#our new pta girl!
valleyboypta · 4 months
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Chase Infiniti 🌟
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luveline · 4 months
Love love love your writing Jade, I must have reread everything a dozen times!
For a dad!character request, what would you think of Single father Remus signing up to chaperone a school event or field trip? Maybe he meets the newest teacher, who happens to be his exact idea of the perfect person for him…
(Lots of love<3)
“Don’t get– forget your coat, dad.” 
Remus grabs his coat from the passenger seat with a self-deprecating sigh. “I’m s’posed to remember things for you, Lia.” 
Cordelia smiles up at him, her shiny coat and boots already taking on rain. “Okay, so ‘member my lunch, then.” 
Remus turns back to the passenger seat to grab her packed lunch from the footwell. “Thank you.” 
Remus is the kind of parent who writes a list every week, budgeting to the penny and laying out uniforms the night before, but he’s off-kilter today. “I wish your teacher could’ve given me some warning.” 
“She’s new, dad. You have to be nice for new people, ‘cos they don’t know– she’s not used to it.” 
Remus locks the car door, already cold to the bone and wishing they could’ve called off sick. He offers Cordelia her lunchbox (which isn’t a box at all, but a padded fabric zip up pouch in fashion with the rest of the girls her age), and tugs on his jacket. It’s not his, it belonged to Sirius a few years ago, but it got left in his wardrobe somehow and he’s been wearing it since. 
“Okay, lovely girl, what’s the rules for today?” he asks, taking her hand. 
“To be good.” 
“Yeah, and what next?” 
“To stay with my buddy.” 
“Yes, and what’s the last one?” 
She beams at him and waves their joined hands. “To have fun!” 
Remus doesn’t think he’ll be having much of it. He isn’t on the PTA, he had no idea parents even went on these trips, but they’re short-staffed at Cordelia’s school lately and now the year two teacher is off sick, and the phone call was a shock. He didn’t have the wherewithal to say no. 
Cordelia’s class are waiting outside of the school gates near a big red and green bus. Remus is the only parent. Why is he the only parent? There are around thirty kids and only two teachers, the newest of which stands at the front, your hands behind your back and a massive smile on your lips despite the bad weather. 
You’re very pretty, Remus has already thought before, and you dress sweetly, happy colours and cute skirts and pants with flowers and hearts and stars. You’re reaching up into the sky as you say, “So they have lots of energy to grow big and tall like us!”
Most of the kids are listening aptly, though pods of them chatter or fight. 
You see Remus quickly and dodge around the children to meet him. “Mr. Lupin! Hello, hi Lia. I have a packet for you.” 
He smiles awkwardly. “Right.” What’s a packet? He looks down at Cordelia but she’s straining against his hand, desperate to go and talk to her friends. “You can go, lovely. I’ll be right here.” 
“Can I sit with you on the bus?” she asks.
He’d definitely prefer it. “Whatever you want to do. Want me to have your lunchbox?” 
“No, that’s okay!” She leans up for a kiss. Remus suddenly wonders if he’s any good at being a parent, knowing you’re watching, but he leans down for a kiss and gives her a quick pat on the back. “Love you.” 
“Love you.” He clears his throat and stands up. “The packet?” 
You’re looking at him funny. 
“What?” he asks. 
“Nothing, nothing,” you stay, still smiling. He’s ninety nine percent sure you aren’t making fun. 
You load the children onto the bus and have him stand at the front with you, squished together in the aisle. “This is Lia’s dad, Mr. Lupin. Can everyone say hi?” He’s sure he’s beet red. “He’s our chaperone today. You listen to him just like you’d listen to me or Mrs. Davies. If Mr. Lupin tells you to stop talking, to stop running, anything at all, you listen. But today is about having fun and seeing all the flowers and bugs, so let’s have lots of fun!” You touch his elbow gently. He smiles. 
Lia forgets that she wanted to sit with Remus by that time, and you end up hip to hip in the front row. The children are immensely loud, and Mrs. Davies has to constantly ask them to be quiet, but it’s not as though Remus would notice; when he woke up that morning he had no idea he’d be doing this, his schoolyard crush for you feels as though it’s written over his forehead, and he’s more nervous than he’s felt in years. 
Remus is cool. He’s the cool friend, the quiet, collected one, who doesn’t stutter nor falter, but he finds it harder to be that way with you when you’ve seen him pick Cordelia up from the yard and kiss every inch of her face and tell her in baby talk that he missed her so so much. 
“I got you something.” 
Cool, Remus says to himself. I’m cool. 
You unveil an informational packet and a small purple box. “That’s just the stuff I told you on the phone this morning,” you say, “and some emergency stuff you can read before we get there. God forbid something happen, but if it does, you aren’t liable. I, however, will get in lots of trouble.” You offer the box. Even your hands are cute.
It’s a rough day. The kids are rowdy, the weather is wet. Lia’s friend Kory keeps stepping in puddles and Lia herself won’t leave Remus alone. She wants to eat lunch in his lap and half gets her way, the two of them holding hands, Remus a big head surrounded by little girls. 
“What’s that?” she asks in a whisper. 
“This?” He knocks the purple box with his knuckle. “This was from Miss L/N.” He opens the plastic lid to show her the treasure inside, a caramel donut with chocolate shavings. It looks expensive and delicious. “Should we share?” he whispers back. 
“Yes, please.” 
Remus breaks it in half, and Lia breaks her half into half again to share with Kory. He feels eyes on his face and looks up to find you watching him with a soft look, but you promptly flatten it and look down. You pick at your lunch, and choke when someone asks you if you’re alright.
Oh, he thinks, giving Lia’s back a quick rub. Chaperoning really isn’t so bad.
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cowgurrrl · 18 days
Okayyy bear with me, this for our OFTM! What about a celeb who meets actress!reader at some awards or something or they’ve worked together and the pictures turn out so gorgeous and he uploads it with some cheesy lovey dovey caption and it kinda sets Joel off with jealousy and a bigggg green eyed monster. It doesn’t help that Tommy, Ellie, and Sarah start pulling his leg in their fam group chat saying oh wow look at mom with him or something and y’know tommy would pull his leg more to get a reaction out of Joel. And Joel is just alternating between fighting for his life in the chat and fighting for his wife with actress!reader and just comedy and fluffiness????
(also I have one more inspo that I dreamt of sending you in the next one)
OOOOOHHHH LOVE THIS I haven’t played around with jealous joel in SUCH A LONG TIME also I know you weren’t necessary referring them but I immediately thought of Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac because I MEAN
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Wildflower & Barley
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: this ask
Warnings: ✨multi-media✨, jealousy, life stuff, literally just them being the sweetest couple
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You sigh as you read the text. Joel is normally very comfortable in your relationship, unshaken by the various actors and actresses who’ve played your love interests and partners on screen. He shrugs off silly press comments, sits through love scenes remarkably well, and even goes as far as congratulating your costar on a job well done. “Not that it’s hard to pretend to be in love with her,” he said when asked about it in a red carpet interview a few years ago. But, once in a blue moon, he gets jealous and a little insecure. You figure Spencer’s post didn’t help with the little green monster sitting on his shoulder the past few months. 
With all your littles in school now, you’re extremely busy. You’re constantly running around from baseball practices, PTA meetings, recitals, doctor’s appointments, birthday parties, and more. Not to mention making time for all the Miller-Hernandez-Caradonna-Pierce grandkids, Isaac, Cecilia, and JJ. Joel’s working on a new album and getting his record label up and running while you’re not only directing and co-producing a smaller film while acting in a different one and getting ready to go on a (limited) press tour. You and Joel haven’t had the most time to catch up, and it feels like you’re passing ships. It’s temporary. You know it is, but it doesn’t feel good to see your costars more than you get to see your husband. You’re almost positive Joel’s jealousy stems from that. 
“Hey, you ready to get back to it?” Your co-producer, Ava, asks, jolting you out of your thoughts, and you nod. 
“Let’s do it.” You say as you tuck your phone into your back pocket. The day goes relatively smoothly with only one broken prop and an impromptu refresher session with one of your actors and the armorer. You make it a point to end the day early so you can get home and talk to Joel before one of you can fall asleep on the couch (a bad habit you’ve both developed recently), and thank god you did. 
The second you open the door, you can smell the delicious dinner Joel is making in the kitchen and hear the music he’s blasting through the Alexa. “Mom!” Sammy yells as he and the girls run over in a flurry of overlapping stories and demands for hugs and kisses. Even though Sam is nine now and on the cusp of thinking he’s too cool for his parents, he’s still your little love bug. 
“Mommy, will you come draw with me?” Violet asks and you smile as you tuck a curl behind her ear.
“Of course, baby. Can I go say hi to Daddy first?” 
“Fine but hurry!” Violet whines, making you laugh. You hang up your purse by the front door and toe off your shoes, already feeling better with your heels off, and pad into the kitchen. Joel is wearing the apron you got him for Christmas last year that says “Caution: Hot Dad” and made the older girls groan in embarrassment. You laugh when you see it on him, and he quickly turns down the Bee Gees to hear you. 
“You’re home early.” He says as he leans down to peck your lips and wrap an arm around your waist. You chase his lips and kiss him again before pulling away to look at him.
“Wanted to catch you before bedtime,” you say, and he hums. “Plus, we’re making good time on production. We can afford to cut a little early.”
“Well, I‘m glad you did.” He says. You can hear the kids in the other room playing loudly and you know Violet is gonna burst in any moment and order you to draw with her so you savor the semi-private moment with him.
“Are we okay?” You ask quietly and he takes a deep breath. 
“We’re okay.” 
“It’s okay if we’re not.” 
“Baby,” he soothes, slipping a hand in your back pocket. “We’re okay, I promise. I just… had a moment.” 
“It’s fine to have a moment. I don’t want you to keep that from me just because we’re busy,” you say. “You don’t actually think I’d trade you in for someone else or whatever the fuck Tommy said, right?” He sighs and you raise your eyebrows at him.
“Just… please tell me this isn’t like a Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing.” He says. You would laugh if he didn’t seem as upset as he does just because of how bizarre the idea is. How could anyone ever compare to him? How could he even think that you’d leave him like that?
“This isn’t a Mr. and Mrs. Smith thing. Not even close to it. Spencer has been married to his wife longer than we’ve been married and they’re solid. I promise, he just posted that to get people excited about the movie.”
“You’re not wearing your ring in the picture.” He says. You pull the chain hiding under your collar out and show him.
“I was. You just couldn’t see it.” 
“How long have you had that?” 
“Since we got engaged. You’ve definitely seen it before.” You say, laughing a little at the surprised look on his face. 
“Yeah, but I didn’t know that’s why you wore it. I thought you got it as a wrap gift or somethin’.” He defends. It makes sense why he wouldn’t know. You only take the necklace off when it can’t be hidden under the costume, and even then, it’s normally tucked into your pocket or, at the very least, hidden safely in your trailer. It’s a part of your routine to put your ring back on at the end of a shooting day or between breaks to help you transition back into your real life, which means Joel only sees it after it’s returned to its rightful spot. Even the few times he’s been on set filming something with you, you’ve been so busy that he didn’t have time to notice it. 
“Good to know I can still surprise you all these years later,” you say. He only looks a little embarrassed when he reaches around you to turn off the stove. The kids are, thankfully, still occupied, and you take the opportunity before it can slip away. “Joel, I adore you. I am still as helplessly in love with you as I was when we were in New York for the first time. There isn’t anybody else for me, okay? It’s you. It’s always gonna be you. So you don’t need to worry about costars or living Brangelina or whatever because you are it for me.” He works at his jaw as he processes your words, and you wait. Joel’s mind has always been an elusive one, so you like watching his gears turn. 
“Okay,” he mumbles finally. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. You just have to tell me when you’re feeling this way,” you say, kissing his jaw. “Besides, if you’d said something earlier, I would’ve been able to tell you that you’re a much better kisser than Spencer.”
“I was just gettin’ over the post, and now I have to watch y’all kiss?!” He groans dramatically, and you laugh. 
“You’re the one who married an actor.” 
“And I’d do it again.” He says as he kisses you, crowding your space so you’re stuck between him and the counter. It’s broken between giggles and kitchen timers beeping but it isn’t until Violet tugs at your shirt do you fully break away from Joel.
“Mommy, you said you would come draw with me.” She pouts, and you immediately drop down to her level.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I did say that. Daddy just had a hard day so I was trying to cheer him up. I can come draw with you now.” You explain, and she gasps, looking between you and Joel.
“Daddy!” She exclaims, putting her hands on her hips. “Why didn’t you tell me you were having a bad day?” 
“Because it’s not your job to fix Daddy’s day.” 
“But I want to! Can I give you a kiss?”
“I wanna give Daddy a kiss!” Sophia runs in, launching herself into Joel’s arms. He scoops both girls up and kiss his cheeks simultaneously, making you both laugh. 
“Thank you, girls. You always make me feel better.” He says, and they giggle.
“What about Mom?” Sam asks. He’s too big and too tall for you to pick him up anymore, but he snuggles perfectly under your arm and squeezes you tight. 
“You’re so sweet, honey. Thank you.” You say, kissing his head. 
“Are you better now?”
“So much better.” 
“Daddy, are you better?” Violet asks. Joel meets your eyes over the heads of the kids and smiles. It’s sweet and just for you, and you can’t help but smile back. 
“I’m perfect.”
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Corrective Action (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Reader and Eddie have been hanging out for a little while and a lot of people seem to think it’s ok to voice their opinion around her.
Previous Part: Interview Prep
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual pining and slow burn (yes still, always). Bullying, manipulative/helicopter parents, ACAB, all around shitty people that might trigger some things. Thick skinned reader who is sick of said shitty people. Sad boy Eddie. Hurt/Comfort. Pinky promises.
Note: I really hope this one is good guys, I feel like I wrote half of this in an airport wishing I was actually drinking (I did and I was, but I'm sober and kind of currently wishing I wasn't). If this is me fishing for compliments...I guess this is just yummy bait.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager (in chronological order because I’m chaotic and I’m not gonna stop writing this way) and all of my other random Eddie Headcanons.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
It started with Stacey at work.
You were sitting at the little desk in the stockroom, working out payroll and the next schedule, when she came to clock out.
“Hey, good job today on upselling diamonds,” you told her, incredibly proud. While she was great at customer service, she really had a hard time getting customers to add to their basket. You had worked on coaching her and she was quickly becoming your best sales associate. “I’m proud of you, you’ve been doing so great!”
“Yeah thanks! All of these rich PTA moms I swear to god,” she rolled her eyes. “I guess my mom was only a hard ass if I asked her to buy me things though. If anyone else tried to sell things to her, she always caved.”
She continued going on about her mom getting all the upgrades when she got a new car.
“…Mr. Harrington almost started singing when she finally signed the lease.” She laughed but then sobered up, glancing around the stockroom to see if anyone else was around. Stacey cleared her throat. “Hey I’ve been meaning to ask…”
“What’s up?”
“Are you, like…dating Eddie Munson?”
It would have been an innocent enough question if not for her tone. Or the way she grimaced and scrunched her nose, as if just saying his name put a bad taste in her mouth.
Eddie had been wary of your interactions with Stacey from the beginning, you recalled. And when you had asked him why later on, he beat around the bush a little before giving in.
She was someone who had been in his classes for as long as he could remember, she was not a cheerleader but certainly one of the popular girls, and when her jock boyfriend got a job at the local insurance office after missing his chances at getting an athletic scholarship, she stayed behind too and made all of the local gossip her business.
And for some reason, even if he swore he never remembered saying more than two words to her at any given time, she made rumors about him her specialty.
You’d been at a loss. On the one hand, you knew Eddie dealt with bullies and rumors even if he never outright admitted it to you. But on the other, you had no reason to distrust Stacey. All you knew about the people you worked with were just what they told you and what you were able to witness while working together. And you knew Stacey engaged in all sorts of gossip. But Eddie’s name had never exited her mouth.
Until now.
“What?” You were so shocked at the entire scenario that you didn’t even realize she would take that as an invitation for her to continue.
“Well he’s been hanging around the store and I’ve seen you guys sitting together sometimes. But like…well, haven’t you heard?” She got closer and sat in the chair next to you. “He, like, sacrifices virgins in the woods and has, I don’t know, summoned demons before. He’s a Satanist, a freak.”
You bristled at the name-calling and the accusations.
”And you’re new so of course you don’t know—“
“Stacey I’m gonna stop you right there,” you held up your hand and she immediately shut up and sat up a little straighter. “First of all, it is incredibly inappropriate to ask me about my personal life. About any aspect of it, outside of what I willingly share with you. I am your boss, I’m not your friend, this isn’t high school. We are all entitled to privacy and I am incredibly uncomfortable discussing this with you.
“Second, again not that you need to know, but no. I am not dating Eddie. Eddie works here in StarCourt and you make friends with people when you work at a shopping mall. That being said, Eddie is not only an employee at StarCourt, but also a human being and a neighbor to all of us—”
“Ew no he isn’t. He lives in that—“ she started but you weren’t having any of it.
“And because of that he deserves some respect. Calling someone a freak and spreading rumors isn’t respectful. Which leads me to the last point.
“One of the values of this company is integrity. Doing the right thing, even if it’s hard to do. And I’m sorry but bullying, under any circumstance, is not the right thing to do. So even though you are off the clock, you are still on company property and you are certainly not operating with integrity. I’m incredibly disappointed that I have to have this kind of conversation with you, but I will consider this a warning for next time.
“If I hear talk like this coming from you again, there will be disciplinary action,” you concluded. “Do you understand?”
You hated to do it, you hated to put on the manager pants. You hated that Stacey’s eyes welled with tears the longer you talked and that she trembled as she finally nodded. But even if Eddie wasn’t your friend, you wouldn’t condone this kind of behavior. You held your team to an incredibly high standard and this wasn’t it.
You sent Stacey home and got back to the schedule with a sour taste in your mouth.
The next time, you were actually out with Eddie.
He had told you that the sunrise at the old quarry was second to none and when you confessed that you had never actually watched the sunset or the sunrise before, he immediately figured out the best day for you to go together.
He had put together a picnic with all sorts of breakfast foods, because apparently no one made pancakes, bacon, and eggs better than he did—
“Got an A+ in home ec, thank you very much. Didn’t help me get my GPA up but Wayne is pretty happy when I have breakfast waiting for him after a double shift.”
—and treats from the gas station since he insisted that you needed to experience all of the convenience food he loved. There was a thermos full of coffee and a boat load of blankets in the back of the van. He picked you up at your apartment, ringing the bell at ass o’clock in the morning looking way too energetic for someone who woke up so early.
“What do you mean? I never went to sleep!”
The radio was low as he drove you towards the outskirts of town; he’d also surprised you with a replacement of your old Boston cassette that you had nearly played to death, and he hummed along and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel along with Foreplay.
You reached a certain sign on the road signaling the quarry was up ahead, only for the tell tale lights and “whoop whoop” of a squad car to sound off from behind you. Eddie cursed and pulled off to the side of the road.
“Sweetheart can you grab me, uh” he motioned for the glove box. You’d already popped it open and dug through to find his registration as he pulled the wallet from his pocket. “Thanks.”
The crunch of gravel caused Eddie to look at this side mirror and groan a low, drawn out “fuck.”
“Munson,” the officer greeted roughly once the window was rolled down.
“Callahan,” Eddie replied. “Hopper got you on traffic patrol now huh?”
“Very funny,” Callahan deadpanned. “You know why I pulled you over.”
“Actually I don’t,” Eddie chuckled dryly. “License plates are up to date, I wasn’t speeding, and that tail light you busted last time you pulled me over is fixed.”
What the fuck?
"I don't like the tone you're taking with me, kid," Callahan spat. "Not a respectful bone in your body, any time I have to pull you over. It's for your safety after all. And the safety of the entire town."
How many times had this guy pulled Eddie over? 5? 10?
“Anyway, we just broke up a party over in Loch Nora about an hour ago, lot of kids high and wasted,” Callahan continued and there was no way you could have guessed the words that were coming out of his mouth next. “I know how you like to hang around parties like those, do a few deals. Maybe you decided to take advantage of some pretty girl who doesn’t know where she is.”
Callahan leaned down a little further and shined a flashlight into the van, directly at you.
“How you doing tonight miss? Can you tell me your name please?”
Your world was shaken to the core.
“Excuse me?” You scoffed, clenching your fists.
“You got your wits about you, or do I need to call an ambulance or something? Maybe your mom, if she needs to come pick you up?”
“I’m fine, officer, but I don’t like what you’re implying about my friend here.” You responded harshly. “Or about me. I am a grown woman, I am in this van of my own volition, with full mental capacities other than the fact that I’m maybe a little tired because I just woke up 20 minutes ago to go see the sunrise with my friend.”
Callahan stumbled over his words for a second, immediately backtracking as Eddie sat speechless in the driver's seat.
“We were never at a party in Loch Nora. Eddie didn’t kidnap me. Neither of us are drunk or high. So I’m pretty sure this is an unlawful traffic stop officer,” you concluded.
Both officer Callahan and Eddie looked at you with dumbstruck expressions.
“What, it’s true. So unless you have another reason to have pulled us over, officer?” You asked. “Can we be on our way now?”
He cleared his throat and handed the license and registration back to Eddie.
“Must have seen another van outside the party. An easy mistake to make,” he replied. “Got yourself a smart girlfriend there, Munson. Don’t fuck it up like you usually do ok?”
Callahan did another “whoop whoop” before pulling away and heading back to town, but Eddie continued to sit stiffly, refusing to move.
“You ok?” You asked, putting a hand on his arm.
“I can’t…he didn’t…” Eddie stumbled over his words. “I’m not like that ok? I don’t…I don’t take advantage of girls at parties. Fuck. Please don’t think—”
“I didn’t,” you assured him.
“Callahan always has it in for me, man,” He explained. “I don’t even know what I did. Caught me smoking weed on school grounds with the guys one summer way back and it was like a permanent target was placed on my back.”
“Small town cops with a big ego,” you explained, knowing fully well how douchebags like that were. “And you’re the resident bad boy.”
“You gotta stop calling me that,” he groaned in, what you believed to be, embarrassment.
And it kept happening.
Whispers when you went out for pizza, eyes watching you at the grocery store with pity or disgust, you didn’t know for sure. The one time you both stopped in Montgomery Ward on lunch to get a new dress (and for Eddie not to spend his lunch alone) and the saleswoman kept hovering as though you were about to steal.
Well, not you. Eddie.
No one usually dared to say anything to your face but you could still hear it. “She hangs around that Munson boy. Ugh such a troublemaker. Poor girl. Someone should tell her. He’s a trickster, that one.”
And no, you knew it wasn’t everyone. Just the busybodies who didn’t know what they were talking about.
You’d usually roll your eyes and continue on with your day. You could take whatever was thrown your way—some people just sucked and they couldn’t keep their mouths shut—but you knew how it affected Eddie. You could see it when you were with him, how deflated he became.
Your friend, one of the best people you knew, regardless of your stupid crush on him. He became distant, shrunk like he wanted to take up less space in the world.
You just about had enough of it.
And it all came to a head one day, a week after you hired Chrissy Cunningham as a part-time associate.
Her mother dropped her off after Cheer camp one day and wanted to see the new store.
You had a pretty solid parent policy that you made known to your teenage associates, just as your old store manager did when she first hired you at 16. Parents could come in and visit, shop, sure. But they weren’t going to interfere with the business. No calling to complain if the schedules conflicted with family nights. No calling in sick on their kids behalf.
“If you’re old enough to take on the responsibility of a job, you’re taking all of the responsibilities, ok? Even the not so nice ones.”
Chrissy, just like the others, understood.
Chrissy’s mom, on the other hand, had a bit of a problem with that.
You were nice enough when they first got in, getting to hear how the whole family was so excited about her first job, how it would look great on college applications come Fall. Chrissy, of course, had told you all of this in her interview; she was a sweet kid who clearly was trying to take on a lot and once you met her mom, you understood where the pressure was coming from.
Your mom was like that too, in her own way. Picking and picking and picking.
“Oh actually,” Mrs Cunningham started and from her tone you knew it was just going to be the beginning of a whole to-do. “I was meaning to ask if Chrissy could change her schedule? I saw you had put her on Saturday afternoons. But there’s a junior cheer team at the park district that she helps coach and they have meets on the first Saturday of the month.”
The too-big, overly-whitened smile was an unspoken threat of “you’re going to give me what I want or else.”
You explained that weekends were a mandatory availability for your associates who were still in school, but it didn’t mean they would always be scheduled. You had already told Chrissy that you would give her the days of her meets off, if she let you know the dates at least 2 weeks in advance. It was only once a month, after all.
That smile fell, like it always did, when someone like Mrs. Cunningham, like your mother, like all the other Stepford-wife types in town, didn’t get their way.
She tried once again to explain, this was important to Chrissy and she could trade Saturdays for another day. Maybe Thursday afternoon? Only if she didn’t have too much homework, of course.
But there was no way to know that when you were writing the schedule two weeks out, you argued.
"Then I guess you'll just have to find a replacement for her shifts if she can't come in," Mrs. Cunningham argued.
“Ma’am, I leave the responsibility of schedule and availability to my associates when I hire them,” you explain. “Not their parents. You said you were excited for Chrissy to have a job. It’s only been a week. If she thinks she can handle Saturdays—or even if she doesn’t—I’ll leave it up to her. School hasn't even started yet; let's just give it some time before we try to make changes ok?”
And as one does when they feel attacked, she went after low hanging fruit.
“I wouldn’t expect you,” she sneered, “to know a whole lot about responsibility…or planning ahead for the future. You work in this little shop; it's not even a real job. I’ll bet you didn’t even go to college.
“And Chrissy said you’re friends with the Munson boy right? That he shows up sometimes to talk to you. He’s never known a day of responsibility in his life. He’s…he’s a drug dealer, a troublemaker—”
“Alright that’s it,” you interjected. “This is a place of business—my place of business—and we’re getting busy, so I will have to ask you to leave Mrs. Cunningham. Unless you want to stay for a piercing, I do have paying customers to tend to. I will discuss the schedule again with Chrissy. I promise.
“But for now, thanks for stopping by, it was so nice to meet you.”
“God she was such a bitch,” you complained as you watched Eddie throw cardboard boxes into the bailer.
This was typical for lunches spent together. You would both run trash down to the loading dock and complain about work while Eddie smoked—allowing you to luxuriate in his secondhand smoke for a little while—and then you would head to the food court to eat and just…spend time together.
Listen to music, talk about movies or books or whatever else came to mind.
This friendship was still new, there was plenty to talk about.
You kind of hoped there would always be something new to talk about. And that you two would be talking and having lunch together for a long time.
Best not get your hopes up though.
Currently, you were recounting the interaction with Mrs. Cunningham, purposefully leaving out the way she brought him into conversation.
What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Right?
“Poor Chrissy,” you sighed.
“Poor Chrissy?” Eddie scoffed. “Yeah, really sucks to be on top.”
“You know, she might be on top at school—”
“And her family might be rich, and she might live in a big house, and she might only need to work so it looks good on college applications. See where I’m going with this?”
“—but it sucks to have a parent constantly shitting on you. Even if they do it for ‘your benefit...'.”
“Why can’t you do anything right?”
“I stayed at home with you kids and this is the thanks I get?”
“I can’t make you respect this family. But don’t you have any self-respect?”
Maybe you were just projecting...
“Speaking of Queen Bee, here she comes now with her lover boy,” Eddie said, batting his eyelashes dramatically, and then he made a gagging noise. You were exiting the service corridors and spotted Chrissy, who had clocked out for the day, walking towards the food court with a very clean, athletic-looking blond boy.
“Now if you wanna talk about a bitch, look no further than Jason Carver.”
He proceeded to tell you all about how Jason and Jeff were neighbors, how they used to be friends as kids. How they stopped talking once Jason started up with sports, and he started picking on Jeff once he made varsity.
“He had some macho, roided up growth spurt last year, and that paired with the self-righteous bible thumping meant that Hellfire was an easy target. Those meathead jocks picked on us before, sure, but…I dunno, Jason is a whole other level of cruel. 
“And he doesn’t hesitate to beat up the younger kids, but if I’m around…well needless to say they’re a little scared of me, they don’t want to take a chance that I’ll put a curse on them or something.
“I’ll do whatever I need to, I’ll be their villain, if it means keeping those kids safe.” He rubbed the sleeve of his flannel against his nose and sniffled lightly. “But it’s not like there’s anything I can do aside from that. I have to just sit there and take it, let my friends take it, because if I don’t…if I don’t, then I become everything they say I am. Angry, dangerous, a menace, a criminal.”
“Eddie that’s terrible,” you grumbled, Chrissy’s mom and your own troubles forgotten. "You don't deserve to be picked on like that."
Eddie hummed in contemplation for a moment.
“Ok enough of them, do you want to share chili cheese fries?” He diverted. You hesitated, not wanting to drop the subject entirely, but also not wanting to push him. Eddie flashed you those big, pleading eyes, though, and you caved.
Asshole knew exactly what he was doing.
“Sure,” you smiled.
“And you’ll let me buy today,” he continued, holding his hand out before you could argue. “Because you feel bad for me you’re gonna let me do it.”
“What logic is that?!” You exclaimed. He giggled maniacally and motioned for you to find a table before he practically skipped to the line to order.
He was lucky that he was cute.
Chrissy approached you the next time she had a shift together; you were planning to pull her aside at the end of her shift to double check that she was sure about her availability and to go over the parent policy once again. It was kind of a relief that she took the initiative instead.
“I’m sorry about my mom,” she began timidly. “She shouldn't have come in here just to interfere. It's just that I do have a lot going on, and when I told her I wanted to work at the mall too...well, she just..."
"Chrissy, I understand," you interjected. "Really I do, you don't need to explain. I knew when I hired you that you had a lot on your plate."
"Thank you again, by the way."
"I just want to make sure that you're sure this is the right move. Do we need to look at your availability again?" you asked. "If your mom comes back to have this conversation again, I'm not going to stand for it. I need employees who are responsible for their own time."
"No I know..." she sighed. "I'll talk with her. I really do like working here."
"I like having you work here," you reassured her. "You're doing a really great job so far."
"R-really?" she smiled, eyes getting a little glossy. "Thank you. I'm trying. My mom...never seems to be happy with anything I do. If it's not what I do, it's how long it takes, and if it's not that, then it's how I look, and--" She was starting to breathe a little heavily and you sighed.
"Hey listen, I get it," you said gently. "Mom's...well, sometimes they can be the worst. They know exactly what buttons to push. And I don't want to sound insensitive because I want you to know you can talk to me any time, I'm here for you. But we are on the sales floor.
"I know your shift is almost over, if you want to take a few to go in back and settle down before you leave, you can," you encouraged her. It wasn't a busy day; you could afford to give her a few extra minutes to herself.
"You're sure?"
"Yeah, Mindy will be back from lunch in a few and I can come and grab you if I need you."
Chrissy gave you a watery smile and then headed back into the stockroom.
There were a few minutes of restocking bracelets before the shop bell rang as a new customer walked in.
"Hey! Welcome in!" You greeted brightly, mindlessly, before looking up to find Chrissy's boyfriend standing there. He smiled and nodded in greeting.
"Hey, I'm here to pick Chrissy up," he explained.
"You're a little early," you laughed, trying to be cordial despite Eddie's words about him echoing in your mind. "She's just in back finishing up. I'll let her know you're here."
"Nah, that's ok," Jason shrugged. "I wanted to talk to you really quick."
You frowned at him and narrowed your eyes.
"Boyfriends unfortunately don't qualify for the employee discount," you stated lightly, hoping that this was the only thing he had to ask. "So if you have a little sister or something--"
"No, it's about Eddie Munson," he continued. "You really need to stay away from him."
Yeah. That was exactly what you were afraid he would say.
Ugh, you were really getting tired of this.
And it wasn't just that you were sick of people meddling, it was this boy in particular who was really rubbing you the wrong way. Gossipy sales associates with jock boyfriends, useless troublesome cops, nosy housewives, and well-meaning grandmas were one thing.
But a high school boy who was still wearing a letterman jacket in July, with a too nice smile and the audacity to have a savior complex when he was the one tormenting other kids?
That was where you drew the line.
You just wondered if you were willing to lose your job because of him.
“I'm telling you this for your own good. The crowd he’s a part of…,” Jason leaned closer as though it was a secret. “They’re a bunch of wastoids, listening to that devil's music, trying to lure virgins into the woods to sacrifice. And if you want to sit with the right crowd at lunch when school starts--”
You barked a laugh at this, right in his face, and he backed away looking confused.
Ok, so this wasn't "lose your job" worthy.
You mentally pulled on both your Disappointed Older Sibling and Angry Store Manager pants to gear up for this fight.
"Ok kid, real talk," you started, clapping your hands like a coach would. "I'm not in the business of yelling at teenage boys. And as flattering as it is that you might think I'm still in high school, there is no way a teenager would be managing a store. So there's point number one. Number two, don't assume a lady's age ok? At all. In either direction. That's a life lesson I'm gonna give you for free.
"Number three, and not that this conversation isn't...just really lovely, I need to get a point across and I'm sincerely doubtful you're gonna listen to me anyway. I just need you to understand that...like, whoever is hanging out with who, or going where, or doing what, is generally none of your business. Especially your girlfriend's boss. It's really disappointing that a nice boy like you is gonna cause his girlfriend to lose her job because he can't mind his own business."
And that was the punctuation at the end of the sentence to make him look nervous and a little sweaty.
You felt a little bad saying it, because no, you weren't going to fire Chrissy because of this dumb boy. But hopefully this would be a lesson learned.
"E-e-eddie was hanging around Chrissy the other day," he stuttered, looking extremely out of his element. Never been the person who had to face consequences before; you knew the type. "I saw him in here when I came to pick her up. She said...you were his friend and he was just waiting for you."
"I'm sure he was waiting for me."
"He always had crushes on the cheerleaders," he explained. "He was sniffing around this girl Julie a few years ago and she found out he was into this satanic stuff...I figured either you or Chrissy were next..."
"Oh buddy," you sighed. "And you figured if you came in here and told me not to hang around him, I would be spared...and Chrissy would be too?"
"See? You get it."
"Except that's really not how things work in real life or at a shopping mall, kid," you said. "Everyone is allowed to go wherever they want and talk to whoever they want. And I, as one of the managers in this building, am able to assess what is a danger to myself and my employees and Eddie certainly isn't one of them. Except for his corny jokes, he is harmless.
"You on the other hand," you continued, savoring the moment Jason's eyes got a little wider. "Approached me with a very distinct and threatening energy. So unless you want me to call mall security and make sure you are no longer allowed on the premises, I will need you to...re-evaluate your tone of voice and your intention of visiting.
"So, what was your name again?"
"J-Jason Carver, ma'am."
Ew. Ma'am. Ok you weren't that old. But you could deal with it.
"Jason Carver," your tone changed immediately, back to the sickening Store Manager voice you defaulted to on a regular basis. Eddie had called it unsettling before, to hear you go from your regular tone of voice to that. Jason's eye twitched and you grinned maniacally. "It's so nice to meet you. Chrissy was telling everyone it's your anniversary coming up?"
His eyes shifted slightly, and he laughed nervously.
"Ye-yes ma'am," he agreed.
"And what are you planning to get her as a gift?" you asked. He froze again. Ok, no gift; Chrissy definitely deserved better than that. "I think a necklace would be really lovely. Not from here, I can see you looking at the jewelry wall. But there's a really nice jewelry store downstairs that has birthstone pendants and stuff. I think she would really love something from there."
"I-I think that's a great idea," he nodded vigorously.
The door to the stockroom opened and Chrissy walked out with her bag in hand, ready for you to check it.
"Ok, I'm all set to go then, thank you so much for--Jason!" Chrissy smiled when she saw her boyfriend. "I thought you were going to wait for me downstairs."
He cleared his throat and composed himself.
"Figured I would come up and surprise you," he grinned smoothly. "Met your boss, she's...really cool, just like you said."
Nice save.
Ok maybe he wasn't as stupid as you originally thought.
Chrissy waved goodbye as they left, and Jason had the right sense to keep his mouth shut.
You waited outside Tape World as the mall started to slow down and get dark. There was a little coin-operated horse right outside of the store and you leaned against it and wondered, if it was a real horse, how fast it could take you and Eddie out of this shit hole of a town, away from all of the people who said horrible things.
You had nothing to complain about though. Eddie had to deal with it for years. He did so much to protect his friends...all you wanted to do was to protect him too.
The gate opened up and Eddie ducked underneath, grinning at you once it was locked and he was upright once again. He muttered a quick goodbye to the associate who closed with him before he approached you.
"Hey, it's only Thursday," he laughed. "Did I forget we had plans? I thought you opened."
"No, I was a mid," you shrugged. "But I stayed because..."
Should you tell him? You didn't want to upset him, or have him pull away from you, like he always did whenever talk of his reputation around town was mentioned. You wanted your silly, carefree, wonderful best friend not to have to suffer because of narrow minded people anymore.
"Beeeccaauuuuseee." He hums for a moment. "Because you knew that I was planning a Little Debbie taste test for Sunday and that all of the snacks were in the van right now?"
"What?" you laughed. "Oh my God."
"You said you were more of a Hostess person. I am trying to change your allegiance to the Dark Side of the Force." He stood taller, theatrically trying to mimic Darth Vader. "What better way than with a joint or two and a shit ton of snack cakes at the lake."
"What? Don't tell me you have never smoked before," he said in mock offense. "What rock have you been living under? I'm going to have to call your parents, young lady. They did too good a job raising you."
You stared at him for a minute as he laughed and you couldn't help yourself; you quickly closed the distance between the two of you and wrapped your arms around his waist. He went stiff for a second before placing one of his arms around your shoulders and his other hand on the back of your head.
"What's wrong?" he asked quietly. "I mean, I know I did good with the Little Debbie, but you don't have to smoke if you don't want to. I was just kidding."
"No, it's not..." you sighed.
Hugging Eddie was nothing like hugging a girl friend--all squeezes and giggles over something silly and stupid--or hugging a relative--stiff and a little cold, your family not really ones for outward affection to begin with. He was just the right hug shape, his arms at the right height, the right length to wrap around you. His cheek at the right height to rest on the top of your head if he really wanted to (which you really hoped he did). His stupid waist that was perfect for you to wrap your arms around and soft enough that you could squeeze a little bit and he would actually give instead of just stiff and there.
An Eddie Hug was a perfect hug.
And hopefully your hug was perfect for him too, so that it wouldn't hurt him or scare him away as you told him...
"You remember last week?" you began. "You said Jason Carver is the biggest bitch I'd ever meet?"
"Y-yeah," he replied hesitantly, getting a little stiff in your arms, but he did nothing to pull away from you.
"Well, I met him and he is," you continued.
"What did he do?" Eddie asked, irritation evident in his voice. "If...if he did something, said something to you, I swear to God I--"
"I handled it," you cut him off. "He tried to scare me away from you. He said...well, it doesn't matter does it?"
"I'm sure it's what everyone says about me."
"And I told him he could get fucked," you said.
"What?!" Eddie finally pushed you away from him, hands gripping your arms tightly, as he laughed. "No you didn't."
"No I didn't," you shook your head. "But I might as well have. I think I scared him."
"Did you do the creepy voice?" he asked.
"Yeah," you giggled.
"I fucking hate that," he shivered.
"One day, Eddie Munson, you will answer the phone with a 'y'ello' and you will forever be turned to the Dark Side too," you mimicked his Darth Vader impression. "Just you wait and see."
"Never, I would sooner die!" He threw an arm across his eyes dramatically and turned away from you. After a moment had passed, he stood up straight again, hands fidgeting at his sides. "So, uh, are we cool?"
"Why wouldn't we be?"
"Because everyone tells you to stay away from me," he shrugged. "That I'm no good. That I'm a freak. I've been hearing it all my life. But I don't think I could stand it if I heard it from you too."
"Eddie," you started, worrying at your lip for a second. "I know how soul crushing it is to constantly have to hear how bad you are, how you're never gonna live up to whatever expectations others have of you. But listen to me, and listen good: you are absolutely wonderful.
"A wonderful neighbor, a wonderful coworker, a wonderful friend. Who cares what other people think about you; who cares, even...what I think about you?"
"I care," he shrugged.
"But it doesn't matter how many people tell me that you're bad, I'm never gonna think that about you ok? You're so many things but you're also just...good. Ok?"
"Ok," he nodded, eyes getting progressively more watery by the second.
"And don't you start with the self-deprecating shit around me anymore either," you weakly swatted at his shoulder and his torso, and he laughed. "I can't take it. Only one of us can be a miserable piece of shit, and I'm older, so I have dibs."
"You're not a miserable piece of shit," he chuckled. "You're wonderful too."
"No more of this...sad sackery then? From either of us?" you asked and held out a pinky to him. "You can't break a pinky swear."
Eddie wrapped his pinky around yours tightly.
"No more. Upon punishment of death."
Next Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.04
Tag List (can I call you guys the Sales Associates? OMG, that's what it's gonna be): @gaysludge @storiesbyrhi @tayhar811 @spookybabey @word-wytchh @maidenofartemis @dreamlandcreations @wickedbelle
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! I'm sure I missed some tag requests, but I have been out of town with shoddy internet access so blame that, not me.
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catindabag · 6 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (60)
*That dreaded PTA meeting* Read [this] & [this] first.
Prof.Sickle: Welcome, welcome, dear parents to our annual PTA meeting-
Nero: *barks*
Prof.Sickle: Ms. Price, please tell your dog-
Persephone: He’s a werewolf.
Prof.Sickle: Right. Please tell your “werewolf” to stop barking when I’m speaking-
Nero: *barks again*
Persephone: Sorry, Professor. My poor daddy’s just nervous.
Nero: *howls*
Persephone: And hungry.
Drunk!Casca: *sees Nero Price howling like a madman* Shoo, you pesky mutt! No rabid dogs allowed in my prestigious school!
Nero: *growls at Casca*
Persephone: Sir, I wouldn’t say that if I were you. You do know that my father bites, right?☺️
Drunk!Casca: Are you threatening the amazing Dean of this school, little girl?!
Persephone: Do you want to be the next ✨Maid Stew✨?☺️
Drunk!Casca: Go away, you canniba-
Coryo: Sir, please calm down-
Drunk!Casca: Crassus, you’re here?!
Coryo: I’m Coriolanus.
Drunk!Casca: My Snow Angel, my love, crazy Nero Price and his evil spawn are bullying me again!😭
Strabo: Lol. This is why my dearest Crassus Snow chose me instead of marrying a loser like you, Cassy~.
Drunk!Casca: Shut up, you boyfriend stealing Plinth!
Strabo: Jealous?😏
Drunk!Casca: F*ck you and your guns! I was my Snow Angel’s favorite lover, you scum!
Strabo: That’s a lie. I was my Snow Bae’s favorite lover~.
Coryo: Here we go again.😞
Hilarius: Cool. I’m recording this.
Drunk!Casca: Go die in a ditch, you stupid rock hugger!
Strabo: Are you gonna cry, Cassy~?
Drunk!Casca: You eat sh*tty rocks for breakfast!
Strabo: Says the one who can’t even hold a drink to save his sh*tty reputation!
Drunk!Casca: You’re the one with the sh*tty reputation!
Strabo: You’re just jealous that my dear Snow Bae said that I was always better in bed than you!
Drunk!Casca: You lie! I’m the better TOP!
Strabo: No, I’m the superior TOP, you fool!
Drunk!Casca: Your blood money can’t even fix your family’s terrible fashion sense!
Strabo: You’re just a bitter old man who can’t tie his own laces!
Drunk!Casca: That doesn’t even make sense! You’re older than me!
Strabo: That’s great! That’s good news! My dear Crassus likes to date older District men like me anyway!
Drunk!Casca: That’s fake news! My Snow Angel only dates successful Capitol men like me!
Strabo: Keep swimming in denial, Cassy~!
Drunk!Casca: You’re just f*ckin’ jealous that my lovely Crassus lost his precious virginity to me!!
Pres.Ravinstill: That’s kinda hot.
Coryo: FML. Now I have to bleach my ears.😔
Strabo: Clearly, that was my darling’s biggest mistake!
Drunk!Casca: That was a blessing in disguise, you fool!
Prof.Sickle: Will the both of you shut the f*ck up already?!
Drunk!Casca: But-
Prof.Sickle: There are children present, Cassy!
Drunk!Casca: What children?
Hilarius: Me! I’m baby.
Apollo: I’m also baby.
Felix: I thought I was baby?
Pres.Ravinstill: That’s incorrect. We all know that I’m baby.
Prof.Sickle: Sir, shouldn’t you be in the Presidential Palace busy ruling and running this love forsaken country?
Pres.Ravinstill: Well, Sickle, shouldn’t you be holding a PTA meeting right now?
Gaius: Sick burn, bro!
Vipsania: Wow. He really just said that.
Coryo: And in front of us.
Androcles: Your crazy granduncle is really brave, Class Pres.
Felix: I just hope he won’t be thrown out the window.😑
Pres.Ravinstill: Hey, Sickle, do you want me to apply cold water to that burn-
Prof.Sickle: Get out.
Pres.Ravinstill: No. I’m staying right here-
Prof.Sickle: I don’t care if you’re the f*ckin’ President! Get the f*ck out, you dinosaur!
Pres.Ravinstill: Not listening~!
Prof.Sickle: I’m calling the Peacekeepers-
Pres.Ravinstill: Is it a sin for a poor old man like me to have a one day off from work?!
Prof.Sickle: Sir-
Pres.Ravinstill: I want a break too, Sickle!😭
Felix: Gran Gran, you’re always on break.
Coryo: So who’s running the country right now, Class Pres?
Felix: I thought you knew, Coryo.
Coryo: Knew what?
Felix: That my crazy granduncle’s 2 dozen Bichon Frisé puppies are the ones ruling our poor nation.
Festus: Well, that explains why our country is going to the dogs-
Coryo: Literal dogs-
Felix: Puppies, Coryo. Puppies are running this country.
Coryo: Well, that checks out.
Festus: At least they’re cute.
Clemensia: Then who’s the Capitol Mayor?
Felix: Boa Bell the Cat.
Clemensia: Our Mayor’s a cat?!
Juno: To be fair, Clemmie, we all voted for Mr. Bell’s cat to win-
Dennis: As a joke, Phipps.
Juno: But here we are, Fling.
Apollo: With no regrets!
Diana: Best Bell Boa Bell~!🥳
Mrs.Anderson: Andie, they do know that my camera crew is live-streaming this meeting, right?
Androcles: Mom, please stop embarrassing me.
Mrs.Anderson: 50 bucks~.😏
Androcles: Not enough~.
Sejanus: Hey, Babe, want some garlic flavored popcorn?
Coryo: Sure, Babe.
Festus: Yo, Sej, pass me a bag too!
Sejanus: Here, catch!
Festus: Thanks, bestie.
Prof.Sickle: Now, where were we?
Clemensia: PTA meeting.
Prof.Sickle: Oh, yeah.😞 So. . .
Mrs.Cardew: Just tell us what we want to hear, Sickle.🙄
Prof.Sickle: Mrs. Card-
Mrs.Cardew: It’s ✨Mama Cardew✨ to you.💅
Prof.Sickle: Ugh. Why did I even take this stupid job?😩
Domitia: Professor?
Prof.Sickle: Yes, Domitia?
Domitia: Can I feed my emotional support cow outside?
Prof.Sickle: Where’s your father?
Domitia: The cow-
Prof.Sickle: Please, Tia, don’t tell me that you forgot to inform your old man again-
Domitia: My dear papa is currently busy swimming with the chickens again, Professor.
Prof.Sickle: *sighs* That fake farmer wannabe accidentally locked himself in the chicken coops again?
Domitia: Yeah.😞
Mr.Heavensbee: *is wearing a stupid disguise* Cool. What happened next?
Prof.Sickle: Who are you?
Mr.Heavensbee: I- I’m Hilari’s favorite uncle.😀
Prof.Sickle: But Hilarius doesn’t have an uncle.
Mr.Heavenbee: I’m twice removed.
Prof.Sickle: Mr. Heavensbee-
Mr.Heavensbee: Who’s Mr. Heavensbee? I’m not Mr. Heavensbee-
Prof.Sickle: *points at the poor bastard* Who the heck invited this skirt stealing creep inside my school?!
Drunk!Casca: This is my school!
Prof.Sickle: Shut up, Cassy!
Mr.Heavensbee: Hilarius-
Hilarius: It wasn’t me!
Mr.Heavensbee: Coryo-
Coryo: Heck, no! Get away from me, you creep!
Mr.Heavensbee: Felix-
Felix: I’m calling the National Security!
Mr.Heavensbee: Clemmie-
Clemensia: Ew! Don’t call me that!
Mr.Heavensbee: I just wanted to take some cute photos!😭
Felix: and flip our f*ckin’ skirts!
Mr.Heavensbee: That’s right!😀
Coryo: Go burn and die, you perv!
Mr.Heavensbee: But I brought candy!
Sejanus: Get away from my Coryo!!
Felix: *is now on the phone* Hello? Is this the National Security?!
Coryo: *takes the phone from Felix* Mr. Heavensbee from the House of The Queen Bee is currently committing a heinous war crime in front of the President’s favorite children!
Mr.Heavensbee: Bringing candy is not a war crime!😭
Hilarius: I’m telling mother!
Mr.Heavensbee: No! Don’t tell that she-beast!
Hilarius: I’m so telling mother right now!
Mrs.Anderson: Yassss~!! Keep fighting, you guys~!
Androcles: Mom!!😫
Mrs.Anderson: Andie, stop acting like a little fool! Your dear mama’s viewership ratings are up in the sky right now!🥳
Prof.Sickle: I’m so gonna quit next year. I’m so gonna quit next year. I’m so gonna quit-
Mrs.Monty: *suddenly walks in* Hi, besties!
Palmyra: Mama?🥹
Mrs.Monty: I brought pies-
Florus: Nope. Not today, you witch! *jumps out the window*
Prof.Sickle: Mr. Friend!!
Florus: *broke a leg but is still alive* Those evil pies can’t catch me now!
Clemensia: I’ll call the medics.😔
Tigris: So. . . How’s life?
Prof.Sickle: This meeting is over.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Hi!!! Okay girl, this is realll random but there's something that's been rotating in my mind and Ms. Rosehearts was stressing me out fr so I was like WAIT BUT HOW BOUT THE OTHER COOLER NICER MOMS and I think you'd enjoy the situational chaos so
Hear me out
The moms have a book club.
But it's really just a front for the REAL Yuu protection squad and also gossiping about their children LMAO.
I really love twisted wonderland mothers! They all sound like strong, compelling individuals (save for some Ms. Rosehearts PLS sit down maam😭😭😭)! Like, Mrs. business -woman-married-her-divorce-lawyer-owner-of-the-best-resturant-of-the-seas-girlboss Ashengrotto????? Ms. loving-caring-badass-single-mother-i-care-deeply-about-my-son-and-he-knows-and-loves-me-back-so-much-so-that-he-constantly-strives-to-be-a-better-person Spade???? Mrs. breaking-social-social-norms-marrying-the-man-i-love-probably-been-in-a-war-or-at-least-had-cool-sword-training-the-CROCODILE-FAE-HERSELF Zigvolt????? I like to think that over multiple breaks/events Yuu tags along with one (some?) of the boys and mom/grandma/aunt/whateverlmao just, just loves this kid and is like aw hi hon nice to meet you is my son being troublesome at school?😊💕💕💕 i hope not😇😇😇 and
ur alone??? w/o any resources or connections??? being taken advantage of by a scheming, fugly crow??? (and if it's Ms. Yuu, BBY UR A MAGICLESS GIRL IN A PRESTIGIOUS ALL BOYS MAGIC ACADEMY???) basically queen Asha but then add in mom authority and multiple mothers lmao
Like, there's a PTA meeting or a parents week lmao and Ms. Leech, Ashengrotto, Zigvolt, Spade AND YOU KNOW WHAT. EPELS GRANDMA, MAMA LILITH, AND QUEEN ASHA TOO BC SLAY MALLEUS' GRANDMA TOO???? etc... come over to check up on the prefect and they're all like
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Thus begins the OP Yuu protection squad and they use a Mom's book club as a front (maybe they were a book club at first anyway???? Lmao idk logistics) and its just like
Mrs. Ashengrotto: Heyyyy bby, do you need a job over breakkk aha cool bc the restaurant has an opening and OOP oh no! the ice cream machine is broken :(((( looks like you can't do your job :((( oh, sweetie don't worry about your paycheck it wasn't your fault you'll still get paid, aw, these ice cream machines really need to break less :((( sighhhh, it's okay love, anyway do you wanna go shopping with me???
Azul: AHA! You're now indebted to me and owe me all your robux AND a lifetime of indentured servitude whhhAT ARE YOU DOING
Power. Yuu'd be the most powerful person on campus. Think of the baby photos. The childhood stories. THE BABY PHOTOS. Meanwhile they'd also be getting advice from this circle of wise, beautiful women who also can give the smack down on any poor teenage boy that breathes incorrectly in Yuu's direction. I also think this could be absolutely incredible for a Ms. Yuu, who would suddenly have female connections all around twisted wonderland after being deprived for so long. Maybe free period stuff. A heating pad. Handmade dresses instead of our sad, overworn uniform bc we literally dont have any other clothes😭😭😭 Like, just,,,, female advice about survival in this new world while maybe also having tea, in depth discussions about literature, and teasing their boys. A comfy circle occasionally held in ramshackle dorm about art and gossip and caring for a kid who hasn't been cared for in a long time
Ms. Spade: So ladies, what's the schedule over spring break?
Queen Asha: I will have them assist me in court for the final two weeks. I belive that perhaps Zigvolt...?
Mrs. Zigvolt: Yuu inquired about dental practices in magically structured locals such as Briar Valley. My family will take them in during the first weekend of break.
Yuu can be in the bookclub too. Just to rant and snitch about their classmates. Bestie deserves it. There can be a group chat. Love it. And if this ever takes a romantic direction...
Mrs. Leech: You know, Yuu would make such a fantasic in-law.🤭😇😊😊😆💕🌸🌸💕🥺🙂
Queen Asha: Indeed.
Queen Asha Internally: leonagetyourSHITtogetherleonaliterallyplsleonailovethemsomuchboymovebeforeimoveFORyouomlLEONA-
Like, Mrs. Leech and Ashengrotto would totally tag team this bc theyre besties and if one of their sons wins they both win meanwhile someone like Mrs. Shroud (maybe? Idk how to feel about the Shroud parents LMAO) would be loosing her MIND
And speaking of
Yuu: GUYS.
Yuu: omf-
Najma: what
Yuu: You will not believe the SHIT your brothers pulled today istg---
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Yuu: its the second time this week
Najma: PLS
Sebek's Sister: babe it's literally tuesday????💀😭😭😭😭
Yuu: save. me.
Najma: no <3
Sebek's Sister: how are you still alive
girls Yuu's age ready to make fun of their brothers at any given moment???? yes??? hello??? the rants??? the insults??? the hilarity??? the 3am memes??? sign me up. Najma is literally RIGHT THERE and she's only had less than one chapter of sceen time total and i would still die for her
Yay women. At this point I honestly dont care about the boys just let me be besties with their moms and sisters and we can get starbucks or sth
Yay women.
Lmao thats it thanks for all you write for us its appreciated love ur humor thank you for reading this far hope all is well in life byeeee <3333
You're right, I love everything about this. 🥰
There is just just much potential to unfold here. With exception of event characters like Granny Felmeir and Najma, all female characters are all off screen. So we kind of have to fill in the blanks of who these women and how they act, and that is where the fun comes in.
Especially for a Miss Yuu, because by default the whole situation raises many questions and concerns that all the mama bears come out. Yuu gets more care packages than their sons. "What do you mean why am I sending her things? You have everything you need and she has nothing. Now be sure to ask if she liked the cookies I sent." Yuu went from barely scraping by to being in want of nothing in just a few months.
We all know Asha, we all know Lilith. I just know Deuces mom is so nice and offers to have her over for breaks if she ever needs it. "Does she have any family? No? Invite her for the holidays right now!" Or Sebeks mom, I like to headcanon that Mrs. Zigvolt is more or less twisted from Fauna, so she is the sweetest lady alive. Her children are her everything and she cannot stand the thought of Yuu being all alone. She will not stand for it.
Mama Ashengrotto and Mama Leech are instigating each other, I just know it. They both like Yuu and love having her around. Theyre going to set up some Kiss the girl type scenes for their sons and hope it works. If Azul or the Tweels win they both win.
I feel like they all have a friendly competition to see whose son Yuu ends up liking. The race to be her mother in law if you will.
Mama Ashengrotto: What's that land saying? We all have a horse in this race.
Queen Asha, thinking about Leonas shitty love letters: I think my horse is broken.
Meanwhile Yuu is having a blast with the sisters. Having everyones mom around means having their sisters pop in, and Najma and Sebeks sisters are pretty much the closest in age to her and are fun to hang out with. They want all the info on wtf their brothers are doing and laughing at all the phots of their fuck ups.
Anyway Yuu needs more female friends.
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dreamyfanfix · 11 months
Chapter 2: It Shouldn't Hurt
Past (2 Years Ago):
Anthony had to admit it. That was the most eventful PTA meeting of all time. After Kate sat down, Portia proceeded to give out more information about the new processes that would be implemented, at Mayfair Girls, at the beginning of the term.
First: The school was going to adjust its classes to meet the standards of their new entries. The classes would now be separated by grade average which meant those who excelled would be able to take AP classes and kids who struggled would be with teachers who were known for explaining better and getting concepts across to struggling kids. Parents were not happy with this but Anthony could see some nodding teachers. The idea that kids would feel less than others was a fear but it became clear that this was also being done by subject as many kids only struggled in one area and the school wanted to make sure the students were well-rounded when they graduated.  Anthony, surprisingly, had no problems with this. His sister Francesca had spent so long ignoring some of her subjects that she was behind and catching up was taking up more time than just plain old studying.
Second: All extracurriculars would have reentry tryouts. This one caused the biggest stir in the room as many of the parents in the room bonded over their daughters' mutual extracurriculars.  Anthony, again, was actually happy about this. Eloise had been working on her social skills through the break and he hoped that she could have a retry into Debate, Public Speaking and Academic Decathlon.
Third: The school was adding mandatory 'Social Impact' lessons. These lessons funded by a Social Worker most of the time, would be lessons the girls would need in learning about those less fortunate or about social issues of the world. The girls would be volunteering at different organisations for increasing their awareness of social issues again emphasising the need for well-rounded graduates. Anthony thought all the eyes in the room were gonna pop out of their head at the implication of this new lesson plan. Everyone looked surprised, everyone except, Anthony noted, Kate. She sat there with a smug look on her face and Anthony couldn't help but smile, she was enjoying this. 
Just then Kate's eyes found his and Anthony felt locked in place by her gaze. He nodded his head in greeting but Kate scowled and immediately went back to listening to Portia.
As parents & teachers dwindled out the door when the meeting ended. Anthony watched as some parents came up to Kate to speak to her. Some of them were congratulatory and offered thanks, others just seemed like they were curious. Kate seemed to handle it all in stride so Anthony hung back, waiting for his turn.
"Quite the entrance there Miss Sharma," Anthony remarked as he walked up to her, Anthony noticed Tom by her side and shook his hand "I'm going to take a guess that this is the lovely girlfriend you were talking about earlier Tom?"
Tom smiled oblivious to Anthony's ogling of Kate "Yes this is her. Is she not amazing?"
"Quite. It seems I am destined to learn that on multiple occasions," Anthony said looking at her properly now.
"Well Lord Bridgerton, how do you feel about the changes to the school mandates?" Kate asked with a quirked brow before Tom could pick up on Anthony's meaning.
"Oh I love them," Anthony said and both Tom and Kate's eyes widened. Anthony smiled "Yeah I think these new processes will help all of our girls including your...?"
"Sister," Tom supplied.
"I think these new processes will help all of our girls, including your sister, be more well-rounded," he looked at her in a challenge.
"Is that so? Cause here I thought you would loathe these changes. I thought people like me and all the parents here today, who took buses and trains to get here should stick to our own schools?" Kate asked sourly.
Anthony's breathing hitched "You weren't supposed to hear that,"
"Why? How could I miss the opportunity for you to proclaim to the entire room how people like my sister have no business schooling with people like your sisters?" she said
"You don't understand-"
"Oh I actually think I do understand Lord Bridgerton," Kate said as she got closer to him, he suspected that Kate being quite tall herself could often intimidate men shorter than her but they were both around about the same height so all it did was bring her face closer to his and Anthony got a whiff of her "You see it seems it is not just the school that has gotten out of touch, it seems the parents and teachers need to start working to meet the standards set by hardworking children like my sister,"
Anthony had to shake his head to get the scent of her out of his mind "If this school is so below your standards, why put in such an effort to get your sister in here?"
"That's what I asked," Tom spoke for the first time in what seemed like forever.
Kate shot him a glare and Anthony felt smug before she spoke "Because a child of excellent schooling history in a fair world would get their pick of schools and that's how things should be," Kate gestured around her "Maybe if the underperforming rich kids and their parents had any self-respect or care for others they would step aside and let those with real goals and ambitions take the lead then the school wouldn't have to lower its standards to meet them,"
"That's a lot of big talk coming from someone whose sister will be enjoying the premium quality of a private school funded by endowments, private donations and exorbitant school fees that I'm sure she is not going to be contributing to,"
"I'm talking big? You literally all buddy-buddy with the Featheringtons as if, despite being in the peerage like yourself, they too are on financial aid," Anthony hesitated, he didn't know that but Kate continued "But I guess a handout isn't called a handout when you have a title,"
Anthony was really frustrated now "Look what does it matter now anyway? Your sister is attending, and the school is changing their mandates. You won,"
"I won I know that much. I'm very good at it if you can recall but I do not like being made to feel like a pariah because I stood up for my sister and did everything I could to get her the best education," Kate was now so close every breath he took he was inhaling her maddeningly distracting scent.
"So I'm supposed to feel bad because I too did all I could for my sisters?" Anthony asked.
"Okay guys you both are good siblings, might want to take a break?" Tom interjected.
It was only then that Anthony noticed that almost everyone had left the room at that point. He looked at his watch and shit, he was late.
On the car ride over to work, Anthony could not help but think about the similarities between him and Kate Sharma. She too was a protective sibling and she clearly loved herself an argument. Despite it all Anthony finally felt like he got a glimpse into who she was and he was curious to know more.
That being said Anthony knew he might have to table those thoughts because she was seeing someone and she clearly disliked him. Despite the intensity of their exchange, Anthony thought staying clear of Kate was a good bet, the idea that they would be at each other's throats for the next few years sounded exhausting and yet compelling but also Anthony felt like getting involved with her would bring up too much introspection about the life he had been living and he was not ready to deal with all of that just yet.
Yeah, he was going to stay far away from Kate Sharma.
4 months went by and Mayfair Girls was putting on a recital for performing arts. Select excelling students, like Edwina, had been training for this moment for 2 months. This recital was significant, Edwina had done ballet performances since she had been at Mayfair Girls but this was the first time that a school-wide performance was being put on, especially when she had only been at the school a few short months. Even though Kate felt like Edwina had more than proved she belonged at this school, Edwina felt like this was the first time she could actually shine and Kate was nervous for her sister.
Kate had taken an active role in the school since Edwina's entrance and things had gone relatively smoothly. She did often bump into other parents who were still hostile about the circumstances of their children, things did get a bit tense when the school began to rescind admissions for some students.
The Carrigan twins were the first to go, Vince Carrigan was a prolific alcohol distributor in the country and was thinking of running a campaign for a labour slot. He was not happy when his daughters had to leave the school many thought he would sue but he did not have the grounds so others thought he would use his government connections in the future to change the rules unfortunately, it never got that far. The Carrigans were out and Vince Carrigan was arrested for fraud 2 months after that.
Next to go was Prudence Featherington, this caused quite a bit of gossip because Portia was the head of the PTA.
Up to 5 girls per grade were removed from the school and Kate thought the PTA or someone else would do something to change it but apparently, the shame of not meeting the standards of Mayfair Girls was enough to satiate any possible retaliation from parents. Portia on the other hand was less than friendly whenever she bumped into Kate. Although Kate loved to remind Portia that they were both in the same boat financially so her nose need not be so high in the air. At least Penelope was still at school, she seemed like a smart girl.
None of the girls who left the school were Bridgertons and Kate was finally secure enough to admit that she was relieved. She didn't even believe that Anthony had anything to do with Eloise and Francesca's growing performance despite what she would say in arguments with him.
She doesn't even who starts them anymore. All she knows is that they would get in a room together, eye each other intensely, fake pleasantries and then argue over things. They argued over parking spaces, school uniform, his dating life and her dating life. Anthony loved remarking on her relationship with Tom. Kate hated it. Maybe she did not love Tom but she did not like that despite calling him an old friend, Anthony would mock him. It was not something she liked to see or hear from him. She often wondered if he was jealous but decided against analysing that too much because she was supposed to be staying away from Anthony.
Only they couldn't stay away from each other it seems. Anthony's best friend it turns out: Simon. She remembers when she went with him as his date to an event and was stuck in the middle of their reminiscing of old party days. Kate got quite a bit of insight into how much of a player Anthony was, I mean Simon was too but she knew that. Anthony visibly blushed when Simon brought up the open relationship debacle with Siena. Apparently, despite his being shared, Anthony was not one to share. Kate rolled her eyes at the nerve of it all.
Kate hated herself a bit for wanting to know more. When she and Anthony ended up at the bar by themselves Anthony slid a cosmopolitan in her direction and Kate took it gratefully. 
She asked if Siena was a sore spot and he blushed again and said it was complicated. Kate couldn't help herself she asked him if he was still in love with her, and she gazed at her drink the whole time.
Anthony laughed at the question and said "No. I used to think I was but lately, I've been feeling this pull to someone else that can only be attributed to deep devotion. It was never like this with Siena,"
Kate's breathing hitched, she tried to think of people she had heard or seen with Anthony and was drawing a blank. When Kate was with Anthony he tended to be singularly focused on her even if other people were chatting with them. It was exhilarating and dangerous. "Does she know?" Kate asked.
"I thought she would figure it out. I am not exactly being discreet, in fact, my siblings have called me out on it a bunch of times," Anthony said and Kate could feel his eyes on her.
Kate lost the battle she was having with her self-control and looked up at him. Anthony was now gazing at the dancefloor where Anthony's brother, Benedict, was dancing with his boyfriend Henry, in a sweet embrace.
Kate sighed and said "Well I doubt a guy with a title and a pleasing smile would have a tough time getting the woman he adores,"
Anthony looked at her with a giant smile on his face "You find my smile pleasing?"
Kate sighed "Despite being a man who thinks way too highly of himself, I cannot tell a lie,"
"So that is a yes?" Anthony asked inching closer to her.
Kate nodded and giggled at his giant puppy eyes gazing at her "Yes," and then her phone vibrated and Kate saw the message on her smartwatch. It was Tom.
"Don't worry Kate. I won't tell your boyfriend that you pine for me," Anthony said as he made his way away from the bar, from her.
"That's not what I said," Kate said walking after him.
They bickered the rest of the night and Kate felt like crap when she returned home to multiple missed messages from Tom.
Kate snapped herself back into the present and walked into the rented theatre backstage. She had gotten there early and secured a family pass for her and Mary, Kate wanted to wish Edwina good luck before the show started.
I guess Kate was not the only one who had that idea because a couple of parents lingered around backstage helping their girls get ready to perform.
Kate spotted her sister "Edwina,"
"Kate! Over here," Edwina said directing her towards one of the dressing rooms. It seemed Edwina was sharing with Francesca Bridgerton. Kate had reconciled months ago about Edwina's going friendship with Eloise Bridgerton. Both of them were incredible readers and Kate had more than once caught them asleep in the living room, books in hand.
"Hey, you nervous?" Kate asked
"Yes and no. I know I am a good dancer but everyone has bad days, I'm just hoping this isn't one of them," Edwina sighed.
"Bon, you are heads and shoulders above all the other dancers even on your worst days," Kate said hugging Edwina tightly.
"Even during December of last year?" Edwina asked.
Kate visibly shivered "Even then,"
Edwina looked at her, through the dressing room mirror, with scepticism but didn't say anything further.
"Do you need anything before you put on makeup? Water or snacks?" Kate asked.
"No, but you can keep me company for the next hour. Though you are going to have to leave and get to your seat cause you know how mom is terrible at finding her seating,"
Kate nodded, Mary was always losing her place or forgetting her row even when they went to the movie theatre.
A little while later Francesca came in with her makeup done, she was with her older sister Daphne and Anthony. In a lot of ways, Francesca looked like she could be both Daphne and Anthony's child because she looked like a mixture of them both.
The conversation in the dressing room was lively. Kate noted how Francesca was not much of a talker but she got her quips in now again. Apparently, due to the two-per-family rule, Anthony and Daphne had to wrestle with their mother for tickets. Luckily or unlucky their youngest sister, Hyacinth, started vomiting and their mother stayed behind relinquishing her ticket to Daphne.
They talked some more before Daphne said to Kate and Anthony "Why don't you two make your way out and find your seats? I can help the girls finish their makeup,"
Anthony gave Daphne a look she could not decipher and then got up, Kate did too, Mary would be here soon anyway. Kate gave Edwina a light kiss on the cheek and Anthony gave Francesca a kiss on the top of her head. The gesture was sweet it made Kate's heart constrict.
Anthony then led Kate out of the room and down the hallway.
It was quiet while they walked for a bit until Kate finally asked "Hey, did you ever get around to telling your beloved about your feelings,"
Anthony sighed, they were in the seating area now and it was still empty "No, I haven't. There's no point. She's seeing someone,"
Kate’s heart quickened as she realised his implication “Anthony be serious,”
“I am serious Kate. When have I ever not been serious?” Anthony asked.
Kate walked a few steps away from him and Anthony walked a few steps towards her “I’m confused here, Anthony. Last month you called me the 'Bane of your existence,”
“And yet you also the object of all my desires. A maddeningly frustrating combination I tell you,” Anthony spoke and he looked at her with such adoring eyes that Kate felt dumb that she hadn’t noticed his attention before.
“You never said-”
“When was I gonna tell you, Kate? PTA meetings with your mother? Clubs with Simon? When I spot you and Tom on a date?” Kate wondered when the last one could have occurred cause she didn’t remember ever seeing Anthony anywhere she was out with Tom.
Anthony reached for Kate, Kate was going to let him reach her but then her phone rang. It was Mary.
Concentrating during this recital was impossible. Anthony had told Kate how he felt and now she sat two rows from him, looking straight ahead. He wondered what she was thinking, what she was feeling. He felt like such a cad because Tom was a good guy, there was a point a couple of months ago when Anthony started to feel bad for slagging him off because Tom was not the problem. Anthony was the problem. He fell in love with a woman with a boyfriend.
He couldn’t even remember when it all started. He remembered first trying to avoid her and then bumping into her at PTA meetings and events. He noticed that when she was around her mother she tried to be on her best behaviour so he started taking joy in baiting her into arguments.
One day he and Kate got into a spat and Mary sent her away to get water.
Anthony felt himself flush when he saw Mary looking at him curiously “You know this is the first time 'the boy pulling on a girl’s pigtails’ story is starting to make sense to me?”
"I don't know what you mean," Anthony said to her.
"Sure, be a dear and tell Kate I went to the ladies," Mary said as she walked away.
Kate came back and Anthony informed her that Mary had gone to the bathroom "You know you and your mom are quite alike in your scrutiny?"
"Sure. Mary is a nurse so she deals with people who have done a whole bunch of weird stuff to their bodies in the hospital. It is quite interesting,"
"Yeah I mean you even look the same. The same discerning eyes,"
Anthony saw Kate go rigid and she said "That would be quite impossible but a nice thought. Mary's my stepmother she married my dad when I was 5 years old. 5 years later Edwina was born. My dad got sick when I was in law school but he didn't want me to take time off to take care of him so I actually doubled down and finished early. He died 3 years ago,"
"I'm sorry. If it's any comfort, it does get easier," Anthony replied.
"How long for you?" Kate asked.
"12 years," Anthony replied. It hadn't even occurred to him how much time had passed.
"Wait isn't your youngest sister 11?" Kate asked.
"Yeah, she was born a few months after his death. It was a tough time," Anthony explained. Usually, he was not forthcoming about his family but gave him a look into her life so he returned the gesture.
"I couldn't imagine. Edwina was a handful but at least she was 13. She could generally take care of herself," Kate responded.
“Yeah, I was the only one above 18 so anything that mother couldn’t do, I did. And there was a lot back then. Signing permission slips, pick-ups, groceries and doctor’s appointments. I kind of think that’s why I’m so organised even now. Despite things running a bit smoother now that everyone is older,” Anthony said only just realising how much he truly had to take care of, Kate put her hand on his arm and Anthony tried to ignore his speeding heart and the heat radiating off of that one spot.
“I mean I only had to worry about the fact that we were one paycheck down. I was still doing courses and training but had midnight shifts at bars and I did a bit of modeling at art studios. Anything and everything to keep us afloat. 13-year-old Edwina did not like having to learn how to take the bus and not being able to go on some school trips but once Danbury Law hired me it was a game changer. A good paycheck, way better than even my dad was providing. We finally could start having nice things again,” Kate said with a twinkle in her eye.
Anthony's heart ached for the Sharmas but mostly for Kate. It never occurred to him how dealing with his father's death would be made much harder if he also was concerned about money. If he needed a babysitter he could pay, if he was desparate he could send a car to pick up his siblings. Tutors, vacations, clothes and cars for Benedict, Colin and Daphne when they all turned 18. He even had his eyes on an electrical car for Eloise when she turned 18. Anthony wondered if anyone had ever actually gotten to spoil Kate like that since her dad had gotten sick and then he remembered Tom.
He remembered every bit of their conversation for weeks.
One night Anthony was drinking at a bar with Benedict when a guy approached him "Hello there cutie, can I get you a drink?"
"No, thanks but see that guy over there who looks similar to me?" Anthony pointed at Benedict dancing.
"Yeah he's like you but taller," The stranger said.
"He'll never let me forget it. You can buy him a drink," Anthony said.
Benedict was going through a rough patch and he needed a pick-me-up. 
Anthony on the other hand was actually having a peaceful month. I mean he would still argue with Kate when he saw her but the venom in their exchanges had lessened and they would often end their exchanges laughing. Portia had scolded them on more than one occasion during PTA meetings about their giggling interruptions but Kate's takes on Portia's attitude often made him chuckle even sometimes when Kate was not there.
The bartender had come and given the stranger, Henry, his drinks "You sure you don't want anything?"
"Yep, I'm good. Designated driver," Anthony replied.
"You know there's such a thing as Uber, love?" Henry replied.
Anthony chuckled to himself "This is exactly the conversation I was having with Kate the other day. She was giving me shit because I have drivers on stand-by instead of just taking an Uber, even though she only started taking Ubers this year," Henry smiled at him and Anthony continued "She's periodically late to everything now because she never factors in finding a driver time. The other week she was 30 minutes late to the PTA meeting because she let her Uber driver take her to a gas station so he could get snacks. I was like 'He could have kidnapped you' and she actually gasped and said 'Kaseem would never'," Anthony chuckled to himself "You know for a woman who spent her twenties studying the law she sure as hell does not know about the crimes that can happen to her. That being said if it was her sister-"
Henry cleared his throat “Anthony you’ve been talking about your girlfriend for a while now with no break,”
Anthony could feel the heat rising in his cheeks and gulped his bottle of water "Oh Kate's not my girlfriend. She's not even a friend. Besides she's seeing someone,"
"Oh. Oh," Henry said with the second 'Oh' sounding a bit softer and Anthony looked down not being able to stand the look Henry was giving him at that moment.
"We understand each despite not really coming from the same background. Actually, we don't have much in common really, she likes RnB and Jazz and I like Rock music. We really only connect because we are both the oldest," Anthony rambled.
Henry gave Anthony a knowing look and said "Relationships have been built on less," Henry began to walk away and then said "Look, maybe you guys are not endgame but it seems like she's already taking up your time even if it is just mentally. You should go for it,"
"She has a boyfriend," replied.
"Football teams have goalies," Henry replied walking away for real now.
Anthony remembered sitting in the PTA last month, waiting on Kate he wanted to show her pictures from Hyacinth's 12th birthday party. He wanted to show her she was right about Hyacinth loving the idea of a mermaid theme, he would obviously fake contrition but it worked with their dynamic. Anthony looked at his watch and realised Kate was late again, sometimes he wished he could be linked to her Uber account so he could see how far away she was. There was that option on Uber security to let you share your trip with friends and loved ones...
Loved ones.
It hit Anthony like a brick. He knew he was attracted to Kate before he knew her name. He liked their banter but over the last two months, it had become more.
He was in love with her.
Anthony scolded himself for being so stupid. He knowingly fell for a girl that is dating his friend. And even if Anthony gave himself leeway by saying Tom was not a proper friend it still didn't account for the fact that Anthony was sure Kate despised him. She hated everything he stood for. And for the first time in his life, Anthony felt shame. Shameful for throwing his money around everywhere, for treating people with less than like crap and even the idea that even if he got in a relationship he would not know what to do because he had never been in one.
Anthony sat and watched Kate, barely registering the students that went on one by one. Francesca was last as the instrument portion was last and Edwina was after intermission because the dance portion was second. Now Anthony listened as people sang and then a girl got on and she started to sing 'Dancing On My Own' by Robyn only it was a lot more slowed down, this was obviously in the mix of Calum Scott's version. Anthony felt every pang of the lyrics:
"And yeah, I know it's stupid But I just gotta see it for myself
I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, oh I'm right over here, why can't you see me? Oh And I'm giving it my all I'm not the girl you're taking home, ooh I keep dancing on my own, ah"
At that moment Kate got up and Anthony instinctively did the same.
"Anthony, where are you going?" Daphne asked.
Anthony didn't even stop to look at her when he said "I'll be back just now,"
Anthony felt a bit like a creep following Kate out of the theatre and down the hall. So he decided to call out her name but she just sped up so Anthony did the same.
Anthony finally saw Kate turn into the bathrooms by the dressing rooms. Not exactly main bathrooms but if the dressing room bathrooms were overflowing the performers could come out here and use them. Anthony knew too much about theatres and bathrooms thanks to the plentiful times he has seen Daphne dance.
He stopped at the door. Took a breath and opened it.
Kate sat anxiously with Daphne on their couch waiting and then Simon appeared "So Anthony is stable. Turns out mixing prescription drugs from different psychiatrists is not a good idea,"
Daphne sighed relieved holding her pregnant belly "Thank you, Si. Did my mom say anything else?"
"Just that he is stable. Although she was concerned about how it took so long for anyone to find him," Simon said.
"You know Anthony. He keeps to himself, everything is so close to the chest," Daphne said.
Kate must have had a look on her face because Simon asked "Is there you might know Kate?"
"Not really. You guys know Anthony a lot better than I do," even though Kate's heart was hammering with relief with Anthony's condition she still felt a pain in her chest ever since she heard the news while having breakfast with Daphne and Simon.
"Kate, I don't think that is true," Daphne said.
"I have barely spoken to the man. We broke up over a year ago," Kate said getting heated.
"Yeah but ever since the engagement and wedding it seemed like you guys were at least friendly," Daphne said.
"Ah yes, the baby shower, where he screamed at me for not finding my own family to be a part of. Where he said I ruined his life and that he wished he had never met me. You mean that baby shower?" Kate asked choking up a bit at the end. Kate always thought the decisions she made were for the greater good. Justice and all that. But as she looked at a dishevelled Anthony during Daphne and Simon's baby shower she wondered if all the decisions she had made since she agreed to be Simon's Best Person was hurting Anthony and in turn his family.
"Kate, Anthony did not mean any of those things," Daphne said trying to calm her down.
"Yeah he clearly was going through a tough time and seeing you always hurts him," Simon said.
"Well thanks for the heads up, Simon. I have been hurting him with my presence for the last 7 months now. That information would have been helpful," Kate said now preparing.
"So you could do what? Not be a part of my wedding? So you could not be a godmother to my daughter? Kate I love you and Anthony is my brother now. I was tired of living separate lives with you two," Simon said with pain in his voice.
"Kate, we missed you," Daphne said softly like she was on the verge of tears.
"Maybe it's all for the best Simon. Daphne. Cause you are right Anthony is your brother and you have to prioritise family," Kate said as she left giving them no space to answer her.
She was sad, heartbroken and overwhelmed without even thinking she drove and drove until she was outside Mayfair private hospital.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Couples Witness Protection Rp Meme
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assorted-feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp uses inspired by some of the wanted threads on the lovely blog @bcrgondy​
“Not everyone is under witness projection for being a participant. I thought you would have known me enough to know better.”
“Honestly, the nice guy act was getting a bit hard to hold up.”
“Look, I get the whole hiding in plain sight thing, but isn’t putting two people that would be top on the kill list as husband and wife a bit like sitting ducks.”
“Someone really weird came to talk to me at work. they were describing you with a completely different name.”
“Wait- you look like my husband. He was an informant on some big trials and then disappeared.”
“I have stories from another life. Stories that might just make the devil weep.”
“It’s hard to admit, but, sometimes, becoming someone else is the only true way to know who you really are.”
“If this were to continue, we would have to go away together. Hide together with our lives like memoirs of people we have never known.”
“Would you resent me for choosing a way out of this that might just send our family into the program?”
“ I may be an agent, but it can also be like an acting coach.”
“Look, i am not just some farmer. A nice girl like you should really find a nice guy or gal or them to hang around.”
“The justice system truly creates many victims in its attempt to find justice for something only God or a time machine can fix.”
“Sometimes, it’s odd to want to be forgotten.”
“If you see these people or hear these names, you leave. And if they have you, promise me you will tell them my name immediately.”
“It takes a while to stop looking over your shoulder. You know how people talk in prison. Anyone out could relay your identity, but so many things could happen that thinking them over only rakes the placid lakes growing through you onto burning hot coals.”
“What a country this is were people who witness a crime are forced into a life utterly different to testify when the murders or dealers have the options of their freedom or a time served that wasn’t life.”
“Honey, is there a particular reason why a gun was pointed at my face earlier today?”
“This is a second chance card. If you choose it, be aware of all of the rules that come with it.”
“Do I stack up to what you imagined a felon to be?”
“Please don’t respond to the wrong name. My handler said that is the most frequent set of new lives people require.”
“It’s a wonder when you stop looking over your shoulder for the criminals and instead have nightmare visions of Sue from the pta learning about your past and days as an informant.”
“When the suburbian women say something about the ghetto, it is hard for me to keep all limbs inside the vehicle.”
“There is no going back to my old life. Do you realize that people like him have gangs of people ready to put someone in a body bag for doing what I did?”
“You identity is your life. Under no circumstances unless death is imminent, you keep hold of that secret as strongly as our lungs pull for air.”
“You told them?! I thought you loved me.”
“Hey! It’s a good question. I mean like you didn’t choose to snitch on people. You were either a really stupid criminal or a bad one.”
“Honestly sometimes, prison might be better than living under this hideous name in small town usa.”
“Well, there aren’t many scenic places to hide out after you witnessed a murder.”
“Usually, I am not the type to have my real life adhere to tropes, but I have never seen a light shine so bright like you. No matter how many times I tried to touch your soul with my blood tinged fingers- there was no fingerprint residue.”
“If they figure out who we are, I won’t hesitate to serve you up on a silver platter and I wouldn’t expect any less from you in my stead.”
“Please, you think I wouldn’t sell you out after what I did to my boss.”
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foster-the-world · 8 months
Aw, man
Last night the district wide school board meeting turned into a debate about Israel. With some claiming the DOE is not doing "enough." Apparently enough means they haven't yet written a email condemning the kidnappings in Israel? With claims they would have already sent a letter if it was black people. I guess the district is waiting on a legal team to approve language. So it should go out today or tmrw. Not good enough for these people. I don't get it. The DOE did send a letter condemning racism and it doesn't do shit to protect my kids. We are still in the most segregated school system in the nation. I am 100% confident the man claiming they "would have already done it if it was black people." made sure his children were in the majority white schools. The anti-racism letter didn't change his desire to segregate his children so why would a anti-semitism letter help jewish students? Writing a letter condemning the kidnappings in Israel is not going to protect my kids one bit nor help the children who were kidnapped. Our district has migrant children pouring in every single week. Let's talk about how we can support them. Letter or no letter I do not care.
I left that meeting to go to our schools PTA meeting. We did spend a good amount of time talking about how we can help the new migrant children who started at our school last week. Apparently 1000 more children entered the district on Friday - set to start next week. My 2nd graders class got three more students last week. Rebel's 1st grade class got two more students. We've been working on our Spanish at home and making sure the girls include them. I'm so glad we are at a school where we teach the kids to welcome their new friends. I have no doubt the uniform, clothing, coat drive will be fully funded - even though we have a school full of low income parents who aren't exactly rolling in the dough.
This morning I'm talking to the Principal about the clothing/Halloween costume drive when she gets a text message and looks horrified. Apparently a lower grade kid told their teacher they can't be around them because they are Jewish and their Mom told them Jewish people are dangerous. So fucked up. Poor baby being taught that hate and poor teacher having to hear it from a student she pours her hard work into.
I'm not really worried about my girls hearing shitty things. As mentioned they are tough and can handle themselves. The toughness does mean they can be jerks but also means they wouldn't hesitate to fight back if someone says shit like that to them. People have said other shitty things to them and they returned with the 6yo version of "go fuck yourself" and were indignant more then hurt. *Obviously they didn't use the f word. They have a solid group of friends in their class who would know to defend them. Although we are going to have a talk about what to say if someone talks negatively about Juduism or if they hear someone say anything racist/prejudice/etc to themselves or any of their friends. We've had the general talk before but probably need to be more specific on the Jewish side of things. Every year my husband and I bring Hanukkah celebration stuff to their class. Everyone is always very receptive. Last year Bee's teacher was Jewish. They've generally had at least one jewish family in their class - although that dwindles in the older grades. We live two doors down from the JCC - so they go to classes there so do get to spend time around Jewish children regardless. This semester they are taking an art class there and we go to the shabbat dinners sometime.
Bee has a Ukrainian girl in her class - well her grandparents are from Ukraine. So Bee came home last year talking about how people are murdering babies "as soon as they come out" in the Ukrainian war. Now this year her little friend is from Israel - so she comes home with more horror stories he hears from home and interprets into six year old language. The world we are giving our children is not okay.
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ser-zoras · 1 year
Making this one (1) post so I don’t piss people off. So here’s me writing ASOIAF characters into a bunch of Really Stupid Movies that I like because it’s fun. MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL - Oddly this one is tricky. I think the narrative itself probably best fits Dunk and Egg, but I haven’t gotten to read that yet. So obviously Arthur is Robert Baratheon. Barristan Selmy is Lancelot, and I think Bedivere should be Jon Arryn for no real reason other than that it’s funny. Jaime is Galahad because in a theoretical sense they’re both formidable but in a more practical sense, very useless. I don’t know any other edits I would need to make according to this but replacing the rabbit with like. The Hound’s horse. That would be fantastic. And the Black Knight is the Smiling Knight, just because.
BLADES OF GLORY - ok credit to @jackedup180 on this one and also as inspiration for the whole post. So Sansa and Dany get kicked out of international figure skating singles due to getting into a fistfight on the podium and are forced to team up in the doubles division to skate again. This means challenging the throne of the reigning international champs, Cersei and Jaime, who are not fucking but have just as much creepy sexual tension. I’m not kidding this is the actual plot of the movie. Instead of Jenna Fischer’s character, I want Tyrion to be an accountant with zero sexual tension with either of the girls and who Jaime keeps convincing to spy on other teams. TALLEDEGA NIGHTS - Ultimate Jaimecore. So Jaime is a NASCAR driver who gets dragged into a competition with a younger, gayer driver (Loras) and ends up getting horribly injured and can no longer drive. For some godforsaken reason he was still living with Cersei and her kids and she kicks him and all the kids except Joffrey out of the house and hooks up with either one of the Kettleblack brothers or Taena. Jaime and co have to move in with Genna, who sets about whipping the kids into shape, and Jaime has to learn to drive again, from like Arthur Dayne or somebody. He eventually befriends Loras but decides to race him again anyway.
ANCHORMAN - I’m sure people think I’m lying when I say this, but this is just if JB were local news co-anchors in the 70s. There’s even a scene where they end up in a pit with a bear!
BAD MOMS - Yet another difficult one. Our charming, recently divorced heroine could be Cat if we’re doing exclusively the main series but I think drawing from all eras of Westeros is funnier, so it’s Rhaenyra, with Rhaena and Daella as her backup, taking on Alicent, the head of the local PTA, who is allied with Cersei and Alysanne.
ONE CRAZY SUMMER - Okay I am just saying that Jon and his Nights Watch boys take on the roles of Hoops and company. Sam is the character with the father who teaches children how to set off grenades. Grenn and Pyp are the twins, and Tormund is the kid whose place they’re staying at. Val or Ygritte is Demi Moore’s character. The real estate company they’re fighting is just the fucking Others.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
If music blares and no one cares who your unruly heart loves
It's time for prom, only Julie is less than enthusiastic about it.
Read it on AO3 HERE!
Word Count: ~3.5k
This is my entry for the Free Day of @polyshipweek 2023!
I decided to write a prom story as my beloved @daintyduck99 created another gorgeous moodboard that you can see below that truly inspired me. I really hope you enjoy!
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Julie scowled at the posters plastering the hallways of Los Feliz High. It seemed every inch was determined to remind her that prom was coming up. Once upon a time, Julie was like most every girl, fantasizing about going to prom, dancing under the twinkle lights, wearing the beautiful dress, having a real night to remember to cap off her high school experience. But now…
Well now she could care less because the stupid administration would never let her go with who she wanted.
Not that either of her boyfriends had asked her, mind you, and Principal Lessa was usually understanding, but given a small group of teachers had put up a stink about same sex partners going (which was struck down when the PTA was lead by a couple of lesbians) she doubted they would be so understanding about a threesome of partners.
She slumped off to the cafeteria, still making a face even though it was pizza day, the least objectionable school lunch. Her mood only soured when she got to her table to find Kayla gushing over how her boyfriend Lance asked her to prom just last period.
“Hey, what’s with the gloom cloud?” Flynn asked, offering her a ranch dipped carrot stick.
“Since when are you anti-prom?” Carrie asked. “Just last year you told me you couldn’t wait to shop for a dress, as long as it wasn’t as voluminous as your quinceañera one.”
“That was when my date wouldn’t cause a stink.”
Flynn and Carrie shared a sympathetic smile. “I mean, you could still go. Do one dance with Luke, one with Reggie, then let them dance together. I know it’s not quite the same but…”
“We couldn’t get pictures done of all three of us, or have a dance all together, or even really share a table without one of us getting asked where our date was,” Julie grumbled.
“You were the one who didn’t want to advertise you were dating the guys until after we graduated,” Carrie argued. “You wanna keep it on the down low, you can’t exactly go to prom all together.”
“You know why we didn’t tell people,” Julie said. Carrie lowered her eyes, because she did know. Heck, when Julie started dating both boys, none outside of the three of them was supposed to know, but over time they had shared the news with their friends and explained why they had hidden it. There had been some hurt feelings, but in the end, they had all understood. “But I guess I didn’t really think about what I was giving up to be with them. It’s worth it, more than. They're the loves of my life-but… I still wish we could just go to prom.”
“Who’s going to prom now?” Reggie said as he sat down beside Julie, passing her an apple and snagging her celery sticks.
“Kayla and Lance,” Flynn supplied, sending Julie a i got you look.
“He prom-posed right in front of the whole history class,” Carrie said.
“Prom-posed?” Luke asked as he took the space on Julie’s other side, swapping her milk for a diary free one. Gosh, what would she do without them? Julie had been so deep in thought half of what had been on her tray would have gone uneaten. She gave them both a grateful smile before explaining.
“It’s when a guy makes a big production over asking a girl to prom, like it’s an over the top proposal.”
“That’s a thing?” Reggie asked between bites of celery. “Why?”
Julie shrugged in response. “I don’t see why you can’t just… ask you know? I personally would be mortified if anyone did that to me.”
“You don’t want some over the top spectacle?” Luke asked, though his voice was a little tense.
“God no,” Julie said, screwing up her face. “It’s embarrassing, and it puts too much pressure on the askee to say yes in the moment. I’m good with something private and simple. For prom, or anything beyond that.”
“Good to know,” Reggie said with a wink. Flynn looked at where Luke was frantically and subtly waving off the members of the marching band who had just entered the space. They looked a little put out, but retreated, and all Flynn could do was stifle a giggle. Looks like Julie’s himbos weren’t as dense as she thought about asking her-they just had no idea how.
She might just need to step in and help-it spelled disaster if she didn’t.
First things first was to confirm that the guys were actually planning on taking Julie to prom.
Scratch that-the first thing for Flynn to do was find out if they could.
She was sure she saw Mrs. Pearson the secretary suppress a groan when she saw Flynn, but buzzed Principal Lessa all the same, then waved her back. “Miss Taylor, what can I do for you?”
“It’s about prom.”
The woman’s shoulders sagged. “Look, you know I had nothing to do with the whole no same sex partners thing right? I fought long and hard to ensure you could go with your girlfriend.”
“I know,” Flynn replied. Principal Lessa was a lot of things, but a homophobe wasn’t one of them. Sure, she wasn’t the faculty supervisor for the GSA, but she knew the woman also drove around with a Pride sticker on her bumper year round. “This is concerning Julie.”
“Oh, I know you agreed to DJ, but if her band or Dirty Candi want to do a few numbers, I won’t say no.”
Flynn grinned at that, knowing neither band would turn it down. Okay, Luke might, but she had a feeling the rest of the Phantoms would outvote him. “I’ll pass the offer along. But no, this is about her date.”
“Does she want to bring someone from a different school? I already made allowances for that. As long as they’re of age, they’re welcome.”
“It’s more so the number of dates she wants to bring,” Flynn explained.
“Ah.” The principal folded her hands. “Misters Patterson and Peters I presume?” When Flynn shot her a bewildered look, the woman smiled. “Please, I’m not blind. The way they all look at each other? The little stolen touches? They aren’t as subtle as they think they are.”
Flynn laughed a little at that, they really weren’t. Plus the number of people who knew was growing larger every day, as all their friends knew, as well as Julie’s family. Not sure if Luke’s family was in the know, but Flynn was sure they suspected. She was positive Reggie’s folks didn’t know, but she also knew that the second he turned 18 just a few weeks away, right after they graduated, Reggie was getting out of that house and into Victoria’s spare room. Heck, she was fairly certain he practically lived there now. They all had a running bet that the three of them would be shacking up together by the fall anyways, but no one wanted Reggie living with his awful family any longer than he needed to. That was a big part of why Julie wanted their relationship secret-who knows what Linus Peters would do if he found out.
“So can they go together?” she asked, inching forward in her chair, a hopeful, pleading expression on her face.
Principal Lessa sighed. “Miss Taylor, I wish I could say yes, but the teachers who tried to stonewall you would definitely say something, and I don’t think I have it in me to fight another battle for the sake of three students.”
Flynn sagged in her chair. “That sucks.”
“However…” Principal Lessa said, a sly smirk on her face, “I can tell the photographer to look the other way if any students want group photos done, I’m sure Carrie would love an official photo done with the Dity Candi girls and their dates. And I can distract a few chaperones during the couples dances if Julie wanted to dance with both her dates at the same time. Someone has to ensure the punch isn’t spiked right?”
“You’re crafty, I like it.”
“Well thank you.” The woman smiled at Flynn. “You’re a good friend to Julie. I’ll try to get the more understanding teachers to keep an eye out during the dance, so go tell her it’s okay, but I am totally looking the other way.”
Flynn gave her thanks and ran off. She had some himbos to find.
DJ Flynn: Yo, boy band, you and cowboy gonna ask Jules to prom?
Guitar Hero: Well yeah, we had a whole plan and everything!
BassBabe: No, you had a plan. I told you Julie wouldn’t want a big thing!
Guitar Hero: Come on, you know she loves a good serenade!
BassBabe: Not in front of the whole school.
DJFlynn: Look, Lessa said it’s ‘okay’ for you guys to go together, and she has your backs as much as she can, so figure out something a little more low key and ask our girl out okay? She’s super bummed about this whole thing.
Guitar Hero: Already working on Plan B
BassBase: That means he’s writing a song.
DJFlynn: 🙄 Of course he is. Oh, Lessa says you can have 3 song slots if you want, Carrie and the girls are getting the same offer.
Guitar Hero: Prom band? Seriously?
BassBabe: Alex and I say yes. Plus then Julie has to go.
DJ Flynn: Exactly what I was thinking. Now go ask her!
“You gonna tell me where we’re going?” Julie asked as her boyfriends led her by her hands.
“Nope, you’re just gonna have to trust us,” Luke said.
“We’ve got you Julie, always,” Reggie promised.
“I would feel better about that if I weren’t blindfolded,” Julie retorted.
“We’re almost there, just one more step down,” Luke instructed.
Then the blindfold was pulled from her face, and Julie gasped. They were in her backyard, but it had been transformed. The trellis and trees were covered in fairy lights, with soft candles flickering around on the table. She could hear music playing in the background, a romantic ballad that she wouldn’t suspect the type of thing either of her boyfriends would listen to.
And there, on the cobblestone terrace, were scattered flower petals and a series of tealights spelling out one question: Prom?
“Oh,” Julie said. “You’re really asking me to prom?”
“Of course boss,” Luke replied. “Did you think we wouldn’t?”
“I-I guess I didn’t think you would, given we were keeping things a secret. Reggie what if…”
��Ssh, it’s okay darlin’,” Reggie soothed her. “I’m going to stay with Tia from now on. Why wait until my birthday?”
“So… no more hiding?” Julie clarified.
“I already told my folks, apparently they guessed long ago. They aren’t thrilled, but honestly I think they’re more pissed I’m putting off school to get our music out there,” Luke said.
“I don’t care what my parents think,” Reggie said firmly. “They haven’t cared about me or my life in ages. MeeMaw knows, she’s cool with it, and Julie, your family has practically adopted me, so I know they approve.”
“So prom?” Julie asks. “We can really go?”
“Lessa got our back and a contract for us to do a few songs,” Luke assured her. “So, you wanna be our date?”
Julie grinned and rushed into their arms, kisses being exchanged left and right as she agreed. “Surprised you didn’t prom-pose via song,” she said to Luke.
“He nearly did, I convinced him to keep workshopping it for a few years down the line,” Reggie said with a wink. Luke scowled good naturedly but pulled him in for a kiss, and Julie just shook her head. She could wait a few years to hear the song honestly.
But she already knew her answer for when she did.
Later, her lips swollen, the yard cleaned, and a song in her heart, Julie checked her phone and laughed.
DJ Flynn: Did the himbos ask you yet? We need to get you a dress ASAP
Ju Ju Bean: They did. We can hit up the shops tomorrow. Lunch is on me because I’m sure you had multiple hands in this.
DJ Flynn: Girl I didn’t do anything, but I’ll never turn down free food!
Julie shook her head. She knew Flynn would never tell her the part she played, but she felt a rush of fondness for her friend for making her dreams a reality.
Prom night was warm and lovely as Reggie pulled up to Luke’s house. Beeping the horn and grinning as Luke appeared at the door, and was halfway down the drive when his mom called him back. Placing three boxes into his hands and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Luke gave her a warm smile and pecked her forehead, then was off again. “Hey babe,” he said, sliding into the truck and pulling Reggie into a much more indecent kiss. “God I love that I can do that whenever I want now.”
“D-do you guys resent me for making you keep us a secret?” Reggie asked as he drove off, eyes resolutely on the road.
“What? God no!” Luke said vehemently. “Reg, babe, you did what you had to do to stay safe and keep a roof over your head. A few months of not having to share our relationship with the world and have you all to ourselves? That was nothing. Julie and I know you’re worth more than being public. But it is nice that we can be now without worrying.”
Reggie couldn’t help but smile at that answer. “I love you, you know that?”
“Yeah yeah, you big sap, love you too. Now, let’s go get our girl,” Luke replied, the both of them dabbing their eyes of moisture as they hopped out of the truck.
Julie flounced down the stairs as the bell rang, brimming with excitement and nerves. “Papi!” she called. “They guys are here!”
“If you three think you’re not getting pictures done before you go you’re insane!” Ray called back.
“Camera is on your desk!” Carlos yelled from the living room.
“Gracias mijo!” Ray called, smiling as he emerged with the camera seconds later, opening the door. “Well well boys, don’t we clean up nice.”
And boy did they!
Reggie was in a sleek suit, the jacket and vest a shiny red satin covered with little black butterflies. Luke was in a navy blue floral number, though Julie was willing to bet he’d lose the jacket mid way through the night, as he had already confessed to getting Flynn to tailor the shirt to be sans sleeves. They saw her and Julie giggled as their mouths opened slightly.
She gave a small twirl, showing off her white high tops covered in hearts, the sparkly skirt of her purple dress flying around her, and the light catching in all the rhinestones bedecking the leather jacket that had once been her mother’s. “Well, will I do?’
“Damn boss, you look good,” Luke said with a low whistle, only giving Ray a sheepish grin when the man lowered his eyes on him.
Reggie fared not much better as he stammered out a soft wow. He then reached out to the porch, pulling in three heart shaped balloons. “For the pictures,” he explained.
Luke got the three boxes his mom had shoved at him-boutonnieres for them all. They had gone with dahlias, Julie’s favourite flower in a nice white colour. Julie swore there was something in her eye when the boys slid hers over her wrist, but it must have been catching because their eyes were equally glassy as she pinned the flowers to their jackets.
Ray took as many pictures as he possibly could, capturing every moment, and making sure he got lots of pictures of the three of them together-”Just in case the one at the school won’t,” he said.
“Thanks papi,” Julie said, pulling him in for a hug, and Reggie stole the camera to capture a few shots of her and her dad, as well as the one that Carlos would allow before they had to hit the road.
They went off to eat, happy enough to get burgers from a local diner, not needing anything fancy. Their friends all met up with them there, everyone looking mighty fine indeed. Alex blushed when Reggie gave him an overexaggerated whistle, but Willie came and spun him, and that made him look infinitely pleased in his sheer shirt and blush pink jacket that somehow completely complimented Willie’s black suit covered in golden marigolds.
Carrie was in a slinky sparkly pink number with a high leg slit while Flynn’s turquoise tea length dress shimmered every time she moved. All the Candis were in theri signature colours, but Julie silently thought their dates lacked a bit of creativity given they were in simple black suits with ties to match their date’s dress.
Finally it was time to head to prom, which was being held at a local hotel. The space was awash in soft purple lighting, with a photo backdrop of shimmery silver fabric, and disco balls hung from the ballroom. They spent quite a bit of time getting photos done, and Julie pulled Flynn in for a hug when she found out the girl had convinced Lessa to allow group photos, and that she had also booked them a good chunk of time.
So no one said anything when Julie, Luke, and Reggie stepped up for their turn, doing a mix of corny and sweet poses. But Julie liked the last one best where her boys were kissing each of her cheeks, the joy evident on her face.
Dirty Candi had agreed to do their first song at the beginning of the night, and the floor was packed as they did their thing, Carrie looking radiant up on the stage. Julie giggled as she bounced and twirled with her boys, then over to Alex and Willie, then to Flynn before going back to a flailing Luke and Reggie who were doing some overly complicated swing maneuver in the silliest fashion possible.
Flynn stepped up to the DJ booth next, playing a few songs, and Julie knew it would be their turn soon, so she dragged the boys backstage to get ready. They rocked out, and gosh Julie had never felt so alive. Here she was, at prom, playing with her band, getting to dance with her boyfriends, and it felt like she was at the top of the world. Nothing could wipe the smile off her face.
They kept dancing and playing throughout the night, and though she wanted to, at every slow song, Julie would only pull one of the guys in, or let them dance together. She knew Principal Lessa had told Flynn she would try to keep the less liberal staff members at bay, but Julie didn’t want to push it.
Finally, it was coming towards the end of the night. Flynn glared at her. “Girl I did not go to Lessa just so you would have to pick and choose, go dance with your boys. I’ll mess with anyone who even tries looking at you funny.”
Julie bit her bottom lip, but then she saw Luke and Reggie’s hopeful faces, and she let them pull her towards the dance floor. Sandwiched between them as they swayed, Julie closed her eyes, feeling oh so safe and loved here in their arms. She could hear a few murmurs and whispers but when she opened her eyes, she didn’t see any hateful or confused looks. Only soft smiles, and… money changing hands?
God were they so obvious her classmates had been betting on them? Julie hoped someone she knew won the pot, and tittered to herself when she saw Willie shove a rather large stack of bills into his jacket. Good for him.
Julie didn’t pay attention to who won prom queen, but she was a little surprised to see that Carrie hadn’t run for it. “Eh, I have plenty of tiaras,” the blonde said. “Christina deserves it.”
Julie looked to where the perky cheerleader was dancing with a guy Julie swore was in the D&D club and played in a local metal band they had crossed paths with a few times… but shrugged. They looked super cute together, and honestly Julie was happy enough dancing on the sidelines with her own princes.
It was late by the time prom was over, and they headed back out to the truck. Sure they could have gotten a room, but Ray had trusted them to come home, even offering to let them sleep (just sleep mind you) together, and they weren’t about to betray his trust after all the support and love that he had given them.
So Julie ended prom night in her cozy jammies, snuggled up between her two boys, soft smiles on all their faces as they yawned. “So, prom all it was cracked up to be boss?” Luke asked.
“It was lovely, thanks for making it such a nice night,” Julie replied.
“Anything for you darlin;” Reggie mumbled, nuzzling into her curls.
Julie yawned once more, letting her eyes drift closed as Luke began to snuffle on her other side. Sure, Julie knew that the world might not always be kind to the three of them, but for one magical night, they got to be together, and that made it truly a night to remember.
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neondiamond · 2 years
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🦋 Recently Read Fics - September 2022 🦋
These are all the amazing fics I read over the past month (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 💜
🦋 Fangs Yells by @larrieblr (500, T)
Louis can never remember that he’s invisible in mirrors.
Without the ability to assess his appearance, Louis instead uses the judgment of his two-thousand years on this world to style his hair, palms carefully perfecting the frizzy mullet the band had decided on as their signature look. A stick of kohl rolls around on the counter; he stops it with a knuckle, then draws two strong black lines on his eyelids. A leather vest hugs his shoulders, and a Gibson Les Paul accompanies him to the stage of the castle they’ve seized as their regular performance venue.
🦋 Swings Said by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright (500, T)
A love story told by five swings who each were there to see a piece of it unfold.
🦋 Gray hair is our forever by @beardyboyzx (919, G)
Harry put his lips together and his smile became bashful, one hand coming back in Louis' hair to caress it lovingly.
He had seen Louis' first gray hair.
His boyfriend was growing older and Harry was there to see it happening.
"You've got one gray hair," he said, voice wet but full of wonder, as if that hair was made out of pure silver. "Your first gray hair."
🦋 Wordplay 2022 fic series by @larrieblr (1k)
A collection of lovely 250-word girl direction fics.
🦋 The Dress by @wabadabadaba (1k, G)
Emma couldn’t respond, as they were being ushered off the red carpet. They also realized Harry was yet again holding the train of their dress, even though it really wasn’t necessary. Harry claimed to be picking up the train to make sure Emma wouldn’t trip in their stiletto heels – as if they hadn’t had practice all their life in heels.
Now that they weren’t in front of hundreds of cameras, Emma twisted around to swat at Harry’s hands to let go. Harry giggled and jerked his hands to the right then the left as Emma tried to hit him.
“Harry, honey,” Emma laughed. “I’m fine.”
🦋 No other shade of blue by @sun-tomato (1k, NR)
“And why are we looking for this very particular, impossible-to-find shade of blue?” Niall asked.
“I need it in my house, in my life, I’ve been missing something, and I just know that that’s it.”
“So, are we looking for a paint or a fabric?” Liam asked sensibly.
“I’m not sure,” Harry admitted. “But I can work with either. The colour is more important than the shape it comes in.”
🦋 Falling For You by @louandhazaf (1k, G)
Five times Harry orders very particular drinks, and one time Louis finds out why. Featuring Starbucks’ fall menu.
🦋 Here Take My Sweater by @tommokat (1k, G)
“Just with me for my foot rubs and my sweaters, huh?”
“You got it!”
🦋 between the lines and my deepest desires by @bymadhatter (1k, G)
Harry’s made 4 unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. On his way after the fifth one, he gets stuck in the elevator with a fellow omega.
🦋 First Checkup by @jaerie (1k, E)
It was months ago that Louis found himself knotted by a stranger after someone spiked the punch at Niall's wedding with sex pollen. Now he has his legs spread for a different reason. Or does he?
🦋 Aqueous Transmission by @littleroverlouis (2k, E)
Louis offers some relief to her pregnant wife, Harry. Then suggests something new.
🦋 All You Need Is Lamb by @loveislarryislove (2k, G)
Louis works at a pet store, and Harry has a dog with very specific tastes. Somehow, Louis is always able to pick out the perfect things that Harry's dog will love. Maybe it's because he's perfect for Harry.
🦋 Congratulations, Mr. President by @onesweetworld18 (2k, G)
Louis holds his first meeting as PTA President at the Boo Hoo Breakfast on the first day of school. Harry is a supportive husband, and Niall is supportive, as always.
🦋 Keep Driving (without me) by @londonfoginacup (2k, T)
It is hour eight of the road trip and Harry Styles is going into heat.
“We should’ve taken two cars,” Ny Oh says.
“We should’ve left Harry behind,” Mitch grumbles.
🦋 The IT Romance Story series by @tommokat (4k, T)
Harry’s new job comes with two main struggles: the technology hating him and the IT tech that’s fixing it all.
🦋 The Origin of Love by @teamlouis2022 (4k, E)
A mini break in the countryside, terrible weather and slow morning sex are the best way to recharge Louis and Harry's batteries after a long tour
🦋 Battle Of The Balls by @greenblueish (5k, M)
“Rim of the hole, Haz, really?” he gazes at the camera again. “This is getting demonetised and honestly, rightfully so. How are we still allowed to make videos? YouTube, why don’t you just do yourself the favour and delete our channels?”
“After everyone sees that I win this game though,” Harry winks, dimples still showing.
or, the one where YouTubers Harry and Louis play Golf With Friends, go to the pub with Niall and return home six hours after posting the video.
🦋 We’re Getting Better With Time by @haztobegood (5k, T)
Hello Harry, this may seem out of the blue, and even weirder if you don’t remember me. We hung out for a few weeks back in the summer of 82. A picture of you showed up on my facebook tonight, I think because we have a few mutual friends on here. I know we haven’t spoken in forty years, but I thought I’d just shoot you a message. I hope you’re doing well. L
Or, the one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
🦋 I Remember (The Distances We’ve Covered) by @lululawrence (5k, NR)
@ColleenisStylish: @LouisTomlinson my dad thinks he’s sat next to you on a train from Edinburgh right now, so if you could confirm that would be amazing. His name is Harry and he’s just had white wine and says you’re on red x
Louis glanced at the glass of red wine in his hand before taking a quick look around those nearest him on the train. Just across the aisle in a seat facing him was a man with graying, curly hair falling into his face yet somehow staying above his glasses. He was reading a book as he tapped his foot, seemingly oblivious to everything around him, and there sitting on the table in front of him was a half glass of white wine.
🦋 The Referral by @disgruntledkittenface (5k, E)
Louis has noticed that since he turned fifty, his sex drive has started to slow down. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for his younger boyfriend Harry. A problem solver by nature, Louis wants to do something special for Harry, to show him how much he appreciates him even after ten years together. When he suggests getting a referral for a sex worker to give Harry what he hasn’t been lately, it doesn’t take long for Harry to agree.
And then they meet Tom.
🦋 i swear i could give you everything by @alwaysxlarrie (5k, T)
Louis Tomlinson was not a morning person, so he really should have known better than to start leaving secret notes on coworker Harry Styles' desk before he arrived at the office at 7:30 in the morning. But he had to admit that hearing Harry's reaction everyday was definitely worth it. Not being a morning person might be his downfall in this situation, though.
🦋 Just the Start by @littleroverlouis (9k, M)
Louis is a fifty-two year old divorcé who has fallen into rut. He never anticipated a forced day of self care, and a chance meeting with a charming salon owner would shake him out of his comfort zone.
🦋 serve me up a little hope on the rocks by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (10k, M)
Louis is a bartender who doesn't take drink orders, but just makes drinks based on what he thinks his customers will like. Harry is just another customer. Or is he?
🦋 It’s easy to be loved (I know you wanna be loved) by @djtommotomlinson (14k, T)
Young single father Liam is less than pleased when a group of students rent the house next door on his quiet, suburban street. But then he hadn't expected Louis 'kid whisperer' Tomlinson.
🦋 after hours by @larrieblr (16k, E)
Harry moves like lightning as he slides the books off the shelves into the open, waiting abyss of his bag. Then, as Louis clears the other end of the exhibit just as quickly, he moves on to the display case next to it and the one after that. One flimsy book practically flies open as he picks it up, the paper held together by feeble strings on the spine. He leaves it behind. Not worth selling.
Or, a crime au set in 1980s Chicago.
🦋 All My Roads Lead to You by dandelionfairies (41k, M)
Harry’s stuck in a life he didn’t choose after leaving home at eighteen. Bartending and running drugs were never on his list. Louis is an undercover cop sent in to figure out exactly what’s going on inside of the bar. Neither could have known they’d be drawn to each other.
It’s obvious to Louis that Harry isn’t aware of everything that happens in the backroom. It’s obvious that Nick [Grimshaw] has used Harry’s vulnerability, insecurities, and naivety to keep the man exactly where he wants him.
Harry has never admitted to anyone who he is. They wouldn’t accept him. In fact, he has no doubt that if anyone found out he’s gay, he’d be dead. He doesn’t want to let that wall down for Louis. Because no one can know. But that’s easier said than done. Louis is everything Harry could have ever pictured.
🦋 I Like You, Say It Back by @pocketsunshineharry (43k, E)
“Lou, this is Harry,” Niall says, making Louis pivot straight away to look at Niall with round eyes. “Yes, that Harry,” his friend smirks.
“Hi, who are you? Niall didn’t tell me we were waiting for someone.” Harry says to Niall with a pointed look.
“I’m,” he stutters, “I’m very happy to meet you.” He decides to leave out his name and who he really is. He can already imagine the guy’s smile faltering and him leaving the pub as soon as he hears his name. That’s not what he wants, that’s not what his inner Alpha wants either.
OR the one where it takes a lot of time for Harry and Louis to figure it out. But they do, they always do, don't they?
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the-amazing-simp · 2 years
Love and PTAs | D.N.
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📝 Title: Love and PTAs
📚 Requested: Yes/No
✍ Summary: A new school means new beginnings. But Dennis never thought that he would find a new love in Connor's teacher. | 1.7k
It all started on a rather chilly autumn morning.
“Excited for school, Connor?” Dennis asked as he and his son arrived at the school gate.
“I’m a bit nervous.” The boy admitted, looking up at his father.
Dennis knelt down to his son’s eye-level, “Everything’s going to be okay. You’re practically the most amazing kid in the world. Everyone would be clamoring to be friends with you.”
Connor’s eyes lightened up, “You think so?”
Dennis chuckled, reaching up to ruffle his hair, “I know so.”
As if on cue, the bell rang. “Go get them son.” Dennis smiled before Connor ran off into the building.
“So, when are you going to start dating again?” The direct question from his mother startled Dennis so much, he almost spit out his coffee.
“You know I don’t have time for that.” Dennis answered calmly once he had regained his composure.
“Oh please.” Lynn scoffed, “That’s an old excuse.”
“You know, even heroes need a support system.” She added, sitting in front of her son, “It’s not like I’m asking you to find a girl and ask for her hand in marriage. I’m just asking you to relax and find out what the world has to offer - find someone who can be your support system.”
Dennis said nothing, just staring at his warm cup.
“Just think about it. Besides, I’m not getting any younger.” Lynn offered him a small smile before standing up.
Dennis walked up to the classroom with the blue door and glittering stars, just as Connor had described.
Upon coming to pick him up, his son had told him that his teacher, Ms. L/N, wanted to see him.
So, he dropped Connor off at home before heading back to school.
He gently knocked on the door, bracing himself for whatever bad news would come his way.
What he wasn’t able to prepare himself for was the pretty girl who opened the door.
The sunlight coming from the window created some sort of spotlight for you, highlighting all your features.
Simply put, you looked like an angel.
“Hi.” Dennis managed to get out after what felt like solid minutes of staring at you, “I’m Connor’s dad.”
You smiled, opening the door wider and beckoning him in, “Come in Mr. Nash, I’ve been expecting you.”
Connor spoke highly of his father but he may have forgotten to mention just how attractive he was.
Sitting down behind your desk, you quickly glanced down at Dennis’ hand to notice that there wasn’t any ring.
Makes sense, Connor mentioned that he didn’t have a mom.
“So, is Connor in any trouble?” Dennis asked.
“What?” You asked, “Of course not. Connor’s an absolute saint.”
The man furrowed his brows in confusion, “Then… Why did you call me?”
“The school is having its annual spelling bee.” You said, starting ruffling through the papers on the desk to hand Dennis the flyer, “And we need a representative per class and I’ve noticed that Connor does really well in his spelling tests.”
“So, you want him to be your representative?” Dennis asked, feeling immensely proud of his son.
You nodded, “As much as possible, yes. But I haven’t told Connor about it yet since we want to have the parent’s consent beforehand.”
“So, is it okay if we pick Connor as our representative?” You licked your drying lips in anticipation.
“Of course.” Dennis smiled, “That would actually be amazing!”
“Great!” You grinned, “Thank you so much Mr. Nash! Connor will be so pleased to hear this.”
“I bet he will be.” He agreed.
“Grandma!” Connor practically screamed as he ran into the house, Dennis trailing behind him with a smile.
“Grandma, I got into the spelling bee!” The boy excitedly recounted as he found his grandmother by the kitchen counters.
“Really?” Lynn feigned surprise as Dennis had already told her about it, “That’s wonderful!”
Once Connor had retired to his room to work on his homework, Lynn began his interrogation on her son.
“So, who is she?” She asked. 
Dennis gave her a confused look, “Huh?” 
“Who is she?” She repeated. 
“I don’t know who or what you’re talking about.” Dennis insisted. 
“The reason you’re smiling.” Lynn answered, “The last time you smiled like that was the day when you first met Connor’s mom.” 
“Oh,” Dennis said in realization, mind traveling back to you - your smile, your laugh, your eyes. 
“So,” His mother encouraged, “don’t keep me in suspense. Who is she?” 
He licked his lips, thinking about how to start, “She’s…she’s like this literal angel. She has a laugh and a smile that just makes everything else in the world feel so much better. The way she talks is just like this kind of magnet that pulls me towards her, that makes me want to get to know her more.”
“That’s nice. What’s her name?” Lynn smiled.
“Y/N L/N.” Dennis answered, “She is Connor’s teacher.” 
“Oh,” Her smile grew even wider, “this is going to be interesting.”
Dennis took a deep breath, trying to push down his nerves that had been bothering him this morning.
He rocked on the heels of his feet, waiting for you to show up at the gate like Connor said you would.
“You have a crush on Ms. L/N, don’t you?” Connor mused, looking up at his father with an amused smile. 
“What?” Dennis asked, heat rising up to his cheeks - was he that obvious?
“You have a crush on Ms. L/N.” Connor repeated, smile growing even wider.
“I don’t.” Dennis protested.
“You got flowers for her.” He pointed out, “And grandma said that you only give flowers to girls you like.” 
Dennis licked his lips, it was indeed hard to argue with a very observant child, “I’m giving her flowers because this is my way of thanking her for expanding your potential by entering you in the spelling bee.” 
Connor gave him a look that told him he didn’t believe a single word he said, “Yeah right.” 
“Ms. L/N!” He grinned, waving enthusiastically in your direction while Dennis couldn’t stop staring as you walked towards them.
“Hi Connor, I didn’t know you were still here.” You greeted the child before nodding to his father, “And you Mr. Nash.” 
“Same with you.” Dennis managed to say, despite still being in his trance. 
“My dad has something to give you.” Connor said, fully pulling Dennis out his trance.
“Really?” You asked, raising a brow at the older man.
“Oh yeah.” He smiled nervously, bringing out the bouquet of flowers that had been hidden behind his back, “Thank you…for entering Connor in the spelling bee.” 
You grinned, ignoring the rising heat in your cheeks as you took the bouquet from him, “This is lovely. Thank you..” 
“Of course.” Dennis nodded, mirroring your smile.
It was the last round of the spelling bee. 
You and Dennis sat next to each other, nervously praying that Connor would be able to get this last word right.
As Connor walked up to the microphone, he flashed you two a smile and a subtle thumbs up.
“The word is affection.” One of the judges spoke into the microphone. 
You and Dennis held your breath, hoping with everything that you had that Connor would get it right.
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, “A-f-f-e-c-…”
You felt like you couldn’t breathe as he stalled.
“t-i-o-n.” Connor completed, causing his whole class along with you and his father to cheer.
Once the trophy had been handed over to him, Connor ran over to you and his dad. 
“I’m so proud of you!” Dennis exclaimed as he picked up his son and spun him around. 
“You were amazing, Connor!” You smiled, also giving him a hug.
“I wouldn’t have done it without you, Ms. L/N!” He said, returning the hug.
Dennis looked at his outfit in the mirror before turning to his mother, “Are you sure this looks okay for the PTA?”
“Yes!” Lynn replied for what seemed like the 4th time that afternoon, “Now go! Or else you’ll be late.” 
He hurried to the school, not wanting to be late - especially when he had something important to ask you.
Arriving just in time, he saw Rachel’s parents walking out of the classroom with you.
“Dennis.” You smiled, he insisted on calling him by his first name after 4 months of knowing each other, “You’re just right in time.” 
“So, how’s Connor been doing?” Dennis asked, taking a seat in the plastic chair in front of your desk.
“Like always, he’s an angel. He does wonderfully in class. But there is just one thing that got my attention.” You said. 
Dennis' brows furrowed in worry, “What is it?” 
Ruffling through your folders, you pulled out a bond paper with a drawing on it. “We had this activity around two weeks ago wherein we had the kids draw their family and this is what Connor drew.” 
Setting the paper down on the desk, he peered at the drawing. It contained four stick drawings, one for Connor, one for him, one for his mother and…
“Who’s the other girl?” Dennis asked.
You gave a small smile, “I asked him the same thing and he said that it was me.” 
“Oh,” Dennis gaped, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know he-”
“Let me finish.” You said, “That’s when he told me that you may or may not have had a crush on me.” 
Now Dennis was sure that this was the most embarrassing thing in his whole life. 
“I’m so sorry. I mean, I’m not sorry that I did have a crush on you and all. But, I’m really sorry that you had to find out and especially through Connor and all and-” 
“Dennis, please let me finish.” You giggled, “The thing is I also like you too.” 
Now Dennis was dumbfounded, gaping at you like a fish out of water, “Like in that way?” 
You nodded, giving him a small smile, “Yeah.” 
He licked his lips, unknowingly, you had just made his task easier, “If that’s the case, do you want to go have dinner with me?”
Raising a brow at him, you asked, “Like a date? Tonight?” 
He nodded, “I was hoping.” 
You grinned, pretending to check your watch, “Well, I don’t really have any plans tonight and you’re the last parent I have to meet. So, you’re in luck Dennis.” 
General Taglist:
@rogueharrington, @hunnybunimdun, @andrewgarfield2022, @jasmin7813, @andrewgarfieldsbae, @spxiiee, @shaded-echoes, @holy-macncheese-balls, @mcugeekposts, @dwindlinghaze, @anonyymoouussssss
Andrew Garfield Taglist:
@fairchildflag, @leleleea
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always-andromeda · 1 year
oh, my 'modern!au bill and frank raising a daughter together' emotional support daydream, we're really in it now 🥲
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𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧!𝐚𝐮 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤: 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: uhhhhh...so I've never thought of this concept before but it made me so happy that I had to attach some of my headcanons onto it, I am so sorry, anon. but also, thank you, anon.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: complete fluff! nothing else I can think of!
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❥ Having a kid is 100% Frank's idea at first. He drops little hints about it to Bill for weeks. It's a slow Saturday afternoon where they're watching a movie together when Frank says, "Today's the kind of day where I wish it wasn't so quiet in this house."
❥ And honestly, Bill interprets that as Frank wanting a dog. Which makes sense. Frank complains fairly often about little creatures getting into his fruits and vegetables in the garden and a dog could be perfect for taking care of that problem.
❥ So he'd surprise Frank with a puppy and says that he's young enough that they could train him.
❥ And Frank is quiet. He's excited, of course, and immediately falls in love with the little guy. How could he not?
❥ Bill notices that he's a little off and asks, "Aren't you happy?"
❥ "Of course I am. I just– I thought that we could talk about having a different kind of small thing to take care of..."
❥ Bill's eyes go wide as soon as he realizes what Frank is implying. Needless to say it takes a lot of convincing.
❥ At the end of the day, what really tips the scales of Bill's opinions is Frank gently telling him, "Listen, I know you think that you and I can take on the world all on our own. But we don't have to. I want a family with you. You and I have so much love to give. We deserve to be able to give it to someone."
❥ Veronica is about five years old when Bill and Frank adopt her.
❥ She's a quiet little girl with curly dark hair, hazel eyes, and freckles that are speckled over her tan skin. And as quiet as she is, Frank really helps her get out of her shell.
❥ He gets really good at braiding her hair, especially when he learns that those are often some of the best moments to really bond with her. He's one of the only reasons why her hair stays looking put together in the slightest.
❥ Bill has a harder time connecting with her. Where Frank isn't afraid to get on her level and really get hands on, Bill is utterly clueless.
❥ He connects with her more through music. He pulls out his old record player and cycles through the collection of records he got from his mother. Because of him, Veronica grows up on Linda Ronstadt, Joni Mitchell, Dolly Parton, Bonnie Raitt, and so much more.
❥ Before too long, both Bill and Frank really come to see her for the ray of glittering sunshine that she is.
❥ In their own ways, they do their damndest to make sure Ronnie's childhood is as stable as possible.
❥ For example, Frank is adamant that they never fight in front of her; he never wants to give her the impression that they're angry at each other or at her. He also wants her to go to a normal school and be involved in normal activities even though Bill sees all of those things as more trouble than what they're worth.
❥ As soon as Ronnie is old enough, Bill wants to sign her up for self defense classes. What good will chucking a ball or playing an instrument do in a life or death situation?
❥ So her activities during the day alternate between various martial arts classes and dance (dance was Frank's idea; just so she has a little bit of the arts in her life). 
❥ She regularly bounces around the house trying to teach her dads how to do whatever new fight or dance move she's learned in class. Frank loves that she wants to involve them. Bill, on the other hand, is on the brink of pulling a goddamn muscle but he smiles through the pain anyway because his participation makes his daughter happy.
❥ Frank is a complete soccer dad. He's at all the PTA meetings, volunteers for all the school fundraisers, and is donating supplies for the school all the time. He's the one who has their whole schedule memorized.
❥ Even though she's not related to either of them by blood, Bill is at ease when he notices that Ronnie has taken on Frank's sense of joy for life. And Frank has a good chuckle whenever she gets all grumbly and stubborn like his husband does. 
❥ Their house isn't perfect and there's definitely growing pains between all three of them, but they're happy. They're happy knowing that they'll all love each other for a long, long time.
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biblionerd07 · 1 year
Daniel and Betty have always been a team. But now, all these years later, they're facing new challenges--elementary school bullies, principals, and mean girl PTA moms.
You've heard of porn without plot, but I present to you fluff and domesticity without plot! There is maybe a tiny sliver of plot but overall this is very long curtain fic.
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 10: How to Sneak in on a super-secret government Meeting
I had time today and thought let’s write this chapter in one go! It’s a bit short, like Chapter 9, but these two chapters are there to set up things for the next big chapter, chapter 11.
I still hope you enjoy it!
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Apparently having cig and coffee on me and looking Goth, isn’t enough for my dark-spirited friends.
It’s a frame of mind, I sadly lack.
It’s been against society's rules, which I don’t.
Being born a girl in a patriarchy and being bi in a queerphobic land isn’t enough.
This hurts me.
Is this Goth enough or too sarcastic?
Anyway, to prove I’m goth I have to go to the big PTA meeting in the community center, walk right into the middle of that meeting and tape this wonderful sign with written on it “Fuck the conformists!” to their table.
What one due’s for their plans…
So I make my way there all alone since my co-conspirators against King Big Ass are all busy with preparations for our plan.
The PTA meeting is a bomb to go off any second as I walk in. The adults literally talk over each other. They are angry, all right.
I feel kind of awkward standing so randomly there with my stupid sign and even more stupid Goth clothes.
I’m thinking about how to best tap the sign on the table and take the photo, as proof, without anybody seeing me when I hear Mr. Mash saying my name: “Thank you for coming, N.K. Everyone, this is the girl whose family just moved to town.”
A lot of preps stared at me.
I put up my middle finger at them.
No of course not, I waved awkwardly at them, but I got you all for a second, hehe.
“We've become very close friends.”, tells Mr. Marsh everybody. “This child and I witnessed something last night, and I'd like you to hear her story. Go ahead, kiddo.”
I blink.
What happened again last night?
Oh yeah, the space adventure.
“Some alien fuckers kidnapped us to probe us in the ass. Me and my best friend saved anybody on this ship and you Mr. Marsh just left us there.”, I deadpan.
No way, I gonna tell them, we girls crashed the UFO.
“N-Not really what I meant, kiddo.”, awkwardly Mr. Marsh rubs his neck.
It’s still for a few seconds.
“This is a waste of everyone's time!”, shouts a brown-haired man…I think it’s Leo’s dad. “If the PTA isn't going to do something about Taco Bell taking over then the rest of us parents will!”
 “Let's go!”
Following Leo’s dad all, besides the PTA members, leave.
Well, that could have gone better for them.
Not my problem.
I have to fulfill my quest.
As I’m about to tap my sign on the table, Mr. Marsh runs up to me and takes it from my hands.
“Look, I know how you're feeling, ok? But this isn't gonna solve anything. We've got to get inside that "Taco Bell" and find out what's really going on. Help me with that and I'll help you with this.”, promises Mr. Marsh.
“What do you want?”, I ask frowning. “That I do it like a Ninja and break in and search for some dirt on "Taco Bell"?”
He can’t be serious!
“I saw you on the ship - you have pretty good control over your farts and you have your Magical Girl Powers!”
….Magical what Girl powers?!
What does he mean by that?
Last I checked I’m not Sailor Moon.
If I was Sailor Moon I would be soooo happy.
“Meet me in the bathroom. It's time for you to learn some REAL power.”
Still confused about what Mr. Marsh meant, I follow him to the bathroom.
And I need to learn a new fart technic.
Okay, I get that it’s useful, but still, bah!
Anyway, I master it and Mr. Marsh sends me off to my new quest.
Quests for quests and no end in sight.
Stupid game mechanics.
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Frowing with crossed arms I stand before "Taco Bell".
I saw with my own eyes how a man got shot in the head just for asking questions.
Mr. Marsh was right.
It’s more than just to hide the fact that this "Taco Bell" is on UFO. This rip-off Man-in-black are hiding something.
I feel it.
It’s too dangerous to break in alone.
I need backup.
So I try to get someone to join me.
All besides Tammy are busy with preparations, but she tells me Stan can come along if we first help him with something.
This something is to get his phone back from his older sister.
Another quest?
Sure why not.
Not like I already have 30 or so!
Signing, I make my way back to the Eleven Kingdom.
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“Your sister is a crazy nasty bitch!”, I tell Stan, as I, he, and Tammy make our way to "Taco Bell".
“Disgusting, absolute, disgusting!”, adds Tammy, checking her new cool fighter armor, courtesy of the elven, for any menstrual blood.
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Yes, you read right.
Stan older sister used as attack bloody tampons on us!
“I’m sorry, girls, but imagine living with her 24/7!”, apologize Stan. “At last I have my phone back, really again, thank you.”
“Your welcome, but next time warn us.”, I make clear.
Finally, we are back at "Taco Bell" and I use Sneaky Squeaker, I fucking hate that I have to use it, to lead the two heavy armor soldiers away from the entrance.
Tammy sends me I look and I shrug just.
I know it is nasty, but we don’t have other means.
With the soldiers busy being distracted by the fart we three Ninja our way in.
“This place doesn't really look like a Taco Bell.”, points Stan out.
“It isn’t.”, answers Tammy. “It’s a UFO and they build a Military complex around it.”
“How do you know that?”
“You don’t see the giant UFO?”
“Also, it may be that Tammy and I got abducted by aliens last night and had to fight our way out of it.”, I add.
Stan just stares at us and lets out a long okay.
I have a feeling he saw and heard weirder shit in his life.
Must be a South Park thing.
Anyway, there is a lone soldier whom I lead with Sneaky Squeaker to the electrocuted puddle of water and then use my alien probe-thingy to teleport us to the roof.
We crawl all in the air conduction. After a few seconds, we find a meeting room full of people. We stop and listen.
“...but so far we have been unable to stop the UFO from leaking the toxic waste.”, say’s one of the Men-in-Black. “We've contained all we can but there are no guarantees an outbreak will not occur.”
An older man with an eye patch asks: “And does the alien liquid appear to have the same effect as... last time?”
Suddenly I feel how I shiver and my heart starts to race.
That voice…
I heard it somewhere before…
And if I look more at the Eye-Patch-Grandpa…the more I’m sure I saw I somewhere before.
I don’t like this feeling.
“I'm afraid so.”, answer him Men-in-Black. “When the alien waste reacts with organic material on Earth it turns things into... Nazi zombies.”
A window opens and a man in a Hawaii shirt is in a room behind it, walking really like a zombie and shouting in German.
…I’m imagining things or does he sound like Hitler?!
 “Nazi zombies, what a cliché!”, whispers Tammy.
Stan and I nod, and even the government guys are so done with this too. How often did they encounter this to be so dull about it?
Eye-Patch-Grandpa walks over to a whiteboard which has a drawing of South Park on it and explains to his men and woman: “All right, we're going to have to completely obliterate EVERYTHING in a three-block radius. Find locations for the bombs and bury it all. Then make up a fake story about an earthquake. We can contain the outbreak this time if we act quickly enough. Let's MOVE!”
All stand up to get out of the room.
Suddenly one of the government guys turns around.
He points at a little record on their table.
“Everything we've just talked about has been recorded onto this tape. I'm going to leave it alone here for a few minutes, then come back later and have it encrypted and locked away so nobody ever hears what was said in this meeting.”
“Yes. Good idea.”
With that, all leave the room.
“Well, how practically for us. That’s exactly what the PTA wants.”, I whisper to my friends.
Tammy and Stan nod.
“Adults are so stupid.”, points Stan out.
We start to crawl again, to find a way out of the air conduction.
I’m the first to jump out of it…at the same time as the Nazi Zombie breaks free and kills the soldiers before me!
Oh shit!
Stan, Tammy, and I need our collected forces to kill this overused cliché, but we manage.
“Oh my god! Why?!”, shouts Tammy.
“You guys stay here.”, I tell them. “I get the record and then we get out of here!”
“Hurry, dude!”, pleads Stan.
Fast I snatch the record up and then we three run out of the military complex.
What we see and encounter on our way back to the Elven Kingdom is fucking nuts.
The Nazi Zombies already spread!
So much for containing them!
I hope the adults can at least stop somehow the plan at bombing South Park.
Tammy decided to go with me to the PTA meeting, but first Jimmy ask us if we can help him get a flute.
Seems like we have to do some quests first.
And I still need to place Al Gore’s little machine underground.
The PTA can wait for a bit.
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“Okay, we fought Nazi-Zombie-Cows to get Jimmy the flute, beat up an ex-vice president, then him again dressed up as ManBearPig and we meet a talking Christmas shit and his family.”
“Don’t forget all the hobos and Nazi Zombies we beat and/or killed up, Tam.”
“How can I when the Nazi Zombie cat nearly scratched me?! Do you think they can give rabies too, N.K.?”
“I sure hope they don’t.”
Yeah, as you can see Tammy and me had quite the adventures.
On one side it was good because we both level up and Tammy got with any fight better in our RPG, on the other side we both are stressed out.
And we still have our big plan for Cartman, when we just wanna chill and maybe watch a movie and eat some junk food.
At least, not only we gave the record to the PTA, but we also got the goddamn picture the Goths want, and after showing them how Goth I can dance, drink my coffee, and smoke they agree to participate in the RPG!
All is coming perfectly together.
Tammy and I hug each other before Cartman’s house.
Now we must separate before we can rejoin sides again.
“Good luck, with Cartman, sis.”, wishes me, Tammy. “I will see you on the other side.”
“I will see you on the other side.”, I repeat and we hug each other tight.
With that, I enter Kupa Keep.
First I see how Princess Kenny gives me a wink and a nod.
Okay, this means on her side all is according to plan.
Leo gives me a thumbs up, while I see how Token, Tweek, Craig and even Scott nod at me.
Awesome, they are on board too!
“My king.”, I call for Fatass. He is surely in the war tent. “I’m back with good news.”
King Chubby steps out of the war tent, a smile on his face.
“Ah, you have returned!”
“Yes, my lord. The Goths are on our side.”
“Awesome, come, Sir Douchebag, it is time to summon our forces! Simply call them here and your dedication to Kupa Keep will be complete! Climb the signal tower, Sir Douchebag. Call forth your new recruits!”, commands Cartman practically.
If all goes to plan this will be one of the last times he will give me a command.
I play my part.
I climb the carton tower and send with my phone a message to the Goth Kids.
When I climb down again, Cartman calls out: “Everyone gather around!”
We do as he says.
“While the rest of you have been picking your respective arses, Sir Douchebag has gone out and brought help to our kingdom.”, berates them Cartman. All play their role, looking disappointed at themselves. “Sir Douchebag, it is time to give you a title worthy of your deeds.”
“Will you finally use my real name?”, I ask with pretended hopefulness.
“I have something better! By the power of Mandaloth, third-born of the Redguard, and by the glory of Christ, I hereby anoint thee -- COMMANDER DOUCHEBAG! With all the rights and privileges accompanied therein!”
“Goddamit, Fatass is N.K. so complicated!”
And again I get ignored.
“Eric! ERIC!”, runs up Leo to us. He sends me a quick wink. This means we and the elven are ready for our plan or should I say trap for Cartman. “We know where the elves are hiding the Stick!”
“What? Really?”
“We just intercepted their messages on Twitter!”
“You mean you shot down their message raven.”
“R-right - w-we shot down their raven a-and the evil Elf King ha-has hidden the Stick inside his desk at school!”
“HUZZAH!”, we all shout.
It’s time to get this show on the roll!
Cartman will not get what hit him.
I’m already laughing inside gleefully imagining his stupid face.
He will pay for being such an enormous bastard to anyone!
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I used JRPG Heroine: Dragon Master dress-up game for Tammy’s outfit. She has a purse with her since her class is a fighter and she fights like Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy. In the purse are things like smoke bombs or glitter to give a status effect on the enemy or stun them.
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