going back to Cersei. All for all those seasons of change for him to revert to season one, episode one, the things I do for love Jaime. From a storytelling perspective, there is no satisfaction. and it makes NO sense. Now of course D&D are all about “subversion,” but what was done to Jaime was not a witty or clever subversion of a redemption arc, but a complete and utter cancellation of all those years of hard work that they put in and that Nik put in, in order to get us to like Jaime. Jeremy Jahns in his review on YouTube said it best: Jaime Lannister was stabbed in the back. Furthermore, what they did to Jaime, (and let’s face it, he’s not the only one in this catastrophe that was personally victimized.) basically posits the really terrible message that “you can’t change your nature or where you came from or be different from your parents. (Which is what happened in Dany’s case. To be clear though, I think the signs were there for her, but it was poorly executed.) 
Either way, such a great message. What happened to Jaime also made no sense from a character perspective. Sure, Mr. I don’t care about innocents. ha. ha. ha. I also totally stabbed a guy in the back when I was 17 because he was going to kill innocents, thus giving me my name and eternal shame. Ha ha ha, look how consistent I am.
You’re not the Jaime Lannister that came to Winterfell. Jaime Lannister died in Brienne’s arms one night and a robot was sent in his place to go to Cersei.
Now this post won’t be talking about the major character inconsistencies (sure you don’t care about innocents Jaime SURE.) or go more into the terrible messages one can get out of this season (and Game of Thrones in general) or go into more detail about how subversion and spoiler culture is ruining good storytelling, but I will say that it reads to me that because such a common theory before Season 8 was that Jaime was going to kill Cersei, D&D thought to themselves hmmm better not do that because that’s what people expect, and in wanting to shock and surprise they invalidated his growth and development by making him die with her. Oh look, D&D. So clever. Yet in stroking your ego you gave the people that once trusted you a taste of ashes. Like...people figuring out where things are going to go is actually GOOD storytelling. 
More so though, this will focus on how the episodes before this one were framed and how the tone was set up. Because watching episode 2, 3, and most of 4...they made me believe Braime was endgame. They really did. Then they turn it around and make me expect it was always Cersei? 
Utter garbage. Jaime was wronged. So was Brienne. that’s another post though. (so is Missandei, and Dany... and heck we can actually talk about who WASN’T wronged this season.) But with the Kingslayer, let’s get started and discuss how everything, literally everything, was set up in favor of Jaime’s redemption and endgame with Brienne, all for it to get, quite literally, squished.
(sorry if that was a bad joke considering)
Now into the meat and potatoes. First of all, let’s talk about Jaime’s look this season. Is he even blonde anymore?
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Both he and Tyrion, who symbolically abandoned the Lannister crest seasons ago, sure aren’t sporting that golden blonde look anymore. I mean Tyrion kind of is, but compared to Cersei:
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it’s nowhere near it for both these boys. (heck, I would even argue Jaime starts to lose his signature Lannister look when he meets Brienne.) However, if Season 7 Jaime chooses to hide his golden hand, the Jaime that walked into Winterfell with darkish hair, beard, and cute bangs is really, really removed from his Lannister golden lion look. Furthermore, he even said in 8 x 02 his golden lion days are done. Now why. Tell me WHY we do these things in the costuming department all to send him right back to the lioness? WHY
Now I said I wasn’t going to talk about the terrible themes and messages D&D are positing with this season, but I do have to say that considering episode 4, with Jon talking to his sibling-cousins, and Sansa, Arya and Bran’s discussion about not trusting people, and then Jaime going back to Cersei...the writers are really out here saying that family is all that matters. Literally all. And sure, I love my family, I have a great family. But sometimes, like with Jaime and Cersei, families are toxic. Sometimes the bonds you make with others that aren’t your family are more meaningful than the ones you have with blood. Sam and Jon are like brothers even though they’re not related, and Jaime’s bond with Brienne was far, far more meaningful than with Cersei. It was Brienne, not Cersei that elevated him into wanting to be a better man.
But lol, guess not. it’s like what that one guy from Aladdin yells at Aladdin, “YOU WERE BORN A STREET RAT, YOU WILL DIE A STREET RAT” except with Jaime it’s “YOU WERE BORN A LANNISTER YOU WILL DIE A LANNISTER” except Jaime didn’t get an Aladdin moment where he proves the snooty prince wrong--he just regressed and left his Jasmine all alone crying.
Another thing: ignoring the awful character growth invalidation, if Jaime was going to go back to Cersei just to be with her (and not kill her/convince her to stop as a lot of us, including me, thought in 8 x 04), there just wasn’t enough buildup for him to make this change in episode 4 come “The Bells.” He was happy with Brienne, smiling with Tyrion, (above gif) then he gets news from Sansa and he’s like nah I better bounce? I could buy Jaime thinking he has to save Cersei at least for the sake of the baby, an innocent life. I can even buy Jaime with a guilt complex, thinking he doesn’t deserve his happiness with Bri and it’s in his place to be by her side because of family and the things Tywin used to tell him...IDK there’s a lot we could speculate. But I cannot buy that the same man who walked out on Cersei in season 7 and then STAY AT WINTERFELL FOR A MONTH WITH BRIENNE would just be like...in the span of literally five show minutes with no real good explanation go nah it’s always Cersei when he showed it WASN’T. Now call me crazy, but this could have, could have been done in a believable way if we had seen the spiral. but we needed more with Jaime and Brienne, more hints with maybe his struggling to be happy but being guilty and him realizing he did have a child on the way, wanting to do better for that baby than they did to the others. Just a kind of ambiguous glance at Brienne after a session of sex (after their first time, which he was very enthusiastic about BTW) isn’t enough to convey such a drastic one eighty, nor is him looking pensive after another night with Brienne. (and you know they totally had oathsex that night. Bri was naked it looked like and she came out in robe.) 
Now had this happened, I would have still hated it for the terrible message about “always go back to your toxic family,” but it would have played out much more like a Shakespearean tragedy than a random and giant middle finger to Jaime’s arc and Brienne’s character for the sake of a subversion. And heck, I could have forgiven this too if “The Bells” played out differently, and Jaime, realizing Cersei is too far gone, does what we always thought he would do.
Now let’s talk about him and Brienne and how it was filmed/framed. Now either I’m just naive or a big sap (truth to those statements), but it seemed to me that Braime was purposely filmed as though they were the OTP of this final stretch of Game of Thrones. episode 2-half of 4? this disaster human was all BRIENNE BRIENNE BRIENNE. All for it to go CERSEI CERSEI CERSEI. 
Episode 2 Jaime and episode 5 are not the same person, at all.  FROM THE VERY BEGINNING in episode 2, this man looked at Brienne of Tarth like she was the sun,the stars, his everything, casting glances at her during the whole “trial scene.” Talking to Tyrion, he plump ignored him to stare longingly at Brienne from the ramparts. He knighted her with such beautiful ceremony, and the way they looked at each other after? 
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A knighting? A marriage? both? 
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these people all think they’re going to die, but instead of lamenting Cersei, “all that’s mattered” at least according to “the bells,” (LOL) Jaime Lannister wants to give Brienne of Tarth this beautiful act of love. and symbolically marry her And then he looks at her and he’s THAT devoted and such a smitten kitten.  
Episode 3. He never left her side during the whole battle. He saved her, then she saved him. Then this shot:
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and the other shot of them, fighting side by side? this is literally a fic trope. 
Ok so then the oathsex happens but before it happens, there’s a shot of oathkeeper in Brienne’s room, AKA the symbol of their bond and their love. Then they do it, and I know some people have mixed feelings about it, but I personally liked how it happened, even loved how it happened. It was awkward. Jaime said “I don’t want things growing on me” (though he’s made it pretty clear someone has grown on him, great line.) He liked it when she took charge. He reminded her it was a first time for him too. And then they have a kiss that really, in my opinion, culminates the years of bickering and sexual tension. It was my personal favorite GOT sexy scene, because it felt so real. He sleeps with her and they live like lovers for a month. They ARE lovers for a month or so.
and then he leaves and that look he gave her? 
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that was the look of a man who thought he had to give up on his beloved. Not a man who didn’t love this woman anymore. He’s defeated and broken but he is not not in love.
basically, all the clues (and just THIS SEASON) led to Brienne being his true love. Not Cersei. In Jaime choosing Cersei over the woman who he looked at like he saw the sun not only has made the writers make some really unfortunate implications about toxic relationships, but they’ve also said that people can’t change. They’ve completely disrespected Brienne in the process, making her seem like she was just a blip on his radar... when she wasn’t. She was so much more. 
Now maybe all along, Jaime’s arc was not a redemption arc, but choosing who you want to be. Well, if that’s the case, it’s also a bad message. Apparently to D&D you can never change, you’re always doomed to head right back to square one, right back to “the things you do for love” and your toxic roots. If that’s the case then all Brienne was this season was a dangling carrot, a oh look what Jaime could have had if he wasn’t so addicted to Cersei.... sad sad SUBVERSION too bad he’s an ADDICT though! 
there’s no empathy. No respect. 
I have a bad feeling Bri’s pregnant too. And if that’s the case...if all this woman was supposed to do this season was carry the baby of a man who broke her heart just so the wheel wouldn’t truly break? They’re going to make Brienne just a vessel for a baby, making that Jaime’s “redemption?”
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so in conclusion: I was not only infuriated because D&D invalidated so much growth in favor of witty subversion that’s not witty and actually tastes like ashes and proports a toxic message, but what was done tonally made no sense, because Braime was filmed like they were “right.” They also wrote a Jaime that’s more akin to Season One Episode One Jaime, and not the one that came to Winterfell because he made a promise.  
I have almost no hope he is alive, D&D said so... but hey stranger things have happened. Nik is being quiet and hasn’t said goodbye to his character like everyone else has whose died already, but maybe he’s just salty/had time to process what happened/just busy right now/ waiting until the last episode to make a final statement. I mean this guy is kind of a troll, but he’s a classy dude and did an amazing job. But if it’s true, if Jaime’s end was to die under a rock, to go deeper and kinda soften this, I do think the Jaime that “died,” wasn’t a Jaime that romantically wanted Cersei, but a Jaime who loved her, finally, like an actual brother and not...the stuff before. There was no kiss, just an embrace. Someone trying to make an ending not so scary. 
either way, I never expected or even wanted Jaime to survive Game of thrones until it freaking looked like that he was for a hot minute and get that good sweet ending with the one woman who he truly loved. But if he died,I wanted something better than what he got. I wanted Jaime to die as someone who did do something for love, but for a love that wasn’t a destructive one, or a regressive one. Not the same love as season one episode one, but a transformative love. Someone who did the right thing. For someone who made such an impact on so many people, he deserved better. 
And I hear rhetoric from some, mostly not on tumblr, that I should  have expected a fan favorite character like Jaime to get a shitty end, because GOT is about subversion. But GOT, above all, has to succeed as a satisfying story for the thing as a whole, and for the characters. It has to make sense. This makes NO sense. And Jaime, such an important character in the mythos, shouldn’t go out like that. Neither should Cersei TBH. She deserved more than standing by a window. 
George. Give Jaime better. Please. Not necessarily a ride into the sunset ending with the one who transformed him, but one where he knows he’s a better person and has been transformed. One where he knows he’s changed for the better.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep1 Part 1: Yugi Ditches Algebra, Cards Become Real
Ah, a new season a new day. It’s Season 4. And we’re going to start of with:
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A deep sea sub. Sure, why not?
So Yugi’s unofficial other grandpa, Arthur Hawkins, AKA one of the member’s of this show’s only really happening OTP has decided to kinda ditch his Granddaughter Rebecca and go to the bottom of the ocean. Don’t blame him. Down here is where, I guess, he will come across this very Grecian looking structure.
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Like Yugioh nonchalantly passes a lot of bad history at me but like...he’s in the Atlantic Ocean and there’s Grecian style stuff everywhere?
Why? I mean at least he’s not in the Pacific but like...Yugioh. Anyways, we’re not in Greece but the show had very little time to invent a brand new ancient architecture style although I would be super down for that.
But like...here’s the thing about columns--you can go really deep into column lore and people are really freakin picky about columns and what they mean, and this could have been a low key hilarious place to make an entirely new column order just for Yugioh. They could’ve done it and they decided not to. It’s OK, I’ll save it for the Marik’s Boat Time spinoff they’ll never ever make.
But I just want to bring up just real super fast that Noah and Gozaburo must’ve known about this place for years right? Like they super lived underwater and had robots poised to attack mankind stationed all over the sea floor so...we can pretty much guarantee they already knew about this place?
Just gonna bring up what a shame it is Noah freakin died.
Also want to bring up what a shame it was that Arthur didn’t show up at the beginning of S3 and be like “hey Yugi, I was just in the neighborhood, noticed you got picked up by an undersea gang, what’s up?”
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, there he is, our 70 yo adventurer, who has more energy than I have at under half his age. Arthur Hawkins needs to take it down a few pegs.
Or is it Hawkings?
Anyways, I gave Hawkins this tweed colored font that I just realized is nearly the same as Joey’s so it’ll change if he ever comes back.
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Thanks for that prologue, Yugioh. Anyway, apparently no one on this side of Japan freakin cares, because despite finding what looks exactly like Godzilla’s lair on the bottom of the sea, we’re gonna instead fixate on Rex and Weevil.
Y’all I was going to make a joke about “why does this show fixate so much on Rex and Weevil at the beginning of so many arcs?” when I remembered that Bakura basically murdered all the other mean mini bosses from S1 except for Bandit Keith, who probably got deported by now.
I had to think long and hard just now about whether or not I’ve used that joke before because it is S4 and y’all I just don’t even remember.
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(I have a very long story about Warby Parker that I just deleted fyi)
Rex is a Christmas plaid now because there are too many characters in this show.
Now that Rex and Weevil have been reunited, which is surprising because I just assumed these two have been Bert and Ernie-ing it up in some condo in the NYC, They say:
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I almost forgot about the secret side-plot of Yugioh, that everyone is a cheese monger and very open about it.
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So anyway, they’re off to have a very simple storyline of “I will try and Challenge Yugi Muto for God Cards” which...good luck with that, it only took 2 seasons for Yugi to finally accept his challenge from Seto Kaiba. Have fun following around Yugi Muto for 2 seasons.
When there’s a...really bizarre twist that happens. Just a very weird turn of events. Like recall that it’s the middle of the day, and the sun is shining, and there’s people and cars everywhere, and it’s a good neighborhood, and then, like playing Pokemon in tall grass, this guy just appears in front of them.
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And guys, I’m from the Bay Area and I have slipped and fallen right on top of my phone on Fillmore which was DEVASTATING so like...their unstoppable speed walk down this 12 degree slope is...
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I think they wanted to run into them, I really think they did. I think people in this town are so desperate for any excuse to fall into a horrifying disaster that they are just magnetically attracted to anyone wearing an oversized blanket.
Also this guy’s look is...kind of forgettable. It’s somehow weird and also forgettable at the same time. Hit that sweet spot for me. I don’t even remember this guy’s name, it was so forgettable. I’ll look it up later. Maybe bro will do it. I dunno. He wears a Monocle so like...that’s all I can say about this guy.
OK so I just checked in with Bro and then Bro made a weird rant about this guy being called Gurimo and how bro had some strong opinions about Season 4. Then Bro said a statement that really stuck with me, although I only remember part of the statement which was: “...this guy can just go get more monocles from Forever 21 and Hot Topic...” which made me very quickly realize my adult brother has never entered either a Forever 21 or a Hot Topic if he thinks a cultist in a monocle would purchase monocles from there.
I learned a lot and now you have to know this too.
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And in case you’re wondering “did Rex and Weevil deserve this?” No. He just immediately decided to steal their soul on the sidewalk in front of Women’s Foot Locker from what I assume is just down the street from Yugi Muto’s house/game shop.
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(how did this storyboarder nail the 3/4 degree angle on Weevil here? Do you know how hard that is to do with not just glasses but weird ass chunky glasses?)
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Ah, a duel disk that can stab yourself in the stomach with two very poorly laid out barbs.
Very nice rival to Kaiba’s duel disk that will behead you if you don’t fling your arm out just right.
So like...did he steal a duel disk from Kaiba and then mod it? Is that what they did? The whole point of duel disks is that you’re linked up to the Dueling Facebook or whatever...so did this Cultist buy a normal duel disk from Toy’s R Us and then say “ahahah I’m going to do so much card crime!” and then start modding it with help of a cosplay forum? Like what’s the story here of how this guy spent all of last year (and definitely all of last season) modding this duel disk over a computer desk, some metallic acrylic paint, and a sauntering iron, feverishly asking his forum if anyone can 3d print some sick ass runes for his soul-sucking duel disk?
And then I guess this guy dueled both Rex and Weevil at the same time? Like this was all off screen...but why didn’t Rex and Weevil just leave? Just don’t pull out your duel disk and you’re probably good?
Just so many ways to have avoided losing your soul in the first ten minutes of Yugioh.
Anyway, on the other side of town, Tea is worrying about Yugi which is basically her normal.
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Joey and Tristan decided to meet up with her, not because she was clearly in distress, but because Yugi isn’t around, and why worry about Tea when instead your friend Yugi is probably going to destroy the world the moment you turn around (and he did. Yugi absolutely effed everything up the very moment these three took their eyes off of him)
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And what was weird is that it took Yugi until, I dunno...several streets over to kind of come out of the ether and be like “heeey Pharaoh...um...what’s up?” Like it took him this long to say something. Probably so that by the time they would have walked back to school math would have been over.
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So...did Yugi just not notice at first? Like it’s sort of amazing what these two don’t know what the other one is up to. Including this situation that little Yugi absolutely should have picked up on.
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As it turns out, the cards are speaking very audibly to Pharaoh. This should have been somewhat of a...youknow...red flag...since Yugi can’t hear them but Pharaoh can. But, Yugi’s like “well...we’re so used to everyone just giving us the answer and that being the right call, I guess this must also be the right call.”
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And...although he had quite the head start, These three are more than willing to drop the hell out of class and rack up those absences. I’m gonna assume they had to make up another wild excuse about Tea’s cat to that one teacher to get out of school just like last time, but they did all that offscreen.
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And then Tea just kind of snapped, and she did so with a smile the entire time.
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Her wording was somewhat different, but she did basically say something along the lines of “if you don’t remember me telling you this a million times, you are an idiot” and Pharaoh didn’t have an answer and so it was like he said without saying anything “yes, I am.”
Which he will further prove like five minutes from now.
Like Y’all, bless his cursed perfect ass, but Pharaoh is the biggest idiot in this show. Sometimes he’s brilliant, but if he’s ever left to his own devices, just the biggest idiot. He got duped by some guy pretending to throw his voice so that his cards looked like they were talking to him. Pharaoh thought cards can talk.
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And so that’s how Pharaoh freakin caused the Apocalypse. The first of many.
He did so just so very easily.
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His cards started wigging out, the tablet started icing over--it was like “hey remember what took 2 seasons to build up to? Well screw it.”
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Also this happened, apropos of absolutely nothing.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand cards are real.
I mean they’ve been real for a few seasons but now the cards are officially real and they’re not cute like Pokemon. They’re all really gross and roided out and they probably have a funky smell. All of them.
I knew we’d get here eventually I just didn’t know it would be SO fast.
When no one was paying absolutely any attention--when my entire focus was inside of this museum, that was when cards became real.
...time to shove em into little balls I guess. Anyways, that’s it for this update because this episode was a lot of stuff so I’m gonna split it so y’all have it easier and so I have it easier too.
And if you just got there this is S4, if you want to start reading these from S1, here’s a link to the collection in chrono order, it’s basically like reading a Victor Hugo length of book except its just me ranting about WTF is going on in OG Yugioh for 100+ episodes, knock yourself out.
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Hold Me Tighter (Even Closer) {Analogical}
I wrote this really quick at like,, 3:45 am or something so sorry if it sucks. I was just really in the mood for some healthy Analogical, seeing as I have very little fluff written for them despite them being my otp oof. Title is from Heathers: The Musical, just cuz! This is pretty short, but I hope you all enjoy anyways! (Next chapter of Be Good is like,,, 3/4’s finished so keep an eye out for that!)
Human Au, btw
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Trigger Warnings: Nothing, really. Mentions of Insomnia but that’s it! Ask if you need anything tagged, though!
“It’s four in the morning, why are you up?”
Logan looked up from his desk at hearing a voice behind him, turning his head sluggishly towards the source. He visibly relaxed at the sight of it just being Virgil, pushing himself to sit up in their bed, hair messy and eyelids droopy from seemingly just waking up.
Rubbing a hand down his face, Logan gave a sigh, taking a moment to appreciate how cute his boyfriend looked when half awake before turning back to his laptop, the light illuminating his face and reflecting off his glasses.
“Go back to sleep, Virge,” He murmured, picking up his typing from where he had left off “I’ll come back to bed in a minute.” He heard his boyfriend give a sigh and assumed he had laid back down, from the noise of shuffling. He was proven wrong however, when he felt a presence at his back, arms wrapping around his shoulders from behind, Virgil resting his chin on his shoulder.
The paler man squinted at the light the screen gave out, adjusting his vision to the artificial light. “All your typing and clicking woke me up,” He murmured, reading what he had been typing. Despite being unable to see what his lover was doing, Logan could practically hear his confused frown.
“Lo, the deadline for this is two months away. Why are you staying up this late finishing it now?”
Logan sighed, halting his typing. “My brain just won’t shut down,” He confessed, closing his eyes for a brief moment as he tilted his head back to rest it slightly on one of Virgil’s shoulders, left hand coming up to intertwine with the other’s right. “I tried pretty much everything when you were still asleep. I even took a sleeping pill but it doesn’t seem to be working.”
Virgil hummed, seemingly thinking through his answer carefully, face buried into Logan’s shoulder as he thought. A brief moment passed before he spoke up.
“I had really bad insomnia as a kid,” He murmured, to which Logan nodded at, remembering when his boyfriend had told him about it. “It got so bad to where I wasn’t able to sleep for like, 48 hours at a time. My mom used to do something that would always help me. Maybe it will help you?”
Logan hummed before giving a nod, willing to give whatever Virgil had in mind a try. Virgil gave him a smile, Logan could tell from where his face was pressed to his shoulder still. The shorter man pulled back, sliding his hand out from Logan’s own.
“Okay,” He said, pressing a quick kiss to Logan’s cheek “Turn off your laptop and come to bed, yeah?”
Logan did just that, switching off his laptop and put it away neatly. He pushed his desk chair in before he made his way to their shared bed, Virgil already there. The other man pulled the blankets back, motioning to the spot beside him.
“C’mere.” He smiled at the other, and Logan climbed into the bed, taking off his glasses and lying down beside him. Virgil slid up behind and Logan gladly accepted the warmth at his back as a result.
While Virgil wasn’t often the big spoon, it happened occasionally so it wasn’t a big shock to Logan’s system to suddenly have the tables turned. The paler man slung a leg over Logan’s waist, the other entangling with his own. Virgil burrowed himself closer to the other man, a hand reaching up to Logan’s hair.
Logan practically purred at the feeling of a hand running through his hair, pushing up into the touch. A lot of their friends and colleagues often joked about how serious Logan was, and he had been, for the majority of the time they had known him. Then he met Virgil and slowly the smaller man managed to break through all of Logan’s walls and help expose his insecurities to himself, even some he hadn’t even been aware he had.
Maybe it was the fact that Virgil hadn’t ran the moment his imperfections were revealed that made Logan realise that he loved him.
Since then, Logan had opened up extremely to affectionate touches and emotions. Sure, a lot of people still thought of him as too robotic, but Virgil just seemed to love him more every time he was shown an imperfection.
So immersed in his thoughts and the steady feeling of Virgil’s fingers carding through his hair, Logan didn’t realise he was dosing off until his eyes were sliding closed.
He allowed sleep to take him as Virgil’s hands began to slow in their ministrations, sleep slowly taking over the other man, also.
Both men fell asleep tangled together, the sun beginning to rise outside of their apartment.
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