daily118 · 2 years
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Today's KAITO module of the day is:
CREMATION PARTY -Finale- by yukko!
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trojerucica-blr · 1 year
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Tomislav Trifunovic Lives in Belgrade, Serbia From Pec Joined December 2013 October 10, 2015  · Sada je službeno!Ovo se pojavilo u medijima. Facebook je upravo objavio cjenu ulaza: 5,99 € da bi zadržali status Gold Membership i vašu privatnost . Ako zalijepite ovu poruku na svoju stranicu, status će ostati besplatno , inače sutra, sve vase publikacije mogu postati javne.Čak i poruke koje su izbrisane ili neovlaštene fotografije. Uostalom, ovo vas ne košta ništa jednostavnim copy paste ....S obzirom na činjenicu da je Facebook odlucio uključiti softver koji omogućuje korištenje osobnih podataka, izjavljujem kako slijedi: danas, četvrtak 08.10.2015, kao odgovor na nove smjernice Facebooka i artikla 1.111 predmeta 112 i 113 Zakona za intelektualno vlasništvo, izjavljujem da su moja prava povezana sa sve moje osobne podatke, slike, crteže, fotografije, video, tekstovi, itd ... objavljeni na mom profilu.Za komercijalnu upotrebu navedenog, morate imati FB dozvolu u pisanom obliku u bilo kojem trenutku.Oni koji su pročitali ovaj tekst mogu kopirati i zalijepiti ga u svoj Facebook zid. Tako će staviti sebe pod zaštitu autorskih prava.Izvještavam Facebook, da je strogo zabranjeno objaviti, kopirati, distribuirati, širiti ili bilo koji drugi postupak protiv mene na temelju ovog profila i / ili sadržaja. Navedene mjere odnose se i na zaposlenike, studente, agente i / ili zaposlenike pod vodstvom Facebooka. Povjerljivi podaci uključena u sadržaju profila. Povreda moju privatnost je kažnjivo po zakonu.Svi članovi su pozvani da objave objavu ove vrste, ili ako vam je draže, ovaj tekst može kopirati i zalijepiti. Tko ne objavi ovu izjavu barem jednom, prešutno dopušta korištenje predmeta, kao što su fotografije, podatke i sadržaje u ažuriranju svog profila.NE DJELITI! KOPIRATI I LIJEPITI !!!It's official now!This has appeared in the media. Facebook has just announced the entry price: 5.99 € to keep the Gold Membership status and your privacy. If you paste this message on your page, the status will remain free, otherwise tomorrow, all your publications may become public.Even messages that were deleted or unauthorized photos. After all, this doesn't cost you anything to just copy paste....In light of the fact that Facebook has decided to include software that allows the use of personal data, I declare as follows: today, Thursday 08.10.2015, in response to Facebook's new guidelines and articles 1,111 items 112 and 113 of the Intellectual Property Law, I declare that my rights are connected to all my personal data, images, drawings, photos, videos, texts, etc... posted on my profile.For commercial use of the above, you must have your FB permission in writing at all times.Those who have read this text can copy and paste it to their Facebook wall. That's how they will put themselves under copyright protection.I report to Facebook, that it is strictly forbidden to publish, copy, distribute, disseminate or any other action against me based on this profile and/or content. The above measures also apply to employees, students, agents and/or employees under the supervision of Facebook. Confidential information included in the profile content. The violation of my privacy is punishable by law.All members are invited to post a post of this kind, or if you prefer, this text can copy and paste. Those who do not publish this statement at least once, quietly allows the use of items, such as photos, data and content in updating their profile.DO NOT SHARE! COPY AND PASTE !!!***PRAVNI LIJEK:NERADI DRUGIMA-STO NEZELIS SEBI,NIJE PO BOZJOJ ZAPOVJESTI,NE!!!
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Светлана Трифуновић 536 friends Went to Гимназија "Свети Сава" Пећ Went to Gimnazija Sveti Sava Pec Lives in Belgrade, Serbia From Metohija Married  iz glave ove osobe idu najruznije uvrede ispod svake casti i ljudskog dostojanstva usmerene ka meni iz ciste mrznje i koristoljublja-Upozoravam javnost na udruzenu diskriminaciju ove osobe uperenu indirektno protiv mene i moje obitelji i ovim putem zelim da se SVE TO PREKINE,jer nijesam njena ni 1.va ni 1 ZRTVA.I TO SVE IDE PREKO PRIJAVLJENOG LAZNOG PROFILA:Marina Zauvek VasicStudied at Tehnicka skola GSPLives in Belgrade, Serbia From Karaburma Followed by 406 people
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Specijalna Bolnica za Bolesti ZavisnostiTeodora Drajzera 44, 11000 Beograd. Telefoni. +381 11 3671 429. +381 11 2662 727. Email Adrese. [email protected]. Radnim danima: 7.00 - 20h.Jadna je ustanova u kojoj OVAKVI ZLOSTAVLJACI "POMAGACI RADE"Ima ih MNOGO TAKVIH  NAZALOST.) #tuzilastvo#stopnasiljuAleksandar ŠapićEuropean UnionEuropean Union at the UN – Geneva
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Marina Zauvek Vasic March 25, 2021 ·
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Policajci PS Novi Beograd, Goran D. i Milan M. brutalno su pretučeni prilikom intervencije u ulici Mileve Marić Ajnštajn ispred broja 2. Njih su napali i tukli Aleksandar J. (16) njegov otac i brat Braim B.(38), Stefan J. i drugih 20 neidentifikovanih žitelja ulice Mileve Marić Anštajn. Kako saznajemo patrola policije reagovala je na poziv sugrađana da se na pomenutoj adresi remeti mir. Patrola je pokušala da obavi razgovor i da smiri Aleksandara J. koji je u vidno alkoholisanom stanju galamio: „Sve ću da ih polomim, je..ću im mater“. Tada se umešao njegov otac Braim B. rečima: „Šta ga dirate, govna jedna, je..ću vam mater mrtvu, skinuću vam uniforme, sad ćemo da vas pobijemo. Njemu u pomoć je pritekao drugi sin Stefan J. koji se policajcima obraća rečima : “Je…ćemo vam mater nećete vi nikoga da privodite, govna jedna! Ubrzo su se okupili ostali žitelji ulice i čupajući drvene letve i šipove koji su se nalazili u parku ispred dva ulaza fizički nasrću na dvočlanu patrolu policije. Odmah su opkolili patrolu a Braim B. nasrće na policajca Gorana D. vuče ga u gužvu gde mu zadaju par udaraca rukom u prelelu leđa. Policajac Milan M. u nameri da odbije neposredni napad i zaštiti kolegu kreće ka Braimu B. ali u tom momentu, Stefan J. drvenom letvom udara policajca Milana M. u predelu glave i nanosi mu povrede. U međuvremen su pristigle patrole policije koje su došle po pozivu za pomoć.
Ekipa Hitne pomoći je povređenog policijskog službenika Milana M. prevezla na Urgentni centar gde mu je lekar specijalista konstatovao tešku telesnu povredu u vidu frakture nosne kosti. Povređeni policajac upućen je na maksilofacijalnu hirurgiju gde je upućen da se javi na dalje bolničko lečenje. „Sindikat srpske policije najoštrije osuđuje ovakvo ponašanje obesnih građana koji ne prezaju da napadnu predstavnike države u obavljanju službenog zadatka. Ovo samo jedan od očiglednih primera da danas svako ko želi može da omalovažava, preti, napadne i povredi policijskog službenika. A šta čini država da bi zaštitila policajce, koji sasvim slučajno štite interese države, praktično ništa“, ogorčeni su policajci.
Izvor: Alo.rs Foto: Ilustracija
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academic-vampire · 3 months
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“Mere existence had always been too little for him; he had always wanted more.”
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
(P. 515 of Barnes & Noble Classics)
(I finished it ㅠㅠ)
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killerbananas · 4 months
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It’s an Alpha’s duty to breed an omega in heat. Life’s blessing unto you is that Porco is man enough to answer that call with sumptuous passion that will satiate your breeding needs.
🔞 mdni | masterlist | 515 wc | omega!afab!reader x alpha!porco
Warnings: smut; arguably crack knotting pwp, knotting, breeding, glory hole, rut, heat, dominating, dubcon/breeding/knotting, subservience, bratty indignancy, semi-public sex, oral/gagging, finger licking
AN: Repost from my old account.
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Porco cannot live with himself when the need panging from his cock to his swollen balls almost takes his knees out from under him. He’s thinking himself damned until he realizes that he’s somehow ended up at a bar and something catching his breath is pulling him through back rooms and weird noises with couples humping in corners that he never believed he’d really be ambling through with a hard-on, but here he was.
And so were you. It was a twist of delirious fate that your heat crept up on you from nowhere and buckled your needy ass to the floor in the kitchen of the club you were working in. It happened after you were sideswiped by a rich aroma that seemed to have kickstarted your heat as if to say, “that one!”
The fuck?
The next thing you know, you’re crawling along the floor, barely making it towards where you’re being drawn. You glimpse a speck of light from a wall you hadn’t noticed until now, as you were eyelevel with it. The aroma was coming from there and nothing could keep you from it, salivating at the idea of engorging yourself on the source.
He hears something on the other side… smells something sinfully invigorating.
“Someone there?”
He’s never blushed this hard in his life, but it only deters him for a second because the opportunity is just too invaluable to turn down.
“You gonna ask questions or open your mouth for my cock, omega?”
You’re scrambling to present your throat for him to use and scrape your knees getting there. It doesn’t stay on your mind long because you’re choking down Porco’s girth before you can register the lack of air getting to your lungs.
“Atta girl. Open up, little one.” The hole is wider than you’d expected and let’s his fingers pull through to probe at the hinge inside your mouth and keep you ajar to service his dick. The praise is worth the humiliation. It feels like sinking into a warm bath, coming home.
It’s hardly a blink and he’s got you shoved back on your knees, touching your pussy on his command, while he goes on a rampage, cock bobbing on full display without care, speed walking to find his way to knot you. He only has to pass three doorways before nothing stands between him and your pussy except your hand that he shoves in his mouth while crowding into your crotch to slip straight into the slickness of your cunt.
“You’re going to take my knot here and then I’ll cream your cunt until we can get you back to my place. Text whoever you need to let know you’re going to be a few days offline. I’m not giving you up.”
You can’t help but get overwhelmed and bratty at his insistence and how much it was affecting you. You’d never felt the urge to just give your body up to someone so much and you weren’t sure you could ever match this level of possession, pussy pulsing milky flutters around Porco’s knot.
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Taglist: @aotwarriorsimp @alexpro-nwn @animediplomat @antoxsmith @armoredpotato @aviinnit @beffjurky @casuallyck @cherrxs @dearbaji @erwinsbaby @eyesucket @fairypiku @fandomficsobsession @fujoneshi @holographicceo @hinasakuino @interfectio-mortales @kenryug @koulakoukoula2003 @kxkyuu-main @lavenderdaisyhoney   @mybadluckshouldmakemefamous @chaotic-nick @nathalunalune @notgoodforlife @arsonszn @pockcock @poursomesunaonme @scouts-stuff @seychellse @shigarakiapologist @downbadpie @soaringmirror @sparklekitteh @stigandr-the-cat @syrma-sensei @reiners-milkbiddies @tiffanyy-21 @theinariakuma @tonaken @torapologist @touyyes @we-are-so-close @witchycamisado
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superman86to99 · 14 days
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Adventures of Superman #515 (August 1994)
Massacre in Metropolis, Part 2: the ice cream heist turns fatal! As seen last week, Massacre and his wormy little sidekick, Skimmer, have come to Earth to steal ice cream for a space mobster, but Skimmer ends up doing all the work while Massacre goes straight to punching Superman. In fact, Massacre cares so little about completing the mission that he punches Superman right into the spaceship carrying all the ice cream, causing it to come crashing down and explode. Superman, Massacre, and Skimmer survive the explosion but the ice cream, sadly, does not.
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Massacre gleefully pummels Superman, who's having trouble punching him back -- Massacre always seems to know exactly what his next move will be and act accordingly. After deducing that Massacre doesn't have psychic powers (otherwise he'd be taunting him with stuff like "I bet Lois is making out with Jeb Friedman right about now!"), Superman figures out that he's predicting his moves by "sensing nerve signals," whatever that means.
What's important is that Superman deliberately misses Massacre with his heat vision in order to drop a wall on him from behind by surprise, and then just starts beating the crap out of him while Massacre is too distracted to sense any nerves or whatever. The massacrer has become the massacred!
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Meanwhile, Superman's own wormy little sidekick, Jimmy Olsen, is taking photos of the fight from a rather flimsy-looking half-destroyed bridge, as a worried Lois looks on. Skimmer, who is also worried about his guy losing (and ending up stranded on Earth), sneaks up on Lois and takes her hostage. Lois, however, is pretty used to being kidnapped by "meta-weirdos" by now, so she quickly frees herself...
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...at which point the entire bridge starts collapsing due to a blast shot by Massacre. Superman is able to save Lois and Jimmy, but Skimmer is buried by the rubble and it looks like he's about to go the big Ben & Jerry's in the sky. Supes wants to take him to a hospital (it's Metropolis; they probably have a whole unit for aliens crushed by debris during fights), but a weirdly emotional Massacre says no. He says Skimmer may be a bug but he's his bug, so he wants to transport him to a "xeno-med" instantly, which is his only chance of surviving. Superman agrees, and as Massacre disappears with Skimmer, he says something about having "learned his lesson well."
On the final page, we see that, after leaving Skimmer at the space hospital, Massacre retired from punching and now works a normal office job at a space insurance comp-- wait, no. He actually just let Skimmer die while he sat on an asteroid, thinking about how he's glad his little pal is dead now, because that means his rivalry with Superman is now personal.
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(No, he's not cheekily winking at the camera, he just got a swollen eye from the fight.)
As with Massacre's first appearance, artist Barry Kitson is credited as plotter in this issue, with regular writer Karl Kesel handling dialogue. You can sort of tell they're working Marvel style (art goes first, then the writer figures out what the characters are saying) because the narrative style is WAY more action-driven than your average Kesel comic, and some of the dialogue has a distinct "OK, what do I make them say in this one?" vibe to it.
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This might explain why parts of the fight feel repetitive, as Don Sparrow points out (but I'll let him talk about it in his section below!).
When he goes off to take photos of the fight, Jimmy leaves his clothes-scavenging partner Lucy Lane with the white-haired girl from Adventures #514, who turns out to 1) be named Case and 2) want to be a rock star. In fact, she and some friends are currently looking for instruments in the wreckage of a music shop so they can form a band called the Riot Grrrls and play at the upcoming Metropolis benefit concert. They're nice enough not to ditch her, but Lucy doesn't really fit in with the group; she's more of a Tiffany person, as we find out.
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Lucy apparently doesn't realize that the "Babe" mentioned above is Jimmy's old friend Babe Tanaka, now a big death metal star (as mentioned in Man of Steel #36), whom she should probably remember from that time they were both turned into vampires and almost slayed by Robin. Or maybe Lucy does remember Babe but she's playing dumb because she's still jealous of that time two years ago when she saw her "kissing" Jimmy at the hospital...
The Massacre/Doomsday comparisons continue. Don Sparrow says: "Massacre gets more of a push, with still some more Doomsday invocations, as Lois' fretting establishes that Superman had an easier time fighting Doomsday than he did Massacre." Because, you know, he could actually lay a punch on Doomsday. Lois' concerns turn out to be misplaced (one distraction and Massacre turned into a punching bag) but I think we should cut the girl some slack; she did just watch her guy get beaten to death a few month's ago, in the comic's timeline.
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After successfully ricocheting his heat vision to drop that wall on Massacre, Superman thinks: "And Ma said Pete and I were wasting our time in that pool hall!" Imagine young "aw shucks" Clark Kent and Pete Ross angering redneck hustlers by being inexplicably good at pool. Why wasn't that included in the World of Smallville miniseries?! Why wasn't the whole mini about that?!
SPARROW ALERT! Don will be appearing at SaskAssemble AND Sask Expo Regina in September, so if you're from those parts, go there and confront him about his shameless Jimmy Olsen apologism.
If you're using League of Comic Geeks (sort of a Letterboxd for comics), I've started an account where I'm slowly posting blurbs from our older blog entries in the corresponding Superman '86 to '99 era issues, so feel free to follow along! I'll also be (briefly) commenting on the non-Superman comics I do read from time to time, including the '90s DC stuff I scour for Superman references for the Super Titles Round-Up posts. Be warned that you might suddenly see like 40 Zero Hour crossover issues show up in your feed...
Shout Outs-Watch:
Riot Grrrl-loud shout outs to our supporters, Aaron, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Kit, Sam, Bol, Dave Shevlin, and Dave Blosser! Join them (and get extra non-continuity articles) via Patreon or our newsletter’s “pay what you want” mode!
Oh yeah, Don is also appearing RIGHT HERE AND NOW:
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow):
We start with the cover, and it’s a little bit of déjà vu, a conceptual mirror image to last week’s Superman #92, where Massacre was decking Superman.  On this week’s cover, Superman is striking back.  Apart from the reference to the previous cover, this one is fine, but maybe a little stiff and static.
Inside the book, we’re greeted almost immediately with a big old explosion as Superman, Massacre, and Skimmer’s ship crash back down to the rubble that is Metropolis, miraculously hurting no one important.
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An odd thing in these fire-lit pages is that aside from slightly curlier hair, it’s hard to tell Lois Lane apart from “Dis”, one of the Riot Grrrls. The image on page 4, though, of Superman’s fighting stance in the flames against Massacre, is a good one.
The art team seems to thrive at drawing teeth, which are prominently featured in a sequence of panels on pages 11 and 12.  Say what you want about intergalactic villain Massacre—he takes care of his chompers.
The battle scenes here are well-drawn—generally Barry Kitson is a terrific and consistent penciller—but there is something repetitive about the fighting.  Apart from Superman’s heat vision bank-shot, it’s literally just a slugfest, with the fight choreography just being haymaker after haymaker. 
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It’s not only visually a bit repetitive, but seems to forget that Superman learned to fight smarter (using his flight, heat vision and arctic breath more to his advantage) in his second fight with Doomsday. 
To this point, Skimmer seemed like a harmless hanger-on, so it’s a bummer to see him go full villain, threatening (and very nearly groping) Lois Lane.  Nice to see Lois do some hand to hand combat to free herself, and her dialogue about not being a damsel in distress is in-character.
The images of Massacre crying are unintentionally hilarious, as is Superman’s stern, vice principal like admonishing that so long as Massacre continues killing, they’ll remain enemies, BUT HE’S FREE TO GO. [Max: I always took the "crying" as a side effect of the beating, since it's only in one eye and it's the one that looks swollen on the final page. Maybe Massacre's blood is white? Or maybe Kitson intended it as blood but the editors toned it down to avoid implying Superman punched someone's eye off.]
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I suppose Massacre staying would threaten Skimmer’s survival, since Massacre says he’s taking off to tend to his care, but still, this seems super weird and casual after they’ve built Massacre up as an unstoppable killing machine for three issues. 
You might be sitting there thinking an excessive amount of time is being spent on the characters Azuki, Case, Dis, Margo and Sinda forming a band, a band called the Riot Grrrls.  If that’s what you’re thinking, you’d be right.  [Max: Maybe once Kitson learned he'd be plotting the issue he said "Awesome, I can turn it into a backdoor pilot for my Riot Grrrrls comic pitch!"] Aside from taking up a lot of panels and not really advancing the story, I also have to chuckle at the on-the-nose band name, which Is also the name of a Pacific Northwest punk movement or genre.  Calling your band Riot Grrrls would be as literal as naming your band “Seattle Sound” or “Grunge Music” in 1994.  On the plus side, Dis mentions Bessolo Boulevard, which we’ve established is a reference to the adopted name of tragic 50’s Superman, George Reeves.
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I had thought that Case’s mention of “Shonen Knife” was some kind of in-universe slang (the Legion books were always establishing future slang terms, as were off-worlders like Lobo, whose expression “Feetal’s Gizz” became almost like a catch phrase, or in Batman Beyond, the young people called things “shui”, an apparent abbreviation of the principle of feng shui) but that’s just because I wasn’t sufficiently hip to know that Shonen Knife was an all-girl Japanese pop-punk band.  In our universe, even!  So Case was dismissing her lyrics as being too close to a Shonen Knife song.  Which one?  I have no idea.
A little later in the story, the Riot Grrrls take up two more full pages to scavenge the rubble of a music store, called Tom N’ Nancy’s Music Mart.  I believe this is a reference to frequent Karl Kesel collaborator Tom Grummett, and his wife, Nancy Grummett (a celebrated potter/artist in her own right, in these parts).  [Max: And the store seems to be located in Grummett Ave., too!]
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There’s also pop culture references, one to Teen Talk Barbie, the controversial 1992 Barbie doll who famously said “Math class is tough” (among 270 other less offensive phrases, including “I’m studying to be a doctor”) earning the ire of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  The doll is misquoted in this issue as having said “Math is hard.”  Lucy Lane also shows her pop culture illiteracy when Margo mentions lead singer/vampire harpy Babe Tanaka, and Lucy asks if she’s anything like Tiffany.  Pop singer Tiffany (nee Tiffany Darwish) was largely out of the public eye by the mid-90s, and a far cry from a Riot Grrrl.
Seriously, it’s just so weird to try to give Massacre a heart, like he’s a big softie at the end!  [Max: Whether he was crying or not, I still think he should join the Riot Grrrls and write a heartfelt song the sad passing of Skimmer.]
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Can I rant at you please because my eras tour show is in exactly two weeks and I am freaking out!!!!!!
So context I got tickets for two shows but had to sell one of them because i couldn't afford it.
Now I am so scared I sold the wrong ones, what if they have a better view? What if the sound tower is in the way of my view? That tower haunts my dreams I swear because I am like 99% sure that they do block my view and I'm so scared. What if they get better surprise songs than me?
I know I'll have a good time anyway and it doesn't really matter but I think I might break down crying if I get there and can't actually see the stage.
Taylor means so much to me I am not even exaggerating I love her so much she's my everything so I'm kind of putting pressure on this to be perfect but I know that that will lead me to disappointment but I can't stop because I think of that stupid sound tower literally everywhere I go.
I'm not good with crowds and noise so I NEVER EVER go to concerts. Taylor is literally the only person I would ever go to a concert for and this is my first one so I will be so sad if I can't see her but I already sold the other tickets and sorted my travel out for my show and stuff so I can't change it ?? I'm dying!!! I am also neuro divergent and I'm scared I'll have a meltdown and have to leave and I don't know how good Wembley is at handling that stuff
What if my tickets don't work? What if my bag is too big or there is something in there I can't take in but forgot that I'm not allowed and they don't even let me in?
I'm in section 220 and sold seats in 515 which I thought was a good idea because 220 is closer but 515 is more center onto the stage and I didn't think of that while I was deciding and now I'm regretting it.
Also what if they're sold out of the merch I want? What if I'm behind someone with a sign or those big hats? What if my section is so dead not singing because if it is I would be so self conscious to be the only one singing so I wouldn't and that would be so sad. What if it's the other way and there is someone SCREECHING next to me.
I'm so anxious and I'm scared I will ruin this for myself which I really don't want to do because this is literally my dream and I don't know if I'll have the money to go next time she's on tour I'm so scared it's not going to be perfect but if I put too much pressure on it I'll be disappointed whatever happens.
Also I never wear dresses but I am to this (evermore dress and cloak) and I'm scared I'll feel really self conscious wearing it in public and stuff (being plus-sized will kill me to death I swear). Also I am hyper-sweaty so I'm scared I will smell because there will be a lot of dancing and jumping
This was long but everyone else thinks I'm crazy for caring so much about a concert but they don't understand what tay means to be she's saved my life about a gazillion times and comforts me more than anyone (through her music obviously I'm not friends with her). I'm just so nervous
Also this is Greece anon btw as well (that trip was so fun as well I got back last week I had such a great time)
Thanks for letting me rant at you ig and sorry this was so long
Hi hon!
First of all, next time you have Taylor tickets to sell, I'm your guy, alright? :P
Let's talk through some of your fears:
The sound tower- I'm pretty sure those seats that are obstructed by the tower have to be sold as obstructed. But if they aren't, there are a few solutions to this. First, you can ask a staff member if it's possible to move to an empty seat (there will be empty seats. there were at my concert date, because of stupid ticket resellers), second, you can use the big screens to see anything you miss, and third, you can walk around to find a spot to stand at. A lot of people at my date stood in places that weren't even their seats.
Surprise songs- your surprise songs will mean the world to you because they are yours. I didn't get DBATC as my surprise song, which was my dream, but literally every time my surprise songs come on, I get so excited because they were MINE. They'll hold a special place in your heart no matter what they are.
Seat locations- 220 is better than 515, definitely. You made the right choice.
Neurodivergency/crowds- I'm also neurodivergent and the crowds werent that bad- the only time I struggled a bit was in the merch line. Other than that, it was very controlled. If you're worried, you could also get loop ear plugs? I got those and it helped with noise. I'd also suggest cough drops because singing for 3 hours hurts the throat lol.
Tickets/bags- your tickets will work, hon. those horror stories are just that- horror stories. And if you accidentally bring something you're not supposed to, they'll just throw it out, they won't kick you out.
Merch- I got in the merch line during the openers and I got a size 2x blue crewneck no problem <3
The crowd- I don't remember the crowd at all during my show. I don't remember if people were screaming or not saying a word. I just remember that I was screaming. Ignore the crowd and focus on you, hon. Screw everyone else. You don't know these people! Who cares if they think you're too loud or too sweaty. If they think that, they're spending their time judging you instead of simping over Taylor and I feel bad for them
On the outfit. You will slay. Dress in layers, take a cute picture at the beginning, and then don't worry if you end up looking like trash. By the end of the night, the best Swifties will have mascara running down their cheeks and ruined hair from sweating from jumping. AS. THEY. SHOULD.
I totally understand all the overthinking. But when you get in there, it's all gonna go away. I promise, all you'll be able to think about is how amazing it is <3
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maceofpentacles · 2 years
this is embarrassing enough as it is so please don’t come into my asks and be mean to me, i will not handle it well.
anyway it’s that time again. i have $75 in my bank account and have rent due february 5th. rent is $515 and then there’s utilities on top of that, they vary each month but i can talk to my roommates about paying my portion back to them later. i have $60 in walmart gift cards from my extended family as late christmas presents that will cover groceries i need but i desperately need help covering rent.
i have an internship that will be paying me $2000 but they’re giving me half at the end of march and the other half once i wrap everything up in late april. i’ve applied to 10+ other jobs/internships over the very brief amount of time i’ve been out of college and have heard nothing back. i’m trying. i really am. i just have no consistent form of income at the moment.
i don’t particularly enjoy taking money from people without offering them something in return so here is a link to my post where i list out the different divination readings i offer along with prices. i’m very flexible with my prices so if you want something to be cheaper i’m willing to do it, i can also do multiple readings for a lower price.
i have p*yp*l | v*nmo | c*sh*pp as methods of payment for my readings
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hashimasims · 1 month
Take like 515 (over exaggeration obviously) of this ONE post because I kinda REALLY want it included in the story. If this flags again then FUQ IT I don't need it and this rant won't matter because no one will see it. The scene was heavily inspired by one of the MANY books I was reading at the time probably Wild Fire or Conspiracy Game both by Christine Feehan (I generally read 10+ books at the same time but those are the first two that come to mind besides ACOWAR) and I really enjoyed writing it (at least the original version) for whatever reason even with the content label and hiding under a cut it keeps getting flagged and hidden. A quick test between a post of just the images and just the text flagged the text post but not the much more explicit - though cropped or blurred - images post, both have since been deleted and I have shortened and cut up the text part so maybe it passes guidelines now which truthfully makes no sense to me when I can look up the tag WW or the full wicked title (don't know if that is marked for flagging not risking it) and find pics gifs or vids of the actual animations from the MOD without any content labels or post cuts (which now that I know about them I'm trying to use for any potential triggering content). I personally don't care about that let your flag fly just kinda upsetting that a set of words red flags my post when I try to write something akin to a romance novel and there's straight up simmie p - 0rn on this site if I wanted to go find it - I'm sure some of my posts from generation 2 with Ayre and his wife may constitute as such (though maybe of the soft variety since I tried to crop out the full deed even then - AND NONE OF THOSE POSTS WERE FLAGGED GRRR) - I may still post the rant part if this post gets flagged again. I'm trying to be a good tumblr user and follow the rules oh mighty and powerful bots and post reviewers but you're making it kind of difficult here
TW: Tiny bit of nudity of the pixel peoples Though there are no real bits to be seen (blurred/covered/cropped out) Things are getting a little extra explicity and do not necessarily pertain to the story So feel free to skip these posts of the #Glynnan Legacy VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!
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For those that do continue past the cut this is a new post, you are not seeing a repeat. Post #1 of Taehyung and Elucea's spicy 🌶️(only 1 pepper it's not that hot) content here (Which that post wasn't flagged but I still went back and added a content label just in case but thank you because that one had a bit more story in it)
[Final warning - Contains (now super blurred) nudity and I'll still call it 18+ storytelling though the original was a lot more thorough - Click the Keep Reading button at your own risk]
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Elucea cried out as he surged forward. Even expecting the pain it was still a shock and she tried to move away but Taehyung held her to him.
Taehyung: Relax for me kuu wahi manō. It will pass just breathe. Elucea: What does that mean? Taehyung: Google translate says it means my little shark. Are you OK? Elucea: Can't always trust those online language translators but I do like the sound of it. Yeah I think I'm OK now. Taehyung: Wrap your legs around me. Yes just like that.
Elucea tried to think of everything that she'd read in romance novels, things she was suppose to do in this situation, but those books didn't prepare her for the sensations Taehyung was making her feel and she could only move against him, her body instinctively meeting his.
Elucea began sobbing his name, her nails biting into his back, her cries music to his ears and the two of them went over the edge together
Pure Paradise Taehyung thought as he gave her every last drop of himself.
He should have used protection or checked to see if she was on birth control but he wouldn't lie and say he wasn't thrilled with the idea of her getting pregnant. The idea of their child growing inside her filling him with pure satisfaction. The life they should have had centuries ago.
Dreams that were dashed away but now they had a second chance to make them a reality.
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ineffable-doll · 8 months
Hugfest 2: 20 Days of Good Omens Hug Ficlets!
I've just finished the last of my 20 hug-based ficlets, done with the Ace Omens Discord server! My ficlets focus on a variety of Good Omens characters (with several appearances from our favorite angel and demon, of course) and feature all sorts of hugs with fluff, humor, and angst!
They were tons of fun to write, so if you're looking to skip through and read the few that interest you, or if you want to binge them all, you can now do so!
Table Of Contents Chapter 1: The Them, hugging the other from behind, 591 words Chapter 2: Maggie and Nina, A morning/hello hug, 802 words Chapter 3: Adam and Dog, an evening/goodbye hug, 680 words Chapter 4: Bildad the Shuhite and Jemimah, a “jumping into the other’s arms” hug, 659 words (with art) Chapter 5: Elspeth and Wee Morag, last hug, 727 words Chapter 6: Crowley, really long hug, 100 words Chapter 7: Warlock, Nanny Ashtoreth, and Brother Francis, a reunion hug, 917 words Chapter 8: Muriel and Eric, first hug, 1,394 words Chapter 9: Aziraphale and Crowley, an accidental hug, 1,445 words Chapter 10: Anathema and Madame Tracy, celebratory hug, 952 words Chapter 11: Adam, Dierdre, and Arthur (The Youngs), group hug, 865 words Chapter 12: Agnes Nutter and Virtue Device (her daughter), smiling into a hug, 831 words Chapter 13: Madame Tracy and Shadwell, A drunk hug when one has to hold onto the other for balance, 681 words Chapter 14: Muriel, sleepy hug, 1,082 words Chapter 15: Beelzebub and Gabriel, wing hug, 606 words Chapter 16: Crowley and Aziraphale, Tracy and Shadwell, Anathema and Newt, The Them; a “we survived” hug, 920 words Chapter 17: The Horsepersons, a silent hug, 830 words Chapter 18: Aziraphale and Crowley, wet hug, 815 words Chapter 19: R. P. Tyler and his dog, clinging hug, 515 words Chapter 20: Aziraphale and Crawly, a “twirling you around” hug, 828 words
Not sure where to start? My favorite chapters are 4, 9, 16, and 17!
Enjoy :)
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flyfish1999 · 6 months
AO3 tag game \o/ !!!
thank youuu for tagging me @ragecndybars !!! best of luck with your wips ^_^ !!!!!!!!! without further ado ...
How many works do you have on AO3? 103 !! \o/ !!! i hit the 100 mark just at the end of december .. and then didn't post all january lol ^_^
What's your total AO3 word count? only 97,635 ! pretty unsurprising, everything i write tends to be a oneshot, and very short oneshots at that ! not even an average of 1000 words per fic though ehehe ; ; !
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? 33 ! ofc this is only ao3's number, some of these count for the same fic being tagged with multiple series tags, but (ignoring my .. eugh ... 6 2020 original work posts i refuse to look at ...) my top fandoms are: persona 3 [40] , persona 5 [15] , trauma center [8] , persona 4 [6] , pokemon [5] ! wow ... i'm honestly surprised, but i feel like i shouldn't be ^_^;;
Top five fics by kudos: all of these are from over three years ago, so i don't remember them very well ^_^;; and i'm kind of scared to reread them now, but here goes: we won't slip through your fingers - 763 kudos ! a cute p5 found family fic with akira, sojiro and futaba ^_^ i still see this pop up in my daily kudos email every so often ! it seems like the type of thing i like reading myself for p5, so i'm not surprised :p Indistinct and Incomprehensible - 515 kudos ! another p5 sakura family fic (sensing a theme?) but this time interrogation room flavoured ! i've always loved the interrogation room hook, probably because i'm such a huge fan of whump fic ^_^;; i'll never forget when a friend excitedly messaged me saying she was about to send me a great interrogation room fic .. only to realise it was mine :p The Days When My Father's Here - 402 kudos ! another- I PROMISE I DON'T ONLY WRITE P5 SAKURA FAMILY FIC LOL ...! cute and short, a shortcake biscuit of a read imo :3c (he left the town long before) yet his house is still standing in the same place - 400 kudos ! akira talking tatsujun ... i've always liked this premise, even as i tend to lean into the angstier side of p2 nowadays ^_^ but no matter what, i have always been a long title connoisseur ... i hope it's toned down in recent years ehehe ! Unconventional Naming Ceremony - 275 kudos ! yeah ... the truth come out ... i used to be a huge fan of the sonic movie >_< i was literally on the phone to my friend the other day getting bullied about how much i used to like it lol !!!!!!! they didn't even know me then ... c'mon ... i hope this is a cute fic. i'm too scared to touch it. lol.
Do you respond to comments? i try to as much as i can !!! sometimes i forget, and sometimes i just don't have anything i might want to say other than thank you for commenting, but all of them mean so much to me ^_^ rereading comments is probably about 40% of my fuel ehehe
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written? wow ...! that's difficult ! even though i write lots of angsty fic, i am a freak who can find joy in anything. the jolliest guy you could say. a mochizuki fan, possibly. in recent memory, i'd say disappearance, an alien heart beat ... even shorter than usual, but miserable the whole way through . ryoji and minato sit in a room and don't say anything. yaaaay ! (fun fact! it is partially based on a feeling i used to get when me and my ex used to sit in my room with the lights off but the tv on standby, because the overhead light was too harsh. i love watching people move under light; i love the sound of electronics that have been on for too long)
Do you write crossovers? not really ?! they're fun for crackfics, but i don't really honestly explore them that often. maybe i should !
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic? i .... don't think so ! i used to get hate anons when i was younger + stupider because i was quite literally asking for it -_-;; but rage -> if you see this, that zelda comment screenie you posted made me laugh for literally ten minutes [link]
Do you write smut? i would really like to !!!!!!! but i'm so shy >_< !!! but also i worry .. i did once, for OCs of mine, and sent it to a friend ... who immediately sent back laughing that it was 98% inner monologue, 2% actual smut .. which tracks for me lol !
Have you ever had a fic stolen? i sure hope not !
Have you ever had a fic translated? YES !!!!!!! it's always been my dream ^_^ !!! and just this year i had and then he looked right through me, as if i wasn't there translated into russian by a very kind regular commenter !!! if you see this: thank you so much, it means the world to me !!! apparently it was for a friend of theirs, who is a new fan of p3 due to the widespread translations of reload, and they really liked it ^_^ it makes me so happy to think that reload can really extend p3's reach and even more people can get a chance to experience it ...
What’s your all-time favorite ship? ryomina ofc ^_^;; ! kind of topical, but i recently scored the old kotobukiya minato figure that came with the episode "luck" drama cd ! i'll never stop talking about it, but reading episode luck's translations on the gekkouhigh livejournal is what made me love ryomina, and cemented my love of p3 as a whole ... such sweet memories ehehe
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? mostly things that were born of a specific emotion i was feeling when i drafted it, and don't really want to feel again if i can help it, or at least on purpose. it makes me pretty sad that i feel some of my most impactful work has come out of me feeling ... well, pretty sad ! so i just work harder every day to write just as well, if not better, than things i've written in that state :]
What are your writing strengths? aaa ... i think i'm good at laying running metaphors in a fic (which i love hearing when @p3ta says them back to me ^_^ !!!!!!!!!!!!) if that makes sense ?!?! probably because i love edgar wright movies .. callback fan writes callbacks eternally like the ouroboros lol :p i'm sisyphean !
What are your writing weaknesses? i need to buckle down and write longer fics goddamn it !!!!!!!!!! my latest work, the best beast ever is a boy you know, is also my longest work to date, at a measly 3,657 words. but i love it so much, and it's so amazing what i can do with just 2000 words more than i'm used to ! hopefully i can keep it up ^_^
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics? it's interesting, and really enjoyable when done well (looking at some bebe writers tbh !!!!!) ... buuut, of course, it can also fall flat ! kind of related, but the closest i've ever gotten to something like this is using japanese honorifics . i know it's a little divisive, but i like it a lot when used responsibly (as i try to) ^_^;; ! overuse of stuff like -sama totally makes me feel like i'm about to tab into ouran high school host club part 1 of 13 on youtube though lol
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? gravity falls, on a long abandoned ff.net account ! you know i was one of those guys writing it directly into the post box :]
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far? it's cheating, but i have two and an honourable mention. i am so happy to have returned to writing persona 3 fic ... it is one of my favourite things ^_^ first of all: alone but sane . alone but sane could be considered my magnum opus so to speak lol ... it is just one of those ideas that is so perfect. i don't know ... i am in many ways my own biggest fan. i do ofc owe my inspiration for it to @mymp3, the best messiah recipe 2008 attendee ^_^ i am so glad we're friends now :p second of all: when you're hollowed out and empty !!!! i hope to write many more fuuka and ryoji fics this year . she is so kind and so reaching in her kindness ... i aim to be more like her ..! fuuka asks, "i wonder what ryoji's doing... do you think he's still crying, like before?" and i write and write and write at last .. my honourable mention! my only zombieland saga fic, and you don't seem to understand (a shame, you seemed an honest man) .. i don't have anything to say here .. zls is a tragedy . to me
again, thanks for tagging me \o/ !!! this is ofc open to anyone who might want to play !!!! i hope you're all having a nice day :]c
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"Chronique des activités scientifiques
Revue des livres
Comptes rendus et notices bibliographiques
Le Polythéisme grec à l’épreuve d’Hérodote
Theodora Suk Fong Jim
p. 290-293
Référence(s) :
Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, Le Polythéisme grec à l’épreuve d’Hérodote, Paris, Les Belles Lettres / Collège de France, 2020. 1 vol. 13,5 × 21 cm, 251 p. (Docet Omnia, 6). ISBN : 978-3-515-12809-4.
Texte intégral
1 The last half century has seen a dazzling array of new approaches in the study of Greek polytheism. Moving away from a polis-centred model into which every student of Greek religion was once initiated, scholars have now advocated alternative frameworks ranging from ‘personal’ and ‘lived’ religion, to ‘network’ analyses, comparative perspectives, and the application of cognitive theories. Pirenne-Delforge’s latest book is a nuanced response to recent shifts in scholarly trends, and a critical reflection on current debates on the character of Greek polytheism. While revisiting old issues central and fundamental to the study of Greek religion, it offers a whole host of new insights into the analysis of Greek gods, the tension between unity and diversity, and the choice of conceptual tools by ancient historians.
2 The author confronts the thorny question of terminology from the outset: can we speak of Greek ‘religion’ when studying the ancient Mediterranean? Carefully tracing the history of the terms ‘religion’ and ‘polytheism’, she demonstrates that neither represents the ancient Greeks’ own use of word, and that their subsequent use is closely bound up with Christian polemics. Nevertheless, she reminds us, in historians’ attempt to avoid or get rid of terms with Christian associations, not only will we leave ourselves with no interpretive tool, we will also be perpetuating, consciously or unconsciously, the prejudice that Christianity is the true religion. In fact this ‘purge’ in terminology can go on: what about ‘religious’, ‘piety’, ‘thanks-giving’, ‘miracle’, and so on? Whether or not modern historians can give credence to the relations between the ancient Greeks and their gods, what is important is that they are recognized by the Greeks themselves. The definition of ‘religion’ chosen by the author aptly emphasizes this: its key element consists in ‘les relations avec la sphère supra-humaine dont cette culture postule l’existence’ (p. 55).
3 A central issue threaded through the whole book is the constant, and seemingly unreconcilable, tension between unity and diversity, the general and the particular, inherent in Greek polytheism. The question of ‘one or many’ has attracted scholarly attention in recent theoretical analyses of Greek cult epithets: to what extent is Zeus Meilichios the same as Zeus Ktesios? How much difference is there between the innumerable Zeuses bearing different epithets? Pirenne-Delforge shows, significantly, that the plurality (poly-) in the word ‘polytheism’ is not restricted to divine figures but is manifest at every level of Greek religion, from sacrificial and other ritual practices, to cult places and sanctuaries, divine names and epithets, and conceptions of the divine: these might vary between different levels of organization (Panhellenic, regional, polis, sub-polis, and so on), from place to place, from one individual to another, and across different time periods. So overwhelmingly diverse is every aspect of Greek polytheism that the singular ‘religion’, one may object, can hardly capture its diversity. Pirenne-Delforge categorically emphasizes the plurality and multiplicity inherent in Greek polytheism on the one hand, but on the other reaffirms the value and validity of Greek ‘religion’ in the singular. To speak of Greek ‘religion’ (rather than ‘religions’), in her view, is not to obscure or obliterate the bewildering plurality in Greek polytheism, but to recognize that ‘une certaine unité sous-tend les relations que les Grecs entretenaient avec leurs dieux’ (p. 95).
4 To demonstrate that this unity is not a construct invented by the historian, Pirenne-Delforge puts her arguments to the test by using Herodotus, who best documents the diversity of religious customs (nomoi) across and within ancient Mediterranean cultures. Close analysis of his Histories and other sources reveals that ‘Greek gods’ and ‘Greek sacrifice’ existed in the ancient Greeks’ own representation of theia pragmata. Such categories tend to lie ‘dormant’ in the Greeks’ perception of religious matters, but come to the surface when a contrast is made with non-Greek phenomena or in a foreign milieu. A question nevertheless remains: in the absence of a centralized religious authority, what gives unity to Greek polytheism? How far can regional, local, and personal variations go before any element loses its ‘Greekness’? Other eminent scholars have conceptualized aspects of this tension using the symbolism of a concertina (capable of expansion and contraction) or kaleidoscope (capable of changing from one to many varied visions),1 whereas Pirenne-Delforge stresses that both unity and diversity are constitutive of our understanding of Greek polytheism, and have to be studied together at every level of analysis. These two forces, the unifying and diversifying, the centripetal and centrifugal,2 hold each other in check, so that there was a limit to how far variations could go.
5 The analysis of the Greek gods has undergone various important shifts in paradigms over the last few decades. The ‘structuralist’ approach associated with Vernant and Detienne emphasizes that Greek gods were divine powers rather than persons, and that they need to be defined in relation to other powers in the pantheon. Versnel in Coping with the Gods (2011) is similarly preoccupied with the question of ‘one or many’, but he is anti-structuralist in stressing the inconsistencies in the Greeks’ perception of the gods and their ability to entertain multiple conceptions of a divine figure. Pirenne-Delforge’s present volume builds on what one might call the ‘neo-structuralist’ approach which she has developed in collaboration with Pironti. While recognizing the anthropomorphic tendencies in the Greeks’ perception of their gods, she follows Vernant in stressing that a god is not a ‘person’, but a divine power with a broad spectrum of competences (technai). Despite the potential plurality of each divine figure, she argues, ‘quelque chose de stable paraît transcender la polyonymie de chaque figure divine’ (p. 128). She uses the symbolism of a ‘network’ (réseau) to capture the dynamic powers and different attributes of each god. Nevertheless, it is unclear if the concept of a network necessarily leads to ‘quelque chose de stable’: all that it emphasizes is the interconnected nature of a god’s different powers, but that was already the assumption underlying what Parker calls the ‘snowball theory’ of polytheism.3
6 After almost two decades of lively debates on the relevance of ‘belief’ in the study of Greek polytheism, most historians now recognize that ‘belief’ existed among the Greeks in a broad sense without Christian overtones, that a plurality of different ‘beliefs’ coexisted, and that ‘belief’ is indispensable in making sense of the Greeks’ relations with their gods. Nevertheless, beyond these broad consensuses, progress in the investigation of ‘belief’ seems to have reached an impasse. Pirenne-Delforge takes the subject further by taking a fresh look at the closest Greek equivalent nomizein. The two aspects of its meaning—the ritualistic sense of ‘to practice and observe as a custom’, and the cognitive sense of ‘to believe’, ‘to recognize as gods’—have often been considered separately, whereas Pirenne-Delforge emphasizes that they are two sides of the same coin. To recognize a certain figure as god, in her view, implies a whole series of rituals and cultic actions rendered to the god concerned, and therefore nomizein tous theous in effect means to integrate the gods in the nomoi of the society. The cognitive recognition of a god in one’s mental sphere is expressed in religious customs, and so we should no longer prioritize ritual as primary or more important than belief. Even for phenomena such as divination and sacrifice, which seem manifestly ritualistic, Pirenne-Delforge demonstrates that these practices are in fact closely linked with the Greeks’ representation of the gods.
7 Other key issues arising from the book include the relations between gods in literature and gods in lived religion, the boundary between ‘public’ and ‘private’ religion, and the relations between the Panhellenic and the local. Each side of these dichotomies tends to form a separate object of analysis in existing studies and is rarely brought together or considered on the same plane in any given analysis. Yet Pirenne-Delforge almost effortlessly brings together different aspects, reminding us that the boundary in these polarities is fluid, permeable, and often ill-defined. In fact hardly any phenomenon in Greek religion can be studied solely from the perspective of either the polis or the individual, the literary or the cultic, the general or the particular, when both aspects are complementary to each other.
8 Forcefully argued and remarkably well-informed, this profoundly thoughtful book beautifully brings together a great deal of valuable insights and an impressive amount of learning resulting from many years of reflection on this subject. It challenges future generations of students and scholars in Greek religion to aspire to a new standard: to study Greek polytheism in its different manifestations and in its totality, and to deploy a multiplicity of perspectives for understanding the complexity of what can justifiably be called Greek religion.
Haut de page
1 R. Parker, On Greek Religion, Cornell, 2011, p. 87; H. Versnel, Coping with the Gods, Leiden, 2011, p. 212; M.S. Smith, Where the Gods Are, New Haven, 2016, p. 57.
2 E. Kearns, “Archaic and Classical Greek Religion”, in M.A. Aweeney, M.R. Salzman, E. Adler (eds.), The Cambridge History of Religions in the Ancient World, Cambridge, 2013, p. 281–284.
3 R. Parker, On Greek Religion, Cornell, 2011, p. 86.Haut de page
Pour citer cet article
Référence papier
Theodora Suk Fong Jim, « Le Polythéisme grec à l’épreuve d’Hérodote », Kernos, 34 | 2021, 290-293.
Référence électronique
Theodora Suk Fong Jim, « Le Polythéisme grec à l’épreuve d’Hérodote », Kernos [En ligne], 34 | 2021, mis en ligne le 31 décembre 2021, consulté le 03 octobre 2023. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/kernos/3913 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/kernos.3913Haut de page
Theodora Suk Fong Jim
University of Nottingham
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Seized by the Nymph? [Texte intégral]Onesagoras the ‘dekatephoros’ in the Nymphaeum at Kafizin in CyprusParu dans Kernos, 25 | 2012
The vocabulary of ἀπάρχεσθαι, ἀπαρχή and related terms in Archaic and Classical Greece [Texte intégral]Paru dans Kernos, 24 | 2011 "
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ryqoshay · 11 months
Cattywampus: Fortissimo
Primary Pairing: N/A Starring: Mei Mentioned: Shiki Words: 515 Rating: G? Time Frame: Sometime during their 1st year of HS Prompt: Bug
Author's Note: Primary entry for the 22nd
Summary: Pianissimo has a surprise for Mei
Riin. Riin.
Mei stirred.
Riin. Riin.
Was there a cricket in her room?
Riin. Riin.
Well, there was Pianissimo, the cricket Shiki had somehow convinced Mei to bring home, but he was, as his name implied, very quiet.
Riin. Riin.
This sound was significantly louder.
Mei opened her eyes.
And screamed.
There was a huge cricket in the middle of her room, staring at her. And chirping.
Riin. Riin.
The giant bug’s mandibles moved back and forth menacingly.
Riin. Riin.
“Pianissimo?” Mei cried, scrambling into the corner of her bed and pulling her legs up. “Why… how are you so big?” She clutched her pillow as though it would somehow provide some sort of protection.
The cricket moved its front legs up onto the edge of the bed. Its antenna twitched and leaned toward Mei as though trying to sense her.
Mei began to panic. Was Pianissimo just curious about his new size? Was he investigating his caretaker? Or was he hungry…
“S-stay away!” Mei sputtered, holding up her pillow, preparing to throw it.
A new, louder chiming chirp filled the room. A moment later, brilliant light shown from the direction of Pianissimo’s terrarium.
A second, giant cricket appeared.
Wait… “P… Pianissimo?” Mei questioned. Had she mistaken the first giant for her pet?
Pianissimo launched into the first cricket, pounding it with his legs and biting at it with his mandibles.
Mei watched with fascinated horror as the two creatures fought, wrecking havoc around her room. And yet somehow managing to avoid her. However, the cacophony of chirping caused her to cover her ears.
After what felt like an eternity, but was more likely just a minute or two, Pianissimo flipped the invader cricket onto its back and dealt a lethal blow.
RIIN! Riin!
Both crickets began to shrink.
Riin… riin…
Pianissimo, back to normal size, hopped up onto Mei’s bed.
riin… riin…
“Th… thank you?” Mei ventured as her pet perched on her knee. Hesitantly, she reached over to gently pat Pianissimo with her fingertip.
riin… riin…
Mei opened her eyes.
riin… riin…
Her room was back to normal. A dream?
riin… riin…
The barely audible chirp came from the tiny terrarium. Mei slipped out of bed and made her way over to her desk.
riin… riin…
Slowly, she opened the small flap at the top and sprinkled a few flakes of turtle feed into the container. She then watched in mild curiosity as Pianissimo moved to eat the food.
After a moment, Mei sighed. What the heck would she tell Shiki? If she gave back the cricket, Shiki would want to know the reason. But telling Shiki about a cricket themed nightmare would either disappoint her friend, or result in teasing. Or both. Probably both.
One more night. Mei finally decided as she made her way back to her bed. If she had a second bad dream due to keeping Pianissimo, she would give him back. If not, maybe she would continue to take care of the bug.
riin… riin…
At least his normal chirp was quiet.
Author's Note Continued: There was an unsurprising number of ShikiMei fics for this entry. And this pleased me.
And I need to find time to read them...
Also, Dream was '21 and Brilliance was '22, which I changed to Brilliant for the context.
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skinimini80 · 11 months
Today has been rough.
444 cals first meal, however, I had an unplanned b/p like an hour after. So i think I got rid of like half of those calories.
So Mini bp: 100 cals (probably not accurate but I always track my b/ps at 100 cals and I haven’t been steered wrong yet)
First meal now: 222 cals
Post purge meal: 850 cals
Then I was invited to go out…
Then I went out. I had a few pieces of some appetizers and a sandwich which I’m counting at 723 cals. Im paranoid so im not gonna name what they were because I was with others.
Then I had a (again unnamed) dessert. 515 cals.
Total: 2410 cals
The goal was 2100 but this is okay. I’m so full so even though the day is early I am DONE eating. I started my fast timer like 2 hours ago and I’m still stuffed.
I talked myself out of purging again. Nervous for tomorrows weigh in but calories wise I should still be in a decent deficit for the week. This was what that liquid fasting was for.
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tempest-toss · 2 years
Important Sites and MTF Units Masterlist
[The following is a list of some of the more prominent Sites and MTF Units of Tempest. These will be mentioned more in pieces. Will be updated as needed]
Site 2 – "Old Training Facility", Abandoned. The Insurgency began here.
Site 4 – "The Armory", Stores anomalous clothing. MTF suits and weapons are stored here if not in use.
Site 13 – "The Swamp Site", located in the bayous of Louisiana. Focuses on bug and plant SCPs. Allegedly keeping an entity at bay.
Site 29 – "The Vault", houses anomalous relics and acts as a high-end prison if need be. Overseen by Three.
Site 32 – “Little Mister Emporium” One of the micro sites made exclusively to house the Little Misters; recently vacant after all 40 escaped.
Site 54 – "The Botanical Garden". A site dedicated to the preservation, growth, and containing floral anomalies. Overseen by Twelve.
Site 65 – "The Brewery." Despite the name, this is actually an alchemical site for testing out certain anomalies and the few recorded anomalous elements. Overseen by Nine.
Site 71 – "The Mariana Trench." Exactly as it says. This site is operated from afar and documents any anomalies hidden in the depths of the ocean.
Site 78 – "The Bug Cage". An entomologist's dream. This site records and observes any bug-related anomalies such as the Calcitos. Overseen by Twelve.
Site 103 – “The Recording Room”. The digital archives were established as being separate from Site 109. Overseen by both One and Ten.
Site 109 –" The Archives". The main archival facility that contains the history of every aspect of the Foundation, and thus is one of the most guarded. Overseen by One.
Site 129 – "The Range". One of the microsites, known for housing anomalous weaponry of various kinds including the Emerald Blade. Formerly Overseen by Thirteen.
Site 150 – "Moon Base". The one and only base on the moon. Serves as a lookout for extraterrestrial anomalies.
Site 230 – "The Happy Home". A site dedicated to helping and healing sapient anomalies by providing them a safe home where they are treated not as SCPs but as people. Run by Site Director Enigma.
Site 390 – "The Ranch". A site that houses farm anomalies. Overseen by Eight and as of recently Thirteen.
Site 401 – "The Skyship" The only site that is permanently in the air. Made out of a taken-over CotBG airship. Tends to contain avian anomalies.
Site 417 – "The Storage" This site was once a major storage center for the Foundation, but now houses the personification of fear, which has rendered this site useless.
Site 500 – "The Radio Tower" A micro site used to broadcast FOundation information globally. Can be used to neutralize any audio-related anomalies.
Site 515 – "The 'Main' Site" Originally the primary site for O5 use. Acts now more as a training area for new recruit and standby containment for transfers. Overseen by Ten.
Site 623 – "Arctic Base" The base in one of the coldest places on Earth. Mainly used to study viral anomalies without fear of outbreak. Overseen by Six.
Site 781 – Abandoned after mass containment breach. Used for the first Isolation Experiment. O5-13-ii was originally buried here prior to his rediscovery.
Outpost 34-YT – Also known as The Hidden Flower, this is a small private location for Seven. She uses this place to brush up on her skills as an assassin.
Outpost 23-Delta – Four’s Station away from the council. Located in Russia, near a remote village.
Outpost 19-T – The main Technology Hub of Tempest. Known for the creation of gadgets, field apparel, and mechs.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MTF Units~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MTF Unit Alpha-5 – Disciples of Flesh: Former members of the Sarkic Cults led by the only Sarkite to survive the Isolation Experiment. Tends to handle machine-related missions. Friendly rivals with Kappa-1.
MTF Unit Beta-32 – The Exterminators: Identifiable by their masks, this quiet team takes on pest-related missions. Effective, but always reeks of chemicals.
MTF Unit Gamma-12 – The Iridescent: Team is made up of people who look, act, and have powers relating to light and the rainbow. Tends to handle darkness-related missions.
MTF Unit Delta-90 – Abyss’s Secrets: Polar opposite of Gamma-12. They tend to have powers over shadows and tend to have some signs of corruption. Tackles light-based anomalies.
MTF Unit Epsilon-33 – Aces of Arrows: One of the newer teams, they are comprised of agents who have varying resistances to anomalies that can affect the mind.
MTF Unit Zeta-0 – Memory Blockers: The oldest team, they are known more for their role in making the population forget the anomalous creatures and battles they have witnessed.
MTF Unit Eta-44 – The Pyromaniacs: When Beta-32 and Lambda-16 fall short, this team will rise to the challenge to wipe out any plant or bug-based threat.
MTF Unit Theta-6 – The Gamblers: Similar in nature to Pi-4, they take on riskier missions. All members are keen on making risky decisions, and so far have not failed a mission.
MTF Unit Iota-98 – The Apex Predators: Works with the Nine-Tailed Fox strike team in containing escaped SCPs. They tend to be looked up to among rookie Foundation members.
MTF Unit Kappa-1 – Bane of the Crimson: Made of synthetic humanoids, typically mechanical and electronic ones. They fight against flesh-related monstrosities and are usually sent to eliminate the creatures the Sarkic Cults create. Friendly rivals with Alpha-5
MTF Unit Lambda-16 – Eco-Friendlies: Made up of defecting members of the Flora Fighters, this team promotes eco-friendliness by using their plant powers for the sake of the world and the Foundation.
MTF Unit Mu-100 – The Crafters: Creatives at heart this team is known for hand making their weapons and tools, usually from the environment of the mission. While they have more fails than the others, they get the big jobs done.
MTF Unit Nu-60 – The Crusaders. The primary field team, they tend to take on the harder missions that require expertise and skill. Clashes with Mu-100.
MTF Unit Xi-33 – Holiday Hoppers: One of the least active units, they are sent to track down holiday anomalies and prevent tragedies from occurring on these days of celebration.
MTF Unit Omicron-5 – The Misfits: One of the most well-beloved units of Tempest, they are well known for their eccentric mash-up of characters and their high success rate. Currently disbanded.
MTF Unit Pi-4 – Party Rockers: Similar to Theta-6, this group is rambunctious and party crazy. Despite their wild nature, they are extremely talented in blending into crowded areas and can single out anomalies in compact areas.
MTF Unit Rho-65 – Weather Report: A team made entirely of agents who have some ability relating to the weather. Sometimes deals with weather anomalies, but not all the time.
MTF Unit Sigma-10 – The Pack: This unit is made up of people akin to werewolves; all agents can transform into a hybrid between human and animal, including a werewolf, werebear, wereviper, and many more.
MTF Unit Tau-2 – The Fraternity: A unit rumored to actually be made up of a frat. They exist (mainly) to pacify one of the Little Misters, Mr. Candy.
MTF Unit op-silon-48 – The Combat-Medics: As the hyphen in the name suggests, this team is made up of a split between soldiers and medics. The divide is apparent and causes conflict, but neither side makes a move since they know they need the other half.
MTF Unit Fie-50 – The Magicians: A team made entirely out of agents who can perform actual magic. Not to be confused with reality-benders, as they'd let you know.
MTF Unit Chi-75 – Masked Deception: One of the trump card teams, they tend to be deployed to gather intel from GOIs by effortlessly blending in with them.
MTF Unit Psi-81 – Astral Projectors: This team is a peculiar one, as they have all mastered astral projection, the act of leaving one's physical body and interacting with the rest of the world. they use this ability to take on more dangerous situations.
MTF Unit Omega-20 – Will O’ Wisps: This is a ghost-related team, although only one member is an actual one. They are currently working with the Shibuya Ghost Detectives, but are always on standby for any emergency the Foundation has.
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Apocalypse: From Us - p.45
Dreamcatcher Roulette [515/ ∞ ]
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