comradedream · 2 years
thhe wilhur clip im fucking in tears lMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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dogbites-puppylove · 2 months
I have an idea and wanted to share. Could you maybe write about Yandere Dick grayson(preferably platonic if you do platonic but if not that’s alright) with an apprentice(or s/o if you don’t do platonic) who’s a werewolf like the ones from twilight? Really large towering over normal people, really fast and strong, always really warm, heightened senses able to shit to there wolf form whenever they want? How do you think Dick would react to something like that?
^heres a reference photo for you. I think Bella is canonically 5’10” just like Dick is?
Werewolf!Reader x Yandere! Dick Grayson (Platonic)
TW: description of yandere mentalities and actions (obsession, possessive tendencies, stalking, etc)
Tags: Yandere! Platonic! Nightwing x reader
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One thing about Dick Grayson is that no matter how the bond of his infatuation ties around his darling - be it platonic or otherwise - the nature of it stays the same. In fact, it could be argued that a platonic relationship with him is far more constricting - in a romantic relationship he has to acknowledge your will as his own - but as his apprentice his words are your own. There's nothing you should want outside of his wants, there's nothing you should do outside of his actions. The sky's the limit as long as you hold his hand the entire way. His family has never known a healthy relationship with sidekicks - but Dick is delusional enough otry, messed up enough to not recognize the silhouette in the mirror as his own instead of his fathers. 
Your bigger stature bears no authority to him - be it age, physical strength it makes no difference. Your arms are his, your lungs are his, every breath of air you take makes its way to his lungs - you're an extension of himself to the point where he can’t truly differentiate giving you an order to simply flexing the muscles in his neck. He loves you - of course he does - he takes such good care of you after all. The scent that is just a bit too strong, the pitch that rings only a bit too high - he knows them well and he’s done all he can to make sure you never have to be inconvenienced by them. (These days he can’t tell if his preferences are his or yours - and that's how it's supposed to be.)
Don’t be surprised at the physical leash hanging around your neck - when you wake up to it permanently fixed like a noose. It's soft - lest it burn your neck from friction - but the cool slide of metal puts you on edge. Maybe it's the tracker, or the tranquilizers just in case he needs you to listen extra well. This is the natural course of action - you belong to him - the way his body belongs to him - you're nothing but an extension. Your harsh bite, your feelings, the blood running through your veins are all his. This is no longer a fate you can run from - at least your owner is benevolent, because he’s already carved out his heart to place in your chest. He tells you this over breakfast - oh and he’s cooked your favorite, to make the muzzle training just a bit easier. 
You're his slightly more sentient puppy, it's this dynamic that makes it easier to claim ownership of you. The same way Robin and Nightwing are mere extensions of himself, so are you - it's a quick justification to train you not to go beyond his footsteps. A good puppy will heel when told - a smart one will lean quickly where the electric fence lies. 
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Author's Note: Hi anon! Unfortunately the image did not load but I hopefully got the gist of it. Also this is not my best work but im desperately trying to get back into writing so please excuse the quality. 
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rakubalka · 11 days
30 Legend Worthy Beef In This Au
Yami Sukehiro vs William Vangeance - rivals to lover vibes
Asta vs Sally - aka Doctor with Morals vs Doctor without Morals
Jack the Ripper vs Nozel Silva - enemy to maybe if you squint your eyes at the right angle lovers
Zora vs any corrupt noble -self explained
Any and all Agrippa vs the Sun - it runs in the family their hate for the sun
Charlotte vs biggots
Purple Orcas vs Finral
Yuno vs the current Clover king's political party
Kahono vs all Silvas minus Noelle
Mereleona vs people's bullshit
Rebecca vs most of Hell
Fuegoleon vs the eye of the midnight's sun more specifically Fana - it wasn't even the coma that did it , it was being put as the especially high priest of the Fire God that did it
Leopold vs people's expectations
Asta vs unruly patients
Yuno vs unruly folks of animals
Nacht vs himself - he needs some serious mental and emotional help
Luck vs baths
Magna vs bikini armor
Noelle vs her ex-siblings
Gauche vs anyone threatening his precious people
Gray vs Julius - mainly when in transformed state
Vanessa vs the witches queen
Nozel vs Decaf
Charmy vs people wasting food
Father Otris vs Julius and Zenon both
Sister Lily vs child predators
Mary vs anyone threatening her precious people
Magna vs Yuno - only when flying on a broom however
Nero vs incorrect historical facts or documents
Mimosa with poison vs people underestimating her
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thekeypa · 4 months
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“Netanyahu, antisemitism is a vile and disgusting form of bi*otry that has done unspeakable harm to millions. Do not insult the intelligence of the American people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and racist government.”
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azuremist · 4 months
Knuckle tattoos that say FAGG OTRY
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pocketramblr · 7 months
43. — words
Set after the last afn snippet
Izuku landed on a couch- ok, cool, demons had couches. He looked up at a real tall ceiling, with fancy flourishes where it met the wall, and a fireplace of shimmering black stone. There were rugs on the floor, and as Izuku sat up he realized his body didn't hurt anymore.
Then he realized he was bleeding all over a demon's couch and jolted up with a yelp, looking down at his clothes to see- nothing. Well, some mud and dust, and apparently he'd been sent here with the contract he signed, now all crumpled in one hand, but no blood.
"Iron ish otris?" A voice called, and Izuku froze. That didn't sound like the demon he'd met. "Yura eret?"
His demon- well, not his, but the demon he'd met first had said some other demons did eat humans. But he was doing all this extra work to avoid that, or letting Izuku die, right? So this demon probably didn't eat humans either. Or it was just, a demon literally playing with his food. Izuku really have a choice to trust him.
"Soo heret?" The new demon asked, sharper, and came around the corner into the room.
Izuku blinked. They looked like a catboy- maybe those were horns on their head, but they kinda looked like cat ears. And the tail waving behind him in matching blond fur looked like a cat's too.
The demon looked at Izuku. Izuku looked at the demon.
"Woded uyeh tegin ear?"
Izuku held out the paper contract as far as he could. The demon blinked their strangely shaped, very dark eyes, and slowly moved to take the papers and read.
Then their strangely shaped, very dark eyes got very wide too. "Unshet poda! Iron ish otris det poda uyeh?"
At least, Izuku thought that was a question.
"What?" He asked.
"I don't speak, uh, whatever language demons do."
The demon stared at him. Izuku pointed to the papers, hoping there'd be a clue there, and the demon kept reading. And reading. And reading. Flipping the papers back and forth, until they threw them on the couch and pulled what seemed to be a regular phone out of their pocket.
They dialed a number. Then, they spoke so quickly Izuku didn't even try to figure out what sounds went in what order.
He waited.
The demon did too, then sighed, and hung up.
"So?" He asked.
"Hellayo." The demon said, then pointed to themselves. "Mirio." They pointed at him. "Izuku."
"Hello, Mirio."
The demon- Mirio- smiled, and crossed the room, waving for Izuku to follow them.
Mirio spoke as they went, gesturing between them, but Izuku didn't understand what they meant until they opened a door into a room with a giant bath and moved to start the water. Mirio motioned to the bath, then left.
Well, Izuku was pretty sure he'd been knocked out under a bridge and dragged through the sewers before he'd been placed on the altar in the circle of blood, even if he didn't really remember the details or who had grabbed him. Probably the concussion, that memory didn't feel like icy patch where his name was. It was cold and slick, and all he could think was Shimura Izuku, even though he knew his surname certainly hadn't been that.
The point was, the trip to the sewers apparently left a stench that hadn't gone away like the blood had.
He did his best to wash when he wasn't sure which soap was what, and then dried himself off. Mirio knocked, then entered with a set of clothes like they wore, a white button up shirt and some slacks, though smaller. Maybe their old clothes?
Who was this demon, anyway?
Mirio led Izuku back to the room he landed in, though there was now a try over the couch with a plate of food and two cups. Mirio waved at him to sit, then left again.
Izuku examined the food. Was it safe for humans? It certainly didn't look like it... A magenta slab over a ball of what looked more like scales than rice, a pile of tiny white bones, and a paste of vibrant berries that smelled like eggs.
Mirio returned with a pot, and poured tea into two cups, then set it aside.
Izuku looked at the tea- grey, rather than green, and Mirio nodded, taking a sip of their own.
Slowly, Izuku did too.
Despite the appearance, it tasted good. Spiced, in a warm and not too bitter way.
Izuku tried the foods and found they were alright too- the little bones were shaped crackers, filled with different flavors, and very crispy.
Mirio talked, even though Izuku couldn't understand them, and smiled a lot. They had sharp fangs.
Sharp nails, too, and colorful ones at that, Izuku noticed now that he was looking. He also noticed Mirio giving him similar looks.
There were only a few snacks left when a crash came from some other room.
Izuku jumped, but Mirio just put their cup down and stood up, calling, "Iron ish otris! Izuku taneck keeps iina jaweh gaanel os neck uyeh kuhsif tath?"
In a flurry of movement, the demon who had... Saved? Adopted? Kidnapped? Izuku was in the room too, looking exhausted.
"Hello, my boy! I'm sorry I didn't think about the language difference, I've never done this sort of thing before, so, let me just, fix that as Mirio asked."
He lifted a hand, and put it on Izuku's head.
Izuku froze.
The demon said something, and then nodded.
"There you go, can you understand him now?"
"Me?" Izuku asked, "Or, can Mirio understand me now?"
"I sure can!" Mirio answered.
"I can too!"
"That's great!" The demon smiled. "All right, Mirio, this is my new son, Izuku. Izuku, this is Mirio, he's a security devil in training and I'm his warder."
Izuku didn't know that that meant.
"Very." Mirio nodded, smiling too. "Honor to meet you, Izuku-kun, and a pleasure to serve. Is he going to attend Bablys, Toshinori-san?"
"I suppose so. I'll have to reach out to Nedzu..."
"Awesome! Then I'll be your upperclassman, Izuku-kun, and your guide. You can call me Mirio-senpai."
"Oh, ok, thanks?" Izuku was starting to feel dizzy as- Toshinori? Could he call the demon that?- collapsed onto the couch too. "What's Bablys?"
The rest of the night was... Informative, Izuku guessed. Sorta. In a way that left him knowing absolutely nothing at all, but he supposed as he was led to what would be his bedroom that he could find out more tomorrow, assuming this all wasn't the strangest dream he'd ever had.
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ma-pi-ma · 1 year
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Un solo giorno dei  fatemi marino
Sulle soglie degli inferi già  Ulisse i fiori delle sabbie delle rocce
il vento s 'abbatteva sulle galee seppelliva otri nei fondali
ma le mimose gialle ostinate anche nelle foschie dei piovaschi e selve luminose di margherite giganti negli anfratti e nelle cale
un solo giorno dei fatemi marino per i verdi smaltati dei fondali
Io nato di terra su colline pacate dove natura è  anche il mattone chiaro delle pievi
sono qui un giorno stato viandante ho trafficato panni e forse anche sulle alte pendici anacoreta
hanno carni d 'avorio sulle rade vengono dalle grotte e dai coralli le creature favolose dei bestiari
chi ne penetra il ventre e stringe il seno fermo nella salsedine rimane sempre in giovani membra il sesso gonfio
un solo giorno dei fatemi marino
(24 aprile 1978)
Umberto Piersanti, da Nascere nel '40,  Shakespeare & Company, 1981
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
ThanZag es el Catradora bien hecho(TRADUCCION)
okay, primero que nada, hace tiempo que no formo parte del fandom de Shera, pero me he visto la serie varias veces, aparte de que siento que esto es algo digno de señalar poraue pudo haber sido la forma perfecta de haber desarrollado la PEOR pareja de toda la serie.
estoy en mi fase con Hades de Supergiant, y mientras veia mi decimo gameplay, me di cuenta de algo viendo las Interacciónes de Thanatos y Zagreus, y es que estos dos tienen algunas características similares al C/atradora.
1- ambos fueron criados por la misma figura materna.
2- tuvieron una relación de rivalidad/amistad desde que eran niños(en caso de Catradora "rivalidad/amistad")
3-el principal drama en la relación empieza cuando uno de los dos se quiere de ir de su casa(aunque en caso de Catradora, ya habia BUENAS RAZONES para querer irse antes de la serie).
4-el otro miembro de la relación tiene que evitar o tratar de evitar que el otri consiga su objetivo (aunque lo unico que hace Thanatos es tratar de evitar que la gente le de suministros a Zagreus, nada mas. nisiquiera pelea tal cual con el. Catra intenti matar a Adora varias veces)
5- este miembro en esoecifuco tiene mommy issues y una actitud "tsundere"(en caso de Catra, mas bien es abusiva. Than es tal cual un Tsundere que le cuesta expresar lo que siente😅).
6- el protagonista es mas listo de lo que le dan credito, son considerados realeza, usan espadas, etc(en serio ¿cual es la necesidad de decir que Adora es tonta?¿no vieron el show?)
estas son las """"similitudes"" que yo pude encontrar con mi hermana. pero que como ven, hay una GRAN diferencia de ejecución, y voy a entrar mas en detalle con cada una.
1- Zagreus tiene sus propios padres, y si bien paso toda su vida pensando aue Nyx era su madre, su dinamica con Thanatos nunca fue de hermanos y se refirio a el siempre como un amigo de la infancia. no fue hasta los Eventos del juego (cuando eo quiere encontrar a su madre biologica, Persefone) que puedes tener la opcion de romancear a Thanatos.
Aparte de que se da a entender en el juego que si bien Zagreus se lleva bien con los hijos de Nyx, no se crio con ellos. y que Nyx lo crio o mas como una Nana, o que dejo de lado a sus hijos para cuidarlo. osea, no crecieron como parte de la misma familia. Nyx no fue una figura materna para todos sus hijos.
Catra y Adora no solo nunca se refirieron asi mismas como amigas, sino que tuvieron una relación DEMACIADO estrecha con la MISMA figura materna, incluso si fueran adoptadas, siguen siendo hermanas al haberse CRIADO JUNTAS.
y es peor cuando ves en el ARTE OFICIAL que se refieren a Catra como HERMANA DE ADORA.
2- la amistad y rivalidad de Thanatos y Zagreus no era mas que una competición amigable y saludable para la diversión mutua, aparte de que ya sea que ganen o pierdan, felicitan y RECONOCEN las cualidades del otro. no son meramente hostiles simplemente por estar compitiendo. incluso cuando Zagreus falla un intento de fuga o le gana, Thanatos no es realmente mezquino o lo insulta.
Catra y Adora por otro lado son todo lo contrario, Catra siempre SIEMPRE encuentra un momento para decirle a Adora que "es una idiota", lo primero que le dice es que "se ve ridicula", que "esta loca", la desmerita y tira abajo constantemente para hacerse sentir mejor A SI MISMA.
3-Zagrues quiere dejar el Inframundo porque descubre que su madre podria estar en la superficie, aparte de que su relación con su padre es bastante mala debido a esto ya que Hades no quiere que salga, tratandolo mal y sacando sus frustraciones en el. y si bien Zagreus a lo largo del juego entiende las consecuencias y todo lo bueno que el deja atras por querer ir tras su madre, nadie (ademas de Hades) espera que cambie de opinión.
Adora decide irse de la Horda porque se da cuenta del horrible daño que hacen a Etheria, dejando tambien a su toxica madre adoptiva y a Catra(su aun mas toxica hermana/"amiga"), pero es llamada constantemente egoista por Catra por irse y dejarla, a su vez que ella misma no quiere ir con Adora.
ambos en escencia quieren dejar su ambiente toxico, solo que uno tiene un círculo de apoyo y Adora tiene, lamentablemente, a Catra, que espera que Adora se quede miserable en el ciclo de abuso que ELLA creo.
4- Thanatos tiene ordenes directas de tratar de evitar que Zagreus deje el Inframundo, sin embargo las "peleas" con el suelen ser de corta duración, aparte de darle a Zagreus cosas como vida si el mata más monstruos que el o empatan. Thanatos no hace un esfuerzo REAL en detener a Zagreus. solo esta amargado de que se haya ido sin despedirse. es todo. riñas de niños. que después de un tiempo se le pasan y vuelven a su dinámica normal. saludable.
Catra esta en el bando contrario de Adora en una guerra, sin embargo no demuestra ningun problema en ser especialmente sadica y disfrutar dañar a Adora cuando pelean. ella QUIERE hacerle daño. ella QUIERE ganarle y evitar que culpa su objetivo por mas que la haga miserable. a ella no le importa.
5- no tenemos mucha idea de como era la relación entre Nyx y Thanatos, pero Nyx parece haber hecho el rol de madre mayormente a Zagreus por encima de sus propios hijos(ya sea por voluntad o por ordenes de Hades) y tambien podria ser que gracias a esta poca guia Thanatos no sabe como expresar adecuadamente como se siente con respecto a Zagreus o su ida. pero aun asi respeta su decisión.
Catra crecio con una madre abusiva que la hizo a un lado para favorecer a Adora, generando esta dinamica de "amor"-odio hacia ella y que hiciera que solo demostrara "interes" o atención hacia ella mediante rebajarla a su nivel, ya sea mediante insultos, violencia, manipulación, etc. mas que una Tsundere, es una sociopata.
6- Zagreus es un muy buen luchador, que sabe aprovechar las bendiciones que sus familiares y que en la historia del juego logra salir varias veces del Inframundo para reencontrarse con su madre (teniendo que pelear con su padre MUCHAS veces) e incluso ayuda a arreglar oa dinamica familiar entre su familia y el Olimpo(porque mas que una familia tóxica, cuentan mas como una familia disfuncional. pero no sin arreglo).
nadie le niega estos meritos a Zagreus. mucho menos Thanatos o Megaera(otro interes romántico a la cual puede que le dedique otro post porque la amo).
Adora es literalmente SHERA, la legendaria guerrera, ha comandado varios ataques contra la Horda, comando la rebelión en algun punto, es una gran guerrera includo sin shera, guio misiones de rescate, savlo el universo de Hordiano Prime, etc.
y aun asi Catra sigue considerandola una idiota igual que el fandom....
como pueden ver, las similitudes que comparten estos ships no son mas grandes que sus brechas de escritura, y es TRISTE pensar que pudimos haber tenido algo como ThanZag en Shera, porque ellos son la prueba de que PUDO funcionar, pero los fetiches de la creadora se pusieron en el camino.
todo esto sin hablar de la ROMANTIZATION que tiene el Catradora! es repulsivo como realmente la gente (y sobretodo los creadores) pueden ver a este par como algo romántico!
ahggg ya me excedi escribiendo. se suponía que esto iba a ser mas corto pero me explaye, espero les guste el producto de mi sufrimiento. y ThanZag forever.
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solo-a-primavera · 5 months
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La presunzione gonfia gli uomini stolti,
allo stesso modo che il vento
gli otri vuoti.
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miscling · 7 months
edging diary, 14feb24
40 mins of edging folloewd by 20miuns of task edging have turned my brain to mushh such a good start to the day imm so sorry to anyone wh otries to talk t me right now i am a bnraindeaded doll...
minimum feels too loww i get it first thinkg in the morning and then i spend the rest of the day plaung with people if the poinr is to make me prepared and readyy to be used then time spend being usedd should coulnmt right? yesterday i did 30mins and then gto another hour and a quarter in people platung with my vibe... thats nearlyu two hours rght? so funn ^^
mmm brainn mushh i need a cookiee
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b0ringasfuck · 1 year
Famiglie queer, allargate, vecchi di merda e Murgia
Leggevo un pezzo di Niram Ferretti, che normalmente scrive delle gran cagate, il che non mi sorprende, in cui se la piglia con Murgia per la famiglia allargata, ma è solo una scusa per pigliarsela con il marxismo, e nemmeno questo mi sorprende.
E la chiosa è
(Engels) è del 1884, in cui ipotizzava che in un prossimo futuro di "liberazione" dall'"alienazione" borghese e capitalista i rapporti sessuali sarebbero stati improntati al massimo spontaneismo, e la famiglia sarebbe stata destrutturata in profondità e unicamente vincolata al principio di piacere.
Ma come chiedevo un attimo fa ai balilla cosa ci fosse di sbagliato nel protestare contro il caro affitti, vorrei chiedere cosa ci sia di sbagliato nel liberarsi dall'alienazione borghese e capitalista e improntare i rapporti sessuali al massimo spontaneismo e improntare una struttura sociale al principio del piacere.
Che uno ha la conferma che questi siano veramente alienati e ripropongano i vecchi cliche dei comunisti orgiaiuoli.
Voi vi alzate la mattina con lo scopo di rompervi i coglioni? Non vedo come il piacere non possa essere una delle motivazioni per costruire strutture sociali, salvo non siate la Binetti con il cilicio.
Non vorrei ripetere tutti i discorsi sull'imbecillità del giusnaturalismo e quindi dover trovare in altre specie animali la giustificazione che ci siano "basi naturali" per altre strutture familiari, ma qua si potrebbero ripetere pari pari gli stessi discorsi che si fanno per l'omosessualità.
E ne piglio 2 giusto per confermare la cialtronaggine di chi giudica gli altri senza nemmeno averci pensato. L'impatto dell'omosessualità sulla natalità, additato come problema sociale, in realtà problema totalmente scorrelato con l'omosessualità.
Parallelamente si suggerisce che la destrutturazione della famiglia sia la sua distruzione, facendo mancare quindi uno dei mattoncini di solidarietà della società. Ma questo succede solo nella fantasia di chi con una scusa prima vuole attaccare il nuovo e poi già che c'è pure il marxismo.
Banalmente la famiglia nucleare "eterosessuale" è un passo indietro a livello di solidarietà sociale rispetto alla famiglia "eterosessuale" allargata (che non è una fantasia orgiastica dei tempi moderni, ma ha fatto parte delle nostre tradizioni fino al secolo scorso). Ne moltiplica i consumi (una lavatrice, un trapano, un martello... per ogni famiglia) e ne concentra le responsabilità.
Parlare di maggior spontaneismo nella sessualità non dice niente sulla parte affettiva. E finiamo di nuovo verso una rappresentazione orgiastica caricaturale (se Ferretti avesse magari anche guardato le foto della famiglia di Murgia...).
Non sorprende che l'epilogo si concluda con
L'inclusivismo affettivo-amoroso propagandato dalla Murgia, che prende il nome di "queer family", è solo lo stantio rebranding delle istanze rivoluzionarie engelsiane e marxiste, poi rinvasate negli anni Sessanta e che oggi trova un ulteriore rinvasamento nell'ondata Woke americana. Vino vecchio, in otri nuovi.
E a me sembra esattamente l'opposto. Il vino vecchio è esattamente questa conclusione.
Poi lo capisco che ci sia una certa "ritrosia". Pur io ormai sono un VecchioDiMerda™. Ho una famiglia piuttosto standard per i tempi e non sempre si vuole o si può prendersi sulle spalle tutti i cambiamenti sociali.
Ma non si è nemmeno obbligati a fare gli stessi discorsi di merda di Niram Ferretti, che Murgia c'avrà altre cose da pensare che rispondere a ste cazzate.
Che tante cose sono cambiate e tante ne cambieranno ancora e ce ne saranno alcune che cambiano in maniera brusca e altre che cambiano scivolandoci addosso tra le generazioni, non tutte buone, non tutte cattive.
Ma pigliarsela con gli altri contraddicendo l'evidenza, a cazzo, senza ragioni o forse con la ragione di pigliarsela con il marxismo è un po' da stronzi.
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winckler · 2 years
A un poeta che non ama marzo
Sono i giorni di marzo che detesti la luce, il vento, gli ammassi nuvolosi l’azzurro cristallo ove ti specchi spettinato, stravolto. E il vero perché della tua ira risiede nelle grandi partite di vento accatastate in otri, sui docks, nei porti, negli scali nei cassetti, nel cuore, nello struggente sibilo della tua penna. Consideri marzo un concorrente.
— Bartolo Cattafi
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storyofasia · 2 years
Eppure, mentre scrivo, ricordo il
vento del deserto che frusta le acque verdi; il cielo rivestito da una lamina di
azzurro violento; le donne enormi che dondolano per la città nei boubous di cotone indaco chiaro; le imposte delle case dello stesso
azzurro violento contro i muri grigio fango; gli uccelli del paradiso arancioni che
tessono i loro nidi a cestello nelle acacie piumose; i lustri giardinieri neri che
schizzano acqua dagli otri, amorosamente, su filari di cipolle verdazzurre; i magri,
aristocratici tuareg, d’aspetto soprannaturale, con scudi di pelle colorata e lance
lucenti, le facce incorniciate in veli indaco che come carta carbone tingono la
pelle di un blu temporalesco; i mori selvaggi con i riccioli a cavatappo; le
fanciulle dai seni sodi, fanciulle bela della vecchia casta schiava, nude fino alla
vita, che pestano nei mortai segnando il tempo con un canto monotono; e le
monumentali dame songhai con grandi orecchini a canestro, simili a quelli portati
dalla regina di Ur più di quattromila anni fa.
-Anatomia dell’irrequietezza- Bruce Chatwin
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Also would like to thank the Catholic pope for allegedly saying "there's too much fa**otry", it fueled a lot of memes at least here in Italy, you could spot his face here and there, I think saw a t shirt or two
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apkaartpasaulei · 5 months
Šodien, atkal kodāmies ar dabas kori 5:30. Es atvēru acis un smaidīju - kad vēl es modīšot tik ļoti dabas skaņās ieskauta? Ok, ok, Slampē parasti modina varžu koris, bet šeit tas ir jauktais koris, kuru grūti būs kur citur atrast.
Uzreiz pēc brokastīm devāmies ar rolleri uz ostu, lai dotos okeānā snorkelēt! 🥳 piedzīvojumā devāmies ar vietējiem čaļiem (man nav citu nosaukumu viņiem, jo atradām internetā) un tas mums izmaksāja 700k uz abiem (40 EUR uz abiem). Devāmies nelielā grupā, vien 7 cilvēki. Kopā apskatījām 4 punktus. 1 punktā cerējām ieraudzīt veln-raju, bet nebija sastopama. Otrajā punktā bija dievīgi skaisti koraļļi. Trešajā bija nenormāli daudz nirēji un snorkalētāji un tik daudz skaistas, krāsainas zivtiņas, kā arī dievīgi skaisti koraļļi! Un pēdējais, ceturtais punkts! Visi bija diez gan paguruši un salīdzinoši ātri atgriezās ūdenī. Es ieniru dziļāk kopā ar vadītāju un zem ūdens viņš man iedeva zivju barību, par kuras esamību es nemaz nenojautu. Aši piepeldēju pie Valērija un paradīju savu guvumu un tā kombinācija - visi laivā, mēs mierīgi netrakojot un vēl barību izkaisījām un mūs apņēma zivtiņas visās varavīksnes krāsās! Gan lielas, gan mazas, gan garas gan īsas. Ziniet kā ir smieties ar trubiņu mutē? Mēs zinām, jo kā mazie bērni smējāmies! Un te pēkšņi, es nezinu no kurienes, bet mūs apņem mazas, mazītiņas zivtiņas kādas 800 gabalas. Mēs bijām absolūtā šokā, es izniru un kliedzu pārējiem, ka ir ieradies milzu vilnis, mākonis, čupa, grēda ar mazām zivtiņām kā rāda discovery, bet absolūti neviens nenovērtēja un mēs turpinājām skatīties kā viņas vienā gara resnā līnijā, locīdamies līdz ar viļņiem, peldēja gar klinti. Nevaru neiebilst, ka pirmajā mirklī bija bailīgi, jo iešaujas doma - no kā viņas bēg? Mums arī jābēg? 😃
Tā nu mēs pārsteigti, priecīgi, sālsūdenī izmirkuši atgriezāmies laivā.
Absolūti laimīgi un saviļņoti nolēmām, ka mēs vēl neesam tā glaudi papusdienojuši un atradām vietiņu pusceļā uz jauno viesnīcu - Penida Colada. Jūras krastā šeit nozīmē tieši jūras krastā, metru no ūdens. Paēdām super gardi un par savām šitādām vakariņām (uzkodas, otrie, deserti, kokteiļi un kafijas) samaksājām 40 EUR.
Šodien pārvācamies no savas bambusa mājiņas, lai pārlaistu nakti tuvāk jūrai The Angkal Resort, kura mums izmaksāja 60 EUR. Te ir ļoti skaisti, pie pašas jūras, jauna, svaiga, tikko uzcelta vietiņa. Sēžam, dzeram tēju un ilgojamies pēc kustības mums apkārt - ne vistiņas, neviena gekona, nevienas ķirzakas... 🥺
!!!Nusa Penida cēlies no baliešu valodas, kur “Nusa” nozīmē “sala” un “Penida” nozīmē “priesteris”. Līdz ar to Nusa Penida burtiski nozīmē "priesteru sala". Tā nosaukuma dēļ tai ir kultūras nozīme, atspoguļojot salas vēsturisko saistību ar Bali hinduismu. Turpretim holandieši to 1900. gadā sauca par “bandītu salu”.
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jauniekartupelisi · 7 months
25. Veiksme, intuīcija, zāles
Pamodos piecos. Lai netraucētu Danai gulēt, pārvācos uz dīvānu. Septiņos pamodās Dana. Noņēmu plāksteri, kuru MRI dakteris uzlika uz vietas, no kuras izņēma to nepareizo katetru. Tadā!
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Roka ir lupatās. Neko lāgiem nevaru ar viņu pacelt, neko nevaru panest, nevaru iztaisnot, nesāp tikai vienā noteiktā leņķī. Vēljoprojām nesaprotu, kur palika tās ielaistās pretvēmīšu zāles, kuras nenostrādāja? Bet, pēc asinsiplūduma krāsām, spriežu, ka tagad esmu Guardian of the Galaxy, jo galaktika ir manā elkonī.
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Neilgi pirms desmitiem zvana mana daktere un saka, ka slimnīcai nobrukusi visa elektroniskā sistēma, pie maniem izmeklējumu rezultātiem nevarot tikt un man neesot jēgas braukt uz slimnīcu. Lai gaidu zvanu no viņas, kad būs viss salabots un būs jēga braukt. Noprasīju par tām 2mg/4mg zālēm. Teica, lai ņemu 4mg un dzeru pa pustabletei dienā. Nu, tad jau ir labāk, kā augusā 12 tabletes dienā. Izrakstīja vēl papildus vienas zāles, kuras +/- rūpēsies par to, lai tā pustablete dienā mani ar laiku nenobeidz + kalciju un D vitamīnu. Dana mani, kā jau kārtīgu dārzeni, atkal aizveda līdz aptiekai pāri ielai, kur tiku pie saviem gardumiem 40€ vērtībā. Mājās palasīju blakusefektus zālēm Nu, bāc, tā ir jautrākā daļa vienmēr. Pa lielam, iekļauts viss no depresijas un pašnāvnieciskām tieksmēm, līdz vemšanai un mugurkaula lūzumam. Tā, ka, ja es kļūstu depresīvāks un man salūzt mugurkauls – ta no zālēm. Haha!
Izšāvu zālītes, pagulēju un pamodos ap pieciem, kad bija jāpieņem lēmums, vai mēģināšu doties uz viktorīnu. Gana sazāļojies nospriedu, ka ir jāmēģina iziet sabiedrībā un sajusties mazliet kā cilvēkiem. Kādu laiku tas nav ticis darīts. Mārkijs atbrauca pakaļ un aizveda mani 3min līdz viktorīnas norises vietai. Paldies par to, jo, ja es būtu mēģinājis iet…vells viņ’ zina, kā tas būtu beidzies. Viktorīnā palikām otrie, vienu punktu aiz pirmās vietas, bet pat nebija škrobe vai kaut kas. Viss bija forši. Pēc viktorīnas es pat ar kājiņām pats atnācu līdz mājām. 10min gājiens gan ilga, šķiet, kādas 20-25, bet es atnācu. Sasniegums, goda vārds!
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Starp citu, tās pretsāpju zālītes ar kodeīnu, ir diezgan…interesantas. Tātad, īsais pamācību kurss. Kodeīns ir viela, kura organismā pārstrādājas un veido morfiju. Morfijs, ja nu kāds nezina, noņem sāpes un liekt Tev justies…labi…mierīgi. Ar to štelli jāapietas prātīgi. Solpadeine, kas bija manas go-to pretsāpju zālītes ir jaudīgākais, ko var dabūt bez receptes, kur sastāvā ir kodeīns. Man viņa, kā jau iepriekš minēju, palīdz 8/10 gadījumiem, kad lietoju. Solpadeine ir 8mg kodeīna. Tajās, kuras man tagad izrakstīja, ir 30mg kodēina!!!! Tās zālītes plosa aknas, lietojot, bet, ja ručkā sāp un nevar vairs izturēt ikdienu, izšauj vienu tādu un viss ir kruta. Man bail no tām zālēm. bet. tao pašā laikā, man ir prieks, ka man tādas ir, jo zinu, ka, ja viss slikti…viss būs labi.
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