#pansexual awakening
I’m 23 and came out as pan to my close friends and family less than a year ago. It took me a solid couple years to grapple with who I was attracted to or not and looking back that’s hilarious because I was in love with this woman growing up (still am tbh, I mean look at her)…yet I questioned myself for years if I liked women or not💀
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 To celebrate here is a romantic relationship reading for yall! Be aware that these are read with queer people in mind. ALSO THIS IS AN 18+ READING. If you are younger than 18 please do not interact. THANK YOU. Love is love baby and I will not tolerate hatred here. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind, my friends. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎🤍🩵🩷
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Crystal: Green Aventurine
Astrology: Cancer, Leo, Capricorn
Character: Keroppi
Song: Red Wine Supernova by Chappel Roan/ SUNRISE by MICHELLE
Vibes: 💚❤️🍷🧝👒🪖🍒🐸🥀🍄🍏🍉🍑🐛🪲🐢🐍🍎🦖🦎🪴🥊🚗🌴🎍🍀🍃🎋🪷🍓🌶️🍝🥒🥑🥬🫑🥦🫛🌹🥗🧃
Ribbit! Hiiiii pile one <3 I see you really think this person is cool. You have so much fun with them. The most fun you have had with someone in a while. The seggs is absolutely amazing with them. They can go hard and long just like you like it. They like to try new stuff with you too. New toys and new positions are brought up everytime you guys get together. I also see they are excellent dirty-talker. You are starstruck by him. This connection is awesome but I think it might be a shorter connection than you like. They want intimacy with you and they want to be your friend. From your perspective you think they want more than that. Make sure you are on the same page with this person on what they want and make sure that what you want matches with them. When I say that I mean really honestly on the same page. You can’t change yourself for them. Don’t ignore your feelings just to make them happy. You might need more romance than they can offer. If they can’t provide the romance or reliability you need then the connection you have with him doesn’t have to be severed but it does need reevaluation. Just understand it won’t go any farther than friends with benefits. Don’t ask him to change either. Both of you deserve love in the ways you need it. He needs less romance than you do but that doesn’t make your needs less important. You can always stay friends or keep a friends-with-benefits thing going until you find a partner that can give you the romantic energy you need. I do see them being weirdly jealous sometimes though. That is not them telling you they have feelings for you. They're just territorial about who they fuck with. They have very animalistic energy. Which is why I implore you to have conversations about how you both feel regularly just to make sure yall stay on the same page. I wish you luck on your sexellent sexapades, my friend. 💙🩵🤍💚💙
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Crystal: Carnelian
Astrology: Sagittarius, Pisces
Character: Hello Kitty
Song: I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) by Disney / Rocket Ship by Nep
Vibes: 🦑🦞🦊🐞🍁🔥☄️🍑🍊🍅🥕🥧🌭🍕🏀🏈⛹🏽‍♀️🥉🚀⛺️🏺🧱🧡💛💥🥻🧑‍🦰🎃🥵🤯📳📙💊🏮🌇⛱️⛵️
Hello, kitty! Welcome to your reading pile two. You are waiting on this person. They are getting their head figured out. I see they are in therapy. They do have feelings for you right now buuut they just don’t realize it yet. Once they realize it though. Oh. My. Goodness. It will be MAGICAL. Ya just gotta be patient with them okay? I see you are extremely practical so you probably aren’t the type to sleep around or keep things casual. You want a future with this person. I see some of ya’ll reading have been in a relationship with this person for a while but they haven’t really been taking it seriously. Some of you have just been texting with this person and are unofficial. Don’t worry. Let them take the time they need to figure out their feelings. I see you both have a lot of feminine energy and remember feminine energy is still, so it might take your future spouse some time to figure out how much you make them happy. They don’t seem very intune with their feelings lmao. Once you are official? You will be ICONIC. People might be jealous of what you will have with them so it is so worth the wait, my friend. You’ll have matching everything by the way. You might already do that by accident with them. Matching clothes, matching shoes, matching tattoos, matching bags, matching water bottles like it is going to be pinterest worthy relationship goals. You might also say a lot of stuff at the same time by accident too. Wow. Yall are so cool I can’t stand it. I hope they figure out their feelings for you soon so you can get to slaying. ❤️🧡🤍💗🩷
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Crystal: Angelite
Astrology: Aquarius, Scorpio
Character: Cinnamoroll
Song: Poison by Sam Haft
Vibes: 🩵🥺🩷😇💛🖤🎀✏️💎🚬😭🧠⛓️🧞‍♀️💑🧳✈️🥃🍯🛼🧊😱❄️🕳️💣⛈️🪷🦩🦋🪱🤡🐝🩱👻⚔️👑👛👚😰🔭🪬🧿
Bark Bark!! Hello, pile threee! Gonna be for real for a sec. You are kind of a mess and this reading is pretty hard to hear. I see you are stuck in a relationship with someone. Luckily this reading isn’t about that partner. They can go suck eggs for all I care. They turned you into this mess. You apologize to them when they hurt YOUR feelings. That’s ick. Why do they gotta make you do that, huh? They make you pretend to be someone you arent! Anywho you should leave them. Like seriously leave them. I know it’s scary! I PROMISE DUDE. I know from personal experience. Leave. As soon as you leave. This new person will come in after a couple months. You might thiiink the person you’re with right now is your twin flame. That is not true dude. There is this term called a false twin flame. I had to go through that whole process too. It is not fun. The reason you are going through this is because you canNOT stick around this ASSHOLE just because you are afraid of being alone! Cutting off the dead rose will allow another rose to bloom. You have tried to fix the mess of a partner you are with. It hasn’t worked. You can’t make someone better who doesn’t want to be better. Yeah I said it! They don’t want to get better! That's why they refuse to do therapy. That's why they won’t change for you. I learned this a while ago. Some people just like to hurt. They like to be the victim. However, there is good news. You can leave. Take your power back and you will be rewarded with the rainbow after the storm. You are an angel and you deserve another angel. You will get one, sweetpea. The nicest angel they have. When you meet them you will know it is them because they will be wearing SO much BLUE. They're a hopeless romantic just like you, hun. They’ll worship you and the ground you walk on. So much you won’t know what to do. You might cry when you realize they aren’t gonna hurt you the way you are currently being hurt. Baby, I’m really begging you to trust the universe will send you the best reward for doing right by you. I know you can do it. You are so much more than how your current person makes you feel. 🩷💛🩵/🖤💛🤍💜
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Crystal: Iolite
Astrology: Aries, Taurus, Libra
Character: Kuromi
Song: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl by Chappel Roan/ Short Skirt-Long Jacket by Jet
Vibes: 💜🖤☕️💛🔮🧬🎆🎼🎹♟️📒🏵️🔌🥇🍆💻🍇🍙🐈‍⬛🦮🕷️🕶️👽👾😈🔪🦹💅🏽👯🗝️✒️💣
>:3 HI, PILE FOUR! I have the best news my friend! THIS READING IS SO INTERSTELLAR! The emperor and the empress ruling together! The emperor in this reading is a lil scared though. Understandable to be honest. He has been burned real bad in the past. He doesn’t have to worry anymore. All the painful relationships are behind him. He can relax into this connection. The empress is this reading is loyal, fair and very protective. When I say fair I do mean both definitions. She is Just and also drop dead gorgeous. She might be kind of scary at times but she loves the emperor and would beat up anyone who messed with him. She wears a lot of alternative fashion. She seems goth to me but it could also be punk rock or emo. She likes to garden and she has a cat. I imagine the cat's name is “shadow” or something? I see the emperor wearing alternative fashion as well but softer styles like cottagecore or clowncore. He is also quite stubborn. He is so headstrong about stuff because he had been a pushover for a long time and now he refuses to be pushed around. I dunno if they're both trans but since it's pride month I’m gonna say they're both transgender. 🏳️‍⚧️ I see you meeting the other in a park or bumping into each other at pride. There is nothing to fear with this connection. It is balanced, loving and you motivate each other deeply to go after what you both desire most. OH ALSO your seggs life will be AMAAAAAZING cus you are both switches. You also both listen to each other's needs when in the bedroom. I am so happy for the both of you. You deserve each other. 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
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Crystal: Citrine
Astrology: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
Character: My Melody
Song: Too Sweet by Hozier
Vibes: 💝😜🙀👄💑👙⚜️🔐👛👑🐱🐙🌷🌸🔔🌼💐☀️🍌🍉🎟️🥎🩰💰⚱️🔑🎊🎀🛍️📣🐌
:3c Hi pile 5! Welcome to this reading! When I was pulling cards for today's reading I very much decided to do a fifth pile last minute. Which leads me to believe you don't see the love interest as a possibility right now. You think they are out of your league and you are trying soooo hard not to pine over them. I'm going to try to give you a clue of who this is because I see it being kind of hard for you to accept it when you figure it out. I hear you saying “Noooooo it couldn’t be them!” and yet they still linger on your mind. You think about them a lot. They are quite stoic and don’t really wear their emotions on their sleeves. This is the opposite of you. You refer to them as your Moon to your Sun. They could be any water sign (cancer, pisces, scorpio). They like to wear patterned clothes with really small patterns. You can't quite tell what they are until you get up close. This might be on purpose cus they like it when you are close to them hehe. From your perspective they seem really responsible and well off. Sometimes you compare yourself to them and it makes you feel like you aren’t doing stuff right. I promise you are doing things right by the way. You just have more on your plate than your future partner does. I see you have a lot of trauma you have been working through on top of the regular everyday stuff. When you are with them you feel complete and whole. They fill in the spaces that you struggle keeping balanced on your own. I see you playing video games or board games together. So cute ^w^! However I see they probably are in a situationship right now. Someone is leading them on and they have been for a while. Someone kind of corvid like keeps them occupied and it’s been harder and harder to see them as often as you used to. That situationship won’t last. If you want to intervene on it, I see that is a possibility that might help you get closer with them. Ask them about their love life and be curious. Just remember to play the long game when approaching them about this corvid-like person. The corvid is playing the short game. Slow and steady wins the race. 🩷💜💙
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maecaart · 1 year
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helly-jelly787 · 4 days
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srisrisriddd · 6 days
For Unaware Pleasure Is Happiness Life Saga Of One Pleasure To Another - Dr Devang H Dattani
Good Morning
Quote / Poem / Poetry / Quotes Of 
Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri
Doctor Devang H Dattani
Infinite SriSriSri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
See The Media Photo Video For
God Morning
#pleasure , #happiness , #TheBlissCity , #philosophy , #mindfulness , #DrDevangHDattani , #nature , #awareness , #InfiniteSriSriSriDDD , #Quotes , #Life , #art , #zen , #awakening , #quote , #spiritual , #photography , #Video , #meditation , #psychology , #poem , #poetry , #motivation , #inspiration , #quoteoftheday , #love , #words , #hippo , #joy , #pun , #enlightenment , #Video Meme , #hippo , #unaware , #hippopotamus
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shaylogic · 7 days
*stares at Charles Rowland character too long*
Am I... actually a bisexual pretty boy at heart?
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
Revelations at a Slumber Party
Summary: Nancy goes over to Steve’s house and inadvertently joins them on their regularly scheduled slumber party, where Steve reveals his biggest secret to both Nancy and Robin. What, pray tell, is the secret? Read to find out.
Nancy sighed as she pulled up to Steve’s house. She tried not to think about her breakup with Jonathan. It was the easiest breakup in the world. Should it have been that easy, and should they have been that relieved? Shouldn't she feel something other than relief? Maybe she was overthinking it. Maybe she should be glad that it ended the way it did and that Jonathan had someone else. Nancy couldn't help but smile as she thought about the way Jonathan looked at Argyle. Even on their best days, Jonathan never looked at her like that.
Nancy got out of the car and stared at the sun sinking down behind Steve’s house for a moment. Maybe she should have given it another day, but then something else could have happened. . .Vecna could rise from the dead and come after them all. Why wait for something you really want when you could be dead and leaving everything left unsaid? Nancy walked towards the door, squaring her shoulders. When she got closer, she noticed that the door was open. Nancy reached into her purse and pulled out her pistol. She closed and locked the door behind her as quietly as she could. She didn't call out. That would be stupid. She scanned the living room. Empty. She went into the kitchen and then the downstairs bathrooms before moving upstairs. The first two rooms were empty, as well as the upstairs bathroom. That's when she heard it. Steve’s scream. She ran towards his room and burst in, holding out her gun. Steve screamed again and, for some reason, covered up his exposed chest. Meanwhile, Robin froze behind him. She was kneeling behind him on the bed, hands on his back, and she was wearing only her pants and bra.
"We have to stop meeting like this, Nancy," Steve said dryly. "And with the same gun?"
"Yeah, if you keep pointing that gun at him like that, he's going to develop a kink," Robin said.
"Robin!" Steve exclaimed, dropping his hands.
"I thought you were platonic with a capital P," Nancy said as she put her gun back in her purse.
"What? Oh, yeah, I see how this might look strange to you," Robin said. "I was rubbing ointment on his road rashes as well as his bat bites, and I didn't want to get any on my shirt."
"So, you're really just friends?" Nancy asked.
"My boobs are platonic to him as his dick is platonic to me. As are our souls," Robin said and then frowned. "Are our. . .why do those asshole words have to sound so similar? Anyway. . .also, I'm a huge lesbian."
"Oh, thank God!" Nancy exclaimed and then blushed. "I mean, thank you for telling me."
"Isn't it cute how jealous of me she was?" Robin asked, smirking.
"Totally," Steve said as he smirked as well.
"Shut up," Nancy said with a smile. "Don't you know not to tease a woman who has a gun?"
"I clearly don't," Steve grinned.
Robin moved off the bed and went to wash her hands. Steve reached for his shirt and struggled to put it on. Nancy smiled and helped him put it on. Robin came back wearing pajamas and pushed Steve gently back against the pillows before climbing into bed next to him.
"We're having a slumber party. You missed the junk food part of the evening. Now, we're going to curl up in bed and talk about girls," Robin said.
"You two talk about everything, huh?" Nancy asked.
"Well, join us and find out. Although, you have to promise not to get handsy with Steve," Robin said.
"Robin!" Steve exclaimed.
"Can't make any promises that I can't keep," Nancy smiled.
"What about - ?" Steve asked hopefully.
"Oh, I broke up with him. Well, it was mutual, actually," Nancy said and sat down next to him. "He has his eye on someone else, and I have my eye on someone else."
"Is the someone Jonathan has his eye on who I think it is?" Robin asked.
"What do you know?" Nancy asked.
"What do you know?" Robin repeated.
"I asked first," Nancy said.
"And I asked second," Robin said.
"How do you know?" She asked.
"It was about as obvious as Steve is when he looks at you," she replied, and Nancy laughed.
"Hmm, he was very obvious," she said and looked down at him.
Nancy was leaning against the headboard while Steve was slumped against the pillows, so he was looking up at her. She cupped his cheek and leaned down to place a kiss on his lips. She pulled back and he smiled sweetly at her.
"Hi," Steve said breathlessly.
"Hi," Nancy said. "Is my favorite shirt still in the drawer?"
"Yeah," Steve said.
Nancy shuffled over to the dresser and grabbed the blue t-shirt before heading to the bathroom.
"Oh, Steve, you're done for. She's finished you. There's no going back," Robin said.
"Fuck off, Robin," Steve said.
Nancy laughed as she came out of the bathroom. She crawled in next to Steve and let him lean his head on her stomach.
"So, how do you guys start this off?" Nancy asked as she ran her hand through his hair.
"Well, I usually start off with talking about Vickie for an hour," Robin said. "And then we talk about Steve’s lack of a sex life."
"Yours is more lacking than I am. At least I'm not a virgin," Steve replied.
"And then I ask him once again how he lost it," Robin said.
"Yeah, he never told me about that either," Nancy said.
"Come on, fess up, Steve, who was the girl?" Robin asked.
Steve stared at Robin before sighing heavily as he played with the blankets.
"I mean, I guess I should be honest here," Steve said. "I'm not going to tell you who it is. I can tell you that it wasn't a girl."
"Are you telling us you slept with a boy?" Robin asked and paused. "Oh my God, you slept with a boy."
"Sorry, I never told you," Steve said, looking sheepish.
"I mean, you don't have to apologize for that. You needed to be ready to tell us, and I get why you wouldn't be. Can I ask why you didn't? Is that why? You weren't ready?" Robin asked.
Nancy continued to stroke his hair as they waited for an answer. She already guessed who it was that he had slept with. It suddenly made sense why Tommy had seemed to hate her now that she thought about it. He had been jealous.
"I never thought - I didn't think - not until, you know - ," Steve said nervously.
"It's okay, you don't have to say, babe," Robin said.
Nancy couldn't stop the question that spilled out of her mouth once she connected the dots.
"Was I the first woman you've ever been with?" Nancy blurted out.
Robin couldn't stop the gasp that slipped out as she gaped at Steve.
"Yeah," Steve said.
"What about all those women you said you had been with?" Nancy asked.
"Rumors that Tommy spread so no would think I was gay," Steve said. "They weren't even real women. Just made up names."
"So, you like women now?" Nancy asked.
"And men, still. When I realized that I also like women T - someone told me that it wasn't a thing and I was just confusing myself," Steve said. "I thought there was something wrong with me for the longest time."
"Oh, Steve," Robin and Nancy said.
Robin sobbed and wrapped her arms around Steve’s neck.
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with you," Robin said. "I love you so much."
"I love you, too," Steve sniffled.
Oh my God, Nancy thought, the first time they had sex. . .it made sense why Steve had been so excited, so eager but he had also been willing to wait. He realized he was attracted to women, and she had called him bullshit. She had told him that it was their fault that Barb had died. It didn't matter that she had been drunk. She had still hurt Steve. They had both been hurt, and instead of it bringing them closer, their trauma had pulled them apart. While Barb had been her best friend, she knew that Steve felt his own guilt over her. Why else would he keep going with her to Barb's parents for dinner? It had been so hard for both of them, and Steve just let her go because he knew that's what she needed. . .because he loved her. An overwhelming amount of love for Steve clenched her heart, and she just wanted to hold him forever. She wasn't going to let him walk away from her this time.
"I love you, Steve," Nancy whispered as she sank down and laid her head over his heart.
"I love you, too," Steve whispered and kissed the top of her head.
"You want to talk about it some more, buddy?" Robin asked.
"I just want to enjoy this moment," Steve replied. "But Nancy probably doesn't know a thing about Vickie."
"Oh, that's right," Robin said with a gasp and started telling her everything.
Nancy could feel his eyes watching them as they talked over his chest. She could feel the love and affection for both of them radiating from his eyes. It was different kinds of love, though. One side platonic, the other side romantic, and both of them equally important to him. She hoped he felt so loved right now. He deserved it. She wanted to get to know Robin more as well because judging by the way they acted with each other, Robin was going to be an integral part of his life forever. Nancy wanted a part of what they had, even if it was just a sliver. Nancy blinked at Robin.
"Vickie Fisher?" Nancy asked her.
"Yeah, do you know her?" Robin asked.
"Sort of. We met when I did an article on band," Nancy said.
"When was this?" Robin asked.
"It was a few weeks back. You were sick. Vickie had been the one to tell me," Nancy said. "I really didn't think anything of it when I overheard her talking about how she wished her boyfriend was more like this guy she knew. Tall, pretty blue eyes, a thing for taking in lost boys like Peter Pan, and his name was Rob. He also liked to wear ties."
"Oh, great," Robin said bitterly.
"Oh, come on, Robin!" Steve laughed. "Can't you tell who she was talking about?"
"A really nice guy, it sounds like," Robin said.
"She also mentioned something about him getting caught up in the Starcourt fire, and she went on about how brave he must have been," Nancy said, her eyes twinkling with mirth.
"I can't compete!" Robin groaned as she flopped on her back.
"Robin, you were in Starcourt," Steve frowned.
"Yes, I know," she sighed.
"Robin, what do I call you sometimes?" Steve asked.
"Robbie," she replied.
"Rob," she said and rolled her eyes. "It's also short for Robert."
"Or. . . ?" Steve asked.
"Roberta!" Robin exclaimed and sat up with a gasp. "Maybe she is into girls, but not me!"
Steve sighed and threw his arms up in the air.
"I can't believe you call me the dingus," he said and Nancy giggled.
"I just don't want to get my hopes up," Robin pouted as she laid back down again.
"Well, you know, we all almost died recently," Nancy pointed.
"We were there," Robin and Steve said.
"Imagine if you had died, and you never told her how you felt. If you can risk your life saving Eddie, someone you barely know, then I think you can risk believing in the possibility of Vickie liking you. I also think you can risk asking her out. Life is short, and you could get hit by a car tomorrow," Nancy said.
"Or in Robin's case, slip on a banana peel. It's moments like that that make me wonder if my platonic soulmate really is a cartoon character," Steve said.
"It was one time!" She exclaimed, and Nancy laughed. "Alright, alright. Nancy might be right."
"No, no, Nancy is right, and don't you forget it," Steve said.
They fell silent for a moment until Robin sighed and started humming: "I got you, babe." Soon, she started singing, and then Steve joined in before Nancy knew it she was singing along as well. They sang a couple of renditions. The last one was just Steve and Robin singing it in terrible British accents that caused all three of them to dissolve into giggles. They talked well into the night, and the first one to fall asleep had been Robin. She, course, snored loudly, facing away from them. Steve sat up, leaning against the headboard to glare down at Robin.
"Oh my God, she's like a fog horn," Nancy giggled.
"She's also a heavy sleeper. You can't wake her up for anything," Steve said.
"Are we going to get any sleep tonight?" She asked.
"Yeah, no, I don't think so," Steve replied.
Nancy smiled and threw a leg over him as she settled herself carefully into his lap.
"Is this okay?" Nancy asked. "I just wanted to look at you."
"Yeah, this is okay," he said softly.
Nancy smiled and ran her hands over his face. She smiled as he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. She cupped his face, and he opened his eyes. God, she loved his hazel eyes. They were a perfect mixture of brown and dark green, like leaves turning into autumn. Steve’s eyes always reminded her of what she loved about the woods when it was on the cusp of turning into fall, turning from green to warm golden brown. It was worth more than all of the money in the world. She could sit here now and fully appreciate them, appreciate him. He always told her that hers reminded him of the ocean. . .The forest and the ocean, two different spaces, both of them vast, but so intertwined. Too much water and the forest drowns but just enough, and it can make the forest beautifully vibrant. Like most things, the forest and the ocean needed balance. Nancy hoped to find the perfect balance with Steve.
"Do you think she'd notice if we started having sex against her back?" Nancy asked.
"Nancy Wheeler!" Steve exclaimed with a gasp as he laughed.
"Do it, and die," Robin said.
"Oh, yeah, every so often, she wakes up," Steve said.
"The rule is that if I don't have someone who I can have sex with in bed, then no one in this bed can have sex," Robin said and then fell back asleep.
"Did you know that was a rule?" Nancy giggled.
"I did not," Steve said as he rubbed her back.
Nancy stared at him quietly again and sighed in contentment.
"I missed you," she whispered.
"I missed you too," Steve whispered back.
Before she knew it, her bottom lip was trembling, and the tears were coming out.
"I really missed you," she sobbed.
"Hey, what's this about, huh? I'm right here," Steve said.
"You almost weren't," Nancy said, touching the scar around his neck. "It's so stupid how sometimes people don't realize how much someone means to them until they're almost gone. You could have died, and I should have realized before then. Steve, I love you. I love you now, just as I loved you then. . .I just didn't know how to say it. It got stuck in my throat, and I wanted to say then when you asked."
"I know how difficult it is to talk about something. There were so many times that I wanted to tell you about myself, and it really did get caught in my throat. I was afraid you wouldn't love me anymore like the way my parents did, when they stopped spending time at home with me. I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me in that alleway. I was upset, and I didn't want you to tell me that you didn't love me when you came back with Jonathan, so I backed away. I also knew we both needed time away from each other because of the shitty situation we were put in by that fucking doctor who decided to play god. Barb would be alive if it weren't for him and it took me a long time to realize that it was Brenner's fault, not ours. I would kill him a thousand times over if I could. I don't blame you for any of it, so you have nothing to apologize for," Steve said softly. "I'm glad we got the time away we needed. We were dealing with something that not even adults could handle. You're here now, and that's what matters."
"I do need to tell you that you were never a shitty boyfriend. You were the best boyfriend ever, and I really wish we could have figured out how to work through our emotions together," Nancy cried. "You're a good man, Steve Harrington. I should have told you that more."
Steve smiled softly, his own tears spilling over.
"And you're amazing, Nancy Wheeler," Steve said. "We're here now and we can figure it out together."
"I love you," Nancy whispered.
"I love you too," Steve whispered.
Nancy crashed her lips to his, kissing him harshly and enjoying the way his lips fit against hers. God, she missed kissing him. She missed everything about him, but it all felt new and familiar at the same time. Maybe it was because they were both almost in the same place emotionally now. Nancy broke the kiss and slid off of him before she gave him a problem. She laid down next to him, turning on her side. He carefully did the same, leaving his hand up. She smiled and slid her palm into his.
"Next time you throw a sleepover, only invite me," Nancy said as she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into him, moving her hand as she did so.
"Deal," Steve said and kissed her forehead.
"Is it so you can plan my surprise birthday party?" Robin asked sleepily.
"Yeah, Robin, that's it," Nancy said in amusement.
"Fucking knew it," she said and paused. "Happy for you, my pretty little dinguses."
She turned over, throwing her arms and legs over both of them. Nancy knew they still needed to talk more, but for now, she could sleep in the safety of their arms, hoping that Steve knew how much he was loved.
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crystalrainfall · 2 months
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d3adp00ls · 2 years
2019 me: *singing wish you were gay by Billie Eilish*
My friends: 👀
Me now: Boobs are so hot and so is BillIe Eilish like the things I would let her do to m-
My friends: OK WE GET IT SHUT UP
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punishedcrow · 2 years
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maitaiwiththecorpses · 10 months
When I was in third grade my best friend who also happened to be the girl I liked slept in the same bed as me for a WHOLE NIGHT and the entire time I was like “ok bitch. we don’t move. There is an ANGEL sleeping next to us. don’t be weird. Don’t move. Don’t breathe-“
Anywho I think about that a lot.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Something something modern AU where Shikamaru is conflicted because he has massive crushes on the cute blond boy at his gym and the cute girl that’s a friend of Ino’s friend that he’s seen in passing a few times and turns out they’re both Naruto who’s genderfluid and needs tutoring and Shikamaru is going to owe Ino for the rest of his life for setting this up he can feel it already.
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panoramicdissonance · 2 months
I think my first ever sexual awakening was with women from a video game. I can’t, for the life of me, remember if it was Saints Row or if it was GTA. Not remembering is driving me crazy!
I would say Zac Efron was but I think the women in those games got to me first.
I don’t think it was my first experience, but being able to create your own character in Saints Row and making her a woman and doing….things (I won’t type here so I don’t get hit with a violation) really had me feeling some type of way. And just watching her walk and seeing her in certain clothes was something I never realized interested me. Like yeah I thought of her as “me” in a sense because it was me playing this character, but she was never ME if that makes sense. I never looked at a woman before and thought, “wow she’s so hot” and just stared at her. Poor little me so young, dumb, and oblivious 🤷🏻‍♀️
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nari-kami · 2 years
Remember that one Tecna WIP I made months ago, well I finally did something with it XD
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Originally I was just gonna finish the WIP but it was a bit boring so I changed some stuff up to make it more interesting :3
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lumieron · 10 months
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pansexual lovegender f+m!morgan icons, credit to use!
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thyladestiel · 1 year
In honor of Pride Month, this is my 'grew up in the 90s' gay awakening post...
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At the time, I wasn't sure why I loved Jasmine in this scene so much 🤷‍♀️😂
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The scene in the department store with the whip and also at the end when she's completely lost her shit "four, five, still alive!" and her cowl is half ripped off and her hair is sticking out of it she still looks crazy hot.
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Lady Marian. Love that first scene where she's in full armor with a big sword. Also the wedding scene at the end, with her hair and wreath and her smile with the leaves falling all around her... She was the most beautiful and romantic thing I had ever seen.
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Everything about Kate Winslet in this movie was just exquisite. I remember being confused when people had pics of Leo on their lockers, but I absolutely had pics of Kate Winslet saved to my desktop! 😂
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Everything about Bernadette Peter's is cute as a button. Her voice is so attractive, and shes just so damn pretty, small but feisty.
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Uma Thurman is just such a unique beauty, something about her reminds me of sharp edges. And Kill Bill? Hello. Uma definitely looks like she could kill me, and I'd thank her.
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I'm STLL obsessed with Jennifer Connelly. That's wifey. I even watched that boring new top gun movie just for her. She's still the most beautiful human.
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Princess Aura: "Not the bore worms!!" What in the BDSM is happening here, you may ask. Everything about the Flash Gordon movie is so horny. Like, the weirdly sexy reactions to the "torture" beam ray gun thing... The part with Flash's gf and Princess Aura fighting/rolling around in the harem outfits. Even the part where Flash and that forest prince guy are sticking their arms in the tree thing with the scorpion. The eye contact and the tension is so sexual. 😳
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I don't feel like I need to explain this one. But I will say, that I think being very attracted to Xena is what led to my affinty with the sword and sorcery/high fantasy genre in general. It's just a sexy genre.
Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
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