#padawan sibling rivalry!
nevermindigotthis · 2 years
Yoda's Padawans choosing their lightsaber styles be like...
Dooku: The ancient form of Makashi. It's for duelling, the most elegant and noble form out there. 😌
Cin Drallig: You know what, actually... All of them. I want to cover all my bases 😊
Kit Fisto: I'm gonna specialize in the form we teach the Padawans. There's never been a master in it, so I'm gonna perfect it. 😁
Mace Windu: I'll just make my own. 😎
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bewareofraiju · 1 year
The main reason I want Cal and Merrin to have a bio child is to add fuel to my theoretical Kata and Ezra's rivalry. And both ship crews' dynamic in general.
Imagine the Ghost crew and the Mantis crew meet each other in the future: the two Padawans, first start making snide remarks to the other and then show off their force abilities. Sabine, being the Gadfly of the situation, constantly comes up with new challenges to fuel their antagonism.
Meanwhile, Jacen and the Merrical child REALLY don't like each other and they are viciously fighting because "my parent/big sibling is better than yours!" and they need to be separated by Zeb and Greez. Yes, a 6′8″ feet tall Lasat and a four-armed Latero are struggling to hold back two little kids when they are about to get physical while criticizing the other for failing to keep their kid in check.
In the meantime Chopper and BD-1 have basically developed a relationship akin to Tom & Jerry. As meaning that they are always on the verge of killing each other in a battle of violent slapstick and 50s cartoon hijikins.
Hera and Merrin are watching all the chaos unfold in the background. Hera is drinking caf, she's too tired to intervene because being a General of the New Republic takes its toll and at the end of the working day she does not have the energy to stop the madness. However, a silent and seemingly stoic Merrin is greatly enjoying the ongoing havoc.
And in all this chaos, where are their husbands? Cal and Kanan (yes, Kanan is alive, what is this 'Jedi Night' you speak of?) are passed out piss drunk in the floor after a night of catching up with their old friend and remembering the good ol' days at the Jedi Temple.
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cal should've been part of the disaster lineage. either as obi-wan's padawan or anakin's (sorry ahsoka ily) because i think it would be funny. anakin and cal would be at each others throats, like the middle child and youngest always are, except when they're bonding over their love for droids. obi-wan, the exasperated older sibling would be trying to reign the two in, but also sometimes inevitably gets dragged into their little fights.
disaster sibling trio. the tired older brother done with his siblings shit, mischievous middle brother with a lot of issues, and the equally mischievous younger brother with more subtle issues.
just. just yeah. i need this.
(this idea / au was inspired by a distant fire is burning — a fanfic where cal learns vader was once anakin skywalker and he ends up using the force to travel back in time to the clone wars where he becomes obi-wan's padawan so he can be closer to anakin to figure out how to stop him from turning to the dark side. you should read it, anakin and cal's sibling rivalry is great)
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maulfucker · 8 months
Ok some thoughts about senator Maul AU because I keep thinking about it
Palpatine never finds an apprentice in this AU, so he ends up not being such a huge threat
The events of Phantom Menace only kinda happened - Naboo was attacked by the Trade Federation, but there was no Sith to pursue them and kill Qui-Gon, so things got resolved much more easily
Qui-Gon lives, so he gets to train Anakin, and Dooku doesn't get tempted by the dark side
I think Dooku still quits the Jedi Order, but this time it's because he feels like he could do more good as a politician than as a jedi. He keeps a good relationship with the Jedi Order and the Republic and doesn't become a separatist
Every time he's in Coruscant he visits Qui-Gon and Anakin (and Obi-Wan) and chats with them over a nice lunch, which is good because it gives Anakin a politician role model that isn't Palpatine, and a better perspective of his options - he can leave the Order if he finds a new purpose, it's not a betrayal or a failure
Maul was raised in Dathomir so he's not a sith murder machine, but since he's such a powerful Force-senstitive he was raised closer to his mother and the Nightsisters than to his brothers and the Nightbrothers
(Savage and Feral are alive and happy btw. They visit Maul in Coruscant sometimes. I think he might also have one or two sisters because why not)
He still doesn't like Jedi but it's like. He doesn't want to kill them, he just thinks they're way too limiting and self-righteous. Like how Obi-Wan doesn't like politicians
He rarely makes speeches on the senate, so hearing him speak is a rare treat
Picture holonet social media hornyposting under every clip of him speaking because he has a very sexy voice
His outfits are also pretty daring (read: sexy) compared to most (male) senators. The entire Dathomir delegation dresses pretty similarly, but he gets the most attention
Maul vs Padmé who wore it better type posts
He and Padmé have this weird kinda-rivalry because they're very opposite in a lot of ways, but they still vote on the same side in a lot of topics since they both have a very "I am doing this for my people" mentality
He also absolutely hates Palpatine because he gets extremely rotten vibes from him (he's more attuned to the dark side than the Jedi so he probably Feels Palpatine's dark side vibes better than the Jedi. He Feels Palpatine is Bad)
When/if the Jedi Order ever finds out Palpatine is a sith he will be very unsurprised
Ventress is a representative and Maul's "apprentice", learning the Senate life from him
I'm making her younger than her "canon" age here (by about 10ish years) because it makes more sense to me and because giving Maul a government-assigned baby sister is funny
From what we see in the movies each world seems to only have one senator but I want the Dathomir delegation to have at least two because I think it's more fitting (and realistic, every world needs more than one senator what the fuck)
I think it would be funny if Maul swears he's gonna quit soon and Ventress will take his place in the senate but then the other senator retires first and makes Ventress her successor so Maul has to stay a senator for longer. He just wants to get out of this fucking planet
On the Jedi side of this AU I think Anakin grows into a much more disciplined jedi because Qui-Gon the rules bender would definitely stay in contact with Shmi so Anakin's anxieties regarding his mom will be more controlled, and they would be contacted immediately when she gets kidnapped by the tuskens so they save her faster and she doesn't die and neither do the tuskens and everything is fine
Plus Anakin gets to know his new family better and have a brother and add a new dad to his collection <3
Maybe Obi-Wan gets Ahsoka as a padawan this time, so she can have a master who actually wants to teach, and also be kinda-siblings with Anakin and cause chaos with him while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan aren't looking
The Separatists never really take off, so the clone wars never happen, but I think the attacks on senators that were happening at the start of AotC still happen because I think it's fun to have drama and have Jedi escorts assigned to senators (read: good excuse to set up an obimaul and allow the anidala plot to happen)
I want Maul to be miserable wet cats with Obi-Wan on Kamino so I am allowing the clones to exist. Purely for comedic plot opportunity. And because I love clones so I want them to exist
But I think this time they only made a single batch of like 10-100 clones and were waiting for the Jedi to get back to them with approval to make more
Maul sees this and goes "Absolutely the fuck NOT" so no more clones are made after those. Sad!
With Maul there to help the Jango fight is much more successful (and 50% less humiliating on Obi-Wan's side) so they capture him and no one has to die
Sidious had to hire Jango this time since I am not letting him have an apprentice, so Jango is like "I was hired by some old weirdo in a cloak who called himself Darth Sidious who sounded and looked a lot like the chancellor from Naboo" and Maul feels so fucking vindicated that YES the bad vibes he gets from Palpatine were correct can we PLEASE kill him now
Jango gets arrested and maybe he makes a deal to work under the Jedi instead of staying in jail so he can take care of Boba instead of leaving him to his own luck
Boba being raised with Jedi younglings while Jango is busy offworld....
The clones also become part of the Jedi Order so they can help Jedi with peacekeeping and defense and stuff
Palpatine gets found out and arrested and/or killed by the Jedi and everyone else gets to live happily ever after. Eventually.
... this is. Way longer than planned. I'm having fun
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merrysithmas · 2 years
“give me that absolutely on-point analysis of Kenobi’s self-doubt influencing his worldview so much that he has no idea his worldview is even partly based off his own anxiety!!! peak Kenobi” hey you cant just say this and not expect your followers (me) to be content with just that we (i) need more thorough meta/analysis on this :(( *on my knees, begging for you to write it*
oh man well -
Obi-wan is really insecure in TPM. He becomes even more self-critical after Qui-gon basically tosses him to the side (a BIG surprise to Obi based on his reaction) in a desperate bid to train Anakin - as Qui-gon is certain Anakin is the Chosen One and the Council will be making a huge mistake letting him go without proper guidance.
In The Jedi Path there are numerous scribbled comments by Obi-wan where he doubts the bond and sincerity of the relationship between he and Qui-gon as Master and Apprentice. He is extremely wanting for approval and often comments on his own surprise that Qui-gon selected him as a padawan following his past mistakes and his uncertainty that Qui-gon has reliable faith in him.
It always strikes me as funny when I read the ubiquitious assessment that Anakin is DESPARATE for approval (he is!) without paring it alongside how absolutely anguished Obi-wan is because he needed and wanted the exact same thing from his Master -- his unaddressed need resulted in nervy perfectionism, anxiety, insecurity, a facade of perfection (see AOTC), and heavily spilled over into his role of Master of padawan Anakin.
He often doesn't given padawan Anakin the kind of emotional security he wants because... he doesnt know he should. He was never taught that. He staunchly follows the rules. He may also believes he became "strong" as a Jedi because Qui-gon never indulged his emotional needs - that this is what Qui-gon wanted to teach him (and so, he'd stick rigidly to it, missing Qui-gon as he does).
But it's the opposite that is true - Qui-gon never indulged him because he wanted Obi-wan to realize he didn't need his approval, he was inherently worthy. A whole mixup of types of guidance there.
Anakin's need for praise comes from a deep desire for love, whereas Obi-wan's comes from a need for approval. This is where each finds their self-worth ... and neither ever truly receive it.
Obi-wan has absolutely no idea what he is doing in AOTC. He is playing 100% by the rulebook and treating Anakin as the rulebook tells him - this creates a rift between the two at this point. Obi-wan is like the older sibling left in charge when the parents go out. He was given authority by circumstance (Qui-gon's death) but truly doesn't understand it. This is his facade era.
He wants to appear as the wise and knowing Jedi who killed the first Sith in ages! Who has all the answers others must stare at him in wonderment for... but he doesn't. He often has no answers at all, something Padawan Anakin often teases and pokes at him about ("Your senses aren't that attuned" "And yours are?"). This facade does him no favors and compounds his anxiety and the petty rivalry between he and Anakin as they are growing through this phase of their life -- two young men essentially thrown to the wolves.
Obi-wan's worldview is formulated on the precepts of dedication, committment, steadfastness. This worldview comes from his unaddressed needs and also from his shock and hurt at Qui-gon's assessment of his skills ("he is headstrong... and has much to learn of the living force. but he is capable").
That world should be tattooed onto Obi-wan's chest! CAPABLE. Not great. Not remarkable. Not impressive.
In padawan Obi-wan's eyes, this is insulting. With the amount of work he does, the sacrifices he makes, to become as keen with the force as he is... the amount of rule-clinging he does to quell his anxiety. The effort he puts in to please the Council. He suspects he should be viewed as far more than capable.
And the thing is- he is! Obi-wan is massively talented with the Force and insanely powerful in the Light (see OWK). He is one of the greatest Jedi to ever live and the inspiration for a generation for Force Users. But he doesn't see himself that way.
And so, what Qui-gon saw in him was pretty much what happened to him. Obi-wan was unbendable. A noble and admirable quality to be certain, but one that failed him nonetheless in the end. His loyalty to the Order and its principles disabled him to the inevitable greys and changes of life, it inhibited creative philosophy, and even forgiveness. Qui-gon feared this in Obi-wan and saw him as too rigid and approval-seeking.
He often commented that Obi-wan focused too much on the future... a future he was nervous he would appear as a failure in, that he would not live up to.
This was Obi-wan's problem, like Anakin he feared the future, but in a very different way, and like Anakin he created that future... many eventually saw Obi-wan as the Ultimate Failure (Reva, for example).
In TCW Anakin himself does much to quell this unease in Obiwan. They become The Team. They outgrow their jealousies and rivalries with one another and become cemented partners, beloved companions who have survived something remarkable together - the siege of Naboo, Qui-gon's death, an unusual Master-Apprentice dynamic, and a War.
Anakin helps loosen Obi-wan's rigidity with the power of his omnipotent love for him. It is this precisely which I think actually enables Obi-wan to finally relax and tap at the door of his own true potential. Anakin's unyielding, loyal-to-a-fault love for Obi-wan is quite literally unconditional. It is everything Obi-wan was ever missing, which led to the pitfalls of his own personality, and helps him heal immensely despite it being quite contrary to the Code.
It is Anakin's adoration and love which finally crowbars open the door of Obi-wan's sometimes blind dedication to the Order & the Council. Anakin outright criticizes many of the systems and rules which have sustained the bedrock of Obi-wan's anxieties... finally showing him there is another side to the story. And of course, Anakin's starry-eyed estimation of Obi-wan's skills bolsters Obi-wan's self-esteem through the roof.
He becomes the Great Negotiator during the War, a legendary general, and a fixture in Jedi culture. It is no coincidence that this is the time period of his closest affiliation with Anakin.
This is another reason why Obi-wan is so utterly devastated to lose Anakin to the dark... he truly does feel he failed him. Anakin showed him the Light. And he "let" Anakin stumble into the dark.
And if the person who taught him to be his best self is gone -- who is Obi-wan without him?
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bolithesenate · 2 months
For the ask game: 🥞🙊🌈🌠👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and Purshee?
all the Purshee love! (i already answered the pancakes one previously, but i'll gladly take the other ones :D)
SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
Any sort of mistreatment of Archive material (╬▔��▔)╯
perps are gonna catch these very tiny yellow fists so fast!!!
 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Do not eat that fried vegetable of unidentifiable origin from that random moon's night market stall. You are incredibly allergic to something in it and it derails the entire mission.
SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Canon timeline? That the Sith never resurfaced and the Jedi Order wasn't destroyed.
The AU in my mind where all is well and nothing hurts? That she didn't ever have to sleep again so she had double the time to read new and fascinating sources on random and obscure Force-user lore from across the galaxy
FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
lol okay, so I am going to put this under the cut because it's theoretically mild mud fic spoilers, but...
regarding her bio family:
her mother was a shili immigrant to Serenno. Purshee inherited her latent and underdeveloped Force-Sensitivity. Her mother realized what her daughter was quite early on and secretly requested the Jedi to take her to the Temple because her father, born and bred on Serenno itself, was all aboard the old Counts' witchunt against anything Force-sensitive. He didn't know about his wife's abilities until he died.
Her mother, whose name is Nebre btw, eventually leaves him after the birth of Purshee's younger siblings, a pair of Force-null twins. Purshee herself in the canon timeline has had zero contact to her family for her whole life. The only thing she has is a small copper amulet of the serennian Kika'lekki faith, which Nebre gave with her as a good luck charm.
regarding her lineage:
She's the first Padawan of Vima-Da-Boda and as such a member of Nomi Sunrider's extended lineage. She absolutely adores her Master and her Master loved her and when Vima's daughter was born, Purshee practically helped raise the baby.
Sadly, Neema (Vima's daugther) eventually developed a one-sided rivalry with Purshee over the affection of her mother and Master. In 'canon' Purshee never managed to rectify that situation and eventually distanced herself from her lineage after Neema's fall and death and Vima's mental breakdown over the loss.
In my mind where canon is but a vague suggestion tho none of that happens and hey are a happy family forever and ever.
Though Purshee never takes a Padawan of her own, she's always there as a helping hand for any fellow Archivists or Masters during their child-rearing adventures.
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mollywauk · 2 years
A definitely comprehensive list of everything important (to me) in EPISODE 10; Waste and Webs
Interesting how everyone is pushing Caleb to have nice clothes, Jester mostly because she pushes everyone but Beau's motivations are a bit more obscured. Like yeah a part of it is to get on his nerves but I think it's almost her getting upset that she hasn't been able to figure him out, and she likes being the one who knows more/is used to clocking people and putting then in asshole/not asshole categories and Caleb keeps wavering between the two
Fjord as Beau's charisma mentor is so much fun
^^^ time to talk to some guards? It's your time to shine padawan
I'm going to approach the... Is that a dog near Caleb? / I don't have ten rat minis you guys, you're going to have to use your ✨ imagination ✨
"I would like to spend a Caleb action to dry-heave and then I want to cast firebolt"
Time to make some plans by saying the same thing ten times over at each other and then not doing anything that we've said
Schmidt the unseen servant
Beau: I guess I'll go... Team Caleb/Yasha / Fjord: Wow! Fucking betrayal /Beau: What- I was trying to split up the- Fuck you man
Jester's spiritual weapon lollipop minis are so cute
"I go up and I give Molly a slap on the ass" I never fully knew what was going on between Molly and Yasha but it certainly wasn't straight
Laura: Vex never once hoarded loot / Liam: I don't give a shit about Vex, she's retired in Whitestone / Marisha: feeling some sibling rivalry at the table right now
"I'm willing to offer many gifts"
Jester and Caleb reconciliation is very sweet
"I'm going to stare at the wall becaus either don't deal with attention very well"
I love the way Sam plays Nott's low charisma by having her shriek and like physically playing up her goblin appearance, it's so funny
"I gently, socially, pin Caleb up against the wall, face to face, as awkwardly close as I can get"
Bonus: when I paused here I accidentally committed crimes against humanity (sorry Laura)
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I can really see what Liam was talking about when he said that Caleb was derailed via forced friendship, like he really was playing this man as neutral teetering on evil and the Nein were like 'and how about some empathy with that angst?')
Also, the whole "I was supposed to be... Well I thought I was going to be something when I was younger and it didn't work out that way." we love wizard hubris on this blog
The infamous "Watcha doin'?" scene my beloved
Nott lying very badly: What? There's no liquor in here! Oh boy...
Molly: No I don't want your gold, I want✨ something ✨
^^^money is nothing to Molly and all those times he blusters about how much money he's making with the Nein are obviously a front for hanging around these closed off weirdos that he finds fascinating and worth getting in trouble for
Oh shit they're heading to evening nip already thought this happened later for some reason
^^^ "We walked into the mafia"
Everyone: This is terrible we should leave / Yasha: Oh you want to leave? I like it here
Matt: I love you guys but we need to end this before we've been here for nein hours
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podsn · 11 months
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Sibling rivalry
Okay so my headcanon is that anakin was the padawan at ahsoka’s gathering and that started a sibling rivalry. Ahsoka has no clue how to use that lightsaber but she shall show no weakness to her new rival
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indighost77 · 8 months
LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out is a silly little Lego Star Wars special released between seasons 4 and 5 of The Clone Wars, but is a non-canon story taking place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. tldr, Luke gets chased by fangirls for a little bit as he and the other Rebels look for an Imperial outpost on Naboo while also planning to move to their secret base on Hoth. meanwhile, Vader has a sibling rivalry with Maul as Palpatine gets to work building the second Death Star.
the animation is not as good as Animal Logic's work on The Padawan Menace, as this was instead animated by Threshold Animation, who worked on other Lego animations from around the same time period as this special, such as The Adventures of Clutch Powers, BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn and the Hero Factory mini-series
all-in-all, not a bad follow-up to The Padawan Menace. now, onward to the final Cartoon Network season of The Clone Wars!!
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
When Obi-Wan gets to AotC, there's also about two dozen Anakin clones on-site. They're all girls because... IDK Anakin is trans. They have a hive mind and are developmentally a few years younger than Anakin himself.
It's incredibly unsettling to Obi-Wan.
It's almost definitely a "fuck with Anakin's already fragile mental health" ploy by Palpatine, along with a "what if Jedi Black Widows, for me, a Sith Lord. Wouldn't that be neat? That would be neat."
Anakin is torn between "this freaks me out" and "GANG OF BABY SISTERS LET'S GOOOOOOO."
(I just finished reading Like Real People Do by glimmerglanger, so this is definitely inspired by that and the obligatory 'lay back in bed and daydream variations on plot points of that fic you just really enjoyed,' and also a little by Same Heart, Same Blood by loosingletters.)
They're physically like 14-16 on average, and Anakin's vibrating out of his skin with a million conflicting emotions, but when he tells Padme she's just like "oh, you have a handmaiden gang!"
I told this to @willowcrowned and she suggested:
Once Anakin decides to repress the part of him that’s weirded out and just regard them as baby sisters he gets. A little strange about it The first time one of them dies he may or may not slaughter every person he can [in response to Padme's comment] Anakin starts worrying that he needs to get them cool matching outfits
I also chatted about it with @firebirdeternal and they said:
Gang of Unsettling Smol Siblings is exactly the Karma that Anakin deserves
Do you think the Clones have a kind of Collective Name that they use at first that eventually just kind of morphs into a new last name? Skysisters or something? Like Palpatine was trying to be clever and name them like the Nightsisters.
I initially went with "functionally one person" hive-mind but I'm torn.
I think maybe they're BASICALLY one person on Kamino but drift into Separate Consciousness once they're far enough apart physically that their minds don't blend from proximity anymore.
Then they start Dating (like half of them are dating Fett clones because they grew up with these dudes, it's like childhood friends romance), and Anakin loses his mind about Protecting Them and They're Too Young.
Padme: You're nineteen and we just got married, they can date. Anakin: THEY'RE EIGHT. Padme: And the Fett clones are ten and dying for us in the field. Get them rights before you panic about their love lives.
it could be worse, one of them could imprint on Obi-Wan. "Anakin I promise I won't yell at you for the next five stupid things you do if you can figure out a way to stop this baby from having a crush on me" (I like the idea of Obi-wan bargaining not with "I won't be mad at you ever" because they Both Know That's Not True, and instead haggling with specific allowances. Like he's handing out Stupidity Coupons)
Please imagine Mace and Obi-Wan's personal responses to the idea of suddenly having to deal with not one, not two, but OVER TWENTY SKYWALKERS.
Plo is delighted to take one off their hands.
So is Yoda.
Mace is like. okay suicide isn’t the Jedi way but on the other hand. i physically cannot deal with this Yoda: a skywalker, you say? one who is tall enough to reach the top shelf, you say? such a skywalker, bring me
Anakin would be given at least one because fuck you, suffer with us, but he's still a padawan so Ugh, fine, no.
I want to say one stays on Coruscant to hang out with the Guard, and ends up half-adopted by Padme. She keeps dressing up the Aniclone left with her in handmaiden outfits and sending selfies to Anakin.
"Hanging out with the little SiL!"
Anakin has so many issues about WHEN his genetic material was acquired.
And there's some confusion from the Fett clones about how much of a hive mind is normal for Jedi. They are confused that the answer is basically none, and "this is WHY nobody clones a Jedi"
"I have followed in our progenitor's footsteps and acquired a sibling." holds up a struggling Boba "He bites."
Ooooo okay so if they have a sort of hive mind then they probably don’t have names other than their designations on Kamino right BUT When they SEPARATE The one that picks Boba up on Geonosis gets a name specifically for that. Okay what if the one Padmé picks up gets some variant on ‘pretty’ because she’s always being dressed up BELLE Maybe Yoda’s Ani has a name that means thief? Because obviously Yoda is using Anakin to steal sweets
So, to make the timeline work...
I don't think anyone would give Anakin one of his sisters until after he's knighted at least.
So obviously when they're doing initial placements none of the sisters go to him or Obi-Wan.
Once he's knighted, of course they're already all placed with someone, and Anakin instead gets Ahsoka. He loves Ahsoka. She is also a little sister. He said so.
At some point afterwards, one of the sisters is left without a place because the Master that was in charge of her died in the field battle.
That sister then gets placed with Obi-Wan, because he's already mostly-successfully raised one Skywalker, so he can do it again.
Anakin gets to hang out with her basically all the time.
Ahsoka is very very jealous of this girl stealing Anakin's attention.
Anakin is oblivious to the rivalry.
He asks Barriss to look after them while he's discussing Adult War Things with Luminara and Obi-Wan, and Barriss gets an eye into This Mess, which is quickly colored by Ahsoka growing a puppy crush on the lovely Miss Offee herself.
Ahsoka: Ah yes, my nemesis. Anisister: Ah yes, my new older sister whom I want to impress so bad.
"I will impress her by being Stoic and Competent" "Oh my god she must think she's so much better than me what a bitch"
Anakin is oblivious to most things to be fair Anakin: Laser focused precision fighting machine who can read the tiniest body movements and predict your moves seconds in advance, who also cannot understand even the most basic social nuance. I was originally writing this as to Dunk on Anakin but then I made myself sad, because none of those things are really his fault.
So you know that post about like, Sasuke and Brooding, specifically in the context of "Brooding" as it's used to refer to Nesting Chickens? Grouchy and protective and sitting on a tennis ball trying to hatch it because they're just. "These are my Babies." Anakin Broods. Baby sisters. Must protecc. "I'm actually fine and extremely deadly in combat." "MUST PROTECT."
Bad Guy: [catches Ahsoka in a Trap] Aniclone: Must rescue sister! Aniclone: [fights, is not winning fight, gets ouched] Ahsoka tearing her way out of Trap: I lived bitch. Also: stay the fuck away from her. [murders so hard]
Ahsoka catches the Protective Older Sib feels by the traditional method: "Hey, only I'm allowed to be mean to them."
Oh Anakin has no clue what’s going on. He walks in on Ahsoka glaring at the Ani and is like!!! Little sisters!!! Bonding!!! When Ahsoka was about three seconds away from tossing her out of the airlock. Ahsoka mistakenly assumes that Barriss has a crush on the Ani, and gets even MORE jealous.
Obi-Wan is like oh god. I can’t take care of an Anakin going through puberty again. He’s great with periods and other stuff because he read about a billion books. He is TERRIBLE with everything else, as he was the first time.
IDK how old Obi-Wan's Aniclone is, probably physically the same age as Ahsoka?
Per @atagotiak on discord:
Also something something, similarities btw Anakin and Obi-Wan where like. "Am I a parent? That seems uncomfortable, I'm too young to be a dad to a kid this age, I mean I'm cool with being a mentor/caretaker but..."
Obi-Wan can't even sidestep parenthood this time.
"Is Anakin basically your dad?" "Uhhhhhh" [Muffled discussion] "So Obi-Wan is your dad." "Okay!" "WAIT NO I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS"
Ahsoka: She's stealing my brother, that BITCH. Obi-Wan's Aniclone: new sister new sister new sister gotta make a good impression
I feel like the Sister Squad would make very effective interstellar espionage agents Even like, kind of by accident. They just get encouraged to branch out in their interests and figure out what they want to do with their lives and end up all over the dang place, and since they're all pretty dang competent they tend to gravitate towards Important Positions wherever they end up. Except for one sister who just retires to raise Space Sheep.
I like that in this AU Palpatine is just like "I will create an army of Loyal Murderers who will obey my every whim and also be a big psychological lever on my Other Pet Murderer," and then they all just Baby Duckling imprint on the first Jedi to be nice to them instead and he has to just be like "Wait no not like that."
AND one of them Steals Boba
I want Obi-Wan's Aniclone to start dating Fives. All the sisters judge her for it, because he's a Goof. A very competent, ARC Trooper goof! But a goof.
Not as goofy as Anakin, though.
Who expects a clone of Anakin Skywalker to not make questionable lifelong romantic choices impulsively?
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klarolinelibrary · 3 years
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Hi KC Readers,
After a long break, we are back with our weekly releases! We apologize for the delay but we have reached the end of the week which means we have new weekly releases for you! The stories below were updated during the week of May 22nd - May 28th.
Happy Reading!
Something Like Love (Chapter 8)
Author: Recklessnesspersonified
Rating: M
Length: 20,346
Summary: Klaus Mikaelson was a bad boy, the quintessential jock or so Caroline Forbes had thought until one night their paths cross in the school hallways. He was different, intense and she was falling for him, but soon she finds out it was all a sham. Will she forgive him or would they break up before they confess their true love? AU/AH
Date of update: May 23 2021
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (Chapter 26)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: 105,863
Summary: I think the title is self explanatory. The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. Hope you enjoy it. All feedback is more than welcome. Good or bad.
Date of update: May 23 2021
High Stakes
Author: stardancer10
Rating: M
Length: 4,105
Summary: When Klaus died something in Caroline broke. She could not take anymore of Mystic Falls and she left. In her travels she finds herself doing things that she knew others wouldn't agree with, but she did what she felt was right. It was a gamble she was willing to take, something she felt that she owed him.
Date of update: May 23 2021
Purgatory (Chapter 22)
Author: Scarletborn
Rating: M
Length: 333,312
Summary: Caroline Forbes always thought that evil creatures and demons belonged to Hell. What she did not know was that vampires belonged to Purgatory. A place worse than hell where the only thing that mattered was survival. A place where enemies turned into allies and foes into friends. [Klaus/Caroline AU story set mostly in New Orleans]
Date of update: May 24 2021
The Wolf II (Chapter 11)
Author: yokan87
Rating: T
Length: 4,718
Summary: The Guerreras' threat still looms over the Mikaelson house as Caroline tries to adapt to life as a vampire, away from her daughter. But an unexpected family reunion makes everything worse, taking away the little peace Klaus, Caroline and Elijah managed to find after the war that nearly broke them. [It's TO S2, but Caroline was a witch, had Klaus' baby and now she's a vampire]
Date of update: May 26 2021
Vampires suck (Chapter 4)
Author: Miss.Mystic.Falls
Rating: T
Length: 5,583
Summary: What would happen if Caroline knew about vampires way before the Salvatore brothers come to Mystic Falls.
Date of update: May 28 2021
Archive of Our Own
No Reservations (Chapter 3)
Author:  PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: 6,890
Summary: Caroline Forbes is having a tiny crisis: her restaurant partner and co-chef has disappeared again and isn't returning her calls. Caroline cannot function without Stefan. Her kitchen staff starts making jokes about getting her meds for irritability and she takes out her issues on helpless chicken breasts. It's not fun on a good day. But when tragedy strikes, Caroline's forced to work with a new chef. She doesn't remember meeting him in New Orleans--but Klaus Mikaelson remembers her.
Date of update: May 22 2021
Sibling Rivalry Redux - Adventures in Polyamory (Chapter 3)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 4,105
Summary: In which Klaus and Rebekah are both bi, their taste in men and women overlaps infuriatingly often, and they argue over their newest shared interest. In which Caroline feels like she might be a sugar baby, but no one’s dating her and she hasn’t gotten any in so long. Like, basically since meeting her new best friends, Klaus and Rebekah. Weird, right?
Date of update: May 22 2021
Darkness Becomes Thee (Chapter 6)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 32,424
Summary: Austria 1300s When Klaus met a young girl on a riverbank, he knew that he would one day come back for her. When he looked into her bright blue eyes, he could see a reflection of his own soul, a darkness that lingered inside both of them. When the young girl turned into a beautiful woman with a thirst for blood, his fascination with her turns into obsession. He wants not only her loyalty but her eternity, a possessiveness that is equally returned. or my "Caroline is the serial killer Elizabeth Bathory" au.
Date of update: May 23 2021
The Big Bad Wolf (Chapter 9)
Author: MorningStarGirl666
Rating: M
Length: 66,087
Summary: He was the Big, Bad Wolf of this story, there was no doubt about that. But Caroline? She was the light to his darkness, the moon that shone brighter than even the stars in a sky of endless void. Like every wolf, he fell in love with the moon, and every month, he was destined to cry for a love he would never touch.
Date of update: May 23 2021
Klaus vs the Soulmate Goose
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 2,129
Summary: Klaus has met his match in the form of a goose as immortal and obstinate as he is: The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement. Will he succeed in killing the magical creature or will it force him to accept what’s in his heart?
Date of update: May 23 2021
Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 28)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: M
Length: 179,641
Summary: All Hell was about to break loose. After dying while protecting a grieving Klaus, Caroline finds herself sent back in time, and she's not who she once was. She's more. Back in Mystic Falls, something else is stirring. After the arrival of a mysterious figure from Klaus' past, it all comes to a head. It really is louder than thunder.
Date of update: May 24 2021
We are young (Chapter 17)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 20,572
Summary: Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused. Edit: Now a series of one-shots! Edit 2: Oh my god, this has plot now!
Date of update: May 24 2021
Our Time Now (Chapter 4)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: M
Length: 52,838
Summary: Caroline is going to spend her senior year getting into the law school of her choice, leading the cheerleading squad to a nationals title, and passing her sorority presidency to someone who will continue a legacy of excellence. She doesn't have time to figure out what's happening with her relationship with Klaus - not that it's much of a relationship to begin with.
Date of update: May 24 2021
I See Dead Cheerleaders (Chapter 4)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: 7,865
Summary: When Caroline saves Jenna from Klaus's sacrifice ritual and is killed instead, she vows to haunt Klaus Mikaelson forever. Never underestimate the determination of Miss Mystic Falls.
Date of update: May 25 2021
Finding Out the Truth in a Year or Even in a Century
Author: klarolineshipperxoxo
Rating: G
Length: 1,348
Summary: Caroline goes with Stefan to New Orleans in search of Klaus 18 years after the events of TVD 5x22 and TO 1x22 but things don't go as planned and buried feelings are unearthed.
Date of update: May 25 2021
Klaroline Returns (Chapter 2)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 8,010
Summary: The savior of Gotham, Catwoman, is Caroline Forbes, flighty heiress by day. But what happens when her worlds collide in the form of reporter Klaus Mikaelson and her worst supervillain, The Hybrid?
Date of update: May 25 2021
witchy business (Chapter 4)
Author: MaddestMaid3n
Rating: M
Length: 13,783
Summary: "A little birdie told me you might have a book or two that might pique my interest,” “Well, that depends on your interests," Caroline's just trying to survive Marcel's New Orleans. Colluding with an Original was so not on her to-do list.
Date of update: May 25 2021
Klaus’ Thousand Year Plan to be Her Last (Chapter 3)
Author: anncatherine
Rating: T
Length: 4,022
Summary: So these are some missing Klaroline scenes from my Elena/Elijah soulmate fic that I couldn’t include because they either didn’t fit or needed to be form Klaus or Caroline’s pov. I think it would be helpful to read at least the first couple chapters of that for background, but basically at twelve people’s soulmate’s birthday shows up on their wrist.
Date of update: May 26 2021
what a wave you have made
Author: sekretny
Rating: T
Length: 3,413
Summary: “Do you really hate me this much?” She shouts in frustration. Klaus looks her in the eye, their gazes locked in a battle of fiery tempers. “Hate you…” He repeats with every ounce of venom he can muster. After ransacking the contents of his backpack, he removes a sketchbook Caroline has never seen before. He starts to flip furiously through the pages, “You have given me more than enough reasons to hate you, sweetheart,” he spits while he looks for a specific page. He finds it and turns the sketchbook around to show her. Klaus makes his feelings for Caroline visibly clear.
Date of update: May 26 2021
The Concept of Time (Chapter 3)
Author: BelleMorte180  
Rating: E
Length: 19,640
Summary: Pairs, France 1864 After learning some distressing news, Klaus seeks out the advice of a friend in the middle of the night and meets a mysterious woman who leaves him with more questions than answers. She hands him a journal filled with the mad ramblings about time by a man named Lorenzo St. John and sees a curious date tattooed on her shoulder. Klaus can think of little else after their first meeting and tracks her down at a burlesque club in the wrong part of the city. Klaus begins to wonder if he can solve the mystery of Caroline Forbes or simply be lost in what has deemed to be impossible.
Date of update: May 26 2021
Revenge of the Fifth - TVD Edition (Chapter 3)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 6,168
Summary: A star wars AU for vampire dairies for May the Fourth Be with You! Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena are padawan learners at Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi training academy, desperate to prove themselves by taking down some of the new Sith Lords that have popped up. The problem is, those Sith Lords are the Mikaelsons, and each girl has a Mikaelson brother obsessed with them, unwilling to let them come to harm. Will that make it harder or easier for them to triumph over the Dark Side?
Date of update: May 26 2021
Smoke Signals
Author: misssophiachase
Rating: T
Length: 3,017
Summary: "You, you must have been looking for me...sending smoke signals" Professional photographer Caroline Forbes and firefighter Klaus Mikaelson keep running into each other. It’s either the universe playing a joke on them or Katherine’s ‘accidental’ matchmaking. Or maybe it's a bit of both?
Date of update: May 27 2021
Reasons Not to Date a Mikaelson (Chapter 8)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 15,851
Summary: Bonnie and Caroline gain a new roommate for their freshman dorm when a vision leads them to tracking down a pregnant Hayley in the Rockies. Also, Bonnie may or may not have raised a certain dead Original instead of Jeremy and Klaus takes a job at Whitmore teaching, to be annoying. He’s very good at it. This is a season 5 rewrite where the Originals never leave for New Orleans. But you know, with comedy. And increasing angst with every chapter.
Date of update: May 27 2021
if you want me to fall (Chapter 2)
Author: FeyresUnbecoming
Rating: T
Length: 1,807
Summary: Caroline and Klaus scramble out of bed before Rebekah can find the two of them, lest she find out they've been sleeping together.
Date of update: May 27 2021
Good to you - Side Stories and Prompts
Author: originalhybridlover
Rating: T
Length: 801
Summary: So this is going to be a set a side stories or prompts related to my Klaroline story, Good to You
Date of update: May 28 2021
Genuine Beauty: Klaroline Canon-ish Drabble Collection
Author: Klauscarolove
Rating: M
Length: 30,884
Summary: Klaroline Drabble Collection: Close Canon, Canon Compliant, Canon-ish, Canon Universe....... basically if they are vampires in the drabble, it will go here.
Date of update: May 27 2021
Klaroline Storybook (Chapter 44)
Author: misssophiachase
Rating: T
Length: 63,904
Summary: A new selection of Klaroline drabbles
Date of update: May 28 2021
Lost Through Time (Chapter 7)
Author: Life_is_a_fantasy
Rating: Unavailable
Length: 4,173
Summary: What will happen when Hope, Landon, Lizzie and Josie fall through a time portal? Will they change things, even if they don't mean to? How will Klaus react to knowing his daughter has a boyfriend?
Date of update: May 28 2021
When your family is too nosy.... (Chapter 3)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: Unavailable
Length: 4,349
Summary: Klaus’s plan to get back at Rebekah by staying friends with Stefan backfires spectacularly when Stefan and Stefan’s ex-girlfriend Caroline convince him to fake a relationship at his family’s get-together at the beach. Sure, Rebekah will probably assume Caroline’s a prostitute and the rest of his family are too nosy for his own good, but what could go wrong? (I will add a rating later when I decide how explicit the smut will be)
Date of update: May 28 2021
LITTLE TENSE (Chapter 4)
Author: wincefish16
Rating: T
Length: 4,462
Summary: Klaroline's life together as they work in Mikaelson and co. Different snippets of their life. HUMAN, FULL OF FLUFF AND LITTLE BIT OF ANGST.
Date of update: May 28 2021
Like snow we melt, like rain we fall, like the sun we burn, in love. (Chapter 3)
Author: BlackRaven475932
Rating: M
Length: 4,088
Summary: after episode 5x11, Klaroline sex scene. Klaus and Caroline have a secret relationship. Teasing in public, a lot of smut, no one knows. WARNING, this story contains a blood kink in later chapters. If you don't like this then I advise you not to read it. It will occur in later chapters and I will give a warning before the chapter.
Date of update: May 28 2021
The Allure of Darkness (Chapter 2)
Author: Loveyou3000Klaroline
Rating: M
Length: 5,127
Summary: “Anything that’s worth anything is dangerous.” Or... Klaus Mikaelson is the big bad hybrid, but he is the only one who can make Caroline’s world stable. Especially after the lie of her life gets unraveled.
Date of update: May 28 2021
That Pesky Phone
Author: timetravelercat
Rating: T
Length: 1,029
Summary: "What was that?" he asked her curiously. She looked at him, embarrassed— —Wait, Caroline Forbes? Embarrassed?" Just Klaus," she answered simply, not giving him anymore details and averting her eyes. Huh, suspicious.
Date of update: May 28 2021
Ok, Cupids
Author: timetravelercat
Rating: T
Length: 795
Summary: Klaus and Caroline sign Stefan into an online dating site.
Date of update: May 28 2021
Available On Both Websites
FFN: The Traitor and the Coward (Chapter 6)
AO3: The Traitor and the Coward (Chapter 6)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: 10,677
Summary: Klaroline AU supernatural multi-chap - Original!Caroline has spent lifetimes running from her lover and his family. Despite the centuries of loneliness, she regrets nothing. Soon, she'll bring an end to this madness. Or bring the madness full circle.
Date of update: May 23 2021
FFN: What You Always Wanted
AO3: What You Always Wanted
Author: Eliliyah
Rating: M
Length: 2,646
Summary: After waiting a thousand years for her husband to break his hybrid curse, Caroline realizes Klaus neglected to mention that his next step was to build an army. Furious, she leaves him alone in Mystic Falls. Knowing there's only one way to make it up to her, Klaus shows up on her doorstep with the one person who can get him back in her good graces: their old friend, Stefan.
Date of update: May 26 2021
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starpeace · 3 years
talk about leota i want to see how you break down her entire story to make it comprehensible without context
you have no idea how much i had to edit this down because i could talk abt her forever
ok SO: leota is the padawan of a distant, philosophical jedi master. she dedicates herself to working harder than any other padawan, but she can still never really get his attention. what’s more, her master obviously already cares more about tarre, a mandalorian youngling he himself brought to the temple, with unruly behaviour and experimental powers.
to no-one’s surprise, tarre becomes the master’s padawan almost as soon as leota is knighted. leota even has to look after tarre in the master’s absences. leota is predisposed to dislike tarre, but over time they become like siblings, even if there is tension as tarre grows more and more powerful than leota could ever hope to be, and as the master encourages tarre’s interest in their birth culture.
everything changes when, before tarre is knighted, their master dies. leota reacts very badly, deciding that to be a good jedi she cannot allow herself to experience her complicated grief, and furthermore that she no longer has any reason to spend time with tarre. as a young grieving tarre is passed on to a stricter master who cuts off their contact with mandalorian culture, leota essentially abandons them. in their few interactions as young knights, their relationship only gets worse
and then for whatever reason tarre leaves the jedi order. there are a lot of different versions of how that might take place, but in the end leota is angry at tarre for leaving, but above all desperately afraid that, fighting as a mandalorian warrior and forming mandalorian family attachments, tarre will fall to the dark side, with unimaginable consequences for them and for the galaxy. that fear only gets worse when tarre becomes mand’alor, openly taking power
but she’s incapable of admitting that this is not just about the galaxy for her but about tarre, about her attachment to them, the only person that really matters to her. even as her entire life becomes about her rivalry with them! and she’s also incapable of admitting that tarre could stay in the light outside of the jedi order, because if she admits that, then she has to admit that everything she’s ever done to be what she sees as the perfect jedi—refusing to ever admit her emotions, to be genuinely happy—was for nothing
so leota becomes a cold, manipulative jedi with an arrogant front and a specialty in mindtricks, willing to use any means to achieve the greater good. and if that means destroying tarre’s relationships so they don’t fall because of them? then so be it
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panharmonium · 3 years
I'm sure a request for Merlin is on its way in (although if it isn't I'd love to know for both!) so, Star Wars for the gen fandom meme?
I did in fact get a couple of Merlin requests, so I’m gonna do Star Wars for this one!  Specifically, I’m doing the prequel era, because otherwise there’s just too many options for me to choose from. XD
My favorite parent-child relationship: In terms of actual, biological parents and children, Shmi Skywalker is the BEST mom.  She has such a patient, steady, wise presence, and she does such a good job of constantly guiding Anakin to be kind and just and compassionate in ways that a young child can understand (“you say the biggest problem in this world is that nobody helps each other” / “you have brought hope to those who have none” / “hearts have infinite room, my son”).
My favorite sibling relationship: Stretching definitions here, maybe, but - THE CLONES.  The best thing TCW ever did was create so many vibrant and individual characters out of the clone troopers, to the point where I’m crying about Rex being alive in RotJ.  The way they all interact with each other is fascinating, particularly when we see how they aren’t carbon copies of each other and don’t even all have the same politics - ie, the deserter clone from that one arc where Rex gets injured.  
My favorite family relationship (other): I’m putting Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan under this one, because Jedi apprenticeships can’t really be equated to just teacher-student or parent-child relationships.  The master-padawan bond is its own unique entity - it bears some resemblances to both of the above relationships, but it really can’t be summed up by either of those two categories.    
My favorite friendship between two people: Even though we don’t get to see enough of it onscreen - Padme and Obi-Wan.  I just love them together.  Like...the longest fic I ever wrote for Star Wars was a 20k Obi-Wan+Padme thing, and then I never even posted it, because it wasn’t quite up to my standards and I just never went back to fix it up to a point where I’m fully proud of it.  But I love their friendship - I’ve written before about how I think Obi-Wan and Padme understand each other on a level that Anakin just doesn’t quite get, and I fully believe that the two of them spent way more time together than the movies would have us believe.
My favorite friendship between a group: The Jedi.  My “order appreciation” tag is here if people need more <333333333
My favorite mentorship: Obi-Wan and Anakin.  I am especially soft for their immediate post-TPM days, which is the one area of time where the canon material is just - nonexistent, bizarrely.  Given the fact that canon Star Wars material hasn’t appealed to me for a really long time, though, I should probably be grateful that they apparently won’t touch this and do things to it that I don’t appreciate. X)   
My favorite rivalry: Hmm...I have always imagined that Obi-Wan and Quinlan Vos have a fun little competitive streak going that mostly shows up in the dojo.  Most of this is probably influenced by the Ruth Baulding stories I read featuring these two, which I loved dearly.  
My favorite hatred/antipathy: I love how much Palpatine hates Obi-Wan.  He can’t STAND him XD XD XD  Every time Obi-Wan shows up, Palpatine knows his plans are gonna go to shit, plus Obi-Wan is the only obstacle standing in the way of Palpatine getting to Anakin, PLUS Obi-Wan is one of the few people who’s never trusted Palpatine and never been fooled by his act.  Ever since padawan!Obi-Wan came soaring in out of nowhere to DECIMATE Darth Maul on Naboo, Palpatine has wanted to murder him, and I love the thin veneer of politeness Palpatine has to put on in order to pretend to respect him in front of other people.
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon: This isn’t between characters who never talk in canon, but ones who rarely interact - I am fully convinced that Obi-Wan and Panaka get along fantastically.  Everybody else who’s on that mission in TPM is so committed to chaos and doing stupid shit, but I think Obi-Wan and Panaka are really on the exact same page of having both of their feet firmly nailed to the ground.  Like - I think they look at each other and are like “You.  You speak my language.”  I just think there is a lot of mutual respect there.
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jonathananubian · 4 years
Fanfic WIP #5 Your Order
Watching his younger brother and his new niece interacting with one another was absolutely heartwarming. He could remember when Rex and Boba were that age, mostly Boba since the boy was so much younger than the two of them. Every now and then he’d catch Ponds taking a quick snapshot or even video of the two, the crinkling at the edges of his eyes giving away his amusement. The tour of the cloning facility continued, with little Ahsoka making comments here or there about the ‘nice teacher’ or the ‘fun class.’ Rex listened to her speak with a bright smile on his face and it warmed Cody’s heart.
When they came into the hand-to-hand combat class he was pleasantly surprised to see Obi-wan. Catching the redhead’s eye he hid a wince when the jedi was almost taken down by his opponent, although he managed to turn it around at the end. He hadn’t meant to distract the poor man.
“Everyone, this is his Highness, Cody Fett of Mandalore, and his personal guards.” Obi-wan gave him a small smile and nodded at him before he once more lowered himself to one knee- along with every other jedi in the room. Rex gave him a look and he flicked his eyes over to the Kaminii guiding them. Rex nodded and forced himself to relax. Now was not the time.
‘Spread out, gain intel.’ Using Dadita, something that he was eighty percent certain no one outside of his personal guard would know, he tapped out a quick order on his thigh. The others recognized the tapping and quickly followed his order, walking around the room and greeting any jedi that looked eager or ready to talk. Ahsoka smiled and waved at Obi-wan, whose return smile was so gentle when he looked at the little girl that Cody felt as if he couldn’t draw breath.
“Obi-wan. Overseer Wren Lo didn’t say you were in this class when I asked to see what kind of physical training the jedi have.” Turning toward him Obi-wan bowed gracefully.
“All jedi receive proper combat training, Alor.” Ah, back to titles. Maybe he felt too self conscious using Cody’s name in front of so many others? “In order to better serve.” Clamping down on his emotions he had to force himself to stay calm.
“All so we can be your sword, Alor.” Obi-wan went carefully still as a blonde male human strode over confidently. It was obvious there was some kind of rivalry between them in the way the two of them very carefully did not look at each other.
“I see. Do you also learn how to use blasters?” The two men quieted and he wondered if he’d made some sort of social blunder.
“We’re taught how to strip, clean, fix, and handle them, yes. But it is forbidden for us to use blasters without the permission of our Alor. Since none of us have Alore we’re not allowed to use them… yet.” The blonde finally said, icy eyes watching Cody with a kind of hunger that made him feel uncomfortable. Turning back to Obi-wan he smiled.
“Well, I’d certainly be interested in seeing you use a blaster. But it can wait for later. What about armor?” Obi-wan spoke quickly, as if trying to answer before the blonde. Cody wanted to snort in amusement, it was almost like a sibling rivalry.
“Jedi do not wear armor, Alor. It is not our place.” He frowned, looking down at their robes. All it would take was one well placed blaster bolt and there would be nothing to stop it from piercing right through the simple fabric. But he had heard tales that jedi could predict the future and move with unnatural speed. Perhaps they didn’t need armor?
“Your Highness, there are other classes you might wish to see before they end. I am sure the jedi need to get back to their training as well.” Overseer Wren Lo said in that eerily serene voice. Cody didn’t need the force to know she was impatient to get on with the tour. Rex and his cousins joined him as he slowly made his way back to the Overseer’s side. Before they left the room the jedi all bowed at once and wished them well.
The tour continued and they were taken to the forge. Wolffe’s eyebrows rose when he saw the unclaimed beskade lying about on shelves, unused. “Each jedi is given a sword once they have passed the Padawan stage and have proven they understand their place. They are expected to carry, and care for, the weapon from that moment forward. If it is somehow lost or broken outside of training they are placed in remedial classes.” Wren Lo explained simply, brushing off the fact that they had hundreds of Mandalorian Iron swords just lying about.
Lunch was a quiet affair, taken in their rooms so they would not be disturbed. Rex sat with Ahsoka in his lap, laughing and talking to her about all the fun things they could do once they returned to Manda’yaim. Ponds sat across from him, looking thoughtful.
“This is several flavors of fucked up.” Cody snorted in response, giving his cousin a dry, humorless, look.
“We’ll get this sorted. We’re not leaving them here, not a one.” Ponds’ shoulders relaxed and he nodded firmly in agreement.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25601893/chapters/62139214
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counterspelling · 3 years
Star Wars for the Gen relationships asks please!
My favorite parent-child relationship - jaina with han and leia. i don't always agree with how they were portrayed but. the support and love they have for each other is very good
My favorite sibling relationship - luke and leia!! my favorite twins!! i think about that line where luke is watching jaina and jacen and wondering what it would have been like to grow up with leia every day
My favorite family relationship (other) - winter and the kids! i wish winter had gotten more of a storyline about her feelings about moving past her work as a spy to protecting and caring for her niece and nephews but still. she was one of their primary caregivers for a lot of their childhood and we never got enough of aunt winter, especially later
My favorite friendship between two people - i do enjoy jaina and mirta despite being annoyed at how bounty hunters/mandalorains are handled in that era, but jaina finally getting a sustained female friendship is good at least
My favorite friendship between a group - han and luke and leia remain unparalleled. they really spent decades together as a complete unit, having each other's backs and saving the galaxy and being the best family
My favorite mentorship - mara and jaina!! why didn't we see more of them as master and padawan!! we were robbed!!!
My favorite rivalry - i feel like any rivalry are just ones i straight up hate lol
My favorite hatred/antipathy - thrawn? boba fett? ceadus? kyp? vergere? borsk? every single vong? star wars has SO many characters i hate with every fiber of my being lmao
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon - not never but god, they really gave leia the coolest fucking sister of all time and then NEVER TOOK ADVANTAGE OF IT. let me see their reunion when they both find out the other survived alderaan! let me see them hanging out! let me see them have a relationship as sisters!!!
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sovonight · 4 years
Tumblr media
everything from last time is the same but
height/height difference: ultimately meaningless, atton’s as tall as i need him to be and i don’t care about numbers or consistency
big spoon/little spoon: finally figured out why i have so much trouble with this one and it’s because it’s not applicable, there are no spoons, they sleep like this and the other million times i’ve drawn them asleep together
drives/can’t drive: i’m taking this to mean any sort of vehicle navigation, so clearly atton pilots, and cela’s terrible at swoop racing but it’s not her fault that revan had it way easier
can’t cook: it’s not that they can’t cook if they put in the time, it’s just that given their lifestyles i don’t imagine it came up or was a priority, and giving them both zero is easier than trying to genuinely score that
relationship experience: look at atton and try to tell me he’s had a lot of romantic relationship experience. that’s right: you can’t
horny level: i know what’s going on in his mind but look at atton’s behavior and try to tell me he’s truly that horny, that’s right, you can’t
also i was tagged in this and i’m sorry i’ve taken like a million years
bold = mutual, italics = one person height difference | mutual pining | first kiss (look, cela’s kind of on the aro spectrum, atton’s kind of a serious exception) | first love (i’m assuming atton found love at least once before he met the love of his life, though based on the trajectory of his life i kinda doubt it) | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves (i’m not counting kreia as family, sorry kreia) | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers (it’s cela... it’s cela) (atton likes it when he’s there but he Never makes the first move) | pda friendly (maybe-- cela initiates lowkey stuff, but i doubt they would kiss in public) | and they were roommates (well,,, ship mates) | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing worldviews (this is where it gets complicated, bc i don’t pretend to know atton’s worldview, and opposing implies they’re specifically opposites, and in that case it’s like, how completely opposing are we talkin?) | opposing personalities (well, again, what does oppose really mean) | opposing goals (okay this one i know. definitely not) | getting a pet | have kids (unless you count t3) | want kids (look, having pesky padawans running around is pain enough) | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder (atton’s taller so he doesn’t get to do this as often as cela does, this is so sad) | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date (neither of them have ever been on a real date, this is so sad) | share a jacket (hell yeah i’ll say yes to this one) | sharing a blanket | mutual interests (oh god, what are their interests) | study buddies | bathing together (look... i’d love this for them... but i will not intrude on them in my mind’s eye) | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry (this means domestic bliss right? right??) | same hobbies (oh god, what are their hobbies) (i would’ve thought interests already overlapped with hobbies???) | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking (i like the hc that atton spends Actual Time styling his hair and doesn’t usually like it messed with, so this would be sweet that way) | dancing (atton doesn’t strike me as the type to unless pulled into it, and anyway sw dancing is whack) | laying in the grass (sure, when they fall in combat) | watching stars together | watching the other sleep (aka atton pining) | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn (kinda depends on how long you think k2 is huh) | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides (does that speeder on nar shaddaa count?) | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
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